#cripple slur
bonefall · 1 year
how the fuck did clear sky get into cat heaven. he literally:
-killed multiple cats (or attempted to)
-disrespected starclan (the whole drown the stars in blood thing)
-try to start a whole war
-threw out his crippled brother
-tried to kill bumble (later the god of speech)
-and a dozen more that i can’t think off the top of my head.
it would be cool for an au possibly where one-eye dies but never forms the dark forest (like he doesn’t believe in religion thus never makes cat hell) and instead clear sky is the first one dammed and the first cat to walk the dark forest. this could be a great set up for later arcs where maybe in the distant future we see the dark forest fighting starclan (again) but this time it’s not tigerstar and firestar, it’s clear sky and gray wing
StarClan is flawed from its inception. It's the ancestors of all Clan cats, not just the ones from the Forest Four.
And that included Clear Sky, founder of SkyClan, cat who invented and established borders and war tactics. It's him and his followers who set the battle culture of the Clans that would come after, a snowball that would only grow larger and larger until it reached the state we see in TPB.
StarClan is the way that it is because of him. Him and cats like him are what encouraged StarClan to develop into the reactionary, self-righteous entity that it is, doing what they believe is right to 'protect' the Clans while still thinking their ego is something that must be coddled.
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this is a cripple punk post [also focusing on all kinds of HSN disabled folks]; ableds must tag reblogs with #i’m able bodied
for the record
i generally shower exactly once a week & wash my hair the same day
sometimes i can’t change undergarments for a few days, sometimes i change them multiple times a day
i rely on several adaptive tools to shower, period
i do need to shave/trim pubic and body hair for my hygiene, and can’t keep clean otherwise
in winter, i often can’t wash my hands unless i have lotion with me or they’ll crack painfully
i change clothes once or twice a day to make up for most of this the best i can
i’m saying this because all of those things are very common issues for many disabled people (especially high-support ones), and because i feel like if i’m going to talk about destigmatizing hygiene struggles, i should at least be open about my own.
hygiene is very difficult and energy consuming. it involves a lot energy that many of us can’t access.
not being able to maintain one’s personal hygiene doesn’t make anyone selfish, disgusting, or undeserving.
if you can’t be kind and supportive and not say “ew” when you hear about one of the most common impairments moderately to severely disabled people experience, you don’t support disabled people. if you don’t support disabled people who smell bad or have dandruff or cracked hands or un-exfoliated skin, you don’t support disabled people.
yes, even if you have sensory issues. yes, even if you’re germaphobic. your disabilities are not an excuse to be ableist to others. find a way to be kind anyway.
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andthespidersfrommars · 3 months
I know the shadow and bone netflix show is packed with shitty stuff and dwelling on stupid little details is futile, but there’s a small rewording that really bothers me for some reason, and it’s in the “bathroom scene” when inej asks kaz what his tell is.
in the book, he says “I’m a cripple. no one bothers to look for the others.” but in the show, instead of saying cripple, he says “my limp, my cane.” and ik that’s probably just because the show writers were worried about ~cultural sensitivity~ and didn’t think dropping the slur would be a good idea, especially not from the mouth of a man who is not disabled, but it gets to me anyway. I’ve been surrounded by that word a lot growing up—I’ve seen my mother being called crippled (along with retarted and way worse) plenty of times, including by my own father, had friends and family make jokes containing that word if they got hurt or something, and seen it used wrong in media and the like.
when kaz said “when people see a cripple crossing the street, leaning on his cane, what do they feel?” I got that. when the ice court prisoner was saying “hey cripple. crip” but kaz was like he needn’t have bothered, he knew the word in plenty of languages, I felt that. so when he says “I’m a cripple, no one bothers to look for the others.” it’s not just that he’s saying a broken leg and walking stick=weakness in a way I think a lot of able bodied people think it is. he also has this understanding of how people see him because of his disability that goes way beyond the physical disability that’s super important to me. and idk, his ‘tell’ being reduced to just the limp and his mobility aid (physical impairment and stick he needs to walk with instead of a deeply ingrained cultural notion that people undermine him because of) shows in another smaller way exactly how the show writers see kaz’s disability—edgy character trait with quirky cool accessory. I think it just reminds me of how much of kaz’s identity the show stripped away with having this 30 year old able bodied man playing him and I’m just so so angry. like they do not get him at all.
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cishetlessfashion · 2 months
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Cpunk black and yellow disabled nonbinary fashion with sunflowers and no collars for anon Not made for the sun patch Cpunk pins Talk shit get hit pin Sunflower lips charm Yellow and black harness Flaming disabled symbol enamel pin Studded face mask I match energy patches Skull patches Black and yellow fingerless gloves
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sunnycanwrite · 1 year
Being a disabled cosplayer I've had some very jarring interactions at conventions. Actually every single day people make remarks, say slurs, look at disabled people with petty. Say they hope your well soon, refuse to believe you can be disabled do young, tell you to try a new diet.
So first off:
Cripple is a slur reclaimed by disabled people, don't say it otherwise
Gimp is a slur reclaimed by disabled people don't say it otherwise
Stop trying to push people's wheelchairs unless they ask you too.
Telling me to go gluten free with not make my disability go away
So funfact at a convention earlier this year I went to cosplay and disability panel. I was actually really excited for it, and it was great. Later that day a person I didn't know called me a gimp. Someone gad to give up their seat to me, because I was on forearm crutches. The woman I ended up seated besides said. "Oh, doesn't it suck being a gimp right?" And I was just confused, my immediate reaction was to say. "Oh your disabled too!" And then she told me no she wasn't and she just felt bad for me because clearly it sucked being unable to stand without help. It took me a few days to process the fact she said a slur so casually.
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ink-asunder · 9 months
I know nobody asked, but my two cents on the "who can say the c slur" discourse is this.
I don't believe in trauma olympics. I DO believe in varying degrees of severity. I have to use a cane to get around, but someone who is wheelchair bound inarguably has a more severe disability than me. That doesn't mean I'm not disabled.
But at the same time, the threshold for being oppressed is actually really low. As soon as you have a single condition that can't be beaten into submission in 2 years tops, the medical system basically deprioritizes you because if you can't be fixed, it's not worth fixing. The fact that autistic people need to get a dx and accommodations to wear headphones at work is RIDICULOUS. I was recently deemed unfit to work because I'd need more than 2 bathroom breaks a day?? Like, healthy neurotypical abled society expects too much of healthy neurotypical abled people. The threshold for "disability" accordingto an employer is really fucking low.
One time, a privately owned attraction got a waiver from the ADA and tried to bully me into not using my cane and going through their attraction without it. Someone in a wheel chair couldn't even get throught the front DOOR, but I was still ableism'd against on the basis of my physical ability. The threshold for being oppressed is really fucking low.
The truth is, you don't HAVE to have severe symptoms or limitations in order to experience some type of oppression.
Don't say the c slur on the basis of your mental health. Yeah, the brain is an organ and part of the body, and it may physically limit you under duress of intense physical or emotional distress. I'm not denying that. But there is a BIG difference between having sensory meltdowns and not being able to climb fucking stairs. And I'm not gatekeeping the word disability either--just use that! It's bad enough. It's bad ENOUGH. You don't need to come up with a slur for yourselves to reclaim to feel some power over a situation where you are being oppressed. Just existing and accommodating yourself is punk enough.
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stardust-maple · 1 year
Current least favorite thing is that ablebodied people think they can say the cripple. Especially for dramatics and emphasis
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wheelie-sick · 1 year
I've had "cripple" shouted at me from cars while I was walking down the sidewalk with a friend. I've had "cripple" shouted at me in the hallways of schools. I've been referred to as just "the cripple" by people who knew my name. I've had abusive parents use "cripple" to demean me. I've had "cripple" used to mock and dehumanize me for my entire life.
I'm also autistic and have several other mental and cognitive disabilities. every single time I was called a cripple they were referring to my legs not my mind. they were referring to the same legs they called "something out of a horror movie" the same legs they were grossed out by because they twist and bend the wrong ways. they were referring to my limb difference and my mobility aids. it was never about my mind.
and don't think that it's just because I was never called slurs for my mental disabilities. I was constantly bullied and mocked with the r slur, I was called schizo and psycho and crazy, but never, not even once, did they reach for "cripple" as the word to attack me for my mind.
it is just not your word.
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disableddyke · 1 year
pet peeve of the day i can’t stand when abled people get fairly minor temporary injuries and then start throwing around the word cripple like it’s theirs
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nightmaretour · 2 years
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[Image description:
A three panel meme based on the gravity falls "this is worthless!" Template.
The first panel shows Dipper holding a slip of paper that says "Able-bodied people's opinions on the word 'cripple'", subtitled with Dipper saying "whoa"
The second panel shows Dipper looking up from the slip of paper, saying "this is worthless!"
The third panel shows Trembley replying "It's less than worthless, my boy!"
End description]
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sandswirls · 8 months
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he’s got issues (random AU Yugi junk with no context)
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I love fat cripples
I love cripples who are fat because of their disability
I love cripples who are fat and it has nothing to do with their disability
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[Image ID: White text in a Galaxy background reads If you: Derail my posts; are an “aspie”; run a sh/ed blog; are under 16; are a TERF; think cripplepunk is for mental disabilities; think that autism isn’t a disorder; are pro-transabled, trace, transage, etc; are pro-map or pro-zoo; are a transmed; want to completely demedicalize autism, I will probably block or mock you. End ID]
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anyone can interact with this post; able-bodied people should take a deep breath and count to ten before adding commentary
hey little language PSA for neurodivergent folks:
“abled” is a term derived from the term “able-bodied,” not “nondisabled.”
while “abled” may often be used as a synonym for nondisabled, it originates as and is also used to refer to able-bodied people.
when a disabled-bodied person refers to abled neurodivergent people, they are not saying those people are nondisabled. they’re saying they’re able-bodied.
this is also the origin of the #AbledsAreWeird tag—it’s meant to refer to ableism against the bodily disabled. i’m not here to gatekeep the tag, and i couldn’t if i tried.
but i am saying if you go in that tag and complain that neurodivergent people are mentioned, you’re encroaching on a disabled-bodied safer space to whine about their problems, and that’s not cool.
cripples started the [american] disability rights movement. a lot of terms around disabled people & rights are our terms, and might not make sense for disabled non-crips.
that’s fine. i’m not saying you have to call yourself abled, or that using abled to mean non-disabled is wrong.
i’m just saying that when cripples (who, for the record, are almost if not always neurodivergent too) use “abled” in a way that includes ND folks, it’s not a personal or ableist attack on you. it’s quite literally the language of our liberation, and attacking cripples over it is ableist.
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the-kitty-hell-system · 5 months
if you are short, but not a little person you have no right to be in conversations about dwarfism. shut the fuck up. you do not experience the violence and discrimination i experience as someone with dwarfism. you are an average sized person. ive been thrown down the fucking stairs by a drunk, average sized man, for the purpose of "dwarf throwing" (which by some is considered a FUCKING SPORT). and i never got justice for it. i am a fucking paraplegic, i have brain damage. we arent midgets we arent "just short" we arent a joke we are little people we are disabled people we are people. if little people are apart of your joke, you arent funny. you should honestly get thrown down the stairs like i did lmao. if you make fun of little peoples height and call it a "joke". you arent funny. why is it that my condition is a joke to all my friends? why is it that all they do is make fun of me for how tall i am, ignoring that i am literally disabled? i am 4'0, that doesnt mean ANYTHING on if im a person or not. i have achondroplasia and cleidocranial dysplasia. im not a fucking joke, the violence i experience isnt a damn joke and you should really stop dehumanizing little people.
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i don’t vague. i am not ab that. @phoenixonwheels . let’s break down some of ur points. i assume u r open to genuine discussion since u post in the public sphere.
first thing first. “MERD” is not an analog to “TERF.” trans exclusionary radical feminism says that transgender women can never be women, and transgender men are lost women. “mental exclusion” would theoretically mean that cripplepunk is solely for the mentally abled physdis community. but this is not what happens, and the vast majority of cripples are also mentally ill/disabled.
second. calling out the use of insane/idiot/etc does not work for that exact reason. you do exactly what you seem to be upset at other ppl for doing. they assume you are able bodied and you laugh at them for telling a wheelchair user that cpunk isn’t for them. we laugh bcs you act like the average cripple is mentally well and casually using slurs as if the most popular mean cripple exclusionist isn’t bipolar and you’re not arguing with neurodivergent and mentally ill ppl every day.
third. “mental disability” in those exact words is terminology that the b/id community has been asking others not to use, but ofc nobody ever listens to intellectually disabled ppl bcs changing language is so awful. most mental disorders are what we prefer ppl to call psychosocial disabilities. even if you don’t give up this MERD thing (bcs you obviously won’t and will block me after this and cry ab exclusionism and i really don’t care) at least consider changing this language.
fourth. if your mental or psychosocial disability causes physical symptoms, THE PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS ARE THE PHYSICAL DISABILITY. if you have anxiety that causes you constant blood pressure and heart issues and chest pain then nobody in cripplepunk gives a shit where it comes from. your physical symptoms are physically disabling. your disability is your business all we are asking is “does it affect you physically.” cripplepunk communities are AWARE that these are not strict categories and the two impact each other.
you seem like you have a very poor understanding of cripplepunk spaces, likely bcs you don’t actually want to communicate in common ground terms. if you went to a community space and said smth like “i have autism which caused me pretty severe motor skill and coordination issues, i therefore identify myself as physically disabled and a cripple” no one would care. literally no one would care.
final point. how do u feel ab the idea of mentally abled cripples calling themselves insane and participating in madpunk/neuropunk?
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
yeah i don't know what i think about the cripple reclaimation/abled bodied neurodivergent discourse. like technically, since the mind is part of the body, neurodivergent people are not abled-bodied. however, we still live in a society that has separated the mind from the body, and categorizes disability in to "physical" and "mental"... which affects how people experience ableism and sanism (and thus what slurs we're called).
like, it's entirely possible for someone with a typically "mental" disability (like autism or depression) to experience symptoms that are considered "physically" disabiling... and vice versa. but also, there are people who, by and large... don't. and i don't think any of us know strangers on the internet well enough to discern whether someone has the ~right experiences~ to reclaim a slur pointed at "physical" disability.
at the end of the day, i think i'll just trust people to know themselves best and ykno, if any misunderstandings/misinformation come forth, work on that then. i think i'd rather bond with people who are crippled by things like catatonia or chronic fatigue from mental illness over our shared experiences, rather than invalidate them for not fitting into an ableist and sanist binary. especially since i am also mentally ill/neurodivergent and understand that my mental health impacts my physical health.
so yeah. love to cripples everywhere - especially mad cripples. solidarity is punk.
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