#do you think charlie would be proud i that i lived this long
hellish-sunsets · 3 months
Lucifer red string of fate soulmate au? Like, maybe he and Lilith originally got together despite the strings because Lucifers was Grey or something at the time; but eventually his turns bright red because turns out his soulmate was mortal and is now a sinner so they can actually be together? I think it would be cute since he's so depressed with Lilith leaving him; now he has the sparkle of hope that he can find the missing piece to his puzzle 😊 if you do end up writing this request could it be super fluffy??? (Also bonus points if Sinner Reader is not only shorter then him but also super kind hearted and sweet!)
I'm a sucker for soulmate AU's! This one got a bit away from me, I'll probably have to make a part two, but for now here's what I got!
Gray Dyed Red
Word Count: 1,912
The strings existed since the beginning of… well, existence. Every being had one tied to their middle finger, or the closest they had to one for the more animalistic ones. No one could see them but the owner of the string, thin things that could never tangle or be broken, either red or gray. And at the end of that string was supposed to be your soulmate. Well, as long as it was red. 
Lucifer’s had always been gray. 
And yeah, it bothered him at first, but he was quick to push aside and keep himself busy with creating with the other angels. He would lose himself in his work. But then, none of his ideas were good enough. They were too… different. He just wanted to make something he could be proud of. 
He was only allowed to watch when Adam and Lillith were made. 
Watching wasn’t as much fun, but he could still keep himself distracted. He smiled down at them as they started their lives on the earth they were given. 
Then they fell apart. He didn’t understand why. Surely the first man and woman would be soulmates, right? But no, they didn’t fit well at all. They’re relationship was a constant fight of who was in charge. He decided he had to help somehow, and in the process fell in love with Lillith. She told him her string was gray, and he thought that maybe they could make it work. They loved and supported each other! What did it matter if they weren’t soulmates?
Even after their fall to hell, they spent thousands of years in each other's arms. 
Then she left.
No word, no note, just an empty bed and an empty castle. 
And he knew he was falling apart, shunning the rest of the world, not even reaching out to Charlie anymore, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He just wanted a distraction, something to put his mind on that wasn’t his own failures. 
The gray string of his was just a reminder that there was no one for him, not even the woman he gave all his existence to. 
But it was strange. All these thousands of years, it had never changed color before. 
He didn’t even notice at first, couldn’t pinpoint when exactly it happened. He was in bed, had probably been there far too long. He physically couldn’t sleep anymore, so he needed to distract himself with something else. Maybe he could make an actually good rubber duck today. He should probably shower first, or clean himself in some way. Showers were faster so they usually won out. Though, they didn’t usually end up being faster once he gets in there. 
Whatever, he just needed to get up, right?
With a groan, he pushed himself up into a sitting position, stretching his arms over his head. He avoided staring at the empty side of the bed, shoving the covers off to head for the bathroom, the wood floors cold against his feet. 
He yawned as he stood in front of the bathroom mirror. That’s when he saw it, a glint of red. He frowned and lowered his hand to stare, wondering what he had seen. It couldn’t have been his eyes, the shade wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t his cheeks. He went to scratch his chin but froze with his hand halfway up. 
The string was red, deep and bright and unlike anything he had seen before. He looked down at his hand with wide eyes, not quite comprehending what it meant, but for some reason his heart seemed to flip in his chest. That was strange…
So… he had a soulmate now? How? When? Were they just made, or perhaps they were born somewhere? Were they from Earth? Heaven? Hell? Could he find them now? Maybe it turned because they just entered hell. But then, how good of a person could they be if they were down here with the sinners, perhaps a sinner themself? Was that even the type of person he wanted to interact with? But he had seen so many find their soulmates on the other end of their string and, good person or not, they were always perfect for eachother.
His heart does another flip in his chest.
He forces himself to undress and get in the shower, but his mind kept racing, going over the same questions over and over again.
His shower was much shorter than usual. He wanted to get out as soon as possible.
It had been a very long time since he bothered walking or flying through the city. He didn’t much like the sights or the people. Lilith was the one who dealt with them. Every single one of those sinners was just a reminder of what he had done, a never ending punishment. He preferred avoiding it all together. The last thing he ever wanted was to see how his gift of free will was abused by so many.
But that didn’t matter now. As much as he hated the people and the crowds, he was going to follow this stupid string until he found it’s end. 
A few days passed. 
Pentagram city couldn’t be that big, and yet here he was, still searching. He did rest. Occasionally. Sometimes. Probably not enough. The only reason he did rest as much as he did was… well, he wanted to be at his best when he did finally find the end of his string. He wanted to make a good impression!
He narrowed it down to the edge of the city, a more rundown section where new sinners tended to congregate.
So they had to be new to hell. That's why his string suddenly changed color. They must have been a human who recently died and manifested here. He… wasn’t sure how he felt about it. What if she was just as awful as every other sinner? He feared that the most, that he was destined for some terrible person, that he didn’t deserve someone actually nice…
His string went straight down to an alley below. He could avoid the crowd, thank God. He swept down into the alley, feet landing with a quiet clack against the cracked concrete. He withdrew his wings, glancing around his filthy surroundings with a scowl of disgust. Surely there wasn’t anyone lounging in the muck here, right. But no, there was someone here, a sinner in tattered clothes, standing with their back pressed against the brick wall, head bowed as they took deep breaths, like they were calming themself down from something. 
A frown tugged at his lips. He glanced down at his hand, eyes tracing the vibrant red string towards this sinner, the other end tied around their finger.
It was them. 
He wasn’t entirely sure when he started walking towards them, just knew when his hand clasped around theirs. They jumped, trying to pull away at the sudden contact until their eyes met. They almost immediately relaxed, eyes widening with understanding as they gazed down at their clasped hands, then back up into his eyes. It was odd. No one had looked up at him since Charlie was still young.
He was usually better with words. They would normally come so easily to him, even if they may not always be the best or a bit rambling. But for once in his life, he wasn't sure what to say.
“Hi.” They said, smiling up at him ever so sweetly.
“Hey.” He smiled back, a flush rising in his cheeks. “What, um, brings you… here.” He motioned vaguely to the filthy alley with a slight frown, but the smile returned when he looked down at them.
“Ah, you know, just trying to collect myself and not freak out.” They said with her cheery voice, chuckling a little at themself. “I, uh, I never really thought I'd end up down here. I guess I thought sometimes I'd end up in hell, but honestly I just didn't think about it. But it's okay! I think I get it now.”
He tilted his head slightly in confusion, but that giddy smile never did leave his face. “What do you mean? You know why you’re down here?”
They nodded.
“Yep! I'm here to be with you! That must be it!”
Warmth didn’t bloom in his chest like he's felt in other circumstances. No, it was more like being hit by a freight train face first. In an instant he had them in his arms, savoring their surprised giggle as he squeezed them tight, burying his face in their hair. They happily hugged back. 
It could have been only a moment, it could have been hours, but he didn’t care. He didn’t dare let them go until he was sure this wasn't some sort of trick or dream. Only when he was satisfied did he pull away, eyes looking over them intently, committing every contour of their face to memory, every scratch, every scar, those sparkling eyes, that smile sweeter than apple pie. Shit, they really were perfect for him, weren't they? They could confess to murder and he would forgive them instantly.
“My name's Y/N, by the way.” 
Even their name was perfect.
“Like the devil Lucifer?” They didn't even look that perturbed, just curious. He chuckled and gave a little bow. 
“The one and only. Come on, let's get you cleaned up.”
It was strange, having someone in his quarters again, sitting in bed with the sound of the shower running in the back. It felt… right. It was proper he wasn’t alone anymore. How things were meant to be. Nice.
He sat up straighter when he heard the shower turn off. A few long minutes passed before she came out, dressed in a simple white sundress he provided. He wasn’t very good at making clothes, he preferred creating animals and things similar, but at the very least it looked like it fit, accentuating her sweet smile. 
He could feel his cheeks heating up, but he ignored it in favor of exaggerating the smile she brought to his face.
She sat on the edge of the bed next to him, running her fingers through the damp strands of her hair.
“Well…” She started, but wasn't really sure what to say, voice drifting off. She stared at her feet, unsure what else to do. 
He tilted his head to the side, just watching her for a moment. He reached out for her, hesitating for a moment before cupping her cheek, guiding her head to turn towards him. He just… he needed to see her eyes again. He needed to be sure she's real and in front of him and this wasn't some sort of trick. 
She smiled at him and leaned into his hand. His heart melted.
“I didn't think I'd ever find my soulmate.” She admitted in a whisper. “My string was always gray before, so I thought…” She trailed off and shrugged. He nodded his understanding.
“Yeah, me too. ‘Sorta assumed I just didn't have one since I wasn't human. I think it's more common for demons and angels to have gray strings.” His brows furrowed in thought, but whatever was running through his mind vanished as she turned her head to kiss the palm of his hand.
“... what do we do now?” She asked.
He gulped and shook his head, gathering his thoughts.
“I suppose I should introduce you to my daughter.”
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cosmiiwrites · 1 month
˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ succubus scum
·:¨༺ sinner!adam x succubus!reader ༻¨:·
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which adam discovers his attraction to a lowly hellborn cw: NSFW, fem!reader, she/her pronouns used, adam is a horny menace, degradation, oral (m!recieving), p in v, creampie, cussing, kind of long (?) a/n: might’ve incorporated a teensy tiny bit of brat tamer adam:3 JUSTT a little post-fuck drabble
adam shouldve known better than to target a hellborn. now he was a pathetic sinner, looking to get redeemed at the princess of hell’s shiny new hotel. “this redemption shit better fucking work.” he muttered to himself.
charlie gladly took him in, much to everyone else’s dismay. however adam being one of the hotel’s residents didn’t mean everyone was particularly nice to him. once in a while someone would crack a joke about his fallout, earning them an annoyed growl and a middle finger.
the person who got on his nerves most of all was to no one’s surprise, lucifer. adam was already pissed off at his current state, and lucifer was only there to rub salt on the open, bleeding wound.
“aw, big guy isnt so tough now, huh?” lucifer laughed, tugging at adam’s maroon wings that were once a bright gold.
“shut the FUCK up.” adam groaned, swatting the king’s hand away. he didnt even try to put up a fight, because he knew he had already lost. lucifer had beaten him, and that was that. if he could survive getting stabbed multiple times by an unhinged bug, adam could handle lucifer’s smartass.
and so it was it was like that for a while. adam stayed in his room most of the time, except for when he was forced to participate in charlie's group activities. which consisted of him barely being active in, only chiming in once or twice when lucifer threatened to kick him out if he didnt participate. until angel dust brought in a new friend of his. a friend that caught adam's eye almost immediately. "oh, angel, i'm so glad you're bringing in a new friend!" charlie beamed. "hopefully their entrance isnt as... destructive." she laughed nervously at cherri, who was seated at the bar, only rolling her eyes. "ain't gotta worry 'bout that, toots. [name]'s cool. she's actually a succubus," angel dust added, seemingly proud that he had a non-sinner friend. charlie's eyes lit up at the mention of another hellborn at her hotel, immediately asking angel dust a plethora of questions about you. adam scoffed at the idea of having a filthy sex demon living in the same vicinity as him. the hotel already had a sex-obsessed resident, they certainly didnt another one. "so," charlie asked, "when is she arriv-" "sup, angie?" you threw the hotel doors open. not as dramatic as cherri's entrance, but the suddenness of it was surprising nonetheless. the spider's eyes widened as he ran up to pull you into a hug. cherri gave you a little wave, before returning to the drink in front of her. "[name], ya bitch, 'bout time ya visited me!" adam only stared at you wordlessly, eyes scanning your appearance. pink tinted skin, skimpy clothing... fuck. adam might have to retract his former thoughts about demons. he was eyeing you down hungrily until he felt his dick twitch uncomfortably under his robes. was he seriously hard? who was he kidding. you looked- "-hot as fuck! seriously, [name], you looked SO different last time i saw you." angel dust beamed, a set of arms shaking your shoulders. "jeez, angie, save the compliments for later! you've got people to introduce me to." you laughed, eyes darting around the hotel lobby. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"-and this is husk, our bartender!" charlie spoke happily. husk gave you a curt nod before returning to cleaning a glass. angel dust had wanted to do the introductions, but charlie insisted that she do them instead.
"i think that's everyone... oh! that's right, i haven't introduced you to adam yet!" charlie exclaimed. "nuh uh, you are NOT gracing that filthy gremlin with [name]'s presence." angel dust interrupted. he planted himself between you and charlie, his top set of arms forming an “x”. "angel, don't call him that! and plus, he's a resident, just like you!" the spider only scoffed, reluctantly gesturing for charlie to continue.
charlie walked you over to the couch where adam was sitting. “adam, this is [name]! [name], adam.” initially, you weren’t going to pay him much mind, but then you remembered who he was. the guy angel dust told you about.
“no fucking way. you’re the heavenly big man? y’know, first man and all?” you gushed, looking him up and down. being from the lust ring, you didnt experience the extermination. heard of it, yes, but you didnt dig into it too much.
adam grit his teeth in response. “yeah, what’s it to you?” he scowled. adam looked away from you, slightly embarrassed that you were aware of his once great title.
you elbowed angel dust and whispered something into his ear, emitting a choked out laugh. guess who you were talking about.
adam shifted in annoyance, muttering a barely audible: “filthy demon slut.”
a few months after your arrival, naturally, with your succubi nature, you began getting… frisky. with adam, specifically. it mostly consisted of you flirting with him, usually ending with adam muttering a ‘fuck off, whore,’ while storming off to his hotel room.
basically husk and angel’s dynamic.
adam hated you. he hated how you made him feel, especially for a demon. he hated how he’d fuck his hand every night, cumming all over his bedsheets, imagining it was your cunt instead. oh, how he’d wish he could get his way with you. it was tempting as fuck.
charlie had encouraged the hotel residents for a night out, ‘to bond.’ majority of the residents agreed on going to a bar, specifically the one sir pentious failed to woo cherri in.
you were talking with angel dust at a table, catching up and whatnot, when the spider demon perked up suddenly.
“hey, name [name], ya up for a challenge?” he grinned, elbowing you. “you know it.” you smirked. “twenty dollars to see if dickmaster lives up to his name.” angel dust spoke, taking your chin into his hand and turning your head so you were looking at adam. he was slumped over at a table, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed as he scanned the club. he was judging the filthy sinners in here, for sure.
you giggled, fixing your appearance before getting up from your chair. “get those bills ready,” you boasted, walking over to adam’s table.
he sneered at you, ready to shoot an insult before you abruptly sat yourself on his lap. “what the fuck, bitch?!” he spat. despite his display of annoyance, adam made no effort in pushing you off.
“sorry, you just seemed so… tense.” you teased, tracing a finger to his jaw, which tightened at your touch. his breathing got heavier, eyes trained on you—your lips, eyes—basically taking advantage of how fucking close you were. he was hoping you wouldnt notice his raging erection that had formed right beneath your thighs. could you blame him, though? what you were wearing was so skimpy, your boobs looked like they would spill out of the top you were wearing. he absentmindedly licked his lips, thanking heaven you didnt see.
“blowing off some steam would help, yeah?” you said, gesturing to a room labeled: “sex room one”. a few tables away, you could hear angel dust snickering.
adam was silent for a moment, and for a second you wondered if you had gone too far. moving to get off of his lap, you felt a tight grip on your wrist. mumbling a quiet “fuck it”, adam began dragging you to the room.
the door was shut impatiently, you were about to say something when adam pinned you to the wall, caging you in effectively.
“fucking slut, always teasin’ me, yeah? think its fucking funny?” he growled, face inching closer to yours with every word. you gulped. this wasnt how it was supposed to go. your heart raced at the intimacy, turning your head away from him. which did nothing, because you could still feel his eyes on you. adam roughly took hold of your chin to meet his face again, grinning as he did.
“look at you, shaking like a fucking leaf. what happened to the bitch who was flirting with me back there? huh?” he spat.
“listen, i- it was a-“ you fumbled with your words. how were you supposed to explain your constant teasing with him, if it was out of pure shits and giggles?
adam got bored of your little ramble, and with his hands still having a hold on your chin, kissed you roughly.
his tongue swept into your mouth eagerly, he’d waited too long for this. adam’s hand found it’s way to your left breast, thumb grazing your areola, and snickering as you winced.
letting go of your chin, his hand found its way to your pussy, tracing feather light circles, grinning widely at the damp cloth. your arousal was as clear as daylight.
“so fucking wet. didn’t know you were that desperate for this cock. it’s sad, really.” he was speaking like a hypocrite, as if he wasnt jerking off to thought of you riding him while whimpering so prettily, just the night before.
you grinded down on his fingers, desperate for release. “please—fuck, a-adam,” you pleaded. “mmf, f-fuck!” he tsked at your desperation, shaking his head. “p-please!”
“please, what? use your words.” he demanded. “n-need you inside, please, adam!” normally you would cringe saying this, but you were blinded by horniness and the heat of the moment. almost tantalizingly, adam used his thumb to put more pressure onto you clit. “that’s more like it. now on your knees, bitch.”
you were confused, unmoving for a second before adam pulled you down onto your knees. “i have to do everything, dont i?” adam rolled his eyes. he pulled out his erection. you stared for a few moments. it was a good seven inches, girthy, with a few veins running on the sides. it was enough to make your mouth water.
“thats enough staring,” he growled. without further warning, adam shoved his cock into your mouth. “hnnf, asghole!” asshole.
he laughed at your attempt to insult him. “you said you wanted me inside, shouldve been more specific.” adam teased. he took your hair into his hands, moving your head up and down his cock. he groaned loudly, head thrown back in pure bliss.
it wasnt soon until you were bobbing your head on his cock enthusiastically, left hand reaching down to play with your clit. “fucking—hngh, oh shit—whore, knew you’d be good at this,” adam babbled. “how many dicks have been in this slutty mouth of—fuckk—yours?”
you ran your tongue over his tip, causing him to wince. he took notice of your hand being down under your clit and groaned. “slut, getting off to sucking my dick.” he tsked.
you took him deeper into your throat, determined to make him finish. “oh fuck, im so fucking close—ah, shit,” he panted. adam tugged onto your hair desperately, biting his lip. “g-gonna cum, fucking take it—“
hearing these words, you buried his cock into the back of your throat, feeling hot semen fill your mouth.
after a few moments you let yourself off his cock, and adam groaned at the feeling. you looked up at him as his cum spilled from your lips, dripping onto your breasts. his breath hitched at the sight. you discarded your hands from your cunt and licked your juices off of your fingers, eyes still trained on adam’s.
he groaned at the sight of him, dick twitching back to full capacity. such a fucking tease.
adam took your wrist and dragged you onto the bed, for you had been on the floor the entire time. he sat you onto his lap, grinding you against his erection.
“you’re going to stay here and ride me until those pretty thighs of yours are sore, got it?” adam squeezed your thighs for emphasis.
you squeaked, nodding feverishly. “good.” adam ripped off your skirt, tossing it aside. you were finally going to soothe the ache in between your legs.
he pushed aside your panties and slowly sunk his cock into you, groaning at your tightness. you mewled desperately, you fucked a lot of people, yet his entrance still hurt.
for about thirty seconds.
“h-haah, mm, shit!” you whined, bouncing on his cock eagerly. adam stared at your boobs, taking one into his hands while sucking on the other. “fuck, just keep going, c’mon…” he encouraged, one hand squeezing your ass.
“c-can’t anymore,” you pleaded. your legs were aching, you felt like they would fall off their hinges. “you can,” adam growled. he gripped both hands onto your waist, lifting you up and then slamming you back down onto his cock, making you squeal at the suddenness of it.
deciding to change positions, adam laid you down onto the bed so you were underneath him, placing your wrists over your head. in seconds he rammed his dick into you again. “fuckkk,” he groaned.
you whimpered at his forcefulness, burying your head into the crook of his neck. “s-slow down!” you pleaded. adam only laughed in response. you knew deep down that you wanted him to continue at his animalistic pace, each thrust making you see stars.
soon enough you felt a familiar heat pool inside your stomach. “adam, please, m’ gonna c-cum!” you whimpered. considering adam’s once grinning face turned flushed, you knew he was, too.
“hnngh, adam, i’m gonna—f-fuck!” adam smirked, rubbing his thumb with more force over your clit. “cum for me, pretty girl.” oops, he hadn’t meant to slip the last part out. who fucking cares, he thought.
your orgasm sent waves of pleasure through your body, as you babbled adam’s name like a mantra. you twitched, still coming down from your high. but adam wasn’t done, not yet.
now chasing his own release, adam’s thrusts grew erratic, desperate, even. he’d dreamt of doing this to you for months, he was going to make the most of it.
“fuck, baby, you gonna let me—ah shit—let me cum inside your demon p-pussy?” he fumbled. you couldnt respond, being all fucked out and all.
in mere seconds, you felt his hot seed spill into you. he was still thrusting into you, riding out his orgasm. soon after he collapsed on the bed next to you. you were curled up next to him, one of his hands over your shoulder and squeezing your boob. god, he loved them. after a few seconds, he spoke.
“maybe demons arent that bad.”
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writerslittlelibrary · 8 months
You should make one where Wanda and nat get taken by the snap and it leaves there 14 year old daughter for her to grow up alone, later when they return there surprised to see her grow up at first they dont even recognize her because she turns out to be a cold badass. You can add some angst of her not being able to trust them and so on. But over time there family dynamic falls back but they notice y/n is hiding something because she always disappears and is seen talking on the phone. One night they think they hear talk in y/n’s room so they wait a few hours before they check it out and its y/n being super cute with her gf. she introduce her gf who helped her through the snap.
5 years is a long time
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masterlist requests masterlist
pairing: WandaNat x daughter reader
warnings: grieve, loss, pain
genre: angst, fluff
words: 2093
a/n: thank you so much anon for the request. I love the idea and I hope you like it 🫶
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
Tears. That’s all you remember. The endless crying of that night. Your moms had told you they had to leave for a while to fight an important battle. They told you they would be back. They lied. 
You remember Steve coming to your home. The home you grew up in. The home you three had lived in for your entire life. You were excited when you heard the door open. You thought your moms had returned. They hadn’t.
Steve was standing in the door opening, and the look on his face alone was enough to make you cry. So that’s what you did. For the entire night you did nothing but cry. You couldn’t believe your moms would break their promise. You couldn’t believe your moms would never hold you again. 
Steve had taken you out of your home that night. He said he wanted you to stay with him, so you would be safe. He told you it’s what your moms would’ve wanted, but you had no interest in listening to him. You didn’t sleep that night. What happened wouldn’t leave your brain. You were devastated. 
After a few weeks in the compound, you had started feeling angry. The first few days you felt numb, and you supposed feeling angry was better than that, but in reality it wasn’t.
You would ignore Steve. You wouldn’t eat or take care of yourself. All you could be was angry, and you and Steve fought all the time. After two months, you decided to leave. You were a few weeks away from your fifteenth birthday, and Steve was trying to get you excited for it, but you didn’t want to be.
Usually, you would be so excited you couldn’t sleep, but this time you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Steve talked about it non-stop, and you just couldn’t take it. What was the point in celebrating your birthday if the most important people wouldn't be there?
That was when you decided to leave. 
You found an apartment in Seattle, wanting to be as far away from the compound as you could. That’s where you lived for the past 5 years. You were 19 now, and your life was different than it was when the snap happened.
You used your training to kill. You found that killing people was the only way to ease your anger, ease your thirst for revenge. 
You weren’t proud of it. How could you? Your moms had taught you how to fight to protect, not hurt. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care, however. Your moms were gone. There was no reason in thinking about what they would or wouldn’t agree with. 
You were currently sitting on your couch, cleaning some of your knives. You had another successful assignment yesterday and you were exhausted. There was a lot of commotion in the world, and your assignments were flooding. It seemed that suddenly everyone wanted each other dead. You didn’t know why, but then again, you didn’t follow the news.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at your door. Besides Charlie, no one knew where you lived, and she wasn’t set to come home for another few days. 
Hesitantly, you opened your door, and you almost broke at the sight. 
In front of you were two people. Two people who you believed you’d never see again. Wanda gasped, clearly shocked by the wounds you carried on your face. Maybe the fact you’d grown 5 years shocked her too. Natasha just stared. She couldn’t believe it. Their little girl was all grown up, but that isn’t what shocked them the most. 
The emptiness in your eyes did. 
Wanda made the first move to hug you, and in your shock you didn’t react. You hadn’t thought this day would ever come, and now it did. 
Natasha seemed to snap out of her shock, moving to embrace you as well. 
They cried. You didn’t.
When they moved into your apartment you were quick to clean the knives from your coffee table. You were afraid of how they would react. You knew they would be disappointed, but you just weren’t ready for a lecture of them yet. 
Natasha and Wanda stayed in your guest room, and much like the night you lost them, you were awake. You couldn’t sleep, and you knew they wouldn’t be able to either.
The next day Natasha and Wanda had convinced you to move back into their apartment. They kept telling you how sorry they were for leaving, and how they wanted to make up for all the years they lost. You agreed, moving back into your childhood home. You didn’t know how you’d react if they ever were to return, but you never expected to feel so… numb.
You had lived together for a few days now, and you had a hard time trusting them. You fought a few times already, mainly with Natasha. You refused to call them mom and mama again. You just couldn’t. Wanda was just trying to be there for you, while Natasha was more set on getting answers.
You were frustrated. You couldn’t provide your moms with any answers. You didn’t have any. 
Last night you and Natasha fought again, and she yelled at you saying she couldn't recognise you anymore. You were lost. You didn’t know how to react.
All those nights you wished your moms would return to you, and wishing things would go back to the way they were. Now you wished things would go back to the way they were after they disappeared. You didn’t want to face them, and living with them again after so many years proved to be much more difficult than you initially thought. 
Most nights you spend in your room, talking to the only person that stayed the same through all of it. 
You spoke to Charlie most nights. She was the only person you had found comfort with all this time. The only person you felt you could trust, and the only person you felt you could be yourself around.
Charlie lost both of her parents in the snap as well, and when you were on an assignment one day to kill a dangerous man, you had found Charlie in one of the rooms in his house.
She was locked up, and she looked sick. You had taken her home with you, caring for her wounds. She didn’t speak much, only thanking you when appropriate. You didn’t mind much. You were happy you could still do some good. You were both 17 at the time, and you grew close quickly. 
Charlie had told you what happened. How she lost her parents and the man had taken her. You offered her to stay with you, and she agreed. You grew closer quickly, and your friendship soon developed into something more. 
Charlie was the only person you cared about. The only person you could be yourself around. The only person you loved through those years. 
Charlie had reminded you of your humanity, and she never scolded you for doing what you did. 
It’s funny, really. All those nights you spend on your own, in the bed of your new apartment, you longed to be laying in your own bed, with your moms downstairs. Now, while you were lying in the bed of your childhood home, with your moms downstairs, you longed for the nights in your own apartment. Spend watching movies and eating cheap take out with Charlie. 
You hadn’t told your moms about Charlie yet. You didn’t know how to. You didn’t know you wanted to.
Your moms were downstairs, discussing your behavior. Wanda was crying. She felt so incredibly hurt by the fact you called her ‘Wanda’ now. She missed the days you called her mommy. When you would come running downstairs all excited because you had a random thought you felt like Wanda should know. 
Her and Natasha were talking about how you seemed so closed off. So cold. How you were always in your room and how it seemed like you were hiding something.
Tonight, while you were on a call with Charlie, Natasha had decided to check on you, wanting to talk to you about their concerns. When she reached your room, she could hear you talking to someone. She decided not to knock on the door, instead opening it to see you lying on your bed, with your back turned to the door. You didn’t notice she was standing there, to captivated by your phone call.
You were giggling, and Natasha wasn’t sure when she last heard you laugh. 
Natasha just stood there, soaking up your happiness. When you ended the phone call, you told Charlie ‘I love you’, which didn’t go unnoticed by Natasha.
When you turned around you were startled, and when you released Natasha was eavesdropping you were upset. 
“I’m sorry,” Natasha told you, and you sighed, sitting up in your bed. Natasha sat at the end of your bed, not wanting to make you uncomfortable by sitting too close. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, it’s just been a while since I’ve seen you laugh.”
“I’m sorry too,” you told her, not wanting to look at her.
“I understand it must’ve been hell for you, and it must have been so confusing, even now we’re back. It’s confusing for us too. A few weeks ago you were our little 14 year old girl, and now you’re all grown up. I’m sorry we don’t know how to help you, and I’m sorry we weren’t there,” Natasha told you with tears in her eyes. 
You sniffled and shook your head. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been a terrible daughter. I was never mad at you. I’m just so angry, and I didn’t know how to handle that,” you explained to her, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Natasha pulled you into a hug, the first you’d had since the night they returned. You cried together, and Wanda, who probably heard the crying, came upstairs and sat next to you on the other side. 
You kept crying, repeating ‘I’m sorry’ until you were so tired you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. 
You fell asleep in their arms, and when you woke up, they were still there. 
You had all moved down to the kitchen for breakfast, and for the first time in 5 years, you were eating breakfast together, talking. There was no tension, no crying, no fighting and no yelling. Just talking.
“So who was that girl on the phone yesterday?” Natasha suddenly asked you. 
You looked up at her quickly, surprised with her question. “What?” you asked her confused. “Yesterday you were talking on the phone with a girl. You seemed really happy.” 
You looked at your plate, pushing the leftover fruit around on it. “We’re not mad, just curious,” Wanda told you. “Her name’s Charlie. She’s kinda my girlfriend,” you told your moms hesitantly.
You didn’t look at them, but you felt Wanda scooting her chair closer, engulfing you in a hug. “We’re so happy for you!” she exclaimed, and you relaxed in her arms. “Thanks,” you mumbled. Natasha sat down in the chair on the other side of you, rubbing your back. “Where is she now?” Natasha asked. 
“Still in Seattle. We lived together in that apartment,” you told her, sitting up straight again. 
“We should invite her over, if you want too,” Wanda suggested. You nodded. “I’d like that,” 
Two days later Charlie was standing in front of your door again, and she hugged you tight. “I’ve missed you,” you murmured. She nodded, kissing your forehead. 
When she let you go, she noticed your moms standing behind you. Natasha was the first one to introduce herself, telling her it was nice to meet her. Wanda was next, giving her a small hug. 
You had dinner that night, the four of you, and after finding out you had lived together for 2 years, Wanda suggested she should stay for a while. Charlie agreed, and you couldn’t be happier. The night was ended with movies, you in Charlie’s arms, just like all those other nights. The only difference was your moms sitting next to you, smiling at the wonderful young woman you’d grown into. 
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yourlocalcryptidbee · 2 months
⭐Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons
Headcannons about the lovely Lucifer Morningstar and the ways he acts with the even lovelier reader! Grab some snacks and a beverage, get comfy and enjoy <3
~1k words
GN-ish! Reader (mentions of hair long enough to braid that’s it) NOT proof read.
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Dude hates crowds, like has a burning(get it? hellfire? burning…never mind) hatred for them, most of them anyways. Crowds, people in general, can’t seem to think for themselves when around him. It’s always ‘whatever you want, your majesty,’ ‘don’t let us stop you, your majesty’ ‘we’ll do whatever you ask, your Majesty’ It reminds him of Heaven and the councils, and the masses, and the sermons….the list goes on. It’s Groupthink on steroids. A complete echo chamber that a young Lucifer tried to break. That version of Lucifer stood up to the majority and lost everything because of it. Of course that man still can’t stand it, especially now that he’s on the other end of it. He wishes that sinners could at least try to have a personality around him, not just a bunch of spineless pushovers, ready to wait hand on foot in fear of being smote.
He likes to watch you, not in a creepy way! At least he hopes that it isn’t creepy to you. Simply put, Lucifer likes to see you there, see you take up space in his home. Although he isn’t apposed to helping cook breakfast or clean, he’d much rather just watch you do it. It’s a comfort thing for him, watching you physically move around and disturb his space reminds him that you’re real and not something his mind made up as a last ditch effort to fix his depression. In the beginning when you would sleep over at his house, Lucifer wouldn’t make his bed after you left. He’d just leave all the bunched up blankets and sheets exactly how you left them. It made him feel less lonely when he had to sleep by himself the next night.
Frivolous. Like, truly does not care how much he spends on shit. Couldn’t even try to think about caring. It doesn’t matter to him. Partly due to his pride, he’s the big dick in charge of hell! of course he has the money for that 24k gold and diamond encrusted something or other. Especially if he’s buying something for you or Charlie. Your wish is his command after all.
His house is sssssoooo dusty. After his divorce he had quarantined himself to his bedroom, bathroom and office. He never went anywhere else in his house, he would portal himself between the rooms when necessary so he didn’t even use the hallways! Which one could imagine would leave a substantial amount of dust EVERYWHERE. He had invited you to his home for the first time on a whim, feeling proud of himself for finally asking and had coincidently walked through his front door, only to cough from inhaling so much dust. That pride turned to horror as he realized he only had an hour to clean his house before you showed up. That man had never moved faster in his life. He was so focused, unfortunately sometimes on the wrong things, I mean why was he cleaning the support beams that were 15 feet high and attached to the ceiling and not, I don’t know, the kitchen!? 
Lucifer cannot throw things away. Just look how long he wore his wedding band after he and Lilith split. In fact, he still has kept the ring after getting together with you, though he’s not wearing it, Lucifer just couldn’t bring himself to get rid of something like that. It still lives in a nice box in the very back of his nightstand. This is even worse when it comes to gifts from either you or Charlie. It could be the stupidest thing and he’ll cherish it and hold onto it for eternity. All those rocks, broken crayons, leaves, and bottle caps that baby Charlie gave to him? All tucked away safely to this day, hell, sometimes he’ll look through it all as a little pick me up. Maybe this has to do with being physically thrown out of his home in heaven or maybe he just is sentimental, even Lucifer doesn’t know.
Loves having his wings be taken care of. It was hard after he fell from heaven, those beautiful white wings now a blood red? Not something he liked to look at. It reminds of what he failed to do and of the pain he created for all of humanity. Having you take care of that is so special to him. You take the time to preen his wings and make sure they’re perfect. One of the things that are constantly reminding him of his failure as an angel is just so easily accepted and loved by you. Something so small to you, means the world to him. You can look at something that symbolizes failure and still love it unconditionally because it’s Lucifer’s? Yeah, he loves it that you take care of him.
Will 1000% make dad jokes when he doesnt know what to say. It’s honestly adorable. This happened on multiple occasions when your relationship was still new. A conversation would finish and there’d be a lull or a pregnant pause, and then he’d just “what-what do you call a can opener that’s broken?”
“a can’t opener. ” 
Cue his quiet, stifled yet awkward laughter at his own joke and the distant groan from Charlie who has probably heard that a million times already.
Has a gift for braiding hair. Honestly, he’s pretty good at styling hair in general but allow him to braid your hair and his talent just shines through. His own hair has some length to it so he has in fact braided his own hair but come on, his (ex)wife and baby girl have some of the longest blonde hair in the underworld, of course, he knows what he’s doing. Doesn’t matter what style or where the braid originated, he can do it. The cherry on top is that when he’s combing out your hair beforehand, there isn’t a single tug. Could this be magic? Yes. Could this also be a skill carefully cultivated over the literal millennia he’s been alive? Also yes.
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rubra-wav · 3 months
Main Hazbin Hotel cast x fallen angel reader who wants to cut off their wings (drabble - hc format)
Req by: @lightmoon99
A/N: I fucking love fallen angel angst type content, it's my bread and butter. I hope I was able to do it some justice <3
Cw: SFW, decapitation, a bit angsty, platonic, cannibalism, Gn!Reader
When you had fallen from heaven to hell, your hate for your more angelic attributes that had already existed before the fall only deepened.
You hated the sensation of the weight that signified your wings were, in fact, still there even when your halo had been taken when the exterminators had left you to die here.
You hated that you had to feel the pain of your attempt to hide them under cloaks and baggy clothes with ropes pinning them to your back.
When you came to the hazbin hotel, you were open from the get-go with Charlie, hoping she would sympathise being the daughter of a fallen angel herself.
It of course didn't take long for others in the hotel to find out you are a fallen angel, however it did take longer for them to find out simultaneously during a group exercise that you wanted to discard any and all heavenly reminders of what you used to be.
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- She's horrified when you bring out your wings in a flourish and say such a thing while gesturing to them.
- It's not too surprising considering you hide them practically all the time, but it still fills her with a sense of grief for you to think such a thing.
- She immediately tries to shut it down, telling you that you shouldn't hurt yourself and should be proud you have such gorgeous wings!
- Would apologise and go silent when she realises how badly she's messed up in saying that seeing your expression.
- Only continues speaking to dissuade some of the poor ideas coming from others in the group.
- She'd probably try to think up ways to make it up to you after the meeting.
- Probably tries to suggest doing some trauma work type things? She doesn't know a lot about that kind of thing, but she could get some books on it to try!
- Actually ends up learning a bit about trauma treatment stuff outside of the awful pop culture live love laugh stuff she's on about most of the time.
- Ends up helping out with you coping a bit better in the end due to that.
- Keeps trying but fails to do anything to dissuade certain members of the hotel to stop encouraging you to remove your wings, however.
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- She's stung as a wingless fallen angel herself that you'd want to do such a thing.
- But she also understands all the same why you'd feel that way.
- Would respond in a way that's understanding, but ultimately awkward and clunky due to how she is normally.
- Made worse due to her own angst about it.
- Afterwards, she would probably try to have a private chat to you about it since it's clear you're struggling and logically she's gonna probably be the one most understanding.
- May even reveal she's a fallen too if you're close to try and give you a feeling of comradery in a pretty bleak way.
- She's got basically the opposite of what you've got, but it'd still be bonding and mutual support.
- Would be emotionally supporting you and encouraging you to try work through the trauma rather than harming / cutting off your wings.
- What the hotel doesn't have is a doctor, so you'd be screwed if you decapitated a part of yourself.
- She doesn't want you to feel inclined towards taking up certain members' offers either.
- She knows that the others are not going to stop with their bullshit so she actively tries to educate you on what they are up to really and all the risks that come with.
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- When he first hears it, he cringes very noticeably despite his usual persona.
- The definition of 'that's rough, buddy.'
- He feels terrible for you that you'd feel such a way, but he also has absolutely no clue how to express it at all.
- Probably would be the type to try distract you from the bad by having fun, so he'd be trying to get you to hang out with him and either go to parties or go on various shenanigans.
- He's not good at emotionally comforting people at all, so he's awkward as hell and at loss when it gets particularly bad for you.
- But he's always there to try do activities with you to take your mind off of it.
- And he also needs it as well honestly. It's nice having someone who's also feeling shitty so you can mutually drag each other out to do things rather than wallowing in bs and feeling worse and worse.
- Probably calls out Cherry as well because she's always good at cheering him up.
- He knows quite a few people from a lot of different walks of life, so chances are he could get you in contact with someone who'd be able to perform removal surgery if after everything you still want it done.
- No strings attached as well with his assistance, unlike Alastor.
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- He'd not really react at all initially outside of maybe raising his brows at your comment.
- Obviously, it's bad, but he just prefers to play his cards to his chest with how he truly feels about things.
- Would be actively being bitter as fuck at most of the other residents suggesting stupid shit though in a way that's honestly protective.
- Basically shuts all of them down one by one, calling them out on their crap.
- When Alastor points out how he 'seems to care awfully much about you' Husk scoffs and tells him to fuck off.
- Shuts up for the rest of the group part of the interaction.
- Afterwards though, he'd have a private conversation with you and actually gives you some good advice.
- Tells you that you should do whatever the hell you want but also to not let the opinions and thoughts others dictate that.
- If you want to do that, it's really your decision, and nobody has any right to try to tell you what you should do with your own wings.
- Doesn't really share his own opinion on what he thinks you should do because it's asinine and would be hypocritical to what he's encouraging.
- Just encourages you to think for yourself rather than just going with what the idiots and asshole are trying to fill your head with.
- And if you do decide to get them removed? Make sure to be safe with it.
Sir Pentious
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- He very obviously feels bad for you. He shows it all over his face but also has no clue how to express it properly.
- So, naturally, he automatically goes to propose a practical solution to the problem.
- "I can do that for you, my fallen friend! I have experience with my creations, so I should be able to attemp-"
- He doesn't even get to finish his sentence before he's very rudely interrupted by Husk and told to fuck off with that shitty idea.
- Visibly deflates when he's told he's not a doctor and is just some inventor wannabe.
- He'd shut up for the rest of the meeting, moping and glaring between Husk and Alastor.
- But afterwards, he's approaching you saying he would try his best to do it if you asked.
- Would go and start researching how to do the procedure and starts meticulously learning about how to properly do it.
- Whether you decide on him doing the procedure or not, he wants to be ready just in case.
- He has no idea how to emotionally provide for you properly in this situation, so he's doing what he does best and is working practically. He's all open to any way he can be of assistance, however.
- Absolutely asked his eggs for advice on what to do and got nowhere.
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- Person number 2 who receives a resounding 'shut up' message via Husk.
- His eyes absolutely light up when you say you want to remove your wings, grin widening as he takes on a sweet tone that does not match his intentions at all.
- "Well, that could certainly be arranged, darling."
- Asks if you'd like to make a deal for your wings in exchange for something you want from him. He'd take you to someone skilled enough to do the operation.
- He wants a meal that is heavenly in a completely different kinda way.
- It's not every day you get to eat angel wings. And it wasn't like you wanted them, and he sure did.
- Even if you're friends, he wants to win the rare delicacy competition he has going with Rosie. If he bought some skilfully cooked dish with your wings in it, he'd win without a shadow of a doubt.
- It's not like he'd be lying about getting them removed, either. Just his intentions for volunteering to do so.
- Shuts up about it after the first mention of it and being called out by Husk, going on about something different after.
- But he's already plotting out what he can do to get what he wants.
- Would actively be sabotaging Pentious the whole time he's studying how to do the procedure as well. Those wings are going to be his, and he will not be the second choice when you (in his mind at least) inevitably come to him for assistance.
- He won't actively make your misery worse, but he will act as a passive influence urging you towards his goal.
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- Would also say she can remove your wings.
- But, would then proceed to try and do just that without even allowing you to process what she's said.
- Gets caught thrashing around like a madwoman in mid-air by Vaggie who saw it coming from a mile away.
- Wants to get your wings taxidermied and framed because she thinks they would make an excellent decorative piece in the hotel.
- Would then need to be kept in sight at all times away from you as she would be repeatedly trying again and again to destroy the cloaks you wear to hide your wings to get to them.
- Already had been collecting your feathers for several months and had already sorted those into a freaky art piece.
- So she's more than ready for a more substantial specimen.
- Was the one to actually expose you as being an angel in the first place - unintentionally by mentioning the giant feathers she'd found in your trash.
- Would probably be placated if you gave her more feather tbh. She thinks your wings and feathers are just wonderful.
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luciferlightbringer · 2 months
Talk to Me
Chapter 5
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I am so sorry this took so long, con really took it out of me but now there we are!
Lucifer x Fem Fallen Angel Reader Word Count: 3k CW: Angst, trauma, trust building, slow burn, enemies to lovers(ish?), curiosity, care
Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6 In Progress
The next couple of days you spent decompressing and taking care of yourself before the next time you had a talk day. You realized you would need to be careful with yourself when it came to doing this, or else you were going to get too overwhelmed with all of the new ways you were exploring pain and suffering with people. You were also trying to think of a better thing to call these meetings. Emotional support sessions maybe? That sounded at least a little more structured.
Earlier in the week, Charlie had asked if you needed anything for your work, and you had thought a sign to show when you were taking people for your door would be nice. Charlie got excited and ran off, later that same day she came back with a sparkly sign with pretty designs on it, one side said “Talk to Me” and the other side was blank and had a button, and in pressing the button, that back side could switch between things like “Session in Progress”, “Off Duty”, “Please Knock”, and other things.
You smiled and hugged Charlie to that her, then you put the sign on your with “Off Duty” up.
Now that it was the day of your next set of Emotional Support Sessions, you flipped it back to “Talk to Me” and nodded proudly before going into the room. This time, you did not have to wait as long before Angel can up to your room and walked in. You went to change the sign to “In Session” before beginning with Angel. Angel sat and talked with you for about an hour, going into more details about his relationship with Val, and how he got there. Bringing up more how he lived in a time where he was not allowed to be himself and was forced to do things he hated, and how here he is at least able to be out in hell as a gay man and express himself how he wants.
As you were talking with Angel, Lucifer was up in his Apple tower part of the hotel trying to get up the courage to talk to you. It wasn’t you he was nervous about, it was talking about what had happened, he had that wall up for so long he didn’t even know where to start. And he was afraid of it opening the floodgates for him. He felt tears well in his eyes just thinking about some things, he fought back the tears, shaking his head.
No, I need to not run away from this, Lucifer thought. Then his thoughts drifted again to you specifically. Who were you? Why did he get this nagging sense of familiarity from you? He really needed to work through this fog so that maybe he could figure that out, or he could just ask you… Would that be weird to just ask? He would have to think about that.
An hour later he was prepped as much as he could be and headed down to your room, to see the door open with the sign shining with his daughter’s handwriting welcoming him in. He smiled at the sign gave a quick knock on the doorframe.
“Good morning” he said gently. You turned around at the sound of his voice and bowed.
“Your majesty” you said.
He waved a hand “Please, just Lucifer. Is… now an ok time?”
“Ya! Let me just go get Vaggie and…”
“I also have the ability to be the silencing spell. If that would make it easier,” Lucifer offered. You stiffened a little. The idea of Lucifer using any magic on you made you feel a bit nervous.
“I uhh… thank you. But uhh… I just wanna keep the wording consistent for everyone and… she has it down so I’ll just get her.” As you called for Vaggie, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel a little rejected, but he tried not to take it personally. He didn’t push the matter.
Vaggie came up and smiled to see Lucifer I’m ready to talk to you. She cast the spell and then gave him a quick “I’m proud of you” squeeze on his arm before leaving. You and Lucifer both looked at each other for a moment, then Lucifer looked away.
“I uhh… haha. I’m sorry, I’ve never done all of this before,” he said looking away from you.
“It’s ok, I figured this was not something that people had here. A safe place to talk about anything, I’m also just trying to figure it all out,” you smiled, studying him in all his nervousness, another side of him you never expected from the great fallen deceiver, the King of Hell.
“Did you do stuff like this ever on earth?” He asked.
You were surprised by the question, “why do you ask?”
Lucifer shrugged, “I don’t know, I know this time is supposed to be about me but I can’t help but be curious about others sometimes. You don’t have to answer that…”
You thought for a moment, “This type of thing was… an element of what I did in the past, I was more like an aid or a right hand man. I’d listen, give support, do what was asked.” It wasn’t the full truth but it wasn’t a lie either, you were trying your best not to lie to anyone.
Lucifer nodded and started to sit down, “Ya, I get that, I used to have someone like that when I was still a seraphim. Someone at my side. Although… I felt like they were just there to watch me and to try keeping me in line. I don’t remember anything about them… especially because I was sneaking off to Eden so much to see…” his jaw tightened before her name could escape, it was still to painful to even say her name.
“Lilith?” You added gently as you sat across from him. He nodded blankly. “Maybe we can start there? At the beginning?”
Lucifer took a deep breath, “I might not get through the story all in one sitting. It… it’ll probably be too much.”
“I don’t expect you to,” you replied gently.
Lucifer took another deep breath and started to fidget with his cane, before looking up at you.
“Ok uhh… well… I was once an angel, a seraphim. We were angels with… greater powers, not like the Elders or Archangels but more than the others. I… created things, I loved making others laugh and smile, I had so many ideas for Heaven, and Earth… but the Elders did not like any of them… There were certain… limitations that we had… but I was never told why, was never told what the issues were with my ideas, only that they were bad and should not be thought of.”
“What kind of ideas?” You asked.
Lucifer perked up a little, “Wait, you want to know what my ideas were for Heaven and Earth were that they did not like?”
You nodded. Lucifer thought, he hadn’t thought about that in a long time, and no one had asked him that besides Lilith.
“Well… sometimes it was little things like animals… ways that humans could interact with the life around them… I thought it would be easier if animals could talk… maybe start off with more than just two people… have there be more choice for them… a lot of it was just kind of around communication between levels. About feeling equal, we could do almost anything as angels, and I wanted that for humans too, I wanted us all to talk to each other, for humans to be an extension of our Heavenly family, be able to talk to God and the Elders. And most importantly… to be able to do whatever we wanted to make us happy…” Lucifer folded more into himself, “That’s where everything went wrong.”
“What happened?”
Lucifer sighed, “Well… not wrong exactly, but that’s when my fallen essentially started. “The great deception” I think they called it. They created the Earth without me, they wouldn’t let me touch it at all, which hurt but I understood, I just wanted to see it. I snuck down to Eden and I found all of the animals, I found ducks for the first time, and I found the first man and woman, Adam and… Lilith…” Lucifer sighed and shook his head and took another deep breath before continuing. “They… were interesting to watch, I watched from afar. I never intended to get involved, but I saw how much Adam ordered Lilith around and it made me so sad for her.”
“Wait, he ordered her around?”
“Ohhhh ya, I mean, he was like “In charge of Earth” as the first human, but so was Lilith, and he just bossed her around! I watched him argue with her over how they needed to put the leaves back on the trees when they fell, even though they are supposed to fall! They couldn’t agree on how to take care of the animals. I mean… I understand that it was a big responsibility and stress, but he never wanted to work with her! He always had to be the one calling the shots and… heh… that’s just not how Lilith works… she is creative, a dreamer, bold, smart… beautiful…” He drifted mentally into those first few memories of Lilith seeing him, how they would sit and talk for hours.
You sat patiently as he thought, surprised but also now not at the way he spoke about Lilith.
“Lilith had enough one day and ran from the garden. I was worried about her, so I followed, I found her crying. Again, I never meant to interact with her, but she saw me, and called for me… I had seen angels for thousands of years, but there was no one like her that I had ever met. She saw the corruption of the system that had been built around her, she had wants and dreams, she wanted to be able to do whatever it was she wanted, and I wanted that too. Also, she had the most incredible voice. Oh how I could hear her sing forever, she’d sing just notes, sometimes she would sing about her frustrations, her joys, her sorrows… and… eventually… about her love for me… I didn’t expect to fall in love with her… but I did… she did… it was beautiful… I still remember her song…”
He lifted up a hand and conjured and orb of golden light that played a melody. He listened to the melody for a moment, and then he quietly started to sing “My Lucifer, my Morningstar on high, there’s something that I’ve been dying to say, more than anything…. More than anything… need you to know I love you more than anything… more than anything…”
The further into the line he sang, the more his voice crackled with tears, but it was still so beautiful. At the end he let the song fade and tears were pouring down his cheeks, his head tipped down so that his hat covered his face. His crying got harder and harder, he clenched his hands into the fabric of his pants.
“Lucifer?” You asked softly.
“I didn’t want anyone to get hurt! I didn’t mean to go down and cause trouble!” His hands turned more into claws, his tail and horns emerged, his eyes turned red. He was terrifying, but not in the way you had expected to be terrified of him. This rage was not at you, it was at himself.
He looked up at you, “I just wanted to be free! I wanted everyone to be free! Also who puts the tree of knowledge right in the middle of the damn garden?! It was too easy, we didn’t want to hurt Adam, and especially not Eve! We just wanted them to know and to have free will like how we wanted it! We didn’t make her take it… But then in the end, it’s all my fault! Everything is my fault! Evil, Hell, sinners, my daughter and wife leaving me, my daughter having to fight Adam and heaven! None of this would have happened if I had never existed!”
At this point, your body moved without thinking, as you closed the space between you and Lucifer and you enveloped him in a hug, a tight grip that you knew he could tear through if he wanted.
Your hug made Lucifer stop in his tracks, he felt your warmth around him and he melted into it, wrapping his arms back around you. You felt his horns and tail start to retract as he relaxed a little into your embrace, you stood there holding him for what felt like hours, even though you know it wasn’t. Just hugging in pure silence.
“I see you, Lucifer… I hear your pain,” you said softly. “The system is unfair, there are problems, but the problems aren’t there because of you. You are just the reason why we see the problems now. It’s not your fault that the system has issues and they don’t want to do anything to change it because of how it serves them.”
Whoa, where in Hell did that come from? You and Lucifer were both shocked by your statement, Lucifer reacted by tightening his hug on you and burying his face into your shoulder as he started sobbing again. You watched the most hated being in all of creation try in your arms, and you felt something break inside of you. Was this really who heaven was afraid of? A man who could be brought to tears at the thought of his own actions of 10,000 years ago like they just happened yesterday?
You thought back to the words that had slipped out of your mouth, and realized that those beliefs didn’t just form now, you just finally saw your own pain reflected in someone else. Had you always silently suffered to some degree in Heaven and it only just now turned into a coherent thought? Was that just from the general structure of Heaven or was that due to something else?
Your thought was cut off by Lucifer moving away from your embrace, whipping away his tears. “I uhhh… oof.. I sorry you had to see, that.”
You smiled and put a hand in his arm, “It’s ok Lucifer, I’m happy to be here for you.”
In a moment, your vision flashes to the same scene, but you were in Heaven, before flashing back. It couldn’t have lasted more than a millisecond, but it took you by surprise, and you felt your hand half pull away from Lucifer’s arm, and a micro expression of panic flickering across your face. Luckily for you, Lucifer is too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice.
Lucifer was thinking of the next part of the story, preparing himself for those words.
“The counsel… Sera… they bound me in chains… Lilith too… put us on trial… then…”
“The fall,” you said flatly.
He nodded, “Ya… it was… a pain behold comprehension… I…”
You held up a hand, stopping him, trying not to let your own pain show through. Your own fall was still a bit fresh in your mind. You took a deep breath, “I don’t want you to push yourself to get the rest of the story right now. We have all the time it the world, to get through the whole story, ok?”
He thought, and he nodded, his shoulders slumped. “Sorry… I’m just not used to getting this whole story out, I haven’t even told Charlie or Lilith the story like this… I don’t want them to know how much pain I am in, even though I am sure they already know… I guess I just felt like I won’t have another chance to tell the story. To get it out.”
You nodded, “You will, I’m not going anywhere.”
He smiled, “Thank you, I’m glad I can take full advantage of your support this time….”
He trailed off, confused by the last few words he added to you. “Because… ya know… you were busy the other day, when we first met!” He flashed you a big smile to try covering up the awkwardness of his comment.
“Oh! Right, of course,” you smiled at him. You both stared at each other for a moment, both trying to sift through the strange feeling of familiarity with the other.
You shake yourself out of it and clap your hands once, “Well! That seems like a good place to end for the day, is there anything you need from me to feel ok wrapping up for now?”
Lucifer thought for a moment, and stood up and opened his arms to you, “Can I ask for another hug? I can try to not cry on you this time.”
You smile and stand from your seat, opening your own arms for him. He moves to enter your embrace. You hug him, his head resting on your chest. You stood there in each other’s embrace for a few minutes, a hug long that should have been uncomfortable for how little time you had known each other, but it wasn’t, it was honestly the most calm you had felt since you had fallen, but also the least. You were lost in both the fear of who you had known him to be from the stories in Heaven, versus the soft sad creature who was snuggled up into you now.
As he hugged you, he too felt a weird sense of familiar comfort. The ask for the hug was party to feel that safety again, and partly to explore his feelings when he held you. It was comforting and infuriating, he still couldn’t place where he felt this from. Something felt kinda… like Heaven? But how would that make any sense? You were a sinner.
Eventually he gave up with a sigh and released the embrace, looking up at you.
“Thanks… for doing all this. It hurts, but it feels good to talk about it,” he said with a weak smile.
You smiled back at him, “Anytime, your ma-… Lucifer.”
With that you walked him to the door and said goodbye before closing the down behind him. You went over to your bed and flopped, while Lucifer teleported up to his own bed in the Apple Tower and flopped. Both of you proceeded on your own mental journey of your experiences of the last hour. Mostly unsure of what to think of it at all, but you both knew one thing. That you both were already looking forward to your next conversation.
As usual! Let me know if you want added to the tag list!
@sapphireravensworld @cimadreamer @froggybich @randomstranger703 @tiredlillypad @melday0105 @btsgangleader @hawke1917 @gbshdhd @pandaquick @littleladydemon @wonderlandangelsposts @hulyenl @willow404 @cherry-4200 @b4ts1e @stormz369 @hobbylobbyy @whaatttlaufey @fandomgoddes05 @rebecca-hvnstn @aquaamethyst96 @mcueveryday @lonelynmisunderstood @glowinthedarkbones1150 @invader-link @cozyras @mmm-fuji @backinthefkingbuildingagain @wobblesthewaffle @glowymxxn @kmfoxtail546 @thornwolfy235 @sirenetheblogger @angelicwillows
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hype-blue-fixation · 3 months
Pt. 1/2 | The Purest Kind of Entertainment | SFW Tickle Fic [RadioRose QPR]
I wanted to make a tickle fic and the plot thickened. If you want to skip this introduction/plot then here's the second part.
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Sitting around the TV to watch different programs had become the typical night time activity. Charlie begged Alastor for weeks to take his turn sharing a “picture show,” to which he constantly made up polite excuses to let someone else go instead. But tonight the princess of Hell would be fancied something different.
“What in Heaven is this?” Angel barely lasted 5 minutes into the program before he showed annoyance for it.
“I told you before, it is called the Queen's Messenger. Very historical and groundbreaking for its period. Without this, Voxtech would never exist.” Alastor raised a brow, holding back his impatience behind a smile.
One by one, the others dropped off to sleep. Utterly bored with the outdated and slow-paced presentation. Even Charlie could barely keep her eyes open at the halfway point. When it finally ended, Alastor hummed at all the sleeping bodies. Silently irritated that they couldn't even bear 40 minutes of his favorite picture show. That was until Angel flittered his eyes open. “I didn't fall asleep. Are you proud of me, Smiles?”
“Mildly, I suppose.”
“Also I got a question,”
Alastor's ears pricked to attention.
“I just find it weird that the first thing you show us is an old romance slideshow. Surely the great Radio Demon don't have a soft spot for that sappy stuff, right?”
A disgruntled sigh came as Alastor turned the TV off and tiptoed his way around the sleeping demons. “History is history, my effeminate fellow. If something else were to be made first instead, I would have played that.”
As he went to slip off into the unknown, Angel followed in his distorted shadow. “I've got another question!”
The radio demon rolled his eyes. “If you must.”
“Do you ever think about sex?”
The question was both expected and unexpected at the same time. “Heavens, no.” Alastor instinctually replied.
“Then what do you do to bond with people you love? Kisses? Cuddles?”
“I've never met someone who interests me in that way, so none of the above. If we are discussing friendships, a benevolent game of cards and a night out at a bar never hurt anyone.”
Angel's eyes flickered to the snoring Husker. He knew very well how card games turned out in Alastor's book. Perhaps the topic really was hopeless. Perhaps Al really was a psychopath demon with no chance at anything beyond Hell. “I see. Goodnight, then. Don't be gettin too spooky out there.”
A hum of relief came from Alastor as he found the spider demon leaving. Finally some peace. A short lived peace. It wasn't too long before questions began filling his head.
“How do I show love to the people I care about?”
“Shut up, I don't love anyone.”
“Oh, but you do! Isn't she the reason you want all this power to begin with?”
“It's a lost cause. Everything I'm doing is for me, now. Hell is forever and I've earned it.”
“But what if that darling Charlie is truly onto something? And there are people here that you love too, yes? Do you ever let them know that?”
The inner dialog could have gone on and on in painful bouts of excuses and rebuttals, unsorted feelings that he preferred to keep repressed. When he began feeling this way, there seemed to be only one person in Hell that could set him straight.
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vividwritinglove · 1 year
my forever valentine
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long time no see - life has been crazy lately. BUT I will continue the PG story for sure! Don’t worry!
For now let’s give our sweet Charlie Boy some love ♥️ since it’s Valentine’s Day! Enjoy 😉
pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: none
word count: 2.9k
You've known him for a long time. You would call yourself old friends, but the last time the two of you met in person was several years ago. You've always had a thing for him. In your childhood days you were inseparable and even as teenagers you were in the same clique of friends. He was your first big crush and even now you still find him extremely attractive.
The contact broke off as you moved away from Monaco with your parents. You only contacted each other on a few social media channels now and then. But when his racing career took off, there was radio silence between him and you. And that was fine, because you were also investing your time in education and aiming for a successful future as a gallerist after graduating with a degree in art history.
The last time you saw him in person was at his father's funeral, but you didn't say a word to each other. Which was somehow understandable. Still, you felt the need to be there for him. You are proud of him, how he dealt with it and continues to hold on to his dream to become world champion. You think back to those nights on the balcony of your childhood bedroom, looking down on the harbor of Monaco and talking about your dreams. For Charles, there was only this one and it's even more wonderful that he's closer to it than ever. You casually follow his career. However, you never made it to a Grand Prix in your hometown.
Maybe this year it would change. Because you've moved back. To his and your little hometown. You know he lives here, but you didn't expect to see him so soon after your arrival. You’ve been invited to a dinner with some old girlfriends. Afterwards you stay for some drinks and have a catch up. And between all theses people, the loud voices and the laughter, your gazes cross. He sits a few tables away and has his eyes fixed on you. He looks at you in disbelief and his eyes widen with each passing second. Almost simultaneously you rise, walking towards each other like magnets attracting each other. With each step, his smile widens until you are standing directly in front of him.
"Y/N," he says softly, his hand brushing your upper arm. His voice is like a melody in your ears. You've missed it some how. Your eyes are on his lips, watching them say your name. The next moment he hugs you, tightly. You feel the longing and warmth in this gesture. Your arms close around his middle and your hands move over his upper back. You feel his muscles, he has become much broader. Understandable, just the daily workouts he is completing. However, his scent is beguiling to you. With pleasure you close your eyes and pull him in. Your cheek touches his jaw and you snuggle up to him. Familiarity.
"You're back!" he says softly again as you pull away from each other. You nod tentatively, still smiling. His presence makes you feel embarrassed, and you feel like you're a teenager again. Only now do you realize Charles has always been so much more to you, than just a friend. Yet you never felt he would feel the same way about you. You have no idea, how much he actually did.
You could have looked at each other for hours. But quickly the hustle and bustle of the restaurant around you, brings you back from this daydream. "Shall we go to the bar?" you suggest, as a waiter pushes past you, barely able to understand your own words. Charles nods happily and escorts you to the counter. You order 2 espresso martinis and you're pushed to the bar, close together, by the crush of other restaurant patrons. Not that you mind.
You have some catching up to do and recount what has happened to you over the past few years. You feel comfortable around each other. It's been a long time since you've felt this secure with a man. Charles is not just any man, he is a confidant. As you talk and laugh with each other, you touch. Several times. More and more often. Until his hand lingers on your hip. You feel the warmth his body radiates. His scent is constantly in your nose.
"God, I missed talking to you." sighs Charles, after you empty another drink and he orders another round for both of you.
"How good that we'll get to do this more often, if you like..." you murmur as you put the martini glass to your lips and sip it. Charles smiles mischievously and takes a sip of his drink as well. You linger at the bar for a while until one of your friends approaches you to say goodbye. You've completely lost track of time, and yet you have to get up early tomorrow to prepare the gallery you've recently started working for, because of a new vernissage.
"Do you really have to go already?" Charles prods, pulling a slight pout.
"I have to! I don't want to get fired after my first week!" You laugh, resting your hand on his chest. He nods in understanding and his gaze moves to your hand. He likes this gesture. In general, he likes that you are so bluntly close to him. Your eyes meet and the colors of his bright eyes burn into your memory.
"When will I see you again?"
"I hope very soon..." you say with a smile and kiss him goodbye on the cheek. He looks after you. For a long time.
You had no idea how soon you would meet again. You are directing the workers from the gallery, who are about to hang one of the last large paintings for the upcoming opening, as a warm breath on your neck gives you goosebumps.
Startled, you turn around, "Charles?!".
You hug him gustily with joy, and somewhat irritated by your enthusiasm, he has to grin and hugs you tightly back.
"What are you doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious?" he asks, smiling a forbidden cheeky smile, "and by the way, this is the 6th gallery I've visited today to find you."
"Well, your search was successful." you smile at him and adjust the collar of his jacket, your fingers grazing the delicate skin on his neck and immediately giving him chills.
"Madame? Is the painting hanging good like that?"
You release yourself from Charles arms and turn to your colleagues, "Oh yes, perfect! Thank you so much!".
"Which artist is this?" asks Charles with interest, examining the painting.
"Come on, I'll give you a little private tour."
You stroll through the exhibition and you tell a short anecdote about each piece with full passion. Charles watches you with a smile on his lips. Your enthusiasm is contagious. You have this special eye for aesthetics and that's what Charles likes so much about you.
When you arrive in the room with the artist's photographs, he holds you back by your arm, "Do you still take photographs?"
"Remember when you used to accompany me on karting weekends? And always taking snapshots?"
"Oh God, with that little digital camera, in that awful garish pink color."
You both have to laugh and his hand travels down your arm, to your palm. His fingers slide in between yours and your bodies getting very close to each other, “Any plans for tonight?".
"Not until now!". You would love to close the distance to him, preferably with a kiss. However, that wouldn't make the best image for your new employer to catch you making out at your workplace with Monaco's golden boy.
"I'll pick you up tonight after work." suggests Charles and you nod tentatively, "Thank you for the tour. I'll return the favor."
Your work day couldn't have gone by any faster. You grab your small bag and wait for Charles in front of the old historic entrance to the gallery. He arrives a few minutes later in a beautiful black Ferrari. You are amazed, of course you knew he was driving a Ferrari, but the black car with the white and red stripe was quite something. Just the sound of this car attracted so much attention and made almost all the heads in your radius turn towards it.
The windows were down and Charles had sunglasses on. As you step closer to his car, you notice the sounds of Coldplay, his favorite band. Charles looks over at you. His grin grows wider with each step you take closer. The car is well-known in Monaco. Everyone knows who drives this car, so it's not uncommon for passersby to pull out their cell phones and take pictures. You open the door and drop into the black leather seat.
You smile at each other. Long. A comforting warm feeling spreads through you. It's nice to spend time with Charles.
"Are you hungry?" he asks you, after confidently steering the car back onto the road.
"I'm starving!"
"Say no more!"
After a few minutes, Charles stops in front of some small brasseries and quickly jumps out of the car. You know this place. You know it too well. In your childhood and youth you came here very often with friends and your families. You haven't been here for 10 years and nothing has changed. You know exactly what he would order and a short time later Charles comes back, jogging out of the brasserie with an order to go.
You accept the bag with thanks and immediately the familiar scent hits your nose. You can't wait any longer and open the plastic container. Steak with fries and the world famous sauce. You can't help but grin broadly. It was your absolute favorite dish as a kid. You take a french fry and bite into it with relish. You close your eyes and let your body sink further into the comfortable leather seat of the Ferrari.
"It tastes so incredibly good!" you h sigh and Charles continues to grin. Over and over he looks at you. You offer him a fry as well, and he's only too happy to eat out of your hand.
You arrive at a cliff ledge and have an insanely beautiful view over the old town and the harbor. The sun is just setting and now you're sharing the large steak and fries.
"Would you ever have thought?" you look to Charles and pick up another piece of meat with a fork, "The two of us with our favorite dish in a Ferrari."
"It's a shame we didn't do this earlier." Charles admits and you hand him the fork so he can eat some of the meat as well.
"Better late than never!" you remain optimistic, watching as the sun turns the sea in a beautiful orange.
"I've missed it here so much..." you sigh after the sun has set and below you the city and harbor is now aglow with their lights.
"Actually, hardly anything has changed. We've all stayed the same." grins Charles, eyeing you. You rest your head on your folded forearms, which you had placed on his dashboard earlier to take an even closer look at your hometown at night. You've always been a very special girl to him, so brash and fearless that it was almost intimidating. Even as a teenager he admired your strong confidence and carefree nature. You know what you want and how to get it. And that doesn't seem to have changed until today.
Outwardly you have changed. You have grown up and become very feminine. Beautiful and natural. One thing has remained that he has always loved about you: Your freckles.
"What shall we do next?" You ask him after a while and Charles feels caught staring at you for too long.
"Whatever you want."
"I want to see your apartment!"
This answer surprises him, but your smile makes him agree immediately.
The drive to his apartment building doesn't take long. With some effort, Charles parks his expensive sports car in the narrow and old underground garage.
"Next time, I'll park." you laugh as you climb out of the car, trying not to put a dent in the passenger door, "Ace on the track, but your parking skills leave a lot to be desired."
"You can't be good at everything." he grins cheekily and you join in with your laughter.
Once inside his apartment, it’s more noticeable that it's not a new building. In terms of furnishings, it's modern, but the cut of the apartment is very typical of buildings from the 90s. As you enter the living area, you immediately notice the piano.
"You play?" you call out to Charles, who just went to the kitchen to pour you both a glass of wine.
"A little."
"Since when?"
"More or less taught myself during lockdown." he says casually, handing you one of the wine glasses, as he comes back to you.
"You're kidding me!" you say, almost horrified,m and take the glass from him.
Charles sets his glass down on the piano, sits down on the small piano bench and opens the keyboard lid. He starts playing and you look over his shoulder enthusiastically. His long fingers wander gracefully over the black and white keys. You smile. After all these years, Charles can still surprise you.
He finishes the piano piece and turns to you a little with a soft smile on his lips. You put your glass down and clap your hands euphorically, "That was amazing!".
"Thank you." he says a little sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck nervously with the flat of his hand. Your eyes continue to wander from him through his apartment. Next to a large bookshelf, you notice trophies and helmets. You walk up to them and look at them more closely. Charles remains seated on the bench and watches you as you stroll through his apartment. He has to swallow hard and starts getting slightly nervous. He knows what questions you are about to ask. He knows you to well.
"Who made these paintings?" you ask as you finish inspecting the trophies.
Charles clears his throat, "My ex painted them."
You give him a brief, yet definite look and then turn back to the 3 paintings hanging above his sofa, "She has talent."
You continue your tour and now all the feminine decorations catch your eye.
"From the ex?" you point to an empty beige vase with gold appliqués sitting on a shelf.
Charles just nods and rises from the piano bench.
"Let me guess! From the ex too?" you ask, now pointing to the roses that form the word LOVE on his piano lid. Again he nods and buries his hands in his front pants pockets.
You draw in air sharply through your teeth, "I hate to say it, but this place is just screaming her .".
"I know..." he sighs and is afraid to kill the mood, “Come. I'll show you something."
You walk to the elevator and Charles puts a key in the keyhole below all the floor buttons. He turns it over and presses the button that says PH.
After a short ride, the elevator door opens and there is now a small hallway in front of you. Again he uses the keys and unlocks the gray apartment door. In front of you a large and empty room with a beautiful dark parquet floor and a wide window front, giving you the best view over the old town and the harbor.
"The renovations were just completed last week. I have first right of refusal until next friday, but I am not sure if I should buy the apartment though..." explains Charles as you step further into the large room.
"Are you kidding me? You're still considering?" you ask in shock, "This is the perfect place for your piano. It would show off perfectly here and when you play you would have this view."
You back up your statements with wild gestures and continue walking around the apartment.
"Here the dining area, right next to the open kitchen and in this corner a bar cart would look great. Maybe a neon sign on this wall..."
Charles trots after you, grinning at each of your decorating ideas.
"Charles if you don't buy this place, I will!" you say as you finish the tour through the whole apartment and stand back with him in the entryway, "Might have to borrow some money from you..."
"I'll sign the purchase agreement."
"A very good decision!" you smile at him and only now you realize how close you are standing towards each other. You are gone in his amazing eyes and Charles also fixes your gaze.
Slowly he comes steadily closer to you, soon you feel his warm breath on cupids bow and his hands on your hips. You have to swallow hard and open your mouth slightly. First the tips of your noses touch gently, shortly after you feel his soft lips on yours. Your hands travel up his upper arms to his neck and intertwine there.
As a teenager, you had dreamed of kissing him so many times. What would you have given for Charles to be your first kiss?
The stubble of his beard tickles your chin as you intensify the kiss. Shortly after, you feel his tongue in your mouth. Time stands still for you. You would never want to kiss anyone else again. Your crush on Charles has been rekindled and has never burned like it has before. Not in your wildest dreams, did you think Charles felt the same way you did. As corny and childish as it may sound, you had butterflies in your stomach and felt like you were 15 again.
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helluvapoison · 4 months
But At What Cost
Husk x Reader
warnings: angst, violence, choking, demonic alastor being scary
Hot tears stung his eyes and clung to his fur after rolling off his cheeks. He didn’t even bother to wipe them away. Like a cool drink of water to a parched man, Husk felt the relief instantly. He was drenched in it. Never cared much for water until then.
Not caring for the how’s or why’s, though briefly his mind traveled to the possibility Alastor died— Ha! Serves the fucking bastard right. No, he didn’t give a flying fuck how he was free, he was free!
The feeling spread too fast for his mind to keep up with. Involuntarily, his feet moved him in the direction of the hotel. Walking turned into running and running turned into flying.
In his mind, he was making plans for the future with his long lost friend hope.
You, his beloved, and he could still live at the hotel and help Charlie’s dream. Husk was fond of the fuckers that resided there, he was proud to call them friends. Angel and Nifty he liked best, second to you, that ain’t no secret. Fuck it, though, everyone would get a round of shots tonight!
He was free.
It nearly felt wrong to think. Husk told himself he needed to share the news out out— with you. Then it would be realer than real and he could get to living.
Shoving past the double doors of the entrance, he forced himself to land and folded his wings away. Running helped ebb away at the creeping anxiety trying to rise from his soured gut.
Why couldn’t he feel the euphoria he was surely supposed to be enjoying? Well, as he turned the corner, now he knew. Husks’s body was so desperate to get him here because somewhere underneath the layers of alcohol and bitterness and adrenaline, he knew.
You were in danger.
You barely turned your head, eyes filled with remorse and trying to hide the way you slipped your hand from the red clad demon’s.
He should have known.
Alastor would never let him go.
Husk’s claws dug into his palms and threatened to draw his own blood. Raising his fist, his murderous eyes landed, at last, on Alastor. Detestable smile and all.
“What the fuck did you do!?” Husk roared.
Two steps. He got two steps in before hearing the pitiful noise that ripped from your throat, turning him to a statue. An enraged looking statue that still had its fist raised; cocked back and ready to launch. He could do it too. Alastor was right fucking there and there were no chains to threaten him with now.
“I wouldn’t,” The demon’s voice crackled, low, dangerous and all knowing.
Suddenly the hallway stretched, seemingly never ending. Alastor was far, much too far to land a hit on now. He was but a silhouette in the distance with a bigger shadow looming behind him and stretching towards Husk. He flinched and prepared for the worst.
The worst he got.
The shadow was not reaching for him. You let out a mangled cry as you were yanked off your feet and dragged backwards towards Alastor. A thick, all to familiar glowing green chain locked around your neck.
The fear thawed and allowed his wobbling legs to pounce for you. At the last second you were choked by the collar as the demon and his shadow tugged you back further.
Husks voice grew hoarse as he chanted the same word. With no air left he heaved a ragged breath and continued to try and get ahead of the chain.
“No no no no no!”
After all those agonizing years with Alastor and he still underestimated him. Maybe if Husk stopped his pathetic rescue attempt long enough to think rationally, he would’ve realized he was being toyed with.
“Look what happens when you leave your heart exposed,” Alastor’s voice consumed every inch of the hallway, booming and whispering simutaniously from all directions.
Louder than him though, was your gut wrenching scream. Diluted through radio static yet deafening.
“Stop! Stop it! Please!” Husk begged, still scrambling on his hands and knees for you.
“I thought you’d never ask!”
Everything warped back as it was in an instant.
Husk threw his body over yours, cradling your head to his fluffy chest. His amber eyes were glued to Alastor’s feet.
“Bowing, hm? That’s new. If I knew this is all it took to get you so obedient, I would’ve went to your little friend sooner!”
“Give it back,” Husk demanded, glaring at the carpet.
He could hear Alastor’s smile taking up more space than it should’ve been able to.
“Give what back?”
His heart beat at an unusual pace, ringing in his ears and almost making him miss the question. Breath hitching, Husk allowed himself to look at you. Eyes scrunched tight as tears rolled down your cheeks, shaking your head against his fur like you were trying to bury yourself in him, he realized you were telling him no.
Would you feel the same if you knew he hesitated?
Catching the red welts on your neck that would undoubtedly be bruises tomorrow ignited urgency again.
“I-I-I want our deal back. Give back the soul, take mine again—“
Alastor laughed heartily for an answer.
“Oh, old chum, you forget who you’re dealing with. Why settle when I can kill two birds with one stone?”
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ i wrote this at 2am because i had the idea “alastor using husks’ beloved to strike the fear of himself in him” (i genuinely hope alastor comes off right, i’m so scared i’m not doing him justice)
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around1302 · 11 months
SPARE PARTS: blurb 1/1
(W) strong language, alcohol use, brief smut: if u can call it that
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“Why can’t you just trust that it’ll be fun?”
“Because you don’t even know who’s playing! What if it’s some screamo guy and I get traumatised.”
“Please, Charlie, you’ve met my friend. You think he’s going to guitar for a screamo guy?”
Charlie pauses, remembering everything she can from the brief meeting between her and Becca’s friend at her house party last week.
“Yes. Yes I do.”
Becca rolls her eyes, nodding in gratitude at the bouncers who let them into the Troubadour, past the lines and lines of people. Charlie has to admit that’s promising, at least. Surely a hundred teenage girls wouldn’t be queueing for something unworthwhile.
“I thought as a musician you’d be buzzing for a free invite to the Troub!”
Charlie’s turn to roll her eyes, now.
“The Troub?”
“Let me pretend I’m in on the lingo, too.”
“God, you’re just making it worse.”
Becca is Charlie’s only remaining friend from her pre-band days. In contact far too little, but enough to see each other in between schedules. Becca manages a restaurant in London, and throws killer house parties every Saturday. It’s ritual.
Of course, with band life, Charlie barely ever attended. But since the split and a (much too long) nine month hiatus from the industry, she’s had a little more time for living her 20s like she never entered that competition in the first place.
“You want a drink?” Becca shouts over the already loud crowd. Just as Charlie opens her mouth to answer, her forearm’s gripped so tightly she’s sure the blood supply’s been cut off.
“Oh my God! Charlie Greene?” A girl practically screams in her face, holding the hand that isn’t keeping Charlie there in a death grip over her mouth.
Despite her usually extreme routine when it comes to being avoided in public, Charlie assumed tonight could be a one off. Who would recognise her in this crowd, in this venue? Panic strickens her before Becca has to step in, shoving the girls palm off.
“Dude, don’t touch strangers like that.”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m just such a huge fan. I can’t believe you’re here! We all thought they were just rumours.”
“What?” Charlie’s dumbfound, forgetting all that media-trained ‘smile at the fans, don’t let them know you want to punch them’ bullshit.
“You know, you and–”
“Look, I’m sure you’re a nice kid, but we’re just trying to enjoy our night. You want me to buy you some alcohol to get you to go away?”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, of course. E-enjoy your night.”
The poor girl scurries away, screaming something to her group but Charlie’s too riddled with guilt to hear what.
“For fuck’s sake, Becs, she’s like sixteen!”
“Gripped you like a forty year old WWE champ though, look at your arm!”
Charlie glances down, noticing the white and red splotches beneath the hazy blue lights. Becca has a point, even if she was a little harsh about it.
“Screw the drinks, let’s just get backstage before anyone else tries to cut off your circulation.”
Nodding, Charlie follows Becca through the crowd, making sure to keep her head down this time. Of course they’re asked for IDs and stage passes before getting through, Becca proudly letting security know they’re friends of the guitarist.
“I’m so proud of Mitch, man. He’s come so far. Can you believe he used to work in a pizza shop?”
“I know, it’s impressive shit,” Charlie nods, hugging her hoodie tight to her chest. Something bad swirls in her gut as she watches the audience from the safety of a thick curtain, seeing whispers and screams shared.
“You don’t think that’s about me, do you?” She points for Becca. Becca scoffs.
“Nah, don’t get too up your own ass, Char. The act’s probably about to come on.”
The band will be entering from stage left, opposite to them both. Charlie has to admit she’s curious. It’s been forever since she’s attended any kind of underground gig, it’s exciting – what music’s really about.
“Gemma Styles.”
Until that moment.
Ears ringing, throat drying, sweat forming. Charlie grips her hoodie so tight her knuckles blanch – she’s wrong, she has to be. It’s just her mind and anxiety playing tricks on her. It’d be impossible for–
“No way, Charlie?”
“… Charlie?”
“I mean hi! Sorry, hi!”
Pretending her ears aren’t still painfully ringing, Charlie accepts the open arms of the woman in front of her. Specifically, the sister in front of her. Her ears stop buzzing enough for her to hear Becca’s gasp beside her, and enough to hear her heart coming up through her throat.
“I can’t believe you’re here, it’s so good to see you!”
The one thing Charlie never understood was how Harry could be so intolerable and Gemma could be so… Gemma. Despite the ugliest truth she’s discovered in a while coming undone, she feels somewhat comforted by her hug and her words and her smile.
Perhaps they’re all a little too alike Harry, or perhaps the opposite. She can’t tell. There’s a lot happening.
“Yeah, um…” at a complete loss for words, Becca quickly steps in.
“Hi, I’m Rebecca. Friends with the guitarist.”
“Oh, Mitch! Isn’t he amazing? I’m Gemma, Harry’s sister.”
“Jesus, I’m sorry.”
Charlie shoots Becca a pointed glare. She apologises again, a little more sincerely this time.
“So does Harry know you’re here? Bet he’s thrilled, are the others here?”
“Um, no. And no. Not that I know of. I’m actually here for Mitch, too.”
“Oh, I–” Gemma frowns, understandably confused, but is cut off by the house lights dimming and some opening music starting.
Charlie pinches at her arm beneath the once soft material, it only now feels scratchy and too thick. Should she run? It seems like her only viable option. Except her feet are failing her and it’s too fucking late because–
“Hi everyone! I’m Harry, it’s a pleasure. This is my wonderful band, and we’re going to play a few songs for you. Starting with a new one, this is Complicated Freak.”
Frozen to her place, Charlie listened harbouring feelings she couldn’t quite place. Part of her wishes she had just done those few shots before she left like Becca had quite smartly suggested, but a larger part of her wishes she never came.
Because fuck, has she missed him.
She’s missed his voice, and his hands, and his eyes, and his dimples, and she could say she’s missed his hair but that’s gone with the last nine months. She missed watching him concentrate entirely too hard on playing the guitar and she missed watching that crease form between his brows as he closes his eyes and just feels the music. His music.
The music that sounds eerily familiar. Then suddenly flashes of a tour bus come to mind; long hair and slender fingers strumming a guitar. Lyrics that rendered a little to close to home but were promptly ignored at the time now echo the venue, echo her chest.
“Thank you so, so much everyone. I’ll see you soon!”
Harry lifts his palm to the roaring crowd, intimate and small yet still as deafeningly loud as she remembers them always being for him. Begging for an encore, or at the very least one more wave.
But it’s only then that she realises, still stuck to the floor, that he’s taking his guitar off. He’s offering the audience one final bow and kiss, and he’s turning, and he’s walking, and he’s grinning ear to ear and accepting his friends and family’s congratulations, and then he’s stopping, and he’s staring, and his lungs have stopped and his heart has faltered and–
“You wrote me.”
His lips quiver, paused in an effort to say the right thing. Say anything.
“Yeah, I…”
It’s as if the venue and people around them grew wings and flew away as time itself stopped just for them. The first time they had seen eye to eye in the time you could grow a whole fucking baby for God’s sake – and yet they could barely speak. So much unsaid, it’s almost too much. What do you start to say to the love of your life – who you lost?
Luckily, the people around them didn’t actually grow wings.
“We’ll see you later, H,” his older sister squeezes his dead arm, nodding towards Charlie (as if she saw) and then the other confused onlookers who had developed behind them during the show but fuck if Charlie noticed.
Gemma leads the group out, leaving the pair of them in a silent standoff, the muted sound of a dying crowd and crew starting to clean punctuating the quiet.
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“I wanted to call you so many times.” Charlie finally admits, three double vodkas deep.
“Why didn’t you?” Harry almost whispers four whiskeys in.
Malibu’s, their old, usual haunt, has been avoided for the last nine months. Not a single band member dared to go, whether it be that Zayn no longer bartends there or that they were afraid of memories. But it felt like the only place for them to be right now. Elbows leant on the same sticky counter, knees pressed together in their tipsy mis-care, no time passed yet the whole world between them.
“I was scared.” Charlie begins. “I needed time, and after I realised that you leaving us didn’t really matter in the end, I was too late.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Harry. I saw the tabloids. A month after we split you were seen with this person, that person. You had moved on from us, from me.”
Her confession is startlingly sobering, and Harry can’t help but gulp down a painful lump at the way her eyes water. Harry hadn’t moved on in any sense of the word, Harry was simply trying to find Charlie in anyone he could. The way in which he had coped with his web of feelings for the woman for the past six and a half years.
“I could never move on from you, Char. I was just… lost.”
Charlie snorts, turning to down the rest of her drink.
“Baby I–”
They both freeze. Harry didn’t mean to call her that, but God, doesn’t it feel natural? Isn’t that why it slipped out in the first place? Yet, a slap in the face would have felt better for Charlie. The vodka gets caught in her throat, the once warm liquor running ice cold down her chest.
She turns, her heart melting at the sight of his face. It’s that same heartbreaking, broken concoction of regret and worry knitting his brows and dripping from his eyes. And it has her lips hungrily on his.
He catches her, grabbing her hips as he opens his legs for her and draws her to his chest, breathing in every inch of her. Because that’s what kissing Charlie is like. Oxygen for the first time, water for the first time, life for the first time. His rough hands snake up her back, grip her sides, pinch her skin. Her nails rake at the nape of his neck, muscle memory expecting locks to hold onto but finding short curls as their home instead.
Their tongues and lips work in an unspoken agreement, all the way to her new apartment by the bar, all the way to her bed.
They didn’t speak. They were both far too terrified to lose this moment. They just needed each other, the touch they’d both been desperately chasing for months. Charlie closes her eyes as Harry’s mouth starts its attack on her neck and is transported to Louis’ apartment, where she first felt that same desperation.
“Please.” She breathes, wrapping her legs around his hips, eliciting from him a muffled groan as she grinds up towards him. He nods into her neck, his lips still working down her soft skin. She still tastes the same, that strawberry vanilla he could drink by the gallon.
Charlie claws at his back, making an attempt to remove his black button-up as he moves down her body. She just about manages it as he settles between her legs, pushing up her denim dress without grace or care before biting the edge of her knickers.
The heels of her feet press into his toned back, her palms already fisting the sheets as he harshly grips her hips to push her back into the mattress.
A million thoughts run through Harry’s head, but fear holds him back from saying a single one of them. Months ago, he would’ve told Charlie everything. How good her thighs feel, how fucking pretty she looks laying there, needy for him. How much her soft little pants sound like she should be begging for him, how hard he is for her like this.
But he can’t. For all he knows, he’s simply a mouth right now. He’s not Harry, he’s just something she needs, and fuck if he’ll be whatever she needs.
So he bites into her inner thigh, sucking away the sharpness as she grips and tugs at his hair. He moans into her skin, eyelashes fluttering against her hips as he kisses the top of her pubic bone. His touch is rough in every place but his lips as he makes a path to her core, pressing teasing kisses over her clit. Her knickers are fucking soaked through, and the sight alone is enough to send him berserk.
“Charlie, I’m gonna have to–”
“Please, just–”
With that sliver of permission, he reaches down, squeezing himself over his trousers. The slightly relieved pressure has him gasping against her lace, which quickly becomes wetter. Charlie sits up on her elbows, watching Harry touch and squeeze while he continues to tease her.
And it’s there. In between the need and the pleasure, Charlie begins to cry. Softly, quietly, but enough to garner Harry’s distracted attention.
“Hey, hey,” Harry moves back up her body, tugging her dress back into place as he squeezes her hip, “I’m sorry, I-”
“It’s fine.” Charlie’s voice cracks as her head hits the pillow, hot tears quickly meeting her hairline before she can wipe them away.
“I’m not your fucking sweetheart.” Charlie murmurs between gritted teeth, sending Harry aback. He sits up on his heels, his touch slowly leaving her. Charlie presses her palms into her eyes, squeezing the tears out as she muffles sobs against her hands.
“That’s the problem.”
It’s hardly above a whisper, but Harry hears every last syllable. Leaning back over her, he removes her fists, gently brushing her blotchy cheeks.
“I’m just drunk and emotional and weird and–”
“Stop it,” Harry murmurs, pulling her up to sit in front of him. “Tell me what you’re feeling.” When she doesn’t budge, he drops his head and whispers, “please.”
Charlie finds his eye. In so many ways, he’s unchanged. He still looks at her like that, and it crumbles her, just as easily as it did all those months ago.
“Everything got so fucked up, Harry. The band, me, us. I haven’t sang a chord in months. I see the guys, what, once, twice a month? And you…”
“It’s my fault, Char.” Harry sighs, collapsing beside her, rubbing his face. “I left, I split everyone up–”
“You needed to.” She interrupts, stern. “I didn’t realise at the time, it took me a while to accept it, but you needed to. Niall was starting a family, everyone was starting to burn out, even if we didn’t want to admit it.”
“You did the right thing.”
Those fives words are all that Harry’s wanted to hear for nine months. He’s spent countless, sleepless nights wondering if he’d messed everything up for everyone, forever. If in his selfishness he’d forgotten to use logic.
“I’m just not sure I did.”
Harry frowns, turning to look at Charlie.
“What do you mean, Charlie?”
“I worry that I was… hasty. Rash.”
Harry can’t help the small smile that starts to tug at his lips. He lifts his knees and rests his chin on his palm to hide it.
“I did a really messed up thing, you were justified.”
“No.” Charlie sighs, looking at the ceiling. “I was right to be mad, but I wasn’t right to have said all the stuff I did. I was especially not right to leave you.”
Harry’s chest jumps, but he tries to calm his excited heart before Charlie can finish. When it comes to her, there’s no real predictability. She might be about to destroy him all over again.
“Those six years mean more to me than anything I’ve done in my entire life. You were there through everything, every shitty and amazing thing, all I can think about is flashes of you. My sister, my audition, my first heartbreak, my first– I could go on and on, but the point is, you were there.”
“Even if you annoyed the shit out of me for the better part of it, you’re my life, Harry. I was stupid to think I could ever live it in the same way without you.”
It’s impossible to fight his grin, now.
Charlie finally turns to face him, instantly rolling her eyes at the sight of him. His entirely too wide smile, his glinting eyes and how they quickly flit to her lips, the twitch between his brows that lets her know he’s holding back a comment.
And despite his speechlessness, his answer is obvious.
“You sure you don’t want someone easier?” Charlie lilts, swaying into him.
“Why on Earth would I want anyone else?”
“I don’t know. I yell at you a lot.”
“I’d rather have you hate my guts than have anyone else.” Harry takes her waist, easing her beneath him again as he hovers over her. “I’ve spent my entire life waiting to hear you say that, you know.”
“Entire life is a bit dramatic.” Charlie drapes her arms around his neck, her fingers finding his nape. That hair is going to take some getting used to.
“Nope,” Harry pops his P, leaning down to press a kiss to her jaw. “You’re my life too, Char.”
She leans back into the pillow, her thumb circling his neck. “You mean it?”
It’s Harry’s turn to roll his eyes, now.
“You really have to ask? What more could I possibly do to prove to you that you’re it for me, you always have been.”
Charlie smirks. “I could think of something.”
“Always thinking with your dick, Greene.”
Charlie lets out a scoff, and Harry let’s his chest do whatever it wants.
@lilfreakjez @be-with-me-so-happily @sirtommyholland @tpwksm @b-reads-things @tiaamberxx @daphnesutton @mleestiles
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peachymilkandcream · 7 months
Hello, can you do a one shot or fic (your choice) where Y/n is Henry Emily's daughter and has an affair with William Afton? (she is of legal age, of course) I know it's wrong, but I've been thinking about it lately...
Either way, don't feel pressured to do this :) just do it if you feel comfortable! 💞
(If the text is strange it's because I don't speak English, I'm Brazilian and I use Google's Tumblr which automatically translates for me.)
William Afton x Reader -> Don't Tell Dad
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(A/N: Ooh this is a good idea, I'm here for it!!! Now due to rules this isn't going to be smutty BUT I want to play on the dynamic of it :D And join in the brainrot of Afton being a goofy goober to Reader, we're all deep in it. Note: Reader is 18, because it's fucked in all other ways why not put in some great age difference and power imbalances ;) Also for context, this is after Henry kicked William out of the business and cut contact due to the death of his other daughter. (Ps. Your English translation is great! Glad to have you pop in!))
WARNINGS: implied dubcon if you squint (Afton's a bit manipulative about what he wants and due to the age difference consent is a bit dubious), big age difference, power imbalance, yandere themes/behaviours, violence, William is a warning himself, misogyny, Reader thinks it's hot William killed her sister because of the power, etc.
Henry looked at his daughter, ever since she turned eighteen she had been acting differently. He assumed it was just a phase where she was exploring herself as a now woman, trying to decide what she wanted to do in life, where her path was headed. She had already been a bit of a partier in high school, doing more and more outrageous things to get his attention when the death of his daughter Charlie and the peril William had put his business into. Thankfully for them both that was behind him, the Afton family and were long since behind him.
"Where are you off to?" He asks, leaning in her doorway, unable to suppress pride about how she had turned her life around and became a wonderful young woman.
"Career counselling, remember?"
"Oh that's right." He had forgotten she had started going to a professional counsellor, she was taking her future seriously, so seriously she was going every week for advice. All of her poor life choices up until now she had regretted and was doing the most to make the right. "What's his name again?"
"Steve Raglan." She applies her lipstick, always making sure to look her best.
"Any useful advice?"
"Yeah, now I've got to go Dad, I'll see you later."
He doesn't get another word in as she hurries out the door, most likely late, a bad habit of hers. Gosh he was so proud of how grown up she was.
William admired his work with his new client, as she got off his desk, knees still weak from being bent over it for the past hour and dripping. She knew who he was, what he was, there were no secrets between them, just something raw and primal. He had admitted to killing Charlie, expect her to scream in horror, instead she had looked at him with awe, impressed by his power and authority. That alone had made him look twice at the child from his long since hated but not forgotten business partner.
They were nothing serious by any means, he had come to understand she was a whore who just liked to bounce on dick. However he had convinced her that she would only be on his. In truth, he wasn't giving her career advice, he didn't want her to have one. Strung out as his bimbo wife was the end goal, barefoot and pregnant through all of her twenties. Although the secrecy was getting to him, he wanted to see Henry's face as his precious little girl, the only one he had left, was reduced to a bimbo by his worst enemy.
Which is why it started with different suggestions as things progressed, they went from his office, his car, her car, her garage, until finally her living room when Henry was away. Every time he tried to leave evidence of him being there, to make Henry torture his mind with suspicion. But the little doll always made sure everything was thoroughly cleaned.
Until one day she miscalculated how long it would take for Henry to make it across town and back.
Henry was horrified, even after all these years he recognized him. The man who murdered his child got away with it and many other horrible crimes. And here was his only living child working to please that same heinous man.
"Get away from him!" He screams. "What did he threaten you with to make you do this!?"
She stares at him blankly, unsure of what to say.
"Go on dear, tell your dear old dad why you chose to do this." William taunts with a grin.
"I wanted to- willingly, no blackmail or anything-"
Henry seems dumbfounded. "Why?"
"Because, out of all the guys I've been with he's...special."
"Do you know what he did!? He murdered your sister! And countless other children and got away with it! Poor little Charlie rotting in a gutter because he had the whim to kill her! Did you know that!?"
When she remains silent, looking at the ground, his eyes widen in horror and disbelief as it clicks for him.
"Oh no..oh no no, you knew!? And you still think he's special!? How could you think that!?"
"I just do, alright!? And I'm going to keep being with him! I'm an adult now Dad I can do what I want!"
"No you will not, I'm calling the police."
"Go ahead Henry. But William Afton is legally dead, my name is Steve Raglan. I'll sue you for defamation of character."
"You think you can spit in my face like this and get away with it?"
William shrugs. "Yeah kind of."
"Get out of my house."
"No! Enough out of you, get out of my house William!"
He stands to leave, a smug smirk on his face. "Fine fine, I'm going."
Henry watches with shock and sadness as his daughter rushes to William's side.
"Then I'm going with him."
"Are you serious? You would leave everything for the man who murdered your sister?"
"Yes, I love him and I'm not going to let you get in the way of it."
Anger boils up in him. "Then leave! Never come back! If you could betray this family like this then I don't want you here!"
Her eyes fill with angry determination as she follows William out, leaving Henry to stand there and wonder where it all went wrong.
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ayyko-rona-yoo · 8 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐑!𝐟!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none. 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Remember that the Soviet Union is not only Russia. 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞. 𝐒𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰.
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First, let’s figure out how someone from the USSR could have ended up in the States. There were only two options: either you were stripped of your citizenship or you fled the country. Let’s take the first one - suppose your father was a writer and he was stripped of his citizenship because he was writing literature that was against the country’s ideology (I won’t go into details because in reality things were more complicated and scary). You don’t know how your father had connections there, but pretty soon your family got invited to the United States. The person who invited you was Mr. Noel. He also allowed you to stay at his house until you find a place to live.
He’ll probably see you for the first time when he goes to Chris with Knox to give him moral support, and if he’s hesitant, kick his ass.
You didn’t go to any school because you didn’t have the proper documents for enrollment yet, but every morning you walked Chris to her school.
"Where is she?" Charlie asked.
Knox looks at the crowd for a few seconds and points to Chris walking next to you. You stop at the entrance and she goes inside. You wave your hand at her and turn around to walk away. And Charlie stunned.
"Well, this is… Chris? You certainly have less chance than Denburry."
"I know… wait, who are you looking at?"
The next day he’ll try to get to know you. Like… It’s Charlie. I don’t think he’d wait long if he was up to something. The only reason he didn’t do it yesterday was because he didn’t want to hurt Knox’s feelings. He was quite sure that charm you would be as easily as possible. However, he did not expect that you would not be very talkative. And one more thing. Obviously, your English isn’t the best at the moment, and that complicates things, too. But the other problem is that his manner of speech and his behavior… scared you off a bit.
'I’m not serious at all, and I pass no skirt by' - that’s what you’d expect from a guy like that. In the society you grew up in that kind of behavior was discouraged and considered suspicious.
So the only thing you could say when a guy you didn’t know stopped you on the street with a playful grin was quick 'Sorry, I have to go'.
And now Charlie stunned again. How is that even possible? Back at Wellton, he didn't say a word when the poets asked him how it had gone. He told them so confidently that you won't be able to resist him. So how can he now admit that you ignored him?
Of course he’ll be teased about it, especially by Cameron. "Our Nuwanda can’t pick up a girl, huh?"
"Just shut up."
Again, this is Charlie. I believe he wouldn’t give up so easily. So now you meet him almost every time you walk Chris to school. And honestly, it was pretty creepy.
But then again, he didn’t do anything… outrageous, right? He wasn’t stalking you, you two were always out in public, so if you needed help… I think it’s clear what I mean.
At first, he just said hello and asked how you were doing. Then, when you didn’t answer, he said something about himself, about how his day was, complaining about Mr. Nolan. And even though you didn’t understand half of what he was saying, over time, you got used to his company. It took a long time, but Charlie was on cloud nine when you first answered him, "Not too bad… You?"
He was so proud of himself, so that night he wouldn’t shut up. Even after Cameron threw something at him for the third time in a row, so that he would stop talking and let him sleep.
Charlie finally got your name. You’ve had no contact with any of the locals other than the Noel family, so you’re not sure how anyone would react if they knew who you are and where are you from. What’s your name got to do with it? Well, it sounds unusual at least, so… easy to guess. Anyway, Charlie only knows your first name. So far.
Before you knew it, you were waiting for him to show up. Soon you even began to answer him with short simple phrases and laugh with his jokes, if you understood them.
Poems. Well. It’d be weird if he didn’t come up with a few poems about you, right? But you’re not used to the sound of English poetry. Although it’s better to say poetry in English.
I’m not sure how to describe it, but poems in Russian are very rhythmic, they hold a permanent rhyme. They sound different. So when Charlie first read you a poem, you didn’t even get what it was. Congratulations, this is the second time you’ve broken his heart.
One day you offered to walk you home. You’ve known each other for almost two months, and you’re in a good mood today. Why not spend more time with him? And, of course, Charlie could not refuse such an offer. While you were walking, you were talking about yourself more than usual, and even though you were still afraid to tell Charlie the details, you were very eager to give him a hint.
"Was it a poem again?" you said, standing at the front door.
"God, don’t say that, you’re making my heart bleed!"
"The only thing that bleeds is my passport," you opened the door and entered the house. "See you tomorrow, Nuwanda."
The next day he’d walk you home again. You said you had to hurry somewhere, but he insisted. Actually, Mr. Noel was supposed to be taking your family to the embassy today, so when you came, everyone was getting in the car.
You wanted to say goodbye to him, but he asked, "What you meant by 'the only thing that bleeds is your passport'?"
Should you tell him now? You looked him in the eyes for a few seconds, then sighed and took your passport out of your purse and handed it to him.
"I guess now you see what I meant," you muttered with a shy smile.
Its cover is red. Yellow letters, two words – 'СССР ПАСПОРТ' (In fact, red passports were introduced only in the 1970s, but it's not an archive document and I’m not here to teach a full history lesson. So let’s pretend that in 1959 it was already red, not gray).
"Are you coming with us, miss?"
"Yeah, I’m coming." You grabbed your passport out of his hand and went to Mr. Noel’s car, waving goodbye to Charlie.
Well. When you’re a guy from a wealthy American family who goes to a prestigious private school and lives a quiet life, the chance that you meet someone from the USSR… Is there even a chance?
Anyone would be shocked, maybe scared even. But Charlie… Of course he didn’t expect it and he’s surprised. But given his personality and character, I think he would rather be pleasantly surprised. Perhaps even excited.
Now it all makes sense. That's why you avoided him at first, why you spoke rarely and why you seemed to have a slight accent. Turns out he was right about the last one.
He’s definitely gonna be proud that he’s the one who got such an unusual girl like you. He’ll tell the dead poets about it as soon as he gets back to Welton. Cameron will be the only one who won’t believe him.
After that, you became more open with him. You’re still embarrassed by your poor English, which Charlie secretly likes. You told him why you live in the Noel house and about your friendship with Chris. You didn’t tell him the details of how you got here. He asked you a lot of questions, so you had to say it is very painful memories and you’re not ready to talk about it.
Charlie wouldn’t be Charlie if he didn’t ask you to teach him Slavic swearing. He literally begged you to, so you had to give up. Now it's the best way to shut Richard up when he does something annoying. He also mutters the curses under his breath when Mr. Nolan gives a speech.
You grew up in the Soviet Union, where a working woman was a normal thing (it's a myth that there was full equality of men and women in the USSR; but again – it's not a history class). So when the question arose of how to renew your visa, you immediately began to think about how to get a job. And Charlie sincerely does not understand this. You can just get married, can’t you? It’s the simplest and seemingly obvious option.
He’ll ask you to marry him. Many times. Every time you start talking about how hard to find a way to stay in the States is. Maybe it’ll sound like a joke at first. But the embassy continues to reject your application, so he starts talking about it more seriously.
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© 𝐚𝐲𝐲𝐤𝐨-𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐚-𝐲𝐨𝐨 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝. 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝.
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sirianasims · 4 months
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Chapter 36
Out Of The Woods
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“Daddy, did you see how fast I was? Did you see me?”
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“I saw you, you did so well! Ivy and I were cheering for you all the time.”
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Hailey had placed second in her first track run. I worked as a coach for the track & field teams now, so Samuel had been sitting with Ivy as they watched Hailey run.
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We went to the pier, all four of us together for once, and got ice cream. Hailey was excitedly telling Samuel all about her track times.
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It made my heart swell, not so much because she seemed to have a talent for running, but because I hadn’t seen her so proud of herself before, and I was happy that Samuel was here to experience it too. I didn’t want him to miss too many of the girls’ milestones just because we were no longer together.
The girls ran off to try the ferris wheel and we were alone. Samuel awkwardly scooted over to where Hailey had been sitting. We never spent any time together these days. Ever since that uncomfortable Winterfest a year and a half ago, we had mostly kept it to administrative texts and taking turns picking up the girls from kindergarten.
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Finally, Samuel cleared his throat.
“So, uh. You look… well.”
I couldn’t help but smile. I was sweaty and Ivy had wiped some ice cream on my sleeve, but I did feel better than I had in a long time.
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“Thanks. You too. The beard suits you.”
We talked for a while, carefully sticking to safe subjects. I told him about Jessica getting into fashion design, how she was planning to move to Del Sol Valley with her boyfriend. Samuel updated me on Daria and Griffin who just found out they were expecting a baby.
Then, his expression turned serious.
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“Do you ever… have you talked to Charlie?”
I realised that it was the first time either of us had spoken his name for almost two years.
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“No. I wouldn’t pick up if he called, but he hasn’t tried.”
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“He actually called me when he heard about the divorce. But we didn’t speak for long. I may have said that I would personally castrate him without anaesthesia if he ever contacted you again.”
“Samuel -”
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“With a dull scalpel. I was pretty angry at the time, and he said some really cruel things, and… I just don’t know who he is anymore. I haven’t heard from him since.”
I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to give him a hug, but I couldn’t imagine Samuel would ever want me to touch him again.
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“Samuel, I’m really sorry that I screwed things up for everyone. Not just us, but you and Charlie too.”
Samuel sighed and attempted to smile.
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“Hey, he wasn’t exactly blameless. He was supposed to be my brother. He should never have... anyways, you said you wanted to discuss the girls’ living arrangement? Are you not happy with the split?”
I was grateful for the change of subject.
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“I am, but I’ve been asked to coach the track & field team for seniors as well. And I would like to accept, but it’s in the evenings and I’d need you to have the girls a bit more often. I know your schedule can be difficult, so I only want to do it if you can find the time.”
He looked relieved.
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“Sure, we can figure something out. For a moment I wondered if you, you know… Found someone.”
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“Oh, no. It’s nothing like that. I just figured I should be doing something worthwhile with my time now that the girls are getting older, instead of being stuck in the house all the time.”
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“You do know that was always an option, right?”
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“Sorry, Samuel, I don’t mean to sound like I was a prisoner. It was my own choice to stay at home, I know. And you did try to talk me out of it.”
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“Maybe I should have tried harder.”
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“Samuel, don’t. I doubt you could have convinced me back then. I was pretty out of reach, I think. You were right, there was nothing you could have said that would have made me listen.”
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We were both quiet.
I wanted to ask him if he was seeing someone, ask why he cared if I was. But suddenly the girls were back and begged for more ice cream and the moment had passed.
beginning / previous / next
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kaledya · 10 days
Hello !
Oh damn, thank you for the explanation. Of course you explain it properly and in such details ! And it make sense Lucifer's pride is taking a big place because he is the embodiment of Pride, in a way. Even with his daughter its something hard to put away. I have a good foundation for the fundamental of their fight now great !
Extra answers :
Oh yes ! I figured that Alastor won't be like this with Constantine at all ! Except if he want to be burn alive. Especially that Constantine could actually just use his royal authority on him and Alastor would be kneeling very fast !
I like the Last Of Us 2 ref. I just like that we are talking in ref ahah. I understand that it would be a long road of forgiveness between them.
Ps : in a way, In that pride "manner of doing things" i think Lucifer look like Constantine in that. The proud royals who wouldn't take shit from anyone because they are THEM and the others are nothing. Even if it would actually benefit them to be more kind. But its Hell so, no ahah.
But thanks to showing me your vision of how things happen in your SS AU like that I can create something between your mind and mine.
Yes ! Don't want to spoil but its a huge thing. Constantine and Lolicia. (If my OC wouldn't be here i think i like RoyalFlush a lot, I mean who doesn't like a good Johnlock kind of romance) but let's say I like some sensuality too. (Probably this is why I'm the only one who likes Sherlock and Irene)
I mean do you imagine Constantine and Lolicia first meeting like Sherlock and Irene ? Lolicia (naked) Constantine (confused in a priest costume)
"- Our third guest is in the living room on the left, explains Charlie to her brother, you will not miss it, it has a ocean theme.   - Right... murmur Constantine.
*Constantine walks to the blue living room, watch around and see nobody.*
  - Charlie ? I don't see anyone !
*He sighed and sit on the sofa wondering why he actually left his Palace. That was a mistake. And then he heard footsteps approches.*
- Hello, say a velvety voice, apologies for being late. I was away for a long time, forgive me, what is your royal name ?
- I'd figured everybody would know my name but exceptions are part of the statistics. You can call me, like everybody else, C-...
*Constantine turns his head and see Lolicia stopping at the doorway. His voice fails him when he realizes that none of the hair or the tail or the light he quickly sees were covering the naked body. His jaw drops a little.*
- Oh, it's always hard to remember simple thing when you've had a shock.
*They enters the room stands directly in front of him, then Lolicia reaches out and removes the white priest collar from his shirt.*
- There you go now, they giggle softly, we are both defrocked... Crown Prince Constantine.
*Constantine look up to their eyes, in a normal state of mind again.*
- The Anglerfox, I presume. - Look at those cheekbones. I could cut myself slapping that face. Would you like me to try?
Lolicia smile and put the priest collar between her teeth. Constantine think WTF?!"
I mean yes, It would be funny because Lolicia would be a mess. She has a different way to see emotions too. And Constantine is.. . Well Constantine. Ahah. It was fun.
Yes, I agree, getting rid of Val, is a big thing.
Thank you for the storyboard info !
I'm so excited to write all this !
I like Husk and Lolicia too. It was cute the dance and natural to write.
Thank for liking the new outfit! Ah yes Baldur's Gate 3, what a beautiful game, *wipes my tear with Astarion* oh ! Is the moment when Gale says he is horny when we fight with so much energy ??
Yes! And I'm so glad I could help!
And again, I'm very happy to hear that you liked the concepts I mentioned. And I completely agree with your ideas
I can't wait to see the story in your mind!
OMG! I really can't wait to see it. I really like your writing and I'm very curious how you will handle such a romance!I'm sure you will write wonderfully.
And I'm glad you liked dynamic between Serenity and Constantine too!
And since I've never written anything romance-related for Constantine before, I seriously can't wait to see his dynamic with Lolicia! Sounds like they could have a seriously interesting relationship!
And if you ask my opinion, Irene and Sherlock are a very interesting duo too. After all, Irene Adler was the only woman who takes a place in Sherlock's mind, both in the books and in the TV series and movies.
The Women The only woman who can find a place in Sherlock's full and complex mind. The Women who can beat him time to times with her games
And I loved their interactions in the series, especially in the scene where Irene is in her last moments, she sends a message to Sherlock for the last time, but it was perfect that Sherlock comes and saves her at that moment.
And I really love Irene's attitude as a smart planner and a woman who stands on her own feet, and it is always a pleasure to watch/read the cat and mouse games she plays with Sherlock.
And LMAO yes I can imagine it and I really enjoyed reading the little script you wrote I should draw it sometime.
And Constantine was like:
He gives Lolicia a small glance, "I think my sister was very successful in getting the residents used to the hotel."
"You look very comfortable."
And I am very glad that you liked the storyboard. I am happy that I could help you and I wish you good writing in advance.
-And yes, BaldursGate3 is a seriously great game, I proudly spent 200 hours on it. And LMAO!
I think this is you, but the one in your hand is not the hamster, but the bat-shaped Astorion.
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No, but that scene was very funny too!
As far as I remember, I think the name Harlep ı dont remember. When we kill him in House of Hope we get that armor. And after wearing that and talk to Gale he will make a comment about our New ✨ armor✨
And now I read all the chapters you posted and they were all great.It was very sweet how Charlie got angry when the hotel guests came up with the topic of helping the hotel financially and O Love how Vaggie talk to her and relaxing her you write them so sweet ❤️❤️. in general I really love how you wrote the team's interactions.
And my god, seriously, Lolicia's duet with Alastor was great, the song and the dialogues of the characters. Your descriptions were perfect.I wish your songs were performed, I would really like to listen to them!
And I really love that the sentences or slang in Alastor's way of speaking belong to the 1920s.Very good for the character And very interesting to see the dynamics of Lolicia and Alastor.And I wonder how the offer of Alliance
will turn out Lolicia's death/dream scene was beautiful, I loved the descriptions and I'm so glad we got some ideas about Lolicia's human appearance! And I can't wait to see how the sentences you use in the descriptions will be detailed in the future.But I need to be patient to read Lolicia's past... 😔
And the popcorn ep where you explained the meaning of the song you wrote was also great. I think you are a really smart writer, all the details you put were great.It's incredible how carefully you calculate and think all these detail you are really good writer 🛐🛐
It was a lot of fun to read that the call that Charlie did to join in the competition. The competition worker's reaction when he found out that Charlie was a princess was also really funny. And I loved the dialogues there, Charlie trying to convince the team members!
Finally, I loved the way you introduced Constantine. The magic scene in the workshop was really beautiful 🤌🤌like perfect in every way it was so Cool too!🛐
and the sources you were inspired by while writing the scene were great. I didn't expect to see Elden ring from there That game has some seriously great art and magic design.And seriously, Constantine's reaction to the photo Charlie took in the previous episode. It was a nice detail!
Thanks again for loving him!
I am looking forward to the chapters you will write in the future!❤️❤️
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It's been a minute since I made one of these long boi posts, so here goes:
Things I want to see in the next Steven Caple Jr/Knightverse Transformers G.I. Joe crossover movie:
Decepticons!!! Oh how I've missed them! I want to see some new badass Decepticons make an appearance and be scary af and cause drama for the Autobots, and what I assume will be their new allies, the Joes.
GENTLE TOUCHES BETWEEN NOAH AND MIRAGE! I don't give a FUCK if they're both dudes or whatever! GIVE US SOME GENTLE TOUCHES, GODDAMMIT! Remember the cute little finger grasping thing that Charlie did after she calmed Bee down when he went into his kill mode? Give us something like that where Noah wraps his tiny fingers around Mirage's HUGE digits.
Give us some hugs! I want to see Noah and Mirage hug affectionately, not minding the size difference at all. Either a full body hug or a face hug works, or both. Both is good.
Can we please have Noah boop Mirage's nose as a joke or for funsies? 🥺 I would love to see how Mirage would react to that touch.
Noah placing his tiny hand on Mirage's faceplate! Gahh! If Charlie can do it, so can Noah! 😤 Could happen in a reassuring/comforting scene.
Hand holding or grabbing. Like Noah grab's one of Mirage's digits with his tiny hand or Mirage holds Noah's tiny hand in his massive servo. Just hand touching in general please! 🥺
More teasing and flirting from Mirage. Since the PCS basically hinted that Miroah is a done deal, I would like to see how Mirage would up his game. Like what if he increased his teasing and flirting with Noah and says something even more outrageous than, "You've been inside me!"? What if him and Noah are having a casual convo (ideally in front of a small audience, like other Autobots for dramatic effect and added wow factor) and in response Mirage says something like, "That's not what you said last night, babe. 😉" Imagine Noah's reaction and the audience's reaction. 🤣🤣 Though, considering how hard the studio had to fight to keep the inside me joke in, that particular line may be "too spicy" for Hasbro. But something more mild or along those lines would be greatly appreciated.
MIRAGE'S KILL MODE!!!! I WANT TO SEE MIRAGE GO INTO BERSERKER MODE because someone had the audacity to harm or attempt to harm Noah!!!! Battle mask on and weapon charged! I want to see him absolutely enraged and start shooting up the place. But in a controlled rage like Bee had where he aimed at vehicles instead of people. Maybe Mirage could aim at Decepticons or some other enemy. Point is, I want to see Mirage use his battle mask and go to town blasting! And then I want to see Noah gently calm him down and give him a gentle touch or say something soothing to help calm him down.
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Give us this Mirage right here! Battle mask on, weapon charged and ready to fight everybody!
Or instead it could be Mirage just naturally protecting Noah from an enemy that triggers his kill mode. But this could be Noah's first time seeing Mirage like that, so we could still get that delicate, gentle moment between those 2 once Mirage calms down.
CHARLIE AND BUMBLEBEE REUNION!!!! I had a dream recently about Charlie playing a sort of game of tag that was an extension of the ending scene in Bumblebee, when Bee scans his new alt mode and Charlie is amazed by it and then Bee drives off. In my dream Charlie is running in front of Bee laughing while he drives very slowly behind her to chase her. I have no idea where that dream came from since Miroah has been living rent free in my brain for months, but it makes me want a Charlie/Bee reunion extra bad now!
More Mirage and Arcee sibling energy! I think we were absolutely ROBBED of Mirage and Arcee moments in ROTB, so I want more in the next movie! Big sister Arcee scolding or teasing Middle child Mirage about something. It would be glorious! 🤩
Mirage introducing Noah to new Autobots and being all proud like. Like, "Yup! That's my human! He's mine." or whatever the robot equivalent would be. I don't know why, but every time I read a Miroah fic that has Mirage refer to Noah as his human, my heart swells a little. It's just so cute. It's giving cat owner energy for some reason. 🤣
A Mirage and Noah mission scene where they're officially partners. All the jokes, all the teasing, all the flirting, just all the general Miroah shenanigans. But now they are officially on an Autobot/G.I. Joe mission together.
I want Breanna Diaz to meet Mirage! I need to know if she will pull out a chancleta and try to strike Mirage with it. 🤣 'Cause you know the Diaz family loves to resort to violence whenever they first see Mirage. Noah with the metal pipe and Kris with the baseball bat. I need to know what Breanna's weapon of choice is. 🤣 But also, I want to see her warm up to Mirage and him being all charming and kind towards her.
I would love to see some Mirage and Bee shenanigans. The 2 Autobots with human companions need a scene together! Maybe even give us some Mirage and Bee sibling energy. And maybe even a double team up with Mirage and Noah as partners and Bee and Charlie as partners.
A Mirage pamper scene or flashback or mention of how Noah pampered him up real good to make him look all shiny and brand new. A perfect chance to slip in some flirting from Mirage praising Noah for a job well done. 😏
MORE ELENA!!!! Elena is also a queen and I want her in the next movie coming in with that artifacts knowledge and general warm-hearted and caring Elena energy that we all know and love! 🥺
This might be a stretch, but what about Arcee becoming fond of a human and she ends up getting her own human companion? It could be Elena or another female character. That would be so cool!
The main reason why I made this post is because A LOT of the stuff I wanted to see in Transformers EarthSpark S1C actually happened (I still need to make a post about that) and it makes me feel like if I keep making these long boi posts, I can continue to manifest my own desires and head canons. *cue maniacal laughter* No, but for real, can we please get a Noah/Mirage centric animated series?? It would be wonderful! 🙏🏾
Okay, that's all for now. If I can think of anything else, I will definitely edit this post. Thanks for reading! ~
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blue-rose-soul · 3 months
Love your au! You have so much interesting analysis and all your takes always feel really in character.
I was just curious, what would some of Lucifer’s bonding attempts look like? Would Nicaise—once she arrives— try to encourage Alastor to get to know Lucifer? Even if she doesn’t know the real relationship between herself and him?
Thank you so much! I'm glad you think so. I do try to keep true to the characters, but I worry I tend to be a little biased, so I appreciate you saying this.
(Forgive me, but I'm going to blabber a little bit before I properly answer your question.)
So, as I've been going along, I haven't really had a set timeline for the Devil's Bastard AU because I've mostly been thinking of scenarios and how things would go in response to the asks I've been receiving. As a result, the timeline for this AU has been kinda wibbly wobbly. At first, Alastor knew and he was keeping it a secret, then he didn't know but Lucifer figured it out. Then Nicaise became a real character in the AU and she got involved in events, and there was something about a dog...
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As of now though, I'm getting a sense of how I'd actually like the timeline to go.
First being that nothing comes out until after the finale. Nicaise meeting Charlie in Heaven is sort of the catalyst for everything, but it's not until after she falls from Heaven that any secrets start coming out. Once it's known that Nicaise is Alastor's mother, and he makes the connection that Alastor was born later that same year, the gears in Lucifer's brain start turning and he starts wondering about the missing time from the night he and Nicaise met. That leads to him doing some digging on Nicaise's life, (my mental image is talking to someone he's on good terms with in Heaven who has access to records of mortals' lives on Earth), which in turn leads to him finding out that Alastor is in fact his kid.
I think once Lucifer finds out, there's no way for him to try bonding with Alastor without revealing that he's Alastor's dad, and once Nicaise learns that, it doesn't take her long to realize she's Alastor's mom. Even if Nicaise hadn't realized Alastor's on her son by her own at that point, she's able to piece together what happened based on what Lucifer's told her of their first meeting and Alastor's behavior towards her. So in any scenario where Nicaise sees Lucifer trying to connect with Alastor, she's already going to know the reason why.
(Okay, now to actually answer your question! Apologies for the word vomit.)
Lucifer definitely fumbles a lot when it comes to trying to form any kind of bond with Alastor. With Charlie, he seems to try to bond by showering her with gifts and offering to simply take care of her problems for her. It's a bit of a shallow foundation for a relationship, but Charlie at least seems to appreciate that he's trying, even if she's a bit uncomfortable with it and wants some actual support. But Alastor is proud, independent, and seems pretty uninterested in grandiose displays of wealth, preferring a more moderate lifestyle. If anything, Lucifer's attempts to bridge the gap by giving gifts would just be taken as him rubbing his power and wealth in Alastor's face. Alastor does compare Lucifer a lot to the man who kidnadopted him; a rich white man who had a fondness for champagne and caviar.
Nicaise's feelings on the matter are a bit complicated. As much as she likes Lucifer as a friend, she knows he's not really Alastor's parent at the end of the day. He didn't raise Alastor, didn't even know he had a second child until recently. She dresses both of them down when their behavior becomes unacceptable (insert a mental image of both of them on their knees with bowed heads while she's standing over them with her hands on her hips) but Nicaise isn't about to force her boy to see Lucifer as a father figure. Instead I see her telling them that as long as they're going to be under the same roof they're going to be civil whether they like it or not. (Cue Vaggie breathing a sigh of relief.)
Sadly, she doesn't really know Alastor either, not anymore. Not since Heaven took away her 'painful' memories. She knows she died when Alastor was still young so she encourages Lucifer to give Alastor space, "Let him come to you." It's a struggle for Lucifer because after his shutting himself off left his relationship with his wife and daughter so threadbare, it's hard not to feel like he's just giving up on his son. But over time they do reach a point where they can at least coexist in the same space. This is probably the real starting point for Lucifer and Alastor to form any kind of bond.
Of course, there's still the matter of whatever ulterior motives Alastor has for the hotel. The fact that his mother is now there... Is something he will have to figure out along the way.
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