#daily Japanese study
rose-learns-japanese · 5 months
Daily Practice: Buzzfeed Japan Article: Leek bacon Korean pancake
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Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jp/mayumioowada/leek-korean-pancake
"If you buy green onions, use them all in this one!" Just bake this and your family will devour it! An exquisite recipe that will disappear off of the plate entirely as soon as you look away!
This is a recipe for a side dish where green onions are the star. The smell of the green onions and the richness of the bacon are irresistible! You should absolutely try this!
Leek and Bacon Korean Pancake
2人分 - 2 servings
ニラ 1束 Green onion 1 bunch
【A】ベーコン(1センチの長さに切る) 2枚
Two pieces of bacon (Cut into 1 centimeter lengths) 2 pieces
【A】卵 1個 Egg, 1
【A】薄力粉 大さじ2 Flour 1 tbsp
【A】鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1 Chicken soup stock 1 tsp
ごま油 大さじ1 Sesame oil 1 tbsp
作り方:How to make
① ニラは5センチの長さに切る。Cut the green onions to a length of 5 centimeters.
② ボウルに①、【A】を入れてよく混ぜる。Add the green onions from step one, and all ingredients marked with 【A】 to a bowl and mix well.
③ フライパンにごま油をひいて中火で熱し、②を広げる。両面をこんがりと焼いたら、完成!Heat the sesame oil over medium heat in a frypan, spread the mixture from step two into the pan. Fry until brown on both sides, and you're done!
お好みで酢じょうゆにつけて召し上がれ!Top with your favorite vinegar soy sauce and enjoy!
What I learned:
Ingredient lists in Japanese recipes can sometimes be separated by what goes with what in a bowl by using different things like 【A】.
New to me Vocab:
ニラ - Green onion/leeks
鶏ガラスープ (とりガラスープ)- Chicken broth
主役 (しゅやく) - Leading part (in a play etc. The star!)
爆食い (ばくぐい) - Eat voraciously
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catboy-a-day · 2 months
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catboy 170.. me rn.
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jis6n · 4 months
summer productivity challenge ; day 6
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met my water drinking goals
woke up early & picked up breakfast for my family
listened to fernanda ramirez’s podcast about self perception 🤍
Bible reading
finished editing & uploading my video for tomorrow (youtube channel here)
language study 🇯🇵🇳🇬🇫🇷
washed my hair
practiced speaking in french with ash <3
created another to-do list for tomorrow
washed the bathroom & tidied the garden
photos from pinterest.
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shelikesrainydays · 18 days
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// September 7th, 2024 ✦ 36/100 days of productivity
Some reading before the group assignment meeting for today. It went well, it was a good brainstorming session. Then I continued with japanese. I could be doing better honestly, but uni and work are making it difficult for me to have some energy left to study. Given that I found I still have trouble recognizing some of the more "rare" hiraganas I opted to reinforce them again, and the idea is to continue with my progress in katakana later. Kanjis from these past few weeks: 時、十、九、読、本、八、半.
Also, the amount of tissues used in HIMYM’s ending was massive. Even though it’s not that bad of an ending, I was pretty disappointed, because I just couldn’t stand Robin (for a lot of other reasons as well, but I’m sure that’s the main one).
Like, I get that she had a difficult childhood and love life (well, difficult doesn’t even cover it), but she didn’t deserve Ted. Oh no. I don’t care how good of a person the series wants to paint her. She.didn’t.deserve.Ted.
At least Marshall and Lilly’s relationship overcame all odds and Barney had a change of heart after his daughter was born. That was just… oh god. So cute!! 🥹💖
Both bf and me are unsure of which will be the next series we watch. We have many that are pending in our list, but it’s so hard to decide.
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expiationist · 11 months
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actually went out for once ! my friend and i got dinner and saw a play for our theater appreciation class 🍣🎭
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suugakusei · 7 months
Today I practiced a song and reviewed some calculus.
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It's rainy again!
I'm thinking about recording a cover of a song from the Persona 3 soundtrack. It's been a long time since I produced any music (here's some of my old stuff) but giving it a try again sounds fun. Producing is always a big effort and a lot of work, but getting something I like out of it is really satisfying, as it is with any art form I guess.
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I also reviewed some calculus today. I'm feeling uneasy about going back to uni because I feel I've forgotten a lot of what I had learned (shouldn't have slacked on my reviews so much!), but then I realised I didn't actually see my grades from last semester, and the fact they're all actually pretty good made me remember I can do this.
Anyway, I reviewed the chain rule for two variables and finding the tangent line to a two variable function at a given point.
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Stuff is way to long to fit in an equation, so we abbreviate everything! Not confusing at all! Promise!
Last night I thought I'd finally watch Jujutsu Kaisen after months of my friends telling me I should watch it. But then the thoughts came:
"hey, why don't you study japanese while you're at it? it'll be efficient."
Then I spend 2 hours figuring out where to get japanese subtitles and how to display japanese and english subtitles at the same time, and then 3 more hours watching 15 minutes of anime. So that's fun!
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It's fine tho. I did actually learn a lot and felt good about my japanese skills, because I somewhat understood most things. Some time ago I would've understood... nothing at all. Progress!!
And that's all for today. Have a nice one :)
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rigelmejo · 3 months
audio study methods
Still working on that 'lazy' study plan post, since I am just not satisfied with any chinese grammar guide summaries online enough to recommend them as a small grammar intro. If anyone knows of any good 'grammar overview summary' articles or sites for chinese grammar, please let me know. (I like AllSetLearning's Chinese Grammar Wiki but it is huge and in depth and not something I'd recommend a learner 'just read through' on month 4 of learning, and the grammar guide summary site I used as a beginner that was very easy to read through in a few hours... no longer exists)
So in the meantime. Not a grammar study tip, but a general 'lazy' option for language learners who (like me) can't focus on stuff like anki, or just don't want to. I go more in depth about using audio lessons and audio flashcards on other posts, and on the lazy study plan post i'm drafting, but the short of it is: you can listen and learn while doing your normal daily activities. That's what makes the study method so convenient. You don't have to squeeze in any extra time, or change your daily life schedule to make time for chinese, to use audio lessons and audio flashcards.
You simply find some times during the day when you'd either normally listen to audio in the background (like if you listen to music when commuting or shopping, or if you listen to podcasts when working, or if you listen to youtube while exercising or browsing social media). As usual, the more time the better as you'll make faster progress if you study 1-2 hours a day or more. But anything is better than nothing. So lets say you commute to work 30 minutes in morning and evening, there's your hour of studying audio. Or you go for a walk at lunch for 15 minutes, and browse tumblr for an hour scrolling (that's 1 hour and 15 minutes of study). It's very easy to fit 30 minutes of audio study into a day, and it's fairly easy to fit even 2-4 hours of audio study if you're so inclined. I usually do 30 minutes - 2 hours of audio study some days, since when I walk I decide if I feel like listening to a youtube essay or chinese or japanese stuff, when driving I decide which I feel like listening to, and I want to listen to something in english 2/3 of the time.
How do you use audio study material? Well, the easy way is you just press play on it, let it play in the background while you do other stuff, and that's it. If you tend to avoid studying new stuff (like me), then I recommend PRIORITIZING listening to NEW AUDIO every time, until you get into the habit of listening to NEW stuff to learn. Then you can re-listen to stuff sometimes, as review, especially when you're doing activities you have less attention on audio during. So for example: you'd listen to new audio on the commute or when walking (when you can mostly focus on what you're hearing), and then re-listen to audio as review while working or scrolling tumblr and reading english (activities where you pay more attention to other things besides audio).
What can you listen to?
There's audio lessons - which would be something like ChinesePod101 (Immersive Language Chinese in the Hoopla library app), Coffee Break Chinese, youtube videos where teachers talk in english and explain chinese as they teach it. These are good for study material, because you comprehend what you're learning due to the english explanations of every word and grammar point you hear. These are good for beginners, because you will understand everything you're listening to, and learn new words and grammar, thanks to the explanations. The drawback with audio lessons is they require the most focus.
There's learner podcasts like TeaTime Chinese and Slow Chinese, these are more often ENTIRELY in chinese. So these are better for practicing comprehension of stuff you've studied elsewhere, rather than for learning new things. You can learn new words and grammar from these, but if that is your goal then re-listen to learner podcasts a decent amount (5-20 times or more until you can't guess/figure out any more word meanings).
There's audio flashcards (which I love). These are sentence audio in english, then repeated in chinese. The order may vary, the chinese may be repeated more than once. These are good for beginners and upward, because you get a translation of every single thing you hear in chinese. You can pick up new words and grammar from audio flashcards. Audio flashcards require less focus than audio lessons, because you can learn from sentences while you pay attention and then if your attention drifts you can just focus again to the next sentence you hear and continue learning. The drawback is there are no explanations for which word specifically translates to what, some translations are not literal, and there's no explanation of why the grammar is the way it is. Audio flashcards require the listener to try and guess what means what by exposure to chinese sentences and their translations. So it's harder than audio lessons in terms of explanations, but easier than learner podcasts. Audio flashcards are the best substitute for traditional flashcards or SRS apps like anki, if you're trying to improve your vocabulary by hundreds of words ASAP. Audio flashcards are dense with new vocabulary (usually 1 new word or grammar point per sentence you can learn), so you'll learn more words than you would with an audio lesson that is paced slower with more english explanations or a learner podcast which would ideally be mostly words you know and only 20% or less new words.
There's Spoonfed Chinese Anki audio files (which I recommend since these start out very basic and increase in difficulty while also repeating words a lot so you can review, they're shared on reddit if you search, or ask me), if you search 'chinese english sentences' on youtube or bilibili (i've done this with chinese japanese sentences on bilibili) you'll find videos like this where you hear audio english then audio chinese. Old glossika cd files are basically this structure as well, which you can find the audio files of for free online or free in libraries (I'm using the new glossika app for japanese but I'm hesitant to recommend the modern app courses as there's significant errors in japanese so I'm not sure how good/bad the chinese one is). If you're a beginner, then the audio flashcard material you pick won't matter much as you need to learn a few thousand common words first which will be in most materials you find. But if you're an upper beginner, you may wish to prioritize finding audio flashcards with MORE unique words, more sentences, or may want to transition to using learner podcasts more for new vocabulary. If you aren't running into at least one new word for every 5 sentences you hear in audio flashcards (and ideally one new word for Every sentence), then that audio flashcard is way too easy for you and you know enough words to move onto new study material.
Audiobooks and audio dramas - use these like learner podcasts, listen to ones you can comprehend the main idea of, and then re-listen until you can't guess/figure out any more new words. If you're not very good at listening comprehension (like me lol), then you may want to listen to a given audiobook/audio drama file 3-5 times before deciding if you can comprehend the main idea (and use the material). When my listening skills are rusty, or just in general since my listening skills are bad, it can take me a few times of listening to recognize words I 'already know' and then a few more times of listening for my brain to put the words i recognize together into 'comprehending' what was communicated. So if you can read better than you can listen, you may want to listen 3-5+ times to a new audio file before deciding if you can follow the main idea or if it's too hard. And if you can READ the audio drama transcript, chapter text, but cannot understand the audio file? Then it probably IS at a good level for you to listen to, you just need a lot more practice hearing and recognizing the words you can read. So re-listen.
All of these listening study methods are good for:
Adding more study time into your day, since you can do them while doing other things.
Learning new words and grammar, when you don't have the time (or don't want) to spend time dedicated mainly to focusing on your study material.
Learning new words and grammar, if you don't use flashcards or SRS like anki but want the benefit of learning lots 'faster' than you would if you only picked up words during active study time (active study time being when you ONLY are focusing on study activities: like reading chinese, watching cdramas, chatting/texting people, and looking up words)
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spacediver09 · 11 days
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shigetsunonana · 5 months
🪵May 6th, 2024 log :
Practiced and reviewed my go to anki deck.
The deck I use is called the Core 2k/6k optimized japanese vocabulary deck.
So far , I can recognize a fair amount of words when I try to watch something with Japanese subtitles on.
My reading has also gotten a bit quicker as compared to last week and Im able to recognize most of the Kanjis from these kinds of example sentences.
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Still have to complete my grammar lesson for today from Nihongoal 's youtube channel
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hakonohakoda · 2 years
Hello everyone! Welcome to my japanese learning diary!
Some ground facts: I've been studying Japanese on and off for a long long period of time with varying success. Finally last December I hit my first measurable goal. I passed the N5! (Very much unofficially with an app- mind you)
I was happy with my success and made a plan to pass the N4 in the next 3-4 months and the N3 around this time next year. These were vague goals I hadn't committed to very much. However as I shared these plans my friend laughed at me and told me there was no way I could do it. So me, being a reasonable adult absolutely ignored his opinion and continued on my merry way happily.
Who am I kidding? I took offence and upped my arrogance x100. One thing led to another and we now have a gamble going. According to that I absolutely must pass by February 12th 2024.
It has been a couple of days and to answer the question of do I regret this? Absolutely. But I'm a woman of my word and this is now a thing that will happen. Come hell or high water.
Currently my study plan is to study vocab, kanji and grammar in renshuu. I'm also reading a small picture book a day at tadoku.org as well as listening to beginner podcasts. I'm also watching japanese gaming streams but to be completely honest my understanding of them is less than 10% and mostly I do it for fun. Let's just call it passive learning :D
I'm a big fan of statistics so I'll share some here.
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These are my current renshuu stats. 1075 words, 117 kanji and 63... grammar? I don't think they are seperate grammar points. To be completely honest with you I've no idea what this means.
To compare to what you need to know for N3
~650 kanji
~3750 vocab words
So im around a 4th or 5th of the way there. It will be a long journey ahead. Possible? Yes absolutely. Lots of hard work, long hours and frustration? Also yes. Absolutely.
But with this said I'm off to wrestle my daily reviews into submission! Thank you for reading and if you are interested in seeing where this journey will end up in make sure to hit that follow button!
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horyuken · 5 months
I really need to start learning Japanese again
It's April already, then I will master 12 Kanji this month.
Good luck
자급자족 / 自給自足 / じきゅう-じそく
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jis6n · 4 months
summer productivity challenge ; day 8
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helped out in the garden & got in lots of exercise in the process!
had a full breakfast w family for the first time in a while
made dinner & had a great salad
spent time editing this week’s youtube vid!
lots of self improvement work
created a new daily journal / planner in my notion
picked up a book to read on my commutes this week, by one of my favourite authors
spent time organising my planner
y’a pas l’air d’y avoir beaucoup de travail disponible (it seems there aren’t any available). i spent a little time discussing the job market with my friend in french :’)
わたしわがくせいです!🍏 きょうはげつようびだからあしたはかようびです. (i’m a student! today is monday, so tomorrow is tuesday.)
photos from pinterest.
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kevinpsb00 · 1 year
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Genie - MHS
Genie is literally book smart as a student's book sleeve that could hold any book and gain knowledge from it.
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biwachan · 7 months
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Saturday and Sunday are the only days I can see the sky while it's still blue. It doesn't sound great when worded like that, but I don't really mind. Just have been busy with work, so there isn't time to worry about things like going out for a walk.
For now, just focusing on small things like finding a moment's peace while making a morning cup of coffee.
Need to muster up the discipline to study after work.
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expiationist · 8 months
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new youtube video posted if you’d like to watch <3
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suugakusei · 7 months
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Hi Tumblr! My fiancée (@lulifelog) said I should create a tumblr blog, so I dicided to try it out.
My name is Luã (pronounced luh-an; calling me suugakusei, rage or anything else is fine), I'm an applied mathematics major from Brazil and a japanese student, currently on the JLPT N3 grind. I love studying and playing videogames, I have a lot of interest in japanese culture and language and I intend in working in tech in a few years. Mathematics is my life, and the epiphany of solving a good problem is my favorite feeling.
This blog is where I'll share my studying process and lifestyle, as well as some thing about my daily life, all along some cute pictures I might try to take (emphasis on "try") and maybe some music recommendations. So, if you have interest in that, I'll see you on your dash :)
I would also like to get to know some japanese speakers, because immersion is everything. では、tumblrの日本語を話す人たち、よろしく!
Today I had a nice little moment of comfortable japanese study.
I'm at the end of my university's summer break, so I'm free to do whathever. I try to study as much as possible, but the thought of spending hours mashing buttons on Guilty Gear is always a tease.
Just when I decided to catch up with my vocabulary Anki deck, a light rain started to pour, which makes studying the best. So I made some coffee, lighted an incense stick, put on Lamp's album Yume, a gorgeous and somewhat-strange piece of japanese jazz-pop, and got to work.
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I always try to write my kanji as beautifully as possible, and I think today I managed to draw some nice characters. Nothing like getting a kanji to look just right.
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焼く (yaku), to burn
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義理 (giri), honor
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間違い (machigai), mistake
Japanese language students tend to dislike or even hate kanji because of the amount of work it tends to take to memorize them, including readings and stroke order. Despite that, it's my favorite aspect of the language. I just find them very beautiful and interesting, as the idea of a character that not only expresses sound but also an idea is very foreign to my strictly-phonetic mother language. Also, knowing a lot of them gives you bragging rights, which can't be bad.
As I was wrapping up the session, the Lamp album ended, so I played King Gnu's album Ceremony, which is an awesome alternative j-rock album with amazing melodies. It's also from the same band that composed one of the Jujutsu Kaizen openings, so some of you might be familiar. Their whole discography is worth checking out.
And that was all for today. I think I'll play some Persona 3 right now, even though I feel I should study more, as I always do. But I'm on my break, right? Nothing wrong with having some fun.
Have a good one everybody :)
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