#cx-2 just died
barissoffee · 5 months
Okay guys Tech is actually dead
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gospelofme · 5 months
Honestly I feel like people holding out hope that Tech was really alive and hadn’t died is exactly something Hunter, Wrecker, Omega, and Crosshair would do. None of them really talked about Tech being dead because they didn’t want to admit it out loud. Because saying it out loud made it true.
Until Crosshair finally said it, “Clone Force 99 died with Tech!”
He finally admitted that Tech was dead. Gone. He wasn’t coming back, he wasn’t going to miraculously be alive somehow. To me, that sentence sealed the question on if he was alive or dead.
I did have some hope that Tech could still be CX-2, especially after that one clone said the training room was for clones Hemlock deemed useful. And Tech would’ve certainly been useful.
But it felt just so final when Crosshair said that phrase, and I feel like that’s exactly how the writers meant for it to sound. It was a blunt statement, harsh in a way, but it was something that needed to be said. I get the impression none of them talked about Tech being gone. He just was.
But, as I’ve said so many times before, clones don’t have ways of dealing with mental health. They were never taught to talk about things because it was always assumed none of the deaths and trauma they would experience would impact them.
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echos-gal · 5 months
ok i'm rapidly losing hope that Tech is still alive, and this sucks because it was basically the top thing i desperately wanted from this season. i wanted to see him survive. so here's my exhaustive and embarrassingly long list of reasons why he SHOULD still be alive, and if he isn't, why it was a missed opportunity. obviously no hate to the writers or anything, i love them dearly for creating this show!!!
(if you're a "Tech should stay dead for the stakes/so someone in SW stays dead for once/i hate delusional Tech stans" person, kindly keep scrolling, this ain't for you)
right from the start, Romar connects with Tech and calls himself "a survivor." HELLO???
in this same arc, Tech breaks his leg in a fall which he survives. he continues to walk on it, fighting off troopers to save Echo & Omega, showcasing his persistence and grit.
one of Phee's first lines is "better late than dead," and we know she shares a connection with Tech. she flirts with him later in this scene. it would be a shame not to reuse this line, i'm just saying....
Cid still owes Tech for racing for her in Faster. we see Cid looking miserable as she betrays the batch in Plan 99, so her playing a part in his rescue/comeback would be a nice way to show her growth. (i'm afraid there isn't enough time for this, though- as much as i thought a Cid redemption was on the horizon!)
Phee and Tech's departure is awkward, and although we have some context from season 3 (they talked more than we realized), the scene would do best if reconciled in person imo. it felt like it was setting up for something, and feels weird to leave hanging.
"don't go running off with any pirates or smugglers" could not have just been a throw away line. it set up for him to do exactly that. how fitting would it be if pirates or smugglers actually did manage to pick him up before the empire made it to the railcar crash site?
Hemlock's retrieval of the goggles shows that he sent a team to look through the wreckage. he thought there was a chance Tech survived, and may have him.
i won't go into the logistics, but big falls ARE survivable. in star wars especially. we have no idea what was below the layer of clouds/mist Tech fell through.
this is mostly CX-2 centric. their armor is very similar: the jaw/mouth shape, the hexagons over the ears, the rectangles on the chest, and the pouches/pockets.
"domicile." that is all.
CX-2 uses technology more than the other operatives we've seen, and he gets past the encryption on Phee's ship with ease.
"who are you?" was enunciated in the exact same way Tech says it to Trace and Rafa, which i definitely think was intentional.
CX-2 stops to use his rifle scope in the exact same spot where Tech and Phee stood to let down the ladders in the sea surge on Pabu.
he survives a waterfall plunge on Teth, which appears to have fooled Rex's group into thinking he'd died. the writers could have killed him off there and sent a new operative, but they chose to stick with CX-2 pursuing them to Pabu.
it's worth noting that while this CX is designated as "2," Tech's CT number is CT-9902. he is associated with the number even on a visual level: he's a dual-wielder, he wears goggles, he salutes with two fingers.
firstly, i am sorry and i LOVE the writers, but if you want people to accept a character's death, you've got to show his family and friends' grief. we saw no reaction from Crosshair or Phee, no tears from Hunter or Echo. it feels like fans were sadder about Tech's death than the characters in the story.
Tech seems to have been mentioned more in the second half of season 3 than the first half, which works if they want to bring him back in the finale.
the finale is called "The Cavalry Has Arrived." i really don't think you can have the cavalry (aka the bad batch) arrive without every member present. i also don't think it would feel right to play their theme without Tech there. idk, that feels incomplete!
we saw no body, and Hunter received Tech's goggles not from a trusted ally or friend, but from Hemlock. this calls into question the legitimacy of his claim that the goggles were "all he could salvage."
Tech alive and being held on Tantiss would provide a nice parallel to Echo in the first mission where we meet the batch, in TCW. and [ep 14 SPOILERS] we see that Echo is currently looking more like his TCW self, with his earpiece removed.
feels kinda sour that a character who a lot of people related to as neurodivergent representation would die just a few episodes after having a deep conversation with his sister about it.
likewise (and as a white woman i can't speak for WOC), from what i have seen, Black women are rarely the main love interest of a series! Phee is the ONLY love interest in this whole show, and it would suck to just cut off that romance before it could really become something. a lot of people wanted to see TechPhee become canon.
CX-2 is the one who destroys the marauder. it works well storywise for its pilot to have been the one to do that- the person who worked so hard modifying it, flying it, and teaching his sister to fly it. i'll be lowkey pissed if it turns out some random dude blew it up.
it's also CX-2 who invades and sets fire to Pabu. this is emotionally gripping on its own, but if he is Tech, it's even more so.
we have no idea what the operatives go through. Crosshair isn't telling, but it clearly put him in a really bad place. if Tech underwent this conditioning in his post-fall injured state, there's a chance he could come back from it. Emerie is probably the key to this, if they take the CX-2 route.
this show is all about a family trying to stay together as the Empire desperately tries to rip them apart. seeing the whole family together again - even if not everyone survives - in the finale is the satisfaction that the show ideally would go for. the last time they were all together was the season 1 finale. that was about 2 years ago in the show's timeline.
leaving Crosshair and Tech's final interactions be where they parted on the Kamino platform also feels off. Tech was the one who really vocalized the need to rescue Crosshair in season 2's finale. Crosshair, in the meantime, has changed significantly as a person. Tech's comment about Crosshair being "severe and unyielding," and unable to change this facet of his nature, is incorrect. leaving Tech dead would mean that he never gets to see this change in Crosshair, which makes me feel like a deflated balloon.
give me Tech with cool scars and slightly disheveled longer hair. this is such a good opportunity for the creators to give him a sweet new look!
we never got to see Tech without his goggles on, despite Phee constantly referring to his eyes. he definitely doesn't have them right now (they're in the Archium), so we could get Mister Big Brown Eyes if he's alive. it's another missed opportunity if not, imo!
the goggles being placed in the Archium was a beautiful scene that makes me tear up whenever i think about it. it's symbolic, it's bittersweet, and it's exactly where the goggles belong. but was it closure for me? not really.
Tech is a character who became a LOT of people's favorite in season 2, including my own. why kill off a fan-favorite with an entire season to go?
yes, i desperately want a Rex and Echo series. yes, i want the batch to cameo in it, and yes... that includes Tech. making up for lost season 3 Tech content 😎
the finale will feature the zillo beast, and Tech loves the zillo beast. FREE HER! REUNITE THEM! he would love to witness her rampage.
it seems like most people think Tech is either CX-2 or dead. it would be a great finale twist if we DID get CX-2's identity, it's NOT Tech, the audience loses hope, and then he shows up. i think this is actually plausible given the other assassin schematics Hemlock was looking at in Point of No Return. Tech might be in Hemlock's grasp, but not an active operative. having an enhanced clone to toy with is something Hemlock would want to keep under wraps. we see him step out of the assassin chamber at the start of that episode - if Tech is anywhere on Tantiss, i think it's here.
i think the writers have expected us to have all lost hope by now, so his finale reappearance would ideally come as a shock. the finale is almost guaranteed to be a very long episode, so we really might have quite a bit of time to explore his return, if it happens.
secret 16th episode: i know, i'm putting my clown makeup on as i type this. but the previous 2 seasons each had 16 episodes, with a two-parter finale. season 3 is just 15, with a single episode finale. TBB formally ends may 1st, so what if we get a may 4th surprise episode detailing how Tech survived? (that or an epilogue leading into a new series, which i think is more likely actually!)
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zaptrapp · 5 months
list of things I cannot believe from tbb finale:
an actual good ending
hunter being alive
crosshair being alive
wrecker being alive
echo being alive
tech being actually dead
cody vanishing just like that
the entire “wolffe joining rex and the clone rebellion” plotline going down the drain (???)
howzer saying “aight imma head out”
rex not being in the finale
”clone force 99 died with tech” line
hunter still breathing
clone cx-2 being absolutely not fucking relevant whatsoever
clone cx-2 not being tech
clone cx-2 moving/speaking/behaving like tech but not being tech -> could have been him but sadic writers chose not to go with that plotline the very last second so they had to cut from the finale the scene where tbb (and us) get a tech/cx-2 face reveal
grown up omega being a pilot for the rebellion
hunter choosing to be omega’s dad
the writers denying us the whole “tbb goes back to ord mantell just to skin cid alive and robbing her of everything she has” subplot
ventress/fennec not being in the finale
hunter tbb alive
dead tech (I was a very skeptic tech alive truther)
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jimbodyson · 2 months
i don't want to be controversial but.. am i the only one who never once thought CX-2 was Tech? i feel like they made it pretty obvious it wasn't.
'he talked like Tech' he literally just using big and fancy words like 'domicile' ???? that's just talking.
even just listening to his voice, that's just a regular clone's voice with a weird distortion over it. he sounds nothing like Tech does.
'we don't see a body' dude, that fall was ridiculously high. 'Hunter fell from pretty high too!' there was a slope to break his fall, that wasn't the case with Tech. it was a straight fall downwards.
even then, i feel like being brainwashed into fighting against your brothers is a fate worse than death anyway?? like, i'd rather Tech straight up died rather than him being CX-2.
not only because it'd be him going through torture, but that it would completely cheapen his death in the first place. he died saving his family, making sure they survived and were able to live. him being alive would make his sacrifice just way less heavy. not only that, but it's important for the group's development too. like Crosshair said-- 'clone force 99 died with Tech'.
of course, season 3 was flawed. even though it makes sense for the Batch to not talk about his death, it still could'be been handled better.
theorise all you want, I don't care but when the theory turns out to be false i don't think it's fair to call it 'bad writing' because it didn't happen.
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mykingdomforapen · 5 months
LC's Link Click fic shout-outs
I worry I'm going to come off as nagging but I do feel strongly about it. Link Click has some INCREDIBLE fic, written by people who put a lot of time and energy and effort into writing, but they don't always get a ton of reader interaction. I feel like I often find a fic I enjoy, scroll down to comment, and find I'm maybe one of 2 or 3 people to comment on it.
Link Click is technically not a small fandom--on the contrary, it's so incredibly active! But it seems that unless a fic was published in the s1 era or happens to get lucky, this is the norm. Which strikes me as sad, because the fandom is popping and active on other platforms.
So here are a handful of fics (by no means exhaustive) of fics that I've thoroughly enjoyed that I had scrolled down and went, They deserve so much love! (again, not exhaustive!)
liminal by Anonymous
Qiao Ling and Lu Guang talk. Much is left unsaid.
It's such a subtle fic, but so effective in showing Lu Guang's emotions, Qiao Ling's worry, and the nature of their relationship in conjunction to Cheng Xiaoshi. It's truly just so soft and nice.
stain by HeavenlyDusk
The only way for Cheng Xiaoshi to be dead is for Qiao Ling to have died first.
I just love a Qiao Ling confronts Lu Guang about Cheng Xiaoshi's death fic, and this one really captures big sister Qiao Ling and how much she cares about both of her boys. I love it!
resolve and reverberations by macrauchenia
Lu Guang rarely fumbles, rarely cracks, and rarely steps up to the sparring mat first. Nevertheless, on a random day in the middle of September, he does all three. Alternatively, Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi can't figure out why their best friend seems so *wrong* for no explicable reason.
A slice of life fic that adds such a delicious sprinkle of angst at Lu Guang's expense hehe. But it makes me feel so sad for Lu Guang, who just is so traumatized of losing Cheng Xiaoshi, and then it gives him a soft encouragement at the end. It's so sweet.
Instinct (Part One) by JordannaMorgan
Hired to solve a wealthy client’s personal mystery, Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang discover there are even darker powers in the world than they realized… and the damage left in the fallout will not be easily fixed for anyone.
Man, this fic is so CREATIVE. It is great at suspense, kept me on the edge of my seat from chapter to chapter, and the Cheng Xiaoshi angst is so delicious. And then the ENDING. gahhh, I cannot wait for Part Two and really hope that it will come!! I think about this fic so often
A Day Like Any Other by rane_ne
After three long years, for the very first time ever, Lu Guang finally gets to turn 20.
It's just ... gahhhh. Cheng Xiaoshi is my blorbo, yes, but Lu Guang being so relieved and emotional at the end because he's finally done it, and is turning another year older because he no longer has to dive back because his friend is alive??? GAHHHHH
Memoriam by JordannaMorgan
Even for those who have no powers, photographs are powerful things.
This is a lovely case fic that is so thoughtfully, emotionally, and tenderly told. I love the compassion that the story has for the characters, and it gives me the feelings that the Earthquake arc concluded with--finding joy and kindness even within the tragedy. I really love it.
sept, oct by Toothpaste_Fresh
The first time around, there are no rules, and Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi must learn all of their lessons the hard way. The first time around, Cheng Xiaoshi is the seventh of Liu Min’s victims. The second time around, there will be no seventh victim.
Gosh, this fic is so goooood. I love the speculation of what the first time round was like, and GOSH it's just such a gut punch of dramatic irony, of both CXS and LG being bold and idealistic and naive, and then how it tragically leads to CXS' death. It's EXCELLENT.
Golden Hour by StuckIn_aTimeLoop
The salty breeze feels nice. Cheng Xiaoshi smiles as he kneels down in the sand, happy they managed to make it in time for golden hour. Cheng Xiaoshi holds up the camera to capture his shot.
I LOVE ME SOME PARALLEL SCENES THAT ARE CONNECTED AND INTERTWINED BY AN EMOTIONAL MOTIF!! The juxtaposition of two types of golden hours is done so well, and both are so full of energy of opposite kinds in such a well balanced way. I was so excited when I heard this fic was being written and I was so happy reading it.
the shine in your eyes reminded me of the moon by StuckIn_aTimeloop
Cheng Xiaoshi was barely a child when his parents died. The king took him in, raised him as his own. Now he's older, it is time for him to choose his own knight.
Prince Cheng Xiaoshi and Knight Lu Guang. Need I say more??? It's so indulgent and I love it.
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miss-musings · 4 months
The Mystery of CX-2's Rifles (A Remnant of CX-Tech Theory or a Fun Headcanon?)
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I'm not sure if I'm the first person to point this out, but CX-2 has two different rifles in "The Bad Batch" Season 3. I'm not sure if this was a choice by the creators/animators to help CX-2 stand out more, or if this is a remnant of the CX-Tech theory.
Let me explain:
The first time we see CX-2 in 3.06 "Infiltration," we see him use what I'll call the black rifle.
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It's an all-black military-style rifle, and it's the exact same model that Crosshair uses.
Throughout the show, we see how Crosshair can take the "base model" out of his backpack and then add his scope, a longer barrel and other accessories to it. CX-2 does the same thing.
Now, CX-2 loses this black rifle in 3.07 "Extraction" during his fight with Crosshair, who shoots it out of his hand while they're on the cliffs. Then they go tumbling down the river, and CX-2 ultimately goes over the waterfall.
It's unclear whether CX-2 ever goes back for his black rifle, because the next time we see him armed in 3.11 "Point of No Return," he's using what I'll call the brown rifle.
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Like the black one, it has a base model that CX-2 can add little accessories to like a scope and a longer barrel. However it is distinct from the black one. The butt is different in shape and color -- it's specifically brown and almost looks like it's made of wood with a little circular symbol on the side.
Even the barrel looks different too. I think it's longer than the black one's, and considering some of the shots CX-2 makes on Pabu, I wonder if it's better for super-long-range shooting.
You can also briefly see him carrying the brown one in his backpack when he drops Omega off on Tantiss in 3.12 "Juggernaut."
Now, it makes sense that, if CX-2 didn't go back for his black rifle on Teth after 3.07, that he'd need a replacement gun.
But why give him a different-looking one? Why not just give him the same model of gun? Why give him a second and very distinct gun from the first? Doesn't that just make more work for the animators?
Now, here's where it really gets interesting:
CX-2 is using the brown rifle in the hangar fight in 3.15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived." He's also carrying the brown rifle when Echo sees the CX operatives carting the defeated Bad Batch away.
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BUT when he accompanies Hemlock to the CX lab, where he later dies, he's carrying a black rifle instead. This is the one Hunter picks up after killing CX-2, and this is the one Crosshair uses during the final confrontation with Hemlock.
(Side note: YouTuber Cardo assembled all of CX-2's appearances, and you can easily track when he's using the two different rifles.)
My question is: Why does CX-2 have his black rifle in the CX lab when he was just using the brown one during the hangar fight? When and why did he switch them out?
Even if the brown one was better for super-long-range shooting, why did he have it in the hangar fight at all, considering the Bad Batch was never than 100 yards away at any given point? He wouldn't need to make insane shots like he did on Pabu, when he sniped his own pilot from like a quarter-mile away.
Shoot, he barely even used his rifle at all in the hangar fight!
He shot at Hunter one time, and then let the other operatives handle the majority of the fight. We don't see him again until he chops off Crosshair's hand, and then his rifle is in his backpack!
So, why was he using a different rifle in the CX lab when he dies? Well, here are the only two explanations I can think of:
1. CX-2 has two different guns because something happened during the Season 3 production process.
Maybe it was a mistake on the animators' part. This happens from time to time. If you watch scenes enough, you'll notice things like characters' backpacks missing in one shot but reappearing in the next. Animators are human, and if anything little mistakes like that just prove this show wasn't made by AI or some shit.
Perhaps CX-2 having two different rifles is a remnant of some plotline that got scrapped. Maybe there were, at one point, two operatives who used two different guns, and they cobbled them together. Or scenes that were already animated got shuffled around in the editing room.
It's also possible the animators had to work backwards from the final confrontation with Hemlock. Maybe that scene where Crosshair is using CX-2's black rifle was already animated and "locked in." Thus, when things got reshuffled, they had to work backwards from there and had CX-2 use his black rifle in the CX lab.
Admittedly, this is all complete speculation, but based on how several other things were handled in Season 3, I wouldn't be surprised if some fairly big items were changed last-minute.
2. CX-2 is a petty bitch.
This is basically a headcanon, but it would fit with the little we know of his character:
For whatever reason, CX-2 has this weird rivalry with Crosshair. He actually engages him in conversation, which we've never really seen the CX clones do: "You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side"
Then takes note of him on Pabu: "And the clones she's with?" ... "Stay alert. I neutralized the other two clones with her, but not the third."
And, of course, he seems to take a great deal of pleasure in torturing Crosshair in the hangar fight: "You should be more careful with your shooting hand."
We don't see it, but evidently, Hemlock told the CX operatives to bring in the Bad Batch alive if possible so he could try turning them into CX operatives. But, despite that, CX-2 thought Hemlock wouldn't care if he chopped off Crosshair's shooting hand EVEN THOUGH HE IS A SNIPER!!!
(Yes, I know they have robot hands and stuff, but I can't imagine Hemlock was thrilled to see that his operatives had just needlessly chopped off Crosshair's shooting hand, which not only de-valued him as a potential operative but maybe also endangered his life??? "Last time we met, you'd just lost a member of your squad, and it appears history may repeat itself.")
Anyway, what I'm saying is CX-2 saw Crosshair in that hangar and said, "This shit is personal." He was out for blood, quite literally.
So, considering that Crosshair's rifle was nearby when they defeated him, and considering it's the same type of rifle we see CX-2 using in the CX lab when he dies, I wouldn't be surprised if he took Crosshair's rifle as a trophy.
Meaning that when Hunter kills CX-2 and picks up the black rifle and gives it to Crosshair for the final confrontation with Hemlock, Crosshair is actually using his own gun.
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Granted, this would mean that CX-2 had to go back to the hangar or wherever to grab Crosshair's rifle, because no one seems to have it on them when Echo sees the defeated Bad Batch in the hallway. But, I just can't find a logical reason for CX-2 to suddenly have the black rifle in the CX lab when he's been using the brown one just fine the last two or three times we've seen him.
Even if the black rifle is better at mid- or close-range shooting -- which doesn't seem to be the case because it's the one Crosshair "Best Sniper in the GAR" BadBatch uses -- I imagine he could still use the brown one's base model just fine, just like he does with the black one's base model.
It really makes sense to me that he stole Crosshair's rifle and kept it as a trophy.
Maybe the black model is somehow better than the brown one, and he was pissed that Crosshair made him lose his black one on Teth so he returned the favor.
Other than weirdness with the animation/production process (which isn't impossible) that's the best explanation I have.
So, feel free to accept this headcanon for yourselves. I just wanted to throw it out there because it's been bothering me all day! Let me know if y'all have any thoughts on this, because I'd love to hear what other people think about all this...
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pacificwaternymph · 5 months
Aaaaand everyone give it up for WASTED POTENTIAL
Season finale spoilers under the cut
Okay. I'll be honest. The finale was... not what I was hoping for.
I tried so hard to remain optimistic. I truly believed they could pull it all together and everything was going to have a satisfying conclusion. But I guess that's my fault. I set my expectations too high.
Is this about Tech? Primarily, yes. Yes it was. I am so disappointed. And you can make fun of me all you want but I genuinely believed, with all my heart, that CX-2 was Tech.
There was so much to suggest that CX-2 was somebody we knew. We spent so much time on him, suffered through so many completely unnecessary, in hindsight, close up shots and random pieces of episodes that focus on him, only for him to get javelined through the middle in the span of half a second.
It feels like the writers were just making fun of the viewers, at this point. Haha, can you believe they actually thought?
Yes, we did think! Did you?
Tech's death was so... unconvincing. They didn't even try. Not only was his life "cut short" in the midst of his character development, said death was caused by falling, without any other kind of injury, while we watch him disappear into the clouds. And then we see no body and only have his broken goggles as "evidence" of his death. What the hell else were we supposed to assume?
That's not even bringing up that Tech gets maybe three mentions all throughout the entire season. The show never touches on how the death of one of their squadmates, people they have known since birth, affects the batch. Not once do they ever say out loud that Tech is dead until the fucking finale.
This isn't just me reading too closely between the lines. This is genuinely bad writing. It's loading chekhov's gun and then refusing to shoot it.
Even if CX-2 wasn't Tech, or even somebody we knew, the way he is treated suggests that he was supposed to be important. He was supposed to be be relevant. And now, he's neither!
Furthermore, where fuck was everybody? Where was Rex with the reinforcements to storm the base? Where was Wolffe deciding he didn't want anything to do with the Empire anymore? Where was Cody? Where was Phee in all of this?
Where was Cid? So we're just... not going to get any kind of closure for that? We spend two entire seasons with her, then she just betrays them and we never see her again? Even if they didn't redeem her, that feels like pretty damn bold move.
The Zillo beast does... barely anything. Really? It just breaks out and moves away from the biggest source of energy it will ever find after causing the slightest amount of property damage to two rooms, and storms off into the woods, and that's all we get? Seriously?
And then once we get to the time jump... Echo's gone. Again. Either still off with Rex, if he hasn't gone into hiding yet, or died off screen. Neither is a good nor satisfying ending for his character. But I guess shouldn't be surprised by that. When have the writers ever cared about Echo?
The biggest problem with the whole thing is that it didn't feel like a finale. It felt like a normal episode, just slightly longer. The Bad Batch returned to Pabu, because I guess there are no consequences from the Batch being discovered there before and the empire decided that they were just going to... leave it alone, and everything returns to the status quo. That's not what a finale does, Dave.
Maybe I'm being too harsh. There were parts that I enjoyed. I'm glad Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair got their happy endings. Seeing Omega all grown up really did something to my heart. But overall I am just so frustrated.
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theoraclej · 5 months
well, that was bitterly disappointing to the depths of my soul.
yes, I'm talking about Tech.
he deserved better. the BATCH deserved better. OMEGA deserved better.
I don't like the way they basically just erased any and all grief for Tech except for a couple of fucking off-hand mentions that barely whetted the appetite for more of the only character I really identified with
because I'm the info dumping autistic guy in my irl groups
and to see him shuffled off in the manner they used was a fucking insult
and to be teased about it by the show creators
or worse, harassed by the bad lot of Star Wars fans
and to kill off their autistic guy who DEFINITELY had chemistry and the first hints of flirty bonding with a Black woman is a bad look, v bad look
imo they botched the whole finale, not just the Tech thing because like look:
I guess this zillo beast is just gonna live on that planet now, instead of getting involved in the story they had it fuck off to the jungle - what
CX-2? who was he? too bad we'll never know because he was dropped before he was identified
it was shot so dark, everything was hard to see, and mind you my television set is especially tuned for it to NOT be dark because I hate that shit, I am going to be forced to watch it again despite not wanting to so I can listen to the audio descriptions and better understand the fights
they totally dropped Omega's force sensitivity stuff, like I wanted to know more about that, and about the other kids, will they even be safe? cause we know the empire keeps stealing force sensitive kids
speaking of those kids, what even was the point? the research was destroyed yet we know project necromancer is eventually successful or maybe they're retconning that too, who knows, all the rules are off the table and nothing matters
writing was inconsistent for an episode meant to be important
Crosshair did not deserve to have his hand cut off. I know prosthetics are "easier" and "more accessible" in this universe but also I don't give a fuck, just insult to injury and more, this man has suffered enough from the moment they jacked his chip up to 11
back to Tech: they spent so much time being cute little shits about him that his return seemed inevitable, as I watched the season I kept counting down time left for him to show up, and I had hopes all the way through until the first fade to black, only to be bitterly reminded of his death with the goggles in Omega's ship
two highlights I did enjoy - Omega and Hunter at the end, making me wonder if there will be a show about Omega set during the rebellion or if she'll show up in The Mandalorian or Ahsoka
Nala Se killing the shit out of rampart as she herself died, thank you Nala Se
but overall UGH, I will be tender from this one for awhile, I almost want to cancel Disney+ until I feel able to watch Star Wars stuff again
might write some fix-it fic, I'm too hurt right now tho
I'm commiserating with the rest of you who seem to have much the same reaction to this disaster of a finale
so yeah, we all deserved better, fictional folks and real folks and zillo beasts alike
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anulithots · 5 months
Link Click hyperfixation
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The notion board
because of restrictions I'm putting things on here first. Analysis and such and I'll copy and paste.
Fanfics (by me)
4am, in Which Exists Time and Time Alone. - The_Land_of_the_Fallen_Fairies - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
Dive back in time (to make cat pastries, and other random thoughts) - The_Land_of_the_Fallen_Fairies - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
Analysis (by me)
I started analyzing Cheng Xiaoshi on this ask (I am wrong I am so wrong the themes here are wrong I am going to fix this)
What if CXS still dies?
Hear me out... this would be worse than CXS and LG breaking up
How my analysis is going
An ask in which I ramble about CXS and Lu Guang's strengths and weaknesses, their dynamic, and rave about the donghua in general
Lu Guang's tendency to infodump at precarious moments... and a general analysis
Cheng Xiaoshi's parents
Theorizing on how Cheng Xiaoshi's emotions work when he's possessing people
Qiao Ling as the present day in a time travel show (+ amazing points and theories that sadden me by @canofholes)
Lu Guang's nervous energy (when CXS isn't there)
little things from season one
doesn't know the genre x genre aware
The tides ---> general link click/CXS analysis (I rambled)
The firsts and lasts
Qiao Ling and her present day parallels
The trio, shiguang and their changing trust dynamic... I ramble a lot here
Chibi short #8 (but make it angsty)
past or future, let it be
Why Cheng Xiaoshi didn't dive back to save Lu Guang
Cheng Xiaoshi's jokes that are foreshadowing and... quite concerning
Lu Guang was freaking out for all of episode 10 (and just in general I think he's freaking out internally all the time /hj)
Cheng Xiaoshi's memories through photographs
Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi
Cheng Xiaoshi analysis... which ties everything together I suppose?
Headcannons (by me)
Soy Sauce
Cheng Xiaoshi's hair
Last words
Words in general
Is CXS competent? Yes and no
The news
Random scenario #1
Random scenario #2
Random scenario #3
The noodle scene
The siblings
random scenario #4
aroace Cheng Xiaoshi
Fanart (by me)
in my style
the trio
@snowpoet123 makes me sob and I analyze it with my dwindling sanity /pos
CXS becomming his parents
Making the trio into waldorf dolls because I'm very normal about link click
Lu Guang's finished!
Cheng Xiaoshi's hair
Lu Guang's hair
The trio
Skin sac
Favorite Analysis
Lu Guang is a hypocrite by @briebysabs
Cheng Xiaoshi's backstory
Everything from @chubphoe-linkclick, so much analysis. I loveee it all so muchhh
Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang's powers
What kind of story is Link Click by @oceaniche
Lu Guang's plan in s2, ep 8 (IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE HOLY HERBS) by @snorlaxlovesme
Lu Guang's non existent socializing skills /aff and how CXS helps with that by @noot-nootie
The side affect of timelines by @muninnhuginn
The side affect of diving by @g1ngerbeer 
A metaphysical argument for why Lu Guang was the one who risked his intestines falling out to go save his little meow meow by @sarshles-cheescake-li
Favorite fanarts
Lu Guang sicfic manga by @intothefrisson <-- all their art is soooo goood 1000/10 reccomeded
To this pitiful me by @doublxpresso
CXS blowing hearts by @dorea80-blog
This guy's been clingy by @doublxpresso
whimsy angst by @zychimixx
(If I like a fanart I'll reblog it a million times... but I should really save them more... I'll get to that.)
Favorite fanfics
& despair has the knife at your throat, but hope will kill you first - Chapter 1 - sunslants - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @sunslants
Only Your Heart Beats The Sound (Keeps Me Awake So I Can Fight) - RStar6709 - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @ravs6709
Talk Me Through One More Night - Cruel (Crafty_and_Cruel777) - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @celestialsun123
Memoriam - JordannaMorgan - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
Three time's a charm - Chapter 1 - SnowPoet - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @snowpoet123. (I love this I love this I love it so much. I love it.)
lonely bones - wait for me - cat soda (bestofwaifusbestofwomen) - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @cat-soda
Fluid Like The Water - RStar6709 - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @ravs6709
Afternoon Nap - SnowPoet - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @snowpoet123
I'll recover if you keep me alight - SnowPoet - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @snowpoet123
Would you take a break for me? - SnowPoet - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @snowpoet123
Life tastes like cardboard - clinicallyfine - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @addled-egg
Cats are Basically Children - Chapter 1 - Cruel (Crafty_and_Cruel777) - 时光代理人 | Link Click (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] by @celestialsun123
the wonderous @starryeyeddarlings translated the link click ads! (*gets so excited that I explode*)
Link Click OST for season one *excited screams* by @starrywangxian
CXS's vouge modeling days (season 2 spoilers) by @mylee-sketches
CXS's extra backstory from the audiobook
fics to read
A song written for you
timeline of season one and season two by @just-prime
ranting about the link click OST
Lu Guang and his besties in the hospital
The timeliness (s3 cannot come soon enough) by @rashslinging
fanfic idea from @rainibao
more fanfics to read
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jedimemery · 6 months
Okay guys, hear me out.
I’m sure this scene is still fresh in our minds:
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“I tracked down the Trandoshan and pulled some intel out of her.”
Now, hear me out.
I know we’re all still mad at Cid, and rightfully so. She sold them out for some credits at the end of last season, literally right after they’d lost Tech and almost died themselves. It was low, even for her.
But listen.
We don’t know what went down this time. CX-2 tracked her down. He interrogated her and “pulled” information out of her. We don’t know how much it took for her to give them up a second time, to put Phee in potential danger. Maybe it didn’t take much; maybe all he did was threaten her and it was enough for her to talk. But maybe she’d been determined not to talk but was forced to through rather violent measures. Remember in Rebels when Hera told Sabine, “The Empire has ways of making you talk”? Remember when that was demonstrated in morbid detail in Andor?
I’m not saying we should just give her the benefit of the doubt. If you hate Cid, you have every right to. But it kind of bothers me when people say that she’s “beyond redemption.” I think we’ve seen through Crosshair’s growth in the show that nobody is beyond redemption. So in my opinion, it’s probably not the most productive thing in the world to pile on the Cid hate and wish death upon her when we didn’t even see her side of things in that moment with CX-2. We haven’t seen her since last season, and we don’t know if she’s going about her life like a soulless rat or if the guilt is eating her alive, with the final nail in the coffin of her dignity being her forced to give up the Batch again.
Maybe it’s my empathetic nature and my desire to see the good in everyone (hence why Omega is my favorite character), but I’m willing to give Cid a chance to make her case before I write her off completely.
I really feel like one of the best things about Star Wars is the theme of second chances and giving people who are willing room to grow and improve. It’s what we’ve seen in this show so many times, and I really think there’s more to Cid’s story than just greed and betrayal.
(P.S. It’s a canon fact that Trandoshans can grow entire limbs back if they get one severed. We’ve also seen how evil the Empire is and how they will do anything to get what they want. Just some things to think about.)
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techs-goggles9902 · 6 months
Can you do at Tech lives fan-fic (like if Tech is CX-2)??
CX-2 is all that remains
Warnings: prosthetic stuff, mentions of blood and stuff, contact lenses 💀 scars and stuff, bacta usage, memory issues (ik nothing super bad but what if you had a fear of contacts??) TBB SPOILERS
Word count: 1457 (WHOA I WENT OVERBOARD)
A/N: IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG ANON. I genuinely love the bad batch but I HATE WRITING THEM SOMETIMES 😭 I feel like I’m butchering their characters. But I gotchuuuuu!!! Lmk if I should continue this.
Requests are open! See Masterlist for details!!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: some of this was supposed to be italicized but my copy and pasting removes it, so some of this stuff are their thoughts. Just an FYI
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“You recognized it, too,” Hunter whispers to Crosshair as the group hurries up the rocks.
”I did. You said he died on Eriadu,” the sniper replies in a low mumble.
“He did… Wrecker watched him fall.”
”Well, obviously he survived. Next move?”
”Follow through with the plan, Cross. I’ll have Echo double back and take us down there.”
”But… it’s him?”
Hunter pauses. When he speaks, his voice cracks, “Tech’s alive. And with the Empire.”
Tech - no, CX-2! He had to get used to that - needs to get out of the water, and fast. The current pulls at him as he grips a narrow rock beneath the surface.
His helmet can only keep him alive for so long, he needs air sooner rather than later.
This isn’t ideal. The cybernetics will never last if their circuits are drenched.
His slender fingers lose their grip on the rock. One, two, three. The Shadow loses his grip entirely, his gloves ripped apart at the seams as the sharp ridges cut into the calloused flesh of his fingers.
The current throws him back into another rock, his backpack absorbing most of the impact.
There, he thinks as the water starts to seep into his body suit, I just need to make it to that ledge and my odds of survival increase significantly.
He feels his cybernetics digging into the tender flesh of his legs. The part where the river meets land was so close, yet so far. Reaching out a bloody hand, his shredded fingers are met with rough sediment.
”Echo, Rex, please. It’s him! I feel it,” Hunter says, trying to keep Echo from making the jump into hyperspace.
“Hunter, what if it’s n-”
”Rex, your buddy isn’t coming after us. He let us go. There’s no risk in going down there,” Crosshair cuts in. Echo and Rex glance at each other.
Rex, Echo’s expression says, what if…
Echo, Rex’s body language reads, you said it yourself. He’s gone.
You didn’t give up on me.
Rex’s gaze softens. “Fine. You have ten minutes.”
Hunter lets out a breath, clasping Rex’s shoulder. He says, “I owe you.”
”You owe me a lot, Sarge.”
Echo lands the ship just off the riverbank but is still hidden in the trees in case Wolffe changes his mind. The ramp opens with a soft hiss and plants itself on the rocks with a gentle thud. The river laps against the rocks like white noise, the water running down the cliff adds to the effect.
And there, lying on the rocks, still half in the water, lies the Shadow. Barely conscious and panting, his bloodied fingers groping the sediment.
“Maker… Gregor, get the med kit!” Echo yells back into the ship as Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker trip over themselves to get down to the riverbank.
“Shit… Hunter, is he…” Wrecker asks in a low tone, kneeling down beside the semiconscious clone.
“His heart’s beating,” the sergeant replies.
“Damn… Wrecker, can you get him on the ship? Gently?” Echo asks, leaning down to check the assassin’s pulse.
“I got him.” Wrecker slowly turns the clone onto his back and snakes an arm beneath his knees and back. “I gotcha, I gotcha…”
CX-2 feels himself being lifted up off the ground, his helmet removed, his head resting on someone’s shoulder plate. He hears voices calling out to him, hands lowering him down onto something somewhat comfortable. A bunk?
His armor taken off his wet bodysuit, said bodysuit is either peeled or cut away from his body.
“Cybernetics aren’t the best quality… just a pawn in Hemlock’s game,” a gruff voice says.
“Oh, Tech…” a softer voice says.
“I told you that you should’ve taken medic training,” a different voice comments. A scoff follows.
“Stow it, Cross.” Cross… that seems so familiar to CX-2. All the voices do, even the soft, feminine one. A warm liquid oozes out of where prosthetics meet flesh. Blood.
“Shit, Gregor, hand me the gauze,” He knows this voice…
“Echo, keep pressure. I’m getting him bacta,” Echo… warm hands trail down his body, checking for further injuries.
“Crap… these prosthetics are absolute trash, I should know. Not even connected properly… Tech, if you were awake to see this mess…” the voice, Echo, scoffs. CX-2 hears a smile in his voice.
“Are…are they as good as yours?” CX-2 hears his own voice ask that. He doesn’t know why he said that. In fact, his mouth moved on its own accord. All sounds around him cease and everything’s quiet except the soft hum of the ship.
“I… no, sorry, bud…mine are cooler,” Echo responds. CX-2 feels a subtle smile tugging at his own lips. Why? These are the enemy. Someone tends to his mangled hands, cleaning them and wrapping them tenderly.
“Tech…” CX-2 hears that name being called over and over again. Whispered in his ear. Murmured into his forehead as soft lips make contact with the scarred skin. Breathed into his hands as someone holds them gently.
His eyes open, just for a moment, meeting the gaze of five pairs of brown eyes. “Tech is gone,” he says. “CX-2 is all that remains…” He’s out like a light a second later.
Hunter’s heart felt like it was stabbed, trampled, cut out of his chest, and thrown out onto a rock to die. Tech is gone… the words echo through his mind all the way back to Pabu. This wasn’t the reunion he had in mind when he realized the Shadow was actually his little brother.
Crosshair doesn’t know how to feel. He abandoned his squad, his family, for the Empire. Is this karma, he thought.
Nonsense, Tech’s voice whispers in his head, this has nothing to do with you. The rational explanation is that the Empire succeeded in turning me into an assassin where they failed to turn you. Do not blame yourself, Crosshair. There was nothing you could do to stop this.
But I could’ve known, Crosshair’s voice whispers back to Tech’s, we would’ve been at Tantiss together.
And how could you possibly have known that, Cross?
Wrecker just tries to keep Omega away from their unconscious brother. “He needs his rest, Meg.”
“I won’t leave until he wakes up,” the blonde replies, crossing her arms. “I’m not bothering him, anyway.”
Wrecker sighs, placing a hand on her scrawny shoulder. He mutters, “Tech’s always been the one to take care of us… it’s weird that we’re taking care of him.”
“I know… what did he mean by ‘Tech’s gone’?”
“I… I don’t know. Cross said the Empire erases their previous lives while they turn them into… this. He’ll pull through and we’ll be losing to him in dejarik in no time.”
Echo was confused. Tech had just asked him about his cybernetics, meaning he did in fact remember them, at least somewhat. He stares out the viewport in the cockpit, his fingers picking at his scomp link. Tech always hated when he did that.
The next time CX-2 resurfaces, he’s staring up at a - wooden? - ceiling, definitely not a ship’s. A house? Hut? Cabin? He groans, lifting a hand up to pinch the scarred bridge of his nose. His face was littered with thick, ragged scars. Ever since Eriadu.
He looks at his hand in surprise as he sees its bandage has been changed recently. Where is he? CX-2 sits up slowly, orienting himself as he goes. The room is warm, small but not small enough that you feel claustrophobic. A window is above the bed he’s currently lying on, soft light filtering through the translucent curtains. He strains his neck to peer out of it.
He gets off the bed, looking down at his prosthetics, which start just below the knee. They’re sturdier as he stands and they don’t restrict his movement like they used to. They’re… comfortable.
He quietly - as quiet as you can get with two durasteel feet - leaves the room, examining the hallway. A kitchen is down the hall, so he heads there. Wincing, he looks around the corner to see if anyone’s there.
There is.
“C’mere, Tech,” the sniper says, gesturing to the seat at the island beside him. CX-2 hobbles over to it, taking a seat silently.
“I’m not the brother you remember,” he rasps, looking out the window.
“No shit… no goggles?”
“Hemlock thought I should wear contacts so the goggles don’t break out on a mission.”
Crosshair hums in response.
“Why did you come back?”
The sniper takes a moment to respond, “Couldn’t leave you behind.”
It’s CX-2’s - no, Tech’s - turn to hum in response. He feels Crosshair leaning against him slightly.
“You’re not who you used to be, but we’ll get there. Right?”
Crosshair scoffs, “Good to have you back.”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom
Please let me know if you want to be taken off or join the list!!!
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local-omen · 5 months
bad batch finale thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first of all damn. like damn. they really did it. those crazy sons of bitches did it. they ended this beloved show in a way that was cathartic, happy, full of tension, and did all the characters justice. my faith in star wars has been restored. i am so happy
—— the tension was unmatched this whole episode. like narratively, killing off tech told us as the audience that no one is safe, there’s no plot armor. so the whole time i was like omg they’re all gonna die but they dIDNT BECAUSE THEYRE THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOYALTY AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND THATS WHAT THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT. LOYALTY AND LOVE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
—— CROSSHAIRS HAND IM SOBBING there is something so heart wrenching but amazing about his 'shooting hand' being taken away from him. it's like the physical embodiment of why he was created but now that he's free of that embodiment, he can choose to be whatever he wants. such a good choice narratively imo
—— that elite task force was badass i'm obsessed with their designs and their fighting styles i kinda wish we got more of them but they were also terrifying
—— crosshair finally made the shot that mattered the MOST. i love him so much. like he seriously means so much to me idec
—— still bummed that tech is actually dead (no he’s not haha loser i’m happy in my delusions). while i do think it’s technically more realistic for clone soldiers bred to die and raised with the expectation that they’ll be killed in battle to lack emotion, i think the lack of emotion this season was to its detriment. however i will say that the “clone force 99 died with tech” line was so good it pretty much made up for it lol
—— THE ENDING WAAA A A AAA A. A A A A. A AAA. A A A A A. A A AAA AAA AAA AAAA A A AAAAAA A A. omega and hera best friends confirmed. they were rebellion pilots together. omega is in the rebellion. like that is just the perfect ending to her character i can’t even. because of course she would. and i love her. i’m so proud of her. she is the heart and soul of this show and anyone who hated her is prolly feelin realllll silly right now
—— damn we’re really just not gonna know who the cx 2 operative was huh. like. he really was just a guy
—— that last shot of tech’s glasses almost got me i fr almost cried. he would be so so so proud of omega. he would be proud of all of them
—— omegas and hunters older designs mean everything to me. just. storytelling through clothes will never not be my favorite thing. her little skull patch 😭🫠 the bandana 🫠🥲
this show means so much to me, truly. it has inspired me artistically, comforted me, and connected me to some amazing people. i don’t even feel stupid for writing all these thoughts about a ‘silly little star wars show’ because damn it this is what art and stories means to people!! this is how powerful they can be! i do not need to hide behind jokes and irony to communicate how much this artistic work means to me!
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querren · 5 months
I just had a totally fucked up thought after the finale:
So, most people are finally coming to terms with the fact that CX-2 wasn't Tech after he just died in the finale.
...but what if he was Tech and his brothers just left him unknowingly to die because they never removed the helmet?
A quandary for the Tech community to struggle with.
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heyclickadee · 3 months
Because I still think they’re bringing Tech back one way or another (in the immortal words of the late great Kanan Jarrus, “I’m being optimistic.”) and because I actually do need an explanation for why CX-2 was like that (because you cannot tell me we spent between 30 and 55 minutes, most of which was spent with just us watching him do stuff and not him interacting with the batch, on a symbolic construct—even if it’s not Tech, that’s an entire character at that point), here is another “CX-2 was Tech, but not physically” theory:
1. Hemlock captured and attempted to CX Tech. But, Tech being Tech, he resisted for months, and even once mostly CXd retained quite a bit of his personality in a way Hemlock found both interesting and a little worrying. Because of this, Tech became something of a special project. This is one of the reasons Hemlock never used Tech to threaten Omega—he wanted this particular CX-candidate under lock and key, and he thought that Tech had just enough personality while still in progress that he might relapse if he saw Omega, should Omega find her way to wherever Tech was being held the way she found her way down to Crosshair’s cell.
2. Since Tech was a special project, since finally well and truly CXing him (or at least getting him subdued enough to be under control, which I think is more likely) took time and effort, and since CXs don’t exactly have the best survival rate (Rex implies that he’s run into a slew of them, meaning they all probably died), Hemlock didn’t really want to send CX-Tech out just to have him die in two seconds. Alternatively: Hemlock CXd Tech just to see if he could work out a way to CX a defective clone, since it wasn’t working with Crosshair, but Tech was too badly injured to be sent out into the field without extensive cybernetics (if, say, his legs were toast after the fall or if he had a spinal chord injury that caused him chronic pain) that Hemlock didn’t want to spend money on only for him to die out in the field anyway. Or, maybe, he wanted to keep playing with Tech, because he’s Royce Hemlock and he’s a monster.
Then, either while looking for a solution for what to do with a CX project he didn’t want to waste, or as a motivation for why he worked so hard to CX Tech in the first place, Hemlock looked through Clone Force 99’s military records at one point or another and was struck by how effective a team of people with unique traits could be while working in together as a single unit. And, being the terrible mad scientist Silicon Valley startup CEO that he is, Hemlock decided to see if he could take that concept to a horrifying extreme.
3. So what he ends up doing with Tech is not that dissimilar from what Wat Tambor does with Echo. CX-Tech’s unconscious somewhere, down at the bottom of Tantiss, heavily brainwashed and sedated but still himself somewhere deep down, hooked up to some kind of apparatus, and Hemlock started using him to try to “drive” the other CXs with some kind of Avatar-style link. It becomes part of Hemlock’s updated CX process. That way the CXs can be really, truly interchangeable. (Bonus points if Tech was also the partially successful midichlorian transfer and Hemlock is taking advantage of that somehow to make this work. It’s bullshit Star Wars fantasy science—don’t think about it too hard.)
4. Though Hemlock may have tried this with others, the first CXs we see that he’s tried this with are CX-1 and CX-2. It marginally works with CX-1, to the point that Tech is there as an influence, but isn’t really in charge. He’s influential enough, however, that that’s why CX-1 reacts to Crosshair the way he does. CX-1 does know Crosshair from various conditioning sessions, but the weird beef CX-1 has with Crosshair, “If you want answers so badly, then why aren’t you asking him? Isn’t that right, brother?” and that weird warning he gives them, is all that little bit of Tech that’s sitting there in the back of CX-1’s head.
With CX-2, however, the link works so well that that’s just CX-Tech in another body.
5. Sidebar, but in this theory, it’s CX-1 who’s staring Crosshair down in Shadows of Tantiss. Or, it’s Tech staring Crosshair down through CX-1’s eyes. (One thing that has always bugged me about that shot is that the pose is 100% Tech, and we’re visually being told that it’s Tech with the armor and the lines on the wall, but that guy’s legs are proportionally just a little too short for it to BE Tech. Which could be explained multiple other ways, of course—Tech could have cybernetic legs that are shorter now, Hemlock could have gone in and surgically made his legs shorter to make him blend in with the other CXs better, they didn’t have the budget to make a Tech-specific CX model, who knows. But—I still like it being Tech without it physically being him in this shot.)
6. Another sidebar, but in this theory the reason the CX tracker isn’t something that will be picked up by a scanner is because the signal or link or whatever it is that Hemlock’s using to enable CX-Tech to drive the other CXs IS the tracker. Or the link is being established through the other CX’s inhibitor chips (which a scanner won’t pick up) or something. And when they die, the tracking signal goes dead, too.
7. Extra sidebar: Hemlock was originally going to use Crosshair for this. These were the “other plans despite his resistance to re-education” he mentions to Omega in Confined. Crosshair may or may not know this. Hemlock may have also point blank told Crosshair that he put Tech through the CX process and that Tech is “dead” in an attempt to break Crosshair, despite that not being literally true (in much the same way Wat Tambor said, “Your friend is dead,” about Echo to Rex in the TBB arc). Which just wigs out Crosshair even more when multiple CXs and especially CX-2 show up and start acting like Tech.
8. This was Hemlock’s plan for the Worst Batch CXs—basically, to have a group of CXs with unique traits all being controlled by a single mind. That mind being Tech, who he’s already got successfully “driving” CX-2.
9. Fast forward to the finale, Hemlock lets the whole worst batch out at once. This ends up being why the Worst Batch CXs have no personality, why Hemlock hesitated on sending them out at all (he wasn’t sure they would all even operate at the same time, and was so, so smug when they did), why CX-2 has so much less personality in the finale and only manages that one line, why they aren’t that big of a threat once the batch gets backup and aren’t being caught by surprise; why the worst batch CXs are so hard to kill and keep getting up, zombie-like, after they’ve been shot, why that one guy who gets his helmet knocked off walks around like he’s sleepwalking, and why the sword CX hands the sword over to CX-2. CX-2 gets more attention than the others because he’s the CX that Tech’s been driving the longest, so it takes less of an effort, but all of them collectively activated at the same time? Tech is having to drive all of them, and he’s just one guy. He’s stretched too thin and it’s almost too much to keep them moving. So they’re barely conscious and only half aware of what’s happening to them.
10. This would means that every single POV shot we got from either a tube or from a CX—because we get two from tubes, several POV shots from CX-2 including in the finale, and one significant one from CX-1—in season three is from Tech’s perspective, because he’s looking through all of them to one extent or another.
11. Whether some of the CXs survived or not—and I hope some of them did—Tech coming back and recovering in a later (possible follow up) showwould mean getting a some in-universe sympathy for the CXs that was mentioned in interviews but sorely lacking in the final product. They still would have been people under all of that, Tech would have “operated” them all to their deaths, and Tech would have been in their heads going through all of that with them as they died or got hurt. All of them, at the same time. And he would have been CX-2 (just operating in a body that wasn’t his) and done everything CX-2 did. That’s a lot to deal with. Bonus points if Tech mentioning that he was all of the CXs in the final fight and being in multiple bodies at once leads to Echo talking about what it’s like to scomp in from an internal perspective. Even if it’s just one line.
(For the record, I would actually quite like it if Tech was just CX-2 straight up and survived being impaled, and if the explanation was just, “CX-2 had to “die” and the pod that kept turning him into this had to be killed for Tech to start living again,” because it’s VERY Star Wars, but I’d be okay with this, too.)
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
😌 idk if my first request for a fox x reader went through but i’ve been reading a lot (ofc whats new) and uh uh I found I really love fics with CX-2 (Clone Assassin) aND SO, to my favorite SW writer I ask;
How bout a soulmate au with CX-2 (?) Could be a bit of angst with a happy ending, and everyone is just wondering how reader could be with him after all the things he’s done (uh im getting sunshine!reader x grumpy character vibes)
dont have to write this! i just would love to see some more cx-2 fics after reading one just now lol also im down the rabbit hole again that its cx-2!tech whose been reconditioned, do what you feel is best but i just love that theory bc I’m a firm believer too that tech never died 😌
Summary: For a long time, your parents feared that you didn’t have a soulmate. Until, one morning, you woke up and found a wild dog curled up next to you on your bed. You named him Noir, and the people around you quickly learned that he was fiercely protective of you. However, after Noir kills an Imperial Officer after he threatens, you have no choice but to go on the run.
Pairing: CX-2 x F!Reader, background Tech x Phee
Word Count: 2799
Warnings: None
Prompt: Soulmate AU - soulmates have spirit animals representing each other.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So I wasn't able to get the angst to work, largely because I wasn't in an angsty mood. Also, as much as I love the CX-2 being Tech idea, I had a different idea for this fic, so I hope you like it!
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“What d’ya have there, Noir?” You ask as you return to the small hut that has been your home for the last three months and crouch in front of your oldest companion.
Noir’s tail wags rapidly as he nudges something in your direction.
You gently rub his head, then carefully pick up his offering, “Oh, it’s a fish. Did you find dinner for us, pal?”
Noir releases a happy yip, and you laugh softly, “Good job, Noir.” You stand and carry the fish over to the rough kitchen to divvy up the portions. Most of the fish will go to Noir, while you’ll prepare your portion with some seasoning that the Wookies traded with you.
Three months ago, Noir slaughtered an Imperial Officer who threatened your life. You’ve always known that he is fiercely protective of you, and you knew that there was a chance that he would kill again if you were threatened.
The first time it happened you had still been a child. Your uncle tried to kidnap you, and Noir reacted violently. 
That time, the authorities just nodded and said it made sense, that your uncle had bad intentions. Neither you, nor Noir, were punished for the death of your uncle.
The Empire is much less understanding.
You had no choice but to take Noir and flee from Coruscant.
The pair of you bounced from planet to planet for several months and then were offered a safe house on Kashyyyk, in the Shadowlands far below the treetop homes of the Wookie people.
It’s not easy.
You are, at your heart, a city girl. Hunting and survival skills do not come naturally to you. Luckily, you have Noir. He really is the greatest equalizer.
If not for him, you’d have died several times since you moved into the small hut.
The biggest downside to this whole situation is the knowledge that you’re not likely to ever meet your soul mate.
Well, unless your soulmate is a Wookie, you suppose.
Carefully, you fillet the fish on your cutting board and toss the large majority into Noir’s bowl, the rest is set in a bowl of marinade and shoved into the fridge. 
At least you have electricity. 
Sure, you don’t have a holo, but you do have a radio that allows you to keep up to date on the current events, and, much more importantly, listen to books while you fight to keep the Shadowlands from reclaiming the hut.
You’re about to flip the radio on, when Noir releases a low growl.
A growl low enough that your hair stands on end.
You turn your gaze to Noir and see that his ears are flat against his head and his teeth are bared. Spooked, you reach for your belt and grab your blaster, and then you nudge the door open.
Noir slinks out of the hut and, cautiously, you follow him.
The forest is silent. Eerily silent. 
You scan the forest around you, not that you expect to be able to see or hear anything. It’s enough that Noir is still growling as though he’s on the verge of attacking.
There’s a rustle in a bush, and you lift your blaster, only to lower it as a small, curious-looking creature ambles out. It’s red, black, and white, and you’d almost think it was a raccoon if not for the colors.
Noir is still growling like there’s a threat, but he’s ignoring the small creature, which is still ambling towards you. It stops at your feet and raises on its hind legs, and you crouch to get a better look at it.
When Noir first appeared in your bedroom all those years ago, no one was sure what kind of animal he was. Not even the zoologists at the local university were able to determine a species.
So you spent a lot of time as a child flipping through various animal encyclopedias. And, while you’d never claim that you had a perfect memory, this little creature does look familiar.
“You’re a Red Panda, aren’t you?” You murmur as you lightly stroke the soft fur on top of her head, “Your kind isn’t native to Kashyyyk, how did you get here?” What’s more is that she’s soft, as though someone’s been taking care of her, though based on the scarring around her ankles, she’s been chained up a lot. “Are you someone’s pet?”
The red panda climbs into your arms and promptly falls asleep, nuzzling her face into your neck. “Well, you’ve clearly been socialized. Maybe I can do something about the scarring.”
Your head snaps up as there’s more rustling and Noir’s growl lowers.
Five Stormtroopers stumble into the clearing, “There it is!” One of them says as he points at the Red Panda in your arms, “Get it!”
You stumble backward as they lift their blasters and Noir launches himself at the Stormtroopers. 
You’ve always known that Noir was quick. Quick and with a strong bite, but the last time you’ve seen him move this quickly was when you were a child. He manages to kill three of the Stormtroopers before they recognize that he’s a threat.
The fourth and fifth, however, turn their blasters on him.
And, for a moment, you think that you’re going to watch Noir die. 
You only think that for a moment, as another man emerges from the forest. He’s clad in black armor, much unlike the stark white armor of the Stormtroopers. And you watch as he uses a blade to kill one of the Stormtroopers from behind. 
You watch as he and Noir work in concert to kill the last of the Stormtroopers.
And then you watch as Noir jumps up on the man, his tail wagging faster than you’ve ever seen before. The armored man seems surprised at how friendly Noir is, and, to be honest, you are too.
He’s so friendly with the armored man, in fact, that you can’t help but think that Noir is the representation of said armored man.
“Noir,” You say, drawing the attention of both the wild dog and the armored man, “His name is Noir.”
It’s kind of hard to read him, seeing as he’s wearing a helmet, but you’re pretty sure that he’s staring at you. “Ka’ra.” He gestures to the red panda in your arms, “She’s been a prisoner her whole life.”
“That explains the scarring,” You walk over to him and pass him his spirit animal, a small smile crossing your face as Noir drops to his paws and bounces around you. “I have some medical stuff, to wrap her scars if you want.”
He’s quiet for a long time, and then nods once, “I’d appreciate that.”
You lead him into the hut, and motion for him to take a seat anywhere while you dig around for the first aid kit.
Once you find it, you set it on the table and open it to dig through what you have left. “You know, you don’t have to leave your helmet on.” You note lightly, “This is a pretty safe place.”
The man hesitates for a moment, then he nods once and reaches up to pull off his helmet. 
You’re genuinely surprised to see that he’s a clone. He looks like every other clone you’ve ever seen, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin…though he does have some nasty scarring along the side of his face.
He’s handsome, you decide as you focus back on your medkit. He kind of looks like Noir, if you squint.
Though, now you have to wonder if you look like his Ka’ra.
“Ah, here we go!” You pull several rolls of bandages from the bottom of the kit and some scar powder. “If I remember correctly, this needs to be added to water, and then the bandages need to soak in it for a bit before we apply them—” You mumble under your breath as you flip the bottle and squint at the instructions.
“What’s your name?” The man asks.
You glance at him and introduce yourself absently, before you squint at the directions again, “What’s yours?”
You pause, “Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve never actually met another person with a soul animal before.”
“It’s rare, then?”
“One of the rarest soul bonds.” You agree, “The only one that’s more rare is the teleportation one.” You stand to grab a clean bowl and fill it with water before placing it on the table.
“I have a brother with the teleportation soul bond. He vanished one day, never saw him again.” CX replies as he watches you.
“Well, there are a lot of you.” You reply as you add some of the powder to the water and stir it in.
He doesn’t answer for a moment, “What is a human doing on Kashyyyk?”
“Ah…well.” You pause, “Noir killed an Imperial Officer who threatened me.”
CX stares at you for a long time, and then his lips curl up into an amused smile, “Good.”
You shoot him a puzzled look.
“He’s as protective of you as I would be.”
“Yeah, well…he is representative of you, right?” You reply with a small shrug.
“I didn’t expect you to be so calm about it,” CX notes, “You do realize that I’m an assassin, right?”
You start unrolling a roll of bandages, “When I was about eleven years old,” You say quietly, “My uncle tried to kidnap me from my bedroom. Noir,” You nod at the wild dog who is gnawing on a bone, “ripped his throat out before he got me out of the living room.” You look at him, “Why should I be afraid of you?”
CX looks startled for a moment, and then a quiet laugh falls from his lips, “I suppose you have good reason to not be afraid.”
You shrug, “I would prefer it if you didn’t assassinate people anymore, but I’d also prefer to not live in a hut on Kashyyyk, so—” You shrug again, and finally drop the bandages into the water.
“What would you have me do instead?”
“Mm, you can join the Rebellion?”
A laugh falls from you, “I mean when the Republic was still standing, I never had to worry about Republic Officers threatening me. Within a month of the Republic turning into an Empire, I was threatened by an Imperial Officer.”
“...I suppose that it fair.”
“I’m not going to make you do anything,” You say lightly, “We can stay here if you prefer.”
“Well, I assume that you want to stay with me?”
CX gazes at you silently, “I want you safe. So staying does make the most sense.”
You meet his gaze evenly, “I’ll definitely be safer with you, compared to away from you.” You agree.
CX is silent for a long moment, “Mandalore.”
“Beg pardon?”
“There’s a group of former Commandos who have a compound on Mandalore. They’re housing clones and their families.” He explains, “We’ll be safe there.”
“How do you know that?”
“All of the Clones know it.” He says, “Well, save for Alpha Prime, I suppose.”
“How are we supposed to get there?” You ask with a tilt of your head.
“I have a ship.”
You grin at him, and then pull the bandages out of the water, “I think it’s a great idea.”
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It takes three weeks for you and CX to get to Mandalore, and it takes even longer for CX to prove that he’s not an active threat to his brothers. You’re not able to help with that, but watching him interact with you does a lot to earn him some goodwill.
You like your new home, it’s not Coruscant, but there is plenty of room for Noir to run around and get spoiled, and he does get spoiled. Not quite as much as CX’s Ka’ra, but pretty close. 
Surprisingly, CX is somewhat clingy. When he’s in the same area as you, his arms are around you, or his hand is in yours. You kind of have the feeling that he’s a little touch starved, so you don’t mind it.
On this particular day, you’re lounging in the sun, watching Noir and Ka’ra play together, while CX is sparring with Ordo (only the Nulls aren’t hesitant about sparring with CX, which is sad, but understandable).
You enjoy watching him spar largely because he tends to spar shirtless.
You’re allowed to be a simple woman when it comes to your soulmate, right?
“Watching them again?” A familiar voice pulls you out of your musing, and you tilt your head back to look up at the familiar man approaching you. “You could join them.”
“Hardly, if Ordo so much as scratched me, both Noir and CX would rip him to shreds.” You pat the ground next to you, “Have a seat, Tech. No need to hover.”
“He still wishes to be called CX?” Tech asks as he sinks to the ground next to you.
“It’s his choice.” You reply easily, “How was your physical therapy?”
“Painful,” Tech replies, matter-of-factly, “However, my healer believes that I am getting to the point where I will no longer need to see them.”
“That’s something. Are you thinking of reaching out to your brothers? Or your soulmate?”
“I am…unsure.”
“I died.” He says bluntly, wincing as CX manages to flip Ordo onto his back, “I died, and my soul bond is weaker than it was before.”
“I assume your doctor has an opinion on that.”
“Of course. He says that I just need to reach out to Phee.”
“Why haven’t you?”
Tech anxiously adjusts his glasses, “What if she has found someone else?”
“Do you really think that she would?”
“...she is a beautiful and clever woman. Any man would be lucky to have her—” Tech starts.
“You’re borrowing trouble, Tech. You need to call her.”
Tech opens his mouth to reply but stops as CX jogs over.
You smile up at him adoringly, and offer him his water bottle, “Having fun, love?”
He smirks, “Ordo is bitching because I managed to flip him. So we’re having a round two.”
“Of course you are.”
He flashes a tiny grin at you and crouches so he’s able to kiss you quickly before he jogs back over to the sparring ring. His training was so different from his brothers, you can tell based on the scars covering his body, and based on the fact that he’s not quite as solid as Ordo and the other Nulls.
Not that any of that matters to you.
You love him as he is.
“It does not make sense to me how someone as kind as you ended up with someone like him,” Tech admits, “He intimidates everyone, and lashes out when pushed.”
“I’ve never been afraid of him.” You reply with a small grin, “Even when he killed someone in front of me, even when he loses his temper.”
Tech shakes his head, “I believe I understand.”
You tilt your head curiously.
“You are just as insane as he is.”
You aren’t able to help that laughter that bursts from your lips, “I suppose,” You say through your giggles, “that’s one way to view it.”
Tech flashes a crooked smile at you, and then gets back to his feet, “I am going to go send Phee a message, and hope that she forgives me. Enjoy your ogling.”
You fling a handful of grass at him but don’t deny his accusations. 
The spar ends an hour later after it gets too hot for them to continue, and CX makes his way to your side, dropping onto the ground next to you. Immediately his arms slide around your waist and he presses his face against your neck.
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you card your fingers through his curls. 
He hums in response, his arms tightening around you, “I’m glad that you don’t mind coming to these.”
“I enjoy watching you spar.”
He pulls his face away from your neck, “You enjoy watching me do anything.” 
“You are ridiculously handsome.” You shift in his grip slightly so you’re able to press your hands against his cheeks, “I’m a lucky lady.”
“Mm, is that right?” CX asks as he leans in and presses his forehead against yours.
“You’re all sweaty,” You whisper to him. 
“So maybe we should go home,” He offers with an arched brow, “You can wash my hair for me.”
A giggle falls from your lips, “Deal.”
CX grins at you, and crashes his lips against yours, knocking you back onto the grass.
Everything isn’t perfect, CX still needs gene therapy to remove the enhanced aging, not to mention regular therapy to help deal with all of his issues. But so long as you’re together, everything will be fine.
You won’t allow for anything else.
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