#dai extracts
Dragon Age Inquisition Game Model Heights: Fauna and Enemies
Please note that none of these are canon. None of these numbers are reliable or meant to assert any sort of canon status. Some of these models do not appear the same size as in game.
I started pulling creature models from Inquisition for my bestiary project. Since my gaming computer died and it's hard to get a good screenshot on console, so I was hoping to do extracts.
But, I kept pulling them because I wanted to see if I could find a a rhyme or reason to ground my height estimates for the fauna of Thedas where I could. (Spoiler, I couldn't) I do however still find worth in these heights if for no other reason than for the fun of them. That said, I'm once again asking BioWare why they're changing the size of models in game so drastically with no clear system and scaling them up so drastically.
In terms of known incorrect scaling models, as in they do not reflect what is displayed in game, the following is what I know/can easily confirm: Deepstalkers, dragons*, dragonlings, fennic, giants*, great bears, large bears, lurkers, and phoenix.
* For the dragons and giants it is unclear which model's scaling is off, as in game we know that the giant is bigger than the vinsomer dragon on the Storm Coast. We also cannot confirm or deny if the dragon models are the same size across all of the different subspecies. I would say you reasonably could assume that given they all share the same skeleton, but I don't want to assume anything when it comes to scaling in Inquisition.
I would also like to note an update on some of the previously shared models from this post. I got better at blender, studied the models more to find the true shoulder, and thus these numbers have gotten more accurate. It's truly amazing what a mouse and hours of practice and study will do.
These models are extracted from the game files using Frosty Editor in the measurement units of meters. I then brought the models into Blender. When it comes to measuring the heights, I'm measuring from the shoulder of quadrupeds, head for bipedals, and included some variations - such as additional height due to horns, crystals, ect. separately. For any creature with armor, helmets, ect, I measured from the top of their skull when possible or from an estimated top of their skull, such as with the Arcane Horror.
In terms of the numbers provided in measurement in Blender. I am taking the numbers only from the first 2 decimal places, I'm not rounding up nor am I rounding down in any area. When converting from meters to inches, I am only doing whole numbers so these will be rounded down if below .5 or up if they are .5 and above.
Darkspawn Heights
From left to right, we have:
Ogre: 11'11 / 3.64m at the head, 14'6 / 4.42m with horns
Emissary: 10'5 / 3.18m
Alpha Emissary: 10'4 / 3.16m
Corypheus: 10'5 / 3.17m
Hurlock: 7' / 2.15m
Alpha genlock: 3'11 / 1.19m
Hurlock: 5'11 / 1.81m
Hurlock: 5'11 / 1.80m
Shriek: 5'11 / 1.81m
Ghoul: 5'11 / 1.81m
Genlock: 4'8 / 1.42m
Corrupted Spider: 3'3 / 0.98m
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Draconic Heights
These are measured from their shoulder height, however I would like to note that due to the high dragons A-pose putting their front legs off the ground level they are measured off of their hind legs. In order from left to right:
Corypheus's dragon: 22'4 / 6.8m
Trespasser dragon: 23' / 7.02m
Crestwood dragon: 23' / 7m
Dragonling: 8'2 / 2.5m
Snowy "wyvern": 8' / 2.44m
Varghest: 7'6 / 2.28m
Wyvern: 8'2 / 2.49m
Wingspan of the high dragons are: 163'10 / 49.94m, one wing is 81'11 / 24.97m.
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General Fauna Heights
From left to right across all images:
Giant: 17'9 / 5.41m
Druffalo: 6'7 / 2m
Nuggalope: 6'6 / 1.97m
Red Hart - Mount: 6'3 / 1.91m
Crehtahl: 6'2 / 1.89m
Horse: 6'2 / 1.89m
Dracolisk: 6'2 / 1.88m
Gurn: 5'11 / 1.80m
Bronto: 5'12 / 1.82m
Bronto carrying: 5'12 / 1.82m
Bogfisher: 5'11 / 1.80m
Quillback: 4'11 / 1.49m
August Ram: 4'2 / 1.28m
Red Hart - Small/Non-mount: 4'2 / 1.27m
Halla: 4'1 / 1.25m
Ram: 4'1 / 1.25m
Large bear: 4'4 / 1.31m
Great Bear: 4'3 / 1.29m
Giant Spider: 3'5 / 1.03m
Corrupt Spider: 3'3 / 1m
Fennic: 3'3 / 0.99m
Black Wolf: 3'4 / 1.02m
Hyena: 3'5 / 1.05m
Mabari: 3'3 / 0.99m
Armored Mabari: 4'4 / 1.31m at the head
Tusket: 2'4 / 0.72m
Snoufleur: 2' / 0.62m
Nug: 1'9 / 0.53m
Lurker: 2'9 / 0.84m
Pheonix: 2'8 / 0.80m
Deepstalker: 2'6 / 0.76m
Raven: 1'8 / 0.52m
Gull: 1'9 / 0.53m
Cockatrice: 1'9 / 0.53m
Raven - Small: 9" / 0.22m
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Red Templar Heights
From left to right:
Behemoth: 11' / 3.36m at the head, 15'7 / 4.75m with the crystals
Red Templar Horror: 7'9 / 2.37m
Red Templar Knight: 7'4 / 2.24m
Red Templar Shadow: 6' / 1.82m
Red Templar Foot Soldier: 6' / 1.83m
Red Templar Guard: 6' / 1.84m
Red Templar Marksman: 6' / 1.83m
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Demon and Spirit Heights
From left to right across all images:
Gibbering Horror: 2'8 / 0.82m
Fearling Spider: 4'5 / 1.34m
Despair demon: 5'7 / 1.70m
Shade 1: 6'3 / 1.90m
Shade 2: 6'3 / 1.90m
Shade 3: 6'3 / 1.90m
Shade 4: 6'3 / 1.90m
Shade 5: 6'3 / 1.90m
Rage Demon: 6'4 / 1.93m
Revanant: 7'5 / 2.26m
Terror demon: 8'2 / 2.49m
Greater Terror demon: 8'2 / 2.49m
Envy demon: 8'3 / 2.51m
Nightmare demon: 8'6 / 2.58m
Arcane Horror: 10'1 / 3.08m
Pride demon: 14'10 / 4.53m at the head, 18'5 / 5.61m with the horns
Greater Fear demon aka Smiley aka Blinky: 93'6 / 28.49m
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All corpses use the same default/base model and are all the same height without their armor putting them all at a height of: 6' / 1.82m
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figthefruitfaeth · 2 years
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made some valentines
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bogkeep · 5 months
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thoughts, repeating.
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drnathanielheywood · 5 months
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egophiliac · 5 months
I've been following since the pony days, and even though I know nothing about TWST, I still like reading the funny comics you do about the anime Disney boys c:
I do miss Tim tho :(
thank you! :D :D :D I have NO idea how my posts must come off if you have zero knowledge of Twst (aside from giving an extremely biased view of what it actually is about) (guiltily stops drawing Lilia for thirty seconds). but I appreciate that people still find joy in them anyway!
and Tim still shows up every once in a while! perhaps even...somewhat recently? :)
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traumagician · 2 years
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thepigeonsopinion · 2 years
Since Valentine's is literally just around the corner! . . . .
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(SOFT CLICK AS RECORDING BEGINS) HENRI: Hello recorder! This is Henrietta Martin, LIMB Researcher at Holmwood Surrey. It issss… 11:38am on Tuesday, March 5th, twenty-twenty-four, and I am about to record a visual assessment of the hand. (BEAT) This is Assessment Record No. 5279H, by the way, for when this reaches Whitby. (FOOTSTEPS AS HENRI WALKS. BUBBLING LIQUID SOUNDS GROW LOUDER IN THE DISTANCE) So old Handy hasn’t done much since his last assessment. We’ve been keeping him submerged in the usual silver allium blend, but there’s no visible reaction yet. Might try upping the silver component, but my professional opinion is that we need to branch out; try acid again, like the 70’s, or liquid helium. Go old school with it, because nothing so far seems to make a dent (BEAT) Anyway… Asset is the severed left hand of a human adult. 7.9 inches from tip of index finger to just below the palm, slightly longer than average. Nails are long and healthy in appearance. Skin is pale and wrinkled, both from exposure to liquid and what we assume to be old age. Our last test placed the hand’s age at approximately 65 years when it was severed, although the tissue samples seem to continuously regenerate, so we know most dating methods are extremely unreliable. (BEAT) No visible signs of trauma, except for the point of dismemberment, which seems to be the only thing that sticks. All marks made during assessment No.5278h seem to have healed, which tracks with our previous findings. (BEAT) All in all, the hand looks exactly as it usually does. No immediate changes. I’ll make another visual assessment in a week’s time, and we’ll make our monthly examination on the 20th. So…look out for that, Whitby! (BEAT) Recording over. (SOFT CLICK) (RECORDING ENDS)
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candle-buds · 2 years
I get genuinely sad when I see a poll without a ‘vanilla extract’ option like wtf I was so hyped to click on vanilla extract but it’s not even here. That’s messed up
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revvethasmythh · 16 days
it's been weeks and i'm still so compelled by the background storyline of hawke going to weisshaupt after here lies the abyss. like. it makes no damn sense. maybe if hawke has a living sibling who is a grey warden, you can twist the logic of it, but i did not have that and also hawke said she wanted to make sure corypheus died and neither staying in the fade NOR going to weisshaupt really accomplishes this goal. like there is NO reason for hawke to be up at weisshaupt, this is not in her lane, this is not her business, her skin is NOT clear, her crops are NOT watered. the wardens are not the responsibility of your Just Some Guy from Kirkwall who has potentially zero connections to the wardens at all except for that one time they super causally tried to use her as a blood sacrifice (maybe she and the first warden can laugh about it some day, but somehow i doubt it!).
BUT. but. the mental imagine of hawke going there and then her sibling (if alive) and her love interest ALSO going there, just to meet up with her, makes it so bonkers funny i don't even care if it doesn't make sense. wtf do you mean hawke family reunion relationship drama in the austere home of the wardens where they all show up and then the entire leadership of the wardens suddenly implodes as civil war breaks out and then their asses get STUCK there. wtf do you mean hawke inadvertently sticks her ass in the middle of yet another civil war while simultaneously having to patch things up with her LI and deal with a sibling dynamic at the same time. hawke can't catch a fucking break istg. it's just her, her sibling, and her LI as their own little three person party while some truly WILD shit goes down and the epilogues are all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about what happens other than like two lines that put the most insane images into my head. there's a sped-up video of this going down in my mind with the benny hill theme playing in the background. why does varric talk like hawke is still at weisshaupt during trespasser, which takes place two entire years after hawke was meant to go there to give a basic report and then dip. how is this THE most hawke thing to ever happen and we're just. told nothing more about it except that varric got One™️ message from her via an entire smuggling syndicate that essentially says "damn, shits crazy here" and that he assumes hawke will walk away from the building while it's exploding sometime in the near future because apparently the conflict there is not yet resolved. again, this is TWO YEARS LATER. like trespasser is fun and all but truly can we revisit wtf this was all about because WHAT
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swearingcactus · 2 years
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there's a lot of cool and badaas v's in the fandom but my v is just a little guy. i think he deserves to vent about third wheeling to kerry and to get so mad he just starts crying and to have a big tiddy gf and eat shitty fishball sticks and do other silly little guy things
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influencerpippin · 2 years
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dont-offend-the-bees · 8 months
What's the best comedy ever made and why is it Wooden Overcoats
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babygirlwolverine · 1 year
YALL! I DID IT! I had my very first patient today! It was a golden retriever who came in for a recheck of an ear infection and I got to look at samples under the microscope and talk to the client and examine the dog and prescribe meds and make recommendations!! my first ever patient as a doctor and it went so so well!! what a perfect first day at work as Dr G!!
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abombihoney · 2 years
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brennacedria · 2 years
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