#did I rewind? maybe so. was it more than once? who’s to say
vveissesfleisch · 9 months
borgias season 1 down - enamored with these terrible people and the way the relationships between them are written. all of the siblings are absolutely insane. delightful! (and micheletto! my beloved!) and the costumes! chefs kiss. v excited to see what happens next in this fiendishly horny and witty show.
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joemama-2 · 2 months
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synopsis: Gojo Satoru is a man of power, status, and strength. nowhere in his life does he have time for relationships, let alone love. but he starts to question his boundaries when a pretty ballerina catches his attention.
tags/warnings: gojo x fem reader, minor fluff, angst, major character death, depression, strong language, sexual content, self-harm
word count: 2972
divider credit @cafekitsune
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This story begins with a man and a woman. These two are from completely different worlds. They were brought together by nothing more than a simple bump-in occurrence. At least, that’s what the woman thinks. In reality, the man has been watching her for a while now. A man like him shouldn’t be nervous, but the woman makes him feel just that. She doesn’t even know she does it, it’s natural. And that scares the man.
Anywho, there’s a man and a woman. 
This man is named Gojo Satoru. The woman….is you. 
Now, this is not about how two strangers fell in love. It’s about how time got the best of them. How simple mistakes led to a downfall. Pay close attention because as soon as you think you have him, you don’t. Or maybe…it’s him who doesn’t.
Gojo first sees you while you’re on stage. You look beautiful, stunning, shining (literally). There’s others on stage with you, but his eyes stay on you for some odd reason. The auditorium is large, many of its attendants dressed up for the formal occasion. They watch on in awe, some even recording subtly. There’s others who whisper amongst themselves about the entertainers. 
“Wow, look at that one, her form is excellent.”
“Oh my, I love this part.”
“So beautiful.”  
The last part is muttered by him. He says it to no one, considering he’s alone. But a small part of him hopes you can hear the praise that’s directed at you. Of course you can’t. But he hopes. Hope is something funny to have, isn’t it?
His arms are crossed over his chest, a small smile on his face as he focuses on the way your body twists and twirls, toes pointed high in the air. There’s a smile on your face too, it’s fitting for the setting. The white fabric looks stunning on you, but you know what looks even more stunning?
Your eyes.
Gojo Satoru admitting someone has prettier eyes than him? How comical. But really, he’s right. He almost jumps in his seat as your eyes make the briefest of glances to scan your audience and he swears you saw him. Again, he hope you did. 
Hope will be a recurring theme in this story, you’ll come to find out.
Gojo is the first to stand and clap once the performance finishes, the rest of the attendants following soon after. You and your other girls smile, giving a small bow of appreciation. And just like that, the curtains close and the lights slowly start to turn back on. He wants to rewind time and watch it from the beginning, watch you from the beginning. If only being the holder of the Six Eyes and Limitless allowed him to time travel, that would’ve been very helpful in this story. 
“Here you are.” Gojo’s arm reaches up to grab the canned pineapples the employees just had to put on the highest shelf. 
You’re a little shocked by the presence of this strange man, but ultimately smile politely. “Oh, thank you so much.” with a nod, you grab the can from his hand and place it in your basket. “Don’t know why they do that, it’s a bit of an inconvenience.”
He chuckles, head tilting. “I bet. Luckily I was around, huh?”
Your laugh almost puts him in a daze. “Yeah, luckily.”
You thought that would be the last time you would ever see the man, you were wrong, of course. At first, it was creepy. You remember calling him out on it.
“How come you’re everywhere I turn?”
“I’m a magician, that’s why?”
“Or a creepy stalker?”
“More like a curious one.”
After that conversation, it didn’t help your suspicions. But he never went further than talking. Your optimistic, or maybe naive, side took over. So eventually, you let it be. If Gojo was there, that would mean you weren’t too far away. Days turned into weeks, then months, then a year.
A whole year since you met him. It’s almost baffling how time moves so quick. Just like Gojo, you wish you could go back. He never misses a recital, practice, anything. Gojo is always there to support you whether that’s on the sidelines or helping you stretch. 
His hands feel too warm for you, like it’s a familiar sensation that you haven’t yet recgonized where from. That thought throws you off a little bit but you’ve been pushing it away for a while now. Within the year you’ve known each other,you’ve come to learn that not only is he incredibly handsome, but he’s incredibly secretive. You don’t like secrets. You never have and never will. Secrets for what? What is that other person hiding? The uncertainty draws you away and the fact that he’s not even comfortable telling you. When in all honesty, you’ve told him too much.
He’s only told you he’s an only child and that he’s loaded. Well, he didn’t exactly tell you the first part. But the second he pulled out his black card when buying you a new pair of slippers after you others ones have been used for too many years, that was when it clicked. 
Gojo and you became close, maybe even too close. Labels and boundaries have been lost anf thrown to the wind. Maybe you’re friends. Maybe you’re more than that? I mean, do friends really touch each other like you guys do? Say the things you guys say? Well scratch that, there’s one boundary Gojo has set in place.
He doesn’t do relationships.
You were okay with that, really. Because at the same time, you weren’t looking for a boyfriend. You were too focused on yourself, learning the new dance for each upcoming recital, making sure you’re form was the best of the best. You were a perfectionist. So essentially, you agreed to his terms.
But can you really blame yourself? Who wouldn’t begin to feel a shift with the way he held you and fucked you like you were his lover, his wife, his soulmate? Never did you voice your opinions because you were conflicted. He was the first man who showed you everything, he was your first. You tell yourself it’s normal and that if you get involved with others, these weird feelings will fade.
However, you should’ve thought twice about saying this to Gojo while he was balls deep in your sweet cunt.
“I…I have a date tomorrow night.”
He freezes mid thrust, muscles automatically tensing. When he pulls his head back from the crook of your neck, the looks in his eyes in different, unrecognizable. Theres a frown on his face, a stark contrast to what it was before and he almost seems angry.
“You what?”
With hazy eyes, it’s hard to focus on him as his face hovers above your own. His hand holds your jaw, titling it up. The silence is tense. You suddenly get the feeling that you made a big mistake because although there’s anger in his eyes, you can see a hint of betrayal hidden underneath. Your lips part but words fail you.
“What did you just say?”
“What’s….what’s wrong?” you ask back, wincing as he pulls out completely. Immediately, you clock in on the fact that he’s turning around, reaching down for his boxers and pants he discarded on the floor. Panic sets in and you sit up hastily, using the duvet to cover your bare form. “Satoru, why–what are you doing?”
“Getting dressed.”
“But why? I thought we were–”
“Have some things to take care of.”
His response scares you and you almost want to cry with how things have changed so quickly. Your hand reaches out for his arm. “Are you mad at me? Please, tell me what’s wrong.”
Gojo hates how your voice can make his expression falter, but he pushes through, gently removing his arm back as he stands. “It’s not you, I just realized something.”
“Satoru–” you stand with him, tears threatening to fall down. He doesnt turn around to face you, even while buttoning his shirt back up, grabbing the dark glasses he left on the bedside table. You don’t even realize you’re trembling before a broken sniffle leaves your lips.
He hates the sound, hates when you’re like this. He hates that he caused this. For a moment, he closes his eyes and he turns around, forcing his casual smile back on his face. You see right through it, he knows you do. So why is he still faking? “Don’t worry, okay? I’ll see you around.”
It was weeks until you saw him again. And when you did, you knew things weren’t the same. His touch never lingered longer than it should, no more stupid flirty remarks, no more winks, no more sex. It was strictly…..friendly. 
You didn’t know if you hated it.
You fall to the ground with a frustrated huff, shaky hands clenching into fists at yet another failed attempt of a cabriole. The recital is in five days and you can’t get this part right. It doesn’t help when the others have moved way past this point, sometimes regarding you with looks of concern and impatience. You were disgusted with that, but you were even more disgusted with yourself. You force yourself back on your feet and walk back to the starting position.
“Maybe you should take a break. You’re obviously frustrated and you won’t be able to–”
“I will.” your sharp voice cuts off his, gulping down the lump that has formed in your throat. 
Satoru knows better than to try you when you’re like this, so he swallows down his words and keeps off to the side, a water bottle in hand. His glasses are still on and when you give him a glance, your irritation skyrockets. Did he really not even want to look at you? Has he become that repulsed by you? He has some nerve, blowing you off and treating you like a stranger. You didn’t even do anything and he’s being a complete asshole about everything for no rea–
Your thoughts are cut off by a sharp pain shooting through your ankle. You hadn’t even felt your body move, it was as if it had a mind of its own. While your thoughts were filled with vile insults, you failed yet again. Why are you failing so much all of a sudden?
Your form crumples down to the floor with a shriek, instantly holding the injured limb. Satoru’s body moves on its own too, within the second he’s by your side with wide concerned eyes.
“Shit, are you okay? Where does it hurt?”
His words don’t do anything. You can’t even offer a response because you’re too preoccupied with pain and anger. You can’t do something that you’ve been spent years dedicating yourself to. Sleepless nights and injury upon injury, this should be a slice of cake. It should be easy. But just like with Satoru, you feel different. Forcing yourself to dance, forcing yourself to a blind devotion, forcing yourself to be unhappy. But, since when has ballet made you unhappy? You didn’t know.
“Get away.” you mutter quietly.
His brows furrow and he leans closer. “Wha–”
“I said get the hell away from me.”
Using your upper body strength, you push him away. You wished you hadn’t. But he pushed you away that night, so why can’t you return the favor? “Get out and don’t come back. You’re making me mess up.”
He doesn’t speak for a moment. Gojo Satoru speechless is a funny sight, if this were a different situation, you would’ve laughed. But you don’t, you can’t. He finally finds his voice. “You’re not serious.”
That pushes you even more, gritting your teeth as you look up at him. “I’m dead serious. Get the hell out. Don’t touch me and don’t even talk to me. Your entire presence is a distraction and I hate you for it.”
You knew what you were saying was wrong and hurtful. You were aware of that fact. But they still tumbled out. You still cried in front of him once more. And he still turned his back on you.
Working with an injured ankle isn’t for the weak. It isn’t for anyone. Your teacher and doctor would’ve advised you not to, but they didn’t know. You didn’t even remember the last time you slept or ate properly. Everything disgusted you and you intentionally avoided the mirrors in your apartment, covering them with blankets. 
However the pain of forcing yourself to use your ankle, the pain of starving yourself, the pain of just existing is something you started to savor. You would laugh to yourself wondering what went wrong. How long have you been feeling like this? Was meeting Satoru just the catalyst to your inevitable destruction? 
As you stand on stage in front of the suddenly blinding lights in a suddenly uncomfortable attire, you pray in your head to whatever god that’s listening to save you. To take you away from whatever hell you were being subjected to. You’re holding your tears in so it won;t ruin the makeup you spent hours on. Your movements feel stiff and forced, hands tembling while you can barely even present a smile on your face.
You just had to have a solo segment. You just had  to say yes to it. You’re people pleasing even to the end.
Gojo Satoru just had to be in the crowd. 
You two just had to make eye contact.
And you just had to fall in front of everyone. 
A sudden call too late at night alerts Satoru while he’s sitting at is dining table that’s too big for one person. He almost doesn’t want to answer, but as soon as he sees the familiar name, he’s answering on instinct.
It’s silent on the other end for a second and he begins to think you buttdialed him. That’s until he hears your voice for the first time in who knows how long. And God, you don’t sound like yourself at all. “Satoru?”
His heart is cracking while listening to you. You sound defeated, almost scared. But why? “Y/n.”
There’s a breathy chuckle on the other end. “I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Of course not.” he wants to say it’s because he can barely sleep at a regular time, but he holds back. “I’ve been up.”
More silence. 
“Ah, I see.” he can hear the contemplation in your voice. “I didn’t mean to call so suddenly, I’m just….thinking.”
“About what?”
Satoru’s heart clenches and twist in an ugly manner. “Funny, I was just thinking about you too.”
And you laugh again, so does he. For once, it felt nice. For once, it felt like how it did before.
“Are you busy right now?”
“No.” is his automatic response. 
“Okay, I’m glad. Can you…come over?”
Come over? He hasn’t been over since that dreadful night. Anxiety porus through his veins and he gulps, hesitating for a small second before nodding. “Of course I can.”
“I’ve just….I’ve missed you. Wanted to hear your voice.”
He’s already grabbing his keys and heading out. “Yeah?”
His long legs lead him to his car quickly, getting in and balancing the phone between his shoulder and ear. “I’ve missed you too.”
You smiled and you wish he could’ve saw it. 
“I’ll see you then.”
“...See you.” 
Three words are on the tip of you guys’ tongues. Three words. But even three words can be hard to admit. So, you hung up on him.
Your apartment is empty when he walks in, confused using the spare key you know he knows about to get in. For some reason you always left it there. It’s like you wanted him to come and see you even when you said you didn’t.
After some wandering, he goes into your bedroom. Flashbacks and nostalgia hits him like cold water. His legs feel shaky all of a sudden and his breath hitches. There’s a small box on your bed that draws his attention. It’s white and wrapped with a red ribbon. Carefully he unwraps it, dread filling his stomach and heart pounding fast. Static is the only thing he hears.
As he opens the box, a pair of ballet shoes greet him.
Not just that, but a small letter.
He opens it with too much force, hands shaking. 
“I’m sorry. I really hope you don’t stay mad at me.
I had so much fun meeting you and giving you everything I had.
Please, live on for me.”
His feet are moving before he can fully register it, calling you as he searches through the apartment for you. Tears fill his pretty eyes and short labored breaths are emitted from his mouth.
His world stops spinning when he hears your phone ring in the barely open bathroom door. In truth, Satoru had a feeling he knew what he was going to find once he entered. His mind knew, but his soul didn’t want to.
Because before him is a sight he can never erase from his memories. 
A bathtub filled with dark water. A bathtub he would bathe with you in sometimes, rubbing your back and combing shampoo through you hair while you giggled.
You’re in it still.
Laying upright with no life in your eyes, a knife in your hand that has toppled over the rim.
If you asked Satoru what he thought in that moment, this would be it.
He wished he died with you.
And so that’s it. The story of the man and the woman. Happy endings are something neither were familiar with. 
The man now only has a memory that he’ll keep burned into his brain forever, of the woman.
The memory of,
The beautiful ballerina.
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a/n: this story was loosely based off the korean film "ballerina". i loved it so much and it was just SO beautiful to watch. anyways, thank you all for reading! much love!
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medusapelagia · 1 month
24 I have a date
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt:"Go, see if I care." ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: Pretended Hate ) @aug-kissed (prompt: Hickeys)  Rating: Teen and up Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: no one Words: 1228
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“Come on, Steve! Eddie is a friend! He’s the Dungeon Master of the Hellfire Club! You have to come with us and meet him!” Dustin is begging him, while Steve brushes his hair, getting ready for his date.
“Yeah. I heard you say that the first fifteen times. Eddie’s your super cool friend. Way cooler than me.”
“It’s not that! It’s just… we don’t see each other anymore, and if you started to hang out with us maybe…”
“Dustin, kid, look at me. Do I look like the kind of person who can have fun during one of your boring games? And I know Eddie, I attended the same school you attended, did you forget it? And I can tell you that there aren’t two people more different than Eddie and I.”
“Come on! I swear that he’s fun! And he knows a lot of things! And…”
“Things like what? How to sell drugs to high schoolers? Wait! You aren’t taking any of that shit, are you, Dustin?” Steve asks seriously, his arms on Dustin’s shoulder looking at him in the eyes.
“No, I’m not. Fuck, Steve, you sound like my mother! I’m just having fun with my friends!”
Steve lifts an eyebrow, studying him, then he shrugs, “You’re right. You’re too much of a nerd to use those things. But don’t let Eddie or anyone else convince you to smoke with them, ok?”
“But you used to smoke.” Dustin grins, remembering the drugged confession Steve made in a Russian elevator the year before.
“Yeah. Then I got beaten and drugged by Russian soldiers so no, I don’t smoke joints anymore and I don’t want you to smoke either. It’s bad for your brain.” he tells him while ruffling Dustin’s hair, before looking at the time, “Come on. It’s getting late and I have a long shift and a date tonight.”
“Oh come on! You’re making me look like a fucking monster. I don’t date that much!”
“Oh yeah, because you date them only for one night and then completely forget about every single one of them but you don’t want to spend one night, one night Steve, with me and my friends.”
“I already told you, Dustin, I have a date,” Steve explains tiredly to Dustin who glares at him furiously.
“Well if your dates are more important than me then just go! Go and see if I care!" Dustin yells, bolting out of Steve’s house, and slamming the door loudly behind himself.
“Dustin! Dustin!” Steve calls, opening the door, but the kid is already biking away through the woods to get to the trailer park.”
“Fuck.” he curses under his breath, staring at the boy that disappears behind some trees. 
He wonders if he should follow him but the clock radio tells him that’s already too late and he still has to pick up Robin, so he grabs his dark green vests and gets into his car, driving toward Robin’s house first and then Family Video.
“What’s the long face?” Robin asks as soon as she sits in his car.
“I think I had a fight with Dustin.”
“You think you did or did you actually have a fight?”
“He asked him to join them for one of their game nights and I said no. And he was so pissed he rushed out of my house without even saying goodbye.”
“That’s normal Dustin’s behavior. Don’t think too much about it. I’m sure in a day or two everything will be back to normal.” She replies, smiling, fixing her makeup in the little car mirror.
Steve nods, she’s right, “Maybe I could pick him up before my date, just to talk.”
“That’s a great idea. Who’s the date by the way? I forgot. Jennifer?”
Steve ignores her, “I’m not going to say anything to you. You lost your gossip privileges when you mocked me for taking Heidi to the Championship game!” Steve replies, parking in front of the video store.
It’s a Thursday, so in the afternoon it’s quite calm and they spend almost all their time rewinding the VHS and throwing candies at each other.
Once their shift is finally over, Steve asks Robin if she minds if they make a stop at the trailer park to pick up Dustin and she replies she doesn’t mind if she can keep her shotgun privileges.
The trailer is old and rusty, and Steve’s BMW wheels grind on the gravel loudly.
“The King has come to see his subjects.” Munson grins, smoking a cigarette.
“I’m here to pick up Dustin, is he ready to go?”
“As ready as someone who lost all his friends can be.”
“He what?” Steve asks worriedly.
“Calm down, Harrington, I’m talking about the game,” Eddie replies, smirking, while Dustin leaves the trailer sadder than he was when he first got there.
“You're the devil himself.” Dustin whines, “How could you do that to us.”
“It’s not me, young padawan, it’s just fate.” Eddie winks while Steve manages to fit Dustin’s bike in his trunk somehow and drives him back home.
“Did you have fun?”
“Does it look like I had fun?” Dustin retorts, crossing his arm in front of his chest.
“Today isn’t a great day. Got it. Why don’t we go have smoothies tomorrow afternoon?” Steve proposes but Dustin doesn’t even reply. 
All he says is “Thanks for the ride,” before shutting the door behind him.
“Kids.” Robin replies when Steve drives her home, “Have fun with your mysterious date!” she waves before going home.
Back at Steve’s place, everything seems normal, apart from his room’s window which looks suspiciously ajar, even if Steve knows he left it closed.
He steps quietly to his room, slamming the door open to catch the intruder by surprise, only to find Eddie half-naked on his bed.
“About time, big boy!” he complains, getting closer to him and pushing him against the wall before kissing him hard.
“Fuck you, Eddie! You scared me!”
“Sorry babe, but I know a great way to ask for forgiveness. Why don’t you lose some of those clothes?” Eddie suggests, kissing Steve more sweetly this time.
“Dustin is still pissed at me. For how long do we have to keep up all this pantomime?”
“Are you ready to come out to a group of teenagers who can’t shut the fuck up?”
Steve sighs, Eddie is right as always.
“But when Robin and I move to Chicago you’ll come with us, right?” Steve asks while Eddie leaves hickeys and love bites on his golden skin, humming content.
“Robin knows about it?”
“Not yet. But she’s my platonic soulmate, she would never say no to me.”
Eddie grins, amused, “She’s way tougher than you think, but yeah, if I manage to graduate this year I promise I’ll try to move to Chicago with you. I think Jeff is moving there too. Could find an apartment with him, close to yours, and get in your room by the window. But for the moment my plan is to write ‘I’m sorry’ on your skin with my teeth. Any thoughts?” He asks, latching on Steve’s neck like a vampire and leaving a huge purple hickey.
Steve feels a familiar warmth in his stomach while Eddie unbutton his jeans and opens the fly.
After all, being in a secret relationship isn’t that bad.
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emilsgrippers · 3 months
Today, TDI Tumblr, I’ve come to rant about Alejandro and how YOU GUYS TREAT HIM.
This is Alejandro. (And his girlfriend Heather, say hi Heather)
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Alejandro is 18, allowing him to just BARELY pass as a young adult. Despite him still being so young, he is often sexualized due to his looks and personality.
This is not cool.
Most of his fans who sexualize him in this way will alter his personality to further push the typical Spanish lover stereotype onto him (I’m aware this is what he’s based on), however, he’s more than that!
He’s very intelligent, and he’s good at mostly everything. He’s not just Spanish lover who takes his shirt off and dips you while holding a rose inbetween his teeth.
In Alejandro’s lore, he has two brothers, José and Carlos. Carlos is the oldest, José is the middle child, and Alejandro is the youngest.
Little is known about Carlos, but José is well known, and Alejandro rants about him on a few occasions. He explains how José pretty much bullied him his whole life, by punching him in the arm and calling him something he hates being called ‘Al’.
Since it went on for..his whole life, and even resumed when we see José in TD:AS, it’s easy to deduct that his parents do nothing to stop this.
Now, Alejandro was always kind of the lesser brother, if that makes sense. José was always better, always more, always just overshadowing him in a humiliating manner.
So, Alejandro was taught to use his looks to get what he wanted, since, with José around, it was really all he had going for him. (That’s another part of why he doesn’t eat any junk food).
Hence why he manipulated half off the TDWT cast and then revealed himself to have sinister intents to eliminate everyone else. Of course he only wanted to win, but, do you want to guess why he wanted to win so bad?
To prove he was better than José!! Wow!! Before his tie breaker with Cody, Alejandro , in the confessional, says something about José at home seeing him tie with someone like…Cody. Alejandro says José will already have his insults ready before face palming sadly.
that’s just a quick debrief ^_^
Now! Thats everything about him really. But here’s what the fandom reduced him too
“Daddy? Sorry Daddy?” “He could get it!!” “I could take him (not in a fight)”
I’ve seen all of these commented on Alejandro posts…yikezzz…
Now, does he look good? Yeah, he does! (But Blaineley is right there) But not to the “I need to sexualize him and drawn him in lewd poses, positions and outfits!” Kind of way. Remember, he’s just 18.
(“18= adult so!!—“ he’s just 18)
And mostly everyone else just gives him the “mi amor” treatment.
He calls her ‘mi amor’ ONCE. During the world tour finale, and that makes sense considering it’s between a heartfelt confession and a make out session. He never carries her bridal style while calling her mi amor. He does do countless loving things for her, like using the immunity idol to have her eliminated!
But carrying her in his arms and calling her mi amor never happened. It never happened with..ANYONE? He holds Heather bridal style for one challenge..where she was a bride.
He would NOT call you Mi amor, guys. Maybe carry you? But he’d call you by your name. Maybe a nickname? But not Mi amor. ‘If he did it once—‘ in between a heartfelt confession and a make out session does he ever just see her and go “hi mi amor… *wink..!” NO he doesn’t
Also!! He’s not a CREEP.
I see so many people say “he probably rewinded (whatever episode Heather accidentally lost her top in) so many times 🫣” no I don’t think he did..!
That’s a double whammy! Why sexualize one (practical) minor…when you could sexualize two?!!!
Plus it’s just gross..it’s disgusting what you’re implying by saying he rewinds it all the time.
In conclusion, I’m gatekeeping him and you need to bring me a legal document proving you’ll be aloud to use him in any bit of media from now on. Using his name is now prohibited unless what it says above comes into account. Thank you
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slicedmayonnaise · 7 months
I want to take a moment to talk about one of my favorite characters in RDR2: Kieran Duffy.
I've seen a few posts on my timeline recently about him and people's different interpretations of him and head canons of him. So, I'm going to add my two cents.
Now, this is my personal head canon about what type of person Kieran is and some of this may be GROSS mischaracterization.
Let's begin with the facts.
Kieran is NOT some weak, innocent, stuttering, scared man. He IS the sassy man apocalypse! He is not afraid to stand up for himself or others when he feels he needs to. He saves Arthur, for one. He is also one of the characters who can knock Arthur out and kick him out of camp when he's being an asshole. We can also see him standing up for himself to people like Javier and Sean during camp interactions. He also draws his pistol when Milton and Ross show up to camp and threaten the gang in chapter 3. He is an army vet and was part of another gang before he was taken by the O'Driscolls.
Now let's get into my personal head canons.
First of all, I don't believe Kieran Duffy is actually his name. When Arthur first asks Kieran his name, he says "I don't know" and after Arthur threatens him a bit more, he comes up with Kieran Duffy. And we of course know outlaws are notorious for using pseudonyms. We see the others use them constantly throughout the game.
Why would Kieran lie about his name though? Easy. Because he is actually secretly a badass, cold-blodded ex gang leader.
Stay with me now.
I believe Kieran was actually the leader of the gang he ran with before the O'Driscolls. And I believe he was a big time outlaw just like Colm or Dutch or Flaco Hernandez.
Why? Because why would Colm waste his time attacking and kidnapping some random guy he found camping in the woods? There had to be a reason. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's rewind.
I believe in leading his gang, Kieran became greedy and corrupt, just like Dutch did. And I believe he, like Dutch, led all of the men (and maybe women) that followed him straight to hell. One by one, they were picked off, just like with the Van Der Linde gang. And I believe the last of them were killed when Colm attacked. Maybe he was originally after Kieran for the price on his head, but decided he was more valuable to him alive. Surely if he's a big time outlaw, Kieran had thousands of dollars stashed away, which Colm would have obviously taken along with Kieran. Maybe the money he got from Kieran was more than the reward he would've gotten for Kieran's head, so he gave Kieran the choice to work for him or die with the last of his gang. Kieran obviously chose to work for Colm because he was afraid to die.
Obviously, Kieran would have felt a lot of guilt because of his gang, and would have gone through a lot of torture at the hands of the O'Driscolls. We can see in the beginning of the game that Colm is abusive towards him, which isn't surprising. He is also malnourished prior to the gang starving him as a means of making him talk. And let's look at how horrified he is at the thought of betraying Colm. He says himself that Colm is an evil man, and he expresses to Sean how scared he is of Colm. This experience would've definitely humbled him and watered him down from the tough outlaw he once was. Much like John, he no longer wanted to be a part of the outlaw life. He just wanted to live quietly with his horses and go fishing. And that's the version we get of him after he finally settles in with the Van Der Linde gang.
I also think Kieran is bisexual and gender fluid. I think he was a lot for femme presenting before he got taken by the O'Driscolls, just given his mannerisms and the way his hair is cut. It looks like he had long hair and chopped it all off Mulan style. I believe, similarly to Javier in rdr1, he stopped taking care of his looks after he joined up with Colm. He cut his hair and let his facial hair grow out, as he lost his desire for vanity.
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mxtantrights · 11 months
famous dc!au (dick's version)
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It's grueling work. The first video was easy but this director has an extravagant and almost larger than life. It's not common for you to star opposite a famous guy who now, on top of that, will play a greek god.
Dick makes it easy. He shows up on set and jokes around with you. And he always eats with you on lunch break, he tries to pay each time but you try to make it even.
Still you can't help but to feel saddened that your friendship is basically over. Along with end of your friendship and the possibility of it being more than that is less than zero. There was no way Dick would have time for you after this video is done. He's too important and busy. And too not over his ex, possibly.
You try your best to smile while on set today.
Dick is freaking out. Like actually nervous and almost throwing up, that type of freaking out. The song he wrote-the one about you but doesn't actually call you out by name, but are about the moments he shared with you-it comes out tonight.
He can't pull the plug on it, he hasn't tried but he knows it won't go over well. His manager talked this single up so well to the studio heads that they wanna renegotiate his contract for one more year.
He doesn't wanna creep you out. But he also can't keep going on like this. It feels like a viscous circle of torture. He's close to telling you and relieving himself of this heavy secret. But then he thinks about how you might not feel the same, and how his confession might chase you out of his life completely. He doesn't want that.
He tries his best to not fall in love with you today.
"Okay and that looks great guys I think we've got it for today. We'll send word if we need to do reshoots." the director says.
Someone is pulling a robe over your body. You're not really paying attention because you're watching Dick walk away from set. You had just finished the dance sequence and you were out of breath and sweating.
But all that was on your mind was Dick. It was crazy.
You can't let this go on for forever. You know that. But you honestly don't know what to do that won't hurt your feelings in the process.
With a sigh you head back to your trailer. When you get in you see a fruit basket on top of the couch. You walk over to it, there's a bright blue note sticking out the top. You take the note out.
Your fingers rip the envelope open.
'Thanks for everything. I wanted to get your opinion on this.-Dick" the note reads.
You look at the bottom of the note to see a QR code. You take your phone out from the safe in your trailer and scan it. The link takes you to a blank site with only a media player on it. The time stamp is two minutes fifty seconds.
You hit play, intrigued. When you put your volume up you can barely hear what is playing but it sounds like a song, it sounds like Dick's voice. You hit pause and look around your trailer for your headphones. You find them in your back.
Quickly you connect them to the bluetooth on your phone and hit play again. The intro plays and your brain gets this fuzzy feeling, like you've heard these sounds before. You rewind once, twice trying to understand why its so familiar.
But you decide to leave it alone as you want to hear the rest of the song. The melody plays out and honestly Dick's voice puts you in a bit of a trance. You don't really notice the words he's saying at first but when he gets to the chorus your focus is brought in.
Maybe we could try if you let me
Take you by the hand
You're the only one who understands
It hits you then. Where you heard the beginning from. It's from the first music video shoot. When you and Dick were throwing jokes at each other. It was your laugh. Dick put your laugh in a song?
You can't believe it. Well, you-not you really cannot. But why did he leave this for you to listen to if...
Was this a confession? You hit pause on the song. Then your feet are moving before you can even fully think out the repercussions of your actions. You walk right out of your trailer and onto the lot, all the way over to Dick's trailer which is on the other side.
When you get to the door that's when you feel how hard your heart is pumping. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Maybe you had gotten ahead of yourself. Maybe it wasn't a confession but just him letting you know he's using a personal moment between the two of you in his new music.
Just as you're about to walk up the steps to knock on his door, the door opens. Out comes the stunning and beautiful Zantana. You can feel it in real time how your confidence deflates like a balloon. You try to keep your smile on though.
Her lips start moving but you can't hear her, that's when you realize you still have your headphone on. You pull them off your ears.
"Sorry. What did you just say?" you ask.
She smiles, "Oh, I just said that he's not in here. He might've slipped out a while ago."
"Oh." you say.
"I'm Zantana by the way." she says, holding out her hand.
You take it into your own and shake hands, introducing yourself to her as politely as you can. Your brain is working on overdrive. He's not here? How would she know that if she wasn't here with him?
"I can let him know that you were looking for him." she says.
You shake your head wildly, "No it was nothing. I can just text him."
"Okay. See you around maybe? Are you coming to the party?" she asks.
You feel horrible. You feel like absolute shit. Like here she is being so sweet yo you meanwhile you don't know if these two are a thing or not and you've maybe been harboring feeling for her significant other.
"Party?" you ask now.
Zantana nods, "Yeah the release party for his new single."
Your eyes widen. The song you were listening to a few seconds ago? That song? He was planning on releasing it into the world? What? Your mind is jumping through multiple hoops at the same time.
"I didn't know anything about that." you say, lying.
"Hey, I can put you down as my plus one and get you in. Don't worry about it." she offers.
"I'm just not sure if I can make it." you try to wiggle your way out of going.
"It's a really good song! I know your support would mean a lot to him." she explains.
You think to yourself, maybe she thinks the song is about her. or maybe it is about her and you've gone delusional and the laugh at the beginning isn't yours, because maybe some laughs sound the same. Maybe.
You can't decline an invitation like this. If you want to end this on a good note, if you want to end this at all you have to go.
"Okay, I'll be there." you say.
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besiegedhunter · 10 months
Projekt Red: Desire for connection and her relationship with Kal'tsit and Grandma.
So originally this was going to just be about Red's relationship with Kal'tsit but thinking about it, I decided I wanted to discuss many other facets of Red when it comes to her connections with other people.
But without further ado:
Setting the scene.
Firstly I want to discuss the possible themes of family and accompanying themes for Siracusa and particularly Lupos.
Nothing illustrates it better than the founding story of Siracusa: the story of the She-Wolf, which takes inspiration from Rome's founding story of Romulus and Remus. A story that ends with Romulus killing his brother Remus, which I say for a reason.
From Rewinding Breeze's Stories from the Sky, it goes as such:
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I want to specifically point out the final line of this cropped version: "From then on, Lupos stopped separating themselves into tribes, and called each other family instead."
The story of the She-Wolf and founding of Siracusa is specifically connected to family and Lupos and I think that the state of the She-Wolf's family is echoed in other Lupo's families. Maybe not purposefully but the inversion of wolves, known for their packs is what I imagine they're going for.
But to call attention to Lupos with strained families or connected to lonliness:
Texas's Father killed her Grandfather, leading to the destruction of the Texas family which she herself just watched, tired of it all and before meeting Emperor was alone thereafter.
Lappland hates her Father more than anything else but Siracusa, with her cutting ties with him entirely after Il Siracusano and him vowing to kill her if they meet again. Also due to her exile she's described as a Lone Wolf.
The Bellone family falls apart in Il Siracusano, with several betrayals and rifts caused throughout the event.
Capone and Gambino, once sworn brothers, become enemies in Code of Brawl.
Gertrude suffered abuse from her father and killed her brother, living and dying alone thereafter.
Pozyomka's whole family was murdered right in front of her, leading to her distrusting the surface and fleeing alone till finding a home with the Durin, though with undeniable differences between them.
Horn is implied to dislike her Father's action but her story following Episode 9, wherein she loses her whole squad but Bagpipe, became Dublinn's prisoner and survived alone in Londinium's sewers with only Metal Crabs as company hones in more on the loneliness.
Crownslayer's parents dying in the Chernobog sarcophagus purge. Reunion falling and then Red killing her mentor, leaving her with no one.
But there's one I left out in this for the sake of focusing on it.
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This is Red's Trust 1 and 2 voicelines, Both portray her loneliness and call to two different things. I'll get onto her Trust 2 in a bit but for Red's Trust 1, it shows that whereas where other Lupos or Siracusans have turmoil with their families, either having them be strained, broken or dead, Red doesn't have a family.
Now, it is mentioned in Red's file 4 the existence of someone called Grandma who is responsible for why Red is the way she is, having been the one to raise her, uh, "raise her" before Kal'tsit.
Il Siracusano reveals the existence of beings known as the Signore dei Lupi who are Lupine Beast Lords like Emperor or Gawain and revealing that Grandma is one of them as well as what she expects from Red. Basically, the Signore dei Lupi each have a Fang that they train to kill the other Signore dei Lupi's Fangs. Red is Grandma's Fang.
The Signore dei Lupi claim territory in the wastes of Siracusa. Red's module confirms that this is where Red was trained in the least but as Il Siracusano introduces Lunacub, another Fang who only knows the wilderness and has no family like Red, it can be inferred that Red too was raised away from society, in the wilderness only knowing Grandma.
But even with Lunacub sharing almost the same upbringing that Red did there's a profound difference in how they were raised by their respective Signore dei Lupi. One that results in Lunacub being more capable and sociable than Red.
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As said, Red has many problems. She's stated to have both educational as well as social problems. She cuts anything that gets close to her. I believe that her speech is broken (more evident in CN text if I'm right). And has limited empathy.
And as illustrated by her Trust 2:
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She has a yearning to bond with other Lupos specifically it appears from this and her module which includes a ball made of fur specifically mentioned to be for when there's no Lupo tails to touch. Which, her wanting to bond with others would make sense.
There's a theme with Red's Trust lines where each line she doesn't take a hard stance on, moreso questioning or confused by something whether it's the importance of family, why she's being avoided or what her life could've been if she wasn't a Wolf Hunter i.e. met Grandma.
The final line of her Trust 3 is the Doctor asking Red to answer the question herself, which I think calls back to her module that really hammers in that Red struggles thinking for herself:
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Something that Kal'tsit recognizes and points out herself:
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So I see Red's Trust lines as her not being able to understand what she's feeling, the best she can do is to question things that she has feelings about deep down or have deeper meaning to her that she's not aware of.
Being that if she wasn't a Wolf Hunter she could have lived a happier life. She maybe would've had a family of her own. Could approach and befriend other Lupos. Have a bond with others, something that she can't at the moment.
I feel that Red's targeting of Lupos in her Trust 2 is for sure because of Siracusa's emphasis on Lupos and between the She-Wolf & her children and the Signore dei Lupi there is an emphasis on Wolves sticking together.
There's also something specifically with Red, cause the Signore dei Lupi as far as we've seen only have Lupos as their Fangs which on top of the emphasis on Lupos and wolf packs actually goes a level deeper due to two points:
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I made a whole post about this but basically: Zaaro demonstrates the same or near identical ability as Red scaring Lupos and Vigil describes it as "kinship" and in the second and third images through Ho'olheyak we learn that Kukulkans and likely all Ancients were originally actual creatures.
So Lupos likely were originally actual Wolves, with the Signore dei Lupi or rather Lupine Beast Lords were kin with in some way or another and able to exert power over them through kinship, like Zaaro demonstrates in that image.
But also likely what Red is doing to scare Lupos, which is tragic. She wants kinship with her fellow Lupos but if I'm correct with this, then unbeknownst to her she has stronger kinship with them than any other Lupo and it's exactly why they're terrified of her.
Also a side note, I do wonder if in IS-ST-4 Red sees Crownslayer as someone she's somewhat fine with and if it's a result of Crownslayer being a Lupo by her account.
Cause there's "Is she your Kal'tsit?" which I'll delve into, but her expression is a happy one as opposed to her resting one for the rest of the conversation and in general she feels too casual.
But that's just a thought. Now, onto the next part:
Grandma and Kal'tsit.
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"I do as Grandma/Kal'tsit says"
It's the exact same thing for both of them and by all means it should be. Grandma and Kal'tsit are the people who raised Red, albeit one better than the other.
With the minimal knowledge that Kal'tsit has about Grandma she suspects her to be responsible for the problems Red has that Rhodes has laid out in her files:
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As I showed before, Grandma only taught Red what Grandma deemed Red would need to know to accomplish what Grandma wanted before throwing her into a traumatic experience and then doing it again:
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And as the end of that paragraph, the way that Grandma raised Red, what she threw her into again and again would have killed her in some way if it wasn't for Kal'tsit.
Now, this is where our information about Grandma dries up as she's not mentioned in Il Siracusano outside of that one screenshot and we don't yet know how Kal'tsit met Red but what we do know is what Kal'tsit did upon meeting her:
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Kal'tsit saw the problems that Red has and like Rosmontis, probably recognized how severe they were and decided to provide her with shelter in exchange for Red aiding Rhodes Island through her combat skills.
We also know that Rhodes Island put Red through several tests, likely headed by Kal'tsit herself who we also know tried coming up with several contingencies before scrapping them, destroying test data and classifying a lot of information regarding Red because of the severity and delicate nature of her situation.
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But while there's nothing that she can do and by extension Rhodes, she still tries to help Red, whether by teaching her outright like the homework she gets her to do or by teaching her moral lessons which I believe she does in 6-11 after Crownslayer leaves.
Kal'tsit puts in a lot of effort to help Red which really contrasts Grandma's lack of care or affection or help. If Grandma had done much of anything then Red wouldn't have the problems she does, she like Lunacub could've known care and affection and end up better because of it.
But Red, the awful experiences she's gone through, how even now she struggles and doesn't know how to do a lot of things and yearns for affection from other Lupos, is because of how Grandma raised her.
And now Kal'tsit is doing her best to help Red, despite likely knowing that Red will one day leave and that Kal'tsit can't do much to help her and that it's up to Red to help herself at the end of the day. She put in a lot of effort for her.
How Red feels about Kal'tsit on the other hand I feel is quite complicated.
A lot of the time when Red talks or thinks about Kal'tsit it's what Kal'tsit has done for her or their agreement. There's not anything so much resembling the worry Kal'tsit puts in for her. Which I think isn't for lack of care for Kal'tsit.
Going back to how Red says she does what Grandma says and Kal'tsit says in the same way, right?
Red struggles to think for herself. It's what her Trust lines are about. It's what Kal'tsit sees that Red needs to do in her File 4. It's what her module is about. But Red can't and it's the basis of her relationship with Grandma, which is the only one that she knew for ages.
Grandma would teach her something, expecting her to accomplish it and then Red would be thrown out to do it. Likely this repeated and Red came to rely on Grandma to know what to do and not yet having learnt to be autonomous, Red now leans on Kal'tsit in a similar way.
Red doesn't know what it's like to have a parent or a friend, she only knows a master and while I'm sure Kal'tsit tries to not have their relationship be that, Red is the one who sees it as such.
But I think like the Trust lines being Red's attempt of touching upon deeper feelings, I think Red holds that care for Kal'tsit but she knows no different than how she acted with Grandma but it comes through. In it's own way.
And here is where I leave this off because sadly the state Red is in right now isn't the most happy state but I hope you enjoyed reading. Red's got a lot of developing to do for her eventual event and I cannot wait to see what happens between her and Grandma and hopefully Kal'tsit.
I just deem their relationship as really really important and while I'm sure Red will get closer to others in her event, Kal'tsit is so important I hope it's shone some light on in the event itself or an oprec or module.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
this is your invitation to yap about TOTK
- hero-of-the-wolf
And I will yap!
First of all watching Zelda geek out under the castle was the best, she was so giddy by the time she figured out the murals and everything, and Link was just nodding along like “I only half know what you’re saying but I love hearing you infodump”. Plus the stuff about her always being told “the tunnels under the castle are forbidden” like girl you’re telling me NOBODY went down there?? Highly unlikely. I don’t buy it.
The lore in this game is already driving me nuts. There’s people from the sky but they’re not skyloftians. They founded hyrule even though the skyloftians did that but also the inprisoning war is in there somewhere which makes NO sense because it seemed like in twilight princess it had nothing to do with the founding of hyrule, and what’s all this about Rauru being the first king? Excuse me? Did nintendo just soft reset everything because I don’t like that—
I’m holding out hope that more will be explained. And it will make more sense. Maybe. (I’m not very positive lol)
Zelda gets an amber relic but it’s white and shiny instead! Neato! Obviously this is important since more with it shows up later. I don’t totally know what yet though... I’m suspicious.
also I didn’t know the corpse would talk. that was terrifying actually. listening to him crack as he shifted around was! Horrible!!
I’ve screamed about the hand grabbing thing back when the trailers came out but hwwwwaaauuugghghhg. He tried so hard to save her and she fell anyway hhhhhhhhhhh. Link my poor son.
WHY DOES POOR LINK KEEP WAKING UP UNDERGROUND IN HIS UNDERWEAR WITH NO CLUE WHAT’S GOING ON. Once was weird enough but twice??? this poor man. And he doesn’t even have the questionable luxury of memory loss this time, you know that boy is worrying his head off about Zelda. And his arm. Ow.
Nothing funnier than hearing a disembodied voice be like “sorry, I couldn’t save your arm so I just gave you mine.” Sir.
The sky islands are so pretty. I saw one of those weird hairy ostrich things and for about two seconds went LOFTWING?? but alas. it was not so. I like all the animals up there, though I have to wonder how there weren’t issues with in-breeding, and how several species are identical to ones on the surface despite being separated for literal thousands of years.... I’m probably thinking about it too hard.
The robot guys are so cute, and the noises they make are pretty too. They look kinda like geckos to me :) though the enemy ones are mean. At least I stole a flamethrower from the one guy.
Rauru: dang it my arm is too weak to go through the door. Sorry bro. Fortunately there’s these shrines—
Link: *flashbacking to the Great plateau* say no more.
Koroks again... oof man. At least the little quest things you do with them get you two. Helping them is fun, plus they’re so weighed down by their bags their legs just wiggle in the air ahaha they’re like beetles who got stuck upside down. They’re so cute.
Of all the things I expected going into this the giant blupee frog was not one of them. Whuh. Cursed blupee? Blupee that ate too much? Something?? Hrmmmm. I bet you’ll have to give the little blupee pendant things to Satori or something. Or somebody on Satori mountain.
The glow flowers (who’s name’s I forget) are soooo pretty. I love how there’s caves in this game, it’s so fun to climb around in them :D except when there’s a like-like because eeeeuuugghhgg. I didn’t think anyone could make a like-like grosser than it already was and yet here we are. EW. kill it kill it kill it—
Bird gliders are SO FUN
All of the abilities are fun but I like rewind a lot because it’s so simple. It’s like, fun because it’s less complicated? Idk it’s just neat. Plus Zelda gave it to us so it’s special :3 or her echo did. Or something. I’m suspicious.
Okay. Glowey spot. Broken master sword. Chiming and Fi’s theme (waaaaaah). Put the sword in the glow and it looks like we rewind and Zelda takes it. THEREFORE Zelda must have been yeeted to the past by that weird rock she picked up, and I hate nintendo because SERIOUSLY TIME TRAVEL AGAIN???
I already have a headache trying to make this fit into my understanding of Zelda games. *shakes fist*
Okay Zelda talked to us at least, that’s good, now we’re getting somewhere. Surface time babey!!!!
Trying to orient myself after I fell was so confusing and it took me a solid half an hour to figure out where I should maybe go and then Skye reminded me there was a glowey marker on my map telling me where to go lollll
Also I caught a horse and there were shenanigans involved in getting him to a stable but I did eventually register him (his name is Lucas after Lost’s dad but also I just like the name). And pony points are the best thing I’ve ever heard of <333 mad you still can’t pet the dogs though. LAME.
Lookout Landing is amazing. It’s so great. The music is catchy and they’re all so organized and rebuilding and Hyrule in general just seems so much more thriving now and I’m so proud of Link and Zelda waaaaaaaaaugh
Also everyone being so worried about Link (or straight-up not recognizing him lol) was sweet, I love how relieved people were to see him again.
PURAH’S OLD(er) AND IT KINDA HAS ME SHOOK. Her assistant is real sweet though, Josha I think? Nice kid. I don’t know if she’s eleven or sixteen or some other age entirely, but nice kid.
Just realized this is getting very very long. I didn’t do a ton else except pop up to the castle (creepy and unsettling with no guardians trying to kill me) and see Zelda appear then disappear (very weird and I’m suspicious again) so I’ll stop here. Ohhh also I popped down to the depths, but I didn’t do too much under there either. Just crept around and caught some bugs and killed some monsters (weird-looking monsters) and took a picture of a statue.
So endeth the thoughts of peggy on totk. For now lol.
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crying-fantasies · 10 months
Almost lost dreams
Before you completed the conjunx ritual with Whirl, before you even thought about opening to the idea of you two having something else with Tailgate and Cyclonus too, or even before you were sure what your relationship with Whirl was when you two had Jr. by accident, a lot of things happened in that amount of time.
This is story from then.
"You're quite good at this" there is no malice in your voice, maybe a tiny tint of surprised amusement in how he knows how to put his servos, or in the way he moves his body just right to keep the little protoform on his arms rest in deep sleep, since the last cycles you've been struggling with the little one, trying to ease the crying, only to have Tailgate come and say "give me" to do his new found magic.
Were you a bit reluctant to live with Whirl's friends in their house with him? Yes, you felt like a burden, was it good so far? Totally so.
"I've a little practice with kids" he seems fond of baby, as you have been calling the tiny surprise, you know it isn't a good name but it's better than the names Whirl called the sparkling so far; you know Tailgate doing what is supposed to be your job is surpassing any boundaries you have ever put with him in order of not be a pest in his house for him and his conjunx, "back in the Lost Light, Rodimus' sparkling, Sunset, was once this little and adorable before" baby snuggles to his chest armor, her optics are off, her new formed intake doing little sounds that are far from words; the idea, the memories, make static appear on his visor, a loving expression appearing, he seems almost sad, "Sunset's carrier let me take care of him, Rewind and Swerve too!" He says the name with familiarity, happy to remember that person, "taught us how to do it and how humans get their young to sleep, it was easier to us with our size, other humans also taught everyone little tricks, heh, even Ultra Magnus learned a bit"
You didn't know the person or the names he says after, just knew that it was a human, and be grateful for having the patience to let Tailgate know how to help you now.
Every help and kindness is welcomed, since Whirl practically bailed on you when baby's face finally formed, he was happy, calling you to see the sparklings face finally forming, "Come on, fleshy, you are going to miss it!", he was happy, his optic showing his excitement, his antenna moving around with his body almost jumping in excitement, then he just stopped and beginning to say "no" multiple times before starting to shout it, shoving baby to TikTok's arms, who was nearer, without any care, the femme shouted every insult she knew, asking where he was going when Whirl took on his alt-mode to get away as fast as he could, it took everyone by surprise, especially you, who could only see with fear how TikTok gave you baby back, who was now crying hard, before going with Cyclonus to look out for Whirl.
From that, it has been almost an entire week, Tailgate choose to stay with you, help you in almost silence the first days, let you cry if you wanted, try to understand your situation, which, in a way, you do, you wouldn't be in a relationship this long with Whirl whiteout knowing what happened with him, what they do to him, looking at baby now, who somehow has a more round face, makes you remember your own, but the rest isn't part of your features.
Those can only come from Whirl.
"I'm grateful, then" you are whispering to this point, baby seems to be comfortable enough to sleep with the intake open, even then, you can see there is more to it, in the way he looks at your child, digits giving gently strokes to the little helm on his servo, your eyes opened wide, somehow connecting dots, "Tailgate?"
"Did you want one?" The words escape your mouth before thinking twice, every movement stops, as if he has been pointed out for it, "I mean, if you don't want to talk about it-"
"We, I mean" he stops, looking at you almost in fear, "we wanted one, me, Cyclonus and..." He doesn't say much, only looking at you, sadness overcomes him, static collecting again on his visor, "when Sunset was forged, we really thought we could... But then, then it happened, and we lost..."
You put a hand on his shoulder, or where you can reach, knowing what happened, and somehow you can now understand how Tailgate and Cyclonus know better than Whirl himself how to hold you when you need help or what things you can really eat, the way they know a little bit more about human behavior not in the way most bots do, you can't be sure how to describe it if not for the word intimate.
Baby started to cry again, most like little whimpers, new formed servos reaching up for something to hold, that being your hand, Tailgate started to rock baby in his arms again.
"I didn't know" you start, as if it would really be worth it, "I'm sorry", somehow, the way he and Cyclonus care for your child is different now, and it makes you sick in the stomach how Tailgate stops his little crisis to be strong for you.
"We didn't tell you, it's fine"
It isn't, it really isn't, but you're still grateful for them, when Cyclonus returns with Whirl along you are grateful again, asking for forgiveness when you see how the first one is covered in bruises and dents, your stupid boyfriend has the guts of saying: "I'm gone for a few days and now I'm forgotten" that earns him the devil's eye from you and TikTok, you call on his name and while he isn't scared of you, Whirl indeed is scared of what you could do now with baby in your arms before you pass her to Tailgate again.
The confrontation isn't normal, nothing about it or what you've with him really is, at some point you ask him if baby looks like him, the him before what they did, and his silence is answer enough.
"It's not baby's fault", you start, almost crying, and he looks the other way, "It's not her fault and you know it"
"I do" he sounds tired and that makes you feel anger even when you wouldn't, but, can't you really be angry when everything pointed that he was about to abandon you with your child because he didn't want to see her? That you were about to be left alone again?
"Then why?" He doesn't answer, just looks at you, he is exhausted, you are, too, and the answer is laid out in front of you, "can you at least go and see her?" This is a breaking point, you know that if he chooses to leave again that's it, and a part inside of you fears it, Whirl is a mess, a chaotic disgrace that your family hates and you can't do much than live with it, accept it, because you love who he is, so far you have done a great job, but now that it involves your child you are putting all the opportunities you can give him down and see if he takes at least one.
"Don't order me around, flesh bag-"
"Can you go and see her?!" You are shouting, you don't do it, not normally, it's strange enough to make his optic go wide and even tremble, he doesn't move.
It's the bizarre image and sound that really makes him took on the opportunity, and it's what makes you be relieved when you return to him with your child in arms and Whirl is still there.
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pickalilywrites · 6 months
Levi plans to asks out Petra for Valentines day, but Zeke beats him to it. Feeling upset by it, he stays in, but receives a call from Petra herself asking if she could come over after a terrible date with Zeke.
last one. thanks for waiting :)
right here waiting
rivetra. high school au. 2689 words
Once again, Levi misses the entrance to “Wings of Freedom,” a song he and his friends have rehearsed at least a hundred times by now. He knows the song by heart, but he keeps coming in half a beat early because his mind is elsewhere. Mike and Hanji are about to keep going, but Levi makes a rewinding gesture with his finger to signal them to go back to the beginning even though this is the fifth time tonight he’s messed up the beginning. This isn’t even the first song Levi’s messed up. They’ve been at it for an hour already and the entrances that Levi hasn’t missed have been sung with flat notes and were completely void of feeling. At this latest mistake, Mike and Hanji exchange looks.  
Rather than strumming the opening chords once more, Hanji tucks their pick into the strings of their guitar. “Do you want to take a break, Levi? You seem kind of out of it. It’s not like we don’t practice every other day. We could take tonight off,” they suggest.  
“I’m not out of it. I’m fine,” Levi snaps perhaps more harshly than he intended based on the eyebrow that Mike raises. He’ll feel guilty about it later and give Hanji a belated apology once he’s in a better mood. Thankfully, his friend knows about his moods enough not to mind. With a sigh, Levi rubs his face and says more calmly, “It’s fine. Let’s just take it from the top again.”  
Mike has already set his drumsticks aside and stretches his arms above his head. “Nah, let’s take a break. I could use one, and you’re in one of those moods again. Might as well just call it a night so you can spend the night being grumpy about Zeke and Petra without any distractions,” he says as Hanji snickers.  
“There’s no Zeke and Petra,” Levi snaps reflexively even though he should be denying that he’s grumpy about them in the first place.  
The drummer of their band has hit the nail on the head, though. Levi’s been in a horrible mood leading up to today. It’s not that he hates Valentine’s Day. Most years he doesn’t pay any attention to it, but this year is different because he had plans. He had only failed to act upon them fast enough and suddenly Petra had been swept away on a date by someone else. To make things worse, the person who had asked Petra out before Levi could get the question out of his mouth is Zeke Jaeger, the most pretentious asshole in their school. It’s enough to make Levi swear off all subsequent Valentine’s Days altogether. 
“I mean, there’s kind of a Zeke and Petra,” Hanji says. They pull up a chair and sit backwards on it, their arms resting on the back of the chair. “They’re going out tonight. They’ve probably had dinner at a nice, swanky restaurants, the ones that cook the steaks right in front of you. But should you really feel bad? If Petra’s going out with someone like Zeke Jaeger, you have to question her taste in men. Maybe you dodged a bullet.”  
Mike shakes his head. “It’s not her fault. That guy is charming as fuck. He really buttered me up talking about indie bands. Just when I thought we were being great friends, he asked me if I could lend him my history homework because he forgot to do it last night. He knows how to get people to like him. He’s insidious,” Mike says. 
“SAT word,” Hanji says, throwing up a hand to air high-five Mike.  
“Did you give him your homework?” Levi asks Mike. 
“... yes,” Mike admits reluctantly. 
“He’s really charismatic!” Mike protests as Hanji cackles.  
“Well, I guess that’s true. It’s hard not to like him when he’s directed his attention towards you. The dude is charming and sociable, pretty much everything you’re not,” Hanji says to Levi who scowls in reply. Hanji should probably stop talking now if they want to avoid Levi’s ire, but somehow they’ve never felt the need to watch Levi’s temper. “I guess it’s not really Petra’s fault in the end. Does she even know you’re interested in her? If you really wanted to pursue her, you should have asked her out before Zeke. She probably went with him because she didn’t think you were interested in dating her.”  
“It’s fine. It’s whatever. It’s over now, so can we just ... practice or whatever?” Levi asks because he doesn’t want to talk about it right now or ever. He’d really like to just play music the entire night, but he knows that his lack of concentration is going to make any rehearsal difficult. He hears Mike and Hanji start up the first few bars of “Wings of Freedom” once more, but they play half-heartedly, their own morale affected by Levi’s bad mood. In the end, Levi lets out a tired sigh and sits on the couch in the corner of the garage and curls up with the notebook he and the others use to scrawl lyrics when they’re brainstorming.  
The walls of the garage reverberate from the drum beats that Mike practices, a low, syncopated rhythm that pulses against Levi’s ear. Hanji is strumming away softly, practicing a different song. As they play, they hum the countermelody to a song that is still in their drafts. The noise is something that would probably distract other people from writing new music, but Levi is used to it by now and filters it out, allowing it to fade into the background of his mind as he fiddles with his pencil and stares at a blank page. He doesn’t write a word on it but he can already see the words “I’m sorry” scribbled over and over the page in his own handwriting.  
He’s not sure why his own hesitation is preventing him from asking Petra out. They’re just words, and the worst thing she can do is say no. At least he believed that was the worst thing that could happen. It turns out that not doing anything and having the worst person in the world ask out the girl he likes instead is the worst thing that can happen. But if Levi is too much of a coward to ask Petra out, does he even deserve to go out with her in the first place? Maybe he should resign himself to being a pathetic loner for the rest of his life. 
Levi is still moping on the couch when his phone vibrates. Without looking at the screen, he picks up. “What is it?” 
There’s a crackle on the other end and the sound of cars passing by. The person on the other side doesn’t speak, just makes a noise like sniffling, and for a moment Levi wonders if he’s being prank called. He has half a mind to just hang up when he suddenly hears Petra’s voice.  
“L-Levi, can you c-come pick me up?” she asks, her voice breaking towards the end.  
He’s already off the couch and grabbing his jacket off, shrugging it on while still keeping the phone to his ear. “Yeah, of course. Let me know where to pick you up. I’ll leave right now,” he says, ignoring the curious looks he’s receiving from his bandmates. He nods as Petra tells him the address and lets her know that he’ll be there soon before hanging up. 
“Was that Petra?” Hanji asks, interest piqued. They’ve stopped strumming on their guitar. They’re too excited to stand still, bouncing up and down on the balls of their feet. It’s obvious from the expression on their face that they want to extract as much information from Levi as possible but they’re withholding questions so as to not hold Levi back from the task at hand. “Levi, go to her!”  
Levi’s hand is on the doorknob already. “I’m going,” he scowls.  
“Go to her, Levi!” Mike echoes with a grin on his face.  
“Go to her! Go to her!” Hanji and Mike call as Levi runs out.  
⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ 
Levi isn’t surprised when he pulls up to the address that Petra has given him. It’s Giovanni’s, one of those steakhouses that people dress up to go to and where the chefs cook the steaks right in front of you. It’s on the other side of town where most of the upscale restaurants and stores are. Levi’s never been in this area except to drive right past it, but it’s a neighborhood that suits the tastes of a rich, privileged, pretentious surgeon’s son like Zeke.  
As he pulls up to the restaurant, he sees Petra waiting outside, shivering in the cold even though she has a perfectly good men’s blazer folded over her arm. She had taken the time to dress up for the dinner. She’s wearing a off-shoulder cocktail dress made of a rich, red satin with matching heels, and her ginger hair has been curled immaculately to frame her face. She must have been wearing makeup earlier, but the only evidence of it is the faint red that still stains her lips. Her eyes are still red from crying, but her expression turns from sadness to relief when she sees Levi’s beat-up car pull into a parking spot.  
She hurries to the car, heels clicking against the pavement, and slips inside. As soon as she gets in, she crumples into the seat. She doesn’t cry, but she’s taking deep breaths as she tries to compose herself. After a while, she says shakily, “I don’t want to talk about it.”  
“Okay” is all Levi says and he pulls out of the parking lot and starts on the long ride home. He should have turned on the radio so Petra wouldn’t feel self-conscious about crying if she needs to, but there’s too high a chance of radio stations marathoning love songs so he decides silence is the best option. Periodically, he glances at Petra, but she keeps her head down so that her hair covers her face. In her lap sits the blazer folded nicely as her fingers pick off invisible lint.  
They’re stopped at a stoplight when something compels Levi to make conversation.  
“You look pretty,” he tells Petra, and he regrets it instantly. It’s not like him to hand out compliments for free.  
“Yeah, pretty fucking pathetic,” Petra says with a self-deprecating laugh. It’s only now that she lifts her head, brushing her hair away from her face. She leans against the side door, one arm resting on the elbow rest while her cheek is pressed against her hand. Even miserable, she looks beautiful. “This isn’t how I imagined the evening was going to turn out.”  
He wonders how she thought the evening was going to turn out. She probably thought Zeke was going to take her home, maybe kiss her on the doorstep, and then make their relationship official by announcing it to the school on Monday morning. God, the thought of it makes him sick.  
“He left me at the restaurant,” Petra continues without any prompting from Levi. She looks more angry than miserable now, her brows furrowed in frustration as she tries to understand why the night had taken a turn for the worse. She glances at Levi from the corner of her eye to gauge his expression as she recounts the night. “We were having a good time, at least I thought so. He took me to such a nice place, and I dressed up for it, too. We both had the steak and the waiter even said we were such a beautiful couple.”  
Here, she doesn’t notice the slight grimace on Levi’s face.  
“And then he got a call from someone. I didn’t think much of it, although looking back now it was really rude of him to pick up someone else’s call while he was on a date with me, especially since it wasn’t an emergency or anything,” Petra says. The more she speaks, the more she fiddles with the blazer sitting on her lap. She rubs the fabric of the sleeve between her fingers anxiously. “He came back after his call — and we had just ordered a dessert to split between us — and told me had to leave for a party. That junior for Paradis University he interviewed with for admissions called him and invited him to a party, said it was good for an incoming freshman to network with people and get a taste of university life outside of just the academics.”  
“Hmm,” Levi hums as he listens. He doesn’t like a single word he hears. Listening to anything regarding Zeke usually annoys him, but everything Petra has just said is making his blood boil over. He tries to keep his voice calm and level as he asks, “He couldn’t have taken you? Or at least driven you home?” 
“I wasn’t invited. He said it would make me uncomfortable if I went because I wouldn’t know anyone. Never mind that he doesn’t know anyone aside from the person who interviewed him,” Petra says bitterly. She rolls up the blazer now and sets it beside her instead of letting it take up space on her lap. “The party was at a house near the campus. It’s the complete opposite direction of where we live, so Zeke asked me to call one of my friends to pick me up so he could just drive there right away. And then he left me there.”  
“I know!” Petra says, and it gives Levi a level of satisfaction that she agrees with him. She turns to Levi now, her hands on the arm rest between them. “He didn’t even wait for the dessert to come either. He just peeled out of there and I had to pay the bill, too.”  
Levi has always known Zeke was terrible, but everything Petra tells him makes Zeke look exponentially worse. It’s like there’s no limit to how awful that asshole can be. He’s gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles have turned white. 
“He told me he’d pay me back on Monday and then left me with his stupid jacket,” Petra sighs. She flicks the blazer beside her with a finger and then turns away to look out the window again. “I spent an hour crying in the bathroom before I called you. One of the waitresses felt bad for me and snuck me an extra dessert. God, I’m so pathetic.” 
“It’s not you,” Levi tells her. “Zeke just sucks. You deserve better. You deserve someone who respects you and treats you right. You deserve someone who doesn’t make you blame yourself when he’s the one being a shithead.”  
Petra laughs half-heartedly and Levi’s words, but she does seem in better spirits than she was earlier this evening. “If you ever find a guy like that, let me know. Tell him I’ll be right here waiting.”  
Levi wants to be that guy. He wants to be the guy that’s better. He wants to be the one to take Petra to dinner, the one to never abandon her. He wants to be the one that Petra deserves and the one that deserves her, but he’s not sure if he is. All this time he’s been right here waiting to see if he is the right person, but he’s not sure he wants to sit around waiting anymore.  
“Do you want to get ice cream?” he asks Petra. He sees her look at him in surprise and he shrugs in response. “It’s too shitty to end your night like this. Let’s get ice cream.”  
Petra purses her lips, the corners of her mouth turning upward. “I’d like that a lot,” she tells Levi and then sits back in her seat. Her head is turned toward the window once more, but Levi can see the smile on her face in the reflection. 
He decides he won’t hesitate any longer. He’s tired of being a coward. Once Petra has gotten over Zeke, Levi plans to shoot his shot. Until then, he’ll be right here waiting patiently.  
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lemmilemura · 5 months
i actually NEED and REQUIRE a reader that is self aware that they’re in a show and is only there for simon because they’re in love with him (i’m also thinking of some obsessive vibes, not like full on yandere but just obsessed)
PINE MY SAVIOUR THIS ACTUALLY MADE ME WRITE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LIKE MONTHS <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Little warning there is violence... If I had to say how bad..... maybe Wayne level? all directed at Jake btw Yeah this went so far off the rails :D
y'all know the drill Based on the show Al lkept gender-neutral
You were just a character in a show. You knew that. Your life was just entertainment. You weren't even one of the important ones, just an extra off to the side, barely any lines. If you looked up into the sky, the clouds formed almost a screen, some days even a face. The face of the person watching you.
You saw the world stand still when they paused the show, time rewinding and speeding when they went ahead or back. You knew you were in a show. You knew that nobody else did. You saw that door that followed you everywhere. That studio door with big, red EXIT text. You knew you could leave.
But you didn't want to. After all, you had everything you needed. You never really had to eat or sleep or even use the bathroom. You knew exactly how it all went, becuase it did so over and over and over. You knew your cues, you knew what everyone would say and when.
Then again, there were of course bad parts. The constant repitition of events and days, the never changing people and conversations... The continuously reoccuring death of the guy you were in love with. You loved him, eventhough you weren't supposed to. You read it in the script- which appeared one morning on your nightstand- nowhere was even a single mention of your feelings for him. Yet they still existed.
You didn't know when they appered, you just noticed they did one day. There was no explanation either. Maybe it was because he looked good, which he did. Maybe it was because of the way he behaved, so different than all the other guys. Maybe it was something more, maybe it was everything.
You saw it every time. You had to, it was in the script, the law almlost. Every restart you find yourself in the library at the same time as their detention, every restart you see the school being egged, the teacher leaving, and him dying. You on the upper floor, putting books away as part of your volunteer librarion position. You could recite it all word for word, you knew the timing perfectly. When the first egg hits the window, when Ms.avery leaves and when he takes a drink and when he collapses and when it's too late.
You started hating your time-loop. You started hating your show. Why were you cursed to know? To be aware? To relive this all over and over. You knew who was behind it. You knew why and how. You could stop it, you were convinced. If you told him not to do it, if you changed one single thing. You weren't supposed to. You didn't know what would happen if you did. Anything could. That, was infinitely scarier than the loop itself. You tried so hard to stay out of it, to fulfil your role until the end. When would that be? You had no idea. Maybe there was no end. Maybe this was purgatory. Eternal damnation and suffering for whatever sins you may have previously committed.
You had started counting the reruns once, but you gave up after 5. You felt as if that was over a century ago. Truly, you were slowly going mad. You just wanted it to end, to finally be able to do what you wanted to do. You wanted change. After countless nights awake you decided.
So you stepped out of line. You went off-script.
The next restart you followed along, until a few minutes before the end of classes, a few minutes until they were supposed to meet to start their dare. Such a stupid thing to die for. A dare. He seemed so much smarter than to ever fall for that. But maybe your version of him was just better in that sense. You waited outside his class. How they let you in this morning is beyond you. How they didn't notice the baseball bat was hilarious, if not a little pathetic. Worrying even.
Your own teacher didn't even notice you leave class early, neither did anyone else. It's as if you weren't even there. But the watcher noticed. They rewind. Let it play. Pause. Rewind again. Pause. They're looking at you, you know it. You could see the camera behind you reflected in the glass of the classroom window. First change.
When the bell finally rang you could see him inside, packing up and genuinely being deuchey as always. You felt as if you would hate him regardless of murder. He was just the kind of guy everyone hated, except the other characters around him.
When he finally started his way to the door, you got ready. Bat laying over your shoulder, foot tapping the floor. You were impatient, insanely so. You just wanted to see what would happen. Sure you could always have just gone through the door, but now you wanted to go out and make a change. Go out with a bang, as they say.
You line up. He exits. You swing. He stood no chance. Crashing against the wall through the force of the bat, you could hear a crunch, a grump, and a thump as he fell to the floor. Good, it only took one hit. Not to say you weren't ready to dish out as many as needed to get the job done.
Everything paused. You got to revel in the looks of your peers, their shocked faces and phones out, the ones caught mid scream, the ones that are somehow already crying. You turned around to face the camera and bowed, a thank you to the watcher for allowing you this moment and watching.
They rewinded it countless times. You got to relive it countless times. Every time you swung a little differently. Once aiming for his chest, once his crotch, so on and so forth.
You were lost, truly. Maybe you had gone mad. Surely you weren't supposed to enjoy this. Surely.
Suddenly, the repitition stopped, everyone once again frozen, and you finally stopped to catch your breath. Turns out swinging a baseball bat full force 10 times over is quite the feat. When you turned to the camera, you didn't see it. Even after spinning for a bit you still didn't. Everything went a little dark. You heard footsteps. Someone else's footsteps.
You turned and saw...
"You're really gonna keep doing that forever?"
He was stood at the end of the hallway, and it made you realize everyone besides you, him and Jake's body were gone.
"I mean" you managed between pants "I've kept this all up for so long. Atleast this is something different."
He stepped closer, until he was on the other side of you. He looked the body over. "You really did a number on 'em."
"Good as I could. Aiming with this thing is surprisingly difficult." You spun the bat around in your hand before resting it on your shoulder again.
"You know what's gonna happen now?" he asked. You just shook your head. You truly didn't know.
"I've got no clue. Hope it's interesting atleast." You sat against the wall, laying the bat on the floor.
"You're surprisingly calm right now. You're not freaked out?" He sat down too, both of you waiting for whatever would happen next.
"We're literally only characters in a show. You being self aware is nothing compared to that." Through your mania it hadn't even truly set in. "Now that you meantion it though, how'd it happen?"
"I think it's because I'm one of the narrators. Or maybe because I died." You were neither of those, so your hopes of finding out why you were self aware died. "Jake died too and he's still a dumbass." you replied, making him chuckle.
"Guess he's just too stupid." "Maybe..."
You sat in silence for a while, small amounts of dread starting to settle in. You truly were scared of the consequences, yet in the moment you couldn't stop.
"I made you self aware, by the way." He admitted. "Being the only one was starting to get lonely."
Maybe that was why you liked him. Why you 'saved' him. Why you just beat Jake to death multiple times.
"I did think you'd step out of line sooner."
"Yeah sorry... I was just scared of what would happen. Still am."
"Me too."
And as the world around you faded more and more, turning into darkness, you sat there thinking of it all. The years of the same loop. The repeating converstaions and days. Your entire life.
You regretted going off-script.
Once again thank you so much pine for the idea!!! I just wrote 1431 words IN ONE SITTING. WHAT THE FUCK. I hope you all enjoyed this, it definitely went so far off the rails xD
~Taglist~ @pine-ferret
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loserchildhotpants · 2 days
What was going thru Sam’s head when he watched the Confession footage in “What used to be Mine”? Like clearly he was moved and crying over it, but was he like, more sad for Cas? Surprised? Going, oh that makes sense?
And watching Dean in that aftermath…I mean clearly he gets that it was mutual at that point but…yeah. Or did he already know Dean was also in love with Cas or vice-versa but not that it was mutual?
Was Sam expecting something bloodier? Or something like, Dean had to be the one to kill Cas or something? Dean does believe loving him killed Cas and was acting like it, did Sam suspect something more gruesome than absolutely tragic?
Did he sleep at all that night, before he spoke in his “Widow voice” to Dean? Did he watch the footage more than once (oops another thing he accidentally stole from Dean)?
If Dean remembered or learned of the security system, or if Sam mentioned it before he watched it, would Dean have watched it again himself? I can see him refusing if only to keep the last image he has of Cas one from his last moments, but I can also see him rewinding the tape over and over, just like how he was writing Cas’s last words over and over
So, in regard to Sam’s POV, and what he was thinking; WUtbM Sam didn’t know what he was walking into there. He probably did imagine something bloodier, or more blatantly traumatic, but that’s what makes him cry, is the realization that it wasn’t violence and pain that drove Dean to this suicidally depressed state, but love, and softness.
I think we can all agree the mains of spn had personalities depending on the mood of the writers that day, that year, that season lol so it’s hard to find completely consistent traits. I find this particularly hard with Sam (i personally feel like the writers really struggled w what they wanted Sam to ultimately be and maybe got overly concerned w what the audience thought of him rather than focusing on fleshing out a character and letting the character tell them who they are, but i digress) — what this means for me as a fic writer who takes myself perhaps too seriously is that i had to decide on what iterations of him i like best and find most interesting and capture that in a way that rings true to canon. I play w what traits these are depending on the fic, sometimes i make Sam wise beyond his years, sometimes i give Sam enormous blind spots (especially in regard to Dean), sometimes i make Sam a perfect partner, sometimes i make him a bit of an asshole, all of it has basis in canon at some point, but for WUtbM, i gave him the blind spot.
He didn’t know how deep the love ran with Dean and Cas, not really, and for him, it’s like lifting the veil on Dean’s heart. Sam watches the footage from the dungeon and thinks ‘oh no, i can’t help him with this. I don’t have useful anecdotes or advice about someone and something as unique as Cas being romantically in love w him enough that it saves the world ten times over, and not just watching him sacrifice himself, but on the heels of months of fighting’ — Sam is crying bc he feels a lot for them both, but mostly he’s crying because he feels hopeless.
He’s realizing there is nothing he can say or do that’s gonna make this better for Dean. He can forgive Dean, grant him clemency up and down, but it won’t matter bc Dean never got the chance to apologize to Cas and get *his* forgiveness. He can hug Dean, tell Dean that he’s loved, but that’s not going to fix for Dean the fact that he can’t do that for Cas now.
For him, the dungeon footage is almost like seeing a suicide note from Dean. That’s why he’s so still when Dean comes into the room, and they stare at each other like they do; Sam is thinking ‘I can’t save him from this sort of pain. Oh, God, I’m gonna lose him.’
He absolutely does not sleep that night. He’s up all night thinking abt how to tackle the next day with the knowledge he now has, and he’s the padawan to Dean’s jedi— he can’t outsmart Dean w his own moves. Part of him must fear that, but he needs a new approach or he figures they’ll both just circle the drain forever. And that ofc results in The Big Fight.
I think if Dean had thought to check the security tapes, he would have ripped it, and probably been scared to watch it. He’d probably wonder if his memory is sparing him pain, or if it’s altered enough that watching it happen would prove to him he’s insane and Cas never said any of those things, that his memory is fucked up again a la Purgatory. He’d avoid it until the knowledge of its existence drove him totally bananas and he’d either watch it once and then destroy it or destroy it outright, not wanting anyone to ever know the full truth, even himself.
:3 hope this was fun meta for that fic :333 thank u for the ask!!
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
Couple of questions involving “The Detainment Rescue of Izuku”.
1. I have tried to find other alternatives to how this could have played out better instead of what we got in canon. And the only option I could have thought of was if instead of just vanishing on them, Izuku talked to them in person about his plan and make it clear that it was his choice and he wouldn’t falter from it, but he was open to ideas about how the others could assist. But the glaring problem would be that AFO would be in on what they were doing via Aoyama.
So I guess what I want to say is that this entire situation is garbage and ruins so many characters. If you had the choice to rewind the plot, how far back would you go to get to the part where you think the story could still be at the very least decent?
2. The Class 1-A vs Izuku had many characters come off useless, though I do want to acknowledge the few that I think were at least trying to tackle the actual issue: Todoroki, Shoji, Asui and Ojiro. I think simply relieving Izuku some burdens, even if it’s spreading out and keeping non essential villains from hurting innocents and keeping civilians safe.
But who are YOUR characters that you felt got bastardized the most? Where their actions or words are so…WTF and/or OOC?
For me:
•Sato: who the hell are you to stop someone from making SWEETS? And using ERI against him? Good lord, man!
Uraraka: I saw the back flash of everyone getting concerned for Midoriya. The entire thing. Yet that look on her face with what she said, “We were worried about you.”? I didn’t buy that for a second. That’s the face of, “FFS, We have to clean up after YOUR mess AGAIN.” Of course we see her back in character later, but still…
Kaminari: Absolute bullshit. You’re Bakugo’s lapdog, you always cater to make sure Bakugou is having fun and being with everyone when he clearly doesn’t want to. The last conversation I recall you having with Midoriya is you being jealous of possibly having sex with Camie DURING A TEST. I don’t see any resemblance of friendship between you two.
Tokoyami: I was completely expecting him to make a gothic and poetic comparison between how Midoriya currently is, and how Tokoyami was at the training camp, when Dark Shadow was going berserk. I was actually thinking Tokoyami would make a callback to that and that he wouldn’t forgive himself turning away someone suffering like he had. And what do we get? A reference to an inconsequential line from the freakin SPORTS FESTIVAL.
Yaoyorozu: Just…holy shit, this pissed me off. Look how they massacred my girl! Not only is she relying on the group of adults that, other than All Might, have pathetically supported Midoriya, and thinking they will do any good. But she also tried to knock Midoriya out chained up like he was a psychopath from Tartarus, where as a walking, murderous monster like Gigantomachia, she treats more humanely by simply creating canisters of the knockout gas and getting the heroes to get him to ingest. Just…I hated how Yaoyorozu came off as a bitch in this…and I hate using that word with her…
But I can’t be completely mad at her, she got her sources on how Midoriya is from the rat-face bastard “that knew him better than anyone else”. And he’s in a league of bullshit of his own.
Sorry that this dissolved into a rant, I just hate all of this SO much.
So for the first part, I'd rewind it to Kacchan vs Deku 1. Once Katsuki unleashes the explosion, I'll have All Might arrest him (yes, arrest, because that was excessive use of force and reckless endangerment, if not outright second degree attempted murder). With Katsuki gone, I can spend more time focusing on the other parts of MHA, such as side characters, the themes Hori failed to tackle, etc.
Second part, I honestly think everyone was bastardized for even agreeing with Katsuki, but I think Momo got it the worst because she created that freaking chair thing. Everyone else did also get extremely screwed though (except maybe Tooru because I genuinely think Hori forgot about her because I don't think she's even in any of the pages and Yuuga cause he's the traitor and all). Katsuki ends up being more insufferable but I wouldn't say he was bastardized because he was already an irredeemable shithead to begin with and this only confirms this moment. Tenya and Shoto do come out less damaged because what they say shows that they've grown due to their arcs, but they still are damaged for agreeing to Katsuki's plan.
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gohan420 · 2 years
I just had this crazy idea for an alternate Tue episode where the concept of ‘time remnants/doubles’ is brought in from the flash tv show.
(I’m aware the concept exists in other places but that’s where I first heard about it)
Where when future Vlad is pulling out the time medallion, Danny takes hold of it as it’s exiting his body and sends himself back a few seconds in time.
He then stops his Original self from doing so, earning himself a death sentence once he removes his own medallion. (The original Danny is sent back to the past like cannon) Breaking the causality chain, and making this Danny a Time Remnant.
From there Remnant Danny take future Vlad’s ghost gauntlets and travels back to the past using the medallion like Dan did.
From there the episode plays out mostly like cannon until the fight with Dan starts but it’s Remnant Danny waiting for the right moment to go straight for the kill by removing Dan’s time medallion, sending him back to the future and removing him from play.(this happens immediately after original Danny pulls a ghostly wail out of his ass for the first time) rather than simply sealing Dan in a thermos.
From here the episode could play out in one of two ways:
Option one:
Remnant Danny sees that Original Danny can’t save his loved ones in time due to the ghost restraints from Dan, and sends himself backwards a few seconds again to allow himself to use the gauntlets(things are sharp), to cut the restraints.
At the last second turning himself and the Napalm tank(don’t tell me this nasty sauce isn’t a high grade explosive) intangible, dying to save his loved ones while his original self watches. (original Danny is completely drained and very much capable of dying to the explosion and he played out the time travel to internationally leave one Danny behind)
There is no third duplicate because he didn’t stop his past self from using the medallions like last time. The causality chain is maintained.
He decided to tank the explosion because there was no time to put it anywhere else and he needed to be sure it stayed intangible throughout the blast, meaning he doesn’t get to dodge.
When it’s over a flash of white light is seen behind the former hostages and a medallion covered in ash is all that remains.
Clockwork comes in and explains how not everyone gets second chances and that the Danny who saved his family, died in order to do so.
He does not rewind time here because unlike cannon, Original Danny’s friends and family are still alive, averting the creation of another Dan.
Option 2:
So this mostly plays out like option one but this time Original Danny is the one who tanks the explosion.(Turning the tank intangible, since he can’t do so to his loved ones)
Maybe have Remnant Danny say something like “No, you idiot, you were supposed to be the one who Lived!” in the last moments before detonation.
Clockwork comes and explains again and tells Remnant Danny that he has a choice to make, mend the timeline by dying(removing his time medallion). Leaving his friends and family at the tender mercies of all Danny’s enemies, including half ghost Vlad masters, or live out the timeline in the original Danny’s place for better or worse.
Clockwork can’t predict the outcome of Remnant Danny’s actions so he does not know either way.
From there Remnant Danny phases his own medallion back into his chest and lives out the timeline in original Danny’s place.
Making clockwork’s job infinitely harder because the Danny that remains is immune to his time vision and losing that immunity means his immediate, irreversible death.
He also does not rewind time here, mostly because the timeline’s already too broken for his tastes and he doesn’t want to chance breaking it any further.
Also please reblog! If you don’t the only people who will ever see this are you and my other followers. And I kind of want more people to notice and/or iterate on this.
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Summary: Everyone in Minnesota knew about the menacing serial killer in a Ghostface mask. The state tried to keep the crimes a secret but news travels fast and unfortunately murder tends to inspire copycat killers.
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher are inspired by the original Ghostface killer and set out to commit their own murders, unaware that the original Ghostface is more closer to home than they thought.
Warnings: murder, stalking, gore, violence. Anything related to horror movies. Each chapter will come with its own set of warnings as they may change.
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14 July 1995
The sound of the VHS rewinding a tape resonated throughout the living room as a lone sixteen-year-old blonde girl sat on the couch bored and playing with her long hair to pass the time. Her grey eyes glanced over to the clock ticking on the wall, her boyfriend Matt should be over soon to watch the movie with her.
Heather removed her hand from her hair and giggled to herself. Despite the two watching multiple movies together they somehow never manage to finish watching the whole movie. The blonde stretched her limbs and got up from the couch, walking over to the TV to stop the tape rewinding since it was at the start of the movie. Her eyes went over to the slip-case.
Poltergeist was tonight’s choice, a recommendation by a blockbuster employee.
Heather froze turning her attention away from the VHS and going towards the landline that had begun to ring on a nearby table. With a huff Heather walked over to the device and answered it, expecting the other caller to be her boyfriend.
"About time you called Matt. I've got the movie ready and I'm just about to put on the popcorn. And please don't say that you're going to be late," told Heather with irritation clear in her voice. The last time Matthew had come over to her house he had been over an hour late.
“I’m not Matt,” said the other person on the phone, clearly amused at the mistake.
"Oh." Heather was taken aback by that replied. "Then who is this? Unless you have the wrong number." She was so sure that this was Matts phone number.
"Do I?"
"I think you do creepy stranger." Heather ended the call and walked into the kitchen to prepare some snacks. The phone rang again as Heather put some popcorn on the stove. "Hello" She hesitantly answered into the phone.
"Hello, again." It was the same caller.
"Why did you call me again?"
"To apologise for the mix up."
"Now that you've apologised now, I'm hanging up."
"Wait, don't hang up!"
"Why? Do you want to ask me out on a date Mr stranger?“ Asked Heather with a flirty expression on her face as she watched the popcorn pop on the stove.
"Maybe later. What are you doing right now?" They changed the subject.
"I'm about to watch a movie. Poltergeist. Do you know that one?
"I know that one. Do you like scary movies Heather?" Asked the sinister voice that sent shivers down the blonde’s spine. Panic began to rise as Heather’s grip on the phone loosened causing it to nearly fall to the ground.
"How do you know my name?" Heather was freaked out at the new information; she shakily took the popcorn of the stove as to not burn it. "Listen you asshole I'm going to end this call and you’re not going to phone me again!”
As if on autopilot Heather ended the call, running to the front door to make sure that it was lock, staying for a moment more than she should as she tripled check that the bolts were secure and that nothing could get in. Once the front door was locked, she went to lock the back door, declining an incoming call before pressing the numbers for her boyfriend’s phone.
"Matt you won't believe what just happened. You better hurry up because I'm really scared,” she rambled on giving the details of everything that just happened.
“Sorry Heather.” The blonde froze, more frightened than before. “Matt can’t come to the phone right now.”
“How do you have his phone!? What have you done to him?!”
"I think you should be more worried about yourself.”
“Let's play a game Heather."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why Heather? It’s because I wasn't to see what your insides look like." Heather eyes widened as she realised that she hadn't locked the backdoor. She rushed to the door to lock the thing before he could get in. "Why don't you turn on the lights"
"Or are you too afraid to find out." They taunted.
Heather was scared and now angry at the taunt. Part of her mind still believed that this was a prank. She would wish that she hadn't risen to the bait.
Flicking the lights on, Heather brought a hand to her mouth as she miffed her shocked cries. She felt sick to her stomach at the sight of her boyfriend Matt who was tied to a chair, gagged and gutted with his organs trailing all around the chair. She heard a noise outside and backed away from the glass door.
"Who's there?"
"Are you stupid? Saying that is a death sentence. Do you want to die Heather cause Matt sure didn't."
The house lights turned off and Heather screamed as she rushed to the front door on the other side of the house. A black robed figure with a Ghostface masked sprang out from a closet closest to the front door grabbing her and forcing her to the ground.
The Ghostface stabbed her in the stomach as she kicked and screamed, trying to get them of her. The knife went through her left leg as she attempted to kick them off her.
"Please, don't kill me! You don't have to do this." Heather bargained as she realised that she was close to her end.
The Ghostface skillfully slid the body behind Heather, positioning themselves on top of her back and pining her to the ground.
"You're right. I don't have to do this... but I can." The Ghostface slit Heather's neck, watching in fascination as the blood spilled onto the ground. After a minute, the Ghostface reached for a camera inside their black robes.
"Say cheese."
Click, click, click.
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18th August
Quite time has passed Since our last convo I'm screaming silence You don't pay me a visit in my dreams anymore That's disturbingly rare Because I oftentimes dream of men who made me wonder and daydream about my life with them and they're only side characters, while you're the main.
Clear image of the dream I had on 18th August That was the last time you felt close to me We were sitting on the stairs of old ruined house You played me a song that you wrote about the girl you loved And my heart almost broke my chest at the moment you gave her my name. Was it in the August? I clearly lost track of time No one can blame me, 4 years passed by
I gave you the best version of myself And yet you decided to give me away Went to the market and made a "fair" trade Traded diamond for a lump Rock is rock I can't deny that But even blind man knows diamond's worth
Insomnia is the only thing this love gave me I looked for an explanation Begged God to give me the answer Why the man whom I loved overnight had a change of the hearts and decided to break mine. I swore to ask you if we ever meet again
I had been daydreaming of a tryst When one glare makes a plot twist You'd realise what you did And plead saying you didn't know better, you missed me like crazy, can't live without me I'm the only one with whom forever you want to vouch Please, marry me, God knows you're the one Didn't have wait for too long My dream came true We passed each other on the sidewalk Instead of a glare and proposal you looked at the floor and passed me by like you didn't know who I was
I grew up so much in these 4 years 4 years, do you know how much is that in a days? You would even get tired of counting up to that. More than a thousand wasted days on a con man who tricked me for a love only to get my diamond heart and trade it for some lump
Love at the first sight caused neverending heartbreak I don't want the answer now I can't call you greddy You are shallow man who doesn't respect valuable things, will go down the history as the only one who for the lump gave a precious diamond away.
If all the troops in the world gather, even then they won't have a strenght I did when I decided that you'll only be a past. I can't rewind time But if I could, I would relive thousand days in thousand different ways Only avoiding chances that can lead to meeting you again
You left your tarnished mark, Bruises on my heart You were my muise, the king on my throne and only used your power to make me hate love. After you I understand why people say "Be careful what you wish for, Maybe it'd come true" Now I wish that I never wished you
I'll call this song 18th August Because I don't recall the day Did you felt the closest to me on that day? Doesn't matter Now, it's so insignificant You're only locked part
in the vast of my past
Let's celebrate first week of The Tortured Poets Department.
Taylor, once again inspired me to write.
Hereby, I declare myself a member of tortured poets department
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