#cw: disney-style dramatics
writersplight · 3 years
sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living.
Connie remembered everything about that night.  It was raining, and it was late. About two in the morning. The car was stuffy, but he didn’t want to be anywhere else. His girlfriend and childhood friend, Sasha, was silent. It was weird, because she usually picked him up blasting music and having something to say. But tonight—that night—she had nothing to say to them. Usually the cliffside view was beautiful for a sunset, and they’d hold hands and laugh until they decided they were tired enough to go home. It would be hours at a time. Sometimes, they’d buy McDonald’s and rant about the world, sitting on the car hood with just each other. 
“School starts up again next week,” she started, quietly, her eyes on the wheel.  “Yeah. Spring break was not long enough—”  “It never is for you,” she snorts, and he rolls his eyes. She was right. No matter how long the break, Connie always complained about school. It’s not totally his fault that he feels stupid in every class he has; even the one he gets B’s in. Sasha wasn’t like that in all her classes, she excelled in science and math, and even though her mind was dead by the time she got to English, she still did well. Intellectually, she was superior. He didn’t mind—he was too preoccupied celebrating her academic achievements to compare himself to her.  “Yeah. I’m not a fan of—”  “It’s still raining. . .” It’s weird that he never got to finish his sentence. Maybe she was afraid he’d say something to make her stay. Not that he would have. “Nothing good ever happens when it rains.”  She started the car again, and Connie, who was trying to figure out why his heart was starting to sink, kept quiet. He was never quiet. He always had something to fill the silence with. He wanted to tell her about his parent’s divorce, but he couldn’t he couldn’t find the words. It wasn’t the time.  As they pulled up to his lawn, the rain started to come down harder, and everything finalized in his mind.  “Who is it?” he asked, quietly, finally getting his one sentence in. Sasha grips the steering wheel tightly, but she was glad he got the memo—they were breaking up. She already soft-blocked him from all her social media, but he wouldn’t know that until morning. “Niccolo,” she finally says, and he nods. He knows of him. Blonde VoTech student, succeeding in the culinary field. Of course that would win over the brunette—the way to her heart is through her stomach.  He swallowed dryly.  “See you at school?” he wouldn’t meet her eyes, hand on the car door.  “Oh, Connie. . .” her face got dark. She wouldn’t look at him. He was standing in front of her on his lawn. He doesn’t remember moving. “No.”  She drove off.  Connie spent the rest of freshman year, and all of sophomore year avoiding Sasha and her boyfriend. He’s never seen her happier, and he didn’t want to interrupt that. Despite, you know, wanting to be the cause of her happiness. He heard them laughing a lot. It was torturous.  He was always dizzy, and kept his hood up to prevent the bright lights from reaching his eyes. He was starting to find comfort in the darkness that once scared him. The unknown of it all really put him at ease. It did keep him up, though. Pros and cons.  “Connie!” Sasha finally caught up to him, midst of junior year, grabbing his arm so he wouldn’t run. The cars were starting to pull away around them, so she pulled him to her car. He kept his eyes on the asphalt ground.  “What’s going on, man? You’ve been avoiding me for so long! Marco, Jean, and I were trying to—”  The world turned red, and spun. Distantly, he questioned, “What?”  “Why have you been avoiding me?”  “Why?” he repeated, dumbfounded.  “Yeah,” she cocked her head to the side like he was confusing her. Shoving his hands in his pockets, his eyebrows furrow.  “Sasha. . . You broke up with me. What do you mean?”  “Yeah, but—”  “You blocked me on Instagram and Snap,” he pointed out, getting angrier. His hands were starting to shake. “You started avoiding me first!”  “Yeah, but. . .”  “Am I an asshole for returning the favor?”  “No, but I miss you.” she pouted, twiddling her fingers. That’s the last straw.  “Sasha, we’re not in middle school anymore! That pout won’t work. I’m sorry you missed me, but I’m not willing to let myself hang around and wait until it’s convenient for you to feel up to being my friend again. That’s not fair to me.” She was starting to get upset, he could see that. But he’s been upset for months upon months. It’s almost been two years.  “You’re so happy with Niccolo, then make friends with his friends. No need to involve me.”  “But. . . You’re my best friend, Connie,” she reaches for his hand, but he yanks his arm away.  “I was, wasn’t I?” he steps
back. “Well, everything must come to an end.”  “Wait!” she cried out, and he found himself waiting. It angered him that he was still willing to listen to her. He turned back to her, eyebrows raised. “How. . . How did you move on?”  “Move on?” he thought about, removing a hand from his pockets to fix his falling hood. “I didn’t. I probably won’t ever ‘move on’, but. . . I just take one step at a time. It’s all I can do.”  “I miss your company.”  Connie went silent, eyes on his beat up converse. The wind picked up. He didn’t have anything else to say. Sure, he missed his best friend, too, but it’s not like she unblocked him or truly made an effort. He shrugged, turning on his heel. There wasn’t much else he could do. He was so close to being roped back into her friend loop. He couldn’t do that to himself. He tried, at first, to make amends, but she always turned him down. Connie couldn’t keep waiting.  Connie spent a lot of his high school life working. He wanted to save up for something fun to do with friends. Marco and Jean offered not many ideas, but it hit the buzzcut teen when he was trying to sleep one night—a camp out. In the woods not too far behind his house. There’s this clearing he used to use that’s perfect.  He sent out a massive group text. That included: Jean, Marco, Annie, Bert, Reiner, Mikasa, Armin, Eren. . . His thumb hovered over Sasha’s contact. He frowned. He skipped over her, and sent the text. Despite it being one in the morning, everyone seemed on board. They spent the next hour finding a date. They decided upon July 12th, where they all had time to call out and arrange accordingly.  That date. . . In fifth grade, that’s when Connie asked Sasha out. They dated until freshman year. It was wild how the universe works. He agreed upon the date and marked it in his calendar.  After graduation, he continued working. He still had a few months before he was going away to college, and he still had the whole camp out to put together. He found himself hanging around Annie and Mikasa a lot. He didn’t expect them to be so hands on with the project, or into it at all—considering how they tended to not be huge talkers—but they were. It didn’t make sense to him, but he had fun organizing it with them.  It all came to him at the end of the night, after grilling hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner. He was sitting in a lawn chair, staring at the stars by himself, with this big dopey smile on his face. His hand was around his soda bottle. Annie and Mikasa pulled chairs up to sit with him.  “You seem happier than you’ve been in years,” Annie points out, handing him a bottle of root beer. He opens it for her, nodding along to what she said.  “Yeah. I am.”  “Does this mean you’re over Sasha?” Mikasa sends a glare to the blonde, and Connie finds himself laughing. It was funny how people still treated it like a sore subject.  “No. Yes? I’m able to talk about it, but it still hurts. It’s everything and nothing at all.” He adjusts himself in his chair. He bought a tent big enough for them all to lay in, and he managed to be assigned to the very girls sitting next to him. However, he was focused on the stars.  “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Mikasa settles on, not being too good with words. That’s something Annie and her shared—their difference was Mikasa had a heavy filter, where Annie’s filter was non-existent. She thought about her words heavily.  “Me too. It’s good to be hanging out with my friends again. I’m sorry for, you know, being shitty. I didn’t mean it.”  “It was a tough breakup. Don’t worry about those it doesn’t concern.” Annie advised, taking a swig of her soda.  “It does concern you guys, because you’re my friends and I wasn’t there for you. That’s how I see it, and I’m sorry. But, yes, it was tough. I tried to ignore it but. . . Well, there are some things you can’t avoid in life. I had to deal with it.” Connie explained, looking into his soda bottle. He’s glad he found his way out. He just got so tired being sad that he had a breakthrough. Some aren’t as lucky, but he was never the
forever-brooding type. He was much more comfortable as the clown of the group.  “And you’re better now for it,” Mikasa says softly, turning to him. She placed a hand over his, and Annie took his other hand. His face grew hot, but they all looked at the stars. There was comfortable silence between them. Slowly, Connie intertwined their hands together. In the distance, Jean and Eren could be heard bickering about trees. Weird topic for them, but it was normal.  “We both like you, Connie,” Annie finally said, “and we’d like to figure out what that means.”  His smile grew, finally tearing his eyes away from the stars. He looked between them, and found that they weren’t joking with him. He’d never think he’d go from dating, to sadly single, to being fine with being single, to possibly having two girlfriends. Life was crazy in that way.  “Okay,” he said, turning his direction to the stars. It got quiet again, but the conversation started back up when Connie mentioned he didn’t know how to piece together constellations—or something along those lines—but Annie did. She spent the hour before bed teaching them about how to find north, and some constellations that she could find. Mikasa, on the other hand, had a handful of knowledge about astrology, and told her lovers all about it as they turned in for the night. Connie was set in the middle, with his arms around both of them.  When college came around, it turns out that Annie was going up north. Mikasa and Connie were also going up north, but for a different college. They decided to buy a two bedroom apartment together and to just commute. It was weird to live with two girls prone to bickering, but Connie was always able to compromise. On top of that, they all were pretty good at communication between each other.  When Mikasa was feeling left out, she sent a text explaining herself the best she could, and her two lovers always figured out a way to make it up to her. Same with Annie. The blonde and black haired girls were always able to communication to Connie how they were feeling, and they genuinely listened to Connie when he spoke—especially if he cracked some stupid joke; they love his shitty humor. They loved him. He, of course, loved his two strong girlfriends, and never felt emasculated—he enjoyed watching them outlift in the gym, and was very encouraging.  He’s grateful for them, and couldn’t ask for better girlfriends.
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talkingtea · 3 years
I actually think this blog would be non-existent if G had actually acted like a normal and supportive co-star. If his wife had only acted like a confident and supportive partner without the blatant need to be a celebrity her damn self. Add constant stalking and mocking of husband's dancer ex and female lead to the list. If DP hadn't let her rabid Disney fan base con her into thinking she was all that and a bag of chips to the point where she was trying to oust the female (black) lead since it worked on Error. As someone that used to like her, this is sad and has made me see her in such a different light in the last 7 years. Like she used to be supportive of CP but the way that fan base made her easily turn. I--😑 If DN was an actual ally and didn't play into the coonery on behalf of folks that don't care for her like that. If only half of TF cast wasn't so damn messy with the exception of CP (I mean, she is messy but not in a mean spirited kind of way), then this blog would probably be headed in a more positive direction and flow. Out of all the CW shows, TF cast is the most dramatic one I have ever seen due to the lack of unity and support for a black female co-star who was (and still is) on the receiving end of hate over a fictional character. And the fact no one spoke up for her til years later just because of the BLM (Mostly talking about G here)? Imagine all the good stuff we could be talking about instead of unnecessary BS. Also, the bad fanfic writing style doesn't make any of this better. 😕
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lovemeleo · 3 years
Love You Through It
After that angsty Nuny last night, I couldn’t just leave it like that. So here, have some fluff of Zhenya taking care of his Nado. A couple people had requested it and I couldn’t get it out of my head. My favorite boys belong to the forever lovely @lumosinlove. 
Here’s the first of this fic, Ignite Your Bones, as I recommend reading it first.
cw: talk of injuries, hospital and meds
After a week in the hospital, Jackson was getting antsy. They had put a cast on his leg after the swelling had finally gone down. That was yesterday.
Now, here was just waiting. Though he was never really alone for long. Zhenya had stayed with him the first day and tried to stay longer, but Jackson insisted he go home, go to practice. He obviously wasn’t going anywhere quick.
The rest of the team had been to visit as well in between practices and games, and the families stopped in as well. Celeste had brought him some of her home cooking, which he honestly may have teared up at. Hospital food is not the best.
But today! Today, Jackson was going home. The doctor had just signed off on his discharge papers, given him his crutches and now he just had to wait for Zhenya. Unable to stand in the shower just yet, he had washed himself up as much as he could before pulling his hospital gown back on. 
Just before he was about to check his phone, there was a gentle knock on the door, Zhenya’s head peeking in. Jackson knew it was cheesy, but he could feel the tension leave his body as he saw his boyfriend’s face.
“котенок, ready to go? I bring you clean clothes.” Zhenya said, carrying a bag over his shoulder as he made his way over to Jackson, pressing a kiss to his forehead. The taller man opened the bag up, started pulling out different clothes. “I not know what you want, so I bring options.”
Jackson watched as Zhenya pulled out multiple pairs of sweats, boxers, a couple t-shirts, as well as a hoodie that appeared to be Zhenya’s. A soft smile spread on his face as Zhenya looked up at him, “Good choices?” He asked.
“Great choices, babe. Will you.. Will you help me? My ribs are still sore so it’s hard to-”
Zhenya cut him off with a quick kiss, smiling into it, “Cute when you ramble. I help.”
Getting dressed was a bit harder than he expected, his body aching after he got the t-shirt on. He had to lay back on the bed to catch his breath, his vision going a bit blurry. 
“Jackson? You okay? Should I get doctor?” Zhenya asked, his worried face filling Jackson’s vision.
Shaking his head carefully, Jackson slowly sat up again, “No, no doctor. I’m good. Just needed a minute.” He muttered, being careful not to bother his ribs too much. 
Zhenya nodded, starting to zip up the bag before a hand stopped him. He glanced up at Jackson, eyebrows furrowed, “What? What’s wrong?” He asked.
Cheeks flushed at his dramatic reaction, Jackson carefully pulled the hoodie out. He recognized it as one of Zhenya’s favorites, a gray one with the Gryffindor logo on the front. It smelled like him. Jackson held it to his chest, eyes flickering up to meeting his boyfriend’s, “Will you help me with this too?”
“Of course, moi sladkiy.” Zhenya said with a smile. Jackson always tried to play it so tough, but anyone close to him knew he was just a big softie. He gently pulled the hoodie over the smaller man’s head, helping him to get it on.
Jackson smiled as soon as the hoodie was on, the sleeves falling past his fingertips, “Thanks, Zhenya.” He murmured. Zhenya pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before grabbing the crutches and bringing them over.
“Let’s get you home then.”
The walk to the car was slow, but Zhenya was fine with that. He knew despite the brave face his boyfriend was putting on that he was really hurting. So if he needed extra time to get to the car, Zhenya was fine with that. 
After putting the bag in the backseat, Zhenya helped Jackson into the passenger seat and set the crutches in the backseat, “Now we get you home.” He said as he intertwined their fingers together across the center console.
Jackson must’ve fallen asleep during the ride because the next time he woke up, he was being carried bridal style into their home, Zhenya’s arms wrapped gently around him.
“I could’ve walked.” He mumbled, though the way he curled closer to Zhenya’s chest said otherwise.
Smiling, Zhenya carried him into their room, setting him on the bed, “Yes, Yes I know. Very strong hockey player man. Can walk so far. But I wanted to carry you.” He said, pulling off his one shoe and getting the broken leg propped up on some pillows. “Now you stay here. I go get crutches and bag, you take meds then we cuddle.”
Jackson leaned back on the headboard with a tired smile, “Yeah, cuddles. Cuddles sound good.”
“Be right back.” Zhenya smiled, giving Jackson a kiss before he was out of the room. 
As he waited for his boyfriend to return, Jackson turned on Disney+ and flipped through the movies. He decided on Thor Ragnarok, it was one of his favorites. 
Zhenya came back in a few minutes later, handing him his meds and water bottle before setting down everything else, “Take those, okay?” He insisted before getting changed into some comfy clothes of his own. Jackson quickly swallowed the pills before watching as Zhenya pulled his shirt over his head.
“You’re a tease.” Jackson said, watching him with a pout. 
Zhenya laughed, glancing over to him as he put on a pair of joggers, “Me? Tease? No.” He said, crawling onto his side of the bed. 
As soon as he was laying down, Jackson moved closer to him, his head resting on Zhenya’s arm, “Thank you for taking care of me. Don’t know how I got so lucky.”
Smiling, Zhenya brushed the long hair from his boyfriend’s face, “We both lucky, I think.”
Jackson’s eyes began to droop as the medicine as well as the craziness of the day hit him all at once, “Love you, Zhenya.”
“I love you too, dorogoi. Sleep now, I got you.”
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
1989 [High School AU]: Chapter 6
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9 ~
Pairings: slight Logince, eventual Prinxiety & Logicality
Word count: 1,987
Story summary: Roman Prince is your stereotypical Jock, with everyone swooning after him. Every day a crowd of people follow him around, only to disperse at his personal whim. In reality, he's lucky to have such good acting skills that help him cover up the disdain he has for his life. He only wishes he could use his skills properly.
Patton Whitelock's always there to lend a helping hand, no matter who you are. If you need a favor or just need someone to talk to, go to him. In reality, he's been taught from a young age that kindness should be held above all else. No one suspects that he took it the wrong way.
Logan Montgomery is the smartest boy in the Senior class. He's stern, and most people are too intimidated to speak to him. In reality, he despises most all of his fellow students. He sticks to his studies and doesn't stray, for fear of being stuck in his father's shadow his whole life.
Virgil Black is the most emo kid in school, let alone 12th grade; everyone knows to leave him be. In reality, he's very fortunate. He has two parents who love him dearly. But everything beyond his life, everything within his mind, is utter chaos and turmoil.
what will happen when they're assigned a biology project together?
General CW: food, swearing, implied s-lf h-rm, non-graphic descriptions of s-lf h-rm scars, graphic and non-graphic descriptions of anxiety attacks and panic attacks, drug abuse, minor character intoxicated on heroin, non-graphic drug overdose description, sickness/description of sickness, blood, non-graphic descriptions of needles, (will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: food, (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: I hated writing this chapter because I love Logince and I'm intentionally writing this story so that Logince doesn't work and I just- my heart and my creativity have a conflict of interests here :')
Roman was left alone in his room, staring at the door where Virgil had slipped out silently a few minutes ago. He'd turned off his music, and was sitting up, staring, thinking.
What was even the point of asking Logan out? I didn't have any interest in him before, he was just a nerd who i never bothered, and he never bothered me... perhaps for the challenge? when I saw him in class today something just sparked, and i felt the need to pursue him. I didn't think he'd entertain it, especially so quickly. And what of Virgil?
What of Virgil?
Roman shook his head and stood, leaving his room to see what his parents were doing, and if he could help with dinner. He needed a distraction, and he knew homework wasn't going to do it.
The next few days at school were strange, to say the least.
Patton was the same, as far as the others could see. He tried figuring out some of the routes Logan took to different classes, just a few so as not to seem suspicious, but Roman was more often than not already there and bombarding Logan with his charms. Patton still caught him alone sometimes though, and did his best to make conversation about little things, just wanting to get to know Logan. They had an engaging conversation about Logan's surprisingly extensive knowledge about drug abuse, and Patton was thankful for the bits of advice he could get. They'd also run through proper methods for caring for various species of turtles.
Logan continued to hound himself about why he had accepted Roman's courting after such a short time knowing him, let alone that they were very... different people, to say the least. He'd told his father that one of his friends had requested an outing to a cafe to study for an upcoming calculus quiz. His father was reluctant but upon Logan's presentation of evidence of such atmospheres increasing the effectiveness of studying and concentration, his father granted him permission to go. Logan knew his father would never permit any,, frivolous activities, when Logan had so much academic potential. And Logan made himself feel the same way, acquiring knowledge and more importantly incredible accolades was all that mattered until he was out of school. And yet, here he was, about to go on a date behind his parents' back with a jock, very stereotypical of a teen and yet very atypical for him. He couldn't explain to himself why he'd allowed himself to get into this situation, but it wasn't causing any immediate problems, so he decided to try and let the topic rest.
Virgil was acting stranger than ever, at least from Roman's perspective. He seemed even more cold and distant, except on occasion he'd strike up a conversation. Sometimes they got rather lively, debating about which were the best Disney movies, even if they had very... differing perspectives on what messages they portrayed. Roman was baffled, Because he didn't think someone who was previously unconcerned with Roman for the most part could become so black-and-white, switching between completely ignoring and/or glaring at him, and coming into a room and immediately proposing a topic of conversation.
Roman had his hands full with courting his new love interest, and trying to figure out what was going on with Virgil. Virgil himself was very conflicted. Any time he saw Roman, his feelings became intense and he never knew how to act.
The group's dynamic had shifted accordingly whenever they were in class together. In Biology, Logan was usually hard at work on their report, Patton doing his best to help. Roman often attempting to fluster Logan in any possible way he could, and Virgil, ever unpredictable.
Finally Thursday came, and Roman got into his mustang to pick up his date. He drove quietly up to a large white house, with a very systematic garden laid out in the front. He got out and leaned against the closed passenger door, and messaged Logan, letting him know he was there to pick him up.
Logan had hoped Roman would have the sense to pick him up around the block, but upon exiting his house and seeing him directly in front of the house leaning against his red mustang with a single red rose in his hand, Logan brought his hand to the bridge of his nose and massaged it, trying to keep from getting aggravated before their date even began. He walked over slowly, trying to keep an open mind instead of letting his logical self shut everything about Roman's love language down.
Roman had to keep himself from staring. Logan was dressed... well, typically his own style, but... he had gelled his hair back so it became one big dark tuft instead of it's usual gentle messiness, and he had on a silk navy button up and a black bowtie instead of his trademark necktie. He had on Black corduroy pants that accentuated his slender legs, and white and blue converse that complemented his shirt and pale skin. Roman was impressed at the attention to detail yet the simplicity of his date's outfit, and was indeed that much more attracted to him.
"Well hello there," Roman said as Logan neared, looking him up and down, "don't you look ravishing."
Logan's cheeks glazed a bit. "As do you," was all he could think to reply. Roman had on a dark red v neck and a black and gold baseball jacket, dark grey ripped skinny jeans with a silver chain, and red checkered vans. Logan realized he'd let his eyes linger on Roman's exposed collarbone a moment too long. God, why am i acting like this?
Roman just smirked and stood aside, opening the passenger door he'd been leaning on and making way for Logan. Logan sat, his knees nearly touching the dash. Roman got on one knee and dramatically presented Logan with the flower. Logan smiled gently and took it, examining it. Roman shut the door and made his way around to the driver's side and got in.
"Will you relay the whereabouts of our destination or will it remain a mystery to me?" Logan asked as Roman opened his door, not looking up from the flower.
Roman smiled with a glint in his eyes. "Well it would be no fun if i were to spoil the surprise, now would it?" He put the key in the ignition and started the car, and the engine hummed smoothly to life. "Completely unrelated to said surprise, but have you had dinner?" Roman rolled down his window and rested his forearm on it.
"Yes, unfortunately I follow a strict meal plan." He adjusted his glasses.
"Well, i wont question that, but that works for me." Roman left it at that and pulled out his phone.
"Would you happen to have a music preference?" Roman asked as Logan smelled the rose, and finally set it down in his lap.
After a moment of thought, Logan replied, "Well I suppose not. I don't listen to much music other than classical on occasion, and at this point i find it rather..."
"Boring?" Roman mused.
"Insufferable," Logan smiled.
"Alright, I'll enlighten you to something other than Beethoven and Bach," Roman reached for the aux chord, plugged his phone into it, and picked a particular song he felt was... fitting for the moment. The song intro began, and Roman pulled the e-break down and shifted into first gear, pulling out onto the road.
he said "let's get out of this town,
Drive out of the city, away from the crowds..."
I thought "heaven can't help me now,"
Nothing lasts forever...
Logan watched things pass on the road, absentmindedly tapping his ankle to the beat. He didn't recognize the area of town they were heading to, but he didn't expect Roman to kidnap him or anything, so he just observed.
But this is gonna take me down
He's so tall, and handsome as hell
He's so bad, but he does it so well.
I can see the end as it begins
My one condition is
Logan looked straight ahead at the road now, wondering if Roman had selected this specific song for any reason.
Say youll remember me,
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your
Wildest dreams, ah, hah...
They were driving up a hill now, and the road was getting steeper. Logan was beginning to wonder if he should have just rejected Roman from the beginning.
Roman sensed his unease, and turned the music down so that it was just background noise. "I promise I'm not about to murder you in the woods," he said with a small laugh, "There's just a nice spot up here to... observe," he assured vaguely, glancing at Logan.
He nodded with a small smile from the passenger seat, returning to looking around as they passed sloping driveways and mossy-trunked trees.
Just moments later, they emerged into something of a clearing, with a cul-de-sac and a large meadow. There were clusters of small flowers and clovers all over, and the trees cleared perfectly to display the sun was crawling toward the horizon.
They parked and Logan got out, and turned to realize Roman was still in the car, seemingly reaching behind his seat awkwardly and rummaging around. He emerged with a plastic bag and a rolled up plaid blanket. Roman locked the car and led them to the meadow, where he dramatically unrolled the blanket and laid it out, after ruffling it in the wind. Logan sat cross-legged facing what would soon become the sunset, the bottom of the sun's visible sphere nearly dipping itself below the horizon.
Roman sat as well, beginning to dig through the mystery bag, Logan now paying him attention. Roman pulled out two large paper cups, with plastic tops and straws in them. He handed Logan one of the cups, and Logan began inspecting it. It appeared to be a milkshake, likely chocolate flavored due to the brown hue... It looked rather delightful. Logan took a sip and was not disappointed; he'd never actually had a milkshake, at least not since he was very young, so he had to attempt to hide his enjoyment.
"That is quite tasteful," He looked back to Roman, who was tasting his own milkshake.
"Yeah, you struck me as a chocolate type," he leaned back on one hand. "Hope you like the view. I thought it would be nice as a first date to watch the sunset and talk."
Logan gazed out at the sky that faded from blue to purple to red to orange and a bit of yellow, clouds peppered around and absorbing the hues. He certainly did appreciate the view.
"Alright, let's talk then."
A few hours later, it had gotten dark and stars were spattered across the sky. Logan was laying with his hands behind his head, watching the sky, and Roman was laid next to him, leaning up on his side and watching Logan's eyes. They'd talked about anything, from childhood memories to opinions and briefly about their home lives. Roman felt very... usual. Everything was going perfectly, and he could feel that fact slamming against his chest. Do I actually like him or is this all just a game to me? Am i being fake, or completely real?
Soon Logan checked his wristwatch and informed Roman it was time he be heading home. They stood, and Logan shivered as Roman collected the blanket. He sighed upon seeing Logan's arms loosely held around himself, trying to keep warm.
Roman rustled his baseball jacket off and draped it over Logan's shoulders.
They made their way back to the car, and as Roman drove them, all Logan could do was lean his head on the window and stare up at the hazy white moon.
Roman dropped him off, walking him up to his door. Logan thanked him for the evening, and tried to return Roman's jacket, but Roman insisted he hold onto it. They shared a small kiss on the doorstep, and bid each other goodnight. Roman drove off into the night, pondering heavily.
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myhahnestopinion · 3 years
THE AARONS 2020 - Best TV Episode
I had to cancel a lot of streaming services this year. They know what they did wrong. Here are the Aarons for Best TV Episode: 
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#10. “Take Your Choice” (Batwoman, Season 1, Episode 12)
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Coming out of the Infinite Earths crossover, Batwoman is left with a personal Crisis of conscience: Kate Kane’s efforts to redeem the villainous Alice, her presumed-dead sister, are derailed by the arrival of an alternate-universe version of her, one who didn’t suffer the same traumatic events. Multiverse collapse means only one can live, compelling Kate to choose between fighting a righteous lost cause or taking the easier path back to normalcy, the kind of complex moral dilemma that heroes are forged in. The original Alice is seen as both abuser and victim within, torturing Kate over her own lingering trauma, while fearing a second, far-worse abandonment. This enhanced sibling conflict reinvigorated the season’s second half. It’s unfortunate that dynamic is now lost with the decision to replace, not recast, Batwoman going forward, but, well, a choice had to be made.
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#9. “The One Where We’re Trapped on TV” (Legends of Tomorrow, Season 5, Episode 14)
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With back-to-back shows on this list, it’s clear The CW’s sweeping interconnected universe is still going strong, but they’re not done conquering the airwaves yet. In their latest bit of meta-mischief, the crew behind the show Legends of Tomorrow flexed their creative freedom and trapped the on-screen crew of Legends of Tomorrow within various television parodies, including Friends, Downton Abbey, and Star Trek. Each is brought to life with expert lived-in details by long-term producer and first-time director Marc Guggenheim. The cast gamely tunes in to the needs of each as well, hamming it up with Shatner-impressions and droll sitcom style. It’s all held together by the show’s lovable mush; if you’re looking for unique, heartfelt television, the Legends are on it. 
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#8. “Zoey’s Extraordinary Glitch” (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Season 1, Episode 8)
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Despite her being the star of the show, Playlist kept skipping over Jane Levy for its big musical numbers, a consequence of its concept that Zoey is the one hearing other people’s thoughts expressed in song. That oversight was paused in the show’s eighth production, which gave her a show-stopping spotlight all her own. It wasn’t just Levy’s rendition of pop songs that were a hit, but how reality hit for the character after signing her heart out. The playful subversion of Playlist’s formula dialed cringe-comedy to the max, while shattering the limitations of its unusual premise. If the show keeps shuffling itself around like it did here, it won’t be played out anytime soon.
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#7. “Sundown” (Lovecraft Country, Season 1, Episode 1)
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The unknown is an alluring yet dangerous place. That’s the concept at the heart of infamous horror author H.P. Lovecraft’s work, and the principle carries over to J.J. Abrams and Jordan Peele’s inspired TV show. Atticus Freeman can’t resist that unknown when he receives a mysterious letter from his missing father, and sets off on a road trip beset by monsters to find him. The episode is a wicked homage to the petrifying creatures of Lovecraft lore, but its true horror lies in its subversion of those stories. Lovecraft, an unapologetic racist, founded his fears in that bigotry; Lovecraft Country centers people of color in its narrative, contending with those racist fears within monsters that walk among us. This balance of reverence and rejection is never better than in this first episode; “Sundown” is the highest point in the unearthly Lovecraft Country.
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#6. “The Curse” (What We Do in the Shadows, Season 2, Episode 4)
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STOP! If you are reading this, you have been cursed! You will be visited by Bloody Mary tonight if you do not forward The Aarons to ten other people.
 ...It was a familiar hoax to earlier adopters of the internet, a bit of viral villany that used the anonymous and unfathomable nature of the world wide web to spook even the most shrewd of children. To a clan of vampires though, incredulity is already out the window. That’s the clever catch of this episode, in which the long-undead crew scramble to get a crash-course in the technological age to avoid such a prophesied ghostly encounter.  It’s a devilishly funny dance of dramatic irony… or is it? I can say with certainty that “The Curse” is a real one, so best get forwarding, readers.
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#5. “Ego Death” (I May Destroy You, Season 1, Episode 12)
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There was always an inevitability to I May Destroy You: a miniseries needs a denouement. That’s a greater dilemma when your subject is recovering in the wake of sexual assault, a situation that’s rarely cleanly resolved. “Ego Death,” the final installment in the resolutely honest show, doesn’t shy away from that difficulty. Creator and star Michaela Cola’s Arabella has a chance recognition of her assailant, and the episode runs through several possible reactions for her to that encounter. It’s as furious and yet funny as the show consistently was, while always holding firm to the promise of its title: assault need not define you, destruction is not inevitable.
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#4. “Bagman” (Better Call Saul, Season 5, Episode 8)
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Vince Gilligan built his empire on exploring what will make a person reach their breaking point; after five seasons of build up, he burdened Saul Goodman with as much as the man can bear. Taking cues from a classic episode of the original series, “4 Days Out,” Saul Goodman is stranded in the desert, forced to degradingly drink his own urine while lugging around duffle bags of cash, after a trepidatious handoff is ambushed by a rival drug cartel. Worse, he’s being chased by a surviving shooter. Gilligan loads the episode up with the distinctive visual flourish, attention to detail, and gripping tension that are the hallmarks of his work; when it comes to making standout television, Gilligan’s got it in the bag, man. 
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#3. “The Phantom Apprentice” (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 7, Episode 10)
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There was a clear force pushing Disney to revive The Clone Wars after seven years off the air: bringing balance to the franchise. The last third of the season finally fulfilled the show’s destiny, running parallel to the events of Revenge of the Sith from the perspective of its original creation, Ahsoka Tano. The entire operatic arc rivaled the power of its cinematic counterparts, but my chosen one is its second part, in which Ahsoka and a revived Darth Maul duel above an under-siege Mandalore. The dazzling lightsaber fight was rendered using motion capture technology, providing viewers with another dizzying high ground from which to watch the fall of the Republic. 
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#2. “The View from Halfway Down” (BoJack Horseman, Season 6, Episode 15)
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The long-standing question of viewers of BoJack was whether it would result in tragedy or recovery; in the end, the show had its horse and ate it too. The series finale, in which BoJack makes peace in his ruined friendships, could have easily grazed this list, but I gave the edge to the penultimate episode in the horse race. “The View from Halfway Down” is a fake out, a fever dream of finality as BoJack lays drowning in his pool, but it’s no half-measure. It’s a merciless manifestation of fears and regrets, forcing BoJack to confront all the darkness he’s been running from, with the haunting sensation that, this time, he might be in too deep. It’s a brutal piece of TV viewing, but the glass is halfway full: BoJack’s at his lowest point, but the episode is Bojack at its highest. 
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#1. “A Dark, Quiet Death” (Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, Season 1, Episode 5)
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Mythic Quest took an unexpected detour early on in its debut season, chronicling the personal and professional growth and decay of couple Doc and Bean, video game designers who originally occupied the current headquarters of the show’s regular cast. Guest stars Jake Johnson and Cristin Milioti give life to “Death,” charming viewers and each other from their meet-cute to their late-in-life reunion. It’s a surprisingly surefooted key stroke for a first season sitcom, developing the entire show’s central thesis on the strength of this standalone episode. Bean and Doc act as a cautionary tale for both the destructive power of ego and the corrosive nature of capitalism; a carved heart from the two adorns the office as an omen while the modern day characters lock horns with the same beasts. Now that’s a scrumptious bit of mythmaking. 
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jeanvaljean24601 · 4 years
How to Watch Mad Men and More Great Shows for Free Right Now
Another day, another brand new streaming platform out there begging you to subscribe to its service so you can ignore your family members and binge-watch a bunch of TV shows and movies in the name of entertainment. This time, it's NBCUniversal's Peacock, which offers a free tier as well as  two premium options (one with ads and one without). The service  features a number of programs for free, including Friday Night Lights and even Parks and Recreation, but Peacock isn't the only place you can stream great shows without breaking the bank.
Below, we've gathered up a number of shows that don't require you to shell out money for Netflix,  Hulu,  Amazon Prime,  Disney+, Apple TV+, HBO Max, Peacock, and/or  whatever other streaming service subscriptions are out there. Sometimes you just need a simple freebie. And you know what? You deserve it. So check out the list below and take comfort in knowing it won't cost you a thing.
Watch it on: IMDb TV
Until recently you had to have a Netflix subscription to watch Mad Men, AMC's Emmy-award winning period drama from Matthew Weiner that was dedicated as much to style as it was to substance. The 1960s-set series, which traced the rise and fall of flawed Madison Avenue advertising executive Don Draper (Jon Hamm) through his own complicated relationship with identity, was a pointed commentary on the toxic masculinity, sexism, and racism of the era. It also changed the way we watch and talk about TV. If you haven't seen it yet, now's the perfect time to do so.
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Watch it on: Tubi (complete series), Pluto TV (complete series)
Realizing  The Dick Van Dyke Show is streaming for free feels a bit like winning a secret lottery or viewing an exceptional piece of art without paying the museum admission fee. The popular comedy, which ran for five seasons, was created by Carl Reiner and starred Dick Van Dyke as the head writer of a TV show, while  Mary Tyler Moore portrayed his wife. It's a timeless classic — one that took home 15 Emmys during its run, and if you've yet to experience it, you literally have no excuse at this point.
The Dick Van Dyke Show Photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Felicity is best known as the show in which Keri Russell cut her hair (not to be confused with the show in which Keri Russell wore a lot of great wigs, aka The Americans). Depicting Felicity Porter's (Russell) college years and the struggles that accompany trying to figure out who you're supposed to be, the show is also famous for Scott Speedman's whisper-talking and the ongoing battle of Ben (Speedman) vs. Noel (Scott Foley). Although the WB series was previously streaming on Hulu, you can now watch it for free on the ABC app.
A reimagining of the kitschy original series, Syfy's Battlestar Galacticastarred Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer, Michael Hogan, James Callis, and Jamie Bamber and explored the aftermath of a nuclear attack by the Cylons, cybernetic creatures invented by man who evolved and rebelled against their creators. The show was critically acclaimed for the way it tackled the subjects of science, religion, and politics, and for the way it explored the deeply complicated notion of what makes us human. Everything from the miniseries to the two BSG films (Razor and The Plan) is currently available to stream for free on Syfy's website, so there's no better time to watch it. So say we all!
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series), Tubi (complete series), Pluto TV (first 13 seasons), YouTube (first 13 seasons)
For many millennials, the fourth series in the Degrassi franchise, Degrassi: The Next Generation, is the defining iteration of the long-running Canadian series. The drama series, which was sometimes so overly dramatic it was actually funny, tackled everything from date rape and suicide to sexual orientation and teen pregnancy. The series, which launched the careers of Drake (then known as Aubrey Graham) and Nina Dobrev, is streaming on multiple free platforms.
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Eli Stone really had it all, which is to say it had Victor Garber singing George Michael songs, Loretta Devine singing George Michael songs, and George Michael singing George Michael songs. What else is there? ABC's offbeat two-season comedy-drama starred a pre-Elementary Jonny Lee Miller as Eli Stone, a high-powered San Francisco lawyer whose brain aneurysm gave him prophetic visions — which usually involved his friends, family, and colleagues breaking into song. Aside from a couple of ill-advised plotlines (the pilot, which suggests vaccines cause autism, is best forgotten), the show was a blast: a weird but memorable cocktail that should have stuck around for more seasons because, as I mentioned, Victor Garber sang George Michael songs. Also, Sigourney Weaver played God?! -Kelly Connolly
Watch it on: YouTube (nearly every episode)
A true Canadian treasure,  The Red Green Show was a long-running comedy starring Steve Smith as Red Green, a handyman who constantly tried to cut corners using duct tape and who had his own cable TV show. It was a parody of home improvement shows and outdoor programs and featured segments like Handyman Corner, Adventures with Bill, and The Possum Lodge Word Game. The show ran for 15 seasons, airing on PBS in the States. 
TV Premiere Date Calendar: Find Out When Your Favorite Shows Are Back
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series), ABC app (complete series)
Critically beloved but struck down before its time,  My So-Called Life has been praised for its realistic and honest portrayal of teenage life, not just via Angela Chase (Claire Danes), but through the show's young supporting cast as well. Now considered to be one of the best shows of all time, it tackled topics like homophobia, homelessness, drug use, and more without ever feeling preachy or like an after-school special. Also, Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto) could lean.
Watch it on: CW Seed (first five seasons), IMDb TV (first five seasons)
If you don't have Netflix but still want to watch  Schitt's Creek, you'll be happy to know you can watch the first five seasons of the heartwarming, Emmy-nominated comedy series, about a wealthy family who loses everything they own except the town of the show's title, for free on CW Seed and IMDb TV.
Dan Levy and Catherine O'Hara, Schitt's Creek Photo: Pop TV
Watch it on: Peacock (complete series); IMDb TV (complete series)
You may never know what it feels like to have Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) be proud of you, but you can pretend by watching all five seasons of  Friday Night Lights, a series that was as much about a Texas community as it was about the sport that united it. By the end of the show, you'll be asking yourself "What Would Riggins Do?" and tattooing "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" on your body, all while chanting "Texas forever!" Trust me, it happens to everybody.
Watch it on: CW Seed (complete series)
It is relatively easy to forget that The CW series The Carrie Diaries was a prequel to  Sex and the City, because the charming show, which lasted just two seasons, was able to stand on its own. The coming-of-age series that followed a teenaged Carrie Bradshaw (AnnaSophia Robb) was relatively innocent compared to the original series. The show's 1980s setting made it easier for the writers to focus on more harmless family storylines and teenage heartbreaks, but the show never shied away from the heartstring-tugging drama of young adulthood either. It's a shame the show never got the kind of ratings it deserved and wasn't able to exist beyond Carrie's high school years, but the Season 2 finale works well as a series finale, so viewers won't feel as if the story was left incomplete. android tv box
Watch it on: CW Seed (complete series)
It's a shame Bryan Fuller's saturated dramedy  Pushing Daisies, about a pie-maker (Lee Pace) with the ability to bring the dead back to life, couldn't bring itself back to life after becoming a casualty of the 2007-08 writers' strike. A whimsical delight, the show featured the pie-maker teaming up with a local private eye (Chi McBride) to solve murders by reviving the victims for a brief time. Known for its quirky characters, eccentric visual style, and Jim Dale's pitch-perfect narration, it remains must-see TV.
Watch it on: IMDb TV (first seven seasons); Peacock
Columbo kicked off nearly every episode by revealing the crime and its perpetrator to the audience, which means unlike most crime dramas, the show was less about whodunnit and more about Peter Falk's iconic raincoat-wearing homicide detective catching them and getting them to confess. Oh, and just one more thing: it's great.
Watch it on: CW Seed (complete series)
The charming and playful Forever, which starred Ioan Gruffudd as an immortal medical examiner, was the one show that could have saved ABC's Tuesday at 10 p.m. death slot. But the network still canceled the series anyway, enraging the show's fans, who have never let the sting of its death go. Luckily, it now lives on, ahem, forever (aka until the content license expires) on CW Seed.
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series)
It sounds odd to say The Middle, which ran for nine seasons on ABC, was unfairly overlooked, but it always felt like the series, which followed the middle class Midwestern Heck family, was a bit of a hidden gem. It wasn't as popular with Emmy voters as, say, Modern Family, and critics also failed to give it its due, but it was a real, heartfelt, reliable family comedy with mass appeal, and you can stream it on IMDb TV for free. h96 tv box
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Trophy Wife's short life — it was canceled after just one season — can probably be chalked up to its unfortunate title, which was meant to be ironic but ultimately kept viewers from tuning in and experiencing the warmth of the show and the relationships at its center. Malin Akerman starred as the young wife of  Bradley Whitford's middle-aged lawyer, and the comedy explored the dynamics between the two, his children, and his two ex-wives, who were played by  Marcia Gay Harden and  Michaela Watkins. h96 max x3
Watch it on: NBC app (complete series)
Loosely based on the Biblical story of King David, Kings was a compelling drama before its time. Rudely cut down after just one season by NBC, the show starred Ian McShane as the king of the fictional kingdom of Gilboa, while  Christopher Egan portrayed an idealistic young soldier whose counterpart is David. The show also starred Sebastian Stan, which is reason enough to want to check it out.
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Ray Wise portrays Satan in Reaper, a supernatural dramedy about a slacker (Bret Harrison) who reluctantly becomes a reaper tasked with capturing escaped souls from hell after it's revealed his parents made a deal with the devil many, many years before. The fact the show only lasted two seasons is a crime against humanity. Luckily, you can watch it in its entirety for free on the ABC app. h96 max x3
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series)
A team of experts led by a kooky old scientist (John Noble), his son (Joshua Jackson), and an FBI agent (Anna Torv) investigate strange occurrences around the country, X-Files style, in the J.J. Abrams-produced Fringe. The series is one of the best broadcast science-fiction shows of all time, particularly in its first three seasons, and perfected the art of the serialized procedural by weaving the show's deep mythology and excellent character work into weekly standalone stories, making it easy to binge or watch in spurts. And by the time the end of Season 1 starts, you'll have a hard time stopping. -Tim Surette
Watch it on: Tubi (complete series), Vudu (complete series)
Although American TV producers would eventually adapt  Being Human, the original British version, which followed three supernatural beings trying to live amongst humans, is far superior. The show, which ran for five seasons, starred Aidan Turner, Russell Tovey, and  Lenora Crichlow as a vampire, werewolf, and ghost, respectively. So skip the U.S. version entirely and watch the U.K. series for free.
Watch it on: Pluto TV (complete series),  Vudu (complete series), Tubi (complete series)
The Australian young adult-oriented series Dance Academy is not exactly what you'd call "great television," but it is great fun. Brimming with teen angst and melodrama, the series, which ran for three seasons and even had a follow-up movie, followed a handful of dancers at Sydney's National Academy of Dance as they trained in the sport they loved while also falling in and out of love with each other. The acting was sometimes questionable, but the series itself was addictive, not to mention one of the easiest binges you'll ever encounter. h96 max tv box
3rd Rock From the Sun
Watch it on: Tubi (complete series), Pluto TV (complete series), Crackle (all six seasons),  Vudu (all six seasons)
You might think a show about a group of socially awkward, 1,000-year-old aliens in human skin suits who are trying (badly) to pose as a human family and blend into an ordinary Midwest town might sound ridiculous, and, well, that's fair. But  3rd Rock From the Sun was still charming in even its most bizarre moments and gave its cast a lot of room to play up their roles and create an ensemble of weirdos that, at some point or another, start to tap into their newfound humanity and relish their new home here on Earth. -Amanda Bell.
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mrjoelgarcia9 · 4 years
Let’s (Briefly) Talk #Spiderman: The #SpectacularSpiderMan
Despite several ridiculous limitations, the 1994 Spider-Man animated series was a great show.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man is a close runner-up.
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For my brief thoughts on The Spectacular Spider-Man, feel free to keep reading. There will be spoilers.
The Spectacular Spider-Man, like all Spider-Man animated series, centers around Peter Parker as the friendly neighborhood arachnid who does his best to maintain a normal life with his friends. 
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At the time, it stood out by primarily taking place in high school like the original comics. Beforehand, most film and animated adaptations had Peter either attending or recently graduating from college. The only prior adaptation to show him in high school was the first Spider-Man film, albeit briefly before graduating.
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Another major element which helped it stand out was Gwen Stacy. Possibly due to the character’s famous death in the comics, she rarely appeared in any adaptation. Her most prominent appearances prior to this show were the Series Finale of the aforementioned 1994 series and Spider-Man 3, both of which were simply glorified cameos.
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The series was developed by Greg Weisman, who previously created Disney’s Gargoyles in the early 90s. That show stood out from Disney’s usual lighthearted and comedic animated series by being far more darker and dramatic by comparison. Weisman brought a similar tone to his take on Spider-Man.
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While the usual recognizable group of villains were featured, such as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, and Rhino, some obscure villains came into more prominent roles. Tombstone served as somewhat of a replacement for Kingpin due to the character now being attached more to Daredevil and his rights (at the time) being with 20th Century Fox. Interestingly, like the 1994 series, the show began by featuring the Lizard.
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The high school setting allowed the show to present Peter constantly juggling his personal and superhero lives. It could highlight characters who would possibly never interact with Peter outside of school, such as Flash Thompson or Gwen. It added a conflict which just does not exist for Peter either in college or as a freelance photographer: being a teenager.
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One of the show’s few flaws is the animation. Visually, it looks great with clean backgrounds, bright colors, and a consistent quality. The problem comes with some of the character designs. Most of the characters looked fine, aside from the huge pupil-less irises. On the other hand, a few of the villains’ designs seemed far more appropriate for a preschool show such as Doc Ock, Shocker, and Venom. Thankfully, the rest of the show makes up for the animation.
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Also, it still looks better than the dated CGI of the 1994 series.
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The show’s biggest flaw had nothing to do with the show itself: The broadcast schedule.
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It began airing on Kids WB!, unintentionally becoming the last series to premiere on the long-running Saturday morning block. During its first season, The CW shut it down and leased out the time to 4Kids, which proceeded to replace everything with their own content. It managed to finish airing its first season on the re-branded The CW4Kids, but yet another major change occurred between its second season renewal and premiere: Disney buying Marvel.
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Following the purchase, Disney proceeded to acquire most of Marvel’s content to air exclusively on their networks. The second season of Spectacular eventually premiered on Disney XD over a year after its final airing on The CW. 
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As for why it was never renewed for a third season, it came down to rights.
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To make a long story short, Sony had to renew their rights to Spider-Man sometime after Disney acquired Marvel. In order to retain the movie rights, they handed back both the TV and merchandising rights, allowing Disney to produce their own original animated series as well as gain a percentage of whatever Sony produced (which eventually became The Amazing Spider-Man). 
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However, Sony retained the rights to The Spectacular Spider-Man, meaning they still own the show but can no longer produce any new episodes.
Disney XD dropped the show, and three years later began airing Ultimate Spider-Man, which went on to run for five seasons.
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Another downside of the cancellation involved a similar short-lived Marvel show, The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Both Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson made guest appearances and were originally voiced by their respective Spectacular voice actors (Josh Keaton and Daran Norris). However, before airing, the roles were re-dubbed by their Ultimate voice actors (Drake Bell and J.K. Simmons). The original version has never been officially released.
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Could the show ever return for a third season? Legally, No.
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While Disney may have the TV rights to Spider-Man, Sony still has the film rights. The only possible (and legal) way the characters could return is if they were to appear in the upcoming sequel to Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. That film featured five different interpretations of Spider-Man, each of whom had their own animation style. The Toei Spider-Man will be in the sequel, so there is a possibility more Spider-Men from past adaptations can make an appearance.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man was a good show that despite some animation oddities was fun, exciting, and entertaining to watch. It featured concepts which had not been fully explored beforehand, likable characters, memorable villains, and continues to be discussed to this day alongside the 1994 series as being some of the best Marvel animated series.
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In a way, it also led to more adaptations featuring Peter in high school, Gwen, and Flash Thompson. Both the Amazing and MCU films have Peter in high school, Gwen was Peter’s love interest in the former, and Flash has had a more prominent role in the latter. 
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The series is available to own on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital. It can also be streamed for Free (with ads) on Crackle.
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Until next time, thank you for reading!
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mitchsmarners · 5 years
L.A Devotee | chapter one
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“I don’t date musicians,” Richie interrupted her, speaking loudly over what other praises Kay was about to give this Edward person that Richie never wanted to meet.
‘You don’t date anybody, Richie.” Kay pointed out simply, leaning forward towards him. “That’s part of the problem. You have to know by now that your public image is just as important as whatever you’re putting onto that screen.”
[or: child actor Richie Tozier was raised in The Industry, he knows how to play the game. He knows exactly how to keep his head down, and make his way through the famous life without attracting any extra drama. Until his management branch takes an up incoming band under their wing, and enlist Richie to publicly date the lead singer, and that all falls to shit.]
Richie Tozier grabbed a blueberry muffin from Audra Philips awaiting hand and swept to press a kiss to her cheek. He hummed, smiling down at his best friend. “What would I do without you?”
           “Crash and burn.” Audra replied promptly with a sly grin. Richie and Audra had grown up together since they were only seven years old, co-stars on some Disney Channel show that Richie sort of wished that he could erase from his filmography completely, and they’d been inseparable ever since. Audra had been cast a few years earlier on some big list CW television show that Richie had openly never seen an episode of- but had guest starred in two or three just because Audra was always his biggest fan. Richie himself leaned more towards movies, and had gotten into a few big roles in just last year or so. He connected well with a big time, multi-award wining writer director Bill Denbrough- one of the youngest Oscar Award Winning directors in history- and Richie had large roles in his movies more often than not since. Richie liked to believe that were the perfect level of famous, the two of them, that they had names and the money and little enough of the corrupted bullshit.
           “Kay called this morning,” Audra said, padding back towards their large marble-styled kitchen in her woolly socked feet. “So I don’t think you’ll be having much time for an actual breakfast this morning. I know how important healthy, balanced meals are to you.”
           Richie let out a disbelieving laugh, they most knowing full well that Richie ran on black coffee and sour candies on a good day. “Oh yeah? And which tabloid printed that shit?”  
           “J14 did a whole thing on How Richie Tozier gets keeps himself healthy during filming,” Audra said, removing the Starbucks cup from it’s cardboard tray and slid it across the kitchen island towards them. Every morning, Richie and Audra would sit around the kitchen and eat their store-bought breakfast and Richie would think about how nice their kitchen was despite the intense lack of cooking that went on within it. Richie, truthfully, would have been perfectly happy with a well-windowed apartment, but he’d never had a small house. His parents had been in The Industry- behind the scenes- and Richie had been on a stage or in front of a camera since he could talk. Too large houses that were mere full of stuff and hardly any people were all Richie Tozier had ever known. Likely all he ever would, and he’d accepted it by now.
           “J14 always has the worst bullshit,” Richie laughed, tossing his head back and choosing not to make fun of the light cream colour of Audra’s drink. He liked to believed that those sort of soft arguments between them had gotten old, but Richie kind of hoped that they never would. “I sometimes think they don’t ever actually interview anything, they just make up information that’s vague and non-offensive enough that nobody calls them out on it all being crap.”
           “And why are they still plastering us on their magazines?” Audra said back, shaking her head and ripping off a piece of her butter croissant. “We haven’t been staring on Disney Channel in years. Don’t they have any new Mouse Housers to pay attention to?”
           “No,” Richie chuckled, swishing the liquid around in his cup. “Have you seen some of those new Disney Channel shows?”
           Audra raised her eyebrows. “No? Do you still watch the Disney Channel?” Richie ripped the top of his muffin off and stuffed it into his mouth. Audra laughed lightly, shaking her hand, and walked over to the counter top where Richie always left his phone plugged in over night to charge. “You have six missed calls from Kay, and she called me this morning to get your lazy ass up. You need to start bringing your phone into your room at time to avoid this shit.”
           “This is exactly why I don’t bring my phone into my room,” Richie pointed out, accepting the phone as Audra passed it to him. He did have several missed calls from Kay McCall, his childhood co-star turned manager post-Disney, and a few texts from Beverly Marsh as well. Beverly and Kay had both been big parts of Richie’s Disney day growing up, but had chosen to go different routes after they became too old but not old enough for Disney Channel to mark good profit off of. Kay had gone in with Richie’s own parents, and was trained to loose her soul and suck the souls out of others, Beverly chose to stay close to the production and work at making people look fashionable and beautiful at any point in time. Without Beverly, Richie supposed he would never look good enough to even leave his house.
           “What does she want?” Richie said, scrolling through the alerts on his lock screen, praying that Audra would somehow know what Kay was looking for from him and he wouldn’t have to call Kay himself. He enjoyed Kay as a person, he’d more than gladly invite her over for drinks any weekend, the woman was one of his oldest friends in the world but he very much disliked when Kay outreached to him through his work line. It always meant that he was about to be forced to do something he wasn’t going to like.
           Audra gave him an unimpressed look. “You think Kay would tell me your personal information? Not until she’s four cocktails in, Dickard. Just that you need to get down to the center as soon as your scrawny, greasy ass is out of bed- and yes, those were her exact words.” Audra grabbed the newspaper from Richie’s hands as he tried to open it for reading, and brought it down on his head. “And she said to dress nice! Which means you’re probably meeting some important people today!”
           Richie crinkled his nose. “Why? I’m already lined up to start Denbrough’s film next month. I don’t usually do more than one big project at a time, because I’m a mental health flight risk.” Richie tossed his arms out and twirled his hands out in the jazz hands style. “I shouldn’t be meeting any new people. I hate meeting new people.” Audra stared Richie down until Richie groaned loudly and pushed himself away from the kitchen island, and stomped to his bedroom.
Barely bothering to change, Richie came out and made an overly dramatic farewell to Audra- complete with if you don’t hear from me in an hour, assume that Kay has killed me- which was so regular between them that Audra didn’t so much as blink.
Richie walked directly into the front door of the PenWise Management, trying to keep his head down enough that nobody would stop and talk to him, but not so much that somebody would stop and demand to know who he was. He was unimpressed to find that Kay was standing in the front foyer, dressed up completely with her fanciest pant suit, and arms crossed angrily. Richie hunched his shoulders up higher and stepped towards. Kay McCall was wearing her ass whopping face.
“I thought you were told to dress up.” Kay said sharply to him as soon as he approached. Richie looked down at his checkered black vans, black ripped jeans and white-and-black striped shirt.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Richie asked, knowing pretty damn well exactly what was wrong what he was wearing. Kay gave a scoff of disgust that was much more friend-like than manager-like and waved him over her shoulder, as she began to walk down the hall towards her office. Richie sighed, rolling in his eyes slightly, and following her down. Kay quickly closed the office door behind them and gestured for Richie to sit down.
“Am I like, in trouble here?” Richie asked, crinkling his brow. Kay sighed and leaned up against the desk and looked at Richie slowly.
“You’re not going to like this,” Kay said, voice firm and detached.
Richie raised his eyebrows, heart rate starting to pick up. “Are you guys dropping me? Did Bill’s movie fall through? What? You’re killing me!”
“Calm down, Rich,” Kay said, voice almost carrying laughter. She sounded so much like Richie’s friend just then that he let his guard down, always a fatal mistake in this industry. Richie learned more than a long time- maybe he’d never learned it at all, maybe it had always been something that he knew in his soul- that there was nobody in his life he could trust except Audra Phillips.
“There’s this alternative band, up in coming. Our branch has been listed to represent them through everything,” Kay said, taking a pen from her pen holder and clicking it a few times. “They’re pretty good, too. Really matching well with the new sound that the Top 40s are looking for. We think they’re going to be a great hit, we just need to find a way to draw attention to them.”
“And shouldn’t their talent do that for them?” Richie asked haughtily with a roll of his eyes. Kay met his gaze for a moment and didn’t say a word, and Richie exhaled hard. “Okay, yeah, I know. Talent has little to do with success, blah blah. Whatever. Can you get to the point where this has something to do with me?”
“Well…” Kay looked momentarily uncomfortable before donning back on her usual business like expression that always held itself within the walls of his building. “We were all talking and we all know what’s the best way to get somebody’s name into the media. By putting them into a relationship with somebody who’s already a big name.” Richie’s mouth dropped open but Kay rushed right over him, not giving him that chance to argue. “The lead singers’ name is Edward or… something like that. Sweet kid, doesn’t really have the look of some alternative punk kid, but I think you’ll really-“
“I don’t date musicians,” Richie interrupted her, speaking loudly over what other praises Kay was about to give this Edward person that Richie never wanted to meet.
‘You don’t date anybody, Richie.” Kay pointed out simply, leaning forward towards him. “That’s part of the problem. You’re unattainable, you haven’t dated anybody since your Disney days and while I’m sure you diehard fans are still shipping you with that one girlfriend you had when you were fourteen, but you have to know by now that your public image is just as important as whatever you’re putting onto that screen.”
Richie just simply crossed his arms and glared at Kay, knowing that he wasn’t going to be winning this argument. “Did it have to be a musician? All musicians are total pompous assholes. I would never date a musicians, Kay, you have to know that!”
“Well,” Kay smiled blandly at him. “It’s a good thing you won’t actually be dating this guy. You’ll have to go out in public with him a bit, get pap’d, show up in a couple of clubs together and go to some events with the guy on your arm. A couple of months from now, they’ll have a successful album drop and then you’ll have a simple break up. Snip snip, no harm and fowl. You never have to see him again if you don’t want to.”
Richie narrowed his eyes at a simple insinuation that Richie ever would be interested in seeing some pumped up musician outside of forced interactions. Kay clapped her hands once and stood up. “Okay, well, I’m glad you agreed-“
“I didn’t agree-“ Richie tried to point out but Kay did what she did best- refused to give him the chance.
“Because their band is finishing up signing some contracts with a bunch of our underlings,” Kay said, moving towards the door once more. “And I told Edward to stick around. I want you guys to meet, before we start doing any of these dumb publicity things. Which I why I told you to dress nicely- but you seem determined to not look nice for anything that I ask of you unless I forcibly get Beverly to dress you herself- but so be it.”
Kay opened the door and another boy came walking in. She’d been right in assuming that Edward here didn’t have the exact look of somebody going into this whole alternative scene, with wide trusting Bambi eyes and argyle style clothes. Damn, Richie thought to himself. Hollywood is going to eat this kid alive and spit him right back out.
“Edward, this is-“ Kay began but Edward cut across him in such a tactless fashion that Richie hadn’t mastered himself just yet.
“It’s just Eddie,” he said, voice high and lovely just like Richie knew that most musicians who weren’t into hard drugs were like. Charming[Ay1]  and star seeking, the kind of voice that made girls swooned and Richie scowl. “Only my mother calls me Edward, and fuck her, so.”
Richie blinked and gaped at the foul-mouthed boy. Sure, Richie Tozier had possibly the most ridiculously foul mouths he’d ever known, and people were constantly telling him it.  He’d never denied it, but even he could recognize a personal environment when it came to him. His managers office, with a some random person he’d never met before and was going to be in a large scale fake relationship in order to kick start his career- that was the kind of environment he’d find a way to watch his mouth.
Even Kay looked caught off guard by Eddie’s slander on his own mother, if only from the look in her eyes. “This is Richie Tozier, he’s-“
“Yeah, man, you’re cool!” Eddie brushed right past Kay’s formal introduction and Richie openly winced. “I’ve seen a bunch of you stuff! Some of it is actually pretty good!”
Richie’s raised his eyebrows. “Some of it? Which isn’t your taste, Eddie Spaghetti? The one with the stalker fan played by Kathy Bates who was a little too old to be so obsessed with my twenty-one year old self or the plane one going through the time loop?”
“The plane one was my favourite,” Eddie said simply, reaching to take some of the candies from Kay’s desk. Richie bit down on the tip of his knuckle and glanced over his shoulder at Kay. Her lips were pursed together in obvious distaste, and he thought that maybe she was going to let him off the hook here. Even as he wished it, he knew it was a long shot.
“So, we’re gonna be fake boyfriends…” Eddie said, glancing at Richie and smirked. “You’ll be better dressed when you’re holding my hands in public, right?”  
Richie was pretty sure that keeping his calm in that office was the first Academy Award winning performance he’d ever given.
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blackkudos · 6 years
Tia Mowry
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Tia Dashon Mowry-Hardrict (/ˈtiːə ˈmɔːri/; born July 6, 1978) is an American actress and model. She first gained fame for her teen role as Tia Landry on the ABC/The WB sitcom Sister, Sister (opposite her identical twin sister Tamera Mowry). From 2006 until 2012, she portrayed medical student Melanie Barnett on The CW/BET comedy-drama series The Game. She is also notable for starring in the television movie Twitches and its sequel Twitches Too. Mowry has portrayed Sasha in Bratz and Sashabella in Bratzillaz. From September 2013 to 2015, Mowry starred in Nickelodeon's Nick at Nite and TV Land comedy sitcomInstant Mom.
Tia Mowry and her sister Tamera were in a singing group in the early 1990s called Voices. The group debuted their first single "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!" in 1992.
Family and early life
Mowry was born in Gelnhausen in West Germany. Her mother, Darlene Renée Mowry (née Flowers), managed her children's careers when they were in the group Voices, and also worked as a security guard. Her father, Timothy John Mowry, was in the U.S. Army at the time of her birth, and later became a custody officer/jailer with the City of Glendale Police Department, when the family moved to California.
Her father, who is white, has English ancestry, and her mother is of Afro-Bahamian descent. Her parents met in high school, in Miami, Florida. Both joined the U.S. Army, and both would eventually reach the rank of Sergeant. Her family is "close-knit" and "very spiritual", as the sisters became born-again Christians when they were eight.
Tia is two minutes younger than her twin sister, Tamera. Tamera was born first, at 4:30pm, followed by Tia at 4:32pm. She also has two younger brothers, actor Tahj Mowry and Tavior Mowry, who plays college football for University of California, Davis.
Mowry and her sister began entering pageants and talent shows while their family was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. At age 12, they convinced their mother to move to California with them so they could pursue acting. She agreed, on the condition that they land an acting job within the first month of their stay. In 1990, their family moved to California permanently, settling in Los Angeles, and she and her sister began appearing in commercials and small roles.
She is well known for playing Tia Landry, a twin separated at birth and reunited with her sister as a teenager in the show Sister, Sister. The series was developed for them after a producer spotted them on the set of Full House, a show on which their brother made regular appearances. Sister, Sister was initially on ABC but was cancelled by the network after two years and picked up by The WB, where it ran for another four years. During its run, they appeared on an episode of their brother Tahj Mowry's show Smart Guy. They also did voice-over work for the Kids' WB cartoon series Detention.
After the show ended, both Mowry and her sister studied psychology at Pepperdine University. She also went to Europe to study humanities and Italian for a period. Both she and her sister appeared in the Rob Schneider comedy film The Hot Chick, playing cheerleaders. Mowry also did voiceovers for the Bratz cartoon series as the voice of Sasha. In 2005, Mowry and her sister both starred in the Disney Channel Original Movie Twitches and reprised their roles in its sequel, Twitches Too and before co-starred in the 2000 movie Seventeen Again. Tia also appeared on an episode of her sister's television show, Strong Medicine, in January 2006, playing the role of Keisha, the twin sister of Tamera Mowry's character, Dr. Kayla Thornton. Mowry has a starring role in the BET television series The Game as Melanie Barnett. Mowry has been nominated for a Teen Choice Award and a NAACP Image Awards for best actress in a comedy.
In the Blue's Clues episode "Blue's Birthday", Mowry and her sister make a cameo appearance as two of the celebrities wishing Blue a happy birthday. Their only line is said in unison: "Happy Birthday, Blue!"
Beginning in July 2011, the Style Network began airing Tia & Tamera, a reality show which follows the day-to-day lives of the twins; Tia being pregnant and Tamera planning her wedding.
Mowry and her sister are both singers. They have showcased their vocal abilities on episodes of Sister Sister, including covers of "You Can't Hurry Love", "Amazing Grace" and "I'm Going Down", which Tamera performed. They also sang the theme song during season five and six.
In May 2012, Mowry published her first book, Oh, Baby: Pregnancy Tales and Advice from One Hot Mama to Another, about her pregnancy and being a working mother. In May 2012, Mowry stated via her Twitter account that she would not be returning to The Game, for a sixth season. In August 2013 it was announced that she was cast in the lead role in a new Nick at Nite comedy seriesInstant Mom alongside Michael Boatman and Sheryl Lee Ralph.
In 2015, Mowry starred in the Cooking Channel series Tia Mowry at Home.
In 2016, Mowry started a podcast on PodcastOne called Mostly Mom with Tia Mowry.
Personal life
Mowry met actor Cory Hardrict on the set of a movie they filmed together. They dated for six years; became engaged on Christmas 2006, and married on April 20, 2008 in California. On January 11, 2011, People announced that Mowry and Hardrict were expecting their first child; Mowry made the announcement herself on 106 & Park. The pregnancy was documented on the show Tia & Tamerafeaturing her sister, Tamera Mowry, on the Style Network. The couple welcomed their first child, a son, Cree Taylor Hardrict, on June 28, 2011.
Mowry is the head coach of the Entertainment Basketball League celebrity team. She coaches the Atlanta team whose players include her husband, Cory Hardrict, and ex co-star, Pooch Hall. She recently coached at the battle of the sexes game in Chicago against the Sky of the WNBA.
Mowry became vegan as a New Year's resolution. She says, "I heard such great things about it. I’m absolutely enjoying it." She attributes fellow actress Alicia Silverstone's book "The Kind Diet" for helping her with the change. Mowry also posed for a PETA campaign promoting veganism.
Awards and nominations
NAACP Image Awards
1996: Nominated – Outstanding Youth Actor/Actress for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
1999: Won – Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
2000: Won – Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
2008: Nominated – Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series for The Game
2009: Nominated – Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series for The Game
2011: Nominated – Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special for Double Wedding
2012: Nominated – Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series for The Game
2013: Nominated – Outstanding Reality Series for Tia & Tamera
Teen Choice Awards
2007: Nominated – Choice TV Actress: Comedy for The Game
2012: Nominated – Choice Reality Show for Tia & Tamera (shared with Tamera Mowry)
2012: Nominated – Choice Female Reality Star for Tia & Tamera (shared with Tamera Mowry)
People's Choice Awards
2012: Nominated – Best Reality Star for Tia & Tamera (shared with Tamera Mowry)
Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards
1995 – Won – Favorite Television Actress for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
1996 – Won – Favorite Television Actress for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
1997 – Won – Favorite Television Actress for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
1998 – Nominated – Favorite Television Actress for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
1998 – Won – Hall of Fame Award (shared with Tamera Mowry)
Young Artist Awards
1995 – Nominated – Best Youth Comedienne in a TV Show for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
1996 – Nominated – Best Performance by a Young Actress – TV Comedy Series for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
1997 – Nominated – Best Performance in a TV Comedy – Leading Young Actress for Sister, Sister (shared with Tamera Mowry)
2001 – Nominated – Best Performance in a TV Movie (Comedy) – Leading Young Actress for Seventeen Again (shared with Tamera Mowry)
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-31 13 TV now
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[Request] My girlfriend and I just moved from the United States to the Europe. What are good series or movies on the European Netflix that are missed in the US? What do you recommend? We don't mind subtitles and are open to all styles of shows. Thanks!
[REQUEST] Shows like Friends and HIMYM that slow down towards the end of the series and gets more dramatic rather than funny. Any suggestions?
[META] rule number freaking one of this sub.
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years
Aly Michalka Height Weight Measurements
New Post has been published on http://hollywoodages.com/aly-michalka-height-weight-measurements/
Aly Michalka Height Weight Measurements
Aly Michalka Biography
Alyson Renae Michalka Ringer born on March 25, 1989 best known as Aly Michalka, is an American performing artist and recording craftsman. Michalka picked up distinction for assuming the part of Keely Teslow in the Disney Channel unique arrangement Phil of the Future. She is additionally referred to for her parts as Marti Perkins in the CW TV dramatization Hellcats and additionally Peyton Charles in the CW TV show “iZombie”, Taylor Callum in the Disney Channel Original Movie Cow Belles, and Rhiannon Abernathy in the Golden Globe-assigned youngster film Easy A. She is otherwise called one portion of the musical team Aly and AJ (once in the past 78violet) with her sister, on-screen character AJ Michalka. Aly has displayed for OP (Ocean Pacific) and Penumbra. She has additionally done style shoots for Maxim, OK! what’s more, Zooey. Michalka was conceived in Torrance, California. She experienced childhood in Seattle, Washington and Southern California, with her more youthful sister, Amanda “AJ”. Her dad, Mark, possesses a contracting organization, and her mom, Carrie, is a performer and performed with the Christian “JC Band”. Michalka made her acting introduction as Keely Teslow on the Disney Channel Original Series, Phil of the Future. She has additionally featured in the Disney Channel Original Movies Now You See It…, and Cow Belles, in which she shows up inverse her sister. She had a main part in the Walden Media film Bandslam, discharged in August 2009. She likewise assumed a part in the motion picture The Roommate.[citation needed] In 2004, Michalka was thrown in the part of Keely Teslow on the Disney Channel’s Phil of the Future. The arrangement debuted on June 18, 2004. In August 2006, Disney Channel finished the arrangement after two seasons. Michalka additionally showed up in two Disney motion pictures, Cow Belles and Now You See It…. Michalka showed up on CSI: NY,[citation needed] and in 2006, featured in an unsold Disney Channel pilot Haversham Hall which was not grabbed. In 2007, Michalka featured nearby her sister AJ in the MTV TV film Super Sweet 16: The Movie taking into account the MTV unique arrangement My Super Sweet 16. She assumed the part of the terrible famous mean young lady Taylor Tiara. In 2009, she showed up in the Summit Entertainment musical comic drama film Bandslam around a gathering of mavericks who shape a stone band.
Aly Michalka Personal Info.
Full Name: Alyson Renae Michalka Ringer
Nick Name: Aly, Kookaburra, Slinky, AI
Family: Mark Michalka – (Father) Carrie Michalka – (Mother) Amanda Michalka – (Sister) Ricky Michalka – (Brother)
Education: Aly Michalka was home schooled.
Date of Birth: 25 March, 1989
Birthplace: Torrance, California, U.S.
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Christian
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Profession: Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Actress, Dancer, Model, Songwriter
Measurements: 36-24-36 in or 91.5-61-91.5 cm
Bra Size: 34C
Height: 5′ 8″ (173 cm)
Weight: 121 lbs (55 kg)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dyed Blonde and Naturally Brown
Dress Size: 04
Shoe Size: 08
Friends: Ricky Ullman, Vanessa Hudgens, Brenda Song, Emma Roberts, Emma Stone, Miley Cyrus, Leighton Meester
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Boyfriend/Dating History:
Matt Leinart (2008) – American football player had dated for a brief span in 2008 with Aly. This pair would look unbalanced as he is 9 inches taller than her.
Matt Barr (2010) – Both of these initially met amid the cheerleading satire show TV arrangement, Hellcats in 2010 and had a brief relationship together.
Robbie Jones – She had an indulgence with American performing artist, Robbie Jones.
Ricky Ullman (August 2005-2011) – This American performing artist initially met Aly in 2004 on the arrangements of TV arrangement “Phil of the Future” and soon began dating. In any case, their sentiment was affirmed long time after in August 2010. The two Disney stars were isolated in 2011. They are simply great companions now.
Joel David Moore (2011-Present) – She is currently in an association with American on-screen character, Joel David, who accomplished acknowledgment with “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story”.
Known For: Aly Michalka is best known for her role of Keely Teslow in TV series “Phil of the Future” and as Marti Perkins in “Hellecats”.
Active Year: 2004 (present)
Favorite Food: Candy, pasta, steak, sushi, tacos
Favorite TV Show: Hellcats (2010-)
Favorite Movies: Willow (1988), Uptown Girls (2003), The School Of Rock (2003)
Favorite Color: Violet
Favorite Actors: Jack Black, Johnny Depp, Simon Baker, Topher Grace
Favorite Actress: Naomi Watts, Cate Blanchett
Official Twitter: Twitter Account
Official Facebook: FB Account
Aly Michalka Filmography:
Film Year Title 2009 Bandslam 2010 Easy A 2011 The Roommate 2013 Crazy Kind of Love[13] 2013 Grown Ups 2 2014 Sequoia[14][15] 2014 Killing Winston Jones 2015 Weepah Way for Now
  Television Year Title 2004–06 Phil of the Future 2005 Now You See It… 2006 Cow Belles 2007 Punk’d 2007 Super Sweet 16: The Movie 2007 Aly & AJ: Sister Act 2010–11 Hellcats 2011 CSI: NY 2012 Breaking In 2013–14 Two and a Half Men 2014 Anger Management 2015–present iZombie
Search Terms:
Aly Michalka Age. Aly Michalka And Husband. Aly Michalka Shows. Aly Michalka Spouse. Aly Michalka Siblings. Aly Michalka Dated. Aly Michalka Facebook. Aly Michalka Fiance. Aly Michalka Getting Married. Aly Michalka Hair Color. Aly Michalka High School. Aly Michalka Wiki. Aly Michalka Engaged. Aly Michalka Relationship. Aly Michalka Twitter. Aly Michalka Upcoming Movies. Aly Michalka Profession. Aly Michalka Zodiac. Aly Michalka Statistics. Aly Michalka Bio. Aly Michalka Boyfriend List. Aly Michalka Natural Hair Color. Aly Michalka Movies. Aly Michalka Married. Aly Michalka Marriage.
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savetopnow · 6 years
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[REQUEST] Shows like Friends and HIMYM that slow down towards the end of the series and gets more dramatic rather than funny. Any suggestions?
[META] rule number freaking one of this sub.
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