echidnacht · 3 months
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hi so how are we feeling about the prophecy being fulfilled (i am in despair looking for a friend in these trying times)
AAAAAAAAAA I swear to god when I said that I forgot that it would involve Lam dying... that episode was painful I will never get over "Hang on Posidonia. I'm coming"
I really wanted him to be able to build a new life with Olala! I was rooting for them! But now that I've sat with it i think it does make sense for Lam to die- he never fully managed to leave his past behind, and in the end it caught up to him. But man I wish that he and Olala and Caroline got to become a family together. Now we just have to root for Caroline not sacrificing herself too.
I am glad I at least partially called it tho- I was hoping Posidonia's pearl would come back, but alas. At least we got Reaper Kestrel content.
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pomegranateandhoney · 7 months
hihiiii! ur bakhsh recipe you posted sounds really good!! just wanted to ask/clarify is the rice supposed to be put in there as the uncooked grains, or do they have to be cooked already? thank you!
Yes, the rice is placed in the dish raw/uncooked! I'll edit the post to specify. And I always wash rice before using. :)
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areadersquoteslibrary · 3 months
"The lesson of Wuthering Heights, of Greek tragedy and, ultimately, of all religions, is that there is an instinctive tendency towards divine intoxication which the rational world of calculation cannot bear."
— Georges Bataille, Literature and Evil
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urloveangel · 1 year
Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity.
Paulo Coelho
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blueberrypie20 · 2 months
"What'll happen to your ocs after the final battle???"
I have only two OCs so it'll be easy for now XD. info under the cut!
Jun'ichi: He fights and beheads Nakime, but his heart nearly stops, he has a freefall and crashes into the floor with sm scars already, so he leaves the infinity castle but REAL HARMED. Manages to fight Muzan (even stabs one of his hearts out! Revenge for Tae-Jun 😋) and falls in a comatose right after sunrise (his heart nearly stopped again in there. XD). He's unconscious for more than half a year. He lives on, with his illness cured, but loses his vision completely due to detachment of the retina and has many many scars all over his torso and body.
Roqia: She fights douma, however loses an arm. Leaves the IC but loses her other arm to Muzan and he later beheads her. She didn't have time to bid anyone goodbye and everyone gets sad by reading the note she left in her uniform in case she died :( (she gives her belongings to people she likes. Her ring & earrings go to Makoto ☆)
@larz-barz @iincogneeto @love-stvrs @pinkwisteria @misty-sees-you
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vintage-tigre · 6 months
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earth222ky · 1 year
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5 years of swimming, we miss you mac :(
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omegaphilosophia · 1 month
The Philosophy of the Sublime
The sublime is a concept in philosophy and aesthetics that refers to an experience of awe, grandeur, and wonder, often evoking a mixture of fear and admiration. This notion has been explored by various philosophers and thinkers throughout history, particularly in the context of nature, art, and human experience. Here’s an in-depth exploration of the philosophy of the sublime:
1. Historical Origins
Edmund Burke: In his work "A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful" (1757), Burke distinguished between the beautiful and the sublime. He associated the sublime with vastness, infinity, and power, which can overwhelm and inspire a sense of awe and terror.
Immanuel Kant: In "Critique of Judgment" (1790), Kant elaborated on the sublime as something that transcends normal human experience and comprehension. He identified two forms of the sublime: the mathematical sublime, related to the vastness of nature and the universe, and the dynamical sublime, related to the power and force of natural phenomena.
Romanticism: The Romantic poets and artists, such as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Caspar David Friedrich, celebrated the sublime in nature, emphasizing the emotional and spiritual responses to its grandeur and beauty.
2. Key Characteristics of the Sublime
Vastness and Infinity: Experiences or objects that are vast in scale, such as mountains, oceans, or the night sky, evoke a sense of the sublime. Their immensity challenges human perception and comprehension.
Power and Terror: The sublime often involves elements of danger and power, such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, or erupting volcanoes. These evoke fear but also admiration for their majesty and force.
Transcendence: The sublime experience transcends ordinary understanding and evokes a sense of something greater than oneself. It can lead to feelings of humility and reverence.
Aesthetic Experience: In art and literature, the sublime is associated with works that evoke profound emotional responses, often through depictions of nature’s grandeur or human achievement.
3. Philosophical Implications
Human Limits: The concept of the sublime highlights the limitations of human perception and understanding. It suggests that there are aspects of existence that are beyond human control and comprehension.
Emotional Complexity: The sublime evokes complex emotions that combine fear, awe, wonder, and admiration. This complexity enriches human experience and understanding of the world.
Nature and the Divine: The sublime often leads to reflections on the relationship between nature and the divine. The overwhelming power and beauty of nature can evoke a sense of the divine presence or the transcendental.
4. The Sublime in Art and Culture
Visual Arts: Artists like J.M.W. Turner and Caspar David Friedrich captured the sublime in their depictions of natural landscapes and phenomena, emphasizing vastness, power, and emotional depth.
Literature: Writers such as Mary Shelley and Lord Byron explored the sublime in their works, using language to evoke the awe and terror of natural and supernatural elements.
Modern Interpretations: Contemporary artists and thinkers continue to explore the sublime in various forms, including digital art, cinema, and virtual reality, pushing the boundaries of what can evoke awe and wonder.
5. Critiques and Evolving Perspectives
Subjectivity: Some critics argue that the experience of the sublime is highly subjective and culturally specific. What one person finds sublime, another may not.
Environmental Ethics: The concept of the sublime has been revisited in discussions about environmental ethics, emphasizing the need to protect and preserve the natural landscapes that evoke these profound experiences.
The philosophy of the sublime explores the profound and often overwhelming experiences of awe, grandeur, and wonder in response to nature, art, and human achievement. It challenges human limits of perception and understanding, evoking complex emotions and reflections on the transcendental. From its historical origins in the works of Burke and Kant to its manifestations in Romantic art and contemporary culture, the sublime remains a powerful and enduring concept in philosophy and aesthetics.
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[Act 5 cover art for Song of Infinity]
Art by Aria
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roastedsoup · 2 years
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red and blue couple
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9 of cups
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This energy is telling me that there is fulfillment here. It’s not coming, it’s here in the present. Please note that the energy will typically appear before the physical presence will. Spirit is telling me that you may need to go back and look at old messages, journal entries or pictures. There’s something significant from November 2023 that is now coming into fruition. There is a connection that started but may have prematurely ended due to lack mindsets. This connection could be romantic, platonic or even a business connection.
It was destined for you to meet this person in this connection then separate just to come back together again. I’m hearing that it was meant for you two to grow personally before continuing. The next time around it will be for the long run. There was also 8 energy in the spread. I pulled the 8 of wands and I def feel like this will be happening faster than you can wrap your head around. It’s time to start acting as if you’re already in union with this connection.
I also channeled from a new romance book that I just got and the entry I read basically described a man who struggled with abandonment issues.. not wanting to be abandoned so he abandoned people first. This could’ve been the reason as to why the connection failed.
The last cards that fell out of the deck were 10 of cups and queen of pentacles. This lets me know that it is definitely something in the physical due to the queen of pentacles being an earth sign. It could also be an indicator that this connection could either be work related or someone you may have financial success with. Along with the 10 of cups, shows me that this is definitely progressing and it will be successful. Marriage has also been a major theme and I think this person really wants something that is going to last forever.
Ngl, I teared up a few times while pulling this spread. Heavy on the emotions. This person has lots of love for you. Could also be a water sign.
Channeled song:
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vladslab · 7 months
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Fix it 🐺🚪
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wayti-blog · 2 years
I have inside me the winds, the deserts, the oceans, the stars, and everything created in the universe. We were all made by the same hand, and we have the same soul.
Paulo Coelho
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urloveangel · 1 year
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inner----silence · 5 months
Living in divine timing isn’t WAITING for your moment it is being PRESENT in your moment.
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engagekiss · 2 years
hmmn titles related to time, time control, infinity, and unreality ? and being a deity hahahoho
time ( control ) ♡
⏰♡ titles : she who changes clocks , she who changes time , it which flows time , the time traveler
infinity ♡
♾️♡ titles : the never ending one , she who never changes , she who has existed for millennia , the constant one , the infinite one
unreality ♡
📷♡ titles : she who never existed , the one which disappeared , the mysterious disappearance , she who wasn’t found
deities ♡
🕊️♡ titles : the holy one , the higher one , she in the celestial , the original one
multiverses ♡
🔭♡ titles : she who hops universes , the other one , the alternate ( one ) , she not from here , the wanderer
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