#dental office ad
acadianamarketing · 5 months
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Website : https://acadianamarketingsolutions.com/
Address : 113 Fairwood Dr, Broussard, LA 70518
Phone : +1 318-267-2496
We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly to achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. We can provide something that not many agencies can, full service marketing. Many agencies claim full service, but they lack one or two essential services. We offer them all under one roof. Many outsource, taking 2-3X longer to make a change to your projects. We do do it all in-house. Best in class experience. Tailor-made solutions for your brand.
Business Mail : [email protected]
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dental-digital · 2 months
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fikefries · 5 months
wisdom; matt sturniolo
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summary: you had to get your wisdom teeth out, but with your extreme phobia of needles, it wasnt going to be easy. luckily your boyfriend matt and his brothers stick by your side the entire time.
warnings: needles, mentions of rapid breathing, dentists, anaesthesia
the day had come. the day you had been dreading for weeks.
you had to get your wisdom teeth out.
normally, you werent such a wuss, you handled pain and hospitals well.
but needles.
you couldnt stand the sight of needles. their pricky ends and shiny surface making you feel lightheaded at the sight of them.
thats what make you so nervous for today, the part where they had to stab your arm with a huge ass needle to get the IV in.
you were on the way to the dentists office, your boyfriend matt sitting in the drivers seat, your best friend chris in the passenger seat, while you and your bff nick sat together in the back.
all three of them knew of your phobia of needles, so they were trying their best to calm you down before you got there.
"no chris you dont understand, how can i 'chill out' knowing a huge fucking metal pointy thing is going to be stabbed directly into my goddamn bloodflow, have you seen the length of those fuckin needles?" i say to chris frustratedly as he tried to explain to me that it was no big deal.
chris sighed in defeat as he gave up on trying to reason with you.
my nerves were increasing by the second as we got closer and closer to the dentists office.
matt noticed your anxious state and pulled over at the last stop sign before you reached the dentists office. he turned around leaned back to face you, cupping your cheek with his hand, softly caressing your face in an attempt to comfort you and calm you down.
"listen baby, i know you're nervous- i know that alright? but you need to stay calm for me. ill be there with you the entire time okay? theres no need to worry or be scared, nothings going to happen to you. you have us by your side."
you felt nick rub a soothing hand over your back as chris added
"yeah y/n, dont worry if the needle hurts you ill beat it up" making punching motions with his fist.
you couldnt help but giggle at chris's attempt to lighten the mood.
"alright baby you ready to go in?" matt asked softly holding your hand tightly.
"ready" you sighed, knowing there was no getting out of this.
the lights in the dentists office were blindingly bright white, forcing you to squint your eyes while you walked in. as you entered, you noticed all the dentist equipment sitting on the spotless metal counters, wires of different colours spread out all over the floor, connected to the dental bed.
the dentist was explaining the procedure to you, matt, nick and chris. but his words became more and more muffled in your brain as you look around the room. finally laying eyes on the needles.
matt sensed your change in demeanour as he noticed your breathing became increasingly rapid. he came up behind you, softly hugging your waist and moving you to the spot he was originally, blocking your eyes from the view of the needles. then wrapping an arm around you and tracing soft patterns on your shoulder while glancing at your face every few seconds to make sure you're not panicking, as you both continued to listen to the dentists explanation.
after the briefing about the procedure, it was time for it to actually happen. matt helped you up onto the dental bed, placing his hand on the back of your head to make sure you dont hit it as you lay back.
chris stood to the right of the bed, rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder
"you're gonna kill it y/n" he said supportingly
"yeah unless it kills me" you snorted, joking, making the boys giggle before returning to comforting you with small rubs and words of support whilst the dentist set up his equipment.
chris and nick left the room for a bit, wanting to give both you and the dentist space, as they knew it wouldnt be easy for you.
it was time. time for the part you were dreading most. you stared at the long silver blade as the dentist filled it with the medicine that needed to be injected into you through the IV, matt standing beside the bed.
"hey- hey y/n, dont look at that, look at me okay." he said as he slowly moved your head towards him, trying to distract you from the needle.
"just look at me okay, youre doing so good baby im so proud of you."
you stared into matts big blue eyes as he gave you soft affirmations, how did you get so lucky?
matt saw the doctor getting ready to insert the needle into your skin, so he pulled your hoodie down to cover your eyes, and cradled your face into his tshirt, running his fingers through your hair, trying to distract you from what was about to come.
"you're doing so good for me baby, the worst parts almost over"
when you felt the cold metal pierce your skin, you leaned further into matt, trying not to embarrass yourself by whimpering or making any embarrassing sounds. as the needle was being pushed deeper in, you squeezed your eyes shut tightly.
"matttt" you groaned, on the verge of tears, muffled by his tshirt.
"i know baby, i know- youre almost done, you did amazing." he reassured you, holding your head into his shirt and smoothing down your hair while he watched you squirm in his embrace, his heart breaking at the sight.
once the IV was fully in, matt slowly loosened his grip on you, pulling you out of his embrace as you leaned back onto the bed, just then you heard the door open revealing chris and nick walking back in.
"you did it y/n!" chris exclaimed, placing a hand on your head
"we're so proud of you" nick added, patting his hand on your leg as reassurance
"that fuckin sucked" you slurred, the anaesthesia kicking in.
"ooh y/n's getting drowsy now, thats the anaesthesia kicking in" nick said
"how do you feel baby" matt asked rubbing your shoulder
"all i can feel is this fucking dumb bitchass needle in my goddamn arm" you replied, words slurring, making the boys break out into laughter at your choice of wording.
"well now the worsts part over baby, you faced your fear so well."
"hmmmm" you hummed in reply, feeling too drowsy to think
through your blurred vision you looked up at the 3 boys
"you guys look the same" you said
"matt.i love you so fuckin much" you added immediately without giving them time to reply
"and chris and nick i love you guys too"
the boys giggled at your sudden affection
"we love you too y/n" nick giggled
'you're so pretty matty" you admired, reaching your hand out to matt's face, making chris and nick giggle.
"you're the prettiest girl in the world baby, and i love you so much, but right now you gotta keep your hands down okay? if you keep your hands still we can get out of here faster and go get ice cream okay" matt retorted
"can we play ayesha erotica on the way home?" you asked innocently, looking up at matt with pleading eyes.
"yes y/n we can play ayesha erotica"
"i wanna go the fuck home" you said, before falling into a deep sleep due to the anaesthesia.
outside the room
y/n was undergoing the procedure of getting her teeth taken out now, which means the boys had to leave the room.
"matt how do you feel" chris asked, throwing a shoulder around his brother, recording him on his iphone.
"im so proud of her, i know she was scared and i know she'd beeen feeling pain so its a relief that she was able to pull through and face her fears. i knew she could do it shes my girl." matt said to the phone
"thats adorable" nick giggled, before the doctor called them to come back in.
you were now fully awake, 4 teeth less than before, with gauze in your mouth and a frown on your face
"hi baby, you such an amazing job. im so fucking proud of you right now." matt said as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, unable to wipe the smile off his face as he admired how cute you looked, mouth swollen, and filled with gauze that made your cheeks puffy, and an adorable frown on your forehead.
"youre crazy y/n, you made that look so easy" nick said rubbing your head.
"can we go home now please" you said grumpily, anaesthesia still now worn off.
"i want this fucking shit out of my body" you said referring to the IV in your arm, as you tried to yank it out.
"WOAH NO- NO Y/N YOU CANT PULL IT OUT" matt exclaimed worriedly.
"baby you need that in you, it helps you not feel the pain in your mouth."
"matt whats this" you asked sticking your tongue out
"thats your tongue baby"
"i cant feel it, or my lips, where are my lips?"
"theyre right here" matt replied as he gently pressed a finger to your lips, giving you the perfect oppurtunity to place a soft kiss on the pad of his finger, making him giggle,
"i want chipotle" you stated bluntly
"no- no chipotle, she cant have any hard foods that may get stuck in her mouth for atleast two weeks, stick to ice creams, soups and mashed potatoes." the dentist told matt, knowing you wouldnt be able to remember this information.
"heard that baby? ice cream and mashed potatoes- doesnt that sound great?"
you got to leave the dentist in a wheelchair, which was pretty great.
once you got home, matt ordered you chicken noodle soup and fed it to you while you guys watched spongebob, then he cleaned and replaced your gauze, then helped you get changed and into bed, holding you tightly as you both drifted off into sleep.
you could not have asked for a better boyfriend than matthew sturniolo, you really hit the jackpot.
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
Bad Day- J. Guilbert
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pairing: girlfriend!reader x boyfriend!Johnnie
classification: slight angst, fluff
warnings: use of y/n, established relationship, Jake and Tara are dating in this, short
inspiration: request
summary: Johnnie is the moon and you’re the sun, always bright, bubbly and energetic. Nobody believes that someone as positive as you can ever have a bad day, but when you do Johnnie is ready to comfort you through it.
Everyone has that one friend who is the personification of sunshine, that one friend that always seems to have a smile on their face and holds a positive attitude no matter what. This said friend is always the shoulder for others to cry on, the helping hand in a time of need, and the person everyone seeked for advice. In your friend group you were that friend. You were loved by everyone and loved everyone. So, it comes as no surprise that your friends have never seen you in a bad mood and have never known you to have a bad day.
But, contrary to popular belief, you are no stranger to a bad day. In fact, you have more bad days than you let on, usually masking your anger or sadness with a smile. Johnnie has always been able to read you though, he knows when you’re actually happy and when you’re putting on a facade, whether it be for your friends or for the cameras.
Today was one of those odd days when everything was just going wrong, you just couldn’t seem to catch a break. First, your alarm didn’t go off, causing you to wake up late. If it wasn’t for how hot it was in your room, you would’ve never woken up. You were sweating so much that you felt gross and sticky, but because you woke up late, you had less time to get ready which meant you didn’t even have time to shower. So, you were forced to rush to your dental appointment looking extremely tired, flustered, and greasy.
Once you finally arrived at the dental office, you tried to calm down, you were trying to have a positive outlook in hopes that your bad luck might turn around. But, while the dentist was doing your routine check-up, he found a total of 3 cavities in your mouth. According to the dentist, the cavities were so bad that if you didn’t get emergency fillings your tooth was sure to rot to the bone. You exhaled deeply, wishing all the negative thoughts away, and proceeding with an unexpected procedure. Then, as if your luck couldn’t get any worse, your insurance didn’t cover the emergency fillings, causing you to pay money out of pocket you hadn’t budgeted for.
On your way home it was just one thing after another. You turned the car on, only for it to be low on gas. ‘Not a big deal,’ you thought, praying that this is where your bad luck ended. While pumping gas, though, you stepped in a big puddle of water that got into your shoes and seeped into your socks. You tried not to let it bother you, especially since you’d be home soon, but you were only human.
After such a bad morning, you decide to buy yourself a treat, opting for McDonalds because it was the closest, cheapest thing around. You pulled up to the drive through, using the cheeriest tone you could muster, only to be slapped in the face by the worst customer service experience ever. Normally you wouldn’t have read too much into the situation, but considering you’ve had a pretty bad day so far, it was all just adding up. After paying for and receiving your food, you realized that half of your order was missing. You hated having to be the annoying customer that storms into the restaurant with a receipt in hand, but after the day you’ve had this was the one thing you couldn’t to let slide.
You walk into the restaurant, one hand cradling the bag of food, the other holding onto the receipt as you waited patiently to be acknowledged by at least one employee. You must’ve waited 15 minutes before someone finally noticed you, giving you the blankest stare as they asked, “Can I help you?” If this would’ve happened on any other day, you would’ve completely understood and sympathized with the employee for disliking their job, but you’re so on edge right now that even this seems like a big deal. “Hi, yes. I’m missing a few item-“ you put on your best customer service voice, but before you can even finish your sentence the employee is cutting you off by talking to someone through their headset, “some lady says she’s missing stuff from her order?”
Great, this was sure to become a bigger deal than it had to be. Someone must’ve told the employee what to say over the headset because she asks, “you have the receipt?” You hold the receipt up, but they don’t let you speak before they’re snatching it away and grabbing your bag too. At this point you’re wondering if the chicken nuggets are worth the trouble, should you just quit while you’re ahead and go home?
In the end you ended up getting your missing items, but you were already so frustrated by that point that it didn’t even matter anymore. The manager ended up getting involved, claiming you received everything in your order. She fought with you, raised her voice and got unreasonably upset while you tried to keep your cool, but one can only take so much. You didn’t want to, but you ended up raising your voice too because she wasn’t listening to reason, she never even checked your bag to see if everything was in there. Overall it was just a terrible situation that drained you both socially and emotionally.
After an encounter like that, most people would feel proud for having stood their ground, but you felt like screaming and crying. You weren’t a confrontational person, in fact you always tried keeping a positive attitude even in stressful situations to avoid situations like this. So now you’re walking out of the restaurant with your head held high as to not show weakness, but your spirit was so low it was practically hitting the floor. As soon as you were in your car and away from judgmental eyes, you were crying. Everything just kept adding up and even though nothing majorly tragic happened to you today, it just became too much to bare.
You’re leaning against the steering wheel, trying to calm down before you start driving home, but all you can think about is the horrible day you’ve had. All you wanted to do was go home and curl up under a blanket, hiding yourself from the world until you were ready to crawl back out. The emotions were so intense that you weren’t even hungry anymore. And to top it off, you were expecting visitors today who were probably already waiting for you at your house. All you could do was hope Johnnie would keep them busy while you dissociated in your room for a while.
You took a deep breath, shutting your eyes tightly and willing the tears away. “It’s gonna be okay,” you whisper, your voice coming out shaky as you try reassuring yourself that this isn’t the end of the world. Finally you pull out of the parking lot, mentally preparing yourself for the rest of the day.
Johnnie, Jake, and Tara are all hanging out in your living room. When you arrived home they were watching a scary movie, a common occurrence in your friend group. You all usually chilled at home, opting for cozy nights in over loud, hectic nights out. Johnnie saved a spot for you, complete with your favorite blanket, a bag of popcorn, and a cold drink. You trudged inside, plopping the bag of food on the kitchen counter before making a quick appearance in the living room.
Everyone was excited to see you, they always were, and although you were excited to see them too, you just greeted them quickly before retreating to your room. Usually you’d be extremely bubbly, obnoxiously hugging everyone and immediately cuddling up to Johnnie. So, when you offered everyone a meek wave, Johnnie knew something was wrong.
Johnnie immediately picked up on the way your shoulders slumped and your feet dragged along the floor. He noticed that there was an underlying red tint in your eyes, they were glossed over from the tears you previously shed. Your shoes were wet and muddy, your face was swollen from the dental appointment, and your usual smile was replaced by a small frown. You just looked drained, and that was unusual for someone who was usually bouncing off the walls with energy.
Yours and Johnnie’s personality difference was one of the greatest defining factors in your relationship. Where he was more laid back and mysterious, you were energetic and outgoing. Of course he wasn’t shy, but he was extremely reserved in unfamiliar situations, while you were always ready to dive in head first no matter the scenario.
The movie plays lowly in the background, the soft light from the tv illuminating the dark room just enough for everyone’s faces to be visible. You’ve been home for an hour at this point, but you haven’t come out of your room since. Even Jake and Tara have noticed, all three of them murmuring about what could possibly be wrong. You were the light of the group, if you were sad then everyone was sad. “Do you think she’s sick?” Tara asks, sending Johnnie a worried look.
“I don’t know, probably,” Jake says with a shrug before Johnnie can respond, Jake always did a good job of being acutely unaware of everything.
“I was asking Johnnie,” Tara replies with an eye roll, scoffing before pausing the movie. “She went to the dentist today, maybe she’s just tired,” Johnnie finally says, trying to think of any and every reason you could be sad.
Tara hums in response, satisfied with Johnnie’s answer. It seemed logical enough, most people were usually tired after dental appointments, especially when they had emergency work done. Tara presses play on the movie, leaning into Jake again as she tries getting comfy. Johnnie tries focusing on the movie, watching as the characters on the screen run away from the whatever’s chasing them, but with each scene change his mind goes crazy. What could have you so upset?
He looks over at Jake and Tara, they’re cuddled up under a blanket as they share a bag of popcorn. That’s when Johnnie realizes that not only does he feel like a third wheel, but he should be comforting you instead of sitting here barely paying attention to a movie.
“Let me go check on her,” Johnnie says abruptly, throwing the blanket on his lap to the side and standing from the couch. Jake and Tara watch in confusion as he disappears down the hallway before averting their attention back to the movie.
Even though it’s Johnnie’s room too, he knocks on the door softly before walking in. “Y/n?” his voice is hushed, not wanting to scare or startle you incase you’re asleep. The room is pitch black and quiet, the only light coming from your phone. You’re rolled over on your side, scrolling aimlessly on TikTok in search of something that’ll make you feel better. So far, nothing’s worked.
You hear him but you don’t respond, so he tries again, “Baby?” He slowly walks over to the bed, pulling up the covers and crawling in next to you. Usually you’d melt into his touch, but as he wraps an arm around you, you just continue scrolling on your phone. Johnnie doesn’t take it personally though because he knows that this isn’t how you usually act, “you okay?” He feathers a finger over your face, brushing the stray hair out of the way as he kisses your cheek.
That kiss is enough to bring the emotions flooding back again, causing you to scrunch your face and immediately begin crying. A small, downturned smile forms on Johnnie’s face as he pulls you into him. It’s such a sad sight to see you cry, but he’s happy that you’re comfortable enough to let it all go in front of him. He knows that it takes a lot to make you this upset and he’s ready to listen for as long as you need him to, “wanna talk about it?”
You sniffle, rubbing the tears away aggressively as you mumble, “God, I feel so pathetic right now.” There was nothing pathetic about being sad, everyone has bad days and it’s normal to cry every once in a while, but you couldn’t help but feel silly. “It’s okay to cry,” he murmurs, pressing another kiss to your cheek.
“There’s people with real problems in this world, though… I just feel so stupid for letting today drain me,” you whisper, rolling over so you’re facing Johnnie. He takes in your appearance; your eyes are bloodshot, your cheeks are flushed, and your lips are swollen. Your eyelashes are so wet they’re webbed together, each blink leaving a trail of tears on your cheeks. Johnnie gingerly wipes the tears away, placing a quick kiss on your nose.
“Just tell me about your day, it’ll make you feel better,” he replies, chuckling a little at your attempt to deter your feelings and defer the conversation. You inhale deeply, slowly nodding your head as you prepare to verbally relive the horrible day you had. You retell the day’s events, including every single detail from your trip to the dentist to your encounter with the angry McDonald’s manager. “What a bitch,” Johnnie grumbles, shaking his head.
You immediately feel better, but still not well enough to emerge from your dark cave to hangout with your friends. “Feel better?” Johnnie asks, a genuine smile playing on his face. You smile back for the first time since you woke up today, “a little.”
“Good,” he places a kiss on your lips, allowing your lips to mould together. The impromptu make-out session is sweet and innocent, serving as a reminder that Johnnie is always here to comfort you through the hard times and that you’re allowed to have a bad day or two.
“Can we just stay here for a little bit?” you ask, cuddling into Johnnie’s chest and letting his heartbeat begin to lull you to sleep. He hums in response, pulling you in closer and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You fall asleep, feeling like the bad day you had no longer mattered.
hope this comforting, fluffy Johnnie fic warms everyone’s hearts
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 🎀✨
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kentocidal · 10 months
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USERS: dentist!kento nanami x fem!afab!reader
WARNING! THIS FILE HAS BEEN CORRUPTED WITH THE FOLLOWING MALWARE: dubcon, oral inspection, gloves, medical malpractice(?), oral (m!receiving), spit, dacryphilia, choking/gagging, power imbalance, oral fixation, ask to tag
NOTES: something happened to me while i was writing this. anyway, here you go. ~3.2k words.
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the dentist’s office was one of those medical buildings that was clearly a house before it was an office. built in a cape cod style with a tiny parking lot that had been added far later. you had found this place online, after it had gotten some stellar five-star reviews that you trusted enough to schedule a consultation and a cleaning. 
it wasn’t one of those gimmicky, commercialized dentists either. it didn’t have a tooth for a mascot, or a commercial with a jingle that never left your head. it was simply a dentist’s office. the page on google came up as “kento nanami, d.m.d., dental practitioner and surgeon.” 
something about the blandness of the webpage, matched with the homey feel of the office, dissuaded your nerves. you had finally found an office you felt comfortable going to get your cleaning at.
you took a breath in as you stepped through the threshold, and found that the home had absolutely been converted to a medical building. the hardwood flooring, the almost sickly yellow lighting, the stock paintings on the walls of oceans or some tropical place. it would almost be tacky in any other place, but it felt right for a dentist’s office such as this.
the girl at the desk, clearly some part-timer, popped her gum as she looked up from her phone when you approached. “do you have an appointment?” “ah, yes. at twelve-thirty?” you nodded faintly, eyes glancing over the girl’s nametag. ‘k. nobara.’ perhaps she was studying under dr. nanami.
she hummed softly as she clicked around on her desktop for a moment, then nodded in agreement. “i see it. here, just fill this out, and i’ll send you right back.” she flashed the barest hint of a bored smile at you as she placed a teal clipboard on the desk with a pen, and you thanked her before going to sit in one of the padded chairs.
name, address, insurance information, when you had your last cleaning, reason for your visit. standard paperwork for a new patient. 
how did you hear about dr. nanami?
you wrote in: online. all positive reviews! :) 
you filled out the rest of your medical information before walking the paperwork back up to nobara, who took it from you and popped the bubble she made with her gum. she barely even looked at it before taking it to the scanner and making a copy. once she finished her own side of the paperwork, she looped around the desk and opened a door to lead you down a tiny hallway. “just this way, please.”
she brought you into a small room retrofitted to be an examination room. the dentist’s chair was in the middle surrounded by all of the necessary equipment. there was a television mounted to the wall, displaying what was on the computer monitor in the corner, there to reflect x-rays and other important images. nobara moved a little table filled with sharp instruments on it over to the side to allow you space to sit in the chair. you sat, taking a breath and sitting back. the leather squeaked under you, and it wasn’t the most comfortable place to be, but it was to be expected.
nobara made sure you were settled before grabbing a piece of blue medical tissue and a thin ball chain with clips on either end, leaning over you to place it around your neck as a bib.
“dr. nanami’s just finishing up with his patient, he’ll be right in for you.”
you nodded and thanked her again, to which she smiled softly before leaving and shutting the door behind herself.
it was quiet outside of the ticking of a clock behind you and faint music playing from another room. it didn’t take long for the music to be turned off, footsteps to come down the hall, muffled chatter to be heard as who you assumed to be the doctor’s last patient gets checked out.
you shift in the seat and lick your lips, nerves returning. you didn’t really like the dentist (who does, anyway?), but you couldn’t find a reason to be so worried about it outside of superstition and online horror stories. 
just as you buried yourself into your head, there were two rapt knocks on the door behind you before it was pushed open. “ms. l/n?”
“ah,” you turned your head and peered over the back of the chair the best you could as the doctor entered and shut the door behind him, “yes, that’s me, hi.”
“nice to meet you.” he was tall, broad, curt; his hair was perfectly styled atop his head, wearing a blue polo and khaki slacks rather than scrubs. the only dentist-ish thing about him was the surgical mask that was pulled under his chin. 
brown eyes met yours and his lips quirked up into a cordial smile as he approached. you smiled back, feeling heat rise to your cheeks; he was far more attractive in person than he was on his medical profile.
“nice to meet you as well. thank you for squeezing me in, i-”
“it’s no problem. there was an opening. it made sense to get you in here quicker rather than make you wait.” he shook his head as he grabbed the rolling stool from under the nearby desk and took a seat, dragging the computer stand over with him to start typing away. 
“you’re here for a consultation, yes?”
“consult and a cleaning, yeah,” you breathed, fingers curling into the fabric of your pants. “it’s… been a while.”
“when was the last time you had a cleaning?”
“three years?” you smiled sheepishly when the doctor cast you a sidelong glance and clicked his tongue. “i didn’t mean to keep forgetting! i was new to the area at that time, and it just kept slipping my mind.”
“still, it’s not good to neglect regular visits like that. i’ll make sure you schedule your six month follow-up before you leave today.”
you nodded, because that made sense. at least he seemed to care about your health, unlike some other dentists you’ve had before in the past.
dr. nanami typed for a moment more before pushing the computer away and getting back to his feet. “before we can start, i need to take some x-rays of your teeth. have you had this done before?”
“a long time ago, yeah,” you watched closely as dr. nanami took a step over to where a protective vest was hanging, watching him pull it down before approaching you again.
he used a foot pedal to lean the chair back slightly, and you went with it, your head resting against the high back of the chair. he looked much taller from this lower angle, his cheekbones high and his jaw cut and perfectly angled. 
he laid the heavy vest over your chest and then leaned over your body completely to reach for the x-ray camera that was hovering overhead, tugging it down closer to you. you sucked in a breath; he smelled of some foreign, expensive cologne, the scent making your head spin slightly. 
dr. nanami hummed in the back of his throat as he stepped away from you to reach for a box of gloves on the desk, tugging out two of the black latex garments and pulling them on, one at a time. you watched the latex shine in the sickly fluorescent light of the examination room, watched the way he stretched the rubbery material over thick fingers and broad palms. one by one, he snapped them on, making sure he was protected. 
you shifted in the chair again when he leaned over you to bring the plastic piece to your mouth. he was so close – he had to be, this was an exam, snap out of it! – “i just need you to open up wide and then bite down on this, okay? it’s going to take a few photos of your teeth and your jaw.”
you blinked like a deer in headlights, because suddenly a gloved finger was tapping your cheek. you opened your mouth, nice and wide, and felt the cold plastic slip past your lips and rest between your teeth.
“bite down,” and you did, “that’s it. good. now stay still.”
you found yourself preening under his ministrations. he would step away and let the machine whir as it photographed your teeth and your bones and your jaw structure, and then he would be right back in your space to adjust where you were holding the piece between your teeth. he took about five or six pictures (it felt like you were swimming in his cologne) before he finally pulled the piece from your mouth with a soft pop and pushed the attachment away.
his wide, gloved hands lifted the vest from your chest, and you felt like you could breathe again once the weight was gone.
“not so bad, hm?” dr. nanami quipped, though he didn’t smile, and you laughed airily like a little girl who got caught with ice cream she shouldn’t be having.
“not so bad, right.”
he nodded once before he took a seat on the stool again and sat right next to you, pulling up the fresh x-rays as they loaded up. you were presented with the images on the television just as dr. nanami viewed them up close on the computer screen in front of him.
“your teeth look good,” he murmured, as if it was more to himself than to you. “all even – none missing. adult teeth grew in almost perfectly, though you did wear a retainer briefly, did you not?”
“right.” he clicked over towards an image of your molars, humming under his breath. “have you been experiencing any pain in this area?”
“hm? no, why?”
“there’s a bit of a dark spot here,” he moved the mouse over to a spot on the image, on a tooth that had to be all the way in the back of your mouth. “it could be a cavity.”
you moved your tongue in your mouth to feel for it, but came up short. “i don’t feel it, but maybe.”
dr. nanami pushed the computer away and shifted closer to you, reaching up over your body to grab the light fixture and drag it down towards you. using the foot pedal again, he brought your chair back, back, back; it felt like you were completely horizontal by now. 
he rolled his stool over to be behind your head, leaning over you. it was almost as if your head was in his lap, separated only by the chair’s headrest.
he pulled the light down lower until it was perfectly on your lips. once settled into position, he moved his surgical mask back up and over his mouth and nose, and you thought that it somehow made his eyes all the more alluring to you.
“i need to conduct a further oral examination to assess the cavity. is that alright?”
“yes,” you breathed, and dr. nanami made a sound of approval. 
you figured he would reach over for the metal table and grab for one of those little mirrors, or maybe even a water pik of some kind, but, no; dr. nanami leaned more over you and pressed two gloved fingers to your lips.
“open up and stick your tongue out, yeah?”
you blinked at him, heat rushing up to your cheeks once again. you felt as though your ears were playing tricks on you; dr. nanami had sounded huskier, like his voice had dropped an entire octave when he muttered the command to you.
you swallowed the saliva that pooled on your tongue before opening your mouth as wide as you could, sticking out your tongue and flattening it so he could see your teeth better. 
“good girl.”
your whole body shuddered the moment those gloved fingers pressed on your tongue with the utterance of those two little words. what was this?
a part of you was saying that something was off about his ministrations, about the way his fingers pressed and almost petted the flat of your tongue before starting to explore deeper. the other parts of you, however…
it felt as though you were floating as dr. nanami brought his other hand up to your face to hook a finger in your cheek and pull slightly, tugging your mouth open just a little wider. your eyes fluttered and you made a wet little sound, only for dr. nanami to click his tongue behind his mask and murmur for you to settle. 
his fingers continued their journey, probing and prodding at the warm flesh of your cheeks, the hardness of your teeth, rubbing and feeling over your tongue and your flesh and bone.
you whimpered softly when you felt his index finger rub over your molar in the far back of your mouth. it felt as though his whole hand was forcing your little mouth open, but that definitely wasn’t the case. 
“what a pretty little mouth you have,” muttered the doctor, before his fingers dove down towards your throat.
you gagged harshly around his digits and kicked up a fuss in the chair, rattling the attachments and kicking your feet. dr. nanami let up only for a moment as you felt drool start to form at the corners of your mouth and coat your tongue. your eyes brimmed with tears, wetting your lashes, and dr. nanami only watched you with those golden brown eyes.
you couldn’t see the bottom half of his face, but he had to have been panting.
“your teeth are in very good condition,” he spoke in such a soft tone it almost had you relaxing again as he unhooked his finger from your cheek, letting your jaw slip just slightly closed again to try and find comfort. 
“ah, i’m not finished,” dr. nanami chastised you with a tap of his wet finger on your cheek, and you whined softly under him as his forefinger started to probe and inspect your mouth yet again.
one by one he inspected all of your teeth the best he could, feeling each one, filling your mouth with the taste of latex and the scent of his cologne. your eyes were locked on his face, while his were locked on the way your lashes stuck together, wet with tears, and drool started to drip from your lips and drag down your cheeks. 
his eyes flickered away from his inspection for a brief moment to watch the way your thighs were squeezing together, and that was it for him, the sign that he needed.
he pulled his fingers from your mouth and tugged his mask off of his face, placing it to the side as you heaved.
“now then,” he started, shifting back away from you as you caught your breath, “your teeth are in perfect condition, but i’m concerned about your throat. let’s… conduct an experiment.”
your wet eyes shifted hazily backwards as you tried to look at him again, only to be met by a thick cock springing free from dr. nanami’s khakis. he was leaky and drippy at the tip, and it smacked wetly against your cheek.
oh. oh.
you squirmed in the seat and moved yourself backwards (or, well, up towards him) with a bit of his help, a wet hand on your shoulder tugging your body up so your head would hang off the headrest of the dentist’s chair. 
from this angle, dr. nanami didn’t even need to get up. he could stay seated in his stool and let you do all the work.
but you were his patient, and he was your doctor. he would take care of you.
he shifted his weight and took his cock in hand, guiding the tip over your spit-soaked lips. his other hand wrapped loosely around your throat, his thumb hooking onto your jaw to force your mouth open.
“there you go, nice and wide, just like that…” dr. nanami hunched over you, studying your fucked out expression. “is this okay?” “ye-yes,” you whispered, and dr. nanami finally smiled down at you. it was brief and fleeting, but it was there.
and then he gathered spit between his lips and let it drip down onto your waiting tongue.
you moaned, quiet and wanton, just as dr. nanami slipped his cock into your mouth.
he tasted musky and salty and perfect. he fucked your mouth open slowly, his hand a nice weight on your throat, helping to hold your twitchy body down as you shook with anticipation.
slowly, slowly, he worked the tip of his cock further and further into your mouth, until he was muttering, “open wider, wider, just like that, good girl, take it…”
it felt like all of your blood was rushing to your brain in this position, but at the moment, you didn’t care. all you cared about was how you choked and gagged around the tip of dr. nanami’s cock as he worked it into your awaiting throat.
he sheathed himself in your tight heat and started to rut into you as your throat fluttered around his girthy length. the room filled with the sounds of skin-on-skin, soft gags, wet plaps, and dr. nanami’s little gasps and moans.
he moved his hand from your throat to the hem of your pants, managing to undo the button and the zipper with just one gloved hand before it was slipping into the front of your panties to graze over your clit.
you gasped and moaned around his cock before starting to choke again, drool dribbling all over your cheeks and face as dr. nanami collected some of your slick on his gloved fingers to rub your clit in quick circles.
“shh, quiet. feels good, right? feels nice to have your throat fucked like this? you like it when your doctor touches you here?”
you had gotten so turned on that his words were almost enough to send you over the edge, your nails clawing at the rubbery material of the dentist’s chair.
“i can feel you throbbing,” he grunted as he fucked his cock deeper into your throat, “go ahead, cum on my fingers, cum, cum-”
his fingers didn’t stop even as you creamed in your pants and all over his gloved hand, your body jerking and your throat constricting around his cock. dr. nanami groaned low in his throat as he finished down yours, pumping his hips slowly and riding out his own high.
he pulled back from you and panted, pulling his hand from your panties and licking your juices off of his glove, then discarding both. 
you laid on the dentist’s chair, head hung over the edge, boneless and still twitching from the waves of your pleasure.
“now, for your cleaning…”
“so, do you want to make your six-month follow-up now? or should we send you a letter reminder in the mail?” nobara popped her gum and twirled her pen between her fingers as she looked you over.
“i’d-i’d like to make it now, please.”
“sure. and don’t forget to leave us a good review online, alright?”
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I do have a few more examples! Tim offers Mister Freeze unlimited funding to help his wife on the condition that he sometimes helps with other projects. He hires Harvey Dent to be his personal lawyer (not that he needs one). Blood Sport, Death Stroke, Dead Shot, and many other mercenaries are hired to "break into" Drake Industries to hunt down and "kill" Tim or "steal" important information in order to test his companies defenses and tell him exactly how they got in so that he can patch any holes. He hires one to break in every 2 to 3 months but never the same person in a year. Like if he uses Deathstroke in August he can't use him again until January.
Tim also doesn't want to force these rouges to move far away from their homes so he opens up branches in Metropolis, Central City, Star City, and others too. Anywhere he opens an office for Drake Industries, crime rate always plummets thanks to him hiring all the Henchmen and giving them stable jobs that pay at minimum double the minimum wage of the area plus really good health insurance and other benefits. They even have dental and 4 months paid maternity *and* paternity leave! The desk work may not be as exciting as their previous jobs but boy is it safer.
Also I would like to make one note. DI is one of the few major cooperations in America that openly does *not* donate to the Jusitce Leauge. Tim is still salty about Bruce Quest and during an interview where someone asked how much he donates to them, Tim said, "oh I don't. At all. It's not that I don't believe in them, I do, uts just. There's already so many places funding them they don't need me. But you know who does? The younger generation of heroes. Did you know that The Teen Titans only get funding through the Justice Leauge? I don't think that's very fair so I donate to them. I donate to Young Justice. I track down and do research on dozens of younger heroes who aren't part of any organization and check to make sure they're doing good in their community and then I directly donate to them. Superheroing is expensive, just look how much the JL spends on it! Could you imagine? Being fresh out of high-school, working a minimum wage job, and having to make your own suit and gadgets while also paying for *college*? The stories I have heard from some of them! This one poor kid, he told me that he had to use this roll of regular fabric he found in a dumpster because buying a roll was to expensive! Of course I sent him to a super hero tailor on my own dime, after all he just wanted to help his community saving kittens from trees and stopping local mugging. But still, small heroes like him are important. After all, didn't Superman start by saving cats from trees? Didn't Green Arrow start by stopping a mugging? Didn't Batman himself start by stopping a purse snatching? You never know who the next big hero will be in 5 or ten years."
I might have gotten a bit to into that rant. Listen. Listen this is a subject close to my heart. Small Time Heroes Are Important!
My gods, I love this so so much. You combined two tropes I love: Tim using Business to fund social programs/decrease crime/hire ex felons and criminals, and Tim turning his back on the JL after the BruceQuest.
Added with Tim funding small time heroes???? This is phenomenal
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Visiting the dentist
Rodrigo was really not looking forward to this day. He had a dentist appointment today and really didn't want to go - but his tooth ache was getting worse every day.
He hated going to the dentist with a passion. Everything about it was just painful or disturbing. No one should be allowed to operate a fricking drill inside his mouth! Even imagining the noise, it would produce made the hairs on his neck stand up in terror.
Standing in the cold winter air in front of the dentist's office made the pain in his mouth even worse, but he struggled whether to enter or just screw it and drive home immediately.
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It was no use - on a rational level he knew the pain would only get worse. He sighed and entered the dental office. It was warmer in there, which was good. After hanging up his coat, he didn't actually have to wait long. There were no other patients in the waiting area, which was probably because of the time of day. Rodrigo was an author, so he had the luxury of being able to make appointments like this when other people were at work.
He was a little surprised though, as the person who entered the room after him was not the old woman who was torturing his teeth the last time, but a young and reasonably attractive man, who immediately shook his hand. Rodrigo could very much imagine that man not in a doctors coat but on a beach somewhere, just standing and looking good.
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"Hi! I'm Garret, how are you feeling today?"
"Fine", Rodrigo lied, and added: "What happened to Dr. Shaffer?"
"Oh, she retired - actually two years ago! You haven't been here for a while?" Garret answered with a warm smile.
Rodrigo shook his head. "No. To be quite honest I don't like the dentist very much. Not you in particular Dr..."
"Just Garret is fine", Garret said.
"Dr. Garret.", Rodrigo continued, "But the whole place just gives me the creeps."
"No worries!" Garret laughed. "I don't know too many people who actually enjoy visiting the dentist. So, Rodrigo, what brings you to us today?"
Rodrigo didn't know if he was comfortable with the doctor being so first-name-basis with him but went along with it anyway. "Right, so, my teeth are aching, and it's really painful by now. I probably should have come sooner, but,..."
Garret interrupted him. "No worries. Let's just have a look and fix you up. Please get on the chair and open your mouth."
Rodrigo gulped and sat on the clean black faux leather dentist chair. This is where the hell began.
Garret carefully probed around in Rodrigos mouth, using his gloved hand to do so. After a while, he sighed and said:
"Well, there's a whole lot of caries in there I'm afraid. I can start to remove it right away, but it won't be pleasant."
"Ugh." Was all that Rodrigo was able to get out.
"There is another alternative, though. It's a bit more costly but it comes with additional perks. We can fix your teeth entirely painlessly by a new procedure. You will be better than new!"
"Painless sounds good. Okay, I'll take it. What do I have to do?"
"Great choice, Rodrigo. This procedure is really quick. Please take off your shirt."
That struck Rodrigo as a strange request, but everything was better than the drill. So, he exposed his unimpressive white chest, while Garret entered a few commands into his computer.
"Alright, this will only take a few moments. Have fun!" Garret smiled. Rodrigo couldn't help but notice the tent in the doctors trousers. Did he get a boner for some reason?
Suddenly, Rodrigo felt warm. The pulsating pain in his mouth ebbed almost instantly, but the changes did not stop there! His skin cleared up and his face grew a tiny bit squarer than before. Then, the changes continued from his face downward. Suddenly, his arms inflated with muscles, as well as his chest. His shoulders widened and his frame became way more masculine. It didn't expand to bodybuilder-like proportions, but he became way beefier than before. His abs became more defined as well. On his chest, a slight coating of hair grew in, and his skin tone became a healthy shade of tanned pink. Inside his pants, he could feel his pelvis growing wider and packing on meat, as well as his legs, which became stronger and fitter as well. Even his feet expanded a good one or two shoe sizes!
Last, but finally not least, Rodrigo felt his cock increase in size as well. It felt like getting hard, and he probably also was - but the final size of his stiff cock was considerably larger than what he measured before.
In just a few minutes, Rodrigo had been improved all over - including, but certainly not limited to, a whole new set of teeth, which were new and healthy as they could be. Full of wonder, he looked up to Garret, only to find that the other man had gotten rid of his own shirt as well and bent down to him, smiling and asking:
"Care to try out the full package before you leave?"
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This is so rushed and spun off from a truly unhinged discussion but I needed to write something for this AU while I have timeeee @tiffykins-yeah I hope this is at least semi entertaining lmao
The day Binary Star Hero turned against the heroes; the skies went dark.
Metaphorically of course. Strictly speaking, very little changed in the grand scheme of things. Although the NAHA, reporters, and anyone with a media presence certainly behaved as though the world itself had come to an end. Herschel was on the news lamenting the loss of the earth’s brightest star to the forces of darkness, news anchors would not shut up about the catastrophic consequences of losing the greatest hero mankind had ever known, and drama youtubers milked the controversy of the NAHA’s ignominious fall from grace as Binary Star Hero – real name Ray – exited the hero headquarters followed by a bevy of interns, office workers, and bottom-rung employees. Employees who, with vicious innocence, detailed the NAHA’s horrendous working conditions.
“We didn’t even have dental,” one sighed despondently. “My friend’s teeth haven’t been the same since that rock hero went on a rampage in the office.”
When asked the reason they had chosen to follow the new villain – was it blind worship? Stockholm syndrome? Were they being threatened in any way? – the gathering just scoffed.
“He’s paying my medical bills,” one replied. “The NAHA didn’t even want to pay for my insulin. I had to argue with like 5 different people to get it added to my benefits package.”
“Wait, you were getting benefits? I’ve been working on minimum wage for years!”
“You guys were getting paid?!”
At that point, the hero formerly known as Binary Star Hero attempted to fly away from the commotion, causing one of the former NAHA employees to yell something to the effect of “quick, follow that tacky sweater!” Which caused the crowd to peal off after the rapidly shrinking red dot in the sky, leading to several traffic obstructions, and signaling the start to a villainous career change.
Ray stared at clothing rack in front of him, at the five mannequins arranged in various dramatic poses, and finally at the group of expectantly waiting…what to call them? Underlings? Sure, that worked. The underlings stared back at him, some carrying more fabric while others held sewing kits, needles, thread, and baskets of accessories.
There was no need to read their minds to understand what they all wanted, but he still felt the need to ask. “What is this?”
“For your villain rebranding, the team decided on an aesthetic overhaul,” the one at the front announced brightly, gesturing to the steel rack that had been crammed with outfits in a range of dark colours – purples, indigoes, heavy shades of grey and even denser blacks. Some had capes, most did not. “Of course, this would all be easier if you would simply decide on a new name, but I suppose we can whittle down the choices later.”
Ray flashed back to the moment he’d walked past the conference room – a massive underground addition to his lair (he didn’t call it that, but the PR team were very Committed To The Bit) – and seen a horde of them gathered around the whiteboard and shouting suggestions at the person at the front. On the interactive surface were at least 50 names, though Ray only got through Lunar Eclipse and Superordinate Gravitational Collapse before he’d decided to leave that problem for Future Ray to sort out.
Unfortunately, the future had come. “This is completely unnecessary,” Ray plucked at the sleeve of one of the outfits and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was in fact not made of impossibly tight spandex. “I haven’t even had coffee yet.”
Another employee stepped up, swiping the screen of the iPad with a finger. “Sir, [MC] will be clocking into the afternoon shift in approximately one hour. Would you like to pick up your coffee then?”
“Hm,” Ray rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “What’s on my schedule before that?”
“Uh, there’s a senator you hate giving a bigoted speech about drag queens, then you wanted me to remind you to rob that bank on 6th Avenue,” another swipe across the screen, “oh, and you’re out of ice cream.”
“The speech should be happening in the park across from the coffeeshop where [MC] works,” one of the team piped up. “We can reschedule the bank robbery and take some casual photos of you at the coffeeshop. The mid-afternoon sun would be great for the Total Eclipse social media page!”
“Dude, we discussed this! The team hasn’t decided on a villain name yet!”
“For the last time, we’re not choosing your idea!”
“Fuck you, Dark Star is a great evil name!”
“We are not linking him to a shitty 90s movie!”
“You take that back!”
Taking advantage of their distraction, Ray turned his attention to one of his favourite groups in the team. “Any updates?”
The employee saluted – Ray had given up on making them stop doing that – and pulled out her own iPad. “Sir–” (“Don’t call me that.”) “–they liked the post of you singing while playing the guitar and left a sweating emoji on the latest shirtless pic.”
“What about the one of me saving a kitten at the shelter?”
“Unfortunately, it was flagged for violence after one of the team forgot to edit out the part where you tossed someone through the walls for having an unsolicited picture of [MC] as their phone-screen background.”
“Ah, right,” Ray nodded reminiscently. “That did happen, huh. Upload it again, and monitor. If that’s all…”
He took off through the window, off to do various evil deeds and visit his favourite barista, while ignoring the screeching below as the two feuding members of the team finally stopped fighting long enough to notice his departure.
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todaysbird · 1 year
It's kind of like this for me... you go in to the vet, and you see all those posters on the walls about dog dental health or heartworm meds or whatever, and you look and they're from a company trying to sell you a related med
My understanding is that usually those companies are paying the vet to post what are basically ads
And like... on one hand, those probably are effective meds for those things, and those are things that need treating. Also, if the vet is getting compensated, that may help to pay for stuff like rent and may lower my costs even a tiny bit... and that's probably good
On the other hand, I think that kind of advertising is very insidious and... you do have to ask the question, might it influence vets even unconsciously to favor giving out the meds/food/brands that also helps pay their bills, especially if they do get any kind of actual reward?
It's complicated, money makes all this stuff tricky. You get balancing operating cost, vs providing care, vs ethical questions around accepting deals with companies to directly or indirectly promote their products to people trying to take care of their pets
(And like you said, you've got a lot of this stuff around in the human medical field too)
I assume that's kind of your main point with what you've been saying here, that the whole thing is a muddy situation where monetary motives my consciously or subconsciously influence vets to lean towards brands that help them out regardless of if that's what's best for their client and their pets, but that also doesn't mean that it's some kind of pure scam with zero value either
Anyway, regardless of if I'm reading your thoughts on this right, hope you have a good day
Yes exactly. I do not believe that the average owner ‘knows more’ than a vet, however I do believe certain food brands are over-recommended due to those brands paying for their places in vet offices. This doesn’t even necessarily negate the quality of the food, or reflect on the care the veterinarian provides.
I remember getting into a long debate over the phone with a vet tech when she insinuated I had gotten grain free food for my dog as a fad diet, and they only recommended Hill’s. My dog has allergies to grain, and gets violently ill when fed regular dog food. After many brands, we have settled on a grain free, sensitive tummy dog food that keeps her healthy and happy. This does not mean she was acting with intent to harm my dog. Vets are more aware of dogs’ needs than the average person, AND you as an owner have the responsibility to know & advocate for your pet’s individualized needs.
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It’s dark, and it needs work. But, it’s got some great features, and the real estate ad says it can possibly be used for a business (noooooo, not an office!). This 1900 Victorian is located in Macomb, Illinois, has 3bd. 2.5ba, and is listed for only $107K. Give it a look. 
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The first thing we see as we enter is beautiful original wood & floors. I would like to see what’s under that carpet and the wood wall looks like it’s been stripped and re-stained, so it needs some sealer.
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You can just see a glimpse of the beautiful ceiling millwork.
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Wow, gorgeous fireplace. Also, the carpet really matches the wallpaper. It could stay awhile.
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Look at the fabulous floors. Love that. 
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Windows w/original wood- look at that dental crown molding! I don’t think that the tiny corbels are original, though.
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Gold ceiling, medallion and beautiful chandelier. Love the door and columns. It’s dark, but there’s some lovely millwork on the right.
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Another original door, ceiling beams, and a cool light fixture. Love the walls, too. Must be the dining room.
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You can see that gorgeous fireplace from here and look at the size of the crown molding.
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Wow, the windows in the turret out front. Look at the beautifully detailed crown molding. 
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Hmmm...looks like a picnic bench up there. Don’t like the kitchen, it’s a dated reno, but it’s not urgent. It’s still a useable kitchen for now. Plus, the appliances are new.
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This bathroom has been painted over, and it would look great with reproduction Victorian plumbing fixtures.
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There’s a lot of wallpaper in this house. Some of it should be removed, which is a lot of work.
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The hall to the bedrooms still has the original gas light fixture on the wall. 
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Not lovin’ the shower, but the pedestal sink is cool. 
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This bd. needs some sprucing up.
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Bd. set up as a family room. Loving all the original doors.
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Why do they keep it so dark? Open the shades. Looks like a nice new floor in here.
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Is that a grapevine? I LOVE grapevines. My grandparents had one and I couldn’t get enough of those sweet Concord grapes. 
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Nice little porch on the back.
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Large yard with a garage.
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Oh, how can you resist this? Look at how pretty she is. I hope an office doesn’t buy it, it needs to stay a house.
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brosser-les-dents · 2 months
I have really bad teeth (like, multiple gaping cavity holes in each tooth bad) (and no insurance so I can't get them treated properly haha) the problem I'm running into is brushing my teeth hurts. not the brushing itself, that's fine, but afterward for like half the day my teeth are very soft and tender to the point where even resting them together when I close my mouth is painful, and it's created a feedback loop of brushing is painful -> don't brush -> brushing becomes more painful and I was just wondering if you or anybody else has any workarounds or anything for this, thanks <3
Oh wow, that sounds painful and awful. I'm going to say this slides into dentist territory. Calling @nothingiswrongwithyourarmrests
The only other thing I can think of is using a high fluoride toothpaste and adding a fluoride rinse to after you brush at night. Dont eat or drink for 30 minutes after.
This is one of the ones I've seen while searching for toothpaste. You can see it has 1.1% fluoride. Most toothpaste I've seen has about 0.25%.
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I honestly don't know if that's the solution though. I haven't experienced cavities that bad and eventually I just had them all fixed over time.
So this may really be a dentist fix sort of situation. Have you tried googling dental assistance in your area? Or literally calling up some local dental offices to ask if they are aware of any funding assistance available or if they have any program to help those who don't have funds to cover the cost of treatment?
That's all I have for you. Wish I could help more.
And a reminder for all to brush and floss!
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thiziri · 1 year
Royal Navy's newest sailors at HMS Raleigh greeted by Princess Anne during Passing Out parade
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The Princess Royal takes salute at HMS Raleigh passing out parade.
Princess Anne made a special trip to HMS Raleigh yesterday, April 21, as the guest of honour at its Passing Out Parade to celebrate the newest sailors joining the fleet. The basic training facility of the Royal Navy at Torpoint was last visited by Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, in 2017.
HMS Raleigh is the home of both initial naval training for Royal Navy ratings and professional training. She arrived via royal helicopter and was greeted by the commanding officer of HMS Raleigh, captain Jane Roe ADC Royal Navy.
During the visit, Princess Anne met with the service, civilian and contractor staff who help deliver and support world-class training, as well as talking to a selection of recruits at various stages of their Royal Navy journey. The Cunningham 22/32 class are the latest recruits to complete their 10-week phase one training at the Torpoint base.
Among those to have met her was recruit Brodrick from Bristol, who is currently in week four of her training. She said: “I see The Princess Royal as a role model and an example on how I, as a female in the Royal Navy, can reach the highest ranks."
Chief petty officer Dav Hayer added: “I have met Her Majesty through her position as the chancellor of the University Highland and Islands where I am currently completing my MSc, and today [April 21] it is special to meet her in her role in the Royal Navy.”
Reflecting on her position of admiral of the Sea Cadets Corps, petty officer Stephen Owen from Liskeard, who works in the youth training team said: “It is appropriate The Princess Royal is here today [April 21]. 400 sea cadets are about to arrive to undertake the Annual National Drill and Piping competition at HMS RALEIGH, and she is an important head of our organisation.”
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The Princess Royal inspects the passing out class at HMS Raleigh.
The class passing out was Cunningham 22/32, comprising of 25 sailors who are joining the fleet as future weapon and marine engineers, warfare specialists, Royal Navy Police, and a qualified dental nurse. The Princess Royal took the salute at the parade, which included Ship’s Company Divisions, and presented the training prizes and service awards.
Acting as guard officer, chief petty officer Al Lowe said: “It was a real privilege to be on parade in front of The Princess Royal, and it’s hugely rewarding to see these men and women evolve into effective members of the Royal Navy. All the training staff wish them luck as they start the next phase of specialist training.”
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The Princess Royal meets HMS Raleigh recruit CS Sebastien Kava Liliu who is the first Solomon Islander to join the Royal Navy.
During her visit, six senior ratings serving at HMS Raleigh had their near 200 years’ service recognised with awards presented by Princess Anne. The sailors, all living in the south west and serving on the training staff at the New Entry Training establishment in Torpoint, Cornwall, have had their outstanding service marked with awards of Clasps to their long service and Good Conduct medal and Valedictory Certificates.
Petty officers Matthew Hocking and Stuart Donaldson both received the first Clasp to their medal after attaining over 25 years’ service, while warrant officers first class Ian Bailey and Justin Newbury both received their second Clasp after completing over 35 years’ service.
© Plymouth Live
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ghoulelegy · 7 months
In The Breeze Of The Autumn Leaves
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Chapter 3: Waiting Room
Word count: 4000
Thank you @jimothybarnes, @creatura-theanarchist @em0bussy and @everybodyshusband for the support you have shown.
Tw: PTSD, flashbacks
Tw: Dentist scene (not super important so you can skip it)
Read on AO3:
As you settled into the nondescript waiting room of the dentist, the sterile scent of antiseptic hung in the air. Outdated magazines, their corners worn from countless hands, were strewn across a small table. The low hum of fluorescent lights added an almost hypnotic quality to the otherwise mundane surroundings.
Your gaze wandered, inadvertently fixating on a faded poster illustrating the anatomy of a tooth. The clock on the wall ticked away, each passing second echoing with an unspoken tension. The muffled sounds of dental equipment emanated from behind a closed door, creating a subtle symphony of anxiety.
The receptionist, with an artificial smile, called out names from a clipboard. Each utterance felt like a step closer to an impending unknown. The subtle discomfort in the stiff waiting room chairs mirrored the growing unease within.
As you flipped through a magazine, attempting to distract yourself, the harsh fluorescent lights seemed to exaggerate the sterile environment. The faint buzzing of a faulty light above added an erratic rhythm to the already uneasy atmosphere.
Time stretched in the waiting room, as if adhering to its own reluctant pace. The unfamiliarity of the dental office and the impending dental chair evoked a quiet apprehension. Each passing moment heightened the anticipation, amplifying the disquiet that lingered in the air.
You were ushered forward by a nurse wearing mint-green scrubs as the door to the dentist's office suddenly opened. The journey from the waiting room to the dental chair felt like a never-ending march, with your own heartbeat accompanying each step.
The dental seat itself appeared to deride your trepidation, its chilly, engineered surface welcoming a shudder down your spine. The dental specialist, clad in a clean white coat, welcomed you with a disconnected impressive skill. As you reluctantly sank into the sterile embrace of the chair, the room was filled with the whirl of machinery.
The elevated light, blindingly brilliant, transformed the room into a clean safe house for inconvenience. The medical caretaker gave over defensive eyewear, adding a layer of oddity to the looming dental system. The dental devices, fastidiously organized on a plate, shined with a disrupting accuracy.
As the dental specialist inclined in, covered face darkening any hint of compassion, the metallic taste of dread covered your faculties. The far-off murmur of the drill and the musical tapping of apparatuses against the plate turned into a shocking ensemble, muffling the rest of the world.
An unsettling combination of vulnerability and clinical distance made every minute in the dental chair feel like an eternity. The germ-free fragrance strengthened, mixing with the flavour of tension that waited on your tongue. Time appeared to sway in the harsh clinical light, making each passing second an agonizing stretch toward an uncertain conclusion.
The dental chair, now an instrument of both physical and psychological discomfort, held you captive. The clinical precision of the tools, the blinding light, and the distant sounds of machinery converged into an overwhelming sensory symphony. Panic began to tighten its grip as your surroundings intensified in their sterile and unforgiving nature.
The nurse, seemingly oblivious to the rising tension, adjusted the protective eyewear on your face. The shielded view only added to the surreal disconnect, amplifying the sense of vulnerability. As the dental specialist leaned in, their masked face devoid of empathy, the metallic taste of dread intensified.
The distant hum of the drill and the rhythmic tapping of instruments against the tray became an oppressive cacophony, drowning out the world beyond the clinical confines. Every nerve in your body seemed to scream, caught between the sterile atmosphere and the disconcerting precision of the dental tools.
The harsh light, once clean and reassuring, now cast shadows that danced with your mounting anxiety. The scent of antiseptic, initially just a background note, now seemed to permeate every breath, mixing with the metallic taste of fear. Time itself warped in the harsh clinical environment, each second stretching into an agonizing eternity.
The overwhelming stimuli pushed you to the edge, and a wave of panic threatened to engulf your senses. Your chest tightened, breaths became shallower, and a profound sense of helplessness settled in. The dental chair, once an innocuous piece of furniture, now symbolized a looming ordeal that your mind struggled to comprehend.
It has been a couple of weeks since your last encounter with the cardinal, and with the beginning of October just rising to the surface. You felt a subtle shift in the air, as if the changing seasons brought with them a new chapter of possibilities. The memories of the mysterious meeting with the satanic cardinal lingered in the background, adding a layer of intrigue to the ordinary rhythm of life.
October, with its crisp air and the gentle rustle of falling leaves, embraced the city in a tapestry of autumn colors. The streets adorned with pumpkins and the scent of cinnamon wafting from nearby cafes created a comforting ambiance. Juno, ever attuned to the changing seasons, seemed to revel in the cool breeze and the vibrant hues of fall.
You arrive at the dog park, and as you revel in the leaves of the shedding trees, you take off her leash at a secluded area of the park. You throw her ball across the field of the park and Juno darts after it with unrestrained enthusiasm. The vibrant autumn leaves swirl in her wake, creating a playful dance of colors in the crisp October air.
As Juno retrieves the ball, her tail wags with joy, and you can't help but join in her exuberance. The dog park becomes a canvas of autumnal delight, with the hues of the changing leaves and the boundless energy of your golden Labrador infusing the scene with warmth.
As the ball arcs through the air once again, you take a moment to reflect on the peculiar encounters of the past weeks. The satanic cardinal's umbrella, now safely stowed at the ministry, seems to resonate with the autumnal ambiance, its dark hues blending seamlessly with the shadows cast by the trees.
“Hey!” You hear a familiar voice.
Turning towards the familiar voice, you find Cardinal Copia approaching with a casual stroll. His attire, a harmonious blend of deep reds and autumnal hues, seems to echo the seasonal transformation around you. A friendly smile graces his face as he draws near.
"Hello again! Fancy meeting you here," Cardinal Copia greets, the warmth in his heterochromatic eyes mirroring the gentle autumn glow.
You return the greeting, "Hey! It's a pleasant surprise. Just enjoying the October vibes with Juno here." You gesture towards your playful Labrador, who is now taking a break from chasing the ball and observing the approaching figure with curiosity.
Copia chuckles, "Ah, the joys of autumn. I must say, the city looks quite enchanting in this season. Mind if I join you for a stroll?"
You welcome the company with a nod, "Not at all. It's a beautiful day. How have things been at the ministry?"
Copia falls into step beside you, and as you continue your leisurely stroll through the park, he shares updates about the ongoing projects at the satanic ministry. The conversation effortlessly weaves between the mundane and the mysterious, creating a tapestry of connection amidst the rustling auburn leaves.
“Good, still busy with research, my brother hasn’t been making this easy.” Copra chuckles with a smile on his face. “How are you doing?”
“I’m alright, had an appointment at the dentist today, she mentioned about how I have really sharp teeth! Can you fucking believe that?”
“Oh, you must be one of my ghouls.” Copia teasingly remarks, as he winks at you.
“Ghouls?” You ponder.
“Yes ghouls, creatures of the night, lovely little guys really, you should meet them.” He continues to make conversation, but you have a puzzled look on your face.
As he speaks, Copia gestures animatedly, emphasising the mysterious allure of these creatures. "Imagine having a group of loyal companions, bound to you by some supernatural connection. They're usually quite resourceful and can handle tasks that might be a bit... unconventional, let's say. It's a bit like having your team of magical assistants."
He chuckles, sensing that he might be overwhelming you with this information. "But don't worry, meeting my ghouls is entirely optional. They tend to keep to themselves unless summoned for a specific purpose. Besides, I value our human interactions too much to let them overshadow our conversations."
“No…I’d love to meet them, Copia.” you say, rather sheepishly.
“Then that is that” Copia states. You question the uncertainty of what that could mean. “We’re actually having a ghoul summoning soon, hehe.”
“A ghoul summoning? What’s that?” you ponder silently.
"Think of it like inviting guests to a party," Copia elaborates. "Except in this case, the guests happen to be otherworldly beings with their own unique abilities and characteristics."
You listen intently, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension about what the ghoul summoning entails. Copia's explanation paints a vivid picture of a ritual steeped in ancient tradition and mystical energy.
As you walk and talk, the topic of the ghoul summoning continues to weave through your conversation, interspersed with anecdotes about Copia's experiences with these enigmatic creatures. With each passing moment, the prospect of witnessing such a ritual fills you with a sense of excitement tinged with a hint of trepidation.
“So, Copia, how exactly does one summon a ghoul? Is it like a catholic mass?” you ponder, your eyes twinkling with curiosity.
Copia chuckles softly at your question, the warmth in his heterochromatic eyes mirroring his amusement. "Ah, not quite like a Catholic mass, my friend. While both involve rituals and ceremonies, the summoning of ghouls is a distinctly different practice. It's more akin to invoking ancient forces and tapping into the mysteries of the occult."
You listen intently, intrigued by his explanation.
"Summoning a ghoul requires a deep understanding of arcane knowledge and a mastery of esoteric rituals. It involves the recitation of incantations, the drawing of symbols, and the creation of a sacred space where the veil between our world and the realm of the ghouls grows thin."
You nod, absorbing his words with fascination.
"So, it's a sort of...ritualistic ceremony?"
"Exactly. It's a solemn affair, conducted with reverence and respect for the ancient powers we seek to invoke. Each step of the ritual is carefully orchestrated, designed to channel our intentions and establish a connection with the ghouls.”
"And what happens once the connection is established? Do the ghouls appear before you?"
Copia's expression grows thoughtful as he considers your question.
Copia: "Not always. Sometimes, the presence of the ghouls is felt rather than seen. They may communicate through subtle signs and omens, or they may impart their wisdom directly into the mind of the summoner."
"It sounds...intriguing, to say the least. I can't imagine what it must be like to witness such a ceremony."
Copia smiles warmly, a glint of excitement dancing in his eyes.
"It's an experience like no other, my friend. A journey into the realms of mystery and wonder, where the boundaries between the mundane and the supernatural blur and anything is possible."
You return his smile, feeling a thrill of anticipation coursing through you. The prospect of witnessing a ghoul summoning with Copia by your side fills you with a sense of excitement and curiosity, eager to explore the hidden depths of the occult.
The golden rays of the sun continued to shine down, illuminating the world with its warmth and radiance. However, its reign was cut short as ominous clouds slowly crept in, casting a shadow over the once bright sky. The clouds soon grew heavier, and the first droplets of rain began to fall, pattering against the ground like a gentle melody.
With each passing moment, the rain grew heavier, transforming from a gentle shower into a torrential downpour. The once vibrant landscape became shrouded in mist and fog, obscured from view by the thick curtain of rain.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have my umbrella, this time, si?”
"Shall we seek some shelter?" You ponder aloud, gesturing towards the end of the field where the rain threatens to soak you through. "I know of a cafe, close to here, dog friendly too. Juno! Come here, girl!" you call out to the Labrador, her head perks up at the mention of her name, and with a wag of her tail, she trots over to you, her eyes bright with excitement.
Copia nods in agreement, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of the café. "Lead the way," he says with a smile, gesturing for you to take the lead as you set off towards the shelter of the cafe, Juno bounding happily alongside you.
With Juno by your side, you pick up the pace, the rain starting to fall more heavily as you run towards the promise of warmth and dryness. The sound of the raindrops hitting the ground echoes in your ears, a rhythmic accompaniment to your hurried footsteps.
Finally, you spot the familiar sign of the café up ahead, its inviting glow beckoning you closer. With a sense of relief, you quicken your pace, the promise of shelter and a hot drink spurring you forward.
As you reach the door of the café, you pause to catch your breath, Juno sitting patiently by your side. With a smile, you push open the door and step inside, the warm scent of coffee and baked goods enveloping you like a comforting embrace.
“What would you like, Copia?” You ask, as you feel the remnants of the rain on your hair.
Copia takes a moment to shake off the rain from his coat before answering your question. "I think I'll go for a classic cappuccino," he replies with a smile. "And perhaps a slice of that chocolate cake they have on display."
As the waiter comes up to you, you toy with the words in your mind.
You smile warmly at the barista as you place your order, your voice filled with gratitude for the hospitality of the cafe.
"Two cappuccinos, two chocolate cakes, and some water for the dog, please," you request, making sure to include Juno's refreshment in the order.
The barista nods with a friendly smile, jotting down your order on a notepad before turning to prepare it. You watch as she expertly steams the milk for the cappuccinos and slices generous portions of the decadent chocolate cake.
As she works, you can't help but admire the skill and care she puts into each step of the process, knowing that the end result will be nothing short of perfection.
After a few minutes, the barista returns with a tray laden with your order. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and rich chocolate fills the air, making your mouth water in anticipation.
"Here you go," the barista says, placing the tray on your table with a smile. "Enjoy your drinks and treats and let me know if you need anything else."
You thank her graciously, taking a moment to appreciate the spread before you. The cappuccinos are topped with frothy foam and a dusting of cocoa powder, while the slices of chocolate cake glisten temptingly in the soft light of the cafe.
With a contented sigh, you settle into your seat, ready to indulge in the warmth and comfort, as you pour some water into Juno’s bowl. She laps it up gratefully, her tongue slick.
“What a lovely companion, ay? How long have you had her?”
You smile at Copia's comment, a warmth filling your heart as you watch Juno happily lap up the water from her bowl.
"She's indeed a lovely companion," you agree, reaching down to give Juno a gentle pat on the head. "I've had her for about a year now, and she's been an absolute blessing. She's not just a pet; she's also a source of comfort and support, especially during those challenging moments."
Copia nods in understanding, his gaze softening as he observes the bond between you and Juno. "Animals have a way of understanding us in ways that humans sometimes can't," he remarks, his voice tinged with admiration.
You nod in agreement, feeling a surge of gratitude for Juno's unwavering loyalty and companionship. "Exactly. Juno has a knack for sensing when I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed, and she knows just how to comfort me. She truly is a sweetheart."
As you speak, Juno nuzzles against your hand, her tail wagging happily at the sound of your voice.
"Actually, Juno isn't just a companion. She's my emotional support service dog," you explain, your voice tinged with gratitude and pride.
Copia's eyes widen with interest, prompting you to continue. "I suffer from anxiety and PTSD, and Juno has been trained to help me navigate through the challenges that come with these conditions. Whether it's sensing when I'm about to have a panic attack or providing comfort during moments of distress, she's always by my side, ready to lend her support."
“Ah, I see…” Copia nods thoughtfully, his expression a mixture of empathy and curiosity. "It's truly remarkable how animals like Juno can provide such invaluable support," he says, his voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "Their ability to sense and respond to our emotional needs is nothing short of extraordinary." Copia's gaze softens, a silent understanding passing between you. "It's clear that your bond with Juno runs deep," he continued to remark, his tone filled with genuine warmth. "You're fortunate to have such a loyal companion by your side."
You bring your cup to your lips, inhaling deeply the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the sweet scent of cocoa. With each sip, you feel a sense of warmth spreading through you, the rich flavour of the cappuccino serving as a soothing balm to your soul.
As you both indulge in the comforting embrace of your drinks, the bustling atmosphere of the café fades into the background, leaving only the quiet intimacy of your shared moment. For a brief moment, time seems to stand still as you savour the simple pleasure of each other's company and a delicious cup of coffee.
“Look at the paintings on the wall. Is this an art café?” you ponder.
“It certainly seems like it. I love how each piece adds its unique vibe to the atmosphere."
You nod in agreement, taking a moment to appreciate the creativity and talent on display. "Yeah, it's like a mini art gallery in here," you remark, your gaze drifting from one painting to the next. "It adds to the charm of the place."
As you both continue to admire the artwork, you find yourselves drawn into a conversation about the different styles and techniques showcased on the walls. The cosy ambience of the café, combined with the creative energy of the artwork, creates the perfect backdrop for your lively discussion.
You catch the attention of the same barista who served you earlier, a friendly smile lighting up their face as they approach your table.
"Excuse me," you begin, gesturing towards the paintings adorning the walls, "those canvases are lovely. Would it be possible for us to have one to do some painting?"
The barista's eyes light up with enthusiasm at your request. "Of course!" they reply eagerly. "I'm sure we can spare a canvas for some artistic expression. Let me go grab one for you."
With a nod of appreciation, the barista hurries off to retrieve a canvas, leaving you and the cardinal eagerly anticipating the opportunity to unleash your creativity.
A few moments later, the barista returns with a blank canvas, placing it gently on your table along with a set of brushes and paints. "Here you go," they say with a smile. "Have fun creating your masterpiece!"
You thank the barista profusely, your excitement bubbling over as you and Copia eagerly set to work.
As you and Copia settle into your seats, the vibrant colours of the café's walls seem to dance around you, infused with the creative energy of the artwork adorning them. You both take a moment to survey the blank canvas before you, each stroke of the brush holding the promise of a new creation.
With a sense of anticipation, you dip your brush into the palette of colours, the soft bristles gliding effortlessly across the canvas. As you begin to paint, your mind fills with images of swirling landscapes and vivid scenes, each stroke adding depth and dimension to your vision.
Beside you, Copia's brush moves with purpose, his hands deftly translating his imagination onto the canvas. You watch in awe as intricate patterns and bold colours emerge from his fingertips.
As the two of you paint, the café fades into the background, leaving only the rhythmic sound of brushes against the canvas and the gentle hum of conversation between you. Time seems to slow, allowing you to lose yourself in the act of creation, each moment filled with a sense of joy and wonder.
As you sit in the cozy confines of the cafe, sipping on your cappuccino and engaging in conversation with Copia, a sudden wave of dizziness washes over you. The chatter around you fades into the background as your surroundings blur, and you find yourself transported back to a moment from your past.
In your mind's eye, vivid images begin to materialise, each one a fragment of a memory long buried. You see yourself standing in a crowded street, the sounds of traffic and chatter echoing in your ears. But beneath the surface, there's an undercurrent of tension, a sense of impending danger that sends a shiver down your spine.
Suddenly, the scene shifts, and you find yourself in a dimly lit room, the air heavy with the scent of smoke and sweat. Shadows dance across the walls as figures move in the darkness, their faces obscured by masks of cruelty and malice.
Your heart begins to race as you relive the fear and helplessness of that moment, the memories flooding your mind with overwhelming force. Every sensation, every detail is etched into your consciousness with painful clarity, leaving you feeling as though you're trapped in a nightmare from which you cannot wake.
As the flashback intensifies, your breath becomes shallow and erratic, your chest tightening with a sense of suffocating dread. The present moment slips away, replaced by a haunting echo of the past that threatens to consume you whole.
For a brief moment, you lose all sense of time and space, lost in the grip of the flashback. Reality becomes distorted, fragmented into disjointed fragments of memory and sensation. The world around you blurs into a dizzying whirlwind of chaos, leaving you feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
But just as suddenly as it began, it begins to recede, gradually releasing its hold over you. Slowly, tentatively, you begin to return to the present moment, your surroundings coming back into focus as you take a deep, steadying breath. You notice Juno’s head on your lap, her breath with you, easing you back into reality.
Copia's voice breaks through the haze, a grounding presence in the midst of the turmoil. "Are you alright?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You nod slowly, still reeling from the intensity of the experience. "Yeah, I'm okay," you reply, your voice trembling slightly.
Copia nods in understanding, his expression one of empathy and compassion. "I'm here for you," he says softly, reaching out to offer a comforting hand. "You're not alone."
With Copia's support and understanding, you begin to regain your composure, the memories of the flashback slowly fading into the background. Though the experience has left you shaken, you take solace in the knowledge that you have someone by your side who understands and cares for you.
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misscorn · 10 months
Day 4 Journal/Surprise
Fourth entry of @sihjrweek B) once again this spawned from silly conversation between @sekaiichis and I lol and I did watch some videos for inspiration as well (more crying than I expected alkjlakjdsdaskj)
Ritsu was boredly flipping through old magazines in the waiting room of a dental office, not invested in it's contents as he was impatiently waiting for his boyfriend to be put into his care. Masamune had been told during his last visit that he needed to get his wisdom teeth removed and of course he would not be able to drive himself home afterward. Ritsu didn't utilize his driving license often, but he was thankful to have it in this situation. It would be a massive pain to get Masamune home otherwise.
Though, Ritsu had not anticipated how getting Masamune home would be a massive pain in an entirely different way.
Ritsu had expected Masamune to be out of it - tired, if not a little bit loopy - but he was not prepared for the way in which Masamune excitedly slurred out his name, clung on to him and refused to let go the moment they came face to face. Ritsu turned dark red as he tried to lug Masamune out of the dental office, letting out a final thank you before he actually managed to exit the building with Masamune in tow.
"You have to let go of me to get in the car." Ritsu pointed out once they were next to the vehicle.
"This sweater is a nice color on you..." Masamune mumbled, a little hard to understand with the cotton in his mouth, completely ignoring Ritsu's statement and instead hugging him tighter.
Ritsu sighed, trying to muster up a little more patience than he would usually have.
"Thank you, you bought it for me," Ritsu reminded him. "Will you please get in the car so we can go home?"
"I bought it for you?" Masamune echoed, suddenly tearing up. "You're wearing a sweater I bought?"
"I-yes-why are you crying?!" Ritsu exclaimed in alarm.
"Ritsu's wearing a sweater I bought...I'm so happy..." Masamune hugged him even tighter and smiled, having a surprising amount of strength for someone clearly not fully in complete control of their mind and body yet.
Ritsu shook with the effort it took not to laugh as he realized the reason for the tears was utterly ridiculous. This was serious, he had to get Masamune home so he could rest. They couldn't just stand around embraced for this long either! People were going to start staring!
"Yes, it's a nice sweater, now please get in the car so I can take you home." Ritsu said, somehow managing to unwrap Masamune's arms from around him, but Masamune looked like he was going to start crying harder. "What's wrong?"
"I don't wanna go home cause then you'll go home and I won't see you anymore." He explained. It was barely intelligible, but somehow Ritsu managed to understand.
"It's okay, I promise. Can you please get in the car? You will probably need to be sitting down when I tell you this." Ritsu said gently, continuing to try not to laugh. It wouldn't be very kind to laugh at Masamune's emotional distress, but it was just so absurd. It took a little bit more coaxing, but somehow Ritsu managed to get him into the car. Ritsu then got into the driver's seat, buckling in and triple checking that Masamune didn't unbuckle his own seatbelt before he started the car.
Masamune was looking out the window, arms crossed, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth downturned. "I'm mad at you." He announced before Ritsu could say anything else.
"Why are you mad?" Ritsu asked as he started to drive.
"Cause-Cause you're taking me home to get rid of me." Masamune accused. "Do you hate me? Why are you mad at me?" He asked, clearly forgetting that he was supposed to be the one mad at the other. "I love you, please don't be mad at me..." He added pathetically.
"Masamune. I'm taking you to our home. We live together." Ritsu said.
"We live together?!" Masamune echoed in clear surprise, his eyes wide with awe.
Ritsu finally allowed himself to smile in amusement, a little bit of laughter bubbling out of him as he answered, "Yes."
Masamune sat there silently, shellshocked, clearly doing his best to process this 'new' information. After a minute, his expression became suspicious, as if he didn't trust Ritsu to be honest with his next response, "Are you my boyfriend?"
"Yes, I am your boyfriend." Ritsu said, deciding not to point out their matching bands on their fingers lest he overwhelm Masamune.
"Ritsu's my boyfriend..." Masamune breathed out. He started to pat his pockets, searching for his phone, which Ritsu had already confiscated much earlier. "Wanna tell everyone Ritsu's my boyfriend." He mumbled, more to himself.
"You can tell everyone later, okay?" Ritsu said, trying to placate him.
"Nooo!" Masamune said, distraught. "I have to do it now, I have to let everyone know now, if they don't know they'll try to date you!"
"Who are 'they'?" Ritsu asked in amusement.
"Everyone!" Masamune insisted.
"I already told everyone, okay? They know they can't date me." Ritsu said, attempting to get him to calm down.
"I promise." Ritsu said, not thinking this promise counted as holding much weight.
"If you're my boyfriend then you should kiss me." Masamune pointed out. That made a lot of sense, right?
"I can't kiss you right now." Ritsu denied, effectively shattering Masamune's heart, his facial expression falling.
"Why not?" Masamune asked, the tears coming back tenfold. If Ritsu was his boyfriend then what reason could there possibly be for them not to kiss?
Ritsu startled at the tears returning much stronger than before. He was not used to seeing Masamune cry so much! As amusing as it had been earlier, he was now concerned and a little panicked at seeing Masamune so devastated.
"B-Because I'm driving, so I can't kiss you or I'll put us both in danger. Plus, you also need to let your stitches heal." Ritsu explained, hoping the logic would somewhat reach Masamune.
Of course, he was hoping for too much as Masamune continued to cry.
"If you loved me you would kiss me!" He insisted, "Ritsu doesn't love me..." Tears continued to roll down his face.
"I'm not kissing you because I love you! So that you won't get hurt!" Ritsu said, but Masamune was not listening, lamenting the fact that his boyfriend clearly did not love him anymore.
"Did I do something wrong? A-Are you gonna leave again?" Masamune asked between sharp intakes of breath.
Oh God, what do I do? He doesn't seem like he's calming down, Ritsu thought worriedly, soon stopping at a red light. He quickly, but very carefully, pressed a light kiss to Masamune's wet cheek.
"There, I kissed you." Ritsu said, settling back into his seat, hoping that was enough to satisfy him.
Masamune blinked a couple times, reaching up to gently touch the cheek Ritsu had just kissed, startled enough by the show of affection to pause in his crying.
"I promise I'll kiss you again, but later, okay? When you're feeling better." Ritsu added, feeling a little frazzled himself as he hadn't expected his boyfriend to be so sensitive in this state.
Masamune settled a little after that, continuing to cup his own cheek for longer than necessary, "I'm better right now." He said, "I'm better, I promise."
"The dentist said it could take up to two weeks for a full recovery." Ritsu said, hoping to shift the blame on to someone else so Masamune would not accuse him of not loving him again.
Masamune grumbled unhappily, "The dentist is stupid..."
Ritsu let out a soft sigh of relief as the redirection seemed to work, "I know, but we have to listen to him so you can get better."
Masamune became quiet as Ritsu's reasoning finally sunk in and chased away any doubts of Ritsu loving him. He looked out the window once more, seeming to start to relax before a thought occurred to him and he tried looking behind him into the backseat.
"What are you looking for?" Ritsu asked.
"Where's Sorata?" Masamune frowned. "Why isn't Sorata here?"
"I can ask Yokozawa if Sorata can visit you tomorrow, okay?" Ritsu offered.
Masamune's usual impatience reared it's head once more as he started whining yet again, not liking that he couldn't have what he wanted right now.
This is going to be a very long drive home, Ritsu thought with a sigh.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Oct. 4, 2023
"Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare," says a new report from Physicians for a National Health Program.
A report published Wednesday estimates that privately run, government-funded Medicare Advantage plans are overcharging U.S. taxpayers by up to $140 billion per year, a sum that could be used to completely eliminate Medicare Part B premiums or fully fund Medicare's prescription drug program.
Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), an advocacy group that supports transitioning to a single-payer health insurance system, found that Medicare Advantage (MA) overbills the federal government by at least $88 billion per year, based on 2022 spending.
That lower-end estimate accounts for common MA practices such as upcoding, whereby diagnoses are piled onto a patient's risk assessment to make them appear sicker than they actually are, resulting in a larger payment from the federal government.
But when accounting for induced utilization—"the idea that people with supplemental coverage are likely to use more health care because their insurance pays for more of their cost"—PNHP estimated that the annual overbilling total could be as high as $140 billion.
"This is unconscionable, unsustainable, and in our current healthcare system, unremarkable," says the new report. "Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare, siphoning money from vulnerable patients while delaying and denying necessary and often lifesaving treatment."
Even if the more conservative figure is accurate, PNHP noted, the excess funding that MA plans are receiving each year would be more than enough to expand traditional Medicare to cover dental, hearing, and vision. Traditional Medicare does not currently cover those benefits, which often leads patients to seek out supplemental coverage—or switch to an MA plan.
The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that adding dental, vision, and hearing to Medicare and Medicaid would cost just under $84 billion in the most costly year of the expansion.
"While there is obvious reason to fix these issues in MA and to expand traditional Medicare for the sake of all beneficiaries," the new report states, "the deep structural problems with our healthcare system will only be fixed when we achieve improved Medicare for All."
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Bolstered by taxpayer subsidies, Medicare Advantage has seen explosive growth since its creation in 2003 even as it has come under fire for fraud, denying necessary care, and other abuses. Today, nearly 32 million people are enrolled in MA plans—more than half of all eligible Medicare beneficiaries.
Earlier this year, the Biden administration took steps to crack down on MA overbilling, prompting howls of protest and a furious lobbying campaign by the industry's major players, including UnitedHealth Group and Humana. Relenting to industry pressure, the Biden administration ultimately agreed to phase in its rule changes over a three-year period.
Leading MA providers have also faced backlash from lawmakers for handing their top executives massive pay packages while cutting corners on patient care and fighting reforms aimed at rooting out overbilling.
As PNHP's new report explains, MA plans are paid by the federal government as if "their enrollees have the same health needs and require the same levels of spending as their traditional Medicare counterparts," even though people who enroll in MA plans tend to be healthier—and thus have less expensive medical needs.
"There are several factors that potentially contribute to this phenomenon," PNHP's report notes. "Patients who are sicker and thus have more complicated care needs may be turned off by limited networks, the use of prior authorizations, and other care denial strategies in MA plans. By contrast, healthier patients may feel less concerned about restrictions on care and more attracted to common features of MA plans like $0 premiums and additional benefits (e.g. dental and vision coverage, gym memberships, etc.). Insurers can also use strategies such as targeted advertising to reach the patients most favorable to their profit margins."
A KFF investigation published last month found that television ads for Medicare Advantage "comprised more than 85% of all airings for the open enrollment period for 2023."
"TV ads for Medicare Advantage often showed images of a government-issued Medicare card or urged viewers to call a 'Medicare' hotline other than the official 1-800-Medicare hotline," KFF noted, a practice that has previously drawn scrutiny from the U.S. Senate and federal regulators.
PNHP's report comes days after Cigna, a major MA provider, agreed to pay $172 million to settle allegations that it submitted false patient diagnosis data to the federal government in an attempt to receive a larger payment.
Dr. Ed Weisbart, PNHP's national board secretary, toldThe Lever on Wednesday that such overpayments are "going directly into the profit lines of the Medicare Advantage companies without any additional health value."
"If seniors understood that the $165 coming out of their monthly Social Security checks was going essentially dollar for dollar into profiteering of Medicare Advantage, they would and should be angry about that," said Weisbart. "We think that we pay premiums to fund Medicare. The only reason we have to do that is because we're letting Medicare Advantage take that money from us."
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timetraveltasting · 17 days
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It's a been a tougher week than usual - my husband broke his leg and had surgery, and I'm dealing with some dental pain - but amongst it all, I thought it would be a good idea to treat ourselves with a Tasting History dish that is especially hearty and comforting: Minutal Matianum (Roman Pork with Apples). From the quintessential Roman source by Apicius from the 1st c., De Re Coquinaria, this meat dish is made using ingredients that would have been available to Roman soldiers in Britain, near forts in the area of Hadrian's Wall. This hearty dish was probably closer to what the officers of the Roman army would have eaten rather than the foot soldiers, however. I decided to make this dish because my husband and I have enjoyed most of the Roman recipes I've made so far, and Max exclaimed this was the best Roman dish even he had made so far. We hope this dish provides us with the fortitude of a Roman soldier on the frontiers! See Max’s video on how to make the dish here or see the ingredients and process at the end of this post, sourced from his website.
My experience making it:
As usual for me with Roman recipes, I struggled to compile all of the specific listed ingredients, but I did my best! I sourced a pork shoulder from our local butcher, and for the ground meat, I used a mix of 60% beef and 40% pork (a very common mixture here in Germany). For the pork roast rub, I used oil, a bit of salt, lots of pepper, and a tablespoon and a half of linden tree blossom honey. For the meatballs, I didn't use any egg to bind them, as I didn't have any on hand. Instead of garum, I used an Asian fish sauce (which Max suggests as a substitute). For the apples, I used some sweet Pink Lady apples (which I definitely snacked on while I was cooking). Instead of the long pepper Max used, I used the tablespoon of peppercorns. I decided to omit the asafoetida completely, as I couldn't find it at 4 different supermarkets, including the bio-supermarket and the Turkish supermarket. I've recently learned that I should look instead at an Indian supermarket, so now I'm on the hunt for one! I reduced grape juice myself to make defrutum, as Saba seems a little expensive. Instead of starch/cornflour, I used regular white flour, since I think they would function fairly similarly.
First, I set out making the rub for the pork roast. Nice and simple with olive oil, salt, pepper, and honey, I loved that I could customize this part to my tastes (give me that sharp pepper taste!). Next, because I didn't have a roasting rack, I made one myself out of tin foil by taking a large sheet, rolling it into a snake shape, and curving it into a zig-zag pattern on top of a layer of tinfoil at the bottom of my pan. It fit the pork perfectly, and then I added the rub and tossed it in the oven. My pork shoulder was just over 2 pounds, so I roasted it for just over 2 hours. While it was cooking, I rolled my meatballs (sans egg), ground my spices for the sauce in the mortar and pestle (which took awhile), and chopped and portioned the ingredients for the next steps. When the pork was almost done cooking, I began cooking the meatballs in olive oil, also adding in the leeks. I added in the chicken stock and garum, stirring to get any bits from the bottom to release their flavour.
While this cooked on the stovetop, the pork roast was ready to take out of the oven. It looked wonderful and smelled delicious! I let it sit for a little bit, then chopped it into cubes and added them to the pot with the meatballs. I added in the cilantro, then a little bit more chicken stock so the pork and meatballs were 3/4 submerged and sizzling nicely in the juices. I simmered it for 15 minutes, then added the apple chunks. I simmered it further, but for less than the 20 minutes in the recipe (more like 15). I portioned the meat and apples into our serving bowls to cool a little while I prepared the quick sauce, being sure to leave some of the juices in order to provide the base to the sauce. I added the juices, defrutum, white wine vinegar, garum, and honey to a pot, added the crushed spices/herbs, and brought it to a light boil, stirring often. I made a roux with some flour by mixing a bit of water into it, then added it to my sauce to thicken it. By the looks of it, I think I ended up thickening it a decent amount more than Max did, but I like a thicker sauce, so I wasn't too upset about that. I took it off the heat once it was combined and thickened, and drizzled it over the pork, meatballs, and apples. It looked absolutely scrumptious - the sauce added a nice silky shine to the meat, the leeks added a pretty green, the peppercorns some texture, and the apples a beautiful yellow and red pop of colour. I served the Minutal Matianum with a side Greek Salad to balance the heaviness of the meat.
My experience tasting it:
I made sure my first bite was with pork, apple, and some sauce - it was very tasty! The pork was tender enough, but I might have overcooked it just a little. Luckily, the tougher, hearty texture was balanced by the crisp and light flavour of the apple and the acidity, sweetness, spice-infused, and herbed flavour of the silky gravy-like sauce. Like Max mentioned, the sauce first tastes a bit sour due to the vinegar, but it melts into a sweetness from the defrutum and honey. It is still a very 'Roman' flavour of sauce - I could taste hints of the previous Roman sauces I have made in other dishes in this one, but this one was more like a gravy, and maybe more in line with the modern palate. In terms of herbs and spices, I found that peppercorn and cilantro were the most forward in the sauce - the mint and cumin were just barely there. I decided to make my next bite a meatball with some sauce, apple and leek: an absolute winning combo! I don't always have time to make a pork roast, so I can't see myself making Minutal Matianum often in its complete form, but I will most certainly make the sauce with apples and meatballs again in the future. Like Max, my husband and I both agreed this is our favourite of the Roman dishes I've made so far. This is a great meal for late fall/early winter, and I will probably make it again as the weather gets colder this fall. If you end up making this dish, if you liked it, or if you changed anything from the original recipe, do let me know!
Links to harder-to-find ingredients:
Long Pepper
Flor de Garum
Colatura di Alici (Garum substitute)
Saba (Defrutum)
Minutal Matianum (Roman Pork with Apples) original recipe (1st c.)
Sourced from De Re Coquinaria by Apicius, 1st century.
Put oil, garum, stock, chopped leek and cilantro and small ground meatballs in a pot. Chop previously cooked shoulder of pork with skin into cubes. Cook all together. Half-way through cooking add cored and diced Matian apples. While it cooks, grind pepper, cumin, cilantro and coriander seed, mint, and silphium root, pour in vinegar, honey, garum, defrutum, and some of the cooking liquid. Adjust the flavors with vinegar. Bring to a boil. Add broken tracta to thicken. Sprinkle pepper and serve. 
Modern Recipe
Based on De Re Coquinaria by Apicius (1st c.) and Max Miller’s version in his Tasting History video.
Roasted Pork
Pork shoulder
Olive oil
Pork and Apples
1 tbsp olive oil
3/4 lb (340g) ground pork or beef, shaped into 1” balls
1 cup chopped leek
1 cup (235ml) chicken stock, plus extra as needed
2 teaspoons garum*
Small handful chopped cilantro
1 lb (450g) roasted pork, cut into cubes
1 lb (450g) sweet apples, cored and cut into about 1” pieces
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp chopped cilantro
1 tbsp coriander seeds
2 tsp chopped mint
4 long peppers or 1 tbsp of peppercorns
1/2 tsp asafoetida
1/4 cup (60ml) white wine vinegar
2 tbsp honey
1 tsp garum*
1/4 cup (60ml) defrutum**
1/4 cup (60ml) cooking liquid from the pork and apples
2 tsp starch or cornflour
*Garum was a fermented fish sauce that was used in a lot of ancient Roman cooking. You can buy a modern equivalent or use an Asian fish sauce.
**Defrutum was a 1/3 reduction of grape must. Today, Saba is pretty much the same thing. It can be expensive, so you can reduce some grape juice instead.
For the roasted pork: Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C). Line a baking sheet with foil, then place a roasting rack on top of it.
In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, salt, pepper, and honey. There should be enough to coat the pork roast. Adjust the amounts to your liking.
Brush the olive oil mixture onto the pork, then roast for 15 minutes.
Lower the temperature to 275°F (135°C) and cook for about an hour per pound, or until the internal temperature reaches at least 165°F (74°C).
For the pork and apples: Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat, then add the meatballs and leeks and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, or until they start to brown.
Deglaze the pot with the chicken stock and garum. Toss in the cilantro and roasted pork. Add enough additional chicken stock so that it covers the bottom of the pot.
Simmer for 15 minutes, adding more stock if necessary.
Add the apples, then cook for another 20 minutes or until the meatballs are fully cooked.
For the sauce: Grind the spices and herbs with a mortar and pestle, then put them in a saucepan with the liquid ingredients. Stir together and bring to a gentle boil over medium heat.
Mix the starch with a little water, then add it to the sauce. Simmer for a couple of minutes until it thickens.
To serve: Dish the pork and apples into a bowl, drizzle with the sauce, and serve it forth.
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