#dammit we needed one more season
shallowseeker · 10 months
In a way, the events of 12x19 The Future kinda happened, just not for Cas.
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(This is so awful, I’m sorry. ) He saw the future through Jack’s eyes, but Cas interpreted it through his own psyche, needs, motivations, and imagery:
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From above (12x19):
Kelly, standing on a BEACH— in the surf— looking out at the ocean.
Sam, racing across an OPEN FIELD. Chasing something.
Dean, in tight closeup. A look of relief— of happiness on his face.
DEAN: Cas— thank you.
Castiel. Shirtless. Standing against a wall, as his WINGS FLARE. But they’re not broken anymore. They’re full and majestic.
These images are script only, but they're a fascinating window into Cas's mindset.
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Full wings:
Jack did get his wings back, full-glory, when he ate Michael in 14x14 Ouroboros.
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From above (14x14):
Jack drops his arms, opens his mouth, and inhales the grace! All that’s left of Michael. He consumes it. As Jack closes his mouth and swallows, everything goes quiet. Jack’s eyes return the normal, and Michael is finally dead.
DEAN: Jack—
JACK: Michael… he’s dead. (he turns to our guys, calm and emotionless) I’m me again.
Suddenly, he bursts in a golden, fiery glow. His eyes flare hold, and his wings flare behind him. Jack has his powers back.
The shirtless majesty in the 12x19 vision was just Cas’s perspective/reinterpretation, superimposing a psychosexual component on top of the vision— his need to be strong and protect his human family.
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Thank you (script only):
And Dean did say, with relief, “Jack…Thank you,” in 14x17 Game Night.
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From above (14x17):
On Dean. Knows how much he owes this kid, he got there in the nick of time.
DEAN: Jack, I— thank you.
Jack smiles, so happy to be needed, so loved.
Again, Cas’s 12x19 vision tightened that image into an intimate, close-up, because it’s filtered through his desire for Dean to be relieved and safe. (Remember, in 12x19, Cas comments that he didn’t mean to ignite “Dean’s distress.”) That’s why this vignette directly triggered the shirtless Cas/protector-driven imagery in the script. They’re one after another-> Kelly at peace -> Sam (supposedly) running free -> Dean intimately relieved & thankful -> Cas majestic, healed, and strong. Seeing Dean like that made Cas feel like that.
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Open field:
Sam did run through a small field, when rushing to stop the Equalizer confrontation in 14x20 Moriah.
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From above (14x20):
The road outside the cemetery. A car rips up—
And Sam bursts out— racing for— (Through what looks like an open field, Sam enters the cemetery)
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As for Kelly and the beach, this is a loose allusion to Jack’s place of birth: Washaway Beach in North Cove, Washington.
The future vision was a tragedy. Perhaps, Jack wasn’t making promises at all.
Perhaps, it was merely Jack’s power surging, tapping into the potential of the cosmos, and Cas saw what he wanted to see because he has trouble facing his own desires.
That’s the problem with seeing the future, Missouri Moseley might say, even when you see it, it’s hard to interpret, and it can be out of order and wrong and misleading in so many heartbreaking ways. You might not even be getting your own perspective.
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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nathaslosthershit · 3 months
Trips to See the In-Laws (LS2)
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Summary: In order to save his teammate from an interviewer with not so innocent thoughts, Alex has to reveal that his thought-to-be-single friend, Logan, is actually in a long term relationship.
“Alex, Logan, so wonderful to have you both here with me today. Now that we are rapidly approaching the first race of the season, how are you both feeling? How was both your breaks?”
“Well firstly, thank you for having us. It has honestly been crazy. Break has gone by fast and with all the training we’ve been doing, I honestly feel ready to just jump in the car and start back up.” Logan replies.
It was no secret that Logan Sargeant had been training much more during the off season, everyone had seen how much he had changed. The way the interviewer was staring at him though, as if he was their next meal, was making him shift uncomfortably in the seat. 
Alex, being as perceptive as ever, immediately saw the change in Logan’s demeanor. He was confused by it until he saw how the interviewer shifted closer to Logan, eyeing him up and down in a very flirtatious manner. He then chimed in to try and alleviate the tension. “Yeah, busy break but we have been putting in the work and I think we are both ready for this upcoming season.”
“You both look very different from the start of last year. Alex with your hair and Logan has gotten very, very fit.” Dammit, this interviewer really wasn’t going to let it go, Alex thought.
“Um yeah, we are both pretty different looks wise.” Alex weakly responded. What was he supposed to say, the interviewer didn’t exactly ask a question.
“I was in a pretty bad state at the end of last season, both mentally and physically. I worked really hard this off season to improve both of those things and gained 5 kilos. I feel much better now that I am at a more healthy weight and I think it just cements how much more learning and growing I needed last year.” God, how can the interviewer continue to try and eye fuck Logan while he gives such a sincere and vulnerable answer, Alex wonders. He knew he needed to help his teammate and friend in some way, but the idea that came to mind might have some consequences. But surely it was better than the alternative of letting Logan get harassed.
“Well Logan, you took some time to travel a bit since being here in New York” Alex teased.
“Ohhh, where did you go Logan?” the interviewer asked, intrigued at the blush on Logan’s face that had appeared as he picked up on where Alex was trying to go with this.
“Well actually, my girlfriend is originally from New york and still has family that live outside the city so they very kindly invited me to visit them and watch the Superbowl. She wasn’t too happy that I got to see her family while she is stuck in London but also was ecstatic that they clearly like me enough to invite me to visit even when she isn’t with me. It was sweet and such a kind gesture, definitely beats spending that night watching the game in a hotel room alone.”
“Hey, I would have watched with you. You wouldn't have been alone” Alex said, offended.
“Mate, you did not have any actual interest in watching the game.” Logan responded.
“But I still would have kept you company.” 
Before the two could continue their fight, the interviewer bursted out a very aggressively asked “Girlfriend?”
The two were quiet then, not knowing what to say. The interviewer wasn’t looking at Logan like a piece of meat anymore, but now he had to deal with this sudden hard launch of his relationship.
“Uh yeah, I have been in a relationship for a while now. Met my girlfriend when I moved to London. We lived in the same apartment and had moved in around the same time. Insane luck, I guess.” Logan answered, still blushing.
“Leave it to Logan to find the one other American in his apartment complex and immediately start dating her.” Alex teased.
“Hey! It was a coincidence and she is from New York while I’m from Florida, they are practically two different countries.”
“Yeah whatever.” Alex rolled his eyes playfully.
The interviewer, now upset at practically getting rejected, stopped asking questions and just watched as the two Willaims drivers took over the interview, rambling, and teasing each other, till it was time to end it.
The interview had immediately gained popularity once it had been posted. Not many drivers hard launch the way Logan did and while Logan hadn't anticipated that this was how his relationship was found out, he did have to thank Alex for getting him out of that situation.
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liked by alex_albon, williamsracing, and 73,355 others
logansargeant My favorite New Yorker 💙
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peachsukii · 4 months
Hiii just thinking about Bakugo x reader where reader’s in danger from a villain attack and Bakugo saves her heheh. And then the media’s eating it up like 😭😭
this is such a cute idea!! ✨
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Accidental Damage
『♡』  pro-hero support fem!reader x pro-hero bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ pro-heroes au | secret bf/gf ꒱ ♡ katsuki bakugo masterlist ♡
summary: you've been swamped with work as a pro-hero support engineer, pushing 80 hour weeks over the busy season, and finally have a day off! bakugo, however, isn't so lucky and ends up getting called in for an emergency patrol during your movie date. instead of sitting at home, you decide to treat yourself and head out into the city. turns out, you probably should have stayed home...considering the fashion district you frequently visit was the villain-of-the-week's choice of attack. tags & warnings: mild violence, anxiety, cursing | lovers (bf/gf), fluff, emotional comfort, physical hurt, protective bakugo, reader doesn't have a quirk, reader's a badass, accidental pda, oops the secret's out now, bakugo treats reader like a princess a/n: wanted to change up the dynamic a little and make reader & bakugo secretly date from opposing sides of the hero world! i'd love to see more of the support class tbh ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; 2,890 ꒱
It’s your day off! After working endless hours for the past month, you’re finally free of the frenzy of Support Request busy season. Spring is often the time that most heroes submit their upgrade and repair requests to their agency’s support team, resulting in a non-stop effort to get through everything in a timely manner. The agency doesn’t want to be responsible for a hero not being able to perform their patrol duties from malfunctioning hero attire.
The original plan of the day was to spend it in your apartment, watching movies with your bombastic hero of a boyfriend - Dynamight. Unfortunately, just like 9 out of 10 other times, he was called out on an emergency shift to cover for someone else.
Being the girlfriend of the number 6 hero wasn’t easy, especially because no one knew you two were even together.
The two of you attended UA High together in separate classes - Class A and Class H. You knew of one another, but never had a chance to talk outside of the occasional ‘hey.’ After graduating from UA, the two of you happen to be hired to the same agency in Tokyo as you were assigned to his support team. A few late night dinners, long phone calls, and plenty of flirty banter later, you started quietly dating the explosive hero. It’s been about two years and you’re happy as can be - secret or not. It wasn’t for any purpose other than to keep the media out of Bakugo’s personal life and focused on his hero career as it was common for the public to become judgmental and fans to get…protective, to say the least. The last thing you wanted to do was to risk his ranking or public image for the sake of labeling him as "taken."
"Oh god fuckin' dammit," Bakugo cursed as his phone rang on loop, vibrating to the edge of the coffee table. Removing his arm from your waist, he frustratingly snatched it from the table before the final ring. You caught a glimpse of the caller ID before he answered and left the couch.
Aww...we just started the movie, you thought, disappointed in the timing.
It was unavoidable, though, considering he was in the top 10 of the pro hero circuit in a record amount of time after graduating from UA. He was damn good at his job and worked his ass off to get where he is today. You're so proud of him and all he's accomplished, but that doesn't mean that you hate how often they pull him back into work on his days off. He hates it just as much as you do.
You overhear a bit of the conversation as he moved to the hallway to take the call.
"Dynamight, we need to you to assist..."
"Spare me the damn formalities and just tell me where the hell you're sending me."
"It's downtown, sector 24, you'll be going along side..."
That's all you heard before he was out of earshot.
You never held it against Bakugo whenever this would happen, it wasn't his fault at all, he had a job to do and he was needed - that's all it was.
He returned from the hallway, a scowl on his face as he plopped onto the cushion next to you. You already know what he's about to say.
"I'm sorry sweets, I gotta go back to work." He leans over and plants a soft kiss on your cheek. "What a fuckin' week. Been lookin' forward to finally sitting at home."
You frown as you squeeze his hand reassuringly. "It's okay, the world needs the great Dynamight."
Bakugo groans in defeat, leaving the couch to run for the door. He's about to put his shoes on and grab his keys before he pauses, dropping his boots in the entryway and skipping back over to the couch. He bends over the arm and sits awkwardly on it as he grabs your chin, turning your face to his. He places a kiss to your lips and it leaves you breathless, like always.
“Love you, sweetheart,” he purrs, finger brushing along the top of your cheek.
“Love you too, Kats,” you respond quietly as his hand leaves your cheek. “Be safe, text me when you head home.”
He grabs his keys and wallet from the entryway, shuffling through it and placing his credit card back onto the table.
"Leavin' my card for you to take, baby. Go buy somethin' pretty for yourself."
And just like that, he's out the door and on his way back to the agency for the fifth time this week.
Bakugo had a habit of not letting you pay for almost anything, no matter how much you protested against him - it was one of his ways of showing his love for you. He would often scold you for having somewhat of an overspending problem, but your motto was always “money comes back!” He’d roll his eyes and hand you his credit card, preferring to spoil you instead of letting you drag yourself into debt. You learned to stop refusing his offer to pay for things a few months into your relationship, knowing full well he'd never back down after he'd steal your card out of your hands or swap it for his when you weren't looking.
Might as well take him up on his offer and go shopping!
Strolling down one of the main streets of the fashion district, you pop into one of your favorite clothing boutiques to browse around. It's busy for a Sunday afternoon, but the crowds don't bother you. Whenever you came here, Bakugo would often wait a street or two over to avoid said crowds. He hated them, but never wanted to leave you alone, so he'd tag along in ways that made him comfortable.
You're flipping through a sales rack outside of the store when a sudden rumbling in the street catches your attention. An earthquake, maybe? A couple of people around you notice as well and stop what they’re doing to focus on the vibrations. A moment later, the street becomes riddled with panic as the entire crowd is rushing in the opposite direction.
Of course a villain would show up to ruin your shopping trip.
You always make sure for these type of scenarios that you keep a spare gadget in your bag for protection. Bakugo wasn’t satisfied with you carrying just a normal self defense weapon, so he helped (more so forced you to) craft a device that would allow you to “save your own quirk-less ass” if push came to shove. He knew how talented you were and dedicated to your craft, always thinking up new gadgets and drawing plans off the clock. He wanted to encourage you to create your own genius contraption rather than solely making things for the heroes around you.
Digging through your bag, you grab onto the make-shift object that resembles a pair of bracelets. You slip them on and push the buttons on the underside of each bangle - activating the mechanism inside. They cover your hands in a binding of metals that resemble armored gloves and crawl up your forearms and end at your elbows.
Time to see what these babies can do!
You laugh to yourself at the thought of calling your creations "babies." It fondly reminds you of Hatsume and how she would be ecstatic over her piles of support items she's constructed, constantly flailing around the support classroom with glee.
Your attention is roughly brought back to the villain landing a few stores away from you as a giant gust of wind forces remaining civilians out of his way. He's sporting a jetpack-like bag on his back, motorized arms poking out of it like a spider. He spots you out of the corner of his eye, immediately curious about your support gear.
"Oh? What do we have here?" He questions, gesturing in your direction. "Those look too high and mighty for a girl your size. Are you even a hero?"
You know he's trying to antagonize you and get under your skin, and unfortunately, it works. But if you can keep him distracted until a hero shows, he'll do less damage to the area and you can prevent unnecessary causalities.
"Who needs a hero when a 'normie' like me can kick your ass with my bare fists?" you instigate, praying that'll convince him to shift his full attention to you. It does, aggressively launching himself in your direction with his...spider legs?...and lands in front of you, bending over to level his eyes with yours.
"Those are some brave words for a bug like you."
You take a deep breath, steadying your stance before landing a swift right hook to his jaw, sending him soaring into the street. Your gloves make a soft hiss as they release the energy stored inside them.
Yes! God, that felt good. Is this how Kat feels?!
The villain clamors to his feet, seething with rage as he readjusts his set of translucent goggles.
"You little bitch!"
You brace yourself for impact by crossing the gloves in front of you, summoning a temporary energetic barrier to guard against his attack. The force sends you stumbling backwards, falling straight on your ass as you roll out of the way of a robot leg slamming down next to you.
Just keep moving, don't stop moving, remember what Kat taught you!
You're extremely thankful in this moment that Bakugo practically forced you to train with him. He was adamant on you having basic fighting ability - hand to hand combat, some karate, self-defense moves, and more importantly, staying in shape to outrun any villains. He didn't think you were incapable of handling yourself, he just wanted you to be able to kick some ass while doing it.
As you're zigzagging the villain, dozens of cameramen and reporters are flooding the scene, desperate to get the 'first look' on the details of the commotion. Your tunnel vision on the current threat in front of you keeps you busy, not noticing the massive media crowd forming around you on both ends of the street.
The villain jumps up, catching you off guard as he lands behind you, smacking you in the back with a robot arm with a loud thwap that sends you careening into a clothing rack on the street. A collective gasp is heard from the peanut gallery, clamoring over your safety for 'views.'
You may or may not have hit your head - unsure if you're dizzy from the fall or a potential concussion. Shaking yourself out of the haze, you scramble away from a follow-up attack from one of his mechanized tendrils.
"Aw, are you backing away from the fight you started?!" He taunts, arrogantly laughing at your defensive maneuvers.
In the distance, you begin to hear soft booms echo through the air, steadily growing in volume. You knew exactly who was rushing to the scene.
Oh buddy, now you're fucked.
You can't help the devilish smirk that crosses your lips, anticipating your hero boyfriend to show up and blow this guy into the pavement. In the interim, you have one final trick up your sleeve - literally - to give this guy a pre-beatdown of your own.
"Nah, just wearing you down so I can knock your ass out!" you boast, channeling your best "hero" speech.
With a few taps of your fingers on the metal gripping your forearms, the gloves begin to channel energy into the palms of your hands, lighting up with blue sparks as it charged. You needed an extra 15 seconds before they were ready to burst. The villain notices, swiping at your feet to knock you down before you can properly dodge. The breath is knocked from your lungs and leaves you gasping for air.
Boom, boom...boom!
You can tell Bakugo's almost here as the explosions get louder with each burst.
Just 5 more seconds...
"Yo, spider-freak!" Bakugo roars from atop a nearby building. "We can do this th' easy way or hard way. Your choice, jackass!"
He hasn't noticed you yet as your gloves begin to beep, signaling the charge is ready for use.
Perfect timing.
Getting to your feet is more of a struggle than anticipated as you're still recovering from the previous strike. Wobbling on jelly legs, you plant your feet solidly on the pavement to the best of your ability, bring your hands up in front of you and aim your palms at the villain. Your loud cackle catches Bakugo’s attention, sending a panic coursing through his veins as he finally sees you - shaking like a leaf with a grin on your face.
What the fuck is she doing?!
His train of thought is interrupted by your gloves firing off a massive burst of energy, hitting the villain square in the chest and slamming him into the ground, shattering his robotic accessories in the process.
Holy shit, those fuckers work after all.
Bakugo can't help but snort at your ballsy attempt to hold down the villain, feeling simultaneously proud and scared shitless that you'd put yourself in the middle of harms way for strangers - just like himself. He's blasting off the building and down to the street to wrap up what's left of this D-lister villain.
The blowback from the gloves, however, is way harder to handle than anticipated. As the gloves emit vapor and a sharp hissing noise, you're sent teetering backward, tumbling across the street until your body skids to a halt.
Everything fucking hurts.
But holy shit, that was exhilarating.
There's sirens in the distance while you lay there, signaling that they're more than likely surrounding the asshole and taking him into custody. You groan and grumble while sitting up, propping yourself up on your elbows as a loud thud lands at your feet.
You know the sound of those boots anywhere.
"Dynamight?" you feign, pretending to be distressed after the fight. "Oh, you showed up at the perfect -,"
He cuts you off with a sharp quip, his voice gruff with a playful tone. "Shut the fuck up."
Bakugo crouches down as he's grabbing your wrists and hoisting you up onto your feet. He holds onto you for a moment while you get your bearings, wobbling like a baby deer. Once you're steady, he pulls you flush to his body and cups your chin in his gloved hand. Before you can protest his movements, he swoops down and your lips meet.
He's kissing you.
In the middle of the street.
In front of every single press company in the city.
In public.
You squeak against his lips, putting your hands on his chest to create space between the two of you as you pull away. He's perplexed at your hesitation until the realization whips him back to reality.
"Fuck!" Bakugo snarled, a pink blush creeping up the back of his neck. He was too caught up in the moment with adoration over your bravery that he...forgot he was on duty.
Cameras and reporters are rushing over, shouting a million different questions at the two of you.
"Miss! Are you a hero, too? What's your name?"
"Are you Dynamight's side-kick?"
"Dynamight, you saved the city once again! Who is this young lady in relation to you?"
"Are you worried this will affect your reputation with your supporters?"
"God, the agency is gonna fuckin' hate me for this," he growls.
Oh no. You just inadvertently tainted his reputation. He might get demoted...if only you had just stayed home today.
Bakugo turns toward the thousands of camera flashes and video cameras, arm slung around your shoulder.
"This is y/n, she's a support engineer from my agency and saved your asses today," he says confidently. "And she's my girlfriend, so don't get any wrong ideas about it."
The mob of media personnel begin speaking all at once to Bakugo again, shouting question after question.
"How long have you two been together?"
"Is she in training to be a hero, too?"
"That device was impressive! How did you manufacture it?"
"Do you have a quirk?"
You're standing there, dumbfounded that Bakugo just openly admitted to your relationship on live TV and to news reporters. You can't help but flush red over the barrage of questions, not used to this kind of interrogation in your line of support work.
He sighs, shaking his head as he removes his arm from your shoulder and moving to hold your hand.
"Quit it the questions, we're leaving."
With that, he parts through the crowd with you following behind, crossing over to the other street before letting go of your hand.
"Katsuki...are you sure you’re okay with this?" you ask timidly, aware that you can't take back what he said.
"Idiot, I don't lie about things like that. Now I get to show off my perfect princess."
You say nothing in return, just quietly squeal and do a little happy dance.
Perfect princess.
"Let's get your stubborn ass to the medical team, you look like shit," he teases, poking you in the forehead. "And we should probably tone back the output on those gauntlets, that coulda killed somebody - or you."
You hum in acknowledgement and follow him down the street, heading back to the agency together.
think of the gloves as, like, ironman suit type gear? how you can just pop them on and use them as enhanced fighting gear. hehe, a cute little panic fluff is always fun. thanks much again to @queenpiranhadon for the prompt!! 💜
Divider by : @/saradika
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cbrownjc · 22 days
Spoiler for 2x02 (EPISODE 9) -- And the thing I scream out loud during one scene (and if you are a Devil's Minion fan, you know the scene I'm talking about):
Yes, that is literally what I screamed out loud when we got that quick flashback of Armand back in the 70s talking to Daniel about stealing and selling his dad's Playboy magazines . . . and then the cut back to Armand saying Alice wanted to say yes to his proposal, but didn't trust him.
Armand was basically hinting at what split him and Daniel up which is -- Armand didn't trust Daniel's love for him!
Which, you know, actually fits the book. Because Daniel so badly wanted to be a vampire and was addicted to Armand's blood, Armand would very much feel that once Daniel was turned he'd just run off or something and leave Armand behind -- that Daniel didn't want Armand at all, that he only just to be a vampire and that was it. (Wasn't that scenario in the Rice's Tulane notes, IIRC?)
Which, oh man, when Armand realizes that Daniel did really love him . . . 😩
But anyway, what I mean by Armand being Alice isn't that Alice didn't exist. I do think she does because otherwise there is something off because in Season 1 Daniel calls Alice his first wife. Meaning they did get married . . . unless Daniel has been lying all this time that he and Alice did get married because she really doesn't exist?
Gah! I need more dammit! (I need ep 2x05 now dammit! 🥺)
Anyway, I do think there are LOT of memories in Daniel's head that are truthfully about Armand but have been replaced with Alice to fill in/hide what the actual true memory was, which has been my long-standing theory about all this. But if Alice really does turn out to have never existed . . . and everything about Alice really IS just about Armand but Daniel really can't remember that . . . then what about her pregnancy? Does at least one of his kids not really exist?
. . . and as I just wrote that . . . I have long been thinking that Season 3 in Dubai was going to be very much like the play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? And, if you know anything about that play -- particularly the plot point regarding George and Martha's son . . . 😮
Holy shit. . . yeah I think I now know why some reviews of Season 2 were comparing some of it to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 😧 😮
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
I wish every fandom I’m in had something like this lol. Browsing your tags and recommendations is so much fun!
This might be a bit specific but I’m looking for the following: it’s between season 1 and 2, Crowley’s been kicked out of his flat by hell and living in his car; Aziraphale, somehow, finds out and makes him move into the bookshop.
Thanks so much for the help and all the great work you do, I hope you have a great day!
We have some fics along these line here. Now I have a few more where Aziraphale finds out Crowley is living in the bentley...
4 times Crowley lies about living in his car by dat_carovieh (G)
and one time he doesn't
And They Were Roommates (Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time) by WritingAspirations (M)
Aziraphale found out Crowley was living out of his car, and drags him to live with the angel at the bookshop. Revelations, apologies, and steps forward are made.
Home by RitzWrites (G)
There were very few things Crowley enjoyed about being a demon. The best one, in his opinion, was that he couldn’t get hungover. However, that didn’t stop him from getting drunk enough to black out. He was no stranger to getting blackout drunk, of course, but he was still shocked to wake up on a familiar couch instead of his Bently. or Aziraphale finds out Crowley has been living in his car and decides to do something about it.
let's sort the whole thing out by moonyinpisces (T)
“But you like sleeping,” Aziraphale replies, as if that means something. “All the more reason to move in with me. And I have–I have your favorite couch, for starters. And a bedroom, with a lovely, fluffy bed with only the thinnest layer of dust–” Crowley scoffs. “Yeah, angel. A bedroom, as in, singular. I told you, there's just not enough room–” “Precisely,” says Aziraphale, relieved to be understood. “Singular. It’s not as though we’ll be needing more than one.” … Pardon?
Pet Demon by McRibFarewellTour (NR)
Aziraphale finds out about Crowley's recent living arrangements and takes action, both in protection of Crowley and of their friendship. Unfortunately, Crowley's got a well of evidence that said friendship doesn't even really exist, so the task is harder than it seems.
nature is healing (or something like that, anyhow) by nightbloomingcereus (T)
Well. If Aziraphale could be stubborn, so could Crowley. He didn’t need Aziraphale, or his bookshop, dammit. He was going to take a nap, exactly like he’d said he would, and he wasn’t going to get up again until the world, and a certain frustrating angel, stopped being such a downer. It was the perfect plan. Or it would have been, had he still had his bloody bed in his bloody flat in bloody fucking Mayfair. Or, the one where Crowley takes his three-year-long pandemic nap in his plant-filled Bentley.
- Mod D
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athenaswrath · 5 months
Until I Found You - Chapter 1
Quinn Hughes x reader
This chapter is more of a background story/introduction of the reader (no Quinn yet)
Word count: 829
>Chapter 1< Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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You were looking for a job when you had the amazing idea to go for one on a hockey team, the only sport I actually enjoy. When I got a call saying I got the job on marketing and social media for the Devils I was head over heels
The day they introduced me to the players I was terribly nervous, I'm not a social person at all, and being surrounded by a group of loud, confident and cocky men was not the best for my anxiety.
After a couple of days with them they noticed how uncomfortable I was being the spotlight so Nico made it his job to make me feel at ease, and to my surprise all of his closest group welcomed me in, even Jack, which sometimes had trouble keeping his flirtatious personality down with me being the only young woman on the road.
Luke on the other way was way too cute and immediately told me he consideres me a sister, saying that he'd traded me for Jack any time.
After a couple of weeks Jack spent some alone time with me, saying that I gave him the peace he'd never had before. He also started saying I was like a twin sister, obviously it had everything to do with our age and nothing with our looks.
I was in my office editing some videos for the last days of the season when Jack came through the door "Hey shortie"
"Jack, for the last time I'm 5'9" I said not even looking up from my work. He didn't have time to reply before Luke also entered the room "Hey shortie" he said in his cheery way.
"Hey pookie" I replied seconds before Jack whined "why does he get to call you that and not me?" I just laughed before looking up and seeing their nervous features. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing" "Dammit" they answered at the same time, I raised an eyebrow and Luke continued "We just... We know that you are going to spend your free time alone and that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure you'd enjoy it..."
"Luke" Jack said stopping Luke's rambling. "Right... So we wanted to know if you'd like to join us on our lake house these couple of months. It's just us, Zegras, Drysdale, Holtzy and Quinn... I mean sure mom and dad are going to visit a couple of days but..."
"No, no you guys have done so much for me already I can't just take a free vacation at your house. I appreciate it really but I just can't"
Ever since you joined the Devils, they wouldn't allow you pay for anything, everyone treated you like a princess "you're Belle for sure, a beauty and a bookworm" said Holtz one day you mentioned the special treatment
One could say that everyone could kill for that, specially coming from hockey boys, but you couldn't help to ask yourself "am I being a burden? Do they pity me? Do they think I'm a golddigger? A Puck Bunny?"
But I know they love me... Well, sometimes I do. It's hard for me to accept that, when your whole life you've been told by your own family you're annoying and there's not really something to care or love about you.
When your family told you they didn't want to have you home giving them a hard time and cut communication with you, you were heartbroken and desperate for money working multiple jobs until 2 years later you finally found this place you felt peace at.
The problem is no one but Nico knows that it's only you against the world. The rest of the team is oblivious to how sometimes you skip meals in order to save money to have a decent department, or how no one ever visits you, not even in family events.
"Are you listening to me? Are you okay?" Jack's voice took me out of my thoughts and he was close to my face looking at me with a serious expression, which was unusual on him
When I didn't say anything, he said "Darling we want you there you're part of our freak family want it or not. And God knows we need you there, there has to be at least one responsable person... Also it's about a damn time that you meet Quinn"
You've met Jim and Ellen before, but you've never met the oldest Hughes brother, the first time Vancouver played against New Jersey I had the flu and I could get close to anyone to not put them at risk. The second time Quinn was out due to an injury
"Please shortie, you'll break my heart if you refuse to go" said Luke giving his biggest puppy eyes
"Are you sure everyone's okay with me joining, I don't wanna be a bu..."
"Stop it, we all want you there"
Hoping they wouldn't regret their choice and you let yourself be happy for a while you finally agreed to join them.
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codisgay · 4 months
Mermen in Love
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Mer!Poly with Male!Reader, Soap, and Ghost.
Probably some Orca inaccuracies.
Ftm!Johnny, so M!Preg warning ig.
It had been a big surprise when suddenly Johnny started to get... well, fat.
Obviously neither {Name} or Simon said anything about it, assuming it was just because there happened to be abundance of fish and penguins recently.
All stayed normal until Johnny suddenly awoke from his unihemispheric state, normally he slept a long eight hours but this time he was in a panic.
The entire pod went to calm the unruly orca down, Simon and {Name} having to physically restrain their mate until he calmed.
"What the 'ell was that about?" Simon questioned, rubbing Johnny’s puffy cheeks in his palms.
"There's something inside me!" He wailed, letting out a noise as he was slapped by the calf growing in his womb.
Simon and {Name} exchanged a look as Johnny wailed between them, the entire pod stopping before {Name} shooed them off to continue on their hunt while he and Simon dealed with this.
"Love... are you sure? We were careful, we always are." {Name} asked gently, not wanting to further aggravate his mate. "It could just be a stomach ache...?"
"You think I wouldn't know if I was just getting an ache?!" He snapped, whipping around to shove an accusing finger in {Name}'s face. "Answer me dammit!" Johnny yelled, shaking poor {Name} by his shoulders.
"That's not- Stop that!" Simon interjected, forcing himself between his mates. "Both of you need to calm down." He frowned, glaring at them from beneath the human skull that sat on his face.
"Now, Johnny. {Name}'s question was valid, if not a bit rude." He huffed, giving him the side eye before turning back to Johnny. "We have been safe for years, so what did we do differently this year?"
All three paused, thinking over the last season. Which had to of been at least six months ago, until {Name} and Johnny shared an embarrassed look, neither would look back at Simon.
"What? Did you two do something?" He folded his torso so he was casting and even bigger shadow over the two as he awaited an answer.
"Well," {Name} started, "me 'n Johnny might have... gone a bit longer after you went out to talk to Price." He mumbled, finally working up the courage to look his seething mate in the eyes.
"A bit longer? You both know we do this a very specific way that way Johnny doesn't have any calves, we all agreed to wait until we were ready." Simon looked almost... disappointed in the two. Shaking his head as he grumbled something to himself, his face did fall though. Looking more worried than stern.
"Look... it's too late to go back, I'm not mad. A little disappointed that you waited until he was pregnant to tell me. But I'm obviously still going to be here." He sighed, pulling the younger orcas closer to him. Gently rubbing the back of their necks to soothe the obviously bubbling anxiety.
Joseph chirped happily, floating idly while messing with a crab on the shore until he heard the familiar bellows of his fathers return.
"Daddy!" He screeched, tackling Johnny in a hug who eagerly returned it as {Name} and Simon finished bringing over the leftovers of the polar bear carcass.
"What?! No hug for us? We're the ones who bring you food!" {Name} and Simon both exclaimed in unison, quite pouty for two full grown orcas.
Joseph, the little bugger, only giggled and started to devour as much of the carcass as his tummy could fit.
It's weird, normally I hate the idea of having children but this idea wouldn't leave me alone.
OH YEAH! Hey, hey, did you get the reference? Joseph? Yeah! Obviously no explanation needed since Ghost's backstory is pretty much the same, just shifted around. So their Joseph is names after his dead nephew for those who didn't know. :)
It came out a lot better than I hoped, also thank you to everyone who got my last posts to over 300 notes!! That's flipping(hehe) crazy!
Also I forget a lot of tags so those who repost with more tags, I thank you 🙏
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whohasthecards · 11 months
HC that after the mission and the dagger squad gets closer, Mav ramps up his petnames game as he showers his adopted children with affection. He doesn't even notice he does it. The first few times everyone was embarassed, but leaned to it. However, they realized that Hangman seemed to be affected the most. Constantly blushing or looking down or shutting up whenever Mav gave him a particularly affectionate pet name.
Most commonly used by Mav/Ice to everyone: Buddy, Kiddo, Kid, Son, Baby
Some of the most used petnames for the squad (although he uses the same nicknames for the others, some nicknames stuck more to certain people):
The dagger squad stayed over for the night after movie night went on for far too long. Most of them still sprawled around the living room, some on the couch, air mattress, or straight up on the floor. Bob woke up the earliest that day and started up the coffee.
Mav clambered down a moment after, drawn by the scent and Bob handed him a mug.
Mav smiled at him and reached out to ruffle his hair, "Thank you, sunshine."
Mav clambered out the kitchen saying something about ordering breakfast for them, as Bob stood there blinking mouth wide open.
Phoenix and Mav were debating strategy regarding case studies of past missions that could be applied in the future. The argument got a bit heated as they couldn't decide on the best solution for one of the sections.
Phoenix sat down with a sigh, "Dammit, both have good points, both have flaws, but the only deciding factor would be the people doing the mission, but it's not like we have detailed information on the personnel for this case study!"
Mav chuckled, "Didn't expect you to get this riled up, how about we put our opinions on what kind of personnel are best suited for each mission, yeah?"
"Sure, Mav," Phoenix muttered. "Hand me that pen?"
"Of course, Firecracker," Mav said smiling as he handed over the pen. "Hey, how about we go on break? There's a bakery nearby I've been meaning to try, and maybe that would reset our minds, yeah?"
Phoenix blinked at the nickname, then started standing up when Mav mentioned a break. "Yeah, let's go, Admiral, you're paying though," Phoenix said smirking at him.
"Mav, I need some advice regarding some maintenance on my car, since I know you fix stuff up," Payback said walking beside the older man.
"Sure kid, what's up?"
They started troubleshooting the best course of action, and who to took too to get the plan approved and implemented. This went on for a while until they were both satisfied.
"Thanks, Admiral Mitchell," Payback said smiling shyly as he realized how much of the man's time he took up.
Mav snorted as he clapped a hand around the younger man's shoulder, "Don't start with that Admiral shit when it's just us, kid. Come on Champ, let's get that car of yours fixed up."
"--The different seasons of the show have a variety of reviews, personally I found the first season good, and it kind of went a bit downhill from there, but that could just be nostalgia talking--," Fanboy babbled on gesturing wildly as Mav nodded along listening as he got caught up on Pop Culture.
It was very interesting, and as long as Fanbog kept on talking, he'd be able to keep up conversing with the others.
"--and then there's also the movies which are a classic-- oh sorry," Fanboy said suddenly freezing looking down on his lap.
Mav frowned, "What's wrong, kid?"
"I was talking too much and annoying you--"
"No, you weren't," Mav said putting an arm around his shoulder. "Now, come one whiz-zy, tell me more about the movies I should watch."
The smile Fanboy gave him made him realize that he should probably get a Netflix account, now.
"8 ball to corner pocket," Coyote said before lining up his shot.
"You got this, kid," Mav said sipping on his beer as the younger man lined his shot up.
Coyote focused on trying to see the angle to bank the cue ball on the rail, to hopefully brush the 8 just enough to push it to the corner. If he messed up, he'd practically be setting Mav up to win.
He took the shot. 8-ball went in.
He gave a small cheer in celebration as he whirled around to look at Mav who gave him a salute with his beer.
"You're buying drinks, old man," Coyote said grinning wildly as he rested his cue stick on the wall.
"Of course, Cub," Mav said patting the younger man's back as he walked to the bar to order one of those fancy craft beers the younger man, liked.
Bradley woke up to the white ceilings of the sick-bay, where he was herded to with Mav after that suicide-not-so-suicide, mission.
"You up, buddy?"
Bradley turned his head to his side to see Mav, sitting up on his own bed, munching on, McDonald's?
"How'd you get, McDonald's-?" Bradley croaked out, squinting to see if this was real.
Mav snorted, before eating another fry, "Ice brought us some, here's your share, kiddo," Mav said standing up to hand Bradley his own greasy, McDonald's paper bag.
"Are you supposed to be standing up-? Are we supposed to be eating this?" Bradley said sitting up as he took the food handed to him.
"Hey, do you want the food or not?" Mav said , raising a brow.
"... Thank you, for the food, Mav," Bradley said as he munched on his fries.
Mav gave him a bright smile, before pulling Bradley in for a quick hug and a kiss to the forehead. "Of course, Baby Goose."
Bradley stared up at Mav wide-eyed as the older man pulled away and Mav noticing this, winced.
"Sorry, Rooster, I shouldn't have overstepped-"
"NO! No, it's fine," Bradley said looking down on the food on his lap as he tugged lightly on the older man's shirt. "It's fine, Uncle Mav."
He missed this.
Jake felt a hand run through his hair, making him humm in content as he leaned towards the touch.
"Hey, buddy, how are we doing today?" The gentle voice of his Captain said.
Jake blinked his eyes open, wondering why Mav was here sitting on the edge of the bed. Wait. Where is he?
"Mav?" Jake croaked out.
"That's me, buddy, are you feeling better?" Mav said continuing to stroke Jake's haid.
Right, he was sick, Mav noticed, brought him home to sleep in his guest room for a nap..
"Hmmm, not sure, a bit I guess," Jake said. "What time is it?"
"Dinner time, are you up for some soup?" Mav asked as Jake shrugged.
"Not really hungry."
"How about some soup and hot chocolate?" Mav asked, smiling when he saw Jake perk up.
His hot chocolate was one of Dagger Squad's favorites.
"Can I have extra whipped cream?" Jake asked, eyes pleading up at Mav as he nuzzled towards the older man's side.
Mav kept on running his hand through Jake's hair as he pressed a smile to the boy's temple. "Of course, little prince."
Later on the Dagger Squad practically combusts when Iceman starts doing the same thing to them.
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peachdues · 9 months
Sanemi x F!Reader (modern college AU)
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Sanemi meets Y/N in January and isn't a fan. As the seasons pass by, their evolving relationship becomes defined by a handful snapshots from the various holidays throughout the year.
CW: modern college AU • 6.6k words • tooth-rotting fluff • college typical drinking and debauchery • some mildly suggestive content • Sanemi is a massive simp
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December 24th – Christmas Eve.
Sanemi was hunched over, back turned against the icy wind that threatened to shred through the layers of his coat and sweater, as he waited for someone to answer the door.
A few weeks ago, he would’ve said to anyone that he hadn’t minded the snow — after all, the snow is what led to Y/N smiling — at him, no less — for the first time since he’d met her, and that memory had been more that enough to keep him warm through the fall of every snowflake coating the earth.
He took it all back. Y/N’s smile was a damn pretty sight, but absolutely nothing could insulate him against the near sub-arctic winds that cut through him like a knife as he shifted impatiently from foot to foot on the Kanroji’s front porch.
“God dammit, Mitsuri,” he growled. He unwound a stiff arm from where it’d been tightly tucked against his chest, prepared to start pounding against the oak of her parents’ front door, when the pink party host threw it open, her smile bright and cheerful and warm in a way that Sanemi was not.
“It’s about time!” She chirped, standing aside to let her scowling friend through and into the front entryway of her home.
Mitsuri held her hand out as she waited for Sanemi to pass her his coat. “Everyone else is here already — help yourself to any snacks you want.” Mitsuri snatched the gift-wrapped package lodged under his arm before he could say anything. “I’ll take this,” she waved it, nose crinkling with amusement at Sanemi’s indignant glare. “And I’ll put it with the others!”
Before he could respond, his pink-haired friend traipsed away back to the open floor plan of her living room and kitchen, leaving Sanemi to brush the snowflakes that had gathered on his trousers and remove his boots and leave them with the others’ scattered by the closet of Mitsuri’s parents’ home.
Every year, the bubbly and exuberant pinkette hosted a Christmas Eve for her friends at her parents’ complete with an absurd array of holiday-themed snacks, games, and Secret Santa.
In years past, Sanemi only ever deigned to show up as a courtesy to his friend, eagerly awaiting the day when he could blame needing to take care of his siblings on Christmas Eve as an excuse not to go. After his family had been killed, however, Sanemi had begun spending the Christmas holidays with Kyojuro’s family, along with Tengen, and so, he’d been forced to continue the tradition, given the enthusiasm his flame-haired best friend had for the over-the-top celebration.
This year, however, was Y/N’s first time attending Mitsuri’s annual fete; and curiously, Sanemi found himself growing more and more excited as the time for the celebration drew nearer.
That excitement only bubbled in his gut as he padded towards the Kanroji’s packed living room, eyes scanning for the sight of the one he was most eager — and anxious — to see.
Y/N spotted him from her position on one of the overstuffed leather armrests by the fireplace and shot out of her seat, nearly toppling Shinobu in the process.
“You made it!” Her smile was blazing, a now permanent fixture on her face that Sanemi found himself sneaking furtive glances at throughout the day, afraid that he would miss it.
“Wait,” Y/N stopped an arm’s length from him as she ran her eyes over his form. “Are we matching?”
Sanemi looked down at the outfit he had thrown on (carefully selected) prior to leaving his apartment and back to the amused woman before him. She was dressed in a black turtleneck sweater, tucked into a pair of belted, vintage, loose jeans that she had cuffed to show her festive Christmas socks.
“Just the turtleneck. I don’t do jeans.” Sanemi snorted, flicking her nose affectionately.
Y/N, however, looked better than he. Her hair was loosely secured with a clip at her neck, and she wore no accessories save for a pair of oversized gold framed glasses that she claimed were to help with blue light strains, but Sanemi was convinced she just liked wearing them for fun.
He tried very hard not to stare too long at her full lips — painted a bright, festive red that Sanemi found he really liked.
“I should’ve brought my lipstick along, then we could’ve really twinned,” Y/N’s eyes were alight with her mirth as she teased him.
Had Sanemi been a tad bolder, he would’ve cheekily suggested another way he could get her lipstick on his mouth, but he wasn’t, so all he could do was grumble, a faint red staining his cheeks.
Mitsuri clapped loudly over the chattering group. “Friends! Dearly beloveds! Snacks are over there,” she pointed to a long table packed heavy with various holiday goodies. “And the hot chocolate bar is open! Get a snack and get settled before secret Santa!”
“When you say ‘bar,’ ‘Suri,” Tengen prodded.
The pinkette nodded solemnly. “Yes, you can make spiked hot chocolate, Tengen.”
The flashy, silver-haired man let out a whoop for joy as he made a beeline for the hot chocolate bar carefully organized by their pink-haired host. Before long, Tengen had blessed each of their drinks with a healthy splash of Irish cream, though Sanemi suspected the loudmouth’s own mug was nothing but the festive liquor.
“Nope,” Sanemi fought to keep the grimace off his face as he took a swig of his hot chocolate, the bitter burn of alcohol making him pucker. “Giyuu, drink this — it’s plain.”
The quiet, raven-haired man gratefully accepted the steaming mug from his friend and took a hearty gulp of it, frowning slightly when he realized Sanemi had indeed given him his own spiked drink.
Sanemi pretended to look affronted at Giyuu’s accusatory stare. “What? I thought you’d need it — aren’t you going home to Kocho’s after this?”
Giyuu considered Sanemi’s words for a moment before tipping his head back and swallowing the remainder of the mug’s contents.
Y/N came prancing over from the kitchen, her own mug of hot chocolate cupped between her hands, to where Sanemi now sat on the large sofa, but before she could sit down, Gyomei plopped down, nearly crushing her in the process.
“Apologies, Y/N,” the gentle giant said upon hearing Y/N’s squeak. “I didn’t realize you wanted to sit beside Sanemi.”
If Sanemi hadn’t known better, he would’ve sworn that was a blush spreading across her cheeks. “No worries!” She chirped, twisting around awkwardly to find a new spot.
Sanemi grimaced. He was about to tell her to sit on the arm rest of the sofa next to him, but Shinobu called her over first, the two girls squeezing into a single-person armchair, as Shinobu threw her legs over Y/N’s lap to make room.
Secret Santa proceeded without much fuss. Sanemi was happy to receive a box of high-quality matcha from his anonymous gift-giver, though Shinobu’s lack of a poker face gave away who’d gifted it. Sanemi winked at his tiny friend, clutching the tea box tightly to his chest.
Y/N was practically buzzing with excitement. Mitsuri had hardly discerned the name scrawled on the tag of her giftbox before she’d lunged forward, nearly toppling Shinobu out of her lap.
“My turn!” The expression on Y/N’s face was that of a greedy child’s as she wriggled her fingers demandingly at Mitsuri in anticipation of her present.
The pinkette dropped the heavy box into her friend’s eager hands, Y/N giving a small oomph! against the weight of the gift.
Sanemi watched his best friend tear into her present with vigor, similar to the way a hyena tore into its prey, tufts of wrapping paper floating down beside her as she beheld the grocery store box within.
“What the—?” Y/N’s eyebrows were drawn together as she turned the container over in her hands, eyes squinting as she read the label printed on the cardboard.
“No fucking way,” Her eyes blew wide as she held the box closer to her face in disbelief. “No fucking way!”
Y/N’s laugh bordered on maniacal as she clapped her hands, ripping into the cardboard as she produced one, fat candy bar, wrapped in unfamiliar purple foil.
“My chocolate!” She crowed, dumping the contents of the box out onto her lap. A dozen large, heavy candy bars thudded to the floor, the packaging on each bearing some foreign language and description. “I can’t believe my Secret Santa found them!”
Sanemi smirked quietly to himself. Sure, he’d rigged the Secret Santa pool to ensure that he magically drew Y/N’s name from the hat full of paper Mitsuri had passed around at their weekly dinner a few weeks prior, but he’d only done it because he’d already ordered Y/N’s Christmas gift from overseas.
For ages, she’d not shut up about a particular kind of chocolate that she’d had while abroad with her family one summer. Y/N had moaned to everyone that chocolate at home just didn’t taste the same, and she longed to have just one more taste of the candy she’d come to love while on holiday, though she hadn’t been able to track it down online.
But Sanemi had; he’d found a website that put him in contact with a local, who then used his bank information to clear out an entire grocery store’s supply of the confectionary. It was risky, but he was a man in love, so what else could he do but chance it?
“Over my dead fucking body —“ Y/N threatened, as Mitsuri tried to snatch a bar from her hand.
As Sanemi sat there, smugly sipping his non-spiked hot chocolate, he mused that the look of pure glee on Y/N’s face was well worth his account getting hacked not even a week after his order arrived.
The Christmas Eve party continued until the late afternoon, at which point the group of friends began to help their host clean up the discarded snacks and empty mugs of hot chocolate before each of them set off for their respective homes for the night.
Y/N was the only one in their group who had to take a train back to her parents’, her hometown being over three hours away from campus, and so, she was the first who had to leave the merry fete.
Sanemi had offered to drive Y/N the forty-minute trip to the train station so she wouldn’t be stuck paying for an Uber, and truthfully, he was glad to have nearly an hour of uninterrupted time with her before she went home for the week.
“Ready?” He asked her as he looped his wool scarf over his head, bracing himself to be smacked in the face by the icy wind that howled outside the warmth of the Kanroji house.
Y/N finished tugging on a pair of gloves before sliding into her emerald green wool coat. “One sec!”
Y/N darted back to the living room where their other friends exchanged goodbyes and flung her arms around her pink-haired best friend’s neck.
From where he stood near the Kanroji doorway, Sanemi could see the pinkette whisper a few words of encouragement into Y/N’s ear, her face uncharacteristically serious as she squeezed her best friend one more time. Sanemi knew that Mitsuri had been comforting Y/N leading up to her first holiday season at home since her brother died, and he felt a rush of gratitude for the girl as he saw Y/N’s shoulders visibly relax under the warmth of her words.
Y/N returned, her eyes sparkling with unshed emotion that she quickly tried to wipe with her gloved hands. “I’m ready!” She said thickly, plastering a smile on her face.
Sanemi sighed, but slung an arm around her shoulders, pulling her tightly into his side before releasing her. Y/N nodded in gratitude, sniffing once, before wrenching the front door of the Kanroji house open, allowing the icy winds beyond to whip across their faces.
The drive to the train station was uneventful, though Y/N had been sure to provide him with “entertainment” by singing loudly, off-key, to every Christmas song that crackled over the ancient speakers in Sanemi’s beat-up station wagon.
He wouldn’t have traded the smile emblazoned in her face, nor the sound of her raucous laughter, for the world however, not even for the sake of his ringing eardrums.
The duo parked and Sanemi heaved her suitcase out of his trunk. As they made their way towards the train platform, Sanemi fought the urge to take her hand in his, as the snowflakes swirled around them.
“So, how did you find it?” Y/N asked after a moment, her train turning the corner into the station right on time, slowing in the distance as it prepared to stop.
Her snowy-haired friend played dumb. “Find what, exactly?”
She gave him a sly smile. “Sanemi. You’re the only one who would’ve paid attention to me when I complained about some foreign chocolate that you can’t get anywhere but that country. Of course, it was you.”
Sanemi gave her a wry grin. “My credit card may’ve been hacked, but it was worth it. Got ya the whole store shelf, didn’t I?” He nudged her elbow playfully with his own and she giggled.
He would never tire of hearing that sound.
Y/N’s train slowed into the station terminal, and she sighed, parking her small suitcase next to her as she stepped forward and threw her arms around his shoulders.
“Merry Christmas, Sanemi.” She whispered, squeezing him gently.
It would’ve been nice to say it back — to say anything at all, but Sanemi found himself unable to make a sound, a hand only able to come up and awkwardly pat her back just as she pulled away. Whether or not his awkwardness affected her, Y/N didn’t show, for she only gave him one more radiant smile before boarding her train home.
“See you at the cabin!” She said brightly, stepping through the double doors, suitcase in hand.
Sanemi was still standing on the platform in bemusement at his inability to say or do other than stare at her, as though his brain had become nothing but a smooth rock rattling around inside his skull.
Y/N turned to wave at him, the doors to the train still open for the last few stragglers to board, but her smile slid from her face as she beheld him, staring at her with a fiery intensity.
What’s wrong-“ she started.
“I’m in love with you.” He said breathlessly, and to his horror, she froze, her mouth parting and her eyes going wide.
But Sanemi could not answer her; he could not even make his traitorous mouth work as the doors slid shut and the train began its slow pull out of the terminal.
Y/N stood there, just past the doors, staring at him with that same, stunned expression until the train car rounded a corner and pulled her from sight.
More than an hour later, Sanemi arrived at the Rengoku family home where he was to spend Christmas Eve and the following morning. He kicked his boots off inside the festively decorated entryway, greeted Kyojuro’s parents, and stomped downstairs to the furnished basement where he knew his two friends would be gathered.
Tengen and Kyojuro were sprawled across the plush L-shaped sofa, both silent as they huddled over former’s phone as they listened to whomever was on the other end.
Kyojuro saw Sanemi first and smacked Tengen on the shoulder, the latter looking up as both his friends went wide-eyed.
“Obanai — hold on, he just got here.” Tengen muttered.
“What?” Sanemi demanded, a heat creeping up the side of his neck as his friends stared at him, mouths open.
Tengen pointed at his phone. “Obanai’s on. Apparently Y/N has been talking the girls for the last hour and a half because someone —“ he narrowed his eyes at Sanemi. “Decided to tell her they were in love with her right as her train was leaving?”
Sanemi wondered, briefly, whether it was possible for one’s stomach to fall out of their ass.
“Are you stupid?” Tengen asked, and Sanemi resented the fact he’d almost sounded serious.
“Put Obanai on speaker,” Sanemi muttered, flinging himself down on the sofa next to Kyojuro.
Tengen rolled his eyes but did as Sanemi asked. In the background, Sanemi could hear a faint, shrill voice ranting, and he felt his gut clench. Mitsuri.
“-and now, it’s Christmas Eve and instead of spending it with our girlfriends, Giyuu and I are playing chess for the third fucking time, because that’s how long the girls have been on the phone with Y/N.” Obanai drawled. “Not that it hasn’t been entertaining — ‘Suri is convinced Y/N should’ve pushed you onto the tracks, Shinazugawa.”
Sanemi grit his teeth. “What did Y/N say, Obanai?”
His friend muttered something under his breath that sounded like an insult, but Sanemi said nothing, waiting as he heard Obanai’s voice grow smaller as he left the phone in favor of approaching the girls.
Sanemi’s stomach dipped at the renewed sound of indignant screeching that crackled through the phone, Tengen and Kyojuro snickering.
“Fine, alright, okay, stop yelling,” Obanai’s reedy and exasperated voice grew louder as he neared the phone again, though Sanemi could still hear the muffled sounds of Mitsuri squawking in the background.
“Mitsuri said you’re gonna have to man up and talk to Y/N yourself,” Obanai relayed, a hint of amusement lacing his tone. “And Shinobu said she doesn’t care enough about you to break girl code.”
Sanemi groaned, throwing an arm over his face as he leaned back into the sofa cushions, wishing he’d saved Y/N the trouble, and jumped in front of her oncoming train himself.
“How do I unfuck this?” He intoned to no one in particular, lifting the arm over his eyes to squint at his two friends as they continued to suppress their shit-eating smirks.
“You could try texting her,” Kyojuro offered, though Tengen shook his head in disagreement.
“You can’t just send a text right after confessing your undying love for her as her train was leaving,” the flamboyant man chided, clicking his phone off and kicking his feet up on the coffee table before him. “That’s like begging her to curse your ass out.”
Sanemi grumbled but he knew Tengen was right; whatever conversation he would have with Y/N would have to be in-person. She deserved that much, at least.
Tengen leaned back against the sofa, twiddling the toothpick wedged between his teeth, eyes narrowed at Sanemi in contemplation. “I thought you two hooked up back over the summer?”
Sanemi snorted, shaking his head, as Kyojuro quipped, “You’re thinking of Obanai and Kanroji.”
Their silver-haired friend looked back to Sanemi, eyebrow raising in incredulity. “You’re telling me, all this time, you two’ve been making eyes at one another and you haven’t been fucking?”
“Watch it,” Sanemi bristled, and Tengen held his hands up in surrender.
“Jesus you move slow,” he mumbled, and Sanemi chucked one of the decorative pillows lying next to him at his head, Tengen effortlessly batting the projectile away. “Is she coming to the cabin next week?”
He was referring to the spacious cabin their group had rented up in the snowy mountains to celebrate New Year’s Eve together, wanting a place large enough to accommodate them all, yet secluded enough that they wouldn’t cause too much harm when one of them inevitably set a tree on fire while drunkenly trying to set off fireworks.
Sanemi nodded, and Tengen’s smile turned smug. “Then I guess you’ll have to wait ‘til then to find out what she thinks.”
December 31st – New Year’s Eve
Sanemi Shinazugawa had never experienced torture, but the seven-day stretch between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve was about as close as he’d thought he’d ever get.
By the time he, Tengen, and Kyojuro had loaded up his station wagon with their duffel bags and enough booze to open their own traveling liquor store, Sanemi thought the anxious buzz in his blood would make him jump out of his skin.
He’d not spoken to Y/N since saying goodbye to her at the train station — not really. He’d responded to her Merry Christmas! text in their larger group chat with his own holiday well-wishes, and she’d simply reacted to the message. Otherwise, his phone had remained remarkably silent, without so much as a meme from the woman who held his heart.
He knew that he couldn’t assume her silence meant the worst, even as his brain tried to convince him it was all it meant. After all, Y/N was experiencing her first holiday season without her brother, and Sanemi knew the emotions of such a milestone were far more likely to hold her attention than his pitiful love confession.
He felt nearly sick by the time he pulled into the circular driveway of the enormous log cabin, seated up the hill and a way back from the main road, surrounded only by an endless stretch of snow-covered trees and forest. As he helped Kyojuro unload the cases of beer and bottles of champagne from his trunk, Sanemi spied Mitsuri’s pink Volkswagen parked at the other end of the driveway, next to Gyomei’s Hummer.
Sanemi’s stomach flipped as Tengen unlocked the back door of the cabin, loudly calling out to their friends in greeting in that booming voice of his. Giyuu and Mitsuri leaned over the bannister of the staircase leading to the second floor, waving as the remainder of the friend group straggled through the door, stomping shoes against the welcome mat to clear themselves of any lingering snow.
Sanemi’s eyes met Mitsuri’s and the pinkette’s narrowed, as she promptly turned away from him with a pointed harrumph.
Kyojuro snorted as Sanemi sighed, and they heaved the case of beer they’d brought into the kitchen and on the counter.
It was going to be a long day.
Y/N emerged from the room she was sharing with Shinobu and Mitsuri not long after he’d arrived, decked out in some sparkly get-up of Mitsuri’s that was more suited to wearing out at the club than it was for staying in, though Sanemi wasn’t about to complain.
She’d cheerfully greeted every one of their friends with hugs and her smiles until she came to him. Thankfully, Y/N was far less awkward than he, and she’d only hesitated for a moment before giving him a hug that Sanemi found did not last nearly long enough.
As the group settled in with their drinks and grazed at the smorgasbord of food and snacks laid out in the kitchen, Sanemi caught sight of Y/N watching him, eyes expectant. He tried to muster the courage to approach her, to ask her if they could talk in private, but Sanemi balked at the weight of both Tengen and Mitsuri’s knowing stares as they flicked back and forth between himself and Y/N.
He couldn’t do this with an audience; he could only hope that Y/N would understand.
Yet, Y/N looked slightly hurt at the way Sanemi turned and struck up a conversation with Obanai and Gyomei, and Sanemi could feel at least one pair of eyes hurling daggers into his back as he remained turned away, no doubt from Y/N’s pink, livid best friend.
This was going to be damn near impossible, and yet, it was entirely his fault to begin with, as he’d been the one to stupidly blurt out that he loved Y/N to her without properly preparing himself for the moment; and now, it was his situation to un-fuck.
And so, Sanemi merely opened another beer and took a hearty swig of its contents, hoping to gain the liquid courage he’d need to finally confront her head-on.
Sanemi had downed two flutes of champagne since the sun had set and he still found himself jittery and uneasy as he continued to dodge Y/N’s pleading looks.
He felt like an asshole, especially right then, as the year wound down to its last half hour. Sanemi was standing in the kitchen alone, turning over a bottle of champagne in his hands as he debated taking it along with him when he went to find Y/N, and work things out between them. Perhaps they could open it in celebration if it turned out that she returned his feelings; if not, he could always drown his sorrows in the bubbly.
“If you don’t grow a pair and talk to Y/N, I’m making out with her at midnight,” Shinobu threatened, brushing by Sanemi to grab another bottle of cheap champagne to uncork. “Right in front of you.”
Sanemi shot her a shit-eating smirk. “Don’t think your boyfriend would be a fan of that idea,” he challenged, grabbing the opened bottle from Shinobu’s hand and pouring himself another glass of sparkling wine.
“I support it,” Giyuu called out from the living room, much to his girlfriend’s satisfaction and Sanemi’s irritation.
Shinobu tossed her hair over her shoulder and turned sharply away from him on her heel. “I rest my case.”
At that, Shinobu departed with a shrill reminder for him to man up! and Sanemi was left alone in the kitchen once more. With a deep inhale, Sanemi lifted his champagne flute to his lips and tipped back its contents, swallowing his champagne in a single wet gulp, before setting the glass back in the counter, and wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
He set out to find Y/N.
He found her outside, leaning up against the side of the cabin as she nursed her own flute of champagne, as she stared past the line of trees where their friends had begun assembling the various rockets and fireworks they’d gathered to mark the start of the new year.
Sanemi felt his tongue go thick at the sight of her, so pretty in the snow, though he didn’t know how she wasn’t shivering; she didn’t even have on a coat, and the only thing on her legs was a thin pair of nylons and her platform boots she insisted made her “nearly” as tall as him.
He joined her in leaning against the cabin on the opposite wall of her, though she did not acknowledge his presence past a small inclination of her head, her gaze instead falling to the glass clutched between her hands.
The silence stretched endlessly between them, making him shift his weight from leg to leg as he squirmed.
“Where’s that pretty smile o’ yours?” Sanemi finally broke, and Y/N looked up at him, a frown pulling her painted lips into an adorable pout.
He may have been a tad buzzed from the champagne, but his head felt clear, and his heart felt full as he looked towards his beautiful best friend, so very underdressed for the single-digit weather and snow in that sparkly two-piece Mitsuri had insisted she wear, even though it was just them at the cabin, celebrating.
“Back at the train station,” she mumbled after a moment, returning to her own champagne flute, swirling the liquid around.
Sanemi felt his gut sour, and he found his tongue incapable of forming any words, much to his embarrassment.
Neither said anything for a moment, the distant echoes of their friends cheering as they set up the fireworks magnified against the snowy backdrop of their mountain retreat.
“Why’re you avoiding me?” Y/N’s voice was so small, so unsure that Sanemi felt his heart ache because he hated that he’d been the cause of her doubt.
“I mean, how can you tell me that — what you said, a week ago, and now you can barely meet my eyes?”
“Y/N-“ Sanemi sighed, but Y/N cut him off once more.
“I understand if you didn’t mean it; I get it’s easy to get caught up in the moment, but just tell me that.” She pled.
Sanemi exhaled sharply and ran a hand through his hair. “I guess I was worried about your reaction,” he confessed after a moment, and Y/N’s frown deepened.
“I was also pissed at myself for doin’ it that way — I had a whole plan, I was gonna take you out somewhere nice, like you deserve, but, well,” Sanemi trailed off, awkwardly. “You just looked so happy at the Christmas party, and then you hugged me, and I guess I went a bit stupid.”
Y/N was silent, only staring at him with wide eyes, her champagne flute dangling precariously from her loose hand as she gaped at him.
“Y-you meant it? You really meant it?” She breathed.
Sanemi looked to her and rolled his eyes. “Yeah,” he answered, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I’ve been waiting…a long time, to hear you say that.” Y/N admitted, a tentative grin spreading across her face.
Sanemi met her smile with his own, and he began to advance slowly towards where she leaned against the cabin wall. “Sorry to make you wait, princess.”
Y/N responded with an airy laugh. “I expected I would have to break the ice,” her heart thundered against her sternum as Sanemi boxed her in against the logs with his arms. “I’ve been openly flirting with you since the snowball fight.”
Sanemi snorted. “And I’ve been putty in your hands since Halloween. Probably longer.” His hand rose to rest on the small, exposed sliver of her waist and Y/N shuddered at how warm his touch was.
“You sure know how to keep a girl waiting, then.” Y/N’s eyes narrowed in on the proximity of Sanemi’s lips to hers. Though felt the warmth of his breath caress her face, he maintained just enough distance between their lips to tease her.
“Jesus, you’re freezing,” Sanemi murmured, his thumb stroking the small patch of exposed skin above her hip.
Y/N smirked. “Then warm me up.”
Somewhere beyond the trees that dotted the property, Sanemi and Y/N’s friends began the countdown to midnight; but the two of them did not react to the impending new year, instead only holding one another’s gaze, steadily in the snow.
Their faces were titled towards one another, both still teasingly withholding the satisfaction of being the first to close the marginal distance between their lips from another. But in the distance, Sanemi vaguely heard his friends cry “ONE,” and so, right as the New Year arrived, he finally gave in, and he slanted his mouth over Y/N’s.
Later, Sanemi would muse over the fact that that had been the second time he’d missed a fireworks show with his friends, but he would not be able to care.
Because no display of colored sparks in the sky could compare to the feeling of Y/N’s lips moving fervently against his; could not compare to the way her fingers buried in his hair, or how she felt beneath his palms as he pressed her against the cabin wall and kissed her for all she was worth.
When they finally broke apart, the winter night had fallen silent once more, but it did not remain so; in an instant, their friends erupted into applause, with Tengen letting out a very loud Finally!
Y/N laughed and wrapped her hand around the collar of Sanemi’s jacket, hauling his mouth back to hers. As their friends made suggestive oohs, both Sanemi and Y/N stretched their hands out and simultaneously flipped the group off.
“It’s about damn time, you two,” Tengen drawled as the group made their way inside the warmth of the cabin.
“If you find a rocket in your bed tonight, Tengen, I want you to know it was me.” Sanemi replied smoothly, not taking his eyes off Y/N as she blushed under the hand he kept on her cheek.
It was after two in the morning, and most of the revelers had finally drifted off to bed, drunk and happy and partied out. Only two couples remained awake, not quite yet ready to let the sparkling night fade to black.
One couple was seated on the ornate leather couch before the cabin’s lit Christmas tree, talking and giggling softly to themselves. Mitsuri stifled a sleepy yawn behind her hand, settling in against Obanai’s side as her eyelids drooped.
The ebony-haired man smiled to himself as Mitsuri’s breathing slowed, the beautiful girl finally nodding off against him as the excitement of the weekend lured her to sleep. Slowly, so as not to disturb his girlfriend’s peaceful rest, Obanai turned his head to watch the other couple still awake, though they were in the adjacent reading room.
There, standing before the large bay window of the cabin, Sanemi slow-danced with Y/N as the sound of some old holiday song crackled through the old record player of the cabin’s study. Y/N’s back was to Obanai, but her head was resting against his friend’s chest as Sanemi rocked them from side to side, his lips pressed against the girl’s hair. After a moment, Sanemi bent to murmur something in her ear, and Y/N drew back from his chest and nodded, causing his grin to spread wide across his face.
Obanai turned away from the sight of his friends, a small smile creeping onto his face, as Sanemi led his new girlfriend to his room.
Everyone was slow to rise later on New Year's Day, in no short part due to the previous night’s indulgences.
The last to rise, however, was the friend group’s newest couple, and it was with no small amount of delight that the friends saw Y/N emerge from Sanemi’s room, dressed in his sweater from the night before and a pair of men’s briefs. She padded into the kitchen, happy to accept the steaming mug of coffee that Shinobu handed her with a knowing smirk, while flipping off Tengen as he’d loudly asked her if she’d enjoyed her night.
When Sanemi finally entered the kitchen, a dark purple bruise seared into the side of his neck, the whole gang erupted into applause, much to the couple’s laughter and slight embarrassment.
Mitsuri sidled up to her best friend, nudging her with her shoulder. “Shinobu and I had a bet as to who would show up this morning with hickies. She owes me $5.”
Y/N’s returning smirk was naughty as she brought the steaming mug of coffee to her lips. “You just can’t see mine.”
Mitsuri giggled and Y/N couldn’t help but join her, feeling too warm and happy as her eyes met her now-boyfriend’s while he watched her from across the counter. As she’d swiped a donut from one of the several boxes scattered around the table, Y/N felt Sanemi’s fingers shyly brush against her own, and the pair exchanged small, sweet smiles before resuming conversation with their respective roommates.
Later, as the group loaded up cars with their luggage in a haphazard game of suitcase Tetris, Sanemi caught Y/N’s eye again and winked, prompting the latter to blush.
As they piled into their cars and drove away from the cabin, Sanemi realized he was the luckiest man in the world.
Epilogue — New Year’s Day, 2 years later
“He just texted me — they’re walking up,” Kyojuro whispered, and the group dissolved into renewed giggles and excitement as the snow drifted lazily outside.
“Shush!” Shinobu urged over the tittering group, as they all crouched in the dark, excitement buzzing among the friend group as they waited anxiously in Sanemi and Y/N’s apartment.
Mitsuri rocked on her heels beside Shinobu, squatting behind the couple’s sofa, her hands fluttering in glee. “They need to hurry up! I can hardly wait!”
“They’re almost — shut it!” Shinobu hissed at the unmistakable sound of a key entering a lock on the front door.
There was a wash of light from the apartment hallway as the door swung open, and Shinobu and the others burrowed deeper into their hiding spots. Only as the door clicked shut, and Sanemi flipped the light switch to their living room, did the group erupt.
“CONGRATULATIONS!” Every one of them — Mitsuri, Obanai, Shinobu, Tengen, Gyomei, Kyojuro and even Giyuu sprung from their various crouching spaces behind furniture and closets as they greeted the newly engaged couple.
Y/N’s hands flew to her face in surprise and joy, her cheeks bright red as she laughed. On her left hand, a beautiful, emerald ring sparkled.
The blushing bride-to-be turned to her fiancé and smacked him lightly on the chest. “You ass! Is this why you’ve been so weird and secretive over the last few weeks?”
Sanemi caught his fiancé’s hand and brought it to his lips, prompting the young woman to flush even further. Before she could return the gesture, Y/N was nearly knocked over by the flurry of pink and green that hurtled toward her, locking her arms around her neck and sobbing with joy.
“He was afraid he was gonna blow it,” Tengen offered, though he flinched at the sharp glare the scarred man shot his way. “Okay fine — he thought we would blow it.”
“I can’t imagine why he’d be concerned,” Y/N shook her head in mock-solemnity over Mitsuri’s shoulder. “After all, Giyuu did spoil Gyomei’s 22nd birthday.”
Giyuu made some sound of indignation as the tips of his ears reddened. Kyojuro thumped Sanemi on the back in congratulations. “I still think it would have been much nicer to have us all there when you finally popped the question, Shinazugawa!”
Sanemi rolled his eyes. “Like hell was I gonna let you shitheads ruin a romantic moment.”
Mitsuri, who’d not yet unwound her arms from Y/N’s neck, leaned in close to her best friend’s ear. “Did he cry?” She whispered conspiratorially.
Y/N’s grin widened. “Like a baby. He got down on one knee and started blubbering.”
It might have been a slight exaggeration — though her snowy-haired lover had gone misty-eyed as he’d knelt before her in front of the large Christmas tree in the city square and poured his heart out. As he pulled her in tight against him after sliding the delicate ring on her finger, Y/N had felt the wet droplets of his joyous tears as he’d buried his face into the side of her neck.
But Y/N couldn’t resist the chance to make it known amongst their friends that Sanemi Shinazugawa had the softest heart out of any of them.
The pair of best friends dissolved into giggles, before Mitsuri pulled away and the two hummed and hah’ed over Y/N’s engagement ring, Shinobu joining in as they marveled over the way the emerald shone.
Beside them, both Obanai and Giyuu looked accusingly at their smug friend. “Neither of them are gonna shut up about the ring now. Thanks, Shinazugawa.” Obanai grumbled.
Sanemi locked an arm around his friend’s neck and ground his knuckles into the top of his head. “Please. Like you don’t have a Pinterest board titled ‘future wedding’ for when you decide to have the balls to ask ‘Suri to marry you.” He grinned. “I’ve seen your phone, dude.”
“Jackass,” Obanai mumbled, though any ire he felt towards the snowy-haired man was quick to dissipate, because he couldn’t remember the last time Sanemi had smiled as broadly as he did right then.
He was happy — really, and truly happy.
Because Sanemi Shinazugawa loved many things.
He loved Saturday mornings, when there was no alarm or no obligations, and he could just exist peacefully in his bed with his woman wrapped snug in his arms. He loved when his phone had zero notifications, because that meant he was being left the fuck alone, and in peace.
He loved his friends, that wonderful group of people whom he’d known for most of his life, who’d always supported him or provided a good kick in his ass whenever he needed it.
But most of all, Sanemi loved New Year’s Day, and the snow, because it had brought him Y/N — his fiancé, and the great love of his life, and all her smiles that he had to look forward to every day, for all the days to come.
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toji-girl · 3 months
unspoken words | l. ackerman
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synopsis:  ‘Through thick and thin’ is something you will never forget telling Levi on your wedding day even when your marriage seems to be falling apart at the seams. 
wc: 1k
tags: angst with happy ending + minors and empty blogs DNI still please + repost from my old blog + modern au but with canonverse season 4 spoilers if that makes sense so block #aot spoilers if you don’t want to be spoiled or anything + crying + any missing tag lmk!
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“Levi just let me-” You began getting cut off as he waved his hand in the air ignoring your stare as he moved by himself, there was nothing you could do but watch feeling your heart crack seeing him, the man who everyone deemed so strong has now crumbled to this.
He hissed in pain shifting his weight to get more comfortable before looking at you, shame colored his silver eyes as he gazed at you.
“Can you push me out to the car?” He asked so quietly you weren’t sure you even heard him but nonetheless, you grabbed the bag stuffed with dinner tonight that Kuchel was holding at her house.
You grabbed the handles and wheeled him to the front door grabbing the keys trying not to let the tears stream down your cheeks, if you wiped at your eyes then you knew Levi would say something and it would just blow up more than it already has.
Silently you opened the door and pushed him outside shutting and locking the door. Turning around you glanced up at the sky seeing clouds slowly turn gray, a beautiful bright day now dampened just like your mood.
Ever since Levi came home from the hospital he’s pushed you away more times than you could count and the endless fights left you on the couch most nights unable to comfort your husband. 
You sighed and opened the car door helping him inside before folding the wheelchair and putting it in the back.
More silence settled in the car when you got in the driver’s spot sitting there holding the steering wheel debating on if you should say anything.
“Are we going to sit here all day?” Levi asked looking at you. 
His tone was a bit harsher than what he wanted, a look of hurt flashed across your face before starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. So many thoughts swirled around in your head thinking of the vows you made him wondering if he was going to keep his.
“Are you not going to use your turn signal? And you need the right lane or you’re going to miss your turn. My mom has been texting me non-stop about this damn shitty dinner.” Levi grunted and rolled his eyes watching you weave in and out of the lanes.
“I know where I’m going. We’ve been to your mom’s a lot of times.” You replied cooly trying to keep a level head, all the stress of him fighting and pulling away left you angry and alone but you didn’t blame him, the sudden change threw him for a loop and now he has to rely on you for almost everything and you did so without one word even though Levi was a bit brash with you.
Tears stung the back of your throat again as you focused on driving still missing the turn. “You missed the damn turn, what are you doing? Are you even paying attention?” Levi asked and huffed looking out the window.
You turned to look at him with a watery gaze as you pulled over on the shoulder gripping the steering wheel.
“I have been nothing but good to you ever since your accident and you have been nothing but awful to me. I cook and clean for you then I bathe you afterward and this is the thanks I get? I’m your wife Levi, not some fucking nurse you can speak to that way. I love you but dammit you’re being an asshole to me.” You blurted and looked at the road again.
Levi stared at you slowly chewing on your words knowing you’re right, it wasn’t fair because you put everything on hold to take care of him, your sweet words and touch at night whispering how you still love him and will always think he’s your hero.
He was never good with words that didn’t usually hurl insults or shit jokes but now he was stunned in silence as you finally pulled the car into Kuchel’s driveway seeing her standing on the front porch rushing to the vehicle opening Levi’s door.
You got out and took a moment to collect yourself pressing your sleeves against your eyes hearing Kuchel grab the wheelchair and help Levi in it. “Are you coming in dear?” She asked walking around the car to look at you with a soft smile.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Just leave me out here with her please,” Levi said looking at his mom then you leaning against the trunk holding your arms. Kuchel kissed the top of his head and walked back inside to peer out the window. “I’m sorry, I know I’ve been an asshole to you.”
“I don’t think right now is a good time to get into this, let’s just have dinner and go home. I’m exhausted.” You said standing straight walking past him, he quickly grabbed your hand and looked down at the ring he slipped on your finger two years ago pressing a light kiss to the shining diamond.
“I’m having trouble adjusting to everything and you’ve helped me more than anything. Thank you.” His words and tone were soft reminding you when you both stood under the altar confessing your undying love to each other in front of your family and friends.
The rain broke from the clouds drizzling over you and Levi as you stared down at him squeezing his hand, so many unspoken words were left between you as you sat down on his lap burying your face in his neck.
“I love you so much, thank you for being there for me when I need you the most,” Levi whispered hugging you tighter to him afraid that you would vanish in thin air if he let go.
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piko-power · 6 months
If there's one thing from Season 2 of Sonic Prime that lives rent free in my head, it's THIS-
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It's a small moment, but so much is dissected in just three seconds of this one shot.
Mainly the expression and the voice from Sonic here.
Deven Mack's delivery on screaming out for Shadow's name is just, incredible. You can literally hear the fear in Sonic's tone when Shadow got slammed by some giant crystals and fell into the void. (or whatever the heck it's called I'm thinking about rewatching some episodes until Season 3)
And since we can recall the final moments in Adventure 2 where Shadow falls to the Earth, and apparently knowing that according to one of the Takeovers, Sonic was going to save him but Shadow refused him to so that way he wouldn't fall with him, this just makes this moment, and the delivery alone, even more intense, if not, heartbreaking. (At least in my opinion lol)
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And we need to mention the eyes.
I couldn't help but notice some of the smallest of details not a lot of people pay attention to, unless you're me, who goes insane over outstanding animation details. XD
My personal favorite details are the eyes, since they express a lot of emotion without words. This is the best example.
These emerald eyes? Right here? Fucking horrified of loosing Shadow.
Frantically looking around the darkness looking for a black and red figure and just praying that he's still there, but especially alive and okay.
This tiny moment here just means so much to me.
Sonic here, for a split second, thought that he lost Shadow, and not only did he nearly loose him again, but Shadow was the only person he knows from his own world, meanwhile his friends (and Eggman) were shattered, and this was also after seeing his friends as ghosts on loop.
And even though earlier they were fighting over Nine's gadgets, Sonic here was worried, if not, terrified, about loosing Shadow, the only one who survived the whole shattering the shards shtick aside from himself.
Plus, he needed someone from his world to talk to anyway (at least try to talk to) since his friends right now don't know who he is, suspects him as a bad guy, betrayed him at some point, all of the above, etc.
He ain't loosing Shadow. He doesn't even care if they were fighting, he is NOT loosing Shadow.
He is NOT loosing his only friend.
And that's why I love this shot here.
And I also wish I can just clip videos instead of just taking pics without said audio god dammit-
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jennrypan · 29 days
Let's go down the line of fuckassary: LONG ASS POST AHEAD.
1: Gaia looked and acted like everyone else. She should've been WAY angrier, she should be pissed at Persephone for bringing about winter first of all. Should be pissed that she was a sleep and NOTHING got better over the centuries. But sure, she's giggling and happy.
(I liked that she shoved her hand in Ouranos' chest tho.)
2: It's soo funny that people keep SAYING that Persephone and Hades have true love but the comic hasn't showed us that ever 🤨, like if anything those two losers are obsessed with each other. Be so fr.
3: Once again..this should be Persephones story/POV but its in Hades' always. Fascinating.
4: "You have to spend 3 months away from your sugar daddy" OH NOOOO BUT WEVE BEEN APART FOR SO LONGB 🥺. God. At this point does she even NEED to be in the Mortal Realm fr?? Like..Demeter, Metis and Rhea are back now so..what's her purpose there.
5: The way Gaia just isn't. Gaia is baffling. Anyways. Demeter FINALLY found out what happened to Persephone but she's not..having a moment with her daughter?? Not talking to her about it?? Okay.
6: As usual. They're eager to have sex cuz that's the only thing they do. "I can't wait to see that ass--" ..how very Zeus and Posedion of you quote on quote romantic 🤨
7: She gets her coronation but..didn't she already have that when she married Hades?? Ig not then. Also..Apollo just got a slap on the wrist, not surprising.
DEMETER GOT PUNISHED MORE THAN HIM??? Hell the Titans got punished more than that bitch what the fuck??? God.
8: The disrespect to Zeus is so. 😶 Zeus would literally not sit back quietly for this shit the fuck??? Also..Hera didn't divorce Zeus all those years and now she did ?? And she's what..gonna get with Echo now??? Fascinating. Zeus needs to start tossing rocks. Rachel did Zeus and Heras relationship so fucking DIRTY!!!! GOD!! FUCKING DAMMIT. I hate how she wrote them. Anyways.
9: The Mortal Realm is a lot easier cuz Hades is there?? YOU WERE BORN THERE!!! ITS YOUR HOME!! You ungrateful ass spawn. It wasn't that fun cuz you didn't have a man there?? Insane.
10: The way Persephone clearly doesn't love her own mother is sickening actually. Like..we can't even have them talking to each other?? Dancing?? Even the comment about her doesn't have that much emotion. Also..Dionysus' hair looks goofy, and I guess Hades is all for bringing back mortals now despite making a big stink about it in season 1 but whatever. Yay Semele.
11: "hera just gives him busy work" ..He's literally the king. Literally-- oh my god. "His powers having been the same" which..MEANS WHAT?? And the way Zeus would literally not be happy about this shit is so-- UGH. God it's infuriating. Hades and Posedion clearly don't give a shit about their brother if they aren't concerned about his fucking powers 'not being same'??? Die.
12: Echo needs to stand SEVERAL feet away from Hera. That ship is so god damn tasteless and unnecessary. If you're gonna give hera a new love interest. Maybe give them actual moments?? Make it make sense!!
13: "Ares is still a dog!" *cue laugh track sound*, god this is so..why ?? Ares, baby I'm so sorry people keep disrespecting you in every iteration 🤦‍♀️
14: ignoring the Artemis bit cuz she wasn't relevant for any of the major plots and she still isn't. Anyways. Hades stay the FUCK away from Thanatos. "They can have conversations" oh?? How fascinating. Hades just NOW deciding to care about Thanatos doesn't make up for years of his neglect.
15: Persephone, Ares and Aphrodite should beat Eros' ass for being useless about Apollo. I still think that. Eros is an ass of a friend.
16: 'new powers' ..Girl your powers are basically your old powers with one extra step. Shut UP!!! anyways. (No one cares about kassandra, sorry not sorry. Who was worried about that )
17: Hades and Persephones millionth drabble of nonsense fluff. They're not saying anything new, nor are they doing anything new. I do like the art tho. It's just..baffling how..they're relationship started soo much nonsense and we're suppose to see it as a good thing??
THIS is a good ending??
Nevermind the fact Persephone didn't spend time with her friends or her MOTHER, nevermind the fact Zeus and Posedion don't even get to speak to their mother either.
Hera, Hestia and Demeter don't have a moment with Metis either.
Like..what was the point of bringing them back if you weren't gonna bring it to a satisfying conclusion?? Absolutely insane
Also..Eileithyias design is ass. It's sooo boring. It's literally just pilot Hebe but darker. Oh wow she's yellow with purple eyes??? Insidious. Also she just looks boring and bland to be the daughter of the literal king and queen but sure. Give us nothing.
And..again with making the children boring copies of one specific parent! Macaria is so..boring to look at just like Melinoe. Also...hades can..have kids now?? 🤨 okay.
So basically..this was insane from start to finish.
This wasn't a good conclusion. It was absolutely a wreck.
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ziorite · 2 months
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sure didn’t fucking go easy on maddie either absolutely devastating line from jennifer love hewitt god they did not have to do that.
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bobby “dad-ing evan buckley the way he deserves since 2018” nash ladies and gents
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they definitely don’t lean into the buck/eddie dynamic for eddie the way they did for buck when eddie was shot, but i think that has a lot to do with the fact that buck is very much a heart-on-his-sleeve type. eddie is all about repression and compartmentalization and putting things away so that he can focus on right now, but here we see all of that break free for a moment and it hurts just that much more when you take into account the expressions on eddie’s face at the end of last episode and here.
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are we ever gonna fucking get to learn why his name is chimney or did they just draw house parts/appliances out of a hat at the beginning of the show and just roll with it
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SICKENING sequence thanks ! i’m going to go eat drywall about this oh my GOD when you realize that this is how buck thinks about himself and what his deepest fears tell him ?? i can’t believe this is the same fuckboy i hated at the beginning of season one they need to stop hurting him that is my BOY. PLEASE.
anyways shoutout to camerawork and editing for the way the dream world subtly gets loopier and loopier— at first it’s all filmed normally, but then you get these unsteady front on camera angles, everything starts to get more and more saturated, and then any outside backgrounds are overexposed into nothingness. cinema baby, cinema. in another life supremacy tbh i think it outweighs in a flash for me, surprisingly. only complaint is that fox was too nice to the han and buckley parents let them work for forgiveness a little harder dammit.
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 1 year
gotta give it up to TVFanatic, discuss the buddie moments with the enthusiasm we deserve
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you better believe it was couples hour!! 
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I didn’t even think about that--Buck really does squirm whenever someone else bring up the lightning strike, but not when Chris and Eddie are talking about it with him. Ahhh how family-shaped of them
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I literally didn’t even THINK about this--like, Eddie realized Buck had a superpower and that it made Buck feel really good about himself and decided HWELP, GUESS WE ARE GOING TO TAKE AS MANY OPPORTUNITIES AS POSSIBLE TO MAKE BUCK FEEL LIKE THE SPECIAL MAN HE IS and just went and made the man’s day over and over again, filled with praise and acknowledgement. Dammit, you husband material, you!!!!!
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And now I just have this image in my head of Buck and Chris pulling the cookies for his class out of the oven, and putting in just one more pan just as Eddie gets in the door off-shift, and Buck takes it as his que to pull the steaks from the marinade and put them on the grill and the whole time they’re being wholesomely domestic, and, and--
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camryntheking · 2 months
Ok so. I haven’t posted in a few days. But i am back on my Bi!Buck bullshit (which is valid and no one can tell me otherwise).
I have finished season two since my last post and started season three (I know the main points of the tsunami, but im rewatching the whole show dammit).
I would like to retract my statement saying that Tommy was a dick. While there were some things he did that i wasnt a big fan of, i understand the environment he was in and how it could affect how he acted. He actually seems like a really sweet character! I did watch what is out of season seven already just so i could get more context and i was too quick to judge him :(
I am so excited for where the show is going! And Buddie is my endgame, but i honestly wouldnt be mad if it doesnt happen as long as Buck and Eddie stay in each other’s lives, either as platonic or romantic soulmates (they are soulmates, no one can convince me otherwise). The fact that we have a queer character (who Oliver stated is bi!) that is figuring out a part of his identity later in his life is so important! Because it does happen! And i have so many other happy thoughts related to this but i am already rambling LMAO
As a last point, i wanted to talk about Eddie. I could see him being demisexual. I dont think he is gay like a lot of people headcannon (which is valid! No shame for headcannons!). Because to me, he genuinely loved Shannon. And people could argue the (valid) point that he thought he had to (similar to Athena and Michael). I just feel like Eddie needs to have a strong bond going into a relationship and he hasnt placed that yet. I very well could be misreading it tho.
Anyways, i love my gay firefighter show (Hen and Karen also deserve the world ❤️). I would love if Tommy was a recurring character and i swear abc better keep my two boys close, even if its not romantic.
(Feel free to discuss!)
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blerb-f1 · 11 months
I noticed that y’all have no idea what Germans grew up listening to. Late 80’s/very early 90’s stuff is THE SHIT and all the drivers definitely know them by heart as do i. So here’s a songfic to a sappy German lovesong(?) that we know by heart.  Also, i may have been a bit drunk and a bit nostalgic so yes
This one is called “dammit, I love you” and one of my all time favorites https://youtu.be/x6q0ciiqyG0.
Ex! Sebastian Vettel x Reader (songfic!!)
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I wander through the streets until after midnight
Loved doing that back then as well
Don’t need you for that
Sebastian stared at the cold leaves falling, hands shoved into his pockets. 2013,  the year of evil things. Good Guy Seb was gone, especially after Multi 21. Same with his homelife, he grew bitter and almost jaded. The infighting with Mark traveling home to you, his Girlfriend. To be exact, his ex-girlfriend. You didn’t want to hear him like this anymore. You struggled through so much together, so why didn’t he want to listen? That’s what you had told him, but he knew better. He had to prove himself, to be the man. With or without you. Showing that he wasn’t just lucky, winning thanks to the car but instead due to his own prowess.
I’m sitting at the bar, drinking another beer
Back then, together we’d be here
It doesn’t affect me, doesn't affect me at all.
He pulled the big, wooden doors of his usual bar open, the Barkeeper mildly nodding  towards him with a pained expression. He knew everything about the situation, witness to one to many fights and breaking up equally many of them. He celebrated Sebs first World Title with you here, sponsoring Champagne to every guest that stumbled in. How quickly Time had passed since then. Sliding into his usual seat, the barkeeper quietly placed a bottle of beer in front of him which Sebastian hurried to take a sip from. 
This season was over, and It had taken enough from him. Ferrari was going to be a new start- Start of a new journey without you. He could do this without you. He should. He had to. 
Opposite of me sits a guy like a bear,
I imagine if he was your new man
It doesn’t affect me at all
Seb stared at the tall, muscular man sitting there. He looked a lot like Jenson Button, a guy you were often rumored to be cheating with. Not that you’d do that. You were loyal, if so to a fault.
Suddenly it hits me and i approach him
I tell him off:” Leave my Woman alone”
He just asks:” Are you mad?”
And all i can think of is You
Staring into Jenson’s Face just flared his deep rooted Anger. Those fake cheating news had started it all, making his trust towards you weaker. Making him question you while you were there for him through thick and thin. So what if you actually were with Jenson now? Sipping Cocktails somewhere in Britain? You, wrapped around his arms? 
'No, that needed to stopped.' 
He pushed the chair back and stomped towards Jenson, Face filled with Anger. “Leave my Woman alone!”, he almost screamed while slamming his fist on the table. Jenson jumped upwards in shock, clearly surprised. “Are you Mad?” he pushed Seb away from him. The barkeeper was quick to arrive, grabbing Seb by the sleeves and pushing him out. Muttering something about enough Alcohol which Seb didn’t hear. All he could think of was you. Your beautiful, loving eyes staring back at his upon waking up. The texture of your skin while wrapped around him.
Dammit, I love you
I don’t love you
Dammit, I need you
I don’t need you
Dammit, I want you
Dammit, I don't want you
I don’t want to lose you
Slowly I’m starting to remember it all
I just wanted to be a bit more free
Am I now or am I not?
You’d left before the season was over, after your big fight in Hungary. Dyed his Hair blonde because you loved his natural hair so much. Ready to actually become the villain you called him. 
I didn’t fit into your happy world
But it and you, are what i’m missing the most
I simply can’t believe it 
He was free to do whatever he so desired , but at what cost? He dominated the season but without your love at home, without you tousling his locks so gently, nothing was fine anymore. You were angry at his rude demeanor, his blatant disregard of others. You didn’t understand, with Michael being like that he felt like he had to prove himself anew. To prove himself the new German hope as some called him. 
Opposite of me Is a phone
It’s laughing at me mockingly
It won’t, it won’t ring
His iPhone laid there, Wallpaper back to the default one instead of your wide smile, sometimes turning on to inform him of some trivial news yet none of them related to you. Were you actually happy without him, living your best life?
 He did something he hadn't done since meeting you: smoking. You hated the smell with a fiery passion. Sebastian grabbed a cigarette from the Box (Marlboro Reds of course) and placed it between his lips while procuring a lighter from god knows where. Lighting it and taking a deep breath. The hot smoke filled his body with a warmth he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Seven beers, smoked too much
This is what a man needs
But nobody, nobody to stay “Stop it”
And again, all I can think of is You
He dropped the lit cigarette into the empty beer bottle, face crashing flatly on the table. Nicotine and Alcohol running through his veins, making his body fuzzy. You’d have said Stop. You didn’t like seeing him in this state.
You’d have said Stop like you always did. The voice of reason in his miserable, little life. Stop to Betrayal. Stop to Fighting. Stop to Self-Doubt and Self-hatred. 
Dammit, I love you
I don’t love you
Dammit, I need you
I don’t need you
Dammit, I want you
Dammit, I don’t want you
I don’t want to lose you
He didn’t want to lose you but he already did. You were gone.
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