#demure gen 3
kriskalutz · 2 years
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Hey we finally see Michael in his new Elder outfit! Yes I did give both him and Kain Hawaiian shirts. Though I think it fits our retired comedian better than it does Kain.
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I bought the cats specifically for my two Cat Lovers Michael and Alucard. Angel had other plans though: his favorite sim is Yuki.
Yuki: Awww wanna come move in with me later on? Yes you do! Yes you do!
Chances are he'll be dead before that happens. Or super close to it.
Yuki: ...I could have a ghost ca-
He goes to the graveyard just like everyone else.
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phaea · 18 days
(/nsrs beef to annoy Marcy :3)
(love your theme btw it's so cool /gen)
WELL ITS NOT GONNA BE YOU !!! DODGES!!!!! flies away elegantly, demurely, petitely, angelically, softly, cutely, dreamily, preciously, ethereally, celestially, daintily, melodically, delicately, charmingly, as hair flows in the wind like an ANGEL!!!
(thank you so much your such a real one for that mwa /p)
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animusvenenatus · 2 days
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( quannah chasinghorse, 22, cis woman, she/her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that AIYANA PESHLAKAI is a HUNTER-TRAPPER that works in SECTOR 2. According to the file, they’re a mutant with the power of CROW MANIFESTATION / CROW SCRYING. That must be why they’re ADEPT and COMPETITIVE. If you ask me, they remind me of black feathers found beside shattered glass, battered combat boots covered in dust and dirt, a faint scent of copper. They are affiliated with MONTELL SYNDICATE.
basic information:
character name: aiyana peshlakai
nickname(s): yana
mutation status: gen ii
birthday: february 23rd
sexuality: bisexual
moral alignment: true neutral
3 positive traits: demure, intuitive, people-smart
3 negative traits: daydreamer, indecisive, pessimistic
biography (optional): tba!
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement? she has lived in sol since she was a few months old. her parents moved there after their old settlement fell into disarray and they wanted to keep their baby safe. she doesn't care much for sol city, but it's the only home she's known, so it's a strange kind of comfort to her.
do they trust the council’s leadership? why or why not? she's been raised to not question them, but she's indifferent. politics has never been her thing; she leaves that stuff to her dad.
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn’t, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not? her father and mother taught her how to hunt from a young age, and they pushed her to take a job in sector 2. she's helping to keep people fed and alive, so she can't really complain about her work. it's better than shovelling shit or burying the dead.
what’s one object that they always keep on their person? her naja pendant.
mutant only section
what is your character’s ability (or abilities)? crow manifestation/crow scrying
are they gen i or gen ii? gen ii
what can your character do? what are their strengths? she can spawn and project crows from her body. she can also see through the eyes of her crows, using them to scope out her surrounding, and for inside knowledge.
what can’t they do? what are their weaknesses? when she's using the sight of her crows, it renders her temporarily blind. she's also emotionally/mentally connected to all of them. whenever they feel distressed or are in pain, she also feels it.
is there anything else you’d like to specify about them? she's the pigeon lady from home alone but with crows.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
can we hear a little more about usagi or maybe casey’s games?
Hers what I’m thinking so far but these can all change. It’s very fluid.
Usagi (70th games)
He’s 14 when he’s reaped. (I’m still picking his district)
I haven’t decided if he is a career or from the cattle district but either way he’s Camille’s with knives and swords.
Katsuichi coach’s him to be very demure. He plays into the fact that he’s a bunny (I’ve always found it funny that he is the only prey animal in his group. Katsuichi, Kitsune, Tomoe Ame, and Chizu are all predators in some form, and Gen is a rhino) during training and the interviews he looks like prey. He’s aloof in his interview and it gives this air of confidence. But he’s talking like all he’s going to do is run.
He in facets did not run. He takes that cornucopia by storm. No one knew how fast he was. Or how brutally efficient he was with a katana or wakizashi.
It’s one of the few years their is no career pack.
Usagi is still a samurai. He will fight to the death head on. But only if he’s challenged. Usagi is not actively hunting anyone. Once he claims the cornucopia he plans to put last everyone.
The gamemakers aren’t happy that he isn’t hunting the other kids. The force a few to run into him and force a confrontation.
They also spawn mutts. I think giant bay like creatures (to harken back to the bay ninjas in the comics) they swoop down on you and rip you apart. The spawn one right about Usagi and are shocked when he dispatches it.
His other tributes aren’t so luckily.
Casey (73rd games)
Casey is 13 when he is reaped
He is Cassandra’s son/little brother. She is also a victor and she had always worried about Casey being reaped so she tried to train him in advanced the best she could.
Casey is small. He’s thirteen and growing into himself. She strong but he can’t go toe to toe with an eighteen year old. Let alone a pack of them.
During training he shows off some skill with a spear. People know he’s related to Cassandra. He’s expected to have some skill. Cassandra’s weapon of choice was a spear. He wants to show that he has some skill so he’s not seen as an easy target, but he’s not showing how skilled he actually is.
Where Casey’s skill is the best is in trap building. He’s from district 3 the technology district. He’s smart and he knows how an electrical circuit runs.
When the game starts Casey runs for the woods but he doesn’t go far. He hides up in a tree not to far from the cornucopia and waits.
He waits out the blood bath and he waits till the careers go hunting. Then he’s working. He slinks back towards the cornucopia as it’s getting dark. They have left someone on guard but they aren’t paying to much attention. It’s been a long and stressful day and no one’s stupid enough to come back here this early.
He slides his way to the cornucopia and gets to work. He has to work fast and silently but he sets a trap in the cornucopia. He knows their is worrying some where and he’s able to use the electricity in the cornucopia (has to project that clock some how) to charge all the remaining weapons in the cornucopia.
He slips out just in time. Making it back to the woods. He doesn’t have to wait long before he hears a cannon. He knows he fried one of the careers.
The careers are panicking. Why did that tribute die when reaching for a weapon? Are the game makers killing them out right?
It forces them to leave the cornucopia. Something they wouldn’t normally do and take off for a different area. They think the game makers rigged the area. They leave quickly taking all they can carry but they also leave in a panic. They don’t pack they way they should.
Casey know has the whole cornucopia to himself. He has to be carful but he knows how to turn off his trap. The careers took off in a hurry leaving a lot of food. He had weapons, food, and water. Now he waits.
Most of the careers get taken out by the elements. They didn’t practice the survival skills. Careers always do poorly anytime they loss the cornucopia. Any other kid that tries making there way back to the cornucopia has a nasty surprise waiting for them.
There is one terrifying moment when Casey gets caught by someone. They tackle him down and almost kill him. Casey is able to get the kid off of him but it’s a close call and it’s the only up close bed personal kill Casey does for the whole game. He mostly outsmarts his competitors with different traps he sets up.
It is very different from the violent and bloody way Cassandra won. It’s probably why it worked. People were ready for a blood thirst child and got a mastermind instead.
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wutbju · 2 years
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From my dear feminist theologian friend, Beth Felker Jones. Read and be glad!
The Bible really is quite clear about patriarchy. From creation (which tells us about God's good will), women are explicitly made in the image of God. That's revolutionary.
Adam & Eve are side by side (where's the rib located?) partners, she is "ezer kenegdo," where "ezer" is used elsewhere to refer to God's strong help in God's relationship to Israel.
"Kenegdo" emphasizes Eve's similarity to Adam, her shared humanity with him in difference from the animals, among which he has no partner, no one who is is human like him.
Adam & Eve are given shared work to do -- the good creation mandate, fruitfulness & dominion, is for both together.
Sexually differentiated bodies (the very existence of women) are a created good. Women: God made us; God loves us.
There is no mention of subordination or hierarchy before the fall, but patriarchal disruption of the male/female relationship is a hallmark of sin.
Under sin (Gen 3), the shared work of the creation mandate is divided & comes under the reign of death.
Eve gets fruitfulness, conceptions multiplied because children will die. Adam gets dominion, made burdensome by "thorns" & the possibility that the family that needs to be fed might starve.
Under sin, Adam blames Eve for his sin, refusing to take responsibility for it (still happens when people tell some weird story about how Adam should have been a better leader & kept Eve from apple eating).
(Eve blames the serpent, but that doesn't seem particularly pertinent to the patriarchy question, though it certainly matters for the sin question).
Under sin, the marital relationship is disrupted; now her desire will be for her husband (instead of for God? instead of for the good work of the creation mandate? Because of the vulnerability of death, especially with childbearing + death & the need for male protection?)
And--UNDER SIN--he will rule over her. It's not a stretch to call patriarchy a chief hallmark of life in a sinful world. The goodness of created gender difference is distorted into hierarchical difference, which denies the full imago in the woman.
But sin is not God's last word to patriarchy. Where the Ancient Near East is patriarchal, Israelite family law calls God's people to a different ideal, what OT scholar Dan Block calls "patriocentrism."
In patriarchy, goods flow from everyone else TO the patriarch. He gets the capital & the good bits of meat & the respect & the privileges. This is not God's good will, says Israelite law.
In OT law, the father is to sit at the center (not the top) of the family/household structure, there to ensure that goods flow FROM him TO the more vulnerable members of his household, to his wife, children, servants, and animals.
He's there to give, not receive. His strength/power/privilege in a world of death is for protection of the vulnerable. (it's almost like it's a Christological ensign or something, but I demur).
The Song of Songs gives us a portrait of mutuality & delight, where man or woman can say to the other "this is my beloved AND my friend." (And that portrait is also mysteriously a portrait of God's love for us, just wait until Jesus says he'll make us his FRIENDS!)
The Song of Songs hearkens back to the garden, back to before the disruption of patriarchy, and it hearkens forward to the marriage supper of the lamb. It gives us a glimpse of living in redemption.
What about all the bad stuff that happens to women in the OT? Polygamy, rape, etc., etc.? The fact that something happens in the Bible doesn't mean the Bible is endorsing it.
This stuff is description of a sinful world, and Israelite law is always pressing against it, FOR the protection of women, against the rather brutal patriarchal norms of the Ancient Near East.
Bring on the New Testament. God chooses a woman, our friend Mary, to bear the saving one in her very flesh. She tramples the serpent, and lets it rip against sin--pretty explicitly including patriarchy--as she sings the Magnificat.
Jesus, in his incarnation, dignifies all human flesh, & the denigration of women for being bloody & birthy & such is undone, as it always was really, from creation, & will be in final redemption.
Jesus treats women as people. Some of his besties are women. (Can women & men be friends? Unequivocal biblical answer = yes, see Jesus, Mary, & Martha).
Jesus undoes the sine qua non of patriarchy -- men holding women as property rather than persons-- when he redefines marriage. No longer is marriage a property arrangement. It is a holy covenant, between 2 image bearers, a sanctifying sign of God's fidelity to us.
(All this happens when Jesus makes it clear that adultery is not a property crime but a violation of covenant; adultery is not damage to a man's property, it is now something a man can commit again his wife, See Matt 19).
(the Bible's undoing of slavery follows this same line, as slavery is an extension of patriarchy. I imagine this is why we see a few desperate folk trying to offer "Christian" defense of slavery; they aren't wrong that patriarchy has to fall if slavery does.)
And Jesus commissions the woman at the well as the first evangelist, sending her to her village to tell all about him. He similarly commissions the women at the tomb to preach the gospel of his resurrection.
A woman anoints Jesus. "By pouring this ointment on my body she has prepared me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever this good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her" (Matt 26:12:13). She, too, tells the gospel.
What about Paul, that old patriarchal annoy-er? Like with OT law, if we know anything about NT society, we can see Paul pressing against patriarchy again & again.
One of the wildest places is where he tells men their bodies aren't their own in marriage. Wait? Women aren't property men own? Men are in some kind of actual mutual relationship with women?
There are two kinds of obvious gender texts in Paul: the ones that look like they tell women to submit & be silent, & the ones that seem to give women surprising gospel roles, like preaching & such.
Any honest conversation has to acknowledge BOTH KINDS OF TEXTS. If we're wrestling with injunctions to silence we also have to wrestle with women who clearly are speaking (otherwise, how can we argue about whether they should wear head coverings when they do so?)
(I will not have this conversation unless we talk about BOTH KINDS OF TEXTS.)
To paraphrase Scot McKnight then, there are two interpretative options: EITHER, usually women preach & teach, but there are exceptions. OR, usually women are silent, but there are exceptions.
There's a ton of careful, persuasive NT scholarship that convinces me that women preaching & teaching was the norm, with circumstantial exceptions.
I can't go into all that here, but learning about about what circumstances could well have required an exception, & thinking about where Paul may well be quoting his opponents are 2 persuasive moves.
But most persuasive, to me, is the way women fit into the big picture salvation narrative, from creation to redemption, as beloved image bearers with good work to do, who are being redeemed in Jesus.
Paul has female friends & colleagues who are doing gospel work with him. Phoebe is a deacon (Rom 16:1), Junia an apostle (Rom 16:7), Priscilla explains "the way of God...more accurately” (Acts 18:26).
Then we've got the equalizing of baptism (where the covenant sign of circumcision was for male bodies, baptism marks all bodies, including female bodies).
Bring on the Holy Spirit. The Spirit descends in power, & Peter quotes Joel (unity of OT & NT again!) to the effect that the Spirit empowers all flesh. Spirit gifts are anti-patriarchal. Sons & daughters will prophesy.
Bring on sanctification. The gifts & fruits of the Spirit (like the creation mandate) are not gender divided.
Where the ancient world understood women's bodies as for the good of patriarchs & for reproduction, the NT says our bodies are FOR God.
This is why early Christian women were able to choose a vocation other than wife/mother (the wife/mother vocation remains GOOD, it's just not the only possibility anymore). Some now choose celibate singleness for a life of service.
But wait, don't they need a man to protect them? No, the CHURCH will provide for the widows & virgins, freeing them to do the gospel work they're called to do.
Bring on the New Heavens and the New Earth, where God will fully redeem all flesh. While certain Gnostics or suspicious Christians wondered, in ancient times, whether women could possibly be resurrected, the Bible is pretty clear about that ALL FLESH business.
One could call the dismantling of patriarchy a key descriptor of redemption. See good old Matt 20:25-28; "But Jesus called them to him and said, 'You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you;
but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
Shall we go on sinning that grace may increase? Absolutely not. The Bible has begun the process of undoing of patriarchy in the world, and we in the church are empowered by grace to live differently.
Sisters, a sinful world says otherwise. A sinful world acts otherwise. But God made us. God loves us. God has good work for us to do. And God is tenderly inviting us into redemption in Christ our Lord. Patriarchy is sin, & it's being undone in Jesus.
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paradoxhax · 24 days
so i've been having the time of my life emulating and modding stuff on my 3ds and helping my boyfriend do the same. little did i know replaying Pokemon HeartGold would end up being more impactful on my daily life than my 10 mg of lexapro ever was
but anyway, y'all know what that means:
Now proudly presenting: my six darlings
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notice how they all have unique names, it's very cutesy, very demure. i care about the personalities i attribute to them, it's very mindful. i also have astrological signs and strat details, it's very dem-- wait, autistic. it's very autistic, that's what that is.
but fr if you wanna read more about each of my battling babies, then read on <3
alright i'll go from the top of the list to the bottom, LR style!
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Team Rank: #2 // Taurus ♉️
Zeus was my lil golden ball of fluff, became a pink one, and is now a yellow lighthouse with arms and i love him very much. Also, I'm including each member's "team rank," as in like their chain of command. I don't play favorites, I love all my children equally I don't care for Job. Zeus was literally the 2nd kiddo to join the team, so he's been my ride or die. The OG Gold was my first video game and Ampharos was on my team, so he was a must for this go-around
Zeus has purely SpAtk and status moves -- 10 y/o me had this lambchop using Thunder Punch with an ass attack stat. Signal Beam comes in for unexpected Dark/Psychic countering, and Thunder Wave ruins ppl's battles with ease.
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Team Rank: #5 // Libra ♎️
One of the Eeveelutions I've never used in a team comp before, and he's an unexpectedly powerful one! Other than Lapras, I'm not a fan of the Surfers gen 2 can offer so after robbing Bill at g*npoint for his Eevee, I got this monster!
Neptune's got beefy stats an Aqua Ring + Leftovers combo that results in his huge hp pool getting decent restoration every turn. He can take down dragons, mountains, and more!
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Team Rank: #6 // Sagittarius ♐️
i've literally never played overwatch b4 why do u ask Sombra is the newest member of the team when I caught a Misdreavus between Cianwood and the Safari! I always thought the Gen 4 Extra Evolutions were super cool (future team members will continue this trend) and Mismagius' aesthetic fits the team.
With a Ghost and Dark attack, Sombra likes to hit that sick Double Team once or twice at the start of each match to be annoying especially since she's also holding Bright Powder. I also taught her Energy Ball for unexpected counters against Water/Ground/Rock!
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Team Rank: #4 // Gemini ♊️
To all the percy jackson stans who think I'm pretty damn cool rn, I'm sorry to have to tell you the truth: I just play a lot of Hades, I love you plz don't be mad at me. But yes, this is the Togepi we're given from Elm/Oak and this is another thing I have to thank Gen 4 for as well! I always loved the idea of getting a cute, rare pokemon to hatch, but it never became anything too remarkable until Togekiss rounded out the evolutionary trio.
Artemis is a WALL with some great SpAtk as well. I taught him Bulk Up to help her regular Def match his SpDef, as well as giving a little more punch to Fly. All that + tons of HP make Artemis incredibly balanced and reliable fighter.
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Team Rank: #3 // Pisces ♓️
Honey is the sweetest and the babiest of my sweet babies. Yes, I run a Dragon Dance + Murder Combo. Yes, his name is Honey cuz that's what color he is.
I adore Dragon pokemon, and Dragonite has always been one I never got to use as a kid for one reason or another. He's adorable, he hits like a mac truck, and just look at that lil smile!
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Team Rank: Leader // Leo ♌️
Despite Chikorita being my truest love of the gen 2 starters, I will never deny anyone's claims that Typhlosion kicks ass. Diego felt more appropriate for the team I wanted to build, considering my only other go-to fire type is Arcanine. Arcanine is my favorite Pokemon, but I gotta give a chance to some other fire types sometimes.
He might be a bit of a glass cannon, but Diego's solid speed let's his attacks hit hard and fast. Flamethrower is a must, as is Earthquake. For Flying/Ice coverage, he's got Rock Slide, and then a fun sexy lil Aerial Ace for Fighting coverage!
Everyone say something nice about my team plz and thank you!!!
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thesimsofnoalyn · 5 years
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Redwood’s second partner was Demure Schnapps by @deathflowertea!
None of the kids are eligible for heir.
You can download them here:
River LeBlanc - Sea LeBlanc - Wave LeBlanc
Skin is here. Hairs are either from the game, the store, or Buckley’s (Part 1 or Part 2).
Do whatever you want with them, just please don’t change the genetics.
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futurefind · 2 years
 //A rundown of my og “Myrmidon Singularity”, ft Rea as Master, because I’ve put a lot of thoughts into it even if nothing 100% ‘solid’ script or time (beyond “During Part 1″) wise or anything. :]
new singularity appears, exact location can’t be pinned down beyond ‘east-central europe’ at first (with guesstimates ranging from as East as Italy, West as Black Sea, and to the coasts of the Baltic & Mediterranean Seas north & south-wise)
Rea and co. head there, the merry band including Scathach, who volunteered
Usual hunt for locals ft wyverns enemies, map fucky wucky bc of magical concentration in the atmosphere; Why Are You So High You
Saved from Giant Mob courtesy of mysterious Servant aka [local/Myrmidon!] Chiron... who ? promptly ?? kisses Rea ????????????
what. (Da Vinci and Romani are spitting their coffee for completely different reasons [she’s amused as shit, he’s mortified], everyone on site is losing their shit for Obvs Reasons, Where Is Ur Hr Manager Sir)
Much embarrassment and even more apologies gods forgive him later Chiron explains he thought she was his wife ?? even though shes a shapeshifter??? @/Scathach if ur gonna kill him can he show u the way to the king first hes so sowwy
Meet up with the King Consort amidst other battles; he’d been leading local soldiers in monster patrols or what have you and was concerned when Chiron used his NP; also lore dumps local history to the Chaldea grew while they’re there
smth smth the gods they’d thrown into Tartarus have suddenly been trying to break out via monsters corruption etc etc; Romani loredumps irl myth abt the Titans, Chiron & His Majesty oo and aa over Chaldea tech
includes much lovemail abt King Ligyron bc, yeah. and also seconding Rea’s weird resemblance to Chiron’s wife. mostly lovemail though. he’s not the consort for no gd reason
Make their way to a sprawling luxurious & prosperous city built into a valley’s side, the capital of the kingdom of the Myrmidons
On Chaldea’s end the sensors/maps stabilize into Northern Greece; explains Chiron and the local culture & its aesthetics
Takes them straight to the King... who is Achilles ??
and also has no idea who Pelleus is???
he’s a full god (presumably son of either Zeus or Poseidon?)?
and he overthrow Olympus/Zeus/the last gen of gods ??????
(also the king consort is Patroclus <3)
(he is Also also weirded out by Rea’s resemblance to Chiron wife, way more than Pat was)
After Chaldea explain their confusion courtesy of their Vastly Different irl-based mythologies, Myrmidon!Achilles (aka Ligyron-Achilles on his summonable card, Lancer, or still just Ligyron for Chaldea grew in the Singularity to keep things straight) explains that, here: 
the prophecy about Thetis’s son didn’t come in time [as in, before he was conceived], so he’s a Full God
Olympus’s fear of him [read: Poseidon/Zeus’s] led to lots of awful shit of hunting etc of Thetis and later Achilles himself
he was hidden away with Chiron & trained by him
instead of simply protecting himself & his mother when he gained his full strength, Achilles instead rebelled against Olympus wholesale and won
included heroes from Trojan War??? to rhyme his og history’s fame found there
instead decided to have his personal slice of kingdom in Greece bc god or no he preferred humans. also spite of not even bothering to make use of the crown trophy of the old gods [olympus] 
yeeted Zeus, Poseidon, and the other Olympians that didn’t submit to his rule/victory down into Tartarus, joining the Titans (Worst Roomie Situation Ever, rip. awkwaaaaaaaard)
Some diversions and emergency side-quests later, and Queen Mother Thetis makes her appearance in court to give her son regularly scheduled tlc & advice & concern
She’s a literal Goddess so of course she’s a Pseudo-Servant (Caster) except her host is Rea. Oh hello.💡
Polite, demure; super fucking quiet n subdued compared to Rea Herself. V amused by it tho!
Chiron’s wife; shapeshifts some multicolored seafoam hair on to make them distinct; explains they met when she’d sneak in to see how Achilles/Ligyron was doing with his training
Ligyron says he’ll help Chaldea and their quest to save humanity etc... after they help him solve his Olympi-Titan problem :]
Chaldea crew has politely omitted the nature of Singularities as well as just how :[ Achilles and co’s fates are in og history. it’s fine. 
With magi-comms setup to communicate with the smaller groups they split up into (so the Myrmidons can both handle city security etc while Also helping out Chaldea with info etc), eventually defeat the rebelling Olympians & Titans
There is ?? No Holy Grail?? Nor a change in the Singularity’s status. the fuck.
They come back to Ligyron empty handed and confused af, he puzzles over how to help
Eventually, somehow, they figure out the source of the Singularity is not a Holy Grail but Ligyron himself. the power of a literal god-king who wasn’t supposed to manifest? mayhaps fueled/’heart’ of a Holy Grail itself?
Ligyron, being Ligyron (Achilles), agrees with a grin to sacrifice himself so Chaldea can save their own world; he’s done his job of overthrowing Olympus, n founding/stabilizing his kingdom, fought battles he never could’ve imagined between said overthrowing of Olympus and fighting them once more with others from a different world (nvm one who looks like his mom!), says farewell to Patroclus but assures him he’ll see him in Elysium so dwai beloved see you before you know it (still be sure to live long tho!), Chiron says he’s proud of him, etc
Ligyron dissipates, and the Singularity starts to collapse
And Thetis. 
Her. SHIT. 
The Singularity doesn’t disappear, and instead resettles into a barren and craggy landscape; their location snaps somewhere else(? somewhen?) on Chaldea’s sensors/maps, but Romani doesn’t get time to specify where
Thetis, now white haired & yellow-eyed and an Avenger, wails and screams and rages about how “you ruin EVERYTHING” and goes straight for Rea’s throat
Servants keep fighting her to a standstill, as Thetis rips into Rea verbally—except it’s way more personal than it should be, targeting not just her actions but her personal character flaws, her insecurities, her own rage and wrath and ruin, her. 
Monologuing reveals Thetis, in life, ‘slaughtered Troy’ and all the soldiers; after trying to kill Zeus, was imprisoned (and implicitly tortured) for millennia; from a different timeline altogether, rather than being another product of the Singularity, or a corrupted Servant of proper history like Jalter
Thetis is way more powerful than she ought to be; eventually seals off her and Rea from all the Servants with her Noble Phantasm; Chaldea staff fucking going as fast as they can trying to force a Rayshift, either to get Rea out or other Servants where they can get to her
Thetis decides to smack down with Rea one and one, going for flow and brutal instead of instant ko
Her ranting includes poisonous and viscerally accurate [in their executions] insistences that they’re no different, and begins to use “we” not just for herself and Rea, but Thetis alone
Torture via attacking Rea’s crest directly? Probably
“Why! Won’t! You! Break!”
Servants break through the barrier just enough for Scathach to launch her god-killer Gae Bolg, and it’s a direct hit
...To Thetis’s illusion, but it’s still fatal.
To both of them
Thetis’s illusions morphing others’ perception of where BOTH of them were/are
Thetis’s hysteria turns gleeful, because See? See? See what being kind gets you, gIrL?
Everyone’s screaming freaking out, ALL the healers rushing in both past Thetis’s shattered barrier and via Rayshift
Scathach isn’t surprised, tight though her features are
Rea’s stabilized/saved, not via her Servant’s capabilities (a human receiving a Gae Bolg through the chest, after all), but via a Pseudo-Servant / fusion of her own
it’s og/Caster Thetis, able to do so via Thetis Alter’s spirit origin serving as a ‘beacon’/catalyst
Gg great job Rea gets taken home n healed into infinity n rests for a fucking month bc, jesus
They leave the Singularity’s with little more than a pool of blood at its heart: the island of Leuke in the Black Sea, the final resting placing of Achilles
Thetis (Avenger) was not just an alter of og/history’s Thetis, but Rea herself; in a worldline where Thetis massacred Troy et al for the death of her son, millennia later Riel Rodas would ‘break’ herself to unknown tragedy and call Thetis (Avenger) to her to become a Pseudo-Servant
Thetis was not just a water goddess but creator goddess, either pre-dating Chaos or an incarnation of Chaos itself (hence her ability to create a 100% fabricated Singularity); used the Holy Grail as an ‘anchor’ for it instead, trying to revive her dead son by avoiding the first of her tragedies and the root of his death in the first place: his having a mortal father
Rea herself is implicitly way more fucked up internally?? Since she knows Thetis (Alter) wasn’t a 100% divorced being from herself, despite others’ insistences
Scathach hiding for a long hot sec n Rea doing her damnedest to defuse the situation; she Knew that was how it needed to happen, or else either Rea would’ve either been killed by Thetis outright, or Thetis would’ve wrecked untold havoc onto them beyond the Singularity (including Rea’s death, as ever)
Tl;dr their first Lostbelt before they knew lostbelts are a thing </3
Myrmidon servants not mistaking Rea for Thetis not just bc of sameface, but same ‘core’ due to Thetis (also) being ‘Rea’ (rather than 100% Thetis just using her as a vessel)
Romani sweating bc haha! wow! human and also a Servant but also it’s Complicated, anyway--
Possible similar hats with the Foreign God? depending on their motivations
Congrats on Rea Suddenly Being Ur Mom, Achilles. It’s weird for her too but also Blz remember to get to bed on time--
Chaldea Chiron is. so very very sorry for his Singularity’s counterparts actions
Also, no one tell Achilles Chiron’s technically arguably actually his step-dad (aka he and og Thetis had a thing in actual history too)
Awkward? Awkward.
Reamom subverse (wherein she’s pre-existing Chaldea staff turned Master to save Ritsuka the burden of it, despite her Crest bs complications), Ritsuka suddenly contemplates if they have an HR
(Also (still reamom subverse) everyone is staring at Romani even harder to Do Something Already, god dammit; youve been in a mutual uwu-ance w her for twelve years and a SINGULARITY SERVANT kisses her first?)
‘Canon’/sans-Rea verse, Thetis (Alter) is still Rea (Alter); barring the Reaface!Thetis confusion and the personal mauling & murder of the Chaldea Master, it’s tl;dr the same! It’s no longer Personal(tm) and they just take out Thetis like a ‘normal’ final boss vs her hurting the Master proper (nvm inducing Pseudo-Servanthood)
Thetis’s powerset includes shapeshifting, which is now Rea’s powersets, aka cue shapeshifting Crash Course courtesy of Enkidu. it’s fine
Lygiron/God/King!Achilles is an Archer (a class he can’t even normally qualify for bc... it’s not proper human history Achilles), courtesy of Dad-Chiron, though he qualifies for lots of classes. Maybe Ruler? lol
Servant Patroclus is a Saber :] bc he’s weak to Lygiron/Myrmidon!Achilles, but strong against PHH Achilles’s lancer qualification (ie. “he’s achilles’s weakness”)
It’s long af but if you want an idea of Thetis (Alter)’s alternate history and the sorta shit Psuedo-Servant Thetis!Rea (og/Caster) gets, there’s Realter’s page. Barring the NP tied to her unique history (aka slaughtering Troy herself), it’s all shit she could Potentially do herself.
Atlantis/Olympus Singularity gets uh. gets uh. well it doesn’t end different but gd the vibes are So Fucking Off w Chaos just beyond the veil and Rea as a pseudo-servant of its incarnation (and not just bc that makes her all these machine god fuckers’ grandma)
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alarawriting · 4 years
All about “A Very April Christmas”
I’ve talked about “April’s Dream House” before, and posted part of the story (which is still not done, but I got 1800 words done today and it’s 3 am so I’m closing down for the night) last year for Inktober, but I want to talk about it.
The problem here is that “April’s Dream House” was created to be an animated show. I was trying to come up with an Adult Swim-style comedy where all the characters are female, because Aqua Teen Hunger Force and some others, all the characters are male. (I pulled my punches at the end and added one male character.) This was back before Robot Chicken; nowadays people would alsmot certainly think this was inspired by Robot Chicken, but it’s actually inspired by Toy Story. Toy Story, you see, is the story of toys owned by a little boy. The people who made the movie are so incapable of imagining the play life of a little girl, they gendered a baby doll who was a little girl’s favorite doll as male. (This pretty much never happens. Male baby dolls are rare to begin with. A little girl who decided her favorite baby doll was a boy is possible, but unlikely.)
Those of you who were little girls and played with dolls probably remember that, rather than the demure tea parties we’re always shown having in media, we were making soap operas, and depending on how much we knew about sex, sometimes they were downright raunchy soap operas. “April’s Dream House”, unlike Toy Story, isn’t about the lives of the toys independent of their owner, and their need to hide that they can move around; it’s more about the lives of the toys as played with by a rather strange little girl, who is occasionally referred to as “God” but never actually appears in the series.
So a lot of the humor is visual. April’s in a traffic jam, but her vehicle is the size of a Barbie minivan, like a foot tall, and she’s stuck behind a line of Hot Wheels cars. April’s younger sister Madison, a teen doll who’s about 10 inches, has a 6 inch Mandalorian action figure for a boyfriend. Cherry Blossom, the G3 My Little Pony ripoff, is trying to romance a realistic horse figurine. You get the picture. Or rather, you don’t, because I’m not an artist and all I can do is prose.
I’m going to post photographs of the toys that the main characters are based on or inspired by.
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It’s Barbie. We all know what Barbie looks like. The joke with April is that she is insanely talented and brilliant, because of all the jobs Barbie’s had as a doll -- so she really has been a veterinarian, a rocket scientist, a firefighter, a detective, etc., as well as a model and actress. But April is such a mega-bitch, she can’t keep a job, so she’s had to take in housemates -- and, given her bitchiness, for considerably less money than the property would otherwise be worth for rental.
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This is Sasha, a Bratz doll. Sheonte of the Divazz isn’t literally based on her the way April is based on Barbie; I took inspiration from the general style of the Bratz. Sheonte’s arrogant and vain, but she’s in general a better human being than April.
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This is a doll from Monster High -- Im guessing a mummy of some sort. Catrina is even less based on this than Sheonte and the Divazz are based on the Bratz. The idea behind the Weargirls is that they are all were-animals. So Catrina is a were-cat, Batrice is a were-bat and also a vampire, etc. Catrina was originally supposed to be Latina of no specific origin, and when pressed for an origin the makers of her product line decided Mexican... which is bizarre because La Catrina is the Mexican symbol of the Day of the Dead, how everyone, rich and poor, dies in the end. That would be a weird thing to name your kid if you were Mexican. This is deliberate on my part because it’s the kind of stupid mistake toy execs make.
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As a child I misread the label on my Hello Kitty doll and thought it said Kelly Kitty, so that’s where Kelly gets the name. (Or Kerry. It’s interchangeable, she’ll answer to either.) Unlike Hello Kitty, my vision of Kelly Kitty includes a mouth, and brown “fur” rather than white. Kelly is probably the best person in this household, but admittedly the bar is low.
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Though I am an MLP fan, it’s strictly G4 -- I always found the more horse-like ponies from previous gens to be creepy looking. Cherry Blossom is generically based on G3 ponies, but I discovered to my shock today that there really was a G3 pony named Cherry Blossom, so maybe if I ever do get to make this a show, I’ll have to change the name.
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Penelope Peapod is the inspiration for Emily Egg. The size differentials here are a source of a lot of the humor. Emily is a 7 inch baby doll. April is an 11 inch fashion doll. So Emily is two thirds of April’s size, but proportioned like an infant.
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Lovey is not actually based on any particular toy I or anyone I know has owned. I just wanted an old, somewhat worn out, plush bassett hound who looks sad all the time.
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Doktor Zapp, on the other hand, is based on a very specific Playmobil figure, that my albino son was very fond of because he, too, wanted to be a mad scientist, back then. (Now he wants to tell stories through art, which I suspect involves some of the same skills. :-)) He’s a Playmobil figure. In the story, it’s his leg, not his arm, that’s cybernetic.
I’m hoping I can get the story out tomorrow sometime, but tomorrow’s a cleaning day, so no promises.
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tough-girl9 · 4 years
Five Moments of Feeling
Summary:  Five moments in which Data experiences emotion and becomes just a little bit more human. A "if Data hadn't gotten the emotion chip" AU.
Part 2: Contentment
Part 3: Pride
Part 4: Offense
Part 5: Saudade
Also posted on FFN and AO3
A/N: Over the summer, I watched all seven seasons and four movies of the Next Gen universe and found myself unexpectedly hooked, particularly in regards to a certain cinnamon roll of an android second officer. This is my first writing foray into Data’s universe.
I began writing what will be a five-shot while I was still watching the series. As I watched Data’s character growth over the seasons, I loved the moments when Data becomes just a little tiny bit more human, when he masters some new aspect of human behavior (be it sneezing, tap dancing, or small talk) or when he has a revelation about some new part of humanity. Watching Data grow, I found myself hoping for him to slowly “discover” different emotions in the same slow, gentle way that he grew in other aspects. And so I wrote what would become the first of my five-part collection as a projection of what I hoped to see in the show.
Now that I have finished the seasons and movies, I know that this collection isn’t “canon” but I still wanted to write and share it. I had mixed feelings about the emotion chip from Generations. On the one hand, it allowed Data to experiment with a wide variety of different emotions and led to some great scenes (that one with Data and Picard in stellar cartography, wow), but I still would have liked to see Data slowly gaining the ability to register and process different emotions over time (at least in a more recognizably human way, since I fall solidly in the camp of Data fans who believe he had his own version of emotions all along). I would have liked to get to linger over and savor Data’s discovery of each emotion and the other characters’ reactions to it.
So, if you like, view this collection of vignettes as a “what would have happened without the emotion chip” AU. Enjoy!
Five Moments of Feeling Part 1: Humor
The first moment was in Ten Forward.
They were docked at Star Base 352 for standard repairs and inspections that would last at least a week, and as such the crew were on leave for the next several days. Spirits were high, glasses of real Terran beer rather than synthehol were being passed around, and the sounds of laughter and friendly camaraderie filled the room.
“And so the Romulan just looks at the Vulcan Ambassador and says, ‘Well, maybe you can, but I vulcan’t,” Riker finished, a huge grin on his face as he leaned back, anticipating his crewmates’ reactions.
Geordi groaned dramatically and put a hand to his VISOR, shaking his head at the Commander’s lame joke. Deanna put several fingers to her lips, hiding her small smile demurely. Worf snorted and shook his head, muttering something about “human humor” and taking another swig of his drink.
There was silence for just a moment, then sudden laughter.
Riker, Geordi, Deanna, and Worf all turned as one, staring in shocked surprise at Data.
“Data, did you just…laugh?” Geordi asked incredulously.
Data’s face had returned to its usual emotionless state. The android tilted his head slightly to the side, his lips curving downward into a curious frown. “Yes, according to my memory logs, it would appear that I did,” he replied.
“But why, Data?” Deanna asked, only just concealing a puzzled smile. “I have never heard you laugh like that before.”
Data’s guileless yellow eyes turned to the ship’s Counselor, his eyebrows quirking just slightly. “The joke,” he said. “The Commander’s joke, it was…funny.”
Geordi shook his head in despair. “Oh my word, Data, the very first joke you get and it had to be one of Riker’s.”
“Hey, it was a good joke,” Riker put in.
Data was watching them with a puzzled frown. “I do not understand. Should I not have laughed?” he asked.
Geordi shook his head, biting back a chuckle at his best friend’s bemusement. “No, Data,” he answered, shaking his head. “No, you laugh all you want.”
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briek58454521 · 4 years
Let’s rant about bigotry in media and fake allies.
.Look. I get it. You want to believe that your cartoons, media and celebs are completely perfect darlings that can do no wrong, but let me be frank. I don’t care how much you don’t want to talk about it. I care about the creators who keep inviting the discourse their way through their idiocy. Whenever a creator gets in trouble for doing shit like making jokes about slave hats on a live stream, or including a blackface caricature in an art book, or killing off their gays the very episode they come out or are introduced, there’s always a subset of people who say shit like, “it was a mistake, they didn’t mean it. It kinda gives us as a leftist community a bad name when we keep attacking each other like this”.
Let’s dismantle that. And let’s break this down in three basic points I’ll use throughout. 1. It is not your place to accept an apology that was not for you, especially when in regards to racism, sexism, anti-LGBTA+ bigotry, and anti-semitism. 2. We need to stop lumping in actual criticism with alt-right idiots being shitty about marginalized groups existing, because ultimately, infighting is not the end of the world, and disagreements are not inherently bad. They are a fact of life. 3.  Most importantly of all, just because these people claim to be allies, that does not mean that they are. Because make no mistake. CARTOONS ARE NOT ANY LESS EFFECTED BY THE BIASES OF THE ENVIRONMENTS WHICH PRODUCED THEM THAN ANY OTHER WORK OF ART.
Now. Let’s break down that shit completely.
1. I used those examples as a jumping-off point, but in general, this shit always happens. A creator fucks up, they get criticism which was unquestionably earned, they get rightfully dragged, and the creator uses the backlash to garner sympathy from their audiences and paint their critics in a bad light and whine about Cancel Culture. NOW, I already talked about that in another post, but basically, it doesn’t exist, and is used as a weaponized shield from criticism. 
Thing about all of that as well is when the creators keep bringing up how they didn’t mean it like that. Most people would answer this with, “doesn’t matter, what matters is what you did”, but there’s something else that people don’t talk about. This is usually a bunch of white people excusing this shit. Or otherwise, a bunch of people who weren’t actually affected by the latest controversy. And therein lies the rub. Allies, let me put it this way. WHEN THE SUBJECT OF THE CRITICISM IS ABOUT THE PORTRAYAL OF MINORITIES IN MEDIA, YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO EXPECT SAID MINORITIES TO FORGIVE THOSE CREATORS WHEN YOU WERE NOT AFFECTED BY IT.
Remember the Lana Del Rey controversy, where her dumbass ended up getting shit for her statement filled with venom towards other artists? Could have been cleared up if she had just accepted that she messed up and didn’t word her statement correctly, but no. She lashed out at the people who told her it was kinda racist to lump a bunch of black female artists into a conglomerate of artists who just, “twerk, cheat, have sex, and get money”, and dismissing feminism as needing to accommodate women “like her, who were more delicate”, perpetuating inadvertently to the idea that black women are less delicate, white women are petite, demure, and need to have a place above the others. AND LOOK, it’s how she responded that sealed it. Accusing her critics of being the actual racists, who hate women, and conflating the criticism with.....ugh....a FUCKING RACE WAR. Do I EVEN need to explain the problem with that?
The point is that it was idiotic of her to assume that she didn’t deserve the criticism because she “technically didn’t mean it”, when ultimately, she wasn’t the victim, she wasn’t the one who ACTUALLY got hurt by all of this, and that most of the criticism WAS NOT ANYWHERE NEAR as vitriolic as Lana accused it of being. And people do this to minorities all the fucking time. Where the praise for the work is what matters, but then they’re just upset and looking to be upset about things when they....sorry, when WE have shit to say about the fuckups. Constantly, minorities are expected to praise bare minimum bullshit lest we have self proclaimed “””””allies””””” get pissy that we aren’t playing along. Well, sorry, but, I think it be time to stop with that shit. It doesn’t matter how pure you think that person is. If the people who are the actual part of the controversy have shit to say about it, MAYBE LISTEN TO THEM instead of trying to force people to accept the apology that wasn’t even yours to accept, nor was it for you to shove in our faces to shut us up. And if you dislike that I’m saying that, just know. That’s exactly what you’re doing when you pull that shit.
2. As simply as I can put it, complaining about how a trans person is portrayed badly is not the same as complaining ABOUT the presence of a trans person, and to lump that shit onto the other pile is dishonest and willfully ignorant. When we keep getting upset about the tone, or upset about, “WAAAH, they said a me-no-like”, and lump that in with the actual facists looking to erase us from the history books, we are doing half of their job for them, and normalizing shit like what I saw the other day, where on Twitter, some asshole complained, “Anime is supposed to be an escape from reality. Adding black people to it kinda ruins the point.”
I’m gonna talk about it in the next point, but for now, understand this. NO ONE says shit like that just out of the blue without having it come from somewhere, and that attitude is all too prevalent.
In cartoons especially, criticism of the NB lizard from She-Ra is not being bigoted towards non-binary people, because the use of a fucking lizard to portray them is the ACTUALLY bigoted thing. And to lump in criticism of that with the criticism of She-Ra not being conventionally attractive enough for men to masturbate to the fucking minor is only going to long-term HARM any discourse. Because having these conversations as well as discussing these issues and educating each other about them is how we AVOID THEM. Criticism is not just a vector for asshole conservatives to be pissy about your existence. It’s also a veritable TREASURE TROVE for how not to fuck your shit up. And when we all get it, we learn. I get it, you don’t want to do shit wrong, but when you do, as everyone will, the backlash will burn itself out, and once you’ve fixed it, people will be very forgiving. Because, and it’s gonna sound mean....THAT’S HOW AUDIENCES WORK. THEY WANT TO FORGIVE YOU FOR WHEN YOU DO SHIT WRONG. So just...fix it. And listen. Yeah, you’ll get called stupid, you’ll get called “moron”, but you will have saved yourself from getting that shit ten times worse later on down the line. BEAR IN MIND, THOUGH, any of you already typing about how that’s enabling cyberbullying under the guise of critique, IT’S NOT. There’s a wealth of difference between the two, and trying to distract from the point with that is just a red herring. So stop with that.
And now....for the biggest one of all.
3. See...here’s the thing. About that anime douche. That doesn’t happen in JUST anime. It’s been around for decades, and has been a thing to this day. The WoW community got upset about womz being in power for the past 15 years, and have gotten on their high horse about black people being in the game, stating that if they were around sooner, maybe it wouldn’t, “SEEM TOO POLITICAL”, with that Asmongold jackass trying to start a second wave of GamerGate because one of the people at Blizzard said, “Black Lives Matter”. Fantasy as a genre has been so rooted in racism, that the inclusion of goblins for the most part is synonymous with anti-semitism towards Jewish people. Captain Marvel was pilloried for the past two years because the mean lady said that shit needs to change and wasn’t too nice, and also, me don’t like her too much. Basically, tone policing over a personality that we still give Howard Stern a platform for. In cartoons, the inclusion of black people is seen as an inherently political opinion. The rumors of Gen 6 Apple Jack possibly having a black voice actress prompted comments such as:
“The thiing with AJ is clearly anti-white/conservatist as a response to Trump America. What is opposite of country redneck female? Of course, and urban black woman.”
“It’s the fact that she’s black that bothers me.”
“Killing a blonde freckled Southern character for some political agenda is the last thing I want to see.”
The news of Velma Dinkley being gay was immediately pounced upon with shit about a homosexual agenda, and constant bullshit about how it was so forced, or whatever. This shit always happens, and is gonna keep happening. You know why?
Because the entertainment industry is not ready to accept minorities. The games industry is not ready to accept minorities. Cartoons are still not ready to accept minorities. They accept them for a moment, until those minorities challenge someone’s ego. Fans embrace a character until they’re a woman, or a POC, or on the spectrum, or LGBTA+. The existence of us is denigrating to these idiots’ escape, not from reality, but from us. It’s bad enough that they have to put up with us in the real world, but even worse that they have to see us in fictional shows that aren’t real.’ Us merely BEING AROUND is a bad thing, and to ask for some improvements is met with bemoaning about agendas.
Supposed allies begin and end their support with how much money we put in their wallets and how much we stroke their egos about how woke they are, and actual allies are lumped in with actual offenders. If we get upset that a show they’ve posited as so enlightening is actually the utter pits and not in any way healthy, they get upset. Tell a Reylo they’re shipping something toxic and dangerous, they’ll get upset and yell racial slurs at John Boyega for sitting next to Daisy Ridley. Say, “Fuck Arthas”, people get upset jump down your throat about how you hate forgiveness. Tell people that the Grinch ought not to be forgiven, people get upset you’re strawmaned about how you hate forgiveness.
They just don’t understand, or care about the essential fact about all of this. As I said earlier. The environments which produce the worst of offenders in these fields, and the problems we hate seeing so much are in no way less affected by the biases that they were cultivated by. And media has never been any more ready to accept minorities as people and as worthy of being portrayed as people than literally anywhere else right now. And speaking up about that is what gets these fake allies mad, especially when they LIKE the media. What makes these people so mad is not the troubling portrayal of POC, or women, or minorities. Not that we are routinely ostracized for existing in cartoons, not that this shit happens at all. They don’t give a flying fuck about any of that. It’s the thing that they have to put up with as a result of that that makes them the most upset.
Criticism. And they don’t like that.
And no matter whether or not these cartoons are made by bootlickers, or this movie was made by a TERF,  or if this creator has a history of blackface, racism, or has made garbage statements about women, if you aren’t nice and considerate enough towards their feelings, you’ll make them, and us, the allies, feel uncomfortable. NO DWAMA, just not too divisive feedback that’s ultimately worthless as it was made purely to try to appease idiots and the people most affected by these issues at the same time, meaning it had to be watered down past the point of no return in order for us to factor it in with our jaded mindsets and worldviews that are the direct cause of the problems we complain about, yet keep exacerbating through our ignorance and unwillingness to change.
If you aren’t like that, and don’t believe you should be lumped in with that, don’t behave as if you are that sort of person. But, even then, if you aren’t...listen to the actual experts. Stop listening to some white guy’s idiotic hot takes about black rep, and actually listen to black people. Listen to trans people instead of some cis white chick with no understanding of trans issues. Stop platforming the worst of offenders within these communities as the bestest ever. And most importantly....
remember that horses don’t exist.
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kriskalutz · 2 years
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Alucard: Great job Lia.
Lia: Its a beautiful, healthy boy!!!
Now for the important age up!
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Annd he looks just like Alucard did at this age. Darnit I really thought I missed the Toddler glitch but I guess Kain's toddler glasses were hiding how similar him and Alucard looked. Ah well.
Meet Jason Kamalei Demure! What a big name! But its for the theme of this generation: Hawaiian names! There's a lot of famous Hawaiians, but not all of them have Hawaiian names. I feel like Lia and eventually Kala would want to keep part of their culture in their kids' names so I'm attaching a Hawaiian name to each child too (Kain and Kala's might just be the Hawaiian name I'm not sure yet).
Jason comes from Jason Momoa (you might know him as Aquaman!) and Kamalei is a Hawaiian name that means 'beloved child'. He aged up to have the Charmer trait, almost like he was destined for it or something with a name like Kamalei. And yes our boy loves pink.
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broken-clover · 4 years
Who is your favorite Gym Leader from each generation?
Fun question! When I was thinking about it, I didn’t realize that I never really got super attached to the gym leaders until recent generations, I’m not sure if it’s something about how the writing is different or if I’m just older now and pay more attention to it.
Generation 1- Sabrina
Up until visiting Gen 1 once again in Let’s Go! I never cared much for the 1st gen gym leaders. For the most part, Sabrina was the only one who stood out to me, because of her absolutely horrifying appearance in the anime series back when I used to watch it as a kid. I remember anime Sabrina being one of the first things I ever considered to be truly terrifying on TV, with her doll-self’s creepy voice and her ability to turn other characters into dolls, so even when I got older and no longer found her frightening, she still has a place in my memory. Plus, the psychic-type leaders always tend to have such cool designs and abilities.
Generation 2- Clair
I like Clair because she’s an asshole. 
Ok, ok, let me explain. So in general, I really like when gym leaders break up the pace of the story and offer the player something different. It is nice when things go over smoothly, but adding in a bit of newness to the gym progression system. Clair is the last gym leader in the Johto league and obviously is already a pretty powerful trainer. But after you beat her, she refuses to admit defeat out of pride and demands you perform a separate task at the Dragon’s Den before she’ll give you your badge. Most of the female gym leaders tend to be demure and polite, so I really appreciate Clair being allowed to be cocky and self-assured of her own capabilities. Overall she makes for something refreshing in Gen 2′s plotline.
Generation 3- Winona
I think gen 3 is probably my least-played. I visited Johto in HeartGold and Kanto in the same game and Let’s Go! but I never got very far in Alpha Sapphire and never even touched the originals. So like with Sabrina, this is a pick made based mainly on the anime portrayal. Gen 3 was my peak anime-watching time, and I’m pretty sure by this point I’ve seen pretty much all of the episodes from it. And of what I saw, I absolutely adored the episodes with Winona. I loved her design, especially with the ponytail and the bird-shaped aviator cap. The episodes leading her up to the gym battle involving the Fortree carnival were an absolute delight, and I thought the gimmick for her gym battle was amazing. I always thought the anime’s adaptations of gym battles were so fun to watch from all the new concepts they introduced. The whole fight basically took place on giant elevators in an open field, slowly going higher with each round. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
(Though Wattson comes in at a very close second, he’s an adorable old man and I adored his goofy personality)
Generation 4- Crasher Wake
For the generation that I consider to be my real ‘first’ and have probably spent the most time in, I remember remarkably little about any of the gym leaders...except for Crasher Wake. Because how in the holy name of Arceus does someone forget a guy as fabulously ridiculous as Crasher friggin Wake. You first meet him while he’s singing his own theme song, for crying out loud. But despite having such a big personality, he isn’t a jerk and seems to genuinely enjoy battling in any form, even when he loses. He’s just a genuine delight.
Generation 5- Elesa
Talk about a fun gimmick. I love all the new design ideas and concepts that were introduced in gen 5. Something about the atmosphere of it feels so different compared to every other generation, and I love it for that. And a lot of that manifested in the Pokemon gyms. While I’m not sure what exactly it has to do with her job as a model, Elesa’s gym was just so much fun to mess around with, being a puzzle made out of neon rollercoasters that you get to ride around in. She wins just on aesthetic. Also bad puns. And those fabulous headphones.
Generation 6- Valerie
The first Fairy-type gym leader, and man, did she make a good impression! The cutesy theme was maybe a bit obvious, but I also love the sense of eeriness she has too, working in a creepy forest town and possessing those unusual blank eyes. She really feels like a unique standout design. And everyone tells me the dollhouse was easy to navigate, but I kept getting so very, very lost...
Generation 7- Kiawe
I love how overly-serious he is, I find it really charming. His pre-battle challenge was another fun one, and I could never tell if he was just messing with me or if he is just very seriously pulling his hiker friend into the chaos. Plus, I liked the inclusion of him being relevant to the new Alolan Marowak, with them both involved in traditional Alolan dancing. It’s just one of those little things that makes the region feel like its own place with an individual culture, even if it doesn’t ultimately impact the story much.
Generation 8- Allister
Autistic ghost onion. Enough said.
(+Milo bc big buff herder husband)
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paralleljulieverse · 5 years
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Following our recent posts marking the 60th anniversary of the wedding of Julie Andrews and Tony Walton, here we shine a brief spotlight on how the newlyweds were covered by the media in the early years of their marriage. Their May 1959 wedding was a definite high-water mark of media exposure for Julie and Tony but public interest didn’t end once they’d walked down the aisle. Newspapers and magazines continued to feature regular stories and photos about the ‘happy couple’, detailing what they were up to and how they were adapting to life as husband-and-wife. 
Much of the coverage presented the newlyweds as a quintessentially modern couple who were combining the twin demands of dual careers with companionate marriage. A multi-page profile in the January 1960 issue of British women’s magazine, Housewife serves a good case-in-point. Essentially a ‘celebrities at home’ pictorial, the article marshals the couple’s “delightful new home––a large flat overlooking Eaton Square––to which they went when they were married eight months ago” as a symbolic expression of the blended amalgamations of marital domesticity (Antony: 38). 
The “Andrews-Walton flat is a combination of their two careers,” the article chirps, “Julie’s piano has a prominent place and one room is made into Tony’s studio” (Antony: 40). Elsewhere it describes a cosy everyday scenario of domestic give-and-take as “Julie spends hours practising her singing” with Tony acting as one of her “sternest musical critics,” while Julie in turn “gets a thrill out of Tony’s work for the theatre [and] enjoys posing for his costume designs” (38-39). The image painted here is a transactional blend of conventional married home-life with newer forms of egalitarian coupledom: “two young people––both so young and in love––embarking on a duet” in “their lovely new home...a good basis for security in their marriage” (40-41).
Other profiles were considerably less blithesome. A recurrent refrain in a lot of the media coverage of Julie and Tony’s marriage was the perceived challenges faced by a couple in which, as one early newspaper report put it, “the wife’s name has embarrassingly eclipsed the husband’s” (Wilson: 10). In an era still tethered to orthodox notions of male breadwinners and female homemakers, a union in which the wife assumed greater professional and financial prowess than the husband was sufficiently novel to evoke both curiosity and, at times, unease. 
In the newspaper profile just mentioned, Cecil Wilson (1959) strikes a note of thinly-veiled anxiety when discussing what he apprehends as a gendered dilemma in the couple’s marriage. Titled “How Not to Be Known as Mr Julie Andrews”, the article asserts a very traditional view of marriage in terms of masculine dominance and feminine support. “No man could have done more in less time” than Tony Walton, it proclaims, “to rise above the reflected glory of being ‘Julie Andrews’s husband’ or, worse still, the ignominious label of ‘Mr. Julie Andrews’” (10). “Since his childhood sweetheart from Walton-on-Thames consolidated her...stardom in My Fair Lady, he has firmly established the name of Tony Walton by designing four West End shows...[and n]ow, to give Julie Andrews further pride in being known as Tony Walton’s wife, he has gone into management” as a theatre producer (ibid.).* 
It is a testament to Julie and Tony’s fortitude and well-grounded emotional security that, for the most part, they deflected such concerns as immaterial. Responding to a reporter’s question about how her status as “one of the country’s wealthiest young actresses” impacted her new married lifestyle, Julie  demurred: “I don’t know how much I’m worth...We haven’t a car, although I hold a licence. But Tony holds the important licence, the marriage one” (Hickey: 3). Later, on the eve of her departure for New York to start rehearsals for Camelot, Julie mused further on the ambivalent demands of career and marriage: “Of course it’s nice to get back to work. I love the stage. But what I really like and what I want to do is to settle down and be plain Mrs. Walton” (Tanfield: 12). 
For his part, Tony Walton struck a particularly mature and, for the time, progressive attitude to the unorthodox dynamics of his and Julie’s marriage. When asked in a 1959 interview if he experienced “professional jealousy” of Julie, he replied with categorical pragmatism: “Not a bit. After all, Julie has one career and I have another. But I still wouldn’t rank my fame with hers” (Wilson: 10). It was a consistently balanced approach he maintained––at least publicly––right throughout the marriage, even after Julie had graduated to the exponentially increased fame and fortune of film stardom.  “[T]he embarrassments people see for me are easily coped with because they’re so absurd,” he remarked in a 1966 article, “I’d be stupid if I let them affect me” (Leslie: 8). If there is any problem, he ventured in an admirably democratic take on modern marriage, it is 
“who at any one time is going to be the support. I don’t mean financial but emotional––which is the basis on which the whole marriage is built. When Julie and I were both in the theatre, and she was rehearsing at something and I was working at something else, the pressure times would swing back and forth between us. And at times I’d find myself taking on an almost feminine role, trying to calm, soothe, protect or whatever. And then as soon as I was deeply involved and under pressure then the roles would be reversed. I think if I were an over-dominant kind of male I’d find this situation harder to cope with. But neither of us is over-poweringly masculine or over-poweringly feminine” (ibid.)
That the marriage of Julie Andrews and Tony Walton ultimately didn’t last is a matter of historical record. Following extended periods of separation, the two officially filed for divorce in November 1967, eight and a half years after they were wed (”Julie Andrews Suing”: I-23). But the pair have, by all accounts, maintained a strong and enduring friendship, even after both of them found and subsequently married new partners (Robins: D-6). In fact, Julie is fond of recounting how Tony and his second wife, Gen LeRoy-Walton, affectionately refer to her as “our ex” (Andrews: 323). “They’re best friends and they gang up against me,” explains Tony Walton of the relationship between his former and current partners (McDonnell: 3D). As Julie observed in a 2001 interview: “[T]he divorce was extremely sobering but I've known [Tony] since I was 13 and he was 12, and you cannot undo that knowledge” (Birch: 16).
* This kind of angst-ridden discourse about the perceived gendered power imbalance of the Andrews-Walton marriage intensified once Julie made the move to Hollywood and the even greater success of global film stardom. “When a wife starts earning much more money than her husband,” wrote one especially egregious example, “the marriage is not long for the lasting” (Shearer: 15). Such sensationalist commentary was evident even in international reports.”Julie Andrews and her prince-consort” was how one French-language article billed the marriage (Von Cottom: 22).
Andrews, Julie. Home: A Memoir of My Early Years. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008.
Antony, Jonquil. “Theatrical Duet in Eaton Square.” House Wife. March 1960: 38-41.
Birch, Helen. “Truly Andrews.” Daily Telegraph. 7 December 2001: 15-16.
Hickey, William. “For Julie it’s the Beginning.” Daily Express. 8 August 1959: 3.
Jordan, Ruth. “No Fashion Fuss for Julie.” Woman’s Journal. December, 1959: 26-27, 134.
“Julie Andrews Suing Designer for Divorce.” Los Angeles Times. 15 November 1967: I-23.
Leslie, Ann. “Beating the Hysteria: ‘Mr. Julie Andrews’.” Daily Express. 19 April 1966: 8.
McDonnell, Brandy. “Tony Time.” The Oklahoman / Sunday Life. 27 May 2018: D1-D3.
Robins, Cynthia. “When Art and Love Meld Successfully.” San Francisco Examiner. 6 September 1992: D-6.
Shearer, Lloyd. “When a Wife Earns More than a Husband.” Parade. 9 July 1967: 14-15.
Tanfield, Paul. “My Year of Bliss...by Julie Andrews.” Daily Mail. 18 August 1960: 12.
Von Cottom, Joseph. “Julie Andrews et son prince-consort: le pitoyable drame des maris de vedettes.” Ciné-Télé-Revue. 4 August 1966: 22-23.
Wilson, Cecil. “How Not to Be Known as Mr Julie Andrews.” Daily Mail. 24 September 1959: 10.
Photographs by John Dixon, George Konig, and anon.
© 2019 Brett Farmer All Rights Reserved
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adhdo5 · 6 years
It’s cursed O5 headcanon time
One of the hottest non-work topics on the group chat? Undertale
O5-3 has played most routes, and attempted the gen route because Exploring Choice And Consequence™, but he was stopped at Undyne. Not because of the fight, no. Undyne started her speech before the fight and he immediately decided “actually no I don’t need to see how the rest of this plays out it’s a bad choice” 
Three did not forgive Asriel at the end of the pacifist run. Not that easily. 
O5-5 did in fact complete the gen run. This has given him strong opinions on Sans and Undyne 
Undyne he can respect. She gave him a good fight and with good motive and overall it’s impossible to Not stan Undyne 
Sans? Five would immediately kill Sans with his bare hands if given the chance. Five has Megalovania flashbacks 
O5-6 claims he’s “working on” the gen run. He’s been stuck on Undyne for the past two years 
Intentional or no? You decide 
That’s the extent to which the Council has done the gen run. They all know what happens, of course, because who doesn’t at this point, but only Five’s  confirmed to have done it proper 
Three is the head of the local branch of the Chara Defense Squad, with O5-13 as his second-in-command and with O5-12 and O5-10 also there 
Three has like. An extra sense to detect when someone is talking shit about Chara. He’ll be offline and you’ll be sayin somethin about Chara bein responsible for the gen route and then all of a sudden his online indicator flashes on and O5-3 is typing...
He’s very calm and demure and polite about it and doesn’t usually get into long arguments himself but he will absolutely tell you you are wrong 
Three, Thirteen, Ten, and Twelve are heatedly beaten back by the local Anti-Chara League, which consists of O5-4 and O5-7, as well as Five and Six. This is one of the few things that Seven and Thirteen disagree on
Interestingly, Four, Five, and Six are all Flowey stans 
O5-2 is about to lose it because she had to hear the words “Flowey apologism” in 2019
This causes infighting because Seven despises Flowey for the same reason they despise Chara (they see both as abusing their power) 
What Seven and Thirteen do agree on, though, is that they both greatly appreciate Sans 
Thirteen is also one of those people who won’t shut up about Gaster
No one argues about pronunciation after Keter. Chair-uh, Char-uh, Care-uh, and Car-uh are all used interchangeably and no one gives a fuck 
Though people do have favored pronunciations; 
Chair-uh is favored by Four, and Ten half the time
Char-uh is favored by Five, Nine, and Ten the other half of the time
Car-uh is favored by Two, Three, Eight, and Eleven
Care-uh is favored by Six, Seven, Twelve, and Thirteen
O5-1 uses the ch/c sound variably and no one can tell what vowel he’s using because of his accent 
Two and Three bond over their shared appreciation of Toriel 
It’s a legal requirement among the Council that you stan Undyne.
Everyone stans Undyne 
Even One and Nine, who both have never played Undertale 
Founder/Outsider voice I have no idea what the fuck is going on and at this point I’m too afraid to ask 
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maribelsawyer · 6 years
- ̗̀ * ( ella purnell + cisfemale + she/her ) have you seen ( maribel sawyer ) walking around campus ? they are a ( nineteen ) year old, studying ( journalism ). we hear they are in ( delta gamma chi ), and can be ( benevolent & impressionable ), maybe it’s because they are a ( gemini ). they sort of remind us of ( scraped knees , magnifying glasses , vintage oxfords ), maybe we can find out more ! *  ̖́-  + newspaper writer
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god okay looks like i’ve fallen in love w ella purnell and i want to b her. anyways maribel is my newest baby n im sorta making her up as i go so pls bare w me lmao
TW: eating disorder mentions, subtle abuse?
{she is not currently in that mindset ^}
gen. info
full name: maribel ottoline sawyer
nickname(s): mari, bell, lottie b/c middle name, etc. etc. just sawyer sometimes idk
b.o.d. - june 1st, 19 yrs old
label(s): the marionette, the demure, the prevaricator, etc. etc.
height: like 5′3″ prolly tbh
hometown: duluth, minnesota
sexuality: shit she don’t know
bio. info
her dad’s in the air force, her mom’s published three diet cookbooks and two different DVDs--maribel is the only middle child
one of those conservative, all american families, they were strict and definitely made it known that they were parents and not friends by any means
9pm curfew, not leaving the dining room until all ur food is gone, grounded if ur grades were below their expectations, etc. etc. 
her older sister can evoke emotions in others thru her acting like no other. has taken the hearts (and leads) of all her acting directors since childhood. her voice is broadway material.
and her older brother? has been the best linebacker on any high school team he’s joined; hopes to make it to the big leagues. but if he doesn’t? he’s been taking college-level classes since he was a sophomore.
maribel is...just, maribel.
for the longest time, there was nothing special about maribel
she couldn’t sing, or dance, or compose words in pretty prose
her grades were only satisfactory after hrs n hrs of studying everyday
homegirl can’t even cook w/o smth exploding
in short, maribel has never been good at anything. can’t draw within the lines, can’t follow the line, opens her mouth at the wrong time. etc. etc. shit? rough.
her family moves around a lot b/c of her dad, so she’s never really been in one place long enough to really prove herself? always been the quiet girl in class while her siblings brought home gold stars everyday
the kinda girl others would sorta push around n bully a lil bit bc she would never know what to say; prolly just cried a lot tbh
grew up w a lot of insecurities b/c of this
definitely doesnt help that her mother is obsessed w beauty n fitness n like
their mother p much forced her lifestyle onto her children, mari has a rough relationship w food b/c of it
ANYWAYS part 2
grew up always in the shadows of her siblings and their accomplishments, and spent a lot of her time tryn find something to be good at just so somebody could give her a stamp of approval
was always the ~wannabe~, the girl who would just endlessly suck up to the most popular girl she could find and try to mimic her to the best of mari’s abilities, just so she could survive her school experience
by the time mari was a freshmen in high school, her parents had divorced and she finally thought she could have a normal school experience and make something for herself
obv not. her mother shipped her off to a boarding school in nevada and that was it; her sister had already graduated and her brother was still in middle school.
it was finally just mari.
of course like she tried to suck up to others but it wasn’t really helpful, everybody was a lil too boujie for her and she always froze up when she tried to speak to the ~popular kids~
they only rly spoke to her b/c she’s got this knack for forging shit, like i dont think she even has her own handwriting; she always copies other people’S b/c she’s just. so used to tryn to mimic others n be them as much as possible
around this time she found herself fucking around in her computer class more often than not; it’d been the only elective left b/c she arrived in the middle of the year
but she surprisingly enjoyed it, like, a lot
her parents never really allowed much computer use b/c like. rots ur brain or whatever.
got into programming, but when she found out that u could ? hack shit ? kinda peaked her interest.
her shift into programming to hacking was subtle but before she knew it, she was fucking around on websites for the fun of it. never anything severe
computers became her friends, y’know
that was until her sophomore year and there was another loser fucking around on the computers during lunchtime
and like...they just started kinda talking, y’know? became friends, prolly mari’s first legitimate friend in...forever, really
the kid was kinda weird but she didn’t mind b/c fuck, mari couldn’t be picky n she didn’t mind weird
like...they were obsessed w conspiracies n mysteries n shit
it started to rub off on mari too, b/c homegirl is an idiot but. an observant idiot.
so she started getting reeeally into mysteries and shit. started acting like a mini investigator w/ her pal; solving stupid things like ‘who wrote ‘mindy is a whore’ in the bathroom stall’ and ‘does mr. roberts have a secret obsession w kpop’
no mindy is not a whore it was slander
yes mr. roberts is into kpop
ANYWAYS part 3
so they were these nancy drew, scooby doo, veronica mars knock off duo
by junior yr her partner started getting into like. drinking and minor drugs and other things that the other boarding school kids were smuggling in, y’know. 
this meant that mari was getting into that shit too, y’know. cant stay innocent forever.
became a lil bit of a pothead lmao
so like now theyre just stoners who go around solving shit and prolly also stirring shit up for the hell of it
so like . . . . . one night they were doin’ their thing, right? and her partner brings up this...completely wild idea
they live in nevada. y’kno what else is in nevada?
area 51
these fucking idiots want to go break into this fucking. air force base. to find area 51.
guess what they did?
they attempted to break into the air force base. like. of course they tried.
they failed like, super miserably, got arrested for trespassing and had to be bailed out of the county jail by their parents
her dad almost lost his job so he was mcfuckin PISSED esp once they figured out she was high as shit
her partner? disappeared. nobody knows where they went.
mari was moved from the boarding school to a public school closer to where her mother could, begrudgingly, keep an eye on her
kinda spent the rest of her high school career p miserable, she gave up on her whole ~detective~ thing and resorted to making fake IDs for her fellow high schoolers
was drug-tested like every week or so, too
around this time her mental health and relationship w food got worse, she barely made it to graduation. took a gap year to recover, worked a buncha jobs but usually gets fired from them b/c she’s really fucking bad like most things besides her two (2) unconventional talents that are decidedly useless
came to ucla b/c her mother p much made her, her mother’s a legacy and that’s about the only reason why she got into delta gamma chi
doesn’t want ppl to know she was a loser and also like . fucked up her dad’s life a lil, b/c it was def a thing that made the news and the only reason why her name wasn’t in the articles was b/c she was a minor at the time
so she like...lies abt her childhood a lot
tells a lotta lil white lies b/c she just. doesn’t wanna b her
uuuhh wanted to do computer science bc she loves it but her parents were both like ‘lmao we’re not paying for shit if u do that’ bc they don’t think it’s very ~ladylike~ n they still want her to like. just be submissive and obedient n shit.
so she took up journalism b/c neither her parents think it’s like a real career and they just want her to find a husband n get married n settle down n stop being troublesome
fun fact: she has a scholarship for being lefthanded so that pays for Some of it esp b/c she’s an out of state student
still struggles a lil bit w food but she’s like. doing a lot better. goes to group therapy, probably
uuuh that’s it for now i think ??
OH SIKE !! she’s a writer for the newspaper and writes ADVICE columns on various topics b/c she’s good at offering advice but only when she can sit down n think abt it lmao
^^she goes by an alias b/c she just. doesnt want ppl to know its her idk she thinks its embarrassing
other than that she’s probably like ... doing campus tech support b/c that’s her current job but who knows how long that’ll last lmao
knowing her she’s going to accidentally switch into her phone sex voice (another, old job she doesn’t do anymore) n get fired for tryn seduce a man with ‘did u try turning it on and off again?’
OKAY i think that’s all lmao
mari is just. awkward, man
i mean like...she’s sorta bad at talking to others a lot of the time??
like ppl r kinda like ‘how tf r u a delta gamma chi girl’ n she’s just like i mean u  h h h h 
prolly stutters a lil bit b/c she’s usually rly anxious
but she’s v v nice, like, she tries her hardest to be a good friend n everything
but she also kinda switches her personality to appeal to whoever she’s talking too ?? like she wants to be. likable. she’s not real w/ others v v often
if ur boujie yeah she’ll pretend to be boujie too
she prolly still sells fake IDs to high schoolers n some of her college peers, she has one herself n hasn’t gotten caught yet sooo
always fidgets like she can’t rly sit still often b/c she’s so nervous
is a lil bit of a stoner but i feel like u can’t ever tell tbh
a lil shy n hesitant at first i’d imagine, or maybe just always lmao
has a bit more of a personality once she sucks it up n gets closer to u but she’s always v v cautious abt befriending ppl just b/c she’s had a bad time w bullies n her one friend in life disappeared so like...bummer, y’kno?
can never say no. like, i dont think it’s in her vocabulary. she’s a yes gal.
will p much do anything u ask of her b/c she’s constantly seeking approval
can ramble a bit when she’s nervous which is always but she also apologizes like a lot.
squeaks like a mouse
present at parties but it’s always kinda like. who r u. n she has to remind everybody that she’s a sorority gal too
considers herself v v forgettable, like, just v unimportant
like she’s just rly insecure
still does computer shit n is still rly good at it but she hasn’t done anything srs w/ it so it’s just wasted potential
going to use her journalism degree to do investigative journalism and maybe escape her parents, eventually
she just. bends easily to other’s wills, y’know? she’s hashtag soft
even tho she’s like. shy n awkward n shit it doesn’t take a lot for her to like, laugh, or smile
like she tries rly hard to appear happy n an optimist n just like. unfettered
a lil plain jane we stan
i cant think of anything else but she’s. she’s a good kid
OH she’s rly good w numbers n math but like that’s abt it. she’s a whole dumbass on everything else sometimes
is bad w talking n giving advice like in person but like ?? in her column or ovr text or smth ? she’s good. she’s concise.
is a good team player/good w/ projects/etc. etc.
she’s rly observant n b/c she’s a lil bit of a compulsive liar she can usually tell when ppl arent honest
depending on how close y’all r she’ll prolly crack down on ur bullshit
but she’s also timid so like who knows tbh
this isn’t a personality trait but she wears like medium hoop earrings all the time n it’s cute ok bye
she’s so. fucking. clumsy. she will bump into everything. she’ll bump into the air. fuck, she prolly falls over just standing straight. usually has bruises n scratches from just being a clumsy idiot
like she can b a lil ditzy y’know ?? doesn’t have much common sense, sometimes, n can b naive but idk it’s all rly dependent on her n who she’s w n just. how i end up playing her lmao
lovs vintage. is cute.
wanted connections
her roommate uwu
ppl she’s interacted w/ during her childhood !! she’s moved around a lot so like . . . . they could kno each other
mmm sorority sisters
um gimme a ride or die or like a best friend or smth PLS she needs more friends
just more friends in general. she’s awkward but she needs ‘em
?? a one night stand ?? she’s not really . . . known for hooking up w/ ppl but i think an accidental occurrence would b fun!
idk somebody for her to just. crush on from afar. prolly stutters whenever they come near or talk to her or smth
^^i mean like an unrequited crush
fake friends too! use her for her ~kewl skillz~
bad influence
let her b a good influence
some kinda...skinny love idk what that means. a will they wont they. smth cute. smth pure
it’d be wild if her partner just popped up outta the blue like that b/c mari 100% thinks they were like killed by the government
ppl she gets high w n talk abt conspiracies w/ tbh
ppl she gives or has given advice to w her column pieces ! love it
idk partners in a class
enemies or smth. i want conflict.
a tutor for her dumbass
but also anybody who needs help in math? she can tutor u
idk like this we can work a lil smth smth out
i give u one penny, if u plot w me. pls. i am poor.
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