#crows are smart but also dumb
Halloween prompts no. 6
A massive two headed ghost crow is causing chaos in Gotham and nothing the batfam try seems to work. They even called in Constantine for help only to find out magic didn't affect the thing either.
However when Nightwing called Robin "baby bird" the crow mimicked him, sounding almost...concerned??? The bird stopped its rampage and the two heads examined Damian, "baby" one head said and was followed by the other head saying "bird"
Then it snapped him up by the cape and flew off with him.
Damian was kinda miffed that the bird kept trying to feed him things. First it was a very terrified cat, then a fish before the vigilante explained he was a vegetarian and what that was.
The bird left and came back with a tree branch in one beak and a whole pumpkin in the other. Damian wasn't sure what he was supposed to do with the branch, did it expect him to eat the leaves? The other head kept trying to get him to eat the pumpkin whole by pressing it against his face.
By the time the batfam found him he was surrounded by increasingly random things the birds had brought him. Nightwing just wanted to know where the bird got a ten foot long French fry.
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kiame-sama · 19 days
Twisted Wonderland Monsterverse AU?
What monsters do you think each of the characters would be? (With the exception of the Beastmen, Mermen and Fae Characters since they’re technically monsters already)
These are a few ideas on what I think some of the characters might be (You can change these, since I’m mainly guessing)
I can definitely see Jamil as a Naga
Kalim makes me think of an Otter (So cute and adorable that you can forget that Otters are dangerous)
I feel like Vil would probably be a Harpy, specifically a Peacock Harpy (Very pretty, confident and can be aggressive)
Rook would probably also be a Harpy, specifically one of the Birds of Prey (He’s a Hunter after all) like a Peregrine Falcon or a species of Eagle
Idia would a God of Death, the Dead and Ruler of the Underworld and Ortho either being a Soul or Cerberus(?)
I feel like Silver would either be Human, Bear or a Bird, like a Barn Owl (They’re very cute)
Did most characters, some are more than a little obvious (given they are already creatures in Twisted Wonderland anyway).
Divus is a Selkie and is very protective over his fur.
Sam is a Shadow man (we all saw that coming).
Vargas is a minotaur.
Trein is a sphinx.
Crowley is a Crow Fae (obviously).
Ace is a Satyr and thinks playing the pan flute is dumb.
Deuce is a Faun- basically a Satyr with better horns and a stronger sense of justice, known for helping lost travelers.
Cater is a water nymph and is often seen bothering Trey while he is resting in the waters of the lake of Heartslabyul.
Che'nya is a Bakeneko- cat creature that typically symbolizes bad luck. I think he would have two tails or a forked tail.
Trey is a Kelpie centaur and often seen with Riddle as they are good friends, or Cater riding around on his back despite the usual warning that comes with trying to ride a Kelpie.
Riddle is a unicorn centaur and he hates that so many tease him about being a 'girly' creature. Very gifted with magic and extremely proud, his mother was very strict about Riddle being the perfect unicorn growing up.
Jack is a Werewolf.
Ruggie is a Gnoll.
Leona is a Nemean Lion.
Azul is a Cecaelia- basically what he is now, an octo-merman.
Jade and Floyd are Eel Mermen (predictably).
Kalim is a Genie that genuinely wants to help people and grant wishes but always winds up granting wishes that have unfortunate unforseen consequences.
Jamil is definitely a Naga, but he is the Naga that protects Kalim's lamp and treasure since Kalim is a Genie from a long line of powerful Genies.
I agree that Vil is a Peacock Harpy. He loves to preen and make a show of fanning out his tail-feathers, very proud and wickedly smart.
Neige is a mourning dove Harpy.
Rook is a Drider- spider centaur- specifically a Huntsman-Spider Drider who is a master of spinning web traps and even hunting down his prey, as Huntsman-spiders (usually the males) are voracious wandering predators. (I headcannon all Driders can spin webs)
Epel is a wood nymph, specifically of the Apple tree variety.
Idia is a Shinigami. Technically still a death-god and likely a high ranking death-god given he is already descendant of a high ranking family.
Ortho is also a Shinigami, he is still the little brother of Idia despite what happened to him, so I'm saying he is still a Shinigami.
Silver is a Cervitaur- a Deer centaur- and is just starting to get more prongs on his horns, which Lilia is absolutely thrilled with and often teases Silver about.
Lilia is a Bat Fae.
Malleus is Dragon Fae.
Sebek is a Raiju Fae.
Rollo is a Fire Nymph.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
man i hate it when some people in fandom start going off about how much of a genius tywin is and how dumb ned is. cruelty is not intelligent and compassion is not dumb or a weakness. tywin isnt a complete fool but at the end of the day all he has is fear and when he’s met with a person who has nothing left to lose, that fear no longer protects him.
yeah as much as i joke about tywin he is not dumb and incompetent necessarily, but his outlook on life is ultimately treated by the text as his fatal flaw, and it does lead to his downfall as well as the downfall of his regime. what especially frustrates me though is when people are like “his flaw was just that he ruined his family internally, and now that he died bc he miscalculated they are not smart enough to go on and will drive him to ruin.” which is just. no. tywin himself also drove his regime to where it is right now. you see it in affc and adwd. it is so clear in the jaime riverlands chapters. you see how despised they are. you see how there is no room for negotiation anymore. nobody trusts them, nobody likes them, no one is loyal to them. their regime is built on nothing but fear, blood, and betrayal, and that foundation can only get you so far. it is like trying to build on quicksand. you see the build up for the fall in asos. you see the food crisis. burned and destroyed fields and irreversible damage caused by the men that tywin unleashed on the smallfolk. he was feeding the crows instead of feeding the realm. he is obsessed with asserting his power and dominance and it blinds him. he also places himself above the horrid cruelty he uses, distinguishes himself from the “savages” he utilizes, but it always comes back to him, because it is a part of him. he orchestrated doom himself. lannister hegemony is his doomed project. his children will doom him too, i think all three will play a big role in contradicting and/or destroying his legacy, but it is his obsession and malignant cruelty that put his legacy in the position that it is in, and it is not just about overlooking and misunderstanding his family. and he is not meant to be this “infallible logical and rational utilitarian” character with a single blindspot that is abusing his kids. he is an ‘emotional’ and ‘fragile’ hypocrite in many ways. bringing in that kind of comparison to put down ned shows a lack of understanding of many themes in the text. one major difference is that ned’s ‘emotion’ was rooted in empathy. and that quality of his will not doom his legacy, it will likely save it.
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arcadekitten · 4 months
Haha yeah!! :D ♡
And a group of crows (while most often referred to as a "murder of crows") can also be referred to as a "congress of crows"!
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doodleduck · 1 year
Dsmp characters as fish because a special interest of mine is northeastern game fish 👍
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c!Ranboo - Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Basically the loser of the fish community lmao. They are really sensitive to their surroundings. They need the water to be a certain pH and temperature in order to survive. They are migratory in order to fulfill those needs. They are also bullied by other fish (specifically brown trout) to the point where populations are dropping. They are one of the more timid and docile species of trout. They stick in small groups. They will become aggressive when feeding or defending their spawning nests. Brook trout also have some of the most unique and colorful patterns. Brook trout hybrids are common occurrences
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c!Tommy - Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Largemouth are the fish that is in everybody’s business. They are very much in your face all of the time. Simultaneously both very smart and very dumb. They commit to one spot to make their nest and will defend it fiercely. They are picky where they put their nest and spend a lot of time maintaining it to keep it in good condition. They typically will live in the same body of water and not migrate out, but will change depths depending on the seasons and where food is located.
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c!Tubbo - Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu)
Basically the Largemouth’s little brother. They are very similar but the smallmouth are typically smaller and bit more docile. They are also arguably a bit smarter than the largemouth as well. They are also very territorial and will defend their nests. Their nests are also well kept. When defending or hunting, they fight like a tank. Although smaller than the largemouth they pack a bigger punch. Smallmouth are also more cold tolerant than other fish.
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c!Phil - Walleye (Sander vitreus)
Walleye remind me of crows. They have terrific eyesight, which is why they have big eyes. Their unique eyes allow them to hunt at night. They have one of the greater lifespans and can live to be a couple decades old. Walleye spend time in schools with members similar to them. They like to lurk in deeper cooler water. They are more active at night and more docile during the day. They become aggressive when seasons change and they have to stock up for the winter
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c!Techno - Bullhead catfish (Ameiurus melas)
Bullhead are similar to walleye and live in similar conditions. They like cooler murky environments to reside in. They are docile if left alone. They will become predatory and territorial if provoked or feeding. They have venomous spines on their fins which hurt like a bitch if you get stung (not fatal). They scavenge more than hunt and scrounge around the bottom looking for food. They fight hard and hit hard. And once they have something they are very determined to not let it go
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c!Wilbur - Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)
Brown trout are actually invasive and are not native to North America, they originate in parts of Europe and Asia. But they have now established themselves as part of the ecosystem. They compete with the native species and often pose a challenge. They are typically bigger than other trout species and their competitors get shoved around a bit. Browns are smart and cunning, and are very successful hunters. They are arguably the most territorial species of trout
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c!Quackity - Musky (Esox masquinongy)
Easily one of, if not the smartest gamefish. They are nicknamed “the fish of ten thousand casts” because they are very picky and know how to differentiate lures from real bait fish. They are hard to catch. Muskies are ambush predators and will eat anything that fits into their mouth. This includes waterfowl, rodents, and frogs. They are elusive and like to stick to themselves. Musky are very dedicated to their territory and will fight any intruders out
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Yay fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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beelzieweelzie · 1 year
Luci helped them pick their animals long before they fell.
For Mammon, he had been feeling worthless because he struggled to remember the name of their fathers newer creations. Some of his kin had called him dumb as a bird. So, Lucifer showed him the Crow. They watched as it picked up a walnut and dropped it over and over again, Mammon only thinking it proved how stupid the bird was, only for the nut to crack and the bird to eat. He saw how smart the bird was and his big brother helped him offer the crow a little silver gem. The bird remembered them a few weeks later when they returned. Mammon didn’t stop talking about it for several months.
For Levi he had been scared of the long scaled thing that slid towards him at the beach. He had screamed and jumped into his brothers arm. Lucifer showed him the creature was scared too and that while it could be dangerous, it was also beautiful and smooth to the touch. Levi held the snake until they were called home.
Asmo had felt insecure. He was beautiful and often praised, but people didn’t believe him when he said he could fight and had a quick mind. Lucifer has shown him an in set that was small and unthreatening, but gorgeous isn’t he way it shone. The drop like point of its tail was beautiful, like a crown held above its head. He let the scorpion stab into his hand to show his brother how dangerous it truely was. Asmo collected hundreds of them in a desert oasis.
Beel had been thinking about how slow he was to pick things up. He wasn’t upset about it, just confused. Why did he not get jokes his kin made when ever one else did? Lucifer had shown him the fly, small but quick and near impossible to catch. Beel hadn’t understood, until his brother explained that it was so quick, because it saw everything slower and had much more time to react. Beel had also noted the similarities in their wings and felt a strong connection the small, thousand armies creature.
Belphie had felt too big. He like the little humans and wanted to be around them, but even if he was allowed, he would surely hurt them with his strength. Lucifer showed him cattle, a life force for humans, but something that loved to lay about in sunlight and rest it’s massive weight into soft green meadows. It was large and could hurt humans with ease, but instead it helped them by giving them things to fill their needs all while peacefully living along side them.
Lilith had felt like she was wrong in some way. She felt pretty and colourful, but it was like something deep inside her was just a little different. Her love for the humans only made it grow. Lucifer showed her the butterfly, a delicate insect with bright wings and small little bodies. Together they watched it go to feed on the dried blood of a passed rabbit. Lilith had laughed and claimed she loved it. She had sighed dreamily and whispered into the air of their home, “I wish father would create some of the creatures the humans think up. If I could create something living and be friends with it, I’d want to meet a unicorn!”
Lucifer unknowingly gave five of his brothers their animals, one he made on his own, one he had chosen for him.
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uchihashisui-kun · 2 years
Can you share some more incorrect quotes of shisui with anyone if you have any?
Sure! I have enough for weeks! 🤣
Kakashi, officially welcoming Shisui into ANBU: So, Crow. How would you describe yourself?
Shisui: I'd prefer verbally, but I also have an interpretive dance piece prepared.
Itachi: How are you sleeping?
Shisui: Like a baby. Every two hours I wake up screaming.
Mikoto: I support all of my boys' hobbies! Itachi and his chickens, Shisui and his crows, Sasuke and his Naruto.
Shisui: I'm incredibly smart.
Kakashi: Really?
Shisui: Yeah! Sad, Mad And Really Tired.
Itachi: Have you heard from Sasuke yet?
Shisui: I'm sure everything's fine. We left him with Obito, after all.
Itachi: Those two sentences do not go together.
Kakashi: Where's Shisui?
Sakura: Doing stuff.
Kakashi: I don't like the sound of that. Where's Sasuke?
Sakura: Trying to stop Shisui-sensei from doing the stuff.
Kakashi: And Naruto?
Sakura: Trying to stop Sasuke from stopping Shisui-sensei from doing the stuff.
Kakashi: I see. And what are you doing here?
Sakura: I'm supposed to stop you from stopping Naruto from stopping Sasuke from stopping Shisui-sensei from doing the stuff.
Itachi: Say no to drugs.
Shisui: Say yes to drugs.
Kakashi: It doesn't matter what you tell drugs. If you're to talking to drugs, you're already taking them.
Sasuke: C'mon, Shisui-nii! Nobody thinks Sensei's my dad!
Shisui: Put your hand up if you think Kakashi is Sasuke's dad!
[Everyone raises their hand]
Sasuke: Put your hand down, Sensei.
Shisui: You call it "a near-death experience". I call it "a vibe-check from God."
Obito: You belong in a mental hospital.
Shisui: I've done a lot of dumb things.
Itachi: I've joined in on the dumb things.
Kakashi: I've witnessed the dumb things.
Tenzō: And I've tried to stop the dumb things from happening!
Danzō: I've lured you all into my lair because I crave the deadliest game-
Shisui, nodding: Knife Monopoly.
Danzō: ... I was actually going to execute you for my personal entertainment, but now I'm really interested in whatever Knife Monopoly is.
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sansacherie · 2 years
I was on a Aria fan blog because I hate myself and wanted to see what they were posting (the Sansa obsession is real like every other post was literally just made to hate on Sansa to uplift Aria) when I saw a few posts about Elia and, I shit you not, this person was arguing that Elia and Ratgar were totally chill with each other and PolITiCal ParTnErS and Elia totally knew about him crowing L/yanna as QLB and supported it because Elia must have thought it was unfair L/yanna couldn't participate in the tourney cause she was a woman (which lmaooo). I just.....I mean....wow. Never thought I lived to see the day people try to Cool Girl-ify Elia but here we are. They weirdly claim it's because they don't want her to be seen as a "victim" so instead they're......depicting her as a doormat with no self-respect who would be fine with her husband's nasty behavior and being humiliated up and down because I guess that's better???? They also argued that Jon would in no way be a threat to Aegon or Rhaenys' places in the line of succession so Elia would be chill about that too (which again lmaooooo). I am amused at the lack of any and all critical thinking, media literacy, or reading comprehension skills but am also flabbergasted and want to start swinging.
The people who seriously believe Elia would have defended Rhaegar's completely inane actions are very young or very dumb.
"All the smiles died." There is literally nothing, not a whisper, ZILCH that Elia knew what was going to happen at that tourney or that she approved it. Wasn't there an artwork that was commissioned by George where he approved of the artist's depiction of Elia sitting stiffly in the stands while Rhaegar pissed off the North, Stormlands, & Dorne? Unless they think she was pretending?
And that's such a nonsensical argument for Elia being OK with it. To be blunt, Lyanna not being able to participate openly wasn't Elia's problem. Lyanna not being able to participate openly is not justification for Rhaegar to publicly insult his wife like that - because that is exactly what it would have looked like to outsiders. Not to mention the offence to Lyanna - its kind of a wonder that Rickard didn't rush the wedding after so he could see Lyanna safely wed & have the protection of the title 'Lady Baratheon', but he was probably afraid of particular rumors starting if she fell pregnant too quickly. Ugh...
If I was Elia I would not breathe easy unless I knew that Jon Snow was
a) fostered away from court with people that were unfailingly loyal to me. And unfailingly kind as well. Being smart doesn't require being a monster *cough* Tywin
b) entered the Night's Watch or the Faith when he came of age. Is it fair? Not really- but it's a kinder fate than the one Rhaenys got.
But yeah the people who cry over how its wrong to accept that Elia was a victim dress it up as empowerment, when really it's all just about protecting Rhaegar. If Elia was in on it, then Rhaegar can't be the villain! Are they going to argue next that Aerys was justified in murdering Brandon & Rickard the way he did because he actually knew of Rhaegar's plans & that it was super importance he impregnante the teenage girl he kidnapped/ran off with? Be for real.
Anyway I would just avoid those blogs or be like me, get yourself blocked by them as many as you can looool
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itookyoudown · 5 months
for the ask game: raylan and 8..
so glad you picked this one i got some feelings about this actually.
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
raylan !! is !! not !! a !! himbo !! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
he's crafty he's wily he's witty he's clever he's insightful. he's college-educated. reading is one of his hobbies.
the man is not dumb.
does he have a blind spot for blonde women that gets him taken advantage of? yeah. does he become too easily riled up by his connections to harlan? also yeah! does he make some very unprofessional choices and have a messy personal life? double yeah! is he sometimes slow on the uptake or caught by surprise? sure, so is everybody - boyd is also guilty of this too.
but raylan is not stupid. and he's not technologically illiterate either. it boggles me that season 5 seven 7 episode raw deal gets trotted out as an example of why raylan can't send emails or use a smart phone. yeah, in a show set in 2010 he didn't fully understand what blogging is all about.
...justies. this also happens in the very same episode. in fact, it's the first thing that happens in this plotline.
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he deduces a computer scam in 0.5 seconds.
raylan is not the show's star himbo. that'd be our boy dewey crowe 😌
raylan makes dumbass decisions sometimes but he's in good company because justified is full of dumbasses lol. and being a dumbass on occasion doesn't make someone unintelligent.
i think if you're gonna call raylan a himbo as a nonserious joke then okay okay i get it sure make fun of him. but if you really think he's a zero thoughts head empty nothing going on there pretty boy then we all better start calling the ENTIRE cast himbos/bimbos all the way down.
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musubiki · 1 year
do you have any lore about the crow witch's guild? i'd love to learn more about them please! i'm especially curious about augury because he left his sister to join the coattails.
So the crow guild backstory goes like this:
a sweet family consisting of three siblings: augurie (the oldest), murda (the middle child) and corven (the baby). for reasons unknown, their parents are no longer with them and so its just been the three of them together for quite some time, and they are very close. This guild follows the close family trope where your siblings are essentially your best friends and theres no one closer to you than them (think dipper/mabel)
Notes about the blackbird family: all of them are insanely smart (stemming from how crows are very smart animals). sometimes way too smart for their own good, and fighting them is always the kind of battle where its supper hard, not because theyre particular strong but because they have ridiculous amounts of strategy on the fly (in this case, murda is ALSO very strong)
They are one of the only guilds in the story where the guild master is not actually the witch (ie, shes not the "leader"). murda trusts auguries judgement more than her own, so she delegated the role of guild master to him
something to note before continuing is that in tcwg, theres a witch stereotype of "not having a son before a daughter". im not sure if this is something magic can influence exactly, but having a son first is always a worry because more often than anyone would like, the firstborn goes down the route of "it fucking sucks that just because i was born a male, i cant inherit this amazing power and have to watch it go to my stupid baby sister" (since males cant be witches anymore), and ends up doing something dumb like joining the coattails
anyway, this is (seemingly) exactly what happens here. at some unknown point in time after murda is already a witch, the rumors have it that her and her older brother had a falling out, and he has since joined the coattails.
another sidenote: the coattails now, in nature, are not something you can easily just...sign up for. most of them are unthinking and serve a single purpose of farming witches magic-- some have evolved enough to become sentient, and in some cases if you serve a similar cause as determined by the sentient ones, you can have the opportunity to corroborate with them (so far only notably achieved by amanita and augurie)
so after augurie leaves, he convinces the coattails he is an asset and that the purpose of the witch king appeals to him as it entails that males will once again be able to hold magic and he can kill his sister to get it. they buy this and he becomes an admin, ie he can lead legions and access resources they have
Corven stays with murda as her only guild member and they live in Ardovs Quarry (urban rainy town in the north of the kingdom), and are currently trying to get their brother back
When mochi and lime pop into this main quest, this is essentially how it goes:
corven met mochi and lime once before for an unrelated side quest, and considers them to be friends (even though they only met once but this is the tcwg style)
murda is reluctant to ask them for help, claims this is a family matter and its none of their business, and getting involved will cause nothing but trouble (true). but theyve exhausted all other avenues at that point, so with a little persuasion from corven, she agrees to let mochi and lime help
theres numerous steps to tracking down augurie, and every time they get a lead and encounter him he seems to be doing something that inches him towards some overarching goal (the in-betweens of the main quest are still up in the air, but its essentially bonding time for the two guilds)
the final confrontation is when they finally track him down to the "root" of the coattails located in the ruins of the old kingdom of the first witch king.
NOW--interrupting to talk a little about auguries magic guild item: its a scythe that reaps magic. theres little potion bottles on the end which can hold up to three different kinds of magic power that can be used independently for a short time after theyve been activated. so far in his scythe he has taken (throughout his time in the coattails) the following magic power: the magic of the snake witch, toad witch, and spider witch. the crow and cat are there with him, so all those together, they have the magic force equivalent to the witch king (for a short time, anyway)
at this point its revealed that auguries plot goes like this: the witch king brought the coattails to life with his magic, so the only way to properly control them or, as augurie corrects, to end them, is with the equivalent power.
augurie joined the coattails in order to get close to them, track down the root (which has been hidden for centuries), gather the main witches magic without putting them in danger directly, take it to the root and reverse the coattails origins spell as best he can. god knows where he even learned this was all possible, but thats the genius of the crow guild
im unsure if murda was in on this plot from the beginning, and pretended to have a falling out with him to enact the whole thing INCLUDING bringing mochi there for the cats power, or if she was oblivious to his intentions and he was acting alone and actually genuinely broke her heart to make the story more convincing
anyway, they actually are able to reverse the coattails origin spell!!! (lime and corven almost fucking die for real fending off an army of coattails while augurie/murda/mochi reverse the spell). the way it actually turned out is that any coattails still in the overworld still had their old "mission," but if they are purged and returned to the root, then augurie has full control to give them a new mission (which will eventually serve as the witches army against the witch king), so after the completion of this quest, the coattails are much less of a threat
afterwards, augurie returns to murdas guild and continues to look into the return of the witch king. he serves as the strategist/healer for the group and is like that main quest guy you go back and report to when youve made progress advancing the storyline that goes "Ah... so all these things happened when you went to [place] huh... no time to rest, heres the next step-"
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passionesolja · 3 months
Christianity to me is so unserious. Now, I don’t think that Christians serve Yahweh. I know that Jewish people serve the deity, but I don’t think most Christians research enough about the history of their god to know what the fuck is going on. Like some arrogant Christian will equate “El��� with “Yahweh” and it’s like “you dumb mf, EL was the creator god in Ancient Canaanite religions”, mfs just believe whatever makes them feel good. A lot of Christians are terrified to even call Yahweh his/their name. I’m not. I know that Yahweh was a Canaanite storm god, and like a lot of early polytheism, he was worshipped by Canaanites and Jewish people of that era. His reach evolved as Christianity became a thing and it evolved. The average Christian doesn’t know this. No hate to them, but I take religions serious so I feel like I have to know this.
And with that in mind, I think the entire concept of an all powerful, all knowing god is so mf childish and stupid. Historically, gods had vices and flaws. Also, why would a god torture me for eternity just because I don’t fw him? Seems really man made, psychological torture to me. Like, plenty of Apes can comprehend the world at a 2nd/3rd grade level and that’s the age a lot of mfs get converted at. So is god gon send them to hell? Elephants have names and burial ceremonies, mfs aren’t converting them. Crows can make tools and have lil insular societies. Nobody give a fuck about them. Whales are super intelligent, like we’re just learning about how smart they are. Nobody is rushing to convert them over.
It’s almost like Christianity (as white people have used it) is an tool for mfs to gain power and subjugate others. “Oh those really intelligent animals aren’t important. We have dominion over them so even tho us and them share similar practices, we’re better so they can’t have a soul” dumbass mf you’re giving the game away. If your god gon send me to eternal hell for no reason (bc you can be a murderer rapist, tell god sorry, and face no eternal punishment, which is insane and not even how laws work) then I’m not gon fw him anyways. Even if he was real, which he’s not in the way that most Christian’s imagine him.
Christians really worship their own ego, and a mf like me has an ego but I don’t need every bitch on planet earth to lead the life I do. I’m too nonchalant to try to force my beliefs on a mf lmao
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xylomilo · 8 months
Elemental Masters Headcanons
Part 1 because there’s 15 of them and I’m not fitting them in one post 💀💀 Also sorry I haven’t been posting, my english teacher has been kicking my ass with a shit ton of work. Anyways, if u want more headcanons just send an ask lol
- He/They
- Gay
- Filipino
- Hates his dad
- Uncle to Griffin Turner (Lego Dimensions refrence mwehehehehe)
- Accidental rizz
- Markings from the time vortex
- Pinning for Cyrus Borg
- Listens to pop, hyper pop, and any energetic music
- Dare I say…… Ayesha Erotica and Cupcakke fan.
- Probably hacked his phone to get spotify premium without paying
- Collects anything he sees- crow
- He/Him but doesn’t mind any
- Panromantic Asexual
- Carries cigarettes but doesn’t smoke
- High pain tolerance
- Black and British
- Selective mute
- Has a few burn marks on his arms from when he was younger
- Hates loud noises and people so he wears earplugs
- Seeing Smoke from MK: He just like me fr !!!!
- Listens to slightly unsettling but banger songs like Puppet Boy and YKWIM? Idk what that genre is called 😭😭
- Motorcycle racer- “Smokescreen”
- They/He
- Demisexual Panromantic
- Polyamory relationship with Gravis and Jacob Pevsner (EarthShipping)
- Can withstand poison/venoms from plants to an extent
- Cottagecore
- Hearing aids
- Brad Tudabones maternal uncle but unaware of it
- Wears their hair in a braid
- Has a garden of plants they made from scratch/by not using their powers
- Works as a popular florist and gardener on the side
- …lives in their shop lmao
- Any pronouns
- Lesbian
- Dating Tox (FoxgloveShipping)
- Most aggressive fighter
- Italian and Scottish
- Best friends with Shade
- Former golden child, misbehaves/does crimes in order to take control of her life
- Scene kid, definitely an Odetari fan
- Criminal on the run
- Blackmailer on the dark web
- He/Him but doesn’t mind any
- Asexual Biromantic
- Indian
- Polyamory relationship with Bolobo and Jacob Pevsner (EarthShipping)
- Disabled; has joint pain and needs to use a wheelchair when outside his house, otherwise he uses crutches
- Somewhat picky eater
- Bites his nails when nervous
- Smart but also really dumb
- Tired 24/7
- Doesn’t like fighting and is more of a support character cuz yk joint pain
- Unknown job- no one knows how he gets money 😭😭 (he actually just has a shit ton of inheritance money)
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thesinglesjukebox · 18 days
That's a wrap on September! But don't fear, the wait until we return in October will be short (and... sweet? This sounded better in my head)...
Julian Axelrod: Sabrina Carpenter must have been a pro wrestler in another life. How else did she learn how to pivot personas this quickly and effectively? After spending years clawing her way out of the Disney trenches, she's perfected a puerile pop princess pose at the unholy intersection of Madonna, Mae West and Michael Myers. Upon first listen, "Taste" checks all the newly minted boxes of a Sabrina song: sun-baked synths, big vocals in a small body, and production choices commenting on lyrics commenting on her public persona. Upon second, fifth and tenth listen, you pick up on the inside jokes you missed the first time: the height jokes, the "la la las," the tone that lands somewhere between sapphic and homicidal. Upon hundredth listen, you remember the ultimate Sabrina Carpenter signifier: Underestimate her at your own risk. [8]
Katherine St. Asaph: Carpenter releases another Haim-esque conglomeration of pop-rock hits past: Sheryl Crow (sunny clapalongs), Gwen Stefani (safe shiny tude and various vocal intonations, like on "exact"), and frenemy Olivia Rodrigo (subject matter and vibe). On her album, she has better. [6]
Alfred Soto: I can hear the money: the guitars on “Taste” twang with more color than on any pop single since Olivia Rodrigo’s “Good 4 U." This time her single entendres eschew the affectedly sultry for the self-aware gadfly.  [8]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: A retconned version of "Deja Vu" — wow, that feels like a lifetime ago? — where instead of feeling pain in the boy’s propensity for repetition, you’re content with rubbing in the other girl’s face how you got there first. It pulls off a funny trick: I can marvel at the music video and metanarrative in group chats, and have the clever lyrical conceit stuck in my head, without remembering what it sounds like at all, save for the heavenly “la-la-la-la-la-la”s. It’s actually really difficult to make songs as clever as “Taste” sound so dumb and simple.  [8]
Ian Mathers: It's not a problem that the video is more fun than the song, but it does increasingly feel like "Espresso" was a fluke. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: Toddstradamus called it. For once, he was right, and thank God he was. Also, Julian Bunetta with another hit. Is he a good luck charm? [8]
Mark Sinker: A strong way to understand pop music in the UK right now is via the medium of sonorous Victorian poetry about ancient classical Rome, in which the forces arrayed against all that is noble can be held off by a courageous few at the head of just one slender bridge: “In yon strait path a thousand / may well be stopped by three!”  In this reading Noel (or Liam) is “Lars Porsena of Clusium” and “False Sextus” is Liam (or Noel, look it doesn’t matter, no one cares); the bridge is of course the Top of the Charts, and the “dauntless three” are Sabina’s singles since "Espresso" in April, right now clustered there, battling away. “The Great House of Tarquin should suffer wrong no more!” Let’s hope it shall, though! Or must the Republic of Pop fall?  [9]
TA Inskeep: Sharp songwriting -- that lyric in the chorus is so smart, so very Heathers -- paired with just the right touch on Carpenter's vocals. I'd normally say "+2 for the superb Death Becomes Her tribute video," but the song is so good it doesn't need it.  [8]
Will Adams: On Short 'n Sweet, Sabrina Carpenter comes up with a hundred ways to call her lover a fuckin' dumbass, but on "Taste", she takes aim at her ex's rebound. This time, the daggers are dipped in honey; she tells the new girl that she'll just have to taste her on his lips, but the subtext is that Sabrina kinda hopes she enjoys it. It's wonderfully bratty (NB: not brat, but bratty), and the gleaming, if slightly generic, pop-rock arrangement helps make it her punchiest single to date. [7]
Jackie Powell: “Taste” has what’s best about “Please Please Please” and “Espresso” wrapped up in one 2:37 minute song. The melody and rhythm are addictive and combine disco (thanks, Ian Kirkpatrick!), a bit of country twang and "slacker rock,” which I guess is the title given to any song that sounds chill, sunny and easy-breezy. But in classic Sabrina Carpenter fashion, what sounds relaxed and light really isn’t, and the combination of seemingly frivolous surface and deeper lyrical meaning that she has mastered is on full display. Case in point are the laughs that she recorded right after she sings the final line in the bridge, "I've been known to share." With the help of Julia Michaels -- another songwriter known for more complex lyrics -- Carpenter takes the narrative that Olivia Rodrigo played with on “Obsessed" and alters the conversation, talking directly to the other woman rather than about her. Sure, there’s been a lot of speculation about truly how fruity Carpenter is — the fact that she had women on the walls of her room growing up is a whole other story — but I leave each listen of “Taste” thinking about the mystery behind her intent. Why does she want the other woman to know how truly great she is? Is it platonic? Is it more? That confusion is what makes “Taste” as relatable as it is realistic. [8]
Jonathan Bradley: I wasn't sure before, but OK: I'm on board with the Sabrina Carpenter character. She’s a fantastically campy high femme train wreck: neurotic but assertive; condescending but kinda dumb herself; uptight, but doing her best to be flirty. As an introduction to an album and a persona, "I leave quite an impression/five feet to be exact" is an all-timer, up there with "Teenage angst has paid off well/now I'm bored and old" or "Been through the ringer a couple times/I came out callous and cruel." On "Taste," Carpenter is sunny and mean, like a great soap opera villain, and she accentuates her '70s adult-contempo arrangement with some great melodramatic touches: the Greek chorus appending "la-la-la-la-la" to the description of cunnilingus, say, or the sudden appearance of a girl gang to turn "know I was already there" into a shouted accusation. (It tries for the gleeful kitsch of Chappell Roan, but it's really bratty in an Olivia Rodrigo sense, which is delightfully unbecoming for a 25-year-old.) The theme of possession so intense it takes sensory form, as Britney Spears demonstrated on "Perfume" can be serious emotional territory, but Carpenter is happy to be frivolous with it. It's fun to be bad, and pop's Julie Cooper is ready to do her worst. [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Diminishing returns for her schtick continues — this is a sturdier song than “Please Please Please” but Carpenter’s charisma as a writer and interpreter has waned  (the la-la-las behind “makes painting with his tongue” are dire.) She’s a star — there’s nothing here that doesn’t move through her — but heliocentrism does not guarantee success; hacky short jokes and come ons cannot be sustained as a model for pop excellence. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: Sabrina Carpenter has seen the Google metrics for "sabrina carpenter height," among other less Jukebox-safe search terms, and begins her album by graciously giving her audience, actual and potential, just what they want. Yet she's also adept at giving them what they don't yet know they want, in this case a weather-beaten chunk of the side of late 1980s pop-rock that even Haim are sometimes afraid to touch. Syrupy melodies and "la-la"s are carried by production that's audaciously lo-fi compared to other Main Pop Girl contenders, or indeed the rest of Short n' Sweet -- guitars that languish in late summer heat, a drum sound straight out of a sweltering practice space. Sebadoh Carpenter this is not, but the demo-like qualities lend an added sense of immediacy and closeness to a performer who knows when the time is right to make oneself seem small. Even when she steals Olivia Rodrigo's flow on the bridge, it's not out of ill will but rather the inherent comedy of copying from a song titled "deja vu." She laughs at pop music jokes in her own music -- that's called meeting the consumer where they are. [8]
Edward Okulicz: If Katy Perry is fundamentally a nasty girl who occasionally plays sweet, Sabrina Carpenter is probably a sweet vacuum who does bitch cosplay. It doesn't exactly suit her, but if the mask gives her the confidence to unleash a monster wave of pure smug contempt like this, then more power to her. Whether it's the pilfered hooks or a few groan worthy lyrics alongside the baths that hit, I welcome a pop star who isn't afraid to swing for the fences and make you like her at the risk of thinking she's desperate. Here, she's the audio equivalent of staring directly into the midday sun, in a good way. [8]
Dave Moore: This song is, annoyingly, perfect.  [7]
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bookworm-center · 1 year
Dirtyhands and the Bloodbender: Chapter V- Creeps At The Club
Author's Note: This is the last one of my published chapters, so I won't update right after each other, I just wanted to get them all here. This is also the last chapter before the SoC storyline (even though this technically takes place during chapter two) so buckle up!
Previous part below:
Dirtyhands and the Bloodbender
Y/n L/n: Creeps At The Club
Kaz has closed himself off from me, more than usual at least. He barely talks to me, and when he does it's always about a job or information I should know. I don't know what happened with Rollins', but it was evidently something major enough for him to build up the walls I had worked to climb over.
I know that Kaz is going to meet with Geels and expose Big Bolliger as a traitor. I'd never liked the guy, he was always a bit too lazy, a bit too dumb, and far too risky, but I still felt only a little sorry that he would be caught on the receiving end of Kaz Brekker's fury. At least Kaz trusted me with this information, even though I was left behind yet again.
I am stuck at the Crow Club, watching the dealers and pigeons. I almost had easy work, chatting with the bartenders as the sun steals away the last moments of day. A woman rushes over to me. She can't be much older than me, maybe early twenties at most. Her dress is plain and pressed and it takes a second for me to recognize her as one of Kaz's Dregs. One of her hands clench my wrist, a muttered "miss" under her breath. Her shaky fingers close over her thumb as our eyes meet in a moment of realization.
"Who?" My voice barely surpasses a whisper. She points at a group of five men, all dressed in mercher black, in the corner of the Club. I walk over, making a good show of loudly talking to the dealers and all the Dregs scattered amongst the tables. It's a form of warning, as I make eye contact with them every few seconds, yet they still don't leave. I plant myself right in front of them. I'm shorter by at least a head's height, but by the look in their eyes, they're scared of me, and rightfully so. "Leave our customers alone or leave the Club. This is your only warning."
"I would never take orders from a girl like you." says a man standing in the back of the group. The way he says girl is nearly a snarl.
"I said you would only have one warning, but you're evidently daft in the head, so I'll say it once more: leave. Now." I'm glaring at the group of them, and four of them are smart enough to slink out back into the streets, but the other one who spoke back to me still stands firm.
He leans down, like it's supposed to make me feel lesser. "No."
The whole Club seems to go silent. It's funny how everyone, even the pigeons, know I should be feared, except for this foolish ass. I punch him across the face and grab his arm before he reacts. His shoulder pops out of its socket as the man howls, falling to the ground. My foot lands on his chest. "If you don't fear me, you at least should fear my boss. You've likely heard of him. Kaz Brekker?" I speak conversationally, all though the man can't answer. "If you show you're face here again, or anywhere in the Dregs territory, you will have both Dirtyhands and the Bloodbender hunting you down. We will pick you limb from limb before tossing you into Fifth Harbor and leaving you to drown. You don't want that, do you?" The man shakes his head rapidly and that's when I finally lift my foot up. "Then leave now."
The man runs out and that's when I am faced with the gazes of all the people in the Club, so I say the first thing that comes to mind. "Drinks on the boss!" I raise the cup that I still had in my hand, cheering ringing through the Club.
That's when Jesper and Inej walk through the door, followed by Anika and Rotty. Kaz's isn't there and I want to ask but if he wants to ignore me, I'll let him. There's no point seeking out someone who is avoiding me. Jesper sees me through the crowd first, raising his hand in a wave, before sweeping me into a hug. "Hey Y/n/n."
"Hi Jes." I grin, following Inej's gaze as she looks around the Club.
"Have you seen Kaz?" She asked. I shake my head, brows creasing.
"He wasn't with you?"
"He wanted to walk alone." I nod, wondering where he is, but at this point I am too tired of Kaz cutting me out of the inner circle to care. I drag myself to the Slat, to sleep, to a night of nightmares that await me.
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
some killjoy hcs for my like... versions of them? or maybe AU of them? I'm not sure-
Jet Star: she/her, he/him, xae/xaer. Was born inside the city but he and his mom fled to the Zones when he was really little (like 3 or 4). She is definitely a boygirl, girlboy, girlfriendboyfriend, and that boyfriend who looks like a girlfriend that the Killers were talking about. Absolutely has both a mom voice and a dad voice xae can do. Eye patch is star shaped for aesthetic reasons. Only writes letters in glitter gel pens. Father figure goth girl (no you don't get any context). Tired a lot and probably has a sleep disorder but it's not confirmed since she lives out in the Zones. Usually seems stoic or angry to others but the 'joys that know xaer know that's just xaer resting bitch face, though xae can be quite mean at times if need be. Has the most medical experience but can't really help much outside of stitching wounds up, disinfecting, and bandaging. Often looks very disheveled for no particular reason. 19 years old.
Party Poison: they/them ... just a bit of a enbywhore, just a little bit. Hides their feelings a lot since they view themself as the leader, "makes up for it" by being overdramatic to annoy people. Sassy. Has nightmares a lot due to the trauma of making it into the Zones in their early teen years. If you ask them to turn down the music and don't give an actual reason as to why they should (like overstimulated or have a headache) then they'll just respond with "LINE?? SORRY I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER HOW SHINEY THIS MUSIC IS!". Found family sucker, made their own out of the Fab 4 (and also sort of the 109 radio crew). Unlabeled. Has definitely kissed a 'crow just to catch them off guard so they could dust them. Or kissed a crow for fun just because they could. Kobra Kid is their brother. Would be the unreliable narrator. They have dyscalculia, which doesn't come into play very often in the zones but is why Jet is the one who handles all money transactions. Supposedly a prophet? their night terrors turn out to be sort of prophetic. 18 years old.
Fun Ghoul: Uses all the pronouns, every neopronoun, every binary pronoun, doesn't really have a preference. Completely Zone kid, born and raised. Feral little guy. Has a bit of a sweet tooth (a nack for explosives). Running away from the consequences of xer actions. Burnt off their fingerprints on one of their experiments. Really smart but acts dumb because it's fun to trick people (they are a little dumb though). Cartoon character energy. Sniffs people??? Nearly goes cage mad every other week due to understimulation (which is why her finger prints are burnt off). Sharp teeth that they shaved to be that way after they got bored of blowing up things one week. Sometimes Jet will take them driving or racing to keep cake entertained. Possibly bisexual?? Bites people as a love language. Somewhat violent and is prone to throwing bombs to let off steam instead of yelling at people. Gets into fights every so often that Party has to break up. Probably has a fair amount of hearing loss due to being dumb and exploding things without ear protection. Around 17 years old (clouds exact age is unknown since xei never kept track and don't really have paperwork due to being born in the Zones).
Kobra Kid: he/him, they/them, ve/ven/vens/venom. Silent violence type. Either non verbal half the time or just doesn't want to talk. Left blood in your Valentino white bag. Has memory problems which is why the Fab 4 often take a lot of photos so ve can remember. Just a little bit crazy, but more so protective. AUTISM. Special interest is snakes currently since he found a book on them. Got the vodka taken away from them after they tried to chug it on a dare from Ghoul. Mood swings, often rages out and joins Ghoul in blowing things up with bombs. Has a hard time crying though, it's really tough to get them to cry which they both love and hate. Cat energy. Owns a katakana cause why not and also ven is super cool so of course. Has Pathological Demand Avoidance (or what some people with it call Pervasive Drive for Autonomy which honestly I like better) and isn't aware of it, Party has found quite a few work arounds from trial and error from living with him as his primary caretaker for a while. 16 years old.
Dr Death Defying: he/him, but has grown to not care as much what is used for him. Keeps insisting that he's fucked up from the war and that he's dangerous but really he's like a dad for everyone. Wears silly patterned socks a lot. PINK GUN! Has lived through a lot including multiple assassination attempts. Pan, but is extremely defensive??? Pro-respect women fr "It's okay to murder but it's not okay to disrespect women.". Raised Show Pony and Cherri Cola for the most part, being the two's biological uncle. Way too avid music listener, when he's not running the radio station he's finding new music (and sending Show out to get said music). Hasn't actually lived through a lot, he's died multiple times but he's friends with the Witch, her being an old friend he knew before she became the Witch, so he ends up getting revived. Iron deficiency, which eating the food that they can get out in Zones has not helped in any way, is the main reason he uses a wheelchair (along with joint pain and such). He has a couple different wheelchairs, including one that is all terrain which he can pop a wheelie on but he refuses to go out as much so it doesn't get much use. Taught the 109 radio crew and the Fab 4 sign language and holds classes for 'joys wanting to learn it. Around 36-38.
Show Pony: they/them primarily but uses a few neopronouns (which I've yet to decide on). Weirdly obsessed with water for some reason, any safe (or even not safe) body of water they've probably jumped in. Definitely has danced in the rain like a crazy person. Memory problems and often forgets things they've said more than things they've done. When they were younger they were a fairly shy kid, after a while they had a sort of personality change. Paints their nails a lot, sometimes paints others as well. Feminine in the way a gay guy is feminine but also they're enby. Pushes their heart shaped sunglasses down their nose so they can look over them like an annoyed librarian. Has probably been deficient in a lot of things before and sometimes just lays on the ground when they feel sick because it's the only thing that seems to help. "The power of friends and GUNS!". Likes to tease people, especially cis guys, because they find it funny when they get angry and frustrated. Does the exact same thing to 'crows because seeing a crow lose control and try to kill them while they do barely anything to dust them is entertaining. Also a bit of an enbywhore like Party. They got given their first pair of roller skates by Dr D when they were 10 and now barely take them off. When they aren't wearing their skates they sometimes trip over their own feet because they still have the motor memory of skating. 19 years old.
Cherri Cola: he/him, they/them. They pirated their gender from BL/ind, they call themself illegally male. Mixed emotions kinda of person, looks angry when they're not. Definitely get angry while also appreciative, tough love-ish. Also prone to just… crying for no reason? can also fake cry really well which he uses to confuse 'crows. Pathetic little dude, coughing blood and then asking if he looks good. Kind of a bitch but that's okay. Punched a wall once because he was "full of love". Eating ibuprofen like it's a snack (much to the dismay and concern of Show and Doc who often try to hide ibuprofen bottles so they won't take them as often). Gets mad and slams his fists against a table or punches a wall and doesn't think about how much it would hurt until after he's done it. 17 years old.
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mxniomei · 2 years
manhwa/manta comics recommendations go 🎤
Manta specific:
Under the Oak Tree is surprisingly good. I say that bc I honestly thought I was gonna hate Maxi bc I can't stand bumbling naïve protagonists, but she redeems herself really quickly. She's not naïve, she's traumatized, and has a lot of understandable triggers. Riftan is likable in the funniest way possible imo bc he's so Stupid like he's so scared Maxi is gonna leave he just looks goofy trying to get her to stay which I approve.
I've Become a True Villainess is a transmigration/Isekai who's protagonist, Seria Sterne, is trying to reform her image and it is so incredibly likable! Seria is refreshingly normal personality wise; she's not dumb not naïve , understands when to give up the ghost, and is just incredibly likable all around. Her relationship with Rouche is fascinating; I have a creeping suspicion that Rouche might be more of a romantic than he lets on, and it just makes their relationship kinda hilarious. Lina is a fascinating character as well, who might know more than we give her credit for. . .
Duchess Crow is my current favorite! Melisa, a 32 year old gemologist, is approached by Louis/Lewis, a 25 year old noble who asks for a contract marriage with her. Melisa is smart as a whip and has a no nonsense personality that speaks to me. She's not just the kingdoms brightest gemologist, but she's also just really good at analyzing a situation and figuring it out. Louis is severely charming to the point of pissing me off, but he's also smart and likable. However, i think Louis's most likable trait is how much he really respects Melisa. He gives her a lot of deference, clearly cares about her opinion, doesn't try to convince her he knows better-- he's genuinely collaborative with her, and knows that her intellect is greater than his in some situations, so he wants to lend her his power to be able to make her goals attainable. He also (so far!) has not pulled any asshole moves male leads are prone to in manhwa. He only ever dangles his status over her in a playful manner, and doesn't actually believe he's better or can dominate her in any way. And their story is pretty high stakes, working against a villain that's easy to love and hate.
Non Manta:
Marry My Husband is a time travel piece about a woman who's gonna get mad revenge against her boyfriend and best friend. The male lead is so pathetic meow meow and I'm obsessed with how he's obsessed with her. It's a good dramatic romp!
Beware of the Villainess is another transmigration/isekai except instead of just redeeming herself, Melissa fuckin DOMINATES the plot. She learns sword play, beats the shit out of a bunch of cunty dudes, and is my wife ! There's a wet blorbo blue haired boy, which is my favorite genre of boy, and a lot of bi vibes through out.
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