#delighted thrilled overjoyed
kayvsworld · 2 years
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icon, legend,
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luna-azzurra · 2 months
Words to Use Instead of "Happy"
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Other Words to Use (Emotions)
Carefully chosen words have the power to bring a person or story to life and impact the readers' impression. If you’re like most people, though, you often use the same words when writing about emotions. Here are some commonly used words to describe emotions and feelings as well as many alternatives that may help your readers better understand what you're trying to convey.
HIGH excited, thrilled, ecstatic, elated, intoxicated, captivated, euphoric, joyous, jubilant, overjoyed MODERATE cheerful, upbeat, optimistic, enthusiastic, lively, gleeful, joyful, peppy, delighted, tickled, hopeful LOW merry, light, jolly, up, glad, pleased, blissful, chipper, content, perky, playful
HIGH grieved, crushed, gloomy, hopeless, heartbroken, devastated, despairing, distraught, heavy-hearted, miserable MODERATE dejected, dismayed, hurt, hurting, disillusioned, downcast, forlorn, glum, cheerless, melancholy LOW down, disappointed, blue, discouraged, low, somber, sorry, unhappy
HIGH furious, raging, irate, hateful, incensed, hostile, outraged, indignant, exasperated MODERATE aggravated, irritated, irked, upset, annoyed, offended, sulky, ticked off, fuming, sullen, provoked LOW perturbed, hassled, bothered, fuss, fret, displeased, peeved
HIGH: terrified, overwhelmed, panicked, petrified, alarmed, fearful MODERATE: worried, tense, dread, shaken, anxious, afraid, panicky, panicked LOW: startled, surprised, uneasy, edgy, apprehensive, hesitant, uncomfortable
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
if nobody else has, may I politely request the dateables curing cat!mc?
Hi there!
Okay technically my requests are closed, so I was going to wait to do this until they were open again... buuuut I had some time, so here we are! I couldn't really resist because the cat!MC request was so fun and I love the dateables so much.
I did Luke, too, but once again his only requires a counter curse lol.
Thank you for the request!
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GN!MC turns into a cat and the dateables must cure them with true love's kiss
Warnings: none
He has no idea how this cat got into his office at RAD, but he's delighted. Doesn't recognize you right away. Eventually realizes that there's a lot of magic going on with you, though, and that's when he figures it out. Oh dear, MC! You appear to have been turned into a cat. Don't worry, he'll figure out how to turn you back. But first he's going to take a bunch of pictures.
Picks you up carefully and carries you around while he makes inquiries of his most trusted advisers on how to turn you back. Barbatos probably has practical advise, but all Lucifer cares about is keeping the cat version of you away from Satan. Diavolo is pretty protective of you in this form, so there's really no need to be concerned. He won't let you out of his arms, let alone out of his sight. You can't complain. You don't mind being held against that particular chest all day.
He will take you under his care for as long as you're in kitty form. Won't entrust you to the brothers and takes you back to the castle instead. Let's be real, he's not really doing anything to find the cure. Barbatos is hard at work trying to figure out what happened to you. In the meantime, Diavolo is pampering you.
Eventually, Barbatos tells him he needs to use true love's kiss. Once again, he's thrilled. Takes you into his room where he cuddles you against his chest one last time before kissing the top of your head. You come back to yourself fully sitting in his lap, face pressed against that beautiful bosom. He's so happy to have you in his arms. He liked you in cat form, but this is much more preferable. Won't be able to stop himself from kissing you again.
Recognizes you instantly. Whether he finds you at RAD, the House of Lamentation, or wandering the halls of the Demon Lord's Castle, he knows it's you the moment he sees you. He's not sure how you got yourself into such a predicament, but he's prepared to help you return to your normal self. Chances are Barbatos already knows what needs to be done. He's likely seen stuff like this before.
He will take you into his care, bringing you to the castle where he can watch over you properly. He doesn't trust anyone else to care for you in this form and he needs to make sure he's got the right cure before he tries anything. He surprises you with how much he pampers you. While you're in residence, he likes to have you sit on a fancy cushion that he then carries around from room to room. Sometimes makes the Little Ds carry your cushion around. They don't seem to mind, you guys actually get along pretty well.
When he's not busy working or looking into the cure, he's going to want to hold you himself. Keeps you on his lap while he pets you or brushes out your fur. Talks to you like you're already back to normal and can keep up with your side of the conversation even though all you do is meow. Reassures you that he's working on bringing you back to normal.
Once he's confirmed what he knew all along, that it's true love's kiss you need, he will place you and your cushion on a chair before kissing one of your paws. You turn back into yourself sitting in front of him in the chair, your hand still in his. He pulls you up into his arms and kisses you for real. Welcome back, MC. You must forgive him for being so overjoyed to see you back in your usual form. You can be sure he's not going to let you go anywhere for a while.
Oh, MC, you're adorable as a cat, but how did this happen? Most likely you went looking for him because you need help and you know you can count on him not to mess with you too much. Simeon does indeed take charge immediately upon your arrival. He enlists the help of all the demons and Solomon because he's not messing around. It's important that you return to normal as fast as possible, especially since you're the only one who can actually keep the brothers in line at all.
While he dictates to everyone else, he's making sure that he's taking care of you. Cooks you a bunch of special cat-friendly food. Makes you little fish shaped cat treats. Makes sure to get all the information on any classes you're missing while in cat form. Makes you a little place to sleep on his bed using pillows and blankets.
He doesn't make you stay in any one place, but he's always following along behind you if you decide to leave the room. He's worried about you. You're small now and you're used to being a human and what if you get into trouble? He wants to be there to make sure you're always okay. It's too risky to let you go wandering off on your own.
Eventually someone figures out that it's true love's kiss that will bring you back to yourself. He might think it's one of the brothers you need for this, so you'll have to do something to make sure he understands. Sit in his lap and purr. Butt your head into him and lick his cheek until he gets the message. He'll laugh and then kiss your whiskery cheek. You turn back into yourself and he can't help but wrap his arms around you, burying his face in your neck. He's just so happy that you're back.
Assuming you've come to him because you're a cat now and you want someone to change you back, Solomon probably doesn't even notice you at first. He's too busy with whatever magical experiment he's got going on. He's going to get confused about a random cat showing up in his room. He's too distracted to do anything about it, though, and instead starts lecturing you about magic. He still thinks he's talking to a regular cat, but when you start to respond with well placed meows or by pawing at certain things on his table, he's going to figure it out. This cat is too smart to be an actual cat.
MC? Is that you? Ahaha! It is you! Sorry he didn't recognize you sooner! What in the world happened to you? He's probably going to make fun of you for a little bit because it's kind of precious that you're like this. He thinks you're so cute, he can't help but act like he's just going to leave you that way. Starts talking about magic again like he's actually teaching you something.
Meow in protest. He's going to pretend he thinks you're responding to his magic lecture. Hiss at him. Depending on how far he's willing to take it, you might have to actually bite him. He'll give in after that, laughing the whole time. Okay okay, he'll fix you! But you know he'll probably take a few pictures first.
He already knows it's true love's kiss that will fix you. He puts you in front of him on the table he's sitting at and kisses your nose. You come back to yourself sitting on the table. He immediately puts his arms around your waist and leans his head on your stomach. He was teasing you a lot, but he never would've actually left you like that. He much prefers you in this form and he's going to want you to stay the night so he can prove it.
Doesn't recognize you at all. What's this random cat doing here? This is the response whether you're at RAD, Purgatory Hall, or anywhere else you might encounter him. Unless you're in a place where cats normally are, he's confused about your presence. Won't figure it out until someone else (probably Simeon) tells him that it's actually you.
Okay, now he's freaking out. MC! How did this happen! Was it one of those demon brothers?! Calm him down by purring at him. Rub against his ankles and he'll pick you up. He won't let you just wander around like this! Takes you to Purgatory Hall (unless you're already there) and gets his various father figures to help him change you back.
Absolutely bakes you all the cat shaped treats while you're in cat form. Makes some that are extra small so you can actually eat them with your tiny mouth. Makes plenty more for when you're back to your usual size because he's pretty sure you're going to be traumatized from this experience and sweet things always make him feel better.
In the end, someone finds the counter curse, which is cast upon you as quickly as possible. The little angel is still somewhat distressed about the fact that you were cursed, even if it was kind of cute. Cheer him up by eating all the things he stress-baked for you. If you're enjoying his baked goods, then you must be feeling okay despite your ordeal. Just make sure to be more careful around demons!
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masterlist | part 1 with the brothers | Thank you for reading!
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darkfinch · 1 year
whatever else happens this month i have accidentally made the Perfect tea jam & i am unstoppable. i was trying to make raspberry syrup with all the raspberries i froze over the summer & had a mishap & i now have a jam that is 1) completely smooth 2) delicious & tastes like fresh raspberries 3) slightly too sweet for normal jam use but perfect as a tea sweetener 4) able to dissolve completely magically without a trace. i am drinking perfect raspberry-jam-sweetened tea & watching birds yell at each other what could be better
overjoyed overcaffeinated delighted thrilled,
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yuurei20 · 8 months
Jade and Floyd Info Compilation part 28: Jade and Silver
There is a low-key pattern of Jade feeding Silver: Jade donates mushrooms from a mountain excursion to the cafeteria that get incorporated into a risotto (Silver’s favorite food) and Silver is delighted by the improvement, saying, “Whoever their food supplier is, they’ve got quite an eye for quality. This is truly spectacular,” all of which Jade overhears.
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Jade chooses not to share the reason for his amusement with Floyd who asks, “Oh, so you were grinning like an idiot over nothing? You look real pleased with yourself.”
Jade explains, “I just found a low-key source of amusement.”
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Azul encourages Jade to sell his mushrooms to the cafeteria (after forbidding them from Mostro Lounge) and Jade does so, intentionally going on the lookout for Silver to gauge his reaction.
Silver is once again thrilled by his risotto (“What ingredients are they using, and where do they get them? They’re top-grade mushrooms, no question about that.”) and Jade is once again very pleased.
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This theme continues throughout at least one more vignette and an event: at Ruggie’s behest, Kalim buys a rare icicle mushroom (“one of the three greatest delicacies in Twisted Wonderland”) from Sam that Sam originally traded from Jade during Beanfest and serves it at a party attended by both Jade and Silver.
Jade says, “He even served a dish with an icicle mushroom...whoever grew it must be overjoyed to see it put to good use” while, separately, Silver says, “That’s good food…especially that mushroom.”
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Silver and Jade overlap again during Fairy Gala IF when Silver shares his concerns about being able to communicate with the fairies.
Jade comes up with the idea of presenting a craftfairy with broken metal objects and ignoring them until they make a translator on their own in order to be able to communicate.
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Jade provides broken metal pans and pots from Mostro Lounge, which the fairy then fixes in addition to crafting the translators that Silver needs.
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Silver is Jade’s interview for his second birthday vignette and presents him with a rope for use in his Mountain Lovers Club hiking excursions.
Jade is delighted, and Silver promises to teach him how to use it.
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neathyingenue · 3 months
Character Timeline: Angeline Jingyi Hui
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Angeline's timeline goes along with Pilar's, which you can read here!
Born Hui Jingyi to an upwardly mobile merchant family in Hong Kong, the same year that London fell.
Jingyi’s sister Nuan is born.
The girls are not educated particularly rigorously, though they are taught some English due to their parents’ self-preservation. The family often associates with English colonists of a similar social class.
A Navy captain named Philip Clark meets Nuan at a party. After a few months of courtship, he proposes marriage before his assignment takes him back to England. It is agreed (not by Jingyi!) that he should take Jingyi with him, “so Nuan will have a companion” (and hopefully so she will get married and stop embarrassing everyone by being unmarried at the age of 31).
Although Nuan and Jingyi have been going by English names for a while, it’s at this point, in the emigration process, that their names become legal. Nuan’s English name is Ruth. Jingyi’s is Angeline.
After Philip’s leave, he’s assigned again to the Navy, this time in the Unterzee. He views it as his patriotic duty to go there—the Neath is where the Royal Family is, after all.
For several years, Ruth and Angeline stay at various ports while Philip is manning admiralty ships. They also stay a few months at the Grand Geode.
Angeline does not particularly like the Neath, but she does enjoy that people don’t seem to care as much about whether she’s married or not. She is particularly fascinated by the New Sequencers, and on the DL, she learns all she can about The Lore. Is it possible that humans can make their own sun? The control of that, the purpose inherent serving it, really appeals to Angeline.
Meanwhile, Ruth has several difficult pregnancies in a row: two miscarriages, a stillbirth, and a child who dies in infancy. Because Philip is often off on assignments, Angeline is Ruth’s main support person and caregiver.
1899 (1900):
Ruth finally gives birth to a healthy baby boy. Philip is overjoyed, and goes into semi-retirement, moving the family to London and serving on lightships more sporadically, so he can spend time with his family.
Just like that, Angeline goes from being “indispensible confidante” to “superfluous maiden aunt.” Ruth and Clark’s existence revolves around the baby. Surely, so does Angeline’s. Isn’t she just so thrilled for her sister? Isn’t she delighted to have a nephew? Isn’t she going to be the most devoted aunt of all time? With no thanks for the years she supported Ruth, the Clark family is happy to settle into the new rhythm of life with a child.
Angeline becomes even more fiercely protective of her privacy. She isolates herself as often as possible to study Bazaarine texts, to chase whispers about the Judgments. She’s limited in what she can read, but the tantalizing lack of information only drives her further into her obsession.
She barely even has to try to be discreet. No one ever asks what she does when she goes out by herself. No one ever sees her unclothed, so no one sees when she starts to get tattoos.
1899 (1901):
Angeline falls deeper into the Great Game, becomes a Silverer, gains access to the Moonlit Chessboard. She plays as a Red Bishop, tall and upright, battling both Black and White. No one ever helped her. Why shouldn’t she play for herself, against the orders of both Day and Night, when it is possible for humans to build their own third Dawn?
1899 (1902):
On her nephew’s second birthday, the whole family goes to Mahogany Hall to see a show by the Flighty Puppeteer. It’s said the Puppeteer crossed an ocean to get to London, just like Angeline and Ruth.
The Puppeteer’s performance is riotous and joyful. Sometimes she appears alongside her puppets, and sometimes the puppets dance alone, held by invisible strings. But in the patterns of animals and colors and movements, Angeline decodes a message. The Puppeteer is a Black Knight on the chessboard, and she is seeking others who will help her take down the tyrants in her homeland.
On the carriage ride home, the Clarks gush with praise. They don’t notice Angeline is silent. They never do. Angeline cannot stop thinking about how the Puppeteer’s lively, spinning steps tapped out the rhythms of exile from ravaged lands and hungry people and the glut of industry. How could she dance when she had suffered so much?
Angeline sets out to learn as much as she can about the Puppeteer. With everything she learns, her hatred grows more. She doesn’t understand why the Puppeteer would play for Black, when it was her politics that exiled her from Mexico. Occasionally, Angeline dreams she is one of the Puppeteer’s creations, held in the Puppeteer’s hands.
Angeline must meet the Puppeteer. But Angeline could never be her friend, much less anything else. The only thing that remains is the intimacy of envy. Of enmity. She must meet the Ebullient Knight and take her down.
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egg-emperor · 2 months
You're the expert on Eggman so I'm really curious to hear your answer
If Eggman found that Sonic died (something along the lines of Sonic was killed by someone else or he fell victim to some strange disease) would Eggman be upset that he didn't get to experience killing Sonic himself or would he immediately begin partying and start working on his vision for Eggman land?
I know Eggman would be ecstatic about finally getting to move towards his goals with no obstruction, but I guess what I'm really asking is how would Eggman feel knowing that something else took the life of his greatest enemy and he'll never get to experience the thrill of being the one to do it
(Also, in this hypothetical situation, Eggman did not kickstart the events that led to Sonic's death whatsoever. It was mostly out of nowhere, and Eggman is just finding out about it.)
Aww thank you I'm honored to be considered an expect hehe 💜
I feel his initial reaction is always to be absolutely delighted and burst into laughter because his arch nemesis is dead and that will never be a total downside for him. The two moments we've seen his reaction to Sonic presumably being dead, he's been overjoyed, standing out as some of his happiest moments in the entire series lol
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And while technically he was pretty much responsible for both as Sonic wouldn't have been cyber corrupted in the first place if Eggman hadn't kicked it all off, we still got to see how he feels if he isn't the one to really directly finish him off, calling it his "only regret". While he would've preferred it of course, he can be happy about it regardless. It's still hilarious and delightful to him
Though if he had no involvement at all because it was from some other foe that isn't connected to him, or a sickness, or anything else, I could see him being a little disappointed or even mad about how he couldn't get the glory of killing him. Like in a possessive "Hey, that was my prey! I was going to be recognized for my power and brilliance by killing him!" type way-
But overall he'd still be happy he was gone, the benefit of him no longer being around to get in his way remains. Plus he could still get the glory of defeating the rest of his friends if he's not feeling satisfied when he can't take any pride and credit in anything. As long as he gets the sense of accomplishment and bragging rights in other areas, I think he'll be happy enough in the end
So I'd say he'd probably still have the same mindset of when he said Sonic denied him the pleasure of finishing him off. His initial reaction would always be joy and laughter, even if after it wears off, he pouts like "But it should've been me that did it though >:[" and feel a little unfulfilled. It feels like he was denied one of the greatest thrills, catharsis, and satisfactions he could feel
And he could go "Wow sucks that for years I've aspired to put that blue pest down myself and the opportunity was ripped from my hands. I wanted to put him in his place and prove myself before I rid of him forever!" Because let's not forget, the reason he kept Sonic alive in prison in Forces was because he wanted to show him his completed empire before banishing (killing) him
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He would wish he could've shown his glorious empire to Sonic and said "Ha I told you I could do it, I was never bluffing! Now the world is mind and my glorious empire will rule supreme and you're nothing before me. Now goodbye forever!" And really rubbed his accomplishment and superiority in his face, then had the glory of killing him himself. That's his absolute dream scenario
Accepting that he isn't ever going to get that could be a tough pill to swallow after years of anticipation and fighting for it but it wouldn't stop it from overall being a great positive thing overall that Sonic is dead. What's done is done, so I think he'd be able to replace it in the end by proving himself to all the rest of those that try to resist him and getting the joy of killing his other enemies himself
l can also see him still thinking it was hilarious if he died in such a lame way if it was due to a sickness or something instead of in an epic battle lol. He might not have been able to prove his brilliance in it but Sonic at least proves his patheticness. Like how I can see him looking down on Maria for her terminal illness and dying by a bullet and using it as a reason to say he's better in both cases
Then he can personally prove his power and superiority by destroying or dominating the rest by himself. He'd know how to look on the bright side of it and find other ways to use his demise as proof of his own brilliance either way. In the end it'd still result in him cracking open a bottle of champagne and celebrating that blue bastard's end and the beginning of his glorious empire XD
So I think the upsides would outweigh the downsides no matter what, as he'd still get what he always wanted with his main dream of dominating the world and building and ruling his empire. It's just along the way defeating Sonic also became a part of it so it can be a bit a bummer- but he won't let that sour the happiest time of his life when the world is finally his, he has an empire to rule!
But I mean hey, maybe Eggman wouldn't want to accept it, to the point he'll go back in time to save him or find a way to revive him 06 style, something so noble and heroic. Like oh my god maybe he actually can't live without Sonic and needs him in his life! - But then it's actually just so he can kill him himself and get the glory and the credit. Dig him up to make sure he gets it lmfao
And he'd still do it in a way that he gets to prove himself, by taking him prisoner for a while while he builds his empire, shows it all to Sonic to really anger him and then gleefully declares that they'll engage in one last epic battle to the death with him, where he plans on finally killing him. That would be pretty fucking awesome. But if he loses and Sonic gets to live on, it'd immediately become his biggest regret!
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wildgirllz · 1 year
hi hello!!! i hope you're having a good day today! <3
i hope this isn't too specific, but can i request a dean winchester x male reader where they were childhood bEsT friends (they had the biggest crushes on each other but they could never admit it), but reader ran away from home when he was a teen and never got the chance to say goodbye to dean, and now dean and reader accidentally run into each other years later after they're both adults and on a case, and they have a mixed feeling reuinion because dean is OVERJOYED to see reader again, but also he is upset that reader never told dean where he was going, or even said goodbye? tysm <3
Ofc!! Here you go <3
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Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Angst, but a happy ending :)
It was just another day on the job for Dean Winchester, the hunter with the rugged good looks and the devil-may-care attitude. He had been hunting monsters with his brother, Sam, for years now, and while the work was dangerous, it was the only life he knew. He was good at it, and he liked the thrill of the hunt.
As he walked through the crowded city street, Dean felt a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in years, not since he was a teenager. He glanced around, trying to figure out what was causing the sensation, and then he saw him.
Dean's childhood best friend. They had grown up together, spending countless hours exploring the woods and getting into all sorts of trouble. They had been inseparable, until (Y/n) had disappeared one day, without a word.
Dean had never been able to forget (Y/n). They had had a crush on each other when they were teenagers, but they had never been able to admit it. And now, here he was, standing in the middle of the street, looking just as handsome as ever.
Dean walked up to him, feeling a mix of emotions. He was overjoyed to see (Y/n) again, but at the same time, he was upset that (Y/n) had disappeared without a word.
"(Y/n)?" Dean said, his voice barely above a whisper.
(Y/n) turned around, and when he saw Dean, his face lit up with a smile. "Dean!" he said, his voice filled with surprise and delight.
For a moment, they just stared at each other, lost in memories of their childhood. Then, Dean spoke again. "Where the hell have you been, man? You disappeared without a word."
(Y/n)'s smile faded slightly, and he looked down at the ground. "I know," he said quietly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just leave like that. I just... I had to get away, you know? Things were tough at home, and I needed to figure some things out."
Dean frowned. "What kind of things?"
(Y/n) shrugged. "Just... stuff. Family stuff. I don't really want to talk about it."
Dean nodded, understanding that some things were best left unsaid. "Well, it's good to see you again," he said, trying to lighten the mood. "What are you doing here?"
(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, as if he wasn't sure he wanted to answer. "I'm a hunter," he finally said. "I've been working on my own for a few years now."
Dean raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Really? You're a hunter?"
(Y/n) nodded. "Yeah. It's not easy, but I like it. It's... it's kind of like being a superhero, you know? Saving people, hunting things. It's a rush."
Dean chuckled. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been doing it for years."
They chatted for a few more minutes, catching up on old times and exchanging stories about their hunting experiences. Dean was glad to see that (Y/n) was doing well, but at the same time, he couldn't help feeling a twinge of hurt that (Y/n) had never reached out to him.
After a while, they parted ways, with (Y/n) promising to keep in touch. Dean watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions. He was happy to have seen (Y/n) again, but at the same time, he was hurt that (Y/n) had never told him where he was going, or even said goodbye.
As Dean walked back to his hotel, his thoughts were consumed by (Y/n). He couldn't believe that after all these years, they had run into each other again. It was like fate had brought them back together.
But at the same time, he couldn't help feeling angry and hurt. He had spent years wondering what had happened to (Y/n), worrying about him, and missing him. And (Y/n) had just disappeared without a word.
When he got back to the hotel, Sam could tell something was bothering him. "What's wrong, Dean?" he asked.
Dean sighed heavily. "I ran into (Y/n) today," he said.
Sam's eyes widened. "Really? How is he?"
"He's... he's good," Dean said, still lost in thought. "He's a hunter now, apparently. He's been on his own for a while."
Sam looked at him quizzically. "And that's a bad thing?"
Dean shrugged. "I don't know. It's just... it's weird, you know? We were best friends, and then he just disappeared without a word. And now he's a hunter, and I had no idea."
Sam nodded sympathetically. "I can see why that would bother you," he said. "But hey, at least you got to see him again. Maybe you can reconnect."
Dean snorted. "Yeah, right. Like he's just going to waltz back into my life like nothing happened."
Sam rolled his eyes. "Well, maybe he will. Or maybe he won't. But either way, you should try to make peace with it. Life's too short to hold grudges."
Dean nodded, knowing his brother was right. But it was easier said than done.
The next few days were a blur of hunting and killing, and Dean didn't have much time to think about (Y/n). But he couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them. They had been such close friends as kids, and now they were practically strangers.
It wasn't until they finished the hunt and were packing up to leave that (Y/n) showed up again. He was standing outside the hotel, looking nervous.
"Hey," he said, his eyes darting around nervously. "Can we talk?"
Dean hesitated, unsure. "I don't know if there's anything left to say," he said finally.
(Y/n) looked at him pleadingly. "Please, Dean. I need to explain."
Dean sighed heavily. "Fine," he said. "Let's talk."
They walked to a nearby park and sat down on a bench. (Y/n) took a deep breath and started talking.
"I know I disappeared without a word," he said. "And I'm sorry. But you have to understand, things were really bad at home. My parents were fighting all the time, and my brother was getting into trouble. I didn't know what to do, so I just... I ran away."
Dean listened, his anger slowly melting away. He could hear the pain and desperation in (Y/n)'s voice, and he knew that he had been through a lot.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," (Y/n) continued. "But I was scared, and I didn't know what else to do. And then, after a while, I was too ashamed to come back. I didn't know how to face you.”
Dean nodded, understanding. "I get it," he said. "But you could have at least told me you were leaving. I spent years wondering what had happened to you, worrying about you. And you didn't even say goodbye."
(Y/n) looked down at his feet. "I know,"
There was a moment of silence between them, and Dean couldn't help but feel conflicted. On one hand, he was glad to finally have some closure and hear (Y/n)'s side of the story. On the other hand, he was still hurt that (Y/n) had left without a word.
"I'm sorry," (Y/n) said softly. "I should have told you. I should have said goodbye."
Dean took a deep breath and looked over at his old friend. He could see the sincerity in (Y/n)'s eyes and knew that he meant what he said.
"It's okay," Dean finally said. "I forgive you."
(Y/n) looked up at him, relief flooding his face. "Thank you," he said.
They sat in silence for a few more minutes before (Y/n) spoke up again. "I missed you," he said softly. "A lot."
Dean felt his heart skip a beat at the words. He had missed (Y/n) too, more than he had ever let himself admit. They had been each other's confidants, each other's first crushes. But things had changed, and they had both gone down different paths.
"I missed you too," Dean finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.
There was a moment of silence between them before (Y/n) spoke up again. "I know we can't go back to how things were," he said. "But... maybe we could try to be friends again?"
Dean thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Yeah," he said. "I'd like that."
(Y/n) smiled, and they sat in comfortable silence for a while longer. Dean couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he sat there with his old friend.
As they got up to leave, (Y/n) turned to him. "Hey, Dean?" he said.
"Yeah?" Dean asked.
"Thank you for forgiving me," (Y/n) said. "It means a lot."
Dean smiled at him. "Of course," he said. "We were always meant to find each other again."
(Y/n) smiled back at him, and they walked back to the hotel together. It wasn't a perfect reunion, but it was a start. Dean knew that there was still a lot of healing to be done, but he was willing to try. He had missed (Y/n) too much to let him go again.
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
If you write pregnancy i wanna request headcanons for Ai and Adult Ruby with a pregnant s/o, please
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• Ai is overjoyed when she finds out that her significant other is pregnant. She's filled with excitement and eagerly takes on the role of a supportive partner throughout the pregnancy journey.
• Ai becomes extremely attentive and caring towards her pregnant partner. She ensures they have everything they need, from prenatal vitamins to comfortable clothing, and she encourages them to take care of themselves and rest when needed.
• As the pregnancy progresses, Ai loves feeling the baby's movements and often places her hand on her partner's belly to connect with the little one. She talks to the baby and sings lullabies, creating a bond even before their arrival.
• Ai attends all the prenatal check-ups and ultrasounds, eagerly listening to the baby's heartbeat and cherishing every moment. She keeps a journal, documenting the milestones and capturing their journey together as a growing family.
• Ai becomes an expert in researching pregnancy-related topics, reading books and articles to educate herself about the changes and needs of her pregnant partner. She's always there to provide emotional support and reassurance, listening to their concerns and offering words of encouragement.
• When it comes to cravings, Ai is more than happy to fulfill them. She'll go the extra mile to prepare their favorite foods, even if it means searching for rare ingredients or experimenting with new recipes.
• As the due date approaches, Ai helps prepare the nursery, decorating it with love and care. She ensures everything is ready for the baby's arrival, from the crib to the soft blankets and toys.
• When the day finally arrives, Ai is a pillar of strength for her partner. She supports them through labor, offering words of encouragement and physical comfort. She's in awe as she witnesses the miracle of childbirth and feels immense love for both her partner and their newborn baby.
• After the baby is born, Ai takes on the role of a loving and nurturing parent. She cherishes every moment spent with their child and provides unwavering support to her partner as they navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood together.
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• Ruby is thrilled to learn that her significant other is pregnant. She's incredibly supportive and attentive throughout the pregnancy, ensuring that her partner feels loved and cared for every step of the way.
• Ruby becomes the ultimate protector of her pregnant partner. She constantly checks on them, making sure they're comfortable and have everything they need. She even researches and implements safety measures around the house to ensure a safe environment for both the baby and the mother.
• Ruby takes great delight in documenting the pregnancy journey. She captures beautiful photos of her partner's growing belly, creating a heartfelt and cherished pregnancy album filled with memories they can share with their child in the future.
• Ruby loves attending prenatal classes and reading books about pregnancy and childbirth. She educates herself about the different stages of pregnancy and helps her partner prepare for labor, offering words of encouragement and practicing relaxation techniques together.
• Ruby is always ready with a comforting shoulder and a listening ear. She understands that pregnancy can bring about various emotions and physical changes, and she provides constant support and reassurance, reminding her partner of how amazing they are.
• When it comes to cravings, Ruby is the one who makes it her mission to fulfill them. She goes on late-night food runs and surprises her partner with their favorite snacks and treats, ensuring that they feel loved and cared for. - As the due date approaches, Ruby helps prepare the baby's nursery with great excitement. She assists in choosing the furniture, painting the walls, and adding personal touches to create a cozy and welcoming space for their child.
• During labor, Ruby is an unwavering pillar of support for her partner. She holds their hand, offers words of encouragement, and provides physical comfort throughout the process. - Ruby's love and support extend beyond labor and delivery. She embraces the role of a nurturing and dedicated parent, sharing the responsibilities of caring for their newborn with her partner.
• Ruby understands the importance of self-care during the postpartum period and encourages her partner to prioritize their well-being. She helps create a supportive environment by taking on household tasks, allowing her partner to rest and recover.
• As their child grows, Ruby is actively involved in their upbringing. She takes pleasure in bonding with their baby, engaging in activities such as storytime, singing lullabies, and creating cherished memories as a family. - Ruby is a source of stability and emotional support for her partner during the challenges and adjustments that come with parenthood. She remains by their side, offering a listening ear and words of reassurance whenever they need it.
• Ruby celebrates milestones and achievements with her partner, relishing in the joy and wonder of their growing family. She takes pride in watching their child flourish and supports their unique talents and interests.
• Throughout their parenting journey, Ruby and her partner maintain a strong and loving connection, prioritizing open communication and shared decision-making. They work together as a team, ensuring their child's well-being and fostering a loving and nurturing environment.
• Despite the demands of parenting, Ruby and her partner continue to nurture their own relationship. They make time for each other, going on dates, expressing their love, and appreciating the bond that brought them together in the first place.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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doomspaniels · 1 year
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It's Cinco de Tristan (he's turning 5 years on the 5th day of the 5th month, Cinco de Mayo) and we had a surprise for him: a birthday sleepover! Well, okay, @thelittlespanielthatcould 's Kovu is staying with us for a few days, but the timing was delightful 😄
The cockers are thrilled to see Kovu, Kovu is a little sad about missing his human but overjoyed to explore our sniffs again, and everything is currently ebullient.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
Writing Notes: Emotions (Happiness)
Happiness manifests differently in different people. But here are a few notes to consider when writing about happiness.
Happy: Other Words to Use
HIGH excited, thrilled, ecstatic, elated, intoxicated, captivated, euphoric, joyous, jubilant, overjoyed MODERATE cheerful, upbeat, optimistic, enthusiastic, lively, gleeful, joyful, peppy, delighted, tickled, hopeful LOW merry, light, jolly, up, glad, pleased, blissful, chipper, content, perky, playful
Happiness: Some Signs
Eyes may squint slightly
Wrinkles may appear at the corners of the eyes
The cheeks may raise
A defined wrinkle may run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth, known as “smile lines”
The corners of the mouth may move up at a diagonal, widening the mouth
The mouth may part, exposing teeth
Smiling: One Sign of Happiness
Describe how your character's smile looks like.
A smile may be described as warm, authentic, humorless, mocking, cruel etc.
Is your character amused, nervous, or happy?
A smile can mean many things, and it can even foreshadow a character’s hidden traits.
A cold smile can indicate a more sinister nature.
But a smile is an expression that is commonly faked. If you want to show that a character is faking a smile, you may describe their eyes as not matching the rest of their expression. True happiness is usually expressed with the eyes, so when a person smiles without showing it in their eyes, it may come across as cold and ingenuine.
Happiness: Some Quotes
It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace. (Chuck Palahniuk)
Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. (Ernest Hemingway)
I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.” (Sylvia Plath)
I am not proud, but I am happy; and happiness blinds, I think, more than pride. (Alexandre Dumas)
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness. (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
Sources: 1 2
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
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growingstories · 1 year
La dolce vita
Once upon a time in the US there lived a charismatic and athletic young man named Luca. Luca, a 22-year-old, half Italian individual, had always longed to visit his uncle in Italy and the experience mesmerizing beauty of the country.
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One fine day, Luca's wish came true as he was granted permission to visit his uncle during his summer vacation. His uncle, a handsome and fit businessman with a magnificent house near the sea, eagerly awaited his nephew's arrival.
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As Luca stepped into his uncle's house, he was charmed by the elegance and grandeur surrounding him. The whole family warmly welcomed him, making him feel like an part integral of their lives. the For next six weeks, Luca found himself engaged in a tight schedule that included invigorating morning workouts at the local gym, followed by delightful lunches on the sandy beaches, and finally, sumptuous dinners with the family or thrilling parties in the village The. days flew by, and as the weeks passed, Luca noticed a remarkable transformation in his physique. His regular workouts had helped him gain an impressive 15lbs of lean muscle, enhancing his attractiveness.
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Yet, Luca wasn't the only one who reaped the benefits of their summer routines. His uncle, too, had bulked up, albeit in a different way. He had gained 12lbs of fat, which didn't seem to bother much. him In fact, his uncle displayed an air of confidence and contentment, continuing his indulgent food habits without any concerns.
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The following summer, Luca received another invitation from his uncle to spend his vacation at the magnificent house once again. This time, Luca's would stay be extended to a glorious three months. Eager to make the most of his time in Italy, Luca decided shed to his winter weight and achieve the leanest physique. imaginable With dedicated effort and commitment, Luca succeeded in his transforming body, arriving Italy in a year older but with finely chiseled muscles.
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Resuming their familiar routine from the previous summer, Luca and his uncle continued their invigorating schedule. However, Luca noticed a slight change in his uncle's behavior. His uncle appeared less inclined to visit the gym, and it seemed that he had gained some weight during the winter months.
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How uncle appeared unfazed by this transformation and continued to relish his meals as he had before. By the end of the summer, it had become evident that his uncle had gained an additional 15lbs, a considerable bulk that didn't diminish his appeal. And so had Luca too again.
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As spring approached, Luca received yet another invitation to visit Italy for a third summer. Excitement filled his heart as he looked forward to another memorable stint his in uncle's lavish abode. Nevertheless, Luca couldn't help but notice that his uncle had gained a considerable amount of weight. When inquired, his uncle revealed that he had gained approximately 30lbs but had no intentions of losing it due to lack of time to visit the gym as frequently as he desired.
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This summer Luca noticed that a gained 25lbs this time and not only muscle. He was confident that he would shed the weight as he normally did before summer so he wasn’t worried an kept indulging the way he did.
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The fourth summer approached, and life took an interesting turn for Luca. Having completed his university education, Luca's uncle extended an internship offer within his company for a span of six months. Overjoyed grateful and, Luca gladly accepted the opportunity and dedicated himself to rigorous exercise with the aspiration of becoming the fittest and most muscular version of himself. His vigorous efforts paid off, and Luca arrived in Italy adorned with bulging muscles that commanded attention on the beach.
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However upon meeting his uncle, Luca found himself taken aback. His uncle had grown significantly larger compared to the year previous.
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This year proved to be different than the others as their time was spent less frequently at the beach and more often attending business lunches and dinners. This alteration in their routine led to diminished time for gym sessions.
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Despite initially gaining the usual 15lbs in the first month, Luca was unable to shed the weight due to his uncle's insistence on dedicating more time to work and familiarizing himself with the inner workings of the company.
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Weeks passed by without any gym visits, eventually turning into months.
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Unbeknownst to Luca, the weight gradually accumulated, and by the end of his six-month internship, he found himself 60lbs heavier than when he first arrived.
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Surprisingly, this unexpected physical transformation didn't dampen Luca's experience in Italy or his internship. On the contrary, both endeavors proved to be resounding successes. Luca's uncle, despite his increased weight, displayed immense pride and admiration for his nephew's accomplishments. Recognizing Luca's potential, his uncle extended an offer to become a partner in the firm, providing Luca the opportunity to stay in Italy permanently. Embracing their newfound partnership, Luca and his uncle reveled in their love for their bodies, accepting their larger physiques with open hearts and minds. Together, they embarked on a journey of self-acceptance and self-love, prioritizing their personal happiness over societal expectations.
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In conclusion, Luca's visits to Italy and his internships with his uncle turned out to be transformative experiences, both physically and emotionally. Through their evolving journeys, they learned to appreciate their bodies in all their diverse shapes and sizes, ultimately embracing the beauty of self-acceptance. Their story as serves a testament that personal fulfillment and success transcend physical appearance, proving that true happiness lies in self-love and the freedom to define one's own path.
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rashomonss · 1 year
hope ur having a good day/night
can i please request j with 12, however 12 is j talking to mc or something lolol
thank youu <3
a/n: hey! and thanks you too anon, i hope you’re having a wonderful day or night! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
We’re starting off requests with this one since it was first! I’ve honestly been excited to write this haha, but for some reason whenever I type out Solomon it gets autocorrected to Jim’s??? Interesting right?? anyway let’s get right into it! enjoy
with love, rashomonss ♡
The sin of greed
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✧˖° ft. Solomon
✧˖° “you cheated on me”
Humans were a greedy bunch, Solomon knew that all too well.
After all he hungered for power and control, knowledge and magic, anything and everything he could get his hands on he wanted. He needed it. He always found himself wanting more, needing more, always diving deep into a new project or spell to satisfy his greed and desires; it was never enough.
And after all he’s lived a long life, he’s met countless people and has had countless relationships. Some good, some bad, some he didn’t even wish to speak about, but he digresses.
After all that time, all that living he believed himself to never be able to settle down with a single person. So he grew accustomed to that lifestyle. Plus a small part of him was scared. Scared of getting hurt by something he truly care about.
Well that was until you came into his life.
A human from the same world, yet possessing no magic at the time just being dropped into the Devildom without warning. He thought your predicament was funny at first but always made sure to help when you needed it the most.
However as you grew and overcame obstacles with each of the brothers, you eventually started growing a name for yourself.
All this he had paid attention to carefully, because you had caught his interest. You were something he wanted to study. You were no ordinary human after all you were special, interesting, quick witted, and beautiful.
All those qualities he grew to like, soon love, as he knew you more. However he neve pursued those feelings because he knew you had the brothers, as well as the prince, the butler, and even the angels. Each clung onto you like a lifeline so he figured one would ask you out eventually and he’d stand no chance.
That’s what he believed.
To his surprise though you enjoyed spending numerous amounts of time with him alone, even going so far as to make excuses in order to just spend time with him. Which in turn thrilled him too.
So to his surprise and delight a confession came. A confession of your love for him. You and him. Not anyone else just you two. You claimed to be in love with him as your face was the color of a tomato, it was quite cute if he was honest.
He laughed at your confession and pulled you into a kiss excitedly, exclaiming how long he’s waited for this day to happen. It felt like he had died and gone to the Celestial Realm.
Solomon had wanted a lot of things in his life, but a partner was never one of them.
That was until you.
You were now his. Through thick and thin.
Not the brothers, not the prince’s or the butlers, not the angels, just his. You claimed your love for him and him alone, and he did the same. Telling you how much he’s longed for you and wished to have you as his.
Your relationship with him was great starting out. He was doting and kind, not to mention he did everything for you, the only thing you insisted on was doing the cooking yourself. After all, you didn’t feel like dying so early into your relationship.
Solomon found himself overjoyed to be able to talk to you about anything and everything, and you listened carefully even helping when he needed it the most.
For example pulling him away from a project he was exhausting himself over, or making sure he didn’t accidentally pick a fight with a lower level demon by accidentally saying the wrong thing; it’s not like he couldn’t defend himself either way you just didn’t want him in any conflict.
You would tell him about yourself, and the more he learned the greedier he became. He wanted to know everything about you, after all he loved you and anything you had to offer.
The way your hand fit in his, the way the brothers would glare when he kissed you good night after walking you home, the intimate moments you had at Purgatory Hall when the angels were out. All of them he adored. It was like heaven for him to experience something like you.
So that’s possibly why it was so hard to have this conversation with you.
He gave everything he was to you. He exploited every single weakness he had, every insecurity and secret.
Yes you did too but soon you grew bored.
You wanted more, something fun, something else, something new. You grew tired of being an experiment, or just an errand person for him. You grew tired of the lonely nights in bed waiting for him to finish up something he claimed to be done with hours ago. You finally had enough of him putting everything before you. And whenever you tried so desperately to talk to him about it he dismissed you or would tune you out.
Humans were greedy.
So you couldn’t help cheating on him with the brothers. Each was so charming in their own way. They were something new and fun. They were something more. They paid attention to you.
Sure you loved the sorcerer but you wanted more than just his so called love, so you chased after others without his knowledge.
Everything was going fine until Asmo let it slip, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut could he?
When Solomon found out he looked at you surprised and then hurt trying to find the words to say but he found himself not able to think of any at all.
Asmo tried to make the blow better but Solomon stomped off before he could continue. You decided to chase after him hoping he wouldn’t be too upset, but in a way you felt slightly relieved. Why was that?
“Sol wait up!” You said turning the corner.
“Mc please, I bare to see you right now”
“But Sol, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go this far. I’ll stop I promise”
“This far? You’ll stop? Are you telling me that if I never found out you would have continued this? Mc you’re unbelievable”
“Solomon please! I’m so sorry, what can I do to make it up to you.”
“Mc, you cheated on me!”
“I know I did stop saying that, it doesn’t make me feel any better!”
“Oh well excuse me, maybe you shouldn’t have done that in the first place”
This was one conversation he hoped to never have with you. But he too was blinded by his own interests.
“Well it’s not like I had any choice” you responded.
“Just what are you implying now?” He asked, still not being able to face you.
“You act like you were the only one putting in so much effort into this relationship, but in actuality I put in more effort than you did!” you yelled.
“Who stayed up all those times to help you? Who made sure you ate and drank water so you wouldn’t die? Who made sure you didn’t get into any conflicts? Who helped you better evolve your relationship with demons? Who helped you get information you wanted from the brothers? Who ran you errands? You cleaned up after you? I did, all those times, and yes we did share memorable moments but that wasn’t enough, I needed more attention”
“That’s what communication is for Mc! Have you realized that when partners are having issues they talk to one another about them, they don’t instead go around and fuck every guy they live with”
You gave him an offended look and rolled your eyes. “Oh yeah because every time I try to talk to you about something it’s always “one second Mc I’m busy” or “hold on darling” or even “Mc can we talk later I’m in the middle of a project right now”.”
Solomon looked at you and sighed, “I apologize Mc, but you have to understand I’d never do something like this to you.”
You sighed as well and looked up, finally both of your eyes meeting. You knew you were in the wrong, but frankly you were too fed up to think about the consequences “I’m sorry Sol but I wanted something new, and the brothers gave me that.”
Solomon could feel tears prick his eyes and he cursed in response.
He would not cry in front of you.
“You could’ve at least broken up with me before doing that. Then I wouldn’t have taken it so hard”
You nodded and walked over to him. Stopping in front of him you looked him in the eyes and placed one last kiss on his cheek before walking off.
“You won’t even look back huh?” Solomon said quietly as you turned the corner, finally leaving his sight.
He felt hot tears run down his face as you left. He loved you, he wanted more of you, he even pictured a family with you.
But it was wrong of him to want all your time to himself, after all he had so much competition in the first place so this was bound to happen. On top of that you required attention he believed he’d given.
But he found himself upset.
Upset at you, upset at the brothers, but mostly upset at himself and he couldn’t understand why.
He wanted more of you, he needed more of you, you made him feel whole; but you weren’t his anymore.
He wanted something he could no longer have.
Humans were greedy.
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aphimagining · 5 months
S/o and the nations has been dating for a while, but unbeknowst to them, s/o is the personification of their capital. One day s/o tells them this. Reaction? (Would like the allies or if that don’t work then; Russia, Sweden, America, England, Germany)
America/Alfred F. Jones
His immediate reaction is surprise and delight. He's absolutely overjoyed knowing that time is not limited with you like it would be with a human partner. However, the excitement would give way to just about a hundred questions. How did he not know? How long have you been around? Whatever the answer - Alfred would be thrilled.
England/Arthur Kirkland
Arthur's knee jerk reaction is suspicion. If you've been a personification all this time, why didn't you mention it? He's a little hurt you never shared that with him or sought him out before, although it's unlikely he would express that. There's going to be many many in depth discussions on how, when, why, and where. Not to say he wouldn't be happy about the situation of course. Getting to avoid the death of a loved one is of course a huge relief for him.
France/Francis Bonnefoy
Francis is simultaneously shocked and overwhelmed. He is overwhelmingly relieved. His partner will be around much longer than the average human, and being as so he has experienced heart break with a human before -- it's a wonderful feeling to know he might have a partner forever. He would definitely need a moment to process things before giving an initial reaction, but then would immediately pull you to him for a much needed embrace.
Canada/Matthew Williams
Matthew is silent. A little too silent. There's a lot of things he wants to say and somehow he doesn't have the muster to choke any of them out. Obviously he is happy, but mostly he's wondering how this hadn't been brought up before. He would probably cozy up to you a bit, just for some closeness before eventually spewing a mountain of questions. Overall, his reaction would be supportive and relatively calm, but trust that the joy in his eyes is extremely noticeable.
Russia/Ivan Braginsky
Ivan is overjoyed. He is thrilled to know this person who he has let down his walls for won't be lost to a difference in life span. He is mildly curious and may have a handful of questions, but ultimately is more focused on the fact that your time together has just extended exponentially in his eyes. He has all the time in the world to ask you anything he may want to know.
China/Yao Wang
Yao is happy with the news, but also a little angry. It wasn't an explicit lie, but it wasn't telling the truth either. You're the capital of his nation, and you didn't seem to feel the need to let him know that? While a little indignant at first, he will eventually calm down to be very satisfied in knowing there is a personification who is almost as old as he is, and a partner who he can spend the rest of his very long lifespan with.
-Admin K.
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scaryman-fancam · 1 year
REVENANT HEADCANONS - misc - (he is pining after reader) - implied violence/canon typical behavior
- When crushing on you, there’s definitely an internal conflict of his robotic assassin programming vs. what humanity is left of him. He remembers what it was like to be human, yes, and well, since you *are* human, he tries to refrain from letting his programmed instincts take over as to not scare you away. More often than not, he fails. He doesn’t mind, though, the thrill of hunting you, whether it be metaphorically or physically, is something he’s much more comfortable with.
- He finds himself following as close as the nearest shadow will let him when you’re out. He knows not to get too close and scare you away, and treats it like any of his missions. He’s ‘casing the joint’ so to speak, learning your routine, your vulnerabilities, your blind spots- but simultaneously he is making mental notes of things you like. He’s investigating shops you frequent, examining your favorite items at the store, pacing back and forth down your favorite aisle at the library/game store/etc., re enacting your routines for himself, wondering what makes lol of these things so important to you.
- Part of the joy he finds in knowing such mundane things about you, is that it’s like a small reminder of what it was like to be human, but re introduced in an exciting way. He remembers also having a favorite food when he notices the repeat items on your weekly grocery lists. He especially is overjoyed when you take care of your appearance. Before he realized he was a simulacrum, he loved to mock the routine of caring for his face. In a strange way, seeing you do anything of the same caliber (brushing your hair, your teeth, washing your face, smiling in the mirror, etc..), is such a rush for him- that little bit of humanity left in him is shared with *you,* and it’s just wonderful.
- In the case that you happen to also be an Apex Legend, you’ll find that he’s almost always in your peripheral vision. If he’s not on your team, he finds himself both immeasurably disappointed and equally delighted. There’s no greater joy than accidentally finding your trail while looting, and following it, hoping to catch you off guard, or better yet, strayed away from your teammates so he can take his time with you. Most of your fellow Legends think the two of you have some sort of past- maybe one that rivals the one he shares with Loba! The way he finds himself being extra brutal in his executions, or even dragging them out so he can listen to your pleas for mercy for just a little longer. Maybe you’ve noticed how much sweeter his voice becomes when he’s about to send *you* into a deathbox… “Look into my eyes… I want to remember this.”
- While on a team with you, unsurprisingly he is aloof and cold as usual. Sneering at you and your third teammate, complaining about you both slowing him down, and even leaving you behind to trail a straggler of an enemy squad. Then during the heat of a battle, you find yourself downed, and from seemingly nowhere, he’s in your face, secretly relishing in the fact that he gets to be so close to you, despite his outward appearance of scolding you and insulting you for letting yourself get to this point as he revives you. You’re just cover to him, and he should’ve dealt with you himself… That instant of holding your hand as he yanks you back to your feet… if it weren’t for the traces of your blood on his hands, it’d be a picture perfect moment for him. Or maybe the blood adds a special touch?
- Outside of the games, he stays far away, or at least out of sight. He’s a killing machine after all. It’s one thing to kill you in the games, after all, that’s not the *real* you, and your teammates might even respawn you, but in the real world? You might as well be made of glass. He is by no means a gentle individual, and he knows it. He wants nothing more than to feel you outside of a life or death situation. How would your face feel in his hands when you weren’t trying to crawl away, without his fingers catching on your cheek and drawing blood? What’s your heartbeat like when you’re calm? It’s been so long since he was living, so he can just barely remember the feeling of a real beating heart inside his own chest, and he wishes he could remember life through you.
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