#damion speaks
damion-the-skeleton · 3 months
@syntheticsheep thank you for your post it inspired me to make this abomination
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neeino · 11 months
the urge to change damions hair to be more emo
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imshii-kin · 4 months
Good Luck
Chapter # 4 As Sweet as Sugar Cookies
Platonic Yandere Dc x reincarnated Reader
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (You are here), Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. - Mary Poppins
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
"No," Tim says crossing his arms. "I have homework to catch up on, I can't play Minecraft with you right now."
Y/n frowns, "But Tim," she whines "Everyone else is busy, and I'm booored!" She complained while tugging at his shirt.
The boy rolls his eye at the young girl's antics, "Fine if I play with you, will you leave me alone?" Y/n nodded furiously.
With a tired sigh, Tim leaves his desk, picking up the game chip. "Thirty minutes, max, you got it?"
Y/n laughs happily, running out of his room and down to the lounging room. Tim smiles, a familiar warmth filling his chest.
Tim opens his eyes slowly, the early morning sky peeking through the curtains to greet him. A dream, a memory, a mix of both. Tim groans, what a mess this whole situation was.
Slowly, he lifted himself out of bed, checking his phone to see what time it was.
5:34 am
He let out another tired groan, it was too early to be awake. Sadly, he knew falling back asleep would be impossible. Slipping on some sweatpants, Tim makes his way to the kitchen to brew some coffee.
He makes it to the kitchen, tiredly grabbing the coffee grounds from the cabinet, and making his way to the coffee machine.
Tim watches the coffee slide into his mug, the smell of coffee filling the kitchen, before walking back to the cabinet to get some sugar. While he would usually drink his coffee black, he was in the mood for something sweet.
"Can I borrow the sugar when you're done?" A groggy voice asked him.
Tim jumps, swiftly turning around to see who spooked him. Y/n stands behind him with a bowl of Cheerios.
Tim sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Why are you up this early?" Y/n shrugged, "Couldn't sleep." She answered.
Frowning, Tim walks back over to the coffee machine, which has stopped brewing. Y/n watches, frowning at his lack of answering, before following.
He puts two spoons of sugar into his coffee, stirring it thoroughly, then passes Y/n the sugar. She mumbles a quiet thank you, putting a little bit of sugar in her cheerios.
Tim and Y/n sit with each other, quietly enjoying the silent Manor.
It was early afternoon, and Y/n was sneaking some of the cookies Alfred had made. They were heavenly, light, and sweet, the chocolate rich and smooth.
Jason enters the kitchen, clearing his voice, and catching Y/n's attention. "Looks like I've caught a little thief," Jason smirked, Y/n giving him a wide-eyed look, knowing she was caught red-handed.
"...You can have Dick's portion if you don't tell."
Jason laughs, before nodding, "OK, deal." He walks over to Y/n, taking a cookie and biting into it. "Mmm~ They are as good as I remember." Jason chuckles, "Plus, Dick has enough sweets, I'm sure he won't mind me taking some of his."
"Oh? Really now?"
Y/n and Jason look at each other before turning around slowly facing the eldest Wayne. He had a smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes.
"You think I've had enough sweets? Can't help but feel like you're implying something, Jaybird."
Y/n makes a break for it, leaving Jason behind. "Wha- You Traitor!!" Jason yells as Y/n makes her getaway.
While running Y/n bumps into Damien, causing both of them to stumble. "What the- why are you running around the mansion? You're supposed to be with Alfred." Damion glares at Y/n, annoyed. She bashfully rubs the back of her head, "I was running from Dick," she admits, "speaking of which, do you know any hiding spots? I think I can hear him coming, he must have finished off Jason." Rest in peace Jason... again.
Damion deadpanned, "Seriously?" He blandly questioned. He grumbled when Y/n nodded, a pleading look in her eyes. Dick has been annoying him recently. So, Damien supposes helping Y/n would be a good way to get back at him. Nodding, he helps Y/n up. "I've got some places for you to hide. Follow me."
Y/n and Damion hid in a small crawl space behind one of the larger paintings for around twenty minutes.
Sadly, Dick is very set on finding Y/n, so twenty minutes was not enough hiding time.
"I got you Y/n!" Dick picked Y/n up, a squeal escaping her as he spins her around. "I'm going to get you back for eating my cookies," he said playfully while carrying Y/n to the living room. Throwing her onto the couch, then trapping her in a hug.
"Let me go." She whined, trying to get out of his grip. Dick smiles, laughing at Y/n's misery, "No, you ate my cookies. Now you must pay the ultimate price." He cackled evilly.
Y/n frowned, "And here I thought you were a hero who believed in mercy." She said, giving him a betrayed and disappointed look, and making him laugh.
Bruce enters the room with a serious look on his face, instantly killing the mood. He looks at Y/n and Dick, before talking.
"Y/n, Clark is here to visit you."
Chapter 5
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mistressroxielove · 1 month
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Hey everyone~ I got some more stuff for ya~
Long story short, I've discovered the new Fairly Oddparents reboot, absolutely loved it and was inspired to make this AU idea for the show! With a slight reimagine/redesign of the characters as well.
Here's some more info about my AU:
Fairly Odd Parents AU/Rewrite
Au Name: FairlyOdd Brother
Perri (previously known as Poof) recently graduated from Fairy Godparents School and is eager to start granting Wishes for his very own godchild! Only problem is that with his lack of experience Jorgen is weary of giving him an assignment and keeps finding excuses/reasons to not give him a godkid. Realizing it might be a 1,000 years before they give him a chance to be a Fairy Godparent, Perri decides he needs to be a little bold and perhaps, bend Da Rules, to get his foot in the door so to speak. And his answer comes to him from a new neighbor in his human home, a family with a sweet shy 10 year old girl who is absolutely miserable. Perhaps Perri might be able to offer this girl a little comfort and fun as her new Fairy Godbrother!?
(Basically the same premise of the show, except Perri’s first godchild is Hazel, and through a technicality in the rule book, becomes her god brother instead of her godparent.)
ALSO please note this AU is more of a slight reimagine of the original show, meaning I did tweaked / changed some of the characters personality to match the new story I made for them. Nothing majorly different, but again just a heads up before you read on. Hope you like it~
Name: Devin “Dev” Dimmadome 
Age: 9/almost 10
Sex: Male
Physical Description: 
Is basically the same as in the show, though there are a few key differences. 
-Despite having slicked back hair he always has a single strand that no matter what always sticks out, he hates it and is always trying to move it back into place but to no avail. In reality without the hair product he has natural curly hair like his father, though his curls are a little more difficult to comb and manage than his father, something that he doesn’t like about himself
-Has freckles! But always wears makeup to cover them as according to Dale’s research are ’less desirable’ and would statistically do better with them covered up
-Also has heterochromia, one blue and one green eye, but always wears either a blue or green contacts to hide his ‘flaw’, again being told to do so by his father
- Though he is always required to wear a branded white hoodie, Dale actually lets him wear whatever shirt he wants underneath, just with the promise Dev never takes his sweater off in public. Dev usually wears all sorts of geeky and nerdy shirts, mostly love meridian and Crimson Chin related stuff, it's the closes thing he’s allowed to wear ‘freely’ without requiring his father’s approval. Again this ‘freedom’ is kinda pointless since he still has to wear the hoodie, but he still appreciates it.   
-As you can see in the photo above I showed what he looks typically on the left, and on the right is basically what Dev would dress like if he had no rules or restrictions.
It's basically exactly the same as in the show, I really like Dev both in a story sense and a comedic sense so nothing to really change. The only slight difference is that Dev in this version clearly gets a crush on Hazel in this version. I think the show is ‘hinting’ of them possibly being a couple later on, but in my version I wanted to make it a little more clear that he has a subconscious crush on her. Basically think Anya and Damion from Spy x Family if you want a good example. He likes her, but being a 10 year old boy with severe daddy issues has no idea how to handle this and ends up being kinda mean to his regret. 
Other fun facts:
-I won’t get into it now, but his relationship with his father is a bit different, as I have a unique take on Dale and who he is as a person. I’ll probably draw him next but for now just know Dale isn’t an evil heartless father and there’s more to him than it seems, and thus the relationship between Dale and Dev is a little more complex.
-And yes though it isn’t important yet, he does end up getting Cosmo and Wanda as his fairy godparents instead of Hazel as the AU would suggest.
- In this version Peri is also not a big fan of Dev. As he obviously doesn’t like how he’s mean to her at first, but as they become friends and Peri soon realizes that Dev has a crush on Hazel this leaves Peri horrified at the thought. And of course being a proper big brother is completely against and despises the idea of Dev and Hazel ever ending up together. He’s not too over the top about his dislike, but definitely would be sitting in to conor with his arms crossed, while trying to subtly tell Hazel she could do soooooooo much better than him.   
I hope you guys like this, I'm personally really happy with how this design turned out, especially his 'real Dev' design on the right. But I would love to hear your guys thoughts and opinions about my designs. Do you like them, hate them? Feel free to tell me below.
Also tomorrow I'll post a version of this photo with a transparent BG and maybe upclose shots of the design as well, just so you can see the design easier without the BG
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dailycass-cain · 2 years
So on January 26th yesterday,  I looked into how the comics had Cass combat her disability in Dyslexia being not able to read and relate words vocally. 
What worked, what didn't, and which era handled the progression better.
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At the very core of her very first appearance in Batman #567 by Kelley Puckett and Damion Scott, Barbara Gordon is trying to help Cassandra overcome her disability.  And it is her first words spoken that give her father David Cain pause.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #2 gives us the first look into how Cass really doesn't fully care about learning in either study instead focusing on her new vigilante life. That is until running into Robinson and learning WHY words and writing truly matter.
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#5 has her run across a metahuman who has mental abilities and because of those rewires her brain to have the capacity to understand.
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It's a cheap copout for sure.  But it gives Cass a voice in her mind along with the capacity to speak better.  Bad news? It screws up her abilities and how her mind was originally wired.
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This leads into #6-9 basically being how Cass can get her ability to read body language and learn with the added bonus of her mind continuing to be the way it is.  Enter Lady Shiva who gives her this, but at a price aka the crux of what will lead into Batgirl #25.
Batgirl Vol. 1 #20 written by Chuck Dixon (art still by Scott). Where Cass comes to a drop man who's murdered before he can deliver a ransom. Her lack of being able to read leads her to seek out--
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-- one Stephanie Brown aka Spoiler.  I think at this point the reason Cass went to Steph was that she was afraid Babs would lecture her on neglecting her reading lessons (which she would later on).
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Tim Drake, she had just fully befriended (#18), but he was close to Babs. So Cass probably figured he accidentally let slip this and she'd be in trouble. Steph wouldn't she was on the outside from the Bat Family (at this time).
The issue does promise of Cass in attaining another reading teacher (which pays off in the most weirdest place, Convergence: Batgirl #1), but this plot point goes nowhere here. Cass/Steph's friendship would intensify for the next ten issues (#21, 26-28).
For the most part, we don't really get to see fully Cass try and fight her Dyslexia again until the Dylan Horrocks' run with #51 where we learn HOW Cass is expanding her word vocabulary via TV but neglecting on reading.
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This bit reads its crux with the infamous #54 (i.e. the one that causes Cass/Babs to fracture away from one another).
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In the issue, Cass has to deal with a killer robot that's taking out any place that has a copy of a book that has the codeword to shut it down. We learn during the fight, Cass has been neglecting her studies in reading.  Again with the infamous page:
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Now Horrocks did this because he was ordered to write Babs off this title (Birds of Prey, the comic Babs was primarily in would be eventually moving away from Gotham). It was the first of that would make the writer leave the comic (and DC Comics altogether).
Regardless again the way the case rattled Cass enough to think about it all and work back into trying to read.
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If there was instant positive of writer Andersen Gabrych when he began his run. He made sure this was a reoccurring plot point THROUGHOUT his run starting with #58.
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By giving Cass her own diary it enables her better way to try and combat her disability. Along with in the very same issue, Cass trying to actively read a book for the first time on page.
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The diary motif would be a hallmark of Gabrych's entire run with the book. So I'm not gonna post every entry. But I think that's why I really loved those first few issues because he covered ALL corners with the character. 
 You saw it all.
Never once did Gabrych use behind the issues trick. This was a struggle for Cass. I think it better helped resonate the character with readers by doing so. It also went down an angle that was different than Puckett and felt like the better next step from what was built on prior.
Course Cass would still have her bad habits of being an avid TV watcher. So the balance of her trying and struggling was a nice touch.
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This came to an ironic fully circle with #67 with Babs returning (for one issue) in the comic and the pair hashing out their differences and mending. But it also reveals a further reason why Babs really wants Cass to learn to read. Again, this is probably the best reason.
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She knows Cass wants to be Bruce's heir and be Batman. She knows the only way to fully be that is to get fully conquer her disability. And for the second time in her ongoing we get a look in how Cass's brain was wired from her learning from her father and the metahuman.
And we get the clearest answer how Cass's brain truly operates and why the usual methods in overcoming her disability in reading.
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That's the final gift Gabrych gave us. 
A hope.
 A small faint hope that maybe Cass could learn with whatever writer would take on the character next. The only thing is even he couldn't anticipate what was to come...
Batgirl was canceled with #73 and well the next time we saw Cass and how this disability was handled came in Robin #148.
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Alright, before I go into this portion. Newly minted Robin writer (this was his first issue) Adam Beechen came into comics had zero idea of the character of Cassandra Cain, other than what he was told and found.
The DC Editors on Robin did not help him or assist him. They gave him an edict... and he did that edict without question. The result....
Was this INFAMOUS page from Robin #149. Cassandra Cain the character who had the disability of Dyslexia somehow was able to learn another entire language.
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That's not even going with the OTHER problem Robin OYL gave us with Cass (but that's an entirely ANOTHER issue). Regardless after the story arc, Beechen (and DC) realized just how badly he screwed up.
Course, the entirety on HOW Cass was suddenly able to learn an entire language with how her brain understood information. Yeah, this was a plot thread nobody truly wanted to answer when the retcons began dropping after Cass's "EVIL" phase to fix it.
In fact, it was Beechen himself who addressed the issue in Batgirl Vol. 2 #1 amongst the CHUNKS of well exposition and history that was the mess DC made of the character from 2006-2007.
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So all those issues Babs mentioned in #67? Cass and Alfred fixed them and for the entire MISSING YEAR Cass made great strides to overcome her disability. THAT'S how she was able to understand the Navajo language.
Look I get what Beechen was doing and I also get we were NEVER gonna get the missing stories to showcase that. But to see an entire character's journey in overcoming her disability fixed overnight?
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Even with Beechen giving us a classmate in Sal (who's last name we NEVER learn, and is forgettable male love interest #3 for Cass) who gives us the promise of something we never get from the Vol. 1 ongoing. Because DC was gonna DC.
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That's basically it for the original run for Cass. That it was a nice harrowing journey that had its bumps but the character was making great strides to be better. Then well the road bumps began to occur and yeah...
I'll give it to Beechen that he tried at the very least to fix the holes he himself caused. But... in the format given it's just crushing how this was fully handled in the end.
Sadly we got nothing more as DC really did a meh job for about five years? We did get this little nugget in Convergence: Batgirl #1 though (somehow connecting that line from waaaaaay back in Batgirl Vol. 1 #20)...
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Which is shocking of all places for Cass trying to overcome her disability, Convergence: Batgirl #1 was not the place one ever would think to find that, but we had that surprisingly.
So when Cass was "reintroduced" into the DCU with Batman & Robin Eternal. A reset was in order and writers were allowed back to square one in how to deal with Cass handling her Dyslexia disability.
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I will say this for James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder on how they handle putting a metahuman with mental abilities they just slot that character in #11 by introducing the Sculptor who basically fills the same void the meta in Batgirl Vol. 1 #5 did.
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Much like the original metahuman, once this link is established Sculptor nopes her way out of the story and is never heard from again.
Which kind of surprises me, because it's something I figured Tynion would maybe address during his Detective Comics run (that had Cass in it) given how much in #11 and 12 establish the character and her origins. 
But nope. Nothing further.
So yeah, after this we got James Tynion IV's Detective Comics run that had Cass in it starting from #934-981.
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Not surprisingly, Tynion really handled the whole disability issue well than those in the past with the constraints he had. Even more so Juggling multiple characters in this book and going down a better avenue than his predecessors.
And that all begins with #953 with Clayface (Basil Karlo) trying to comfort Cass after learning her mom is Lady Shiva.
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By doing this. Tynion lays the seeds on how he'll deal with the issue on Cass combating her disability while also cementing the hallmark of this run, Clayface's rehabilitation and friendship with Cass.
#958 we see Basil teaching Cass Shakespeare by playing audio and having her learn to read and increase her vocabulary via that.
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It's probably the best thing Tynion did character-wise with Cass by briefly showing us this but fully giving us a more plausible method than prior on how to deal with her disability.
The fact that this hits throughout this arc (as Cass quotes Shakespeare at a good moment) and is carried over until the very end of his run when Cass meets Barbara in #981.
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This version of Cass is actively trying to combat her Dyslexia more than her prior versions, and this Cass is actively doing a better job. Even though we don’t get much Babs teaching Cass (though they do work together in the next arc after this that sets up Batman & the Outsiders). But that run doesn’t dig into Cass’s progress instead going into other routes to touch on with the character. 
Unlike what was carried over from Batgirl Vol. 1 to 2 (and between that) Cass has a more concrete subplot here. Where we can SEE and are TOLD of her progress.
That leads us into the current Batgirls ongoing. In #1. where this is a little bit lampshaded. As Cass uses a reading bag to combat criminals to retain stuff she/Steph had that was stolen.
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A further bit of subplot is continued throughout and in #4 with Cass now ACTIVELY being a bookworm and reading works of Edgar Allen Poe.
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Like it astonishes me that this element of the character has remained actually consistent from point A to B. But it's a nice contrast of things that creators at DC worked on better here than prior.
And no issue highlights that fight of Cass actively wanting to combat her dyslexia then "Sounds" from DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 by Mariko Tamaki and Marcus To.
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It's why Tamaki just fully GETS the character of Cass not in every corner of the character.  Why many want the writer to handle the character again.
But Tamaki isn't the only one who did a good job in showcasing Cass fighting her disability and the one that does the best job is Shadow of the Batgirl graphic novel. Where writer Sarah Kuhn and artist Nicole Goux go both literally fighting her disability.
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And her actively learning to read and increasing her vocabulary by hiding in the library was absolute perfection.
But it also is a nice avenue (and nod to the past) by focusing on a library since that's the location where Barbara Gordon teaches (and again a nice nod to that character's history too).
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Quite literally...
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That's another layer to why I adore that graphic novel. Just the layer of dimension to BOTH characters while it gives that nod to Babs, the story is clearly more Cass. 
 Again, Kuhn modernizes everything to perfection.
So there you have the history of Cass and her disability.  And my final gift on this day (which has now passed) to celebrate the character of Cassandra Cain.
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crucifiedlovers · 2 months
And then I stand there and listen to the silence. And it’s like the silence is speaking to me. But a silence can’t speak, can it. Yes, silence can speak in its way...
Jon Fosse, A Shining (trans. Damion Searls)
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Teenage Woes
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and Jack need to get on the same page when it comes to disciplining your three oldest children
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: a gorgeous anon 🥰
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
The car ride was absolutely silent as you pulled out of the parking lot of the triplets high school and started to make your way back home. You were fuming on the inside and decided that you would let them have it once all four of you got home.
Jack was due to be home later that evening since he had to fly to Boston for an event over the weekend and told you that he would be back today. You were kind of hoping that he landed early so that he could hold you back from ripping your three oldest children a new one. They knew that you were pissed off and didn’t dare utter a single word.
You were five minutes away from the house when you finally broke your silence.
“I just find it funny how not one, not two, but all three of my triplets that I carried for thirty three weeks and gave birth to decided to all get suspended for five days on the exact same day.”
“Axel, did I ask you to speak? I don’t think I did.”
“Mom, we….”
“If I didn’t ask Axel to speak, what makes you think I asked you Ivy?” You asked her while looking at her in your rearview mirror and she immediately looked down.
Once you pulled into the driveway and turned the car off, you turned to all three of them and told them to get out.
“Get out of my car and go sit in the living room because I am about to tell all three of you about yourselves.”
All three of them did as they were told and you walked into the house to see your husband already sitting in the living room. He looked at your face and then the three of them before looking down at his watch and seeing that it was only noon.
“Umm, what did they do?” Jack sighed before resting his head on his arm as he leaned on the couch.
“Oh, just wait until you hear this. Ivy decided that she would talk back to her teacher and cuss her out and explain to her what she was not going to do in class today, Axel was caught smoking weed in the bathroom with Anthony, and Autumn decided that she was going to fight another girl knowing that she is already failing all of her classes and already on thin ice with us as it is. Oh, I forgot the most important part, all of them got suspended for five days.”
“What the…. What is wrong with the three of you? I mean seriously?” Jack asked while having a look of disbelief on his face.
“Daddy….” Autumn started to say, but you immediately cut her off.
“No, do not ask daddy to come and save you like you always do because this takes the damn cake. I have had it up to here with the three of you and how you have been acting and I’m not going to deal with it any longer. We are literally doing the best that we know how in order to raise you to make good decisions and look how that is turning out. So, Ivy no going out with Damion, Ax, no soccer games and you can absolutely forget about going to Anthony’s birthday party., and Autumn. I don't even know because you were already grounded so let’s just add another month on top of that. No cell phones, no driving, no laptops, no tv, no ipads, and no allowance. Autumn already has a part time job and the two of you will get one too. I honestly think all three of you wake up in the morning and you’re like okay what can we do to stress out our parents today? And none of you better open your mouth to speak because you will meet Jesus earlier than expected and you know I’m very good at keeping my word. Forget about knocking all three of you into next week, I’m knocking you into the next century if you even fix your mouth to open.”
When you were reprimanding the triplets, you didn’t notice how Urban, Jess, and Blanca had walked in and slid in behind you and sat next to Jack and all they did was look over at him wanting an explanation, but all Jack did was shake his head. 
“Babe, just relax for a second.” You heard Jack say from behind you and you turned around to look at him in disbelief.
“Are you serious? Did you not just hear what they did? How can I relax when I am convinced that the three of them want to give me gray hair.”
“Well daddy already has it.” You heard Ivy mutter and quickly shot her a look.
“He’s had it since we were twenty so it doesn’t count. And anyway don’t all three of you have homework to do? Give me every single electronic device and your car keys. It worked out that neither of you drove to school today and who knows? You might not even get these keys back until you’re twenty. Better yet, I have no hesitation to sell your cars and make you work and save up money to buy your own.”
“MOM! Seriously? Dad, help!” Axel exclaimed while looking over at him.
You shot Jack a look and he quickly held up his hands in defense.
“You literally always let her do this! She never lets us do anything and it seems as if we have to ask you if we want something because nine times out of ten she’s going to say no. Daddy’s my favorite parent for a reason.” Autumn said to him and you were about to get on her, but he quickly did. It definitely hurt what she said and you were staring at her in disbelief.
“I do it because I care about you!” You exclaimed in response, but she just rolled her eyes.
“Could’ve fooled me. People in prison get treated better than we do.”
“Oh no the fu-....” Jack quickly got up and put his hand over your mouth before trying to take hold of the situation. 
“Because all three of you don’t know how to act sometimes and it’s beyond me as to why. When you leave this house, you’re not only representing yourselves, but us and we for damn sure raised you better than this. You don’t even realize the sacrifices that your mother had to make for all three of you so the fact that you continue to be disrespectful towards the both of us needs to be dealt with. You can do whatever the hell you want when you’re out of my house, but until then as long as you’re under my roof, you will abide by my rules. Ivy, we have always told you to respect authority so you cussing out your teacher was one that I did not see coming and you will write a letter to her and apologize for what you did. Axel, out of all places you decided to smoke in the bathroom where there are vents and the smell can carry and not to mention that you literally smell like a walking blunt and I smelled it before I even saw you. Autumn, do it again and you are not going to like what is in store for you. Try me if you want. What you said was uncalled for and you need to start with an apology to your mother.”
“I’m not apologizing if I don’t mean it. You two taught me that.”
You immediately got flashbacks when you and Urban had gotten into a disagreement which had the two of you at odds and it was months before either of you spoke to each other. Because he had said the same exact thing to you.
“Autumn Danielle…” Jack said, but you immediately cut him off.
“No, babe. It’s okay. She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t mean it, but she should just know that there are children in this world who would do anything to have someone care about them as much as I care about the three of them. But since you’re their favorite parent, you can deal with them. I’m taking my youngest children shopping once I pick them up from school since they’re the only ones that I have that appreciate everything that I do for them.”
“No it’s not okay! You didn’t carry them and give birth to them to be disrespected!” Jessica said and you turned around to look at her since you didn’t even know when she got here.
“She didn’t even push us out, we were cut out.” Jack did a double take to look at Autumn who had her arms crossed and all Ivy did was cover her mouth with her hand as Axel’s eyes went wide.
“Disrespect your mother one more time in front of all of us and I swear that I’m going to need bail money.” Blanca added while Jack was running his hands through his hair clearly frustrated with how they were all acting. 
All she did was remain quiet because she knew that both of her Aunts would have no hesitation to set her straight.
“I’m absolutely done.” You said without another word as you took the steps two at a time. Jess and Blanca were going to follow behind you, but wanted for you to have a few minutes for yourself.
“Jack, get your kids before we do because it won’t be pretty if you don’t.” Urban said while looking at all three of them and shaking his head. 
“I was going to try to get your mother to cut down on you being grounded, but not anymore. Autumn, the fact that you opened your mouth to even say that is beyond me. Do you not even know how dangerous a c-section is? Shit, even being pregnant is dangerous and you said that out your mouth like it didn’t mean anything. I’m so disappointed in all three of you and that is something that I never thought that I would say. She does all of this because she cares and loves all three of you and always tries to do things that are in your best interest. When I’m not here, who keeps the house in order and makes sure nothing falls through the cracks? She literally does everything you need her to and the three of you are so damn ungrateful. As of right now, none of you are going on our family vacation. If you want to change my mind, you need to earn it. For right now all three of you need to bring me every device you have including your car keys and get out of my sight.”
A few days later, you saw Axel with his phone in his hand and you were staring at him in disbelief not understanding where he had gotten it from since you had made it clear that all of them were grounded for a month.
You didn’t say anything, but simply went downstairs to the studio where Jack was. He heard your footsteps and knew that it was you and quickly turned around in his chair to greet you, but that went out the window when he saw the look on your face.
“Why does Axel have his phone?”
“Oh, I gave it back to him. I gave Ivy hers too. And I told Ax he can play on Saturday.”
“Why?” You asked again, waiting to hear an explanation.
“I just…. Autumn is the one we need to be hard on, not the other two.”
“But all three of them got suspended so I’m not understanding.”
“Babe, they don’t need to be grounded for a month for that.”
“Why is everyone in this house so against me?” You asked while crossing your arms and looking at him.
“Baby, that is not true and you know it.”
“We have to be on the same page. If one of us decides on a punishment, but yet the other one goes and tells them that it’s fine and can have all of their things back, how does that make me look?”
“I-... I was going to ask you about it.”
“When? It looks like you clearly already made a decision.” You said while throwing your hands up in disbelief. 
“Baby, please. I don’t want to fight or argue with you. I’ll fix it, okay?”
“You know what? It doesn’t even matter. Since no one wants to take me seriously this is what you’re going to do. Go and get every single electronic back from them and put it in our room and you can use your fucking hand for a month. Everyone in this household has me fucked all the way up except my youngest babies so yall can fend for yall selves. Don’t ask me to cook, take them anywhere, help with anything because clearly what I say doesn’t matter.”
“Now wait a minute, babe!”
“No. I’m done. I’m going on a girls trip with Jess, B, Taylor, Saweetie, Sza, Megan, and Normani. I am leaving tomorrow morning. Do not call me, do not text me. You’re the favorite so you should have it down pact. Figure out what to feed your spawns for dinner because I’m going to pack.”
Without another word, you slammed the door to the studio and went up the steps to your shared bedroom and began to throw things in your suitcase while putting all of the details in the group chat. 
About ten minutes later, Jack opened the door with Axel and Ivy’s phone and car keys in his hands. You didn’t even acknowledge him as you continued what you were doing.
“Baby, I’m sorry, okay. I know we have to be a united front when it comes to them.”
“It’s fine, Jackman.”
“No it’s not because you used my full name. You’re pissed at me.”
“All I try to do is be a good mother, but clearly I’m not doing a good job so….” You said while throwing one of your bras in the suitcase and starting to cry.
Jack quickly embraced you as you cried into his chest. He rubbed your back soothingly as you continued to let the tears flow.
“You’re an amazing mother and it’s just typical teenage behavior. They’ll see how much you did for them when they’re older, I know that they will.”
“I sacrificed so much for them and this is what I get in return? Disrespect?”
What you didn’t know was that Autumn was in the hallway and heard you since the bedroom door was slightly open.
“I always put everyone else first and I have done it since I was a teenager. First with you then with PG and now with them but I get it because they’re my kids but when is it going to be my turn?”
“Everything is going to work itself out because it always does but you need a break and cannot keep doing this to yourself. You deserve to be put first just like anyone else in this house and I’m sorry that you feel that way because I’m obviously not doing my job as your husband. I told you that years ago. If you ever feel that there is something that I can do better, I want you to tell me.”
Your back was facing the door and since Jack was still hugging you, you didn’t see Autumn slightly open the door and attempt to make her way inside. Jack quickly shook his head no at her as you continued to cry and she slowly closed the door and made her way back down the hallway to her room. 
She could admit that she said what she said out of anger and she knew deep down that you did only want what's best for her. She had no idea how to begin to apologize to you since she also cringed when she thought about when she said that her and her siblings were cut out and not pushed out.
She had been in the delivery room for the last pregnancy and stared on in amazement at how strong her mother was. She had to come up with a plan in order to apologize to you and would get her siblings to help her do it. 
When Autumn had woken up the next morning, she quickly went downstairs to hopefully see you in the kitchen to talk to you but looked confused when she only saw her dad and him feeding her youngest siblings.
“Dad, where’s mom?” She curiously asked while looking around.
“In Aruba.”
“What? Since when? For how long? I need to talk to her.” She was lowkey starting to freak out because she didn’t want this going on any longer than it had to. 
“I think you’ve done enough lately. You can talk to her when she comes back. In two weeks.”
“But that’s too long! Why can’t I just call her? Doesn’t she have her phone?”
“She does, but you don’t and I’m not giving it to you and you aren’t using mine. You don’t even know how bad you hurt her with what you said.”
“I know, that’s why I want to talk to her and apologize. I… she does so much for me. Both of you do and I’m sorry for the way that I’ve been acting.”
“Do you know that she had a miscarriage before she had the three of you? We were scared the entire time she was pregnant hoping that it wouldn’t happen again. I still remember the day before her c section when we left the doctor’s office to make sure everything was okay and all she started to do was cry. She was crying because she was happy that she carried the three of you all the way up to when you were due to be taken out. She essentially put her career on hold, the both of us did in a way to be able to take care of the three of you.”
“I… she never told me that. Can you help me plan something nice for her when she comes back?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Daddy, come on. We all know the way to mommy’s heart is a Birkin bag.” 
“The way you’ve been acting we’re going to need at least ten of them and you'll have to do a lot more than that to get back in her good graces.”
“I… good point.”
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, taylorrooks, 2forwoyne, nlechoppa, champagnepapi, quiiso, and 2,038,182 others
y/ninsta: jackharlow added SpongeBob in that first pic lmao
Aruba living with my girls 💕
jackharlow: I mean I thought it was a nice touch, but um... can you come back already?! I miss you. DAMN MY WIFE IS GORGEOUS. 😍 autumnharlow: but he doesn't miss you more than I do and eww dad jessicakelce: autumnharlow could've fooled us smh urbanwyatt: tell Yasmin to answer her phone! softtcurse: urbanwyatt no. girls only. see you in two weeks blancahood: yasss! multiple babies where?!?! face card never declining! jackharlow: autumnharlow what the? how are you on here when I took your phone? and how do you think you got here?! autumnharlow: grammy let me use hers jackharlow: autumnharlow log out now or I'm adding another week autumnharlow: jackharlow fine. axelwyatt: mom, dad is feeding us peanut butter chicken again jackharlow: axelwyatt not you too. LOG OUT. y/ninsta: axelwyatt hmm not so fun without me huh? ivyharlow: mommy please come back because I cannot take another second of your husband's cooking jackharlow: HOW ARE ALL THREE OF YOU ON HERE? CLAYYYY! claybornharlow: little baby is hereeee! y/ninsta: claybornharlow my only baby that doesn't give me a headache smh jackharlow: Y/N! SERIOUSLY? jackharlow: claybornharlow you're behind this aren't you? claybornharlow: the triplets volunteered to wash my car so...... jackharlow: claybornharlow I'm grounding your ass for a month too smh claybornharlow: jackharlow I heard that you got grounded for a month also 👀 urbanwyatt: wait! they need to wash my car next! jackharlow: claybornharlow I'm on suspension there's a difference jessicakelce: he can look but can't touch lmao jackharlow: JESS! NOT HELPING! umm babe, I'm catching the next flight out maggieharlow: jackharlow no. you are not leaving me with all of your kids. wait until she comes back. druski2funny: damn mama harlow said hell nah lmao 2forwoyne: PG, I'm getting flashbacks neelamthadhani: NO quiiso: some things never change, last time it was only a week, now she's gone for two? jackharlow I know you're getting on yall kids nerves with how much you miss your wife jackharlow: and? they're the reason why she took the girls trip in the first place so they have to deal with it. y/ninsta baby.... can you come back a day early? y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm turning off my phone smh I love you and my children but HELL NO
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drbatsponge · 4 months
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As many of you may not know at the time of writing this, May 18th, which was yesterday, is the day that marks Cassandra Cain's first appearance in DC Comics.
So, to celebrate 25 years of the character, I have decided to review each of Cassandra Cain's quote on quote "first appearance" comics.
Essentially these comics cover her origins and her first outing as Batgirl.
All of these comics take place during the No Man's Land event.
The comics in order are:
Batman #567
Detective Comics #734
Legends of the Dark Knight #120
Batman #569
Due to Tumblr's image limit you'll only be able to see images for part one of this review, for a review that has more images, please use this link to Amino here:
We'll start with Batman #567 and TEC #734 since both share Cassandra Cain's two-part origin story: Mark of Cain.
Cassandra Cain's origins are very unique in the sense that the character appears first before she ever even dawns the costume, as the costume is currently being worn by someone else, specifically Helena Bertinelli who does have a cameo appearance within this two part story as Batman can be seen confronting her at a cemetery at the beginning of part one.
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Cassandra is later shown, and it's established that she's one of Barbara Gordon's couriers that deliver information and supplies throughout the post-earthquake rocked Gotham City, she brings Barbara an apple as a gift for teaching her how to pronounce words.
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It's then shown Cass has trouble pronouncing the simplest of words, due to her father depriving her of speech during her developmental stage of life.
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Speaking of Cassandra's father, David Cain, Cass eventually runs into him trying to assassinate Commissioner Gordon via sniper rifle, and prevents him from doing so by surprising him and blocking his field of view.
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Part one ends with the two having a confrontation where Cassandra finally utters the phrase that Barbara was trying to teach her prior before pushing David out a window.
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Throughout the story various little snippets of Cassandra's childhood are shown.
We can see that nothing was wholesome about her childhood, her upbringing was nothing short of cruel, her father having her kill a man at such a young age, which of course left a lasting impact on her.
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Overall part one of this story does a very good job at introducing us to Cass and pulling at your heartstrings with her origin.
While part one doesn't have much dialogue, which is obviously intentional because of the character in this story, it has some stunning visuals from the artist Damion Scott and what few bits of speech we do get is enough to serve the story.
I would say Kelley Puckett hit it right out of the park with getting us invested in his at-the-time new character to the Bat Mythos. I would give part one a perfect 10/10.
Moving on to part two, we begin where the first part ended and we have Cass and David continuing to plummet from their dive through the window earlier. Luckily Batman catches David at least, but Cassandra decides to let go of her father last minute, however she still survives, Batman seemingly catching her and bringing her to a cemetery later on. Most likely the same cemetery that he had found Helena at prior.
There, Batman discerns that Cass never learned how to communicate properly and the only language she knows is violence, fighting.
Cassandra and Batman then have a dispute about who should go after David, Batman bringing up the fact he was hired by Two-Face to kill Gordon.
Batman says he can handle both David and Two-Face, but Cassandra disagrees.
Eventually the two go after both separately, Cass taking Two-Face and Batman taking David.
Cass successfully subdues Two-Face by what we later find out is her taking his coin.
Cass even makes it in time to help Batman with David.
The end of the story shows Barbara handing over an old photo of a Batgirl over to Cass, while Batman instructs her to call the other Bat-Family members.
Overall, part 2 is pretty good, I wouldn't say it's as great as the first part of this story, as it does decide to focus more on action instead of any actual fleshing out to Cassandra's backstory, but nonetheless it's still a solid conclusion to the previous story.
As a rating, I would give it a 9/10.
Now moving on to what you could call part three of Mark of Cain but isn't exactly labeled as such is Legends of the Dark Knight #120. I say COULD, because the story itself isn't exactly all that much connected to the prior parts other than beginning where part 2 ended, but it does further Cassandra's story nonetheless as this is the comic where she officially dawns the Batgirl suit. Before that though, she meets the entire Bat-Family, especially hitting it off with Jean Paul Valley, AKA Azrael.
Batman then has a chat with the previous owner of the Batgirl suit, Helena Bertinelli. Essentially Helena kind of has a meltdown before having a falling out with Batman, which I wouldn't say isn't exactly justified, it's implied Batman pushed her too far here and I don't necessarily blame her for wanting to distance herself. Regardless, Batman collects the suit from her and decides instead that it belongs to Cass.
This is not before she's given a lecture on honoring the symbol of the bat, of which Batman already trusts she'll honor, Nightwing on the other hand not being so sure. Oracle makes him second guess his opinions though and then Cass suits up, now Batgirl, and glides out with the Bat-Family into the city.
I'd give this story an 8/10, my only main problem being with it is the art, for some reason the artist here didn't study anatomy, giving Helena and Cass in this story weirdly skinny wastes. 💀 Nonetheless the artist isn't terrible in other areas.
Our final story, Batman #569, or as the official story is called: I Cover the Waterfront, covers Cassandra's first outing as Batgirl.
It starts out with Cass beating up a bunch of thugs who are trying to rob a gas station, for well, gas.
She quickly dispatches the thugs, the gas station owner, Jimmy Sanchez, inviting her into the station to celebrate.
Even trying to offer her a grape soda, but Cass declines as she much prefers to not hear Sanchez constantly ramble on about things, wanting quiet.
We then cut to what we can assume is a scene prior with Batman briefing Nightwing, Oracle, and Cass about a shortage of gas, which they need for generators to power their infirmary unit within the city they call M.A.S.H.
Cassandra is clever and knows where they might find some gas, suggesting there's some in Amusement Mile.
Batman agrees to let her go get the Cass, Barbara remarking how eager Cass is to please the Caped Crusader.
We can assume that Sanchez has the gas, as we cut back to him and Cass, Sanchez yet again going on another long ramble, talking about how the thugs who attacked him earlier used to be good kids.
Cass again, doesn't like the noise and leaves. Later finding out that the thugs have returned and their leader has a rocket launcher. Before Cass can intervene though, Sanchez comes out and threatens the thugs. Cass leaps into action to save Sanchez, fighting the thugs, but to no avail, eventually the leader regains his footing and blows up the gas station.
Cass, thinking she has failed, attempts to kill the gang leader, but is stopped by Sanchez going on another one of his rambles. She listens this time though, as the man reminds her not to give up so easily, so she lets the thug live.
Batman soon arrives and it's revealed that this whole thing was an elaborate distraction from the real stash of gasoline that Sanchez had hidden in a safe location, showing Cass that she hadn't failed at all.
I would say that this story is a decent first outing for Cassandra Cain as Batgirl, and reevaluates what her character is all about, someone who doesn't give up so easily, someone who isn't a killer. I would give this story another perfect 10/10.
Well, that's it, that's all the stories reviewed for my little anniversary special for Cass here.
Probably one of the longer blogs I've written if I'm completely honest. 😅
But as always stay tuned! Same bat-time, same bat-channel!
And Happy 25th Anniversary Cassandra Cain!
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gamesception · 7 months
Sception Reads Cass Cain #38
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Batgirl (2000) #18 - September 2001 Writer: Kelley Puckett Pencils: Damion Scott Inks: Robert Campanella Colors: Jason Wright
Ooh, a guest in Cass's book. Is this the first we've seen that? I think it might be. We get to see whether Tim gets a better showing in Cass's book than she's had in his.
Far more importantly, though, this issue starts with a dream sequence, one that I've referenced a few times already. I misremembered it as happening much earlier on in Cass's run, because it is so fundamental to understanding who (this version of) Cassandra is as a character.
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It starts with 8 year old cass in a stealth suit (if there was one thing I think could improve this flashback, it would be if she was wearing the grown up batgirl suit all clearly too big for her, like the cover of issue 4), sneaking around the Batcave, a mischievous smirk on her face like a kid who knows they're getting away with something. She's tiny in a world too big for her as she creeps up onto a computer panel to reach the bat-cookie jar. There an expression of gleeful triumph on her face as she reaches a hand into the jar to snatch...
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No, she's caught! Batman, Dick, Alfred (somehow? Has she even met Alfred?), Helena, Tim, Jean-Paul (nice nod there), they've caught her with her hand in the cookie jar neck of the man she killed. She's grown and wearing her batsuit now but she's still so small and they're so big and they're calling her a murderer while Barbara sits dejected, looking up to say 'How could you?' so hurt that Cassandra would betray them all this way, would betray her specifically, sullying the legacy of Batgirl with a murderer's bloody hands, and then the dead man speaks, and it's not the man she killed anymore, now her fingers are buried in the throat of her Father, David Cain, as he admonishes her. "Did you really think you could fool 'em forever?"
There's just so much happening here. The cookies - the treat, the prize she's stealing, labeled with the bat symbol? That's being Batgirl. And saving people as Batgirl is the only way she knows how to do to atone for what she did. Except she's a murderer, she deserves to be punished, not redeemed. Worse, being Batgirl is fun! It's exciting and thrilling and the best life she could possibly imagine. It's a reward, not the punishment she deserves, and deep in her traumatized and guilt-ruined inner 8 year old's bones she knows she's getting away with something she doesn't deserve.
Sooner or later her new family will catch her, they'll learn the truth, they'll realize she's not good like them, she's only pretending, really she's a murderer, and when they find out she's sure they'll all turn on her. From this we can infer that her isolation isn't just something imposed on her by Bruce, it's also something she's doing to herself, or willingly allowing Bruce to do to her. After all, the closer she gets to the others, the sooner one of them will realize that she doesn't belong. The more it will hurt when they cast her out.
And there's David Cain calling her out. David, the only one who knows her secret, who knows the real her, the murderer.
This is such a good look into Cassandra's character and mental space, into how she sees herself as Batgirl. How dearly she loves it and how badly she wants it and how sure she is that she doesn't deserve it and it's only a matter of time before the others find out and feel the same.
I would also say it's fantastic foreshadowing, because this is clearly building to a number of major reveals & confrontations, right? When Bruce finally has to admit the truth and does try to reject her, tearing their family apart in the process as Babs sticks with Cass and the rest are forced to choose sides. Or wondering how Cassandra will react when she finds out that Babs already knows, that she already knew almost the entire time, and that she doesn't care, still loves her, still is proud of her, still wants her to be Batgirl - will she feel relieved, or will she lose respect for Barbara for not holding Cass to the same impossible moral standard that she holds herself to? One could imagine a conflict of Babs vs. Bruce over whether Cassandra is worthy of the costume only with Cassandra taking Bruce's side rather than her own. And David Cain is still out there, potentially throwing the whole thing into an even deeper level of turmoil.
Sadly I can't say this is good foreshadowing, because none of that really happens. Fantastic set up, but not quite landing the follow through. But we're still in the set up part, and the set up part is so, so good, and this dream sequence is maybe the best two pages of it.
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So yeah there is an actual story in this issue, it's not just a two page dream sequence. I've spent most of my analytical energy already so I'm not going to go in depth, but it's a cool team up story with Tim, where Tim is trying to take down a mob boss while Cass goes after an assassin the boss hired then failed to pay. It's good stuff actually, and well worth a read, but I just want to pick out a couple bits...
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We get an explicit limit/exception to Cass's body-reading ability.
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Just a bunch of cool art, I like this panel a lot.
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We get this moment where Cass opens up a bit to Tim, who starts to connect with her in a way that he hasn't in their previous meet ups.
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And it ends on this nice moment of Tim admitting he's been cold to Cassandra and apologizing, extending a hand in friendship. And it's a really nice moment, though the fact that this is coming from Batgirl's creative team makes me wonder Robin's creative team will maintain the better relationship going forward.
As for the question of Whether Tim comes off better in Cass's book than Cass did the last few times she showed up in his, I mean, obviously. What's maybe more noteworthy is that Tim is more likable in this book than even he is in his own, at least as of the last couple issues we looked at. He's thoughtful and intuitive here, self aware, capable of self reflection, capable of recognizing when he's been in the wrong and taking steps to correct himself. All in a story that still emphasizes his detective skills and tech savvy. It makes me sort of wish Tim had his own book... Unfortunately he did.
Of that run of Robin I've only ever read the few issues we've talked about in this project, most notably the two we looked at most recently, and those two especially were were pretty miserable. Not in the sense of being sad and heavy like Cass's book often is, just kind of awkward and unpleasant and mean spirited. Weird choice for a Robin title, imo, you'd figure people would be looking for something a little more light hearted out of that book, with a more likable protagonist. Then again it's really not fair of me to judge an ongoing book when I've read so little of it, so I'm just going to let it go there.
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Dammee and shower sex ???
Nervous? Fraidy cat? Shy?
You could be one or a combination of the three.
He wants you. He told you this many times. Too many to keep count. And you want him too. You both just had an intense make-out session on his couch and the way he pulled you over his lap…the way his hands snaked up your waist…how he would shift his hips beneath you to hide his erection…how he took his time to kiss you…
“I need a shower.”
You blurted that out and climbed off of him. His fingertips tried to secure your waist but you where already walking up the stairs to his condo, finding his bathroom with ease. You cracked the door and stood at his luxe sink. Your eyes scanned the bathroom. Black marble: it’s beautiful, it’s elegant, it’s visually arresting. If you’re looking to add a little luxury, and a little drama, to your new bathroom, then black marble is the right choice. You look at your reflection and began to undress.
All you need is a nice hot shower —not too hot —and you’ll be ready for whatever happens next. He has a corner steam shower which is impressive, something you’d never seen before. Naked, braids in a bun, you climb in and close the glass door behind you. He has wall mounted body washes so you chose a coconut and vanilla scented one. You grab a folded African exfoliating sponge and lather it up. As you scrub your body, you can’t explain why the nervous feeling in your stomach wouldn’t go away.
After rinsing your body, you hear the glass shower door slide open and when you look over your shoulder, Damion is standing there, a black cotton towel wrapped loosely around his tapered waistline. You can’t hide, you’re exposed for him to see. Damion drinks you in slowly. You wait for him to speak, heart hammering in your chest. This wasn’t what you were expecting. But you can’t deny that it’s what you want. If it had to be in the shower, so be it.
Damion removed his towel with one hand and your eyes fell like a moth to a flame directly on his dick. You couldn’t tell because of how thick and fluffy the towel was, but he is hard and leaking pre-cum. And you thought the veins in his arms were intimidating. It’s nothing compared to the veins engorged beneath the sepia flesh of his thick shaft. This man is big everywhere. The V-cut to thigh ratio had you bracing yourself against the shower wall. His skin was flawless; unblemished. The gold chain around his neck with a circular pendant sat between his pecs.
“Hi.” He said, stepping into the shower and sliding the door gently shut behind him.
“Hi.” You respond.
He crowds you, your back hitting the shower wall. You’re looking up at him through your lashes, and he’s looking down at you with no intention of letting you out of his sight.
“I figured I could use a shower too. You don’t mind, do you?”
His deep voice sent shivers up your spine despite the heat of the filtered water.
Your eyes drop to his chest. Beads of water covered his skin like splattered paint on a canvas. It was beautiful.
“Love,” Damion tilted your chin, “I’m tired of waiting.”
Your eyelids flutter and your lips part.
“…Can I have you?”
He planted his hands on the wall on either side of your head. Dipping his head lower, he started kissing your neck. Your head falls to the side to give him better access.
“Is that a yes?”
You nod your head.
“Words, baby girl.”
Damion crashed his lips onto yours and as you kissed his hands explores. He’s squeezing your breasts, cuffing your ass, and fingering your pussy. Impatient, Damion brings one of your legs up, gets down on his knees, and starts eating your pussy. You brace yourself on a railing in the shower, afraid you’d fall from this awkward position. Damion had you and you were able to enjoy the pleasure he was giving you. Water fell over his body and it didn’t stop him from devouring you. He forced your thigh back and it smacked into the shower wall.
“Dame!” You moaned his name.
Your braids had fallen out of its bun at this point. You were about to climax in his mouth. With one final cry, you release into his mouth and he hums with approval.
“Good girl that’s what I like,” Damion is back on his feet now, “You know what else I like?”
“What’s that?”
You’re trying to catch your breath and him sucking on your nipples back and forth wasn’t helping. He finally stopped to look at you. You break eye contact to stare at his dick that keeps poking you in the thigh from it bouncing.
“I can’t help it,” Damion smiles at you.
You wrap your hands around his girth and Damion groans. He groaned like he’d waited his entire life for you to do that. Without a word, you’re on your knees, kissing his tip while stroking his shaft. It’s not like you hadn’t sucked dick before, you just hadn’t done it in a long time.
“Show me how you suck dick, baby,” Damion commanded.
One hand stroking, the other full of nuts, you suck him off and make sure it’s sloppy. Damion’s hands are on the wall and he’s looking down at you. He’s coaching you, talking nasty about how pretty you look with a big dick in your mouth. He says he likes the sounds your throat makes when you try to fit it all in. He says your hand is soft cradling his balls. He couldn’t wait to cum in your mouth.
“Fuuuck, baby,” Damion has one hand in your braids, gripping it tightly in his fist, “Damn.”
First time in a while tasting cum and it was great.
“C’mere,” Damion brings you to your feet and tongues you down, “Now, I’m taking that pussy. I’ve been waiting for this shit.”
He picks you up and while staring you in the eyes he finds your opening and glides himself in with his hips. You open up for him, sure, but it wasn’t easy. Damion can feel your legs tightening so he hooked his arms under your knees firmly and locked you in place. There is a ledge on the shower wall that Damion placed you on and before your ass could touch the ledge he was pumping his hips to feed your pussy hard dick.
“Unh! Dame! Wait! Wait,” you push at his chest, “Oh my god—”
You can’t believe how wet you are. You can’t believe how BIG he is.
“Keep that pussy open,” Damion said.
He had enough of you moving. He picks you up and worked his dick in and out of you with nowhere to run. The collision of your skin-to-skin contact bounced off of the walls. Damion fucked you like he’d been waiting his entire life for this moment. Like he lost sleep over the thought of fucking you. All of his wants and needs were being fed. And he was a glutton.
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Need a gay version of good luck babe to vividly imagine myself in bills place as a god awful homosexual mess
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thegoofyfanaticus · 7 months
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(( Art is commissioned from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant. Original story by me. )) Damion abruptly stopped the assault on Liam's upper body and stood up. Staring down at the all but beaten champion, Damion allowed an evil grin cross his face as he watched Liam turn over to his side and cough up and spit out blood. "Why... don't you.... just... end... it?" Liam sputtered as he heaved for air while writhing in pain. Damion answered with a knee to Liam's back that sent Liam sprawling chest first in the dirt. Liam then felt Damion on top of his lower back. Slowly and deliberately, Damion pulled Liam's arms back and up. Liam would offer fierce resistance if he could, but he was so beaten and sore that he could offer none. Liam felt his sore pecs stretched as Damion started to put Liam into a camel clutch. As soon as Damion sat down onto Liam's lower back, the intense pain shot up and down Liam's spine. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh.............." Liam's blood curdling scream of pain that he would have used to submit and end the fight was stuffed short as Liam gouged his fingers into Liam's mouth. With all of his might, Damion pulled back on Liam's upper mouth. The fishhook combined with the camel clutch created more pain than Liam had ever felt in a fight. Damion leaned far back with his whole body flexing and straining as he pulled on Liam's palette while simultaneously pushing down on Liam's lower back. With Damion's four fingers gagging Liam's he could not speak or utter his submission. He could only feel his body being torn asunder from the force of Damion's abuse.  While this was taking place, Scrap was booming with videos, memes, images, and messages. The fans ate up everything Damion, The Drifter, was doing to the former Oregon Champion. Girls and guys alike were worshiping the blond beast of a man who could dismantle any fighter. Many wanted to feel Damion's rock hard muscles themselves. Others pined over the ability to engage in muscle worship or sex with the Drifter. There were many offers pouring into the site for Damion to dominate, work over, get massaged, get pleasured, etc. from fans. On the flip side was the complete ridicule and merciless taunting of Liam. The crowd was cruel and ruthless in their spite at the former champion. Liam's destruction online was faster and more complete than anything that had happened in the clearing with Damion.
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tadashisdisaster · 2 years
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𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐩_𝐀𝐫𝐧𝐲 𝐱 (𝐟𝐞𝐦)𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫  - 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 part 1
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CWˏˋ°•*⁀➷     idk if there’s gonna be smut here, suggestive humor, college life, breakups, toxic relationship, college boy/girl curiosity
AN ~ arny is so JJGSJIISOJAMAHJSJSISH IDFK. also comment below if u have an addiction to coffee? I do☕️ vanilla mocha latte🤍or just plain coffee with a medium amount of creamer and 3and a half spoon fulls of sugar. 😌Yus pls.
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You slam your door and chuck your shoes off to the side. “FUCK.” Arny peeks his head through the crack of his door. “Um, so…how’s your day been?”
You and Arny have been roommates for a full year now. You two have grown really close over the past few years, and so have feelings that remain one sided. Arny has been your friend since high school. Sure you had your ups and downs but that’s what make you two so compatible.
You rip open the fridge and snatch 3 strawberry milk boxes and flop yourself on the couch. You peal the straw off the box and stab the top of the box with the bottom of the straw. ‘SIIIIIPPPP’ you sigh and place the box on the coffee table and lay down.
Arny (who had been watching you practically rip the fridge door off and murder a milk box) finally opens his bedroom door all the way and shuffles towards you.  He places his hands on his hips and look down at you.
“Rough day huh?” You don’t look at him as you quickly click through your anime series, selecting one and letting the remote slip from your hand to the floor. “How’d you know?” Arny raises his hand, pointing to the fridge. “You literally-” you roll your eyes and respond again without looking at him.
You knew that if you looked at him you would bawl your eyes out, but you wanted to stay mad. You wanted to wallow in your own self pity. 
“That was a rhetorical question….doof.” Arny lets out and over exaggerated gasp and puts his hand on his chest. “Well I never…in a million, trillion, billion, years have never been so insulted in my life.”  You snort and hide your face in the pillow you had stuffed under your head. “Leave me alone, Barney.” Arny, being used to the old high school nickname, let out a chuckle, “So, that’s how it is…” he climbs on top of you, tickling your sides.
“A-arny…” you try to breathe, “s-stop!” Not really paying attention to the not so innocent position you two were in at the moment, you wrap you arms around his neck, tossing your head back as you continued to laugh.
Arny looks at you, unwanted thoughts creep into his mind. Watching you laugh made his mind race. He subconsciously leans his head to your neck, his nose softly brushes against the your beating pulse, making you jolt.
“Um…Arny?” You hold you hands together at you chest as you shyly look away at the floor. Arny backs off you and quickly licks his lips out of nervous habit. You two sit in silence wait for the other to speak up and break the thick tension.
Arny clears his throat, “Ehem, so, a-about you day?” You fidget with the ring on your finger. His gaze was soft yet intense, making you take a quick glance at your concerned friend then quickly look away. He smirks at how shy you’ve always been, even after 5 years of friendship.
Arny sighs and gets up, “Well if you really don’t wanna talk about what happened then I guess i’ll just have’ta-” you grab his pant leg pinched between your index and thumb. You haven’t bothered to lift your head, afraid to show your flushed face, “He…he cheated on me.”
Your hand fell to your lap. Tears stung the corners of your eyes. All he could do was look at you with utter frustration and confusion, wondering why a girl like you, would decided to go with that douche, Damion, instead of him, who obviously cared so much about you.
Arny ran his hand through his curls and sat back down on the couch. After a few more seconds of silence he clears his throat, “Well…” you look up at Arny, his arms open wide as he looked away from you, his cheeks a tinge pink. You crawl across the sofa and into his arms.
You sobbed into his chest. “Why Arny, why?” Arny knew he couldn’t answer. There were so many answers but only one spoke louder, “I-I don’t know.” He stroked your hair planting a small kiss to your temple. You had the tendency to fall for toxic guys, making you and your life miserable. You would get upset (angry) whenever he would tell you “He’s not that great of a guy y/n, if you would just-” you’d end up arguing and the fight always ended in “YOU’RE NOT MY FUCKING DAD, GOD, GET THE FUCK OF MY BACK ARNY!”
You had avoided Arny until your boyfriend either left, cheated or did other things to you that made you leave the relationship, only then would you find your way back to him and cry your heart out. “I don’t think I wanna date anymore.” You blankly state as you look at you fuzzy duck socks.
Arny hums at your response knowing that your “statement” wasn’t going to last that long. You said that every time your heart got shattered to a million pieces, then (with Arny’s help of course) put the pieces back together and then hand the not fully healed heart to another.
You get up and walk towards your room. “I’m gonna go shower…and wash this,” you do a circular motion with your pointer finger around your mascara covered face. “l’ll see you for dinner. Or maybe order something, I might even cook if i don’t feel tired, you know how I get after a good wash.” You awkwardly chuckle walking to your door. Just as you grab the knob Arny stops you.
“When did you get-”
Arny’s hand was gently placed on yours preventing you from continuing to turn the door knob. Maybe you were too busy rambling about dinner, that you hadn’t  noticed him get up and walk behind you, but the way his warm chest brushed against your arm sent goosebumps up and down your spine.
“Y/n, I…” you blush waiting for him to finish his sentence. His face was dangerously close to yours making you yearn for more contact. “Y/n I love you.”
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To be continued…..
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majestativa · 8 months
You can’t keep comparing yourself to other people—if nature has made you a bat, you can’t decide you want to be an ostrich. You sometimes feel like you don’t belong, you blame yourself for following a different path than most other people. You have to unlearn that. Stare into the fire, look at the clouds, and when ideas or intuitions come to you and the voices in your soul start to speak, trust them.
— Hermann Hesse, Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth, transl by Damion Searls, (2013)
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beezonia · 6 months
Okay so I wanted to go over some basic stuff for the magic retold!
Okay so Fairies can be either male or female same with witches I call the male counterparts warlocks
Wizards are warriors with magic, they hone their fighting skills alongside their magic and it powers their weapons
Whilst Warlocks focus on the negative sides of their magic (witches and warlock aren’t bad people they were painted that way) they don’t fight with weapons they fight with magic
So big difference is Wizards fight with weapons that are infused with magic whilst warlocks fight with their raw magic
Fairies tend to focus on the positive sides of their magic and help people more so then witches/warlocks
A group of fairies are called Fae and that is the general term for them in the magic dimension
Specialists are basically wizards but because they focus on their own magic and a certain weapons they got called specialists
So yes all the boys have certain bits of magic!
Alfea and Cloud Tower we’re all girls schools until about 10 years after the winx graduate (their early 30’s)
That’s when the headteachers after speaking with many alumni and other graduates decide to change making it so boys & girls or just any fairy, witch, warlock and wizard could choose which school to join with no repercussions
Red fountain bred wizards
Alfea bred fairies
Cloud tower bred witches
Warlocks studied in their own schools on their home planets until this change
And some fairies went to other academies (like Beta Academy in Solaria and Linphea College)
So now
Cloud tower welcomes witches and warlocks
Alfea welcomes all fae
Red Fountain now welcomes both wizards and warlocks also fairies and witches since some of these might want to go on to become warriors instead of actual fairies or witches/warlocks
So you have Damion and Caspian (Stella and Aisha’s sons) who ended up at Alfea and Cloud tower respectively
Pascal, Flora’s son ended up at Cloud Tower as well (he thrives there despite his shy nature)
Yijun, Musa’s daughter went to red fountain for a bit before transferring to Alfea in the middle of her first year!
Theodore, Stella’s eldest son is alumni of both cloud tower and red fountain (he graduated RF slightly earlier but took his last year at cloud tower)
So you get a variety of students at each college really!
Some other schools like Beta Academy and Linphea college had already done that or have still stayed as boarding schools of one gender
Beta Academy still only accepts female students
You have Leto Academy which is it’s male counterpart
Linphea college allows anyone of any gender to study there, Linphea is cool like that
Andros has the Underwater Auditorium for merfolk which is right underneath the Circle of Amphitrite so their close to their human counterparts
And there are plenty of other schools in the other planets but I might put that in a part 2!
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trash-llama · 1 year
In another surprising moment, Lyric decides to flaunt his newfound maturity and wisdom.
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Lyric: Look, I know this is VERY unexpected and I understand that this is not exactly what we planned for, so I understand if you don't want to do this.
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Akira: It is very unexpected, but there is no way I'm backing out. I love you, Lyric Swan. I can't wait to meet our forest spirit baby.
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Lyric: Thank the watcher, because I was really just quoting Damion Starr's lines in 'He's All That'
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Akira: Oh, I recognize that line everywhere. Speaking of Damion Starr... we should get a TV!.. and a bigger place!
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