#damon feels the same about enzo
aka-efirg · 6 months
sooo i wrote the thing i was talking about in this post and wow did it take more time to write than i planned. honestly i blame enzo, he talks too much and has too many opinions
so context for the fic, damon has been having lots of flashbacks from the previous timeline and nightmares these days so he has more and more trouble to appear fine and sometimes everything is too much for him
it's also happening after season 3 with main differences:
-alaric didn't die and get turn into an enhanced original vampire because damon kept an eye on him and made sure he didn't die more than he already did before coming back so ester couldn't corrupt his mind
-elena still gets turned into a vampire but still no idea how it happened since there was no super evil alaric to kill
-mason didn't die as well (or maybe he did, haven't decided yet) (but if he doesn't die, he will totally bitch with damon about katherine and how she manipulated them and made them fall in love with her. it's how they bonded)
-no idea what happened with ester and how they got rid of her
and during season 4 where they are trying to find the cure (jeremy is one of the five)
also damon has marks that look like burn scars on his arms and his back (hellfire) and a symbol on his chest (emily's mark to send him to the past and to protect him because him being in the past could count as being a disruption to natural balance)
Seeing Damon, seated cross-legged on his bed with fingers tightly pressed against his temples, is sadly unsurprising but nonetheless worrying. He knew it was bound to happen with how Damon spent the whole day zoning out, eyes looking at things that weren’t there, brows slightly burrowed as if he was fighting a headache. Enzo knows he is the only one who noticed—or maybe not, if the occasional glances the witch kept sending the older vampire’s way were any indication, and Enzo absently wonders what she sees, because he knows she can’t perceive what he does—
(the hurt, the despair and the guilt, the blood, the death and the fire)
so he wasn’t surprised when he witnessed Damon leaving the living room, so silently the only reason he noticed was because he didn't take his eyes off the older vampire. It took almost twenty minutes for the others to notice the oldest Salvatore was no longer with them and for Stefan to worry about where he was. At their questioning glances, Enzo simply stated that Damon was in his room before leaving as well.
(Sometimes Enzo wants to shake the younger Salvatore so hard, wants to crack his head open while screaming at him to just look at his brother, to see how much he’s hurting, all the things he hides behind sarcasm and apathy and monstrosity. He wants to gouge his eyes out just so he would have a reason to not see. And other times he wants to tear him apart because he can’t help but reminisce about hope and faith slowly shriveling as days and months and years accumulated, as blood kept pouring and screams became better than silence—because if he screams it means he is still alive it means you haven’t lost the most important thing you have left in this instant)
After closing the door as silently as possible, Enzo takes in the heavy air in the room, feeling like ozone and something electric, magic but not before focusing on his friend, his tense form on the bed, his breathing deliberately slow, sharp contrast to his heartbeat, too fast for a vampire. Slowly, Enzo walks closer to the bed, making sure to make some noise. Even if he’s sure the other vampire heard him, he doesn’t want to risk having a cornered, distressed Damon near his throat. When he notices Damon isn’t reacting save from a little tightening of his shoulders, he sits down on the mattress and waits.
“I’m fine.”
Enzo takes the time to look at his friend’s face, thin lips, burrowed brows and tightly closed eyes. In sum, in pain.
In sum, perfectly, absolutely fine.
Not even bothering to answer—did Damon really think he would believe him—, he edges closer and only then is he able to see the light, barely perceptible tremors that run through Damon’s arms, more noticeable around his hands where they’re pressed hard against the skin.
The other vampire doesn’t answer, just curls a bit on himself, bringing his knees higher and his elbows closer to his body. Removing his shoes (because Damon will absolutely chew him out if his mud-covered boots so much as touch the silk covers, well… he will when he doesn’t look like a particularly sad puppy, as blood-sucking as he is, one scream away from collapsing into itself and—great now he just wants to hug this metaphorical puppy), he makes himself comfortable on the bed face to face with the older vampire waiting for him to acknowledge him.
When Damon realizes that he is not leaving and that he will not win at the waiting game (Enzo has plenty of experience in waiting and Damon is not particularly known for his patience, quite the contrary), he finally opens his eyes to glance at the younger and Enzo nearly wishes the other stayed how he was. He knows the look Damon is sending him is supposed to be a glare, to convey his annoyance at his presence but all Enzo can see is the shine. Gleaming blue eyes looking at him and… fuck he didn’t think it was that bad.
Damon must read something on his face because his eyes harden, a sneer appearing on his lips.
“I’m fine. Go away.”
Enzo has to act quick if he doesn’t want Damon to completely close himself off.
Suddenly Enzo wants nothing more than take every single person who made Damon so cautious and insecure about his hurts and vulnerabilities the simple thought of having them feels like a weakness, of showing them a burden, and tear them to shreds, piece by piece so they can feel every hurt, every tear they forced Damon to keep for himself. He wants to watch them burn, helpless and begging for mercy. And okay, maybe this is a bit extreme, but he spent seventy years being tortured, cut open, reduced to nothing but a mass of bones and blood. He long lost faith in mercy, leaving him only with a rage so intense and unending he wants to put the world on fire, scorching it into nothingness, just to sit on its ashes (or maybe dance, Damon has always loved dancing) and revel in the resulting absolute and beautiful desolation.
(When Enzo is left with nothing but fierce everlasting rage, he needs to unleash it because he knows, otherwise, it will simply consume him and everything around him. But—
—his torturers are all dead. Enzo remembers the ravages Damon left when he came back and rescued him, the complete destruction of everything Augustine represents, in pieces, covered in red and burning so hot he could almost feel the flames licking at his body, but this time, a promise of freedom instead of a promise of pain and blood.
—no matter how much he cursed the man, hated him with a searing, blinding passion, Enzo has long accepted he could never harm Damon. No matter how much he tried—and tried he did—. So many times (too many times part of him cries) he found himself looking down at the other vampire, straddling him, a stake pressed on his chest, tip piercing the skin just above the heart. Just one pressure and the wood would slide right through the bone. Blue eyes looking up at him, blankly, calmly, just waiting to see what he would do. So accepting Enzo wanted to scream at him to defend himself, to stop making himself so vulnerable. To do something because he left him to die, he killed one of the most important people he had and he shouldn’t accept to die. He doesn’t have any right to let Enzo kill the last person he has left. He did scream a few times, eyes burning with tears, until his throat was so sore the only sounds that left his mouth were rasps of rage and despair, and all he could do was throw the stake so hard against the wall it exploded in thousand fragments before collapsing, curses on his lips and apologies and regrets on Damon’s.
So while he doesn’t care whether the world burns and crashes, he will be damned before he lets anything happen to Damon. If he can’t direct his rage to the ones who wronged him—all dead and ashes and unable to harm them anymore—, he has no issue focusing it on the people who hurt his person.)
Distractedly wondering if it would be possible to resurrect one Guiseppe Salvatore, just to have the pleasure of killing him atrociously, Enzo practically jumps on the other vampire, taking his wrists into his hands. The glare Damon sends him is ferocious, and Enzo is sure if he were anyone else, he would have lost a few fingers for his trouble. When he’s certain he actually won’t lose any part of his body, he slowly lets go of the other’s hands and moves until he finds himself behind Damon, against the head of the bed. Even though the older vampire is watching him, he still lets a soft noise of surprise when arms grip his waist to pull him against the other’s body. He fights the hold for a moment until the younger vampire tightens his arms and drops his head against shoulder.
For a moment, everything is still and silent except for their breathings, one calm and deliberate, the other rapid and jerky until it progressively slows down. The shaking doesn’t stop though and when Enzo notices the tight grip Damon has on his own arm, hard and grinding—he is surprised the bone hasn’t given way yet—, he places his own hand on the other’s to make him relax his grip.
He turns his head, his lips barely touching the other vampire’s skin, but he still feels Damon react, how he inhales abruptly and presses himself more against him.
“It’s okay.” And he drops a faint kiss where the shoulder and the neck meet and Damon simply… stops. Falls further into Enzo like a puppet with its strings suddenly cut. A whimper escapes his mouth, something like a sob. Enzo kisses him a second time, this time on the neck, right on the pulse point. “I’ve got you.”
The next kiss lasts longer and, after removing Damon’s hand from his arm, he starts rubbing his thumb on the already healing bruises, feeling the sharp and still-getting-used-to contrast between cold and warm.
(This is something new. Where now sit marks—burn scar-like—, Damon’s skin is an interesting and unnatural mix of cold and warm skin. Vampires and undead cold. Humans and living warm. The first time he noticed it, he wasn’t able to contain his curiosity. But, when he questioned it, Damon shut down. Frozen and staring into space, watching things only he could see. He stayed like that for almost one hour, not even realizing how long he was in this state nor remembering what the question was. It was enough for Enzo to know not to ask about it again.)
His arm still around Damon’s waist now sits under his T-shirt, gently stroking his ribs, enjoying the light shiver that follows his hand. His lips stretched slightly, and he knows Damon felt it because he hears the beginning of a growl that ends up in a strange and entertaining mix between a groan and a moan when he starts dragging his nails instead. Enzo lifts his head, laying his cheek on the other’s shoulder, when he feels Damon turning his head. Placed like this, their noses bump before they can look at each other. When their eyes meet, Enzo smiles at the glint of amusement in Damon’s eyes. Because he much prefers this to the empty stare the blue-eyed vampire has been displaying all day, he slightly moves his head, rubbing their noses together once again. He is rewarded with a small chuckle, barely a sound but here in the way Damon’s lips stretched up a little and his eyes lighted up for a second. Feeling a bit lighter than when he entered the room, he can’t resist pressing his lips against the other’s and revels in the soft moan of surprise he gets in response. Damon doesn’t reciprocate, but he feels him relaxing, heartbeat finally calming down to a vampire-normal one.
When they separate, and since they’re already all feeling and soft, he murmurs a faint “I love you” and—wow the look he gets is so precious, so fragile it is heartbreaking.
(Seriously, tomorrow the second-class scooby gang (Yes, Enzo thinks pettily, they don’t deserve Capital Letters.) better be on their best behavior, or heads will be rolling.)
“I love you.” He repeats, making sure to look the other in the eyes, and kisses him one last time before repositioning himself behind Damon, bringing him closer. The other vampire leans against him, grabbing the hand next to his arm and starts playing with it. With the way he seems too focused on their linked hands, Damon must be thinking about something. Used to him sometimes needing time to organize his thoughts before speaking, Enzo simply waits for him to be ready to speak. Absently he goes back to stroking the other’s ribs, head resting against the headboard and his eyes closed.
Somewhere between his thoughts about the probability of making Stefan disappear without Damon noticing (zero percent) and if cheese chips and chocolate ice cream would make a good combination (the idea has some merit), Damon stopped fiddling with his hand, dragging his forefinger the long of his fingers instead. Enzo gets distracted by the change and almost misses Damon speaking.
“I love you too.”
Well, speaking might be the wrong word. The words are said, barely a whisper. And without his super-hearing, he would have missed them. Before he can respond, he feels Damon tensing a bit before he moves, so that they are facing each other, more or less with Damon still seated between his legs and his own arm around the other’s chest.
His eyes meet blue eyes, intense, filled with determination.
(God, Enzo loves these eyes. Haunting unforgettable breathtaking eyes.)
“I love you too. I know I don’t say it often. But I do.”
(Be still, vampire-heart. No need to beat like a normal human one.)
“I know you do. You made it pretty clear from the moment you came back to rescue me.”
That seems to take Damon by surprise who can’t help but blurt a stunned “What?”, eyes wide open.
“I mean I didn’t let myself believe at the beginning because… well obvious reasons,” and Enzo is pleased to see the other is not looking away for once, despite the flicker of shame and guilt that still flashes in the blue eyes. “But trust me, thinking back about it now, it’s really evident. You came back. For me.” Enzo takes the way Damon opens his mouth, probably ready to refute what he is saying, and glares at him. What he wants to say is hard enough. After a few seconds of hesitation, he takes a breath. “We talked about it. Several times. You know what I think and you know I forgave you. The thing, Damon, is yes I was angry and hurt and I felt betrayed. But there were days I was… not happy but relieved you could say. Because you got out. Because, deep down, I knew if you hadn’t left me, you would have got captured again and it would have meant the year prior would have been for nothing. That whole year, starving like I never did, always feeling on the verge of desiccation, would have been in vain. Plus, who knows what they would have done to you after you killed every attendee at the party. They were vicious afterwards.”
(And they were. The year that followed the massacre at the New Year party was atrocious. The scientists who survived or who weren’t there felt vindictive—like they had any right—and they took it out on him. He was an easy target for their revenge. The experiments became harsher, unforgiving and downward crueler—something he didn’t think was possible after fifteen years in their clutches. And if the physical torture wasn’t enough, he was feeling hurt and betrayed in the worst way possible. And so angry. There were days he was so furious the pain of the experiments barely registered. He would spend these days on the operating table planning how to take revenge on Damon in the most brutal and devastating way possible.
He knew everything about him, it would have been so easy to ruin him irreparably. Because Damon, for all he appears callous and impervious, cares. So much it is ludicrously frighteningly simple to hurt him.)
“But this is not what I was getting at. I mean, we can talk about it again. If you want. But another day. When at least one of us is emotionally able to lead this kind of conversation. What I wanted to say originally is… you came back. And no matter how angry, hurt or relieved I was that you weren’t there with me anymore, I still hold that hope that you would. Come back I mean.” For some reason, Damon looks particularly stricken at that, something heavier than guilt shining brightly in his eyes and Enzo almost wants to ask about it. Doesn’t because he knows Damon will not answer. “Of course, the hope I had that you would rescue me flickered a lot. Some days I felt ridiculous thinking you’d save me because I saw you turn your humanity off and you probably thought I was dead. But some days I was thinking to myself that maybe today would be the day you wake up and realize I didn’t die that day and that you’d come.” Unable to look at Damon for his next words, Enzo lowers his head, staring at their linked hands instead. “These days were the worst.” At the sharp inhale from his ex-cellmate, he stares down more intensely. “Because at the end of the day, I was still in this cell and I felt so stupid. But as stupid as hoping was, it… helped me. In some kind of cruel way. Because, if I had hope, I had something to hold onto. I couldn’t keep relying on anger to survive. I would have gone crazy. Lost myself in ways everything they did to me would never have. But, these last years, it was getting harder and harder to hold on to something positive. The fatigue, the pain, it made it easy for all the negative emotions to break through. Even then, I was losing my grip on them. And all of a sudden, after fifty years, you are here. You are standing in front of my cell, covered in blood. Then, you open the door and I’m out of the cell. I’m walking through the lab and there is blood and bodies everywhere. Until you shoved that guard at me so that I could drink, I was still persuaded it was a hallucination. A very elaborated one my brain conjured to… torture me more I guess. Damn, I don’t even remember where I was getting, but the bottom line is you came back when I thought you wouldn’t.”
When he finally looks up, he swallows. Damon looks devastating, he can practically see his heart breaking in his eyes. Enzo hesitates. He didn’t mean to make Damon feel worse. Maybe he should have waited for him to be emotionally more stable. Releasing the other’s hand—and pretending not to hear the wounded sound at the action—, he puts his two hands on Damon’s cheeks, making sure he is looking at him.
“You came back and got me out when you could have left me there,” Enzo can’t help but feel a bit relieved when he sees the other frown, protective anger in the lines of his face. “And then you didn’t leave me alone, you stayed, and you took care of me.” Dark eyes stare straight into wide blue ones. “At first, I thought it was out of guilt, and maybe it was, partially. But I know you. Guilt alone wouldn’t make you stay or help. Or keep still while someone is pointing a stake at your heart.” The last part is said with a bit of reproach despite Enzo knowing it is useless. Damon has something akin to a martyr complex but instead of the whole thing about sacrificing himself for people’s sake, he is willing to die if he feels he deserves it. In a fucked-up way, despite how it angered him at the time—still does to be honest—, Damon not trying to defend himself and looking ready to accept whatever punishment Enzo had for him, even death, was what convinced him Damon was earnest, made him realize how important he was to him.
(He swears, people who say Damon is unable to feel any sort of remorse have never seen him actually deal with guilt. Probably because it presents itself as recklessness and stupid impulsive decisions. Ordinary Damon things. But the thing with guilt is that Damon takes all of his worst traits and makes them worse.)
Because Damon has a thing about deals and debts. He particularly noticed it these last months, seeing him interact with people who are not himself nor doctors and their assistants. How he would carefully formulate his sentences, always letting himself some ground to defend himself if something goes wrong. How he would retaliate if he thought someone wronged him, or someone he cares about, one way or another. And okay maybe what he considers as wrongdoings is very subjective, but meet them and you find yourself confronted with a particularly violent and vindictive vampire. Enzo would have thought the others would have noticed it at this point, particularly the wording thing. But since he has arrived, they were still as careless as ever with their words and as clueless about Damon’s.
He is pretty sure the only person who caught on is Elijah, but it is probably because the Original vampire is as careful as Damon with his phrasing. Hell, the two practically made a game out of it, see who will be able to outword the other first without anyone noticing it—except Enzo who usually watches the two going at it with amusement. And keeps score. At the moment, they’re tied. Damon won the last point after the questioning and suspicious look Klaus sent his brother. (The victorious subtle but not really smirk Damon sent to Elijah made Klaus glance pointedly at the younger vampire. All it did was make Damon smirk more obnoxiously, this time mockingly at the hybrid. Enzo was already planning how to steal Klaus’s blood to cure the idiot from werewolf venom.)
“You don’t make a habit of showing your caring unless you actually do care, and even then you have to know what to look for. And you haven’t stopped since then. You think I haven’t noticed how you always seem to have blood bags close at hand. How you always make sure to be between me and the biggest threat in the room—which, I see how you keep flicking your eyes between me and Stefan, as if you don’t know whom to stay close to. Sometimes you look like you’re one blink away from kidnapping us out of the situation. Or one of us so that you can completely focus on the other. It’s cute in a way. Pretty sure Stefan thinks it’s unsettling the way you stare at him, but at least I get to laugh at his growing paranoia.”
A small laugh escapes Damon’s mouth. This little feud between Enzo and Stefan never stops amusing him.
“I love you. And I know you do too.” Right, this is what it was about originally. “You show it to me every day. I don’t need you to say it all the time.”
Damon simply stares at him in response, a small frown appearing between his brows. “It doesn’t mean I couldn’t say it more often.”
“And it is nice hearing it. But it doesn't mean I need to hear it, you already show it to me every time, every day.” When he sees Damon's brows furrow deeper, lips thinning in displeasure, he adds. “Stop being a stubborn dolt and just accept it.”
Now at the risk of incurring Damon’s wrath, Enzo's lips turn up in a small smile at the face the other vampire is making—which is not a pout because big bad vampires do not pout. (And it's not big bad wolfy who will disagree. His expression when he was told by his brother that his idea of turning Mystic Falls inhabitants into vampires so the littlest Gilbert could complete the map better stayed an idea was not a pout. Enzo sometimes looks at Damon and Klaus and can't help but laugh because no wonder these two can't get along, they're just too similar in the worst possible way.)
“I’m not saying all this to make you feel better. I am telling you. I have never doubted it. Believe me, when you’re being all you,” at the confused tilt of head he gets, he simply smiles, “it’s not hard to tell. I mean, even your brother knows you love him and you are a lot meaner with him. And… and I have no idea what we were talking about but I love you, you love me, we love each other, it’s nice.”
Damon raises an eyebrow, all judgment and wow, Enzo can see the resemblance between both Salvatore with this expression. “It’s nice? Really?”
“Shut it! I didn’t really plan on being all emotional today.”
The light amusement on Damon’s face straight away dies out and Enzo kind of wants to hit himself for it.
“Sorry. Today just felt… too much.”
Enzo smiles sadly and cups Damon’s face with his left hand, making sure to look him in the eyes. “Want to talk about it?”
The answer is obvious on Damon’s face, but after sighing, he still answers. “I thought I was doing okay, but they started talking about the most efficient way to kill as many supernatural creatures as possible. And it was too much because they are basically talking about mass murder and, I mean, I don't particularly care but… I don’t know, today I didn’t feel like listening anymore.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better, there was no progress on this front after you left. Doubt there has been any since I left.”
“Give them a few hours, they’ll come up with something. They can be particularly ruthless when it comes to their interests.” With a slight frown, he adds. “I better find a good place to hide the stake.” At Enzo’s questioning glance, he says. “I don’t trust them with something like that.”
Something in the way Damon said this sounds strange to Enzo. But aware the raven-haired vampire will not answer him, he doesn’t push. “What about your human buddy? Can’t he dissuade them from doing anything stupid?”
“You really think they’ll listen to Ric? I mean, Jeremy might but that’s all. And even then, the others can easily talk him into whatever shitty plan they think up. Believe me, it’s easier than it seems to convince little siblings to do what you want.”
Seeing how just thinking about what the Scooby Gang could come up with seems to suck out all of Damon’s energy, Enzo brings his other hand to the other’s face before kissing him. Damon instantly relaxes at the contact and leans forward to deepen the kiss. Thanks to their dampened need to breathe, the kiss lasts a few minutes during which Enzo lets himself think of nothing. Simply Damon seated between his legs, solid and real. His hands holding the dead-cold skin. One of Damon’s hands resting on his hip and the other gripping his knee. Enzo lets a moan escape when he feels Damon’s hand slides under his T-shirt, rubbing slow circles with his thumb. Feeling the other’s lips stretching into a smile, Enzo retaliates by biting them, fangs out, savoring the taste of blood on his tongue and the grunt accompanying it.
Finally breaking the kiss, Enzo’s attention zeroes in on the already healing bite and resists the urge to reopen it. A temptation starting to be too strong when Damon almost makes a show of licking his lips to get rid of the blood. So instead, Enzo focuses on the blue eyes already looking right at him. He lets himself a few seconds to lose himself in being Damon’s sole focus, gently stroking his cheeks, watching how the raven is leaning in at the movement, not breaking eye contact. He smiles, a tiny little thing, when Damon turns his head, taking his thumb in his mouth to nibble at it, not even piercing the skin. Sometimes Damon has the cutest little habits.
“Feel like doing anything?”
Damon lets his thumb go and stops to think, observing the younger vampire closely—probably (certainly) to determine what Enzo wants—so Enzo makes sure to keep his expression open, letting him know that the choice is entirely his, that he is okay with whatever he decides. After several seconds of scrutinizing, Damon seems to come to a decision. Still fixated on the other vampire, he slowly shakes his head.
“Not really. Not today. Can we just…” He seems to hesitate—shy as Damon Salvatore should never be—before gesticulating his hand between them and the bed.
Enzo doesn’t wait to agree, having immediately understood what Damon meant.
(Someone needs to remind Damon that it is alright to simply want to cuddle without sex involved. That if he wants someone to hold him, he just has to ask.)
(Realizing that the love of your life you spent a century and half trying to save from a fate worse than death lied to you and only used you for sex had certainly led to some serious self-love issues. Enzo would really like to have more words with Katherine Pierce. In retrospect, maybe he should have burned her the first time he met her. Because she damaged Damon so deeply Enzo has a visceral need to hurt her. And Enzo could appreciate the irony)
“Yeah, we can.” Letting the other go, Enzo takes his place back against the headboard and puts his arms around Damon’s waist when the older vampire pushes himself against him. Damon immediately grabs one of his hands in his before he starts playing with it. When Enzo doesn’t feel the other vampire relax after a few minutes, he puts his free hand on Damon’s tight, stroking the covered skin. At the light tensing of the man in his arms, Enzo begins to delicately put kisses on the exposed skin in front of him. He keeps doing so, butterfly kisses on the neck, nothing more, and his hand rubbing lazy circles on the other’s tight, not moving higher or lower, until he feels Damon slowly relaxing in his embrace once he is certain Enzo has no intention of going further.
The air around them feels lighter and lighter every second Damon unwinds a bit more until Enzo doesn’t feel like he’s about to be struck by lightning anymore. Instead, all he feels is warm contentment, and he lets himself be lulled into a soft feeling of security he doesn’t think he has ever been able to feel until Damon. Because there is something about the older vampire that makes him feel safe, that tells him he can let his guard down because he knows the other won’t let anything happen to him.
“How about we stop existing for a few hours?” Damon simply hums in response. “No original vampires, no magical map, no cure, and more importantly, no teenager drama. Just you and I between four walls, against the outside world.”
“At least there is no cement wall between us.”
“At least there is nothing to prevent us from cuddling.” He lets a short laugh escape at Damon’s groan.
“Please don’t call it that.”
“I’m calling it how I see it.” To emphasize his point, he tightens his hold and shoves his face in the junction between Damon’s neck and his shoulder. “I’m cuddling you.”
“You’re strangling me. You planning on letting me breathe at some point?” His only answer is the tightening of the grip around him, efficiently constricting his lungs. “Very funny.”
The dry tone only causes Enzo to drop a kiss on his neck followed by a nip right on his pulse point. “You don’t need to breathe.”
Damon huffs before slapping one of Enzo’s legs. “I do. And I’ll need to, eventually.”
“Admit we’re cuddling and maybe I’ll let you.”
“Maybe?” The clutch Damon’s in tightens a bit more.
“I’m very comfortable in this position.”
“You’re trying to crush my rib cage.”
“Cuddling does not involve broken bones. Nor asphyxia.”
“That’s what you think. You just haven’t cuddled anyone in a long time.”
“We— You’re the one who spent decades as a rat lab, what do you know?” He simply gets a hum in response. “Plus, I’m the one who was stuck with a clingy angel-faced little sibling.”
“It was like two centuries ago. Doesn’t count.”
“It was never-happened ago for you. I win.”
“Okay little spoon, whatever you say.”
“How do you even know about that?”
“I’m catching up on modern slang.”
“Please, never say that word again. It sounds wrong coming from you.” Enzo decides to not answer and instead bites the skin on Damon’s neck before sucking. The other vampire inhales sharply. “If you’re hungry, there is blood downstairs.”
Enzo lifts his head to place it on Damon’s shoulder. “And risk bumping into the gaggle of murderous babies. No, thank you.” He sweeps the room with his eyes. “You should have blood in your room. Why don’t you have blood in your room?”
Damon doesn’t answer, preferring instead to settle more cozily against the younger vampire with a faint sigh of content. Enzo adjusts his grip until they’re both comfortable. Damon takes his hand once again, fiddling with his fingers and his ring. With Damon’s fixation with his hands, Enzo is half worried Damon is going to steal them. Or his ring. Damon looks like the kind of person to steal jewelry because he likes it.
After a few minutes of silence, Enzo leans his head toward Damon, chin hooked on the other's shoulder, a small smirk on his lips. He can feel Damon shift at his movement. “So,” from the way Damon freezes, he probably already knows he won't like what he'll hear. It simply makes his smile widen. “What about snuggling?”
Without missing a beat, Damon answers. “I'm disowning you. Starting now and ending never.” But, despite his words, he doesn't move. On the contrary, he leans further backwards and Enzo can't resist. 
“Looks like to me you do want more snuggles.”
With a grunt of disgust, Damon makes a move to extract himself from the other's embrace cuddle but Enzo tightens his grip. “Okay, okay, no cuddling and no snuggling. Just you and I against the outside world.” Despite his words, he makes sure to snuggle the other vampire as close as he can. “So, what do you say? We pretend the outside world doesn’t exist and we stay here where nothing can reach us?”
“I like the idea.”
Enzo smiles and starts stroking Damon’s arms with the tips of his fingers until the other is completely relaxed and nearly asleep. He drops a small kiss on Damon’s lower jaw and shifts a bit so they are both comfortably settled. He waits until he’s sure Damon is asleep before picking his phone to write a quick message to Alaric to tell him to not bother them until at least midday the day after. Message sent and not waiting for the confirmation the hunter saw it, he puts the phone down, adjusts his grip and lets his head fall against the headboard, listening to Damon’s breathing gradually lull him into sleep.
They have tons of problems to deal with, but for now, he’s content enough to ignore them. They’ll have all the time to worry about them tomorrow. And the day after. And every day that follows. His last thought before succumbing to sleep is wondering if he'd be able to convince Damon to ditch Mystic Falls and its seemingly never-ending troubles.
so this ends up being longer than i planned, sorry for that but i hope you liked it i had fun writing it
i'll probably edit and post it on ao3 at some point, there are stuff i haven't been able to fit here so we'll see
also damon might seem a bit out of character but you should remember that the guy came back from a future where he saw everyone he loved die and he was having a bad week
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so according to some posts ive seen around the vd fandom bonnie and enzo are a thing later on and after he just kidnapped jeremy her boyfriend that makes sense that seems par the course of girl falling for the men in her life that abused her loved ones.. yeah i could care lessabout stefan killing enzo later on. the show is allergic to healthy ships
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leemacher · 3 months
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When We Meet Again Lorenzo St. John x Reader
Summary: Damon was always getting the two of you into and out of trouble, but when you get pulled into the Augustine Society with him, neither of you are sure if you'll ever make it out. What hurts the most though? Growing to love the vampire who'd already been there for years and being forced to listen to his screams.
Content: Reader is a Salvatore vampire, Reader's gender is never specified but is referred to using pet names like "gorgeous" and "love", mentions of child abuse, mentions of parental death, semi-graphic depictions of torture, starvation, major character death implied, angst, fluff, hurt no comfort, hurt with extremely delayed comfort, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, just barely edited
Word Count: 6.1k
a/n: I love Enzo with all my heart and I swear this man has zero fics. When this popped into my head I stopped everything to write it even though it made me cry. Enjoy!
Part 2 is imminent - not sure how many people still read for him, but if anybody wants to be tagged for it just let me know
The stinging feeling running through your veins was the first thing you noticed as you began to wake. Unable to move, even your thoughts had trouble being heard through the pounding in your skull.
The sounds of people around you talking started to ground you, and it didn’t take much longer for you to remember what happened. Damon had contacted you.
It was always Damon wasn’t it? Even when you were kids, it was always like this. When your mother died, he was your anchor. When your father was less than fatherly, he was your shield. And when you felt like causing trouble, he was your guide. Stefan was your brother, but Damon was your person.
So it made sense that when men with wooden stakes and vervain needles went after Damon, you would be right beside him then too. Although, you weren’t sure either of you were entirely happy about that.
It was the first time seeing your brother in almost ten years, you shouldn’t have to be looking at him through bars.
Your vision focused, albeit much slower than a vampire’s vision should, and you found yourself looking through a set of prison bars. In front of you, in a cell similar to yours, was a man you had never seen before. To the right, you could barely make out your brother, who looked much better than you felt at that moment.
“D-” you tried to speak, but it ended up in a cough as your vocal cords strained to work after who knows how long. “Damon?” You tried again, struggling to sit up.
As you moved to lean against the concrete wall behind you, he spoke. “Hey, kid.” You had never heard Damon sound so, whatever this was. “How you feeling?”
You scoffed. “You led me into some sort of Van Helsing trap.” You snapped, playfully. Well, as playful as you could manage. “How do you think I’m feeling?”
Unsure of whether his silence or an apology would’ve been more concerning, you focused your energy on the man sitting across from you. “Who are you? Where are we?”
“Lorenzo St. John, at your service. Or I would be, anyway.” He spoke with a little wave and tilt of his head, and also looked as bad as you felt. His clothes were frayed and as dirty as his skin, and even in the dark cells you could see the faint remnants of blood on his body and clothes. However, with short black hair, brown eyes, and an English accent, he would’ve been someone you found attractive had you not been where you were. “Welcome to Augustine.”
Introducing yourself, because if nothing else you had basic manners, you took another glance at your brother. “Are you okay?”
Silence followed. Pushing yourself forward a little, you underestimated your strength which had steadily been coming back, and a little became a lot. Your body shot towards the bars faster than you expected, and tried grabbing onto them to stabilize yourself.
“I wouldn’t do that, gorgeous.”
You hissed in pain at the same time Lorenzo spoke. Pulling your hands away from the bars, you groaned. As anger at your predicament coursed through your veins, the tell tale black markings of a vampire began to appear under your eyes.
Before any of you had a chance to do or say anything else, another man appeared. This time, outside of a cell and with a needle of vervain in his hand. He mumbled to himself while messing with the locks on Damon’s cell.
Fear shot through you. You weren’t entirely sure what was happening, but the vervain needle accompanied by the metal rolling table he brought with him told you it couldn’t be anything good. Glancing at Lorenzo, you briefly caught him shaking his head at you before deciding to ignore him.
“Hey!” You yelled, but the man continued opening Damon’s cell. Looking at your brother, you couldn’t even tell if he was awake or not, “Hey! I’m talking to you, you ass!”
You stood up as best you could, your body fighting off the last remnants of vervain. Ignoring the stinging sensation, you began banging on the doors to the cell, yelling even louder this time. “Mr. Jackass!”
The man quickly spun around, sizing you up with his nostrils flared. You barely caught sight of Lorenzo’s wide eyes before the man had the vervain needle stuck into your arm. He opened the cell as your strength began to fade once more, mumbling something about you being more active than you should.
Being wheeled down the hall on a gross feeling medical gurney, you tried mapping out the layout of the place as best you could, but he seemed to reach his destination very quickly.
The vervain had made quick work of you, and you barely had the strength to react when the man strapped down your arms and legs.
Barely, being the key word.
“If you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask.” You sassed. If you were going to go through whatever this man intended on doing to you, you were going to annoy the hell out of him in the process.
The man left your vision, and you could hear items shuffling around, clinking together every once in a while, before he walked back into your view. A tray of medical equipment and a few unsavory looking tools lay on a metal table he placed next to your body.
Shocks ran up and down your spine, fear sinking into every fiber of your being. Lorenzo was warning you not to make things worse, and in that split moment as the man carved into your torso for the first time, you wondered how long he had been here.
You refused to allow a scream to escape, instead biting down on the inside of your lip. “Oh, so you’re this kind of freaky, huh?” You said once gathering your wits.
The blade above you paused, and you smirked as the man let out a deep sigh. “Unless you’re screaming, shut up.”
The scalpel dug back in, slicing from one side of your abdomen to the other. You barely suppressed another cry of pain, thanking Guiseppe Salvatore for the first time in your life for a high pain tolerance, before speaking again as he set the scalpel down. “Make me, Bitch!”
Shortly after saying that, you felt the man’s fingers pry your skin apart, creating an opening to your stomach. Peeling layer after layer of skin, and cutting more as necessary, the man exposed the inside of your body almost surgically.
You found the strength to lift your head, watching as his hands disappeared inside your body, pushing your organs around. The pain was excruciating, but the sight of your organs and veins being moved around was even worse.
For hours after, or at least for as long as this went on, the man would smirk at every cry of pain. Taking great pleasure in the sounds he was able to bring out of you, every ounce of strength you had went into staying quiet.
Delirium had set in, and after so long, you didn’t even feel like you were alive. Just existing, forever, motionless and in pain. So much so that you didn’t even realize when it had stopped.
You barely reacted to being pushed back to your cell, or gave thought to opening your eyes for long enough to see if your brother was okay. The only reaction you felt capable of giving was a groan as your body came into contact with the stone floor of your cell.
It hadn’t occurred to you back then, but after recovering from your session you realized that the others could hear everything that happened in that room. Damon, while just as witty as you were, was less practiced in the art of silence it seemed.
“Hey,” Enzo, as you had learned to call you, spoke. “Damon said he was your brother?”
You locked eyes with Enzo through the darkness. “Yeah.”
Enzo sighed, flinching with you when Damon let out a particularly painful scream. “Do you have any other siblings?”
Stefan’s face flashed through your mind, and you were briefly grateful that him and Damon seemed to always be at odds. You don’t think you could handle both of them being here.
“Yeah. Another brother, Stefan.”
Enzo smiled kindly as a tear streamed down your face. “Tell me about him.”
So you did.
You told Enzo all about Stefan and the adventures the three Salvatore siblings would have when they were all human. Mystic Falls couldn't handle the three of you, although you were certain there wasn’t a place on earth that could.
When Katherine came around and created a rift between Stefan and Damon, it also pushed the two of them away from you. Turning into vampires however, somehow made it even worse. Damon never forgave Stefan for forcing him to turn, and because Damon was your person, you took his side.
Soon enough, it was almost like Damon was the only family you had left. Despite everything, though, Stefan was still your brother, and you promised yourself that if you ever got out, no matter what Damon wanted, you were going to fix things with him.
For what felt like hours, you told Enzo about everything you could think of. And anytime Damon’s screams hit you too hard, he asked a question or started a story of his own. Together, the two of you took each other’s minds off of where you were.
When Damon was finally dropped back in his cell, the three of you promised that one day you would all make it out. And when you did, you would burn this place to the ground.
“You remember the time you broke your wrist because George Lockwood called you cute?”
You groaned as loudly as you could, ignoring the stinging in your throat as you did so. “Why must you always bring that up?”
Enzo chuckled at the two of you, raising his eyebrow at you questioningly. “You what?”
Damon laughed as you hid your face behind your hands. “George Lockwood was a suitor of hers back in the day. Father thought marrying the two of them would bring both of our families a higher status in the world.”
“And you broke your wrist because he flirted with you?” Enzo laughed along with Damon.
“No!” You shot both men a pointed glare. “I broke my wrist because I tripped and fell.”
“Because he was flirting with you.” Damon chipped in.
“Because I was flustered and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going!” You corrected.
Damon smirked at you from his cell, continuing to tease you. Today was a rare day where none of you were carted off to be ripped apart, and though that meant that none of you would be fed the tiniest bit of blood in existence to heal and thus were all practically starving, this was still classified as a good day. “Because he was flirting with you.”
You groaned again, rolling your eyes. “I was sixteen, Damon. I wasn’t supposed to be good at flirting back then.”
“As opposed to now, I assume?” Enzo pitched in, his eyebrows raised.
“I’ll have you know, I could have any man eating out of my hand if I so wished.”
“George excluded?” Damon smiled. “Or is it just the men who you like that make you prone to running into things?”
“As if I needed clumsiness to drive men away.” You gave Damon a playful glare. “Anyone who I’ve ever been interested in, this one has chased away.” You said, glancing at Enzo and watching as he made a face of understanding.
“Well it’s a good thing I can’t go anywhere then.” Enzo said, his voice dropping slightly. “And with no way to run into anything, you can flirt to your heart’s content.”
You raised an eyebrow, pretending to look him up and down. “As if I’d want to flirt with you.”
“Please,” Enzo smiled, and you found yourself mirroring it, as he spread his arms out beside him. “I’m a catch.”
“You’d be lucky if you even got a moment with me, stud.” You mocked, teasingly.
“And I’d savor that moment for the rest of my existence.”
Damon cut back into the conversation with a loud groan and a bang. “If you’re gonna flirt, can you at least do it while I’m being tortured?” You giggled while Enzo held back a laugh. “It’s less painful.”
“How you feeling?” Enzo spoke softly to you.
After a particularly rough session, in which Damon was immediately carted off for his turn, you could barely manage to lift your head up off the ground. You tried to speak, but even that felt like too much.
“That bad, huh?” You could hear the soft smile in his voice. “And here I was thinking you were invincible.”
The faintest of smiles crossed your face, and for a moment silence filled the cells. With no noise except the faintest clinking sounds of the men in the room over preparing to cut into Damon, you had time to think about or rather acknowledge the thoughts that had been rolling through your head as of late.
When you first got here, your only thought was of how to get out. For you, it wasn’t an if, but a when, and when you did you had plans upon plans of how you would get back at the people who put you and your brother through hell. Now though? Now it felt as if there was no escape.
It was as if there would never be anything other than pain. You began to wonder what it would be like to die here, or if they’d ever let you die. You didn’t know which was worse.
Gathering all of your strength, you weren’t even sure if Enzo would hear you when you spoke. “Keep talking.”
A second passed before you heard Enzo sigh. “It seems somewhat sad to say, but I think you and Damon are the only two friends I’ve ever truly had.”
For the most part, Enzo avoided talking about himself and his past, saying that there wasn’t much to tell. Because of this, anytime he had to talk for more than five minutes at a time, it landed more on you or Damon.
Though more recently, his ramblings tended to land on you, and this time was no exception.
“The two of you showing up was unexpected after being alone here for so long. You more than your brother.” He scoffed to himself. “You could barely move and yet still, the first thing you did was piss off the doc. Thought you were an idiot if I’m being honest.”
“But then I realized what you were doing. Damon did too, which he was pissed about by the way.” You exhaled roughly in a laugh at that. “Either way you definitely weren’t what I was expecting.”
“As shitty as it sounds, I’m sort of glad you’re here.” He paused. “Don’t know if I would’ve survived just your brother.” His laugh sounded strained, as if there was more he wanted to say, but it was a welcome sound all the same. 
The more time passed, the more commonplace those kinds of conversations were. When Enzo or you had a tough session, the other would slip into rambling about anything they could think of. Depending on how everything was timed, Damon would be there too, joining in but mostly listening to whoever was talking.
Even when years had passed and  you felt as though you had shared all your stories and talked about everything under the sun, you’d all sit around and pretend you hadn’t heard the same story seven times already just so that you could have something to laugh at again. So much so that George Lockwood became a running joke.
“I’m no George, but I know a thing or two about…” being a common one. “George would never,” and even better, because he was a dick, “George definitely would.”
One of these conversations, however, caught you off guard.
“I think we have a plan.” Enzo’s voice pulled you out of your pain induced exhaustion.
Shortly after, you pulled yourself up into a sitting position and pushed them to explain. Enzo told Damon about the Augustine’s party that was hosted every once in a while. They brought the vampires in cages upstairs and showed off everything they had learned through their torture, while scientists and other guests gawked at the monsters in captivity.
Because of how weak they kept the vampires, the people of Augustine didn’t really invest that much into security. If one of them were to have a little bit more strength, they could get out. Or attempt it anyway.
It was decided that Damon would get all of Enzo’s share of blood for the foreseeable future, as you couldn’t get nor give any of yours to either of them while being on the other side of the hall. Damon would then be able to overpower any of the Augustine scientists and get all three of them out when the time came.
“So, we’re actually gonna,” you cut yourself off. Even when whispering the fear that someone could overhear rocketed through you.
“Yeah, we are.” Damon reassured. “All of us.”
“So,” Enzo asked, quietly. Damon had fallen asleep some time ago, and you and Enzo had been sitting, staring at each other in silence since. “What’s the first thing your going to do when we get out?”
“Other than find someone to eat?” You smirked, matching his volume. Enzo chuckled, and nodded for you to give a real answer. Thinking for a moment, you knew there was no other answer. “I’m gonna fix things with Stefan. You?”
Enzo paused, then gave a half smile. “I’m gonna take you on a date.”
You almost choked on your saliva, your eyes going wide. His smile widened at your reaction, and you let out a nervous giggle before responding. “No really.”
“Really.” He said. “I’ve been sitting here, staring at the most amazing, wonderful creature in existence, being unable to do anything but admire for years.” Looking at him, there was never a moment where he looked more genuine in the whole time you had been here, and you could feel your heartbeat speed up at the realization.
“I’ll follow you anywhere, if you’d allow it, gorgeous.” The two of you held eye contact through the darkness. “But I’m starting with a date.”
You glanced away, checking to see that Damon was still asleep. “Uh huh. And,” you paused for a moment locking eyes with Enzo again. “Say I said yes to this date,” even in the darkness you could see his face light up, “how would that go?”
It seemed that smile was permanently etched on his face. “Well, I’m a little behind on the times, but I have a few ideas.”
You gestured for him to continue, keeping a smirk on your face like you weren’t dying to know what he would say next.
“I’m thinking flowers, a classic,” you nodded, echoing him. “I’d ask you to get all dressed up and take you somewhere that serves whatever you want, and we’d drink and dance and torment anyone who was rude to us through the night.” Your lips quirked upward without your say. “Then I’d take you to a clearing in the woods, or to a lake or wherever was close, and dance with you there under the stars.”
Enzo leaned forward slightly, and you found yourself doing the same. “Yeah?”
Chuckling quietly to himself, he continued. “Yeah. My favorite part is that the whole night I’d be teasing you. Flirting, and affectionate, and getting just close enough that you think at any point I’d kiss you. But,” He gave a shit eating grin. “I’m nothing if not a gentleman, and you’d be waiting all night until I drop you off at wherever you're staying before kissing you until you can’t breathe.”
“And if I invited you in?” Enzo raised his eyebrows at you. “Would you still be a gentleman then?”
“Well, now. Who would I be to deny you?”
The next few months you felt like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. With every day you were one step closer to being free. It was obvious in all of you, the fear of it not working out was overshadowed by the hope and the belief that soon it would be over.
Laughter became lighter, the conversations became easier, and the pain felt like nothing. It was terrifying, but electrifying at the same time, especially for you and Damon.
The scientists at Augustine had decided that in order to make sure that the vampires were ready for being showcased, and that everything was perfectly prepared, they would end their “experiments” for a week before the event. You and Damon had already had your last session, and while you were worried for Enzo, all three of you were content with the knowledge that this was the last time you would ever see the nasty end of a scalpel.
“I never could get into reading. Especially now that they have films, why would I read something when now I can just watch it.” Damon’s voice rang loudly through the cell hall.
“You could never get into reading because you're an idiot, mate.” You laughed loudly at Enzo’s comment.
“He didn’t even grow up with you and he knows.”
Damon glared. “Ha ha ha, you’re hilarious.”
Enzo went to say something else, probably calling Damon another name, when the door to the hall opened and the tell-tale sound of gurney wheels rolling down the hall reverberated through their cells. Your heart sped up and you looked at Enzo, worried.
All of you knew what was coming. Enzo looked back at you, and smiled softly. Nodding his head at you, you watched as the scientist vervained Enzo and pulled him out of his cell.
His eyes never left yours as they laid him on the gurney and strapped him down, and as much as you wanted to look away, you held his gaze. Enzo clenched his jaw before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. As they wheeled him out, you whispered, “Just one more.”
This time, out of all the others, it was impossible to focus on anything other than his screams. It was almost as if they knew what the vampires had been planning and were making sure that they hurt Enzo as much as they could just one last time.
You could hear every disgusting sound that came with them ripping into him, and every whimper Enzo let out as a result. You swore you could ever hear the sound of tears dropping on the ground.
As time flew by in Augustine, you’d debated with yourself what the worst thing about it was. Was it the starvation? The torture? The looks of the scientists who saw you as an animal to dissect over and over and over again?
No, this was it.
Being forced to listen to Enzo cry out in pain for hours on end. Not even listening to Damon get hurt was this intense. As much as you hated to say it, growing up with him and your father had made you accustomed to your brother in pain. But with Enzo it was different.
Knowing that Enzo had been here, enduring this for so long by himself, only to deal with again every single day. A never ending nightmare in which you couldn’t do a damn thing about it. You couldn’t even hold him.
All you could do was sit and listen as he suffered, and hope that this time wouldn’t be the time that broke him, because if he broke, you knew that you would surely follow.
Hours passed by, in which the only thing that kept you sane was picturing him smiling, flirting with you as he always did just because he knew it would make you laugh. Finally, finally the screaming stopped.
You opted to stay silent while the scientists brought him back in. Pissing them off and potentially getting yourself attacked because of it didn’t seem like the best thing to do. As soon as they left the room, you were as close to the bars as you could be without being burned by the vervain.
“Enzo?” He didn’t respond. “Enzo?” You spoke a little louder, your voice trembling slightly.
He laid still, not even groaning, and even Damon looked slightly worried. He should’ve been healing faster than this, and he would’ve if he’d had more blood in his system.
“Enzo, please! Just, say something. Or move, or groan or something.” Your breath was caught in your chest. In the whole time you’d been here, you’d rarely seen him this bad.
After what felt like hours of waiting, Enzo finally stirred with a soft groan. “Enzo?”
He groaned again, unmoving despite having seemed to have gathered a small bit of strength. You glanced over to Damon’s cell where he looked just as concerned as you were.
Before you could say more, the scientist came back in and set down the tiny cups of blood in front of the cells and then promptly walked back out.
Enzo began moving then. Very slowly he made his way to the front of the cell and slowly slid his cup towards Damons cell.
“Wait, Enzo.” He paused, his face scrunched up as he looked at you. “You should take yours today.” You glanced at Damon who nodded at you. “You need to heal.”
“I’ll be fine, gorgeous.” His voice was scratchy and barely audible. Hearing it made tears that you had been holding off before gather in your eyes.
You slowly moved towards the front of your cell as you spoke. “I’m serious, Enzo. Damon can survive one day without it, you-”
“So can I.” For the first time since you’d got here, his piercing glare was on you instead of one of your torturers. “We need to stick to the plan.”
You sighed out in frustration. “We have been, and you're in so much pain you can barely move.” Leaning against the wall just before the bars, you watched as Enzo’s expression softened. “Please, just… Take a little at least, please.”
Enzo closed his eyes, on the verge of listening to your tearful begging, but ultimately shook his head. Sliding the cup the rest of the way, he mirrored your position against the wall and locked eyes with you. “Just a few more days, gorgeous. Then you can hold me till I feel better.”
You let your head fall back against the wall, and watched as Enzo tried to reassure you by smiling through the pain. “Fine,” as soon as the words left your mouth Damon had his hands on the cup. “But I’m mad at you for it.”
“I know.”
Finally. Finally. It was happening.
After five long, hard years, the day had come. Enzo had healed, eventually, Damon was stronger than everyone thought, and you were the focus of the scientists because of your previous attitude. Everything was coming together and in just a little longer, you would all be free.
You tried not to let it show on your face, but anytime you glanced at Enzo or Damon, you knew that you had the same light in your eyes as they did. All three of you were waiting for the perfect moment, hope was no longer just a distant sound you were clinging onto desperately. Your escape was right in front of you, practically pulling you towards it, and you were ready.
Men and women walked and talked all around you, though never too close to the cages despite believing they were perfectly safe. The smell of blood filled with vervain was all around you, and you were half tempted to drain one of them just so that they knew how it felt to feel the blood slowly leaving your body, unable to move or fight, knowing that the only thing you could do was wait for whatever you attacker decided to do with you.
Just one look at Enzo and you could tell he was debating the same thing.
One of the scientists from Augustine began talking, some long speech about his research and the saving of mankind. You rolled your eyes at that, and the man standing next to your cage tapped the side of it in warning.
Damon glanced over at you, nodding subtly. The men then moved to open Damon’s cage to show off their “domesticated vampire.” They pulled him out, and Damon played the part. Ducking his head and feigning exhaustion, the scientists let their guard down.
A woman got close to your cage while admiring Damon, and thus your part of the plan came into play. You snarled at her, lunging within your cage and ignoring the vervain lacing it.
The man watching over you immediately jumped into action, poking you with a wooden spear, also laced in vervain. Until the main scientist told him to stop.
He handed Damon over to two of the other scientists, and turned to you, motioning for the woman to back up and for someone to start undoing the door to your cage.
“You all must be wondering how we’ve accomplished such a feat. Making vampire’s docile and having them under our control.” Three men pulled you out of your cage, one of them holding a stake to your back just in case. “Most of it has to do with their diet, only giving them enough to stay alive and moving while we conduct our experiments, but the other part of our system is a little more, hands on.”
He grabbed one of the stakes from someone near him and plunged it into your stomach. “You see, with their healing capabilities not at full capacity, it doesn’t take much to render them useless.”
You gritted your teeth, holding back the scream you wanted to let out. Before you knew it, Damon had killed the two men holding him while everyone was focused on you. Chaos had broken out.
Everyone who wasn’t a part of Augustine began to run for their lives, while the ones who worked there tried getting him under control. But, just as you had planned, he was stronger than they expected him to be.
You threw the men on you away from you with what strength you had, snapping the neck of the main scientist who stood in front of you, paralyzed in shock and fear.
Damon went after the remaining Augustine employees while you tried getting Enzo’s cage open, hissing in pain at the vervain. In fighting off the humans, Damon had knocked over a lantern, and fire had begun to spread.
The smoke quickly filled up the room, and in your weakened state you could barely stand to be in the building.
“Go,” Damon came up behind you, covered in blood. “I’ll get him out, but you need to leave.” He grabbed your arms, steadying you when you continued fighting with the cage door. “I can’t carry you both.”
You glanced at Enzo, your breaths both speeding up in fear and becoming short and heavy from the fire. “Get out of here, watch out for any more of them coming.”
A second more passed before you nodded, and rushed out of the building. You took a deep breath, falling to your knees and feeling free for the first time in five years. Doing what Enzo had asked, you used your sensitive hearing to listen for any sounds in the woods, hoping that everyone from Augustine was lying dead in that building.
A few moments later, Damon came walking out of the building. You rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug, and he tensed when you looked around.
“Where’s Enzo?” He hung his head, and tried pushing you away from the building, eyes glimmering in guilt.
“We need to go.” He said, his voice tight and heavy. 
You pushed him away. “You-... No!” Rushing forward, you tried getting back into the building, but got stopped.
“We’re leaving. Now!” You shook your head violently, trying to fight your way through him, but he was too strong.
“I’m not leaving without him, Damon!” Tears began running down your face at the realization that Damon was going to leave him behind. “How could you- No!”
“Listen!” He stopped you, and at the look on his face, you did. Footsteps through the woods hit your ears. So many footsteps. “Someone saw the smoke and their coming, I can’t get the door open and the fire almost took everything.” He pulled you into a hug. “We can’t save him, kid.”
You held the hug for a moment, before gathering every bit of strength you had left in you, and shoved him away. Anger and sadness filled you. “Then I’ll die with him!”
Rushing back into the building, and leaving Damon behind, you appeared in front of Enzo’s cage. His eyes were sunken in and tears were streaming down them.
Enzo and you both started banging on the cage door, pulling and trying to break the lock. But between the fire, the vervain, and not having the strength to do anything, the cage door was winning.
The footsteps reached Enzo’s ears as the fire got closer and closer to him and you. A shock ran through him, and despite being hurt by Damon’s betrayal, he suddenly realized that he was right. You would die here with him if you didn’t leave.
Enzo said your name, yelling it when you didn’t respond. “You need to leave.”
At his words, you paused, eyes shooting up to him. “What? No!”
Your hands swiftly went back to trying to break the lock, ignoring the bright red burning of your flesh as you did. But Enzo wouldn’t have it. “Please, if you don’t leave you’ll die!”
“I don’t care!”
His hands shot through the bars and grabbed yours. “Well I do!”
You could hear men trying to push their way through the fallen ceiling debris, forcing their way closer to you on one side, while the fire got closer on the other.
“I will see you again, I promise you.” Enzo spoke quickly, his undead heart beating faster and faster at the thought of you dying for him. “But you need to leave, run please!”
Tears fell faster and faster down your face, and a crash sounded behind you, men shouting. “I love you!” You said, holding his hand for the first time. “I love you, Enzo.”
He squeezed your hands in his own, his expression a mixture of sorrow and elation that mirrored yours.
“Then live for me.”
You ducked out into the woods, running as fast as you could, which given all the vervain in your system from the stake from earlier and the men chasing you down, wasn’t very fast even for a human.
Stumbling around, you could barely see in front of you, tears blinding your vision. The sound of running behind you kept you going though, you would not be taken back. Not after everything.
A sound up ahead of you caught your attention, and the smell of human blood invaded your senses. Another vampire?
You pushed your way through the trees, heading towards the sound hoping you would run into another of your kind. If anything they’d probably kill the men with stakes and vervain and leave you to die, or at least be a distraction for you to get away.
An arrow whizzed past your head and you narrowly dodged a second one. The third however, struck you in the leg. The burning of vervain entering your system hit you immediately.
You cried out, pushing forwards still. “You fuckers!”
In moments, you came upon a man, no, he was a vampire. An older gentleman in a suit, feeding on a woman. He eyed you curiously before another arrow shot through the air, striking you in the back.
“Please,” you whimpered, shoving yourself towards the man who dropped the woman’s body to catch you. “Help me.”
“Hold on.”
The man set you on the ground, before leaving to go after the men who were chasing you. Their screams filled your ears, and you would’ve smirked had you not been sobbing on the ground.
Damning Damon for leaving Enzo behind, damning yourself for not being able to save him, and damning Enzo, most of all, for making you fall in love with him.
A silence fell over the woods, and you slipped in and out of delirium. You felt yourself choking on your own breath, your face wet with tears and blood, the man from before hovered over you.
Though you could tell he was speaking, no sound reached your ears. The only thing to leave your lips before slipping into the darkness being, “I’m sorry.”
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hysteriaww · 9 months
You get kai and bonnie so much together and individually everything you say fits them in canon so well it's too bad the writers really fumbled with them because when kai showed up he was a breath of fresh air and the best part about him is he's all about bonnie that was new and realistic bonkai was their last shot at getting the vampire diaries interest back up again
AH thank you so much for this lovely message, you're so sweet!! Yes, it really is such a shame the writers fumbled Bonkai bc it rly did seem like they had some great ideas there in the beginning, but the execution fell flat :( I feel like Kai was a breath of fresh air not just for us fans but also the cast & crew! U could rly feel their spark of new excitement for a dying show when kai showed up bc i think they all sensed that he was unique and different from the tired, recycled plotlines they'd had since S4.
Ian in particular seemed much more interested in his scenes when Kai was around (and much more lifeless when he wasn't) and Bonnie ofc was *given* much more interesting scenes when Kai was around, compared to prior seasons. Even Alaric & Jo, who started S6 as rick's new boring romance of the season, became relevant, layered and interesting bc of their links to Kai. Like rick loved to play the hero & act like damon was morally beneath him in S6 but his need to protect Jo from Kai brought out a selfish streak that made him go behind Jo & her fam's back to make shady deals w Damon & Kai as long as it kept Jo safe! Even Jo was revealed to be quite crafty considering her backstory of how she tricked & betrayed Kai in 1994, which made her much more interesting than her early role as rick's bland gf.
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Even Liv & Luke were (im sorry) SO BORING in S5 but 1000x more interesting in S6 once their story got linked to Kai. His existence single-handedly linked so many disjointed characters & plotlines from previous seasons (like why'd they even bring Rick back after dying in S3? His relationship w Jo (and by extension, Kai) was the only thing that made him relevant for the rest of the goddamn show)! Even the Heretics were introduced to the show through KAI & the gemini/siphoner lore and fully lost steam as soon as Kai wasn't there to make 'em interesting!
As for Kai's links to Bonnie, ya i agree she rly was their last chance to make things interesting bc they'd already given Elena & Caroline "dark" romances that fans were too attached to to accept anything else (see: Delena being forced to stay together; Steroline forever being overshadowed in most fans' minds by Klaroline) so giving Elena & Caroline new pairings would've disappointed fans, whereas Bonnie was a blank slate they could've gone WILD with bc none of her canon pairings had strongly attached fans... yet they gave Elena & Caroline new romances anyway and scrapped Bon's romance with Kai :)))
That is what felt malicious. In S6 alone, they gave Elena who ALREADY HAD DAMON the new guy Liam, then gave Caroline the same guy Liam, Enzo (briefly) AND Stefan, whereas Bon *almost* got Kai & *fully* lost Jeremy in S6. ??? Any writer who paid half as much attention to her fans as Plague did (considering how much ott fan-service she wrote into tvd & how many twitter fights she got into w fans whose ships she disapproved of) HAD to have known her fans wouldn't accept Caroline/Enzo, Care/Stef, Care/Liam or Elena/Liam as much as they loved Care/Klaus & Elena/Damon. Yet she did it anyway bc she preferred LOSING FANS to giving Bonnie someone interesting!
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She even planned Kai to be Bon's love interest in S6 bc she thought he wouldn't be popular w fans & instantly torpedoed that once she noticed fans' love for him bc, as I said before, Plague PAID ATTENTION to her fans' reactions. So fans having lukewarm feelings about Steroline was enough to get 'em married, but fans LIKING Kai was enough to get Bonkai axed. It's a common joke that Plague saw Caroline as her self-insert (neurotic, hyper-organized blonde control-freak) which is why she dated more men than even Elena. But I think a large chunk of tvd's white teen girl fans saw Care as a self-insert too (bc w each subsequent season, Caroline was increasingly written & designed that way, which is why fans turned on tvd's original self-insert, Elena, & worshipped Care instead).
Her "im never the one, im not perfect like elena" insecurities made her a blank canvas for (white) girls to see themselves in, which is why she wins Miss Mystic Falls, why she's a privileged Founding Fam member, why she gets to dress fancy & go to Mikaelson balls that have nothing to do w her, why she gets ALL the men, why she becomes the 1st vampire to be pregnant, why she gets to marry Stefan (then instantly lose him so she can go kiss Klaus in the spin-off), why she gets to be tvd's last vampire standing, why she repeatedly gets to have her cake and eat it too. By presenting Elena as "perfect/ideal" & Caroline as an "underdog," fans naturally sympathized more with Care's "struggle" (even tho she repeatedly got EVERYTHING!) Based on this, Plague refused to let ppl like Klaus date Bonnie (which would've made sense) but shoved him w Caroline (which didn't make narrative sense) bc that gave her & white fans the chance to see themselves in Care & feel like THEY were dating Klaus.
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(Btw I wanna add that I actually do like & enjoy Caroline! This is a critique of the shadiness that went into *writing* Caroline, not a critique of Caroline herself)
Similarly, Kai was allowed to want Bonnie as long as fans didn't like him, but once he got popular, Plague killed Bonkai bc she believed that she & her (white) fans wouldn't be able to see themselves in Bonnie and feel like THEY were the ones dating Kai. But Kai was not Klaus, Stefan, Damon, Enzo or Kol. His character was CONCEIVED w Bonnie in mind to the point that erasing his obsession w her would make him not even feel like KAI anymore. And that wouldn't work bc fans wanted gucci kai, not walmart kai. Also, his general personality quirks were just not the type that would vibe w Caroline. Chris Wood said it himself, "Kai likes to be the one who talks, he doesn't like to listen, so I think Caroline might make him wanna snap her neck & move on" bc Caroline ALSO likes to talk. So writing him w Care would change Kai too much & writing him w Elena was not an option bc Delena was set in stone & Nina was leaving. So, how'd plague have her cake & eat it too? She refused to let Bon have Kai, and bc there was no other white girl who made sense for him, she kept Kai eternally single so white fans could eternally imagine themselves w him.
And uk what's the worst part? I don't believe all white fans would've necessarily struggled to see themselves in Bonnie if she'd dated Kai. I think Bonnie being the ACTUAL underdog struggler of the show made her very relatable to people, regardless of what your race is (esp bc tvd rarely addressed her race or centered any plotlines on it). I think Plague's own subconscious biases just made it impossible for her to fathom seeing herself in a PoC character, which is why she wrongly assumed all her majority white fans worked the same way & letting Bonkai happen would've disappointed them & made them stop watching. (But that being said, even if it was just a "business decision" to her... isn't it funny how disappointing masses of white klaroline fans didn't stop her from tossing Care at stef, enzo, whoever she wanted, but ONLY stopped her when it came to Bonnie's ships (bc she was looking for excuses to scrap 'em anyway)? Oh plagueee ur biases are showing, girlieee)
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 8 months
My Opinions Of TVDU In 2024
(They really haven't changed all that much but I feel like sharing)
–I loveeee Delena. Yep, I love this ship with all my heart and I'm not afraid to say it.
–I loveee Damon, probably another problematic opinion but I don't care.
–I don't like Caroline. There, I said it. She is just the kind of person that would irritate the shit out of me. Honestly, until season 8 I couldn't handle her scenes.
–Bonenzo is the best. Loveee it. They deserved better and I personally want to stab Julie Plec for how they ended.
–Bonnie deserved better. This is an universal truth.
–I hate Tyler, but I recognise that he was right to hate Klaus and right to be mad at Caroline for sleeping with him. Revenge on Klaus was kind of dumb, but understandable. He was right to want him dead.
–Klaus is my beloved, always going to be and I'm not even sorry.
–Marcel is a Mikaelson!!! Marcel is Klaus's son and his treatment is another reason for me to feel murderous to the writers of the shows.
–I don't like Kol. Yeah, he was right in many things, but he came across as somehow self-righteous and believed himself better than his family. Like bro, you aren't.
–Finn deserved better. I honestly still wonder if Finn knew about Klaus's real father, 'cause if he did Klaus would have a valid reason to hate him. I am saying this because in The Originals season 2 episode 3 we have flashbacks of young Klaus and the necklace Esther gave him. If I remember correctly Finn was always in the background and even retrieved the necklace when Klaus lost it. Given that Finn remembered Freya and what happened to her, it wouldn't be far fetched to think he knew who Klaus's real father was and hid it as well. That being said, he is a victim of his parents as well and deserved better.
–I hate Elijah. He just gives me the wrong vibes.
–Marcel and Rebekah made sense and I ship it. The Mikaelson family is insane with their romantic relationships, so they just sort of clicked.
–Kol should have taken the cure instead of Rebekah. Bekah could just adopt, but what is going to happen with Kol when Davina dies? Nothing good. Plus, he loved being a witch.
–Hayley and Klaus and Klaus and Cami made way more sense than Haylijah and Klaroline. Honestly and throuple with Klaus and the two women who call him out on his shit the most would have been chef kiss. Hope deserved two moms.
–Every Klaus ship made more sense than Caroline. Bonnie? Bennett witch and he likes witches. Aurora? First female vampire (other than Bex) and met him when he wasn't as he is now. Elena? Has Tatia's face, and I think if Klaus just tried to befriend her and explain why he needed to break his curse she would've helped. Camille? Her mind, she clocked him the moment they met, not to mention the O'Connell legacy. Genevieve? Powerful Witch. Hayley? Baby mama, werewolf princess and hybrid, not to mention they are similar. Stefan? The ripper days gave off fruity vibes. Damon? I love their scenes together, they have a similar vibe to them. Rebekah? He is literally killing her boyfriends left and right. Elijah? The codependency is strong here, Elijah's girlfriends have a higher mortality rate than Rebekah's boyfriends. Katherine? Tatia's face, also they are similar. Greta? Their few interactions in season 2 pointed to a thing going on.
–Elena is overhated. Baby has the biggest survivor's guilt in the universe and still she soldiers on. I hate when people said she was less compassionate as a vampire, I honestly thought she was the same. Like, she controls her hunger to become a doctor. She is too good for this world.
–Enzo should have been introduced sooner, Bonnie and him should have gotten together sooner.
–They should have explored Damon's trauma with Augustine more, and the fact that he always disregards his emotions.
–Klaus wolf side should have been explored!!!
–Unpopular opinion, but not everything Katherine did was necessary for her to survive. She could have easily contented herself with one Salvatore brother, but she had to go after both.
–Davina and Klaus needed more scenes together. I mean, that's her adoptive grandpa!
–Lily was awful, Damon was in his rights to not forgive her.
–I liked Valerie, and I liked her with Stefan.
–They should have explained more about Klaus ability to have children, 'cause that was weird. I loved it, but weird.
–Alaric should have died and the twins should have been raised by someone else.
–Matt lived too long.
–Jeremy and Damon were kind of funny.
–Bamon was really great.
–They should have addressed the fact that growing up Damon was the only one there for Stefan. We saw that in the flashbacks but they should have said it more.
–Damon purpose in life was to live for those he loved. My take on him.
–Damon was pretty humanity-full vampire until after Augustine when he turned off his humanity. But, five years of torture in the hands of humans would do that to a guy.
–The witches opinion on vampires were ridiculous. This species has been around for over a millennium, they are pretty assimilated in the magic ecosystem. I think their extinction would actually do more damage than their existence.
–Mikael and Esther deserved more pain.
–I think Dahlia only tried to negotiate with Klaus not only because he was Hope's father but because he was the only one who wasn't Mikael's son.
–Vampire/Supernatural politics are actually so interesting.
–Lexi was too hyped. And I don't get what she had against Damon in the forties.
–Legacies doesn't exist.
That's all. For now.
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iknowshocker · 4 months
The downfall to kai was he was more popular than damon if he was a matt or Enzo type they would have kept him around redeemed him and let him date bonnie
you're right and you should say it louder 👏🏼
it sucks because i do like both damon and enzo, but so much of s7/8 became hypocritical around how we're made to feel about them compared to how they expected/wanted us to feel about kai and it's just silly.
damon backslides so horrifically that it's exhausting watching them jump through hoops to pretend he's redeemable and epic, instead of just ... actually allowing him to be redeemable and epic. he was 👉🏼👈🏼 so close !! to just !! being decent !! and that wasn't enough he had to go back to being terrible and selfish, cause where is the fun in watching a character grow and mature i guess ?? if he actually evolved and stayed even just slightly more consistent i don't think he'd lose so many of us. but i can only take so many scenes of watching him go through the exact same arc again and again only to never truly change.
enzo is my #3 TVD man (because i, like bonnie, have a type lmao) but i'll be the first to point out that he was !! eating people !! while being a part of the mfg. like did bonnie just ?? not know about that ?? is it fine because the people are strangers and he's a vampire ?? y'all remember when he just killed fake sarah to one up stefan ?? yes, he grows and starts acting like he's got some sense but it's only really after he falls for bonnie. she never addresses his behavioral changes enough, because if she did, they'd have to admit how hypocritical it sounds. it sucks, because objectively i like them together and i think especially the cabin arc is precious.
but like ... if we'd isolated bonnie and kai in say, a prison world, for more than a cross country trip to portland i think we all know what would have happened. which would mean no red wedding, no caroline incubator gate, enzo isn't dead, the heretics get a chance at being coven members, tyler doesn't have to turn by offing liv and they can be happy, stefan probably also isn't dead because if we had two witches someone could deal with the hellfire in the armory and someone could freeze katherine in place with magic, like !!!! so much could have been different if those two just figured it out lol
bonnie and the witches in general get snubbed a lot, and i know it's the vampire diaries, but don't give me these stupidly interesting people and then be upset when i love them.
i've never recovered from accepting enzo's death to suddenly having kai back within the span of an episode. i was like oooh alright, so you really are just laughing at us this is a game to you isnt it plec lmao
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tvimagines221b · 1 year
(Enzo St.John x Vampire Reader!)
Summary: When the Reader finds herself reliving the horrors of Augustine Society through the form of Nightmares, Enzo comes to the Reader's side to calm her with a sense of comfort and security.
Warnings: Mentions of experimentation?
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The nightmares. The neverending nightmares... When the nightmares first appeared, it seemed they may have been a sign of your distress. Which, didn't seem so odd. Given the recent invasion of Lily Salvatore's Heretic Family in Mystic Falls, you had found yourself becoming overwhelmed by the whole ordeal.
But after a while, you noticed the nightmares didn't stop.
They became more frequent and more intense. It was then that you realized, your past traumas were beginning to reawaken. And you didn't know what to do.
You knew your friends already had a lot on their plate with the Heretics. The last thing you wanted was for them to worry about your well-being.  So, you kept the nightmares to yourself. Deciding, they were your burden to bear.
Sooner or later, you knew it was only inevitable that someone would discover your secret.
You always thought it would perhaps to Caroline, or Bonnie. They were usually always the first to notice was something was off with you.
Then again, you didn't put it past Damon to snoop around when he thought you were being secretive.
However, it was the one person you actually needed by your side, that was the one to find out.
Enzo had been one of your closest friends. Ever since you met him after being captured by the Augustine Society. How could you ever forget that awful day? What went from a peaceful stroll through the town, became your worst nightmare.
You remembered how awful it was for you.
Being vervained. Dragged and thrown into a cell.
In that cell, was the first time you met Enzo. Who, had seemed to learn Augustine's methods. Right away, he told you all about their experiments. He told you everything you needed to know. Enzo helped you survive those awful years that you felt so hopeless and lost.
And now so many decades later, he was helping you through it all over again...
Cold. Dark. Thirst. As you felt every muscle in your body weakened, all you could think about was your need for blood. More blood. Blood have you strength. Gave you power.
But being deprived of that blood, took away any ability to fight for yourself.
Which made you feel powerless.
Day in, day out was always the same. You sat in your cold, darkened cell. Usually leaned up against the wall. The Doctors gave you your daily blood ration, and you awaited to see if today would be your day to be experimented on.
Augustine had so many Vampires, it resulted in all of you having to take turns.
Sometimes it was days, sometimes it was weeks. Neither of you never knew when it was going to be your turn to be tested.
With hitched breathing, you were leaned against the wall. Just trying so hard to keep going. To keep some strength.
As you laid there, the sound of the cell door creaking open, made your ears perk up.
You turned your head. Entering your cell, were two Augustine Doctors. One of then greeted you with a sinister smile. "You’re up.”
“No! Stay away!” You spat.
The Two Doctors each grabbed one of your arms, lifting you up into your feet. "Come on doll, won't be that bad today."
"No! No! Please!" You tried to fighting them, as they pulled you out of the cell into the hallway. "Please. Please. I don't want to. Please!" You begged.
Your feet dragged against the floor, as they carried you down the hallways.
Eventually, you found yourself in the lab room. It was a long room filled with medical equipment and machinery.
The two Doctors, walked you through the room until they stopped by one of the tables.
Carelessly, they throw you down onto the table.
You laid there, as they tied you down. Both of your arms and your legs were tied down to the table.
The Doctors then pulled out a needle. A needle filled with vervain. Injecting it into your neck to sedate you.
"Please! Please let me go!"
"Now now dear Y/N, we've done this enough times, you know the procedure." One of the doctors husked. "Just a few cuts. Some stitching. We can get your back to your cell, in no time."
You leaned your head up, seeing the door to the room be shut and locked tight.
Tears filled your eyes. Your breathing becoming more and more rapid. You began to panic. You struggled in your restraints. "NO. LET ME GO YOU BASTERDS!" You screamed.
The two Doctors stood on either side of you. Preparing their tools.
You squeezed your eyes shut, tears rolling down your cheeks feeling nothing but fear and despair...
Gasping for air, your eyes shot open and you felt sweat roll down your face. You sat up, running your hands through your hair and letting out a shaky breath. Trying to calm yourself. 'It's just a dream. It's just a dream.' You tried telling yourself.
That's all it was, a dream.
But, that dream had once been your reality. Maybe that's why it was so much more terrifying?
You ran your hands over your face, sighing in frustration as you began to feel your tears well up in your eyes.
Why did you have to dream about that again?
Why couldn't the nightmares just go away? Because you spent decades, trying to forget your past with the Augustine Society.
But it seemed your subconscious couldn't quite let it go.
"Are you alright, love?" A voice called out.
Turning your head, you looked over in the bedroom doorway. Standing there with a mixture of both concern and curiosity on his face, was Enzo. The older vampire narrowed his eyes.
You blinked. "Enzo?"
"Y/N, is everything alright?" Enzo cautiously entered the room. "I heard you screaming out."
You swallowed. You just have been crying out in your sleep, and alerted Enzo. You breathed out. "Y-Yeah." You nodded. "Just a bad dream."
Enzo shakes his head, walking over to your bed. "Just a bad dream?" He paused for a moment. "That didn't seem like just a bad dream to me, love." He could tell it was something more than that. "More like a nightmare"
You looked away from him. Trying to avoid eye contact. "I...don't know."
Enzo huffed. He sat down on the edge of the bed beside you. "The way you're avoiding looking at me is telling me otherwise."
"It's...not important." You lied.
Enzo grabbed your chin, making you look at him. You could see the determination in his eyes. He wasn't going to let it go. "Y/N, holding it back isn't going to do you any good."
You knew he was right about that. Keeping this to yourself any longer, wasn't going to make it go away.
Would keeping it from Enzo really make a difference?
Enzo knew you better than anyone. And if there was one thing you had learned about him over the years, he didn't like seeing you in pain.
He hated to see you suffer.
Sighing, you lowered your head. Maybe if you opened up to someone, there was a chance that you could rid yourself of these awful nightmares. You took a moment, trying to gather your words. Talking about wouldn't be easy. But, you knew Enzo would listen to you and console you. You let out shaky breath. "I've...been having nightmares." You told him.
Enzo titled his head. "Nightmares?"
You nodded your head. "Yes. And... I've been having them almost every night."
Enzo's expression softened. The older vampire looked to you. What could you have possible been having nightmares about?
"What are these nightmares about?" He asked, gently.
You took a deep breath. You knew you had to tell him the truth. No more lies. You didn't want to hide things from him any longer. "Augustine."
Enzo's expression fell. "Augustine?"
You gave him a sad nod of your head. "Yes. And they won't stop... They... They won't go away, Enzo. I...I don't know what to do." You shake your head. "I don't know why I'm having them."
"Y/N darling, I am so sorry." Enzo shakes his head. "I...I didn't realize."
Tears welled in your eyes. "I just want them to go away, Enzo. I just...I just want it to go away."
Enzo looked to you, feeling his heart ache for you. He wanted to do whatever he could to make you feel better. He leaned closer. "Oh darling, don't cry." He brushed his fingers along your cheek.
"You know what I went through. What...we all went through." You told him.
Enzo nodded his head. "Of course I do, love."
A tear rolled down your cheek. "Why? Why does this have to happen now?" There was so much going on in your life already. It was too much to bare.
Enzo took your hand in his. "I don't know, love. I wish I had answer for you."
"Enzo..." You looked to him. "You and Damon were the only reason that I managed to survive that awful place." It was true. Having Damon and Enzo's companionship, helped you get through all of those awful days and nights. Helped you keep on fighting. Helped give you hope. "I...don't know where I would be without you both."
Probably dead, if you were being honest. After all, Damon and Enzo helped you escape their captivity.
You owed them your life.
Enzo kept ahold of your hand. "Listen to me, Y/N. You are strong. You are going to get through this, do you hear me?" He knew that with him by your side, you would overcome it all.
You sat there, as he held your hand. Listening to his voice as he spoke. It seemed so...comforting to you.
Enzo kept his voice calm and steady, trying to keep your mind off of what was bothering you.
And surprisingly, it seemed to work.
You let out a sigh. Closing your eyes, and letting yourself relax a little bit. "Okay." You nodded.
Enzo gave you a reassuring squeeze of your hand. "Don't worry darling. I'll be here by your side I promise."
That you believed was true.
There was no doubt about it. Enzo would never abandon you. He always had your best interest at heart.
And you adored him for it.
"Okay." You nodded again.
Enzo's eyes softened. "Hey, why don't I stay here while you go back to sleep?" Perhaps then, you could feel at ease knowing he was by your side. "I'll stay right here, love. I promise you that."
You sniffled. "You will?"
"Of course, love." Enzo nodded his head. He raised a hand, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. He gave you a smile. "You mean the world to me. You're one of my closest friends, and I wouldn't ever dare let anything happen to you."
You managed a soft smile to return to him. "Thank you, Enzo. For...everything you've ever done for me."
"No need to thank me, love." Enzo tells you.
You let out a shaky breath. You looked to Enzo. Maybe, just maybe if you had someone by your side. It would keep the nightmares away. And maybe, just maybe that someone would be Enzo.
"Okay, I'll try to go back to sleep." You nodded. You laid your head back, then resting it on the pillow.
"As you should." He nods.
"Good night, Enzo." You smiled at him.
Enzo kept his smile. He bend down, giving your forehead a tender, yet comforting kiss. "Goodnight, Love." He caressed your face, before pulling away.
Enzo laid down beside you, pulling the blanket over you.
You relaxed in his presence, feeling much better now that you shared your secret with him.
And soon, you found yourself falling into a calm, and peaceful slumber...
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thefandomchaos · 6 months
Imagine if Stefan had also been captured by Augustine back in the 50s? Maybe at the same time as Damon or two years after. Both of them realizing that the other is trapped there? Both going through torture and doing anything so the other doesn’t get hurt? Stefan probably being forced to drink human blood because I highly doubt they’ll care enough to give him animal blood.
Somehow I feel like their relationship will get better, being stuck in there for those years they probably argued about all their problems and realized things about each other and understanding why they did things. I also imagine Stefan would get to know Enzo and by the time Enzo does his plan (Damon still winning), Stefan would also give Damon his blood. The difference is, by the time of the escape, Damon wouldn’t risk leaving Stefan behind; so saying he successfully got Stefan out but not being able to get Enzo in time. Damon NOT turning off his humanity so he doesn’t risk Stefan and leaving with the guilt that he left Enzo behind to save himself and Stefan.
The Angst and brother feel’s potential
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I was thinking about how a lot of people who are into the Vampire Diaries are also into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and how there are some obvious parallels between the shows and between the relationships of Angel & Buffy and Stefan & Elena and then Spike & Buffy and Damon & Elena, but obviously they aren't exactly the same ships or characters, and it's made me curious. Fans of both, is there a correlation in what you ship?
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braveclementine · 4 months
D.S. x E.M. x K.M. x Reader pt. 6
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, Mentions of torture, fluff, angst, mentions of rape, happy 'ending'
Copyright: I do not own any TVD/TO/Legacies characters, nor any places in New Orleans or Mystic Falls that may be mentioned.
Your P.O.V.
I was curled up in Damon's bedroom on the bed with Elijah watching Hamilton on the TV, the musical/play turned up to drown out the sounds of my father- sorry step-dad or whatever- screaming in the basement.
After I'd killed him- his blood had tasted amazing- he'd come back into transition. Klaus pretty much forced blood down his throat. After that, Marcel, Enzo, Kol, Klaus, and Damon had taken turns torturing him for hurting me.
What my dad had done to me had spread throughout the others. Freya, Bonnie, Caroline, Davina Rebekah, Vincent, and even Alaric had taken their own shots at him.
I hadn't expected Bonnie because she was sweet, but she was furious. And I hadn't expected Alaric, but I think he was thinking about his own daughters when he was punched dad in the face.
Freya had a little to much fun torturing dad with magic.
I hid upstairs with only Elijah for company as I wanted nothing to do with dad who wasn't really my dad and also because now I had mixed feelings. Every time I tried hating him, I remembered him flying me over his head at the beach in Florida and all the sweet things we had done before I turned fourteen.
Elijah was one of the only people who cared about me that didn't hurt Dad. Mostly, I think, because he understood I didn't really like it. So he indulged me in watching Hamilton and Harry Potter and Star Wars and whatever else I wanted to watch. We binge watched all the Marvel movies in three days.
"I have an idea." Elijah murmured as the play came to an end- I was crying of course because Alexander was dead.
"Hmm?" I asked, burrowing my head into his T-shirt. Over the few days, he had reluctantly been wearing T-shirts and sweatpants because I wanted him in comfortable clothes instead of fancy. It was definitely a strange sight to see.
I looked up at him when he didn't answer and smiled, tugging at his hair which he was growing out a little.
"I'm going to take you to Orlando." Elijah said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "We can go to Universal studios and your Harry Potter world. And we can visit animal kingdom and magic kingdom and I'll spoil you silly."
I was hesitant, even though it did sound immensely fun. "But all those humans. . . I don't know if I can control myself."
"I'll help you, I promise." Elijah murmured. "But you need to get out of the house."
I nodded because I knew he was right. "Let's bring Caroline and Ric so they can bring their kids too." I murmured. "Ric needs to get out of this house too."
Elijah nodded, "Okay."
We both stared at each other and I asked rather hesitantly, "And. . . Klaus and Damon?"
"We can't force them to come." Elijah murmured.
I fiddled with my daylight ring. The sapphire, emerald, and diamond fused together along with the colours of the bands along with some starlight so keep me from burning during the day. "Why are they still torturing him? It's been a week? Hasn't he felt enough pain?"
Elijah took my face in his hands. His chocolate eyes were so warm and his brown hair that was slowly becoming floppy again made me flush. How did I get gifted with my handsome men? "Personally, I won't touch him because I know you're unhappy with it. But if I could, I would torture him day and night for centuries for hurting you."
Why was my brain arguing with him? Elijah was speaking the truth: he had hurt me. But at the same time. . .
I burst into tears. "I don't understand! Why do I feel the need to defend him? I don't understand! Am I messed up? Elijah please help me!"
Elijah's face twisted in pain, gathering me in his arms, laying back to hold me to him. "He's your father. You loved him once and that's the part that wants to defend you. But Y/N, you know he's hurt you and he's hurt you in a way that you should never have been hurt. You aren't messed up, you're just confused."
"He's not even my father!" I said, pounding on Elijah's chest weakly.
"You believed he was for nineteen years. That's not something you forget overnight."
"Might take a hundred years, yeah?" I asked, smiling weakly, attempting a joke.
Elijah laughed softly, reaching up and cupping my face in his hands, "Yeah."
"When do you want to leave?" I asked, still a little nervous about being in large crowds.
"Well, I was thinking almost no one will be there in January, in a few weeks, cause everyone will be back in school. It would be relatively uncrowded."
I nodded, "That sounds nice. Do you want Hayley and Hope to come too?"
"No." Elijah said with zero hesitation. "But if you want to invite Freya, Vincent, Bonnie, and Enzo you can. They might like the magic of Disney and romance."
I grinned, "That sounds nice. I'll drop suggestions to Klaus and Damon. I would hate for them to think I left them out."
Elijah nodded kissing my temple.
Damon and Niklaus came upstairs as I was putting the next movies series on. I wrinkled my nose, hiding my face in Elijah's shirt at the smell of dad's vampire blood. Elijah put an arm around me.
They stripped their clothes and Damon laughed, "Twilight Y/N? Sparkling fairy vampires."
I scowled into Elijah's shirt.
"Damon leave it." Elijah said curtly.
"Is something wrong?" Klaus' voice was filled with anxiety and worry for me. I smiled a little, looking over at him.
"'Lijah and I were talking about all of us going to Disney as a family." I murmured. "Well at first, just us. But I thought maybe Ric would like to take the kids with Care. And of course, Bonnie and Enzo and Freya and Vincent might like to go as couples."
"Disney?" Damon cocked an eyebrow.
"And Universal studios." Elijah said behind me. "She's been wanting to go to Harry Potter world forever."
I smiled, nodding my head excitedly. "And 'Lijah promised he'd make sure I didn't feed on anyone."
"Well I'm all for it!" Nik said excitedly, clasping his hands together before reaching into the closet for a fresh T-shirt.
"Damon?" I asked hesitantly.
He looked so angry, not at me, but probably at dad. His eyes were distant and his head snapped towards me. "What?"
Elijah's arms tightened around me and I asked, "Do you- do you want to come?"
"I'm going to stay here." He extracted a stake from the top drawer and made his way out of the room again.
I felt sad, leaning against Elijah's arms and Nik read my face, "What's wrong? You know it doesn't mean he doesn't love you just because he's not going."
"That's not it." I mumbled, shutting the TV off and snuggling into Elijah to fall asleep. Nik said nothing more until they thought I was asleep.
"What is it Elijah?"
"She feels conflicted about how you're treating Y/F/N. She thinks he's been hurt enough." Elijah murmured softly.
Nik scoffed, "He hasn't felt enough pain for what he's done to her."
"Nik, if you and Damon don't just kill Y/F/N and get this over with, Damon is going to end up losing her. You might too."
Nik was silent and then said in a very angry voice, "He deserves to feel pain Elijah. He literally had his dick inside of her! He had hands tied behind her back! He had her gagged! And he had a knife beside him! If we hadn't gotten there when we had he might've killed her! He doesn't even feel guilty for it! It's disgusting!"
I peeked my eyes open to see his eyes were now yellow, boring into Elijah's chocolate ones. I quickly closed them again.
"Niklaus, you have to respect what she wants. You're angry that someone hurt her, fine. I am too. But it's also the man she grew up thinking was her father and I think it should ultimately be her decision of what wants to happen. Just rip his heart out and be done with it."
Nik was silent again until he finally muttered, "Fine. The sun's still out anyways."
"Meaning?" Elijah asked with a sigh.
"We'll have a bonfire. I'll invite everyone to come." Nik sounded delighted.
"Very well. I'll be staying here with Y/N." Elijah muttered, running a hand through my H/C hair.
"You don't want to see him burn alive?" Nik asked curiously.
"I do. But I don't want her to wake up alone either." Elijah muttered.
Nik sighed, sounding disappointed. "And here I was thinking you could be the one to light him on fire as you haven't had the pleasure of torturing him yet."
Elijah ignored him. Or at least, I thought he had ignored until he said, "Fine. Let me grab a suit. Maybe Davina will stay with her until I get back."
"I think Davina will like to watch." Nik said. "But maybe."
Nik walked out of the room and Elijah slid from the bed, tucking me under the covers. He kissed my forehead and murmured, "I'll be back soon princess."
And then even he was gone.
I sighed, grabbing a pillow and holding it like a stuffed animal. So they were going to burn dad? Elijah was going to set dad on fire.
No. Not dad.
I thought about what Klaus had said. How he'd been raping me, had tied me up, had possibly wanted to kill me. I sat up quickly. I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
Elijah P.O.V.
I fixed my tie in the mirror, green this time as Y/N had expressed a liking to me wearing green ties. Strange how I had taken into account all her opinions when doing things.
At the moment, Y/F/N was wearing a daylight ring, being held by Marcel and Niklaus. Davina had said she didn't want to miss out on this and so Y/N was left upstairs by herself. It worried me slightly, but Hayley, Elena, and Stefan were in the living room with Hope, Josie, and Lizzy so if she woke up, they'd tell her where we were.
Elena thought we were being absolutely barbaric and was angry with Damon, Caroline, and Bonnie. She blamed Klaus and Enzo for Caroline and Bonnie's eagerness for Y/F/N's execution. Truth was, Y/N was just their friend and they wanted to see her attacker suffer.
Freya and Bonnie bound Y/F/N to the wooden stake that was placed upright by Alaric and Vincent earlier that day.
"Let's get this over with." Rebekah huffed, eyeing Y/F/N with dislike. Alaric was leaning against the tree next to Damon, both of them had bourbons in their hands. They clinked them together.
I sighed, rolling my eyes at the theatrics. This was weird, it felt wrong, but as I looked into Y/F/N's eyes, I saw he had zero regrets there. I touched his hand, going to pull off the ring and saw into his mind. He didn't regret anything, his mind not even focusing on his death, but of all the times that he had fucked Y/N. Her pain, the way that she screamed and begged him to let her go. All because she looked like her mother.
That did it for me. I yanked the daylight ring off his hand, tossing it to Enzo who caught it in one hand, tucking it into his pocket.
Y/F/N started to burn and he started to scream and none of us watched in pity.
"STOP! END IT!" Y/F/N shouted.
Out of nowhere, there was a whistling sound, and a carved stake out of the same wood used to make Y/N's bed back at her own house pierced his heart.
The burning died down as his veins started to shrivel, blood draining as his heart was pierced, and turn gray.
We all spun to see Y/N standing there: blue jeans, purple T-shirt, red jacket, and white shoes. Her hair pulled back in a H/L ponytail. [sorry if you have short hair]. She had flung the stake at him. We all stared in a bit of shock.
"So." She asked with a bit of a smirk, "Can we got to Disney now?"
I relaxed, smiling, "Anything my princess wants."
~Two Years later~
"Y/S/N, get back here right now!" Y/N yelled at our son as he ran towards the road.
Damon swooped in front of him, picking him up under the arms, carrying him back to the house. Klaus, Y/N, and I all sighed in relief.
"You would think we could keep a better eye on him." Y/N grumbled.
The surgery that she had undergone gave her the ability to conceive, also making any children we had either Niklaus'- if we had sex on or around a full moon- or Damon's as he had also undergone the surgery.
Y/N had feared I would feel left out, but I didn't mind truly. In a way, they were still my children too.
She was pregnant again, one of the reasons that she couldn't move as fast as Damon. We found that as she was pregnant, it seemed to make her more human and her vampire senses were cut in half, though she still needed blood and could still move a littler faster than humans and also was still able to compel humans.
Y/S/N yawned in Damon's arms, closing his blue eyes- which he'd gotten from Damon- and fell fast asleep.
"Finally." Y/N muttered, leaning into Klaus' embrace. "I thought I'd have to stay awake for another few hours."
She thought it was her responsibility to take care of the boy 24-7, even when Niklaus, Damon, and I had all told her we would share in the responsibility of raising him.
"Come on love." Niklaus said, kissing the side of her head, "Let's go upstairs shall we."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Damon asked with a grin.
"You two are insatiable." I mumbled, taking Y/S/N out of Damon's arms.
"They're not the only ones." Y/N grinned, strutting towards me and throwing her arms around my neck, kissing my lips. "Come on Elijah." She tugged on my tie a little.
"Caroline!" I shouted and Caroline appeared from the girls' bedroom.
"Elijah?" Caroline asked, raising her eyebrow, flinging her blond hair over her shoulder in annoyance.
"I thought you should be forewarned that we're heading into the bedroom and we also need someone to watch Y/S/N." I explained.
Caroline smirked, rolling her eyes, jumping over the banister and landing in front of me. "Insatiable bastards."
"Unnecessary comments." I muttered.
"Ric! We're going out!" Caroline shouted, dashing back up to the room.
"Let's go." I said, kissing the side of Y/N's head.
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riderofblackdragons · 5 months
Day 4: Vivisection
Ok so first off, sorry this is late! The next few days are also probably going to be late bc of internet issues, so yay **jazz hands**
Anyways, I had to look up what vivisection even is lol, so that was also fun. It's cutting people (or animals) up specifically for experimentation btw
Anyways, I'm really glad that people seem to be enjoying so far, and I hope you enjoy this one too! It does get a bit gruesome tho, so be wary of that
There was something about it that was just a little bit pathetic. Kol watched the scalpel trace down the man’s chest, he didn’t even know his name, cutting in and letting the blood seep out. It stopped just below his breasts, letting the pain come onto him before they continued.
He wasn’t doing it alone, of course. Elijah was here, a steady presence against Kol’s back, his hand holding the scalpel with Kol’s. In another room, Enzo and Damon were dealing with some other men, members of the Augustine Society. Occasionally, scream and cries would ring out, making the man with Kol and Elijah tense up.
And, well. It wasn’t like he didn’t deserve this. He’d helped with the experiments, after all, although it had been a few years since he’d participated in anything other than the New Year’s parties. He’d held this scalpel once, or something like it, drawing it down Kol’s own chest, stopping in the same place he had now.
Elijah was holding onto it for pressure, and to make sure the knife didn’t shift around too much. He was letting his brother control where they placed it, and when they stopped, as the one who’d been the actual victim.
Eventually, the blood might stop. It could be that this man’s body would run out of blood, it all coming out from this one cut, or it could clot, and try to heal in that way. Or, it could close in the method of a different experiment he’d run on Kol in the years past - true, as a non-vampire he was impervious to the sun, but.
Well, the lighter Elijah had gotten, at Kol’s quiet request, would help him feel the same agony either way.
“Just like our siblings,” Elijah told him, holding the man down and burning his skin off. “So quick to resort to arson, little brother”
Kol didn’t reply. Most of their communication was mental, anyways, with Elijah’s gift of their mental abilities. Slipping into the surface of Kol’s mind was easy in comparison.
As this man, and his accomplices in the next room over, had found out. They’d been tormented for weeks by their own minds, long before Elijah and his companions had made it around to them. There was nightmares, which would then increase their paranoia, and then they would try to run, and find that they were trapped. And then, they would wake up, and find themselves unable to run anyways, too sleep-deprived to even find the exit to their houses.
Honestly, it was the most exercise Elijah had given his mental abilities in years, maybe even centuries! His presence enough was usually enough, even without either of his brothers around. And this was for his family, given how much Kol clung to him. As though Elijah would just vanish as soon as he let go, even though he had given his word that he would stay.
Not even their other siblings suddenly calling for help would remove Elijah from Kol’s side now, not for the world. Even if the blood kept getting on Elijah’s clothes, and Kol was still scared to drink from anything other than Elijah’s own wrist or neck. Even if he did wish for some privacy sometimes, although Elijah knew better than to ask aloud. He didn’t want Kol to freak, after all, and he knew that he would, if Elijah made any move to leave him.
The blood from this recent act of vengeance wasn’t going to get on his clothes, thankfully. Or well, they were, but that was only because Kol was wearing an ill-fitting dress shirt of Elijah’s today, and he was closest to the man they were torturing.
Knives were a favourite, although the fire from the lighter was a close second for Kol. Burning the wounds, cauterising them only to make new ones, brought screams from his former tormentors, and Kol revelled in it. Paper scrunched up into a ball, soaked in gasoline. He shoved it into the man’s mouth, letting him choke on it.
Then, Kol set it on fire.
It caught quickly, first the paper and then the man’s beard around his mouth, spreading along the hairs until his face was alight. If he could’ve screamed, Kol knew he would’ve, like how Kol had screamed when they’d set him alight via the sun. Like when they’d burned so many other vampires to dust, trying to see if they could replicate what happened with Kol.
It felt just, to watch the man burn to death, cooked alive inside his own skull. The restraints kept him there, and Elijah didn’t even try to move them away from it, understanding that Kol needed to watch. For himself, and for justice to feel as though it had been served.
“Thank you,” He would later whisper to his older brother, as they set out from the burning house.
Elijah would hum in response, but just continue walking as though Kol didn’t say anything. Like it was a given that he would go this far for him, that Kol shouldn’t even feel the need to thank him for it. And, after thinking over it for a little longer, Kol thought he liked it better that way.
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kmze · 6 months
Thought on 5x12 - 5x22 welp what a nose dive in quality that took! Not that the beginning of the season was great writing but at least I was having fun, this not so much. There's stuff I liked of course, the Steroline build-up is great and they got some beautiful scenes. I love Liv and Luke and the finale was awesome (this and Katherine in 1x22 were the best cliffhangers they ever did). The problem is the bad parts all outweighed that. I cannot STAND Enzo and this is the worst Damon has ever been which is saying a lot. Every DE monologue made me groan and the travelers are probably the worst villain this show ever had (Markos wasn't terrible though, he fit the description). But I made it, and you can read me bitching about it below!
I really hate how they used Caroline having sex with Klaus to somehow make her come around to DE because now she knows what it's like to "want the bad guy" RME! Caroline sleeping with Klaus was about her taking an opportunity to get him to leave her alone and have an itch scratched. Damon is still her rapist.
Katherine’s face at the KC sex reveal LMFAO she’s dying inside.
Honestly Stefan punching Tyler has a lot more to do with him not liking Tyler and less to do with him thinking Tyler was in the wrong. Do I think Tyler deserved to get punched absolutely not, Caroline needed to leave him the hell alone! But I’m not Stefan and I like Tyler and think he’s allowed to be really fucking angry at Caroline for awhile.
What Katherine said to Damon as Elena is exactly what Elena SHOULD say to Damon but never does.
The switch from “I want Stefan Salvatore” “Well I’d hate to be the person standing in your way” to a shot of Caroline is absolutely intentional. This scene is also adorable and say what you want but Stefan is absolutely flirting here, especially when he's like "I have no idea what Klaus saw in you, what was he thinking!" because he knows EXACTLY what Klaus saw in her!
Caroline leave Bonnie alone! She does not need to be single-adjacent she has suffered enough.
“Come on Damon, you’re better than this” he’s really not though Stefan! He’s pretty consistently been awful this whole show.
LMFAO there was a definitely a lot of foreshadowing that Stefan was gonna kill Enzo.
Caroline looks so hot and gorgeous in that dress and the way her hair is clipped *faints* no wonder Stefan checks her out. There's also a few moments where the wind blows her hair and she just looks stunning. Bonnie looks smoking hot too, I love her bob and the lace on her dress is super sexy.
Katherine’s eye roll at the dramatics of Damon kidnapping Jeremy and needing to show her concern for Jeremy... honestly same, this is a stupid ass plot. I do appreciate that Katherine knew to be worried about Caroline if she has feelings for Stefan. Like Damon is a moron so dispatching him was easy but Caroline, she’s gotta know what she’s up against.
EL OH EL the framing is so funny though how Caroline keeps popping up every-time Kathlena gets a moment with Stefan. And he looks guilty AF when she opens the door. Caroline also looks so good standing in the doorway with her little turn.
Caroline you know damn well the good news is that we might get to kill Damon, not the bad news.
Ugh Stefan is totally jealous of Tyler this show is so stupid you had the perfect love triangle set-up and you BLEW IT! FOR ENZO! I mean Stefan really? Acting like Tyler was gonna kill Caroline, please he knows that wasn’t going to happen. He just doesn’t want Caroline to go back to him because he’s totally crushing on her and refuses to see it!! He’s the same as Caroline because his bad news was actually good news for him.
Uh we don’t all love Matt Donovan Katherine, okay. Some of us have wished for his death every season. Words matter.
I appreciate Stefan pointing out Elena has never cared about Damon doing horrible shit before, and that’s like his first clue something is off.
Katherine asking who Stefan loves more Damon or Elena, girl don’t play that stupid game! You are only gonna win stupid prizes! Katherine should also know better than this, she knew Damon was the key to saving Stefan in 3x09 because she knew he wouldn’t let Damon die even with his humanity off. It feels like the show is doing that thing again where they make characters dumber than previously shown for the plot. Maybe you could say Katherine was off her game because she became impatient, but like she didn't survive for 500 years being impatient! DUH Stefan would do the most Stefan thing ever and put himself in danger instead of killing Damon, I mean what show have you been watching Katherine?
I love how domestic Steroline got in these last few episodes, Caroline made herself right at home at the Boarding house AS SHE SHOULD!
I love Liv lol.
You know I love LOVE Caroline but girl leave that man alone! Tyler needs space. While I agree about Caro monologue that people always expect good from her and she has flaws Tyler doesn’t need to forgive her and he really hasn’t been harping on her that much. Damon was right Caro took the nuclear option to end her relationship with Tyler. Even if I understand why she had sex with Klaus she still knew what it would do to Tyler.
I guess in retrospect Katherine was right, she made sure if she couldn’t have Stefan no one could.
I feel like the writers did a lot more damage to how they see Elena's character after the sire bond storyline than they realize. I don't mean that it ruined her character, I mean it ruined how they feel about her and how the inevitably treat her. This was a really fucked up thing to do to Elena, I mean she had complete autonomy of her body taken away for 3 (almost 4) episodes! That would have never happened in S1-3 because of how the writers felt about her, she was the special snowflake of human frailty MUST PROTECT. You can also tell by her styling, it's been off and on all season (especially the hair) as opposed to when she always looked stunning in S1-3.
CRYING at Elena’s “memories” and it's just her having fun in a bar dancing Iike a normal college girl and she’s like OMG the horror! What a loser!
“I wouldn’t lead you on like that” girl I- did you not watch yourself with Am!Stefan? That was 4 months ago!
Ah good Caroline is back to talking shit about Damon to Stefan, balance is restored.
Stefan just casually joking about having brain damage as his way of flirting, he’s so weird I love him.
THIS SCENE! When I watched this episode live I was ready to give up because I was so over the triangle of doom and straight-up not having a good time and then Steroline got these scenes in this episode and I was like OMG this is really gonna happen!?! When Stefan said "Me, and I would do it for you, too" he just confirmed that Caroline was up there with Elena and Damon for him aka people that he LOVES and Caro's face was my face like *tingle*. Then Caroline confirms the same when she says "You'd do the same for me right" and HIS FACE!!! He really didn't know she was so ride or die for him, and then his total jealousy over Enzo, I cry.
Damon and Elena are THE WORST my god. This is the stupidest dialogue I have ever heard on this show and that's only because it's second to their monologue in 4x23!
I’m sure Damon’s dialogue is supposed to be sexy but all I feel is rape-y.
God I absolutely LOVE the scene where Caroline can’t kill Tom and snaps Enzo’s neck instead! The way she reacts to Stefan is always more intense than any of her other love interests, sorry not sorry. She looked into those green eyes and remembered Stefan said he was a good person and the emotion from that meant she couldn’t do it.
Liv asking to be killed rather than listen to Damon and Elena, bestie I CAN RELATE!
Why are we doing with the Jeremy might be cheating on Bonnie subplot with Liv? Just so unnecessary MY GOD LEAVE BONNIE ALONE ALREADY!
The van scene is so <3333 I think it’s very obvious they both have feelings for each other in this scene. The way Stefan keeps looking at Caroline’s lips and the sultry voice he’s using *flails* and Caroline feels it too. I think this is the moment she realizes she’s falling for him. For Stefan I feel it started last season and it got even more confusing after his amnesia stint and this is probably the point where he starts pushing his feelings away because it's scaring him. He does not think Caroline has feelings for him with the way he talks about Enzo and her so for him it’s better to push it away than possibly ruin their friendship. Even if he’s such a dummy because OBVIOUSLY STEFAN she’s got a thing for you. I love them so much man, they just make me feel things!
Welp Bonnie hasn’t been tortured in like 3 episodes so of course we had to make up for that -_-
Oh man they even put Elena in her old S1/2 wardrobe and her straight hair is back! Totally gassing it up in these visions huh?
It’s amazing how interesting the traveler plot sounds with taking over MF like invasion of the body snatchers as opposed to how unbelievably boring it actually is.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but I really don’t like Kol and I don’t know why I have to keep dealing with him.
Liv with her little sexy knife play, mark me down as scared and horny.
As someone who has watched the Steroline 8x02 proposal let’s just say A LOT, the Stelena vision proposal in 5x18 IS NOTHING LIKE IT YOU WEIRDOS. I mean the ring was in a drawer, that's literally it.
I did not remember that Vicki got sucked into Cade’s hell and IDK that’s a bit harsh show, Vicki did not deserve hell.
Turns out hell is every Delena scene this season.
The Stelena scene by the fire is an example of how the show uses nuance in scenes to keep ships alive depending on how you read into it. For me it feels like closure, they talk about how they grew apart and ending the spell kind of signifies that draw they felt has ended. However, you could say it shows they'll always love each other and now with the spell gone if they found their way back to each other it would be completely natural. YMMV.
I always thought "I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. I don't think you can be both" was such a (!!!) quote from Stefan since it shows you how he compartmentalizes people because he's a control freak. He puts the women he loves into these two categories from everything we've seen so far. Caroline and Lexi fit into the "friend" box, Elena and Katherine fit into the "in love" box and the two boxes do not mix. He moves Elena into the friend box now since he's not in love with her anymore, but the problem is Caroline. Unlike Lexi Stefan does feel more than friendship for her (he says it in 6x16 argue with the wall) but he can't mix the boxes! He doesn't think you can mix the boxes! He doesn't think you can have both. This line is a Chekhov's gun IMO he says it because we're either gonna learn it's true or it's not.
I was about to say how much of a loser is Stefan that he keeps helping Elena study but obviously he would not miss a chance to be pretentious so I get it.
Poor Tyler this is the beginning of his tragic downfall of the writers not GAF about him anymore.
Enzo on the other hand is A LOSER!
This episode might be rock bottom for me in terms of being boring and stupid. I would almost rather go back to a stupid DE monologue, ALMOST.
Oh it’s the Steroline first kiss cabin!
Hehe Damon called Bill Forbes a dickwad, sometimes I like you Damon I admit.
Caroline knowing right away that Stefan and Elena were being lying liars who lie, my BB has come so far in her ability to read people. And her idea to expose them is through charades because she’s always gotta have a theme!
I have no idea what’s going on with Jeremy, Tyler, Matt and Bonnie besides the fact that Bonnie deserves better. Always and forever.
“I didn’t want you to think any less of me” TINGLE!! When I saw this scene live I was like okay I give in I WANT ALL THE STEROLINE! Knowing full well it could still get used as a prop for SE but like I couldn’t help myself! He brushed the dirt off her cheek! He did the thing he always did with Elena where he only wanted her to see the good parts because that’s what this fool does when he’s in love! Truth be told I do not think Stefan is in love with Caroline here, I think he loves her as a friend but his feelings for her have become something more than friendship. Caroline however knows she’s falling in love you can see it on her face when he walks away.
The writing for Elena is very passive these past few episodes and it feels weird. Like she’s just there, she doesn’t move the plot or really do much but exist in the scenes they put her in. It’s such a stark difference to when she moved everything and everyone revolved around her. Oh well!
Omg Enzo if you didn’t want to be dead then why did you let Stefan yank your heart out. HE’S SO ANNOYING!
Stefan was so proud of that “if Caroline Forbes were here right now we’d both be laughing” joke. What a dork!
The anti magic spell was a good twist, and I like that it took awhile to get rid of.
Even Luke feels a tingle for the Stefussy!
Damon’s note LMFAO
Poor Caroline she had to see dead Stefan way too often. I totally forgot she didn’t snap Julian’s neck because she was afraid of getting bite again, poor BB had PTSD about that (thanks a lot Klaus *side-eye*)
CAROLINE MAKING MOVES! I told you nothing gets a reaction out of her like Stefan.
Ugh I hate this scene! Poor Tyler that was cruel and I hate that they de-powered him! I think de-powering for male characters on this show is basically a death sentence because the ‘verse works on hard power for men and once you lose that your days are numbered (unless you’re Matt Donovan).
No Lexi he doesn’t, because he’s a moron.
Bonnie that was obviously not Stefan lol but she’s going through a lot I will let it slide. Why does Silas want to be resurrected now! Everyone was so ready to die until they actually did huh!
“This is my choice and I need you to respect it” ASDSFFDHGFJKHG I am always here for making fun of that!
Bygones! Great Bonnie scene!
The last few Delena scenes have not made me think I’d rather be chewing glass so kudos.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: It's the obnoxious theme song of the travelers. (the chanting was ridiculous!)
Damon: Liv has a twin? Is it possible for there to be just one of someone around here? (he's not wrong!)
Enzo: Eh, it's probably the bedroom. Stefan's pretty vanilla, but apparently that's Elena's favorite flavor. (okay points for making me laugh but I doubt that’s true Stefan had crazy bitches crawling out of the woodwork for sexy Stefan time)
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x14: Crying Wolf
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I prefer Slater over Stevie, but okie.
This show does a lot of alternate meanings. Not just in dialogues, but in episode titles. Crying Wolf means raising a false alarm. It'd be like pulling the fire alarm when there is no fire. I'll show the "Crying Wolf" when I get there. Because this show has werewolves, we could've actually seen a wolf cry.
I see at least 5 dead bodies in this opening scene. That's how many werewolves Damon and Stefan dropped on a moment's notice. This is the torture episode, and if you haven't seen me say this before, know that I love it when people torture Damon. Understand that I'm not talking Whitmore torture, I'm talking characters like Bonnie and Mason, Rebekah and Jules. Damon's high tolerance for pain is fun to watch. It's nothing compared to Enzo's tolerance for pain, but it's good enough. Both can endure pain because of the Whitmores.
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"We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last vampire in this town." Brady couldn't even survive Damon, he needed Jules to cover his ass. He's certainly not gonna survive Stefan. I mean, Stefan killed three werewolves before they even got the drop on him. "Uh, this has everything to do with that." Elena tells Stefan she wants to get as far away from Mystic Falls as possible. She's like Damon, she runs away from her problems. I think it's hilarious that Elena doesn't take him to the lake house for the sole purpose of a romantic getaway. She takes him to the lake house to run from her problems.
"And you're falling hard." Damon compels Andie. To be a distraction from Elena, he needs it to be as real as possible. He didn't do this with Caroline because he wasn't using her as a distraction. He only had one purpose with her, and she fulfilled it in 1x3 when Elena invited him into her house. I do think he was the same with the vamp-stuff, though. Like Andie, Caroline couldn't say that he bit her or drank her blood. Obviously, the last thing he'd want is for Caroline to tell her mother. "I want to know his endgame before I kill him, but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met." Damon is lying to Alaric. He's totally gonna kill Eiljah at this tea party lol. Bonnie has a plan to find out the truth of Elijah's plan for the ritual, and she plans to get that truth from Luka. Caroline is digging a few holes. Matt knows she wasn't with Bonnie. In truth, she was recooperating from being tortured. If I were her, Matt would've been compelled to move on just like Isobel did with Alaric. That would be the kind thing to do.
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"That's Elena Gilbert. I've known her my whole life." They pull Tyler into the mix and show him a photo of Katherine. They're basically using his standing in Mystic Falls to find the doppelganger in Mystic Falls. He's gonna realize who his friends are. They're talking about breaking the moon curse so that he doesn't have to turn at all, but fail to tell him Elena has to die to make that happen. Tyler just can't catch a break with people, for real. From Mason to Caroline to Brady, they can't stop lying to him. I don't know why Caroline is fighting this. She should compel Matt to move on. If she truly cared about him, she would. I mean, it's not like she's choosing to be honest with him. Tyler purposefully runs into Caroline to grab her phone, and does this so they can get a location on Elena. As much as I feel sorry for him, he also flip flops too much with his trust. He just had Caroline taken and tortured, now he's gonna put Elena's life at risk. "The two of you want to get together, fine, there's nothing I can do about it. But do me a favor, and both of you stop lying about it." Caroline is lying to them and to herself. That's why she's so hurt by Tyler's betrayal in the previous episode.
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They do certain repeats with Delena, and the Gilbert lake house is one of them. I refuse to ignore the fact that she's planning to self-sacrifice, and Stefan has no idea. No one does road trips like Delena does road trips, but I do love Stefan's cherry red car.
Elena: You don't have to wait out there. I'm all good. Stefan: Oh, that's great because I'm, uh… I'm stuck.
Stefan needs to be invited into the lake house. Know what "stuck" means for Elena in 3x11.
"Oh, my god. You can't get in. Stefan, I can't. My parent's left this place to John Gilbert. He's the only one who can invite you in. I'm sorry. I - I completely forgot."
Elena is getting very good at this lying thing, which becomes a huge thing in seasons 3 and 4. Their kiss in the kitchen here, this is where their season 5 Markos vision comes in.
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"Thanks for introducing us, Jenna." Damon is sweet to Jenna., and to be fair, she likely hooked them up to stop him from putting his paws on Elena lol
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Caroline: She's giving him the sex smile. Jeremy: Alright, Caroline. I get it.
Jeremy's jealousy doesn't drive him like Stefan's does. He's actually quite chill about it all. It certainly doesn't take much with body language. You can tell by Caroline's that she knows about Jeremy's feelings for Bonnie. When you combine Elena's ability to lie to Stefan about the lake house invite with Caroline's body lanuage here with Jeremy's feelings for Bonnie, you basically have season 3 and season 4 Elena. Even though Elena lies about her feelings for Damon, it can be seen in her body language as well as everyone elses.
So it's made clear that Bonnie roofied the drink she handed to Luka, and it didn't take much to drop him. From what I saw, just one sip. "Do you ever think about us, what our future will be like, our memories?" Elena opened the box, the coffin because she plans to close it with her inside. Something to hold onto when she dies. Makes me wonder what she holds onto when she dies in 3x22. This part of her lake house trip should be remembered when she takes Damon because, unlike with Stefan, her and Damon are completely open with each other.
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So I'm gonna dive into these initial scenes. Damon is working on the other side of Bonnie, trying to get information from Elijah just as Bonnie is trying to get information from Luka. The difference is real simple. Bonnie doesn't trust Elijah, so she doesn't trust Luka. Damon doesn't trust anyone, so he's going straight to the source. It should also be known that while Damon is afraid of Elijah, he refuses to give him his fear. He's all heart, all courage, and this is despite his knowing that Elijah could kill him in an instant.
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The context of Elijah's comment makes this scene altogether funny to me. He has no idea who he's talking to. "I'm an Original. Show a little respect." He's basically speaking as a parental figure, as a father vampire, and demanding Damon's respect. Yeah, he doesn't know Damon.
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Respect isn't given, it's earned. That's the difference between respect and dignity. Damon would no sooner respect Elijah than he'd respect his sperm donor of a father. That's why this scene is funny to me.
"Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Maybe it's time we tell her." John is going after Alaric's relationship with Jenna because he's trying to kill Damon. He wants Alaric off his game. "You're a dick." lol… this is coming from Damon's friend. John pulls with Alaric and Jenna what Damon pulled with Stefan and Elena in the first season. It's their continued Katherine-Isobel parallel. Some of their Alaric parallels are for Damon and Katherine and some are for Stefan and Katherine. That's how most of their ship parallels work.
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Stefan and Elena find a secret storage space in her parents' closet. This is how Damon would hide his humanity in his bedroom. That's why he has storage lockers. He keeps his cares hidden away. That's where Damon hides his tracking on Stefan in season 3... his closet. One could walk into Damon's bedroom and have no idea what he cares about. He hides those "cares" because they would be his weaknesses. He's basically protecting his friend in New York by hiding the photo of them in his storage locker.
"He is so crushing on you." lol… Caroline is trying to play matchmaker with Jeremy and Bonnie. Caroline can't begin to understand Delena if she can't begin to understand Bonnie's connection to Luka. Traitor or not, he understands her. Caroline says they're not in any position to judge because she's a vampire and Bonnie is a witch. As if not being a vampire and not being a witch would put them in the position to judge. At any rate, this sounds hilarious coming out of Caroline's mouth because that's all she does is judge their relationships. Like girl is only cool with her friends dating the boys she wants them to date. She's cool with Bonnie dating Jeremy because she tells her to, but she's not cool with Bonnie dating Ben or Shane. She's cool with Elena dating Stefan because she tells her to, but she's not cool with Elena dating Damon. And while she judges everyone else, she hates it when she herself gets judged. She judges so badly that Stefan has to confront her about it in season 5. "Caroline, how would you like to be judged solely based on what you're attracted to?" All the more hilarious because when he confronts her about it, she's judging Elena for being with Damon after she just slept with Klaus. That's how bad Caroline is.
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Damon: Ooh. She's got spunk, huh? Alaric: Just don't kill her, please.
That's one of the things Damon likes about Elena. Her spunk. This is now the second time Alaric died with the Gilbert ring on. I think he dies like twice more before he starts going mad on it. 3x4 with Damon and 3x10 to save Jeremy.
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"Whew! Damn, you're strong. It took the whole syringe." Damon is strong, but he's not the stronger brother. This scene is like 1x5, "I'm stronger than you think." That's why he escaped the cellar. He's strong af. Even more so in the fact that they've been building their tolerance to vervain. I don't consider Damon power hungry like Klaus. He's fine being a regular vampire, but he wants to be as strong as he can be as a vampire… if that makes sense. That's why he's building his tolerance to vervain. It's all about survival for him.
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Elena finds more of Johnathon Gilbert's journals. An entire season for her to read about how Stefan is a bigger monster than Damon. And it'll take another season for her to accept that truth. Yes, Stefan has her that blind. "I always knew you were lax with them, but I didn't think you were negligent." I hate to say it, but John is spot-on with Jenna. If she weren't the least bit, she'd already know Elena is dating a vampire. I mean, the woman has never been compelled. "He's a liar, Jenna. Did he ever tell you what happened to his wife?" I hate how blind she is to everything going on. However, John is completely alienating the entire team that's protecting Elena, at a time when he should be using them. Damon, Stefan, Alaric. These are wars he could've started after the ritual. John is literally diggng his own grave.
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"And that ring that Isobel gave you, that's mine. I'm gonna want that back." The audience already knows that Alaric has a Gilbert ring and he's wearing it. Here, they're showing Damon's concern for his friend. They want you to know he's purposefully looking for that Gilbert ring to make sure his friend is wearing it. The one thing he didn't know when he killed Jeremy in 2x1, so you see how his character shifts ever so slightly as the episodes move along.
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A high tolerance for pain. Not as high as Enzo's, but good enough to make me laugh while they try to torture him for information. A true torturer would know their victim, and they clearly don't know Damon. If they did, they would've kept Alaric alive and used him to torture Damon. Damon is literally laughing at Jules here, and this is despite knowing they can cause him more pain with just one pull. That's why his torture scenes are fun to watch. He endures them because they have no idea how to torture him. Rebekah is the only one that comes close.
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Damon doesn't just laugh in Jules' face. He uses Mason's death to taunt them. Again, he does this despite knowing they can cause him more pain with just one pull. "Let me tell you how this is gonna go: You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart." Damon is telling it like it is. And as I've said many times before, most of their foreshadows sit with his character. Someone will lose a heart.
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Just look at the way he endures it, the way he fangs in response. "Actually, it seems that dog has slipped its collar." Damon can handle a great deal of pain, but this… I felt it was the right time to mention Sybil's comment. They have a dog theme in the show.
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Some episodes end opposite the open, so you get neck spikes with Damon and Elijah. Elena really thought she could keep this ritual secret. Jeremy, Caroline, and Bonnie are flipping their lids. Lukas just told them that Elijah's deal requires Elena die. Brady shoots Stefan with a wooden bullet. He has Tyler guarding him with the gun and a stake while he goes after Elena. I swear, some of these characters don't think. This was Brady's single mistake. Elena would trust Tyler before she'd trust him. I mean, why the hell would this girl trust Brady when he's at her family's cabin in the middle of nowhere and shouldn't have any clue as to its location? And Stefan would be screwed out of an escape with Brady because he doesn't give a shit about Elena, but Tyler does. I mean, Tyler just got done telling them that he's known Elena his entire life, you really think he's gonna let you kill Elena? lol... if I were Brady, I would've guarded Stefan and had Tyler get his hands on Elena. That would've been the smarter move.
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"In order to break the curse, Elena has to die." Tyler's face lol. Any one of Elena's friends would suffer the pain of breaking their bones every full moon just to keep her alive. Tyler is no exception. Brady doesn't need an invite. He's a werewolf. Unfortunately for him, Elena has the home field advantage. More so with that recently discovered closet full of goodies. lol… Elena stabs Brady in the gut, then gets him in her closet full of goodies. This girl is taking on a werewolf by herself lol. "I just… I don't want to be like this anymore." I can list a lot of reasons to love Elena. Her understanding is at the top of my list.
Damon and Elena are written opposite each other in their strengths and weaknesses in such a way that they complete each other. Just thought I should mention that while I'm here.
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"Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it." I can't stop laughing at Damon because Jules has no idea who she's torturing. She's talking to him about how buckshots work. He's like… And?
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I also love his reaction when Elijah walks in.
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"Let me tell you how this is gonna go: You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart." Three hearts gone in an instant. Jules takes off running, she doesn't feel like dying tonight lol. Stevie tries to hide in his jacket, which is hilarious af. Elijah severs his spine without decapitation.
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There's something insanely sexy about Elijah pulling those chains off Damon. "So you realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Elijah underestimates Damon. I'm not saying Damon wants to die because he doesn't, but when he gets himself into situations such as this one, he is prepared to die. Elijah won't see Damon until he walks in to see the Salvatores fighting. That's when he knows he'll have to kill Damon to kill Elena.
"I know the deal I made, Stefan. Elijah's very careful with his words. He promised to protect my friends. He never said a word about me." Bonnie called Damon to inform him, then Damon called Stefan to inform him. Elena knows how real this is because of Rose and Trevor.
"Elena, how… how could you stand out there earlier with me, talking about making plans for our future when you don't even expect to have one?"
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Because she didn't expect to have one. She wanted something to hold onto when she died. It's kinda like Bonnie lying to Jeremy, then calling him as she's about to die with Damon. It's hilarious to me that Stefan expected more from Elena when their entire relationship has been a dishonest one. They lie to each other, and constantly. "No. What you're doing is you're being a martyr." This is Stefan's problem in season 3, and the reason he loses Elena. He thinks he's keeping her safe, but he's not. As Damon clearly and honestly states, he's being an insufferable martyr. "Because I've already lived. 162 years I have lived, and you've barely begun. And now you want to let yourself get killed? That's not heroic. It's tragic." This line of dilogue is perfectly suited for Damon in the series finale. The difference between living and existing, thus, the difference between Stefan and Damon.
I also think it's hilarious that they basically shat on every conversation Stelena had about the future.
"You think I'm hot?" Like Damon and Elena and his most attractive look, Bonnie thinks Jeremy is hot. I hate this ship, but I'm happy that they're happy. Tyler is saying his goodbyes. This is the perfect time for him to break from the group to learn more about himself, and I do like Jules. It was always about Tyler for her, and I think that's why I like her more than I like Mason. I love Tyler's moment of honesty with Matt. Perfect for a love triangle, and something you don't see with Stefan. In fact, Tyler's moment of honesty with Matt is every bit Damon's honesty about Stefan.
"No more lies." Jules is gonna have one hell of a crash. She just lost another 5 werewolves all because of a lie Klaus spun for the sake of triggering his werewolf gene. All she has is Tyler. Given how they're written, I'm thinking Mason was the leader of their pack. Not saying he was, but that's my guess.
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As I said before, some episodes end opposite the open. That's what they did with the alternate meaning of the title, Crying Wolf.
Stevie: They're putting everything in place to break the curse. Stefan: No. I swear to you. We don't want to break the curse, Tyler. We don't want to do that.
The false alarm of the episode.
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
oooh so i feel like i can guess the answer, BUT how would you rank all of bonnie’s ships *solely* from what we got in canon vs how would you rank them based on fanon/general potential!
Oooh okay, I’ll start with canon ones then go to fanon.
Beremy: It was cute, puppy love at first but in the end Bonnie was doing all the work & his unassigned but assigned babysitter. 3/10
Bonenzo: in theory he did make Bonnie happy she deserved that. Enzo is very much “one size fits all” type of character if yk. They did get together under Stockholm Syndrome purposes and it was just done lazily? I think they would’ve been more well perceived if they started building them up in s5 or something. Killing him last minute to “trigger” Bonnie’s psychic powers or magic again was just another way to aid in her suffering. 5/10
Bamon: chemistry is great. Damon abandoning Bonnie after she needed him after bonding in the prison world’s was a good moment for Bonnie’s feelings to be shown. Knowing she has issues with abandonment. But, Bamon falls into the same category as Delena. Woman is complicit to all of Damon’s bs and a lot of that happened with Bamon. The writers said ok Elena is gone Bonnie can now agree or side with him the most. There’s Anti-Bamons, then there’s people who genuinely like Bamon and then people who ship Bamon just to free Elena of that burden of Damon lol. I do think they work best if Elena isn’t around. 7.5/10
Stefonnie: you can’t pry Stefan’s protectiveness and kindness to Bonnie in 1-2 out of my hands. He actually tried to make friends with Baroline unlike Damon. Stefan’s history with Bennett’s was another good push there too. And it’s sooo underrated that Stefan was the first vampire Bonnie ever trusted. Plus she had a lil crush on him before Elena got him. I do think they could’ve been something really good in those later seasons. Both tend to play a “hero” role to someone else. Stefan promised he would’ve fixed what he did to Bonnie and idk we needed to see that. It would’ve been nice if we could’ve gotten Damon/Stefan discussing that Bonnie’s forgiveness isn’t so easy to earn. 8/10
Bonora: good chemistry but extremely underrated. They remind me a bit of the wlw Bonkai. Would’ve been a perfect time to introduce bi!Bonnie. I liked that Bonnie encouraged Nora to do something outside of Mary. We never really got those “Bonnie’s beautiful!” By other characters but the way Nora said it continously and wanted to engage with Bonnie. It was so good. Long term and fanon-wise I think they both could’ve learned to grow out of those toxic ties to people with each other. We didn’t get Bonnie with other witches a lot and it was nice to see her with one. 8/10
Bonkai: Chris was Kat’s best on-screen partner imo. Kai brings out a darker side to Bonnie that she tries ignore often. While I think Bonnie brings out emotions Kai hasn’t felt in ages. He’s so fascinated with her in an obsessive but good for tvdu type of way. She’s the only way he sees. Bonnie isn’t a pushover either with Kai. She fights him back, she calls him out and tbh she’s even goofier with him. He pushed her more into her agency than Damon ever did. Bonkai would’ve been great for seasons 6-8. Idk if i would “redeem” him per se bc redemptions aren’t real in tvd but being good to Bonnie and Bonnie only is enough for me. Canon-fanon-9/10.
Bonlena & Baroline: I’ll just do these together. Bonlena had the stronger chemisty 1-2 era of them perfect. You can feel how close they are and need each other. Despite the negative tones with Petrova & Bennett lines repeating you can say they could be drawn to each other naturally. But, Elena does end up ignoring Bonnie so…7/10. Baroline is all about fun but they do support each other and can be protective. Caroline does try to get Bonnie out of doing magic all the time. 7/10
Bonlijah: interesting because Elijah like Stefan and Damon have harmed or betrayed Bonnie. Elijah’s done it twice. We don’t get a lot of them. Bonnie would’ve made him work for her forgiveness. Elijah likes acting on his own needs first but needs to be forced to see his wrongings in a situation and Bonnie certainly wouldn’t let up and make him focus on their errors before continuing. He did have to thing positively of her to face his brother alone. 7/10
Klonnie: based on canon I’d say season 3-4 are would be their best moments. Klaus does like witches. Bonnie had more onscreen time with Tyler!Klaus than his actual body. But Tyler!Klaus did sort of hint he admired she defied the spirits. There’s the power dynamics that comes into play here. Bonnie isn’t afraid of Klaus no matter how much power he wants to enforce over her. I can see them fanon wise strategizing together and Bonnie agreeing to help him if it means her friends are good. Canon wise though if nothing comes between them from 2-4 then they’d have to remeet afterwards. Same applies for all the Mikaelson’s. 9/10
Kennett: they could’ve bonded over magic and they do have more scenes than most BennettxMikaelson ships. Kol called out Bonnie’s death too. He saw potential in her and wanted to work with her….that being said they caused that lady to go crazy on Twitter over a 10 second scene LMAO so despite how i feel about that 10 10 10 across the board. Fanon wise i do think other fandoms taking over Kennett has deterred my liking for them. Dollar general Kennett has nothing on them. But Bonnie unlike Davina would want to see Kol for who he is. No rose tinted glasses.
Monnie/Tonnie: we don’t have a lot of Tonnie but they’re always watching each other / protective gazes when they are allowed to share a scene. This is a ship I can see working through college or when they both left Mystic Falls. For the both of them that isn’t their home longterm. 8/10. Now, onto Matt absolutely not. 5/10. Not just because Matt’s useless, but he doesn’t like the supernatural world for himself. He’s accepting of his friends and for others but it’s not something he’s really into. Bonnie already had to deal with this from Rudy. No need in dating a human or anything longterm who doesn’t like that side of her.
Honorable mention: Batherine could’ve played a frenemies with benefits role. Idk if it was the intention to “fix” Elena’s relationships but placing Katherine in these random moments but it was interesting when it did happen.
This was long and it took me a minute but i hope i answered it the way you thought of!! Thank you for the ask!
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queercherrypie · 1 year
I feel like I'm going crazy, because if I put the pieces of the puzzle together I can say that Damon and Bonnie are canonically in love. And I could write an entire essay about it pointing out scenes and parallels and lines and what they mean starting with Damon's letter to Bonnie. I kept thinking about this because I was rewatching this scene here.
He says that supposedly he has everything, but he has nothing. Bonnie is dying and he is desperately trying to save her life even if it means she wakes up and kills him. He's going to extremes because Bonnie just wanted to die. He manages to wake her up by talking about his relationship with Elena; teases her to the level that she rips his heart out. He literally gave his heart to Bonnie in the same place he gave his heart to Elena.
DUDE!!! WHAT?! I'm hallucinating all this and my brain has been corroded with fanfiction? Or am I really seeing this? Was Damon willing to die to save her life and basically saying he's in love with her? I'm going crazy, please someone from the TVD fandom tell me I'm not going crazy. 
He's in love with both of them and the last conversation Elena had with him was about how he can have both and I'm going to die on this hill!!!
The season 7 is basically Bonnie being teased by Enzo every 5 minutes about the fact that she's in love with Damon before he left her behind. He seems to be absolutely sure of that, you know why? He was spending time with Lilly who helped Kai with the plan. She had very open ears in that house and what I'm saying makes perfect sense when I think about it. Kai made Damon make a choice. What the hell happened in that Prison World?! Damon has thought a lot about this piece of advice he's been giving Stefan I wonder why...
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splatooshy · 10 months
ive been thinking of like an all human gossip girl/highschool au lately so here goes.
Stefan’s brought a girl home for thanksgiving this year. Damon’s heard about her—Kat’s cousin, he thinks—but he hadn't met her before today. It seems serious— for all Damon knows about relationships— his brother wouldn’t bring her to lunch if it wasn’t.
Besides, she's not staying all day. It's only for a few hours in the early afternoon, for some pie, drinks, and forcefully polite conversation.
She seems nice enough, and Stefan seems happy. So that's a good thing. But Stef’s a kid. And— Alright, no. That's not it, because he's old enough to date, and Damon knows that. He’s not a child, not anymore, not really. But, in a way, Stefan’s still the baby, 'cause he's two years younger and knows how to utilise those big green eyes that must have some sort of magical powers, because Damon has always been completely helpless against them.
But now he's looking at this Elena girl like she's the best thing about his life—Damon’s just thankful Stefan didn’t outright say that when giving thanks for all the wonderful treasures of the world. Bleuch. — And, well, Damon hasn't quite felt like a kid in years, but right now, he feels like he’s being left behind while his baby brother grows up, because here he is, still bringing Enzo along to Thanksgiving, and to every other thing, like it’s a Totally Normal Thing To Do.
It’s ridiculous really. Enzo sort of lives with them now. He’s family, and he doesn’t really need an invite to family events or anything, but Damon can’t quite help himself.
Because deep down, he knows—he's known for a long time now, that he looks at Enzo the same way his brother is looking at Elena over slices of pie. In his dining room and a thousand other places. In front of his father, who would no doubt pistol whip him and send him packing, bloody and battered and halfway dead if he knew. If he knew that Damon looks at his best friend—a guy—the same way Stefan looks at the girl he’s in love with. But maybe Stef and Elena are just friends. Like he and Enzo are just friends. God he hopes so. Because he can’t—won’t—let himself go there.
No matter how badly he longs to.
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