#dib father
cheekinpermission · 10 days
Twisted Wonderland has such a wonderful array of sibling dynamics!!
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So beautiful <3
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dib-dab-art-attack · 4 months
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He said no pickles
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ghostorbz · 6 months
I made graphics instead of going to bed
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Plus zadr stuff,,,
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mrehkka · 7 months
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(I screwed up the text placement on the last page, read from professor membrane top left, down to zim bottom left, then dib top right)
Poor Dib lol
Btw i headcanon that zim has an internship at membrane labs when they're in high school. Zim talks to Membrane about Dib and them hanging out (he thinks the boys are dating and just not telling him yet) and the professor is hoping zim's "real science" attitude rubs off on Dib lmao
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sapphorror · 9 months
You know the most amazing thing about mopiness of doom is that zim didn't even make a token attempt at blowing up membrane labs in order to get dibs attention. it was straight to languishing anhedonic depression, flat-out rejections he can't rationalize really do a number on this guy
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iodotsys · 1 year
Whats your HONEST opinion on professor membrane? Is he a good dad, bad dad, abusive, yada yada - give us your insight o wise one
My honest opinion on Membrane?
Membrane suffers from a lack of empathy and inability to see anything outside of his own point of view. Does this make him a bad father? I believe so.
He doesn't have a clue in the world what he's doing in any regard as a father. He probably is going based on things he has seen on TV or a very brief overview of a parenting guide from the 1950's, if anything. I believe he truly views Gaz and Dib as extensions of himself, to the degree he will talk to them as if he was talking to himself. And if they react in any other way than how he himself would react, he can't comprehend it and writes it off as incorrect behavior on THEIR part. Membrane is also rather immature. When he sees something that he views as 'wrong', he will make fun of it. In the episode Battle of the Planets, he does just that to Dib.
He does the basic family things because he knows, logically, he is a father. He goes to Parent Teacher Night because he knows he's required to. He has family night out because he knows he's required to. He provides 'food' to his 'kids' because he knows he's required to. He says "I love you" to his kids because he knows he's required to. Its all very robotic. He was going to cancel family night because Dib wasn't there. Family night MUST have all parties involved or logically its not family night.
He probably believes he's doing his best as a father since he is doing 'father-like' things. But to the outside he is neglectful and work driven.
Does he care about his kids? Yes, in a way he does. Not in an unconditional father-like way, but in a way he may care about an experiment. Science is first, care is second to him. He was not devastated his daughter had an incurable disease, he cared that he couldn't find the cure for the disease. Yet, he really wanted to show off Dib and Gaz in Future Dib. He was even excited to. He makes sure Gaz doesn't go out alone to get her new Game Slave 2 because he doesn't want her to get hurt.
He is devastated that Dib isn't following in his footsteps. He feels he's done something wrong that Dib turned out enjoying the paranormal. This is shown in his agony in Mopiness of Doom. He questions his own abilties.
In fact, Membrane is quite mentally unstable, as is seen with his freakout in the Christmas special. He runs out screaming his head off, unable to handle the PTSD he was going through. And how does Dib react? "Geez dad…"
Its rather normal in that household for Membrane to have complete breakdowns it seems. Not to mention in the comics Membrane's complete catatonic depression from people not listening to him. He relies on his 11 year old daughter to take care of him because he is so lost in his own head.
In conclusion, Membrane is emotionally stunted and immature. He does not have solid child rearing abilities so Gaz and Dib are left to fill those needs for themselves, with very basic human needs met by Membrane. Things like food and shelter. In addition, Membrane is sometimes required to be taken care of by Gaz and Dib due to his emotional instability.
I am happy to provide my wisdom to the fandom.
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demonicfarmer69 · 5 months
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woah jzx how come u get to have TWO baddies?
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picklepie888 · 10 months
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Human protagonist of a dark sci-fi comedy cartoon that was cancelled way too soon
Arch nemesis is a tiny meglomaniacal alien whose plans involve the destruction of Earth
Only has one living parent whom they have a strained relationship with
Had to break their parent out of space prison at some point
Father is famous in-universe
Heavily implied to be neurodivergent
Has an obsessive personality
An outcast amongst their peers/often deemed "crazy" or "weird"
Antagonized by a scary goth girl with anger issues
Serves as both the show creator's self insert and personal punching bag
Owns a spaceship that once belonged to an alien who antagonized them (which also has a snarky female AI)
Constantly getting hurt in funny cartoonish ways
Constantly getting hurt emotionally as well
Has a poor reputation amongst their fellow humans, despite their efforts to save Earth
Standard outfit includes a jacket, boots, and a shirt with a circle in the center
Has died multiple times
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verm1c1de · 6 months
i think people Really ofurplay dibs desire fur parental validation, like, Yes he wants to impurress his dad, but its not even his Main goal, and really could only be Secondary at best
while his dads appurroval would be Nice its Really Not his Main Focus. even in dwlod its not About his dad its about dibs vindication to the entire World. he just wants to be the Best! better than his dad! he does not Rely on his father fur the entirety of his self esteem! he already KNOWS hes right and "better than efurryone else," proffy just needs to see that too
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sleepyminty · 1 year
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Man i love those bastard with white coat and medium length mushroom taper hair created in Korea who had the fandom want to choke the living life out of them
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s1lly-gh02tz · 7 months
The amount of animations ive come up with but never made is insane
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Everytime I listen to "As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It" by Lemon Demon I imagine some sort of video game. Depending on the fandom im in, theres always some sort of day dream I come up with related to this song.
Soooo I decided to finally make an animation to this song! Its gonna be about Dib and Prof. Membrane. I really REALLY hope school doesn't bite my ass and cause me to give up on this project im genuinely really excited for this, and it really doesn't need that much actual animation. Praying that because school vacation is next week i dont give up on this
but yeah Ill keep posting updates on my progress
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cannibalmapleshade · 10 months
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mysterious skyclan kids
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prophecyofgray · 1 year
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dib your problems...
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henrysglock · 11 months
i mean wouldn't you laugh if the conversion therapy type laboratory tried to conversion therapy henry in his memories via nina because he had a thing for a boy named patrick that he went to school with
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itsvuze · 6 months
Honestly, I know in IZ it's just a really funky situation figuring out if Zim is considered an adult or not, but I definitely headcanon him being an adult just because it's funnier that way.
Also, I have this headcanon that he doesn't even look that much like a child. As in he looks mature in the face but he's small and that's close enough for everyone around him. Just a small fully grown dude with years of military training getting his plans obliterated by a 12-year-old with father problems.
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