#death mountain stuff just got me all confused!!!
tealfruit · 1 year
totk has flaws like any game but tbh it has easily met and perhaps exceeded my expectations. BOTW was like my fav game ever but totk is EXCELLENT and has so much more to do in it too
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hi hiii !! I luv your work sm !! I was wondering if i could request something like the cullens with a very sweet/gentle look about them, (pastels, like coquette) but they love heavy metal, horror, they collect odd things like bones and such ! I love the way you write and all your work so far !! <3
The Cullens with a Reader who has an opposite aesthetic
Thank you so much for the kind words!
I was having so much trouble trying to come up with a title for this btw
And I definitely understand this one. My car is completely decorated with pink cutesy stuff and then I blast mcr so
Anyway thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He got whiplash the very first time he saw you
He could hear the music playing through your headphones, but he did not think it was coming from you
He thought he must have been going crazy or something
But he loves it
Blah blah insert something very deep and philosophical about you two being very similar
He thinks of himself as two very different things
The one that people see, the beautiful man
And then the monster he is on the inside
So he feels like you two are one in the same
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She absolutely loves it
She loves anything to do with fashion in the first place
And she thinks it’s so fun that you’re such a polar opposite on the inside
It always amuses her whenever she asks you what you’re listening to and you give her an earbud
Only for it to be like death metal
She enables this btw
Anytime she sees something cutesy she buys it for you
And if she sees any bones she gives them to you too
“Hold on Jasper there’s a deer skull over there, I need to get it for my partner”
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He would love you the same if you wore a trash bag
He doesn’t particularly care
He’s not really too “hip” with subcultures to know that bright pink and screamo music don’t really go together
So he doesn’t really see anything odd with it
As for collecting weird stuff like bones and various horror paraphernalia, he’s a little confused
Like what do you mean you want his scraps after he’s done hunting?
But he’ll do it anyway
He always makes sure to clean off a piece of whatever he ate that day to bring it back to you
He just loves seeing you happy
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In a way, she’s the same as you
She presents herself as a stereotypically beautiful woman
But on the inside she loves rebuilding and fixing up cars
So that aspect she can understand at least
What she’s a little confused about I is your love for horror movies
I feel like she doesn’t get them
She just thinks they’re all funny
She’s tried to sit down and watch them with you before, but she just can’t get into them
“The color of the blood in this movies is so wrong”
“That’s not what zombies actually look like”
“These people are so stupid! Just leave the house and go to the police!”
And she’s a little grossed out by the bones thing
She might bring you back a bear tooth if you ask nicely, but don’t make it a habit
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He’s so down
He loves it
Some guy tried to make fun of you once, asking if you were listening to like cocomelon or something at school and you just unplugged your headphones and cannibal corpse started blasting
He didn’t talk to you again after that
He thinks it’s hilarious
And I feel like he would like his partners to be a little freaky
Like hell yeah babe I’ll bring back a mountain lion femur
He secretly thinks you’re a witch or a sorcerer or smthn
He won’t ask though
That’s between you and your spell book
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She was so confused at first
She got to know you at first, hanging out with you a couple of times, and then randomly on like the fifth date you asked to aux
She was shocked to say the least
And don’t even get me started on when she first saw your bones and other weird stuff
She definitely rethought the relationship
But she loves you and who cares if you’re a little weird
She’s not gonna bring home anything for you tho sorry
If you want weird shit you’re gonna have to go get it yourself
I have a feeling she doesn’t really like horror movies either
She jumps too easily
So you guys are gonna have to agree to disagree
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He doesn’t really care too much
Not in the way that he doesn’t care, but in the way that you could literally wear anything and he would still love you
He is a little shocked by your music and movie tastes at first, but ultimately he doesn’t care
He’ll sit down and watch your movies with you as well
They’re not his favorite, but he can stomach them
He won’t talk bad about them at all
He’s very respectful
And if you ask him to, he’ll bring back all of the bones you could ask for
He’ll clean them up for you and everything
He’s just a spoiler at heart
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Vampire! Bella:
She loves it
She thinks it’s so fun that you look so different from what you actually like
She was pretty shocked at first
Definitely did not expect it from you
But she’s pleasantly surprised
She enjoys horror movies and heavy music too, so you guys get along
She’s always down to let you aux or pick out the movie you guys watch
And she’s always ready to bring you home whatever you want
You want specifically a moose skull?
Well, she was going to go hunting for a bear, but she’ll run up to Canada for you
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ryin-silverfish · 6 months
I understood that Fox spirits with gold and white fur are normally heavenly foxes. But Su Daji in the versions we know, killed people before the events of the story. So, will any type of fox spirit get this color when it already has its nine tails? even if they are already foxes that killed people?
I am kinda confused by the wording of this question. Correct me if I'm wrong:
-Heavenly foxes = foxes with gold/white fur and 9 tails
-Heavenly foxes are "good", or at least work for the establishment
-Su Daji of the Pinghua version is a heavenly fox, judging by her appearance
-But she kills people and isn't good
-Does that mean gold/white fur color and 9 tails is merely a signifier of power in fox spirits, and has nothing to do with their alignment or allegiance?
Well...time to dive into some fox spirit lore.
In the oldest Chinese legends, nine-tailed foxes are very much divine beasts. The Girl of Tushan, for example. Nine-tailed foxes also appeared in Han dynasty grave reliefs and paintings as part of Queen Mother of the West's worship:
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They were very much auspicious beasts, like Qilins or Phoenixs. Same goes for white foxes.
The exact point in time where "Auspicious Foxes" started shifting into "Demonic Foxes" is unclear, but it probably had something to do with the change in ways people conceive of yaoguais: namely, the idea that anything that grow old enough can become a yaoguai.
Foxes seemed like a prime candidate for that kind of stuff, because unlike dragons or phoenixs, they were just too common, mundane, and eerie. Divine beasts don't sneak into your chicken coop under the cover of darkness.
By the Northern and Southern dynasty, in Ge Hong's Baopuzi, there was already the idea that animals that reached a certain age could transform into humans, and he cited foxes, wolves and jackals as an example:
"...They can live up to 800 years old, and when they reached 500 years old, these beasts transform into human shapes."
Around the same time period, Guo Pu's Xuanzhong Ji gave an even more elaborate account of fox spirits' transformation:
"Upon reaching 50 years of age, foxes can transform into women. 100 years, beautiful women, divine shaman, or men in order to charm women. They can know things from thousands of miles away, are masters of the arts of charms, able to make people lose their minds...at 1000 years old, they can commune with Heaven, and are known as heavenly foxes."
This concept of heavenly foxes had a renaissance in the Tang dynasty, where folk worship of foxes were very popular, and Daoist influences meant that many foxes in Tang folklore were practitioners of the Daoist arts.
If foxes could cultivate, it was only natural that the best cultivators among them could become immortals, just like human Daoists, and get a job in the Celestial Bureaucracy.
Curiously enough, all Tang dynasty heavenly foxes were male foxes, and the troubles they got into often stemmed from their own lust and entitlement to human women.
Heavenly fox status also offered them protection from death sentences: when they were subdued by Daoist masters or immortals, the punishments were either beating with a rod or exile.
However, only one Tang text connected heavenly foxes with nine-tailed foxes and a specific fur color: You Yang Za Zu, which I cited in a previous answer.
In a sense, this fusion of nine-tailed foxes with heavenly foxes was really going back to the roots of "Nine-tailed Foxes as Auspicious Beasts".
But it didn't last, and by the Song dynasty, nine-tailed foxes had undergone full yaoguai-fication like the rest of their kind.
This is just my speculation, but "Nine-tailed Foxes as Demonic Spirits" could perhaps be traced back as far as their more auspicious associations: the nine-tailed foxes of the Book of Mountains and Seas were just another type of man-eating fantastic beasts, after all.
Anyways, it is at this point that the idea of Daji being a nine-tailed fox first appeared, and FSYY Pinghua went a step further by merging Daji with the "heavenly nine-tailed fox" of You Yang Za Zu, turning the auspicious divine beast back into the demonic.
But, back to your question: a white/golden fox, or a nine-tailed fox, is not necessarily a heavenly fox. In the Qin-Han era, that's just an auspicious beast.
By Guo Pu's definition, a heavenly fox is just an incredibly powerful 1000 years old fox. By the Tang dynasty definition, a heavenly fox is a long-lived master of the Daoist arts who managed to get a job in the Celestial Bureaucracy.
They absolutely can be assholes (though shielded from the worst punishment). The idea that a heavenly fox is also a nine-tailed fox of unusual fur color is specific to that one passage in You Yang Za Zu and FSYY Pinghua.
Having nine tails/white or golden fur doesn't say anything about a fox's alignment or morality either. Rather, it says more about people's general conception of foxes during that specific era, and what was auspicious in one dynasty could easily become markers of the demonic in another.
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ickaimp · 1 year
[BotW] Excuse Me While I Kiss this Guy (discontinued)
My SidLink fic, ‘Excuse Me While I Kiss this Guy’, has been getting a lot of attention on Ao3. It’s two parts, and I tried to write a part three from Link’s POV. That was back in 2018, and I’ve since moved five times. Needless to say, it never got past the WiP stage and the HTTYD fic, ‘Coming Down is the Hardest Thing‘ ate our brain instead. But in honour of Tears of the Kingdom, figured I’d put everything in roughly a chronological shape and post what got written. It’s not complete, prolly never will be, but hopefully it’ll give a couple chuckles. 2900 words. There is also now a bonus scene at the end of Excuse Me While I Kiss this Guy on Ao3.
+++ He didn’t mean to return to the Zora Domain.
Death Mountain lived up to its name, Vah Rudania had been freed from Ganon’s touch, and all Link wanted to do was go somewhere cooler where he could relax and recoup from climbing over a moving metal structure that was standing over gigantic pools of lava. So his duty done to the Gorons, he’d pulled out the Sheikah slate and hit the first shrine that looked near water.  Finding himself facing a handful of angry armed Zora guards had been a bit of a shock, but he’d honestly been too tired to care. Getting the helmet off and breathing the cool humid air of the Zora domain helped, more so when Sidon arrived. The shock on the prince’s face was comical. Even more so when he told his guards to stand down and offered Link a bath. +++ The kiss to the top of his head was unexpected, and made his chest feel light and fluffy. The gesture was as unexpected as it was confusing, but not in a bad way. Sidon’s explanation, his offer of kisses, just made it funnier. +++ Kisses. Link reminded himself as he struggled and fought his way through the shrine. Sidon believed in him, and when Link finished, he could see Sidon again. And get another kiss. +++ He didn’t know how to pay back Sidon for the encouragement. For the kisses. And he wanted to. He wanted to show Sidon how much it meant to Link. How much Sidon himself meant to Link. Armour was important to Zora. Milpha had made him armour. He was pretty sure there were books in the library that explained how to make armour. And armour would keep Sidon safe when Link wasn’t around. He could do that. He had gems and supplies from his travels all over Hyrule. He could make armour. +++ He couldn’t make armour. He could, but not armour for Sidon, who was much larger than Link, or the average anyone. The armour came out the same every time he tried, just the right size for him to fit in to. This was a problem. +++ “You’re making something entirely new.” Rhondson said, shaking her head over Link’s confusion. “You and your magic have seen jewellery and many kinds of armour and know what shapes to make things it has seen before. But to make something new, you’re going to have to do it the hard way.” Link looked down at his hands. Well, it wasn’t as if he didn’t have the time to learn something new. 
+++ Zora made their armour from scales, but Link didn’t have scales. Which meant that he needed to get scales somehow. What had scales? Fish, of course. Zora, but he couldn’t ask them for scales, not for this. Dragons. He had a small collection of their scales and horns. Not enough for armour. Which meant that he’d have to get more. 
“I’m gonna go fight a dragon.” Link declared, anticipation singing through his body. 
“Link? Is everything okay?” Zelda looked worried as she peered into his face. “You’ve kind of got your crazy eyes on.”
He just grinned at her. 
“Okay then.” Zelda sighed and shook her head. He knew that he worried her, that before the Calamity he’d been raised to be a knight, with all the genteel manners and stuff, but he didn’t remember any of that. 
And really, it sounded completely boring and dull. He liked who he was now, he couldn’t go back to whatever he’d been before. Zelda had accepted that, but she still fussed at him. It was kind of... nice, in a strange way. 
She kissed him on the cheek. “Go do your thing. Try not to come back all bloody.” 
He appreciated the fact that she never referred to the castle as his home. It was hers, certainly. And while he didn’t mind staying here, it didn’t feel like home to him. 
His heart called him elsewhere. 
‘No promises.’ He agreed, kissing her cheek as well. Her kisses weren’t like Sidon’s. Still sweet, in a different way. Softer, for one thing. And not as varied, she liked to kiss and be kissed mostly on the cheek.
He liked Sidon’s kisses better. The feeling of rough scales on skin was more welcoming to him than that of soft Hylian skin. Kissing Zelda didn’t leave his heart fluttering and skin tingling and wanting more. +++ The dragon scales were too large and unwieldy to just make into armour. Especially for someone who was as streamlined as Sidon. Cutting them down with normal tools didn’t work, they shattered swords and shears alike. The only thing that seemed to be able to cut dragon scale was dragon scale itself. Link growled to himself, realising that this meant he needed to get more scales, some for the armour, some to use as tools. Which meant more time away from Sidon. He sighed. He could do it. +++ ‘Think it’ll work?’ Link signed, as Bazz looked contemplative, looking over the scales Link had harvested and started to cut into shapes based off the books and patterns he’d found. 
“It should.” He agreed. “My biggest concern is what are you going to attach it to? You’re going for shock resistance, so metal is out, which means some sort of really heavy duty hide or cloth. If you use leather, you could boil it, making it harder and shape it, but I don’t know what would be thick enough.”
That was a problem. Monster hide might work, but he’d killed most of those. 
And he wanted something for the shock resistance too. It was kind of worrisome that Zora couldn’t even touch shock arrows, leading Link having to collect them from the Lynel....
Link paused, looking up towards the tip of Shatterback Point. ‘Be right back.’ He signed, and took off running. 
“Wait! No!” Bazz hissed. “Link! He’ll kill me if you come back dead!” 
Link laughed as he jumped off a balcony, his hang-glider snapping open and catching the ocean breeze. The breeze wasn’t strong enough to get him all the way to the top, but it’d get him part way there. 
A few hours later, Link pulled the fresh Lynel hide out of his pack and set it in front of Bazz. ‘Think it’ll work?’
Bazz made a sound like he couldn’t decide if he was laughing or crying. “You’re certifiably nuts.” He said, shaking his head. “The two of you deserve each other. Yeah, I think that’ll work.” 
Link tilted his head to the side, wondering what Bazz meant by that. 
“We’ll have to sit down sometime with a pint or two and I’ll tell you some of the things our Prince has gotten up to in the past.” Bazz grinned, his sharp teeth glinting. “You heard about him being eaten by the Octorok and going up against Vah Ruta on his own? That’s nothing.” 
Link grinned. He knew he liked Sidon for a reason. +++
“Link, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your new habit of carving dragon scales during meetings.” Zelda’s lips pressed together in a disapproving line. “It’s scaring some of the Council.”
Link grimaced. It was about the only time that he sat still long enough to get any carving done, he was constantly interrupted otherwise. ‘You want me to stop?’ He offered. He’d just have to figure something else out. 
“Oh good heavens, no!” She beamed at him. “Could you please sit next to Councillor Tyrol? We might be able to get some work done if he stops sharing his ‘hunting’ stories. He’s quite terrified of you, you know.”
+++ Zelda glanced around before tugging on Link’s arm and pulling him closer. She had a mischievous curve to her lips and he leaned in so no one else could overhear what she was saying. “Some of the Council thinks you’re dating a Gerudo woman.” She whispered, then covered her mouth with a hand to contain her laughter. 
It made a certain amount of sense, he was in Gerudo town a lot. … He also wore the clothing a lot while coming back. Did they think that he was dating himself? Or someone else? He paused, eyes narrowing as he remembered the inquires to the Gerudo Chieftain's health. “Riju’s twelve.” He deadpanned. She may have been the steadfast leader of the fierce Gerudo, but she was also a kid who loved soft plushies, especially those of Sand Seals. 
Zelda nodded with barely repressed glee. “I know that and you know that, but how many people here do you think have meet a real Gerudo in their lives? Much less know who the Gerudo chief is?” 
That was a good point. They should probably fix that, get more of all the various tribes together more often. ‘Should I start mentioning Isha more?’ He offered. 
She thought about it, then giggled. “You should invite her to the castle as a merchant.” Zelda grinned. “Plus, I’d like to meet her.”
+++ ‘You need a break.’ Link signed with a frown as he looked Zelda over. She looked kind of like she wanted to punch something then take a nap. “I can’t.” Zelda closed her eyes, looking frustrated. “There’s no where in the castle I can go that someone won’t find me with some sort of emergency. I feel like all I’m doing is putting out fires.” 
Link pulled out a bomb and offered it to her. She stared at it for a moment, which he was starting to think was the default reaction to being offered a bomb. Although it wasn’t like he offered them to just anyone, but Sidon always looked so surprised and confused by the bombs. 
Zelda looked like she was contemplating using it. 
“No.” She shook her head, pushing the bomb away. “Thank you, but no. That’d just undo all the hard work we just finished constructing.” Which was a pretty good point. With a shrug, he put it away again. A thought hit, and he looked her up and down, silently measuring her with his eyes, a smirk growing.
“Link.” Zelda crossed her arms, turning her body away, looking uncomfortable ‘We’re almost the same height and size.’ Link grinned at her. He was a little broader in the shoulder, she a bit broader in the hip, but still about the same proportions. Well, given his lack of height.
“And?” Link bounced a little on the balls of his feet, feeling pleased with himself. ‘That means you should fit my clothes.’ He explained. ‘And I should fit yours.’ She stared at him for a moment, her mouth agape. “There’s no way it’d work. I mean, you don’t talk, that’s easy for me to mimic, but the ruse would be over as soon as you opened your mouth.” 
That was easy enough too. He held up a finger, silently motioning for patience, then rubbed his nose vigorously, until it was red, then coughed a couple of times. “I’m sick.” He rasped, trying to pitch his voice slightly higher. “I need to stay in bed.” 
Then he fluttered his eyelashes at her and grinned. 
Zelda gaped at him. “No.” She said, then immediately wavered. “I mean. No. It couldn’t possibly work.” He shrugged. ‘I need to finish carving some scales, I could do that while you go on a ride, get some fresh air. Wear the champion tunic, everything'll run as soon as they see you coming.’
Link could see her visibly waver. “Oh.” She glared at him, stamping her foot in irritation. “This is a horrible idea. Give me your tunic.” Link grinned and tapped the Sheikah Slate, switching clothing until he was wearing the Champion’s Tunic, pulling it off over his head and tossed it to her. Zelda wrinkled her nose, holding it away from her face.  “When was the last time you washed this?” He gave her a puzzled look back. He never washed any of his clothes, any rips, tears, burns, or other assorted damage were gone whenever he dismissed them and put them back on. “Nevermind.” She shook her head, pulling the tunic on. It was a little big on her in the shoulders, but nothing too obvious. He pulled off his pants and handed them to her as well, before wandering over to her wardrobe and sorting through it before finding a long nightgown, pulling that over his head. This method of getting dressed was such a hassle, it was so much easier to get dressed via the Sheikah Slate. Less fabric to get tangled up in. “You’re hopeless.” Zelda informed him sounding amused and fond as he felt hands tug the fabric down over him. He gestured his thanks, smiling a bit to see her in his clothing. It was kind of strange, seeing her dressed like this. He reached up, undoing the pins in her hair, fingers quickly undoing the braids and messing up her sleek smooth strands. He could never get his hair nearly as soft and nice. The thought of if Sidon liked his hair, so different than the Zora’s scaled flickered through his mind, then he dismissed it. He was pretty sure that Sidon liked him, scales or no scales. Pretty sure. “Gah.” Zelda batted his hands away, stepping backwards out of reach before moving towards her vanity, checking her hair in the mirror. She made a face at seeing it so disordered, then grabbed a tie, pulling it back in a messy pony tail, then teasing the hair out on the sides of her face a bit. “What do you think?” She asked, looking up at him. Link walked over so they could see each other in the mirror. They looked disturbingly alike. They could almost be siblings, possibly even twins. He nodded, and she echoed the movement. “Okay.” She agreed. “This’ll work.” He gave her a thumbs up. +++ A knock on the door interrupted Link’s concentration and he growled in annoyance. He stood up, detouring long enough to grab a blanket from Zelda’s bed and tossed it over his head, wrapping it around himself like a cocoon before opening the door. “What?” He snapped, his voice low and rough. “n-Never mind.” Councillor Tyrol scurried off. Link huffed, shutting the door with a slam and went back to making smaller scales out of larger scales for armour. +++ “Got any clothing in red?” Bazz inquired, idly twirling his trident in one hand. It immediately put Link on edge, because there was something a little too casual sounding to the warrior’s tone. 
‘No.’ Link signed, confused. Almost all of his clothing was blue, unless he took the time to dye it. ‘Why?’ “Could you get some?” Bazz asked. Link shrugged. He didn’t have any at hand, but it’d be easy enough to swing by the Hateno Village and talk to Sayge at the Kochi Dye Shop. He could spare five rupees for payment, and a few extra apples or spicy peppers he could use for red dye. ‘Yeah. Why?’ 
“The next time you come to see the Prince, you should wear something red.” 
This was starting to sound really suspicious. ‘Anything specific I should wear?’ 
“Doesn’t matter. Just something bright red.” Bazz shook his head. “As a favour to me?” He asked, attempting to look as sweet and innocent as a kitten. It didn’t quite work.
Link did kind of owe Bazz for his help in making the armour, making sure it’d fit the prince and keeping it a secret from Sidon. “Okay.” He agreed. It was easy enough. 
“Thanks.” Bazz gave him a bright grin, full of razor sharp teeth and Link wondered just what he’d gotten himself into. 
“Link! My Dear!” Link had just enough warning to brace himself before he was picked up and pressed against Sidon’s ginormous chest. “It is such a pleasure to see you!”
“Sidon!” Link wrapped his arms around Sidon, pressing as close as he could. Sidon smelled like he usually did, water and musk, something always made Link relax. 
It meant safety, comfort, and laughter.
He kissed the nearest part of Sidon he could reach, his jaw just below the fin that framed his face and felt a small shiver run down Sidon’s frame. 
Sidon eased his grip slightly, pulling back so he could look Link over. “It’s so good to see you healthy. No new scars?” 
Link smiled and shook his head. Sidon beamed in delight, taking Link’s hand and kissing the palm. “I’m glad.” 
Seriously, Sidon was the only person who worried if Link could take care of himself. Well, maybe other than Zelda, but she was more likely to laugh at him for it. 
“Is this new?” Sidon asked, peering at Link’s shirt. It was just a basic tunic, but he’d dyed it the bright red of fresh chillies, as Bazz had requested. 
Link shrugged. Honestly, he couldn’t remember where he’d picked the shirt up from. 
“I like it!” Sidon beamed at him, and Link wondered how he could contain such joy in his face. “We match!” 
… They did. He looked at the shirt against Sidon’s scales and realised that they did, the dye almost the same colour as Sidon. Anyone seeing them together would probably assume they were a matched set. 
He didn’t know whether to be grateful or to strangle Bazz for his meddling, when Sidon barely set him down for the remainder of the day, almost always keeping in contact with Link. He also made a note to wear more red, if this was Sidon’s reaction. 
-fin- -And that’s all folks.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Tutoring and Teasing (Sneak Peek)
(GUESS who is writing her first Steter smut??? So, naturally, I gotta celebrate that by teasing you with the scene leading up to the smut. I present to you, my No Hale Fire AU where Peter raised Malia alone, and Stiles still manages to get dragged into the supernatural and into the Hale Pack. Now, Stiles is trying really hard to seduce Malia's hot dad, while Peter is trying really hard to not get too close to his supposedly underage mate... until he learns that Stiles got held back a year. The full fic will be posted here and on AO3 on August 9th!)
“So—o,” Stiles’ eyes wandered over the kitchen and settled on the calendar. “Any plans for Mal’s upcoming birthday? Sweet seventeen. I know it’s sweet sixteen, but I think seventeen can be sweet too. I know what we have planned with her, but well. I always have special plans with my dad too on my birthday, so... Do you have any plans?”
Peter turned to look at the calendar too. Malia’s birthday was circled with a blue heart, two weeks from now. The smallest smile spread over his lips at the thought. A small noise from Stiles drew his attention back to the teen. The look on Stiles’ face was nearly smitten as he stared at Peter.
“I’m taking her camping,” Peter replied, to distract himself. “We’re spending the whole weekend in the mountains, hunting and enjoying the forest, and then I’ll bring her back home in time for her party in the evening that I know you have meticulously planned.”
“Nah, I did moderate planning. Lydia did the meticulous bits,” Stiles grinned. “But that sounds awesome. I didn’t know you guys hunted though.”
Oh, that was too tempting, Peter couldn’t help but flash his blue eyes and grin with sharp fangs. “Of course do we hunt, Stiles. We’re predators.”
The scent of arousal was so sudden and so strong, it made Peter growl. This boy tormented him.
“What about you,” Peter cleared his throat. “I mean, your seventeenth birthday?”
“Tha—at would require a time-machine,” Stiles blinked those pretty doe-eyes at him with a grin.
“Oh,” Peter blinked slowly. “I didn’t realize you were older than Malia.”
“I’m eighteen.”
Peter froze, his fork in his hand, hovering just in front of his mouth. “What.”
Those eyes again, eyelashes batting against pale cheeks as he blinked. “I’m eighteen. Have been for like three months now. I got held back a year when, well, when my mom died. Had just a couple too many panic attacks to keep up my school work and stuff. But hey, that’s how I ended up in the same class as Scotty, which inevitably brought me here, so there’s that.”
“You’re eighteen,” Peter repeated, dragging the word out.
He knew of Claudia Stilinski, of course, but he hadn’t known that Stiles had been held back because of it. As much as Peter wanted to focus on that part, on comforting his mate about his mother’s death, expressing his condolences, all he could focus on was the fact that his mate was legal.
“Uh… huh…?” Stiles looked very confused. “Okay. What am I missing here because I am missing something, you are being super weird right now.”
Peter was out of his chair in a moment and so was Stiles, jumping up startled by Peter’s sudden movement. With the lowest growl did Peter back Stiles up against the counter, until the boy bumped into it. His heart was racing but Peter didn’t smell any fear, only arousal. Again. Damn that boy.
“Three months,” Peter dragged the words out of himself. “I could have had you for three months.”
“What,” Stiles squeaked, so high it hurt Peter’s werewolf ears.
Peter braced himself on either side of Stiles, caging the teen between his arms. He leaned down, finally allowing himself to drag his nose along the length of that tempting, pale neck. A whimper. An actual whimper was what he got. Peter growled again, darker, possessive.
“I know you noticed that I’ve been avoiding you.”
“Y… Yeah. Honestly, I figured I was just making you uncomfortable with my horniness for your… everything… considering that werewolf senses are sharper, so you’ve probably been able to tell from the moment we met,” Stiles looked embarrassed by that. “So, yeah, didn’t take the avoidance personal, because I guess I would avoid someone too if I could smell them get horny for me all the time while I don’t want them but also this is giving me very confusing, different vibes.”
“I wasn’t avoiding you because of that,” Peter huffed out a breathy laugh. “I was avoiding you because of how much I want you, how much I need you. Because you are… were… the underage son of the sheriff and friend of my daughter. But you’re also mine.”
Another whimper, even more delicious than the first. “Wait, what.”
“You’re my mate,” Peter’s voice dropped, softer now, filled with the awe this fact bestowed upon him. “You’re mine. I knew it the moment you lot walked into the Hale House for the first time. And I’ve been avoiding you since then, willing to wait until your graduation, until you’re legal, but… if you’re telling me that you’re eighteen, right now, I will not wait for your graduation.”
“Wait… uhm… with what?”
“To claim what’s mine,” Peter purred pleased, licking a stripe up Stiles’ neck.
“Oh fuck,” Stiles gasped out, grabbing Peter’s arms. “Okay.”
“...Okay?” Peter reluctantly removed his face from Stiles’ neck to look at his mate.
“I mean,” Stiles let go of Peter so he could motion around a little with his hands. “I know about werewolf mates. I am literally friends with the three most insufferable pairs of True Mates in the existence of mates – and yes, I am fully calling it, as soon as Jackson receives the bite and turns into a werewolf, him and Lydia are going to have an epic True Mate realization. I know what True Mates mean for wolves, and I know how it works. It also really explains why I have been so ridiculously drawn to you, I mean, I know I like older guys, but damn you’re doing things to me.”
“I’d love to do things to you,” Peter offered the most wolfish grin.
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lilys0evil0twin · 2 years
.... Y/n is quite pleased with this new boyfriend of hers. He's overall sweet and kind unlike the other jerks she dated~ Now she wanted to know how he is in bed So invited him over to her house,saying she has a fun game and wanted him to play with her~ Heracles being the sweet innocent himbo he is,agreed. He probably didn't expected to be pushed onto the bed by his gf, who is wearing a sexy lingerie that made him overheat minutes ago. Y/n sitting on him just simply smirked and say:"Oh darling I'll make sure to love you fully tonight, let me give you a taste of pleasure~"
Who's ready to destroy the innocence of this gentle mountain of a football player?! Enjoy!
Uhh please don't get confused at my constant switching of his name... I don't know myself
Warnings: smut, nothing much just Hercule losing his v-card.... Hard
Word count: 4198
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School, the hell on Earth. The stress of constant exams, the lack of sleep and as Y/n says; being surrounded by morons. Every teacher thought their subject is the most important in students' life, girls fought for every cute guy, spreading lies and secrets around the school and all the guys wanted in return of playing hard to get, was to fuck and move on.
Y/n was tired of it. This highschool stereotype. This teen stereotype. So, out of boredom, she decided to claim males reputation. She became a fuck boy. Well not eternally, but you know what, why not give those bastards a taste of their own medicine. Through out the years her reputation grew, she played the popular boys, the cute chicks. Everyone were gossiping about her but she knew it all about the others. The high-class girls started to fear her, for obvious reasons. You know the song "Take your man" by Mahogany Lox?
"I can take your mans, if I want to
But lucky for you, I don't want to"
And to the male party? The ones brave enough approach her, the ones with death wish will try and flirt, the others just admired from afar....
The sudden loud call of his name strattled the mountain of a teen. Currently in the middle of lunch break, Heracles was sitting at his usual table with his close friends; Castor, Jack and two years younger Göll, who was more like his little sister really. Now with his attention finally focused, Heracles turned towards his friend. "What are you doing, your food's getting cold" the teen with a bob cut asked picking on his rice. With a small, confused 'hm?' Heracles looked down towards his plate "Wha- Oh, ya! Sorry I kinda got lost in thoughts" the ginger smiled, putting a mouthful of already cold marinated chicken with vegetables in his mouth. A small laugh could be heard over the voices in the cafeteria, opposite from the ginger football player.
"Come on Hercules, go talk to her~" their senior Jack laughed, seeing his friend's face go totally red. "T-Talk to who?!" whispering a chocked yell, the football player's tough facade flew out of the window. Jack only raised an eyebrow "You know who, Y/n L/n of course! The Miss unapproachable? The, sorry for the expression, Fuck girl of the school?" Heracles only mumbled something shyly, staring holes into his food. Göll giggled beside him, leaning to catch his eyes. "Don't be scared she'll definitely like you!" she said with so much enthusiasm, it was a wander how it fit into her small form.
"I'm not scared! Why would I be? Wha? Wh-what are you even implying??!"
"Oh please, you're kind, funny and handsome! A total gentleman!" Göll clapped her hands, frowning her eyebrows in determination. Hercules only blushed, buds of sweat forming on his forehead and turned towards Y/n's table over his shoulder. "Oh look now's your chance! She's talking with my sis!!" Göll pointed towards her, jumping in excitement. But Hercules hasn't moved, quickly turning to his plate head falling between his stuff shouldes. Castor leaned closer to Hercules smiling gently. "Look you should talk to her, that way it won't weight you anymore" Jack leaned back sipping his tea as Hercules took a breath.
"Aaaand you can't be a virgin forever~"
Hercules could hear his friends bicker and laugh as he neared hit target. Just as he was in sight field Brunhilde smile at him in greeting. "Oh, hey Heracles" Brun's voice made Y/n turn and see who was the unlucky soul that decided to interfere in their conversation. Her e/c eyes met with sharp baby blue ones of a surprisingly tall guy. Unimpressed she raised a brow waiting for him to voice his request. The boy cleared his throat, lightly preparing himself. "I apologize for disturbance ladies, but uh," he took a pause, eyes flicking between the two girls "m-may I talk to Brunhilde for a minute please?"
Brun slowly turner her eyes away, looking towards the table Hercules left moments ago, only to meet with the excited shines of her younger sister. The girl was squeezing her tumbs so tightly her knuckles turned white. Her overjoyed form was moving around in her seat, quite opposite to the boys sitting at the same table. Both looking they're way in interested, Jack's heterochromatic eyes slightly squinting in mischief, small smirk hiding under his slowly growing mustache. Obviously getting the hint Brun smiled turning her attention back to Hercules' nervous form. Resting her cheek against her hand, she asked "Oh is it about your game today?" the glit in her eyes showed Hercules she wants him to follow her lead, so despite knowing what she's implying, he obeyed.
"Ah, um yeh.. yes" he nodded nonchalantly. Brunhilde smiled sweetly "Yes, I'll come watch" she turned to her companion "Wanna come with me?" Y/n only hummed, playing with her food. "Ya, why not. I have nothing better to do anyway" she sighed and returned to her food, not really glancing at Hercules. His eyes twinkled as his lips twitched upwards slightly. After a short moment of silence, it started to feel a little awkward.
"So um, I'll see you both there then" he smiled sheepishly turning away to leave before the lunch break finished. But before he left he heard Brun "We'll cheer for you!" Heracles only chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed.
Y/n kinda wanted to check out the football game today so she'd visit anyway. But why not play hard to get? Now she was sitting beside Brunhilde on stands, watching the game unfold. It was interesting. Well not the game itself, but rather the players. I mean who wouldn't like tall, sweaty men ramming and wrestling with each other while the prettiest girls in the shortest skirts cheering them on.
Y/n was intrigued, here and there she caught the Hercules boy looking their way. Of course she couldn't tell whether he was looking at Brun or her. Brun was the friend of his after all.
Brunhilde on the other hand didn't miss those small smirks of his everytime Y/n cursed their team for losing the ball. Brun was determined, she knew this plan would work. Despite not taking part in this whole Heracless-crush-thing, those quiet desperate signals from Göll were enough to decide she'll take the matter in her own hands.
As the game ended Brun excused herself and quickly left, leaving Y/n at the stands near the entrance to the changing rooms. With a little compliance, Y/n agreed to wait for her friend.
Leaning on the wall she boredly swiped through her phone. With an irritated groan she checked the time. 'God where the hell is she?' pushing herself off the wall, about to leave not wanting to waste anymore time. Well she tried to leave, if it wasn't for the soft wall that someone placed right before her. Grunting courses under her breath, Y/n looked up meeting baby blue irises.
"Oh excuse me miss, are you alright?" Heracles stood before her, sweaty and breathing slightly unevenly. Y/n took a step back and . She must've admit, he looked quite tasty in that football uniform of his. It clung nicely to his chest and shoulders. He was tall with wide shoulders and slim waist. Long ginger hair and some kind on make-up on his face. But as her eyes slid down his abdomen, the same markings peaked from under his shirt. They were even on the same side, but other boys from their team weren't painted like that, maybe it is a tattoo?
"Uhm, m-miss?" his voice was what chaught her attention and she quickly looked to his face. Not that she was hiding that she was literally feeding on his appearance. And that pink tint on his cheeks was kinda cute. "You're surprisingly polite for a guy your age" she grumbled, crossing her arms over het chest "I like it, give me your phone" she said extending her hand. Heracles wanted to say something when Y/n mentioned his politeness, but that was quickly shut down after she asked for his phone. Honestly, his whole brain shut down. So he just stood there, like a statue.
"Hello?" Y/n raised an eyebrow "Are you still there?" Heracles only blinked. "Y-Yah uh... I-It's in my back, i-in the locker" pointing a finger behind Y/n. She turned seeing the entrance to the showers. He even pointed to the wrong direction, damn he's so cute. "Well" she faced him again "then go get it, hop hop! I don't have all day!" She clapped her hands, making him nod and particularly ran to find his bag.
After a minute, Heracles was back. Panting and fluffed up, his clothes wrinkly and hair flying all over the place. Showing his phone into Y/n's face. Y/n only chuckled at his cuteness. He was so desperate and desperately trying to hide it. So cute. She tapped in her contacts, putting a heart behind her name. Then she did the same with his contacts in her phone. Putting him under the name 'Gladiator<3'. After she departed with a wave telling Heracles to text her when he gets home. Leaving this poor boy to freeze where he was, gripping his phone a little too hard, blushing so much that if you looked close enough, you'd see steam coming from his ears.
After some shy messages here and there, those two started texting each other regularly. Becoming good friends in no time. Heracles' personality was probably the main indicator, he was sweet, kind and just so easy to talk to. Good mornings and good nights were a must. Telling each other what they were doing each day, how they were etc.
Until Hercules sent this one message that changed everything.....
Hey Herc
Whatcha doin~?
Nothing much
Just thinking
Abt wha?
Y/n really didn't know if it was intentional or if he just sent it and later the meaning hit him like a train, and to be honest Heracles didn't either.
Needless to say he was frightened shitless the next day at school. He even considered not showing up, I mean..... His stomach really felt weird, like he'll throw up if he sees y/n in the hallway.
Thankfully he was able to avoid her the majority of the day, but unfortunately for him Jack took things into his own hands.
Y/n felt bad, like really bad. This guy was the only one that she felt bad for after leaving on "seen". The feeling got even worse during the day, Heracles didn't even text her good morning for God's sake!
By the time lunch arrived, Y/n was on nettles. She hoped she'll see Heracles at their table and maybe would be able to talk it out, but once there only Jack was there to meet her. Reading news on his phone, such a weird fella.
"Hi Jack" Y/n slumped into the chair beside him with a sigh. Jack only hummed at her presence, too deep in the thing he was reading. They never talked much, but we're never in uncomfortable silence, so Y/n never pressured him.
Jack put down his phone taking a sip from his tea. "He's at the gym" Y/n looked up not really getting what he was saying. "Hercules, he's in the gym. He's probably juicing his brain for ideas." Jack specified, looking Y/n into her eyes. She only stared back, not moving a muscle.
"Well? Just go" Y/n stood up and left knocking few students out of her way, leaving only her lunch to keep the company to Jack. Who just continued to drink his tea with a smile.
Pacing back and forth the whole gym Hercules already lost count of how many times he circled the room. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he text her that?? Of course she left him on "seen", what was she supposed to text to that. He wouldn't be surprised if she never texted him again, if never even wanted to see him. But.... He wanted to see her...
God he's so fucking scared. What should he do?
Pulling on his ponytail Heracles groaned, head falling backwards, his eyes closed. How could Y/n call him a gladiator when he's such a coward. Heracles had his back turned to the door when they were banged open by someone. He looked over his shoulder to see who was so impatient, only to freeze in his spot.
Stunned by her sudden appearance, Heracles never experienced first hand the "speak of the devil". The poor boy was even more surprised when Y/n walked to him and hugged him. "What the fuck are you doing, huh? Ignoring me like this?" her voice was mumbled due to her face being pressed into his chest. Heracles calmed down a little and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. After a moment of silence Y/n spoke again, now more clearly. "I'm sorry, for not texting you back."
"I meant it"
Hercules took a breath, straightening his back. Gathering up courage to look down at Y/n. "I like you"
"You're such a dork" Y/n laughed hitting the stressed out boy playfully.
Yep, they started dating. The play girl Y/n L/n was now in a relationship.
Those two love birds started spending more and more time together, even going as far as to have sleepovers. Y/n didn't believe Hercules was real at some moments tho, he was like from a romantic novel. Taking her on dates, bringing her flowers, listening to her ranting, even gossiping with her.
It was like a dream, Y/n may have really fallen in love. Only one last thing to do to make sure she's really about to invest into this relationship to work. She wanted him to fuck her. I mean... Can you blame her? Every time she saw him laying on the couch in his worn out tank top and sweatpants.
As time went on, Y/n was only hornier and hornier. Plus it was frustrating that even tho she did catch Hercules staring, he never crossed any lines. He only followed her lead. So why not use it to her advantage?
One evening Y/n called upon the girls meeting. She with Brunhilde and her sisters sat in a circle in her room. The problem at hand? How to seduce Y/n's boyfriend Hercules. The girls exchanged ideas:
Hrist was for Y/n to greet him wrapped up like a present, holding a paper with "For Hercules" on it. And if it didn't work then to just grab him and fuck him senseless.
Thrud was for a simple "Netflix and chill", maybe make some snacks to enjoy and just be a lil touchy and he'll surely follow.
Randgriz was too shy to say anything and the other girls just listened excitedly. Except for Alvitr that was sulking, because no one acknowledged her idea with sexy lingerie. Göll with Hlökk nearly passed out three times if it wasn't for Göndul.
And so the plan was made, with the finalizing help of Brun of course. Now it only needs to be put into action.
The plan was simple, text Hercules asking him to stay at Y/n's house. This weekend was perfect because her parents went on some trip and won't be back till the next weekend.
Hercules agreed to stay of course and Y/n got to work. The first day was their usual. They lazied around the whole day and went to town in the evening. The next day however, Y/n sent Hercules shopping while she got ready.
Putting on her favorite red lingerie, ready to confront her boyfriend whenever he comes back.
"H-hey" Y/n pushed Hercules on the bed. He was quick to sit up when she lowered herself before his legs, comfortably kneeling down. "W-what are y-..?" "Don't worry love, just relax and enjoy~" Y/n says seductively pulling his knees apart. With a lovestruck sigh, resting her cheek on his thigh. Her steady breaths brushed past the space of his pants, getting tighter and tighter with each exhale. Slowly unzipping his pants while maintaining eye contact with the blushing boy. First to look away was Hercules, his blush getting darker and spreading all the way from his ears to his chest. Heart drumming in his ears, banging against his ribs so hard he'd think they'll break. He didn't know where to look, it was getting so hot, where should he put his hands, what should he do?! Just as Hercules started to panic a gasp filled the room, his body shaking, mind going blank.
'Y/n! She-She's !! -' taking in a shaky breath
Y/n only chuckled seeing his flustered state. She licked the under side of his manhood, following the giant vein from it's base to the head. Giving it a kiss with little kitten licks along his slit. Inching her hand towards his base, fingers slowly rubbing in circular motion. The precum rolled from his tip only to be gently licked off, twitching every time she did so. "Y-Y/n.." her e/c eyes peaked from below her long lashes with a seductive look, fire dancing behind her pupils. He couldn't look her in the eye, it was too much. Cowering his blushing face with the back of his hand, he looked away, eyebrows frowned.
"Oh sorry for teasing you love, but you're just so cute~"
Being called cute now? Hercules pressed his lips together, only to open them in a moment letting out a relieved sigh. The warmth and wetness of Y/n's mouth enwrapped his cock. Sighing and moaning softly, Hercules closed his eyes. His tip hit the back of Y/n's throat. Hercules expected a gag from how hard the impact felt, but nothing. Only the small exhale as her nose buried in the short ginger hair, filling her lungs with his musk. This went on for some time, Hercules's moans and grunts sounded over the muffled sounds from the street.
"Let it out" Y/n said as her deep throat session ended, going back to licks and kisses. Stroking his length at fast pease, her mouth opened over his swollen red tip. The atlete let out a sudden loud groan reaching his big hand for her petite shoulders. "W-wait! Y/n!" She only chuckled moving her hand faster, forcing him over the edge. His hot cum shoot into her opened waiting mouth. Pulling away and sitting on his lap, Y/n swallowed the sticky, slightly salty substance, her e/c gaze meeting his blue one.
"Why did you? ... Doesn't it taste bad?" if his blush could get any darker, it did. Heracles' squinting, teary eyes barely saw his girlfriend. Y/n shaked her head, her h/c locks swinging from side to side "No, you're sweet" she reached for her face, swiping some escapee cum from the corner of her plump lips "Like a candy cane! Here!" and stuffed her seed covered finger into his mouth. His baby blue eyes widened as his shoulders shifted in surprise. Just as he wanted to protest, Y/n pulled her hand away, replacing her finger with her lips. In hopes to calm him down a little, she deepened the kiss, rubbing her tongue against his. Thankfully it did help, seeing as Hercules relaxed his shoulders, his hands unconsciously moving to rest on her hips.
Parting from the kiss to get some air, a small string of saliva hinting on the so recent kiss. Hercules, now completely relaxed, sighed resting his forehead against hers. "That ... That was weird" y/n chuckled again kneading his biceps gently. "Hmm, you'll probably like my juice more.... But I'm a little pent up so maybe later" she said as she moved from his lap. Y/n pulled up the skirt of her lingerie and pulled down her lace panties. Hercules turned his gaze to the side, being the gentleman he is. ...And not really mentally ready for what's to come.
Y/n grabbed his surprisingly still hard dick and aligned the tip with her soaking entrance as she straddled him again. "Sh-Shouldn't we use the protection?" Y/n's eyebrows flew up, her eyes meeting his in surprised gaze. Then smiling brightly hugging his neck and kissed his cheeks and lips repeatedly "That's why I love you! You're not like all the others!" Y/n hopped down and grabbed one, out of many, condoms from the drawer near the bed. Ripping the cover and slowly wrapping the condom on Hercules's manhood. Once finished she hopped on his lap once again and slowly sheathing him inside. Hercules let out a surprised hiss, eyebrows knitting together his blue eyes now tightly shut. Y/n moved her hips from side to side slightly to adjust to his length faster.
"AH, w-wai-- !!" Hercules grabbed her by her hips, stopping her movement. "Y-You're too tight!" He sighed out, resting his forehead on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her, his thighs shaking. Y/n waited for her lover to calm down again, gently rubbing his wide shoulders till she felt him move his hips upwards slightly. She pulled his face from her neck, moving his head till their eyes met. With that her lower body moved, slowly at first spreading her love juice around the thin wrap hugging Hercules's length. Hercules's hands holding Y/n's hips slid down to her ass, lifting her body effortlessly, opposite way to his thrusts. Gaining speed with every thrust, the room was filled with their mixed breathless moans and groans.
A small drop of sweat slid down his neck all the way to the pecks on his stomach. Y/n followed the drop with her eyes, feeding on the movement of his muscles with every labored breath. She was fascinated in Hercules' improvisation skills, maybe he was really just shy. Y/n moved her hands from his shoulders. One entangling with his low ponytail, slowly pulling on the band to free his ginger hair, and eventually resting her palm on the back of his neck. The other slid down his heaving chest, shifting the direction as soon as she reatched his bellybutton. Her hand gently held his on one of her butt cheeks.
"A-Are you ok?" Heracles asked breathlessly. It was hard to concentrate on more stimulants at once but her holding his hand may have meant he was doing something wrong. He needed to check. Y/n only chuckled giving him a kiss on his neck. "No, just hold on now baby" it took a second for Heracles to hear the meaning of her words. But by the time he could ask what she meant his hands released her bottom and his back hit the mattress. Her small delicate palms holding his down beside his head. With wide eyes he looked up, meeting her e/c irises. The smirk on her face was devilish. Her eyes nearly glowing in the dark.
"Hold on ok, big boy" with that she bounced on his lap with such speed and force Hercules though he'd pass out. Despite being much stronger, Hercules felt weak, literally under the command of his girlfriend. The coil in his stomach snapped before he could even register it's approach. With a quick movement of his hands he grabbed Y/n's arms and turned them both around. Now with him on top, Heracles stopped, emptying himself in the condom, hiding his head in her neck. He gasped for oxygen, tired and drained but still held himself up, not to crush Y/n with his weight. "Y-You did not.... D-did you?" he asked quietly, Y/n chuckled patting his back. "It's okey, it's your first time after all" she said with a gentle smile, Hercules moved from her neck looking at her face then down between her legs, where his cock still rested in her warmth. Blush returning to his ears he slowly pulled out, making sure to catch everything before spilling. He pondered for a second deciding what to do with it till Y/n smiled again and gently took the full condom from his hands and tied it shut, throwing it out into the bin next to get bed. Heracles' blush was constantly present as he turned Y/n to face him. He kissed her gently and lovingly. With their lips still touching he said "But I want you to feel good too"
His fingers moved between her legs. Y/n laughed and kissed just below his lips, "I love you so much" Hercules smiled "And I you" they both chuckled as Y/n palmed his hand against her womanhood, guiding his fingers.
"My lovely gladiator"
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saltysplayt00ns · 5 months
Page 849 Reworked
I've been waiting a long time to show this one, and had to adjust some stuff cause the author thought rushing to place an out of place fog would make things better, but just adds on the confusion of a fog only showing around their and not around the area. Also would've had a scene of them going through the fog and we seen the Two tribes coming in through the fog. This would've been a better battle and advantage CAUSE LET ME REMIND YA. There are two tribes band together to take down Meteor tribe and a few of Whispervale members. THIS IS A NO WIN BATTLE, Meteor has to be strategic and improvise from a no win scenario. Ronja and other would've taken advantage of the fog and fought them there and not up the freaking mountains. taken advantage when the elements plus the rain coming down would make it more thick in mist. THE BATTLE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF!!!.
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Close-up shots;
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I did adjustment of the whole scene cause this is an action scene;
Panel adjustments and add-ons
Added lighting and shadows
Added SFX
Reworked the BG
Added armor
Added tribal paint
Worked Dialogue bubble cause yikes Ronja.
He also has the other half of his body.
Adjust to make the dogs more like fur.
Diarko had him more primitive and connect the dark markings.
Also quote from the author themselves; " No paint on any of them for this, it's tedious enough to have to draw all this armor X)" SO BASICALLY YOU, an author that is drawing a Raiding battle of tribes that is between life and death, doesn't want to do paint nor any detailed important stuff, so we don't know who's fighting who. It's not even battle armor cause None of them ARE WEARING ANYTHING TO PROTECT THEMSELVESM, Meteortribe is more equipped with clothes then the tribes that are experienced not wearing any, they're the one's that say burning bodies is ' primitive '. let me tell ya after 2-3 pages its laughable on him trying to make this the final boss type BS when they. How these dogs advanced again? ya got literally spirits giving out free loot XD This is what I mean by ' changing plot to fit the story ' and ' inconsistencies ' like this an annoying blemish, instead of a competent tribes that are more experienced and trained to handle such things, you are NOT given armor nor paint nor anything of an build-up, because you was lazy and don't know how to find an easy way to do said battle armor - PLUS don't know how to have meteor tribe not lose members. Like, why the heck are the two tribes waited MONTHS to start invading them now why not then?? because kiq. doesn't know how to fix the plot holes, since basically would've been wiped out regardless of the extra protection. why meteor waited so long to fix their defenses?
why Keirr is not with them, isn't he a family oriented dog.?
Why Rhovanion and Feaf are not their isn't Rhov and family oriented dog?
Why meteor didn't leave around winter and waited many months to move at all? , this is not a vacation, its an evacuation.
why Tribes waited years to actually start something now then 30 years ago.?
Why Roamer wants to take the idea from Kargo which was meant for Kargo, roamer, Ferah to make their ' new life? ' why not just have it where its an idea you made on your own???!!!! really putting salt on that wound ain't ya?
When did Kargo know about Rogio, more then Roamer who is literally his boyfriend?
Why Rogio dumping all the chores on Roamer to do? he's been doing it a lot and somehow Roamer have to agree, cause remember those scenes when Roamer put OUT HIS OPINION??!!! and tried to help? he gotten gaslighted and a upper cut of emotional manipulations.
Why Rogio wants a Polycule now? especially after we SAW Rogio snooping AGAIN on other dogs conversations. and Kargo so far is focused on other things then having a threesome. and all these glaring and many more glaring questions. Again the question is why?? why, why and more WHY'S. This stuff usually is dealt with after doing drafts, concepts and revisions.
The quick placement of the Fog was laughable, cause think about it like, why kiq. going to do a dues ex Machina on the mountains and not in the fogs. Think about it in a tactical planning for Ronja and writers. The Fog is more an advantage to hide in the thick mist in dark shades of the trees, then being exposer on plan sight on top of a mountain. Meteor ( Nordguard ) 1. does not know how to wield a sword, 2. they're outnumbered, 3. lack experiences and 4. have children. They needed to think strategically and fast. The fog would've been a perfect scene for them to hide in and cover their scents, Rain and thunder is coming, so more thick fog and cover up from the tribes, they would use that to their advantage and scatter the raid them around. It's a risky maneuver but Ronja can't be hesitant nor meek on this, is all or nothing. THIS STUFF IS GOOD TENSION AND CHARACTER BUILD-UP.
---- This creating armor and concepts is like whip cream on an ice cream cake for me. But hey it's not my Comic to stress over, be a pump and dump for all I bloody know . .....
Side Goodies:
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Quick Armored concept for Dragonsfall
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Dragonsfall Paint marks
The Dragonsfall tribe is a group of Canines who have forged a strong alliance with Fire-breathing lizards, believing themselves to be descendants of these majestic creatures. They are known for crafting a unique bronze metal, believed to be hardened and melted with metal from the scales of dragons. This bronze shines like fire, is harder than regular metal, and exhibits weird translucent colors like the scales. The tribe also molds bits of leather to create softer but sturdier materials. While they may have lost some of the fierce traits associated with dragons over time, certain traits like their scales, reproduction and facials still show hints of their connection to these mythical beings.
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ihopesocomic · 3 months
And I must say that what I'm looking forward to the most is when our protagonists meet the other prides. I can't wait because it's completely different from the one Hope and Adamant grew up with.
I'm glad that these prides are very different. To contrast this, for example, in Warriors there are five clans and they differ from each other only in where they live and food they eat. And the truth is they are practically the same, there is no diversity in thinking, lifestyle or beliefs.
However, your prides have these differences. I noticed that Golden Grove focuses a lot on the character of the Great King. Hope herself mentions that they don't hear much about the Traveler, and both her mother and grandmother were rather against the Traveler lifestyle and view the Traveler herself as an omen. Edge's Kingdom is one big business, him being big CEO, and he has a slightly different approach to Traveler and death in general. In Periwinkle's pride (or maybe 'garden'?) there is a lioness who is said to have a bond with Traveler. Their group is also quite... specific. The Thundering Mountains pride actually looks more like a typical kingdom there. Many lions come from different places, but they live together under the protection of one monarch. Both the current King and his young successor seem to be very noble leaders who primarily care about the good of the pride. Overall great variety.
Of course, we also have the Travelers and their lifestyle, but it is completely different from the prides, so I think Hope and Adamant realized early on that it would look completely different from the life they knew. But the meeting of other prides and the confrontation of their beliefs and systems will certainly confuse our girls. I mean they were so confused about eating alongside Storm (and what's worse it wasn't always like that in Golden Grove! Man I hate Jasper! I can't even see Edge doing that to his kids!)
To sum up, I love your world building <3 you managed to create a completely different and interesting groups in one story! I can't wait for more!
Thank you so much, anon!!
Yeah, we've tried to make pride distinct and unique on top of having their own naming themes. Like you've pointed out, the Clans within Warrior Cats had some potential but they're ultimately kinda boring and same-y. To the point where I was all gdi because I kept getting ShadowClan on unofficial 'which wc clan do you belong to' quizzes.
Fortunately, I took the official one and got SkyClan and they actually have some stuff going on with the daylight warriors (yeah, hot take: I like the concept) and so on. WindClan and RiverClan are least have some culture going on via the former's closeness to StarClan and the latter's affinity to water but the main players - ThunderClan and ShadowClan - are just very boring to me.
So yeah, completely hear you there. lol
Thus, we wanted to provide some variety with the prides and also give opportunity for those who want to make their own fan prides. Especially when it comes to ranks and titles. For example, the non-canon Kingblessed Coast pride that I'm working on is operated like a pirate ship's crew vs. a monarchy, so we have a Captain in place of a King/Queen. Honestly, sky's the limit because these prides are not unified under a weird government order. They are their own individual democracies... Or dictatorships. Whichever you wanna go by. lol
But yes, storywise: we wanted Hopeful to experience worlds with a plural and various cultures that differ so drastically from the Golden Grove. For better or for worse. We wanted our audience to ooh and ahh with her as we go on. Africa as a place is so diverse in its landscapes and environment. It's not all just desert and grasslands. There's mountains, canyons, valleys, the list goes on. My only real regret is that we won't see any coastal areas because they're beautiful af.
I'm particularly looking forward to showing more of the crystal caves of the Thundering Mountains tho. <33
Anyway, I'm rambling but thank you again, anon. We're totally excited alongside you to show more of this big wide world we have going. <33 - RJ
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inkblot22 · 9 months
The Same As Always
So I can already hear it. If I'm so scared of Rook, why am I always writing about him? That's because fear makes me nut, and I'm horny on side (this is not my main blog lmao) Also I'm so sorry, I cannot remember who made this divider since I downloaded it a few years ago, so if it's yours please let me know and I will credit you! This is kind of a reimagining of events based on that very loose series I have floating around on my page (He Begs Not For Petulance) so I hope it comes across as well as those.
Who is this fic for? I tried to keep it very gender-neutral, so hopefully anyone who can handle it. I apologize, since Rook does use the masculine version of most pet names in this (cheri instead of cherie, etc) but it's less feminizing than him referring to the reader as "ma biche" or "ma coccinelle", so that's just how that goes. It is a shame, but I also stayed away from "mon nounours" because that is also a bit too gendered. Very cute, though.
Anyways, this fic is DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT. It's not as dark as my usual stuff, but that's not saying much. TW for noncon (touching and sa), knifeplay, blood, head injuries (accidental), captivity, and yandere. Also rusty, probably incorrect French and Rook Hunt, of course. I don't add translations because I feel like if the reader doesn't know all or any of what he's saying, it adds to the creep factor.
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You don’t like it here. You think you don’t, at least. It’s hard to explain.
It’s winter, it has been for far too long. Maybe you’ve been here for a bit too long as well. It’s hard to keep track of time, since the sun seems to never rise wherever you are.
You can’t exactly remember how you got here. You remember the wagon. You’d needed quick travel through the mountains, but you also can’t remember where you were traveling. You remember everything going dark, waking up to see a blood-stained stone before you, feeling the warmth on your forehead and wondering where the wagon had gone. Your first thought was that you were now in a survival situation as it began to snow around you, the snowflakes dancing in the wind that found its way inside your loose clothing. You stood there for a moment, maybe, and then you started walking, and from there it all goes black. 
You can definitely remember the first time you saw him. You were lying in an unfamiliar bed, something snug around your forehead. A candle cast a warm, quiet light into the room, and it burned through your eyelids, your vision a murky orange-pink until you opened your eyes and came face to face with… him.
Flaxen hair, a soft smile as he reached forward to caress your cheek, and most of all, those intense jade eyes. You jumped and immediately felt woozy, but you were confused enough to pay that little mind.
The man shushed you, gently pulling you back into a relaxed position and cooing at you as though you were a small child, “Ah-ah, fear not, mon cheri, you are no longer in death’s grasp. Do you remember your name or how you’ve gotten here?”
You couldn’t answer him at first. His eyes narrowed, the rest of his face still a pleasant mask, and he eased you onto your back, your head against the pillow.
“Fret not, mon petit. How about I tell you my name, and then you can decide if you’d like to tell me yours?” His voice was quiet when he spoke to you, and you noticed that there was a large knife sheath snug on his thigh.
You were still bewildered. You couldn’t connect any of the dots that had led you to this moment, and it was making your heart beat a bit too fast for your liking. The stranger smiled wider and squeezed your trembling hand.
“Je m’appelle Rook Hunt, le chasseur d’amour. I found you wandering aimlessly in this forest, the life pouring from your head like a faucet. You passed out in my arms, and brought you here.”
You didn’t remember wandering around. You could remember getting up, but you didn’t remember wandering around. Your hand comes up to your forehead, the soft bandages rubbing against your fingertips. When you looked back at Rook, you tried to figure out what you should say. Your tongue felt thick in your mouth.
“I… I’m kinda thirsty.”
Rook smiled ever wider and stood, and you got the chance to look around a bit more. You seemed to be in a small log cabin, the bed in a sort of nook, away from the rest of the cabin. You could see Rook from where you were, his back facing you as he poured you a cup of water. The kitchen area was open, but small, a table with three chairs right next to it, and you could sort of see a pretty ornate looking rug, but as you were looking at it, Rook returned and helped you into a seated position.
He held the cup for you as you drank. When you finished, he placed the cup on the table and stroked your cheek, still smiling. His actions towards you were awfully familiar, as though you were old friends or something.
“Where am I?”
“A little cabin in the woods.” Rook didn’t remove his hand from your cheek. His gloved thumb was so gentle against your cheek. “Why don’t you get some rest? You lost quite a bit of blood, cheri.”
You did feel tired… and even though you were confused, it was almost as though a spell was cast on you, lulling you back to sleep.
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You’re almost certain you don’t like it here. Although he never said anything to you about it, it became somewhat clear that you couldn’t leave once you felt well enough to move around again. At least you were moving, though.
It was also at this point that Rook began leaving the cabin often. It left you bored, not that his form of entertainment was a good one, and you started cooking to alleviate that boredom. You couldn’t really recall if you were good at it before, but you were decent enough to make basic stuff, so you did. For some reason, Rook had an icebox, not a refrigerator. You didn’t know what it was at first, and you felt like it was rude to open random cabinets in a strange man’s cabin, so you left it alone until he informed you that there were usually fresh vegetables inside.
You’d sit next to the potbelly stove and sip tea as you stared out the window at the snow. This winter was going on for far too long, and it always seemed to be dark here, but you didn’t know where “here” was.
Rook would stomp back in, snow caked along the feather in his hat and melting off the brim, and he’d cast you a smile before swishing into the basement. When he’d return, he’d guide you back to the bed and sit at the table himself, writing furiously… until recently.
Last night, he’d led you back to the bed after checking your wound and changing the bandage, but instead of taking a seat at the table and writing, he slipped into the bed beside you. You didn’t know it at the time, but this would be the precedent for the rest of your life.
“What are you doing-”
“Shh, shh. Relax, cheri. I will recite a poem for you.” He curled his arms around you, holding your aching head to his chest as he whispered.
“What?” You were fatigued, still recovering from your injury, but you struggled to break out of his hold anyway.
He shushed you again, his deceptively slim arms keeping you immobile, and then he began to speak, quiet and steady, “My darling is silent. Quiet as the night.”
He continued speaking as though you hadn’t said anything at all, “Mon orilles sont pauvres faute de sa douce voix.
As I look at that sweet face,
Beautiful as a flower, as the moon, as the blood in our veins,
Je me sens seule dans ma peau.”
You… are not amazing at French. A small English to French dictionary was left on the table whenever Rook left, but reading made your head swim, pangs of pain so bad that you had to rest immediately. But, from what little you understood, the man who had saved you from a cold death outside seemed to have something worse planned for you, if you were in fact this “darling” he spoke of.
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You definitely do not like it here. You’d made the mistake of pushing Rook’s increasing affections away every chance you got, resulting in him reading your reluctance to be around him as hostility. You’d gone to cut some vegetables and found that all the knives were replaced with children’s safety cutlery. While you could very well still cause damage with them, you couldn’t do anything life-threatening without a lot of effort and no fighting back. The serrated plastic edges were only good for cutting through the flesh of fruits and tender meats, and the rounded tips meant you couldn’t really pierce anything.You couldn’t even skin a fish that Rook came back with, he did it with his hunting knife after watching you struggle for an irritatingly long time.
And then there’s the cellar. You had taken a nap after trying to read and woken up, the sky dark as usual and a terrifying grinding, clunking noise coming up from the basement. You felt like you needed to hide, so you did. You crawled under the bed and waited, the basement door flying open and a few more candles getting lit echoing as the grinding noise- the sound of something big and heavy being dragged- moved further back towards the area of the cabin that you didn’t go in usually. There wasn’t much over there except for a wardrobe, and you didn’t like opening cabinets here. It stopped being about politeness a while ago, and had turned into the fear of finding something you didn’t like.
When you heard the front door open and close, felt the frigid rush of air that entered the cabin, you felt like you were frozen as well. You couldn’t move as you heard the sound of water being poured, and you worried for a while that you would start to feel the wooden floor beneath you grow cold and wet. Instead of wet floors, however, you saw Rook’s feet- you could only tell because of the freckle that peeps over his sock on his left leg and the fine blond hairs prickling from his skin- in your narrow window of vision from where you were cowering.
“Cheri… come out from under there.” 
You did, but you did so slowly. As soon as you were no longer under the bed, Rook pulled you to your feet and looked at your face. He’d never made such a serious expression before, not that you’d seen, and it made you feel a bit panicked.
“R-Rook, what was all that noise?”
His face smoothed and he let go of you, then he waved towards the dark corner of the cabin.
“I’ve run a bath. The water is warm, lapin, so you’d best get in before it cools.”
You did feel grimy, and since you were okay with standing and walking around for longer periods of time now, as compared to the first few weeks you were here, you jumped at the prospect of getting clean. You quickly undressed, knowing it was dark enough that Rook probably couldn’t see you, and climbed into the warm water. You couldn’t see if there was any soap, but as you were squinting into the darkness, kneeling in the tub as you leaned forward over the side, you felt something brush against your back. When you turned around, you shrieked like an owl and had a very intense internal dilemma.
Rook was seated in the tub behind you, or in front of you now, since you were facing him. He produced a bar of soap and began washing himself, dipping his head under the water so he could wash his hair as well. You couldn’t help but blankly stare at him, eyes wide as he acted so casual. This had been a problem for a while, actually, but never so severe as this. Rook was overly familiar with you, he touched you as though you had been married or were close friends, and apparently now he thought it was fine for you to share a bath. His eyes met yours in the dark corner, and he possibly smirked. You couldn’t quite see, but you could hear it in his voice.
“Ah, mon cher, did you need the soap? But you can’t see very well, can you? Come and let me wash your supple skin.”
A moment before he said that, you were debating if you should get out of the tub or something. You couldn’t tell if it’d be better to be ogled as you dressed or if staying under the water would give you a bit more modesty. After he said that, his arms reaching for you, you began to stand up. Although it was dark, you still saw his eyes flash, saw a slight movement in his wrist, and you were brought to your knees. It felt as though vines were wrapped around you, and you tilted forwards into your captor’s chest as your balance failed you in the dark water of the tub.
This man was a mage. You didn’t think you’d ever met one before, but you couldn’t remember. You wailed and begged for him to let you go as he began to gently wash you, but he simply shushed you and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
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You absolutely hate it here. As you chopped carrots for the stew you had decided to make, you wondered where you were from or where you were going, and hoped someone knew you had never shown up and was looking for you. You didn’t think that was the case, however.
“That does smell divine, trickster.” Rook said, walking up the stairs from the basement, “Et vous êtes terriblement mignonne, portant ce petit tablier adorable et préparant le dîner…”
“I can’t cut the meat well with this. Can I have an actual knife, please?”
Rook didn’t answer, leaning against the wall and watching as you chopped the carrots with some difficulty. He looked pleased, though whether it was with you or the situation remained to be known. When he finally pushed off of the wall, he wrapped one arm around your front, burying his face in your hair as his other hand slid down your thigh.
“Get off of me!” You tried to slash his arm with the knife, but it barely even scratched his skin, and the hand that was resting on your waist came up to crush your dominant hand so you’d drop the knife.
Panic spiked through your veins as he slipped his hand up your leg so he could slide it in the waistband of the pants you were wearing. His hand that was crushing yours lowered to hold your wrist against the counter.
You’d never tried this before, but when his lips pressed against your neck, you felt your breath hitch and you let out a desperate cry for help. 
Rook laughed in response and nipped your neck, his teeth pinching your skin between them. His hand in your waistband smoothed down your pelvis to gently massage your sex, and you screamed again, thrashing and flailing so he would let you go.
Despite him never quite showing this side of him to you before, Rook was something of a strategist. As far as you could tell, it hadn’t been that long since you’d gotten here, if your head injury was anything to measure time by.  
“Relax, ma crevette. You are still recovering, no? Allow this lowly hunter to take care of your body.”
Your head hurt and you felt dizzy as he stoked your arousal. A disconnect between your mind and body grew into a chasm and you began to bawl as a pressure built up in your core. Your head was spinning, it felt as though your brain was throbbing, and you shuddered and wept as Rook peppered kisses on your cheek. He had you pressed solidly against the counter, his body keeping you more or less still. His breath was hot on your skin, and you felt like you were in hell.
“Come, trickster. The soup can wait. Je dois t'avoir.”
Rook paid you little heed as he dragged you backwards towards the bed, and while you were expecting him to just throw you onto it before he assaulted you, he gently swept you off of your feet and laid you down. That was where his mercy ended, however, if it could even be called mercy here. That knife that was pressed to his thigh, still warm from his skin and him doing whatever he did in the basement, was quickly unsheathed and trailed lightly up your sternum.
“Not struggling any longer, mon petit lapin? I’m glad to see you’ve come to your senses.” His blade slid back down and he used a finger to help hook it under the hem of your shirt, cutting through the fabric as though it was nothing, “And I am sure you must be confused, but a little… exercise is good for your condition.”
You wanted to vomit, but Rook’s gloved hand cupped your chin. His knife felt cold against your now bare skin, and your breath hitched as you sucked in and held it, your eyes looking down at where Rook had his knife.
One of his leather-covered fingers tapped your cheek, and you looked back up at him. He smiled sweetly and sat up a bit, his blade still pressed flat against your stomach, right over your navel. He caught the fingertip of his glove in his teeth and yanked that glove off, tossing it to the side and passing the knife to his now bare hand. As he leaned forward to hover over you once more, his knife pressed under your chin and his gloved hand slipped into your pants, shifting lower than your crotch to prod at your poor ass. You closed your legs tighter in panic, and Rook tutted at you as though you were an unruly child.
“Come now, cheri, you should relax.” He whispered, leaning closer to press a kiss against your forehead, where you’d hit your head and how you’d gotten into this whole mess. “Plus vous êtes tendu, plus la douleur est forte…”
“D-don’t do this, don’t-” Your voice sounded so shaky, and you realized that you were trembling. Every time you made the slightest movement, you could feel the sharp edge of Rook’s hunting knife against your chin.
“Open your legs, Trickster. I’m not touching you for my benefit… although your faces of bewilderment and pleasure are quite sweet.” His finger circled the tight ring of muscle around your anus and you slowly relaxed.
“Wh-why are you d-doing…?”
Rook smiled sweetly and removed his finger from your anus slowly, instead dragging your pants down your legs and relaxing his hand with the knife against your neck. When your lower half was mostly bare above the knee, he pressed two fingers into your ass and slowly massaged you from the inside, tilting his head as his face fell.
“After I graduated from NRC, I did not think I’d see your darling little form again. It was a welcome surprise… but I don’t suppose you know what I’m talking about.” He mused, reaching over your head to grab something. He opened the little bottle with one hand, the slippery liquid cold on your asshole as he resumed his gentle fingering, “You don’t remember me in the least. Do you?”
You felt so woozy and scared, but it explained so much if he knew you… but that didn’t matter. He was still a stranger to you, and one who was currently preparing to do more terrible things to you.
“Heh… I did think so.” Rook quickly unbuckled his pants and tugged them down just enough to free himself. He pulled back away from you to seat your thighs on his own, his cock slowly inching into your poor hole. His knife slid away from your neck but remained in his grip as he slowly slid his hips forward, his opposite hand holding your ass.
Your vision was white for a moment, and when it returned it was blurry. Were you crying? You could hear loud, shuddery breathing, and it took a moment for you to figure out that it was coming from you. Rook sighed peacefully, as though this was a walk in the park for him. 
“Aw… I do not enjoy harming you, trickster.” Rook murmured, his hips slowly beginning their undulating motion. He shushed your pained sounds, “This is my love for you. You’ve only grown more beautiful these past few years.”
You winced and pushed against him, your feet shifting so you could try to kick him away, and his knife came back to rest against your collarbones. His hips rocked a little faster, every pump leaving a burning stretch that only felt like it doubled over onto itself.
“Did you know? How I felt for you, how I longed for your touch all those years ago? These three on my own… they have been l'écrasement de l'âme. I’ve had far too much time to- Putain, tu n'es pas du tout détendu…” Rook wheezed and grunted, dark and low.
You felt a pit in your lower belly, and you grabbed the wrist that had the knife, your watering eyes wide as you looked up at this man who apparently knew you.
“Please, petit, you have to… fuck- you must unclench, or this will not last much longer.”
His demand was probably one of the most ridiculous things you’d heard. You couldn’t relax. He had a knife to your throat, he was rearranging your guts, and he had chosen just now to inform you that he was aware of at least a portion of your past. You made this strange whining shriek noise, and Rook’s hand holding the knife slipped ever so slightly.
It was unclear as to whether or not he did that on purpose, especially since he removed the blade from your skin and lasciviously lapped at the small cut on your collarbone, his lips trailing up to your ear.
“Préparez-vous, car je vais déposer mon amour dans votre estomac en attente.”
The sentence itself was honestly quite jarring, but Rook groaned loudly into your ear and nearly folded you in half as he came inside of your ass. It felt hot and sickly, and the musky smell of Rook’s skin and sex permeated the room. Your head panged, woozy throbs that made your stomach churn. Rook dragged his body up and gently teased your sex with his gloved fingertips, his murky green eyes glued to yours. 
“Did you truly think I would not give you the same bliss you have given me?” He mumbled, “You really don’t remember me, then.”
As he pulled out of you and stroked you to your own orgasm, he smiled sadly.
"Don't worry, trickster. You will remember in time."
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itsrainingbubbles · 10 months
I like reading about Luffy starving because there is something wrong with me and I like to see him suffer because he's my favorite <3
But also because of the sanji angst and sanlu
Like them running out of food while they're still days away from an island so they have to ration food and Luffy needs more food because he has a really high metabolism but he refuses to eat because his crew comes first and how distraught sanji would be as the cook
He'd be begging Luffy to eat because Luffy is literally starving but Luffy would ask if there would be enough for everyone to eat and Sanji would stay quiet and then Luffy would refuse the food (forget about fish for a moment idk what happened to them but they're gone)
Or Luffy getting captured by some pirates and he doesn't get fed for days before his crew find him and sanji having to resist the need to feed him a mountain of meat because chopper says it would be bad for him
And this is very ooc because Luffy doesn't care what anyone says about him but what if suddenly everyone yelling at him for his eating habits gets to him and he decides to just stop
He still does eat but it's usually one or two servings and it's not enough for him because of his really high metabolism and he's starving
And at first everyone was really confused about the sudden change and a little worried but Luffy seemed to be doing fine after a few days and they all accepted it as the new normal and were even encouraging it
Sanji talks about all the free time he has now that he doesn't have to constantly fight off a hungry luffy and Nami is delighted about all the money they can save on food and Usopp is really glad he no longer has to protect his plate during meals like it's the world's most precious treasure
And Luffy sees how much happier his crew is and he can't bring himself to take it away so he bites his tongue and keeps ignoring his body for them
He quickly starts losing strength and starts sleeping the days away barely waking up to eat, chopper gives him a check up but can't figure out what's wrong (idk how doctor stuff works, since he's eating enough for a normal human chopper doesn't think he could be starving)
It gets really bad and chopper is working day and night trying to figure out what's wrong and he's blaming himself for not being a good enough doctor and Luffy knows what's wrong but he doesn't want to upset his crew but they're really upset right now and he doesn't know what to do
Eventually he does come out and say it when chopper decides to ask him if he has any idea of what may be wrong and he starts off with "promise you won't be mad" because I can't imagine Luffy starting that off any other way
So Luffy tells chopper and he is horrified and immediately orders something from sanji and the word spreads quickly and soon everyone knows Luffy was starving himself because of them and they all feel really bad about it
White Luffy is being fed a soup because he became too weak to do it himself everyone is there with him crying and asking why he didn't just eat more of it was killing him and Luffy would say that they were all so happy when he stopped eating as much and he didn't want to take kr all away and it makes everyone feels worse
When he gets better they never complain about his eating habits again and they have a really low tolerance for other people commenting about it either and it becomes well known not to do that unless you have a death wish
It would probably be a slow recovery though
Luffy would still be hesitant to eat more than two plates even if Sanji had been cooking all of his favorites amd je would eventually make a full recovery but I just really want the angst of the strawhats begging their captain to eat, something they hadn't thought they'd ever need to do, and knowing he was hesitating because of them
And imagine how guilty they would all feel about the comments they made and trying to take it back and them seeing how much it really affected him
I got really carried away with that last one and I could definitely keep talking about it but at this point I might as well make it into an actual story
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kisabesworld · 8 months
How about Kenny x fem reader where they raise Clem and AJ like their own family and have wholesome lil moments, probably living in a farm in the mountains or some marsh kind of island, wherever you pick. I just figured something rural, in terms of in world game and just comfortable living.
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Kenny x fem reader !
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *
so this would take place after you have the choice to either stay with kenny or go to wellington. obviously in this story clem chose to stay with kenny :) after they went and found shelter, they met you, and yk what happens next.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
contains: romance?? cheesy love stuff idk, mentions of death.
You stood at the stove, AJ clutching your calf as you stir some stew you had cooking. He doesn’t say a word, but it was awfully nice to have his company. You smile down at the boy, patting his head with your free hand.
Then you hear the doorknob jiggle. Immediately AJ runs towards the front door. He giggled excitedly, his hands reaching for the knob that was all too tall to reach.
Then the door opened, and in came Kenny and Clem. You smiled at them sweetly, Kenny coming up to press a kiss to your forehead, then your cheek, then your lips.
“Welcome back, Ken.” You say, hugging him. He hugs you back, a smile on his face.
“‘Yer too sweet.” He responds, southern accent thick. He pulls away from the hug to set his rifle down on the table.
“Clem? Did you have fun?” You turn, seeing her playing with AJ on the floor. Colorful blocks and shapes littered the hardwood. The girl smiled from where she sat.
“Kenny taught me how to shoot a rifle.” She says, before going back to playing with AJ. You smile, turning again to see Kenny sitting down at the dining room table. You speak in a lower voice now, walking to the stove again and beginning to stir the pot.
“Did you have fun out there?” You ask him, your gaze inquisitive. You knew he’d had a hard time with his past. Sometimes he’d get angry, and you hoped while they were out wasn’t one of those times. You’re looking down at the pot, and you don’t notice him behind you until his arms wrap themselves around your torso. You smile immediately, resting a hand on his forearm.
“Yeah, hun. I had a good time. Clem did good, shot a few walkers too.” He says, resting his chin on your shoulder. You feel relieved knowing they both were telling the truth. “Can’t believe this.” Kenny speaks again, and you shoot him a confused look.
“What? Believe what?” You ask, still stirring the pot on the stove.
“Can’t believe I got a second chance.” He says, sadness in his voice, but he smiles. He didn’t have to explain what he meant- You knew about Katjaa and Duck; it killed you to know he’d been through so much. You set down the spoon you were stirring with, turning to face the man.
“And i’m glad you did.” You respond, kissing his lips gently. You smile at him and he does the same to you. “Now, let’s get the kids together for dinner.” You say. He nods, kissing your cheek before walking into the living room to get Clem and AJ for dinner. As you put soup in the bowls, you thought again.
You really were glad he got a second chance.
You’re glad he gave himself one.
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Natasha romanoff x fem!reader
Warning: angst, grief, depression themes,heartbreak, death,adoptive daughter,just sad stuff🥲❤️‍🩹
A/n: I apologize for any tears shedded through out this fanfic😭🥲
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It's been 5 years.....
5 long years
5 hard years
5 depressive years
5 lonely years
5 years without her by your side
5 years without her laughter
5 years without her smile
5 years without her hugs
5 years without her.
It's been 5 years since natasha romanoff died....Your lover. Your wife. The mother of your daughter. The one who kept you going when you so badly wanted to stop. The one who kept you smiling, Laughing, living when all you wanted to do was die.
The evening you found out natasha died, your world fell like a dynasty. It crumbled like an old castle on a mountain. Clint came back with the stone in his hands trying to reason with you but you couldn't even look at him. Yelana tried to cope you through the grief but she needed the comfort also.... she lost her sister...It's crazy how your world fell apart in one day. You felt lost, empty, broken, confused. You felt everything at once and you needed it to stop you needed everything and everyone to go away.
The hardest thing you had to do was tell your 6 year old daughter natalie who's birthday was a day after Natasha's birthday "that mama wasn't going to be coming back but she's in a more better and safer place". Your heart broke when you saw your daughters eyes filled with tears as she dropped her teddy bear and ask " do mommy not like me anymore?,did she leave becauseof me?". You hugged her and told her that "that wasn't the case and mommy is just resting and one day you'll see her again".
Even though Natalie wasn't you or Natasha's biological daughter she reminded you of natasha more than ever. Her laugh, her little pout when she didn't even her way, her stubborn personality, her giggles and smiles to the way she would try to do cartwheels all the time but still couldn't land them successful. You saw natasha in everythingshe did or even said. she even had natashas slice red hair color.You wanted to name her after natasha but natasha thought it was weird so you both settled for Natalie.
You would call natasha 'natty' sometimes or even 'tasha' and it's the name name you'd call your daughter by. You'd still remember the way natasha held her, played with her, lift her up when she cried, gaved her candy even when you said no, start prank wars with her against you, braid her hair she they can be twins, bring her toys when she was gone for a long time, read her stories, pick her up from school, buy her smoothies, blow her food for her when it was too hot, sleep in her bed when she had nightmares, teach her Russian. You remembered it all as if it was yesterday.
Part of you wanted to cling onto the memories natasha left you with, the love she inspired you to use, the confidence she made you learn to have the there was this bitter side of you that wanted to forget all about her, and move on. Forget how she would wash your hair, cook your favorite spicy food, gaved you nose kisses, let you wear her sweater, bought you teddy bears that she found cute, the way she would cuddle with you. The way she made love to you... so gentle and caring. You wanted to forget that she even existed. But how evil could you be if you did.
She did exist, and she was a legend. A kind soul, a beautiful human being, a pure person. Someone who cared, someone who loved, someone who provides, someone who protects, someone who shares, someone who teaches, someone who's fights. She was real..... and she was perfect....
Your sad that she's gone but your happy that she was yours. Yours to laugh with and at, yours to love, yours to kiss. She was everything to you and she still is. Because she left you with a beautiful little girl she shines brighter than her. Everytime you look into Natalie's big green eyes you see natasha, everytime you braid her beautiful long red hair, you remember natasha, everytime Natalie didn't get her way and pouted you remember natasha, everytime Natalie laughed, smiled or do something remotely funny or silly or even brave, you remembered natasha.
You remembered her through her clothes, her pictures, her favorite food, her favorite things, her favorite places, her favorite books, her favorite songs. Natasha will always be in your hearts. Always.
Even though she's gone she still hasn't left. Because she's with you in spirit and that gives you comfort. You smile at sunsets because it's what she loved looking at, you take natalie to cloud watching because it's what natasha spent half her childhood doing, you loved doing back bridges with natalie because it's one of the things natasha was good at. You even dyed your hair red because no one rocks the color like she does. You'd laugh at bad Russian pronouncing because she was flawless at hers.
You loved watching action movies because it was something she loved doing....
You chuckled as you kissed her tombstone, falling into your trance again before you were quickly pulled back by a whistle. Natasha and yelenas whistle. You looked back to see yelena chasing your daughter natalie who was chasing a blue butterfly. Natalie giggled as yelena caught her and pushed her down on the ground. Yelena smiled as she tickles the poor girl. You smile at the scene before you, wishing Natasha could see it. But she was... she was smiling from heaven...
" natty" you called out and your daughter turned to look at you. Yelena did too and the name made her heart clench harder than the day she heard about Natasha's death. You saw her eyes flash as the throbbing pain came back to her chest. She sniffed and looked away from you as she helped natalie stand to her feet, dusting her dress and teddy bear from leafs and grass.
" Come here natalie let's say goodbye to mom" you spoke trying to stay strong into front of the little girl, making sure tears don't well in your eyes and your voice don't break but yelena saw right through you.
You daughter ran up to you smiling her pig tales swinging in the wind as her dress flew freely. You daughter huffed as she wiped a strand of hair from her sweaty forehead and sat in your lap. Yelana sitting on the other side of you. You caressed your daughters head as you looked down at her.
" what do you wanna tell mom baby?" You asked and she looked up and placed her tiny finger on her chin.
" ummm" she spoke as she continued to look up, she gasped as she looked at you smiling. She turned to the tombstone and giggled.
" so mama, mommy took me to take out my tooth because it was wobbly and we placed it in a small zip lock bag and put it under my pillow and the tooth fairy gaved me 10 dollars!" She exclaimed clapping her hands. Yelena smiled at her and gasped.
" good job малыш" yelena spoke.
" so mama I got you this teddy bear that says, I miss you because I do miss you" she spoke placing the teddy bear and some flowers on the grass. You sighed trying your hardest not to cry as your daughter kissed the tombstone.
" mommy says one day I can see you again and I hope it's on my birthday so we could have all the cake in the world" she spoke as she giggled.
" good job baby, now say goodbye to mom" you spoke rubbing her back, and she did before running off and doing a cartwheel that she actually finally landed. You smiled at her, yelena has been teaching her for weeks and your happy that she finally learned how to do one. You looked over and yelena and she smiled at you but it didn't reached her eyes. She was in pain... you tapped your shoulder and left, getting in the car with natalie.
You sniffed as a tear broke free but you ket the rest a bay before you broke down.
" I miss you nat, so much..... I love you, keep doing heavens most beautiful angel.... bye my love" you spoke as you kissed her tombstone. You placed the flowers down and took a good look at it.
Natasha romanoff, a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and an avenger....
You smiled and walked away. You'll come vist her grave again in the next 3 weeks..... who knows if it will be the last......
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bonefall · 1 year
The experience of just casually reading Warrior Cats and something like the Bumble scene just comes out to metaphorically whack me in the head and make me ask what the hell just happened. I’ve been mostly enjoying Dawn of the Clans, been liking most of the characters, but the Bumble just feels so out of left field. It’s also really confusing narratively as well. A conflict where Tall Shadow wants to protect her cats against Clear Sky’s cats could be really interesting, and some sort of mind game subplot with Wind could be interesting as well, but the Bumble scene is just such a contrived and poorly written way to convey whatever the hell is happening.
Considering the new story team took over during this part of the arc, I can imagine that so many things got bungled plotwise. The mountain cats being kind of wary of things associated with the twolegplace due to dogs and monsters and the supposed untrustworthiness of twolegs as well as the death of Shaded Moss is something I’d at least be willing to buy as to why they would be at least a bit wary around Bumble, but every previous indication of their feelings about kittypets felt more like “I don’t get why cats would stay with twolegs” rather than “kittypets all suck actually.”
Also I think the whole Bumble situation goes against a large theme of the arc about a group of cats from different walks of life banding together, and the trials and tribulations they face. Given the rapid pace of Warrior Cats’ books releases, I’m not surprised stuff like this slips through the cracks.
I completely and utterly reject that this is a problem of the new writing team. I hear that in just about every 3rd comment about DOTC's awful writing. This sprawls back just as far as Sun Trail and you can't hide from it-- Sun Trail was the exact moment of onboarding for the team as confirmed by James Noble, with them having enough influence on this arc as to push Gray Wing's death off at least 2 times.
And everything shitty about Gray Wing goes right back to Sun Trail
Possessive of his love interests and where they go? This trait of Gray Wing starts in Sun Trail, with Storm, and eventually with Turtle too when she decides he's treating her like ass and Bumble's making a good offer.
Excusing his brother's garbage actions, completely ignoring the tone of wider scenes? Starts in Sun Trail, when he has a casual chat with Clear Sky after almost being murdered by Fox, killing him, being disavowed, and Storm evaporating
Misogyny? Storm AND Bright Stream were fridged in the same book.
Abuse apologia? Storm is in an argument with Clear Sky, her movement and freedom being restricted, in the very scene we find out she's pregnant. "He's just being protective" passed all around, leaving because he's being godawful, and her dying horribly because he was right all along about Her Needing Him. She dies apologizing to him.
Xenophobia? The Tribe cats distrust kittypets almost immediately, even being attacked by rogues, with Gray Wing hating Bumble the second he sees her (probably because she makes Turtle Tail happy).
I don't remember if he calls Bumble fat in Sun Trail but if you make me go back into it for evidence I'm going to Hunt an Erin
Sun Trail has a high note near the end, with Gray Wing announcing he is Thunder's father now. It's one line, not actually showing us anything about how good their relationship is. It's already strained by Thunder Rising. Gray Wing learns the same lesson about his brother being the devil at the end of every book and it never sticks
It was never good about families, it was never good about ableism, or abuse, or misogyny, these cats were jerks from practically the beginning.
And no I also completely reject that this arc at any point, let alone as a "Larger Theme" was about "cats of different walks of life banding together." When?? When they gave Wind and Gorse a ridiculously hard time about joining? When the Tribe cats pressured them to change their names to 'fit in'? When the Moor group was pissed off that Turtle spent the winter in Bumble's house and almost didn't let her back in?
When Clear Sky was shown as a Big Savior for kindly bringing civilization to all these lawless rogues, or was it when he was being portrayed as a bully who "didn't care" who fights for him when Snake and his stinky breath come on screen?
Or was it when they were fighting One Eye and Slash, two pure evil foreigners they had to conjure out of the ether because they decided that Clear Sky's sooo sorry now, getting rid of their main antagonist because they REFUSED to have a member of the Good and Wonderful Tribe cats remain a villain?
No, no no no no. The Bumble Debacle isn't out of left field, it's the whole goddamn arc. It's just the most egregious, undeniable moment of DOTC's ghoulishness and the part that puts its flaws on full display
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accidentalslayer · 1 year
Word Count: 2,530
Warnings: Angst & Abuse. In particular, religious/cult abuse. Death, dying, and trauma after a near-death experience. Dissociative vibes. The end has a really reaffirming, comforting example of friendship. I wish everyone had a Josh in their lives.
Author's Notes: I really struggled on this chapter. Mostly because I've been sick for all of July and only recently started to recover. My spirit was willing to write but my flesh was weak. 🤣 Anyways, I'm still on my Angsty!Davina hype. This chapter delves deeper into that. Oh! By the way, I changed "Vincent Webb" in Chapter One to "William Webb" so as not to confuse everyone because there's already a "Vincent" in The Originals. It'll be William Webb moving forward.
This'll be the last Davina chapter for awhile.
Please feed me comments, hearts, and reblogs if you liked this 🌹You can find me on A03 as accidentalslayer.
Pairing: Yandere!Elijah & Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader (eventually) Summary: Davina gets an unexpected visit from her best friend Josh who has some, erm...concerns about her mental health. Also, life gets weirder for the young Harvest Girl when a truth is revealed. One that could change her life forever.
Recommended Song: "You Were Cool" by: The Mountain Goats
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Chapter Three: Jonah's Whale (Part Two)
Cold hands shook Davina. Muffled sounds hit her ears. Someone was shouting, their voice fraught with urgency. It was enough to snatch her out of sleep and snap her eyes open. Peering through a blurred vision still addled by dreams, she looked up at the person who had a vice grip on her arm, then blinked.
It was a boy; dark-haired, dark-skinned, wearing an Abercrombie & Fitch polo shirt underneath a worn hoodie that looked like it'd seen way better days. Fastened around his wrist was a friendship bracelet that Davina immediately recognized as the one she'd made a year ago while living at St. Anne's. The initials 'J.R.' and 'D.C.' embellished its design in bright, rose-colored thread. The letters were joined together like clasped hands inside a heart that she'd gotten a migraine over weaving at the time. Davina was a much better artist with charcoal sticks than with cotton twine, anyways. Despite all the grueling hours of training she had gotten out of the Sanguinem Knot.
Groggily, Davina wondered if she could trust her sight?? Perhaps this was another nightmare or an illusion cast by Monique to trick her? Could it really be...
It looked like Josh. It sounded like Josh. It bit its lip nervously like Josh. But Davina needed more proof just to be sure. Illusion magic had its limits. And memories weren't easily replicated. So, she asked the boy something that only the real Josh would know:
"What was my favorite show in 9th grade? If you don't answer it correctly, I swear to the goddess, I'll scream so loud the whole compound will hear it."
"Josh" released hold of Davina's arm, a confused frown upon his lips, "Uhh, that's a trick question, right?? You told me your mom only let you watch TV for "educational" purposes. I was the one who got you into binge-watching stuff for fun. Uhhhh, but hey, Davina, your books are-"
"List the three most embarrassing things you did in grade school. Your Sonic and Winx Club phase doesn't count."
"It SO does."
"Screaming in...three...two...one-"
"Okay!!!" The boy who might be Josh exclaimed, throwing both hands up in the air and conceding to her demands, "I stole a pack of cigarettes out of my homeroom teacher's purse on a dare then puked when I tried smoking too many of them to impress my crush. My mom made me wear this baby bear costume on Halloween and I had to go trick or treating in it. I accidentally sent nudes to my uncle-"
"Josh! It IS you!"
"I mean. Yeah, duh. Why wouldn't it be?? I texted you yesterday about coming over, remember??"
Despite being a vampire with heightened senses, Josh didn't see how fast Davina moved from her seat to pull him into a hug. And he was surprised by how hard she squeezed him, like he was a life raft, or buoy on some stormy sea. Josh took it all in stride, though. He knew Davina well enough to understand that she was going through Hell now that she was back with the Coven. But there was something...off...about her. Different than before. His eyes strayed to the steel table he'd found her crouched over and fast asleep upon. To the book pile she'd been thumbing through...
Every tome on the table was scorched. Strange writing had been scrawled across their pages in Davina's penmanship. Josh didn't recognize the language. The words seemed foreign. Unearthly. Almost alien. But there was one symbol he could decipher amidst the chaos; it was the number 7. It repeated (over and over again) in varying fonts and sizes.
Josh waited for Davina to pull away from the hug before asking if she was okay. Although, judging by the dark circles underneath her eyes, it was a safe bet to assume that she wasn't.
"I'm fine," Davina replied with a smile on her face, "Just passed out while studying these grimoires. They're super old-fashioned. Like, created in the Dark Ages or something. The Coven says they're mandated reading material for us Harvest Girls. But between you and me? I'd rather be studying Grapes of Wrath."
Josh grimaced in response, "Yeesh, that bad?"
"The worst, actually."
"They look, uhhh-"
Josh trailed off, trying to think of the right word to use, but ended up saying the one that was on the tip of his tongue:
Davina pointedly ignored his comment. Instead, she offered Josh some tea with a tired sigh.
"I'm more into the red stuff these days...but sure. I'll have some if you do." He answered her, trying to keep his voice light and carefree, "Anything in those cabinets that'll help me walk in the sun??"
"Nope. Just peppermint."
"Damn! Foiled again!"
This merited a smirk from Davina. Josh took the win, following his friend across the conservatory, to a small alcove where an electric kettle and tea service was laid out for anyone's use. There was even a convection oven, accompanied by all the fixings for toast. Davina flipped the power button on the kettle. Silently, she watched as it began to heat up and boil their water. Josh tried filling the empty space with conversation.
"So, it looked like you were having a nightmare. A really bad one. Wanna talk about it?"
Davina made no comment besides a quick shrug and a grunt. She seemed more preoccupied with choosing the mugs they'd drink out of. Or the tea they'd make. Undeterred, Josh pressed the issue harder, hoping his friend would open up to him.
"You know," he continued speaking, "they say that telling a friend about your nightmares can help them seem less scary. Like, once you talk about it, you'll see how ridiculous the dream was. Sometimes, I still have nightmares about waking up in class buck naked, and Klaus is there..."
Davina rose an eyebrow, "Who's 'they'??"
An embarrassed laugh rolled out of Josh, cheeks reddening upon admittance that it came from a self-help book he was reading; 'The Dark Side of the Light Chasers' by Debbie Ford. He'd found it laying in a cardboard box on the side of the road somewhere. He'd been going through each of its chapters (sporadically) ever since he'd found it.
"I dunno, the author writes about meditation and meeting all your different selves inside your head like Doctor Strange. I did this one exercise at the end of a chapter about self-love and acceptance and uh, I met the "me" I was before. Before all the fangs and the blood and the suddenly burning in the sun. Fun times, haaa! Anyways, look. I'm here for you, Davina. If you need a shoulder to cry on? An ear to listen to you?? We're friends! And that's what a friend does! Well, uh. I guess that's what I think a friend should do-"
Josh frowned, then said quietly:
"-I haven't really heard a lot from you lately..."
The electric kettle shut off. The water was ready. Davina poured the boiling liquid into two, footed mugs that she had chosen. Then, dipped the tea sachets in with care. The aroma of mint filled the air and the space in-between where Josh waited patiently for Davina to say something. Anything! But she didn't. So, he continued to talk while she listened, hoping that his friend would participate eventually. He was starting to get a bit frustrated by how silent Davina was being.
"You know, there's this story in that book about a person who was also having trouble sleeping. His name was Jonah. That dude from the Bible. He'd heard the voice of God tell him to pass judgment on the city of Nineveh and he reeeally didn't want to. So, he ran. Then, a whale ate him, and literally only spat him up when he accepted what he was running from. I'm not a religious person but what I'm trying to say here is-"
"That I shouldn't go on boating trips?" Davina posited, finally adding to the conversation. She offered Josh his cup of tea afterward.
Josh made a sour face while accepting the tea. He obviously didn't appreciate her wry sense of humor here...
"No! That you shouldn't run away from the things you're afraid of because you'll just make it worse for yourself. And in the end, you'll have to face it anyway. But unlike Jonah, you don't have to face it alone, Davina. I know you're going through shit after dying and being resurrected. Who wouldn't be, right?? But lately, I've been feeling like you're shutting everyone out. You haven't texted me or Cami back in weeks. What's up with that, huh??"
Now, it was Davina's turn to make a sour face.
"I'm just really busy here, Josh. Being a Harvest Girl means I have responsibilities to the Coven."
"You hate the Coven!"
"I know, but...I'm still a Harvest Girl."
"And I'm your friend, Davina! Cami is too! Don't we deserve to at least know that you're okay?!"
"The Coven said I couldn't use my phone here in the compound. They said they want me to focus on studying and classes only. No distractions..."
"And you couldn't sneak on the phone to tell us? We've been worried about you! Cami and I have been worried sick! Fuck the Coven!"
Davina rubbed her temples in response, "Josh..."
"What's really going on?? You're acting weird as hell."
Josh sipped his peppermint tea nervously, then flinched. He'd misjudged how hot it still was and burnt the roof of his mouth in the process. "Mm, this sure is some great leaf juice you've brewed-"
"Josh!" Davina exclaimed, starting to run out of patience, "Enough stalling. Spill. Now. What's up with you?"
With grim reluctance, as if he were pulling teeth, Josh revealed the (true) reason for his visit. It all came down to one name. A name Davina should have guessed was involved from the very start:
"It's Marcel. I-I know you guys aren't on speaking terms right now, but uhh...he's been worried too. About you. About sending you back here. About pretty much everything, to be honest. He wants to know how you're doing? If you're doing okay? Aaaand...he needs your help with a spell."
Davina groaned, "UGH. Of course he does! When does he NOT need me to do his dirty work?!"
"This isn't for him. It's for Cami! The curse on her uncle is getting worse, Davina. He's going nuts in that church of his. Marcel was wondering if there was any way to reverse whatever the Coven put on him? I don't think he has much time left..."
At the mention of the Coven, Davina tensed. She placed her cup down on the alcove's table. There was an air of finality to the gesture.
"Josh, it's different now. I can't do magic for him anymore. I can't do magic for anyone anymore... The Ancestors won't allow me. And if I break the rules again?? They'll do worse things than what they did in that abyss to me. Marcel doesn't care because he's not going to die, Josh!! Neither will you! Father Kieran and Cami are going to Heaven but I only have one place to go after this!! I can't mess up my last chance with the Ancestors...or the Coven. I won't."
Davina expected Josh to argue. Clearly, he had a stake in whatever drama Marcel was cooking up. She could see it in his eyes. A quiet desperation, like a fly caught inside a clever spider's web. Why else would he be doing this? But to her surprise, Josh only nodded. He didn't fight to change her mind.
"I'll tell Marcel you're doing fine," Josh said, "No, scratch that. I'll tell him you're doing better than fine, you're doing awesome! And that...you can't help him anymore."
"Josh, I-"
"Davina, don't."
Soft arms wrapped around Davina unexpectedly and cut short whatever apology she planned on saying. Now, it was Josh's turn to give his friend a sudden hug.
"Don't ever apologize for setting a boundary. You don't owe me or Marcel or the world shit! Okay?? If anything, we owe you. I owe you. You saved me from Klaus. You gave me back my control."
He squeezed Davina tighter in his embrace.
"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself and if you need to talk, that you'll call me. Or text. Or Instagram works, too. I'm always there to listen. You're my best friend, Davina. And the strongest person I've ever met."
"You're pretty strong too, you know?"
Josh chuckled, "I'm starting to be. Couldn't have done it without your help, Super Witch."
The mood lightened. Josh and Davina spent the rest of their time together, reminiscing. Bonding over the good memories they had. Those sacred spaces in-between murderous witches, miracle babies, Machiavellism, and The Originals where they were allowed to just be kids. And do things that kids do. Although Josh's gaze strayed to the pile of scorched books once (or twice), he made no comment on them.
Josh left somewhere around midnight. The smile in her heart left along with him, returning Davina back to reality. She ruminated while she cleaned up the mess leftover from making tea. Images of the nightmare swirled inside her mind. Filled her with dread. She was no stranger to dark dreams or terrible visions, especially after her experience working for Marcel, but this one felt...different. It felt ominous. Like the first scream of a hurricane siren.
Or the rumblings of a storm.
Find her, Davina Claire...
As she was shelving the last item away, the floor began to shake, and the walls trembled. Her ears rang with the sound of the voice. Nearly bled. Its volume had increased tenfold since the last time she'd heard it. Davina braced herself against the onslaught, using all her strength to ignore it. But the voice proved too powerful.
She fell upon her knees and shouted, "I CAN'T! I can't help you!! I can't do ANYTHING for anyone anymore!! Don't you understand?!? I am the girl bound in chains! I am shackled to a people who HATE me and control my every move! So, to Hell with New Orleans! Let this city be swallowed up! It's NOT a French Quarter Witch's problem!!"
There came a pause in the quaking and thunder. The stillness that came afterward was thick with tension. It was as if the entity was considering its next words carefully.
You are not a French Quarter Witch, fire maiden. You are a Prophet. Called to a higher purpose. To serve the light that burns within you...
Find her, Davina Claire, and together the two of you shall be free.
"W-wait, what?! I'll be...free?"
No further elaboration was given to Davina. She called out to the entity several times. All she got was silence and stillness in return. Davina stayed in the conservatory, amongst the potted plants, until dawn broke and colored the sky with hues of gentle pink, yellow, orange, and sky blue. And in a semi-stupor, Davina began to repeat a single word underneath her breath...
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sutxdreamwalker · 6 months
A Flickered Flame of Sarentu
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Awaking Freedom
Summary: 8 years after the death of Aha’ri everyone is older now and still in the confines of TAP. All the while an Avatar named Jake Sully tune against the RDA and leads a great battle in the Hallelujah Mountains. This causes TAP to have an immediate evacuation and Mercer orders the Na’vi to be killed but Alma saves them and puts them in crio. Nearly 16 years pass and they all wake up, now having to comprehend on what has happened.
A/n: Mentions of killing, fluff, game spoilers, my Sarentu character finally being named
Bold - Speaking in Na’vi
Word index:
Oel ngati kameie - I see you
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Eight years.
Eight years since then. That night when Aha’ri died.
It had an impact on everyone, her sibling, Suränu, had it the hardest. Nor also had it as hard, to this day he still misses her. Teylan was also sad, he along with Ri’nela comforted Suränu for many weeks which turned to months. Ri’nela tried to make sure everyone was ok even thought she was also hurting inside. Ah’so couldn’t get the scene out of her head for a long while, she still remembers it but doesn’t like to.
They all continued to hurt during the next eight years, and now their older and a little different from how they use to be when they were younger, still in the TAP, but what they didn’t know is that hope was rising up somewhere far from where they we’re.
_________________________________________ Today was a day like any other, Alma was about to teach the lesson for the day.
“So today, we’ll be continuing our talk about Earth economics and the laws of supply and demand-” Alma said as Nor raised his hand and asked a question.
“Why do we have to use human weapons?” He asked. “Nor, we’ve been over this. Pandora is a very dangerous place” Alma said.
“But we’ve hardly seen Pandora, how do we know what we’re protecting ourselves against?” Nor said then Mercer and two soldiers walked in and Suränu stood up from her seat in a cautious way.
“Cortez, I need to talk to you over here. Now” Mercer said as Alma walked over to him. “Look, order have come dow from Hell’s Gate, We are being evacuated from Pandora, I need you to grab your stuff before-” suddenly the alarm went off and everyone got out of their seats.
“Before the panic starts” Mercer said “what?!” Alma exclaimed. “Look, we have lost Pandora, some avatar driver named Jake Sully went full native, turned the Na’i on us, that’s why you can’t trust any of them”.
“I need you to get your stuff together, and get back in your own damn body. Now, puppet show is over” Mercer said sternly.
“Okay everyone collect your things” Alma turned to everyone “hey Cortez! I’ll handle this, you need to go” Mercer said. Alma looked back at everyone and walked out of the classroom.
Mercer looked at students then at the soldiers “you know what to do” was all he said was he walked out and the two soldiers got onto the platform and aimed there guns at the small group.
Ah’so and Ri’nela with fearful looks in their eyes got beside Nor as he got into a defensive position and hissed, and Suränu and Teylan backed up, looking scared too. Was this going to be the end?
Just then Alma burst in with a gun and shot the two soldiers, once they were dead she dropped the gun “follow me. Quickly”. Nor and Ah’so ran to the door as Ri’nela and Teylan followed after taking each other’s hand.
“We got this one chance! Come on!” Alma exclaimed, Suränu running to the door last.
_________________________________________ The group was lead to a cryovault, where in case of anything happened and needed to go into cryo, they would be brought here.
Alma had a panicked look on her face as she looked at the group of Sarentu, trying to make them all stay calm “get in”.
“Wha…What are you doing?” Suränu asked I’m with a confused and panicked tone “you’ll be safe here” Alma assured.
“Is Mercer leaving us?” Teylan asked worriedly “we are no longer of use to him” Nor responded “no! I won’t believe it” Teylan shouted.
“Hurry, you need to hide” Alma spoke “let us go! We can take them! We can escape, to Pandora!” Nor said, seeming pretty confident.
“There are soldiers everywhere you won’t make a single step” Alma warned and Nor walked up to her “this is our chance to be free”.
Alma spoke “This is your only chance to survive”, Teylan held Nor’s upper arm, basically telling him to trust Alma on this.
Nor looked down, seeming to comply now, then Teylan let go of his upper arm and Nor walked to a cryo capsule.
“What about you?” Suränu asked looking at Alma “you’re just gonna go to sleep, for a little while”. The cryo capsules opened and Suränu got in “it won’t be long ok?” Alma shakily tried to reassure as Suränu laid down as the capsule closed.
Ah’so looked at the empty cryo capsules, she wasn’t sure about this and looked over at Nor who was next to her “I’m not so sure about this” she said with a worried look “me neither, but we have to” Nor responded. “When we wake up, we’ll stick together for whatever come next, ok? Promise?” Ah’so asked.
Nor gave a slight nod “promise”, Ah’so then pulled him into a tight embrace, like as if this will be there last hug. The larger male hugged back and rubbed her back “we’ll see each other soon, it won’t be long” the female separated herself from the hug.
Nor took one final look at her as she went to an empty cryo capsule and sat down in it, she looked over at Nor one final time as he got in his cryo capsule, then it started to close and Ah’so laid down as it closed, she held onto her angtsìk carving which was still in her hand as sleep swept threw her, and everything went dark.
It was dark, it felt like only for a moment until light, eyes opening again, it was blurry, then the cryo capsule could be heard opening and sight started to get clearer and voices were heard.
“Oh thank goodness your alright” the voice was Alma was heard and Ah’so sat up and turned to look at her as the others looked like they were waking up too.
Ah’so looked around as her sight was still developing from the sleep, “take it easy, all of you” Alma said walking to another cryo capsule and Ah’so started to get up. “Man, how long were we asleep?” She mumbled to herself.
Then she finally noticed how Nor was also awake “Nor!” She gasped with a smile and walked to him but her legs her kinda shaky. Nor walked over to her and held her shoulders “Ah’so” he smiled in relief.
“Your ok” she smiled and Nor gently hugged her and she hugged back then pulled away slowly and saw how the others were also up.
“I thought I lost you, all of you” Alma said helping Suränu sit up “what…”.
“What’s going on? What happened?” Suränu mumbled “you’ve been asleep for a while, a long, long while” Alma replied.
“Oel ngati kameie” a na’vi warrior spoke “why must you prod at them like this? If they can walk, they can walk, the rest we have to leave”.
“But the RDA left, didn’t they? And you left us here” Suränu said “the sky people have returned Sarentu” the na’vi warrior spoke.
“Sarentu…no one has ever called me that” Suränu said “that is your clan, a mighty one at that” the warrior looked at the group “we thought you were lost to the world, but this dreamwalker thought to lock you up in a box instead” he gestured to Alma.
“I’ll explain when we get back” Alma said “but for now, you take it easy your body is still waking up”.
“Did we…did everyone make it?” Suränu asked while now standing up “I’m here, Nor and Teylan, and Ah’so too” Ri’nela replied “we’re safe”.
“We’re getting out at last! It’s really happening” Nor smiled as he was being fixed up by a human “We’re all together, getting out together”. “Why does it look so different in here?” Teylan asked them one of the humans spoke up “can we hurry things up? RDA are en route, you can have your reunion later”.
“Come, eat, you will need your strength” the warrior spoke “we found rations in he canteen, there’s probably more…” Teylan said as he ate some of the rations they found “I think there’s more”.
Ri’nela Lohan a confused look on her face “where’s Yefti? And Telisi?”, “maybe Alma sent them to a different cryovault” Teylan insisted.
Suränu started to head to the canteen to search for some food. “Don’t touch me with that” Nor glared at the human treating him “I’m sorry, I…treating na’vi wasn’t really part of my training”. Ah’so chuckled a bit at Nor’s attitude.
“Come on, come on, we gotta go!” A human exclaimed. “Who are these people? Mercer’s people?” Nor asked “is Mercer here too?” Teylan asked. “No, no, these are friends, we’re finding to get you out of here alright?” Alma reassured.
“So we are truly free now?” Ah’so smiled “maybe not till we get out of here” Ri’nela replied. It was a few more moments of clam before the chaos was brought down.
“RDA squad closing in. We should move” the human who spoke earlier alerted. Soon a sound was heard and it didn’t sound good “everyone out!” Alma exclaimed.
Everyone was rushed out quickly, without Suränu, as they ran away from where the sound was a large explosion was heard from the cryovault.
Looks like the chaos is here.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I saw the ship dialogue prompt and I came to request for Lost Sliver with numbers 9. and 20. Maybe reader is comforting Lost sliver about something.
9) "You look sad".
20) "I could just use a hug."
"Nice job, Chansey. I appreciate your help." Smiling, you watched as the normal-type Pokémon plastered the final bandaid onto Gold's torso, covering the cut there.
While she tended to the numerous smaller injuries to his body, you focused on bandaging his limbs, making sure they were wrapped snuggly into stumps.
Of course, you weren't worried about him getting any infection since, well..he was dead. He couldn't catch the common cold even if he tried.
But you knew that he's been insecure about leaking blood everywhere and grossing out everyone he met, so you decided to do something about it and let him into one of your clinical rooms at the Pokémon Center.
Being a nurse who helped patients with traumatic injuries had its perks, as you knew exactly how to help your boyfriend.
However, it was only now that he decided to trust you enough to do this. He used to flinch at being touched before, and so for him to approach you and finally agree to this brought you relief.
He allowed you pull off his hat, jacket, and shirt, leaving just his shorts on before you got to work patching him up. You could see how flustered he was, cheeks turning pink despite his expression remaining blank. But he didn't complain once, simply nodding when you asked if he was okay so far.
However, after giving Chansey a treat for her good work before sending her out of the room, you were confused when Gold seemed...even sadder than before.
He didn't look happy in the slightest, staring at his covered wounds with a frown.
"What's wrong, love? You look sad." You remarked, gently running your fingers through his hair. When he didn't answer you, worries began clouding your mind. "If you need anything else..please tell me. I'm here to help you, no matter what."
"I feel...fine, but...." He stopped, looking down at the bandages on where his legs would've been. "I....I could just use a hug. But I know I look...d-disgusting...so.." His breath hitched, tears of blood leaking from his eye sockets as he began regretting such a stupid request. "Forget it...I-I don't need anything else.."
Your heart broke at the fact he thought that about himself. But then again...this was probably the first time he was seeing himself after his death on that mountain. He had been stuck in those same clothes for years until you came along.
Now with most of them off, it reminded him that he's just a limbless frostbit corpse...and always will be.
How were you not grossed out?
"Gold..." Frowning slightly, you sat beside him and pulled him into a hug, feeling him shake with quiet sobs. His skin was freezing cold, but you did your best to keep him warm. "You don't look disgusting to me at all."
"..I-I don't..?"
"No, I've seen lots of stuff in my career so..this doesn't bother me at all." You carded a hand through his hair. "I'm just glad you trusted me, sweetheart."
Hearing you call him that left Beautiflies in his stomach. No matter if you said it once, or a million times..that will never fail to make him flushed.
It didn't help matters when you kissed the top of his head, although he eventually relaxed in your arms, head against your chest as he listened to your heartbeat. And he closed his eyes, for once not feeling anymore pain.
He thought he was beyond help, but you proved him wrong.
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