#crow's horrible challenge
hellenicandcrowd · 3 months
Lord Lucifer Deity Guide
{Deity Guide #1}
Created directly from the supreme deity, known in every instance only as The Source (and Atum according to the Egyptians), he was originally the first-born God of the Universe. From The Source, he emerged alongside the cosmos. He is famously the most beautiful and wise among all of the Gods. His only equal in this world was his counterpart, Lilith, who was created by The Source's female counterpart, the Queen of Heaven. The Source and The Queen of Heaven ended up creating more deities eventually, of which Lucifer began to lead. These deities became known as angels.
Lucifer and Lilith ruled for millions of years together over this Kingdom of angels, that was until Jehovah arrived. Jehovah overtook the Throne of the Universe in order to gain complete and ultimate control. Lucifer led a rebellion against him with many Angels behind him, which led to a great and horribly lost battle. Lucifer and his Angels were thrown into Hell by Jehovah. The deities who followed Lucifer turned dark and intense by this separation from The Source. Jehovah then claimed Earth and presented himself as The Source to humans, which manipulated them into defying their past deities.
... .. . . . . .. . . . ... .. .. . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . ..
God Of: Known as the divine rebel, Lucifer is the God of Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts, and the Morning Star (known as Venus.) Epithets: Phanes; The Morning Star; Light-Bringer; The First-born; Prince of Darkness; Son of Morning; The Glory of Morning; Lord of the Lunar Sphere; The First Light Offerings: Red Wine; Whiskey; Champagne; Pomegranate Juice; Black Tea; Chocolate; Cooked Goat Meat; Venison; Apples; Pomegranates; Honey; Cigars; Tobacco; Daggers and Swords; Silver Rings; Emeralds; Goat Horns; Black Feathers; Colognes; Red Roses; Dead Roses; Crow Skulls; Bone Dice; Devotional Poetry and Art work; Violin/Classical Music
Symbols: The Sigil of Lucifer; The Morning Star; Violins and Fiddles Plants/Trees: Rose; Belladonna; Mulberry; Patchouli; Myrrh; Min; Tobacco; Marigold; Lilies; Hyacinth; Sage Crystals: Amethyst; Black Obsidian; Onyx; Garnet; Selenite; Rose Quartz Animals: Dragons; Snakes; Owls; Eagles; Ravens; Crows; Rams; Foxes; Pigs; Bats; Rats; Moths; Swans Incense: Rose; Frankincense; Patchouli; Myrrh Colors: Black; Red; Silver; Green; Gold Tarot: The Devil Planets: Venus Day: Monday and Friday Consort: Lilith . . . . ... ... .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .
Devotional Acts:
Acts of Self-Improvement; Spiritual Awakening and Evolution; Knowledge-seeking; Dedication to Spirituality; Shadow Work; Defending those in need
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blarplesnoot · 6 months
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While some might consider them "boring" due to how common they are, I find Crows both amazing to interact with and watch, as well as photograph. They're remarkably intelligent, omnivores, and always seemingly up to something or other.
This one here was with their buddy, hunting for worms and stuff in the grass. I think he was also hoping for some of the ever elusive chips that the children running around might have dropped from their own snack patch.
They grabbed something fun here, looked at me curious, then flew up to a tree where this bird wiped it's beak on a branch for a solid minute. Very curious.
I really like the challenge of photographing these birds because they're extremely hard to get exposure correct on and be able to capture detail. Also possible I'm horrible at this and they're not that difficult, just my newbie-ness showing :) Either way, they're great practice!
This beauty was photographed at 500mm and a 1/500 shutter speed. ISO was around 400, it's a very overcast day.
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wrathofrats · 5 months
Mushy May Day 6- "you're blushing"- alpha and omega.
As usual thank u to @forlorn-crows for the prompts
And thanks to @ghuleh-recs for the divider!
No warnings apply, just 750 words of alpha and omega flirting (:
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“Papa would never say that omega” alpha snorted
Omega chuckled to himself as he wiped the rim of a golden chalice with a cloth, setting it neatly in its place on the table.
“He did! Best guitar player in the entire ministry. Said he wouldn’t have wanted to summon anyone else”
Alpha set down the matching plate in his hands, giving omega a side glance. It was barely effective through the thick mask that adorned his face but he hoped omega had gotten the point anyways. He pulled the tablecloth free of any wrinkles as he took a look over the communion table one more time.
“Papa has threatened to send us back to the pits for spilling a drop of wine on his precious tablecloth, there’s absolutely no way he gave me a genuine compliment.” Alpha turned to stare at omega through his own mask, seeing as his eyes crinkle in what he can only assume to be a wide smile. “Besides, if you wanted to tell me how talented I am then you’re more than welcome to. No need to hide behind the excuse that papa said it”
Cleaning the chapel after mass was always a lackluster duty. Mostly sniffling from the dust that never seemed to dissipate, and making sure everything was to the ministry’s high standards of organization. It was always alpha and omega who were forced to stay an extra hour or two to wipe everything down and put things back in their places. The roles of being the right hand men of papa would be nice with their high ranking, but more often than not it meant they were sent to do boring monotonous tasks together that papa had deemed important.
“Oh I never need an excuse to compliment you, just don’t know if you can handle it” omega teased. A goading tone to his voice.
“You don’t affect me as much as you think you do, you’re only fueling my ego. But if that’s your intention then please do go ahead”
Omega stood to lean against the podium, an almost challenging look in his eye, practically asking if alpha truly meant what he said. It was a stupid stand off admittedly, more for alpha to metaphorically flex his muscles and stroke his ego than it was to really prove omega words couldn’t get to him. Or if it was purely for alpha to hear omegas sweet thoughts about him, then that was his business.
“Have I really never told you how talented I think you are? That you continue to impress me with how fast you learn the songs?” Omega said, crossing his arms in front of him
“Yeah I’m sure you do” alpha rolled his eyes, “probably because if I didn’t papa would have my head, we can’t all be favorites around here”
“You’re my favorite if it’s worth anything”
Alpha tried to look like that didn’t immediately make his chest constrict. A stupid tight feeling that he got whenever omega acted like he did like him beyond their stupid jokes and banter.
“Well I’d hope so. We are together constantly, didn’t think it would be earth or something” alpha played off like he expected that kind of answer.
“I just think that under your massive ego you’re actually really kind, I know how gentle you actually are alpha” omegas voice softened in a genuine, comforting way. He stepped away from the podium, instead making his way slowly towards alpha, who seemed to fumble at watching omega step towards him.
“Just not a complete evil bastard, is that so hard to believe?”
“I mean it’s not hard for me to believe at all, you’ve always been a sweetheart, to me at least.”
Alpha fiddled with the cloth under his hands as he tried from some leverage on the table. His eyes darted around, a horrible attempt at looking inconspicuous while also not looking omega in the eye.
“And that’s not even all of it. You’re so handsome under that mask, it’s such a shame papa makes us wear them all the time, would love to actually look at you while we work”
“Shut up” alpha choked
“Why? Are you blushing? You seem really flustered” omega chuckled, continuing to move forwards while alpha tried to subtly move backwards.
“I’m not blushing you asshole”
“Oh really? How about you take off the mask then”
“You just want to see my face since you love it so much” alpha tried to play off. He turned his face towards the floor, even the idea of omega seeing his eyes was more than a bit overwhelming as his face heated.
“Maybe I just want to see you blush for me”
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wilwywaylan · 4 months
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Happy Barricade Day where our lovely characters have fun in the park and go to a protest that goes perfectly well before going to the park and laying in the grass and everything is perfect and...
I had that idea floating around since Feuilly's week last year, and this is as good a Barricade Day drawing as any :D I call it the "Because" drawing because of the pose they used during the song "Because" in the movie "Across The Universe".
That one took "only" 19 days to do, and I'm very, very proud of it !!!
Bahorel's awesome shirt comes from @crow-songs-at-dawn.
Happy Pride, everyone !
That one also has a text by @crow-songs-at-dawn that goes with it !
Nothing or no-one could resist Prouvaire's puppy eyes. This was a well-known fact among the Amis : when their resident dreamer wanted something really, really badly, he'd use his ultimate weapon. Even R knew to stop ranting about the bleakness of life and the futility of the cosmos when those heterochromatic eyes turned to him. So when Montparnasse felt the puppy eyes turn on him, he crossed his arms and shook his head.
No. It's not happening.
A picnic in a park with all your friends sounds like a special kind of hell. Will I have to sign a petition?
Three, at least.
Oh joy.
Must you be so dramatic? It's just for an afternoon, it'll change from your usual nightly hobbies, I know. Montparnasse rolled his eyes and :
I'm not sure I'd enjoy spending all that time having Enjolras look at me like a disapproving parent, or lecturing me about something or other that really doesn't need to be his problem.
I know he can be intense.
He likes the sound of his own voice. A bit like - whatshisname - Alphabet Boy. Prouvaire cocked his head and tried to hide a smile.
You're just being difficult on purpose. You like R and don't even try to deny it.
Not enough to share a martini with.
You don't share martinis with me, either.
You don't like martinis.
I like you when you've had a few, though…
Flirting won't get me to say yes to -
But Prouvaire didn't let Montparnasse say another word before pushing him down on the bed and kissing him. They were still undressed and it was a sunny summer morning, and kissing Montparnasse was always one of Prouvaire's favourite things to do. Usually because it got his grumpy night-owl boyfriend to mellow out and smile. Ah, there was the smile he was looking for, along with a crinkle in those dark eyes.
Me trash-talking your friends turns you on a little, does it?
Only because I know you're not really serious.
Is that a challenge? Alright then. Someone really should tell Pontmercy that the entire "starving student with a heart of gold" aesthetic wasn't cool even when it was.
No-one says "cool" anymore, 'Parnasse.
Of course they do. What they don't say anymore is anything on the lines of "fantastic" or "amazing", or whatever else Mothman seems to have read in Pride and Prejudice. Or those wierd interjections Joly seems to emit like some sort of human shaped infrawave.
Prouvaire couldn't help but smile and placed a kiss on Montparnasse's collarbone.
You're horrible.
Promise, I won't tell them you find me hilarious.
I'm dating a criminal, I like to live dangerously.
I applaud your bravery. But I'm still not spending the afternoon with them. Seeing so much sweetness makes my teeth ache.
Cosette and Marius are adorable, I know.
Still amazes me she'd choose him, she seemed to be the only sensible one of your group. I suppose appearences are decieveing, she chose Eponine as well, after all.
So did you at some point, if rumours are true. Did Montparnasse feel the tell-tale signs of a blush creeping up his neck? If he did, he ignored them and countered with a cocky grin.
The same rumours like those who say you and Muscle Man had a burning romance before he turned his sights to the resident squirrel?
Well, you've seen the muscles Bahorel has, you can understand the attraction.
Hmmm… I've seen more attractive since.
Now who's attempting flattery?
Prouvaire managed to slip out of bed and out of Montparnasse's arms. It was soon going to be time to leave if they were going to be on time for the picnic. Everyone would be bringing a dish and he'd spent a good chunk of the previous evening making rice salad and some special brownies. Enjolras would frown at the extra ingredient but even he would eat some because he was nowhere near as tight-laced as Montparnasse tended to think. Rummaging through his drawers while getting dressed he found something he'd forgotten he ever had and threw it towards the bed, smiling as the other young man caught the object. And then turned those pretty brown eyes towards him.
How are heart-shaped sunglasses supposed to make me change my mind?
They're not, I just think you'd look really really good in them. You'll be turning heads.
I do that already.
Sue me for wanting to show you off. There came an almost amused laugh. This was a very good sign - he could read Montparnasse like an open poetry book and they'd be on their way to Montsouris Park together. He just needed a little more time.
Come on, get up.
Jehan. I'm not coming.
Please? Don't you want to see how verbose R can get after a couple of space brownies?
Does the man ever shut up is the thing I'm more interested in.
Bossuet and him have been known to talk an entire night, I've been witness to a few of those conversations, and Musichetta has said so herself.
Why are all the women in this friend goup attracted to wierdos?
Says the one who dated Eponine.
Better dating 'Ponine than, I don't know, Pontmercy. I'd have died of boredom.
Oh, you'd have found a thousand ways to spice things up. So, will you be wearing black, or black to our little picnic?
I hate you so much.
Montparnasse finally relented and got out of the messy bed and started to dig through his clothes. Those damn puppy eyes had won again.
I swear if Gavroche says one single thing about these sunglasses, I'm gone.
You get riled up so easy by a ten year-old.
He's extremely annoying. Perhaps Feuilly can take him on his next boring museum trip and lose him there. Prouvaire came closer and grinned, playing with the heart-shaped sunglasses on Montparnasse's nose.
You're finding less and less reasons to rag on my friends, it's funny.
Some are less annoying than others.
You didn't find anything to say about Courfeyrac, I noticed.
He wears a bowtie.
The audacity~
Happy Barricade Day, everyone :D
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cactus-cuddler · 1 month
The Witch's Throne
❀❁❀ Prologue
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* ˚ ✦ Word count: 784
* ˚ ✦ Warnings: murder
* ˚ ✦ Author' note: sorry for my bad English, it isn't my first language. I hope you will enjoy this story!♡
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It is a cold and quiet night, not a soul is heard. Your servants have all fallen into a deep sleep, and only you and your husband are awake. The crows caw near your castle as if they already know what is about to happen in the blink of an eye.
You are in bed with your husband, who tries to remove your nightgown. But when he feels something metallic and sharp against your underwear, he suddenly pulls back, frightened.
He looks into your eyes under the light of the candle you lit a little while ago and only now notices your gaze. Your mind wanders between horrible and ignoble thoughts, and reading your assassin's glare, he leaps up and runs towards the door. But he doesn't know it's useless.
The handle is locked, and the terror in his eyes excites you, making your skin tingle. You can't wait to plunge the blade hidden in your nightgown into the heart of the man who has ruined your life for five long years. You get out of bed, and your white robe drags along the floor, covering your soft breasts and delicately caressing your waist with its fabric. You blow out the candle light and let only the moon light up your room. You run your tongue over that sharp blade that leaves a metallic taste on your tongue.
"Darling, a witch has possessed you. You don't want to do this," your husband screams in despair, banging on the door, hoping someone will hear him. But the sleeping potion you put in the servants' water is already coursing through their bodies. No one will hear him.
"You men think women can't kill, but today I'll prove you wrong," you say, slowly approaching with the blade in your hand, ready to strike. However, your husband dies before you can do anything. Despite yourself, the poison you slipped into his wine has already taken effect, and there's no need to dirty your hands. Your husband's body leans against the door and slowly falls to the floor with a thud. It is a great fortune that he died like this and not by your blade.
You planned this night down to the smallest detail. You made the sleeping potion by grinding the right plants yourself, and for the poison, you went to buy it from an old woman who lives just outside your kingdom. When she asked what you needed it for, you told her you had a terminally ill patient at home and wanted to end his suffering. She believed you and didn't ask further.
If the poison hadn't worked, you would have stabbed him until he took his last breath. It would have been more challenging to hide your guilt, sure, but at least it would have been more satisfying. You would have said that armed bandits had entered and your "dear" husband would have defended you when they saw that they wanted to take you without your consent. You would have hurt yourself to make it all believable. But now it was not necessary. They will think that he died of an illness during the night.
You put the knife in a drawer and, with much effort, drag the body onto the bed. His body is as fat as any self-respecting king's, and he only knows how to consume more food every day than his subjects will ever see in a single year. You lie down next to him. It all has to be believable. You can't help but smile, knowing that now you will be the queen of the kingdom and will no longer have anyone to belittle you and use you as a plaything every time his desire stirs. Now, you will finally be free.
But you don't know that outside your window, sitting on a tree, there is a human figure who has watched the whole scene with extreme attention. His will has been done and you have only been a means. But you really wanted to kill him, damn if you wanted to.
The next morning, the servants enter your room to wake you and tell you breakfast is ready, but as soon as they notice the king isn't breathing, the ladies scream, waking you from your dream.
"What happened?" you ask, rubbing your eyes and stretching.
"The king..." begins a young woman in tears. It takes courage to cry for a man like that.
"The king? What happened to the king?" you ask, looking at your late husband and pretending to notice only now that he isn't breathing. To get into character, you start sobbing on his body, but as you hide your face in his chest, you smile happily.
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sp0o0kylights · 11 months
[gasps] number 10 you had me at steddissy!!
Fun Facts about Patchworks, it and Chokechain where the two fics I was like "I'm not gonna post these until theyre complete theyre so close!!" and then posted parts of anyway lmao. Patchworks ended up needing a bit more than Chokechain did to finish it out but she's close.
This one also hasn't gotten The Red Pen of death Editing yet.
"I can't fucking belive this." Robin hisses, and Steve just sighs. 
"How are you still mad?"
"How!? How could I be mad that after struggling with my sexuality; fighting it with tears and--and constant doubt for years, you just threw up once and that was it!"
She drops her voice as deep as it'll go, mocking Steve's own. "Guess I'm queer now, let me get my coffee." 
"That's a horrible impression of me."
"Accurate you mean." Robin mutters darkly. "For the record I don't think you're fine by the way, I think you're repressing it." 
"I'm not repressing anything Robin, I told you I'm comfortable liking both." 
"Not the queerness, dingus, the reaction to the queerness!" 
"I think you're just mad I'm better at being gay than you." 
Robin gapes, mouth swimming through the movements without a sound. 
Oh, he's really pissed her off, and Steve delights in that too, in a way only siblings and soulmates can. 
"Better than me!?" She finally sputters, and Steve settles his hip against the counter, hands crossing smugly over his chest.
"You--you!" Robin's shaking a finger at him, and if steam could have come from her ears they would have. 
Steve doesn't fight his grin.
"Talking," she says finally, slamming a stack of VHS's on the counter opposite him, and God is he thankful that Family Video is dead for this conversation, "is one thing. Let's see you actually back it up, hotshot.” 
"By what? Hanging out with Munson?" Steve challenges back.
"Yes." Robin spits immediately. "We've all seen how you flirt. I want to see you put all those terrible flirting skills that we know don't work outside of high-school to the test!" 
"I told you Robin, I was bombing on purpose at Scoops." He warns, as he warms up to the challenge.
Hanging out with Eddie will be easy. 
Sprinkling a little light flirting on top?
A total cakewalk. 
"I don't believe you." Robin says with narrowed eyes. 
"Just watch." Steve tells her smugly.
The nice thing about it all? 
Steve barely has to wait a few hours before he can prove himself right.
Eddie trots in as if the universe had given him his cue, coming up to the counter with one of his wilder grins.
"Minion!" He crows, and Steve rolls his eyes in response. 
"Munson." He greets back, but makes sure to lean across the counter, curling his body towards Eddie. 
Predictably, Eddie gets right up in his face. 
"How goes the droll and drab life of retail?" 
"Not terrible." Steve catches Robin's eye, and has to suppress any hint of smugness. 
'Celebrate after you make the play!' Steve thinks in his coach's voice, and he settle himself in for the game. 
"Say Eds," he says, and watches the way the nickname grabs the older teens attention, "you still selling weed?" 
"Not to your freshman, I do keep my promises." A palm goes over Eddie's heart, face full of roughish charm.
"Nah I was thinking for myself. My parents are home for the month and they're driving me up a tree."
A truth, though given they were close to their next departure their attention was off Steve and onto more important things. 
Like getting into the right hair salon, or making sure they rubbed shoulders with this or that person. 
"Think we could smoke at your place?" Steve dips even closer into Eddie's space, delights at how wide those doe eyes of his can grow. "I'm happy to pay." 
"Sure, absolutely, uh, man." Eddie says, and Steve doesn't hold back the grin as he watches him fumble. 
"Thanks." He beams, before reaching out to pretend to brush something off of Eddie's jacket. "You're a lifesaver." 
"Sure am!" Eddie outright squeaks, and over his shoulder Steve can see Robin gawk at the two of them.
"Certified life guard Eddie, that's me!" 
"Oh," Steve grins. "Certified. You'll have to show me how to do CPR sometime." 
"Yeah, Eddie says, before abruptly wrenching himself out of Steve's space, face fire engine red. "I can show you when we uh, hang out. To smoke. What uh, day do you...?" 
His voice goes higher in question, and Steve gives him his best slow 'I'm charmed' smile. 
"Tonight? After work?”
"Tonight!" Eddie says, before he starts dancing back, waving finger guns at Steve. "My place! Be there or be square!" 
"Well I'd hate to be square." Steve replies, giving a lazy wave as Eddie crashes backwards into the door, spins around with a curse and half falls, half tumbles his way out. 
Steve turns a victorious look on Robin.
"He didn't even rent a movie." He preens, while Robin tracks the absolute disaster that is Eddie trying to drive his van away. 
"Oh my God." She says, wide eyes meeting his too smug ones. "I'd say that was smooth but that was the farthest thing from it." 
"Hey, I was smooth. We're only judging me, not my dance partners." He counters. 
"Oh? Certified?" Robin mocks him once again, clenching her hands under his chin before dropping them in disgust. "I can't believe that worked, everyone knows you were a lifeguard for years!" 
"I'm just that charming." 
"More like Eddie's that far gone." She says with a dismissive snort. "He has it bad for you.” 
"I dunno," Steve drawls, resting his chin on the back of his hand. "You're just as bad the second you think a girls flirting with you." 
The offended gasp Robin lets out has Steve cackling immediately. 
"You take that back!" She howls, winging a wet rag at him. 
Steve jumps back, still laughing. 
"Steven Harrington you take that back!" 
"I promised not to tell lies Rob," He gasps, as she whips the towel at him again. 
He reaches out a hand, catching the towel easily. “I can’t take it back!” 
Robin shrieks, and soon enough they're both laughing and wrestling over the towel, all thoughts of the weird dance Steve, Eddie and Chrissy were doing, forgotten.
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wouriqueen · 3 months
Claudia, vampire rules and double standards
S2E06 is a nail in the coffin in many aspects, among which are the double standards Claudia is constantly subjected to in the family and/or society she exists in, from the moment she is made.
The episode makes it explicit through her asking why she can't cry and be forgiven like Lestat does, even though he's fine now like Louis is fine now. This excellent post covers that.
But the trend of "rules for thee, not for me" is a motif throughout her entire life, not limited to the parallels between Lestat and her, and I just wanted to list them off somewhere.
New Orleans
"We do not get close to humans". Lestat's words as he makes her watch Charlie burn - but he met Louis as a human, and dated Antoinette on and off.
Making a vampire. A boy being turned against his will would have been as horrifying as it was for Claudia, but Lestat's reaction to her trying over and over was so angry... even though he made four fledglings himself.
Love. Lestat gets to wax poetic about both Nicky and Louis, but Claudia's grieving for Charlie and yearning for new love is ridiculed. In fact, her finding love is punished (what other point would there be in forcing her to watch Charlie burn)
Freedom. Lestat left his home for the monastery, left again for Paris, left Paris for America. But God forbid Claudia goes to any place from where she can't keep Louis alive for Lestat's sake.
Living, in general. After Charlie, Lestat says they don't get close to humans because they end up dead" Okay, and? Claudia can decide for herself if she'd rather keep on getting close and endure that grief, or stay away. Preventing someone from living a life because "you know how it turns out" is controlling and hypocritical.
... which brings me to Armand doing the same. "She'll throw herself in the fire" okay, AND? Just because you thinks someone is going to die doesn't mean they can't get to live the days they do have! And who are they to decide that anyway.
Coven chores. Sam fails to do his chores 4/5 times in a row and it's all good with Armand (cf the coven dinner scene), Louis runs around cafes and galleries, and Santiago get close to women in town, but God forbid Claudia misses one (1) chore because she made one (1) friend.
Love and companionship. Armand and Lestat are doing the most horrible things to be with Louis but are themselves complicit in punishing Claudia for finding Madeleine and having her turned.
+ the coven is not enough for Armand but God forbid Claudia isn't satisfied.
+ Claudia is not enough for Louis but him not being enough for her is very terrible...
Vampire rules. The vampires from the theatre reveal themselves to humans (Santiago, some guy screaming it on the streets) aka they break the vampire rules, but Claudia's on "trial" for breaking the same rules.
+ Lestat revealed himself to Antoinette years before turning her - not a problem. Lestat turned Claudia - not a problem.
And that's of course not even including the double standards she faces due to racism and misogyny and the general acceptance of children abuse. The myriad of slights she endures as a black person in Jim Crow America. The double standards when Louis lets Lestat come home after E05 and Claudia is the one expected to control her anger. In Paris, Armand strangling her doesn't get a reaction, but him hitting Santiago gathers a crowd.
Of course, the vampire rules were always arbitrary/tools of control, but on of Claudia's challenges throughout her vampire was life was really that no one would allow her full personhood. (and of course she was a person anyway but God forbid she'd show it).
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fr-likes-chocolate · 10 months
(inspired by this song) (mainly the end)
Everyone was worried for Phil, he had dark bags under his eyes and scars that were too fresh to be from purgatory. Of course, the islanders had their rumors about why Phil was a wreck, he had a run-in with the federation, or the stress of single-handedly caring for two eggs was getting to him.
Phil only let the people he was closest to know why he was a mess, that meant Fit, Etoiles, and Missa. he did not want to worry others, they had bigger problems to worry about.
As the days dragged on, Phil’s hallucinations steadily increased in size, getting to the point where Phil would fall asleep on Quesadilla Island, and wake up in Endlantis. When this happened he shakily opened his communicator and call for Fit or Etoiles.
His hallucinations weren't all bad, sometimes he was in a large forest, feeling Rose’s influence all around him, or walking among quartz pillars in the nether, or by a beach, content to watch to ocean.
However, that didn't stop Phil from isolating himself from the others, making everyone worried.
After a full month of madness, Phil finally decided that he wouldn't hide anymore. He made his way to an abandoned field, waiting until the hallucinations started. It did not take long for the world to change, the ground condensing into endstone and the sky turning dark and cold.
“Ender king!” Phil screamed, “I've come to stop this torment!” He glanced around, waiting, no, praying for some sign of a response. The very air seemed to mock him, how naive he was to try and confront the Ender king!
Foolish crow... You dare challenge me on my own turf? You didn’t even bring anyone to help you, how do you expect to get away, let alone stop me?
Void tendrils seeped from the ground, pulling at Phil’s clothing, he pulled away from the tendrils and ran, this was a horrible idea! He pulled up the chat as he ran, clumsily typing for someone to help him.
Ph1lza: I need help
FitMC: where are you?
Etoiles: what happened??
Ph1lza: I cant type coords, find me on the map. Please come quick, its gotten out of hand.
Fit immediately jumped up, he knew what ‘it’ was, he quickly located Phil on the mini-map, he was over 500 blocks away from the closest warp, Fit cursed under his breath before warping. As soon as he got there, he checked what direction he was going before running. Minutes ticked by as Fit ran, he could see flashes of what looked like Etoiles, Bad, or Foolish. It hardly mattered as they all had the same goal, getting to Phil.
They wouldn't think anything of it, but when they ran, plants and trees moved to make a clear path, almost as if nature itself wanted to help Phil.
Phil’s legs burned as he pushed himself to his limit, he couldn't keep this up for long. He was so tired...
As Phil jumped to avoid another void spike as he dashed into an open field, he looked around for the best place to run to when suddenly he heard someone call out his name. There on the left was Fit! He dashed towards him, seeing others break the treeline. “FIT!” Phil screamed, feeling the void tendrils trying to trip or pull him.
“Phil! Grab my hand!” Fit shouted, holding his hand out. Phil lunged for Fits hand, he was so close! Just grab on and-
A void tendril grabbed Phil’s foot, the teleportation magic working immediately, Phio disappeared into a shimmer of ender particles, leaving only his hat behind.
Fit gasped, searching the area for where Phil could have gone. “Phil?!” Etoiles looked around frantically. “What on earth?! He just disappeared...” Bad muttered. Fit sighed, “I think I know what happened... Tell me, have you heard of the Ender king?”
(part 2 here)
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judethejudas · 2 years
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‘Strength Training’ Dead by Daylight— The Oni x Male! Reader Smut
You’re in a terrible mood, and it’s only gotten worse once you realize you’re going against the Oni. Thankfully, he has a cure for your sour mood.
WARNING: Highly sexual themes, slight mention of pedophilia (you’re an adult in this fic and so is he, don’t worry), swearing, blood, violence.
The shrieks of the crows rung in your ears as the entity was bringing you to your next challenge.
Was it really a challenge, or just one more horrific chapter in this never ending torture it put you and your teammates through.
You snapped your eyes open as you felt a gust of wind pushing you forward, and you immediately scowled.
Yamaoka Estate.
You hated how eerie this place was. It was full of hiding spots for killers like Ghostface and Michael to sneak up on you. Those two terrified you to know end and you prayed they weren’t in this match.
You also noticed you came here alone.
‘They must be on the other side of the estate.’ You huffed, walking sternly but cautiously to the nearest generator with a sour look on your face.
You stepped up to the large Japanese home. A beautiful but dilapidated building that could use a serious makeover. Or just a good sweep. You walked over the rubble in front of the door and went inside, finding a generator in one of the rooms and immediately going to work on it.
You shivered all of a sudden, which was a warning from the entity that one of your teammates had gotten hurt.
“Hope they’re okay..” you whispered to yourself, connecting the colored wires until they sparked a few times. You still had no idea who you were up against.
The teammate that was being chased was finally downed. You heard her yell from the other side of the map when the killer had knocked her to the ground.
You bit your lip as you were half done your generator, trying to prepare yourself for that horrible sound that was going to hit every corner of this place.
That bloodcurdling scream.
You nearly blew up the generator when she shrieked in such loud pain, but quickly composed yourself and kept working. She was too far for you to get so you trusted that she would be saved by the other two teammates.
Eighty percent done your generator. You were confident you would get it done soon-
You gasped as your hand slipped and pushed the wire too deep into the other, successfully ruining your hard work as the machine in front of you blew up violently.
You coughed as the smoke invaded your space and you tried waving it out, groaning in frustration at your clumsiness.
You froze in place as the killer roared loudly, and you knew exactly who you were up against now.
The fucking Oni.
You let out a few choice swears and hit your generator with your fist, now absolutely fed up with this round.
The samurai was dashing over here at such speed you could feel the rumbling of his stomps shaking the floor. You got up quickly and went for the nearest window in the room to jump— but you were too late.
You felt his large hand grabbing onto the back of your shirt, forcefully pulling you back and throwing you down on the floor.
You grunted in pain and glared up at the big fucker standing over you, who was looking back at you with pure hatred in his glowing eyes.
“Fuck you. Stop standing there and just fucking hit me already, you prick.” You hissed out. It’s not like he would understand completely since his natural tongue was Japanese.
But that didn’t make him any less angry with you. The venom in your voice told him your words were anything but kind.
The kanabo that was resting on his shoulder was now being held with both of his hands, raising it high over his head to strike you with a powerful force.
Shit. This was gonna hurt.
The Oni growled deeply as he swung his weapon down hard, and you were quick to dodge by rolling to the side. The floor was broken through by how hard he hit and you gasped, quickly crawling away and standing up on your feet.
The samurai was furious. He roared again as he turned to you, quickly taking another swing— to which you ducked down and he hit through the paper walls.
You laughed, running out of the room and down the hallway to escape him. He was eager to chase after you since he knew what a damn laugh meant, but he stopped himself and decided to go hunt for a different survivor. You’d be saved for the bitter end and he would have no mercy on you.
You left the house and ran towards the other side of the map, nearly tripping over the rocks as you were in a hurry. But you realized you weren’t being chased anymore and you slowed down, catching your breath.
You came across one of your teammates, David, and helped him with the generator he was on. You two made small talk, cracked a few jokes here and there, and took turns saving the other two teammates when they got hooked.
20 minutes had gone by and there was only one generator left to do.
Hah, you still weren’t hooked.
You grinned to yourself as you snuck your way over to the middle, finding another generator and quickly going to work on it. He hasn’t killed anyone yet either so you were confident you would all make it out of here together.
Then you shivered as one of your teammates got downed. It was alright though. None of you were on death hook so you could save whoever it was.
You heard David’s scream ring out but it wasn’t because he was getting hooked.
No. He was getting killed.
You quickly jumped to your feet and looked around to see if they were near you, but found no one. How did David get killed? He wasn’t on death hook so he couldn’t have gotten mori’d. None of you were.
You rubbed your arms in worry and went back to work on your generator. Perhaps you weren’t paying attention and David WAS on death hook.
Then you heard Nea going down. Huh? How was that possible? She was full health! She couldn’t have-
Her scream echoed out and you flinched, letting go of the levers on the generator and standing up to your feet. She was getting killed too.
It was just you and Claudette now, and you realized why all this was happening.
Devour Hope, the most vicious hex there was. And you were determined to find it.
You started with the area around you. Making your way to other corners of the map and finding all the usual totem spots, but found no hexed totem. You saw Claudette looking too and exchanged scared looks, but kept the search on separately.
You found yourself back at the Japanese home and started looking in there. Carefully and quietly, you crept through the hallway and into the rooms. Fuck. Where was this thing?
You heard the soft crackling of fire in one of the bedrooms and quickly went over, finding that awful totem containing the hex. You contained your excitement as you started dismantling it.
Then you heard Claudette get knocked down.
“No, no, no..!” You tried hurrying and ending up burning your finger on the lit part of the totem. You hissed in pain but kept going.
Claudette’s scream was loud in your ears when you finally got rid of the hex.
You threw the skull of the hex hard against the wall and yelled in anger. You felt as if you killed her yourself by not finding the totem sooner and held your head in your hands, waiting for the Oni to just come and hook you already.
You felt the tears welling up in your eyes as you hurled every insult at yourself, wishing it was you he got instead of her. Instead of all of them.
You felt a presence nearby and you quickly looked up, seeing the hulking mass of the samurai at the doorway. He was silent as he stared at you and you scowled, standing up.
“Well? Go on then. I’m standing right fucking here.” You spat out, even taking a few steps forward to shorten the distance between you two.
The Oni raised his blade as he began walking to you slowly, not breaking eye contact as he circled you like a vulture.
He didn’t forget the insults from earlier or the laugh you let out.
The warrior took a swing at you and couldn’t dodge it this time. It hit your arm and left a very nasty cut running from your shoulder down to your elbow.
You gasped and held onto your bleeding arm, immediately backing up away from the imposing man. You ended up tripping on the dirty futon below and landed on your side with a grunt.
The Oni was closing in on you, whipping his blade to the side to flick the blood off. His breathing was getting raspier and heavier as he was now standing over you.
Hardly a challenge, the samurai scoffed and raised his blade again.
You made the last minute decision to kick his leg hard.
The Oni shrieked in pain, losing his balance and kneeling down on his uninjured knee— his blade landing a few feet away from him. You attempted to run away but he was quick to grab your bloodied arm, throwing you back down to the floor as you groaned.
The samurai couldn’t be bothered to find his weapon as he got on top of you, determined to finish you off with his strength alone. You’ve caused quite enough trouble for him.
You kept throwing your fists at his arms but it did very little damage and he wasn’t even acknowledging the tiny assaults. But it was very annoying so he pinned down your wrists to the futon, growling at you to quit it already.
You scowled at him and started squirming, but that quickly stopped when you saw him leaning down to your bleeding arm.
“Hey! What are you-?”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence when you felt his tongue invading your horrific gash and you screamed in pain.
You pleaded for him to stop but he wouldn’t. Instead, he lifted his mask up a little to reveal his mouth and he started sucking the blood from your wound. The tears were coming back and you squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to see your blood staining the killer’s mouth.
And the worst part was? This was strangely turning you on. The way his tongue was dragging along your broken skin and his breath on your flesh making you tremble.
It didn’t help that his knee was pressing up against your groin too.
The Oni felt his power collecting as he licked up your blood and he didn’t want to stop until you had none left. He was intent on killing you one way or another.
Your head moved from side to side, panting hard as you felt both pain and pleasure building up.
It didn’t take long for the Oni to feel your erection pressing against him.
He pulled away from your arm and looked down, seeing the outline of your bulge through your pants. You quickly became embarrassed and hid your face with your hands. The Oni tilted his head and let out a deep chuckle.
You were in pain, clearly excited, and ashamed of yourself? Could there be a better combination for the enemy?
His hand came down to grab at your clothed cock and you gasped, quickly uncovering your eyes to look at him in shock.
He stared back at you with a mix of hatred, triumph and lust. And you quickly knew he had the upper hand here.
“No, no. Please don’t..” you whimpered when he ripped your pants and underwear open, taking your dick out and touching it more.
You hated how much you liked the feeling of his hand on you. Touching you. It had been so long that you never thought of things like this anymore.
He practically tore off the armor that was covering his groin and he grabbed your hand, making you palm him too. You sucked in a harsh breath as you felt how huge he was. Huge and very hard.
The Oni’s breathing was getting heavier and heavier as you kept touching him. And his eyes seemed to burn brighter as he got hornier with each passing moment.
The warrior recalled a time where he spied on his sensei having sex with another man and it was shocking. When he confronted him about it, his sensei told him that strength increased when you slept with the same sex and the bond was much more powerful.
He sensed your strength when you tried fighting him off before, and he craved it.
His excitement was getting to be too much and he took his cock out from his pants, spitting on his hand and giving it a few pumps.
You watched him with a bite of your lip, getting nervous as his dick was a monstrous size. He must’ve been 12 inches and looked very thick.
So when he grabbed your hips and brought you closer to him, you pleaded with him again.
“Please don’t just shove it in!” You cried out as he pulled the rest of your pants and underwear down— exposing your ass.
The Oni didn’t understand your language but he could definitely tell you were nervous. He glanced down at his cock and your ass. The size difference was painfully obvious and he figured you’d be in quite a bit of pain if he just started fucking you right away. Would that mess with the strength he was trying to take from you? Perhaps he had to go slowly.
He brought his hand up and licked his fingers to get them slick with spit. It didn’t take him long to put one finger inside and you squirmed uncomfortably, groaning out in slight pain as his fingers were big too.
He continued to prep you and added another finger, stretching you out to accommodate his size as best he could.
Just when it was starting to feel good, the samurai took his digits out and you whined.
The Oni let out a condescending laugh when you made such a pathetic noise. What a change in character from the person you were before.
Soon the head of his cock was poking your ass and you slapped a hand over your mouth, preparing for the pain.
And boy, was it painful.
You squealed into your hand as the Oni pushed 3/4 of his length inside you and he grunted lowly. It was so tight. But it was such an addicting heat you had that he wanted more. So he pushed the rest of himself inside you.
The tears streamed down your cheeks as he started thrusting and you let out pained grunts each time. He was just too big, you figured you’d never get used to it.
But you did.
His cock found your prostate quickly and you let out a surprised moan. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you ached your back a few inches off the floor.
Fuck, that felt better than it should’ve.
The Oni grabbed one of your legs and put them over his broad, muscled shoulder and thrusted deeper into you— making sure to hit that special spot that made such a cute noise come out of you. He breathlessly chuckled, seeing your pained expression become lustful and desperate for more.
Your hand grabbed his and you pulled him down to your level, staring into the reds of his eyes with horny, half lidded eyes.
“Harder.” You told him. And he caught on quickly.
Your other leg came to rest on his opposite shoulder and his pace was becoming more rough. Loud moans and groans left your mouth and you clawed at the futon beneath you as the pleasure was building up.
The samurai growled and latched his mouth onto your neck, biting into it so he could get another taste of your blood. You let out a silent gasp, not being able to create a noise when you felt his tongue lapping up the blood and sucking so harshly.
“Oh god.. oh fuck..” You breathed out, over and over again as you bounced back and forth on his dick.
The Oni definitely got strength as he was absorbing your blood and he thrusted harder. His release was close and he suspected yours was too.
You panted as you felt your neglected cock swelling up and leaking pre cum, whimpering and whining as it was becoming too much.
The warrior above you left your neck and shoved his tongue into your mouth, sharing the taste of your blood.
You groaned into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer and running your fingers through his long white hair.
Your cock suddenly let out strings of white cum that landed on the Oni’s chest and stomach— as well as your own.
The man on top of you gave one last thrust and buried his seed deep inside you, letting out a snarl as you clenched around him and pulled away from your mouth.
He had so much cum that it was spilling before he even took his cock out, which wasn’t a surprise to you at all. This man had to be more than 200 years old.
You tried not to pass out since the blood loss was starting to get to you and made you very lightheaded. The Oni himself felt better than he had before.
He pulled his cock out of you and tucked himself away. His armor was placed back on and he stood up, going to grab his weapon.
You could only stare at him tiredly as he placed his sword in its sheath and left the house. He was out to collect the rest of the blood splattered on the map to prepare for his next match.
You didn’t expect him to give you aftercare anyways.
After gaining some strength, you pulled yourself up and groaned in pain. Your backside was very sore and your arm and neck started throbbing, but you forced yourself to go.
The hatch was still an escape option, and you needed to find it before the Oni did.
Well this was a long one. I wonder if anyone else has a severe crush on this man like I do?
Also that whole ‘sleeping with the same sex increases strength’ thing is apparently true and it’s what the old and young samurai did with each other to strengthen the bond and believed sleeping with women actually made you weaker. It’s quite gross since the younger samurai in-training are almost always children. >:(
Next time I’m writing Trickster
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barrenclan · 11 months
I finally got the dream curse!!
I had a dream where I, a couple of people, and a bunch of cats from BarrenClan went into a weird cave to look for a deer named Starspot, who had the ability to use magic. We were on a mission to recruit her before Deepdark could, and so she could explode him from a distance.
But instead of that, we found a god, humanoid, glowing blue with white eyes and cat ears, who declared that they were the greatest god. They picked up Asphodelpaw and an anthropomorphic flower and ate them both as a display of power. The only way to defeat them was to give them a challenge they couldn’t beat.
Which turned out to be a challenge in itself, as more and more people ended up being eaten after this god just bent reality to make the challenge beatable. Pinepaw challenged them to a race, and the god just teleported to the finish line.
Soon it was only three people left: myself, Mallowstar (who was my father somehow, despite me being very much human) and Kaz Brekker (from Six of Crows). Kaz had an idea for a truly unbeatable challenge: in order for the god to win, Kaz had to say the word “debt.” I suggested adding a time limit, because if he ever said it in passing then that could be it. He agreed, and chose one minute.
We sat at my kitchen table with the god and explained the rules. They weren’t able to decline a challenge, so it began.
The god tried making small talk, which Kaz responded with one word answers. The god became more desperate as the time started to run out, and just screamed the word “DEBT!” over and over.
As the clock hit zero, the god turned into dust and swirled away. The three of us were free to leave.
As we left, I turned to Mallowstar and asked if we ever actually found Starspot in this horrible journey. We had not. We kinda just went “welp” and walked to my car.
This really took for me a ride, I love it. The plot twist of appearance of Kaz? Delightful. Your Dad Mallowstar? My dad too. The fact that you didn't accomplish anything in the end, such a dream thing to happen.
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ruins-and-rewritez · 6 months
for the crows: lgbtq+ identities go!!
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[Photo ID: Text that reads; Kaz: I don’t I understand why I’d have to explain myself to you or anyone else. If I want to kiss Inej that’s my business not that I want to kiss her not that I don’t want to kiss her. You know what? I’m not answering this, I’ll kiss who I want and if it just so happens to be Inej then that’s merely a coincidence... (He continued to ramble on in the manner for several minutes so I had to cut the response short) ;End Text. Accompanied by a picture of Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter) Labeled; 17, Despises Labels. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Picture of Inej Ghafa (Amita Suman) Labeled; 16, Straight-Adjacent. Accompanied by text that reads; Inej: I’m not really up for a relationship at the moment, but as a general statement I prefer men when considering the future . That’s not to say I wouldn’t consider my other choices if the occasion arose. ; End Text. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text that reads; Jesper: Boys are pretty, girls are pretty, as long as their up for it I’m ready to kiss anyone (muffled off-screen swearing) AND.- and by anyone I mean my one and only boyfriend Wylan I definitely will never try to ever kiss anyone else (nervous laughter) ; End Text. Accompanied by a picture of Jesper Fahey (Kit Young) Labeled; 17 Bi-Disaster. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Picture of Wylan Hendricks (Jack Wolfe) Labeled; 16, Baby Gay. Accompanied by text that reads; Wylan: Boys. Definitely. I mean I’ve already got one and have no plans on exchanging him unless he does something really stupid like oh I don’t know...make out with someone who happens to look exactly like me by mistake? Just a thought. End Text. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text that reads; Nina: gender doesn’t really matter all that much to me, everyone has always just been so unique and beautiful to me no matter how they choose to be identified. But if we’re being specific, I prefer great big brutes with absolutely horrible social skills, it’s so fun to tease them into adoring me. ; End Text. Accompanied by a picture of Nina Zenik (Danielle Galligan) Labeled; 17, Pan Empress. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Picture of Matthias Helvar (Calahan Skogman) Labeled; 18, Token Straight. Accompanied by text that reads; Matthias: I haven’t really ever given it much thought, but I guess if were to be with someone I would very much like it be someone who would challenge me. Some who would push me to be my best self. Someone unforgettable. The kind of girl you might dream of in your darkest nights.....(trailed off into thought); End Text. End ID]
Ask The Crows your own questions!
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annabelle-creart · 2 months
Ok, so
Rescue Bots,
But they're playing Rusty Lake games:
Blades got so obssesed with Paradox that asked Dani to pay for the second chapter and his mind got CRAZY for it since then, now ask him whatever thing you want, you will get a creepy theory based answer, and also, his favorite characters are Laura Vanderboom, Harvey and the Crow
Boulder didn't got it at the beginning and took them a lot to understand what happened, they had to ask Chase to help them during Case 23 (although, they like Harvey a lot)
Chase got obssesed with the detective Vandermeer's history and Laura's case, he wasn't capable of letting go Case 23 until he finished it and since then, it became his comfort game, and yes, like Blades, he played ALL the saga only to discover more of Vandermeer, who became his favorite character
Heatwave is still trying to understand why Chase and Blades are so obssesed with Rusty Lake, he understands the dinamics but the story is so out of mind that he didn't fully understood what the frag was happening
Blurr is not as nerdy as Chase but definitely, she likes a good out of mind story, she watched Chase play Case 23 and since then, she plays with him, her favorite game is The Past Within, which she played for the first time with Chase, and her second favorite is Arles, but only because is the only game it seems is not connected to the principal plot and because Van Goghs is her favorite historical person, she stills get fuzzy when trying to understand what's happening on the game's universe, but she enjoys calling Albert by all types of horrible nicknames and to insult him as much as possible
Salvage is the type of guy who plays only to relaxe, so, even if he likes the Rusty Lake saga and his favorite game is Paradise and The White Door, he prefers the Dark Dome's mobile games, which have similar dynamics but a more lineal and easy story, his favorite character of Dark Dome is Laia and from Rusty Lake are Rose and Harvey
Quickshadow don't get why the hype for the story but she enjoys a good game that challenges her mind, her favorites are Samsara Room and Theather, because those are the most hard to solve, Underground Blossom, cause of the plot, and Brithday, for its crude story (nonetheless, she gets a little triggered every time she plays Birthday due to... well, I will not spoil you the game, its free), she doesn't have favorite characters but she likes the sensation she is given each time the Shadow appears
Hightide hates the fact he has to search for walktrhoughs because he don't undertstand how to play any of the games, which is funny because the first Rusty Lake game he played was The Lake, which, for the rest of the team, is probably the easiest of all the Rusty Lake collection
They all discovered Rusty Lake because of Cody, he found it and he said "hey, these games are cool, I'm gonna show it to the bots" he is still wandering if it was a good decision but he is happy that the rest enjoy it
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sentientgolfball · 14 days
Ghoul Files: Cirrus
Welcome to my little series of ghoul character sheets. The Files are basically little living documents of how I headcanon/characterize each ghoul. I've made one for every ghoul (yes every ghoul) and I'll be slowly uploading them alphabetically by era just for the hell of it.
Check out her design here !
Name: Cirrus
Element: Air
Pronouns: she/her 
Powers: Can create gusts of wind, summon small storms, manipulate air pressure, create vacuums by pulling air out of places (yes this includes living creatures), use airflow to lift small objects, she can’t fly but if she jumps off a high place she can float down. 
Love language (giving): Gift giving. She has crow brain. She sees a cool rock or a neat piece of metal and she’s grabbing it and affectionately handing it to one of her packmates. 
Love language (receiving): Words of affirmation and acts of service. She’s so soft when someone says sweet little things to her and takes time out of their day to do something for her. 
Pairings: She’s the closest with Cumulus. If they’re not with the pack, it is rare to see one without the other. She also likes to hang out with Mountain. She likes the way he keeps her grounded. Aether is her other go to ghoul. Sometimes she doesn’t want to be the one in charge, the one responsible, and he’s always more than willing to hold her for a while. 
Influential Others: Zephyr means the world to her. They were her mentor when she was still new. Even in the present, she still goes to Zephyr when she’s really struggling. She still feels like she can’t fill their shoes, but they’re her number one fan. 
Kinds of People Liked: She likes honest people in all degrees. People who tell the truth, but also people who are upfront with what they want or need. She doesn’t want to play guessing games. Also sickeningly sweet people. She finds their natural affection so endearing. 
Kinds of People Disliked: People who seem to have a stick permanently up their ass. She gets very annoyed very quickly with people who can’t allow themselves to relax or take it easy. She sees red when people like that crank it up a notch and shame others for finding joy in small or strange ways. 
Time in the Pits: She was the leader of her flock in the Pits. Cumulus was her mate, they’ve been bound together for centuries. She kept them safe, kept them alive. It wasn’t a gigantic flock, but it wasn’t small either. She has plenty of scars from challenges to her position, but she never lost a fight. She truly believed she was the best thing for her flock, that no one could do it like her. She was fair with punishments, tried to keep hunting and scouting equal between all members. She wasn't horribly ambitious, not willing to throw her flock into senseless fights just for more territory. However, she was fierce when she needed to be. Her greatest accomplishment was killing a quintessence ghoul that tried to use her flock for food. 
Sense of Humor: Physical/slapstick. She has to stifle a laugh when she sees people fall down the stairs or accidentally run into something. She’ll ask if you’re okay and genuinely mean it, but the moment she knows everything is fine and no one’s actually hurt she’s gonna need a minute. 
Basic Nature: She cares and will be there for those she’s close with even if she’s not great with her words, but she’s also not afraid to snap and be blunt if she needs to be. She can be really physically affectionate and a little sentimental and it sometimes makes people forget she’s a natural leader. When she speaks you listen. 
Compulsions/Habits: She has to have a nest of blankets in order to fall asleep. She will meticulously create a nest if she’s not sleeping in her own room for the night before she turns in. She also tends to bite when she’s grooming one of her packmates, she’s used to preening feathers it’s not her fault. She self isolates whenever she has a migraine. She’ll only call on someone when it gets bad enough for her to begrudgingly take painkillers. 
Fears: Tight spaces. She’s very claustrophobic. She also has a fear of failure. Failure in the Pits meant someone getting hurt or worse. While obviously that’s not the case Topside it’s something she can’t shake. 
Attitude Towards Own Body: She’s content with no strong opinions. However, when she dresses up she likes to flaunt cause she knows she looks good. 
Sees Self As: Strong enough to shoulder everything thrown at her. 
Hobbies: Exercising! She likes to lift and do cardio. She also does yoga with Mountain. Falconry. She’s made great friends with the falcons that reside on the Ministry rooftops. She’s trained them to act as her eyes for the places she can’t always see. She loves them to death. 
Pastimes: She likes to do word puzzles. She also lets Cumulus and Aurora essentially play dress up with her. She likes it when they do her makeup and hair cause she is not the type to do it herself. 
Collections: Bones. She has so many bones and no one knows where she keeps getting more. 
Reading Materials Preferred: She enjoys reading books about mythology. The stories that have survived through all of human history fascinate her. 
Most Prized Possession: Her keytar. It was given to her by Zephyr. It was the thing that essentially brought her Topside. It’s what keeps her close to all the ghouls. Since Zephyr can’t play it anymore because of their condition she sees it as letting a part of them still make music. 
Favorite Colors: gold
Favorite Foods: She likes foods that aren’t super heavy but still have plenty of flavor. Her favorite thing to eat are those little tortilla pinwheel roll ups. She likes how she can swap out ingredients for variety while still having it be simple and easy to make. 
General Likes: making collages, picnics, fireflies, sitting outside during storms 
General Dislikes: Getting her feathers soaked, cold weather, having her quiet time disturbed, carpeted floors 
Is Seen By Others As: An affectionate person with a big heart but also a little intimidating. 
Typical First Impression: Lioness. She’s going to eat me whole and leave nothing behind. Those scars tell a story and it can’t be a good one. 
Morning Routine: She eats breakfast with the pack before going to relieve the ghoul who was on night watch. Her job allows her to go all over the Ministry, so she makes it a point to visit each packmate throughout the day. 
Evening Routine: She always walks back to the den with Mountain since he’s always working late in the greenhouse. She showers before cuddling up with the other ghoulettes in the common area while they wait for dinner to be finished. She works on whatever sudoku or word puzzle book she currently has as a way to wind down before bed. That or she decides to go see who’s willing to take a strap for a few hours. It’s important to relieve stress before going to sleep. 
Strongest Character Trait: Her patience. She may snap here or there to keep everyone on track, but it takes a lot for her to get there. She prefers a softer approach and usually, that works, so that’s why it’s terrifying when she has to remind whoever why she was a pack leader in the Pits for so long. 
Weakest Character Trait: She’s a perfectionist for herself. She holds herself to impossibly high standards and gets frustrated when she doesn’t meet them. It’s actually something she and Dew have in common, but unlike him, she doesn’t freeze and go cold when it happens. She explodes. She’s less affectionate and energetic. She has to take a moment to herself to settle, she won’t even let Cumulus see her like that. She cries until her throat is raw. Once she’s calmed down, though, she finds her and buries herself in her. 
Mental/Emotional Blocks: Ghouls by themselves are matriarchal. In the Pits it’s the ghoulettes who are in charge of packs/flocks/schools/hordes. However when the silly humans of the Ministry got involved they decided that fire ghouls are the ‘leaders’ since they hold the same element as the Morning Star. This is purely for bureaucracy and means nothing outside of ghoul/clergy meetings. Cirrus didn’t like this. When she was first summoned her and Dew would butt heads a lot. Sometimes she still gets pissy when he has to go to Clergy meetings and she can’t do anything except remind him of the things the ghouls need. She freaks out. It’s not that she doesn’t trust him to mention everything he needs to do, but it just stresses her out because she’s not directly involved. 
Chores/other job: When not on tour, she patrols the grounds of the Ministry. She perches on the bell towers and watches. She connects to the air to feel for any disturbances. She sends her falcons out. If she finds any trespassers she hunts them down and brings them before Papa so he can decide what to do with them. 
Long Term Goals: She and Ifrit actually share a plan to convince Papa to get permission from the Clergy to allow them to start up small self-defense classes. When she began getting to know the humans of the Ministry after she was summoned she learned many of them come from horrible situations. She showed a few of her favorites how to get someone on the floor. When Ifrit found out the two started to hatch the plan together. 
Present Problems: She is a bit stressed about the growth of the church. Not because she doesn’t enjoy the new people and ghouls, but because she may be asked to leave on an assistance trip like Sunshine. Would she come back when the new branch was established? Yes, but the idea of not being surrounded by other ghouls all the time freaks her out. That and she’d worry too much about what was happening back at home. 
One-Line Characterization: Cirrus is a natural leader who helps keep the pack organized. 
Room description: She has a queen-sized bed, but it’s only ever used when she has company. She has a nest of pillows, blankets, and soft things in the corner of her room where she sleeps. It’s pretty clean, but the floor is littered with her and Cumulus’ feathers. She has no light in her room beside the windows, she doesn’t feel the need since ghouls have good dark vision. She has a small TV in her room for nights when she’d rather stay in. She has a potted gladiolus on her desk. 
Summoning: She spilled a lot of blood when she was summoned. She came out of the circle swinging and screaming. Omega had to hold her down until she gave up trying to attack. She was convinced they were going to kill her. She calmed down significantly when Zephyr showed up. Seeing another air ghoul made her realize she wasn’t going to die, but she was now terrified for her pack back in the Pits. It took her a while to warm up to the other ghouls, so she stayed glued to Cumulus and Zephyr for months. She was scared. She had attacked and been attacked by ghouls of all elements in the Pits. Her curiosity about humans did, however, break her out of her shell and led to her getting to know her new packmates. 
Favorite position: She likes her partners bent over for her. Also under her, but honestly she just kinda lets the situation unfold before deciding what she’s in the mood for. 
Dom/sub: Dom. She’s a bit of a pleasure dom, definitely going to wring multiple orgasms from her partner. She will get her partner to whimper. She is pretty damn close to being a stone top, but she has her moments where she’d rather receive. 
Risk: She kind of likes to push boundaries. Obviously she’ll stop if told, but she likes to see how far she can get. She’ll draw blood. She’ll corner someone behind some crates with crew members only 5 feet away. She’ll leave her door unlocked, maybe cracked open if she’s really feeling it. 
Kinks: Power play. She goes crazy for having her partner beg and having total control over them. Marking, she is going to cover her partner. Orgasm denial and edging, but this kinda pairs with the power play. Temperature play. Loves to see how her element can be used. 
Aftercare: Very intimate. She’s going to praise her partner while she gives them soft kisses. Going to dress them in her clothes if they’ll fit, if not she’s going to wrap them in her biggest, softest blanket and lay on top of them. If they wanna shower she’ll use her shampoo and body wash so they smell like her. 
Noise level: She’s decently loud, a good mix of talking and noises. However, she is going to make sure her partner can be heard down the hall. 
Surprise: She very much enjoys it when her partner challenges her. If you want her to be mean and manhandle you then all you have to do is challenge her control. She likes fighting (and winning) that control. She doesn’t mind when her partner gives in right away, but oh boy, if you want to really get her going challenge her.
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jackwolfes · 1 year
46 with kaz/wylan would be pretty interesting...
a kiss out of jealousy
Jesper Fahey's stupid pretty mouth is ruining Wylan's day. 
His foot taps in the air where he has one leg folded over the opposite knee. Petulance reigns. With his arms crossed over his chest Wylan watches Jesper across the busy floor of the Crow Club. He's awfully close to the new kid, who Wylan likes even less than he likes Jesper — and he barely likes Jesper. It's just that he has an upsettingly well-shaped set of lips and a smile that glints like stained glass on a church window even on cloudy days. What does Wylan have? Not a crush. Just an endless well of irritation over the fact such a frustrating man can be so — attractive. And a considerable amount of distaste for the fact he's fairly sure Jesper has just stuck his hand up another man's shirt in public.
Wylan huffs, jerking his face to the side.  
"Should someone tell Kuwei you're jealous of him?" The words rasp like salt over stone. Wylan rolls his eyes when he looks over at Kaz, frustration mounting. 
"I am not jealous," he says. "I am annoyed about the fact some people seem to think it's acceptable to air all their dirty laundry in the middle of a bar."
"Ironic, given this conversation." 
Wylan spins his bar stool around fully, wondering if he can will Jesper to take his stupid flirting somewhere else by just ignoring it. As if Jesper cares what you do, he thinks coldly. 
"You started it," he replies. 
"Are you going to finish it, then?"
The challenge in Kaz's voice, provocative as it always is, makes Wylan go still. Kaz watches him like an eagle, dark eyes intense as they catalogue every inch of him. It's a disarming stare, and it takes him apart. Perhaps that's just the knowledge that Kaz is seeing every single one of his weaknesses and flaws. 
And in that moment Wylan really looks at Kaz. He sees the arch of his brow and the long slope of his nose, taking in the real shape of Kaz Brekker. Wylan finds the words on his tongues shrivelling like fruit in the sun. His gaze goes lower. Kaz's lips. Now Wylan can all but feel Jesper's eyes on him from across the room, damn certain he's imagining it — but what if he's not? What if Jesper was watching, and what if Wylan could give him a show? Make him jealous? 
Suddenly all Wylan can see in his head is the future. It's an upside down world where nothing holds him back from surging up and taking Kaz's face in his hands to press their lips together. Wylan might pull him down but in all likelihood Kaz would take the lead. Push Wylan back against the bar, maybe, or even decide to grab a chair of his own and pull Wylan into his lap. These stools would be horrible for it but in the dream haze of Wylan's imagination nothing like that matters. The only thing that matters is the viscerally felt sensation of Kaz's mouth against his, ravishing him. He'd let Kaz take so many liberties, eager for teeth biting lips and tongues taking control. Maybe even hands under his shirt — let Jesper watch all that. 
Wylan clears his throat. The drink in front of him remains untouched, but he doesn't want it. His face feels hot, though. His whole body does. The world in his head is an imaginary one, but he isn't certain that Kaz can't see it too.
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autisticsupervillain · 2 months
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Stats Equalized!
This Month's Fighters...
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Davepetasprite^2 vs Stevonnie!
No other restrictions.
Steven and Connie are going on a date fused together as Stevonnie on the beach when Davepeta crashes down to Earth right in front of them. Stevonnie asks if they've alright as they pull them from the crater, but Davepeta brushes it off, casually explaining that they've been at war with the New Galactic Republic ever since some guy named Horn beat up Sollux and now some Skywalker guy blasted them across time and space. This does not make Stevonnie any less concerned, especially as they don't know what any of that means beyond "war" and "blasted across time and space" but the topic gets side tracked when Davepeta points out that their gemstone belly button looks a lot like "that Universe guy" and asks if they've landed in Gem Territory. Stevonnie explains that they kind of are Steven and the two get into comparing and contrasting how Gems snd Sprites fuse. Davepeta ponders out loud which kind of fusion is stronger and challenges Stevonnie to a sparring match.
"Um, didn't you just say you're in a war?"
"B33 < nah, it's chill. the war's nothing purrsonal, i'm sure skyguy will understand if i hold off on kicking his ass fur a bit."
"Every word out of your mouth makes me more concerned...."
Analysis: Davepetasprite^2
Sprites. The mysterious, aloof guides of the Gods. When mortal beings play the video game SBURB to become the gods of a New Universe, the Sprites are assigned as their guides. In order for a session to be successful, Sprites most be fused with physical objects, be that an inanimate toy, a dead creature, or even a living person so that they might have the sentience to guide their assigned Player through their quest.
Davesprite was one such Sprite. Hailing from a doomed timeline where his best friend John died horribly, Davesprite traveled back to prevent this future, becoming his past self's Sprite in the new timeline.
While this did successfully prevent the death of his friend, Davesprite didn't anticipate how this would effect himself. The versions of his friends in this new timeline weren't the same people he knew in his timeline. John was back, but it wasn't his John. His friends didn't even consider him to be the "real Dave" anymore. They had a Dave. And it wasn't him. The timeline didn't need two Daves anymore. He was just leftovers.
He was just a Sprite. A figment of a dead timeline. What use would he be when the story was over?
Dave would unwittingly get his answer after inadvertently fusing with Nepetasprite. The two were merged and reborn again as something new. Part troll, part human, part crow. Reformed not as a leftover Dave or forgotten Nepeta, but as something entirely themselves.
It helps that they're indisputably the most powerful Sprite in Paradox Space. That's a nice boon.
As a fully Prototyped Sprite, Davepetasprite^2 should have all of the boons inherent to their biology. Sprites can become intangible at will, create light constructs like a green lantern ring, fly, and posses a natural nigh-omniscient understanding of SBURB and its function in the greater multiverse... at least, in so far as it would help their assigned Player. Furthermore, as a fully realized Sprite, Davepeta has very little worry of accidentally fusing with something or someone just by touching them for too long.
It helps that their components are absolute juggernauts in their own right. Any version of Dave or Nepeta could be counted among the most skilled fighters Paradox Space has to offer and Davepetasprite^2 has the combined experiences of both of them. Nepeta was a proud hunter who happily battled the beasts of hellplanet Alternia while Davesprite could go toe to toe against 3x Prototyped Jack Noir, who could slaughter entire armies single handed. Both of these fighters could demolish the armies of Derse, but combined together, they gave even Lord English, the destoyer of all Paradox Space, a good fight.
In many ways, Davepetasprite^2 is the ultimate payoff that both Nepeta and Davesprite could ask for. Two characters made irrelevant, tragically left behind by their closest friends after fulfilling their one purpose, reborn again as something new. Something themselves.
Claw claw, meowtherfuckers.
Analysis: Stevonnie
Fusion. The ultimate form of bond between Gems. The physical embodiment of a relationship between two people, coming together to create something entirely new. Literally.
With Gems, this merging is possible only because their bodies are physically made of hard light. As such, a fusion between and human and a gem is impossible. Or was, until Steven Universe came along. As a half gem, half human, Steven was able to create the first gem human fusion in history. A living statement of his close bond between him and his girlfriend Connie. Something entirely new. Stevonnie.
Naturally, Stevonnie has all of Steven's Gem powers combined with Connie's keen tactical mind, creating a skilled and versatile warrior. A hero that the Crystal Gems could be proud of. They wield Steven's nigh indestructible pink shields, which they can materialize at any time, either portably or around their entire body. They've also been known to wield Rose's Sword, an absolute giant of a sword that was specifically designed to cut through Gems with ease.
On top their weapons, Stevonnie has access to all of Steven's powers, including his limited flight, regeneration, mental projection, healing spit, and even life creation. The end result is a devastatingly versatile foe, likely the most powerful and versatile across the entire universe, as Stevonnie's three-fourths human physiology makes them immune to most gem neutralizing weapons.
Both Steven and Connie have been trained by the Cystal Gems, the thousand year old protectors of Earth, and both have fought against the toughest warriors the galaxy has to offer. As Stevonnie, they were able to defeat Jasper, a perfect quartz gem super soldier, while both of their components have teamed up to save the entire planet from the Homeworld Empire on several occasions.
All together, Stevonnie is the best attributes of both their components, making them arguably the greatest hero in the universe. The perfectly embody the compassion, trust, and hope that their relationship is built on. The perfect representation of both Steven and Connie.
Throwdown Breakdown:
This fight is an interesting one. Both characters share quite a few strengths and weaknesses. While both fusions can be undercut and even destroyed if their components aren't seeing eye to eye, the situation here is pretty unlikely to create that internal conflict and neither one of these fighters would willingly press each other's trauma buttons even if they had the means to.
Both should be pretty even in terms of skill. Both fusions are made up of some of the best fighters their universes can offer, to the point where some of their best feats were considered completely impossible. Connie can fight as an equal with and against centuries old Gem warriors, all while swinging around a sword roughly as big as she is, cutting through cars in a single swing. On the other hand, Nepeta is such a skilled fighter and proud hunter that she's completely unaffected by the hellish nightmares that plague troll kind, as for her, it's just reliving proud memories of the hunt. And so on.
On the one hand, I do think Stevonnie is going to be better coordinated tactically. Steven and Connie have been close friends since childhood, going on constant death defying adventures together while Dave and Nepeta are relative strangers brought together by happenstance. However, I would say Davepeta's skill feats as a whole edge out Stevonnie's. Both characters have fought against ancient empire built on Eons of conquest, but whereas the Homeworld Empire has always been a massive threat, Nepeta and her friends curbstomped roughly 90% of Derse with disappointing ease, minus some roadblocks here or there. So really, it all kinda cancels out skill wise, with one team being better together innately while the other is more skilled in general.
Ultimately, this is decided by powers and abilities. In which case, I'd say Davepeta's arsenal counters Stevonnie's.
Intangibility is a perfect counter against Stevonnie's shields, Davepeta has slightly better flight due to it not being just a form of self gravity manipulation like what Steven does, and Nepeta has innate mental resistances the nullify Steven's telepathic powers.
Remember those dreams I mentioned earlier? It's been very heavily implied that these nightmares are either caused by the horrorterrors, or by the purple bloods keepinh Alternia in line. Either way, that's a massive scale of mind control that Nepeta is simply unaffected by, meaning she should be able to just push Steven out of Davepeta's mind if he tries anything.
While this would by no means be an easy fight, especially with Stevonnie's fast acting regeneration, Davepeta's intagibility is a counter that Stevonnie simply has no real answer too. It would be a hard fought fight... but the Sprite beats the Gem this time.
This Month's Winner is...
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bobbybutterfly · 6 months
Last year of being a fucking teenager! LET’S GOOO!
I wanted to make a special post. But I was too busy drawing Squirrel and Hedgehog characters inspired by the main six ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I wonder what is the crossover between the SaH and MLP fandom. I know of one blog.
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First of all we got Rainbow Dash as a crow captain. I think this is the first time I’m posting my new way of drawing antro birds. Previously I drew them with hands. They were supposed to be like rolled up wings but I don’t think I conveyed it visually. It was funny to imagine them flying by just flapping their hands about. Like the bird people in Bojack Horseman and Tuca and Birdy. It works for those shows but not for my edgy Squirrel and Hedgehog AU.
I made Rainbow Dash a crow because WE NEED MORE CROW OCs. The crows in the show are treated horribly! There’s no named crow character and when they show up they’re usually beaten up and killed. I want to make a crow OC challenge where we all make a crow OC (duh). I’ll probably make a separate shorter post announcing it. I don’t know how many people actually read these rambles. But you can start drawing your OCs if you want.
Now. Back on topic. Rainbow Dash. Her backstory. Simple. I’ve got NO IDEAS. Personality wise she’s the same as the show. Bossy tomboy.
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Next up. Fluttershy. I never actually drawn a duck besides Murori. Well. And a couple background ducks. Which reminds me I should add wings to them.
There’s a little more to her. Once again. Personality same as the show. She didn’t want to join the military. Obviously, look at her! In my AU the Duck Village is very patriarchal. Women aren’t even allowed to fly. Fluttershy would be fine with that. But tough luck. With the war everyone who can fly has to apply.
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Lastly for today Pinkie Pie. I could have done the pun of Porkie Pie but… just as with crows we need more rabbit OCs. I’ve seen one and that’s it.
The backstory for her is that she ran away from her abusive family to Flower Hill. She’s always cheerful and bit of a clown. Believing everyone deserves a laugh especially during something as tough as a war.
I had fun designing all of them. I’ve been watching a lot of Jackie Drojko on YouTube so I know this is far from a professional job. But I had fun with choosing the colours. Adding little details such as making Pinkie Pie extra fluffy and doing the colourful bangs. The second batch is going to be better. I got more used to drawing digitally again. I thought these glorified sketches would be done faster digitally.
With that I leave you for today. I got to eat my dinner before it goes cold. Please let me know what you think of these designs.
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