#descendants beezlebub
hannahhook7744 · 1 year
The de Vil family art;
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Drawing for @profoundgladiatorbarbarian .
Hope this keeps you satisfied until I get around to writing your fic.
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vidavalor · 4 months
In S2, there is only one scene with Lord Beezlebub that does not feature another major character-- the scene where they talk with the demon Josh about wanting someone to tell them they did a good job, right? In that way, Beez is paralleling Aziraphale but I wonder if there's also something else in this scene that might set something up for S3. It's in Josh's use of the word "accursed."
At the start of it, Beez asks Josh for an update on finding Gabriel and he replies that there's no news of "our accursed enemy." While this is just a way to speak ill of Gabriel since he's an angel, it's also the word used to describe someone who is under a curse. Sometimes, sure, you can use it to mean someone who is "damned" and Gabriel becomes a fallen angel in S2 but, when it's not just to call someone you dislike something negative (like how Josh was using it), it's more commonly used to refer to someone that someone is claiming has been cursed by a witch. What's more?
A synonym for "accursed" is "anathematized."
Did our favorite descendent curse Gabriel? Anathema is the only other being Heaven would try to stop before The Second Coming. Has she come into psychic abilities, like Agnes? Can she foresee what will happen? Does Heaven have her and is she doing the witchy version of what Aziraphale did with Madame Tracy in S1 and possessing a mind left open to her-- Gabriel's-- to try to get to Crowley?
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...and the foreshadowing in the other scene using a version of "accursed"-- "curse"-- in S2 suddenly seems extra worrisome:
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Uh, Crowley, can you go find out where Newt and the Ineffably Witchy offspring are, please?
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For your silly Descendants prompts, how about Diego drops Beezlebub (Carlos' cat) on his head at family day after the barrier is taken down while he is talking to a baffled Radcliffe family and Dude?
...I might have taken slight creative liberations with this prompt. I’ve decided that this would do a decent continuation for this prompt, so. But! Diego is here! And Belzebub too!
Also. I don’t have any favourites. How dare you even suggest that. (The author laughs nervously and hides these entire story behind their back.)
Anyway, de Vil cousins being drama queens! Enjoy!
„Hey! Hold that cat of yours!“
„Shut up–“
„Give me back my fucking necklace, it’s a family heirloom–“
„You stole it from our Aunt just last week!“
„An heirloom, duh. Now give it back!“
„The fucking seven times damned cat is in my bloody face!“
As Carlos hears the voices of his cousins and the other new arrivals from the Isle, he winces: He cannot help but question his life choices slightly.
Only slightly though. It does seem like they brought his cat back.
He looks around: The band (shocked into silence), the decorations (highly flammable), the young king (still smiling).
The limo, now still, the driver just about to open the doors.
Carlos smiles too, and if anyone was looking at him, they might have described the smile as manic.
Alas, no one is paying attention to him. But that’s fine. His cousins are just making a spectacle of themselves, as usual.
Carlos grins wider.
Diego steps out of the limousine first; he scowls at the light (or possibly just at the go-to pastel fashion of Auradon), and then exclaims: „Look – they have a band here!“
Mal pouts, and while Ben comforts her (he has the spirit, okay?), Carlos snickers. He missed his cousins, okay?
„Fuck your bands, Diego,“ says Ivy, pushing him aside, „It’s so fucking bright in here, it’s hurting my eyes.“ She goes silent for a moment, then gestures vaguely to Mal and Ben.
„That is hurting my eyes too. Does anyone have sunglasses?“
And why, yes, she is definitely talking about Mal’s frilly soft pink below-the-knee dress.
Jay nudges his ribs and whispers: „See you soon, man; cover for me,“ for, you see, Jade has perused Ivy’s chaos to sneak out of the focus, and the Agrabah cousins don‘t need an audience for their reunion.
Carlos flashes Jay a quick gesture for „I’ve got your back,“ and refocuses back on the limo.
Then Hunter, who helps out little Dizzy; Evie squeaks and almost runs over to greet her friend and hug her, her mother’s etiquette lessons notwithstanding.
Behind Jade, scowling Claudine Frollo exited the car, and damn it, her eyes–
Carlos is sure they weren’t that cold last time he saw her.
Dizzy brightly waves at Evie and rummages through her bedazzled purse; after a moment, she pulls out sunglasses (also bedazzled) and offers them to sneering Ivy. Ivy accepts them with a dramatic sigh.
Fine, and Diego’s elbow to her ribs, along with whispered „play nice–“
Ben clears his throat.
This does nothing to shut up Ivy, who had now started arguing with Claudine about a topic Carlos is truthfully afraid to understand.
Ben clears his throat again.
Unsurprisingly, they do not stop talking. Au contraire, Dizzy is now talking too – more like attempting to talk Hunter's ears off, but whatever. Hunter signed up for this by standing in her hearing range.
„Ben. Just talk. They'll shut up eventually,“ Carlos tells the king. He doesn't add „hopefully“ even though he really wants to.
„Yeah. Just talk louder than them. Stab them if they get too annoying.“ Mal glares at Ivy and Claudine a normal and non-concerning amount.
„Establish dominance,“ Evie pipes up, smiling sweetly.
„I- Okay. I'll do that,“ agrees Ben reluctantly and then raises his voice: „Greetings! Allow me to welcome you in Auradon, and in Auradon Prep–“
He steps closer to the group of newcomers.
„I'm King Ben, and you already know my companions.“
Another round of excited waving, some raised middle fingers (affectionate), and some glaring from Claudine Frollo.
„You must be Dizzy Tremaine,“ Ben greets the littlest girl first, „I've heard so much about you, all great things, of course. I hope you like it here.“
„Try to kiss me too and I stab you,“ warns Ivy, fully serious.
He kisses the girls knuckles as a true fairy tale prince, which leaves her squeaking; unlike his cousins, Carlos smiles at her excitement.
Unable to contain her happiness any longer, Dizzy runs off to greet Evie, and Ben turns to Ivy and Claudine.
„No stabbing in front of the cameras, Ivy–“ intones Carlos along with Diego and Hunter. You see, priorities.
„I will stab you too,“ adds Claudine with her eyes narrowed and her tone cold; she steps behind Ivy a bit.
„Yeah no don't mind her she just doesn't like human contact!“ says Dizzy brightly. She is probably quoting someone, but hey. She is right.
Though it does seem a bit hypocritical, given how tightly Claudine is clutching Ivy's arm right now. Ivy doesn't seem to mind.
Why yes, this is rather interesting.
„Okay. I'm not kissing anyone,“ says Ben, backtracking a bit, „Would shaking your hand be better?“
„Don’t even try–“ snaps Ivy instead of Claudine and briefly brushes her fingers against hers.
Ivy glares daggers at him but extends her hand; she then proceeds to nearly crush his palm. Good for her, Carlos thinks.
Ben glances towards smiling Mal and chuckles nervously before turning to Claudine, but Claudine just ducks further behind Ivy.
„WTF?“ mouths Carlos towards Diego silently; „Betting pool – later,“ gestures Diego back.
„I’m Diego,“ says Diego and puts his hand forward. Really, it looks like the young king couldn’t decide which boy is which.
„Anyway, glad to meet you, Claudine Frollo,“ says Ben, obviously doing his best to ignore the glares. He‘s doing a fairly good job: Claudine’s eyes are creepy, Carlos would say.
„And you must be Diego and Hunter de Vil,“ continues Ben, looking between the two remaining cousins.
„And I’m Hunter,“ grumbles Hunter, „Literally the only blonde de Vil in like four generations. Shouldn’t be that hard to figure out.“
„Yeah, yeah,“ dismisses Ivy, „We all know there is something wrong with you.“
Finally, Carlos steps out to greet his cousins, mentally saying goodbye to his hairdo.
Carlos tries and fails to not fall into a laughing fit.
The appalled „Excuse yourself?!“ is not really helping to be honest.
He ignores Ben quietly asking if there wasn’t supposed to be someone else too, and wait, where is Jay?
It doesn’t take long for the older two de Vil boys to trap Carlos in a bone crushing hug.
„Thanks, man,“ whispers Diego so silently that everyone could pretend he didn’t speak at all.
„Hey, wait, we’ve got your cat–“ says Hunter, as if he only just remembered, which, fair enough.
„Oh, shit, right–!“
Well finally someone remembers his cat!
Unfortunately, Ivy, that diva, (derogatory), chooses this moment to greet him properly too: She spins him around rather forcibly and hugs him for but a split second, then she holds him by his shoulders at arm length.
„Carlito! So long since we’ve seen you, and still so small! But the Auradon fashion works for you, I must say, baby cousin–“
„And still no manners, I see,“ sniffs Ivy with her nose up high before leaning back on Claudine.
Sure enough, she reaches out and ruffles his hair. That bitch.
The gesture is immediately repeated by Hunter; Diego is still busy wrestling Belzebub the cat out of the limousine.
Carlos growls at his cousins in distaste as he attempts to repair whatever damage they had done.
„And whose fault is that?“ asks Diego as he emerges out of the limo again, struggling mess of black fur and sharp claws in his arms.
„Our dear auntie’s, obviously.“
Yeah, the Cruella de Vil who had gotten bored and dumped the responsibility for etiquette lessons at her niece within an afternoon. Fortunately for everyone, Ivy didn’t stay interested much longer.
„Belzebub, how I’ve missed you,“ Carlos coos at his cat and scratches behind his ears; Belzebub purrs and calms down, to the absolute astonishment of the three older cousins.
„Whatever, Ives. Here, Carlos, your little furball of joy and murder.“ Diego seems glad to get the cat off his hands; the cat doesn’t seem too happy to be moved. It leaves Diego with a nice long good-bye scratch.
Whatever. The blood matches his vest anyway.
„Wait wait wait, you called that damned black cat Belzebub?! What is wrong with you people?!“
Carlos glares at Claudine Frollo. He didn’t think she could yell that loud.
„Betting pool – later,“ gestures Diego again. Carlos scratches behind Belzebub’s ears again – that fury’s shrieks had upset him – and decides to indeed let the matter go. For about as long as it takes to get to a more private area and get the gossip out of Diego.
„We’re literally called the devils, sweetheart,“ drawls Ivy, „Deal with it.“
„Anyway, we’ve got letters for y’all, and we aren’t leaving until the baby king reads them.“
„Yeah maybe don’t call him Baby King to his face, Ivy?“
„Shut up. And you read.“ Ivy aggressively shoves a bunch of letters into Ben’s face.
„Letters? From whom?“ he asks.
„Why, from the Captains, of course.“
„I’m gonna go ahead and guess that you mean Uma and Harriet,“ deadpans Carlos, ignoring Mal’s intense stare that by all accounts should be able to kill.
Look, yeah, gang wars are fun and all, but must Ivy wave at Mal? And smile oh-so-sweetly?
Oh who is he kidding, of course she must. It’s Ivy.
„No murder in front of the cameras, you two,“ Carlos just sighs before turning back to Ben, who is attempting to open the envelopes with his short and manicured nails. Carlos joins his cousins and Claudine in ignoring that struggle and pretending that neither of them has a knife on them.
„Hey, wait–“ Evie comes to the rescue with scissors (Why on earth does she have scissors on her? …You know what, no. Carlos doesn’t want to know.), and Dizzy remembers that she too has several letters for the High King. From Anthony, from her Aunt, and from Uma, surprisingly: That one bluntly states that both Ivy and Claudine are a danger to themselves and should not under any circumstances be left alone. Active deathwish and lack of survival instincts and all. Neat.
Leave it to Uma to sugarcoat things.
Carlos pats Ben on the back and leaves to finally figure out what on earth is going on with Claudine Frollo, his cat in hand.
As he, Diego and Hunter walk away, leaving the king to Ivy, they wave at Jay and Jade on the roof.
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rosemaryblossoms · 1 year
Mandela Mikey
Warning ⚠️: mentions of suicide, and a very aware character.
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He is a menace to society
In this universe manjiro or mikey, is beezlebub’s half blooded son and his older brother shinichiro is an archangel who was accidentally killed in a war.
Basically Mikey was snatch and became a prince. (Emma and izana are human descendants from Mikey’s moms who are angels)
He later on had a perfect plan for revenge on the angels who abandoned him and avenge his brother they forced into the war.
He started a war and won it, he then turned to earth and deceived the shepherds into thinking he is their true savior.
He used some angel carcasses to make alternates. (Quick explanation, not all of the alternates are made from angels)
In 1979, He then started small by terrorizing some of the city’s, by the way countries don’t exist we are all equal.
78% percent of the population got metaphysical Awareness disorder or M.A.D and the percentage increased to 95% in the 3rd quarter of 1982.
Metaphysical Awareness Disorder is were somebody gets information that is not desired to know, the symptoms are going insane or hence mad, Extreme desire to commit suicide/committing suicide, and becoming delusional and paranoid.
Only 3% of people who got this disorder survived but are still questioning their existence and are still a bit paranoid.
He is aware of other universes and the fact you are reading about him right now, also you would be fucked regardless if your a victim, he’s a yandere, or has a crush on you.
He scares the other Mikey’s from other universes.
His skin, hair, and clothing pigment changes to regular, monochrome, and shades of blueish gray.
Loves chocolate pudding and stuffed animals.
Has sharp nails.
Fun fact: it’s very painful to be transformed into a alternate when you are still alive, he might be outside your window or he might not (check 👍),
He can go through your dreams, knows your browser history by heart even if you use incognito, his favorite alternates are the 333 Manji group.
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On top of other conditions, my monthly ritual of Beezlebubs' Tea Party comes along & impacts the lot of them. Whatever name you'd like to give the natural process of a period, you can bet, its back! This month in particular, my "moon time" is horrific.
Something that happens every month, yet some months hit harder, longer
How can something so natural look so violent?
I feel embarrassed to be crying over the god damn Crimson Tide. Yet I am also on day 2 of being doubled-over, with back pain, belly pain & pelvic pain, changing myself like a newborn with chronic diarrhea, just sitting on the toilet for a while because "what's the point, ill be back in an hour anyway," managing a high temperature yet also freezing, my stomach burns, I am nauseous/heaving. It's not normal.
It's not endometriosis they say.
Yet they can't explain why I am this way.
Such a toll, does Aunt Flo take, to my already dysregulated/dysfunctional/dysautonmnia, so I know after today, maybe tomorrow, comes the crash.
Back to Cinderella levels of sleep, where I'm more zombie than human but in a vegan way(lol do they exist). Where the fog descends upon my brain, no thought will come. The sleep so heavy, you wouldn't hear the smoke alarms. The fatigue so dense, you can't lift your head up.
The inevitable crash I can already see on the horizon, if "Carrie" doesn't finish me first.
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Descendants Alphabet - C is for Cold
Nothing was going the way she wanted: Jay was practicing tourney, Carlos was playing with that dog, and Evie was daydreaming about princes and castles. Nobody was focusing, nobody but Mal. She’d been listening to Evie talk for 10 straight minutes and she’d finally had enough. “You’re not going to marry any of them,” Mal says, her voice ice cold. Evie stops talking, and Mal tells herself that’s what she wanted.  
Jay told them all it was just a cold, but even he isn’t so sure anymore. It had started with a cough and a headache, but two days later, he’s in bed, shaking and sweating and breathing heavily. He wants to protest when Carlos and Mal leave in search of medicine, but his throat hurts, and they wouldn’t listen anyway. With Evie at his bedside, mopping his brow, Jay manages to fall asleep. 
Evie curls up under the comforter and says goodnight to Mal, who corrects her with, “Bad night, Evie.” Despite what Mal said earlier, Evie is excited to be at Auradon Prep. Their room is beautiful, her bed is soft and all hers, and, snuggled up like she is, she can’t imagine ever feeling cold again. This makes her happy. 
Carlos was relieved when his cat turned up after nearly a week’s absence. His mother’s lips curled, but she didn’t say anything when he came in cradling the animal. He’s even more relieved by that because Beezlebub is drenched and cold, and she’s mewing softly, and Carlos is going to sit with her all night if that’s what it takes to keep her alive.  
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e350tb · 3 years
The Owl House: A Blight on Gravesfield (Chapter Four)
A trying day comes to an end.
So what happened to Philip Wittelsbane?
The Wittelsbanes have always maintained that Philip and John were set upon by a roving band of ‘Indian Braves’ - their words. That John fought bravely, but Philip’s head was ‘cleaved in twain’ by a tomahawk, and that he had no recourse but to abandon his brother. That was, until recently, the generally accepted story. Except in the 1970s, historians actually bothered to ask the Pequot people what their histories said, and they were adamant that Philip could not have been killed by them.
Assuming the oral history of the Pequot is correct, and given the near total lack of any settler-Pequot contact in Gravesfield at this time in written record, we can safely assume that, what actually happened?
Another theory is that John murdered Philip, or that they fought a duel and that John emerged the victor. That’s currently the most likely theory, although the Wittelsbanes fervently deny it, but it can’t be confirmed. Archeologists have never found any human remains that might have belonged to Philip, and there’s been a few digs over the years, mostly related to the Battle of Gravesfield. Of course, the body could have been moved or dumped in the river - we don’t know.
There’s a theory that Philip lived a little longer and died of disease; but if so, why does he disappear from the record? And why would Thomas Goodfaith Masterson write that John and Philip went into the woods, and only John came back?
Then there’s the fun theory, which I love, but which is almost certainly false; the theory that the Earth opened up and Beezlebub dragged Philip to hell for his congress with witches. That theory started being popular in the late 1760s, when John’s descendent, Matlock Wittlesbane, donated Philip’s writings to the public library, but it had been suspected by Gravesfield residents as early as the 1660s. Often this story includes a nice little fight between John and Philip, which gets framed as a great battle between good and evil, and ends with a blood-covered John arriving back home, falling into Thomas’ embrace, and proclaiming; “It is done! By the Lord, it is done!”
Demons, fights, blood, this story has everything! And it’s almost certainly false.
So what is the truth? The answer might be in the personal journal of John Wittlesbane, which we know exists, but is in the care of the Wittelsbane estate, and they’ve never let anybody look at it. They say it is a private, family document.
Which doesn’t help dissuade us from the whole ‘murder’ hypothesis.
Now I want to have some time for discussion, so we’ll close the lecture here. I want to raise a question for you; apart from what I’ve mentioned, what other possible explanations are there for Philip’s disappearance?
The living arrangements were tight, but not uncomfortable.
Certainly, the pair of air beds were close, but there was enough of a gap between them (and the couch) that there wasn’t a lack of personal space. A pair of pillows and a few old, warm blankets completed the ensemble; Camila had even fished out an old plush bunny from the bottom of the closet.
Camila, who had just finished pumping the pair of beds, sat on the couch, mopping her brow.
“It’s always harder than it looks,” she muttered.
Amity rubbed her arm, looking a little embarrassed.
“You didn’t have to do this, Ms. Noceda,” she muttered.
Camila smiled.
“You’re a guest,” she replied. “It’s the least I can do.”
“Yeah, Amity, this is the Castello Noceda we’re talking about!” exclaimed Luz. “We’ve gotta keep our AirBnB rating up!”
“...Air B and what?”
The door opened; Vee walked in, carrying a fluffy red blanket and an extra pillow under her arm.
“So, uh, since you’ll be wanting your room back and all…” she said.
“Vee, no!” exclaimed Luz. “It’s okay, you can stay up… wait, hold on, don’t I have a bunk bed?”
She glanced at the two air beds in confusion.
“I thought you’d want to keep your friend company,” Camila said, shrugging. “I mean, it is her first night in a strange place.”
Luz smiled.
“Thanks, mami,” she said, giving her mother a hug. “You always think of these things.”
Camila smiled, but then frowned.
“We still need to talk tomorrow,” she said.
Luz sighed and bowed her head.
“I know,” she replied.
“And not just about the Boiling Isles,” added Camila. “Vee’s been going to school in your place. We need to work out how she can keep going now that you’re back.”
Luz tilted her head.
“Does she… want to?”
“Of course!” replied Vee. “I wanna see my friends every day, you know?”
Luz looked at her like she’d grown an extra head.
She swallowed.
“Yeah, we’ll talk about that tomorrow,” she said. “I just…”
She yawned loudly.
“...today took a lot outta me,” she muttered.
“Cariño, I feel like I’ve aged twenty years in the last few hours,” sighed Camila. “I think we all need to get some sleep.”
She smiled.
“Goodnight Vee, goodnight Amity.” She turned to her daughter. “Goodnight, Luz. I am so glad you’re back.”
Luz’ eyes shot down to the floor.
“Me too, mami.”
Camila flicked off the light, and she and Vee departed. Luz sighed, collapsing onto the air bed - then she squealed a little as she bounced.
“Forgot how bouncy these things are,” she muttered.
She turned on her side. Amity lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her expression was hard to read.
“I miss Ghost,” sighed Amity.
“I don’t know where she went,” she added. “I guess I was just so focused on helping you that I forgot to look out for her. Look at me; top student and I can’t even look after my Palisman.”
“Hey, I’m sure she’s okay,” Luz replied. “She’s probably just waiting for you in your room. Or maybe using Edric as a scratching post again.”
Amity snorted.
“Honestly, I kind of hope she stays away from there,” she admitted. “I don’t think my parents are going to be in a particularly good mood at the moment.”
Luz frowned. “They wouldn’t hurt Ghost, would they? I mean, they’re strict but they’re not-”
Amity turned, looking her in the eyes, and Luz trailed off.
“I feel like I’m missing something here,” she said.
“I… honestly I’d rather not talk about it,” sighed Amity.
Luz nodded.
They lay in silence for a few minutes. The rain still pattered on the window - it was starting to die down now, and the wind had almost stopped completely.
“Belos has Eda, doesn’t he?” asked Luz. “And King?”
Amity nodded.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t do anything…”
“Amity, I’m not gonna be mad because you couldn’t stop Emperor Belos,” said Luz. “He’s Emperor Belos. You don’t get to be an evil emperor without getting really good at magic and junk.”
She lay on her back, scratching her chin.
“Or maybe you do? I dunno, I didn’t really listen to that history class on Napoleon.”
“Human thing.”
She sighed.
“We’re gonna get through this,” she said. “For Eda, and for King, and for Lilith and Raine and… I dunno, whoever Belos has messed with. And then…”
She ran a hand through her hair.
“...then maybe I can get mom to understand… everything,” she said.
“Well, you’ve got a better chance than with my parents,” said Amity.
“I dunno, it’s still… I shouldn’t be this scared, you know?” Luz shrugged. “She’s my mom. I love her. So why does the thought of actually talking to her make me so anxious?”
Amity shrugged.
“Families are hard.”
Luz snorted, turning back onto her side.
“At least I’ve still got you,” she said.
Amity’s face turned red, and she rubbed the back of her hair.
“I’m not that great,” she replied. “Eda or King would’ve been better.”
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short!” said Luz. “And besides…”
She blushed, smiling.
“...King doesn’t have pretty eyes like yours.”
Amity laughed, her face becoming redder still.
“Hey, uh, they’re, uh, they’re not as pretty as yours…”
The two snorted and broke into giggles.
Outside, the rain stopped completely, and the world was still. Tomorrow awaited, with all it’s myriad uncertainties, but for now, they had each other.
That was enough.
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thatazirafella · 5 years
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a kiss, long overdue
I imagine this particular kiss comes after Crowley rejects Azhur's attempt to convince him to stay and fight to save the Earth and humanity (so he can go off alone and face Gabriel and save Azhur from being destroyed in the crossfire). After his book conservatory is set ablaze and he thinks he's lost him. They're finally reunited and Crowley realizes that he never wants Azhur to leave his side, finally concludes that whatever is thrown at them, whatever they face, they'll do it together. Azhur's composure breaks and he surges forward in relief and Crowley grabs him to pull him in for a passionate kiss.
Crowley was ready to descend back to Hell and search for Azhur's soul to pull him back - he's a Duke of Hell, dammit - despite what might happen should he come face-to-face with Beezlebub or presumably whoever took the hit out on Azhur. Thankfully, Azhur manages to finagle his way out of the shop before it's destroyed and they're reunited before Crowley can risk his life.
somehow i forgot to post this but i hope you like. please consider becoming a patron, where you’ll get early access to content and perks like monthly custom sketch commissions. link in my blog’s bio.
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descendants 12 days of holidays: holiday parties
title: this right here (with you)
pairing: jay x carlos 
warnings: a few curse words
this was for yesterday’s prompt and i apologize for posting this a date late :) 
“I don’t go to parties.”
“I am the goddamn party.”
Jay and Carlos spoke at the same time, staring at Evie who was holding out two invitations. She raised an eyebrow, her gaze flicking back and forth between the two.
“Glad you’re on the same page,” she said wryly, handing Jay one of letters and Carlos the other. “It’s not being thrown by me - trust me, it would be a lot better if it was - but everyone is talking about it.”
“Oh, yeah!” Jay glanced over his invitation with a nod. “The guys on the team have been talking about it all week! Apparently it’s a pretty big rager.”
“Rager?” Carlos wrinkled up his nose. “Gross. No.”
“It’s alright,” Evie smiled at him. “You don’t have to go. I thought I’d just pass along the message.”
“Come on, Pup.” Jay ruffled his hair. “Just come for a little bit? Please? It’ll be way more fun with you there - I promise!”
Carlos wanted to say no. Carlos should say no. But Carlos had an unbelievable, indisputable, completely pathetic soft spot for Jay. So instead of shaking his head and promising to help him get ready, Carlos nodded.
“Alright, fine.”
The bass was shaking the ground at least thirty feet in front of the actual party venue. Evie looked perfectly festive in black leather boots and red dress; Jay had cleaned up nicely, and even Mal looked more presentable than usual.
Carlos pulled at his white sweater, furrowing his brows. God, why did he let Jay pressure him into coming? He’d so much rather be back in his room with Dude working or reading or… doing anything other than this.
“Come on,” Jay grinned. “I can smell the booze from here.”
Evie raised an eyebrow. “Make good choices.”
“When has he ever made a decent choice?” Mal shot back, earning herself a jab from Jay.
They walked towards Chad Charming’s house - an off campus living space purchased for him by none other than Cinderella and Kit of Charmington. Privately, Carlos thought it was ridiculous for their son to have a space all to himself; it only invited trouble. For a moment, he wondered how the boy managed to keep it all clean, but once he walked in, he realized that Chad just… didn’t.
Beer bottles, half strung lights, bags of chips, and boxes of pizza littered every surface. The walls and the floor and the furniture vibrated with the force of the music volume and there were people everywhere.
“Holy shit,” Carlos muttered under his breath, his feet stalling in the doorway just long enough for the party behind them to bump into him.
“Keep moving!” one of them barked, shoving past Carlos to make a beeline for the alcohol.
Carlos inched towards the corner. He’d always thought holiday parties consisted of hot chocolate and eggnog and soft music and presents, but apparently, those were too calm. The entire school preferred this… rager.
“The island parties are still better,” Mal shouted at him over the music. “But this is at least passable.”
Carlos only shrugged, inching closer to the corner where - hopefully - no one could step on him or bump him or run him over.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an orange cat slink along the wall and up the stairs. Finally. Something worth coming to the party. Carlos followed the cat, looking around to see if anyone would yell at him for venturing upstairs. Luckily, everyone else seemed to be pretty wasted.
“Hi, there,” Carlos said gently when he reached the top, noticing the cat standing at the end of the hallway. “What’s your name?”
He stepped closer - slowly, so he wouldn’t frighten it. The cat seemed wary, but not terrified, and after a few moments, it allowed Carlos to sit nearby.
“Don’t like the party much either?” Carlos asked, reaching out to stroke the cat gently - making sure to avoid the negative spaces where cats didn’t like to be touched. “That’s alright. Me neither. It’s way too loud, right? Too many people?”
In response, the cat purred a bit. Deciding that Carlos’ touch was acceptable, it moved closer, running up against his knee. Carlos smiled for the first time all evening. His cat Beezlebub used to do the same thing.
“You know,” he laughed softly. “I had a cat once. I loved her. Her name was Bee, and I miss her every single day. She wasn’t orange, like you, but she was pretty.”
He let himself remember Bee for a moment; she had been his one source of comfort on the island… sort of like how this cat was his one source of comfort at this party.
“I wouldn’t even be at this party if it weren’t for him,” Carlos told the cat with a grimace. “Honestly, feelings are so overrated. They make you do stupid things like agree to go to stupid parties.”
The cat meowed, as if in understanding.
“Yeah, exactly.” Carlos nodded. “He’s gonna be shitfaced by the end of the night and probably take off with some other girl. It’s gonna be an absolute blast. I don’t advise you to ever develop a crush.”
“You have a crush?”
Carlos whipped around, staring at Jay who had just come up the stairs. “Where the fuck did you come from?”
“Uh -” Jay blinked, pointing down the stairs. “From… down there. I was looking for you and someone said that they saw you go upstairs, and -” His gaze fell on the cat and understanding dawned in his eyes. “Oh, you found a friend.”
“The only good part of this party.” Carlos could feel his cheeks getting hotter by the second. “Uh - how much did you hear?”
“Just that your crush is here.” Jay was still grinning as he sat down next to him. On the whole, he didn’t look as drunk as Carlos would’ve expected. “Is that why you agreed to come?”
The irony wasn’t lost on Carlos, and if he weren’t too busy wishing the earth would swallow him whole, he might’ve laughed. “Uh - I don’t -”
“Come on,” Jay laughed. “I won’t tell anyone. Not even Mal. What’s he like?”
Carlos made a face. “Do we have to talk about this? Wouldn’t you rather go drink downstairs with everyone else?”
“No way!” Jay shook his head. “I can do that anytime. But I may never have the opportunity to sus out who your crush is.”
Carlos mimed zipping his lips. He hated that a tiny little part of him wanted to tell Jay who it was.
He’s up here. With you. Not at the party, his brain whispered unhelpfully. That means he at least cares about you.
“Look, ‘Los,” Jay said. “I get that parties aren’t your thing. You must really like the guy if you agreed to go.”
“Yeah, well,” Carlos mumbled, picking at a spot on the carpet. “He looks cute when he says please.”
Jay’s eyebrows rose and an evil grin spread across his face. “Hey, there’s one hint. Even though it’s pretty fucking useless since every Auradon prick’s first word was ‘please.’”
Taking a deep breath, Carlos gathered up his courage. “Who -” he cleared his throat, “Who ever said he was from Auradon?”
He watched as the information sank in. Jay’s face morphed from confused to understanding to stunning in a matter of seconds.
“Say something,” Carlos begged after a few seconds, wincing. “Look, we can pretend this never happened, alright? Or - or I’ll switch rooms! Or I’ll -”
“You could go out with me.”
Now it was Carlos’ turn to be stunned. He coughed for a few seconds, choking on his own air. “I - I don’t understand.”
“Go out with me,” Jay repeated steadily, staring right at him. “This Friday.”
“Because, you idiot,” Jay grinned. “Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe your feelings aren’t one-sided or whatever? I mean… I’m up here. Not at a party. With you. How much more obvious could I get?”
The butterflies in Carlos’ stomach started flapping madly, circling around each other and bumping right into his ribcage.
Jay likes me.
“Uh -” Carlos blushed, laughing a little. “Do we have to wait for Friday?”
And downstairs, no one seemed to notice when Jay and Carlos slipped out the back door.
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Have I descended into cosplay hell if I’m literally considering buying this plush fly for the purpose of portraying Beezlebub?
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Disney Descendants Random Headcanons (Part 1);
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(No Kids Born Pre D1 Addition since I don't have the full list yet).
Let me Know if I'm missing any characters because I'm well aware I'm missing more than a few.
Akio (number 42): He is the son of Tomiko (from Elena of Avalor).
Ally: Her dad is Pinocchio, making Pin her younger brother.
Amber Dearly: She's a waitress but still does beauty pageant events when they're in season.
Anthony Tremaine: Jacob Lathyn (The Baker from Cinderella 2) is his dad.
Anxelin Fitzherbert: She's Goth.
Arabella: She's morally gray (and had ill intentions when she stole her granddad's trident).
Ariana Rose: Grows less jealous of Audrey over time and cuts contact with their grandmother. Is very popular in college.
Artie Pendragon: Somehow ends up with a pet dragon. No one knows how it happened.
Audrey Rose: Goes on to be the CEO she always wanted to be.
Aziz: He takes after his mother in looks and personality.
Bashful Jr.: He goes by Bash and is very popular in school.
Beezlebub (The Cat): Beelzebub is the Lucifer's least favorite kitten.
Ben: Likes building miniature models and wanted to be in a band with Ben and Lonnie when he was a kid.
Big Murph: He lost his eye as a kid when rough housing with the Gaston Twins.
Bobby Hood: He's Tiger Peony's boyfriend and a sports commentator at school.
Bobby Radcliffe: is a good friend of Artie Pendragon and is very shy.
Bonny: Is the medic of Uma's crew.
Carina Potts: Wears a cooking pot as a hat.
Carlos de Vil: He becomes Henry's mentor and gets Beelzebub back.
Carter: The 'nice' twin.
Celia Facilier: Goes on to be a very successful business woman (in whatever you think she'd go on to do).
Chaca: She's Li Shang Jr's girlfriend and Kuzco is very protective of her, much to her and his wife's bemusement.
Chad Charming: Redeems himself sometime after d3 and leaves to find himself.
Cheerful: Is emo.
Chip Potts: Babysat Ben a lot when he was younger. Has 13 siblings. He works at the castle.
Chloe Charming: Learned a lot of what she knows in ROAR from Lonnie.
Claudine Frollo: She had red hair and is left handed.
Clay Clayton: He's a party animal and is very hard to take out in a fight.
Crabby: is actually quite pleasant to be around.
Crocodile Descendants: They love tormenting Captain Hook and wrestling.
Cubby: He handles Neverland Academy's finances.
Danny Darling-Cooper: He's good at tourney and ROAR.
Derek: He's a selective mute and carries a bell around to get his friends' attention when they're arguing.
Derelict (Electric Eel): He's the friendly eel.
Desiree: She's one of the most wild pirate kids. Even when compared to her crewmates.
Diego de Vil: His most popular song is titled 'Kill the Beast'.
Dizzy Tremaine: She joins Evie's business when she graduates and her jewelry becomes very popular.
Doc II: Goes by Raphael.
Doug: Evie helps him meet his favorite band (The Dragon Players) on his 21st birthday.
Dude (The Dog): He is jealous of Beelzebub.
Eddie Balthazar: He is always tired.
Eliza: She becomes more of a rebel as she grows up and is always backing Jane up when FG gets difficult (like most parents do).
Elle: She's adopted.
Emir (number 26): He's Aziz's younger brother and is a lot like his dad, personality wise. He does not like his mom's cousins.
Evie: She is Dizzy's half sister.
Finn the Mer-Boy: He works at neverland academy but also remains as Neverland's Protectors (kicking entitled tourist out when they cause too much non fun trouble/damage).
Freddie Facilier: Is banned from being alone with Jordan because those two are just as bad as Ally and Cj when alone together.
Gaston Jr.: He relates a lot to Luisa Madrigal. He also walks with a limp after a failed escape attempt he and his father attempted (he nearly drowned).
Gaston The 3rd.: He's the smart twin.
Gesundheit: Cannot for the life of him spell his name.
Gil: Has stolen a penguin from the zoo with Jay, Chad, Harry, and Carlos before.
Ginny Gothel: Is allergic to flowers. Her middle name is flower.
Gordon: Is a mechanic.
Hadie: Has a villain phase as a teen that no one takes seriously.
Hamish of DunBroch: He works with bears.
Hana: She is the royal party planner in her kingdom.
Hap: He's a hippie/hipster mixture and has a van he customized himself.
Harriet Hook: She has a hip high rose tattoo and broke Anthony Tremaine's nose once when she was 12.
Harris of DunBroch: Will not hesitate to bite people in fights even as an adult.
Harry Badun: He is a detective and has made it his job to make everyone behind the isle and every bad isle adult's lives hell. He will also make up outrageous theories to mess with people he doesn't like.
Harry Hook: Is good at art and has Dyscalculia.
Henry: He's a long lost de Vil.
Herkie: He has his dad's personality and strength but his mama's brain and kinda looks like a blend of his parents.
Hermie Bing: She has a variety of circus related skills, loves clowns, has a sweet tooth, and wears very colorful clothes.
Hubert of DunBroch: Loves reminding his sister of how she turned him into a bear all the time.
Hunter de Vil: His influencer career takes off when the barrier is brought down.
Ivy de Vil: She's allergic to hair dye and becomes a great model when off the isle.
Izzy: She's ROAR instructor at Neverland Academy.
Jace Badun: His mom was a strong woman at the Ringmaster's circus. He is the most exasperated person you will ever meet.
Jack/Korak: He prefers 'Korak' over Jack. He takes after his dad looks wise but his mom personality and fashion wise.
Jade: She has tons of scars from the crocodile wrestling.
Jake: Because of him, Princess Pirate, Finn, Stormy, Marina, Izzy, and Cubby all grew up.
James Brown Jr.: He works at a candy shop.
Jane: She's a big gossip and she and Carlos both bonded over this.
Jane Darling-Cooper: She's a teaching assistant at Neverland Academy.
Jay: He sleeps with a stuffed tiger but will deny it if asked.
Jenna: She's Aziz's oldest sibling and is the heir to the throne. She has a pet Elephant.
Jonas: He's Uma's cousin.
Jordan: She's the one who created the secret Agrabah Club at school (along with Aziz).
La Foux Doux: He's younger than LeFou Deux and loves puppet shows.
Lagan (Electric Eel): He's the mean eel.
LeFou Deux: He has a crush on Claudine and is the isle's Santa Claus.
Li (number 85): His parents took creative liberty with his name without checking to see if that spelling already existed.
Li Lonnie: She does eventually get her show. Her successful ROAR career probably helped (: .
Li Shang Jr: His music is decent but few people take him seriously because of the whole 'Lil Shang' nickname thing.
Lil Yaz: He died of appendicitis after d1. He was morally grey/apathic and had eyes for Quinlynn Hearts.
Lina: Jasmine was her favorite babysitter and she in turn, ended up babysitting the younger of Jasmine's kids when she was in Agrabah.
Lucifer: Lucifer often escapes from the saloon and gets on everyone's nerves.
Lulu Brown: She's much younger than her brother, Jim/James Brown Jr. and is a very good at ballet.
Mad Maddy: She has quite the sweet tooth.
Madam Mim's granddaughters: No one is sure how many there are or how they came to be.
Maddox Hatter: He's an inventor and is very close to Red.
Mal: She grows up a lot after the royal wedding and gets back in touch with her artistic side.
Marina the Mermaid: She's the swim coach at Neverland Academy.
Marya Rasputin: She's the doctor of Harriet's crew.
Max La Bouf: He works at Tiana's palace and often caters the events for his family and Ralphie's.
Melody: She's an environmental activist and the go-to cousin everyone talks to when they need someone who will hear them out.
Meriem: She and Korak are married now, and she's very into learning languages.
Mia: She is a sore loser when it comes to the fashion industry.
Miguel (number 44): He's a Madrigal.
Morgie le Fay: Morgie is just a nickname.
Opal: She's Freddie and Celia's aunt.
Othello (The Parrot): He repeats the things EQ used to say to Evie but is a very loving pet otherwise.
Pin: He's very smart and skipped a grade.
Pirate Kitty (Cat): It's Gil's pet cat (seen in a missing poster in d2).
Princess Pirate: Her friends now call her 'Princess' for short.
Quinlynn Hearts: She's the oldest Heart child and she had a crush on LIl Yaz.
Rafi: He gets along the best with his younger brother, Aziz, and works in the royal guard now.
Ralphie: He and Max are Pen Pals.
Rami: He's a party animal.
Red Hearts: Red is just a nickname. She's also in the school newspaper.
Reza: He is very interested in forensics and was adopted by Mozenrath and Sadira. He has two younger siblings.
Rick Ratcliffe: His middle name is 'Perseus'. Yes, after the pug. And he has a habit of saving people from drowning/bodies of water.
Ruby Fitzherbert: She's shy and artsie.
Salima: She's a middle child now.
Sammy Smee: He's an inventor and a book worm.
Scarlet: She's Carter's twin and is considered the 'evil' twin.
Shy: His name is very fitting because he really is shy.
Sleepy Jr.: He's a gamer.
Snoozy: Snoozy is a night owl.
Sophie: She's Snow White's eldest child.
Spotted Hyenas: They like tormenting Gaston but not his kids.
Squeaky Smee: He's a selective mute.
Squirmy Smee: He and his brother look up to Harry a lot.
Stabbington cousins: They're only known by their nicknames by those outside of their family (and for good reason, since they're secretly Westergaards).
Stormy The Mermaid: She becomes a hippie when's older and mellows out.
The Sea witches: They're the daughters of Ursula's sisters.
The Tweedledum and Tweedledee cousins: They all have varying shades of red hair.
The Wicked Step-Granddaughters: The seven that are Drizella's are Hans' daughters as well. If any are Anastasia's, they're adopted.
Tiger Peony: She's a hippie vegetarian who's really into Tourney but doesn't play.
Tipo: He learns to cook from Kronk and helps him out with  Camp Chippamunka during the summer when he's older.
Tyrone (number 32): He's Tiana and Naveen's son. Lotte spoiled him, lol.
Uma: She gets her OWN sea phonies after d3 and she keeps her shark friends as well.
William (number 12): Wendy's oldest son and Jane Darling's younger brother.
Yi-Min: She's good at tourney as well as Swords and Shields.
Yupi: He is Kuzco's favorite 'nephew'.
Yzla: She's good at gymnastics.
Zam: He is the oldest of the kids in Yzma's family and has also caught his cousins doing weird things most often.
Zellie: She's the oldest of Flynnpunzal's kids.
Zephyr: He looks more like his mom as he grows up.
Zevon: His dad (and his siblings' dad) is Cedric from Sofia the first. His mom also accidentally turned him into a llama as a baby.
Zim: He still practices chemistry but the idea of being evil bores him.
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bemused-writer · 5 years
Title: Slithering Through History - Chapter 1
Rating: T
Pairings: Aziraphale & Crowley, Aziraphale/Crowley
Summary: Crowley was all too happy to get out of Hell and cause a little trouble up in Eden. What he didn't realize is how much more wrapped up in humanity and a very particular angel he was about to become.A look at what Aziraphale and Crowley might have gotten up to throughout the biblical text and after Armageddon.
Falling entailed a great many things and poets had done a fairly decent job of capturing the horror and the chaos thereof. What they’d never quite been able to capture was what came after. Yes, hellfire, brimstone, pain, suffering, all staples of Hell but no one ever really let on just how crowded it actually was down there or just how corporate. Crowley thought it was probably due to how much more real and depressing that would have been and probably because the concept of a corporate entity wouldn’t truly exist until the 20th century.
It wasn’t so bad in the early days before human souls were being damned left and right. No, in the early days it had only been fallen angels and they’d been frightened and confused, desperately trying to sort out what they were supposed to do now they were no longer part of the Heavenly Host.
It had taken awhile for it to sink in but their punishment was to inflict pain and suffering—Satan had given them a long lecture about it in the tone of voice of a man who really didn’t care anymore and wasn’t it marvelous he had his own throne? Afterwards he’d put Beezlebub in charge whose eyes had widened comically before accepting. Crowley had had to restrain himself from giving a sibilant chuckle at the whole absurd affair.
Still, Crowley had often wondered how much of a punishment it really was if so many of them enjoyed it. Oh, they’d been reluctant at first. They’d been angels and they didn’t know much about pain, not really. It took several meetings and presentations before the seven sins were sorted out and everyone felt like they had at least some idea of what their jobs entailed.
In fairness, Crowley could admit a good number of them didn’t derive any real pleasure out of torture but they weren’t all that hung up about it either. “It’s just a job,” they would say. “Nothing personal.”
Crowley desperately tried to convince himself he felt the same. He was a demon and he would do his duty. He wouldn’t fail, not like Before.
Still, he knew the truth of it and it was he hated it down there. The second Satan said, idly, “Would you like to see the Earth, darling?” after one of his presentations on wrath he jumped on the chance as swiftly as possible.
He broke through the warm soil and felt as if he’d been reborn. He turned his head left and right and slithered about. Most snakes had legs but he thought there was something delightfully off-putting going about on his belly, no legs in sight, draping himself about trees; he was the very picture of sloth, which was, in turn, positively sinful and if sinning was to be his eternal gig he was going to indulge.
The garden was, he reluctantly admitted, utterly stunning insofar as his limited senses could tell. He supposed that was Heaven for you; always caring about presentation more than anything else.
While his eyesight was utterly shot compared to what it had been as an angel he could tell there were infinitely more colors here than there ever had been up there or down there. Heaven was very … stringent when it came to looks. He wasn’t sure he’d seen anything other than opulent whites, rivers that gleamed like the finest opals, and gossamer robes made to match when he’d been there. Every now and then there’d been a gold pillar or some such. As for Hell, they couldn’t be bothered to decorate. Some idiot had licked the wall once and died on the spot. They’d spray painted a warning on the wall and called it good and that was about as close to design as they came.
But this felt … very earthy for lack of a better word. He could feel the vibrations of footsteps of all manner of creatures. He couldn’t make out much sound though. There were some serious downsides to being a snake, he decided. The garden was nice and warm though, which was good. He didn’t think he was made for the cold.
Now, what kind of trouble should he cause?
He circumnavigated the garden and used his tongue to detect all the heavy flavors in the air, hoping to spot God’s latest creatures, the humans. He could taste something divine to the east, light as a cloud and sharp as judgment. An angel.
He’d have to steer clear of that for a while, at least until his work was done. It had been ages since he’d seen one of his previous brothers-in-arms. He’d certainly never tasted one before. He thought about that for a moment. Something about the sentiment seemed … appropriately demon-like but it wasn’t a joke that would make much sense until he understood humans more and their penchant for lewd humor.
At long last he spotted a woman named Eve. He also spotted the two trees that were off limits: The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad.
He considered the three for a moment. The Tree of Life was certainly handy but that would almost definitely qualify as a “good deed,” no doubt about it. Knowledge of good and evil on the other hand…. Well, it wasn’t “bad” exactly but it definitely wasn’t “good” either. In other words, it was just wicked enough to keep his bosses happy without being so wicked he felt bad about it.
Apparently, God found it a good deal more wicked than Crowley had. Eve and her husband, Adam, were banished from the garden lest they also eat from the Tree of Life and become a little too god-like themselves.
Also, punishments were dished out like candy. Apparently, there would be enmity between him and women, there would be birthing pangs, and men would till the earth.
I rather liked that woman, he thought glumly.
Most annoying of all was that all snakes were slithering about on their bellies. So much for originality. Needless to say, the other snakes weren’t thrilled. He avoided them for a century after. It was utterly ridiculous; they were animals and he was a demon—he was more than capable of winning any confrontation—but he couldn’t quite make himself look them in the eye all the same. He was sort of their demonic representative and, well, now they didn’t have legs.
Even small creatures would bear a grudge over that for a while.
Regardless, Adam and Eve suffered a lot more for his sin than he did. Maybe that was why he sought out the angel gazing after them longingly atop the gate. He wouldn’t readily admit it but he felt a little guilty about the whole thing and his curiosity was piqued. The angel looked utterly miserable, far more than him, which made no sense whatsoever. He wondered if they’d ever known each other in Heaven.
As he slowly transformed into a more human guise his senses changed along with him. He could hear loads better now for a start but his eyesight was still iffy albeit a little sharper than before. He could sense movement well, make out shapes, see color although not like he had a as an angel. The color was … splotchy. He supposed he was seeing the heat radiating off of things or something similar. He may have been a snake but he was hardly an expert. Thankfully, he could still taste everything on the air and that gave him enough information to get by.
He was a little disappointed he couldn’t make the angel’s features out all that well though. Still, he was the brightest object in the surrounding area by far, so he was easy to spot.
The angel jolted a little bit when he saw him. Understandable. He could just make out the pinched expression on the angel’s face; it was hilarious but he kept that to himself.
He hadn’t expected much by way of conversation. Honestly, he’d known there was a pretty high chance the angel would try to smite him but instead they had a decent enough exchange. Apparently, he’d given away his fiery sword. It was the first time Crowley had felt awe in … ages. His heart gave a little tug in his chest that he refused to name.
As they stood in the rain with Crowley safely sheltered beneath an angelic wing, Aziraphale, said, “You know, I was supposed to be the one to guard The Tree of Life for the rest of time.”
“Sounds boring,” Crowley said without hesitation. All the world to explore and he was going to be stuck guarding a gate? But then he realized, “Wait, what do you mean ‘supposed to be?’”
Aziraphale let out a put upon sigh. “Well, to quote, ‘He drove the man out, and stationed east of the garden of Eden the cherubim and the fiery ever-turning sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.’”
“Er, what exactly are you quoting?”
“A book that hasn’t been written yet,” the angel said miserably. “But the main point is I’m supposed to be guarding this gate and I’m supposed to do it with a fiery sword. Well, you see what the problem is.”
“You gave up the sword.”
“So, the humans could become immortal at any point?”
“I’m not entirely sure. I think they understand they’re banned from this place but what about their descendents? Oh, I probably did do the wrong thing. No, I know the sword bit was wrong but the rest…”
“No offense but if God wants to hide this garden I’m sure She can do just that. If you were going to be punished it would have happened already.”
The angel shifted uncomfortably, his eyes refusing to make contact with Crowley’s own. Crowley eyed him with suspicion.
After a bit more hemming and hawing Aziraphale finally whispered, “I’m not a cherubim anymore. God didn’t say anything but… I could feel it. The demotion, that is.”
“What are you now?” Crowley said with careful neutrality.
“A principality,” he sighed. “All the way down to the third sphere.”
“Not so bad. You could have gone down a lot further.”
Aziraphale paled considerably and his eyes widened in shock. It was like he was seeing him for the first time and only now understood what he was. Crowley tried not to look too uncomfortable under the scrutiny.
“I suppose you make a good point,” he finally said, turning away.
“I usually do.”
Privately, he wondered why Aziraphale hadn’t Fallen. It left an ache in his chest when he remembered his own Fall and how pointless it had seemed.
“So, what will you do now?” Aziraphale said just as the storm finally passed. He looked up with a pleased little smile. Crowley couldn’t help but feel his burden lift a bit at the sight. It was nice to have someone who wouldn’t push him away even if his status as angel was utterly bewildering.
“Oh, you know, tempt people, I suppose. I’m to be stationed on Earth.”
“I suppose that is what you’d be doing,” Aziraphale sighed. “I suppose I’d best keep an eye on this gate for now.”
“No offense but there’s no way I’m staying in this garden.” Although part of him desperately liked the idea of hanging about the angel. All before him was an expanse of desert and only two humans to occupy it. Crowley didn’t want to admit it but it sounded rather lonely.
Aziraphale let out a quiet chuckle. “No, I didn’t suspect you would.”
“Would be a shame if demons were the only ones trying to make a difference,” Crowley said lightly with just the barest hint of the temptation he was trying to accomplish.
“Someone needs to inspire some good in this world,” Aziraphale said consideringly.
“I’ll see you around, angel,” he said with a gentleness that surprised him. He could have pushed harder but … it just didn’t seem right.
“You know, you just might.”
When Crowley departed he decided not to resume his snake form just yet. He kind of liked appearing human. It reminded him of being an angel and, better yet, was just a little bit blasphemous because of it. The other demons had gone to quite a bit more trouble to look wicked but Crowley decided he wanted to have a bit of style. It would be a lot easier to tempt humans if he looked like them as well not that there were any new ones to try it out on yet. It was a big world though and he hadn’t yet explored most of it.
His mind made up he headed back for Hell. He’d get his report in, take a look at what God had created, see what Eve got up to, and maybe, if he was lucky, see more of Aziraphale if he was ever free to explore.
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thatazirafella · 5 years
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a kiss, long overdue
I spent about three days on this, and I'm thrilled with how it turned out. This particular piece features my Fallen AU - Ineffable Interdependence - but I think it's still applicable to the canon boys. I hope you enjoy, and please reblog to support me. Also consider joining my patreon, which features exclusive and early content. 
I imagine this particular kiss comes after Crowley rejects Azhur's attempt to convince him to stay and fight to save the Earth and humanity (so he can go off alone and face Gabriel and save Azhur from being destroyed in the crossfire). After his book conservatory is set ablaze and Crowley thinks he's lost him. Crowley is ready to descend back to Hell and search for Azhur's soul to pull him back - he's a Duke of Hell, dammit - despite what might happen should he come face-to-face with Beezlebub or presumably whoever took the hit out on Azhur. Thankfully, Azhur manages to finagle his way out of the shop before it's destroyed and they're reunited before Crowley can risk his life.
They're finally reunited and Crowley realizes that he never wants Azhur to leave his side, finally decides that whatever is thrown at them, whatever they face, they'll do it together. Azhur's composure breaks and he surges forward in relief and Crowley grabs him to pull him in for a passionate kiss.
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