#deeply upset that i don't have the money but thanks for showing me these because i wouldn't have noticed them otherwise
kaibaspuppy · 1 year
I offer thee, a DISCOVERY!!!
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(Not sure if u seen it already but it just reminded me of you)
sorry i forgot to reply to this but OHHHH MY GOD I WISH I HAD $30 TO SPEND ON ONE OF THESE. banginf my fist on the floor in devastation
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iridescentpull · 1 year
Letter from Anthony to Ian (August 24, 2017)
**NOTE: There might be a few spelling mistakes so I apologize! This is a transcript of Anthony's letter put together for your reading!**
Hello old time friend. I have a lot to say to you that has remained unsaid for many years.
First, I want to thank you for being such a great friend to me in my very fragile teenage years. I came from a broken home with very little money and no means to explore the world outside of suburban Carmichael. You introduced me to your loving family, who welcomed me and loved me with open arms. They helped me travel and showed me a way of life that I hadn't been exposed to. You personally were supportive and overall were a very good friend to me who I felt could share anything with. 
I'm not sure why, but something changed. I feel our best friendship ended around 2009, and a resentment started growing between us. I started feeling a judgment in the tone of your voice. A sense of hostility in your actions. Did I do something that upset you? Did I treat you poorly? Did I make you feel insignificant- downplay the importance you had in our company and imply you were not as responsible for our success as me? 
I know I struggle with many things, and I'm so sorry if i ever put you through emotional turmoil in order to fulfill my own quota of self-importance. I always wanted everything I made to be just that- something I "made" with your help. I considered smosh to be something you only tagged along for, and I'm deeply sorry if I ever made you feel like you didn't deserve as much credit as me. You may not have done some of the heavy lifting I did in the early days, but definitely encouraged us to keep going and you kept things light and full of laughs as we did it. We accomplished so much and I am now just realizing how important you were in making that happen. 
I have so many things I have treated that I regret and so many things I wish I could apologize to you for doing- I really wish you would give me a chance to speak with you. There are also so many things I wish you would explain to me. 
Why have you consistently made me feel ashamed to be myself in front of you for so many years? The time I asked you what you thought about my shoes when we were seventeen and you told me you thought they were hideous- and I could tell you only said it to hurt my feelings. The time you talked shit behind my back on facebook to the girl we were friends with that I introduced you to. The amount of things you said behind my back to our high school friends about me and my relationship. The snide remarks you made about me being vegan. The times you made me feel stupid for making any content whatsoever that was not directly smosh-related. The snide remarks about anything I made that put my true emotions out there for the world. I just wished you were better at communicating.
I know I'm not any better but i feel like i tried with you. I tried to break out of my comfort zone and talk about things that made me feel uncomfortable. When we were in New York for our "Ghostmates" tour we got drinks and I opened up about how embarrassed I was that my previous relationship was so obviously bad to the outside world and how naive I was to think I would actually marry someone like that. I was vulnerable and breaking down all my walls in hopes you'd return the favor. But nothing. The conversation was once again one-sided.
Am I just horrible to open up to you? Have I made you feel uncomfortable to open up around me? Have I made you feel all the ways you've made me feel? Are the ways you treat me nothing but an echo of how I treat you? Am I the one at fault here? Did I create a problem that went way further than the point of no return? Is this all because of me? 
But I don't think there is a point of no return for friendships as deep as ours was. I am reaching out to you as an ex-best friend. I want to talk about things and lay them all out there so we can possibly mend things. And if we don't become friends again, at least we can say we tried. But why avoid trying all together? 
What are you afraid of? I know I've been callous in the past, but please give me a chance. I've changed and I'm now a more understanding person. All I ask for you is for you to stop being a fucking asshole. Just kidding. I had to say it. I just want you to treat me with respect again.
After everything I've observed in the past few years, I'm starting to truly believe you may not be a good person anymore. Do I even want to know the bitter, grumpy, vengeful person you've become? Is it better that I keep my distance to ensure I don't get even more hurt by you in the future? 
I feel like you've become the bully. You are so upset by so many things but you keep it all to yourself. No one knows what's really going on inside your head, but you take the easiest route and put a fake smile on and walk around like you have a life to envy, but deep down inside you're hurting. There's more going on than you even know, All things that slowly come bubbling up to the surface through your skin, they boil under the surface and fester until they finally burst with a shitty loaded comment or a passive aggressive outburst. 
I feel like I haven't known the real you for so many years. Does anyone know the real you?
Do you know the real you?
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bengiyo · 11 months
Theory of Love Rewatch Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
I have been specifically asked about continuing, so thank @twig-tea, @lurkingshan, and @waitmyturtles for bugging me to continue.
Last time, Two found out that Third has a crush on Khai and decided to be a bro about it and help. His brilliant plan is to have Third lie about having no money so he can move in with Khai. Cohabitation was a mixed bag. Third still can't declare himself to Khai, and Khai was a total dick about kicking Third out of the apartment for the whole night at one point. Khai came through for Third sorta with the next girl by not kicking him out and then later telling Prigkhing's character to fuck off. He also had Third's mug prepared. Mike's character's romance also began with some cute flirting over movies. I also want to note that these boys are filthy, and a single Ikea date won't make me forget.
A lot of energy went into this couch scene deciding what to do with their booth. I suspect it was meant to reground us in the masculine friendship.
Ep.04 Crazy, Stupid, Love
I forgot how unsubtle the sausage thing was. Men definitely came up with that sales pitch.
I just want you to know that Off is singing.
Third just has no interest in being flirty or kind to girls.
The play flirting that Khai does with Third is so agonizing sometimes.
The Shape of Water (2017) is a great film. Good choice, Paan.
I like putting Gun in a suit on a box so he can be tall.
Fellas, is it gay to feed your best friend on the break, eat and drink after him, and then demand he follow the rule and kiss you on the cheek? Asking for Khai. He is flirting and I don't think he realizes it.
Oh, right. The dark skin comment about Un. 😐
Guys like Khai are why I used to say, "Don't flirt with me unless you mean it."
Third is as bad as one of my movie buddies. He cries at every film.
Third, please get a fucking grip. He matched your answer because you are a sap with easy to read film taste and he wanted a prize.
Strangely, I'm feeling more sympathetic to Bone than I remember being last time.
Not only did Un and Two leave MacBooks just sitting around, they also left it unlocked. Irresponsible.
The hair continuity for Gun is off in this show.
Fellas, is it gay to cuddle up with your friend in a private screening because you're cold?
There's no way Khai doesn't know how romantic this would read to Third. He's kind of a dumbass, but come on, bro.
Okay, so I had memory holed that Khai was testing Third with Bone. I am deeply upset.
Y'all, I am so, so pissed right now. I had completely forgotten that Khai was just playing with Third's feelings to see if Bone was right. This is the exact kind of cruel shit I suffered. We just saw this happen to Zo in Hidden Agenda. I am so not okay.
See, and this is where we get into the primary problem with players. It's fine to have casual sex with people who know what the game is, but it's the playing with people's feelings just to prove you can that bothers me. I had clearly repressed this plot information because this is the exact kind of shit that happened to me and I'm still salty about it 14 years later. It was cruel then and it still hurts now.
I couldn't exactly remember why I didn't like Khai. I wondered if I had also gotten caught up in sex shaming him like Turtles believes Khai haters do. No, it was this shit. Third is his fucking best friend and he couldn't just say it. It's so fucking mean.
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world-smitten · 1 year
See You In My 19th Life pre finale thoughts
I was not planning on watching this show, but I'm having a Shin Hye-sun moment, thanks to her absolute brilliance in Stranger. This show has grown on me like a weed, so here we are 🥲. Spoilers!
Age IS problematic in Ji-eum's and Seo-ha's relationship - not in the sense of the 1000 year old spirit falling for a 10 year old boy, but in the sense of someone who gains awareness of their soul's immortality at the ripe old age of 9. That's an essential tension in the show's depiction of past lives - asking what happens to a child who gains this knowledge, especially if that child is vulnerable. Rich, cherished 12 year old Jo-won reacts to this knowledge by running straight into her mother's arms; poor and neglected 9 year old Ji-eum immediately thinks to hustle her way out of poverty, driven by memories of a happier past life where the love around her sustained her childhood until her death. The young actresses - who perform and are directed wonderfully - don't play her as an adult in a child's body, but as a child translating ageless knowledge through their intrinsically childish filter. Her love of Seo-ha is equal parts endearing and disturbing for this reason - memories of loving him in a happier past life are impressed on a 9 year old child, who then devotes herself to becoming the kind of woman who can stand by his side, who can protect and care for him. And in order to do this, she has to be "successful"; therefore, her fixation on reuninting with him is tangled up in her desperate attempts to escape poverty and neglect. Which is why I'm OBSESSED with Shin Hye-sun's performance. A lot of people have already picked up on Ji-eum's general weirdness - what I love is the calculated poise of her body language, as if she's crafting herself into the picture of dignity in direct reaction to the indignity of her early childhood. There's one moment I'm obsessed with in episode 8, where she bumps heads with Seo-ha and she's in pain...but then she bounces back, asking him if he's okay, refusing to show him any vulnerability. This is also why I love that the writing forces her family into Seo-ha's path - he meets her brother, her father, he learns the role they played in Ju-won's murder; he sees this painful, messy side of her too. This really endears me to their romance - it's melancholic and twisted, but I want them to find happiness in their sad little love story.
SYIM9L is very ambitious for a 12-episode show - different plotlines with different emotional tenors all existing in increasing dissonance with each other. Less is more, I think. The story about child murder is awkwardly triangulating with the story about fated love, and the outcome reads clumsy. Poor Min-gi. A love triangle that is constantly perpetuating itself across different lives might be fascinating in itself - but if the show wanted to place Ji-eum/Seo-ha in a story of past histories/fate/free-will, it...was already doing that? The murder mystery is a story of parents devouring their children - one father attempts to kill his son (allegedly), another unwittingly kills his daughter in another life. And these choices, made before either were born, play a role in how Seo-ha and Ji-eum relate to one another. Personally, i don't think she chose to pursue him, I think it was an inescapable compulsion because she was desperate and she was NINE. The concept of free will is invariably complicated because the character making the choices was a vulnerable child. Episode 8 has been the high point for me, because it touches on the helplessness felt when you realise how deeply the adults in your life have let you down; by externalising that helplessness via reincarnation (your daughter's soul is the soul of a child you murdered - your father killed you in a past life for money), it feels all the more raw and upsetting. I just find it more compelling than whatever is going on with their first-lives.
Ha Yoon-kyung's cuteness has the precision and potency of a long-range ballistic missile. Love you queen.
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faroreswinds · 2 years
In every FE: Warrior post on Twitter I see tons of comments asking for DLC for Hopes. Despite the negative feedback on the story, this does not justify the lack of DLC, especially in comparison to the first FE: Warrior, which introduced four waves of DLC of characters, outfits, weapons, and maps.
Personally, I don't care for Musou's playing style, but I understand people like you wanting to play more of it, especially for the poor church guys to be playable. However, in terms of the story, 20% I want DLC, 80% I don't. I have no trust in the writers, they ruined the story irrevocably, unless they write a bad ending where everyone dies. I'm sorry, I know there are things you enjoyed at Hopes, and I know I may be in the minority here.
Regarding "how Shez became Arval's vessel", here too I find the writers could mess things up more, because Arval in particular is fuck up the lore, (Well…he's the most redundant character in the entire story). I even wonder at people who want Shez in Engage, because having Shez in the main series means acknowledging all the Hopes bullshit officially (I'm sorry again).
I personally didn't have any problem with Shez at first, but later on I hated them because of some people who say they're better because they talk, without even noticing the glaring inconsistencies in their revenge story. The same contradictions exist even in AG; Where at the end of Chapter 5, Shez says that they don't know if their problem with Jeralt's Mercenaries is revenge or rivalry, then Dimitri says he see them, and adds that he would like to avoid crossing blades with Jeralt's Mercenaries as much as can. However, in chapter 6, they give us a scene where Dimitri tries to support Shez in continuing their revenge, and Shez says "Not really. Death kinda just comes with the territory when you're a merc. And your friends one day can just as easily become your targets the next. Now, not getting my money, or having a client betray me… Yeah, that'll get me upset. But I can't go around seeking vengeance for every last fallen ally. It would consume my whole life." Some people say this is one of the best scenes that shows how deeply Shez writes, but I find it to be the worst because it shows how contradictory, ridiculous their writing is, because one-sided revenge is no different from one-sided rivalry, and the biggest example of this is what happened with their friends in the prologue. I know you enjoyed that scene in Chapter 6 due to showing Dimitri's difference from Edelgard and Claude by suggestion himself the idea of recruiting Jeralt and Byleth, but I find it bad because of Shez. But I also think the recruiting proposal would have been better if Dimitri had proposed in front of everyone gathered together, rather than in a solo scene with Shez, because that would have at least mitigated an awkward situation while recruiting Jeralt and Byleth.
And sorry for the inconvenience if you don't agree with most of what I'm saying. Thank you for your feedback and reviews, and I look forward to you finishing up your GW review.
Anon. You get me.
I've been saying for a while that Shez... isn't a good avatar. Yes, they speak. Whoopie-do. But they suffer in dialogue the exact same way Edelgard does- says whatever sounds good in the moment, or says something the writers needed them to say because they wanted the plot to go a certain way.
I can't give brownie points to a character that speaks if they aren't actually given like... a consistent personality and motivations. To add to another example with the one you shared, Shez in one support says he speaks whatever is on his mind. But in another support, he says that he actually never knows what to say, so he just copies what he read in books that seems to work in the context of the conversation.
Like.... ?! What?! Come on, son.
And in regards to DLC... I've seen fans, both English and Japanese alike, ask for DLC. I'm among them. Normally, I dislike the concept of DLC because I feel it encourages bad practices. But man, Hopes just... needs more.
Why was Shez a vessel? What happened to his mother? WHO was his mother? What is his past? What happened in the ancient past? What are the Slithers up to?
Now my personal tin-foil hat theory is that they refuse to answer these questions because it will lend to fans favoring one route over the rest from a moral stand-point. As the games stand now, the past offers very little insight into who is "more right". I have a suspicion that by giving us more information on the ancient past, people will start to lean towards favoring a specific route more than ever. And I don't think IS or KT wants that. I think they like the fans fighting over who is right. I think they also want to be able to sell waifus without any stigma about their antagonism.
As to my review... I'm so sorry. :( I need to finish it, I know. I've been bad.
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msommers · 1 year
🤥🎂🕷️🙈👑 for riya and aphrodite!
thank youuuu xxx even if it was a hate crime to send me a spider i'll forgive it // oc emoji asks
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
RIYA — i think she can be a decent liar when she sets her mind to it, but usually she just can't be bothered as she's never had much reason to deceive others. the biggest tell would be her eyes, depending on the severity of the lie she doesn't have that level of deception in her to fake what she's feeling through her gaze very well.
APHRODITE — incredibly good liar, started off very young. her tells would come down to those small details you hear body language analysts point out in videos breaking down true crime aka the things most people don't notice because why the fuck would you unless you're analyzing every movement and word
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
RIYA — 18th of cloudreach! it should come as no surprise that she loves to celebrate it, because it usually comes along with some grand party arranged by her parents with no expense spared. maybe she should waste the last of her money splurging on frivolous things to make up for the fact she had to spend her most recent birthday traveling near the orlesian marshes smh
APHRODITE — i believe i gave her an april 18th birthday for the initial vibecheck. she has mixed feelings on birthdays. loves spending them with her friends because they know how to make her happy, but there's always a hot minute spent lamenting the fact her parents have little to no interest in celebrating with her. can't count the years she's assumed they fully forgot or didn't care what day it was tbh
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
RIYA — has the looming worry that her new status as a grey warden won’t be enough to protect her from the murder accusations thrown her way, which would mean all bash sacrificed to keep her safe and alive would have been for nothing :// super super dramatic about her fear of insects and rodents. does a fear of getting a papercut count as irrational or mundane?? she’d surely have one of those
APHRODITE — irrelevance lmao. gonna assign her with the irrational fear of escalators. victim of the classic “bitch i fuckin KNOW this thing is gonna start eating my coat and i’m gone get me OFF of this”
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
RIYA — well for her entire life up until about a month ago it was her being truly upset, but that’s been a thoroughly obliterated defense because she couldn’t even begin to attempt masking her misery after bash. it's been a deeply humiliating experience and i can't wait to see how she moves on from it
APHRODITE — it’s probably been about 4 years since anybody has seen aphrodite be anything but….Aphrodite™. seven’s departure signaled the building of a significant wall for her, bricking people out from seeing the vulnerable moments. those few minutes that come every few days or so where she grapples with just how well and truly miserable she is when she’s not performing or indulging.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
RIYA — she has absolutely no idea anymore. her mother's ambitions of grandeur and success definitely influenced her growing up, she had lofty dreams of becoming a renowned figure for her participation in the grand tourneys. she at least got to entertain that fantasy for a single night before her life blew up 😬 i imagine that now she only wishes she won’t be remembered as the mage who defeated her lover in a tourney then proceeded to murder him that very same night. hasn’t really had time to develop any other type of aspiration tbh
APHRODITE — the next queen of pop. the hottest bitch. the top girly. she wants to be a household name! she wants to be everywhere!! all the time, for as long as she can!!! her dreams are imposing, incredibly difficult to reach things because she’s had a need for attention and recognition that’s grown with each passing year. something snaps in a bitch when you’re told that your talent won’t get you anywhere, y’know
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rosenallies · 1 year
“Do you want advice or do you just want me to listen” w/ bimbonali. Maybe rose is talking to nali about having a really bad bout of anxiety with the company and he’s had a crapton of important meetings and conferences and it’s all be really overwhelming. He doesn’t know if he can continue on in this job
this is kinda old but im suddenly sad so h/c it is<3 sorry its short<3
"Do you want advice or do you just want me to listen?" Denali whispered softly, wiping the tears that fell from Rosé's eyes with a tender touch.
Rosé shrugged, embarrassment curling in his stomach as he cried for the third night in a row to his partner who was nothing but understanding and perfect in every way. "I don't know, I'm sorry."
"Hey, no," Denali cooed, "you don't have to be sorry but you've been coming home from work far too late and in tears every single night this week. I'm worried about you."
"Please, don't" Rosé urged, feeling awful the person he was supposed to be taking care of had to be burdened with his shit.
Denali chuckled, flashing a little half smile. "I can't help it, I love you too much to watch you suffer and be upset only to do nothing about it. You would do the same for me, I know you would. If you can, do you want to tell me what's been going on? I'll just listen for now."
"Okay," Rosé muttered, knowing Denali wouldn't take no for an answer at this point, his stubborn and persistent lover always getting whatever he wanted, even if what he wanted made Rosé's chest tighten because he was always told to keep everything in, under lock and key; he never expected someone like Denali to come into his life and unlock him in every aspect. "Work has been getting to be so much between everything I have to do at the office and then the club. I feel like I'm failing everybody, my dad keeps yelling at me that the numbers aren't what they should be and that I never should have bought out the club but-I had to. Your old boss was treating you and everyone else so poorly, I couldn't just sit there and do nothing! He said I'm thinking too much with my heart and not my brain."
Nodding along, Denali stroked the back of Rosé's hands as he spoke, a small gesture that showed his encouragement. "Go on, love."
Breathing shakily, Rosé's eyes brimmed over with tears again. "I-I don't know if I can do this anymore. Sometimes I wish I never would have agreed to take over my father's business, or that I wish I could sell it or something but then I don't know if I'd be able to give you the life you deserve. You deserve everything you could ever want and I want to give that to you."
Denali's heart broke. "You do give me everything I could ever want just by being you and loving me. I know that sounds cheesy or whatever but truly, I've never been in this for your money and I wouldn't back out even if you lost every penny to your name," he said, stroking a finger over the diamond ring Rosé had proposed to him with, "for richer, or for poorer, remember?"
Rosé smiled in spite of his tears. "Till death do us part."
"Till death do us part," Denali confirmed, curling up to Rosé's chest, "I really do think you should sell the company. Not that money matters over your mental health but you could profit millions, I'm sure and you'd still have the club which I can help you run a bit more."
It sounded really tempting to Rosé, it really did, to not have the pressure of his father's disappointment looming over him all the time and to spend more time by Denali's side, but he was scared. He'd worked his ass off his entire adulthood to get where he was now, selling the company felt like throwing it all away.
He sighed deeply, breathing in the scent of Denali's strawberry shampoo. "I'll think about it. Thank you for listening, though."
"I'm always here," Denali said, lacing their fingers together, "always."
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meltingpenguins · 1 year
Through several fandoms recently I've gotten increasingly more bitter and have realized that there will always be a large, loud group of people in fandom who wholly love anything and sing it's praises without any doubts in their mind that maybe it kinda sucked or wasn't as good as the last one. There's always going to be people whose only voiced opinion on the matter is that it was perfect. It was so good, funny, did x thing, or was better than the last, even if it wasn't for many, many reasons. A matter of taste, I suppose, but it ends up feeling like at least some of those people just don't actually process what they're watching/listening to/reading or are just very, incredibly easy to please and simply latch onto things they like. It isn't the worst thing and it only changes from annoying to infuriating when those same people take any criticism as an attack, which also often happens. I guess all I'm really here to say is fandom these days is giving me a headache in all honesty lol
Fandom has always been wild.
It has a lot to do with how people are and were raised in terms of 'worth and selfworth'. It's an issue of validation, psychology and so forth, often deeply tied to bigotry and upholding power structures, that I am not qualified to go into (but there's several papers on the topic I believe).
You see the same problem on the flipside:
People who hate unquestioningly and without reason. Usually this approach is tied to the same roots as the above.
These days, worse than ever, lbr, we also have the added issue of asshole companies with their 'market research' that will cut all sorts of corners but still charge more and more, just so the big ceos can buy more hyperyachts a year. This can result in pointless fanservice, anti-fanservice (to upset as many people as possible) or a weird mix of all.
So little of what we see in media really takes risks, most things look and feel same-ish and lack a love for material and fandom.
With the Good Omens miniseries (cause, after all, that is prolly what brought forth this ask), a quick example is the 'easter eggs' to the book that are done in a way that can (can!) be read mockingly:
the deleted scene explaining the noodle-incident of how crowley brought down the mobile network is shot in a way to look very 80s, and even the first person we'd see when crowley leaves the building is playing into that (worse so in the script). Only to then go PSYCHE it's the 2000s. Why?
The ping-pong table at the convent. If you know the book you wonder why it's there because on the show these nuns are the most quiet chattering order you'll have never heard
'Jim's' outfit looks peculiar like what the fandom dressed aziraphale in for a long time (and still does), which can leave a bit of a sour taste given just -who- gabriel is on the show.
and so forth.
These are the kind of little things that at first glance look like fanservice, but leave a sour taste.
But long story short:
I'd say the important thing is to keep some thing in mind:
If something makes you happy, good. if someone dislikes it and can back it up, that's not automatically an attack on you
Same if you dislike something (just make sure you can back things up either way)
your headcanon becoming canon does not make you a better person. often, when the headcanon isn't really backed up well by the canon so far, it just means your headcanon promises the studio tons of money
stay safe, stay sane, stay creative
thank you for reading
(also, if you dislike something, and can back it up, that's always a good way to learn for your own craft if you're writing. After all, in ShOwmens case, it has an onslaught of good ideas, just the execution stumbles, and we have yet to find out for certain why that is. Hanlon's Razor et all)
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You're by far the best character analyst I know so here's something I'd like to share:
I had finally convinced my cousin to watch stranger things with me and we ended up watching the entire show. My cousin, bless his soul, values gratefulness and is one of those people who would hold the door and scream "you're welcome" if he's being ignored.
Anyways he really loved the show but kept complaining about El's "lack of gratefulness" to a point where it got a little annoying. When he pointed out the way she treats Hopper in s2 I told him that I think it's because she's just lonely and a teen with mood swings and has probably thanked him before but he then stated that in the entire show, there's not a single scene where she shows any form of appreciation.
I never realized that before but after rewatching the show once more, because that's what I do, I found that he was right.
He also pointed out that he doesn't think El expects people like Hopper and Joyce to give her a home, food, a life and all that jazz but he doubts that El realizes that these things cost extra money, extra time and extra energy, considering Joyce already went through so much with Will and could have easily said no. Quote: "Then what? What would have happened to El? Orphanage?"
We both think that Joyce has done it because that's just the way she is.
Now, I do love El as a character, my cousin, well I'm not sure😅 I think she's probably grateful in her own unique way but now, I kinda think it's a shame she doesn't express it openly.
What do you think?
Hello, thank you so much for the compliment. After volume 2 comes out, I hope to do more of my more formal character analyses. No point doing it when there's still more story to be told, right?
I don't judge El for her lack of gratefulness, but it's certainly something she seems to have a problem with. It's hard to fault her, though. I don't think she was ever taught gratefulness, and it certainly doesn't look like anyone at the Lab was modeling that sort of behavior for her. That's how this sort of behavior is learned by young children.
I think El's biggest problem is not being able to see the bigger picture on things. In season 2, yeah, of course she wanted to be able to leave the cabin. However, Hopper had very good reason to keep her in there. We all figured the "bad men" looking for her were related to the Lab. Now, however, it may well have been Sullivan, or people like him, that he was really worried about. El never really seemed to fully appreciate the danger she was in. I'm more worried about that than her being ungrateful.
Her behavior at the airport and roller rink is what really upset me, but I guess that's more selfishness than ungratefuless.
At the end of the day, El's social development is still deeply impacted by her being born and raised in an institutional setting. She can't be faulted for her flaws, but neither should these flaws be ignored. She'd never improve if everyone around her just decided that it's ok because she's been through so much already. She's not a bad person, though. It's more a matter of not being able to take the perspectives of others that she's lacking.
As for Joyce taking her in, come on, nobody was about to let El be sent off to some orphanage. I know that's not what you were suggesting, but it was never a possibility.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part VII
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, mention of blackmail, all characters are adults.
Words: 1864.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
You wanted to slap yourself. What the hell was wrong with you today? Why did you tell Peter that?!
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...” Completely baffled with you behavior, you were deeply ashamed, unable to look the guy in the eyes and wanting nothing but fall into the earth.
“Ah, I got it. It’s Steve, isn’t it?” All of a sudden, Peter let out an irritated sigh, rolling his eyes skywards and rubbing his neck. “Of course, who else would say such nonsense. Blackmail, really? Funny he didn’t call me a stalker or anything.”
“Listen, I didn’t mean it, I’m really-”
“It’s ok.” He closed the locker, slamming its door loudly and making you jump. “It’s not your fault. If I heard that from somebody, I’d be scared too.”
He spent a couple of seconds staring into the wall until he rubbed his neck again tiredly and huffed. It took him less than a minute to regain his composure, and you heard him murmuring, “What a freak.”
He didn't return to the corridor, heading to the sports hall for his PE class, instead moving to the bench in the locker room and motioning you to sit. Feeling terribly awkward, you hoped he wasn't going to do anything out of anger, even though he had every right to be upset at your stupid behavior.
"About what he said," Peter took a deep breath, "it's nothing like that. I don't dig up some nasty stuff in the web to blackmail people. I've never done it. The reason why Mr. I-am-better-than-you said that is because I've made him take me into his little bodyguard group when I heard him talking to Loki. You're nice, and I wanted to help. Of course, Steve started acting like I was some creep, so he refused, and I had to remind him that, technically, he had to report your issue to the administration, not play a hero. I said that if I go and tell the whole story to the dean, Steve's gonna be in trouble because he knew who thieves were and didn't report them."
It was a loud off your mind. Goodness. Rogers called this a blackmail? Really? Just because Peter pushed Steve into taking him into their group?
You were less and less sure Rogers was sane. You definitely had to be careful around him.
"I can't believe he called it a blackmail." You admitted quietly, and the guy sent you a tired smile. "Peter, I'm so, so sorry. It was so stupid of me."
"Nah, don't worry. I'd freak out too if I didn't know the whole story."
You knew your apologies weren't enough, but you hoped Peter didn't take it to heart - if you can take such an accusation easily, that is. Shit, shit, shit, why did you believe everything these guys were saying? You didn't even know them in the first place! Why on Earth did you go asking them their opinions on others if all of them were biased, and every guy could twist the truth the way he liked? You shouldn't have let their words affect you that much.
"Whatever. At least now you know what Rogers is like." Peter sent you a grim smile and got up, picking his bright yellow sackpack from the floor. "Shit, I gotta go if I don't wanna be late. Let's meet in a library later, alright?"
"O-of course." You hurriedly stood up and left the lockers room after him, turning to the library: your Lit class was cancelled, so you decided to go study right away. At this time, the library was usually full, and you felt safe there.
Your thoughts were all about the guys again even when you were staring at your laptop, trying to focus on Excel numbers. Why did you feel like the atmosphere between them was so dense? If they were at such terms with each other, why did they group together to help you? What, because all of them loved you so much? It was ridiculous. There was something else to it, and you didn't know. You had a feeling no one was going to tell you the truth until you figured it all out by yourself.
Weird. It was all so weird. Steve's plan, their behavior, the relationships between them, and your nagging feeling they all were hiding something. Was it them who were actually following you?
The thought scared you to the point you started shivering. Oh shit.
"Hi there," the guy appeared behind your back so suddenly you almost jumped, looking at him wide-eyed, "sorry, did I startle you?"
"H-hi Jake! No, it's ok, I was just... studying." Both of you were talking in hushed voices, knowing the librarian would kick you out immediately if she heard some noise. "How are you?"
"I'm great, how're you?" You could hear concern in his voice: he was one of Thor's friends you met yesterday, and although you spoke briefly, Thor definitely told him more about you. "You look a bit worried."
"Oh, it's Math, I didn't really understand the topic, and we're having an exam on Monday... guess I'll be studying the whole weekend." You gave him your best smile to reassure you were totally ok, and the guy relaxed a little, smiling at you, too.
"I'm sure you'll pass. Thor said you're very smart."
What, he said that to all of them? Was he simply boasting about his girlfriend to his friends or was there something more to it?
"You're too kind. Thank you."
His smile grew wider, and he landed on the next seat to yours, resting his hands on the table. Apparently, there was something he wanted to talk to you about, and you grew uneasy.
"Listen, about these incidents... Thor told us all about it, so if you see any freaks following you around, you can message any of us, and we'll come right away." Looking at his serious expression, his bushy brows furrowed, you hoped he eas being sincere with you: you had enough with people you could no longer trust. "And also... that kid, if he's giving you troubles or anything, just let me know, and I'll tell him to keep his hands to himself"
Oh, he was talking about Peter, wasn't he? He had probably seen that silly photo. Wow, you though, Peter was totally right about Instagram: it was the best news source in the academy.
Thanking him for his concern, you laughed a little, convincing him there was nothing serious except for the theft and promising to tell him if anything weird would be going on. While it should have made you feel safer, in fact, you only grew more frustrated with this situation. You wanted to forget about these freaks and just spend you day like any normal student would, but everywhere you went people were staring at you as if you had a horn; one boyfriend or the other was always close to protect you from some unknown danger, and although you believed they tried to help, you hated the feeling they were hiding something from you. Why did you have to be going through all this? Wasn't it really better to drop off school, spend a year working and then apply to a better place?
Thinking of the faces your parents would make once you returned home, you realized it wasn't. This school with all those creeps wasn't worse than home that never felt like a safe place you wanted to come back to. Besides, all money you saved up until now were only good for buying food and things like that: you'd never afford to rent a decent place unless you found a well-paid job. It meant staying with your parents, and it wouldn't be much better than here, just different. If you wanted to drop off, you had to find a good place to stay.
Well, you could at least try, right?
When Peter met you in the library, the two of you no longer talked about anything important, simply studying together to prepare for the exams next week. It didn't feel off: from time to time you met his gaze, and the both of you smiled. You were thankful he didn’t talk about Steve or other guys or that weirdo in the lockers room.
Once you returned home, you went straight to bed, completely exhausted. Luckily, you did much more than yesterday, so you could rest now, but then you thought of Thor kissing you and bit down the pillow, angry at yourself. Why did you keep thinking of him right now?
When you woke up the next morning, you felt like something was off: your body ached, your throat hurt, and your headache was only making it worse. Dammit, you caught a cold, probably. And that’s when it was finally the day to meet Steve, the guy you thought was a mastermind behind all these manipulations that were making you sick to the core. 
Anyway, it’s not like a mere cold would prevent you from doing everything you had planned. You left your bed and went to the bathroom, moving the dresser before again. 
Honestly, it felt terrible. It was definitely because of that flimsy dress you wore to school yesterday when the weather was becoming chilly. Argh. Watching your puffy eyes and swollen nose, you sneezed. Today you had to apply way more makeup to look decently.
Steve showed up earlier than either Thor or Peter: you had to skip your breakfast, hoping to buy something cheap in the cafeteria.
“Good morning.” He said with his everyday polite expression that soon shifted into a concerned one. “Are you alright?”
What, was it that bad? You did your absolute best to apply enough makeup and do your hair. Did you still look so sick?
“Good morning. Yes, I’m ok, just feeling a little sleepy.” You yawned on purpose, covering your mouth with your hand, and Steve’s face softened.
“Did you study all night?”
“Yep, exams are driving me a little crazy.”
“I understand. I also stayed late last night.”
Of course, the student council president studying all days long to be number one student in the academy. If you didn’t know of his twisted nature, you’d think he was the most typical nerd.
You spent most of the time either in silence or talking about studies, the academy, and everything related to it. Steve acted like a gentleman and a scholar, albeit a little too demonstratively. Walking with you as if he were a king of the place, he constantly replied to greetings of others, waved to his acquaintances and smiled. You felt so off you wanted to find Loki and walk with him: unlike Steve, he was considered unpleasant by the prevailing majority of students.
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” America golden boy asked you for the last time, and you forced yourself to smile.
“Of course. Thanks for coming, see you later, Steve.”
As he finally left you in peace, you almost fell down into your chair, your fever only getting worse despite the fact you took some painkillers. It was going to be a long day.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi @nectav @whatever-happened-to-the-ducks
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🐈‍Aizawa HC’s🐈‍
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I dunno if people will care for this; I suspect my HC's for Aizawa are a little off the fandom norm. Still. I tried. Things get approximately NSFW under the cut. Minors do not interact.
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He has like, one discernible change of clothes per season. There is no distinction between hero outfit, casual wear, and pajamas. That fabric used to be black. It is now an exhausted shade of ‘please stop washing me.’ If you suggest that he buy new clothes, he will stare you down like you have three heads, and none of those heads have a brain.
This man does not spend money. He has a mind-blowing amount of savings, but no one will ever know until he dies and wills it all to a random animal shelter in the middle of nowhere. Has a secret scholarship fund for UA students. Again, this is completely anonymous. Only the principal knows.
He's a startlingly competent sketch artist. Nothing fancy, and he never took an art class in his life, but his quirk innately lends itself to spacial reasoning and feature recognition. He has sketch books brimming with sloppy but pin-point accurate life drawings. He can capture your soul in three strokes of a dried-up ballpoint pen. It's eerie.
Given his schedule, you’d expect him to prioritze convenience first, but junk food makes him cross-eyed. His body is a temple and he eats like a fucking monk.
He’s a wine snob. Well, a liquor snob generally. He knows the name of every regional sake-maker in Japan, and can tell you exactly which bottle is the best, down the the month of production. Assumes everyone possesses such laser-focused knowledge.
Tea drinker. Yeah, he has encyclopedic knowledge about that too. Apparently everything this man drinks comes with a bibliography.
Technically he’s supposed to live in the UA dorms part of the time. He sleeps poorly there, and goes home whenever he has the opportunity.
His house is old, but not valuable. Probably inherited. Traditional style with very few modern updates. He keeps it meticulously clean and does repairs as needed, but the age is still obvious. Everything creaks. You swear the place is haunted but won’t dare admit it aloud - he WILL laugh you out of the house.
There’s a garden but he doesn’t have time to keep it up. He has a lot of memories of the plants in full bloom. Letting it go to seed upsets him more than he lets on.
He has zero personal possessions aside from household appliances, which he meticulously researches and keeps in perfect condition.
Reads an insane amount of books. These mostly come from the library. There’s always a stack near his bed. You have no idea how he finishes them, because every time you see him with a book, he’s asleep with it on his face.
He doesn’t adopt cats so much as just leaves his doors open and lets them freely colonize the place. It’s not his house, it’s theirs. Somehow there's not a single cat hair on anything.
Most of these cats are cuddly little angels; you've never met nicer. But there’s a few beasts in the mix, with battle scars and three legs and a craving for human meat; these are Aizawa’s special favorites.
- - - - -
Falls for you when he stumbles across you taking care of one of the hideous strays he usually feeds on his route. Doesn’t approach you at first (definitely tries to hide) but the cat is like "mrrr?" and brings you over to him, giving the game away. Traitor.
Will make you pay for your half of everything, down to the last yen. So what if you’ve been together for ten years? You have your own income.
One exception to the above: he’ll never buy you presents but he WILL treat you to lavish meals in dark restaurants with hand-written menus. Don’t mistake this for romance, he just likes the quiet atmosphere and excellent service.
He cleans every day; there’s an unwritten five-dimensional schedule and that schedule is EXACT. Zero time wasted. He’ll never actually ask you to help with any of it. He’ll never directly thank you, either. But if you learn how to take over certain chores and do the daily upkeep while he’s away, he’ll love you forever.
Not the type to talk about his day; he’d rather sit with you outside. He values silence. Not because he doesn’t want to talk to you, but a lot of the time he doesn’t have the energy to give you his full conversational attention. Physical contact is easier, and more comforting besides. Just... hold his hand a while.
His scalp gets tingly and sore from overusing his quirk. If you run your fingers through his hair he will pass out instantly.
He will cozy trap you. He’s touch-starved and was definitely a cat in a past life. Will hang all over you if you don't give him enough attention and constantly falls sleep in your lap. Hope you don’t need to get up anytime soon; he’s not moving.
You don’t exactly ‘move in’ with him. He never wants to spend a night without you, but his living space is already exactly how he likes it. He will never move out of that old house, but he’ll give you some rooms to yourself. Your stuff and his... complete absence of stuff... stay pretty much separate. Do NOT clutter up the bedroom.
The kitchen is the exception. That's a warm and cozy shared spot, the heart of the home. You’ll always be stepping around a cat.
He LOVES when you cook for him (so that he doesn't have to take the time). Will shower you with praise and encourage you to make huge earthenware vats of old-timey tsukemono that the two of you cannot possibly eat by yourselves. He’ll help with food prep and knows his way around, but he insists you’re the better cook (even if you aren’t).
Big on actions over words. Makes an effort to be present with you as much as he can.
Will stare into your eyes until you look away. When you look back, he's still staring with a rare warm smile on his face.
God, he loves you. You will never, ever know how much. He doesn't tell you often, but he shows you every day.
- - - - -
This man is A-fucking-sexual. He’s not sex repulsed in any way, he’s just not personally invested.
Aromantic too. Deadass doesn’t get the hype. You are the most important person in his life and he’s deeply commited to and comforted by you. Just don’t expect to be seduced; it will literally never happen.
If you are allosexual, he will still be devoted to your sexual well-being. At first, that means buying you a DELUXE toy and encouraging you to use it on your own.
His voice is too damn sexy, even when he isn’t trying. He’ll give you all the phone sex you want; he thinks it’s sweet how you unravel for him. Edging you for ages is a fun little power play, but he’s definitely grading papers while he does it. Don’t be offended. Toshinori has overheard some THINGS.
When your relationship gets sufficiently serious, he’ll help out with his hands. He’s VERY SKILLED AT IT. He likes to lay down next to you and whisper encouragement in your ear. Eventually he gets possessive about your orgasms, and will make you ask for permission.
Sometimes the stars align, but his arousal is a rare bird. He'll take a whole afternoon to prepare. It’s love-making, full stop. Always slow and intensely emotional. He'll cherish every inch of you but might not cum at all; you can’t force it.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Hi lovely! Could I get a match up please?
I am a 5’8 half German young woman who loves to bake and write. I am a total introvert who can masquerade as an extrovert when needed, but as soon as I get home or am alone, I NEED quiet. I am a very anxious person, I have ADHD and am on the Autism spectrum; I have a BIG love for the arts (painting, drawing, writing etc) I love museums, and art galleries, and music is my safe place. I care deeply and love to look after people, but because of my mental health, I need a lot of looking after too.
Thank you so much in advance 🤍🤍🤍
I paired you up with...
♡Vincent Sinclair♡
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Please bake this waxy man something or even better get him to bake with you. He would be more than happy to spend time with you doing something together 
He would be your number 1 fan with everything you do or create. He is so proud and finds interesting and mesmerising anything that comes from your creativity so please show him what you write, paint ecc
Unfortunately he wouldn't be able to go with you to museums or art galleries but he would love to discuss with you about art and talk about your favourite artist ecc
With Vincent you would never have to hide or pretend to be something you don't really are. He knows how it feels sometimes to need quiet and a place where you can rest your mind in peace without having to put up a facade at all times. If you dont wanna talk he won't push you, he would be more than happy to just be there with you and having each others company 
Vincent would always go out of his way to take care of you and to help you with everything that might be too much in your life. He feels better knowing that he can make you feel safe and cared for. There's nothing you could ask that he wouldn't do for you. Or even if you just need to vent something he's right beside you ready to listen to what's upsetting you. 
He would make sure to help with your adhd too! Keeping an eye on your stuff if you don't remember where you place something he can find it for you, or leaving notes and reminders to drink water and have a snack/meal if he sees you struggle to keep up with that. 
This matchup made me think about this song:
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gaiahypothesims · 3 years
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Ashley- Well I hardly think that's fair.
Evelyn- <sigh> I need you to make it up to him by bringing in a lot of business. The new port needs renovations and I need them done quickly and for that I need money.
Ashley- So you ALSO want me to sacrifice my trusted unbiased voice and throw myself onto the corporate capitalist pyre?
Evelyn- I will cut your heart out and feed it to the fire myself.
Ashley- <sniffs> You don't know what you're asking of me.
Evelyn- <sighs deeply> I'm asking you to go on a free trip and have a really great time, and make some new local contacts. Maybe someone will even touch your nude body.
Ashley- Not everything is about sex and adventure Evelyn.
Evelyn- You literally have that tattooed on your body in a place that I never hope to see again.
Ashley- It was a simpler time back then. Fine. I will do what you ask, no.. demand of me. Because I love you.
Evelyn- Thank you. I love you too.
Ashley- My digestion has been upset. Please forgive me, I can no longer stay.
Evelyn- Oh for godsakes.
Ashley- As much as I enjoy sushi, this meal has turned from one of hopeful reconciliation to one of bitter betrayal.
Evelyn- I have a date tonight, like a real one. My Mom's watching the baby, she's not real happy with you either. So maybe stay away from the house.
Ashley- <whines> But we were supposed to have movie night! Verity and I were looking forward to that new dragon show. I was going to make kettlecorn!
Evelyn- I'm sorry! Its the only night that worked out, and Jonah doesn't want you alone with the baby anymore. You did this to yourself.
Ashley- Twice betrayed in one meal. Well, give Verity my regards... you will be the one to suffer with her disappointment.
Evelyn- <eyeroll>
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zukoscomet · 3 years
First of all, I wanted to say that your work "stupid electric heart" is just amazing, I love everything about it! And now I am haunted by the scene where Katara and Zuko tell their friends and relatives about the fact that they have a relationship. Something like:
Katara: Zuko and I love each other.
Sokka: Is the water wet and?
Toph: *silently passes the money to Iroh*
Toph: Sugar Queen, why now, another six months and this money would be mine!
Suki: This is a very nice ad, but you are literally the last who will know about it.
Iroh: I'm so glad that I don't have to pretend anymore that I don't notice your sad looks that you throw at each other!
Aang: We literally came up with a name for your couple. Zuko: Have you come up with a word for our couple?!
Toph: Well, it's shorter than calling you "two idiots who are too afraid to tell about their feelings, so they prefer to yearn in silence"
Anon, this is a great concept for a fic, thank you for sending it my way!
I love this idea of prior expectation for some of the characters you mentioned. Like Iroh recognises the importance of the bond between Katara and Zuko in canon, so it makes perfect sense he'd anticipate something more between the Southern Ambassador and the Fire Lord (and would subtly-not-subtly try and encourage it when the feelings are being denied).
Toph also knows it's deeper with Katara and Zuko all along. I like Toph being the most perceptive one of the group just in a general sense - she's the most honest and direct; she 'sees' things how they are - but she can hear those hearts go thump thump thump too much for it not to be more.
Suki, in my mind, would have quite strong relationships with both Katara and Zuko after the war so she almost ends up seeing it through their eyes - like she can see the impact that Katara has on Zuko, how different it is from how he responds to others, and vice versa, so it becomes pretty clear from the beginning.
But I have to say I'm a fan of the Very Oblivious Sokka take. Like after Katara and Zuko tell him they're dating, he looks back on the past few years and it all seems so inevitable and obvious and Sokka has a kind of existential crisis like what else have I not seen??? We see in the show that Sokka is very creative, so I headcanon he daydreams a lot and is very focused on his own field of influence - not in a rude way, that's just how his brain works. So when he was actually living through all Katara and Zuko's relationship development, he just... never really noticed it, or never really thought about it too much, so it comes as a big surprise initially.
For A/ang, I actually like the idea that he doesn't respond well to finding out about Katara and Zuko being together romantically at first. What I personally dislike about A/ang is that he really lacks growth as a character, especially towards the end of the series, and since I like writing ZK so much, it makes sense to me that I'd use their relationship as kind of a device to right my issues with A/ang.
We see in the show that Katara tends to be soft and placating and A/ang is hopeful and persistent, so maybe when she and A/ang break up, he gets the impression that it's not forever. The years that Katara then spends in the South Pole without another love interest cropping up just compounds that idea in his mind. When Katara goes to the Fire Nation as Ambassador, A/ang actually thinks that it's a good thing for him - she's out and travelling again, being present for world affairs, both of which suit him in terms of them being together. A/ang thinks it's only a matter of time - that Katara will want to get back together in the very near future - so when Katara and Zuko share that they're dating, it's a massive shock.
A/ang is devastated, feels deeply betrayed by both of them and some sort of confrontation ensues that the entire Gaang is present for. Katara and maybe Zuko, too, try to handle it in a conciliatory way but Sokka has it up to here seeing Katara always having to sacrifice things. It's not discussed as much as it should be but, from the episode when A/ang accidentally burns Katara's hands, Sokka is canonically very protective of Katara and isn't afraid to act (Off topic but I think that's why Sokka isn't really mentioned in LOK; at the very least, he never would have stood for A/ang treating Bumi and Kya like he did). Maybe when Katara gets upset, he says something to A/ang along the lines of I get that this isn't what you wanted but after all my sister has done for you, why couldn't you just let her have this one moment???
After that, after realising that no one is really on his side of the argument except to be supportive/consolatory, A/ang maybe leaves and spends a while cut off from everyone at one of the Air Temples. I'm not exactly sure of how he'd come across his moment of acceptance and moving on from it, but eventually he comes back and apologises, says that he's happy that two of his best friends have found love with each other. It's a bit of a sore spot for a while after still but in a very different way - for instance when Katara and Zuko have their first baby, A/ang is a bit envious but because he wants to be loved and settled, because he wants to not be the only airbender anymore; it's never over Katara specifically, and A/ang ends up just as supportive as the rest in the end.
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 11
A/n: hopefully this is gonna be posted… It was very stormy and the power is off for hours because of it. I tried to create a moodboard and i am trying to post it but even my own data is not working very well, the storm was that bad and probably damaged something… I deserve some comments after trying that hard to post that😂
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    Christmas was around the corner, but Scarlett wasn't as excited as she used to be even it was her favourite time of the year. She was planning to celebrate it with her kids but apparently, they had other plans which she found out quite late. Sirius has invited Leo and Remus over for a boys Christmas celebration and Carina would celebrate it with her boyfriend's family this year. Actually both of the kids have offered to stay with her but she didn't want to ruin their plans for her own enjoyment. Then Scarlett thought to spend the day with her parents just like the old days but it turned out they have already booked a holiday, they would be in Switzerland during Christmas week. So this plan has cancelled too for her. Normally she wouldn't mind staying alone but on special days she would like to have a company, especially this year she needed it more. Scarlett thought if she could invite someone over for Christmas but she didn't have many friends and the ones she had already married and would celebrate it with their families or they were living in abroad. Then one possible person came to her mind but she wasn't sure if he had someone special to celebrate the Christmas with. But she wanted to give it a try and wrote a letter to Severus and invited him over for dinner.
    Christmas had a special place in their relationship. They have started dating on December, couple of days prior Scarlett's 18th birthday then she has invited him to her house for Christmas break when she found out he would stay at Hogwarts and with that he could meet with her parents. And the best memory of that Christmas was the present that Severus gave to her. He has got her a white British long hair kitten that she fell in love with immediately. Severus has gotten that idea since Scarlett was such a cat lady and actually she was a cat herself as an animagus, also she has told him about her late cat who passed away a year ago. Scarlett has named the new kitten Pearl and she has become basically their baby and in the summer of the same year they got another kitten together and named him Paul. The warm feeling of the memories made her smile, these happy memories has become her comfort zone lately.
    It was the Christmas evening and the kids were ready to leave while Scarlett was busy decorating a cake. Leo and Carina came to the kitchen to say goodbye to her.
"Mum the cake looks delicious but isn't it way too big just for you to eat?"
"I will have a friend over, i won't be alone."
"Oh you didn't mention that. Now we don't feel as guilty for leaving you alone. Who is coming?"
"Professor Snape."
The kids exchanged looks for a moment. They still haven't said anything to her about the trunk so she had no idea that they know about her past relationship with Severus Snape.
"It will be great for you two to remember good old days, I am sure you have missed them. Have fun!"
Scarlett looked at Carina rather suspiciously after what she just said. She was asking and talking a lot about Severus and her lately. "Thank you... Are you leaving?"
"Yep, take care and don't drink much mum."
"Okay mother." Scarlett rolled her eyes at her daughter. "You two have fun and say merry Christmas to everyone from me." She kissed their cheeks goodbye. "Love you."
"Love you too mum, bye!" Carina and Leo both apparated at the same time, leaving Scarlett by herself.
She did the final touches on the cake and put it in the refrigerator to set. Now she needed to get dressed before he came. Scarlett decided on a velvet bodycon dress which is off shoulder and its emerald green colour was complimenting her copper red hair beautifully. She brushed and styled her wavy hair and finally put her signature red lipstick. Scarlett looked herself in the mirror and enjoyed her view truly for the first time in a while. She hasn't dressed up fully for a long time and she has missed seeing herself like this.
    The knock on the door took her away from her thoughts. She rushed to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. When she opened the door and saw him standing there with a winter bouquet and wine bottle in his hands. It was such a coincidence that he has picked a velvet emerald green jacket to combine with his black trousers and shirt.
"Welcome Severus, come in! It is snowing outside."
"Hello." He smiled and entered the house once he lived in together with her, handed her the bouquet and the wine he brought. “These are for you.”
"Ah thank you, the flowers are so pretty!" She inhaled the flowers’ scent.
"Not as pretty as you..." Severus couldn't take his eyes off of her, Scarlett has aged like a fine wine.
She blushed lightly at his statement and looked away from him. "You can directly go to the dinner table; we better eat them before they get cold. And you know what, i cooked everything by myself, no help from the house elf!"
"Today is the big day then huh? You are showing me your improved cooking skills?"
"Oh yes today is the day!" Scarlett giggled while they were taking their seats.
He looked at the small feast that she prepared for them. It wasn't a classic Christmas feast since both of them were vegetarians but everything was looking more than perfect.
"I must say, i am already impressed Scarlett. Everything looks and smells splendid."
"Everything tastes splendid  too, i guarantee." She winked at him. "Help yourself, bon Appetit!"
    After the dinner they moved to the couch with their drinks in hands. Severus has really enjoyed the foods even he admitted that Scarlett's cooking skills have moved from 1 to 5 point. Scarlett was more than happy to hear that because cooking wasn't her best skill at all.
    Hours have passed and they have talked little bit of that and little bit of this, ate the cake Scarlett has baked and listened to some music from the record player. After 4 glasses of wine, Scarlett had an unnecessary amount of courage and suddenly asked him if he had anyone in his life even though she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the answer. Severus wasn't expecting that question at all but he had the answer.
"No, i don't." Severus finished off the wine in his glass. Starting a new relationship didn’t even cross his mind after their breakup. It was either Scarlett or no one for him.
"How come you are still single? You would make a great husband, i am sure."
Severus sighed and shook his head. "Scarlett, you are the only one who value me, every part of me that i don't even like myself... And i am so stupid that i let you go..." He wasn't planning the say those things but they did flow from his mouth, apparently wine has affected him too. But he didn’t care, if they had to do the talk they would now.
"I didn't want to go, you left me..." Scarlett whispered while playing with the wine glass. He hasn't even given her a proper reason, just left her. "Why did you leave? I deserve an answer Severus... It has been years, won’t you tell me still?”
Severus still didn't want to tell her the reason, he was sure it would make Scarlett very upset but he knew he should eventually. The reason has made sense to him at the time but the moment he broke up with her, Severus has regretted his decision deeply but he couldn't turn back because he has thought she wouldn't want him back anymore after how much he hurt her.
Severus took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, this talk wouldn’t be easy at all for both of them. "I will tell you but please let me finish it before saying anything… You remember that nightmare-like times between us and Sirius… I have visited Sirius when he was at the hospital after his suicide attempt, this was before your dad informed you about it. All he talked about was you and how much he loves you, how much you mean to him. And i thought maybe he loves you more since he tried to kill himself after you cut the ties with him, because of me... Scar i don't know, i just thought that he could give you more things than me and you deserve the best so i decided that you would be happier with him than being with me... Don’t look at me like that…"
Scarlett couldn't believe the things she just heard. She has always thought that he fell in love with someone else or he didn't love her anymore. "Severus, that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard from you... Didn't i show you enough that i was in love with you deeply and i was so happy with you...? I didn't want anyone or anything else but you Severus. I loved you… but apparently you didn’t love me enough…"
“That’s not true…” He couldn't dare to look into her eyes or say anything else, the words stuck into his throat. Now he knew it is a stupid reason but as a young boy it made sense to him. Severus has never thought a beautiful and rich girl like Scarlett would be his friend, let alone be dating someone like him. And there was Sirius, Hogwarts's most handsome boy and Scarlett's lifelong best friend, plus he was in love with her like crazy. Sirius looked like a better fit for Scarlett rather than himself, he never felt confident against Sirius, Severus didn’t have the looks nor the money while Sirius had both. But now looking at Scarlett and Sirius's divorce, it was clear that his thoughts were nonsense because he would never cheat on Scarlett, ever.
Scarlett’s trembling voice brought him back to reality from his thoughts. Severus looked into her tearful eyes, she always told more with her eyes and Severus liked that silent communication but now her eyes had an effect of a dagger and stabbed his heart. Then his eyes moved to her red lips and unconsciously he leant into them ever so slightly but he pulled himself back in the next second he noticed what’s he doing, he shouldn't have kissed her even he wanted nothing else. Scarlett was the same; her heart was wanting to kiss him but her brain was saying it's not a good idea at the current situation.
"I better go... Thank you for the dinner." Severus stood up to leave suddenly;  If he stayed any longer, he was scared that he wouldn't control himself and the conversation had a tool on both of them.
Scarlett just nodded, she still couldn’t process the things Severus revealed. "Good night..."
"Good night Scarlett..." And he vanished in the air.
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Helloo i was wondering could we get a smutty roger blurb pretty pleasssseee maybe due to the recent pop quiz videos 🙄 like he's on the show and youre watching in the audience as a friend and his team losses + he's hella annoyed so he's determined to get home asap so he can relieve his frustrations but you decide to come home with him to cheer him up but you don't know what you are in for because he can't resist you when he's in this mood 😍
1st Holiday Advent post yay! (send me a request here and check out the explanation here) Anyway, this has been in my inbox forever, so thank you for your patience anon, I reward you with a honkin’ 2.5k words (warnings are smut, 18+) Masterlist
You were attending the taping of one of the episodes of Pop Quiz that Roger was on. He had invited you the week before after you had mentioned that you always caught the episodes when they aired and liked answering the questions yourself. It wasn’t totally clear if this was a date or not, but you were fine with either. Not that you didn’t really fancy Roger, you just were okay with it being a friendly invitation as well. The two of you always flirted and were touchy, but you knew you were just a flirt in general and Roger himself was touchy with all of his friends.
The idea of asking him out had been something you were toying with, but whatever was between you and Roger seemed like something that would develop on its own time and in its own way. You knew it wouldn’t be a conventional sort of relationship, which you were totally okay with, so you figured it’d be best to just let everything happen the way it was going to.  
Sitting in the front row of the studio audience, you had a great view of the stage other than what was obstructed by the cameras. Luckily, Roger wasn’t obstructed so you could watch him all night. At the beginning, he would wave to you during commercial breaks or mouth things when the other team was answering and he was sure he wasn’t onscreen. He made you laugh a lot with all of his faces and you had to stifle yourself to keep from interrupting the taping.
Unfortunately, as time went on, it became clear that Roger’s team was losing and by three quarters of the way through, they were too far to come back and win. You could tell Roger wasn’t happy. You would’ve bet money that no one else could really tell the difference in his behavior, but having been his friend for quite a while and seeing the way he acted in the studio, you could see the slight differences. His hand was tucked into the collar of his shirt and you could see his fingers underneath the fabric moving underneath like they were tapping out a quick rhythm. His answers to the questions became short and gone was the funny banter and quips that he was usually known for. He probably wouldn’t have been so upset, but his team was doing poorly mainly due to a few mess ups on his part, and he felt guilty and stupid for getting the answers wrong.
Roger kept his composure through the rest of the show, but as soon as it was done, he was finding you to leave. The host tried to invite the two of you to the pub with everyone else, but Roger waved him off saying it wasn’t a good night for it.
Once he got to you, Roger grabbed your hand a little roughly and pulled you next to him, saying with a gruff voice, “Let’s get you home.”
He led you out of the studio quickly, to his car that was parked in the garage. Roger let your hand go so you could both get in, turning on the car and then practically speeding out of the garage. As soon as he got to the highway, he pushed the accelerator hard, going well past what you knew the speed limit to be.
“Roger, Roger, slow down!” you cried out, gripping the door next to you and subconsciously pressing your feet into the brake pedal you wished was on your side.
“Don’t worry love, the street’s empty,” Roger assured you, keeping up the speed.
“Well, what if someone else gets on?”
“Then I’ll slow down,” he looked over to you to make sure you accepted his answer and when you nodded, he turned back to the road, increasing his speed further.
A little less worried, you started paying attention to where he was going and realized he was taking you home.
“You’re going to my house?” you asked in confusion.
“Yeah, I said ‘let’s get you home,’” he reminded you shortly.
“Oh,” was all your reply, disappointed because you knew he was planning to just drop you off and be on his way. You had been looking forward to the rest of the night with maybe a drink or two and lots of good conversation with Roger.
It wasn’t long before you arrived at your house, Roger stopping in front of your driveway and putting the car into park.
“Sorry I kind of ruined the night. ‘m just not in the greatest mood after the shit that was that show,” Roger said, looking down at his hands on the steering wheel instead of up at you.
You put your hand on the closest of his and he looked up, “You know, it wasn’t all on you. And besides, it’s just a bit of fun for a show, right?”
Roger moved past just feeling the warmth of your hand on his to answer, “Yeah, I guess.”
Rolling your eyes fondly, you suggested, “Why don’t you come in for a drink or something. I hate to send you home without having cheered you up, even just a little.”
The earnest look in your eyes and how close you were to him made Roger eager to say yes to your suggestion. But he thought again and wondered if he should because he knew that whenever he got in this mood he was prone to doing whatever he could to relieve the frustration. That often included sex with whoever was around and willing, but he wasn’t sure that the possible risk to your friendship was worth the fuck he wanted just to release some steam.
Roger also knew there was something between the two of you and wasn’t sure that now was the time to expand on it, without practically any patience on his part. He was about to decline your offer and just drive home to work his irritation out on his drums when you let go of his hand.
Before he could react, you shut off the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition, unbuckling and throwing open the door of the car. You got out, shut the door, and ran, stopping about ten feet into your lawn.
“If you want them back you’ll have to come in first!” you shouted to him. He watched you in surprise, which quickly turned to shock and then a fire low in his belly when you tucked the keys into your bra with a laugh.
He got out of the car, almost slamming the door shut and you tensed in anticipation. He started like he was going to start running and you bolted a couple steps, but he was just messing with you. So you watched him again, and he walked, slowly this time, until he was five feet away. When you were least expecting it, he lunged for you, but you were just far enough away to stay out of his grasp. You made it to the door and unlocked it before he got there, leaving the keys in the lock to slow him down before continuing into your house.
Roger watched you disappear into your house, shaking his head as he pulled your house key from the lock and walked in, shutting the door and locking it behind him.
“I’m going to get those keys,” Roger announced to you as he sauntered into the kitchen where he already knew you’d be.
You held out a drink for him, whisky, neat, that you had poured from the bar cart in your kitchen.
“Not for awhile you won’t,” you replied as he walked around the counter to you, leaning back against it.  
He took the drink you held out to him, and the two of you cheersed before taking a sip, looking each other in the eye.
“So what do you suggest we do until then?” he asked, swirling his drink and cocking his hip to the side.
“Well, we’ll have to finish our drinks, of course,” you reasoned, moving a step forward and taking another sip.
Roger, on the other hand, downed his drink all at once, then looked at you and said, “What next?”
“We could listen to some music,” you suggested, getting another step closer.
“Not really in the mood to listen to music,” Roger muttered, setting down his empty glass on the counter; you did the same with your still mostly full one.
Rolling your eyes, you took the last step until you were right in front of him and then waited until he looked down at you before speaking, “What are you in the mood for?”
There was a moment of silence and tension before you rushed together, meeting in a fervent kiss. Roger gripped you by your waist and you held yourself steady by wrapping your arms around his neck. That steady was knocked off balance as Roger flipped the two of you around, pressing you against the counter with his hips. You moaned and parted your mouth when Roger’s tongue ran along your lower lip. As he deepened the kiss, his hands slid down to your ass, squeezing it before using his grip to lift you onto the counter.
Laughing, you widened your legs and used your heels to pull him closer until you could feel his growing hardness pressing against you. The kiss made you feel hot all over and you shrugged off your jacket. Roger let his fall to the floor before moving his hands to the buttons of your blouse. He undid it as you nipped at his neck, but when he tried to undo your bra, he couldn’t.
“Oh, it’s-- it’s in the front,” you explained and undid the clasp between your breasts. Then, when you did, Roger’s keys fell to your lap.
The two of you paused for a second before you burst into laughter and Roger dropped his head to your shoulder, his breath tickling your skin.
“I--I told you I would get them,” Roger told you through chuckles.
“Shut up and kiss me,” you replied as you tossed his keys to the side, and he did.
As the kiss got more intense, you raked your fingers through his hair, pulling roughly at the ends. Roger groaned deeply in his throat, pulling back to mouth at your neck, using his hands to feel your breasts. As a spike of heat travelled through you, you pushed him back a little to hike up your skirt (which you were grateful you wore) and pull down your underwear as quick as you could.
Roger did the same, kicking his pants off all the way before pulling you to the edge of the counter. You reached between you and ran your hand along the length of his dick, getting a sense for it and making sure it was ready, the moan that came from Roger’s lips just being an added bonus. He reached between your thighs and swiped his thumb up through your folds, gathering some wetness before rubbing your clit in tight circles.
“Fuck. Mm, just fuck me now, I’m ready,” you said breathlessly.
Nodding, Roger let you guide his cock to your entrance, pushing in slowly until he bottomed out. Giving you a second, he pulled out just as slowly then started fucking you for real. His pace wasn’t too fast, in fact it was just right and hit you in all the right places as you gripped onto his shoulders and used your legs for leverage. His thumb stayed on your clit and that matched with his sharp thrusts made your pleasure grow faster than you expected.
It wasn’t long before you couldn’t keep quiet, telling Roger all the ways he was making you feel and how good he was fucking you. Roger was just as loud, but with moans instead of words and each of his sounds sent another bolt of pleasure through you.
“Roger, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna co-ome, keep going,” you said, your voice breaking.
In return, he snapped his hips into you with each thrust, and as you clenched around him, his shaky moan was all it took for your orgasm to take over. As your muscles tightened and your eyes closed, pleasure waved through you, making it almost hard to breathe with how good you felt.
Roger kept going, and even as you came down, showed no signs of stopping. You could tell that he was working off some frustration, and it honestly made you feel heady that he was using you for it. Luckily you weren’t too sensitive, and despite already coming, each thrust still gave you pleasure.
Wanting to help him along, you clenched around him, at the same time moved to kiss his neck. You kissed until you found the spot that made him groan, deciding to suck and nip your way to leaving a hickey there.
Before you knew it, you began to feel another orgasm building, and you moaned against Roger’s neck as a particularly strong wave of pleasure went through you. You kissed your way up to Roger’s mouth and kissed him again, reveling in the feeling of his tongue against yours.
But then you felt his fingers on your clit again and you broke the kiss to tell him, “Oh Roger, oh my gosh, you’re gonna make me come again. Fuck me.”
“Already am, but I can sure go harder,” Roger joked, voice a little uneven.
“Yes, that, do that,” you agreed, nodding quickly.
Roger complied, and as his thrusts grew harder you keened at the feeling. His free hand went into your hair, pulling your head back enough so that he could lean down and get his mouth on your breasts. He kissed his way to one of your nipples, bringing it between his lips as he sucked.
One of your hands went behind you to keep you up but the other went to the back of Roger’s head keeping him in place. And then Roger tugged at your nipple lightly with his teeth and you were cumming, tightening your grip in his hair and moaning brokenly at the feeling.
Even as the hot pleasure ran through you, you could feel Roger’s hips stuttering and the change made you whine. Just having caught your breath enough to talk, you grabbed Roger’s shoulder, “Come, I need you to come.”
“I’m on birth control, inside me, please, fuck,” you pleaded, a little because your sensitivity was getting stronger, but mostly because you wanted him to reach that high too.
And just a few thrusts more, with the clench of your walls around him, Roger came into you, moaning into your chest as his thrusts slowed down. When he stopped, he stayed inside you, and you ran your fingers through his hair as he came down.
Breath still heavy, Roger started pressing lazy kisses up your chest and neck before finding your mouth and kissing you slowly. After a minute, you pulled back and smiled at him.
“So that happened,” Roger said, his smile matching yours.
“Yeah, finally,” you said with a laugh. “Guess we should thank Pop Quiz for adding the last bit of frustration that made it all boil over.”
“Yeah, guess we should,” Roger muttered, leaning in and kissing you again.
tagging bc its sooo long: @riseetothesun @drowseoftaylor @caborhapch @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @stardust-galaxies @theblossomknows   @buckyluvrs   
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