#did she have friends and family who came to her funeral in la?
andavs · 4 months
I’m so fucking curious about Shannon’s life in LA.
She probably had a job, unless she got some amount of money from her mom after she died (but living on that while knowing how tight things were back home is uh…not great). She was charming and fun so I would assume she had friends, or at least friendly coworkers. Did they know she had a husband and son back in Texas? Neither of them were wearing their wedding rings by the time they reconnected. Eddie took his off when he moved to LA, so when did she stop wearing hers? Were they this huge secret she kept from everyone around her? Did she have anyone around her who knew and was like "Hey, so what’s the deal with your husband and son back in Texas?" There’s so many gaping holes in her side of things and I’m so curious.
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asteria-argo · 1 month
If you are looking to ramble about Disaster Prone Teenagers, I’d love to know what both of their families look like in this AU?
Like for instance- does this mean that Eddie has oldest sister problems? Is she roped into babysitting her baby sisters all the time? Is most of their family still in Texas? Does her dad travel back and forth? Did he even make it to her quinceañera?
Assuming Buck’s home life is similar, what about the Maddie-and-Doug situation? Is Maddie perhaps keeping her sister at more of an arms length, more afraid of what Doug might do if Buck were to run her mouth around him? Does Buck still have a motorbike at that age that she rides around like a jackass? Does she have the exact same haircut?
My Most Beloved Mutual Readwing I am kissing you on the mouth I love you SO much for this ask. Their family situation is one of the main things that I am rotating in my brain constantly since I first came up with this AU a few months ago.
We'll start with Eddie, because I love her a lot and she means everything to me. Eddie's family, her mom, dad and two sisters are all still in El Paso. She moved to LA for what was supposed to be one summer after a Traumatic Event that is a whole post on its own to live with tia pepa and her abuela and then she just... never went back?
She has that Eldest Daughter Syndrome where she'd been raising her sisters since she was barely in double digits and moving to LA was the first time she really got to just be a teenager without the burden of being the second parent while her dad was busy with work. The deal was always that she would go back to El Paso eventually, but the more time she spends away the less she wants to go back. She definitely has a lot of guilt about it, because she feels like she's abandoning her sisters, and her parents don't really help with that because they want her home regardless of the fact she's happier in LA.
As for the Quinceanẽra, after a brief amount of research I have discovered that around the time the Traumatic Event took place would have been when she was supposed to be having it, so there's some fun angst potential there where I think Eddie ended up missing out on that milestone. There's also some solid potential for a hurt/comfort fic where she finally gets to have it, just a little later than normal, but I would have to do more research into it before writing anything like that since I'm not that well versed in the cultural significance of Quinceanẽras. Clipboard Buck helping her best friend plan her Quinceanẽra is a very fun potential fic in the verse though.
And Buck, oh the Buck of it all. Buck's family life is actually a lot different in this AU, unlike Eddie's whose is mostly the same just adjusted for teen angst instead of grown up angst, mainly because Daniel lived in this AU. At least until Buck was about 14.
It changes everything and nothing at the exact same time. Buck grows up being constantly micromanaged, not because her parents are worried about her, but because they don't want something to happen to her in case Daniel needs her. Daniel, being a reasonable person, thinks this is absolutely insane and does his best alongside Maddie to give Buck a semi regular childhood despite the pair of them having their own issues with their parents. Then, Maddie meets Doug, and it's just Daniel helping keep Buck afloat in their house.
When Daniel is 22, and Buck is 14, he goes into kidney failure. He doesn't survive, and their parents blame Buck, who refused to donate one of her kidneys too him. The first time Maddie sees Buck since she moved to Boston with Doug at 19 is at Daniels funeral.
Maddie and Doug move back to Hershey after Daniel dies. Things get steadily worse over the next year, Doug proposes to Maddie and they get engaged at the same time Doug becomes more outwardly abusive, the Buckley parents become steadily more neglectful of Buck in their grief over Daniel, which leads to Buck spending more time with Maddie in order to get away from them. which opens the door for two things. Buck sees how terrible Doug is to Maddie, and Maddie sees how terrible their parents are to Buck. This culminates in the two of them running away to LA together the night of Maddie and Dougs rehearsal dinner, after Maddie sees Doug get violent with Buck, because while I don't think she would be ready to leave for herself, I think she would for her baby sister.
As for Bucks hair I genuinely have,,, so many thoughts about it. I think Buck is a very stereotypical pretty, feminine cheerleader archtype. She's got this long, curly blonde hair that has always been at least mid back length since she was 10 years old, which is why when she chops most of it off during a Dramatic Moment and gives herself the classic bisexual bob it's a major deal for everybody involved. Which is in itself it's own fic about self image and expectations ect ect that I can and will get into eventually.
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aleyn-de-vries · 1 month
Diabolik Lovers: Rebirth And Royalty Chapter 1
NA. Hello, first written post, I think hahaha. Well I decided to create a fanfic of Kino and my OC that I have been putting off for a LONG LONG time and probably after this chapter I will put it off again because university takes up time (Understand, please). But well, here is the first written chapter. Unfortunately Kino won't appear so soon because these first chapters focus on Carolyne adapting to the life of the ghouls, so, enjoy.
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Chapter 1: The Day That Everything Ended
It was the rainy season in the valleys of Cochabamba, after the December holidays. It was the night of January 15, 2020 to be precise. A girl with blue hair and a silver streak was trying to walk as best she could. With a broken ankle and supporting herself with a grab stick, it was not a good strategy to wander through the valley at night, especially since she did not know the environment where she fell. The sounds of nocturnal birds such as owls singing or the sound of crickets and toads could also be heard, which was the only thing that accompanied the young woman in this thick darkness. The phone she had had no signal and the battery was running out. If only she could find the Cochabamba - Oruro highway and wait for a bus that could take her back to Cochabamba or to the nearest town for medical attention. But with each step she took, the young woman did not know if she was getting closer or further away from civilization. It was supposed to be a memorable reunion. Her brother Kevin was the one who came to visit from Miami to see the rest of the family and also to go to the funeral of their maternal grandmother who passed away in Cochabamba. Both Carolyne and Kevin traveled from La Paz and Miami respectively to go to the funeral. Both of their parents and maternal aunt were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Gomez brothers, who only had to board a flight from Cochabamba - La Paz that was supposed to take 30 minutes at the latest. The young woman began to remember everything that happened to get to the point where she is.
Let's go back a couple of hours, it was 6 in the afternoon at the Jorge Wilstermann airport. Both siblings were listening to music while waiting for the next flight that would take them to their family. Kevin was more of an electronic music fan, while Carolyne listened to a band called “Rise Against,” a band he became a fan of after playing one of their songs “Prayer of the Refugee” on “Guitar Hero 3” and the song “Re-education (Through Labor)” on “Guitar Hero World Tour.”
“Carolyne, could you pay attention for a moment?” Kevin asked the girl who was listening to the music.
“Of course I'm listening to you, am I paying a lot of attention to you?” Carolyne replied.
“Then tell me, which of the gifts are you going to give to the aunt and which is yours?” Kevin asked, somewhat annoyed.
“Auntie gets the necklace and I get the sweater?” Carolyne asked curiously, frustrating her brother in the process.
“It’s the other way around, kid,” Kevin said, annoyed.
“Oh, right, so that's it,” Carolyne replied.
“Oh, when will you change? You’re always in your own world. "Wake up, you're going to be a college student soon!" her older brother asked her.
Young Carolyne was a kind, quiet girl with few friends. She always liked to stay at home reading a fantasy book or a programming book, since the Academic Proficiency Test (APT) exams were just around the corner, which would determine Carolyne's future.
“Well, you are starting a new stage. You will take your exam for the college you want to go to, you will go to college at one of the best universities in Bolivia… And when you finish everything, we will do the paperwork for your American residency so that you have better opportunities in life.”
Indeed. Her brother moved to Miami as soon as he graduated from school, having been born there, and he took their mother with him to attend residency. All that was left was to save a lot and for Carolyne to finish her degree so that she could have a prosperous life. It seemed like the perfect plan when…
Two people were talking at a distance, they were the pilot and the traffic control. The traffic control man warned that a small radar was not working, but if the flight was wanted it could depart calmly, it was only a matter of visual planning. With that in mind, the pilots thought it was a better idea for the plane to take off that same night, after all, everyone had already paid for their tickets and the flight was only 30 minutes long. So they decided to board all the passengers and the flight took off. Apparently there were no problems… But as the saying goes, it is better to waste a minute in life than life in a minute. Meanwhile, on the plane, Carolyne looked at the landscape outside and Kevin was sitting next to her.
“I hope these days turn out to be better, Carol. You promised grandma at the funeral that you would do your best,” Kevin said and the girl just nodded.
“I am so excited! I want to see my dad, my mom and my aunt,” Carolyne said.
“So, tell me, what do you plan to study? Remember that you are already 18 years old,” the older brother asked her.
“What I plan to study is…”, the girl was interrupted by a sudden movement.
The plane had the bad luck of entering a storm cloud, so they decided to go inside. Suddenly, there was a jolt, then another stronger than the previous one. The wind shears, also called turbulence, were trying to destabilize the flight and the desperate screams of the passengers were getting louder. Kevin asked Carolyne to imitate what he did when a thunderclap hit the side where Carolyne was sitting, causing her chair and seat to come off the plane. The girl could only watch nervously as she fell 10,000 meters in free fall, getting soaked by the torrential rain as she watched the plane pass by and fainted thinking it was a dream.
Fortunately for her, the blue-haired girl fell in the valleys of Cochabamba. The treetops and the fact that she fell with her seat were what cushioned the fall. Meanwhile, when she reacted, she saw a horrible scene. At a distance from her, a thick ball of smoke could be seen ascending... It was the plane that fell a few kilometers from her.
“Kevin…” Carolyne said when she saw the thick cloud of smoke, her brother probably already passed away. The girl tried to get up but a slight pain wouldn't let her. Her right ankle ended up fractured, so she crawled and found a stick that fit her, so she leaned on the stick and started walking. Her goal was to find the road and say that she was the only survivor of that fateful flight. As she wandered further and further, she began to get lost in the valley, so she decided to continue looking for help, this time from a peasant. The bad thing is that probably in those places, most of the peasants speak Quechua, but Carolyne didn't know how to speak that language, she only learned English and French, but she never lost her curiosity to learn an indigenous language because she saw it as useless, but in this situation she swallowed her words and saw that it wasn't so bad to learn an indigenous language at this time. She only hoped that the person who finds her is someone kind and not hostile.
“I don’t care if the peasants call me privileged… I need help…”, the young girl thought.
She saw a small tunnel that would connect to the other side. The fame of the valley tunnels is that they connect different towns, so she decided to enter there to seek shelter from the rain or find another small town. The young girl continued walking deeper into the tunnel. After about 15 minutes, she reached the exit of the tunnel which was a place full of fig crops. The young girl tried to take a couple of figs for the road, when suddenly, the young girl began to cough up blood. She was not quite okay, she had internal bleeding that was aggravated by the effort she put in.
“N-No… I don’t want to die…”
The young girl tried to keep walking, but the tiredness made her fall into the mud. Carolyne ended up crying out of frustration. Her family already had a funeral... And now they will have two new ones, causing more pain to her hurt family. With those thoughts, the young woman closed her eyes and her heart stopped beating... Or at least, that's what she thinks.
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Watching Star Trek Picard s3 ep4
Oh fuck Riker's talking about Thaddeus's funeral and I'm sobbing
"Deanna, as you know, feels everything. But she couldn't live with me feeling nothing. And neither could I, which is why I left, and I came here. I was running from this, only to find it again."😭😭😭
"Well, this is the end, my friend. And if I were you, I'd take the next few hours to get to know your son." OH FUCK MAN I'M SCREAMING
Poor Deanna and Kestra, man😭
Oh shit! A
The fact that Will wants to keep this under wraps, raises red flags to me
Damn, the way Beverly is counting down 👀
"Beverly?" The way I just squealed 😂
The smile she gave Picard when he asked if she could give him and Jack a moment 🥺 she's so precious!😭🥺
Hell naw, Shaw is sketchy
Will is trying to record a message for Deanna and can't find the words😭
I'm cackling cause Jack isn't into wine😂😂😂😂😂
"This place is as good as any to die, I suppose." I love him
The fact that the elephant in the room is Picard's lack of hair😂
This guy does not look 23/24🤔
NOOOOO I wanna hear the rest of Jack's story!
Shaw👀 I'm 97% sure that he's the changeling, but I could be wrong
Cannabis 😂😂😂😂😂
"Resi-goo" I'm cackling 😂
Oh my, that's nauseating *watching the enemy ship Captain cut her hand off*
5years ago again, I wonder if Jack came to see Picard and heard him talking?🤔
"I think we all need connection, don't we?"
Jack doesn't need to spend time with his dad, but
Holy shit! The changeling!!!!
Why did they have to make the Changeling gross looking when it turns to goo😭 it looks like raw meat🤢
Awwww, Jack didn't know why his mom named him after her first husband 🥺
"Get laid." I'M DEAD
Wait Shaw and Picard met before?🤔
Oh shit
"I'm just some dip shit from Chicago." 👀
Damn, the lieutenant probably died
"He was on that Borg cube, setting the world on fire!" CHILLS
Well, that explains why he doesn't like Seven
Ooooo the whole crew is staring at Shaw 😂
I love how both Jack and Picard looked lost on what Beverly was getting at😂
Ah, they caught on
I love Beverly so much!
"We hightail it out of the nebula, away from the gravity well, away from that ship and away from our new friends, the space babies."
The way Jack is saying they should try what Picard and Jack the first did😂
"No one is coming to rescue us, Will." F you Picard I'm gonna be optimistic
"Deanna. Deanna would say it's about trust." OH SHE KNEW THAT THAT'S WHAT HE NEEDED TO HEAR
Riker's speech is giving me chills
"Despite the fact that you are indeed a dipshit from Chicago." 😂
Wait is the Changeling pretending to be him?
Oh, nope I guess not
Seven giving Shaw his tools is giving flashbacks to my dad yelling at me and my sister when we 'helped' him fix the car as kids 😭😂
"Everyone take a deep breath, and hold it if you can." *Continues talking using up air*
That is not Ensign La Forge
"Ensign La Forge always calls me Commander Seven. Out of respect." YEAH
"Good call." No shit Sherlock
Oh my gosh, Jack's sitting on the bridge! JACK IS TELLING PICARD WHERE THE LOCATIONS ARE I'M FINE
"Trust me." I'M SCREAMING
I too would look at the guys in command if they told me to take life support off line, cause dude WTF
"Well Beverly, it's all on you now." WHAT?
Oohhhhh, they meant cause of her plan and stuff with the space babie contractions
Wait why are they taking the enemy ship with them?
"Will did you just throw an astroid?"
"Damn right I did."😂
The space babies are so cute 😭🥺
Aww, this crew just got to witness the birth of new life😭
Beverly: "To week out new life."
Will: "I think we should body get the heck out of here."
"Young man, Starfleet has been the only family I ever needed." PICARD YOU IDIOT
Will: "It reminded me, that there's a whole universe out there. And it can be beautiful and amazing."
Deanna: "You haven't said anything as lovely as that in a very long time."
Will: "I know. And that's on me. And I'm sorry. I'm gonna fix it, with you."
Who the fuck is in Jack's head? Poor dude is just trying to wash his face
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misterjt · 2 years
An Accounting of 2022
family ties
I got invited to no funerals this year. Those nearest and dearest to me were healthy. In a year packed with tragic deaths in the news, it feels important to acknowledge that the grim reaper did not come this way. 
My family, in general, had a stellar year. Team Toney remains booked and busy. My mom has opted to shift her career away from touring and more events closer to home and US-bound. 
Dom's dog, Duke, has become our regular houseguest, and we love it. He seems to love it, too. Has his visiting scratched the itch for us wanting our own pet or just enhanced that desire? 2023 will tell.
I worried about my grandmother's arthritis, for which her complaints (and concerning mishaps) increased over the year, but she is otherwise doing fine. And continues to defend herself against giving up her independence despite the desires of her children.
Get Sun
This year, travel was increasingly back on the table with work trips to Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and New York. Not quite back to my old and desired schedule of about once a month, but once a quarter—with colleagues also coming to LA several times—is a move in the right direction.
We also went to Greensboro, Minneapolis, Chicago, and San Luis Obispo, but more later.
Beyond that, though, I got out of the house! I saw live music for the first time in two years, with the Smoking Grooves festival on my birthday and a Hollywood Bowl show featuring Flying Lotus, Hiatus Kaiyote, and Miguel Atwood-Ferguson. We will close out the year with The Roots at Disney Concert Hall.
Friends came to town to visit. There was lunch and brunch and birthday get-togethers. I was back to doing many things I did before the pandemic began. I even went to relatively packed movie houses (though I'm much more of a matinee person now than before). 
We outside! 
Included in being outside was being inside for basketball. If meaningful women's basketball was being played, you could make a pretty good bet in 2022 that we were there. Those trips to Greensboro and Minneapolis were for the NCAA Women's basketball tournament regionals and Final Four -- the first I have ever attended. It was an outstanding experience that I'm confident we will do when the locations and timing allow it.
We upgraded to courtside seats for the Los Angeles Sparks in 2022. Unexpectedly, that meant sitting a couple seats down from Leslie Jones. Jones is a brand new Sparks fan who was encouraged to attend by the ultimately short-tenured Liz Cambage. The comedian also became our basketball friend throughout the season. I sat next to Tacko Fall, Carmelo Anthony, Cedric Ceballos, and a WNBA player agent. We got thanked by Kenan Thompson for giving up our seats so that he and his little girls could sit next to Ms. Jones the day before he got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The Sparks had a dreadful season, but the upgrade was a delightful splurge that was well worth the cost.
We also made our way to Chicago for the WNBA All-Star game. It was the first time we'd gone to All-Star where the location was more of an attraction than the festivities. The game was tremendous, and WinTrust is an excellent arena but our touristy Saturday away from all that was outstanding.
Over Thanksgiving break, we made an impromptu trip up the coast to watch the Gamecocks play Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. Despite all this travel, neither of us attended the University of South Carolina. Such is the pull of Dawn Staley and the program she's built.
It also reflects the importance of basketball—women's basketball, particularly—as a joy maker in our lives. Good things happen when we say yes to hoops.
It feels weird to say it was a challenging year at work because so much of it was about progress and growth, but it was. I went through a couple months where Beyoncé's lead single from Renaissance was the mantra for the day. I felt him when Russell Westbrook came into a press conference early in the season like this. 
Part of what made the back half of the year hard was that I got promoted to VP in March. Title changes don't always mean new responsibilities and expectations, but, in this case, and at this Company, it very much did. At this point in my career, figuring out what it means and how to pivot is on my shoulders. No guidebook was coming. So I was uncomfortable, frustrated, and unsure for six months.
I still have those moments now but far less frequently. Something clicked in October. I shifted my approach, allowing me to find the path. I ended the year far more confident about where to go next than those days in August and September humming about people working my nerves.
I'm very proud of the work we accomplished this year and the value it provides. It's corny to say so, but I like what I do, who I do it with, and what we do it for. I have a very sober view of corporate work and the entertainment business, but I like this shit. Even when it's hard. It could be, especially when it's been hard, and I can see the fruits and growth of doing the hard things. 
About Damn Time
I quit Twitter. It's been nearly two months, and my brain is recalibrating. I'm a person who has focus. I no longer feel that twitch to scroll aimlessly. I have much more time than I thought I did. There's time for french lessons, letter writing, reading, walks, meditation, and planning.
There's also time for doing nothing. Like, for real, idle brain nothing.
Since probably 2017, I have felt the nudge to get off the bird app, but I was addicted to the dopamine rush. Musk buying the joint and following through on his trollish personality to make terrible choices was the push out the door I needed. 
I'm no longer seeking a replacement for the Twitter experience. I don't need it, and it's about damn time I realized that.
Thanks, 2022! It's been real! On to the next!
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briamichellewrites · 11 months
Phoenix and his brothers, Joe and Tyler were trying to be strong for their father. He was the middle brother, so his job was to help Tyler because he was the youngest. They planned the funeral with her closest family and friends. Their church gave news of her death during the next service. Phoenix thought it was amazing how much she was loved by people he didn’t even know. Death had a way of bringing people together. Still, if he had a dollar for every time he heard, I’m sorry for your loss.
What could he say other than, thank you? He didn’t want to be at church. Instead, he wanted to be at home with his family. He was usually the guy who cheered people up when they were down. But he couldn’t make any jokes and he had no comforting words. Fuck cancer. Kathy was so young. She had years left to live. He wanted her to meet the man he would someday marry.
He wanted her to meet her grandchildren. She was one of his biggest influences in his music and career. When he came out as gay, she supported him. As did his father. Sixty-three years old was too young. That was what he kept thinking about. His brothers got bereavement leave from their jobs, but he had to be back in the studio. They told him to go. His father told him to go. They would take care of things until he got back. They hugged him before he left.
The band members knew better than to talk about his mother. He had asked them politely not to because it was too hard for him. They respected that. The only thing they wanted to know was how they could help. He would talk about that with his family and get back to them. Okay.
Brad was gone again, so it was just Mike and Shiloh. She missed her daddy. He kept her busy by playing with her when he wasn’t working and taking her on errands. She liked sitting in the cart because she was up high and could see everything. Her little mind was curious about everything and everyone she saw. Sometimes people stopped and said hello to her.
An employee asked her how old she was. Two! Mike laughed as the employee said she wished she was two. Didn’t they all? Two was a fun age. He saw parts of Bria in her. She had stubbornness and an open personality. Stranger danger didn’t exist with her. She wanted to say hi to everyone she saw. Shiloh would have the childhood she never got to have. She had a family that loved her and they would never leave her or throw her out.
“Daddy. Misty. Daddy. Misty. Daddy!”
She threw her hands up into the air causing her doll to fall to the floor. Uh oh. He bent down and picked it up. She hugged it when he handed it back to her. They then got in line at the checkout. She rubbed her eyes with her little fists. Tiredness just hit her. That meant she would fall asleep in the car on the way home. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. They had two days off together. He wanted to spend it all with her because someday she would be a teenager.
She did fall asleep on the way home. He brought her inside, placed her on the couch, and covered her with a blanket before going back to get the groceries. Misty went over and looked at her sleeping sister. The little human was sleeping. That meant she had to be quiet. She went to the kitchen to get some water and to say hello to the big human.
I know I just saw you guys but I’m flying to LA tomorrow to get away from Bradley and Justin for a week. I’ll get a hotel reservation. I can also get a taxi or a rental car, so you guys don’t have to pick me up since it’s short notice. – Bria
Don’t worry about it. I’ll pick you up and you can stay here with Shiloh and I. Just let me know when you’re flying in. – Mike
The next afternoon, he drove to the airport and found her waiting outside. He hugged her before helping her with her bags. On the way to the studio, they talked about the situation. She mentioned they both visited her and apologized for how they treated her. Who was she most upset with? Bradley. Justin in hindsight didn’t do anything wrong, outside of breaking up with her. She forgave him. Bradley was still in the dog house.
“Let it go for now. We’re all excited to see you.”
“I’m excited to see you guys, too.”
The band hugged her when she walked in. Phoenix quietly thanked her. He was welcome. She sat down next to Chester. Having her there was like it was meant to be. She was the missing puzzle piece of their group. Where were her cats? She boarded them for the week at a place in her neighborhood. Where was she living? The Upper West Side.
It was a more expensive area, but it was also very safe. It was also a two-minute walk to Target. Was it an apartment building? No, it was a townhouse with five levels. If they were ever in New York, they should let her know. She could give them a tour. They would love that! She thought about getting another kitten for Mama and Slash and she was looking online for kittens available for adoption.
How many cats were legally allowed in New York? There wasn’t a limit, as long as they were well taken care of. It was considered hoarding when a person was unable to care for the cats properly. Her cats were being cared for. What breed of kitten did she want or didn’t it matter? It didn’t matter. The breed just had to be able to get along with other cats because some cats were territorial. They would hiss, scratch, or bite if another cat got too close to them.
She thought about getting a Scottish Fold. What was that?
“It’s a breed of cat where their ears are folded down. They look like owls and are so adorable! They’re rare and expensive to adopt, though. I’ll have to find a reputable breeder in the area.”
Chester went to Google and pulled up a picture. He showed it to everyone. That is so adorable! They laughed before getting back to work. She got out her phone and checked it for the first time since arriving. Bradley and Justin texted her, even though she asked them both to give her time. They went to her townhouse and noticed she wasn’t there. They thought maybe she went out to get groceries and would be back later.
No, I’m in LA visiting friends for the week. I’ll text you guys individually because I have two different things to say to you guys. – Bria
When they got their messages, they read them. She forgave Justin because he didn’t do anything wrong. Could they be friends? Yes, but she didn’t know about getting back together since she had trust issues she needed to work through. He respected that. She sent Bradley a long text message that she had to send in multiple messages because it was so long and she had a limit on how many characters she could send.
It’s not just about you cheating on me. It’s also about you betraying me. You betrayed my trust by telling Justin my secrets. You also used me for money. That’s how it feels like. I told Mike and Brad about our agreement. They both agreed that I was paying for everything. At first, I didn’t mind because it was fair for both of us to pay what we could afford. I never should have made that snarky comment. I take full responsibility for that. I was angry but it doesn’t excuse what I said and I’m sorry. Regardless, it’s going to take a lot for me to trust you again. You will have to work to rebuild that. I loved you and for the first time, I opened myself up. I will get text you when I’m back in New York. - Bria
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 year
The Most Inspiring Story You Can Tell…
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The Most Inspiring Story You Can Tell is Your Own
What if you could leave a legacy to your children and grandchildren that documents your life? Not a written story, but a video that captures your growing up, great grandparents your kids never knew, births, funerals, an uncle lost to war, or that moment when your daughter and her dad walked down the aisle.
These thoughts were ruminating in Kerry Doucet’s mind, when two personal tragedies inspired the creation of Forever Yours Legacy Videos.  “I’d been thinking about starting a video business focusing on life legacies when a friend was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.  After many rounds of chemo and clinical trials failed, I proposed the idea of filming her. She agreed that recording a love letter to her young daughter and husband would help ease her own loss. Sadly, it never came to be. After a long hospital stay, she lost her battle.” Then in 2022, Kerry’s 84-year old father fell from a ladder, robbing him of his ability to speak. “This,” she said, “really motivated my decision to turn ‘what if into the real thing.”
Kerry started the company after a long career as a TV producer and broadcaster for Fox SportsNet, Comcast SportsNet and Fox 32. “I covered the NFL, NBA, NHL and major league baseball.” she said. “But when I had kids, I started working with Bill Kurtis on Through the Decades and finally segued to Start TV to work on an inspiring video series that focused on women who were the first to accomplish something in their field and had overcome adversity along the way.
Here’s what Kerry had to say in a recent interview with La Jolie MLN:
Q. What drew you to tell stories about families?
Kerry: Part of the work I did on Start TV included from-the-heart profiles on family histories, how they survived struggles like immigration, the Civil Rights movement, and where they are now.
Q. How did you come up with the idea for your legacy video business?
Kerry: While I worked in TV, it occurred to me that people have stories to tell. I sat down with my dad not long ago when my kids were young, and this led to a flood of emotions. I knew he had a sister and brother who died young. His brother died when he was a teenager and was laid out in the family room. My dad looked over the banister as an 8 year old to see his brother’s body. Being able to recount that story today is not within my dad’s reach with his speech problems, but I can narrate for him. It’s really all about four things:
Where you came from
What you overcame
What you were blessed with
What you want the generations that follow to know about you
Q. Does Forever Yours Legacy Videos offer more than one kind of story?
Kerry: Yes. We offer 7 different options:
Individual legacy
Couple legacy
Family Tree Legacy
Corporate Journey
Family Business
End of Life Celebration
Small Business Behind The Scenes
Our method doesn’t require you to answer a ton of email questions or do anything that feels like homework. It’s simply a half day spent in the comfort of your home or place of business, sharing your history. Then we use the still photos and some of the video footage you provide to round out the interview. Our mission is to capture your emotions and the power of your journey in a way that written words cannot.
More on Kerry and Forever Yours Legacy Videos at www.foreveryourslegacyvideos.com
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. I cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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fallforfail · 3 years
I think I might be a Batman (Bruce Wayne) apologist, but. In my defense. I think I’ve only read about ten actual Batman comics, the two of which that left the biggest impressions being Batman year one and death in the family.
The Bruce Wayne in my head, a description:
Acts like b-man 66 as public Bruce Wayne
Is genuinely charming in a passionate and dorky way, just always too intense
Has no idea what is a normal level of noticing things, so he chooses to err on the side of oblivious.
has Batman 1989’s level of ability to actually function as a person (that is barely)
Is more like JLU animated b-man when on his normal setting (plus the green lantern bullying from justice league war)
The Dark Gritty persona is a put on persona, because Bruce finds being perceived as a terrifying, bogeyman, cryptid to be amusing
Completely left field sense of humor. Will lie on a dime if he thinks it will be funny to go along with something. Lives and dies by people never being able to be completely certain of wether or not he’s yanking their chain
Always came across as a ditz even as a teen because he’d be deep in thought about something as someone tries to talk to him and when they confront him about not listening he’d be like ‘huh? Sorry?’ “what’s so important” and Bruce allergic to explaining himself stares up into the distance and says ‘the weather’ he’s thinking about an article he read about the effect seasonal depression has on the frequency of certain types of crime but the person follows his line of sight and sees a single cloud in the sky and it looks like a turtle and they’re just done
was as unhinged as we hope Patterson will be, as a teenager, but hid it because he didn’t want to reflect badly on his parents or Alfred. And also feared being taken away from Alfred and/or put in an institute.
(Thinking of that panel I’ve seen of him bribing his caseworker and burning his file, and how I’ve heard he got triggered so he burned the answers to a math question into his teacher’s lawn, or the time he beat the snot out of a bully)
Custody dispute between Alfred and his Uncle Philip when he was eleven, Alfred had to blackmail Philip to get him back, Bruce doesn’t learn the how of it until year one (negotiable)
Went to boarding school, ran by a 500 years old man who sold his soul to the devil, for a little over 3 months shortly before his parents died
Idolized the grey ghost and green lantern(Alan Scott) as a kid, most Gothamites have mixed feelings for GL because he gave up on them and left
Technically started vigilantly work at age 12 and is childhood friends with Selina à la Gotham tv( I’m interested in only pieces of that cannon)(this part is negotiable)
At age 8 sat in the cooling blood between his parents bodies for at least half an hour, clutching a handful of pearls and thinking about how the gunpowder had looked like a halo around his moms head
His mother specified in her will that she did not want her side of the family to gain custody of Bruce
Was raised by his ex-pro thespian, ex-SAS, ex-covert ops butler who tried to use Victorian work place formality (and also fencing and boxing lessons) as a way to provide structure for a grieving orphan, and who told Bruce not to let them(vultures) see him cry, at his parents funeral (and also once drove Bruce to the house of a kid bullying him and proudly took Bruce out for pizza after he beat the kid up)
Touch starved, Touch starved, Touch starved, and he and Alfred probably don’t even realize until Dick comes along actively reaching for hugs from adults he trust (Bruce was probably told by his parents not to bother the help because they were working and it would be rude of him to keep them from it or something like that) and Bruce is like ‘wow it doesn’t feel like I’m being tazed anymore’ and Alfred goes 😦🫖 (critical hit)
I also like the idea that Bruce has always had days where he is touch repulsed. The kind of kid that you genuinely need to ask if you can touch them, and sometimes the answer is yes but just as likely (if he’s comfortable with you, otherwise it’s more) the answer is no. And you need to respect that. Especially when he’s upset.
Spent a couple months (concurrent or asynchronous) functionally mute as a kid. Also spent whole days in between the walls of the Manor up until the point of Alfred banning him from doing so (because Alfred couldn’t always find/reach Bruce to make sure he eats and sleeps)
Is autistic but probably didn’t get tested by his parents because old money reputation concerns and Kane family history (his parents were probably at least a little wasp-y, and apparently every few generations someone in the Kane family goes completely of the rails, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to hide any kind of mental concern) and it is extremely difficult to tell which issues were or weren’t caused by various traumas
Developed chiroptophobia at six or seven when the ground (covered old well) collapsed beneath his feet and and dropped him into a tunnel system, breaking his arm (green stick fracture), which in turn caused him to get swarmed by a colony of bats because he was crying to loudly
Was probably read age inappropriate things for bedtime stories (murder mysteries, Wayne family history, Gotham city history, med books, etc.)
Is a detective (forensics and all)
Both his parents made a genuine effort to hammer civic mindedness into him, and it stuck
Visits random people in his dads former work place (hospital) has conversations with them and pays there med bills
Took off at 17 without warning, and sent Alfred a total of 3 postcards over the 5 years he spent travel training
Cannot cook (except maybe pancakes) in a kitchen, has accidentally exploded a toaster, makes the best campfire lizard you’ll ever have
Has never hit one of his kids in anger, has hit multiple justice leaguers in anger (he usually baits them into throwing the first punch). And even if he lost the fight (Wonder Woman & Superman) he manages to do it with panache
I’m not saying it’s okay for him to let kids be vigilantes, but I don’t think he could have stopped any of his kids but Jason. He might have been able to delay Dick, but he would have done the same thing at his age given the chance and he’s a dumb*** your honor
Raising a traumatized kid, for whom you were not part of the life of during their formative years, is parenting hard mode
Is no more than 14 years older than Dick Grayson (that makes him at most 26 when he takes Dick in, that’s about the same as Carly and Spencer from icarly, just let that sink in)
Bruce was the one who started the ‘do the butts match’ thing
Ace is Bruce’s service dog, the version were Alfred trains him as a gift to Bruce (and also as a symbol of the ability to heal past trauma?)
Made Wayne industries’ starting wage for ‘entry level’ and ‘unskilled labor’ a mandatory $3 more than local living wage (plus college scholarships, if not fully payed rides, if they want to go through school). They also have a paid internship only policy and free childcare. (These changes take at least a few years to make happen)
Has been increasing the amount of money he gives to charity each year as corruption and embezzlement decreases and the framework has been put in place for more charity work (his net worth still increases despite giving away billions each year because that’s how being super rich works and he’s frustrated about that) also is extremely good about avoiding gentrification
Screw the ‘Gotham always gets worse’ thing or whatever the line is. Gotham is getting better. People have hope and criminals are rehabilitating.
Pays for random people’s collage education when the opportunity comes up
Chum, Jay-lad, Boy Scout, princess, Al, glow stick, the man is constantly coming up with and using nicknames for people
Once stuffed half a plate of cookies into his mouth at once just to spite either Dick or Clark. Once laughed so hard he lost his balance and hit his head, narrowly escaping a concussion (this point is pure head cannon)
Can we really call ourselves DC fans if we don’t pick and choose what we consider cannon the same way the writers do?
As it turns out, Battinson was perfect. Did not see that coming. Especially the voices he used (Batman speaking. Vs bruce speaking)
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Pairing: Reggie Mantle x reader
Synopsis: Reader and Reggie have been best friends since they were toddlers, nothing tearing them apart until Veronica their Junior year. This follows the rise and downfall of their friendship. Can they mend their friendship and be back to what they once were, will they be too hurt to fix their broken hearts, or will they finally admit their feelings for one another?
Word count: 2.6K+ (my hand slipped)
Warnings: Mr. Honey; he’s the worst villain to ever enter Riverdale, you can’t change my mind. Mentions of child abuse, nothing graphic past the mention of a black eye. Some angst. Spoilers for s4e4 technically, I still can’t believe what Mr. Honey did. 
A/N: I have like 11 requests I still have to get to, yikes. I swear I’ll do them soon, but inspiration hit and I ended up writing this. there isn’t enough Reggie love on Tumblr, plus I have a tiny crush on Charles Melton, so writing this was a win win. let me know what you think, and if I should write more for Riverdale. Veggie is better than Varchie (don’t come for me), but I still think Reggie deserves better than Ronnie. 
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Growing up in a small town like Riverdale there weren’t too many kids to become friends with, but when you met Reggie Mantle on your first day of preschool you knew he would be your best friend for life. Archie was showing off on the playground by walking up the slide when the teacher wasn’t looking. The problem then being that Archie's foot slipped right as you were walking passed the bottom of the slide, and he slid down and ended up knocking you on the ground. You started to cry because he scraped your arm bad enough that it started to bleed. Reggie, whom you shared a table with in class, watched from the sidelines as your teacher helped you up and took you to the nurse, he got his revenge during arts and crafts later that day- ‘accidentally’ spilling red paint all over the front of Archie’s khaki pants. When Reggie made it to the table you quietly thanked him and shared your paint with him since the teacher said he couldn’t have new paint as a lesson to be more careful next time. 
As the years went on, yours and Reggie’s friendship only grew until you were inseparable; you two went on family vacations together, you went to every single one of his junior bulldog football games from the ages of eight to twelve, he went to your ballet recitals when you took classes in grade school even bringing you roses. Reggie was your rock at your grandmother’s funeral, you helped him pass his geometry class Sophomore year so he could stay on the football team, and you were the only person that he opened up to about his father’s abuse- having witnessed it with your own eyes a handful of times. 
Your mom was convinced you and Reggie would fall in love and get married one day, and your father was convinced your friendship would crumble and ultimately go down in a blazing fire. Going into your senior year you hate to admit that your father was right, his words bouncing around in your skull every time your brain shut off for longer than two seconds. Veronica Lodge moved to town Sophomore year, enticing every boy within a fifty mile radius with her upper East side charm. Reggie didn’t fall for Veronica right away, he fell for her junior year when he was helping her with La Bonne Nuit. And as cliche as it is, that’s when you realized you were in love with him, you had been for a while. The small nagging voice in the back of your head told you that it had been since that day in preschool. 
But you would grin and bear the pain, the soul crushing pain, if it meant that Reggie would still be in your life. And you did, for a while at least; until Reggie stopped calling and texting you back, until he stopped begging you to come to his games, until he stopped sneaking into your room every friday night after a game to go over the play footage where you would help him come up with new plays and tweaks to the old ones, until he started ignoring you in the halls in favor of making out with Veronica. You never hated the girl, she had been nothing but nice to you anytime you would interact, but God, you just wished she would disappear and give you your Reggie back. 
You resented Veronica, leading your interactions with the girl to be more tense and your answers clipped, and that was what led to the blazing fire your father talked about. Reggie offered you a ride home one day after school, and of course you jumped at the opportunity to spend time with him again. Instead of going to pops and talking like you thought you would, the two of you got into your biggest, and last, fight ever. 
It started with Reggie asking why you hated Veronica, where you defended yourself and swore that you didn’t. But he wouldn’t believe a word that came out of your mouth, continuing to press you as you two kept driving. The closer you got to the edge of town the worse the fighting got, your voice raising along with his. You accuse him of abandoning his friends, abandoning you, to be with Veronica all the time. He gets mad that you don’t understand why he’s with her all the time, claiming that you couldn’t understand not when you’ve never had a boyfriend. Something that he’s the reason for, since he scared all of the guys even remotely interested in you away with just one piercing glare or one lowly growled threat. 
The comment picking on your relationship status, or lack thereof, is the straw that broke the camel's back. You let loose just as you pass the sign thanking you for visiting Riverdale, the town with pep. Pep your ass, the small town is full of death and endless heartache wherever you look. You rip into Reggie, letting the hurt take over as you scream and scream at him-calling him a terrible friend. He finally screams back, claiming that you’re worse because you hate his girlfriend. He has to pull his precious car over, the car you helped him pick out when he turned sixteen, because he started swerving when you two got into a screaming match. 
The interaction ends with you getting out of the car on the side of the road leading into Greendale, slamming the car door behind you, knowing that he’ll get mad with how aggressive you’re being with his baby, his Bella. He does a sharp U-turn driving beside you, trying to coax you into getting back in the car with him. But you can’t do that, you can’t face him right now. So as you watch the taillights of the gun metal grey Chevelle disappear around the curve in the road you finally let the tears fall down your face, they stream harder and faster the closer you get to reentering the town with pep. 
Reggie had dropped your backpack off at your house when he got back into town, so it was sitting there waiting for you in your living room alongside your worried mother. You cried into her arms that night for hours, until you were all cried out, not caring that you look like a big baby. You had just lost Reggie, you had just lost your everything. You hadn’t talked to him since that day in the middle of your junior year, even after him and Veronica broke up and she went back to Archie like always. The days of your senior year seemed to fly by, October coming in what felt like mere days as opposed to months, and your last Halloween in Riverdale is today. 
You and Reggie would always wear matching costumes to trick or treat, and school just for fun as you got older, this always prompted your classmates to wonder if you two were finally dating. But that wouldn’t be happening this year, for the first time ever. You had even dressed up and sat on his porch in costume when you were six, handing out candy to the other kids so you could talk to Reggie, who was in costume too, through the window because he was sick with a 102.2 degree fever. You were dressed as Kim and Ron that year, his mom had even crocheted him a little Rufus to stick in his pocket. You couldn’t wait to get out of this town, away from Reggie, away from the places where you would see ghosts of your younger selves everywhere you went. 
Kevin calls you freaking out after he and Reggie got caught tp’ing Mr. Honey’s office. Kevin caved after Mr. Honey threatened to make sure he wouldn’t get into NYU if he didn’t. Kevin felt guilty for his actions, and even though you hadn’t talked to Reggie in close to a year you were worried about him. Worried what his dad might do to him when he hears he got in trouble at school again, and worried what the unhinged Mr. Honey might do to him himself. 
You don’t hear anything from Reggie the next day, not that you really expect to. You more-so hope he’ll call you, but you know what they say about hope- it breeds eternal misery. The day goes by at a snail's pace as you stare at your phone throughout the entirety of said day. You finally curl in on yourself and go to sleep after midnight, however sleep doesn’t stay for long. You’re awoken around two in the morning from your phone’s incessant ringing, in your dazed stupor you don’t realize it’s Reggie’s special ringtone- the bulldog cheer from Kim Possible. 
“Hello?” you ask hoarsely, making sure to stay quiet so your parents won’t hear. 
“(Y/N/N), can you talk?” your startled to hear Reggie’s voice on the other line. It sounds scratchy, like he was recently in a screaming match with someone. You open your eyes for the first time, finally accepting that you won’t be able to just roll over and slip back into your dreams. You glance at the alarm clock on your bedside table and your eyes widen at the time.
“It’s like two in the morning Reg,” you sigh, hoping he’ll wait till morning. 
“Can I come over?” Reggie’s pleading now.
“Later, we can go to Pop’s for lunch or something,” you yawn loudly into the phone in protest. 
“I’m already here,” before you can respond the line goes dead.
You can hear quiet, almost not there, footsteps outside your window as Reggie expertly navigates his way through the flowers and bushes outside your window. He taps on the window three times in quick succession, your old signal for when he would sneak over letting you know it was him at your window. You reluctantly get out of your warm cozy bed, stumbling to the window to open it for your former best friend. 
Your plans for just slipping back into bed anf hopefully nodding off while he talks go out the window as you come face to face with Reggie’s swollen face. He has a split lip and a black eye, you’re sure he has belt marks on his back too. You don't care that Reggie is climbing through the window a little too loudly, your sole focus now on fixing him up. Once he’s in the room you sneak to the kitchen and quietly grab an ice pack, stopping in the bathroom to grab rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and ibuprofen.  
You hand him the pain reliever and your bottle of water, it’s not the first time you’ve shared, as soon as you shut your bedroom door behind you. He swallows the pills down with ease, and you both settle on your bed, a sad depressing routine. You don’t say anything as you clean his split lip, he winces slightly when the alcohol drenched cotton ball makes contact with his open wound. 
“Mr. Honey caught Kevin and I last night,” Reggie admits quietly. 
“I heard, Kevin told me,” you murmur unsure of where this conversation is headed, so you continue to dab at his lip.
“Mr Honey, he said that no one takes me seriously, no one since you. He said that he heard around school that I made my ‘persona’ bigger, became more of a prankster, after I lost you. He-he knew about my dad, (Y/N),” Reggie’s voice cracks, you can’t imagine what he must be feeling right now. “Said people at school are laughing at me, worst of all, you’re laughing at me.”
“Oh sweetie, no!” you're quick to jump in and defend. “I would never laugh at you, you know that. Never. No one else is either, he was just saying that to get a rise out of you.” Your arm moves without your permission, you push a strand of black hair out of his eyes before caressing his cheek softly. 
“He tp’d my car, that I get. That was actually funny,” Reggie hisses, you aren’t sure if it’s because you’re lightly pressing the ice pack to his shiner or because of what he’s about to say next. “But he broke Bella’s windshield, shattered her passenger side window, and busted her left headlight.” 
“I’ll kill him!” you jump up from your spot on your bed, no longer caring if you wake your parents. Reggie holds the ice pack to his eye with his right hand, cautiously reaching for your hands with his left. You calm down when his fingers intertwine with yours, sinking back down next to him. 
“I avoided going home all day, but when I did and my dad saw the car,” Reggie takes in a shaky breath, and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb. “He did, well he did this.” He uses your joined hands to gesture towards his face. 
You don’t say anything, instead just pulling him in for a hug. Reggie tenses at first before melting into your warm embrace. You pull him down onto the bed with you so you're laying side by side, he rests his head on your chest as you tuck the two of you in. 
“I know we haven’t talked in a while,” you let out dissatisfied hum as you card your fingers soothingly through his hair. “But you're the only person I wanted to see, the only person I ever want to see. It’s been torture without you (Y/N).”
“It doesn’t seem like it,” you say under your breath, but he hears you clearly with his ear pressed to your chest. 
“I was an idiot, I let my ego keep me from you,” he moves his head to look up at you, his brown eyes shine with sincerity. 
“Don’t do this right now Reggie,: your eyes fill with tears, “Don’t do or say anything you don’t mean just to make me feel better.”
Reggie moves his right arm from around your waist to brush away a stray tear that slipped out of your eye. He moves his thumb down your cheek to your lips, tracing them with the pad of his thumb. Reggie lightly tugs down on your lower lip causing you to uncage it from your teeth, when did you even bite it in the first place? 
“I love you (Y/N), I always have,” he looks away from your mouth so he can stare into your eyes. “And I think you have too.”
“I have, I love you so much Reggie,” he pulls your face down to meet him. The kiss is searing, and a little wet due to the tears leaking out of both of your eyes, but it’s perfect. You pull back when you get the slightly tangy taste of blood on your tongue. You immediately fuss over Reggie’s lip, said lip splitting again during the makeout. Reggie pulls you back down onto the bed and into his arms after you’ve dabbed at his lip with the cotton ball again. 
“How can I make it up to you?” his eyes shine with unshed tears as he stares lovingly at your face, almost like he’s mesmerized by you. “Not just tonight, but leaving you for Ronnie so I could try to get over you, and for every other night you’ve taken care of me.”
“Just never leave me again,” you whimper, which is cut off when he kisses you again. 
“Never,” Reggie’s never been more serious about anything in his life. 
You cuddle up to Reggie’s chest, his warmth and scent quickly lulling you into  a deep comforting sleep. You don’t care that he should sneak out the window and go home, or that your mom will find you two cuddled up in your twisted sheets when she comes to check on you at ten. All you care about is Reggie being safe, in your arms, and finally having him back in your life-but with one vast improvement to your relationship.
Permenent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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stylesluxx · 4 years
no matter what – p.lahote
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[warnings: one or two swears, angst, and a flashback to bullying]
summary: in which paul couldn’t protect y/n | clearwater!reader| requested!
word count: 8,561
Every summer you came from Washington, D.C. to Forks, Washington. You were originally born in Forks, but you, your mom, and dad relocated to D.C. when you were eight, leaving behind your family. Of course, you were distraught having to leave your cousins, Seth and Leah; you were basically their sister. Your parents had you do everything together, you even wore matching outfits, as if you were triplets despite being three years older than Seth and three years younger than Leah. It was the summer the year your Uncle Harry died that changed your life. Well, actually, it started when your mom got a new job in France.
She told you the middle of your junior year that you would have to pack up and move to Europe.
You were happy for her, of course, but you wanted to finish school before they dragged you off to somewhere new. So, you spent the rest of the school year making plans and you were hoping they wouldn't fall through.
Your grandparents were more than happy to let you live with them in Forks so everything sort of fell into place. You'd be back home, finishing up high school, and you'd get to be around most of your family.
It was hard to say goodbye to your parents but you were excited to be back in La Push. Whenever you were there, you never felt out of place. As if you were stumbling everywhere else except when you were in the small village.
You got to your grandparent's house on a Friday, 8:30 in the morning, bright and early.
"So what are your plans for the summer?" Your grandfather, Peter, asked.
You just walked through the doors of the house and were about to drag your suitcases upstairs.
"Well, I hope to find a job but when I'm not working, I'll either be here or with Leah and Seth. Ya know, the usual," You shrugged and gave them a small smile. "Can't be away from my family for too long."
"Such a sweetheart," Your grandmother, Julia, cooed. "Are you going over there today?"
"Yeah, for lunch. And then I'm all yours for dinner," You nodded and grabbed the handles of your suitcases. You started on the stairs but stopped at the first step. "You know, I'm really happy to be here. Back home."
"You're not going to miss your parents?" Your grandpa questioned.
"I'll miss them; heck, I miss them already but I love Forks. Also... you guys cook and they don't," You teased before turning and continuing upstairs.
You walked to the room you always stayed in whenever you visited: your dad's old room. All the rooms were pretty small, especially compared to the room you had in D.C. but this room made you happy. You kept most of the decorations up, not wanting to ruin the nostalgia of it all, and just filled the drawers and closet with your clothes.
Lunch came quickly and all your clothes were unpacked. Your parents were going to send the rest of your things over so that would be your task for next week.
You practically jumped down the stairs trying to get to Seth and Leah. You bid your grandparents a quick goodbye before bursting through the front door and into Leah's arms.
You squeezed her tight as she laughed and you pulled away and pulled in Seth. At first glance, you didn't realize how different they looked.
"I missed you guys so much it's crazy," You squealed, but it was muffled since your head was in Seth's shoulder. You pulled away and got a good look at them, your eyes growing wide.
They had matching tattoos which you'd admit was kind of cute, but it still took you by surprise. And Seth was no longer scrawny and five foot eight. He was at least six feet now, still lanky, and his hair was cut down super short. And Leah who was also five foot eight was now maybe five foot ten and her hair was in a short pixie cut.
"OMG, you guys cut your hair. And are these tattoos? Guys, what the fuck happened? You guys got these after the funeral?" Your happy demeanor was snatched away and replaced with concern, your arms crossed over your chest, and your eyes narrowed.
"It's a bit of a long story," Seth chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.
"Okay, well I live here now, I have all the time in the world. Are you, like, going through a phase? Should I call for an intervention?"
"No, it's not like we're going drugs," Seth scoffed but kept a playful grin on his face.
"Y/N, let's not be so dramatic. Come on before mom starts calling," Leah shook her head before going to the car.
"Alright alright," You eased up and put your hands in the air as a sign of surrender.
You sighed and tried to wrap an arm around Seth's shoulder but once you realized he was six feet tall, it was a little bit harder to do. But to make you feel better, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and squeezed you tight.
"You sure you're not on steroids?" You teased and looked up at him.
"Positive!" He laughed.
You got to the other Clearwater house in town and were practically bouncing in excitement.
"Hi, Aunt Sue! How are you?" You asked as you kissed her cheeks and hugged her.
"Better now that you're back in town," She replied and rubbed your back. "A little birdie told me that you're staying for the school year."
You nodded and pulled away so you could sit at the kitchen table. Seth had brought in the chair that was specifically for you when you came to visit and you thanked him.
"'Little birdie' as in Grandpa. That man can't hold water," You shook your head.
Leah came and sat next to you after she finished setting up the plates. Seth sat across from her, and once your Aunt was done placing the food at the table she sat at one end. The other end was your Uncle's spot that remained empty.
Leah squeezed your hand once she noticed you staring into space. You blinked back tears and looked at her and the soft smile that adorned her face.
"You should come to the beach tomorrow and meet our friends," Seth said, an attempt to get your mind off of things.
"Yeah, sure, that sounds good. I just bought a new bikini," You nodded and forced a smile.
You didn't realize how hard it was to be here without your uncle. And now your home felt a little empty. But maybe a beach day would help.
Around noon the next day, Leah was driving you and Seth to the beach, though it was a quick walk from where you lived.
You grabbed your beach bag and followed behind Leah to the group of people you saw huddled on the sand. You thought you'd be surrounded by boys all day until you spotted Emily, your other cousin.
"Y/N!" She gasped and pulled you into a bear hug once you got close enough.
"Hi, Em! I've been doing so much hugging lately, but I could never forget you give the best ones," You smiled and hugged her back.
"Hey!" Seth interjected.
"Seth, don't get jealous," You teased and shoved him lightly once you were released from Emily's arms.
"Never, I know I'm your favorite cousin," He smirked. "Guys, this is our cousin Y/N, the one that visits every summer. She's gonna be living here until she graduates."
Seth addressed everyone and then introduced them all to you, except for Jacob. You guys used to hang out as kids too. He'd sometimes come over with another girl from Forks and the three of you would play together.
You smiled and waved at them all, your eyes met with all of theirs but you were stuck on the last boy Seth introduced. Paul.
He had brown eyes, short black hair, and had almost the same build as Seth but was muscular. He was definitely a La Push boy and he was perfect to you.
"I can't have anything..." You heard Leah grumble from behind you, making your eyes move to look at her.
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, embarrassed at the fact that you were staring at him. But he was staring back so maybe nobody else would think it was weird, but that was unlikely.
Seth sat on a towel and pulled out down next to him, giving you a bright smile. You always loved Seth. Your parents told you that you had to warm up to Leah, but ever since you met Seth, you were two peas in a pod. But Leah, she understood you on a level no one else did. Somehow you got lucky with the best of both worlds.
"So, what do you plan on doing once you graduate?" Emily asked and moved your bag from your lap and set it with the other bags.
"I'm taking a gap year in France!" You spoke excitedly.
You felt everyone's eyes fall on you, making your smile fall slightly. You didn't exactly enjoy being the center of attention, especially since you didn't know the group too well.
"Y/N, you never told me that," Seth spoke up.
"Uh, yes I did. You just don't listen."
"That's a bit far don't you think?" Emily asked and you just shrugged in response.
Sure it was far, but it's not like you were leaving anything behind here; you'd see everyone the next summer.
"Yeah, but I like traveling and it's only for a year. then I'll be back in the states for college. Maybe the east coast, they have a bunch of schools to choose from."
Your eyes searched for Leah's but they found Paul's instead. They were distant and cool but once he recognized you were looking at him, they softened.
You looked away quickly and found Leah's eyes, practically pleading for help.
"I'm hot," She said, not too loud so it wasn't an obvious diversion but it was loud enough that everyone heard. "Come to the water with me?"
She was looking right at you and you nodded. You stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the water.
You slipped off your flip flops and let the water hit your toes as you sighed.
"Thanks," You mumbled.
"Yeah, that's kind of what big cousins are for, saving your butt.”
You stood in the water for a while before grabbing your beach towels and laying them out. You were a bit away from the group, but Leah didn't mind.
You stripped from your shorts and tank top so you were only in your swimsuit. You laid on the towel next to Leah and tanned for maybe an hour two. You tried to learn a bit more about the group, specifically Paul but Leah had no real interest in talking to or about them, so you just let it go. But as you tanned, you watched them talk and play soccer, or talk as they scarfed down some sandwiches Emily made.
You were back in the water, now playfully splashing each other. All day you felt eyes on you that you just couldn't shake but for some reason, it was bothering you now. It reminded you of when you brought up your plans for next year and everyone kept their eyes on you, not breaking contact.
"So, is there a problem with me going away next year?" You asked Leah after getting one last splash in. "Why was everyone looking at me?"
She was silent for a moment as if she were stuck in her thoughts, having an inner dialogue with herself.
"It's just a little... complicated," She shrugged, making you roll your eyes.
"You know, you've changed a lot, Leah. I used to be able to read you like a children's book but now... I guess I'll accept that some things change and some things are need-to-know," You huffed out and started to walk back toward the sand. "I think I'm ready to head home now."
You started packing your things, not wanting to be there any longer. And you felt bad you were cutting Leah's day short, but honestly, it didn't seem like she wanted to be there anyway.
"Y/N, you're leaving?" Seth asked as you walked over to where he was stretched out.
"Yeah, I'm tired," You nodded and forced out a yawn. "It was really nice to meet you all."
From the corner of your eye, you see one boy who you remember to be Jared, nudge Paul, causing him to speak up.
"I can drive you home, I was just about to head out anyway," Paul said, looking you right in the eyes.
It was the first time he had spoken to you directly and something about it moved you to a sense of euphoria. Like, if he ever stopped talking the world around you would crash and burn. If he ever stopped looking at you the way he did, the way his eyes softened at the sight of you, you would disappear into thin air. It was a pull and connection you never felt before and you never wanted to stop feeling it.
You looked over at Leah, to get her approval but she was looking at Paul cautiously before looking over at you. She nodded and you turned back to him and nodded.
He didn't bother packing up whatever things he brought, he just stood up and motioned for you to follow him.
You waved goodbye to the others and ruffled Seth's hair as you left. You were walking to his right when you noticed his tattoo.
"Leah and Seth have that tattoo too," You blurted out.
He looked at you and down at the tattoo as if he forgot it was even there.
"Oh yeah, we all have one," He shrugged.
"What's it for? Like does it mean anything?"
"It's just for our little group."
It was a vague response, his tone was similar to Leah's. Maybe it just wasn't your business. And though you were annoyed with Leah, you weren't annoyed with Paul. You never wanted to be on the outs with him so you just accepted his answer and got in his truck.
It was weird that you were nervous since you felt connected to him but you also felt the need to impress him.
He pulled up in front of your house and you turned to smile at him.
"Thanks for bringing me home, I really appreciate it. I'll see you around?"
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again soon. I was thinking of a picnic?"
He was nervous, you could tell. It was the first time he hadn't looked at you all day. He was facing you, but looking everywhere but at your face.
"Just the two of us?"
"Yeah, unless-"
"Sure, just text me a date and time and I'll be ready," You cut him off.
He nodded and let a victorious smile rest on his face as he handed you his phone.
You saved your number in his phone before handing it back and getting out of the car.
"Bye Paul," You smiled and grabbed your bag, resting it on your shoulder.
"Bye Y/N."
You shut the door and walked up to your front door, unlocking it. You turned back and waved at him before slipping inside the house and letting out a sigh of happiness.
"Was that a boy?" You heard behind you, making you jump.
"Grandma!" You gasped and held your chest.
"So who was that?" She teased.
"Just a boy."
"Right," She hummed with a raised eyebrow and turned to leave you alone.
Definitely not just a boy.
A picnic on the beach was your and Paul's first date. He picked you up, picnic basket in hand, and you guys walked through the woods and to the beach. He brought a big blanket for you both to sit on as you talked and ate the sandwiches he packed.
You played in the water, laughing vibrantly as you splashed each other. You attempted to make sandcastles but failed and decided to just walk up and down the sand.
"So," He started.
"So," You mimicked and looked at him.
"When did you move away?"
"When I was eight. If you're trying to remember me, I promise we wouldn't have been friends," You chuckled and shook your head.
He titled his head to the side and stopped walking.
"And why not?" A playful smirked rested on his face, and you stopped walking simply at the sight of it.
"There's no way I could've been separated from Seth at that point. Like no way. And if it wasn't Seth, it was Leah. And I only knew Jacob because our dads hung out. But I was just a weird, clingy kid," You shrugged.
"So, it's not just because you think you're better than me?" He teased. You scoffed and put a hand on your chest.
"Please," You scoffed and shoved his shoulder gently.
You kept walking down the beach, this time walking back toward where the blanket was. And as you were walking, Paul picked up a stick and wrote "Paul + Y/N" in the sand with a heart around it, making you giggle.
If anyone else had done that on the first date, you would've run for the hills and never looked back. But it was Paul so it was okay.
And when you started spending more and more time together, like going bowling or to a museum, no one questioned it.
The date to the museum took you completely by surprise. You mentioned once or twice to your cousins how you wanted to go visit the museums in Seattle, but you never got around to going.
You two walked around, holding hands, and admiring all the art. It was intimate and quiet, and it was really about enjoying each other's company.
"You stole our cousin!" Seth burst out as you and Paul walked into Emily's house.
You waved to everyone else who sat at the kitchen table or around the kitchen.
"Did not," Paul brushed him off and set a hand on the bottom of your back.
"Good morning to you too, Seth," You smiled.
"We just came to take a nap before lunch. So, if you all don't mind," Paul said and ushered you toward the living room.
"Why don't you guys just do that at your own houses?" Jared spoke up, contorting his face in fake disgust.
You looked at Paul and he looked at you before you both turned back to face Jared.
"Nah, I don't think so," Paul shook his head.
"If it's all the same to you, we're gonna go take our nap now," You hummed and used your thumb to suggest you'd be in the living room.
You let Paul lay down first and then you climbed on top of him and rested your head in the crook of his neck.
"What do you think we're gonna have for lunch?" You asked as your eyes began to get droopy.
"Mmm, maybe burgers."
"Doubt it."
"Okay, if I'm wrong, I'll carry you for the rest of the day."
"You were probably gonna do that anyway," You chuckled and closed your eyes.
"Yeah, that's fair."
You drifted off as he drew shapes on your back. You listened to his heartbeat and the quickness of it. Usually, you'd hold your breath so yours would match up, but yours was beating just as fast as if you had been running for miles.
"I don't smell any burgers," You mumbled as you woke up. You sat up and pecked his forehead before standing up and reaching your hand out for him to take. "Did you sleep?"
"Maybe for an hour," He shrugged and took your hand, following you into the kitchen.
You sat at the table and Paul took the seat next to you. Your hands still latched together, rested on the table in between you two.
"Do you guys have to hold hands at the table?"
You gave Jared a sly smile before moving your hands onto your lap and giggling.
"Why are you being such a downer today?" You asked Jared, your voice holding a playful tone.
"Me? A downer? Please! I'm an upper!"
"Since you're such an upper, why don't you join us on our walk after lunch?" Paul challenged eyebrow raised.
"I'd rather not third-wheel. Thanks for the invite though."
"Your loss."
"Doubt it."
"Okay, when does a joke become a dad joke?" You asked, looking up at who you considered to be your boyfriend.
"Uh, I don't know," He shrugged but was smiling sheepishly.
"When it becomes apparent," You giggled.
After lunch, you two left Emily's and headed into the woods. You had no idea where you were going or if there was even an intended location but you were happy to just be hanging out with your favorite person.
"That was a good one," He nodded. "Okay, um... what do you call an ant that had been shunned by his community?"
"A socially dissed ant! Come on, everyone knows that one," You laughed.
"Alright, alright. What do-"
Before he could finish, his head snapped from facing you, to now looking in front of him.
He ignored you and looked ahead, his eyes scanning the area. He looked back at you, his face serious and his tone reflected that.
"Y/N, run back to Emily's and don't stop. When you get there, just wait for me to come back," He said and kissed you on the cheek before backing away from you.
"Paul, what's going on? What's wrong?" You asked, your face displaying your confusion.
"Just go," He demanded and though it wasn't harsh, you knew he meant business.
He started running ahead and just as you were about to turn around and run back to Emily's it was as if some huge wolf came and ate the boy that was right in front of you.
It was huge, five times larger than Paul, with dark silver fur. And when it turned to glance at you, you recognized its dark eyes and they were pleading for you to listen.
You quickly turned around and ran back to Emily's. It was already hard enough jumping over logs and pushing branches out the way, but with the rumbling of the ground, you were struggling. You saw seven more gigantic wolves going the same way as the dark silver wolf, which you assumed was why the ground was so shaky.
But were they going after him? If your eyes weren't deceiving you, that wolf was Paul. But for as long as you've known him, which was maybe about a month and some change, he's either with his friends or with you, no time for him to get into any trouble.
You burst through Emily's front door, clearly scaring her since she practically jumped out of her skin.
"Hey, are you alright?" She asked, placing her hands on your shoulders as you panted.
What would you say? You just saw your boyfriend turn into a huge wolf and saw seven other wolves running in the woods? The thought of even saying it aloud was ridiculous. And even though Emily was very understanding, you knew this was too crazy to tell.
"No, yeah I'm okay," You nodded and plopped into a chair by the table, your hands behind your head as you tried to regulate your breathing.
But as much as you tried to calm down, you couldn't stop your leg from bouncing and you couldn't keep yourself from biting your nails. You were so worried you didn't realize that it was only you and Emily in the usually full house.
Emily tried talking to you, but you were so lost in thought that you would only him in response. You were never quite sure what she was talking about but you thought humming was a sufficient answer along with nodding or shaking your head.
You couldn't even look at her. If your eyes were on the door, waiting for any sign of Paul, they were watching the clock and watching as the time slowly went by.
When you finally spot him, he's shirtless and wearing khaki shorts (the ones he was wearing earlier was a mud brown). You jump from your seat and through the screen door, into his arms. And without missing a beat, he caught you and held you close.
"Yeah, let's just forget we exist," You heard Seth in the back but you couldn't tear your attention from your counterpart.
"You okay?" You whispered.
"Yeah, are you?"
You nodded in response and let the silence and your nerves settle. You knew he was safe since he was in your arms and you could hear his heart beating against his chest.
"What was that?" You breathed out and peeked up at him.
He looks over at Sam as if they were speaking to each other with just their eyes, before looking back at you.
"Let me drive you home," He suggested and you nodded immediately. Being with him wasn't something you had to think about.
You pull away from him and turn to Leah and Seth.
"We're still on for breakfast tomorrow?" You asked and wrapped around Paul's waist, snuggling into his side.
Leah glanced at Paul and then back at you before nodding.
"Yeah, we'll come get you."
Paul ushered you to his truck, helping you get in before getting in himself. The ride home was quiet and you watched the trees, hoping to see the silver wolf staring back at you. Hoping that you weren't crazy and that the impossible remained impossible.
"I know you have a lot of questions," Paul started as he parked the car in front of your house.
"More than a lot."
He sat silently, mulling over what he was going to say, before going into great detail about everything. From the legends you grew up listening to, to shifting, and finally to imprinting.
"And you expect me to just take this in with ease?" You questioned.
"Not at all."
"The only reason why I'm not laughing and calling you a liar is only because I saw you turn into a huge wolf right in front of me. The imprinting part I can believe with ease; that makes the most sense."
"We're soulmates," He nodded, smiling bashfully.
"More like twin flames but yeah sure," You nodded. "And you saw a... vampire today? That's what you were chasing?"
"Yeah, we don't know why they're here. They're not with the Cullens. But you don't have anything to worry about, we chased them to Canada." His eyes met yours, noticing the concern in your eyes, and reached a hand over to rest on yours. "Everything is fine. Everyone's safe."
You nodded reluctantly and sighed, pulling his hand to your mouth to kiss.
"Stay safe, please," You mumbled and held his hand to your cheek.
"I'll text you when I get back from breakfast, you can come over."
He nodded happily, a big grin danced in his face as he leaned over to peck your lips.
"See you tomorrow."
"Bye dork," You giggled as you got out the truck and walked inside.
Tomorrow came quickly and you and Seth were now seated across from Leah at a diner.
"So, what did the big, bad wolf tell you?" Leah asked while wiping the syrup off her mouth with a napkin.
"Everything," You shrugged, as you stuffed your mouth with eggs.
You slept on what Paul said, occasionally pinching yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming. There wasn't anything you could do about it, so why stress about it?
"And how do you feel?" She continued, eyeing you as if trying to read you and see through your calm demeanor.
"Fine. Normal. You don't have to hide anything from me anymore so that's good," You hummed and sipped at your water.
"I'll be back," Seth mumbled.
He stood up and walked over to the bathroom, leaving you and Leah alone.
"So, I know I've been keeping things from you, which isn't like me at all but it's just because of this whole pack thing. Only select people are supposed to know about it," Leah explained.
"Yeah, I know. Paul told me."
"Why are you acting like this isn't a big deal? Why aren't you angry or upset or sad?"
"Because I understand why you couldn't tell me. It's not your fault, Leah. What's there to be upset about?" You uttered, trying to get her to understand what you were thinking. "You're still my cousin and I still love you. That's it."
"That's it," She nodded and gave a smile that didn't show any teeth. As if she were still holding back. But it wasn't your place to force it out of her. She'd talk when she was ready.
When you got back home, your grandparents were at the store but you knew they wouldn't mind Paul being over. So, as you promised, you called him and invited him over.
You were upstairs in your room, straightening up when you heard banging on the side of the house and then saw Paul standing next to the window.
"So you... climbed up the side of the house... instead of ringing the doorbell?" You questioned, arms crossed over your chest.
"Less work for you," He shrugged and pulled you into his arms, pecking your forehead.
"So thoughtful," You giggled and pulled away so you could lay on your bed. "How was breakfast?"
"Good. I brought you some pancakes, they're downstairs."
He laid next to you on the bed and poked your cheek, making you roll your eyes in faux annoyance.
"You're going to school on the Res?" He asked.
"No, Forks High," You shook your head. "I figured, I didn't need to be around Seth all the time. Give each other some space."
"How perceptive."
"And then I'm going away once I graduate, you knew that though."
"What about me?"
"Do you want to come? Meet my parents and eat escargot?" You smiled.
His face was suddenly hard, on the brink of sadness and frustration. Your smile immediately dropped once you noticed his expression and you were ready to comfort him, your palm softly rested on his cheek.
"I can't leave the pack right now. Things need to die down before I can just up and leave," He rolled his eyes hostilely and moved your hand from his face.
You frowned and your eyebrows furrowed to match your anguish.
"Okay, well, we'll make it work," You tried to open the conversation to compromise.
"You're not even sure where you're going to college."
"P, it's not the end of the world. We'll figure it out."
It seemed the more you talked, the more upset he got but being silent and sweeping things under the rug never made anything better.
"You say that now but once we're thousands of miles apart, you're going to see it's not as easy as you're making it seem. We're not a regular couple. Long-distance is already hard but with an imprint, it's much worse. The emptiness and misery will become overwhelming-"
"Well, what do you want me to do Paul? Put my life on hold? We will figure it out. We have a whole year before I go-"
"I need to go."
He abruptly got up from the bed with a red face, slightly shaking but not too much.
"Where are you going?" You sat up, practically talking to his back since he was facing the window.
"For a run. I'll be back later, maybe."
He left your house the same way he came, not bothering to look back at you. It felt as if he were talking to an enemy if you hadn't known any better. But you knew he was just disappointed and frustrated that he couldn't pause time and replay this past summer. And you understood why he felt this way. Somethings are just so good, you never want them to change. But life isn't easy and we can't always have things go our way.
You had never been around a Paul that wasn't either in a positive headspace or worried. Worried Paul didn't shut down the way he just did. He was gentle and soft-spoken.
You sighed and fell back onto the bed, rubbing your temples.
Did that count as an argument? Because if so, that would be your first. It was usually smooth sailings but you had only known each other for a month, so of course, you tried not to step on each other's toes.
You jumped up at the sound of feet landing on the floor in front of you, thinking Paul came back. But you were met with a woman with olive skin, red eyes, and short, curly, black hair. She stood about 5'3" and had an aggressive nature about her that pulled you to your feet, triggering your fight or flight response. Her face was squared, with a flat nose, her cardinal eyes hooded.
"You were with the wolf the other day. You're his... mate," She broke the silence, speaking the last word with either mix of interest or disgust (you couldn't tell which). Her voice drew you in; it was smooth and tantalizing.
You stayed silent and didn't think to move a muscle. To move meant, you wanted to be chased in her eyes and you knew you couldn't outrun her.
She slowly took steps closer to you and continued, "You're pretty for a human."
You confirmed that her voice was full of disgust. The way she said "human" and how her top lip curled as she did so, was not a reflection of interest.
As she moved closer, you knew time was running out and maybe that's what made you speak up. You'll never know the real reason, it was a shock to both of you.
"Paul will be here any second. But if you do happen to succeed in whatever you're planning, you need to know: he's not going to stop hunting you until he has your head."
Your voice was oddly steady and full of confidence you didn't know you had. Maybe because deep down you knew it was true and you weren't just trying to keep the clock running.
She chuckled as if entertained by your words, as if she was able to look through your charade. But now she was standing a few inches away and if anything gave it away, it was your heart beating rapidly.
You heard a bowl from outside, making your eyes flicker over to the window, then back to the trespasser in your room.
You almost let out a breath of relief, but that might've meant you weren't scared anymore, and then she might not show any mercy. You didn't want to antagonize her.
"I wonder if... he'll still love you if you're one of us. Red eyes, skin as hard as a rock, and as cold as ice-"
"I promise you, he will."
"'m not too sure. I'd like to test it out though."
In the blink of an eye, she was gone and you were on the floor, letting out a blood-curdling scream. Your whole body felt like you were on fire, you laid on the hardwood of your floor, flailing around and screaming while you held on to the center of all your pain.
And while screaming out and crying for help, the tears puddling on your floor weren't from the pain, but from the memories as your life flashed before your eyes.
"Mom, he's so pretty," You mumbled in awe as you peered over into your Aunt Sue's arms and watched your little cousin look back at you. "Isn't he," She smiled at you and you nodded energetically. "But we have to head home, to give Aunt Sue and Uncle Harry some space with him." You nodded sadly but obediently and moved from your aunt's side to your mom's. You reached up and grabbed her hand, gripping it tight and leaning on her leg. You waved as you followed your mom out of the room, your eyes filling with tears. She must've heard your sniffling as you neared the elevators because she paused and looked down at you. "Hey, what's wrong Little One?" She asked as she crouched to your height. She held both of your hands and tried to look you in your eyes, but you kept your head down, trying not to let her see your tears. "He's jus' so p-perfect and I don' wanna leave h-him," You spoke between hiccups. She gave you a fond smile and let go of your hands to wipe the tears from your chubby cheeks. "We can go back for a couple of minutes but then we have to go meet your dad and Leah. They're waiting for us in the gift shop, remember?" "Okay," You nodded. "I promise I won't cry when we leave this time." "Oh baby, it's okay to cry. Sometimes we love things so much that we cry. You two might be soulmates; meant to meet and be there for each other. An irreplaceable bond. That's how I feel about you." "You love me so much you could cry?" You gasped, eyes widening at the fact that an adult you admired so much cried just like you. "Yep! I love you more than I could tell you." You hugged her as tight as you could in your little arms, so full of immeasurable happiness "Love you too, Mommy."
You couldn't imagine leaving them behind. Your parents always showed you so much love and support, you were beyond lucky to have them. But your mom was a goddess in your eyes, even if you have grown apart. Your feelings will never change. But what would they tell her once you're no longer you?
And Seth. No matter what Sam decided, he'd find a way to see you and spend time with you. You knew he'd never let you spend eternity without him. But Leah was tricky, as she always had been.
"Y/N, what are you crying about now?" She huffed as she sat down next to you on the porch. You both had come home from school, Leah was in fifth grade and you were in first. "Nothing, Leah," You mumbled and turned your body completely away from hers. "It's not 'nothing' if you're crying? What's the matter?" Her tone was more gentle this time and she put a hand on your left shoulder. You leaned into her hand subconsciously and wiped a tear that fell from your eye. "Is it those kids in your class?" She asked. You hesitantly nodded. You didn't want to hear the whole "stand up for yourself" speech again but you also didn't want to keep this to yourself anymore. "Just been picking on me because of my shoes," You muttered and looked down at your feet. These were your favorite shoes, but now they were dirty and worn out. You still wore them though since the value was still there in your eyes. You loved those pink light up shoes and couldn't bear to part from them. "I like your shoes," Leah shrugged. "Thanks." You didn't know if she actually liked them or if she was just saying that to appease you. You guys' parents always were telling her how her influence and approval meant a lot to you, even if you never showed it. She was your big cousin and you adored everything about her. And because your big cousin said she liked your shoes, you wore them again the next day. Sure, you were subjecting yourself to another day of teasing, but if Leah liked them, screw what the other kids thought. You stomped your feet and watched the colors on your shoes shine as you stood in the lunch line. "Really? The beaten-up shoes again?" You heard behind you. You say was officially ruined. Bigmouth Iara Lyons had to come in and ruin your whole mood. Her and her little snotty-nosed posse. You kept your head straight and ignored her as your mom suggested. Your dad wanted you to hit her, even if it meant him having to come and pick you up from school, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. But Leah was Leah and wasn't afraid to step up to anyone. "I know you can hear me, Clearwater!" Iara kept going and you could feel her amber eyes burning a hole through the back of your head. "Clearly, she's ignoring you." That was Leah's voice. A voice that made you gasp and turn around. This was a confrontation you needed to see. "And you are?" Iara raised one of her fine eyebrows, a hand on her hip. "Leah Clearwater. Stop messing with my cousin." You now stood behind Leah, somewhat cowering behind her, but still able to be seen. "Or else what?" Leah pushed the girl down without hesitation, making you cover your mouth with your hand. You didn't know if you wanted to gasp or laugh, so you settled for gasping now and laughing later when you were home, replaying this scene right before bed. The other two girls with Iara looked at Leah with wide eyes and then down at their friend who was looking for them to defend her. "Or else, I'm gonna do more than push you. You're a first-grader with a mustache, worry about that instead of her shoes," Leah snarled. The whole lunchroom was looking at Iara and Leah now, wondering what their next moves would be, but you knew it was Clearwater: one point and Lyons: zero. You win. You watched the tears well up in Iara's eyes as she scrambled to her feet. She stood in front of you for a moment, not knowing whether she wanted to run or stay but chose the former. She ran out of the lunchroom, her friends reluctant to follow after her, leaving you and Leah. You saw Leah let out a sigh before turning to face you. "Now, if you make me do that again, I'm going to push you too. Got it?" "Got it," You nodded, a proud grin on your face.
That day made you proud to call Leah your cousin. But now you were at a crossroads. Would you still be allowed to hang out with her? Would she still want to be around you? Or was this the line that you never knew was drawn?
The night of your bowling date with Paul, you two were laying in your bed, holding hands. Your eyes were closed as you started drifting off, and he must've thought you were sleeping, but you perked up at the feeling of Paul kissing the top of your head. "You are the most important person in my life. I'm so happy you're here with me," He whispered into your hair. "Forever." You smiled softly and pulled him closer to you, literally wanting to be attached at the hip. It was as if you were dreaming. This affection was something some people could only dream about. But here it was in the palm of your hands. Your body was flooded with a certain happiness you had never known. A happiness that can only be obtained by being in the presence of Paul Lahote.
But would you ever feel this happiness again? Did the trespasser rob you of a happiness that only a few were lucky to experience? As your body felt like it was being torn apart, limb by limb, and tossed into a fire, every memory you relived tore your heart the same way before everything went black.
You ignored the migraine and the aching feeling of your body and pulled yourself into a sitting position.
The spot next to you was empty. If Paul was next to you, you would've assumed it all to be a nightmare. But you woke up alone, dazed, and confused. So where was he?
You took in your surroundings and recognized you were in your room. Nothing looked touched, but the floors were clean and your window was shut and locked.
You stood up and your vision immediately got fuzzy, but you grabbed onto your headboard to keep from falling over.
You took baby steps toward the stairs, keeping a hand on the wall so you had something to leave on. You gripped the railing tightly as you walked down the steps. You tried to be quiet, as to not disturb your grandparents but you weren't quiet enough to go under the radar of a shifter.
At the bottom of the stairs stood Seth, a comforting smile graced his face. "Where's Paul?" You asked, pausing in the middle of the stairs.
"That's the first thing you ask? Of all the questions you might have, that's the one you ask?" He chuckled and held a hand out for you, gesturing for you to keep walking.
But you didn't laugh, giggle, chuckle. You kept walking down the steps and once you reached your cousin, you placed a hand in his.
"Where's Paul?"
You turned to look into the living room where you saw the rest of the pack and your grandparents sitting, waiting for you to make your grand entrance. Seth was at the stairs, Leah was right behind him and the others sat on the couch and in chairs, eyeing you carefully but still smiling.
"He just went to use the bathroom, Sleeping Beauty," Leah answered, attempting the smoothen the tension.
Paul walked in, your eyes watching him carefully and his doing the same to you.
"Are you okay?" You asked him.
He didn't look hurt, just a little out of place, mentally. It was weird because he seemed completely fine and he would seem like that to a normal person but to you, he wasn't himself. He was standoffish, normally he would've been the first to greet you. He would've been in your room, if not in your bed, at your desk, and if not there in Seth's spot. Normal Paul, wouldn't have missed you waking up. It made you feel like something was wrong.
"Am I okay? Are you okay?" He asked, almost appalled that you asked about him.
"Am I... myself?"
"You're yourself," He nodded and glanced at your body once more, but this time he stopped at your left wrist.
You looked down at your wrist to see what he saw. And that's when you saw it. It was huge teeth marks from when the nomad bit you, still red and fresh. It wasn't actively bleeding but it couldn't have been more than two days since the incident.
"Don't we have patrol to go to or something?" Paul coughed, making you take your attention off your wrist.
You looked up him and then over at Sam who nodded. You frowned and went to inch closer to Paul, but instead decided to move backward and stand between Seth and Leah.
Paul was the first to leave and the rest of the pack stood and walked toward the door, but wishing you well as they left. Sam handed you a bouquet and told you that Emily would be over later.
You nodded and walked over to the couch, placing the flowers on your lap.
"Do you want to be alone?" Your grandpa asked, trying to see where your head was at.
"Just Seth and Leah, please," You nodded.
Your grandparents left the room and your cousins came and sat on either side of you.
"How did... how am I still normal?" You asked. You heard Seth gulp loudly, making you look over at Leah. She sighed and mumbled something about always being the bearer.
"Paul... heard you scream and came right to you. We were waiting for her to come out but he couldn't ignore your screams. He brought you over... to the Cullens," She paused and shuddered before continuing. "Carlisle sucked the venom out."
"Oh," You nodded slowly, taking everything in.
The incident wasn't anything you'd ever forget but it was coming back to you in flashes. And you remembered how you told the woman that nothing would change you and Paul's relationship.
"What's that frown for? We took care of her, Y/N," Seth asked, nudging your side.
"I was just... so confident that no matter what happened, Paul's feelings wouldn't change for me and here we are."
You smiled sadly, tucking your lips in your teeth. After shrugging, you leaned your head on Seth's shoulder and closed your eyes.
"Maybe I should've just went to France," You mumbled.
The exhaustion hit you like a ton of bricks and before you knew it, you were back to sleep.
You kind of figured you'd be back in your room when you woke up. You expected the three of you to be squished in the bed, napping as if you were, five, eight, and eleven again. But you woke up and it was Paul laying beside you, staring down at you like he was waiting for you to wake up.
"Hey," You greeted him.
"You okay?"
"Are you?
"Then, yeah I'm okay," He responded and paused for a moment, glancing into your eyes, reading you. "There's no way I can explain how sorry I am that this happened to you-"
"It's not your fault, Paul."
"They went after you because you were with me. I couldn't even keep you safe. I'm sorry and I will forever be apologetic," He stopped again, closing his eyes and collecting his thoughts. "You might not remember but you weren't just screaming, Y/N. You were screaming my name. Not just crying out random wails, but crying out for me. I should've been there, I should've never left. Now the sight of you withering in pain and calling for me will forever be engrained in my mind. The pain you were in... it was because I left."
What he said didn't change how you felt about anything, but it made you think about how you had so much faith in him. It was news to you that you were screaming for him, specifically, but you also weren't surprised. You believed he would come and save you and he did. Because he was your Paul and he would always be there.
"No one could've known she'd have a vendetta against you and come after me, Paul. This is no one's fault, I need you to come to terms with and believe that. I feel safest in your arms, don't ever forget that, please."
Maybe it was the imprint, but he let it go, tentatively of course. But what mattered was that he let it go for right now and kissed your forehead.
You let an arm drape around his waist and he had a hand drawing shapes on your back. You sat for a while, enjoying each other's presence, after being separated for two days. And though you didn't want to pick a fight, you just had to know.
"If-if I were changed though, would you still-"
"No doubt about. You're still my Y/N, no matter what."
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[AN: okay so I wanted to address two things. one, I don’t want y’all to think the soulmate thing is weird so I’ll explain. soulmates are anyone, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, that you feel an instant connection to. basically someone that was meant to be in your life, whether they stay or leave. so that’s how I saw seth and the reader. ALSO, I didn’t really go into depth about the relationship between the reader and the rest of the pack but I just didn’t feel like that was super important for me to focus on. but yeah everyone is on good terms, I just didn’t go super into depth about that. lastly, I’ll probably go through and edit this once more, I just wanted to post it finally. anyway, hope you all enjoyed !]
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
La Squadra Backstory Headcanons Part 1 (GHIACCHIO AND MELONE
Since we’re probably never going to get any straight answers on their backstory, i’m writing my own for them.  Obviously, none of this is canon and guesswork
WARNINGS: none really, aside from dark themes 
Came from a very large and very poor family, the youngest of many children.  
As a result, he was the last to get anything-last to get fed, last to get clothed, last to get attention.
He didn’t get the proper care he truly needed, so he had to fight and take what he really needed, or he would have to make do without.
He’s always had awful eyesight, but it wasn’t until stealing a classmate’s glasses that happened to be exactly what Ghiacchio needed, he fought the kid for them and gave him a black eye
“There, now you can’t even use them, they’re better off with me!”
Despite getting into a lot of fights, School was actually something of a sanctuary for Ghiaccio.  
He got the attention he needed, he was able to get free food through the lunch program, and excelled in several sports activities and physical Ed.
During middle school, under encouragement of a favorite teacher of his, he dedicated himself to his studies, and enrolled in as many extra curricular activities as he could stomach.
With his impressive physical fitness, natural intelligence, and a little anger management, his teacher convinced him he could get into a good college with a full scholarship that he wouldn’t otherwise be able to get into
Ghiacchio wasn’t always as loud, angry and violent as he was in La Squadra, but he did have issues with anger management, an inferiority complex, and a self-sabotaging need to always be right.  
But his teacher, now his mentor, never gave up on him.  He took Ghiaccio to therapy, gave him a shoulder to lean on, and served as the support he never got from his parents or siblings.
His family had no interest or desire to get involved with his life, or offer any support or encouragement.
School was tough- it was extremely stressful and he was pushing himself to his limits.  He had very little sleep, had to maintain a 4.0 grade average, but despite it all, Ghiacchio was very happy.
His mentor was like a father figure to him, without him, Ghiacchio wouldn’t have been able to get as far as he did.
And then the worst happened.
His mentor died naturally, of a heart attack, he was an older gentleman with a history of heart disease in his family.
It still broke Ghiaccio.
He skipped school for the first time in years to attend his funeral, and ended up getting in a fight with one of his teachers at school the next day.
Ghiacchio and his teacher argued over the correct pronunciation of a word, but really Ghiacchio was angry at his teachers and school-hell, the WORLD- that no one else had been at his mentor’s funeral.  He felt like no one cared about his mentor, and that included him.  
He broke the teacher’s nose, as well as several other bruises and nearly gave him a concussion.
Obviously, he was expelled from school after that, and sent to a juvenile prison.  He was able to finish high school in juvie, but no university or sports team wanted to sponsor him or offer him a scholarship. 
 It is his greatest regret, not being able to get the scholarship he and his mentor worked so hard for
But at the same time, he doesn’t regret attacking his other teacher and leaving school; he couldn’t stand by and let his mentor’s memory be forgotten, besmirched.
He would be picked up by Passione through the juvie system, he kept getting into petty fights with others and managed to impress some soldatos into offering him initiation.
I like to think that his strict grammar pet peeve stems from his mentor, who taught italian grammar and literature studies, and as a result was especially strict with teaching Ghiacchio proper italian.
The ice theme for his stand?  Yeah, it’s funny because he’s a hot head, but i think it’s his stand, as an extension of his mentor’s teachings trying to literally “Cool” him down.  He has to use a lot of focus to use White Album properly, just like how his studies and athletics would distract him from his own mental health issues.
At least, this is just what I think lol
Hoo-boy, this kiddo has to have had some serious  family issues
His father was the head doctor at the most prestigious fertility clinic in Italy
(He was also secretly into eugenics, and lots of other nasty stuff, but let’s get into that later)
He was so successful, he had even cured his own wife’s infertility
At least, that’s what he had everyone believe
Secretly, Melone’s father had had an extramarital affair with his secretary, who became pregnant and had Melone.
Under extreme threats and blackmail, Melone’s father managed to take Melone away from his biological mother, and convince his wife to raise Melone as her own.
Needless to say, Melone’s father was a very bad, manipulative man
Despite this, his wife had always wanted a child, and actually loved him and cared for him deeply, and Melone became her child as much as his biological mother
Melone’s father was very strict and had high expectations of Melone from a young age.
Melone had private tutors, a personal chef and nutrition plan, and even a physical fitness teacher who would regularly exercise him.
Melone had no other siblings, surprisingly, despite his father’s obsession with eugenics and breeding.  
His father must have been afraid of the possible scandal that would arise from an affair or divorce (italy is still a heavily catholic country after all) and his wife, Melone’s “adoptive” mother was still barren,
Since Melone was an only child, home schooled and surrounded by paid lackeys of his father, he was very lonely.  
His mother was his one and only real friend in his life.  She would sneak him dessert snacks, read him fairytale stories if he got tired of his textbooks, and even played games like jump rope and hide and seek with him.
The entire reason his “Adoptive” mother had married his father in the first place was because it had been her lifelong dream to have children, and she was determined to give Melone all the love his father couldn’t and wouldn’t.
And that was life for a long time- it wasn’t the best childhood but Melone couldn’t really complain.  His father kind of scared him, but at the same time he earned Melone’s respect.  
Melone was interested in Biology, and learning about genetics like his father.
And when the stress of living up to his father, and his own, expectations became too hard, he could always run to his mother.
Then, Melone’s biological mother found him
Melone’s biological mother had never really gotten over losing her only child, and despite the monthly salary and isolated home she had received for her silence, she couldn’t forget about Melone.  
It started innocuously enough, clipping out pictures she saw of him and his father from the clinic’s advertisement brochures, watching him from afar play at the beach with his mother on vacation.  
But it wasn’t enough- she couldn’t just GIVE UP her child.
She started to stalk him, taking photos of him playing in his backyard, going through the garbage to find old school projects and tests in the trash can.  She would try to sneak into the house, bribing guards and getting in fights with the tutors trying to get into Melone’s home.  
Melone didn’t know the whole story between his parents and this “Surrogate” (he had been sworn to secrecy by his mother, knowing it was important to tell adopted children early on or risk causing severe trauma later in life)  but he knew his parents were becoming more and more stressed out.
One day, it came to a head, and Melone’s biological mother successfully was able to meet Melone.  
Melone was a little afraid at first, but his other mommy was so nice to him, and gave him lots of hugs and love like his other mom and played with him at the park.  
They actually had a really fun time together, and it had a lasting impact on Melone for the rest of his life.
But all good things have to end, and for the first time in his young life, Melone was confronted with death.  
Eventually, Melone’s bodyguards (his father had employed some after finding out about Melone's biological mother stalking him) caught up to them, and Melone and his mother tried to escape.  
Melone’s other mother was with the bodyguards,and when Melone saw her, he was unsure of what to do.
He loved both of his mothers, he wanted to stay with both of them, why were they making him choose?
Under His father’s orders The bodyguards, who Melone later found out were associated with passione, shot his biological mother.  Terrified Melone would be shot as well, his adoptive mother dove in front of him to protect him from the bullets.
Both of his mothers were shot, his father had ordered them to kill the bio mother no matter what, even if Melone got shot.  Apparently, MElone’s father would rather risk his son’s life than let his bio mother escape with them and risk the scandal.  Knowing this, his adoptive mother was shot and killed protecting him.  
On that day, Melone lost both of his mothers, the most important people in his life, all because of his father.  
It took a long time for Melone to process what happened-his father didn’t help things either.  He was just as cold and clinical with Melone as ever, and with no one who truly cared about him in his life, Melone withdrew more and more into himself and his studies.
He was civil with his father, and maintained his studies and health, until he officially turned 18.  
After years of planning, he poisoned his father in his sleep and killed him.
The Police were never able to press charges or find any evidence on him, but Passione noticed, and saw potential in him.  
They gave him an ultimatum, pass initiation and join their ranks, or get turned into the police by passione and get his inheritance stolen by the gang.
Without much of a choice, Melone agrees, and finds he actually likes life in la squadra
It goes without saying, his mothers were a huge influence in both his life and his stand.
Both of his mother’s lives were so sad and lonely because they couldn’t have a child.  
He desperately wishes he could have used Baby Face on his mothers, either not realizing or not caring about the implications.
Despite his mother’s best efforts, Melone never really had proper social interaction as a child, and it seriously screwed him over in life, even interacting with la squadra. 
 He’s read up on how to behave in public, social psychology, but it's not the same as learning as a child
It’s easier to learn those things as a child, which is why he makes sure to spend at least a little time with each Baby Face on how to behave and treat others; at least they can succeed where he couldn’t.
It’s also why he can’t control himself around women- he thinks he’s genuinely helping them by giving them children or getting them pregnant.
He’s giving them what his own mothers couldn’t
And you can BET he takes his role as father VERY seriously- you saw how he taught and trained Baby Face in canon.  He’s intense, but he’s also a lot more loving than his own dad was.
I’ll admit, this backstory is a little bit “Soap Opera” but I think it still fits him
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track fourteen
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| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
“Today’s lecture is on end of life. Death. Passing. However you want to refer to it, it’s about the process of a human being who was here, not being here anymore. And it’s particularly about your role in helping them go peacefully.”
Indy swallowed hard. 
The wound was still fresh. It didn’t matter that it was May. Bekah’s funeral could have been just yesterday. She could see the wood grain of the podium she’d delivered the eulogy at in front of her if she closed her eyes for a few seconds too long. 
Instead, she looked forward, found her professor in the front of the lecture hall. Dr. Ginn. A quirky woman, who seemed determined to live up to Indy’s first impression as she climbed onto her desk and sat with her clicker in her hand, legs criss-cross. 
“Now. Doctors and death, they don’t mix. If I had to guess, a doctor’s worst fear is death. They spend their whole lives fighting it. But nurses? We’re different.”
Indy liked the sound of we.
“For us, the priorities shift. As nurses, your job is just as much to push epi as it is to hold someone’s hand. And you are the one that makes that call. You are the last comfort that a lot of people have in their lives. You are the backbone for the family, for the friends who are there to say goodbye. And you are there to make sure your patient goes as peacefully as they can. That is the most important part of your job, hands down. And if that’s not something you can see yourself doing, then you need to rethink and probably change your career.”
The hall was silent apart from the clicking of laptop keys.
“Now. On that lovely note, let’s get started. A code blue, or as I call it, an ‘oh shit’...” 
A message notification appeared on the right corner of Indy’s screen as she opened her notes.
Coffee after class?
Indy smiled, and in lieu of listening for a moment, she let her mind wander back to February...
Grayson was really trying. But it was hard to break habits that he’d been so comfortable with since the first day that he met Indiana. It took so much mental effort to not hold her hand, to not brush her hair behind her ear - so much that Indy nudged him in the side as they walked.
“Where’d you go?”
“Sorry, just thinking.”
She had a good guess of what he was thinking about, or more specifically what he was waiting for.
An answer.
Indy could hear Nicole in her mind, telling her to be careful, to be careful with her heart. She thought of what her mother would say if she met Grayson as she walked beside him on the sidewalk. It kept her mind busy until they got to the familiar door that Grayson pulled open for her. If nothing else made sense, at least there was always Jet’s, with it’s comforting constant vanilla smell and that favorite blue chair that Indy beelined for while Gray went to the counter. 
Patrick looked ready to commit murder when he realized who was ordering, but Indy shot him a smile from across the store that softened him up just enough for Grayson to make it out with their coffees unscathed. 
“So he definitely hates my guts,” Gray mumbled as he sat down, making sure his back was to the bar. 
“He’s a protective one, you know this,” Indy teased as she sipped her coffee. 
“How soon did you start working here again after… after I left.”
“I gave myself a couple days. I definitely wasn’t at my peak on my first day if that’s what you’re asking.” She let out a dry chuckle. 
“Did you start here or the hospital first?”
“Same time. The tech job kinda fell in my lap, and I needed the money for rent. I only really came back here so I could afford therapy. They have a benefits package for all their employees.”
Grayson froze, but his cup quivered in his hand as he shook.
“I… because of…”
“No, no no, not because of you. I mean, I did talk about the stuff going on with her cause we’ve been having sessions but I was planning on going since graduation. I wanted to get a handle on the whole flying thing.”
The reason went unspoken, and Grayson’s hands didn’t stop shaking, though his breathing came a bit easier. 
“Is it going okay?”
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, haven’t really been on a plane to test anything out. But I did better than I thought I would when you were flying out, considering. So that’s a good sign. And my therapist is really nice, we’re a pretty good match.” 
“Good. That’s good.” It wasn’t lost on him what it meant that she still cared that he was on a plane. Hope riled in his belly and he beat it back down as best he could. 
There was a lull that was filled with the sounds of coffee beans grinding until Indy spoke up again.
“What have you been up to out in LA?”
Grayson swallowed. He looked at her quickly, her soft smile that made him feel like he could tell her anything, no matter how embarrassing it was.
“Honestly? I did fuck all. I mean, I did the basics I guess, with the companies and stuff. But I kinda let the misery have me. You did a hell of a lot better than me, that’s for damn sure.”
“I wasn’t doing great, believe me.”
“But at least you were trying,” he sighed, running a hand over his face. “And I caused all this, I didn’t really have an excuse.”
“It’s in the past now. Nothing we can do to change it.”
“For the record, I wish I could. More than anything.”
“I know.”
“I really am sorry Dee. I know it’s not enough, but I am.”
“I know that too.”
The next beat of silence was painful, and it took a moment for Grayson to realize that it was now or never. 
“Remember how bad our first date went? How I had that whole plan that just totally didn’t work?”
“The thunderstorm. I remember.” It made her smile, and she could picture every frame of it, from the ocean hallway to the remnants of apple juice on his lips.
“And I told you I was gonna save the real date for later.”
Indy nodded.
“Could we… can I do it now? Can I take you on a date?”
The thought brought butterflies to Indy’s stomach, but she blamed it on the coffee.
“Yeah. Yeah, that would be nice. What did you have in mind?”
“I’ll show you. Technically Jet’s was first on the list anyways, but the next part is a surprise.”
With that, she stood up and followed him out into the street.
They started their walk separate, but it only took a moment for Indy to grab onto Grayson’s hand. He told himself it was out of necessity so they didn’t get split up in a feeble attempt to keep his hopes from getting away from him. Still, his stomach fluttered high above the pavement as they enjoyed the setting sun and willfully ignored the chill of the wind whipping around the buildings of the city. Eventually, his plan unfolded when they reached the entrance of the Highline. It was one of Indy’s favorite places in the city, but she knew she’d never told Grayson that. He just knew her well enough it seemed. 
They walked in peaceful silence for a while, hands squeezed tight against one another’s despite the lull in the foot traffic.
Indy smiled at their luck when they finally found an empty bench with a nice view of the skyline. She tugged Grayson over to it and kept her eyes forward for a moment before she looked over at him. His eyes were on the sky, skin flushed pink from the pigment on the clouds or the chill of the wind, she couldn’t tell. It didn’t matter. He was beautiful, and he was hers if she wanted him.
Across the walkway, a young girl walked with her mom, who had a baby carrier strapped to her chest with a head of fuzzy hair just visible within it. The mom was rushing it seemed, and Indy realized the baby was crying loudly, sharp wails that became more audible as they passed by. The girl was dragging a small lion stuffed animal behind her, and Grayson watched as it slipped out of her hands and onto the concrete. 
“Joey! Momma, momma I dropped Joey! Joey!” The girl cried out, but her mom continued to tug her along as she reached back for her lion. 
Grayson was on his feet before Indy could say a word, jogging by and scooping up the small stuffed animal. He politely tapped the mother on the shoulder to get her to stop, then squatted down to the girl.
“Is this Joey?”
She nodded, her eyes brimming with tears as she held her hand out for her toy. He passed it over slowly with a smile.
“Hold on tight to him okay?”
“Okay mister,” she said, voice high and quiet.
And right then, Indy saw everything she ever wanted. She saw her kids, with Grayson’s hair and Grayson’s eyes and Grayson’s laugh, she could see him carrying them up to bed, see him dancing with a little girl standing on his toes in their kitchen somewhere, see him passing her a little stuffed animal. She could see him in every facet of the future she hadn’t let herself imagine since he’d left, but her fantasies came rushing back so fast it felt like she was floating.
As if she could ever want anyone else.
She reached over for his hand as he walked back over, intertwining their fingers and letting him sit down before she finally spoke.
“I love this city. I love this city so much. It’s always been all I really needed.” 
Grayson felt lightheaded as he prepared himself for what she was going to say. 
“I know,” was all he could say.
Indy took a deep breath and turned towards Grayson with a soft smile. She could see the apprehension in his eyes as he waited for her to say something else.
“Did I tell you that Devin came to see me while you were gone?”
He shook his head. 
“He came to check on me, since I wasn’t answering anyone.”
Grayson’s throat was tight as he pictured it in his head, the guilt overwhelming him. He reached over and squeezed her knee - a silent apology. 
“He helped me figure out that I want to go into nursing, helped me get my head on straight.”
“He’s a smart guy,” Grayson said quietly. 
“He told me I need to go for what I want. ‘Ask yourself what you really want the rest of your life to look like, and then do whatever you have to to get there’. That’s what he said. And I thought that’s what I was doing. I was going after a PhD, and my life in New York, and all these things I always wanted. Things I thought were really important. But they aren’t.”
He frowned. “Dee, your dreams are important.” 
“I know, I know, and I’m not saying I’m giving up on that. I just mean my priorities I guess. I had them twisted, and I was missing the most important thing.” 
She smiled his favorite smile as he tried to swallow.
He couldn’t make himself ask, just in case he was wrong, but she put him out of his misery after a moment.
“You. You’re the most important thing.” 
She was suddenly blurry as his eyes filled with tears.
“I’ve never been good at change, but you’re worth it to me. If being with you means spending less time in New York, then it’s worth it. And I’m sorry if I ever made it seem like you weren’t.” She was crying too, and Grayson lifted his free hand to her cheek, wiping each tear with his thumb.
“Never. You never made me feel like that. I was the one that ran, because I never wanted you to feel like you ever had to give up anything for me.” 
“Because you don’t realize that you’re worth giving things up for. You don’t realize how worth loving you are.”
He was fully crying now, a broken laugh making it’s way past his lips.
“Does that mean you still love me?”
She smiled.
“Never stopped.”
And she kissed him, and all was right in the world again for a moment. It didn’t matter that there were people walking by, and that their cheeks were wet from their tears. They were kissing and that meant that everything would be okay.
Any stranger that walked by surely had to feel the relief in the air when they pulled back and realized they could lean right back in without a single care in the world. He let go of her hand only to move it to her other cheek, to hold her steady there cradled in his palms as she kissed him between smiles - his whole world in his hands.
In that moment, he wanted more than anything to love her loud. 
He pulled back just enough to bring her up to her feet and then his arms were wrapped around her waist, spinning her around until she was breathless and the city was a blur behind both their eyes. And for the first time that he could remember in too many years to count, he didn’t care who could hear him, and he didn’t care who was watching. 
“I love you,” he said. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I missed you.”
Being back in each other’s arms was as easy as breathing. She didn’t stray an inch from his side, soaking in the warmth of his body next to hers as they made their way down from the highline as the city started to light up. By the time they made it home her toes were numb from the cold but her cheeks were still warm, seeing that every time they had to wait for a crosswalk Grayson ducked down to kiss her again.
When they got to the lobby, Grayson squeezed her hand.
“I gotta get something out of the truck, I’ll be right back.”
“You want me to wait here or head on up?”
He pondered it for a minute.
“Wait for me.”
She nodded. She always waited for him, after all. 
He disappeared out of the glass doors at a jog and Indy heard a chuckle from the side of the lobby. She looked over to see the receptionist smiling down at her computer. Indy prided herself on being a very low maintenance tenant, but she still smiled and waved to the woman behind the counter whenever she passed by. Her name tag read Cara in neat white letters. 
“Sorry if we were loud,” Indy said sheepishly. Cara laughed. 
“Just happy to see you smiling that’s all. I’m glad he’s back.”
Indy blushed bright red before she answered. “Yeah. Me too.”
Grayson was slightly winded when he came back, and he was grateful for the long elevator ride as he held the small gift bag in his hand. Indy pretended she didn’t see it like her mom had always taught her to when she received a gift. Still, her eyes flickered to it each time she knew she could get away with it, her curiosity getting the better of her. 
When they finally got inside the apartment he led her over to the living room by the hand and passed her the bag.
“I didn’t know how today was going to go, but I wanted you to have this either way. Figured you could put it on your shelf. When you’re ready.”
Indy pulled the tissue paper out and saw the rose gold edge of a picture frame. She pulled it out and her breath caught in her throat.
Bekah was smiling. 
It warmed the whole image in a way that had Indy’s eyes burning as she tried to place the day. She was curled up on the bed next to Beks, but she wasn’t looking at the camera. Instead, she was looking at the girl beside her. Her little sister in a way, who was tucked away under her halloween blanket. 
“That’s the night we had the word search tournament, and you both schooled me,” Grayson explained quietly, wrapping an arm around her waist and squeezing at her hip under her sweatshirt. She remembered then, noticed the activity book in the corner of the picture. 
“I didn’t even know you took this.”
“I know you like pictures, I meant to take more of you guys. But I like her smile in this one. Yours too.”
Indy sniffled and leaned her head back onto Grayson’s shoulder. “You’ve made me cry twice now you know.”
He kissed her temple and moved a hand to her forearm.
He drew a heart afterwards, and even invisible on her skin she could tell it was lopsided. It made her smile, and she soaked in the feeling of him next to her for a moment before she spun around to kiss him. 
“Thank you,” she whispered against his lips before pulling him in for a tight hug that had her up on her tiptoes when he wrapped her up. They held each other for a moment before Indy got an idea.
“I have something for you too. Wait here.”
Grayson kept his hands on her waist, thumbs rubbing over her skin underneath her sweatshirt. 
“Stay,” he pouted.
“It’ll just take a second, I promise. Just wait here.”
She kissed him quickly just because she could and disappeared into the bedroom, pulling the door closed behind her. 
He lasted about 45 seconds before he was picking at his fingernails. Then he was taking a few steps towards the door, fighting the urge to stick his ear up to it to see if he could get a hint at what she was doing. 
Another minute passed, and he felt like he was going to lose it.
“Indyyyy,” he whined. “You’re killin’ me babe.”
“You’re so dramatic oh my god it’s been like a minute tops.”
“One minute too long,” he teased just in hopes of making her laugh. It warmed his heart to hear it, even muffled through the door. It still felt like an eternity before she finally reappeared with her hands behind her back. 
“You know, you didn’t need to get me anything. Having you back is more than I deserve already.”
Indy’s laugh was louder this time since she was right in front of him.
“Who knew a Jersey boy could be so damn sappy,” she teased. “I don’t have a frame or anything, but here.”
She pulled out a piece of paper and passed it to him quickly, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet while she waited for him to read it. It felt like an eternity while she watched his eyes scan over the letters, seemingly missing the UCLA logo in the top corner.
“Did you… are you reading? Did you see it?”
Grayson looked up with a smile and drew a circle in the air around his face.
“Dyslexic,” he reminded her gently.
She bit her lip and tried her hardest to be patient, waiting until his brows furrowed in confusion.
“Wait… wait. What is this? UCLA? Nursing?” He looked up at her cautiously, trying to keep his excitement in check in case he’d misread. “What is this?”
“Well. There’s a lot of good nursing programs out there. And LA has some top notch hospitals too. Especially pediatric ones. Figured it couldn’t hurt to apply, and they’ve got a pretty good tuition coverage package, it’s close to your house, and-”
Grayson’s lips were on hers, his excitement palpable.
She kissed him back with a smile, relieved to finally tell someone about the grand plan she’d made in her head now that all the pieces had come together. 
“You’re sure?”
Indiana smiled. “You’re worth it. You’re what I want, forever.”
He kissed her again, making up for lost time and telling her everything he couldn’t find the words for. They walked backwards until the back of his legs hit the couch and she ended up crawling onto his lap, beaming down at him when they finally broke apart.
“You’re actually coming to LA. We’re gonna live there.”
“Guess I gotta start apartment shopping,” she mused.
Grayson rolled his eyes. “Shut up and c’mere.” 
He bailed them to the side until Indy was fully on top of him.
“I’ll build you a shelf for our bedroom. Fuck, I’ll build you 50 shelves as soon as we get there. Wait when do classes start, when do you have to move?”
“You’re cute when you’re excited,” she hummed, leaning down to kiss him again. It was slow and purposeful, warm in that familiar way as they remembered each other fully. “We’ll figure it all out,” Indy said eventually, scooting down his torso until her head could rest comfortably on his chest. She listened to his heart beat, a bit fast from either her presence or the coffee, she couldn’t tell. Either way, it was still her favorite sound, and as his hand moved through her hair gently, she knew she’d made the right choice, no matter where it took her. 
3 months later, the place it took her was the passenger seat of Grayson’s brand new tesla, which was delightfully cool despite the warmth of the incoming summer making the LA air dry and warm. Grayson held out a hand for her to pass her backpack, tossing it into the backseat as if it wasn’t weighed down with three textbooks. She pulled the door closed behind her and let her head rest back against the seat for a moment before she turned to him.
He beamed, leaning over the console to give her a quick kiss. “Hey. Good day?”
“Long day, but yeah, it was fine. Got a shit ton of assignments per usual.”
“Hey, three day weekend next week though, and we’re going to New York. What’d you learn?”
“Oh you know, the usual. Meds, codes, diseases, death. Truly uplifting stuff.”
He reached his hand over to her thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb as his other hand moved the wheel effortlessly, pulling back out onto the road.
“Still want coffee? You didn’t answer.”
“Do I ever say no to coffee?”
“Fair points. Text E squared and see if they want anything.”
“They weren’t home?”
“No, they ran to the store, but they should be back by the time we get there.”
“If Eden went to Target without me I’m gonna be pissed,” Indy mumbled halfheartedly, typing out the text in their group chat quickly. “You know she’s gonna say she wants Jet’s.”
“Believe me I know, just ask Ethan. You’ve created a monster. We’ve gotta start asking Patrick to send beans in bulk or something, we go through them so fast now that she drinks it too.”
Indy just laughed and turned up the radio, unsurprised to hear Cudi from Grayson’s playlist he’d made for their car rides. It was routine now for him to pick her up from class, save her from the hassle of trying to find parking on campus. And it gave them some more alone time considering they lived with Ethan and Eden at the house. So, it wasn’t abnormal for Grayson to happily add 20 minutes to the drive to pick up coffee on the way home. Purdy’s was right down the street after all, and though their lattes weren’t quite as perfect as Jet’s, they held their own. 
“We should buy Patrick some fancy beans somewhere and take them with us next weekend,” Grayson mused. 
“You’re such a suck up, it’s not like he’s giving us free coffee,” Indy laughed. “You’re just still scared of him.”
“Fuck yeah I am! Every time we’ve gone home he looks like he wants to straight up murder me.”
She reached over to hold his cheek for a moment as she bit back her laugh.
“Baby. Patrick can barely lift a 50 pound box of syrup. Believe it or not, I think you could take him.”
He rolled his eyes but the comment wasn’t lost on his ego, especially when his girl leaned over to wrap her arm around his bicep and rest her cheek on it, enjoying the feeling of his bare skin left behind by his tank top. They ordered through the drive thru, surprised when neither Eden or Ethan responded to them. The car was peaceful, even more so when Grayson put it on autopilot and gave Indy more of his attention, trying to ease the stress he could feel coming off of her like it always did when she got out of class. 
“Tell me about your lecture,” he said, hoping talking it through would help her.
She sipped on her coffee as she spoke, starting without many details but eventually going more in depth as she got more excited. It was one of Grayson’s favorite parts of listening to her talk about the things she cared about, and even though half of the information went right over his head he listened intently anyways, tried to take it all in as the car drove them home.
By the time they pulled into the driveway, Indy’s coffee was gone along with her stress, and Grayson knew all the steps to running a code blue. He hopped out first, grabbing her bag from the backseat and slinging it over his shoulder as they headed to the front door.
The first sign that something was different was the quiet of the house. Any other time that E squared was left alone, Grayson and Indy would come back to the speakers blaring, a scary movie on the living room TV, or the distant sound of a headboard knocking against the wall. 
But it was dead silent, and the pair looked at each other before they scanned the room. 
“They’re up to something,” Indy muttered, peaking around the wall to make sure Ethan wasn’t going to scare them. 
“For sure. Something is off with Ethan, just don’t know what it is.”
“Oh, you got a feeling huh?” Indy teased, bumping him with her elbow. He took her waist in his hands and pulled her back against him, making her laugh as he tickled her and buried his face in her neck. He never got tired of having her so close - it was just as intoxicating as the first time. 
“Sorry you don’t understand the twin connection.” 
“Well, use your psychic powers to figure out where the fuck they are then.”
He closed his eyes for dramatic effect, smiling when it got the laugh he wanted out of her. Just as he lifted his fingers to his temple, a bang sounded from the backdoor, making Indy squeal and cling onto Grayson. He went to move her behind him until he saw the culprit - a tennis ball bouncing away across the yard.
“You’re okay, it’s just E,” Grayson breathed, relaxing and moving towards the door to find where his brother was hiding. They walked into the backyard hand in hand, following the sound of music coming from the pool, which was finally finished in the back corner of the property. 
Ethan was at the entrance, his biggest smile on his face as he waited for them to get closer. Impatient as ever, he started walking towards them, meeting them halfway across the grass. 
“Took you guys long enough to get home. We bought new stuff for the pool, come look at it.”
“E, bro, I told you not to buy random shit on your own,” Grayson grumbled, obviously weary of his brother’s interior design skills.
“Eden was with him,” Indy reminded him at a whisper.
“Just come on,” Ethan said, grabbing onto his brother’s hand and starting to drag him towards the pool.
“Jesus bro, calm down.”
Ethan ignored him, looking to make sure Grayson was bringing Indy along too until they made it around the corner where the small pool was in view.
“Surprise!” Ethan beamed, holding his hand out towards the water. Beside it on the concrete were some new additions.
Four loungers, a beautiful teal color with rounded contour that looked perfect for tanning. In fact, Eden was on one of them sprawled out in her bathing suit, and she looked so comfortable that Indy barely noticed the miniature fifth chair next to her at the end of the line up. 
Brain fried from class, it took Indy a moment to piece it together.
5 chairs. 4 people. One smaller than the rest.
“No way,” she gasped, hand coming up to cover her mouth. “Eden no way!”
Indy was already moving towards her best friend before she could get to her feet, ignoring Grayson’s confused calls of “what? huh?” from behind her.
“Yes way,” Eden sniffled, a nervous laugh coming through as she put a hand over her stomach.
“How far along? When did you find out?”
“A couple days ago, we went to the doctor to find out for sure this morning. She said we’re about 7 weeks.”
Indy pulled her in for a hug. 
“Wait. Wait.” Grayson was yelling now, catching on with no doubt a few hints from Ethan. “Holy fuck. Holy fuck, you’re pregnant?! She’s PREGNANT?!” He grabbed his brother’s face with both hands and shook him just barely. 
“I’m gonna be a fucking dad,” Ethan said, and Indy melted when she realized he was about to cry.
“You’re gonna be a fucking dad,” Grayson repeated, shaking him twice more before he pulled him in for the tightest hug Indy had ever seen them share. The girls watched them for a moment before Indy turned her attention back to Eden.
“How are you feeling with all this?”
“Well I’ve just started having morning sickness, my appetite has been super weird, vegan cheese makes me want to straight up die…”
“Right right, but I mean like… mentally. You okay? This is a big change.”
Even just standing there, the boy's excitement was slightly overwhelming, especially with Grayson literally running around yelling about being an uncle. She was sure that Ethan had been excited from the moment of a positive test.
“A very big change that we weren’t really expecting,” Eden said quietly, looking down at her manicured toes. 
“How are you feeling about it?” Indy asked again, reaching out to hold her hand. Eden squeezed tightly.
“Honestly? I’m fucking terrified,” she admitted. “And Ethan’s been great, it’s not that, it’s just… there’s a human in me. Right now. Just chillin’ in there.”
“Yep, there do be a human in there,” Indy laughed at her bluntness. “What are you scared about?”
“Everything. I’m afraid I’m gonna do something that’s gonna hurt them. I don’t know shit about pregnancy, like real pregnancy, and don’t even get me started on trying to push this thing out of me.”
“We’ve got a while to figure all that out. And you aren’t going to do anything that’s going to hurt them. You’re a good mom.”
“Jesus, a mom. Ethan keeps saying that but it sounds different coming from a woman. A fucking mom. You’re gonna have to teach me all the medical stuff… wait actually no I don’t think I even want to know what’s going on in there. I’ll just focus on figuring out how the fuck I’m gonna be a mom.”
“You’ll be great. And you’ll have Ethan too. Those two were pretty much born to be dads,” Indy said. They turned and looked to see Grayson hauling Ethan up to sit on his shoulders before running what she assumed was a victory lap around the backyard.
“Yeah… remind me of that for the next nine months. Regularly.” 
They both started laughing and pulled in for another hug.
“I’m so happy for you,” Indy sighed with the warmest smile, images of baby showers and Eden’s bump and the office as a nursery already spinning through her mind. 
“Love you aunt… Indiana? Indy?”
Indy scrunched her nose. “We’ll have to work on that one,” she teased, taking her hand and leading her over to their boys, who were still somehow yelling.
They both came running, but Grayson was faster, scooping Eden up and spinning her around so fast that Ethan was immediately scolding him, urging him to be careful.
“She’s not that delicate bub, it’s okay,” Indy reassured him, getting up on her tiptoes to give Ethan a hug. He squeezed her tight and whispered in her ear.
“She okay? You guys are the first ones we’ve told.”
“Just a little scared, like all pregnant people are. Totally normal.”
“Good. I’m glad you know, she’s been dying to tell a girl. Only so much I can do.”
She leaned back with a smile. “You’re doing great already.” 
Those words meant more to Ethan than she would ever know, but all he could do was smile and head back over to Eden, a hand across her tummy when she leaned up against his side. 
“We’re gonna tell Li when we’re all home next weekend, but Eden’s parents are coming over for dinner in a little while and we’re gonna tell them now so we can do it in person,” Ethan explained, pressing a kiss to Eden’s hair. 
“We’ll make ourselves scarce for the evening,” Indy offered, sensing the nerves already rising for Eden. She’d have enough of an audience. 
“Okay but first we gotta get a picture of everybody, we’re gonna make an album of telling everybody.” Ethan was already moving as he spoke, setting his phone up on the patio table with the timer on. They all posed with Ethan pointing excitedly to Eden’s non-existent bump before they all headed back inside, still buzzing with excitement. 
Grayson stayed particularly close as they gathered around the island, his hand resting on Indy’s hip as they all settled after a few moments. They all helped to straighten up the house in preparation for Eden’s family’s arrival, and Grayson appeared behind Indiana with a smile as she placed a blanket over the back of the couch.
“Date night?”
Indy had lost count of how many dates they’d been on, but those words never failed to make her stomach swirl.
“What’d you have in mind?”
“Well, I know you said you have homework so… Monty’s, secret beach… with flashcards?”
“You truly know the way to my heart.” She kissed him softly and followed him to their room to change into beach clothes. As she sifted through the drawers, she couldn’t help but look at the shelf. It was bigger than the one she’d had in New York, more sturdy with thicker wood and longer, able to hold more frames. 
That was a good thing, because there had been some new additions. The picture of Nicole, the baby picture of her and Charlie, and the engagement picture with them and Devin all stood tall beside each other. Down the line came the picture of Indy and Grayson at her graduation, the one where he was dipping her back slightly and wearing her cap. Then was Bekah in her hospital bed - it still made Indy’s chest tight when she looked at it. There were two new ones since then - one of the four of them taken by Lisa in front of their tiny homes, and another of all of them at thanksgiving that they’d finally gotten printed.
“We need to get that picture we just took from Ethan, I wanna put it on the shelf.”
“I’m gonna have to build you another shelf,” he teased as he pulled his swim trunks up.
“Think you’ll probably be building stuff for the nursery first.”
“Shut up, do you really think they’ll let me?” His eyes lit up and Indy laughed as she pulled her New York sweatshirt down over her bikini top.
“I don’t see why not.”
“Fuck yeah, that’s gonna be so much fun! What all do you need in a nursery though? I mean a crib, obviously. A dresser? Do you need a dresser for baby clothes or can you just stack them up cause they’re so tiny?”
“We can talk about it while we drive,” Indy redirected him, taking his hand and leading him out of their room, down the hall and out to the car before he could bombard the other couple of the house with questions. 
The excitement was palpable for the whole drive, buzzing within the cab as they made their way to Monty’s, ordered their vegan burgers and raspberry lemonades and snuck away to their secret place on the beach. 
Considering it was a Wednesday evening, they didn’t expect it to be busy, but they were particularly excited to see that it was completely empty apart from a few stray crabs that went scurrying away at the sound of their footsteps. 
Grayson set out the blanket that was always in the back of the tesla for trips like this and Indy set down their bags and drinks, getting everything settled so they could simply sit down and enjoy their meal.
It was peaceful, calm as the ocean lapped up against the sand gently and they filled their tummies. Grayson was done before Indy, per usual, and he basked in the last remnants of the sun while she finished her fries.
“Wanna swim?” Indy asked.
“Thought we were supposed to wait 30 minutes.”
“That’s a myth,” she teased, standing up to her feet and helping him to his. They walked down to the water quickly, gasping a bit at the cold of the water. Still, there was nothing that compared to the feeling of being in the waves, and Indy braved it. Grayson had every muscle tensed against the cold, but he’d follow her anywhere. Soon enough they were up to shoulder height water, kicking gently to get over the waves when they needed to, arms wrapped around each other to keep warm.
“I can’t believe they’re gonna have a kid. Were gonna be Aunt Dee and Uncle Grayson. What the fuck,” Grayson murmured, half distracted by the way the orange of the sky was starting to reflect off of Indy’s eyes. 
“It’s gonna be so much fun to have a little one around. They’re gonna be such good parents.”
“You know who would be even better parents? Us,” he beamed. He looked so beautiful when he smiled, and Indy ran her thumb along his jaw.
“Let me finish school and find a job before you go putting a baby in me,” Indy laughed, but her heart warmed at the thought. She remembered the little girl on the highline, and she wanted it for the two of them.
“You’re done in like a year and a half.”
“Correct,” Indy confirmed it. 
“I always thought I’d be married before I had a kid,” Grayson said, trying to bite back his excitement. 
She wasn’t sure if it was the bliss of the water around them, or the steadiness of his arms, or the fact that she always felt like she was home when she was with him, but in that moment, she knew.
“Okay. Then let’s get married.”
“Are you serious? You aren’t fucking with me? You really wanna get married?”
“Did I ever give you the impression that I didn’t want to marry you someday?” She teased.
Grayson could only laugh, and look up towards the skies and thank whatever angels were listening and watching for all that he’d been given.
He was pretty sure he knew at least three that were there with him. 
“I love you. I love you so fucking much. Don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.”
Indy kissed him. The feeling was mutual in the most effortless way, and there was a sense of peace that she wasn’t used to in that moment, knowing that everything would somehow work itself out and she would have him with her for the rest of her life. 
And for once, the timeline of her life wasn’t her priority anymore. She didn’t care what date she’d finish school, or when she’d get her job. And she didn’t care when he would propose, or when they’d find out they were having a child of their own. Because in all those moments, whenever they happened, he would be there, and that was all that really mattered at the end of the day. 
They kissed slow, quiet for a while, and as the sun dipped below the horizon Grayson carried her back out onto the sand. They wrapped themselves up in the same towel and found each other’s lips again, warm and familiar and safe as they lost themselves within one another over and over again. 
Her lips were chapped by the time they pulled away, both giddy at the realizations that they’d always know finally being said out loud. 
“How much homework do you have?” 
“Just studying, I can do it in the morning. What’s the plan?” She knew he wouldn’t have asked if there wasn’t something he wanted to do.
“I’ll show you. Just trust me.”
“Okay,” she answered without a second thought. 
Twenty minutes later, with salty hair and big smiles, they pulled up to a tattoo parlor. 
“I thought you got all yours from Alexis now?” 
“Gotta get this one tonight. Special day.” 
Indy looked at the neon signs, and the artwork on the walls through the window. She pondered it for a minute, and something in her told her to go for it.
“I think I’m gonna get one too.”
Grayson perked up at that. “Really?” He knew every inch of her body, knew it would be her first one.
“Something small. Something for Beks.”
He smiled and kissed her temple before he got out to open her door.
Indy went first. A small lightning bolt, like the one on Bekah’s headscarf. And, the thunderstorm of their first date in the city. She got it tucked away behind her ear, in the same place of Grayson’s triple threes. His angel number, and her reminder of both of hers. It didn’t hurt as badly as she thought it would, but Grayson sat beside her anyways, rubbed soothing circles on the back of her hand while he held it.
D-O-I-N-G G-O-O-D he wrote. 
“Thanks,” she smiled softly. “Bet you won’t even flinch during yours.”
“That's the idea. You can study while I get mine, I want it to be a surprise.”
Hers only took a few minutes, and her lecture material was at the back of her mind once the artist cleaned her up and moved over the Grayson. He grabbed his wallet from her backpack where he’d stowed it and Indy took a seat in one of the chairs in the lobby, occasionally turning her head towards the mirror so she could see her new ink. 
Across the shop, Grayson took his shirt off. 
“You can pull the letters from these, and I want it right here.” He passed over the stack of flashcards he’d snagged, sure that they’d be able to find what they needed. 
“Bitch of a spot,” the artist said quietly as he prepped over his ribs, but he just laughed. From the view of Grayson’s covered legs, he wasn’t sure there was any spot too painful for him. 
“She’s worth it,” Grayson said, closing his eyes and waiting. The sting of the needle was familiar, and it did hurt as he moved over each bone. But when he looked in the mirror, it was all worth it. He didn’t even bother putting his shirt on as he paid the artist in cash, including a big tip, and headed out to the lobby. 
Indy was sifting through her bag. 
“Looking for these?” Grayson held up a small stack of flashcards with a devious grin. “Sorry, had to borrow them for my tat.”
Indy’s brows furrowed, and she stood up, moving closer as he lifted his arm and showed her his ribcage.
In small handwriting, her handwriting, was the word ‘forever’.
“Right where you always trace it.”
To her surprise, her eyes started to burn.
“Gray…” She knew how important his tattoos were to him, what each and every one of them meant. 
“Consider it a promise. I’m with you. Forever.”
He ducked down to kiss her, and she smiled against him, hand resting on his torso right below his promise.
She liked the sound of forever.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“This Isn’t Love” - Edward Cullen x Reader
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Request:  Okay let’s hurt Edward feelings, we all know he was toxic and Bella fell into it which then again she’s toxic too sooo, how about a writing where Edward is doing the same thing he did to reader and they snap at him calling him out on his shit about how it’s not okay to keep her away from her friends and family and they get into argument and it comes to the point where she tells him to leave and until he changes himself to stay away from her whether or not they make up is up to you! Go crazy😤
        Reader leaves Edward and ends up with mystery character
                                    just a heads up for you all 
I laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Wondering how my life turned into what it was. 
The stress of Edward’s constant overprotective, and seemingly obsessive and controlling, state was growing to be too much. The infatuation and love I had for him at the beginning of our relationship was fading as things progressed.
After he left me for months, I went all the way to Italy to save him. I faced the Volturi head on, just to save his life. I still loved him, but while he was gone I was able to spend time with my best friends at La Push-- something he wouldn’t ever let me do. He said they were “dangerous” now.
Whatever that meant, I didn’t care. Edward wouldn’t let me see anyone except for him, my family, or his family. I loved and adored the way his family treated me, but it was just all too much.
While Edward was gone, taking a piece of my heart with him, I spent a lot of time in isolation. I didn’t feel real anymore, nothing did. Until my dad told me to go down to La Push and hang out with my old friends. While I missed everyone, it almost felt scary at first. I was going to see all my friends, and my childhood crush that ran well into my teens, until Edward came along. Thankfully, Edward not being able to read my mind helped greatly, he didn’t need another reason to berate them. For quite some time, I never understood what set them all so apart from each other, what caused hatred for each other to run through their veins. 
I later learned that all of the Quileute legends that Billy spoke about were real-- it was all real. After Harry Clearwater passed away, I unfortunately never got to see Leah anymore after the funeral, but something about her was off. She looked like she was about to burst at any moment and left in a worse mood than she entered with. Even Seth, the ball of sunshine himself. While I knew they were devastated at the passing of their father, I knew deep down that wasn’t it. They were going to phase. 
But right after the funeral, I had to save Edward from exposing himself in Volterra, killing himself in the process. Alice saw me die when I tried cliff jumping with Paul and Jared, not realizing that they saved me from drowning. I guess they couldn’t be seen in her visions. Alas, it was too late when Alice visited me to see if I was alive, Rosalie already told Edward that I had died, Jacob then confirming it at my house without my knowledge. 
Jacob begged me not to leave, but I couldn’t let someone I had loved so much die, especially when it was at my expense. And with that, Alice and I were off, leaving a disappointed Jacob standing in the road. 
Going to Volterra was an absolutely insane trip. I never felt so many people in one room that wanted to kill me. After having us all threatened, facing some assault on Edward’s end, things seemed to be okay. For just a little bit. 
Edward forbade me to see Jacob, never allowing me to go to La Push to hang out with my fun-loving friends. I missed wrestling with Paul, talking about cars with Jake and Embry, and most of all laughing at all the dumbasses with my best friend Leah. I haven’t seen them in months. I missed them all so much.
Jacob, my best friend since childhood. I loved hanging out with him and all of his friends while it lasted. When we were kids, life was great. Before I wasn’t allowed to see them, I had more fun than I ever thought possible. His friends even brought me a great joy, especially one I had grown my surprising crush on. 
My feelings for Edward dwindling by the moment, feeling more like an object than a girlfriend. While I did love him intensely for the beginning of our relationship, his leaving and Volturi stunt created an enormous wedge in the relationship. I was sick of feeling controlled, I was sick of what we had become. I was no longer my own person anymore, every move of mine was watched-- granted it was for my own protection. The way he looks at me is obsessive, I was no longer lustfully blinded. I needed to end my relationship with Edward, I just didn’t know how. Was I bound to be with him forever? Was I bound to become a vampire after the Volturi’s threats? I was no longer sure. One thing I knew for certain, I was no longer in love with Edward for months. Something had to give. 
I got up, looking at the clock next to my bed. Seeing it to be 10:00. I decided that I could do whatever I wanted to do. I was my own person, I could do what I wanted. 
I walk out my front door and go to start my car, only for it not to work. 
I try again, and no avail. 
I heard a thump and suddenly Edward is next to me in my car.
“Please, it isn’t safe.” He murmurs. 
“They would never hurt me. Wait, did you do this to my car?” I ask, getting louder by the second.
“I’m just trying to prot-”
“You are not trying to protect me. You’re controlling me!” I interrupt him. 
“(Y/N), I can’t handle not knowing where you are. I need to know what you’re doing, I can’t protect you there.” He says in a disheveled tone. 
“Edward, you don’t need to. They’ll protect me, none of them would ever hurt me. Ever. Matter of fact, they never up and left me when an inconvenience occurs. None of them try to control every single thing I do. They respect me as my own person. I’m not an object to them.” 
“(Y/N), I love you.” He whispers. 
“Don’t keep doing this to me. I can’t handle this anymore. This… this is too much. You took it too far. You don’t love me, this isn’t love.” I whisper. 
“Don’t say that, you know I only do this to protect you.” 
“You’re manipulating me! I haven’t been allowed to contact my friends for months. I haven’t been able to see anyone except for you and who you let me. I don’t want this. I don’t want you anymore. This isn’t love, this isn’t what I fell in love with.” I say powerfully. 
“(Y/N), I can change.” 
“No, you can’t. You won’t. You’ve said that before, you don’t mean it. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to.” I look into his eyes sternly, watching his eyes fill with rage, though his face mimicking one of despair. 
“(Y/N), I won’t leave unless you tell me to.” He begs. 
“Leave, Edward. Don’t come back.” I whisper. 
He nods his head angrily. 
“Don’t be surprised if you never see me again. I don’t even know why you ever came to Volterra to save me.” He spits, walking out of my car. 
I lay my head against the steering wheel, finally feeling free. 
Free to do what I want. I am myself once again. 
I get out of my car, shaking slightly, and walk over to the front of my car. 
I lift up the hood and see that Edward simply disconnected the battery. 
“What an asshole.” I mutter to myself. 
I connect the battery, thanking all the time I’ve spent in Jacob’s garage for teaching me more about cars than I ever thought I would care to know. 
I got back into my car and drove to Sam Uley’s, knowing that I would be guaranteed to find some of the pack there, if not all of them. 
I get out of my car and begin walking to the small house, hoping to see any of them. 
I knock on the door, seeing the light peek through the door window. 
Emily opens the door, smiling at me. 
“Long time, no see.” 
“I missed you guys.” My lip begins to quiver. 
“Oh honey, come in.” She pulls me into the house, wrapping me in a tight hug. 
I begin to sob, not realizing nor caring who else was in the room. 
“(Y/N), what happened? Is everything okay?” Seth asks, running up to me. 
I look into his warm brown eyes, nodding. 
“Now it is. I feel so free. I miss you all so much.” I sob, walking into his arms. 
After I pull away, I see Jacob and Paul sitting at the table, stunned at my appearance. 
I sit down, explaining everything. How Edward kept tabs on everything I did, forbidding me to contact or see them, watching and controlling my every action. How he tried to stop me from coming here by disconnecting my car battery, assuming I wouldn’t know better. 
“I should kill him.” Jacob seethed. 
Paul nodding angrily. 
“I think we should.” He agrees. 
Seth looks down, rubbing circles in my back. 
“Do you think he’s going to come back for you?” Seth asks me.
“No, I don’t think so. I’m more worried about the Volturi. But I don’t know if they would simply kill them instead of me, I don’t know.” 
“Well, you have us. We won’t let anything happen to you.” Paul puts a warm, comforting hand on my shoulder. 
Emily brings me over a cup of hot chocolate, sitting beside me. 
“We’ll have to tell Sam when he gets back from patrol with the rest of the pack.” She places her hand over mine at the table. 
“You should stay with us for a while.” Jacob suggests, earning a collective nod from the whole group.
“I can’t wait to see everyone else.” I give a weak smile, earning one mirroring back from the rest of the group. 
“I know, we all missed the hell out of you. We were wondering what happened, but we couldn’t check on you with them around.” Jacob says. 
“They’ll probably leave again.” Emily suggests. 
And while I would miss Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle-- I knew it was what was for the best. I felt like this was my first breath of fresh air after drowning for months on end. 
Suddenly, the door opens and all of us turn our attention to those walking in. 
I look and see Sam, Quil, Jared, and Leah walking into the house. 
I observed all of their shocked, yet excited faces… until my eyes met Leah’s.
I felt all of the air leave my lungs, the world stopped spinning around me. 
If this meant what I thought it did, then my childhood crush had just imprinted on me. 
“Hey. It’s been forever.” I breathe out, a small smile forming on my lips. 
Leah looked like she had just seen a ghost, her mouth slightly agape. 
“Hey. I missed you.” She smiles. 
Quil looks between us with wide eyes, smiling like a maniac. 
It happened, this is what was supposed to happen. Things finally made sense. 
Jacob, who always knew about my feelings for Leah, smiled to himself. Low and behold, he had also known about Leah’s feelings for me that she had been hiding for quite some time, herself. 
“I missed you, too.” 
Word Count: 1899
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gaemkyuu · 4 years
So...Boyfriend? Boyfriend.
Warnings: death of a loved one and grief. There is one mention to drinking a bottle of wine but all characters in the story are above the age of 21. A/N: this is based off a post @ah2113​ made a little while ago! I liked the idea and decided to write a cute fluffy piece on it! Hope you like it! “Reader and Charlie are best friends and they met on JATP. Charlie and the reader are in love with each other but don’t know. The readers grandma passes away and she calls Charlie, who is in a completely different state/country, in tears about the situation. Charlie feels horrible and completely drops everything he’s doing and immediately flies out to the reader and surprises them. He is with them throughout the whole viewing and funeral and meets her entire family. Everybody mistakens him for the readers boyfriend because of how much he is doing to help and tells the reader that he is clearly in love with them.”  Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece! In no way do I claim characters in this piece act this way in real life. 
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
So...Boyfriend? Boyfriend.
Bzzz. Bzzz.
Charlie was in the middle of an interview when his phone started vibrating. Normally he kept it on airplane mode, but today he forgot. He quickly reached for his phone and saw her name pop up on the screen, losing focus for a brief moment on the interview. 
“Pardon me? Could you repeat the question?” Charlie was trying so hard to focus on the interview at hand but knowing he was on the last question, made it all the more difficult to focus when he knew she was calling.
“Charlie, the fans want to know. Are you single?” he chuckled but since he was distracted, he didn’t give a really good answer.
“Kinda” he regretted it as soon as it left his mouth and the fact that he started blushing made the situation worse! Thankfully the interviewer didn’t press any further into the matter and made a casual joke about it. They quickly wrapped the interview knowing that Charlie had another one scheduled right afterwards, but he had a few minutes to make up a phone call.
Amelie had worked on set for season one of Julie as a hair and make up artist and shocked many at how talented she was for her age. She got along well with the cast and would often hang out with them on their days off, but for some reason she gravitated the most to Charlie. Everyone often teased them about the chemistry they had and how they would make a great couple but both of them would laugh at the comments and deny any feelings towards one another. They were simply nothing more but really good friends.
Or so they thought.
Amelie was head over heels for the brunette and Charlie for her. She loved his smile and enthusiasm for life. She admired his work ethic and passion for what he did. She would squash every thought about being with Charlie because he was too good for her. She liked the weirdest things and entertained people with the most random facts. She could spend hours in an art and fashion museum, when most people could only spend so much time. Amelie saw herself as weird and knew that Charlie saw her as nothing more than a friend.
The opposite was true. Charlie loved her quirkiness and nerdiness around the strangest things. He loved that she was always so modest and humble, even though she had all the right to brag at how amazing she was at her talents. He loved how she was always up for trying something new and that she had an eye for fashion, design and art, but he knew she didn’t see him as anything more than a friend. That still didn’t stop Charlie from always being there for her.
“Charlie?” her voice came out in a broken and quiet whisper. He could tell that she was crying and he instantly felt his stomach drop. A few sniffles came from the other line before the voice spoke again. “She’s gone Charlie... Grandmaman is gone...” he could hear her voice start to shake again.
“Say the word Amelie and I am there” Charlie glanced at his watch,8:55pm. He had five more minutes until the next interview with the pop culture podcast from Sydney. This meant that it was 5:00am in London, where Amelie was working on Netflix’s newest series. “Ams?”
“It’s okay. I’m okay. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you, I just didn’t know who else to talk to...” she sniffled quietly not sure what else to say.
“What time are you leaving to get to set?” 8:57pm, he was running out of time. He saw the notification that the next interviewer had signed on to their zoom meeting.
“I gotta be on set at 7:00am so the van will be here to pick me up at 6:30am. It’s my last day on set, so there’s that” she sniffled again, feeling herself calm down with Charlie on the other line. She desperately needed him, but she couldn’t ask him that. He was doing press for season 2 of Julie and the Phantoms and he needed to be available, not off consoling his friend who was madly in love with him. 
“Amelie, listen, I have to jump onto the next interview, but try to get a little more sleep and drink some water. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done. When are you flying back?” Charlie felt awful having to hang up on her when he knew she needed him.
“I’ll be on the next flight out to Vancouver. Hopefully there’s a flight this evening back to Canada. My mom’s really upset and my siblings are rushing to get home for her” Amelie took a deep breath and listened to the frustrated sigh on the other end. He was probably annoyed that she called him. “Thank you for picking up Char”
“Anything for you Ams... I’m really sorry but I have to go now... If you’re busy when I call, can you let me know when you’re at the airport?” Amelie agreed and hung up the phone, flopping on the bed and a silent stream of tears falling from her eyes again. Meanwhile, Charlie sat in his LA bedroom, head in hands frustrated that he couldn’t be there for her.
Amelie watched out the window as the plane landed in Vancouver. She felt an anxiousness to get off the plane and be with her mom, but she knew she had to go through security and baggage. She didn’t notice that her leg was restlessly bouncing until the nice old lady beside her placed a hand on her lap. 
“Excited are we?” she smiled at her kindly and Amelie blushed, a little embarrassed. “I was once in love too. I get the feeling”
“Actually, I’m just anxious to be with my mom... My grandmother passed away yesterday and I wanna be there for her” the old lady’s smile changed to an empathetic one and she patted her knee.
“I’m sorry for your loss my dear... I lost my sister a year ago today. It is not an easy thing to grieve and I can tell that your soul feels heavy. You might want to think about sharing that load with someone” she smiled. A flight attendant interrupted their conversation letting them know that she had priority to leave the plane. The old woman then looked at Amelie and winked. “They’re letting us off the plane now honey. Thank you miss, but my daughter can grab my bags from the upper compartment, can’t she” baffled at the kindness of the old woman, Amelie dumbly nodded and stood to help her. As they made their way through the gate, an attendant was waiting for the old woman. “You can leave my bags with this gentle man” she smiled.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that” the old woman took her hand. “Your mother is fortunate to have you as a daughter. Now go and be with her” Amelie smiled and gave the old woman a hug, and teared up a bit remembering her own grandmother. Wiping away a tear, Amelie said thank you again and headed off to get her bags. To no surprise, getting her suitcase was a gong show because they had to share a lane with another flight. By the time she got there, tons of people waited right by the carousel for their bags, making Amelie stand in the back and tippy toe to see a glimpse of her bag. She was fortunate that a man had helped her as she squeezed her way to the front, waiting for her bag. With a deep breath, she exited the doors and dialed her mother.
“Hello? Maman? What car are you in? Oh wait! I see it!” Amelie quickly rushed outside of the door at YVR to get to her mother’s vehicle. She was able to find a flight that evening and she left right away. The flight was long, but she was able to make it home to her mother’s side in 24 hours. She trotted over to her mother’s vehicle that pulled into the loading zone, flashing their hazards on, her mother getting out of the passenger side. Amelie stopped for a moment, confused that her mother wasn’t driving the car. Her mother quickly embraced her in her arms and both of them shared a tearful hug. “Who’s driving maman?”
Charlie stepped out of the driver’s seat and took Amelie’s suitcase from her, as she stood there with her mouth open. “Surprise?” she immediately felt a sudden wave of emotion wash over her and she jumped into Charlie’s waiting arms crying as he held her tight. She felt sadness and happiness while grieving over her Grandmother and feeling elated at the sudden presence of the boy.
“How?” she sniffled and pulled away, wiping her tears.
“Charlie knew how sad you were over Grandmaman, so he texted me late last night and flew in early this morning” her mother explained. Amelie’s mother knew of her crush on the boy and always encouraged her to pursue the relationship further, but she always insisted to her mother that they would be nothing more than friends. Her mother would roll her eyes at her daughter every time she said that, knowing that the chemistry and the feelings were there, but the two were just too stubborn to admit it.
“That’s what friends are for right?” 
Right. Friends.
After being picked up at the airport, they went straight to her mother’s house and helped her mom plan out things for the funeral. Naturally, Charlie became the chauffer, driving Amelie and her mom around the city to make various appointments with funeral directors and lawyers. Amelie’s grandmother gave birth to five children and never remarried after her husband passed away. Amelie had very little recollection of her grandfather as he passed away when she was quite young. Each of her mother’s siblings had at least three kids and each child had at least three kids, making their family huge. That didn’t include her mother’s cousins and their families, all of which would be flying in to attend the funeral in two days time.
Running around was an emotionally exhausting task, not to mention the exhaustion that came with grief. The two women were grateful that Charlie was around for them that day as Amelie’s siblings slowly started to get into town. He ordered pizza for everyone, knowing that all of her siblings would be in Vancouver in time for the funeral. Her grandmother was clear that she wanted the viewing and funeral to be combined into one day, not wanting to prolong her burial process, something that they honored. But with that request, it meant a lot had to be done.
Amelie had four siblings, all of which were older than her, making her the baby of the family. Her brother Benoit had moved to New Brunswick to live with the love of his life Maxime, and he was the second to arrive. He had work to take care of and unfortunately Maxime couldn’t get the time off. Benoit got along very well with Charlie, connecting over Dieppe and how it differed from Fredericton where Benoit lived with his partner. Her twin sisters Rachelle and Rene got into Vancouver right before dinner and actually carried the pizza inside while Charlie paid. Both sisters lived in Toronto, one training on the Olympic figure skating team and the other working in Parliament. Throughout the night, they joked about how cute Charlie was and how they were both single and didn’t mind dating someone younger. This annoyed Amelie but she wouldn’t admit that to anyone. Her third oldest brother, Theo, was the last to arrive, getting in way past dinner but before midnight. He lived in New York pursuing photography and had to finish a shoot before he could come home. Hearing this, Charlie asked him multiple questions about photography when they sat around their mother’s fireplace that night. It was nice to be able to gather as a family before the craziness of their relatives. French Canadian families were big, loud and full of personality, but Amelie knew Charlie understood this dynamic very well.
The next two days passed by in a blur with Charlie helping out wherever he could and sometimes locking himself in her mother’s office to do an interview or meeting here and there. Amelie was so grateful for him because every time she felt overwhelmed or that she was going to cry, he somehow made it to her side, comforting her and helping her be strong. Rachelle and Rene kept telling her to claim Charlie before they did, but Amelie would always insist that they were friends. But when her brothers got involved, Amelie couldn’t help but think that maybe her siblings were right. Maybe she should ask Charlie out, but how could she do that when her entire family was still dealing with the loss of her grandmother?
Just last night, Charlie sat up late into the evening comforting Amelie as she put the slideshow together on her Macbook. She could hardly look at the pictures or listen to the music without tearing up and having mini cry sessions on his shoulder, something he took in stride. It also didn’t help that she had consumed an entire bottle of wine...
In all honesty, Charlie couldn’t be more happy to be by her side at this moment. He knew how hard it was to lose a loved one, especially since he lost his grandmother before filming season one of Julie and the Phantoms. Being here for her was important to him and he wanted to show her that she could always come to him. When she passed out on his shoulder that night, he thought about how badly he wanted to be with her as he tucked her in bed. He loved how she snuggled into his shoulder as he finished up the slide show and he loved that she reached out for him and called his name in her sleep as he walked away. He kissed your forehead goodnight and hated the fact that he couldn’t just call you his.
A soft knock at the door interrupted Amelie’s day dream of her grandmother. She wiped the tears that have unexpectedly fallen from her eyes and took a deep breath. “Come in” her voice was shakier than she wanted it to be, but relief washed over her when Charlie walked in wearing a black dress shirt and tie. He smiled empathetically to her and approached her with open arms, something she gladly accepted. She inhaled his scent, burying her face in his chest, while he rested his head on top of hers. 
“You ready?” Charlie held her tight as he asked this question. This would be the first and last time Amelie would be seeing her deceased grandmother.
“I should be asking you that question” she softly giggled. Charlie would be meeting all of her relatives today, including her annoying cousin Madeleine. 
“You forget that I too have a big family. It’ll be fine. Plus, I’m here for you and not them” Amelie pulled away from the hug to stare him in the eyes, silently figuring whether now was a time to discuss her feelings or not. In the end, she decided against it and smiled softly at him, which he returned.
“Thank you for being here Char... It really means a lot” he chuckled and pulled her close for a second hug, something she would never tire hearing.
“Anything for you Ams. Anything.”
The funeral and mass went according to plan and soon enough they found themselves in the church basement with a slide show of her grandmother playing in the background, while guests visited the pastries and beverages being served. Amelie was occupied with the many questions her aunts and uncles had about her career and how she was doing, but she couldn’t help but worry about Charlie. Throughout her conversations with her relatives, she watched Charlie help out her mother with the pastries and beverages, stopping once in a while to entertain the younger cousins at the children’s table. She smiled at him gratefully for helping out so much, but grew a little nervous when her nosy aunts and uncles pulled him aside and started interviewing him. It seemed like he was handling himself fine, but Amelie felt even more confident when he made eye contact with her and winked. 
“Well if it isn’t the Hollywood superstar.” Amelie could feel herself cringe at the sound of the voice. It was Madeline, Amelie’s cousin. They were the same age and same stature, but they couldn’t be more opposite. Madeline pursued modeling at a young age and still continued to do it, but for some reason, she always felt that everything was a competition. Amelie wanted to simply be cousins, but Madeline would take every opportunity to upstage her or show off to their aunts and uncles. Amelie didn’t really care, but the more she didn’t the more vicious Madeleine became. At one point in their lives, Madeleine had moved to Vancouver for more opportunities and ended up living with her family. This caused a lot of drama between the two of them, including Madeleine dating several of her exes and bringing them to family events.
“Hey Mads. Long time no see” Amelie forced herself to be nice and polite, even though she felt her cousin didn’t deserve it. Her black dress was a little too tight and a little too revealing for a funeral, but she wasn’t about to bring that up. “How have you been?”
“Oh you know, living it up in Paris, traveling all over Europe for different modeling jobs. It’s exhausting, but I’m sure you know of it” anyone could hear the sarcasm and apprehension in her voice. Her aunts awkwardly moved away, making up some excuse about visiting other family members so that they could catch up. “How does it feel to be working on a children’s show?”
“I mean, I love what I do, so I can’t complain” Amelie bit her tongue before she could say anything rude. She never understood why her cousin always felt the need to announce how much better she was over her.
“So... optimistic. What’s it feel like to settle?” she felt the blood rush to her face, starting to lose control of her emotions. This was not the place or time to have this conversation, yet Madeline persisted. She took a deep breath trying to level herself and forced a smile on her face. As she opened her mouth to reply, she felt a warm hand hug her lower back and the slight smell of cologne fill the air.
“Everything alright babe?” she blushed at the name and gesture from Charlie, who kissed the top of her head. Madeline flushed and her eyes were as wide as saucers. “Oh hi, I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Charlie” he reached out his hand towards Madeline, keeping the other wrapped around Amelie. 
“Madeline. It’s nice to meet you Charlie. You’re an actor from the show that she worked on, right? What are you doing here?” Amelie could hear the faintest trace of annoyance in her voice, and shook his hand. Charlie and Amelie looked at each other, a cocky smile on Charlie’s face and slight confusion on Amelie’s. 
“I’m her boyfriend and I came to support her. I’m sure you’ve been dealing with the grief as well and I couldn’t let her go through this alone” part of what Charlie said was true, but Amelie couldn’t help but blush at the mention of boyfriend. No one had actually asked Charlie if they were dating, but a lot of relatives were beating around the bush. Apparently Charlie had said that rather loudly and some of the relatives started gossiping in a hushed voice. 
“Wow Amelie. I didn’t know you had such good taste in men based on your past partners” Charlie laughed at the comment, something Madeline didn’t suspect.
“I wouldn’t say I’m good taste, but Ams if definitely a catch” he gloated and kissed her cheek, causing Amelie to blush furiously. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I actually came over because your mom needs some help” if there was one thing Amelie could count on, it would be Charlie’s ability to read a situation and get her out of it. “Shall we, my love?” she nodded and walked away from Madeline flushed and confused, but also really excited. He moved his hand from her back to her hand, softly dragging her away from the conversation.
“Boyfriend?” Amelie whispered to him, inferring the comments he made to Madeline. 
“I know she ruffles your feathers, so why not ruffle hers?” Benoit interrupted Charlie, asking him if he could help put some of the tables from upstairs away. “You’re mom’s in the kitchenette, you can probably hide there for a bit. I got you a plate of pastries that I stashed in the back” she thanked him and watched him walk away with her brother. Before she could take another step, Rachelle and Rene linked arms with her on either side and rushed her into the kitchenette.
“So you’re dating now?!” Rene questioned and before Amelie could answer, Rachelle interrupted her. “When were you going to tell us this?!”
“About time” her mother scoffed, stirring another jug of fruit punch. “Okay you two, leave your sister alone to breathe for a second. Take these pitchers out to the table and find Theo. Make sure Tante Genevive hasn’t stolen him for a private photoshoot for Facebook” Amelie was grateful that her mother shooed the twins off and passed her the plate that Charlie put aside. 
“Thanks Maman” her mother smiled smugly at her, moving about the kitchenette. “Please don’t say I told you so” her mother made the motion to zip her lips as she giddily made her way around the kitchen.
That evening, Amelie’s family stumbled through the front door of her mother’s house, everyone retiring to their rooms for a short moment of relaxation while their mother ordered take out for a late dinner. They had stayed behind to clean up with a few other relatives and put away the church tables and chairs. Charlie didn’t complain a single time and rushed to do whatever he could to help everyone out. Charlie followed Amelie up the stairs to her old bedroom and shut the door behind him as she plopped onto the bed. Part of Amelie did this was because she was tired, but the other part of her did it hopefully to avoid the conversation they were about to have. Charlie quietly sat beside her on the bed and played with her hair, something she absolutely loved.
“So, about today...” this conversation was happening whether she wanted it to or not.
“It was really nice of you to stand up for me but you didn’t have to. I have no problem telling my family it was a small misunderstanding. It should stop them from blabbering to the media” She sat up and Charlie looked incredulously at Amelie confused at what she was saying.
“Ams, I don’t think you get it” again, she interrupted him before he could continue.
“No I do, I get it. You’re an amazing friend Char and you didn’t have to risk the rumours for-” she didn’t complete the thought because Charlie’s lips were suddenly on hers and she completely melted into them. It was like this tension that she never acknowledged left her shoulders, making her feel like she was floating.
“Do you understand now?” he searched her eyes for some sort of confirmation. “I really like you Amelie and I’ve liked you for a long time, but I’ve always thought you wanted to be friends”
“I wanted to be friends?! I thought you friend zoned me first!” he gave her a look for interrupting him. “Sorry”
“Regardless of what happened, being with you here and helping you and your family throughout all of this made me want to be a part of your life so much more. I want to be more than your friend. I know this is a bad time to say this, but I don’t think I can keep pretending that I don’t want to be with you” he held her hand in his and drew nearer to her again. “I really want to be with you if you’ll have me”
She closed the gap between the two of them and kissed him this time, something which Charlie gladly accepted. The two shared a simple but passionate kiss, as if they were confessing two years of secret feelings to each other. A bang at the door startled them.
“Put your pants on! Maman wants you guys to go pick up the take out!” Benoit yelled from behind the door. The two flushed at the comment and heard the snickers and giggles from the other siblings.
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it’s the one that got away (911 3x16) and buck is scared he’s going to be left behind. actually, he’s been scared. always scared. it’s buck’s greatest fear. 
because this has been buck’s arc since the ladder truck bombing in this life we choose (911 2x18). when his leg is crushed and he’s suddenly faced with the possibility that he might not be a firefighter anymore. might lose his family. might not be buck. 
and just when it seems that his life will get back to normal. that he’ll go back to work. he has a pulmonary embolism. nearly dies right in front of them. again. freaking bobby out to the point where he blocks buck’s return to the 118. 
leading to the lawsuit arc. 
and yeah. buck turned down the settlement. reconciled with the team, with bobby, with eddie. came back to the life he loves. back to work. back to his family. 
but all of that was about buck’s present. the here-and-now. this time it’s about buck’s future. a looming someday when the team has been split among different houses. when bobby has retired. when they’ve moved on with kids and families of their own. what happens to buck then? 
will he become like john “code red” delacroix? deluding himself that he’s still a firefighter by being stuck in the past. living in a one-bedroom apartment that is more a shrine to the fighting 134 than a home. surrounded by memorabilia and dead friends and regrets and fire-engine red walls. alone until the next funeral.
buck’s not okay with that. because red is the embodiment of all buck’s fears. and buck sees himself in red.
only the thing is. red might imply that his one-time fiancé broke up with him over the job. much like how ali broke up with buck. but it’s not the same. not at all. 
ali broke up with buck because he has a dangerous line of work. which she knew--they did meet during the collapse of a high rise--but also didn’t. hadn’t realized what that actually meant. 
because she got out unscathed. got out because buck is good at his job. because buck’s a firefighter. 
so seeing him get hurt. seriously hurt. while at work. well, it’s too much. she doesn’t think she can live in the constant fear that something could happen to someone she loved. with that level of worry and uncertainty. 
and that’s valid.
red’s fiancé, on the other hand, broke up with red because he stood her up on a series of dates to the world series in 1988. dismissed them out-of-hand because he didn’t think they’d be worth watching. didn’t think the LA dodgers had a chance against the oakland athletics. so he didn’t give his fiancé a chance. and went to work instead.
and that’s just. so dismissive. and callous. it’s not about the job at all. it’s just an excuse red is using 40 years later. to pretend that she’s the one who got away. when he’s the one who left her behind. 
young red. make that code red. was a hothead too consumed with the image of being a firefighter. of being a hero who saves lives. that he neglected having his own. he’s buck 1.0. the guy we only sorta meet in the pilot episode. who steals the firetruck and sleeps around. 
only red never had any system upgrades. or if he did, it wasn’t until it was too late. his fiancé had already left. his team had already moved on. his family is only a memory. 
which is why red is so devasted when he sees his ex-fiancé again. because she’s gotten older. gotten confused. and it’s a does of clear reality on all of red’s rose-tinted memories of her. of the girl that started bar fights and the girl who was afraid of snakes. the girl who knew who I was. now I don't even have that.
and just. who does that you remind you of? is there perhaps someone in buck’s life who maybe joins cage fights. and who’s maybe afraid of technology. someone who knows who he is and when has to do something. like go full buck.
but that’s spec for later. 
right now. red’s angry and he’s taking it out on buck. who only wanted to help. wanted to see romance and family win. just stay away from me. I'm not sure I can survive your help anymore.
and yeah, buck did make it about himself. pushed his own fears of the future onto red. but he also befriending a lonely old firefighter. brought him adventure and hope and respect during his last days. 
because it turns out red has mesothelioma. diagnosed last year. it’s a rare type of cancer from inhaling asbestos. and it’s prevalent among firefighters. which, as a firefighter, buck knows. that when he says red really sacrificed everything for the job. he means everything.
and the firefam sees buck’s fears. sees buck struggling. and they do their best to make him feel better. to insists they’ll always be around. that they won’t leave buck behind. 
only they kind of do a terrible job of it. because the 118 before buck was something different. parts of a whole but not yet whole. so no. hen and chim and bobby don’t keep in contact with the old team. because they weren’t friends. weren’t family. the way the 118 is now.
and that’s because of buck. because buck will always have maddie. and maddie is dating chim. and chim is best friends with hen. and hen is friends with athena. and athena is married to bobby. so where exactly does buck expect his family to go? they’re a package deal. all of them.
maybe especially eddie. he’s buck’s best friend. and with eddie there will always be christopher. and carla. and abuela and pepa. a special subset of family just for buck.
and honestly. I think it’s this ep. compounded with the well collapse in eddie begins (911 3x15). that prompts eddie to change his will. to make buck chris’ legal guardian. because even if by some tragedy the firefam doesn’t stay together. if maddie leaves again. if eddie dies. if buck is left behind. then buck will still have christopher. and christopher will have buck. they won’t be alone. 
because eddie really meant it when he said that won’t happen to us. even if he doesn’t say anything about it. not yet. 
which is why it’s maddie who tells buck that he’s not red. emphasizes that red’s life won’t be buck’s future. no matter buck’s fears. because even if maddie already left. twice. she also came back twice. she’ll always come back. you're never gonna be left behind. okay? no matter what.
but what isn’t said. by the team, by maddie, by eddie. is said later by taylor kelly in breaking point (911 4x08). your life is nothing but meaningful relationships. and that’s the crux of it, isn’t it? the central thesis to buck 2.0′s character arc.
buck already has a family. will always have a family. he can’t be left behind.
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anklesalltheway · 3 years
Lost at Sea
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aka the tragedy of whatever became of Elizabeth Swann’s mother in PotC canon.
Author’s note:  In my PotC writings, I have a little headcanon where Joshamee Gibbs’ canon (mentioned) sister Margaret (who marries a lawyer) is my Margaret Gibbs-Swann who married Weatherby (who was also a lawyer before becoming Governor). I also headcanon that their father is Captain Charles Gibbs, a decorated Royal Navy Captain (with a secret history of piracy that wasn’t discovered until posthumously but that’s another story), and that the Gibbs family are from Bristol. This story takes place approximately a year before the CotBP prologue & the crossing from England.
tw death.
“It is my sad duty to report that Captain Charles Gibbs has gone to his great reward. Heart attack. At least he did not suffer.”
The decorated Captain Charles Gibbs has passed away.
The Swann family - the newly appointed Governor Weatherby, his wife Margaret, and their young daughter Elizabeth had traveled form London to Margaret’s hometown Bristol for the funeral and its aftermath. Fortunately for Weatherby being a lawyer, there were some additional legal matters to be addressed with the late Captain Gibbs’ will (notably reverting Charles disowning his son Joshamee — Margaret’s brother — on the grounds of Joshamee’s suspected affiliation with pirates and rumrunning), which were soon after settled smoothly.
When Weatherby received word of his need to return to London, Margaret asked her husband to bring Elizabeth with him and return without her, as she needed more time to grieve her father’s passing.
What Margaret was really hoping was that she would run into her brother again.
Her patience was rewarded. One of the Royal Navy ships made port and Margaret was able to get a final reunion with her brother Joshamee. He couldn’t stay for long as his ship was going to leave port in only a few days, but he was more than obliging to catch up on lost time with his sister, and grateful she was able to restore him to the Gibbs family inheritance.
Among said inheritance was Captain Charles Gibbs’ 3 ships. HMS Ol’ Navigator, a schooner. La Perla (The Pearl), a sloop. And The Tempest, a dinghy ((much like the one Captain Jack Sparrow sails in his intro scene in CotBP)).
With her brother’s aid, Margaret sold the schooner, giving Joshamee the additional funds. She keeps the sloop for herself and her family’s use once they are settled in Port Royal. Finally when a fisherman sailor asked if he could purchase the dinghy, at the last minute Margaret decides to keep it for one more day because in a spur of the moment ‘call of the sea’ she decides to go sailing aboard the Tempest with her brother for one last adventure - for old times sake.
It was the dinghy their late father would take them on when they were children and Margaret as a Captain’s daughter first learned to sail on. It was a carefree day of high spirits on the high seas, and where Joshamee and Margaret could finally fulfill a childhood sibling promise.
The next day the Royal Navy ship departs Bristol Harbour, and Joshamee bids farewell to his sister.
It was the last time they would ever see each other.
Margaret writes to her husband and daughter of her expected return to London on the morrow, of her eagerness to be reunited with them again, of her brief reunion with her brother, and of her father’s sloop La Perla to be sailed to Port Royal by their dear friend Captain Hawkins so they can go sailing together once they’ve settled in their new home in the Caribbean.
Debating what to do with the dinghy the Tempest, and probably deciding it would be best to sell it after all to the sailor, Margaret decides to take it out for one last sail. The sailor she’s going to sell it to offers to accompany her, but she politely declines. The Tempest sets sail in good weather and fair winds with its lone captain from Bristol Harbour and the sailor watched it vanish on the horizon.
Lady Margaret Gibbs-Swann never returned to London on the morrow nor did she ever return to the docks to sell the dinghy to the sailor.
The sailor said that night in Bristol there was a storm that appeared on the far horizon in the late afternoon and came on a downpour overnight. He asked all the dock workers and harbormaster whether Captain Gibbs’ dinghy the Tempest & Lady Swann ever returned to port, but it did not and neither did she.
No one knew whatever became of her, and while Weatherby did everything he could in his power to search for his wife lost at sea, the Bristol locals could only quietly mourn, knowing “The unforgiving seas must have stolen another one.”
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