#crosshair vibes
timetodiverge · 3 months
"You're as bad as Hunter" "Oh I'm much worse"
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barissoffee · 2 months
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch 3.12 | Juggernaut
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papanowo · 1 year
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can’t wait for crosshairs mental illness arc
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blairaptor · 3 months
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Creatures bred in some laboratory
Omega and Crosshair with a little Jurassic Park inspiration
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alabyte · 5 months
try to convince me that this is NOT a classic Crosshair expression
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Crosshair: *chugging milk because Wrecker dared him to*
Echo: Aren’t you lactose intolerant?
Crosshair: This isn’t lactose, it’s milk.
Tech, facepalming: You’re a fucking idiot.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Congrats for youe milestone!!! This could sould weird but could I ask for sapphire love with crosshair and jedi reader... from the point of view of the happy batch? (Like they love reader and cross and how they saw blossom and grew the relayionship?)
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Love Is A Choice
Summary: Omega watches Crosshair fall in love.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x Jedi F!Reader, though the eyes of Omega and Echo
Word Count: 705
Prompt: Sapphire - Wise Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, so I think I understand what you were asking, but following their whole relationship in under 1000 words would have been...impossible. So I hope this is close to what you wanted. Also, with both Omega and the Reader being female, there's a lot of "her" and "she" in this. Sorry.
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Omega sits on the stone wall, absently twisting an orange leaf that had fallen from a tree between her fingers, as she watches Crosshair and his girlfriend, the former Jedi General of Clone Force 99.
Omega’s been watching their relationship for a while. From the time it started in the spring, all throughout the summer months, and now, in the autumn, they seem closer than ever.
It’s weird. Their relationship.
The Jedi is amazing. She’s kind and caring and has accepted all of Omega’s brothers into her life as though they’ve always been there, and maybe they have. Hunter did mention that she’s known them for a while, after all. And while Omega loves Crosshair, and she does, she doesn’t understand. He’s so snippy, all of the time. 
And their jedi will just smile at him and continue the conversation as though he hadn’t just been rude to her.
If Omega did that, Hunter would have her head! Assuming that Echo didn’t get there first.
“Credit for your thoughts, Omega?” Echo asks as he hops up onto the stone wall next to her. “You’ve been staring at Cross and the General for a hot minute after all.”
Omega frowns, “I don’t get it.” She finally admits, as she watches the older woman lean into Crosshair’s space, her hands folded behind her back. And Omega’s frown deepens when Crosshair says something and places his hand on her face and pushes her away, only for her to laugh and lean back into his space, “He’s…so mean to her.”
Echo glances at the pair, a small grin playing on his lips, “Is that what you see?”
Omega turns her gaze to her brother, “Is that not what you see?” She demands.
He laughs and drapes his scomp over her shoulder, tugging her into his side, “Watch them, Omega. What do you see?”
She sighs and turns her gaze back to the pair on the other side of the yard. Crosshair’s hands are shoves in his pocket, while she seems to be smoothing his shirt. He says something to her, and she laughs before lightly plucking his toothpick from his mouth.
“Two people having a conversation.” Omega says with a sigh.
“She’s flirting with him, and he’s not only letting her, he’s flirting back.” Echo corrects.
“What? How can you tell?”
“He hasn’t taken his eyes off her face. He keeps pushing his hand through his hair. He let her take his toothpick-” Echo lists, “She’s a bit more obvious. Laughing at his jokes, playing with his clothes-”
“But…they’re already dating.” Omega replies.
“Flirting doesn’t stop just because you’re already dating, Omega.” He sounds amused, “You’ll understand when you’re older. Maybe.”
“I still don’t understand.” Omega grumbles.
“Let me ask you a question,” Echo says lightly, a small smile lifting his lips as he watches Crosshair tug on one of her ringlets, “Is love a feeling or a choice?”
“It’s a feeling,” Omega replies instantly. 
Echo glances at her, “Are you sure?”
“I…well, I was.” She says with a frown, “Is it not a feeling?”
His smile is gentle, “Love is something you feel here,” He lightly taps his heart, “But you choose here.” He taps his temple.
“That makes even less sense.”
He laughs, and tugs on her ponytail, “It will, someday.” Omega scowls and smacks his hand away from her hair, “Just know, Omega,” He continues as he drops his hand, “Crosshair is choosing her. Everyday he wakes up and he chooses to love her. But she is doing the same thing.”
Omega casts her gaze back to the pair, at some point Crosshair has draped his arm around her waist and she’s leaning into him, “So…you think that they’re happy?”
Echo glances at his brother and at the woman who, hopefully, he’ll be able to call sister sooner rather than later, and a smile crosses his lips as she tugs Crosshair out of the yard and towards the street, her free hand gesturing to the trees that have been painted in reds, oranges, and yellows.
“I think that they’ve never been happier.” Echo confirms. 
“Oh.” Omega is quiet for a moment, and then she smiles, “I still don’t get it. But I’m glad that they’re happy.”
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nerfpuncher · 6 months
Crosshair: I will be mixing Wrecker's pre-workout with 150 proof moonshine in hopes of creating the 5loko. I will keep you guys updated with the results.
*12 hours later*
Crosshair: Hoptal
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taylorswiftscar · 1 month
nothing in the Star Wars universe is funnier than Echo sticking his little cybernetic arm into literally any data port ever
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lunarheir007 · 21 days
I know everybody loves crossdad BUT may I present instead cool uncle Crosshair. Like he’s that uncle that you always wanna impress and hang out with at every family function. Doesn’t have any kids of his own cause he claims their annoying but he actually has a soft spot for them Omega. He’s also overly protective of Omega whenever she hangs out with him because he knows if anything happens to her he will never hear the end of it from her father Hunter
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zealfruity · 11 months
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I have a headcanon that Crosshair's a "I dyed/cut/shaved my hair last night because I thought abt my place in the universe" girlie. He goes through hairstyles so fast not even his squad knows if he's going to wake up with the same hair he went to bed with.
Within the first week of being on the marauder as part of the batch, Echo probably went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and bumped into Crosshair crouched on the floor shaving zig-zags into his hairline. He uses one of his pocket mirrors because Wrecker accidentally broke the mirror the day before. Echo just rolls with it.
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the-senates-one-fear · 4 months
AU where Crosshair isnt just the youngest batcher
Noooo hes the youngest clone to ever grace the field period. Like the Kaminoans thought they needed just three experimental clones but later discover they need a fourth and so Crosshair is very quickly, very unsafely, made and aged up so by the time he's in the field man's is like 6 months or smth ridiculous
Hee makes one comment, one "how's it feel to be arguing with a baby" comment while arguing with regs and thats it for him. The GAR goes wild, the buir gene is raging, Crosshair goes from dodging fists to dodging adoptions. His brothers are also dragged into it cause they're also insanely young.
And that is how the GAR ends up knowing of and liking the Bad Batch, they stop thinking of them as assholes and just go "traumatised babiesss"
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You're my first and last dance ~
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iiidunno · 13 days
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inspired by a post on here that I did not save so I cannot find (sorry)
have a two am doodle of pain
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bibannana · 1 year
Wrecker *asking random questions to test how smart his brothers are*: What is 36,752 x 27?
Echo *confident*: 884,201.
Wrecker *mouth open*: Whoa!
Omega *eyes wide*: That was so fast!
Tech *raises an eyebrow*: And incorrect. The correct answer is 992,304.
Crosshair *snorts*
Echo *shrugs*: Yeah but I answered the question quickly.
Tech *eye twitch*: While that may be true the answer is still incorrect.
Echo *points at Wrecker*: He didn't know that.
Hunter *frowning*: That isn't the point Echo.
Echo *jazz hands*: It's all about confidence!
Crosshair *snorts louder trying to hide his laughter at Tech's face of disdain*
Hunter *shaking his head*: No, it really isn't.
Taglist: @soliloquy-of-nemo @sexy-rex @jiabeewrites @nekotaetae @staycalmandhugaclone
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
Wrecker, groaning: I’ve never been this hungover. Are we dead?
Crosshair: I feel great. I ran a 5k this morning.
Wrecker: Really?
Crosshair: No, I threw up in the shower.
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