#do something you'll enjoy studying for that time and keep an open mind
Hi! I love your blog, it always makes me so extremely happy when I find new linguistics blogs! Currently a lot of your post are sitting in my unspeakably long queue. Anyways, after seeing that freshman anon that wants to study linguistics in the future I thought that I might as well pop in and ask you my question about pursuing linguistics in college. I’m a high school senior that should (knock on wood) be starting college next year majoring in linguistics. I absolutely love linguistics and love the idea of studying it, but I’m worried that I won’t be able to actually get a decent job with it. I’m currently planning on becoming a researcher in applied linguistics, but I’m worried that that’s a bit of an unrealistic(?) plan, and I don’t know what else I’d do with linguistics if that didn’t work out for any reason. I’m just worried about putting all of my eggs into one basket I guess. Sorry that this is a bit of a vague ask that doesn’t really have a direct question, whatever insight you can give would be greatly appreciated, thank you. 
my advice is: keep your goal in mind, but don't be alarmed if/when it changes.
i planned to study linguistics from about freshman or sophomore year of high school, but i was interested in neuro- or psycholinguistics. once i got to college, i took a few courses in that direction, but the psychology part just didn't capture my attention in the same way (and let's be real i didn't want to take organic chemistry). by the time i was planning my undergrad thesis, it had pivoted to bilingual education research, and then in senior year i took one random course that skewed my trajectory completely into historical linguistics (after i finished the bilingual ed thesis, at least). i went to graduate school for that subfield—masters and phd—but now i'm burnt out on academia so i'm pivoting into public education.
it's very hard to feel like you've invested so much time in one direction that may not work out in the end, i won't lie to you. but at this very early stage in your possible future career, i encourage you to enjoy the ride where you can. take classes that sound interesting. get to know a variety of people working in the field. and explore topics off your beaten path! i've ended up working closely with archaeologists, which is very fun but also confirms that i don't want to be an archaeologist.
even if you decide not to stick with linguistics—even if you're forced out by a lack of jobs, which is not uncommon—you'll still have the experience of research and critical thinking behind you. also, linguists are fun friends.
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koolades-world · 2 months
Heyy is it possible if I could request an MC going through a rough patch of exams with the brothers and MC's anxiety about these are just through the roof 📈📈📈
(GCSEs have arrived and I'm sitting my first one around 6 hours after I've sent this request so I'm just dead)
Ignore if you can't do it, it's completely alright. Thank you!!
hi there! of course i can :)
hope those went well for you!!
enjoy <3
Mc in the middle of a rough exam season
exam seasons is rough
he would know that best
he's easier on you and makes sure to keep things around the house light
if you ever need a little while to decompress, his door is always open
where ever you go, he's going too
if you're studying in your room, he's going to be in your room. if you're outside, he's outside
if it makes you happy, he'll study too
he knows things haven't been easy lately, so he's doing his best to support you
he understands your anxiety wholeheartedly
however he can help, he will
if you just want to enjoy your favorite video game or anime together, he's got you
but if you just want to sit together, and talk or sit in silence, he's also got you <3
he's more than willing to help you out with studying
if you have the same exam, he'll insist you study together
for any other exams, he can help by quizzing you and have you teach the subject to him
as a reward for all your hard work, he promises to take you out to a cat cafe no matter what final grade you get
he's the one making sure you keep up with your self care
if you insist on studying up in your room instead of going down for meals, he'll bring them up to you and eat with you
he also makes regular cute self care packages that always have something fun and new in it he thinks you'll enjoy
usually, they have some sort of face mask, a candle, some of your favorite treats, and something cute in them
along with his twin, he's the one making sure you take fair breaks
if you're only taking a few minutes of breaks in hours of studying, he's going to have to change that
he makes sure you're getting out and thinking about things other than your exams
if you're ever up for it and since fresh airs clears the mind, you're always welcome to join him on his hikes
if you need a power nap or need a break, he's your man
he won't let you go until his allotted time with you is up
so even if you wanted to get up to return to work before that, you can't
if you're having issues with sleeping in general, he can help you with that too
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lxvebun · 2 years
overflowing love
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synopsis: just the boys doting on you
content: soft!Hanma/Rindou/Ran x gender neutral reader. fluff. kissing. consensual waking up by kisses. neck kisses. some canon violence but not towards reader. slightly possessive boys. Use of nicknames pretty baby/angel and sweetheart. let me know if I missed anything.
dark blogs, k!nk blogs and ed blogs do not interact. I will knock your teeth in. Its not hard to respect someones boundaries when it comes to this
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୨୧Hanma Shuji
Everyone can see it, the way Shuji softens around you. It's honestly quite funny to see him switch up so quickly once you enter his vicinity. From sitting around with a bored look in his eyes and stern voice throwing around orders (or brutal insults) to physically lighting up, a small smile adorning his face as he makes a grabby hand at you, silently asking you to come into his arms.
"Just need my pretty baby to keep me company, you'll do that for me wont you?" he asks as he pulls you comfortably into his lap, and how could you deny him when his pretty golden eyes are filled with so much love and adoration, while his fingers are tracing heart shapes onto your waist and his lips are pressing soft kisses to your cheek and neck?
It doesn't matter what he was doing before you came in, or who is in the room with him, when Hanma sees you everything else leaves his mind and he's entirely focused on you and your needs. Do you need him? Did you just want to see him? Are you hungry? He can take you out for some food. Do you want to leave? He'll stop the meeting right now!
Some subordinates aren't the biggest fan of Hanma's tendencies when it comes to you, but after what happened the first time someone called him out for it, even going as far to directly insult you about it, no one dares to say anything anymore, or look at you for that measure.
If anyone has a problem with him and his pretty angel and dares to open their mouths about it, that's brave, meet him behind the building and he'll show them exactly why people call him God of Death.
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୨୧Haitani Rindou
Rindou has a staring problem. More specifically a problem with staring at you.  Often you catch him looking at you, chin resting on the palm of his hands, blush on his cheeks and little hearts floating around in his eyes, as if he's admiring and studying a painting.
It's not even something he does on purpose. Of course he enjoys looking at his sweetheart, don't get me wrong, But more often than not it's something he does entirely subconscious.
When some of the other executives are over at his place, be it for a meeting or to hangout, his brain randomly decides that he's done with whatever conversation he was having and instead opts to admire you. Just you being you is far more interesting than whatever Sanzu's brabbeling on about.
He enjoys looking at you what more can I say, and can you blame him? Every time he looks at you, warmth spreads throughout his entire body and he falls in love all over again. Every scar and every mole is absolutely gorgeous to him. The way your eyes reflect the moonlight, the way the sun kisses your skin, god it awakens butterflies in him. If you told him you were an angel send down from heaven to watch over him, he would believe it.
No one holds his heart the way you do. Please, treat it gently.
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୨୧haitani Ran
It's quite impressive how in tune Ran is with your well being. He picks up on the slightest shifts in your moods, the tone of your voice and expressions. If you're feeling even a tiny bit down, rest assured, Ran knows. He has now made it his life's mission to make you show that pretty smile to him again.
You're the love of his life. He wants nothing more than for you to be happy and taken care of and he's taken it upon himself to do just that. As much as Ran likes being taken care of, enjoying trips to the salon for his hair, getting massages after fights, he adores taking care of you. It's soothing for him as well. He brings hellfire down on people every day. There isn't a day that passes by where he doesn't spit out vile threats or use his trusty baton. So knowing you're safe, relaxed and happy because of him makes him feel a bit more humane
Disrupting his beauty sleep so he can prepare breakfast for you and press kisses to your pretty face as to wake you up instead of that god awful alarm? Tiny sacrifices really, but it's completely worth it seeing that sleepy smile of yours as you pat the spot next to you, silently asking him to come back to bed. And who is he to deny you? if anything it gives him the opportunity to hold you in his arms and feed you bites of breakfast( it makes his heart flutter really
Putting cups on the highest shelf in the cupboard so he has a reason to pick you up? Very amusing to him<3(menace)
Whatever problem you're having, Ran will do his best to solve it, no matter how big or small it is. Be it wrapping you in blankets and holding you in his arms as you cry on his shoulder. Or pay a visit to a creep that doesn't quite understand the gates of hell he opened when they made you uncomfortable.
He was put on this earth to love you, he's certain about that and he will go above and beyond to make sure he's doing a good job at it.
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thank you for reading bunnies!<3
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roosterforme · 1 year
Right Girl, Wrong Time Part 7 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Your weekend is over and you say goodbye to Bradley, but you both hope that it won't be another ten years before seeing each other again. Bradley was desperate for more of you, and this time, he'd make sure to do whatever he needed to get it. He just needs you to fulfill your end of the deal first.
Warnings: Smut, fluff, swears, and angst
Length: 3400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a sequel to accompany my story Old Habits Die Hard (you'll want to read that one first)!
Check my profile for my masterlist
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You didn't want to move. Ever. You just wanted to lay here on top of Bradley on your bed in your little house. Keep him with you forever. 
This moment was too perfect. His hands rubbed your back underneath the soft fabric of his Grateful Dead shirt, and he was singing to you. He was singing the lyrics of your tattoo, with something extra added on.
You don't know how easy it is to love you, Sugar.
Part of you wanted to fall asleep like this, absorbing his body heat, and his voice, and his love. But you didn't know for sure when you'd get to see him again. You didn't want to think about the possibility that you might not. 
Because admitting that you loved each other ten years ago and saying you still felt that way now.... well, that didn't necessarily mean that you and Bradley would be able to mesh your separate lives together into something you could both live with. Although, this weekend that you got to spend reunited with him did feel more serendipitous than you'd like to admit. Your mind was still reeling, still searching for the logic in this situation.  
When Bradley stopped singing and you felt his fingers at the back of your neck, you sighed and let yourself enjoy this moment. After you pressed your lips to his scars, you asked him, "Will you send me those selfies you texted to Nat?"
Bradley studied your face, and even with the soft lighting, you could tell his cheeks were flushing with color. "Sure." He kissed you gently and then slipped out from under you to retrieve his phone from the bathroom while you located yours under a pile of discarded clothing on your floor. 
"What is it?" you asked, when he sprawled out on your bed once more. "You're blushing right now, Beer Boy."
He handed you his unlocked phone and cleared his throat as you crawled over next to him. "You can send them to yourself. I already saved them to a folder."
"Okay," you said, taking his phone and looking at the wallpaper, which was a picture of his Super Hornet. "Which folder?" 
You tapped on the photo gallery and it opened to neatly organized pictures with labels and dates. He had things pertaining to his aircraft, one labeled 'House Projects', and then you saw one that made you suck in a short breath.
There was a folder labeled 'Sugar' at the top of the gallery. 
"You have a whole folder of...me?"
He just nodded, his brows furrowed now. "The passcode is your birthday. Text whatever you want to yourself." You could tell he was trying for a tone of nonchalance, but it wasn't translating as cool as he probably thought it was. You typed in your four digit birthday, and the folder opened.
At the top you saw the selfies he had taken just a few hours ago, the ones he sent to his best friend. You started to select them, but then decided to scroll down to see more. 
"I thought you said you had one picture of us that you showed to Nat and Bob," you whispered, but Bradley just shrugged.
The folder was filled with candid shots of you from ten years ago at frat parties and in the library study room. There were some where you were smiling and biting your lip, others where you were concentrating on a textbook and paying him no mind. He had even taken a picture of his bedroom door at some point, on which he had written 'SUGAR what's your number?'
"Bradley," you whispered, but he was running his hand through his hair and looking at the ceiling. The pictures you had taken to make Phoebe jealous were all there, too. You and he were in the kitchen at the Beta house, enjoying your fake spring break together. There were photos of you kissing and licking his lips, one of you sucking melted chocolate off of his fingers, and several of Bradley touching and kissing your bare breasts. 
"I took those to make Phoebe jealous," you whispered, looking at him while he still avoided your gaze. "I thought you would have deleted them."
He shook his head. "Couldn't bring myself to. Couldn't delete any of them."
You paused for a beat, looking at a selfie of the two of you a few weeks before graduation. He was standing behind you with his arms wrapped around you and his chin resting on your shoulder. You both looked unbelievably happy. 
"Did your other girlfriends mind that you kept these?"
Bradley rolled his eyes at you. "Why do you think it has a passcode? None of them knew about it."
You bit your lip and inched closer until your knees were bumping his side. "Do you have a folder for each of your other ex girlfriends, too?" you asked softly. 
Bradley finally reached for you, pulling you so you were straddling his lap and looking down at him. "You see any other folders in there?"
You didn't need to scroll to know he only had a folder of you, so you shook your head and started selecting all of the pictures in the 'Sugar' folder to send to yourself. 
"It's just you," Bradley whispered. "I've only ever been in love with you."
You hit send and leaned down to kiss him while your phone lit up across the bed. 
"I can't fucking believe I could have been texting you this whole time," he said as you kissed his cheek. "I figured you'd blocked me permanently. Or that you had a different phone number. I thought you were probably married."
You laughed and asked, "Would you have really texted me?"
"Hell no," Bradley replied, holding you against him. "Couldn't deal with the disappointment of you not remembering who I was."
You kissed him for a long time. Eventually you both slipped under the blankets, rolling onto your sides and sharing the softest touches. Every gentle brush of his lips against yours felt like the promise he made to you, felt like he would wait to hear your answer after you visited both schools.
"You think I could forget you? I've only ever been in love with you too, Bradley."
Every time Bradley pulled you close to him, you lit him up with your laughter. "I don't want to leave," he whined over and over again as you and he made breakfast together on Sunday morning. He couldn't stop touching you through the soft fabric of his old shirt. "Fuck the Navy. I'm staying here."
"You don't mean that," you said with a smile. "Don't you miss your friends? And your Super Hornet?" You were being coy now, and he didn't know if it was because you were going to miss him too, or because you wanted to know where you ranked.
Bradley groaned dramatically. "I don't miss Nat. She was downright sweet to you when you were texting last night. But she's never that nice to me. And I guess I miss flying, but pretty soon, I'll be doing that every day for six weeks."
"That's true, I suppose."
While you tried to plate some pancakes, Bradley whispered, "I'd rather be doing you every day for six weeks."
You giggled and looked up at him over your shoulder. "You always were smooth, Beer Boy. Too smooth for your own good. But does that mean you'll be thinking about me at night? On the aircraft carrier? When you're tired and unable to sleep?"
His eyes drifted closed. Now he had a whole arsenal of images he just knew would be circulating through his mind; 21 year old Sugar and 31 year old Sugar. Both too sweet for him, but exactly what he wanted. 
"Not only then. I'll be thinking about you a lot. Waiting to hear from you as soon as I dock back in San Diego."
You fed him bites of pancake while he caged you in against the kitchen counter. "How will I know when you get back? Do they tell you the date ahead of time?"
"Yeah, but sometimes it changes according to the weather and mission parameters. I'll text you as soon as I can. Don't worry about that. You can tell me about the schools, and we can talk on the phone and catch up."
"Okay," you agreed, setting the food off to the side and wrapping your arms around him. And now Bradley was feeling guilty again. He shouldn't be talking to you like this right now. There were too many things up in the air. But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of ways to get a transfer to Florida if you picked Miami. He couldn't live without you now. 
He took your face in both of his hands, running his thumb along your swollen lips and smiling at the dark smudges under your eyes. Neither of you had slept much last night, and Bradley had been kissing you almost nonstop. "I love you, Sugar."
Your eyes drifted closed briefly before you nodded against his hands. "I never thought I'd hear you say that."
"I don't know if I can stop now."
After you ate, you spent hours in your bed with Bradley, talking and touching each other. Your words grew softer, and you found yourself clinging to him a bit more as the morning turned to early afternoon. You were laughing, and he was kissing your shoulder when suddenly a soft sob escaped your lips. 
He pulled back to look up at you, but you just shook your head. "I don't want you to leave."
Then he was looking at you like he was in agony. "I would stay if I could. You know that, right?"
"Our timing kind of sucks, but maybe we can figure it all out. You're smart, Sugar," he murmured as his lips found your tattoos. "You'll figure it out and let me know where I stand." When you opened your mouth to tell him you could figure it all out right now, he kissed your lips. "But not yet," he added. 
Did this man really think you'd fall in love with Miami more than you loved him? You almost laughed, but then he was sucking on one of the spots on your neck that was still tender from last night's activities. 
"Bradley," you whined softly. He was hard and pressing against your clit just right. His tongue and lips were soothing your neck only to be met with his prickly mustache. 
"I need to leave soon, baby. Tell me how you need it."
The most unholy moan left your lips, and you were surprised you could sound that needy. "Slow. Just go slow."
He nodded against you, sliding through your silky wetness and entering you so leisurely, it somehow felt filthy. When you tried to press up against him to take him faster and deeper, Bradley scolded you.
"No, no. You're getting it slow, Sugar. It's what you need. I need it, too."
"Fuck," you gasped, winding your fingers in his pretty hair while he spread your pussy wide, squeezing your thighs. "Bradley."
And you knew this might be your last time with him like this. At least for a while. 
Bradley was in heaven, basking in the little sounds you made just for him. You had told him he was the best and that you still loved him. But he wanted to be your only one.  
As he worked his thumb softly along your clit, he paused his ministrations each time he felt you clench around him. "Please." Your voice was soft and broken, and after he'd taken you close but not all the way a few times, you were begging. "Bradley."
He responded by kissing his name on your lips and tasting your tongue. He swiped his fingers against your clit just the way you liked it best, and you anchored yourself to him with your fingers tugging on his hair.
"Shh, nice and slow," he grunted next to your ear, and once again you were clenching around him. Your moans were building like a crescendo, and soon he was panting just like you were. "I love you. I'd wait forever to be with you again."
He watched a tear leak from the corner of your eye, and he kissed it away as you came on his cock. Bradley rocked into you slowly, watching you squeeze your eyes shut as he filled you up, rubbing his lips and mustache along your neck. 
Finally you were looking up at him again, and he was just as mesmerized by your beautiful, expressive face now as he had been in college. Your voice was soft and spent as you whispered, "I love you, too, Beer Boy."
But he knew it was time to leave you. The idea of being away from you again had him panicking like it did before. What if you changed your mind while he was gone for six weeks? Completely out of contact with you? "I'm not going anywhere, Sugar. But I do need to leave."
"I understand." You smiled softly at him, and then your lip quivered as your eyes filled with tears. Bradley withdrew himself from the comfort of your body and wrapped you in his arms. 
"I'll text you when I get back. You can let me know when you're able to call me, and we can figure this shit out, okay? I'll text you before I even text Nat, and she's the one who's supposed to pick me up."
You laughed softly against his ear. "Promise me you'll be safe when you're deployed."
He kissed your temple. "Sugar, you know I can't promise you that. But I can promise you that I love you now, and I will still love you in six weeks no matter what happens." He held onto you until the last possible minute, knowing he'd miss his flight if he waited any longer. 
When he stood up and started to gather his clothes, you tracked his movements with your eyes. "I'll come to the airport with you. I can Uber back," you told him, jumping out of bed and pulling on the tie dyed shirt and some shorts. 
Bradley watched you move around your bedroom, slipping on shoes and grabbing your purse before tucking yourself against his chest. 
"We're just prolonging the inevitable, baby."
"I don't care," you replied defiantly. "I'll get an extra thirty minutes with you."
The way you could make Bradley's heart soar left him grinning. "Alright, Sugar. Let's get me to the airport."
The ride was quiet, but you held his hand in both of yours while he drove, and he sang a few Grateful Dead songs. "Sing me my song," you demanded softly, kissing his fingers. 
Bradley laughed softly. "You know, you're so perfect, Sugar, it probably was somehow written with you in mind." And then he sang for you until he pulled into the airport to return his rental car. 
You kept a firm hold on his hand until you walked him as far as you could go without a boarding pass. When Bradley set down his bag to give you a proper goodbye, your lips were immediately on his. "I love you, Beer Boy," you whispered between kisses. The brush of your lips against his mustache had him holding you tight against him, and he dug his fingers gently into the back of your neck. He kissed you so hard, you were moaning into his mouth, swiping his tongue with yours.
"I never stopped loving you," he panted, breaking away and resting his cheek against your forehead. "You seemed like a mirage the other night, at the bar. I never thought I'd get a chance to look at you again."
You laughed softly. "You can do more than look at me, Bradley. Anytime you want."
Bradley wanted a commitment now. He could feel in his very bones how right that would be. But this wasn't the time for it. "Remember what you promised me."
You nipped along his jaw, saying, "I'll look at both schools, Lieutenant Bradshaw. And then I will report back to you when you are once again on dry land."
"That's my girl," he crooned, and your gaze met his with so many unspoken questions and answers. "I'll be thinking about you. Just like I always do." He kissed your cheek and then pressed his lips to your mouth in one final kiss before getting in line for security. You stood there in his favorite shirt and watched him until you couldn't see him any longer, your arms wrapped around your midsection while you cried. 
He used his phone to call you a ride back to your house and texted you the information. You wrote back right away. 
This was the best weekend of my life.
You were so antsy to talk to Bradley. You were thinking about him all the time now. As you sat on your desk in your office, eating a sandwich and looking at your packed boxes, you wondered if he was eating dinner. Or maybe it was the middle of the night where he was. Maybe he was thinking about you, too.
This room reminded you of him, and he had only been here once. This desk especially reminded you of him. When you passed Ted, the security guard on your way in earlier, you thought about Bradley while Ted blushed and greeted you softly. 
And that's how it had been for the past two weeks. You had Beer Boy on your mind almost nonstop. Sure, he'd popped into your thoughts pretty frequently over the last ten years, but this was overpowering. Now that you knew you could reach him by phone if you wanted to, you hated that he was deployed and out of contact. 
You sighed, giving in to your urge once more to scroll through Nat's Instagram page. You had already memorized every post with Bradley in it, but it didn't hurt to look once more. And then you told yourself it would be okay to look at all of the photos that had been in his secret Sugar folder. 
You had to tip your head back and press your lips together to keep from moaning, because just the thought of Bradley keeping those pictures for ten years made you want him badly. 
And then started the vicious cycle of hating deployments. 
"Fuck," you groaned, tucking your phone away. You would drop your boxes off with your friend Veronica, and then you had another week in Virginia before you started your adventure. 
First stop, Miami.
Bradley was laying in his tiny bed aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, thinking about you. He wondered if you were in Miami or San Diego yet. He wondered if you had visited either of the schools. He wondered if you had made a decision and how he would fit into it. 
He was halfway through his deployment, and it had been so boring. Even though he desperately wanted to talk to you, he had decided to give you some space while he was gone. So instead, he'd used his one facetime call to talk to Nat, but he had spent most of it catching her up on his weekend in Virginia.
"You're still in love with her," Nat had said with dreamy eyes. 
"Yes. I am still in love with her. And I've given her the power to break my heart a second time. Nat, I won't survive."
But in typical best friend fashion, she had been able to calm his nerves and tell him he needed to focus on work for now and give you some space. He would give you as much time and space as you wanted or needed, if he just knew for sure he could see you again.
They parted ways, and I want to cry. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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rinkkuma · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi, rin itoshi, & nagi seishiro
tags. a bit of cussing, gn!reader, all fluff ! / author's note. hihihiihihii this is my first time ever writing so yeah :3 hope you enjoy ! <3 somewhat proofread? i will also probably be doing a part 2, so look out for that soon !
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an absolute gentleman!! to opening doors for you, (even if it means sprinting to the door) pulling out chairs for you, making sure you're on the inside of the sidewalk, he will do anything. will treat you like royalty!!
insists you make a playlist for him to listen to and deadass listens to it while literally doing anything. while he trains, studies, or even just taking a walk, he just loves having small things that remind him of you to keep him sane throughout the day.
better yet, recommend a song to him and he'll be listening to it on repeat for the rest of the week.
takes polaroids of you and him on every one of your dates and puts them in his phone case and changes them after every date.
buys you two matching outfits, jewelry, etc. takes a million pictures when do you do, and posts them on all of his socials!! changes his phone wallpaper every day because of how many photos he has of you two matching (and because he's indecisive)
lets you gossip to him about drama at school, and lowkey gets invested and asks you to update him every week. (you can't just leaving him hanging after you just told him the juiciest drama ever!!)
100% takes you on boba/cafe dates, a weekly thing honestly! nothing sounds better to rin than spending the afternoon chatting with you while eating some delicious food.
while he's out shopping and sees something he thinks you'll like, in the cart immediately. most of the time he's just making a quick stop at the store to buy stuff for himself, but always ends up with him buying a bunch of things for you instead. (which he does not regret)
secretly an artist. sketches you when he misses you or when he's bored. (all of these sketches are strategically drawn in a notebook that he claims to be for school so that you would never look at it) you do end up accidentally seeing the drawings one day and loved them but he was absolutely flustered and hid them so fast.
sends ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ texts to you, and starts small conversation after to check up on you especially if he's busy for the day.
since he is an avid horror movie and game enjoyer, late nights are spent watching and/or playing various horror games with rin. he likes seeing your scared/surprised face because of how cute you look, and probably dies in the game because he started staring at you.
notices small, not noticeable habits that you have and thinks they're pretty cute!
randomly calls you in the middle of the night to beg you to play video games with him. (he actually just wants to hear your voice, but he'll never admit it) if you're ever playing a 1v1 game, he always takes it easy on you so you can win.
if you have plushies on your bed, he will absolutely beat the shit out of them when you're not looking. like what do you mean they get to cuddle with you every night instead of him! purposely accidentally kicks all of them off your bed at night.
you woke up one night just to see his 6'3 ass standing over you (he just went to the bathroom and was just about to get back into bed) and you absolutely shit yourself thinking it was a random scary ass shadow figure.
gets you a matching cactus! (for context: nagi has a pet cactus named choki, shown in his spin off manga) if you forget to water it and whatnot, doesn't mind using some extra energy to take care of it for you!
you guys argue with random kids on roblox, sometimes even catching nagi doing it for fun in his free time. (it's a hobby for him atp)
begs you to pull all-nighters with him since he wasn't able to spend a lot of time with you during the day. (mostly because he accidentally fell asleep, but that's beside the point!) you end up giving in, and you guys spend the night talking about random things that come to your minds, playing video games, and watching the most random youtube videos that come up on his recommendations. (one night you guys binge watched mr. beast for a good 4 hours)
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Summary: You and Edward Cullen used to have a romantic relationship. But fate seemed not to believe in the possibility of a vampire and a potential she-wolf being together. Years after your separation, you return to Forks. Edward is committed to Bella Swan, and Jacob Black has his own pack. What happens when, upon your return, you begin to transform into a she-wolf and both Edward and Jacob seem eager to revisit the past with you?
Author's Note: The characters in this fanfic do not belong to me but to Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight universe. The story blends events that happened in the Twilight saga movies with invented ones. If you're enjoying the fanfic, please interact. Comments and kudos are welcome. This story will contain inappropriate language, a possible love triangle, scenes of violence, and romance.
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Your madness should be studied. It's foolishness to go to the Cullens' house to check on Edward. You might end up seeing his girlfriend, which would be awkward. They might not appreciate seeing you. Uley could find out you went there and curse you for generations. But now, lying in bed with Jacob beside you, you're worried about Cullen. In fact, a part of your younger self is nervous about having transformed in front of Edward. Your wolf form only emerged after you left Forks.
"There's something troubling your mind. Don't worry about denying it. Just tell me what it is," Jacob whispers near your ear while you think he's asleep. You're sleeping spooned together, with him as the big spoon and you as the little one.
"I need to do something you won't like. And honestly, I don't want to tell you what it is. I just want you to support me even without knowing. Like a good pack leader," you say, turning to look at him. His eyes open to meet yours. You kiss him on the cheek, hoping to make him more receptive to understanding you.
"I'm not your leader. And I'm not your boyfriend either. As your lover, I'd recommend you not go after any vampire. But as a friend, I support you. You know you can count on me if Sam decides to scold you, even though he's not your leader either," Jacob says, apprehensive yet respectful.
"I didn't know I was your lover. But I want to lean on the side of you that's my friend. If something happens, I need you to not let anyone come after me. Not even you. Can you do that for me?" You ask, kissing Jacob softly on the corner of his mouth, then on his lips.
"You have more faith in my ability to be your bodyguard than I do. But consider it done. I'll keep any wolf away from you. Including myself. I hope you'll reward me for that," Jacob says, kissing your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You playfully hit his arm as if disapproving of what he said.
"You're such a flirt. But for now, you don't need to worry. Finding vampires at night is always more advisable," you say, shifting against Jacob's chest as if he were a pillow and you wanted to snuggle closer.
The rest of your day is quite peaceful. You visited Sam's pack, spending the afternoon surrounded by wolves who dislike wearing shirts because they're too hot, and their respective loved ones. In truth, you wonder if you'll ever experience an imprinting. Will you ever feel that powerful bond with Edward or Jacob? Or worse, what if it happens with someone you haven't met yet?
Before you know it, it's late enough to go check on Edward. Just to make sure he's okay. You say goodbye to the pack and before heading off, you glance at Jacob, who surprisingly behaved well during the visit to Sam's pack this time. Perhaps he knows that being near Sam's pack could allow him to intervene if something goes wrong.
"I can't believe you have the nerve to show up here," Rosalie says, approaching you. She never liked you, and now that you've transformed into a wolf, she probably despises you even more.
"Easy, Rosalie. I'm not your sister-in-law anymore. No need for all this aggression," you respond sarcastically. She doesn't seem to like it, as moments later, she throws you against a tree using her vampire powers. You push her back, but before either of you can do anything else, half of the Cullen family surrounds you both.
“Rosalie, you can’t attack Y/N. I'm sorry about her temper." Esme says as she helps Rosalie up from the floor. You're still catching the breath you lost when Rosalie attacked you.
“Y/N, it’s always good to see you. You are as lovely as I remember. Isn't it Jasper?" Alice asks Jasper as he walks over to hug you. Emmett takes Rosalie inside while others watch you.
"You look great." Jasper says looking at you without much excitement while Alice still seems excited. Until you notice that you are bleeding from the corner of your mouth. Maybe this is making Jasper uncomfortable.
"We were in the middle of dinner. Want to eat with us?" Carlisle gently extends his arms towards the entrance of the Cullen's house. But you know the only way they could be eating food would be if Bella was with them.
"I don't think Rosalie would like that. But thank you for the invitation. Maybe I can come next time." You say regretting having gone there. It was a mistake trying to see your ex who should have left your mind a long time ago.
"Honey, we'll all be waiting for you. Until then, we promise to talk to Rosalie about her bad behavior." Esme says and you think it's cute that she thinks she can make Rosalie control her hatred for you.
"You will come back. Your story isn't over yet." Alice speaks sweetly while holding your hand. You deduce that she is foreseeing this but you don't understand how your story isn't over yet. I mean, you and Edward don't mean anything to each other anymore. Right?
"I think that's unlikely to be true but I've learned not to doubt you, Alice." You say as you hold her hand back gently, she smiles softly. Jasper then nods towards Alice and she goes with him into the house.
"I think you came to see me." Edward speaks while using his vampiric speed to get close to you quickly. Carlisle and Esme seem to feel the tension of Edward's presence around you and leave.
"I just came to make sure you're okay. Which I see you are, so if you'll excuse me." You speak while keeping a certain distance from him. Your feet are walking the path back to Jacob's house when you feel something come towards you. Not something, someone. Edward holds you firmly against a tree.
"Is this obsession with throwing people against trees a vampire thing?" You question looking at him. But his eyes seem to wander over you.
"Why didn't you tell me you were a wolf now?" Edward looks a little angry and at the same time conflicted about something. You will see your face looking at the other trees before you can look at him.
"It was none of your business. It's still none of your business. But I know how much it must make you hate me now." You say a little angrily, as if you realize that now you are like a natural enemy of the man you loved.
"Nothing in this world, would make me hate you." Edward speaks with such convection and you look at him, shaking your head. He can't be serious.
"Take it back. You can't say that to me. Not when you're involved with someone else and I..." You say remembering Jacob. Even though you are not a couple, you like each other in a certain way.
"Is he better than me?" Edward asks, getting close to your face, as if he intoxicates you with his presence alone.
"Maybe he is. He's not in inappropriate proximity with me while dating someone else." Your face comes even closer to Edward's face. Your breathing becomes uneven as the tension between you increases. Edward looks at you one last time before getting lost in your lips. The shock of feeling his mouth on yours makes you hold his hair tight. The kiss, however, is a mixture of lust and hunger. His lip is still sore but it doesn't matter. Edward is probably tasting your blood as he tastes your mouth. He's thirsty and so are you. By reversing the positions, you throws Edward's body into the tree you were leaning against.
"I'll tell her. About you, about us." Edward speaks while his mouth is pressed against yours. You don't know what to say, You just know that it means something to you. If not, your heart wouldn't be beating so hard.
"She's going to hate you for this." You whisper still against his mouth. Your kiss now feels like a declaration of a real feeling.
"I can't pretend this is nothing. You and I know there's something between us. Passion, lust, feelings. Whatever you want to call it." Edward murmurs, leaning his forehead against yours.
"I need to leave." You say looking into Edward's eyes.He runs his fingers over your face one last time before letting you walk away without saying anything else.
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soapoet · 1 year
W.I.T.C.H. pick-a-card reading
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Hay Lin; next big change
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: 7 rings by Ariana Grande
ready for takeoff? well, buckle up, buttercup! you may have experienced delays in relation to your passion projects, studies, work, or side hussles, but things will be picking up speed soon. the more thought, intent, effort, planning, or work that you have put into things even during a stalemate, the greater the speeds you'll be reaching once things finally get going. you might experience this is as an easy breezy walk in the park or a roller-coaster ride, all depending on how much faith you've poured into this. you may hear back from that job or school with positive news, or have a successful launch to a passion project. there could be a raise or a promotion of sorts in store, and you seem to find yourself at the right place at the right time a lot. you feel luckier than ever before and things just work out in your favour. this is a huge relief considering you've had to work twice as hard as everyone else or deal with more setbacks and variables.
you'll be experiencing a very different timeline overall, especially with all the nuisances and heaches that just always found their way to you to take away your focus and drain your energy. your schedule may get a little crazy and hours start to feel like the most valuable currency. this effect is likely to be long-lasting and keep you busy for quite a while. do remember to afford yourself some celebratory rest, too, you've certaintly earned it. but all in all it seems like you'll be enjoying the change of pace and the various doors that finally open up for you, and you've been so ready to explore new opportunities and uncharted territories for so long that it's no surprise you'll want to do and see it all and be on the go.
Shufflemancy: Lavender haze by Taylor Swift
whether or not you have travels planned, be it near or far, there is a distinct element of newness, adventure and exploration coming in for you. something may have had you feeling stuck in the daily grind and routines and had you bored out of your mind. you're about to gain some freedom and independence, almost as if shackles come undone and you get to run wild and free. you'll be meeting new and interesting people, some of whom quickly turn from strangers to lifelong companions and partners in crime. soul family members are headed in your direction and you'll look back to this time later in life and joke about all the funny little synchronicities and how within a couple weeks you could've sworn you've known each other your whole lives.
besides platonic connections, you may find yourself in the spotlight attracting many admirers, especially if you've felt like the sea has been emptied of all the fish. some of these are just fun and flirty encounters that serve mainly to put a pep in your step and make you hold your head up high. there may be drama in store, but nothing too messy. in fact, you may actually enjoy the telanovela of it all. one or two of these will stand out to you, and you might find yourself weighing pros and cons between two people you would seriously consider for something more. so long as you let things happen to you rather than trying to force anything or play private detective, you'll be sure to make the right decision as events and information unfold themselves to you naturally. you may even be surprised by how things turn out when you don't let bias or expectations tip the scales one way or the other and simply observe how the tables turn all on their own.
Shufflemancy: Sleep alone by Two Door Cinema Club
you may sigh in relief as you finally make it out of a stressful situation. whilst everyone else seem to be making plans, you're clearing out your calendar. you may want or truly need to recharge, reconnect with yourself and get some peace and quiet. the world is looking a little brighter and it's easier to breathe again. when was the last time you had the chance to just sit and pay attention to your own thoughts and feelings?you may feel like you've been sleepwalking, living life for a while fast asleep and going about your days on autopilot. now you're awake again, and it's not to go wild and crazy but to reflect on yourself and how you feel. you may be doing quite a bit of soul searching at this time and asking yourself a lot of important questions. and not just asking, but really pondering and seeking answers. who are you? what do you want? what do you need? this journey of self discovery will make you feel so at peace and you'll find yourself unfazed by things that previously would have cost you your peace of mind and good night's rest. turbulent emotions calm down and the pendulum swing slows. you find the grey between black and white, rise above to see the big picture, and make a home in the in-between.
some people may try to rile you up, and others can be disappointed by, or even judgemental of, your newfound calmness. when you no longer show up to fight wars that aren't yours and decide to do what feels right to you, some will take that as betrayal, even when your values still align with theirs. real ones will see that you're achieving more good through love instead of hate and commend you for your new approach and how much it let's you grow. you may be taking a step back to connect with hobbies you've had to drop previously. through working on your natural talents and honing your skills you may find yourself collaborating on a project regarding something important to you. and it doesn't feel forced or like a burden when it's on your own accord for once. allow yourself to enjoy your own company and honour your feelings and interests. even if your change in course ruffles some feathers at first, you will gain a lot of respect and admiration for choosing your own path and staying true to yourself.
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fangirlblogger · 4 months
Fangirl Analysis Four: Bill Skarsgard's forehead wrinkles.
Girlies, the concept of this analysis is something that has been on mind since I've started evolving into a woman. I have developed this attraction of men's forehead wrinkles since last year and it's not because of my daddy issues (that's another conversation for another time), it's because of aging unfortunately. But I'm glad I'm aging because then I would not be here analyzing this beautiful and masterful craft on Daddy Bill Skarsgard's forehead. The man's got a heavenly forehead and girrrl, the things I want to do to that forehead are endless. With that being said, let's get into the analysis.
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Listen girlies, if Bill looked at me the way he did in this image, I would instantly melt, evaporate and vanish. Girl, I don't know whether I want him to look at me that way forever or eat me and look at me like that till I pass out. I'm swooning over this look right now and the thing that makes this image more desirable and religiously worthy to be worshiped is his forehead wrinkles.
This image is from the Clark TV mini series and Bill played Clark Olofsson - a Swedish criminal in the 70s that prompted society to coined the term Stockholm Syndrome based on his relationships with his hostages or victims. Spoiler for those who did not watch the mini series yet, that's basically what the series is about. If you're a Bill Skarsgard fangirl like myself who has not watched this mini series yet, GIRL YOU HAVE TO (it's on Netflix if you're wondering). You will enjoy and devour every moment of it. Every sound of his voice, all of his body movements, all his angry, lustful, joyful, sad and confused glances and looks, his thick and rough Swedish accent, his manipulative smiles, his boisterous laughter and most importantly the way he devoured that oyster in Episode one, good Lord I came so hard, I almost thought I was giving birth to Bill's kid.
Now girlies, I am aware that there a numerous images of Bill displaying his godly forehead wrinkles. Some of them are so good, I don't know if it's my pussy that's wetter or it's my mouth.
Case study question: Why did I specifically select this image?
It's a no brainer really, my pussy gets wet instantly and I know this is the real deal, the masterpiece, my Salvatore Mundi.
Let's take a look at his hair. His hair looks so effortlessly perfect. The way the strand of hair draws down his forehead, just above his eye-brow is so immaculate. You can tell that he puts so much effort into taking care of his hair because of how effortlessly perfect it looks.
Now onto his jawline, cheeks and chin. He has the most flawless cheeks ever. When he doesn't smile, they lay back so perfectly and that brings out his perfect jawline, making it sharp enough to crack me open like a coconut. But when he does smile, they rise up so well and display his impeccable double chin. His chin is so well shaped that it smoothly keeps his immaculate facial structures intact and glorious.
His lips, they are a world of its own. I wouldn't mind being his lips, getting moistened and licked by his tongue every day. I will not delve into this anymore further because there will be an analysis on his lips soon. So I'll save all the goodness for later.
Let's look at his eyes. His eyes have the most unerring eye bags under them and in this image you can clearly see how perfect they are. We all know Bill has the world's most soulful eyes, so big and doe, they just make you want to cry in a sexual way. By the look in his eyes, and the lines on his face from his eyes to his forward, it clearly indicate that he is concerned but not in a good way. He is concerned about how he is going to manipulate his girlfriend. Also, you can see a little bit of impatience on his face in this image. If you watch the Clark film, you'll understand what I mean.
Now, finally to his wrinkles. They are so important in this image especially in this episode of the Clark mini series. Significance of it to this image is that it makes Bill look real. I've stated this before and I am saying it again, nothing is more attractive than a man with a natural face. His forehead wrinkles indicates to us that he is aging and that is the most beautiful thing in the world. Girl, his forehead wrinkles can wrinkle me up all the way to heaven.
The significance of this look in the image to the Clark mini series is that he perfectly displayed the look of a manipulative man. As already stated, his facial expressions displayed impatience, concern and irritability. My guy just came to see the girl and manipulate her to still love him. He did not come to see her and listen to what she has to say. And, Bill perfectly executes that in that scene.
Moreover, this image showed him in his natural state, meaning if he was not acting, this is what he would like on a daily basis, and that is super-hot! He looks scruffy, organic and humanly.
To conclude, wrinkles are beautiful and when they're on Bill Skarsgard's forehead, I go feral and insane. Those wrinkles makes him even more attractive. The Starry Night by Van Gogh might have you tripping but Bill's forehead wrinkles will have your pussy singing. So to the men that thinks women are rizzed by their overly masculine features, we're not. We like our men simple and comfortable like Bill Skarsgard.
Also, I would like to clarify that if you read this analysis as a body-shaming post, it is entirely the opposite. I love Bill Skarsgard and I find every bit of his body attractive, alluring and godly. I am aware of the social obsession with ageism but I actually prefer my man a bit older with a bit of grey hair, wrinkles, and 10 times more trauma from life than me.
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islxms · 2 months
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𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 ☆ 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ☆ 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟
pairings - actor!aaronwarner x actress!femoc
summary - Kenji Kishimoto, your best friend, insisted that you audition for Dear Love, a romance series, as he didn't want to spend time there alone. After various pleas, you finally accepted the request.
warnings - none
words count - 1,948 words.
︳⋆ ⎙ 𝅄 𝖬𝖠𝖨𝖫𝖡𝖮𝖷 ﹎ hope you enjoy the first chapter, especially since it took me a while to start and finish, since I couldn't decide or think how to. I don't know how to feel about it, I hate it and love it. I promise the future ones will be better.
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"Finally, ugh," I grumbled as the credits for Tangled rolled across the screen. Kenji had insisted on making me watch his favorite Disney movie again, and I was over it. This had to be the fifty-sixth time, on a fucking Friday! I could've done many things!
"Hey! Don't say that. Tangled is a masterpiece," he protested, flinging a pillow at me, which made me slip slightly on the couch.
"Yeah, sure," I said dryly, barely masking my irritation.
"I hate you," Kenji fake-pouted before storming off to the kitchen. Just like a little kid.
"So, are you going to audition for the new series or not?" Kenji changed the subject as he rummaged through the fridge. I knew he was after those damn Skittles he always devours at my place.
"I'm thinking about it," I replied, getting up from the couch and heading toward him. "But I heard it's a romance story, and I'm not keen on kissing anyone on screen." I folded my arms, narrowing my eyes as he finally pulled out the Skittles. "And if you keep raiding my stash, I might just stop buying them."
Kenji's eyes widened in mock horror as he clutched the candy to his chest. "How could you say that, Sunshine? I'm deeply hurt!" Despite his dramatics, he tore open the bag and started munching away.
"By the way, I'm in it too," he mumbled through a mouthful of Skittles.
I rolled my eyes. "Great. Just so you know, Kenji Kishimoto, I have zero plans of kissing you on set or out."
Kenji Kishimoto, my best friend and one of the few people I trusted, had a knack for making me laugh, even when I was at my lowest. He could pull me out of any funk with his jokes and relentless teasing. But despite his flirtations, I never saw him as more than a friend-something I could never admit to him since his ego was already larger than Asia, and the last thing I needed was to inflate it even further.
"Don't worry, you'll change your mind eventually," he said with a playful smirk, but his triumph was short-lived as I smacked him on the arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" he whined, rubbing his arm.
"For letting your stupid ego get the best of you again," I shot back with a grin.
Kenji pouted, rubbing his arm like it was injured. "You know, you could work on your people skills. Not everyone is as charming as me."
I rolled my eyes, leaning against the counter. "Charming? Is that what we're calling it now? Delusion suits you perfectly."
He ignored my jab and popped another Skittle into his mouth, grinning like he'd won. "So, if you're not planning to kiss anyone, what's stopping you from auditioning? You could just act."
"Acting involves more than just pretending," I said, brushing a stray hair behind my ear. "And romance isn't exactly my thing."
Kenji studied me, his playful demeanor softening. "You used to love the idea of being in love. What changed?"
I paused, taken aback by his sudden seriousness. He wasn't wrong. I used to be a hopeless romantic, dreaming of whirlwind love stories. But life had a funny way of turning those dreams into something else entirely.
"I grew up," I replied firmly. "Realized that not all stories end with a fairy tale."
Kenji frowned, searching my face. "You don't believe that, do you? That happiness isn't in the cards for you?"
I shrugged. "Let's just say I've become more realistic."
"Realism's overrated," Kenji said, leaning closer with a serious edge. "You're too young to give up on love. You should audition. Who knows? Maybe you'll have fun."
I met his gaze, a smile tugging at my lips. "Since when did you become such an optimist?"
He grinned, the mischievous spark back in his eyes. "I'm not. I just think you'd look great trying to resist falling for me on set."
I laughed, shaking my head. "You're impossible."
"Impossible and irresistible," he corrected with a wink.
I sighed. "You know," I said, reaching for a Skittle from the bag still clutched in Kenji's hand, "if I audition and get the part, I expect you to be on your best behavior."
Kenji's grin widened. "No promises, Sunshine. But for you, I'll try."
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Did I just sell my soul to the devil? Probably.
Kenji managed to drag me to the set I might be working on. He was practically bouncing with excitement as he led me through the studio doors, and I had to remind myself this was my choice even if it felt like I was being dragged.
"This is going to be great, trust me," Kenji said, flashing his trademark grin. "Castle's a good friend, and he's excited to meet you."
Castle-the director. Naturally, Kenji was on a first-name basis with him. He seemed to know everyone who mattered. We walked through the bustling set, with people rushing around and the constant hum of activity.
"If I'm being honest, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be," I admitted, glancing around. The set was impressive-detailed and alive, like the story was already coming to life.
Kenji shot me a triumphant look. "See? I told you. It's not all that scary."
I rolled my eyes but couldn't deny a small thrill of excitement starting to build.
As we continued our tour, Kenji pointed out different parts of the set, explaining what each was for and how they'd be used in the scenes. He was in his element, effortlessly charming everyone we passed.
When we finally reached Castle, he greeted Kenji with a warm hug and then turned to me with a welcoming smile. "So, this is the star Kenji's been talking about," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Glad to finally meet you."
I forced a confident smile. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Castle."
"Please, call me Castle," he replied, waving off the formality. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do. Kenji's been talking you up like you're the next big thing."
I shot Kenji a look, but he just shrugged, grinning like a cat that got the cream. "Just speaking the truth."
Castle laughed, clearly entertained. "Well, I can't wait to see you in action. I have a feeling you're going to bring something special to this project."
I wasn't sure how to respond to Castle's enthusiasm, so I just nodded, keeping my nerves in check. I loved acting, just like I loved watching romance movies, but being in one and living out those moments on screen made me jittery. The thought of kissing someone on screen, even though I'd done it before, still gave me chills. This felt different.
What are you even worrying about? It's just acting. Don't throw away your opportunities. You've done it many times before!
Perfect, now I'm talking to myself.
Audition for the movie and stop being an overdramatic baby.
I'm not!
Then why are you still thinking about whether you should audition?
"What are the available roles for Dear Love, again?" I asked, breaking the silence as we continued walking through the set.
Kenji turned to me with a grin, clearly pleased with my sudden interest. "Ah, so you're considering it, huh? Well, the lead role of Emma is still open, and a few supporting characters too. But I have to say, you'd make a great Emma."
I bit my lip, the character's description echoing in my mind. Strong-willed, independent, and hesitant to believe in love-qualities that matched mine. Could I step into Emma's shoes and bring her story to life?
Before I could second-guess myself, I glanced at Kenji and said, "Alright, let's do it. I'll audition for Emma."
Kenji's face lit up with excitement and pride. "That's the spirit, Sunshine! You're going to crush it."
The next morning, I sat in front of my vanity, staring at my reflection with a sense of purpose. My mind was racing with thoughts of the audition. I had agreed to try out for the role of Emma, and now that the reality of it was sinking in, I was ready to own it.
What if I'm not good enough? What if this role isn't for me? What if I completely mess it up?
I shook my head, dismissing the doubts. I had done this before-auditions, roles, the whole process. I was a pro, and I had the confidence to prove it. The thought of kissing someone on screen, while still nerve-wracking, wasn't going to stop me. I faced tougher challenges and came out on top.
Kenji's words from the previous day echoed in my mind. "You're going to crush it." He had so much faith in me, and I was ready to show him and everyone else what I was made of.
With a deep breath, I started getting ready, choosing an outfit that made me feel confident and powerful. It was just an audition, after all.
As I applied a touch of makeup, I rehearsed the lines I'd been practicing. I could feel Emma's character taking shape within me-her strength, her hesitance, her guarded heart. I related to her in many ways, and I was determined to bring her to life on screen.
When I arrived at the studio, my nerves were still buzzing, but I was focused. Kenji was waiting for me at the entrance, his usual grin plastered on his face.
"Ready to show them what you've got?" he asked, his tone teasing but supportive.
"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied, forcing a confident smile.
We walked inside, surrounded by the buzz of activity. The studio was alive with the sounds of people preparing for their auditions, and the energy in the air was palpable.
Castle was chatting with a few other actors when he saw me. He waved me over with a warm smile. "Ms. Solans, great to see you again. Ready to give it your best shot?"
"Absolutely," I said, my voice steady and clear.
"Good. Just remember, have fun with it. Don't worry about being perfect-just be yourself," Castle advised, his words surprisingly comforting.
As I stepped into the audition room, the familiar lights and cameras in place, I felt a surge of determination. This was my world-acting, performing, and becoming someone else for a while. I had this.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them, I was Emma. The lines flowed naturally, and the emotions felt genuine. For those few minutes, I was fully immersed in the character's world, forgetting about everything else.
When I finished, there was a pause, followed by Castle's approving nod. "That was fantastic, Ms. Solans. You really brought Emma to life."
I felt a wave of relief wash over me, the tension in my shoulders easing. "Thank you," I replied, my voice steady.
As I left the room, Kenji was waiting outside, his grin wider than ever. "I told you you'd crush it! You were amazing in there, Sunshine."
I couldn't help but laugh, the earlier nerves replaced with a sense of accomplishment. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."
"See? I knew you could do it," Kenji said, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Now, let's get out of here. I'm starving, and I'm sure you could use a break."
"I saw you munching a sandwich earlier," I said with a smirk.
"What? A star can't eat now?" He crossed his arms dramatically, giving me an exaggerated pout. I stared him down, and the facade crumbled into a playful smile.
"Fine," I said, laughing. "Let's go grab something to eat."
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whorediaries-09 · 14 days
you got me;
pairing- mafia!remus lupin x artist!reader warning(s)- 18+ content, darkish themes. a/n- even though i have exams tomorrow, enjoy this shit.
little train.
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to be a muse was flattering. to be ink on papers, sound on instruments or strokes on canvases was flattering. to have your features depicted as beauty was flattering. to be noticed in the eyes of artists was flattering.
at least to him. even though his fingers held a flimsy piece of paper with his face roughly sketched on, he could feel his heartbeat fluttering rapid within the restriction of his ribcage.
'mr. lupin?' the voice was soft and shy. just like how it always had been. there was no tone of surprise, annoyance or accusation.
'i didn't know you were an artist,' he replied, putting the thin sheet down on the desk, putting his hand inside the pocket of his trouser.
'does it make you uncomfortable?' you asked, walking towards him, keeping a respectable distance. he remained silent.
'no, not really. but i must ask you, why didn't you put it in your resume? that you were an artist?'
'i didn't think it was....well relevant for the job you were offering. i didn't think a member of the...mafia...needs to know that their maid is an artist.'
he chuckled. breathing slow, he asked,
'why don't you sell your art? i mean, even this-' he stared at his sketch, 'seems to be rough, yet looks so...precise,'
'because art has never been my job. it's my hobby. i'm afraid that i'll start looking at it as if it's a chore, which i detest.'
the silence was charging.
'do you really?' he asked, turning towards you. you feel his eyes lure on your body, warm and static. the words seem to stop in your throat, as you stare down at the floors you'd polished a few hours ago.
'yes,' you breathed, voice thick, clearly a lie, 'i detest it,'
'look at me when you speak,' he said. the air in the room was suddenly too thick to breath, 'won't you?' you slowly lifted your gaze to his, watching an unfamiliar darkness unravel in his usually cold, dead brown eyes. you took in a deep breathe, hoping he wouldn't notice. you let the silence linger, the sweet cacophony of tension wrestling against your eardrums.
'i'll ask you something,' he whispered, eyes trailing over your lips, 'do you think you'll answer honestly?'
'maybe,' you replied. he smiled,
'right. i want you to make a portrait. i'd rather hang that up instead of the photograph. you think you can do that?'
'i can. but that will... come at a cost of your time. if you know what i mean. i'll need to study the angles and colors and...think.'
'i'm fine with that,' he replied. leaning closer, he flushed. 'tell me when?'
'whenever you're ready,'
obsession was a cruel fate. combing through the twisted lies and words, he never expected to end up like this. it had begun with him being your muse, with him being paint on your canvases. it had ended up with you being his obsession, with you being his infatuation. with you being his drug.
it was as if you'd casted a charm on him since the day you'd hung his portrait on the wall. he was nothing less but entranced by it. not because you had the colors on the canvas strokes perfectly. not because you'd captured something that he'd never seen before.
he couldn't see himself on the canvas. it was all you he saw. the way you flicked your brush across the canvas. the way your eyes lingered over his form, analyzing every inch and crevice on his body. the way you'd tied the apron around your waist, just tight enough to sinch it perfectly. the way you'd popped open a shirt button or two, the heat working its way into your frustration. you'd left a lot for imagination.
it drove him feral.
enough for him to be sitting on his knees, the coldness from the floor seeping through his black slacks, as he stared at you through his eyelashes.
even though his mind was foggy and captivated with your presence, his brain was drooling with thoughts. you were like a drug.
amongst the cruelties of the world, you were peace. his tongue dragged along the folds of your sopping cunt, your fingers deep within his sandy brown locks, pushing him closer to your core. he lifted your leg putting it on his shoulder, almost catching you off-balance. his nose touched your clit as he explored deeper within you.
he didn't like anyone better than you. your voice soft and heavy, moaning his name, was a deep melody he'd be drunk on.
'fuck, mr. lupin,' you screamed, bending backwards as your thighs shook, and the tightened coil of relentless teasing released out of your body, spreading across his tongue. you picked him up by the collar of his unbuttoned shirt, tasting yourself on his tongue. you pushed him upon your bed.
you'd gotten him exactly where you wanted him to be. he'd crawl in a desolate place with the snakes, just for you. he wasn't just your muse. he was your liquor. and how beautiful he looked falling on his knees like a domino. he was your object to own. to destroy.
'tell me what you want,' you asked, kissing your way up to his thighs, to his happy trail, to his abdomen and his heaving chest. he breathed slow and heavy.
'i want you to fuck me,' he said. tears pooled at his eyes, 'please,' he said, as your hand wrapped around his hardened cock.
'you want me to fuck you?' you asked, slowly stroking him up and down. you teased the tip of his cock on your slit.
'yeah,' he breathed, 'please,'
'give me that tie,' you demanded. he handed you the tie he'd been wearing before you'd torn it off his body. you knotted it loosely around his neck. you pushed his cock into your cunt, and he let out a gasp.
'fuck,' you smirked, slowly moving and teasing. your nails raked over the skin of his chest.
'do you see anyone other than me?' you asked, pulling the tie so that it partly stopped circulation. you saw his brain fog, eyes go fizzy, as he tried to breath harder. you moved faster with each passing second, and you could see him go feral. the shortly trimmed edges of hair teased across your sensitive clit, rubbing it rough.
'the world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it, mr. lupin.' you forced your fingers between his lips, opening his mouth. you spat on his tongue, pulling him closer to your naked body as his cock explored deeper, the nerve hitting your g-spot.
'and nobody knows it better than you. isn't that so?'
'yes, fuck,' he groaned, nails digging into the bedsheet. you felt the familiar coil burn in your core. you held his face, watching the senses disappear from his eyes.
'you're my sweet relief, mr. lupin,' you said, as you felt his thrusts go sloppy, indicating that he was close to his orgasm too. you bit his ear.
'come on, cum for me,'
'w-where?' he breathed, as your nails dug into his face. you spat on his tongue, before closing his mouth with your lips.
'in me,'
he moaned, gargled by your rough lips on his, tongue in mouth. he released himself into you, deep and sweet into your core. he felt your lips turn into a smile as you kissed him deeper.
you'd gotten him good. he was high. high enough to not want to be sober again. all he saw was tomorrows. all he saw how the stars were made for him and you.
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
additional taglist - @sangwoos-mom
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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baek-at-it-again95 · 2 years
Deja Vu (Spiderman! Yunho x reader)
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Synopsis: It had been three weeks since you saw him. The masked stranger that seemed to appear out of nowhere, protecting your city from crime. The people of the town call him Spiderman, and he has plagued your mind day and night since he saved you.
Warnings: violence, very brief mention of a near death experience, sort of suggestive but not really, I do not know anything about chemistry so please forgive me
Concepts: best friend yunho x reader, ex choi san, angst, fluff, romance, comfort
A/N: hello beautiful atinys! A lovely friend of mine had this genius idea that I had to bring to life. we were totally not inspired by a tiktok edit. It has very similar plot points to the original spiderman movies. I hope you enjoy! <3
"But...who do you think he is?" you ask your best friend, Yunho. He holds the door open for you as you leave your chemistry class together.
"Who knows...but you worry about Spiderman more than you worry about yourself these days, Y/N."
"What can I do?" you ask, throwing your hands up haphazardly. "I almost died falling off a building. That's kind of traumatic, Yunho. Might as well talk about the guy who save me." He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I understand. Stay out of trouble, will you? I worry about you being out and about on your own. Hell, I worry something's happened to you when you don't respond to my texts within a five minute window." 
"Clingy much?" you tease, knowing how much of an overthinker your best friend is.
"N-not in like a weird way!" Yunho sputters, dragging a hand down his face in embarrassment. "You're my best friend, Y/N. It's my job to be worried about you. Besides...who else am I going to study chemistry with?" He shoots you his usually goofy grin and you laugh.
"Not me, you know I hate this class!"
"Oh come on, you're the only person that will listen to me talk about it."
"I guess that's my job in this friendship." You shrug. "I will say, it's just so sexy the way you talk about ionic compounds. I can never stop listening." You snort.
"Good to know," he retorts, grabbing your backpack to keep you from running into people on the way to your next class. "Study at the usual spot tonight?" he asks.
You laugh. "I'll be there, sexy."
The past few weeks after the incident have been rocky for you, and since you made it halfway through this week without any issue, it gave you a false sense of hope that things could be back to normal.
But no. As if your night couldn't get any worse...
About thirty minutes ago, your boyfriend, Choi San, told you that he wants to take a break from the relationship. You know your relationship has been strained recently, but you thought that it would just pass with time. Maybe it's for the better, but for now, your emotions are still high. Oh, and you found out that you bombed your chem test earlier today. And as if that wasn't terrible enough, the icing on the cake was that it had started pouring on your walk home. 
At least no one can see my tears in the rain, you think to yourself, head down as you walk to your dorm.
You sniff, quickly wiping at your face on instinct. When you look up, you come face to face with Jeong Yunho. You muster up the best smile you can to greet him, praying he doesn't ask any questions. If you have to answer anything about your miserable day, you'll surely crack and start crying even harder. "Hey Yuyu." His eyebrows crease with worry, and you think he might have caught on to something. 
"You're going to get sick out here," he comments.
You breathe a small sigh of relief. "No worries. I'm almost home, anyways. No use in calling for a taxi. But...what are you doing out, Yunho?"
"Oh, well I...um...I accidentally fell asleep at the library." 
"Again?" you ask.
"Again," he confirms, hands in his pockets and eyes on his feet.
"Well, let's get home quickly. God, I can't wait to be out of these clothes," you groan, the wet fabric sticking to every part of you and making you uncomfortable. You just barely catch the soft pink of Yunho's cheeks in the low light of the street lamps. "Look, you're already getting sick. Go, hurry home," you push, shooing him away.
"I'm going, I'm going. Goodnight, Y/N."
"Night, Yuyu."
You continue on in the direction of your dorm, eyes on the ground as you make a sad attempt not to splash in deep puddles. The walk seems to drag on longer than usual as you're left alone again with your thoughts.
"Hey!" A voice rings immediately after you turn the corner. It sounded like it came from across the street. You don't stop, just turn to glance at what's going on. That's when you see about four men, dressed in black, walking towards you. You quicken your pace, heart beating rapidly in your chest as you hear the men moving closer. You turn down an alley in hopes of losing them, but they're too fast.
"Hey sweetheart, give us your bag and we'll leave you alone."
"Wait!" you call out. Your thoughts run at a million miles per hour, trying to process the entire situation that occurred in what felt like seconds.
"Or not." Another one chimes in, laughing. You barely have time to process anything as one of them pushes you, shoving the side of your body into the wall. You cry out, closing your eyes and bracing yourself for another hit.
But after a moment, nothing comes.
You hear some shuffling and some shouts in front of you. Lowering your hands from their protective position in front of your face, you open your eyes, seeing one of the men running away. What is happening? As he runs, a force pulls him back quickly. He's pulled by...a rope? No, a web. Spiderman appears right before your eyes, kicking the man to the ground. The criminal scoots back, turning and running away in the direction he and the others came. Spiderman then quickly disappears around the corner.
When you turn to leave, he's right in front of you, hanging upside down from a web. A small gasp escapes your lips.
"You seem to be a danger magnet," he comments.
"It seems so. I suppose you're dangerous, then?"
"No, quite the opposite." You smile.
"There must be some way to thank you," you wonder aloud, taking a step closer. You bring your hands to his face, hesitating as your fingertips touch the hem of his mask.
"Wait," he starts. But he doesn't say anything more. You gently pull the mask up until it stops just over his nose.
"Thank you." You gently bring your lips to his. The kiss is slow and passionate, so lovely that you don't want it to end. But that would be against your better judgement. It's getting late, and he must have other things to attend to. You pull away just slightly, slowly pulling the mask back over his face. And with that, he shoots a web and swings up into the air, gone as quickly as he came.
"Y/N," Yunho repeats, waving a hand in front of your face. "Are you okay?"
"I had possibly the worst night ever last night. So, no, not really," you reply curtly.
"What happened?" 
"Where do I even begin? Oh, for starters, San and I are taking a break," you huff, continuing before he can insert his words of pity. "Which is basically inescapable relationship purgatory. Then I found out I bombed our chem test, got poured on, and after running into you, I almost got jumped." You choose to withhold the information about Spiderman, still trying to wrap your head around your interaction with him.
"Y/N, that's awful," he replies, concern etched on every inch of his face.
"Yeah, it was, Yunho." 
"Are you sure you're alright enough to be at school right now?"
"Yep. I pay for this school, so it makes me feel better when I come to class, even if I don't pay attention. Plus, it's Friday. I can push through until the weekend." He looks like he has more to say, but he just nods. 
"Do you want to stay at my place tonight?" he asks suddenly. You look at him curiously. Sure, you've been to your best friend's apartment, but only to study or to pick up something before heading out somewhere. You've never stayed the night. "N-not like, I mean...we can just hang. Maybe it will help you take your mind off things. And you'll be safe," he adds.
"A sleepover? With my bestie? How could I say no?" Yunho smiles his adorable smile in response, and you can't help but think about how sweet he is. You haven't exactly returned his kindness lately with everything going on, and maybe you can talk to him about it at his place...at least give him some sort of apology.
"That's so you!" says Yunho, pointing at a character in the movie he put on. 
"Absolutely not!" you exclaim, throwing a piece of popcorn at him. 
"Ah, not nice!" he laughs, grabbing your wrist. Your smile falters and he lets go as soon as he notices. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he asks worriedly. 
"No, no, it's okay. I just...I remembered I needed to talk to you about something." He tilts his head, looking at you like an innocent puppy. 
"Oh, what is it?" His tone is soft, with maybe a hint of nervousness.
"I just...I've been so in my head recently that I feel like I haven't been involved with you. All the time, you check on my wellbeing, and I forget to check on yours. I mean, when was the last time I asked how your life was going? You offer me nothing but kindness, and I have not returned it to you. And I'm really sorry, Yunho."
"Y/N, it's not like that," he assures gently. "I understand that you've been through a lot of stressful things recently. It's only human that you would react negatively to these stressors. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. No one is perfect, and no one's life is absent of hardships. People need guidance; they need care. People need stability in a time when their life is thrown off balance. Just know that I will be that stability for you, Y/N."
"Yunho—" you choke out, the all-too-familiar burning sensation in your throat as you fight back tears. 
"Oh, don't cry." He glances around nervously, not really sure how to comfort you. 
You laugh through your tears. "I just...what did I do to deserve you?" You practically knock him over as you crash your lips onto his, relaxing into his arms. Your kiss slow and passionate; warm and comforting. It's blissful, and it seems...oddly familiar. But you've never kissed your best friend before. Maybe in a dream? Your ex surely didn't kiss like this. You gently pull away from him, eyebrows scrunched.
"What?" Yunho asks, scanning your face.
"I just...got deja vu," you mumble.
"Strange." Yunho shrugs, pulling you back into a kiss. You push away again and giggle as he tries to chase your lips. The familiar feeling is still present. The only person you've kissed like this is....
The thought that pops into your head seems so unbelievable, so embarrassing that you don't dare give too much away in fear of being wrong. 
"You're...him?" you whisper. 
"Who?" he asks with big eyes, a smile tugging at his lips.
"You know who!"
"No, I don't know what you're talking about, Y/N." It feels as if he's teasing you. You groan out of frustration, not wanting to be wrong about such an outlandish idea. Yunho suddenly tenses a bit, setting you gently on the couch as he gets up.
"Well...perfect timing. Something's going on downtown," he says, disappearing into his room. You watch with a confused look until he emerges, clad in the familiar blue and red suit, mask in hand. Even though you had just made the connection...it didn't seem real. Your breath catches in your throat as you watch him.
"You just told me you knew. Why are you all shocked?" he asks.
"I didn't know I was right," you manage. Your nerdy best friend? A superhero that fights crime? Unbelievable. Yunho slides a window open before he looks back to you. 
"I'll be back in a few, okay?" You nod, coming over to him.
"Okay. Be safe." You peck his lips before he puts on his mask, climbing out the window. He leaps off the balcony and your heart practically stops, only to start back up again as you see him swinging on his webs from building to building. "Oh my god," you mutter to yourself, running a hand down your face.
You have a lot of things to say when he gets back. Starting with the fact that this was way sexier than ionic compounds.
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strwbmei · 3 months
Matchup Event
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Matchup for: @demonlordlawliet
Matchups: Silver Wolf, Rita, Keqing
Contains: marking, biting, nipple play (Silver Wolf)
A/N: I love Silver Wolf so much! Writing for her is so fun
Ask: Hi Mei, this is the guy who usually asked how are you. Yeah feels a bit weird doing this unanonymous. I got some free time so i decided to participate in this. It can be any scenario or hcs whatever be easier for you (sfw and nsfw)
My personality: I'm usually quite and distant but i can be friendly and welcoming. I have my sly side sometime to time since i usually i'm a very reserved person. Like this account for example, i keep this hidden. Sometimes i have a bit of trust issues since i'm afraid of being betrayed. I do enjoy watching anime and occassionally playing games, i have times were i want to be alone so that i can reflect on things. I have this bad a habit of not being able to relax when i have soo much work and i can be a bit obsessive towards said work until i finished it. Sometimes i can be a bit impatient over work but i procrastanated a little to relax and calm down since i'm aware if my limits. I'm inexperienced in romantic things or relantionships in general, since i'm not really interested in having a partner yet. But if the right person comes along i'm willing to try it. I personally don't mind trying new things and i tried to be open minded since i enjoying learning new things and understanding other people's perspective. I'm currently on my fourth year of college trying to finish my social work degree as i find social work a fascinanted and insteresting since it studies social science.
Fandom: Any fandom you see fit (Genshin, Honkai, Hi3rd, Reverse 1999) I don't have any particular en mind as long as they are women since i'm straight
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Silver Wolf
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ You're both interested in mostly the same things and have similar views towards the world, which is how you were able to get her to come out of her shell a little bit. It's hard to find someone to talk to games about in the Stellaron Hunters, after all.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf finally feels like there's someone who can understand her! She really likes talking to you, and it shows. Everyone else can see how her eyes light up when she talks to you, and its certainly not because of the game she was rambling about. Kafka teases her about it sometimes, but she brushes it off. The two of you are just bros... right?
: ̗̀➛ You realize that you're actually pretty compatible, and Silver Wolf is the one to suggest that you just try things out. There's nothing to lose after all. You may have made a few moves in the past, but you're both inexperienced with romance so Silver Wolf just thinks of them as something that friends usually do from where you're from.
: ̗̀➛ She's the more relaxed one out of you two, so she balances your impatience with work. As she says, "you'll cross that bridge when you get there." Just indulge Silver Wolf with a few hours of gaming together—it's her way of trying to take your mind off of things. Plus, you get to spend quality time together which is always fun.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf would be very curious about the place you came from, mostly the culture. What do the people there usually eat for breakfast? Are there any romantic traditions you want to try/follow? Things like that. She wants you to feel like you're at home when you're with her. Of course, if you don't want her to pry, she'll respect your wishes.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf is very awkward when expressing affection so you'll have to be patient with her. For example, when she wants to spend time with you, she'll kind of just... hang around you and wait for you to ask her. Like a cat too prideful to ask for its owner's attention. She thinks having you with her can make anything and everything a lot less boring.
It's the weekend. You can hear the sound of light rain tapping against the windows, simulated by the courtesy of modern technology. You're sat on a couch. Your body sinks into the cushions perfectly, as if you were sitting on a fluffy cloud.
The monitor in front of you is playing a show you've been wanting to start for a long time now. The struggles from the past week seem to melt away as you enjoy the pleasant ambiance. This is truly the life. Everything is perfect in this particular moment.
Well, other than the fact that you can hear your girlfriend grumbling about a game and how her teammates are feeding the enemy team.
She's made your lap into a makeshift pillow without saying a word, her legs hanging off the arm of the couch as she chews on bubblegum.
"Wolfie," You call to her, earning a disapproving glare from the smaller woman as the bubblegum pops. Seems "Wolfie" isn't very fond of that nickname.
"...Do you want to watch with me?" You ask. She grunts in faux annoyance before setting her game down.
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"As long as you don't call me "Wolfie" again."
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf loves it when you compliment her during sex, but like with most other things, she'll never show it. She has a stronger reaction when you call her cute, though, since she tries to deny it.
: ̗̀➛ She's the type to hide into the pillow as much as she can—she doesn't want you to see what kind of faces she's making, and it helps her muffle her whimpers and moans.
: ̗̀➛ Her back arch is crazy. Silver Wolf is surprisingly flexible for someone who does (mostly) nothing but sit in front of a computer screen all day.
: ̗̀➛ Also, her stomach area is particularly sensitive. Run your fingers over it, especially around the area where it's bulging from your cock, and she'll be clenching around you like crazy.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf might leave marks on you in the heat of the moment, but she much prefers if you leave some on her instead. She'll grumble about it the morning after and pretend to be annoyed, though.
"Mmh... Just give me a moment," Silver Wolf says through deep breaths, her voice coming out whinier than she intended.
Could you blame her? It's hard to keep focus when she's on your lap, your fingers lightly twisting her nipples. "Don't mind me. Keep on playing."
Silver Wolf swears that she'll kill you if she ends up losing this match. You aren't usually so needy, but it didn't help that she spent more time in front of a screen than with you.
This wouldn't be a problem—it'd probably be a good opportunity for you to spend time together under normal circumstances. Except it's a single player game.
Silver Wolf's noises get more frequent and frustrated, before she finally lets out a grunt. You look over at the screen and see the word 'DEFEAT' written in a bold red.
"Oh." You didn't think that she'd lose. You were going a bit easy on her, in fact. A hint of guilt seeps into your heart when Silver Wolf looks back at you, cheeks flushed as she pouts.
You quickly apologize, offering to get her a glass of water or anything to make amends. You didn't expect what Silver Wolf said next, though.
"Hmph, if you really want to make it up to me... You can begin by finishing what you started."
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Rita Rossweise
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ As you and many other people see it, you and Rita couldn't be more different. As Rita sees it, others just think of her too highly. Well, only because that was what she intended. Her elegance isn't innate, it's a technique. Its basic requirement is the restraint of emotions and everything about herself that she deems unnecessary.
: ̗̀➛ The feelings she had for you were complicated. She chose to call it envy. To Rita, you're the most perfect imperfection. A contradiction among contradictions that she couldn't help but become drawn to. She envies how free and true to yourself you seem to be all the time.
: ̗̀➛ When you start to get to know her, you realize that there's much more to her than what meets the eye. More to her than what she allows to meet the eye. You hated her practiced, almost permanent smile that reminded you of pleasantries and small talk. You wanted to see her genuinely smile.
: ̗̀➛It became your mission for a while, but it was... surprisingly easy. It doesn't take much to make Rita Rossweise smile. You realize its just that barely anyone cared to truly know her. It's a shame how much people are missing out. After all, there's no doubt Rita is the most beautiful when she's happy.
: ̗̀➛ Working for her is like 2nd nature—it helps her to relax. Rita knows that isn't the case for most people, though. As such, she helps you as much as she can and makes sure you're balancing your health and career/studies. She also tries to look for ways to make it more "fun" for you so that you don't stress yourself out as much.
: ̗̀➛ Rita is the best at giving massages! Her hands are magic. She should be charging for them, honestly, with how good they are. Somehow, Rita already knows which spots ache the most and just how to fix it even without you telling her. Once she's done, you'll feel that your body is lighter than it ever was before.
Rita muses, setting a cup of coffee along with a tray of snacks on your table. The familiar, comforting scent of your most favorite blend of coffee wafts through the air.
"Don't you think it's time for you to take a break, dear?"
Rita had memorized the way you liked your coffee like the back of her hand. "Thank you, Rita, but I'll finish the rest of this first." You give her the warmest smile you can manage before turning to face what you had been working on.
Rita sighs, a rare instance of her letting her emotions slip. "Love," She takes the pile of papers on your desk, straightening the stack out before placing them back.
"overworking yourself like this will only hinder your performance." Rita says, fully aware that you've probably had this same exact conversation multiple times before.
It's amazing how stubborn the both of you can be. You're determined to finish your work, and Rita is just as determined to get you to take a break for once.
However, the vixen has a fatal trick up her sleeve; one that has a 100% chance of working on you.
She gently places her hand atop yours, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek before calling your name in the softest voice you've heard her use. "If you don't want to rest, would you at least join me in getting a breath of fresh air?"
Well... what's the harm, right?
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: ̗̀➛ She's a very teasing power bottom most of the time. That said, Rita isn't the type to order you around. She's more keen on giving you hints/urging you towards a direction that'll have the both of you feeling good.
: ̗̀➛ Rita's moans are very pretty. They aren't the loudest, and she doesn't make much sound often, but they're breathy and drawn out.
: ̗̀➛ Rita is very adventurous when it comes to kinks. Of course, she'll only do it if you're also comfortable, but she'll never say no to something without at least trying it first.
: ̗̀➛ She's the type to wrap herself up in ribbons and give herself to you on special occasions such as Christmas Eve, your birthday, anniversaries, and Valentine's.
: ̗̀➛ The morning after, she'll be super cuddly and affectionate towards you. Of course, it's mainly because Rita loves you, but she also wants to leave the scent of her perfume all over you because she doesn't like sharing what's hers.
Sex with Rita feels... oddly prospective.
Or at least, that's what you realize when she's on your lap, kissing you languidly as you both work to remove the other's clothes.
Of course, you don't mean it in a negative way. You love Rita. You can't ask for more when she's been nothing but the perfect partner to you.
You think this because of how... prepared Rita always is for you. Her clothes are easy to remove, a condom in her pocket, and a pair of lacey lingerie hugging her figure beneath her everyday attire.
You push her gently onto the bed. Her hair is splayed beautifully on the sheets, as always. God, Rita looks ethereal. You'd ravish her and savor her taste for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you could.
"Well? It's rude to keep a woman waiting." She teases.
Still, with the way her signature grin never falters, you can't help but wonder if it was really you in control all this time.
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╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ You two did NOT have a positive first impression of each other. Mostly because you reminded Keqing of herself, and as a result, she ended up holding you to a higher standard. You thought she was bossy and hated you for no reason.
: ̗̀➛ It's only when you're forced to work together to organize this year's Lantern Rite that you see how much she cares for Liyue. Around the same time, Keqing also realizes how she's just pushing her expectations of herself onto you for stupid reasons and starts treating you better.
: ̗̀➛ By the end of everything, you're just so confused because like ??? why is she suddenly being so nice to you??? Not that you're complaining of course, but you definitely aren't used to it. You're more worried if anything. Did an adeptus curse her or something?
: ̗̀➛ Alas, after a few months of her being consistent, you don't think much of it anymore. Keqing realizes that you're actually a pretty chill guy and acknowledges her faults. She apologizes for letting her personal issues affect her job, too. Eventually, you gather the courage to ask her out and she accepts with her face as red as a tomato.
: ̗̀➛ You're both pretty bad at work life balance, but Keqing is way worse. You wonder how she's been surviving this long when the amount of jobs she's finished in the span of a few months is probably more than the amount of proper meals she's had in her whole life.
: ̗̀➛ You're both really into coffee, so trying out new blends together is your way of bonding. Maybe you'll even try brewing your own, if your free time allows it. Aside from the coffee itself, Keqing is also very fascinated by its history and the different methods people use to brew it. She thinks of it as an art, almost.
It's a beautiful day, and one more special than others.
You're going on a date with your girlfriend, Keqing. Some might say that it's not anything special with how long you've been together, but they have no idea how hard it is to arrange a date with your schedules.
The sun is shining perfectly bright, the air is cool, and the sky is the bluest you've seen it. Even nature agrees that Keqing needs to take a break and relax for once.
Judging by how enthusiastic and excited she's been about everything so far, you think you've been doing a good job with helping her unwind.
"Look, it's that new cafe!" Keqing remarks joyfully. She had been the one to help the owner take care of some contracts regarding the property, but this time, she's here as a customer.
Seeing the warm ambience and classy traditional decorations fill Keqing with a sense of pride. She helped in making the cafe a reality, after all. "Do you want to have lunch here?"
"Hm, but cafes are better during the early hours... Plus, there's also the issue of the supply chain of..." She mumbles, calculating as ever. That won't do, she's supposed to be relaxing.
You reach out and squeeze her cheeks lightly. You remember ruffling her hair once in a similar situation, and Keqing looked like she was ready to burn you alive for ruining what she spent half an hour to style..
"Don't overthink it too much," you say with a smile before Keqing can complain about your sudden gesture. "We can always go to that seafood place. How do golden shrimp balls sound? My treat."
╰┈➤ NSFW ;
: ̗̀➛ Keqing will NEVER bring up the topic of sex. Of course, if you ask her, she'll talk big about how she's "made some people cum within a few minutes," but she isn't fooling anyone.
: ̗̀➛ It's clear that Keqing is a virgin. Not because others don't find her attractive, (it's quite the opposite actually,) but because they're too intimidated to approach her. A few of them tried to make a move, but Keqing either completely misread their intentions or shut them down immediately.
: ̗̀➛ Not to say that she isn't familiar with the concept of sex, though. Keqing isn't a kid anymore, but her knowledge only extends to what-goes-where and using protection. She does have some experience masturbating, but it's more of a way to de-stress rather than to pleasure herself.
: ̗̀➛ Overall, Keqing would be very shy and tsundere when it comes to the real thing, but she trusts you dearly and knows that she'll be in safe hands.
: ̗̀➛ She'll definitely become more daring and bratty as time goes on though, but don't take it personally. She's only rcting that way because she's become way more comfortable with you.
"Keqing," you call out, power walking to reach the woman in front of you. She won't even wait for you to catch up. Today marks the third day of Keqing ignoring you, even though you have no idea why.
She eats with you, but she gets up and leaves as soon as she's done with her food. She sleeps in the same bed, but she couldn't have felt more distant. To be frank, it's driving you insane how Keqing acts as if you're invisible.
But you know that you're her weakness. If there's one person in Teyvat that she'll listen to, it's you. You can feel Keqing's body heating up as you hug her from behind, telling her just how much you've been missing her. You plan on expressing that through your actions as well.
A few well chosen words and lingering touches, and Keqing is on your bed again. This time, though, she's actually talking to you as your tongue works to eat her out. Ironic.
"I'm sorry-" she gasps as the wet muscle dives even deeper into her folds. "I didn't mean to- ah!" You continue to lap at her fervently, prying her thighs apart as she instinctively tries to close them.
"I felt jealous, and I shouldn't have- nh..." Keqing moans, hand tugging gently on your scalp. "Shouldn't have blamed you for it..." She admits, voice trailing off from shame.
"You're the most beautiful and kind woman in Teyvat. How could I want someone else?" You detach yourself from her dripping cunt, and just before Keqing can complain, you flip her over and make her face the mirror.
"Eyes on me. I'll show you just how much I love you."
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peepism · 11 months
Number | Levi Ackerman
modern AU! Levi sees you standing in line with your friends waiting to order some food, he strikes up a conversation in hopes to getting your number. Some swearing, obviously. (Levi is also around the same age, not much of an age gap)
wc: 1,369
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The streets of Maria were full of loud bustling this particular evening, with children screaming in joy while continuously going up and down play structures at the local park, people selling their products at the market, and various activities being held.
Everyone was outside, including the college students whom usually would've stayed in their dorms studying for their year end exams.
"I SAY WE GO GET SOME ICE CREAM!" Sasha randomly chimed in, bringing your focus to your large group of friends, that was one way to break your train of thought.
"I agree, the sun is out and everyone is enjoying their time. Surely it won't hurt to get some sweets in our stomachs." Historia- better known as Krista added, her sweet smile making anyone want to agree.
You trailed behind them, keeping your mouth shut just out of habit, occasionally pulling out your phone to check if you had gotten any messages from anyone. It wasn't that you weren't interested in being out spending time with them, not at all, it was just your anxiety from being out in the open and also thinking about how much studying you'll need to cram. Especially your psychology, that class had no breaks what so ever and the content was heavy. "Y/n, you alright?" A small voice beside your whispered, causing a small jump from you. "I'm fine Mikasa."
"Y/n/n.. be honest. Usually you're being loud and obnoxious right now with everyone else. What's going on?" She pestered more, her grey eyes practically piercing into your soul.
– I suppose I'm just a bit stressed, is all.
– About what? You know you can talk to me, it's not like I'll tell the others.
– It's just the studying I need to do, sure, I shouldn't be thinking about it and should be out here enjoying my time with everyone but I just can't. You all know how much I've been struggling lately in Psychology.
– I know, but hey... will those hot guys take your mind off it for even a little while?
Your e/c looked to where she had nudged, a small mischievous smile trying it's best to not appear on your lips, knowing full well she would have proved her point if you allowed her to see it. This caused stifled laughter from the both of you, making everyone else turn around in curiosity, demanding and begging for you both to reveal the secret but to no avail.
"Seriously, what is it Mikasa?" An angry Eren continued, bugging the poor girl. It was incredibly obvious they both fancied one another. You just couldn't stand the bickering, which lead you to pushing past them up to the front so you could order your ice cream.
Unbeknownst to you, Levi Ackerman had walked up having spotted his sister and Eren. Questioning them on what they were up to and vice versa, until his eyes had landed on you.
His slender fingers grabbed Mikasa's arm, wanting her to pay close attention to what he had to say. It was a weird habit of his he had, he also wasn't the most gentle with his grip either. "Who's that?" His eyes squinted, his head giving a curt nod in your direction.
– That's Y/n L/n. A friend of mine, clearly.
– No shit, fuckface. Clearly she's a friend of yours. Is she single?
– Why do you want to know? She's too young for you, besides. Why would I want you dating a good friend of mine. It's weird.
– "I'm not even that fucking old?" Levi scowled, his forehead creasing at the small digs his younger sibling kept giving him.
"Whatever Levi, do what you want. However it doesn't mean I'll be happy with you." She finally warned, giving the short man a little shove towards you who had begun ordering their ice cream.
Now that his mood had been ruined, he grumpily made his way towards, brushing himself off from every inch.
As you began to laugh from something Connie had said, his heart began to skip. Cheezie of him to think, but your laugh truly was the most adorable thing he had ever heard in his life. It up lifted his mood faster than light.
With one last final mental pep talk, he excused himself from cutting in front of the large friend group, making quick conversation with a few and butting into yours in particular.
"I'm so glad most guys don't ask for numbers. I don't think I'd know how to react. It's a bit awkward now a days to ask for a number. The sucky part about it is, if he doesn't ask for your number then you automatically know he doesn't want anything serious, and I'm just not that type of person. Ya know?" You had been talking, answering a silly question that Ymir had asked once she saw the amount of guys that had been taking quick glances at you.
When Ymir noticed Levi standing behind you, a shit eating smirk adorned her face, arms folding over her chest and her finger giving a quick point.
"What?" Your face furrowed in confusion, whipping around to come face to face with the attractive man. The blood that rushed to your face out of embarrassment was unmatched. "Oh fuck, hello!"
– "Hello." He chuckled quickly adding on to have a conversation with you. "I'm Levi, Mikasa's brother. I figured I'd do my rounds introducing myself to everyone. Not that I planned on it. I just saw her with you guys and thought I'd come say hello. Everyone was around when I spoke to her except you two. Didn't want to leave you guys out."
– "Mhm. Is that so?"
An amused look shone in your eyes, a small giggle wanting to force its way out of your throat. He was a bit awkward with it, yet it was cute in it's on way.
– Indeed. Might I catch your name?
– Y/n L/n. Everyone calls me Y/n/n though.
– Noted. So tell me about yourself?
– Well, I'm a (Your major) student. I plan on becoming a (profession).
– Interesting, I'm studying to become a lawyer. So far I have two years of studying left. I wish you luck in yours.
– Must be hard, but yes, you as well! It was nice meeting you!
– It was nice meeting you as well Y/n.
You were practically melting inside, your attention completely on him as he had slowly began to walk away. Yumir was the one who pointed out your ice cream had been dripping down your hand to your arm from not having eaten any yet from being in la la land with Levi.
This caused you to frantically grab napkins and clean yourself up, your friends giggling at you. When you were suddenly being helped by another pair of hands, a pair you recognized but didn't at the same time until your gaze shifted up. Nose inches away from Levi's.
"By the way. I forgot to ask. Can I get your number?" His steel eyes glimmered, knowing full well you weren't going to say no.
"Depends. How old are you?" You shot back now being all cleaned up with his help, heart absolutely feeling as though it was going to jump out of your chest.
"I'm twenty-three. You?"
"Nineteen. Too young?"
"Pushing it."
A row of giggles spewed out, not being able to be held down any longer. You had to admit, he was pretty smooth with it, it probably ran in the Ackerman genes. Gingerly you passed him your phone and he added his number in your contacts, fingers brushing up against yours as he handed it back. "Your ice cream, it's melting again.." He droned out, shaking his head to grab some more napkins and help you out. Not leaving until he tucked a strand of h/c behind your ear.
– We thought you said you were glad guys don't ask for numbers, Y/n/n. Everyone in unison laughed
– Oh shut the fuck up, this is an exception.
– An exception who just so happens to be my older brother. Mikasa finally teased.
It was a nice day. Amazing even. A day you'd never regret skipping studying for.
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call-sign-shark · 6 months
Shark in the UK 🦈
Hi everyone,
As you might have noticed I was pretty silent since my arrival in the UK. I must admit that I have been through a lot of stress and changes in a very short amount of time and it's only now that I'm finally getting used to this new situation. Below you'll find a detailed post of my adventures so far, so if you are not interested you can simply ignore this and just keep in mind that I'll be returning to my posting schedule and fan-fictions very soon. For those who are curious, fasten your motherfucking seat-belts.
While I'm not an organized person I become one when I have something important planned so I was so well prepared for this journey that I was convinced I was safe from any misadventures... How wrong I was. I was barely done with the security controls at the airport when I realized they literally broke my phone's screen. I don't know if they bumped it or not but they broke it. The same phone in which I had my boarding pass. It obviously happened the only time I didn't print my plane tickets as I usually do. :) Fortunately, my best friend had lent me his old iPhone minutes before "just in case". I managed to airdrop my boarding pass on the second phone and took the plane without trouble despite the flight being delayed by one hour.
Upon my arrival in UK, I took a taxi to the hotel and had a nice time alone. I brought myself to the restaurant and peacefully slept, getting psychologically ready to meet my host family, and oh boy. This is... Something.
When I heard the word "host family" I imagined it to be an actual family, and a bit like when you're an au pair. Retrospectively, it's completely stupid because it was never written but idk my mind went full "ok I'll live with a local family". What a surprise it was when I knocked at the door and was welcomed by one lonely man and the very acrid smell of cigarettes that jumped at my face! While my host dad (@rysko @red-riding-wood @kittenonpluto pimp nickname they said) was extremely nice and welcoming, the more he showed me around the more my face dropped. I wasn't going to spend months in a local family but in an old house more or less laid out like a hostel. A hostel with a strong cigarette smell almost everywhere, five other girls, one dude, and dirt. The differences between my expectations and reality were huge and, as you can imagine, the pill was difficult to swallow. I swear when he opened the door I was this close to run away lmao.
Between my accommodations and the new rhythm of the international school I'm studying in, my mind went completely foggy for a few days. I didn't know what to think or what to feel anymore. Worse, I didn't know if my money was well-spent or if I just got scammed. Now, read what follows before you call me "ungrateful" or "princess-like".
It’s not what I got that made me feel bad, but rather the stupid and nonsensical expectations I had in mind. Then, I slowly realized that it wasn't because I hadn't expected it and that it couldn't be fun. Maybe it had a lot to do with how nice the five other girls and the people at my school are, but I started // I am starting to really enjoy it. The house might be old and not "that clean" (or at least not as clean as I'm used to), but the host dad is lovely, cooks for us every day, we have fast wifi, are close to the school, we have a key and are free to come and go as much as we want without a curfew, and the bedrooms, as well as the toilets, are clean. To be honest, some students have it really worse. I mean, I'm talking about students having to sleep in a room crowded with 7 people, or having to sleep on a mattress on the ground, the host family asking them to buy and cook their own food to the extent of some even locked the kitchen's door at night to avoid the student snacking/stealing food at night. Or students who are on 1 hour of bus-trip long from the school — those conditions I find absolutely disgusting for the extremely expensive price the students have to pay for this language exchange. With everything said, I consider myself lucky despite the cigarette smell and the "clean but not really clean" house.
As I'm writing this, it's Saturday 10 am and I can finally say it: I'm happy to be here, it's a one-life experience and I'm incredibly lucky my parents offered it to me. Unfortunately, I've caught a very bad cold and I've been sick since Wednesday: I think the combination of my emotional rollercoaster, the crazy British weather, my fatigue and half of my classroom being sick have finished me off. Now I can't wait to get better to start attending to a shitton of activities, planning trips around, and going to the pub. Also, I've got my nails done! Look at my freakin' sharp claws teehee.
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Congratulations if you're still there by the way, lmao! Thank you for reading my nonsense. I'll be back very soon, both for writing and commenting, just wait for my cold to get better!
tagging some moots: @zablife @brummiereader @emotionalcadaver @justrainandcoffee @peakyswritings @peakyltd
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theprettynosferatu · 9 days
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Note: This is not a kink story, it's a psychological horror story. Still, I hope you'll enjoy it! The character of Shaun was created by hTheconqueror.
Beyond the door, the party rages on. Shaun wants to go back, desires it with the kind of longing women expressed in letters to their boyfriends at war, long, long ago. Instead, he looks at the mirror. The bags under his eyes. The stubble. The sheen of insomnia and alcohol coating his eyes. He feels as if he wears his sins on his very skin. How others can look at him and not notice them is a mystery to him. 
Lucille would notice them, if she saw him. She wouldn’t say a thing, of course. But she would give him The Look: that silent judgment their parents had perfected and passed on to their golden child, their pretty, demure, perfect daughter. Shaun could see her in his mind, head down in the books, taking notes, repeating out loud the key points of the topic at hand. He feels his chest tightening, his feet growing cold, something like a slug crawling up his spine. He should be doing the same thing. He should have devoted more time to his studies, to avoid the need of a late term crunch. He shouldn’t be at a party. 
He tries to push the guilt away. What good will it do now? He’s here. He should be enjoying himself, like everyone else out there. Way to go, kiddo. Locked in a stranger’s bathroom, not doing what you should do, not doing what you want to do- or what you think you want to do to avoid facing what you should do. Fucking grand champion you are. The thoughts come to him unbidden, solid like stones. Well, let he who is without sin cast the first one. Shaun sure as Hell isn’t without sin, but that doesn’t keep him from stoning himself. Do the voices sound more like his parents or his sister, he wonders. 
He knows he’s spiraling. And the only way to keep it from getting even worse is to ignore it all. Get out there, try to regain some of that enjoyment, of that being-in-the-moment. Yes, ignore everything. That has worked so, so well.
Fuck it. There’s a party out there, and Shaun intends to enjoy himself. He takes a deep breath, counts to five. Exhales, counting to eight. Waits for a count of three. Inhales again, repeats the process until he feels like something close to himself. The door handle reminds him of the coat of sweat on his palms, but he chooses to ignore it. He can fake it until the pleasure becomes real again, the laughter sincere.
The smell of weed is almost overpowering, even with the windows cracked open. He wishes, just for a moment, that he could partake in that particular vice. It feels so seductive to just smoke his worries away. To let go of his own need to keep a grip on things. But he knows he won’t do it. There are sins and there are sins and his family has put the fear of God and Drugs deep inside him from birth. Just getting drunk is a transgression he knows he’ll pay for in both hangover and shame soon enough. He suspects he might be getting a contact high for a moment, before remembering that his stupid brain doesn’t need chemical assistance to go into full alert for no reason.
And Shaun is certainly going into full alert. Like machine gun fire, details and sensations batter down his senses. The way a ring sparkles, reflecting the cheap LED strips that provide so-called “ambiance” to the house party. How a girl to his left lets loose a little sort of yelp every time she laughs. Slightly crooked glasses frames on running makeup. One of the speakers failing, distorting the high-end of the music. The scent of butane from a guy playing with a lighter. An amorous couple in a dark corner, his face buried in her neck. The taste in the air of slightly charred brownies. Everything is too near. Too clear, and at the same time, slightly warped, as if coming to him from behind a subtle veil. 
Then the battle begins. Shaun would welcome the distraction, if only the intruder’s shirt wasn’t a hideous Hawaiian mess of clashing colors that is, in itself, an attack on everyone watching in general and Shaun in particular. The Man in the Shirt is arguing with the frattish kid manning the laptop and blasting the kind of music that commands the listener to dance and have the night of their lives. Some wasted chick tries to ride in aid of the poor, besieged DJ. One of her stockings has run down to her mid-thigh. Shirt Man seems to be shouting. Shaun half-wishes he could know what he’s saying, while part of him is grateful for the distance sheltering him from both words and the full effect of The Shirt. Eventually Shirt Man prevails, and DJ Kid cuts his losses. Shaun feels like he’s melding with the wall. 
Shirt Man seems to have interesting tastes. All his songs seem to be from between 1982 and 2001, no further. The crowd is most certainly not feeling it. Shaun feels invisible, watching just as a scientist would observe a primitive tribe. No one dares challenge Shirt Man, who appears to be getting more and more angry at the people’s lack of enthusiasm for his musical selection. Shirt Man’s eyes scour the living room, studying every reaction. When they set on Shaun, a chill goes down his legs and he looks down. Don’t look at me, Shirt Man. I can’t stand to be looked at right now. Focus on your own shit, man. People are leaving.
Shaun decides to leave as well. It feels like defeat. Unable to do productive things. Unable to relax like a normal goddamn person. Failure. His exit has the taste of punishment- not by the hand of God but by his own, shaped and molded by God’s rules. Or his parents’ rules. Same thing, really. 
Outside, the moon appears to watch him with bemused indifference as he walks back to his apartment.  
After three sleepless nights, Shaun decides he hates the sun, that unblinking eye, like God’s gaze, casting light on his every sin. He knows it’s irrational, but he can swear there’s a mark on him, a malaise that everyone can see. He’s stained, polluted. Broken.
He wants to tell everyone to stop looking at him. He wants to punch his roommate Raul for putting him in this situation. A walk would be good for you, man. Yeah, right. 
He’s being unfair. He knows it. Raul is worried. Shaun wishes Raul would just leave him the fuck alone. But then again, what good would that do? Three days of supposed crunch, and nothing to show for it. Every second brings him closer to a final deadline that looms, in his mind, with the mortifying certainty of death. He knows it’s not a life or death situation. He wishes he could convince his chest of that fact, but his heart keeps pounding away in a mad frenzy.
Everything around him feels unreal. Distant. The street is a mess of color and movement with no meaning. His steps lead him nowhere. He wants to be inside, anywhere with four walls and a roof- like a womb, or a safe bubble. But he knows the instant he finds a place, he will feel claustrophobic, with every nerve ending screaming to get out. No peace indoors. No peace outdoors. Sweating like a condemned man walking up the gallows.
Insomnia is one hell of a mindfuck, he thinks. Hours spent reading books, only to not recall anything except a phrase here, a fragmented piece of a diagram there, half a definition of a term he should know, but can’t recall. A waste of time. Unable to sleep. Unable to be productive. Utterly useless. Even his perception is misfiring- startled by something moving right at the edge of his vision. Something that isn’t there. At least out in the sun he’s not scaring himself to death with imaginary phantoms. No, he’s scaring himself to death with real people, looking at him, seeing him in all his pathetic mediocrity. Oh, stop feeling sorry for yourself. So you have a final. Boo-fucking-hoo. There’s people out there with real problems. What right do you have to collapse over a task so simple your sister could do it without breaking a sweat? She has been through shit too, you know. And you don’t see her fucking up her life- and you, bucko, are fucking up big time.
Ice-cream. The thought appears like a raft in the middle of a storm. If anything has remained true in Shaun’s life, is that ice-cream makes everything better. Despite all the changes, despite moving across the world with his family, despite his constant shortcomings as a person… ice-cream is always there.
He looks at the list on the wall. The ice-cream parlor feels small. Oppressive. The words seem to slide right off him. None of the flavors seem appetizing in the slightest. Shaun tries to remember what each of those words tastes like, tries to figure out what he wants. What the fuck does he want? Shit, shit, the line is moving too fast. The girl behind the counter looks bored out of her mind. Don’t look at me. Don’t see me. Don’t see my failure. 
He ends up ordering almond chocolate, just because it was his favorite as a kid, more as a reflexive action than a real choice. Anything to get out of there. Anything to get away from the girl’s eyes.
He’s eating ice-cream on a park bench. Alone. It tastes like nothing. His mind keeps racing as he devours the treat, not taking the time to enjoy it. Not that there’s anything to enjoy. It’s just… ice-cream. How stupid is he? Why did he think ice-cream would solve anything? How pathetic he must look, he figures. Eating his sad little ice-cream by himself. People must pity him. He can almost feel their disdain as they walk by. He deserves it. He deserves their scorn.
Well, great job, Ice-Cream Boy. You can’t even relax right. Let’s add this to the ever-growing list of your failures, shall we?
It sure feels like a failure. Shaun wonders back home, trying not to look at people’s faces. Maybe he’ll be able to nap, he figures. Yes. A nap would fix him. And after that, he could truly buckle down and study. That’s the ticket.
He wishes he could believe it.
A restless, half-sleep. Exhaustion closes Shaun’s eyes. Before he knows it they spring open, his heart beating as if he’s falling into an endless, merciless void. He’s sweating. His sheets feel like a thousand hands suffocating him. He tries to take slow, calming breaths. He puts on relaxing meditation videos on his laptop. He tries to push it all down, to go back to something resembling normalcy. His eyes close and he drifts to sleep, only to wake up again with a scream stuck in his throat. He realizes he’s too tired to actually scream, even if he wanted to. Time gets fragmented. A wink can take an hour. An hour can feel like a week. Blood rushes through his veins. He needs to escape, but there’s nothing chasing him, nowhere to run to. Anywhere he goes, he will be there. He can’t escape himself. The thoughts come to him, taunting him. Birds start chirping outside, announcing the dawn to come. He hates them. They sing his sleepless night. They mock his failure to sleep. He sits up, shaking. It’s there again, just… there, at the edge of sight- some blur of clashing colors that vanishes as soon as he tries to focus on it. There’s nothing there, boy. Your mind is too tired to make sense. You can’t trust that rusty tangle of cables you call a brain.
Part of him wishes Raul would wake up. Wishes he could tell him how fucked up he’s feeling. Wishes his roommate will somehow find the exact words to make it all better. Oh, you sound like a kid longing for mommy. How pathetic can you get? As the first rays of sunlight slither through the window, he gets up. He needs to be out of his room. Anywhere else will be better. Oh, you idiot. Anywhere is the same. He shambles down the hall, collapses on the couch. Broken. Broken. Broken. The word gets stuck in his head, an endless loop shutting out all hope. The ice is cracking, little broken boy. You’re going under.
“Hey. Did you sleep on the couch?”
Shaun wishes that was the truth. Raul is looking at him with a degree of concern that feels both frightening and somehow insulting, like Shaun is transparent, all his fucked up thoughts plain to see. Don’t. Look. At. Me.
“No. I just… I…”
“Hey. Shaun. It’s okay. Did you manage to get any sleep? At all?”
The silence grows heavy between them. Maybe it’s a male thing, Shaun half-thinks. Maybe Raul is particularly ill-equipped to help. Maybe Shaun was deluded in his desperate hope. His friend won’t help. He can’t help. No one can help.
“I think… there’s something wrong.”, Shaun manages to get out with a shivering voice.
“Well, of course. I… Maybe you can just not turn in that final… it wouldn’t be, you know, great, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Maybe you’ll have to retake that course, but…”
“It’s not just the final.” Shaun says, oddly feeling the absence of an anger he knows he would normally feel. “It’s something else. Something… I don’t know how to explain it…”
“Just do your best, man. Lay it on me.”
“I think I might be going crazy.”
“That’s a big, you know, like a big-big statement”
“Yeah. I know, but…”
“And not sleeping is not always a sign of madness, right?”
“Sure. Whatever. Raul, listen. It’s not just the insomnia, okay? I’m being serious. I’m… seeing something.”
“Something? Seeing what?”
“I… I don’t fucking know, ok? It’s just, like… a blur of swirling, clashing colors, except they’re not there if I look at them. I know I’m making zero sense, but… I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s this color that’s not a color, and it’s watching me. I feel how… petty it is. How cruel. And it’s always looking at me, always there, all night, just… watching.”
Raul is scared now. It’s obvious to Shaun, no matter how much his friend tries to hide it. Eyes darting around the room. His tell-tale leg bouncing. He’s afraid. Not of Shaun, not of the being haunting him, but for Shaun. It feels worse than anything else, and yet even the self-pity Shaun experiences is strangely… dull. Like a shadow of a feeling. 
“Look, man, just… stay here, okay? Rest up. I have to… I have to go to work, but when I come back we’ll figure it out. I think I have some pills somewhere that…”
“No pills, please. I…”
“What, could they make you feel worse? How? Look, they’re just normal anxiety pills. A lot of people take them every now and then. You need to sleep, man!”
Shaun can’t fight him. He shakes on the couch as Raul opens drawers and looks inside bags, until he announces his triumph with exaggerated, theatrical gestures. Shaun figures Raul is trying to pretend things aren’t so bad, and failing badly at it. Fine. Pills it is.
Raul leaves. Shaun shakes, covered in sweat. The pills kick in quickly, sending him into more restless not-sleep. He blinks hours away. He wants to scream and cry and end it all. The only thing he can do is stay there, on that damn couch, shaking.
A hand on his foot rips him from a nightmare. There’s a mixture of feelings inside Shaun: a faraway, muted safety, almost as if that single hand was the one thing holding him together lest his chest explode; at the same time, a profound misery and some remnants of anger try to surface once he realizes who the hand belongs to.
“Hey.”, says his sister.
“Why are you here?”, is all Shaun can muster. Rude. Petty. Pathetic. Lucille should be acing tests. She should be doing whatever it is perfect fucking people do. Instead, his sorry state has brought her here. Wasting her time. She really is wasting her time, isn’t she? You’re not worth her time.
“Raul texted me. Said you were sick- didn’t go into detail but he seemed really freaked out. Did you see a doctor?”
“I’m not sick. I’m… I’m not okay, but I’m not sick. No point in seeing a doctor. They wouldn’t be able to help.”
“Okay… it’s a… psychological issue. So what? There are doctors for that too, you know. And… I mean, do you want to talk about it?”
“What’s the time?”
“What time is it, Lucille? Is it night already? I have no fucking notion of… it’s just… the fucking pill Raul gave me, it made me all loopy. I’ll… I’ll be fine, okay? But… is it night?”
“Why? What happens at night?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know. But it’s worse at night. The thing, it- nevermind.”
“The thing? What thing? Look, I get it. You don’t want to talk about it, and you certainly don’t want to tell me about it, but there’s nothing to be ashamed of, okay? Whatever it is, whatever you’re… sensing, or seeing, or feeling… you can tell me. If you broke a leg, would you be embarrassed to see a doctor? This is the same. The brain is an organ and it can-”
“Look, Lucille, I appreciate it. I do. But I’m not dealing with a bone here. People don’t… you know, when you have a cast on your leg. And anyway Raul should be home soon so he…”
“Yeah, he, um, he’s gonna crash with some friend tonight”
You scared him. He can’t stand being near you, you crazy freak.
“Don’t worry. I’ll stay with you, if you’ll let me”, says Lucille. Oh, good. Girl is going after all the good Samaritan points. Shaun is too tired to argue, but he’s not about to spend a night with the living embodiment of everything he has failed to be. He gets up, dizzy- fucking couch. He hates the couch. Hates that he spent all day on it. Hates that Lucille saw him that way. Hates her. Hates himself. And yet only the last part feels truly real. The rest is less an emotion and more a secondhand telling of an emotion, or an emotion described by a particularly lazy narrator. A silhouette of where an emotion should be. He gestures at the fucking couch.
“You can… there. I’ll… just go to bed”
He shambles back to the room. Closes the door. He needs to be alone. He needs to rest. He needs to get his head straight, somehow. He needs to show Lucille he’s not some pitiful, crazy, charity case. If only he could calm his mind, have some proper sleep…
He’s on the bed. Did he fall? No. No, he was pushed… by… colors. Pushed by colors? That’s insane. A scream dies in his throat as a weight pins him down and a single second of pain assaults him, like syringes in his neck…
Then, peace. Simple, complete, blissful peace. His heart rate slows down. His breathing steadies. He feels as if he’s floating. Light. It’s okay. Everything is okay. Everything will be okay. His heart slows down more and more. Good. Things start going dark. That’s fine by him too. 
Suddenly, his peace is ripped away. The figure towers over him, flushed, rejoicing. Colors that slowly start making sense. The ugliest Hawaiian shirt he’s ever seen. Then, the Shirt Man smiles, his pupils like needlepoints. 
“Still not enjoying my tunes, asshole? I saw you, staring at me. Yes, you freak. Freak. I’ve felt that fucking brains of yours. Didn’t have to twist too much, didn’t I? Mr. Too-Good-For-Your-Music. Mr. Too-Classy-For-Your-Shirt. That’s what you thought, wasn’t it? What? Too sexy for this shirt? Too sexy for this shirt? Right Said Fred, ninteen-ninety-fucking-one! You uncultured swine! You fucked up freak! I barely had to break you! You were already broken! I like that you’re bro-ken…”
Shaun is too weak to move. Shirt Man is dancing. Shaun can’t tell if the creature is screaming or whispering. He seems to be doing both. Darkness crawls from the edges of his vision. He wants to scream for help. He can’t. Too tired. Too late. Failure. As usual.
“And now you die. Die-die-die! It’s shutting down. I can hear it, you know? It’s slowing down- your heart. Your breaky-achy-heart, bozo! No tomorrow… no tomorroOooow…”
Somehow his singing hits every note but the right one. Shaun can’t help but notice. It’s all so ridiculous. This is how he dies: serenaded by an off-key creep in the most offensive shirt ever manufactured. A smile almost forms on his pale lips.
“What’s so funny? I’m funny? Funny? You’re dying and you find it funny? No, no, no, you’re mocking me! Still! Still! You’re dying and you’re mocking me! So cruel! I gave you my gift of illumination! I made you see the world, feel the world how it truly is! And I’m giving you an exit! And you mock me? I give you all a boy could give you! Oh, tainted fuck! No. No, no no. I take it back! You don’t deserve an exit!”
Shirt man bites his own arm, and pushes the bloody wound on Shaun’s mouth. Shaun’s out of it, almost like he’s watching a reaction video of someone watching the scene. His lips part, almost by instinct.
“Yes! Do it! Feels good, doesn’t it? Celebrate good times, come on! Celebrate forever and ever and ever, you pathetic clown! No rest for the terminally classless!”
It’s fire. It’s a spring in the desert. It’s a lover’s caress. It’s a mother’s hug. Shaun drinks it all in. When the arm is pulled away, he convulses on the bed. Death. Finally.
“There’s nothing left to do but say goodbye…”, laughs Shirt Man.
A blast to the chest. Shaun feels as if he’s having a heart attack- a feeling that vanishes as quickly as it came, leaving behind barely an afterimage as something else, something more urgent, pulses inside him. He can hear something pounding, so close, almost as if it’s beating the insides of his skull.
His eyes open and a tidal wave hits him. The moonlight shimmering on every speck of dust floating in the air around him. The breathing of the neighbor’s dog. The stench of a long-forgotten chip under the bed. It’s all too much. Too much. Shaun wants to just curl up on the ground and let everything wash over him. To just… not be there. 
But he can’t. The pounding is getting stronger. It demands something from him. What, he cannot tell- only that a scent is coming from the living room, beckoning him, conquering every other emotion until his existence is reduced to a constant, meaningless barrage of stimuli. The creaking of his soles on the floor. The almost painful coldness of the door handle. The sweet, sickly perfume of shampoo, applied earlier in the day. The glint of half-formed tears in a pair of eyes. The slushing of blood coursing through veins. And the pounding of a heart, quickly accelerating. There’s nothing else. Nothing to think, nothing to consider. No hope to stop what’s going to happen. Nothing but red.
Elation. Peace. Ecstasy. Everything he could ever want or need, the only thing that matters, that will ever matter. It comes in delightful waves, coming slower and slower to Shaun until his heavenly tranquility fades away.
She looks too white, almost hurting his eyes. Shaun can almost see how cold his sister’s body is. The almost invisible marks he left on her neck. 
No. It’s not real. Can’t be. He refuses. 
He’s standing on a street he has never seen before. How did he get here? Dazed, he looks down. The red is too bright, strident, painful. The coppery smell, overwhelming. No, it can’t be her blood. How long was he… out?
A voice sings in the distance. Where? Shaun doesn’t know. He takes one unsure step, then another. Maybe he should clean up. Maybe he should hide. Maybe he should run the other way. But the song beckons, the night awaits, the city wears a new vibrancy. Step by step, he goes deeper into the maze of alleyways, one hungry shadow among many.
His heart is not beating. He knows it. And yet he can feel the tension in his chest, like the pain from a phantom limb. He can taste his sin like tar in his mouth. He feels hollowed out, and the space of what he once was filled by the dense fog of shame. He follows the song. There’s nothing else for him to do- and part of him hopes and dreads that the silent melody will lead him to another few precious, terrible moments of sweet, red relief.
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jiihu · 2 years
﹅ 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗿𝘆; 𝗵𝘂𝗵 𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻
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﹅ summary — despite you always being there for yunjin, you come to realize that she never is for you. she tries her hardest to reassure you, but can't deny the fact that she isn't what's best for you.
﹅ content — angst, a little toxic, college!au
﹅ word count — 1.9k
﹅ a/n — for @kiraecl1pse ! tumblr deleted your ask for whatever reason, but i still had the request saved + i'm gonna start updating consistently again ! also everyone pretend this fic isn't ass thank you
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Nighttime is the best time to cry. You'd come to this realization after many times of Yunjin walking in on you sobbing, followed by her pulling you into her arms to comfort you. Many times of Yunjin begging you to tell her the reason for your tears, and many times of you wishing she hadn't heard you at all.
Her comfort usually included you sitting in her arms for hours, not you, nor Yunjin daring to utter a single word. Once you'd finished sobbing, only quiet sniffling coming from you, Yunjin's hands would come up to hold your cheeks. She'd tenderly wipe away your tears, pressing a kiss to your eyelids, before leaning down to capture your lips.
"You're so pretty like this, jagi." You looked up into Yunjin's eyes, her soft gaze holding nothing but tenderness. You leaned forward, burying your face into her chest. Yunjin sighed, looking down at your figure curled into her side.
She'd spent so many nights watching you weep from behind corners, and it was only in her own selfishness that she found herself unable to prevent herself from being the reason for your tears.
Yunjin had grown accustomed to seeing you this way, her body moving on autopilot the moment she saw tears forming in your eyes. Yunjin assumed that she enjoyed comforting those close to her, until the day she walked into a study room and found one of her close friends in hysterics. Unlike how she felt with you, her heart sank to her stomach, her mind going blank as she tried to figure out the appropriate response to the situation.
As much as she tried to deny it, Yunjin realized that the only reason she felt this way is because she felt like you deserved better than her. She wants to make you cry, hoping that one day you'll use your better judgment and find someone better. Despite this, Yunjin couldn’t bring herself to leave you. As much as she truly wanted the best for you, she couldn’t help but be selfish, at least once in her life, and keep you to herself.
"Jen? What's wrong?" You were looking at her with a worried gaze, your fingers clinging to her sleeve.
"Nothing, don't worry. We have class in the morning, so don't stay up like you always do," she playfully scolded you, her fingers poking your sides. She stood up from her place on your bed, grabbed her phones and charger, and walked over to lean against your doorframe.
"I'll walk you to class in the morning. I love you, sweet dreams."
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Your fingers tapped on Yunjin's bedroom door which was across from yours as you looked down at your phone. "Yunjin? Our class starts in eight minutes." You stood outside her door, waiting on a response. After a moment of not hearing anything, you pushed open her door, peeking your head inside.
You looked around the room, realizing that Yunjin had already left. Her bed was made perfectly, and you realized that she'd left at least 10 minutes ago because her alarm's snooze timer was still counting down. You frowned, leaving her room and speed-walking towards the door, hoping you weren't too late for class. While you fumbled with the key to lock the door, you thought back to Yunjin's words last night. Why would she say she'd walk you to class if she wouldn't?
You dragged your feet to class, feeling your chest start to burn, thinking about Yunjin's many empty promises to you during the time you two were dating. It started with simple things that could pass as mistakes, like promising to bring dinner home, or promising to buy you something you had your eye on for a while.
Her empty promises only grew more significant from then on. She'd promised to pick you up from class for spring break since both of you had the same hometown. You sat outside of campus after class ended, your bags tucked under your arms and your suitcase leaning on the wall beside you.
After about ten minutes of waiting, you heard footsteps and looked up to see one of Yunjin's friends. "Hey!" She looked up from her phone, smiling as she recognized who was trying to get her attention.
"Y/N! What are you still doing here?"
"I'm waiting on Yunjin to pick me up. I thought she'd be here by now..." you trailed off, holding your hand above your eyes like a visor and looking around. She gave you a perplexed look, pointing towards her phone.
"To pick you up? Yunjin left this morning already. I assumed she already told you." You stared at her phone like a deer in headlights, looking at Yunjin's text which read 'made it to niskayuna' an hour ago. "I could drive you if you'd like?" You shook your head, waving your hands.
"No, it's fine. I don't want to inconvenience you!" She apologized for Yunjin's behavior, which it'd seemed like everyone could do but her, before getting into her car to head home for the break. You huffed, pulling out your phone and dialing your mom, which was the last thing you wanted to do.
"Y/N, are you okay? Don't tell me it has something to do with that Jennifer girl."
You vowed to never put your trust in Huh Yunjin again.
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"Y/N, please don't start this shit again," Yunjin groaned, resting her cheek on her palm. You looked up at her in disbelief, shaking your head.
"Yunjin, are you kidding me? This was our 200th-day anniversary, which you promised you'd take me out to dinner for."
"And out of those 200 days, how many of them do you think we spent together?" Yunjin's tongue toyed with the inside of her cheek, a tell-tale sign that she was irritated.
"What are you trying to say, Jennifer?"
"I'm trying to say that we spend almost every day together, so why's today so important to you?" You scoffed, feeling tears welling up in your eyes at Yunjin's words. You watched as her eyes softened, her hands reaching out to grasp your shoulders. "I didn't mean it like that."
She reached out towards you before you pulled away like her touch was an open flame. She huffed, moving to sit in front of you on her knees. She extended her hands towards you once more, to which you reluctantly placed yours in hers. "I wasn't implying that today wasn't important to me. I was trying to say that every day is a special one as long as you’re here."
You playfully shoved Yunjin's shoulder away from you, feeling flustered at her words. She pulled her sleeve over her wrist, taking your chin in her fingers and gently wiping away your tears.
"Why does it seem like I always end up crying when you're around?" You joked, your mood changing to a more serious one as you watched Yunjin's demeanor change. Her hands stopped wiping your tears and her back became more rigid as she leaned away from you. Although you were joking to begin with, the way Yunjin reacted made your heart sink. "Jen, I was kidding."
Yunjin shook her head, toying with the hem of her pants while she stared at you, her gaze intense. "I know. But I also think you deserve to know this as well." She suddenly broke eye contact, opting to look at the wall behind you.
"It's true—you do cry a lot more when I'm around. And I take full responsibility for that. Recently, I've felt like I needed to push you away; to push you away before you do the same to me. I know you deserve better, and I want you to have better than me."
"But there's still a small part of me that wants, no, needs you to stay. Even though I know there's better people out there, I want to be that better person for you. I swear I'll make it up to you."
You smiled, your hands coming up to wipe Yunjin's tears that'd begun unknowingly dripping from her eyes. Grabbing your arms, she pulled you into a tight hug—one that felt genuine for the first time in a long time. "I trust you. This is your last chance, Huh Yunjin, don't waste it." She grinned, her fingers poking your sides.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
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"Yunjin, it's cats here!" You exclaimed, pointing over to the colony of cats that were huddled around a small heater. She moved to stand behind you, grabbing your bookbag by the hook and slinging it over her shoulder. You shuffled over to the cats on the balls of your feet, slowly extending your hand out to pet them. The cat tentatively sniffed your fingers, before rubbing the length of its body along your hand, purring softly.
Yunjin cleared her throat, causing the cats to scatter from the area. "Yunjin!"
"Sorry, but it's cold. And I wanna go home," she whined, passing your bag back over to you. You sighed, looking back over to the direction that the cats ran off to. Not seeing any cats after thoroughly scanning the area, you turned back to Yunjin with a huff.
"Let's go, you big baby." You two walked back to the dorm in semi-comfortable silence, Yunjin's thumb rubbing the back of yours. You shook your head, realizing the only reason you feel uneasy is because Yunjin is never this quiet. Pushing away your thoughts before you started overthinking, you took out the key to the shared dorm.
You walked into the room, slinging your bookbag on the couch, and went to your room before collapsing on your bed. You felt yourself slowly drifting to sleep until Yunjin entered the room, placing your bag by the door. "I'm going to take a shower and head to bed now. I love you, don't forget that." She pressed a kiss to your forehead as your eyes fluttered shut, too tired to say anything other than a quiet, slurred 'i love you too'.
A few hours later, you were jolted out of your sleep, realizing that you never got ready for bed properly. You slid your jacket off of your shoulders, laying it across the back of your chair. Grabbing the pajamas from the edge of your bed, you quickly slipped them on before leaving the room to find Yunjin.
"Jen?" You called out to her, getting no response in return. You peered around the corner into the bathroom, in which the mirror still had a fresh coat of condensation on it. You felt your heart start to pound as you walked to Yunjin's room, pushing the door open to see nothing but a mattress and a bed frame in the center. Your vision started to get blurry as you found it hard to breathe, your eyes focusing on a neon pink sticky note on the side of the mattress.
Rushing over to read it, you snatched it from its place, shaky hands gripping the note as the ink from her pen started to bleed from your tears dripping onto the page with realization.
'i love you, y/n. and i swore that i'd be that better person for you, even if it means letting you go'
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