#d20 fan theory
aceacebaby1 · 5 months
when will people realize that Buddy didn't (assumably) meet helio when he died! the only reason Kristen did is bc she's the chosen one 😭
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highamfunny · 6 months
Crazy theory. We believe Brennan was probably gonna kill Aelwyn, but Kristen saved her with death ward.
What if that was gonna be Brennan's way to get Adaine to rage?
Give your older sister some growth and yearning for connection, just to kill her before she can full develop.
I'd rage
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avenuenewname · 5 months
ok i might just be going fucking insane and am missing out on something because i love a certain character way too much,
but... where did the depiction of the nightmare king with the nascent god come from? we know it's what porter's trying to do; he's going to use the nightmare king somehow as a crutch to ascend. for all we know, porter or jace or the rat grinders could have drawn it as like a demonstration.
but it was found among the research that the rat grinders put into tnmk (like the storms and shit). i'm assuming this means it existed before? why would there be a depiction of the nightmare king fostering a new god and protecting it? of course, it could be a representation either ankarna or porter being given godhood and tnmk protecting and fostering it.
but the wishful part of me thinks it could relate to a certain character who claims that the nightmare king is their stark father. one that seems to have incredible power, the limits of which we have not seen. one that the intrepid heroes seem to have forgotten about (reasonable, since a lot of other important shit has been happening).
forgetting about riz gukgak's roëmænce partnær won't bite them in the ass in the future, right?
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keemitthefeog · 6 months
"im gonna throw up my divine sense *hurl noise*" DAD ENERGY EMILY
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remarcely · 1 year
Burned in the back of The Fix's mind, two dead and emotionless eyes follow him well after he is reunited with the rest of his... group? Friends? Gang?
That query aside, there's something unshakable about how that figure had looked, with their blinding white pupils. They seemed dead, unreceptive, and...
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caifanes · 5 months
im reaching my limit on fantasy high lore but thank god we have ally to come up with the most insane b-plot strategy in the background to bring me down to earth
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within-infant-rind · 2 years
Cressida theory here: I don’t know if it’s significant but the name Cressida come from a character who appears Medieval and Renaissance retellings of the Trojan War. In these retellings, she falls in love with Troilus, the youngest son of King Priam, and pledges everlasting love, but later she forms a liaison with the Greek warrior Diomedes. Because of her role in the story, she is considered an archetype of a faithless lover.
Regarding Neverafter, could Cressida Lumley be a fairy tale princess who fell out of love with her prince and had an affair or ran away with another person?
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seeyouinthesoup · 9 months
I hate myself for it but Emily taking a wild swing in the middle of an episode, the wildest swing I can think of is Fig cheating
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sharkieboi · 2 years
hi okay so i’m rewatching Starstruck and
a) being able to binge it as the Complete Experience with the Adventuring Party(s) right after each episode is very great and I like being able to revisit the story this way
b) I actually think this is my favorite season of character art in general, and in particular Sundry Sidney’s portrait is no contest my absolute favorite character art of all of D20
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dropoutconfessions · 9 days
I fell upon Dimension20 on YouTube and didn’t feel like getting into a long dnd series that was similar to Critical Role— luckily for me, they seem to be way more digestible and I have been a subscriber ever since I started Fantasy High. (Roughly a year after it came out)
I rarely have notes for the folks on screen, outside of some Breaking News and Smartypants society episodes feeling stagnant and not that funny to me, but we’re probably fun to film. But I’m never one to just publicly comment and share those thoughts into the either.
I hate being in this fandom, it feels like unless everyone agrees with the few folks who speak the loudest, you’ll get ostracized from the entire fandom altogether. That’s not to say, the DropOut community hasn’t cleaned itself up from folks who ARE harming the community, but the instant reaction to hate something or bash the folks on screen because they made choices that didn’t fit the fandoms idea of that sweet theory or ship, have ruined the space for me.
Some of the most wonderful artists and creators are D20 and DropOut fans and I LOVE and ADORE their work. But once I see like week after week of criticizing folks in the dome, trailers dropping and improv choices that ACTUALLY enrich the story- it makes me so so so happy that comments do not exist on DropOut platform.
I love DropOut and everything new that’s come from it since, I truly think it’s a great streaming service and could do more for diversifying their improv rotation, I think it’s a really great service. The fandom? Borders on toxic every day. I HOPE that the fandom can develop critical thinking and to not instantly shit on something the moment it breathes into existence.
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highamfunny · 10 months
Tula and her husband stotally died together in the blue, but Tula got out cause of the sheer power of Mother's Love
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foxxys-huzband · 2 months
finally making an intro post lol
(after however long ago 9/16/23, 5:03:16 PM was lmao)
Charlie/David/Sire/Stanley/Maxwell/Dionysus/Vincent/Dennis, in order of preference
FORMALLY benatars-slut
he/it/they in order of preference
⬇️ strawpage for basic info ⬇️
⬆️read this first⬆️
extra info
nicknames are great, but i really prefer my true name(s) being used, sorry :<
i'm canonically autistic and am suspected by many to also have adhd
trans boy with a few daddy issues that are resolved but even more mommy issues that cannot be resolved. i refuse to elaborate and i roll a d20
my favorite color is purple
i'm really emotionally sensitive
i apologize a lot because i tend to be a huge people pleaser
my favorite safe food is definitely campbell's chicken noodle soup with pizza/four cheese hot pockets coming in close second
i have WAY too many interests to count jfc
my discord is charlie_the_foolish and my newgrounds is chaoticallyGeneric
i also play ponytown and club penguin legacy! (my cpl username is SillyCharlie and my ponytown username is AutisticAdamSandler)
my main ponytown character is mostly just the newest cosplay i've made but here's what's supposed to be my main sona:
Tumblr media
i fucking LOVE big bang theory and young sheldon but abed nadir from community is the #1 autism rep unless weird al gets officially diagnosed or hussie confirms that gamzee makara is autistic
scene boy wannabe...
captain hero fans dni that guy sucks!!
i'm a minor but i do occasionally make/reblog lewd jokes so let me know if you're uncomfortable with that!!
i'm just here to vibe babey
my roleplay sideblogs!!!
Dr. John A. Zoidberg: @zoidberggg
River (Homestar Runner OC): @river-and-their-silly-words
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was this season perfect? no. because it’s not a scripted show, it’s an improvised dnd actual play show. so some things were missed some plots and dynamics not fully explored, because that’s what ttrpgs are like. did I have a lot of fun? hell yes!!! did I cry, also yes! I had a great time watching junior year and it’s been lovely to have something so fun to look forward to every week. If they do more fantasy high I’ll happily watch it, but if this is where they leave it? I’d be happy with that too because they’d be going out on a bang. much love to everyone involved with working on this season and much love to all d20 fans who provided fun theories and beautiful art! <3
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of course. of course you run the risk of sounding like people who accused the d20 cast of being idiots and abuse apologists for not seeing the messed up double-standards they'd given to the ratgrinders opposed to the other npcs or worse still, ex-fans who threatened the cr cast with rape and murder when campaign 2 ended because they hated the ships that became canon or were upset things weren't tied up perfectly at the end if you complain about players kind of missing the point about the story being told with their own theories. you've gotta step back and realize that they're not the part-time job working fanbase with steel trap minds and zero social life that can knock out a week and a half catching up on lore. that being said laura forgetting that ludinus only needs a single vessel and positing the idea of every single ruidusborn on exandria being possessed by predathos is the coolest and most terrifying shit ever even if it is completely wrong
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
Ok because the other two little fics were so well liked my brain could stop thinking about it.
So we've got how the song in question was written, the song when Corroded Coffin make it big, so consider this one the last time that song is ever played live by Corroded Coffin.
It starts with a little shocker so I've hidden the story under a read more so people don't accidently read it, in case it upsets anyone, but trust me when I say it's not all doom and gloom 😉 I got you 💚
The day the news of music legend Eddie Munson passing breaks, it plunged the world into deep, dark despair. A shocking departure that stopped newsreaders in their tracks to announce it.
The bombshell news was plastered everywhere for weeks, billboards, posters, newspapers, magazines, murals, tv show opening monologues, and this thing slowly emerging, the internet, had its forums full of theories as to what had happened, as no announcement had come from the Corroded Coffin camp as yet.
There was no sign of illness or injury. No accident or crime details. He seemed to have just...died.
The outpourings of condolences from countless heavy metal icons, hundreds of celebrities, some of which you would never have even guessed, liked Corroded Coffin, millions of fans worldwide held candle-lit vigils and sang their songs sombrely acapella in meeting places all around the world.
A week later, the band finally released a written statement.
"It was during the hellish times of high school that Eddie found us, protected us, guided us and forged this band of brothers that would go on to conquer not just our fears but the entire world. Impossible dreams came true countless times over, but now we sit in a waking nightmare at the loss of our leader, so now our time must come to an end.
A band is a sum of its parts, and with any one of us gone, this is simply not Corroded Coffin anymore. So it is with the deepest sadness but no regrets we have to say goodnight to you one last time.
Thank you for sticking by us all these years.
Remember to look out for one another.
HFC 4 Eva
The Remains of Corroded Coffin"
With the statement is an announcement that there will be a tribute show organised by Corroded Coffin, but they declined to play all but one song, which a special guest on guitar.
A month later, the tribute show goes ahead, but no stadium can hold it due to demand, mainly because the band had to fulfil Eddie's final wishes.
One of which was causing the most problems, Eddie wanted every member of the Corroded Coffin fan club to get the first refusal on a space at the tribute show. So no matter where in the world they were from, they were invited and their travel expenses paid, or something set up so they could join the live feed.
Eddie had jokingly set up the fan club at a merch table in the early days. It got you a Corroded Coffin badge, a hand-painted d20, a poster, access to a monthly newsletter/comic and a hand-drawn membership card signed on the back by the band, all for the price of five dollars. As the band grew, the fan club pack stayed the same, except the merch was better quality, it had to be mass-produced, and the price was lowered to one dollar.
The band also often had membership cards on their person or gave them out for free to fans that wanted them through their music charity for kids living in low-income areas.
So as you can imagine, there were thousands of potential attendees, but if you didn't have the card, you weren't getting in, no matter how much money you had or how famous you were.
The crowd is a sea of Corroded Coffin fans of all ages and all walks of life.
The first people out on stage are Corroded Coffin.
All of them.
The three band members wheel out an enormous coffin encased in rusted metal sheets with haphazardly driven rivets to keep it together, standing up tall, onto a platform at the back of the stage. They do this in absolute silence. The crowd is so hushed that on the recording, you can hear the ting of someone dropping a can.
Then the chants start, "Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!" Hauntingly fierce like an army ready for battle, they know they can't win.
It spreads across the ocean of fans like a ripple of deafening voices.
Then the concert begins. Not only is the lineup littered with some of the most famous musical artists in the world, but also many of Eddie's favourite bands, and to introduce each of them is a celebrity pairing.
Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley. Prize-winning journalist and film director, respectively.
Tech Whiz Kids Dustin Henderson and Erica Sinclair.
Internet entrepreneur duo Jargyle.
Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers. Heads of a missing children's charity.
Award-winning scientists Mike and Will Byler.
Novelist Lucas Sinclair and Skateboarding legend Mad Max.
Then lastly, a fan favourite, Eddie's Uncle Wayne. He had made a cameo appearance in every video they had ever made, was on every concert video and was always thanked in the album notes.
"It is my greatest honour that the boys chose me to introduce the last performance of the evening. I know this song was his favourite, and many of yours also. So without further ado...Sadly, for the final time, Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Corroded Coffin," he shouts finally over the crowd's roar as flames shoot out of the sides of the coffin on stage, and the three remaining members walk out.
They say nothing and launch into the heaviest song Corroded Coffin ever wrote.
A lead guitar joins in but with no guitarist to be seen.
As the song draws to a close, a man walks out in a denim battle vest a little too snug for him, his hair voluminous but dishevelled. He's holding the prop guitar.
He swings it around, smashing it into the floor behind him, and with an almighty swing back in front of him, the guitar must know this is its last show because the body splits in two. The man rips the neck of the guitar out of the body and holds it above his head. The fake blood spills out of his mouth, and the tears flood down his face as he punches the air in time with the Eddie chants before he blows a kiss at the crowd and then one at the coffin.
There is a curtain call for all involved as pyros and flames fill the air around the stage until the last fan leaves the area. Then the curtain finally drops.
Everyone heads backstage or to the trailers behind it for food and drinks. 
All except one person. Steve Harrington.
He looks around to ensure the coast is clear, approaches the giant coffin structure, and puts his hand on it, still warm from the flames.
"I never did find the right time to tell you this, and it looks like I'm too late." The tears prick his eyes again, and the first one that escapes down his cheek causes the rest to follow in droves. 
His sobs are so loud he covers his mouth to quiet them for fear of anyone overhearing, "I love you, Eddie. I just didn't know how to say it, I-I d-didn't know if you felt the same, so I'd act like I didn't care and hoped you'd make the first move, but you didn't. And then you got famous, and were gone. I saw you a handful of times, and every time I wanted to tell you, something got in the way, or I chickened out, you know, because...well, because maybe you'd reject me and hate me or worse, you'd want what I did, and the press would eat you for breakfast. It would have ruined everything you built, and I couldn't handle that." 
He runs his hands through his hair, bows his head, and presses his forehead against the warm sheet metal. "I couldn't take that chance because I loved you so much, so very very much, Eddie." He plants a kiss on his fingertips and presses it against the name plaque on the coffin. He lets out a final guttural sob. "See you on the other side, Munson", he manages finally and walks away.
He takes a last look back over his shoulder as he wipes the tears from his eyes, and Steve swears he sees the thing move.
He shakes his head and takes a few more steps, he can hear Eddie cursing under his breath in his mind, and it makes him smile.
But then Steve freezes to the spot because there is a loud clang behind him. He doesn't want to turn around and fix Eddie's coffin, but who else is going to do it, right?
"Well, that was suffocating!" Eddies voice rings in Steve's head.
Steve steels himself and prepares to see the worst as he turns back towards the coffin, only to find the front of it completely off its hinges, and standing draped in his guitar, with crumbs in his hair and hat with two beer cans in with straws, is one, very alive Eddie Munson.
Steve cannot move. He mutters, "Oh god, I've finally lost it."
Eddie looks at Steve with a perplexed look on his face, "Ah, yeah, you have" he puts his hands on his hips, "Keeping a secret like that from me for like a decade. First of all, how fucking dare you wait until I end everything to tell me, and secondly, get over here, you big stud, and give me some well overdue sugar."
"What...the...fuck..." Steve fearfully whispers to himself, "I'm actually insane."
"Eddie!!" Dustin's excited voice rings out behind Steve as he charges forward, embracing him.
"Hey, watch my guitar, you little shrimp!" Eddie giggles and Ruffles Dustin's hair.
"Wait a second now," Steve says, finger pointed out in front of him, slowly stepping forward, "You can see him?"
Now it's Dustin's turn to look confused at Steve. He scoffs out a laugh, "Well, of course, I can! Are you feeling ok, Steve?"
"But...but...but he died...again...is he like... immortal, or something. Like a-a vamp.. vampire?" Steve tries gingerly, moving closer, one hand still stretched out in front of him like he's trying to ward off something evil.
Dustin and Eddie look at one another in confusion and start laughing.
"Steve, have you sampled some of the special backstage treats?" Eddie asks and turns back to Dustin, "I mean, that might explain why he also just confessed he's had a massive boner about me for over a decade!"
"Really?" Dustin says curiously, and Eddie nods as he takes off his guitar. "Wow."
Then the others start piling onto the stage, all of Eddie's nearest and dearest, and all of them are smiling and laughing and joking, except for Steve, who is watching this happen around him until he erupts.
"How can you all be so god damn normal about this??!!!!! He's just come back from the dead. Not like last time when he passed out. He's been dead for like a fucking month, and your all just-just fucking OK WITH THAT??!!" Steve is yelling at the top of his lungs, hands gesticulating wildly at them all, still keeping his distance, and the group falls silent.
"Oh, no, honey," Joyce says soothingly, walking towards Steve. "It's ok, it must be really scary to see this kind of thing, but you remember, right? It's all just for show." She turns and whispers to Hopper, "I knew all those bumps to the head needed looking at."
"FOR SHOW?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN FOR SHOW?! IT WAS EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE" Steve starts counting on his fingers, "It-it was on the news, and-and in all the papers, and-and the fans did all those vigils" He points accusingly at the band, "You were at least three of those!!"
Robin's eyes go wide "Steve, it's me, Robin. Hi!" She approaches him slowly, "I'm real. We're all real here. Everything is ok" Once Robin is within arms distance of Steve, he pokes at her and squeezes her arm to make sure she is, in fact, real, "OW!! Jesus!!!"
She bats Steve's hands away, "Ok, enough. Listen, did you open the fan club mail this month?"
"The fan cl-? What the hell are you talking about?? Is this a nightmare? Am I dead??!! Is this Hell??!!!" Steve shouts into the air.
"In this month's fanzine, it explained everything. The band wanted to stop and spend time with their families and start new projects, but the press was getting to a fever pitch with them. Gareth had his bins rifled through. Jeff couldn't even take his kid out for his birthday without getting hounded. So Eddie came up with this plan. That way, no one gets blamed for breaking up the band. It just is no more." Robin explains compassionately to Steve.
"So the whole crowd, all of you and the bands, they all knew it was fake?" Steve asks quietly whilst everyone is still staring at him and Robin.
Robin nods but then adds, "Well, not the other bands. We couldn't risk it, but we and the fans are loyal enough to keep a secret. Plus, if anyone even tries to say they've seen him, they'll be labelled like those Bigfoot-spotting people."
Steve shakes his head, "But I'm not a member of the fan club?!"
"The absolute audacity!!! What, you fucking love me, but you're not a member of my band's fan club? What kind of half-assed groupie are you?" Eddie shouts, astounded and a little insulted at Steve.
Jeff turns to Eddie, "You knew he wasn't, man. You made him that special membership card at the hideout for valentine's day, but you never gave it to him, remember?"
"Shut up!" Eddie says through gritted teeth at Jeff.
Steve stands more confidently, his hands on his hips, "Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah, that's right", Gareth laughs, "And then when we were talking about this, you said you'd call him and tell him yourself, Eddie, remember?"
Eddie bites his bottom lip and tries to look as innocent as he can from under his hair, smirking over at Steve, "Did I say that? Really? Funny thing that... I don't remember"
Steve's eyes go wide, "Why, you little shit!!" Steve runs and lunges for Eddie. Eddie is laughing and yelling as he's being chased around the stage by Steve, who eventually captures him in a bear hug when he runs the wrong way around the drum kit.
"urgh...god...let me..." Eddie struggles angrily and tries to wriggle free as Steve squeezes him.
"Oh-hoh no, you are going nowhere, you little prick!" Steve says, squeezing him tighter, making Eddie's face screw up, "What you did, was so not cool!"
"I...only...did...it...cus..." Eddie tries to talk, but it is difficult. He can hardly breathe.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Excuses. You wanted to make me look like an idiot!" Steve says with an unimpressed tone.
Eddie's face is turning pink as he frantically shakes his head in a no.
"Oh, you didn't? Then why?" Steve says, loosening his grip enough for Eddie to take a breath.
Eddie's body sags a little as he takes a deep breath, "Because... I wanted to see if you'd be sad if I died." Eddie says quickly, "I mean, I didn't expect you to agree to headline and the whole speech, you know?" Eddie says, trying to hold back an adoring smile.
Steve squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head in disbelief, "You made me go through a month of grief to see if I would be sad if you died?"
"Well...it was supposed to be just a day, but then I got genuinely distracted by everything, and then it was two weeks later, and then I thought I could surprise you by jumping out of the coffin, and you'd be overjoyed and I'd say something romantic to maybe win you over, like..." Eddie looks everywhere but at Steve as he details everything.
"Like what? What could you possibly say to make up for that, you complete shithead!" Steve says with an angry squeeze, making Eddie wince and groan.
"That I fought an army of angels and the hordes of hell for one kiss from your sinfully perfect heavenly lips because you're my muse, my love." Eddie manages to get the words out with a struggle.
"What?" Steve says, lessening his grip.
"The songs I write, the ones with my name next to them on the albums, they're all about you," Eddie says as he catches his breath.
"What?" Steve says again, wholly bewildered and fully releases Eddie.
"Our first number one, the one that got a Grammy, and was used in a bunch of movies. That's about you. The um, slow one with the choir on the unplugged album, that's about you. The one we close the shows with, the one with no words, that's about you too. And loads more," Eddie says, adjusting his clothes, looking back up at a dumbfounded Steve, "What? You had no idea? You don't remember? in the garage? You corrected the spelling of sleeve, but it was supposed to be Steve. I just forgot to cross the t" Eddie looks between Steve's eyes for a glimmer of comprehension.
"Ohhh", Steve says finally and points at himself and smiles.
Eddie smiles back at this lovable weirdo and nods.
Steve claps his hands together and looks pleased as punch, turning to the others still pointing at himself with a look of happy surprise. 
Everyone nods at him except for Mike, who throws his hands up, "Are you kidding me? The song we danced to at our wedding was about Steve??? Oh my god!" Mike has to be consoled by Will and Nancy.
Steve eventually turns back to Eddie with a massive smile on his face.
Eddie plays with his hair and looks coyly up at Steve swaying from left to right, "So I dunno, do you maybe wanna come live on a secret island with me for a few years until people forget about me, maybe? I mean, I'll have to get my hair buzzed first, and um, lose the whole rockstar get up" Eddie looks up hopefully and gives a cute little shrug.
Steve folds his arms and taps his lips thoughtfully, "Hmmm."
"OH, MY GOD! Could you grown-ass idiots just kiss already? I could be solving the mysteries of the goddamn world, ok? But instead, I'm stuck here waiting for a long-haired freak and his little ex-sailor boy bride to figure out what everyone else knew years ago!!" Erica shouts, exasperated.
"Apart from Mike", Dustin whispers.
"Yeah, except Mike, who is also on team dumbass!" Erica adds.
"Hey!!" Mike says, annoyed, and is immediately swamped by Will, Joyce and Nancy as Hopper pats Erica on the shoulder with a smile.
"Get offa me, sasquatch!" She says, rolling her eyes.
"Well, you heard the lady," Steve says with a smile walking with an over-the-top swagger towards Eddie.
Eddie grins mischievously, jumps up to grip onto Steve like a koala on a eucalyptus tree, and kisses him, once on the lips, with an audible mwah sound.
Steve looks at him with a laugh, "I hope you've got more where that came from because you've got a lot to make up for, Eddie Munson."
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kindlespark · 2 months
hello, this is the anon who sent august that really long fhjy ask - thanks for your thoughts!! they helped me understand some of the season's strengths that weren't as apparent to my tastes - i think you're so right that the temple was a high point and i greatly sympathize with the sentiment of like, it all could've been so much more compelling if the bad kids had keyed into that more (which i think is also partly on brennan's presentation of info as GM, ofc - not saying it's anyone's responsibility alone). i'm still not sold on porter that much, but i can understand your perspective and i do appreciate some of his moments - i enjoyed him being a terrible teacher to gorgug because of the tension it created within the party (isn't this bad teaching? is it not? that self-doubt was really dramatically satisfying, especially in the twist payoff). i also think you're right that the finale truly muddies the waters of what the ratgrinders' thematic positioning was - as much sense as it makes that they're genderbent foils, it feels like each member gets less and less pointed - kipperlily and riz are the clearest parallel followed by kristen and buddy, but then like ruben and fig's interactions were essentially just bits, oisin and adaine basically boil down to differing access to generational wealth, and then gorgug/maryann and ivy/fabian are basically just like rage/apathy and ranged/melee. and i don't necessarily think fleshing this all out would've made the season good, but i think (and i want to say this came up in the podcast) it was overambitious/overcomplex to combine the ratgrinders' story with porter's - hence the very confused finale. on a more positive note, i actually totally agree that the downtime system was fun and thematic! the reason i cited that aspect as a negative is more because of the eventual execution, where a lot of the ratgrinder elements got sidelined and relegated to "we'll resolve that later" - as flavorful as it was, there were times when i felt like it didn't mesh with the beats brennan expected or it stymied the group's efforts to investigate things in favor of siloing them. this is a more meta criticism but another reason i don't quite gel with the porter story is because it's the reason brennan asked emily to play as fig this season even though she didn't want to, and while i trust that she genuinely chose to go along with him in that, it definitely felt like she (and brennan) struggled to find a new throughline/arc for fig (especially since the ruben thing went nowhere) and i don't feel like that sacrifice was worth what we got with regard to porter (and ruben, as her foil) - when i think of fig's storyline this season it just feels kind of empty/reactive. anyway, i hope it's clear i don't say this to argue with your opinions and i certainly don't begrudge anyone hoping for a satisfying narrative from d20 especially considering their past successes (i couldn't agree more that fhsy and tuc are some of their finest work in this regard - easily two of my favorite seasons alongside acofaf!). i'm still exploring my relationship to subtextual readings of actual plays - i love literary criticism so i appreciate many fan theories as emotional/philosophical exercises, but with TTRPGs i often have a harder time as compared to pre-written material given their more improvisatory/fluctuating nature. as such, the shooting schedule looms large here, and i mourn What Could've Been if the cast had gotten to rest and reflect between sessions right alongside you... ah well, there's always another season <3
hello!!! thank u for a really great ask!!! sorry it took me so long to get to it, i literally haven't been logged into tumblr on desktop since i saw it and typing up a good reply on mobile would've been impossible LOL
i pretty much agree with all your points here; especially the one with fig's arc this season. i think emily should've trusted her gut and retired her after her near perfect arc in fhsy, and that brennan shouldn't have had her in this season just for the porter reveal (which could've been a fun twist even with a new character, given that emily would've still had her suspicions). her arc this season is rly meandering and inconclusive which is such a shame. the problem is that i just REALLY love porter as a villain LOL. or rather, i love porter as a concept of the villain he could've been but that was never really treated seriously as such by the show. he represents so much of what i thought this season's themes would address--he's a symbol (as a teacher) of the unfair and fucked up school system and the power it holds over kids, as well as the concepts of rage and manipulation and radicalisation and revenge. that shit is super interesting to me (also as a teacher), and if all of this was engaged with it would've been incredible. alas!
but yeah me and august were talking abt ur ask like ur literally right and we wish we had ur foresight for the season tho LMAO. like perhaps my blinders were on because truly up until the last three episodes brennan was giving me everything, conceptually, that i wanted. i wanted trg to be sympathetic villains, and they were! i wanted kipperlilly and lucy to be best friends and have tragic yuri potential, and they did! i wanted jace to also be a victim of porter's, and he was! there was a moment before the last three episodes where i was convinced nothing could go wrong and this would be my favourite d20 season ever LMFAOOOOOO OH HOW THE PRIDE COMES BEFORE THE FALL
wrt literary criticism and d20, i totally get what you mean. i've been a real hater about this season but i'm usually pretty forgiving about the improvisatory and comedic aspects of d20 seasons believe it or not LMAO. m&m is one of my favourite d20 seasons of all time, i do not care that the ending flopped spectacularly bc of the tone, dice rolls and bad jokes. acoc is another one of my favourite seasons of all time, but the back half of it is super lacklustre in comparison to the first half, and i was completely zoned out of the rushed and anticlimactic final combat until calroy came in. these things did not taint my enjoyment of the show--it's always been forgivable and understandable to me because well, yeah, comes with the improv liveplay territory!! i love analysing the shows thematically and have my critique but ultimately understand there's things no one can predict or account for. i think fhjy's case in particular was just so egregious to me; the themes felt so much more obvious, the character hooks right there, the set-up so good, that i truly had never been so disappointed by a d20 finale helppppp
like i'm used to d20 seasons not having themes that are perfectly executed or followable; when i make my posts about wishing that fhjy was about the unfair school system, it's more like... wishing that anything could've happened that would've made it possible to come to my own conclusions on that theme. i'm ALWAYS reading too deep for my analysis of d20, and i'm super aware of it--this is part of the fun of it for me, thinking about implications and characters the creators didn't have time to, fleshing out ideas and subplots that didn't go anywhere, death of the author and all that. it's just that this season's main plot and themes, more than any other d20 season for me so far, felt so completely incoherent, despite its direction being so completely obvious to me, that i couldn't even pretend to come up with coherent analysis for it and i was left absolutely flabbergasted LOLLL
and maybe that's on me! it's definitely not a mistake i'm going to take into another d20 season, i've actually made my peace with the fact im probably never gonna get another fhsy or tuc or even acoc from d20 again (or at least the main IH cast) and that's okay..... i actually almost relapsed into taz the other day i was so desperate for a good ending AHJFSKFSFSFS
anyway this got long sorry i had a lot of thoughts. thank u for ur messages anon!
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