#dean wasabi
fumikomiyasaki · 6 months
Monsville:  (Monsters Inc)
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Dorm Trailer
Dorm RequirementsTemplate
Dorm Chair
CardsCandies and Coffins
Monster forms
Members made by myself:
Leroy Violet, based on Randall Boggs
Henry Lakeside, based on Mr. Waternoose
Mellow Mildew, based on Jeffrey Fungus
Members from other blogs:
Mitchell Iris,
Micah Prescott
Giovanni Corno,
Sophia Adraline,
Tamami Nereus,
January Avadmine
Bellamy Beest
Wysterian Dean
Mira Lynn
Ngarra Kubbadan
Wallace Scopio
Tulip Flor Grove
Forodwyn: (Lord of the rings)
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Dorm post
Dorm Chair
Brid Rolfe (Dorm leader, Frodo)
Odel Aradia  (Vice Leader, Gandalf)
Dazos (Smaug) made by Silent-Dragon
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-Carol Ann, Ramshackle/ Diasomnia OC 
 Countdown  Adult look
Carols TWST Journey summarized
Chibis  Tsum
Arachninox Carol AU  Monsville Carol Au
Idol Au
Magical Girl AU
Romantic headcanons  Datings HCs !NSFW Alphabet!
The Dating Sim: The Apple Princess
Card Collection
Canon Students:
-Camilla Dawnrose, Heartlabyul Dorm, Former OC
-Bengal, Savanaclaw dorm, based on Bengal Cat
-Eiji Hiranori, Octavinelle dorm, Former oc
-Kumo Starwing, Scarabia oc, Former Kingdom hearts oc
-Meyra Palledino, Pomefiore dorm, former Fire Emblem oc
-Fuan Abyssnor, Ignihyde oc, Former Kid Icarus oc
Fandorm students:
-Lyla Atsuki, Zipangu dorm, Based on Wasabi
-Bolt Striker, Malihana dorm, Based on Experiment 221
-Grey Braynze, Fangulous Dorm, Based on Ghoulia Yelps
-Eve Alternate, Ectocosma Dorm, based on Tron identity Disk
-Bianca Weiss, Terrovania Dorm, based on Shiro
-Naomi Aqueen, Gracery Dorm, based on Dogora
Coffins and Candies of them
Coffins and Candy part 2
Staff OCs:
Erwin Fowler, based on Dr. Eggman
Seraphim Astrean, based on Sephiroth
Hourglass station academy
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Homeland origin  Fabios Village
Future headcanons Parenting Headcanons Oc Families Part 1 Part 2
Species Details
List of Sexualities and Poly options for my ocs Heights
NSFW Headcanons: StudentsStaff and Adults
Drunk headcanons Part1 Part2 Part 3
Fantasy AU masterlist   Wild West Au masterlist
Yandere AU Headcanons
Internet names
Idol Summaries
16 notes · View notes
rocksandrobots · 1 year
PotP Ch 49 - Therapy, Tempers, and Triangles: Part 3
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"Mr. Quirinson.... a word, if you please."
Varian stalled when he heard Granville's voice behind him. She didn't sound happy.
He closed the door to his lab and turned to greet her. "Yes, Professor?"
She frowned and held up a piece of paper covered in his handwriting, a bunch of math equations, and various symbols.
"While I'm impressed by your knowledge of ancient typography from antiquity, you can't use alchemy symbols in place of real words."
Varian sighed and tilted his head towards the ceiling. Granville ignored this as she read the paper once more.
"You have cutesy Sun and Moon doodles in place of gold and silver.... and... what is this?"
She pointed to a drawing of a black pointy spike.
"It's.... um... a rock..." He admitted.
"And what do rocks have to do with a time machine?"
Varian bit his lip, unwilling to answer.
Now it was Granville's turn to sigh in exasperation.
"Varian this is not presentable work. I can't turn this into the editor at the American Scientific Magazine, nor can it even move on to being peer reviewed yet...."
She stopped suddenly as a thought crossed her mind.
"And wasn't young Mr. Hamada supposed to be helping you write this essay? Are you not claiming equal ownership of this project?"
Varian really didn't want to answer that question.
"Listen... Hiro can have all the credit. He can write the essay and take all the glory, b-but I just don't have time to fool with this."
"That is not an acceptable response Mr. Quirison."
Varian paused in his escape, but refused to turn around and face the dean.
She didn't give him a choice as she walked around to meet him.
"Do you really think I'm just going to let you give up after hitting a single speed bump?"
"I'm not giving up on the portal." He insisted. "Far from it. I need to focus on getting it to work how I need it to, and I can't keep getting distracted by essays and interviews."
"Distractions?" Granville raised an eyebrow. "Is that how you see this?"
She pointed back at the paper.
"Varian, this is your future we're talking about here. Do you have any idea what this can do for you, for your career, or for the entire scientific community?"
Varian didn't respond, still refusing to look at her.
"Varian this could win you a Nobel Prize! Do you understand what that means? That's one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a scientist for his work. It could lead to government grants, tenure at a university of your choice, maybe even a team to study under you and assist in future projects... You'll have the ability to continue your work and research without worry of losing funds and could revolutionize the entire field of physics. Why it's more than any scientist could ever hope for-"
"But not me. I don't want it."
Granville looked aghast, but Varian continued on before she could say anything more.
"Look, I'm sure everything you're talking about is really, really nice, but it's not what I'm here for. You said, if I attended SFIT that I would be granted the means to build a portal home. I didn't agree to any of ... of this."
He gestured towards the essay.
"I don't mean to disappoint you, but I just do not care about any prizes or tenures."
Granville straightened a little and her jaw tightened. Varian could tell she was about to launch into another lecture. He didn't let her.
"Get Hiro to do it. He can have all of those great things and you can still have a prize student show off, just like you want."
He pushed past her, ignoring her offended expression, and hurried down the hall before she could get another word in edgewise.
Having made his escape from Granville, Varian was almost home free. All he needed to do was make a quick stop at the chim-lab to 'borrow' a spectrograph, and then he would be on his way to meet with Salma again.
However, he slowed as he heard a familiar voice as he passed by the communal labs.
"Varian did that?" Wasabi asked aghast.
"Ummm... yeah." Came Tadashi's hesitant reply.
Varian couldn't help but peek inside, being very careful not to be seen.
Tadashi was showing everyone his now bandaged wrist as the rest of their friends looked on with concern.
"I don't think he meant to do it." Tadashi continued. "He just... doesn't know his own strength."
Varian only felt shame at that. It'd have been much easier to stay angry at Tadashi had the other teen placed all the blame on him, but he didn't and Varian was quickly running out of self-justifications.
"But still..." Wasabi shook his head disapprovingly.
"What were you fighting over?" Fred asked.
"I kinda of told him about the studies we did on the amber." He sheepishly admitted.
Gogo rolled her eyes and face palmed.
"Really, Tadashi? What made you think that was a good idea?"
"I knew we shouldn't have taken it." Honey Lemon pouted, and Varian was hit with the sinking realization that they were all involved in taking the amber.
"We need to know what it is?" Tadashi insisted.
"Why?" Wasabi asked.
"Varian claims that it's the key to opening the portal. What if he's right? What do we do then?"
"I think what Wasabi means is... why do we need to know what it's made of?" Fred offered. "It's magic. Same as everything else in his world. What really matters is how do we stop him from leaving without us?"
Tadashi hung his head and pouted.
"I guess..." He finally admitted. "B-but it wouldn't hurt to know, surely. If they are connected to these rocks, maybe the answer to stopping them lies with with it?"
"Since when are we trying to stop these rocks?" Gogo asked. "I thought we were just trying to keep Varian safe?"
"We are... but... maybe helping him requires stopping the thing that caused it to all go wrong in the first place? After all that's the whole reason why that Rapunzel woman came here to begin with."
"So you think, that if we solve the problem with the rocks and save their home, then... th-then they won't come after Varian anymore." Honey Lemon mused.
"Sounds reasonable." Wasabi shrugged.
Varian's heart pounded in his ears. They hadn't a clue what they were getting into and he didn't know how to stop them.
"Yeah, it does... but Varian isn't reasonable."
Everyone turned to look to Hiro. He had quietly sat in the back up till now.
Those words stung, and Varian's breath hitched.
"I... I don't know if.... If there's any point in trying to stop him from leaving."
Honey Lemon was the first to break the shocked silence. "Y-you can mean that."
"We can't just let our bestest bud go back there alone!" Fred challenged.
"Hiro..." Tadashi sighed. "I know that you're upset bu-"
"No 'buts' Tadashi. You can't keep making excuses for him. He wants to go, and every time we try to help, he just lashes out at us. And if he wants to be that way... then fine! Let him go! It's his choice."
Varian didn't want to hear the rest.
He ran down the hall; tears blinding his eyes.
He thought he heard someone yell for him, or maybe it was only wishful thinking.
It didn't matter. He just needed to get out of here and be with someone who understood.
Varian composed himself before making his way up to Salma's apartment.
So what if the guys were giving up trying to stop him? That was what he had wanted, wasn't it?
It'd be safer this way. He won't have to look out for them or risk them getting underfoot. They won't be in the path of the rocks or Frederic's wrath. And, most importantly, they would never need to know of his past.
Though, reason as he may, it still hurt.
He took one last shuddering breath before knocking on the door.
There was no answer.
He tried again.
And a third time.
Worried, he sent her a text, letting her know that he was there.
Finally, after about ten minutes he tried one last time.
"Salma? Are you there?..... It's me, Varian. Are you ready to go?"
he placed his ear to the door, listing for any response.
All he heard was a soft sobbing sound as if someone was crying.
He knocked louder.  
"Salma? Salma!? Are you alright?"
He tried to open the door in a panic. It was locked. He took to banging instead.
"Salma, are.. are you hurt?"
"Please... p-please go away." Came her muffled reply.
Those words were barely audible through the door, but they cut through Varian's heart like a knife.
He sunk to the floor, his legs suddenly no longer wanting to support himself.
"Salma p-please...." He whispered back. He tried to remain calm even as his last strand of hope began to slip through his fingers. "Please, tell me what's wrong.... Are... are you mad at me?"
He was only answered by more sobs.
Finally he got up and left without another word.
He made it all the way down the stairs and almost was to his car again when he stopped and gave a parting wistful glance back up at the window that led to Salma's apartment.
That's when he noticed the drain pipe.
Salma laid on the sofa crying.
She felt awful about telling Varian to leave, but she couldn't face him right now.
She couldn't face anyone.
She just wanted to disappear.
She desperately wished for the world to stop turning, just a moment, so that she didn't have to engage in it and acknowledge the terrible truth.
"Please Allah… please…. Don't let it be real." She whispered to herself over and over again.
That's when she heard a noise coming from her window.
She finally looked up, confused, as the noise became only louder.
It sounded like a person grunting from exertion.
Then a hand latched onto the window sill.
Salma gasped as a second hand joined the first; her tears momentarily forgotten in her shock.
Then Varian's head popped up into view.
"H-hi…uh, S-salma!" He grinned with effort as he struggled to maintain his hold on the window.
Salma screamed and Varian almost let go in surprise. That hadn't been the reaction he was expecting.
Upon seeing him almost fall, Salma gathered her wits and rushed to help pull him inside.
It took several heart racing minutes to get him to safety, and both parties had to pause a moment to breathe.
"Boy… th-that to a lot of work…" Varian wheezed, before flashing her a smile.
Said smile fell away quickly when he noticed Salma's furious expression.
"What the hell were you thinking!?"
Varian's eyes went wide at the uncharacteristic swear. He then stumbled backwards as she continued to berate him.
"We're fifteen stories up! How… How did you even manage to climb that!? Why did you climb that!? Of all the stupid, irresponsible, low-down things to do! I asked you to leave!"
"B-but Sal-"
"No buts! You expressly ignored my wishes, and almost got yourself killed! And for what!? Aagrah… why must you men always be so, s-so, sooooooohhh!"
She stomped her foot as her rant gave way to an unintelligible scream.
Varian was completely at a loss. He had never seen her this angry before. He stood there dumbly as she fumed, and then suddenly she looked back up, touched her hair, and gasped in horror as if she just realized something.
She ran to her bed over in the opposite corner of the studio apartment. She pulled a blanket off it and threw it around her, covering her head and wrapping her shoulders with it.
Varian was only even more confused by this action.
However he didn't wish to upset her any further, so he turned his back to her as she readjusted the makeshift head covering. His eyes glanced about the room as he did so.
This was his first time seeing the inside of the apartment. It was a small space. Larger than Wasabi's dorm but not as big as the loft apartment that Gogo and Honey Lemon shared.
It featured an open kitchen that took up one wall, a small round table with two chairs, a low to the ground sofa with a short bookcase next to it separated the living space from the sleeping area, and he figured the door behind him led to a bathroom.
"H-how did your f-finals go?" He casually asked, trying to change the subject.
"Fine." She gave a curt reply, still not looking at him while she composed herself.
"Th-hat's good. My Intro to Economics was a killer." He joked.
He walked over to the table, and casually glanced at what he thought were study materials laying across it. He quickly realized that they were not.
It was an assortment of letters, photographs, and documents. There was a medal of some kind lying on top of the notebook and other odds and ends we're strewn about; a watch, some dice, and another copy of Salma's religious text, only this one more worn and small enough to be carried inside a pocket.
Then there were the pictures, some of Salma and others of what Varian assumed were her family. One young man in particular kept repeating in all of them. He looked to be only a few years older than himself.
Varian took all of this in at a glance. He had a vague idea of who the young man in photos might be. Then his eyes settled on one particular wrinkled and creased letter. Unlike the rest of the papers, this one was in Russian.
"Moya Devochka…." He read out loud.
Salma stiffened.
Varian paused.
He didn't need to read any further. This was clearly a personal letter sent by one of her family members. Perhaps her grandfather. Yet… he knew whatever was in it was connected to the young man in the photographs, and was the source of Salma's misery.
"This is about your brother… right?" He said simply, as he pieced together the clues.
"Please go." Salma answered.
"I… I just want to help."
She finally turned to look at him; her face dripping with incredulity.
"How? How can you help? How do you even begin to call this help!?"
"It's not good to be alone Salma!"
She paused, as if she had never considered that idea.
"I know what it's like to lose a family member." Varian continued. "And… sure, I get it, you hate the world right now. You have right to, b-but just sitting here crying alone. Th-that won't make things better."
Salma pursed her lips, and Varian knew his words had not reached her.
"What does it matter?"
"What do you mean, what does it matter?"
Salma shook her head as more tears started to fall.
"N-nothing is going to make this better…" she sobbed. "So what does it matter what I do?"
"That's… that's not true..."
"You can't bring him back."
"That doesn't mean things won't get better."
She had no reply. Her voice caught in her throat and she heaved her shoulders as her body wracked with sobs.
Varian ran to her, to hold her, but she backed away from him and held up her hand to stop him from nearing.
"No." She managed to whisper.
"Wh-what… what do you need me to do then?"
"I'm…. I'm afraid to leave you alone though."
She looked at him, confused.
"Y-you need to talk to someone; be with someone." Varian pressed. "You don't want to talk to me… fine. Then call Dr. Brown or your aunt. You have people that care about you still, and they're worried about you."
Salma seemed to reflect on this, as she cast her eyes downwards and fiddled with a blanket in her hands.
"He… he went missing… two months ago…" she finally answered. "The military gave up looking for him. I only got the letter today."
"I'm sorry."
He moved again to hug her, but once more she pulled away from him.
"I told you, now please go."
Varian was taken aback by the forcefulness of her voice. He thought her opening up meant that she was ready to reconcile and receive help, but that was now clearly not the case.
"B-but I care-"
She marched to the door and held it open for him.
He stood there stunned for a moment, but she remained resolute.
"O-okay…." Only to pause at the doorway before leaving. "Will you at least call your aunt though?"
She nodded.
"Th-then will you call me later?"
She shook her head firmly and Varian frowned.
She stood up straight, looked him firmly in the eyes, and said, "No."
"No, I will not be calling you. No, you may not call me. And no, I never ever want to see you again."
And with that she slammed the door in his face.
He stood there, his heart shattered on the floor, as he heard Salma begin sobbing again from the other side of the door.
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Back to the slow burn romance due to homophobia in high school show. This is in competition with Takara-kun & Amagi-kun for Best Use of High School for the BL Summer '22 High School Extravaganza Awards Show.
Fuck Chadok so much, bro.
I am convinced Thua took the notebook originally.
Khaotung performing a panic attack is convincing. Good job to First with a very believable reaction.
Damn, and here I was hoping Ayan would that Dika was his uncle.
Requesting a sponge bath?? Oh, BL.
I half-expected Akk to find lube, condoms, and dildos in that drawer alongside the pills.
Man, the softness in Khaotung's voice when Ayan talked about how much he liked seeing Akk's family took me all the way back to Make The Yuletide Gay (2009) when Nathan lamented missing the way his mom used to talk to him. I'm not okay, y'all. Send some juice.
Ayan starts to feel just a little bit better and immediately resumes flirting.
Oh lord the return of the building code violation stairs. I need someone to die on those stairs in a drama.
It's such a relief to see Akk being mischievous when Ayan's mom asks about his life at school.
Ayan is not going to lose a trolling battle, of course. Akk is definitely dating someone.
I have no notes for this dinner. That was fun. BL is way more fun when the parents aren't homophobic and genuinely love their kids. I love watching parents troll their kids with pointed questions in front of their crushes.
I do like that the boys are diligent and clean the dishes after someone else cooks for them. And of course Ayan must flirt.
I say this often, but there is a special bond between gay boys and their moms. I'm glad she approves of Akk.
Again, I have no notes for this car conversation between Ayan's mom and Akk. She isn't meddling in their affairs beyond assuring Akk that she is grateful for his presence in her son's life. Her only request being that he not hurt himself takes me back to Until We Meet Again and Pharm's first meet with Dean's grandmother.
How deep does this go with Chadok?
I do love the way the World Remembers is toeing the line.
Wat's love of film being used against people must hurt him.
And now Namo has definitely decided to take initiative. I hope Nian is okay.
Ayan is launching a phishing attack. Amazing.
I do like that no matter what is going on, Ayan will choose to be a know-it-all and a flirt.
For once a sandwich is just a sandwich, and not product placement.
It's interesting in this conversation with Namo that the most common aspect of toxic masculinity resurfaces: the ability of any other man to question your manhood (or in this case, loyalty).
Thua is so careful that I ache sometimes. Leading Kan along with a series of innocuous inquiries before stating that he's fond of Bruce Wayne, and wants him to speak to him openly. He's even careful enough not to look at Kan's reactions because he already knows.
LOL did Kan really run to Ayan and tell him everything? I love how much Kan wants to come out that he's accelerating his reliance on Ayan.
Ayan asks a super romantic question, which allows Neo and Khaotung to show off that they can act with their eyes. Incredibly refreshing. I want more of them.
Ayan giving voice to how Kan feels, and his smile in response? My heart.
I love Ayan insisting that they're dating. First is also so funny with the way he plays Akk pout-eating.
Khaotung and First are a great pair. This wasabi sequence is a real treat.
I really hope we get to see a film from Wat at some point.
Why is First swimming like this?? Is he okay?? Baby boy, you gotta put that head in the water and stretch more. Don't bend your knees so much and keep those legs straight. Did they make him do this so we would see his face? This is a disaster!
Ayan is so right. Akk has such a nice face when he smiles.
The water they're in must be cold, and they must have been filming for a while. First is shivering. I noticed this in Minato's Laundromat too on Nishigaki Sho.
It's interesting that Akk has never once denied his attraction to Ayan. Even here his rejection of the kiss is location.
The underwater kiss still belongs to the gays!!!!! We stay winning!!!!
First can also act with his face.
Oh my next week looks like things still don't come to a head. Gah, where are we headed??
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wearelondonhq · 2 years
most wanted from the following; disney, harry potter, game of thrones, once upon a time, and criminal minds?
hello there, love! from disney, we would love to see the madrigal family (encanto), peter pan, tinkerbell, michael, captain hook and john (peter pan), prince naveen, charlotte, doctor facilier (princess and the frog), rapunzel, mother gothel (tangled), princess jasmine, aladdin, jafar, dalia, genie (aladdin), aurora, prince phillip, maleficent, flora, fauna, merryweather, diaval (sleeping beauty/maleficent), lilo, nani (lilo & stitch), hiro, fred, gogo, honey lemon, tadashi, wasabi (big hero 6), ariel, eric, ursula, melody, ariel’s sisters, king triton (the little mermaid), belle, adam, gaston (beauty & the beast), giselle, robert, nancy, edward, morgan, malvina, narcissa (enchanted/disenchanted), moana, maui (moana), we would absolutely love to see ron weasley, james potter, peter pettigrew, lucius malfoy, severus snape, molly weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, neville longbottom, dean thomas, bill weasley, cho chang, cedric diggory, albus dumbledore, alastor moody, minerva mcgonagall, bellatrix lestrange, narcissa malfoy, andromeda tonks ( harry potter), cersei lannister, jaime lannister, tyrion lannister, jon snow, sansa stark, arya stark, robb stark, talisa, rhaegar targaryen, lyanna stark, theon greyjoy, ned stark, catelyn tully, petyr baelish, sandor clegane/the hound, yara/asha greyjoy, missandei, daario naharis, oberyn martell (game of thrones), mr. gold/rumplestiltskin, snow white/mary margaret blanchard, david nolan/prince charming, zelena mills, killian jones/captain hook, granny, ruby lucas, robin mills, cora mills, belle french, mulan, peter pan, neal cassidy/baelfire, milah, graham humbert, alice jones, lucy mills (once upon a time) and from criminal minds, please bring us spencer reid, aaron hotchner, derek morgan, jennifer jareau/jj, penelope garcia and david rossi just to name a few!
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ezrabridgerwrites · 8 months
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age: 28 
sexuality: straight...ish 
from: los angeles, california 
ship: persephone blake
best friend(s): micah abiola
siblings: maia prestwick (younger sister)
family: n/a 
roommate: maia prestwick
exes: n/a 
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: yes 
smoke: no
pets: n/a 
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age: 33 
sexuality: bisexual 
from: oxford, england 
ship: jackson otto 
best friend(s): annabelle baxter, olly walker 
siblings: viola dean (née lee)
family: octavia 'tavvy' dean (niece)
roommate: n/a 
exes: n/a 
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: yes 
smoke: no
pets: n/a 
Tumblr media
age: 26
sexuality: bisexual 
from: london, england 
ship: annabelle baxter
best friend(s): matty parker, jackson otto 
siblings: liam hewitt, harry hewitt 
family: william hewitt (father, deceased), brendon richmond (godfather, deceased) 
roommate: n/a
exes: n/a 
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: yes, but rarely 
smoke: no 
pets: n/a
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age: 26
sexuality: bisexual 
from: monte carlo, monaco 
ship: diego rodriguez
best friend(s): chess howard, poppy martin 
siblings: arthur, valentina, leo, nicolas & sylvie bly 
family: n/a 
roommate: n/a
exes: stefan wilkes (deceased) 
injuries/scars: none, unless you include several cat scratches 
drink: yes 
smoke: sometimes weed 
pets: marmalade (cat)
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age: 28
sexuality: bisexual 
from: salem, massachusetts 
ship: micah abiola
best friend(s): micah abiola, chess howard, poppy martin, louis denver, scotty carter
siblings: none 
family: n/a 
roommate: micah abiola
exes: n/a
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: yes 
smoke: no 
pets: n/a
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age: 23
sexuality: lesbian
from: brooklyn, new york 
ship: jessica ortiz
best friend(s): diego rodriguez, persephone blake
siblings: n/a 
family: andrew bostwick (father), harlow charlton 
roommate: n/a
exes: n/a
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: no
smoke: weed, occasionally 
pets: bucket (blue heeler)
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age: 30
sexuality: bisexual
from: san francisco, california 
ship: ivy rogers
best friend(s): louis denver, scotty carter, jessica ortiz
siblings: tommy hayashi
family: cassandra may (aunt) 
roommate: tommy hayashi
exes: n/a
injuries/scars: old shoulder injury 
drink: yes
smoke: no
pets: none, but tommy has two rats: wasabi and fred
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age: 24
sexuality: pansexual
from: fairfield, connecticut 
ship: flynn moone
best friend(s): annabelle baxter, poppy martin, katie murdock (npc)
siblings: none
family: rowenna gothel (kidnapper?? i guess??) 
roommate: katie murdock (npc)
exes: n/a
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: not often
smoke: no
pets: n/a
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age: 40
sexuality: gay
from: brooklyn, new york
ship: harlow charlton & maverick rojas
best friend(s): kian mcgrath
siblings: none
family: helen reyes (wife, unfortunately) 
roommate: fucking helen
exes: ted wiseman (deceased)
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: yes
smoke: yes
pets: n/a
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age: 28
sexuality: bisexual
from: puebla, mexico
ship: charlie clarke
best friend(s): persephone blake, ariadne halliday, kimaya sunder, rose blakely, paris york
siblings: none
family: daniel reyes (father, deceased) 
roommate: n/a
exes: edmundo silva (ex-husband)
injuries/scars: n/a 
drink: yes
smoke: no
pets: jonesy (axolotl), clarice starling (papillon), laurie and nancy (corn snakes)
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age: 32
sexuality: gay
from: toronto, canada
ship: billy mchale
best friend(s): billy mchale
siblings: kit fields (née hudson)
family: lo fields (brother-in-law), jenna fields (niece) 
roommate: kit fields, lo fields, daisy diggory
exes: n/a
injuries/scars: several baseball injuries, birthmark above left eye 
drink: yes
smoke: no
pets: percy (cat), grover (labradoodle)
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age: 30
sexuality: queer
from: manhattan, new york
ship: louis denver
best friend(s): ivy rogers
siblings: eric, marcus & cecily josten
family: ivy rogers, bryce byers, maverick rojas
roommate: bryce byers
exes: louis denver
injuries/scars: various scars, iron-shaped imprint on back right shoulder, raised scar from stab wound on lower left abdomen
drink: yes
smoke: yes
pets: capote (dalmatian), betty (puggle), ulysses (cat, ownership shared)
1 note · View note
kindkline · 2 years
November 5, 2022
Jack, Sam, Eileen and I popped the biggest bottles today because we could and were all together and ok. FUCK YEAH HERES TO ANOTHER YEAR TOGETHER AS A FAMILY
Cas and Dean are out living their best lives.
Our family is good.
song of the day: cavetown - wasabi
0 notes
deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
Every time I see your blog name the first thing my brain reads is "wasabi". Just felt the need to tell you, I'm sorry
Love it 🔥 (x)
27 notes · View notes
sylvanfreckles · 2 years
"You can't get a cat, you know I'm allergic." "So?"
"So why are we even here?" It was starting already. Dean could feel his sinuses closing up, eyes watering. He'd be sneezing soon.
"You might change your mind," Castiel teased as he linked his fingers through Dean's and pulled him along.
"Change my mind?" Dean raised his eyebrows, then turned away from his partner to sneeze into the crook of his elbow. "Cas, it's allergies. I can't just change my mind."
"I've seen you do the impossible, Dean Winchester. How is this different?"
Dean groaned. It really wasn't fair. Calling him by his full name shouldn't be so...so...sexy. "We can't."
Castiel smiled at him and pulled away. "We can just visit."
And there they were. The puppy-dog eyes. Damn, but Cas must've been taking lessons from Sammy. He sneezed into the crook of his elbow again and held up one finger. "Ten minutes."
Cas leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek, then was off into the lines of cages. Dean let out another groan and followed him, accepting a disposable mask from one of the volunteers that he gratefully strapped over his mouth and nose. It was probably too little too late, but it was the thought that counts.
"Dean, this one's named Wasabi," Castiel called. He was at a cage with a gray tabby, poking one finger in to pet it on the head. "She's from a local foster, great with kids and other pets."
"We don't have kids or other pets," Dean said. He sneezed into the mask, but thankfully things didn't seem to be getting worse.
"Hello, Max," Cas was at a cage with a tiny tuxedo kitten, who was shoving paws through to grab at him. "Or are you Sam?"
Dean rolled his eyes. They were not getting a kitten named Sam. They weren't getting a kitten at all! Even as semi-retired hunters, their lives were too unstable to have a pet, even without his allergy.
But still, nothing was stopping Cas as he wandered from cage to cage, reading out their names and their little descriptions. Most of the cats came from foster or rescue groups, all ready to adopt and take home today.
Not that they were taking a cat home.
They'd walked past Ginger, Anakin, Caramel, Poirot, Apple, and dozens of others he had no chance of remembering, when Cas stopped at a cage that contained a large orange cat.
"Oh, this one is named Charlie," Cas said softly. He read the card on the front of the cage, and Dean could see him tense up a little. He glanced back over at Dean, and there was something sad in his gaze.
"We're not getting a cat," Cas replied softly. He gently rubbed the side of Charlie's cheek through the cage before turning away, but there was something in the set of his shoulders...like an old weight was just hanging on him again.
Dean watched him go, concern churning in his stomach. He stopped in front of Charlie's cage and leaned down to read the little card.
Hi! I'm Charlie! I'm a little bit older than the others, but I promise I still have a lot of love left for you! My old family just didn't have room for me any more, and that makes me a little sad, but if you just give me a chance I'm sure I'll cheer right up once I'm in my new forever home.
"Hey," Dean flagged down one of the volunteers. "What's his story?"
The woman gave Charlie a sympathetic look. "Charlie's owners decided they didn't want to have a cat anymore. They'd had him since he was a kitten; a little over eight years. Then one day they just didn't need him, so they surrendered him to the shelter."
Dean swore under his breath and looked back over to Cas. Cas was watching them, but he'd pulled his emotions in so tightly even Dean was having trouble getting a read on him.
Giving everything to your family, only to be thrown out when they decided you weren't useful anymore.
Yeah...that hit a little close to home.
"All right, what do I need to sign?" Dean said, heaving out a sigh. Damn those blue eyes, they really could get him to do anything.
"Hey, Cas!" Dean called, waving his partner over. "I changed my mind, let's get a cat!"
(from this ask box prompt)
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How To Request!
all requests are currently: open!
include the characters full name and the fandom in the request so i know which character you are requesting for
don’t request for characters that i don’t write for
i am on hiatus for any crossed out characters!
send an idea or prompts with the request
just requesting a character can make it harder for me to write, and i will prioritize requests that are more specific
not all requests will be accepted, and some might take longer than others to be written
check out my requesting rules before submitting a request!
Characters That I Write For!
*= platonic only!
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Billie Dean Howard
Kit Walker
Lana Winters
Mary Eunice
Kyle Spencer
Zoe Benson
Madison Montgomery
Cordelia Goode
Misty Day
Jimmy Darling
Maggie Esmerelda
Dandy Mott
James March
The Countess
Sally McKenna
Tristan Duffy
Rory Monohan
Kai Anderson
Winter Anderson
Michael Langdon
Brooke Thompson
Montana Duke
Xavier Plympton
Hazel Callahan
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia
Jennifer Jareau
Elle Greenaway
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Hiro Hamada*
GoGo Tomago
Honey Lemon
Tadashi Hamada
Paige Olvera*
Frankie Wong*
Amelia Duckworth*
Dizzy Tremaine*
Celia Facilier*
Harry Hook
Riley Matthews*
Maya Hart*
Lucas Friar *
Farkle Minkus*
Zay Babineaux*
Mabel Pines*
Dipper Pines*
Wendy Corduroy
Nini Salazar-Roberts
Ricky Bowen
E.J. Caswell
Ashlyn Caswell
Gina Porter
Olivia White
Wen Gifford
Mo Banjaree
Stella Yamada
Charlie Delgado
Scott Pickett
Liv Rooney
Maddie Rooney
Diggie Smalls
Lewis Robinson*
Wilbur Robinson*
Franny Robinson
Billie Robinson
Stargirl Caraway
Leo Borlock
Zed Necrodopolis
Addison Wells
Eliza Zambi
Willa Lykensen
Wyatt Lykensen
Wynter Barkowitz
Every Witch Way
Emma Alonso
Andi Cruz
Maddie Van Pelt
Daniel Miller
Jax Novoa
Diego Rueda
Gigi Rueda
Mia Black
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lily Evans
Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
I Am Not Okay With This
Sydney Novak
Stanley Barber
Bradley Lewis
Bill Denbrough*
Beverly Marsh*
Ben Hanscom*
Mike Hanlon*
Richie Tozier*
Eddie Kaspbrak*
Stanley Uris*
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Belch Huggins
Julie And The Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer
Reggie Peters
Carrie Wilson
Flynn Taylor
Willie Ortega
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
Enoch O’Conner
Jacob Portman
Emma Bloom
Olive Abroholos Elephanta
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
John B. Routledge
Pope Heyward
Kiara Carrera
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Scream (Movies)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Poly Ghostface
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Tara Carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Kirby Reed
Ethan Landry
Quinn Bailey
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Scream (Series)
Audrey Jensen
Emma Duval
Brooke Maddox
Zoe Vaughn
Riley Marra
Noah Foster
Kieran Wilcox
Stavo Acosta
Jake Fitzgerald
Stranger Things
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Chrissy Cunningham
The Darkest Minds
Ruby Daly
Liam Stewart
Chubs Meriwether
Zu Kimura*
Clancy Gray
The Last Of Us
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Tess Servopolous
Abby Anderson
The Outsiders
Ponyboy Curtis
Johnny Cade
Dallas Winston
The 100
Clarke Griffin
Lexa Kom Trikru
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Jasper Jordan
John Murphy
Madi Griffin*
Monty Green
Echo Kom Azgeda
Gaia Kom Trikru
Hope Diyoza
Lucy Preston
Wyatt Logan
Rufus Carlin
Garcia Flynn
Emma Whitmore
Jiya Marri
Tori Vega
Jade West
Cat Valentine
Andre Harris
Beck Oliver
Robbie Shapiro
Kit Tanthalos
Jade Claymore
Elora Danan
Peter Maximoff
Kurt Wagner
Hank McCoy
Jean Grey
Scott Summers
Alex Summers
Shauna Shipman
Jackie Taylor
Natalie Scatorccio
Misty Quigley
Taissa Turner
Van Palmer
Travis Martinez
Lottie Matthews
Callie Sadecki
237 notes · View notes
mindninjax · 3 years
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marquie | 26 | she/her | black
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about me | rules | masterlists | ao3
domestic daydream
tales of the dark arts
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🌻Listening to: don’t SAVE me by Willow
🌻Reading: The Taking by Dean Koontz
🌻Thinking about: Too much to speak about
🌻Most Recent: Death Becomes Her - Yuuji x Reader
🌻Working On: - Idk BAHHA
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marquie speaking: Life continues to move, no matter how much you want it to stop and sometimes that’s just way too sad to deal with.
Please make sure to read the rules before interacting, be kind, and be cool babies.
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icon by @/fittsythesnail | Last updated: 10/3/21 |
Banner by @/wasabi-gumdrop
76 notes · View notes
caitimetravels · 3 years
who i will write for :)
hi!! this is a rough list of characters.
the maze runner
the maze runner cast (platonic!!)
dylan obrien
thomas brodie sangster
kihong lee
kaya scodelario
will poulter
the umbrella academy
stranger things
mike wheeler
eleven (jane hopper)
max mayfield
lucas sinclair
dustin henderson
will byers
jonathon byers
nancy wheeler
steve harrington
robin buckley
billy hargrove
stranger things cast (platonic!!)
finn wolfhard
millie bobby brown
sadie sink
caleb mclaughlin
gaten matarazzo
noah schnapp
charlie heaton
natalia dyer
joe keery
maya hawke
dacre montgomery
shadow and bone
criminal minds
i couldn’t be bothered to write them all 🤷‍♀️
scream (1-4)
basically all characters
it 2017
big hero 6
honey lemon
miraculous ladybug
how to train your dragon
harry potter
marauders era
james potter
sirius black
remus lupin
lily evans
regulus black
marlene mckinnon
dorcas meadowes
mary mcdonald
golden trio
harry potter
ron weasley
hermione granger
ginny weasley
fred weasley
george weasley
draco malfoy
luna lovegood
neville longbottom
dean thomas
seamus finnigan
next gen
teddy lupin
james potter II
albus potter
rose weasley
hugo weasley
louis weasley
victorie weasley
dominique weasley
other harry potter characters
newt scammander
the hunger games
once upon a time
peter pan
tony stark
steve rogers
peter parker
clint barton
sam wilson
bucky barnes
natasha romanoff
wanda maximoff
pietro maximoff
bruce banner
carol danvers
peter quill
scott lang
marvel cast (platonic!!)
robert downey jr
chris evans
chris hemsworth
chris pratt
tom hiddleston
sebastian stan
anthony mackie
tom holland
scarlett johansson
mark ruffalo
benedict cumberbatch
paul rudd
paul bettany
brie larson
elizabeth olsen
jeremy renner
jason todd
tim drake
damian wayne
dick grayson
wally west
cassandra cain
barbara gordon
stephanie brown
duke thomas
bruce wayne
clark kent
conner kent (kon-el)
pirates of the caribbean
jack sparrow
elizabeth swann
will turner
55 notes · View notes
skumbiino · 3 years
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🥰Tamaki Amajiki x You🥰
Song List:
Kissing In Cars // Pierce The Veil
Angel // FINNEAS
Home // Edith Whiskers
Sweet Creature // Harry Styles
Young and Beautiful // Lana Del Rey
Like You’ll Never See Me Again // Alicia Keys
Hey! Love // The Delfonics
Endlessly // Green River Ordinance
Hide // Juice WRLD (feat Seezyn)
Heart It Races // Dr. Dog
Scene One - James Dean & Audrey Hepburn // Sleeping With Sirens
This Side Of Paradise // Coyote Theory
Hummingbird // Never Shout Never
Dance, Baby! // boy pablo
Simple Enough // Never Shout Never
Light // Sleeping At Last
Tongue Tied // Grouplove
Warm On A Cold Night // HONNE
Loving Is Easy // Rex Orange County
Open Your Eyes // Snow Patrol
It’s Only Us // Monophonics, Kelly Finnigan
Ray Of Sunshine // GoldFord
Vanilla Twilight // Owl City
Sunflower // Post Malone, Swae Lee
lovesick // Never Shout Never
Awake // Secondhand Serenade
Baby Love // The Supremes
Mr Loverman // Ricky Montgomery
Gimme Love // Joji
Anyone Else But You // The Moldy Peaches
i love you more than you will ever know // Never Shout Never
Blush - Moe Shop remix // fusq
MARBLE TEA // Shawn Wasabi
Turning Page // Sleeping At Last
A Part Of Me // Neck Deep, Laura Whiteside
Gotta Stay High // New Radicals
Best Friend // Rex Orange County
Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most // Dance Gavin Dance
The Spins // Mac Miller
Out Of My League // Fitz and The Tantrums
All I Want Is You // Barry Louis Polisar
Bloom - Bonus Track // The Paper Kites
51 notes · View notes
arctimon · 3 years
By the Grace of Granville
(Warning: This post is long.  But what else is new when it comes to character analyses?)
One of the bigger mysteries that gets introduced into Big Hero 6: The Series made their introduction in the very first episode, got a little bit of expansion into their background, and then didn’t really see much daylight for the rest of the series sand her becoming an even-numbered wheel. No, I’m not talking about Obake.
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I’m talking about Professor Granville, the newly-installed dean of the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.
People, including myself, play Granville up as some sort of Nick Fury-esque figure.  She’s always in the know, gives advice to the team, and seems to have a general understanding of everything at once.
This is further helped by the fact that we don’t know a lot about what she has been up to since she resigned after Obake’s accident. It’s hindered by the fact that there may be some misinformation going on at the Big Hero 6 Wiki.
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Here’s the introductory blurb for Professor Granville on her page:
Grace Granville has been a professor at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology for at least 20 years, having taught Wendy Wower and Trevor Trengrove among other modern day geniuses.
She used to teach robotics and had her own star student, Bob Aken, but once he began an experiment to build an energy amplifier, it went awry as the amplifier exploded on his face, the result of which sent him to the hospital.
Though Bob survived, Granville felt extreme guilt from the incident and resigned. However, she kept the remains of the amplifier, possibly unaware that it still worked, as a reminder to not repeat the same mistakes.
She would return decades later to teach thermodynamics when Robert Callaghan, the dean of the institute at the time, was thought to have died, then resurfaced as the villain Yokai and was arrested for putting San Fransokyo in danger. Professor Granville became the college's new dean as she settled into her new role quite well. Now, after rewatching “Mini-Max”, I call into question the very first part that she’s been a professor there for at least 20 years.  As far as I am aware of, that has never been said or confirmed in the show.  She said herself (and the yearbook and Callaghan confirm this) that she worked there 20 years ago.  That’s not the same thing.  Working there for 20 years is not the same thing as being there 20 years ago.  So is that a discrepancy or am I the one who doesn’t remember things correctly?
And let’s go to what Callaghan said about the incident when Hiro went to visit him in prison in “Mini-Max”:
Robert: “She was in the lab after hours.  Something went wrong.  There was...an incident.”
Hiro:  “What kind of incident?” Robert: ”Officially, a pipe burst.  But there were rumors.  An unsanctioned project gone wrong.” Hiro:  ”So she was fired?”
Robert: “She resigned.  The matter was not pursued further.  That’s all I know.” OK, first of all...was Callaghan not the dean twenty years ago?  And even if he wasn’t...
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Does anyone think that was caused by a simple burst pipe?  What was in said pipe?  Lava?  TNT?  Mentos and Coke?
That leads to the second possibility: Callaghan was Dean at the time, knew about it, and “pushed” Granville to resign to avoid a messy lawsuit.
But we’re getting away from the original point, which is...what exactly has Granville been doing this entire time? I find it hard to believe that Granville was still at the school when Tadashi, Go Go, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi were there.  You’d think that one of them would have said something about it, and all through the conversations in “Mini-Max” gave no indication of that as well.
So she’s been gone for twenty years (presumably).  Which begs the next question... Why did she have to become the dean? Endangering a student’s life is a very serious thing.  Something like that can’t be just forgiven.  So, why did it have to be her? It’s not like there’s not other candidates:
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(From left to right: Monica Rambeau [one of the Physics professors], Grace Granville, Robert Callaghan, Linda Carter, and Timothy Dugan.  Note that these are merely names I’ve given them based off of who I think they are and not canon names.  However, for the sake of simplicity, I will refer to them as such from here on out.) Monica might have been a good replacement.  Linda’s just the nurse, so unlikely.  Dugan’s the Dean of Athletics, so probably not.  The dean doesn’t have to be the robotics professor, right?  Granville teaches Thermodynamics. And then you have Professor Kameela from the comics, who appears to be another Physics professor:
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So why her?
Granville’s been out of the game, as far as we know, for a long time.  Did the board at SFIT really have no other options other than Granville?  Why give the top job to someone who hasn’t even stepped foot in SFIT for decades?
And the worst part is that I don’t really have a good answer for that.  The show delves into Granville’s history with Obake a lot and not enough into her actual history with SFIT, so that part is pretty much an unsolved mystery.
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And if the info on the Wiki is true, then that means...what?  Granville was teaching for 20 years, and then took a 20 year break.  Wouldn’t that put Granville in her 60s, at minimum? (She looks pretty good for possibly being in her 60s.  Maybe she got some Infinity Formula from her possible Marvel counterpart.)
I think it’s much more possible that she’s in her early 50s.  That gives her enough time to be a professor, have an actual working history, and then have to leave with Obake’s accident. So my personal timeline for her career would be something like this.  For the sake of being simple, let’s assume that Granville is an even 50, and also that Big Hero 6 the movie takes place in the year 2031 (as per movie screenshots):
1981 - Grace Gretchen Granville is born 2002 - Graduates college (perhaps at SFIT; haven’t thought that far ahead) Sometime between 2002 and 2004 - Granville begins her work at [Redacted] 2005 - Granville become a TA in the Thermodynamics department (as per Highway to Hell Chapter 2, “In The Details”) 2006 to 2007 - Given government assignment to [SORT OF Redacted] 2007 - Returns to SFIT 2007 to 2011 - Becomes thermodynamics professor at SFIT; continues periodic work at [Redacted] 2011 - Obake’s accident; Granville resigns from SFIT 2011 to 2013 - Takes a position with [SUPER Redacted] in Symkaria 2013 - Returns stateside and [Redacted] 2013 to 2031 - Various jobs and positions, including start-up at Fathom Blue Incorporated and a instructor at the San Fransokyo Police Academy with Sara Pezzini 2031 (Current Time) - Granville becomes Dean at SFIT (Keep in mind that this is a sliding timeline which is subject to change.  Probably.) Man, that’s a lot of redacted information.  It’s almost like she worked for a secret government organization and did a lot of things that aren’t on the public record or something.
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I am going to delve into Granville’s history in future stories, and that will include something that I’ve done a fanart on. Mainly this:
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The Wakanda story is going to happen at some point, and it’s going to involve one of the redacted items above (from 2002 - 2003).  What exactly she was doing there is going to stay secret for a little bit. Speaking of which, I had done research on a few pieces of Wakandan technology.  Guess which one I found of particular interest.
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The Kimoyo Beads.  A bracelet given to every single Wakandan citizen that stores all of their medical information and serves as an everyday tool for them. It also notes that it doesn’t work outside of Wakanda because of its reliance on tapping into Vibranium as a power source.
Now, what would happen if a very realistic version of Vibranium were to find its way out of the country and into Granville’s orbit?
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I wonder if her bracelet would start working again. Mysteries abound when it comes to Grace Granville.  If we’re lucky, maybe we’ll solve a few of them before too long.
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aurora-godshawk · 4 years
Ikemen Notes! Ikemen Pets!
Hello fellow Princesses, Time-Travelers, Waitress and Rabbit Chasers! 
       I received an ask for a list of all the suitors and their pets. Honestly I think I could greatly benefit form making notes on the suitors from all the games. It would make writing so much easier if I had some notes on each of the suitors routes. 
Alright if I’m being honest here I don’t know all the suitors pets. Whether it be the animal type or name I don’t know them all. If you want to comment the answers I’ll add you to the contributors list.
Last Updated 11/15/2021
@deafeningdeersalad (Ikerev)
@shenevertricks1831 (Ikevamp)
@theblueberryreign​ (Ikesen)
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Midnight Cinderella - 10
Alyn Crawford -  Arthur (Dog)
Louis Howard - Lucia (Blue Bird)
Giles Christophe - Michelangelo (Cat,)
Leo Crawford - Sebastian (Parrot)
Byron Wagner - Spinner (White Owl)
Sid (Llyod Gradier) - Jessie (Dog, Dalmatian)
Robert Branche - Amber (Hedgehog)
Nico Meier - Chiral (Squirrel)
Albert Burckhardt - Benjamin (Brown Rabbit)
Rayvis Harneit -  Rook (Wolf)
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Destined to Love - 13
Toshizo Hijikata - Montoro (Tortoise)
Katsura Kogoro -
Saito Hajime - 
Ryoma Sakamoto - 
Kyo Shinomiya - Taro & Jiro (Baby Chicks)
Keiki (Yoshinobu Tokugawa) - 
Soji Okita - Mochi (Light Brown Rabbit)
Kirisato (Haru Akira) - Rin (White Cat)
Shinsaku Takasugi - Mii (Gray Cat)
Susumu Yamazaki - 
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Love, Lies and a Heist - 8
Alec Bradley - 
Ewan Bradley - (Pony)
Luca Sinclair - (Yellow Carnie)
Logan Bradley - Elise (Ferret)
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Ikemen Sengoku - 17
Nobunaga Oda - Haguro (Hawk)
Masamune Date -  Shogetsu (Tiger)
Yukimura Sanada - Muramasa (Wolf)
Ieyasu Yokugawa - Wasabi (Deer)
Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Uri (Monkey)
Shingen Takeda - Koro (Bear)
Kenshin Uesugi - Matsu, Ume, & Take are names given (Bunny/ Army)
Mitsunari Ishida - Kitty (Tabby, Cat)
Sasuke Sarutobi - Kunai (Squirrel)
Mitsuhide Akechi - Chimaki (Fox)
Kennyo - (Cat)
Motonari Mouri - (Kangaroo)
Ranmaru Mori - …
Yoshimoto Imagawa - (Peacock)
Keiji Maeda - 
Kanetsugu Naoe - 
Kicho - 
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Ikemen Revolution - 17
Lancelot Kingsley - Shine (Lion)
Jonah Clemence - Pineapple (Hamster)
Edgar Bright - The Creek Family [ Mr. & Mrs. Creek and Creek Jr] (Ducks)
Zero - Rico (Dog)
Kyle Ash - Goo (Pig)
Ray Blackwell - Belle (Cat)
Sirius Oswald -  Chutney (Raccoon)
Luka Clemence - Stone (Hamster)
Fenrir Godspeed - Shu Shu (Dog)
Seth Hyde - Mimo (Fox)
Harr Silver - Sue (Owl)
Loki Genetta -Cheery (Cat)
Blanc Lapin - 
Oliver Knight -Muu Muu (Squirrel)
Mousse Atlas -
Dean Tweedle - 
Daily Tweedle - 
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Ikemen Vampire - 15
Napoleon Bonaparte - Jupiter (Bald Egael)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Schelm (White Owl)
Leonardo da Vinci - Lumiere (Black Cat)
Arthur Conan Doyle - Vic (Cocker Spaniel Dog)
Vincent van Gogh - Brush (Raccoon)
Theodorus van Gogh - King (Golden Retriever Dog)
Osamu Dazai - Bunta (Bird)
Isaac Newton - Harry (Hedgehog)
Jean d’Arc - Cherie (White Tiger)
Willam Shakespeare - Puck (Rabbit)
Comte de Saint Germain - Thyme (Ferret)
Sebastian - Lottie (Sheep)
Charles-Henri Sanson - 
Johann Georg Faust - 
Vlad - 
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Ikemen Prince - 10
Leon Dampteur - 
Chevalier Michel - 
Yves Kloss - 
Nokto Klein - 
Licht Klein - 
Clavis Lelouch - 
Jin Grandet - 
Luke Randolph - 
Sariel Nori - 
Rio Ortiz - 
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baymaksu · 3 years
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BH6: Madripoor Chronicles Concept Art: “No Place for Children”
Ever since the Madripoor episode of TFATWS, I’ve been thinking about a situation in which the BH6 gang would find themselves in such a criminal underworld environment. @arctimon made me think even more about it so I humored the idea...
The premise I’ve cooked up is this:
During summer break, Hiro receives a cryptic and distressed message from Professor Granville. With help from Heathcliff’s intelligence gathering, her last known whereabouts were in Southeast Asia, namely within the Principality of Madripoor.
When the gang ultimately decides to investigate and potentially rescue their dean, Hiro and Karmi are forced to investigate only within the high town districts while the rest of the nerd gang (at Wasabi’s reluctance) investigates low town. The two teen geniuses are told that “low town is no place for children.”
So... naturally, the two prodigies get to work and blend their tech prowesses to temporarily age themselves up. But of course, the two first have to fawn over each other at how beautiful and handsome they will grow up to be lol.
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twistedeuphoria · 2 years
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"Listen, baby. You're the only real thing I ever wanted. Ever. You're mine. I've gotta claim what's mine or I'll be nothin' as long as I live. You love me. You know it. You love me. You love me. You love me."
HARA / Shoes: [BREATHE]-Sumi Heels (New! @ Collabor88)
New! @ Anthem Eyeshadow: WarPaint* PeggySue liner Hair: Wasabi // Carol Hair Clothing: Frayed - Marty Cardy PROMAGIC Rockabilly Shorts Accessory: MICHAN - Donna Earrings
SABER / Hair: DURA B103 Clothing: THIRST -DEAN Set (New! @ Anthem)
Pose: Ana Poses - First Sun
Scene: New! @ Anthem crate Atomic Bar crate Atomic Cocktail Shaker Set (Luc.) 1950s Milkshake, All Flavors [Decor, Server] (Luc.) 1950s Diner Burger [Decor, Server] Sari-Sari - Ice Cream Neon Sign (Retro) ~BAZAR~ Starburst Clock Colored Midwest - America Online - Jukebox Red/G
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