#destroyed so many people and i think nancy seeing her little brother’s friends all in that state would’ve hurt too
favroitecrime · 2 years
okay one last thing and then i’ll shut up and keep my thoughts to myself (maybe) but everyone’s so upset about no one reacting much to eddie but like. i’m not seeing the same disbelief over how we didn’t see the trio rush out to see dustin with a broken(?) leg holding a dead eddie. we didn’t see the trio coming back only to find their entire town has gone to shits. we didn’t see the four of them finding lucas all bloodied and bruised along with max dead in his arms. we didn’t see anyone react to any of that and i think we were robbed of that. yeah it’s disappointing we didn’t see much of how they dealt with eddie’s death, but we didn’t see them deal much with anything in the aftermath.
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Last chances
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader Warning: Alcohol, swearing, angst (but worth it i promise) Summary: Y/N is getting married. To someone that isn’t George. 
A/N: this was written for @inglourious-imagines​​ 1K writing challenge (i just realised i didnt tell you before hand what prompts i was gonna do so i hope thats okay) based off the prompts ‘you need to leave’ and ‘d-did you just k-kiss me?’
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​ @horrorxweasley​ @amourtentiaa​ send me an ask if you would like to be added
George felt all the air being sucked out of his lungs as he read over the golden cursive words printed onto the crisp white paper. He could feel Fred’s pitiful stare burning holes into the side of his head, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the paper in his grasp. George’s brain was overflowing with thoughts, but his head was empty at the same time, as if every time he reached out his thoughts were dissolving into liquid and slipping through his fingers.
By the time George managed to make eye contact with Fred, his eyes were red and burning with tears, the only thought he could wrap his fingers around was the one which was destroying him the most, “she’s getting married?”
The sun was beating down harshly making the sand feel like tiny grains of lava, but George didn’t care. It was the middle of summer and the Weasley family had invited the Y/L/N’s to the beach. John and Nancy Y/L/N had been very good friends with Molly and Arthur Weasley for many years having met during high school. But soon after graduation John and Nancy got married and decided to travel the world which they had done for a few years before having their daughter Y/N. They moved around a lot while Y/N was a baby, still wanting to explore and see what the world had to offer. But now, Y/N was 7 and they decided it would do her and themselves some good to settle down somewhere, plant some roots so to speak. Which is how they ended back in the small town John and Nancy grew up in, the one where the Weasleys were still living.
Giving that it was summer, and the weather was reaching high temperatures the Weasley family decided to spend the day at the beach so the children could kill some energy and excitedly invited their old friends, John and Nancy to catch up.
George was particularly thrilled not only because he loved days at the beach playing with his siblings and making sandcastles just to pretend he was a giant and stomp on them, but he couldn’t wait to meet Y/N. His parents had told him and Fred that Y/N was their age and although Fred wasn’t very interested in playing with a girl and would much rather prank Ron, George had a good feeling about Y/N.
George had just finished constructing a sandcastle he named ‘Castle Weasley’ and was about to jump on it when his mum calls for him. He drags his bare feet through the hot sand over to his parents who are chatting with 2 people he doesn’t recognise.
“Fred, George this is John and Nancy, and this is their little girl Y/N.” Molly gestures to the timid girl hiding behind her mum’s leg.
Reluctantly Y/N moves from her previous hiding spot and stares doe eyes up at the twins in front of her. George’s mouth is dry and his palms are clammy, but he doesn’t think it’s from the blistering heat. George Weasley is staring at the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
It’s been 3 weeks since Y/N’s wedding invitation arrived in the mail and George had shoved it under a pile of bills he was also planning to ignore. Although he doesn’t need to see the invitations to remember the words which were written on the paper ‘kindly join us for the wedding of Y/N L/N and William Chapman. Saturday the seventeenth of April at 11 o’clock.’
It was the 10th of April today, just 7 days till Y/N’s wedding. George felt bile rising in the back of his throat every time he thinks about Y/N marrying someone which wasn’t himself. George has had a crush on the girl ever since he first met her that day on the beach. Back then he only ever saw it as a silly little crush which he hoped he’d eventually get over. But years went on and his crush only grew and grew until it was suffocating. When they reached high school, George planned to tell Y/N about his feelings but chickened out each time, scared of ruining their friendship.
To be honest George always felt (maybe he just hoped) that him and Y/N were meant for each other and sooner or later they’d be together. He held tightly onto this when Y/N started dating William. George was optimistic that William and Y/N’s relationship wasn’t serious and eventually they’d break up and George could finally confess his feelings. All of that went down the drain the second George open up that stupid envelope.
“I ran into Y/N today. At the store,” Fred says carefully trying to gage his brother’s reaction to her name. George just offers a grunt in response, eye staring blankly at the tv in front of him. “she asked about you, wants to know if you’re going to the wedding since she hasn’t heard anything from you.”
George doesn’t reply. Fred just sighs, ”c’mon mate. You’re really not going to go? It’s Y/N we’re talking about here. She’s your best mate.”
George racks his ringers through his already messy hair, squeezing his eyes closed. “That’s exactly why I can’t go. It’s Y/N. How can I sit there and watch Y/N marry some other guy and pretend I’m okay with it?” George feels tears threatening to fall down his cheeks, it’s a wonder he has any tears left to cry.
Fred moves closer to George on the couch, wrapping his arm around his twin who chokes out a sob, “I know buddy, I know it fucking hurts.”
Since graduating high school George and Y/N made it tradition to catch up once a week if not more so they wouldn’t lose touch. But their newfound busy lives with university and work meant they hadn’t seen each other for a month. They finally found a day that they were both free and decided to meet up for coffee. George had paid for Y/N’s latte while she found them a table by the window. He set their drinks down admiring how beautiful Y/N looked, she was practically glowing.
“So, Y/N what’s new with you? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you,” George takes a long sip of his coffee.
George knows Y/N must have some important news for him, judging solely off the smile that she’s failing to conceal. “Well, if you must know. I met someone.”
The colour drains from George’s face and he coughs trying to regain his composure. “Like a boy?”
“Yes a boy silly, his name is William and I met him at the library. It was actually really funny I was turning down one of the aisles and he” George drowns out Y/N’s voice, he can hear his heart thumping in his chest, threatening to jump out.
George knows, he knows it’s his own fault for not telling Y/N how he feels sooner. He knows he doesn’t have anyone else to blame but himself, but it doesn’t make this hurt any less. Sweet, kind Y/N, who had gently cradled George’s heart unknowingly since they were 7, has squeezed it between her slender fingers like a stress ball.
“George?” Y/N words break him from his trance.
“That sounds amazing Y/N, I’m really happy for you.”
It’s Monday and Y/N has been trying to contact George for days with no luck. She ran into Fred last Saturday who said George has just been super busy with work, she didn’t believe it one bit, she needed to find out why George has been ignoring her.
She pushes the store door open and the bell above chimes announcing her arrival.
“Sorry we’re closed for the day!” a voice travels through the store before it’s owner exits the storeroom to see who the culprit is, who clearly cannot read the ‘closed’ sign hanging on the door.
George’s eyes land on Y/N who is standing by the front door unmoving and twiddling with her fingers, playing with an engagement ring that seems out of place on her left hand. “What are you doing here?”
Y/N steps closer, not noticing the way George takes a small step back, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
George doesn’t speak, he’s certain that his voice would be unsteady if he did. Y/N hates the silence, so speaks again, “I’m getting married you know, on Saturday.”
George sucks in a breath, turning his back to fix one of the displays. “Yeah, congratulations,” he mumbles.
“I didn’t know if you got the invitation or not, kind of expected you to call.” Y/N shoves her hands into the pockets of her jeans, moving so she is standing beside George who is avoiding her gaze. “What’s the matter Georgie?”
George shakes his head, “kind of fast isn’t it? Why the rush to get married to that twat?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, ever since George met William, he made it very clear he didn’t like the bloke. “George stop it. He proposed and I said yes. We figured why wait to start our lives together, y’know? So on Saturday I thought that-“
“-I’m not going.” George’s words felt like a hot knife to Y/N’s chest. When George finally mets her gaze he continues, “I’m not going to the wedding Y/N.”
“Because! Because William is a prick and doesn’t deserve you. I can’t sit there and watch you marry some idiot.” George knows his voice is getting louder and that his hands are flailing around but he doesn’t care. “He’s an absolute tosser! You deserve better than William.” You deserve me.
“William has done nothing but love me, George.” The thought of George not being there at her wedding breaks her heart. George was her best friend; how could she not have her best friend at the wedding. “Are you really not going to be there for me?” Y/N’s voice is quiet and timid.
It shatters George to see her so upset and the next words almost kill him.
“No, I won’t be there.”
“Okay mum that’s enough photos now!” Y/N giggles trying to hide her face behind her hands.
“Just one more please! George put your arm around her this time.” Nancy says holding the camera up to her face.
George wraps his arm around Y/N waist pulling her closer to him very aware of the way Y/N leans into his side. It’s the night on the school dance and somehow he had gathered enough courage to ask Y/N to go with him, she agreed of course and now they were standing out the front of Y/N’s house in front of the rose bushes while Y/N and George’s parents took photos.
“Okay now one with the four of you together,” Molly says pushing Fred and his date over to the rose bush. The four of them stood together smiling at all the flashing cameras which almost blinded them.
Molly wipes a tear that slips down her cheek, she always got emotional during things like this, “I cannot believe my little babies are growing up. 16 and going to a school dance with their gorgeous dates.”
“Right mum that’s enough, we’re gonna be late,” George groans although he didn’t mind having his arm around Y/N’s middle.
Molly nods agreeing, “right fine! Don’t want to keep you from your dance, have fun!”
Arthur drops the 4 of them off at the school hall reminding them he’d be back at 12 to pick them up.
All 4 of them spend most of the night dancing together and laughing at Fred’s questionable dance moves. Soon the upbeat song comes to an end and a much slowly one started playing. Immediately Fred extends a hand to his date, “m’lady. Care to dance?”
George turns his body to face Y/N who is gazing up at his tall frame, he gulps “Y/N do you wanna dance with me?”
The smile that spreads across her face could light up the room, “yes please.”
For the remainder of the night George and Y/N sway slowly to the music, Y/N moves closer to George until her head is resting against his chest and his arms find their place on her hips.
Y/N can hear George humming to the music above her and she smiles giving his shoulders a small squeeze, then whispers so quietly she’s worried George doesn’t hear her. “I hope we are always best friends Georgie.”
“I promise we will be love.”
Friday night and George hasn’t spoken to Y/N since she visited the shop. He’s ignored her phone calls and text messages; she came into the shop again on Wednesday, but George locked himself in the backroom telling Fred he had to do stocktake.
George could feel himself falling apart, Y/N was upset with him, Fred was annoyed at his childish behaviour. George felt himself fall deeper and deeper as his heartache and sorrow grew stronger every time he remembered Y/N’s engagement. The only thing which seems to numb his feelings was the alcohol.
At this point George wasn’t sure how much he had had to drink, but the buzz running through his system was better than the bitterness he was feeling before. It had just hit 11:30pm at night and he had finished the last of the tequila from the bottle. With no alcohol to distract his brain his eyes drift over the numerous photo frames he has hanging on the living room wall. His eyes stop at one photo in particular, it’s of him and Y/N from the day at the beach when they were 7. Despite it being the first time the two had met, they looked like they’d known each other since birth. Y/N had been very shy when she was introduced to the twins, but George quickly made her feel comfortable and the day was spent with lots of laughter and smiles. In the photo George and Y/N are stood side by side on the sand, grinning up at the camera. They had just made a huge sandcastle village and were very proud to show off their creation. George’s eyes wander down the photograph to their hands which are tightly intertwined. He bites his lip before stumbling out the front door.
“Do you ever think about getting married Georgie?” Y/N questions, she’s lying beside George outside on the grass, staring up at the clouds moving above them. They did this a lot, gazing at the sky trying to find the funniest shapes in the clouds.
George is only 12 but he knows exactly who he wants to marry, not that he will admit that.
“No, not really.” George tries not to freak out when he feels Y/N’s hand intertwine with his own, “do you?”
Y/N nods, “yep, I want to marry someone who is funny and will let me eat ice cream for dinner.” She giggles and it makes George’s heart soar, it the 5 years of knowing Y/N it had quickly become George’s favourite sound.
He turns his head to face Y/N, she’s still looking up at the sky, there’s a faint smile on her lips.
“I’m funny.” George isn’t sure what he’s insinuating.
Y/N turns to face him, “you are. Would you let me eat ice cream for dinner?” he nods eagerly.
Y/N purses her lips before smiling, “well then Georgie, maybe I’ll marry you.”
George can only hope that’s true.
George’s fist hammers against the wooden door. It knows it late and there’s a chance William will answer instead of Y/N but in this moment he doesn’t care. “C’mon Y/N open up! It’s me George.”
The door swings open and Y/N is standing on the other side in a fluffy dressing gown wrapped snuggly around her body rubbing her eyes. “George what the hell are you doing here?” There’s a trace of annoying on her voice, mostly because he’d woken her up but also because she’s been trying to talk to him all week and he decides to show up at her house at midnight the night before her wedding.
“I-um,” George stammers, his words getting stuck in this throat. He has spent practically his whole life wanting to tell Y/N he loves her but never being able to find the words, this time was no exception. So, in George’s alcohol fuelled mind he decides if he can’t use words then actions are the next best thing.
Y/N is staring blanking at the redhead on her porch, eager to know the reason why he’s standing in front of her after ignoring her all week. George timidly steps closer towards Y/N before resting his hands on her cheeks and pressing their lips together roughly.
Y/N is stood frozen on the spot until her hands reach up to rest on George’s chest. She can taste the strong alcohol on Georges mouth, and she’s pulled back to reality and pushing him away. “D-did you just k-kiss me?”
George nods.
Y/N is filled with anger and it starts to bubble up inside of her. “What the fuck George? You’ve been ignoring me all week not answering my calls or texts and-and then you just come here drunk and do that? You can’t come here the night before my wedding and kiss me. It’s not fair!”
George’s shoulders slump, “I’m sorry, I just had to say- that I…” he pauses again, his eyes scanning over Y/N’s face hoping somehow she’s learnt how to mind read.
“What? You had to say what George?” Y/N is aware that she’s yelling but she can’t bring herself to care.
“That I love you.”
Y/N doesn’t speak her brain is running a hundred miles a minute. The silence is unpleasant and unbearable, George looking into Y/N’s eyes trying to read her expression.
“You need to leave,” Y/N utters, her face unmoving.
It’s like George’s feet are glued to the ground, he’s brain is screaming at him to move but he can’t.
“You need to leave George.” Y/N’s voice is firmer this time, “I’m getting married tomorrow and you need to leave right now.”
George Weasley is an idiot. No, he’s more than an idiot, George Weasley is a dickhead, plain and simple.
He hadn’t been able to fall asleep when he got home, he kept replaying the night over and over. Every time he closed his eyes, he was met with Y/N staring back at him. Except she’s staring with so much disgust it makes George feel sick, he can still hear Y/N’s voice telling him to leave. George Weasley not only managed to lose the life of his life in one night but also his best friend. He feels like a dickhead.
George glances over at the clock next to his bed. 10:30 am. Y/N is getting married in 30 minutes. His chest pains, he thinks he might throw up.
George staggers out of bed and towards the kitchen, he needs water. His journey is interrupted by a harsh knock from the front door. He sighs, he knew Fred would come around to try and convince him to go to the wedding. George figures he couldn’t go to the wedding even if he wanted to, sure that his invitation was no longer valid after last night.
“Fred, seriously I’m not going,” George flings open the door and he almost passes out.
Y/N was standing there looking like an angel, he thinks maybe he died from alcohol poisoning and was actually in heaven. Y/N’s hair was laying loosely across her shoulders, she was wearing a breathtaking white gown which hugged her body perfectly.
George mouth is gaping open his voice coming out breathless and in a whisper, “what-what are you doing here?” He’s half expecting Y/N to slap him across the face for his antics last night.
“I couldn’t do it,” Y/N also whispers, as if this is a secret conversation, only meant for the two of them.
“Why?” George squeaks.
“Because I love you.”
Y/N steps closer and drapes her arms around George’s neck pulling him closer so their foreheads are resting against each other.
As soon as she woke up this morning Y/N felt ill. It wasn’t until she was standing in her wedding dress by the church did she realise why she felt sick. It was because the man that was waiting for her inside the church wasn’t George. Her mum sensed her daughters doubts and offered a comforting hand on her shoulder, “darling, you tell me right now if you want out. I’ll get a car, I’ll sort out this whole thing, you won’t have to worry about a thing.”
Without thinking Y/N had responded, “I want out mum.” That lead to Y/N zooming away in her dad’s car straight for George’s place.
Y/N gazes into George’s warm and gentle eyes, she felt home, “I love you even though you’re an idiot who waited to tell me you loved me till the night before my wedding to someone else.”
George chuckles, “yeah I guess I am but I’m your idiot.”
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daretosnoop · 4 years
The Final Scene Review:
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Nancy Drew games do a stellar job at placing the player within the game. FIN is often given the due credit of being one of the best atmospheric games. The artists effectively portrayed a theater that is long past its prime. Everything is tattered and dusty. Things are old and rusty. How long has that popcorn been sitting there? Or that bubble gum? Who knows? It’s gorgeous! It’s incredible how they manage to make the theater so nostalgic to the player despite it being fictional. It really reminds you of old buildings that are destroyed to make way for corporate offices or businesses. It’s one of the few Nancy Drew games that sets the tone right from the start – dangerous and fast-paced. Maya’s kidnapping sets in the urgency, but right from the start players are required to navigate through an abandoned and creepy backroom only to pop out of a closet. It’s these two scenes that really hammer into the reader that this game is playing no nonsense. It’s like that moment in all horror movies/games where the characters realize this is for real. It really makes sense for the stage rooms to have a bunch of junk lying around here and there because it’s been abandoned. Allowing Nancy to look at them just continues to hammer that in. I mean, did anyone else feel slightly grossed out at the sink with a plunger in it? You really resonate with Nick Falcone’s commitment of protecting America from becoming Generica. Despite its dilapidated state, I’m pretty sure we all can agree that the theater commanded a presence. This game reminded me of the old Scooby Doo episode where they go to the puppet theater and are haunted by that creepy puppet master. And just like the Scooby doo gang, you always felt like someone was watching you—especially in areas like the underground basement and the main theater room.
Another stellar masterpiece. I don’t think there is a single track I hated. Each title retained the jazzy elements of the theater’s ritzy days, yet there is always something creepy intermixed within it. It really set in the feeling that someone was following you around. Tracks like “Lobby” and “Maya” really brought this feeling home, especially at end game when the danger music is playing and it intermixes with Maya’s theme. OMG, when that music started playing, I really got chills and started to become frantic. I forgot that the axe and hammer don’t work on the ice cube cupboard, which made me waste time. I actually finished this game with seconds to spare because I didn’t know that time didn’t stop when you read the letters.
In terms of little noises, I loved the sound of the doors as you opened it and the rustle of the curtains as you moved them aside. The noise the key make makes and the papers on Nick Falcone’s desk!
Nancy: I think everyone agrees that FIN Nancy is a Nancy we rarely ever see. She is taking no crap from anyone. Not only does it reinstate the sense of urgency, but it also shows a Nancy who refuses to be pushed around by others. I mean, not one character dumps their chores onto Nancy! Well Nick Falcone sort of does, but Nancy has the option of calling him out on this!
Simone Muller: Ah, who can forget the best introduction lines ever, “I’m going to have to call you back, someone just stepped out of my closet”. That one line gives you everything you need to know about Simone. She’s busy, has no time for strange occurrences, and doesn’t let anything get in the way of her plans. I love her rudeness, especially when you combine it with Brady and the book he’s reading on “being your own self”. The fact that she refuses to talk to Nancy until the end of day one enforces that “I’ve got no time for you” managerial, Hollywood attitude. One thing this game does well is in making each character suspicious. There is no object or goal the characters are trying to attain, but rather, the game focuses on the lengths they would go to in order to satisfy their desires. Simone wants to make Brady famous because that would make her rich. Thus, from her dealings with Brady’s fans and the floral card, it makes sense that she might kidnap Maya. BTW, I just want to say how amazing this game is by making all the suspicious evidence be everyday items. For Simone, it’s messages and a floral business card. In other words, the suspicion is put on the character’s motives and their personality, as in, how they would achieve said goals.
Brady Armstrong: Total Hottie, am I right? Oh wait, wrong game. Out of the 4 suspects, Brady is the weakest because he really has no reason to kidnap Maya. Even if it was a publicity stunt it wouldn’t be him doing the kidnapping, Simone would make sure of that! But the plot twist they gave to his character was really cool and unexpected. It did bring some new questions, but within the context of the game, it was really great because it took the character with the lowest suspicion rate and made him super suspicious! I know some people might feel like it’s random and came out of nowhere, but I disagree. Brady is shown to have qualms with the amount of control Simone has over his life, not to mention his own fears of a waning career (which btw, nicely ties in with a theater past its prime theme). After Joseph, he shows the most amount of concern for Maya but it feels superficial, like it’s for a press. Later you see him reading the assert yourself book which builds his confidence not only to get out of Simone’s grasps but to go down a different path. Finally, he keeps everything in an office briefcase. It’s a subtle growth, but it’s there.
Nick Falcone: Probably the person the game wanted you to think is the most suspicious because Maya’s kidnapping falls right into his plans, and his past borderline illegal activates to preserve the theater. Honestly, even knowing the true criminal, I think the game did a good job at making Nick suspicious. He gives off the aura of one of those people who make you feel included and then next thing you know you helped someone out in a crime. One of those I’ll be nice and make you trust me, but I have ulterior motives and don’t trust you types. And yet, the game did something so clever with his character that connects him to the real criminal. You see, Nick is relatively nice to Nancy and actually works alongside her a bit, kind of like someone else we know. It’s a clever trick to make Joseph’s eventually reveal seem less jarring because the game has already shown a nice character who is extremely shady.
Joseph Huges: One of those tragic yet scary villains. You really sympathize with his desire to save the theater and his desperation. I felt really bad when the note about his brother’s death was discovered. He’s nice, but the game uses his niceness against you. He’s always there when you need help (he’s watching you). He tries to help you find Maya (he’s making sure you don’t find her before the demolition is due). He’s definitely one of the more dangerous villains because of his desire to be your friend. And yet, I kind of felt like they weren’t intentionally trying to hide this side of Joseph. One of the most obvious things about Maya’s kidnapping is that it would require someone to have intense knowledge of the theater’s layouts, and out of all the characters, Joseph has the most. So from the start, the finger was already on Joseph, but either his “kindness” makes you forget it or makes you deny it because it’s hard to believe. I still wonder if his denial confrontation is intentional or not, or a mix of both. It’s hard to say, he’s definitely a villain that’s exhausted. But it certainly made him one of the best, if not the best, villains in the series.
Puzzles: This game had a nice balance between the puzzles and game. The puzzles weren’t super complicated but they nicely integrated with the theater. I mean, it really wouldn’t make sense for a theater to have complicated puzzles here and there. I think the most complicated puzzle would be the one to get access to the magician’s room. The only puzzle that was a disappointment was using the keys in the attic to get past the door. There were so many keys and they were of similar colour which just made everything chaotic. The end game puzzle was hilarious because it wasn’t a puzzle at all. It was just a magic trick, yet it worked because of the setting! Simone’s phone was a little daunting because I didn’t know what the objective was. I knew you had to put the number from the lipstick card, but where and how wasn’t clear. I kind of guessed a few times then got it.
This game really hammered in the magical phrase “Appearances can be deceiving”.
One funny thing was with the electric door. I forgot to look into the chest to get the rubber gloves, so when I came to the electric door I started to improvise. Instead of going back to get the gloves, my brain went “Well, wood isn’t a good conductor of electricity so if we use the magic wand which is most likely made of wood as a stick and press the numbers with it, we should be good”….. I had to hear Nancy’s scream 3 times before I remembered the gloves.
There were a lot of phone calls, but I like talking to people and gathering bits of clues here and there and having to put everything together. Also, I loved Houdini’s cousin’s morbid humour, LOVED IT!
They show their age here and there, but like the theater, sometimes old is gold. This game doesn’t have little animations that are unique to the character. You could argue for Simone and Joseph as they both had something that was related to their work, but neither revealed much about their character. Graphics is something you can only talk about with the later games, but this game still provided unique angles like Joseph’s head peering into the trap door/magician’s room area.
Plot: It was fantastic. Everything is high stakes and instead of receiving help, Nancy receives reluctance and incompetence. No wonder she tags alongside the villain, he’s the only one who tries to help.
The only thing that I don’t completely get is why Brady felt threatened by Maya. So what if she exposes the fact that he’s the owner of the theater? How does that affect his popularity? If anything, planet Tinseltown would make a bigger dent in it.
Overall, loved this game. 10/10
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lyta-roca · 4 years
Fictober - Day 3: “You did this?”
Fictober - Day 3: “You did this?”
Promt number: 3 
Fandom: 3 Bellow (Tales of Arcadia) 
Warnings/Tags: I just want to apologize for being late with this project, but I'm trying to catch up.
After the great adventure that the heirs of Akiridion-5 had to defeat Morando, Stuart feared that both of them would forget about him. After all, since he came to earth, he had been alone (except for all those years that he was captive in area 49-B, next to Buster), of course, he had an electronics store (which nobody went to) And he had a burrito cart where he served many customers, but if he was honest with himself, he didn't have a single friend on the entire planet. The arrival of Aja, Krel and Varvatos, was a help to take a weight off him (that he did not know he had), their presence was a reminder that he should not be ashamed or fear to show what he was.
When Krel decided to stay on earth, Stuart made a promise to take care of him. He knew the waiting king had Lucy and white Ricky to take care of him, but he had grown so fond of the two children that it was impossible for him not to worry about them.
Stuart still remembers when Arcadia came under attack again. That day he went a little crazy trying to locate Krel. And by the time he found it, the first rays of the sun were already coming out. What Krel explained to him was that he had helped his friends to save the world from a certain "Arcane Order", which sought to destroy the world with "Seals of Genesis", in order to end humanity. Stuar would have laughed at such a story, considering it absurd, but he was a being from another planet, there were Trolls roaming around Arcadia freely and Krel would never lie about such a thing.
In the days after that event, he spent it helping Krel recover from his injuries. They might not be serious at all, and the boy kept saying that he was fine and didn't need to be taken care of, but Stuart could notice Krel limping at times. And the boy might not admit it out loud, but he was really grateful for the attention he was getting from Stuart.
Krel suffered greatly with the loss of his parents, and in all that time his sister returned to Akirodion-5, he began to notice his closeness to Stuart. Sure, it wasn't the same as spending time with his father, but Stuart went out of his way to try to make him feel better, entertain him, and be there for him. Let's say that somehow I was beginning to consider him in another father figure.
"You were already late, little brother"
Aja commented, when Krel told him about his recent discovery about Stuart.
Turns out the idea of ​​meeting Aja and Krel's other friends wasn't a bad idea. It was a really curious group, but nice. Without a doubt, the atmosphere of the place was warm and very welcome of him, since it had been a long time since he felt at ease in a place full of people. Claire proved to be extremely curious to know about her home planet, so she tried to tell her as much as she could (including the detail of the strong scent of her kind, since for that encounter she had decided to remain in her human camouflage so as not to disturb nobody with his smell). Toby was very excited to introduce him to his best friend, Jim, who had heard (from Krel and Toby) that he had saved Arcadia on multiple occasions; Seeing how young he was and imagining that he had put his life in danger on more than one occasion, Stuart began to feel empathy for the boy. Then she met Blinkous (or as she had heard Jim, Toby and Claire called her: Blinky), a Troll who seemed to understand her in the concept of taking care of boys, plus she told her many interesting things and stories about Trolls.
Stuart listened intently as Blinkous spoke with great energy about Deya, the liberator, until he noticed Varvatos at the other end of the garden. Excusing himself to Blinkous, he entered the Nuñez house and locked himself in the bathroom. He drew a sigh (which he didn't know he had been holding) and looked at his reflection in the mirror. From practically their first meeting, Stuart had developed feelings for the commander of Akiridion-5, but he never commented on anything close to this because of his insecurity. After all, Stuart had no great talents to show off or show off. He left his planet only to escape his ex-girlfriend, he was held captive for several years and when he failed to take with him the only company he had in the place (Buster). Besides knowing that currently, Varvatos had a relationship with Nancy Domzalski, and he looked very happy, who was he to destroy that?
After he settled his ideas, he left the bathroom determined to continue his conversation with Blinkous, after all, Deya's story had really gotten him. Turns out the Troll story was very interesting, and it helped keep your mind occupied. When he managed to visualize Blinkous he was intercepted by Aja and Krel who wore a smile (suspicious for Stuart's taste).
- Stuart, we need you to come with us - Aja spoke taking him from a heron and starting to direct him out of the Nuñez residence
- What? Why?
- Seklos and Gaylen, do you always ask so many questions? - Krel asked with a smile on her face
- Yes, especially when I am taken against my will
Both boys laughed at how dramatic Stuart was being.
It didn't take them long to reach their destination, as it was a place in the woods not far from Claire's house. By the time dusk came, it was giving way to the night sky.
- Well, let them drag me here, now tell me, what are we doing here?
"You just wait here a few minutes" Aja said as she and Krel were already finding each other heading back to Claire's house.
Somehow this didn't surprise Stuart, but it did disappoint him a bit that they left him without telling him or at least giving him a hint of what he was supposed to do there.
He didn't have to wait long, because in just a few minutes he began to hear footsteps heading in his direction. At first Stuart thought the worst, but then relaxed when he saw that it was just Varvatos. It was then that the nerves returned to his body.
- Vexie, what a joy to see you - he greeted with a somewhat forced smile
- It is certainly a delight for Varvatos to see you again, Stuart
Certainly, Stuart never expected such an answer.
- Oh sure. The same for me is a delight - he muttered through his teeth
For a few seconds they both kept their gaze, saying nothing.
- Wow, just look at the sky, it's already dark - Stuart broke with the silence watching how the stars began to shine overhead - he thought we better go back with the others
- Actually, Varvatos wants to talk to you for a moment, Stuart
- ok, I don't see why not, big man
To talk more comfortably, they both took a seat on a nearby rock.
- So ... - Stuart spoke - What do you want to talk about, mate?
- How would you describe love, Stuart?
- oh my - he managed to articulate - first of all, what is this question coming up with? Are there problems between you and Nancy?
- No, not at all - he answered quickly - Nancy and I decided to end our relationship
- What? Man, i'm really sorry
- Varvatos does not see why you should apologize.
- Well, it is an expression that is used to let you know that I am sorry that your relationship ended, as it can be something hard to overcome.
- I think Varvatos understands - he spoke thoughtfully - But Nancy I ended up on good terms, she is a good chess fighter and Varvatos enjoys a good game. But Varvatos wants to know how you describe love, Stuart.
- Well, that's complicated - he began - He thought he couldn't answer that. I mean, you know that I escaped my planet just because I didn't want to marry Gwen. And I haven't had any more relationships since. - and in a whisper she said - but there is someone.
- Someone? asked Varvatos.
Stuart wished the earth would swallow him right then and there.
- Yes, but you know things would not work
- And why not?
- Because I don't think it's worth it. I mean, I'm not someone important enough for that someone to pay attention to me.
- Silly stuff! - Varvatos exclaimed with some anger surprising Stuart - Varvatos will punish that someone for making you doubt that you are special
- I don't think that's necessary, big man - I try to reassure him - Like I told you. Not worth it
Despite the fact that Stuart's words had eased the tension of the moment a bit, Vanvatos continued to look somewhat angry.
- Everything okay, Vexie?
- Varvatos may never find out about that someone, but Varvatos wants you to know that you are special, Stuart
Stuart was speechless. Had he heard correctly?
Clearly he couldn't think much of that as from one moment to the next, Varvatos handed him (somewhat roughly) a letter. He saw that Varvatos's distinctive confident bearing had been replaced by one that expressed insecurity. With some intrigue he began to read the contents of the letter.
When he finished reading it, his face was practically an enigma. Varvatos watched him, waiting for a reaction that would tell him something clearer about what he thought, but seconds passed and Stuart still gave no indication of responding.
Meanwhile, Stuart's mind was in chaos. Only in his most intimate dreams this scenario was generated. But this was in real life, this was really happening and I didn't know what to do about it. The letter was a clear and great confession of love from the great general Varvatos towards him, and from what he could appreciate Pat had received some help writing it because there were several words and phrases that he knew that the Akiridian did not know their meaning (or at least I thought so).
- Did you ... did you write it? - finally spoke
Varvatos hesitated a bit before answering - Yes, with some help from Nancy
Stuart let out a light laugh. At first, Varvatos thought he was teasing but once he saw some tears falling down Stuart's cheeks he got scared.
- Varvatos never wanted to make you feel bad ...
- No. - Stuart interrupted - It's just ... I don't know what to say. I never thought that you would notice someone like me.
- What do you mean?
- You are a commander of a planet with really advanced technology and you are not afraid of anything - he explained regaining his composure - And I'm just Stuart.
- Wait, is Varvatos that someone you were talking about?
Stuart looked at Varvatos, confirming the question asked with his eyes.
- Just say you love each other! exclaimed a voice from the nearby bushes.
They both directed their gaze towards the place of origin of that comment and approached slowly. With nervous smiles, they found Aja and Krel. Two kids caught red-handed.
- It was his idea! - they said at the same time while pointing to each other
- We will talk about this later, children - Stuart spoke looking at them with some reproach
Seeing that they had nothing to excuse themselves from, both young men began to walk back to civilization.
- I guess ... - Stuart spoke once Aja and Krel were a few feet away from them - that we might consider planning a first date.
- Glorious.
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New Journey (S.H) Chapter 3 Season 2
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader!henderson
Summary: Y/N Henderson joins her brother's little adventure and makes a new friend on the way.
Warnings: swearing
Notes: thank you to everyone who liked my story that much that decided to follow me or like my chapters! If you want to be tagged just comment! 💞
Not requested
Also gif not mine
 Chapter 2 << New Journey Masterlist >> Chapter 4 
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".. An-and Mews is now d-dead, cause Dart ate her. Omg, Dart ate Mews, Y/N!" Dustin practically screamed and you had to shush him so mum wouldn't hear you.
" Holy shit.." was the only thing that you were able to say after realization hit you too. Your cat, the one that your mum was searching for, is in Dustin's room dead on the floor with Dart eating her. That thought sent chills to your spine and without thinking it you sat down on your bed.
Dustin followed your actions "What are we gonna do, Y/N?" his voice was trembling. You looked at him through tears in your eyes and side hugged him.
" Well.. The first thing we have to do is get rid of mum. She can't know about this. She'll be devastated. And then we'll have to get D-Dart out of your room and take him somewhere else, but where?" you started forming your plan.
" What about the basement?" Dustin spoke up.
" Yeah.. Yeah, that'll work." you told him and smiled soflty "And last but not least we'll have to clean your room and.. And bury Mews." you said and silence filled the room.
After a few minutes Dustin asked you "Can I stay here tonight?"
You looked at him shocked "Dustin, of course.. Are you kidding me? You really thought I'd leave you alone with that terrifying thing? No way."
" Thank you. " he told you and after you got ready you fell asleep hugging one another, trying to ease each other's pain.
While Dustin was on the living room talking to 'Mr. McCorkle' and trying to get your mum to leave and search for Mews, you were preparing some stuff for your plan.
You sighed and looked at all the things you had gathered "Let's hope he's still in there or we'll be in big trouble." you told yourself and went outside seeing Dustin and your mum hugging. Moments like these were rare, since Dustin was growing up and he acted like the man of the house, but it was always a nice sight to see.
" We can find her." Dustin said without acknowledging you had entered the room.
" We can find her.." your mum repeated and started walking away. She looked at you and sent you a big thumbs up.
" I love you!" you said and waved at her.
" I love you too, guys!" she said opening the door open.
" All right, go!" Dustin told her and she walked out the door. You felt so bad for lying to her, but it was for her own good.
" Okay.. Let's get started!" you said clapping your hands and going to your room to get ready.
You had gathered some hockey equipment that you both could use. After putting it on you went to take some food so you could lead Dart to your trap with it.
You gave Dustin a questioning look and when he nodded you took a big breath and turned the doorknob. "Let's go" you said under your breath and immediately started running out of the house with Dustin.
Both of you were yelling curse words until you found yourselves inside the small cabin you had right beside your house. You closed the door and looked through the window.
" Is he coming?" Dustin eagerly asked you and tried to push you away so he could take a look.
" No.. I don't see him.." you answered.
' Why aren't you coming? I know you're hungry..' you thought and just then Dart walked out.
" Yes!" both of you whispered and watched every move he made. He was approaching the basement door and as it all looked like it would work out, Dart looked at your direction.
" Shit." you said and backed away from the window. Dustin was frozen still. You put an arm over him without even thinking about it and peaked again. He was much closer to you two, but before you could react in any way, a scream surprised you.
You turned and saw Dustin stepping out and scaring Dart. With a strong kick by his ice hockey stick, Dart was in the basement and Dustin was fast enough to lock him in.
" Dustin?!" you yelled and ran towards him. He was breathing heavily from the adrenaline.
" I'm sorry... But he ate our cat. I didn't think it through." he answered you, but you weren't mad. You were glad that that thing was now in a secure place.
You chuckled and offered him a hand. He accepted and you both went inside to try and fix the mess Dart left behind.
After having a mini funeral for Mews, it was now time to clean the blood out of the floor and carpet.
You were desperately trying to do that and Dustin was trying to get hold of his friends once again while helping you.
" All right, it's Dustin again. Seriously, I have a code red." and as Dustin finished his sentence a voice was heard.
" Could you please shut up?" you and Dustin looked at one another. It was Erica, you would recognize that voice anywhere.
" Erica? Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?" Dustin asked impatiently.
" Don't know. Don't care." she continued clearly not taking this seriously.
" Is he- is he with Mike?" Dustin tried to take any information out of her.
" Like I said, I don't know and I don't care." but it was impossible to make Erica tell you anything useful. You sighed and continued scrubbing the carpet.
" Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him I have a code-" Dustin was cut off by Erica.
" Code red?"
" Yep, code red. Exactly." he answered with a nod.
" Mmm-hmm. I got a code for you instead. It's called shut-your-mouth" Erica said with all the sass she had and turned the walkie-talkie off.
You smirked. ' That girl's got a future' you thought.
" Jesus.." Dustin muttered.
" What are you going to do?" you asked slowly starting to get frustrated by the fact that the blood is not coming off of the carpet.
" Probably gonna ride to Mike's to see if they are there... It's worth the shot." he said getting up.
" I'm gonna drive you. I have to go and get some stuff to really get the blood off without destroying the carpet, anyways."you said and after some minutes you dropped him at Mike's.
" If they are there good, if they are not just ask to stay there for at least half an hour so I could come back and get you." you told Dustin who was already out of the car.
" Don't bother, I'll just walk."
" Oh, no no no.. I'm not leaving you outside alone after what happened, young man. And besides, the sun will soon set and you know mum doesn't want you out in the dark alone anymore." you told him sternly.
" Okay okay.. I'll wait. Bye." he said and walked away.
" Bye, see you soon." you called after him and drove away.
Not even 2 minutes later you saw a familiar car driving by you. It was Steve's. He honked to tell you he saw you, a way of him saying hello. You waved a bit and continued with your trip.
35 minutes have now passed and you just got to your car to get back. There were so many people at the store today and for a second you thought that they planned it like that so you would be late. But you were now heading at the Wheeler's house to get Dustin or see if he went somewhere with the guys.
You parked your car on the street, walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. After some seconds Mrs. Wheeler answered the door.
" Hi, sweetie. I'm sorry, but Nancy's not here." she said kindly.
" I'm not here for Nancy. I'm here to ask about my brother. He was here about 45 minutes ago trying to find Mike. Any idea where they might be?" you asked her.
" Um.. Mike was not here when Dustin came by, but he didn't stay either.. I think I saw him getting inside, umm, Steve's car! Yes. He went with him. Now to where I don't know." she answered you.
" Oh.. Alright, thank you. He probably got him home safely. Goodbye!" you said and walked away from the house.
" Goodnight, Y/N!" she answered and you heard the door closing.
' Why on earth would Dustin go somewhere with Steve? He barely knows him.' you thought to yourself and headed for your house.
And much to your surprise, Steve's car was actually there. Right in front of your house, but the lights of the house were off.
' What are they doing?' you thought and stepped out of your car.
Tag list: @bookscoffeandotherstuff @i-am-the-coffee-queen @a-hoe-for-vanya @stiles24ever @daddystevee
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fictionalfop · 5 years
After re watching all 3 seasons four times, each time with a different sibling, I got a little thoughtful about the Mind Flayer and what it represents to the abused children of the series, aka Will, Billy, and El.
Will Byers
In S1, Will clearly draws a parallel of the creature to the Demogorgon from the DND session. Both as a way of explaining what on earth was happening to him and also perhaps a way of verbalizing trauma. The Demogorgon is a minion of the Mind Flayer, being made to hunt Will down and presumably take him alive so the Mind Flayer can impregnate him. 
For Will, the Mind Flayer/Demogorgon hunts him down, terrifies him, forcing him to run from hiding spot to hiding spot. Back in Hawkins, Jonathan said that Will is ‘good at hiding’.
Why is Will good at hiding? Lonnie. Whether Lonnie was ever physically abusive with him is unconfirmed to my knowledge, but he definitely persecuted Will verbally, heaping abuse and insult and ‘you’re not good enough’ on his younger son. His arguments with Joyce were loud and explosive, clearly something that caused emotional and psychological distress to Will. (Also Lonnie kinda slammed my son Jonathan into a wall...so he could easily do something similar to Will, something cruel and cowardly, and brush it off as some manly ‘rough and tumble’) 
The first place Will made meaningful contact with Joyce was in a little cubbyhole, where she held the bundle of Christmas lights. It isn’t a stretch to see Will using the same cubbyhole to hide from Lonnie and, in the present, hide from the Demogorgon, stalking around outside, roaring. Harsh, loud sounds...like the voice of his abusive father shouting his name, shouting at Joyce.
So a double nightmare for Will. Also, thanks to Jonathan and Joyce, Will seems to suffer no guilt over what Lonnie did...he doesn’t seem to blame himself for his father’s abuse, doesn’t think he deserved it. He didn’t escape trauma-free, but is more concerned now with forgetting it, with finding his place in the world when he’s already so different by virtue of his isolation and his Upside Down adventure. It was just a ‘bad roll’ that will scar him forever. Something that just happened. Because life is like that sometimes. **cries forever**
Billy Hargrove
Billy’s parallels are a little more obvious. Like Neil, the Mind Flayer strikes with very little notice (and breaks up his date completely and I feel awful for laughing at that but still, lol). Like Neil, the Mind Flayer seeks to exert complete and utter control over Billy, to empty him of himself and put his own personality there instead. Like Neil, the Mind Flayer not only catches Billy, but exhibits violence on him and isolates him from humanity.
This is not to say that Neil was controlling Billy and making him behave as he did in Season 2. This is to say that years of abuse with no family/friendship structure to help him made it easy for Billy to lash out at others like that. He fights a war every day alone against Neil and his own personal demons of hatred, substance abuse, and depression, and after the Mind Flayer takes him his body becomes the same kind of battered, abused battleground.
And just like Will says, “the Demogorgon got me” because of his bad roll...Billy’s Mom told him to “watch out for rip currents”. And then, out of nowhere, a force of nature/evil grabs Billy by the foot and yanks him into a living nightmare. I do believe Heather falling into black depths, like water, is purposeful imagery. (If not then I am just a lucky fanfic writer) I believe the Mind Flayer drowns people in their own heads, subsumes them under their own identities. He is the Seven Foot Wave for Billy, but also the rip current underneath. And Billy must try to swim until he drowns. 
While I’m sure its been done to death, it’s worth mentioning that El’s act of empathy for Billy...the feeling that he was not alone, that someone cared...was enough for him to stand up to the Mind Flayer.
Which means that if Billy had either been reached out to or made the decision on his own to reach out (both viable. Nobody owes my dumpster son redemption but wouldn’t it be absolutely wonderful if it worked out that way, and nobody had to die alone and abused all their lives that’s what TV is for Duffer brothers yammit), then he would have resisted Neil’s domination and become his own person, scarred but free.
Eleven aka Jane aka El
Finally, El. There aren’t as many parallels here...except the same quality in El makes both ‘Papa' burn-and-die-please Brenner and the Mind Flayer interested in her...her psychic powers. Brenner sees her as a weapon he can point at others. The Mind Flayer sees her as a weapon pointed at itself. Brenner tried to destroy her humanity so there’d be nothing left but the power. The Mind Flayer tried to destroy her so she couldn’t use it. Neither of them cared about or saw the girl. 
And neither gives a toss about humanity either. If it could, the Mind Flayer would kill everyone. If he thought he needed to, Dr. Brenner would kill anyone. Both sides of the coin of the same type of monster. They both dehumanized El and reduced her to a pawn on their chessboard.
How did they react to this monster, and to this trauma?
Will fought the Mind Flayer tooth and nail to protect his family and friends. He loved them and it was their love for him that reminded him he could fight...with just a finger, tapping away at Morse Code. He retained a piece of himself until his family could drive away the bully. Like Lonnie, the Mind Flayer fled the house, slamming his door on the way out. Like an abusive parent being kicked out of a family he’d been damaging for far too long. And Will was left behind, battered, bruised, but alive. And he would continue to live despite the scars.
Billy fought the Mind Flayer in a way that, because of the Mind Flayer’s direct control, isn’t as apparent. Saving Karen, unnecessarily revving his car engine outside the mall to warn Nancy and the kids, and of course, the big scene...just standing there and saying ‘No’. Holding his ground. In many ways, just saying No and refusing to budge is far more difficult then walking the other way. Billy didn’t try to run. He caught the Mind Flayer’s tentacle/Neil’s fist, and despite the fact that the last time he stood between a bully and a woman (Neil and his Mom/Mind Flayer and El) and it didn’t do him a spit of good in the end...Billy was willing to do so again. And I will point out that during his final scream, black liquid was oozing out of his mouth. Sure, maybe it was a sign of internal bleeding. But maybe it was a sign that Billy was mentally kicking the Mind Flayer’s ass, and would have freed himself completely if not for that fatal strike. **coughBilly’salivehonksclownnose**
And El? El is so wonderful. Despite being deprived and dehumanized, she didn’t want to hurt that cat. She killed those men after being repeatedly isolated in a dark room that terrified her. She tried to please her Papa, ripped open a gateway to another world, and then blamed herself. When she went out into the world and met kind people, she wept because she realized she had put them in danger. And when Papa returned? Showered her with ‘love’ and ‘approval’ and promised to fix everything?
El had learned that, regardless of his ability to ‘fix things’, whatever lurked in Papa Brenner was evil, and would hurt her, and all the good people he’d left as a trail of bodies to get to her. She may not have had a single clue how to fix everything, but she had the absolute courage to try. She rejected evil and took responsibility for the entire world in a single moment, and I don’t think she can be praised enough for somehow rejecting years and years of brainwashing to make a choice that many of us today would hesitate over.
And El isn’t amazing because she had friends. Billy wasn’t so damaged and hurtful because he didn’t. Will didn’t retain his sweetness simply because his Mom threw Lonnie out. Friends and family don’t guarantee your moral state or even your social state. There are innumerable factors that get thrown into the mixing pot that makes up a person. Love, education, perception, inspiration, and outside treatment...these all get thrown against your inner reasoning, inner strength, and you make choices. Sometimes against impossible odds, against unavoidable failure, but you always make choices.
These children all chose to fight against the monsters that abused them, that tried to destroy them and everything that made them who they were. When their nightmares became real, and the Upside Down responded in kind, joining forces to torment them and echo what they’d already suffered from their ‘father figures’...they fought. The spark that was their spirit could not be quenched even when they were never quite the same. Even when they died. And that to me is an unbearably beautiful thing.
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
What’s ur theories or what you want to see throughout season 3 for stranger things and what can you see for will for his arc
I literally would not be able to discuss every s3 theory I have in one post XD. But I can specify what theories/hopes I have for Will’s story arc in s3.
1) I want Will’s (not supernatural) PTSD to be addressed, as well as he deep-seeded  abandoment issues(caused by Lonnie), and low self-esteem to be addressed. He probably blames himself for Lonnie leaving, and causing his family’s financial issues (which will only worsen because of the new mall). Not to mention Will probably blames himself for Bob’s death- the only cannon romantic love interest in Joyce��s life, since Lonnie. Will clearly has a low self esteem and when people ‘leave him’ he blames himself entirely. A good indicator of this, was when Jonathan says he has friends. And Will is confused and says … 
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This in itself is extremely telling of how Will views himself. After s1 despite all the kids, teens, and adults doing everything they could to save him (risking their lives to do so) he still doesn’t understand why any of them actual would want to hang around him- he doesn’t see ‘his appeal- his worth’. He doesn’t like himself . He sees himself as a burden, just like his dad perceived him. And because of his abandonment issues, and somewhat iffy social skills, he probably assumes in both s1-2 they saved him out of obligation. And because of his abandonment issues,  he’s constantly feeling like a burden and always over-apologizing.  And since Will already feels like a burden, because of his dad, his PTSD,  and the upside-down incident he’s constantly apologizing .There was a reason Will didn’t tell Joyce what he saw in s1! He yells “I’m sorry “ and snuggles into his mom when he’s trying to explain the mindflayer to Hopper and Joyce. And Joyce says something indicative to his character (before anything supernatural occurs).
Joyce: “You feeling any better? Will?”
Will: “Huh? Yeah… Sorry.”
Joyce: “Hey… what’d we talk about, huh? You gotta stop it with the sorry’s.”
Will : “Yeah, sorry. I mean… yeah, I know.”
This illustrates that Joyce has already discussed the fact that Will over-apologizes . But Will still does it very often, even after these 2 separate discussions. 
I think in s3 we’ll see a cumulative reaction to how Will’s experiences have shaped him in a very sad and problematic way. Dustin starts hanging out with Steve, Lucas has a girlfriend, Jonathan will probably be too busy trying to financially support the family/dating Nancy, and to top it all off he then has a fight with Mike about not being “ kids anymore”. I think Mike will lash out, but Will will take the argument much harsher than he usually would (because all of his insecurities are piling up one after the other).So through Will’s perception, he just feels alone and like he’s being abandoned all over again, by the people who he thought would never do this to him.
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2) Will’s destroys Castle Byers (Theory). I actually predicted here, that Will would destroy Castle Byers(right after his fight with Mike)- before the track list even came out. I thought this would be the case, because of Castle Byers symbolic importance. Which is why hopefully it’s Will,  not some other force that destroys it.
Will uses castle Byers as the one place he feels safe while in the upside down, or just on a daily basis. But it’s still a reminder of his deep-seeded abandonment issues. The day Will’s dad left , Jonathan and Will built Castle Byers all night in the pouring rain. Jonathan saying “we just had to finish it no matter what”. Will was the one who made-up Castle Byers in his imagination, and drew it, before Lonnie even left. He drew the sign “all friends welcome”, because with Lonnie around he never felt ‘welcome’ in his own home. So then when Will goes to Castle Byers in s3 at night in the pouring rain … he’s probably thinking that Mike (and his friends) are going to abandon him just like his dad did! 
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Will wants time to stop, to regain the childhood he lost, but he can’t cry about it now -since he’s officially a teenager . And everyone else is moving on. He feels like he’s being abandoned in a “ teenage wasteland”
So I think Will may in a fit of rage destroy Castle Byers (probably using his fire powers). Similar to how El  had a psychic fit and accidentally destroyed all the windows in the cabin.
However unlike the El scene, it quickly turns into something empowering.We’d be sad. But this in itself would be Will at least trying to symbolically move on from his father’s influence, and trying to overcome his abandonment issues. Plus s3 is all about growing up- and if Will destroys the symbol of his childhood-abandonment-issues it would symbolically indicate his change in character as he accepts that he’s now a teenager . As well as how he’ll refuse to be a victim ever again (from his dad, the mindflayer, the bullies, etc)!
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 Rain in itself can signify “purification of the soul”. I don’t think all of his issues will magically go away- but it’ll be the start of his journey of acceptance & self-love.
3) I want: El to find Will in the woods right after he destroys Castle Byers.
I’ve described in a previous post that based on the symbolism and iconography of the show why Will & El represent Yin and Yang , read more here. One of the many symbols of Yin and Yang is - Yin being representative of feminity/water & Yang being representative of masculinity/fire.
Will is always referenced with fire in both the comic and show . He drew his wizard character shooting fireballs in s1 and in the first ep he rolled the dice and yelled “fireball”, he had the ‘shadow monster ‘ exorcised out of him with fire, and in the comic he shoots a demogorgan and yells “fireball”. El’s element or ‘substance would be the opposite of fire, “water” - the sensory deprivation tanks are filled with water, the void floor is covered in water, she escaped the lab through a drainage pipe, looked at a reflection of herself in a puddle and cased ripples in it using her powers,  in s3 is shown sinking in water and falling out of a vanishing tub, etc.
Yin (water) and Yang (fire) have to  be “in perfect balance” (if one’s presence is stronger than the other)  “catastrophes will occur” and there will be an “imbalance between the cosmic and human realms”.  And throughout the 1st two seasons that’s exactly what happened! If El was shown prominantely then Will was gone or unconscious (or vice versa). There is a symbolic tear between the real world and upside down (because of this imbalance). And having them both be there - as a lit fire of castle byers burn, and rain pours would indicate -that their both starting to find balance. And that they’ll finally team up because of the supernatural threat.
Not to mention the last time Will was at his lowest and went to Castle Byers who found him and even read aloud his mantra/ sign of “all friends welcome”? Right, El!
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 Not to mention in the very 1st episode, the boys went out in the rain to find Will, but found El instead (when she was also at her most scared and isolated). 
So it would be ! PURE POETIC CINEMA! DAMIT! They should do it! (El’s house is even in the woods, it all makes sense)! XD
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4. I want : El lying for Will
Millie said about s3, that the biggest lie was that “friends don’t lie” ... “everybody lies”. El is still learning what it’s like to ‘be a person in the real world’ and understanding the complexity of familial, romantic, and platonic relationships. And although it’s admirable to never want to lie- it’s much more complicated in the real world. Will (who has very little control of his powers) will probably want to keep it a secret- afraid of how his friends perception of him will change if they knew. So El obliges and keeps Will’s secret- her first lie. 
5) I want: Will’s family dynamics evolving
I want to see the love Will has for his mother and brother (and vice versa). But I also want to see the growing pains involved with Will becoming a teenager, striving for independence, and dealing with the supernatural threat and his clear mental health issues. I want to see Joyce, Jonathan, and Will all grow as people- together. -Also Hopper & Will scenes
6) I want: Will to lash out and get angry
Will constantly fears abandonment and because of this he almost never lashes out- he mostly keeps everything bottled up inside. And regardless of whether it’s justified or not- he deserves to have an emotional outburst- where he SCREAMS about all of his frustrations.
7) I want El and Will talking about /experiencing their shared trauma & how they feel about El being the one who first opened the gate
I want to see happy moments for El and Will. But I also want to see El and Will in normal real-life scenarios/situations in s3. Making it more obvious the trauma of their abusive father figures still affects them deeply, and how their PTSD, quiet nature, powers, and the fact that they never had real-childhoods, causes them to feel more socially isolated and depressed than their peers. As they perceive themselves as nothing but burdens and “freaks” to their loved ones , since they’ll never feel “normal”. But they’ll learn to rely on each other.
-Plus how does Will feel about El opening the gate? El in s1 called herself a “monster” and when she couldn’t find Barb and Will, she felt so much guilt- she had to go to the bathroom to cry. Since then Will has had years of his life stolen, gotten Ptsd, possessed, burned alive, (technically) became a murderer, and was forever mutated (we’ll get to that last point later). So I’m just curious how they both feel about the whole ‘gate-situation’?
8) Byler scenes, and Will interacting more with all of his friends (and seeing the distinctions in all of those relationships and how Mike/Will’s dynamic differers from his other guy-friends, or even Will &Max’s friendship). And just having strong platonic relationships. And (not platonic) byler dynamics. I also want to see how he interacts with strangers/bullies in ‘normal’ situations.
9) Theory: I already explained here, that Will, will have a ‘dark phoenix’ moment at the mall releasing his very own mindflayer to protect his friends (right as the US government comes in to see everything).
10/11) Will and El are kidnapped by the government -theory here. However, El willing exposes her identity in order to go with Will and protect him - theory here.
*gifs/pics not mine
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Nancy Drew: The Tale of the Fallen Sea Queen aka Excuse Me While I Fail to Contain My Emotions
So a few weeks ago, I started watching the show in a darkened room to make it easier to see some of the night scenes and things (especially ghost-y moments). This episode there were a few moments that made me Regret that choice.
Also, this episode was a fucking roller coaster and one hell of a cliffhanger to leave us on, especially when we won’t get an episode next week because Thanksgiving.
Lucy looks a lot like Nancy and I doubt that’s going to be a coincidence
New drinking game, watch the whole series and take a shot whenever Nancy calls Lucy “Horseshoe Bay’s Most Infamous Sea Queen”
But why did she go to the cliffs?
Your killer was incompetent if they left behind tire tracks AND the murder weapon. How did they not get caught again?
So they just ignored a Murder of a popular and well-liked (seemingly at least) young woman. Because that’s safe…
Bess asking the right questions                
Phrasing George!
Why do you trust Owen or anyone Owen trusts?
Of course she was conveniently out of town
Told you the coins were super haunted
Oh hello spooky af shadow creatures
That’s not helpful Ace. Possibly important but not helpful. Also what the hell website are you on that so specifically tells you that?!
Notice how Nancy only ever gives Nick that particular look, or anyone really because Owen’s been on the receiving end of it quite a bit too, when she wants something?
Aw, Nancy did learn something from Dear Old Dad
Also yay, Officer Rawley! (I get attached to random background characters okay)
Interesting that the police station is not haunted. Are there not newly built buildings that are less haunted by virtue of lack of opportunity/timing?
Not wrong, but also not helpful or convincing Nancy
Just find an electronic that you don’t care about getting damaged. Lucy hasn’t exactly been gentle on that shit
♪Solving a murder’s not hard when you’ve got a Library Card♫
Is Lucy’s dress white or pink?
That’s not a good thing y’all. That’s just another layer of paint on the target on her back
I like Laura Tandy less and less every time she’s on screen
Lucy has a brother? And they disappeared for a while before she was killed? That seems like an important fact to have missed until now
Why “Ponyboy”?
Also, looks like Ace needs to be added to my list of people who don’t get the concept that confronting someone about their suspicious and potentially dangerous activities is not something to do when you are alone. Especially not in a kitchen with easily accessible Knives!
Does she have a personality besides rich and saying she’s impulsive? (Which every time she does it makes me think that she’s actually very calculating and trying to get people to think otherwise)
More evidence that Carson and Kate murdered, or “murdered” Lucy…
If they’re going to try and make Carson suspicious and unlikeable they should stop giving him quippy oneliners because I love him for them
What the actual fuck?!
No shit she was poisoned. And of course it’s rare and hard to detect. It would be too easy otherwise
Someone stole the Lucy evidence? Or Chemist Friend, like most everyone else, is not to be trusted?
I wish I could use timing of introduction to rule out the Sea Queen Rival, but Laura and Celia make that a tentative assumption. There are too many murder suspects
Of course Lucy’s brother was someone they conveniently already knew
Why stress the “half” part of the relationship?
Developer? Like Owen Marvin maybe? Or a different Marvin depending on how old he’s supposed to be…
What might they say about her that her brother shouldn’t believe? Something more than the rumors that she was sleeping around/“liked to party” I suspect
Poor George looks so hurt saying that and I just want to give her a hug
Fucking finally McGinnis. Glad you’re finally being rational, even if it did take potentially losing your case to the Staties to feel that way
What government computer were you hacking into? And why?
Because he told you the truth when you asked him for it, despite it meaning he risks jail time, and you need every lead you can get. Also no part of his deal with McGinnis required him to lie to you.
That was rather unnecessarily pointed…
What the actual fuck?! x2
Yes and no because they were responsible but didn’t strike the blow themselves obviously
Not the same murderer means it had to be same reason then if the two deaths are connected…right?
Of course this process destroyed the coins and lost Lucy because anything else would have been too clean/wouldn’t have created the desired amount of drama
Everyone else has spilled their dark dramatic trauma, it is only fair (I guess?) that you do too Nancy. Also its really just better for everyone’s health if they have all of the evidence that your father might be a murderer
Ned Nickerson, Don’t. You. Dare! I hated this Mysteries-or-Me ultimatum in CAP and I hate it even more now. Grr…
Why are you driving down the coast? At night.
Recording, smart move.
What did you text Nancy, Ace? It certainly wasn’t the recording because you hadn’t recorded anything valuable yet.
That’s…not how a family data plan or text monitoring work…
Because it was your mother’s hair
That’s not terrifying at all…George’s little sister has a demon friend…that’s fine…
Oh shit…WAIT WHAT?!
The question is what, or who, caused the crash?
Really Nancy? That’s your grand solution to whispers and circumstantial evidence? Just straight ask? Why would he tell you the truth?
I am not prepared to wait 2 weeks on this.
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An entry journal of a normal kid.
(A Kingdom Hearts/SVTFOE/Harry Potter/ Epic Mickey/ BBTIM AU)
Entry of an earth kid, day 106.
Hello private journal. It's me again, Felix Lockheart.
Before I start writing in another crazy adventure I had that sounded that came straight out of a fantasy magical princess fiction, although in this this case, magical 'princes,' I wished to revised on the summary and reflect on these past few months since then.
Before my life took a twisted 'magical' turn, it was almost upside down. I was just a quiet, average teenager that is one year away to get my beginner’s licence for a 50cc scooter. I don't have many friends apart from acquaintances and my family consisted a chief policemen who's my father, a older single mother of a sister who's doing just fine and kids of her own that are twins, which are at the time, quite a hand full!
What I meant is that I was almost a lone wolf, awkward socialist. I was one of those type of teenage boys who tried to be cool yet I have that geeky side of me who's interested in detective novels from Sherlock to Poirot, and Nancy Drew to Case Closed. I have an unusual talent of finding the details that most people missed and sometimes... it makes me distant from people. No matter how hard I tried to be normal, the other kids were treating me as an outcast, without the 'bullying' part on most days.
I tried numerous times to have some shed of acceptance until that one faithful day that I met my two new friends.
Oswald and Mickey Disney.
It started almost three months ago, March the XX, I got called in the principal office during a history test, which I luckily finished before the announcement was made. I was a bit worried, I do wanted to be noticed among my peers but NOT as a delinquent.
Upon arriving at the principal office, my first impression is 'what are those two who's appearances look like they've just graduated from kindergarten here and what does it have to do with me?' and there was my father and the principal himself.
Long story short, I was 'elected' by the principal and the teachers to be their tour guide while my father, who's constantly very busy at work, had explained to me that we will be having these 'foreign exchange students' living in our home... and that 'I' was the one to take care of them... I was in complete shock, mentally disturbed and thought is my life going to get weirder than it is?
That would be one of my biggest asking mistake I would have ever made.
I told myself at the time, that this is nothing special and that it will pass. It all started when we, me and the two bizarre guys, had just finished showing around the halls and a couple empty classrooms.
I wanted to write here a couple of reminder notes about the two 'foreign kids' that turns out to be unique if anyone new.
The first one I want to talk about is Mickey Disney, the younger sibling. I would describe him as the up-beat, enthusiastic, sun shine, positive, semi-innocent, lovable little brother. He is a very popular, well-liked kid even in my world. (I will explain in a bit!) Although sometimes, he acts like he's younger than his age but it is without cruel intention.
The second one I needed to talk about is the elder sibling, Oswald Disney. Also known as 'the type of guy I wished to be but can't cause it ain't happening!' He is what I describe the 'dark mysterious prince' type. He's the calm and collected, down-to-earth guy and he's probably likes to get on my nerves from time to time just to tease me... He's what I'd like to called the blue power ranger type. He's probably fit in with the cool kids much better even with whatever he's wearing at the time.
Back to the first day flash back, it was in the cafeteria that sparked our first 'mishap adventures' of the day and so on.
I've just finished showing and explaining the function of the cafeteria and which seat to avoid due to the 'clique systems' that was still a tradition in this school. While it's true that the faculties had enforced anti-bullying and zero tolerance policy, some of the kids had found some loop holes and it was a bit sneaky from one stand point.
The two brother's asked why but before I had to explained, the lunch rush started and the popular kids were at the front of the line. Upon look at me, they were snickering, laughing and they must have thought that I finally 'belong' to a group... of weirdos.
Mickey then asked me why are they laughing and I lied to him that it was nothing. But Oswald on the other hand, told him the cold hard truth that they were laughing at us and that they were mean. That made his unusual, heart shaped, cheek marks glow in a deep red tone when he made an angry expression and he 'marched' towards the popular kids. I immediately tried my best to pull him back but he was very strong and didn't even flinch when I pulled him back. He's smaller than I am yet I'm older...
Upon sawing their 'new' younger student, they just raised an eyebrow before he asked why are they laughing at me. One of them just plainly yet made some sort of an mocking English tone like Mickey doesn't understand our language, just when he clearly said it flawlessly to them. That triggered him to cast some sort of spell from his hands and into the tomato sauce which cause the saucy food to transform into one of those slime looking monsters. It almost attack one of the now frighten kids until the other 'foreign' student, Oswald cast some other spell that caused the tomato sauce monster disperse into a big splattered  mess all over them and the cafeteria. He also cast another spell that makes them 'forget' on what just happened after Mickey ducked me down and then once he cast it, they quickly made the popular kids hold big spoon to look as if they were the ones who caused it before pulling me away from the scene. I remembered those 'star struck' dazed look when they had their memories erased while I was dragged out to the nearest empty classroom.
Just when the people outside of the classroom were all coming after the situation in the cafeteria, I almost blasted out until Oswald covered my mouth to keep quiet a bit longer while Mickey cast another spell that causes the room we're in to be 'inaccessible' for the normal people like me... THEN I started to freak out and demanded what the heck are they REALLY are.
That’s when Mickey revealed with a rainbow effect magic that they are magical princes from another dimension. I was still in a blank state of mind until Oswald snap his fingers to appear his Compact Communication and showed me a video message of their grandfather, who is the current king of the 'other dimension' they said they belong to.
I've already mentioned this at the beginning of this journal, but I will rewrite it in this part again for a better understanding.
It began with his introduction as the king of the place called Toonland. His name is King Yen Sid. He is currently the ruler of that world until he retired his crown to his son-in-law when he had his coronation after weeks marrying his daughter. Years passed and they have kids together which is Oswald and Mickey until one faithful day, there was the horrible Black Ink Disaster that invaded their kingdom, almost destroyed the whole kingdom with it's powers until their parents had to made a very difficult decision. They had to 'sealed' the black ink disaster in exchange of their lives...
I remembered that moment when I glanced behind Oswald's Compact Communication device, I can see Mickey's eyes filled with sadness and Oswald's painful expression upon the mention of their parents.
Since then, Yen Sid had to reclaim his position as king due to the fact that his grandsons were still too young at that time and they needed to complete their magical training before they can try for their Keyblade training at the age of sixteen. This was a needed requirement in their world in order to become the next king.
And here I was thinking that there's nothing more dangerous than my sister's first attempt in driving lessons. I was proven wrong again.
So upon the years they were growing up, they've developed in their separate ways their unique skills. If all worked well, both the brothers would be able to stand a winning chance against the black ink monster and freed their parents.
So just to keep it short, they decided to 'train' them with a compatible 'familiar,' which was needed for training, and among the counselors, Keyblade masters, sorcerers, yadda yadda yadda, they pin pointed- drum roll please....
Me. I was the only person in the whole 'dimensions' who can help them. BOTH of them.
Yeah, I know. Quite a load full to take in...
Looking back, it was quite a school year for me. Not only in my daylight hours, but also in my evenings and weekends.
Like my father had said, they moved in our home. I wondered if he ever asked any questions beyond their appearances, like how and why are they're here. Later I found out from Mickey who innocently said in a private conversation between us two that Yen Sid had 'convinced' him to take them in in my care... Guess the apple didn't fall off far from the family tree...
Since I was old enough to be left alone at nights, I was used to being on my own. I ordered take outs or cook my meals for one and then spend my time to do almost whatever I want due to the fact that I did mentioned that my father is a chief policemen. I also wanted to write a statement that just because my dad is a high ranking policemen, doesn't mean I can get away with anything and that I am responsible enough to take care of myself.
The only new problem was is that these two, at the time, weren't exactly the best roommates. When we first arrived at my house, Mickey was like a child who'd seen the outside world and visited his friend's house for the very first time. Oswald on the other hand, just stands there and examined every details from where I was standing. When he walked up to the door and reached the handle, it was locked. He kicked it down before I could get the chance to take out my house keys.
It was also the same time that I had to lay out the rules starting no kicking down locked door unless it was an emergency.
I've already written many of our early adventures from the beginning of this journal, but here were a few short stories to remind me:
Our founded 'neighbor's club' from day two with just us three.
The lecture of the Toonland history and reenactments of certain events.
Learned more about Mickey's life and Oswald's.
The second part of our tour guide to the gym and how we barely escaped the jocks for using dodge balls. By the Disney's magic again!
The library trip that ended up in a unicorn brawl.
Learned more on their life stories.
Learned about one of their adversaries, the ink minions and heartless, that travels from worlds to dimensions and 'attack' the normal people.
Help them with more complicated spells by being at their side.
Learned MORE about their lives....
And more stories goes on and on. I also wrote in this journal about the time our bonds grew deeper which I've already wrote it several times before...
Mickey have grown to be more responsible and well behaved since coming to my world. I knew in the beginning that he was thinking about his citizens, his family and that he loves them a lot. Especially to his big brother he said that he looks up to. He eventually learned to control his magic well and learned that he needs to think before he acts. Especially if he's willing to help others.
One story time, he told me that he wanted to grow vegetables even bigger to combat a famine crisis from one town over in his dimension. He did the spell successfully, but unknown to anyone, there was a praying mantis that got caught in his spell... Just to show he IS a nice guy, just sometimes things got off sided for him and that he didn't meant any harm.
Oswald also had grown in his personalty as well. At first, I thought he just needed to learn not to kick down doors. Boy, was I wrong! I will not lie, he was so bad with people that it made me more of an approachable person! I then learned more about him that he had lost a dear friend from an early age and he was almost over it until the 'Black Ink Disaster' happened that took their parents. It almost made him shut down completely if it wasn't for his grandfather and his little brother to come around, but it made him became more distant from people, including his own people.
I wouldn't be lying in this entry if I never understood why he would felt that way. If I'd lost someone who's dear and close to me, I'd be avoiding anyone just for not feeling the fear of losing someone again. Eventually, he learns to be more opened and kind to other people, after we had a conversation or two.
He was much more mature and on my level, but he was just as difficult to handle as much as his little brother sometimes.
Despite all of that, they manage to grew stronger in their magical abilities and in their character developments. I would almost considered them lucky to have those responsibilities from someone like me who's just an average kid that involves trying not to get into trouble and getting good grades. Which is another bundle of stories that I can always read back from previous entries.
The only problem is that their main threats, now including mine, were the Black Ink Minions and the Heartless that I've previously mentioned over and over again in here. Seems like these low level monsters are after the princes' lives, but unfortunately for them, they are NOT underestimated when it comes to combats.
Among training lessons stories that I wrote in this, I also wrote their battles, especially the big and special ones that stood out most.
At first they were mostly going after them. Over time, they became aware that I was a friend of them and from then on, I was their target too. Eventually, I did manage to learn self defense thanks to them, but I was still a bit short from the big leagues where they are since I don't have magical abilities.
After one high school year passed and one week before summer vacation starts, we had an unexpected visit from their grandfather and my old man who wanted to discus all three of us spending time together in their home country for the summer since we are such close friends and that I deserved a 'peaceful retreat.'
Which was understood in this world among the normal people who doesn't know the 'REAL' story...
When my father went to the kitchen to make a phone call arrangement for my passport, the king had cast the 'casing' spell just for all four of us to prevent future interruptions from the real time. Like it's frozen in time except for us.
Now the REAL reason on why us three needed back in Toonland is cause the princes were needed to aid the now immediate threat to all of us. Turns out there was two people who are commanding the Black Ink Minster's minions and then there was another one who commands the heartless. Despite their King's magical abilities and his best warriors at hand, they still needed help.
Thus came a big yet risky decision from the counsels and Keyblade masters alike that the princes will be required to learn the art of the Keyblade as soon as I finished my school days...
Just my black, cat luck! I spent most of my year in a school and I will be spending my summer vacation in another school. The only highlight is now it's my turn to take a breather since I'm their 'familiar' and I don't need to do much. Their subject studies and mines were very separate 'subjects' from each other, OK?
Then, fast forwards to my last day of school, I was relieved for a brief moment once the final bell rang. I sat at that desk a few more seconds while the rest of the kids bursts out of that door frame. It looks like a scene where the puppies were going all out at once, only this time the door was almost ripped off. I left second last kid from school so that I don't get run over from heels and wheels. When I arrived home, I was mentally prepared to face another three months in another school unknown to my family. What I DIDN'T expect is that the two brothers had already packed almost everything in my room in one of their own trunks that happens to be the same ones they've packed with when THEY arrived. (If I have a 'realistic' wish, I want those kinds of suitcases. It will help me move much better in the future!)
My family, included my sister and nephews at the time, wanted to wish me a safe and fun summer in their 'foreign' country before I left. Inky and Winky wanted to go with me, but my sister wanted to let me have my own time...
If only they knew them just as well as I do. They both had SUCH a hard time on understanding personal space in the first few days!
I have already wrote down there the method on how the heck did we traveled in another dimension, so just to keep it short recap, They ran THROUGH that brick wall in that naked part of a museum. I almost felt like one those stupid guys in JACK@&& that got caught in one of their pranks. The only saving grace from getting our face smashed in was their magic to open up the portal. We were then landed in the royal court of Toonlan's castle.
I was greeted by the whole kingdom. I'm talking about the commoners, royalties, merchants, aristocrats, you name it under one big castle!
...and my first interaction with them is that I arrived landing on my face on the red carpet. You know, THOSE first awkward impressions. Welp! I had worse...
Thankfully, they were in great cheers when they noticed that the princes arrived with me. So I guess that means that they were popular and very well liked. Unlike me who's aside a stranger in their land, I was an outcast as usual... even if I'm right in between them the entire reunion.
If ever I ask for a brother complex, these guys would be at the top of the list. Mickey was the center of attention without making a scene and everybody was attracted to him. Oswald on the other hand, I wanted to say he's more like 'playing it cool' and he's surrounded by the mature audiences and the 'cool kids' crowd... Even in this dimension, I would still be out of place. The only thing I did was standing near the appetizers that looks almost like a buffet for aliens... I'll skip the details of it to spare you from vomiting in this journal.
Suddenly Mickey rushed over to get me and dragged me to his circle of variety of friends. They seemed like they've been from a kid's cartoon characters with bright, colorful and positive attitudes. I also heard that Mickey will be enrolled in those Keyblade mastery classes in a day or two and that he's gonna be in the Hufflepuff Sorority in that school called Hogwarts. Sounds too familiar... I think I've read it in a book ages ago. Then Oswald came and asked them if he can 'borrow' me for a while too. Almost everyone's attitude changed except his little brother, like one of THE coolest older kid just walked in from their Pokemon trading card game. I way stared down by the 'cool kids' like in my world, but they didn't picked on me like they would. At least not yet. They seemed like they were fine with me and my awkwardness and  then got introduced by one of the teachers of the sororities. Oswald was accepted in the Ravenclaw Sorority... That got me worried when I realized one tiny problem.
If I'm both their familiar, how can I be at their sides if their houses host different classes from each other? I mean, I've haven't been in colleague yet and have zero idea of their life styles, especially here, but if they're in different houses, how can they practice without me being there? Even if they can do it on their own, they still need me for backup.
It was more than their spell boosts. One time when we fought off a blueberry jam glob monster that Mickey accidentally cast a multi-spell to make more blueberry jam cause we ran out  and it was big and it nearly ate him. I unconsciously grabbed a peanut butter jar and it was afraid of it. He lets go of Mickey and thankfully Oswald can in to save the day by casting an oblivion spell. (This spell is hard to master from what they said. Yikes!)
But my worries were then put to rest when I was told later by their grandfather that they'll be taught together and that we will not be separated. Also, most of the teachers will be visiting here instead of us coming over unless we came for a visit. Part of me was a bit relieved that I don't NEED to be in another prison cell like school, but at the same time, I wanted to see what it's like in there... I mean, one of them had a dragon at the party as a familiar for Pete’s sake! And it was only a few months old when I asked.
Anyways, I think I've sum it all up for now. We are indeed to start those training in a day or two. All of the things from my room is now set up by magic and that 'our' bed is a king sized one that can easily fit all three of us... I sometimes asked why can't we get a separate one. Then I was told is to 'bond' to my 'user' and that it eases them...
Sounds like it's an excuse for a 'too close for comfort' resort. Anyways, I will write in a new journal soon since this is my last entry here and I need more space to write.
I hope that in my next journal, I can write my adventures here in Toonland and discover more stories about the royal Disney family.
Singed: Felix Lockheart.
----Author’s Notes------
I hope that you like another one shot. I used multiple AU universes but it’s mostly on Star Vs The Forces Of Evil. I really LOVED the third and fourth season and that I wished that I would have watched the first two before that.
Now, I just wanted to say one thing before I forget, I did heard about the Harry potter series but I’ve been ‘banned’ to read/watched them when I was growing up. For separate reasons. I’ve only used the wiki fir house sororities references and a couple of movie clips for story purposes.
Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed a fun fanfic and I hope you have a fantastic day!
Kingdom Hearts, SVTFOE, Harry Potter, and Epic Mickey are under Disney.
BBTIM AU and Characters belongs to Marini4.
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thatonecurlygirl · 6 years
Snowball Tension
Steve x Sinclair!Reader
Word count: 1560
Your house was jam-packed with the ‘party’ as the kids like to call it. You volunteered to host the annual friends-mas. So here you all are, sitting in your living room the night after Christmas as you are exchanging gifts and eating junk.
“Steve this one if from me.” You hand the bag to Steve who is sitting to your left and he slowly opens it, smiling as he sees it’s a new letter jacket.
“You got me a jacket?” He asks softly as he stands up to try it on.
“Yeah, I figured since the last one got destroyed when you were fighting the Demogorgon, you needed a new one.” You smile.
“Thanks this is great and it fits perfectly.” He adjusts the collar and sits back down.
“Thank God, it took me forever to find the right one.” You laugh diverting your attention around the room to see Dustin and Mike aren’t in the room.
“(y/n) come here!” You hear Mike call from the kitchen, followed by “You too Steve.”
You and Steve look at each other with questioning looks but both stand up and walk to the kitchen. You just short of the entryway and spot a mistletoe hanging there. You place your hands on your hips and nudge Steve as he walks up beside you, his eyes glancing up at the mistletoe before reaching up and pulling it down.
“What are you doing?” Steve asks
“Trying to hook you up.” Dustin sighs, obviously irritated. “I mean it’s kind of obvious what we are doing.”
You run your hands over your face with a sigh “Deal with your kids Steve.” You groan and walk back into the living room, grabbing a cooking on the way and sitting down on the couch wrapped up in your new blanket.
Steve and the boys walk back in shortly after, somber looks on each one of their faces. You would be lying if you didn’t say you felt the same way when Steve sat on the opposite side of the couch instead of beside you like before. You stretch your leg and gently kick your foot into his abdomen, giving him a questioning look and he just shakes his head looking away from you. You pull your legs back to your chest and turn back to the movie.
Halfway through the second movie, there are three loud raps at the door and Max groans, gathering her stuff. Standing up along with her, you walk to the kitchen and grab the tin of extra Christmas cookies you made. You walk to the door and open it up to see Billy standing there with that smirk of his and a single rose.
“Merry Christmas, Princess.” He hands the rose to you and you hand him the cookies.
“I made too many cookies.” You say very simply.
“These aren’t the type of cookies I asked Santa for.” He glances down at your crotch and slowly backs up your body. “But I guess they’ll do… for now.” He winks and you close the door in his face.
You toss the rose into a random pile of wrapping paper and turn to see Steve with an irritated look on his face. He stands up, hitting Dustin in the back of the head and motioning toward the door as he gathers up the gifts.
“We are going to head out,” Steve says not even looking up at anyone.
“Yeah us too. Come on Mike, Will.” Nancy says as she and Jonathan stand up as well. “Thanks (y/n). Tonight was great.”
“Oh no problem, drive safe.” You say as they walk out the door, waving goodbye.
“Steve!” You call out, stepping out on your front porch in only shorts, t-shirt, and socks.
“(y/n), what are you doing out here like that? It’s cold.” He says concerned.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, ignoring his question. “You’ve pretty much ignored me this whole time.
“I wasn’t ignoring you.” He denies and you search his eyes for a few seconds before stepping back into the house and closing the door to separate you and Steve.
You and Steve pretty much pulled away from each other after that night. You two no longer hung out as much and never were you two alone together. He would occasionally exchange a few words with you in passing, but nothing really more than that. It was nice seeing that although he didn’t talk much with anyone else, he was still an active part of the kids’ life. You love seeing him interact with the kids.
“Okay, you look great Lucas. Go knock ‘em dead.” You smile and he nods before walking in the door and you look to see Dustin getting out of Steve’s car. “Looking smooth, Henderson!” You shout and he turns to give you a smile as he walks through the school doors.
“Man, I remember going to these years ago. I loved the snowball, what about you?” Steve asks, speaking more to me right now than he has in the past month.
“I wouldn’t know.” You say quietly.
“I know for a fact that isn’t true. I asked you in seventh grade.” His smile fades to see how unamused you are.
“Yeah, you are right but you ditched me for Jennifer Claus. You had your priorities and I had myself.” You lean against your car, staring at the middle school doors.
“Hey, you make it seem like you weren’t a priority for me. You’ve always meant the world to me, we were best friends.” He defends himself, looking hurt.
“Yeah Steve we were but that was before you became ‘King of Hawkins’. Do you not remember the last thing you said to me was ‘Sorry (y/n) maybe next year, this is important.’ That was four years ago Steve and you didn’t say another word to me for four years. You started dating my best friend Nancy and realized I was alive and breathing. Then we hit the same freaking cycle, yet again.” You shake your head, not wanting to do this anymore as you turn around and walk around the back of the car to get to your driver's seat.
“(y/n).” Steve says quietly, gently grabbing your arm and turning you around, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I hurt you.” His face sincere and his voice small.
“The thing is I don’t want your sorries, Steve. I was in love with you and you broke my heart. It wasn’t that you slept with anyone or even dated people. It was the fact that you treated me as if I didn’t even exist.” Steve stops you from saying anything else by gently pressing his lips to yours. Your hands press against his chest as you push him away
“I can’t do this Steve, whatever this… is” you point between yourself and him. “I think it’s best to just go back to pretending like I don’t exist. That way, nobody gets hurt. I mean we’ve proven that obviously, not even a friendship between us can work.” You get in the car and close the door hard, starting up the engine and driving off.
There you are, sitting in the parking lot of Dairy Queen drinking a large chocolate milkshake. Normally you aren’t an emotional eater, especially a cold shake in the middle of winter, but your guilty pleasure when you are upset is chocolate shakes. The way the chocolate coats your throat distracts from how tight and constricted your airway feels when trying not to cry.
“How can Steve be so absent-minded? Maybe, it’s me. Maybe I’m just over-reacting and took it too far. Maybe I didn’t, maybe I was justified in my actions and words. Maybe I don’t know what the hell I’m doing or feeling.” You quietly talk to yourself between sips of the chilly drink. Looking at the clock on the dash you turn the car back on and head back to the school to get Max and Lucas, to take them home.
“Hey, kiddos how’d it go?” You ask as the two climb into the back seat, curious looks on their faces.
“Do you know what’s wrong with Steve?” Lucas asks, looking back through the rearview mirror.
“I don’t know and honestly don’t care. How was the dance?” You question the kids to get their attention back on you.
“It was…good,” Max replies and you look in the rearview mirror to catch her blushing and you look over at your little brother to see him smiling and looking down at his shoes.
“Thank God, it took you two long enough.” You laugh as you make your way down the street.
When you pull up to the house Billy is sitting out on the steps, smoking a cigarette. He stands up and makes his way to your door as Max slides out of the backseat. Billy just nods at you as Max closes the door and they both make their way in the door. You pull out of the drive and turn around to make your way to drop Lucas off at home.
“Did something happen between you and Steve?” Lucas asks looking up at the milkshake, knowing you only get a large size when you’re upset about something.
“We barely even talk. What could possibly happen between Steve and me?”
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wondrous-reads · 5 years
Stranger Things
(Written post season 3)
I truly am at a loss for words to describe the way the last episode has moved me, but since I am too full of feelings to be productive until I let them out, I will search them.
I’d like to start with Billy. Billy did most of his character development within the last 30 seconds of his short life. I feel like this is a common trope: the minor character no one likes until they die. But in the end I must say I did not come around. I don’t think Billy sparing Eleven in those final moments makes up for the terror he created in the second season, for the way he obviously abused Max, himself, and really anyone that crossed his grimy path. We got the chance to see inside his mind for just a moment. When Eleven wandered through his memories to find The Source, we saw that Billy was just redirecting the abuse that fell upon him from his father. I cannot possibly step inside his shoes. He was young and didn’t have a chance to see the error in his ways. But you know what? He did NOT have to shovel more anguish onto Max’s shoulders. She could have been his partner in an immensely difficult situation, someone to share the load. Instead, they each had to deal with their struggles separately.  An “I’m sorry” as you’re dying doesn’t quite cut it in my opinion, Billy. But if it helps Max sleep at night to think her brother died a better man, then so be it.
Next, we need to talk about Jim Hopper’s death; or, more accurately, what we all believed for 20 minutes to be his death. My naive little heart had lightened for a second when I though Billy was the big character death we all knew was coming. I was thinking:
“I know this is sad for Max but if I had to pick someone to die, it would be him anyway.”
“I thought he was dead the whole time like the other people that melted.” 
“Thank God it wasn’t Eleven”.
And just when the producers were sure my guard was lowering, Joyce Byers, one of the most traumatized characters of the entire series, must save the world by killing her best and only true friend (and, in my eyes, her soulmate). Hear me out: in every season of Stranger Things, Joyce Byers looks absolutely insane. Meaning, once a year for the last three years she has had to fight for her son’s life completely alone, at least initially. Now, who is the first and sometime’s only person to believe her every time? Jim Hopper. Don’t misunderstand, I was 100% Team Bob in Stranger Things 2, despite the chemistry between Hopper and Joyce. Bob was exactly the kind of man Joyce needed and deserved. But I believe there are so many different kinds of love that we all hold for each other in this world, and more than one of them are the strong, good, mushy, romantic kind. Joyce and Bob were like a soft tealight candle placed securely in a smooth glass candle holder on top of a granite counter top set for a family dinner. A quiet, safe flame with no danger of burning the house down but that still illuminates the room. Joyce and Jim are like embers, a subdued glow in the background, but they burn hotter than any flickering flame on its own. Embers that someone cold, starving, and lost in the wilderness could fan into a roaring fire just to survive. Embers that if left recklessly unattended on a windy night, could become a blazing wildfire consuming and destroying anything in its path. Embers that sit in a hearth of a house, forgotten but not burnt out, smoldering silently and keeping a family warm. Hopper and Joyce have that shared trauma that binds them together, they understand each other even when they are screaming the opposite. Plus, they’ve been together before--only to separate, and then find their way back to one another. Whether Jim is alive or dead, I know that those coals are still glimmering in the night, that they will never grow cold. So, even though I know Joyce will be just fine if Jim is actually dead, the hopeless romantic in me is just hoping that Jim is the American in the Russian’s possession.
Which brings me to my next point: is Jim dead? There are so many arguments for either side, that I feel like the best thing for my jumbled emotions would be to simply list them and pick a side next year when the new season comes out.
Reasons for Jim to be alive:
1) The Russians have an American that I’m willing to say is 98% likely someone we’ve met. Now, even though this person could be anyone--say, the science teacher whose name escapes me or for some unforeseen reason the conspiracy theorist--I think there is a good chance that it’s Hopper. The reason is that false grief is a pretty common thing to plague viewers with, while lasting false hope is not. When a character you though was dead is alive, it is awesome and shocking, whether they are a good or bad guy. But if you thought a beloved character was alive and they turned out to be dead? Bummer.  For example, everyone thought Glenn was dead for several months following his faked death on The Walking Dead. He was never portrayed as possibly being alive and then being dead. When he died, it was obvious, there was a body, we watched it happen. Which brings me to my next point:
2) We didn’t see Hopper die OR see a body. In fact, we are very deliberately shown that there is nothing where he was standing. Now, this could very well be because he was vaporized by the blast, just like the Russians that were in the chamber a the time of the explosion. However, most of us drama-lovers know that if you did not SEE THE CHARACTER DIE EXPLICITLY and you are not SHOWN A BODY, there is a fat chance they are not actually dead.
Reasons for Jim to be dead:
1) It almost seems like the producers were trying too hard to make us think he’s alive (see: my last two points). I do not trust writers and producers as far as I can throw them and they make me doubt my own instincts until I am a rambling mess.
2) The way the series “ended” before that little blurp after the credits was very neat and tidy. Bittersweet, yes, but indisputably fair and fitting. Joyce, Will, and Eleven deserve to leave Hawkins the most. With Hopper dead, there’s nothing holding them there.
3) Hopper got to go out as a hero, as a good guy, as a pretty much developed character. I couldn’t ask for a better way to for him to leave the show.
I see that I have two points for Jim being alive and three for him being dead, but honestly strength/evidence wise I’d say they add up to be about equal arguments. One thing is for sure: the makers of the show have done an excellent job of making me think about his way too hard. 
Lastly, some closing thoughts that are less in-depth:
Jonathon didn’t really need to leave with Joyce, Will, and Eleven. He’s graduated, and there is a certain unoccupied cabin in the woods that no one knows about and therefore probably costs very little to live in until he can get another Job. Sure, his family would be farther away but we all grow up and leave our families don’t we? And c’mon, Jancy.
Eleven is my absolute favorite character.
I would have really liked it if the token LGBTQ+ representative character could have been bi so that she could like girls but also Steve because when two people laugh like that it is beautiful and maybe this is a hetero-normative agenda but they would be SO CUTE.
Some predictions:
1) With Jonathon gone, Nancy will date Steve again because he saved her life and is less bullshit. But if Stoncy is reinstated, Steve is no match for Jonathon (hopefully)
2) The show will absolutely suck if they decide not to bring back the Byers family and Eleven, so they’ll be back.
3) Eleven will regain her powers because Mike said she would and we all want her to, However, it is unclear if she will get them back before or after the start of the next season.
10/10, would recommend
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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'Stranger Things': What Season 2 told us to expect for Season 3
There's no way to not binge watch Stranger Things no matter how hard you try to make the nine episodes last as long as possible. Especially knowing that Season 3 won't be around until 2019, but all of us here at MTTG wound up breaking our Season 2 viewing into two days unlike Season 1 which had us spending all afternoon glued to our 4K television. The Duffer Brothers have said they wanted this season to wrap up more plot threads than in the first season, but it seems they left plenty more for us to comment on and then ask what will come of them in 2019. Season 2 didn't end with such a big cliffhanger as one did, but it did give us a nice warm happy feeling even (who couldn't get all fuzzy feeling at that dance?) with that little peek into what's coming back. HOW LONG DO WE HAVE TO WAIT? After Season 1 premiered, it took Stranger Things creators Ross and Matt Duffer 15 months to write, film, and add all the creature-feature special effects to the second season of their hit Netflix series. With stars like Finn Wolfhard, David Harbour, and Millie Bobby Brown increasingly in demand on major upcoming film projects like It 2, Hellboy, and Godzilla: King of Monsters, the Duffer brothers might find it even more challenging to get their entire cast together to film Season 3. Either way, fans likely won’t get another installment in this particular adventure until 2019. No Game of Thrones or Stranger Things in 2018? What’s a genre-lover to do? When Season 3 does premiere, the Duffers have confirmed the show will feature yet another significant time jump in order to keep pace with its young, growing cast members. If Stranger Things does leap forward one year in time (say, to the end of Eleven’s confinement?), then expect to see a few more inches of hair on its leading lady’s head and, perhaps, the start of her first-ever school year with the rest of her friends. If all the kids—Eleven, Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin, Max—are 14 in Season 3, that means we’ll likely see them all bravely entering the dangerous territory of ninth grade at Hawkins High. WHO WILL BE THE BIG BAD?
If the finale is any indication, the Big Bad of Season 3 seems like it will be the same as ever—the giant, shadowy creature that the kids call the Mind Flayer. As Ross Duffer told The Hollywood Reporter:
They’ve shut the door on the Mind Flayer, but not only is it still there in the Upside Down, but it also is very much aware of the kids, particularly Eleven. It had not encountered her and her powers until that final episode. Now, it knows that she’s out there. We wanted to end on a little bit of an ominous note. Well, no wonder the episode concluded with that classic 80s ode to stalking: 1983’s “Every Breath You Take” by The Police. We’ve seen the Mind Flayer looming over Hawkins before, but now it seems to have zeroed in precisely on Eleven—and will be closely watching every breath, step, claim, smile, vow, and move she makes. HOW WILL IT GET IN?
In previous seasons, Will has acted as an unwilling gateway of sorts to the Mind Flayer’s attempts to invade and destroy Hawkins, Indiana. Will he again act as the monster’s vessel? The Duffers have said the once-possessed Will has now been cleansed of any supernatural invaders, but actor Noah Schnapp is not convinced. “I personally think it’s not all out of him,” he told THR. “I feel like it can’t be. There’s this massive monster taking over all of Hawkins, and all you have to do is light a few fires and turn on a few heaters, and he’s gone? It just doesn’t make sense to me, really. He’s still there—I just don’t know how.” If I were Mike, I would keep a close eye on my best friend for any sign of “The Spy.”
If the Duffers are not playing coy and Will is completely cleansed of any trace of the Mind Flayer, then who else could help the many-legged creep sneak back into Hawkins? Well, bear in mind that while exploring the creepy underground caverns created by the monster, both Sheriff Hopper and Dustin got sprayed in the face with Upside Down pollen. Hopper wasn‘t wearing any protection when he got hit—twice. Dustin, who was sensibly wearing goggles and a bandana, claims some of that dust got in his mouth. Either one of them—both emotionally fragile people at the end of Season 2—could be unknowingly incubating something nasty.
And if Hopper does wind up being the vehicle for this particular brand of evil, a quick trip under his cabin floorboards could hint at how that nastiness might manifest. We haven’t seen Hopper’s war experience take a toll on him (the grief he was nursing seemed pegged to his late daughter), but Vietnam-inspired P.T.S.D. was very much a subject of fascination in 80s pop culture. Will Season 3 take us on a hellish climb up Jacob’s Ladder (1990)? CHEKOV’S DEMODOG
One final possibility for a Season 3 invader could be the dead (or is it?) Demodog that Dustin and Steve stuffed in Joyce’s fridge. The creature doesn’t get another mention—not even in the “One Month Later” montage—but it’s hard to imagine students of pop culture like Ross and Matt Duffer ignoring something as enticing as that thawable critter on ice.
If the Duffers want to give the Mind Flayer a rest for a year, only to bring him back for the planned fourth and final season, then there are a few other possibilities as to who might cause trouble for Eleven et al. next year. High on the list has to be her long-lost “sister” Eight, a.k.a. Kali (Linnea Berthelsen). Kali’s particular set of skills—being able to make you see whatever she wants you to—plus her violent, vengeful mission could easily put her on a path to come to blows with Eleven. (Those hallucination skills could also link up with a potential PTSD plotline for Hopper.) We also don’t know what Eleven’s other labmates (One-Seven, Nine, and Ten) are up to. We could have a big X-Men-esque showdown on our hands before all is said and done.
Another possibility for Kali and her rag-tag band of punks is that the Duffer brothers intend the seventh episode of this season to operate as a backdoor pilot for an Eight-centric spin-off series. (In fact, the brothers referred to that episode as “a whole little other pilot” when speaking with Entertainment Weekly.) Given the critical reaction to Eight’s episode (which was mixed at best), that spin-off seems unlikely. But either way, we’ve surely not seen the last of Kali who, bear in mind, is named after the Hindu goddess best-known for being “the destroyer of worlds.”
Eleven could also face danger from another pseudo member of her family: Dr. Brenner a.k.a. “Papa.” Though Matthew Modine’s Season 1 antagonist only appeared in flashbacks and visions this season, the Duffers have been quite clear that there’s probably more in store for him. Matt Duffer told IGN:
I would say that if we were going to kill Brenner… as an audience member watching the show, if that was his death, that would be very unsatisfying to me—when the monster jumps on him, and we cut away. He would deserve much more than that as an ending. So yes, there’s a possibility of seeing him again. Season 2 leaned in heavily on the notion that Benner is not quite dead yet. So Season 3 could give us a battle of Eleven’s father figures: Hopper vs. Brenner. WHO WON’T BE BACK
Though we likely haven’t seen the last of Brenner or Eight, we did see the Department of Energy chased out of Hawkins, hopefully for good. I’m not saying a shadowy government conspiracy won’t rear its head in future installments, but it would be nice to give the DoE a break from the villain role. I also wouldn’t mind if Billy, a truly unnecessary new character, disappeared into thin air.
Also, please let this be the last we hear of Barb Holland. Season 2 was far too preoccupied with serving the fan demand of “justice for Barb.” Justice having been served, I hope she rests, permanently, in peace. WHO HAS TO COME BACK
As with all high school-set stories, Stranger Things may have written itself into a bit of a corner when it came to graduating characters. It’s a fine tradition for teen shows to find some excuse to have their 18-year-old characters stick around town even after their senior years end, whether it be following burnouts like Tim Riggins on Friday Night Lights or inventing conveniently localized universities like Hearst College (Veronica Mars), U.C. Sunnydale (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), or California University (Beverly Hills, 90210). So what, oh what will the Duffers do to keep graduating senior Steve Harrington in Hawkins next year? There’s no way they get rid of fan favorite and Season 2 MVP Joe Keery.
The third season could take place over 1985 summer vacation—but that seems unlikely, given the show’s penchant for autumn. Instead, the Duffers cleverly planted the idea in Season 2, Episode 1 that Steve might stick around town and go work for his old man in order to keep a protective eye on his now-ex Nancy. That’s not what I want for Steve the character. (Move on, Steve! Go to college!) But if it means the world’s best babysitter and his incredible head of hair stays in the mix for Season 3, then I’m all for it. The Jonathan/Nancy/Steve love triangle will live to fight another day.
Speaking of love triangles: the dynamic gently simmering in the background of Season 2 between Joyce, Bob, and Hopper means that we can all expect Will’s mom and Eleven’s adopted dad to go full Brady Bunch at some point in the future. Will the Duffers make us wait until the end of Season 4 for the moment we all can see coming?
[caption id="attachment_50486" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Not Zac Efron[/caption] NOW FOR OUR QUESTIONS ABOUT STRANGER THINGS SEASON 3 Are Hopper and Joyce finally gonna get together? Yes, Bob Newby’s heroic corpse is still warm, but Jopper fans need this question asked right up front. Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper certainly share a traumatic experience now, if not several, and they’ve got a long history that dates back to sneaking cigarettes together in high school. There’s something in their final moments this season that suggests this pair may be closer to uniting than ever before. Just think, Will and Eleven could be step-siblings! David Harbour certainly wants it to happen, saying on Beyond Stranger Things that “the sex would be a lot better with Hopper than it is with Bob.” Ouch. Were Dustin and Hopper infected in the tunnels?
A whole bunch of characters travel into the Upside Down–esque tunnels in Stranger Things 2, but two of our favorites also ingest a great deal of the funky stuff that’s floating around down there. Hopper spent a great deal of time trapped by those supernatural vines and Dustin swallowed a big chunk of Upside Down ephemera. Given the Duffer brothers’ reverence of Aliens, will these occurrences come back to haunt them? Like Will, might they develop a connection to this other dimension, or worse? If Dustin ends up having the Stranger Things version of a chest-burster, we’ll need years of therapy to deal with it.
What role will Kali play next season?
After that incredible opening scene for Stranger Things 2, we don’t see Linnea Berthelsen’s Kali until close to the end of the season, as Eleven has an adventure with her psychic “sister” that teaches our heroine the extent of her own powers. But is that it for Kali and her Warriors-esque crew? It’s hard to believe we’ve seen the last of her, not only because her connection to Eleven remains strong but because her arc ended so abruptly. There wasn’t the closure this character demands. There’s a lot more to this character and more story to tell.
Are there other numbers out there?
While we’re on the subject, are there other people like Kali and Eleven hiding in the Stranger Things universe? If we’ve met Eight and Eleven, where are the rest? The flashbacks to Eleven’s childhood and the way she connects with Eight certainly implies there could be more kids out there with similar powers. This is the kind of question that may not be answered in Stranger Things 3, but could come up in later seasons — or possibly a spinoff series. Just picture it: Stranger Things 5: Eleven Meets Twelve.
Will the Mind Flayer be the antagonist of season three?
That final shot of Stranger Things 2 is a beauty, and not just because it adds another layer to the use of “the stalker song,” as Gaten Matarazzo describes the Police’s “Every Breath You Take” in Beyond Stranger Things. The Mind Flayer is still watching every breath that the gang takes during the Snow Ball, as we see it stalking about Hawkins Middle School in the Upside Down. Does this mean that it’ll be back as the main villain next year? Or even further into the arc of the show? It certainly implies that we haven’t seen the last of this great TV villain.
Will Dr. Brenner return?
One of the most interesting developments in Stranger Things 2 is the strong implication that Matthew Modine’s Dr. Brenner is still alive. Not only does Kali tell Eleven that she hasn’t looked hard enough for “Papa,” but the Hawkins Lab goon that they threaten says that he can actually take them to Brenner. It’s not hard to envision a return for Modine’s formidable character in season three or beyond. After all, Eleven hasn’t completely closed the door on the first person to show her any care, so there’s a reason why she still hasn’t tried to track him down. (Also, Millie Bobby Brown has some fascinating insight into the Brenner-Eleven relationship in Beyond Stranger Things.) Whether it’s in flashbacks or an actual return to Hawkins, Brenner will almost certainly surface again.
Is Will Byers finally free?
The main narrative thrust of Stranger Things 2 was Will’s connection to the Upside Down, but are we sure that he’s been saved for good? We know that the Mind Flayer was able to hide itself pretty well inside Will’s mind. What if there’s still a deadly connection between it and Will? This poor kid just can’t catch a break.
What’ll happen to poor Steve?
The love triangle between Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan is all but over, officially leaving Steve as the third wheel. Sure, he’s become a big brother figure for Dustin, but is that enough to keep this character around for Stranger Things 3? He’ll be graduating from Hawkins High pretty soon, and as much as he’s a fan favorite, it feels like he’d be the one to go if the show decides to make room for new characters.
Is Hawkins Lab closed for good?
As most of the technicians at Hawkins Laboratory turned into food for Demodogs, and the rest drove off after Murray dropped his bombshell scoop about Barb’s death, it feels like the door is finally closed on the Hawkins Lab arc of Stranger Things. If we had to guess, season three will move away from characters like Dr. Brenner and Dr. Owens as primary characters, although a place like that surely has more secrets from its past just waiting to be unearthed.
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totesmccoats · 7 years
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Dark Days: The Casting #1
This issue continues The Forge’s storytelling maneuver of throwing DCU canon at the wall to see what sticks, but also helpfully starts putting a few pieces together to the story of Metal.
Carter Hall writes in his journal about his multiple lives’ quest to discover the secret of Nth Metal – the power-source of his wings and weapons, and has traced it back to the beginnings of the universe, a bat-shaped Destroyer, and the “birds” that fought him back. Batman too, quests to discover the secret of the metals, which Wonder Woman tells him was used to make divine weapons, is found in all of the DCU’s most powerful relics, and courses through the blood of Earth’s heroes, including Batman himself. Meanwhile, Hal and Duke try to interrogate Joker about what he knows about the Metal and Batman’s been hiding from them.
This is Snyder going for broke, giving the DCU its biggest event since Flashpoint with Morrison-esque levels of continuity play connecting everything in the DC canon together. I’m expecting this to get incredibly silly, and make absolutely no sense to anyone not already 100% invested. Because it’s Snyder, I am so game for this. There’s still a radical shift in quality when the art goes from Kubrick to Romita Jr, the latter of whose style just does not fit the story as well as it does something like the first arc of All-Star Batman.
  Wonder Woman #26
Considering her previous work, I wasn’t expecting Fontana’s first issue on the series to completely gel with where Rucka left us, but the shift in tone is still something I’m getting used to, even within this one issue.
I like the opening scene, with Wonder Woman breaking up a fight in a refugee camp, although I’m honestly not sure what’s supposed to be happening. She punches out a guy harassing a woman and her kid, but then the whole camp is on fire and explodes for some reason? I’m not sure; but that leads directly to a flashback where Wonder Woman overhears her mother worry that she shouldn’t still be playing with dolls if she’s to become an Amazon – a plot-thread which doesn’t really go anywhere nor even plant seeds for the story to come. After that, Diana debriefs from what’s revealed to be her 43rd mission this year with the US military, and the General offers to be someone she can talk to with any problems regarding what she sees on the missions; there’s a check-up with a Doctor with a mysterious cough; and Diana goes to Etta Candy’s brother’s wedding where she helps a young girl find a missing shoe.
Now, I’m the first person to advocate for more superheroes helping out children in comics, but there’s a tonal inconsistency between that and the beginning of the book which implies Di might be going through some PTSD. And that tonal inconstancy also appears within individual scenes, like when right after the General offers to be someone she can talk to, he bumps his head on a low-hanging light fixture, and then the two are interrupted by a Mark Zuckerberg-looking fellow who invites them to a building-wide softball game. Also, the final page feels like a Batman ’66 type cliffhanger, which I kind of love, but which also feels out of step with the rest of the issue.
  The Flash #26
Eobard shows Barry and Iris a vision of their future where their children, Don and Dawn, grow up to be supervillains because Barry wasn’t around to be a father to them. Deciding that Iris has had enough of his lying to her, and that there is only one way to prevent this bad future from playing out, Barry goes with Eobard to a place where he’d never hurt anyone ever again – the negative Speed Force.
Although it probably happens too quickly, I like how Eobard breaks Barry by mind-judo-ing him into thinking that being the Flash is somehow irresponsible and hurts people. It’s not the most original storyline, god knows it’s happened to Peter Parker too many times, but in this situation, it works. Like Pete, Barry has seen how much his being the Flash hurts those closest to him, so when Eobard offers a way to prevent further harm, he takes it.
Also, it gives the series a great excuse to focus on Iris, who has to come to terms with her best friend being a superhero while fighting off the Reverse-Flash on her own. Hopefully this story will also borrow the ending from Spider-Man 2 and have the girlfriend knock some sense into their “my power = my choice” mindset when it comes to relationships.
  Spider-Men II #1
The cover asks the question “Who is the other Miles?” but, of course we don’t find out this issue – though we do see his face. Instead, we get a cold in medias res open of the two Spider-Men failing to catch a plane with, presumably the other Miles on it, before jumping a week into the past where Peter and Miles meet up at the warehouse where the first Spider-Men story kicked off to investigate another mysterious pink portal flinging stuff through Manhattan.
I stopped picking up Bendis books, including Spider-Man (Miles’ book) because I was getting tired of his style after Civil War II; but reading this issue reminds me of what I like about his writing. All of Bendis’ dialogue is snappy and witty, with everyone knowing exactly how to respond to the last thing said with their own little witticism. So, basically, he’s perfect for Spider-Man (men).
Bendis does tend to be verbose, but the boxes and bubbles are broken up nicely through the spreads, never getting too much in the way except in one moment in particularly where the wordiness is a punchline. And despite each character being recognizably Bendis, they are still recognizably distinct. Peter’s inner monologue and dialogue reads as someone trying – perhaps too hard – to be funny. He repeats words and phrases, doubles back on things he’s thinking/saying to provide his own commentary, and goes out of his way to be self-deprecating while taking others down with his esteem. We don’t get any of Mile’s inner monologue, but his dialogue represents him as more self-conscious, more laconic. He speaks mainly to respond to others, and lets Ganke – oh man did I miss Ganke – do much of the talking for him.
Pichelli’s art also does a lot to define each of the Spider-Men. Peter, like his dialogue, is more comedic. His poses are more exaggerated, with him spreading his limbs away from his body with wide kicks and flips, and leaning and looking down over other characters. Conversely, Miles moves more conservatively, keeping his libs tucked while swinging, and crouching where Peter would stand and lean.
  Amazing Spider-Man #30
We open on Spider-Man organizing a retreat from a Mjolnir wielding Hyrdra-Cap, then go to Peter in Shanghai, trying to rally his employees and prepare them for an attack by Doctor Octopus, who is raiding Parker Industry labs. Pete meets with the employees who remain loyal, warning them that if it comes to it, they’re going to have to destroy their life’s work to keep it out of Hydra’s grasps. And then Otto attacks.
It’s really impressive how Slott manages to weave his ongoing stories with event books without skipping a beat. Even without all the Secret Empire stuff, this arc is just another chapter in the Spider-Man/Doc Ock rivalry he’s set up since his Ends of the Earth storyline in 2012. Otto sees allying with Hydra as a means to the end of claiming all of Peter’s work as the fruits of his labor, and destroying Peter’s legacy as he takes it back.
And what’s scary is that, despite becoming a better CEO and doing his best to prepare for Ock, Peter is still a few steps behind. He still, unknowingly let Otto into his company, giving him the chance to sabotage everything right under his nose. In a way, Parker Industry is just as much Otto’s as it is Pete’s, and Otto’s taking advantage of that while Peter is failing to really comprehend it.
  Black Panther and The Crew #4
In Mississippi in 1964, Ezra and Frank take the Crew to take care of some KKK members who can’t be touched by the law. In the present, Luke Cage escapes the firebombing of his apartment building by Hydra, then joins up with Misty Knight to investigate why he was targeted, and what that might have to do with Ezra’s assassination.
The cold open in Mississippi is one of the strongest scenes in comic books regarding racial violence printed in the Big 2’s comics yet. Not only does it clearly and concisely explain how white people can (and still) get away with murdering black people, but also demonstrates exactly why groups like the Crew, or the real life Black Panthers, were and are necessary in those times and places. It’s its own complete story and statement of purpose in four pages. And it’s echoed through the rest of the comic, as Misty and Luke eventually talk to the CEO of the company behind the Americops, who still gets away with targeting black people with impunity because that’s what benefits the powerful.
It’s weird how the same company that’s publishing Nick Spencer’s half-assed sanitized metaphor for fascism can also publish such clear-eyed commentary on race in America. And that also applies to David F. Walker’s too-short run on Nighthawk, which you should totally pick up.
  Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #22
Doreen and Nancy win a programming contest and an all-expenses paid vacation to the Savage Land! Expect jokes involving: computer programming pun titles for classic literature, how insane Wikipedia articles in the Marvel universe must be, colonial era nomenclature, Jurassic Park, paleontology, Latveria, and more.
Reading this issue, it’s hard not to feel like North has wanted to write a Jurassic Park episode for Squirrel Girl for a while now, and he taps into the seemingly universal human love of dinosaurs. Henderson continues to deliver on art, with some of the best and funniest faces in comics, my favorite of which this issue is Doreen’s reaction to realizing Nancy has a crush on one of the other contest winners.
  Kill or Be Killed #10
The cops, including detective Lily Sharpe find the Russian hitman’s burned-up corpse in the back of the van after learning about Dylan dropping off Rex at the hospital, and begin to postulate why their murderer tried to spare one victim while brutalizing the other. Meanwhile, Dylan, devastated by Rex’s death, move back home with his mom where he gets high, plays video games, and swears off killing, resigned to let the demon kill him. But then the demon reminds him that the Russians are after him, and might target the people he cares about, which complicates things a tad.
For a bit it seemed like Dylan was getting used to his new life, but this issue shows him in a downward spiral stemming from Rex’s death, as it’s the first one that’s actually personal for him. It’s his Uncle Ben moment, and that’s not the only part of this issue reminiscent of Spider-Man. When Dylan goes back to the city, it’s mainly to break up with Daisy and shut out Kira, who just happens to tell him about her feelings for him, just as he’s decided he’s too dangerous and messed up to afford to return her feelings.
This issue doesn’t really feel like the ending to an arc, but somewhere closer to the beginning of one. Continuing the comparison, this is Dylan’s “Spider-Man no more!” moment, which means that the stage is pretty much set for his comeback, whatever that may look like. It certainly won’t be as heroic as Spidey’s; but I wouldn’t rule out the inclusion of a criminal kingpin.
Comic Reviews for 7/12/17 Dark Days: The Casting #1 This issue continues The Forge's storytelling maneuver of throwing DCU canon at the wall to see what sticks, but also helpfully starts putting a few pieces together to the story of Metal.
0 notes
stacks-reviews · 7 years
Must Reads Part 4
Sorry for the late posting. This week has been fairly crazy for me. And I’ve been addicted to Horizon Zero Dawn lately.  This week contains the everyday life of a super girl, music that can summon monsters, cloning, toys that come alive, and much more.
--A Song for Quiet (Persons No Grata #2) by Cassandra Khaw (8/29/17) Deacon James, a rambling bluesman with a saxophone that now refuses to call up his audiences. It summons monstrosities from across different dimensions. According to a stranger named John Persons, Deacon has a seed in his head that could destroy the world if it grows. The music in Deacon’s head is growing stronger and he won’t be able to hold it back for much longer. This is actually the second book in this series but as far as I can tell you do not need to read the first book before reading this one. The first book; Hammers on Bone, follows John Persons which we’ll get into more a bit further down the list. He will make an appearance in this book but I am not sure how much of a role he’ll play. What made this one a must read for me was the description makes it sound really good and I like reading books where music is some form of magic.
--The Adventures of Super Girl by Faith Erin Hicks (6/27/17) “What if you can leap tall buildings and defeat alien monsters with your bare hands, but you buy your capes at secondhand stores and have a weakness for kittens?” The everyday tales of a super girl as she saves people, as she updates her family on how she is doing, and as she tries to keep a part-time job but forgets to remove her mask before work. With an arch-nemesis who’s only superpower is letting our hero know she is doing the superhero thing wrong. This particular version of this graphic novel is a expanded edition. It was originally printed in 2013 but has been reprinted a few times since. This edition will include two new stories and new art. I have never read it before but I really wanna give it a try. 
--The Alchemist of Loom (Loom Saga #1) by Elise Kova A society oppressed by the Dragon King when the Five Guild’s resistance fell. Ari lost everything when the Dragon King took over. Now she uses her gift for clockwork machinery to oppose the Dragon oppressors to the highest bidders of the underground organ market. Dragon Cvareh would prefer to see his sister take the throne from the Dragon King. To overthrow the King he seeks aid from the Alchemist Guild and Ari will be the one to take him there. For a price. A wish of her greatest desire. Particularly drawn to this title because dragons. Not sure yet if they are people just called dragons or if they can turn into them. And it sounds a little steampunk. I’m curious as to what kind of clockwork machinery Ari can do.
--Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children #1) by Seanan McGuire Children always disappear. They slip through shadows under the bed, fall down rabbit holes, and into old wells into magical lands. At least until the magical land no longer needs you. Nancy disappeared once. And now she is back at Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children. Every child there longs to find a way back into their fantasy world. But with Nancy’s return things start to change. There’s more darkness than before and it is up to Nancy and her friends to find out is going on and to stop it. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of what happens to the hero after the battle is over. When the world no longer needs saving. It has become a trend lately among anime, manga, graphic novels, and books lately. But it remains an interesting idea to pursue. I haven’t read very many books that follow this idea but I have found that it feels a little lacking in some areas. I get the feeling that I’ve missed something along the way. Like jumping into the middle of a long running series. But this children’s (?) novel sounds like it will do a better job since there is a new problem to handle after the fact.
--The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth #1) by N.K. Jemisin “This is the way the worlds ends...for the last time. A season of endings has begun. It starts with the great red rift across the heart of the world’s sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun. It starts with death, with a murdered son and a missing daughter. It starts with betrayal, and long dormant wounds rising up to fester. This is the Stillness, a land long familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no return.” It was the description. Pure and simple. I’m really intrigued and would like to see what happens.
--Hammers on Bone (Persons Non Grata #1) by Cassandra Khaw Private investigator John Persons is a being ancient and magical being. He has been hired by a ten-year-old boy to murder the boys stepdad. The stepdad in question is an abusive and abominable monster. No problem for a monster killer like Persons. Except it isn’t just social evils the stepdad is carrying. He hosts an alien presence and is spreading it everywhere he goes. Persons has to stop him without releasing his own horrifying potential. I heard about the sequel (A Song for Quiet) before I heard about this one. I do like the sound of this one but I think I am more excited for the second book. 
--The Management Style of the Supreme Being by Tom Holt (6/20/17) The Supreme Being and his son decide that they no longer wish to be supreme. So they decide to sell. Our new owners; the Venturi Brothers, have a few ideas how the world should really run. They don’t care for Good and Evil and decide to rid the world of right and wrong. But one of the old gods didn’t want to move out and he needs to know if you’ve been naughty or nice. I was first drawn to the title and I like the idea behind it. That our universe is more or less run like a company and can be sold. Not really sure how Santa will play into or why. Especially considering that this comes out in June. Unless this is for the paperback edition. Which I forgot to check when I looked this book up. But it still sounds good.
--Mechanica (Mechanica #1) by Betsy Cornwell Nicolette’s stepsisters have nicknamed her ‘Mechanica’. But a name chosen to insult her, fits Nicolette quite well. Her mother was an inventor until she passed away. One day Nicolette finds a secret workshop in her house and starts to imagine that she might be able to build herself a better life with the help of a mechanical menagerie and a tiny metal horse. The upcoming royal ball may just be the place to make her escape. She may even find her prince there but what if she doesn’t want a fairy tale happy ending after all? A retelling of Cinderella. What sold me here was that Nicolette might not have a traditional fairy tale ending. That you don’t always need a prince to make it happen. Whether or not that will be the case, we’ll just have to wait and see.
--More of Me by Kathryn Evans To the world Teva appears to be a normal teenage. But she holds a secret. Because of a genetic abnormality, Teva unwillingly clones herself every year on her birthday. The former Teva is then stuck at home, forced to give up her life. Forced to lose friends and boyfriends. And each year home becomes more and more like a battleground. Soon this Teva will be forced to give up her life as well. Desperate to hang on to her life, Teva starts to find out more about her past in order to set herself free. What really drew me to this book is each time I read the description I am reminded of Doctor Who. Of the line, “I can still die. If I’m killed before regeneration, then I’m dead. Even then, if I change, it feels like dying. Everything I am dies. Some new man goes sauntering away...and I’m dead.” Except for in More of Me, Teva gets to watch as a new; slightly older, version of herself takes over.
--Ollie’s Odyssey by William Joyce To become a child’s favorite is the highest honor a toy can achieve. Billy’s favorite is a bear with rabbit ears named Ollie who was made by Billy’s mother. But not all is happy within the world of toys. Zozo, a toy clown who was never chosen by a child seeks to capture all the favorite toys until they are forgotten by their children. Ollie is taken by Zozo when he was accidentally left under a table by Billy. It is up to Billy to sneak into Zozo’s lair to rescue Ollie and all the other favorites. I first picked this up because I thought it was a children’s graphic novel; it is not. But the story sounded really good so I bought it. I haven’t read it yet. 
--The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente Six interconnected stories about female superheroes, wives of superhero’s, and girlfriends of superhero’s. How they have been abused, killed, brainwashed, and generally used to progress a male superheroes story.
--Renegades by Marissa Meyer (11/7/17) The Renegades are a group of super powered prodigies who helped establish peach and order to a crumbled society. They are a symbol of hope and justice. Except to those that they overthrew. Nova hates the Renegades and wants vengeance for what they’ve done. I really enjoyed Marissa Meyer’s Cinder Chronicles and am interested in trying out something new by her. 
--The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by Neal Stephenson A linguistic helps translate some mysterious documents for a shadowy government agent. The documents provide clues that magic once existed on Earth but the scientific revolution and Age of Enlightenment weakened it; if not wiped it out completely. Now they will try to bring it back into the modern world. When I first read the description I immediately thought of Arrival (which is a really good movie). I’m curious to read just how scientific advancement affect the flow of magic and how they might be able to be used in tandem together.
--Strange Attractors by Charles Soule and illustrated by Greg Scott (6/20/17) Dr. Spencer Drownfield claims to have saved New York City from itself in 1978. Ever since he has been tinkering with the people of New York to keep the city afloat. A young mathematician is chosen as his successor. Is there truth to Dr. Spencer’s claims about how the Butterfly Affect and his complexity math applies to the city’s patterns. Or is it simply the raving of a broken man as he tries to make sense of the world around him. I like the idea of a person secretly ‘tinkering’ with people in order to save his city. And at first I thought it would be done on a real power but now I am not so sure. It may end up being more on a reflection of how we interact with the world and try to understand our place in it. Either way, the story sounds good.
--Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein “Valentine Michael Smith is a human being raised on Mars, newly returned to Earth. Among his people for the first time, he struggles to understand the social morals and prejudices of human nature that are so alien to him, while teaching them his own fundamental beliefs in grokking, watersharing, and love. I’m not sure on the setup here. If it’s a human who grew up on a Mars inhabited by Martians or if he grew up on a Mars populated by humans. My guess is going to go more toward the first option. I really like the idea of this kind of culture crash.
--That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston (10/3/17)  Set in a world where the United States never existed. Victoria-Margaret is the crown princess and direct descendant of Victoria I. Margaret will soon be married due to an genetically arranged matchmaking due to imperial law. Before her marriage, she will have one summer to spend incognito in the far reaches of her empire. There she will meet Helena Marcus, daughter of the empire’s greatest placement geneticists. And August Callaghan, the heir of a powerful shipping firm currently being attacked by American pirates. Together they share an usually bond and will find a way to change the world and get what they want.
--The Waking Land by Callie Bates (6/27/17) Lady Elanna Valtai is fiercely devoted to her King who raised her like a daughter. But when he mysteriously dies, Elanna is accused of murdering him and must flee to her homeland full of magical legends. And to her birth father who was branded a traitor. Now she must confront the powers that have stirred within her and seem to grow as she connects to the natural world. Now Elanna must stop the threat that has chased her to her homeland and rebel against the kingdom she once called home. It reminds me of Uprooted by Naomi Novik and I really enjoyed that book. 
0 notes
totesmccoats · 7 years
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Dark Days: The Casting #1
This issue continues The Forge’s storytelling maneuver of throwing DCU canon at the wall to see what sticks, but also helpfully starts putting a few pieces together to the story of Metal.
Carter Hall writes in his journal about his multiple lives’ quest to discover the secret of Nth Metal – the power-source of his wings and weapons, and has traced it back to the beginnings of the universe, a bat-shaped Destroyer, and the “birds” that fought him back. Batman too, quests to discover the secret of the metals, which Wonder Woman tells him was used to make divine weapons, is found in all of the DCU’s most powerful relics, and courses through the blood of Earth’s heroes, including Batman himself. Meanwhile, Hal and Duke try to interrogate Joker about what he knows about the Metal and Batman’s been hiding from them.
This is Snyder going for broke, giving the DCU its biggest event since Flashpoint with Morrison-esque levels of continuity play connecting everything in the DC canon together. I’m expecting this to get incredibly silly, and make absolutely no sense to anyone not already 100% invested. Because it’s Snyder, I am so game for this. There’s still a radical shift in quality when the art goes from Kubrick to Romita Jr, the latter of whose style just does not fit the story as well as it does something like the first arc of All-Star Batman.
  Wonder Woman #26
Considering her previous work, I wasn’t expecting Fontana’s first issue on the series to completely gel with where Rucka left us, but the shift in tone is still something I’m getting used to, even within this one issue.
I like the opening scene, with Wonder Woman breaking up a fight in a refugee camp, although I’m honestly not sure what’s supposed to be happening. She punches out a guy harassing a woman and her kid, but then the whole camp is on fire and explodes for some reason? I’m not sure; but that leads directly to a flashback where Wonder Woman overhears her mother worry that she shouldn’t still be playing with dolls if she’s to become an Amazon – a plot-thread which doesn’t really go anywhere nor even plant seeds for the story to come. After that, Diana debriefs from what’s revealed to be her 43rd mission this year with the US military, and the General offers to be someone she can talk to with any problems regarding what she sees on the missions; there’s a check-up with a Doctor with a mysterious cough; and Diana goes to Etta Candy’s brother’s wedding where she helps a young girl find a missing shoe.
Now, I’m the first person to advocate for more superheroes helping out children in comics, but there’s a tonal inconsistency between that and the beginning of the book which implies Di might be going through some PTSD. And that tonal inconstancy also appears within individual scenes, like when right after the General offers to be someone she can talk to, he bumps his head on a low-hanging light fixture, and then the two are interrupted by a Mark Zuckerberg-looking fellow who invites them to a building-wide softball game. Also, the final page feels like a Batman ’66 type cliffhanger, which I kind of love, but which also feels out of step with the rest of the issue.
  The Flash #26
Eobard shows Barry and Iris a vision of their future where their children, Don and Dawn, grow up to be supervillains because Barry wasn’t around to be a father to them. Deciding that Iris has had enough of his lying to her, and that there is only one way to prevent this bad future from playing out, Barry goes with Eobard to a place where he’d never hurt anyone ever again – the negative Speed Force.
Although it probably happens too quickly, I like how Eobard breaks Barry by mind-judo-ing him into thinking that being the Flash is somehow irresponsible and hurts people. It’s not the most original storyline, god knows it’s happened to Peter Parker too many times, but in this situation, it works. Like Pete, Barry has seen how much his being the Flash hurts those closest to him, so when Eobard offers a way to prevent further harm, he takes it.
Also, it gives the series a great excuse to focus on Iris, who has to come to terms with her best friend being a superhero while fighting off the Reverse-Flash on her own. Hopefully this story will also borrow the ending from Spider-Man 2 and have the girlfriend knock some sense into their “my power = my choice” mindset when it comes to relationships.
  Spider-Men II #1
The cover asks the question “Who is the other Miles?” but, of course we don’t find out this issue – though we do see his face. Instead, we get a cold in medias res open of the two Spider-Men failing to catch a plane with, presumably the other Miles on it, before jumping a week into the past where Peter and Miles meet up at the warehouse where the first Spider-Men story kicked off to investigate another mysterious pink portal flinging stuff through Manhattan.
I stopped picking up Bendis books, including Spider-Man (Miles’ book) because I was getting tired of his style after Civil War II; but reading this issue reminds me of what I like about his writing. All of Bendis’ dialogue is snappy and witty, with everyone knowing exactly how to respond to the last thing said with their own little witticism. So, basically, he’s perfect for Spider-Man (men).
Bendis does tend to be verbose, but the boxes and bubbles are broken up nicely through the spreads, never getting too much in the way except in one moment in particularly where the wordiness is a punchline. And despite each character being recognizably Bendis, they are still recognizably distinct. Peter’s inner monologue and dialogue reads as someone trying – perhaps too hard – to be funny. He repeats words and phrases, doubles back on things he’s thinking/saying to provide his own commentary, and goes out of his way to be self-deprecating while taking others down with his esteem. We don’t get any of Mile’s inner monologue, but his dialogue represents him as more self-conscious, more laconic. He speaks mainly to respond to others, and lets Ganke – oh man did I miss Ganke – do much of the talking for him.
Pichelli’s art also does a lot to define each of the Spider-Men. Peter, like his dialogue, is more comedic. His poses are more exaggerated, with him spreading his limbs away from his body with wide kicks and flips, and leaning and looking down over other characters. Conversely, Miles moves more conservatively, keeping his libs tucked while swinging, and crouching where Peter would stand and lean.
  Amazing Spider-Man #30
We open on Spider-Man organizing a retreat from a Mjolnir wielding Hyrdra-Cap, then go to Peter in Shanghai, trying to rally his employees and prepare them for an attack by Doctor Octopus, who is raiding Parker Industry labs. Pete meets with the employees who remain loyal, warning them that if it comes to it, they’re going to have to destroy their life’s work to keep it out of Hydra’s grasps. And then Otto attacks.
It’s really impressive how Slott manages to weave his ongoing stories with event books without skipping a beat. Even without all the Secret Empire stuff, this arc is just another chapter in the Spider-Man/Doc Ock rivalry he’s set up since his Ends of the Earth storyline in 2012. Otto sees allying with Hydra as a means to the end of claiming all of Peter’s work as the fruits of his labor, and destroying Peter’s legacy as he takes it back.
And what’s scary is that, despite becoming a better CEO and doing his best to prepare for Ock, Peter is still a few steps behind. He still, unknowingly let Otto into his company, giving him the chance to sabotage everything right under his nose. In a way, Parker Industry is just as much Otto’s as it is Pete’s, and Otto’s taking advantage of that while Peter is failing to really comprehend it.
  Black Panther and The Crew #4
In Mississippi in 1964, Ezra and Frank take the Crew to take care of some KKK members who can’t be touched by the law. In the present, Luke Cage escapes the firebombing of his apartment building by Hydra, then joins up with Misty Knight to investigate why he was targeted, and what that might have to do with Ezra’s assassination.
The cold open in Mississippi is one of the strongest scenes in comic books regarding racial violence printed in the Big 2’s comics yet. Not only does it clearly and concisely explain how white people can (and still) get away with murdering black people, but also demonstrates exactly why groups like the Crew, or the real life Black Panthers, were and are necessary in those times and places. It’s its own complete story and statement of purpose in four pages. And it’s echoed through the rest of the comic, as Misty and Luke eventually talk to the CEO of the company behind the Americops, who still gets away with targeting black people with impunity because that’s what benefits the powerful.
It’s weird how the same company that’s publishing Nick Spencer’s half-assed sanitized metaphor for fascism can also publish such clear-eyed commentary on race in America. And that also applies to David F. Walker’s too-short run on Nighthawk, which you should totally pick up.
  Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #22
Doreen and Nancy win a programming contest and an all-expenses paid vacation to the Savage Land! Expect jokes involving: computer programming pun titles for classic literature, how insane Wikipedia articles in the Marvel universe must be, colonial era nomenclature, Jurassic Park, paleontology, Latveria, and more.
Reading this issue, it’s hard not to feel like North has wanted to write a Jurassic Park episode for Squirrel Girl for a while now, and he taps into the seemingly universal human love of dinosaurs. Henderson continues to deliver on art, with some of the best and funniest faces in comics, my favorite of which this issue is Doreen’s reaction to realizing Nancy has a crush on one of the other contest winners.
  Kill or Be Killed #10
The cops, including detective Lily Sharpe find the Russian hitman’s burned-up corpse in the back of the van after learning about Dylan dropping off Rex at the hospital, and begin to postulate why their murderer tried to spare one victim while brutalizing the other. Meanwhile, Dylan, devastated by Rex’s death, move back home with his mom where he gets high, plays video games, and swears off killing, resigned to let the demon kill him. But then the demon reminds him that the Russians are after him, and might target the people he cares about, which complicates things a tad.
For a bit it seemed like Dylan was getting used to his new life, but this issue shows him in a downward spiral stemming from Rex’s death, as it’s the first one that’s actually personal for him. It’s his Uncle Ben moment, and that’s not the only part of this issue reminiscent of Spider-Man. When Dylan goes back to the city, it’s mainly to break up with Daisy and shut out Kira, who just happens to tell him about her feelings for him, just as he’s decided he’s too dangerous and messed up to afford to return her feelings.
This issue doesn’t really feel like the ending to an arc, but somewhere closer to the beginning of one. Continuing the comparison, this is Dylan’s “Spider-Man no more!” moment, which means that the stage is pretty much set for his comeback, whatever that may look like. It certainly won’t be as heroic as Spidey’s; but I wouldn’t rule out the inclusion of a criminal kingpin.
Comic Reviews for 7/12/17 Dark Days: The Casting #1 This issue continues The Forge's storytelling maneuver of throwing DCU canon at the wall to see what sticks, but also helpfully starts putting a few pieces together to the story of Metal.
0 notes