#discord monarchy
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 165
Danny is rather bemused but honestly with how his life is, this might as well happen. Apparently he has seven more siblings now, and a whole second dysfunctional family. And apparently he, Ellie and Jordan are the babies of the family. So. 
Could Clockwork have mentioned that one of his variants had children before? Maybe, but this gets him out of becoming ghost king at the age of fourteen, which is a baby to the Realms anyway. 
Well, hopefully their new siblings will be fine with them… 
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paro-art · 2 years
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When you become canon just in time to see the br*tish monarchy go down
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let-me-ascend · 1 year
I stc everypony won't stop climping all cutie mark communists together! Not all of us are extremists like Starlight Glimmer! It's kind of besides the point but I don't trust how she meets princess Twilight and just so happens to see the evils of communism...
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shiniestcrow · 1 year
I told my friend about King Of The Castle and she messaged me about the release today
I very kindly told her that it was time to burn down build her empire 😇
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ataleofcrowns · 10 months
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New Chapter Released!
Hello again! Hope your summer has gone well ☀️
With the public release of this new chapter, the romances are starting to intersect and interact with the main plot:
Unique paths for each love interest, encompassing a completely different plot event that the Crown will have to deal with
D and X's routes heavily involve the Imperial Court, where the Crown's previous choices on court positions will be first illustrated in the story
Meanwhile, R and A have unique events happening regarding some concerning magic that has left R in trouble, and an investigation that has lead A astray
Each route will force the Crown to make an important decision that will be remembered by their love interest. If you pick a bad choice here, even if you get a good romance later on, your love interest will remember it...
An additional note on this chapter: due to its sheer size and variability, I didn't have a chance to send it to my beta readers on time, so you may find more errors/bugs in it than what you're used to from me. Please report them in this Google Form or in the Discord server if possible!
Thank you for all your patience and support, I hope you enjoy the new chapter ✨
For those that are unfamiliar with the game
A Tale of Crowns is a high fantasy romance story, told in the form of a text-based interactive novel with choice mechanics. The setting is inspired by Kurdish culture as well as other historical settings in the Middle East such as Ancient Persia, but it also draws heavily from other cultures and countries in the region.
Your character is native to Arsur, a vast empire overseen by a single ruler known as the Crown. Unlike traditional monarchies, however, the title is not inherited through blood. Whenever the Crown dies, their famed golden eyes pass on to the one chosen by the Spirits of this world to be the new Crown. In this story, your MC takes on that role.
There are four different love interests to choose from, whose genders will be customized to suit the preferences of your Crown. You can find more info about them on the blog page!
Also note that this current version of the game is safe for those 16 years and older.
Like the premise so far? Play it and give it a try! The entire game is free!
If you enjoyed the game, please reblog! Share it with your friends! Recognition and reader interaction is just about the only thing I get in return for creating it ❤️
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mcytblraufest · 21 days
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Ever seen a piece of art and gone "I need to write something about that?" Our Reverse Big Bang is all about that! Our artists have been busy, and now it's the writer's turn. The process of writer claims starts today! We will release an anonymous list of the art at 10am EST, and then 24 hours later you'll be able to put your name in for the ones you want to work on!
And what sort of art do we have? Well let me tell you, we have 25 traffic series art pieces, 30 dream smp, 7 empires, fully FIFTY hermitcraft art pieces, 5 lifesteal pieces, one each from MCSR, naked and afraid, scenario SMP, sleep deprived smp, smpearth, sos smp, and witchcraft smp, 2 from pirates smp, 9 from QSMP, and 3 from ygoscast.
There are fantasy aus, space aus, "this guy is an android", "these guys are a boy scout troop", pern au, parkour civilization, amongus, homestuck, sentient weapon au, selkie, my little pony, flower fairy, cowboy, late night tv, modern mafia, dark monarchy, reincarnation, mermaid, college au— and I assure you I have just scratched the surface of what is in this spreadsheet.
We have two needlecraft art pieces, 3 videos, 1 cosplay, 1 game, 2 music pieces, 1 animatic, 1 minecraft data pack, 1 minecraft map, 5 web weaves, and a LOT of digital and traditional art. People have made reference sheets. Comics. Headshots. There is SO MUCH. 145 art pieces from all over MCYT ready to go. The artists have been working for a month to make fantastic art pieces depicting their favourite AUs, ready to inspire a fic, and boy have they delivered, and now it's time to sign up and go ME, I want to write something with THAT art. All of MCYTblr welcome! If you are a writer who wants to join this challenge (or if you want to beta read one of the eventual fics), join the discord for more information!
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angrytomatto · 8 months
Summary of random facts about Merman because I'm bore (probably will update with time)
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We talk about this in a discord server and I just want to leave it here in case I forget
(Every fact here is based of what has been said in game, fan theories aren't canonically facts in this list) Last update: December 2023
(This list probably contain spoilers)
Not only they learn how to walk with legs, but also how to swim in human form (Stitch Event)
It takes them time get used to breathe air properly, walking their first steps feel heavy and painful and some of them still feel uncomfortable in clothes (Floyd's Beans Camo story / Jade's School Uniform voice lines)
The black carriage that picks them up to go to NRC is an amphibious magic coach (Floyd's Ceremonial Robes voice line)
Merfolks and Humans are aware of each other but is extremely rare to encounter an actual merman on land (Magicam Monsters event)
They aren't afraid of each other anymore, since Ariel married Erik merfolks commonly come and go from land to sea(Some adults even own some stores on the shores) (Floyd's Beach Wear story)
The institution or land boot camp that train merfolks to became humans was founded canonically by Ariel. They need at least one month there to get used to their new body and how to eat our food correctly. Deep under water they only eat raw meat (Floyd's Beans Camo story / Jade's School Uniform story)
In there also teach them about the fauna on land by taking them to the zoo (Floyd Platinum Jacket story)
Merfolks also have passports once they live in human society (Floyd Platinum Jacket story)
They can turn into their true form willingly (Book 3 / Book 4 / Azul's Ceremonial Robes story / Vargas Camp event / Magicam Monsters event)
However they drink potions to keep their human form. Those are really expensive and if they forget to drink it in time they turn back into merman really slowly (Book 6 Riddle and Azul's tower)
The potion itself is paid by the school and currently they drink an experimental version that allows them to keep their human form for a week or two instead of a couple of days. And it taste awful (Book 6 Riddle and Azul's tower)
None of them have good eyesight: Azul mainly use only one par of glasses because it helps with the ''Business Style'' he's aiming for, and even if he can see pretty well without them the lenses are prescript just as his lab glasses (Trey's Halloween Dress story / Azul's Lab Coat voice lines) Jade roam around the school at night because he feel at ease in the dark (Ruggie's School Uniform story) Floyd is always amused of bright colored things because they looked really dark under the sea (Floyd's lab coat story)
Their skin in human form is really smooth. That's because they are cover by slime in their true form that keep their skin moist and soft (Azul's Ceremonial Robes story)
Octopuses are a pretty exotic race even between merfolks, they are way bigger that the common merman. They are slow, so they are usually targeted by predators but they also are brutally strong and are able to manipulate all their limbs freely (Book 3 / Book 4 / Book 6 / Happy Beans event / Vargas Camp / Azul's Beach Wear voice lines)
Halloween under water have very ominous and respectful traditions, way opposite that Halloween on land. There's haunted ships with ghost that lost their lives drowned, so they play music to calm their sorrows and loneliness. There's many pirate ghosts wandering on rotten ships that could actually harm young merfolks if they are not careful enough (Jade's Halloween Dress story / Floyd's Halloween Dress story)
The Coral Sea is a really small community and merfolks don't hesitate to eat each other in order to survive (Many hints said by the octatrio to mention here. And yes, Floyd WILL eat any student if he have to (Azul's Beach Wear voice lines))
They live under a Monarchy and the current prince is called Rielle. Is implied that the prince assist in the same elementary school that Azul, Jade and Floyd (Book 3) **( The 14 one doesn't mention all the times the tweels bully Azul by calling him slow because I will lost count) ______________ That's it for now, I will add more eventually but this ones are the ones I can remember now, feel free to tell me what did I miss~
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butterscotch-brigade · 5 months
🐴 eat-the-alicorns Follow
sick of ponies saying shit like "luna > celestia" or "celestia is a tyrant, luna is best princess" like you know equestria is still a monarchy right. it doesn't matter who you "stan" they're still both members of the royal family. i should not have to explain to you why "stanning" a literal monarch is wrong
🌚 moonrises Follow
Somepony's a Celestia stan
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
read my post again
🌫 books-and-friendship-deactivated10102010
Excuse me, but can you please explain to me why the monarchy is so bad? I'm from the Dragon Lands, and we choose our leaders by sending them on a dangerous quest to retrieve a scepter from an active volcano. Thousands of dragons die every millenium to this gauntlet alone. How is that any better than living under the alicorns' comparatively peaceful and diplomatic rule?
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
girl you're literally a twilight sparkle stan blog i'm not arguing with you. go read books egghead
🥀 unlucky-rosepetals Follow
op thats not just a twilight themed blog that is the actual princess twilight herself
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
⛅️ chasingcloudstildawn Follow
🥕 beyond-my-garden Follow
🌅 sunny-daze-haze Follow
Welcome to Tumblr, the only website where you can cyberbully the princess of friendship into deactivating. Well done guys
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
"cyberbullying" she's taken on Actual Demons From Tartarus i think she'll be fine
📰 gxbby-gxms Follow
one of those "demons" was a literal child btw. yknow the one currently encased in stone in the canterlot sculpture garden
🎭 chaotic-strings Follow
Being a minor doesn't make you exempt from the consequences of your actions????
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
SHE'S A /CHILD/??? LIKE AN ACTUAL CHILD. and she's FULLY aware of everything going on around her??? tell me why you think eternal petrification is a fitting punishment for a child
⏳️ timeywimey Follow
@/chaotic-strings is Discord btw. In case you're wondering why he's advocating for turning a child to stone. I love sucking hooves
⏳️ timeywimey
🎭 chaotic-strings
🍎 i-say-eeyup Follow
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 7 months
@obamerzslop yo it's the thing, the wonderland au thing, the wonderland au piano kingleader thing
the thing
I've wanted to write for one of these au's for a while so this was a glorious opportunity that got dropped into the discord server
Mad Caine was performing his usual duties as jester, entertaining the Kinger of Hearts and delighting in his laughter. This time, his routine involved music, with him pulling a variety of peculiar things out of his hat and somehow using them as instruments. It brought a specific memory back to Kinger of Hearts' mind, of when he used to play the piano. It was a regal instrument and thus believed to be important for a royal to play. Now with no family in his castle to pressure him into it, Kinger played very rarely. He never felt much of a need to, anyway.
"You know, I can play the piano." Why was he telling Mad Caine this? It didn't matter and was unimportant to either of their roles in the monarchy. Yet it was still a part of him that he wanted to share with his jester. "It's been a good while since I've practiced last, so I've likely gotten rusty."
"Oh my, Your Highness! I had no idea you were so musically talented!" Caine paused his enthusiastic gushing for a moment. Did that sound passive-aggresive? Did the king think he believed him to be talentless? "O-of course, it's far from a surprise, someone as wonderful as you is bound to have skills in near every field!"
Kinger's face became warm, which he hoped was unnoticeable. "Thank you kindly, Caine." He always felt like he was doing something wrong, crossing some unspoken line whenever he said 'thank you'. It was near only ever to Caine, but it still showed weakness. Weakness would cost him his power. It would cost him his life.
"If you don't mind, Your Majesty, could you please play a piece for me? I'd love to hear it!"
"Caine, like I told you, it's been a long time since I played last. I won't be any good."
"Nonsense, you'll be wonderful! Plleeeeeaaasse?"
God, his ridiculous voice and shining eyes never failed to make Kinger's stomach fill with butterflies. But he couldn't yield, as much as he wanted to.
"Caine. No means no." His tone was harsher than he had intended, making him feel a pang of guilt, which really shouldn't have happened.
"Oh. My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty." Mad Caine continued on with his routine, Kinger's piano mention seemingly forgotten.
The next day, Caine entered the throne room only to find it empty. Although, he had come early that day, so it was to be expected.
"Your Highness? I know I'm ahead of our typical schedule, but I had this wonderful routine idea that I know you'll love, and Bubble Hare insisted I show you as soon as possible anyway, so-" Caine stopped short, fully realising that there was no one around.
"Huh..." His eyes scanned the room, looking for any sign of Kinger's presence. When he found nothing, he began to call his name, "Your Highness? Kinger of Hearts?... Kinger?"
The last word he said quietly and with caution. No one was to call Kinger by his first name unless they were beyond close with him, and no one was. Despite how it risked his life, saying that name spread warmth throughout Mad Caine's chest.
Still getting no response, Mad Caine dared to venture further into the castle. He really should've stayed in the throne room and waited for Kinger of Hearts to arrive, or even left and came back later. However, Kinger always loved his performances, and for all he knew something could be wrong. He simply had to find His Highness!
He walked down a high-roofed and elegant hall. Caine became somewhat distracted by the beautiful heart patterns on the walls, but was snapped out of it by the sound of piano music.
It was soothing. Majestic. Gentle. Grandiose.
The hatter followed the music further down the hall, entranced. He eventually reached its source, a room with its door ajar. Peeking in, he found Kinger of Hearts playing a large piano. The king wore an expression of both focus and serenity. Caine's eyes were locked on the chess piece's face as he repeatedly glanced between the keys and his sheet music. Mad Caine couldn't tell if he loved the music or the view more.
The rather peaceful moment was disturbed by Kinger playing a note that sounded off, followed by him loudly slamming his fists on the keys with a yell of frustration. Caine gasped, causing Kinger of Hearts to quickly turn to him, just as startled.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mad Caine. I didn't realise you were here." Nervousness spiked in Kinger, which he hoped was hidden well. He hadn't wanted Caine to see this yet, if he was ever going to show him at all.
"No need to apologise, Your Majesty! If I may ask, what's frustrating you so much?" Caine fully stepped into the room and stood next to Kinger. The king turned on his chair to face him.
"I've been trying to learn this new piece, but like I told you yesterday, I'm quite rusty. It's not going as well as I would like it to be." Kinger of Hearts sighed.
"Well, I thought it sounded wonderful. I'm sure you'll master it if you just keep practising! When did you start learning this piece?"
Kinger's eyes darted to the floor, scared to admit the truth. "I started yesterday. Just after you left."
That was when it clicked for Mad Caine. He had asked him to play a piece, and despite his original refusal, Kinger was now learning an entirely new one just for him. His chest felt close to bursting. He really cared that much?
"Do you mind if I sit with you? I'd love to hear you keep playing." Kinger's eyes widened in disbelief before he shuffled to one side of the long bench. When Caine sat down, he could've sworn he saw the king's cheeks darken in shade. After a moment, Kinger of Hearts' gloves made contact with the piano's keys again and he began to play the song once more.
Over the next week or so, instead of performing his comedy routines, Mad Caine would sit beside Kinger of Hearts on his piano bench and listen to him play. Caine's eyes would be trained on Kinger, mesmorised by how hints of his thoughts were visible in his eyes and the movement of his shoulders. Kinger would occasionally return his gaze before getting flustered and looking back to his piano with a new intensity that always pulled a chuckle from Mad Caine.
Gradually, the hatter would scooch closer to Kinger, chasing the heat radiating off of him. He knew how risky it was, but there was risk in every interaction had with the seemingly, and ironically, heartless ruler. There was more to him than that anyhow, which Caine was more than well aware of. The two would sit close enough that their legs(?) touched. While he loved it, Kinger of Hearts would desperately avoid Mad Caine's eyes. He was supposed to be powerful, unfeeling, and yet he found himself wanting more of this small insane man's touch. Kinger wanted it more than anything.
Kinger would still get annoyed whenever he played the wrong note, but Caine's reassuring praise and head resting on the absurd fluff of his coat quickly calmed him down. Mad Caine never said it, but he loved all of his off-key mistakes. It showed who Kinger of Hearts really was, underneath the mask he had secured tightly around his face, never to slip. Yet Caine had loosened it. Wonderland knew their king as a ruthless man, executing all who dare go against him. Mad Caine could never see him like that, not after hearing his mirthful laughter and softened voice. Those wrong notes were who he was, breaking through the refined and strict demands of the music notes written on the paper. Those flaws were what made him perfect.
When Mad Caine entered the throne room once more, he prepared to walk to the usual room Kinger would play his piano in, but instead found the chess piece and his aforementioned piano in front of him.
"I believe I've finally gotten it right. I wanted to perform it to you here, if you don't mind." Caine stared up at the king, almost forgetting to respond. He nodded vigorously, fixing his posture to be standing as upright as possible. While it was only shown in his eyes, Caine saw Kinger's gentle smile.
Kinger of Hearts sat down on the bench at his piano and began to play. Mad Caine was nothing less than enamoured. He noticed that Kinger had chosen to change some of the notes, making the song even more beautiful than it had been before. At some point, Caine removed his top hat and held it against his chest. He never took his hat off, but he felt like this moment deserved it.
When Kinger finished, he let out a quiet exhale to try and relieve the last of his nerves. He couldn't tell whether he wanted Mad Caine to see this performance for what it was or not. If the hatter knew it was an act of pure love, who knows how he would react? Kinger of Hearts stood, somewhat unsure of what to do at this point, simply looking at Caine. He hadn't seen him without his hat before. He liked it.
"My king..." Caine's whispered tone paired with the new title felt like it would bring Kinger to his knees. The hatter had never called Kinger his king before. All it did was make the chess piece maybe even more insane than Mad Caine himself.
Remembering himself, Caine fumbled to return his hat to the top of his head. "That was- absolutely magical. I loved it, Your Majesty!" Caine didn't dare to say what came to his mind next. This really was the point of no return for both of them now. Doomed to fall for one another, or perhaps simply doomed to fall.
"Why, thank you, Mad Caine. I'm-" Kinger of Hearts took a deep breath, still needing to calm himself, "I'm glad you liked it."
"Of course! I know how long you spent on it." He had spent far longer than what anyone thought he would for someone else, let alone his jester. But Caine was a special exception for him. He always was. Maybe one day, Kinger would even tell him so.
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wilderebellion · 1 year
Calorum Lore Shared in the Dropout Discord
Thank you, Past!Brennan.
Some of them might re-contextualize a thing or two about TRW series. Typically in response to specific questions, but I focused solely on posting Brennan's responses.
Lore on The Ravening War (from April 20, 2020 1:02am ET)
In 1188, a conflict broke out because Count Jacques Tomaté, a Fructeran noble, was by birthright next in line for the throne of Greenhold!
Culture of the Meat Lands (Feb 21, 2020)
Brennan: Meatlanders have clan delineations based on bloodline and their worship/propitiation of The Great Beasts, which is a pagan, polytheistic faith! Warfare between various clans goes back centuries and centuries, a lot like the ancient Celts, so while some Meatlanders might feel kinship with other Meatlanders over outsiders, it's just as common for a given Meatlander to feel THE MOST animosity to a member of an enemy meat clan. So "The Meatlands" doesn't really have a national identity in the same way that, say, Ceresia does, and individuals there are much more likely to define their loyalty by family, clan and faith than by nationality.
(May 18, 2020 8:14pm ET)
The Meatlanders are like ancient Celts: The fact that they don't wear shirts lets southerners stereotype them as barbarians, but their culture is equally as beautiful, ancient and complex as any other land's. Carn is a metropolis full of architectural wonders, beautiful art, etc. Meatlanders rule!!! Labeling them barbarians, like in real life, is a tool artistocrats use to breed xenophobia and hatred into their homleands population, making them more malleable and compliant
The Rocks Sisters (May 1, 2020 11:46pm)
The four sisters were the four archetypal classes! Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, Rogue!
Magic Items (April 20, 2020 9:44pm ET)
Magical items aren't quite as prevalent in other nations as they are in Candia!
Amethar's Mom (April 20, 2020 1:21am ET)
Amethar's mother, before she was Queen Pamelia Rocks, was Pamelia Pomegrana, a Fructeran noble!
Magic and Miracle Workers (from April 20, 2020 1:04am, 1:06am, 1:15am)
Brennan: Just like in normal D&D, it takes SPECIFIC training or divinatory magic to tell if magic is arcane or divine, or where its power source originates from! People's reactions to magic are LARGELY based on uninformed prejudice, and aesthetic. This is how Lapin is mostly able to con people.
Even within the Bulbian Church, 99+% of its clergy CAN'T cast magic. Being a miracle worker is a REALLY big fucking deal, and almost always guarantees ROCKETING to the top of the church hierarchy
Liam's magic truly getting him in trouble depends on context! Obvious spellcasting would get him in a lot of trouble, but Candian's magic items usually get a pass from commonfolk because it would be viewed as "alchemy," which isn't seen as being heretical at all!
Leadership in Calorum (from May 6, 2020)
5:32pm ET
Brennan: Plumbeline is the Sovereign Ruler of Fructera, yes! Gustavo had to abdicate in order to become Concordant Emperor! Plumbeline's title is still Lady though, Fructera doesn't have a monarchy, it has a complex consortium of Noble Houses that rule through an orchestrated bloc of alliances, kind of an aristocratic bureaucracy!
5:40pm ET
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Social Categories
Brennan: All the food nations have weird edge cases, so the delineations are DEFINITELY social and not biological/botanical. Pie people, a combination of grain, butter and fruit, are overwhelmingly Candian. In Calorum, these edge cases would be much like they are in our world, the result of historical wars of conquest, marriages, alliances, etc!
Genetic Complexity (from April 20, 2020 2:14pm ET)
Brennan: Popping in here like a goddamned troll to say that Calorans' DNA are powerfully influenced by more than just their parents genetics, but also by the geographical location of their conception, their gestation and even their childhood dwelling place up through puberty! I suspect that every question I answer only serves to raise further questions, for which I am deeply sorry!!
Other Monarchies in Calorum (May 6, 2020 5:40pm ET)
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Queer Rights in Calorum (from May 18, 2020 8:23pm)
Brennan: Candia is the MOST permissive of all the nations in terms of most issues, but no nation in Calorum is openly homophobic. However, it's important to remember that archaic concepts like bloodlines, political marriage, heirs and primogentiure [sic], etc. still exist in this world, and are more emphasized and expected in nations outside of Candia, which puts a lot of pressure on the nobility from that end of the spectrum. In a weird way, that means peasants are a lot freer in terms of who and how they love and marry than aristocrats and especially royals, which there is also some interesting IRL research and precedent for!
Post-War Events (May 18, 2020 8:07pm ET)
I don't think any of these are spoilers, but Amethar and Caramelinda married shortly after the war ended. King Jadain died shortly after the war, after the establishment of the Concord!
Funeral Rites of Calorum's Faiths (May 18, 2020 8:04pm ET)
Bulbians practice burial and very formal funereal rites, and have a sharp delineation between body and spirit, so the body which is crass and material goes back into the ground, and the soul joins the Bulb. Meatlanders practice cremation, and have different beliefs based on religious affiliation, but most Great Beast faiths belief that an afterlife is EARNED through great deeds, otherwise you're reincarnated and get to try again!
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mistress-of-vos · 1 month
I'm probably making up things but I have been thinking about how Tim's relationship to the Batman and Robin mantles resemble the one of a noble lady to her title back in the golden era of monarchies.
Like a lady, Tim can only be Robin as long as a Batman allows it.
His title taken from him by whoever man takes the Batman cape, as Tim has no right to it due to his status. Tim can only have what the Batman will allow, whether it's little (Jean-Paul) or simply nothing (Dick).
Something something Tim loses his status when Bruce dies and the only way he can do anything it's with the support of a marriage (the deal with Ra's) and yet Tim's crucified over it.
... Ra'sTim in Red Robin being basically a convenience marriage. Tim who can never inherit the Batman title, condemned to have Robin only as long as the Batman allows it. Yes, he's a child of the bat but that means nothing when it comes to inheritance. So he must get his power by marriage, and who better to give him that than the most powerful and dangerous king to ever exist?
(Taken from a rambling at discord.)
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theroyalsims · 8 months
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Strike a pose! Covergirl Crown Princess Anya`stuns on the cover of Brindleton Sogue's special 150th anniversary issue.
The issue has been kept hush-hush until its release today. The swanky publication is currently celebrating its 150th anniversary, and what better way to mark such a milestone than to have the future Queen grace the cover... again. This is the second time that HRH has featured on the cover of the posh magazine.
The voluminous issue also includes wonderful new photos of the Crown Princess, taken in various picturesque locations around Brindleton. Her Royal Highness also very noticeably let down her natural curls and wore very few pieces of jewellery and minimal make-up for the feature. Crown Princess Anya's "stripped bare" hair and make-up are in stark contrast with the dramatic ballgowns she wore for the shoot.
Perhaps more importantly, however, Her Royal Highness sat down with the magazine's editor-in-chief for a very intimate conversation. The interview is said to be Anya's most honest and candid interview to date, and that's saying a lot, considering that the royals very rarely agree to be interviewed. The Crown Princess answered questions on her family, her work, and finding love. Snippets of the article are reproduced and translated below:
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Your Royal Highness, for what seems like years now, there have been speculations on certain, shall we say, disagreements between you and some members of the Family. The... discord... has caused multiple speculations, and some would even argue that it has affected the public's trust on the monarchy. How are things now within the Family?
At the core of it all, we are a family - much like yours and everyone else's. Perhaps what sets my family apart is the fact that we live under constant scrutiny, and with that, the tiniest things are magnified to the point of being ridiculous.
Yes, there have been arguments, and yes there have been fights but at the end of the day, we all take a step back and remind ourselves that we are a family, and much importantly, we owe it to the people to ensure that the monarchy is in safe hands. We're good. We're solid. We're very much a team. I love my parents, and I love my siblings. It's not always as dramatic as everyone sets it out to be.
So I suppose it's safe to say that all is well with The Harvelles?
What exactly is "well?" *laughs* They seem very happy with their lives, and I'm quite content with mine. I wish them, to use your word, "well." Really, I do. They have a lovely little daughter, and I'm quite certain I'm the least of their worries. I'm sure they'd rather spend time with each other that concern themselves with what other people are saying about my relationship with them.
Speaking of, YRH, have you seen your niece? Have you met her?
Of course... during the odd family gatherings and dinners, when we all come over to the big house. I find it quite entertaining how everyone's painting me out to be the evil aunt. I think she's a darling little girl. And of course, I've met her, yes.
You're to take on a very massive challenge next year, vying for gold at the World Sports Festival. How are the preparations going?
I'd like to think it's going quite swimmingly, and I hope my coach doesn't disagree. *laughs* I won't be taking a leave of absence for training; I don't think the current workload allows it, but I do make sure to free up some time to get on the saddle. I love horses, and I've been riding since I was a child, so my training - gruelling as it may be on certain days - isn't really that much of a hardship for me. I enjoy it, really.
I also love training with the rest of the Brindleton Team. I've made lots of new friends and I'm very proud to see so many gifted young athletes represent our country.
It's been a while since you last completed professionally, what made you decide to compete again?
It's alway been a dream to bag the gold at the Festival and bring it home to Brindleton. So for me, it's now or never. I'm not getting any younger, and I realised that if I want to try and achieve that dream, I should get my act together and get back on the horse, figuratively and literally.
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Since you brought it up, I hope you don't mind my asking, YRH, but there has been much speculation about your, shall I say, lack of prospects, and those write-ups came right after your birthday. Does that affect you in anyway?
When did I bring this up? *laughs* Ah, yes. I've heard about that. Mostly, I laugh it off. I know I'm no spring chicken *laughs* but these things... they can't be rushed, you know? Do I wish people would stop talking about my private life? Yes. Do I expect them to? No.
I know my place and I am very much aware that it's part of the job. This role, this life I'm born into... it's...well, I know what it entails. Let's just leave it at that.
Since I'm being so bold, I'll take my chances - have you ever been in love?
My, my. That is bold. They warned me about you. *laughs* Yes. Of course. Yes, I've been in love... once. But it was ages ago. It feels like a lifetime ago. It was beautiful and glorious, and most importantly, it was mine, ours. But you know, life happens, things change. You grow up. It is, however, something I look back very fondly on. I feel lucky to have experienced that.
And now? Are you looking for love?
No. Not actively anyway. I'd love to, but I can't afford to. And I promise you not every man who crosses my path fancies me. *laughs*
No, I... I believe things will fall into place when it's supposed to. Gosh, I sound like such a sap. *laughs* No... it's just that... I had it once... and you know, I grew up surrounded by love, by two people who are very much in love. So if it's not like what my mum and dad has, I don't want it.
That's fair enough.
Isn't it? I feel like that's a very small and reasonable demand. *laughs*
Finally, Your Royal Highness, What do you think shall be seen as your greatest legacy Crown Princess of Brindleton?
I really don't know. That's a very difficult question to answer, but if I were to free to hope, I hope it's my work with the youth. It's very important that we give our children, our teenagers - girls, especially - a fair and equal chance in life. And I'd like to think I've made an impact on that regard. I am very passionate about supporting children's well-being with a focus on their mental health, especially our teens because it's a very crucial point in one's life.
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Don't you just love how Anya and her siblings call the palace "the big house"? And for once, it's refreshing to not speculate about something that our royals did or did not do! Case in point: Anya HAS met her niece, contrary to the ongoing rumour that she has been snubbing poor little Lady Ella.
However, we can't help but wonder who exactly was The Crown Princess' one true love? Could it be Mario? Or Dr. Greg? Maybe even tennis pro Sterling? But then again, she did mention that it was a while back... so it couldn't possible be her footballer ex. Curiouser and curiouser... Leave it to Anya to actually share her secrets and yet leave us wanting more!
The issue has been selling incredibly fast, and major retailers have already reportedly sold out. And it's no wonder! It's so rare that we get to hear directly from our royals (especially notoriously tight-lipped Anya), so this issue is, indeed, a must-have and a must-read for all royal fans out there!
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jaded-but-queer · 1 year
Daughter of Discord but Queer is basically what I’m going for ✨ and also a lot of my changeling lore will be incorporated into it because I find them interesting
Some aspects that I will including into this
- fluttershy and discord will NOT be toxic like oh my god BOD did the both of them WRONG 😭
- Screwball will be openly pansexual and genderfluid, and Mothball will be bisexual and gender nonconforming
- Rarijack will be a ship instead of Applejack x Spike (EW) and Rarity x Fancy Pants
- I’ll probably be changing a few of the ships/context to match up more with the actual show instead of strictly following the BOD/DOD timeline since even I’m sure DF would’ve portrayed things differently had she started writing during the show’s later seasons
- I will try to have Twilight serve a more important role as Screwy’s mentor/unpaid babysitter
- The changelings will function as a tyrannical monarchy and Chrysalis’s Royal title will instead be Empress instead of Queen
- They will also be a conservative matriarchy, to help shoe in just how out of place mothy will feel once he enters Equestria with how everything feels backwards/frightening to him
- I’m replacing Dinky’s role with Flutterby Lily (who I have renamed and redesigned to be Lily Sterling) because Dinky felt really dull to me and Flutterby was meant to be a childhood friend of Screwy in the og fic
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- that reminds me I also designed Apple Blossom into Bloomin’ Apples and she is now Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s daughter
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addystuffs · 11 months
let me tell you all a story. (it is a tragic one) one day, my lovely friend introduced me to the game clangen. i had a lot of fun playing it and streaming it to my friends over discord. one fateful day this cat walked into my clan.
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rizz. he was a trans male kittypet that walked into my clan, timberclan.
the rest of the story under the cut cuz this is a long story (but i promise it will be worth your time)
it was great. rizz sat in the background for a while, before eventually retiring and finding a mate.
then, one day, rizz became pregnant. i was elated. but when i went on with the moons, rizz died giving birth to 2 kits. both male. i was devastated. i hated those children. but then, i realized, no, thats silly, and named his children after him. rizzkit (to become rizz jr) and wkit (to becom w rizz)
and thus, the rizz bloodline was born. it was awesome. unfortunately, wpaw died before becoming a warrior, but i gave him his full warrior name, w rizz, in starclan.
soon, rizz jr found a mate and had more kits, rizzkit, (to become rizz the third) wkit, (to honor his lost brother) and also 2 female kits, named supporting and aiding kit respectively (to become supporting and aiding the rizz bloodline)
soon, my original leader, whirlstar, died of old age, and was replaced by waspflood. and who did i make deputy you ask?
rizz jr.
i made up my mind that day. from now on, this clan would be a monarchy of the rizz bloodline. i killed off waspstar after a while, to make way for rizz jr, and he became rizz jr star.
and so it went for a long time. rizz the third had rizz the fourth, and rizz the fourth had rizz the fifth. the rizz bloodline spanned the whole clan, with all distant relatives having the suffix of rizz. there was actually also up to w rizz the fourth. we lost many along the way but we were happy.
then i made the gravest mistake i could have made.
my clan was growing to huge numbers, around 140 cats in the clan. so, i decided to turn on mass extinction events for the heck of it. that was the gravest mistake i ever made in my entire life.
within moons, almost half my cats got taken by twolegs, including rizz the third, who was deputy. i definitely freaked out, but i wasnt entirely distraught yet. i made rizz the fourth deputy, and moved on with clan life.
but soon, another mass extinction event happened, this time killing the cats instead of just taking them away.
rizz the fourth and rizz the fifth died. rizz the fifth had not yet bore children either. the only direct descendant remaining was rizz jr star.
i desperately hit the timeskip button, hoping that rizz the third would come back to me.
but in my haste, i didnt notice that rizz jr star died until i got the message "timberclan has no leader"
at that point, i gave up.
i had vowed a while ago that, and i quote, "if the rizz bloodline ends i am deleting this clan"
so i did.
timberclan was no more.
the rizz bloodline was over.
there was nothing left.
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i failed him.
i will never forget my journey with the rizz bloodline.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
Do you have any comfort fics? Like, fics where you’re having a bad day and rereading them makes you feel better?
1. match made in (heaven) by radioactivesunflower
“You are a client. This is my job. I’m not here to be your best friend. I am here to make the best match for you so you can find love. If you are not going to take this seriously, just leave. I have plenty of people who want my services.”
By this time, he had finished his little rant. Arthur’s smile was downright wicked as he leaned forward in his seat, holding eye contact with Merlin. “I was just going to do one meeting to please Morgana and piss off after, but you know what?” Merlin didn’t want to know what, as it sounded very bad for him.
“You intrigue me, Merlin. Let’s see you work your magic! Find me my true love, wizard boy.”
aka the one where merlin is a matchmaker and a big fat lair arthur likes to spend most of his time annoying merlin a love story between a matchmaker and client that share a past only one knows about
a newer fic but it gave me fuzzies when i finished so it has been promoted to comfort fic
2. The Proposition by fifty_fifty
Hit by another scandal and with the reputation of the monarchy hanging on by a thread, Prince Arthur finds himself in desperate need of an image rehabilitation.
When the press assumes his blossoming friendship with his maths tutor Merlin is more of a romance, his father proposes a proposition: ask Merlin to continue portraying a wholesome relationship for a few months to regain the prince’s reputation, and receive his university costs paid off in full in return.
With his image restored and a new beau lined up, Arthur is left with a difficult decision; bend to his fathers will, or defy him.
In the end, it’s not such a tough choice. Love always wins.
just them being in love + the ending also gave me toothaches therefore a comfort fic
3. With Flowers in Your Hair, With Courage in My Heart by Mischel (@magicalmischel) 
Merlin's magic has always been connected to his emotions, but when it starts reacting to his love for Arthur and flowers start appearing every time he looks or thinks about him, instead of a confession he chooses to pretend he has a magical cold. Arthur doesn't like it when Merlin avoids him though. And neither does Gaius. Or Morgana. Or Gwen. Or even the bloody dragon, it seems.
Sooner or later, they'll have to talk. And Merlin can only hope that Arthur won't mind the mountain of flowers they're swimming in because really, it's his fault for being so damn good-looking.
Written for the flower mini-challenge on the Merlin Fic Book Club server on Discord.
and this is angst free and full on fluff for a really bad day
Spies That Are Ridiculous by Celyan
James has plans for his Quartermaster.
they're in love. that's the plot
2. Third Valentine’s the Charm by Castillon02 (@castillon02)
The first time, Bond was in Rio from 3 to 16 February, and between him and 003 in Kiev, Q didn’t even think about Valentine’s Day until he was browsing the half-priced chocolate at his local Waitrose.
they're such dorks i want to keep them in my pocket forever
3. Casting On by storm_of_sharp_things
Bond and Q are delicately knitting a relationship together but Bond is far too free with gift-giving for Q’s taste.
asdhfjkjfhl bond
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heraldofcrow · 2 months
Gimme the questions 1 to 6 for the Bloodborne fandom. Roast the shit out of those fuckers ^^
Holy shit, I’m gonna die and not in a good way fgdhj
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Fine, I’ll say it since I’m sure it was an obvious opinion of mine already.
Gehrman. Just in general. Not even just on tumblr, but in the fandom for years. It’s been literally reduced to a joke to paint him a certain way and I’m fairly convinced there is more evidence against that view than for it at this point. BUT ALAS. This argument ain’t dying any time this century if it hasn’t within the last nearly 10 years.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
As an aroace person, this is borderline impossible to answer because I literally never think of sexual dynamics between characters.
But….I guess, Annalise would scare the shit out of any romantic partner, I will say that. (lmao idk what this means).
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I vaguely remember it now, but there was a post one time that was really mocking anyone who thought the Vilebloods were in any way not 100% evil child-eating freaks that killed thousands of innocents to be immortal and the Executioners led by Chadgarius were totally pure and holy.
I just…like to see the bad qualities of both the Church and the Vilebloods. I don’t think either were all that great…I mean, it’s a corrupted church and an elitist monarchy.
But that post made up a bunch of stuff about the Vilebloods that quite literally was not true. It was a once in a blood moon rant and no hate towards the poster though. I was just very against that take.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
In the Bloodborne fandom, I actually don’t really block anyone. I let them block me. I believe I may have blocked a few NSFW artists that didn’t tag their stuff once, but I just prefer to keep my profile fairly open in case anyone wants to sort stuff out. I know we can all see each other and I don’t mind. The crow in me demands I stay on the rooftops to see everything in the neighborhood, even if I sometimes spot a vagueblog or two xD
5. worst discord server and why
I wouldn’t know djfhfhd. I’ve never been in a proper fandom Discord server. The one me and my friends have is basically a group chat of four really close people. We just made the server to have less clutter and to have a therapy channel xD
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
I’ve seen plenty of various ship fans be rude or loud about how they head-canoned the characters involved, so I’d rather not make any sweeping generalizations. That kinda thing bothers me. I have had bad run-ins with shippers that liked a pairing some of my sweetest mutuals liked, so I can’t even say “Oh those shippers are all annoying.”
Some people can make you feel that way briefly, but there’s always a charming handful of shippers that save the day.
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