#darling ren
forlorngarden · 10 months
11 + 19 + 23 + 24 please and thank you <33
hello darling :^)
11. Something you want to do again next year?
go on some weekend trips! and also quit my job lol
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
finding more books and music and shows and films that i love. writing more. hanging out with friends. starting to work for myself. blogging....
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
give less fucks about your job you are not paid enough for that
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
they are sealed off on a piece of paper and i can only look at it on dec 31st but i feel like yeah... stay tuned for the update....
end of the year asks!! 🎄
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tomatette · 6 months
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Slightly animated version of this magnificent art piece by the amazing @littleststarfighter. Thank you, Lucy, for allowing me to play around with your art. It's so so gorgeous and I love it to bits <3
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curapicas · 8 months
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The way he's looking straight ahead and then moves back, has to close his eyes and look down to recollect himself. He can't bear what just came out of his own mouth. God. I think he hurt himself with that one. and us too
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romirola · 1 month
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Favorite Activities at a Renaissance Fair
Last weekend, I went to my first Renaissance Fair and had a blast! So many things to do, performances to see, food to eat, and impromptu character interactions to share with actors/fair-goers. My only reasonable next step is to think about the Shaw Pack attending and enjoying a Ren Fair, too. Yes, they all dress up. (Pss- So did I! A censored Ren Fair Romi pic is below the cut. Alt txt included.)
David: Attending the blacksmith demonstration. David is fascinated by solid craftsmanship, and blacksmith work is the epitome of craft. David listens intently, learning all about the historical and cultural significance of the art-science hybrid as the blacksmith molds a blade before David’s eyes. 
Angel: Dragon-egg painting. Angel leans into the fantasy elements of the fair, despite David’s grumbling that there’s nothing Renaissance about dragons. Angel meticulously paints a gorgeous dragon egg that could’ve been professionally made, all while conversing in-character with the dragon-wrangler who staffed the egg-painting station. The dragon-wrangler assures Angel that the dragon will “hatch” will grow into a majestic beast who will be loyal and loving, eternally grateful for the care they showed when the dragon was merely an egg. 
Asher: The bawdy poetry reading. Asher wasn’t super thrilled to discover he read the map wrong and showed up to the bawdy poet’s performance instead of the public shaming scene, but as soon as the poet performed the first poem, he was hooked. Asher couldn’t help but laugh, not only because of the content of the poems, but because of the animated way the poet recited the words, moved about the stage, and even engaged with the audience. 
Babe: Getting chosen to participate in the juggling show. The only thing that amazed Babe more than the performers juggling all sorts of objects (some dangerous, some silly) as they performed acrobatic feats was when the performers invited them on stage to “help” with their next trick of spinning plates. To their surprise and delight, Babe was able to do exactly as the juggler instructed and keep the plate spinning. They took a bow as they audience cheered, Asher screaming over everyone as he celebrated his mate.  
Milo: Ringing the bell at the strongman game. The game is notoriously rigged, but Milo was up to the challenge. As soon as the bell rang out, a few character actors came over to congratulate him and decree him to the strongest man in all the village. They chanted his name and, upon hearing the commotion, the fair’s Queen made her way over to Milo to knight him as Sir Milo the Strong. She also bestowed upon him a handful of food vouchers, which Milo shared with the rest of the pack so they could all feast on all the food the fair had to offer. 
Sweetheart: Watching the jousting tournament. Sweetheart loves how jousting is a blend of so many things they love: theatre, violence, and competition. They cheer as loudly as they can for the knight who fights for their section of the field, eyes glued to the combat. After the joust, even though their knight lost, they made their way to the fence to tell him he fought bravely and that he’d always be a champion in their heart. The knight was so moved by their admission, he let them pet his horse.   
Darling: Watching the falconry show. Darling was in awe as the birds zipped and flew through the air, all while showing off how precise their tracking and hunting skills are. All of the birds of prey were rehabilitated rescues from the wild, which only made Darling respect and support these birds’ message of wildlife conservation and preservation even more. 
Sam: Touring the dungeon museum. Sam was oddly comforted by the fact that no matter how many centuries passed, there were a few universals of humanity that transcended time. Although pain and torture were a constant obsession with humanity, Sam figured, that meant comfort and healing were, too. For as long as there had been people to inflict pain, there were people who eased pain. That thought inspires him.
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cloudysunflowr · 9 months
¡¡Happy (late) New Year!!
I did forget to post this.. haha! Featuring my welcome home ocs and my mha ocs! Hehe, I couldnt possibly draw all of my ocs… too many haha!
Anywho~ hope the year is safe and lovely!!
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paystery · 3 months
the only things in my head all the time are ever after high and nana
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Haha hey there Ren *slides Shigaraki cosplay over*
✦゜ANSWERED: this is the last time Ren's ever going to let Friend rope him into his Halloween shenanigans (and dying his hair for the nth time this month shgbdsghs)
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sefif · 6 months
the other ministers really were split equally between
"honestly, ren, i didn't notice, this is about normal for you" in a supportive way
"honestly, ren, I didn't notice, this is about normal for you" in a wet dog way
and "I didn't want to overthrow you because it meant I'd have to do more work"
the one time the guy actually tries to get people to revolt against him and it fails terribly. no-one's doing it like him.
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rowrowronnie · 5 months
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uwukillmenowowo · 5 months
Sketch of Jabberwock + Me✨ [Tokyo Debunker]
When I took the test I got into Jabberwock
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chaotictoon · 7 months
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Warrier Princess
Character that are fighters and are royal
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forlorngarden · 1 year
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this is your daily reminder that cuntkiller is real 💌🏳️‍🌈
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butchdykekondraki · 8 months
this got long. um. heres my insane rant on how vivziepop completely misinterpreted adams character and why i fucking hate it so goddamn much. enjoy
adam has, in literally almost every single writing, been depicted as nothing but kind, caring, and loyal to his wife. the idea that he is anything BUT that is not only incorrect, but also fucking stupid. in the actual story itself, adam is so trusting of eve that he bites the fruit of knowledge because she tells him to, and he does it with almost no convincing (in some versions he even does it right away with NO convincing!!!!). the idea that adam is some type of fucked up frat boy stereotype goes against literally everything established about his character, and i can only assume it exists because vivziepop has decided that she needs to have him be a villain. and i can understand that!! i can understand rewriting stories to make characters more fucked up!! but the fact that she doesn't even make adam, like, an actual villain, and instead just makes him some type of misogynistic frat bro who's only goal is to actively make the lives of women miserable is just an entirely different character. viv didn't even make adam evil, she just made a fucking misogynist and slapped adams name onto it and tried to claim it was some rewrite. which, to be completely fair to viv, i can understand. i've seen plenty of rewrites in which adam is fucked up and/or evil, and they're all super interesting and take it from a different perspective of why eve bit the apple, but the fact that she doesn't even fucking change anything else about the original story just makes it so that she doesn't even seem to be rewriting the story itself. it just makes it feel like she wanted an excuse to make a ''all men evil and misogynistic ell oh ell please laugh'' joke. adam, in damn near every iteration of the story of adam and eve, almost worships eve, because she is (quite literally) made from him. he does not view her as below him, because in his eyes they come from the same body, and therefore she is no less than he is. but the fact that adam isn't even trying to be kind about eve in viv's version is just. wrong. like. it's not even trying to make some type of rewrite of ''ooo what if adam was actually MEAN and THATS why eve bit the apple ooo'' its just adam being a fucking cunt.
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riacte · 7 days
2022 me was so unnecessarily dramatic and unwell about the first gen of mcc hermits taking a step back like i know these tr teams would have her crying and writing disastrous vent fics to all too well lyrics
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dreamtigress · 27 days
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Opening day shots with my Mijnheer looking fabulous in his armor and wings. As photographed by my Husbeast.
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peoplesgraves · 1 year
Divine Intervention
Yandere Team Jnr X Reader
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Imagine team JNR coming across an injured girl, a visiting student from another academy, right after the fall of Beacon, right after…Pyrrha. A wound exactly like Pyrrha’s and eyes that shone just like hers used to. It’s akin to divine intervention in their grief ridden minds. A second chance to save her or at least something like her. They take you aboard the airship but instead of passing you off to the professionals like all the other injured people, team JNR keeps you to themselves. Nurse you back to health as best they can.
Ren takes care of most of the actual medical care and caregiving duties. Like making sure to change your bandages and helping you bathe and eat. Sometimes when there’s no work to be done he’ll just sit and read to you letting his demeanor and voice lull you to an uneasy sleep.
Nora is in charge of trying to keep you entertained. She’ll come into your room and talk for hours about anything and everything. Even if your silent the entire time or only scoff and act annoyed she’ll still be bubbly and giddy about it. She treats it like a girls day instead of a hostage situation.
Jaune is protective. He’ll sleep on the floor in your room ever night just to make sure that whoever hurt you doesn’t come to finish what they started. He’s the one who holds you when you breakdown either from pain or from the situation they’ve forced you into. Sometimes when you’re sobbing into his chest he’ll slip and call you Pyrrha. Desperate for some kind of connection to her again.
I’d imagine without proper medical care your wound would heal a little wonky. (Perhaps Ren would do it on purpose? To make sure that you wouldn’t take away the only bit of happiness they’d had lately) Such as having permanent nerve issues which team JNR simply take as proof that you’re meant to stay with them and be the next Pyrrha.
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