#data handling
talenttitan · 3 months
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
If you're feeling anxious or depressed about the climate and want to do something to help right now, from your bed, for free...
Start helping with citizen science projects
What's a citizen science project? Basically, it's crowdsourced science. In this case, crowdsourced climate science, that you can help with!
You don't need qualifications or any training besides the slideshow at the start of a project. There are a lot of things that humans can do way better than machines can, even with only minimal training, that are vital to science - especially digitizing records and building searchable databases
Like labeling trees in aerial photos so that scientists have better datasets to use for restoration.
Or counting cells in fossilized plants to track the impacts of climate change.
Or digitizing old atmospheric data to help scientists track the warming effects of El Niño.
Or counting penguins to help scientists better protect them.
Those are all on one of the most prominent citizen science platforms, called Zooniverse, but there are a ton of others, too.
Oh, and btw, you don't have to worry about messing up, because several people see each image. Studies show that if you pool the opinions of however many regular people (different by field), it matches the accuracy rate of a trained scientist in the field.
I spent a lot of time doing this when I was really badly injured and housebound, and it was so good for me to be able to HELP and DO SOMETHING, even when I was in too much pain to leave my bed. So if you are chronically ill/disabled/for whatever reason can't participate or volunteer for things in person, I highly highly recommend.
Next time you wish you could do something - anything - to help
Remember that actually, you can. And help with some science.
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thesleepinbeauty · 1 year
🎶 Boost Your Study Sessions and On-the-Go Moments with the Power of Music! 🚗🎵
Hey there, awesome readers!Are you ready to level up your study sessions and turn your on-the-go moments into memorable experiences? Well, hold onto your seats, because we’re about to drop some musical wisdom!🎵 **Groove On, Anywhere:** 🎧We all know the magic that music can bring to our lives. Whether you’re studying hard or cruising in your car, music has a way of transforming the ordinary into…
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marciodpaulla-blog · 1 year
Ensuring Data Privacy: European Union & United States Agreement Strengthens Transatlantic Data Flows Introduction
Secure your data in the digital era. The EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework ensures strong safeguards, trust, and privacy rights. Protecting your information is our priority. #DataPrivacy #EUUSFramework
In today’s digital age, protecting personal data has become increasingly important. Both individuals and businesses rely on the safe and secure transfer of data across borders, especially between the European Union and the United States. Recognizing the significance of this issue, the European Commission has adopted a new decision ensuring that personal data transferred from the European Union to…
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python extract tables from html file and convert to python array and send a delimited version to file
import re filename_input = "src.html" filename_output = "out.data.txt" def get_tables_from_html(html): # inclusive tables = re.findall(r'<table.*?>.*?</table>',html, re.DOTALL) return tables def get_tr_from_html_ex(html): # exclusive tables = re.findall(r'<tr.*?>(.*?)</tr>',html, re.DOTALL) return tables def get_td_from_html_ex(html): # exclusive tables = re.findall(r'<td.*?>(.*?)</td>',html, re.DOTALL) return tables def get_ahref_from_html_ex(html): # exclusive tables = re.findall(r'<a.*?>(.*?)</a>',html, re.DOTALL) return tables def strip_tags(html): # exclusive html = re.sub(r'<.*?>', " ", html).strip() return html def html_table_to_array(table_html): rows = get_tr_from_html_ex(table_html) data = [] for tr in rows: data.append(get_td_from_html_ex(tr)) return data def file_put_contents(the_file, the_str): with open(the_file, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(the_str) file_data = None with open(filename_input, 'r') as f: file_data = f.read() if file_data != None: tables = get_tables_from_html(file_data) the_str = "" for table in tables: the_str += "-= -----------------------=-------\r\n" # print(table) table_data = html_table_to_array(table) for tr in table_data: col_count = len(tr) for td in tr: td = strip_tags(td) if(col_count > 2): the_str += td + "|" if(col_count > 2): the_str += "\r\n" print(the_str) file_put_contents(filename_output, the_str)
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m0rbs · 8 months
If you could only show someone one episode of any Star Trek series what episode would you pick? :)
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That one where Spock's tits are huge and it looks like he just forgot to wear his binder
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info-data · 29 days
The way Data treats Spot is such a big proof of how much he feels... human feelings. And how he understands boundaries etc. Cats just *know* and Spot is treated so so well
Data treats his cat better than some humans treat theirs seriously
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flamingpudding · 10 months
Part 14 of Ghost Kid in Gotham
>>Masterpost >>AO3
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The secrets we keep for others
Dick wanted to curse Talia. He really wanted to do that but he only did so in his mind. Damian was on to them now. He knew it in the way his little brother was following them. In the way he watched Bruce and him in his calculated way. It was only a matter of time until Damian would truly attempt to confront one of them.
And the likelihood that it would be him instead of Bruce was high. Even if Bruce was Damian's father, Damian tended to come to him first.
Dick also knew that he most likely provoked that himself. The moment Talia had mentioned teal and orange, he knew he had tensed ever so slightly knowing exactly who she was hinting at. Damian must have caught on to that. Especially as Damian had unconsciously repeated Talias last words to him on their way back from patrol.
It would be fine in other cases. But they had too little tidbits of information, nothing valid but more speculations they worked out with barely any worthwhile data. Dick had butted heads with Bruce because of this. They had fought over it until he got the man to leave his office and at least share the little bits they could confirm for sure. Danny's little bit of history they had as well as the existence of that governmental branch, were the two things they discovered with valid information.
Everything else was nothing more than speculations, theories built on corrupted data they barely managed to recover.
Even now as he sat on a couch with crossed arms and pouting watching Cass and Danny interacting with each other. He knew that Babs was working on recovering more of the corrupted files they managed to drag from a highly protected governmental server before it locked them out again. It was frustrating to say the least.
Damian was sitting next to him staring holes into his being while also keeping an eye on Cass and Danny. Just like with Duke, Danny didn't appear to mind their sister at all now. She inched closer to the child slowly and carefully, the kid not once hissing at her completely opposite to what happens when Dick got close to the child. He was allowing her as close to him as he let Damian and Alfred.
He pouted a little bit more as he noticed the side eye Cass gave him as she held out a hand to Danny and the little boy took it with a confused tilt of his head. The boy glanced over to Damian as if unsure what to do before Dick saw the telltale spark in the boy's eyes that Damian also had when he got an idea. He watched how Danny moved Cass' hand so her open palm faced him and he started to trace something while making small chirping noises.
It was only the four of them at the moment. But that was fine, it meant Danny wouldn't get too overwhelmed. He would get more and more used to all their presences like this. Somehow during their patrol last night Cass had gotten closer to Danny than any of them had besides Damian. It was good in Dicks opinion, it meant that Danny was slowly but surely opening up to them as well as starting to trust them. It would also mean that Damian would start to untense too.
It was obvious to them all of how protective and clingy Damian was with his apparently de-aged twin. He barely let Danny get out of his sight. Danny starting to trust them more would also mean Damian could relax more. But that would also mean that his little brother could turn his focus to other things.
Like trying to get information out of Dick.
"Richard." He knew that tone. Baby Bat wanted answers to the unspoken question that hung in the air since their encounter with Talia.
"Not now Dami." He could lie, say he didn't know what she was hinting at. That they didn't have a lot of information on teal and orange. Damian would believe him for the moment, trust him that he would share any information they find later on or maybe even start trying to gather information on his own.
Dick doubted that if Dami went to try and get any information on his own that he would get any further than they had. Bruce was still working on the governmental server they had gotten locked out of, several times now and all they ever recovered were corrupted files with too little information they only managed to withdraw after hours of running recovery programs specially designed and made by Babs and Bruce in tandem. It was a wonder that they hadn't involved Tim yet but considering what they were discovering it was also better that they hadn't.
He could lie and Damian would be none the wiser but at the same time he knew he couldn't do that to his little brother. No, not only Damian, to any of them. Dick knew it wasn't just Damian. Tim was buried in an investigation that had started out as curiosity over the note but got more and more serious the more he managed to discover and make connections. The book he found was the key item in it. Jason was returning to the Manor every night for days now, he had tried several times now to get Dick alone and he knew perfectly well why. Steph started to help Tim while Duke and Cass appeared to attempt to take some load off Damian by caring for Danny.
If they all came to him, he wouldn't care about what Bruce had decided about what to do with the little bits of information and speculation they had found.
But until then his siblings deserved to have a peaceful and unbothered time with Danny. Deserved to interact with him worry free and not biased or with a judgment clouded by heavy emotions. They shouldn't be forced to hide the rage behind smiles whenever they see this de-aged but still somewhat carefree child. Because Dick knew his siblings weren't as good as him with that.
He knew what kind of reaction each of them would most likely have. Especially with the way they had become attached to their new little brother. If they learned about Bruce's, Barbara's and his suspicions. Things wouldn't be as peaceful as they were now.
"When?" Tilting his head slightly towards Damian with a smile, he ruffled his little brother's hair. The other scowled clearly, not happy with the fact that Dick wasn't giving him the answers he wanted. The look in the younger eyes was telling. Good that the files on Danny were all on a sparetared file space on the bat computer only Babs, him and Bruce had access to. For once the old man's paranoia was going to play into their favor. Damian wouldn't find them when he snuck out later at night to search through the batcomputer files.
It was better this way.
He would tell his siblings when the right time came. Until then, he would keep the little pieces of recovered data a secret. They didn't need to know yet about the suspicions of what happened in the time frame between Danny being reported missing then reported dead and his appearing in Jason's apartment.
They didn't need to know about the corrupted sound files that were nothing but static before Babara managed to recover a little part of nothing but five seconds of a teen screaming his throat raw that he was himself. A heavily pixelated image that after hours of processing through recovery programs displayed only a small bloody section of a vivisection while everything else in the image was still heavily distorted or glitched. There even was a little video clip they managed to recover, not even a minute long and heavily distorted by the corruption.
But Dick had not dared to watch it.
Bruce's way of handling the situation was already bad enough as it was but it was getting worse the more they managed to recover. Absentmindedly he kept ruffling Damian's hair with a smile plastered on his face at his little brother's scowled. Yeah, even if Bruce's way of handling the information was not the best, for now it was better for them not to know, even if Babs' reprimanding words ringed in the back of his mind. It was only a matter of time before this would come to bite them, he knew it. And he threaded the moment his siblings would discover it whether it be through them finally sharing their suspicions or his siblings discovering it on their own. Or worst of all, Danny remembering it himself.
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good-wine-and-cheese · 10 months
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"This is what love feels like."
Crossover comic between Gesicht from Pluto and Star Trek TNG, specifically the episode "The Offspring" - in which after the death of Lal, Gesicht helps Data experience love (and by consequence, grief) by sharing his own memories of his child. These are characters that have a lot in common and I would love it if they could share their stories and have a good hug and grieve together.
I wanted to try to render the emotional progression of the scene without using any dialogue, though I can't say whether it worked how I want it to or not. It was a fun exercise though! Trying to render Data with and without emotion is interesting. I may touch it up and colour it eventually but for now it's just this ^_^
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months
They're delaying the FAFSA again??? I feel like I could've made something better in Google forms by this point
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aquamonstra · 1 year
If I had my way Generations would have been a 20 minute movie.
No desire to install the emotion chip. It stays locked forever in the weird little shrine he made for it.
Data quickly disarms and apprehends Soran the MILISECOND Geordi's life is threatened.
Every subsequent crisis of the movie is averted. The Duras sisters are still out there but who gives a fuck bc they're all boobs no brains. Jim gets to live happily ever after in the wave.
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maudiemoods · 7 months
Need a reliable site that won't sell my art to ai
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martiestudies · 12 days
im sooo annoyed with my thermo lab classmates I TOLD THEM to not shortcut the data taking but they were like nooo a whole mm of error is good enough don't worry lets do it fast instead of properly 🙄 and now ofc we have an ugly ass graph and have to discard some of the data for the calculation to be correct I HATE IT HERE!!!!!!
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thesleepinbeauty · 1 year
🎶 Boost Your Study Sessions and On-the-Go Moments with the Power of Music! 🚗🎵
Hey there, awesome readers!Are you ready to level up your study sessions and turn your on-the-go moments into memorable experiences? Well, hold onto your seats, because we’re about to drop some musical wisdom!🎵 **Groove On, Anywhere:** 🎧We all know the magic that music can bring to our lives. Whether you’re studying hard or cruising in your car, music has a way of transforming the ordinary into…
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robo-bozo7125 · 1 month
bro i am not beating the objectum allegations this is the hottest thing i've seen all week
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deanpinterester · 3 months
i was going to make a post telling yall to stop calling godzilla minus one a low-budget film (because it isn't) but then i remembered disney regularly drops 12 million for ONE EPISODE of their shows without nearly the same cultural impact so. yeah godzilla is low-budget as far as i'm concerned idc
#uhhhh me#film budget is such an interesting thing to think abt#for those curious: godzilla had a budget of 10 million#which seems like a lot until you compare it to an average hollywood action movie which is like. 100 million easy#incidentally that is oppenheimer's budget!#so seeing that you go wow! why the discrepency?#as far as i can figure. american movies go for the big mass appeal so they'll out more money into international releases etc#whereas japanese films only rly care about domestic release so they save a stupid amount of money there#(i'm sure there's more to this and i have my theories but i don't have hard data rn to back it up so i won't say it)#so anyway. 10 mil is a very modest budget by hollywood standards but by japan standards it's above average actually#oh yeah the other thing about budgets i always come back to#is the fact the percy jackson show had 12 million per episode#but did not look or feel nearly as good as shadow and bone which had average 4 mil per episode. literally a third what percy had#the allegiant movie had an estimated ~120 mill budget and somehow was worse in every single way than the scorch trials movie#which had 61 mil. HALF what allegiant had and yet literally everything about it was more pleasing#one of my fave sci-fi films prospect has less than 4 mil budget and yes you could tell the cgi was unreal sometimes#it was done in a way that looked artistic instead of cheap and glossy#and i would watch that over whatever new movie the mcu pops out with like. 200 mil budget that somehow looks uglier-#-than a movie on 4 mil#oh my god what in the fucking world. antman 3 had 300 million. whomst.#and the movie didn't even look good? the audacity#7 times prospect's budget and looks like shit#anyway. budget is a weird thing#it rly comes down to who's handling the project and how smartly they use that money#oh ya the other thing i was gonna say is i do think there's a difference between 'low budget film' and 'film with a lower budget'#i think godzilla is a lower budget film (comparatively to hollywood) but not a low budget film. if you catch my drift.
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