scribbleboxfox · 7 months
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Crimson Days is upon us! And thus I humbly present my submission for @d2artevents
A progression of my Warlock, Striker, celebrating the holiday with Asher over the years :)
In order:
Their first Crimson Days date
The Crimson Days date they had a few years before the Pyramidion incident
Their last Crimson Days date
Striker "celebrating" the holiday this year
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emmster · 4 months
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(Set in the destiny AU I’m building)
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In the face of recent news about our beloved Destiny, I think it’s more important than ever for us as a community to come together and support each other in numerous ways.
It’s been a very hard week for all of us, especially those who lost their jobs and outlet for their passion in mass lay offs. Losing a position that allowed you to craft magnificent stories alongside some of the most ambitious people in the gaming industry, especially in worrying economic circumstances, must be excruciating to deal with and I wish the best for all those laid off from Bungie.
For us fans, it hurts more than anything to see the game you care so much for get put in headlines for how little that care is shared amongst the people responsible for making decisions on it. I’ve been into Destiny since it first dropped, making it the love of my life for nearly two-thirds of my whole existence , and to hear about how it’s just another product to be sold when it’s everything and more to me is just despairing. I wanted to become a writer and concept artist to create a game for others that made them feel as cared for as I did when I played Destiny and now I’m sitting here seeing all the people who helped foster that feeling be treated as another expenditure.
It’s awful, a lot of us are feeling really uninspired and betrayed at the moment, not sure we even want to see what will happen to this masterpiece of a game in the hands of the current executives. We are also dearly missing the developers, artists, writers, and more who made Destiny more than a fps looter shooter.
But it is times like these where we are torn and confused that we must uplift one another and not let the bitter taste of Bungie’s actions make us speak with hostility. This is not about decisions on whether to support Bungie or the actual game, but about refocusing on what truly makes Destiny enjoyable to so many.
Its world is immersive with care put into every story and that clearly shows in just how eager fans are to create masterpieces for it. It was never playing the game or the notoriety that kept me coming back for more, but the joy of creation I could share with others.
It stings to see a disinterest in nursing the potential of the Destiny universe from the executives with motivations other than monetary gain, but when the executives won’t care, we can. There are still employees at Bungie who adore their work and we can continue to support them by speaking up against horrible industry practices and show that we won’t abandon their efforts to make Destiny what it is.
Make ocs, write fanfictions, follow the former employees wherever they go, draw til your heart is overflowing, join Discords, roleplay, share headcanons, create aus with friends, do whatever keeps Destiny alive and flourishing for you!
Destiny will never die to me, even when it’s long forgotten and the servers shut down, because Destiny made me who I am and I intend to repay that gift an infinite amount of times over. The characters and universe will be alive and well to me until I die, regardless of the fate of the game and Bungie.
So go out and prove that Destiny’s themes of the power of community and hope are more than just morals behind a screen, that they are life changing messages that we will carry on despite hopeless news!!
Reblog charming artists, message people about ships you enjoy, leave questions and tags that contribute to conservations, write essays about what Destiny means to you!!
My messages and inbox for questions are always open if anyone would like to talk (I’m trying to get better at answering them, even if they are months late)! You are all welcome here and I want to start reblogging and liking more freely even if those things scare me sometimes!
We can decide our fates and we can decide the fate of Destiny’s presence in our lives as well! We can choose to care when others won’t and refuse to make our enjoyment debatable!! In troubling times, we should be able to reach out into the dark and find hands to hold onto tight!!
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ahamkara-apologist · 7 months
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I was playing around with some cheap alcohol markers I bought for fun yesterday, so woe, dragon Osiris be upon ye
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adh-d2 · 2 months
Lil' Obimaul fic snippet
In which a disastrous attempt at ambush and subterfuge on both sides leaves Obi-Wan and Maul trapped on the ruins of Dathomir. Maul needs Obi-Wan alive for his lightsaber and his intel. Obi-Wan needs Maul alive to teach him what the hell to feed this abandoned baby he's found...
Word count: 570 | WIP | SFW | Dividers by @xurengu0
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Maul gives a sidelong glance to the bundle that hasn’t even stirred in Obi-Wan’s arms.
“Perhaps there is a reason it was left for dead. It has no survival instincts to have slept through all that.”
Obi-Wan bristles, torn between a twinge of shame at his own actions and the strangest instinct to defend the child’s honor.
“I told you, he’s hungry. He cries the entire time he’s conscious. I-I’m enlisting a little help from the Force to keep him asleep for now. I don’t want him to suffer unnecessarily.”
“Then you should smother it before it wakes.” Maul doesn’t even break his stride, his eyes still scanning their surroundings like the predator he is. “Even if we find something to feed it, it will hunger again. It will be cold. It will cry for its mother, and she will remain too dead to soothe it.” His voice is low, conversational, as if he were discussing something as mundane as the weather. “To live is to suffer.”
Obi-Wan is silent for a long moment. The wave of contempt he braces himself to feel, then release into the Force, never comes. Instead he simply observes Maul. He watches the way the zabrak’s body moves as if on autopilot; as if hunting for food with nothing but his wits and his bare hands was so mundane to him as to become instinct. His horned head shifts in response to a near-imperceptible sound, and as his eyes catch the light his pupils seem to disappear in a flash of refracted glow. ‘He can see in the dark’ Obi-Wan thinks, a dormant memory of his studies of zabrak physiology returning to him. There was a time, not long after Naboo, when he’d obsessively trawled the archives for any information he could find on Dathomirian zabraks. ‘Well, the adult ones at least’ his mind ruefully supplies, aware of the weight of the infant in his arms. He’d hidden those long nights of research from everyone at the temple, knowing the mind healers wouldn’t approve. Something about unhealthy coping strategies. Even now he couldn’t explain exactly why he did it beyond the fact that he’d needed to know. if he’d just had the information, was there any weakness he could have exploited, anything else he could have done…Obi-Wan wrenches his thoughts away from the past. The man before him looks every bit the nightmare that has haunted Obi-Wan’s dreams for the past decade. For all of the countless hours that Darth Maul had consumed his thoughts in the years since Qui-Gon’s death, for all of the agonizing and analyzing and ruminating, Obi-Wan still finds himself unprepared for the reality that the Sith is walking right beside him.
 ‘But he is,’ the whisper of a thought sounds just like his old master. Obi-Wan takes a steadying breath, relaxes his shoulders, and centers himself on the present. On the living force. For perhaps the first time since their fateful duel all those years ago, Obi-Wan looks at Maul and allows himself to simply be curious.
To live is to suffer, he’d said.
“You’ve fought awfully hard to stay alive, for someone who believes that.”
Maul’s head swivels to face him, the hunt forgotten, and Obi-Wan finds himself pinned by the intensity of his stare. It is impossible to focus on anything but the weight of the Sith’s undivided attention.
Maul opens his mouth to speak-
and the infant begins to wail.
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Yo, I figured I'd put this at the bottom rather than the top, but this is the first piece of fanfic I've posted. Like, ever. Anywhere. I guess I'm a writing blog now? It feels weird to make any kind of fuss about it, but just as fucking weird to post it without context.
Anyway, I'm hoping to keep writing this and turn it into a properly fleshed out AU, but just in case the mice in my brain move on to other things, I wanted to put this snippet out in the universe.
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hi it's me i turned everyone (disclaimer: not everyone) into a slugcat. also monk is there
transparent sprite size below the cut
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jei-rifni · 1 year
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Whats this? I finally gave in and made a Destiny 2 DBH au? Yeah. I did. (Ima call it D2+DBH for short)
Bits of the designs (mostly Connor) are inspired by @ygreczed-3 ‘s TRGATSA au which I think is super cool (big fan of magic stuffs) thank you again for letting me use your design as inspo!
ANYWAY the idea is that everything is the same except the fact that Exos look like Androids. Exos creation by the darkness and Bray’s nonsense is still part of it (considering making Kamski as Bray, but i haven’t fully thought of it since who would be Elizabeth and all that yknow) so this au isnt very planned out yet, it was just mostly because I wanted to make Connor and Nines into some warlocks (I WILL MAKE MARKUS AND KARA AND THE WHOLE SHABANG LATER) so yeah the way Exos work in this is instead of just how fully and properly is in Destiny, Exos in this au work the same way as original, but they all have specific models instead of the different variety like in the game. So there would be lots of people who look the exact same because they are Exos, of course hair colour and eyes and such are different but overall theyre the same. So, say Kara right? AX400, thats one of the models, and thats what she looks like. Theres alot of other people who look like her, just like how in original DBH theres alot of her model. And the D2+DBH au Exo models, unlike the proper Destiny 2 Exos, were built with specific purposes, and Bray (Kamski..?) selected the person right before turning them into an Exo to see what model they’d fit best
Example, Kara was a simple woman who didnt come from a good family, so she left it to volunteer for Bray’s Exo experiment. Bray saw that she was nothing but a simple woman, and made her the average AX400 model. Simple. Just like her
Connor and Nines were friends when they both decided to volunteer for Bray’s experiment. They went by different names at the time, but neither of them in the present can remember anything. (Connor as a human being name Bryan would be kinda funny, and Nines would be Richard when he was human) Connor and Nines were part of the RK line, Bray made them specifically for helping humans with “detective” work and such so their pre-programmed minds are more intricate and aware, but with the Vex invasion at Bray’s Exoscience facility, they had to fight alongside Myrmidon’s, Trojan’s, TR400’s, TW400’s and WB400’s and a bunch of others as extra support. Hence why their numbers are 51 and 87. Thats alot of times to be reset. They remember nothing of their friendship. Or even eachothers existence. And when Connor woke up (previously 50, now awaken as 51) he was a guardian. Later on Nines will follow up and join the guardian crew (little funnies, Nine actually woke up as a guardian on his 86th reset, but he messed with some Fallen by accident and they learned to reset him, making him new again just as he was beginning to learn the light properly. His Ghost was not happy about it) Connor and Nines meet at the Tower and because theres not many RK models walking around (especially since most of them died during the multiple wars and their bodies were used up during the Vex attack at Bray’s facility) they easily noticed eachother like “oh my god, another me model, that’s something you dont see everyday” and it seemed they clicked easily like old friends. (I wonder why hmmmm)
Thats all I got for now. To the folks that know nothing of Destiny, or know nothing of Detroit Become Human, feel free to ask me. I know all i said probably sounded like nonsense to the other if you didnt know what even one side of the content was. Have a good day
I hope to be able to explain this better in the future, because this probably was frustrating for you to read with my bad explanation :(
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lsleofthelost · 11 months
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descendants tweets [21/?] Lonnie edition
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planet4546b · 4 days
i wish wolf was a salvageable oc. i have mostly rehomed june though i often miss her original form but poor wolf is so entrenched in her own worldbuilding it’s difficult to seperate that out. like for her arc to be compelling she NEEDS that ten year lead up and i can’t give her that and i miss her so badly. WOLFFFFF
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aspenonpawzzz · 3 months
This is my introduction
my mewtual(s) in crime:
@imhereandqueersuckas (aka @goingtohellwithyou, that stupid fucker/silly/aff lost his password)
#c.ai shenanigans for c.ai posts lol
system side blog: @canis-constellation
fictive/fictionkin blog: @phantom-w0lfbane
Writers blog: @yourlocalangstdealer
term hoard/ label coining blog: @aspens-hoard
A-spec mafia: @aspec-warriors
(update: https://www.tumblr.com/aspenonpawzzz/757548899213918208/update?source=share)
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Theme song: Throne, or Turn off the lights (panic! At the disco)
(Edit: forgot to mention, I have Tricotillamania!)
Plural Fluid!! (Coined term by me)
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scribbleboxfox · 26 days
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Here's a couple of test panels for a comic that doesn't exist about my Titan, Relay :)
The goal here was to work on developing a style that's simpler than my usual art, but still had enough detail to still be interesting. I think I hit the mark, but I still have a lot of learning to do.
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emmster · 4 months
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I think I’ve decided to make the comic with Ghoap in mind
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fluffykittensox · 10 months
Please Star Wars fanfic writers; Stop using “thank the maker” when it’s anyone but a droid talking!!
When C-3PO says that in the original films he’s literally saying the droid version of “thank God”! Literally thanking whomever assembled him from parts!!
Thank the force is right there!
Thank you for coming to this Ted talk
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howlingday · 11 months
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Sommelier (JW2): *In british accent* The VHS-D2 it’s a lovely assault rifle. A reliable, but easy to shoot rifle, this rifle have an ambidextrous handling. You can cock the rifle with your left or your right hand. No need to be scared to have the spent casing ejected onto your face, since you can change the ejections direction.
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Sommelier (JW2): *Still in British accent* The KRISS Vector, a highly capable submachine gun, this one shoots a 9x19 Parabellum bullets. It has the Super V Recoil mitigation so you won’t have to worry about the muzzle lift. The gun could fire up to 1,200 RPM and can accept any kind of GLOCK magazines.
Jaune: Huh. These seem like good guns, right, Ruby?
Ruby: Mhm! But, uh, I don't know, Jaune. Says here that a purchase requires a stay at "The Continental". It kinda sounds like a scam.
Jaune: Oh, come on, Ruby! When was the last time anyone was scammed at a hotel?
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verysmallcyborg · 2 months
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'bout time i got you a little hat, eh?
finally decided to change up the look of fornax's chocobo after crafting the ex1 barding :] i love using different pieces for each part to mix and match tbh
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kirakuudere1 · 2 months
crow in a kimono and pretty makeup !
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