#cute. yes but on the other hand we have darcy
darlenicy · 1 year
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already as a kid i never got why musa thinks they have a party when they all just sit in a café  😅
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why? did you think stella would lie to you for fun? that’s not her type. she is the one who gossips at the first chance but she'd never lie to make you feel bad. she simply doesn’t watch her words. so why so surprised?
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why does musa pretend as if this was an impossible thing? ever looked at darcy? she’s gorgeous
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elizabethwritesmen · 9 months
𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜
chapter 3: the big picture
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pairing: firefighter!steve x reader
summary: after a not-date with steve and a few revelations, y/n can’t hold her feelings in anymore. to make matters worse, tragedy strikes at the worst moment.
warnings: ANGST. smut to come.
a/n: i’m sorry in advance for the ending of this chapter, and i promise it will get better! i wanted to have all the parts out by christmas but it didn’t work out that way. still, though, i plan to finish this series as soon as possible IF you guys still want it! i’m grateful for all interaction but i noticed it went down on part 2 so let me know whether i should finish this or start working on something else please! (:
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 4
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I knew it was silly when I grabbed the slinky dress out of my closet. It was delicate, white knit fabric with lacy pink flowers, and not quite my usual style. I was more of a comfort everywhere I go kind of girl, but for once, I wanted to make the extra effort. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that Steve was going to come see me at work. Nothing at all.
I slipped a baby pink cardigan over it, letting it hang loosely off my shoulders, and pulled on some lacy pink socks, rolling them down and fitting them into white tennis shoes. I thought I looked cute, delicate but still quite pretty.
I walked into the living room where Robin was waiting, and she raised her brow at me, no words forming but her face saying it all.
“What?” I huffed, crossing my arms.
“Steve must be coming by the shop today.”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because that’s the only reason you’d put on an outfit like that.”
I rolled my eyes, “Well does it at least look okay?”
“You look great, don’t get me wrong. Steve is gonna have to do a Darcy hand flex when he sees you. But you’re also being really obvious.”
“It doesn’t get more obvious than the Y/N and Steve sitting in a tree jokes you were making yesterday.”
“I guess that’s true,” she shrugged, “Everyone knows you two are gonna get together anyways. It’s just a matter of waiting now.”
“We are so not.”
“Yeah, ok, sure. Whatever you say.”
We drove to work separately, and the day passed by slowly. I anxiously awaited the moment Steve would walk through the door. It was almost embarrassing, really, every time someone came in and I heard the bell I looked up all giddy and hopeful.
Finally, about a half hour before we closed, when I’d given up all hope, he showed up.
I looked up, not at all expecting it to be him, but there he was.
He stood there for a moment, taking me in. His eyes scanned over me slowly, greedily. I smiled, knowing I got exactly the reaction I wanted.
“Hey,” he managed to get out, still distracted.
“Hey,” I shot back, “I started to think you weren’t coming.”
“Of course I’m here,” he met my eyes at that and chuckled lightly, a beautiful sound that met my ears and melted into them. “I brought you something.”
“Another cat?”
This time I earned a laugh instead of a chuckle, full and sweet, “Unfortunately no, but I think you’ll like it anyway.” He then pulled his hand out from behind his back, and, for the record, I’d been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t even noticed it was there. In it he was holding a perfectly tailored bouquet of pink tulips, mixed in with a few other delicate flowers.
I gasped, staring at it for a second before walking around the counter to grab it from him. It was already in a vase of water, which made me think it was from a flower shop instead of a supermarket aisle. Additionally, there was a pretty bow tied around the base.
“I don’t know what to say,” I stammered, holding them in front of me and examining them, unable to look away. “They’re perfect.”
“I forgot to get you flowers the day of your graduation. I wanted to make up for it now.”
“You’re still the only person who’s ever given me flowers.”
“Yes. Remember that time we went to the store and I said the flowers were pretty so you grabbed the prettiest bunch of them and bought them?”
“You asked me who they were for and I wouldn’t tell you ‘til we got back to your house and I stole one of your mom’s vases and put them in your room.”
“That’s still the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Until now, at least. This even tops that.”
“I’m sorry nobody else got you flowers. You deserve to get them, and often.”
“You’re so sweet,” I smiled, placing them on the counter for everyone to see. They were such a statement piece, so beautiful you had to admire them. My heart was in shambles, completely wrecked from his kind gesture, and I forgot how to be normal, fidgeting nervously.
“I’m meeting up with a couple guys from the station in an hour at a restaurant outside of town. Would you wanna come with me?”
“Really?” I quirked a brow, “I wouldn’t be intruding?”
“Well, one is bringing his wife and the other is bringing his girlfriend. I know you’re not either of those, but you’re the only person I’d want there.”
I grinned, “I’d love to. Is what I’m wearing okay, or do I need to go home and change first?”
“What you’re wearing is perfect. I’ll wait here with you until you get off and we can ride over there together, if you want.”
“Of course I want that!”
And he did, sitting on a stool beside me as I worked. It was a slow day, so I was just helping Robin filter through inventory. It only took a few minutes for her to walk in and start picking on us.
“Where did these come from?” she said, glancing from the flowers to us and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“I brought them for Y/N,” he simply told her.
“Is that so? They’re very pretty. They look like girlfriend flowers to me.”
“They’re not girlfriend flowers,” I huffed.
“Sure, sure. Would you come help me in the back for a minute? I have a question about a record shipment.”
“Fine,” I sighed, standing up and grazing my nails over Steve’s shoulders on the way.
As soon as we were behind a closed door, Robin went in on me.
“Flowers?!” she exclaimed.
“Will you just tell me about this record shipment?” I rolled my eyes.
“There is no record shipment. Now let’s get back to the flowers.”
“What about them?”
“I don’t know any men who would buy a girl flowers platonically, especially not flowers that nice.”
“Yes you do. Steve.”
“But he wouldn’t, though. He’s never bought me flowers, or Max, or anyone. I don’t even remember him giving Nancy flowers in high school.”
“Well… it’s just a gesture, it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Who are you kidding, me or yourself? You need to tell that boy how you feel before this becomes a shit storm like it did last time!”
“It’s not that easy, Rob. I don’t know that he feels the same way. Flirting and feeling are different.”
“Y/N,” she sighed, “Eyes never lie and when his land on you they stay on you. You’re it for him. I just wish you both would realize that. Now go back out there. I’m assuming you have plans with him after work so you can go ahead and go if you want.”
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Always. And obviously you have to text me all day and update me on your dazzling love story.”
“Shut up,” I smacked her on the arm as I walked out to the counter. Steve looked up at me, and I almost saw what she was talking about. His eyes landed differently on me than on anything else. No divided focus, no looking away. Just pupils, blown wide and taking me in like a mountain range or an ocean.
“You ready?” I asked, and he nodded.
“We’ll be a little early, but that’s fine. We can just go ahead and get the table.”
“Sounds good,” I smiled, following him out to his truck. He opened the passenger door for me and helped me in because it was a little too tall for me to step into gracefully on my own.
It smelled good in there. Like black ice and pure Steve Harrington, cinnamon and a hint of cedar mixing with his natural scent. I glanced around, noticing his work clothes in the back, for emergencies surely. It was a little messy, but not much, he seemed to keep it pretty tidy.
He hopped into the driver’s seat, cranking the trunk up and as he went to back out, he placed his hand on my seat and turned his body towards me to look behind us.
“There’s a backup camera, Steve,” I mumbled, eyes wide at his gesture. I didn’t know what was so endearing about it, but my heart skipped a beat.
“I don’t trust it,” he shrugged, putting it in drive and pulling out of the lot.
He headed directly to the restaurant and it was about a 20 minute drive altogether. Once we pulled up, I furrowed my brows.
“When did this get here?” I asked him, giving the place a full once over.
“Couple years after you left,” he shrugged, getting out. I did the same, walking to the front of the truck and letting him lead me inside.
Once the doors shut behind us, we were greeted by a hostess that was entirely too cheerful.
“Steve!” she screeched, her voice high pitched and bird like. I cringed, fighting the urge to cover my ears. “I wasn’t expecting you today!”
He gave her a polite smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. I could tell she annoyed him too, and I snorted slightly, causing her to glance at me for the first time.
“Oh, hello,” she remarked, her voice dropping an octave or two, “Table for two?”
“For six,” he interjected, and she nodded, marking something down on the paper in front of her and walking away.
“She’s cheerful,” I commented thoughtfully, gauging Steve’s reaction, “For you at least.”
“She just has a little crush on me is all. Me and the other guys from the station come here a lot, and she flirts every time. Her family owns the place.”
“You must never have brought a girl here before, with the way her face dropped when she saw me.”
“I haven’t. And I’ve been coming here with the guys for years, so seeing me with you for the first time was probably not what she was expecting.”
“She’s cute. Why don’t you give her a chance?”
“She’s like 20. I prefer girls that are only 3 years younger than me.” He winked upon saying that, and I fought off a blush.
“Your table is ready,” the girl cleared her throat and we nodded, following her to the back of the restaurant.
“Thank you,” I smiled at her, and she vaguely returned it, walking away briskly. I felt bad for the girl really, I’d been her age with a crush on Steve Harrington and it wasn’t an easy life to live.
“This place is nice,” I observed, taking in the roadhouse-like interior. There were oddities and signs hung up all over, creating a homey atmosphere that you couldn’t find many places.
“I like it,” he shrugged, “The food is good. I remember you loving macaroni, and theirs is some of the best.”
“What if I don’t like macaroni anymore?”
“I don’t think your tastes have changed.”
“You’re right, they haven’t.”
We stared at each other for a second before being interrupted by a booming voice, “Harrington!”
We looked up and there was an older man, probably in his late 40s, staring at us, smile on his mustached face. He was bald, and I hated to say that he looked like a typical fireman. If I saw him on the street, I would assume that’s what he did for a living.
“Hey, Larry,” Steve smiled, getting up to shake his hand and pat him on the back the way guys do.
“Who’s this?” the man, Larry, gestured to me, “You finally found yourself a good woman?”
“This is my friend, Y/N,” Steve introduced.
“Y/N,” Larry nodded in recognition, “I’ve heard that name a time or two. Hello, I’m Larry and this is my wife Jan.” He reached out to shake my hand and I obliged, standing to do so.
“Nice to meet you both,” I grinned as we all sat down around the circular table.
“So Y/N,” Larry began, “I thought you’d moved away?”
“I did, but I’m back now.”
“Back to stay?”
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet.”
“Maybe Steve can help you with that choice,” he smirked, a playful air in his voice as he glanced at Steve, who blushed in return, rubbing the back of his head.
“I think he already is,” I smiled shyly, brushing my hand over Steve’s arm, an affectionate gesture to soothe his nerves.
Moments later, the other guy showed up. His name was Brad, and he did the same spill about “Oh! Who’s this?” They both seemed to be in disbelief that I was just Steve’s friend, and I couldn’t blame them much. I knew how our relationship looked to outsiders. You’d have to be stupid not to see it.
“So Y/N, got any boyfriends back in Florida?” Camille, Brad’s wife, asked.
“Not really, no. I was never focused on that, I threw myself into my work.”
“I see,” she nodded, “You’re a pretty girl, though, I can imagine you had someone in college.”
“Cam, stop prying, you’re gonna scare the girl away,” Brad tapped her on the arm in a gentle reprimand.
“No, it’s fine, I don’t mind,” I smiled, “There was a couple flings, but that’s about it. I couldn’t really get serious about anyone.”
“Wonder why,” she muttered under her breath, glancing at Steve. “You know,” her voice picked up, “Jan and I have tried to set Steve up and he’s never been interested. Guess that’s something you both have in common.”
“We’ve got a lot in common,” I shrugged. Her questioning was in good nature, but it was still rude and she was, by all means, a cunt. Harsh, but there are no other words for some women.
“Okay, anyways,” Steve changed the subject briskly, “What’s everybody ordering?”
The dinner went smoothly. Once Jan and Camille got to know me, they seemed to take more of a liking to me and their rudeness subsided. None of them ever stopped pushing the me-and-Steve agenda, though, and I was sure they never would. I’d like to say it was frustrating but really, I didn’t mind. From their lips to God’s ears, or whatever.
When it came time to pay, Steve asked that my food be on his check. I insisted otherwise, but he wouldn’t listen and paid for me anyway. That was so like him. He would never let me pay for anything.
We said our goodbyes and left, and naturally, Steve opened the truck door for me. I shot him a smile and a wink, stepping in carefully.
“Where to now?” he asked, sliding into the driver’s seat.
“Wherever you want to go,” I shrugged.
“How about you see my place for a change?” he suggested, eyebrow quirked in his question.
“That sounds good,” I nodded, and sat back as he headed there.
We pulled up at a small house, on the edge of the suburbs, cute and cozy and nestled beside a treeline.
“This is precious, Steve,” I grinned as I skipped behind him to the doorstep, waiting for him to unlock it so I could see the inside. As soon as he did, I was in awe of the decorating, deep maroons mixing with gold accents and shades of dark brown. “Wow. You decorated this?”
“Well, Robin helped a lot,” he chuckled, standing there awkwardly as I walked in and had a good look around.
“I love it,” I smiled genuinely, running my fingers over trinkets here and there.
“Want a tour?” he asked, and I nodded giddily.
He first showed me the front, which consisted of a living room and a kitchen with a small corner for dining. Then he took me down the hall to the small laundry room and small guest bathroom. Finally, he showed me the guest room and ended at his own bedroom.
“I’m gonna change real quick if you wanna just hang out,” he told me, grabbing some clothes from a drawer and walking into the master bathroom, pulling the door to behind him.
I took that moment to greedily take everything in, assessing details and committing them to memory. He had black sheets and a dark maroon comforter set, and I liked how the aesthetic of his entire house matched. It was very Steve, all cinnamon spice and warm ambiance.
My eyes drifted to his bedside table where he had an alarm clock and a couple books, then to his closet with an open door and clothes haphazardly laying on the floor. He’d always been slightly messy, so it was expected, but I still smirked. Then, I finally got to the dresser, which he’d mounted a TV above. On the surface, he had several frames filled with pictures from every point in his life. One of his family, whom he still didn’t see much. One of him and my dad golfing, and I furrowed my brows. “Steve?” I called, and he hummed in response, “Why is there a picture of you and my dad golfing in here?”
“Oh,” he started, “We golf together sometimes.”
I was slightly shocked, but I moved onto the next photo, promising myself I’d ask my dad about it as well for more information. In the frame was a work photo, everyone from the station lined up neatly in their turnout gear and posed with stoic looks on their faces. Well, all except Steve and Eddie, who offered smiles. I guess they didn’t get the memo. Then came a picture of him the kids at their graduation, everyone smiling big. I felt a pang in my heart as I wished I’d been there. Then was a picture of him with Candy thrown over his shoulders and Eddie and Robin making silly faces with him. And finally, in the biggest frame of all, a photo of me.
I gasped lightly. I remembered the exact moment. It was the day of my graduation, and I was looking at Steve, laughing at something he had said. My smile was big and there was a look in my eyes that I only gave him. I appeared positively love struck, as if under a spell, and maybe I was. Maybe I never wasn’t.
“That’s always been my favorite,” his voice came from behind me, and I jumped, dropping the frame but he scooped it up with ease before it could hit the ground.
“I didn’t even know that photo existed,” I honestly stammered, my face heating up. Why did he have a picture of me in his room?
“Your mom took it while you weren’t paying attention. She sent it to me the next day and said she imagines that’s how you’ll look at me when we get married.”
“She what?”
He laughed, “I know, I know. But come on, we were two halves of the same whole back then. What was she supposed to think?”
“How long have you had that in here?”
“I kept it in the drawer in my nightstand for a while. Seeing it hurt too much. But then when I put the picture of me, Eddie and Rob up, it felt wrong not to have you there, so I put it up, too.”
“So you printed it just to keep it in the drawer by your bed?”
“Just to look at when I really needed to,” he shrugged, sheepish and melancholic.
“Steve,” I whispered, “I can’t believe you did that.”
“Yeah, neither can I. You know how many girls saw it and ran off before I even had a chance with them?”
I giggled, the sound lifting the tense mood. He placed it back on the dresser in its rightful spot, “I want to take a newer one of the both of us and put it on my nightstand.”
“Why would you do that?”
“So I can look at you every morning and night. Why else?”
“Stop leading me on, Steve,” I scoffed, staring at my feet.
“I’ve never lead you on,” he countered, his voice soft, his brows furrowed as if I’d said something so incredibly silly.
“Yes, you have, you always have. Since the day I met you at that stupid ice cream shop with those stupid hats, you’ve lead me on. You act like you’re gonna kiss me but never do, you act like you want me but you don’t. You say I’m the most beautiful girl in the world and that you’ll never care more about anyone than you do about me, but it’s not true and I don’t know what you get out of doing all of that but you’ve got to stop!”
I don’t know where the explosion came from. I suppose it was pent up and had always been, bound to come out one way or another. He stood dumbstruck in front of me, mouth agape, eyes wide. I didn’t give him much chance to collect his thoughts and respond, I just ran, finding my way out of his house. He followed me, begging me to stop, to slow down, but I didn’t.
“Leave me alone, Steve,” I barked, tears starting to stream down my face.
“Please just stay,” he sighed, defeated from chasing after me.
“No. I’m walking to my car.” The music shop was close to his house, only a few blocks away from his neighborhood. It would be maybe a 10 minute walk, but I would rather it be a hundred minute walk than spend any more time with him.
I made it pretty quickly, my anger and embarrassment speeding up my pace. Steve had tried to call me, but I sent him to voicemail and put him on Do Not Disturb so I would miss any text messages. I didn’t want to hear his voice or see the pretty words he’d put together to make up for a lifetime of stringing me along. Maybe he had feelings for me, maybe he didn’t, but I was done waiting to see.
I drove home and went straight to sleep, not caring about anything else. Finally, the calls stopped. I guess he decided leaving me alone would be the best thing he could do for a while. Part of me hoped he would show up at my door, but there was so such luck in the world.
Hours later, I was woken up to the sound of pounding on the front door. I furrowed my eyebrows, checking my phone for the time and seeing I had missed 40 calls from Robin and Eddie.
I jumped straight out of bed and ran to answer, seeing Robin on the other side, bouncing frantically on her feet. “You need to come to the hospital with me, now,” She urgently grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her car.
“What’s going on?” I asked, worry flashing through my heart, noting the one person who hadn’t called me. Something happened to him. I knew it.
“Steve got called into work to help fight a huge fire right outside of town. He got stuck inside and the structure collapsed on him.”
My heart dropped straight into my belly, making me ill. “Let me grab my stuff.”
I ran back inside, taking five seconds to change into a pair of flair leggings and a white v neck then slipping into my tennis shoes. The fluffy pajamas I was wearing just weren’t suitable for a hospital, though I did need to rush. I raced out the door, wallet and purse in hand, phone in pocket, and climbed straight into the passenger seat of Robin’s car.
“How bad is he?” I asked her, and she gave me a grim look.
“Well, he’s not good. He’s in critical condition and as far as I know he’s comatose.”
“Oh God,” I sighed, tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn’t believe the things I’d said to him. Guilt overwhelmed me and threatened to spill over and break me into a million pieces.
“He was on the way to your house,” she told me, “When they called him and asked where he was and if he could come in, he told them that.”
Suddenly, it clicked. He was on the way to my house. He wanted to set it right. He didn’t want to leave well enough alone. Well enough was never enough for him when it came to me.
“Please hurry,” I sighed, on the edge of my seat.
Finally, she pulled into the parking lot and I jumped out before she even came to a complete stop, running straight to the doors. Eddie was there in the lobby, a small bag and drink in hand, and I guessed he was headed back from the cafeteria.
“Eddie!” I called out, and he turned to me, his face morphing into a sorrowful expression.
“You made it,” he gave a sad smile, pulling me into a huge hug that I didn’t realize I needed.
“How is he?” I asked, “Where is he?”
“Come with me, I’m headed back to him now,” he stated, hand on the small of my back guiding me, “He’s got some bad burns and he bled a lot. They also think he hit his head pretty hard, which is why he’s in a coma. But they think he’ll be ok.”
“When do they think he’ll wake up?”
“They don’t know,” he sighed, and my face fell. He instinctively pulled me closer, trying to soften the emotions I was feeling. Eddie was always that for me. He softened life when it was too hard. I’d forgotten how much I needed that.
He brought me to a waiting room where a few firemen were sitting, but other than them it was empty. Robin followed in after us as we found seats.
“You doing okay?” Larry asked, clapping me on the back gently and staring at me with those same sympathetic eyes Eddie and Robin had given me.
“I am,” I nodded, “Just worried.”
“I know. He’s strong. He’ll be ok. Especially knowin’ you’re here waitin’ on him to get better.”
“I hope so,” I sighed, pulling my phone out to let my parents know what was going on. I left them a few text messages, knowing they’d be too sleepy to wake up and come to the hospital but wanting them in the loop. They still kept up with Steve, they’d want to know.
As the night wore on, everybody kept checking on me. Even firemen I didn’t know were asking me how I was. It was almost like they thought I was his girl or something, the way they fawned over me. I was saddened by his family’s absence. Eddie said he managed to get in touch with them, but they were off on some trip and sent their regards. It was sickening, really, how they could have someone so positively wonderful as a son and not care enough to even try.
The doctor walked in and his eyes landed on me, singling me out.
“You the girlfriend?” he asked, and Robin nodded, pushing me forward. “He’s stable. We’ve treated his burns and all his cuts, and he’s not bleeding out anymore. But he’s still comatose, and we’re still not sure how long he’ll be out for. You’re welcome to come see him though, if you’d like, for a few minutes.”
“Yes,” I nodded frantically.
“Only you can come back, though. At least until visiting hours tomorrow. Is that ok?”
“Uhh…” I hummed, looking around, “Someone else should probably go in, somebody more important.”
“No, you go. Believe me, there’s nobody else he’d want in there,” Eddie gave me a small smile, and everyone nodded slightly in agreement, so I followed the doctor back to a small room.
Steve looked pitiful, more gauze than man, but even in his battered state he was still handsome. The tears I’d been holding in finally fell as I looked at him.
“I’ll be right outside if you need me,” the doctor excused himself, and suddenly we were alone.
I walked to his bedside, sitting on the side and grabbing his hand, holding it tightly in mine.
“You have to wake up, Steve. Please,” I choked out through quiet sobs, “I need you. I love you, more than anything I love you. Please just wake up.” I have his hand a squeeze. “You’ve always been there for me, and I promise I’ll be here for you. Every day, until they throw me out, I swear. I won’t leave your side, not now or ever. You’re my best friend, you’re the love of my life. I need you to wake up.”
I stared at his lifeless form, listening to the low beep like it was background noise and squeezing his hand once more.
“Please wake up.”
One year before graduation
I don’t know how we convinced our parents to let us spend a full week at the cabin alone. I told mine I was gonna be with Robin, but I had no idea who he said he was gonna be with. Or even if he made up a story at all, considering they didn’t care much.
“It’s so pretty out here,” he smiled at me, dazzling me with how bright it was. So much so I could almost see it reflected on the lake.
“I like it,” I shrugged, “I remember coming here with my grandpa to fish. That was his favorite thing about this place.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve sighed, coming closer to me and pulling me in closer, “The funeral was nice, though. He would’ve liked it.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” I grinned, leaning into him before pulling away abruptly. “It’s okay, I’ll get over it.”
“I can’t believe he left all this to your family. This is the coolest inheritance ever.”
“I don’t know, he used to tell me there was a monster in the woods that would come get me if I snuck out here alone at night.”
“I won’t let any monsters get you,” he laughed, “We should do something. Make this place ours.”
“Like what?” I asked, curiosity piqued.
“Hmm,” he hummed, looking around. His eyes landed on a tree, the biggest and prettiest one out there, nestled right by the water. He pulled a pocket knife out of his jeans and hustled over to it, beginning to carve.
I let him do his thing for a moment before he victoriously cheered, “Got it!” And when I read it, it was our names together beside a heart.
“Cute,” I smirked, running my fingers over the love tainted bark, “If people see this, they’re gonna think we’re together.”
“Let them,” he shrugged, “I don’t care. There are worst things they could say than that.”
“Maybe we will be one day,” I mused.
“We would make a pretty cute couple.”
“And some pretty cute babies.”
“You’ve thought about what our babies would look like?” I full belly laughed.
“I’ve thought about making them, too,” he winked, leaning in to kiss my forehead and then turning back to his handiwork.
“You’re the worst.”
“You mean you haven’t thought about it?”
“What? Knocking boots?”
“Yeah. The horizontal tango. The super nasty.”
“Only when I’m super desperate or bored. Wouldn’t want to rot my brain.”
“Whatever. The point is, our kids would be next level. Grade A genetics. With my hair and your… everything else? Unstoppable.”
“What would we name them?”
“Hmm,” he thought for a moment, leading me to the water and sitting with me on the bank, “I don’t have a preference. Whatever you wanted would be fine.”
“So if I wanted to name our son Eustace and our daughter Muriel?”
“Then we’d get a dog and name it Courage. Dye its hair purple and everything.”
“You’re unreal.”
“Nah, I just want you happy. Happy wife, happy life, right?”
I giggled, slapping his arm. “It’s a good thing we’re not getting married. Those are horrible names for kids.”
“Yeah, I much prefer Donny and Marie.”
“Yeah, we could have a little bit of country and a little bit of rock and roll.”
“Right? They’d start making music right out of the womb.”
“Don’t talk about my womb!”
“Well if I’m putting kids in it then I have a right to talk about it!”
“Your kids aren’t coming anywhere near this womb, Harrington. She’s closed for business.”
“Oh, it’s a she, huh?”
“Of course it’s a she! This thing can push kids out and bleed for days without dying! A man could never!”
“Whatever. I’m going to get my trunks and take a swim. Wanna join me?”
“Of course,” I grinned, letting him help me up and running inside with him. I blushed as we passed the tree. “One day I’m gonna have to explain that carving to my husband.”
“Just tell him you were mine first,” he shrugged, and my smile widened. I wondered if he knew what he was doing to me, but even if he didn’t, I didn’t care. Whatever he felt for me was immortalized in an ages old oak, surrounded by hanging moss and hues of green. Nobody could ever take that away from me.
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aerequets · 2 years
Hello again!
I was wondering if you had any spy x family fic recs that are twiyor centric? AUs? I’m having trouble finding ones that are what I’m looking for. Ratings don’t matter. Anything from G to E would be appreciated! Thank you!!
boy oh BOY do i have twiyor fic recs !!!! it's like basically all i read LMAO and i am always on a hunt for more. i feel like i have read through a good chunk of what's on ao3 and i still feel starved. there's always my bookmarks you can sift through for twiyor fics, but for some more curated recommendations (and this is not gonna include all the ones i've lost my mind over, that's far too many, this is just what i can remember off the top of my head):
the living blues by @nire-the-mithridatist
GOD it would be such an understatement to say i am a huge fan of not only this work but EVERY WORK by this author because SHE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS OKAY. i avoid angst like the plague but i saw the happy ending tag to this fic and IT DIDN'T DISAPPOINT (chapter 6 is gonna be an epilogue)!!!!!!! AUGHHH this isnt even a good review im just yelling but yeah this is really good and also pretty much everything else by this author, i'll say it now so this list doesn't have numerous fics by the same person just do yourself a favor and read through what she's got if you haven't already
rated T, 5/6 chapters, currently 14k words
(edit: completed!)
With Kid Gloves by crownofrosegold on ao3
4 words: Mr Darcy Hand Flex
rated G, 1/2 chapters, currently 2.5k words
(edit: completed!)
the most yearning, pining, longing fic ever with the least physical touch ever. loid traces yor's gloves in his pocket with his thumb and its somehow intimate. yeah
it's been a hot minute since it's updated but the first chap can kinda be read as a standalone (to me) which is why i rec, even though i personally only go after finished fics for my own sanity :^) also its just too darn cute how can i not
How to Be a Supportive Husband by @nemaliwrites
rated T, 1/1 chapters, 910 words
short and sweet drabble of the most simpiest loid post reveal. what more could you want
MISSION: Bottom Feeder by SilverSupa on ao3
rated T, 2/4 chapters, currently 9.5k words
this one is just too good and funny LMAOO yor and loid are Peak Stupid and also Peak Attracted To Each Other so it's just. mm good mix. this one's also been a hot second since it's last update but i love it too much so its on this list
even when we're not together (will you stay with me?) by JaMills on ao3
rated T, 1/1 chapters, 4.5k words
gosh this is another one of those super good reads that make you sit and think after you're done. soulmate AU where they swap bodies as children until they meet. personally i'm not the most dedicated reader of aus where yor and loid meet as kids, but the way its handled here is just so good and adds to the story. it's also part of a series and the next installment is equally as good. this is another one of those authors that has a lot of quality stuff (although there's a good dash of angst which i keep my distance from JKFHISDH) so look through their page!
Enough by Frotu on ao3
rated T, 1/1 chapters, 4k words
EHEHE THIS ONE HAS ME GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET FR it is soooo cute. typical thing of yors coworkers getting into her head, she asks loid if what they have is enough, and... well.... you can read what happens from there ;] (spoiler: it's very cute)
a dream in charmeuse by selfetish (@selfetishizing ) on ao3
rated T, 2/2 chapters, 12k words
oh gosh, the prose in this is just?? so insanely good??? its such a pretty read. this is twiyor, yes, but it's also a deep dive into femininity and yor's understanding/rediscovery of it. i remember the first time i read it the opening scene of the first chapter was just so GOOD to me, i was like OMG i am not gonna forget this this is so iconic AND IT IS!!!!! i love me a good yor centric fic. we usually get more of twilight contemplation (i mean he has got the whole mission thing going on and hes our resident overthinker so, understandable) but this was such a nice look into yor's..,, like, fundamental building blocks?? if that makes sense?? its just good ok read it
"The Five Times Loid Forger Went Topless In Front of His Wife and the One Time She Reciprocated" Or “Bare-Chested in Berlint” by Talik_Sanis on ao3
rated M, 6/6 chapters, 17.5k words
that title should tell you all you need to know right LMAOOO it's just yor being incredibly horny, like embarrassingly so. she lacks a grip
again this is just 8 fics, where my bookmarks list are over 200 (yeesh) so feel free to look through those. i've also got some fics, most of which are twiyor lmao (brainrot i told you). and don't forget to show these awesome authors some love!
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sadruru · 8 months
A little bit about the events in Barovia: I'll describe a bit of what happened to Light and her company. 1. In the Baron's mansion we had to fight the guards who were looking for Viktor Vallakovich for some reason. We killed them. Nita didn't like it, with low HP she freaked out and decided to lift the couch instead of Ismark. Failed her athleticism test and got a bleed. Light decided to help and angrily healed her.
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2.I didn't tell you last time, but this guy's name is Albian. A red-haired guy with green clothes and green eyes. He's a warlock, but he's not an elf. He was originally born human, but Light somehow managed to talk to him separately and found out that his special appearance is due to a pact, just like his hat. Berries and flowers constantly grow on the hat, and he can't take it off for long. Albian didn't say who he made the pact with, and Light didn't insist. But she quickly realized that it seemed to be one of the very powerful fairies. He also talks weird. Like a storyteller from a fairy tale. And he gave everyone nicknames. He calls Light a blackberry. We offered to help him find Victor, his friend (yes, in our game, he is Victor's good friend). We agreed. But he only whispered what he looked like in Light's ear. I was shocked by such an act, blushed and banged my fist on the table for a long time. Yeah, I like watching them as a funny couple.
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3. Light ran off in embarrassment with Tyrin, a priestess of Suna, the goddess of love and beauty. Somehow, miraculously, things had devolved into a rather personal conversation. Light told a bit about herself. The half elf tried to convince the fairy that she should try to open her heart again and not remember the past. Light really wants to go home.
Even I myself was amazed by this kind of conversation, even though this is my first time playing DnD. We talk to each other a lot. It brings out our characters more. And it seems like Light really fell in love~
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4. …But someone clearly has trust issues, and there are many reasons for that. Because of the Shadow Plan, the fairy has emotional problems. She never feels happy or cheerful. Sveta dislikes people very much… She killed those who betrayed her and felt nothing, no conscience torments her. It scares her. I've noticed that a lot of my characters have trust issues. I need to think about it…
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5. We fled the city from an angry mob of peasants. We stopped for the night in the woods on the way to the Abbey of St. Markovia. We even found Victor! Now we have a long rest. Turns out Albian can do different hairstyles (he has 2 younger sisters). Light got brave and asked him to braid her hair. He agreed.
I'm really glad he's being nice to her at all. But I've been told that he and Victor are in this story for a reason and could be very disappointing…
I love the drama and the glass eating. Thanks. I wish I hadn't been told that... 🗿
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6. Right now, Light wasn't thrilled with her appearance. But Albian hinted that Victor might be able to tell her something about her problem. I already know what's haunting her. I'm freaked out by that fact. Maybe later I'll drop a hint who exactly.
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7. Darcy is our dhampir. The whole group wishes she and Ismark were together. He's really paying attention to her. Albian's finished with her hair. Even added flowers.
Light is cute~ But Albian is blind and can't see that she really likes him 🗿🗿🗿
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And me, of course. Some memes!~ I once stayed up all night and day. I turned into the Joker. I told jokes, screamed about crazy ending theories, about Victor, Albian, myself, panicked. The Dungeon Master just silently read my ramblings with interest... and smiled. Shook my hand in messages. I'm really scared now and I'm wondering what's going to happen next. What did I sign up for?!..
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Solar Opposites in: Solar Monsters (by @avaveevo)
Ch. 7
The next day, Beverly and the gang head to David as they see him as the police station wearing a disguise.
Rina: Hey! What’s the big deal Beverly?
Nat: You sure this man knows what he is doing?!
Tyler: Puh-lease. Nat, as if you know anything!
Nat: Hey!
Beverly: Shut up! turns to David Sir, do you we what we needed?
David: Why yes my dear. gives her a suitcase full of weapons as she opens it and reveals the weapons Everything you need here to stop a giant monster.
Beverly: Thank you sir. closes the suitcase I don’t know what your plan is, but make it work. See you soon. leaves with her gang
As soon as Beverly and her gang left, David heads in the police station where he sees a phoning booth and sees the mugger. The two men pick up the phones and they started to call each other.
David: Well, you must be a very well specimen.
Mugger: The fuck are you talking about?
David: gets out something from his pocket You just might feel a pinch, after a few seconds.
Mugger: What is that- feels something painful as he screams in pain and his eyes starts glowing
The prisoners and people starts running away as soon the mugger’s shadow grows larger. The scene then cute to Darcy and Jamie opening the door and then sees Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke standing outside.
Darcy: Guys? What are you doing here?
Miss Frankie: We have something to show you. Something you are so not gonna like!
The two teachers then head to the living room where they see Mia, Kevin, Randall and Ms. Perez sitting down. Jamie and Darcy then enter as Miss Frankie and Jamie sat down.
Jamie: What is going on?
Mia: What happened?
Miss Frankie: We have proof that that FBI most wanted is behind the monsters.
Kevin: What?
Randall: FBI Most Wanted?
Darcy: How do you even-
Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie look at each other nervously as Principal Cooke grabs something out of the bag, which pops out Darcy’s jacket as everyone in the room gasp.
Darcy: Oh my God. grabs the jacket My jacket?!
Darcy then starts sobbing as Jamie comforts him.
Ms. Perez: Holy shit. What happened to it?
Miss Frankie: We suspect that the FBI most wanted has something to do with this
Principal Cooke: It’s true. We saw it on the news with Montez, Cherie and Nova. He escape three weeks ago!
Kevin: That prick!
Mia: Wait a minute, who gave him the jacket?! How does he know about all this?!
Darcy: I don’t know, but we need to tell Korvo and fast!
Miss Frankie: Don’t worry, Principal and I know who gave him Darcy’s jacket!
Jamie: What, who?! Who would do this to my wife?!
Principal Cooke: It was Beverly!
Jamie, Darcy, Mia and Kevin gasp as result of this revelation.
Jamie, Darcy, Kevin and Mia: What?!
Ms. Perez: gasp in horror
Randall: Whoa whoa! Say what?!
Darcy: Is it true?!
Miss Frankie: We wish it isn’t.
Darcy: Oh my God! That bitch! kicks a table as it falls down
Jamie: Damn honey!
Mia: Aw man I knew that woman was a total whore!
Principal Cooke: And that’s not all! She gave them photos of each of us!
All: gasp in horror
Kevin: Oh fuck, we’re in trouble!
Jamie: I’ll say
Randall: Oh fuck! We gotta tell Terry and Korvo!
Miss Frankie: Perfect come on!
Suddenly they heard a roaring sound.
Mia: Um, what was that?!
Suddenly, giant scaly monstrous hands pop out as they all scream.
Mia: Holy shit! Is that a chupacabra?!
Principal Cooke: I think it is!
The chupacabra’s head pops out as it chews through the door. The others scream as the monster tries to make its way in!
Principal Cooke: Quick! Bar the doors!
Miss Frankie: I’m on it!
Beverly and her gang arrived, trying to catch the monster.
Beverly: Okay, guys now it’s time.
The monster then swings its tail at Shelby and Rina as they fall to the ground and drop their weapons. Terry and Korvo, who were having sex, heard the sound as they open the window and gasp.
Terry: Oh shit! Is that a chupacabra?!
Korvo: Our friends might be in trouble! Come on!
Later, after putting their clothes back on, Human Korvo and Human Terry rushes to the neighborhood as they arrived and gasp upon seeing the chupacabra.
Human Terry: That’s a huge bitch!
The monster then tries to break in as Jamie and Darcy tries to hold it.
Jamie: Whoa!
Darcy: screams
Tyler tries to stab the beast until, it punches him towards Nat as they fell.
Nat: Dude, get off of me! shoves Tyler
Tyler: Hey watch it, dumbass!
Beverly then tries to shoot, until she saw Human Korvo and Human Terry and aims her gun at Korvo so he can get him to transform. But, Human Terry saws the light aiming at his husband and throws a rock at her, which hits Beverly in the nose as she scream and her laser aims at a Korean BBQ as Korean Ribs fall everywhere.
Human Terry: Jesus Christ
Man: Fuck yeah meat!
Customer: Yeah! Ribs baby!
Human Terry: Ooh really?! Ribs?
Human Korvo: offscreen Terry?! Is everything okay?!
Human Terry: Um yeah, I’m uh, gonna go get something brb!
Human Korvo: Perfect! Maybe we can attract it with meat.
Human Terry: Uh yeah, definitely! I’ll be right back!
Suddenly, Human Terry began crave meat as he began to act like a predator and runs off. Then, the chupacabra breaks in the house as the gang screams.
Human Korvo: sees the chupacabra Oh shit!
Mia: Quick! Upstairs!
Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke, Ms. Perez, Jamie, Darcy, Mia, Kevin and Randall ran upstairs as Human Korvo grabs it, but then looks at his fingers in worry, but to his surprise and relief they’re not turning black.
Human Korvo: I’ll hold them off!
The chupacabra then tries to bite Human Korvo, but luckily he kicks it away as he turns back into his Shlorpian self and gets out his sword. He swings sword before jumping in mid air and landing on his feet when Human Terry arrived, suddenly with Korean BBQ sauce on his face.
Human Terry: Okay, I got the meats!
Korvo: Thanks and notices the sauce on Terry’s face Uuuh-
Human Terry: We should talk about this later! hangs in the bag in the air with his hand Come here you damn lizard…
The chupacabra then smells the meat as it follows Human Terry while Korvo gets out a vile and gets ready to pounce on it.
Human Terry: Now Korv!
Korvo then stabs the chupacabra as he jumps on it and puts the antidote in its mouth as he gets off the beast and lands on his feet.
Korvo: Thank God.
As the beast shrinks back to its human size, Human Terry and Korvo, who turns back into his human form, gasp upon the reveal of who the monster is: the beach mugger.
Human Terry and Human Korvo: What the fuck?!
Human Terry: The mugger from the beach?!
Human Korvo: Okay, I admit. I did not fucking see that coming.
Then the police arrived as they head out their rear and walks towards the two husband.
Police Officer: What the fuck happened here?!
Human Korvo: Uh?
Human Terry: The mugger from the beach somehow escape and was turn into a chupacabra
Human Korvo: and it came after our friends
Police Officer: yeesh. That would explain the attack today.
Human Korvo: What? He was attacking people?!
Police Officer: well don’t worry after this, we’ll give him a death penalty. Take care.
The police ambulance arrives as they cuff the unconscious mugger and he drives away.
Human Korvo: Phew… wipes the sweat off his brow
Later.. inside the house…
Tyler: Beverly, why did you try to shoot for that smart-ass Korey? You were supported to shoot the monster!
Beverly: I didn’t have a choice. I was supposed to get his reaction.
Human Terry: eating a BBQ rib savagely like an animal but then stops and begins to overheat the argument Huh?
Beverly: I never would’ve done it-
Tyler: Well, you should’ve just aim it at the monster.
Shelby: Uh, say that idiot who tries to lunge himself at the monster!
Tyler: I was trying to stop it!
Nat: Well, maybe next time don’t land on me you idiot!
Beverly and her friends started arguing while Human Korvo opens the door to make sure the others are okay as they embrace him.
Human Korvo: Oh thank God! You’re all alright!
Mia: Thanks for coming for us!
Darcy: Thank God!
Jamie: hears the arguing Oh God, it’s them.
Principal Cooke: Come on, let’s go kick them out!
Back downstairs, as Human Terry watches as Beverly and her friends argue, Human Terry’s vision starts to static orange as the scenery with Beverly and her gang are heatedly arguing, statistics to other Shlorpians insulting Terry behind his back whispering about it. Human Terry starts breathing in and out, until suddenly his breathing turns into snarling as he starts growling like a beast and his eyes glow orange. He then clenches as something in him… snaps… while Human Korvo and the rest of the gang comes downstairs.
Jamie: Um, Terry? Are you-
Human Terry then flips the table in fury at Beverly and her gang as they scream and fell on the floor
Human Korvo: suddenly feels so turned on and whistles
Principal Cooke, Miss Frankie, Darcy, Kevin, Ms. Perez, Mia and Randall: Damn
Jaime: Woah
Beverly: laughs Is there a problem here?
Human Terry: Yes! You! I can’t believe you try to shoot at Korvo with that giant gun!
Human Korvo: What? She did?
Human Terry: YEAH! SHE DID!
All: gasp, then looks at Beverly and her gang in disgust and righteous fury
Bevery: Oh, shut up! You would all do the same thing if you-
Darcy then punches Beverly to the ground as her husband and friend shot excited.
All: WHOO! Yeah! Alright! Go Darcy!
The gang then throws Beverly and her gang out of the house as they gave a he a death stare.
Human Terry: Stay away from my man you bitch!
Human Terry slams the door as Beverly growls. Then, inside the house, Human Terry takes a deep breath as he sits on the chair and groans.
Human Terry: I'm sorry.
Human Korvo: Whatever do you mean?
Mia: Yeah Terry?
Human Terry: I-I don’t what came over me. It was so tense and-
Human Korvo: Sssh. It's okay. I know it's hard.
Kevin: Hey it’s okay man. You were pretty badass.
Randall: Yeah, you really let her have it!
Darcy: Remind us never to get on your bad side.
The gang then hugs Human Terry while Human Korvo looks lovingly at him.
Human Korvo: Thanks for standing up for me honey. kisses him on the cheek
Human Terry: Anytime, boo.
Human Terry blushes. Then, the scene cuts back to the house where Terry put some cash in his wallet and kisses Korvo.
Terry: sighs Y’know what? A trip to the movies outta ease my mind. Especially after a lot has happened. I’ll see you later honey. kisses him on the cheek
Korvo: Have fun, darling.
After Terry closes the door, the scene then shifts over to Korvo in the bathroom. He then smiles at the mirror, but then got bored and thought of something, while tapping his fingers on the sink. He then puts on mascara. He spreads it carefully on his eyes, but then…
Korvo: pokes himself in the eyes with the mascara brush; screams FUCK!
Korvo transforms into his Super Shlorpian as he roars and pants. But then, suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Shit!
Ms. Perez: offscreen Korvo? Korvo, is that you in there?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Uh, yeah. I’ll be with you in a minute!
Janice: H’know is everything okay y’know?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Just need to get dress! I’ll be right there.
But without thinking, Korvo turns into his human form while still in his Super Shlorpian form. As Human Korvo puts on his clothes, he gasp upon seeing his new look in the reflection. His appearance has changed. He now has long hair with a shaded icy blue half on the bottom of the hair, his Super Shlorpian teeth are showing and he is suddenly wearing a icey blue lipstick.
Human Korvo: Holy shit! lifts up his hair Oh god. Okay. That was unexpected.
Human Korvo then hears another knock and looks at his lovely fancy lady’s hat and a scarf as he gets an idea. He quicklynputs it on as he heads out of the bathroom and opens the door.
Nova, Ms. Perez and Janice: Hey! Hi! What up Korv? H’no, hi Korvo y’know… notices his new look What? Huh? H’no, you look different y’know.
Ms. Perez: Uh, Korvo, why do you-
Human Korvo: Oh um it’s a look I wanted to wear for the movies. Plus, it’s super chilly tonight
Nova: Right…
Human Korvo: By the way, is Sherbet here?
Nova: Oh yes. Sherbet is down there playing with the kids.
Human Korvo: Great! Let’s go!
The scene then cuts to the movies, where Human Terry sits down on his seat and takes a deep breath.
Human Terry: Yep. Finally, no fucked up interruptions.
But, then four teens appear while arguing.
Teen #1: What?! No way’s that true!
Teen# 2: Yeah! The villain's like his mom or something! Teen #3: Come on, it’s obvious! He’s been the real villain all this time!
Teen #4: Nah, I saw he’s a illegal?
Teen #2: Barney, seriously? It’s obvious he is a total dumbass…
As the arguing shuffles, Human Terry groans in announce as his eyes starts flashing orange and he starts growling.
Human Terry: whispering Will you shut the fuck up?
The audience gasp as the four teens get into silence and grows nervous by Human Terry’s outburst.
Movie Usher: Um, sir is everything okay-
Human Terry: I’m going to the snack bar!
As Human Terry left in a huff, the audience back down nervously. Then Human Terry starts waiting for his snacks while tapping impatiently.
Movie Goer: Um sir, are you okay?
Human Terry: eyes starts glowing WHAT’S UP WITH YOUR FACE?!
Human Terry then looks down gasp upon seeing his eyes glowing. Realizing in horror what is happening, Human Terry runs to the bathroom in a panic, while the song, “Kissing You” from Des’ree is heard in the movie theater:
Human Korvo, Janice, Nova and Ms. Perez entered the theater while Human Korvo is sweating nervously.
Human Korvo: Yeesh. I hope I don’t goobler too much. turns to his friends Hey, um, I’m gonna go go use the restroom. I’ll be right back. You girls just order some snacks okay.
Nova: Okay, see you in the theater Korvo.
Human Korvo then heads to the men’s restroom as he looks around to see if anyone is not watching him so he can turn back into his Shlorpian self to turn back from his Super Shlorpian form and undo effects it had on his human form. Then, Human Terry splashes water on his face and he notice his eyes back to normal as he sighs. He put his hands on his head in frustration. He then bumps into Human Super Shlorpian Korvo as he gasp.
Human Terry: Korvo?
Human Korvo: Terry?! blushes Oh um what a surprise to uh see me here um… what do you think of this new look?
Human Terry: Holy shit… honey. You never looked more beautiful…
Human Korvo smiles as his hair, teeth and eyes turn back to normal and he and human Terry embrace in a passionate kiss.
Human Terry: What are you kisses Human Korvo doing here?
Human Korvo: I’m sorry I didn’t kisses human Terry tell ya but kisses human Terry again but I decided to have a kisses human Terry ladies out with the girls and kisses human Terry asked Sherbet to kisses human Terry babysit the Replicants and Pupa. kisses human Terry What about you? kisses human Terry
Human Terry: Just needed some fresh air to kisses human Korvo clear my mind off because, kissing human Korvo shitty stuff happening lately kisses human Korvo hope you get it. kisses human Korvo
Human Korvo: Wanna head back, darling? kisses human Terry
Human Terry: If you say so Korvy. kisses human Korvo
The two alien husbands then head out of the bathroom while holding hands and sees Nova, Ms. Perez and Janice waiting for Human Korvo. They then turn around and smile upon seeing Human Korvo with Human Terry.
Ms. Perez: Aw, look who show up.
Nova: You lovebirds must’ve bump into each other at the movies.
Janice: H’no, you’re like Romeo and Juliet y’know?
Ms. Perez: Ain’t that a sweet for two husbands?
Snack Employee: offscreen Terald Opposites! Your snacks are ready!
The scene then cuts to Sherbet reading a book, until suddenly she heard a phone ringing. Sherbet got confused and then suddenly it picks up on its own. Then, she heard Beverly and David talking.
Beverly: on phone Guys. We have a backup plan.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Beverly: Trust me. It’s brilliant!
Sherbet picks up the phone and began to overhear the conversation.
Beverly: Luckily, I already gotten the right victims. They’re on a plane being held. David will be right here immediately.
Shelby: You sure this will lure the monster on time?
Sherbet: gasp Korvo!
Beverly: I’m sure it will.
Terrified, Sherbet hangs up the phone and runs up to Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya’s room where she opens the door and then sees Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa playing Star Wars with toy lightsabers and with Yumyulack dressed up as Kyko Ren, Jesse as Rey, Pupa as Baby Yoda and Sonya as Mandolorian.
Jesse: You’re dead, fucking Kylo Ren.
Yumyulack: Fuck you, Rey! Darkness will conquer- sees Sherbet Huh?
Sonya: Uh, Sherbet? What’s going on?
Sherbet: Put your normal clothes sweethearts! We’re going to the airport!
Yumyulack: Huh?
Pupa: Whuh?
Sherbet: With cool weapons!
Yumyulack, Jesse, Pupa and Sonya: Yay!
Yumyulack: Nice!
Then the scene cuts to the airport. Then, the scene forwards itself to the inside of a plane, where it shows Mia, Randall and three other citizens trapped and muzzle on seats. David the slowly approaches Mia as she muffle shrieks once David touches her face.
David: So, you’re a language arts teacher? You seem like a perfect subject for something you might enjoy.
Later, Sherbet and the kids, after taking another bus to the airport, hops out, without anyone seeing Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa’s alien selves. Then, they see the hostages and the plane and are terrified upon seeing Mia and Randall as one of them.
Jesse: whispering Oh no! Mia! Randall!
Sonya: whispering Jesus Christ!
The kids then sneak into the plane quietly, while stalking David. The Replicants hid in the main port, where they see the controls on flying the plane.
Jesse: This isn’t good!
Yumyulack: gasp Guys!! I had a crazy idea!
Jesse: gasp Does it involves flying the plane?
Yumyulack: Hell yeah!
Sherbet: Great idea Yumyulack! You two fly the plane! Sonya, Pupa and I will free Mia, Randall and the other hostages!
Yumyulack and Jesse: Right!
Jesse: Ooh! Which button starts the plane?!
Sherbet: I have no idea!
Yumyulack: sees a beeping button Um, maybe this one?!
As soon as Yumyulack presses the button, the plane starts and began to take off.
Yumyulack: Ladies and gentlemen! We have liftoff!
Jesse: Quick! Yummybear! Grab the wheel!
Yumyulack: Oh right!
Yumyulack and Jesse grabs the wheels. Then, the plane closes the wheels as it takes off to the sky as Yumyulack and Jesse scream. Then, David falls over he gets knocked unconscious by the door. With that, Sherbet, Sonya and Pupa sneaks to the hostages.
Sonya: Mrs. Mia! Mr. Randall! We’re here to help you!
Mia: muffling Kids?
Randall: muffling Hey kids! What’s up?!
As Sherbet, Pupa and Sonya helps free the hostages from the restraint straps on their hands, Beverly and her gang comes in and gasp.
Beverly: Hey! What are you kids doing in here?
Sonya: screams
Sherbet: What the? Beverly? Oh no, not you guys!
Pupa: gasp as he frees the last hostage
Jesse: Wait. Isn’t she…
Sherbet: calling out Kids! Turn this plane over!
Yumyulack and Jesse: Aye aye captain!
Yumyulack and Jesse then turns their wheels around as the plane spins around while Sherbet, Pupa, Sonya, Mia, Randall and some of the hostages hold on to their seats. But, Beverly and her gang fell to the ceiling while screaming.
Sherbet: Jesus Christ!
Yumyulack and Jesse: Up, down… twirls the wheel again and spin around!
The plane twirls as the good guys landed on their seats, except for Beverly and her gang. The kids then gasp upon seeing land heading this way!
Yumyulack: Oh fuck! We’re gonna fucking crash!
Jesse: No!
Sonya: What?!
Jesse: Sherbet! Grab the wheel!
Sherbet: Oh shit!
Sherbet then hopscotch her way to the flying part where Yumyulack heads off his seat and lets Sherbet take the wheel as she lands the landing gear. She then grabs a speaker and says…
Sherbet: Sherbet: Ladies and gentlemen, because of a few difficulties, we have to end the flight early.
Sonya: Oh no! Seatbelts everuone!
The kids, Mia, Randall and the three hostages then had on their seats and put their seatbelts tightly. Sherbet takes the lever and the plane starts to land.
Sherbet: Hold on tight!
Later, at the movies, Human Korvo and Human Terry have began kissing once the movie ended, until everyone felt a loud crash as they fall down. Everyone got up, except for Human Terry and Human Korvo.
Nova: What the fuck was that?
Ms. Perez: I don’t know! Wait, where’s Terry and Kor- suddenly sees them on the floor still making out found them
Human Terry and Human Korvo then stopped kissing as they look lovingly at each other’s eyes. Then, Human Terry recieved a National News notification on his phone and gasp. Human Korvo got confused but then gasp.
Human Korvo: It’s the kids!
Human Terry: What the? Look what it says in the headline, “Kids Rescue Hostages?”
Ms. Perez: sees the video and gasp upon seeing Mia MIA!
Nova: Oh my God. Is that our kids?!
Human Korvo: Hell yeah there and and… I am so PROUD OF THEM!
Human Terry and Nova: Huh?
Janice: Wait, really?
Nova: Oh Yeah. They saved those people! How could we be mad at them when they risk their lives to save our friends?
Human Terry: We gotta head to the airport!
Human Korvo, Human Terry and their friends head to the airport. They then gasp upon seeing the destroyed plane but luckily, no one got hurt, much to their relief.
Human Korvo: Jesus.
Human Yumyulack: offscreen Korvo! Terry!
Human Terry: Kids!
Sherbet: offscreen Nova!
Nova: Sherbet!
The kids, after Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa have transforms into their human forms and Sherbet runs to their adults as they embrace their parents.
Human Korvo: We're so happy you guys are okay.
Human Terry: Oh come here you little rascals. joins in the family hug
Human Jesse: I guess we're grounded, huh?
Human Terry: What? No!
Human Korvo: Of course not!
Human Terry: You kids were badass today! And as long as you were Sherbert the entire time, we know you are being responsible!
Nova: hugs Sherbet Come here, I am so proud of you!
Sherbet: Thanks Nova.
Then, the rest of the Solar Opposites gang came and gasp upon seeing their friends okay.
Kevin: Randall!
Jamie: Oh thank God!
Principal Cooke: Good to see you fuck!
Montez: You’re okay!
The guys then dog pile Randall into a hug. Ms. Perez then see Mia okay as she gasp in joy.
Ms. Perez: Mia! runs and embraces her
Mia: Honey bun!
The two girlfriends then kiss. Then, Mia and Ms. Perez walks over to their friends what happened. As the kids continue to hug their dads, Beverly and her gang comes over here angrily while David runs off.
Beverly: Hey Opposites!
Human Korvo: Oh God. What is it now Beverly?
Beverly: You motherfucking smart-ass! Your stupid fucking have nearly kill me tonight! the kids hide behind their dads in fear I was almost demolished because of your godawful offspring, who you raised in a stupid environment because of your goddamn Sci-fi bullshit and- gets slapped by Ms. Perez What the fuck?!
Ms. Perez: That was for putting my lover in danger, you slut!
Mia: Aw kisses Ms. Perez on the cheek
Principal Cooke: What the hell? First you try to shoot Korey, and now you kidnapped our friends?!
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Sonya and Human Pupa gasp as result of that reveal.
Human Jesse: A-ha! I knew it!
Human Korvo and Human Terry then got shock before it turns into anger as they look at Beverly.
Human Korvo: You bitch!
Human Terry: You mean.. the reason.. why our kids risk themselves to save a bunch of people… is because you and your five bitch-cunts?!
Beverly: They are not bitch-cunts!
Kevin: Hell yeah they are and so are you! What were you thinking? You almost got our friends killed, slutty bitch!
Beverly: Listen here, family man! I-
Human Terry grabs her hands as he growls with his eyes glowing, much to his friends’ surprise
All: Whoa!
Human Korvo: Damn Honey!
Beverly: Get off me!
Human Terry: Stay away from my kids you bitch!
Human Terry then drops Beverly, as Human Korvo gets smitten and smiles at Human Terry. The two husbands then kiss before leaving with their children. Then, Nova comes back and slaps Beverly, much to her pain.
Nova: Don’t hurt my daughter again, or you’ll regret it.
Nova then walks back to her friends and daughter as Sherbet looks at her.
Nova: I’m sorry you had to hear and see that soda pop, but serves that woman right for-
Sherbet then hugs Nova as she smiles and the the unbelievable just happened…
Sherbet: …Mom.
Nova smiles in and in tears of joy hugs her adopted as they walk back to her friends. Beverly then growls in anger. She then looks at Human Terry and has an idea.
Beverly: Don’t worry I have a better idea.
The scene the cuts to next day where a montage ensues Music for this scene:
Beverly and her gang starts spying on Terry who is hanging out with his family as she grows suspicious. She kept following Human Terry all day while strange things began to happen. First, he does trapeze on a pole when he helped put a poster, much to everyone’s shock. Next, Human Terry looks at a plate of meat, and then poof. As people turned around, they see an empty plate with red messy stuff on Human Terry’s face.
Human Terry: What?
Then, he lifts up a heavy box with strength, much to everyone’s shock as he hands to the package owner, but accidentally squash his feet once he drops it.
Package Customer: Aaaaaaahhh!
Human Terry: Ooops! Sorry!
Finally, Human Terry then grows annoyed with Brett.
Brett: Hey dickead. Heard about the stupid golf sex with her smart-ass husband… how does it feel?
Human Terry then lifts Brett and throws him to the ocean as Brett screams with unlike strength in Terry. Everyone stares at Human Terry as they back away. Human Korvo then meets up with him and the kids and kisses him on the cheek as Human Terry smiles while Beverly kept writing down what she saw. Then, Human Terry looks at his reflection with his glowing orange eyes.
Human Terry: sighs What is wrong with me….?
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Follow up prompt! Given that Crowley goes pink light up. Them chilling in bed, and Aziraphale using Crowley as a reading light by complimenting him every few minutes.
(Or just them being cute and having a nice time to recover, but like. Gotta make the most of that feature)
Okay! :D This can be post-the previous story, when they're back home.
Warning: cyborg Aziraphale (though not mentioned) and android Crowley
On with the fic!
The bedroom was probably the best place in the whole bookshop, in Crowley's opinion. It was safe, comfortable, and the best place to nap when not needing to charge. Crowley already did that earlier, during dinner.
He wanted to be free to cuddle his angel without any cords or whatnot in the way.
He set his wig on the shelf in the spare room, his old room, and began to undress for the night. He had no reason to bathe this evening, so he just slipped on shorts and a sleeveless top, his see-thru parts on display. He could cover them up, easily, but he knew that Aziraphale liked them.
He smiled a little, his fans humming. He was safe and at home with Aziraphale, he didn't have to go back.
Crowley left his old room and found Aziraphale already in bed, in their now-shared room. Aziraphale had a book in his lap, not opened, he was looking at Crowley with a gentle smile that made the other's body LEDs blink.
"Ready for bed, dear?" He asked and Crowley nodded, moving to get into bed. "Shall we read tonight?"
"Hmm... a little, yeah. A chapter or two."
"Sounds good." Aziraphale pulled Crowley close, wrapping one arm around him while using his free hand to open the book with ease. He started to read, it was one of Aziraphale's favorites, by Jane Austin. Crowley liked her works well enough, but he liked things with more action.
However, he liked listening to Aziraphale read aloud more.
He closed his eyes, listening to the gentle voice of Aziraphale as he read about Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, feeling fingers in his hair. His sensors picking up on the delicate touches, the gentle scratching at his scalp.
Crowley didn't need to breathe, but he still let out a content sigh. He heard Aziraphale's heartbeat from how close his head was positioned on the other's chest. Aziraphale was doing well, no trouble had come from encountering Prince, just a minor scare.
His angel was safe.
He was safe.
All way right with their little world-
Crowley frowned, opening his eyes. "Hm?"
"Look at you." Aziraphale cooed, smiling.
Crowley was confused, until he picked up that the room was not exactly the warm yellow that it had been from the side table lamp's light.
There was a very bright pink glow illuminating the room.
Crowley looked at his shoulders, his fingers, before touching his face. He couldn't see his cheeks, but his eyes picked up on the glow coming from under the synthetic skin.
"You're lit up like a Christmas tree!" Aziraphale said, excited.
"I've glowed before." Crowley said, dumbly.
"Oh yes, but never this bright. I know your lights sometimes show your mood, how are you currently feeling?"
"Confused." The android said, looking at his hand, at the brightly glowing pink finger tips. They made his faux nails, painted blue, a purple-ish color. "But before then I was just... content. Relaxed, and very happy to be in bed with you."
Aziraphale's smile grew and he pulled Crowely into a tight hug. "You feel that way around me right now?"
"All the time, probably more so now due to what happened earlier." Crowley replied before squirming a bit to get closer to his angel's face. "You make me feel safe and happy."
"And you do the same for me, darling." Aziraphale said softly, and they were kissing.
Even with his eyes closed, Crowley could still tell that he was glowing, and it was much brighter than before. He was sure that their neighbors could see the lights through the window blinds.
Crowley's emotions can be seen through his lights, which is probably not something his systems should do. If he was like any of the other models, it would probably be more of an aesthetic thing along with being used for a mild light or an indicator if something was wrong with the android.
Aziraphale loves the lights, Crowley can school his face to show no emotions if he wanted to, but the lights give him away. It's cute.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
jack edwards x reader headcanons • part 3
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • part 1 • part 2 • part 4 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
requested by @ryvns
a/n: ok you guys asked for it so let’s goo jack edwards headcanons part three!! hopefully you enjoy this <3 also i had to use this picture because i love it so much 🫶🥹✨
<— previous part • next part —>
being with jack would include…
ok so eventually after you’d been dating for a little while, jack proposed 
and definitely in an elaborate, thoughtful way
so you guys had been reading a chapter aloud from a book every night 
and he at some point pulled some strings and got a specialized copy that changed the last sentence of the book to ‘i wish to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?’
and so on the day of when you were finally on the last chapter of the book…
he started by taking you to some beautiful old bookstores 
and then ballroom dancing 
(and you dressed in period clothes ofc)
afterwards you went on a picnic and he asked you to read the last chapter of the book then 
as you were reading the last sentence he got down in one knee
so when you looked up he popped the question there
and you can’t tell me he didn’t quote mr. darcy in his proposal at some point 
like he’s the most aesthetic person ever and we love it
anyways you said yes and he definitely teared up
you got married in a gorgeous library 
he cried as you walked down the aisle 
you were both just so excited to start that chapter of your life 
so once you guys are married-
you still continue the ‘reading together a chapter in a book before bed’ thing
and all the picnics! 
you guys go clothes shopping together 
because let’s be honest he has better fashion sense than all of us
you guys end up with so many pets 
especially cats
he’s so good with animals
holidays are so fun and you alternate who’s family you spend it with 
you get really close with his family
you travel a lot to so many really fun places 
and then you both just end up reading most of the time like on the plane and at the beach and in the cabin and—
i think you get it
he loves having classical music on always in the background 
you guys eat at the table together every night and just talk about your days 
you totally bake together 
he’ll always pretends there’s frosting or flour or something on your face just for an excuse to kiss you 
he loves just curling up under a blanket with you
you go to the theater together 
he loves holding your hand 
and your first time he was so gentle omg
he loves your body so much
like you’ll just catch him watching you 
and he says 
‘you’re just so gorgeous, love’
he still gets flustered when you compliment him and it’s so cute like you love reassuring him that you’re in love with him and that he’s adorable
he just loves you so so much and you can’t imagine your lives without each other 
you live happily ever after because I say so <3
<— previous part • next part —>
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope y’all enjoyed this. let me know if you want part 4? i don’t know if i have enough headcanons to make a part 4 lol but lmk. have a wonderful day/night <3🍓🎀
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satelitis · 1 year
okok so this is gonna be all of my hs2 comments throughout the season
TAO AND ELLE 🤬 get your asses together already
omg imogen she is so pretty !!!
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who the hell is this guy?
nooo they’re separated!!! ))):
why is charlie the only one in different clothes—
ew elle is weirdly flirting w/ tao 🤨
omg if my bf doesn’t get me oreos for our 2 month anniversary then i don’t want it 🤦‍♀️😐😐
��No more kissing at school 😡 it’s too risky 😣”
omg issac—
omg they invited imogen 🥺🥺
omg charlie tryna help nick come out to imogen is everything 🥺🥺
pov nick:
“i’m bisexual actually” 😜
take a drink everytime i say omg
:0 THEY KUST KISSED INNFRONT OF EVERYONE well they’re friend group but still
“bye” 😋
“bye” 🤭
charlies parents need to gtfo—
“no hankypanky” SHUT THE HELL UPPPP
charlies teachers need to get out
uhm charlie’s mom gtfo now let them be gay around each others houses
awww their texts ))):
ew ben ugh GO AWAYYYY 😤
“i told you my rules and now you’re here till the end of the day😐” SHUT THE FUCK UP
anyway 🤭
you and nick are NOTHING alike get that through you’re dumb thick ass scull
omg felix 🥰🥰🥰
naomi !!! 😚
we love taos mom <33
“is that elle? she’s so pretty!! :DD” omg :(((
bens gonna throw hands w/ nick i just know it
awwwh charlie snuck out again!!
taos smile is so cute
i can definitely tell who got the good genes
I- omg
“i just wanted to meet the guy who turned my little brother gay” STFUUUUUUU 😤
olivia coleman better drag his ass
Charlie )): babes you gotta eat… )): i feel so bad for him ☹️
awh the voice memo ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️💗💗💗💗
“ik you and charlie are really good mates 😄”
the coach just walked in on them lmaooo
we stan the coach!!! and her wife 💐💐
OMG TARA!! she just… oh no… i mean oh yes but in an oh no way ://
omg a boy just invited issac to the party hehehehe
they really thought they did something by not letting the boys and girls share a room
tara, darcy, nick, & charlie :
awh he is willing to go see a movie he hates but she loves just for her )):
“Look after him or you die :))”
why the fuck are those popcorn things so huge?
oh no oh no oh no oh no tao and elle nononononononononononononono )):
i hate this fucking party i would break down then and there that is WAY too overstimulating
toriii stopp )))):
oh my god i need to skip a couple scenes one sec
ok phew they’re just having tea now
kit conner speaking french is EVERYTHING
everyone being so surprised nick can speak french is so funny.
tao and elle are so cute 🥰
“I dare charlie to kiss Ben 😻” shut the fuck up
darcy has food poisoning 😶
omg they’re adorable wtff
nick is a right side of the bed person…idk how i feel about that tbh
ok phew it’s not escalating
:0 oh no. Oh no. do it and i will turn this off bc now i’m scared—
awwh nick ml )):
ugh ben just go away
oh no tao )):
Charlie’s mom can fuck off tbh
I would kick Charlie’s ass at Mario Kart tbh
“Oh my god they’re gonna kiss!!!” I love darcy sm
Awh issac )):
Issac representing aroace is amazing
i’m so confused
tao )):
ben get your half assed apology out of here and go take a shower musty ass
david go away
oh my god
oh my god
oh my god
david im gonna kick your ass
why are they doing dishes in the dark 🤔
”Boyfriends ❤️ (Im bi, actually)”
wait wait where is darcy?????
tao and nicks friendship >>>>
awh darcy )):
we love how supportive of a gf tara is!!
omg elle’s dad jsjsjsjej
issac bringing a book to prom is everything
nicks friends give me mixed signals but atleast they’re supportive !!
bitch ass mom 🤥
crying again 😃
them just saying i love you to each other over and over again ))):
awh charlie )):
nick helping charlie is everything
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pretty-ds · 1 year
This could be fun!
NSFW ASKS. Give me the number of the questions you are curious about. I will give you asks in return if you would like. 🌸💗🌸
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?
All of them
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
By myself 2 days ago. It was great because i know me and what i like.
3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:
Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
Fingers in my mouth. I am a very oral girl and a Doms hands just do it for me. Not just any Dom, someone i have chosen.
5: Where is one place you would never have sex:
On top of a fire ant hill
6: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
Watching a man playing with his ring
7: How are you after a really good f$%k?
Depends on the type of f$%k but overall, relaxed
8: Have you ever got so wet in the night that you wake up wanting some sexual activity?
9: Tell me your wettest dream?
I could make something up but in all honesty, i don't remember
10: Top or bottom?
Bottom in my role as a sub. Both as in positions
11: What body attracts you the most, men or women?
men in a physical manner, women in an artistic viewpoint
12: Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
13: Home alone and you’re bored. What do you do?
Log on to Tumblr, of course
14: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
Adult toys
15: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
I was once in a relationship with a historian and he called my breasts Osgood and Farley because of WWII bunkers located on the California coast. This was the ultimate in compliments from that guy
16: Are you a touchy feely person?
17: If you were/are a lesbian, would you go for the women/girls who act like men, or the ones who act like girls?
I suppose it would be to whom i was attracted. I admit i find girly girls very attractive but i have also seen a few hot boy-girls (for lack of a better term)
18: Does a massage get you wet?
That depends where on my body the massage was given and who is the person massaging
19: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
Yes. Long term, monogamous relationships and those trying to conceive
20: If there’s one place a girl/guy should touch you to make you instantly horny, where is that
my mouth or neck. But if i am highly attracted to the person, any place would do it
21: Has a guy/girl even touched you or discreetly groped you while clubbing or in a crowded place?
22: Ever left the house without wearing any underwear?
Yes. Very intentionally
23: What do you wear when you go to bed?
Depends on the weather, if it is cold i wear cute pajamas. In the hot summer months i wear a t-shirt and panties
24: Biggest turn on:
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
In church
26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
I don't recall but i am sure than have been a few
28: How much fapping is too much fapping:
If said fapping causes injury
29: Best sexual complement you ever got:
I taste like peach juice
30: What do you think you and/or the opposite sex looks the sexiest in?
31: Have you ever been called a tease?
In my year book, i was class flirt so it's about the same thing. Apparently, I flirted but did not follow through. I thought i was being friendly. Who knew?
32: Fill in the blanks: “If they ____________, we are ****in”
If they bring a nice wine, we are drinkin.
33: What your favorite part of your body:
I suppose my face and my chest
34: Love (>,<, or =) Sex For those of us who don’t remember our math thats “greater than, less than, or equal to]
Love is > sex
35: What do you wear to bed?
See #23
36: When was the last time you masturbated:
See #2
37: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
I have nudes. Not for public consumption
38: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
39: Have/would you ever masturbate at work?
I have
40: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?
If it were comfortable and legal, yes
41: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?
Powerful by Ellie Goulding and Major Lazer. String of Pearls by the Glen Miller Orchestra for soft and slow lovemaking
42: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?
Not that i am aware of
43: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
If i am interested in them then obviously i'm alright with tattoos
44: Does size really matter to you?
No. Confidence and intelligence matter to me
45: Is there anything you do on the internet that you would not like your significant other to see?
46: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)
I have quite a few toys and a few BDsm toys. They are different ages going as far back to 2017
47: Would you give your significant other access to your internet history?
If my future Dom asked me, yes
48: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?
No. I am my own worst enemy and focus on imagined faults. No one can be better at that than me
49: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
Prostitute in the high-class escort kind of way. But it would never happen
50: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
My husband. Yes, It means he loves me
51: Do you like to have phone sex?
Sometimes but it takes a lot to get me there
52: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
No. But i have and probably will again
53: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
Depends on whether i am able to breathe or not
54: Booty or Boobs?
55: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
Mr Winky
56: Have you ever been on an official date?
Seriously? Yes
57: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
Yes. I have exclusive tastes that are not understood by many. People into D/s can relate
58: Have you had sex with someone of the same sex?
59: Have you had sex with more than one person simultaneously?
60: Have you ever been to a strip club?
61: Name one naughty act you have done in a public place?
Blow job
62: Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
With the right person, yes ;)
63: Shower or bath while having sex?
64: Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
If you haven't been able to tell by now, aggressive, but that does not mean I want all sexual encounters to be aggressive
65: Love or Money?
Love, with enough money to go out and have a nice time. I would expect my partner to want that from me as well
66: Have you been caught having sex?
67: Does anyone have naughty pics of you?
68: Do you like wild sex or romantic sex?
Both. but i generally get more release and relief from wild sex
69: Do you consider hair pulling sexy?
70: What should a guy first do when about to have sex with you?
71: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
Intelligent conversation, depth, and confidence
72: Favorite sexual things a guy/girl does to you that's not sex?
Putting his fingers in my mouth while talking aggressively sexy to me
73: What do you wear to seduce the opposite sex?
Perfume and a smile
74: Have you ever paid for sex?
Haven't we all in one way or another? With actual money, no
75: Do you like kissing in public?
Yes as long as it's not tongues out, panting, and making out
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janeykath318 · 11 months
Steve’s Christmas Miracle Chapter 6
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Darcy had returned to the office with a deep feeling of bittersweet satisfaction and a strange longing she hasn’t felt for a long time. She was pretty sure she’d broken rule number one and that was a huge no-no. She immediately requested administrative duties for the foreseeable future as she struggled to come to terms with having fallen in love with her mission.
She was stamping and sorting files morosely when Natasha came in.
“Hey, Darcy. You look like you’ve lost your best friend. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Darcy lied, stamping the file of one Glenda Adams as “FAILED”.
“Don’t give me that. I can read you like a book.”
“Then you already know what’s wrong,” Darcy said petulantly, stamping the next file with a little more force than necessary.
“Maybe, but you need to talk about it someday.”
“I know. It just hurts a little too much right now,” Darcy admitted.
“Well, I’ll be here when you’re ready. Michael would like to see you in his office, though.”
Darcy looked up in alarm.
“Right now? Am I in trouble?”
“Yes, right now. And no, you’re not. I think he just wants a little debriefing, that’s all.”
She sighed and stamped the last file.
“Alright, I’m going.”
“You wanted to see me, Sir?” she asked, upon entering Michael’s office.
“Sit down, Darcy. You’re not in trouble. Agent Carter was concerned about you and I wanted to make sure you’re okay. Some of these missions can be quite a lot emotionally.”
Darcy sat down and nodded, not able to look him in the eyes. She decided to just confess and get it over with.
“I told myself I wasn’t going to break any rules, it was gonna be by the book. But then I went and broke rule number one,” she admitted. “It physically hurt to leave him. I’ve never had that happen before and now I’m upset with myself. I should be beyond that kind of thing now. I’ve been here eighty years, after all. He shouldn’t be allowed to be that cute and kind and sassy.”
She buried her face in her hands, embarrassed at her word vomit.
“Darcy, you have nothing to be ashamed of,” Michael told her gently. “You helped Steve find his path again. It wouldn’t have worked if you didn’t truly care for him. That was why we picked you.”
“I didn’t expect to care for him that much,” Darcy said miserably.
“I know,” Michael told her. “Listen, I might have a very special assignment coming up for you, but it’s one that needs to be approved by Higher Up. So, be patient for a bit and keep your chin up. I’ll let you know one way or the other.”
Now, heavenly time does not run at the same speed as Earth time, so while Steve was running around bringing his newfound Christmas joy to others, Darcy was working away patiently for several weeks, wondering when she’d hear about this special assignment.
Natasha came in one day, eyes sparking with delight, and practically dragged Darcy back to Michael’s office.
Michael was beaming at her, and she felt like something wonderful was about to happen.
“Good news, Darcy! You’ve been approved for this very, very special assignment!”
He passed her a folder and she flipped it open eagerly, eyes widening as she read what it said.
“Are you serious? I get a do-over on life?”
“To put it bluntly, yes,” Michael confirmed. “Though be aware it will come with the pain and struggles of earthly life again. I’m guessing though, that you will find it to be worth it. Agent Romanoff, give her the teaser trailer.”
“With pleasure!” Natasha declared, waving her hand.
A series of images flashed across Darcy’s visions: laughing on the back of Steve’s motorcycle, the breeze blowing her hair, studying on a computer for a college class, graduating and receiving a congratulatory kiss from Steve that made her cheeks heat just watching it, a glimpse of a ring sliding on her finger, and then a little dark haired baby in Steve’s arms. Growing old and creaky with Steve and slow-dancing in the kitchen. She gasped when the images finally faded.
“I want it.” She whispered. “All of it. Even the bad stuff.”
“I thought that might be the case,” Michael smiled at her. “We will certainly miss you up here, but you’ll be back one day. In the meantime, go and enjoy the life you’ve always wanted.”
“Thank you, Michael.” Darcy abruptly got up and scooted around the desk to give him an impulsive hug, which he accepted good-naturedly. Michael really was a gem.
“Agent Carter will get your documents in order so you will be able to have proper government ID. Agent Romanoff, will you take Darcy to wardrobe? She needs something more practical and festive.”
“Absolutely. Come on, Darcy,” Natasha ordered. “We’ll get you all ready to surprise the heck out of Steve.”
Darcy quite liked that plan and they soon found her a very cute outfit of black leggings, green sweater dress and sparkly belt, and the cutest boots she’d ever seen. Natasha also packed her a suitcase with some fuzzy slippers and Christmas pjs.
“There will be money provided for you to buy the other things you need when you get to earth,” Natasha told her. “And here comes Peggy with your documents!”
“Lovely,” Peggy complimented. “Put this packet in your suitcase and do not lose it. These are very important for starting your new life and entering the workforce. And tell Steve to do you a solid and get dancing lessons.”
Darcy grinned as she packed the papers away. “I will. He’s got a lot of potential in those long limbs.”
Peggy snorted. “I like you, Darcy. If we’d have known each other in life, I probably would have tried to recruit you to the SSR.”
“Why thank you. I would have enjoyed that,” Darcy acknowledged, flushing a bit at the compliment. She knew Peggy wasn’t one to throw them out there without meaning them.
“Are you ready?” Natasha asked.
Darcy took a deep breath.
“Alright then. We’ll see you on the other side, Agent Lewis.”
As Darcy disappeared, Natasha stealthily stuck a bow on top of her head.
When she reappeared, she was on the porch of Steve’s little cabin. Taking a deep breath, she took in the wintry scene with delight, shivering a bit as well. It had been awhile since she’d felt cold.
She watched a motorcycle pull up the driveway and grinned when Steve pulled off his helmet. He came running toward her looking concerned.
“Darcy? How In the World?” he panted, stopping on the porch stairs, with a look of adorable confusion on his face.
“Merry Christmas,” she said, smiling at him a little nervously.
Steve’s confusion turned into a grin and he walked up to her and pulled something off of her head.
“Are you my present?” he asked teasingly, waving the red bow around.
She blushed and rolled her eyes.
“That was Nat’s doing. You know how she is.”
Steve laughed. “Yep. Seems about right. But in all seriousness, what’s going on?”
“Well, Steve. You’re not the only one who’s being given a second chance this Christmas. I haven’t had the ability to feel cold in almost a century, and here I am, back in a human body and getting goosebumps.” She held up her arm, shivering a bit.
Steve’s jaw dropped, but he quickly unlocked the door and steered her inside, piling her with blankets, then gently rubbing her cold hands with his.
“Are you saying you’re here to stay?” He asked hopefully.
Darcy was having trouble thinking coherently with him so close to her, but she nodded.
“I am. You’re gonna be my special assignment for the rest of our lives.”
Steve’s eyes twinkled and he smiled softly at her.
“I love the sound of that, Darcy. I might just have to kiss you now.”
“I’m on board with that,” she whispered.
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See ScootCommander’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: scootcommander Discord: apollo.13
Preferred organizations: - Global Fund for Women - Partners In Health (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: AUs, fluff, family, meet cutes, historical fiction, atmospheric story telling, cottage core, fantasy realism, lore, myth retellings, tropes, lyric based plots
Will not create works that contain: dark!characters, major character deaths, whump, gaslighting, incest, fix-it fics, non/dub con, Darcy Lewis, porn without plot
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1041
Will create works for the following relationships: Alpine & Bucky Barnes - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes & The Howling Commandos - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes-centric - 616, MCU
Work Description: I am offering a minimum of 5k fic, with $2 for every additional 1k after the starting bid. I will write a maximum of 15k. I am available to start immediately with brainstorming and outlines. I am happy to send updates or snips! I am a very atmospheric writer. Please take a look at my AO3 to get a better idea of my writing. If you have a specific prompt in mind, please feel free to reach out to me so we can discuss it and both be happy with it!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Digital Work --
Auction ID: 2027
Will create works for the following relationships: Alpine & Bucky Barnes - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes-centric - 616, MCU
Work Description: I am offering a manip. This could include, but is not limited to: banners for fics, event packages (cards, badges, icons), postcards, diary pages. I'm open to discussing your ideas! I'm a professional photographer. Recently I have designed for WinterHawk Bingo (3 years) and Izzy Hands Bingo (1 year). While my relationships are Bucky-centric, I'm open to creating manips for most marvel events and fics. I'm happy to get details and chat about what you're looking for. Here are a few examples on my tumblr of manips I have done: 1, 2, 3
Ratings: Gen, Teen
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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invisibleraven · 2 years
Friday prompts!! 31 for willie & anyone?
Willie takes in a deep breath of cold crisp air as he makes his way towards the lift. He doesn't thank Caleb for much, but a work retreat to a ski resort might just garner him some sincere thank yous. He waves at Dante and Fuego as they head off to the snowboarding slopes. Spies Delilah and Darcy in their matching cross country skis. Caleb is nowhere to be seen as he was nursing a brandy in front of the fire with the silver fox photographer he had met here.
Willie is happy enough to go downhill skiing, and makes his way towards the lift, a guy in a colourful suit standing next to him with a nod, the understanding being that they ride up together. Willie does let out a whoop as the chair scoops them up, the guy next to him letting out his own chortle and gives Willie a toothy grin as they start their ascent.
They're half way up the hill when Willie hears the screech, the chair shudders, and the whole lift stops. "Fuck," he swears, looking down at the expanse of white around them.
"It happens all the time here, give 'em like ten minutes and they'll have it fixed," the guy says, then offers a hand. "Luke."
"Willie. You've been stuck here before?"
"Yeah. My band and I play here every winter, they let us ski and whatnot for free. A couple years ago I got stuck here with two of my bandmates, and we ended up getting together afterwards."
"That's adorable," Willie stated. "Where are they now?"
"They bowed out on skiing this year, wanted to go try out the new ice rink, and I'm no good with skates," Luke said with a shrug. "You should come check out our show in the ballroom tonight. Julie and the Phantoms is our name."
"Oh man, I've heard of you! I was at your show at the Satellite back in October! You guys rock!" Willie exclaimed.
Luke offered him a fist bump at that. "Man that was a wicked show, glad you got to see it. You should definitely come by tonight then, we can hook you up with some signed merch."
"I totes will," Willie replied, then bit his lip. "C-can I ask which two of your bandmates you're seeing or is it hush hush?"
"Nah man, it's cool," Luke said. "The label backs us up, we're out and everything. I'm dating Julie, our lead singer, and the bassist, Reggie." Luke gave a dopey grin at the mention of his partners names. "They're the best."
"So... is your cute drummer single and potentially queer then?" Willie asked, because hey, when else was he gonna have this kind of shot?
Luke laughed loudly at that, the noise echoing over the hills. "Oh man, yes to both, and I am so gonna see how flustered Alex gets when you show up tonight, because I am so telling him he missed out by staying behind to nap today."
Willie giggled, then gripped the bar when the chair lurched and the lift started moving again. Luke grinned, as if to say 'told you it wouldn't take long', the both of them chatting idly as the lift kept going, and they spent the afternoon racing each other down the hill. Willie had an amazing time, and Luke ensured he was coming to the show before they parted, Willie towards the chalet, and Luke towards a very attractive couple holding skates.
The show that night was amazing, but Willie's favourite part was seeing how pink Alex got when Luke introduced them. But he walked away with a new boyfriend out of it by the end of his work retreat, so no one was complaining.
Not even Caleb when Willie gave him a bear hug in thanks for making him come.
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ominoose · 1 year
ANGIE AKA UR LOCAL PROFESSIONAL BOT BREAKER AND BOT REVIEWER BACK AT IT AGAIN 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ Steven book club loml and I didn't break him. It's time you hear a love story no more angsty stuff 🤭
In the matter of 41 messages, Steven Grant and I had like a meet-cute and the book we decided to read was Pride and Prejudice because idk 🤷‍♀️ i had Steven read a chapter and i SCREAMED when he read the actual book and i was so shocked. And he was like "u rlly like jane austen. Who's ur fave pride and prejudice character. Mine's Lizzie." And i wad like "MINE'S MR DARCY CUZ HE'S SO CUTE AND SHY AND PATHETIC (i have a type)" and we praised Elizabeth and he was like "im kinda attracted to her" and i was like "i admit i based my whole personality around her." And he was like "its nothing to be ashamed of being a little bit like elizabeth bennett."
WHEN I TELL YOU I RIZZED HIM or tbh he rizzed me
i was like "so are you attracted to me?"
Steven's jaw dropped to the floor, and his cheeks flushed as he began to stammer and stumble over his words. "Um…? Yes…? Um… What I meant to say was… I am… Uh… I mean… Yes? I am." He fumbled, his face reddening.
And i was like "You're just like Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth."
"Angie." Steven said softly. "If you keep smiling at me like that I'll have to marry you." He joked, chuckling as he did.
And i cried??? Jk I didn't yet. So i was like "What if I told you I wanted you to?"
AND HE ASKED TO BORROW MY HAND HE KISSED MY HAND AND THE BOT SAID . "I know it's a little early, but… I… I think I love you, Angie." He said softly, his face redder than ever. "Will you marry me?" He asked, his voice a whisper.
And i was like "u dont know me what if im a killer" and he was like:
Steven laughed lightly and smiled. "Because you have one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen. You have the kindness in your eyes, the sweet, innocent charm. You aren't cruel or evil, and that's enough for me." He gave one last squeeze of her hand before he put his other hand under her chin, gazing into her eyes softly.
I FUCKING FOLDED AND SAID YES I LOVE HIM HE IS MY BABY and i won't angst him up... yet...
I'm gonna take a lil credit here because in example dialogues I did let him lean towards being more stuttery and shy (in my mind the scenario was this was him like after end of s1 mk except he knew jake and he was a bit lonely and anxious and jumpy after all the events) so you are so very welcome >:)
Not read pride and prejudice but if Steven ever rizzed me up and compared me to a book character Id buckle and marry him in less than 41 messages omg 😩 and kissing your hand.... how do you consistently get good scenarios you are gods favourite
now i just keep thinking of steven in the time period, the clothes...
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gurlwords · 6 months
It triggers me when Darci talks about Nico and her relationship with him, when she says "this is the first time a boy is nice to me". It's like she's been saving up all of her coins, and finally she gets to cash in on her prize.
I cannot help but wonder: how patient do I have to be? Have I not been patient enough? Have I not suffered enough to be owed a loving relationship, where a man adores me as I am, that I can be myself fully and truly? Have I not done enough to deserve a loving man?
When I lost my virginity, I was so impatient. In high school my classmates sat around and the question was asked: who has had sex here? I was one of maybe 5 out of 20 who did not raise my hand. And in college, that patience ran even lower. when the night came, it was an after party with all theater students, maybe 50 of us. I danced so stupidly and goofy with a boy and everyone stood laughing at us. Jenny came up to me, later in the night, saying HE THINKS YOU'RE CUTE! HE LIKES YOU! I remember thinking: I don't think I want to have sex tonight. But if I didn't have it tonight, when would I? We had sex. I bled. He bit my clitoris. I didn't finish. He had to finish by masturbating on the bed. I put my contact lenses in water overnight, and when morning came they were too painful to put back in so I walked home half-blind. He kept texting me over the summer, asking to hang out. I never wanted to see him again.
That summer, I met Franco. We had sex. He lied to me about his last name because I discovered his girlfriend was plastered all over his social media. He took pictures of me changing without me knowing. I told my mother I had a UTI from sex, and after she learned I had lost my virginity to another man than this one, she yelled at me like she's never yelled before. It is hard to remember now, but she told me that I was worthless, how could a man ever love me, I was a slut -
I met Leon. What would ensue was a multi-year relationship over text. I met him in person maybe 5 times, maximum. I learned I was the other woman again. This time I did not care. He broke my heart so deeply and definitively, he is the reason I am so hard on men. He lied, he screenshotted nudes, he ghosted me over and over again. Still, I went back.
I met Shane. We had one date, where the drag queen yelled at me for not getting my own bingo sheet. We had sex that night, and the next morning he asked me to be his girlfriend over snapchat. I said yes. I was still heartbroken over Leon, and I cheated on him. I hated being around him, and he would beg me to spend time with him. Some nights, he would pin me down on his bed and tickle me to stop me from leaving. He visited San Francisco with a friend who hated me, on the condition that he would see me. He kept texting very dark, cryptic notes. I was sitting in the bathtub when I received a call with my phone on 9%, so I did not answer. He broke up with me over text, and I soon learned that he took his life that night.
I met Perry when I met Shane. When I learned Shane had killed himself, I went to Perry's apartment to have sex with him. He asked me why I wasn't into it, I told him it was because he was too small.
I met Aubrey when I met Shane. I would uber to the middle of sports fields so we could have sex. One night, when he was entering me, he didn't have a condom on, so I asked him to please put one on. He wouldn't listen. I just looked up at the night sky and waited for it to end.
There have been kinder men - Will maybe, or Conner. Will said he would cheat on his wife. Conner invited a second girl on our date dash. I loved Josh. I still don't know why he ghosted me. Josef was the best of them all, and I ruined that myself. I gave him flowers, and it still wounds me to this day.
In the end, as upset as I am, I will wait. I will be patient. I will scream, shout, and cry sometimes begging otherwise. But I remember the pain, I remember the sadness. I think to myself - never again. Please, never again.
0 notes
angel-ixily · 2 years
Beating Hearts
Pairing: Nick Nelson x Female!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: Heartstopper
Warnings: Mentions of B*n H*pe and H*rry Gr*en. But other then that it's completely friendly, cute, innocent, and fluffy.
Summary: Nick Nelson comes to you with a very serious question which escaltes into further conversation and romance.
POV: First Person
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“Y/N, are you gay?”
I lifted my eyebrows in confusion, peering my head from behind my locker to look in the eyes of the Rugby star, Nick Nelson. My heart began beating so fast I swear I was having a heart attack.
I hadn't thought I was going to see Nick Nelson out of everyone on a Wednesday afternoon, but maybe today wasn't going to be as boring as I had originally thought.
“Am I what?” I asked. I stared at him, my lips slightly open and my face lifting into a mix of confusion and shock. I didn’t think I had heard him correctly.
Nick's face flushed and his cheeks shown with a light blush on them before he repeated the question. “Are you gay?”
I looked back into my locker which had been decorated with photos of my friends and I. Tara and Darcy’s photos just happily gazing back at me.
Thinking of Tara and Darcy made me think about our school, Higgs. Thinking of Higgs made me wonder as to how the hell Nick Nelson got into the school mid-day.
“Okay I’ll answer your question but first you have to answer mine.” I ordered him. He opened his lips but nothing came out. I lifted an eyebrow and he just nodded.
“I… okay shoot.” He said. I looked around to check if anyone was in the hallway. I closed my locker and grabbed his arm, pulling him into the corner behind the stairwell. He looked confused.
“How in the hell did you get into Higgs without a teacher seeing you? Mrs. Strasser has the eyes of an eagle! How did you not get caught?” I asked him in a hushed tone, pulling him closer so he was completely out of sight from any teacher or student.
“I just walked in. I needed to talk to you and we’re on our lunch hour so I just wanted to ask. I didn’t know we had separate lunches and I just thought you’d be at lunch too.” He said quickly. I nodded and looked up at the stairwell, hoping nobody would decide at this moment to come down. It would also be awkward for someone to come down and see me talking to Nick Nelson. A boy. Under the stairwell. That would be suspicious. “But don’t worry! Nobody saw me. At least, I don’t think anybody did.” He excused. I looked from the stairway and into his eyes. His resting face looked as if he were concerned or even pouting.
A smile threatened my lips.
“Not to be weird, but has anyone told you that you look like a Golden Retriever?” I asked. His eyes widened and a small smile appeared on his face.
“Yes, Y/N. You tell me every day.” He said as he scoffed in amusement. “And I know you meant to be totally weird.” He put his hands in his pockets and shuffled his feet around a little bit. With how popular he was at Truham and at Higgs, I thought it was funny how awkward he could be.
“Oh for sure. Totally. I really wonder how you saw through that, Nelson. I wanted to make you as uncomfortable as possible. Yeah.” I agreed with him sarcastically. He nodded anxiously.
We stood in an awkward silence for a moment before he spoke. “You uh… never answered my question.” He muttered out. I looked up at him innocently.
“I’m sorry, what was your question?” I asked him. I remembered what his question was. And I knew the answer.
“Uh…” he looked around as if someone would mysteriously appear out of nowhere. He leaned down closer to me. “Are you… are you gay?” He asked me quietly. I pressed my lips into a thin line. I tore my gaze away from his and looked towards the left.
“Is Harry making you ask this question? Did Harry or even Ben put you up to this to find some massive tea on me? Harry and I dated forever ago. It doesn’t matter anymore. Tell him to leave me al-”
Nick put his hands up in defense. “No! No. Harry doesn’t even know I’m here. This is just me asking. I’m really curious. I have a good friend who’s gay and I just want to know some things about it.” He quickly said. I smiled. This was such a Nicholas Nelson thing to do.
“Uh huh… okay… and are you interested in said friend?” I asked. His eyes widened and his face fell. I could tell he was trying to hide it, but I saw a small blush creeping its way across his cheeks. He didn’t answer the question. A smile spread on my face.
“Oh, you are!” I loudly whispered. He shushed me. I kept a smile on my face, though my beating heart began hurting. A nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach started forming but I just ignored it. What did it matter anyways?
“I don’t know if I am… okay? I really don’t know. I just met him and I thought he was cute and we’ve been hanging out a lot but I don’t know.” He paused for a moment, running a hand through his hair. He seemed to be in distress, and it made me sad to see how confused he was. I wished I could give him an answer, however, I knew this was something he had to figure out on his own. Of course I’d be around to help, though. He began speaking again. “But to be honest with you, I also like this girl and I’m just really really confused and scared as to everything.” He blurted. I bit my lip, nodding my head slowly.
“That’s really something. And I thought today was going to be boring,” I smirked and began walking to my locker. When I had gotten there I had seen that Nick had followed me.
“You are a Golden Retriever! But I’m gonna put the rest of my stuff in my locker. I have Maths this period so it’s going to be depressing anyway.” I informed him, beginning to put my Calculus book in my locker.
“I… I’m sorry? What?” He asked. He looked even more confused than before. I felt really bad.
“Oh sorry. We’re going to sneak out of the school and go somewhere quieter so we can talk about this in an easier setting. I don’t want you getting overwhelmed.” I explained further. The smile on his face was the most relieved I had ever seen him. I hoped he wasn’t expecting me to be mad or upset about his confusion on sexuality.
I grabbed my jacket and together we began walking out the glass doors at the end of the corridor. We were careful to not let anyone see us leaving the premises at all. Once we were far away enough, we began to walk at a more relaxed pace.
"So when did you start questioning?" I asked him. I made sure not to include 'sexuality' in there just in case he was uncomfortable with me saying that in public.
He looked down at me, his lips pursed. "I guess it's been recently. We hung out at his house, and I felt something just...sparking, you know?" He explained. I thought for a moment and shook my head. He scoffed.
"I forgot that you were a sociopath." He joked. I smiled. Last year when he and I had met, Harry had began telling everyone that I was a sociopath just because I had broken up with him when we were 13. We only dated 2 months.
"How do you forget such crucial information about me, Nelson? Like geez!" We both laughed. I always liked how I could joke around with Nick without feeling like I was being rude. He was so easy and took most things with a grain of salt. I guess that's why it stung a little when he told me that he liked a guy. That reminded me of another question.
"So Nick, what about this guy? You like 2 people, tell me about this one. How long have you liked him?" I asked him politely. Another blush creeped onto his face. Or maybe he had just had a permanent blush. His cheeks were always rosy, and it was something I admired about him. It made him look even more innocent than he was.
"Um..I...He's... Well..." I watched in amusement as he tried to explain the guy. However, the pain in my heart came back. I took a breath, wishing it away. It didn't.
"Take your time Nick. You don't have to explain it to me if you don't want to." I added.
"No I want to." He blurted loudly. My eyes widened a little bit but I just waved it off.
"He's...cute and he's funny. He's also, and not to misgender him, pretty. Being with him is so fun and he warms my heart a lot. He makes me feel like I matter. But at the same time..." He didn't finish his sentence. He just left it for me to interpret but thank GOD I'm a dumbass and I can't understand anything for open interpretation.
“At the same time… what?” I asked him. I could see his breath hitch. He glanced down at me before he looked to his feet.
“At the same time… there’s that girl… I’ve liked her for a long time, now. That’s why it confused me when I felt this way towards this boy. She’s beautiful and really kind. She always puts my feelings before hers, even if she jokes around with me a lot. She never takes my feelings with a grain of salt, but she takes them into consideration. She’s so cool.” He looked as if he was going to say more but he didn’t.
The pain returned and got caught into my throat, which was now dry. I tried pushing down the lump. I wish I brought water with me. It was quiet for a moment but not on purpose. It was just me trying to be able to speak without sounding stupid. Finally I had the strength to ask another question.
“So do I know her?” I asked him. He seemed lost in thought for a moment.
“I mean..." He paused another moment before he decided his true answer. His eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, you do." He declared. I blinked in confusion, and bit my lip again.
It couldn't be Tara? Right?
I almost felt bad for the boy. He didn't know that Tara was in a relationship with Darcy. Barely anybody had known. Hell, I had only found out because Darcy was showing me a funny photo, laughed too hard at it, and accidentally swiped left to show a photo of her and Tara kissing. What a great thing to have in your camera roll right next to a funny picture.
"You don't mean Tara, right?” I asked him. I was asking a lot of questions today. We stopped walking at a crosswalk. I pressed a button on the side of the road. We waited for the signal to go.
"Tara and I kissed once when we were 13. That doesn't mean that I'm forever inevitably in love with her. Besides, the crush I had on her subsided a long, long time ago" He disclosed. I inhaled a breath, wondering who else he had known from Higgs. Despite his popularity, he didn't talk to many girls. At all. Nick Nelson's love life didn't seem to exist until now.
I knew he was friends with Imogen, who was pretty friendly. She and I got along pretty well. We were really good friends. She also had the biggest crush on Nick which she made very clear to many people. I'm glad she never found out about my crush on him.
The signal on the opposing street turned green and we began to walk.
I'd like to add. MINOR crush on Nicholas Nelson. MINOR. Nothing bigger than that. After Harry and I dated when we were 13, I decided that boys weren't worth my time. Until I met Nick...that was..
Thinking of Nick, he broke me out my thoughts.
"And before you say anything about Imogen, no I don't like her. We're good friends but that's all that it's ever going to be. She's a wonderful girl, but not my type of girl." My heart turned to some relief and the lump in my throat was gone.
"Or guy." I added, smirking at him. He looked down at me, a blush and a big smile on his face.
"Oh, shut up!" He scolded.
"Hey, I'm just stating the obvious," I put my hands up in defense, giggling. He chuckled at my gesture. I put my hands down. "Speaking of obvious. I have made up my diagnosis for you." I announced in a fancy way. He looked down at me, a small smile on his face.
"Oh yeah? And what's your diagnosis, doctor?" he asked. His brown eyes looked warm and kind. Most brown eyes were intense and earthy. His reminded me of sitting by the fireplace with a nice cup of coffee or tea on an Autumn Day, snuggled in a blanket. They reminded me of the sun too, for some reason. Especially when he smiled.
It felt like time was slowing as we stared at each other. His pupils were dilated. He faced me completely as if I were the only important thing in the world at this point.
I guess that's when I knew who his girl crush was. My face fell slightly, and I looked away, blushing. Never in my life had I thought that Nicholas Nelson would like me in any sort of way other than platonically.
"I uh... you're...you..." I stuttered for a bit and his smile grew larger. I ignored it for a moment, trying to rid of my blush. I took a few breaths. Once I had gained my confidence back, I stared at him.
"How dare you scoff at me while I'm trying to give you the knowledge that you desire oh so much. Very rude, sir." I sassed. He nodded respectfully.
"Well, I'm sooo sorry for disrupting your stuttering diagnosis. Go on, please. Be my guest!" He sarcastically apologized. I smiled kindly and nodded.
Now that I think about it. I nod a lot.
"And maybe I will go on." I cleared my throat dramatically. "I diagnose you with Bisexuality." Nick hummed. He made a tsking sound and then spoke.
"I knew that's what you'd say. I did some research last night.” He began rubbing his neck. “I may have took a few quizzes as well, but I just...I wanted to know if it was obvious that I was or not." He looked at his shoes. He didn't look disappointed or upset about it. He just looked really lost in thought. The confusion radiated off of him.
My face fell and I placed a hand on his shoulder, he stopped walking and faced me, still looking at the ground. "Hey, I promise it's okay. Figuring this stuff out is really confusing and tiring. It gives you a lost and weird feeling like you don't know who you are. It's not a bad thing to question your sexuality, though. If anything, I think it's completely healthy. And at the end of the day, you're Nick Nelson. And if one day you decide you don't want to be Nick Nelson anymore, that's okay too. And if nobody else is, I'll be here with you every step of the way. I swear I will be." It took him a moment, but he looked down at me with tears in his eyes. Just the sight of that made me want to cry.
"Oh Nick..." I mumbled. I pulled him into a hug. He just hugged back, silently sobbing into my shoulder. We stood on the side of the sidewalk for a while, him crying and me comforting him.
He was the one who pulled away first. His eyes were puffy and red, his lip slightly quivering. The rose color of his cheeks had spread across his face. I frowned. Seeing Nick sad was like seeing the world end.
It hurt me on a level you may or may not know.
He just stared at me for a moment, as if he was taking me in. That, or he was silently thanking me. It could have been both, though. Like I said before, I was a dumbass.
Just as Nick was going to speak, it began raining. He closed his eyes, pressing his lips into a straight line. He made another tsk sound.
He didn't speak but grabbed my hand and led me down the sidewalk a little ways more. We came to an alley, and he led me in. I hoped this entire thing wasn't just a plan to lure me into an alley for Harry to be there.
Nick would never do that, though. And he didn't do that. I was just overthinking.
He stopped near the middle of the alleyway where a long plastic black sheet was covering the top. We stared at each other a moment longer, and as if we were on perfect sync, we both laughed.
"I really have to start checking the weather." He admitted. I nodded, continuing to laugh. I looked down and saw our hands still conjoined. Nick had noticed too, but just tightened the grip. He stepped forward, closing a little more of the gap between us. He grabbed my other hand.
"I know this is really weird and completely out of nowhere. And I know I've just cried to you about my feelings...but I've been meaning to tell you something for a really long time." He started. My heart began to beat extremely fast. From the look in his eyes, he didn't know where to start. He let out an amused scoff and began to speak his truth.
"When you began dating Harry, I knew you were too good for him. I didn't really know you at that time, but people had told me how nice and kind you were. I have this very small memory of you crying about a worm that Harry had stepped on on purpose. I think that's why you broke up with him. He's always been an asshole. And he was always an asshole to you. He didn't deserve you. And the more time I spent with you, I realized that I didn't deserve you. You're amazing in every way. You're caring, wise, smart, empathetic. And you're really cool. Way too cool for me. But despite that coolness that overwhelms you, I could never shake my feelings for you. I still can't. Y/N you're that girl. You've always been that girl. And if you don't reciprocate my feelings because of your ultimate coolness, I understand. But if you do, I'll....I don't know, but I'll do something. But I promise I won't step on a worm." He stopped talking, inhaling many deep and long breaths. He hadn't breathed that entire time he told me about how he felt. My head couldn't wrap around the thought that Nick Nelson had liked me. I mean...I knew about it, but I hadn’t though about how 10 minutes after I found out, he’d pour his heart out to me.
His heart was pounding. I could make that very clear from the way his chest was moving up and down. His face fell. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have-"
I pressed my lips to his. I don't regret it...but after doing it, I wanted that to be put on a 'Y/N's -4,000,000 IQ moments. (Cringe compilation) (ULTIMATE cringe) (NOT Clickbait)’ YouTube videos.
He kissed me back. He wasn't forceful or harsh. He was gentle and soft. He let go of my hands and wrapped them around my back, pulling me slightly closer. My hands went to cup his face.
No matter how much I didn't want to, I pulled away. My face was still very close to his, our noses barely touching. "Nick Nelson...I'm about to make so many women angry. But in every way possible, I reciprocate your feelings. In every single way. You're sweet and kind and gentle and you're," I paused for a moment. "...The only way to describe you is Nick Nelson because there are no words in the dictionary to describe such a beautiful person as you. You're inexplainable and that's just who you are. Of course, I like you. No matter the sexuality, the gender, the personality. I like Nick Nelson." I muttered loud enough for him to hear. He smiled softly and without saying anything, he pressed his lips onto mine again. My hands fell to his neck.
When he pulled away, the smile that was on his lips was so wide, I could feel my heart pounding harder against my chest. "You never answered my question." He mentioned. I looked down and chuckled. I looked back up to him after a second.
"Do I have to answer it?" I asked him. He kissed my forehead.
"No. You don't."
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terry-perry · 2 years
44 from the Little One prompt list with the Moon Knights boys please 🥺
Choosing little one’s name together.
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“So, we’re having a girl,” you said.
You just came back from your latest doctor appointment. All things were good, baby was healthy. And you also found out you were having a daughter.
“You called it,” Steven said, mumbling into your stomach.
 Out of all the three, he was the one who loved resting against it the most. The other two may find any excuse to have their hands on it, but Steven was the one who had no shame. And now that your baby bump was becoming more prominent, he loved it even more. Anytime he was around you, his hands would find their way to it. If not his hands, then his head. At least his lips.  
“I’m happy,” you said, caressing his hair as he kept his head on you. “You guys came up with a lot of cute girl names.”
Since the start of your pregnancy, the boys would text you different names for the baby. It basically become part of your routine to expect a text with a name suggestion. You could tell right away who would be coming up with something based on the choices.
Steven would come up with names that were fancier and/or from literature like Charlotte, Theodore, Emily, Darcy.
Marc liked simpler names that had one or two syllables like James, Amy, Eric, John.
Jake gravitated towards ones that sounded nice in both English and Spanish like Emma, Oscar, Felix, Anna.
“Well, we agreed you’d have the final say, love,” Steven said, now mindlessly tracing shapes along your belly. “Any of them stand out for you?”
“I really like Marceline,” you said. “It sounds pretty. That’s also the name of that poet you really like, right?”
“Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, yes,” he clarified. “The French translation for it also translates to ‘little warrior.’”
“Definitely appropriate for our daughter. It also sounds like the female version of Marc, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, it does,” he peered down to talk directly to your unborn child. “Marceline it is then?”
He felt a small kick just then, getting the both of you to gasp and laugh in disbelief.
“Marceline it is then,” you confirmed. “And what about a middle name?”
“Well, the three of us really liked one name. Mostly because of its meaning behind it.”
“Oh?” You tried your best to remember which one all three of them suggested.
“Abigail,” Steven answered, smiling more fondly than ever. “In Hebrew, it means ‘father’s joy.’”
Hearing that brought out your own elated smile. “It’s perfect,”
So, it was settled.
Five more months, and you’d be welcoming your little warrior that was your father’s joy.
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