#dobby lives!AU
thesleepyfable · 21 days
~ SWTD: Still Here AU Part 7: ~
The Confession:
And we're back. New story arc I'm calling 'Before the Rescue.' It's a few mini chapters focusing on various characters getting closure with themselves or each other. This one is for Caz.
Part 8:
With a cigarette hanging from his lips, Roper watched the Deck from the catwalk. It was both a relief and strange to see things back to normal, apart from the obvious. All the infected had the blood washed away and their torn uniform removed. The sky had cleared as dusk approached. Fitting.
Trots seemed to be taking it well. He was sweeping up the dust left by The Shape alongside Roy and Dobbie. Nothing seemed to be bothering him, unless staying busy was his way of coping.
On the Deck, Douglas, Innes and Sunil were going backwards and forwards for spare bedding. The empty shipping containers were going to be makeshift beds. Apart from Trots, because he won the lottery out of the group, the infected couldn't fit in their rooms. Addair managed, because The Shape melted his bones, but as soon as he sat on his bunk, it broke, leaving him shocked and embarrassed. He tried his best not to show it and just muttered under his breath in frustration.
No one had seen Rennick since he vanished, and no one went looking for him. If he wanted to get into everyone's good books, then hiding wasn't the way to do it.
Overall, it was peaceful.
Caz approached and stood besides Roper, leaning against the handrailing. He went to accept a cigarette but refused. 'New Year resolution,' he said, causing Roper to chuckle. 'How ye holding up?'
'Better than you. We actually missed everything in Control.' It was true. Somehow The Shape never spread to Marine Control. A blessing.
'Good. This place would be fucked if it did.'
The Shape may be dead and gone, but the damage remained. Large holes in the floors and ceilings weren't hard to miss. One wrong step and you could still fall into the North Sea. The Pontoons and water tanks had flooded, though O'Connor and his team went back to fix the issue. Administration was a total loss thanks to Rennick's episode of rage and Brodie was constantly keeping an eye on the stack. The lifeboats were also a total loss.
Then there was Gregor.
His body was long gone. It was part of the sea now. Roper was pondering on what to tell his family, because they all knew 'Boss Man' Rennick didn't have the balls to do so himself. What's worse was that Gregor isn't the only one. Davros has been missing for hours. No one could find him. All they could guess was he took a lifeboat and fled. If that was the case then he wasn't alone. Out of the skeleton crew on Beria, eight, not including Gregor and Davros, were gone.
Caz twiddled his thumbs. It wasn't over for the crew, but for him, it was. The victory will be short lived. He knew as soon as he steps back onto the mainland, if they aren't arrested by military, the police will ship him off to the nearest station. How long would he be put away for? Clearly waiting for Billy to drop the charges didn't work. Bastard was always stubborn. The Shape was an interesting distraction, but he had to stop running.
'Roper, you need to know something.' And, as if by divine faith, Roy overheard. He knew what Caz was going to say and approached. Trots and Dobbie didn't notice. Roper turned, noticing Roy but not suspecting anything. 'The reason why I'm even 'ere, and why Rennick needed to see me.' No going back now. 'Well, let's just say I was and am, well and truly fucked.' Roper frowned. Roy stayed quiet. 'I beat up a bloke back in July. Came to Beria to avoid the charges. I...I dunno. Just hoped it would all blow over and I could go back in January all willy-nilly and see me girls, but someone spilt the beans and the police know I'm 'ere.'
Roper trilled his lips and had a conflicting look on his face. Out of everything he expected to hear, knowing a criminal was on board was not one of them. 'Can't say I've got experience in that field, mate. Does anyone else know?'
'Yes, I did.' Roy stepped forward and raised his hand like he was back in school. 'I helped Caz get here. Someone back home owed me a favour and put in a good word.'
'Ah. The plot thickens then.' Roper turned away to think. He wasn't someone who could hire and fire like Rennick. Tapping the cigarette on the handrail, then putting it out between his gloved fingers, he'd quickly come to the conclusion that this didn't change how he saw the pair. Sadly he only had one answer. 'I think it's best you tell the others in your own time. If you don't want to, then that's up to you Caz.' But the truth will come out in the end. A former semi-professional boxer being arrested will get back to everyone here.
Caz didn't know if he felt better or not with that answer. He narrowed his eyes and glanced to the crew. None of them knew. Was that for the best? To live in ignorance? Would they hate him if he told them what happened back home? Would Rennick reveal his secret to get back at him? He didn't want to toss Roy into the mix either. The big man might have helped, but he had a home to go back to.
'...I'll.' He huffed. 'I'll think about it.'
Roper patted his shoulder to show support. Honestly, he didn't care. The entire time he's been here, Caz has been a good lad. He worked hard and he did keep this place running more than anyone knew. Just because he wasn't down in Engineering or working the drill itself didn't mean he was useless. Now he had to ask. 'Did you win?'
'Oh, aye. He got to experience a broken nose for once. Suited the bastard more.' The trio got a good laugh out of that comment.
So, who to tell first?
Could tell his little boxing fan base. That would include Innes, O'Connor, McLurg and Sunil. Finlay? She knew something was up since this morning and she's smart enough to put two and two together. Addair? No, but he already had an inkling. 'Ah. Fuck it.'
It must be becoming a little ritual for Caz, because, again, he jumped over the handrailing - nearly giving Roper and Roy a mini heart attack - and landed on the shipping container Brodie, Raffs and Finlay were sitting on. Everyone heard and gave him his full attention.
'Er...Right. Shit.' Deep breaths, Caz. Deep breaths. 'I need everyone's attention.'
'Looks like you've already got that.'
'Yes, thank you, Finlay.' A sigh. 'There's something you all need to know about me.' Caz tapped his foot, looked all the men in the eye and continued. He had no idea, but Rennick was listening from the Under Rig. He was too far away for Caz to sense him but his voice bouncing off the metal structure and equipment could be heard all the way on The Isle of Man. The manager clung to what's left of the railing and listened. 'Now, I know a lot of you know of me past, and you should know I retired from that lifestyle over a decade ago. But, it seems the past keeps coming back to me.' He paused. Caz hadn't noticed he was tapping his thigh with his left hand.
'I beat a man up back home. At first, I thought I was doing the right thing. He said some fuckin' terrible things about me wife that I just lost control. Yes, he was trying to get a raise out of me and whilst he got what he wanted, I should have just walked away. But, I came here to hide from the police. They now know that I'm here. It's why Rennick wanted me. So, when we get back to the mainland, don't be surprised that police cars will be there.' He took another long breath. 'I'm sorry I never told any of you sooner.'
Silence lingered. No one said anything. They all just stared. Caz felt tension brewing. He began to turn away in defeat, his head hanging low.
'Were we supposed to care about any of that?' He stopped. It was Brodie's voice. The diver got to his feet and like Roper, placed a hand on Caz's shoulder. 'Caz, look around you. From all the shit we've been through, do you really think this is going to change anything?' A look and feeling of relief washed over the leccy. He felt a weight being lifted from his shoulders. He turned to the crew, then to Roy and the others on the catwalk, before back to Brodie. 'Don't worry. We'll put a good word in for ya.'
Caz smiled. Then cried. Then laughed.
'Ah you pricks. You're gonna make me cry.' But he did and accepted Brodie's embrace. Then Finlay joined in. Then Raffs. Then Gibbo. Caz had no idea where he came from, but a simple hug was quickly becoming a mosh pit. 'Gah! Okay. You can all stop now.' It didn't, because Muir lifted Caz up he'd just won the Premier league trophy. 'Muir, for fucks sake!'
Rennick didn't come out of hiding. He heard the laughter from the crew. He would be lying if he didn't feel both sad and jealous. It brought back memories when he was Caz's age, maybe even younger, during the war. That feeling of a team effort. The brotherly love. How he missed those days, even if it was a dark time in human history. It brought people together. What happened to him? How did he stray so far from his younger self? Rennick couldn't absorb his head into his body like Gibbo, but how he wished he could. The old man just wanted to hide from the world. For now, he watched the calm waves and longed to return to the past.
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cheriecelestial · 8 months
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Melody of a Muse
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disclaimer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ angst, eventual mature content, crude humour, strong language, typos, grammatical errors, cliché moments
genre *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ drama, romance, Band AU, Reverse Harem
a/n *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ because I think I could take all four of ‘em. Tho I seriously need to come up with a better title than that lame ass one I’m currently using (I’m accepting suggestions)
╰ ┈➤ Chapter List
╰ ┈➤ Master list
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Chapter One
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𝔊oing live in ..
"It's ya girl Irris. How's everyone feeling today ?" The blonde girl chirped infront of the camera as she subconsciously adjusted a lock of hair in front of her face. As soon as she logged in, comments flooded into her chat. She glanced at the numbers on her neon screen and smiled, satisfied with the viewership. She started her stream with usual one sided small talk and usual pleasantries. Her hand reached out to adjust the light source to directly focus on her face. Y/N, or as she went by online - Irris, noticed that she might've applied a bit too much highlighter that gleamed under the pastel purple monochromatic light. But of course that didn't bother the fans one bit , in fact they probably felt that she looked like a fairy. Despite how burdening it might have felt sometimes, Y/N was used to public attention and enjoyed it thoroughly.
" Today is a very special day. A day worth celebrating.", the girl beamed and the comments seemed to pour in rapidly. Fans just grew more curious by the second as to what she was going to announce. Y/N skimmed through the comments suggesting the most bizarre things, from relationship announcements to pregnancies to switching career paths. The wild guesses earned a chuckle out of the blonde woman.
"No no it's none of that but first - " she started with her hand disappearing from the audience's line of view. The woman took her sweet-sweet time in retrieving the items she prepared for her stream. The reactions of the impatient and curious crowd never failed to fascinate her.
"Ta-da" she smiled as she produced a bottle of strawberry champagne and a wine glass. A wine glass ? What for ? asked the audience.
"I have some good news and awesome news. Which one first ?" She winked playfully at the camera. She could almost hear her fans the excitement of her fans resonating from the chat.
" So good news first. My contract with Abssosque Entertainment is up so I'm officially free and the awesome news is ..." she trailed off as if waiting for imaginary drum roll ,"I got an offer from Teyvat Entertainment and I'll be a part of the Teyvat Family soon !" On hearing this the chat went nuts.
Nyako7 : The queen finally getting the treatment she deserves (๑>◡<๑)
Irrissimp : Now that our goddess is out . Time to burn that shit down. Get the gasoline boys.
Gangstagurl23 : CONGRATSSSSS BAE
Icantstoptwinkling : * insert Dobby voice* Mother is free .
Irrissteponme : Irris lookin fine as fuck like Excuse me? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
Princessmurderkill : Ahakdhabskalja I can finally die in peace .
Mikosslut : Yaemiko x Irris when ?
Childessluttywaist : Those Teyvat bitches better treat our goddess the way she deserves or else imma commit a felony.
" Yes yes I know. I'm excited too. I wonder what Teyvat Ent. has in store for me. But I know that I am going to thoroughly enjoy my time there for a fact." After replying to a few more comments and addressing some questions, she poured herself a glass and champagne and did a cheered a toast towards the camera. Drinking on stream was a big no-no but she thought that it could be excused just this once.
" Hey Y/N have you seen my -" she heard her door creak open and saw her brother, Dainsleif. " Oh I didn't realise that you were on a stream. I'll come back later." He quickly apologised and turned to leave
" No no Dain. Wait. We were just celebrating. Come sit" She patted her hand on the couch and smiled encouragingly. Dainsleif paused for a moment and then walked in and took his spot next to her. " Hello guys" he started awkwardly, somewhat unfamiliar with streaming.
However Y/N smile dropped when she saw her chat. The excitement and bubbling joy of her fans had turned into ruthless and horrible hate comments. She bit the inside of her cheek till she tasted blood. Her brother noticed how the atmosphere changed and her sister's sunny disposition turned gloomy. " I should go. I have work anyway ." He said with a melancholic smile. Y/N looked up and nodded wordlessly. She knew that resisting would only look her brother look bad. She wanted to say how the people are wrong about their perception of her brother, how he wasn't the one at fault, how all of this was so unfair. But she couldn't.
Celebrities can't do that. They can't be angry, sad or even frustrated. God forbid they exhibit any other emotion apart from unfaltering happiness. However there wasn't anything she could do about it, there was no way to change the way people thought. So as much as she disliked it, she just accepted it as her fate and went with the flow - switching her brain off and putting on her practiced and perfectly curated selling smile. It left a bad taste in her mouth but that's what people liked so who was she to complain .
" Anyways people. Let's not dampen the mood." She clapped her hands and continued as if nothing happened. After the 'celebration', she continued with her usual stream content. And as she kept talking, the chat gradually regained its joyous fervour. About an hour's worth of streaming, she said her goodbyes and wrapped up her stream.
" Fucking finally" Y/N got up and stretched. " You done ?" She heard her brother's voice from the living room. She walked into the living room and saw him lounging on the couch, watching some hallmark romance film. " What tells ?" She plopped down and cuddled into the fluffy blanket on the couch. "You never cuss on camera", he stated in a manner of explanation and she scoffed ," You know 'cause I got manners and shit ." She spoke in a tone she never used on camera. On air, her voice was always atleast a couple octaves higher than her real voice.
Her brother chuckled at the stark difference between Irris and Y/N, consequently earning a smack from her. Y/N titled her head onto her brother's shoulder and said in a somewhat melancholic tone " I'm going to miss this."
" Me too"
" Can't you come with me ?" She sprang up and looked at him pleadingly. Her brother just groaned wearily," You know I can't. I made a promise."  A promise. Right. With the person who got him in the mess he was. Y/N was bitter that her brother cared about that person enough for basically ruin his career. But deep down she knew that it wasn't the person that caused him to do it, it was his own sense of morality. She sometimes really hated how righteous her brother could be. She looked around the room and saw all the cardboard boxes labelled with her stuff. Her brother would have been able to leave that god awful company and come with her, had that promise not held him back.
" Whatever"
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
With the final riff of Diluc's guitar and the bang of the drums , the lead singer hit his last note . Kaeya and Childe whooped at the crowd and they cheered back . The members waved at their audience as their leader Zhongli , better known as Morax , delivered the ending thank you message. The arena was filled with applause and chants of their names . Kaeya tapped his mic and began speaking," And as promised." He looked to Diluc who rolled his eyes at his brother's antics but nonetheless took his guitar pick, kissed it and tossed it into the crowd. All of them left their spots and stood at the edge of the stage in frenzy to catch it. " Everyone thank you for coming ."
" We are DCKZ !"
And with the final cheer, the stage fell dark. The members hurried backstage and were instantly flocked by staff, offering them water bottles, towels and what not. " Man I'm beat." Childe, the main rapper, huffed. "Me too" Kaeya hummed in agreement.
"Today's  show was stunning. Good work everyone." Albedo, their manager, clapped his hand together and offered them an encouraging smile. "Bedooooooo-" Childe whined and tried to engulf the shorter blonde man in a bear hug but was pulled back by Diluc grabbing the back of his collar. " Go shower first you sweaty piece of shit"
"Right back 'atcha Luc" he scowled and shook Diluc’s hand off. Albedo let out a small sigh which sounded somewhat like a tired laugh and waited for them to settle everything amongst themselves. He was way too used to this by now.
After everyone was done with showering and a change of fresh clothes, Albedo waited for them in their van parked backstage. The drive was started with the usual - Zhongli trying to catch some rest with his head leaned back against the seat. Kaeya and Childe bickering about something and jointly annoying Diluc, who in turn snapped at them.
Childe's phone chimed with an app notification and his eyes widened. "Everybody hush !" He commanded loudly , waking up Zhongli in the process.
" Wha-" Zhongli mumbled in a daze. Kaeya peeked over the main rapper's shoulder and saw what he was watching ," Simp" is all he said. Diluc raised his eyebrow in questioning. He acted like he didn't like the drama but deep down he really enjoyed it. Especially considering that his deepest darkest secret was that he often rented a hotel room to go and watch every episode of 'Keeping up with the Shogun' so that no one finds out and teases him about it.
" It's some YouTuber he follows. Irris, is it ?" Zhongli guessed and the ginger nodded wordlessly without looking up from the screen.
" What's so special about her ?" Diluc scoffed. According to him, all YouTubers and influencers were the same - pretty faces with zero substance and a bad case of celebrity complex. And in his defence, he had never come across anyone who disputed his belief so he  had no reason to believe that she would be any different either. He saw influencers as pretentious, vain, overpaid salespeople and the word invoked images of reality celebrity, artifice, undeserved riches, wastefulness and  textbook narcissism . And Childe liking her made her all the more repulsive to Diluc.
" Don't you dare disrespect my waifu !" Childe barked defensively, causing Diluc to merely roll his eyes and look away. Kaeya turned to Childe and grabbed his shoulders," Hey buddy we've talked about this. You can't wife random women you've never met . Hmm ?" He cooed as if talking to a five year old though given his behaviour he might as well be one. " She's not random ! She's Irris ! And plus I've met her at a YouTube seminar once" Childe protested, cradling his phone closer to his chest almost as if his phone were Irris and he was protecting her from his fellow band members.
" Everyone please just calm down." The three turned their attention to their leader who had visibly grown tired of their bickering. " Whatever I bet she's just as fake as the others" Diluc muttered to himself and sunk further back into his seat , not wanting to debate the topic any further. " What did you just say you emo fatherless edgelord motherf-" The youngest fumed as looked like he was ready to pounce on the red head any second.
" I believe -" the four were interjected by their Manager's voice from the driver's seat. He had been listening to them much like he often did, however he never felt the need to intervene in their conversations. So naturally, everyone was surprised at Albedo's words. " - it's unfair to built a prejudiced perception of her on your previous understanding of influencers and Tartaglia's liking. Additionally, her job entails multiple facets such as modelling, streaming, hosting variety shows apart from just being an influencer and she also so happens to be a proficient dancer. So I think it's best you research a bit more and form a more educated opinion."
He's totally a hardcore stan. The thought resonated in band members' minds in unison.
They silently agreed to not discuss the topic further in fear of offending their manager. Albedo, though younger than all of them, held respect in everyone's eyes. He was a skilled worker who had gotten them out of numerous potential scandals and becoming victims of the cancel culture. He was someone who did his job a little so diligently that Childe sometimes questioned if he even had a social life at this point. But Kaeya and Diluc knew that he was going out with a sales manager from their company and regularly babysat his colleague's daughter. Heavens know where he gets the time for that.
"Diluc -" Childe looked up from the screen with a look of sheer surprise and glee. " What ?" Diluc asked annoyed.
" Can you please tell Jean that I love her ?"
" What the fuck -" And before Diluc could react further Childe added ," Irris is coming to Teyvat"
" HUH ?!"
taglist - @sleepykittycx / @kentply
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jirstho · 2 years
No Voldemort AU
Harry doesn't have a scar on his forehead
Lily and James live to give Harry siblings
Remus and Sirius marry and live happily
Dorcas and Marlene marry and live
Regulua is alive and healthy and gets his happy ending along with Kreacher
Neville's parents are sane and healthy and make him feel so loved
Ron and Hermione stay at Harry's place over the holidays
Hermione and Lily bonding over their nerdiness
James and Sirius grinning at each other and doing a high-five every time they get a letter from Hogwarts that Harry caused Professor Snape trouble
Tonks, Fred, Colin, Hedwig, Dobby, and many others are still alive
Xeno and Pandora work together on the Quibbler and love Luna to bits
James teaching Harry Quidditch
Molly becoming like an older sister to Lily and giving her tips on parenting
Peter being there with his best friends
Mary being able to watch her best friends grow old
Harry introducing Ginny as his girlfriend and Peter having to look twice because he thought he just saw young Lily and James
Harry and Draco are on good terms
Fred goes on to live a happy life and have a family of his own
Barty Jr. is alive and well and so are his parents
The marauders telling Harry and his siblings what they used to be up to 'back in the day'
Nobody is traumatized and everyone is alive and happy
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wooahaes · 10 months
kissworthy schemes
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pairing: non-idol!doyoung x gn!reader
genre: silly fluff. established relationship au.
word count: 0.6k~
warnings: just silly kissy schenanigans featuring mistletoe
daisy's notes: he is so silly this is so silly teehee
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There was a small drawing taped up on the inside of the doorway, and you already knew who the culprit had to be. None of Doyoung’s housemates would pull this kind of thing—not when the only person coming over was you. “Doyoung? What is this?”
“Stay right there!” 
Immediately, you heard the sound of his footsteps as he rushed from the bedroom into the living room. He’d emerged, smiling proudly of himself as you spotted several more of these little drawings taped up. To the ceiling, to other doorways, over the couch… How many of these little drawings had Doyoung put up? He slowly made his way over to you, looking up at the drawing, meeting your gaze a moment later.
“... Dobby, did you draw mistletoe?” 
Doyoung looked sheepish as he averted his gaze. “One of my housemates happens to be allergic to it,” he said, rocking on his heels. “I’ll take them down before anyone comes home.”
With a roll of your eyes, you walked away from him to set your bag down on the end of the couch. Doyoung gasped, clearly offended that his little plan wasn’t working out for him.
“That’s against the rules!”
You rolled your eyes, opening up your bag to find the pastry you’d bought him. “Uh-huh.”
“Do you not want to kiss me?” He pouted. “Then just say that—”
“You don’t have to put up plants—” You paused for half a second, “or fake drawings of plants in order to get me to kiss you. I’m dating you, silly. Just ask.” 
“What about the holiday spirit?” Doyoung tore down the drawing, making his way over to you. You almost pointed out the fact that the two of you had ‘holiday spirit’ in the way you were wearing matching sweaters, and had matching scarves at home as well. Yet he’d pouted a little as he stood before you, “I thought it’d be cute…”
“It is,” you turned to him, holding up the chocolate croissant. “Like I said… All you have to do is ask for a kiss, Doyoung.”
He continued to pout at you for a moment longer before accepting the croissant. “I had a plan.”
“I put all of these up after my housemates left for the day,” he said. “And I texted you to come over so we couch watch those cheesy Christmas movies you like poking fun at. And… I was going to wait for you by the front door, but I fell asleep since you said traffic was bad, and—”
“And I ruined your fun by pointing it out,” you said. “What were you going to hit me with?”
He set the croissant down, taking your hand in one of his. He held the mistletoe drawing over the two of you, and looked up at it. “I was just going to look up at it, and then look at you, and…”
Ah. He assumed you’d take the lead there. Sometimes Doyoung was a silly mess, but at least he was your silly mess to be enamored with. 
“It was silly,” he admitted. “Hyunsuk said it’d be cute, though.”
“Of course he did.” With a happy hum, you leaned in, pressing a long kiss against his lips. “It was,” you admitted once you pulled away. “I’ll make popcorn while you clean these up… unless you want me to end up underneath the mistletoe with one of your housemates later.”
Doyoung’s face went red, and he dipped forward to kiss you one more time. “It’ll just take a minute,” he promised. “I’ll get the movies ready.”
Before he could pull away, you caught him by the sleeve of his sweater. “Dobby? I mean it. Just ask me for a kiss next time, and I’ll give you as many as you want. You don’t need any silly plans to earn my kisses.”
His eyes twinkled as he returned to you long enough to press a kiss against your cheek, “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
A Life Apart
A Life Apart https://ift.tt/CZBMcTm by MomCar Following the war Draco Malfoy was sentenced to live in the Muggle world, sans magic for 4 years. During that time he fell in love, got burned, and decided to become a doctor. Over a decade after the Final Battle, Draco decides it's time to return to the Wizarding world to train to become a Healer. Apparent to everyone but him, Draco begins to fall for Hermione Granger...who happens to be in love with his rival. Theodore Nott, best friends to both Draco and Hermione does a little meddling with the help of Ginny Weasley to ensure that his best friends go from enemies to lovers. Words: 1067, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Dramione - Fandom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Theodore Nott, Theo Nott Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Original Character, Pansy Parkinson/Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, hermione granger/draco malfoy/theo nott Additional Tags: Post-War, post-war AU, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Not Epilogue Compliant, Healer Hermione Granger, Healer Draco Malfoy, Doctor Draco Malfoy, Draco lives in Muggle Society, Slight Dreomione, maybe a little public sex, okay the sex happens at a party, other couples might see them but its a risk they're willing to take, Now that you ask - YES they were FWB, HEA, Dramione endgame, dramione - Freeform, slowburn, Enemies to Lovers, Draco Malfoy Redemption Arc, JUSTICE FOR DOBBY via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/cMaltns May 01, 2024 at 01:42AM
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How the girl who lived met the Potters?
Wip game
Once I had the idea of creating an AU where Ginny was the Girl Who Lived. And I wanted it to be separate one-shots in the same universe so that I could explore only the small moments that interested me. I was mainly curious to see Harry in a love-interest capacity and re-explore some key moments from the books if Harry and Ginny were switched in position substantially.
But because I can't ever stop at the surface level of anything, I started creating a billion problems for myself.
As long as there's Voldemort, Harry needs to be the Chosen One. Ok, then it means something happened and there's a Voldemort but it's no longer Tom Riddle. And so I created a woman that paralleled Ginny like Tom did with Harry. And this woman stole Tom's role. Because I wanted to keep the general ideas of Horcruxes and death eaters and if Tom Riddle didn't exist it wouldn't have made sense.
But then there were other problems, like Peter.
I would like to outline it completely one day but it's a lot of work.
(for who remembers that conversation, Harry has sisters in this story, and one becomes Ginny's best friend)
How the girl who lived met the Potters would be the first one-shot
The station felt overwhelming, even for Ginny, who had grown up in London and should've been used to crowds. Shouts could be heard anywhere, from the ones of children to the ones of old cranky ladies. She searched worriedly for the mysterious platform nine and three-quarters. Hagrid was out of his mind. She should've never trusted a mysterious man taller than the ceiling of her house. Maybe the elf, Dobby, had been right, she should have remained at home.  A witch! She was a witch. How gullible she had been. Maybe it was all some elaborate prank, but from whom? Not even that petty bully of Stancy McAdams would've put so much energy into tormenting Ginny. For the first time since she could remember, she wished Carl was there with her. Instead, he had left her on her own, searching for a place that didn't seem to exist.  "Padfoot, I swear on my Thunderstorm 2000, I'm going to kill you!" shouted a tall man with messy black hair and glasses. A big black dog was running circles around him. Ginny smiled, she loved animals. Toby, one of the many cats of Mrs Figg, had always had a soft spot for her, and she for him. Not that she didn't love the other cats too, despite how smelly they were. Maybe if she asked kindly enough she could pet the dog? A musical laugh interrupted Ginny's thoughts, a laugh so joyful and sincere that warmed Ginny's entire body. It was coming from a boy around her age. He was seated on the ground, the black dog kissing his whole face. The boy was so similar to the man that he couldn't be anyone else but his son.
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hpsaffics · 2 years
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2018 ~ Most Popular HP Femslash Fics
F/F tagged works sorted by Hits on AO3*
As of 2023.2 (1,387 works)
*Only fics with a sapphic main pairing are included (listed alphabetically)
1. Extinction by rubikanon [Hermione/Narcissa, M, 200k]
Now complete with less vague summary! Post-war adventure across the British countryside, Hermione accidentally falls in love with Narcissa Malfoy, classified missions and intrigue and dementors oh my, Ron isn't a jerk (what?! unheard of!)
2. Fleur's Interview by red_jacobson [Fleur/Hermione/Harry, E, 4.4k]
Fleur needs a job after leaving Gringotts, and has an interview with Headmaster Harry Potter of Hogwarts. Just how far is she willing to go to get the position?
3. Glass Silence by Zarrene Moss (Menzosarres) [Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Narcissa, Hermione/Andromeda, E, 270k]
In another world, Hermione Granger never attended Hogwarts. Orphaned at age three, she grew up supporting a low-income adoptive family without the means to pay for her education. Post-war desperation and a chance encounter lead her into the employ of the three Black sisters. She finds herself caught in their deadly web, helplessly waiting to see who will reach her first.
4. Her Father's Hair by Anonymous [Hermione/fem!Harry, M, 56k]
What if Harry Potter was a girl? What if she was named after her mother?
5. A Month of Sharing by MayorHaggar [Astoria/Daphne/Harry, E, 35k]
A month in the lives of Astoria Greengrass, Harry Potter and Daphne Potter née Greengrass.
6. Night of Surprises by sheltie1987 [Hermione/Arthur/Ginny, NR, 2k]
The sequel to Secret Night Rendezvous. Arthur's night is only beginning.
7. One Step Left by Cysteine [Hermione/Narcissa, E, 416k]
What would have happened if Dobby had flinched and taken one step to the left, leaving Hermione behind to fend for herself and thus causing a terribly different outcome of the war? "You defeated my husband on his own land in a duel. Pureblood tradition states that you claim all that was his...including his wife."
8. Six More Ways to Satisfy by sasharyder [Lily Luna/Ginny, Lily Luna/Others, E, 3k]
Much to her family's pleasure, Lily Luna is her mother's daughter.
9. Those Icy Fingers Up and Down My Spine (That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine) by DreamsAreMyWords [Clarke Griffin/Lexa, M, 480k]
The Clexa Triwizard AU, where Clarke Griffin returns to Hogwarts for her final year and finds herself in the midst of trouble... Clarke probably shouldn't fall for her rival-turned-best-friend, but together they discover the strongest magic of all. *Crossover with The 100
10. Two Sisters, No Waiting! by red_jacobson [Astoria/Daphne/Harry, E, 17k]
Harry Potter needs two heirs, from different wives, by his 21st Birthday. Cyrus Greengrass is in a desperate situation, but has two daughters, maybe they can help each other?
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kneecoal-mooma · 1 year
No one: Literally no one: My brain when I have exams: Now what AUs can I come up with...?
Okay, but like.
Harry Potter and the 12 Dancing Princesses AU, but it's the Weasleys.
And also there is literally no similarities, bUT think about it!
During the First Wizarding War, let's say that 'Oh no! Molly and Arthur die!', which leaves Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George parentless. The Weasley parents die before Ron and Ginny are born, so basically they aren't characters in this.
But like, imagine the Marauders looking after them while the war is still happening, so the five of them have a nice life until Voldemort kills James and Lily, which causes Sirius's arrest, Lupin having to go into hiding and Peter, well, Peter is still there but as a rat, so they're parentless again.
So, this time they were officially adopted by the Malfoys, but they don't particularly care for them and are more intent in getting out their 'blood traitorness' removed from them, by enforcing rules and schedules and not letting them have time for themselves.
Of course, this would be in the Daily Prophet as it looks like Lucius and Narcissa are 'becoming good people' by adopting a bunch of kids, but because it's in the newspaper, Sirius would see Peter Pettigrew in the paper, essentially moving the whole of the Prisoner of Azkaban plot 10+ years earlier.
Anyway, so Bill goes off to Hogwarts, leaving Charlie, Percy and the twins alone with the Malfoys. George manages to befriend Dobby, while Fred attempts to find as many loopholes in the rules as possible. Percy is convinced the only way they'd be able to escape the Manor is when Bill graduates, but Charlie is determined to get out earlier than that.
One day, they're all sitting around the table together and Lucius mentions that Sirius has escaped Azkaban. Charlie and Percy can remember the times when they lived with him and are sure that he is coming to save them.
During the Christmas holidays, Bill comes home and they whisper to him about the news of Sirius, causing them all to be on the lookout for him, in case they spot him walking past.
(They never do, but they see a dog passing by a number of times.)
One day, Sirius sneaks inside the Malfoy Manor with the help of Dobby, and reveals himself inside their room one night.
Immediately, Charlie tells him how bad their life sucks now, and asks him to take them back. Sirius, who didn't even think they were living with the Malfoys and who just wanted to kill Pettigrew, reluctantly agrees as long as they bring the rat.
However, Lucius was creeping around at night, and enters the room at the noise. Bill starts stuttering an excuse, but Sirius is just about ready to rip his throat out, so Lucius pulls out his wand while Sirius grabs Bill's.
Now, obviously they duel, but Lucius wins because he's using his own wand and Sirius is tired enough as it is. And just like great parenting, he punishes the kids for Sirius's break in.
As a silent rebellion, George asks Dobby if there's a secret area they could go where Lucius couldn't find them. He shows them some sort of a 'Room of Requirement' in their room and they spend time in there instead of sleeping, feeling thrilled about disobeying behind Lucius's back.
Like in the original film, Lucius begins to become suspicious as they keep falling asleep during their breakfast. He finds out about the 'Room of Requirement' via Dobby because of how the loyalty thing works, and manages to get inside and tries to burn down the room while they're in there.
Fortunately for the Weasleys, Sirius has recruited Remus after telling him about Peter and Lucius and they arrive just in time to save the children.
While Sirius is going off at Lucius, Remus is seriously close on murdering Peter. The Weasleys are horrified that Scabbers was indeed not Scabbers but the man who they had viewed as a parental figure. Remus tells George to tell Dobby to apparate them to Grimmauld Place.
And basically Sirius is declared innocent as they give the evidence of Peter's betrayal to the Ministry and he legally adopts the Weasleys again, with Remus helping raise them up.
Basic crash-course:
The princesses: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George
Twyla: Dobby
Rowena: Lucius, Narcissa
Derek: Sirius, Remus
Or, if you didn't bother reading any of that:
The Weasleys x The 12 Dancing Princesses Except That Half The Plot of the Original Film Isn't Quite Important At All And Nothing Quite Matches Up Except For Like 3 Key Points Or Something (I don't know, I didn't count.)
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randomguyonline71 · 2 years
Unpopular HP opinion... Hermione should of died in Ron's arms in Malfoy Manor. It would of made it the most impactful and heartbreaking death of the series and made battle of Hogwarts have more weight and emotion. Like imagine Ron and Harry really going after death eaters because they are the reason their best friend is dead.
[Spoiler warning]
For the story, this would have been amazing. It would really have added a lot to the battle.
But I'm a HUGE lover of HEA. And I want Romione to be happy.
Even though there were quite a few deaths in DH. They still felt slightly underwhelming, compared to the previous books.
The previous three books all had a major death. And for each book the deaths got more impactful. First Cedric, then Sirius and lastly Dumbledore. (Yes, I believe that Dumbledore dying was more impactful to the story than Sirius dying, even if Sirius was more heartbreaking). And the deaths that could gave been more impactful than Dumbledore's, would have been someone from the golden trio.
So, I can see why one would expect a death more impactful than Dumbledore's to occur. Which it didn't, if you are not counting the brief death of Harry, or Tom's final death. Sure, Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Hedwigs, Dobby and Fred's death were pretty major and heartbreaking, but they do not compare to Dumbledore's, or even Sirius's if they are looked at individually. Snape's death was major, but I don't think it beats neither Dumbledore's nor Sirius's.
On the other hand, there were so many deaths that, if the reader wasn't already heartbroken by any of the deaths happening before the battle of Hogwarts, they sure would be after. So, I don't really think it was necessary to kill of Hermione, or Ron. Or god-forbid Ginny.
So, do I agree with you anon? No, I want them all to be happy. Hinny + Jily lives AU is probably my favorite HP AU, that shows just how much of a HEA lover I really am. But for the story, this would have been quite great.
Thank you for the ask anon :D
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5reisende · 2 years
Welterbe (auf)gespürt und (er)fahren - E - Altstadt von Segovia mit Aquädukt
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Ich komme aus Ávila, wo ich auf der beeindruckenden Stadtmauer die Altstadt umrundet habe und fahre weiter nach Segovia. Die beiden historischen Städte sind zwar nur 50 km voneinander entfernt, aber dazwischen liegen einige beeindruckende Berge und Täler. Die historische Altstadt von Segovia steht seit 1985 auf der UNESCO-Welterbeliste und umfasst eine Reihe herausragender Denkmäler aus verschiedenen Epochen. Zu den wichtigsten Bauwerken zählen das Aquädukt von 50 n. Chr., der Alcázar, der um das 11. Jahrhundert begonnen wurde und die letzte gotische Kathedrale im spanischen Stil aus dem 16. Jahrhundert . Das römische Aquädukt ist aufgrund seiner Monumentalität, seines hervorragenden Erhaltungszustands und seiner atemberaubenden Lage das Wahrzeichen der Stadt. Der gewaltige Mauerwerksbau mit einer Länge von 813 m besteht aus vier geraden Segmenten und zwei übereinander liegenden Arkaden, die von 128 Pfeilern getragen werden. Das Aquädukt überspannt das Tal am tiefsten Punkt in einer Höhe von 28,5 m. Segovias Stadtstruktur entsprach, wie auch in anderen Mittelalterstädten, der sozialen Hierarchie und der Zugehörigkeit zu einer der verschiedenen kulturellen Gemeinschaften. Mauren, Christen und Juden lebten und arbeiteten lange Zeit in der mittelalterlichen Stadt und während des Industriebooms im 16. Jahrhundert zusammen. Diese Struktur ist bis heute sichtbar. Die Münze von Segovia ist das älteste Industriegebäude, das noch in Spanien existiert. Hier geht es zum Einführungsvideo.
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Ich parke am Stadtrand, laufe über eine Wiese mit Blick auf den Alcázar und die Türme der Stadt, durch einen kleinen Wald und das Flusstal bis zum steilen Aufstieg, der gegenüber zur Stadtmauer auf dem Berg führt.
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Die Sonne sinkt langsam und der Sandstein um mich herum wird golden. Durch das Stadttor trete ich ein ins Mittelalter. Ich möchte zuerst zum Highlight des Ortes, dem Aquädukt. Die schmalen Gassen sind nachmittäglich belebt, ich schlängele mich vorbei an Ständen und Tischen vor den Restaurants. Das Aquädukt dominiert die Unterstadt und fasziniert auch heute noch. An der Seite kann ich auf einer Treppe bis zum ehemaligen Wasserkanal hochsteigen, es sind 130 Stufen und von oben ist der Blick über das große Bauwerk noch beeindruckender.
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In den historischen Gebäuden pulsiert das moderne Leben, neben einheimischen Produkten sind hier auch alle angesagten Marken vertreten, was auf mich ein bisschen aus der Zeit gefallen wirkt.
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Abseits der Haupttouristenstraße ist es ruhiger und ich entdecke einige versteckte Schönheiten am Wegesrand.
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Ich komme zur Kathedrale, besorge für die hier lebenden Katzen etwas Futter und beobachte, wie der Sandstein immer goldener zu leuchten beginnt.
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Auch die anderen Gebäude werden nach und nach in warmes Licht getaucht und ich schaffe es gerade noch, pünktlich zum Sonnenuntergang am Alcázar zu stehen.
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Der Himmel gibt heute alles und ich kann den Blick in die umgebende Landschaft im wechselnden Farbenspiel genießen.
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Spät und im Dunklen komme ich schließlich wieder zu meinem Auto.
Segovia ist eine beeindruckende historische Stadt mit einer Fülle bemerkenswerter Bauwerke. Nicht nur das Aquädukt ist einen Besuch wert, ein Bummel durch die Gassen und über die Plätze und natürlich zum Alcázar sind absolut zu empfehlen. Segovia ist wesentlich touristischer und belebter als Ávila und was es alles für seine Besucher bereithält, erlebe ich am nächsten Morgen live und direkt vor meinem Fenster.
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Dobbys Einrichtung und Ausstattung hat sich auch im Novemberwetter bewährt. Alle Details zum Ausbau meines Minicampers findet ihr hier: https://5-reisende.de/2022/07/29/55-000-km-on-the-road-vom-nordkapp-bis-sizilien-dobby-insights/. Meine Übernachtungsplätze habe ich wieder auf park4night gesucht und unter 5Reisende bewertet. Die App Toiletten Scout hat sich größtenteils nicht als hilfreich erwiesen. Read the full article
0 notes
ginnyw-potter · 2 years
Deathly hallows au where Harry rescues Ginny from Malfoy manor after she’s tortured with everyone else?
Harry to the rescue? Gotcha :)
3K words, also posted on AO3 and FFNnet
Harry could feel Ron shaking. They were forced down a steep flight of stairs, still tied back-to-back and in danger of slipping and breaking their necks at any moment. At the bottom was a heavy door. Greyback locked it with a tap of his wand, then forced them into a dank and musty room and left them in total darkness. The echoing bang of the slammed cellar door had not died away before there was a terrible, drawn-out scream from directly above them. 
“HERMIONE,” Ron bellowed, and he started to writhe and struggle against the ropes tying them together, so that Harry staggered. 
“Be quiet!” Harry said, “Shut up, Ron, we need to work out a way-” 
“RON?” Ginny came from the darkness, followed by Luna. Harry, Ron and Dean all turned to look at the two as they came up to them. 
“Ginny?” Harry said first. Ginny returned a piercing look but said nothing. She approached them and started untying their ropes, ordering Luna to do the same.  
“Hang on,” Luna said. 
Hermione screamed again from overhead and they could hear Bellatrix screaming too but her words were inaudible, for Ron shouted again. 
Ginny moved to stand before her brother. 
“Shut up,” she told him firmly. Only then it seemed to sink in that his sister had been captured. 
“How did you get here?” he asked her worriedly. 
“Raised too many problems at Hogwarts. Neville managed to escape to the Room of Requirement but they got me… then I got here and found Luna…” Ginny explained. Luna had picked up a nail to try and tear up the ropes. 
“And Mr Ollivander is here too…” Ginny added, nodding towards the end of the cellar. Luna managed to untie Dean and Griphook. Dean thanked her and Griphook sunk to the floor, barely conscious. A few seconds later, Ron and Harry too were freed. 
“Hang on,” Ron said, going into his pocket. He took the Deluminator out and clicked it. Several orbs of light flew out, remaining to float against the ceiling, having no place to go. Finally, they could see each other properly. 
“You look awful,” Ginny told Harry with a hint of a smile. 
“Hermione thought it may help not get me recognised,” Harry explained his swollen face. She nodded. 
“Looks like it worked, or you’d already be dead. But I have to say it is looking pretty grim anyway.” 
Ron was trying to apparate until Luna stopped him. 
“Trust me, we have tried everything,” she told him. Hermione screamed again, it was piercing and excruciating. Ron looked as though he was going to cry. Harry’s scar was prickling painfully but he tried to ignore it. Frantically he took out Hagrid’s pouch. He pulled out the Snitch, hoping it would do anything but it did not. The mirror fragment fell sparkling on the floor, and he saw a gleam of the brightest blue- 
‘Help us!’ he yelled at it in desperation. ‘We’re in the cellar of Malfoy Manor, help us!’ 
The blue eye blinked and then disappeared. Harry picked up the mirror, wondering if he had dreamed it. The mirror was only reflecting the cellar now, no matter how he turned it. Hermione’s screams continued to worsen and Ron screamed in turn. 
Bellatrix’s screams could be heard as she tortured Hermione, asking her how they got into the vault. 
“No, the sword is fake!” Hermione sobbed. Lucius ordered Draco to come fetch the Goblin. Harry kneeled beside Griphook. 
“Griphook- you have to tell them it’s a fake. Please, Griphook, they can’t find out.” 
Draco had reached the end of the stairs and ordered them to stand against the wall. Ron clicked the Deluminator. Draco came into the cellar, determined and grabbed the Goblin, dragging him out of the cellar. As the door closed, Ron clicked his Deluminator again. A pop was heard and their eyes fell on Dobby, who had appeared in their midst. 
Ginny covered Ron’s mouth to stop him from shouting and Ron looked terrified at his mistake. Overhead they could hear Draco march towards Bellatrix, dragging Griphook along. 
Dobby stood there, eyes wide, trembling from his feet to the tip of his ears. He was back in the home of his old masters, and it was clear that he was petrified. 
“Harry Potter,” he squeaked, in the tiniest quiver of a voice, “Dobby has come to rescue you.” 
“But how did you-?”
An awful scream pierced their ears: Hermione was being tortured again. He cut to the essentials. 
“You can Disapparate out of this cellar?” he asked Dobby, who nodded, his ears flapping. 
“And you can take humans with you?” 
Dobby nodded again. 
“Right, grab Luna, Ginny-”
“No, I am not going before we get Hermione,” Ginny interrupted him. Harry looked at her, begging. They exchanged looks and Harry nodded. 
“Fine, take Luna, Dean and Mr Ollivander and take them to, uhm-”
“Bill and Fleur’s,” said Ron. “Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth.”
Harry turned to Dobby, “Can you do that?”
Dobby nodded again. 
“And then come back to us?” he asked. 
“Of course, Harry Potter,” whispered the little elf. He hurried over to Mr Ollivander who appeared to be barely conscious. Dobby took his hand and then held his hand out to Luna and Dean. 
“Harry-” Dean begged, “We can help.” 
Luna nodded in agreement. Harry shook his head. 
“We need to get you somewhere safe. We will see you at Bill and Fleur’s.” 
Harry’s scar burned and suddenly he stood before a different wandmaker, who was taunting Voldemort. For a second he felt Voldemort’s fury but he shut it out when another one of Hermione’s screams rang in his ears. 
A loud crack could be heard as the group disapparated and they heard it above too. 
“What was that? In the cellar?” Lucius shouted. Harry, Ron and Ginny stared at each other. They were about to be found out. 
“WORMTAIL!” Lucius ordered. They could hear footsteps but it was silent otherwise, it appeared they were listening for more noise from the cellar. 
“We have to tackle him,” Harry whispered. Ginny and Ron hid against the wall and Harry stood in the middle of the room, facing the door. 
“Stand back,” came Wormtail’s voice, “Stand away from the door, I am coming in.” 
The door flew open. Wormtail and Harry met eyes. Then his eyes flickered to the three flying orbs. Ron and Ginny launched themselves at him and Harry closed in too. Ron seized Wormtail’s wandarm and forced it upwards, Ginny grabbed his other arm and Harry covered his mouth, muffling his voice. 
Silently they struggled, Wormtail’s wand emitted sparks and his silver hand closed around Harry’s throat to Ginny’s horror, no matter how hard she worked against it. 
“What is it, Wormtail?” called Lucius from above. 
“Nothing!” Ron called back, in a passable imitation of Wormtail’s wheezy voice. “All fine!” 
Harry could barely breathe. “You’re going to kill me?” Harry choked, now also attempting to prise the fingers off his throat. “After I saved your life? You owe me!” 
The silver fingers slackened. Harry had not expected it. Ginny managed to pull the hand backwards. Harry took a deep breath, keeping his hand over Wormtail’s mouth. He saw the rat-like man’s small, watery eyes widen with fear and surprise: he seemed just as shocked as Harry at what his hand had done, at the tiny, merciful impulse it had betrayed, and he continued to struggle more powerfully as though to undo that moment of weakness. 
“We’ll take that,” whispered Ron, tugging Wormtail’s wand from his other hand. 
Wandless, helpless, Pettigrew’s pupils dilated in terror. His eyes had slid from Harry’s face to something else. His own silver fingers were moving inexorably towards his own throat. 
Without pausing to think, Harry tried to drag back the hand, but there was no stopping it. The silver tool that Voldemort had given his most cowardly servant had turned upon its Disarmed and useless owner. Pettigrew was reaping the rewards for his hesitation, his moment of pity; he was being strangled before their eyes. 
All three of them released him, trying to pry his hand off his throat but to no avail. 
“Relashio!” Ron tried, Wormtail was turning blue. Hermione gave a most dreadful scream as Pettigrew fell to the floor. His eyes rolled backwards into his head and he stopped moving. They took a second to look at each other before running up the stairs and into the passageway leading to the drawing room. The door was ajar and they had a clear view of Bellatrix as she stood over Griphook. Hermione was at their feet and she wasn’t moving. 
“It is a fake,” they heard Griphook say to their relief. 
“Are you sure?” she panted. The goblin nodded. 
“Good,” she spoke, the tension leaving her face. She slashed another deep cut into his cheek with a flick of her wand. With a yell, he dropped to the ground. 
“Now, we call the Dark Lord!” 
She pushed back her sleeve and touched her forefinger to the Dark Mark. 
At once Harry’s scar felt as though it had split open. 
“I think we can dispose of the Mudblood now,” Bellatrix spoke and Harry forced himself back into his own mind, “Greyback, you can have her back.” 
Ron had burst into the drawing room, Ginny had been unable to grab onto him to keep him from running into the room. Harry and Ginny shared a look of pure horror. 
Bellatrix turned around in shock and pointed her wand at Ron. 
“Expelliarmus!” Ron roared, pointing Wormtail’s wand at Bellatrix, and hers flew into the air and was caught by Harry, who had sprinted in too. From the corner of his eye, Harry saw Ginny crawl towards Hermione in the chaos. 
Harry yelled “Stupefy!” and Lucius collapsed on the hearth. Ginny took the opportunity to yank Lucius’s wand out of his hand. They all had to duck when Greyback, Bellatrix and Narcissa fired off more spells. Ginny had nowhere to hide. She managed to take out Narcissa and then ran to Draco. Bellatrix Disarmed Harry. Ginny made it to Draco and gave him a well-aimed hit on the head. Harry reached them and pulled Draco’s wand out of his grasp as Draco attempted to regain his balance. Ginny yelled ‘Protego!’ as she covered Hermione with her own body, to protect her from more harm. 
They knew they were losing. 
“NO! Stay away from her!” Ginny yelled as she tried to kick off Greyback who approached the both of them. 
Suddenly there was a peculiar grinding noise from above. All of them looked upwards in time to see the crystal chandelier tremble, then, with a creak and an ominous jiggling, it began to fall. Ginny dragged Hermione to the side but she could only get so far before it came down. Glittering shards of crystal went flying in all directions, the Goblin getting the worst of it. 
Ginny dragged Hermione further and Harry came to help to move her. Ron grabbed the goblin and they all met at one side of the room. Dobby appeared in front of them. 
“Dobby!” Narcissa screamed and even Bellatrix froze. “YOU! You dropped the chandelier!” 
Dobby bravely lifted a finger. 
“You must not harm Harry Potter and his friends!” he squeaked. 
“Kill him, Cissy!” shrieked Bellatrix, “How dare you harm your masters!” 
“Dobby has no masters!” he squeaked, “I am a free elf and I have come to save Harry Potter!” 
Harry’s scar hurt. Dobby held out his hand and Harry took it. Ginny took his other hand and Ron held onto Harry, carrying the Goblin. 
There was a blur of flying silver as they apparated and Harry could see Ginny reaching for it in the darkness. 
Harry repeated the name of their destination over and over and trusted Dobby to deliver them safely. 
And then they hit solid earth and smelled salty air. Ron lowered Griphook safely to the ground when a piercing scream could be heard, coming from Ginny. Bellatrix's knife had pierced entirely through Ginny’s arm and had made a small cut onto Dobby’s chest. Harry realised if Ginny had not reached for it, it could have easily pierced the small elf and he would have been mortally wounded. Harry shook his head at the horrific thought. They all made it here alive. 
Harry squinted through the darkness. There seemed to be a cottage a short way away under the wide, starry sky, and he thought he saw movement outside of it. 
“Miss Weasley!” Dobby gasped in horror. Hermione was barely conscious, lying beside Ginny. As Ron went to check on Hermione, Harry went to Ginny. 
“Don’t pull it out,” Harry warned Ginny. She was barely breathing through the pain and she looked as though she may faint. 
“Merlin,” Bill said in shock as he neared them. Harry lifted Ginny off the ground into his arms. Bill went to pick up the Goblin. Ron supported Hermione, who was starting to come to. Harry rushed inside and Fleur met them at the door, following them into the sitting room. Dobby followed behind them, worried about the girl who had bothered to safe a house-elf. Hermione entered after. Ron set her down in the armchair. Dean and Luna appeared now too. Ginny was writhing on the couch at the pain in her arm. 
Harry gasped as his scar burned again. Harry viewed how Voldemort punished those at Malfoy Manor. It was a blood bath. 
“Luna? Hold ‘er other hand,” Harry could hear Fleur ask. A piercing scream brought Harry back to the present as Fleur pulled out the knife. Ginny looked incredibly pale, holding onto Luna’s hand as Fleur started to heal the wound. Harry was worried she was going to bleed out, but he may not be given Fleur enough credit. 
Bill brought out tea for everyone. Ron was speaking softly to Hermione. Harry’s head was pounding as he took the tea from Bill. 
Hallows… Horcruxes… the obsession he had before had left him entirely tonight. 
When Ginny’s arm was mended as well as they could, Fleur wrapped it and moved to Hermione. Bill went to check on Mr Ollivander and Griphook upstairs. 
“Dobby,” Harry spoke softly. His big eyes turned to look at Harry. 
“Yes, Harry Potter?” he squeaked. All the while he had been observing Ginny. 
“I cannot thank you enough. Truly. You are a free elf, you are free to go,” he told the elf. The elf gulped. 
“If you do not mind, can I watch over Miss Weasley for a while? She did save my life.” Dobby blinked as he spoke. Harry smiled softly. 
“Of course. Do you need to have that fixed?” Harry asked, pointing at the small cut across his chest. Dobby shook his head, his ears wiggling as he did. 
“I am quite alright.” 
Bill entered the room again and they all looked up. He gave an affirming nod. 
“They’re alright.” 
He came to check on his sister. 
“My little sister, how did you end up at that place?” he asked, baffled but also trying to lift the mood. Ginny sat up now that she had regained some colour. 
“Raised too much hell at Hogwarts. Of course they wanted to keep me close, I am much too interesting to get rid of,” Ginny said, her eyes briefly flickering to Harry. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. After all the efforts he went through, it had not mattered. 
“Well, the rest of the family is safe at Muriel’s now. They know both of you were with Harry- don’t apologise,” Bill added at the sight of Harry’s expression. “It was always a matter of time.” 
Harry would often go out and look over the sea to escape the crowded cottage. Ollivander had been moved to Muriel's and Dobby had taken his leave again, he only popped in once in a while to check in on Ginny, who he was entirely charmed by. Still, there was Bill and Fleur, Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Ron, Dean and Griphook. 
“Luna and Dean will soon leave to Muriel’s,” Ginny informed him as she came to sit beside him at the edge of the cliff, overlooking the sea. 
“You should go too,” he said. It was one of the first moments they were alone together. 
“Are you sending me off with my ex-boyfriend?” she tried but Harry knew she knew that wasn’t what he meant. 
“You should stay safe,” he spoke, refusing to look at her. 
“So you can take off and look for more Horcruxes?” Ginny shot at him. Now he had to look at her. In explanation she showed the extendable ears, having no remorse. Harry sighed. 
“You can’t join,” Harry tried. Ginny huffed. 
“Don’t you get it? They’re after me anyway,” Ginny spoke. Harry knew he wasn’t right but he could not admit it just yet. Harry tried to divert her attention. 
“I don’t want Dean to-” he said now. 
“Oh this has nothing to do with Dean and you know it. Besides, I did talk to him. He said he had bigger things to worry about than us. He wishes me the best, but you already knew that,” she argued. Harry did know, Dean had always been quite gracious about him and Ginny. 
“I can’t believe they captured you and because of me-” Harry started but Ginny shot him down again. 
“Because of you, I am still alive. They would have not hesitated to kill me otherwise, I was raising far too much trouble at Hogwarts, keeping the DA going with Neville. They kept me alive because I could be useful to them,” Ginny told him. 
Harry ran out of reasons. 
“So we may as well enjoy the time we have together, who knows how long that’ll last,” she said, it was true the future was looking rather bleak. Harry turned to her, his eyes soft. 
“You want to join, you’re sure? It is not a walk in the park,” Harry asked, reaching out to touch her arm. He wanted her to join, truly he did but it was not without reservations. 
“Can’t be worse than what I came from,” she replied with a soft smile. 
Harry suddenly let out a sob. 
“I’ve really missed you,” he spoke. Ginny pushed onto her knees and pulled him into a tight hug. 
“Me too,” she spoke softly, caressing his hair. 
“Aww!” Luna exclaimed as she watched the two hug from the kitchen window. Bill looked up from the dishes too. At that moment Harry leaned in to kiss Ginny. 
“Right, now that’ll ruin my sea view,” Bill pretended to be exasperated. Dean walked into the kitchen.
“What ruins the view?” he asked but then his eyes fell on the pair outside. He judgingly looked at Luna and Bill, shaking his head. “You are the worst, give them some privacy!” “This is my house!” Bill objected.
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musedbyalli · 6 years
@ura-wizardharry liked for a Dobby starter.
“Dobby will work for the Potter family from now on,” The house-elf appeared proud of his newest decision that he had yet to ask the boy’s opinion on.  “Dobby will help Mr. Potter stay safe!”
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Artist/Painter AU (4) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: April 15th, 2022
part one, part two, part three
AmazingSketches (ao3) - enthuzimuzzy
Summary: Phil Lester is just a film editor living alone with his plants and working on his short film. But on the side, he runs a Daniel Howell fan blog and chats with a mysterious stranger with the url flamingdan611. But who is flamingdan611 really? Will they ever meet? And will Phil like what he sees if they do?
And what’s up with all these eerily familiar pictures Dan is posting?
Charcoal - (ao3) starboydjh
Summary: Dan gets lost in the art store, Cute Employee With Glasses (ie Phil) comes to his rescue.
Contrasting Colors (ao3) - starboydjh
Summary: Phil’s colorblind and his boyfriend Dan’s an artist. When Dan suggests Phil helps him out with a painting, Phil’s more than a bit skeptical.
eloquent graffiti (ao3) - danhedonia (deathpeach)
Summary: It was a beautiful, relatively simple scene; a field with mountains off in the horizon, a galaxy for a sky, and a silhouette of a man made of stardust laying in a field, looking up at the universe above him.
Phil didn’t know it at the time, but that was the first painting of his that Dan inspired. Dan was his spaceman, his beautiful work of art that Phil wanted to spend the rest of his life recreating in every possible way.
I Have My Freedom (but I don't have much time) (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Phil just wants to get away. To clear his mind of everything and reconnect with a long-lost passion. A certain horse and the rancher who comes to his aid have other ideas though - filling Phil's mind, and his sketchbook, with brown eyes and charcoal dotted freckles. He only has the summer. And he's not here to make friends, human or equine.
Master Painter, Aspiring Model (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Phil Lester is a master painter looking for a muse. He finds the ultimate muse in Dan, a young university student who becomes his nude model. Over a period of six weeks, the two men fall for each other and have to make a decision when Dan’s contract.
Math Notes and Flower Doddles (ao3) - navinedaughter
Summary: Phil Lester is that dorky guy who always doodles on everything. Dan Howell is the school’s most popular boy and star athlete. They aren’t really on each other’s radar, save the occasional beating or teasing from Dan. Then one day they get sat next to each other, and Phil finds out that Dan doodled on his notes too. More and more classes shove them together, and the reaction isn’t something anyone could have predicted.
Messy Handwriting Club (wattpad) - vendettafrank
Summary: Dan is an artist. His main goal in life is to create a masterpiece. No matter how cliche that sounds. Every day is a struggle when you have art block. One day, on a Halloween night something changes and Dan draws something he never expected to draw. But the next day the drawing is no longer in the canvas…
Of Stages and Sketchbooks - cocktailaunt
Summary: High School AU: Dan is a confident, outgoing theater kid who has a crush on the mysterious, quiet art student that likes to wear leather jackets.
Painting Flowers (ao3) - starrywrite
Summary: AU! Stereotypes insist that tattoo artists are usually terrifyingly intimidating with big muscles and thick accents. And then there’s Phil Lester: lanky, awkward, and ironically afraid of needles, yet arguably London’s finest tattoo artist and manager of the infamous Ink Poisoning. Despite the fact that Phil’s life is considered, by some, to be a bit unorthodox, there’s nothing in the world he’d change about it… except maybe he’d like someone to come home to other than his hairless cat, Dobby. But it goes without saying that after the catastrophe that was his last relationship, Phil can’t help but to cling to the safety net that is remaining single.
And then he meets Dan Howell, the budding florist who takes over the flower shop across the street and soon after becomes “the pastel flower prince of his heart” (as dubbed by Phil’s best mate Katie). Despite insisting that he feels no romantic attraction to the florist, Phil can’t deny that that needles aren’t the only thing that makes his heart race anymore.
Rose Thorns and Needles (ao3) - galaxeephan
Summary: Dan's grandfather passed his flower shop down to Dan, who finally meets the tattoo artist next door.
Some Kind Of Folliful (ao3) - danfanciesphil (thejigsawtimess)
Summary: Dan has one friend, and only because he was forced into it. Phil is loud, excitable, and irritatingly happy all of the time. Phil seems to find Dan's perpetual attitude funny, and despite Dan's best efforts to shun him and everyone else, wants to be around him all the time. That is, until Phil starts talking about Amanda Jones.
St Anthony's Secondary is a school divided by class. Their town is split down the middle, quite literally, by a railroad that separates the affluent families from the destitute. Dan is on the very outskirts of the poor side. He has one friend, and no desire to make any more, nor to buy into the sickening popularity and wealth contest of his peers. He thought Phil felt the same. And then, out of the blue, Phil develops a worrying obsession with a girl from the other side. She embodies everything Dan hates; he tries to explain this to Phil, to no avail. As his obsession with Amanda grows, as does Dan's loathing for her. Still, it shouldn't bug Dan this much to see his friend pine some braindead bimbo relying on her boyfriend's wallet. So why does it?
The Infinite Possibility of Us (ao3) - Young_Rouge_Rose
Summary: It began as all good stories do, with an inciting incident. Dan’s just so happened to be almost getting hit by a car, watching a man die before his eyes and somehow falling into a web of alternate realities. Just your usual morning inconvenience. He just wanted a coffee, and to make Phil happy. Now all he wants is to get back home, back to his world, his life, his Phil. Little does he know Phil has found himself in a similar predicament, and what is stranger still is that in all other worlds they seem to be together. Maybe this is the universe trying to tell them something.
When We First Met - botanistlester
Summary: Soulmate au where if you draw on yourself, it shows up on your soulmate’s skin.
When You Can’t Sleep at Night - botanistlester
Dan has insomnia and his mum takes him for drives whenever he can’t sleep. One day, she takes him to a cafe where he meets a blue-eyed man with charcoal stains on his arms who gives him a reason to keep coming back.
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unspeakable3 · 3 years
WIP Challenge 😁❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤😁🤩🤩 Rules: tell us the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them. Then tag five other writers.
thanks for the tag @ncoincidences ! the world can never have enough ghost!regulus (or regulus-lives i guess but the boy’s so much fun when he’s post-living) & i cannot wait to read yours!!
Stars Shine Darkly - canon-compliant(!) regulus fic. 25 chapters / approx 75 (help) have been posted, and i’m working on the rest. the fic that’s been in my head for the longest, and the fic that is turning out to be the most difficult to write. it hurts to hurt him. 
ATAEP pt.2 - ghost!regulus @ hogwarts during harry’s era. philosopher’s stone is up on ao3. i’ve planned out chamber of secrets (ft. a Very Embarrassing Crush for our protag) and written out bits and bobs from prisoner of azkaban (brothers black reunited!) and goblet of fire (will he see through an old schoolmate’s disguise??) but haven’t really decided on the endgame yet. so. 
is this hell? pt.3 - this is my regulus-lives au! in pt.1 kreacher took him to sirius’s flat and he was eventually convinced to tell dumbledore what he’d done. pt.2 was a wee festive interlude in which mrs potter refused to let him celebrate christmas alone. pt.3 will be regulus in hiding in the muggle world, at a muggle university, while sirius sneaks him updates about the order’s horcrux hunt. chaos will ensue!
untitled first war - a darker regulus-lives. multi pov (currently: regulus, sirius, narcissa, lucretia black) which will open with regulus escaping britain post-horcrux retrieval. will follow sirius & the order, narcissa & the death eaters, regulus’s (mis)adventures on the continent, and the decline and fall of the house of black. 
untilted ghost regulus - ghost!regulus based on a drabble i wrote a few months ago. regulus hasn’t been able to leave the cave since he died, and hasn’t had anyone but the inferii to talk to - until dumbledore + potter come to visit. 
the black sisters - the literary equivalent of a triptych: the intertwining ‘love’ stories of andromeda/ted, bellatrix/rodolphus, and narcissa/lucius, highlighting the differences in their relationships and how each sister navigates love, desire, and their parents’ expectations, against the backdrop of war.
bonus miscellaneous vague ideas for wips:
gothic horror/romance set in grimmauld place
don quixote but with gilderoy lockhart
the picture of dorian gray but make it the portrait of walburga black
brideshead revisited but they’re the sacred 28
draco is regulus reincarnated
dobby goes with voldemort to the cave instead of kreacher
a slytherin is picked to be hogwarts champion instead of cedric diggory (i saw a post about this on tumblr and i want to read it so bad!!!)
tagging @pennygalleon @billsfangearring @lou-isfake @constitutionalweasleymonarchy & anyone else who would like to take part (no pressure ofc!) 
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startanewdream · 2 years
Congratulations on the milestone, love ❤️❤️ can I get a director's cut on bury it and rise above please?
Of course you can, Claudia! Spoilers below if anyone hasn't read it yet!
background: bury it and rise above is just my fave type of fic, the AU-that-still-follows-canon. In this case, James Potter is a Muggle, Lily is a Muggleborn Witch and they are childhood best friends who struggle to find balance as they grow old and their lives drift apart. Writing James as a Muggle was something different because in most fics he is the wizard and Lily is the muggle, and I wanted to switch that. This plot was in my mind for a long while (and I even tried writing it before) and when the Jily Challenge came along with a scene that fit very nicely the fic, there was my chance!
If James was a muggle, so were the Marauders! I bounced ideas trying to keep Sirius, Remus and Peter as wizards for a while, but there was no scenario in which the Marauders would still make sense - the bond between them wasn't strong enough if they didn't meet daily. I needed them together, and then it allowed for them all to make a choice later. It was not their war, not their world, but the Marauders always will choose to be involved and do the right thing.
The original plot always followed from their first meeting until October 1981, but at first I thought I could only mention moments of the war. Then Lily kept having issues and James kept wanting to be part of the fight, so there came all those 80k words of their love story.
deleted scenes: I have a 7-pages document with filled of scenes I ended up cutting or just changing. Lily was supposed to meet James instead of Sirius when she wakes up at Horizon Drive after one year apart (most of their talk was featured later when they met); a whole scene of Lily and James venturing into Malfoy Manor to find a Horcrux there (they would get caught; Dobby would save them, because Harry's parents would always treat him right); and a scene where Lily would, hm, not ask gently for James' whereabouts, that I cut it because it got very dark very fast.
plot hole: It's not a plot hole if you thought about it, is it? Anyway, besides Nagini, who was purposefully featured as escaping, there's no mention of the diary being found. Sirius and Lily get the locket; Dumbledore finds the ring, the cup (this one is referred to as him having some troubles with the goblins) and the diadem (which is why he's absent on October 1981). The diary would be the fifth and because Voldemort is greedy, the Sorting Hat would be the sixth.
alternative ending: Can we all agree it would be very poetic if James died saving Harry in the end? Voldemort's muggle father abandoned him; Harry's muggle father saved him. Wouldn't that be the perfect ending? No?
final thoughts: This isn't my most popular or beloved fic, and that spiralled me down for a while because if anything there was a lot of effort put there. But when I reread it, I'm still very proud of it. It's a love declaration to some fics that were very impactful on my life, and if, by any chance, someone wants to read this plot (James is a muggle; Lily is a witch), knowing they will find at least one story that matches this makes me very glad I wrote it.
Join me in this 1k celebration!
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
I had a thought (a truly terrifying experience, would not recommend), and i believe it prudent to share. My mind has been addled theese past days with thoughts of only the Harry Potter Series. Not the author though, the vile wench. Dobby has been of particular interest, for many reasons. During these musings, i discovered a theory. What if Dobby was the Potter Family elf. However, due to the only living relative being Harry, barely a year of age at the time, Dobby had to become another families house elf. This is why he tried so hard to remove harry from Hogwarts, and why he is always willing to come to his aid. He believes himself a bad elf for being unable to stay with Harry.
Ohh that'd be a cool AU to explore.
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