#dare I say. disabled vibes
shitpostingkats · 4 months
Hey remember how when Soulburner was introduced he tells us that using his skill is actually painful and takes a lot out of him and then as the series goes on we see him run himself ragged using it and Flame growing concerned and his hands shaking but he never collapses. And they never solve it it's just accepted that this action has consequences and Theo has to weigh the risks and deal with the pain and keep going because that's what he does. Soulburner takes hits and gets back up. There are things we can do that are gonna suck but we can choose to do them and and be brave and keep going. That meant a lot to me actually
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myeuphoricmindset · 3 months
Let me remind you
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(middle photo credit: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple )
Paring | Eddie Munson x fem!blind reader
Summary | Reader is blind and Eddie is utterly obsessed with you, going out of his way to play you music and read to you. It’s simply a friendship, but he can’t stop himself from crossing the line.
Notes/tags | That’s correct, the reader is blind. I do not mean to write this in any way that would be insensitive; I just loved the idea of seeing Eddie care for someone who has a disability. The way he would be so sweet and go above and beyond. If this fic rubs anyone the wrong way or makes anyone uncomfortable, please let me know, and I’ll remove it. My intentions are pure. It’s a very sweet fic with the vibes of what it feels like to be young and in love. — No smut, but there is making out, and it feels very sensual. Also, cheesy AF.
I do switch back and forth with povs, don’t expect this to go by the writers rules.
— Oh, I listened to Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine while writing this. But what’s new? I always write Eddie fics to that song, even years later.
Word count | 2.1k
Eddie always met you outside. He waits on his porch, finishing his cigarette, and the moment he sees you approaching, he gets up quickly to close the distance, taking your hand to guide you to his place. He loves the excuse to touch you. He’s not greedy either; just your hand in his makes him secretly giddy. He’s focused on it the whole way to his room, even though he’s talking your ear off about a new song he wrote.
Nothing about this is new or different. Eddie inviting you over to play music and talk well into the night has become normal. A friendship that never crosses the line, but Jesus Christ, he thinks of crossing the line all the time. He wonders if your touch would feel different if it was reaching out with love instead of friendship. He doesn’t dare feed into his thoughts of how your kiss would feel and if his name would sound different if you moaned it into his ear.
He admires you as he strums his guitar, only half-focused on the song. By now he’s memorized every curve of your face and has counted every lash on your eyes. It feels wrong to stare, knowing he can’t be caught. Can you feel his gaze?
You’re lying in your usual spot on his bed, surrounded by his scent in the sheets. You try to hide the deep inhales you take as if it were the last time you’d be here. But, it’s not. You’ll be back tomorrow, as you always are.
He plays beautifully, and you try not to smile because he plays softer for you than he does during his shows. Is he nervous to scare you off? He never could.
“I love it,” you say as he finishes the song.
He smiles, and you know because it’s laced with his voice, “You do?”
The sound of his guitar being placed on the wall mount is familiar, followed by the radio on his dresser being turned on. It’s only for background noise. Eddie hates silence, and you can’t help but wonder if he just doesn’t like to sit with his thoughts.
You both lie on his bed in deep conversation with no sense of time. Eddie lazily plays with small strands of your hair with the hand draped behind his head. Does he realize that you notice every time he does it? It makes your stomach flutter.
“Read to me?” you ask as you shift onto your stomach, feet rising up behind you.
Eddie takes a moment to speak, but you hear his breath hitch, and when he does speak, his breath is warm against your face. He shouldn’t be surprised by your question as he reads to you every night, but maybe it’s the way you’re closer to him than before.
Your bodies aren’t touching, but there is a sense of intimacy with the way he’s lying on his back, most likely looking up at you, and the way you’re on your stomach, nearly looming over him.
Unsure if he’s uncomfortable by the way his breathing becomes uneven, you reach over to the nightstand and grab your water, trying to make it seem like you’re giving him a little space. When you return to your position, you’re a few inches away from him.
You realize you were wrong about him feeling uncomfortable because when Eddie grabs The Return of the King off his dresser, he returns to the bed even closer than before.
His arm touches yours as he lies back on the bed, and you can’t take your mind off of it. It gently moves against yours as he turns the page.
“Now, where were we?” he says as the sound of pages turning fills the room. “Aha, here it is.” His smile is audible in his words. “You’ll like this part.”
Eddie begins to read. His voice is like honey, sweet and soothing to your ears. He makes you giggle occasionally with his exaggerated voices for certain characters. His laughter matches your own, and even though he’s read this book a hundred times, it feels like he’s experiencing it for the first time with you.
As he continues, there’s a subtle change in his tone that you can’t quite place until you listen closely to the words. Two characters in the book kiss, and the way Eddie reads the description makes your stomach flutter more than the romance he’s narrating. You feel your cheeks heat up and lower your head to your arms to hide it.
Eddie chuckles softly, saying your name, “Are you blushing?”
You bury your face deeper into your arms, breathing in his scent from the sheets. You would give anything to sink into the mattress, completely enveloped by his smell.
He calls your name again, clearly amused by your reaction. His fingers find your sides and he starts tickling you, forcing you out of hiding. You burst into laughter, trying to grab his hands to push him away, but your laughter only encourages him.
“Look at you. You’re so red you might pop,” he teases, continuing to tickle you.
“Stop,” you manage to say between fits of laughter.
You struggle to fight back, and Eddie laughs at your attempts. Your stomach begins to hurt from the laughter, your breathing becomes ragged, and your hair covers your face from the tussle.
Both of you finally give up, gasping for air. Eddie plops down beside you, the weight of his body next to yours so familiar that you long for it when you’re alone in your own bed.
“I’ve never seen you blush that hard before,” he says, amused.
You can feel his stare, which only makes you blush more. “Can you stop?” you groan, playfully shoving his arm.
“Stop what?”
“Staring at me. I can feel it.”
He scoffs, “I’m not staring at you.”
You sit up and demand his bandana. He protests in confusion, but once he understands, he relents. Sitting up directly in front of you, you lift your chin with a sense of victory.
“Because I don’t believe you, this is what I must do.”
Eddie lets out a sigh, pretending to be exasperated though he’s smiling like a fool. “If this pleases you.”
You ignore the flutter in your stomach at his words. Reaching out, your fingertips touch the corner of his mouth, feeling it curve up against your touch. His face is smooth, and you take advantage of the moment to trace your fingers across it, finding their way to his hair. He remains silent, but his breathing is slightly heavier—something only you would notice.
His hair is soft, and you resist the urge to twirl his curls around your finger. Instead, you wrap the bandana around his eyes and tie it tightly behind his head.
“Oh,” he says with surprise, followed by a chuckle. “A little tight, huh?”
“Can’t have you peeking.”
“Don’t you trust me?” he asks.
Your hands drop into your lap as you smile. “Mm, I’m still deciding.”
But that was a lie. You trusted him more than you cared to admit. There were many people you trusted to be alone with, but as you’ve spent time with him, he’s proven that you’re safe with him. The best feeling is being completely vulnerable and knowing without a doubt that the person you count on with your vulnerability handles it with care.
“So, this is what it’s like for you?” he asks softly.
“Something like that.”
The room is silent, the radio off since before he started reading the book you’ve both abandoned. The only sounds are his breathing and the soft hum of the air conditioning. But you notice the parting of his lips and the sudden, yet soft, intake of breath as if he were going to say something but decided not to.
“What is it?” you ask.
He clears his throat as if caught and takes a breath. “Can you…touch me?” You’re nearly taken back by that until he speaks up in a rushed sentence. “Uh, sorry, I —uh, I mean, my arm or face. Show me how it feels for you.”
Your heart warms at his request. And you gladly give him what he wants. Your fingers meet his face again and you admire all the softness. You trace the lines and curves, imagining if he’s as beautiful as he feels. Eddie sits there still for a while, softly breathing.
Then his hands grasp your wrists and lower them to your lap. “My turn,” he says as his fingers begin to move up your arms. Goosebumps break out over your skin, and you try your best to control your breathing, knowing he can hear if it catches in your throat.
His calloused fingers brush against your soft skin, but you don’t mind. One hand drops from your arm and takes hold of one of your hands. You fight back a smile, knowing his fingers tracing your features are close enough to feel your reaction. His hand cups your cheek, his thumb gently brushing against your cheekbone. It feels incredibly intimate, just the sound of his breathing matching yours as time seems to slow.
He breaks the silence. “You’re so beautiful.”
A smile breaks out on your face. “You can’t even see me.”
“I don’t need to. I know exactly what you look like.” His tone is serious yet soft, almost as if he’s in deep thought.
He lets go of your hand and cups your other cheek. Your face fits perfectly between his warm hands.
“Eddie…” you say, wanting to ask what he’s doing, what he’s thinking. But your words fall short as you feel his thumb brush over your bottom lip.
“Tell me you feel this.”
He doesn’t mean his gentle touch on your lips, and you know that. The electrical current between you two could light up Hawkins. He grabs one of your hands and brings it to his chest. Your breath catches at the feeling of his heart thumping wildly against your palm. It’s so strong that you think it might burst out of his chest and right into your hands.
“Yes,” you answer him.
“Tell me I can kiss you.”
Your stomach flutters so fast that you feel like you could float away. “Yes.”
There is a moment of stillness in the room, time frozen. The sound of you both breathing dulls out and you lose feeling in your cheeks at his touch as you await his lips on yours.
He’s so gentle and slow. His lips meet yours and you welcome it, nearly melting into him. The kisses are soft and lazy, as if you both are drunk off each other. Your hands are in his hair and he moans at the feeling. Heat forms in your lower belly and you can’t help yourself when you crawl into his lap.
“Yes,” he breathes as he welcomes you into his embrace. His arms wrapping tightly around your back, rubbing his hands up and down your back while still kissing you.
His tongue brushes your lower lip and you open your mouth to taste him. He’s perfect. He’s all you feel and taste, nearly drowning in him. His bandana is still tightly secured around his eyes and you wonder if he’s consumed by you as well.
Eddie starts kissing your neck and your head drops to the side in pleasure. His hand wraps around your head, keeping you in place as he begins to suck softly in the right spot. You moan and you feel his smile against your skin.
“There it is,” he mumbles, before finding your lips again. “Everything about you is so fucking perfect.”
“Stop.” You mutter against his kiss, fighting back a smile. Your cheeks turn hot and you bury your face in the crook of his neck.
His arms tighten around you and you sink further into his arms. You both stay like that for a few minutes, resting in each other's arms. You feel him inhale you deeply before he starts stroking your hair.
“You may not realize how beautiful you are,” he says as he begins to play with your hair. “But, I don’t mind reminding you every day.”
“Would you?” You whisper.
“I’ll take your hand, tell you in great detail about the world around us while reminding you how it doesn’t even compare to you.” He kisses your shoulder. “Not even close.”
The smile that spreads across your face is almost painful. “You have such a way with words.”
He takes your face in his hands, “I do write songs, sweetheart.”
With that, he kisses you with such passion that you fall back onto the mattress, giggles spilling from your lips as Eddie turns your darkness into light.
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
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You can choose to see that tattoo as your greatest failure. But I see it as proof that you're a survivor. It wasn't your day of death, Officer Chen. It was the first day, of the rest of your life. And no one can take that away from you.
This has to be my favourite moment, along with Lucy making an audiobook for Tim… Maybe it is because these two scenes have a very similar vibe… both of them taking place in the gym… with both Tim and Lucy working through their frustration in the same fashion… and making the other feel more empowered… Back then, she was fiercely telling him that his 'learning disability' was nothing to be ashamed of, and instead, was a strength… And here he is, saying something akin, just as passionately : that her tattoo isn't a sign of weakness or failure on her part, but one of strength. Of resilience. It's more than just reassurance : it's really about empowering the other… And this is genuinely a beautiful and powerful message, that epitomises their relationship perfectly...
The way the camera focuses on Lucy's DOD tattoo, with Tim appearing in the background, before he fully comes into focus, is brilliant. Him looking away, pretending he hasn't seen it, out of respect for her and complimenting her instead, is such a simple, but meaningful thing. Just like how he refuses to take any credit for the way she is. The reverence and pride in his voice are all for her. He's trying to drive his point home, but Lucy is not hearing him. Or at least, not entirely. He's about to leave before changing his mind. You can see the moment he decides to go for it and really talk to her. Something he has been trying to do already, like after he heard she was involved in a shooting : only, he kept it light in that moment, not daring pushing her out of her comfort zone. But his conversation with Nolan made him reconsider his approach, once he realised that her friends were too focused on her tattoo, treating its removal as a magical cure to her emotional wounds. No matter how well intended they are, it doesn't work like that. Something he knows all too well.
So instead, Tim opens up about his own traumatic experiences, share his own history and scars to help her… And this is huge for him. Lucy might have known about Isabel, but this is the first time he mentions his childhood and his dad to her (at least, as far as we know : he did it once while playing football with AJ, but she wasn't around). It's a very personal and intimate topic and the fact that he willingly shares this vulnerable part of himself with her says a lot on how much he trusts her. And it also feels natural : they were already getting closer, but regardless, this is the same man who opened up about his personal life on her second day. He has seen how she was there for him time and time again, with Isabel of course, but even recently, with how she made him feel safe after discovering he was a kinesthetic learner. So now, this is his turn to do the same for her, to respond in kind. And it parallels what Nyla was trying to do with Lucy when she shared her very own experience in the shop… and with Tim when she shared pieces of it in order to convince him to let her ride with Lucy for the day. He took a page from Harper's playbook, understanding that it might help Lucy more.
But unlike Nyla, Tim goes a step further. The reason why Lucy wasn't quite as receptive with her is that she needed more than empathy. It helped her of course, but what she requires even more is seeing her trauma in a different perspective. To see it through someone else's eyes. Tim's eyes. They already have a special bond and his opinion matter a lot to her. She can get through to him like no one else and so can he. But this is even more important since they haven't been able to ride together since that fateful day. She thought at first that the change in TOs for the day was a Tim Test. So it is primordial that she knows he doesn't think less of her. Just like he probably also doesn't want someone else he cares about to believe they're not living up to his standards… And at first, Lucy was getting frustrated with him as well. Even angry that he wasn't getting it. Until he started to emphasise on the fact that she didn't die, that she's still very much alive and therefore won, just like she defiantly warned Caleb in her last words to him. He's trying to get her to focus on that victory. That what she sees as a sign of failure, is instead a sign of resilience. Of her own strength. And I absolutely love how going forward, she will rub her tattoo whenever she's getting nervous, as a reminder of this. Because this is such an earnest and powerful message. At no point does he tell her what to do with this or how to feel about it - which was inadvertently what Jackson and Nolan were doing. It's simply about pushing her to see things under a different prism so she can make an informed decision. One that will bring her peace. To help her see herself the way he does : as a survivor, as someone who saved herself. Not a victim. It's about her retaking some control of her own story. And this time, she gets his message… The way she is clearly moved by his words, tearing up, just shows how much she needed to hear these words. Especially from him.
The tone of the scene instantly changes after that, becoming much lighter… Without undermining the core message either. This is a much needed respite, after that intense conversation. Tim looks so self-conscious and bashful when Lucy thanks him, like he's suddenly feeling under the spotlight. His whole demeanor - hands in his pockets, rocking on his feet, asking her if she's riding with him - feels very much like a teenage boy asking the girl he has a crush on to go on a date with him, while trying to be nonchalant about it. His beaming smile when she agrees is adorable. Her laughter as well… It's clear he has missed riding with her. They both have.
And that leads us to that last part : Tim giving Lucy back her ring. The one she left behind for him to find… There are so many symbols here… Like the fact that he had it in his pocket the whole time, even though he was about to leave her alone at first… The implication that he kept it with him, that he hung on to it, as a reminder that she was safe now, that he found her… It's how he's playing with it as well, as if a part of him is a bit reluctant to part with it… It's the way they don't even need words : they both understand the underlying message… It's in his smile before he leaves, the admiration he feels for her shining bright in his eyes… Or her surprise and delight when she catches her ring, having the confirmation that she was right to have so much faith in him… And how overwhelmed she is, to know that this tiny piece of jewellery, thrown as a last-ditch effort, saved her… That she saved herself. This moment encapsulates everything he has previously said in a very poetic manner… It was the perfect conclusion. Melissa deserves all the credit here for pitching this idea to the showrunners and writers, who, then, turned it into this wonderful scene. And hopefully, there will be a follow up one day on this...
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myriadeyed · 2 months
See the thing about all the misanthropy stuff is. I've always related to computers, monsters and aliens more than human characters in sci-fi stories. But specifically i've always related to computers, monsters and aliens who like and love humans. Who admire humans and who have hope for them and who take inspiration from them.
Sci-fi likes to do a certain trope a lot where they have the nonhuman robot/computer or alien or Etc. character hate humans, find them repulsive or pathetic or crude or etc. etc. I'm not even talking about stories where nonhuman characters lash out in response to mistreatment by humans. I won't lie and say i never relate to those characters too. Because i do, because i get it. But ones where they look down on humans for being human? Robots or AI who find humans laughable because they can't do things as quickly or because they bleed when they're hurt. Aliens, somehow always overly logical geniuses, who patronize human characters for not being an "advanced society" or for being prone to frivolous emotions. Werewolves who feel condescending disgust at humans simply because they aren't as physically strong; vampires or elves smugly laughing at the pitiful lifespan; dare I even start on tropes of angels and demons.
At the point you feel superior for the sole reason that they are human and you aren't— why is this better, how is this radical? These tropes involve the same feelings that a lot of humans have toward other beings, projected ideas of how every sapient thing would probably feel if they were in some way physically or intellectually superior... feelings about the very idea of superiority and inferiority that have been used to hurt me, in actual real life, when my disabilities or ethnicity or sexuality designate me inferior. I am not going to feel "superior" to anybody after growing up as a queer autistic Jew—and the Jewish part of all this is essential here, I think, considering everybody reading this is probably queer and autistic—knowing that superior and inferior are not things that even exist, especially when applied to people. They can't be and shouldn't be.
IDK where i'm going with this. You can feel whichever way you want. I'd rather misanthropy be rampant in the community than for everybody to feel like they're required to have or voice some sort of saccharine optimist-approved hopepunk "faith in humanity." G-d knows i'm not an optimist, let alone faithful. This is all just stream of consciousness now but i guess i'm saying in a way not only do I relate to fictional nonhumans who care about humanity, that's just kind of what I literally am. I'm not human and i admire humans for what they are. Not just that. I recognize what they are; a completely neutral type of being without inherent moral or ontological significance, just like everything else. I don't think i would go as far as to wish I was human like narratives for these characters often do, but I just can't vibe with misanthropy. Humans started naming all the animals they saw. Humans came up with music and tea and made bananas really good. Humans wrote down all the things that happened to them so the future could know about it. Humans wrote stories where computers and animals and aliens are their friends just so they could feel less alone. How in the universe could you ever decline the offer?
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Some future Percy Jackson headcanons :D
- He never grows facial hair. Yes this is partially because I don't like drawing facial hair but also I feel like Percy would just take one look at the mirror, realise that he looks like a splitting image of his dad and then shave the whole thing off
- Percy is the malewife trophy husband in this relationship. Yes I HC him with a job (I will get to that later) but it's about the vibes
Like he literally says this in Greek heroes!
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He is the trophy husband to Annabeth's successful girlboss wife and he knows it! He does the cooking and cleaning!! (His mother is THE Sally Jackson so you better bet he cooks dam well too)
And I refuse to believe that he and Sally aren't like super tidy people after living with Gabe. Like ADHD disorganization real and true just like me fr but Percy would not let there be trash or bad smells /anywhere/
- Related to the above Percy does not drink
- Percy took a GAP year actually
- Like yes he does actually try and jump back into school like he does in ToA because he is tired of godly bullshit and craves normalcy. But my guy. That is a semester of content you missed along with current school AND you're still prepping for college AND you're still recovering from the war. Something something he does this as a distraction from everything but also because he genuinely wants to have normalcy but after burning out somewhere through the year he is convinced to take a damn break!!!!
- I think the road trip at the end of ToA can still happen but like, just them relaxing and exploring during the GAP year (also redesigning Olympus is Annabeth's BABY man she's putting that over school + she has worse school records than Percy because she's been year round at camp since she was 7 I don't think school convention matters that much to her actually)
- Anyway they take a well deserved break!! (And get therapy hopefully) So by the time they get to college they are in a much better place mentally <3
- With the accomodations from NRU for his learning disabilities Percy actually ends up doing really well and gets better grades than Annabeth! I am a believer of "Percy is smart it's just that he wasn't properly accommodated and also lacked interest in certain subjects" and "Annabeth is naturally gifted and never learnt to study because she coasts through school and wings her tests" (they're both just like me fr)
- Percy ends up picking Marine Biology as a major because he's not actually sure what he wants to study (he's never gotten the chance to think about what he wanted for his future because of the great prophecy) and thinks that "hey even if it's cliche it'll be easier for me"
Cuz like I understand the excitement of finally going to a school that accomodates you and having hope that you'll get an actual chance to succeed. But also school is still hard and Percy probably just wants to get through it too sjsjsjdj. So he doesn't think too hard on it and goes with the perceived most obvious and easiest option. (Also an option he's most likely to show interest in)
Okay! Rubs hands. From here I start talking about my marine rehabilitation center Percy hcs :) (this hc is heavily inspired by this post! I really looked at it a few years ago and never stopped thinking about it lmao)
- Something something Percy is canonically the kid who used to sneak out at night to help free sea creatures in fishing nets and is best friends with Grover "lord of the wild" Underwood and Rachel "activist" Dare. That boy is an environmentalist.
- He ends up finding genuine passion in ocean conservation and gets a degree in environmental conservation along with marine biology
- A while after graduating, he sets up a marine rehabilitation/conservation center of sorts
- Annabeth, who probably makes it big as an architect pretty soon (at least in the half-blood community) designed the building, Rachel helps to fund the whole thing. Grover, who goes around doing conservation work and setting up sanctuaries to help preserve the wild helps a ton with setting up too
- The center helps out both mythical and regular sea creatures. It also acts as a demigod safe house (something something Hazel + the Hecate kids help to set up wards to keep monsters out and also to shroud the mythical aspects of the place with the Mist)
- I dunno if the staff will be only consisting of people in the know or if there are mortals too but I feel like even though the wards at the center aren't as strong as those at the camps, the prospect of a safe working environment would be pretty enticing to demigods so a bunch of them end up interning there for a bit
- speaking of safe environment I feel like while Percabeth study in New Rome they wouldn't live there. Instead Annabeth ends up building something similar to it at CHB. But rather than a whole city, it's more of just apartments close to camp with various safe houses all over the country because I feel like they'd end up vibing in the mortal world more. (Much like this post!)
- The center holds educational field trips to encourage more people to care about the oceans. (I've been on a field trip to a marine rehabilitation center before, I think it'd be something like that but with a bigger, more advanced facility)
- I actually like the hc of Percy becoming an educator to help kids like him and also go full circle with the whole "why would anyone want to be a teacher for all time" thing with Chiron in TLT. But rather than become a teacher he ends up being an educator and advocator for environmental conservation. Might be invited to be a guest speaker at schools from time to time.
- Oh also he's still a teacher in that Percy teaches swordfighting and canoeing at camp send tweet
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Let's see what Percy is gonna do this week:
I need him to cut off Crusty's head, disney please
"Don't make me come back out there." We have no choice but to stan my girl
Percy I also lock myself in the car so I don't have to do a school for my learning disabilities
Grover looking at Percy after he says "we're all dying...to some extent." Comedy gold
PUPPY - why did they make Cerberus so baby, like that's just a lil guy
He do be running though
Asphodel having absolutely terrible vibes. I love it
If I had a nickel for every time Percy had to hold a loved one over a chasm with one hand I'd have 2 nickels but it's weird it's happened twice
"I want him to know who he is, before your family tell him who they want him to be." Rick i know you pulled that right out of your brain cause how dare you
Disney I swear to Gods if this beach fight isn't a fucking banger I swtg
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 9 months
So I watched Chicken Run 2 (is it knock off sequel?)
So yeah, Chicken Run 2 is technically a knock off since Sam Fell kind of stole the movie that wasn't his in the first place... but it was actually a decent movie? Dare I say it was, a GOOD MOVIE! Nothe first movie but it wasn't bad at all. I do think it got a little too dark, more than the first movie did. I mean, the first movie was dark but was dark because of the heavy topics like disability (Rocky's broken wing), racism (Fowler negativity towards Rocky for being American), and Mr and Mrs Tweedy keeping everyone trapped (could be symbolism for different things). I feel like this didn't have the same vibes as the first one but it wasn't a bad movie in general. Just like Barnyard and Back at the Barnyard, in which the knock off tv series was different from the movie but still funny and enjoyable. There is A LOT that didn't make sense from the first movie.
First off, WHERE WERE ALL THE LITTLE CHICKS FROM THE FIRST FILM? Molly was apparently the only chick and that doesn't make sense at all. Chickens usually lay more than one egg at once, and Rocky and Ginger probably had chicks at the end, along with Flower and other hens (one of them obviously being Bunty). Second, the art style looked slightly more Aardman when it came to the humans, the designs looked very different. Like, they looked like Victor Quartermaine wannabes. The biggest issue I had was Mrs Tweedy's new design and that I'm assuming Mr Tweedy went to jail so she married Dr Fry for money. Like, I know the studio had a fire and lost the models but did they have to make Mrs Tweedy look 20 years younger???? Like, they ruined her design! She was cool looking before, not "attractive" but just a plain normal looking woman. We don't have to make every female adult character be attractive, do we? Come on, Aardman! That was a bad move! Like, I liked that she looked like a plain ordinary farmer lady, even though she was the villain. They changed her design by making her body type look different and making her eyes bigger and more makeup. Third, I think if DreamWorks was doing their part like in the first one, it would be better but this wasn't bad. I'm mostly mad about the new voices though (especially Ginger and Fetcher's voice). Say what you want about Mel Gibson, but he does an amazing job playing Rocky! He's not the nicest person but he's not the worst either. Ginger sounds NOTHING like Ginger, Molly sounds more like Ginger than Ginger! Nick's new voice kind of worked but Fetcher was a big no! I think the new voice for Fowler did good, Nick was okay, Rocky was... meh but it wasn't as off as Ginger and Fetcher. I was so mad when I heard Ginger and Fetcher's new voices because they were so in character (especially my adorable mouse boi Fetch).
At least they didn't make Molly as bad as I thought she was going to be. I didn't think I was going to like her but I did! It's the girls-support-girls thing that really won me over and Molly helping Frizzle! I thought Molly was going a spoiled teen rebel but she wasn't! She was just an adventurous chick who was tricked by seeing a colorful van (I didn't care for that symbolism in the movie, it symbolised HT). I also wished more people from the first movie were working on it by understand not everyone could return.
The music was good, the art at the end credits made me laugh but it didn't feel like Chicken Run (they did Ginger so dirty tho). Anyway, that's my review on Chicken Run 2 sequel. Tell me what you think! This movie was still better than Wish! I still hope the new Wallace & Gromit movie makes more money though... If you want, feel free to write your own opinions in the comments
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You know what. I said this in the comments but I'm gonna say it out here because I think people need to see it. I've seen a lot of bitching from Izzy stans when I come across them that people are getting "harassed" (read: criticized) for liking Izzy. And then they go off on this big tangent about how dare you say x y z when I relate to Izzy. I think what those people are missing is that when people talk about homophobia or racism in the show, they're doing the exact same thing that you are doing, which is to say, relating the show back to their lived experiences.
I'm gonna use the homophobia here because I can only really speak for myself, but I'm sure the same applies to when black and brown fans talk about racism.
I'm a flamboyant gay man (I'm also trans and disabled, which informs some of the things I'm about to say but I'm focusing on the homophobia). I have been called a bitch more times than I can count, I have been told I'm lazy and good for nothing, I've been called a monster, a freak, a dyke, a tranny, you name it I've been called it. The characters I happen to relate to most in Our Flag Means Death are Lucius and Ed, for reasons unrelated to all of that. So for me watching the show and Izzy walks up to Lucius right after he's just gotten done fucking Black Pete and says "you're a bitch now get back to work" I can be forgiven for looking at Lucius and saying "Damn I've been there, girl." But for some fucking reason when I make a post saying, essentially that Izzy is giving off homophobic vibes, and I personally as someone who has been through that shit find it weird that some people didn't pick up on that but whatever" for some reason Izzy stans take that as a personal fucking attack, and then they attack back and then I have to block a bunch of people and it's a whole thing.
And then I'll see them complaining about "Older queers and closet cases relate to him so you can't talk shit about him" and I'm like good for you but I'm also a queer and I relate to Ed as a queer and Izzy objectively screamed at him about how he was pathetic and soft because he was sad about his boyfriend. I've been yelled at for being pathetic because of being with my partner. Why is it that when I talk about that I get lambasted for it.
So Izzy stans, I genuinely want to know. Why for thee and not for me, huh? Why is it that when I relate this show back to my personal experiences you perceive it as an attack, but when you relate to this character no one is ever allowed to say anything mean about him. And if you talk about main tagging even once you're getting blocked because some of the shit you guys put in the Ed Teach tag is unhinged so that's another layer of hypocrisy.
Final thing. None of what I've said here means you can't like Izzy. I love Calico Jack and he's gay and homophobic. None of this is an attack. I'm just talking about my experiences. And yeah. I know I'm opening myself up to harassment by putting this in the Izzy tag. but I'm hoping that we can all have a mature conversation about it. And I'm not gonna tag this izzy critical. I've only said things that are objectively true and it's not really about him it's about why you guys are always crying so damn loud that I somehow hear it.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
Idk working on this fic again is. like. I don't think validating is the right word. Consoling maybe? It's sitting a younger version of myself down and working through the worse of its neurosis.
like. Idk. this is one of those topics that feels taboo to talk about because it gets a bunch of better-than-thou whiners saying "Well you shouldn't have done that. That was a bad thing to do" even when that's like. not helpful or adding anything to the conversation other than them jacking off their ego.
Anyways. Lil me was a fucking idiot who thought it was a genius. All the pressure of being told it was more grown up than it's peers because of the trauma it had already suffered. The book smarts it thought it could use to navigate a world it had no power in. It thought it was hot shit. The one in charge of every situation it put itself in even when those situations were sexual in nature and happening with people way, Way too old to be messing around with a teenager.
And working on this fic that's more O than fan at this point, it's just this vibe you know, of getting to finally give that little shit the conclusion to that period of its life that it wanted instead of the one it got. The escape from the pressure to be someone it's not in a suffocatingly religious environment, crushed under expectations that would have been extreme for an able minded and bodies adult but which were Ridiculous for a multiply disabled teen. Because that's why it did those things you know, It wasn't interested in the sex, it was interested in connection and the chance to be the version of itself that didn't feel like a too tight dress ripping at Sunday mass. That's what those older men gave that it's peers and family couldn't even when they were supportive.
The fantasy of what if it had met the right person at the right time and gotten to escape to a place it could just breathe, and be a kid again even if it hadn't been treated like one by anyone in so long.
and then theres the anxiety of writing something like that these days you know, giving your younger self closure while risking your sorta... current social standing to do so. Because like. there's pressure to not write about these things. Because yeah. it's fucking disgusting and awful and the reality of the situation was nothing like what happens in a story with a happily ever after tacked on at the end. But people take that as an excuse to rip into you and spread nasty lies for like, daring to even think about that. Because they have their own demons and those demons don't understand yours so they lash out to defend themselves from what makes their gut churn.
In a perfect world, this post wouldn't exist. But there's a nagging and paranoid and angry little thing in the back of my mind that insists if I don't justify my arts existence, to myself and to those who need someone to feel superior to, then I'm just proving to them and myself that I've become exactly like the men who took advantage of that younger version of me.
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outplacedwriter · 2 years
things I think frozen does very well that were forgotten by the anti-hype crowd
It is a natural occurrence that the breakthrough of a piece of media will eventually end up in its own anti-hype crowd culture. We have reached a point, long ago, in which saying that Frozen is bad or that Anna and Elsa aren't as great as the hype says became a sign of...
✨ status, intelligence, not-like-other-girls revolutionary warrior ✨
It's impossible to say "Frozen" anywhere without someone popping out of thin air to preach how they don't like it and how flawed and annoying and how X is better, because reasons.
But after Frozen II, this crowd became louder. I just can't find a single video on YT about Frozen that is not about someone dashing or overly criticizing the movie and its characters because it's cool, and different, and oh-so-clever to be one of the superior ones who weren't caught on this Disney trap.
Yet I feel like the hype made people forget *why* the world was so impacted by this story in the first place. I have my own whys, and some popular whys, here is a list of a few of them that I care to discuss.
Sympathetic Neurodivergent Character. In all fairness, Elsa might still be seen as a villain by some people -- usually because of their inability to understand nuance, analyze a text, or just self-righteous ignorance. But it is very obvious in the movie that the whole narrative and the artistic choices try to paint Elsa's struggle and personality in a positive, or at least in an understanding light. She's not the monster who people fear, who she fears, and who another story would make to be a villain. She's a traumatized child dealing with a burden too great for anyone. Let's remember that back in 2013 the talk about mental health wasn't as nearly as spread as it is today, and having a queer-coded, canonically neurodivergent Disney PrincessTM was unthinkable. Dare I say, Elsa's significance and symbology were completely green-lit by accident. Maybe the artistic force behind it was aware of that, but Disney Corporation just wanted the cute girls to sell dolls and hopefully pay itself. This is a win for the mental disable community and for the queer community that is forgotten and downplayed everywhere. After all, we are woke now!
Complex and Shattered Sibling Relationship Getting Healed. I swear to heavens if I have to hear anyone else compare these two to Lilo and Nani, and try to force them against each other like it's some kind of necessary comparison I will-... Anna and Elsa are sisters who love and care about each other. But they are in a very specific context in which their relationship is broken. This exact premise is what makes the movie excels. It was original -- as far as originally is possible or real. And such a breath of fresh air. The premise of this conflict in which the problem did not have an easy solution, was enough for a very compelling tale. It's so beautiful and wholesome to watch these young women struggle and find healing. Their undying affection and genuine love for each other make us hope so hard that they can finally find peace. I won't even touch on the matter that sibling relationships are complex and nuanced and how Frozen showing that to kids might help them to mend their own conflicts because it goes without saying. Just in the matter of narrative alone, this is a story that had to be told and should be praised again.
The Soundtrack Slapped Everyone In The Face Repeatedly. The song is good. The Broadway vibe is delicious. It's a fact.
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taylors-karma · 1 year
Night one rankings! Read if you dare:
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1. Blue (prev 1)- I knew I was right about her. She’s so cute and cool and I get the vibe that she’s gonna be good this season. I love her so much
2. Felicia (prev 4)- I am choosing to stan now because I think she’s gonna come in for the kill and I am so ready for it. Also good for her for not caring about her age! I’m a bit scared for her rn since she’s on the block but if she can get herself off of it I will be very happy :).
Good Vibes
3. Mecole (prev 6) - I’m binging her up because I think she’s gonna be a good player. She seems like a strategic queen and I could see her making it pretty far. She has good potential, maybe she’ll even be stan worthy if she keeps it up. 
4. Jag (prev 2)- Not much has changed tbh. He only got booted down because others showed me more than he did, but I still have faith in him. May he continue to not disappoint me!
Give me a little more
5. Kirsten (prev 7)- She goes up a little bit after mentioning an all girls alliance, but the term girls girl gives me war flashbacks and she was being a little braggy. She’s giving me slightly off vibes but I think I could like her if she did a little more. Maybe we’ll get something since she’s on the block now. 
6. Bowie (prev 3)- I just felt like she could have done more with her intro? I still think she’ll be fine as of now, but I didn’t get much other than she’s a lawyer who’s also a DJ. 
Not as bad as I thought
7. Hisam (prev 11) - I actually really liked his intro a lot. He seems like a nicer version of Michael and kinda killed it in this competition, so maybe he’ll turn out to be lit. Sorry for misjudging you man. 
8. Jared (prev 10)- He seems pretty chill and normal as of now. I know I was super wary of him before, but I will say that it’s super interesting to have him and his mom on the season together. Good luck to him moving forward. Hopefully he doesn’t stay on the block this week. 
9. America (prev 14)- I actually don’t hate her.....yet. She seems a little boing and I didn’t get much from her, but she wasn’t horribly annoying or problematic like I thought she would be. Maybe she’ll totally surprise me. 
10. Luke (prev 15)- I still don’t fucking trust this man, but I don’t hate him as much as I thought I would. His art is cool. I don’t think he’s going to do much though. Follower in a big alliance at most. 
11. Reilly (prev13)- She moves up a little bit because she’s not as bitchy as I expected, but I just don’t see her being interesting at all. Maybe a little quirky, but all of that seemed super forced like she’s trying to be funny and different. I don’t think she realizes how basic she is. 
12. Matt (prev 8)- He didn’t do anything wrong; he only moved down because others moved up. He just doesn’t seem interesting and I can’t bring myself to care about him. All I know is that he’s a deaf swimmer. Hopefully he does well though because the disability representation is super cool. 
Please shut up
13. Izzy (prev 5)- I can’t explain how she went down other than she’s just fucking annoying. Just so incredibly cringe. Trying way too hard to be cool and liked, thinks she’s the shit for some reason, loud and obnoxious. She almost had me with the Tiffany and Da’Vonne stanning but then had to throw Kaycee’s name in there and ruin it. I want to like her so bad bc she’s a queer musician but goddamn she’s making it hard. 
14. Cameron (prev 9)- He’s just annoying, sorry. I hate his hair, I hate his voice. He just bores me idk. Like.....they could have gotten anyone else. Why him. 
15. Red (prev 12)- He went down because others went up and he somehow got even more annoying. I was ready for him to shut up as soon as he opened his mouth. I’m sick of the hillbillies!!!!
I hate you
16. Cory (prev 16)- He’s the only one other than Blue to not move, and that’s for a reason. The more he fucking talks the more I hate him. Smug ass 5′7 21 yo who thinks he has a really good chance at winning the game because ooooh......he’s so smart and athletic and is the most persuasive person ever! Literally stfu. I hope they torture him in the nether region (still laughing about that name). I literally screamed for joy when he got dragged. 
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for the ask game - 7 (because its important) and 90 (because im curious)
hope youre having a wonderful day!! <3
ah! the mutual whose cat is a tool! the one i rarely speak to but whom i always enjoy seeing in my activity tab 💞
7. what’s something you love about yourself?
okay so that's more difficult for me to answer on some days than others, how dare you (i say in loving jest). So, uuuuuh... i mean look, not trying to turn you into my armchair psychologist, but i can't deny that i'm currently in a position where i can list good qualities of myself after years of practice, but that doesn't mean i *like* things about myself.
...i suppose i DO like being what my friend once lovingly called 'a limping wiki page as usual'. (referring to the fact that i know lil trivia things about many things and also referring to my disability hence the limping) And I like that I took care of birds and a bunch of hedgies 🦔 that one gap year i took, was nice
90. what’s your favourite mythical creature?
oh you're doing this on purpose now aren't you? aight but truthfully i do vibe with a good dragon. and not necessarily unicorns in general but the Last one from that Peter S. Beagle book is the big exception to that rule. The movie also goes hard so perhaps i am a biased little animator who knows
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initial-lime · 2 years
(This briefly mentions SA)
Okay so. the people complaining about???? The witcher being a gloomy show????
Like fucking duh no shit that’s the P O I N T
Excuse me for getting all rant-y but seriously guys-
from day ONE we’re told “oh well shit, there’s war everywhere, people get killed by monsters constantly, the witchers are sold off as kids to go die in a castle or be hated monster hunters for like 400 years, sorcerers hate eachother and are assholes and are also generally treated like shit, oh yeah also it’s THE END OF THE WORLD. THE WILD HUNT IS HERE.”
But no, how dare these characters not be filled with determination and the magic of friendship
Ciri? An orphaned princess who’s torn from her home and family and threatened with rape and murder at every corner she turns? At what? The age of like 12-14? No. Stop it. Stop being sad, you’re ruining the vibe.
Geralt? The monster hunter who was sold to a bunch of hated mutants as a boy no older than 6 years old to train and go trough literal torture where he could’ve EASILY died but even worse survived to live a prolonged life of killing monsters and men till one eventually bests him? Stop 👏👏👏 being 👏👏👏 sad👏👏👏 this is a FANTASY franchise for crying out loud.
YENNEFER???? Who was SOLD by her parents for .f o u r. Fucking. Marks. 14 years old. Half the price of a PIG sold to a witch. a stranger after spending her whole life hated for her disabilities. Yennefer who suffered at aretuza to, once again, survive a destiny she never wanted and gods know what bullshit sexism she had to put up with after that. But no no no, why are you crying all over my hardwood floors? That’s not polite.
The witcher isn’t a fantasy franchise you get into to run away from the doom and gloom of whatever hell real life might be to you. Because it’s a commentary on those exact real world problems, that’s the POINT. The world is shit, and this is these characters struggle to reclaim what little autonomy they have left of their lives.
Yes, the show is bad, and it takes away the best characteristics of the characters and boils them down to singular character traits, but let’s be honest that was all there before, all the show did was take away the loving friendships, fireside chats and possibly, most missed of all, Geralt’s snarky sarcastic attitude.
Stop making him say “hmmm fuck” he’s not a profane Minecraft villager good gods. Let him have his sass back I digress though.
TL;DR, the characters are sad because that’s the point, stop pretending the witcher is escapism
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Oh i can go off on this
I had a childhood friend who grew up ‘born to republican’. Before 2012 my take was what u do u should conclude yourself. Then she needed welfare, and got screwed on school loans, and had her child taken away…by the time trump was running she was out to the horror of her mother. Iowa is def still ‘well my fam is so i am and how dare u even question that’ (like they just assume ur republican). I told my gma i feel less safe here than say Chicago cuz i cant even put the bumperstickers i want (i got chased in florida for a pro planned parenthood sticker)
As for dating when i was young and heavily set in my beliefs (im even more so now gurl ill be an anarchist by 40). The guys who hit on me despite lack of social cues always declared libertarian.
In LA outside of most circles i assume u liberal. And then i was introduced to a latino guy who i really vibed with…and was a born republican but ‘hates trump’ (2016). I knew itd never work and he wouldnt write me back after finding i wasnt changing (he knew that before he started up, he also had some weird jebus hang ups.)
So i held a torch for this guy, like the chemistry was nuts and i wondered what became of him. He was never online and now he is. First he tweeted a drooly trump sighting post. Ew. Any hope? Nope found out hes an anti vaxxer after his mother died of what i suspect was covid from his tweets (he knew i was immunocompromised and what that meant pre covid).
Blocked him, mourned it, and will never make an exception again even if i find myself rubbing up on the guy from chemistry. I have a trans nephew, im disabled (invisibly), and i wont even entertain anyone not pro choice. There is no republican man for me (thus why ive been an incel since i moved here, nvm the men all look like bobby hill which is not my scene)
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reviewsthatburn · 2 years
The worldbuilding is light on details, focusing on a few key mechanics (such as the powder that lets Echo turn doorways into portals), a little bit of the Avicen social structure, and the library where Echo lives. Where it dwells is in descriptions of interactions between the characters, coupled with their internal struggles. That there is a war between the Avicen and the Drakharin, one which has gone on for a long time and taken many lives, that is enough for now, but I do hope the sequels have more background detail.
(Full review with book CWs at link above)
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patrocles · 3 years
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The strongest trees are rooted in the dark places of the earth. Darkness will be your cloak, your shield, your mother's milk. Darkness will make you strong
→ The three-eyed-crow, Bran III - A DANCE WITH DRAGONS
#a song of ice and fire#asoiafgif#asoiafedit#bran stark#branstarkedit#gotbranstark#oh brandon... branflake#my dearest child.... dare i say my cinnamon apple#of all the arcs in this series that truly confounds me... it's this one#the overarching big daddy theme has always been The Throne Doesnt Matter Bc Whats Coming Is So Much More Important#and i vibe with that.. i get it.. love it even#but the thing that itches the back of my brain is that.. bran's Heroes Quest is literally abt a child being lured to a cave by a creepy old#man#i just kinda refuse to believe that all of this was so bran learned some Backstory#the thing we fail to take into account is that he's being trained not by just some random old man#but brynden rivers....#so much of bryndens story has been about Ends Justifying The Means#we see elements of this in bran's story and his justification for warging into hodor.. again he's also like 8 but still#so yeah he's not above luring a disabled child across the country to kill his friend to unlock abilities bc (insert reason)#so i have to wonder where the crossroads is between total selfless sacrifice of autonomy#and realizing that brynden's motives aren't entirely selfless either (i just KNOW sheira is quaithe and they're doin weird shit)#like is a future element of bran's arc about The Line and where it's drawn when it comes to who suffers for the overall outcome??#will there be a point where bran learns just enough to to access abilities that help just enough before he regains Himself#and rejects Brynden#DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH EURON???#cus a we know brynden came to euron before bran but euron 'couldnt fly' AND WE SEE HOW WELL THAT TURNED OUT#so will bran learn that he's just a pawn in a bigger game??#girl i just dont KNOW#it just stresses me out bc i see the absolute horror to come and then i remember when he promised to pay back the Liddle for feeing them#like he's just a KIND boy at the heart of darkness u kno
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