#disabled people have sex
eelfuneral · 2 months
Since I’m thinking of the infantilization and desexualization of disabled characters, I also wanted to add that I’ve seen Wrecker occasionally fall victim to this, usually with some variation on “it feels wrong to consider the possibility of him having sex”. Guys, Wrecker is an adult man with a TBI and/or ADHD, not an oversized kid. He almost certainly has the capacity to consent to sex, and would likely do a good job of setting boundaries due to his incredible emotional intelligence.
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darkbluebunnie · 2 months
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Suprised daddy with a cute new outfit yesterday 😍 💕
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lovethisfat37 · 1 year
EDS is fun for sex. Yes I hurt but I got folded in half so he could pound my cervix. It's been so long since I felt cum pump against my cervix 🥴
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butchfalin · 7 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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swirlygigg · 3 months
i love you accommodations for disabled people during sex!
nonverbal signals like tapping or signing
sex toys that don't require you to keep holding them
thigh harnesses
propping up limbs and bodies with pillows
taking breaks whenever necessary
protective covers for easy cleanups
doing positions that make sense for *your* body, not just whatever abled bodies do
clear communication about what's going where
allergy-safe lubes, dental dams, and condoms
knowing your limits with pain
using/not using medication if necessary
being patient about repeating what you said if the other person couldn't hear or understand
being aware of blood sugar, nausea, fainting, etc.
being aware of joints/muscles/bones
other disabled people, add some of your favorites! i wanna hear about them and hopefully learn more that i can incorporate into my safe sex practices!
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astraltrickster · 11 months
I want to introduce a disability concept that I've been calling paradoxical stigma.
What is paradoxical stigma? It's the stigma against:
1) The actually disabling traits of a disability that's in the spotlight for the parts of it that are convenient to accommodate, and/or
2) The diagnosis of such a disability itself,
Due to the assumption that the spotlight renders it "destigmatized" and no longer in need of support.
As of right now, at least around this corner of the internet, the most obvious examples of this are autism and ADHD. It's become disturbingly common for people to treat those like Diet Disabilities That Don't Actually Count. It's been really interesting to watch the popular attitude about these disorders shift from "autism is either a tragedy or an excuse depending on 'severity', and ADHD is just a myth used to drug kids into complicity instead of teaching them actual skills", to "actually these are real disorders that affect people in all aspects of their lives", to "I GUESS they're real disorders but honestly EVERYONE has them can't we worry about more SERIOUS ones?" and...not in a good way.
It comes up...partially as a legitimate backlash to people with these disorders who think that invisible disability and/or neurodivergence begins and ends at their experience, and...yeah, that's a problem all right, in fact if I had a dollar for every asshole who looked at my struggles with things like keeping my space clean or not fucking up my medication doses DUE TO ADHD and went "well I have the same diagnosis and I don't have THAT problem to THAT extent, obviously you're just lazy and careless", or saw me having an AUTISTIC meltdown and called it "bullying" or worse because I get loud and insisted that I NEED to CONTROL that CHOSEN BEHAVIOR if I want to not be a Bad Person, or heard about how AUTISTIC overstimulation defense measures play into my trouble with cleaning and insisted that well THEY'RE autistic too and don't have that specific problem so this is clearly weaponized helplessness because I just don't WANT to learn to do better, I'd...probably have a lot more assistive tech. I also get really, really frustrated and upset when people use RSD to mean "if you ever criticize me that's the height of ableism, no matter how much I'm actually fucking up and hurting you" - especially since it's so often invoked as a defense against being lightly criticized for ACTUALLY harmful behavior and as much as it sucks there IS no substitute to make that more emotional-dysregulation-friendly beyond basic kindness in criticism. That attitude exists. It's bad.
And yet, theoretically, I think we could all agree that the response to that should NEVER be to reinvent the old "ugh, those aren't REAL disabilities, those are just EXCUSES that LAZY PARENTS make for kids being kids, what they need is DISCIPLINE" stereotype of the 90s-2000s, just now aimed at those same kids as adults, in ostensibly supportive spaces - or arguably worse, to revert all our understanding of support needs to the externally judged high-functioning/low-functioning dichotomy.
What really sets this apart as paradoxical stigma, rather than just garden-variety lateral ableism, is that 1) we CAN theoretically all agree that reinventing those stereotypes is a terrible response, yet many people do it anyway, and 2) these stereotypes are invoked not only because of that intracommunity misbehavior, but both within and outside of disabled spaces, because of the illusion that you can bring up those disorders and have them taken seriously because fidget toys and stim videos and weighted blankets are popular now. An event having quiet rooms, or backlash to Autism Speaks being visible outside of autistic spaces, will be taken as "proof" that autism stigma is over forever and anyone who complains about it is just a whiner who doesn't know how good they have it...even when what they're complaining about is, say, being barred from migration. Paradoxical stigma is enacted by people who think that they, alone, are standing up against someone who's throwing others under the bus to continue to progress their own limited agenda...when in fact they're speaking a very popular shitty opinion, that MANY of the people making that claim would disagree with HEAVILY once separated from the "crab bucket reflex".
As a personal example, the result is that when I'm looking for assistance, I'm...hesitant to bring up those diagnoses, because I know I'm going to be written off as "obviously a high-functioning low-support needs scammer who just doesn't WANT to CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY and EARN things" - even by people who otherwise agree that people should be allowed to survive even if they truly are the living strawman lazy bum who has nothing wrong with them but just WANTS to lay around eating junk food and doing drugs all day, AND that disability deserves to be respected, isn't black-and-white, and affects everyone differently; somehow when these combine in the context of my diagnoses that have had a very sanitized version of themselves "destigmatized" on TikTok, they cancel out into blatant reactionary sentiment indistinguishable from what I'd hear from my shitty token Republican uncle.
So, that's paradoxical stigma. Feel free to use the term if you find it useful.
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the reason it's a bad thing to only talk about a certain group of people when it benefits your argument is that it shows that you don't actually care about us as people. you can bring us up in an argument if the argument calls for it. whatever. but using an entire community as a gotcha and then attacking that same community when they ask for rights and recognition is complete bullshit. you don't get to use us as an argument if you clearly only see us as a thought experiment and nothing more
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The thing about assigned sex labels (AFAB/AMAB) is that a lot of its usefulness comes from discussions around medicine (though there are still issues with this). In a social sense, AFAB/AMAB isn't very useful to describe peoples' lived experience.
Assigned sex happens to people as babies, and "AFAB" and "AMAB" describe very broadly sex categories. Assigned sex acknowledges past assignment, not current reality with regards to one's sex and/or gender.
I find that when people try to apply sex assignment to social settings (e.g., "all AFABs experience this!"), it comes very close not only to misgendering, but also to sex essentialism in many cases.
I simply think there are too many assumptions made about what every person AMAB has (such as a certain body, a certain gender, and certain lived experiences) and what every person AFAB has. We cannot make sweeping generalizations about people, and I think a lot of people seem to forget this especially with regards to transition and/or "rare" sexes.
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deakwithit · 4 months
not to be insane but gotham artists im begging u to take into account that oswald's leg is FUCKED and some cute couples positions for art will NOT work for him..like its twisted all weird and it healed wrong. He probably can't sustain many positions that put pressure on his leg..this includes sexual ones btw nsfw artists pls rememner this idiot is disabled
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c-kiddo · 5 months
una ava universe lore is that there is also a character named johannes who ava knew for a few months (before una) when she was a bit younger. like 18/19 type of age. johannes was staying with his grandparents to help for summer (like help them fixing their house or something, maybe with his dad? not sure yet) and hung out with ava because she had a job in the tiny little corner shop nearby to the small town. she lives outside of the town a couple miles away but she went on her bike to work. they hung out and also i just think the idea of weird girl and also owl ava (who doesnt rly talk) having a friend/sort of boyfriend and they like birdwatch and johannes shows ava tv shows on vhs and camping gear like a dented thermos he brings everywhere with him . she shows him how to peel an egg rly neatly and doesn't show him the big hole she has in her back full of twigs and plants even though he's good and nice she just doesn't want to be that vulnerable right then
johannes looks like this
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darkbluebunnie · 5 months
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New hello kitty pjs!!!
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
Everytime I see discourse about kink or nudity at pride I get reminded of the time I went to pride a few years ago with my mother and my sibling- who was 17 at the time and is somewhere on the ace spectrum- and about halfway through, the march went under a gatehouse. Some inhabitants were sitting in their open windows watching the parade. Right before we crossed under them, one of them decided to just... take her shirt off. She wasn't wearing a bra. And you know what happened? People whooped and cheered, and then kept walking. That's it. And there were kids around!! They didn't care. My sibling didn't care. My mother, a cisgender heterosexual woman in her 50s, did not care.
This stuff stops being such a big deal when you go offline. It was basically the same amount of boob you'd see in any perfume ad. No one was like 'what about the children?' And if you didn't wanna see it and looked down, no one would've called you a puritanical prude for that. And it helps to remind myself of that everytime I see kink at pride discourse getting rehashed because at actual pride, people don't care.
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this-is-macy · 9 months
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
Let Crutchie be allosexual and alloromantic.
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lacefuneral · 2 years
also this isn't directed at anyone, it's something that i just remembered. i forget if i've made a post about this before or not? or if it was just a draft
but like.
"pillow princess" is not a synonym for "submissive" or for "bottom" or "slutty"
a pillow princess is a derogatory (but sometimes reclaimed) term that refers to a very specific type of sex, known as stone sex.
stone sex usually occurs between a stone top and a stone bottom, but it can also occur between a stone partner and a non-stone partner that respects the boundaries of their stone.
to put it in a very simplified way: stone sex is when one partner does all the giving, and one partner does all the receiving.
this is done specifically because of boundaries. often, stones are individuals on the asexual spectrum, or individuals that have experienced sexual trauma in some way, or simply just prefer the stone dynamic. stone allows individuals to have sex in a way that distinctly feels Safe to them.
in real life, boundaries will differ from stone-to-stone. but in general, stone tops prefer to remain partially (or fully) clothed, to not have their genitals touched in any way (they often use fingers, a prosthesis, their mouth, or a toy to please their partner), and to lavish attention upon their bottom. they receive pleasure vicariously through their partner's pleasure.
stone bottoms (pillow princesses), inversely, enjoy to be pleasured by their partner, but do not feel comfortable returning that pleasure directly. instead, they will praise their partner, pet their hair, scratch them with their nails (consensually, of course), and make their partner feel safe. often, they try to put on a show for their top, trying to make sure the top knows that they are doing a good job.
stone sex, while not traditionally reciprocal, is still reciprocal in its own way. and it's a dynamic that allow many people to enjoy sex that may not enjoy it otherwise.
when you write about stone sex, know that "pillow princess" doesn't mean "slutty" or "open for anything." and it also doesn't mean "lazy" or "selfish." and keep in mind that the purpose of stone sex is safety. if you tag a fic as "pillow princess" and have the bottom deepthroating the top, you've missed the entire purpose of the stone dynamic, and you are misusing terminology that stones use to find themselves in literature.
(i'm speaking from experience btw. i went to read a fic i thought was stone and ended up getting triggered because i wasn't in the headspace to read about "traditional" sex)
so yeah. do some reading about it. i will say that a lot of resources usually talk about stone dynamics as they relate to lesbianism, but people of all genders and sexualities participate in stone dynamics and have stone sex. it's VERY, VERY common in trans people, especially.
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fruitdragon · 1 month
The gender and sexuality thing - my journey
faking crushes on guys so they won't look at you weird
Everyone wants to be a guy sometimes. It's just like that
Is it weird that I hate the way my name sounds and wish it was more masculine or at least gender neutral
Girls are so pretty!! Boys are weird (you'll grow out of it, you will not)
Learn the word lesbian. Think that's it
Alternate between thinking you're bisexual or only attracted to women
Maybe I'll just be more masculine, clothing doesn't equal gender
Get called a dyke a lot, because it's junior high
My brother comes out as trans guy. I get to see I have more options
I'm non-binary, change my name and start wearing a binder at school and use they/them pronouns
Have a breakdown over whether or not I can call myself a lesbian?
Words have the meaning you assign to them
Maybe I'm asexual? Or aromantic?
Girls, maybe on the aromantic spectrum (maybe it's my autism? Maybe it's Maybelline)
Get distracted by my many health issues, hard to worry about gender and sexuality when your ligaments are eating themselves
I have a lot of sex to figure myself out, girls are pretty and I am a bottom. You can have sex with people you are not attracted to and it can still be fun
Get told on the internet that me calling myself queer is an insult and a slur that can't be reclaimed
Too late baby I'm a Genderqueer faggot and a dyke
Still exploring myself because the journey never ends
Start hitting transphobes and homophobes with my cane
During this journey other things happen. I met a Non-binary elderly person named Pix who has a wife and now aspire to be them
I got diagnosed with multiple things! I became more of a mess then usual
I discovered a lot of music and connected myself to that!
I grew up and realized that my gender and sexuality isn't the end all be all of me as a person and it isn't the end of the world.
Had a lot more sex with my friends and still am just close friends with them even if we aren't having that type of intimacy anymore
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wildegeist-old · 5 months
Now that I can do words more coherently. Still feel all yucky about that fiasco the other day. Genuinely never expected that shit to break containment how it did cause I'm used to stuff staying sorta within my circle, then it left my circle, I saw the info wasn't exactly/all what I thought AND that I left out some stuff I should have put in (I tend to be vague on accident sometimes and it freaks people out), and if I had been thinking straight, I would have turned off reblogs before deleting it, cause deleting effectively does nothing. My first reaction when I saw the corrections was "oh shit I need to stop the panic then".
I feel really really bad about this and I regret the post so much I was really just not thinking right. If it scared or frustrated anyone, I am sorry. If I ever share stuff again (I rarely did in the first place tbh, this is kind of an isolated incident for me), I'm gonna be sure that the information is more of what I think it is (I knew some stuff wasn't new, but some stuff I thought was new was not) and try to be clearer about what's in there that I do. I personally don't see these things as panic situations but I should really have just added something to ease worry regardless, cause I forget that other people are bigger worriers.
That being said, I think the corrected versions are what people are familiar with now and that's what matters. I did everything I could think of to help clear it up, but it feels like garbage that there's no perfect solution. Gonna let it rest now since people DO seem clearer on it now. But seeing the post continue to spread especially as it originally was is like. -insert that Breaking Bad meme of Walter screaming from inside a car-
I was sorta inclined to believe something bigger was going on too cause like. Some accounts of mine were actually gotten into recently (which almost never happens) and the article felt like it kinda. Explained that to me. And maybe that is the explanation but I kinda rolled too hard with it and got caught up in trying to warn I guess.
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