#deliquent au
cloudypinkblink · 7 months
LIFE IS PAIN I had a dream someone sent an ask abt the Deliquent AU (that’s what I’m dubbing the AU/HC exploring Sayuri, Suguru, and Rentarou’s teenage years) and it was really interesting and then I woke up 😭😭😭😭 god does not exist how could he let this happen 😭😭😭
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puppiesandnightlock · 8 months
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awesome art by @jonathankentstuff for this idea i came up withhhh TYSMMMM
its basically ur classic cliche bad boy x top student au with Jon being the juvenile deliquent and Damian as ur straight A's, Straight path, straight forward, head of student council boy who is in fact not straight (but he doesnt know that)
yall bet ur ass ur gonna be getting more on this
(he is totally trying to flirt with damian here)
02/06 edit:I MADE A FIC ON IT!! Can be found here!
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Hopper: Are you sure about this, son?
Billy: I’m as sure as I can be, dad. Trust me.
Hopper: But Munson? What about Steve? You know, I like Steve. We like Steve. Steve doesn’t have a criminal record. Anyway, I thought you were dating Steve.
Billy: Oh, I am.
Hopper: Then, what’s this thing with Munson?
Billy: Oh, we’re both dating him.
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peggysousfan · 2 years
Among the Dead (New fic!)
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Among the Dead- A Walking Dead Bellarke story
The Ark was dying, its Oxygen supply running out. With little options left the council decides to make a hasty decision to send the prisoners from skybox to the Earth's surface. Not only would sending the hundred give them time to fix the oxygen, but to see if the ground could once again be called home.
When the hundred land on Earth they find much more than they bargained for. Not only do they discover the safety of the air but that they were far from alone. There were grounders, survivors from the bombs, and the living dead.
Will the delinquents survive alone with the walking dead? Or will a blonde stranger from the ground lead them to safety?
Chapter 1
I wasn't initially going to post this fic until later in the year but I was requested to write a Walking dead Bellarke fic. The funny thing is I already started this story months ago, so with the request I decided to post early :)
I will post chapter 2 later this week!
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pebbleloo · 2 years
Deliquent kel!! >:D
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syzxu · 2 years
This time..
A Ryoba x Togo fanfic from Yandere Simulator's recent 1980s mode, an au where Ryoba fails in getting her Senpai and meets the very student that once helped her during the weeks of removing her rivals.
Fluff?? Not sure
might have bad grammar idk tho
I might have made Ryoba's part longer
Togo's POV:
Bringg, bringg- thump!
"Eughh.." I groaned out while that stupid thing was still blaring with my alarm. Looking at the digital clock, it was only 7 in the morning. Are you saying I woke up for nothing? My head ached with stress and irritation from the loud noise from the clock as it still rang in my ears. Goddamit. To add to my already annoying headache, I heard two trucks slowly backing into the side of the road, at least that's what I'm hearing.
Getting out of bed, I harshly pulled open the window and its curtains, I push my head out ready to give an earful to whoever was causing so much noise when "she" appeared in my sight. Before I knew it, my heart was already pounding quickly in my chest and the headache from earlier was already gone.
Am I seeing things? Am I still dreaming?? Questions like those filled my mind with heat rushing to my cheeks— god it hurts so much.
While I was thinking of those things and doing fangirl or whatever activities they do, the raven-haired girl suddenly looked at me.
Shitshitshitshitshit, she saw me, didn't she!?! Oh god, what do I do!? What if she thinks I'm a creep or a pervert!- wait, does she even remember me??
Were my thoughts after I immediately crouched just to hide from her sight and then suddenly, a voice broke me out of my crisis.
"Ah! Put that down over there and be careful, please!" Her voice sounded worried yet still had that cheerful tone from when we were still in school. I slowly looked over my window and sneaked a peek.
Ryoba Aishi.
A kind and smart girl in Akademi High and was also well-liked by the teacher yet she approached me with kindness despite my tough act and bad reputation. Even when I threatened her, she stood bravely and asked if she could help me.
I never thought of interacting with her. Afterall, she was a natural beauty and had done good deeds unlike me, who was a delinquent and had an older brother that was part of the Yakuza. She was way beyond leagues.
But imagine my surprise when she approached me out of nowhere and said she was willing to help me. For context, I was in some deep shit with some gang in the town and she offered to help me by beating up those guys.
At first, I thought she was just some weak goody-two-shoes but what I saw that day made me see her in a different light. She was a good fighter, much better than those cowards who used weapons to fight while she fought only with her bare hands. Who would have thought the third-year's beauty and brains was a fighter strong enough to beat 5 dudes taller than her and has weapons?
And that was how I slowly fell for her. I was a coward back then for not dealing with them and for not confessing to her or at least show some emotion other than being tough in front of her.
Graduation passed and I never saw her again. I swore to myself that I'd be a new man by the time we meet again. I quit my delinquency, started studying properly and got into a good college that provided great help to my plan on having a perfectly normal but genuine life. I told my brother he won't need to worry about me being in his crime-filled life ever again. I moved out of the house and got my own place, right next to a beautiful park that I was sure she would love. It also had a cute cherry blossom tree, almost as big as the one from behind the school. (I mean, didn't she believe in the myth?.. I'm sure she would love it.)
But now, years after, I saw her again. And she's my neighbor! Which means I can man up and ask her out!
This time, I'll be brave and show her my true self. And if she were to run away?.. well.. I might have to resort to.. extreme actions.
"Ryoba, is something wrong? You look like something's bothering you.. Talk to me?" Togo stopped our walk and made us stand in the side, standing in front of me with his eyes staring at my own.
I stared back and donned a thinking look, watching as he squirmed under my gaze. How cute. He's so different from when he was still a delinquent, acting tough and rough. Now, he's grown into a young man with good looks and a smart brain. Although there were still some of his scars from school here and there.
Actually, I've always known he had some form of affection towards me. In the past, I paid no heed to him for I spent all my time admiring my beloved and getting rid of those pesky girls.
But I failed on getting rid of one girl and my beloved fell for her and they got together. I could only watch them being happy. Then I realized something..
I didn't actually need his love.
I didn't get any emotions such as jealousy or anger from the turn of events. I even felt.. disinterested. Which brought great shock to me, of course. How could an Aishi suddenly lose interest in their beloved? What would Mother think? She'd be disappointed. Afterall, she told me that an Aishi has their fated partner for eternity and when I find them, I must do anything to get them into my arms..
But.. how could I when I didn't have someone like that?
However, something unexpected happened. My dreams that always showcased me and Senpai, was different. The man beside me was someone completely different yet familiar and comfortable. And I knew who it was.
Everywhere I go in school, I find myself looking for this boy. Even when I was doing some chore for a teacher or a fellow student. And everytime I find him looking back at me, I could feel something in my heart. It was warm and soothing, much different from what I felt from my beloved.
This new emotion then became my greatest fear. It was unpredictable. For my "beloved", I only felt obsessed and mad for him but with Togo, I felt like I could tell him everything I've been keeping secret deep into my heart and expect genuine feelings back. That is why I was scared. After all, I only saw my beloved as an object created perfectly for me, having no opinions. I saw Togo as a person that can love and hate things.
I feared that someday this emotion would grow stronger and I would eventually hurt Togo and it would pain me greatly. So I ran.
I avoided him with everything I've got. Changed my routes so I couldn't bump into him. Insisting to myself I did not hold feelings for this boy. Even did some evil things as to make sure he doesn't see one hairstrand from me.
But.. no matter how hard I tried, I have always kept the urge to see him and confess my love for him deep down. And when we graduated, I moved as soon as I could! Far away so I will eventually forget these feelings and let Togo have a normal life without me.
And so the years passed and I buried myself into work. Day in and day out, work and work.. Yet his small smile never left my mind.
I decided to move back to my hometown. I didn't have a particular reason to, just felt like it and the tall buildings and gross men in my workplace was getting too much.
Imagine my surprise when I found out Togo was my neighbor! The mixed emotions I felt, the memories from before came flooding back to me. The walls I so wanted to keep Togo out crumbled in an instant.
I didn't care anymore if I would someday hurt him. I didn't care if he would someday leave me. My feelings are genuine and have been sealed away for too long and I can't just shove them down again when I have the chance to have a relationship with Togo again.
This time, I won't run away. I'll stand my ground and show him my true self whilst cherishing and treasuring him.
Hope you enjoy reading my FIRST ever fanfic OMG!1!!1!! *acts like I didn't write since my first draft for months and totally didn't go on tumblr for a while*
Might cross-post in ao3..
Leave some feedback please!!! And suggestions to make more fanfics of maybe!1?1!
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nostimroads · 2 years
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X-X-X   X-X-X   X-X-X
Get bent with this Kel and Aubrey stimboard from the omori Delinquent Duo Au for anon. Au and art by @delinquentduoofficial 
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starkcanvas · 2 years
Opinion on this au!
Oh! I've seen little bits of Delinquent!Duo AU :D I think this one is a really fun one. Delinquent!Kel is a very interesting concept and I love seeing all the different interpritations being done. Wether he just swaps with Aubrey or teams up with her lol altho personally, I like the latter option a tiny bit more but ONLY because deep down, I have a very big soft spot for the Kelbrey/Baseball ship ;w;
While my usual go to is Suntan with Sunny and Kel, I will not hesitate to read anything with a Kelbrey focus- What can I say, I'm a sucker for the whole Enemies to friends to lovers/childhood friends trope lol
That and some of the fics I've read where it's these two but it's post good end and Kel helps Aubrey out with her home situation by having her move into his place is just ;;;;;w;;;; the vulernability Auby shows and then Kel just being his usual sweet self AGH 💕
ANYWAY- got off topic lmao
With this AU in particular, as a Mari stan, I LOVE that Kel dyed the tips of his hair purple in memory of her 💜 Stuff like that just pulls at my heartstrings and the fandom needs more Kel and Mari moments like that! They're rare enough as it is, and it just adds another detail to his character that can be used when interacting with Aubrey since the girls were very close :)
all in all: I GREATLY approve!!👍🏻
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Please tell me that one of the kids that former nun Lexa teaches in the camp is Madi or Aden 🥺 They could be orphans so Lexa feels like she has this duty to protect and teach them since she was an orphan herself
Aden was one of the orphan kids at the convent, along with the rest of the nightbloods. When he is a little older he decides to leave even if he had told Lexa multiple times he wanted to be a priest. He's around 14 (so around five years after Lexa left) when he finds his way to the delinquents camp and reunites with Lexa.
Madi is a small orphaned girl who tries to steal from Clarke's pocket one day while she's at the market in a different town. She's caught red handed and Clarke takes one look at the tiny four year old, dressed in rags and so clearly starving, that she just grabs her by the hand, buys her some bread and takes her to camp. Lexa teaches her to read and write and count and although she seems fascinated with Lexas life at the convent she's much better suited to be a little rebel like Clarke than a nun praying her days away like Lexa was.
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ashery24 · 2 years
Me, in AO3: Uhhhhh? Deliquent Kel tag???
AO3: Hey! What if Kel snapped????
Me, with tears of joy: Ye-Yeah 👊🏻
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cloudypinkblink · 7 months
I've said my headcanon before (I think), that he's the middle of three kids (older sister, younger brother) and did not want to join the family profession (and did very un-masculine things as an act of rebellion, 70's glam rock being one of them); but a traumatic experience involving a bad-influence-friend after graduating high school broke him (may or may not have involved the Yama-Ichi War and said friend being murdered), and he'd never quite be the same.
Kudamon and DATS eventually gave him his spine back, but make no mistake: the lost and confused young man is still hiding tightly behind it. There's just a giant wall of a big, intimidating old man fiercely guarding him.
Oooooooooo... Somehow works these headcanons into the Deliquent!AU >:3c.. I think in my AU he struggles meeting standards and he definitely hits a point of just like... massive insecurity- Sayuri is confident in her ability of fighting and Suguru is confident in his strength and intelligence; even though Sayuri doesn't know what she wants to do, perse, she's still confident about the future. Rentarou envies and admires that confidence- and I think he slowly starts to pull away from them when he starts really hitting a low. Maybe that's when he meets a digimon? I think he's the one who meets them first, and maybe he meets DATS first, and Sayuri and Suguru tail him one day and get involved that way... I do really enjoy your personal HC and will probably implement it- as I don't have any super strong HCs involving him- in other AUs/my own HCs hehe. I really enjoy Satsuma as a character, and I do want to explore his relationship with the other characters (especially as a fatherlike figure to both Masaru and Touma, considering their relationships w/ their respective dads)
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grimtaleslb · 2 years
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dyinggirldied · 3 months
In this modern world where technology and magic interwired, the existence of spy remains necessary more than ever.
We have an organization that immediately disbatches 3 of its top members to a prestige, highly publicized boarding school due to a rumor that a bomber blood mage criminal has hidden there.
1st spy, nicknamed the Silver Shield, real name: Kim Rok Soo.
2nd spy, nicknamed the Demon King, real name: Kim Dokja.
3rd spy, nicknamed Monster Mother, real name: Han Yoojin.
All three are talented but are desperate for their deserved retirement.
This mission will be the last. The three spies are confident this plan will go without a hitch since they have worked together before and any missions, no matter how impossible, are guaranteed to be succeed with the Unholy Trinity there.
Of course they jinx it.
The Academy they will be undercover turns out to not only housing the target but to also be a nestling pot of an incredibly secretive and dangerous crime organization that has existed since ancient time and is currently alarmingly large in number. There are hints that the org might have impacted the Holy Trinity's childhood before.
To add to the trouble, Rok Soo (who is half-Korean) had dyed his hair red and forged a fake name, as expected. It would have been no problem if it wasn't for the fact that Rok Soo, or Cale Margarita (he lost a bet), shares resemblance to the infamous wealthy deliquent, Cale Henituse down to the reddish-brown eyes. Or that the young boy Choi Han, whom he gives his sandwich to, would obediently follow him around like a puppy!
Kim Dokja, or rather Yoo Dokja, finds himself at odds with the professor Yoo Joonghyuk, who Dokja embarassibgly admires when he was young. Yoo Joonghyuk, through his keen sense and instinct, is suspicious of this "Yoo Dokja" and no, despite what Uriel and others say, he does NOT have a crush on that annoying man!
Han Yoojin, who uses his real name since unfortunately his overprotective younger brother (who doesn't know his older brother is in a dangerous career) is the star pupil of this school, enters as a sort of teaching assistant to one Sung Hyunjae, who keeps giving him exotic presents.
The retirement life filled with money and delicious food, suddenly seems far far away.
P.S: this is based on a dream where my OC asks the holy trinity this question: "How to hide oneself in plain sight?"
Kim Rok Soo/Cale: "Act cute, weak, helpless"
Han Yoojin: "Cuteness can save the world"
Kim Dokja: "Born ugly :)"
*the conversation derails into disaster*
P.S Again: Margarita is an alcoholic drink whose base is tequlia, orange liqueur and lime. And guess who hates sour thing 🤣
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amaranthdahlia · 7 months
i hnstly thought id make a solo post dt to each one of these, but i dont think ill ever come around to do that so fuck it heres every ofa au i came up on a whim on twitter (though im pretty sure one of these alrdy exists but whatever)
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middle/high school au
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gone bad au
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paranormal twins au
(infodump ab everything below hahdjs)
anyways soo first one is just . like. a middle school au. or highschool. im not sure which one is better lol. basically its just a roles thing: afo is the student council president (that pretty much has his school wrapped around his finger), yoichi is just some student (that gets into fights with bullies) and kudou is a deliquent (that became one just cus of afo) i wanted to expand this more but im procrastinating so nvm
2nd one is well, again, an au i made out of the whim. i just entertained tbe idea of (forced) villain yoichi and rolled with it and only drew it just so i can design yoichi ahsjskg ... and kudoichi there is well . ig a hero/villain pair? and you could say theyre just unfortunate people forced to play a role (also ignore the quality in that part i rushss to draw it haha)
now last one, self explanatory? mama shigaraki lives, afo and yoichi shared their nutrients and their quirk ( where it functions as afo cant give away the quirks he attain, only yoichi could((and only yoichi can receive the quirks his brother takes)) he also cant take the quirks from the user without consent. yoichi is the same but vice versa, but he himself also couldnt give away quirks unless the user consents 👐) everything is semi-normal for the most part. also. first pic is kinda outdated.some of it anyways....... also also i tried my best to make sure afo and yoichi rlly do look like twins despite the hair difference
now i wasnt able to attach the ofa bad end au and the "theyre happy" ending au bc image limit but the 1st is smth i actually wanna work on (but not fuly expand and actively post about, its just smth i gave more thought than the others here haha) and the 2nd one is just ab designs and basically everyone lives nbd dies au (maybe afo only tho)
so yeah. thats all the ofa aus i came up? yall already saw the other aus liek demon/angel au, the childhood friend au.... does the fankids i made count as an au.....? the mlp one......? holders grow old one????
fuck theres so much aus i need to relax hahdhsjf
anyways yeah thnx for reading allthat . entertaining questions wouldve been fun if i actually put enough thought into these aus💔 the hfx just went behind the wheel for these
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yuwuta · 2 months
twin aus are fun bc sukuna is sooooo ugly and yuuji is soooooooo pretty and beautiful and lovely <3 completely understand why sukuna ends up the deliquent loser twin bc why would anybody choose him when <3yuuji<3 is right there
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transient-winds · 1 month
Do you ever just sit down and think about the logistics of a Wind Breaker Jidaigeki AU?
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How almost every one of our beloved deliquents would have their original dark hair colors except for Umemiya and Sakura? How Sakura's ostracization would be hella worse, some may even call him an oni or yokai due to his hair and eyes? He'd be treated as a hinin (非人, hi-nin lit. non-human) and would take the first chance he gets to run to a remote/rural part of Japan. (Reminiscent to how Mizu was treated in Blue Eyed Samurai.)
I wouldn't be surprised if on his journey, he'd pick up some skills by observing practicing swordsmen in the distance and picking up a fallen sword in battlefields or via stealing.
I would also like to say that he might cover his hair to stay lowkey, but the belief that Sakura would not hide who he is even if it killed him is fighting against the idea.
Sakura coming across Makochi, a rural village isolated from the capital, must've been a too-good-to-be-true dream and terrifying experience. The first village to ever welcome his presence? And the people aren't disgusted by his appearance? Wth, he's was literally there to find out if the rumors of a group called Bofurin were accepting of bloodlust wayward swordsmen.
[Edit: Forgot to mention; while Sakura might be skilled with the sword and has experience, I'd like to point out he isn't officially a samurai. If I'm going to be setting this AU during Feudal Japan, there's a lot more chances of Sakura becoming one (if rumors be true) rather than if this was set during the Edo period (where restrictions on swordsmen became stricter), but it's on the fewer side. Considering he's a social pariah, those chances become slimer. However, perhaps being Makochi can change that? I still need to do more research 😭 but I'm terrified of entering that sphere with the current debates of Yasuke (Nobunaga's retainer) on whether or not he's a samurai. Wish me luck y'all 🤞]
My idea of Bofurin in this AU would probably be a group of ronin (浪人, rōnin lit. wandering man; samurai who no longer had master or severed ties with his family/clan) who came together to protect Makochi. They probably had a lord ruling over Makochi beforehand and either died or was killed, and his remaining vassals (likely Umemiya and the rest) decided to take up the mantle of protecting the village. It would be interesting if Takiishi's group were the ones to kill the lord of Makochi for reasons (I'm not entirely sure of myself yet and neither do the characters) and later left with Endo and Noroshi in toe.
I'll definitely be writing more for this au, probably work out some kinks and have a proper setting of the time period since its kind of all over the place. Or I could mix match the time periods and be a catch all for just feudal Japan, and go for an inaccurate historical fiction type 😭. Maybe draw up some character designs too, emphasis on maybe. The research on this is gonna be killer, I swear and I'll probably go into a rabbit hole of knowledge that wouldn't even be necessary to the AU 😭.
If someone wants to brainrot this idea with me, feel free to cuz I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts and ideas on this.
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