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gorillawithautism · 3 months
apparently another kid died at trails carolina
i'm not. gonna look into that claim for my own sanity but i swear to fuck if you don't know anything about the troubled teen industry, now is the time to learn
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amourdivine · 2 months
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୨ ♡ ୧︰ TAROT 101: developing your intuition.
Hello lovelies, welcome to the first post of my Tarot 101 series! After receiving a few questions, I decided to incorporate a series of tips and tutorials for other self-taught readers. Today, I'm answering a follower's asks sent in my DM's. I'm tackling it separately, so it makes more sense to other people to read it. PS: Since this is a major work in progress and I'm not an all-knowing, almighty entity, please provide feedback, comments or concerns you might have! Thank you.
☁️ ˚ NAVIGATE ༉ ‧
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How you develop your intuition and psychic abilities while reading tarot?
There is not one size fits all. While many readers recommend connecting to oneself, that's just the basis of it, really, but the main concept is to look at yourself, compassionately. Without the judgment of our everyday lives and the chaos of getting things right in the first attempt. You cannot be honest with yourself (or your intuition), if self-denial is the state you're living in. Or worse: if you view the truth as punishment.
It's always going to be a journey of discovery, and the first thing about spirituality is that you need to keep an open heart to the magic. Skepticism may get you far ahead in your career or financial matters, but when it comes to intuition, you can't grasp onto logic all the time.
With tarot, it's a little more practical: learn and lean into the cards. Notice I didn't say memorize, because many of us are busy enough with our everyday schedules. Just tap into them. Look at them. What does The Lovers remind you of? Maybe it takes you to the story about the Garden of Eden. Or- maybe it reminds you of your parents, their golden youth before marrying.
Again. No judgement. Let your stream of consciousness free. A huge part of reading tarot is allowing your imagination to run wild. Although the Devil card can symbolize obsession or addiction at first, take into account the spread, the topic. The context. What is your body telling you about the images you see?
We often underestimate the symbolism behind the cards. Without considering the traditional meanings,take one card out of your deck and just look at it. What colors are prominent? What do these colors represent in modern society? Do these people look happy? Are there any people at all? Where are they? Let your mind weave a story.
As a tarot reader, what you do on daily basis for intuition and tarot reading? What practices, book, or some kind of information which help you for tarot readings?
There are many things that have helped me, personally, but I'm going to mention some of the best practices I've seen, both for myself and for others.
› Stay creative. If it means drawing, writing, or painting, then stay creative. Find whatever little (or big) ways you can express your creativity. Remember you don't have to be "good". You can just be. Creativity exists in a lot of ways.
› Engage with other readers. Observe them. You can find a tarot reader that deeply resonates with you and watch how they read. Test if it works for you. Remember this is your practice, it's your sacred space, so you don't have to follow someone else's rules.
› Read, if and when you can. I personally recommend the book "History of Tarot" by Isabelle Nadolny, but not everyone can afford books or the time to read them. There are plenty of Youtube tutorials and free guidebooks on Biddy Tarot, for example. I also love Servant of The Fates' blog. They're both different and great, reliable sources.
› Start small. You can pull one card a day. Get a journal, write its meaning (or what it means to you) and record your progress. In a few months, when you return to it, you might find it surprising.
› Let yourself not know everything. No one does. Sometimes, you'll need to pause, go back to a guidebook and read the meaning all over again. Other times, you'll look at the spread and feel nothing. That's okay too. We're not meant to know all the answers.
Is meditation really important for reading tarot? Why? How much time do you spend daily for tarot readings and spiritual practices?
Since this is more of a personal matter, I'll be talking about myself. I don't meditate as often as most readers. Three times a month, maybe? I have a busy schedule and I can only meditate before bed, if I'm not too sleepy. Many people find that meditation makes them anxious or they're not able to fully let go. Other people find it that being in silence or taking a walk is more useful to them. Relaxation and meditation come in many, many forms. The important thing is to nurture your body and soul more than to adhere to rigid rules.
However, when it comes to saving time for readings or spiritual practices, I don't set rules for myself. It never works for me.
I let it flow. Sometimes, I go weeks on end without really consuming tarot content and I bond with my decks occasionally. And other times, I'm reading daily, journaling and trying to improve my skills. Since I have a billion other things to care for, I'm not always able to prioritize tarot as much as I'd like, but the important thing is to stay passionate, stay curious and get back to it. Better late than never.
When you're getting started, let yourself try. If you get it wrong, at least you'll be one step closer to getting it right.
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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sealpup9 · 1 year
Internet Archive Live Hearing happens tomorrow: March 20, 2023
Here's a link to the Internet Archive's page, describing how you can participate and listen to oral arguments on Monday March 20th at 1pm ET
You may know the Internet Archive because of the Wayback Machine!!
The court case Hachette v Internet Archive is being brought to court and threatens to tear down the Internet Archive as we know it.
"The Internet Archive is a nonprofit digital library, preserving and providing access to cultural artifacts of all kinds in electronic form. CDL allows people to check out digital copies of books for two weeks or less, and only permits patrons to check out as many copies as the Archive and its partner libraries physically own. That means that if the Archive and its partner libraries have only one copy of a book, then only one patron can borrow it at a time, just like any other library. Through CDL, the Internet Archive is helping to foster research and learning by helping its patrons access books and by keeping books in circulation when their publishers have lost interest in them."
This is so important because not only does the Internet Archive provide books that are long out of circulation and copies for people to borrow, they are also used as sources for things like Wikipedia articles! Imagine if suddenly, no one could access sources that someone cites for their information! Having access to information digitally today is a very important thing, and with all of the paywalls people face nowadays for news, imagine if you suddenly had to pay for access to any books. Websites like Amazon already are attempting to replace any sort of ebook rentals with paid services, when we have the right to borrow books online just as we do physically. The Internet Archive is extremely important and one of our rights- access to information- is actively being fought against.
REMEMBER: This will not JUST affect the internet archive. This could change how libraries in general work, and could threaten public access to information. Imagine how many youtube video essay sources would be null and void, imagine just trying to research an obscure topic at 3am-- If all of that was behind a paywall, only those with money would be able to access them! The harder it is for libraries to share books and archive information, the more the public suffers!
Please show your support! Read more about the case here: https://www.eff.org/cases/hachette-v-internet-archive
I'm not sure how quick Tumblr will work on approving this blazed post but if the day/time has passed, please know that you can actively look into more information on this case and other info on the Internet Archive Blogs. You can also add your name to a list of supporters of Battle for Libraries Here.
Let's work together on making sure we have access to information! In this digital age, we deserve to access just as much online as we do offline!
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On The Hunt: You Broke and I Shattered
Summary- 3.9k Alpha Steve x Little One. You and Steve find where Ulysses is storing his stolen goods; vibranium from Wakanda. Scouting the building, you and Steve separate and Steve struggles with this lone wolf mentality.
Warnings- Steve being upset and lashing out about your relationship with Pan. Reader goes into her heat finally and confronts Steve during it.
A/N- Okay I know it's been a while, LONG WHILE since I have posted these two. Part of me is still apprehensive about your Steve feelings. Be mad and hate him if that is the vibe! I get it, honestly, I do. I can't help but love him as strongly as I always have because I love a broken character that I created. Thank you so much @yenzys-lucky-charm for walking through this and holding my hand with them. For always giving me reassurance to continue this story. You, my dear friend, are a saint for all you do behind the scenes. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics Enjoy, and if you did, please share and reblog. I also love hearing your thoughts and rants about them.
Chapter Seven / Masterlist
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It smelled bad. 
The Little Wolf’s nose wrinkled as she scouted the side of the large warehouse. You lost track of Steve after he shifted, the Alpha whisking his muzzle against the Little Wolf’s and then leapt away along the edge of the warehouse. As large as the Alpha was, he was easily able to meld into nothing when he didn’t want to be seen. A skill from many years of hunting. 
The Little Wolf weaved through the large piles of garbage and pallets, using them to keep her hidden from the multitude of cameras outside of the building. The installers had attempted to keep them hidden, but your time working with T’Challa had taught you where to look. 
The Little Wolf was also good at getting by unnoticed, the smaller stature and slinking nature could make her easily pass for a street dog that ran wild. 
The scents assaulting her were so foul and strong. The heavy acidic scent of fear permeates the stone and steel walls, making the Little Wolf’s ears lay flat against her skull, her nose wrinkling in discomfort. 
A scuffle of footsteps caught her attention, sending her into hiding with her radar-sharp ears swiveling towards the footsteps scuttling down the alleyway towards where you were hiding. 
“The shipment’s ready, just need the boss's sign-off.” You heard the man say into a phone and the Little Wolf pricked her ears to catch the last of the conversation. “Yeah, Klaue is expected in a couple days.”
He is not here yet. You mentally sighed, frustrated that there would be a period of waiting around for you and Steve.
<But he will be here soon for us. The Alpha should be coming around any moment, maybe we can get inside.> She was quiet in her movements, easing away from the rambling man whose conversation turned elsewhere, giving them no more vital information. Catching sight of the unlatched door, the Little Wolf paused, glancing around to see that no one was nearby. <Should we wait?> 
We could lose our chance. You urged her, unwilling to wait now that the opportunity of getting inside was just so available to you. 
<The Alpha…> The Little Wolf hesitated, glancing back at the direction Steve should be coming around. 
Will catch up. He can follow our trail and we might lose this entrance if that man comes back to lock this door. This is our chance to see the inside and be prepared for Ulysses. 
She finally relented, using her muzzle to ease the door open further and sneak into the dark interior of the warehouse, a sliver of light the only source into the belly of the beast. 
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It was easy remaining out of sight on the main floor, various containers of weapons that all smelled tinged with vibranium littered haphazardly around and in the center of the building were cages, all emptied but you could see that they had been recently used. All providing cover even as a silent snarl flirted across Little One’s muzzle, anger simmering in your chest as well as sadness that you had been too late to save those souls from whomever they were sold too. 
Flashes of your old life, the sales floor clouding your memories while you wandered between them. The fear and pain at being dragged in front of buyers, their hands running all over your naked body and the false promises of giving you a better life if you just bonded with them. 
The vileness of it made the Little Wolf shiver and a soft barely there whine escape. <Never again.> She assured you, the fur along her back bristling in agitation. 
Never again. You agreed with her, calming once more. You escaped, you had known love and safety with your pack and with Steve. Even now with you two separated, you knew Steve still wouldn’t ever allow anyone to use you like that again. 
The Little Wolf eased closer, edging along the last line of containers holding vibranium and weapons, trying to map the building. 
There was a huff nearby and you caught sight of silver fur rows back. Steve found us. The Little Wolf stopped, the tip of her tail wagging in a greeting but the Alpha stalked nearby, his eyes blazing furiously at the Little Wolf. 
She lowered further, feeling the anger roll from him while he slid up next to her, pressing in against her for a moment just to feel her before he silently let his nose wander along the edge of the containers. 
Loud shouts just out of sight called out directions to load pallets onto the truck, making you and the Alpha both freeze for a second. The Alpha turned away and returned to the Little Wolf’s side, rumbling enough so you felt the vibrations rising off him. Not an order from the Alpha but a suggestion that it was time to go. 
You pulled back, leading the way out, and once back outside, no one the wiser, you both bolted away from the warehouse. 
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It had been a while since you had returned to the apartment, Steve had been silent most of the time, both of you sketching out the warehouse's interior and tensley comparing notes with one another. But you could feel the tension crackling between you and Steve. All his responses clipped in a tone that you were just not used to from him. 
It was making your Little Wolf uneasy in your mind, pacing back and forth in a skittish way, making you feel like you were about to snap. 
You finally pushed away the notes and sketches of the warehouse, making Steve’s gaze snap to you curiously. “What’s wrong Steve?” 
His brows furrowed together and his mouth thinned with whatever he wanted to say being held back. “Nothing is wrong Y/N. We should contact T’Challa to let him know what we found.” He pulled away, going to grab his phone when you grabbed his forearm to keep him from avoiding the question. Steve stiffened, a shiver going through him and you saw his nostrils flare a bit, dragging in a breath of you. 
“Stop the bullshit Steve, you’re pissed and I don’t know why.” Your Little Wolf yipped anxiously, making you tense up all that much more. 
Clear blue eyes snapped, flaring slightly in a glowing color as the Alpha in him rose to challenge him before he turned to you with a slight bare of his teeth. “You didn’t wait for me Y/N. You charged into that warehouse alone.” 
Your hand dropped from his arm and you immediately snapped back, if you had hackles, they would be raised at the tension finally breaking. “This is what you are pissed about Steve? I was doing the mission. I don’t need your permission to do that.” A snarl emitted from you, daring Steve to bite back. “Not anymore.” 
He rose to the challenge, rounding onto you, his size a sheer force but you held tight, refusing to step back from him. “That’s right Little One, I gave you up and set you free from me.” 
A warning growl escaped you as a bit of tears threatening to well up hearing him. “That you did.”
“You have no regard for your safety, we are supposed to be hunting together and you just go into that building without me and that wasn’t the plan, I don’t care that you went in, but I didn’t know where you were, I just happened to catch your scent in the open door. What if they found you and caught you, what if I couldn’t follow you in?” He pulled away with a yank of his hand through his hair. 
You squared your shoulders, anger making your tone bite in your words. “It’s not your fucking job Steven to keep me safe. Why are you always trying to shield me?” 
“Cause Little One! It still feels like you’re fucking mine, even now while we are unbonded all I feel…” His hand slapped against his chest, where you knew his heart pounded its rhythm. 
“Well that sounds like your problem that you need to figure out. I’m not your Little One.” You tossed out, the pain searing into anger at the Alpha in front of you. “You ‘set me free’ which is utter bullshit, you don’t get to dictate how I work now.” 
It was like whiplash, his brow wrinkling as his sadness seeped through before anger masked his features once again. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. You remind me, you had moved on right… to him?” 
You knew exactly who he was talking about and that made those tears finally fall, your hand lifting and slapping sharply across Steve’s face hard, enough that his head turned with the impact. 
“How dare you, Steve, Pan was my friend when I was broken. My friend Steve, he was exactly who I needed when I was alone. You did this to us. You and that fucking drive to keep me safe. Newsflash Steve, my whole life I fought and I’m never going to stop. Now I’m doing it alone without you. You just thought of how you hurt me while being collared, it was NOTHING compared to what you did in that hospital room. I lost you that day and had to learn how to live without my mate because he didn’t want me anymore.” 
“Fuck Y/N, I never said I didn’t want you.” Steve’s jaw clenched tightly, but the anger from his features was gone, disbelief crowning his features now. His hand reached out to draw you in, but you stepped away, unable to handle the contact.
“You broke me that day Steve and now you don’t like this version I turned into? You have no right to be mad about that.” Your voice cracked, a shiver wracking up your body while the Little Wolf started singing in the back of your mind, her own pain breaking in the song. “I survived being used, I survived beatings in attempts to make me submissive, I survived other Alpha’s scarring me with their bites, I survived all the times they tried purposely to break me into bowing for them and being this meek little pup. But you, Steve I barely survived you.”  
You let out a breath, feeling your chest lighten as Steve stood before you like he was at a loss for words for a moment. Before you would let him say anything, you turned away to your room and let the door shut him out. Exhaustion hit you like a ton of bricks and as you crawled into your bed to sink into that dark place you yet again were hovering in, your Little Wolf crooning to you, you curled into a ball in your bed and let yourself go. 
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Steve sat on the edge of the uncomfortable bed in the apartment. It had been hours since you just dropped it all on him, which he knew but hearing it come from you, how your voice became so vulnerable like you were laid open and left to pick up the pieces. To top it off, he knew he was an utter asshole for what he said to you, wishing he could take it back. But it was out there now and he knew he couldn’t take back what he said in a moment of frustration. 
There was no way to take any of the last year back, he knew he acted on instinct back then and he was wrong. All of it was wrong, but he had to live with his actions. Actions had consequences and all he could do now was live with those choices, and give you that freedom. You were right, he couldn’t be mad at what you turned into because he was a part of it all. Something in him shattered that day, hard broken shards that fed all his fears and he was still struggling to not give in to them.
It still didn’t make it easier for him, or the Alpha. The Alpha was furious with him once more. A snarling beast who lashed out to make Steve wince at the rage. But he felt he deserved it, he took each one without a snap back. 
To top the whole fuck up of a day there was a soft wail through the wall of disbelief and it hit every one of Steve’s senses.
Your heat finally arrived and right now you two were stuck together, with no way to give one another space during this vulnerable intimate time. 
And it was almost torture to Steve as his muscles cramped with restraint, resisting the urge to go to you. 
The Wolf simmered somewhere, Steve sensed him close, but he was still staying away from the conscious side. Your scent was heavy with need and that made a ping of guilt well up in him that your heat was going to be worse for you because he was there. 
If you were back in Wakanda he would slip away, leave you in peace to choose the partner you would want to help you through this. But not in the middle of a mission like this.  
<Coward> The Wolf snarled at him, his ears laid flat against his skull and showing his fangs with a snap of his jaw, jolting Steve back to his awareness of his beast. <You would run away instead of staying to take care of her.> 
His head hung from his shoulders, gritting his eyes and clenching his jaw as his own beast tried to take over, howling your song to call for you. His rut was going to be rough, more of his wolfish side coming through, the overbearing need to fuck and take care of his mate would be a whole other torture. 
“Fuck off.” He snarled loudly, aiming at the Alpha but your soft voice cut through his snarl, making his head snap up, his hair disheveled and eyes flashing a brighter color as his nose tilted up to catch your warm honeysuckle scent. 
“Steve.” Your voice was soft in tone and loud in every other way as it broke his inner battle, your hands clutching at a blanket around you, miserable looking. “She won’t stop…” 
Steve guessed, as much as his wolf was trying to take over, the Little Wolf would be too. You were so distressed-looking, shaking in the blanket even though it wasn’t cold. He straightened up, holding out a hand to you. “Come here Y/N.” He growled, unable to contain more of the Wolf coming through. 
It was all it took, the blanket fell from around you, your body to sensitive for anything on you, as you streaked to Steve, his arms circling around your waist and made you straddle his lap. Getting as close as you could be without pinning you underneath him in the bed. His clothes felt so constricting as you settled in close, tears starting to race down your cheeks while your hands slid up his chest, pulling his shirt over his head so you could get skin to skin, which he was thankful for. “I tried Alpha, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You leaned into him, your breasts pressing against his chest as your face tucked into his neck, hiding away. 
“For what Y/N?” he let his nose press against the back of your neck, inhaling deeply. That alone made the wolf ease back, and let him regain control. Heavy calloused hands went up and down your back as you started sobbing in his neck, your thighs squeezing against him as you rocked your hips slightly to rub against him. 
“For being here with you.” You pushed against him and stared at him with sorrow and pain that Steve couldn’t stop the kisses he flushed over your eyes as more of your tears escaped, tears that he caused. Salty on his lips as they escaped into his beard. His gentleness at the moment, although both of your bodies were screaming to mate with one another, seemed to break you. 
“I’m so mad at you for doing this to me.” You dug your nails into his shoulders, rocking again as he matched your movement, pushing up to give you some relief in your grinding. “I did what you said, I left you alone and you followed me here. I couldn’t escape you with the pack and I still can’t Steve. Why do you make this impossible for me?” You hissed as your mouth sought his, while his kiss stayed gentle, you bit at him, gasping against him as your nails clawed into the muscles of his back. “You left me Steve and it broke me more than anything else that has happened.” If this was your punishment, Steve would take it. Every sharp claw and hissing bite you lashed at him. 
Steve clenched his jaw, unwilling to defend himself and his choices. He did this to you and it was the least he could do was listen. Instead, he pressed you in closer to him, touching you in all the ways he knew made you feel safe and cared for, his lips pressing against yours while you broke because of him. Your pain you lashed onto his back with your nails sharply dragging up to grasp his shoulder and rock yourself in against him once again, he welcomed the pain as he would any of your touches. 
You shook in his hold, pushing away from him enough to look at him, your anger melding into sheer pain. “Was I too weak to be an Alpha’s mate, your mate? Do you regret taking a broken and used Omega? I need to know Steve.”
This he couldn’t stand, not from you of all people. With a sweep of his hold, he twisted you to the bed, on your back while he hovered over you with a bare of his teeth at you, all the long hair falling forward around his face, making Steve look wild above you. Your hands went to cup his face, studying the man you and your little wolf still fiercely loved, your fingers pushing up to weave into his hair. “Is that what you actually believe Little One?” Steve’s tone was graveled, a mix of his voice and the Alpha growling at the same time. “Do you?” He said sharper, making you roll your body up into his solid one, giving a nod when you couldn't say anything. 
His hands caught your wrists and let his nose trace the inside on each one, you went pliant against him finally and he let his whirlwind of emotions settle. He had you and wasn’t planning on letting you go till you knew in your soul that he never would have left you because of those reasons. 
Your hands were pinned swiftly, slamming them into the pillows scattered around his bed. “Little One.” He growled when his lips descended to the soft warmth of your neck column. Kissing behind your ear with much more gentleness than how his hand caged yours over your head. “You really don’t know do you, how much power you have.” His growls were edging on violent, wracking through your body while his touch remained loving, each glide of his hand tracing your side passionate while the other encircled your wrists above your head with controlled strength, the flick of his tongue gliding on your skin and light pressure of sharpened fangs all affection in worshipping you. “How I would do anything for you. You think me walking away didn’t destroy my sanity, made the beast try to claw from his cage?” 
You whined under Steve, your heat simmering on unbearable but his words were making you want to scream. All this time he felt this way and he still managed to walk away, leaving you shattered, your fingers curled, digging into his palm keeping you pinned down. He hissed at the pain but never loosened or pulled away from you. “You still did it, you claim to protect me from you.” 
Steve rose above you, his touch on your waist going to your face, turning your head till you couldn't look away from him. So much filled his gaze locking with yours and your unshed tears of anger, frustration, and pain were mirrored in his. “Because I am weak, scared, and broken. All I could see in that moment was you dead at my feet, that I had destroyed my mate, half of my soul. Alpha’s might seem powerful, but actually, we are empty without our other halves, made to serve our packs but never finding anything beyond that. That day I almost killed mine and I was powerless to stop it." His throat bobbed, swallowing past the emotion that almost seemed to overtake him. "I made a mistake and I see that now Little One, I let fear control me, and look what it did to us. I can’t take it back and will always live with what I did. You are right, I can’t be mad about who you are now because of it, you became stronger. You don’t need me, not really. You, my mate, you have all the power. Fuck, that day I was breaking down thinking I was powerless to control myself...”  His shoulders sagged like admitting this out loud to you took everything out of him. “I should have talked to you about what I was going through instead of running.” 
You eased up the grasp of your fingers digging into his palm, allowing yourself to soften slightly under him. Pulling a hand from his hold, your touch drifted up, sliding around the curve of his neck while you silently counted every little ragged scar circling his throat. Every little barb that dug into him and controlled him. This shattered your Alpha and he was struggling to be better. "I see you Steve." You whispered up at him while letting your thumb wipe under his eyes, clearing away the moisture welling up in those sharp blue eyes.
He reached up to take your palm, curling it against his jaw while he tilted into it, pressing his lips to the center. "I see you too Y/N, I'm so sorry I pushed you away."
Your Little Wolf called out his song again while his eyes scanned over your face, feeling the change in you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, holding him closer. “I could throttle you.” You chirped with a crack in your voice and Steve gave a soft sad chuckle as his head dropped to lean his forehead against yours, giving a little sniffle.
“I know I deserve it.” 
“And what do you want now Steve?” You asked softly, almost a whisper between you two. 
The Alpha was silent, his inhales drawing you in to smother all his other senses, if he could drown in you, he would so happily. “A chance for us, to be the Alpha and your mate you deserve from me.” He pulled away to catch your eyes, such a sharp blue with tinges of yellow melding to give hints of green, the Alpha bleeding through, showing while Steve gave you the answers you sought. “To give you all of me, even the broken parts that need fixing Little One.” 
“If I said I need you to talk to me Steve, you need to let me in instead of just trying to keep me safe from the world.” Your hand twisted in his hold, sliding your fingers through his above your head. “That you won’t shut me out because you are trying to keep me safe.” 
“I will spend my life showing you I can be your partner.” This next kiss was gentle, a brush of his lips to yours as you pulled him back into your hold, his heavy weight on you making you finally feel like you were where you belonged. “And I will wait, as long as you need to be ready for us again, if that is what you want.” 
Ready to be us again… You repeated to yourself, letting his words really take hold. The Little Wolf was a calming presence now, the heat sated enough in just this rebonding moment for you two. You pushed up your hips enough to push against Steve and he instinctively released his hold on you to fall back and take you with him, letting you straddle him while he laid underneath you now, his hands caressing down till they settled on your waist, content to let you decide what you wanted from him next. “I missed you, Steve, we missed you.” 
Your touch slipped up his chest while you moved to settle in against him, ease relaxing through you as his arms slipped around you, hugging you to lay against him and nothing more in the moment. You let your cheek lay against his chest, your head tucked under his bristled chin. You could feel his words as he spoke them out loud. “We were wanderers without our home Little One, we missed you too.” 
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 5 months
This is your official-unofficial source for all things SVSSS fanon-debunking! As a veteran reader of MXTX's least popular novel and someone with a PhD in SVSSS literature, I have taken on the arduous task of separating fact from fiction... or well, specifically, canon from fanon.
《 Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is textual analysis, not to tell people what fanon or canon material to use or not to use in their fanworks, or to make moral judgments on the way people interpret the text. Please see my faq and psa tags for more about my views on the matter. 》
There is a significant affliction within this fandom, where fanon ideas are assumed to be canonical facts-- to the point where sometimes fanon will even end up on the official SVSSS wiki 😱😱😱!!!
I've met quite a lot of people who are surprised to find out that something they think is canon is actually fanon, and even a few that are the other way around, so I've decided to start this blog to help people sort it out!
My credentials and qualifications are as follows:
PhD in SVSSS literature (awarded to me by a disgruntled SJ apologist).
A good minimum of 50-75% of available brain-space devoted to SVSSS at all times
Consummate knowledge of minute lore details
Near-memorization of a good portion of the novel, with the added ability to find any quote within 10 minutes of searching (in both EN and CN)
Author of a fic that is currently over 300k words long and counting, which was originally written out of spite for fanon portrayals of certain characters and themes
The ability to write 5k+ rants about any given topic in the space of an afternoon
How this blog works:
You, dear reader, send in a suspected fanon topic to my askbox. Or perhaps it's something you suspect to be canon, but would like confirmation on.
I will then write a post on this topic (on no set schedule, I go as the wind takes me~), first applying a rating (more details below), then adding further information as needed. Topics with either support or rebuttal in canon will have quoted evidence presented, those without either of those things will simply have a brief explanation.
I will also add some analysis or potential interpretations and readings but I will do my best not to add my pure opinions to these posts-- this blog is about textual evidence! So, do not reblog my posts to argue with me based on your headcanons! If you want to argue against one of my posts, provide a quoted source from the novel!
Otherwise, I will most likely block you :>
Any hateful content or attempts to start fandom wank on my posts or in my inbox will get deleted and blocked. Anyone who provides textual evidence that changes my rating or analysis will be very much appreciated and receive the Golden Cucumber Award.
At the end of the day, this blog is entirely about canonical textual analysis and has no bearing whatsoever on what people want to headcanon or use in their fics. It's fandom. Do Whatever You Want Forever. Who am I to say you can't use a certain headcanon?
Just please treat headcanons as headcanons. No matter how deeply-entrenched into fanon they may be, they're still not canon and shouldn't be treated as such.
If you're of the mind that you'll still do whatever you want without regards for canon, then you're probably not the intended audience for this blog. If you're someone who wants to clarify whether a popular idea has a basis in canon or not, then read on to learn more about the rating system and see already-discussed topics!
Rating System
WHAT DO I CONSIDER CANON? (please read before commenting)
Each exposed fanon or canon will receive a rating and analysis. The ratings are interpreted as follows:
CANON - This fact is directly or indirectly supported by the text! If you want to stay true to canon, this should be treated as fact.
FANON - SUPPORTED - Though the text doesn't directly state this is true, it is a very likely interpretation based on various factors including historical precedent and cultural norms, genre tropes, and the occam's razor principle.
FANON - NEUTRAL - The text neither confirms or denies this. It may be true or it may be false, and the matter is entirely up for interpretation. Many fanon will likely fall into this category, and whether you adopt it or not won't affect how true to canon your interpretations are.
FANON - UNSUPPORTED - While the text may not be directly against this headcanon, it is still an unlikely interpretation based on various factors including historical precedent and cultural norms, genre tropes, and the occam's razor principle.
FANON - CONFLICTING - The text goes directly against this interpretation, and there are quotes that prove it to be incorrect. If you wish to stay true to canon, it's best not to include this idea.
I will give out three awards on this blog for those who assist me in keeping fanon and canon separate!
The Bronze Cucumber Award will be given to anyone who reblogs my post and adds significant additional context in support of/explaining my analysis. This may be textual context or "support" context (cultural norms/historical precedence/genre tropes/etc.). Since this fandom likes to analyze, I will only be giving out this award to those who specifically add details and ideas that are not rooted in my original analysis (such as, a quote from a completely different part of the book, or a linguistic explanation that provides context), rather than those who simply expand on what I already wrote.
The Silver Cucumber Award will be given to those who reblog one of my analysis posts with a source telling the origin of a particular fanon idea. This is wonderful for archival purposes-- just as it's good to see where canon ideas come from, it can also be helpful to know where a fanon idea originated, in order to have proper context. Only the first responder to provide a fanon origin will receive the award (so that this blog doesn't get too clogged up).
The Golden Cucumber Award will be given to those who reblog one of my posts with a debunking of my analysis-- as long as they provide directly-quoted evidence that disproves my points. This evidence should be based on the text of the novel itself, and I should be able to look it up in my own copy. I will be more selective with giving out golden cucumbers to reblogs that debunk on the basis of "support" elements (cultural norms/historical precedence/genre tropes, etc.) because many of those topics can be somewhat subjective.
Previously-Tackled Concepts
(See below the cut for a full list)
CQMS Twelve Peaks' have Color-Coded Uniforms
Shen Yuan has a Younger Sister
Mobei-jun has Blue Eyes
Shen Yuan is a Monster Nerd
Airplane was a Child of Divorced Parents
Ning Yingying is Younger than Luo Binghe
Shen Jiu Only Goes to Brothels to Sleep, Not to Have Sex
Mobei-jun and Shang Qinghua Eventually Get Married
Shen Qingqiu is Banned from Xian Shu Peak
Shen Qingqiu Wears a Cinnabar Mark on his Forehead
Shen Yuan Wore Glasses in his Previous Life
Shen Yuan was Chronically/Terminally Ill in his First Life
Shen Yuan was a Socially Awkward, Introverted Shut-In By Nature
Luo Binghe has Curly Hair
Aphrodisiac-Producing Plants are an Ever-Present Danger in the World of PIDW
Ming Fan was Head Disciple of Qing Jing Peak
Luo Binghe Received Both Scars from the Abyss Scene
Qiu Haitang has More than One Older Brother
Shen Qingqiu has Green Eyes
All Demons Naturally have Forehead Marks
Luo Binghe has a "Stereotypically Masculine" Appearance
Xuan Su is a Large, Broad, Imposing-Looking Sword
Shen Yuan's Original Body Closely Resembled Shen Qingqiu's
Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu were Meant to End Up Together in the Original Draft of PIDW
Shen Yuan's PIDW-Reading Timeline
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Hierarchy (tag)
The Pre-Canon Timeline and Character Ages
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edenfenixblogs · 2 months
Hello, you have shared previously that you use mb/fc for how factual/biased media sources are, and charity navigator for rating charities. These are very helpful (thanks!), and I was wondering if you have any other resources for finding out the reliability of organizations (like BDS and Standing Together) or information sites (like the Jewish Virtual Library). I understand that at some point I need to be able to figure out the trustworthiness of organizations/sites on my own (do you have additional advice for that, the “Consuming News and Media, Avoid Misinformation” ALLMEP post was helpful!). For now it is still a struggle though, so I wanted to ask if you knew of any resources that rates organization/sites such as these.
It's gonna be a little bit of a struggle always, unfortunately. But it gets easier with practice. I think most of my thoughts and resources can be found under my #media literacy tag. But I also super encourage my followers to add resources of their own. Personally I'm inclined to trust resources from goyische and Jewish allies for peace from whom I reblog frequently and who have demonstrated excellent media literacy in the past. In particular, @faggotry-enjoyer @arandomshotinthedark @comradevo @wyf-of-bathe and @gehe-lihiyot-androgynos-varda spring to mind first, but I know I'm forgetting at least one vital friend and contributor (please forgive me). If they or anyone else wishes to provide their recommendations on this post, please feel free to do so. If you, @jellymarbles, wish to ask my opinion on a source you're unsure about, I'll do my best to provide an honest and balanced answer. I'll also tell you if I simply don't have the knowledge or ability to determine if that source is trustworthy and will attempt to find someone who is.
I'm so proud of you and all the work you have done to grow as a person for the benefit of so many groups (Muslim, Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian, and Arab) of which you are not a part. It makes so much of a difference. If everyone was more like you, the world would be a much better and more peaceful place. Bless you and thank you.
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spreens · 2 months
A couple of notes on 'Jay' (@/JayyBio on twt)'s reply on behalf of Quackity Studios, from a Public Relations and Crisis Management perspective.
This analysis attempts to keep as neutral of a stance as I can on this. I will support any worker's right to fair pay, especially with the hours that the QSMP admins put into this project. That being said, we, the viewers, cannot fully understand everything that has gone one with regards to privacy and confidentiality within the project.
The source of this media release comes from Twitter account JayyBio, an account created within the last 24 hours for the purpose of posting this message. The verification for this account was a follow from the official Quackity Studios account. This is absolute bare minimum and really shouldn't be done for anything, ever. I understand that they may wish to reduce the impact on viewers following the Quackity Studios account that are unaware of the situation, but doing this (and attaching a seemingly personal account to it) significantly impacts both the credibility and visibility of the statement.
Removal of Lea from the team:
Immediately, the attacks on Lea attempt to put the admin on the defensive. The evidence regarding her removal (including the 'grooming' screenshots, which she refers to vaguely, and even calls the notion crazy) is designed to target a sore spot within the community, and further complicate the situation.
As a managing body, it is administration's responsibility to clarify things like pay, fair compensation, and work. The screenshots don't call it 'stuff to do' or anything that would imply casual activities. Lea calls it work. As Lea was in a paid position instead of a volunteer one, the responsibility falls on the Studio's head to clarify these things.
The only proof of unavailability is two screenshots, a month apart, with the responding manager enthusiastically giving confirmation with no warning or advice. The only thing this proves is that Lea was not scolded (in the images provided) for taking unavailability.
This whole unavailability thing is a huge, underlying managerial issue, because a discussion should be had if a paid employee is unable to make what the team believes is the minimum activity. Both extremes claimed by both parties, i.e a full on scolding OR complete blind support are not viable solutions.
In short, either they're still not releasing the full reason for release (due to privacy or confidentiality reasons), or someone is lying. Regardless, the whole situation is underpinned by a much larger issue for the managing team.
Honestly, the fact that they weren't using NDAs right off the bat shocked me. In business (and a lot more frequently than you think) NDAs are used to preserve confidentiality within an organisation for a variety of reasons that I don't have time to cover. Depending on your labour laws however, they cannot be used to hide information regarding employee wages.
Quackity Studio's NDA was valid for the use of:
Protecting Copywrited Assets
Minimising Security Breaches and/or Risks
Protecting Storylines and "Lore Leaking"
Protecting the Privacy of team members and CCs
The NDA was *not* valid for:
Penalizing the formation of personal relationships (yes, even parasocial ones)
Communicating with other members of the team, even regarding Wages and Working Conditions
That isn't to say that the cases not covered by the NDA can't be called unprofessional (especially in the case of parasocial relationships) but they are not grounds for being sued.
You know what is grounds for being sued?
The threats from QStudios from Lea's initial posts, while deeply unprofessional and drawing a fairly worrying image of the working environment, were just empty threats. Now that Lea has well and truly broken an Actual Signed NDA, this gets real complicated.
I'm not in law, so I'll leave it up to the armchair law students, but this is just a summary of my thoughts while reading up on the reply PDF.
Items not Covered:
Pay for the overall position (I do not know enough about french labour laws)
Treatment of staff who spoke out prior to Lea's statement (too much back and forthing)
Further Action:
Quackity Studios, please set up an account for statements and releases. I cannot emphasise how D-tier this is reading it through a brand new unbranded account.
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jewish-sideblog · 5 months
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Wild that this post has 11,000 likes when it’s spreading such blatant fucking disinformation.
“Sabra” is word Israelis use to refer to an Israeli Jew. The "longer statement" attempts to refute the idea that Sabra was named after the Hebrew term by saying that the massacre happened in the 1980s, and the character didn't exist until the 1990s. Clearly, this person didn't do the world's most minimal amount of research. Let's get into it real quick--
Sabra's first full appearance was in Incredible Hulk #256, published in February 1981. She had a named cameo from the same run six issues earlier, in February 1980. So she was a planned and named character in development at least as early as 1979. The Sabra and Shatila massacre began on 16 September 1982, two years after Sabra made her debut in the comics.
Given her name and original design, Marvel's Sabra is likely influenced by the character named "Sabraman" by Uri Fink, an Israeli comic book creator. Sabraman's origins date back to 1978-- four full years before the Sabra and Shatila massacres.
This is a nitpicky point, but why are you following a Jewish discourse blog if not for nitpicky points? The Israeli Defence Forces were involved in the Sabra and Shatila massacres. There's no question about that. They authorized it, provided funds for it, and offered logistical support for it. But they did not carry it out. A Lebanese Christian Nationalist militia carried it out. Why lie about that? Israeli forces supported the murder of civilians! They lit up the sky for days so that the massacre could continue into the night! Why do you need to lie and say they were holding the guns? Is what they did not bad enough for you? This is what I mean when I say that you guys would rather resort to conspiracy theories and misinformation than actually accurately criticize Israel for once.
So where did I get all these facts? Did I have to do some deep dive into comics of the 1970s and 80s? Pull up niche and obscure military journals about the Lebanese Civil War? Nope! I got all that information by... looking at Wikipedia pages. I did double-check Incredible Hulk #250 to ensure that she was already named Sabra in 1980. She was. I also looked around for any articles that backed up the claim that fetuses were cut out of women's wombs during the Sabra and Shatila massacre and... I didn't find any. Al Jazeera doesn't even mention it. If you can find a reputable source for that, please send it to me! Until then, I'm gonna rule this as flat-out blood libel.
You may be asking yourself, why didn't Marvel change Sabra's name in 1982 when the tragedy occurred? Aren't they at least responsible for that? And personally, I think you'd be right. But Marvel didn't budge on Black Panther (named July 1966) when the Black Panther Party (named October 1966) was founded. It doesn't seem like they were interested in making character changes due to political pressures back then. Whether that's a good thing or not is a different story.
And finally, no, this post is not anything close to an endorsement of the new Captain America movie. I'd been planning on boycotting the movie named after an antisemitic conspiracy theory, from the company that butchers any Jewish representation they don't completely ignore, since before y'all found out about Sabra's existence. I just honestly thought the antisemitic nonsense about this character would be coming from the right, not the left.
Edit: Fixed formatting mistakes. Tumblr does not fucking like Hebrew text.
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asura-zoro · 1 year
I know that I have reblogged some posts about this person, hoelys-blog, already but I think I should try to condense the info down to one post and provide some updates (updated information will be colored like this, or featured towards the bottom of the post.)
This person, who has identified himself as Lino to someone who measaged me (who was scammed by him), reaches out to you via DM to promote that they have commissions going on. Showcasing art that they have stolen and altered from other people. As far as I know, only one artist was able to get majority of their work taken off of this guy's "commission post(s)". I have reblogged some posts about that artists experience, you can see all the posts I mention if you search the #hoelys-blog tag on my blog or by clicking on any posts tagged as that.
Any effort to call out this scammer on his posts are made in vain- he deletes any reply or reblogged comment so that folks visiting his page cannot see any attempt at warning on his posts- UNLESS YOU CHECK THE REBLOG AREA AND VIEW THE TAGS.
He saw my attempts to warn people, deleted my replies/comments on his posts and I woke up to see that he changed his blog name.
Here are all of his blogs that we know of:
@Reikantopeni formerly hoelys-blog
@lino1017 (homework help scam)
A former name for one of these current blogs is decaffeinatedharmonypaper
All of his blogs feature stolen and altered artwork, and most are advertising that their commissions are open. If any of you know any of the stolen pieces' original artists, please let that artist know so that they can file the proper reports.
What we can do in the meantime is report each post that has stolen artwork promoting that he has commissions open. This goes for anyone that you see that does this- you report them for phishing. What I did was also provide a link to a post that showcases the the source of each stolen piece of work within that post. Tumblr support will reach out and ask you to provide links to the report you make!
Speaking of, you can access that particular post via the #hoelys-blog tag, look for a post made by @tamiisnthere!
This person also seems to make their rounds in different fandoms based off of tags that I've read- so it is not just One Piece or DBZ.
This person is known to be manipulative in the DMs, and get you to take pitty on them. They also will straight up beg. So I emphasize DO NOT ANSWER BACK WHEN HE DMS YOU. Just report commission posts as phishing before you block him and delete the convo. If you do talk with him, screenshot/keep your messages so that you have proof.
If you have been scammed by this man, please report the account(s) he used so that you can get your money back. He uses multiple PayPal accounts, someone that was scammed by him has given me each email that they are aware of. (I am debating if I post them or not...)
I highly encourage people speak of their experience with this person in the comments or in reblogs of this post. That way we can see how deep this rabbit hole goes.
By all means, do NOT harass this person. Please only report and block him!
Other Information/Updates
This is a message between someone who has gotten scammed by Lino and I. They asked to remain anonymous, some of the info you'll see in the screenshots have already been applied in the post earlier. This convo took place on 1/04/2023.
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01/05/2023 Update
I will not be releasing details such as his full name or his emails at this moment. I believe that this information should be known to people who have been scammed or whose work has been stolen first. If anyone has been scammed by this man, or work has been stolen and need certain information to file reports, please message me.
These are some of the artists that tamiisnthere was able to find (you can see that post on my blog's #hoelys-blog tag), whose works was stolen by Lino. If they have a Tumblr, please tag them in the comments. Or if there are other artists whose work you see that Lino has stolen.
KrisBurdarina (on redbubble)
Kkugvw (on twitter)
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sanguinelupus · 6 months
normally, i don’t like laying things out for people because google is free. however, the genoc1de against palestine has gotten so out of hand & there is so much misinformation out there that finding a credible source isn’t difficult so much as confusing.
but i will say that if you read through this post, watch the videos i’ve linked, read the articles i’ve linked, & you still support israel? block me. with a fucking swiftness.
we are seeing corrupt government & propaganda being spread in real time. pro-israel rallies have paid broke college students to show up just to boost numbers. a palestinian US congresswoman has been silenced from speaking up for her country. israeli soldiers have taken pictures with displaced palestinians making it look like they’re helping, and after the picture is taken, they kill them. israel has cut electricity to a hospital in attempts to move refugees further south.
these events are just the tip of the iceberg. i’ll provide as many links/sources as possible, as well as a boycott list of companies that have shown support for israel or directly given money to israel. it is your choice whether or not to stop giving your money to these companies, but you should know where your money is ultimately going. as if majority of it isn’t already going to corrupt billionaire CEOs to begin with, you will also be supporting this genoc1de & ethn1c cleansing.
sources/articles under the cut. everything will be linked but some screenshots or photos will be provided. majority of my video sourcing is from firsthand accounts of a palestinian in gaza themselves: wizard_bisan1 on instagram. another credible source from a civilian in gaza is joegaza93 (he tends to post graphic images/videos) on instagram.
i hope that after reading through this post, you can stop using the excuse of "i just don't know enough about it" to justify remaining ignorant on the issue. a genoc1de is happening and we cannot remain complicit. palestinians are being silenced and it is up to us to amplify their voices.
link to the history of the conflict from a mostly pro-palestine source. keep in mind that any articles by nicole narea have the potential to read as "neutral" or even pro-israel. VERY LONG READ but worth it.
very pro-palestine article about international politics relating to palestine. (20min read)
i do not like or agree with the bashing of marxism, socialism, and communism in this article, but it details the way israel CREATED hamas themselves and comes from an israeli news source themselves. (30min read)
(5min read) pro-israel rally paying college students to show up to boost numbers:
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and a photo of one of the posters blatantly promoting genoc1de at said pro-israel rally:
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palestinian congresswoman being silenced. (10min read)
a more recent & detailed article on rashida's struggle. (10-15min read)
israeli soldiers taking pictures with civilians then killing them. (graphic images are shown; 1min video)
israel's claim of hamas "beheading 40 babies" being a complete lie:
one (30min read)
two (20min read)
three (10min read)
israel cutting off electricity to shifa`a hospital (one of the last remaining operating hospitals in gaza) for over an hour. (1min video) & additional source from someone else inside gaza.
israel b0mbing shifa`a hospital's medicine warehouse. (30sec video)
an article by a jewish person that is pro-palestine. (5-10min read)
(5min total video) israeli army having snipers outside shifa`a hospital (north gaza) as well as an explanation of israel lying about there not being civilians in north gaza:
part one
part two
(2min read) short article from an israeli information source stating that under no circumstances should they be attacking a hospital. but they are, under the precedent that "hamas has a bunker underneath the hospital" and it turns out that was 100% untrue anyway (5min read). so they mercilessly attacked the hospital for seemingly nothing, but it was actually to get people out of the north.
boycott list/article. some of these are inherently more difficult than others to boycott, but like i said earlier; it's up to you who you choose to give your money to. if you can live with supporting some of these, then do so. i, and many others, cannot.
NOT LISTED: disney.
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thevegasystem · 6 months
please read
tw syscourse, grooming, and cults we went through all of those sources provided in that thread sent to us yesterday, and we wanted to follow up. this will be a long post, but regardless of if you are a traumagenic system or an endogenic system, we believe you can find some benefit from hearing us out. let's start by listing our takeaway's (again, based on the sources provided to us)...
plurality exists beyond did/osdd (with udd only being implied by relevance).
hypnosis/hypnotic states (specifically through hypnosis and mediumship) are possibly responsible for this divide between aversive plurality (often dubbed traumagenic, but not stated as such in the source materials) and non-aversive plurality (often dubbed as endogenic, but also not stated as such in the source materials), as argued by Dr. Nijenhuis (looks to be a Doctor from the Netherlands) and Van Der Hart (looks to be a Professor, Psychopathology of Chronic Traumatization from Utrecht University, also from the Netherlands)
Dr. Richard Loewenstein (looks to be a Clinical Professor, graduate of Yale University School of Medicine) stated the symptoms that a relevant individual is going through presents itself similar to an individual with dissociative identity disorder, but due to lacking aversion ("distress"), does not qualify for a diagnosis
separately, the icd-11 states the following...
The presence of two or more distinct personality states does not always indicate the presence of a mental disorder. In certain circumstances (e.g., as experienced by ‘mediums’ or other culturally accepted spiritual practitioners) the presence of multiple personality states is not experienced as aversive and is not associated with impairment in functioning. A diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder should not be assigned in these cases.
however and separately, the dsm-v-tr states the following...
Dissociative amnesia, dissociative identity disorder, and depersonalization-derealization disorder may or may not be preceded by exposure to a traumatic event or may or may not have co-occurring PTSD symptoms. When full PTSD criteria are also met, however, the PTSD “with dissociative symptoms” subtype should be considered.
[besides some contextual information clarifying details on trauma, etc. in the dsm-v-tr, we could not immediately find clarifying information on what is meant by "(dissociative disorders) may or may not be preceded by exposure to a traumatic event"]
regardless of how previous debate was handled, with the information now in hand and understood by us, we wanted to layout some things...
we are firm in our interpretation of what the icd-11 meant by referencing cultural or spiritual phenomena, HOWEVER...
it is very apparent that non-aversive plurality (often dubbed endogenics) is a growing field of study with scientific backing.
we (our system) were wrong to write off the entire endogenic community as a cult / religion ("neocult" and "neoreligion"), and we will be deleting / editing that original post and anonymous question responses, HOWEVER...
we believe traumagenic and endogenic systems alike NEED to be critical of ANY system that is attempting to misrepresent information relevant to plurality, such as calling endogenics a diagnosable condition, or that it should be treated the same way as aversive plurality, such as with did/osdd/udd.
we understand that there are already systems present in the community that have already been doing so, but we wanted to take this opportunity to make that a focus here in order to further encourage it.
we need systems (both traumagenic and endogenic) to be vigilant to not give in to delusion (no we are not referencing any previous debates).
we believe systems (both traumagenic and endogenic) need to be vigilant of ANYONE attempting to label and diagnose others, and to encourage individuals requesting mental health assistance to seek professional guidance.
finally, and most importantly, we believe systems (again, both traumagenic and endogenic) need to be EXTRA vigilant of predators among our community as plurality poses a unique challenge in that regard.
thank you to all dissos and endos that have assisted in helping our system reach this understanding. again, we are sorry for being so hostile. hope to get to know and understand endos more as time goes on. we're removing our "dni endos" tag from our bio and will be working on removing strictly anti-endo content from our blog. Sincerely, 🌟 The Vega System edit: we've also gone ahead and unblocked a bunch of blogs too! hoping to talk with all systems!
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mariacallous · 3 months
This week, as every week, Brexit enfeebled the UK. It was not a one-off disaster, like a fatal heart attack. Rather Brexit is showing itself to be a debilitating disease that never grants us a moment’s peace.
In the past few days
The post-Brexit trade talks between the UK and Canada collapsed. Despite all the promises of global Britain crossing the clear blue oceans and cutting deals with India, the US, Canada and China, we remain isolated.
After years of being too scared to actually take control of the UK’s borders, the government promised checks on imported food from the EU. The effect, according to the food industry, will be to raise prices and produce shortages. (Romantics searching for flowers for Valentine’s Day may well have their work cut out, despairing florists are already warning.)
Brexit took away the right of Brits to live and work where we pleased in the EU. For a while in 2023 it looked as if France would allow British expats to stay for longer than 90 days at a stretch. But the French courts blocked that concession to second home owners in the Dordogne.
Meanwhile the Brexit inspired border in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK continued to enrage Ulster Unionists, who in their hearts must now know that English Tories have played them for fools.
Finally, the Guardian reported that the EU's plans to increase bulk medicine procurement across the bloc risk creating shortages in Britain.
That’s just in the past few days.  
And yet the politicians who promised the electorate that leaving the EU would turn us into a world leader are simply not held to account.
You would have to be 35 or older to remember how the BBC used to deal with politicians who failed to deliver on their promises. In 2003 Tony Blair backed the US invasion of Iraq on the grounds that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
He didn’t.
BBC journalists tore into the then Labour government. Its ministers had taken us to war on a false prospectus, they claimed. Lied, in short.
And yet in a dereliction of journalistic duty the BBC has let the false prospectus of Brexit pass without the smallest attempt to remind its authors of their false promises.
Here is Daniel Hannan, the Zelig of British nationalism. For more than two decades, he popped up at what felt like every right-wing meeting and rally, urging ever more Utopian fantasies on the luckless British public.  
In 2016, he promised the revival of depressed British cities, a Silicon Valley in the East End of London, and falling prices and booming wages for us all.
Is he or any other Conservative or Faragist politician questioned to within an inch of his life by the BBC?
Of course not. Continuous funding cuts and right-wing attacks have destroyed the corporation’s ability to provide a vital news service. It’s given up on democratic accountability.
I can make one argument in its defence. If a BBC presenter were in the room with me now, I am sure they would say that the Labour opposition is giving them nothing to report. It is staying silent for fear of alienating elderly voters. The Liberal Democrats shut up for the same reason.
In its politicians and media, the UK is like the caricature Victorian family that puts on a show of respectability and says nothing about its dirty secrets.
No one, however, can shut up Professor Chris Grey, and our culture is the better for it. His Brexit & Beyond blog is the best source of information on our national malaise, and I was delighted to have him on podcast.
I will write a longer piece, which will bounce off our conversation about the purity spiral on the right Brexit set off. With a bit of luck that should be up tomorrow or on Wednesday. I am also working of a read on the lessons from the 1920s for the 2020s.
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heyitsthatonesmolgay · 9 months
For the fic ask game, I have a couple of fics you could choose from if you wanted to try something! 59. Forced to lie about something with Nicholas would be interesting (since he hates lying) or 60. Forced to tell the truth with Nathaniel (since he hates vulnerability). I also like 16. Where the twins from the past see their future selves.
Feel free to do any or none of these. Have a great day!
You've unleashed a storm, hahaha!
Long post under the cut!
Nicholas sees a child. A child who he instantly recognizes as himself. His form is less starved, bandages wrap his injuries, especially scraped knuckles and knees. His eyes are so, impossibly sad.
This child stares up at Nicholas in no amount of shocked awe. He didn't think he would live long enough to go gray, he admits, and Nicholas wants to cry. He remembers that feeling as clearly as when he had it when he was a child, and again when the gray started filling in.
He confirms Nicholas is truly his future self, asking questions that only Nicholas would know the answer to. Because, despite sharing his whole childhood with Nathaniel, Nicholas rarely told Nathaniel what he felt about the treatment he received from his brother.
And after he confirmed this, his younger self asked him a question that stole Nicholas' breath.
"Did I make the right choice? Saying yes to the adoption?"
Nicholas wanted to sit himself down and explain everything that had happened since he was thirteen. The Emergency, the Sender, his brother, staring at him with unbridled hatred in his ugliest moments, and almost...scared of Nicholas in the best moments, as if Nicholas could reject him and toss him to the side like discarded trash. How it took attempted world domination for Nicholas to find him, and how Nathaniel seemed to only ever be one step shy of reaching out, but never made the last (or rather, the first) step.
But he couldn't do that. Thirteen year old Nicholas couldn't bear that news. Fifty one year old Nicholas broke down nightly over it, when he was convinced his brother wouldn't hear.
So Nicholas bit back the acerbic taste of the words on his tongue, and forced out the bitter lie. "It was the best decision you ever made."
And his teenage self nodded, satisfied with this information.
Nathaniel discovers a college student. A college student he knows as himself. He is razor thin, skipping meals when he can't afford the price of the meals in the cafeteria, too weak and afraid to head into town to gather some food from other sources, provided he could even afford the opportunity to steal or barter. He has dark circles under his eyes, his hands are gripping pieces of circuitry tight as he puts the final pieces of Garrison's inventions together. And he is bitter and angry.
Nathaniel remembers this man, but almost regards him as a stranger. He feels so disconnected from the man who was hiding himself from the world, after feeling Nicholas' gentle touches and prodding to bring Nathaniel back out of his protective walls, his shell.
This man interrogates Nathaniel, determining who he is through a few quick questions and nodding decisively. Nicky...Nicholas could never fake that look of betrayal at the mention of the adoption. Though Nathaniel emoted far too much, he informs Nathaniel. And Nathaniel didn't even realize the changes Nicky was making until this man proved how far he had come.
And after that was made clear, his younger self asked him a question that made him want to vomit.
"Am I doing the right thing? Building the Whisperer?"
Nathaniel recognized that quiver in his voice. The desperation to know he was doing the right thing, to know that despite it all, he was good. That Nicholas could be proud of him. And, oh, how Nathaniel had been convinced that Nicholas found him deplorable after he had been found out...But Nicholas didn't find him deplorable. He gave, and gave, and gave until Nathaniel felt safe enough to give back. To reconnect. To have the time and opportunity to air his grievances over tea and several packs of tissues. And how none of that would happen if Nathaniel didn't build the Whisperer, if he didn't give Nicholas the push to seek out and find him.
So Nathaniel fought back the impending wave of cataplexy as he let down his walls and revealed the bitter truth.
"It is the best decision you will ever make."
His college-aged self nodded, once, decisively. And he turned on the Whisperer.
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System Roles Poll Series!
Hello everyone! We’ve decided we’d like to make a series of polls to learn how common certain roles are in systems. If you’re interested in this concept, we’d love your help!
We’ve created a form you can fill out to suggest system roles to be included in the series. You can check out the poll by clicking this link (sends you to a Google form).
Thank you so much! We’ve included an FAQ for this project below.
Q: What kind of roles can I submit?
A: any role you can think of! If someone in your system experiences this role, whether it be in-sys bookkeeper, chores-doer, relationship manager, protector, host, energizer, or anything else you’re more than welcome to include it!
Q: Should I submit the same role more than once (for example, if multiple members of my system fit that role)?
A: Please don’t. Resubmitting the same role for each headmate will muddy the responses and make it take longer before we’re actually able to get the polls up and running!
Q: Are there any roles that won’t be allowed?
A: At this point, no. However, submissions that are trolls or obviously bigoted will not be included for the safety of our followers.
Q: What if a role is really rare/specific to my system?
A: If you’re curious to learn whether or not other systems have members who also have that role, you’re more than welcome to submit it, even if you doubt any other system has a member who fits it.
Q: How should I define particular roles?
A: However works best for you. You’re more than welcome to define the role with your own words or pull a definition from the internet (please include your source if you do this!). For multiple submissions of the same role, we may combine or adjust definitions in order to provide a definition that best encompasses the scope of the role.
Q: Can I see a list of roles before the polls drop?
A: Yes, we will be posting the complete list of roles for our followers to look over/make final suggestions before the polls start being posted.
Q: Will you post all polls at once?
A: No - we’ve opted to release polls one at a time, once or twice per day. This is to prevent people’s dashboards from being filled up with polls all at the same time. Each poll will remain open for 1 week, and we will attempt to link the most recent poll with each new poll we post so you can navigate between them.
Q: How long will the submission form be open?
A: A few days up to a week, depending on how many responses we receive.
If y’all have any further questions about this project, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us in ask, comment, or DM! Here’s the link one more time to the form for submitting roles:
Thank you very much! Take care of yourselves, and have a great day!
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pettyrevenge-base · 1 year
They didn't honor their reservation so...
Few months ago, I volunteered to plan my MILs 60th birthday and my FILs 64th birthday which was a weekend in wine country.
I had made a reservation for a group of 10 at a new upscale restaurant months beforehand.  Because it was also a winery, we arrived 2 hours early and checked in with the restaurant to see if they could seat us earlier. Despite an empty restaurant, they said they couldn't, and that was no big deal we understood they could be low staffed, so we went and got some wine and hung out and listened to live music.
Close to our reservation time, I got a text from the restaurant to be seated. It was beginning to rain.
We walked over to the hostess, she informed us that because it was raining, and because our table was outdoors, that they would not be able to seat us tonight. As calmly as I could, I explained to them that I have had a reservation for months, I've been here for two hours, and I was not told that my reservation was for an outdoor table or subject to rain (there was no indoor/outdoor option). I explained to them that it was for a 60th and 64th birthday party. I asked if they could split us up between tables, and they just kept saying that there was nothing they could do, and that it wasn't their fault... because "we can't control the weather"
I snapped a little and said sharply "well what you could have done was not reserve out a table to a large party that you could not guarantee". The manager just shrugged.
We left, and because it was a Saturday at 6:00 p.m. there was no way we were getting a seat at another restaurant, I had to go to the grocery store and cook a full meal for 10 people.
I emailed the manager to ask them if there was anything they could comp because our experience was so terrible. I got no response after a week so I made multiple Gmail accounts, and left what was a fairly new restaurant TEN different one star reviews. In the reviews I said that you should never book this restaurant if you have a large party,  how they did not try to find us a table at another restaurant, how they had two hours to fix their error, that they booked out a table they could not guarantee, that they didn't move a table under cover (which there was plenty), provide any comps or otherwise make any attempt to fix their error. They ended up with a two-star drop in their Google rating because of my reviews. I left one review for every person that did not get a seat.
Several days after I had posted, they reached out offering to comp a meal for my in-laws IF "our group" took the reviews down. Which I refused.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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cr-ocau-bracket · 10 months
Cookie Bracket’s Introduction
HELLO Cookie Runners! My name’s DerpyToad, and I welcome you to my tournament of Cookies of your creation, whether by your hand or from another universe, conveniently tagged on Tumblr as @cr-ocau-bracket! It doesn’t matter who you are, what characters you make, or even what you like to make lore of! You will face off against people from across the fandom, and the characters THEY come up with. Before you submit your characters, here’s what you should know about this bracket:
This is purely meant for fun, don’t get at each other’s throats over this PLEASE!
For fairness and transparency in preliminary seeding, characters will be seeded based on the order their forms are received unless a specific preliminary matchup is requested and approved by both sides. DM me on Tumblr or send an ask if you’d like to arrange a matchup. Arranged matchups will be announced.
If you reference other canon Cookies in your character’s lore or backstory (art, siblings, fanchild, etc) or submit an AU character that is based on a canon character (Ex: AU Moonlight Cookie), consider the canon Cookies’ proper pronouns and other canon characteristics before you submit your character.
No NSFW or extreme gore will be permitted. Only very minimal amounts of “strawberry jam” are permitted. What strawberry jam is… is self explanatory.
Teaming is allowed if a matchup ends with a 5% difference or less (limit 45% - 55%) and both sides agree to team up.
Send all your propaganda and additional lore to the blog’s asks, submissions, or tag us on Tumblr with your lore posts. Propaganda art is allowed! Tag us for that too!
Crossover AUs from other series are allowed as long as their lore can seamlessly tie into existing Cookie Run lore. See the Hello Kitty, Sonic, Disney, and BTS crossovers if you’re looking for examples on crossovers in action.
Check your DMs for messages from this blog if action or a response on your part is needed. If a response is not received or receiving a response is not possible for any reason, I will attempt to failsafe the situation myself without your input or disqualify your character(s) immediately.
Draw your own art or sprite edits for your characters. Any kind of media is acceptable (digital, paper/pen, canvas, etc) as long as I know what you’re submitting. Otherwise, provide a source link to the original artist. We can’t judge what we can’t see, and plagiarism and art theft are a MAJOR no-no. Plagiarism or suspected art theft will result in immediate disqualification for all of the offender’s characters. No questions asked.
Your characters should primarily look like Cookies or fit the general style. After all, that’s the whole point of this bracket. Non-Cookie characters can still be submitted (IE Schwarzwälder, Space Doughnut, Sugar Cube Golems, particular Cake Hounds, etc) if they still fit the general art style and you can explain yourself in their lore.
For fairness, I am asking that each person submit no more than THREE (3) characters for the bracket. If you submit a fourth one and I realize, you will be asked to choose which ones you’d like to keep as your entrants. Failsafe Rule: No response? I’ll choose for you.
If this form was not submitted with sufficient details, or if another rule was violated, I reserve the right to deny your submission.
Only one character per form submission. You can submit the form multiple times to the maximum of three characters described in rule 13, but don’t send duplicates. It makes counting harder for me, and it will also get you disqualified.
Patience is a virtue. I’m a human just like you, so there will be things that will slow me down on posting here. Don’t rush me if I do slow down.
If an incident happens or somebody wants to concede from the bracket, inform me of this so that I may consider their removal.
Byes may be awarded if a character is removed before their round is done unless they want to have a stand-in from MY collection take their place.
Once the form closes, I will begin making the tournament bracket and introduction posts based on your own input. If you have any questions, send them my way! If you want me to rattle on about my own OCs and AUs, I’ll gladly do that, as I will not put my own characters into this unless someone requests a removal of their characters to replace them with mine (see rule 16).
Tag List:
#oc bracket introduction - bracket introduction for an OC
#au bracket introduction - bracket introduction for an AU character. comes with an AU tag of the name of the AU you submitted.
#(any canon cookie/location) - relevance tag for an associated canon Cookie/location’s part in your character’s lore, or if you submitted an AU version of that Cookie
#matchup - the matchups themselves. use this tag to find where the polls are!
#arranged matchup - polls that were arranged with the cooperation of both creators, although this will only feature such polls in round 1
#tournament asks - asks about the bracket itself
#cookie asks - asks about Cookie Run in general
#my character asks - asks about my characters
#random asks - asks about anything else
#bracket propaganda - submitted or asked propaganda for this bracket
#propaganda art - art of bracket characters created and reblogged here
#tourney reblog - reblogs of posts of characters in the tournament. Tag me on those posts if you want me to reblog stuff!
#fellow brackets - reblogged intro posts of other new tournaments! Feel free to check them out, and tag this blog if this bracket inspired you!
#mod post - unrelated posts from me, the blog mod
#unrelated poll - miscellaneous polls for anything on this blog or for me in general
Special Thanks to the following bracket blogs for inspiring me to start my own: @tournament-winners-tournament @bestfictionalparentshowdown @best-kirby-character-tournament @battleoftheicyfreaks @kirbyoctournament @sinkthoseshipspoll @original-character-championship @super-shapeshifter-showdown @lightningelementaltournament @nonbiney-swag-competition
Ready to go? Submit your characters on the link below! There’s no closing date yet.
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