#do i watch football for the football or do i watch football for the guardian's football content that is the question
lilaabard · 1 year
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occasional peptonite thomas tuchel (x)
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irishmammonagenda · 8 months
MC's magic going wrong 😱😰
or right depending on ur outlook on life ig
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (extremely brief and only notioned towards), physical affection
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You hadn´t thought much of it at first when you got back to the human realm. Everything went back to normal. Or as normal as it could be.
Your mother and father sobbed when they saw you, stating how they though´t you were lying in a ditch somewhere in the stretching countryside. You´d lied, told them you were away on a residency based apprenticeship, that you were sorry for worrying them. Your siblings showed signs of worry you never thought they were able to feel for you. Thus you were being babied for a month or so.
That´s when it started.
At first, it was more corvids at the bird feeder in your garden than usual. Then it was stray cats. Then inexplicable black and white feathers dusting your clothing and hair.
Your mother smiled picking out the ivory feather from the confines of your unbrushed hair, "Oh! Your guardian angel´s been watching over you!" she says playfully, an old wives´ tale, nothing too serious.
You tense for a moment, before laughing with her. "Well I´ll take it as a good sign." Stupid old wives being the smartest people.
At first it was easy to brush off.
Then your father started getting lucky, he hadn't been one to gamble persay, putting a few coins in on a bet for the horse racing or the football was a regular occurrence, sometimes he won,sometimes he didn't. The difference of a few silvers, a share bag of sweets basically, made no real strain on your belts. But now, he was winning left right and center. Winning amounts that shouldnt be possible based on the amount he input.
Though, after you woke up to cats and corvids staring at you unblinkingly, in your room, with a few flies and insects on the walls, and your bedsheets covered in feathers and scales of all colours and sizes, enough was enough.
You were going to give those nerds a piece of your mind.
After shooing the animals out, (making sure to pet the cats), you picked up a lipstick, and channeled your pact magic before drawing a circle with various symbols on the floor,
You stilled, "Ah, shit. I dunno how to do this, i mean half of those symbols are angry faces and squiggles...." but ever the theatre nerd, you improved.
"I, MC, call upon the power of my pacts with the Avatars of Hell! and, using their power; a portal to the Devildom shall open for me!"
And a portal did open for you. Unfortunately, not to the best place. As you travelled through the time pocket you ended up stumbling once you made it to the other side, the stumble turnt into a tumble turnt into a fall. Unluckily for you, the thing you fell on was toned flesh and chuckling heartily, you were in Diavolo's lap.
"It's great of you to drop by MC!" He says, his massive hands pulling you further into his frame.
You cover your face with your hands, now noticing the various other nobles in the council room who are staring at their Prince, attempting to mask the fact their jaws are going to hit the floor.
Atleast the Brothers weren't there, but Barbatos' half polite smile half smirk and Diavolo whispering various playful musings of, "Did you miss me that much little human, we missed you too.", and "Summoning a portal illegally into the Demon Lord's castle and onto the Demon Princes lap...tututut." almost made the brothers seem like a mercy....
You couldn't tell if this was a win or a lose.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Injured (Alba's Version)
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader
Summary: You are forgotten
TW: childhood neglect, depressive thoughts, suicidal thoughts
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When you are four, Mami forgets you at nursery.
Tia Alba gets angry but Mami apologises and Abuela gives you back to Mami.
When you are five, Mami forgets you at school.
Tia Alba has to come and get you but Mami apologises and Abuela gives you back.
When you are six, Mami forgets you at ballet.
When you are seven, it's at school again.
When you are eight, it's at your friend's house.
Nine is at a birthday party and ten is after a recital.
You start taking yourself to school at eleven. You don't have a bus pass so you walk the hour to school, there and back every day. You take yourself to ballet and to your recitals.
At twelve, you join the Ballet de Catalunya ballet school.
Alexia forgets your celebration dinner.
At some point, you don't understand when, something snaps in you. Days off are spent in bed, with no energy to do anything but rot.
Jaume is a rising star in his age group, rising through La Masia's ranks quickly.
It's all Alexia talks about at dinner.
How talented he is. How good he is. How he scores goals like they're easy.
The tickets to your recital sit forgotten in your bag.
The seat in the front row is left empty.
You stop coming down to dinner.
You eat alone. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.
Your recital clashes with Jaume's game.
You've got a solo. You've been working towards it for months.
Alexia tells you to skip your performance to watch Jaume's match.
You don't.
You go to your recital. You perform your heart out.
The Artistic Director of the ballet company comes to watch. He offers you a spot in the actual company. He wants you to dance. To properly dance. To have a career in dance.
You want that too.
You're still a child though. You can't sign a contract by yourself. You need a guardian to sign for you.
Alexia's mad at you though, mad that you didn't turn up to support her son. She's mad at you for putting yourself above him.
"Family is meant to support each other," She tells you," Family sacrifices things for family. Do you think that your grandmother didn't sacrifice things for my football? That Alba didn't?"
It's funny, you think that night, as you stare up at your bedroom ceiling. You're invisible to her most of the time, the ghost that lives in her house, until it's something to do with her golden boy.
It's not all bad. At least, you don't think it is.
Alexia is a good mother.
She makes dinner and she gives you somewhere to live and she clothes you.
There's family days out and little restaurant trips and holidays away during the summer.
She comes to your parent-teacher meetings and pays for all your new ballet equipment, your shoes and your leotards and your leg warmers.
You get a train on your birthday and a cupcake.
You are being dramatic.
Alexia is a good mother. You're just different to her.
It's easier for her to relate to Jaume. He is like her. He loves football and everything that comes with it. His love for Barcelona rivals Alexia's. He is everything you are not.
He is Olga's son.
You are not.
"I don't like arguing with you," Alexia says as she sits on your bed at night," And I'm sorry. I just...I just wish you understood what this means to your brother."
You hold a pillow to your chest, still turned away from her. "I wish I did too."
Alexia rests a hand on your side, gently rubbing her fingers along your skin, trying to sooth you.
You feel like you're going to cry. But you won't.
Not in front of her.
"Dinner's in the microwave."
"I'm not hungry."
"Well, when you are."
"Goodnight, y/n."
You forge Alexia's signature and start training in the ballet company of your dreams.
You don't know when it happens or what sparks it but one day, you walk from practice all the way back home.
Your feet hurt and your legs hurt and something in your chest bursts free and you sit on the beach and sob.
Something in you is broken, shattered like a mirror that someone's desperately trying to fix without having all the pieces.
Part of you is missing.
You don't know what part is missing. You don't know when it is stolen from you but it isn't there anymore.
Lots of parts of you are broken. Some more than others. Some missing completely.
There's something wrong with you as years-old exhaustion sets into your bones. Something in you is irreparable as you stare out to sea.
There's a pier to your left, as empty and quiet as you feel inside.
It's dark now.
It had been midday when you'd left practice.
You'd been at the beach ever since, just staring out at sea.
It would be so easy to walk until the end of the pier, to sit down on the edge and dangle your feet over it.
The drop isn't enough to kill you but the sea is deep enough that you'd drown if you don't swim up.
That's interesting, you think.
How far does someone's instincts go?
If you jumped in, would you automatically kick and swim up?
Or would you consciously be able to stop?
If you were in the water, could you bring yourself to open your mouth and breath?
Or would your brain stop you until you were safe again?
You kick your legs, staring at the water.
The night makes the sea look even more daunting.
Somehow, that's comforting to you.
If you jump in now, someone won't find you until morning. If they would ever find you at all.
The water is inviting.
You imagine it will be peaceful when you finally go.
Like falling asleep.
You'd just float away.
It's so tempting.
You can't imagine anything sweeter but your phone flashes.
Tia Alba: How are you?
You can't remember the last person to ask you that.
That's a lie.
You can't remember the last person to ask you that outside of Alba.
A sob forces its way out of your throat and you're crying again, uncontrollable, gut-wrenching sobs.
Something is wrong with you.
That's all you can think as your aching feet walk you away from peace.
You walk away from salvation.
There's a doorknocker on the front door. It's rusty and the paint is patchy, flecked off from a life well used.
The door opens.
"Bambi?" Alba stands behind it. "Are you okay?"
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Kamala Harris herself has now borrowed Walz’s lingo and is also calling her opponents “weird”, while Walz is all over our television screens, bolstering the vice-president’s candidacy and playing “attack dog” against the Trump/Vance Republican ticket. I’ll be honest: last month, I would have struggled to pick Walz out of a lineup. This month? I’m Walz-pilled. I have watched dozens of his interviews and clips. And I’m far from alone. He has an army of new fans across the liberal-left: from former Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign co-chair Nina Turner, to one-time Democratic congressman Beto O’Rourke, to gun-control activist David Hogg. “In less than 6 days, I went from not knowing who Tim Walz is,” joked writer Travis Helwig on X, “to deep down believing that if he doesn’t get the VP nod I will storm the capitol.” According to Bloomberg, the Harris campaign has narrowed down its “top tier” of potential running mates to three “white guy” candidates: Walz (hurrah!), plus the Arizona senator Mark Kelly and Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro. Both Kelly and Shapiro have their strengths – and both represent must-win states for the Dems. Allow me, however, to make the clear case for Walz. First, there’s his personality. The 60-year-old governor would bring energy, humor and some much-needed bite to the Democratic presidential ticket. There’s a reason why his videos have been going viral in recent days. Tim Kaine he ain’t. Pick the charismatic and eloquent Walz and you have America’s Fun Uncle ready to go. Then, there’s his résumé. A popular midwest governor from a rural town. A 24-year veteran of the army national guard. A high school teacher who coached the football team to its first state championship. It’s almost too perfect! Finally, there’s his governing record. You will struggle to find a Democratic governor who has achieved more than Walz in the space of a single legislative session. Not Shapiro. Not JB Pritzker of Illinois. Not even Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. [...] Think about it. Democrats can have Tim Walz on the ticket, who called the anti-war, pro-Palestinian ‘uncommitted’ movement “civically engaged” and praised them for “asking for a change in course” and “for more pressure to be put on” the White House, or they can have Josh Shapiro, who called for a crackdown on anti-war, pro-Palestinian college protesters and even compared them to the KKK. They can have Walz on the ticket, who has reportedly “emerged among labor unions as a popular pick” after signing “into law a series of measures viewed as pro-worker” including banning non-compete agreements and expanding protections for Amazon warehouse workers, or they can have Mark Kelly, who opposed the pro-labor Pro Act in the Senate (but has since touted support for it). They can have Walz, who guaranteed students in Minnesota not just free breakfasts but free lunches, or Shapiro, who has courted controversy in Pennsylvania with his support for school vouchers. They can have Walz, who calls his Republican opponents “weird” and extreme, or Kelly, who calls his Republican opponents “good people” who are “working really hard”. This isn’t rocket science. Walz is the obvious choice. Not only is he the ideal “white guy” running mate for Harris, against both Trump and Vance, but he is already doing the job on television and online, lambasting Vance in particular over IVF treatment and insisting he mind his “own damn business”.
Zeteo News founder Mehdi Hasan for The Guardian on why picking Tim Walz as Kamala Harris's running mate is the best option (07.29.2024).
Zeteo News founder Mehdi Hasan wrote in The Guardian why Tim Walz should be Kamala Harris’s running mate. Hasan’s opinion piece is worth reading.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hey can I request a fic with Jenna or Tara up to you but it’s like reader is not used to people listening and liking her rambling about something she’s passionate about like super hero’s and comics for example and then Jenna or Tara actually do listen without stopping her and saying she’s annoying and then reader gets all giddy and happy
Own world
Popular!Tara Carpenter x reader
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“Did you see the Marvel movie I recommended? It’s really great, the way-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before your roommate turned away to talk to someone else which made your shoulder sink. This was quite common, your friends never really listened to you, no matter how important the topic was to you. You loved films, it was just a passion of yours as it gave you some sense of comfort in a shitty household. It was also something to do when everybody else was out but you stayed in due to anxiety. You never guessed today would be different.
“Which one? The new guardian of the galaxy?” A small brunette asked, you didn’t even notice her sit down. She must have sat down while you were quiet for a second after you were interrupted. “N-no, the black widow one” you mumbled out carefully, deciding to keep your sentences short, it minimized the risk of getting cut off. “That’s a great one, the Dynamic between Natasha and Yelena is awesome” she smiled at you. You took a second to look at the girl, she was familiar somehow, you believed that she was in your calculus lecture. “Yeah, it’s nice” you mumbled as you played with your water bottle, you guys had a break but you didn’t like eating in front of people. “And she has never watched it?” The girl asked causing you to shake your head, “well which other marvel movie would you recommend and why?” Your face lit up immediately, hers did too. “Oh, the new Thor movie is quite nice, it has a lot of comedy to it but still maintains a balance between jokes and actual storyline. But if you like leading female roles you should watch the new black panther…” you were, again, interrupted by your roommate who now just noticed the brunette in front of you.
“Omg Tara, when did you sit down? I didn’t even notice you, or I would have rescued you earlier” the side eye that was thrown your way was pretty hard but what was even harder was how the brunette, Tara it seems, laughed. You thought she was dearly interested but you were wrong. With disappointment settled into your chest you stood up and walked away, deciding to go back to your dorm room to read some comics you just got. You didn’t notice the way Tara watched you walk away.
The next time you saw her was the next day in your calculus lecture, she sat a row in front of you with two other girls and two guys, while you sat alone. You knew one of the girls that sat next to her, Mindy, she was in your lecture about film and you worked some project together. The short haired girl turned around and waved at you which made you smile as you waved back.
During the lecture you glanced at the group every now and then to notice the following things: 1. One of the guys was watching football while the other one was weirdly starring at Tara, 2. Mindy was asleep by now and her girlfriend was doing some work for another lecture and 3. Tara was clearly not getting shit down there and she was the next person that had to pretend, which made her panic.
“Psst, Tara” you mumbled lightly kicking her chair which made her turn, “come up here and I’ll explain it and give you my work” you told her looking straight ahead so the prof wouldn’t notice. In a matter of seconds the girl climbed over the table and sat next to you, “you’re my savior” she mumbled out as she scribbled your answers down while you explained why you did what. “Miss Carpenter, it’s your turn presenting” the prof called out causing her to stand up, she gave you one last look. You nodded at her as a signal of support.
“Wow, I gotta say I’m impressed. This is the best you’ve been the whole year, seems like you improved. Well, lecture is over” you quickly packed your bag and walked out before the brunette came back up but she seemed to be quick enough to still catch up outside. She stood next to you and grabbed your arm to bring you to a hold, “thanks, you really saved me there. Let me take you out for coffee as a thank you” she smiled at you as you two stood in the middle of the hall, people watching you. It was uncommon, someone as popular as Tara with someone as shy as you.
“You don’t have to, but thank you. I just saw you struggle so I thought I could help, and I’m happy I could, you really don’t though. Mr. Bakers exercises are pretty hard most of the time so I totally get why you struggled” Tara watched you ramble with a small smile, she liked when you rambled. She had been watching you for a couple of weeks now, in the lecture and out on campus, or when you were with Mindy. “As much as I like your rambling, I’m taking you out for coffee. You still gotta tell me a bit” she grabbed your wrist again and pulled you into a caffe on the other side of the street.
She ordered and after a small argument also payed your food. “So, are you at the frat parts tonight?” She asked as you walked over the campus with coffee in hand, “no” you mumbled as you played with the cup in your hand. “Why not? I bet it’s gonna be fun” she smiled at you, she liked your shyness. “I don’t really like big parties especially if I barely know anyone, too many people and I still have stuff do to for the classes” you explained, “you would know me and Mindy and your roommate is gonna be there too right?” You only shrugged which caused her to drop the conversation.
“Tara, nice to see you” one girl you didn’t know called out which caused the two of you to stop. “Hey, how are you?” Tara asked the girl as she gave her a quick hug, you zoned out while they talked not noticing that they walked away, but it seems like they also didn’t notice that you didn’t walk with them. When you zoned back again they were kinda gone already, so you decided to turn around and head to the dorms throwing your coffee into the trash.
It was 10:30 pm when you sat in your dorm watching the Hawkeye series again until there was a knock on the door which confused you, your roommate only left 20 minutes ago there was no way she would be back already. So you finally stood up and opened the door to see Tara in a short dress with makeup on. She looked ready to go, so why would she be here? “Hi” she only said as she looked up at you, “what can I do for you?” You asked her as you looked over her shoulder. “You disappeared today, I wanted to check on you” you breathed out a laugh at her words, “you left with somebody else. I though you wanted to go to the party” she sighed as she looked into the dorm. “I did but I think I’d rather stay with you” your face bushed so hard that you tried to cover your face as best as possible. Nonetheless you took a step to the side to let the girl enter your dorm where she was quick to look around your side.
There were posters from the marvel movies and some pictures on the wall, the shelf’s were filled with comics and some books. “So what are we watching? She asked as she sat on your bed, making herself at home, “I was watching the Hawkeye series but we can watch whatever” you mumbled as you sat next to her. “Is that with the guy who shoots arrows?” You laughed a bit as you sat down next to her, “yeah, Hawkeye or Clint Barton but it isn’t just about him”
Five minutes later you were rambling about what kind of impact someone like Kate bishop had on the whole phase and what could possibly happen between Yelena and her. You were talking on and on without any pause, a smile on your face and your hands wildly gesticulating. “I mean it’s just something different you know? And the way they keep on putting more women into the leading roles just gives us as women a totally new opportunity” and again you just kept on talking until you suddenly stopped and just looked at the brunette in front of you. “What’s wrong? Why’d you stop?” She asked as she scanned your face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to talk the whole time and annoy you” you said as you tuned away from her a bit. “What? Why’d you say that? I was very interested, come on keep talking” she encouraged you with a hand on your leg. “Really?” The shock on your face made her laugh a bit, “yeah”
So you kept talking, you were all giddy, smiling and laughing as you explained why you were so invested and she listened, sometimes asking questions but all with a smile on her face. “Do you maybe wanna, you know, stay and watch it with me? I could lend you something to wear if you want” she smiled brightly as she nodded.
Ten minutes later you two laid in bed in joggers and hoodies, her makeup was washed off showing her natural beauty. The Hawkeye series was playing in the background, “thank you” your voice was small and she wouldn’t have heard you if you weren’t laying so close. “Why?” She asked as she looked at you instead of you laptop, “because you listened to me, people barely do” you explained which made her sigh. The younger carpenter wasn’t sure what to say so instead she just shuffled closer and cuddled up to you.
Somewhere between the episode the two of you fell asleep, cuddled up with the series playing quietly. You woke up the next morning with a sticky note next to your pillow, it was from Tara.
“I had to go back before my sister kills me. Lunch at 2pm? If not call me
You smiled at the note as you got ready.
After some torturing lectures it was finally 2 pm. You went outside to find Tara and her group sitting at a table, she immediately waved you over. “Y/n, good that you’re here. Marvel or DC?” Mindy asked as Tara pulled you to sit next to her. “Marvel all the way” you answered causing Mindy and the younger carpenter to high-five. “No, so not true. DC has way better storylines” Chad said, his twin immediately booing him. “Y/n, tell him how he is wrong” the girl next to you said, but you were to self conscious about your rambling. “It’s fine, trust me” she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around your waist which gave you the comfort to start talking.
This was the first time in years that you finally had someone who wanted to listen to you. You discussed the topics with the others while Tara gazed up at you like you hung the stars.
Again you mumbled a “thank you” to her which made her kiss your cheek. You blushing again
She couldn’t wait to take you on a date.
You were scared of the way people were going to react.
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jacks347 · 4 months
Exactly one person asked for this but that was exactly one person enough so here y'all go, enjoy the rest of the channels and their high school tropes
Caleb and Pack Mom - Childhood friends everyone assumes is already dating (They keep correcting people but secretly enjoy it cause they've been crushing on each other for years)
Connor and Lass - Club president and joined cause she liked him ("Come on, keep up! What are you staring at?" "You. I mean-!")
Deacon and Little One - Book smart introvert and street smart extrovert ("I've never failed a test in my life" "And I've knocked out a gang members tooth once. You tell me which one is more practical")
Chester and CM - Class clown and assigned tutor ("How do you put up with him?" "Remembering he's cute and a lot of caffeine")
Mitch and Lamb - Second generation rivals ("My dad said to tell you you won't win a second time" "Funny, my uncle said to expect it")
Beau and Chef - "Secret" admirer and knowing crush (Constantly leaves notes and gifts in her locker, she absolutely knows it's him but doesn't say anything even though she likes him back cause she thinks it's adorable)
Harlow and Captain - Frequently injured and assigned helper ("How'd you break your leg this time?" "Would you believe me if I said I fell off a roof?" "...goddammit")
Yargwynn and Paradise - Lead in the play and stage manager (Paradise is actually a really solid singer but has paralyzing stage fright so they just stay as stage crew)
Mak and Darling - Delinquent and "I can fix him" girl (Frank is Mak's attempted wingman, he tries so hard to get these two together)
Guardian and Zed - Foreign exchange student and guidance helper assigned to them (Even better if Guardian doesn't speak the language well so they just stare when Zed is talking which makes him nervous and he rambles more, Guardian thinks it's cute)
Albus and Faithful - School flirt and class president tutoring him (Don't lie, you're imagining it now)
Hipswitch and Partner - Reluctant student and quiet art kid project partners (Partner talks through notes ripped from the corners of his sketchbook)
Pandora - Principal's kid that everyone is kinda scared of (Is actually really nice with just a hint of overblown ego, blame football star Odin for that)
David and Angel - Quiet kid and popular girl fake dating (Angel dug herself in a hole and needs a fresh face to get out of it, David is only mildly reluctant cause he thinks Angel's pretty)
Asher and Babe - Football star and cheerleading captain (Don't ask, this is the one that inspired all the rest and now it's stuck here)
Milo and Sweetheart - Club presidents fighting for budgeting (SH runs the NHS chapter, Milo runs the drama club, both slightly resent each other because they need the funding)
Darlin and Sam - Frequently in detention and never in detention ("And just what has landed the school's goody goody in my neck of the woods?" "...I broke a guy's nose." "Hah, same.")
Vincent and Lovely - Superintendent's kid who ditches class and vigilant hall monitor ("Come on, can't you let it slide just this once~" "Do you want me to call your dad?" "No, no, I'll go back, please don't call him-")
Gavin and Freelancer - Academic rivals (FL actually takes it seriously, Gavin only pretends cause he loves to watch FL work)
I think I got all of them
I hope I got all of them
This is going to be a nightmare to tag-
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 spoilers
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Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
“Your soul is mine!” You mimicked Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat. 
“FINISH HIM!” the game announcer bellowed.
“Nooooo!” Beth shouted as Sub-Zero performed their fatality. 
“Beth, your room is a mess!” You hear Quinn shouting from upstairs causing Ollie to sit up from his nap.
“Young lady, did you not clean it earlier when she asked you the first time?” You raised your brow pausing the video game you both were playing.
“Beth!” Quinn shouted from upstairs.
“Uh oh.” Fin giggled looking up from her drawing. “Mommy’s mad.”
“Well, go on.” You said taking her controller hearing her groan.
“Don’t play without me!” Beth shouted as she marched up stairs.
“I help Bethy.” Fin said racing after her, leaving her drawing behind.
You stood making your way to the garage grabbing your sheers you needed to tend to the gardens anyway. Right as you kneeled in front of your flower bed a certain redhead walked by.
“They’re beautiful.” Natasha smiled stopping next to you before crouching down.
“Beautiful flowers-” You cut a small bouquet. “For a beautiful lady.” 
“Thank you.” She chuckled bashfully taking them from you.
“You're welcome.” you grinned before asking. “Off to Wanda’s? Or did you just wanna see me?”
“Well always happy to see you, but I am about to have a drink with Wanda.” She smiled. “Do you wanna join us?”
“No, I'm just messing with you. I'm waiting for Beth to finish her chores so we can go back to our video game marathon.”
“Oooh fun, I've never really played anything before besides what is at an arcade. Sometimes Pietro would convince us to skip school and join him at the arcade.” 
“Woooow, bad student.” you both chuckled.
“I was a great student! How are you by the way?”
“Good; we took Beth to get registered at school earlier today. I can’t believe she’s starting the 6th grade already.”
“I bet, did she join any clubs?”
“Her mother really wants her to be a cheerleader.”
“You don’t?” She raised her brow.
“Not really.” You sighed setting your sheers down. “I just can’t see her doing that.”
“Does she want too?” 
“Well it looks like her new friends are playing soccer. So now she’s on the fence.” You shrugged.
“Lyla’s pretty excited she’s played since she was a little girl.” Natasha added with a smile.
“Secretly, I want her in anything but cheer. I know how cheerleaders are, and I do not want my daughter to be like them.” You grumbled.
“Well they’re only in middle school.” Natasha smirked.
“Of course.” Natasha nodded standing up with a grin.
“Tell Wanda I said hi.” You grinned.
“I will. When are you going to tell Quinn about the job offer?” She raised her brow at you.
“I’m working up to it.” You mumbled.
“Hmhm.” She smirked walking off to the Maximoff residence smelling her flowers. “Thanks for the flowers.”
“Welcome!” You say back as you watch her smile at you before walking inside the Maximoff home.
“Look at that love sick look on your face.” Wanda laughed as she set two wine glasses down.
“Shut up.” She grumbled setting them down softly before taking the glass in her hand.
Natasha was too busy looking at her flowers to notice Wanda yelling at the boys to go outside.
 ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
You were tending to your garden with your phone playing an old Journey song in the back ground. You were jamming along when you heard Wanda’s boys run outside.
“What’s up boys!” You waved seeing the Maximoffs holding a football.
“Hi!” They waved excitedly.
“Can Beth come out and play?” Billy asks.
You sighed looking back at the house. “Well Beth is finishing up her chores but she can when she’s done.”
“Oh okay. Beth said you used to play football.” Tommy says looking at the flowers you were repotting.
“Four time state champ.” You smirked.
“That’s awesome! Mom, just signed us up today, but we don't really know how to play.” Billy says sadly.
“Will you teach us?” Tommy asked sweetly. “Please? When we asked our dad he thought it meant soccer.”
“Well soccer is great too!”
“But we wanna play football.” Billy sighed sadly.
“Please teach us.” Tommy pleaded.
“No…” the boy's looked down in disappointment. “but I’ll coach ya.” You teased with a wink.
The boys jumped up and down cheering.
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Wanda and Natasha were in the middle of a conversation when they heard the boys yelling. They ran outside only to see you teaching them how to tackle. 
“Y/N, is so great with kids.” Wanda said, before taking a sip of her wine. “Ya know if Vis wasn’t such a great husband.” she shrugged jokingly.
Natasha glares playfully. 
“I'm kidding!... Sort of.” Wanda laughed.
“Another thing that makes her undeniably attractive.” Natasha murmured watching you laugh wholeheartedly with the boys.
“Vis is going to be jealous if he sees this.” the taller woman murmured.
“What? That you’re ogling Y/N?” the shorter woman chuckled.
“No.” Wanda laughed, slapping her arm. “More so that Y/N is coaching our sons on how to play football. Vis tried but he grabbed a soccer ball, and the boys didn’t have the heart to tell him.” She sighed before looking over at you. “What is Y/N doing?” 
You were lugging a large tractor tire towards the lawn.
“Okay you were right Y/N is really strong.” Wanda smirked watching your muscles flex as you flipped the tire.
“Can I try?!” She heard Tommy ask and you laughed.
“Be my guest.” You stepped aside as Tommy growled trying to move the tire but only nudged it.
“Oh this is adorable.” Wanda chuckled, taking out her phone once more to record the boys. “Come on Billy, you can do it!” 
“Dad, what are you doing?” Beth asked suddenly next to you.
“Oh hey sweetheart!” You laying your hand on her tiny shoulder. “I'm just teaching the boys about football. They wanted to try and lift the tire before I hang it up.”
“Can I try?” Beth asked looking up at you.
“Of course.”
“Beth!” The boys waved her over explaining how heavy the tire is.
Beth remembered you throwing the tire and squatted down before using her legs to support the toss.
“That’s my daughter!” You cheered.
Beth blushed hearing everyone cheer for her.
You finally moved the tire where you wanted it using rope to tie it to the tree branch out on your lawn. You jumped from the tree taking the ball Billy handed you,
“The key to a perfect spiral is hand placement and foot work.” You showed them with one hand how you were holding it. You slowly showed each step in movement before throwing it right through the tire.
“Wow!” The boys gasped.
“I know right.” Beth grinned.
“Who wants to go first?” You grinned, taking the ball from Billy who ran to get it. “Thanks bud.”
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted from his driveway holding up his arms.
You stepped back angling yourself before grunting as you threw it straight in his arms.
“Yeah!” He chuckled before throwing it right back.
You jumped up catching it before landing back on the grass.
“That was so cool!” The boys gushed.
“Woooo! That’s a running back right there!” He clapped his hands cheering before he walked into his home.
“My turn!” Beth shouted.
Soon Cassie and Morgan, and Monica joined in with the kids throwing perfect spirals.
“Okay but this is such a dad thing!” Carol giggled as she watched you coaching the kids. She and Val walked over to watch you and the kids with Wanda and Natasha. “She’s literally teaching the kids on the block.” 
“It’s called Coaching.” Val smirked, taking a sip of her beer they brought over, nudging her wife. “That’s it sweetheart that’s the hustle!” Val clapped seeing Monica throw the ball through the tire.
Soon a car drove up it was Vis.
“Uh oh.” Wanda sighed.
Vis got out watching his boys being coached by you. He sighed sadly before trudging up the steps. “I see the boys asked Y/N to coach them.” He sighed.
“Oh Vis-“
“It’s quite alright darling. Y/N is a 4 time state champion. They seem to be learning a great deal. I’ll just go get washed up for dinner.” He made a mental note to return the book he purchased earlier that same day.
“Oof, he is definitely upset.” Val nodded.
“I’d give my vibrator to see Y/N in her old football uniform.” Carol fanned herself, ignoring the depressed Englishman to watch you run around with the kids.
“Oh my God, Carol!” Natasha chuckled before looking at Val.
“What? Y/N is hot. I wouldn’t mind them in our bed. Devils threesome and all.” Val shrugged. “Her wife is just as sexy, I can only imagine what goes on in that bedroom.” She laughed causing the women to giggle. 
Natasha stayed silent clenching her legs knowing exactly what you were like as she recalled a memory.
“I’ve seen it.” Wanda blushed smiling as she bit her lip, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Shut up! You have not.” Carol scoffed.
“I did and let me just say Y/N, is very, very well endowed.” Wanda smirked while finishing her drink.
“I can confirm. Hung as a fucking horse” Val chuckled. 
“How did you both even-“ Natasha began she was upset. How dare they oogle you… even though she used to do the same thing.
“Gym I saw the outline.”
“Quinn did this sexy strip tease for Y/N in the living room. It was like watching one of those nature shows I couldn’t look away. Y/N definitely knows how to work a woman, and Quinn knows how to work Y/N. All of Y/N.” She giggled.
“Damn Wands you watched them fuck?” Val furrowed her brows. “Have you ever seen Carol and I?”
“Once.” She giggled.
“Oh my God.” Val muttered.
“We’re getting black out curtains.” Carol murmured. “How did you see Y/N and not tell me though?”
“Are you kidding she made me feel…slightly emasculated. Why would I ever openly say that she’s bigger than-” Val scoffed. 
“Oh baby, you shouldn’t ever feel that way.” Carol smirked sitting on Val’s lap giving her a kiss.
“Alright you two; reel it in.” Nat muttered, sipping her drink as they began to feel eachother up. 
“Speak of the devil.” Wanda said, diverting her attention to the girls to Quinn who stepped out on her own porch.
“Dinner is ready.” Quinn smiled. “Beth, come wash up.”
“Aww but mom! Pop is coaching us!” Beth whined.
“Papa me too! Papa me too!” Fin ran out the door with your old football helmet.
You laughed watching her tumble down the steps the helmet breaking her fall.
“Fin, I told you to leave your papa’s things alone.”
“It’s ok Q.” You wink. 
“Papa my turn!” Fin whined, holding out her tiny hands.
“Oh my gosh fine!” Beth huffed, throwing a spiral at her little sister.
“Beth.” You and Quinn said sternly after it bounced off of the helmet.
“Sorry.” Beth said meekly after her mother glared at her.
“You did great kiddo.” You say pushing the helmet up so she could see.
“Okay enough football for tonight let’s eat dinner. Beth take Fin and go wash up please.”
“Aww mom, one more round!”
“It’s alright Sweetheart I’m pretty hungry. You all were awesome today! It’s getting a little late so everyone go home, and wash up.” You turned waving towards the ladies watching.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Fin!” Beth huffed as Finley ran right behind the other kids to the Maximoff residence.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Natty!” Finley beamed from beneath the helmet.
“Hi Finny!”
“I’m like papa now!”
“I see that you did great!” Natasha smiles lifting your youngest on her lap.
Meanwhile the other neighborhood kids were gushing about their new fondness for football.
“Mom, did you see me?!” Billy gasped holding the football.
“Mom, that was so much fun!” Monica said, looking up at Carol and Val.
“Yeah it was! You did fantastic out there lieutenant trouble!” Carol grinned.
“How’s pizza sound for our little football player?” Val smirked.
“Yayyy!” Monica cheered.
“Mom did you see?!” Tommy panted, his hair crazy and sweaty..
“I did sweetie you and your brother are naturals.” Wanda smiled sweetly, pushing his wet sweaty hair back. “Did you thank coach Y/L/N?” 
“Yes momma.” They nodded.
“Billy and I are gonna make coach Y/L/N a tshirt tomorrow in art class!” Tommy grinned.
“That’s really thoughtful. Boys, go on and take showers, dinner will be ready soon.”
“Bye neighbors!” The boys shouted to the women drinking on their porch before racing one another to the shower.
“Hi Miss Nat, Fin, come on, we have to go back home for dinner.” Beth 
“Hi Beth.” Natasha smiled at Quinn’s mini clone.
“Neh, I stay with Natty.” 
“Oh you’ll stay with me?” Natasha chuckled looking down at her little eyes beneath the helmet.
“Fin.” Beth huffed.
“How about next time Fin? Your mommy made you dinner, it's time to go eat now.”
“Aww.” Finley bowed her head making Natasha lift it back up before she tumbled over by the weight of the helmet.
“We’ll go swimming tomorrow, how about that?” Natasha smiled.
“Okay Natty.” Finley made grabby hands at her older sister. Beth rolled her eyes before lifting her up.
“Bye Natty.” “Bye Miss Nat.” The kids said in unison.
“Bye, see you again soon.” She looked over at you who winked in response.
Natasha looked away when Quinn started acting like a lovesick teenager by pulling you in a kiss.
“You gonna be my coach tonight?” Quinn husked.
“I can think of some drills.” You smirked.
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted as you held your wife by her hips pecking her lips softly. He ran over from across the street.
“Hmm?” You hummed, turning your head before turning away from your wife.
“Let’s all get together this weekend to have a friendly game of touch football? I can bring out the grill and cooler.”
“Yeah man sounds like a plan!” You grinned.
“Nice! I’ll get the guys together.”
“Oi what are we? Chopped liver?” Val shouted.
You chuckled leaning back against Quinn who stood a step higher. Her arms wrapped loosely around your neck. She was whispering sweet nothings near your ear. It drove her absolutely insane when you did anything sports related. 
“The more the merrier!” Steve laughed.
“Yeah sounds good just more ass I get to smack.” You smirked over at them as Quinn bit her lip.
“Wow Y/L/N I had no idea you were such a jock.” Carol smirked.
“Four time state champ baby!” You grinned.
“My mom won the cheer championship 4 times in a row too!” Beth smiled looking up at her mother.
“The jock and the cheerleader. Lots of locker room meetups?” Val smirked. 
“How do you think we got Beth?” You chuckled as Quinn elbowed you and Beth made a ew sound before running inside.
“Nice.” Val chuckled high fiving you.
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The following morning you had been walking Ollie with the girls when you all came across Peter and Gamora Quill walking their animals.
“Oh my gosh!” Beth gasped.
“Can I pet?” Fin pointed.
“Yes.” Gamora giggled. “Yes you can pet.” She crouched down letting your daughters pet their mini zoo of animals.
“Sorry.” You chuckled.
“Oh don’t be neighbor, this happens all the time we don’t mind and neither do they.” Quill laughed. “We were just about to put them in the backyard. Why don’t you guys just follow us and you can keep playing them.”
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“That’s such a sad story but at least they found the their happy ever after. Rocket and the others really went through the ringer.” You say as the raccoon settles on your lap letting you gently pet him as you listen to Peter Quill and Gamora explain how they found him in the first place, and how Gamora made a sort of career change from being a bounty hunter to a rescue hunter. She went from hunting Nazi’s to hunting animal abusers and sometimes even child abusers
“Yeah they really did.” Gamora whispers softly just before Rocket lept from your lap to hers giving her a snuggle before darting off towards up a tree that Peter made a treehouse in. “After finding him and Lylla I couldn’t let them be apart.” 
You smile seeing the otter they rescued in their salt water pool. You sniffled and wiped a tear away looking around at the recuses they have found together. “Well Rocket, is welcomed to our trash anytime.” 
“I love Flor!” Beth giggled as she played with the handicapped bunny. 
“I can’t believe animal cruelty is even a thing. What kind of monster of a human would hurt defenseless animals.” You sigh. “They’re all so sweet and beautiful. Makes me love and appreciate Ollie even more. I’ve only known Rocket, Lylla, Cosmo, and Flor a short while and I would absolutely lay my life down for them just like I would for Ollie.” You smiled seeing Ollie and Cosmo playing around with one another.
“Maybe we can take all of you to visit Teefs.” Gamora smiled. “He’s living at the Aquarium now in New York. We hated separating them but Teefs needed a lot of special care and the Aquarium provides that. We take them out to visit him at least 3 times a month.”
“I’d love to meet the big guy, and I’m sure the girls would too as well.” You chuckle as Cosmo, their rescue dog, gives you kisses. “Thank you Cosmo, you're a good girl.” She barked in excitement she whisked Fin up and on her back. Zooming all of the yard chasing Ollie.
“Cosmo zoomies!” Fin giggled on her back.
“The girls are in love with this place.” You chuckled seeing Beth’s face light up when floor hopped on her chest as they laid in the grass.
“They are always welcome here.” Gamora smiled.
“Yeah maybe next time I can grill us some burgers, and you can actually meet our team.” Peter grinned.
“Yeah I’d like that!” After a beat you asked; “Have you thought about opening up a rescue center?”
“We have but we just felt like if we did then it would need to basically be a zoo so they can free roam and not be tied down in a cage.”
“Well when you guys find the right place let me know. I’d love to help out in anyway that I can.”
“Thank you Y/N.” Gamora smiled.
“Beer?” Peter grins, handing you a bottle.
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“Hey.” You say knocking on her office door.
“Hi baby, you and the girls have a nice walk?” Quinn smiles, taking her glasses off looking from her computer to you.
“It was great we met some more neighbors down the block, but we can talk about that later. I wanna talk with you about something important to me.”
“Okay.” She said standing up taking your hand leading you to her loveseat. “What’s going on?”
“Well a few days ago I was speaking with Tony, and he basically offered me a job on his team.”
“With Stark Industries?” Quinn’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, he heard I was supposed to go to MIT, and since I actually know what I’m doing he offered me a job.”
“Wow.” She smiled, patting your hands.
“You don’t want me to take it.” You mutter softly with a sigh.
“It’s just Fin is still not in school, and I-“
“Natasha said she’d be her babysitter, and Beth will be in school.” You say.
Quinn bit her lip looking away.
“Hey.” You say gaining her attention back. “This is important to me. I can actually bring something home. I can actually have my own career. It’s time Quinn.”
“Let’s wait a couple years for Fin to go to school then we can-“
“If you don’t want Natasha to take care of Fin. Then why don’t you just work from home fulltime and take care of our daughters yourself?”
“I can’t do that.”
“Quinn why can’t you just meet me half way-“
“Because I may be pregnant.” She interrupts you.
“Wait what?” You furrow your brows.
“I didn’t wanna tell you yet, I wanted to be sure.” She sighed standing up.
“Oh.” You raise your brows.
She swiftly turned around glaring at you. “You said you wanted-“
“No, no, I do, I do.” You say quickly rushing to her side, taking her hands. “Have you taken a test yet?”
“No…I’m still waiting a few more days to see if I start.” She muttered. 
“Okay.” You nodded. “So we really aren’t sure yet.”
“No… but I know my body, and it feels just like the first time. I’ll make a doctor's appointment.”
You took her hand and sat down in thought. You did want another baby, but you knew she didn’t want another. You can’t help but feel a little blind sided. You internally roll your eyes at yourself Beth and Finley were both surprises, and you did tell her you wanted another baby. Maybe you won't have to turn down your dream job. You take in a deep breath and slowly release before saying something more so for yourself.
“One day at a time.”
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sparklingcid3r · 7 days
when paul and darry fully part ways, how often do they think of each other? how do u think darry felt being apart of the greasers fully now (esp bc darry canonically did want tb a greaser anyways) and watching paul become best friends w bob? sry tht was a lot of qs it was just train of thought.
Nah ur all good i fuck heavy w this🙏
If SE Hinton told me she was going to write a short story about anything of my choosing, I would pick Darry’s time in high school with Paul. I need to see the build-up and fall-out of their relationship. Pony literally says that there was no question of if Darry despised Paul—he hated that man. And Paul hated Darry too. I need to know why, it’s like a part of my soul is missing.
And it’s because of that obvious hatred that they live in each other’s heads rent fucking free👏 ESPECIALLY immediately following the breakup. Darry was way more free of Paul than Paul of Darry since Darry definitely had a shit ton on his mind yk with the whole dead parents+new guardian thing on his plate, meanwhile Paul literally had one less thing to do in Darry’s absence (which was hanging out w Darry) so brother had time to let it LINGER.
They aren’t constantly about to sneeze w how much space they take up in each other’s heads though, but I just know they’re constantly dealing with seeing mundane things and being brought back to when they were still close. Darry will be eating a bowl of peanuts and remember the way he used to throw them into Paul’s mouth when they went to the bar together with some of the football team. Paul will be at the gas station and smell the gasoline and remember the hours they spent in Paul’s garage just hanging out, just horsing round, doing what they’ve always done (🏳️‍🌈🤷‍♀️)
And Darry’s literally got a physical possession of Paul’s still in the house, you mean he didn’t burn that shit immediately?? I know what you are👁️👁️
That all being said, as a twenty-year-old who is freshly over Paul, he thinks it’s fucking hilarious seeing the way Paul tried to replace him. Nobody’s replacing Darry and to him, it’s just proof that their time meant something, enough that Paul’s immediately filling over the gap he left behind. Darry never liked Bob, though, but as far as he’s concerned, him and Paul are perfect for each other. Darry’s got his gang for life and he knows they’re better than whatever the hell Paul’s trying cook up on the West Side.
I’m not convinced Darry is entirely happy being a full-time greaser, but he’s at least subconsciously glad he doesn’t need to keep a foot in the door anymore. He’s got his place, he’s got his people, and they’re good people, so he’s content to make do with what he’s got.
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canirove · 8 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 5
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"Rúben!" Julia screamed when I opened the door. 
"Hello, little one" he said, picking her up with those arms of his. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you!" she said. "I'm Queen Elsa and she is Anna."
"Oh... Is that why you are wearing those braids? I like them."
"Thank you" I said, feeling my cheeks getting warm. Why was I blushing? We had been able to have a proper conversation earlier, and now...
"So if you are Elsa, and she is Anna... Who am I?"
"Kristoff! He is Anna's boyfriend."
"Is he?" Rúben said, looking at me with a cheeky smile before putting Julia down. He was giving me a cheeky smile. Me. Because Kristoff is Anna's boyfriend and I'm Anna and he is Kristoff and... 
"He is! You'll see, we are watching "Frozen" tonight! And we have popcorn, and chocolate, and gummy bears!" Julia said, grabbing his hand and taking him to the kitchen. "Look!"
"Can you eat any of this? You probably have to follow a very strict diet to look like that" I said, my eyes going all over his body, something that he definitely noticed. "In shape I mean. For football." 
"I can eat some popcorn, don't worry. And if I eat too much, I'll make sure to burn it tomorrow during training" he replied, this time with the same smirk from when we first met. Oh, dear Lord.
When we sat down on the sofa to watch the movie, Julia was between us, the popcorn on her lap. While I had my arms crossed over my chest, trying to not freak out, Rúben was feeling himself at home, one of his arms stretched over the back of the sofa, his fingers just millimeters away from my neck. My exposed neck because of the braids. If he moved just a bit, he could touch it, and I would probably melt just as Olaf does in the movie.
Thanks to Julia's constant comments I was able to stop thinking about it for a while, but during one of the songs I looked at him and he was... singing? Rúben Dias... was singing... "Love is an open door"? What? And he also sang "Let it go". Word by word. He said he was a Disney fan, but this? This was unexpected. 
"Can we watch "Frozen 2" now?" Julia asked when the movie ended.
"It's bed time."
"But it's a Friday! C'mon, please" she said, looking at me with puppy eyes. 
"We'll leave it for next Friday."
"Will you come?" she asked Rúben.
"If I can I will."
"Yay!" she said, giving him a hug. "Anna can't be without Kristoff."
And what was Rúben's answer to that? Another smirk. While looking at me.
"Let's go get you changed, Julia" I quickly said, getting up from the sofa.
"Rúben, can you take me flying to my room?" she asked him, already climbing into the back of the sofa.
"Wait, Julia.” But before I could say or do anything else, she was jumping, Rúben catching her and making her fly as if she was Supergirl. 
"Look, I'm flying!" she giggled. "To my room!"
"Ready for landing?" Rúben asked her when the three of us made it there. 
"One... Two... Three!" he said before throwing her into the bed, Julia bouncing when she landed, her laugh echoing around the room.
"You already landed, it can´t happen again. Now it's time to get changed."
"Boring" she pouted.
"I'll wait outside."
"But you are coming back to say boa noite, aren't you?"
"Of course" Rúben said, closing the door behind him but coming  back later so they could say goodnight to each other in Portuguese. And maybe, just maybe... I was melting like Olaf while watching it all.
"Next time you have to make her fly" Julia said, pointing at me. "She's a guardian angel but she doesn't have wings."
"She may be scared of flying..." Rúben said. And yes, he was smirking again.
"She isn't, she's been to Spain."
"Then I'll make sure to make her fly." And the way he looked at me, the way he smiled at me... That told me that he wasn't talking about carrying me around with those stupidly big arms of his. He was thinking about something else. Could have I been imaging it? Maybe. Maybe my brain was playing tricks on me because I thought he had been flirting with me earlier. But what I was feeling all over my body was too real to be just my imagination. 
"Let me help you clean everything" he said once we left Julia in her room.
"You don't need to, you should probably go rest too. Aren't you playing this weekend?"
"On Sunday. Why don't you come?"
"You and Julia. You said you are spending the whole weekend with her, right?"
"I am, yes."
"Then come to the game, I'll get you tickets. We are playing against Chelsea at 5 pm. When you get home she'll be so tired  that she'll be asleep before you put her to bed."
"I'll have to ask Lucy first."
"Yes, of course" he said, the popcorn ball and all our leftovers on his hands while he walked into the kitchen. "But if you come, can I get you both my shirt? Or is that too much for an Arsenal girl?"
"I'm not an Arsenal girl" I said, following him. "I mean, yes but no."
"How so?" he said, letting everything he was carrying on the kitchen's counter and leaning against it. But not like normal people. No. He did it on the sexiest way possible.
"I... I've never really been into football” I finally said, focusing on looking at the clock behind him. "My grandad has been taking me to Arsenal games since I can remember, and when I was eight I actually started playing. My feet weren't made to kick a ball, but my hands were really good at stopping it."
"Were you a goalkeeper?"
"For a year I was, yes. They gave me a medal and everything. But then my dad got scared because I could injure my fingers or wrists, which would mean no more piano, and piano was the only thing that mattered. Not if I was happier playing football."
"He made you quit?"
"He didn't make me. He forced me to. And after that I kind of stopped caring about football because it made me sad. I still went to some games with grandad, but it wasn't the same."
"I'm sorry" Rúben said. He had moved forward without me noticing and was standing very close to me. Very close. 
"Thank you" I whispered, my eyes fixed on the floor. If I looked up, that was it. It would probably faint, die, or both things at the same time. But that could still happen without looking at him, because his hand was moving towards my face. No, it was on my face. His thumb was on my cheek and... 
"Fuck!" I screamed when the phone rang, my heart on my throat.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes, yes. I just wasn't expecting to hear the phone."
"Me neither" Rúben chuckled. And when I finally looked up... There it was. Another smirk. 
"I better pick that up, it probably is Lucy checking in."
"I asked her about the game" I said to Rúben after talking with Lucy.
"She said yes."
"Great" he said with a big grin. He looked so... Happy? But it was because Julia was going. He clearly loved that kid. "I'll send you the tickets tomorrow. Can I get your number or your email? Maybe both? Just in case something happens."
"Perfect" he said after I wrote both things on a paper. "I'll see you on Sunday, Anna."
"Elsa and I will be there, Kristoff." 
And he smiled, and I smiled. And after he left, I was still smiling. And oh, my God. Had all that been a dream? Had I imagined it all? Or had Rúben spent half the day flirting with me?
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
ok ok ok but imagine trent's daughter, Phoebe and Henry, on a playdate or exploring stadium together? Like how have these kiddos not become friends??
Headcanon time:
During a weekend training Henry is visiting again, Roy's sister is sick so he's justifying the Best Uncle award Phoebe gave him last year (it's very glittery), and Trent's babysitter unexpectedly bailed. So they all trail into work with kids that day and Rebecca is like, "Excuse me this is not a fucking daycare."
She says this while giving them all a kiss.
Pheobe: "That's a bad word, Ms. Welton, you owe me a pound."
Henry and Phoebe immediately race outside to play with the team but Trent's daughter, who is both younger and has never played football before, is just the shiest little bean about joining in. Trent, expert in anxious parenting, is prepared to run damage control with her favorite coloring books but Ted holds him back and within ten minutes Phoebe is showing her the ropes while Henry is Very Seriously working to tie her hair back for her.
Henry: "Excuse me, Mr. Independent sir, but can I borrow another hair-tie?"
Trent: "... how do you know my name?"
Trent, internally: Wait. Mr. Independent isn't my name??
Trent, with shorter hair than in Season 2: "Never mind that. How do you know I have hair-ties?"
Henry, answering both questions: "Daddy."
[Trent.exe has stopped working]
Rebecca, shouting across the pitch: "Give her pigtails, Henry! There you go!"
So the crimmlet learns some football and Trent, after recovering from his Omg Ted Talks About Me to His Son panic almost sorta kinda cries about it. By this point the himbos are absolutely in love with the trio and would die for them, no hesitation. (Dani actually says this, which is mildly alarming for the kids). After some super secret techniques are shared -- Phoebe: "This is how you kick the ball into someone's face. Uncle Ted loves it!" -- they all decide that they should probably get some actual training done. Besides, Henry just brought up the West Ham game he went to and... uh...
Yeah. Best to scoot them on out of there. Unconditional love doesn't trump hatred of West Ham, unfortunately.
The stadium houses a team of pro athletes and a massive staff of sleep-deprived professionals, meaning that there's plenty of food to go around for lunch. Ted (childhood personified) and Trent (a domestic mess post-divorce) are both happy to let the kids pig out on snacks. A growled "Fuck that" from Roy sends them off to the kitchen downstairs.
Do stadiums have kitchens? No idea. Probably not. This one does!
Trent, carryout aficionado: "So... does anyone know how to cook?"
Roy: "Do I fucking look like I have time to cook?"
Trent: "This was your idea."
Roy: "Shut up."
Ted: "Hmm. I'm afraid I'm more of a baking man myself."
The kids have been sitting at the counter, heads ping-ponging back and forth as they watch their three guardians fail the basic task of feeding them. Luckily for their faith in adults, it's about this moment that the crimmlet remembers that this is Ted.
Biscuit Ted.
Did you know that Trent Crimm used to be in a band? A metal band? That for six months in college he rebelled in the only way he knew how - artistically - and screamed everything he was keeping bottled up inside until he learned to purge himself through vicious prose instead?
His daughter inherited his lungs.
A six-year-old's high-pitched screaming + the reverberation of a primarily metal space = Significant Pain. Ted's, "Holy moly, Ms. Banshee!" is barely audible and Roy just nopes out of the situation without a shred of guilt. Phoebe and Henry -- immune to loud noises in the way only children can be -- exchange a A Look over the top of the crimmlet's head. Because she's screaming for the biscuits Ted gives her every week.
Henry hasn't had his Dad's cookies in six months.
Phoebe hasn't had them at all.
Now the screaming is joined by Very Indignant Yelling.
Trent: "Ted just make them some fucking biscuits."
Ted: "Right because that's healthier than the vending machines!?"
But one sugary meal is worth saving their eardrums, so.
There's an immediate change in tune when Ted asks who's gonna help him lick the bowl. Instant peace. Baking with three kids is messy, to put it mildly, and Ted isn't entirely sure how flour got into Trent's hair, but it definitely has more white streaks in it than it did this morning. Without thinking, he reaches up to smooth some of the flour away, fingers dragging gently through a lock and brushing his cheek in the process.
[Trent.exe has stopped working x2]
Crimmlet, tugging his pantleg with little flour handprints: "Daddy can the biscuit man stay forever?"
Trent, voice strangled: "... sure, honey."
Higgins pops in to find an absolute disaster of a kitchen and the normally unruffled Trent with cheeks the color of maraschino cherries (what's that about?). After getting caught up on events -- what they're willing to admit to, anyway -- he gently informs them that he could have fixed the kids a meal not made out of sugar and butter. Ah well. Too late now.
Higgins: "Also, Ted, shouldn't you be coaching the boys?"
Ted: "I'm sure Beard has it well in hand."
[Hard cut to the team seated semi-circle around Beard. He's lecturing on the drugs they can take without tanking their careers. Many are taking notes.]
The one good thing about a sugar high is that the crash comes right afterwards. Pheobe managed to get the crimmlet on her shoulders and the three of them raced off to explore the stadium, burning with short-term energy. Trent is mildly concerned about them sneaking out, but Ted reassures him that there's security at every exit. You know, to keep any... uh...
Trent: Press out?
Ted: Not all the press.
Trent: Oh, so I'm an exception am I?
Higgins, still standing there, forgotten, thinking about the book Trent is writing and how yes, he's literally an exception??
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Ted: Trent Crimm you are not only an exception, you are exceptional.
[Trent.exe has stopped working x3]
Higgins, internally: OHHHHHHHHH
Later, there is a brief moment of panic when they can't find the kids -- Roy: "Don't worry. I once lost Phoebe and she turned up in my neighbor's bathtub with a new haircut." Ted: "Huh. That there's a story for another time." -- but Will ushers them quietly into the storeroom where they're piled like puppies on a bed of clean laundry, fast asleep. Ted snaps a picture and immediately sends it to the Richmond group chat. The himbos all come running to see the wholesomeness for themselves.
Will, whispering: They're so cute!! ... wait, now I need to do the laundry again :(((
Dani: No. Do not. Their beautiful, sleepy essence will help us win games.
Will: ... weird, but alright.
Henry's getting a little big for this now, but Ted manages to lift him bridle style and gently presses a kiss into his hair. Trent tenderly picks his little girl up, hand cradling her curls.
Roy slings Phoebe over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She doesn't stir.
Rebecca sternly tells them that they're never to do this again, but also if she doesn't see the trio soon they'll regret it. Here's the ten pounds I owe Phoebe. Also there had better be some biscuits left, Ted.
Henry only wakes when they're back at the apartment, Beard flipping through nature documentaries while Ted kicks his legs up into his lap. Henry squeezes between the two of them.
Ted: "You have fun today, kiddo?"
Henry: "Uh huh."
Ted: "Hey, what's Trent's daughter's name anyway?"
Henry: "Oh... I never asked."
Beard tuts. "Why you wanna know so bad?"
Ted: "I just figure I should know his kid's name before I ask him out."
[Trent, twelve miles West, suddenly and without any warning getting hit with an absolute fuckton of feelings]:
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I want to make a post about Nathan especially with the series officially ended after last year's release of Army of the Doomstar and the closure that came with that chapter and its story. It also despite being a movie format instead of a full fledged season managed to tie up a lot of character loose ends and questions for me especially regarding Nathan.
Primarily the issue people tend to have had with Nathan from a viewer standpoint and how people have always used his "inconsistency" to say the writing is poor or sloppy when it really wasn't.
Yes Nathan "flip flops" on whether he views his friends as friends let alone family or just people he has the unfortunate chance to share a home with, but the show itself and especially its finale really kind of explains why he's that way especially when looking at the facetime call with his parents in the finale.
Nathan like Pickles does seem to have a connection to his family unlike the rest of the band who for their own general health and well-being avoid their parents/guardians because it shoves them into really dark places...Not to say Pickles is never in a dark place around his family but we know he has repeat offenses of reaching out to them or offering help to them despite how cruel and greedy they tend to be towards his kindness.
Nathan obviously, thankfully has parents who don't act like that....But also the finale kind of did show there are issues there that I do think have a lot to do with the way we see Nathan through all four seasons of the show.
First of all we know Nathan suffered a traumatic event when he was a child aka the bus incident. We know it still fucks him up due to the fact we have an episode with a cold open featuring this accident, it ties heavily into why he stopped caring about his education and seemed to just want to avoid school altogether, it seems to be the pinpoint of him excluding himself socially from those around him in a school environment especially and also there was a magazine interview years ago with Nathan where the accident is brought up and Nathan gets really triggered by it being mentioned but claims he never thinks about it despite we know he does and he's severely traumatized by it.
All of this to say I don't think his parents handled the incident well. They already had a son who didn't begin speaking until the age of five and from the looks of it continued to speak at a minimal level because he just "never had anything to say" and then for him to start socially opening up only to endure a trauma that fucking intense more than likely slammed him back into being mute which considering this would have been the late 80s nobody would really know how to deal with him. We also know Oscar didn't want to be a father. Period.
He says in the show he had retired and just wanted to drink beer and relax but then Rose got pregnant and suddenly his money had to go towards a nursery, baby clothes, etc. instead of enjoying his life the way he felt he should be able to at his age. Having a son probably took the edge off but to have a son who was a mama's boy who never spoke and learned slower than other kids his age I am going to guess caused issues with them, Nathan playing football and excelling with it probably gave them a bonding point, but then Nathan saying fuck it with school altogether and growing his hair out and starting a garage band seemed to completely fuck the relationship between them causing that resentment we see when Oscar is introduced in season one.
Then of course later Nathan mentions his relationship with his father is repaired due to him starting his own line of bbq sauce which weirdly makes sense because Oscar is the very typical old school manly man type who would indeed bond with his son over BBQ and fishing and hunting and gun ranges and that sort of shit that Nathan obviously is interested in he's just also into wearing nail polish and song writing and crying watching Wall-E Toki.
Nathan does seem to have a closer bond to his mom who I assume coddled him especially with him needing extra attention especially after what happened at school. I do definitely want to kind of focus on Rose because of the Facetime call especially.
A super interesting thing that's funny and interesting to me I guess is Rose is either a naturally morbid person but considering we can presume her side of the family is the side where Nathan gets his indigenous heritage from we can kind of assume she very possibly grew up knowing about the whole cannibalism thing but kept it from Nathan as a kid due to thinking it might be overwhelming. But Nathan as an adult we usually see Rose telling Nathan about really fucked up shit which is hilarious due to her accent and her just average woman you see in Walmart look so its wild hearing her excitedly gossip about people being horrifically mutilated and killed.
And I get it....It's fucked up, but her son is in a death metal band, he writes songs about weird fucking violent shit all the time so as far as Rose sees it maybe he's into that? So why not tell him about a neighbor getting frost bite or some people dying on a rollercoaster? She thinks it will inspire him writing wise which I find endearing that it is her encouraging what her son does for a living.
What makes it interesting in a way that is relevant to the point I swear to God I am trying to make here though is...Nathan hates it. When she tells the frost bite story to him he's physically tense, covering his ears and wants her to stop talking and is open about how fucked up it is. In the movie when she talks about the roller coaster he has a similar repulsed reaction. We as the audience have seen plenty of instances of Nathan being genuinely uncomfortable with real life death, I mean the dude fucking takes his dentist out on a hunting trip and tries to befriend him solely to keep him from being so lonely he offs himself which unfortunately leads to the man killing himself in front of Nathan who looks traumatized....Which y'know is valid. The point is Nathan is....soft. He's like myself or most people, he likes fictional violence in horror or a video game but he literally doesn't want to see somebody die in front of him. He isn't going to get excited when his mom talks about kids and women dying, he just gets uncomfortable with it.
What is super interesting about that is....Rose and Oscar never notice that. It's obvious when he's uncomfortable in his face and his body language but they never take notice or take the way he reacts as a sign to stop being morbid. Even when he tries to tell them what's bothering him in AOTD, that the world is literally going to end and that he's seriously freaking the fuck out they dismiss him. They immediately assume he's acting off solely because Abigail rejected him and while we know obviously the situation with Abigail fucks him up it uh is kind of a very minor point in comparison to literally everything else happening.
And it can make sense they assume he's being the typical goth boy and being dramatic the world is ending cause a girl dumped him because we do as the audience know how Nathan is when it comes to love. He falls in love with women super fucking fast and hard and then becomes immensely depressed and dramatic when it doesn't work out...But I also feel like as a parent maybe you should just be open and ask if there is something wrong, not just assume it's a girl problem thing.
This comes to the point for me really. Nathan has never the whole ass series tried to actually talk to anybody about the apocalypse. This dude canonically has been having dreams about the Whale and the world ending and the prophecy ever since he was a child. He hasn't really had a day in his life that hasn't been plagued by this whole fucked up thing and he seems to have always known its safest to just keep it to himself and I kind of wonder if maybe he did at some point as a kid try to convey this thing to his mom or dad only to be brushed off or told he's being silly despite being distressed by it.
And in terms of the show itself he never opens up even to Charles or Ishnifus or Knubbler. People who literally knew or found out about the prophecy and things Nathan was experiencing, but Nathan never opened up to them. He was scared when he didn't need to be, but he's literally never felt he was in a safe space to tell the truth. And then we see him facetime his parents when he's scared as fuck and try to just tell them how scared he is about what's happening and how he may genuinely lose them and everybody he loves if he does this wrong and they don't listen or take him seriously they just assume "oh is it because it didn't work out with that girl you liked?"
Whether or not its a fault of theirs or just normal to assume he's being melodramatic it still hurts and confirms to him he has to shoulder things himself. He never told his friends about the memories that were taken from them, because he didn't want to burden them and decided it was easier to keep those memories for himself instead, he never talked to anybody about his dreams or the prophecy. Even the episode where he has a nightmare about his band dying he doesn't tell them that was the dream, he tells them the safe part of the nightmare, the part that doesn't come down to; "hey so I have a crippling fear of you guys dying and me being alone forever"
And Nathan is very select with his moments of considering them family or being close. He calls them his family when Skwisgaar fucks off and when the others are driving him fucking crazy, but its a moment where he's pissed off and just slapped two of them so honestly I don't think they were paying much attention to him calling them his family. He treats Toki like a little brother, but never really seems comfortable to title anything in any way to show he does care about him throughout the series like he has a fear of doing so with anybody.
The last two seasons of the show make this intense point of showcasing the rest of the band have their own....thing. Codependent family unit poly love hate thing going on. Toki and Murderface are fucking almost always together the last two seasons and are increasingly comfortable with each other, Skwisgaar and Murderface the same, Pickles and Murderface have always been super close but seem again closer in the final two seasons. The three of them and Pickles have their own thing and we see that Skwisgaar and Murderface have a repeat habit of hiding in bed with Pickles when they're scared due to Pickles mentioning he told them to stop scaring themselves which again means they have a actual habit of getting in bed with him when they want to feel safe. We see Pickles confide in Toki about his abusive father and Toki genuinely looks sad to hear that happened to him. In Dethvanity Murderface calls out for Toki and Pickles when his face is disfigured at the end. The list honestly goes on.
Just to say these four are close and they are emotionally available to one another and honest with each other and when you really look at the way they interact with one another it is different than how Nathan does in the last two seasons. Nathan used to be right there with them. Nathan used to be more honest and close and open with the others, I mean the first two seasons Nathan, Pickles and Murderface were their own little trio typically excluding Skwisgaar and Toki. Nathan fucking lost his shit after the motorcycle accident and spent the whole fucking episode indulging in Murderface's near death life crisis because he fully blamed himself and seemed to just have a general anxiety of being away from him after that.
The closer we get to the prophecy coming to fruition and the apocalypse the more Nathan closes off because he's living with more and more shit he doesn't feel he can share. I mean he could never talk to his parents about what's happening to him so how can he trust anybody? What if he opened up to Pickles and Pickles laughed at him or called him crazy and walked away? It would have fucking crushed him and I don't think Nathan would have known how to process it if he had to live with knowing he couldn't share the darker parts of himself with people he thought he could trust.
Pickles was fully right when he confronted Nathan and told him it is his fault. If he let people in instead of closing off and pushing them away then maybe shit would be better. Maybe Murderface wouldn't have gotten possessed, the band wouldn't have broken up in the first place, he wouldn't have projected his insecurities onto Abigail and thought marriage would save him from having to be honest with himself, maybe Magnus would have had a chance if Nathan had noticed his behavior earlier on when everybody else knew he was off the deep end. Nathan blames himself for so much shit, too much admittedly but he never exactly seemed to know why he did it other than to put himself into a Batman esque martyr position.
Nathan confessing to them he never had a relationship with Abigail and that he was indeed just harassing her is the first time we see him super honest with everybody in his life. It's the first time he seems comfortable with himself to the point of being able to showcase a vulnerability because he trust them enough to know they're not going to mock him.
Like Nathan is genuinely interesting and complex as a character, all five of them are, and his complicated relationship to the band I think comes down to a lot of childhood trauma he never knew how to process and being raised to sort of just lock everything in the vault of his mind and pretend its whatever and doesn't bother him. Either as a way to protect himself from the fear of people rejecting his vulnerability or the fear of burdening loved ones with shit he doesn't want them to worry about or be scared about.
Regardless I would like if there was ever a future story involving these characters I would love to see Nathan evolve from the point we leave on where he is finally open and honest with his friends who literally spent four seasons desperately just wanting him to share that side of himself with them so they know he cares.
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carissimipaixao · 1 year
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published on: june 27, 2023 pairing: miguel o'hara & reader word count: 700+ note: so, i watched the across the spiderverse movie recently and... i think you know the rest. tags: @mylovelyreblogs
Dreams haunt you at night.
It's weird because, truly, you never cared about them. You always forgot them by the time you woke up, your guardians say. It's never real, they reassure you. You cannot dream of something you have never seen before.
Those words allowed you to grow out of your curiosity, pushing it aside — for that everything is temporary and utterly pointless. Dreams became foggy reminders of the creative and mysterious ways of the mind manifesting its wishes, fears and everything, all at once, until it all became irrelevant.
Indeed, you never remembered them once you realized how insignificant dreaming is to your living experience. You discarded them by the moment your eyes opened to the blinding lights around you.
Yet, here you are.
It is hard to pinpoint the exact moment they began. Perhaps, much like a little spider, they slowly crawled their way back to you, when you least expected it, when you were the most vulnerable. It began with little flashes as you woke up, recalling what had transpired in your mind. Then, thoughtful moments as you tried to process it, tried to understand whatever was going on with you.
How can it be possible for someone like you to feel—
They aren’t real.
Yet, whenever you close your eyes, they are. Everything blooms to life. Everything is so real behind your closed eyelids, in your head, that you become unsure if your living reality is the false reality, if your dreaming reality is truly this magical. You come to life, like a real human being.
There is a child in your dreams. You don't know her name, but it is when you close your eyes into that deep slumber that you do and you know her dreams, her hopes and all that goes behind those childish eyes, filled with innocence. They are so beautiful, and it reminds you of the wonders of humanity, of what it is to be human and to be young and to be free.
You want to be free — a particular wish you have never had, a dream you have never cared about that now follows you back to your reality, now outside the dreaming reality that continues to chase you. It is poison.
Even so, you want it.
You have been convinced that you need no one besides your guardians, and, perhaps, with reason. They have created you — this version of you, stripped of everything but your memories, your now twisted consciousness. They are the only ones who can guarantee your safety and survival. If something were to happen to you, you would be gone forever. No trace to be found, for that they had already been erased off the face of the very Earth you walked.
Yet, there is a man in your dreams. He is often with the same girl that calls you by your name and grabs your hand — gripping the flesh in your hand — as she speaks happily about what she has done at school and how much she loves to play some iteration of American football with her father. Just like her, you don’t know this man and you certainly don’t recognize him from anywhere.
Your mind deceives you. It tells you that this man is familiar to you, it tells you to lend him your trust. Indeed, in these dreams, he reminds you of the warmth that you once knew, back when you were normal, before everything changed. Perhaps, because you feel so incredibly different and real in these dreams, it makes you believe that you can trust him, that you are as human as he is. You are an outsider to the family in your dreams — that much you know — but he treats you like you are a part of it all.
Why don’t you stay? His whisper reminds you that all is temporary and everything is purely constructed by the power of your mind. It is intriguing, to say the least, that those words seem to ground you, allowing you to remain in this confusing reality for a little longer before you are abruptly awakened.
You have had enough.
You want to disable the feature. You have stopped being human a long time ago, and you cannot understand the futile attempt, nor the reasons behind all of this. You will never be alive like you are in your dreams, and that is a dream that is completely impossible to achieve — even for scientists as smart and as incredible as your guardians.
You aren’t their daughter anymore.
You aren’t you anymore.
If you cannot be human as you are in your sleep, then you will be free. At the very least, that is what you want.
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morns-fevered-dream · 4 months
Well I've tried to avoid spoilers but their are a few things I know going in the appearance of a character from ENT I'd originally guessed Trip Tucker because he died in a weird way and in non-cannon he did things after his "death" but a sci fi news article discussing Daniels gives me a feeling it's him makes more sense though and I saw two images one of a old Burnham and one of Burnham and Moll standing in front of some light on a cliff or something due to a current boycott of Paramount and Paramount+ I'm watching this from a pirate cove and I'd encourage you to do the same and without further ado live blogging of Star Trek Discovery and as always 🌟SPOILERS🌟
Season 5 Episode 10
I'm still sad this is the last episode of DIS
Well I'm glad it's longer then a regular episode but part of me was hoping for a 2 hour finale but considering it wasn't known until after shooting that it was the last episode and then reshoots that I'm sure are the extra length of this episode
I wonder if we'll see the Breen that went in before Moll and Burnham?
Huh Burnham had the same thought
Nooo Burnham
Oh there's one of three Breen cracked like an egg
And their is the other Breen not a happy one either maybe if the Breen had sent scientists instead of Soldiers they'd be more willing to work together Burnham
Damn that was a football tackle
About to be pulled away by a hurricane and still trying to punch damn Burnham is right "STOP IT"
Lots of slow mo
Damn the Breen is back
Why is Moll flying with a gun?
Why did Moll shoot the Breen? I mean the Breen is under her command
No wonder the Breen was so mad their own boss killed the other Breen like a cracked egg I'd be pissed too
Damn Moll is not likable even for a villain
Yeah that's what I thought
Now thinking about it I definitely thought that Detmer and Owosekun would be back by now tbh
Yeah Nhan stepping up suck it admiral
"At least the Breen have a vested interest" didn't you just kill your own Breen soldiers?!
Return of the spinning camera and a surprise appearance of shaky camera
Since it's the last episode I want to say I think DIS has my favorite Engineer crew out of all the Trek shows between Stamets, Adira, Reno and the occasional Booker, Tilly or Culber it has my favorite dynamic
There's one of the images that was spoiled them standing in front of whatever that ripple thing is
Oh they aren't fighting Tahal yet? Then what Breen Is Discovery fighting oh is it the Ruhn Breen Dreadnought or whoever runs it now Moll or that Asrisar Breen
"Ambassador Saru are you insane?" Is hilarious
Just like her Breen colleagues don't turn your back on Moll
Moll isn't very smart Burnham told you the clue and you didn't even use it
What was that scream Moll that was some serious yelling in lower case
Yes trust the good doctor odd visions or whatever
Damn Seru that was cold as ice
I swear Burnham is like the perfect Federation Captain because I would have been pissed
I kind of like that the most powerful tech in the universe is represented with some simple glass triangles
Ancient humanoid appearance!
Something before the progenitors? Mmmh interesting I know Q and the Guardian Of Forever were before the ancient humanoids I'm pretty sure but not much else is known
I love that it's Booker that's with Hugh others would try to explain or theorize but Booker is just like "damn that's crazy" the same nonchalant attitude when Hugn decided to join in the shuttle in the first place
Wow that's a lot of camera spinning
Separate the what?
Damn the ancient humanoids really trying to put this technology off on someone else
A TNG Enterprise D style saucer separation WOOOOOOOOOOO BABY
Is that the Breem Scout ship it looks nice
Ain't no way they just spun that colossal giant Dreadnought like a bayblade that was totally cool
Damn the Progenitor really gave Burnham a crash course on almost all of existence huh?
Honestly I've been thinking all season that kind of technology needs to go permanently
I'm sad Stamets won't get his legacy dream the spore drive program was canceled and made secret, spore drive didn't replace the regular warp drive in the 32nd century and now unable to study the progenitors tech what I'm really sad about is that this arc for Stamets won't be resolved because this is the finale
Picard Wine, Geordi old visor and a baseball presumably something to do with Sisko interesting
Kovich was Daniels all along?! This isn't what I thought the returning ENT thing was gonna be I'll be honest I was actually surprised
Yes! The Saru x T'Rina wedding what everyone was hoping for
Talaxian pirates? Mmmmh
All of the dress uniforms and fancy wedding clothes look great
Old Burnham and old Booker look like themselves but with gray hair I look forward to seeing irl old compared to TV old like they did for TOS, TNG and DS9 episodes where it showed a older version of a character and then people put up a image of them later irl when the actor was actually older
Burnham 33nd century civilian clothes look like she ready for the wild west I guess some fashion just comes around huh
Admiral you say
Oh that's a alien deer cool
Ooooo another uniform
They got kid in Starfleet already wow future jumps do that though
I like these even further in the future 33nd century uniforms that admiral one is nice I like the line going down the pants but I also liked that on the PIC S3 uniform too so I guess I'm just a sucker for that uniform design choice
I also like the new 33nd century Starfleet logo
For future versions of the Starfleet logo post ST Nemesis I think this new one and the Future Imperfect TNG one from the fake future are probably my favorites
Damn how many refits has that ship undergone to be still be in service
For a minute I thought she was about to pass down Discovery to her son
So a short explanation of Calypso but I still don't understand why Zora had to wait for Craft or the importance of Craft tbh and poor Zora has to wait 1000 years alone is so strange I also assume it was a life or death thing with the crew abandoned ship rather then this whole red directive thing its just kind of odd
Ah Detmer and Owosekun finally returned for the last few minutes of the finale
Ah a impressive fleet shot I do love the Merian Class, Kirk Class, Courage Class of my personal favorite out of the 32-33nd century ships the Eisenberg Class
So that's it the end of Discovery it had its hurdles but it also started Nu-Trek I personally am indeed a fan of the show this and Lower Decks are definitely my favorite of the Nu-Trek shows I am sad to see it go
It started my tradition of watching Nu-Trek and drinking canned Guayaki Yerba Mate late at night and it started many fond memories I've never said this online before but I never watched the last episode of ENT until the pilot of DIS came out I waited years to watch it but I couldn't bring myself to "finish" Star Trek until a new show was announced so I waited years to watch that last episode of ENT and after years of waiting and it was terrible but luckily this finale was better then that
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zilabee · 2 years
Snippets from Ticket To Ride, by Larry Kane, a reporter who accompanied the Beatles during the 1964 and 1965 US Tours:
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- My own positive relationship with the Beatles was formed early on. Despite my cynical scepticism at the beginning, I became a fan, not only of their professional personas and their music, but also of the individuals they were. What impressed me most about all of them was their indisputable naturalness and, to varying degrees, the depth of their humanity and their lack of phoniness. Another unaffected aspect of their behaviour that was special to watch and be around was their relationship to each other.
- At one point on the tour, as I interviewed Brian Epstein, I mentioned how he seemed so protective of the Beatles. "Well, it is a simple proposition," he explained. "They are special. I believe in them. They should not be compromised or taken advantage of in any form."
- The Dallas police brandished their rifles openly; this was the first time in America that the Beatles had seen rifles at the ready. I got the impression that we would be well protected on this leg of the tour, but the raising of rifles only reinforced the anxiety that the Beatles were feeling. The expressions on their faces, their eyes wandering around, gave me the feeling that they were concerned about their safety.
- On the flight to Ohio, the Beatles seemed joyful. Paul walked up and down the aisle, winking that Paul wink and acting as host of the day. At one point, he stopped by some members of the group Exciter and said jokingly, "Coffee, tea or me?" On the plane Paul was also the biggest walker. He didn't like being confined.
- I knew we were in big trouble when the upholstery of the car's ceiling [started] getting lower, closing in on my face. By sheer force, the eager crowd, jumping on and pressing against the roof of the car, was pushing the metal roof into a dent that evolved into a sinkhole.
Ringo's smile was a wonder to watch.
- The next morning I discovered that the Beatles, or someone in their party, had urinated on the carpets of their suite at the Edgewater. This was the apparent 'plan' Lennon had mentioned to have the last laugh - or in this case the last drop - against local merchants who had planned to cut the rug up and sell it.
- I realised for the first time that this sceptical, cynical reporter was beginning to fall for the music of the Beatles. I was even humming out loud along to the tune, and I continued to do so throughout the evening. Was it the repetition, the hearing of these songs over and over, or was the music beginning to stir my spirits? Whatever the reason, listening to the music was making me feel happy. (Aug 64)
- I was curious, "How many of you have tickets?" Only a few raised their hands. Once again, hundreds, maybe thousands for all I knew, were travelling - and travelling without a chaperone - just to get close to the Beatles. Remember, in those days, teenage girls travelling alone without a parent or guardian was unheard of, but on this ride they were legion.
- Watching Brian Epstein watch the Beatles in complete absorption was one of the most educational sideshows of both great tours. He truly loved their music.
- Much has been said about the static between Paul McCartney and John Lennon after the breakup. But on our tours, we saw nothing but a sensitive closeness between all of them.
- Brian Epstein and Derek Taylor were initially prohibited from getting in making them quite upset. Epstein was also furious that day because Ringo wasn't wearing a tie.
- One of the girls got through and made a wild dash for the elevator. She tripped on a rug and fell to the floor, trapped beneath the weight of two cops. It looked like a football scrimmage. The tape of my conversation with the girl is missing, but I will never forget some of her words. She said, "They're all scumbags, those cops. They suck." She got up, dusted herself off, left the hotel and made it to the street, where she received a round of brief applause from her soulmates.
- The flight from Cleveland to New Orleans featured a magnificent pillow fight, with Lennon and Jackie DeShannon leading the combatants. It was fascinating to watch John Lennon leaping up and down the aisle and - with that eager smile and those penetrating eyes - toying with the pillows and his targets like a five year old in a playground. Practically everyone aboard got involved until a flight attendant, giggling uncontrollably, broke it up.
- One vivid image I'll never forget is of an ice-cream vendor who stopped in place, stared at the Beatles on stage in front of the grandstand and started crying. I said to him, "Is something wrong?" He replied, "No, their music just makes me very happy."
Epstein: I'm very much a Beatles fan. I've probably felt everything that any, um, male Beatles fan ever felt. All the various things I've liked, I think, is what the fans have liked, both in their music and their general manner. To me, in terms of popular music, the Beatles express a cross quality of happiness and tragedy. And this is basically what the greatest form of entertainment is made up of. They in fact do original things. Their songs are always new and different. So are their performances.
- Suddenly I heard the smashing of glass and watched the people inside the lobby rushing toward the windows. When I arrived by the windows myself, the scene was ghastly. Three girls were lying on the floor, bleeding profusely from head and facial injuries. A fourth was up on her feet and trying to stop the blood flowing from her knees. The force of the crowd had pushed these kids through the glass.
- One of the press cars, the one I was in, had a brief upside down experience. Overzealous fans mobbed our vehicle, began to shake it wildly, and ended up rolling it over onto its side. We remained stuck inside for several minutes before the highway patrol were able to right us.
- Ivor Davis (on seeing the Beatles meet Elvis): "We stood a few feet away, trying not to make them feel like prize horses at stud being watched over the fence to see if they'll mate."
- The flight to Indianapolis was subdued, but thankfully it was also short and uneventful. […] Travelling down the aisle later, John broke out a big smile and said, "So how are the nameless, faceless, unidentified news whores doing tonight?"
- Paul was the master host, providing a welcome that made the extremely nervous fans at home and comfortable. In Baltimore, I watched three girls and a boy leave the dressing room and, in the hallway outside, break into tears. They were tears of relief and joy.
- In a corner, John sat quietly and reached into his jacket for his cigarettes. He pulled out a thinner cigarette from his pack, a marijuana joint, and thumbed his lighter to start it. But before he was able to light the joint, Brian Epstein took a quick detour away from chatting with me and a few others, walked over to John, and glowered at him, shaking his head. John slipped the object of his desire back into his jacket pocket, pulled out a legal smoke from his pack, and lit up.
- Art Schreiber: "They were lonely, isolated from the world, both on tour and at home. They couldn't go anywhere. Remember, aside from all the fame and glory, they were young men, barely out of boyhood. I've always been a pretty tough reporter when it came to the people I covered, but let me tell you, they were terrific. I actually started feeling close to them. They really opened up. I was also impressed with how bright they were. They knew how to treat people. They were terrific."
- Paul would look left and right, and wink to a face in the crowd. It was a sexy form of eye candy, tantalizing the crowd with his head gyrations. Paul was a world class flirt when it came to the fans. And they loved him back.
Kane: Will you ever be anything but the Beatles? Paul: We are the Beatles, that's what we are.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thanks for the tags @apothecarose @your-catfish-friend & @rmd-writes
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don’t remember! Maybe when I was reading @heartstringsduet’s hands fic.
3. Do you have kids?
Lol, nope
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Swimming, soccer, tennis
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Never!
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their teeth!
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. No scary movies in the house of Lemon.
9. Any talents?
I’m a really good parallel parker. And I can cook.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Listening to music, going to shows, watching my football (soccer) team, hiking, writing/reading fanfiction LOL
12. Do you have any pets?
Gonna get a dog soooooooooooooooon
13. How tall are you?
Tall enough that my feet touch the ground 😉
14. Favorite subject in school?
History because I had a really cool teacher who was really patient and invested a lot of time and energy into showing us why it’s really important to seek out both/all perspectives in situations and conflicts, especially the ones that aren’t magnified in the history books and the media
15. Dream job?
I don’t know! Something music related. Lone Star should hire me to curate their soundtracks. There would be no more huge emergencies or explosions, I would blow the budget every week 😂
TAGGING @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses @bonheur-cafe @ladytessa74 @thisbuildinghasfeelings @thebumblecee @louis-ii-reyes-strand @lonestardust @reasonandfaithinharmony @ambiguouspenny @fckingyrs @guardian-angle22 @herefortarlos @iboatedhere @lyhrcyrianne @never-blooms @tailoredshirt @whatsintheboxmh
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dewvorce-flowers · 3 months
get to know me
Tagged by @mikathemad thank you! 💙
Do you make your bed?
I would have to leave it for that, no? (Actual answer being no, unless guests come to visit since my bedroom is also my living room)
Favourite number?
3 and 5 because three represents my siblings and me and five includes my parents too lol, but I'm also fond of 7
What's your job?
Studying to become a teacher, but while the job is something I already worked as and enjoyed the studying is hell. Also working as a "children gymnastics coach" aka parents drop their kids of in an elementary school and we play games for a couple of hours.
If you could go back to school, would you?
No, it wasn't necessarily bad but I much prefer my life now
Can you parallel park?
I could do it well the last time I drove a car but that's two years ago now(the day I got my license). Since my family doesn't own a car and none of my friends have one I just never got to drive again lol
Do you think aliens are real?
At all? Yes
On earth? Eh
Can you drive a manual car?
Yes, but see note in regards to the parking answer. (Actually only drove a automatic car once and that was to get it to a parking lot, where I could swith to manual lol)
Guilty pleasure?
Social media and fanfiction, I know I shouldn't feel guilty over it, but that's far easier said than done :(
One day I will find the time to actually look at and consider design ideas. Till then the answer is no and I just have to admire them on other people.
Favourite colour?
Genuinely don't have one. Depends highly on the context.
Favourite type of music?
I like certain sounds, structures in songs but not in a way that applies to any type of music or I can describe with my non-existent knowledge. I just know I when I hear it.
I do listen to anything from opera, musicals, german 80s till 2010s, kurdish and turkish 70s to 00s, pop, rock, rap, folk etc
Do you like puzzles?
Any phobias?
Mild claustrophobia.
Favourite childhood sport?
Football(goalie) and swimming. Miss them both but might be able to start with swimming at least soon-ish.
Do you talk to yourself?
In my head. Outside only when I get so caught up I mumble silently/slightly move my lips.
Unless I am around people and we are organising stuff, then I count out my own To-Do list out loud and stuff like that.
Tea or coffee?
Cocoa. Had like two or three sips of coffee in my life lol
Tea can be nice when I have a cold or need something less sweat.
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
Teacher and I had the dream of becoming a star goalie(knew that was never gonna happen even as a child)
What movies do you adore?
How to train your Dragon, Monty Python(both Holy Grail and Life of Brian), Rise of the Guardians and "Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel"(Czech/German Cinderella movie)
Of course there are many many more movie, but those are the ones, where I truly lost track of how often I watched them.
Thanks so much for tagging me! I'm gonna tag (if you want)
@maxkeplers @brocksfaber @tkaptains @dwisp @lovethegoalies @dream-leaf @jeynearrynofthevale
(and anyone else who sees this and wants to do this, please tag me in that case!!! Always love to get to know more people but am horrible at remembering urls)
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