#do you know how awesome a modern race au would be
the-son-of-pluto · 2 years
Race is the type of guy to create a detailed guide of how he’s going to cheat on a test. Like he goes through the course syllabus and specifically picks out the topic they’re currently learning about, then looks at the course textbook and memorizes all the important events, dates and vocabulary. He writes them down in his notebook, adds annotations, jots down the causes & effects of each event and looks over everything the night before. Then when Test Day comes, he’ll know all the answers and the teacher won’t be any the wiser!
then race recites his entire cheating plan to spot and spots like: Race that’s just Studying .
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rocknrollsalad · 9 months
🚸 An awesome thing for the steddie holiday drabbles prompt "tattoo au"
Tattooing 101: We Don't Lick Our Clients (without consent)
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🖋️ Eddie's school gets him to volunteer at a family night and he meets the smoothest dad in existence. single dads au, modern au, tattoo au
👅 content/trigger warnings: mentions of needles, talk of bad family dynamics, schools, kids
🍕 word count: 2150
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Schools were absolute pits of non-stop energy-sucking despair. Come to this winter performance or this spring decathlon. How about a grandparents' tea? Volunteer in your kid’s class so they know you care and the teacher can get an actual bathroom break. Dress up days, reports, family trees, and the endless stream of homework and library books to lose. It was several full-time jobs on top of the one Eddie had to pay for all of this.
Thankfully, he was his own boss so if he needed to close things down for the day so he could drag Wayne to some sort of tea-drinking and kid-singing thing, he could. He also (often) took a bit of spare time to email the school and say that not every kid had a “normal” nuclear family.
Eddie wanted to be as active in his daughter’s life as he could. In part to make up for his shitty childhood and knowing what it was like to never have a parent show up but also to make up for her being stuck with him. Not that her mother was a better choice but sometimes, deep in failures, Eddie didn’t wonder if adoption would have given her a fighting chance. Selfishly, he couldn’t.
He couldn’t imagine a world without this brat and it brought on some guilt. Especially when they’d have her do a Mother’s Day craft or something similar. She was old enough now to explain “teacher just said give it to an important lady I know” but not old enough to be embarrassed by her dad when he went down to the school. Not willing to deprive himself of the chance to watch their faces when he explained Wayne was in a committed relationship with another man and Eddie was a single dad.
It’d be the same next year and for all the years she was in school. Which was why Eddie wanted to make sure he was there. She wasn’t lacking. Her family was unconventional but always there.
So when the art teacher came up to him begging and pleading for him to help with their “family reading night”, Eddie caved. Eventually, at least. Not for him, he didn’t need this but for Lulu. And boy was she excited about this one. Eddie saw her face light up finding him in the crowd mid-way through Jingle Bells or when she beat the other kids in the egg-spoon race thing but this was a whole new level of joy.
Excitement that certainly wasn’t for the puppet storytelling either. The whole event was fairy tale based, which Eddie could have gotten into. She already had fake armor, he could be a dragon, but it wasn’t a comic con. Still, if Eddie was going to go he wasn’t doing it half-assed. The request for his help wasn’t for customary or storytelling, though. They preyed upon his profession and assigned him a temporary tattoo booth. Something that had nothing to do with reading or fairy tales.
Not that it stopped Eddie from going all in. He took a trip out to the storage locker he kept and got an old chair, one he couldn’t throw away because it’d been expensive and was in great shape. One he’d still be using had he not inherited a couple of better ones so this stayed for emergencies. Or school projects, apparently.
He ordered tons of temporary tattoos off the internet, bought a few packs of those tiny lollipops, and an economy-sized pack of sponges. A couple of late nights were spent making a display board, Eddie didn’t expect a lot of new business off this but he’d be a fool not to take advantage of free advertising. That was his perk in this after all. Getting the brand out in the weirdest of ways but one that said he cared about the children, at least.
Thankfully he’d taken the initiative. The school-provided tattoos weren’t great and were likely donated by all the teachers. Heavy on the fire safety messaging and holidays. With not a single full sheet to be found. Eddie dropped all the ones for the police right in the trash and stashed the others under what he’d brought. All of which would be donated back to the teachers after tonight, they probably needed them more than Eddie would.
The label on his booth was a single 8x10 paper, Comic Sans, that was meant to advertise for him. Looking around the room, some of the other areas were making do with what they were given (and lots of butcher paper) but most had done what Eddie did and brought from home.
So he busied himself laying out black tablecloths, setting up the chair, and unpacking or assembling other bits he’d “borrowed” from his shop. After that, he ran to get Lulu from daycare, grabbed them a pizza, and came back to start the party.
After eating Lulu busied herself cutting out the tattoos and sorting them in a system unknown to Eddie. He happily left her to work, feeling a bit thankful she was old enough to be a help now and not an additional task.
Eight years old seemed to be when things really clicked. She was a tiny but independent human at this point. She didn’t need him but still desperately wanted him around, she almost fully understood how to put sarcasm to use, and she’d fully mastered bathroom usage. Eddie had a few years of this before she was a teenager and if his youth was any indication, he was going to go grayer than Wayne.
Not now though. Now they lounged together on the chair, legs propped up, squished together, and had dessert. They laughed and talked about a lot of nonsense. By far the loudest booth in the otherwise quiet commons area and cafeteria and Eddie hadn’t even put music on yet. Naturally, they spent the rest of their time covering themselves in temporary tattoos, all good artists had ink of their own.
After a bit of running through the halls to “get the wiggles out” as recommended by a few teachers, they settled down and watched the families trickle in. Admittedly, so many of these booths and areas really pulled it out with next to nothing. Still, Eddie felt the only competition was the puppets and the scooter boards.
It took five minutes to get their first “customer”. A young man with a Paw Patrol dog, which was as bad as the “yay for cops" things Eddie threw away but he knew his audience as well. Chase is on the case or whatever it was. The parents took so many pictures as Eddie treated the six-year-old like a real client. Pausing to warn about the cold water rather than the impending sting of needles, making sure he was okay, and all the things that were second nature to Eddie at this point in his career.
The show worked, too. After Eddie peeled the backing off to reveal the cartoon dog, the kid jumped up and ran to the mirror to admire his new look. Flexing his muscles and giving his parents enough Instagram-worthy content for a week. Getting wrapped up in it, Eddie felt proud of his work. He’d grumbled about giving up an evening but he turned it into something worth doing and for that, he felt proud.
To start, families trickled in. Eddie listened to the parents on placement and amount, it was easygoing and every customer was satisfied. What more could they ask for? But soon the floodgates opened and more families showed up. Also, customers returned with siblings now brave enough (or for themselves) and before he knew it, Eddie had a massive line.
He turned down a bit of the show but not too much, that’s what they were there for after all. Unlike his shop, these customers had plenty of other things to do, no one had to stand in line. They were all just choosing to. So Eddie didn’t feel a huge need to rush through them all.
Lulu did what she did best and found a chair to start taking clients of her own. Some kids didn’t mind, Eddie tried to pull the kids who’d been through before and send them to his apprentice. Keeping it fair. He did promise as many parents as could hear him that he’d get to everyone if they were willing to wait.
In switching customers, Eddie caught his daughter’s method and had to scramble frantically around his area for a moment. “Stop licking them!” he said under his breath. Handing her a sponge in hopes she got the hint.
“That’s how you do them, daddy.” he was sternly told.
“Not when you’re a professional,” he tried. “Sometimes you gotta follow rules an-and-and health codes and…and not lick your clients.”
“Fine-ah,” she said with unearned annoyance.
Eddie returned the attitude, trying to figure out where she’d learned this method of tattoo application and for the frustration of having to say the words “don’t lick your clients”. He watched closely as she did the next one with the sponge and water like she was supposed to. Giving kind reassurance and hyping her up, hoping he hadn't destroyed her confidence or whatever they’re always warning about with that gentle parenting stuff. Eddie supported so much in the way of weirdness but sometimes there was a line that needed drawn. Sadly, he was the adult who had to do it.
From there out he kept a close eye on her. Parents didn’t seem to mind the slightly distracted tattoo artist, they were busy enjoying their small children in a makeshift tattoo shop. Eddie worked that to his benefit and kept spinning his chair around to see what the entire booth was doing. Kids thought it was funny and Eddie got to keep his eye on Lulu the stamp collector.
They managed to survive the rush. Parents had moved on and the customers were all familiar faces now. Every so often a new family would make their way in, fresh from work or sports, and Eddie got to go through the joy all over again but it was nice to breathe easier while doing it.
Both the principal and the superintendent came over to thank Eddie for what he was doing, saying they’d never seen so many excited faces. The superintendent even got a tattoo of her own. Also for Instagram but she was honest about it, talking about what good press this would be for both of them. So Eddie let her know that nail polish remover would help get this off faster after he told her his account.
As the night neared its close, only a smattering of people left, and two booths already torn down, Eddie decided to run to the bathroom. He let the booth next to him know and left Lulu in charge. The instructions were to say the artist would be back in five minutes. Didn’t matter how long it’d been, just say five minutes. And Eddie jogged through the halls, earning hi-fives from a couple of families who were thrilled to see him away from the station. Eddie never quite made it to that rockstar life but this felt like a taste of it.
He came back to a dad and two kids, one sitting in the chair and the other asleep against the dad. Which would have been fine had Eddie’s child not had another tattoo on her tongue, getting it ready for her first major client…or victim.
“Stop right there!” Eddie called out with enough urgency he stopped half the room. Waving in apology to everyone else before tugging his daughter away from the stranger’s kid. “Use. The. Sponge! And stop licking the clients. It’s the number one rule,” he whined.
Huffing at him, Lulu stomped away and got a drink. The tattoo paper had been on her tongue too long, leaving her looking like a lizard as she tried to get rid of the taste. The constant flicking of her tongue really ruined the scowl she was trying to throw Eddie’s way.
“The number one rule, huh?” the dad said and Eddie was thankful he was already hovering over his chair because his knees went weak looking at that face making that devilish of a grin. That perfect hair and jeans that looked ironed clashed against the jokes he made. This guy looked like he knew every manager in town, not someone quick with jokes and a little eyebrow wiggle. Of course, that made it that much better and Eddie wanted to learn what else went against the waspy image.
Suddenly he felt like his daughter, sandpaper for a tongue and in desperate need of a drink. “I mean, not at my shop,” he said, immediately wincing. That wasn’t the advertisement he needed. About his shop or how smooth he was.
The dad laughed though.
Eddie turned to the kid in the chair for a distraction, to recenter himself. She looked a few years older than Lulu and not at all happy to be there. “What’d you pick out? I’m pretty sure she’s digesting it back there so I can try to find something close.”
“I told you this was stupid, dad,” the kid said, shoving off the seat and stomping to stand behind him, back turned. Arms crossed and a scowl, she was hitting all the cliches.
The dad rolled his eyes, clearly exhausted and having been through this before. “You want to go back to the girl trying to put her tongue on you? Pick another one out, it’s not that hard.”
“They’re all for babies!”
“You’re ten!”
Ten?! Jesus Christ, Eddie was in trouble. He thought Lulu would at least be twelve before she started back talking and standing around with undeserved angst. This kid was ten. He had months before he was in this boat, having a public argument over something that did not matter. Of course, Eddie’s daughter was currently trying to kill him in her mind because he made her stop licking people so, yeah, it was closer than he wanted to think about.
It was more than the tattoo to the other daughter here. A point she boiled down into one succinct point. Leaving Eddie to wonder if this was the continuation of something he missed the start of. Something that extended beyond this family fair.
“I’m not a baby!” She countered.
He turned around to check on Lulu. She was watching the whole thing, frozen with her water bottle in her mouth. Eddie wanted to stand up and cover her eyes and ears. To not let her get any ideas!
Things ended with the daughter huffing away and the dad sitting down in the chair, defeated, and looking at Eddie. “Can he get one,” he nodded down to the kid sleeping on his shoulder.
“Lu, pick something out for the guy? The coolest thing you can find,” Eddie asked as an olive branch. Looking back up at the dad, Eddie tried to soothe that situation as well. Though it wasn't a problem he'd made so humor was the way to go. “You want me to lick it?”
Without missing a beat, the dad said “Maybe not this one but I did take your business card.”
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Someone commented on the HBOMax tiktok of chaos eve and steve ‘Barbecue Dad x Wine Mom’ and now I’m screaming at the idea of a modern au Rhaenys and Corlys hosting an annual Velaryon Barbecue and it’s the highlight of everyone’s social calendars because you know they would absolutely NAIL IT
YES! You just know that they’re great at throwing an event together. Also Rhaenys and Corlys as Barbecue Dad x Wine Mom is great even though I don’t really understand the connotations other than the literal ones! An annual Velaryon Barbeque would be ace, especially if it were tied up with some sort of games on the beach or a boat race of some sort! A proper summer event. And Corlys in a novelty apron, obviously.
Modern AU or no. I have it in my head that Rhaenys, especially, is the perfect hostess. I mean, just in the show, we kind of get that impression as she’s excellent at anticipating needs and figuring out agendas. She was so welcoming to Viserys when he came for a visit. There’s a pile of food and wine that I’m sure is her doing, as it’s not there later after Viserys is gone and she makes a straight bee-line for it in that scene and isn’t surprised it’s there, so I can imagine she got word the King was coming, ordered the servants to put together a spread whilst her husband got himself washed and prepped for his little power move, and she took the time to go and have a dragon ride and be back in time to greet her cousin. She’s also the one to go ahead and sort their rooms and is the one to tell Corlys what the plan is afterwards, so she totally takes charge.
And Driftmark, essentially, is their kingdom. It’s designed that way, according to the production designer, so Rhaenys is Queen. And you betcha she learnt at the feet of the master (aka Alysanne) how to charm and flatter. High Tide is her castle, it’s the only one she ever had the chance of running and ruling and she now knows it like the back of her hand. She’s run it both as second to her husband, and as some form of regent when he’s away. And it would have it’s fair share of visitors: the Velaryons are powerful, not only in Westeros, but in the Free Cities as Corlys essentially controls a lot of the Narrow Sea, certainly in terms of trade and shipping lanes, and would have made contacts throughout his voyages. No doubt they get a lot of wealthy merchants and minor lords and relatives and businessmen coming and visiting and all of that.
And they must have an AWESOME looking Great Hall. Because they don’t dance or eat in the Hall of Nine and that room is stunning. So there must be some other room that can fit loads of guests and food, for events such as feasts and festivals. I like to think Corlys threw a celebration when he came back home to Driftmark with his new bride: so separate from the actual wedding and wedding feasts that occurred in King’s Landing or Dragonstone. Something just for the island, to welcome it’s new Lady. He does the same when he announces Rhaenys is expecting. Or has given birth. Or it’s someone’s birthday. Basically, the dude is rich and a slight show-off, so any excuse.
One of my favourite things to imagine is Corlys showing some star-struck wealthy man around the Hall of Nine for the first time, explaining his voyages or telling the story of one of the artefacts, and Rhaenys is there and she KNOWS that Corlys has embellished the story, just to sound even more mighty/impressive. Corlys doesn’t need to do that (because the original story/truth is cool enough), but it’s because he CAN and it amuses Rhaenys, who knows all the stories off by heart, so they’re basically just ever so slightly mocking this guy because he hasn’t a CLUE. It’s a power play.
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missameliep · 2 years
Second Chances - Chapter Twenty Three: Racing Hearts
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Book: Desire and Decorum – Modern AU  Pairing: Prince Hamid x Elizabeth (OC) Rating: Teen and Up (there are some swearing) Word count: ~10K
Summary: Hearts are racing faster than the horses at Edgewater. The new day begins and is more eventful than Elizabeth and her friends could have anticipated.
Characters: Elizabeth Foredale (OC); Prince Hamid; Briar Daly; Edmund Marlcaster, Annabelle Parsons; Luke Harper; Vincent Foredale; Theresa Sutton.
Notes:  * All characters belong to Pixelberry, except OC. * I want to thank @princess-geek and @noesapphic for being my betas in this chapter. Thank you, girls, you're awesome! * Non-English words at the notes in the end. * Your eyes do not deceive you, after a year without updates, a new chapter dropped. Sorry about the lack of updates, I hope to finish editing the next chapter in the next days. * This is my submission to @choicesjanuarychallenge day 8: Clear | Stormy | Travel.
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“Are you telling Hamid?” Briar asked, glancing at Elizabeth lying beside her and staring unblinking at the ceiling.
“I guess that’s not something you just... say...”
“What then? Will you text him?”
“How would I even start a conversation like that through text?”
“Nudes proved to be extremely effective icebreakers.”
Nervously, Elizabeth giggled; not entirely sure her friend was joking.
“I don’t know... If it feels... right, I’ll try to be more assertive next time we’re together...”
“Assertive?” Briar laughed and rolled over to her side, throwing her black hair back and propping her cheek in one hand. “You must flirt back. Be seductive.”
“I have no idea how to do any of that. I’ll embarrass myself if I try.”
“I can teach you.”
“Believe me. I’m unteachable when it comes to these sorts of things,” Elizabeth laughed, remembering her friend Renata’s attempts to get her out of her shell and make a move on one of her first crushes.
“Trust me. My techniques are infallible!” she nudged her friend.
“You sound like a cartoon villain!” she giggled.
“I didn’t hear a no.”
“It’s late. Time to sleep.”
“Can I stay?" Briar curled like a cat nestling over the duvet with her arms around her torso. "I’m so comfortable right now...”
“Sure. But my alarm clock will ring in –” Elizabeth reached the mobile over the nightstand and squinted her eyes to see the time. “– 4 hours.”
“I have to check the horses and the preparations for our picnic before breakfast.”
“Nope... I’m heading out –” Briar rolled out of the bed, put on the slippers and walked to the door. “– But good luck with all of that. Sleep tight.”
“You too.” Elizabeth smiled, going under the duvet while the other closed the door quietly.
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As the antique pendulum floor clock at the foyer chimed when the small hand reaches eleven, the soles of the riding boots clicked sharply against the wood when Elizabeth ran down the stairs two steps at a time. Luckily, Lady Dominique was nowhere around to chastise her for such an improper behaviour and remind the rules inside the manor.
The apparent misbehave has a reason: the weather forecast changed, and rainstorms are expected sooner than previous announcements. They must hurry and leave now if they want to go out for a horse ride, have a picnic like planned and be back safely and dry at the manor.
Nevertheless, getting everybody ready is a nearly impossible task. The schedule got delayed by an hour because her friends would not get up at the agreed hour or stop debating in the group chat whether they should or should not go to the pub at Moorfield this evening; even Edmund joined their discussions. Only Hamid remained silent; nobody heard from him since they retreated to their rooms the night before and he vanished from his room early in the morning.
“He will be back in time. Don’t worry, Lizzy,” Briar texted her back, but she can’t help it but worrying.
She wished he had told anyone where he went by himself. The property has many paths through the woods, which can be confusing to those not used to them, and Hamid is the impulsive kind of guy to get too far and lost. Not to mention the boars. If he’s hurt nobody would even know where to start looking for him...
Why am I thinking of all these horrible scenarios?
“That’s ridiculous,” she tells herself. “The universe is not working against me. Right?”
Another message from the group: no news from Hamid, but they are talking about second-breakfast and elevenses now. She deletes the angry cat emoji she was about to send; they are probably messing with her, and she won’t give them the satisfaction.
Finally, she understands why Lady Dominique is so strict about punctuality and is on the verge of forgetting manners and leaving behind whomever is not ready in fifteen minutes… Evidently, she would never be that rude, but the thought crosses her mind anyway.
Dashing into the ground floor while texting Edmund about Hamid’s whereabouts, she collided with a side table on the hallway. Nimbly, she lounged forward; her hands balanced it, and she thanked heavens the white statuette didn’t collapse to the ground. Her grandmother’s wrath is the last thing she needs right now.
“Why so many side tables, grandma? Those are a menace!” she muttered under her breath, tucking the mobile on the coat pocket. Judging by the familiar chuckle, the scene must have been amusing.
“There is a reason your grandmother forbids running inside.”
Whirling around, she met her father standing a few metres away on the hallway coming from the library, a wide teasing grin on his face.
To her surprise, right beside him was Hamid. The sight of him and his ridiculously beautiful face stole her breath and words for a second. Averting her gaze, she focused on her father and what she was supposed to say.
“Would you tell her?” she asked, tilting her head a little bit, and forcing an offended expression.
“It will be our secret,” Vincent stage-whispered. “Mother is yet to forget the incident with the Cordonian crystal apple... It was an irreplaceable gift from late Queen Eleanor.”
“That was not my fault!”
Her father tsked. “Harry used to say the same...”
Smiling, the trio met half-way and she hugged her father, who kissed the top of her head and complimented her elegance sporting the riding attire in navy blue and hair manhandled in one long braid. He looked proud at the sight of Edgewater’s gold crest on her jacket.
Without meeting Hamid’s gaze, she returned his wishes of a good morning and admitted in an almost inaudible tone, “I’ve been looking for you.”
“I didn’t know,” he said entirely too pleased.
“You would, if you’ve read my texts...”
Right hand over his chest, he apologised, “Sorry, Liz. The battery died and I didn’t bring the charger...”
“Why didn’t you say so?” she said, taking the mobile from the pocket. “I could’ve lent you my spare one. I’ll text Melinda and ask her to take it to your room.”
Vincent looked amused between them and joined the conversation.
“Do not be mad at him. It is entirely my fault, Eliza. We met by chance, and I insisted he joined me for breakfast. There were some matters I wanted Hamid’s opinions about.”
Her gaze darted from the mobile to her father’s face. “Were you working?”
Hamid laughed at her reproving tone, or possibly at the absurd notion of him working in his free time. “For two seconds. Nothing related to work can compete with more interesting topics of conversation.”
“Poetry and love,” Vincent added, with a grin, trying to appease the curiosity in her eyes. “I wanted to show Hamid a particular book from our collection. It belonged to his namesake.”
“A very interesting tome. I wouldn’t mind taking another look some other time.”
“You are always welcome in our library.”
Observing the exchanges between them and their smiling faces, a warm feeling spread inside of her chest. Her father is always gentle mannered and friendly, mostly due to his personality than his upbringing and lessons to fulfil his duties as the Earl of Edgewater, but there is an undeniable sense of pleasure when he is around Hamid.
“I am glad you were enjoying yourselves...”
“How anyone could not? It’s a privilege to have your father sharing his wise words...”
“Likewise. Our conversations are delightful,” Vincent said and patted Hamid on the shoulder. The other returned the compliment with a sincere smile. “However, I believe I kept you away from your young peers far too long. I am certain Eliza misses your company and will show you a far better time...”
Her cheeks reddened at the words and the knowing smile he directed at her; however, Hamid chose not to acknowledge either with a look or cheeky comment, keeping his attention at the lord, which she was truly grateful for.
“Will you not join us, sir?”
“The last thing you need is some old folk like me following you around and ruining the fun…”
“You would not bother us, dad.”
“You are too kind, my dear. But I have a busy day ahead.”
“It’s Saturday! You promised you’d rest.”
He chuckled at her remark, and it reminded him of when she was much younger and pouted whenever he needed to work during their time together.
“Later,” he said patting her arm. “Now, I am expected at Ledford Park. Enjoy your day and be careful about the rain. The paths become too slippery for the horses.”
“We’ll return before the rain.’’
Using both hands, he cupped her cheek affectionately and kissed the top of her head again.
As soon as the taps of shoe soles faded in the distance, and it was only the two of them, Hamid stepped closer.
“You look gorgeous,” he purred while his hand reached the side of her face, gently curling a long lose curl around his fingers, before tucking it behind her ear. The backs of his fingers softly brushed her skin, causing a hundred butterflies to flutter in her stomach, and moved away. “I told myself you would never look more beautiful than yesterday and yet... You outdid yourself.”
Unnecessary to see her own reflection to know redness was blooming in her face. How she wished to keep her emotions to herself! But a mere touch or a sweet word of his and the rosy of her cheeks give away her emotions, and she hates that about herself. Hamid on the other hand admires exactly that about her: her tongue may not say the words, but the truth emerges each time she blushes. And he dared assume it was not sheer embarrassment of being complimented that pinks her cheeks, but something else entirely.
“Were you actually running after me?” he asked softly, lips stretched in a grin that showed his perfectly lined teeth, expectation glinting in his eyes. “In spite of your grandmother’s prohibition?”
“Actually, I was on my way to check on the others.”
He pouted and his entire face fell in mocking disappointment, and she stuttered.
“Did – Did I say something wrong?”
Smiling, he clicked his tongue and raised his chin in negative, like she learned from the series they watched together is customary in his country and not simply a cute thing he does.
“Your honesty keeps me humble.”
“Oh!” Averting her gaze, she looked downward at her fingers fidgeting with one golden button of her jacket. Before the moment seemed completely over, she forced herself to mumble a simple question, “What if I were?”
“That would heal my wounded ego, and I might say that among many other things, I’d happily take the blame for any bibelot you break. Or, better yet, hide any evidence of its previous existence... Which knowing your grandmother is probably a safer choice.”
She chuckled and looked back at him and how cute he looked with a silly little smile. Perhaps she should’ve let Briar give her a few pointers on being flirty.
“Can you spare a few minutes?” he asked in his most appealing tone, “I was hoping we –”
Before he finished his sentence, voices of their friends echoed from the other hallway and in the blink of an eye they were surrounded by them. Everyone talking at the same time and over each other, inquiring about the picnic and if Briar could ride wearing those high hell boots or not.
“It’s not safe!” Edmund and Annabelle said at once.
“The horse will do the walking, not me,” she insisted.
“Maybe after the picnic?” Hamid whispered into Elizabeth’s ear, one of his warm smiles illuminating his features when she faced him.
“Sure,” she sighed, knowing that between their friends and her family, there wouldn’t be many free moments during the day. Hooking her arm with his, she pleaded, “Now, come and help me. I need to borrow your skills to get everybody out of the house.”
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Through the narrowest part of the unpaved path, hooves clopped rhythmically while the horses carried the group onward. With every gust of wind blowing through the crowds of the trees, rained leaves that danced in the air for a beautiful moment before sinking to join the crunchy sunset-coloured blanket covering the ground.
The further they were from the manor, the more the conversations were punctuated by the chirping of birds and more often than not by Briar’s worried remarks.
What started as a little distress at being around horses turned into a quarrel against the animals. Narrowing her eyes at the brown mare Annabelle was riding, Briar’s arms wrapped tightly around Edmund’s waist, clinging to him as if he were her lifeline.
“Look at that evil eye!” Briar’s nasal voice resounded from the back of the line, and two of the horses snorted in sequence, swishing their tails. “That beast hates me already… and is telling the others about it!”
Hamid’s silvery voice followed, insisting on explaining the amiable nature of the majestic creatures to no avail.
Smiling, Elizabeth considered how sympathetic he has been with their friend and her fear of horses, despite Briar’s previous threats to kick him in the chin or in a more painful place if a horse bites her.
“I have been around horses long enough to know they can’t talk or plot against you,” Annabelle added, her voice ringing with laughter.
“Wouldn't it be amazing if they could talk?” Hamid mused a recurrent desire of his: since he was a boy, he wished animals could talk to humans, or at least could communicate with him particularly. “I wonder what they would say…”
“Probably they’d complain about ungrateful humans they must carry around on their backs...” Annabelle picked on Briar and this remark earned a formidable string of complaints about her insensitivity...
Luke held a chuckle and gazed at the woman riding by his side on the back of a tan coated thoroughbred mare called Clover, that became her trusted companion in many summer days since she started her equitation lessons at the age of 8, like she told him earlier at the stables.
Today, Elizabeth was quieter than usual, not displeased by the company or the ongoing conversation rather than enraptured by the activity and by seeing the countryside after five long years; besides, like many introverts, she greatly prefers to be surrounded by talkative people who do most of the talking, sparing her the obligation of preventing awkward silences.
“Horses were always my favourites,” he spoke loud enough to be heard by Elizabeth, drawing her attention, “I feel I can understand them...”
She contemplated him for a second and the wide smile curling his full lips, and asked with the most serious tone she could muster, “Luke, are you going to confirm the horses are secretly scheming against Briar?”
Her joke prompted him to chuckle, a soft sound rambling from his chest, and she smiled.
“Hey! Not so loud,” he whispered, failing to keep a serious face. “I sworn secrecy!”
They let out wholehearted laughs, and Elizabeth complimented his riding skills, curious of how a boy raised in a very urban city in the United States could be such an expert around horses.
“Once you spend so much time around horses, you learn a thing or two…”
“How much time are we talking about?”
The question was the cue to Luke tell her about his training in equitation growing up and the prizes earned when he participated in competitions as a teenager that helped him earn a place at the polo team at university.
“Impressive!” she observed. “Maybe we should put your skills to test one of these days… Edgewater breeds some of the finest racehorses in the country.”
He beamed one of those shiny open smiles that crinkle the corners of his green eyes. The suggestion of riding together some other time and of a friendly race was promptly acquiesced, and he was clearly happy.
“A race?” Hamid asked already galloping to approach the two at the front of the group. “That sounds fun!”
“FUN?” Briar cried. “Only if your idea of fun is getting trampled to death by these awful beasts!”
“Don’t worry! Nobody is racing today,” Elizabeth reassured her to no avail. “But we can take the longer path to the ruins and enjoy just a little longer…” She described the track that crossed the meadows in which she used to ride with her brothers and their friends.
The proposition was eagerly accepted by everyone other than Briar. To please her, Edmund suggested they followed the plan and take the shorter route through the woods.
Briar raised a finger to Edmund and said seriously, “Promise me you will not let it dash like a maniac and trample over me!”
The blonde nodded, promising he’d take care of her, and it was enough to appease her. A barely perceptible smirk curled his thin lips when Briar buried her head on his back, hiding her face.
The group eventually parted and after a few minutes, a clearing provided the first glimpse of the ruins standing beyond the meadows peppered by wildflowers.
Hamid’s enthusiastic remarks stole Elizabeth’s attention for a moment. Even though he often says everything is the most beautiful and most extraordinary he’s ever seen, his words were not far from the truth. Despite the grey clouds looming, the countryside could not be more idyllic, and the ruins were impressive. Even considering all the missing parts, like the long-gone stained glasses and fallen tower, their imaginations could rebuild the greatness of the ancient stone building when it was standing tall centuries ago. And for a long moment, that's what they did, while conjecturing about the former inhabitants.
“Some say it’s a magical place...” Annabelle confided, and Hamid couldn’t contain his excitement to learn more about the place while she shared details of an old tale Earl Vincent has told his children countless times.
When a resumed version of the tale reached its end, the horses galloped towards the ruins meandering a field peppered by tiny yellow and white flowers. The hooves clapped against the dirt path, the gentle clip-clop punctuating their conversations, while Elizabeth led the way and Luke remained close, both sharing their tales on equitation classes. Annabelle fell behind, eyes lost in contemplation; and Hamid’s were suddenly inundated by mischief.
The tranquillity of the ride didn’t last long. The sharp sound of hooves resonated when Hamid’s horse trotted increasingly faster past them. The horse’s mane and tail undulated with the wind while they distanced. A flock of birds flew away not without sharp piercing noises that sounded like reprimands against the rude behaviour of the four-legged beast and the noisy human on its back, disturbing the peace in their haven.
Dark hair tousled by the wind and grinning, he announced he’d be the first to arrive at the ruins and defied his friends to join him.
“Come on!” he cried over his shoulders, “It’s fun!”
Annabelle was quick in following his invitation and trotted past Luke and Elizabeth, who smiled at their merriment. When she considered joining them, a loud gasp escaped her mouth. In shock, she watched the scene unfolding. Less experienced and unfamiliar with the route, Hamid misled the horse, missing a curve many metres ahead. His body swayed in the saddle, almost slipping, and her heart skipped a beat. At full speed, the horse galloped, crossing the tall grass, and reaching another path at the opposite direction that would take them back to the woods.
All the previous feelings that troubled her mind came racing back. At that speed, either Hamid, the horse or both would get injured due to the many obstacles, like roots and ditches.
Swiftly, Luke guided his horse to the same direction, quickly gaining speed; and a moment after Elizabeth and Annabelle followed his lead.
Horse and its rider disappeared for a moment, and the next time Elizabeth had a glimpse of them, Luke was getting closer. Despite the adrenaline, his words to Hamid seemed calm. Parts of the instructions to slow the horse echoed in the field.
Thrill running through her veins, Elizabeth’s heart raced at the same rhythm of Clover’s hooves hitting the ground while she followed them. The horses left a cloud of dusty in their awake and Elizabeth bowed and squinted her eyes, trusting Clover would find the way to Hamid.
When her eyes opened again, Luke had managed to slow Hamid’s horse before reaching too deep into the woods. Anxiously, she dismounted Clover. Adrenaline high in her system, she ran the remaining metres to where the horses had stopped, and Luke was helping Hamid dismount.
“Is he...?” Elizabeth breathlessly asked Luke, and he nodded.
“He’s fine.”
Her eyes inspected Hamid from the top of his head to his feet, as if still trying to convince herself he was perfectly fine. She inhaled deeply and tried to calm herself.
Growing up, she got used to the thrill of races through this fields and woods and all sorts of shenanigans with her brothers and their friends, pretending to be part of the group of heroes that fought the Shadow Court; somehow, this right now felt completely different. Maybe she was way more out of practice than she thought, considering the last time she rode a horse. Maybe the years made her fearful and cured her of the past recklessness. Maybe she has grown into one of those nagging adults that spoiled everybody’s fun.
“This time you can’t deny it!” Hamid grinned and said out of breath, “You were running after me!”
“You joke?!”
“I see you are alright!” Annabelle laughed behind Elizabeth, having dismounted the horse, and joined the group of riders, under an immense oak tree.
“Have you seen how fast I was?” he directed his question to her, too excited.
“I certainly did. And I imagine how sore you’ll be later.”
“It’s not as... comfortable as my Suzuki... I admit. But it was so fast! This horse is... extraordinary!” he panted. His enthusiasm cut by loud exhales and breathed laughs.
Relief had washed over her companions at the sight of the unharmed Hamid, however, Elizabeth’s jaw tightened and her whole body shivered.
“If you haven’t noticed, we were running to prevent you from hurting yourself! There’s nothing funny about it!”
“My heroes.”
The smile he flashed, didn’t ease her frown.
How could he not take his own safety seriously?
“You said you knew how to ride...”
“I may have overestimated my skills... it seems... and perhaps my expertise with a different kind of horsepower was not immediately transferred…” he said, and this could be a reference to any of the vehicles and dangerous activities he enjoys in his free time. Leaning against the trunk of the oak tree, he tried to catch his breath, and failed to plaster a more relaxed expression. “But I’m a fast learner. Give me one more minute, and I’m ready to try again. I challenge you all to another race to the ruins.”
Heart thumping in her ears and knees risking buckling, Elizabeth crossed the remaining distance to him, who steadied himself against the trunk with an arm, pretending it was just to look cooler, which nobody would buy by now, not even her.
“Seriously?” she fumed. “You could get seriously hurt!” 
“I didn’t.”
His unconcerned manners remained undeterred by reason, and she let out an exasperated sigh.
In a voice as sweet as possible considering his current shortness of breath, he called her name, and leaned forward.
Raising one index finger, she stopped the predictable move of his hand before it touched her inflamed cheek.
“Dude, you couldn’t control the horse... if not for Luke...” Elizabeth trailed off, not daring say the alternatives out loud. All at once, it dawned on her the warnings the adults uttered back when she was a kid. That same uneasiness stormed, and her stomach was churning at the thought of any of those horrible things happening to Hamid.
Judging by the quizzical look in Hamid’s face, he couldn’t understand the distress in her voice nor why she was taking the incident this seriously. Nothing happened after all, which he regretted telling her once her eyes were alight like his mother’s whenever he does the opposite of what she expects from him – but he refrained from saying that.
“Liz,” he asked softly, trying his best to sound less confused than he was, “was it any different from the stories you and Edmund shared? You seemed amused sharing your shenanigans...”
“Yes, it’s completely different! First, we were kids and... –” didn’t know any better what this kind of absence felt like! “– Second, we knew these paths like the backs of our hands. Third, we had advanced lessons! Unlike you!” The emotions bubbling inside caused her voice to raise to a higher pitch and waver like the crowns of the trees dancing with the breeze. “Your self-confidence can get you hurt. Or killed. Just look what this kind of stuff does to people much more skilled than you! You must be responsible for your safety! What if Luke couldn’t reach you? Think about the people you’ll hurt... God!” She let out an exasperated sigh and covered her face with her hands; bowing his head, Hamid stepped back, trying to collect his thoughts after her outburst.
Annabelle’s footsteps on the dirty were loud enough not to be ignored. When she approached and stood between them, her presence interrupted whatever would follow this exchange.
“Fortunately, nobody got hurt, and we’re halfway to the ruins. So, can we get going? I’m starving!”
“Of course.” Elizabeth dusted off her clothes and adjusted the jacket, returning to the composed self everybody is used to, at least in the outside.
Walking away with Annabelle, she didn’t look back, but she felt Hamid's stare following her.
With a sympathetic smile, Luke patted Hamid on the back and asked if he was sure he could go on, and he nodded, still looking confused by Elizabeth’s reaction. Apparently the only one who didn't anticipate the coming storm.
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When the group reached the ruins, the cloud in Elizabeth’s eyes had dissipated, but she couldn’t shy away the dreadful thoughts racing in her mind. Therefore, she welcomed the interruption when a middle-aged man with a pristine white uniform and the emblem of Edgewater walked in her direction, addressing her with the due ceremony and respect reserved to noblewomen like herself. For once, she felt too tired to oppose the ritual and kindly asked him to lead the way to the picnic setting.
In a clearing beside the ruins, four large picnic blankets had been settled over the grass with at least a dozen matching throw pillows; from two picnic baskets peeked bottles of lemonade and other colourful beverages, and exquisite food had been arranged all over the blankets, ranging from apple pie to different kinds of pastries, fresh fruits, jam, and sandwiches. The sight made her mouth water.
With the conformation everything was perfectly assembled, and settled the time of their return to disassemble the setting, the man left, making his way to a black van where another employee was waiting.
The four friends gathered around the food – and inevitably talked about the absent two.
“Should we text them?” Elizabeth asked, “See if they are alright?”
“They’re probably more than alright, and that’s the matter,” Annabelle muttered under her breath, and started typing in her mobile. “I’m texting we’ll start eating without them. That will get Briar’s attention.”
No reply came to this or any of the texts and pictures of the picnic, and the group comfortably settled down. Elizabeth watched Hamid stretching before easing into one of the large pillows on her left; she averted her eyes when he noticed the attention, focused on cleaning her hand with a wet wipe.
Several minutes later, a clip-clop announced the last horse’s arrival. Something that looked too much like disappointment was evident in Briar’s face. One hour ago, not a soul would expect her to wish to extend any stroll that involved the company of horses.
Annabelle and Elizabeth shared a knowing look, and no words were necessary to convey what they thought of that.
Edmund’s hands wrapped around Briar’s waist tentatively, and with a swift motion he brought her to the ground safe and sound; she thanked him with a lingering kiss on his cheek, that turned his skin as red as the colour of her lipstick, and reluctantly they parted. Edmund clucked his tongue and guided the horse to a tree next to the others, while Briar walked in the opposite direction, throwing glances over her shoulder.
Once the party was complete, it was time to truly enjoy the picnic. The sight of the food and setting was enough to rekindle Briar's cheerfulness.
“I remember this place from the series,” Briar pointed out. “The duel was shot right there, wasn’t it?”
Beside her, Edmund confirmed, indicating a small totem like the ones seen at museums, that contains the story of the building, and pointed at the place where the Ottoman Prince was shot.
“So romantic!” she sighed, lying on her side over a few cushions. “That scene left me breathless. Can you imagine having someone loving you that much? Risking their own life for you?” Theatrically, the back of one hand pressed against her forehead and she let out a dramatic sigh.
“Aside the fact the duel was based on misogynistic premises and claims over a fully-grown and rational human being, I won’t deny that it must have been exciting to see it all unfold!”
“It would’ve been perfect if the prince didn’t miss the shot.”
“Don’t forget the pistol had been tampered,” Edmund said, a little bit too enthusiastic to share his knowledge about the matter. “He didn’t stand a chance and was truly lucky the duke was such a bad shot and let him walk out with such a minor injury.”
“A duel is such a stupid stupid idea,” Elizabeth muttered under her breath and shoved the remaining of the sandwich inside her mouth.
The others looked at her with a mix of amusement and surprise.
“Don’t you find the idea of going to a secluded place with your nemesis and shooting them dead at dawn appealing?” Annabelle teased, “Of all people, I thought you would have the longest list of candidates...”
“God, no! Violence is not the answer to everything!”
“Sometimes it’s necessary,” Annabelle retorted. “Nonviolent resistance is poetic, but pointless when your enemy is determined to crush you or has a literal gun pointed at you... for instance, you don’t fight fascists with flowers or hugs.”
“I can see your point... But in their case, the entire thing was pointless! The prince was shot for nothing! The engagement went on for weeks after the duel and he could have died,” Elizabeth stressed the last word. “There were no antibiotics back then! If he died... she’d be alone... and Clara had just lost her mother and father... Can you imagine how scared and lonely she must have felt? The uncertainty?” her last words were barely audible, strained by the tightness in her throat and chest.
Breaking the silence, Luke remarked, “I thought you never watched the series.”
“I got curious...”
“I told you it was amazing!” Briar cried, pulling herself back to a sitting position. “We should watch together!”
“I agree violence rarely solves anything and usually brings more trouble,” Hamid mused, possibly referring to his own line of work. “But human nature is complex and even the best of us can make bad decisions moved by less than noble feelings.”
“Can you imagine how absolutely mad at that wanker the prince should’ve been at that point?” Annabelle asked, “The man was known for being a pacifist –”
“Not very pacifist, considering he was cool with putting a bullet through that other guy’s head,” Luke added.
“As if you wouldn’t!” Briar taunted.
“I don’t think I would! That’s not one of the cases violence would be justified...”
“I think you all would,” Briar pointed at each of her friends, “if you were in the prince’s shoes... even you, Lizzy, if that meant you could save someone you loved.”
“There are other options... More civilized.”
“Maybe there weren’t!”
“They could have eloped. Or left together to the Ottoman Empire or anywhere else...”
“Fleeing?” Briar grimaced. “Countess Clara was a strong woman; she would never run away without fighting!”
“That’s true. And you need to remember it was a different world back then,” Edmund re-joined the conversation, “they didn’t have games to settle their differences by blowing each other’s heads off safely... which is much healthier in my opinion. However, if you read Countess Clara’s journal, you’ll understand their reasons and the importance of the duel and how it sealed their bond...”
“That sounds romantic!” Briar clapped her hands and scooted closer. “Tell me more!”
Soon, the conversation changed and new topics more and less controversial followed.
At some point, Annabelle had grabbed a pencil and her sketchbook from her bag and sat over a boulder, looking pensive at the group and their simultaneous conversations.
Noticing it, Elizabeth excused herself and sat beside her.
“What are you drawing?”
“Just sketching...” Annabelle handed the sketchbook to her, who examined the various partial sketches of faces of their group, including herself.
A wistful smile replaced the blank expression in Annabelle’s face, and she sighed. 
“I used to come here with Harry all the time... and the twins. That tree was Juliette’s balcony. Harry fell on his bottoms trying to climb it after me and got furious because I couldn’t stop laughing... He blamed me for not taking my role seriously and that Juliette would never laugh at Romeo – which made me laugh even harder.”
“That sounds just like him...”
A strained laugh that turned into a sob escaped Annabelle's mouth, and she used the back of her hands to wipe some tears pooling in her hazel eyes.
“Sorry... If I knew what this place meant to you, I’d have picked some place else…” Elizabeth apologised, but the other smiled.
“Hey! Don’t you worry. I need new happy memories. And I can always use some practice.”
They sat in silence, while Annabelle resumed sketching the tower.
“I wish I could draw like that...”
“I can teach you, if you like,” Annabelle nudged her.
“I’ll take you up on that someday...” Elizabeth smiled, looking at the way she focused on the architectural details. “How long does it take you to paint someone’s portrait?”
“It depends on size, complexity of pose and background, things like that...” Excitedly, she practically bounced in place. “Do you wish me to paint yours? I already have so many ideas! Two words: flower crown!”
“Actually, I had someone else’s portrait in mind...”
Judging by the way she smiled, Annabelle already knew the answer to the question, but she asked anyway, “Whose portrait?”
Elizabeth fidgeted with one gold button of her jacket, and said softly, “Hamid’s birthday is in December… I was thinking he would enjoy an original Parsons...”
“It’s perfectly doable.”
“Do you think it’s too much to gift a friend?”
Annabelle shook her head, her ponytail moving from side to side. “There’s no such a thing. Art is a thoughtful gift, and you are a thoughtful person.” She paused and looked back at her friend. “And you care about him. That’s why you were so worked up before, right?”
Elizabeth crossed her arms in front of her chest and bit the inside of her cheek, and sighed, “Why is he such a… frigging reckless idiot?”
Annabelle laughed, “I think the polite word is ‘spontaneous’.”
“You know what I mean. It’s stupid to put himself in danger like that…”
“Where you see danger, some people see exciting opportunities to experience life. This kind of thrill can be good to the soul.” 
“Do you think I’m being unreasonable?” the pitch of her voice raised slightly in the last word, conveying the outrage at the self-accusation.
“What if you were? Is that a bad thing? Nobody can be reasonable all the time. That’s how feelings work, isn’t it?” Annabelle nudged her side, and she caved, “I guess…”
Looking away at the horizon where leaden-coloured clouds in their endless swirls engulfed the hills, she fidgeted with one golden button. “Do you think I messed things up?”
“I’m not the one you should ask that question.” Annabelle tilted her head and raised her eyebrows indicating where Hamid and Luke were standing and engaged in an animated conversation.
For the first time in hours, she didn’t avert her gaze when Hamid noticed it, which seemed to encourage him to walk in their direction followed by Luke, both still talking enthusiastically. Their voices growing closer. When they arrived, Elizabeth’s shoulders tensed, and she only listened while Annabelle and Hamid talked about art.
Inspired by the light and wind, Annabelle asked Luke to pose mounting one of the horses, and she took many pictures with the mobile.
“For reference,” she explained to Hamid, who was curious about the concept.
A few moments later, the employees from Edgewater returned and Elizabeth exchanged a few words with them. With everyone minding their own businesses, Briar and Edmund took the opportunity to slip together to explore the ruins and Elizabeth decided to take a walk by herself, working on the lines of a possible dialogue with Hamid later.
A gentle tap on her shoulder caught her attention. A familiar presence standing behind her.
“Can we talk or are you still mad at me?” Hamid asked when she turned around to face him.
“I was not mad!”
Tilting his head, he simply smiled and gave her a knowing look. That look she’s so familiar by now and means he’s not buying it.
Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she didn’t back down, “I was reasonably explaining why you can’t do this sort of risky thing!”
“Then if you’re not mad, why are you still making that face every time you look at me?” He mockingly imitated her expression, narrowing his deep brown eyes and pressing his lips together in a thin line that curled downward in the edges.
“I don’t look like that!” she huffed, trying to keep a serious expression, too self-conscious of the way lines had definitely been creasing the area between her eyebrows.
“Of course not. Yours is angrier, but cuter. Like the angriest tiny kitten that you should fear but want to cuddle...”
She huffed again, “I don’t like when you do that.”
“Compliment your cuteness?”
“Say I’m tiny...” she snorted, “It’s rude!”
“Seriously? That’s what you’ve chosen to pick on what I said, Liz?” he asked getting cautiously closer. “Am I upsetting you? Do you want me to leave?”
“No...” she mumbled and dared look him in the eye. Biting the inside of one cheek, she was feeling too embarrassed and uncomfortable with this exchange. It was the opposite of what she had been rehearsing in her mind.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. Or overstep. You’re a grown man and you can do whatever... risky and stupid thing you want… But... as your friend… I needed to warn you and –”
“You worry about me,” Hamid interrupted, saying the words she couldn’t. Welcomed by the way he smiled so openly, not a hint of judgement in his eyes, she nodded.
“I get it, and I appreciate it. I’m not used to people outside my family worrying about me.”
“Are we... okay?”
Smiling, he bent the arm closer to her, and with a flourish offered the crook of his elbow. “May I join your walk, my lady?”
“Are you back to your prince’s character?”
Gazing at her eyes, he said softly, “Today, I prefer that we simply be Hamid and Elizabeth, if you don’t mind.”
The butterflies in her stomach fluttered and tried to escape through her mouth, and she could barely answer him with a soft “Not at all.”
She linked her arm with his, and he took her hand and adjusted it in the crook of his elbow. Even after it was right in place, his hand remained over hers. Elizabeth had no intention in addressing the matter or ask him to remove it, on the contrary. The warmness of his hand spread and reached her chest and cheeks. It was always wonderful to enjoy the feeling of his soft and warm skin against hers, and his face transpired a similar enjoyment.
In comfortable silence they walked down a path framed by ancient oaks, distancing from the ruins and the place everyone else was. It was easy to forget the world in moments like these.
The wind blowing more insistently kept sweeping his hair until his hair products gave up, and she smiled at how messy and cute it became.
“Look at that!” he laughed, pointing at a flock of magpies in one of the trees.
Slowing their pace, they recited the nursery rhyme together pointing at each bird on the branches.
“And seven for a secret, never to be told,” she said looking at him, the lilt of her laughter and a smile crinkling the corners of her eyes.
“Nine! There’s definitely nine!”
“You missed two that flew away.” Hamid pointed at the grey skies and recited the remaining verses like she taught him in the park, “Eight for a wish and nine for a kiss. How fortunate!”
“So, there will be a kiss in your future...”
“Our future,” he stressed the word.
“You saw nine,” she corrected with humour, “I did not...”
“Oh! In this case I must share my good fortune with you.”
He winked for good measure and red bloomed in her cheeks.  
“Oh! How kind of you!” she teased but looked away, when he chuckled. Her heart thumping louder and faster against its cage. Forcing herself to look back at him and meet his gaze and amused grin, she saw an opportunity; her next words slipped from her lips in a lower but steady voice, “I wonder why you would be so kind to me...”
His lips uncurled and there was no laughter this time. Positioning himself in front of her, Hamid took both her hands in his, not minding how cold and moist they were.
“Do I really need to explain myself?” Bowing his head, he smiled; and she looked up. His dark brown eyes sparkled despite the sunlight barely succeeding in breaking through a sea of dark clouds. “I wanted to kiss you since we met. The only question is: do you want me to or not?”
To be honest, she has wanted to kiss him for most of the time they have known each other, and not in a friendly way.
With anticipation, her lips rolled inside her mouth and her tongue moistened them, like it did other times. His hooded eyes stared at her lips, making her heart race. However, her doubts glued her in place, preventing her from closing that gap that decreased with each short intake of breath.
Her throat became as dry as when she walked through the Atacama that vacation long ago. She could drink an entire bottle now, or maybe it was time to simply get drunk of him, ignoring that little voice inside of her head that sounds too much like her grandmother these days and let her future self worry about everything else. 
Alas that was a thing she could do...
Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders and focused on the soothing motion of his thumbs stroking the backs of her hands.
“After what you said... at your flat... I... I was under the impression you would rather kiss someone else...”
His lips parted while he tried to recall the conversation she mentioned. “Someone else?” Hamid asked, his confusion frowning his brow. “I wonder what I could’ve possibly said that has led you to this conclusion, Liz...”
While she collected her thoughts, a sharp cry cut the air and a noisy flock of birds flew away, startling them. A wail impossible to ignore irrupted from the ruins.
They looked at each other and mumbled at the same time, “Briar.”
This was the cue for them to run. Holding hands, they sprinted to the entrance of the collapsed building just as a wide-eyed Edmund exited carrying Briar bride-style.
“What happened?”
“She fell. I – I think she sprained an ankle,” Edmund cried, and Luke examined the bare foot.
“It hurts.” Briar moaned and pressed the black heeled boot she was holding tight against her chest.
“I’ll take her home and call Dr. Collins.”
“The van,” Elizabeth cried and pointed at the vehicle, “It’s faster.”
Edmund nodded and changed direction, dashing to the vehicle in a surprising speed.
“What if she broke a bone?” Annabelle asked.
“Maybe she should go to the hospital...” Hamid pondered, and they all agreed.
“There’s not enough room for everyone...” Luke inspected the back of the van filled with items from the picnic and no seats available.
“Who will go with her?” Hamid said, looking between Briar and Elizabeth for directions, but the first wasn’t looking at him and the latter didn’t answer. Elizabeth’s entire body stiffened, the hospital was the last place she could go now, and she hoped Annabelle or Luke would offer to go instead.
While easing Briar into the passenger seat, Edmund didn’t wait for the deliberation and said he’d go. “As soon as we have news, I’ll call you.”
Leaning against the passenger window, Annabelle looked seriously at Briar. “I will refrain from telling you now heels were a terrible decision until we know how serious your injury is!”
Despite the pain, Briar snorted and hugged Annabelle.
“Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone!”
Edmund took a seat beside her and, immediately, her head leaned on his shoulder, and he encircled her with one arm.
As the man in white closed the door and started the engine, Elizabeth stared at the van moving away, wondering if she should’ve suggested that someone else accompanied Briar instead of Edmund. Moorfield is a small city and a visit to the hospital from a member of one of the most illustrious families in the region with a woman who is not his fianceé might cause a fuss.
“Don’t worry, Liz.” Hamid placed a comforting hand on her back, meeting her eyes with an encouraging smile. “Briar will be alright.”
“Will she really?” Elizabeth murmured still observing the van disappearing beside the trees.
“What do you mean?”
“Sorry, I'm just thinking out loud...”
He leaned closer and whispered, “He likes her.”
Of course, he knows. It shouldn’t surprise her. Besides, Briar and Edmund were not discreet or concerned in hiding their mutual interest this weekend.
“It’s easy to recognize the look on the face of a man in love...” 
“Love?” Elizabeth echoed with a grimace, her eyes darting to his face. “They've seen each other a handful of times!”
“Don’t give me that look!” He chuckled and one of his fingers gently tapped the tip of her nose. Her nose and eyes scrunched, and she made one of the adorable faces he never gets tired.
“There’s no rule. Some people need time, others simply know...”
“Oh, please! It’s not always about love,” she protested, knowing that there are several other feelings that could be involved.
His shoulders raised almost to his ears, and he let them drop with a wistful smile. “What can I say, canım benim[1]? I’m a romantic.”
“You and Briar are the same,” she snorted, “Throwing the L-word around… saying people who barely know each other are in love…” 
“Who else Briar thinks is in love and barely know each other?”
She gasped, “I never said that!”
Turning around, Elizabeth fished her mobile inside her pocket and pretended to read some “urgent notification”, like she told him, staring at the screen for a long moment until the faint smell of the first drops quenching the soil somewhere near the horizon reached her nostrils and reminded her of the incoming rainstorm.
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A quarter after 3pm, the five horses and the four riders arrived safe and dry at the stables. The animals were left at the care of Mr. Walton and his industrious hands, and the four friends walked out cheering but were beaten by the storm in their race back to the manor.
The wind slammed a door, threatened to flip inside out the umbrellas Elizabeth and Luke carried and roused the crowns of trees at the main pathway, inviting them to an eerie dance.
The grey skies tumbled, afternoon turning into night. Cascading cold water washed over and the temperature dropped several degrees, or so it felt after every gush of wind.
The cold, however, didn’t deter the two who declined the umbrellas offered. Laughing and kicking and splashing the water running like a river at their feet, tilting their faces up and sticking their tongues out, they welcomed the drops as the most precious gift of nature.
Elizabeth will never question the benefits of rain. However, given the option she’ll always pick warm sunny days over rainy ones whenever she’s outside and the umbrella cannot protect her against the lashing cold drops.
The longer they stay outside, the more her pants got drenched and her lips quivered; fortunately, the terrace’s steps came to view. Just a few more metres. When she got to dry land with Luke, she dared looking back at the others.
In the pouring rain, arms stretched to the fullest, Hamid and Annabelle held each other’s hands swirling and laughing like it was the first time they were seeing rain.
Her ponytail was stuck to the neck, while locks of his black hair were glued to the forehead and sides of his face.
“I can’t remember the last time I played in the rain!” Annabelle cried, speaking louder than the pitter-patter of the rain against the roof, when they came running to the terrace laughing.
Elizabeth cannot remember either. The last she voluntarily stayed outside in the rain must have been when she was a kid and definitely before her mother got sick. After that, she became increasingly cautious about her own health: eating fruits and vegetables, taking vitamins, avoiding rain and dangerous activities and, most important, she’d do everything possible not to get sick, because she couldn’t afford being unwell and burden her mother. Later, whenever her mother’s health decreased and she needed to be cared, Elizabeth couldn’t bare the idea of doing something stupid and selfish and letting her down... That was the main reason she rarely travelled by herself for longer than a few days; or why she avoided drinking entirely. Except for that one time at seventeen when the prognostic was bad and her mother stayed over a month at the hospital, and she got so utterly sloshed with cheap wine with her friend Renata, she barely remembers anything that happened that weekend and how they came back home from the clubs; even the hangover that lasted an entire day and caused her to miss school at Monday was welcomed. It was good to feel something other than despondent for a change, even if it were the queasiness in her stomach and the obnoxious headache that pounded like a tambourine inside of her head.
Hamid asked something, interrupting her thoughts.
Her brain barely processed the question, and she looked at his eyes closer than anticipated, trying to find out if she missed a long bit of a conversation. Luke and Annabelle were not around anymore.
How long was she silently staring at the rain?
“Are you alright?” The neutral tone didn’t match the concern in his eyes.
How long was she silently staring at the rain?
“Just cold.” To be more convincing, she hugged herself tighter to keep warm, and a tight-lipped smile curled the corners of her lips without reaching her eyes.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? The rain makes everything more poetic.”
“Does it?” she asked. “I can think of a million ways the rain makes everything worse: traffic gets slower, drives us out of the beach during summer, turns everything sad and grey and wet and cold… and makes people sick. And I have a tight schedule. I can’t get sick! So, no, I don’t think it’s poetic.”
“Again, you are being too pragmatic.”
“Or are you being too much of a romantic?”
“I can’t deny that.”
A bright smile in his face, he leaned closer, making sure the wet coat hanging from his arm didn’t drip all over her. Despite the coat being impermeable, the rain had seeped through the collar and darkened his blue jumper, and her eyes followed the droplets still dripping from his hair, running down his face and soaking the fabric.
“But what about how beautiful the world looks? The way puddles reflect the light and façades of buildings? Or the thrill of dancing in the rain?”
“Dancing?” She shook her head. “It only works in movies...”
Slinging his arm over Elizabeth’s shoulders, droplets of water from his hair dripped and ran down his face and peppered her jacket. Too close to her ear, Hamid said, “If you’d give it a try, it’d change your mind. It’s the kind of refreshing experience that reminds how amazing it is to be alive! I’ll happily join you if you wish to try...”
“You know what would truly make me feel amazing right now?” she asked looking up at his face and meeting his eyes.
“Please do tell,” he purred, “especially if it’s something I can provide.”
“Dry clothes and warm chocolate.”
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Briar returned from the hospital in time to have one mug of hot chocolate before the two-thermos bottles were completely emptied. A minor injury that resulted in zero broken bones, she told them, but ruined her plans to go out tonight.
“The bad news is I can’t go out with you, guys tonight…” she lamented, “It’s so unfair! I brought the cutest costume to wear tonight.”
To make her feel better, Edmund was catering to her every need, which included an icebag for her ankle, pain medication, a raspberry scone, and the first volume of the published journals of Countess Clara.
“We should stay in, anyway,” Annabelle suggested, “Anything we would do there, we can do here.”
“And in better company,” Hamid added with a charming smile.
While Elizabeth, Annabelle, Hamid, and Luke played another round of Just Dance, Briar had skipped most of the entries of the journal and went straight to the ones about the duel. Reading the most interesting parts aloud, she often stole the competitors' concentration... and was influencing the scores – whether it was on purpose or not, one could only suppose.
“Oh, my God!” Briar gasped. “This is sooo good!”
When nobody asked a follow-up question, she teased some more in a louder sing-a-song voice.
“I know why Lady Clara was so fond of the ruins!”
“You got to that part?” Edmund asked without raising his eyes, too focused on the task of rubbing anti-inflammatory gel on her injured foot.
“Which part?” Elizabeth asked, missing precious points while Hamid nailed all the moves.
“The saucy part!” Briar giggled. “The prince was smooth! Using that last night on earth line on her… Girl dropped her panties like that!” Briar snapped her fingers, then flipped a page. “Listen to this: ‘The moonlight illuminated Hamid’s features while he slowly removed his cape, then his kaftan. My gaze devoured every bit of skin uncovered, and my hand ached to touch him…’ Is it hot in here?” She fanned herself dramatically and Edmund handed her a glass of water.
The game couldn’t compete with the curiosity stirred by the descriptive details of the prince’s physique that followed and after forty-five minutes of uninterrupted dance, some of the players needed a break.
“That lady got dicked down good!” Briar let Hamid read over her shoulder the next paragraphs. “Outdoors pre-marital sex with a hot guy she was not engaged to in 1816: lady was living the life! I stan!”
When she finished reading the parts aloud, Luke, who had plopped in an armchair closer to the windows and observed the rain, asked, “Can we play something else?”
“Why?” Hamid asked. “This is so fun!”
“Only because you don’t suck at it...” Annabelle teased, nudging his side.
“Don’t come at me if you can’t keep up with my moves,” he retorted pulling an intricate combination of steps, she rolled her eyes and they laughed good-naturedly.
“I could use a break...” Elizabeth admitted taking a seat.
“Maybe another round of CoD?” Edmund suggested, and Briar looked puzzled.
“Call of Duty? The combat game?”
“Yes, please,” Briar said, “I don’t know how to play, but I want to kill zombies too!”
“Of course, darling. Hamid can sit this one out, he sucks anyway!”
“Hey,” Hamid protested. “I’m a pacifist. I don’t see the point on blowing anyone’s head off…”
“They’re zombies! Stop making poor excuses,” Annabelle teased.
“Why don’t we play the real zombie game!” Elizabeth said already fumbling inside the box. “Wake the Dead is so good! In the multiplayer we can kill all sorts of zombies.”
While they were preparing for the next game, Annabelle excused herself to go to the lavatory, and Elizabeth heard voices in the corridor.
“Did you hear that?”
“I didn’t hear a thing...” Luke shrugged, while texting.
“It sounded like Theresa’s laugh.”
“Very funny,” Edmund retorted, throwing his stepsister a dirty look.
“I’m not joking.”
“There’s someone outside,” Hamid said, and as if on cue, Theresa’s nasal voice was unmistakable heard through the walls. Instantly, Briar pulled her legs and Edmund bolted upright from his spot on the sofa.
“What’s she doing here?” he asked in a low tone, while rubbing his menthol-scented hands against his trousers, and Elizabeth shrugged.
“Your fiancee, dude... If anybody should know...”
Muttered a string of swearing under his breath, Edmund picked his mobile from a side table and there were seven missed calls from Theresa and an even larger number of messages that he ignored the entire day.
An employee brought a tray with refreshments and announced Theresa’s arrival. The woman could no longer be ignored.
She politely greeted everyone with air kisses.
“Are you happy I came, Edmund?” Theresa asked with a wide smile. Edmund’s eyes squinted when she kissed the corner of his mouth, leaving a lipstick mark that she wiped with her thumb. “Your mother said you would!”
“Did she?”
“Oh! She did! She said: ‘Theresa, go to Edgewater immediately.’” She tried to mimic the countess’ voice, but it was just a lower-pitched version of her own voice. “I asked why and she said ‘because Edmund needs you by his side’ but I said I was busy with Felicity and I was going to do my hair... but she insisted, 'Pack your things now or don’t even bother coming anymore!’ The Countess is funny, I think. But I don’t get her humour sometimes…” She shook her head and grinned at the group. “What are you doing?”
“Playing video-games,” Elizabeth said lifting the controller in her hand. “Do you want to play?”
Clapping her hands, she squealed, “Yes! I do! Edmund never lets me play... Can I?” She looked at him pleadingly and he sighed. Before he could give up his controller, Elizabeth offered hers.
“Here, Theresa. You can play, I'll sit this one out.”
“That’s so kind of you, Elizabeth. Thank you.”
“You’re letting him play with his fiancé and Briar?” Hamid whispered, looking at the women sitting at both of his sides. “You’re devious.”
“I’m not!” She elbowed him. “And I’m not responsible for this situation…”
“It’ll be interesting to watch how it unfolds…”
“Indeed.” Annabelle slung her arms around Hamid and Elizabeth’s shoulders. “And you know what could make it even more interesting?” she asked, but it was simply rhetoric. “Drinking games!”
“I love drinking games!” Theresa and Briar cheered from their places at the sofa, and Annabelle couldn’t be more pleased with herself.
“Correction,” Hamid glanced at her with a sly smile, “you’re the devious one.”
[1] canım benim – Turkish expression equivalent to “my dear/my darling” and meaning literally “my soul”.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
I hope you are well! I was wondering if you could give a basic rundown of Celechwes for a beginner? Who is she, whats her deal etc?
How do I even begin to explain Celechwes of the Falas…
Maedhros: Celechwes is flawless.
Círdan: She was courted and then married to two Noldorin princes simultaneously, and bore a son who became the most successful Elven King that Middle Earth ever had.
Fingolfin: I hear she races Great Eagles for fun. [grimaces faintly] Literally ‘hear.’ She shrieks back at them.
Caranthir: I’m given the understand that she delivers mail everywhere. Even in Doriath.
Perolhaleth (her mother, OC): When she was little, her favorite tales were those of tide-sprites running around, playing tricks and nearly getting into trouble.
Midhien (one of Fingon’s elite cavalry archers, OC): One time on patrol she led a pack of wargs right to us, running just ahead of them. And when they were all dead, the prince kissed her and told her she was valiant.
Finrod: One time she yelled at me about morality and hope. …It was awesome.
Or: Celechwes is the main character of Celechwes Fixes the Noldor, my Gil-galad origin plot bunny that got way out of hand. The first chapter introduces her pretty clearly, though it deliberately omits the fact that Fingolfin made a standardized courier service immediately after the full story of the Kinslaying came out because it doubles as a spy network through which he keeps an eye on his far-flung nephews, and any Falathrim in it (and no doubt some Sindar and Avari) are also reporting to Círdan about Fingolfin’s people as much as about Fëanor’s Maedhros’s. The House of Finwë all know this, it’s part of their treaty with Círdan, but the common Noldor don’t, so Celechwes is kind of a spy, kind of a…state-sanctioned neutral-but-interested OSHA inspector but for treachery rather than workplace safety violations.
She’s very good at it, because she’s friendly, unassuming, so naturally straightforward that it’s easy to forget she can keep secrets as well, observant of both people and situations, and a little bit ruthlessly practical. She also thinks all the decisions she makes are reasonable reactions and/or solutions to the situations she faces, which is hysterical because they include things like “repeatedly bait orcs into chasing me onto Noldorin swords” and “get three-way married in defiance of all known rules of how marriage works.”
She falls rather in love with both Fingon and Maedhros, for their bold defiance against impossible odds, their defense of the lands that she loves, and many other reasons. She’s also just #1 shipper for the two of them, and would be content to not involve herself save as a friend—for her heart belongs first and foremost to the wilds of Beleriand. In a fun modern au, she’d help them get together then be a friend-with-benefits to their marriage, not herself tied in but sleeping in their bed half the nights.
This is First Age Middle Earth, however. So after research and debate on the spiritual and political mechanics, they all three marry one another in a grand political union of the heirs of Fëanor and Fingolfin and a self-appointed representative of Beleriand…discreetly; outwardly, only Celechwes and Fingon are wed; they’ll tell everyone everything once Ereinion comes of age and Maedhros and Fingolfin both appoint him as heir…
And then everything changed when the Sudden Fire attacked.
Tldr: Celechwes is what happens when I ask, “what exactly, emotionally/socially/narratively thematically, would let Maedhros and Fingon finally hook up in Beleriand after years of unspoken mutual pining in Valinor, and how do I personify it as a person biologically capable of birthing Gil-galad?” and the answer is, “someone who is to Beleriand, abandoned and wild and free, what Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron is to the untamed American West.” And then I accidentally write 50k+ about her life.
(And ironically it’s all “au” from my preferred take, which is that Gil-galad was just some guy from Nargothrond who stepped the heck up when the Noldor needed it most, so when the dust cleared, and even more that, people including the few remaining key political players decided he was King. In that “main” timeline, Celechwes still 100% exists and marries Maedhros and Fingon, though; they just don’t have time and/or have too much collective trauma [mostly Maedhros] to have a child before disaster strikes.)
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tolkienocweek · 2 years
Tolkien OC Week: a fandom event for OCs and underdeveloped characters in Tolkien's world!
This event celebrates both characters of Tolkien's world and our own characters that need more love, by creating and reblogging all kind of fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fanvideos, fancrafts, headcanons, playlists, edits, moodboards etc.
The event is modded by @yellow-feathered-faerie , @elamarth-calmagol and @stormxpadme and will take place between 25th July - 31st July 2022 for the second year running.
NSFW text entries are allowed and we’ll tag them accordingly when we reblog them, but please put them behind a “read more”.
We'll also be tracking the tag tolkienocweek during this week!
Event schedule for 2022:
Day 1 (25th July): Diversity - Whether it’s sexual orientation, gender, disability, neurodiversity, or race, create a fanwork about an OC who adds diversity to Tolkien’s world.
Day 2 (26th July): Shipping - Create a fanwork about an OC that you ship with a canon character. An established marriage, a developing queerplatonic relationship, or a one-night stand… canon compliant or AU… it can be any sort of ship you want!
Day 3 (27th July): Gaps and Ghosts - Curufin didn’t pull Celebrimbor out of thin air, so who was the other parent? Who are the Blue Wizards and where did they go? And did you know that the ringbearer was originally written as Bilbo’s son Bingo? Create a fanwork based around an abandoned or never-established character, or flesh out someone who we know nothing about, such as Nazgûl #6.
Day 4 (28th July): Mary Sues - Do you have an OC who is Galadriel’s powerful younger daughter, sent to modern times for her protection, who reappeared as a teenager just in time for her to join the Fellowship? Well, so do I! Here is your permission to use any and every Mary Sue trope you can think of in your fanwork. Modern girls in Middle Earth. Self inserts. Tenth walkers. Play it straight or make it a parody, we’ll take anything.
Day 5 (29th July): Background Characters - Who else was watching Frodo’s song at the Prancing Pony? What’s it like to be a rank-and-file Fëanorian, going into exile over an argument that has nothing to do with you? How does it feel to work at the Houses of Healing, unable to stop your patients from dying of the black breath? Create a fanwork exploring a character you would find in the background of the main action.
Day 6 (30th July): Original Peoples- Instead of just one character, create a fanwork about a group of people who aren’t explored in canon, like the Avari, the Drúedain, the dwarves of the Iron Hills, or anything else you imagine might exist in Middle Earth. You can even invent your own race of speaking people!
Day 7 (31st July): Freeform - OC week is all about freedom, so today, create a piece of fanwork about whatever you want!
We are looking forward to see and share all the awesome work you come up with!
Since we want to celebrate creations about neglected characters all year long, the mods will occasionally reblog posts and fancreations about OCs and underdeveloped characters. If you would like to see your post on our blog, you're very welcome to tag tolkienocweek. Since tumblr's tagging system is often being faulty, don't hesitate to message us, too!
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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ackerfics · 3 years
the parent trap — levi ackerman (i)
— levi ackerman x female reader (modern au | the parent trap au)
— warnings: none, just two adorable little boys being idiots
— summary: two boys discovered that they are connected in more ways than they expected.
— word count: 6k (oops i regret nothing)
— author’s notes: i watched the parent trap recently and i had to do this. everything in this multi-part fic will be based on the parent trap and most of the dialogue can be found in the movie. this chapter doesn’t contain that much levi and the reader (they’re mentioned tho) but it contains bickering between two kids. happy reading !!
part two
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Bright gray eyes stared out the window, onyx hair being ruffled by the wind, as the bus’ engine finally stopped at its destination with dozens of boys excitedly finding friends under the cooling canopy of trees of Camp Eldia for Boys. It was a good kind of chaotic, a boy of eleven thought even though he wasn’t used to so many people in one place at the same time (his dad hated it), as he kept his eyes peeled for an orange duffel bag. It was a bright shade and he couldn’t afford to lose it in this horde — he didn’t want to damage it, knowing that his dad specifically bought it for this summer getaway. A shoulder bumped into him, causing the young boy to lose his footing, but not before directing an icy glare at the person, who scurried away after getting a glimpse of his face. Huffing under his breath, he steadied himself while patting his shorts and denim jacket, catching a familiar orange in the pile of duffel bags as he rose his head. 
“There you are,” he whispered under his breath with a smile pulling on his lips, his feet carrying him to the pile. The moment he caught hold of the straps of the bag, a scowl replaced his smile, exclaiming, “For fuck’s sake!” as the camp’s staff dumped a lot of bags on top of his. Noticing the incredulous stare given to him by the green-eyed adult, the boy directed his irritated glare from the pile to him. “Do you need something? Or are you going to dump more bags in this pile?”
The green-eyed man rose his hands as if surrendering. “Chill, little dude, you can always get it out.”
The boy rolled his eyes.
“Okay, rude,” the staff murmured, walking away from the struggling kid. “Kids these days, having undercuts and piercings at a young age.”
The black-haired boy continued pulling on his duffel, occasionally cursing in various volumes. He didn’t realize someone timidly coming up beside him, looking between him and the orange bag. Right when he was about to call for help from the adults, the silver-eyed boy turned around, only to jump with his back on the bags at the sight of a boy his age looking at him curiously. Damn it, his lessons in social interaction with his nanny weren’t getting to him at the moment. “Hi,” he muttered, wary of the boy still staring at him with a tilted head. “Can I help you?”
“I think you’re the one who will be needing help,” the boy replied, nodding at the bags. “You know, with that.” A stretch of silence rang through while two pairs of eyes continued staring at each other, one narrowed while the other kind, the owner of the latter now walking to the pile of bags. “Here, let me help.” The boy effortlessly pulled on the strap of the orange duffel, the bag now free from the confines of the pile. The silver-eyed boy looked at the other person with wide eyes. Okay, maybe he wasn’t the same age as him, maybe he was a little older. The boy was taller than him by inches and it made him feel small. “First time in camp? I can tell since you weren’t fast enough in getting your bag from the staff.” The boy nodded at the adults flitting through the throng of pubescent boys. “My name’s Michael. What’s yours?”
As the black-haired boy opened his mouth to give it to his newly found friend (surprise for his dad because he made a friend hours after telling him he will have trouble getting one with his snappy attitude), the brown-haired, green-eyed man from earlier shouted, “Altair Ackerman!”
He rose his hand, “Right here!”
“You’re in the Ehrmich cabin!”
Altair nodded, turning back to Michael, who was grinning. “We’re in the same cabin.”
It wasn’t meant to be sarcastic but given the fact that he grew up with an always annoyed man as his father (though his dad was never seen with a scowl when he was around), Altair picked up some of the older man’s habits. The silver-eyed boy took in a deep breath and roamed his eyes around the camp, the countryside of his hometown reminiscent inside his mind, clogging his chest with nostalgia out of nowhere. He was starting to miss the hectares of small tea trees surrounding their estate that seemed to clear the air whenever he took his morning walks, even their quaint little tea shop boring their last name in the middle of their town (well, it was quaint but their numbers are increasing around their state, which is insane). After eight weeks of being with people he barely even knew, Altair was in for a wild ride. He would much rather race through their estate on his horse, Nox, than participate in friendship rituals or whatever camps do during the summer (don’t forget the camp sing-alongs that his father warned him about, giving him second thoughts at the last minute).
Every hour of his flight to Maine was spent thinking about why his father decided to ship him off to the other end of the country. For what? Altair will never know.
A honk interrupted Altair from his thoughts, eyeing the sleek black car entering the camp’s premises with furrowed brows. He can hear Michael express his awe beside him. Who in their right mind would choose to ride a borderline limousine inside a summer camp?
“Dang, the person in that must have a lot of money,” Michael stated.
Altair only narrowed his eyes in slight scrutiny. His small family also has a lot of money but he never once suggested to his dad that he will be arriving in camp with his horse. Plus, poor Nox wouldn’t want to be cooped up inside a ship just for that. “Maybe,” he muttered in reply to his friend. “Hey, do you play poker? My dad gave me cards for this trip.”
“I don’t know how to play poker but you can always show me the ropes.”
As the two boys went inside their cabin and greeting some of their roommates, the black car opened, along with a lean man surveying the camp with a watchful eye. Most of the children had their eyes curiously stuck on the vehicle and the man with light brown hair had to hold in his smug smile at their dashing entrance. Ducking down to address the person inside the car, he opted for smiling encouragingly at the onyx-haired boy — he doesn’t want to bite down his tongue in front of young children because that would be embarrassing. Feet enclosed in dress shoes stepped outside of the black car, beholding the sight of an eleven-year-old boy clad in a gray suit jacket and matching short pants. His hair fell right past his ears and touching the nape of his neck in tidy wavy locks, his hand clutching his stationery box.
The man behind the boy smiled before saying, “Here we are — Camp Eldia for Boys.” The man followed the boy, who was walking towards the side of the car with wide, admiring eyes. “We traveled all the way from London for this.”
The boy of silver eyes chuckled, the sound twinkling in the air. “It’s rather picturesque,” he glanced at the man with a huge grin, “don’t you think?”
The light-brown-haired man swatted a mosquito hovering close to his face, turning to the child with a sigh. “Not exactly the term I would use in describing this,” he paused, looking around the vicinity with narrowed eyes, “place.” He didn’t want to be rude now that he saw how the young boy stared at the cabins with bright eyes. He took the box from the boy’s hand, the latter giggling at his friend’s unamused face, and took out a small notebook and a pen from the inner pockets of his suit. Opening it to a checklist, he started, “Now, let us review your mother’s list.” At the sound of the young boy humming lightheartedly, he continued with a small smile, “Vitamins?”
The boy grinned. “Check.”
“List of daily fruits and vegetables?”
“Check. Check.”
The man stopped, staring at the onyx-haired boy with a raised eyebrow.
The young kid laughed. “Check for the fruits and another check for the vegetables. Go on.”
With a satisfied smile, the man continued listing items from the list — sunblock, lip balm, insect repellant, and the stamps that the boy will be using for the weekly letters. Then, he also gave reminders for the photographs if ever the kid misses his family members. All of this was answered with a huge smile, claiming the young boy had all of those in check, adding a, “You don’t need to worry. I got everything handled and packed safely in my luggage.”
“Oh, and before I forget, here’s a little something from Hange.” The older man presented something from his suit with a smirk. “Spanking new deck of cards. Maybe you’ll actually find someone on this continent who can whip your tush at poker.”
“I doubt it,” came the reply. The black-haired boy swayed on the balls of his feet, an endearing smile plastered on his face. “Thanks for bringing me here, Oluo.”
Oluo Bozado, the butler of the esteemed [Last Name] family was a dear person to the little boy and the extended members of the household, seeing as he witnessed how the mistress of the household took care of the young boy all by herself until he was a bright child ready for all sorts of adventures. Looking at the child of bright stormy eyes and hair as dark as midnight, the brown-haired man felt his lips tremble with the thought that his young master was starting to experience what it was like away from family. It was only a week before that the boy’s mother decided to present more opportunities for her son while she was away for a business trip in Greece. 
It was a great decision to bring along the child but it was more suited for him to mingle with people his age, knowing that he was homeschooled all his life. Now, Oluo was trying hard not to bawl his eyes out in the middle of this blasted summer camp so instead, he spread his arms for the little boy to give him a goodbye. Sniffing occasionally, Oluo muttered with conviction, “Now, you remember, if you ever change your mind and want me to come here and collect you at the end of the camp — we’re all only one phone call away.”
Chuckling at the antics of the butler, the dark-haired boy pulled away and patted the man’s back. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine. You, Hange, and Mum shouldn’t worry too much. Though, Hange wouldn’t worry that much since they’re responsible for this suggestion. Nevertheless, I’m a big boy now. See you in eight weeks, Oluo, old pal.”
Oluo huffed lightheartedly. “I’m not that old, you know. It’s just the face. Keep safe, Caelum.”
Caelum grinned knowingly. The two then started doing their signature pact of friendship, which the child orchestrated the moment he started to be aware of his surroundings. Their hands clapped against each other, bumping their hips along an imaginary beat, sliding past one another, and ending the small show with a firm handshake and a smile on their faces. Oluo smiled softly and affectionately ruffled Caelum’s hair, making the wavy curls more pronounced. “Have fun, little prince.”
“I will.”
One week in camp and everything was going the way Caelum expected it to be. He made friends with a few campers, who were all chattering about how cool he was while entering the camp a while back, saying that he looked like a noble. All of their remarks will always be brushed off by the dark-haired boy. There was partial truth in what they were saying, his mother’s family solely responsible for why he acted like the way he is — regal. For a shorter explanation, Caelum was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Plus, he was spoiled a lot by his Mum’s best friend, Hange, who lived with them for he could remember.
(“Do you want to know why I live here, little bean? Except for being a freeloader—ow, I’m just having a laugh, [Name]! If you’ll excuse that interruption, I live here because this has been my home. Your Mum’s family accepted me after I came out to my parents. Aaaand, I get to see your cute face every day!”)
There were so many things that he loved while being on this little escape. One, this place was full of sunshine and laughter compared to his home back in London, not that he hated the gloomy thunderstorms and the sounds of the city back home, but it was nice to finally relax under the blinding rays of the sun. Two, the games were glorious, having to play alongside children around his age. It was exhilarating in the smallest of ways and it warmed Caelum’s heart. After getting their lunch inside the cafeteria (which consisted of a strange encounter from one of the camp directors, Nile Dok, saying that he saw someone who looked a lot like Caelum seconds before acknowledging him), the little boy roamed around the camp beside his friends. Ahead of them was a small gathering of campers and a staff, Eren Jaeger, Caelum learned. The adult was saying along the lines of challenging the reigning champion of fencing.
Caelum had to hold back his scoff.
He had a fencing teacher once and he was told that he could best anyone even if he would do it halfheartedly. Maybe it was the nostalgia bringing in the drive to be the said challenger but the silver-eyed boy found himself saying, “Can I challenge him?”
Eren didn’t look up from his clipboard as he answered, “Finally, someone stepped up. Okay, you can suit up there, buddy. Your fellow campers will help you get ready.”
“Got it.”
Once he was fitted with the white fencing suit, Caelum wiggled his arms as he released a deep breath. It’s been a while since he prepared for another spar, almost a year now, and he could only hope that he wasn’t rusty. Running his hand through his thick hair, Caelum placed the helmet snug around his head. Without waiting for their referee (who looked like they wanted to be at another place at the moment), the onyx-haired boy faced his opponent. He sized up the boy in front of him with blank eyes. It looked like they were of a similar build, with the boy bouncing at his feet every few seconds, which irked Caelum in the slightest. Maybe this would be the moment to be serious in something he thought he used only to pass the time. Lowering his stance with bended knees, Caelum neutrally positioned himself so that his opponent wouldn’t know if he was in the offense or defense. 
“Fencers ready?” Eren asked the two of them, eyes flitting between the two boys.
The boy in front of Caelum said, “Ready,” in the exact voice as him that it unnerved the black-haired boy.
Shaking his head, Caelum flipped his saber expertly in the air. “All set.”
“Tch, show-off.”
The silver-eyed boy felt his insides churn with annoyance.
“En garde, fence!”
Caelum immediately forwarded a couple of steps, taunting his opponent with light jabs as the other person defended his torso against Caelum’s attacks. Once he had the boy in the green fencing suit backed against the trees with nowhere to turn, the last thing Caelum expected was to have his adversary dashing for one of the trunks, gaining momentum for a second and jumping on the surface of the tree in a graceful turn, the other boy’s saber slashing the direction of the silver-eyed boy’s stomach. Caelum backed away with a jump at the last second, successfully dodging the boy’s attack, to which he failed to notice the glint of metal shooting towards his head. With his instincts, Caelum ducked down and made a counter-attack, zoning his attention on the opening on his opponent’s knees brandishing for his attention. Annoyance once again prickled Caelum’s being, bubbling in his stomach and reaching towards his head in migraine, as the other boy parried his consecutive offensive maneuvers until they circled the entire area for the camp’s games.
The onlookers could see how the two mirrored each other. When Caelum went for the overhead jab, the other boy would strike his rival’s lower body. It was a dance of parries and counter-attacks that some of them were starting to feel dizzy from all the constant back-and-forths between the two children. Even Eren, who was starting to think that accepting this job for the summer was a total waste, perked up while the two boys continued meeting their weapons in parries as their little feet brought them to where the pavilion was situated. The green-eyed man even called for one of his friends, Reiner Braun, to watch the exciting fencing tournament. With bated breath, every pair of eyes watched as the boy in green had his saber thrown away by a flick of Caelum’s sword, leaving the former with nowhere to go and no weapon to deflect the point of the saber’s tip on his chest.
Right when the audience thought the two were done (Eren was about to announce the winner), the boy in green lost his balance from Caelum’s push, his body going over the railings of the pavilion and into the small washing area by the side of the establishment.
“What the fuck?!”
Caelum swore he heard the entire audience gasp.
The only question in his mind was ‘what was the reason?’ Was it the curse words or the fact that he just pushed his opponent in a tub of water that could’ve seen better days?
Pursing his lips, the silver-eyed boy leaned over the railings and reached out a hand. “Sorry about that, let me help you.”
“No, let me help you.”
Water entered Caelum’s helmet as he toppled over from the force of the other boy’s pull. He slowly looked over at the other person occupying the tub of water after sitting up. He could feel his eye twitch from behind the soaked helmet. There was a distinct chatter in the background, asking both boys if they were alright. Eren might have called over his friends and now they were fussing over the two with concerned and amusing questions. And yet, Caelum never strayed his glare from the person in front of him. 
“What did you do that for?” Caelum seethed.
“Me?!” The boy all but screamed at his face, his hands gesturing between them. “You pushed me in, you idiot!”
“I did not!”
“I’m sorry I ruffled your feathers, gentleman,” the boy spat.
“Okay!” Eren interjected, coming forward and crouching to meet the boys’ eyes. His earlier expression of boredom was now switched into something bright as he looked back and forth the two boys. “That was awesome, little dudes! Are you sure you two didn’t enter any kind of fencing competition?” When he saw that the two had opposing answers, he grinned. “Campers,” he called out to the children surrounding him, “I think we have ourselves a new camp champion, from London, England — Caelum [Last Name]!” Eren stood up to his full height, watching as the two boys took off their helmets, backs facing one another. The said champion shaking his head and splashing water droplets like a dog while the other boy raked his hand over his short hair, slicking back his haircut. The green-eyed man noticed something from the two but he extinguished his curiosity with a, “Alright, dudes, shake hands. We love and promote sportsmanship in this household.” Preventing a chuckle from coming out since the boys didn’t budge from their positions, Eren once again tried, “Come on, little dudes.”
Altair has never been surprised even once in his life but the moment right now shook his entire world.
It was like viewing himself in the mirror.
Even though the boy in front of him had longer hair, there was no mistaking how his heart was pounding inside his chest, breath taken away at the uncanny resemblance between him and this boy from England (posh accent and all). He vividly read somewhere that seven people around the world looked exactly like a single individual, remembering how he thought that was cool enough for his seven-year-old brain. Maybe this was it. But he knew better because the more he stared shell-shocked at the boy with waves for hair, the more the feeling like he knew him bubbled inside his stomach. The boy seemed to think similar thoughts as him at the moment, stretching his hand for a tentative handshake that was long overdue (probably a couple of minutes, like Altair cared). 
A zap.
A bolt of electricity.
It trickled in Altair’s whole arm until he pulled away from the boy’s grasp.
He was never big on physical contact, to begin with. Yeah, that’s the reason why he pulled away so quickly and not the possibility of sharing something common with the boy who looked like him. Brushing everything off just like his dad always did, Altair scoffed, purposely wiping his hand on his pants exaggeratedly as he stated, “Why is everybody staring at us?”
The boy stared at him like he grew a second head, which sparked irritation in his veins. “Don’t you see it?”
Altair lazily looked around. “See what?”
Furrowed eyebrows graced the pretty boy’s expression (by calling the boy pretty, he was practically calling himself pretty, and Altair had no complaints about that). “The resemblance between us, you tosser.”
“I said—“
“I heard what you said.” Altair stepped forward a little to glare at the boy. “What did you call me?”
The boy rose his chin a little in the air. “A tosser.”
“I swear to God,” Altair murmured under his breath, a smile of disbelief painted his lips, “if you don’t stop calling me names in your slang, I’d really be a tosser because I will fucking toss you and your stuck-up ass in the lake right now.” He continued surveying the boy with eyes full of disdain. “And what resemblance? I don’t see a thing because you look nothing like me.” The other boy’s face contorted into that blank mien that he was sure only him and his dad could pull off. The bags under the boy’s eyes became prominent as he matched Altair’s stare. Huffing indignantly, Altair continued, “For your information, your eyes are much closer together than mine. Your ears … it makes you look like a rat. Your teeth are crooked. Oh, and that nose? Don’t worry, those things can be fixed.” Satisfaction made Altair’s chest puff in confidence at the offended look on the boy’s visage. “You want to know the real difference between us? It’s—“
“I know how to fence and you don’t?” The boy taunted. He placed a finger on his chin as if contemplating something. “Or I have class and you don’t? Just take your pick, good sir.”
“You little shit—“
“Try me, you fu—“
“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Eren interrupted, placing a hand on both boys' shoulders. “Let’s break up this little lovefest of yours. Caelum, Altair.” Then, at the next second, the man became confused. “Altair, Caelum. Caelum? Altair? Oh, holy shit, this is giving me a whiplash.”
The following weeks were pure hell that Caelum was convinced this was his punishment for eating Hange’s stash of their favorite butter cookies. He could remember how they screamed bloody murder for whoever finished their special tin, with Caelum’s mother calming them down and saying they probably forgot eating them. Nobody knew who ate them, well, except for Oluo since the butler caught the young master in the act.
That Altair kid definitely knew how to handle a grudge, throwing pranks at Caelum left and right, causing the latter to retaliate in the most mature way possible — giving the boy who looked like him a taste of his own medicine. It all started when Caelum was defeated at poker the night after they had their fencing competition, defeated by Altair to be precise. That pompous idiot thought it was funny to taunt Caelum into diving into the lake naked and leaving him behind while Altair’s little posse took away his clothes. It was mortifying, walking back to his cabin stuttering because of the cold, no clothes to keep him warm. That spurred him to take revenge, asking for his cabinmates’ help in getting out the Ehrmich cabin’s beds for all the campers and camp directors to see. It only got worse after that. It was all fun and games until Altair got Nile Dok and his assistant, Floch Forster, in his ultimate prank to humiliate Caelum, turning the Mitras cabin into a mess of honey, whipped cream, water balloons, and feathers.
While Nile was screaming for Caelum and Altair to pack their bags, the former turned to look at his doppelganger with lifeless eyes. “You are without a doubt the lowest, most awful person on the planet.”
Altair couldn’t help but smirk devilishly. “Thank you, thank you very much.”
Nile decided that the fitting consequence was to put the two of them in the isolation cabin. Caelum doesn’t know if that will help with their situation. He was convinced they will kill each other if they’re cooped inside a smaller cabin. 
The first night in the isolation cabin was turning out quite nicely for the longer-haired boy, taking out his journal to write the significant events that happened during the day. He was peacefully enjoying his solitude that he didn’t notice Altair huff every second while glaring at the overhead light bulb that served as their only light source. At the umpteenth wordless complain, Altair had enough of it, sitting up in his bed and turned the lights off. The whole cabin was bathed in darkness, making Caelum flinch since he was immersed in writing out his inner thoughts of decapitating the person sharing his space at the moment. With an incredulous stare directed at the boy across the room, Caelum turned on the lights, which resulted in a battle between the two boys and making it seem like the isolation cabin was infested with ghosts.
After an entire week in the isolation cabin, there was a thunderstorm warning around the camp. As some of the campers screamed while looking for shelter one afternoon, Altair was organizing the posters plastered on his side of the room. The other person occupying the cabin was trying to distract himself by playing solitaire. The short-haired boy wanted to make casual talk since the silence has been stifling for the past hours but his anxiety-ridden gut got the best of him so he chose to stay quiet while fiddling with the poster of his favorite show. A strong gust of wind then blew from the opened windows, making his posters fly around the room.
Caelum looked up from putting a card on one column and immediately stood up to help the boy struggling with closing the window. “Oh, no,” he murmured when he saw the mess. With occasional glances, he planted his hands on one side of the sliding window and pushed. He didn’t miss how Altair looked at him with a weird face. The longer-haired boy didn’t care as he pushed the window, stopping the howls of the wind. Feeling the stares drilled at the side of his head, Caelum met Altair’s stare with a small half-smile before nodding towards the posters scattered over the floor. “Need help with that?” A nod was all Caelum needed to pick up the posters with Altair, a comforting silence blanketing the two boys. In the midst of their tidying up, he noticed a stuffed toy lying on top of some newspaper clippings. Thinking that Altair will act rashly again, he hesitated, “Oh, here’s your…”
Altair turned to the other boy, breathing a laugh through his nose and taking the stuffed bunny from Caelum. “Snuffles. For having a tough-boy persona, I don’t look like the kind of person who owns a stuffed toy, right?”
“Not at all, I think it’s pretty normal.” Smiles were shared, with the longer-haired boy fidgeting with his fingers, needing to break the silent atmosphere. “No pictures were ruined, right?”
“You don’t have to worry,” Altair replied with a slight smile, eyes still on the posters. “You were fast enough in helping me with the window.”
“Home has pretty much had this weather most of the month. I guess I developed the reflexes there.”
Altair hummed, looking inquisitively at the wavy-haired boy. “How far is London anyway?”
“Well, from here it’s 3,000 miles, but sometimes it seems much further. How far away is your home?”
“California’s at the other end of the country.” Altair looked at the side and picked up a photo. “Here’s a picture of my house.”
Caelum peered down at the picture and immediately thought it looked, “Amazing.”
“I know, right?” Altair flashed a proud smile. “Dad built it when I was a baby, at least that’s what he said. We got this incredible porch that has a cool view of the tea tree plantation and then there’s this pool in our backyard. Petra, my nanny, will always scold me for staying too long in the water or for walking around the plantation until nighttime. I also have this beautiful horse that Dad gave me for my tenth birthday, she’s amazing, her name’s Nox, by the way.”
“Who’s that?” Caelum pointed at a black-haired man, who only had his back on the photo. The man was dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and some jeans. Even though he never saw the man in person, there was something about that physique that screams familiarity, very much like how he first met Altair. 
The other boy blinked before grinning. “That’s my Dad. He’s like my best friend since nobody wanted to befriend me for being snappy. We kind of did everything together. He didn’t know I was taking his picture or else he would turn around and tell me to take a picture of the house instead. He doesn’t like his picture taken, says he doesn’t like the sound of the cameras or how it exposes him.”
“Why?” Caelum asked curiously with a pinch in his chest. Must be complete to have someone you can call Dad. 
Altair shrugged. “Beats me. Every time someone wants to take a picture of him and our teahouse, he would decline. But, the only pictures that he was in were the ones that have my mom in them. That disappeared when I found out about it though.” At the expression on Caelum’s face, the boy tried asking what was wrong, only to be told that the room was getting chilly. As Caelum stood up from the floor and went to his bed, Altair followed suit and opened the trunk at the end of his bed. Taking out something that always cheered him up, he lifted it so that the wavy-haired boy could see it. “Want some Oreos? I know you’ll find this weird but I eat them with peanut butter.” He then took out a jar of peanut butter from his things.
“That is weird.” Caelum saw how Altair’s face slightly dropped, so he continued, “That’s weird because I eat Oreos with peanut butter, too.”
Altair took a seat on Caelum’s bed, a few feet separating the two boys. “Finally someone who appreciates the combination. Dad always told me it’s disgusting even though I’ve seen him eat Oreos with peanut butter a couple of times for his midnight tea.” Opening the box of Oreos, Altair offered one to his newfound friend, to which Caelum took gratefully. “So what’s your dad like? Is he one of those workaholics who always go home late and leaves the house before you wake up? Or is he those types who spoil you with all the time in the world while still keeping up with his job?”
With a small smile, Caelum answered, “I don’t have a father. I mean, I had one once, I suppose, but my parents divorced years ago.” He looked down thoughtfully. “My mother never even mentions him. It’s like he evaporated into thin air or something.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair before taking another Oreo from the packaging.
“It’s scary how the way nobody stays together anymore.”
“Tell me about it.”
“How old are you?”
“I’m turning twelve on December 24.”
Altair choked, swiveling his head to the boy beside him. “That’s my birthday, too!”
“We have the same birthday,” Caelum trailed off, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “How weird is that.”
“Extremely,” the short-haired boy answered, looking out the window the next second. “Hey, would you look at that? It finally stopped raining.” Standing up from the bed, he stretched his arms into the air and sighing in satisfaction. “Come on, Cae, let’s get some popsicles from the mess hall. It’s always good to eat something cold in this weather.” He went outside the cabin until he noticed that the door didn’t open after him. Curiously, Altair looked up from the bottom of the stairs, meeting the stare of his perturbed friend. “Hey, are you alright?”
Caelum was fidgeting with his sweater, looking at anywhere except for the boy at the bottom of the stairs. He leaned against the railings before speaking out what was bothering his mind since he saw the picture of Altair’s father, “Al, what’s your mother like?”
Stuffing his hands inside his pockets, Altair answered, “She’s not exactly in the picture in our little family. I mean, she and Dad split up when I was a baby or even before that. I never met her and Dad never talks about her every time he’s at the house.” He then remembered the picture he stole from his father’s nightstand after trying to find the photo album with his parents in it. “But I know she’s really, really beautiful. Probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, even if it was just a picture I stole from Dad’s nightstand.”
“Do you have that picture right now?”
“Yeah? Hey, I’m getting hungry, let’s get some lunch.”
The wavy-haired boy turned around, leaving Altair outside of the cabin. “Don’t you realize what’s happening?” When he faced the boy following him, he saw how Altair jumped an inch at how quickly he turned around. Holding back a snicker, Caelum continued his theory, “Look, I don’t have a father and you’re also missing your mother. We’ve also never seen our missing parents. You have one picture of your mum and I also have one picture of my dad. Well, at least you have one whole picture, mine’s a pathetic crinkled little thing and ripped down the middle ...” He stopped his rambling when he saw Altair dashing his trunk. “What are you rummaging in your trunk for?”
“This.” Altair pointed at the picture in his hands. “This is the picture of my mom and it’s ripped down the middle, too.”
Caelum also went to his desk, taking out a tin box where he kept all the photos of his family members. He slid out a ripped photograph and went back to his friend’s side. “On the count of three, let’s put it together.” 
Together they shouted, “Three!”
Like puzzle pieces, the two ripped parts became a whole picture again, like the two boys inside the small cabin as they looked at each other and realized they share more than just their birthdays and love for peanut butter Oreos.
“I have this crazy yet genius idea!”
“I hope this doesn’t concern another dip in the lake.”
“No, this is better.” A crazy glint in Altair’s eyes appeared. “Let’s switch places when we go home.”
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pintsizemama · 3 years
Wrapping Presents
Day 10
Welcome to the 2021 Christmas Writing Challenge! Big thank you to Steph (@toomanystoriessolittletime) for putting this together!!!
Summary: You and Grogu wrap Christmas presents for Din
Pairings: Din Djarin x Reader, Din Djarin x You
Fandom: The Mandalorian (modern AU)
Rating: Mature 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 822
Warnings: language, kissing, fluff, references to sex…Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: This is from my A Little Rusty Mandalorian modern AU.
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“Alright, buddy,” you whispered conspiratorially to the adorable little boy next to you. “I’m letting you in on this secret because I know you won’t spill the beans to your dad before Christmas, right?” Grogu nodded, a solemn look on his adorable little face. You held up a box and some wrapping paper. “I got your dad his Christmas gift…and I want you to help me wrap it, ok?” Grogu nodded again. “Oh! I almost forgot.” You pulled out another item. “I got this for you to give your dad.” You handed Grogu a pair of dark blue socks with bright green cartoon frogs all over them. Grogu loved frogs, and you couldn’t resist when you saw the socks at the store.
“Fogs!” Grogu chirped happily.
“That’s right, buddy,” you smiled. “Frogs. Your favorite. You wanna give these to your daddy for Christmas?”
“For Dada!” He shouted in glee. You laughed and kissed him on the top of his head. You and Din had been seeing each other for almost a year now. This would be your first Christmas together, and you were so excited. Din was unlike any man you had ever met before. You mind briefly flashed to the first time he made love to you…and how he had claimed to be rusty but then proceeded to fuck you into oblivion. You shook those hot thoughts from your mind and lay out the wrapping paper.
“Do you want me to help you or do you want to try to wrap yours all by yourself?” You asked Grogu.
“Meself,” he decided.
“Ok,” you agreed. You cut a piece of paper about the size he needed and handed him some tape. “You know how to do it?” He nodded and got to work. You highly doubted that a two year old had any idea how to wrap a gift, but you shrugged and let him do his thing. Din would love it no matter what.
You quickly wrapped your present and set it aside. You turned to Grogu. You barked out a laugh when you saw the state he was in. The socks were hidden inside a balled up piece of wrapping paper that was almost completely covered in tape…and Grogu…well, Grogu was wrapped in tape like a mummy and chewing on a left over piece of wrapping paper.
“Oh, dear,” you sighed. “Let’s get you outta that.” You carefully snipped the tape and untangled the toddler. “No, no. We don’t eat paper.” You pulled the paper out of his mouth and threw it and the tape away. You turned to see Grogu standing behind you holding up the present he had wrapped.
“Aroo?” He asked. You knelt down in front of him.
“It looks awesome, buddy,” you praised. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your neck. You squeezed him tight. “Let’s find a place to hide these before your dad gets home.” He nodded and led you to his room. You watched in amazement as he pried up a floorboard and waved you over.
“You little thief,” you laughed. Hidden under the floorboards was a whole hoard of stuff. You recognized the tie Din had been going crazy looking for a few weeks ago as well as the tv remote, a watch, a pack of cookies, and countless other little treasures. You helped him put the presents in and place the floorboard back. You heard the front door open.
“Whew,” you breathed, “just in time, kiddo. Daddy’s home.” He squealed and raced out of the room to greet his dad. You trailed behind and smiled warmly when you spotted your two favorite guys in a hug. Din noticed you lingering in the doorway.
“Hey, baby,” he motioned you over. You walked to his side, and he pulled you in for a kiss. “Thanks for keeping an eye on the rugrat. Hope he wasn’t any trouble.”
“He was an angel,” you assured him.
“Good,” Din breathed a sigh of relief. Grogu could be a handful. “You guys hungry? I brought home pizza.” Grogu cheered and demanded to be put down so he could eat. He raced off to the kitchen the moment his feet touched the ground. Din took the opportunity to pull you fully into his arms and kiss you breathless.
“Fuck, baby, I missed you,” he groaned against your lips.
“Din, you were only gone an hour,” you laughed.
“Doesn’t matter,” he murmured. “Still missed you.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “He was good?”
“Yes, Din,” you reassured him. “He’s always good.” Din cocked an eyebrow. “Well, I know he can be…mischievous at times, but he’s just a kid. He doesn’t do it on purpose.”
“Yeah,” Din agreed. You both heard a ruckus from the kitchen. “We should get in there before he eats the chair.” You laughed and followed Din into the kitchen to enjoy dinner with your boys.
Day 11
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levisgirll · 3 years
hi cutie! 💖🥺
i got request for u because i know you'll make an awesome work 🥺 what about Levi's marriage proporsal headcanons/fic? i just thought he will be so sweet~ :D
you don't have to do them if you don't want to!~
take care mina, have a good day 💖🥺✨
𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
text: Heya An 🥺 tysm for your sweet words and for this amazing request!! and I would GLADY do this request :,) (i rlly hope you like it 💖) Also have a great day!! and make sure to take care of yourself, love you! ✨. this really gave me feels writing this i-
synopsis: Levi has decided to propose to Y/N after such a long tough journey and finally out of the walls. The end of the battle and the war. He wanted to live outside the walls with his only special Y/N. How will he proposal Y/N though? And how will he act?
soft & cute fluff, modern au ♡ —
Finally...Levi is going to do it 'Today'. No more backing away. He had it all planned out and everything. Why was he still...hesitant?
"I wonder how Y/N will react....will they even like the ring I got for them..?" Levi said as he was hold the ring box and looking at it.
'Wait....Will they even say yes?' He put it back on the drawer and start pacing around.
'Ugh...I cant believe this...I am actually being nervous? Fuck...I find killing 40 titans at the same time way easier than this...so much for used to being called humanity's 'strongest' solider'. Fucking hell.'
He stopped, and turned around. 'No...If I don't then someone will take Y/N away from me.' That got him back up and he finally took out the ring box he had there for a month now. He will do it. Today.
Levi is such a private man and he loves that only between you guys. Not really a big fan with bringing everyone together and all, he couldn't even think words clearly when he looks at you and stutters, so how will he do that with EVERYONE here while proposing and saying what he thinks his ‘cliché’ speech? Hell no.
He wanted it to be so special. He wanted to remember this memory and grave that in both of your minds. He was going to propose to his lover this evening.
He had the idea already figured out, and it took him around a month to prepare it and get it perfect. He was doing this all while seeing you everyday, and had to try and hide it from you. Which kind of made you a bit of suspicious. He would usually go out during the afternoon to that 'same' expensive ring shop and stand there for 3 hours trying to pick the perfect ring.
"Um...Sir, I can help you if you would like?" The retail assistant would say as she approached Levi who had such a serious look, as if he was making a life or death decision. "No. I need to pick this, cant be someone else." He would say and his eyes glued to the collection of beautiful rings. He takes a long time to buy that ring just for 'you' that day. Nothing but full of his love all poured into it as he finally picked one.
He called up the people to set up and get ready with the preparation today at 10pm.
After he hanged up, he went to his contacts and pressed 'My Dearest'.
Y/N picked up, “H-Hey Love, how are you hm?" Shit. Why did I fucking stutter, I hate my life. He would say cursing himself under his breathe.
You picked that up, and started to chuckle which made his heart flutter. "I'm alright love! Just out with Sasha and Christa shopping....Is something wrong?"
Levi: "No. Can I see you tonight at 10pm? I will pick you up." Please say yes for this....
"Hmm...Yup sure! See you then, Love you!" You said that so cheerfully that he wanted to see you 'now' and hold you.
"Great. I love you too Y/N." He said that and he was holding his phone so tightly. This is it.
It was 10pm, and Levi has picked you up. You looked so amazing and beautiful to him, that he just stood there and gazed at you so lovely, losing his focus.
You started to blush, "Levi..." you said as you waved your hand at him.
"Oh...Um...You look gorgeous." Fuck Levi why do you keep messing up, I haven't even take them there yet.
Levi then took you to one of the top 10 hotels that they had, but this one was special. It was a beach resort hotel! When you both got in to check in, everything was made in glass, sparkling everywhere. But you were the one sparkling beautifully to him.
"Oh my god Levi...I did not expect this! If you told me we were going to a beach resort I would have dressed up so pretty."
“Tch, dont be silly. You are already pretty.." He said that as his cheeks had a faint red blush.
As you guys checked in, you sat and laid on the bed on your back. “Hmm, so what is the occasion Levi?" You go straight to the point which got him off guard. Of course you would ask.
"Nothing, Just that I remembered you wanted to come here so I decided to take us both here today" His heart was now racing. He was actually going to do it. You looked outside and saw the beautiful beach shore.
“Oh lets go check it out!!". You got excited and got up from the bed.
“No! Not now...lets get comfortable and change. I even bought you a gift. If you want to wear it...and we can head to the beach shore, Hm? Ill see you there.”
Weird. Levi would always go to places with you and he has always waited for you, but today was different.
As you changed to the outfit Levi bought for you, you went towards the sliding glass door to open it and stepped outside to find Levi.
As you stepped outside and wore the sandals that was there, you headed  towards the beach shore which was kind of dark. Not much lights.
“L-Levi..!!” You yelled out, a bit nervous. As soon as you called out his name, lights started to brighten as you were approaching the shore and you see beautiful decorations that was hanged up, full of beautiful roses, lilies and others that were glooming with the light.
You see Levi standing by the shore, and he turned around. “Y/N.”
He called out your name instead of ‘love’ which meant that he was serious.
You started to get worried. What's going on? You stopped and stood beside him looking at him.
“Remember...When we first saw the ocean...and first stood at the beach shore.” He said that as his grey eyes were looking at the waves that were driven by the wind so calmly.
“Yea...I do remember it clearly. It was one of my best moments.”
He continued. “We...won, and some of our comrades survived, but...we did it and got through it and I am glad you are here alive with me.” He started to sound....sad? “I never expected this new lifestyle and to be honest, I am glad I am living it with you by my side....You.” He stopped and turned around to look at you. “Stood by my side till the end Y/N, and believed in me, but...not only that but you also saw me as a human being while everyone thought I was heartless. You gave me hope, and you started to make me feel that I deserved to be loved, and I don't think anyone would have made me feel like this if it wasn't for you.”
You stood there so startled, you eyes started to widen. Is Levi really saying this all...? You knew he was a bit talkative with you only but, this....this is different.
Levi then took out what looked like a seashell..? He was looking at it then, handed it over to you.
“Oh wow, this is so pretty!” You said amazed by how it looked and you looked back at Levi.
“Levi, Thank you for your sweet words...I am so happy hearing that from you.” You said while holding on to it, you couldn't stop smiling.
Fuck just say it Levi. “Y/N, I know I have been the hardest to love....so I want to recreate this beach shore memory with asking you something....”
As he was saying that you noticed the seashell, could open? So you did that...and you saw a beautiful diamond ring shining. You froze.
He held your free hand with both of his warm hands and caressed it, “Y/N, will you...m-marry me?” He said that as he looked directly to your eyes that was open up.
Silence. This made Levi worry so much. He looked down but then noticed tears dripping, which made him look back at you so quickly and you started tearing up as the wind started to blow your hair and the ocean waves crashing.
“Yes...I want to be your Mrs. Ackerman. I want to live the rest of my life with you!!” You said that while crying and this made Levi panic, and he quickly hugged you, covering you with his muscular arms and....he started to cry with you too.
“Y/N, thank you. I won’t fail you, I can’t wait to have moments like this for the rest of our lives.” He went back, and looked at your beautiful face, and proceed to kiss your forehead so lovely.
“Y/N!!! Levi!!” You both got startled and looked to the other side and you saw...all of your friends!
“Oh my god....guys!” You saw everyone from Levi’s squad including Hanji who was screaming out your names and all your friends started to run towards you guys.
You then noticed, the whole beach shore started to brighten and you saw beautiful wedding decorations hanged up, heart balloons, a huge long table filled with delicious savory, desserts and drinks while soft jazz music started to play.
Connie and Sasha rushed with celebration poppers and popped that to everyone and confetti's were all over both of you and everyone started to laugh including Levi.
He actually rented out the whole beach shore just for this special occasion to make a special experience, and even planned a surprise celebration after that with all of your friends.
This went on for what left like forever, and everyone headed back after congratulating both of you and you both went to your beach resort room.
You guys did not sleep that night and actually stayed up together talking about how this special evening went, about the future while holding hands, being cuddled up and leaving each other soft kisses throughout the conversation.
Now, everytime you think or even go to the beach shore, you think of Levi’s amazing romantic proposal. This man really took a long time figuring this out and wanted it special cause you deserved that.
And, whenever you look at his steel grey gaze, you saw the love he had for you, and you saw your soon to be husband that you will spend the rest of your life with.
ᴏᴋᴀʏ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ʟᴏɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴀɴᴅ it ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴀʀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇʟᴛᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ !! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅs ᴛʜɪs ᴄ: IF ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ! ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ 🥺 ♥
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hello! I hope you are doing fine! Can I request the rough sex OS (the jealousy one) with Law? And with a shy s/o? I have a soft spot for a possessive Law.
Hi! 👋 I loved this request in specific, I love possessive Law too!. I wrote this little OS on a modern AU. She is a coffee shop barista, and Law of course is a surgeon. I hope you like it!! 💖 Thanks for reading! ~
NSFW ~ Trafalgar Law x F! Reader ~ Possessive & Rough Sex 🔥
TW: Explicit sex, violence, nosebleeding.
WC: 2064
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A slow morning serving lattes and cold brews finds you bored, gazing several times at your phone screen, maybe your friends or your boyfriend Law sends something to pull you out from the boredom.
All the doctors, nurses and hospital workers are occupied with their duties, including Law. “He must be operating someone”, you think and simply grab a book, because these are the hours when no one enters your coffee shop.
The time flies by when you lose yourself in the written adventures of some books, so the workers begin to arrive at your shop hungry for lunch. You receive them happily, and despite you being a little shy, you always show a smile to your customers.
Mrs. Walker asks you for a special type of salad, but you don’t have it there on display. “I have more on the kitchen, wait a sec, I’ll bring you one from there!”, you tell her and head to the back of the store. When you come back, you see the only customer you wished never enters your store. He is an abuser, a stalker, a harasser. It is indeed Law's colleague. You haven’t told him, because you didn’t want to affect your boyfriend’s career as a surgeon, so you put up with that bastard's constant sexual advances.
You give Mrs. Walker the salad, and she walks away with a smile, because that son of a bitch looks and acts like an angel in front of the others, but when he is alone with you, he won’t stop telling how you should leave Law and instead try a good dick for once.
“Hello darling, have you already left Law?”, he greets you. You smile at him, you think you are not strong enough to confront him, so you just smile, close your hand into a fist and ask him what he is having. “Can I order you?”, he asks you shamelessly, approaching himself closer to you, laying his body against the counter.
You are disgusted, you just wish you had a gun to blow his head off. You smile again, and let a false giggle slip out of your mouth, but your eyes begin to get teary. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I saw you with a bikini on your Instagram post yesterday and I couldn’t resist!!. A vanilla latte would be awesome!”. He says, grinning at you. You nod, and head to the coffee machine and prepare his order.
You hand the plastic cup with the Latte served to the harasser, hoping, praying he would pay and leave as soon as possible. But this time, he goes too far. He has the audacity of snatching your hand when you give the cup to him. He pulls from you making your whole body hit hard against the inner part of the counter. Your face is really close to his, you start to panic, but you can’t make him let go of you. He keeps pulling, approaching his face even more to yours, “don’t act as if you didn't want to be kissed, come on, you little slut”, he says to you.
“She said no, bastard”, you hear Law’s voice and next the disgusting stalker receives a direct punch from Law’s tattooed hands. Yet, he doesn’t give up and stands up, hitting your boyfriend's handsome face. Drops of blood begin to stream down from his nose, and land over his white coat. Law uses his forearm to wipe the blood away and smiles at him. That son of a bitch was hurting, trying to steal what’s his. YOU. And he wouldn’t allow that to happen.
This time Law punches the guy on the stomach, and when he bends due to the pain he was experiencing, your boyfriend uses his knee to finish him. When the stalker finally lies on the ground, spitting some blood because of a pair of broken teeth, Law looks down at him and says “I told you to stay away from her. Get the fuck out of here”.
His colleague stands up and runs out of the store, threatening Law with suing him. “Heh...He’s not going to do any of that”, he says smirking, victorious and still nose bleeding.
You are crying, unable to move, astonished. He looks at you, and says, “Are you ok?”. “Y- yes. It's nothing…” you tell him, still not moving a single muscle. But Law, who had a different expression than he usually has, a more primal one, walks behind the counter and grabs you by your wrist.
“Why weren’t you saying anything to him? Why were you smiling at him? Stop crying”, he says to you, shaking your arm. “How many times I have to tell you you should be fiercer; I won’t be here every single time a bastard wants to fuck you!!”. You know exactly he wasn’t being unfair with you, but this was the way he had to tell you he was deeply worried by you… yet he continues. “I’m starting to believe you wanted him to do that to you, huh? you weren’t telling him nothing”.
“Law! that…. that’s not true”, you tell him. You have stopped crying, and you begin to get angry. “I must show you who you belong to, then”, he says to you with that grumpy voice and pulls you to the back of the store.
“L-Law… stop!! you are bleeding, let me…”, you try to say as he pulls from you, but he interrupts you. “Shut the fuck up!”. He was pissed, but… horny? You try to reach to his nose, maybe to clean him up, because he won’t stop bleeding, but he backs his head up, snorting his own blood. An evil grin draws on his face, and he licks the blood that slowly covers his upper lip.
“Oh…”, you voice, damn how sexy he looks. At first you feel guilty to feel so attracted to him bleeding, hurt, with his disheveled black hair and his white coat stained red. His intense grey eyes are fixed on yours, and shamefully, subtly, almost unnoticeable bit your lower lip…
“You are mine; don’t you know that?”, he tells you and begins to walk towards you. You remain still until his right hand starts squeezing your neck. “L-Law…” you gasp. “What?”, he tells you, pissed, approaching his face to the left side of your face. Your legs tremble, it’s not exactly because you are afraid…
He squeezes harder and harder the sides of your neck, you try to gasp for air and when you begin to feel lightheaded, he orders you to walk to the kitchen counter of the cafeteria. “Babe… the- the store is open. A client could enter…”, you tell him. “I hope so, so they learn who you belong to”, he says. “But…”, you try to complain.
“Shut up”, he tells you, and tangles your hair around his veiny hand, pushing you, in order to bend your body over the cold metal of the counter. He bends over you; you can already feel his hard rock sex against you. Law bites the shell of your ear, and then, without letting your hair go, turns your head to the side so he can invade your mouth with his wet tongue.
A ferrous taste from the blood lingers on your mouth as you make out. He moves his hips with a pounding motion. Your breasts are pressed against the metal table, and the thin fabric of your blouse allows the cold to hit and erect your nipples. “I’m in the mood to fuck you right now, no foreplay”, he says, and slide down your pants and panties with just one hand. You are left completely exposed to him, your ass up, you are ready to be penetrated.
He lowers his zipper down and frees his hard member. Law plays with it over your ass, pinning you to the counter, threatening to fuck you rough there. You beg him “please, no no”. “Haha, I know I know babe, I’m not gonna hurt you”, he says laughing with his lips pressed against your ear.
You are more aroused than you should be, but also really worried some customers might enter, so for a second your mind focuses on hearing if someone is there. But suddenly you are brought back to the kitchen, when Law roughly, violently, and with a grunt, penetrates you. Fast thrusts, fast and deep thrusts, stretch your walls, and the tip of his dick hits exactly that perfect point.
“So wet and tight… babe…”, he gasps as he feels your sex pulse around his dick. You can help but whine and moan his name, as he hits over and over that spot inside you.
You suddenly hear the bell of the door announcing a new customer entering the store. Panicking, you whisper Law “Babe… someone… e-entered…”. Your voice cracking with every thrust. “So what? you want to show them?”, he tells you laughing and fucking you even harder.
“Is anyone here?”, a man asks from the store. “Fuck fuck fuck”, you think trying to cover your mouth not to be heard by the customer. But Law has other intentions… “I got an idea…”, he says and pulls from your hair, still without detaching from you, to make you stand up. “Go tell him, you’ll be right there”, he tells you, with a devil grin. “What?”, you ask him, how are you supposed to tell him, being half naked, and with Law’s dick still inside you. “B-but Law… stop it” you tell him, mortified. “What? Are you ashamed of being fucked at work? Go tell him, don’t show your body…”, he commands and pushes you softly to the door.
Your heart races, your cheeks are red with that sex glow, your hair is a mess, you are sweating. Picking through the kitchen entrance, you greet the customer, “Hey, S-Sir… I’ll be right t-…” Law thrusts you, deep. “Theeeere… in a se-cond”. You barely managed to tell the guy those words, your heart -and your core- is about to explode. You have spoken to a customer while being fucked behind the thin wall that separates the kitchen from the counter…
“Good girl”, says Law enjoying your suffering and turns you around. He lifts you up and sits you over the table where you normally knead bread for the cafeteria. He takes off his white coat covered in blood stains from his nose hemorrhage and takes off his pants. He crawls over you on the table and begin to fuck you so rough, and while he does it with one of his hand, he pinches one of your nipples and twist the hell out of it.
He bites your neck; you carve your nails over his back. You are getting there, and he is too. Flour flying everywhere, your breasts look like cakes ready to be baked. Law has baking powder all over his nose. Pounding you, calling you “MY little slut”. You try to hold your moans, but Law slaps your cheek, and you are now whining, and crying his name. You have forgotten any shame, the customer, the food, the cafeteria.
You are about to come when you hear your name being shouted in horror. “Y/N?!”, your manager is right there standing, witnessing your spectacle… “What the fuck? a customer is waiting for you there… and you are... FUCKING OVER THE FOOD?”.
Law looks at you and hopes off. “Tch, I hate bread, fucking flour”, he says while brushes the rest of the white material off his shirt. You are sitting there, with your whole ass over the table, covered in flour, a white mess, half naked. You are a shy person… yeah… until today. “I’m sorry, boss. I’m leaving my apron and imma head out”, you tell him. “Right”, says your manager, still without becoming aware of what has just happened and walks away excusing himself with the customer.
Law and you quickly get dressed, both look at each other and begin to laugh uncontrollably. Once you are ready to leave, you bite the inside of your cheeks just to avoid laughing in front of your now -ex boss-. And while you are heading out, Law stands next to the manager, puts a hand over his shoulder and tells him, “Just for the record, she IS mine”.
You both leave, and continue what you have started at home… 💖🔥
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justkending · 3 years
Moral of the Story (Prologue)
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Series Summary: From childhood friends, to highschool sweethearts, the two naive, young, and lovestruck teens decided the best way to keep a strong relationship during college would be to marry right out of highschool. No one batted an eye at the idea as everyone knew they were soulmates. However, college is a big step in a person’s life. You learn new things about yourself, you make new friends, find new hobbies… And maybe being newly weds and going to different colleges across the states wasn’t the best plan… After a falling out, and a tragic heartbreaking divorce, the two now hold grudges for how the other handled the whole thing in the past. Neither not really knowing both sides of the story. 10 years later, and they both get a call from the lawyers office that settled their divorce. Somehow the papers never went through and the divorce was never completed. So now, the exes, or should we say husband and wife, have to meet back up after all these years to settle their failed marriage once and for all. (This summary will be shorter in other chapters. I just needed to get the full concept out there;)
A/N (repeat): So the other day while I was doing my hair (quite the process), I was playing music and the song Moral of the Story by Ashe came on. Mind you, I’ve heard this song hundreds of times, but for some reason, this time I got a major story idea! Listening to the lyrics brought me to this new series. Of course, the lengthy summary above will give you an idea of what came to my brain, but I recommend you listen to the song still because it plays a big part in my thought process:) (Plus it’s a good song;) Enjoy and please do not hesitate to share your thoughts and comments with me! I love each and every single one<3
(I will release the first chapter at the beginning of next week! That way I can give myself some time to write more chapters before sharing it!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N (Modern AU)
Word Count: 1200+
"Melody, have the papers for the Bee's Knees company come in yet?"
"Uh, no. But I can call them again and see if they faxed it or sent over a physical copy though," Melody answered from her desk, already typing away to find the company.
"Perfect. We have a meeting with a recycling plant next week and I want to get everything set before we go in with them," Y/N nodded, coming out from her office with a file in her hands. She turned to her assistant at the front desk who was about 20 emails deep and already finding the issue. "Hey, you're not coming in tomorrow, right?"
"Um, no, no. I am. I rescheduled that date," she answered bashfully as if she had been caught in the act of something.
"Melody..." Y/N drug out, hand on her hip.
"What? I- He understood. He said he was fine moving it to Saturday," the young woman shrugged, never looking back at her boss that was clearly sending her a motherly stare.
"You're already over your 40 hours this week, and you've rescheduled with him, what? 3 times now?" Y/N moved to the front of the desk so the young brunette had to make eye contact with her.
"Yes," she answered hesitantly.
"Is it just nerves or something else?" Y/N smirked.
"I'm not nervous... It's just been a while since I've had time for a date."
"Two things about what you just said in the past minute. One, clearly this guy likes you because he's rescheduled with you this many times and hasn't called it off yet. So if you're nervous about it not going well on his end, I think you're safe," Y/N pointed a finger at her.
"But-," Melody started.
"Second," Y/N cut off with a raised eyebrow. "I'm giving you time to go on a date and you're still not taking it. Work is no longer an excuse."
Melody stopped avoiding eye contact and looked up at the Y/H/C hair woman leaning on her reception desk.
"You've been talking with my mom again, haven't you?" she sighed.
"I promised I'd take care of you. So yes, I have. And though her reasoning for you dating is because she wants grandbabies, I just want you to have fun and live your life. You're 22. Don't waste your young years being scared."
"Ugh, fine. I'll text him now and see if he's still available for tonight," she groaned.
"Perfect!" Y/N grinned in victory as she started to walk back to her office. "I expect the details in the morning," she winked before she walked in.
"Oh, Y/N!" Melody stopped her. "A message came for you while you were in that last meeting."
"Who from?" Y/N quirked an eyebrow, moving back to the desk.
"Uh, I don't really know. Didn't sound familiar, but here's the name and number they said to call back from," she answered, handing her a note.
Y/N took the small paper and looked it over. Her face dropped and her eyes widened.
"You ok? Is it someone you know?" the young assistant asked, noticing what looked like horror on her face.
"Um, yeah. Yeah, an old acquaintance of mine," Y/N tried to quickly brush off. "Um, I'm going to take this. Can you hold any calls and if anyone comes to talk, tell them to just email me?"
"Oh, ok. Yeah, I'll take care of it," Melody nodded.
"Thank you."
Rushing back to her office and quickly shutting her door, she raced to her phone. She read the business name again, not sure if she was dreaming or if it was a hallucination.
Nope. Hammer Attorney was written in Melody's perfect penmanship on the paper with a number that held an area code from New York. A place she never thought she would hear from again and from a town she hadn't visited in almost 10 years._________________
"Buck, did you tell Fury about getting those new water therapy machines?" Steve shouted from his room.
"We're at home, Steve. Why are we talking about work?" Bucky groaned as he slouched on the couch. A beer in hand and a documentary with I Survived stories playing in front of him.
Steve came in from around the corner looking down at his phone in hand before moving his eye line to his roommate.
"Because I just got a call from the night crew saying that the last one that was working, finally went out tonight while they were running it for some test," Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Ugh, you would think that a facility run by a billionaire who literally makes his money on high-tech machines, wouldn't have to ask for those kinds of things," Bucky groaned, grabbing his own phone and going through emails. "Let me check to see if the email went through. He wasn't in office when I went to tell him."
As he was sorting through the hundreds of emails sent back and forth just this week alone, he found the reply message.
"Yeah, management confirmed it. They should be in by Saturday it looks like. Guess Stark was still working out the kinks to a new one and was waiting to send one our way until the last one died to get more time on his newest model."
Steve nodded before walking to the kitchen and typing Bucky's response to the other crew members.
"The man is always finding new ways to upgrade them before he can even send them to us."
Just as Bucky was about to throw his phone to the side again though, it started ringing. Looking at the caller ID, he didn't recognize the unknown number. It was from in-state but in his hometown area of Brooklyn. He pinched his eyebrows together confused at the call, but answered it anyway, thinking it must be someone from home.
"Hello. Is this Mr. Barnes?" The other voice answered.
"Yes, this is him. Who's this?" he asked, sitting up a little and putting the beer on the end table.
"My name is Matthew Murdock. I work at Nelson and Murdock Law firm," he went on. Bucky shook his head not knowing what that was supposed to mean. "Well, you may actually know us previously as Hammer Attorney. We recently just took over their business after some fraud issues."
Bucky's heart stopped. He knew what that name meant.
"I hate to inform you, but we were going through some of their old files. Ones we were informed could be incomplete or done completely incorrectly due to little care in the actual cases, but more so in taking the money."
"Incomplete cases?" Bucky said softly. His brain was still trying to wrap around the conversation.
"Yes, unfortunately, it looks like a lot of cases having to deal with divorces that the past owners handled, were done strictly in order to launder money. They weren't actually certified, nor trained in handling divorce settlements."
Bucky froze. Eyes wide. Mouth agape.
He stuttered out a response when the man on the other line didn't continue.
"A-And talking about incomplete divorce settlements, you called because..." Bucky knew. He needed to hear it out loud because if he didn't, it wasn't true. It couldn't be.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Barnes, but it looks as though you and your wife, Y/N Y/L/N or sorry, Y/N Barnes, are actually not divorced."
(I will release the first chapter at the beginning of next week! That way I can give myself some time to write more chapters before sharing it!)
Moral of the Story Taglist:
@taylormobley @ximaginx @vicmc624
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx @death-unbecomes-you @heyiamthatbitch @lizzymacy555  @srrymydood @xa-dia @redhairedfeistynerd @morganclaire4 @connie326 @captain-asguard @mollygetssherlockcoffee @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​ @pham-tastical 
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​  @laneygthememequeen​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @carls1022​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @carls1022​ @anise-d-castle6​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​ @alyispunk​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​
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All you need is love... actually
Fanfiction Frozen modern AU, Disney crossover (my first go)
Pairing: Kristoff/Anna (main), Sven/Honeymaren, Mathias/Halima, Ryder/Merida
Rated M (for some nudity)
I owe nothing but my headcanon - which is loosely based on the Christmas movie "Love actually"...
Hope you have fun!
Find the fic on AO3
Chapter 16 / 28
Intuitive aiming
“Have you ever thought of doing anything else than working on the logistic team?” Merida asked while they stood in line to grab some lunch in the cafeteria.
“Why would you ask? Anything in mind that I was better part of than shoving around cheap travelling bags between expensive leather suitcases?” Ryder chuckled sarcastically.
“The security teams!” Merida waved her arms like this was the detection of the year.
“Yes! Listen! There will be a vacancy and I tell you more about it the moment we sit down, right?”
“´kay…” Ryder stood mouth agape. This could not be true. Was she suggesting his secret dream to come true? Thrill crawled all over his body and he had to pull himself together not to hop after his Celtic princess.
They had placed their food trays on the table, sat down and Merida shoved a first portion of stew into her mouth and chewed grinningly.
“A´right…” she gulped down and started shoving another load on her fork, “Judy Hops will leave the team to move on with her fiancé, you know that foxy one. Anyway. This way there will be a vacant position to be filled. Would you be interested?”
Ryder stared at her, his heart racing and his mind spinning wild. How could he join in? He had no education of that sort.
“Gosh, Merida, I´d love to. That´d be so interesting. But I doubt that I am qualified.” He felt rather foolish now, suddenly uncertain if her suggestion was prospective.
Merida lifted her fork in attempt to load her mouth with another fill of that awesome food when she tilted her head and grinned broader than before.
“I have talked to Chief Bogo and told him about your talent of archery. To be honest, he was not very impressed by that.”
“See…” Ryder huffed, but then shrugged with a smirk, “anyway, it´s kind of you that you have thought of me and at least have tried. I really appreciate that.” He lowered his head and stirred in his food, totally losing his appetite by now.
“Wait!” Merida exclaimed cheeringly, “let me speak out. "I beleaguered Chief Bogo with the talk of how nowadays the gift of calm and focused aim would be totally underestimated. Someone who can hit a centred spot from a long distance, three times in a row, can tackle tricky and challenging situations with contemplation. And that is exactly what is always emphasised around safety. Everything else is technical tidbits and can be learned by anyone. Well, in the end he agreed, and you can present yourself to him this afternoon. You just act as cool and level-headed as you always do. No one wants to see a jittery or macho wannabe in this team. You have a real chance, believe me. Oh yes, and if you give Chief Bogo the serious and willing impression I've described you to him, then you'll be trained by me and Meg. Although I have to say that with Meg, you'll have a tight teacher. She is married to a real muscleman and knows how to deal with a tough guy. Hmmm... have I forgotten something? Well, I don't think so..."
Merida looked at him with bright eyes and giggled at the puzzled and irritated face opposite her. He was just so sweet.
"So, what do you say?"
Two hours later, Ryder sat in the office of the airport police station Chief´s office. He was so nervous, overwhelmed and was wondering how he had been catapulted into this situation? If this was going to work, he could not wait to tell his sister. But for now, he needed to concentrate, and put on his cool and level-headed appearance, best he could manage because he felt anything but that right now…
The door opened and the big bulk of Chief entered the room.
“Please remain seated, Mr. Nattura.”
Chief Bogo towered over him, and Ryder gulped inwardly. Alright, if he could convince this giant that he was his man, then everything could be possible. Or then, Merida had done a super great job of introducing him to the Chief. Ryder chuckled to himself, most likely it was the latter…
“So, you are interested of joining us keeping the airport safe and secure?”
“Yes, Sir!”
The Chief interviewed him for a long while and asked several private and professional questions, getting an idea of the man sitting in front of him. And all he heard and observed covered nicely what Miss Dunbrook had told him in advance.
When Ryder left the office one hour later, he was by then promoted apprentice team member of Arendelle airport´s security team.
Still numb from the excitement he walked along the hallway, down the stairway and over to the staff´s break room. When he entered all the weight of nervousness slipped off his complete being and he plopped down on a chair, still not really believing what had happened.
“And?!” Meg sat on the other side of the room, got up and came around to sit down next to her trainee to be.
Ryder smiled at her, when Merida charged into the room and nearly knocked him over as she plummeted down on the chair to his other side, sandwiching the young man between her and the other feisty lady.
“He has not told yet.” Meg grimaced and leaned back in her chair. “Come on, Ryder, tell us, what did Chief Bogo say? We will hear it anyway, but we want to hear it from you.”
“Yes!” Merida drummed her fingers on the table, “come on, what did he say?!”
He watched her for a moment, warmly realising that he must thank Merida in the first place to shovelling this path for him, though Ryder was aware that there will be a lot to learn. But he was willing, oh yes, so willing to get this right. And she was beaming at him, apparently happy to have him there. His heart leaped and his mind started spinning. Nothing would stop him of impressing that amazing woman.
He wished he could take her hand but with Meg there… and then�� this was not the moment to get sentimental… So, he let out a deep breath, shrugged, and then looked from one to the other with a broad grin.
“Well... the chief had said... welcome, young man, and… good luck!”
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girlboss-molina · 4 years
Be Who You Are (No Compromise)
A Julie and the Phantoms Modern Royalty AU
Chapter 1: Introductions
AO3 Link
Words: 5543
Alex POV
Of course. 
Of fucking course.
He’d known it was coming, yeah, but that didn’t change the fact that, despite his friendship with Princess Julie, Alex had no desire to marry her. And now, after begging not to be married off, he was still stuck in this deal.
It had nothing to do with Julie herself, of course; Julie was a kind, loving, musical girl around his age. The issue was that he was gay. Marrying a girl was not something he was interested in. 
Julie knew Alex was gay; he’d come out to her after he was sure she would accept him, which he knew she would after she mentioned her best friend being a lesbian, and her being bisexual herself. Needless to say, neither of them had been thrilled by the announcement a couple years back that they would be getting married, for more reasons than the fact that nobody wants to be in an arranged marriage. 
And now, in three months time, he would be at the alter with a girl he wasn’t in love with. 
Alex knew it wouldn’t be that bad; in fact, he and Julie were quite close friends. Their kingdoms, Tambor and Dahlia respectively, were close allies. But for some godforsaken reason, their leaders had felt the need to strengthen their allyship by setting up their heirs in an arranged marriage. Had Alex been the oldest, this wouldn’t have been the case. However, it wouldn’t be him, but his older sister, Ava, taking the throne of Tambor. 
He, along with his guards, would be travelling to Dahlia this evening. He hated that it was so soon. Not that he wasn’t excited to see Julie, he was, but it was the reason that put a knot in his stomach.
Alex allowed himself one more panic attack before getting ready. As a treat.
The warm sun streaming into his room felt out of place with the dread settling in his stomach, and his breath choked, his heart racing, salty tears streaming down his face. He clenched his hands into fists and back out, trying to calm himself despite the emotional release. His nails dug into his palm, not hard enough to cut, but enough to leave little indents that he then ran his fingertips across. 
Trying to pull himself together, he stood - albeit shakily - and walked across the soft, carpeted floor to his full-length mirror, pleasantly surprised as he noted that he wasn’t as big of a mess as he’d expected, given his previous panic. 
A knock on his door alerted him that his head butler was there to help him get ready for the jet ride.
“Your highness, are you alright?”
Alex didn’t answer, grateful for Luke’s steady voice outside his door.
“He’s a little panicky at the moment. Maybe give him a few minutes to settle?” he suggested, and Alex hoped Luke was receiving the strong thank you vibes he was trying to transmit telepathically. 
Any time Alex had a panic attack, he was semi-verbal. He could speak if he really, really tried, but it generally took a great deal of effort. He and Luke had a system, though; if Alex needed support during a panic attack, he would fake-sneeze three times, and Luke would come in from his station outside Alex’s door. 
Alex allowed himself another minute to calm his breathing and wipe the tears from his face, practicing the grounding exercise Julie had taught him. 
Inhale- 1, 2, 3, 4
Hold- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Exhale- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
It helped a lot, and soon he was able to straighten his hair and begin changing into the suit his tailors had made just for this occasion. 
Another knock echoed from his door, and Alex took one final deep breath to compose himself. 
“Come in,” he said, proud of how steady his voice was. 
The butler entered; a kind man named Erik, who Alex had gotten to know over the past month or so. His olive skin shone in the afternoon light streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows. 
Alex dressed himself, for the most part; having butlers help him dress was never something he particularly enjoyed. He allowed Erik to smooth his white dress shirt, though; no matter how many times Alex had practiced tucking in his shirts, they always ended up wrinkled. 
He slid the navy suit vest over the shirt once it was nice and smooth, fastening the thick buttons over his stomach. Minimalistic gold embroidery on the vest sparkled in the light, and Alex couldn’t help but smile at the bit of flair. He’d been half-hoping that his matching navy pants would have a bit of sparkle as well, but to no avail. Probably for the best, he decided. Just a little touch was enough. 
He fixed the cuff of his sleeve, taking a breath as Erik reached up with a comb to fix his hair. It was simple but refined, how it always was. 
“Erik, you’ve outdone yourself with this one, bro!” Alex said excitedly. He might not be very pleased about being in an arranged marriage, but he could appreciate a good suit. “I love the details.”
“I’m glad you like it!” Erik beamed with the praise. “May I?” he asked, reaching for Alex’s shoulders. Alex nodded, and Erik smoothed the vest’s warm fabric, readjusting the hem until it was aligned perfectly. 
He might not have been the type of guy to always wear suits, unless necessary, but Alex had to admit it. He looked good. The slim fit outlined his muscles, and the deep blue of the vest and pants brought out the bluish tints in his blue-green-grey eyes. (nobody could seem to decide what color they actually were). The small touches of golden embroidery shone and somehow managed to accentuate the sun-born highlights in his hair. 
“You look wonderful, your highness.”
“Thanks, Erik. And you can call me Alex, we’re chill.” Alex had been insisting to Erik that he could be casual around him for months, but Erik still generally referred to him as “your highness.”
“Alex,” he corrected with a broad smile. “Well, Alex, you have a photoshoot for the press in ten minutes, so if there’s anything else I can do to get you ready, don’t hesitate to ask. Though I must say, you look awesome.” Alex let out a small laugh. 
“Thanks, dude. Oh, wait, before you go, could you tell me something?”
“Of course,” Erik replied. Alex put on his Serious Face.
“Do these pants make my butt look big?” Erik bust out laughing, and Alex couldn’t help but do the same. 
Three hours later, Alex was finally done with an exhaustive photoshoot. He hated having his picture taken; add that to the list of anxieties. He had to make sure he looked perfect, or everything could go wrong; that was what his parents had drilled into him from the moment he had his first real photoshoot. 
Of course, he still had to endure an interview with the Tambor Times Magazine, which he was dreading. Speaking to an overeager journalist with no respect for privacy was never something he looked forward to. 
“What are your thoughts on the marriage that has been arranged between you and Her Royal Highness, Princess Julie of Dahlia?” Alex cleared his throat.
“It’s definitely a unique situation,” he started. “I mean, not every nineteen-year-old is part of an arranged marriage.” He did his best to keep his voice light, and it must’ve worked, because the journalist gave a laugh and moved on. 
“If I may, what is your current relationship with her?”
“The princess and I share a close bond,” was the only answer he gave. “If you’ll excuse me, I must be going,” he added. “I have a flight to catch.” He grinned - He didn’t have to catch any flight. He would be on the royal family private jet. But the journalist smiled and shook his hand, instructing him to have a wonderful evening, and he did the same. 
The bit about catching a flight wasn’t entirely false, though; soon, he had wished his parents a good evening and boarded the jet with his suitcases, hoping to leave his anxiety in Tambor.
Julie POV
Here’s the thing. 
Julie liked Alex, she really did. He was one of her closest friends (princesses don’t get out much). But he was gay, And Julie was decidedly Not A Guy. Plus, they both knew their connection was strongest platonically, anyway. 
Of course, none of that matters in diplomacy. 
Julie had tried many, many times to get out of the arranged marriage. But she’d just turned eighteen, and Alex nineteen, and apparently their kingdoms had no such qualms about marrying off teenagers. 
At least her dad, King Ray, had tried to get her out of it. But even as king, there was only so much he could do; everybody except for him thought it was a grand idea, because Of Course They Did. And once the public had heard the news, when she was sixteen, Julie couldn’t look out her window without seeing photographers outside the palace gates for a week. 
She supposed there was nothing she could do about it now, though, no matter how much she wanted to, for her sake and Alex’s. 
At least he was someone she got along with well. She knew they would never be in love, for multiple reasons, but she wouldn’t be unhappy. Alex might, though. They’d stayed up late on many a night, him rambling about cute guys he’d seen amongst the palace staff or on his occasional trip to the city, her chatting about songs she’d been writing and the one guy she’d had a crush on, Nick. 
Nick was the son of a nobleman her dad was very close with, and they were good friends, but she’d never acted on her little crush. Her feelings for Nick hadn’t really gone anywhere, it was just a lingering crush she’d had for a few years, but one that had faded with time.
Julie sighed, smoothing out her dress. It was simple but elegant, with a little bit of Julie flair. The silky violet fabric was cut in a slim fit to her waist, before gently flaring outwards towards her ankles. Off-the-shoulder straps revealed the dark skin of her shoulders, and the pearly embroidery of dahlia flowers around her waist shone in the light, tapering off as she twirled, though as she practiced her camera smile, it didn’t reach her eyes. 
Alex was her friend, but neither of them wanted to get married. But she’d tried her hardest to get them out of it, to no avail. 
So, as she sat down at her vanity, Julie closed her eyes and reminded herself the words her mother used to tell her every time she was scared. 
It’ll all be okay, Jules. You’re strong, and you’re a diamond in the rough.
The words settled her stomach a little bit. 
Her lady-in-waiting, Mira, knocked on her door. 
“Come in,” Julie said. Mira bustled in, her flaming red hair pulled into a messy bun, her brown eyes sparkling. 
“Oh, Jules, you look lovely.” Julie smiled.
“Thanks, Mira. How’s my hair?” Julie reached up to smooth her curls, which had been combed back and woven into a thick, braided knot at the base of her neck.  
“Almost perfect, but it needs a little something,” Mira decided with a smirk. Julie had no idea what Mira had in mind, but she knew she would love it. 
Before either of them could say another word, Flynn walked into Julie’s room, followed by her girlfriend, Carrie. 
“Hey, underachiever,” Flynn greeted with a smile.
“Hey, disappointment!”
“Dude,” Flynn said, a serious look on her face. “That dress is the shit!” Carrie nodded enthusiastically. 
“A definite look.”
“Thanks guys,” Julie said with a grin. “I love it, too! Mira’s got some sort of magic in her hands, because this is one of my favorites for sure.” Mira blushed. 
“Well, I’m not quite done,” she admitted. “Jules, your color scheme is pink, purple, and blue, usually, right?”
“Yeah, usually! I can always get behind some other colors, though.”
“Of course. But I think for this dress, the pink-purple-blue scheme would fit the best.”
“Definitely,” Carrie jumped in. “The purple mediates the pink and blue, so those are like side accents.” 
“I like this one,” Mira decided, pointing at Carrie. Carrie flipped her hair and smiled. “But yes. So, I was thinking for your hair, we could weave in some thin ribbons in those colors? It would be super simple, wouldn’t even have to take it out and restyle it.”
“Work your magic,” Julie instructed. Mira grinned excitedly and set to work, sitting Julie down at the vanity.
“Okay, Jules,” Flynn sighed. “I know you don’t want me to ask this, but are you doing okay?” Carrie took Flynn’s arm and nodded. “I know this isn’t what you wanted. Either of you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Julie decided. She didn’t want to marry Alex, and she knew he felt the same way. “At least it’s not somebody I hate, though. Alex and I get along really well.”
“I know,” Carrie added. “But that doesn’t mean you have to be okay.” A single tear rolled down Julie’s cheek, and she was grateful she hadn’t done her makeup yet.
“Thanks. To be honest, I’m not really okay, but I’ll live. And besides, it’s not for another three months. And having another friend around for a few months will be nice. Before, you know, I have to marry him.” Flynn let out a sad laugh. 
“If I may add my input,” Mira began, “I’ve always hated the prospect of arranged marriages. At the very least, both people should have to agree with it.” Julie nodded, quickly stopping when she felt the ribbons Mira was weaving into her hair tug. “Sorry,” she added. “I’ll be done in just a moment.”
“I agree,” Carrie said. “It’s stupid. Dahlia and Tambor are already allies, so why are they even doing this?”
“I’m not sure, to be honest. My dad says it’s to ‘strengthen agreeability between our separate civilians.’ But at least tried to get me out of it,” she added. “King Xavier and Queen Claire both thought it was a great idea.” Julie had always held some bitterness towards Alex’s parents, given their closed-mindedness and apathy towards minorities and less fortunate people. Alex had always felt the same, and avoided coming out to them for those reasons. 
“Well, I personally think it’s homophobic that my best friend is being forced to be part of an arranged marriage,” Flynn decided, “because I’m gay and it annoys me. Plus, you know, she doesn’t want to be part of it.” Julie couldn’t help but laugh at that, as did Mira. 
“All done with the ribbons,” she said, handing Julie a mirror to see the back of her head. 
“Oh, Mira, I love it!” The ribbons were braided through her thick hair, swooping around the knot, twisting through her own curls and holding the hairstyle together perfectly. Both pretty and practical. 
“I’m glad!” Mira looked very proud of herself, for a good reason. Julie’s lady-in-waiting was definitely a woman to be admired (and feared - she’d taken down a full-grown man in a self defense class, while wearing heels). Julie could walk in heels, even run in them, but she’d tried fighting in them, and failed miserably. She might’ve been competent fighting in regular shoes, but heels were a different story. Mira, though, could do it all. 
Mira’s phone dinged. 
“Oh, Jules, it’s time for the pre-meetup photoshoot!”
“Got it. Thanks, Mira, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Forget about your photoshoots, probably.”
The photoshoot involved lots of candid shots of her in the garden, doing her best to look serene, and not show the anxiety bubbling in her stomach. But somehow, she actually managed to get through it without losing it. 
“Wonderful, miss. Turn towards me, look to your left- yes, perfect.” The photographer’s voice faded as she obeyed his instructions, a human robot running correctly but with wandering thoughts. 
“You look so natural, miss!” he complimented. Julie offered a smile, returning to her thoughts. There had to be a way to get her and Alex out of this. But she couldn’t think of any that wasn’t treasonous, illegal, or flat-out stupid. Of course, as a teenage girl, she felt she deserved to be a little stupid sometimes, but apparently that was “unbecoming of a princess” and “a bad influence.” Personally, she just thought that was biphobic.
Luke POV
Luke hadn’t ever traveled much, let alone to a neighboring kingdom, so needless to say, he was pumped to get to visit Dahlia for three months at least. His hope was that, even though no one involved wanted the marriage to happen, they could find a bright side in him getting to stay with his best friend. 
Of course, that didn’t change the fact that he felt bad for his charge and best friend, Alex. He knew Alex was gay; in fact, they’d “dated” for a few weeks when they were fourteen. But even after deciding they were better as friends, they were close, maybe even closer afterwards. Luke told Alex everything; he didn’t know if he had a secret that Alex didn’t know. 
Everyone in the palace was used to seeing him and Alex wandering the grounds, goofing off, messing around in the music studio, what have you. Technically, Luke was a junior guardsman, and given his bond with the prince, had been assigned (along with an actual guard) to be his security detail. That had evolved into an even stronger friendship, though. Years passed, and soon they were inseparable. 
Luke had done his best to cheer up Alex; seeing his best friend that upset was heartbreaking. But there was nothing he could actually do to help, so he settled for laying next to Alex on the floor and staring at the high ceilings.
An hour passed, and soon the afternoon sun was streaming into Alex’s room. Luke saw Alex drag a hand down his face. 
“I guess you should start getting ready, then?” he asked.
“Probably.” Luke patted his shoulder. “Do you think it would be too drastic to fake my death?” Luke laughed, knowing Alex was joking, though it wouldn’t have actually surprised him. Alex and Julie were friends, but neither of them wanted to get married. Especially not the gay guy, very publicly, to a girl. 
Luke stood up, giving Alex a mock salute, and walked out the door, closing it behind him. 
He stood there for a few minutes, straightening his back as a senior guardsman passed him. He ducked his head in a nod, relaxing a moment later. As much as he might’ve come off as a chill guy, he was worried for Alex; even more so when he heard Alex’s breathing quicken from the other side of the wall, his footsteps pacing back and forth. 
The panic attack shouldn’t have surprised him. Alex had clinical anxiety, and this was probably one of the most stress-inducing times of his life. Being forced into an arranged marriage - even if you’re friends with the other person - is no fun for anybody. And today he would be going to the Dahlia palace to stay for three months before the ceremony.
Luke fiddled with the hem of his jacket; it was charcoal black, and thick and protective, with eight buttons on the wide front, crossing his chest. He’d gotten used to it, but despite that, he still started sweating in the warm weather of Tambor. The red sash crossing over the jacket had golden embroidery on the edges, and he quite enjoyed running his fingers over the textured thread. 
Luke could still hear Alex panicking, but there were no sets of three fake sneezes in between the rapid breaths, so he stayed. Alex was able to recognize when he needed support, and when he needed to be left alone. 
Luke spotted Erik nearing him. He couldn’t stop him, but Erik was aware of Alex’s anxiety, so Luke wasn’t concerned. He smiled at Erik, giving him a look, warning him that Alex was having a panic attack. Erik nodded, knocking gently on the door. 
“Your highness, are you alright?” When Alex didn’t respond, Luke jumped in. 
“He’s a little panicky at the moment. Maybe give him a few minutes to settle?” Erik nodded, and Luke gave a relieved smile. 
“You look nervous as well,” Erik noted. 
“Well, I am, a little bit,” Luke admitted. “I’ve never been to Dahlia, but I’m going with Alex since I’m his head guard and Royal Best Dude™.” Erik grinned. “I’m excited, though! I bet it’ll be a lot of fun.”
“I’m so jealous,” Erik told him. “I’ve never been outside of Tambor.”
“I’m worried for Alex, though. He’s really nervous.”
“Yeah,” Erik agreed, a flicker of understanding rushing across his face that made Luke smile despite himself. If he was being honest, Luke had a tiny crush on Erik, but nothing substantial. “I mean, it’s gotta suck being closeted to everyone but a few people, and having to marry a girl.” Luke nodded. 
“I wish there was something we could do about it.”
Luke stood guard off-camera while Alex had his pre-meetup photoshoot and interview. It was what he always did, though this time it felt different, like he was a silent supporter during a tough time, now more than ever. 
If nothing else, he could reassure Alex that he looked fabulous in his suit - it wasn’t a lie, either. The navy blue fabric complimented his eyes perfectly, and the golden details were a stunning addition. Tie that with his sharp jaw and awkward, endearing personality? Anybody would simp for him. He had a feeling that many people did, too; Some of Alex’s best photos from these shoots would be printed in the Tambor Times Magazine, and he would also post some - as well as his own selfies - on his instagram. Luke had seen the comments, and always smirked at Alex given the amount of heart-eyed emojis and key smashes there were. 
Luke stood behind the cameraman for the candid shots where they needed Alex to be smiling or laughing. No matter how much he practiced, Alex could never get a good candid smile, so Luke took it upon himself to stand behind the photographer making faces, or occasionally imitating their every move with mock seriousness. 
When Alex’s musical laugh rang through the air, Luke patted himself on the back. 
Worked every time. 
He worked his magic for a few more shots afterwards, doing his best to make Alex laugh. It wasn’t just for the photos, though, it was to help him settle down. Luke knew this was a horrible situation, but there was nothing he could do to stop it, so he’d have to try to make it more bearable. 
After Alex’s interview, Luke could tell that the reality of the situation was hitting him even more, as a flicker of fear shadowed his face, his hands clenched into fists. Luke walked towards him slowly, making sure Alex was okay with it, and when he didn’t retract, he put his hand on his shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze.
“It’ll be okay,” he promised. And as Alex seemed to relax, nodding and pulling Luke into a hug, that was when he knew.
Alex was his best friend, and didn’t deserve any of this pain or fear. He deserved for things to be okay.
Luke would keep that promise, no matter what.
Reggie POV
Reggie knew he was Princess Julie’s honorary older brother; it had been that way for years, after he ran away from his own pathetic excuse for a home. He was lucky King Ray was a kind man; he could’ve just as easily left him there where he’d found him, a nine-year-old in the street of the raining Dahlia capital city. But he’d taken Reggie in, and soon, Reggie was part of the royal family, even if not by blood. 
Now, given that he was Julie’s honorary older brother, he hated that she was being put into an arranged marriage. She was eighteen, for God’s sake! Reggie was nineteen, and knew for a fact he wouldn’t have been able to handle it nearly as gracefully as she did. Then again, while she was young, playful, and vibrant, Julie was also the epitome of grace and poise; she’d grown up in a palace, after all. 
Needless to say, though, Reggie was sure he wouldn’t be able to not be protective of Julie when Prince Alexander came. He’d met him before, but only briefly; in passing after dinner during visits, mostly. It did help Reggie’s nerves to remember that Alexander was a very sweet, reserved person from his own interactions with the man. But that was his little sister, and while she wasn’t completely devastated, Reggie knew she didn’t want it to happen. 
He dragged a hand down his face, flopping down on his bed. He wanted so badly to help Julie out of this, but he couldn’t. 
Hey, at least he could cheer her up with his jokes! She always said they were awful, but Reggie knew better. Only the finest of jokes could make Her Royal Highness, Princess Julie Molina of Dahlia, laugh until her sides hurt, even coming from her honorary older brother, Sir Reginald Molina. 
He smiled to himself. He might not be able to stop this whole predicament, but he could help her through it.
Reggie hopped up, fixing his suit. The silky red fabric of the vest hadn’t creased at all, nor had his grey suit pants, and yet he still felt the need. He did, however, roll the sleeves of his black dress shirt to expose his forearms, because come on. Even with Dahlia’s cool climate, he still got hot, especially when the sun was streaming through his windows, and he had a few photos outside before Prince Alexander’s arrival. Plus, it didn’t hurt that, according to his Instagram followers, the rolled sleeves made him look “personable” and “hotter than the sun.” 
Reggie ran a finger over the shimmering black embroidery of the vest, then winking at the mirror and pulling his best finger guns. It was his god-given right as a fancy bisexual. 
He ran his hand through his expertly-styled hair, letting some of his waves free from their stiff hold. It wasn’t the perfect style it had been when his butler styled it a couple hours ago, but it was more of his own style, which he liked a bit better. Spinning on his heel and slipping a hand in his pocket, Reggie walked out his door and down the light-filled corridor, down to the front steps, waving to Mira along the way. As he stepped outside, he heard people outside of the palace gates start shouting. He gave a wink and playful salute, even daring to blow a kiss in the general direction of a cute girl. He noticed Julie rolling her eyes, the photographer seizing the moment to take some shots of him on the palace steps. 
He jogged over to Julie, wrapping his arm around her. 
“How are you doing, your highness?”
“I’m doing okay,” she said, though both of them knew it was a lie. “How about you, Reg?”
“I’m okay as well. Just popping in to see my fangirls-” he winked at the crowd behind the gate, and a chorus of teenage girls (and a few boys) all sighed dreamily- “and check on you. We both know you’re lying.” Julie groaned.
“This whole thing just sucks.”
“Tell me about it,” he agreed. “But I’ll be here for you every step of the way. You know that, right dude?”
“You’re such a sappy loser,” she told him, and he put her in a playful headlock, posing for the camera.
“I know.” Reggie might’ve been a “sappy loser” of a brother, but he knew that, in Julie’s book, he was a sappy loser (affectionate), and that she understood that he was there for her. 
Hopefully that would be enough. 
Willie POV
Willie had never actually gotten to know Princess Julie, but he’d met her a couple times. He was a chef in the palace kitchens, and on occasion, Julie would come down to try to get to know people. He’d never truly had a long conversation with her, but in the interactions they’d had, she was kind, and had a musical air to her. 
He’d seen pictures of the prince she was set to marry, Prince Alexander of Tambor. If Willie was being honest, he was kind of cute.
Okay, really cute. 
He’d never actually met the guy, but he seemed nice. His photos on Instagram had good vibes, at least. Willie couldn’t help but hope he’d get to meet him when he came to visit. If it was just because his brain was screaming cute boy, that was nobody’s business but his. 
Willie sprinkled more flour on the dough he was kneading, folding it in some more. It was cathartic, this repetitive motion. It helped calm his ADHD sometimes. He kept going.
Sprinkle. Fold. Roll.
Sprinkle. Fold. Roll.
Kneading the dough until it wasn’t sticky, he listened to the head chef, Lilian, shout orders at the rest of them. She was a very intimidating woman, tall and muscular, with raven black hair in a sleek ponytail, and fair skin flecked with flour. But she was quite kind, Willie had come to learn over the years. She was just one of those people who scared you if you didn’t know them. 
He put the dough in a pan, setting it in the oven and flicking on the light so he could monitor its progress, as could anyone else walking by. Wiping the flour from his hands to his apron, he then put his dishes and utensils in the giant dishwasher, finally washing his hands and grabbing a new bowl. 
Tonight was the welcome feast for Prince Alexander. Willie and a few others were in charge of baking loaves of bread for the appetizers, as well as making the desserts; today, mini chocolate mousse cakes. 
Dessert was always Willie’s favorite course to prepare, and not just because he could steal bits of frosting from the spatulas after he was finished. It was also because of how making desserts seemed to put everyone in the kitchens in a good mood. Maybe it was the smell of rising sugar, or the bright colors of the tubs of sprinkles, but he adored it. 
He cracked the eggs into the mixture of butter and sugar, adding the milk and flour soon after. As he poured in the cocoa powder, a little bit poofed up, creating a chocolatey cloud. The noise of the mixture did nothing to silence his racing thoughts, though. 
Would he get to meet Prince Alexander?
Would he like him?
And most importantly, why did he want to so badly? 
Willie shook his head, doling the batter into mini cake pans and tapping them on the counter to get rid of any air bubbles, sticking them in an oven after it beeped to temperature. 
Another oven beeped.
“Hey, Alyssa?” he called to a plump woman a few meters away. “Could you check on the bread in that oven to your right?” She nodded and leaned down, giving him a thumbs up.
“Probably needs another minute or so, but it looks great.”
“Sick, thanks!” Alyssa nodded and smiled, her dyed-purple hair shimmering in its bun. 
Willie grabbed the ingredients he would need for the mousse, arranged them on the counter, then jogged over to the other oven and pulled out the bread - without putting on oven mitts.
He hissed in pain but didn’t let go, quickly putting it on the stovetop and running to a sink to run his fingers under cold water.
Willie already had tons of scars and calluses on his hands, both from cooking and skateboarding on his off-days, so the burn didn’t hurt nearly as bad as it would’ve a few years ago. And by some miracle, it didn’t blister - though it did swell and turn red. Willie cursed under his breath, heading to the first-aid kit and smearing some ointment on it and covering it with a bandage. 
“Let me guess,” said Lilian from behind him. “You forgot oven mitts again?”
“Guilty,” he said with a grin. Lilian sighed, but didn’t manage to hide her smile. 
“Willie, you need to be more careful. I know your brain always has, like twenty thoughts going at all times, but you could hurt yourself.”
“Twenty-three,” he corrected. “And I know, but you only live once, and I didn’t want the bread to burn.”
“Five seconds to grab a mitt wouldn’t burn the bread.”
“Hey, there’s a first time for everything.” Lilian rolled her eyes and gently swatted him on the shoulder. It wasn’t a mean move, of course, it was her saying she was exasperated but that she cared about you. Willie laughed and went back to his mixing bowl, getting ready to prepare the mousse.
This would be perfect.
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fictionalnormalcy · 4 years
Can you recommend us some good whump fics? I especially love the stuff by evilwriter that author is pure genius.
Ahh yes evilwriter37 is one of the best whump authors out there.
Yes I do have some recommendations, and given you mentioned evilwriter, I’ll keep them HTTYD-based, as that is the main franchise he publishes fic for.
Firstly I would like to begin with: harrypanther They’ve written a great number of HTTYD fics, long fics mostly,and tbh I feel there’s whump in every single one, though not explicitly stated as whump. I’ll give you three of my favorites by them.
Riders of B.E.R.K - It’s a modern day AU long fic where dragons returned and there’s an organization which locates the eggs and raises the dragons, although there are enemies trying to get at those dragons as well. It is NSFW in that there’s rape mention, and though I haven’t read it in a while I don’t believe it actively happens in the fic.
The Blacksmith’s Apprentice - Long fic. It’s rather similar to the episode of Darkest Night from Race to the Edge in that Hiccup never shot down Toothless and stayed as Gobber’s apprentice. But is much more dark in that Hiccup is bullied by Snotlout who replaced him as heir to Berk.
Behind the Mask - Also a modern day AU, and long fic. Stoick went missing when Hiccup was young and Valka wound up remarrying, to Alvin, who physically abuses Hiccup, and coincidentally is the principal of his school as well.
Another author I have to recommend is: howtowhumpyourhiccup Their AO3 handle is aheartforstories, and her fics are so brilliant. She writes a mix of one-shots as well as some series. I’ll provide three story recs as well.
Scream - a one-shot where Krogan has Hiccup ingest dragon venom and watch as it wreaks havoc on his body. Not major character death, and a very sweet ending.
Ruin - It’s part of a series titled Winter Whumperland, and is part of various one-shots. A modern day AU where Hiccup is kidnapped by Viggo and kept imprisoned for months. It is NSFW in that Viggo eventually comes to sexually assault Hiccup.
I’ll Be Right Here, Bud - This one is of a separate series which is a HTTYD Zombie AU, set more toward the modern day. In this part Toothless and Hiccup are caught in a collapsing house and both sustain injuries, unable to move until they could be rescued.
Next author I would like to provide recs for is: sinfulchihuahua0602 Also like the previous author they’ve written a myriad of one-shots and long fics. I have two I’d like to list.
a million reasons to let you go - This is a long fic, and follows how Hiccup was meant to be exiled from Berk as a babe, but Stoick neglected to do so. However once Hiccup was of age he did wind up sending him away, where he came to bond with a certain dragon we know and love.
Just a Dream - Hiccup has a nightmare when he is once again trapped in the underwater sub they created, water leaking in and his final gaze seeing Toothless trying to get him out
For the fourth author I would like to recommend is jettara Their AO3 handle is jettara1. They are also a well-known whump author, and I have two stories for you.
Inescapable - A one-shot where Hiccup and the Riders are captured and all the while Hiccup is experiencing phantoms pains, knowing no torture could be worse than what he’s already experiencing
Safe Place - One-shot set in a modern day AU where Hiccup escapes captivity from Ryker and Viggo, seeking aid in a shop owned by Eret. Unfortunately, Eret is caught in the Grimborn’s attempt to recapture their victim.
The final author who I would like to provide recommendation for is imaginativemind29 They’ve also got some pretty awesome fics, also mix of long fic and one-shots. I have to rec.
Kidnapping - A one-shot where Tuffnut has been kidnapped by the Dragon Hunters and Viggo intends to use him as bait to lure in the rest of the Riders
Know Who You Are - A fic in progress where Hiccup takes a hard fall and winds up with amnesia, and Viggo offers a remedy he doesn’t know to refuse
And also, I do write some whump as well. I have one to recommend as well. Hidden Away - A one-shot where Hiccup’s been captured and Viggo is interrupted, having to stow Hiccup away until he can interrogate him properly.
Well, this wound up longer than I expected lol. But I do hope they’re to your guys’ satisfaction. In all honesty, I would advise checking out their other works, they’re all magnificent authors. Thank you for the ask and hope it’s a good read for y’all!
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whitelionspirit · 4 years
Pale Fire: Strange Habits
Pairng: Ace x Reader
Series: Modern au of the life of Ace and the reader.
Scenario: Over the last several weeks Ace has been huddling up in your room. It doesn’t help that your feelings for him have been solidified for a while now.
wc: 2.6k
warning: non just fluff and unsure feelings
a/n: It is here! The first part of this series I talked about a few weeks ago. Here a little bit about it if you missed x . This is not in order of events the story all comes together in different peeks into their lives
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After another exhausting day at work and checking up on some assignments, you were ready for bed. Your usual bed stealer was already tucked into the cozy corner near the wall. His soft snores were your only indications that he was asleep. How you had ended up in this arrangement, you weren't sure anymore. Though it didn't bother you as the man was a walking heater. So in the dead of winter, you could care less as he kept you extremely warm.
Yawning, you close your laptop and move from your desk, and head towards the bed. Running a hand through your hair, you sit down on the edge of the bed. Leaning forward, you click off the desk lamp until the room is dark.
Crawling under the covers, you sighed happily at the warm feeling surrounding you; it was comforting. Shifting onto your side, you faced the wall where Ace was soundly still asleep.
You could easily make out his figure due to the street lights coming in from outside, making the room visible. He was laying on his stomach, hugging the pillow to his chest as his bareback was exposed to you.
You had known for a while that you had feelings for him, but you were too afraid to say anything to him. Perona had been on you lately about it, especially since Ace had been spending more time sleeping in your bed than his own in the last few weeks.
Why exactly, you weren't sure, but it didn't bother you much. He did love to be around you a lot, and you learned early on that he stripped in his sleep. It was a bit embarrassing at first, but you came to expect it throughout your friendship. Tonight was one of those rare times where he had kept his boxers on.
You smiled fondly at the memories as you continue to stare at the rise and fall of his back. Your eyes shifted downwards to the ink that littered his backside. What once was a skull and crossbones was now half a tattoo and a large amount of scarring. While you knew the story behind it as it happened before you even met the man. The sight of it made you emotional for some reason; Ace didn't like talking about it very much. Not that you blamed him, it was a horrific accident that left him very badly hurt with side effects even today.
The loud snore broke through the silence, making you freeze at the noise. You snorted as Ace's breathing went back to normal as he shifted slightly towards you.
Feeling content, you finally snuggled down into the covers and closed your eyes. Sleep finally overtook you as the day's events caught up with you finally.
It was overwhelming and itchy, as if your whole body was on fire and unable to get away from it. Your mind raced as the intensity continued until something hard punctured it making it burst open. Your eyes fly open in a rush as you sit up with a start. Heart racing, you placed a hand on your heated skin to only cringe at the slick wetness that came off of you. Looking down, you noticed your body and T-shirt are soaked with your sweat. Still trying to catch your breath, you stare off into the still dark room.
You couldn't have been asleep for long, but what was that strange feeling you had never felt before. Your eyes finally adjusted again as you turn your head towards Ace. Who had somehow rolled over in his sleep and was now wrapped tightly around your body.
Well, that explains that issue. You supposed the man was still sound asleep as his arms tightened on your waist. The heat that radiated off of him was a lot. His leg was hooked over your thigh as he snored softly into your pillow.
"You are such a pain, Portgas, you know that?" You mumbled as you tried your best to settle back into the sheets ignoring the damp clothing you wore with the older man clinging to you like a monkey.
He didn't reply, but you took his snoring as a sign that he could care less. Closing your eyes again, you drift back off, not to be disturbed too.
The following morning was a noisy one but having lived in the house for almost over a year now, you grow used to it. Rolling over in your still half-asleep state, your eyes blur, not fully awake as you stare at the wall. The fuck how did you end up on the opposite side of the bed this time. Rolling back over, you noticed that your usual bed companion was nowhere to be seen.
He must have gotten up already, which was odd for him. Ace usually slept in late on Sunday, but it seems today was a rare occasion when he didn't. Grabbing for your phone, the screen lights up to show it is a little past noon.
A little later than your own wake-up time but the little extra sleep was nice. Pushing the covers off yourself and getting out of the bed heading to the bathroom. After relieving yourself, you head down the stairs and into the chaos. The excited chatter of Luffy and Perona could be heard as you enter the kitchen. They don't pay you any mind as Luffy excitedly leans over the kitchen island and watches your best friend cook away.
The sight was very comical as Perona tried to push Luffy away, who was happily drooling at the presence of the sizzling meat. Giggling, you open up the fridge and grab for the jug of orange juice; shaking the container, you close the fridge behind you.
"Oh, (name) finally up, I see," Perona said, looking over at you.
Smiling at her, you open up the cabinet next to you and grab for a cup. "Yeah, guess I needed the extra sleep." You replied, turning back to them and pouring your drink.
"Well, I'm glad you came down when you did because I could use your help with cooking. No one else is around yet, so I decided to make a big brunch for everyone." She said as she cracked a few more eggs into another pan.
"You are so awesome, Perona!" Luffy said as he sat on the counter with a smile on his face.
You smiled at the sight even though this situation was a relatively regular one in your home. It always warms your heart because growing up, your luck with long-lasting friendships wasn't the greatest. So living here with some fantastic people made you emotional at times.
"So I see Ace slept in your room again last night." You froze at your friend's words as she peeked over at you from behind Luffy.
A guiltily blush crept its way up to your face. You looked away from her and stared into the living room. "Ugh yeah, he did; it's no big deal, just used to it." You mumbled.
"I see," she said slyly, making your face burn hotter with embarrassment.
"That's pretty normal for Ace. I think he's always clung to people that make him comfortable. He did a lot of that when we were kids and later with Deuce and Marco. Though for a while, he didn't think after his last relationship, which ended pretty badly, especially after the accident." He trailed off for a moment. "With you, for some reason, he started doing it again, but I'm glad we were all worried about him." Luffy grinned at you.
You were stunned. Ace had never mentioned anything before, not that you should be surprised. Despite his easy-going and friendly persona, Ace was relatively private on some matters of his life. Which never bothered you because you knew with time if it was necessary, he would tell you eventually.
"I wasn't aware, but I'm glad he feels so comfortable with me. I feel the same about him. He makes me feel secure, I suppose, is the right word."
Luffy looked at you thoughtfully and looked away, but you caught a hint of a smile anyway.
"Speaking of Ace, where is he? He wasn't in bed when I got up."
"Oh, he went for a morning run with Sabo. Well, I guess more of a late morning run. They should be back soon, though. Better start this before I have to listen to them whine about food again." Perona rolled her eyes, making you laugh at the image.
It was a ubiquitous experience in the shared home of the three brothers with bottomless pits. It was a good thing that Ace and Sabo had such good-paying jobs that they could have tons of extra food. Grabbing an apron from the hanger, you tied it around your waist and held for a mixing bowl, and started cracking eggs.
Both You and Perona moved in sync around the kitchen while dodging Luffy's grabby hands. The time passed quickly as you both finished making the feast just as the front door opened. The loud chatter of both older men caught your attention as you platted another stack of pancakes.
Looking over at your pink-haired friend you both shared the same thought as you both stepped away from the food. Just as both Sabo and Ace came stumbling in at the sight of the food. Just like wild beasts, all three brothers are divided in for their shares. You shook your head at their antics as a tap at your shoulder had you turning around.
Holding up a plate of food, Perona smiled at you as she headed it over. A smile spread across your face at her offering; grabbing it, you happily started to eat it.
"Thank, Rona yove the beth." You yell even though she barely heard you with your face stuffed and all.
She rolled her eyes at your display but smiled anyway. A sudden presence had you looking up at an arm circled your shoulders, pulling you into someone's chest. You gasped at the action but quickly recoiled at the smell and tried to tear away, but the grip was tight.
"(Name)!!" Ace mumbled as he swallowed his food.
"Acccce!" You whined as he held you closer to his sweat-soaked chest.
"(Name)!!!" He responded back teasingly.
You pouted as he snickered and kissed your cheek affectionately, making your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
"Ok, lovebirds, take it somewhere else; we're trying to eat here," Sabo said as he gestured to the other three in the room, a grin playing at his lips.
You groaned and pushed Ace off of you as you grabbed your plate and joined the others at the table. Ace just laughed and followed you as he sat across from you. As you started eating again, Sabo spoke between mouthfuls of food and told a story.
You didn't hear half of it, but it was something about running into Zoro on their run from what you gathered. From the way Luffy was in hysterics, you knew the man had probably gotten lost again. It made you laugh at the image of him getting frustrated as he ran back and forth through the local town. Most people knew who he was as this was a constant habit, so that alone was funny enough.
After you were done eating, you helped to shove the boys out of the kitchen so you could clean.
"Go shower. You all smell!" You finally said, making them groan and protest.
You glared at them all, making the three boys shut up and stare at you before quickly saying sorry and scrambling up the stairs. The sight of them trampling over one another was entertaining and made you smile as you headed back into the kitchen.
You heaved a heavy sigh as you flopped down onto your bed; after finishing the kitchen, you had returned to your room. Knowing you would be waiting for the shower for a while, you decided to lay down. Rolling over, the three large windows greet you. They were currently blocking out the light making the room darker than it would usually be.
Lately, you weren't sure of anything between school, your job, and being an adult, in general, was enough to make you restless. Though the constant unsolved resolve in your mind was this deal with Ace. You cared for him so much, but the thought of destroying your close friendship is what stopped you from pushing further.
Turning on your stomach, you hugged the nearest pillow to your chest, which you realized had been the pillow Ace slept on. Closing your eyes, you bury your face into the soft fabric. The smell of smoke and cologne came off of it. It was all Ace, and it was soothing to have the familiar scent lulling you into euphoria. Between the warmth coming from the heater and the pillow you hugged, you dozed off pretty quickly.
The dipping of the bed alerted you from your half-asleep state as someone sat down beside you. You blinked your eye open more, making your whine softly. Rolling over, you are given the sight of Ace sitting hunched over on your bed as he pulled his blue sweatshirt off his head. Leaving him in a yellow shirt. He tossed it onto the floor, which made you roll your eyes at his carelessness.
Ace ran a hand through his still-damp hair and casually scooted himself back on the bed as he laid down next to you. He laid on the opposite side to you, so he was facing you upside down, his back to the wall this time.
"Hi," he said, smiling at you softly.
"Hello, intruder," you mumble, your face still buried in the pillow you were now hugging to your chest.
He laughed. "Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you," he says with not a hint of remorse in his words.
You snorted.
"Right, because you are sorry every other time."
He shrugged his shoulders, continuing to smile at you, but this time his eyes had this gentle look in them you hadn't seen before. The look alone made you avert your gaze as your cheeks heated. You tried to not think of what that could mean exactly. The last few weeks had really been weird with him in general. The clinging, bed-sharing, soft looks, and just no boundaries at all at this point, which you were used to anyway, especially with Luffy, but this was different.
"Hey…..Ace, can I ask you something?"
You looked at him again; his brown eyes bore into yours.
"Sure, what is it?"
Closing your eyes, your grip on the pillow tightened, taking a deep breath, and you looked at him again. His lips pulled into a frown.
"It's nothing. Just wanted to know if you would take a nap with me?"
A huge grin split across his face at the gesture, and he happily sat up and grabbed you around the waist.
"Always (Name)!" He wrapped the blankets around you both and swaddled you into his chest. A giggle left you as you situated yourself in his grasp until you were comfortable. A sweet silence befalls you both as you settle into each other's warmth. After a while, you knew he was asleep from his soft snores near your ear.
You weren't sure when you would finally confine him about your feelings. For now, you were content with this strange arrangement you both had and were happy to continue it for a little while longer.
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