#dear ukhti
Hello Ukhti! It is a pleasure to read your blog. Many of your posts give me goosebumps when reading them. What inspires you to write such beautiful lines on the feelings that strong M men can generate in us boys? Were not many more posts part of your blog before?
Thank you, my dear sister - it is a pleasure to read your blog too! I'm so happy to read that my posts have a positive effect on you. I write from the heart sister - Islam and those fabulous Muslim men are my inspiration. I did have more posts in my previous blog but sadly it was deleted before I could save them all
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a1307s · 10 months
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Birthday Girl
[Art is not mine! Credit to huyandere]
Request By: OliviaBrady821
Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nick Name
Word Count: 2,728
Warnings and/or Pre-notes:
'Ukht: Sister (Arabic)
Tayir Saghir: Little Bird (Arabic)
Eid milad saeid 'Ukhti: Happy Birthday, Sister (Arabic)
Shukran lan 'ayuha altaayir alsaghir: Thank you, Little Bird (Arabic)
     The bright sun creeping into my room slowly draws me out of my peaceful sleep. I rub my eyes gently to rid the sleep from them. "Good morning, Miss Y/N," A voice says from across my room. Slowly I open my eyes, just to be met with Alfred standing by my windows, drawing back the heavy red fabric. "Are you excited for your big day?" The old man asks with a small smile on his worn face.
     "Yes I am," I answer back, sitting up in my bed to stretch the sleep out of my limbs. "Do you know what the boys have planned for me?" I ask joy over taking me with the hope Alfred will spill the secret plans my brothers have made for my special day.
     "Yes I do, and no I will not tell you," Alfred says, washing all the hope out of me. I let out a soft whine of dismay, getting a soft chuckle from my make-shift grandfather. "Come down to breakfast when you're ready Miss Y/N, I have plenty of options this morning," Alfred says, swiftly walking across the room to the side of my bed. "Happy Birthday, Dear," He says before kissing my forehead. Alfred leaves after that, leaving me alone in my room.
     I lay in bed for a few more minutes, enjoying the few silent moments of today before the craziness begins. Before I move from my bed there's a knock at my door. "N/N? Are you awake yet?" Comes the voice of one of my brothers.
     "Come in!" I chirp out, rolling onto my side to see which one walks in. The stained oak door swings up to reveal Jason Todd in my doorway. His smile is huge on his face and his eyes are almost sparkling as they look at me. "Good morning Zombie Boy," I say with a huge smile on my face.
     "Good morning, Birthday Girl," Jay says back, walking over to the side of my bed. "Are you ready to get out of bed yet?" He asks, getting the response of my head shaking no. "Alright, move over," Jason says, wrapping his arms under me and shifting me over. Jay lets go of me, but lays his arm over my waist as soon as he lets go; his other arm is under his head as a cushion. His thumb rubs soft circles into my back as he looks down at me. "What do you want to do today?"
     "I'm not sure, but I'm pretty confident you guys have my day planned out," I say back to the graying boy next to me.
     His smile grows and he lets out an airy chuckle. "You're not completely wrong, I even have your outfit planned out," Jason tells me before leaning down and softly kissing the crown of my head. "You want to see it?"
     "Yes!" I yell, shooting up in bed. I crawl over Jason, getting a bone shoved into my side and with no doubt shoving a few of my own into Jay. "What does it look like? What color is it? Is it a skirt?!" I ask, settling my feet onto the ground and heading for the door.
     "Maybe, you'll have to wait and see," Jason says, following right behind me. "Just know you'll like it," He says, grabbing my waist as we head into the hallway. Jay duck waddles behind me until we get to his room. When we do get to his door, Jason reaches around me to turn the nob.
     When the door opens I'm met with the smell of blood, oil, and Jason's woody smelling cologne. The room is coated in darkness as Jay softly pushes me inside. Once we're both across the threshold, he flips on the light. His room is a mess. There's clothes everywhere, dishes stacked up on the nightstand, and abandoned bloody bandages around the room. On the red bed sheets is a big black box with a huge red ribbon tied up on it. Through the bow is one single rose. "Is that for me?" I ask, tilting my head back to look up at Jason.
     "Yes it is. You can open it if you want."
     As soon as the words are out of Jason's mouth, I rush towards the bed, being sure to avoid tripping on anything laying out. I crawl on the bed before picking up the box and laying it on my lap. Jason chuckles again, crossing the room and sitting across from me. "What's in it? Shoes?" I ask, shaking the box gently.
     "Ya there's a pair of shoes in there along with the rest of your outfit," Jaybird says, folding his foot underneath himself and laying back on his hands. "Open it."
     Gently I pull the string of the ribbon inorder to undo it. I gently set the ribbon down on the bed - along with the rose - before pulling up the lid of the present box. The first thing I see is a pair of dark black flats. I take them out of the box and carefully look over them. "If they're not the right size I still have the receipt so we can change them out today," Jay tells me as he carefully watches me look over my box.
     I nod my head in agreement before pulling out the next thing from the box. It's a long sleeved black shirt with a deep V-neck on it. "It's super soft," I say, running my fingers over the fabric.
     "I know. I made Tim help me pick it out because I know you're really sensitive about your fabric."
     I softly smile up at Jason before pulling out the next piece of fabric. It's a plaid fabric skirt with a criss-cross tie on the front. Underneath the skirt are some ruffles, causing me to frown. Jason instantly notices, pulling out the last thing from the box. "I know you don't like the feel of the ruffled fabric on your skin so I got you some tights. If it still feels weird we can trade out your skirt for something else if you like."
     "I'm sure it'll feel fine," I mumble, climbing into Jason's lap. "Thank you for the outfit, I love it," I tell him, kissing the side of his cheek before snuggling into his chest.
     "I'm glad you like it, N/N," Jay says back, wrapping his arms around my back.
     There's a knock at the door before it swings open, and a very chatty Damian walks in. "Jason have you seen-" Damian stops in his tracks, his eyes locked on me. "Oh, there you are! Alfred asked me to come make sure you didn't fall asleep because 'breakfast will get cold,'" Dami finishes, walking towards the bed, dragging me off of Jason, and sitting between us. "I think you should get dressed and walk downstairs with me. Jason knock it off!" Damian yaps as Jason pokes his cheek.
     "Maybe I would if you could learn some manners," Jason snaps back before he stands up. "I'll see you when you come downstairs," He says, turning his attention to me before he walks out of his room.
     "You should get dressed so we can have breakfast. Oh is that the outfit Jason got you? He was telling me about it. I don't quite like him getting you skirts, it's preposterous if I do say so myself. There is no reason he should be getting you clothes, even if it is your birthday. Do you think he likes you? I hope not or else I would have to fight him for your honor, since you are my sister and as your brother it is my job to protect you. It would be a ridiculous fight of course, seeing how I'd win. Honestly Y/N, are you not dressed yet?!" By the time Damian ends his speech his cheeks are red and his eyebrows are knitted together on his head.
     "I'm not changing with you looking at me, Dami. I'm pretty sure that's more disrespectful than Jason getting me a skirt," I sass back, rolling my eyes at my overprotective little brother.
     "Right, of course," Damian says, getting off of the bed and heading to the bathroom. He leaves the door cracked open - probably to give me another speech. The lid to the toilet seat squeaks as Damian sits down. "As I was saying-" My little brother begins.
     As Damian rumbles on about how 'peculiar' and 'unordinary' Jason's relationship with me is, I work on taking off my bedclothes and pull on the outfit Jason had gotten me.
     "-and for another thing, he's like nineteen! Why in the world would a nineteen year old want anything to do with my sister?"
     "Have you ever thought that maybe Jason just sees me as a sister?" I ask Damian, pushing open the bathroom door so he can see my outfit.
     "One, Jason Todd is a predator-" Dami starts as he stands up from his make-shift seat.
     "We're trained assassins, I'm pretty confident that I'm more of a predator than Jason."
     Damian pushes off my comment with a glare. "Two, you're a child!"
     "I'm less of a child than you are but okay."
     "And three!" Damian says louder than before, "You do look very nice, *'Ukht,"
     A big smile forms on my face as I walk towards my little brother. "Aw! Dami! Your emotions are showing!" I tease, wrapping my arms around him.
     "Unhand me woman," He says, wiggling out of my arms and heading out of the bathroom. "Hurry up, I would like to eat your birthday breakfast now." If I didn't know my brother like I do I wouldn't have been able to hear the smile in his voice.
     "I'm coming *Tayir Saghir," I say, following Damian out of Jason's room.
     The manor is silent but beautiful as Damian and I walk through it. The dust throughout the old house almost seems like meltless snow piled up in thin layers around the furniture. The closer we get to the dining room, the less silent the house seems to be. "Wait here," Damian says when we get outside the dining room doors.
     I obey Damian's wish and wait outside the door. I can hear some hushes and Dick's excited voice behind the door, which causes the smile on my face to grow even more. "Be quite," Damian hisses into the room as he walks back out to me. "My apologize, *'Ukht," Dami says, looking up to me with a small yellow box in his hands. "Dick is very excited," He briefly explains.
     "I can tell," I say back bending down so my head is leveled with Damian's shoulders. I can hear the shuffling of Damian opening the box and taking out my birthday flower crown. He gently sets it on my head and messes with my hair and the short streamers on the crown before tapping my shoulder.
     I stand back up before looking down at my brother. His eyes are a bit water and his mouth quivers, trying to keep in his sobs. "*Eid milad saeid 'Ukhti," Damian whispers before wrapping his hands around my waist and snuggling his face into my chest.
     "*Shukran lan 'ayuha altaayir alsaghir," I whisper back, running my hand through his hair.
     We stay like this for a few minutes; my hand running through Damian's hair and him snuggled into me. Damian finally pulls away from me when there's a knock at the dining room door. "Hurry up Dami! I want to see the birthday girl!" Dick shouts, continuing to bang on the door.
     "We're coming! We're coming!" Damian snaps back before grabbing my hand and pushing open the door.
     "Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouts as I enter the room.
     "Thank you!" I say back with a soft giggle.
     "Come sit down, I want to eat," Damian says, dragging me towards our normal seats. At the head of the table sits Bruce, like expected. To his left is Damian's normal seat with me sitting next to him, and finally Alfred on my otherside. On Bruce's right is Richard, followed by Tim, and then Jason. All the boys are seated - other than Alfred - all excitedly waiting for me to sit.
     Like the gentleman he is, Damian pulls out my chair and pushes it in for me once I'm seated. "Happy Birthday, Y/N," Bruce says once Damian is finally seated. "I would like you to open your present from me before Alfred serves breakfast.
     "Come on! I want to eat!" Damian whines, straining out the word 'eat'.
     "Damian, hold your tongue," I hiss into his ear, gently placing my hand on his.
     "Ya, ya, ya," Dami says back, rolling his eyes and slumping in his chair.
     Bruce excuses himself from the table and leaves the room for a few seconds. When he gets back he's holding a small red box. "I know it's not much but I didn't know what to get you," He says, setting the small box on the plate in front of me before sitting back down.
     "I appreciate anything you get me, Father," I say back, a tight smile on my face because of the word 'father' tasting like metal in my mouth. Everyone watches me as I carefully open up the box. Inside is an expensive gold necklace dripping in diamonds. "Thank you, Father." I tell him, setting the necklace back into the box and setting it off to the side.
     "I'm glad you like it," Bruce answers back, picking up his newspaper and coffee mug to go back into his own world.
     Dick glances at the kitchen door and then me before reaching underneath the table. "Alfred isn't ready yet so you can open your present from me too!"
     "Dick! You didn't have to get me anything," I tell him, smiling huge at my big brother.
     "Nonsense! You're my own sister! It's my job to spoil you!" He says, setting a big pink box on the table and carefully pushing it across the table.
     "What is it?" I ask, carefully undoing the tape on the colorful box. Richard ignores my question, continuing to watch me open the present. When I get it open I'm met with pink zig zag papers. "Please don't tell me you just got me paper," I tease, dipping my hand into the box. My fingers rub against cool plastic, which I wrap my fingers around. I tug it out of the box and look over it. It's a bottle of rose petal perfume.
     "So I couldn't remember what your perfume was called and I didn't want to go through your room so I bought all of them," Dick says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
     "You bought all of them?" I ask, looking at the stupidest Robin at this table.
     "Ya, I ordered every perfume that Bath and Body Works has," He answers, his face turning red from embarrassment.
     I giggle at Richard as I put the bottle back. "Well I'll have plenty of perfume for a while."
     "That's the understatement of the year," Damian grumbles, poking his head up and looking through my box.
     "Ya, ya, ya," Tim says, ducking his head under the table. "We get it, you're over the top perfect, Dick," He continues, pulling out a medium sized box. "This one is from me."
     Damian - struggles to - move the present from Richard back onto the ground so I have room for Tim's present. I gently take the box from Tim, making sure not to move it too much because knowing Tim, it's going to be some kind of electronic device. I gently set the box down before opening the top. Sitting inside some tissue paper is a baby blue polaroid camera and some polaroid papers. "Tim," I whisper, taking the camera out of the box. "I love it!" I say, holding up the camera and putting Tim in the frame.
     "I'm glad you do. I know you've been talking about wanting to get into photographing so I figured this would be a nice start," Timothy says, smiling at me.
     "Are you guys ready for breakfast?" Alfred asks, walking through the kitchen door with his little breakfast cart packed full of my favorite foods.
     "Finally!" Diamina cheers, getting a small smile from everyone at the table.
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quranjournals · 2 months
Dear ukhti,
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📌reminder: do not let a man deceive you..
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faithful-diaries · 3 months
Assalamu alaykoum sister. I hope you are good alhamdulilah, i am a 20 year old sister. I did put my hijab in 2019 when iwas 15, i had a bad past but 2 years ago i came to the right path alhamdulilah. I have t4ouble overthinking about my past, if maybe some pics ( very sinful pics) got leaked or something. I repented to Allah subhana wa taala so much, i started praying again and reminding myself with my akhirah. But i overthink so so much that maybe something got leaked and 4 years later i may havent found and iam living here peacefully while i may have been gaining sins and maybe my parents find out. 2 years ago when i started my deen journey again i didnt even remember. This days i have cried a lot and i do remember quite a few details about what happened when i sinned and i dont quite remember if that person had screnshoted those pics or anything. I am so scared that my sins may come to light or its just my mind giving me a hard time while overthinking. I am fully making duaa and crying in my prayer mat and i wanna calm myself but i dont know how. Any tips or duaa so i can have a relief and ask Allah for forgiveness and to cover my sins if they have been leaked online? Howncan i improve? Jazakallahu khair ukhti.
Walaikum assalam my dear sister 🤍
Jazakallahu khair, I am good
I will also turn 20 this year🤝
Reading this, I remembered how my best friend went through this same thing earlier this year and how she used to be so low about it, her mind was occupied by the whisperings of shaytaan like yours is now,
But wallahi trust me when I tell you this that a person who returns to Allah with sins that reach up the sky but with a sincere heart, Allah swt accepts them and turns their sins into good deeds, just imagine Subhan Allah
You needs to know that ALLAH never abandons His friends nor does He ever let them get crushed by this duniya.
Just never stop asking for his forgiveness, yk there’s this word in arabic “Raja’a” that in English is translated as "hope" but the meaning of this word is - "to return" so being hopeful is to return to your Rabb. No matter what happens in this Duniya just make sure that your mind stays firm on the struggle for jannah and to never despair of His mercy.
We can’t forget what happened in the past but we can use it as a motivation to do better for our akhirah.
But we can’t waste our time overthinking about something that we don’t have any control over right, imagine this thing you are overthinking so much about, if you have truly repented from this, know that Allah swt has changed it into a good deed. How reassuring is that!
So don’t fall in the traps of shaytaan, He very well knows a person’s weaknesses and he triggers those emotions that can make a person fall into hopelessness and despair.
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Here are some beautiful and beneficial duas that will help you in sha Allah,
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This is called Sayyid al-Istighfar (the best way to ask for Allah’s forgiveness)
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I will also recommend you to watch this series called “change of hearts” by Ali hammuda and especially this episode where he talks about Tawakkul (Reliance upon Allah swt)
May this finds you in the best of health and Imaan🫶🏻🤍
Fi Amanillah ukhti🌷
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flowersofjannah · 1 year
@anon 13
Wa 'alaykum assalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. I'm happy to see you messaged sister, I've missed you. I apologize for my late response.
Alhumdulilah married life is going well, it's been a drastic change from my previous lifestyle which can be a little hard at times but alhumdulilah it's nice
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. May Allah grant him firdaus and protect him from pain. May his grave be spacious, comfortable, and luminous for him. May Allah bestow His mercy upon your father and forgive him. May you be reunited with him in jannah where there will be no separation, allahumma ameen.
I can't imagine the pain my love. May Allah grant you the sabr needed for this and make things easier, ameen. You have spoken the truth ukhty. Allah is always with us and He has entwined mercy, love, and wisdom in our affairs. You can be a sadaqah jaariya for your father. May Allah strengthen your heart and imaan, ameen. In sha Allah your father is in a far more beautiful place. It is us who are left behind who cry but the righteous who have passed are in peace. Ameen to your duas my dear ukhty.
Please take care of yourself, your health sis. Feel free to message me if you need to. Sending all my love, care, and duas to you.
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susukotakfullcream · 1 year
Dari banyaknya ketemu temen temen
Pas sampe rumah nangis kaya ngerasa ada feeling apakah saya akan meninggalkan mereka selama lamanya lebih cepat? Ngerasa aja gitu Allah ngasih baik bgt pertemuan ke ukhti ukhti shalihah. Sayanya banyak dapet hikmah kaya seakan Allah bilang “manfaatkan pertemuan buat hal baik. Takutnya kamu lebih cepat berpulang selamanya dari mereka”
Makanya tiap pertemuan diupayakan nyimak, ambil intisari obrolannya buat jadi pelajaran hidup
Masih berdoa semoga tiap pertemuan dengan saya engga ada tindakan mengarah ke perbuatan buruk.
Dear tumblr, jika saya yg akhirnya berpulang duluan. Jaga dan lindungi keluarga saya, temen temen shalih shalihah saya selama bertemu dengannya. Baik pertemuan offline maupun online🙏🏻
Takut bgt belum punya bekal tapi ditakdirkan Allah panggil duluan😭
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st4rg1rl-1nterlude · 1 year
Subhanallah!! I just ran into your blog and it really perfectly aligns with how I make dua, and how that ties into loa. Personally, that hadith you just posted is something I think of a lot, and it really makes me feel near and dear to Allah swt.
I think that the term 'living in the end' is essentially thinking and believing that Allah swt will deliver, and answer your dua's or 'manifestations' !!
Thank you for spreading what you know !! May Allah reward you, ukhti <33
i teared up reading this, im so glad i’ve been able to connect to someone that way and make such an impact alhamdulillah, thank you for this opportunity!
i love that thought process about living in the end, im trying to incorporate that more into my daily life as that’s how the quran tells us to view Allah SWT and to have sure faith in him, i hope we both succeed in this process!!
thank you for reaching out 🫶🏽 i truly appreciate it and feel so honored. may Allah grant our duas and reward us inshallah, thank you sister
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syrfhzmzri · 1 year
Ba'da yasinan, 23 ramadhan 1444 H
Dear ukhti hafidzah
Aku dulu sempat cemburu kepadamu, kamu hafidzah 30juz, kamu ber sahabatan dengan mas Arr, kamu tetap cantik dengan pashmina dan celana kulotmu, kau berwajah putih menawan. Pandai bernyanyi maupun bermain piano. Keluargamu yang terlihat adem ayem dan supportif...
Tapi sekarang, kau buka hijabmu. Kau pamerkan mahkotamu, sungguh aku kaget bukan kepalang, aku menjadi takut, sangat amat sangat takut. Kau bisa mudah membuka hijab, padahal amat banyak surat CintaNya yg sudah kau hafal, sedangkan aku juz 30 pun tersedat sedat, tilawah seperti anak paud, solat bolong... Apakah nantinya hidayah ini tetap melekat padaku sampai akhir hayat umurku di dunia? Apakah aku akan tetap istiqomah untuk menahan apa apa yang harus ditahan....
Ya Rabb, Alhamdulillah, terimakasih telah meletakkan iman sekecil biji zarrah kepadaku, terimakasih untuk tetap menyadarkanku apa yang salah dan yang benar.
Aku makin yakin, rezeki tidak hanya berbentuk materi, bisa jadi Hidayah dariMu lah rezeki terbesar yang kudapatkan
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rainilamsari · 6 months
Ramadanans #7 | Nikmat yang Sering Kita Lupa
apa hayo? ya waktu luang, betul. ini bener-bener sesering itu kita lupa, kita alpa, kita ga syukuri dan biarkan dia berlalu begitu aja.
kali ini insight saya dapat dari seorang kawan lama, kawan sekolah saya sewaktu SMA. eh, kawan SMP juga nggak sih, ya? lupak, hahaha 🤣
bermula dari chit-chat iseng merespon story-nya, berlanjut ke nawarin ziswaf, berlanjut ke ngajakin i’tikaf. ga berharap direspon gimana-gimana, tapi kita jadi ngobrol kemana-mana.
waktu ia sampaikan kendalanya, rasanya sangat bisa dimaklumi seluruh dunia, betapa sibuknya sosok ibu dengan anak toddler yah 😅
kemudian untuk menyemangatinya, qadarullah dibuat ingat sama igs seorang kawan yang mengutip perkataan asatidz yang begitu menenangkan kaum buibu, karena saya lupa, jadi intisarinya ajalah ya,
katanya, dear ibu2, kalau kita gabisa tahajjud, sholat malam, itikaf, karena harus jagain anak, ganti popok, nyusuin, ngelonin, itu gapapa banget. insyaallah itulah tahajjudnya ibu2..
kemudian direspon dengan sangat nganu di hati saya 😅 ketabok-tabok dah.
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akutu sebagai joms jadi merasa…., waktumu yang banyak itu heei udah kau pakai apa saja Ramadan satu empat empat lima ini, ukhti? kamu masih bisa kesana kemari sendiri, timbang izin orangtua, asal ngabarin, pasti dibolehin. kagada kendalanya pisan, pan? 🥹
apakah kurang challenging hidupmu saat ini, Lam?
waktu luang itu tricky, yah, ga selalu dalam artian lagi ga ada kerjaan, ga ada kewajiban. tapi, kalau dibandingkan demikian misalnya, kondisiku dan situasi kawanku, bukankah artinya ada perbedaan keluangan di antara kami?
sehingga mungkin kuncinya, ke hestek favorit saya, #lakukansajayangterbaik pada setiap momen dan kesempatan yang ada. ga perlu nunggu sempurna, nggak perlu nunggu sempat, nggak perlu nunggu tepat. #lakukansajayangterbaik saat itu juga. feel our present. maka insyaallah #berkahberlimpah.
hah. ngetiknya gampang-gampang susah. prakteknya kita sama-sama tahulah 😆 bismillah dulu aja udah.
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putrilisya5 · 5 years
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Mahasiswi Baru     
Di usianya yang sudah lanjut, LASTRI (Widyawati) ingin sekali kuliah di perguruan tinggi. Saat menjadi mahasiswi baru, Lastri bersahabat dengan DANNY (Morgan Oey), SARAH (Mikha Tambayong), ERFAN (Umay Shahab) dan REVA (Sonia Alyssa). Mereka pun membentuk sebuah geng. Geng Lastri sering membuat kehebohan di kampus dan menimbulkan kericuhan hingga anak Lastri, ANNA (Karina Suwandi), pusing menghadapi ibunya yang ikut-ikutan bandel seperti pulang larut malam dan sering keluyuran. Anna jadi sering memarahi tingkah laku Lastri seolah memarahi anaknya sendiri.
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storiesofthesahabah · 2 years
Do you know that?
Or shall I remind you of that honor?
Ukhty, O my dear sister in Islam, you are an honor that was given by Allah to your husband. You are not just a mere wife or one of his wives. You, yourself is a gift, a blessing - an honor. 
Let me tell you a story of a woman who showcased such great care of taking care of herself because she knew that she is her husband’s honor.
Her name was Asma Bint Abu Bakr Radiyallahu Anha, she is a famous sahabiyah (female companion of the Prophet ﷺ) and she also was blessed with great connection with the family of the Prophet ﷺ. Her sister was the Prophet’s ﷺ wife, Aisha Radiyallahu Anha, and she was the wife of the Prophet’s ﷺ cousin - Zubair Ibn Al Awwam Radiyallahu Anhu.
One day, Asma Bint Abu Bakr Radiyallahu Anha was returning to Madinah from its suburbs while carrying some date stones over her head. The Prophet ﷺ passed by her on a camel.
When the Prophet ﷺ saw this, he ﷺ said to the camel driver, “Stop, stop, let us pick up Asma.” The Prophet ﷺ invited her to sit on the camel. She replied, “I kept in mind the honor of my husband Zubair and excused myself from riding the camel.”
One may ask, why would someone refuse a ride with the Prophet ﷺ, right? Asma’s  Radiyallahu Anha refusal to do so just shows you that she has both respect and obedience to her husband, not only for his honor but also for his feelings - just how a Muslim woman is supposed to have.
Indeed, we are living in a world where temptations amongst opposite genders are rising like boiling water. It’s here and there. No one is safe except those who keep lowering their gazes and those who honor the rights of their spouses and the rights of Allah over them.
My dear sister in Islam, let me ask you a few things:
- Whenever you are on these social media platforms and a brother messages you out of the blue - do you remember your husband’s honor?
Do not reply, rather direct the brother to your husband or better yet, show the message to your husband and let him reply to the brother. It’s not overacting, it’s called being a wife.
- Whenever you are in a doubt on something or you are facing a dilemma regarding “simple” matters of deen and you are advised to ask a scholar wherein you are put in a situation where a male scholar can be “easily” asked - do you remember your husband’s honor?
A lot of the women take advantage of their situations to go forth and approach “famous” scholars/speakers online leading them into getting into idle talks with such. This is not something new - this has happened to many already for there is a trend of celebrity scholars/speakers in our midst. So, if there is a dire need and the issue does not concern you and the husband - why can’t you ask your husband to ask for you - why is there a need for you to be the one to speak and can’t we find female scholars to answer that?
My dear sisters, a lot of the female scholars of Islam have emerged but indeed we don’t readily find them online like the male ones, so you have to make that little effort of asking and looking for them.
Just look at Asma Radiyallahu Anha, it was the Prophet ﷺ himself who offered him and the Prophet ﷺ is someone of high status and no scholar can match him yet this didn’t lure Asma rather it made her remember her husband even more. Also, realize that the Prophet ﷺ isn’t like any man who had lust and desire towards Asma unlike nowadays, almost all men are filled with it.
- Whenever you travel or go to the mall where you are exposed to all these prying eyes of men - do you remember your husband’s honor?
Empowered women are not women who travel alone, when there is fitnah everywhere, empowered women are women who honor their chastity by covering themselves up to the point that even their fingertips shall be unseen out of their fear of Allah that they might tempt others into fitnah as well as covering what is needed to be covered in honor of  what Allah has commanded them and for their husbands.
Indeed, empowered women are such women who know their honor.
Ukhty, my beloved sister, you have to know that you are your husband’s honor.
Truly, in these trying times - it is easy to fall into the traps of Shaytaan - especially traps that are concerning the opposite gender. Protect yourself by remember who you are - you are a Muslim - you are a sister of a brother, a daughter of a father and you are bound (if not yet) a wife to a husband and a mother to a son.
You do not need titles of “Ms. Universe or Ms. World” to tell the world that you are of something because being a Muslim by itself is such a great blessing also and adding up the honor of being a wife to a husband who fears Allah - no worldly title can reach that.
You are his honor, always remember that.
May Allah protect the marriages of all the Muslim women and men, rekindle the hearts of those who grew apart to find that spark within them to make a failing marriage work again and may Allah bless every believing men and women the gift of nikkah.
Story was taken from:
• Sahih Al Bukhari 5224
• Sahih Muslim 2182
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mindofserenity · 3 years
Can I please be your friend? I know its strange but I feel like befriending you ukhti. All my friends are not considerate or much caring. I am in dire need of friends who can be there for me and support me and I could do the same to them.
I am a female btw. Assalaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
My messages are always open to anyone, particularly to my sisters. There doesn't have to be a formal salutation, I will speak to you as if I had known you for years.
You are more than welcome to reach out ‎if you need a friend my dear, may Allah grant us the blessing to be with good companions آمین
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sabaryangindah · 2 years
Dear ukhti fillaah..
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sisterssafespace · 3 years
Salaam ukhti, I do not know what to do. I’ve been talking to a guy for a while now. My mother knows about him she’s happy for us to be wed. Alhamdulilah
So, this guy & I are from different cultures. I’m african he’s indian & I have no problem with that. In terms of his deen he’s perfect for me. The last step was for him to meet my father; I spoke to my father before they met told him he’s asian not african. He seemed completely okay with it at the time. Anyway, on the day he rang him and he hung up to call me. He said a lot of negative things I won’t repeat.
But, my issue is that he didn’t even try to meet him because of his ethnicity? The worse part is I have a strained relationship with him already (we don’t live together). So, the fact he couldn’t even meet a prospective guy for me his daughter his youngest child makes it worse.
Ever since then, we haven’t been speaking and he’s being really rude to me. Constantly making sly remarks about me because he asked what I did. I was angry because he knows he put me in a horrible situation. Since I had to go back to the guy to tell him my father couldn’t come because of an ‘emergency’.
My mother came up with the solution of her older brother going to meet the guy instead. To be honest, I understand why because my uncle speaks better english so they can communicate which I’m grateful for. But, it’s upsetting knowing my dad didn’t even try and I do not know if my uncle can even mehr me if my dad doesn’t say yes.
- ☁️
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu dear sister, I hope you are feeling better by the time you are reading this.
Let me start by saying that your ask hit a not close to home for I can relate on some points. Allahu al'mustaān.
Now, before getting into the story, let me just answer your last question about whether your uncle (brother to your mom) could marry you, if your father doesn't cooperate. Well, I know I clarified in the bio and the opening post that this page doesn't give fatwahs but this is not a fatwah as the fatwah is already there and all over the internet , and it's ' common knowledge ' unfortunately no, the brother of the mother doesn't have the authority to marry the girl off in Islam. In fact, there is a sequence or list of ' wali-s ' who can marry her and in case the father wasn't capable of doing that, then it is the paternal grandfather, then the brother, then the half brother (from her father's side), then her father's brother, then her father's half-brother, then her paternal cousin (son of her father's brother), then son of her father's half-brother, then in case all of them are not available or they don't agree, then it's taken up to the Judge. See, there is no family member from the mother's side in that lineage. Just to be clear.
However, we should consider alllllll the other options that you have before thinking of the worst case scenario, sis. Because even if your father wasn't the greatest man and you don't have the strongest relationship with him, you don't want to start this important chapter of your life on the wrong foot, by upsetting him more, or ruining your chances to fix things with him. It will only complicate the situation more. And keep in mind: it is not permissible to get married without a wali, as prophet Muhammad ﷺ said : There is no marriage without the permission of a guardian.
Now let's see what we are dealing with, I don't know the reasons why your father is having this position - but one can only imagine.. However, Islam is innocent from all these ideologies, interracial and mixed marriage were never a problem in Islam and Allah swt and his Prophet ﷺ never forbid nor advised against marrying someone from a different ethnicity. In fact, the Prophet ﷺ said : "When someone whose religion and character you are pleased with proposes to (someone under the care) of one of you, then marry to him. If you do not do so, then there will be turmoil (Fitnah) in the land and abounding discord (Fasad)."
So, if the only reason why your father is not approving of this marriage is that the potential partner is from a different ethnicity, then your father is in the wrong and he will be accountable on his part. But there isn't much you can do without his approval. So what can you do instead? Is there any uncles from your father's side? A grandfather? An authoritarian family member? Or your local Imam or someone that your father actually values and listens to that you can actually talk to? To convince him to at least give the man a chance? And yes your uncle from your mother's side could talk to the guy and get to know him and maybe then he could tell your father about his qualities and how he is in shaa Allah a perfect fit for you, but again, he can't marry you off.
Now, I am sharing with you the feedback of a sister who is Alhamdulillah in a mixed marriage, she has been thru your experience and is now Alhamdulillah happily married, may Allah bless her and her family : "I understand her pain. They're judging him before even meeting him.. I don't know if there's much she can do tho. I think it's most likely that her father needs time to get used to the idea. He didn't expect her to marry out of the culture, that's a hard pill to slick for a lot of elder people. The advice I can give is to give it time and pray for it. Intercultural relationships is almost normal for our generation but it isn't for the generations before us. We have to keep that in consideration.
Also, if her uncle gets to meet the guy, maybe he can tell her father how great he is especially when it comes to deen. And her mother knows her father the best, she can eventually also speak in on his mindset and make him see that he's wrong to judge someone he hasn't even met.
I pray that her father 'wakes up' and realizes that culture doesn't matter. The only thing that will bring them to jannah, is their deen, and alhamdulillah he's perfect for her deen-wise. May Allah ease their affairs and bring them together in marriage. ❤️"
I will finish with this meaningful insight from islamqa.org "While family members may think they are acting in the best interest of their children, there are many cases in which the refusal of parents is based on incorrect presumptions and understandings that stem from their own, distinct experiences and contexts that their children may not necessarily share.
In such cases, if someone does believe they have genuinely found someone suitable for marriage, whether from a different race/culture or not, and their parents still prove to be difficult, they should try to convince them with wisdom and tact, and take all appropriate means to make them see the merits of the decision.
Parents certainly have a right to be concerned about the future of their children, but since it is not the parents entering into the marriage, children also need to make sure they are not being forced into decisions that will adversely effect them in the future."
And most importantly (from the same source) "You should know that marriages are destined by Allah, All-Wise. So if this marriage is facilitated for you, then it will happen, and if not, then it won’t. And in either case, there is wisdom behind this that you are not aware of, so you should pray salat al-istikharah for ease in this matter if it should be good for you. It is best that you take the path of benevolence and kindness in these kinds of issues and don’t rush things lest you aggravate the problems."
To conclude, my dear sister, I KNOW that when we are inn love/ or when we start getting attached to someone, we let our imagination run wild, we build hopes and dreams involving them, we want to be with them asap and we let ourselves get carried away, I know for a fact that you'd want to rush things and just get married to this guy and get it over with, I feel you, I relate to you, I understand you perfectly. But sometimes that's not how life works for a) there's Allah's timing for everything and b) there's Allah's plan for us. We think we are choosing and we think we are planning but it's just an illusion, at the end of the day it's only Allah's plan that works. That's why I pray that your choice matches what Allah swt has already chosen for you, and your plan confirms with Allah's plan for you. Please please please pray Istikhara times and times and times again, tell your guy to pray Istikhara as well, and sis, duāa is your only way out of this. Try to pray Tahajjud (night prayer) if you can, I heard a saying a while ago that anyone who has any need from Allah swt should never miss a Tahajjud prayer. In the quiet of the last third of the night, when everyone else is sleeping, just you and your broken words and you crying heart sincerely and humbling asking for Allah's help and guidance. It works miracles ✨
In shaa Allah kheir my dear, may Allah swt guide you, and bring what's kheir for you closer, and grant you what your heart is wishing for. May Allah swt have mercy on your heart and not allow it to be broken over this matter. Ameen. 🤍
- A. Z. 🍃
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flowersofjannah · 3 years
Assalamualaikum. Hope you’re doing well.
I needed a little help. Hope I don’t sound awkward.
There’s this guy i’ve been talking to since August 2020. In September, I asked Allah to give me a sign if He thinks this guy is good for me. For this, I opened the Quran randomly and the first ayah which caught my eye was “and among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.”
Do you think it was really Allah giving me a sign or should I just dismiss it as a mere coincidence?
Also, I’ve stopped talking to him. I don’t know what Allah wants me to do :(
Wa 'alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
alhumdulilah, jazakillah khayr for asking. Hope you are well yourself in sha Allah <3
My dear ukhty, that is not the authentic way of istikhara. It has no basis in islam to do istikhara in that way and it is a bid'ah. Therefore, that answer was invalid.
The way to do istikhara is pray 2 rakaat and to recite the dua for istikhara.
Here you can find the dua for istikhara: https://www.islamicfinder.org/duas/masnoon/for-istikhara/
At -هَذَا الْأَمْرَ is where you need to mention the need (read the translation in the link to see what I mean)
do istikhara and do what you think is the better route. If Allah facilitates it for you, makes it easy for you, then His answer was positive. If you find difficulties, externally and internally, then His answer was negative. You can do istikhara multiple times as well.
May Allah grant you clarity and make it easy for you. May He bless you with a righteous spouse, ameen ya rabb <3
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slythereeen · 4 years
Jangan-Jangan Selama Ini Kita Oversharing
“Beginian doang di post? Begituan doang di post? Ya emang kenapa, akun-akun aku, aku nge post apa yang aku sukai, bukan yang kamu sukai. Stop lah ngurusin hidup orang lain, mau ngepost apapun itu terserah aku asal gak ngerugiin dan menyakiti orang lain ya sah sah saja”, - Screen shot akun twitter [at]indrawhan 
Kayaknya ini relate banget kasus yang lagi hits ya, yang kasus posting terus ke-uwu-an setelah nikah (namanya juga lagi bahagia) yang awalnya banyak yang respect tapi kesini-kesini banyak yang julid. Kita bahas tentang ini deh, tentang oversharing. Next yaw
Liat postingan pertama dinda nikah sama rey banyak yang saya congrats tapi semakin banyak postingan ke uwu-anya. Top komennya julid, bilang norak, sama nanya “ileran gak semalem”. Ko bisa apa ini kedengkian orang yang gak suka liat kebahagiaan dinda & rey atau dia yang terlalu oversharing (karena saking bahagianya). Make your choice! - Survey sederhana saya di IG buat ngeliat berapa persentase yang milih “paling julid aja” sama “oversharing”
Besoknya saya langsung cek dan nemuin data yang cukup menarik dari hasil survey singkatnya. Tapi anyway, ini gak pake metode penelitian apapun gitu yah haha. Cuman buat survey iseng, jadi belum tentu valid. Tapi kita bahas aja hasilnya yaw
Kalimat diatas cocok banget ngewakilin tim yang ini haha. Dari semua responden, yang milih "paling julid aja" itu ada sekitar 38% dimana isinya di dominasi sama jomblo cewek yang belum nikah sekitar 94%. Tapi ada juga cowok yang udah nikah nge-vote ini. Buat mereka, apa yang dilakuin sama pasangan kemarin itu normal, engga kaya kalian hey yang iri!!! HHHH
"Kami gak iri, tapi posting terus-terusan itu norak!", kalimat ini ngewakilin banget tim ini kayaknya haha. Ada sekitar 63% yang milih "oversharing" (gils banyak juga yah haha). Sekitar 93% yang ngisi ini cewek yang bilang oversharing, tapi ada juga cowok yang bilang kalau itu udah oversharing. Terus selain itu, ada juga 67% cewek yang udah nikah bilang kalau itu oversharing (kirain yang udah nikah bakal pada diem karena pernah ada di state itu haha)
Sebenernya bener apa yang dibilang di opening, there's nothing wrong with that. Yang punya akun mereka, kenapa anda yang gak suka hey! haha terus kemarin saya dikirimin artikel yang isinya ceramah dari Ustadz Arifin Ilham tentang "Update status di medsos, mereka yang riya atau kita yang dengki". Langsung saya kaget haha. Katanya kita gak perlu dengki karena kita gak tau niat si yang update status . . .
But, ada juga reply yang menarik. Gini isinya "Menurut saya, Terkadang ada hal yang hanya cukup dirasakan, bukan disebarkan. Harus bisa membedakan mana yang harus disimpan dan mana yang bisa di share. Ranah pribadi vs ranah publik". Ini logis juga sih alasannya. Ada juga yang lain, "Sebenernya daripada micu orang buat jadi ga suka mending di keep aja soalnya dia entar jatuhnya over sharing. Terlalu berlebihan Juga malah gak bagus"
Setelah dapet reply reply ini, saya jadi bingung. Saya harus jadi tim yang iri bilang boss atau tim norak norak haha. Soalnya pandangan dua-duanya make sense.Nah biar gak bingung, sebenernya apa sih itu oversharing, kenapa kita overshare, sama tanda-tanda nya sampe tipe-tipe nya (ada loh). Here we go
"Sharing is caring. Oversharing can be careless", - Sue Scheff
Pas kita kenal sama dunia online, sejauh mana kita nerapin batasan? Kalau kamu pengguna banyak medsos, kaya: IG, FB (ada yang masih main ini kah haha), twitter, Tiktok, sampe Bigolive (hey! haha), mungkin jawabannya engga ada. Search aja nama lengkap kamu udah langsung muncul di internet sampe foto-foto zaman kamu masih belum kenal skin care pun mungkin ada di internet. Tapi yang kadang orang gak sadar itu, secara gak sengaja pas kita share apapun, kita menaruh informasi disana, dan yang lebih seremnya ia hidup online selamanya (langsung cek foto-foto browser haha). Sebenernya bisa sih di hapus, tapi bagusnya kita bijak nempatin semuanya secara online. Iya ga?
Emang oversharing itu apa? suatu kondisi dimana kita share apapun yang ada di hidup kita, dimana kita udah gak bisa rasional lagi ngebedain mana yang privacy mana yang engga, kaya apapun di share, screen shot ke-uwu-an di share, makan pagi-siang-sore di share, sampe persiapan malam pertama aja di share (untung gak ada yang reply minta link!) haha. Yang awalnya keliatan menarik, tapi karena terlalu oversharing akhirnya jadi cringe kaya tulisan saya misalnya hiks
Mereka yang oversharing bukan gak tau gimana cara nge keep privacy, tapi mereka emang milih buat gak nge keep privacy. Istilahnya itu "the online disinhibition effect". Kalau kata Mba Jennifer Golbeck Ph. D. (Professor at The University of Maryland), ada enam alasan kenapa orang ngelakuin oversharing ini. Here we go
kadang ada orang yang pake akun yang gak sesuai sama nama asli, kaya saya gitu yang diganti jadi slythereeen haha. Ini disini kayaknya nama penanya unik-unik ya. Karena pake username yang gak sesuai nama asli, mereka mulai memisahkan persona online sama offline-nya
karena online which means ga ketemu face to face sama orang lain, orang bakal ngerasa lebih secure. Walaupun identitas aslinya dikenal, it can be easier to say things from behind a keyboard when the other person aren't lookin at the poster. Kaya kalau di facebook itu suka ada yang nge share artikel apa gitu, terus di bilang "yang, baca ini nih menarik". Itu di share di publik hey! kenapa engga kamu kirim link nya ke WA suaminya langsung (Oh mungkin WA nya lagi di blok suami haha. Duh julid kan)
Online conversation kan gak bener-bener terjadi real time ya, kaya kamu yang selalu fast respond sedangkan doi baru bales 5 jam setelahnya. Terus kamu dendam "aku akan bales chat ini 50 detik lebih lama dari waktu chat masuk" mau bales dendam tapi kamu tipe yang gak tegaan haha. Positive thinking aja, berarti hubungan kalian dewasa. Lebih mending itu kebanding ceklis biru selamanya mah. Nah gagara ada delay ini, orang bisa share something personal soalnya setelah post, kita bisa tinggalin. We can take some time before responding
isyarat gak ada di online chat, kita gak denger ekspresi orang sama body languagenya. Sebaliknya, kita baca post tersebut denga suara kita. Ini kaya chat-an sama yang gak pake emot apalagi haha hehe. Kita jadi suka berprasangka sendiri. Ini lagi marah atau lagi bercanda atau apa. Ini udah dibahas di IG saya (bukan promo IG ya ini haha), gak perlu di follow. mampir aja buat higlight yang judulnya “emoji”
internet itu kaya tempat yang terpisah sama kehidupan nyata, banyak karakternya (tapi bukan orang-orang asli). kalau kita ngerasa kita gak lagi interaksi di suatu tempat yang real dimana ada implikasi dari share-an kita, it can lead us to drop inhibitions about what we share
Kalau kita ngomong sama otoritas secara offline, kita mungkin bakal bijak dan milih mau apa yang di omongin, sama mana yang gak perlu. kaya kalau ketemu boss di kerja misalkan, kita bakal lebih banyak nge keep private lives (eh ternyata boss nya follow IG kamu dan suka liatin story kalau kamu suka nge ghibahin bos haha. Dipecat Jalur Undangan ini namanya).  kalau online? tidak ada. yang ngasih batasan diri kamu sendiri. If a person does not see the authority in others, they may lose inhibitions about what they share
Itu tadi alesan kenapa orang oversharing di social media. Terus nanya, saya tipe yang oversharing ga ya selama ini? Nah college times ngasih tau kita ada 10 tipe oversharers di social media. Here we go
1. The Sympathy Seeker
Biasanya ini jadi korban para fakboi, kamu lagi berantem sama doi, atau kamu lagi sakit hati gegara diputusin. Terus karena lagi gak rasional, kamu posting rasa sakit hati itu. Weeh ini mah mangsa para krokodile, siap-siap aja di DM "ukhti, sepertinya sedang sakit hati. Ada apa kah?" atau "sini sini cerita, ada masalah apa. emang dia mah gitu orangnya". Pokoknya rule-nya, sesakit hati apapun, jangan pernah post itu di medsos. It doesn't solve your problem at all yaw!
2. The Selfie Queen
Ini yang sebanyak mungkin posting foto-foto selfie nya. Awalnya mungkin kita seneng liatnya, apalagi glowing. Tapi lama kelamaan, ko ini orang kenapa upload terus gitu haha, semua challenge ada fotonya pokoknya challenge until tomorrow, foto deket kulkas, foto belakang background koran, sampe foto yang khas banget itu foto OOTD di kamar mandi. Saya masih gak paham sih ini kenapa banyak cewek suka gitu haha no offense. Too many of these and it can come across like you're a bit self-absorbed and you'll just push people away.
3. The Serial Tagger
Ini bukan serial killer ya, tapi serial tagger. Maksudnya? kamu suka banget nge tag temen kamu di post karena ngerasa relevan sama mereka? masih mending yang di tag nya itu foto yang dia juga lagi bagus, ini yang komuk. biasanya auto hide from profile atau remove me from post haha. Kalau kamu udah keseringan tag mereka, you're kind of oversharers. Jadi mending jangan tag sampe mereka minta "Tag dong"
4. The Profile Changer
Ini yang ganti-ganti mulu foto profilnya (ini saya beud di FB haha). Hampir tiap waktu ganti-ganti terus. ada yang bagus dikit, ganti, bagus dikit ganti. Langsung otw ke FB buat hapus-hapusin foto profil kayaknya nih
5. The Dear Diary
kamu tipe yang suka posting apa apa yang menarik? keliatan biasanya di facebook kalau zaman dulu, tapi kalau sekarang mah story IG gitu yah. yang IG nya itu titik-titik panjang gitu (kaya story saya biasanya HHH). Pengennya story aja apapun itu, story makanan, story jalan, sampe story orang lagi pacaran gitu jail haha. Kalau ada yang menarik, mending ditulisin di tumblr misalnya
6. The Constagramar
Kamu tipe yang terus posting foto yang di filter di IG? kamu terus nge feed followers kamu dengan foto-foto item putih kaya foto starbucks latte hitam putih. Sebenernya itu bagus apalagi kalau tema IG kamu. tapi next time, mending nikmati minumannya aja langsung tanpa harus posting itu
7. The Rent-A-Cause
Ini tipe yang ada apa apa ikut komentar, terus ngasih tanggepan apalagi isu isu terkini (terus mikir semakin kontroversial semakin rame) kaya isu ini misalnya haha. Please stop, kita tau kalau tipe ini pengen di denger tapi percaya deh pas  lagi share pendapatnya itu gak ngebuat tipe ini lebih menarik sama sekali. Yang ada makin kzl gitu ya, apalagi kalau dah urusan politik duh sering beud terus ngehujat sini situ. Ada baiknya gak harus selalu ikut berkomentar (apalagi online), a little mystery can go a long way
8. The Snapchatter
Saya skip bahasan ini deh, soalnya saya gak pake snapchat jadi gak paham hiks
9. The Family Poster
Ini opini pribadi penulisnya sebenernya, bisa setuju atau engga. Kamu tipe yang suka upload terus keluarga kamu? anak, pasangan kamu, atau saudara kamu? nah ini tipe yang terus upload-upload an terus foto mereka. Sebenernya bagus sih kalau akhirnya kaya bu Retno Hening atau Baby Moonela misalkan. Tapi kadang emang sih yang sedih kalau udah upload yang kehamilan misalnya, terus upload progress di IG, at the same time mungkin followers nya ada yang lagi berjuang buat hamil kan, pasti sedih ngeliat itu
10. Mr Popular
Temen FB atau followers kamu ribuan? kemungkinan kamu gak kenal sama mereka tapi kamu suka dengan mereka soalnya ngebuat kamu diakui sebagai orang popular. Don't get me wrong, medsos bisa jadi bagus kalau dipake bijaksana, tapi bakal jadi ngeganggu kalau disalahgunakan buat nyari perhatian. Kadang saya suka liat komentar bocil-bocil mesum di post IG orang, mereka suka komen "tocil" atau apalah yang sexual harrasment. Saya kadang nanya, gak insecure apa ya liat komentar kaya begitu. Dah lah
Disclaimer: Eh btw, saya gak tau ya apa tipe-tipe ini dianggap oversharers kalau di kita atau engga. Soalnya saya dapet artikelnya dari barat yang jelas-jelas beda culturenya. Malah pengalaman selama ngegembel di luar, hampir setiap backpackers bule yang saya temui gak pada pake IG biasanya (katanya biar lebih enjoying real life)
Maaf tulisan kali ini panjang banget, semoga setelah ini kita bisa lebih evaluasi diri lagi, lebih bijak lagi di medsos. Pilihan Iri Bilang Boss atau Norak Norak saya kembalikan ke temen-temen. Tapi ada satu hal yang perlu di noted, usahain kita gak ninggalin komentar jahat apapun. kalau kamu baca-baca komentar yang ada di post Dinda, ada komentar: jangan kebanyakan di post entar kalau cerai bakal sakit banget. Ini parah sih komentar jahat banget
Inget kata Mark Manson di buku The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck, kita cuman punya dua tangan. Kita gak bisa menutup mulut orang-orang. yang kita bisa itu menutup telinga kita. Nah kalau kata saya mah, kita gak bisa menghentikan tangan orang-orang buat gak komen, yang bisa kita lakuin menggunakan kedua tangan itu lebih bijak dalam share apapun di media sosial. Dah ah gitu aja, tetep rasional and thanks for having a beautiful mind
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