velvetvexations · 4 days
I'm now going to conclusively prove beyond all possible doubt that TERFs hate cis men, people they perceive as men, and masculinity in general. No, seriously, this is going to have less holes than relativity. Darwin wishes he could have demonstrated the reality of evolution like I'm about to take down the idea that TERFs don't come from a place of violent hatred towards masculine people and those they perceive of as masculine.
Some ground rules, because I'm so good at predicting counter-arguments:
I have only included cases where posts are completely, 100% unambiguously about cis men or "all men." No posts complaining about "men" without further elaboration, to avoid the argument that it's just being used as a dog whistle.
I have excluded cases that could be brushed away as only racism rather than hatred of men specifically, although yes, obviously they are also extremely racist.
I did not repeat a single TERF to dodge claims these are mere anomalies.
"but they team up with cis men" the Nazis teamed up with Asians and tried appealing to Native Americans and Arabs, people are perfectly capable of being logically inconsistent or temporarily suspending their feelings for one group to combat another - also, many TERFs do actually bemoan the way others have started warming up to conservatives.
The "claiming TERFs don't think I'm a woman is misgendering me" people are going to be upset. Or at least they would be, but transradfems will not engage with this, they will do everything in their power to ignore it. I invite everyone to use this post whenever they say TERFs uniquely hate trans women and only trans women. It's necessary to make the facts inescapable.
Okay, here we go after the cut. My own commentary will be Biggest as well as bold and italicized for readability. CW for hateful rhetoric.
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Here she's saying that Western white women have extra capability to fully sever all relationships with men, not that white women have a greater need to do so, and thus does not fall under "can be brushed away as racism" like it may read at first.
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This is in response to statements of others that identify men in a sympathetic way ("not all men," "normalize men crying") and therefore cannot be about trans women.
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"Stop calling men boys" means the people she's ranting about call them boys, which again means this post isn't about trans women.
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I'll end by noting that I'm not comfortable platforming the content itself, but if you google "Dworkinstan Tumblr" (yes, even the actual URL is that bad) you will find the crowning example that really cherries the top of this sundae.
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bunnihachu · 1 month
this is very rambley and probably not very coherent but here goes
i don’t usually pay attention to stuff like this bc i think it’s kinda dumb but i think the like… mini-discourse over whether or not domestic ctntduo is in character & interesting or not is kind of dumb and more or less boils their relationship down to two specific aspects of it (the romantic part bc this is only really applied when discussing it as a /r relationship and the obsessive hatred part), when whether you interpret it as romantic or platonic, is extremely complicated and complex and there’s a lot of different aspects. and i think both the soft domestic interpretation and the opposite are kind of. too simplistic? and often kind of feel like you’re either making them better people than they are in canon and ignoring the bad shit they’ve done or making them worse/more cruel that they are in canon.
idk if this makes sense but basically i don’t think either of these interpretations work that well bc they’re complex characters with a complex relationship and either Soft & Domestic or Always Trying To Eat Each Other With No Room For Fluff is too simple of an interpretation. what if there’s aspects of both
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gynii · 4 months
Damn with the way sapnap fans are hounding couriway they're acting as if he personally shat on his bed, meanwhile couriway, along with other people, like said some vaguely mean things about sapnap... he basically just called him annoying. That's it. That's the whole drama there isn't anything more :l he's right to say it but it's really nothing too exciting :/
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ladyddanger · 2 years
This technoblade video thing is certainly a situation but please don’t forget it only takes two minutes to donate to the cancer fund. there’s a link at the bottom of Dream’s video and if you don’t feel comfortable watching the live you can donate here:
Or at Techno’s official merch store:
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guessimherenow · 2 years
I don’t know if I really need to make this post considering very few people follow me/I’m mainly a lurker/asker but the information seems pretty damning so unless something huge changes my mind I’m going to step back from the dteam fandom. I don’t know what I’m going to do with this blog. Sorry to be personal, but I’m dissociating so heavily right now over this revelation that frankly I’m not in a state to be making decisions so. Haven’t decided what to do with the blog yet. It might become a more hermitcraft-focused blog or I might not be on here at all. I don’t really have any alternate social media, but if we’re mutuals and you want to stay in touch, dm me and I’ll send you my discord. Thanks for the good times y’all
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txttletale · 2 years
the thing about the straycatj thing is that something can be kind of rude and annoying and it doesn’t have to be like a federal fucking issue. like a random woman can be annoyed that someone’s selling paintings of her cats and it doesn’t have to be something you take a Stance on or indicative of a need for broader political action. tbh
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klimtjardin · 26 days
Idolos, relações parassociais e como não cair nessa (ou: porque não ser fã de nada nem ninguém)
Ta, vamos lá galera, pode acontecer de sair em partes conforme vou me lembrando do que penso, depois quem sabe eu organizo tudo bonitinho num post mais formal.
Pra quem não sabe eu sempre fui fã de alguma coisa desde os 13 anos de idade, então tenho uma longa carreira nas costas. Vou contar o que eu percebi observando esses vários nichos nos quais me meti e algum conhecimento que tenho sobre marketing, isso é muito importante.
Bem, vamos começar pelo básico: toda personalidade pública é um personagem. Tudo que envolve um idol, desde o rosto até o sapato que ele usa no pé, é FEITO. É feito para comunicar uma mensagem para você, o público deles, a audiência.
Então quer dizer que tudo que eles dizem é fake? SIM!!! Amores, tudo o que eles dizem é fake. As mensagens carinhosas os carinhos com outros membros, é tudo um teatro. Mesmo que no fundo eles sintam aquilo (podem sentir, claro) no final das contas eles só tornam isso PÚBLICO, porque vai atrair olhares. Os conteúdos, a maioria, são EDITADOS e possuem ROTEIRO, eu já vi vídeo em que o idol tá recitando uma mensagem carinhosa aos fãs e membros e claramente ele está LENDO aquilo. Os próprios membros do NCT já zoaram o fato de eles saírem do roteiro previsto e terem que voltar a ler novamente.
Gente, até às roupas que eles usam, não são deles! Têm stylists ali trabalhando pra curar aquela imagem pra que ela seja o mais próxima da perfeição possível.
É por isso que quando alguém no kpop se mete em alguma polêmica-não-tão-polêmica, eu nunca tomo lados, porque geralmente é uma estratégia de marketing.
A mais usada pelas empresas é a de colocar os fãs contra a empresa ou a de idol x idol. Sabe porquê? Porque eles usam esse instinto protetor das fãs, que vão defender um lado, pra te tirar dinheiro! Pra você se sentir cada vez mais apegada àquele desconhecido e sentir que vocês têm intimidade.
IMPORTANTE: essa pessoa que você gosta, você não gosta dela! Você gosta da VERSÃO DELA que VOCÊ CRIOU na sua cabeça. Um dos grandes motivos pelos quais parei de escrever fanfic, é porque as histórias dão uma ideia/fazem a gente acreditar que um idol é de determinado jeito, sendo que não tem como saber. Se não tem nem como a gente saber quem são as pessoas que a gente convive de verdade, imaginem quem a gente não convive?
É lógico que você pode e deve ter interesses na sua vida, mas com cuidado, quando esse interesse começa a te fazer sair da realidade. Sabe quando 50% do seu tempo ou mais você se pega pensando naquilo? Cuidado! Cuidado se você fica pensando "ai, mas eu nunca vou namorar fulano, eu não sou bonita suficiente pro ciclano" olha bem o poder que você dá a um desconhecido...
Até aí já tá perigoso, mas fica pior quando começa a mexer onde dói: o bolso.
Lembrem-se que uma empresa quer te vender algo. Uma ideia, um produto, ela está ali pra solucionar uma dor que você sente ou acredita sentir.
Aí vem minha opinião mais polêmica: não compre nada que seja do seu fav. Não gaste seu dinheiro com pôster, álbum, photocard, não dê o gostinho à empresa, até porque esse dinheiro dificilmente vai chegar ao idol. Não compre nada oficial, opte por fanmade o máximo possível, claro, no caso de shows vale a pena porque você tá pagando por uma experiência, é diferente. Mas se você quer ver a cara do seu idol, abre a internet e digita o nome dele lá. Evite se cercar de coisas que te lembrem aquela pessoa, porque parece que você tem que estar sempre rodeado deles, e quanto mais isso acontece, mais você cai nessa ARMADILHA de que a pessoa é indispensável na sua vida.
Não sejam fãs, aprendam a apreciar a música e sei lá os conteúdos/vídeos, sem se apegar aquilo porque quando coisas desse cunho acontecem, a gente fica muito mal! Aquela pessoa é só mais uma pessoa no final das contas. Relações fantasiosas NUNCA vão te fazer bem. Nem com idol, nem com gente que você convive.
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fastidious-and-a-mess · 9 months
guys can we PLEASE stop shipping riz w people. honestly at this point i kind of don’t even care if you yourself are also acespec/arospec/aspec.
yes, aspec people can be in relationships, etc etc, but riz specifically has expressed over and over and over again that that is something he personally has absolutely zero interest in.
he’s not just canonically aroace, he also canonically does not want a relationship.
“aroace people can be happy in romantic/sexual/queerplatonic relationships” is a true statement. “people who do not want to be in any kind of monogamous committed relationship can be happy in a monogamous committed relationship” is quite a bit harder to argue.
i’m just so sick of it. i’m glad we all understand that there’s nuance to aspec identities, and everyone’s expressions of and experiences with their own aspec identities are going to be different and personal.
like, it’s not even just about the asexual/aromantic aspect anymore. it’s also just refusing to let him not want to be in a relationship. why are so many people so resistant to the idea that he does not want to be in a relationship. like genuinely, why can you not accept that there are people who just don’t want that. who would just be unhappy in a relationship. why can’t you wrap your head around the idea that wanting a relationship is not a thing that everyone secretly wants. like, No, he hasn’t just not “met the right person” yet. because there is no right person. because he’s simply not interested.
this post is kind of rambly and not as effectively phrased as it could be i think but idc.
TL;DR: riz being aroace is not the only reason to not ship him. he also, explicitly and repeatedly, has stated he does not want to be in a relationship. “aspec people can be in relationships” is completely irrelevant because regardless riz simply does not want a relationship. please just respect thag.
edit: plz don’t like this is u wont rb. i won’t guilt you into rbing, it’s ur blog i’m not ur dad do what u want etc etc. it’s just irritating for me personally to see ppl interacting w this but not willing to actually put it on their blogs.
#sorry to keep this ‘’’’’’’ discoure ‘’’’’’’ alive#im just sooooo tired#i just don’t understand how so many people can see this character have such a significant part of characterization be about how#he does not want to be in a Relationship at all and how that affects him and his relationships with the people in his life#and then go ‘what if he was in a Relationship with his best friend’#like come on!!#i don’t care how you define the Relationship. i don’t care about your own personal identity.#i don’t care about whatever reasons you come up with the justify why it’s actually totally fine#the bottom line is riz does not want that for himself and you’re deciding that that’s not worth respecting#sorry fabriz enjoyers but i wish you guys would just stfu#dimension 20#fantasy high#riz gukgak#edit continued: ik it’s all just online fandom stuff. but it’s also representative of a larger issue#of people just being incapable of comprehending that some people don’t want relationships. or even past that; that some people actively want#to Not be in relationships. it’s people coming into contact with a person (character) like that and believing that that just can’t be true#that that person Must secretly actually want a relationship. even if they don’t know it. they just haven’t met the right person yet. etc etc#if you can’t give up outting riz in any kind of relationship then you cannot accept that some people really truly do not want relationships#that’s FINE. PLEASE just respect that
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marimayscarlett · 4 days
I am afraid you are in need of a new mom and husband if they don’t like Richard’s cuddly cardigan, that’s just unacceptable, I am sorry.
Hi 👋🏻
Well, this particular cardigan divides opinions, even in my immediate circle, because tastes are known to differ 😅
Personally, I really came around to love it. When I saw Rammstein live in 2017, I wasn't a big fan of it either, but now I find the coziness a nice contrast to the brutal sounds and the bombastic stage show. Sure, this outfit isn't as sleek/vampiric/leathery as usual, but that's what makes it special somehow 🤍
And Richard often manages to give his outfits character and to look really good in a lot of different pieces (patterned shirts aside...). To quote my mother: "They are beautiful men, every rag looks good on them." (She said today in connection with the fact that Schneider and Richard sometimes wear their clothes for years until they are completely threadbare, but it still fits)
So some more cozy Richard, perfect for this upcoming autumn 🖤🤲🏻
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otaku-babu-vibes · 7 months
are antis not aware that kuroshitsuji was made by a shotacon for shotacons??? because they keep turning Sebaciel into incest.
thats kinky, but they're saying that for the wrong reasons
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girafeduvexin · 3 months
Attal qui dit "Cette dissolution, je ne l'ai pas choisie mais j'ai refusé de la subir" ce désaveu de Macron !!
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postilikes · 1 year
There are creative choices that I really enjoyed in the RWRB movie.
Like how they showed their relationship evolving:
Henry sent his first text on August 27th and they didn't meet again until December 31st.
So they have about 4 months of texting, getting to know each other.
• When they're first starting to talk there's only their texts on screen, we need to read them. It's a bit detached from the rest.
• Then: the texts are still on screen but we hear their voices reading them, it flows better. AND the characters appear in the same shot for a second with Henry appearing on the bench while Alex is running.
They're like strangers crossing paths in a park but they're metaphorically closer, now.
• The next time they text they stay longer in the same shot, it's a more intimate setting (Alex's living room), and we see Henry pacing as he talks passionately.
They end up sitting not far from each other, albeit not on the same sofa, before Henry disappears, showing once again that they're getting closer.
• To finally end up with a phone call (more personal than texting) where both of them appear for a long time, in an even more intimate setting (Alex's room) and "sharing" the same bed.
They're now really close and intimate compared to the first sort of stiff texting.
I thought it was an interesting and clever way to show that.
Someone somewhere must have written about this already, but since I haven't seen anything, here it is.
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yugiohz · 3 months
i do agree with you, and i’m still delusionally hoping shigaraki still has something left to help that conclusion even though it’s not looking likely, but do you not think these endings are more “realistic”? like obviously it’s a superhero world and we are already stretching reality in every way possible but do you think it would’ve been too “and they all lived happily ever after and everything was okay yayy” if all the villains just turned out good? (in the most basic way to say that lmfao). i’m not saying that i fully think this because i do agree with you, that this ending is giving bad writing. i think hori had the guts to set up this beautifully complex world with flaws and wrongs and made some amazing villains and anti-heros with valid mindsets and then didn’t have the guts or maybe the artistic ability to fix it all.
so yeah my only “reprieving” thought i guess is the idea of like… i guess that’s real life? like the wronged people are wronged to the end, and bad people are forgiven, and life is unfair. but idk i just think hori is a coward too lol. i will say i’m at least surprised that he had natsu actually cut contact, maybe the best handled part of it all imo (or maybe it just hits home for me lol)
sorry for dumping all this i guess i just have a lot of thoughts too you don’t have to post this dhdhdhd
re: realism: yes i think everyone suffering from irreversible consequences is realistic and that's sth i expected. As i said in my previous ask, I never expected or wanted dabi to magically survive and heal from this by any means, but I think there are better ways to handle a character like him because the narrative frame of bnha allows for that.
re: happily ever after: I don't think that giving one of the biggest victims in a story some sort of good ending is necessarily a corny, wish-fulfillment type of bad writing, especially when the protagonist postulates that the other big villain is worth saving. I also find it fascinating that bakugo can survive an open-heart surgery on the battlefield & that deku's arms get disintegrated and grow back while that level of suspension of disbelief doesn't seem to apply to the villains. bnha has always been kind of corny, so I don't think it would have been weird for shoto to be able to somewhat save his brother when that has been his goal within that dynamic all along. So far, neither deku nor shoto could save their foil, so what's up with that??
happily ever after: while it has always been obvious that bnha is not a radical, anti-establishment story, to me, deku's conflict with grand torino & the vestige has allways been representative the "everyone deserves to be saved, everyone deserved to have their hero who's gonna save them". why set up characters as foils within the context of a hero story with saving as one of its core themes when 2 of these 3 villains won't get saved in the end? why do deku and shoto fail at such a point in the story? "saving" is a very tangible thing in the case of bnha, I think ep. 1 basically sums up the overall narrative paradigm of the good guy indiscriminately saving someone out of a bad situation, so to me, it just feels like there is a glaring narrative incongruence in this final arc & epilogue
re: i guess that's just real life: i think that premise is a bit misplaced here because bnha is not a story that is meant to reflect our reality, like ofc it's all a big allegory that tackles a lot of real issues, but it also is a genre-typical hero comics that is borderline fantastical, so i wouldn't say "that's real life" is a valid premise, like the established diegesis & themes of bnha would have allowed for sb like shigaraki or dabi to be granted a kinder conclusions
i'm not forcing anyone to agree with me and i'm not saying that i dislike this closure because i don't want anyone to die, i just think horikoshi's choices for the villains of his story are rooted in pragmatic reasons; shigaraki & dabi die so he won't have to think too much about how to handle the abjects of society, so he won't have to consolidate that with his decision to cling to the establishment
like i don't think it's too much to expect a victim of abuse to survive in a story that's about a boy who constantly risks his life to save random people, esp victims of grooming & abuse like i don't think it would be corny for dabi to end up in a better state, esp when we've seen deku grow his arms back and bakugo dying and coming back to live and
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fidjiefidjie · 8 months
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Robert Badinter, Photo de Michel Lacroix
Hommage à l'ancien Garde des Sceaux et président du Conseil constitutionnel ,Robert Badinter🌹⚖️🎈R.I.P 🙏🕊
Extrait du discours à l'assemblée nationale, pour l'abolition de la peine de mort en 1981
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
Hi non-traumagenic systems and supporters I drew you this dog :)
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He's tiny but that's okay
[discourse/anti endo DNI]
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txttletale · 1 year
doctor who incarnations ranked by how much they smoke weed
12th > 4th > 10th > 9th > 2nd > 8th > 11th > 7th > 3rd > 13th > 5th > 6th > 1st
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