#custom deity artwork
kthecritter · 2 months
Could I get a wallpaper for an Android phone that's Anubis with the theme of Egyptian jewelry and landmarks?
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here you go, I hope you enjoy! love this funky dog :3
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city-of-ladies · 1 month
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"The prominence of female divinity in Minoan culture might well have reflected the prominence of Minoan women in daily life. In Shang dynasty China, the authority of goddesses such as the Eastern and Western Mothers was echoed to some degree by the authority of women in elite society and even the army. Fu Jing and Fu Hao, wives of King Wu Ding, led men into battle before being honoured in death with monumental tombs containing the victims of human sacrifice, battle axes, knives and arrowheads. In Egypt, many of the images of Hatshepsut were destroyed or defaced after her death when her name was removed from the official list of rulers by her male successors, who sought to claim direct descent from her husband. It is possible that images of powerful Minoan women were subject to similar mistreatment.
While there is no evidence that Minoan women ruled in the same manner as Hatshepsut, or joined battle like the women of Shang China, the sheer number of artworks depicting them centrally placed and on a larger scale than men has prompted some historians to speculate that Minoan society was matriarchal or matrilineal. ‘Neopalatial Crete,’ writes one scholar, ‘presents the best candidate for a matriarchy – if one ever existed.’ There is nothing to say that the position of Minoan women was in any way secondary to that of men. 
Minoan women were certainly not confined to the weaving room. Sculptures show them playing lyres, flutes and zithers, sashaying in flounced chevron-patterned skirts and raising their arms in the air in ecstasy. In the ‘Grandstand Fresco’ from Knossos the women are more carefully delineated in paint than the men. Each woman has her own identity, her own style. The women appear to occupy the main rooms of the palace while the men congregate as an anonymous mass beyond. Women depicted seated – a sign of divinity or authority – are often being approached by men or animals. A highly enigmatic fresco at Thera (Santorini), for example, features a woman wearing large hoop earrings, a snake in her hair, and a neck-chain of ducks, sitting on a dais with a griffin beside her while a blue monkey pays her court.
 On a gold ring, a female deity, we may presume, is seated beneath a tree, where she receives flowers from two women. A smaller figure of a man with a double-headed axe over his head hovers between them.  By depicting the man beneath the axe, and on a smaller scale than the women, the engraver of the ring perhaps hoped to convey that he was a divine vision, almost a thought-bubble, originating in one of the female worshipper’s heads. Trees, as Arthur Evans recognised, were sacred in Minoan culture, and were perhaps believed to be capable of inspiring divine visions in those who honoured them. Such artworks contribute to the picture of Minoan women exerting considerable religious authority in the palace complexes and society more widely. 
Minoan women also played a crucial role in ritual. The early Minoans sometimes interred their dead twice by exhuming the bones of their family members and resettling them later in jars. The more usual custom, however, was to bury the dead in chamber tombs or stone beehive-shaped ‘tholos’ tombs, clay sarcophagi or, in the case of infants, under the floorboards of the home. The colourful paintings on a rare limestone sarcophagus from Hagia Triada, circa 1400 bc, show three men carrying young animals and a model boat to the deceased, who stands in front of his tomb, ready to receive his provisions for the afterlife. There are also three women present, the first of whom pours a libation into a cauldron placed between two upright axes mounted by birds; the second carries further vessels; the third – darker skinned like the men and thus possibly of lower social status – has a lyre. On the other side of the sarcophagus the women assist in the sacrifice of a bull on an altar. Other wall paintings show women involved in rituals of their own involving blood.  A fresco from Akrotiri features a group of women, one of whom sits beside a sunken room or ‘lustral basin’ with a bleeding foot. A tree also bleeds. It is possible that lustral basins were used for purification by women during or after menstruation."
The Missing Thread: A Women's History of the Ancient World, Daisy Dunn
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Hi there! I've recently taken more of an interest in Hellenism, but I don't at all know where to start. I've never really been religious before, only really knowing the basics of Christianity. I did see you created a post of advice for beginner Hellenists, but I was wondering, if it's not too much trouble, if you had any additional information for someone like me who's just starting out.
Hello anon! Sorry for how long it took to write this up, I definitely went a little bit wild on this one :)
First off, welcome to Hellenic Polytheism! It's definitely a wild ride, but depending on what sect of Christianity you come from, it's not completely and totally foreign.
Starting off with a list of some websites, general resources, and accounts that I have found helpful:
Apostolos Athanassakis translations of the Orphic and Homeric Hymns
Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship by Labrys
@khaire-traveler's Subtle Worship Master List
@thegrapeandthefig's Wordpress
And now breaking them all down, because I love when people justify their choices to me :)
theoi.com The nice thing about this website is that it's about as much information about the Gods as you can possibly want in one place. Not only does it seemingly have just about every possible deity in the Greek pantheon, but it has an incredibly good collection of historical references, family trees, and even artwork from ancient Greece.
Apostolos Athanassakis translations While theoi.com is good, I'm not the biggest fan of the version of the translations that they use for the Orphic and Homeric Hymns - they're a bit too "translated" for me. This meaning that the translations in question don't sit too close to the original text, and in my opinion, if you're trying to understand a deity through some ancient work, you want to get the closest translation to the original, even if that means sacrificing some of the flowery language. And Athanassakis' translations are some of my favorite for those "close translation" hymns. You can find his work on the Internet Archives.
Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship I think this is one of those staples that every Hellenic Polytheist should take a look at at least once. It's pretty dry, but within it, there are plenty of rituals and general information on Hellenism as a religion. I don't use most of the rituals in it, but even still, I keep a copy on hand for the future when I'm able to practice more freely.
Hellenion.org This is a pretty good resource for more modern Hellenic Polytheist prayers, as well as rituals. This is a more heavy reconstructionist lean (which focuses on an accurate recreation of Hellenic Polytheism, as opposed to revivalism, which focuses on recreating it for the modern day), but still incredibly helpful, and a bit easier to understand than Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship.
@khaire-traveler's subtle worship masterlist Honestly, if a resource like this existed when I was first starting out, I would be light years ahead of where I am now. Stag has managed to fit just about every idea you'd need to get started with worship/offerings into an easy-to-digest format, and I find myself going back to it time and time again when I start incorporating a new deity into my practice.
@thegrapeandthefig's Wordpress I don't even think I could summarize how amazing Aurora is into one little paragraph. There's everything on her Wordpress from historical offerings, to modern festivals, to dissections of various ancient customs. One of the things which has helped me the most from her blog has been her Attic calendar, which shows the schedule of the various religious observations throughout the year (and there are a lot).
Finally, a few extra words of advice that I might not have included in my original post that you mentioned in the ask:
Try to have one prayer memorized for each deity, if you're easily able to memorize things. Chances are, after about a year or so, you'll probably have a prayer or two that you really like and will have memorized because you've said it enough (I definitely have my fair share). And there's definitely something nice about finding yourself in a situation that reminds you of your deity and being able to just rattle off a prayer.
Try to avoid TikTok for your spiritual knowledge. But, if you want to add a bit of Hellenic flair to your FYP, I'd recommend Bria Melitta and hesiodic (who's also on here and maybe on TikTok as well [I might be wrong, haven't been on TikTok in a hot minute] under the name @olympianbutch). Both of these creators are really good, and I especially love Dagan for his devotion to Zeus, who often gets a bad rap from new practitioners because of behavior attributed to Him in myths.
Other than the resources I mentioned, some good stuff for casual reading would be: the Iliad and the Odyssey, any ancient Greek plays (I'd recommend starting with Aristophanes, if the tragedies are a bit too heavy), and Hesiod's Theogony.
And that's about all I can possibly think of throwing at you right now! I hope this came in handy, and as always, if you have more questions, please feel free to drop more in my ask box :) I'm always more than happy to answer questions and help to the best of my ability!
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cryptomiracle · 1 year
(cult - by M)
𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: 𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒄𝒊 𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕.
genre:x reader / oneshot / angst (?)
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May seem a little rushed near the end
Readers gender is not mentioned + they/them pronouns used when referring to the reader.
The backstory of the cult and how reader got roped into it is vague, however I wouldn't mind explaining if anyone is curious.
Toby's personality is based on my own personal headcanons
Any brands, restaurants, or deity mentioned in this came purely off the top of my head, any relation to real life things is coincidental.
This is a work of fiction, it's not supposed to be accurate to an ACTUAL cult, I just got done watching midsommar and I wanted to write sum kinda like it 😭
Tobys POV:
It was a cold autumn night, you lived in a house surrounded by woods.
The leaves on the ground created a slew of yellow, brown, and orange hues.
The wind howled, creating an uneasy atmosphere, a setting that would be perfect for a slasher movie.
Your unconscious body rested on a quilted blanket, you were laying on your side, where he couldn't see your face.
He was disappointed that he couldn't see 𝑎𝑙𝑙 of you, but at least he got to bask in your presence.
you had a hard day at work, rude customers and a demanding boss can take a toll on people.
His blood boiled hearing how those customers talked to you earlier, how they disrespected you.
Did they not know they were talking to a heavenly being?
You're beautiful, a living, breathing, piece of artwork.
Everything about you drove him insane, you were so captivating, almost sirenic, he had to have you.
He just had to.
He would give himself as a sacrifice to you, if he could.
*buzz buzz*
the phone in his jacket pocket vibrated
he pulled it out and turned it on, the screen dimly lit up.
It read "one new message"
He opened his contacts to see a message from no one other than jeff the killer.
gef: "slendr says u need 2 come back and report everything u found."
gef: *is typing...*
gef: "now."
Turning his phone on silent, he slid it back into his pocket.
He signed, creating a foggy stain on your window.
He climbed out of the tree he was in, the leaves crunched under his shoes.
He walked down the sidewalk, and back to where he parked his motorcycle.
he turned the ignition, and made his way back to the forest.
He was going 30 miles over the speed limit, causing his messy brown hair to fly back.
He had nothing but his goggles, and his mouth guard on to protect him.
he's always enjoyed taking risks, the adrenaline rush he got from putting himself in danger, and the craving for more, was always enough to keep him going..
That was until he found you.
now nothing is as filling and nothing gives him that rush he needs, his hunger for more is even more insatiable than it was before.
He's been watching you for a good five months now, and each time he sees you, the urge to take you for himself and 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 himself, grows stronger.
He made it back to the manor, he turned the ignition once more, turning it off and pulling his keys out.
He walked up to the big wooden door, grabbed the rusted door handle and pulled it open.
He was met with warmth, the fire from the fireplace burning brightly.
The people surrounding it consisted of jeff, who was sitting in a beat up recliner he'd claimed as his own, sally, who was sat in front of the fire, was making her teddy bear a dress, and clockwork, who was sitting on the couch, writing something down in a simple notebook.
Not bothering to say hello, toby continued making his way to slendermans office.
He walked up the stairs, they creaked under the added pressure.
He soon approached a giant door, it was designed with what seemed to be the tale of slenderman.
He knocked three times, each louder than the other.
The door slowly opened on its own to reveal a big wooden desk, right in front of a balcony looking out into the forest.
Standing on the balcony, he saw slenderman.
His tall, and slender form, almost blending into the trees in the background.
??: "Enter tobias."
A stren voice in his head spoke, giving him a little headache.
Toby stepped into the room, he walked over the hardwood floor and onto a rug that looks like it's from the victorian era.
??: "I hope you have some useful information for me, unlike last time."
That same voice, booming in his head.
Toby: "..."
He glanced away from slendermans back, and instead looked at a large bookshelf to his left.
??: "I see."
??: "I assume you haven't killed them yet either?"
Toby's heart dropped, he thought he was just supposed to collect information on you, not kill you.
Slenderman turned around, and walked over to toby.
He stood in front of him, towering over him, making toby look puny in comparison.
??: "Come now tobias, don't tell me you've fallen for them?"
He took his slender hand, and put it on Toby's shoulder, squeezing it tightly
toby merely shook his head no, as he furrowed his brows.
??: "Don't try to lie to me boy.."
A long black tentacle sprouted from his back, he wrapped it around Toby's neck, lifting him off of the ground.
He made a sad attempt at clawing at the tentacle, trying to break free, but it didn't work.
??: "I can see the fear in your eyes when i mention killing them, the way your palms become sweaty, how your heart beat speeds up, your blood pumps faster.. I can hear it all."
??: "You're not very discreet tobias."
He finally released him, his body went limp, and fell to the ground.
Toby quickly sat up and felt his neck, he looked down at his hand, it was covered in a slimy residue.
??: "Get out."
The voice loudly echoed in Toby's head, causing his nose to bleed.
Slenderman looked down at toby, if he had a face, he would be scowling.
Toby ran out of slendermans office, and into the halls.
He took a swift left, and found his room.
He roughly opened the door, then slammed it shut.
He went into a fit of rage, trashing his room, ripping his posters off of the wall, punching holes in the wall, and even breaking his only light fixture.
By the time he was done, he was out of breath, his fists were bleeding, and he was sitting on the floor, against the door.
The only source of light coming from the moon shining through the window just across from him.
He slowly got up and walked over to his dresser, he opened the third drawer, revealing a slew of unorganized clothing.
He pulled the clothes out until he reached the bottom.
There he found an assortment of pictures.
pictures of you.
Some were family pictures with you in them he found on social media that he printed out, then cut your family members faces out of.
Some were polaroids he took of you himself, you were clearly unaware of his presence in these photos.
He pulled out his favorite, one where you're asleep in your bed, the angle the picture is taken from shows that he was standing over you when he took it.
He went back to his original position against the door, he held the picture in front of the window, the moonlight shining around it.
It made him realize, that you are his light.
The only source of warmth that he'll ever feel.
The only thing that could fill that hole in his chest, the ache he feels, the sorrow.
He needs you, more than anything.
But deep down, he knew his desires would be his dimise.
-----the next day-----
readers POV:
you couldn't sleep last night, the constant feeling of eyes being on you kept you awake.
that strange man has been watching you for nearly 5 months now, it's almost driving you insane.
You see him everywhere, work, outside your house, when you go to the store.
The worst part is pretending that you don't know.
Acting like he's just another customer, trying to convince yourself that he just happens to be walking down the same street as you, every. single. night.
??? tells you "not to worry, he'll become useful soon"
But it gets harder every time you see him in the corner of your eye.
You do your usual routine, take a shower, put on your uniform, eat breakfast, and walk to work.
You would drive, but he slashed your tires.
When you get there, your coworker jenny is already there, she's mopping the floor.
Jenny: "oh hey y/n!"
She says with a smile
how she's this excited at 6 am is a mystery.
Y/n: "hey jen"
You yawn as you take off your coat, and put it on the coat rack.
Jenny: "rough night?"
You nodded
Jenny: "did you stay up watching TV again?"
She giggled
Y/n: "yeah.."
You gave a weak smile, along with a breathy laugh.
You went and got a bottle of cleaner and a rag.
You walked over to the booths, and got to work.
After cleaning the dining area, you go to the door and plug up the LED sign that said "OPEN"
You look up for just a second, that's when you see him.
He's standing right across the street in an alley way, just staring at you.
He had some kind of mouth guard, so you wouldn't be able to recognize him.
You two lock eye contact for a few minutes, you feel someones hand resting on your shoulder.
You jump, and quickly turn around to see who it was.
Jenny: "you alright?"
She has a concerned look on her face.
Y/n: "yeah, I've just been spacing out lately.. probably from a lack of sleep"
You try to laugh it off, but she has that same look on her face.
You look back to where he was, only to see that he's gone.
"Maybe I'm starting to hallucinate?"
You thought to yourself.
You lightly sigh, and walk back behind the counter.
2:45/14:45 pm
Your shift was almost over, you were handing someone their order when you heard the bell doorbell ding.
You looked up to see 𝒉𝒊𝒎
He came over to the counter, maintaining eye contact.
You tried to swallow that lump in your throat, but something about him was just so off-putting.
He didn't have his mouth guard on, but you knew it was him.
just his overall presence was making you feel uneasy.
Y/n: "welcome to Dollys cafe, what can I get you?"
You spoke as you normally would, calm and collected, but deep down you felt fear.
Fear that would soon turn into rage.
Toby: "I t-think I'll have the omel-lette"
He stuttered when he spoke, his voice was kind of husky, and deep.
Y/n: "will that be all?"
You looked at him, eye contact not wavering.
Toby: "mhm"
He handed you the money, and sat in a booth near the window.
You quickly handed the order to jenny, who was in the kitchen because the usual chef was sick.
It didn't take long for her to finish the omelette, you brought it over to his booth, and gently sat it down.
Y/n: "need anything else?"
He simply shook his head.
That's when you noticed his hands, they were bruised, and there was dried blood on them.
You stared at them for a little too long
After a while, he pulled his hands off of the table and tucked them in jean pockets.
You were snapped back into reality when he did that.
Y/n: "..."
Y/n: "sorry."
You quickly walked back behind the counter to tend to the other customers, filled with shame and embarrassment.
Toby's POV:
he was filled to the brim with excitement, just being this close to you is enough to fuel his daydreams for at least a week.
He scarfed his omelette down, and left a big tip.
He gave you one more glance before he headed towards the door, only to see you staring right back at him.
He felt his stomach twist & twirl under your gaze.
When he stepped outside, he let out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding.
He crossed the street, not bothering to check for cars, as he walked he pulled out his mouth guard.
He had another small mission he had to complete before he could return to you.
he was sitting in your closet, waiting for you to get home.
The room was dark, he could barely see through the shudders of the closet door.
his gloved hands were shaking with excitement.
Tonight is the night he's going to take you.
He already has everything he needs.
Rope, chloroform, an escape route, and 𝒚𝒐𝒖.
he waited patiently for you to arrive, his hands started shaking even more when he heard the front door open.
his plan was to wait for you to go to sleep, then he'd use the chloroform, tie you up, and take you home.
His dreams were about to come true, you were everything he's ever wanted, and he was about to have you.
He heard you walk up the steps, and go in your room.
you walked over to your window and closed your curtains before walking out into the hall, and then into the bathroom.
After a while you came back into your room, wearing a strange white robe.
He watched as you went over to your jewelry box and pulled out a golden necklace, it appeared to be some kind of symbol.
You put it on, a sigh escaping your lips.
He felt a wave of worry and confusion wash over him as you made your way back downstairs
That feeling got ten times stronger when he heard the back door slam.
Where could you possibly be going?
He took no time to bust out of the closet, and chase after you.
He bolted down the stairs, and out the door, you didn't even bother to lock the door behind you.
He looked around in the back yard for you, only for there to be no trace of you.
That's when something caught his eye, a glimmer of light poking out from behind a few trees.
He ran towards where it was coming from, the light growing bigger as he approached it.
He crouched in the bushes, quietly watching
He saw three people with masks surrounding the fire, they had on strange black robes threaded with gold.
They were chanting something, but it was unintelligible.
In front of them was a table, it had 6 large knives on it, as well as 6 gold plated bowls.
Behind them were five other people formed in a line, one seemed to be missing.
he recognized one of them as a family friend of yours
He got a sudden adrenaline rush once he saw you standing at the end of the line.
He was too focused on you to notice the person sneaking up on him from behind.
Suddenly he felt a strange sensation on the back of his head, soon everything went dark.
He was woken up by the sound of crying, he looked over to his left, ignoring the heavy feeling in his head, to see a woman.
She was tied to a tree, and tears were streaming down her face.
He then realized he was also tied to a tree.
He looked back at her, and saw a man just next to her.
He was pleading for his life, while straining against the ropes.
Toby turned his head to the right, to see two more people, both doing the same as the other two on his left.
He was the only one who wasn't crying, instead a sinister smile formed on his face.
He looked around until he saw you, your eyes locked, and he was surprised to see you too had a smile, but a different smile.
A malicious smile.
One of the masked people spoke
??: "Xykdos is upon us, he accepts these offerings, and gives us his many blessings."
The masked people pulled the knives off of the table, as well as the gold plated bowls, and handed them to each person in line.
His heartbeat was getting faster every second.
This was everything he could ever want.
He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, he'd never felt excitement like this before, even during his most gruesome kills, this was something completely different.
The masked people started chanting once more, getting louder and louder, the fire growing taller as they continued.
He started laughing manically as you approached him, knife & bowl in hand.
His laughter only got louder when you were right in front of him.
the rage filled look in your eyes only furthered his need for you.
If it wasn't for the ropes binding him, he would probably be pulling his hair out with joy.
You lifted the bowl up to his neck, just below his adams apple.
He started to say something
Toby: "I love yo-"
He was cut off by you roughly sliding the knife across his throat.
The blood from his wound filled the cup to the brim.
To him, it was like time had stopped.
It was just you, and him.
No one else mattered, just you.
He could feel his eye lids getting heavy, his heart slowing down, he looked at you once more, the fire behind you burning brightly, casting an angelic red and orange glow around you.
you looked divine....ʚ♡ɞ
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theic-manic · 2 months
Establish communication boundaries with the deities: spooky club edition
Especially when you first get acquainted and if it's a death or cthonic deity.
E.g. Melinoe is known to inspire madness, anxiety and fear as well as being able to "haunt the living".
(Disclaimer: Please rule out mundane causes of the aforementioned symptoms first and speak to a trained mental health professional)
Me, feeling an anxiety attack build up after I start reaching out to her:
"Melinoe, I need you to find another way to communicate with me because I can't be freaking the fuck out whenever you try to reach out."
I start feeling calmer.
Melinoe is like those ghosts in certain horror movies who will cause absolute mayhem by making people hallucinate while going full poltergeist simply because she has some spooky neurodivergent communication styles and might just benefit from a white board and marker to write messages on instead.
(Thank you, Hermes, for helping me order a discounted spirit board just before I realised she has been trying to reach out to me)
I'm being told that she is also behind the Amityville murders and those type of events, though she won't elaborate just yet.
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I was originally going to use the artwork by IrenHorrors featuring Melinoe and her squad of ghosts, however this artwork I found of her just quietly sitting in a chair feels better to me.
It's like those haunted house movies where the empty chair covered by the sheet isn't actually empty and there's a ghost just sitting there.
And the thing is, in many instances these ghosts mean no harm but our western society's perspective on death is so... tainted by fear and the likes that our fears can often be unfounded.
I'll write a post about Melinoe signs and devotions soon but I'd suggest watching non-western movies about hauntings and death such as "the rope curse" and others that tend to involve funerary rights and customs.
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ressu-rection · 2 months
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Witches of Tumblr!
Heavily exploring the idea of expanding my custom spell candles…
Each one would be custom made per person with artwork on the front!
pls remember your reblogs are helpful!
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
LOST EPIC PS5 and Switch physical editions launch August 8 in Japan
From Gematsu
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Publisher One or EIGHT and developer Team EARTH WARS will release physical standard and Deluxe editions of LOST EPIC for PlayStation 5 and Switch on August 8 in Japan, the companies announced.
The standard edition will be priced at 3,828 yen, while the Deluxe Edition will be priced at 9,680 yen. The latter will include a copy of the game, an outer case featuring a new illustration by Namie, the original soundtrack CD, an 100-page art book, and an acrylic stand.
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LOST EPIC is currently available digitally for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam worldwide.
Here is an overview of the game, via One or EIGHT:
The latest game from Team EARTH WARS, the creators of the 300,000 DL hit game EARTH’S DAWN. LOST EPIC is a 2D side-scrolling action RPG about a war between gods and humanity. The player becomes the deity-defying knight, God Slayer, and explores the world known as Sanctum to bring the Pantheon of Six to their knees.
Key Features
Combine Attacks and Divine Skills to Create a Satisfying Combo – Each weapon has its own unique move “Divine Skill.” You can customize your knight by combining your favorite Divine skills. By activating your Divine skill at the right moment, you can take down an enemy and deliver massive damage.
Create Your Own Character Build Using Skill Points – You can further advance the battle by upgrading the character stats according to the weapon you often use. Focusing on specific stats and creating a strength, skill or magic build will also be effective in advancing your quest.
Complete Quests and Earn Rewards – Completing quests given from the many characters will progress the sub-story, and earn rewards for the player. Certain quests require you to fight against enemies known as the Elite. Defeating the Elites can give you powerful rewards.
Craft Items to Better Your Exploration! – When you start to say to yourself, “Where are my medicines?” and “Too many debuffs,” try acquiring materials through cultivating or fishing and craft items! If you find some enemies difficult at times, a good preparation could save you. That is not all, throughout Sanctum, there are hidden items that will surely help you in your venture. Search the corners that tickle your senses and you may find something.
Main Illustrator
Namie – An illustrator from Australia. Has done artwork for Fate/Grand Order, Azur Lane, and Arknights, and character design for The farthest library in the mirror and more.
Voice Cast
The daughter of a Witch, Alta (voiced by Wakana Maruoka)
The Witch of Nabel, Cecilia (voiced by Nanako Mori)
Beautiful and noble Dame of Sanctum (voiced by Marie Miyake)
Son of God (voiced by Ryota Suzuki)
A boy half beast, half human (voiced by Risa Tsumugi)
Ghost Girl (voiced by Amane Shindo)
A girl in hiding through Sanctum (voiced by Airi Ohtsu)
A mysterious black cat (voiced by Fujiya Ichi)
Mariko Higashiuchi
Taro Kiuchi
Honoka Inoue
Casting Corporation AGRS Co., Ltd
Team EARTH WARS – The production team from EARTH’S DAWN, which was released in 2015 and ported to many platforms. EARTH’S DAWN is a stylish fast-paced 2D action RPG. The user friendly interface and the hack and slash style replayability was praised by hardcore gamers resulting in 300,000 downloads.
Watch a new trailer below.
Physical Edition Trailer
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to-taiwan-from-fanny · 2 months
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July 13 - Long Shan Temple, YuYu Yang, etc.
Day 2 of Taiwan started extremely hectic: me and Faith were rushing to get ready to go out and barely made it down to the hotel lobby on time with only a few seconds left until 9:31.
If I had known how much walking we'd have to do, I would've woken up earlier to go get some pastries like we did yesterday but, alas, life goes on and we continued onto the excursion.
We briefly passed through Dongshanshui wet market which was remnicient of the markets I saw in Seattle with Faith just a week prior. This was followed up by to the Long Shan Temple. I felt a bit out of place as a tourist in a place of worship - the procedures the Taiwanese citizens did to honor the Gods reminded me of the offerings my family would give to our passed relatives during Qingming - but nonetheless, I admired the going-ons of the temple with as much respect as I could muster.
The lack of air conditioning in the area did leave me extremely winded and the immediate trip to the botanical gardens after didn't help in that aspect but the view definitely made up for it! It was my first time seeing a lotus flower in real life and it's even prettier than imagery could capture.
This was then followed up by a trip to the YuYu Yang art museum where there was both air conditioning and amazing sculptures and artwork. We stopped there briefly before being set free by Yeh Laoshi, Peter, and Chief.
Afterwards, me and Faith joined our classmates to eat hotpot (there were so many of us we had to get two tables!) and then I abandoned them to go roll around in my hotel bed. I spent the remainder of my precious time wishing I had a full bed.
below are more pictures of my day, before I knocked out.
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pretty pretty temple!
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a little lotus flower!!!!! so so so pretty i wanted to take it home so bad
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cute off-guard faith and me taking pictures in front of the giant mirror ball at the yuyu yang museum
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hotpot pictures from before I abandoned them to rot in my hotel bed
not pictured: me absolutely konking out.
Academic Reflection
Despite all the beautiful places we'd been to all day, the biggest stand out of the excursion was probably the first thing we went to: the wet market, operating from morning to noon unlike the newer night markets. Peter briefly mentioned his own experience and memories of the markets, with a tender killing a live chicken in front of him as a child, something we, thankfully, didn't get to see while passing through. There certainly were a lot of chickens though! It's interesting to see what customs survive the test of time and government regulation.
Growing up non-religious in a Buddhist household, I found the Long Shan Temple especially interesting. Though I identify with no religion, I still diligently participate in Chinese-Buddhist customs and superstitions and it was really cool to find out that the temple featured a mixture of Taoist and Buddhist inspiration. The moon blocks - used to give answers - was also extremely fun! Though I, myself, didn't ask the deitys any questions, it sure was amusing to see Faith ask them about her future dog.
If Peter hadn't told us that the bricks prominently featured in the buildings we saw today were of Dutch influence, I never would've guessed. I think it's really cute how bricks are called red haired blocks after the ginger-head Europeans that introduced them to it.
with love,
fanny <3
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Bennu  is an ancient Egyptian deity linked with the Sun, creation, and rebirth. He may have been the original inspiration for the  phoenix  legends that developed in Greek mythology
According to  Egyptian mythology, Bennu was a self-created being said to have played a role in the creation of the world. He was said to be the ba of Ra and to have enabled the creative actions of Atum.The deity was said to have flown over the waters of  Nun that existed before creation, landing on a rock and issuing a call that determined the nature of creation. He also was a symbol of rebirth and, therefore, was associated with  Osiris.
Some of the titles of Bennu were "He Who Came Into Being by Himself", and "Lord of Jubilees"; the latter epithet referred to the belief that Bennu periodically renewed himself like the sun was thought to do. His name is related to the Egyptian verb  wbn, meaning "to rise in brilliance" or "to shine".
The Pyramid Texts, which date to the Old Kingdom, refer to the 'bnw' as a symbol of Atum, and it may have been the original form of Bennu. In this word the shape of a bird is used that is definitely not a heron, but a small singing bird. The old 'Woerterbuch der Aegyptische Sprache' surmised that this small singing bird might have been a Yellow Wagtail ('Motacilla flava', but no clear reason is given.However, the same bird used in the spelling of a word 'bn.t' in a painted limestone relief wall fragment from the suntemple of the Vth Dynasty king Niuserre from the Old Kingdom, now in the Aegypisches Museum at Berlin (inv.nr. Aeg.Mus. 20038-20039), clearly shows traces of blue-grey paint on much of the body of this bird-sign, so that a different bird species was definitely meant. Shape and colour seem to point rather to a (Mediterranean) Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) for whom, however, another name was in use: 'hn.t<y'= lit. 'the one of the canal'.
Traces of orange(brown)coloring existing on and also outside the chiseled glyph did originally not belong to this particular bird sign. They are caused by natural stains in the white limestone, as the higher lying layer of blue paint on the bird shows as well. The advantage of such bird identification might be, that a Kingfisher flying lowly over watery surfaces and shrieking loudly would be a reasonable mythical example for the creator deity Atum of Heliopolis as having risen from the first dark waters, called Nun, in order to start his creation of the world. If so, this Kingfisher 'bnw' or 'bn.t' is a good match for the mythical and cultic Nilegoose (Eg. 'smn') of the creator deity Amun in later periods, imagined to having been honking loudly in the primeval dark above the still waters in order to bring forth all creation by its voice.
New Kingdom artwork shows Bennu as a huge grey heron with a long beak and a two-feathered crest. Sometimes Bennu is depicted as perched on a benben stone (representing Ra and the name of the top stone of a pyramid) or in a willow tree (representing Osiris). Because of the connection with Osiris, Bennu sometimes wears the Atef crown, instead of the solar disk.
Possible Animal Model
In comparatively recent times, a large species of heron, now extinct, lived on the Arabian Peninsula. It shares many characteristics with Bennu. It may have been the animal after which Bennu was modeled by the ancient Egyptians during the New Kingdom.
Like Atum and Ra, the Bennu was probably worshipped in their cult center at Heliopolis.The deity also appears on funerary scarab amulets as a symbol of rebirth.
Connection To The Greek Phoenix
The Greek historian Herodotus, writing about Egyptian customs and traditions in the fifth century BC, wrote that the people at Heliopolis described the "phoenix" to him. They said it lived for 500 years before dying, resuscitating, building a funerary egg with myrrh for the paternal corpse, and carrying it to the temple of the Sun at Heliopolis.His description of the phoenix likens it to an eagle with red and gold plumage, reminiscent of the sun.
Long after Herodotus, the theme ultimately associated with the Greek phoenix, with the fire, pyre, and ashes of the dying bird developed in Greek traditions.
The name, "phoenix", could be derived from "Bennu" and its rebirth and connections with the sun resemble the beliefs about Bennu, however, Egyptian sources do not mention a death of the deity.
Chosen as scientific name of the bird
Remains of a giant, human-sized heron species, thought to have gone extinct around 1500 BC, have been discovered in the United Arab Emirates.That species may have been the animal model for the deity, Bennu, so archaeologist Dr. Ella Hoch from the Geological Museum at Copenhagen University named it the Bennu heron (Ardea bennuides).
──────⊰In Workings⊱──────
*Please know basic protections and energy work before attempting any deity work.*
*It is important to note that everyone's experiences are different and will work with spirits for different reasons. Some people may like a spirit while others will not and that's okay. Ask these spirits what they will work with you on as well as ask them if they can help you with whatever it is you need.*
Ideas for honoring or working with/worshipping Bennu
Create an altar/sacred space for your rituals and giving offerings for Bennu. Items may include
⬩An altar cloth
⬩Cup or chalice
⬩Incense and an incense burner
⬩Offering bowl
⬩Statue of Bennu or Bennu bird
⬩Yellow candles (you can use any color)
For more information on basic deity work and altar setups check out the deity work post.
Basic offerings:Bread, Frankincense, Game Meat, Lion Statue Myrrh, Sour Dough, Meat, Sun Symbols,
Ideas for rituals may include
⬩Honoring creation and life
⬩Honoring the Sun
⬩Life and rebirth
⬩Summer solstice
⬩Ask him what else he can help with⬩
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For more content relating to other practices/religions or pantheons follow my main blog for updates or ask me anything
If you have any more questions or wish to join a community feel free to join my 18+ discord server
Ask me anything on my blog
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 year
Living Altar - CR1 Aberration
Pray to your eldritch god.  You will not receive salvation, but perhaps you can deprive your enemies of it as well.
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Artwork is in-game art from Darkest Dungeon II, by Red Hook Studios.
Living altars are common low-level servants of great old ones and outer gods, sent to aid their followers.  Great old ones and outer gods usually don’t do a lot to aid their followers, or even particularly care that they have followers, but these living altars are an exception, for reasons that they keep to themselves.
The living altar below is that of a chaotic evil deity, which is the alignment of most great old ones and outer gods.  A living altar that worships a deity of a different alignment has a different alignment, aura, and magic circle against whatever spells.
A living altar’s role in battle is a support creature.  It isn’t instinctively hostile to anyone, but will follow and defend creatures that worship the same deity that the living altar serves.  This means that a PC that finds one alone might be able to keep it as a pet, which one of your players will definitely try to do if they realize this.  You know which player.
This functions like and counts as a typical altar except that it can only apply its boon to one creature per day, can be moved without losing its magical abilities, and (obviously) is a creature.
This would make a good improved familiar for a level 7 character that worships an outer god or great old one, if you feel like giving players access to a custom improved familiar.
Living Altar - CR 1
A small amalgamation of tentacles and eyes writhes in the darkness, flickering candles burning atop it and dripping melting wax down its tentacles.
XP 400 CE Small aberration Init -3 Senses darkvision 60 ft., sense worship; Perception +2
AC 8, touch 8, flat-footed 8 (-3 Dex, +1 size) hp 11 (2d8+2) Fort +1, Ref -3, Will +5
Speed 15 ft. Melee tentacle +0 (1d3-2 plus grab) Special Attacks conversion channel, swallow whole
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +3)     Constant—magic circle against good, magic circle against law (or appropriate magic circles for creature’s deity)     At will—guidance, stabilize, virtue     1/day— bane (DC 12), bless, face of the devourer
Str 6, Dex 5, Con 13, Int —, Wis 14, Cha 12 Base Atk +1; CMB -2 (+2 grapple); CMD 5 SQ aura, grant spells to the faithful, unholy altar
Aura (Su) A living altar serves a specific deity, typically an outer god or great old one.   A living altar has a faint alignment aura of the same alignment as its deity (typically chaotic and evil).
Conversion Channel (Su) Once per day, as a standard action, a living altar can channel negative energy to deal damage to living creatures, while also healing the faithful of its deity.  Worshipers of the living altar’s deity within the area of its channel recover 1d8 hit points (whether alive or undead), while living enemies take 1d8 negative energy damage.  A DC 12 Will save halves the damage.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
Non-worshipers of the living altar’s deity within the channeled energy can convert to the worship of its deity as an immediate action in order to gain this healing effect.  As long as their conversion is sincere, willing converts gain the healing instead of the damage from the channeled negative energy.  Such a conversion can only be undone by an atonement or similar effect. 
Grant Spells to the Faithful (Su) Creatures that worship the living altar’s deity can temporarily gain a single first-level spell slot as a cleric, and can prepare a single cleric orison or first-level cleric spell of the creature’s choice in that slot, by spending an hour in prayer within 10 feet of the living altar.  A creature that gains a spell from this ability uses Wisdom as its spellcasting ability modifier for this spell.
A living altar can grant a spell in this way once per day, and a creature can pray to a living altar to gain a spell in this way once per day.  This can be done simultaneously with the time the creature spends to regain its spells and other powers.  The creature loses this spell and temporary spell slot after 24 hours.
Unholy Altar (Ex) As long as it is alive, a living altar counts as an unholy symbol for any creature within 30 feet which worships the living altar’s deity - such creatures can cast spells and use abilities as if they had an unholy symbol in hand.  Additionally, as long as it is alive, a living altar counts as a fixture dedicated to its deity, affecting spells and effects like Consecrate.
Sense Worship (Ex) Although mindless, a living altar understands when a creature prays to or perceptibly worships its deity in its presence, and can automatically sense whether this prayer or worship is genuine.  It follows creatures that genuinely perform such rites, and protects them if they are in danger.
Swallow Whole (Ex) A living altar can swallow creatures whole that are at least one size category smaller than it (as usual for the swallow whole ability).  Unlike most creatures with the swallow whole ability, it can use its swallow whole ability against creatures grappled by its tentacle attack, instead of requiring the target to be grappled in its mouth.
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mr-ambiguity · 2 years
Digital Witchcraft 101
When you’re researching witchcraft and Paganism, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that there’s One Right Way to do it. When I was a baby witch, I thought adhering to Wiccan traditions and principles was the “correct” way. My first few months of research were filled with fantasies of elaborate altars carefully arranged with God and Goddess symbols and elemental objects, high-energy rituals for the sabbats, and an emphasis on incorporating various herbs, oils, and incenses into my practice. I looked online trying to find a wand that was both beautiful and inexpensive. I wondered where in my tiny cluttered room I could set up an altar. I tried my hand at keeping a Book of Shadows and planned to fill it with all the spells and correspondences I could find.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with these practices, and if they work for you, that’s fantastic! But it’s also important to acknowledge that magick isn’t one-size-fits-all and some methods aren’t accessible or feasible for everyone, for a variety of reasons.
Magickal tools like wands, athames, crystals, and tarot decks can be expensive, making them out of reach for witches who are unemployed or living in poverty. Ritual work tends to require a lot of focused physical and mental energy that witches with chronic illnesses and fatigue simply don’t have, as well as being time-consuming to perform. And, like myself, many witches are living in homes where it might be unsafe to reveal their craft to family members, which means that magickal tools and fancy altars aren’t an option.
Fortunately, non-traditional witchcraft is just as powerful and effective as the “traditional” stuff. (Sometimes even more so, because it allows you so much freedom to customize and figure out what works for you!) One of the most accessible and versatile tools available is digital technology. If you’ve got a computer and/or phone, there are tons of ways you can use them for your practice. Here are just a few ideas that could be useful to witches at any level of experience.
1. Digital Book of Shadows
I think most of us enjoy the images we see online of super-detailed grimoires and journals. The fancy leather covers, scrawling handwriting, stunning artwork, and beautiful border designs. The tables of correspondences and hand-drawn moon phase calendars. Beauty and detail like that makes people excited about witchcraft! It’s basically the bullet journal inspiration of the witchy world.
But if you’re like me, looking at those gorgeous flip-throughs on Tumblr and Instagram can also feel overwhelming. Not all of us feel great about our art skills. Not all of us have the time it takes to handwrite pages and pages of spells and lists. (My arm starts hurting after a few paragraphs of handwriting anything, to be honest.) If you have nosy or controlling housemates, a physical book might not be safe to keep. And physical grimoires can also be tougher to organize. I always worry that I’ll have something to add after a designated section is entirely full. I may be a witch, but I can’t just magickally make another blank page appear where I need it.
A digital grimoire or Book of Shadows, though? Easy to maintain.
Using a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs can make organization a breeze. As an example, I use Google Docs for storing a lot of my witchy information, split into their own sections: Correspondences, Deities, Holidays, Ideas/reminders, Journal prompts, Spells/rituals, and Tarot/divination. If you do a lot of research online, you can copy and paste relevant information into a document within seconds instead of copying it down by hand. You don’t have to worry about running out of space, either.
You can still personalize a digital version by using colorful fonts, copying and pasting pictures, and taking advantage of the templates offered by your word processor.
2. Digital Spellwork
One advantage of using your device in your magick is that the electricity powering it adds an extra boost of energy to your spells. I like to visualize the cord keeping my laptop charged also charging up my magick. This can be helpful for us witches who have issues with energy regulation and fatigue.
There are also countless ways you can cast spells with a computer as your tool. Some witches use social media likes and sharing to charge and cast their spells. Others use emojis to symbolize their intent. I’ve personally used my desktop background as a symbol with the intention that the spell will charge whenever I look at it. If you’re into writing magick, you can type up a quick incantation and activate it either by saving or deleting the document. If you’ve got witchy friends, you can cast and charge by messaging each other.
There are even more ideas out there that I haven’t listed. Get creative. Take a look at the built-in abilities of your device and figure out how you can harness them to focus your magick.
3. Digital Divination
I am, above all else, a tarot witch. I was unintentionally doing digital witchcraft long before calling myself a witch when my teenage self started using a website that gave free computer-generated tarot and rune readings. It was how I first started learning the meanings of the cards and where I first connected to tarot as a divination system.
Years later, I still take advantage of free online readings from time to time. This is especially true for moon phase readings — I can never guarantee that I’ll have the focus and motivation needed to clear off my desk, get out a deck and tarot journal, and do a full spread. Using computer-generated readings and typing my interpretations is a lot easier sometimes, particularly on days where my depression is strong.
There are plenty of other ways to use technology as a divination tool. You can use random word or writing generators for insight. Your digital music library is all you need for shufflemancy (the practice of using shuffled songs for divination). Word processors are ideal for quick-paced automatic writing sessions. Get creative and see what you can come up with.
4. Digital Worship
For those witchcraft practitioners who work with deities, there are plenty of ways to honor and interact with them using technology. The number one method I’ve found is the use of e-shrines. If you don’t have the space or you’re unable to be open with your practice, e-shrines are a great alternative to physical altars. All you need is a digital space where you can leave prayers and offerings.
Any social media site can house an e-shrine, but my personal favorite is Pinterest. I have an entire board dedicated to the deities I work with where each deity is given their own section. You can put anything you want on your shrine — I personally save any quotes, photos, and artwork that remind me of them. Your deities will appreciate the time you put into collecting such posts. An e-shrine also serves as a space where you can go to connect with your deities by reading or viewing things that remind you of their energy.
I know that looking at others’ elaborate methods of practice can lead to frustration and self-comparison. Even though I’ve gotten better at embracing my own unique way of making magick, I still often feel a pang of envy or inadequacy when I see those gorgeous Instagram altars packed with massive crystals, expensive tarot decks, and bundles of herbs and flowers. I sometimes worry that my magick won’t be as effective without all the traditional tools.
But the most important lesson I’ve seen and learned since beginning my practice is this: there is only one absolute essential you will ever need in witchcraft and that is you. Your magick comes from within. Any tools that you use in the process are simply there to help you focus your intention. That means that there’s no shame in using whatever options are available to you. If you want that added focus and your computer or your phone is all that you can or want to use, go for it. I promise your magick will be just as powerful and beautiful.
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reblogthiscrapkay · 1 year
The Myth of Persephone in "Punderworld."
Apparently it's been two years since I posted one of these. Technically I actually did read something a few months ago, a very short story called "Persephone Remembers The Pomegranates," but I found it so short and unmemorable that I forgot to even write about it. It felt like a fanfic someone was charging for instead of an actual story. So let's talk about "Punderworld" instead.
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I had heard of this one years ago and thought it looked cute, but I never really went beyond that. The other day though when I went to the library to work and completely forgot my computer, I decided to settle down in the graphic novel section to read a book I brought. But first I HAD to look through the shelves just in case there was something I needed to read there. I ended up checking out some books, and this was one of them. This is definitely not a conventional retelling of the myth. In fact, after the first volume, the myth hasn't even been fully told. I expect there to be at least one or two more volumes. The story starts with Hades talking to Zeus at a party for Artemis, which he is reluctantly at because he needed to ask Zeus a business question. At the same time, Persephone and her mom are fighting about how she won't let her go to the party, which spirals into how she won't let her live her own life. We find from these talks that Hades and Persephone met once when he went to get a cornucopia from Demeter and have only briefly seen each other since but they are both infatuated. Zeus decides to "help" by planting a trick by the lake when Seph lives. Hades rushes there to see a chariot that Persephone gets swept away by when she goes to inspect it. Hijinks ensue as the two have to land the thing in the River Styx and ultimately get separated. When he finds her, he tells her who he really is (Demeter had insisted he was a minor deity) and offers her a tour. She wants to go but says she needs to get home and then we see Demeter finding her bed empty.
It's kind of a lot of book for so little plot, but the good thing is that we get a really strong feeling for the characterization of everyone. Hades is pretty socially awkward in an endearing way and Persephone is strong willed and more straightforward (see also: flirty). Both of them are really hard working and reliable. I like the characterization a lot. I also LOVE the artwork. I've seen a lot of good comic versions from an art perspective (like the Allison Shaw one or the George O'Connor one) but this one may be my favorite. There is a ton of thought put into the designs and at the end of this volume the author talks about why she made the choices she did. As a Greek myth nerd I already saw what she was doing, but it was great to see. I love the detail about how all the major deities have crowns that are unique to their domain and some change with their moods. There's also a lot of little details in the writing that show the author really did her research about ancient Greek customs and such and I really appreciate that. Not judging too much since the story is probably not even halfway done, I will say I don't know how I feel about some of the changes. I like the idea of Hades not kidnapping her but the way in which they got to the underworld felt weirdly convoluted. I like that it put them in a position to have to work together (again, the characterization is very good) but it felt a little overwrought. I also think it worked to have them already knowing each other but I wish it had shied away from the "already in love and spoke once" trope just a bit. While you're changing stuff, why not just have them be interested and fall in love over the course of the book? Either way, I will definitely keep reading these if they keep getting published. But it could also use more puns.
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smocksinabox · 2 years
I just opened my new studio today, and yesterday, on the first of the year, we hired our local witch to do an official smudge/blessing of the venue because it had been a doctor's office for 30 years or so, and we had done a bunch of renovations besides so it just seemed in need of some sort of cleanse. I should mention that I am personally not religious nor superstitious (maybe "stitious" if you'll pardon the dad joke), but this seemed like a delightful sort of ritual to partake in, with good spirit.
Apparently Tyr was the deity in question that was in play, no complaints there.
THEN that night I had a very vivid dream about trying to protect my daughter from a wolf, which was weird and coincidental.
So, there's that.
Anyway, studio is up and running, perhaps with the protection of an underappreciated Norse God, so come on by to get a custom tattoo or apply to display your artwork in our gallery.
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Guruvayurappan Gold Pendant: A Symbol of Faith and Devotion
The Guruvayurappan gold pendant is a timeless piece of jewelry that holds deep spiritual significance for devotees of Lord Guruvayurappan, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This pendant, often worn as a symbol of devotion, is not only a beautiful ornament but also a revered religious emblem. For those who seek blessings, protection, and a deeper connection with their faith, the Guruvayurappan gold pendant serves as a cherished accessory.
In this blog post, we will explore the history, symbolism, and importance of the Guruvayurappan gold pendant, as well as its relevance in modern jewelry trends. Whether you are a devotee looking to deepen your spiritual connection or a jewelry enthusiast searching for a meaningful piece, this article will offer valuable insights into the Guruvayurappan pendant.
The Significance of Guruvayurappan
Lord Guruvayurappan is the presiding deity of the famous Guruvayur Temple in Kerala, India, which is one of the most revered pilgrimage sites for Hindus. Lord Guruvayurappan is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped in the form of a young boy holding a conch (Shankha) and a discus (Chakra). The temple attracts millions of devotees from all over the world who come to seek the blessings of the deity.
The Guruvayurappan gold pendant features the image of Lord Guruvayurappan and is worn by devotees to symbolize their faith and dedication. It serves as a reminder of the Lord's presence and protection, guiding the wearer in their spiritual journey.
Historical and Religious Roots
The origins of the Guruvayurappan pendant can be traced back to the devotion of the people of Kerala to Lord Vishnu. For centuries, devotees have worn gold pendants depicting deities to express their unwavering faith. The tradition of wearing deity pendants, including the Guruvayurappan pendant, continues to be popular in many Hindu households.
The gold pendant of Lord Guruvayurappan is especially significant because it embodies the divine energy and blessings of the deity. It is believed that wearing this pendant can bring peace, prosperity, and protection from harm. It also symbolizes the wearer's surrender to the will of Lord Vishnu, seeking his guidance and support in times of need.
Design and Craftsmanship of the Guruvayurappan Gold Pendant
The beauty of the Guruvayurappan gold pendant lies in its intricate craftsmanship. Artisans create these pendants with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the deity's image is beautifully depicted. The craftsmanship often includes delicate carvings and designs that enhance the overall appearance of the pendant.
Features of a Guruvayurappan Pendant
Depiction of the Deity: The central feature of the pendant is the image of Lord Guruvayurappan, standing with his conch and discus. The deity is often shown with a serene and peaceful expression, reflecting the divine presence.
Gold Craftsmanship: Most Guruvayurappan pendants are made of gold, symbolizing purity, prosperity, and divinity. Gold is considered an auspicious metal in Hinduism, making it the ideal material for religious jewelry.
Ornamental Detailing: Many pendants feature intricate patterns and embellishments around the deity's image, such as floral motifs, traditional Kerala designs, or temple-inspired artwork. This level of detail adds to the beauty and elegance of the pendant.
Variety of Designs: While the traditional Guruvayurappan pendant is a simple gold depiction of the deity, modern designs also incorporate precious stones, diamonds, or enamel work to add a contemporary touch to the sacred pendant.
Customization Options
In recent years, jewelers have begun offering customized versions of the Guruvayurappan gold pendant, allowing devotees to choose the size, weight, and additional embellishments according to their preferences. This flexibility enables wearers to select a pendant that reflects both their spiritual devotion and personal style.
Customized pendants can also include inscriptions or special symbols that hold personal significance for the wearer. For example, some devotees may choose to have mantras or prayers engraved on the back of the pendant, adding an extra layer of spirituality to the piece.
Spiritual Benefits of Wearing the Guruvayurappan Gold Pendant
The Guruvayurappan gold pendant is not just a piece of jewelry; it is believed to carry the blessings and protection of Lord Guruvayurappan. Wearing this pendant is thought to have several spiritual benefits:
Protection: Devotees believe that the pendant offers divine protection, guarding the wearer from negative energies and harmful influences. It serves as a shield, providing comfort and security in difficult times.
Peace and Harmony: The presence of Lord Guruvayurappan is believed to bring peace and harmony into the life of the wearer. The pendant can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.
Spiritual Growth: Wearing the pendant is a way to strengthen one's connection with Lord Guruvayurappan, encouraging spiritual growth and devotion. It serves as a constant reminder to live a life of faith, compassion, and humility.
Blessings of Prosperity: The gold pendant is also seen as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. Devotees believe that it can attract positive energies that lead to success, happiness, and abundance in life.
Reminder of Devotion: The Guruvayurappan pendant helps devotees stay focused on their spiritual goals. By wearing the pendant, individuals can keep the teachings and blessings of Lord Guruvayurappan close to their hearts.
How to Choose the Right Guruvayurappan Gold Pendant
When selecting a Guruvayurappan gold pendant, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you choose a piece that aligns with your spiritual and aesthetic preferences.
Size and Weight
Guruvayurappan pendants come in various sizes and weights, from small, delicate pieces to larger, more ornate designs. If you prefer a subtle and understated look, a smaller pendant may be ideal. For those who want to make a bolder statement with their devotion, a larger, more detailed pendant might be the perfect choice.
Purity of Gold
As with any gold jewelry, the purity of the gold used in the Guruvayurappan pendant is important. Most pendants are made with 22K or 24K gold, which is considered high quality and appropriate for religious jewelry. Ensure that the pendant you choose is certified for its purity and craftsmanship.
Design and Detailing
The design of the Guruvayurappan pendant should reflect your personal taste and devotion. Some pendants feature simple designs with minimal detailing, while others are adorned with intricate patterns and gemstones. Consider whether you prefer a traditional or modern design, and select a pendant that resonates with you.
Budget Considerations
The price of a Guruvayurappan gold pendant can vary depending on the size, weight, and additional features such as gemstones or custom engravings. Set a budget before shopping, and look for a pendant that offers the best value for your investment.
Where to Buy Guruvayurappan Gold Pendants
Guruvayurappan gold pendants are available at many jewelry stores, particularly those that specialize in traditional Indian and temple jewelry. You can also find these pendants online, where a variety of designs and customization options are available. When purchasing a pendant, ensure that the jeweler or seller is reputable and provides certification for the gold's purity and quality.
For those seeking a truly authentic experience, the town of Guruvayur in Kerala is a popular destination for purchasing Guruvayurappan pendants. Many devotees buy their pendants from local jewelers in this holy town after offering prayers at the famous Guruvayur Temple.
The Guruvayurappan gold pendant is a meaningful and cherished piece of jewelry that holds deep spiritual significance for devotees of Lord Guruvayurappan. Whether worn for protection, devotion, or as a symbol of faith, this pendant offers both aesthetic beauty and spiritual benefits. With its rich history and intricate craftsmanship, the Guruvayurappan pendant continues to be a beloved accessory for those seeking a closer connection to their faith and the divine blessings of Lord Guruvayurappan.
If you are looking for a piece of jewelry that combines tradition, devotion, and elegance, the Guruvayurappan gold pendant is an ideal choice. Whether you wear it for its spiritual benefits or as a statement of your faith, this pendant is sure to bring peace, protection, and prosperity into your life.
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wedezine · 7 days
Elevate Your Home Temple: Modern Design Tips for a Spiritual Retreat
A home temple is more than just a prayer room; it is a sacred haven where spirituality, tranquility, and personal connection to the divine come together. Designing your temple with care can foster peace and serenity, turning it into a spiritual retreat within your home. Whether you're crafting a simple meditation nook or an elaborate prayer space, here are some fresh ideas to help you create a divine atmosphere in your home temple, blending modern design with timeless spirituality.
1. Selecting the Ideal Location for Your Temple
The location of your home temple plays a pivotal role in setting the spiritual tone. Traditionally, placing your temple in the east or northeast direction is considered auspicious, as these orientations are believed to attract positive energy. Choose a quiet, clutter-free area, whether it’s a corner, a niche, or even a custom-designed wall unit. The goal is to find a space that remains serene and free of distractions, allowing you to focus on prayer, meditation, and inner peace.
2. Using Calming and Sacred Colors
Color influences the atmosphere of any room, and your home temple is no exception. Opt for soothing shades like whites, creams, soft yellows, and pastels to evoke feelings of purity and peace. For a touch of opulence, add subtle gold accents or warm wooden tones that lend an aura of elegance. If you prefer a more traditional approach, deeper hues like maroon or earthy tones can add richness and a spiritual grounding to your space.
3. Embracing Natural Materials for a Divine Touch
Incorporating natural materials can enhance the sacredness of your temple, creating an environment that feels grounded and organic. Materials like wood, stone, and marble bring an earthy elegance and spiritual warmth. A wooden altar, hand-carved deity statues, or marble flooring can transform your temple into a timeless sanctuary. Adding indoor plants, such as tulsi or bamboo, not only purifies the air but also symbolizes growth, harmony, and life.
4. Creating the Right Ambiance with Lighting
Lighting can dramatically influence the mood and energy of your temple. Warm, soft lighting is ideal for creating a serene, inviting atmosphere. Traditional brass lamps, hanging lanterns, or modern LED strips placed behind deity statues can give your space a divine glow. Make the most of natural light where possible, as it brings warmth and a sense of openness. The goal is to illuminate your space in a way that enhances both its spiritual and aesthetic qualities.
5. Incorporating Thoughtful Storage Solutions
A temple should be free from clutter to maintain its peaceful energy. Design storage solutions that blend seamlessly into the decor while keeping essential items like prayer books, incense sticks, and ritual accessories neatly organized. Custom-built cabinets, concealed drawers under the altar, or wall-mounted shelves can help maintain order, ensuring that your temple remains clean and serene at all times.
6. Elevating Spirituality with Sacred Symbols and Artwork
Sacred symbols and religious artwork can enhance the spiritual energy of your temple. Consider adding paintings or sculptures of deities, mandalas, or symbols like Om and the Lotus to the walls. These sacred visuals not only beautify the space but also serve as a reminder of your spiritual connection. Choose artwork that resonates with your faith and complements the overall design, creating a cohesive and serene atmosphere.
7. Enhancing the Atmosphere with Aromatherapy
Scent plays an integral role in many spiritual practices, and the right aromas can significantly elevate the sacred atmosphere of your temple. Choose traditional fragrances like sandalwood, jasmine, or rose to fill the space with a calming, divine scent. You can use incense sticks, essential oil diffusers, or fragrant flowers to purify the space. For an added touch of tranquility, consider incorporating a small water feature or fresh flower arrangements to evoke nature’s calming presence.
8. Balancing Tradition with Modern Minimalism
If you prefer a more modern aesthetic, consider designing a minimalist home temple. Clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and simple altars with sleek finishes can create a tranquil, contemporary spiritual retreat. A minimalist design doesn’t detract from the sanctity of the space; instead, it emphasizes simplicity and clarity. Combining traditional elements like brass lamps with modern materials like glass or marble can result in a harmonious blend of past and present.
9. Personalizing Your Sacred Space
A home temple should reflect your personal spirituality and beliefs. Incorporate meaningful elements that resonate with you, whether it’s a family heirloom, hand-carved deity statues, or sacred relics passed down through generations. Personal touches such as a cozy seating area for meditation, soothing spiritual music, or a small library of religious texts can make your temple feel deeply personal and inviting. This is your sanctuary, and every detail should inspire peace, devotion, and spiritual reflection.
Designing a home temple is about creating a space that nurtures your connection to the divine while reflecting on your personal spiritual journey. By combining thoughtful design choices—whether through calming colors, natural materials, sacred artwork, or personalized elements—you can craft a space that fosters serenity and devotion. Whether you prefer traditional or modern styles, your temple should be a sacred sanctuary where you can retreat, reflect, and connect with your inner self and the divine. Let this space be a reflection of your faith, guiding you toward peace, balance, and spiritual fulfillment.
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wedezineinterior · 8 days
Creating a Divine Atmosphere with WeDezine: Fresh Ideas for Your Home Temple
At WeDezine, we believe that a home temple should be more than just a spiritual sanctuary – it should be a place where design, functionality, and tranquility merge to create a sacred space for peace and devotion. Whether you envision a cozy meditation nook or an elaborate prayer room, WeDezine offers personalized interior design solutions to help you create a divine atmosphere. Here are some of our innovative ideas to elevate your home temple, combining timeless traditions with modern design trends.
1. Thoughtful Space Planning with WeDezine
Choosing the right spot for your home temple is key to fostering a serene ambiance. At WeDezine, we emphasize creating a temple space that feels separate from the hustle and bustle of daily life, ideally in the east or northeast corner of your home to channel positive energy. Whether you have a spacious home or need to work within a compact area, we provide expert advice on optimizing your layout. From cleverly utilizing corners to designing wall-mounted shrines, we ensure your temple fits seamlessly into your home while remaining a tranquil retreat.
2. Curating Soothing Color Palettes
Colors are powerful in shaping the atmosphere of any space, and WeDezine excels at curating the perfect palette for your home temple. We recommend soft, calming hues such as whites, light yellows, and pastels that evoke purity and peace. For those who appreciate traditional aesthetics, we can incorporate deeper tones like maroons or earth shades for a grounded, spiritual environment. Our expert designers can also introduce elegant gold accents or sophisticated wood finishes to add a luxurious touch without compromising the temple’s sacred vibe.
3. Bringing Nature Indoors
At WeDezine, we’re passionate about biophilic design – integrating nature into interior spaces to promote well-being. For your home temple, we use natural materials like wood, stone, or marble for a divine and enduring look. Hand-carved deity idols, wooden altars, and marble floors are some of our specialty offerings, designed to enhance the spiritual essence of your space. Adding greenery, like a potted tulsi plant or bamboo, further purifies the atmosphere and symbolizes growth and harmony.
4. Lighting Design for a Divine Glow
Lighting is a fundamental part of setting the right mood in your home temple. WeDezine focuses on creating a warm, inviting ambiance using soft lighting solutions that radiate calmness. From traditional brass lamps and hanging lanterns to discreet modern LED fixtures that highlight your deity idols, our custom lighting designs enhance both the spiritual and aesthetic appeal of your temple. Natural light is also a priority in our designs, helping to create an open, peaceful environment where the divine energy flows freely.
5. Smart Storage Solutions with Style
A well-organized temple enhances its spiritual energy. WeDezine integrates sleek, custom storage solutions that maintain the clean and clutter-free atmosphere essential for your home temple. Whether it’s concealed drawers for religious texts, incense sticks, and puja items, or wall-mounted shelves designed with elegance, we create practical, space-saving options that keep your temple both functional and serene.
6. Sacred Art and Symbolism
Personalizing your temple with sacred symbols and artwork can enrich the spiritual energy of the space. WeDezine offers customized wall art featuring deities, mandalas, and sacred symbols like the Om or Lotus, each designed to complement your temple’s aesthetic. Our designers work with local artisans to create bespoke pieces that reflect your personal beliefs while adding an artistic touch to your home temple. These subtle, yet impactful decor elements make your space feel both sacred and stylish.
7. Creating a Tranquil Atmosphere with Aromatherapy
WeDezine recognizes the power of scent in enhancing spirituality. We incorporate fragrant elements such as incense burners, essential oil diffusers, and fresh flower arrangements to complete the sensory experience of your home temple. Traditional scents like sandalwood, jasmine, and rose are used to elevate the sense of devotion and serenity. For added tranquility, we can also design water features or incorporate small fountains that bring the soothing sound of flowing water into your sacred space.
8. Minimalist Temple Design for Modern Homes
If you prefer a contemporary design, WeDezine specializes in minimalist home temples that are sleek, simple, and elegant. Our modern temple designs focus on clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and refined finishes, ensuring that your temple integrates harmoniously into your home’s overall aesthetic. We blend traditional elements with a modern approach, such as combining a marble altar with a modern brass lamp or opting for simple wooden panels with subtle lighting. The result is a tranquil space that reflects both modern sensibilities and deep spirituality.
9. Personalizing Your Sacred Space
At WeDezine, we believe your home temple should be a personal reflection of your faith and spiritual journey. Our team collaborates with you to create a customized design that incorporates meaningful elements, whether it’s family heirlooms, traditional relics, or custom-made deity idols. We can also add a meditation seating area with comfortable cushions, install an audio system for devotional music, or design a dedicated shelf for your collection of spiritual books. Every detail is thoughtfully considered to make your temple uniquely yours.
10. The WeDezine Experience: Crafting Sacred Spaces with a Modern Touch
At WeDezine, we combine traditional wisdom with cutting-edge design to create home temples that are not only spiritually uplifting but also visually stunning. Our expert designers work closely with you to understand your vision and bring it to life, creating a home temple that balances aesthetics, functionality, and spiritual energy. With our attention to detail, use of high-quality materials, and personalized approach, we ensure that your sacred space becomes a cherished part of your home.
By choosing WeDezine for your home temple, you’re not just investing in design – you’re creating a sanctuary where you can connect with the divine, meditate, and find peace within. Let us help you transform your home into a haven of spirituality and beauty.
This version promotes WeDezine's expertise in creating bespoke home temples while maintaining the essence of the original content, now tailored for a design-conscious audience.
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