#do protestants believe in satan? hold on
vulpinesaint · 2 years
thank god i have realized that i can Post On Tumblr (make insane little personal posts whenever i want) since the last time i picked up paradise lost. the girlies in the gc were not very receptive to my screaming over milton's descriptions of satan and of hell but i know in my heart that the tumblrinas will come through for me
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astrobolical · 11 months
To make you forget, if only for a while
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How the kings (Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub) alleviate your fears and worries, at least for a little while— as best they can, and in their own unique ways.
I love the utter filth that comes from this game, but sometimes a little fluff is welcome, too. If this does okay, I may see about doing some of the other devils as well.
Also yes, I do fully believe that there’s no way Leviathan doesn’t have a larger source of water in his home— his bathtub just being his favourite— it’s not as though he’s going out to find any.
Oh, and I went with “Bell” as Beelzebub’s nickname, as it’s what Mammon calls him in Chapter 3.
Content Warnings: Mildly Suggestive (Mostly Beelzebub), devil behaviours, brief mentions of alcohol, brief & mild mentions of depression, (lightly described) anxiety
Reader: Gender Neutral
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Your voice had fallen silent, trailing behind the trio in front of you— and Satan cursed himself as he came to realize far too slowly that you’d withdrawn. His steps slowed, turning his head to see just what had garnered your attention… but was left with a foul taste in his mouth as he discerned what exactly it was. Your eyes were gazing down a street visible from where you were, seeing the frantic devils working tirelessly to restore or save their homes and businesses. Fires were being quelled, devils saved from rubble— trying their best to survive. Satan knew, however, that you weren’t simply watching, he could see how your eyes watered, bordering on tears, as you walked helplessly along.
In your racing mind Satan knew that you were blaming yourself entirely, allowing yourself to wallow and drown in the guilt that had begun to eat away. The look in your solemn eyes told him everything— it was a darkness he was all too familiar with, one that gripped him often, one that was difficult to escape from, especially alone. He wanted to stop, to tell you that none of this was your burden to bear, that not a single citizen of Gehenna would ever blame you. You hadn’t asked for any of this, hadn’t wished for an angel and Satan himself to whisk you away into chaos.
Yet all the same he knew those doubts and worries would not be easily assuaged, that your mind would inevitably take his words and discard them as if they were worth nothing. No matter how sincere they may be.
No, Satan knew that words were simply not enough, not for this— not for the gravity of the weight you felt on your shoulders as you looked out into the destruction and havoc. Instead, he decided, quite quickly, on another course of action that always helped him when he needed it the most.
His pace halted entirely, not having to wait long before you bumped carelessly into his back, not realizing he’d come to a full stop in your stupor.
“Satan?” You questioned, breaking free from whatever thoughts had held you. “Did something happen?” You glanced towards Sitri, as if trying to see if he’d heard someone approaching, or trouble nearby, but he shook his head.
“No,” He placed his hand atop your head, smoothing your hair out gently. “Nothing’s changed… I just think we need a break.”
You pouted, studying his eyes and expression. “A break? I’m fine…” You lied through your teeth— he’d already learned your little human quirks, at least partially.
Your protests, however, went unlistened to, and you were given no more time to voice your concerns. Satan pulled you close, holding you around your waist as he had so many times before and started down an unfamiliar alleyway. Not once did he look back to ensure your companions were following, knowing that they, too, completely understood the situation— you however, felt lost.
He led you, primarily, through the alleys and side streets you hadn’t yet seen, keeping away from the carnage you’d been surrounded by. His pace was quick, determined, keeping you against him as he trekked. You couldn’t quite grasp the sudden change of plans and direction, but your trust in Satan allowed you to relax and follow him as best you could (though you were sure without his arm around you, you’d have stumbled multiple times already). You knew that Satan would never harm you, not intentionally.
And, as expected, your intuition was correct and your trust well placed. There was not a single sign of danger where you now found yourself. In fact, it appeared more like a safe haven, mostly left untouched by the chaos that the angels had wreaked upon Gehenna.
It reminded you of the bar that you’d stopped in to rest before, though even more lively. It was larger, decorated with more lavish designs and furniture. Within were dozens of devils, relaxing and laughing with one another— and each and every one rejoiced when their king came through the door. Shouts and hollers, an energetic flurry of motion as they led your ragtag group further into the depths of the building. Not once did Satan release his hold on you.
It warmed your heart to see how joyous his people were just to see him. Though, it alarmed you quite readily when their joy, energy, and questions were also turned towards you. They offered everyone drinks, began to loudly tell you all manner of stories from their lives here in Hell. It as a flurry of motion, of attention and an infectiously rambunctious attitude— a wonderful and welcome feeling, compared to the ghastly reminders just outside.
Satan and Sitri — and even Ppyong— joined in on the revelry, encouraging the energies around them and rallying the morale. Unlike the last visit to a bar that you’d had, this time it was simply for fun and leisure. Satan kept you steady on his lap throughout the whole affair, hand idly massaging your sides or your thigh. You could feel his gaze on you every now and then, though each time you glanced back you were met with a shockingly gentle smile, and encouragement to pay more attention to his people.
He kept any grabby hands at bay, and a few were sent flying with a well-placed kick upon their weaker frames— though this did little to quell them, if anything it had only added to their adoration. Though you noted that with each attempt to get just a little too close to you, his hold would grow a little tighter, he’d pull you more fully into his lap and against him with a snarl.
You hadn’t laughed as much as you did then in what felt like your entire life— hadn’t met so many new faces, or heard such crazy tales, each one more absurd than the last. You leaned back into Satan, nestling yourself close to his warmth and comfort. When he turned to glance your way you stole a kiss from his parted lips— choosing to ignore the whoops and calls of the others in the room— and caught him off guard.
His eyes were wide as you leaned towards his ear. “Thank you,” You murmured, so quiet you were sure that only he (and perhaps Sitri) could hear. “For bringing me here, Satan.” You knew how much he cared for the denizens of Gehenna, how much he treasured and valued each and every one of them. And you’d realized that’s exactly why he’d brought you to such a place, at such a dire time.
In your moment of heartbreak and darkness, he’d brought you to them. To a place you were sure he’d probably often escaped to himself when his mind spiraled and he couldn’t quell it alone. He was showing you that these devils could be your safe space as well, your light out of the darkness that plagued your heart.
His people were his respite, and now they were yours as well.
This king of Hell had done so much for you, in such a short time… saved you more times than you cared to count— so you allowed yourself to enjoy his, and his people’s, company well into the night. Until the drinks finally slowed, and he’d ushered you to a place to rest on the upper floor. It was then that he returned the kiss you’d stolen earlier, with fervour, as if imploring you to realize that you were never alone in this.
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He was alarmed— his gut telling him something was amiss, even if he wasn’t quite sure what it may be. Mammon knew only that it had to do with that faraway look within your eyes, almost as if you were looking through the brilliant gold around you rather than at it— it was not admiration, not his coveted greed, it was nothing. Mammon couldn’t understand why you weren’t pleased with your surroundings, or what all you may be thinking… just that he didn’t like it.
He wanted you to look around and desire it, to want the world despite knowing that it was already yours, as he was. He loved to see your eyes alight with a fiery passion, your heart just as full… but somehow you had fallen far, right under his nose. A human folly, he was certain, and not one he had ever encountered. Yet this? This he did not want, he did not covet this new experience, this new emotion. He wanted to be rid of it.
Mammon lifted you with ease, and without warning, breaking your senseless focus immediately, drawing you towards him effortlessly. You clung to him in surprise, steadying yourself though you knew that to Mammon you weighed nothing— he’d proven that already. You wound your arms around his neck, legs finding purchase on his hips, exclaiming his name in your surprise. His strength always amazed you— then again, he was simply amazing overall.
His silence continued as he pressed a warm kiss against your forehead, holding you close with one arm, while pulling your head closer with the other before it settled on your cheek. Your face flushed pink, dumbfounded at the gentle touches he’d graced you with.
His deep voice rumbled as he spoke, and pressed against him as you were you couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling of the vibrations. “What is bothering you, MC?” He questioned, eyes that looked like molten gold peering into yours with concern.
You stared back, silent, unsure how to answer— or if you even should. You worried your lower lip with your teeth as you pondered, not missing the way his eyes flicked downwards at the motion, how he held you a little more tightly. “Nothing,” you finally relented, though accompanied by a forced smile that didn’t quite meet your eyes. “I’m alright.”
Mammon did not know doubt, or lies— you knew that your words alone would calm him, come as a reassurance that there was nothing to worry over. And you told yourself that you would do better to keep your worries hidden. A white lie, you decided, was the better way to go.
Even if the weight of all the events thus far was pressing down around you, exerting more pressure with each new battle you found yourself surrounded by.
Yet, despite your reassurance, Mammon’s brows furrowed, and he shook his head. “…While I do not know—or even understand— doubt, MC, I know that there is something wrong. I just know.”
He looked pained as his eyes bore into yours, unyielding as he studied your expressions. His grip became a little tighter as he sighed. “Can you not trust me?”
The question made your breath hitch, and you shook your head rapidly. “I trust you!” You reassured, your heart wrenching at his assumption. Of course you trusted Mammon— with everything in you, you did. You just didn’t want to burden him with your worries, your fears, and your guilt. You’d buried it so deeply within you throughout your journey that you’d thought that maybe you’d somehow escaped it… but it had consumed you the moment you’d finally attempted to rest, comforted by the massive devil’s presence. “I do. It’s just… it’s nothing, really. I’m just worrying over everything that’s happening here in Hell— if Satan hadn't saved me…”
His eyes widened, and his forehead bunted against your own. “Never think that way, MC. Nothing here is your fault— and there is no devil in Hell that thinks that it is.”
“Everyone is ecstatic that you’re here— even more than when they see me!” He continued, placing slow, soft kisses on your face between each breath.
You knew he was right, deep down. That if it hadn’t been you, another descendent of Solomon could have just as easily ignited it all. It wasn’t your burden to bear, just as much as it wasn’t Mammon’s. Whatever happened to God — the event that had earned the angel’s ire— was still a mystery.
You sighed, your eyes glossy as you looked up at him once more. “I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
“No need for apologies.” He straightened again, adjusting his grip on your bottom. “Just tell me when these thoughts plague you, and I will reassure you of every worry— I am yours, after all. You have me at your side to deal with whatever you feel you can’t. You are the only being to ever have this, the only one I’ll ever give it to.”
He grinned, sharp canines glinting in the light that shone into the room from the elegant (yet gaudy) golden windows, and you couldn’t help but smile— genuinely, this time. “Thanks, Mammon. I’ll keep that in mind.” It was strange, you thought, that he could so easily clear your mind with his promises alone… but when you looked at him, it also wasn’t hard to see why. He was powerful, confident— and he so proudly declared himself yours it was difficult to not believe him, to rely on him. “Aren’t you getting tired of holding me up, though?”
Your attempt to change the subject earned you a hearty laugh, that shook you in his arms. “Never!” As if taking your words as a challenge he tossed you upwards before catching you just as effortlessly, before securing you once again against him. “And if you don’t believe me, I’ll parade you around Tartaros to prove it.”
“Please, don’t!” You laughed, though you could see that he was absolutely considering his own words. “Mammon!”
“It would do you well to go out— and you can still rest as long as you’re in my arms.” You hit his chest, grumbling about how impossible he was— but there was little you could do to stop him from walking out the door, with you still held close. Though, despite your protests, you really didn’t mind— Mammon was right, seeing the devils of Tartaros going about their daily lives, seeing their smiling faces as they saw their king, and you… it really would do you good.
And, though you didn’t give him the pleasure of telling him, being held by Mammon was the safest place you felt you could be. Untouchable, secure, and comforted by his warmth.
Even if it was still a bit embarrassing.
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Your mind was elsewhere, lost deep within unwanted thoughts that forced their way through despite any efforts to hinder them. Leviathan, in a way, couldn’t fault you for it— you were only human, and your entire world had been upturned and threatened. But Leviathan himself was at your side, seated just an arms length away— could you not even consider him a worthy distraction? Surely his presence alone should earn your gaze, at least? Yet your eyes were staring at the floor, your brows furrowed.
It irked him, stirring feelings in his heart that made his eyes narrow and fists clench— especially when he wondered just what it was you would finally use to alleviate whatever thoughts you were unable to escape. Whoever, or whatever, it may have been, even if imaginary, made envy seep through him.
Had he not proven he would go to great lengths for you already, without question? He’d even gone outside of the sanctity of his home for you, protected you from angels at the cost of his own wellbeing.
He sucked in a breath, steadying himself from whatever spiral he himself had nearly fallen into— now was not the time, not when he could simply take your attention for himself and eliminate the threats from the equation altogether. Motioning with lithe fingers, ropes quickly fell from the inky darkness of the ceiling above, entangling you despite your surprised protest. At least you’d called his name in your alarm.
The ropes dragged you closer to him— surprisingly gentle— and you wondered what his plan was, recalling just how pleasurable it could be to be bound before this devil king. Yet only your jaw was slowly traced by a singular long finger, no further touches gracing your skin. Instead his pale eyes met yours, contemplative. He did not seem exceptionally angry or upset, in fact he appeared oddly calm for having called on his favoured ability.
And then he stood, sighing, leaving you where you were. “Come, then.” He spoke, a chill running through your spine— from suspense or anticipation, you weren’t sure. Yet despite ordering you to follow, he hadn’t intended to give you a choice to begin with, the strong ropes moving you for him, just behind (but so, so careful not to damage your frail, human skin).
He spoke nothing of where he was taking you, barely acknowledging that you were with him at all. At times his intense gaze met yours, as if checking on your wellbeing — though you surmised it was to ensure your attention was on him, as he wanted.
Any complaints you had, though, died on your tongue the moment he opened large double doors with a wave of his hand, and you were greeted with a marvelous sight that you couldn’t quite comprehend.
Within it was not quite the same castle-like structures you’d come to know, it was somehow more cavernous while still retaining its elegance. In the center was a pool, of sorts, though if you were to describe it properly it was more akin to a man-made (devil-made?) lake within the confines of Leviathan’s estate. The water’s surface was reflecting all across the walls and every item it could reach, creating a beautiful, moving pattern that was hard to tear your eyes away from.
You wondered if you should really feel as surprised as you do, that he had such a place tucked away, being as fond of water as Leviathan was.
“Very few have been here, Child of Solomon. I don’t allow it.” He spoke bluntly, those agile fingers motioning for your freedom (and oh, you knew what else those hands could do). “But,” He continued, turning to face you. “It appears you need something to distract you. Come.”
His hand extended towards you, waiting impatiently for you to take it, and despite your surprise and tentativeness you did just that. He led you towards the waters, still fully clothed and unperturbed. “Wait— shouldn’t I get a bathing suit, or something?”
He stopped, a quizzical look upon his beautiful features. “If you must worry about your clothes, just remove them.” As if assuming you would do just that he released your hand as quickly as he’d taken it, stepping into the water without waiting any longer for you to decide.
It wasn’t hard to see he belonged there, his pale skin practically glowing in an ethereal light. Soon enough he vanished into the depths, only to resurface a ways away, floating lazily despite the weight of his clothing.
Hastily you joined him, donning only your undergarments (not quite as confident within such deep waters while being weighed down). Yet when his hands were on you you knew that even if you even began to sink towards the bottom, he’d keep you afloat with ease. “You’re only the second outside of myself I’ve allowed in here.”
“…Why?” You murmured, enjoying the feel of the small, cool waves on your skin.
“Because it’s mine.” A simple answer, blunt as always. “But … so are you. So I don’t mind you being here, as long as your attention is on me, MC.”
Your heart felt warm as you realized how much you meant to him— that he would break his own comforts for your own, in a way. Even if it was borne from wanting your attention only on him and nothing else. “Sorry, Leviathan,” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek, which met with a strong hand pulling you closer to him. “For being so distracted before. Thank you for showing me this.”
He hummed in response, more taken with your body in his arms than with your gratitude— though you could very easily see he enjoyed it.
He’d succeeded in claiming your attention, keeping it upon himself with ease now that you were reminded that not everything in your situation was a bad thing. That you had devils like Leviathan at your side, and that they would do anything to assist you. Leviathan, who so rarely let others in but who opened himself to you without thought or hesitance.
Even if Leviathan’s needy hands barely gave you a moment’s rest, itching for your touch at every turn. You’d give him everything he wanted— how could you deny him, after all?
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The room felt as though it was nearly split down the center as Beelzebub glanced around— on one side was the chatter and planning, a tense atmosphere of grumbling devils attempting to decide what to do… on the other, was you. Around you was quiet, abnormally so— the devils had let you be, he supposed it was to give you time to breathe and catch up with everything that had transpired.
Yet to Beelzebub, you simply looked pitiful, too sad for his liking. Your eyes were staring blankly out the window, sitting idly and unmoving on the sill. Yet you weren’t really looking at anything, your eyes barely moving even when there was an outburst on the other side of the room, or a bird flew by your window.
Clearly, despite what the others may think, you didn’t need time to yourself to breathe. In fact, it seemed as though leaving you to your own devices was only making things worse in that little human mind of yours. And, being who he is, Beelzebub was more than willing to bend the rules and expectations just to make you smile again.
He could sense Bael’s cautious yet curious gaze on his back— unwilling to believe that his king would simply sit idly. And he wasn’t wrong, really. Yet Beelzebub didn’t do anything immediately, instead standing and making his way over towards you rather languidly, lazily as though he just wanted to banter with you—despite being told to leave you be.
You didn’t react to his approach, or even seem to hear his intentionally loud footsteps, utterly lost in whatever thoughts were plaguing you. If this were another time, or he were any other devil, it may have been concerning how unaware you were of your surroundings in an unfamiliar environment— even if it was safe.
However, he was not another devil, and was still Beelzebub. He looked at this, instead, like an opportunity he simply couldn’t let go of and let pass by. In one swift motion you were hoisted upwards, a garbled noise of surprise escaping you as you were thrown over a strong shoulder. His hand kept you steady, lying comfortably on your lower back (if a little lower than necessary). Instinctively you reached out to grip anything you could to ground yourself, hands clinging to whatever you could reach on him. You knew that no matter how irresponsible Beelzebub may be, he would never drop you, but it was still difficult to settle when you’re quite literally thrown like a sack of potatoes.
“Let’s go out and play, MC.” His voice was a purr, adjusting you quickly before the others could react and taking off out the door with a surprising burst of speed— you hadn’t even known he could move that quickly!
There was chaos behind you near immediately, and you could see the others— particularly Bael— preparing to stop their quick-footed king from escaping, especially with you in tow. However, as much as the efforts were doubled by your presence, they were also incredibly hindered, not wanting to harm you in any way while attempting to stop the ever-troublesome man.
“Bell!” You protested, though he could hear your insincerity within your voice, a bubble of laughter escaping you at the audacity of the unanticipated situation you’d found yourself in. “Where are we even going?!”
The gloom that had surrounded you already began to crumble, and he laughed as he replied. “Somewhere fun!” He didn’t elaborate, however, as he dealt with the devils in his way, deftly outmaneuvering them.
Looking back once more, you couldn’t help but pity Bael, seeing now what it was he dealt with, but at the same time you were thankful for Beelzebub and his free spirited nature. You’d forgotten that, though the situation was incredibly serious, you were still allowed to have fun.
Almost as quickly as it had begun, the chaos came to a close, Beelzebub successful in his escape, and you now safely hugged within his arms after he’d set your feet back down securely to the ground. His grin was positively infectious as you took a step back from him, and you had to stifle your laughter. “There!” He exclaimed, fixing your hair idly as he spoke. “Now, let’s find someplace fun to waste some time in. Let’s let loose, MC.”
Grasping your hand he pulled you along through the streets, searching out a familiar haunt that would be filling in with devils soon. He didn’t pay mind to the confused looks he got along the way, loudly talking with you all the while. He didn’t let you rest until you’d arrived at wherever it was that he’d thought of.
The rooms were dimly lit, but there was a well-stocked bar at the far end of the largest one, the music blaring from speakers already despite guests just beginning to filter in. It wasn’t terribly large, more quaint than you’d expected for Beelzebub, but it was clear he was a common sight there, as no one batted an eye in his direction as he led you further in.
You clung to him as the crowd steadily grew, unwilling to be parted from your guide— and it wasn’t as though you disliked touching Beelzebub, either. There were certainly no complaints from him, either, as his hands groped and prodded your body in return. It wasn’t long before he led you to the dance floor, where his hands explored more boldly, front pressed against your back as you swayed to the music.
You knew it didn’t matter if you were any good at dancing, Beelzebub simply wanted you to lose yourself to the music, and more importantly with him.
It wasn’t difficult to persuade you, letting his body guide your movements, losing yourself to his touch and the vibrations in your body from the sounds around you and the mesmerizing lights.
You could hear his praises when his hot breath ghosted by the shell of your ear, sharp teeth toying with the cartilage. His lips finding your neck, his hands dipping lower— it was so easy to lose yourself with Beelzebub, that your worries melted away. Not even the inevitable repercussions that were to come from your escape could bother you.
You were thankful for how carefree the king who held you was, that he’d decided to encourage it within you, too.
Though you weren’t sure how long you were among those on the dance floor before Beelzebub inevitably led you towards the dark bathroom, your bodies barely parted for a moment. You locked the door behind the two of you, opting to lose yourself to him in another way, even if someone heard you.
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 2/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Writing this while listening to Christian songs is my process lajsdlkajkld
You guys need to listen to the soundtrack of Journey to Bethlehem. What bangers and amazing pieces!
Once they got inside, Charlie locks the hotel up using keekee.
Vaggie: You sure that will hold them up?
Charlie: Of course! Besides if any of them try to sneak in then I'm sure Razzle and Keekee will keep them out yes? Yeah? Awww yes you will~
Charlie gushes on her guardians for one more minute before moving close to where her dad was seated on the couch.
Charlie: You okay, dad?
Lucifer: I'm fine, sweetie. Just a little dizzy. I've been using that ability more in thebpast few months than I ever did for 10000 years. It's always draining.
Alastor has disappeared, probably in the kitchen making her dad tea.
Cherri: Not gonna lie. That was kinda hot.
Angel: Yeah. You gotta keep doing whatever that was when you can, short king. Preferably when I'm there to see it. You know, I give full consent for you to do that to me in be-
Charlie: Angel!
Angel: What?
Alastor: Do you never think before you speak, Angel?
Saved by the radio demon. Lucifer smirks as gladly accepts the tea handed to him.
Angel: I'm just here expressing my feelings, Al! And princess, didn't you say that was a redeeming quality.
Vaggie: You are so lucky Lucifer- uh sir- is not killing you on the spot.
Angel: Hehe sorry, handsome. Just a lil fun~
Lucifer chuckles at this. Charlie sure did find some funny individuals.
Lucifer: None taken, Angel. And Vaggie, I told you to stop calling me sir. Lucifer is fine, or if you want.. dad.
Vaggie blushed so so golden that she went to hide in her girlfriend's shoulders in embarrassment.
Vaggie: okay… Lucifer sir.
The King of Hell chuckles in amusement. Well, he'll take what he can get.
Someone clears their throat causing everyone to look at the source.
Lucifer: What is it, Satan?
Satan: As cute as this is, I think we need to discuss what happened earlier.
Lucifer: Can I say anything that will make you guys just drop it?
Various statements from All: Nope. No. Sorry, shorty. Nuh uh. I don't believe so, my dear.
He sighs.
Lucifer: Worth a shot.
When Lucifer doesn't make a move to speak, Charlie kneels before him to hold his hands in hers. There's ringing in his ears.
Charlie: Dad..
Fatherdamnit! Why is he so weak when it comes to his baby girl? He's the Devil for fucks sake and-
And… he's a father first.
Lucifer: It was my brother. Michael.
Everyone's eyes widened in shock except for the Sins. They knew who it was but what they want to know is why.
Angel: Woah woah woah! Like St. Michael the Archangel ?? From the Bible??
Lucifer: Angel, I'm from the Bible.
Angel: Oh yeah.
Charlie: Do you think this is about the last extermination?
Vaggie: But that was already a few months ago. If Heaven had a problem with what happened, I'm pretty sure that we'd hear from them much earlier. Unless..
Husk: It could be cos of the mess in the 7th ring?
Lucifer doesn't answer any of them again. Instead, he looks on to the Heaven shaped planet in the sky.
Asmodeus: Luci… is a war coming?
Lucifer: I can't answer that.
Liar. Why are you lying again? You know why Michael did that. They can help. They will listen!
Alastor: Cannot or won't, my Majesty?
He should've known Alastor will see right through him. Smiling prick.
Lucifer: Does it matter?
The demon's grin doesn't falter.
Alastor: I do not know, my King. Does it?
The faint ringing in his ears is getting louder. He can't ignore it for long.
He stands and dusts himself off.
Lucifer: I don't have time for this. I need to go to Heaven as soon as possible. Preferably right now.
Loud protests echoed in the hotel lobby as soon as he said it.
Alastor: Mon ange, let us not be too hasty.
Satan: Are you fucking kidding me?!
Leviathan: No way.
Mammon: So it is a war???
Ozzie: On your own?!
Bee: What if they kill you?? One of us will go with you.
Belphegor: At least take someone from the Ars Goetia. I'm sure Paimon would gladly give you a strong familiar.
Angel: I make stupid choices so I know this is stupid- ow! The hell, bitch??
Vaggie: Shut up, Angel. But they're right, Lucifer sir. And sorry but what brought this on?
Charlie: Let me come with you atleast.
That's it.
Lucifer: No!
That stopped the talking atleast.
Lucifer: I need to talk to Michael and I'm pretty sure he's not going to come down here. And no, I am not going to take anyone with me. It's too dangerous, Charlie. Don't worry, he's not gonna kill me up there. Just… I promise I'll explain what I can after but right now… I need to go
He can see the Sins about to argue again but he gave them the softest look he can muster and it did the trick because they all clammed up.
Lucifer: Do you trust me?
The look they give him makes him reminiscent the beginning. A time of nothing and all he had was Lilith and the newly born Sins. He sometimes forgets that they were still a lot younger than him and for a long time, he was all they got.
Satan: Of course.
He hopes the smile he gives them is reassuring enough. They melt into his hold as he rans a hand through their faces to cup them.
Lucifer: Good. Take care of my daughter and Hell, okay?
Finally appraoching Charlie and her friends, he draws small pentagrams that embedded themselves unto their skins.
Lucifer: These will act as a ward to anything that poses as a danger to you. Consider it a gift from me.
He locks eyes with Alastor and they form a silent agreement.
His deer takes his hand and bends down to kiss it.
Alastor: With my soul, my love.
Lucifer smiles and suddenly a golden flurry engulfs him, tranforming him back to what he originally looked like before Roo.
When Leviathan gave him a look, he waves in dismissal.
Lucifer: I don't need Michael or Heaven knowing about all this mess. As far as they're concerned, Roo never happened.
He calls upon Keekee, who turned into a key to open a golden portal. Vaggie can see that wherever he opened it, it wasn't the pearly gates of Heaven. It looked like… a room? And since when was Lucifer allowed to open any door in Heaven on his own? This is all suspicious if you ask her. But she bites her tongue.
Before the King could step in, he was grabbed by the arm. He looks back to see his daughter having a tight grip on his wrist.
Lucifer: Char-char?
Charlie: Come back, dad. Okay?
He wishes he just lived a normal life with his beloved little girl.
Lucifer: Promise…. Love you.
Found the comic with the baby Sins thanks to user @s-arina!
Baby Sins Comic by aogs_47777
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soursvgar · 2 years
The brothers and their favorite spots to kiss you ~ ♡
demon brothers x gender neutral reader; slightly nsfw
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Lucifer ━ Forehead
You would think Lucifer's pride will make him possessive, however, it makes him confident instead. As you've already established, you are his, and he is yours. Therefore, he has no reason to worry over your loyalty, despite who you seek to spend your time with. To him, kissing your forehead is his way of displaying the shared trust between you and showing you that no matter where, and with whom the two of you spend your days with, whenever you choose to come home, you'll always find a home within his arms.
"You asked to see me in your office?" Entering Lucifer's study, you spot him immersed in the contents of a folder placed in front of him. As his eyes shift from the document in his hand to you, the corners of his mouth stretch into a smile before he abandons his seat. Now in front of you, his hands cup your cheeks, tilting your face up so his lips can meet your forehead in a tender kiss. Closing your eyes, you give in to the soothing sensation his presence induces you into.
"I only wanted to wish you good night."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Mammon ━ Lips
Your first man is a very jealous demon, in addition, being the avatar of greed makes it unbearably hard for him to watch someone else daring to even as much as spare you another glance. Kissing you on the lips is a bold statement, and his way of asserting dominance, telling others to back off; but more than that, he does it because he wants you to feel secure and know he's always there to have your back.
"Here, wear this." Mammon delicately drapes his jacket around your shoulders, appearing fairly sullen. "Those demons around the corner are practically undressing ya with their eyes." He hisses under his breath, eyes sharp as he watches their every move. He doesn't actively seek troubles, but if troubles find him, he won't hesitate to show them what he's got.
"Mammon, I'm sure it has nothing to do with what I'm wearing." Protesting, you are in the midst of stripping off his jacket when his digits faintly raise your chin, lips locking with yours in a lingering kiss while his other hand is putting his jacket back where he intended it to be.
"Dammit human, listen to me! It doesn't matter, no one is allowed to look at what's mine."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Leviathan ━ Cheek
Our resident shy boy's favorite way to showcase his affection has to be planting little kisses on your cheeks whenever you do something that cause his heart to beat faster. It can vary from a single peck whenever you sweetly hum his name, holding up a joystick for him to be your player two, to multiple grazing of his lips along your skin when you cuddle each other in his bathtub.
"Levi, I need your help. I can't seem to get past this level in the new game you lent me." Dropping by his room for a quick walkthrough service, you barge in with a pout tugging on your lips. He sighs, practically snatching the console from your hand as he skilfully maneuver through the rank, handing you back the gaming device. "Done. But you're going to stay a noob if you constantly ask me to pass these for you." He rolls his eyes at you and resumes his anime.
Pausing his content, you take a seat next to him and whip your best pleading look. "Well, I won't get better if you refuse to help me! Instead of solving it you should show me how to do it..." Your pout deepens, causing the latter to flush bright red. Levi huffs and pulls you closer, putting his laptop away before he presses a brief kiss to your cheek, looking away.
"I will if you'll stop being so cute..."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Satan ━ Hand
When it comes to showing love, Satan can be a bit of an old fashioned romantic. He wants to share his feelings in a respectful way while courting you and believes a gesture such as kissing the back of your hand is the perfect combination of affectionate and well mannered.
"As you can see, this illustration shows the correct way to execute this incantation." Satan points to a picture in the lesson's guide book. He might have been prepping you for the upcoming exam, but he himself is a bit preoccupied with studying your features, instead.
"I get it now, thank you!" The grin you present before him alone turns him into a blushing mess and has him unconsciously reaching for your hand. He brings it up to his lips, kissing each of your finger pads before he trails off, leaving pecks from the root of your palm and down to the middle of your wrist.
"I'm always here to help you. No matter what it is you need me for."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Asmodeus ━ Neck
Being the physical manifestation of the sin of lust, to him there's nothing more satisfying than letting you roam the hallways with his markings all over your exposed skin, wearing it like jewellery. He might not be as possessive as Mammon, but he takes pride in the shape of his teeth adorning your neck, and often doesn't let you leave his room without it.
"There there, it's nothing a little concealer can't fix. Although I'm not sure why you want to hide this work of art made by yours truly." Asmo chuckles, his fingers trace over the fresh purple bruise on your neck. "Well, since you're already covering it against my will, let me make it just a wee bit harder for you." You barely manage to catch a glimpse of his devilish smile before his face dips in the crook of your neck, leaving a trail of kisses from your collarbones to your jaw.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Beelzebub ━ Shoulder
Beel finds it both intimate and romantic to plant a kiss along your shoulder bones. It serves as a reminder of how dainty and fragile your human body is compared to his own, and he loves to gently place sweet kisses onto it. Ultimately, he adores playfully sinking his teeth into your flesh just as much, loving the play on an array of strengths and pressures with you.
"I saw you in the bleachers during my fangol game today, you were cheering the loudest." Beel claims, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugs you from behind. He loves to show you off during his games, but beyond that, he's truly grateful for the extra boost your presence contributes each time he spots you from the field. "My personal cheerleader."
"I did my best, you deserve all the love, Beel." He hums in response to your words as he hooks a thumb in the hem of your shirt, slightly pulling aside your collar in order to reveal your skin. He then positions his lips on your shoulder, leaving an open mouthed kiss to your exposed skin before lightly nibbling on it.
"You deserve some love in return then. But be careful, you look particularly scrumptious today, I might just eat you."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Belphegor ━ Nape
Pure bliss is how Belphie would describe the way he feels when it's just the two of you, laying in his bed with his face nestled into you from behind. The comfort he gets from entrapping you in his tight embrace is unmatched, but his absolute greatest delight is placing soft, feather like kisses to the back of your neck when you're asleep in his arms.
It wasn't a rare instance for Belphegor to wake up in the dead of the night, not with a chaotic sleeping pattern like his. He grew accustomed to periodically jolting awake, finding you peacefully allocated beside him, deep in a slumber. However, tonight was not one of those cases. You are unsettled, brows scrunched together with your fists clenched and the occasional whimpers omitting out of you in your sleep.
"Oh no, are you having a nightmare, my little human?" Belphegor whispers with concern, his fingers rake through your hair for support. Hoping to provide some ease, he buries his face in the back of your head as he kisses down your nape, mumbling words of affection he's too shy to confess when you're awake, yet, still hoping they might register somewhere in your subconscious.
"I love you. Let me protect you from all of your bad dreams."
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halcyonfawn · 10 months
the blitz, part three
i don't usually post my thoughts on tv shows here; i tend to annoy my clueless friends with insanely long voice messages instead. but this time i thought why not so here we are.
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[forgive me for my poor english in advance]
let's talk about 1941. i strongly believe this year holds a very significant meaning for aziraphale and crowley's relationship. of course, we all know that, it's like saying the earth is round, but i'm curious as to what exactly had changed their relationship during that year.
if there is going to be a third part of the blitz sequence in season 3, somehow i can see aziraphale and crowley getting heavily drunk after the magic show and all the "shades of grey" talk. a continuation of their date night which has been theorised many times already, but i can't stop thinking about the possible outcomes and how it would explain aziraphale's "you go too fast for me, crowley" later on. sure, they could've met in the middle between 1941 and 1967, we don't know that for this time being, but if they haven't, then, no doubt, something truly pivotal happend in 1941. obviously, the bullet catch trick was quite a stressful experience for both crowley and aziraphale. not to mention the fact that they were almost exposed by furfur. it'd be foolish to think they weren't terrified and even traumatized after all that'd happened. so, perhaps, that's why aziraphale's so afraid to hang out (take a step forward in their relationship?) with crowley in 1967? he's being cautious and doesn't want to take another risk? or did something else happen during the blitz that we don't know yet?
so, 1941. here they are, drunk and a bit giddy. pouring more wine, talking gibberish. it has been a crazy day and alcohol is the greatest stress reliever they desperately need at the moment. then, at some point, they start to reminisce the events of the day.
1. church. explosion. the books. "that was very kind of you". heart eyes. realisation of love?
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aziraphale realised he was in love with crowley. that is one of the things that happened in 1941. and it's huge. and it shows! the way aziraphale looks at crowley, trusts him with his life, invites him in for a romantic candlelight dinner afterwards.
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so why wouldn't we see the angel in love in the hypothetical part three of the blitz? that'd be logical.
2. the bullet catch trick. miracles blocked. crowley almost shooting aziraphale in the head. possible trauma?
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for crowley (not to exclude aziraphale, of course, i doubt he was anticipating the moment the bullet would go through his head in case of failure), this whole magic show was torturous. it's in the way his hands are shaking when holding a gun. and, though funny, how he rapidly goes through the instructions in the book upon realising their miracles aren't working.
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now we know why crowley despises aziraphale's "magician mode". god- satan- who knows what can happen if aziraphale tries to do magic again.
they don't address these things to each other, of course. because that's what they do: they never say what they're really thinking. but alcohol tends to loosen one's tongue. and, perhaps, that is another important thing that happens in 1941.
now, we know aziraphale had done the "i was wrong dance" several times throughout the history, including the year mentioned.
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maybe crowley asked him to do that as a form of an apology after the absolute hell the angel made him go through. and even though, it wasn't aziraphale's fault entirely (nobody could've guessed the furfur's ambush), crowley did almost blew his brains out. and it didn't feel great. moreover, considering that they constantly quarrel, they seem to save the dance for more serious fights, if i may say so.
and after all that happened on the west end stage, crowley deserves a proper apology.
so, he says "do the dance" and is met with drunken protestations, but eventually aziraphale does it. his head spins, his whole body wobbles after several bottles of wine, but he manages to pull off the dance except for the very last move.
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it doesn't look like a very steady position to me. not to mention, aziraphale is drunk and it makes it almost impossible for him to hold balance when standing at all. so when he trembles and trips, ready for his face to be smashed across the floor, crowley catches him and this is where "the big thing" happens (a bit cliché, i know).
now, some people believe they might've kissed before season 2 episode 6. i tend to disagree but i do believe in the almost-kiss. and i think something similar could happen in the blitz part 3 (in case we get it), if we remind ourselves that aziraphale had just realised he was in love with crowley.
even though the demon manages to save his angel (once again) from falling, he is just as drunk as aziraphale.
"you need to ssssober up, angel", crowley might say.
"so do you!" aziraphale might respond.
from what we've seen, crowley is not comfortable yet to take off his sunglasses in the bookshop in 1941. frankly, he never is until season 2.
but when he's drunk, he tosses them to the nearby sofa.
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they exchange a few phrases, aziraphale's still holding onto crowley's arms, they're both barely standing. after a while, the room goes quiet so aziraphale just stares. lovingly. at crowley's eyes. the demon notices.
"wot?" he might ask.
and then...
"your eyes are so pretty" aziraphale might blurt out.
[it sounds very cheesy, i know. if i could write a fanfiction, i would, but my self criticism won't let me.]
vavoom! this is where something shifts. something changes. i imagine aziraphale leaning in for a kiss and crowley's having a mix of confusion and unknown longing on his face. but, obviously, life is no fairy-tale. something interrupts them (i haven't made up my mind on what exactly) and it ruins the moment. and it's very distracting, since they sober up almost immediately. and, to me, aziraphale would suddenly come to realisation that if they get closer, if he acts on his feelings once again, then it'd be taking a huge risk of them being caught collaborating together. so he pushes crowley away. and this is how we come to "you go too fast for me, crowley".
[thank you for reading my midnight thoughts if you got this far!]
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nikox400x · 7 months
KFP 4: The true hell behind the cameras ft. The Co-director of KFP4
I know I already made my review to this thing, and believe me when I say that I didn't want to talk anymore about this dawn movie (For call it something). But the reason for this statement is something that I cannot ignore, so hold on to your seat because what you are going to read is not a mission impossible movie, this really happened in the same Dreamworks studios.
The devil has different names depending on the religion;
-In the Catholic religion he is called Satan.
-In Islam he's Iblís.
-In Buddhism it's Mara.
But in the world of kung fu panda, the devil has a human name, Mike Mitchell.
Context? Three days ago, as a result of all the protests about the poor narrative quality of the film, the KFP's reddit community was able to find someone from within the production of the film, a witness who could corroborate everything that we assumed was happening within that studio.
This person is no one else but the co-director of kfp4, Stephanie Ma Stine. One of the main people who, along with a large part of the team of animators who love this saga too, fought and fought throughout the production so that the film was not completely destroyed from the beginning.
This woman was contacted by a discord channel to answer some questions that the community was asking in the company of the administrators of the discord group of the kung fu panda fandom, at first this woman seemed frustrated by something that I am going to explain, The entire conversation was recorded and uploaded to YouTube to expose the nauseating experience that Stephanie had to endure during the production of this film.
To begin with, she had almost no power within the production because she was considered someone new to her job and the disgusting bosses at Dreamworks had no better idea than to give all creative control to Mike.
Dreamworks gave a time limit for the duration of the film, later you will know why. This guy didn't have the slightest idea how to direct such a short movie, much less if it was a kung fu panda movie, since the guy treated kung fu panda like a chinese version of the minions, obviously because he didn't give a shit about franchise and he just wanted something that would make people laugh (But his humor and the scriptwriters's was so bad that even it would insult ilumination itself) although not even the children could find this humor funny.
What kind of humor? Well, you know; fart humor, jokes with a childish tone, random chases that contribute nothing to the plot, jokes about annoying and invincible children, jokes without charisma, generation Z humor, random hits, etc...
And like any sane person would do, Stephanie tried to give it that serious but parodic and heartfelt tone that the first triology had, but obviously they barely listened to her because she was considered new. So she had to resort to encouraging people passionate about the saga within the studio to insist on adding things that would improve the plot. Most of the time when they insisted on improving the quality of the script it ended in a roll of eyes from the higher ups within the production as if trying to tell them; "Damn stupid people, so much bother for a children's saga that is only used to make easy money"
The problem transcended for a long time as more and more absurd ideas came out of the writing team, some of them that even destroyed the logic of the world they were building, all of this was translated into a long and nightmarish trench war between those who love the saga and the psychopaths who only cared about money.
So, what happened next? Well, the movie came out and fans (and non-fans) were disappointed because the movie seems like a draft made by people who didn't seem to speak the same language during the artistic decisiones in the movie. Exactly, because of all this conflict between those who agreed with Stephanie and those who listened to Mike.
And in the end, it was Stephanie who had to politely come forward in front of the disappointed people to give these professionally humiliating explanations, and what did Mike do on his part? Bury his head like an ostrich and do not listen to the criticism that he generated for their horrible decisions.
(Stephanie's user is called storyduke)
This is the conversation between her and the administrators of the discord group, pause the video calmly and read on your own if you need it, for prove I haven't invented anything of this to defame Mike or something like this. All this comes from the person who was by his side during all production.
In order not to overwhelm you because the video is very long, I leave you a summary of what she said below. I will mainly use the comment of this reddit user called Mystic3012 who explains all this quite well (My comments will be marked in red):
Early on, KFP4 was considered to be live action-animation hybrid, and featured humans (WTF?!). I posted concept art of the human Chameleon (then, The Collector, even though we already have Kai the Collector) vs Po. Seems like Zhen would've been human too. They'd have come from Hu-man City (Wow, how originally -_-), apparently... To add insult to injury, one of these versions had Po, the protagonist, stuck in a BOX for 20 MINUTES. (20 minutes... no words for this. And no, you're not reading wrong, HUMANS IN KUNG FU PANDA. If it hadn't been for Stephanie, this is what they would have given us. Thanks Stephanie, guys)
Mike Mitchell, the director, had total creative freedom. Hence, him + the studio leadership wanting laughs and a more joke-y vibe led to the overall tone, like the F5's comical side missions. Jack Black called him the "comedy guy"(I want to think jack Black is another victim here and he simply couldn't do nothing because his contract does not allow it), while Stephanie brought "things deeper" and "more heart".
Additionally, it was Mitchell who insisted against fleshing out the Chameleon's backstory "What a surprise...right guys?". Apparently, Chameleon and Zhen had ZERO backstory in early versions. By the time the crew pushed him enough to change his mind, they were too far along in animating to add anything but the Chameleon's few lines.
The runtime was a studio mandate since they believed children can't watch a longer film + maximize profits (You motherfu...).
TV shows are non-canon, as they are under separate film and television divisions that are "rivals".
Lord Shen, General Kai, and the Furious Five were VERY last minute additions to the point that their animation rigs were "made of sticks and glue"(The 3D models were so poorly made due to lack of time that if they made original animations, they would directly break, they had to reuse animations from the first, second, third movie and from the Christmas short for the credits. The animations of Crane and Shen's feathers, according to her, were bugged a lot and the wings tended to separate from the body or bend in unrealistic ways during animation tests). Hence, no plot relevance (e.g. not redeemed properly) and inability to bring back their actors, as much as some of the crew advocated for their return. Furthermore, there's a thing where actors are brought in for voice roles with X amount of money, and exponential increases for sequels. Apparently, a single line from Jolie would've cost $20 million (Easy Angelina!! XD. They could have simply changed the actress who played her like for example the one who play her in Secrets of the Scroll or the one of Legend of Awessomless, this was simply used as an excuse not to add them to the film), so you can imagine why the Five were absent...
Not everyone who dies goes to the Spirit Realm. It's not a definite rule behind-the-scenes, but it's vaguely agreed upon that only kung fu practitioners can pass on. It was also Mitchell's idea that all 3 villains were indeed sent to the Realm and that the Chameleon only wanted master VILLAINS summoned. [Pretty sure that retcons Lord Shen but alas-]
Pelican is named Chip, and a female. The fish in her beak is Fish.
Calvin Tsang, Head of Story, directed "a short film for KFP 4". Though, DreamWorks gave him a low budget but apparently he pulled enough favours for it to work out, with Stephanie describing it as "amazing, seriously" and shows "how strong of a director's voice he has".
Future spin-offs uncertain. DreamWorks has dissolved most, if not all, of its TV division.
Though, Mitchell was very vocal about a F5 spinoff. Execs are aware of the fans' demand for it (Wow thank you...-_-, just don't ruin it again).
Shifu's staff lacks its golden piece since it has been repaired following his mastery of Chi, per production designer Paul Duncan. (Same man responsible for bringing back the Dagger of Deng Wa with his attention to detail) (Niceee)
Universal mandated for a tentpole film like KFP4 to have "stars" hired for voicework.
For the record, Stephanie wanted for KFP4 to "stay truer to KFP1 and KFP 2" but was dismissed as a nobody by the crew (Basically what I said before, Mike and a good part of his team are anything but respectful of other people's works).
Case in point, she wanted Tai Lung being brought back to be done right. She pitched for Po/Shifu to have a vision of the Chameleon kidnapping Shifu, prompting Po to go on a quest to stop her. Shifu gets kidnapped anyway due to the Chameleon's manipulations, and he's hence present to say goodbye to Tai Lung. The execs loved it but "someone axed it" (That person better not know their identity because the fans cling to Tai Lung, I don't think they'll laugh much at this 😅). For those who've seen the film, the vision was reduced to Po's dream enroute to Juniper City.
Another example of Stephanie's intervention, she fought for Zhen to be redeemed ONSCREEN after betraying Po, much to the writers' refusal (These people don't even respect their own characters). She was supposed to swoop in out of nowhere to fight the Chameleon for a bit and disappears quickly again. She also ensured that her redemption scene wasn't just dialogue and had action going on. (She admits to Po and Zhen's underbaked relationship not supplementing this scene enough though.)
The writers seemed to HATE comments "poking holes at the story" (And then what do they want us to call that; "purposely destroy the canon of history because of its inaccuracy?" On top of bad in their own job, they're crybabies).
Zhen is a Corsac Fox as its the Asian fox with distinctive facial features.
Nico Marlet, renowned concept artist, only worked on the film for a week, left, and refused to come back (I don't even know if I want to know why, just imagine it).
Many crewmembers pitched ideas for Zhen's family's backstory but all were discarded (They can't even develop their own character, I'll call that technique "Work? What is that? it is eatable? XD").
By the way, the thing about humans was no joke.
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(Conceptual art made by Luca Pisanu)
Original reddit forum:
Guys, that's it, how not to write a movie. I think you can already imagine my opinion, it is a complete shame what they tried to do with this saga but at least she was able to save it from being completely ruined. I sincerely ask you all to spread this information, I will leave you a link to the original reddit thread for your inspection. And I'm just saying one thing: I hope they fire Mike Mitchell and all his damn inept scriptwriters, and I hope we never see them again in another production of this saga. And of course, to the executives at Dreamworks: Stick your finger up your ass and don't touch what you don't know how to touch.
Don't be silent about these things, because you know what will happen? That they will do the same thing again with the fifth film because they see that the method works, in addition to the fact that they will also exploit their workers for nothing for such a mediocre product (Because yes, they also exploited them to finish the finale on time). Let this not happen again guys, please I ask you.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Day 25: "I didn't intend for this to happen! Really! You have to believe me! It was an Accident!"
Summary:Lucifer x gn!reader
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"I didn't intend for this to happen! Really! You have to believe me! It was an accident!"
He was used to hearing this from his brothers, but you? This was new. He sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Before you start rambling, can you tell me why the music room is in shambles?" He asked, looking at the disaster around him.
"Uh…so, since you'd been working so hard lately, I was going to make you a super nice dinner, and I was trying to decide on what music would set the mood, and Satan suggested this record from your collection. I…uh…well I forgot a lot of them were cursed, and I touched one, and boom." You illustrated a boom with some weak jazz hands. 
"But it was a total accident! I'm sorry! If you go back to your office, I'll get it cleaned up, and have dinner ready for you so you can…"
"That won't be necessary. I'll help you," when you were about to protest, he pressed a gloved finger to your lips. "You're right, I do need a break, and I'll use helping you to take my mind off my paperwork." 
You gave him a grateful smile, and hugged him tightly, before moving to clean up the room.
You'd made him go to bed after he helped you clean, and after dinner, and he'd only agreed if you promised to sleep with him tonight. He cuddled you close until he was sure you were asleep, then slowly moved out from the bed. He tucked you in so you wouldn't be cold without him, and kissed you softly on the forehead.
He walked out and entered Satan's room. At first, he looked angry, but then he saw it was Lucifer and smirked.
"Hello, my dearest little brother," Lucifer said, his aura becoming scary. "It was very nice of you to remove the deadly records when you sent my partner on a wild goose chase. I assume you did that since they are a member of your little club?" 
"I don't know what you're talking about," Satan said with a grin. He grabbed a stack of records and handed them to Lucifer. "I happened to find these just laying around and was keeping them safe for you."
"How sweet. But I want you to know how lucky you are," Lucifer was now in his demon form and glaring at Satan. "You missed one of the deadly records. Y/N didn't get to that one thankfully. I don't care if you prank me to channel your anger and daddy issues, but if you had killed them, I would have taken action. Brother or no."
He watched Satan blanch, before leaving the room. Deep down Lucifer knew it was a mistake. Satan would never do anything that would harm you, let alone kill you. But he got sloppy. 
Lucifer made it back to his room, and got back into bed with you. You opened your eyes blearily.
"I just was getting a glass of water, go back to sleep," he whispered as he snuggled in next to you, holding you tightly. 
You drifted off and he took a moment to look at you. He reflected on how this all sparked from you wanting to take care of him. All his anger faded away and he nuzzled in closer to you, feeling happy and grateful that you were in his life. 
Even if you did make a mess from time to time.
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Could I request a head-cannon of mc x reader smut when Lucifer snuck out of the party to his room with mc when he n his bros went to visit mc in the human world.
This is my first peace that isn't just headcanons and random thoughts and Ideas so it might not be perfect!
Content warnings: unprotected sex, gagging with underwear, public sex? (in a way), exhibitionism, voyeurism, implied poly!demon brothers.
Let me know if I missed something
Smut under the cut!
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To say it was a complete and utter surprise to see the demon brothers in her living room when she walked through the door is an understatement. Her hand gripping the door handle slips down as she sags against the door, looking over the scene in front of her. Beel and Levi are hanging a banner from the ceiling; Mammon and Asmo are fighting over balloons. Satan is placing different dishes on her dining table; Belphie is fluffing her cushions and Lucifer is slowly shaking his head at his brothers' antics while carrying more food into the room. Her weight on the door makes it squeak, getting the attention of all the men, making them pause and stare at her with the clearest dear-in-headlights look ever.
"MC!" Asmo exclaims while letting go of the ladder Mammon is standing on and running to hug her.
"Oi! Don't let go this thing is wobbly! Aaaaah, fuck!" Mammon's voice echo's as she is wrapped in the tightest hug ever.
A bunch of enthusiastic MCs and I missed yous are heard as she topples back onto her front steps by the sheer force of their hugs.
"Guys, what?" Bleary eyes look over all of them. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, we missed you and decided to surprise you!" Levi's eyes find hers, quickly looking away.
"I can't believe you let me fall from that shitty thing, Asmo!" Mammon stomps over looking pissed.
"Mammon!" MC's arms are wrapping around his neck in a tight embrace.
"Oh, what? Why does he get a special greeting?" Asmo's pout can be heard in his voice.
"Because I'm her first man, that's why!" All confidence is drained out of his voice and face as he looks down at MC. She's staring up at him with a soft look that makes him want nothing more than to stare at her eyes for the rest of eternity and, at the same time; look away and try to ignore all the feelings those eyes make him feel. "Psssh, y-you can let go now." Her eyes notice his red cheeks and get a mischievous glint in them. "Or not, I know you've missed me." He quickly adds, not concealing his true feelings as well as he wished.
"I have missed you." MC kisses his heated cheek and lets go of him. "I've missed all of you" She turns to look over at the men that have been staring jealously at her enthusiasm.
"We've missed you too, a lot." Satan closes the gap between them and holds her to his body, letting his head fall on her shoulder, where he can smell her perfume.
"Okay, don't hog her all to yourself." Belphie is right at his back, patting him away, waiting for his own hug.
MC's laugh makes him smile as she unwraps herself from Satan's embrace. "There's enough of me for all of you, guys." Her cheeriness is enough to stop all the quick tongues ready to protest against any more affection towards MC.
After the effusive meeting, she turns to her room to change into something more comfortable while her demons finish the party preparation downstairs.
A knock on her door makes her pause her rushed movements and wait for a voice to announce itself. When nothing comes she finishes pulling her trousers up and goes to open the door. As soon as his red eyes come into view, a hand goes up to her mouth; gently directing her inside the room and softly closing the door behind him.
"Lucifer!" Is the first word that comes out of her mouth when his fingers let her go.
"Sh, you have to be quiet, darling. Unless you want those annoying brothers of mine to come and interrupt us." His sly smirk takes over his lips, lips that MC cannot help herself but look at. "Come here, doll. Let me show you how much I've missed you without the stares of those six."
Her slow steps reach him and his hands go up to her face, a fervent kiss starts, taking her by surprise. "Lucifer." She exhales letting a smile creep on her face.
"Did you miss me?" Lucifer's vulnerable voice surprises her eyes open, only to find his face contorted with the emotion shown on it; passion, yearning, love. "Tell me you missed me, only me, just like I missed you."
"I missed you, each and every day." MC pulls him to her, this time not letting his lips off hers.
His hands roam her figure pushing her backwards, onto her bed. Gloved fingers sneak under her shirt and caress her stomach until they make contact with the underside of her bra. Lucifer pulls back, his hair dishevelled, lips plump and red from her touch on him. "Let me have you, MC. All to myself, please."
"My, my… do I have you begging?" Her teasing tone is accompanied by a smirk.
"Only because I've missed you. You know that sentence alone would have gotten you a punishment any other time." He smiles, a soft smile that reaches his eyes, one that's only reserved for her.
"I know, that's why I'm fully taking advantage." Her smile turns into giggles as he descends kisses on her neck.
"Naughty girl, can't even behave when I'm trying to be nice to her." Her giggles turn into moans when he pushes his clothed crotch into hers. Her hand grip his hair as he nibbles on the sensitive spot on her neck.
He grips her jeans and forcefully pulls them down, grabbing the back of her knees and pushing her further up the bed. His breath fans over her clothed cunt, he looks at her expecting face and rips her underwear off of her, dipping his head to start licking between her folds. MC screams at the contact making Lucifer stop in his tracks and stuff her mouth with her panties. "I told you to keep quiet, I want you all to myself." She nods making him continue her previous attack to her pussy. "You're already so ready for me, just a few kisses and a few licks and you're mine." Her muffled moan makes him smirk. "You like that, darling? You like it when I tell you you're my dirty girl?" He teases a finger between her folds, his other hand going to her breast. "I need you to be a good girl for me and let me fuck you. You can do that, right baby?" Frantic nods and pleading eyes answer his question.
Lucifer begins to straighten himself to unbuckle his belt when a pair of hands start reaching for his crotch. "No baby, if you touch me right now I won't be able to last enough to be inside you." He brings one of MC's hands to his lips, giving it a soft kiss before letting it go and going back to his previous task. He lowers his clothes enough so that his dick is visible and goes to finish undressing her, taking her shirt and ripping her bra off, not having enough patience to get it off properly. "How I've missed you." He exhales, grabbing his dick and running it up and down her wet cunt.
With a thrust, he dips into her, falling on top of her body and biting her shoulder. "Fuck, darling. I forgot how tight and wonderful you were." His hips start moving at a slow rhythm. Her hands grip all they can: his hair, his bicep, his back… "Baby, I need to be rougher," Lucifer says while picking up the pace. "I've missed my pussy so much."
MC's moans, still muffled by her underwear, echo in his ear making him look up at her, keeping his weight on his arms. "I've only just started and you're already cock drunk," he places her legs on his shoulders and grips her thighs as he speeds his thrust even more. "Don't worry, I'll fuck you so good you won't ever remember how it was, not having my dick inside you all these months." He keeps his promise by going on a relentless pace, making her shake and shiver with pleasure with every thrust he provides.
As he gets closer to his orgasm he can feel MC's walls tighten around him. "You're going to cum for me, MC?" She nods and reaches for his hand. Interlocking their fingers he whispers. "Go on, doll. Cum on my cock. Cum with me." With his words, she begins shaking with her pleasure, reaching her climax, Lucifer following shortly after. Putting his whole weight on top of her, he stops his thrusts. Heavy breathing is the only thing heard in the room.
Lucifer reaches up and gently takes the undergarment out of her mouth. "Are you okay? Was it too much?" Concerned eyes roam her face for signs of displeasure.
"It was everything I needed, Lu." The fucked-out look in her eyes tells him she is telling the truth.
"I'm glad, I just couldn't hold myself back. Not with how gorgeous you are."
"You're so cheesy sometimes, lord." Her hands go up to cover her eyes in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.
"It's true." He takes one of her hands in his. "Let's clean you up before my brothers figure out what we are doing up here." With that, the door to her room swings open.
"A little too late." Belphie grunts.
"Yeah, Lucifer. You were the one that said we couldn't hog her all to ourselves." Beel is pouting behind a fuming Satan.
"Of course he'd be the one to not follow his own rules." Says the blonde, looking ready to punch the oldest.
"Well, I enjoyed the show." Asmo winks at MC, her face growing redder by the moment.
"Obviously you did, pervert." Levi pipes up.
"Like you weren't about to cream your pant, Levi." Mammon adds.
"Shut up, I wasn't." Levi manages to squeak.
"Guys, stop fighting!" Asmo pauses looking over the couple still on the bed, Lucifer's dick inside MC. "Even if we prepared a party downstairs, I like theirs better. Maybe we should join them."
The five men standing next to him get knowing smirks on their faces while they approach the bed.
"You know, Asmo, I love your ingenuity sometimes." Satan pats him on the back on his way over.
"Oh, I know." Asmodeus giggles while locking the door behind him.
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despereaux7writes · 14 days
Obey Me (OG): Lesson 16-19
I wrote this a couple years ago. I really needed to write down my interpretation of what happened after all that mess happened in Lesson 16-19 (you know, when Belphie murders you :v ). I believe all the dialogue is pulled word for word from the game, but I wrote everything else :p
Oh also, so my MC's name is Des (big surprise I'm sure lol) and I didn't have the energy to go through everything and change it to "MC" or [y/n] like people often do, so sorry if that makes it not as fun to read :v It's also not finished but we can just ignore that...
But here it is! I hope you enjoy! :3
“Here you go,” said Barbatos, setting down the large tea tray on a table already packed full of a wide variety of pastries and sweets. “It’s a special Mandragora blend,” he added as he quickly stepped out of the way as the demon brothers crowded into the living room, followed by Lord Diavolo. Barbatos had a slight smile on his face, but his eyes were sharp and calculating as he watched you being shepherded towards the treats. 
Asmodeus giggled with excitement. “Yay! Afternoon tea prepared by Barbatos!” he sang, sitting down on one of the plush couches and pulling you down next to him. There was a small scuffle as a number of the other brothers all tried to fill the remaining seat next to you at once, but your blood ran cold as Belphegor stole the coveted spot, pushing up against your side you as he shoved away a protesting and persistent Mammon.  
You froze, your muscles instantly tense. Why was he sitting next to you?? He had made his hatred of humans... very clear... and while learning about what really happened to Lilith seemed to have changed things, someone couldn’t just shut off a burning, festering, hatred that they had held onto and been consumed by for countless centuries just like that, could they? 
Everyone around you laughed at something as they all took seats around the table of treats, but you barely heard it. All you could focus on was the heat of Belphie’s body as his arm pressed up against yours, and the tug at your sleeve as he grabbed at it in a clingy manor. You could hear your heart racing as it thudded heavily in your ears, your throat getting tight and your mouth going dry. Was he just pretending? Was he planning on attacking you again? Normally with the other demon brothers there you would have felt safe, but Belphie was sitting so close... 
Someone on your other side, to your left, took your hand and entwined their delicate fingers with yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. You blinked, your panic momentarily broken as you turned to see Asmodeus snuggling close while leaning his head against your shoulder. His expression was playful, but his eyes dart meaningfully in front of you. You follow his gaze to find Mammon eagerly holding out a plate full of food in your direction. 
“Hey! Hey Des, wanna try some of this?” he asks with a grin.  
You force yourself to reach out to take the plate, giving him a weak smile in return, and he doesn’t seem to notice anything is off. 
“Oh, ya gotta try these muffins here too!” Mammon exclaims, adding them to the pile of food. 
You could feel yourself starting to sweat. It should be ok, you think to yourself. Belphie shouldn’t try anything with the others so close... 
You weren’t sure if you actually believed that, but you tried to pretend that you did. 
You take a slow and deep breath, and doing your best not to be obvious about it, you tried to relax and focus on the conversation around you.  
Satan leaned across the table, holding another plate towards you. “Here, I’ll give you this piece of cake as well,” he said with a warm smile. 
Next to him, Leviathan shook his head as you set down the first plate to take the second. “Pff...Satan, that’s way too big!" He snickered. 
The brothers continued to chat around you with an almost giddy excitement despite what had just happened not even an hour ago. When you had been lying limp in Mammon's arms, the life slowly fading away from your broken body... Didn’t they remember? 
A hand reaches out and gently places a fat flaky scone on one of your plates and everybody suddenly falls silent. 
You look up to see Beelzebub. His violet eyes lock onto yours with an awareness you haven't seen since you jumped in front of him to protect him from a raging Lucifer.  
“I was planning on eating this myself,” Beel said, his voice low and gentle. “But here, you can have this scone too, Des.” 
Everyone looked back and forth between you and Beel and the scone in complete shock. 
“Did Beel just give his food to someone ELSE?!” Asmo asks astounded, breaking the silence. “Beel?!?” 
The brothers erupt in conversation again, teasing Beel, asking if he switched bodies with someone else again, and laughing together. To your left, Asmodeus moves so he can wrap an arm around your shoulders and hold your hand at the same time, shifting his long slender legs over yours so he is practically sitting in your lap, always wanting to be as close as he can get away with.  
You practically jump out of your skin when that causes Belphie to pull you closer towards him, trying to push Asmo’s legs off of yours.  
“Hey, don’t snuggle up to Des like that, Asmo. You’re too close!” Belphie pouted, looping his arm around your free arm, almost making you tip your plate in the process. “I’m the one who gets to sit next to Des. Don’t you butt in.” He leaned in close so he could properly glare around you at Asmo, his face just inches from yours, and you catch a familiar scent.  
Fresh laundry, a faint touch of lavender... 
You breathed in his scent as you rested your head against his shoulder, his arms wrapping tightly around you as you returned his embrace.   
“Oh Des!” Belphagore exclaimed, pulling you close and burying his face in your hair. “You’ve set me free! You saved me!” He nuzzles against you, his hot breath tickling the skin on your neck. “Thank you so much... I knew it,” he said, his voice growing soft. “I knew you’d come through for me.” 
You stood there for a minute, just holding one another. It was oddly comfortable, despite only having spoken to Belphie once or twice before. There was just something so soothing about him, his embrace warm and soft. And his scent... 
Asmodeus refused to be pushed away from your side.  
“Aww, come on. Can’t you see that I love Des so much that I can’t help it?” Asmo smiles innocently at his younger brother, snuggling close to your side. “You can have Des’ right side, Belphie. That’s all you need, right? The left side’s all mine, ‘kay?” He kept his tone light and friendly, but there was a definite possessive edge to his voice. 
You closed your eyes as you relaxed more into the hug. 
“In any event, Des, all I can do is thank you.”  
You opened your eyes and tried to pull back a little so you could look at him, but Belphie’s arms held you firmly in place. 
“Now I can finally achieve what I set out to do,” he purrs, squeezing you a little tighter. 
Beel lets out a heavy sigh. “No fair... I want to sit next to Des,” he says sadly as he takes the entire tray of finger sandwiches for himself. 
The smallest bit of doubt began to twist in your stomach. You try to pull back from him again, but he still refused to let you go.  
Well... he had been locked here alone for quite a long time... that’s probably why he didn’t want to let go yet. It must have been awfully lonely, with the only rare visitor being Lucifer, his captor.  
You tried to smother that flicker doubt as you rubbed Belphie’s back comfortingly.  
He lazily raises his head from your shoulder and rests his cheek against yours, his dark indigo hair tickling your face as he whispers softly into your ear. “Ah...this really brings back memories. This feeling... I wonder how long it’s been since I’ve touched a human?”  
Mammon, unable to sit still any longer, jumps to his feet and points accusingly at Belphie and Asmo. 
“Y’know what? You’re ALL too close to Des! Get away! Go on, shoo!” He steps in your direction between the couches and low table, bumping against it, almost causing various plates and cups of tea to spill their contents. The brothers all began yelling at Mammon, who ignored them, waving his arms at Belphie who was closest, trying to get him away from you. 
He finally relaxes his grip on you enough that you can pull back and look at him. He gives you a lazy grin, his half lidded violet eyes staring back into yours.  
“So, Des...” 
Something about his tone instantly puts you on edge. His grip tightens around you once more as he begins to shift and change. Two black rams horns grow and twist from his head, a long tail with a thick black tuft of fur at the end wrapping around both your and Belphie’s legs. His eyes lose their sleepy luster and become cold and sharp, making the little hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.  
“How can I express how I’m feeling right now?” He gives you a predatory grin as you make a weak attempt at pulling free. “What can I do?” 
“Ugh, it must be nice being so popular, you NORMIE!” Levi says over the commotion as Mammon tries to pull a loudly protesting Belphie from his seat. But then he adds a little more quietly, “Um, but you’re the one normie I actually like, okay?” 
You make a real effort to pull away this time, but his grip is like iron.  
“You humans really are foolish, idiotic, weak creatures, aren’t you? You’re so stupid that I can’t help but laugh.” His arms tighten uncomfortably around you, making it difficult to breathe. “Don’t blame me for tricking you, blame yourself for falling for it.” 
This can’t be happening. You jam your hands between the two of you and push, struggling to get free. You’re attempts becoming more and more frantic as he continues to hold you with ease.  
“If you die,” Belphie purrs in your ear, “the exchange program will be ruined, and Diavolo’s reputation will be in tatters. I hate humans, you see.” His grip around you gets even tighter and tears spring into your eyes at the pain. Your muscles ached as they were crushed and bruised under his touch and you could feel your bones barely enduring the pressure.  
“I hate them more than anything in the three worlds.” He growled. And with that he gave a squeeze, and you felt something snap. 
Satan lets out an exasperated sigh as Asmo tries to scootch you away from Belphie and Mammon while they practically wrestle with one another for the spot next to you on the couch. 
Pain erupts from your chest, and you would have cried out if there had been any air left in your lungs. Instead, all you manage is a weak strangled whimper, which just causes Belphegor to chuckle. 
“Does it hurt? Finding it hard to breathe? I’m sure it must be very unpleasant. I have to say, seeing a human face twisted in pain like this... why, it’s so much fun that I can barely stand it!” He begins to laugh, the motion only causing you more pain. You can feel his arms squeezing you harder and harder as something else breaks.  
With your last remaining bit of energy, you desperately try to speak the name of one of the demon brothers you made a pact with, but nothing comes out. Your vision begins to grow dark as another piece of you cracks and breaks, the white hot pain overwhelming your senses.  
Belphie’s laughter continues to grow as your strength fades and the world goes black... 
You drop your plate, which falls and shatters on the rug below, catching everyone’s attention. 
Lucifer stands suddenly, his harsh gaze causing both Mammon and Belphie to wither slightly.  
“All of you, that’s enough.” He doesn’t raise his voice, but there is no disobeying the power in Lucifer’s command. “You’re making Des uncomfortable.” 
There is some awkward murmuring from Belphie and Mammon as they return to their seats, making halfhearted attempts at excuses, but soon going silent as Lucifer’s gaze intensifies.  
Diavolo, who had been quiet up until now, lets out a hearty laugh. “Hahaha! There must have been so many things you’ve all wanted to do for Lilith over the years.” 
He laughs again, causing the others to chuckle and relax and fall back into easy conversation. Belphie, though once again leaning against you, seems to have temporarily forgotten about you as he and Mammon continue to battle one another with glares and dirty looks.  
Every bone in your body screamed at you to run. You could feel the sweat beading up on your brow and the back of your neck as Belphie continued to rest up against your side like he hadn’t tried to kill you not even an hour ago. Like he hadn’t actually killed you... 
“Is something the matter, Des?” 
You hadn’t realized Barbatos was standing directly in front of you. He crouched down to sit on his heels, eye level with you. His tone was kind, but his cold calculating eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement.  
“... Is something the matter, Des?” He asked again, slower this time, head tilting slightly to the side.  
Everyone’s attention once again turned towards you, but you’re panic made it hard to think. All you wanted to do was run, but you had to act normal. Everyone was so happy to have Belphie back, despite... Don’t think about it. You couldn’t ruin their family reunion. You couldn’t make this about you. But your skin began to itch as you felt everyone’s eyes on you, and the panic only grew as Belphie turned from Mammon to return his attention to you as well. 
But thankfully, like before, Asmodeus came to your rescue. You feel a sharp pinch on the back of your hand, momentarily breaking your concentration free from your panic. You turn and look at him, at Asmo, his warm orange eyes comforting as he gently takes your hand back in his, his thumb softly brushing back and forth over your skin.  
You take a shaky breath and turn back to Barbatos. 
“Do... do you think I’ve warped history?” You couldn’t hide the anxiety in your tone, but hopefully nobody would realize it was actually because of Belphie.  
Barbatos gives you a reassuring smile. 
“Ah...I take it you’re worried about the other Des’ disappearance?” 
Yes... the version of you who had died... But Mammon interrupts before you can answer.  
“Oh yeah... I thought I was gonna have a heart attack when that happened!” 
“Ah, right,” says Asmo, his other hand gently rubbing slow circles across your back. “You mean when the other Des vanished in that cloud of smoke?” 
Barbatos gives a nod and then carefully begins picking up the pieces of your shattered plate.  
“I know I told you that I have the power to see both the past and the future,” he says. “But the truth is that there’s one more secret – something I still haven’t mentioned. You see, I have the power to select from any number of different potential realities and make any of them into the sole reality.”  
Your focus had once more began to drift towards Belphie, but Barbatos’ words quickly caught your attention. 
“Within the various potential realities, there are an infinite number of versions of Des... however, in the sole reality I chose, the one and only Des is the one right here. That’s why the previous Des disappeared while the you remained.” 
There was a tense silence.  
“You know,” says Asmo, suddenly looking a little uncomfortable. “I notice how you sort of smiled as you said all that, but...um...” 
“As far as abilities go, that’s a pretty powerful one to have, don’t you think?” asks Satan, glancing at his brothers around him.  
“The Legend of Barbatos: Most Powerful of All Beings...” Levi said in awe. 
Mammon “Eh, details. Who cares about all that complicated stuff?” 
I had planned on continuing, but that never happened. So instead there is an abrupt and awkward ending :v
Hope you liked it though! :>
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A Sad Goodbye (Obey Me!) sad fic
content: After failing to nurse a sick cat back to health, Magdeline helps Satan say good bye. Established relationships, death, comforting someone.
Satan stared down at the meager little grave. While his pact human set a stone marker at the grave to soon wipe at her eyes. They had found an injured and very pregnant cat last week to bring her to the House of Lamentation. Lucifer had not even had the chance to say a word of protest before Magdeline had shut him down with her meek yet unbending insistence. So the past week had been spent with Satan and Magdeline caring for the injured cat. Two days ago the cat had gone into labor. Simeon and Luke rushing over with Solomon to help with the delivery and caring for the newborn kittens. There had been three in all. Healthy and big for Luke and Simeon to see to their feedings and bath times at Purgatory Hall as Solomon stayed with the mother. The former king sitting with Satan and Magdeline as the mother got worse and worse.
The mother had passed away early this morning. Satan having held her close during the night for her to be cold in his arms when he woke up. Solomon had been very gentle to wrap the body in a silken shroud as Lucifer saw to a space in their back garden. So Magdeline had cried all morning for the brothers to stay close to her as well as Satan. But now that they had lain the cat to rest, Satan was left at a loss on what to do next. His tears finally falling for him to just stand there and stare at the grave marker. But soon, Magdeline walked over to sit them down and hold Satan close. The both of them crying hard as the Avatar of Wrath asked with barely heard words, "What did I do wrong? Surely there was a way to save her? So why is she dead? I didn't want to say good bye..."
Magdeline sobbed as Satan also gave in to his grief. But then Simeon and Luke soon joined the hug to also be crying. Little Luke openly sniffling as Simeon gave Magdeline gentle pats to her head. Which gave her the strength to speak up and say what they all knew deep in their hearts. "We did all we could. But death is part of life. She was given love in her final moments. I am sure that she went to Heaven. I know that demons don't have the best opinion on God. But I believe that God took her home. So she's in a good place. We may miss her. But we shouldn't be sad for her, Satan." Luke nodded to give Satan a smile despite the tears streaming down his cheeks. So Satan felt a kind of peace wash over his heart as Simeon gave a prayer in Latin. Magdeline reaching up to wipe at Satan's tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. So the demon bowed his head to sigh and accept the love and truth offered with a simple, "Thank you..."
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littlehideawaysblog · 8 months
With creating this new blog about my progress in my faith and spirituality I figured an overview was in order.
Early Life:
I was raised in a protestant Christian household where my mom was protestant and my dad was catholic. My siblings and I were raised protestant. This was my only form of identity for many years leading to an existential crisis and breakdown when my newly developing sense of self collided with my preexisting persona.
The sign of the end:
In 4th grade I realized I was a boy and no one else could see me that way. Everyone else would only see a little girl. I did not have the language to describe the feeling so it stayed hidden until 6th grade when the terms gay, lesbian, and trans, finally made it into my perception. With the advent of new words and identities I labeled myself for the first time, transgender. However within the week I had lost so many of my ‘friends’. Being raised in a fundamentalist church means all of your friends are also your faith. So when I figured myself out they turned on me believing I was choosing to sin just to spite God. In that time I had lost the support of friends, family, and my church. This led to a mental health collapse and several inpatient stays.
While in ward during one such stay I met a girl who was a hellenistic polytheist. I had some passing interest in the hellenistic pantheon and so we became friends. I began to research the greek and norse pantheons however due to restrictive homelife and a volatile environment I was not open about practicing or researching.
“Theistic Satanism”:
At some point in the 8th or 9th grade I stumbled upon a website that had been recommended through a tumblr page at that time. The website was, Joys of Satan. I need to take the time here to state. I was unaware of their shitty behavior and racism back then. I would not recommend going to their page for information as much of it is tainted by their background in racism.
I took a quick interest into what I would call Theistic Satanism. I devoted quite a lot of time towards reading any texts I could get a hold of. I would not say I’ve been practicing all these years, instead I’d say I’ve been learning all these years.
Around a year into that interest I hit my first major roadblock. My mother found my journal that had slowly become more of a book of shadows for me. She felt it was her job to keep me from ‘sinning’ in her house and threw everything that could even be remotely related out. No more scented or unscented candles, no incense, no personal journal. She combed through my sketchbooks and school notebooks removing anything she though was ‘devil worship’ For a few months this went so far as to ban both the Harry Potter books and the Percy Jackson books. I'd continue to read and learn in secret, this time extra careful to not be caught.
My first patron:
Late 9th grade I began going out with an older guy. My first real relationship. I honestly thought I loved him, and maybe I did but in the end he wasn’t healthy for me. I will not go into details of what all occurred however long story very short, I needed out he wouldn’t let me leave. I didn’t feel strong enough to leave, because if I did, who would love me?
During this time I would have vivid disturbing nightmares about him and things he had done. In several of these nightmares they’d be interrupted by a masculine force, though I was not able to place who or what it was. On occasion that feeling would return to me in the waking world as well. I decided to slowly brute force figuring out who or what the feeling was. So name by name I went. Starting with the Greeks, then Romans, then Norse. Eventually making it to the Goetics and finally to Glasya-Labolas to which I felt incredibly strong towards.
I do not know for certain why or how that had ended up but I became very grateful to him for his presence. One evening I finally had enough. We had been working on self sufficiency and getting past the need to be loved, and useful. That my worth was not tied to how useful I was to someone else. I believe he helped me realize I was allowed to say no and leave instead of saying no but staying because I didn’t want to make him mad.
Soon after leaving that situation I stopped feeling the presence altogether, I grew up and moved on.
Throughout high school I continued to try to find reading materials on demons however due to a hawkeyed mom I had to be very careful. I decided senior year that when I moved to college I wouldn’t need to hide my study so much and I’d finally be free to really learn. I was both right and wrong. University libraries gave me access to book loan systems that could get me new books on the topic but my dorm mate would intentionally play loud christian music when I would meditate. Win and lose some I guess.
By the end of that first year of college I had learned of a new name to call the faith I had been working through, Demonolatry. Under the new name I had so many more books to read and authors to look up. Though I began to feel dejected, I was angry with the early highschool version of myself for not maintaining the work I had been doing with Glasya-Labolas. I decided to reach out again, to no response. For a few months I gave up. Summer was back, It meant I was back in my parent’s house and their watchful eyes.
Returning to school I decided to try again. My new roommate was fine with the idea of paganism but was afraid of demonolatry. Which I believe is fair considering her catholic upbringing.
At some point in this time I began to reach out more broadly to anyone who was willing to work with me in order to help guide my studies. For a while I felt nothing, in fact for a whole year. By junior year of college I finally felt it, well smelled it. A sudden intense cinnamon scent. This meant absolutely nothing to me. Once Again as my high schooler self did before, brute force.
This eventually led me to King Paimon and a lot of things started to make sense. I am still working with King Paimon as of this time however I have reached out to others as in my personal beliefs working with a demon does not need to always be this major lifetime commitment of monogamy.
I’m happy to answer questions about my personal experience but because I am still figuring out my own beliefs I will warn you to take answers about faiths with a grain of salt.
I've been learning about forms of demonolatry for about 8 years though I’ve only really been practicing for about 1.5 years.
Your faith and practice are going to be different from other peoples. I think that is the most important thing to learn, no one needs to understand your faith but you and the beings you work with.
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Cross Bearing
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by Abraham Kuyper
"The cross consists not of those things which oppose you, but of those things which oppose your faith. Whatever threatens, weakens, or undermines your faith, or interferes with its activity, is your cross.....
Flesh and blood protest against the cross bearing and resent it. Human sinful nature cannot willingly bear such burdens. It is only by the gracious operation of the Holy Spirit that the Christian learns to take up his cross with eagerness, and at last even to glory in it.
But if you should take the attitude: I must be strong to bear this my cross; it will require all the effort I can muster: I shall exert myself and gradually develop the strength to endure. Then, do believe it, then you are in a bad way. For then one of two results will ensue. Either the Lord will cause your self-dependent efforts to fail (which is by far preferable), or He will permit you to develop a sickly strength of your own by means of your own miserable efforts; and that will prove to be poison to your soul.
No, it must not be thus. I must not only admit, but also fully realize, that to bear the cross steadfastly day after day, to bear it when it tears my flesh and heart, to bear it as Jesus would have me bear it, is beyond my strength and endurance. Lord, thy servant cannot! Who among those born in sin is able to perform so gigantic a task?
If this is your sincere confession, if your inner heart thus truly feels its helplessness, then through prayer your “I cannot!” becomes “I can!” For he who feels utterly helpless seeks shelter in the Almighty. And never has anyone sought comfort with Jesus but that he was also given strength to endure. (Genesis 17:1 and Matthew 28:18)
Then you will not understand your own willingness to bear a cross against which your very nature protests. Your own flesh whispers, “Cast it off!” Friends around you say, “You cannot bear it!” Satan taunts, “You’ll have to give it up!” But you hold your head high and you do not cast it off.
Even though you may be nailed to the cross and men cry out, “If you are free in Christ, come down!” you remain steadfast. You endure it unto death, unto the great; not in your own strength but in the strength of your Lord."
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soursvgar · 2 years
yayy the first thing im posting here! I just thought a cute christmas theme drabble is needed so enjoy it, especially my fellow lucifer hoes.
"Wake up, y/n."
Your eyelids slowly flutter open to the frail touch of a hand, ghosting over your cheek. Jet black locks only millimetres away from your face, hovering over the cheerful grin that greets you awake.
"It's snowing." Lucifer claims, causing your gaze to tear from his and trail over to the window; The rare sight of a white blanket covering over the trees, the ground, and every sharp boulder in the devildome meets your eyes. You blink once, twice, waiting for the breath taking image to disappear and make way for the usual dark, red toned scenery. But instead, the shining snow twinkle over the roads, almost granting the kingdom of hell with a lit facade, as if the sun touched it even just for a mere moment.
A knock on the door, along with the rapid shift of weight in your bed distracts you from proceeding to admire the snow. Lucifer has rose up from his seat to open the door to his annoyed looking little brother.
"Breakfast is r-ready." Mammon mumbles through his teeth, eyes not leaving Lucifer's persistent, almost stern gaze. "So don't make me wait for you, human." he mutters, almost offended at the inaudible exchange of possession before he walks away.
"Ignore him." You open your mouth to protest but Lucifer cut your worries short, not letting you utter a single syllable over someone who isn't him. With one swift move he ushers you out of bed, gesturing towards your closet. "Now wear something warmer and come down, will you love?"
A few moments later and you were already making your way to the dining hall, wrapped in a snug jacket. Who would believe that hell could get chilly?
"Good morning, Henry!" Leviathan cheers, causing the rest of his brothers to raise their eyes from their plates and disengage in a dull conversation. You were frankly quite surprised not to have heard endless bickering first thing in the morning.
"Good morning, y/n. Did you sleep well?" Satan greets, making the realization sink as soon as your eyes glide past his shoulders.
"Satan what are you w-"
"Not. One word. Please." His frown was enough to make you bite your tongue, holding in your reaction that tilted between cooing and straight up laughing. His usual green sweater was replaced with another green, itchy looking sweater that was decorated with cats playing under what seemed to be a Christmas tree. Dare you say, the kind of neon green that would make someone like Satan want to gauge their eyes out before wearing. His gaze meets you, as if begging you to ignore it and just sit down instead, but you make the mistake of taking a note of the other brothers, and their sweaters.
"Diavolo..." Mammon was the first one to break the awkward silence, earning a sigh from the rest at the mention of the demon prince's name alone. "It was his idea, he wanted us to feel the Christmas spirit, so he bought these and asked us to wear them, y'know?"
"More like threatened us to-" Belphegor adds, tugging in dismay at the magenta sweater that covers his upper body, one that features a small cow snoozing under yet another Christmas tree. "We thought we could make Beel eat them to get rid of them, but Lucifer mentioned that Diavolo was actually so excited for this idea that he ordered them himself from Akuzon instead of letting Barbatos do it. And then, he accidentally ordered a hundred pieces of each sweater instead of just one." The others nodded in agreement, hoping you could spare them the shame and avoid the topic for the rest of breakfast.
"Come on guys, cheer up. These sweaters are actually kind of cute. Apart for the... daring colors, maybe." You choose your words wisely, but it doesn't stop Asmodeus from dramatically standing up from his seat and protest. "This is a disaster, y/n. How can I walk around RAD wearing this, and ruin my fashionista reputation?" Asmodeus huffs. "And besides, this isn't even my size." He sits back down with a pout, sticking his fork at the untouched food on his plate.
"Wait." Your attention then shift to Lucifer, who's wearing his regular uniform. "How come Lucifer isn't wearing any sw-"
"Did you all finish your breakfast? We're going to be late." Once again cutting you off, he exhorts you. "Assuming Beel hasn't wiped the refrigerator clean yet, I suggest you stop by the kitchen and grab yourself your breakfast to go. You aren't exempted from your duties as a student. Are we clear?" and with that, he leaves the room.
"A whole one eighty from this morning ain't it?" Mammon scoffs before grabbing his bag, shrugging as he reveals his sparkling, golden, sequins filled sweater. "I've worn worse for some grim, kinda like it actually. Reminds me of my precious goldy. Now let's get going human."
Once you step foot outside the house of lamentation, your mind abandons any memory of the ruckus that took place earlier. You pile your hand through the snow, the cold sensation making your fingers tingle as your face light up with joy.
"Is it the same as the snow in the human world?" Satan inquires, grinning at your child like enthusiasm.
"Does it taste the same?" Beelzebub adds as Belphegor holds him back from shovelling a pile of snow into his mouth.
"Oh no. So many normies- someone hide me!" Leviathan rushes behind you as many students start gathering around the group, their D.D.Ds drawn out to document the brothers' latest fashion choice.
"Ah, you made it! And you all look lovely!" Diavolo makes way through the crowd to greet the siblings, eyes twinkling at the sight of them wearing the sweaters he hand picked just for them. But his smile is wiped out as soon as he starts head counting. "Where is Lucifer, though? Is he already inside?" Diavolo then orders the crowd to dispel and wonders off to look for him, but not before he ensures you he had ordered one more sweater, just for you.
"Well, I better head off to class then." You exchange pitying looks with the brothers, addressing the fact you're about to suffer the same fate, before you separate.
While walking, you pass by a vacant classroom and you swear that you hear someone sighing. 'Is it one of those ghosts the demons keep mentioning?' You think to yourself. You decide to quietly nudge the door open and peek inside, but what you believed is going to be an indtimidating encounter with a spirit was actually making you work really hard to hold in your laughter as to not blow your cover.
Lucifer is sitting on the classroom's floor, dressed in a fleecy, fuzzy looking, light blue sweater that is adorned with the cutest, fluffiest sheep. His expression is leaning between anger and pure despair, while he curses under his breath, yanking at the soft fabric as if it would magically rip apart.
"Sadly, Diavolo mentioned the sweaters are made of hell-wool, a material that is purely impossible to cut. Not even by the strongest demons in the devildome." You enter the room and close the door behind you, offering a bashful smile to a panic ridden Lucifer on the ground. He sighs, admitting defeat as he's unable to hide what you had already seen. "Stupid, stupid sweater." He snarls, almost inaudibly, but loud enough so you can hear the agony in his tone.
You take a seat next to him on the floor and lean your head on his shoulder, snuggling into the fluffy garment and nuzzling your nose onto it. "I like it." You declare. "It's like cuddling with a cloud."
"I'm not sure whether I should be offended, y/n." Lucifer exhales, but gives in to your affection rather quickly, sliding his arm to wrap around you and pull you closer. "But I suppose- if you find it comforting, maybe I won't attempt to thoroughly destroy it the second Diavolo allows us to take these off."
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selamat-linting · 1 year
i used to have pessimistic nihilism regarding climate change because i believe its actually god showing us that his pre-ordained apocalypse are coming soon and there's nothing i can do about it except to survive and hope me and my loved ones dont go to hell, which is an almost impossible hope regarding my circumstances as a queer person, born spesifically as a sign of degeneracy and satan's hold on humanity.
now that im a communist, i still believe the world is in the process of ending, but i have revolutionary optimism. because now i understand the end is not a destiny from god. its a man-made disaster that can be stopped and worked on, and even if im merely a speck of dust compared to the problem, many many others before and after me will continue fighting and working to save everyone. we're not doomed, we could still cancel the apocalypse (heh), and the idea gives my life more meaning than any promise of heaven will ever be.
in fact, i think im starting to find a personal meaning in the struggle. unlike organized religion, with its deceptive veneer of community, i feel even more lost and isolated, especially when preachers keep insisting and screaming that in the afterlife, no one can help nobody and theyre all busy saving themselves so your only option is to obey divine judgement and authority. i gotta say, reading history and reaching out to others instead of relying on god made me realize its all a lie. humans will help each other and made stupid sacrifices that benefit others at the expense of themselves. its very affirming. im pretty sure i wouldnt be anyone significant, maybe just a random blurry face in a photo of a beach cleaning action or a protest at best, but i have found salvation in those "meaningless" actions than in any prayers i ever uttered so far.
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houselamentation · 2 years
ayla sounds very intriguing on her own~ if she strives to be diplomatic as a result of holding no magical power, then is she an opportunist at heart? does she value the truth even in the face of danger, or would she rather stay quiet if it meant that peace would continue?
i ask this because i wonder if the spell she attempted was an attempt to prove something to everyone, or if she wanted to get to the bottom of something. i'd love to hear more!! :]
I put Ayla firmly in the chaotic neutral camp (along with Solomon tbh). She wants to save the world and change it for the better but she also wants the credit for doing that.
She has always had political ambitions and was discovered as a candidate for the exchange program in the first place because she'd applied to so many human world ones and had experience with Model UN-type work and had proven willing to learn from others and teach them in return. She's altruistic but also a little naive. When she arrives in the Devildom and receives the warning that demons will be constantly trying to harm or take advantage of her, she manipulates Mammon into the pact without fully understanding what it means for either of them but believing it will keep her safe. She does not trust Lucifer and believes Belphegor's claim that he is a human wrongfully imprisoned- even when she finds evidence suggesting otherwise. She visits regularly and falls for him. Even after the truth is out, she continues forging pacts with the brothers, determined to free him and help the family heal. She's not always selfish but can commit blindly and relentlessly to a cause she deems important. (She is aware of the risk when she stands between Lucifer and Beel, defending Luke but she also does not protest when Satan wants to make a pact with her *for the wrong reason.* So... a little of both?
The goal is somewhere between peace and progress- she gets along well with Diavolo, with that in mind and she relishes the idea of being the human who led to the three worlds finding not only harmony but reasonable, more common interactions- like peace talks about what benefits all of them and trading agreements- after all this time. But then we get into the Ring incident. Ayla attempts bigger and grander things with her once dormant abilities and finds these spells effortless because she is pulling magic from the universe itself without giving anything of herself in return. It's partly due to limited training and misunderstanding of the concept but it has terrible ripple effects. She's discovered to be the cause of this destruction around the time she suffers a personal tragedy (her sister escapes a cult around the same time their father dies). Ayla is sent back to the human world in hopes that being around fewer temptations and with less access to dark magic and artefacts, she will heal and remember her goals outside of the power she needs to stop abusing.
She's a very angry, scared, and vulnerable young human when she attempts something truly selfish. It's my head canon that even though Belphegor is free to rejoin the family after the Lesson 16 incident (Ayla was not the victim but she did feel close to him and felt guilty for still being in love with Belphie even after that), there was magic in place to keep Belphegor from leaving the Devildom in a way that even a summoning could not easily override. Ayla attempted it anyway. She caused another earthquake and severely hurt Belphie (as well as Beel, who felt the effects through their telepathic link). It was a desperate moment halfway between the need to prove herself and just wanting to feel loved and safe and as though fixing everything was possible- because she technically did that once by bringing Belphie back to his brothers and helping them reconnect and forgive him in the first place?
The Ring of Light has helped restore her magical and emotional balance. She is healing but that relationship will take much more time and it seems Ayla will always prioritize her ambitions and even her impulses.
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almaqead · 2 months
"The Book." From Surah 17, Al Isra.
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If humanity is God's most perfect creation, why do we find ourselves reading the Quran, looking at different ways to respond to all the evil we do? And why has it taken since Muhammad's time in the 7th Century to realize we have done so little about it? Why do we like to force God to reckon with us but never change?
The next section of Al Isra says change is a must. Man can indeed forsake wickedness and do all that the Quran says and be totally righteous.
The Book is easy to read and understand, its expectations are reasonable, God guaranteed He would not try to trick us within its pages:
Ma'idah 5:15:
O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much.1 There has come to you from Allāh a light and a clear Book [i.e., the Qur’ān].
What is within the Quran that makes it a Book? For this we need to understand the basis for the term, which is found in the Torah. Books are like "books of business" they name the accounts and the balance of the persons which whom a company does business. All Muslims know how God views a balanced account; in the Torah the balanced book is called the Ark of the Covenant. About this the Quran states:
From Baqarah 248:
Their prophet said to them, ‘The sign of his authority will be that the Ark [of the Covenant] will come to you. In it there will be [the gift of] tranquility from your Lord and relics of the followers of Moses and Aaron, carried by the angels. There is a sign in this for you if you believe.’
Without tranquility however, God cannot hold onto us. So long as there is strife in Israel, He will let us go. Security and stability then are the next step on the Mir'aj, the Ladder to Heaven. They represent our comprehension of the Ark of the Covenant and an end to the stormy weather on land and sea that are destroying this planet:
17: 61-69:
"And ˹remember˺ when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam,” so they all did—but not Iblîs,1 who protested, “Should I prostrate to the one You have created from mud?”
Allah responded, “Be gone! Whoever of them follows you, Hell will surely be the reward for all of you—an ample reward.
And incite whoever you can of them with your voice, mobilize against them all your cavalry and infantry, manipulate them in their wealth and children, and make them promises.” But Satan promises them nothing but delusion.
˹Allah added,˺ “You will truly have no authority over My ˹faithful˺ servants.” And sufficient is your Lord as a Guardian.
It is your Lord Who steers the ships for you through the sea, so that you may seek His bounty. Surely He is ever Merciful to you.
When you are touched with hardship at sea, you ˹totally˺ forget all ˹the gods˺ you ˹normally˺ invoke, except Him. But when He delivers you ˹safely˺ to shore, you turn away. Humankind is ever ungrateful.
Do you feel secure that He will not cause the land to swallow you up, or unleash upon you a storm of stones? Then you will find none to protect you.
Or do you feel secure that He will not send you back to sea once again, and send upon you a violent storm, drowning you for your denial? Then you will find none to avenge you against Us."
Peace in Israel is synonymous with peace on earth. We must volunteer to publish and hold onto it no matter who contests it. The moment we resist, and stop the plunder, the Age of the Masjid will begin. Innocent men will no longer drown in hot water or be trampled by falling rocks in its wake. So "...Incite whoever you can of them with your voice...mobilize against them all your cavalry and infantry, and make man keep his promises."
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