#disrespectful teens will be blocked
endversewinchester · 10 months
Ok but like how do you really feel about fem!Sirius? bc I’ve seen you talk about it before but you never elaborated past you not being into it personally.
Do you want me to make it long, anon? Let's make it long.
First of all, I want to say having headcanons is fine. We all have them. If I sat here and decided today that Sirius is a latino man, whose family became rich for mining black gold in Brazil and that decided to invest in his education by sending him to england due to the superior educational system, then that's me having fun with something that is close to me, and that I would personally enjoy. In that sense, headcanoning Sirius as gay, trans, feminine, androgynous, genderqueer, etc is fine. It is not for me personally, but people are allowed to crave that sort of representation.
So when does it become a problem?
I don't know how deep into marauders fandom you are, if it's just here on tumblr or if you have other accounts in other websites, so let me give you an idea of what I've seen in these past few months.
People being shamed/pressured for not using she/her pronouns for Sirius.
Fem!Sirius truthers harassing/taking screenshots of fanart to make fun of artists that draw him as masculine.
The extreme fetishization of their girl!Sirius, to the point where it is creepy (this is a 13-17yo teenager they're talking about).
The shift of wolfstar into extremely feminine Sirius x extremely masculine Remus, essentially turning them into a cishet couple (which is blatant homophobia, as these characters are nowhere near that in canon, and so the need to turn m/m as close to m/f as possible is a clear dislike of masculine gay men together).
People getting attacked for preferring Sirius to have a closer style to canon (this is a punk-rock guy we're talking about).
People getting attacked for using masculine actors for Sirius on their video edits.
I think you got my point. This headcanon stopped being a harmless, self indulgent headcanon and it became extremely toxic, entitled behavior. I'm not the only one who noticed this. There's many videos on tiktok getting thousands of likes right as I answer your ask of people who are fed up with this and just want to enjoy the character they know and love without becoming targets. I agree with them.
So there you have it, anon. That's what I think past me "not being personally into it"
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devildom-moss · 9 months
Not so friendly reminder:
if you’re a minor, don’t follow me (unfollow me if you are one, and I didn’t catch it), and please don’t interact with my posts.
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hyperfixation-fix · 5 months
Just a reminder as we're all becoming continuing to be feral for season 2 of PJO
They're kids.
And as much as I love all the "omg he's totally Percy!!", just remember that he's not. They're actors. They're doing a phenomenal job and we're really lucky to have them as a fandom, but... remember that they've signed up for a big job at a very young age. It's our duty as a fandom (especially a fandom with a lot of adults in it) to protect them, make sure that they are being respected, and (APPROPRIATELY) call out inappropriate and/or disrespectful behaviour when we see it. If anyone needs it, I've put some examples below the cut.
✅Appropriate ✅
"Walker is such an incredible Percy!!!" "Leah does such a great job portraying Annabeth!!!!" "Their dynamic is amazing!!!"
"I don't like the way Walker plays Percy - I always saw him as XYZ." "I don't like Lea as Annabeth. It's just not how I saw her." (borderline. consider why you can't see Annabeth as anything except white. but if you're being polite, I'll give you a grudging pass)
Fully clothed/non-sexual fanart of the actors (in or out of character) (romantic is okay)
Posting/reposting consenting photos, (respectful) edits, etc of the actors in or out of character
Discussing details of their personal lives that the actors have chosen to share with the public (but don't make it weird, ok?)
"Walker and Leah need to date irl, they have so much chemistry!!" uh. no. You're seeing *acting*. Leave their personal lives out of it
"Annabeth being played by a black actor is ridiculous, wokeness is getting out of control" or any variation upon that sentiment. Honestly just fuck off. Also (and yes this is a sub tweet) recolouring fanart that depicts Annabeth as black? Absolutely not. If you absolutely have to, go do your own fucking artwork like a normal human being instead of a racist POS.
Raunchy/suggestive/sexual fanart of the actors (in or out of character). Nope. They are children. Stop it. Don't care if you're "aging them up". Imagine how that feels for them.
Posting/reposting photos where the actors aren't/don't seem to be consenting to the photo
Speculating on or pressuring the actors to reveal ANY DETAILS about their private lives. This includes, but is far from limited to: their contact details/locations, their sexuality, their relationships, their diagnoses, their politics (they're still really young... idk about you guys but my political opinions were hot garbage at 16. they get a (moderate) pass until they're at least 18)
These are obviously non-extensive lists. Please use your brain, and, if in doubt, don't post it.
Also, if you see inappropriate behaviour, please don't be an idiot about it. First course of action should always be politely talking to the person in private. After that, yes, it may be appropriate to start publicly calling them out. Having said that, remember that teens can be dumb (speaking from lived experience...), so let's give them some grace. Ignoring, reporting, blocking, and not engaging is sometimes the best thing you can do for dumbasses, especially if they're attention-seeking.
I love you all and I have complete faith that we, as a fandom, can rally and make sure the cast knows that they are loved and respected.
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beebeewoop · 1 year
It has come to the attention of I and many others that there has been some disrespect going on between Tumblr users who like to draw ship art of the Eddsworld characters and those who do not like to see certain ships. I will not name names or point fingers, but this needs to be addressed. Making art of these ships is absolutely okay to do as long as it is not problematic! We want Tumblr to be a safe place for those who use it as their outlet for art.
To any newcomers entering the Eddsworld fandom: most of us Eddhead veterans are in our late teens or early twenties so most of us are adults. WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THE WRINGER AND WE KNOW THE DRILL:
The fictional characters are not the real people, so yes, it is okay to ship the fictional characters. We know the difference between the fictional characters and the real people.
DO NOT bash those who ship certain characters together. DO NOT comment on a post of ship art you don't like just to tell the artist you don't like it. They spent a lot of time making that and it is very disrespectful to the artist. They have every right to take offense to your comment. Even if you were to say "Nice art but I don't ship it" is still considered disrespectful.
If you see something you don't like either scroll past it, filter out the tags, or block the person. It's really that simple! You do not have to interact with the art or the artist.
Also, T.H.I.N.K. before you speak, please! What has been said many times before needs to be said again.
T.H.I.N.K. is an acronym that stands for:
Is it True?
Is it Helpful?
Is it Inspiring?
Is it Necessary?
Is it Kind?
If what you want to say is none of these, then please reconsider saying it.
Thank you.
And thank you @crystalwhisp for helping me write this.
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littleesistler · 6 months
dear minors on tumblr
hello everyone and welcome to another rant about internet safety and boundaries.
Since I’ve gotten many messages from minors because I’m one of the few blogs in this community that allow them. It’s my responsibility as a 20 year old interacting with teens and kids to give tips for when they interact with adults.
age: Never ever lie about your age, it puts both parties in danger. It’s important they know your age so they can adapt to your age group.
If an adult ever lies about their age don’t contact them again, and that’s period.
lying or misleading about age is not only dangerous but also illegal. So you can avoid many dangers if you’re honest.
as a minor you can joke about whatever you want but remember if an adult engages in sexual jokes with you even if your the one what started them. It’s a red flag, an adult has no business talking sex or sexuality with a minor.
Even if it’s a joke it still shows a lot about the person if they make resist, ableist, discriminating and disrespectful jokes or comments. If they always and can only use dark humor to be funny and nothing else. It’s a red flag as well.
Don’t ever give them your phone number, full name, address. Don’t ever send pictures of yourself, your house, school or things that can identify you. Even if it’s a picture of your tummy or you in your school uniform. It’s a red flag if someone ever asks you about anything this personal.
don’t answer to personal questions
set boundaries about what you can talk about
tell your parents and friends who you interact with online
take a few breaks and reflect on how they make you feel
if they ever lie about something, personality, interests, hobbies to connect more with you it’s a red flag
and finally my dear kids before I let you go,
a no is a complete sentence
a block is an answer
speaking up is very brave
setting boundaries are mature
and finally you don’t need to grow up faster, enjoy your 18 years of childhood and teenage fun
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AITA for potentially overreacting to a joke?
I (20nb) was in a friend group with a few people (19nb, 17nb) for a little bit. A couple of days ago, I got drunk and started tweeting some silly things I definitely wouldnt have said sober, mainly about my life experiences as a younger teen. Someone who was a part of the extended friend group (21nb) then proceeded to make a joke out of one of those tweets at my expense.
I was immediately embarrassed beyond belief upon seeing it, and deleted the tweet and attempted to remove myself from the situation as quietly as possible by removing some mutual followers and the person who made the joke, and then making my account private. The friend group I personally am a part of didn't seem to understand why I was embarrassed, even after I explained multiple times, and kept making jokes about it. I kept trying to clarify a boundary only for the friend group to continue to poke fun.
Tonight, the 19 year old copy pasted the tweet I'd deleted and had several people from the extended friend group add on with their own jokes. I decided I had already made my boundaries clear, and they were disrespecting them, so I've currently blocked all communications with everybody involved and am just waiting for it to pass at this point.
I can't help but think I may have overreacted though. The tweet was, as I explained earlier about some of my life experiences as a teenager, which I don't really want to get into on tumblr for the same reason as I don't want people to make jokes about it with me as the subject of ridicule. A part of me thinks they're just jokes and the whole point is to tease me, another part of me is still incredibly sensitive about that period of my life and just wishes they'd leave me alone. Am I being too defensive? Do I need to chill out?
What are these acronyms?
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coolesturlbruh · 2 months
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You'll never see this given you blocked me but oh well. Let's go through your points: He didn't make Masae uncomfortable for YEARS, she never said that, and neither did he. You're just making that up with no proof. The only thing we know about that is that they were engaged and the break up was nasty. Saying that it was 'incredibly disrespectful' of him is laughable given Masae GAVE HIM PERMISSION to say it. That kid was when he was 19 and she was 15, and when it got sexual he cut it off. It's as simple as that. There is proof of that that he put out there that the minor initiated the sexual talk and he became INCREASINGLY uncomfortable until he finally said "hey I don't think we can be friends." The minor also said, and I quote later on, that she "thought it was really hot for teens to have sex with adults" and was trying to get Chugga to do it. You are incredibly misinformed at best about the situation, and at worst you don't want to admit that false accusations CAN and DO happen. This is an open and shut situation on someone who was lied about, did EVERYTHING right, and still had his life almost ruined. I get you're probably a 16 year old, but these are the things you need to confront to know you were wrong about. "He wouldn't have changed without that"? We know through several third parties he was already going though therapy without this ever being public. We know he felt incredibly bad. Fuck, @dentist-brainsurgeon, we know he almost committed SUICIDE due to these allegations. "Get off the 34 year old man's dick"? Maybe, instead, don't call someone out and then not be able to admit you didn't have all the facts of the situation. I get it's really popular to ruin lives online for fun, but issues like this let others go "well if they were wrong about THIS, then who's to say this OBVIOUSLY TRUE one isn't false too?" We need to admit when this shit is bogus. As this one obviously was.
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samaraevanswriter · 5 months
I think the S2 final scene foreshadows what will happen in S3.
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We know everyone, if not almost everyone, makes it out of the cabin alive and the others are just behind the main group in the above shot. The final scene focuses on the 9 people in the front row.
Melissa is first in the front line (being on the far left), and could symbolically be 'first in line' to die next.
Mari (mari pit girl truther over here) is last in the front line, and if we assume pit girl happens in the second winter, she could be 'last in line' to die as the final wilderness sacrifice... in the teen timeline.
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We get close ups of everyone in the front row, the first person who gets one is Melissa. This could foreshadow the first appearance of the other mystery adult-survivor (8 people at the feast, 8 people in hoodies in the 88 timeline, 7 adults we've seen onscreen).
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Next, as a close up, we have Tai. She is shown without Van in frame even though in the group shos they arw close together. This could forehadow some independence for Tai. In the background of Tai's shot, we see a blurry Akilah. This could symbolically be Tai having Akilah in 'the back of her mind'.
This is the only time we see Akilah, even though she's had a fairly decent role in S2. (Never enough, give my angel more screentime)
Since Melissa got her own shot, (who is a smaller character than Akilah), I'm thinking she might get into trouble... she may be the first to be eaten in S3? And akilah's background shot makes me think Tai could be responsible for whatever happens to her.
Or the first death of S3 could be Gen. Someone's blanket, who I'm pretty sure is Gem, catches fire on their way out of the cabin, and they have to lose it. This could foreshadow that character freezing to desth and being the first to die in S3. I think Gen would make sense in the sense that her and Melissa have been seen as a duo, and Melissa was pictured with the rest of the group in the main shot without Gen. She is not hugging her best friend for warmth or sharing her blanket. I think this could foreshadow a parallel to Jackie's death where a best friend is left out in the cold and not shown compassion (sharing warmth and blankets) and freezing un the snow.
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We get two very cool and similar shots focused on two people's teary eyes, watching with horror: Natalie and Mari. They're literally identically blocked in terms of how the camera is positioned on their faces, their eyes line up perfectly, and I definitely think that means something. It could represent how Natalie is the first one ever hunted, and Mari will be the last one hunted (aka pit girl)????
Out of everyone, Mari's probably been the most disrespectful to Natalie in their time in the forest, and now Natalie is the antler queen. Mari is used to being the most loyal and devoted follower. It will be really interesting to see how that plays out in S3. With teen Misty beginning to show adult-Misty levels of devotion to Natalie already, Misty has a leg up on her previous feud with Mari for no.2 of the antler queen.
Maybe the focus on the eyes is Mari 'trying to see "eye to eye" with Natalie' in S3, and continue her role but failing to be respected by her because of her previous disrespect for Natalie.
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We get a close up of Lottie, and then the focus of the burning cabin which collapses and has a close up shot of a burning cross. This is very similar to Laura Lee's Christian cross, which Lottie hallucinated in her S2 snow-vision, and is also the last thing Laura Lee touched before her death... which also had a burning fire with a cross falling. (And Lottie also falls into the lake). I feel like this is foreshadowing Lottie's loss of faith in S3, how she no longer believes the wilderness wants what's best for them.
Also its worth noting how immediately after this moment, we see a close up of Mari - her devotee - crying.
When the cabin burns down and the girls are still trapped inside, Natalie is the first one woken up, shaken awake by Shauna, showing Shauna's loyalty even though she hold immense jealousy for Natalie taking the leadership role. AND Natalie is the first to be let out and told to go by Tai. She is the antler queen and is being treated as no.1. She is the centre of the outside group, they all crowd around her. Adult-Lottie says to Adult-Natalie, in the winter, the worker bees vibrate around the queen bee to keep her warm. Misty is the second out of the cabin and immediately goes to Natalie's side.
However Mari shows in this scene that her love and loyalty toward Lottie is still very strong.
Whilst everyone escapes the cabin, Van instructs the girls to get their blankets, and everhone wraps themselves in a blanket. However, Mari instead wraps Lottie in a blanket first, and then later we see her putting one over her own head.
Whilst its really quite a beautiful act of Mari's, i think its foreshadowing how she ever truly passed her loyalty to the new antler queen, and how she will struggle to go back to her old position as the leaders no.2. I also think its definitely possible Natalie's leadership will be doubted in S3 and whilst part of this will be Shauna's jealousy, Mari will play a big part in it and try and push Lottie back into centre-stage as leader.
And also in the same scene where Tai tells Natalie to leave the cabin first, Mari is right behind her and instead of leaving through the door immediately as everyone else does, she actually turns and walks away and pushes Lottie forward, and only then follows her out of the cabin... Mari's loyalty is for sure still with Lottie.
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And then with Travis' close up shot, he is unblurred in the back of Natalie's shot, by her side, behind her. Natalie is the only person to get two close ups: one of her eyes and one shared with Travis.
Travis' focus could foreshadow him staying by her side and protecting her in S3. We know from adult-Natalie that they had a 'no-suicide-pact', that they promised each other they never would, and I think that storyline will get worse before it gets better in S3, because we haven't seen him on the edge of suicide yet.
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Its also super interesting how Mari IS a part of the front line, but in the final shot, the camera angle zooms in and cuts her out of the shot, not entirely, but enough to obscure her face... we never saw pit girls face either (and they made a big fuss about pit girls face in the pilot script). So yeah, things aren't looking good for Mari.... but that's a whole other post (coming soon)
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popart-vvv · 5 months
This is a PSA...
Why? Why?!
It was made by members of 4chan, the worst site on the internet BY FAR! The complete opposite of KO_OP--filled with right-wing rhetoric and intolerant of any piece of media that dares to be different! If you like the "parody game" and its related products, then you're saying that you support 4chan, warranting a block from me.
2. Lazy and unambitious design. GVH is all-around unique; high schoolers having to deal with the lead up to a cataclysmic event, deciding how to spend their time up to that event, and every character is an anthropomorphic dino. Plus, the game is a blend of rhythm and cinematic adventure, a novel choice in game design. Plus, the characters are all written like believable teens with understandable issues (the effects of the impending meteor, for instance), with plenty of non-forced conflict.
The OTHER game, meanwhile... stole the designs of the main characters and appropriated them into high school drama cliches, plus, the design for the main teacher blatantly rips off an Adult Swim character, for some reason. The worst part is the main character, though! It's just some muscly guy with a blank face! No eyes, mouth, hair, NOTHING ON THE HEAD! Goddammit, seriously, that is the WORST character design I have ever seen in my life!
Plus, THAT game is just another throwaway dating sim VN that can NEVER reach GVH's level.
GVH's main characters are queer one way or another: Fang is non-binary, Rosa is a transgender woman, Sage is a transgender man, and it's possible for Fang to enter a relationship with Naomi. Reed is also hinted to be in a relationship with a male classmate, Alvin. Plus, there is some subtext regarding the pairings of Trish/Rosa and Sage/Stella, as well as in Naser's arc.
Meanwhile... THAT game is basically a vehicle by its creators to espouse 4chan bullshit. Fang is an enby when you first meet them, but their "happy ending" has the player character convince them to detransition. RED FLAG! RED FLAG! And the only endings where they stay an enby are the ones that don't give them any respect! This is bad messaging! Apparently, they're saying that the only way to find happiness in life is to throw away your queer identity! FUCK THAT SHIT!
Again, that is huge disrespect towards a likeable representation of an enby.
Note: Rosa, Sage, and Naomi's queer characteristics were envisioned DURING the rewrite, so it was after THAT game was revealed. Make of that what you will.
4. It blatantly disrespects KO_OP, and frankly, the company does not deserve it.
Goodbye Volcano High was released in August of last year, but it was actually revealed as far back as summer 2020. It was VASTLY different back then--it was more like a traditional visual novel, except with the same anthropomorphic dinos and unique designs. By the time GVH was released, it had gone through a huge story rewrite, resulting in the final product.
Unfortunately, there's a whole backstory in the development of GVH.
2020 was when COVID-19 was ravaging the world, and KO_OP's workers were struggling with the disease, putting a major dent in the game's production and delaying it for a while.
Also, the rewrite started not long after the game was revealed. Admittedly, this was due to a mistake on KO_OP's part in their choice of a writing crew, but the writing team was replaced, so good on them.
Also during development, they were harassed by 4chan and other unsavory people, culminating in THAT game. Basically, there's an undercurrent of PTSD--on the KO_OP Discord, if you bring up THAT game or any other hugely offensive content, you'll get a warning or a ban. Is it any wonder they hate THAT game?
Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, KO_OP should be admired for withstanding all that crap and releasing GVH three years after its initial announcement, the payoff being that it has its own dedicated fanbase and was nominated in three major awards ceremonies. Like GLAAD!
5. Real-World Events
Probably the worst part is that THAT game has a fanbase, even after a terribly heartbreaking event in February.
Two words: Nex Benedict.
Seriously, to still support that game, even in light of similar tragedies... That's inhumane.
I know this kind of post may not be your cup of tea, but I needed to get this off my chest. I love this game so much... It pains me to see that a supportive game, alongside its fans and creators, is being unfairly targeted by terrible people.
I stand by what I said in this post. I did my research before making this essay. That said, if there are any inaccuracies in here, I apologize.
However, I will not tolerate anyone who tries to argue in support of THAT game. If they do that, they get reported/blocked.
Sincerely, popart-vvv.
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Robin’s Haunted Halloween
Guys (Hello yes still alive, just busy with RL stuff and writer’s block lately)
What if, a few days before Halloween, Damian overhears some classmates making plans to “summon” ghosts in Gotham from some internet summoning ritual and they decide to try to summon the spirits of Martha and Thomas Wayne at their death site on Halloween. Damian, not wanting to bring this to his father’s attention (especially since Halloween night will be busy for the bats), decides to show up as Robin and teach them a lesson (mostly to scare them by jumping in the middle of their dumb summoning circle and ripping into them verbally for disrespecting the dead) 
He just wasn’t expecting to actually get punched in the face by one of the teens (she was a tiny thing and surprised him when in fear she turned around and punched him after he had jumped down behind her in the alleyway), spill his blood on the failed summoning circle marks (it started glowing and things were floating as a green portal appeared, the other teens ran off as Robin stayed behind to make sure they hadn’t summoned something else), and actually have it work when his father’s parents ghosts appear in front of him.
Now they’re stuck in the mortal realm until sunrise, are bonded to him as well so they can’t go to far from him, and only he can see/hear them (which could lead to some funny sass moments with them...)
And Damian really wasn’t expecting another portal to open up, a teen around his age appearing with green glowing eyes, white hair, floating above him, and a flaming crown appearing looking for his grandparents who were so rudely ripped away from him during the Halloween feast/ball/party he was having in the Infinite Realms.
And he’s (“King Phantom but call me Danny”) staying with Robin for the night just to make sure the elder Wayne’s return to the Infinite Realms safely when times up. Cause it turns out they’re not strong enough yet to remain in the Mortal Realms and can actually faded into ‘shades’ or worse ‘echos’ (mindless spirits that relive their final moments time and time again) and having Danny (an endless source of pure and rich ectoplasm) around can keep them fading into those.    
(All ideas can be used by others and just to clarify this has:)
Ghost Grand/parents Martha and Thomas Wayne [either by blood or ghost adopted]
Ghost King Danny
Bio!Dad Bruce [optional]
Long Lost Twins or Half-Brothers Danny and Damian (depends) [optional]
Halloween Summonings
Damian not telling his father what happened due to it being the subject of his father’s parents and knows how... he gets when thinking of them.
Danny becoming invisible to avoid being seen by the bats cause he really doesn’t want Batman looking into ghosts, he has enough on his plate. He doesn’t need Batman snooping.
Damian holding back a laugh a few times on patrol when his paternal grandparents make snarky remarks and doesn’t wanna be seen as crazy cause only he can see/hear Martha and Thomas
Due to the summoning, he can still also see/hear Danny when he goes invisible too (this ability goes away once the time on the summoning is over though)
Damian begrudgingly taking a liking to Danny (the puns remind him of Grayson, no matter how groan inducing they get) especially when Danny saves him during the night and they talk about dogs later.
Damian getting to know his grandparents (and learning his ‘Tt’ sound comes from one them) [saw it in a fic and fell in love with the idea it] 
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elitehanitje · 6 months
So, before I blocked these people, I read their takes on what happened with Jack Perry and CM Punk. This take just made me shake my head off because this is what's wrong with society. I don't remember whether this was said by a teen or an adult, but I think it was a guy. The amount of blaming the-victim mentality is astounding from the way he basically said, "I think it's cool to hit and assault others, especially after that, he gave a good performance. It doesn't matter whether others got hurt."
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This person seems can't differentiate a real altercation from a wrestling performance.
This is ironic because in the same breath, this person also wrote/reblog this:
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And yet they think the victims aren't people because they were supposedly disrespectful to the bully. I mean, did they actually read these quotes? They can't forget that when they were kids, adults treated them like they were nobody. My guess is that CMP is sorta kinda like their hero... for standing up against their bully? CMP is the hero and JP is the bully? Is this the same mentality from older fans who DEMANDS respect and when they don't get it, they will force respect just because they are older? I do wonder whether they actually have reading comprehension. Respect is not running around demanding it and getting angry and shoving them when they don't get it.
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Now, this person is still a teenager and I dunno whether she wrote that AFTER I mentioned that I used to be with an aggressive boyfriend who liked to choke and shove (not to me, thank god, but to others who he felt being disrespectful to him) or before. The fact that she giggled is very concerning.
I do hope that she doesn't think that being choked or shoved is some kind of sexual fantasy and that everybody does it. Because there's a difference between sexual acts and real-life altercations with consequences. What CMP did wasn't a sex act, like... come on... use your brain and common sense.
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readingnreccing · 9 months
The First Step to Recovery is Poor Impulse Control by Foxquills 
bnha | teen | 22k | Aizawa Shouta & Midoriya Izuku | complete | Aizawa adopts Izuku 
When an apartment block collapses, Shouta expects a routine rescue operation. He does not expect to meet a blindingly intelligent 8 year-old Izuku on the worst day of his life. He certainly doesn't expect to take the kid home, call his estranged best friend in a panic because he doesn't know what fuck to do, and turn his life upside down in the space of a few hours. It's fine, though. He might be a mess, but he can keep one grade-schooler alive until social services sorts their shit. It's just temporary, he tells himself. Y'know, like a liar. or: The story of how one disaster man saves a little boy, and how the little boy saves him back.
The Feels!!! Ohhh, this one made me cry, and I was happy about it. Shouta saves Izuku from his destroyed building, but Inko dies in the disaster. Shouta takes Izuku home with him until child services can find other relatives to stay with him. But he didn’t expect to get attached to him so quickly, and having the kid help him get out of his funk and get his best friend back into his life. Hizashi is absolutely amazing (like in all the fics this author writes), Shouta is a disaster who cares so much and doesn’t know how to deal, and Izuku is the best child. 
Author’s tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Dead Midoriya Inko, no disrespect inko but I needed to give your son away lmao, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Mess, References to Depression, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is a Good Friend, Getting Together, Family Feels, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, shouta escalates from taking in stray cats to stray children
Remember to leave feedback to the author! <3 
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voidchillz · 7 months
My thoughts on pro shippers (Important Post)
TW: mild swearing
I thought I’d make a post on this just to clarify my opinion so people can unfollow or block to their leisure, this is not a post inviting negative people into my comments or asks. This is also not a post advocating real world abuse, illegal activity, or inappropriate behaviour.
I won’t say I’ve had perfect opinions that everyone should listen to my entire life, because that’s blatantly not true, people change. And I obviously wish people on the internet were not as vindictive and cruel. For starters, during my first years in the undertale fandom, I of course had strong opinions encouraged by others to hate frans, and fontcest, and any denomination of pro ships. But that has clearly changed over time.
I’d like to make it clear there is a line as to which I enjoy problematic ships. I do not like non-consensual, I do not like underage, I do not like incest, I do not like abusive relationships, whether that is in fiction or reality. And I refuse to skirt lines and insist ‘oh I only like the design not the character’, or ‘oh I hate the creator I just enjoy the concept’, or make up some other bullshit excuse to fail to convince people that I deserve to be alive. Because ✨miraculously✨, what fictional characters and ships you enjoy DOES NOT REFLECT WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE.
It’s in the same vein as, if Person A likes the most depraved physical painful filthy fetishes, if at the same time they are a genuinely kind Human being that helps where they can and respects others without condition, it does not fucking matter✨💕 Person B is allowed to disagree and not have the same interests as Person A, but Person B does not then get to decide whether or not Person A deserves respect. Just the same way that Person A should not try to force Person B into liking what they like.
I’m not saying that people should be ashamed of what makes them uncomfortable because they’re insulting other people. This is not a post trying to coerce others into liking proships. You have complete freedom to disagree with others and avoid certain parts of your respective fandoms, just like I am by avoiding underage, non-con, or abuse. What I’m saying is that it is childish and ignorant to be outright threatening and disrespectful to people online for liking something you don’t.
There is no excuse for being a dick.
Now of course, if these people are actually harming others in real life, for example grooming or manipulating or any other form of abuse, by all means, tear their metaphorical testicles off and do whatever you can to ban their accounts and keep people safe from them. Because that is who they are as a person, harmful and dangerous to those around them.
Regarding children/minors/under 18s on the internet
Kids are being exposed to the internet way earlier than they probably should, likely because all the people that first started being exposed to it were already teenagers when it was invented. Keep in mind it was made public in the early 90s, meaning every adult using it now since the early days is in their thirties or twenties at the youngest, others currently growing into it.
There is not a single person on this planet who hasn’t experimented or tried to find communities to help them find safe places to learn about sexuality or adult concepts before they were 18. The reason 18+ accounts ask that minors do not interact is for a multitude of reasons, one being that if they are seen interacting with someone younger than them, even if it was an innocent interaction or someone in their late teens, they are liable to a heavy accusation of grooming. Another being they could likely be uncomfortable knowing minors see their content and feel like they have to censor themselves for this. Another is that it is very frustrating to try to block every single minor they see on their platform if they are an account with a high following. The point is, the internet has very easily accessible fucked up shit, and it is your own and your own responsibility only to avoid it.
Stop dehumanising kids. Stop dehumanising people you don’t know.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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rowiann · 3 days
My name is Rowian or (Ro/RoRo/Ray) or give me a nickname I LOVE THEM <3
Nice to meet everyone!!!! Im a TEEN girl who is OBSESSED with many things (just ask and I'll answer) I love The colors Pink, Yellow, and Green (sometimes Blue) Here are some other things Abt mee!:
Grunge/ Emo/Scene styles
MUSICC ($B, XXX, Juice, Peep, and many others just ask)
MOVIESSS (Fox&Hound, Coraline, Tim Burton, romace, Scary/Horror <3)
I love my hair and styling it (I love suggestions)
I am Mixed race (white, Hispanic, and black)
Large family/ many pets <3
I love making new friends, DM me if you want and I'll talk to you!!!!
(if you wanna know more DM me or ask!!)
!!!! I am a MINOR, I will show my face in privet if you ask NICELY, I'm a clingy person and very nice to everyone (unless you upset me or disrespect ppl I care Abt) PLEASE BE NICEE, EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE !!!! (hate will be blocked)
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flur-ink · 7 months
You do realise that the majority of the fandom are 30+, yes? That most fandom members were huge fans of the wizarding world before you were even born, and when Hogwarts legacy came out it just reignited that love. You'll be 30+ too one day and you'll most likely still be a massive simp, so try not to be too judgemental 😁❤️
Hello :) I wanna make a few things clear for you and people potentially agreeing with your message. Sorry in advance for the potential aggressiveness, but I'm going to be very strict on this.
First of, the thing I added in my bio is me setting boundaries. If you can't respect this, you can simply block me, or respectfully ask me why I made this choice. If you're feeling offended by a random person's bio on the internet and come over ANONYMOUSLY to tell them this and being sarcastic, I'm guessing you are in your thirties, and if it's the case, that kind a behavior for someone like you is quite immature in my opinion, especially given you're trying to make yourself superior to me because of our age gap.
When I joined the fandom I had recently turned 17, and I never felt so uncomfortable in a fandom in my life before. And I've been on the MHA one. I sincerely developped a fear of speaking to older adults and a big part was because of the HL fandom. Because of the amount of old women literally saying without any shame they have a crush on teenagers. I don't care if they are pixels. They look and act like teens. Fiction and it's impact on reality is a huge debate on itself that I could ramble about for hours, but I have an opinion on it and that's also one of the reasons I set this in my bio. Maybe ask yourself why is there also so much adults, because there are minors that got uncomfortable to share a place with people like you.
I totally agree that most fans are 30 y.o, I'm not disrespecting them, not a all, Harry Potter was their childhood, and it was mine too. I'm so happy that they are still passionated about it and can sometimes become great content creators.
What I dislike are 30 y.o+ making sexu*l comments about teenage characters. And if I do turn out to still 'be a massive simp' at 30 like you say, I'll personally go see a therapist. I will never be okay with myself simping on characters that are half my age, I have a very strict moral compass on this. And it's my own right. I'm pretty sure you and others can understand why it would make me want to fix it. And tbh if you answered anounymously, I think you actually already feel guilty and can't admit it.
I know I'll get hate for this, but I wanted it to be clear. I DON'T want old adults making or supporting sexu*l content of minors on my page, end of the story. My apologies for being 'judgemental" about a behavior that makes me feel terrible in a fandom that used to bring me happiness. I just want to feel comfortable posting about characters that I love and comfort me.
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sniigura-archive · 4 months
I’m pointing at that anon and laugh lmao
Seriously, I knew that the hazbin fandom has some weirdo chronically on twitter dickheads with no media literacy but that shit is on another level.
People should have fun and the least you can do is respect them and leave them alone if they don’t hurt anybody.
Everyone on that shit ass dc server deserves a punch in the face by me 💕 Nobody disrespects my bby 💕
people are so serious these days like i write self insert porn and i can tell you who’s enjoying their life more between me and the anti anon 😭😭
idc about the server anymore, i lurked a bit and it’s mostly like teens and only one person who said that in there and it’s not like i take stuff like that laying down 😭 don’t join the server to cause drama or anything go in there to enjoy ur time genuinely. the good thing is i got confirmation for the age of someone who interacted with me a lot and it’s a minor </3 (and my number one hater/j) so i blocked since this is porn i post and i rather have not children interact with that for my own comfort sake
anyways thank you to everyone coming to my defence those were very stressful 20 minutes of my life i can’t deny that. if this blog ever disappears you will still find me on ao3
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