#dark academist
cephiius · 6 months
new self appointed description is out. i am a cosmic witchy dark academist (who hates the education system)
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moooodddboard · 3 years
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fan of the night 🌙
εϊз moodboard
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thegirlthatwrites · 2 years
There's a boy that I hide in my poetry....
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unthinkablepsycho · 3 years
“ Rich or poor, we are all equal in death. “
I read this in a book today (Ninth House, Leigh Bardugo) and it stuck with me so much.
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thinker-belll · 3 years
It's the slow burn for me
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exhausted-electron · 3 years
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We didn't just read poetry, we let it drip from our tongues like honey."
— John Keating, Dead Poets Society
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keatingwilde · 4 years
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Fun fact: In ancient India, two people could get married by exchanging swords/daggers.
Picture source: Pinterest
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humming-a-memory · 3 years
“I feel so intensely the delights of shutting oneself up in a little world of one’s own, with pictures and music and everything beautiful.”
— Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out
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visd3stele · 3 years
I love when I'm reading and there are words I don't know and I have to look them up and I'm learning something new and I feel so good while researching because I want to understand the story at its fullest and I'm romantisizing my life so much in these moments it's almost enjoyable.
I love books like this.
Like The invisible life of Addie LaRue.
which is a piece of written paper, with new writing over the original one
it's used in the book to explain how the town Addie once knew so well remained the same, but yet different for her
and I think this is beautiful
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fae-academia · 3 years
Wednesday, 21 March 2021
The entire academic week has been put on hold because of the fire and the displaced students at my university. Thankfully, there is a consistent flow of volunteers and firefighters, students are getting meals everyday and I'm relieved that everyone is feeling a little calmer.
All my assignments have been given extensions which definitely takes the pressure off.
To do:
Finish Observation assignment by tomorrow. No more chances.
Do bullet journal set up for this week and next week as well as monthly spread.
Email Anthropology supervisor ASAP!
Do research on Gender and Sexuality assignment before meeting today so that you know what you're doing and you won't panic a week before the deadline.
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фильмы, которые тебе понравятся, если ты:
1. дарк академик:
-общество мертвых поэтов.
-убей своих любимых.
-игра в имитацию.
-дориан грей.
-умница уилл хантинг.
2. любишь винтажную атмосферу:
-касабланка (1942).
-афера (1973)
-кошка на раскалённой крыше (1958)
-нобелевская премия (1963).
-анатомия убийства (1959)
-головокружение (1958).
-завтрак у тиффани (1961)
-в джазе только девушки (1959)
3. тебе нравится музыка:
-то, что ты делаешь (1996)
-синг стрит (2016).
-группа "коммитментс" (1991)
4. если вы любите классику:
-много шума из ничего (1993)
-гамлет (год не указан)
-отелло (год не указан)
5. разносторонние/ уникальные фильмы:
-знакомьтесь, джо блэк (1998)
-что гложет гилберта грэйпа (1993)
-мёртвые не умирают (2019)
-довод (2020)
-куда ты пропала, бернадетт? (2019)
-нерв (2016)
-неизвестный (2011)
-месть от кутюр (2015)
6. лучшие в своём роде:
-человек, который познал бесконечность (2015)
-эдди "орёл" (2016)
movies that you will like if you:
1. dark academist:
- society of dead poets.
- kill your loved ones.
- an imitation game.
- Maurice.
- Dorian Gray.
"good girl, Will Hunting.
2. do you like a vintage atmosphere:
- Casablanca (1942).
- scam (1973)
- cat on a hot roof (1958)
- Nobel Prize (1963).
- Anatomy of murder (1959)
- Vertigo (1958).
- breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
-only Girls in Jazz (1959)
3. do you like music:
- What You Do (1996)
- Sing Street (2016).
- the band "Commitments" (1991)
4. if you like classics:
- Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
- Hamlet (year not specified)
- othello (year not specified)
5. versatile / unique films:
- meet Joe Black (1998)
- what's eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
-the Dead don't die (2019)
- argument (2020)
"where have you been, Bernadette?" (2019)
- nerve (2016)
- Unknown (2011)
- Revenge of Haute couture (2015)
6. the best of its kind:
- the Man Who Knew Infinity (2015)
- Eddie " The eagle "(2016)
cr: andxrperry.
the English translation may not be accurate ( i'm sorry)
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I have forever pondered upon with moon of how would you call grey academia if such an aesthetic was ever too exist.
Dark academia torments on a lover that was left for good, either way cheated on later. Whereas light academia romanticises hope, tears, yearn, angst, joy of being loved, of being in love, of stepping out of it's door. All of which is a major pragmatic concept for us dark academists.
Would the academia which for once, if given the liberty to thrive stay middle upon the wooden balance of weeping in solitude and running on marble walls in a silk gown.
Will it, without inclining into the blue pacifism of bleeding journal entries, neither without being coerced into the Silhouettes of oak trees sit there? Forever? In dark side of you, my moon?
Will you bear the gravity of accepting that even though the stars have left you, and nobody films you now amidst the silvery rays of an eye blistering heat? Are you willingly stationed to recede away in ambush residing? Be able to combust enough at the lack of luminosity without the flame of being yet again dismissed in the stars? In fit of being the only pearl our naked land has ever worn?
Will you? Will you? Will you? Or shall I as an apprentice name your academia grey?
And mock you to utter miseries that only death won't bring you peace? For the death of you the earth will tear apart it's own heat and the magma would sweat you more only this time flames would arise and yet your shallow blisters won't be healed. the end of the earth will be the end of time and you will be forever forgotten in the flaming smoke of your own cosmic fleet
For beneath have been made long lost promises of undying quotes, and yet she is you who burns alone in the day to be dismissed. She is you moon, who combusts at night to be forbidden by the same eyes that have forever debilitated for this years awaited chance of winning you an aesthete.
Yet you're weeping that I am in my journal entries not longing for you unlike the waves. Little do you know moon. I am screaming you mine in the tears that have created puddle upon your skin, unlike the waves that have owned your reflection ever since, you've been weeping in my eyes , for only mine stood their against the backdrop of an unknown shine that stood so bright before you whisper away from your seas how much you'd hug me tight.
My moon, you're mine, even if you've birthed some ghastly written creatures, remember that my chimney has always smoked grey in your light.
Moon, I am yours.
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moooodddboard · 2 years
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dark academia 🕰
εϊз moodboard
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thegirlthatwrites · 3 years
There must be a Russian word to describe what has happened between us, like ostyt, which can be used for a cup of tea that is too hot, but after you walk to the next room, and return, it is too cool, or perekhotet, which is to want something so much over months and even years that when you get it, you have lost the desire.
Barbara Hambay, from 'Letter to a Lost Friend'
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unthinkablepsycho · 3 years
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158 pages into the book and I get this?? hell no
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valgasnewsthings · 3 years
Very interesting is about Aloe vera.
 Makedonski is on his hike as informed,that on aCrete land growing a benefit tree and natives preparing of aloe thick juice. And becaouse of this campaigned a land,so a plant by African desert entered in European hands, and he is not unpretentious and not lost benefit effects,and from an all aloe kinds, and these are 200, we are using Aloe vera  and rare is strip.And also cultivating on Middle Asia and Transcaucasia.
Fresh juice.
Low leafs or middle wash a boiling water, give for dry, as on a plate put with close a sheet, and put in cold or cool, dark place for 12 days, and on these unfavourable conditions they are  loosing vital processes, and cells harvesting all forces as for live and not dead. And  in theirs forming substances especial are biostimulatots are exciting cells vital activity, and juice of aloe leafs manufactured by this method and offered academist Filatov also having biostimulators.Entering in organism they are rising metabolism in tissues,rising organism resistance, healing faster of damage skin and recovering.
And juice cook.
And infused in cold leafs are checking, that bad leafs not use or black parts cut. Press juice  , and juice matching as for cure a fresh or canned as to 8 parts of juice add two parts of spirit.
And such juice benefit for skin healing are rashes, spots of lupus, eczema, herpes, psoriasis, ulcers, wounds,and compresses apply of two times/day for 3 hours, lotions in every 2 hours, or to damage skin parts apply leafs for 2 times/day, as leafs clean from peel, or chopped mass apply.  And in ulcer stomatitis chew leafs or gargle mouth a juice of fresh leafs.
Juice a rich with ferments, vitamins, antibacterial  effects, and use his by your doctor prescription, and avoiding in pregnancy, kidney diseases, liver, gall, gastrointestinal inflammations.
Restorative mixtures with juice.
And in exhaustion organism after hard diseases and for appetite, chronic bronchitis cure, and 150 gr of fresh buiostimulating juice of aloe, 250 gr of honey, 350 gr of wine cagor, or any other red wine. And for adults use one tbl.sp. for 3 times/day before a meal.
For children use 100 gr of aloe juice, 500 gr of walnuts nucleuses, 300 gr of honey, juice of 4 lemons. Use one tea.sp. or desert in depending on from recommendation of a doctor! For 3 times/day before a meal.
Water leaf infusion.
As in chopped mass of leafs add 5 parts of water and infuse hour, and boil for 3 min, filter, and in long keeping again to boil. And use in skin diseases as for lotions in gums problems, veins, gargle ache mouth, throat.
 And useful doing lotions or rubbing with juice for removing irritation inflammations on the skin, and acnes, oily skin, preventing wrinkles on the face.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3rcQ4Yr
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