#charles just gotta get with the program guys
dyke-will-graham · 5 months
Oh! I love that one ship...
You know the one with the repressed bisexual 80's leather wearing charmer with daddy issues and a million dollar smile and the autistic repressed gay twink who wears vaguely vintage clothing with sassy mannerisms and avoidance issues!
(the game here is guess what ship im talking about)
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sunnysam-my · 4 months
You know what, I'm so sick of how allos fans constantly wanting the main masculine characters of shows based on Neil's Gaiman stories to be in a romantic mlm relationship with one another.
Seriously, Dead Boy Detectives and Good Omens are one of the only shows with 'gay' masculine characters I relate so much to as an aroace gay guy.
Crowley and Aziraphel are such an iconic queerplatonic relationship to me, as well as to many other aro/ace folks, but to this day I see so many people complaining about them being mostly platonic. Before they kissed people constantly complained about that. After they kissed so many people ignored that it was literally non-consentual and violating, because 'omg they finally kissed!' They don't need to kiss to be a couple. They don't need to be in love romantically or sexualy to love eachother and be a romantic couple.
Now the Dead Boy Detectives came out and I felt so seen with how the main boy loves eachother, but differently. Edwin loves Charles romanticly, but Charles doesn't, he loves romanticly Crystal, yet they stay friends, even stronger friends, after the confection, because he loves Edwin more than anyone, just platonicly. It wasn't confirmed in the show Chars is queer, but most people guessed. I loved how finally the main two boys where at least one is gay and they aren't together. Instead they are just (possibly) two queer friends. This literally pretty much never happens. For some reasons us gays are stuck in "we gotta have the main gay couple" hell. Like? Excuse me, you do realise that just like boys can be just friends with girls, the gays can be just friends too, even with the same sex, right? It's a thing. We're not that desperate, please.
Edwin's exploration of his attraction and relationships is something I can really relate to, because it's not just 'two guy fall in love' type of story, like we usually get. It's actually complicated like it is in real world, and Edwin even accidentally hurt someone he saw as a friend because he didn't realise the guy loved him. He then surpringly dealed with the problem very well. Can't forget the strugle to admit to yourself you are queer, because you know you won't be able to go back after that, and you've been programmed to ignore your feelings. Where it's not awful done in a "but we're both boys 🥺👉👈" way. But actually thoughtfully done. Where it's not about others or childish, but about admitting it to yourself.
Gays don't need to love eachother romanticly to love eachother dearly!
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thesugarhole · 1 year
ok now i have 20mins free before work starts so im going to keep chipping away at romac
pineapples chapter is actually the "today i found a geiger counter in the wasteland - no more radioactive soup for me!" chapter..? i think i remember that one being just the hot stuff joke, not an actual expose on the pineapple bomb that exploded in pilots face, but i could be wrong on this one. or maybe it was mashed together to make use of the geiger counter
its opportune to make that giant green field orb thing the pineapple after effects though so no complaints here. yet.
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yes yes we've all seen hot stuff captain. moving on
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its like that pôr do sol joke where the guy negotiated with the workers to end their strike by 'installing wifi in every single cherry' on their cherry farms
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surely thats not snippys sleeve... theyre both black for a solid stretch.
is whoever planted this one actually known or are we to suspect snippy Forever? from past information that might not even be true anymore, of course
If the User does not eat this fruit, I will automatically convert it into energy upon expiry date (to provide power to my kitchen friends).
User set temporal watch to count backwards. Watches are supposed to count forwards, not backwards. You cannot send fruits to your past-self, silly User. User synchronized temporal watch to pineapple expiry time. User changed parameters of my fruit-to-energy conversion program.
so thats how it works huh. infi has said previously the explosion only goes the way they want to if the watches are inside fruits, and i guess it has to do with some futuristic nonsense (as futuristic as this all is) about them auto disappearing once they cant be eaten anymore
DEX-M unit 966912 came to the mini-van. He sounds nice.
He looks great. Sometimes I dream of having such luxurious blonde hair.
DEX 966912 loses his beautiful face. How unfortunate.
stoooooooooop this is embarrassing me. like its true pilot is very nice and very handsome but come on pineapple those are your dying thought- THE PINEAPPLE IS ALIVE WITHIN THE GREEN THING I KNEW IT
whyyyy are you alive. why are you talking in the first place. this future is terrifying to me i dont want my food to talk to me about how it must be eaten what is this a fucking "oooh you gotta water me you gotta use your pee" world?
It smells wonderfully, so fresh, so full of life. I read its label. The label tells me its title and fruit type [CHARLES SNIPPY: DEAD ZONE TOUR GUIDE] It is not yet expired. Good. But I can already see its expiry date closing in. Bad. It will expire prematurely, if it does not make true friends soon.
wasnt snippy. the pineapple would probably recognize it as its previous user. yay!
incidentally where DID i get snippy did it from. am i misremembering something because im positive he was blamed for this bomb specifically at some point
lol at the pineapple being angry he didnt so much as approach the creepy green field thing come on. give the guy some credit you think he would just walk inside it to see whats up even if its technically not radioactive? like sorry this happened to you but also you did blow up pilots face so. stay there. with your horrible future man made consciousness.
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captain039 · 3 years
Secrets of mutation PART 3
Logan(wolverine) x reader
Warnings: Age gap, student/teacher, AOB, trauma, swearing, sexual, intimate, a little forceful, heats, smut
Xmen X new mutants
AOB will be referred to second gender xD
Previous chapter
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Living with memories seemed strange, knowing who you were, remembering your parents and their death. Your mutation to shape shift like Rahne only another species. You could half shift also, claws and fangs, just not as much body hair as Rahne. You could see in the dark too in human form, your nose was quite strong as was your hearing of you laid attention.
What you couldn’t get out your head though was your parents, those strange men in all black and the memory of someone saying they overdosed you. Dr Reyes knew all this, she had it all on file, never once told you or gave any hint into it. It made you angry, made you want to make her suffer but she was long gone now.
You hated training, hated physical training for that matter. You watched everybody get their ass kicked and kick ass while you hid in the corner.
“Hey” you jumped when Scott called you.
“Mat three now” he said and you sighed going over there.
You looked to the guy and sighed.
“Come on” he grinned.
“I’m- I’m not hitting you” you huffed.
“How are you gonna learn if your not gonna do it?” He asked stepping closer.
“I-“ you sighed.
“Fine” you threw a lazy punch to his arm and he raised an eyebrow.
“Really?” He questioned and you nodded.
“You we’re holding your fist wrong” he said and you sighed.
“I don’t fight” you said.
“You’re a cat” he said.
“A lazy cat” you corrected.
“I like sleep, food and warm beds with-“ you yelped when your feet were taken out from under you. You landed on your back with a groan even though the mat cushioned it.
“Fuck you” you grumbled staying on the ground.
“Come on where’s the feisty kitty cat” he taunted looking over you. You glared not even knowing who this guy was.
“New kid ain’t got balls” he chuckled as people began to look. You felt yourself wanting to shrink as he taunted and went cocky. You growled though claws and fangs out as you grabbed his legs and held you claws to his throat.
“Woah- hey!” You jumped when Logan came over. The boy under you was scared, you could smell his blood also and frowned when you saw scratches on his legs.
“No powers!” Scott scolded.
“Shut up” Logan said kneeling by you.
“I know you wanna claw his throat out but don’t” he said softly and you sighed getting off him. You walked out of the gym and huffed as Logan followed.
“What happened in there?” He asked and you turned to glare.
“Kid” he sighed as you waited for him to catch up.
“I don’t fight” you said.
“Seems like you do” he said.
“He was an asshole” you mumbled crossing your arms.
“I agree but, you did scratch both his legs” he reminded and you sighed.
“Well then maybe I’ll fight you and scratch you to death” you were annoyed, you didn’t want to fight.
“You won’t kill me” he said a slight smirk on his lips.
“You know what I mean” you sighed going to the elevator.
“No come on” he called you and you huffed again.
“You train with me, at least if you scratch I’ll heal” he called and you sighed trudging back to him.
Back in the room you sighed at the looks, the kid was already gone though his blood lingered.
“I don’t fight” you said once again as you stood on the match.
“Humour me” he said and you sighed holding your fists up.
“You’re gonna break your fist if you punch like that” he shook his head walking over to fix it. You stared at him while he did it, his touch less rough than you though and warm.
“Punch my hands” he said as he held them up and you sighed punching them lightly.
“You just took a man down and your punching like this?” He questioned and you sighed.
“I told you-“ he stopped you.
“You don’t like fighting” he finished. You sighed sitting on the ground with your legs crossed.
“I’m only dangerous when I’m a cat” you said as he sat in front of you.
“Even then I’m not, I’m just quick” you shrugged.
“Half shift” he said and you frowned.
“I’ll scratch you-“ you said huffing as he stood.
“I don’t care” you stood and sighed half shifting. The sounds around you became amplified and you twitched at any light noise, your knuckles cracked as you stared at Logan.
“Try and take me down” he said and you made a small hiss noise. Your mind was always half and half, sometimes the feline took control other times it laid dormant.
You tried fighting him, you ended up on your back with him pinning you down easily. You changed back sighing as you let your hands fall to the side.
“Did I scratch you?” you asked and he shook his head. You nodded when a cramp went through your stomach. You froze remembering what it meant. At the program you were always forced to drink some disgusting medicine that kept that nature at bay, but now you haven’t been weaned off it’ll probably hit harder.
“Get off me” you mumbled and he frowned looking to you. You were shaking under his hold and he let go of you, sitting back on his knees. You made a small noise and his nose flared slightly. Others were looking to catching your scent as you whined softly. You stood as quickly as you could stumbling in the process.
“Kid” Logan held you steady and you sighed leaning into him.
“Ah hell” he muttered.
“Come on” he said rather softly to you as he helped you outside the door.
“You should control yourself cat!” Someone called and Logan turned.
“You better control that tongue before you lose it” he snapped before urging you into the elevator.
“I’m sorry” you said in pain as you held your stomach.
“It’s fine kid” he said though it clearly wasn’t fine.
“I can’t go to my room I have a roommate!” You said panicked as the elevator dinged.
“Fuck!” He growled leading you down the opposite end and into a room. He closed the door and you sighed as you laid on the bed before it hit you. His scent hit you and you looked to him. He was scratching his head back turned to you as he sighed.
“Logan” you mumbled.
“Yeah, I know” he growled pacing as a knock came.
“Logan” the Professor called.
“What?!” Logan snapped opening the door.
“Sorry Charles” he muttered going to the other end of the room.
“I’m sorry” you said crying softly.
“It’s alright, you’ve been on some form of suppressant at the facility, we have some here for those who want it, we just needed your body to wear off the other ones I’m afraid” Charles explained and you nodded. Usually mixing two suppressants ended badly, usually in intense heat.
“I know you’ve got a roommate at the moment, I’ll organise a room for you ok?” He added and you nodded.
“Logan?” Charles called and the man practically snarled.
“Come with me and I’ll have Jean come help here” Logan followed Charles out with tense shoulders. The door closed and you sighed hugging his pillow.
Over the last couple of weeks you’ve been sceptical of the man, an attraction to him. He was handsome and an unmated alpha, but he’d probably been with many women, probably had one now, he flirted with Jean a lot though she was with Scott. You knew you two had a large age gap, probably double seeing as he didn’t age like normal. But when you did fight with him or he taught history you were focused on him, his scent. It was stronger thanks to your cat senses, you tried not too, he was just intriguing to you. He always snapped back at anyone that gave you crap too, stood up for you even if you didn’t need it. He was almost protective of you maybe. Now though as you laid there you wanted him back here, holding you, maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much than. You pulled the covers over you and curled up in a ball as you inhaled his scent. It was strong on his bed thankfully, it took a little off the edge.
“Y/n” you grumbled when someone called you.
“We’ve got your room ready” it was Jean. You froze though gripping the pillow between your arms as you began to panic a little. She came over and you looked to her begging.
“I-“ she obviously could read your mind as she stuttered.
“Jean” another voice came and you looked to the door seeing Logan. She walked to him and they muttered by the door while you sighed.
“She’s a student” Jean said and Logan sighed.
“Logan” you mumbled and their talking stopped.
You heard footsteps and frowned before Logan knelt by the bed.
“Kid you gotta go into your own room” he said softly.
“I’m not a kid” you glared rolling over. You heard him sigh as he moved to the other side of the bed and knelt.
“I’m old enough to be your grandfather, you need someone your age ok?” You glared again and he pinched the top of his nose.
“Look you can take my pillow, just, we gotta get you into your own room” you still glared but sat up clutching his pillow. You followed him to the assigned room you got, further down the hall. You looked to the fresh bed and sighed lying on it, your back to Logan and the door. You were shaking slightly as you held onto his pillow. Tears were in your eyes, he was right but right now it just hurt. The door closed and you closed your eyes curling up on the cold bed.
Next chapter ->
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falcqns · 4 years
Pairing: Post Endgame!Bucky Barnes x Barton!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are sent on a mission to the 1950′s, and you come face to face with Steve Rogers for the first time. 
Warnings: mention of Thanos, swearing, Steve being protecting, Y/N being more protective, The Winter Soldier makes an appearance, insinuation to smut. 
A/N: We love stories based off shifting experiences lol. also it was hella exhilarating to scream and swear in America’s Ass’s face LOL. Also If there are any chronological errors with the whole Hank Pym thing, just ignore it I haven’t seen Ant Man yet
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You were hiding behind an overturned desk, your gun in one hand, both batons in another. You, Bucky, and Sam had been sitting on the couch enjoying your Saturday, when it was raided by rogue S.H.I.E.L.D operatives from 1951, hell bent on preventing the avengers from forming. But, they didn't have time-space GPS’s like you guys did, so they were thrust into 2024, a year after the events of the final Thanos fight. They had held the three of you at gun point, until you threw a lamp at them, and Bucky reflected their bullets with his vibranium arm while you and Sam ran, you to your gun and batons, and Sam to get his wing suit on. A fight ensued, and everyone had eventually spread across the compound, to where you took refuge behind the overturned desk of Tony Stark. No one had touched his desk since he passed, but that changed today.
You felt someone approach from behind, and you flicked your wrist holding your batons to turn on the taser function, and went to knock out the person behind you, when you were met with Bucky, an amused look on his handsome face. He had two time-space GPS’s in his hand, and well as the bracelets that contained the suit. 
“Don’t electrocute me yet, doll,” He said, and you rolled your eyes. “We can fix this. We go back in time, we prevent them from taking the Pym Particles. It’s risky, but I see it as our only option right now. They’re not going down. We need to do something.” He whispered. 
“What about Sam?” You whispered, and Bucky looked over his shoulder. 
“I knocked a few of them out and told him to get the hell out and I had an idea. He escaped while I covered him. They won't notice anything happening because it might be minutes or hours for us, but it's seconds for them. Trust me?” He asked, and you nodded before taking the suit bracelet and the GPS he offered you, and slipping them on. You put your batons in the holster on your lower back, and your gun in its holster on your thigh. You double tapped the suit bracelet, and took a deep breath as the nanotech quickly covered your body, and head. Bucky programmed his GPS, and you programmed yours to go back to February 23, 1951. 
You looked at Bucky and nodded, before you felt the helmet covering your face, and a pull behind your navel, seconds before you entered the quantum realm. You watched as the colours of the quantum realm sped by you as you traveled, and you glanced to your side, sighing as you saw Bucky right there with you. You were nervous, but as long as he was there, you'd be fine. 
You felt a stronger pull behind your navel, and you were thrust into 1951. Luckily, the two of you landed in a supply closet, where there were janitors uniforms. You two didn't say anything while you pulled the uniforms on, and slipped out of the closet.
You two kept your heads down, determined to not get recognized while you figured out the plan. 
“So, this specific building changed considerably since before I fell off the train, but the labs are this way, just passed the offices in this coming hallway, which is where I’m guessing they put Pym’s lab and office,” He said, and you nodded. 
You two turned the corner to the office hallway, and you heard Bucky swear. You looked up at him in confusion before following his eye line and biting back a swear word. 
Peggy was standing outside her office, talking to a rather tall, broad shouldered, blonde haired man. Before you could process who it was, Peggy noticed Bucky, and her eyes widened. She exclaimed, and the blonde haired man turned around, to reveal himself as Steve Rogers. 
“B-Buck?” He said in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“You’re alive?” Peggy said right after. 
Bucky sighed, but the two of you walked up to the couple. You shifted so you were standing slightly behind Bucky. You had quite a few words for Steven Grant Rogers, none of them good things. 
“We’re here on a mission. We’re trying to stop 5 rogue agents from coming to 2024, and killing me, Sam, and my girlfriend Y/N.” he said, and you stepped put from behind him, giving Steve a tight lipped smile.
Steve looked over at you, and looked you in the face intently. “How did you meet Bucky?” he asked seriously.
“I met him when my dad introduced me to the remaining Avengers when we went to see Wanda after-” You were going to say ‘the Westview incident’ but didn't want to risk screwing up the timeline so you changed it slightly. “An unfortunate incident.”
He crossed his arms. “Who’s your dad?” He said, his chin tipping up slightly. 
“Clint,” You said simply, and he eyed you again, as if he didn't quite believe you, but chose to let it go, wisely. You rolled your eyes, and heard Peggy giggle, to which you gave her a smile. 
Steve turned to Bucky and dropped his arms. “Who are these agents?”
“George Peterson, Charles Collins, William White, Robert Gomez, and Paul Cox.” You said, and Bucky looked at you in confusion.
You rolled your eyes and looked at your boyfriend. “Their names were on their uniforms. Where were you looking when they had their guns pointed at our heads?” You said. “AT THE GUNS!” Bucky exclaimed and you rolled your eyes again. 
He turned back to Steve. “We need to get to Hank Pym’s lab.” He said, and Steve sighed. “What?”
“Pym’s lab hasn't been moved to this building yet, it’s still in downtown New York. Do you guys have a car?” He asked, and you scoffed. 
“Oh yeah, we had time to shove on of those in our pockets while being attacked by psycho’s.” You said, sarcastically.
Bucky looked at you. “Y/N.” 
You glanced up at him.    
“Sorry. No we did not Capsicle-OW!” You exclaimed when Bucky elbowed you in the side.
Steve sighed, and turned to Peggy. “I might be home late. Gotta help him,” he said, and Peggy gave him an understanding smile.
“It’s okay. Go help,” She said, and after they shared a kiss, Steve was leading you and Bucky out of the building.
“How’ve you been Buck?” He asked. Bucky sighed.
“Oh, y’know. Compound got rebuilt, met the love of my life, been on a few missions with her and Sam. The usual,” To which Steve chuckled.
You three reached Steve’s car a few moments later, and you climbed in the back, while Bucky sat in the passengers seat. You weren't as tall as him, and you were afraid you'd cause an accident if you put next to the literal ass of America. 
“Wait,” Steve said, pulling out of the parking lot. “How’d you get on the team,” He said to you. You rolled your eyes but answered. 
“I’m the daughter of two super soldiers, Hawkeye and Mockingbird. My mom has multiple serums, which were passed to me, and I got both their strengths, but I prefer to use batons rather than stupid ass arrows that can only be used once,” You said, crossing your arms over your chest, and slumping against the leather seats of his car. Steve nodded, and gave Bucky a look, which Bucky knew meant ‘she doesn't like me does she?’, to which Bucky gave him a look that said ‘this is her being nice to people she despises.’ Steve nodded, and focused on the road.
As the car drove into the city, you looked at how different the buildings looked. It looked exactly like the pictures you had seen, but you were in awe. There were a few skyscrapers, but they certainly didn't look the ones you were used to seeing whenever you went to New York. Bucky and Steve were talking in the front, and you blocked out the conversation to gaze at New York in a time when your father wasn't even born. 
You felt the car come to a stop moments later, and you looked up to see you were outside a bland looking building that said “Pym Technologies”. You stepped out of the car, and Bucky immediately took your hand in his. The two of you followed Steve into the building, and made it about a third of the way down one hallway before Bucky pushed you into a room, and pulling Steve with him. 
“What the f-” you started to say before Bucky covered your mouth with his vibranium hand. 
“That was them. The guys.” Bucky said, and Steve went to the door to see the guys Bucky was referring to walk down the hallway and turn right, in the direction of the offices. 
“Okay,” Steve said, turning around to face you two. “Do you have your weapons?” he asked. You unzipped the janitor suit and pointed to the gun and baton holsters on your leggings. Steve nodded, and looked to Bucky who was taking off his janitors uniform and pulled out his gun as well. 
“Okay, good.” Steve said. “Now, I left the shield at home because I barely use it, and the kids prefer to use it as a sled in the winter.” 
At the mention of his kids, you rolled you eyes again, and Steve had had it with that. 
“You keep that up and your eyes will stick,” He said, and you stuck your tongue out at him. He furrowed his eyebrows at you and spoke again. “What is your problem?” He asked, looking over at Bucky for help, who just raised his hands in defeat. He had tried many times to figure out why you had such a problem with Steve but eventually let it go and knew you would tell him when you were ready.
But, you finally decided you were ready. “My problem? What about your problem?”
Steve scoffed. “I don't think I have a problem.”
You laughed. “Oh, you don't have a problem? Do you feel any guilt, AT ALL, for leaving Bucky behind? Did you stop for one second to think about how this might effect him? He risked everything, multiple times for your stupid ass, and when the world was finally safe, at least for a while, you ditched him for a girl you kissed once? I get it, you ‘loved’ her, but she had her own life, her own husband, and everything. You left Bucky with Sam. THEY BARELY GET ALONG! I’m not saying you should have taken him with you, because then I wouldn't have met him. I’m saying that you should have stayed. You could've gotten with Sharon, gotten married and had a few kids with her. Instead, you chose to say ‘fuck it’ and abandon Bucky when he needed you most. And believe me, I know Sharon isn't Peggy, but you liked her as well. It’s called a compromise. Also, don't you think it's pretty shitty that Bucky DIED FOR YOU, came back to life, walked through a goddamned portal, fought aliens with a gun, all without a break, and you didn't have the fucking decency to talk to him, at least once before the fight was over? For the greatest soldier in history, you sure are pretty fucking selfish.” You stated, and walked out the door with your batons in hand without a second look.
“Wow.” Bucky said, looking at Steve. Steve just shook his head and motioned for Bucky to follow you. 
“Follow her and help. I gotta find something to fight with,” He said, looking around him. Bucky nodded, and walked out. He raced to catch up with you, and saw the men huddled together in a conference room, probably planning what to do next. He pulled you to the side before you reached the room to talk to you. 
He pulled out into a little alcove in between the offices, and pressed his forehead against yours. “Baby,” He breathed out, and looked up at you when you sniffed. “What’s wrong?”
“I couldn't let him sit there and think that what he did was okay. It wasn't. he left you when you needed him most. After he came out of the ice and found out you were still alive, his main goal was to find you, and save you. But when he finally gets the ‘big defeat’ he wanted with Red Skull but didn't, he immediately abandons you for Peggy? Nothing against her, she seems nice I just hate his guts for putting you through all of that and I know you’re gonna say that I shouldn’-,” Bucky cut off your rambling with a kiss. He pulled away and smiled at you.
“He needed to hear it. Now, let’s finish our mission so we can get back to 2024, and finish The Sound of Music because I really wanna know how the Von Trapps escape Austria.” he said, making you smile, your grip on your batons tightening. The door to the conference room opened just as Steve was coming around the corner, a shield slightly smaller than his own in his hand. He pressed back against the same wall you and Bucky were pressed against.
“Looks like they're trying to recreate everything about me,” Steve said, and Bucky chuckled. He glanced down the hallway, and saw it deserted. The 5 men continued down the opposite direction, towards the labs. 
“Y/N, corner them. Steve, go around to the opposite hallway and block off the exit there. I’ll do the same with the opposite exit. After that, we should be good, and we can fight them, and hopefully stop them.” Bucky said, and Steve nodded. 
“How do you know so much about this building?” You asked, and Bucky blushed. 
“The Soldier has more than one mission that involved breaking into Pym Industries,” he said. “Now let’s do this.”
“Didn't think you were one for leading,” Steve said, tightening the shield just before he walked off. 
“Yeah well, sometimes you have to step put when it comes to Sam Wilson.” You said, walking off. You pressed your back to the wall before turning the corner, giving Steve and Bucky time to get into position. 
Through the reflection on the mirrored ceiling, you saw the men come face to face with Steve, and turn around and head the other way. They passed by you without a glance, only to be faced with Bucky, who had ripped the sleeve off his metal arm. You heard them swear. 
“Fuck. He’s The Winter Soldier.” one of them said, and when you glanced up at the ceiling again, you saw Steve charging at them, Bucky following seconds later.
The men realized what was happening, and turned around to escape down the hallway where you were, and you flicked your wrists to turn on the taser function on your batons, and hitting an agent in the head.
He fell to the ground and you kicked him in the face for good measure. You looked up and saw Bucky in a chokehold by an agent with his back to you. You stood up and ran towards him. You planted the batons on either side of the agents neck and watched as his whole body convulsed, releasing Bucky. He turned around and swore. He pulled you off to the side and let Steve keep fighting.
“W-What are you doing?” You asked. 
“Theres more rogue agents coming. I need you to bring out The Winter Soldier.” He stated. Your eyes widened.
“Shuri got rid of him.” 
Bucky shook his head. “Remember when you went on vacation with your dad, stepmom and the kids and I visited T’Challa?” You nodded. “Well, it wasn't to see the Wakandan kids like I said. I went to Shuri and I asked her to put a version of him back inside. I can take down and kill people, but YOU are the only one who can control me. I won’t hurt you, or Steve, I’ll know who you are, but you need to say my trigger words. I know you know what they are. I fight, you and Steve get to the lab, take the Pym Particles and run,” He said, glancing back at Steve, who was holding his own fairly well against multiple agents.
You nodded. “Fine. But I don't like that you lied to me, and we will be talking about this when we get back.” You stated, and Bucky nodded.
You cleared your throat, and started speaking. “Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car,” You said in Russian. 
Bucky became very stiff, his eyes shutting. His whole body spasmed, and his eyes opened, brown eyes replacing his steel blue. 
“Ready to comply,” He answered, and you gave him his orders. 
“Take down anyone who gets in our teams way,” You said, and the Soldier nodded before rejoining Steve to fight, with him, instead of against him.
You ran back to Steve and him and watched as the Soldier took down agent after agent with no difficulty. Steve’s mouth dropped open as he stood and watched. “What did you say to him?” He asked, and you smiled.
“I brought out the Soldier. Now, let’s finish this,” You said, allowing Steve to lead the way.
You two ran down the hall and turned to corner. “I thought Shuri got rid of him,” He said as the two of you continued running.
You glanced behind you before answering. “She took one Soldier out and put a different one in,” You said, and the two of you skidded to a stop when you came face to face with the Pym Particles storage room. 
“I know Hank only keeps a certain amount here, but no one but me and him know that at this point in time. Let’s go in, grab them, and destroy them. I’ll take the blame for it but I couldn't give less of a shit,” Steve said, and the two of you burst in the room. 
There were only 10 vials of Pym Particles, each of you grabbing 5. You ran out of the room, and back the way you came. You made it to the hallway where the Soldier was still fighting.
“SOLDAT!” You shouted. He stopped and turned to look at you. “Let’s go!”
He nodded and ran towards you. Steve burst through the door, and the three of you ran towards Steve’s car. The three of you hopped in, Bucky and you in the back, Steve in the drivers seat and speeding away. 
“D-do you know how to get Bucky back?” You asked Steve. He looked at you.
“Remind him who he is. That’s the only thing that worked for me, but this Winter Soldier programming is different.” 
“Wouldn't hurt to try,” You said, and took Bucky’s hand in your own. “Bucky, look at me,” The Soldier turned to you. “You’re James Buchanan Barnes. You were born March 10, 1917. Your best friend is Steve Rogers. Y/N Y/L/N is your girlfriend. Your favourite food is plums. You absolutely despise Sam Wilson,” You said, and watched as he came back to himself slowly. Steve cackled at the last part, before pulling into an abandoned parking lot.
“We gotta destroy these particles,” You said, looking down at them resting in your lap. 
“That’s what we’re doing. Take these,” He said, handing you the rest of the particles. “And put them on the ground in front of my car. We’re gonna run them over.” You nodded, took the vials out of his hand and hopping out of the car. You placed them on the ground and got back in. 
Bucky groaned, just as Steve accelerated, and ran the vials over, a satisfying crunching noise coming from under the tires. You turned and gave him a smile. He groaned again, and buried his head in your neck. Steve chuckled and turned the car around to head back. 
He glanced at the time on his watch. “Theres no point in going back to Lehigh, Peggy’s at home now. Where do you guys want to go to head back?” He asked, and Bucky pointed towards a small clump of trees in a park. Steve nodded, and pulled over. 
You walked up to Steve while Bucky got his tired body out of the car. “Thank you for helping us. I’m sorry for what I said.” You admitted, and Steve smiled.
“Don’t be. I needed to hear it. I was incredibly selfish, and I should have stayed with him. But, thank you for helping him.” He said, and you nodded. He gave you a hug, and you walked towards the trees to allow Bucky and Steve to say goodbye. They talked a little, shared a laugh, and hugged. Steve walked over to where you were standing. 
“Come back whenever you guys want to. I’d visit you, but that’s not my time anymore. Plus I don't have a suit or a GPS. I’d probably end up in the Sokovia fight again if I tried.” He said, and you and Bucky laughed. 
“We will. I know the fairs coming up soon, so maybe we’ll come back then?” Bucky asked and Steve nodded. They shared a smile again, and Steve watched as the two of you tapped your bracelets, the nanotech covered you and programmed your GPS’s. You waved at Steve, and he waved back. Bucky nodded at him, which Steve returned at the two of you locked eyes as you felt that familiar pull behind your navel, and your were thrust into the quantum realm again. 
You returned to 2024 seconds later, and glanced around at the untouched compound, and Tony’s desk, which was completely fine. Bucky looked around in confusion.
“What happened? Wasn’t it only a few seconds here? Why is everything fixed?” Bucky asked and you smiled.
“The chronological timeline where we were attacked was erased by us when we destroyed the particles, so the attack never happened.” 
Bucky nodded, before scooping you up and carrying you into the living room. “Good. Now, let’s finish the movie, and maybe have a quickie before Sam gets back.” Bucky said, sitting on the couch, and lifting your shirt over your head. 
You laughed, but agreed. “Sounds like a plan.” 
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (2)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: light cursing, mentions of death, angsty Draco
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
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The surrounding neighbors have been very nice; one elderly couple walked up to Draco’s door with an apple pie, quite the American staple, and he seemed to appreciate it. They seemed normal and sweet. Much unlike the feeling he had for his neighbor. Y/N. He hasn't made any attempts in the month that he's lived in the small suburban neighborhood to see her. He avoided her like she was a deadly plague.
Albeit, it was probably harsh and extremely childish. The whole point of him becoming a new person was changing his views he had been taught in adolescence. Or else why did he help Harry Potter all those years ago when he swore he hated him?
It was currently around 3 in the morning, he was standing in his backyard and made sure no one would be awake as he sent his owl to send a letter to his best friend, Blaise. He was the only person who still contacted Draco on a regular basis besides the occasional letter from Theodore. Gregory cut all contact with Draco after the Battle, especially since Vincent had died that night in the fire in the Room of Requirement. Pansy was living her life somewhere, and although the Golden Trio had forgiven Draco for his actions, it didn't start any friendships. But Draco was fine; Blaise and Theo had been there for him in more ways he cares to admit.
He never mentioned a word about Y/N to Blaise until now when he asked what Draco’s American neighbors were like. Majority of the letter contained contents of how work has been, the differences in not only culture but also how things are called, and just his own well being. He did say something short for the elderly couple, but when it came to Y/N he had a lot to say.
These muggles are far different from the ones in England, Blaise. They know things about the magic world but input a fantasy in their heads. They believe they can actually practice witchcraft and wizardry, calling themselves “Wiccan” or whatever rubbish it is. Bloody hell, they even have films and tv programs of them. My neighbor is one of these and she does the most ludacris things in her house. Quite laughable, really. If Salazar was alive today to see this happening, I’d bet he’d curse the whole lot.
She had been lingering in his mind since that day of his discovery. It was annoying him. Every night, he would catch her in her room doing whatever the hell she was doing and he felt as if the universe was mocking him. This is what people think what you really are was the message he got from it all. Draco never thought something like this would make him feel like a freak. But he did. This act of hers was an indirect insult of what he was capable of. And she had no idea.
It was a fine autumn morning. The shop was closed today, so you had lots of time at home to catch up with cleaning. You stood over your bathroom sink brushing your teeth and saw from the reflection of your mirror your cat stretching herself before walking into the bathroom to rub herself on your legs. “Good morning, Aurora,” you cooed at her. She purred in response and ran off to her tower in the living room.
After getting changed into some comfortable clothes, you walked up to a closet in the hallway that had collections of crystals, oils, sage bundles and more. “Let’s see, where did I put the angelica root?” you asked out loud to yourself. Going through the shelves, you pulled some sea salt, ground lemon balm, ground angelica root, and a feather. You carried the items outside in a bowl to your backyard and set them at a small garden table. Walking over to your garden, you pulled some elderberry flowers and started your cleansing spell.
You sprinkled the salt onto a censor dish and placed a charcoal dish on it and lit it up. In the bowl you had used to carry the items out, you started mixing the herbs together as you waited for the charcoal to burn red. Once it did, you sprinkled the herbs on top, creating a cleansing incense. You picked it up from the bottom of the censor dish, picked up the feather and made your way steadily to your front door, lightly wafting smoke towards it. Reaching your front door, you drew a pentagram over it with the feather and smoke,
“Be gone negativity,
Here now blessed be.”
You repeat your incantations throughout the house until you have finished and walked back to your living room, drawing one last pentagram. You placed your feather and censor dish on the bare floor, stood up and tapped your foot three times,
“By my will, so shall it be.
Sealed now shall this cleansing be.”
You sat on your couch and turned on the television, waiting for the incense to burn out so you could scatter it around your backyard. After a couple of hours of watching a guilty pleasure of yours, you decided to get some actual cleaning done. First thing was to do some trimming and gardening outside, so you grabbed some gloves and headed out back to your yard.
Before grabbing your garden scissors, you looked up and saw something rather strange. There was an owl in your neighbors yard. In broad daylight. From the backyard, you heard a car pull in and peeked over the fence to see that it was your neighbor coming home. You ran to the front leaving a dirt trail in your house and ran out the front door.
He hadn’t walked in yet, so you started waving your arm, “Hello! I’m Y/N!”
He had just nodded his head and walked a straight line to his door. Not wanting to lose this chance of having a conversation with him, you yelled for him one more time, “There’s an owl in your yard!” His eyes widened and without a word, he ran into his house in a panic. From a distance, you heard him say 'shit' before closing the door.
Building up confidence, you walked up to his door and knocked a few times and patiently waited. You fixed your hair and stood surprised as he hastily opened the door. “H-hi! It’s so nice to meet you, I'm Y/N,” you stretched your hand out to shake his hand. He looked at it and had a displeased look, causing unease within you. Looking at your hand, you noticed you still had your gardening gloves on with dirt on it.
“Oops, sorry!” you chuckled as you took it off and reached out again.
Again, he just looked at you with a straight face for a couple of seconds before finally speaking, “Look, I’m really busy, so if you don't mind.” He shut the door without giving you any chance to say anything back. You stood there in shock, replaying his British voice in your head. And as you stood there, you wondered why it is that he doesn't want to talk to you. The Charles couple across from your house were able to introduce themselves, and even got a smile from him. But for some reason, you could never get the same treatment.
Ian had proposed to Draco a housewarming party during lunch. Of course Draco had never been to one, much less hosted one.
“It’s alright, boss. I can fix all the arrangements up. All you gotta do is relax,” Ashley proposed. To say that Draco is extremely happy is an understatement. He had friends that actually enjoyed his company and not his influence. Not that he had much of that anyway.
America was really working out for him; work was great, people were nice, and the area he lived in was peaceful. Yes, he didn't like his neighbor, but she wasn't ruining his life in this new country. He just didn't like what she did.
“Thank you, Ashley. And you know you can just call me ‘Draco’.”
“I know,” she replied. Ashley grabbed her Blackberry phone and started drafting up an email, asking for his address so she could let people know where it would be. “Is this Friday a good time?”
“Yes, that should be fine. I don't have any plans that day.”
“Great, it's sent out to everyone in our department. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an attending to watch over for a surgery. See you guys later!” Draco, Blaine and Ian waved at Ashley as she left.
Blaine left soon after, leaving Ian with Draco. “Alright man, how’s it going on your street? Are you finally settled in?”
“I finally got the last of my things delivered from London yesterday. I was a bit nervous though. That mugg— I mean No-Maj neighbor of mine saw my mum’s owl in my yard. Thankfully, she didn't ask any questions,” Draco said as he cleared his lunch tray.
“Wait, you still use an owl? Ha, I didn’t think people still did,” Ian chuckled. “Well, of course I do. Do you not?”
“No, most wizards here in the States just use the usual ground post that No-Maj’s use. Things are a bit more modern around here. Speaking of your neighbor actually, have you ever spoken to her?”
Draco shrugged nonchalantly and said a simple ‘No’ when he really wanted to scrunch his nose and eyebrows in disgust and say ‘Fuck no.’ Ian, however, is gifted in Legilimens. He heard what Draco really meant but kept to himself. I guess things are different in the UK he thought.
“Hello my dear baby, I just wanted to call and give you a heads up; your brother and I are coming for Thanksgiving. He’s bringing Stephanie so do me a favor, please no witchy stuff.”
The voicemail played out loud in the kitchen. Please no witchy stuff. Your mother had repeatedly explained to you that she was okay with ‘it’ all, but growing up you never really got on the same page with her. And you knew it was because of your practice. Your younger brother would say comments every now and then when you grew up, but he always stood up for you when other people called you a ‘satanic freak’. But never once did you regret starting the Craft. You enjoyed it and it made you feel whole.
It had been a week since your encounter with your, now known British, neighbor. It bothered you a lot that he didn’t seem to want to get to know you. You were lost in your thoughts that you almost didn’t notice the doorbell going off. You answered the door and saw your neighbor.
“Hi dear, do you think you could help me and my husband with something?” Mrs. Charles smiled sweetly at you. “Of course, what can I do for you?”
“My grandson is coming in from Vermont, would it be alright if you could give us a ride to the airport? I’d ask Draco but he’s always busy at work and I don’t want to be a bother.”
Draco? “I’m sorry, who’s that?” you had a confused look.
“Our new neighbor, dear. I thought you had met him already. You two are the same age after all,” she informed you. Draco. How unique. You instantly recognized the name from the star constellation. It was nice to finally put a name to a face. Distracted again, Mrs. Charles waited for your answer, “Y/N? Can you do it?”
“O-oh, sorry. Of course I’ll help. Frankie was his name, correct?”
“Yes, it’s Frankie. Thank you so much. His flight comes in on Friday. I’ll see you then,” you wished her a good night and looked out your window to make sure she crossed the street safely. The rest of the night consisted of you and and your cat laying on your couch watching TV, but what was on the screen didn’t have your attention. Draco did. And you had no idea why.
“Dude, why do you not have a TV?” Blaine looked around Draco’s house and studied the arrangements he had. It was quite plain, almost minimalistic. Looking around, Draco couldn’t help but think how different it was from the Manor back in London. Instead of grand chandeliers, moving portraits of the Malfoy’s before him, and intricate designs on the walls, he had simple white walls with just one moving picture of him, Blaise and Theo a couple minutes before a Quidditch game against Ravenclaw. He had a bookshelf full of old school books from Hogwarts and some small relics he liked from the Manor.
“I’ve never had one growing up, and once I moved here I just never gave any second thought of it. Besides, what would I even watch?” Draco replied. Despite having one letter off from being the same name as his best friend, Blaine reminded Draco of Theo. They were both funny and outspoken. He would’ve loved for them to have met. They’d probably get on.
A few moments later, Ashley and Ian knocked on Draco’s door. The door was unlocked for them to be able to open the door. They looked around the living room before settling onto the couches. “Okay so I was thinking that we can just have some trays of snacks and desserts with some champagne. Does that sound good to you guys?” Ashley suggested. They just nodded along to whatever she said. She had gone to the store with Blaine to get everything prepared before the party tonight.
Ian looked at the pictures of Draco with his friends and one of his mother that laid on top of a chimney. “Do you still have lots of friends from Hogwarts?”
Draco thought about it, “You know, I actually didn’t have a lot of friends back in school. Back then, I only hung out with probably six people. But now it’s just two.” He sounded a bit sad, but figured that two were better than none.
“Do you think of what happened a lot?” Ian implied about that day at Hogwarts. He had been the only one that Draco trusted enough to tell. “Sometimes,” Draco gave a short reply. The action of opening up was still new to him, but he knew he shouldn’t wallow in it. Plus he’d rather have a friend instead of a doctor to talk about it.
Ian really felt bad for Draco. It must have been really traumatizing for someone to go through something like that at just the age of 17. Sure, Draco wasn’t the best person at the time. Who is he kidding, he was probably the biggest git in the whole school. It didn’t necessarily mean that he had to go through what he did. He lost one of his friends in a fire, and one left him after said friend died. Another left for no apparent reason. And another wanted something different in her life. Those things affected Draco, and probably will for the rest of his life.
He didn’t pity Draco, but was feeling sympathetic. “Well if it makes you feel any better, I don’t have much friends from Ilvermorny. It sucks now, but hey, down the line you get new ones.” Ian held a fisted hand out, waiting for Draco to bump it. It made him laugh as he bumped Ian’s fist.
Outside, Ian looked out to see a certain neighbor walk to her car. “Hey, is that that chick you were talking about?” Draco looked out the window and saw you grab some things out of your trunk and into your house. “Yeah, that’s her.” Ian never really pressed on Draco to explain why he didn’t like his No-Maj neighbor like he did the elderly couple across the street.
“Well, I gotta say. She’s a sight for sore eyes for a weirdo.” She’s a what? Beyond the nightly activities he had caught you doing on occasion in your bedroom, he never really looked at your face. Or really just at you. But now that Ian mentioned something, he started studying you. She’s not so bad looking— wait, what are you thinking?
By accident, Ian snorted at the words Draco thought. “Did… did I say that out loud?” Draco asked with suspicion in his voice. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t really mean to be invading your mind or anything. It runs in my family,” Ian laughed nervously.
“It’s okay. My godfather was also good at Legilimens and Occlumency. I’m pretty sure he’s heard worse during his classes. Come on, I’ll give you a full tour of the place.”
“If the other rooms are anything like the living room, I’m sure I’ve seen the whole place then,” Ian joked.
“Piss off.” As Ian walked towards the bathroom, Draco looked back outside to see you again. He watched as you helped the Charles couple in your car and drove off to Merlin knows where.
The party was rather fun. It lasted until almost 1 in the morning. He thanked Ashley for handling everything and spent the night talking and laughing with his colleagues. Once everyone left, he changed into comfortable sweats and a plain black t-shirt. Out on his bedroom window was Blaise’s owl with a sealed letter. He quickly opened the window, grabbed the letter and looked out to make sure no one was watching. Your room was dark and it seemed as the drapes were down. He guided his friends’ owl with his hands to a small, make-shift owl post against the fence that separated your yards. It had food and was enchanted to be at a comfortable temperature. His owl laid on one side of the post, resting as Blaise’s owl joined it.
Draco opened the letter and read its contents to himself.
Well mate, I’m glad you’re having a good time in America. There’s not much going on here in London. I’m just working at Gringotts until something opens up at the Ministry. Not really sure what I want to do, but I’ll figure it out. Anyways, I think you’ll be pleased to hear that Theo and I are going to be joining you for the holidays. Theo got a hold of a couple American muggle films and he figured that if the women there were as fit as the actresses, then you must be living the best life and he wants to join. As for that muggle neighbor of yours, I can’t wait to see her in person. We’ll see you, Malfoy.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw lights turn on in your room and your shadow walk around before turning off once more. Sorry Blaise, but there’s no way in hell you’ll meet her.
Frankie’s flight was delayed, causing you to get home so late. You were extremely tired and your feet and back were sore. Usually, you’d take a bath with some salts and oils to relax yourself, but tonight you were really lazy. So lazy that you just shook your shoes off and plopped yourself on the bed.
The second you hit the mattress, you dozed off. Your mind was wandering and found yourself dreaming.
You sat in your backyard in a pretty sundress. There was a slight breeze in the air and you held a cup of coffee in your hands. Someone sat at the chair opposite you and blocked the sun’s light in your face. You looked next to you and saw your friend smiling at you.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla
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gerec · 4 years
AU-gust 2020 Prompts
27. Flower Shop AU - Cherik
“Mama, I’m terrible at this kind of thing,” Erik says, as he waters the last of the stock in the cooler, and turns on the register for the day. He watches the program boot up on screen, frowning a little at how long it’s taking to load up on his mother’s ancient computer. “Can’t we just reschedule the meeting? You’re home sick—”
“And you’re not,” Edie interrupts with a soft chuckle. “It’s just a preliminary consultation. Just show the nice young couple some samples from the book, and try and get a sense for what they like. No big decisions today, so you don’t have to worry.”
“I hate weddings. I don’t understand spending thousands of dollars on flowers just for a few short hours.”
This time, his mother doesn’t bother hiding her laugh, which makes Erik feel inordinately proud of being so contrary. “Half my profits come from weddings, dear, so plenty of people disagree with you. Now please, just take this appointment for me? Or do I need to come down there myself with a stuffy nose and a terrible headache?”
Erik scoffs. “Fine. I will take the appointment and show them pretty arrangements. If only to put an end to that shameless guilt trip you’re laying on your favorite son.”
“You’re my only son, boychik, and thank you so much for your help; I really appreciate it!”
“Goodbye, and make sure you get lots of rest,” he says, grinning as he hangs up. There’s another ten minutes to go before the bride and groom are due, so Erik pops into the back to put on a pot of fresh coffee and some samples on the table.
He might not believe in weddings but Erik’s always had an eye for composition and colour, and makes the best arrangements for his mother’s shop.
(Though he does it only on occasion now, with so much of his time spent at his Stark Industries day job.)
The bell rings at five minutes after nine, and he dries his hands off with a clean cloth, and heads to the front to let the couple in.
He does not expect that simple act to completely knock him off kilter.
The couple at the door is…well beautiful is the most appropriate word, young and vibrant and clearly excited for the big day. The blonde is stylish and well heeled, clothed in an understated way that speaks to a lifetime of wealth. By contrast her fiancé is dressed in a worn navy cardigan over a pair of plain khaki trousers, entirely unfashionable for one so handsome and fit.
Also, he’s gorgeous with dark hair and blue eyes and exactly Erik’s type.
“Hi, I’m Raven, and this is Charles. We have an appointment with Edie about flowers for my wedding?”
Erik clears his throat and waves them in. “Yes, sorry hi. I’m Erik and Edie is my mother. Unfortunately she’s not feeling well today but she asked me to show you some samples for ideas?”
“Oh I do hope Ms. Edie is alright,” Charles says, and god even his voice is perfect, sending a little shiver up Erik’s spine.
“She’ll be fine, thank you. Just needs a day to rest and do nothing on the couch.”
Charles snorts. “That’s every day for you, Raven.”
“Shut up! You’re one to talk! You haven’t moved off the couch since the end of the semester!”
They continue their good natured bickering as they follow Erik to the back, and Erik offers them cream and sugar for their coffee as they settle at the worktable. He’s dressed it up with a nice tablecloth and place setting, and an arrangement of pink and cream roses and dahlias in one vase, and peonies in shades of coral and red in another.
“Oh these are beautiful!” Raven exclaims, while Charles nods in agreement, beaming at Erik like he’s the most brilliant person he’s ever met. It’s gratifying, to know he hasn’t lost his touch, and he shifts easily into ‘florist mode’, asking them questions and guiding them through the available options for their outdoor wedding in Westchester.
It’s going exceptionally well - and his mother will be very pleased with the likely size of the order – though he wishes he wasn’t quite so unreasonably disappointed over a man he’s just met.
It doesn’t help that Charles keeps eyeing him, and giving him such warm, friendly smiles.
Raven’s cell rings as they’re going over ideas for the bridal bouquet, and she picks up immediately after checking the caller id.
“Hi baby. Yes I’m with the florist now, and he has the most amazing idea for what we can do with the floral arch—”
Charles grins sheepishly as Raven gets out of the chair and moves to take the call in the front room. “Sorry about that. Youngest child. She’s got terrible manners.”
Erik chuckles. “That’s alright. She’s just swept up with planning for the wedding.” Then he looks at Charles and adds, “You must be excited too. It’s a big day.”
“Well yes of course but there’s not much for me to do but run errands and walk her down the aisle. She’ll probably forget I exist the moment she says ‘I do’ with Hank.”
It takes a few seconds for the words to actually sink in but then Erik blurts out, “Wait…you’re not the groom?”
He’d find the expression on Charles’ face hilarious, if his mind would just stop blaring HE’S NOT ENGAGED, HE’S NOT GETTING MARRIED.
“You thought…me and Raven?” Charles says, equally flabbergasted by Erik’s (very valid) assumption. “Oh my god, no! She’s my sister!”
Of course that’s the moment Raven steps back into the room, her smile morphing into confusion at the looks on their faces. “What? What’d I miss?”
Charles starts laughing and shakes his head. “Erik thought I was Hank! He thought you and I were the ones getting married!”
“Ew, gross no!” Raven says, “How could you think I would marry him? He dresses like an old man!”
“I do not dress like an old man—”
“Yes you do!”
“Actually,” Erik interrupts, “I like the way you dress. And also…can I get your number?”
Raven rolls her eyes at them both and grabs her purse. “Unbelievable. I can’t believe you’re picking up hot guys at the flower shop now, Charles. I’m going to call Hank back and tell him he was right. And you, get his number already so we get back to discussing the wedding!”
“Well…I guess I better give you my number then,” Charles says, as they watch Raven waltz out of the room again. “Gotta do what the bride says.”
“Yes,” Erik agrees, giving Charles his cell to add in his number. He grins. “The bride should always gets her way.”   
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meangirlsx · 5 years
I saw Beetlejuice for the second time recently, and like I shared some things about Mean Girls with you all after I saw it, here are some thoughts and notes and fun facts about Beetlejuice:
Toward the beginning of the show, Beej has a joke where he says he feels invisible and powerless, like a gay republican
It takes people a second, but the audience bursts out into laughter
And then he nods, like he’s saying, “Yep, I said it” and everyone breaks out laughing again
And he does the nod again and gets another break of laughter
And once more, and you can already tell the audience is like in the palm of his hand
He also makes a joke that seems self-deprecating and then deflects it onto an audience member in the front by saying, “This guy knows what I’m talking about!”
He does that a few times throughout the show
And at the end of the show, he makes a joke at the guy one final time and then switches out of his Beetlejuice voice and back into Alex just long enough to say, “Thanks for being here!” to the guy
Dana was on for Lydia and y’all she is so incredible
I feel like with Sophia’s Lydia, you get that the character was always strange and unusual and got more so and darker after her mom died, but at least to me, I get the impression that it wasn’t a far leap for her as a character
Dana’s Lydia has a sweeter, softer, higher voice just by virtue of it being Dana
But she also plays her a little softer and more innocent and more like you really get the feeling that she was a good deal different when her mom was alive
Both are totally valid and fantastic interpretations, so it was fun to see this other version
It also felt a little less shocking then when Lydia thinks Adam’s ultimate dad joke is really funny and says she likes the Maitlands
It really gut punches you that she just wants a healthy, happy, stable family
In Ready Set, Not Yet when Barbara goes, “Look at these jugs!” Beej whips around with wide eyes, realizes she’s talking about actual pottery and not her boobs, makes a disappointed face, and no one processes it until he walks off and then they’re just dying laughing
Then at the end of the song, when Barbara says they’re maybe 80% ready and Adam says 78% instead, she nods like she’s totally in agreement
In Fright of Their Lives, when Adam tells Barbara her first “best primal scream” is brilliant, Beej turns him around to face away from her
Adam looks like he’s trying to be good and make Beej happy by not interacting with Barbara in that moment but as soon as she tries again, it’s like he can’t contain himself from loving and supporting his wife with everything in him
David’s Adam is just really freaking adorable, guys
He really embraces the whole “I’m a huge dork and madly in love with my wife and that pretty much sums me up” personality
Also someone posted on here a while back that they think the severed head that pops out of the trunk looks like Nic Cage and I was pretty close to the stage and I still back this
During Beej’s soliloquy, on the album he doesn’t go all operatic until, “I know that beggars can’t be choosers” but at this performance he did it right away from “I want freedom” and it was so overdramatic it was amazing
Once the Maitlands fight with him and he storms out of the attic, they start getting so angry together, and Adam gets all worked up like he’s going to yell something insulting but instead just yells that Beetlejuice needs therapy and he hopes that he gets it
Like they’re so nice and pure they can’t even be mad without hoping for good to come to the person they’re mad at
In “No Reason” when Delia says, “life coaching, nailing it,” she bops her little hair bun
I’m also fairly certain she tries to dab at some point during the song
And at another point in the song, she does that Fornite dance where you pump your arm and leg on the same side while like hopping?
Tbh a lot of her little quirks are her trying to be cool and relatable and just not fully understanding the current culture or the fact that Lydia is very much not into it
In Say My Name, he shouts, “Fake cartwheel!” and then twirls behind Lydia like he’s pretending to do a cartwheel but wouldn’t land it if he actually tried
Then when he yells “assassinate,” he pulls the top part of his wig back to reveal a brain, and he doesn’t cover it back up until a good moment after Lydia says, “No!”
At the start of Day-O, when Delia calls Charles an “amazing, amazing man,” she straight up starts crying
So now we’re into Act II
Presley comes out for Girl Scout and the entire audience just cheers because who doesn’t love Presley
The first time she turns her back to the audience, you see that her backpack is just O V E R F L O W I N G with Thin Mints
When the music changes for a few seconds after “they had my back if anything went wrong with me,” she’s like freaking out and breathing heavy and trying to calm herself down
And then she jumps RIGHT back into her happy place when she hits “jamboree, soda pop” and everyone in the audience like lost it over that
In the transition between outside and inside the house, Sky says it’s so dark and pulls out her flashlight because she’s always prepared
She holds it beneath her face and says “boo” and then “just kidding, hope I didn’t scare you”
And then something scares her and she starts breathing and counting and Lydia just goes, “You’re fun”
It takes Sky exactly 0 seconds to reply, “I like you, too”
I can’t remember if Dana does this as Sky, too – she probably does
But when Alex sings “clean, white shorts turning brown” Presley spins on the landing of the stairs like she’d been trying to get to a bathroom and just couldn’t make it and wow it’s funny but your heart goes out to her in that moment even though you know it’s not real
Also for anyone who’s been curious or concerned, Sky is totally fine by the time she leaves – she doesn’t die or get hurt or anything
Lydia pays her for some Thin Mints and she leaves, like honestly the girl’s got some steel bravery
Presley and Dana are just so cute onstage together, like you can tell they’re loving it
Later, in “What I Know Now,” Presley is back as the Dead Rider and in a moment where everyone is watching Leslie as everyone has sort of crowded around Lydia, Presley reached out and held onto Dana’s arm for a minute
Then she turned it into her character moving Lydia because the ensemble members move her around in that part of the song
They’re so supportive and proud of each other
Right after Charles proposes to Delia, Lydia comes running in trying to tell him that the house is haunted
So Delia hides under the covers instead of in the bathroom or closet or whatever and takes her vape with her
And Lydia tells her dad to grab everything so they can get out and she pulls the sheet off the bed and sees Delia and after a long pause, Delia says, “Hey” and sooooo much smoke comes out of her mouth and her voice is all deep
Back in “Barbara 2.0,” when Kerry first sings “Say hello to Barbara 2.0,” she leans one leg on a box and flexes her arms down in front of her stomach and it’s adorable
Then when Adam sings, “the old one’s fertilizer,” Barbara just totally giggles
They’re so in love
Kerry and David have a slightly different vibe than Kerry and Rob but they’re already such great scene partners and so sweet together
Toward the end, when they’re all trying to trick Beej and Adam yells for everything to stop because he has something to say to him, the entire audience gets so excited and then so quiet, waiting for him to own Beej
And when he starts by saying that Beej has been harassing him the entire show and pauses at, “And I gotta tell you”, you can tell everyone thinks we’re about to get a comment on sexual harassment
And Adam finishes by saying, “It. Has worked.” and EVERYONE goes insane
And then he’s full-on making out with Beej and Beej is just in AWE and the audience can barely breathe
Barabara tries to do it, too, but she leans in and she just can’t bring herself to do it
During “Creepy Old Guy,” Alex gives Beej the most innocent, hopeful look that makes you almost happy for him and almost forget that all of this is Very, Very Wrong
It looks like Adam is Beej’s best man and Barbara is Lydia’s maid of honor and like Delia is probably like a bridesmaid
They get to the “I do” and you can feel that everyone kind of can’t believe it actually happened and it’s like this creepy, shocked feeling that settles over everyone but then immediately all the tech goes crazy because Beej is becoming alive
As a very briefly alive Beetlejuice, he goes on this total anxiety/emotional spiral from “the world is so beautiful” to “what if I’m never happy again” to “we don’t teach men to process our anger and that’s a sad truth that indicts all of us” to “so maybe, maybe I’ll just try murder”
Tbh the entire show is an impressive showcase for Alex but that moment is a rollercoaster and a mini masterclass in portraying different emotions and making social commentary and maintaining the humor all at the same time
He puts on this ENTIRE persona for the entire show, which is obviously very common for most characters/actors but like this is a whole other level, I think
The way he moves, of course the way he talks and sings, the way his eyes look, literally everything is different and it’s so, so clear that he put SO much work into creating this character
Okay that’s my Alex Brightman stan rant now back to your previously scheduled programming
At the start of his goodbyes, Beej mentions a possible future “vision quest” to find his dad and just goes, “Sequel?” and then does his puppet hand like he did for the Handbook for the Recently Deceased and in “Say My Name” and makes a “squa squa squa” noise like those horns people play from their phones to back up their own joke (I’m so sorry I don’t know a better way to explain it or if there’s a real term for it because y’all it slays the audience)
At the curtain call, everyone in the audience is of course screaming for Dana and the entire cast is just so proud of her and they’re doing everything they can to show it
Alex, especially, just fucking bows to her and claps like he’s in awe of her
And the last note I took down is a tech thing so if you don’t want to know how they do the lifts of Barbara and Lydia, just stop reading here
I didn’t catch it when they lifted Barbara up the wall for the exorcism
But I caught it when they lifted Lydia up the stairs and I’m guessing it’s the same mechanism for both
There’s like this black seat attached to the wall beneath the railing
I only noticed it because I was up close and on the side and looking for it but like you really don’t notice it
So she can like casually straddle this thing and rest herself on it and it will lift her up safely
I’m sure there’s more to it than that to make it totally safe, and also she can bring her legs and feet pretty close together while she’s up in the air so there has to be some explanation for that, too, since that would be difficult if she were sitting and she’s also clearly standing and not sitting
But it’s awesome
And Adam has been hanging out near there with a mop and mop bucket, cleaning up little things onstage, which is totally on-brand for him and you don’t question it for a second
But then when Lydia comes down and steps away from the stairs, Adam just dances right over to the seat, stands in front of it, and knocks it into the bucket with the mop
Again, I was looking for it
They do a really great job covering that kind of stuff
Guys this show and the entire team that puts it on is just so, so incredible
If anyone has any questions about the show that I didn’t address here, feel free to ask
And if I don’t know the answer at first, I’m seeing the show at least one more time and can pay attention to something more specifically to get you an answer
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Magnetic Push - Erik Lehnsherr x Male!OC - Part 6
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Fandom: X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)
Pairing: Karmel Rosenstein (OC) x Erik Lehnsherr
Warnings: Swearing, Gay, Spoilers for X-Men: Days Of Future Past,
Notes: hehe erik tiddie, The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) reference,
“Yesterday, the Paris Peace Summit was rocked by the appearance of unidentified assailants, the likes of which the world has never seen" a news reporter on the TV spoke. "Mass hysteria has gripped the nation as people ask: 'where did they come from?' 'Will they be back?' And most importantly, 'are they friend or foe?'"
The President- along with Trask and other government officials- all stood watch of the four TV's in the Office, watching Erik, Karmel, Raven, and Hank on the other three TV's.
"That was London correspondent Toby Elliot reporting from the Paris Peace Summit yesterday" another news reporter reminded.
"Fuck me" Nixon cursed, going to sit behind his desk. "What the hell are we dealing with here? Off the record."
"Two days ago, these men, Erik Lehnsherr and Karmel Rosenstein, escaped from a maximum-security prison inside the Pentagon" one official spoke, placing a file on Nixon's desk. "We believe that this woman is a former associate of theirs. They were all together in Cuba, the day of the crisis in sixty-two. The two men were also implicated in Kennedy's assassination" he explained, placing Erik's and Karmel's mugshots on the desk as well, setting another file on top of them.
"What about that thing?" Nixon asked, referring to Hank.
"We don't know what that thing is, sir. Actually, we really don't know what any of them are" another official replied, from where he sat.
"Yes. Yes, we do" Trask corrected, walking into the light. "They're mutants" he clarified, walking over to the TV. "Erik has the power to control metal. Last I checked, that's what most of your weapons are made of. Karmel has the power to summon vines from either out of himself or his surroundings and control them. And she can transform into anyone" he explained, pointing at Raven. "A general, a secret serviceman. Even you, Mr. President. She could walk into this office and order a nuclear strike, if she was in the mood. And that's only three of them."
"Well, do we have any countermeasures? Any defense?" Nixon inquired.
"I was waiting for you to ask me that question." Trask admitted, placing a folder in front of Nixon.
"That's...an experimental program, sir. Strictly off the books" the first official said.
Nixon grabbed what Trask gave him, opening it up. "You're telling me these mutants are out in the world, and our best defense are these giant, metal robots?"
"Many of the mutants look like us" Trask reminded, referring to Erik and Karmel. "My Sentinels can tell the difference. I have eight prototypes ready to go. They're built out of a space-age polymer, not an ounce of metal on them. Plus, they're way too heavy for someone with Karmel's frame to simply pull down."
Nixon looked up at Trask, then around the silent room. All eyes were on him. "I want to make a demonstration. I want the world to know that we can protect them. What do you need to get these things operational?"
"I already gave that number to Congress. Unfortunately, they elected to shut me down. It's going to cost a bit more to turn them on."
"Whatever you need" Nixon agreed.
"Oh, and, one more thing. If we do manage to capture them, I would like her" Trask suggested, pointing over at Raven on the first TV screen. "For research purposes, of course."
"I don't care who you screw, as long as it's not me. I just don’t want another rich family heir like Rosenstein to attempt another assassination."
Karmel and Erik were able to gain access into a hotel room that night. He found out what Erik had stolen from Trask was a film roll for those robots Trask wanted to create. Karmel was also extremely grateful for finding scissors in their hotel room, because now his hair was back to its normal length.
A French news reporter droned on a small TV in the corner of the room, as Erik used his powers to stitch up the wounds Hank caused on both the back of his head and Karmel's head.
Karmel winced in pain, holding Erik's hand tightly as Erik controlled the film roll, spinning it up and down as it projected onto the wall.
Erik turned to look at the TV, watching a recording of some government official scraping up Raven's DNA from the scene outside the other hotel earlier that day.
Karmel kept his eyes on the blue, floating film. "Those are some ugly-ass robots" he scoffed.
"Forgive Trask for not designing them to be good-looking more than their sole purpose" Erik returned, sarcastically.
"Ow-" Karmel hissed, his hand trailing down his bare chest. "I gotta say, it's nice being free, again, but- ow- I kinda miss how safe the cell was" he huffed. "I miss not knowing how much Charlie hates my goddamn guts."
Erik looked at him, slowly licking his lips. "He doesn't...He doesn't hate you, Karmel" he told. "Charles hates me, and what he thinks I've done to you, and Raven. He thinks I've poisoned your mind."
"He's just mad my views have always aligned more with yours than his and that he couldn't change that" Karmel replied. He looked down at Erik's bracelet on his wrist, it was the only piece of clothing he currently adorned from the waist-up. He didn’t exactly consider his bandages to be clothing. "He said I abandoned him, as if- as if he wasn't the one who fucking told me to go with you, remember? He said it was what I wanted, and he was right. Why's he trying to twist me into being the fucking bad guy?"
Erik shrugged. "A psychic's mind can obviously be a strange place. We can't let them get into ours, y'know? Which is why tomorrow, we're going back to the Pentagon."
"Back-? Why? I was lying about the cell thing, y'know-"
"No worries, love. We're just going to retrieve a couple things we left behind."
Karmel softly furrowed his eyebrows. Once he was all stitched up, he slipped his shirt back on and started to button it up. Karmel nodded silently, turning back to the robot reels. "I admire you, y'know?" Karmel told. "No psychic in the world needs to read my mind to find that out how much I love you."
Erik smiled softly. "I admire you too, Karmel. 'Til the end of time, right?"
Karmel nodded, happy that Erik remembered the little saying that they had made up for one another. "Even then, you'll still be mine."
Erik nodded, throwing a shirt on. ”I adore you, Karmel, y’know that?”
“Oh yea?” Karmel raised his eyebrows. ”Tell me some good things about me then; tell me some good things about Karmel Rosenstein” he challenged, crossing his arms.
“Good things about Karmel Rosenstein?” Erik scoffed. ”Could take me some time.”
Karmel rolled his eyes.
Erik thought back to what he told Charles on the plane, as Karmel slept. ”Karmel is talented. Karmel is tender...Karmel is beautiful” he listed.
Karmel giggled, “you’re such a liar.”
Erik had a knowing look on his face- this is exactly what he told Charles that Karmel would do. ”Karmel is...Karmel is a mystery. Karmel is not a nobody,” he shook his head along with his statement. ”Karmel has secrets he doesn’t want to tell me...and I wish he would.”
Karmel crossed his arms, the corner of his lip twitching up for a moment.
“Karmel has nightmares,” Erik softly held Karmel’s crossed arms, careful not to evade his personal space. ”That’s not a good thing. Karmel has someone to love him,” he pointed at himself, a smile on his face that made Karmel’s chest warm and fuzzy. ”That is a good thing.”
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 71 - FINAL)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2358
Warnings: epilogue of sorts, happy endings for all parties, super-powered children, fluffy ending
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Side Note: We really hope you enjoyed the ride. We know this fic was long, and at times you may have been chomping at the bit to get to the next big adventurous part, but we feel like each part shows more of each persons character. Thank you for sticking with it, and we hope its everything you wanted in a story and more.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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Life moved forward, rather than lateral. 
Steve returned the stones on time to their original timelines. He apparently spent a life with Peggy in one of them, but returned still fresh and young as always. He’d done this all before your wedding in fact. 
Tony, Shannon, and Bruce stayed in their cabin that they’d built during the snap. It was a beautiful piece of property, with everything they’d wanted in a home, and had no desire to leave. All three of them could work from home, build their family, and they did so. 
Tony said he retired from the hero game. Of course, if The Avengers or anyone needed him, he’d be there in a heartbeat, but for the most part, he was going to let the next generation take them on.
Shannon for the most part was a stay at home mom but if she was needed during an emergency or crisis she was the first one to get called to help. She also balanced a way to be with her kids while they attended Charles Xavier school by becoming a trainer for those who had powers similar to her vast collection of powers.
Bruce still did his research, driving into the city when need be, but Tony’s technology made it virtually needless to go in. He’d found a way to be able to marry Shannon but was still waiting for the right moment to ask her. He’d already spoken with Tony and was given the okay for it.
All four of their children were doing exceptionally well. Peter was top of his class at his graduation, valedictorian. Morgan was on the honor roll and even had a few of her own inventions that were up for funding. She was just as smart as her parents already. Natalia and Mason-Alexander (the twins) were turning three and  showing signs that just like their parents they too had powers of their own completely different from their mother and unique to them. 
When you and Loki returned to New Asgard from your honeymoon, your whole lives lay ahead of you. You had your physics that you could return to, perhaps starting a lab here, or maybe going back to New York. Loki could have stayed working with Strange at the sanctum, each of them protecting the time stone and other priceless relics. But neither of you had really thought about your future or work or anything. You’d been so busy living in the moment, in the now, you haven't given your future any thought, really. 
Thor came to give you your wedding present.
“Welcome back,” Thor said happily as he and Valkyrie approached you from atop one of the roads back into town. The sea was on your right, down a steep grade, the mist washing up around your face.
“Thank you, it’s good to be back,” you replied as you held Loki’s hand. 
“I’m glad to hear you say that, because I wanted to go ahead and give you your wedding present.”
You and Loki exchanged a look of anticipation. 
“What would you say to being Asgard’s new King and queen?” he asked with a plucked up smile. 
Your jaw nearly hit the floor. 
“What? But--but, Valkyrie has been handling it. She’s been in charge, and you’re rightful heir. With Loki’s past and my--”
“Well, first of all,” Valkyrie started with a smile, “I’ve been in charge because I have to be, not because I want to be.”
“And it’s time for me to stop being who I think I’m supposed to be, and be who I’m meant to be,” Thor agreed. “I’ve already spoken with Valkyrie--”
“And we think it’s best if I step down, and restart the Valkyrie program. I could be the leader for your army.” 
“I don’t know what to say,” you gasped. “I feel like we’re...stealing this from you. You deserve to be ruler,” you said with urgency. 
“No, I think you two do,” she said with sincerity. “Loki risked his life for Asgard when Hela came. He saved its people, and you saved the universe, risking your life.”
“We will do this,” Loki suddenly said in a cool voice, his face looking defiant. “Only if,” he continued, before suddenly flashing a warm smile, “you  agree to be our political advisor as well. We will need someone with experience to help us.” 
“Of course, Your Majesty,” she said with a dazzling smile. 
After that day, it felt clear and right that being home with your Asgardian people was the best choice. Guiding them felt right, helping them make a better community felt good. You and Loki took the rank extremely seriously. It wasn’t just a role of royalty being handed down, but a way to honor his loving mother and your parents, and a way to give back to the people. Everyone was happy when you and Loki were crowned, and supported Thor in his endeavors as well. Valkyrie did her best and helped all the time to discuss and guide the issues of the community. 
While being King and Queen was a full time responsibility, you felt you still had other debts to pay. 
The Avengers training picked back up, but it got a few more recruits. Loki, you, Peter, and a few others had signed up for proper training. Once a good foundation was set for how you and Loki were running things in New Asgard, you would return to New York to begin your formal training. The agreement was that if New Asgard was in dire need, you’d return to it, but everything ran pretty much hands off in the community now. 
On your first day, Pietro, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Loki, Peter, Shannon, Carol, Scott, Hope, and Rhodey were all there. 
Steve stood before you all, giving a quick speech about why you were here, what it meant to be an Avenger, and that being one didn’t mean you always saved the day. In the training room hung two portraits of Natasha and Vision, honoring their sacrifice for the fight to win back the universe. 
Tony stood in the background, behind Steve. You wondered why he was here, but of course, his wife and son were there so naturally he wanted to be there to share the first day. 
“With that being said,” Steve informed, a look of mischief crossed his face, “I’d like to give the first task to Bucky.”
Bucky frowned but walked forward anyway. All of you were equally confused. 
“I’d like you to hold this shield, let me know how it feels,” Steve told Bucky with a bit of a grin. 
“Feels heavy, and like it belongs to you,” he responded with a bit of shyness. 
“Well, it doesn’t, it belongs to you now,” he said. With that, he turned to everyone. “In fact, this whole program belongs to all of you now. I’m retiring, and I think I'm leaving it in perfectly capable hands. Sam and Bucky will take over as the leaders of the operation, with Shannon overseeing it all. Recruits, it’s your job to follow their every instruction, it may not only save your life one day, but the universe too.” He shot you a tiny smile and nod, to which you returned. “As you know, Tony is retired, Clint has retired, Thor is out exploring the universe, and now with me, it’ll all be on all of you. I wish  each of you luck. And as I once said to a very dear friend, no matter what. I promise you, if you need us, if you need me, I'll be there. Avengers, it’s time to assemble.” 
He smiled to everyone, nodded once, then turned around. Tony put his hand on Steve’s shoulder as they walked out of the compound. 
“Let’s go get lunch,” he said. 
“You’re buying,” Steve responded. “I’m retired, gotta watch my budget.” 
“Moocher,” Tony replied. 
Sam and Bucky stood in front of the group. 
“You guys heard him, hop to!” Sam ordered. “Let’s hit the gym everyone!” 
With that, the group of you all walked over to the gym, with you and Loki hand in hand. 
You and Loki were standing in the restored castle you’d found on the island, you on the balcony of the bedroom. Both of you staring out over the sparkling ocean. The two of you were on your scheduled vacation from Avengers training, and Sam and Bucky respected that you did have a small nation to lead. 
Life continued on for all of you. When you weren’t training at the compound, you and Loki took trips to the sanctum to have tea with Stephen and Wong. Sometimes, for an extended weekend, you’d visit Clint and his family. Wanda visited you in New Asgard a few times, and the two of you would go out on the town, and sometimes Shannon would come, bringing Morgan with her - it’d turn into a girls day out. 
Bucky, Sam, you, and Loki all got rather close as well. You all enjoyed practicing combat and Bucky seemed to really enjoy the knife fighting with Loki - those two gave each other a run for their money. A few times, all of the Avengers shared a movie night, a bowling night, a trivia night. Steve and Bucky beat everyone in history, for the most part. 
If you weren’t training or helping out Tony and Bruce at Stark Industries with some of your physics knowledge, then you spent time with Shannon and her family. Tom and Diane adored being grandparents, and you and Loki spoiled the kids. It was absolute heaven. Life had finally become happy. It was far from normal, but it was filled with love and happiness, and that’s all you ever wanted. 
“You look radiant, my queen,” he mused from behind you as he wrapped his hands around your waist. 
“Thank you,” you said blissfully as you stared out. “Would you have done anything differently?” you asked. 
Loki rounded around you and got in front of you, putting his hands on the small bump on your stomach. “Of course not, why would you ask that?”
You shrugged simply. “Sometimes I wonder if, well perhaps if you felt trapped or stuck with me. When I jumped after you all those years ago, we weren’t dating. We hadn’t even shared our first kiss yet. So I wonder if perhaps you chose me by default.” 
He gave you a soft smile as he stared at you, his hands going to either side of your face. “Y/N, I had thousands of years before we met again to look for someone else. I had ample opportunity to leave you after our imprisonment. I’ve never wanted anyone but you, that has never changed, and it never will.”
You nodded, understanding him. As long as he knew he did have a choice in this, that was all you wanted. 
“I’ve wondered the same thing, though. If your decision to jump was made in haste, and after all that time, you just felt as if I were your best option. As if perhaps, if you didn’t stay with me, jumping, losing your freedom, and everything else that went with it, would’ve been for nothing,” he admitted. 
“You did?” 
He nodded. “Yes. It ran through my mind a few times that maybe if I didn’t propose on the day I came back if you would’ve weighed your options with Remy some more. So one day, I asked Stephen what all those possibilities looked like. Out of those 14 million outcomes, how many of them you chose me in.” 
“And?” you breathed, curious to find out, your heart beating rapidly.
“All of them,” he assured with a twinkle in his eye. “He told me that out of all of the futures, you loved me in every one of them, and chose me time and time again.” 
You gave him a warm smile. “I’m not surprised,” you mused. “Maybe we should ask him about the future of this little Asgardian,” you said with a bit of a laugh. 
“We don’t need him to tell us that future. I already know we will give them everything we always wanted,” he vowed. “I promise.” He got up and kissed you firmly. “Between the two of us, there’s nothing we can’t conquer. Besides, between us, The Starks, Thor, and the other Avengers, this baby will already have ten times the family we did growing up. This baby will be more loved and spoiled than any in existence.” 
“Mm, I like the sound of that,” you hummed happily. “I love you,” you quietly said as you stared at him. 
“And I love you, Y/N,” he promised with the warmest grin you’d ever seen.  
“We’d better get down there,” he reminded. “Shannon and the rest of them just got here. They’ll be waiting on us.” 
In just a few minutes, your world would change again, letting in your loved ones on your happy news. 
Shannon, Bruce, and the rest of the Starks came to visit you all. You hadn’t told anyone you were pregnant yet, it was to be a surprise. You couldn’t wait for her reaction though, because Loki was right, you knew as a sister she’d go absolutely off the walls happy for you, but not to mention so would several other people that were now family to you. 
What seemed like lifetimes ago, Tony, Bruce, were nearly strangers. You all were friends, but nothing compared to what you’d gone through now. Heck, all of the Avengers. People you regularly spoke to, worked with, and relaxed with were once people you hardly knew. Now you couldn’t imagine your life without them (sadly, some of them you didn’t have to imagine, thanks to the snap). They completed your world, they completed you.
This baby, and you and Loki for that matter, had a home, had people who cared for you and loved you deeply. In fact, you had multiple places to call home: the compound, the Stark Cabin, New Asgard.
And you owed it all to your best friend Shannon, and the love of your life Loki - they were your better halves.
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We Do This to Live Ch. 5
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Chapter Five
Summary: On Earth-198742, there are no heroes. There’s humans. There’s mutants. There are even some that fall somewhere between. But when Boliver Trask manages to get the Sentinel program signed, it’s up to a thief and her brilliant sister to find those that still believe in something more - something good. And maybe, along the way, they’ll get the chance to save mutant kind.
Pairings: Rogue x Remy, Marie x Shuri (eventually), Geneva x Bucky (eventually)
Word Count: 3475 words
Warnings: Violence? Cussing? That sort of thing?
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Previous Chapter
“Y’the only t’ief crazy ‘nough t’steal more than is asked o’ya.”
Geneva shrugged from her spot on Marie’s bed. She had come home only a handful of hours ago and while she knew she should rest, her powers were matching her emotions. A constant hum was in the back of her ears and her nerves felt particularly prickly. Until she found out what all of this new information meant, she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. “T’anks for takin’ a look.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Marie was impressed that in the last twenty-four hours, Geneva had not only caught Jean-Luc up on everything that had happened, but she’d duplicated the contents of the flash drive. It was sneaky…underhanded…and absolutely something Marie was proud of. “Don’t t’ank moi yet.” She clicked on a file. Lab results, videos, photos – everything one could ever hope to find – popped up over the multiple screens. Marie raised a brow, finding a particularly interesting piece of information. “This project was terminated ‘cause the mutant escaped.”
Geneva bit her lip, taking in the x-rays that showed a metal skeleton. A shiver ran down her spine. “What was his name?”
Marie glanced back at the redhead. She knew Geneva had always been hesitant to learn about more of her kind, but it seemed like she was shedding that fear as she got older. “Uh…” She looked back at the information, eyes flitting from each piece of the puzzle until she pulled up the patient’s name. There was a small photo with it. “James Logan Howlett.” Shock washed over her as she told Geneva, “He was military. Part o’that Cap’n America’s Howling Commandos.” A couple lines further down and she realized why this guy was so important. “His mutation was enhanced healin’. No way o’knowin’ ‘ow old the homme really is.”
The familiar creak of her bed let Marie know that Geneva had moved, no doubt standing behind her. The two stared at the sleeping face. A patient used for experimentation and yet…he looked so peaceful in that single image. Who knew what drugs were in his system?
“Ca va,” Geneva muttered, resting her arms on the back of Marie’s chair. “What else?”
Marie exited out of the Weapon X file. “T’ought y’said there were five files.” She glanced at Geneva. “There’s only four.”
“One o’them needed voice recognition t’even move the damn t’ing,” Geneva admitted, running a hand through her hair. “Was called the Sentinel Program.”
Marie’s nose scrunched. “Weird.” She clicked on the Avenger file. Scrolling through the files, her eyes widened. “Oh, mon dieu.”
“Shush.” Marie kept scrolling, utterly amazed at the amount of information Geneva had gotten her hands on. “Gen, y’managed t’get the file on all the Avengers and what happened to ‘em. Not the bullshit the media gave us. The real story.”
“Sonovabitch…” Geneva’s eyes sparked a little brighter, excitement coursing through her at the idea of such important information. And she was the one who found it.
A knock came from the door, earning two sets of curious eyes as it opened. Rogue peeked her head inside, leaning against the doorframe. If she had opened it even half a second earlier, she would have caught sight of all the information the pair had been looking at.
Instead, she saw the inner workings of Essex Industries.
Closing her eyes, Rogue took a slow breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Marie…”
“Technically not a government organization.” The excuse tumbled from Marie’s lips effortlessly, as if well practiced and thought out.
They had a deal. Marie could hack away to her heart’s content – but she had to stay out of government business. It wasn’t that Rogue and Remy weren’t proud of her capabilities. They just didn’t want to bring unwanted attention their way.
Rogue forced her shoulders to relax as she looked at the girls. “Just be careful.”
Marie threw a thumb’s up her way as Rogue stepped inside. Geneva, ruffling the tween’s hair, looked at her mom. “Somethin’ up, Mama?”
“Your grandfather told Rem and I how your first mission went. Wanted to congratulate ya.”
Geneva grinned, her powers shimmering under her cheekbones. “Merci.”
Rogue chuckled as she sat on the foot of Marie’s bed. “He also told us how Marie helped.”
Marie tensed, looking over her shoulder. It wasn’t a secret that Geneva and Marie hadn’t been seeing eye to eye. If she didn’t know better, Rogue would comment about how much she loved to see them spending time together once again.
But Rogue was a very smart woman. She knew to keep her mouth shut. At least regarding their mended friendship.
“I wanted to talk to you two ‘bout that,” Rogue told them, bouncing her leg as Marie spun in her chair. “Your dad knows that you’re talented, Gen. We’re not doubtin’ that,” she assured her daughter. Just like she had been at Geneva’s age, the teenager was still self-conscious about her own talents. “But where ya might not think everythin’ through, Marie does.”
Marie shrugged. “What’s your point? ‘M a phone call away. She’ll be fine.”
“We don’t want it to have to be a phone call, Marie.” Rogue sighed, looking between the girls before settling her gaze back on Marie. “I know bein’ a part of the Guild isn’t what ya want. And I don’t blame ya at all. This won’t require you to do anythin’ you don’t already. But when Geneva goes on assignments, we’d like it if ya worked together. Someone needs to have Gen’s back and know what to look for.”
Silence fell in the room. Rogue knew it was a hard sell and understood why. With what had happened to Henri, Marie didn’t trust Jean-Luc or the Guilds. She hardly trusted her uncle, Remy.
“I don’t want anyt’in’ t’happen t’Gen. If my ‘elp can benefit ‘er then…” Marie shrugged. “Ca va. ‘M in.”
Rogue looked at her daughter. Geneva simply shrugged. “Sounds like fun t’moi.”
That night, the two were in Geneva’s small house. Her projector illuminated a blank wall, showing them the videos she had stolen.
There was Dr. Strange’s arrest. The Eye of Agamotto had been glowing so brightly against his chest, refusing to leave its owner. They took his cloak though, no matter how feisty it had tried to be.
Charles Xavier’s students being arrested, despite their age. The school being shut down. Xavier being injected with so many needles, so much medicine, that he looked like a husk of the brilliant telepath he had been.
There was a clip of Natasha standing trial, being asked questions she refused to answer.
Another with Stark in the same predicament except…he spoke too much. His confidence screamed arrogance to those deciding his fate. They couldn’t trust him.
Both walked out in cuffs.
Geneva remembered learning about them in school. Photos of the infamous Black Widow and Ironman, teachings of how they were traitors to humans.
“We should show this to Pere ‘n’ Mama,” she whispered, absentmindedly drawing circles on her inner knee.
Marie looked back at her. Her cousin, the mutant, looked so terrified. Curled against the wall as if everything she had been taught was a lie. The media had told so many stories about the evils of mutant-kind. Of the Avengers. It was easy to lose track of what you were supposed to believe. Marie remembered a time where Geneva refused to believe heroes even existed. As far as she knew, the redhead still clung to that belief. To her, the only ones that were good were her own parents.
“We can’t, Genny,” Marie told her, smiling at the annoyance that flashed across her face. It was better than the fear. “Y’pere wouldn’t let y’go on more missions. Y’know that.” Pausing the clips, Marie turned to face her entirely. Geneva’s eyes, staring so intently at the pale images, finally looked at Marie. “’M gonna be helpin’ now. Y’know that too. This way, we can keep learnin’ the truth. If we get enough, we can stop SHIELD.” She took Geneva’s hand in her own, not bothered by the slight shock that tingled her palm. “We gonna do this toget’er. Y’not alone.”
Geneva blinked, her eyes finding their hands. “’M not a hero, petite. Not tryin’ t’be one eit’er.”
Marie nodded. “I know.” She gently squeezed her hand. “And y’don’t ‘ave t’be. Just gotta promise that we do this together. Just us.”
Bringing Marie in to help Geneva provided an almost-guarantee that their daughter was going to be safe. Where Geneva didn’t naturally over-think, Marie did. She knew the security guards’ schedules. She anticipated changes whether they occurred or not. While Geneva was smart in her abilities, there were cracks that Marie managed to fill in.
They worked well together. Naturally performing like a well-oiled machine.
Knowing and seeing that, Jean-Luc sent Geneva on more missions. Bigger and higher stakes that made stealing a few files look like nothing. Not that Jean-Luc believed so. A single promise to Marie had Geneva gathering as much information as she could, sidelining it and keeping it under wraps from the man in charge of it all.
He had no idea that any inkling of HYDRA existed.
Or that he kept sending her in the middle of it.
“This ‘as t’be the stupidest idea,” Geneva muttered, knowing Marie was listening on the comm.
“Jeez, tell moi ‘ow y’really feel.”
Geneva snorted as she stepped into the service elevator, janitorial clothes hanging loosely off her figure. Her hair, tucked behind her ears and hidden well under the company hat, was kept out of sight and mind. It was a fair enough disguise. People were leaving to go home at about this hour. It meant less disturbances. On paper? It totally made sense.
In person? Dressing as a janitor to slip in and out of Pym Technologies? It was slightly more terrifying. A single ding came from above and she stepped out. Just ahead, two workers were hanging a new sign.
Trask Industries.
Nodding to the boys, she kept walking until she came across the janitorial closet. The ID card deftly slipped between her fingers as she asked, subtle accent perfectly intact, “Didn’t think to tell me Trask bought this place?”
Geneva opened the door as she asked, “Marie?”
“I didn’t know.”
She hesitated, barely able to gather any sense before she was tugging that blasted janitorial cart out of the closet and down the hall. Her nerves were going haywire as she trudged along. This hadn’t been a part of the plan. Breaking into Pym’s was one thing, but Trask? Alexander Pierce’s best friend?
“Breathe, Genny. It’s gonna be okay.”
Geneva snorted. “Easy for you to say.” She visibly relaxed when that sign was finally out of sight. From here, she could at least pretend it didn’t exist. She could act as if she wasn’t walking into a warzone entirely unprepared.
The doors opened with a hiss. She slipped inside, the doors closing behind her. Metal walls surrounded her, long labs stretching here and there. A quick glance to the last specialist was enough for Geneva to focus on taking out the trash.
“T’ink this is the most I’ve seen y’clean after someone else.”
Geneva wanted to snap at that, but she knew better. Each table had a small trash can next to it and by the time she had gotten to the fourth, the dweeby scientist was finally leaving. She set the bin down. As she looked up, a loose strand of hair fell free. She was alone.
Well, sort of.
“What’s the passcode,” she asked as she walked to the back of the room. There was a second door made of heavy metal. A keypad too. On the other side, something that might help them with sneaking just a little bit more. Geneva glanced through the window. No doubt it was thick glass. Probably bullet-proof.
The keypad beeped with every input, followed by a much longer one as the door unlocked itself. “Any tricks I should know ‘bout?”
“Shouldn’t be, non. The glass’ll be thick, but y’powers should be able to handle that.”
Geneva chuckled as she took the hat off, shoving it in one of her many pockets. “Should bein’ th’key word, right,” she muttered, almost closing the door before stepping further inside.
The room was massive, bigger than the one before. It made no sense to her. The glass bubble, thick glass secured by metal, was the only thing in the room. And its contents were the smallest thing she’d ever seen.
“There’s no way that’s an actual suit.” Geneva circled the glass.
“It’s called the Yellow Jacket.”
Geneva looked up, bright eyes sparking a little brighter. But... Who the hell? There was no one in the room. “Marie? T’ought y’said no tricks.”
“I got nothin’.”
“Oh! Sorry. Uh…give me a second.”
Geneva’s jaw ticked, fingers crackling with electricity. A static filled the air and prickled her skin before a figure appeared in front of her. A red suit, silver helmet and red lenses, and…was he just small?
“I’m Ant-man.”
“What’s happenin’, Genny?”
Geneva didn’t say anything to Marie. This was the first time she had ever really crossed paths with someone that wasn’t…normal. “I – I’m Geneva.”
“Gen, what’s goin’ on?”
He tilted his head. “That’s your alter-ego name?”
Geneva’s brow furrowed. She shook her head. “Not exactly.”
“Oh!” He pressed a button and Geneva curled her fist. She couldn’t help it. It was simply instinct. But seeing the helmet disappear, she was met with a…surprisingly kind face. Well, there was no way the guy was a thief or assassin. “I’m Scott.”
Definitely not an assassin.
“Geneva, be careful. You don’t – “
“Guessing we’re after the same thing?” He pointed to the suit between them. Something so small and so protected. Just how powerful was the thing?
Geneva took the comm out of her ear. She could hardly think with that thing in her ear. Shoving it in her pocket, she dropped the fake accent and told Scott, “’Fraid y’not the one that’s goin’ t’walk away with it.”
Scott huffed. “Look, we’re both thieves, right?”
She shrugged. “Eh. Maybe not on the same level.”
And with that – the lights flickered off.
Geneva’s eyes lit up, glowing in the new darkness. She recognized the whizz that came from Scott’s helmet, but paid him little attention. He wasn’t where her focus was needed. Fingers brushing against the glass, she watched it tremble.
But before it could shatter – something small and heavy hit her stomach.
Geneva’s back slammed into the wall. Fluorescents shattered above as Scott reappeared. Now – between her and her prize.
A hand pressed to her abdomen, she asked, “Were y’just petite?”
“Did you do that?” Scott’s hand pointed to the ceiling.
It seemed to dawn on them at the same time. Maybe this wasn’t going to be an easy assignment for either of them.
Geneva dropped low. Her staff extended. Swiping at his legs, she smirked when he landed on his ass.
Scott groaned. “You’re not a normal janitor, are you?”
“What clued y’in?” Her eyes sparked a little brighter and her staff lit up, crackling with her powers.
She swung for his head. He rolled, shrinking down to an impossibly small size. Geneva hopped to her feet. “Where the fuck…?” She looked around, desperate to catch sight of any sort of movement.
She felt the tug at her wrist. A twist and jerk forced her hand behind her back. Pinned between her shoulders. Geneva hissed. She stumbled towards the wall, her hand pressing against the metal before her jaw could.
“Sonova…” She growled. Electricity shimmered over her hair, flying towards the lights. They burned ever so bright.
“Ah, fuck!”
There he was.
Her power surged through her pinned arm and –
Scott flew through the air. She spun, watching a small dent appear in the metal protecting the yellowjacket’s case. He grew in size, twitching here and there. The sparks of electricity still dancing on his suit zapped through the air, seeping once more into her skin.
Her veins and scars lit up as she threw a punch. There was too much going wrong with this assignment. She needed to wrap it up. Marie’s warning now long forgotten, Geneva aimed for his head. He dropped, vanishing once more as her fist, and her powers, shattered the metal and glass.
An alarm rang.
Scott reappeared behind her as the door swung shut. Locked.
With no way out.
“Ya sonova – “ Geneva turned towards him, eyes wide and panicked as Scott’s helmet vanished.
“I didn’t do it! You did!”
“Y’coulda let moi hit ya!”
Scott huffed, crossing his arms as if waiting for her to realize how ridiculous that sounded.
“I know ‘ow it sounds and ‘m not takin’ it back.” She turned away from him. Pressing a hand to the door, she focused on her abilities.
That was when the room’s light went red.
Geneva looked over her shoulder. Scott’s attention was still focused on her, staring at her appearance. “What?”
“Well, when the lights went red, it…” He pointed to her skin.
Geneva followed his gaze. Her skin, once glowing brilliantly, looked as normal as it possibly could. Her brow furrowed. The familiar buzz in her ears…the tingle to her skin…Those things she had grown so used to…
It was all gone.
She stumbled then, exhaustion tugging at the corners of her eyes. Scott stepped forward, offering her a hand. “Hey, careful.” He helped her lean against the wall, oblivious to the gas that was appearing through skinny vents. “Are you okay?”
Geneva blinked slowly, looking around. Her comm link. She needed – Her eyes drifted to the gas. Squeezing his hand, she nodded towards it. Their fight forgotten, survival seemed far more important. “’M powers make moi so…”
“It’s okay. I understand. You’re a little battery, aren’t you?” It was a lighthearted joke, something to make her laugh and hopefully wake her up a bit. He glanced at the gas, noticing how it started to fill the room. His helmet appeared, a barrier for him though he couldn’t do anything for her.
“Y’should…” She coughed, resting her head against the wall. “Go. S’meone is bound t’show up and there’s…” Another cough, this time followed by a yawn. “No point in us both getting’ caught.”
“You were ready to kick my ass a minute ago.”
Geneva shrugged, offering a weak smile. She saw his eyes through those weird red lenses. He was concerned and she appreciated it. “That was a minute ago. Sil vous plait, go.”
Another minute passed. A part of Scott didn’t want to leave her. It seemed inhumane. If this was still Hank’s building, he might consider it, but the whole reason he was here was because of Trask. The man was changing everything. He had a plan. He had power. And he had had enough of both to push Hank out of his own company.
But if he stayed…what would happen to Cassie?
“I’m sorry. I – “
She shook her head, pushing his hand away. It was then he noticed how green her eyes were. Like pretty jewels. “Don’t. Jus’ go.”
Scott took a step back, shrinking just in time for the door to open. He stumbled back, feet brushing against the vent just as the door opened. Geneva seemed to be drifting between consciousness and sleep, eyes barely able to stay open. With one last apology, Scott stepped through the vent, making his escape.
Geneva allowed herself to smile, relieved that at least both of them wouldn’t be caught. Competition was one thing, but prison? No, she wouldn’t wish that on anyone. She looked up, nodding slightly as masked guards came in. And right behind them, someone much smaller stepped inside.
She grinned. “Y’lot shorter than I ‘magined.”
“And you,” he told her, voice muffled by his own mask. “Were almost smarter than I anticipated.”
Marie sat in her chair, curled up to look as small as possible. The shouting down the hall did nothing to ease the tears slipping down her cheeks. Sniffling, she wiped her nose on her sleeve and looked to the News.
“After apprehending a mutant thief, Boliver Trask has looked to SHIELD in hopes of fast-tracking his newest creation. With long-time friend Alexander Pierce holding office as Secretary of SHIELD, it appears this mutant’s actions were all that was needed to fast track what they are now calling the Sentinel Program. SHIELD officials have plans to introduce these creations to our larger cities first and - ”
She turned the screen off. Head hitting the chair behind her, Marie listened to Remy and Rogue screaming at each other. Shouting blame. Shouting worries.
Another sniffle as Marie stared at the ceiling.
What was going to happen to them now?
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newstanmarshblog · 4 years
The Average and Unusual Couple: Chapter One
   It was night time as Stan Marsh was talking to his best friend Kyle through Skype about able to see each other soon in person for the very first time since South Park went though a long lockdown during the events of a recent global pandemic. After on having a lot of people getting vaccinated to combat against the deadly disease, the pandemic was finally declared over by every government official around the world which means daily lives can get back to normal. Along with the news on announcing the town being one hundred percent safe from the virus, the Mayor of South Park has also announced that all schools will be back into its regular programming starting after labor day. And Stan couldn’t be more than happier to hear such news because he hated being separated from his friends and school for such a long period of time since he still has to deal with on being stuck living at Tegridy Farms.
   Stan: Ah man, dude, I’m so excited to able to see you guys again ever since before we all went through this harsh lockdown. How did your brother and parents react to the news?
   Kyle: Just as happy as you are, Stan. My parents are celebrating by having a glass of wine together, and Ike can’t wait to get his education in person again because he had a really hard time learning through online classes. How was your family’s reaction?
   Stan: My sister is pretty excited to able to date with her boyfriend again, my mom is relieved that things are back to normal and plans to meet up with my uncle Jimbo this weekend, and my dad is super pumped to get back to his plans on opening his first expansion Tegridy store at main street.
   Kyle: Your dad still isn’t over with his weed products yet, huh?
   Stan frustrated: He never shuts up about it! If it wasn’t for his successful online sales of his Tegridy products during this lockdown, we would’ve moved back to South Park by now. *sighs*
   Kyle: Sorry if my question got you upset, dude.
   Stan: It’s alright, you didn’t mean it. It has been about over two years now since my dad got obsessed with Tegridy weed, and I really don’t know when he’ll get tried of it. Usually he’ll be obsessed with something for about up to at least serval days and then moves onto the next one, but his fucking weed seems to be the one obsession that finally made him to become something like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings series.
   Kyle: Well, I’m sure that your dad will get over of the weed stuff eventually. Anyway, have you heard anything from our other friends on their reaction to the news?
   Stan: Only Kenny so far through text messaging on our phones. He wants to all of us to gather together at Stark’s Pond this Saturday and then probably eat out at Chill’s.
   Kyle: That’s sounds exciting! I’m completely free for this Saturday anyway.
   Stan: Me too. I’ll give Kenny the text that you’re in.
   Kyle: Great! *yawns* I gotta get ready for bed now.
   Stan: Same. Until then, see you on Saturday. Good night.
   Kyle: Night.
   After logging out from Skype and then giving Kenny a quick text about their plans on Saturday, Stan got onto his pajamas and heads to bed.
   Stan: So far, only half of my life is back to normal.
   As grateful as Stan was to able to see his friends and going to school in person for the first time since the lockdown began, he still doesn’t full completely happy just yet. While he’ll be continuing to struggle with living at Tegridy Farms and wishing too come back to South Park, the one other thing that he desperately wanted is to be with his old girlfriend again. For a long time now even before the pandemic started, Stan has made serval attempts to get back together with Wendy, but to no avail. Wendy has became more interested in becoming a woman activist, getting people into healthy shape, and is even dating with Bebe. Even though Stan and Wendy are still good friends with each other mainly because of their love for board games and animals, seeing his old girlfriend becoming more and more busy with her life along with learning the news that she’s now in love with Bebe was just enough for Stan to give up on winning her back. As much as Stan is really happy to see Wendy helping out a lot of people, he also seriously misses that fun side from his old girlfriend, and she seems to be no longer that type of person as often then back in their elementary school years. And still from the very moment when he learned that he can’t no longer have Wendy as his girlfriend, his heart remains to be very broken by it.
   Just thinking about on wanting to live back at South Park and being together with Wendy again was enough to break Stan into tears.
   Stan sobbing: I just want my entire life back. I want it all back.
   He continues to cry for a few moments, cheers himself up, and then gets himself some sleep.
   Meanwhile at a home in a town called Peaceful Pines, Lydia Deetz is finishing up packing up her stuff into package boxes as she and her parents are preparing to move out from their home. Her mother comes in to check up on her.
   Delia: Oh Lydia, how’s your packaging coming along?
   Lydia: It’s all set, mother. Did father heard about the news yet as he came home from his last day at work?
   Delia: He was told about it just before he left. He’s relieved that the pandemic is finally over just as much as anyone else on Earth. I’m just very happy that our long road trip to our new home will at least be safe.
   Lydia: Yeah, same. Anyway, I’m pretty exhausted from all the packing and would like to get one last peaceful night here before we move out tomorrow.
   Delia: Sure thing, sweetheart. Sleep well.
   Lydia: You too. See you in the morning.
   Just like with South Park, Peaceful Pines also went through a very long period during its lockdown. Lydia was one of the very few students that didn’t mind online teaching very often during the lockdown because despite of being bummed out on not able to learn in person and not seeing two of her friends at school, there was one thing that the pandemic couldn’t take away from her, and that was spending her quality time with a ghostly best friend name Beetlejuice. Very often everyday even before the pandemic took the world by storm, Lydia teleports herself to a very spooky place call the Netherworld where she and Beetlejuice would do a lot of fun stuff together such as playing a game of slam ball, going on crazy adventures, or even take a nice relaxing drive with their living car name Doomie. There’s also some days where she and Beetlejuice will have some simple fun things at her bedroom like watching horror movies or playing video games. 
   While Lydia was able to get through the pandemic just fine, her parents had a rougher time in comparison. During the the first few months of the pandemic, Charles was working from his home on his computer as he was real estate developer. But by the next spring, his workplace had to layoff some of its employees in order to save money, and Charles was one of those unfortunate employees. He shortly afterwards found a new job at a hardware store. Even though his new job doesn’t earn him as much money as with his old job, it was at least just barely enough to pay the house bills. Delia meanwhile once ran her own small business as a sculptor before the pandemic hit. But by shortly after Christmas, her business went into bankrupt and became unemployed. After filing for unemployment, she was receiving stimulus checks up to at least six hundred dollars every month by the federal government.
   Because of the financial struggles that the Deetz family were dealing with, a decision was made that they must find a new home where the payment bills weren’t as expansive as their current house, and nearby jobs where it’s best suited for them based off from their past experiences. Delia was browsing through the internet when she found a house up for sale in South Park Colorado where its house bills weren’t as nearly expansive as their current home. She also learned that there was a job opening at the town’s middle school for an art teacher that’ll be perfect for her, and a job opening at a nearby local real estate business that’ll be perfect for Charles. After going through the paperworks during the summer, the house was recently bought and the Deetzes have now just finished packing before their long trip ahead of them. They expect to reach their new home during Labor Day weekend just in time for Lydia to get ready for her first day at South Park middle school.
   Earlier today, the Deetzes held a goodbye party at their house for their neighbors and friends along with Beetlejuice crashing into the party in disguise as Betty Juice. For Lydia, saying goodbye to Bertha and Prudence was the hardest thing for her as they were the only friends that she ever had at her old school and she’ll definitely miss them most of all when she leaves Peaceful Pines tomorrow. Lydia’s last words to them was to keep on being themselves, be positive, and to stand tall and brave whenever Claire Brewster bullies them.
   It was now night time, and just as Lydia was getting ready for bed, Beetlejuice pops up onto the screen of her cellphone.
   Beetlejuice: Psst, Babes!
   Lydia picks up her phone.
   Lydia: Hi, Beetlejuice.
   Beetlejuice: Is the coast clear for me to pop up?
   Lydia: All clear, but promise me on not being here for too long as I need to have my last peaceful sleep here before I hit the road tomorrow morning.
   Beetlejuice: *raises his right hand* I swear across on my mother’s heart. Now, say those B words and let’s chit chat.
   Lydia: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
   Beetlejuice pops up from the cellphone screen and floats around in the bedroom.
   Beetlejuice: So, Lyds, are you at all nervous on living in a new town?
   Lydia: The only thing that I’m nervous about is if I’ll ever make new friends at my new school. 
   Beetlejuice: Don’t sweat it, Babes. I’m sure that you can at least make a friend or two. And even if you don’t at all, you still got me and my lovable armpits! 
   His stinky armpits hits Lydia’s nose.
   Lydia disgusted: Ugh! Thanks for the reminder.
   Beetlejuice: *chuckles a bit* People remembering my smelly armpits, you know I love it. *does a couple armpit noise*
   Lydia: Anyway, if I ever make a new friend, then I can’t wait to show off that friend my collection of my horror films, photo works, and my studies on bugs.
   Beetlejuice: Just don’t show off the bugs that I plan on eating.
   Lydia: Whatever. And maybe we can even take a trail walk around the natural wonders that South Park has to offer. I’ve always wanted to see a wild elk since I heard they have a large elk population in Colorado, and there’s never any wild sightings of them around here.
   Beetlejuice: *laughs* I wonder why? *smells at himself*
   Lydia: Is there anything that you’re excited to see at South Park, Beetlejuice?
   Beetlejuice: Nah, but I am excited to offer them by saying this quote to sum it up…*impersonate Jack Nicholson*… Wait until they get a load of me.
   Lydia: *laughs* Oh I bet they’ll never see you coming by a mile. *yawns* It’s getting late. I better head to bed. And Beetlejuice, remember what I told you while I’m on the road.
   Beetlejuice: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember. I promise not to check up on you until you’re finally settled into your new home. You have my words.
   Lydia: Thanks, BJ.
   Beetlejuice: Besides, I’m over due to play a new prank on the Monster across the street and his pet mutt. Maybe I’ll get them to reenact that bear scene from The Revenant.
   Lydia: Just as long as you keep yourself busy until I say your name three times, okay?
   Beetlejuice: Will do. See ya!
   Lydia: You too.
   As Beetlejuice disappears back to the Netherworld, Lydia lays into her bed.
   Lydia: *sighs* I hope I’ll make a friend with someone that loves to have fun with life just as much as me. Or even maybe find someone that’ll love me for the way that I am.
   She closes her eyes to get as much sleep as she can before a new chapter into her life can begin.
    In the next chapter, Stan hangs out with his friends, and Lydia moves into her new home.
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chcfasher · 4 years
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okay i am so excited to get to plotting & interacting with all u cuties ! bare with me though , im also trying to study for a quiz i gotta take later tonight . anyways , i’m mia aka your resident masshole reporting for duty . i’m 20 years old ... will be 21 in june ( fingers crossed my Sad ass will be out of q*arentine by then ) . i go by she / her / dumb bitch pronouns & am very much so done talking about myself already . so lets get to my boy asher here who is ... how do you say ? a asshole ? a dirt bag ? a soft baby boi ? if you wanna plot & discord is easier for you shoot me a mssg @ 𝖒𝖌𝖐'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊#9789 . lets goooo 💛
full name: asher james bennett nickname: ash , aj birthday: march 25 , 1996 zodiac: aries hometown: madison , wisconsin ( click here to see his parents house / childhood home ) current residence: los angeles , california ( although he lives in the villa with everyone , before the year away he lived on his own & still owns the home , both because he loves the place and because it gives his family somewhere to go when they come out click here to see his house ) vehicle: 2017 jeep wrangler rubicon in black ( click here ) , 2019 maserati granturismo in red ( click here ) gender: cismale orientation: heterosexual , heteromantic relationship status: single ( it’s complicated ) family: tamara marie bennett-abbott ( mother ) , harrison charles bennett ( father , deceased ) , mason billings abbott ( stepfather ) , bradford sawyer abbott ( brother ) , stephanie anne bennett ( sister )  education: vocational highschool graduating from the culinary program , graduated ucla with a bachelor in management with a minor in food studies occupation: celebrity chef , tv personality  net worth: 19.7m height: 5′11″ weight: 161lbs tattoos: left arm ( x , x ) , right arm ( x , x  , plus the butterfly tattoo jack has ) , right hand ( x ) , right thigh ( x ) , left leg ( x ) criminal record: arrested ( x6 ) - simple assault ( x2 ) , assault and battery ( x1 ) ,  disorderly conduct ( x2 ) , criminal mischief ( x1 ) , criminal trespassing ( x2 ) , minor in possession of alcohol ( x2 ) , drug possession ( x1 ) drugs / alochol / smoking: yes , mostly marijuana though / yes / no moral alignment: chaotic neutral hogwarts house: slytherin theme song: righteous by juice wrld (  a look at his mental health and the way it he attempts to cope ) & i am by james arthur ( deep dives into his view on himself and how outside opinions of him have effected the way he sees himself ) & empty space by james arthur ( instead of being about a girl this really encapsulates how the loss of his father has affected his life ) traits: charismatic , well-intentioned , affectionate , loyal , jocular , reckless , immature , flippant , short-tempered label: politicians son , miscreant , fuck boy , broken bird , mr. misunderstood , mama’s boy , epicure hidden talents: drawing , singing , master at rubiks cube , skilled card counter ( blackjack )
asher was born just eleven months after his sister stephanie , to at the time lobbyist harrison bennett &  prosecutor tamara bennett . a menace as a child , he made dennis the menace look like a saint , basically . at first his parents hoped this was simply just a phase but as time went on it became very clear that  if it were a phase it was going on for much longer than his parents had hoped . his sister immediately taking on the spot of prodigal daughter , while asher took on the spot of black sheep of the family . this didn’t mean that his parents didn’t absolutely adore both of their children , because they did . both taking on daddy’s little girl & mama’s boy respectively , early on . 
around the time asher was seven both of his parents were up for office , his mother for district attorney & his father for u.s representative from wisconsin . the influx of cameras / eyes on the bennett family mixed with the level of stress both his parents were under completely put asher off from the world of politics . despite being in a family that had generational ties to politics on both sides . during a family appearance asher was captured on camera ( both video & photo ) putting up a piece sign behind his sisters head during a speech his father was giving . 
[ tw: death , suicide , loss of a parent ] when asher was twelve his father went on a boating trip with friend , call it a boys trip if you will . two days into the trip news broke of his father being in a major boating accident where harrison was the only one on the boat & was dead upon being found . it later was confirmed by the coroner that his death was likely a suicide .  the loss of harrison was hard on the entire family , it was easy to say it affected asher heavily having locked himself away in his bedroom for nearly a week only leaving his room to go to the bathroom & grab food that he’d return to his room to eat . later , when he returned to school he was suspended just in that school year three times . it was genuinely the beginning to the incredibly reckless version of asher , that we seen since .
despite his antics he played varsity football as a cornerback & varsity soccer as a midfielder . taking up sports at an early age , it was clear he was a born athlete who genuinely enjoyed a little competition . he also took an interest in culinary , he was very much so that kid standing on a step stool as he helped his parents in the kitchen . this interest turned into him attending a vocational / trade highschool instead of an ordinary public school , like he had in elementary & middle . 
when he was fifteen he started a youtube channel where he posted cook with me videos weekly & vlogged his experience within the culinary program at school .
during highschool his mom started getting serious with a professor at the local university . asher , of course , hated the idea of his mom replacing his dad and it took nearly two years & an engagement for him to actually sit down & listen to his mom about the situation . it wasn’t until then that he realized , mason , was supposed to replace his father ... it was simply his mom not allowing herself to get stuck in one place in life & fall into a spiral . once he actually heard her side he gave the guy a chance . turns out the two have alot in common & get along very well . he’ll never replace his father but he respects him none the less .
before he’d even graduated highschool , asher amassed over 1m subscribers , made appearances on the ellen degeneres show & rachel ray show . this was around the time he realized he wanted to turn his hobby into something more than that & hell he was good enough to do so . when graduation came , he’d already committed to attending ucla as a business major with a minor in food studies . 
soon after graduation he went on the show master chef , finishing as runner up , which was one hell of a feat given he’d been the youngest chef on the show . he enjoyed the experience & recognition the show gave him . 
while at ucla he continued to play football he was so good he was receiving national attention to the point where nfl scouts were looking at him . obviously he was still too young to go into the draft but they let him know , this was something that was more than on the table . it was definitely something he loved hearing but at the end of the day , the nfl was never really the goal for asher . so toward the end of his sophomore season when he was suspended for the rest of the season for getting arrested & charged with drug possession & criminal trespassing he took that as the excuse not to return the sport the following season .
this was not the first time ( we know it was not the last *wink wonk* ) asher was arrested . from the end of his middle school days throughout highschool he’d racked up four arrests . his first one taking place in eighth grade & the only reason the misdemeanor charges actually went through were because his mom asked for them to in hopes that it would scare asher from acting out in such a fashion ever again . unfortunately , his actions were rooted in much more than teen rebellion having never accepting or being able to cope with his father’s passing . the charges & arrests that would follow his mom was able to cover up & kind of bury them . that way word didn’t spread like wildfire about her reckless son .
not even a full year removed from football & he’d accepted a tv show offer from food network . a show called asher’s kitchen a primetime half-hour show where a new chef would come on each week if they beat asher in making a 3-course meal they win bragging rights & $20,000 , if they don’t they go home empty handed . despite the shows constant high ratings asher grew bored of the show & left after only two seasons . the network tried to replace him but quickly learned asher’s personality was what really carried the show .
in 2018 , he went on to open his first ever restaurant the smoking goat an american bistro with an upscale vibe in the heart of los angeles . the place is literally his baby & if you can’t find him you can bet your bottom dollar you’ll find him there . whether it’s catching up with regulars or big name celebrities coming through the doors , or throwing on a chef coat and cooking up some of his very own specials . 
around the time of his restaurant opening he started to let up on the youtube channel & it’s now been nearly two years since he’s uploaded & honestly has no intent on returning to the platform . in asher’s eyes , everything has a term limit & his youtube channels time was up .
the timing of his amsterdam arrest was to say the least , horrific . not only was he in talks with several networks ( fox , cbs , netflix , etc ) to have his own daytime food-focused talk show but his mother was at the beginning stages of her 2020 presidential campaign , which she had since put a halt to and decided to continue on with her tenure as a u.s senator from wisconsin . with the headlines of his arrest spreading like wildfire , the internet resurfaced many of his earlier transgressions , the networks inevitably put a halt to going any further in negotiation & the political realm began to turn their attention to the kind of parent the senator was to have a son so ... out of control ? her opposition questioning how she could run a country if she couldn’t so much as raise a law abiding son .
upon his release from jail he took a jet straight home to wisconsin . with the realization of how much harm he’d done to the bennett reputation he made the personal promise to stay away from the media ( no social media , no tv , nothing ) & be the son the political world expected from a politician . his mother ( who is emulated mostly after laura baker from all american ) nearly begged him not to halt his life as a way of personal punishment for his actions . but after months back home & away from the limelight , asher could see the tides turning back in his moms favor & no big network offer ( and there were quite a few that came his way after the news of his arrest subsided ) could pull him back out into the forefront . 
instead opening his second restaurant bennett’s  , an upscale bar & grill in the capital city of wisconsin . he also began work on a cook book that’s kind of taken on a life of it’s own but he’s yet to be anywhere close to finishing that . 
he has inevitably decided to come back & reunite with the bling ring a year later after his family sat him down & kind of had an intervention with him over his persistence to punish himself . claiming they feel he’s matured & gotten a good grasp on himself & that they don’t think he’ll fall into his bad behaviors again . ( spoiler alert: they’re going to be very wrong about this ... just saying / he’s going to return with the intent of being a better guy , being on the “ right track “ but lets be real it’s going to quickly spiral out of control as per usual ) . 
as you can probably tell this boy is no good . he’s the guy your parents warn you about , i swear , he will get you into so much trouble & bask in the glory of being the one to give you such an adrenaline rush . he’s big on being here for a good time & not a long time . he just wants to have fun , at any cost . he’s extremely goofy , the kind of guy to whip out some mediocre wrestling moves on you for the sake of getting attention . he doesn’t take much seriously ... until he does ? what im saying is homeboy has one hell of a short temper and once he’s flipped his fuse , he basically blacks out . the reason for this is because no matter how happy & full of life he’d like to come off he has this deep well of anger that swells in him ever since he lost his dad . also a topic that can get him clenching his jaw , do not under any circumstances bring up harrison bennett . very much so a mama’s boy , though , catch him facetiming his mom once a day to tell her how much he loves her & see how she’s doing . he can come off very uncaring at times , it’s easy to say he’s probably one of the most misunderstood people around . he comes off like a douchebag , like someone who has little regard for others & don’t get me wrong he often is both of those things but he isn’t heartless ? when he has time to sit back and think about the damage he does ... it hits him like a mack truck & he goes into a pretty dark place of feeling like he’s a villain but he wants to be the hero of the story ? not very big on apologizing , verbally . if he says sorry you can bet a smug grin is following behind the words . instead he’s big on buying things & even cooking to show he’s sorry . probably not the best way to go about things but this is asher we’re talking about here . he is a flirt & will fuck anything . that’s all i have to say about that . onto his friends ? whew are his friends his world . he is a big proponent of bros before hoes & is an extremely loyal guy - to his friends . a true ride or die type a guy , he’d help he hide a dead body without any explanation at so what happened . a big move now ask questions later kinda dude .
BREATHE BY JAMES ARTHUR : he has a soft spot for her . he always has . she’s one of the only girls who doesn’t drool over him , they’ve never hooked up to any extent and that’s due in large part to her telling him from the beginning that the only way she’d give him a chance was if he straightened up his act & proved to her that he was worth her time . if there is a girl out there who can asher for the better , it’s her . but everytime she thinks she’s gotten him on the right path , she catches him either acting out or reverting to his fuck boy ways & getting with girl’s who he doesn’t have to put so much work into .
SAME SQUAD BY P-LO : let’s be real these three originated “saturdays are for the boys” . they’ve been boys for as long as they can remember . if you see one of them around you can rest assured the other two are in the vicinity . they’re the best of friends . they know everything there is to know about each other . all a bit reckless , but that’s what makes them such a fun trio . a very homiesexual bond takes place between these three & nothing & nobody could get between them .
CLOSE FRIENDS BY LIL BABY & GUNNA : they were once good friends , things spiraled past the point of their control , lines got blurred & then they were dating . the relationship as a whole was one no one thought would last . to give them credit things were good at first but after he cheated & she found out from a friend about it things started to go down hill . things only got worse when he was persistent in lying to her about the situation . she inevitably took him back & not too much later the arrest in amsterdam happened . before he was even released from jail , she was sent a video of him & one of his friends talking about sleeping with a prostitute . although it never happened the fact that was his intent was enough for her . his expectation was that because she forgave him before she’d wipe away the pain of him once again not having regard for their relationship & forgive him but she just couldn’t . when he came out to her forwarding the video to him , he decided to ignore the situation completely . the two have not had any contact for nearly a year & never really broke up or spoke about the situation . 
NO FRAUDS BY NICKI MINAJ & DRAKE & LIL WAYNE : the perfect ride or die squad . the media likes to say someone in the trio is dating at any point in time but , that’s just not the case . these three are always getting into something . the true depiction of always having your friends back . they will lie for each other , fight for each other , anything to prove their loyalty to each other .  
i also have some musing posts here , if you want to give that a look !
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anhed-nia · 5 years
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As someone who supposedly loves horror movies, it’s just embarrassing how much I have to catch up on. Hammer is a big gap for me in general, and if THE DEVIL RIDES OUT doesn’t convince me to get with the program, then perhaps nothing will. This riveting, richly pigmented deprogramming drama is right up my proverbial alley, including that fact that it earned an X certificate in 1968 for what I can only assume is a pretty interesting reason.
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Pillar of the Hammer empire Terence Fisher and Richard Matheson adapted the Dennis Wheatley novel of the same name, about a pair of heroic gentlemen who endeavor to save a couple of youngsters’ souls from eternal damnation. When the Duc de Richleau (Christopher Lee) discovers that a friend’s son has been absorbed into a devil cult, he and his jocular friend Rex (Leon Greene) set out to rescue him, and a conveniently attractive young woman in the same predicament, before they can be “rebaptized” as witches. To do so, the duke will have to employ all of his own esoteric knowledge to defeat the supernaturally enabled high priest Mocata (Charles Gray). There’s thrills and chills, spells and hexes, and my very favorite thing, a real live Baphomet!
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Although not as visually broad as a lot of Hammer fair, the breezy thriller is carried easily by the sheer presence of nemeses Christopher Lee and Charles Gray. Lee doesn’t lose a shred of his usual gravity to playing a good guy--and honestly, I had to confirm what year marked the first comic book appearance of Doctor Strange (1965) to correct my intense suspicion that le Duc was an inspiration for the sorcerer supreme. However, the real load bearing here is done by Charles Gray, who may be known to you as either the Bond villain Blofeld or the Criminologist from THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, depending on what kind of person you are. Setting aside his ability to summon the actual Goat of Mendes, among other things, Gray helps Matheson create the perfect occultist, a dyed in the wool satanist who believes in the force of his own individuality above all else. Gotta love this speech about witchcraft, which I barely prevented myself from transcribing ALL of, so compelled am I:
“In magic there is neither good nor evil. It is merely a science, the science of causing change to occur by means of one’s will. The sinister reputation attaching to it is entirely groundless, and is based on superstition rather than objective observation. The power of the will is something people do not understand, attributing to it mysterious qualities which it does not possess--being made of the power of mind over matter, or in the greater number of cases, the power of mind over mind, as your mind now is succumbing to mine...”
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Apparently the production was delayed four years due to censorship threats brought upon it by the subject of devil worship. Somehow in all these years it had NEVER occurred to my dumb ass that you might not have been allowed to talk so much about Satan at a certain time in a relatively modern era. I don’t have the resources to immediately discover why the chaste, talky THE DEVIL RIDES OUT would have earned an X certificate, which barred the attendance of children under 16 even with an accompanying adult--surely it couldn’t be that tawdry toga party! But, I’d love to imagine that it was because of the devil himself, and that idea makes me want to do a whole research project on censorship cases that had little to do overtly with violence or sexuality.
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 71)
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Final part of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 2358 Warnings:  epilogue of sorts, happy endings for all parties, super-powered children,  Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Life moved forward, rather than lateral. 
Steve returned the stones on time to their original timelines. He apparently spent a life with Peggy in one of them, but returned still fresh and young as always. He’d done this all before your wedding in fact. 
Tony, Shannon, and Bruce stayed in their cabin that they’d built during the snap. It was a beautiful piece of property, with everything they’d wanted in a home, and had no desire to leave. All three of them could work from home, build their family, and they did so. 
Tony said he retired from the hero game. Of course, if The Avengers or anyone needed him, he’d be there in a heartbeat, but for the most part, he was going to let the next generation take them on. 
Shannon for the most part was a stay at home mom but if she was needed during an emergency or crisis she was the first one to get called to help. She also balanced a way to be with her kids while they attended Charles Xavier school by becoming a trainer for those who had powers similar to her vast collection of powers.
Bruce still did his research, driving into the city when need be, but Tony’s technology made it virtually needless to go in. He’d found a way to be able to marry Shannon but was still waiting for the right moment to ask her. He’d already spoken with Tony and was given the okay for it.
All four of their children were doing exceptionally well. Peter was top of his class at his graduation, valedictorian. Morgan was on the honor roll and even had a few of her own inventions that were up for funding. She was just as smart as her parents already. Natalia and Mason-Alexander (the twins) were turning three and  showing signs that just like their parents they too had powers of their own completely different from their mother and unique to them. 
When you and Loki returned to New Asgard from your honeymoon, your whole lives lay ahead of you. You had your physics that you could return to, perhaps starting a lab here, or maybe going back to New York. Loki could have stayed working with Strange at the sanctum, each of them protecting the time stone and other priceless relics. But neither of you had really thought about your future or work or anything. You’d been so busy living in the moment, in the now, you haven't given your future any thought, really. 
Thor came to give you your wedding present.
“Welcome back,” Thor said happily as he and Valkyrie approached you from atop one of the roads back into town. The sea was on your right, down a steep grade, the mist washing up around your face.
“Thank you, it’s good to be back,” you replied as you held Loki’s hand. 
“I’m glad to hear you say that, because I wanted to go ahead and give you your wedding present.”
You and Loki exchanged a look of anticipation. 
“What would you say to being Asgard’s new King and queen?” he asked with a plucked up smile. 
Your jaw nearly hit the floor. 
“What? But--but, Valkyrie has been handling it. She’s been in charge, and you’re rightful heir. With Loki’s past and my--”
“Well, first of all,” Valkyrie started with a smile, “I’ve been in charge because I have to be, not because I want to be.”
“And it’s time for me to stop being who I think I’m supposed to be, and be who I’m meant to be,” Thor agreed. “I’ve already spoken with Valkyrie--”
“And we think it’s best if I step down, and restart the Valkyrie program. I could be the leader for your army.” 
“I don’t know what to say,” you gasped. “I feel like we’re...stealing this from you. You deserve to be ruler,” you said with urgency. 
“No, I think you two do,” she said with sincerity. “Loki risked his life for Asgard when Hela came. He saved its people, and you saved the universe, risking your life.”
“We will do this,” Loki suddenly said in a cool voice, his face looking defiant. “Only if,” he continued, before suddenly flashing a warm smile, “you  agree to be our political advisor as well. We will need someone with experience to help us.” 
“Of course, Your Majesty,” she said with a dazzling smile. 
After that day, it felt clear and right that being home with your Asgardian people was the best choice. Guiding them felt right, helping them make a better community felt good. You and Loki took the rank extremely seriously. It wasn’t just a role of royalty being handed down, but a way to honor his loving mother and your parents, and a way to give back to the people. Everyone was happy when you and Loki were crowned, and supported Thor in his endeavors as well. Valkyrie did her best and helped all the time to discuss and guide the issues of the community. 
While being King and Queen was a full time responsibility, you felt you still had other debts to pay. 
The Avengers training picked back up, but it got a few more recruits. Loki, you, Peter, and a few others had signed up for proper training. Once a good foundation was set for how you and Loki were running things in New Asgard, you would return to New York to begin your formal training. The agreement was that if New Asgard was in dire need, you’d return to it, but everything ran pretty much hands off in the community now. 
On your first day, Pietro, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Loki, Peter, Shannon, Carol, Scott, Hope, and Rhodey were all there. 
Steve stood before you all, giving a quick speech about why you were here, what it meant to be an Avenger, and that being one didn’t mean you always saved the day. In the training room hung two portraits of Natasha and Vision, honoring their sacrifice for the fight to win back the universe. 
Tony stood in the background, behind Steve. You wondered why he was here, but of course, his wife and son were there so naturally he wanted to be there to share the first day. 
“With that being said,” Steve informed, a look of mischief crossed his face, “I’d like to give the first task to Bucky.”
Bucky frowned but walked forward anyway. All of you were equally confused. 
“I’d like you to hold this shield, let me know how it feels,” Steve told Bucky with a bit of a grin. 
“Feels heavy, and like it belongs to you,” he responded with a bit of shyness. 
“Well, it doesn’t, it belongs to you now,” he said. With that, he turned to everyone. “In fact, this whole program belongs to all of you now. I’m retiring, and I think I'm leaving it in perfectly capable hands. Sam and Bucky will take over as the leaders of the operation, with Shannon overseeing it all. Recruits, it’s your job to follow their every instruction, it may not only save your life one day, but the universe too.” He shot you a tiny smile and nod, to which you returned. “As you know, Tony is retired, Clint has retired, Thor is out exploring the universe, and now with me, it’ll all be on all of you. I wish  each of you luck. And as I once said to a very dear friend, no matter what. I promise you, if you need us, if you need me, I'll be there. Avengers, it’s time to assemble.” 
He smiled to everyone, nodded once, then turned around. Tony put his hand on Steve’s shoulder as they walked out of the compound. 
“Let’s go get lunch,” he said. 
“You’re buying,” Steve responded. “I’m retired, gotta watch my budget.” 
“Moocher,” Tony replied. 
Sam and Bucky stood in front of the group. 
“You guys heard him, hop to!” Sam ordered. “Let’s hit the gym everyone!” 
With that, the group of you all walked over to the gym, with you and Loki hand in hand. 
You and Loki were standing in the restored castle you’d found on the island, you on the balcony of the bedroom. Both of you staring out over the sparkling ocean. The two of you were on your scheduled vacation from Avengers training, and Sam and Bucky respected that you did have a small nation to lead. 
Life continued on for all of you. When you weren’t training at the compound, you and Loki took trips to the sanctum to have tea with Stephen and Wong. Sometimes, for an extended weekend, you’d visit Clint and his family. Wanda visited you in New Asgard a few times, and the two of you would go out on the town, and sometimes Shannon would come, bringing Morgan with her - it’d turn into a girls day out. 
Bucky, Sam, you, and Loki all got rather close as well. You all enjoyed practicing combat and Bucky seemed to really enjoy the knife fighting with Loki - those two gave each other a run for their money. A few times, all of the Avengers shared a movie night, a bowling night, a trivia night. Steve and Bucky beat everyone in history, for the most part. 
If you weren’t training or helping out Tony and Bruce at Stark Industries with some of your physics knowledge, then you spent time with Shannon and her family. Tom and Diane adored being grandparents, and you and Loki spoiled the kids. It was absolute heaven. Life had finally become happy. It was far from normal, but it was filled with love and happiness, and that’s all you ever wanted. 
“You look radiant, my queen,” he mused from behind you as he wrapped his hands around your waist. 
“Thank you,” you said blissfully as you stared out. “Would you have done anything differently?” you asked. 
Loki rounded around you and got in front of you, putting his hands on the small bump on your stomach. “Of course not, why would you ask that?”
You shrugged simply. “Sometimes I wonder if, well perhaps if you felt trapped or stuck with me. When I jumped after you all those years ago, we weren’t dating. We hadn’t even shared our first kiss yet. So I wonder if perhaps you chose me by default.” 
He gave you a soft smile as he stared at you, his hands going to either side of your face. “Y/N, I had thousands of years before we met again to look for someone else. I had ample opportunity to leave you after our imprisonment. I’ve never wanted anyone but you, that has never changed, and it never will.”
You nodded, understanding him. As long as he knew he did have a choice in this, that was all you wanted. 
“I’ve wondered the same thing, though. If your decision to jump was made in haste, and after all that time, you just felt as if I were your best option. As if perhaps, if you didn’t stay with me, jumping, losing your freedom, and everything else that went with it, would’ve been for nothing,” he admitted. 
“You did?” 
He nodded. “Yes. It ran through my mind a few times that maybe if I didn’t propose on the day I came back if you would’ve weighed your options with Remy some more. So one day, I asked Stephen what all those possibilities looked like. Out of those 14 million outcomes, how many of them you chose me in.” 
“And?” you breathed, curious to find out, your heart beating rapidly.
“All of them,” he assured with a twinkle in his eye. “He told me that out of all of the futures, you loved me in every one of them, and chose me time and time again.” 
You gave him a warm smile. “I’m not surprised,” you mused. “Maybe we should ask him about the future of this little Asgardian,” you said with a bit of a laugh. 
“We don’t need him to tell us that future. I already know we will give them everything we always wanted,” he vowed. “I promise.” He got up and kissed you firmly. “Between the two of us, there’s nothing we can’t conquer. Besides, between us, The Starks, Thor, and the other Avengers, this baby will already have ten times the family we did growing up. This baby will be more loved and spoiled than any in existence.” 
“Mm, I like the sound of that,” you hummed happily. “I love you,” you quietly said as you stared at him. 
“And I love you, Y/N,” he promised with the warmest grin you’d ever seen.  
“We’d better get down there,” he reminded. “Shannon and the rest of them just got here. They’ll be waiting on us.” 
In just a few minutes, your world would change again, letting in your loved ones on your happy news. 
Shannon, Bruce, and the rest of the Starks came to visit you all. You hadn’t told anyone you were pregnant yet, it was to be a surprise. You couldn’t wait for her reaction though, because Loki was right, you knew as a sister she’d go absolutely off the walls happy for you, but not to mention so would several other people that were now family to you. 
What seemed like lifetimes ago, Tony, Bruce, were nearly strangers. You all were friends, but nothing compared to what you’d gone through now. Heck, all of the Avengers. People you regularly spoke to, worked with, and relaxed with were once people you hardly knew. Now you couldn’t imagine your life without them (sadly, some of them you didn’t have to imagine, thanks to the snap). They completed your world, they completed you.
This baby, and you and Loki for that matter, had a home, had people who cared for you and loved you deeply. In fact, you had multiple places to call home: the compound, the Stark Cabin, New Asgard.
And you owed it all to your best friend Shannon, and the love of your life Loki - they were your better halves. 
Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
Second Note: I just want to thank every single person who has followed along with us through out this entire series! seeing all of you enjoying this series has really brought my spirits up throughout this shitty time. a special thanks to my Best friend @thorne93​​ for putting up with my antics and procrastination throughout the writing time. by far the best time I've ever had writing with someone else. stay tuned in for the next cowritten series by us! 
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class-wom · 5 years
Legion Chapter 22 “Morning After”-Thoughts – SPOILERS!!!
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Okay, tbh, this one has overwhelmed me a bit (also I’m trying to process the implications of next week’s preview), so it may be a little short this time around.  But then, just because it starts short doesn’t mean I won’t add later!  😈 Bwahaha...
1) Okay, so “The World’s Angriest Boy” was actually Gabrielle’s doll?!? that was a cuddle-toy for pre-Farouk Baby David and was somehow corrupted by Farouk, memory, eerie foreshadowing, whatever the heck you want to call it?  On the bright side, Harold and the Purple Crayon is a much nicer bedtime story than The World’s Angriest Boy in the World!  (Also note Noah Hawley’s favorite device of using color names in the dialogue:  “It’s always blue!”/”Follow the yellow bus.” etc.)
2) Funny that all the Charlie Brown music was in last week’s ep.  Hero or anti, I’m starting to think now that David really is Charlie Brown, doomed to play right into Lucy’s Farouk’s hands and lose to him no matter what! 
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And yes, I hate Farouk more than ever after that chilling final image.   Who cares if he’s cuddling a baby?!?  Remember, this is the same guy that not only fuses Amy with Lenny’s DNA and scoffs in David’s angry, grieving face over it, but is also going to teach Syd to “lie so well that he thanks her when she stabs him in the back”!!!  ((shudder))
3) Yeah, I’m starting to think that the well-meaning Xavier may have, intentionally or otherwise, opened the can of worms here by hunting Farouk down in the first place.  From the way it was presented, he’s just using “Baby Cerebro” to see if there are “others like him,” he picks up and heads out to “find the other one" (shades of David abandoning Syd for the desert in Chapter 16?) and then gets there and realizes just how in over his head he is before he completely understands the situation?!?  Seems to me that’s the event that should have been stopped in order to protect Baby David -- dude, Cerebro can wait! you have a wife and baby to watch TV with!  Maybe you can wait until Davey’s old enough to help you out in the lab/shed/whatever and you can schedule a nice little father/son project building that thing while you practice your father/son-bonding telepathy sessions!  I’m just sayin’... or keeping with last week’s Peanuts musical theme, “Charlie Xavier, you blockhead!” 😂 
4) Which reminds me:  Okay, fine, it literally took me a week to come up with this one, but did Marvel and FX get the okay from the Charles Schulz Estate and/or King Features Syndicate for all of those Charlie Brown* refs? I’m guessing so, but you gotta admit that this is one heck of a comics crossover!  And now with the Disney/Marvel/Fox merge really altering the entertainment landscape in the near-future for better or worse, does this mean we can now expect the likes of Spider-Man and/or Loki to help Charlie Brown out with Lucy’s darn football?  The possibilities are endless at this rate, man, I’m tellin’ ya! 😏  Also, on the note of King Features Syndicate, the Garfield-lover in me is wondering about the potential of that character sneaking into future series, should there be any.  Maybe a crossover with the mice from Chapters 14 and 19, since Garfield gets along with mice so well? or perhaps Garfield and David could hang out on the astral plane to potentially discuss the rights of mice over a nice luncheon of lasagna, waffles, and cherry pie? there has to be some potential in the Legion Universe if there’s room for Charlie Brown! or is this merely my own hopeless quest to use original cable programming to relive a more innocent era of network family-oriented TV specials “just because”?  I mean, hey, Noah himself has referred to Legion as “a children’s show for adults and an adult show for kids over 16,” or words to that effect, so hey, why not? as long as everything’s kosher legally, that is!
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*Okay, it just occurred to me that The Peanuts Movie was released by 20th Century Fox a few years ago, so maybe that’s where FX was able to secure the rights.
5) Also a chilling “Like father, like son”-type of scenario here, since that is literally what David is doing throughout Season 3, this ep included:  Jumping into situations he thinks he understands before he has all the facts at his disposal.  Reminds me of his wake-up call from Chapter 4, where he wills himself out of his astral plane coma and teleports to rescue Syd...but of course, it’s not Syd!!!
6)  Speaking of which, I very much enjoyed this week’s respite from the whole “Syd the Hero”-BS, or whatever the heck she’s supposed to be at this point.  Nice week to catch my breath from that, so to speak!  I can only stand one Farouk-manip at a time, thank you very much!
7) Poor Gabrielle.  Just poor Gabrielle. 😭
Okay, fine -- not exactly short.  But hey, for me it is! 😂  Bwahaha! 
Anyway, looking forward to seeing "the Folks” again for hinted-at one-on-one confrontations in future eps in hopes of some sort of understanding if not resolution.  Seriously, I think that’s what I’m rooting for more at this point than for anyone to actually “win” per se (especially since it appears the only “winner” will no doubt turn out to be SK, and don’t even get me started on that implication! 🤬🤮), for people on all sides to finally reach a sense of understanding and arrive at a halfway-manageable solution/conclusion.  In short, I guess I’m right where Noah wants me as a viewer! 😁
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