#deputy troy
misery-sandwich · 29 days
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troy and abed in another universe
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aroundfortwayne · 2 years
Community members take leadership role in Principal for a Day
New Post has been published on https://aroundfortwayne.com/news/2022/10/13/community-members-take-leadership-role-in-principal-for-a-day/
Community members take leadership role in Principal for a Day
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Fort Wayne Community Schools welcomes 54 community members into our schools to serve as guest principals for the annual Principal for a Day event.
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layce2015 · 2 years
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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The Woman in White
(A/N: I am only gonna do the first 5 seasons of this show. I think I'd go insane if I did all 15 seasons lol. But, I do hope you guys enjoy my new fan fiction series.)
Masterlist of all of my stories / Next Chapter
"Dad, please!"
"I'm sorry, sweetie. But unfortunately, cancer is a monster you can't beat."
"C'mon, there's gotta be something!"
"You heard the Doctor..."
"The hell with what the Doctor said! I-I-I...I just...I can't do this on my own!"
"(y/n), honey, you are more than capable of doing the hunting buisness on your own than anyone I've ever known. And you know our contacts if you need any help."
"It's okay, honey. I believe in you. I love you, sweetie, and don't you forget it."
"I love you too, Daddy. And I'll do my best. Say hi to mom for me." 
"I will..."
I sit up in my hotel bed then placed my hands over my face. I take a few deep breathes as I try to fight back the tears. That memory keeps coming back into my dreams. My dad's last day on this Earth, which happened just last year.
I let out a long sigh then brought my arms down and placed them on my knees, which was pulled up to me. I run my hand through my hair as I replay the memories of my father over and over in my head. I don't really have many memories of my mother as she died when I was very young. Dad told me that a demon had killed my mother.
That's right, a demon. 
I found out at a young age that demons, ghosts, monsters, they all exist!
Dad told me that these groups of people called the hunters are the ones that take care of those monsters. He also told me that he was one of them and he was one of the best. But the moment he met my mother, he decided to retire and settle down and then they had me.
But the peace didn't last long as a demon killed my mom by pinning her up to the ceiling and setting her on fire. My dad tried to save her as quickly as he could but the demon left. So then on, he decided to get out of retirement then started to train me once I was old enough.
I sighed once again when I heard something shift next to me, I look over and see a naked man sleeping next to me. I stare at him for a moment, kinda confused, but then I remembered that I went to a bar and started drinking, celebrating a successful hunt. 
Then this guy started chatting me up and we talked and drank until I took him back to this hotel and we ended up sleeping together. From what I can remember, he wasn't bad but...I've had better to be honest.
He stirred a bit in bed but doesn't wake up. I smirk a bit before I get out of bed and pick up my discarded clothes on the floor next to the bed.
After getting dressed, I grab my clothes bag and head out of the hotel room. I walk towards my dad's motorcycle, climb on it then turn it on and drive off.
I, eventually, stopped at a diner and began to eat breakfast while also looking through the internet on my laptop. I skimmed through some articles when one catches my eye, it was an article about a missing person in Jericho, California. This young boy, Troy, disappeared on a bridge the night before and, as I continue my research, it turns out there's been other missing men that disappear around that bridge in the span of twenty years.
"Hmmm, interesting." I muttered as I sip my drink. I shut my laptop then finish my breakfast. I go and pay for it then get on my bike and head for Jericho.
Once I arrived, I get off of the bike and look down at my outfit, which was a white button up shirt, black pants and a black blazer. When you impersonate a person of the law, you've got to look the part. I grab the badge and put it in my pocket as I make my way to the bridge while I see some officers looking around the bridge.
"You guys find anything?" An officer shouts as he leans over the railings, looking down. "No! Nothing!" A voice shouts back at him as I walk up to the officer. "Hello Deputy." I greet as I walk up to him. "Hello, Miss...?" He started to ask as we go and shake hands. "Cooper. Agent Cooper." I said as I show him my badge.
"Deputy Jaffe. You look a bit young to be a marshal." He said and I chuckled. "Yeah, I hear that alot." I said and he nods at me. "Well, Agent Cooper, I appreciate you coming but...I think we've got this..." Jaffe started to say as he turns to the car in the middle of the bridge.
"Well, it's just I've done a little research and noticed that you had similar cases like this in the past twenty years. My boss found this very interesting and sent me here." I said and the deputy looks at me as another officer was looking through the car. "Yeah, we..." Jaffe started to say when the other officer comes up to him.
"No sign of struggle, no footprints, no fingerprints. Spotless. It's almost too clean." The second officer said when we heard someone arguing. "No citizens beyond this point." An officer said and I look over to see an officer arguing with two young men, one was really tall man with a little bit longer hair than the shorter man. 
I smiled as I recognized the two men as they argue with the officer. "Don't worry, sir. We're here for buisness." The shorter man said as he holds up his badge. "We've already got one of you here." The officer said and the men look a bit confused.
"They're with me!" I said as I walk up to them. The two young men look over at me and I could see a flash of recognition on their faces. "Bout time you two." I said to them. "Well...you know, traffic..." the shorter man said, smirking, and I shake my head but chuckle.
"They're federal marshals?" Jaffe asked me, shocked and confused. "Yes, they're rookies. I'm training them." I replied and he nods then he let's the boys through as the two of them look over at me, I smile and nod at them.
These two men were the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean. I've known these two since I was a kid, their dad, John Winchester, and my dad were good friends and they took on some hunting jobs together. Before I was trained to be hunter, my dad would leave me with Sam and Dean while he and John went out to do some jobs.
Sam and I had similar interest in stuff and we got along pretty well. Dean, Sam's older brother, would always tease us and say we would end up together but Sam and I already had that discussion and both of us agreed that our feelings were just of that as a friend. Heck, Sam used to tell me that I was like a sister to him and I told him he was like a brother to me.
No, Sam wasn't the one I liked, in that way...it was actually Dean who I really liked. And, honestly, I still do like him. It didn't help that Dean was very good-looking but he had this persona of a bad boy. You know the ones, the ones you couldn't bring home to your parents. He also flirted with every girl he'd meet. I swear when our dads would go off on jobs and we had to go to a school together, Sam and I would take bets on which girl Dean would pick and how long it would take him to get with her.
The loser usually bought the winner either a soda or an ice cream with the little money we had. 
And if you're wondering who won the most, it was Sam. 
"I know my brother." is what Sam told me once when I asked how he was almost always winning our bets. 
But, yeah, Dean had all the girls fawning for him and I happened to be one of them. I was a bit shy and nervous when I first met him and he would kinda tease me. But then as I got older and more confident, I was able to tease him back which took him by surprise. 
And no, I never kissed or slept with Dean. I'm probably one of, if not the only, girl that has been a part of his life that hasn't slept with him. Shocking, I know but the moment just never came up. Sure, we flirted back and forth as we got older but I guess I wanted to play hard to get with him, just to make him go crazy and see if he was really into me.
But it's been a few years since I've seen them and the last I heard, Sam left the hunting buisness and went to college. I remember dad telling me that after he got a phone call from John. But I guess something must've happened for Sam to come back to the hunting buisness.
"You did have another one just like this, correct?" Dean asked Jaffe as we go back to the middle of the bridge, pulling me out of my memories. "Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that." Jaffe replied.
"So, this victim, you knew him?" Sam asked him and the officer nods. "Town like this, everybody knows everybody." Jaffe said while Dean circles the car, looking around.
"Any connection between the victims, besides that they're all men?" I asked Jaffe. "No. Not so far as we can tell." Jaffe replied.
"So what's the theory?" Sam asked after he looks at me and I give a slight nod to him.
"Honestly, we don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?" Jaffe said, shrugging, as Sam goes over to Dean.
"Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys." Dean said. I whipped my head towards him and glared while Sam stomps on Dean's foot.
Dean holds in his scream of pain while I turn to Jaffe. "Thank you for your time." I said and I turn to the boys and jerk my heard towards our vehicles. They began to follow me. "Gentlemen." Sam said to the officers and we walked away.
As we put some distance between us and the officers, I turned to the boys. "Well, well, well, Sam and Dean Winchester. What are you boys doing here?" I asked them. Sam was about to answer when Dean goes and smacks him on the back of the head.
"Ow! What was that for?" Sam asked Dean. "Why'd you have to step on my foot?" Dean asked him, angrily. "Why do you have to talk to the police like that?" Sam asked Dean, just as angry, and I shake my head.
"Come on. They don't really know what's going on." Dean said as I scoff.
"Oh, how I missed you boys." I said as I look at them.
"Anyway, it's good to see you, (y/n)." Sam said. "Good to see you, Sam." I said as I give him a quick hug then I look over at Dean, who had a small smile on his lips. "It's nice to see you too, Dean." I said as I pull away from the hug. "It's been awhile." He said and I smirk. "Yes, it has." I said then I look between them.
"So...what are you guys doing here? Last I heard, you went to college, Sam." I said. "We'll explain later but thanks for covering for us back there." Sam said. "No problem, we've got to have each others back." I said then I see a couple of FBI agents coming up to us.
"Can I help you three?" One of the agents asked as Dean turns to them. "No, sir, we were just leaving." Dean said. As the agents walk past us, Dean nods at each of them. "Agent Mulder. Agent Scully." He said and we walk past them and head off.
"Still driving around in that Impala, I see." I said as we walk up to their beautiful black Impala. "Yep. You still driving that Harley Davidson?" Dean asked me and I smiled. "Of course, it is Dad's last gift to me." I said as I stand in front of Dean.
"It's a helluva bike." He said and I smirked.
"Yeah, it is. Just like your car." I said as I pat the hood of the Impala.
"So, you wanna follow us?" Dean asked me. I nodded and Dean gives me a smile. "I'll see you guys in a few." I said as I walk away and head to my bike. Once I get on and get my keys out, the boys' car comes up next to me. I start my bike then Dean drives ahead and I began to follow them.
Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger.
I can never go home...
I furrow my brow at this once Dean stops the recording of John's last voicemail to him after we parked our vehicles in a parking lot in the city. But that EVP of this female voice was very creepy and weird. "Never go home." I muttered, confused.
Apparently, John was out on a hunt, following this story of these men disappearing on this bridge, and has been missing for a few weeks so Dean came to Sam for help. 
"Yeah, that's what we're trying to figure out." Sam said. "And you guys think this...ghost...woman... is involved with your dad's disappearance and these other disappearances?" I asked and the boys nod then I let out a sigh. "All right, so...what's next boys?" I asked them and they look at me like I'm crazy.
"What?" I said, confused. "You want to help us?" Dean asked me and I smirked. "Well, yeah. I was about to investigate this case on my own but...the more the merrier. That is...if you guys want me to help." I said.
"No, no, no, that's fine! Like you said, the more the merrier." Sam said as Dean shrugs but smirks.
"Okay then...so where should we start?" I asked.
"I'll bet you that's her." Dean said as we see a young woman putting up missing posters on the wall. "Yeah." Sam and I said as we walk up to the girl. "You must be Amy." I said and she looks up at us.
"Yeah." She said, hesitantly, as she looks us over. "Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles and aunt. I'm Dean, this is Sammy and this is (y/n)." Dean introduced.
"He never mentioned you to me." Amy said and she begins to walk away but we walk with her. "Well, that's Troy, I guess. We're not around much, we're up in Modesto." I, quickly, explained.
"So, we're looking for him too, and we're kinda asking around." Sam said to her as another woman comes up to Amy and puts a hand on Amy's arm.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked Amy.
"Yeah." Amy said to her.
"You mind if we ask you a couple questions?" I asked them and they look between us.
Later, the five of us were sitting in a booth of a diner, Dean, Sam and I sit opposite of Amy and her friend, Rachel. "I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...he never did." Amy replied. "He didn't say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?" Sam asked her and she shakes her head. "No. Nothing I can remember." She replied. 
Then I noticed Amy's necklace, which was a pentagram inside of a circle. "I like your necklace." I said as I point at it. She looks down then holds the pendant and smiles. "Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents with all that devil stuff." She laughs. I chuckle a bit and I could feel the boys staring at me.
"Actually, it means just the opposite. A pentagram is protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing." I informed. "Thank you, Unsolved Mysteries." Dean remarks and I rolled my eyes at him as he takes his arm off the back of my seat and leans forward.
"Here's the deal, ladies. The way Troy disappeared, something's not right. So if you've heard anything..." Dean said then the girls look at each other, an uneasy look washed over their faces.
"What is it?" Dean asked them.
"Well, it's just..." Rachel stammers as she looks back at us. "I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk." She said.
"What do they talk about?" Dean, Sam and I asked in unison, then the three of us look at each other before looking back to the girls. "It's kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered out on Centennial, like decades ago." Rachel said as we watch her, attentively.
"Well, supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever." Rachel said and the boys and I look at each other.
Later, we were in the library and Sam and I sit on either side of Dean as he opens up a web browser on the computer. He types Female Murder Hitchhiking into the search box then clicks go. The screen tells him there are (0) Result. Dean replaces Hitchhiking with Centennial Highway with the same response. 
"Let me try." Sam said as he reaches over to the computer but Dean smacks his hand. "I got it." Dean said to him but then Sam shoves Dean's chair out of the way and takes over. "Dude!" Dean exclaims as he hits Sam in the shoulder.
"Okay, children! That's enough." I said as Sam gets ready to type while Dean glares at his brother. "You're such a control freak." Dean grumbles at his brother.
"So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?" Sam asked us. "Yeah." Dean and I said. "Well, maybe it's not murder." Sam said and he replaces Murder with Suicide and finds an article entitled Suicide on Centennial.
"Good job, Sam." I praised and patted his shoulder. Meanwhile, Dean glances at Sam as he opens the article, dated April 25, 1981.
"This was 1981. Constance Welch, twenty-four years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river." Sam said as he points at the screen where the picture of Constance is displayed.
"Does it say why she did it?" I asked.
"Yeah." Sam replied.
"What?" Dean and I asked as Sam continues.
"An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Apparently her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die." He said and my jaw drops a bit while Dean raises his eyebrows.
"Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it,' said husband Joseph Welch." Sam reads as he scrolls down then a picture of the bridge appears.
"The bridge look familiar to you guys?" Dean asked and Sam and I nodded.
That night, we walk along the bridge, then stop to lean on the railing and look down at the river. "So this is where Constance took the swan dive." Dean said as we look down. "That's a nice way of putting it." I said to him.
"So you think Dad would have been here?" Sam asked Dean.
"Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him." Dean said as I walk along the bridge and try to concentrate on the job as they argue with each other.
I just half listen to what they say as I feel like it's not my place being a part of this.
"Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday—" Sam said, slightly, annoyed as I pull out my flashlight and skim it across the lake below. "Monday. Right. The interview." Dean said.
"Yeah." Sam said and I look over at them.
"For college?" I asked Sam and he nods. "Congratulations, Sam!" I said. "Thanks, (y/n). At least someone appreciates my decision to go to college." Sam said as he glares at Dean
"You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?" Dean asked him. "Maybe. Why not?" Sam said.
"Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?" Dean asked him as Sam steps closer.
"No, and she's not ever going to know." Sam said. "Well, that's healthy." Dean grumbles and Sam clenches his jaw.
"You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are." Dean said as he turns around and keeps walking, Sam and I follow him.
"And who's that?" Sam asked as I was on Dean's right side and Sam was on his left. "You're one of us." Dean said as he gestures between me and him and Sam hurries in front of us.
"No. I'm not like you guys. This is not going to be my life." Sam said then he turns to me. "No offense, (y/n)." He said and I shrug. "None taken. I don't blame you, Sam." I said and Dean looks over at me.
"Are you kidding me? You're on his side?" He asked me, clearly annoyed and angry. "I'm saying it's his life, Dean! He doesn't have to follow this if he doesn't want to." I said, exasperated. "Honestly, if I could, I would go to school as well..." I said and Dean rolls his eyes. 
"Oh, you gotta be freakin' kidding me." He grumbles as he turns away. "But unfortunately I'm way in too deep with this job and this life. There's still time for Sam..." I said until Dean turns to me. "He has a responsibility to—" He started to say but Sam talks over to him.
"To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like." Sam shouts and we look over at him. 
I frown at this as Sam continues, mainly cause I know how that feels. I don't remember what my mom looks like, but dad did have a picture of the three of us when I was a baby. "And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back." 
Dean grabs Sam by the collar and shoves him up against the railing of the bridge, which made me jump. "Dean!" I said, fearfully, as I walk up next to them while Dean glares at his younger brother.
"Don't talk about her like that." Dean threatened then he releases Sam and walks away. "You okay?" I asked Sam. "Yeah, I'm fine." Sam said when Dean calls out to us.
"Sam. (Y/n)."
We come to stand next to Dean and see Constance standing on the edge of the bridge. She looks over at us, then steps forward off the edge. We run to the railing and look over to see she had disappeared. "Where'd she go?" I asked. "I don't know." Sam said as Dean shrugs and shakes his head.
Behind us, the Impala's engine starts and its headlights come on. The three of us turn to look. "What the—" Dean said, shocked and angry. "Who's driving your car?" I asked him. Dean pulls the keys out of his pocket and jingles them. My eyes widen as the car jerks into motion, heading straight for us. We turn and run. "Go! Go!" Sam yells at us.
The car begins moving faster than we were; when it gets too close, we dive over the railing. Unfortunately, I didn't grab onto the edge quick enough and fell into the water below. Once I fell into the water, I blacked out for a moment as the water felt like it was replace with concrete.
As I started to come back to reality, I felt a pair of strong hands grab me then I felt my head hit the surface of the water. 
I cough then look next to me and see that Dean was the one that grabbed me and helped me out. "Thanks." I said, before I started to cough. "Don't mention it." He said.
"Dean? (Y/n)? Guys!" Sam's voice calls out and I look up and see that he had grabbed onto the ledge of the bridge and was looking down at us.
"What?" We shouted at him.
"Hey! Are you guys all right?" Sam asked us. Dean holds up one hand in an A-OK sign while I nodded and gave the thumbs up sign, which made me realize that my arm was covered in mud. Grrreeeaaattt...I thought, annoyed.
"I'm super." Dean calls out to him. "Just fantastic!" I said as Sam laughs, relieved, and scoots away from the edge.
After getting back on the bridge and looking over the Impala, Dean shuts the hood of his car and leans on it. "Your car all right?" Sam asked him. "Yeah, whatever she did to it, seems all right now. That Constance chick, what a bitch!" Dean exclaims and I chuckled as I stand next to him and lean against the spot next to him.
"Well, she doesn't want us digging around, that's for sure." I said and Dean gives a curt nod.
"So where's the job go from here, genius?" Sam asked Dean as he settles on the hood on Dean's other side.
Dean throws up his arms in frustration, then flicks mud off his hands while I shake my head and try to get it out of my hair.
Sam sniffs, then looks at us. "You guys smell like a toilet." He remarks as Dean and I look down at ourselves. I sighed, annoyed, then the boys head into their car while I go over to my bike and we take off.
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spacefinch · 8 months
Star Trek TNG characters as Warrior cats
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Leader: Peakstar (Warrior name: Peakwhisker) Captain Picard
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Deputy: Ryeclaw (Commander Riker)
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Stormsight (Deanna Troi)
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Owlspots (Data)
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Gorsepelt (Geordi La Forge)
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Yarrowtail (Tasha Yar)
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Wolfstrike (Worf)
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Medicine Cat: Foxtuft (Beverly Crusher)
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Weaselpaw (Warrior name: Weaselpounce) :Wesley Crusher
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insomniaruler · 3 months
Some Harry Potter world building/headcanons because all my homies hate jkr and lacking world building.
- the professors that sit in the great hall are a portion of the actual Hogwarts professors
- the ones which sit in the great hall are heads of subjects with other professors under them who also teach
- these members of staff have their own hall for dining
- Minerva Mcgonagall as a cat can be seen in all common rooms because she is deputy headmaster
- the magical world follows traditional pegan/traditional British isle mythology, I.e Samhain, Ostara, Yule etc (I’m a beginner in this realm please tell me if I got someone wrong)
- Hogwarts accepts students from all over the continent, dumstrang is a sports / military academy and Bauxbatons is a private school
- The walls of the Hogwarts castle have been charmed to grow moss in very specific nice looking locations
- the trelawny family can trace their legacy all the way to the seer Cassandra of Troy
- Bellatrix was almost sent to bauxbatons because she kept rebelling
- there are regular sleep overs in the hufflepuff dorms, Cedric sent Harry an invite for the one that would’ve taken place after the tournament.
- the room of requirements resting form is a small nook, often found mysteriously stocked with pillows and blankets. It is also most often discovered by 1st year muggleborns when they particularly miss home (they all describe it to smell different, but all agree the smell they smell is comforting)
- all the founders contributed something to the school: Salazar, the chamber or secrets, Helga, the room of requirement, Godric, head masters office/quarters, Rowena’s has never been found.
- in the battle of Hogwarts multiple eye witnesses swear they saw the founders as ghosts flitting between death eater ranks and taking out a couple well aiming ones.
- all witnesses agree Helga got the most
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Tombs of the Blind Dead will be released on Blu-ray on October 24 via Synapse Films. Other than the packaging, CD, and booklet, its identical to last year's Steelbook edition.
Also known as The Night of the Blind Terror, the 1972 Spanish-Portuguese horror film is written and directed by Amando de Ossorio. Lone Fleming, César Burner, María Elena Arpón, José Thelman star.
Tombs of the Blind Dead has been newly restored in 2K from the original uncut camera negative. It includes the original Spanish version, an English/Spanish hybrid soundtrack, and the re-edited US theatrical cut, each with lossless PCM 2.0 mono audio.
Special features for the two-disc set are detailed below.
Disc 1: Blu-ray:
Original Spanish-language and English/Spanish hybrid soundtrack versions
Audio commentary by actress Lone Fleming
Audio commentary by film historian Troy Howarth
Audio commentary by the NaschyCast’s Rod Barnett & Troy Guinn
Marauders from the Mediterranean – Feature-length documentary on Spanish zombie cinema with Night of the Living Dead writer John Russo, The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue director Jorge Grau, actors Lone Fleming, Helga Liné, Manuel de Blas, Antonio Mayans, and Jack Taylor, Paul Naschy’s son Sergio Molina, Sitges Film Festival deputy director Mike Hostench, and film historians/academics John Martin, Calum Waddell, Kim Newman, and Steve Jones
Revenge of Planet Ape alternate U.S. opening sequence
Awakening of Spanish Horror Cinema featurette
“Templar’s Tears” music video by Salem’s Pop
Original theatrical trailer
Still gallery
Disc 2: Blu-ray:
US theatrical cut
Tombs of the Blind Dead begins with a trio of friends getting together for a camping trip that quickly turns into bloodcurdling horror as a legion of long-dead Knights Templar rise from their graves in search of human flesh! When the Templars were originally executed for their cannibalistic rituals, they were hanged outside to die as crows pecked out their eyes. Now, armed with ancient swords and riding their skeletal undead horses into the night looking for prey, these mummified creatures cannot see… they hunt purely by sound alone.
Pre-order Tombs of the Blind Dead.
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Saskatoon's Board of Police Commissioners has named Cameron McBride as the city's new chief of police.
McBride, a 27-year veteran of the Saskatoon Police Service (SPS), is currently the SPS's deputy chief. He has has been with the force since 1997 in a variety of roles, including as acting chief last year when former chief Troy Cooper took a medical leave.
McBride said his focus will be on building trust.
"My style of leadership is to embrace collaboration and partnerships and relationships," said McBride, who will officially take over as chief on May 16.
"Some of the work that we do within the community is tough and it's hard, and having that relationship and that trust is so critically important." [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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thepaleys · 15 days
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Irène (de Russie) L'an mil neuf cent trois, le vingt deux décembre à deux heures trois quarts du soir, acte de naissance de Irène, du sexe féminin, née le vingt deux décembre courant à quatre heures et demie du matin, au domicile de ses père et mère, fille de Son Altesse Impériale Monseigneur le Grand Duc Paul de Russie âgé de quarante deux ans, et de Olga Valérianovna, âgée de trente huit ans, mariés, domiciliés Avenue d'léna, 11. Dressé par Mons. Victor Bridault, adjoint au maire, officier de l'Etat civil du seizième arrondissement de Paris, sur la présentation de l'enfant et la déclaration faite, le père absent, par Olga Karnovitch, âgée de soixante dix ans, sans profession, domiciliée à Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie), ayant assisté à l'accouchement, aieule de l'enfant, en présence de Hortense Judlin, âgée de trente huit ans, institutrice, domiciliée avenue d'léna, 11 et d'Alexandre Efinovitch, âgé de trente-sept ans, capitaine de cavalerie de la Garde, attaché à l'Ambassade Impériale de Russie à Paris, domicilié avenue d'léna, Hôtel d'léna, témoins qui ont signé avec la déclarante et nous après lecture.
Irène (of Russia) - In the year one thousand nine hundred and three, on the twenty-second of December at two thirty-four in the evening. Birth certificate of Irène, of the female sex, born on the twenty-second of December at half past four in the morning, at the home of her father and mother, daughter of His Imperial Highness Monseigneur the Grand Duke Paul of Russia, aged forty-two, and of Olga Valérianovna, aged thirty-eight, married, residing at Avenue d'léna, 11. Drawn up by Mons. Victor Bridault, deputy mayor, registrar of the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris, as the father was absent, the presentation of the child and the declaration was made by Olga Karnovitch, aged seventy, without profession, residing in St Petersburg (Russia), who attended the birth, grandmother of the child, in the presence of Hortense Judlin, aged thirty-eight, schoolteacher, residing at avenue d'léna, 11 and Alexandre Efinovitch, aged thirty-seven, captain of cavalry of the Guard, attached to the Imperial Russian Embassy in Paris, residing at avenue d'léna, Hôtel d'léna, witnesses who signed with the declarant and us after reading.
Birth certificate of Princess Irina Pavlovna Paley, who was registered under the name Iréne of Russia at a time when her mother still hadn't been granted the title of Countess. She was registered by her maternal grandmother and Alexander Effimovich, her father's aide-de-camp. 20 years later, when she married Prince Feodor Alexandrovich, it was also Effimovich who walked her down the aisle, in the absence of her father, Grand Duke Paul, who had been murdered four years earlier.
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At the beginning of winter, as we were settling down in the Governor General’s palace in Moscow, my father announced by letter the birth of his daughter, Irene. Later, I learned that my father wanted me to be the godmother of my little stepsister, but my uncle, whom he was obliged to consult, would not hear of it.
"Education of a Princess" - Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna Jr.
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
These are lost fic requests from last month. Any and all help would be appreciated. ❤️
Hi I'm looking for a fic where Erica dares Derek to order a cup of coffee as balck as his soul I can't remember anything else just that was a sterek coffee shop fic. I think it was a tumblr fic that's all I can recall. I hope you can help me.
@smowkie found it. Thank you!! Tumblr Ficlet 
Hi I was wondering if you know a fanfic where Stiles is hurt badly by Gerald and hides his injuries from the pack. I think he stitches his own wrists and tries to treat the injury’s. The pack find out weeks later and are all upset stiles was hurt and they didn’t know. Thanks
@terrenlurks found this one. Thank you!!!
It's all part of the master plan by Littleredridinghunter | 57.1K | Sterek Version
When Gerard kidnaps Stiles at the lacrosse game, nobody knows he was taken, nodoby knows how bad it was. Stiles swears Erica and Boyd to secrecy.
When the pack finally find out about it they do everything they can to help him heal and protect him from future threats.
Too bad that they don't manage to do that.
- Looking for a Teenwolf/Supernatural/Trueblood crossover where the Winchesters & Castiel join the pack.  Dean gets attacked & has to ge bitten by Derek.  Dean & Castiel move into the Lift.  Sam becomes a Deputy.  Derek & Stiles adopt 3 or 4 kids, one of whom is the nephew of Alcide.
- Looking for fics where Stiles is sent to live with his Uncle in England only to have Jacson & Cora join him there to study at Oxford.  They get recruited to MI5 OR M16 where his Uncle is the head & eventually join up with Derek & the rest of the pack in Beacon Hills who have joined the FBI?  They join forces to protect the innocent
- I'm looking for fics where Stiles runs away to Beacon Hills from 'Deucalion'.  He us both a Werewolf and a Werefox and has magic.  He & Derek get involved, Derek & Peter take the pack on holiday to either Greece or Egypt, another lesbian couple cause trouble when one claims to be engaged to Derek to hide her relationship from her parents
Hello! I’m not sure if you accept questions  about identifying fics but thought I’d give it a shot! I’m looking for a sterek fic where stiles in an omega chosen to be the star of a reality tv show where other alphas have to physically fight to remain in the competition for stiles. Derek is one of the producers/directors and they end up secretly sort of dating while stiles is still in the show. Would really appreciate it if someone could tell me the title of this fic!
@calvinballrules found it. Thank you!!
Helen of Troy by standinginanicedress | 150.2K | Explicit
Stiles can fake laugh, fake smile. He can play coy and he can be demure and barely eat anything in front of them, and he can sit still and do his little song and dance of feigning interest.
But this is a little out of his scope. They want him to fully become someone else. They want him to be who everyone wants him to be, and it scares the shit out of Stiles, because he doesn’t know if he can do it for hours and hours while cameras watch his every single move. It’s a lot. It’s more than he bargained for.
- Hello! I’ve been looking for this fanfiction where Derek and stiles are mates and Derek leaves because he doesn’t want to pressure stiles, but he doesn’t tell stiles they’re mates, so stiles figures it out after researching getting super sick from Derek leaving. Peter is the one to bring Derek back whose also sick and almost dying from being separated from stiles. They only get better once they’re reunited.
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Pilot Part 2
As Dean went to pay for their fuel and get food, Sam rifled through the box of tapes. It was all classic rock. Sam shook his head. Dean never changed.
“Hey!” Dean called and Sam looked up at him. “You want breakfast?” Sam eyed the pile of food and was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn’t all junk.
“What’s got you grabbing apples with your M and Ms?”
“Doctor’s orders,” Dean said, shrugging as he dropped the food in the middle of the bench seat. “And Bobby said he’d shoot me if I didn’t take care of myself better than he does.”
Sam laughed and grabbed an apple. “So how’d you pay for all this?” he asked, waving the apple vaguely. “You and Dad still running credit card scams?”
“Yeah, well,” Dean said as he made his way to the back of the car. He pulled the nozzle out and shoved it back on the pump. “Hunting isn’t exactly a pro ball career.” He sat himself in the driver’s seat and grinned at Sam. “Besides, all we do is apply. It’s not our fault that they send us the cards.”
“Yeah?” Sam scoffed, swinging himself into the car properly. “And what names did you write on the application this time?” He pulled his door shut just as Dean pulled his own.
“Uh, Burt Arfman,” Dean said, grabbing a soda and twisting the cap off. “And his son Hector. Scored two cards out of the deal.”
“That sounds about right.” Sam rummaged through the box of tapes in his lap again and couldn’t help but laugh. “I swear, man, you've gotta update your cassette tape collection.”
“Well, for one, they're cassette tapes. And two.” Sam held up a tape. “Black Sabbath?” He held up another. “Motorhead?” And a third. “Metallica?” Dean yanked the Metallica tape from him. “It's the greatest hits of mullet rock.”
“Well, house rules, Sammy,” Dean said as he stuck the Metallica tape in the deck and threw the case back in the box. “Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.” 
"You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old," Sam said as Metallica began blaring from the speakers. "It's Sam, okay?"
Dean grinned at his brother as he turned the music up. "Sorry, I can't hear you, the music's too loud." He hit the gas and started on their way to Jericho.
A while later they passed a sign that read 'JERICHO 7'. In the time they had been driving Sam had made several phone calls and had forced Dean to turn his music off. Dean had made a joke about that being transphobic. Sam hadn't found it funny.
"Thank you," Sam said before flipping his phone crossed. He sighed and leant back in his seat. "All right. So, there's no one matching Dad at the hospital or morgue." He shrugged as he glanced over at Dean. "So that's something, I guess."
Dean glanced at Sam and nodded. When he turned back to the road he spotted the flashing lights of two police cars at a bridge. "Check it out," He said as he pointed out the milling officers. Sam tucked his phone away and leant forward for a closer look.
Just before the bridge, Dean pulled over and flicked the engine off. He pulled out a box from the glove compartment and opened it. Sam glared at him as he flicked through his and Dad's fake IDs. Dean grabbed one and flashed a winning smile at Sam.
"Let's go," he said, opening the door. Reluctantly, Sam followed.
"You guys find anything?" The lead Deputy yelled over the side of the bridge as they approached.
"No! Nothing!" Came the reply.
The lead Deputy turned back to the car and asked the Deputy standing at the driver's side the same question.
"No sign of struggle, no footprints, no fingerprints. Spotless," said the Deputy. "It's almost too clean."
Dean kept walking, acting as though he belonged there and hoping Sam was doing the same. He glanced around the scene and took note of how many people were present.
"So, this kid Troy," said the lead. "He's dating your daughter, isn't he?"
"Yeah." Dean rolled his eyes. Small town cops. Just small towns in general. All gossip. 
"How's Amy doing?"
"She's putting up missing posters downtown." 
Casually sidling up beside the two deputies Dean cut into the conversation. “You fellas had another one like this just last month, didn't you?”
The Lead Deputy looked him up and down and Dean reciprocated with a once over of his own. “And who are you?” the deputy asked.
Resisting the urge to grin, Dean flashed his badge. “Federal marshals,” he said, doing his best to keep his tone professional.
“Aren’t you a little young to be Federal Marshals?”
Laughing, Dean said, “Thanks, that's awfully kind of you.” And walked up to the car.
“You did have another one just like this,” Dean said, inspecting the car as he walked around the two deputies. “Correct?”
“Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road.” He indicated the way with a nod of his head as he tracked Dean’s movements. “There've been others before that.”
“So, this victim,” Sam said, drawing the deputies eyes away from Dean for a moment. “You knew him?”
“Town like this,” The deputy said, nodding. “Everybody knows everybody.”
Circling around the car, Dean came back to the deputies and just about stopped himself from sending a flirtatious wink at the one that hadn’t been talking so much. “Any connection between the victims, besides that they're all men?”
“No. Not so far as we can tell.” The Deputy shifted until he could look at both of them at once. Dean reevaluated his view of the guy. He was careful.
“So what's the theory?” Sam asked, walking to Dean.
“Honestly,” the deputy admitted, shrugging. “We don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring? So far we have no real leads.”
Dean nodded. “Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys,” he said, resisting the urge to just laugh out right. Nevermind reevaluating this guy. He was dumb.
Sam stomped on his foot. Dean glared at him.
“Thank you for your time,” Sam said, walking away. “Gentlemen.”
Not caring that the deputies were still watching them, Dean smacked Sam on the back of the head.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“Why'd you have to step on my foot?” Dean complained.
“Why do you have to talk to the police like that?”
Dean scowled at him and moved to be in front. He forced Sam to stop. “Come on. They don't really know what's going on,” He said, gesturing back at the cops. Who were mingling about. “We're all alone on this. I mean, if we're going to find Dad we've got to get to the bottom of this thing ourselves.”
Sam cleared his throat and looked, pointedly, over Dean’s shoulder. Dean turned. The local Sheriff and two real FBI agents were walking towards them. Dean put on his best, fakest smile.
“Can I help you boys?” asked the Sheriff.
“No, sir, we were just leaving,” Dean said, his voice going higher than he really liked. The way it always did when he was playing innocent. As if he hadn’t been on testosterone for eight goddamn years. “Agent Mulder. Agent Scully.” He nodded at each FBI agent as they walked past. Then he made his way past the Sheriff.
In Jericho there wasn’t a lot. A movie theatre was perhaps the most exciting thing here, aside from a few bars. Sam and Dean were walking along the street near the theatre when Dean spotted a girl tacking up posters that said “MISSING TROY SQUIRE”.
“I’ll bet that’s her,” Dean said, pointing her out. Sam agreed. Dean walked up beside her, casually as he could. “You must be Amy.”
“Yeah,” the girl said, turning to them and clutching her missing posters to her chest.
“Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles,” Dean said, gesturing at himself and then Sam in turn. “I'm Dean, this is Sammy.”
Amy frowned at them sceptically. “He never mentioned you to me.” She kept walking down the street and Dean followed, Sam half a step behind.
“Well, that's Troy, I guess,” Dean said, shoving his hands in his pockets and shrugging. “We're not around much, we're up in Modesto.”
“So, we're looking for him too, and we're kinda asking around,” Sam added as another girl came up to them and lay a hand on Amy’s arm.
“Hey, are you okay?” the new girl asked.
“Yeah.” Amy smiled at the girl, clearly a friend. “I’m okay Rachel. Thanks.”
“You mind if we ask you a couple questions?” Sam asked both girls.
Rachel looked between both of them and then Amy. “Sure, I know a place,” she said, leading the way with her hand still on Amy’s arm. She led them down the street and into a small diner. Amy and Rachel sat down on one side of a booth, Dean pushed Sam down on the other side.
“Can you tell us what happened?” Sam asked Amy, hunching his shoulders down to try and make himself look smaller. Dean thought it was funny when he did that because it did not work. Just made him look goofy. “The night he went missing.”
Amy glanced at Rachel before answering, eyes on the table between them. “I was on the phone with Troy,” She said, twisting a napkin in her hand. “He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...he never did.”
“He didn't say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?”
Amy shook her head. “No. Nothing I can remember.”
Dean glanced over, from where he had been tracking the ass of a particularly attractive waiter, and his eye caught on a glint of silver. “I like the necklace,” he said. “Symbol of protection, just like mine.” Dean held up his own amulet.
Amy clutched at the pentagram hanging from her neck and looked at it. “Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents-” She laughed. “-with all that devil stuff.”
“Actually, it means just the opposite,” Sam said, laughing a little himself. Dean rolled his eyes. “Like Dean said, a pentagram is protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing.”
“Okay,” Dean said, interrupting Sam before he could go full geek on these girls. Even though he had been the one to bring it up. “Thank you, Unsolved Mysteries.” He lamented the loss of the waiter as he leant forwards in his seat. “Here's the deal, ladies. The way Troy disappeared, something's not right. So if you've heard anything...”
Amy and Rachel shared a look.
“What is it?”
“Well, it's just...” Rachel started, hesitating. Dean reckoned they were on the right track now. “I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk.”
“What do they talk about?” Sam and Dean said together.
“It's kind of this local legend,” Rachel continued. Sam and Dean were both leaning towards her as she spoke. “This one girl? She got murdered out on Centennial, like decades ago.” Dean glanced at Sam, who was nodding. “Well, supposedly she's still out there.” Sam nodded again. Well on his way to being a bobblehead. “She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever.”
Sam and Dean shared their own look.
As soon as they left Amy and Rachel, they found the local library and commandeered a computer. Dean had pulled up the archive for the Jericho Herald and typed ‘Female Murder Hitchhiking’ in the search bar. When he hit enter he got a big fat zero on results. He replaced ‘Hitchhiking’ with ‘Centennial Highway’. Same thing happened. He growled at the screen.
Sam pushed at his shoulder. “Let me try.”
Dean smacked his hand away when he reached for the keyboard. “I got it.” Sam shoved his chair out of the way and rolled his own into the now vacant space.
“Dude!” Dean complained, whacking at Sam. “You're such a control freak.”
Sam ignored him. “So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?”  Dean agreed. “Well, maybe it's not murder.” Sam replaced ‘Murder’ with ‘Suicide’. An article title ‘Suicide on Centennial’ popped up. Dean was impressed. The article was dated April 25, 1981. It detailed the death of Constance Welch, who had thrown herself off of Sylvania Bridge. Sam read off the spark notes version. “This was 1981. Constance Welch, twenty-four years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river.” Sam tapped at her picture on the screen.
“Does it say why she did it?” Dean asked.
“Yeah.” Sam scrolled down on the article, frowning.
“An hour before they found her, she calls 911,” Sam said, scanning his eyes across the page. “Apparently her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die.”
Dean raised his eyebrows at that. He leant across to see the screen better and saw a picture of Sylvania bridge.
“‘“Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it,” said husband Joseph Welch.’,” Sam read off. “That must be Joseph.” He tapped the picture of a man next to the bridge Dean was looking at.
“The bridge look familiar to you?” Dean asked.
That night Dean and Sam went back to the bridge. They left the car on the road and walked along it. Dean stopped about half way and leant over the railing, looking down into the dark waters of the river below.
“So this is where Constance took the swan dive.”
Sam leant against the rail beside him. “You think Dad would have been here?” he asked, turning to look at Dean.
“Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him,” Dean answered, shrugging as he continued down the bridge.
“Okay, so now what?” Sam asked, following.
Dean looked at Sam over his shoulder. “Now we keep digging until we find him. Might take a while.”
The footsteps behind him stopped so Dean did too. “”Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday-”
“Monday. Right,” Dean said, turning to face Sam. “The interview.”
“Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?”
“Maybe. Why not?” Sam said. His shoulders were creeping up to his ears. Dean took a step towards him.
“Does Jessica know the truth about you?” he asked. “I mean, does she know about the things you've done?”
“No, and she's not ever going to know.” Sam stepped closer. Dean could feel a fight brewing in the air and he didn’t know whether he wanted to stop it or not.
“Well, that's healthy,” he told his brother as if he was some paragon of mental health. “You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.” Dean turned away, back to walking along the bridge. Sam followed.
“And who's that?”
“You're one of us.”
Sam darted in front of Dean and stopped him from continuing. “No,” He declared. Punctuating with a deep inhale. “I'm not like you.” He gestured at Dean. “This is not going to be my life.”
“You have a responsibility to-”
“To Dad?” Sam interrupted. “And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.” 
Dean reached up and grabbed Sam by the collar of his shirt. He shoved him back against a support beam on the bridge. “Don't talk about her like that.” He gave his brother one last shove before releasing him and walking away. As he did, he saw Constance stood on the other side of the railing. “Sam.”
Without a sound, Sam ame up next to him. Constance looked at them, her image flickered like static and then she stepped off the bridge. In tandem, the brothers threw themselves at the railing and leant over it, scanning the water below.
“Where'd she go?”
“I don't know.”
Behind  them a very familiar engine roared to life and Dean blinked as his car’s headlights came on.
“What the fuck?” Dean asked.
“Who's driving your car?”
Dean pulled his keys out of his pocket and shook them. They jingled. Sam glanced at them and then back at the car.
The engine revved. The wheels spun as the Impala lurched forwards, Sam and Dean in the beam of each headlight.
“Dean?” Sam yelled. “Go! Go!”
They ran. Baby was faster. Dean threw himself off of the bridge. Sam barely a second behind him.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Mexico will deport certain migrants from some of its northern border cities as part of an agreement with U.S. immigration officials who have reported a sharp increase of migrants attempting to cross the border in recent weeks, according to Mexico's immigration enforcement authority.
Mexico's National Migration Institute said it wants to "depressurize" the border cities of Ciudad Juárez, Piedras Negras, Tijuana and the northern state of Tamaulipas, where large numbers of migrants have recently crossed the border and where U.S. Border Patrol agents have arrested thousands of them.
The institute didn't say when the deportations will begin or how long they will last, adding that it will first negotiate with Venezuela, Brazil, Nicaragua, Colombia and Cuba to make sure those countries will receive its citizens.
"It should be noted that CBP [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] representatives offered the Mexican authorities all technical assistance to address the immigration issue at airports or other inspection points such as trains to reduce the numbers of people who use these mobility routes," the institute said in a statement.
The statement also said Mexican immigration officials will take into custody migrants who have been expelled by the United States at an international bridge connecting El Paso and Juárez.
The agreement was announced after Mexican and American officials met in Juárez on Friday. Officials with Ferromex, Mexico's largest rail operator, were part of the meeting; hundreds of migrants have arrived at the border after hopping aboard freight cars.
"We are continuing to work closely with our partners in Mexico to increase security and address irregular migration along our shared border," said CBP acting Commissioner Troy A. Miller, who attended the meeting. "The United States and Mexico remain committed to stemming the flow of irregular migration driven by unscrupulous smugglers, while maintaining access to lawful pathways."
The move comes as Eagle Pass and El Paso have scrambled to find shelter for recently arrived migrants, or help them get transportation out of the border cities, after they have been processed and released by immigration officials.
On Saturday, CBP said that it reopened a port of entry to rail and vehicular traffic in Eagle Pass; agents had closed it on Wednesday to help process the hundreds of migrants who were waiting to be processed under the bridge.
CBP said in a statement last week that it "swiftly vetted and processed approximately 2,500 individuals into custody and cleared the area" under one of the Eagle Pass' international bridges on Thursday. Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas Jr. told CNN that on Friday, immigration agents apprehended between 800 and 1,000 migrants in Eagle Pass.
In August, federal agents encountered an average of 957 migrants each day in the Del Rio sector, which includes Eagle Pass, according to government data.
In El Paso, more than 2,000 migrants have arrived each day, Mayor Oscar Leeser said in a news conference on Saturday afternoon. That's nearly double the 1,073 daily encounters that the El Paso sector, which includes New Mexico, recorded in August, according to government data.
As of Monday, immigration agents were releasing 1,200 migrants per day into the city, according to the city's website. That's up from between 300 to 400 migrants per day just six weeks ago, the mayor said.
The city has come to "a breaking point," Leeser said. "We're preparing for the unknown."
On Saturday, the city opened an overflow shelter at the Nations Tobin Recreation Center, which can hold 400 individuals, Deputy City Manager Mario D'Agostino said at the news conference.
Last week, the El Paso Independent School District's board agreed to sell a vacant middle school building to the city for $3.8 million for use as an overflow shelter. The city council will vote on the purchase on Monday.
Officials for three shelters in downtown El Paso said the facilities are at capacity and have had to turn away single men in order to shelter women and children first. The shelters can house up to 450 people.
"We're now at numbers that none of us have ever seen," Blake Barrow, CEO of the Rescue Mission El Paso, said during a news conference on Friday.
Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens said the large number of migrants who arrived in Eagle Pass last week was a tactic by organized crime to draw immigration agents' focus to that region to make it easier to smuggle drugs elsewhere on the border.
"I believe it's a money-making opportunity for those smugglers," he said during an interview with ABC News on Good Morning America.
In the months after the emergency health order known as Title 42, which immigration officials used to turn away many migrants at the border, expired on May 11, the number of migrant apprehensions dropped significantly. But in the past few weeks, the number has skyrocketed.
According to CBS News, which cited unpublished federal government data, immigration officials on average made 6,900 apprehensions per day along the southern border in the first 20 days of September -- a 60% increase from the daily average in July.
Many of the migrants are from Venezuela who are fleeing the country to escape an authoritarian government, death threats from organized crime and a collapsed economy.
Last week, the Biden administration announced it will allow Venezuelans who entered the United States on or before July 31 to receive temporary protected status, a program Congress approved in 1990 that allows undocumented people to get a work permit and defer deportation for 18 months.
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its-morii · 2 years
I finished King falls am maybe a month ago and Tim Jensen and Troy still have my heart. I haven't stopped thinking about Tim's "I'm Tim Jensen, son of a bitch!" I'm just obsessed with that. Tim was an amazing character and love him with everything in me. Like poor dude got fucking snatched in the first episode and right off the bat things kept getting increasingly worse for him, not only that but he felt like it was his responsibility to handle Tim1000. Watching him finally say "Fuck this." And fight back brought so much joy. Not to mention, he went from just a well-mannered, kind, family man to a badass Deputy who wouldn't take shit from Tim1000 anymore. The last episode where we saw Tim, I wanna know what fucking happened to him. Like what was that?! Anyway, Troy. I love this small town Sheriff, this guy is so awesome. He is generally just really friendly and I love that about him. Not only his friendly personality but when he leaned out I'd the window with his gun? Oh. My. God. That and the previous scene of Tim's haunt my mind constantly. Troy always had me worried though, always in situations that were dangerous. That and his persistence with Ben to befriend him, even going as far as to get Ben another sugar glider. Anyways, I Love these guys. Yep, this is my rant, the next will probably be about Emily and Mary.
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Comfort Character Tag Game
stolen from @deputy-marshal-gutterson 🫶🏻
Rules: list five comfort characters then tag five people
1. Juice Ortiz - Sons of Anarchy
2. Sayid Jarrah - LOST
3. Jesse Pinkman - Breaking Bad
4. Troy & Abed - Community
5. Fred & George Weasley - Harry Potter
feel free to do it, i dont have enough mutuals to tag 😮‍💨
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voidh0und · 2 years
Results are in from round 1!
Caitlin x Vi (arcane)
Sheriff blubs x deputy durland
Runaan x Ethari
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy
Bumbleby(Blake x yang)
Raine x Eda
Ruby x Sapphire
Applejack x Rainbowdash
Korra x Asami
Bensen x troy
Bonbon x Lyra
Marceline x bubblegum
Gregg x Angus
Amaya x Janai
Chloe Price x Max Claufield
Tim Drake x Bernard Dowd
Round two will be out shortly :]
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thebaddragon · 2 years
Lydia's hair is less red than I remember.
Jackson is the best part so far.
Pretty sure Dilf Derek is great too.
Boobs. Buns. I think its nice. Unnecessary but nice.
Awkward exes. I swear they are trying to reach the point of an orgy.
Gross! I hate bugs.
Eli is the Sterk baby.
Why does she look exactly like Allison. Good question!
Ugh bugs.
Coach is perfect!
I love Sheriff Stilinski using the words delinquent son.
Malia should make more decisions.
Where, Allison?
Why, Allison?
How, Allison?
Creepy lonely Deputy. Why was his gun in a drawer? Is that safe?
Jazz hands!
Tail theft is a serious crime.
Oh shit, Victoria! Was not expecting that!
I think I love Jackson.
Dammit Allison!
You are a nice demon, Parrish.
Why these deputies holding their guns the way they are?
I like Peter being cruel to be kind.
Why does anyone still live in Beacon Hills?!
The fuck Allison.
I don't trust Deaton still.
Why are you going after Eli, Allison?
Poor Eli.
Hale Auto, huh?
Listen to Eli, Scott.
Is Melissa gonna be in a menage a trois?
Hikari! Liam.
Ok, even without the spoilers, you can see they were planning to do Derek dirty the whole movie, y'all.
The hell Peter.
I love Jackson on this.
Speaking truth here: I never liked Allison.
Mountain Ash. Cue Gerard gritting his teeth.
Victoria I think you need to sound a little more strict...
Its time to d-d-duel in the Shadow Realm!
Why the stadium?
Lol Eli your Stiles is showing.
All yall need fire safety.
Love Coach.
So one tracked mind. Both of you.
I was your chemistry teacher, imbecile.
I love Coach but that's cheating.
Now Eli has Scott roaring in his face to replace that nemory, Derek.
Damn Argents.
Thank you Eli. Perfect timing.
Love how people just walking over tge line while the hellhound is doubting himself.
Baby faces.
The Nogitsune sounds like Gerard.
Shot through the heart...
If they brought Kira back just for her to save Scott so he can go back to Allison I would have said fuck it too. And the money thing.
Still majestic Peter.
I guess the younger you are, the closer your knees come to your front... the older you are, the more backwards they go.
Looks like Gerard and a gremlin.
No Derek!! And poor choice for pack for Eli.
Why would Eli go with Scott, and the woman that tried to kill him?
Wistful. Thought so.
Uh Eichen is still open? Well good place as any.
Fyi I can see points where Stiles may have been.
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