#does it even work anymore to like... fill the first few tags w stuff to keep a thing out of a later tag?;;;
questingquasar · 2 years
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some more elliotts from the stardew sillies -- tried to dress him for his novels~
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Hi moosh! Could I have sfw letters APW for dante, vergil, nero, and V? Thank you!
So this is my first piece for devil may cry, I hope it turned out well I'm still ify on it, especially with V's and a part of Vergil but I hope you guys like it anyway!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Dante is a pretty chill guy, but he really doesn’t get out that much besides to go do a job, out to get drinks and to gamble (losing most of his last payment from Morrison in the process and getting absolutely screamed at by both you and Lady) at the local bar, and to get a Strawberry Sundae at Fredi’s, most of these activities he loves for you to tag along with him (some partially to make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble *cough cough* like losing most of his fucking money *cough*) especially hunting if you can hold yourself in a fight, he gets a kick out of watching you kick demon ass and finds it really hot so expect a lot of flirty banter that’s filled with terrible puns and other dorky eye rolling one liners. This lovable fucking dork.
However most of your time spent together is in the office, which you can find the two of you laying on the couch watching the old busted television watching old movies or listening to the old busted jukebox that has been playing the same sixteen songs for the last thirty years (Dante stop abusing your shit) or just telling each other shitty stories the both of you have heard from one another countless of times, but somehow when he tells it again it somehow feels just as enjoyable as the first with somehow a different twist to it and when you tell it he always that charismatic talent that Dante just has this big heart throbbing grin on his face as he listens and it just makes your words sometimes stop that even he has to tell you to keep going, or just cooking together (and by together, I mean you doing 99% of the work because this man is forever banned anywhere near a oven anymore) because yeah sure pizzas 24/7 is fun and all but if there’s one thing (besides watching you kick demon ass) that he loves to watch you do it’s cooking and not only does he get to watch you excitedly dash from one part of the kitchen looking for ingredients and get a little messy along the way, he also gets something to eat out of it too in the end. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Embarrassment to show his absolute adoration for you in public? No way! Dante is all about that PDA, unless you’re uncomfortable with it then he’ll respectfully lay off...but sometimes he finds it really hard when you’re just super cute when talking to the crew about a job, it's just something about that look of thrill in your eye that always grabs his attention. But if you’re down with it, let the lap sitting, quick heated kisses, bad suggestive pick up lines, and questionable touches commence! 
Dante is the number one choice for a feel better boost, if you’re feeling unsure and doubtful of your abilities be prepared to see this man recite everything fucking cool, smart, and badass thing he’s ever seen you do, so it’s a given Dante absolutely loves bragging about you to people. As he’s sharing tales of your badassery, there’s a glint of pure love in his eyes as he looks back to you and watches as your doubts begin to slowly fade away to the back of your mind, and of course if this is a recurring issue you might find even the rest of giving you compliments from time to time, even from Vergil (which almost gave you a heart attack from the shock hearing that from the eldest son of Sparda) 
Kisses from Dante are never shy, when he wants to show affection to you he’s never shy about it. Kisses from him are always the type that shoots butterflies to your stomach and makes you feel dizzy afterwards, his favorite to pull over you are when you’re in the middle of working on paperwork (his fucking bills) and surprising you with them because always without fail you get drag away from your work and go to cuddle on the couch, bills to be forgotten (and he wonders why his electric shuts off all the time) The crew immediately learns quickly that Dante really doesn’t have any shame, but reactions vary when they stumble upon it with Trish and Morrison are the two not to really give a shit to be bothered by it, Lady, Vergil, and Nero just roll their eyes at it before going back to do their own thing, Nico lets the: “get a room love birds” and other types of teasing lines and whistles fly every chance she gets, Lucia either embarrassed and covering her eyes or scolding the both of you for being that ‘personal’ out in the open like that, and Patty asks really uncomfortable questions. Dante for the most part gets a kick out of all of it!
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
I think it's very clear that he mimics actions he sees in movies (just look at how he fucking uses Cerberus for example) and so lots of what he does romantically is stuff he's seen in romance films he remembers watching with his mother and brother when he was younger or films that when he really has nothing better to do and Patty brings (all with titles he can never pronounce) to the office on a lazy afternoon and that's the reason why his view of romance is so cliche. When asked jokingly about it, he'll give a shrug and answer with the fact that the love between his parents, forbidden lovers, is a cliche trope itself and from the very few memories he has of his mother and father together he definitely remembers how sappy they were together, so sappy that it might've carried over into their kids (Vergil you don't escape this, just you wait) 
 So that being said, with the heart shaped chocolates, the roses to start every date with, several dates under candle light on the roof of the shop under a full moon, no matter how cliche it may be the confident wide eye grin on his face during them will never fail to make your heart skip a beat. 
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Vergil of course really likes to take every opportunity to train whenever he can so that he can be sure he's able protect those he cares for, so he really likes when you take the time to spare with him so not only he can stay in top shape for whatever danger that may come in the future but also so that you can do the same that he doesn't feel like it's all up to him to protect you when he is assured you can protect yourself, this keeps his mind from wandering to dark power lusting places.
On free days that there's no jobs in sight and there's not a focus on training, Vergil of course likes to read in his book. Flipping through the pages of his old precious childhood possession he feels himself at ease and even more so if the two of you are laid up together in bed in the privacy of your shared room, your head laid softly on his chest with his hand in your hair subconsciously combing through it as he reads Blake's words aloud to you in a quiet voice as if the words were only meant for you to hear.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Listen, all the Sparda men are romantic in their own way to the core, I like to think it’s in their genes and this is Vergil we’re talking about, this man is an absolute traditional romantic with absolutely no PDA. I mean come on, again this is Vergil we're talking about this is to be expected the son of Sparda prefers to keep his romantic life absolutely private between the two of you. To be honest it takes only the closest people in the two of your lives to realize that the two of you are even together, so basically only those who are at Devil May Cry frequently. The tale tell is that out of everyone you end up being on the end of Vergil's...Vergilness the least bit, sure there are moments but at least you haven't been stabbed by Yamato or had any summoned swords shot at you like everyone in the office has been at least once (although this also applies to Kyrie but I see her never really doing anything that would really bother him) and he also gives to rare non sarcastic compliments, which blows Dante's mind every time it occurs. 
Vergil doesn't brag about you, he compliments, and true hearted compliments from Vergil are rare, but when they happen you always know he 100% means it especially if he does it in front of others. This is the only form of PDA he feels comfortable with doing, and usually they're about how you did in fights or a super rare version: that he's proud of you. 
Again Vergil believes all romantic acts should be savory in the privacy between each other, so it's obvious that he doesn't like kissing in public. However, if you were to hypothetically I don't know...give him a peck on the cheek or go even more scandalous the lips while he's at phone duty in the office while Dante and the others are around the pool table and sitting area or in Nico's van while waiting to drive off with the crew to whatever next job, his cheeks might turn into a interesting shade of pink. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
It takes patience to be in a relationship with Vergil, in the beginning he'll be closed off and won't share what he's thinking (but it says a lot with how much he does trust and care for you to be in a commitment with you) but as time goes on he'll slowly start to open up more and more as he lets himself accept the human in him to love you, and at this point he'll start to share things that are very close and dear to him. 
He has very fond memories of watching old black and white romance films with his mother and Dante, who only would watch them because the moment they would end he would immediately beg him to train with him, but with him falling down to hell and being corrupted since he was only nineteen to him he remembers memories of when he and Dante were kids more clearly than his brother can since to him they don't feel as they happened a long ago so he remembers watching these films from long ago in very great detail. So of course the moment he can find some of these films with the help from a hesitant Nero (still getting used to the whole dad ripping arm off thing and all) to find and order those they could find online. From the very moment he has the old tapes in his hands do they become as precious as you, Yamato, his amulet, and his book (as well as a little bit of Nero but it takes him a while to come to terms with it) so with this being something very emotionally important to him, and after very long pandering about it, he asks you to watch these films with him (he also considered asking Dante but figured since he didn't practically like the these films as children that he wouldn't want to to watch them now, absolutely no idea about the cliched dork he is now because of these types of films) The entire time you find yourself struggling to pay attention to the actual film instead you find yourself drawn to the deep nostalgic look in your lover's eyes as he's glued to the screen. For a while you're not even sure if he's actually watching the black and white picture either with how he eyes seem to be playing out scenes of the past and this is the first time you've ever seen this much emotion on his face at once. You end up holding a tight securing grip on his hand throughout the rest of the film, one normally he wouldn't hold for as long but you find his fingers subconsciously rubbing against yours from time to time. Once the nostalgic movie night ends the two of you don't say much to each other, which Vergil appreciates since how much emotional significance that it had on him and with the feeling that he's glad he got to spend it with you. 
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He likes killing demons with you, it's in his blood. Just seeing you in action will without fail boost confidence in him and makes him want to show off for you, which ends with him getting hurt and scolded by you many times but he wouldn't have it any other way. 
Well, he really finds himself doing a lot doing jobs with Nico on the road as of late so except a lot of quality time together on jobs and in the van. When the two of you aren't out kicking demon ass expect a ton of sitting around in the van watching whatever happens to come in on Nico's very small and very shitty portable tv, this is when you learn your boyfriend has actually a lot of a surprising amount of trivia on shows that hadn't been in production in decades but are shown as frequent reruns on low quality channels that coincidently air in Fortuna's limited broadcast range. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I feel like during the time around dmc 4, Nero at that point was absolutely super embarrassed with the idea of PDA, not even getting started with his insecurities about his arm, but I feel about now after his experience with dating Kyrie for a few years he gotten use to it a little bit. However that doesn't mean he won't get entirely red faced by teasing comments from Dante or Nico even if he was just looking at you for a few seconds longer than he should've.
Fuck yeah he brags about you to others. You're a badass, and he absolutely loves that. During a fight he'll gladly give you a cocky Nero way of approval by saying that even he should try and catch up before flashing you a smug ass grin before revving up Red Queen and jumping into the next hoard of demons.
Again Nero gets embarrassed easily, however unlike his father he's not totally against it but it depends on whose exactly around. For example if it's Lady or Trish, hell even Morrison he's perfectly comfortable with giving you a kiss hello/goodbye or wrapping his arms around you just for the hell of it because he knows that they're chill and won't make a big deal out of it. But if it's anyone else...he feels not so much about it. Dante and Nico tease the hell out of him for days, Patty asks very uncomfortable person questions, Lucia gets really easily flustered about it, and Vergil and Kyrie for personal reasons would just rather not prefer to do anything around them. But every time you are the one to initiate any sort of affection, he'll immediately rub/scratch at his nose with a very dumb founded flustered look on his face. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Nero is actually a good cook and absolutely loves cooking things for you and that is usually what happens for most dates, no matter how complicated the recipe he just seems to have a natural talent for it. So when it comes not only dates but to holidays as well, it's really funny to see the youngest relative of Sparda cooking away to serve the rest of the company on Christmas day when everyone knows damn well that neither his father or uncle has any clue how to work a kitchen and this is a fact that he holds proudly over his head. 
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Well being Vergil's human half, I still say most things still somewhat apply to him but a little bit differently. V's not really the best partner to spar with for starters (the most I see him doing is letting you train with his familiars) but I feel that he still completely understands the reason why Vergil would desperately want that, but he has a little bit more in himself to have faith in you to know you can more than able to handle yourself with your abilities. 
Like with Vergil, V absolutely loves to read with you. It puts a nice warm feeling in his chest when the two of you are alone and with you in his arms as he reads to you as you both sit against Shadow and Griffon nesting nicely in your lap, all together like a nice small family. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
V, unlike Vergil, is torn between PDA. Like Vergil, he really does appreciate the privacy of time spent together behind closed doors but also he really does like the feeling of people seeing the two of you together as a couple, it brings out a heavy sense of pride and stroking his ego. 
V doesn't feel need to brag, he's proud of you and if you're with him you should know that by now, but if you're in need of some encouragement he always knows what right thing he's proud of you to pick you tight back up again. 
Kisses from V are never shy, will he do it often in front of others? Occasionally, but never frequent. When he does though they're always sudden and full of spark, you swear his lips are like an instant kill switch to your brain because once you realize that he's kissed you it's already hit you and most of the time you hear whistles and teases from Griffon (and sometimes Nico if she's around) that bring you back earth to (Name). 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Vergil's nightmares plague him a lot, I mean he's literally contracted to them. So expect a lot of countless of nights of him waking up in cold sweat and doing his best to keep his sobs down as the image of Nelo Angelo is burnt into his mind. He would rather not talk about it, but he really does appreciate feeling you holding him through the after shocks. Tracing his tattoos or gently combing your fingers through his hair will slowly calm him down enough to at least lay back down with you and hesitantly fall back asleep knowing you're there to fight off the plagues of his mind at a moments notice.
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283 notes · View notes
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Six people met at Daroach’s Café; Daroach, Meta Knight, Magolor, Kirby, President Dedede, and Waddle Dee. Kirby was brought here by Meta Knight's sudden call, and both Kirby and President Dedede, as told by Meta Knight, brought their now unsealed gears. A tag hung on the door of the café reading, "Closed Today," so there was no need to worry about customers coming in. President Dedede glanced at Meta Knight and complained.
"What does this mean? You said your name is Meta Knight? You look like an aristocrat, what’s in it for you?"
"I'll explain everything, but first, the gears you have ... " Meta Knight was saying before Magolor interrupted him.
"The gears, put them in the box!" Magolor presented a box with a lid.
"Why did you prepare a box? For what ...? " Meta Knight asked. 
"The gears are dangerous now that the seals have melted off. The magical power in them will burst out and destroy stuff around us!" Magolor shivered in fright. "I don't know if something will happen if the three gears are gathered in one place, so I brought a box to contain them."
"I see, then let's put the gears we found in the box," Daroach said. He tossed his gear into the box.
"Put your gear in the box, too," Meta Knight told President Dedede.
"What? Don’t be ridiculous." He hugged the gear protectively. "I had a hard time getting this gear, I'm not giving it to anyone!"
"The gear might go haywire if you don’t put it in the box!" Magolor’s expression was serious. President Dedede replied nervously.
"B-but, it’s mine. Magolor, you know how hard it was to get this ... " 
"Ah! Danger!" Magolor shouted. President Dedede jumped up in surprise.  
"Just now, the gear shone brightly! That must be the signal!" 
"Eh!? Eh!? What—!? " President Dedede threw the gear in a panic. Magolor quickly caught the gear with the box.
"Now, put your gear in Magolor’s box as well ... " Meta Knight told Kirby, however, he closed his mouth when he saw Kirby’s face. His eyes were shining, and his mouth was about to drool. 
"All three gears! With these, the deluxe lunches for 100,000 people are ours!"
" ... Put the gear in the box, quickly."
Kirby didn't hear. His head was full of deluxe lunches for 100,000 people. "Chef Kawasaki's deluxe lunch! Has everyone had it!? It's amazing, on a big plate, hamburger steak, fried shrimp, and omelet rice are set, with a huge heap of potato salad ...! "
" ... Kirby, please listen to me ... "
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"Let's eat it together! If everyone can't finish it, I'll finish it! It’s okay, I don’t mind!"
" ..... I'm telling you to put the gear in the box ..... "
"Yeah! 100,000 servings, 100,000 servings~! " Kirby cheerfully tossed the gear into the box. Magolor closed the lid.
"With that, crisis has been averted! The magic has been contained, no need to worry anymore."
"Then, let's move on." Meta Knight put the photo on the table. President Dedede inspected it.  
"What is this? Are these supposed to be characters ...? " 
"They’re ancient characters. It seems to be an explanation of the machine found in the diamond mine." 
"I can’t read it." 
"It's difficult to decipher, but I can understand some of it by looking in this book." Meta Knight placed the thick research book next to the photo.
"What’s it say?" Kirby asked. 
"It’s a warning."
"Warning ...? " 
"The discovered ancient machine is a fearsome thing that brings both wealth and misery simultaneously. It’s terrifying."
" ... Eh?" Kirby, President Dedede, and Waddle Dee were shocked. 
"That’s what it means!?" President Dedede said. "Doesn't the ancient machine make everyone happy? That’s what it said in the newspaper." 
"Only the aristocrats will be happy. The ancient machine has the power to turn stone into expensive treasure, which will make the aristocrats rich, however, on the other hand, a stench will fill the town and eventually cause it to fall to ruin. It holds two opposite powers."
"What did you say ...!? " President Dedede was as pale as a ghost. "That's completely different from what was written! Wasn’t the wizard who stopped the machine evil!?"
"The opposite. It was probably a wise man with the right heart who pulled out the gears. Moreover, I assume he was unable to destroy them due to some sort of special power they have, so he sealed the magical gears and hid them instead. That way, the machine would never move again."
"This is serious ...! " Kirby jumped up and shouted. "We have to tell Mr. Fugo as soon as possible! He can't start the machine!" 
"No, Fugo knows exactly what he’s doing," Meta Knight said. "He should have had an expert in ancient characters on his side and succeeded in deciphering the full text long ago." 
"Huh ...? " Kirby was wide-eyed. 
"In other words, Fugo has been planning to do this from the beginning," President Dedede said, furious. "To make money, he didn’t care about what would happen to anyone other than himself!?"
"He is that kind of person." 
"Unforgivable!" President Dedede yelled and swung his fists.
President Dedede is selfish and self-indulgent, but he has a stronger sense of justice than anyone else. Fugo’s belief that it didn’t matter if other people suffered for his own benefit—he couldn't forgive him at all.
"We have to stop this," Kirby said. "We can't give Mr. Fugo the gears!" 
Meta Knight nodded. "All of you, if you’ll lend me your strength, our hearts will be stronger as one. Let's work to stop Fugo's evil, together."
" ... Together ... huh," President Dedede offhandedly mumbled. Suddenly, his mouth warped into a snarl. He narrowed his eyes and glared at Meta Knight. "That’s funny. Why do you, an aristocrat, want to join hands with us?"
Meta Knight turned to President Dedede. "What do you mean?" 
"If the ancient machine moves again, won’t the aristocrats profit? Doesn’t sound like a bad day for you." Meta Knight’s sharp eyes flickered toward him. "Even so, you’re trying to join hands with us ... Maybe you’re planning something, too? Planning to drive Fugo out of this town instead of yourself, so you can rise up ... "
Crack ...! 
There was a loud noise. President Dedede jumped when Meta Knight hit the floor with his cane. Meta Knight snapped back.
"Don’t look down on me! I am an inhabitant of Diamond Town before I am an aristocrat! Are you going to sit back and watch this town perish in silence!?"
President Dedede recoiled under his intensity. " ... H-huh!  You’re a solid guy, for an aristocrat. You believe in what you say." It was then ...
"A-ah ... um ... Lord Meta Knight ... sir ... " Waddle Dee said quietly.
"Hm? What?" 
While everyone was talking, Waddle Dee has been staring at the photo that's been sitting on top of the table the whole time.
"This photo ... there’s something written on the bottom of it." 
" ... Hm?" Meta Knight brought his face closer to the photo.
"Here, down here." Waddle Dee stretched and pointed.
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Meta Knight looked carefully. "I see. You’re right, that looks to be the case," he said. "There are small characters underneath the sentences I have deciphered."
"What!? Is it a big discovery!?" President Dedede came over and said.
"No, I doubt it." Meta Knight pointed. "Look. There are very few characters and what’s there is distorted, like a scribble. It’s probably just some sort of rough draft." 
"I-I’m sorry, I messed up ... "
Looking at the dejected Waddle Dee, Meta Knight added, "But, it's great you noticed the little characters I overlooked. Let's decipher it, just in case." 
"Decipher? How do you do that?" When Kirby asked, Meta Knight showed the thick research book he brought.
"I'll look it up in this book. I can look at the shapes and arrangements of the characters and look for similar strings." 
President Dedede leaned over the table. "What, that’s so annoying! So much work!" 
"Yeah! It might be a little too difficult for President Dedede," Kirby said cheerfully. "You can rest, I'll decipher it!" 
" ... What!?" President Dedede frowned. "There’s no way the ancient characters are gonna be deciphered by a lil’ brat like you!"
"I'm good at this kind of thing. Are you going to take a nap over there, President Dedede?" 
"Don't be stupid! You won’t be able to do it without me!" President Dedede rolled his arms, motivated.  
"Let’s do our best, everyone!" Magolor was enthusiastic. Daroach looked displeased, but there was no choice but to look into the book. 
Deciphering the ancient characters was difficult. The meaning changed greatly with even the smallest difference. Murmur, murmur, hum, hum. Everyone faced each other and exchanged opinions. 
"Hey, look. This string is ... " 
"It's similar to this. That means this says ... "
"No, wait. The length of the line is different. This one, instead ... " It was an arduous task, but little by little, they began to uncover the meaning. 
... Of course, Kirby and President Dedede were unable to keep up. They grew so tired they fell asleep on the floor. Waddle Dee suddenly raised his voice. 
" ... Ah! Lord Meta Knight, this string is possibly ...! " However, Waddle Dee's discovery was loudly interrupted by Daroach. 
"What are you doing, Magolor!" 
Meta Knight and Waddle Dee both looked up in surprise. Before they knew it, Magolor had slinked away from the table and was approaching the door. He firmly grasped the box containing the gears. Magolor laughed as soon as Daroach noticed him. 
"Bravo, bravo! Thank you all for your hard work, you guys! Thanks for collecting the gears for meeee~! " He quickly opened the door and ran outside. Everyone was frozen in place, too stunned to move by the sudden event.
"W— ... wait a minute!" The first to react was Daroach. 
"Wait! Magolor!" 
Daroach and Meta Knight quickly ran after him. Kirby and President Dedede, who were sleeping comfortably at the time, were trampled. 
"Ow ow ow ow—! " 
"What are you doing, you little—!? " The two jumped up in surprise.  
"There’s an emergency, President Dedede! Kirby!" Waddle Dee shouted. "Magolor ran away with the gears!" 
" ... Eh!?" Kirby and President Dedede looked at each other. 
"What do you mean!?" 
"That guy, he was planning to take the prize money for himself this whole time!?" 
Magolor laughed loudly as he ran. Kirby and the others desperately chased after him, but Magolor was surprisingly quick. Their view of him got smaller and smaller.
"He couldn’t be trusted after all!" Daroach shouted in frustration. "We were fooled, Meta Knight!" 
"Ah, that's right." Meta Knight jumped into the car parked in front of Daroach’s Café. Daroach jumped in as well and took the passenger seat. "Let’s go!" 
"Right! Step on it, Meta Knight!" Daroach shouted and shut his eyes tightly. The steam car accelerated sharply and immediately reached its maximum speed. They thought they could catch up with Magolor in no time, but—— 
"I won't let you! Ha!" Magolor turned around and threw a capsule that broke and spewed out clouds of black smoke. Meta Knight slammed on the brakes. The two coughed as they inhaled the fumes.
"Cough ...! I can’t believe it ...! "
"Magolor ...! " 
When the smoke finally cleared, Magolor was gone. 
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Kirby and President Dedede weren't standing still, of course. 
"The chase is on! My Great King DDD XX, come to me!" President Dedede started running toward the factory where the plane was stored, but Kirby would not be defeated.  
"It’ll be my Warp Star that catches Magolor!" 
"Wait Kirby!" Waddle Dee stopped Kirby before he started to run.
"Ah, Waddle Dee! Come on, let's go together!" 
"Yeah ...! " Waddle Dee was carrying the photo of the ancient characters and the heavy research book with him. Kirby was surprised.
"You’re going to bring that!?"
"Yeah! I'll leave the flying to you, Kirby. I need to decipher this!"
"Waddle Dee ...! " They had to hurry and chase after Magolor. It would take them much longer if they had to carry the heavy book all the way to the plane, but Kirby nodded when he saw Waddle Dee's serious expression. 
" ... All right. Let’s take it!" 
Waddle Dee didn't miss any small details. He could find something important from even the smallest clue. Thanks to that, he had been able to find and repair many machine failures up to now. He would surely notice something important that everyone else overlooked. 
The two carried the heavy book, ran to the apartment, and boarded the Warp Star, together. 
"Let’s go!" With Kirby in the cockpit and Waddle Dee in the seat behind, the Warp Star took off.
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99 notes · View notes
onionsoop · 3 years
Regrets /// Oikawa x nb!reader
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Summary: After the last day of school you go over to Oikawa's house and start to talk about all the things you regretted not doing in high school. During that time though you confess to him after he pesters you about who you were interested in.
Length: 2.1k
Tags: Fluff, Childhood Friends, Kissing
Author's Note: Heyo, this is just some silly Oikawa fluff I decided to write cause I wasn't really in the mood to write smut these past few weeks. I might add more parts to this, but for now I'm working on Part 2 to the Nanami fic. Anyways, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes and enjoy :)
The clink of ice in a glass sounded from the other room. You let out a long sigh, closing your eyes, letting the buzzing from the cicadas outside fill your mind. Warm sunlight beamed in from the sliding glass door, lighting up his bedroom and falling across your legs.
It was the last day of the school year. The last day of school before you headed off to college. It had been a long and twelve years, filled with some of the hardest work you had ever done, but now that it was over you felt was a slight sadness. Thinking about what you had ahead of you felt overwhelming and you just wanted to spend your time enjoying this last summer break to its fullest.
The sound of footsteps approaching from the kitchen made you open your eyes, turning your head to look at him as he entered the room. Casual as ever, Oikawa entered the room holding two full glasses of lemonade and smiling at you. Oikawa, your neighbor and childhood friend since you were seven-- looking at him now felt no different than it had when you first met. Despite the fact that he had grown twice as tall and now had his hair styled in those perfect waves the cocky look on his face had remained the same. You followed his movements with your eyes as he set one of the glasses down next to you on the floor before sitting down with a heavy sigh, admiring the way the muscles under his shirt moved.
“So, how long until you leave?” he asked, staring out the window into the garden in front of you.
“Two months. I’m leaving for Tokyo a month early to get set up,” you said dismally. Thinking about how little time you had left made a shiver run up your spine. It felt like there was a foot on your back pushing you to move on while you still held on to the last scraps of your childhood.
“Any closer to deciding on what you’re going to do?” you asked, shifting your eyes over to look at him. He was sprawled out on the floor, back resting against the side of the bed and lemonade glass in hand, slowly swirling the liquid inside. He shook his head, a slight, sad smile forming on his lips in response. Both of you felt the same way about high school ending-- you knew it was unavoidable but neither one of you liked the implications it held and the future it brought.
“Did you make sure to pick up all your equipment? You know Matsukawa was annoyed last year when you forgot your uniform,” you said, nudging his shoulder, trying to liven up the conversation. His eyes flicked over to you, giving you a fake exasperated look that contrasted the smile on his face.
“Of course, of course, Iwaizumi pestered me about it endlessly, there was no way I could forget,” he said, nudging you back a little harder.
“Say, why didn’t you ever join the team? You were always so invested in all of my games and practices.” You fixed your gaze back on the garden in front of you, feeling the jovial mood in the conversation seep out of the atmosphere as memories of things you missed out on flooded into your mind.
“I’m not sure,” you said truthfully, “I guess I was just too busy. I wish I had.” Oikawa nodded, letting out an “mmm” in response.
“Well, it doesn’t matter too much, I’m sure you’ll have a chance in college,”
“Probably, doesn’t feel the same though. I know it stupid but it feels like high school is the time when you’re supposed to do things like that. Makes it seem like I missed a lot of opportunities,” you said quietly, sadness seeping into your tone.
“I doubt that, you were always a hardworking student so if anything you just prepared yourself more for the future. Things like clubs aren’t important,” Oikawa said, trying to lighten the mood. Even though he was usually able to distract you and cheer you up, you still felt the weight of your future still pressing on your emotions.
“I feel so left behind though, like I don’t have these core experiences that everyone else does,”
“I don’t think volleyball is that much of a core experience-”
“It’s not just that, there’s lots of stuff-- I was never in any clubs, I never made that cliche friend group you’re supposed to have, I’ve never even had a first kiss! Do you know how embarrassing that’ll be for me to go into college without even a first kiss?” you exclaimed a little louder than you wanted to. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes but you quickly forced them away, returning to your depressed composure. There was no reason to get so emotional. You glanced over at Oikawa who had a surprised but concerned look on his face.
“I… I don’t know, I think this is all just weighing on me cause school just ended. I guess I don’t feel prepared,”
“It’s alright, I understand. I’m sure everything will get better in the next few months though.”
“Yeah, probably... I just wish I could go back and redo things, I feel so much regret…” you said, staring down at your drink, watching the condensation drip down the sides. You felt a little guilty putting this all on Oikawa, but you couldn’t quite shove away the depressing feeling that clung to you. There was an awkward pause and you felt Oikawa shift beside you.
“What would you go back and change?” he asked tentatively, meeting your eyes. You opened your mouth to answer but stopped when you realized you weren’t quite sure. You had never really thought about what exactly you would go and change, it felt like there was never really any point.
“I’m not exactly sure. I guess for starters I would go and join the volleyball team, then maybe try and connect with people more often. I was pretty standoff-ish most of the time wasn’t I,” you said, earning a chuckle from Oikawa.
“Makes sense, what would you do about that first kiss situation though? You seemed pretty distressed about that,” he said, a slight smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. You let out a small laugh, rolling your eyes and feeling heat rush to your cheeks. Out of all the things you felt you missed out on, that was the one you had actually given some thought to.
Over the four years you were in high school, you had multiple crushes on different people, but had never really been able to connect with them. At the current moment though the only one you remembered was the way you had liked Oikawa ever since elementary school. You had tried to build up the courage to confess to him back then, but once middle school hit and he got a girlfriend you buried your feelings as much as possible.
“I-I’m honestly not sure. There were a couple people I was interested in but I’m not sure anything would have ever really worked out with them.” You averted your gaze from him, trying to hide the blush forming on your cheeks, making you miss the intensity in his eyes as he asked you the next question.
‘Oh? Like who? Anyone I know?” he said, leaning forwards with a teasing grin on his face.
“I- I don’t think so, it wasn’t really anyone ever well known,” you said a bit too quickly, trying to blow it off with a slight laugh. You thought about all the times you had wanted to tell him about how you felt. You knew you had wanted to for so long, but was it even a good idea?
“Aw c’mon, can I at least get some names? You shouldn’t hold back information like this from your best friend Y/N,”
“I-... um-...” You couldn’t think of anything to say. The name of every guy you had ever known vanished from your head and the only one left was Oikawa’s. Your mind raced to try and think of something to say but nothing came to you. The room suddenly felt too hot and the noise from outside buzzed in your ears, distracting you from thinking properly.
“I-It’s a secret,” you said, regretting the excuse as soon as it came out of your mouth. Oikawa’s smile quickly dropped to be replaced with an expression that said “seriously?”
“We’re not even in school anymore, how can it be a secret?”
“It- It just is. I don’t want you to know, it’s embarrassing,” you said, becoming more aware of the hole you were digging yourself. There was no way you’d be able to lie your way out of this. The blush on your cheeks had transformed into a crimson shade that ran all the way up to your ears, showing that the words you said were lame excuses if it wasn’t already apparent.
“Come onnnn, it can’t be that bad, just tell me,” he said, poking you in the arm. Oikawa’s prying was becoming harder and harder to manage as you scrambled to find a way out of it. Your mind was barely working and had formed into a mess of pure panic. You wanted to give up and just tell him, but your mind was jumping from pros and cons too quickly for you to choose. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you tried to answer.
“W-Well… it’s you.”
It felt like everything in the room stilled as soon as you spoke. The panic you felt before almost seemed to enhance and you felt a feeling of regret slam into you. What were you thinking? Your eyes flicked to Oikawa who was staring at you wide-eyed with his lips slightly parted in shock. Your lower lip began to tremble and your palms felt too sweaty where they were in your lap. Every atom in you felt the urge to run, but you were frozen in place. Fuck.
“W-What?” he said, finally breaking the silence.
“I-I’m sorry, pretend I didn’t say anything,” you blurted out, whipping your head back to face the garden. You started staring intently at a bush outside to try and concentrate on anything but the rising fear in your throat.
“You like me?”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I-I don’t know, I didn’t think you would reciprocate. W-Which it’s okay if you don’t...” you said, slowly shifting your gaze back to him, searching for any emotion on his face besides the intense stare he was giving you. You felt like your heart was about to pound out of your chest. Finally telling all of him this wasn’t as relieving as you thought it would be. Instead of feeling like a weight was lifted off your chest, being in this limbo had caused you to feel even more crushed by your decision. You closed your eyes and took a shaky breath, trying to calm down.
Faster than you could process, you felt his hand reach up to cup your cheek and his lips press up against yours. Your eyes shot open and you scrambled backwards, pulling away from the kiss.
“W-What are you doing?” you said, eyes wide and staring at Oikawa who was inches from your face.
“I-I’m sorry, I like you too, I thought it would be okay-” You didn’t let him finish his sentence as you slammed your lips back into his. Finally, you felt that wave of relief wash over you. Happiness swelled in your mind. You had to concentrate on keeping the corners of your lips from forcing your mouth into a smile. Your first kiss. Right then and there. It was all you could have ever hoped for and with the guy you had always dreamed it would be with.
You felt Oikawa’s arm move from its place on your cheek to reach around your back. He pulled you closer to him and you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his soft hair brush against your fingers. You melted into the kiss, savoring the warmth of his lips against yours.
He pulled back looking into your eyes as you let out an unsteady breath before smiling up at him. You could feel almost every part of you shaking from the adrenaline. You were lightheaded and found it hard to breathe, but you felt like you couldn’t be happier at that moment.
“So… would you like to be my significant other?” he asked, rubbing you back with his thumb.
“Yeah- yes please.” You beamed up at him, letting out a small laugh.
“You sure were surprised at that kiss, huh,” he said, a smirk coming across his features.
“Shut up!”
You gave him a slight push, both of you laughing as he held you in his arms, relishing the feeling of finally being with him.
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Sun And Moon
Request: Yes / No  Could you plz write a Spencer Reid X reader soulmate tattoo AU where SP doesn't have a soulmate but the reader does and he is abusive so she goes to SP's house after a fight for help cleaning herself up and Spencer proclaims his love and tells you that she deserves better and when they kiss magic happens and now they're soulmates. It would be awesome if you would include a part when either R's ex is an unsub or R & SP confront the ex and he's like you can't leave me but then they show the tattoo @andreasworlsboring101​
Send me a request, please look here first! <3 Have a nice day/night
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2353
Warnings: Abusive relationship, cursing, mentions of a bomb, talk of murder, criminal minds stuff 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Prompt(s): You and your soulmate have identical tattoos.
A/N: I will not be tagging anyone because of the warnings in this fic, besides the person that requested it! 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Everyone’s born with a tattoo and you have it all your life, unless your soulmate dies. I met my soulmate while I was working at the coffee shop near my house. I was working my normal shift when Liam walked in and I noticed his tattoo, he had an anchor and steering wheel just like me. It was right on his wrist, just like mine and I stared at him in shock. 
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“Hi, can I get a coffee, black?” He ordered, but I could hardly hear him. I was just staring at his wrist. 
“Hello?” He asked and I snapped back to reality. 
“I-I’m sorry, what was that?” I asked and he sighed. 
“Coffee, black.” He said and I nodded. 
“Yes, yes of course!” I said and got to work making it. I finished and handed it to him, making sure to show off my wrist to him. He stared at it for a moment and smirked at me. 
“I see why you were distracted now.” He laughed. 
“What’s your name?” He asked. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, and you?” I asked. 
“Liam, Liam Macarthur.” He said, offered me his hand. I took it and smiled at him. 
“Well can I get your number? Maybe I can take you out after your shift.” He asked and my smile grew. 
“Sounds good, I get off at six.” I said, quickly writing my number down. He took it and gave me one last smile. 
“Then I’ll see you at six.” He said and left. I sighed happily and my co-worker gave me a smirk. 
“You have to tell me all about it tomorrow.” She said and I nodded. 
“Of course!” I said. 
The day finished pretty quickly and I had my date with Liam. He was the perfect gentleman. I was so happy to have finally found my soulmate. I had to tell my best friend about it right away. The next day I begged Spencer to let me see him and luckily he was free for lunch. We met at our favorite cafe and I was so excited. I sat down and couldn’t keep the smile off my face. 
“What was so important that you couldn’t tell me over the phone?” He asked with a chuckle. 
“I found my soulmate!” I said and he looked at me shocked. 
“Really?” He asked and I nodded. 
“His name is Liam and he’s really sweet, like the perfect gentleman, we’re like perfect for each other.” I said. 
“What’s his last name?” He asked and I rolled my eyes. 
“Why? So you can do a background check on him?” I asked and he sighed. 
“I’m just looking out for you.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Spence, he’s my soulmate.” I said and he shrugged. 
“Serial killers can have soulmates too.” He said and I rolled my eyes again. 
“Not everyone is a serial killer.” I pointed out and he sighed. 
“Fine, just be careful.” He said and I nodded. 
“Don’t worry about me too much Spence.” I said and he sighed. 
“I can’t help it.” He said and I smiled. 
“So what have you been up to?” 
A few months into mine and Liam’s relationship we moved in together and everything was great. But two months later Liam changed. It started with him just telling me I was stupid or worthless, or that I was alway late or a;lways messed things up. Then it grew to him yelling at me so much that I started getting scared, but he would always apologize later. Then he started making fun of me around his friends, making me become more self conscious about myself. And finally it grew to him actually hitting me. It got so bad that once he left the house I rushed to Spencer’s apartment. I desperately knocked on the door and when he opened it, his eyes widened. 
“Y/N? What happened?” He asked worriedly and let me inside. 
“I-I know it’s late and I’m sorry, but I can’t take it anymore!” I cried and Spencer held me close to him. I clung to him desperately and he rubbed my back trying to help me calm down. 
“What happened?” He asked. 
“L-Liam…” I whispered and I felt his grip on me tighten. He sat me down on his couch and got me some tissues. 
“Tell me what happened.” He said. I told him everything. About how Liam changed once we moved in together and how it just kept getting worse and worse. 
“You should have told me sooner!” He said, but he was more worried than annoyed. 
“I know…” I whispered and he sighed. 
“I’m not letting you go back to him.” He said and I bit my lip. 
“But he’s my soulmate.” I whispered, letting some more tears fall. 
“I don’t care! You deserve someone better than him! You always have.” He whispered. 
“Spence…” I whispered and we looked at each other. 
“I love you Y/N.” He said and my heart skipped a beat, something it never did with Liam. 
“I love you too.” I whispered and we both leaned in. Our lips met and a spark shot through my body. I felt my arm tingling where my tattoo was and pulled away. Suddenly my tattoo was a sun and moon, but the moon was filled in. I looked over at Spencer and he had the same one on his wrist. Did my soulmate just change? Is that even possible? 
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“Whoa…” I said and he looked up at me. 
“I’ve read rumours about this possibly happening to people.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“So we’re soulmates now?” I asked and he smiled. 
“Looks like it.” He said and I smiled. I tackled him in a hug and attacked his face with kisses. 
“You’re my saviour!” I said and he chuckled. 
“I just finally admitted my feelings.” He said. I spent that night at Spencer’s and Liam never showed up, shockingly. But the next day while Spencer was getting ready for work there was banging on his door. I looked at it with fear and Spencer noticed. 
“Just stay there.” He said and I stayed put on the couch. 
“Yes?” I heard Spencer answer. 
“Where is she?” Liam asked annoyed. 
“Who?” Spencer said, playing dumb. 
“Y/N, obviously.” He said. 
“She’s not here.” Spencer lied. 
“Don’t lie to me!” He growled and I heard him push his way inside. 
“There you are, let’s go.” He said walking up to me. 
“I’m not going anywhere with you!” I said, suddenly feeling confident around him for once. 
“The fuck do you mean, let’s go!” He growled and grabbed me. 
“Let me go!” I shouted and tried to pull away from him, but he was too strong. 
“Let her go!” Spencer shouted and had his gun pointed at him. Liam dropped my arm and scoffed at him. 
“This isn’t your business, she’s my soulmate and I’m taking her home.” He said glaring at me. 
“Not anymore asshole.” I said and showed him my tattoo. 
“What the fuck?” He said and Spencer walked over and placed his arm around me. 
“She’s my soulmate now.” He said and held out his wrist. Liam’s eyes widened and then turned into a glare.
“I’ll be getting my stuff while you’re at work.” I said crossing my arms. 
“So you’re just gonna stay with this fucker?” He asked annoyed. 
“Don’t talk about him like that!” I said, narrowing my eyes. 
“She’s more than welcome here.” Spencer said and I smiled up at him. 
“Whatever, she’s just a worthless bitch anyway.” He said then left. 
“Do you really mean that?” I asked and he smiled. 
“Of course, you’re more than welcome to move in.” He said and I smiled. 
“Thank you Spence.” I said and kissed him.
Everything with Spencer has been perfect. Liam has become a distant memory and Spencer and I were flourishing. It’s been years and I felt like everything was normal again. Spencer had told the team the day Liam came over since he had to tell them why he was late. They were so happy for the both of us. 
I was at work when I got a call from Spencer. I thought it was weird since he knows I’m working and probably wouldn’t be able to answer, but I knew it had to be important for him to call me. 
“Hey Jen? Can you cover for me while I take this call?” I asked and she smiled at me. 
“Of course, go.” She said and I smiled. I walked into the back where it was quiet. 
“Hey Spence, what’s up?” I asked. 
“You’re in danger, Hotch sent two agents to bring you to the office.” He said and my breath hitched in my throat. 
“W-What?” I asked. 
“I’ll explain everything when you get here, but I just need to know you’re okay.” He said. 
“O-Okay, I’ll let Jen know.” I said. 
“I love you.” He said quietly, I’m guessing so his team didn’t hear him. 
“I love you too, I’ll see you in a bit.” I said and hung up. I walked back out and Jen looked at me worriedly. 
“What’s up?” She asked. 
“Spencer just called me and told me I’m in danger. Two agents are coming to take me to his office.” I said, still in shock. 
“In danger? What do you mean?” She asked. 
“I-I don’t know, he said he’d explain when I got there. I’m sorry, but I think I need to leave.” I said and she nodded. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s slow today anyway. Just be safe.” She said and I nodded. Soon enough two agents came in and we were off to the office. As soon as I got to their floor Spencer was there and pulled me to him. 
“Are you alright?” He asked and I nodded. 
“I’m fine Spencer.” I said and pecked his lips. 
“Thanks guys.” He said to the agents. They nodded and went back to their jobs. 
“What’s going on?” I asked and he sighed. 
“A few days ago we got a case, someone’s been going around and killing women that look similar to you. At first we thought it was just a coincidence, but today two women were found with your old soulmate tattoo carved on their wrist…” He said and my eyes widened. 
“W-What?” I asked in complete shock. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He said. 
“It’s Liam, it has to be.” I said. My heart rate was increasing and I felt my breathing start to become heavy. 
“Hey, you’re safe here. I’m going to protect you.” He said hugging me. I buried my head in his chest and tried my hardest not to cry. 
“Reid, we need you.” Hotch said, coming out. He looked back and nodded. 
“Rossi said you can stay in his office. We’ll get him, I promise.” He said and kissed my head. I nodded and he took me to Rossi’s office. Spencer didn’t want me to see any of the girls that Liam had killed. I felt so guilty that these poor girls were dead because of me. I knew it wasn’t really my fault, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was responsible for all of this. If I had just stayed with Liam, maybe none of this would be happening… Don’t be stupid! If you stayed with him you’d be dead by now! 
It’s been a few hours and everyone on the team has checked in on me once in a while. I was trying so hard to keep my mind off it, but I just kept going back to how Liam was doing all of this. 
“Alright listen up! I know you’re hiding in here bitch!” I heard Liam shout into the office and my blood ran cold. 
“Don’t move!” Hotch growled. Was Liam really that stupid that he came here?
“Come any closer and this bitch dies.” He said and I peaked out the window. Liam had a girl with a bomb attached to her and he was holding the detonator. 
“Y/N! I know you’re here! Come out!” He shouted and I took a deep breath. I opened the door and pretty much everyone looked at me. Spencer was staring at me with wide eyes, but I knew what I had to do. 
“I’m right here Liam.” I said and he looked at me with a smirk. 
“Come here, now.” He said and I gulped. I made my way to him, but Spencer stopped me. I looked at him and pleaded with my eyes to let me go, but he was pleading with me to stay. Hotch placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded at me. Spencer let me go and I walked up to Liam. He shoved the girl a bit and grabbed me with his free hand. 
“Look at what you’ve made me do, all because you’re a fucking idiot and think that dick is your soulamte.” He said, holding my arm tighter. 
“I-I’m here now Liam, you can let the girl go and I’ll go with you. Everything can go back to normal.” I said and he smirked. 
“After I teach you a lesson.” He said and shoved me away. I fell to the ground and he pulled out a gun. He pointed it right at Spencer and everything moved in slow motion. 
“No! Liam please!” I begged, but he ignored me. Luckily before he could get a shot off Hotch shot him in the head. Both the gun and detonator fell out of his hands and everything was fine. Morgan got the bomb off the girl and Spencer rushed over to me. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, checking me over. 
“My arm’s a little sore, but I’m fine.” I said and placed my hand on his cheek. 
“You should have stayed inside.” He whispered. 
“Spence, everything’s okay. We’re all safe.” I whispered and he pulled me in for a loving tight hug. When he finally pulled back I placed my lips on his and relief flooded my body. 
“Everything’s okay.” I whispered when we pulled apart. 
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soaringlark · 4 years
Disclaimer: all my work is non-sexual! n/sf/w interaction is not appreciated!
(If asked to delete this, I will)
This is a remake of the first T0H vore I posted, because I have improved a little since then. And the other story makes me embarrassed with how bad and low effort it is... You’ll be the judge on if this is actually that much better. (also there’s actually vore in this one)
Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable because of female pred. I really don’t intend to do that, but I also don’t tag my stuff like that in case it gets into n/sf/w territory. That’s not where I want my content to be.
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Story below read more!
Not really any spoilers I can think of, but I might just be desensitised. So read at your own risk.
The story is about 2.5k words
(I don’t think I have to censor the names, either way I’m taking my chances)
It’s obvious, but these characters are not mine. They are from The 0wl H0use
(should be mentioned the characters are 14 just be aware of that)
“I don’t know, Luz…”
“Come on, Amity! It’ll be fun!”
Amity couldn’t see what would be “fun” about having Luz look around her mouth. “But my fangs…”
“Just be careful not to bite me; I’ll try not to get myself impaled.” The shrunken human girl laughed.
But Amity didn’t like it. “That’s not funny! I don’t want to hurt you!”
Luz held her hands out defensively. “I’m just joking!” The witchling scowled at her. “Besides, I’m already shrunken down, so why not at least try?”
Amity turned her head away from her crush. There was another reason she was feeling reluctant about doing that. But there was no way she was telling Luz that. “I would rather not!” She exclaimed her face growing a little red. It was because of the thought of Luz begin so close to her face. Literally in her face. She was pretty sure she would never feel brave enough to get Luz that close.
“But why?”
She glanced at her, before looking away again. “I don’t want to.”
“Not even for me?”
Amity swore in her head. Did Luz really have to pull that card? She would do pretty much anything for her. But this is something stupid… She couldn’t keep herself from smiling at the thought. When does Luz not do something dumb? “Alright! What do I do?”
Luz squealed in excitement. She’s so strange… “Thank you so much! Just lean your head down so I can reach your mouth!”
Amity did as Luz told her, nervously keeping her mouth open. Why does she want to do this? Is it a human thing? Do humans like to look into their friends’ mouths?
She could feel her hands press on her canines. She couldn’t stop herself from letting out a gasp.
“What is it?” Luz asked, backing away.
“You said you would be careful!” she spoke a little louder than she meant to, making Luz cover her ears. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell…”
“It’s okay,” the other girl paused for a second, before speaking up again. “But I was being careful! I just wanted to know how your teeth felt.”
Amity nodded, a tiny bit confused, before opening her mouth up again.
She felt her place a hand on her upper lip; a small squeak escaped her throat. But her thoughts were immediately drawn away from that, as Luz place her other hand on her tongue.
She had not expected her to taste like anything, but she had been wrong. Very wrong. Her mouth immediately flooded with drool. She tasted as sweet as she was. Not even a twinge of sourness or saltiness to her bafflingly good taste.
Luz voice changed for moment, as she let out a surprised noise, once again backing away from her. “Amity! Why are you’re drooling so much?”
Amity snapped her mouth shout, quickly swallowing, before wiping the excess drool off her chin. She couldn’t even speak. The flavor still overwhelmed her. It didn’t make sense; how could she taste that good?
“Do… Do I taste good or something?”
Amity hesitated, trying to regain her voice. “Uhm…”
Luz just… shrugged? “I figured. You would not believe how many creatures tried to eat me, when I was out on my first potion run for Eda!”
Amity was a little confused by how casually Luz said that. “You are okay with this?”
“Sure! It’s better than me tasting horrible!”
“How?” Amity couldn’t see any reason that would ever be the better option. “I mean, you taste really good.” She didn’t manage to stop the words from spilling out, and her face went even redder than before; she leaned her chin down on the table in embarrassment.
“Amity, it’s okay! It’s not like you are going to hurt me.” Luz hugged her nose.
Close! Close! Close! Clos- that was the only thing that echoed through her mind. She went cross-eyed looking at her, while her breath caught in her throat.
Her heart fluttered, hearing Luz’s laugh. “You went cross-eyed!” It took her a moment for her to stop laughing. “Anyways, open up!”
Amity’s sat up in surprise. “Really? You want to do that again?” Amity wasn’t too much against the idea anymore, yet, she didn’t want to be a danger to Luz.
“Don’t see why not! Just get back down here and open your mouth.”
Amity hesitated, before doing as she was told. But she still couldn’t figure out why she tasted like that.
It felt strange to know that it was her crush in there, and, not long after, she could feel Luz’s hands on her tongue. Her mouth flooded again. It was hard for her to ignore the drool that was dripping onto the table. She could her lean farther in. “Woah, you’re drooling a lot.”
Her brain still couldn’t make sense of the fact that Luz was in her mouth. “No need to respond, it was just an observation.”
In her head, she couldn’t keep from worrying about hurting Luz. What if I bite her? I don’t want to hurt her… “Can you lean your head down a little more?”
Amity did as she was told. “Thank you!” The girl spoke enthusiastically, climbing even farther into her mouth. She had to keep herself from biting down in surprise; her short hair was touching palette, making her want to spit her out.
Luz noticed her reaction. “Sorry!” she apologized, pressing herself down onto Amity’s tongue. “I didn’t think about my hair…” But Amity could barely register the words.
Luz’s taste was the only thing on her mind. How could she taste that good? She closed her mouth around her. Still careful not to hurt the girl; she didn’t want to chomp her legs off. “Hey!” It sounded from inside her mouth.
Amity swallowed a mouthful of spit, before wiping off her chin, still keeping Luz in her mouth. “Amity! Spit me out!” The tiny girl didn’t sound utterly terrified, or angry, but she was clearly serious. She shoved her hands against her tongue, making Amity want to do that even less.
But she still did let her out.
Luz took a moment to compose herself. “Why did you do that?”
Why did I do that? “I just…” It had been because of Luz’s taste, but she couldn’t just say that… “I wasn’t going to eat you, if that is what you think.”
“That sounds like something some who was going to eat me would say!” Amity’s ears shifted in surprise. “I’m just messing around. But seriously, why did you do that?”
“You just taste good. Do I need any more reasons?” Nope, I’m definitely in the wrong on this one, she realized right after speaking. “Sorry, Luz, I mean, it was that and some other reasons… But it was mainly because you tasted so good, I couldn’t think straight.”
Luz looked like she was about laugh, but she didn’t make a sound. Amity briefly wondered what was so funny. “oh…” Luz looked a little unsure. “I guess it’s best if we quit now? Wouldn’t want you eating me in a crazed trance or anything.”
“I would never do that!” But as soon as the words left her mouth, she became unsure herself. She would never want to hurt Luz on purpose… but she had felt a little out of it when Luz’s taste hit her. Something told her it would be best if they just quit. But… “Are you sure? Can’t I just taste you a little longer?”
“Alright, you agreed to do this for me, so I’ll do this for you.” Just thinking of the girl’s taste made her mouth water. She picked Luz up herself. Her eyes widened. “What are you doing?”
She put Luz back down on the table. “Sorry, I just thought it would be easier for me like that…” She leaned her head down again. She couldn’t help but let out a disappointed sigh, before opening her mouth.
Luz hesitantly walked back over to her. “No need to be like that… I would just rather be on the ground.” Amity stopped Luz with a finger. “What now?”
“It’s a table,” corrected Amity, before opening her mouth once again.
As soon as Luz got her upper body in her mouth; she closed it off as much as she could without biting her. She waited for Luz to protest, but she seemed fine with it. There was a thought too deep in her mind for it to really register. It wasn’t even words; just a feeling. She wanted to eat her, but it didn’t click her head. Not yet.
She spent about a minute of using Luz as an unusual piece of candy, before Luz shoved against her tongue. “That’s enough, Amity. Let me out now.”
But she didn’t want to do that… She shoved her a little farther into her mouth. “Hey, you promised!” Luz didn’t seem too serious for now. “Just spit me out!” There was a laugh to her yell. But it vanished after a few seconds. “But seriously, that’s enough.”
She pushed against her tiny shoes, before sitting up. She didn’t want Luz to hurt herself on her teeth. Luz gave a tiny kick to her fingers. “It’s not funny anymore!” Amity did not like the panic in her voice. Her ears shifted down in disapproval, but she still felt reluctant to let her go.
Despite the feeling, she got her out. Luz looked up at her with shock in her eyes, as she dangled from her fingers. “What’s with you? You’re acting really strange…” Amity didn’t know either. As she looked at Luz everything grew brighter. “Woah, your pupils are really… big.”
She blinked, snapping back to herself for a moment. “What?” she hadn’t really taken in any of what Luz said. The only feeling filling her head was the same on as earlier; hunger.
Luz kicked the air, trying to get more comfortable. But it didn’t seem to help much. Amity felt bad, shifting her hand, so Luz could sit. “I just meant your pupils had widened.”
There were a few seconds of silence, before Amity spoke up. “I want to eat you…” She hadn’t even realized the words left her mouth, before she saw the panic in Luz eyes. “I mean, no, I won’t do it!” Where did the craving even come from? She would never want to hurt Luz! She liked her. And a lot for that matter. “I…” she couldn’t figure out what to say to make it better. “uh…”
“Please, just don’t eat me? I think this is enough for now,” said Luz, her voice quivering nervously. She looked up into her eyes again. “Amity…?”
Her head felt clouded with thoughts. Or maybe it was more sensations… She couldn’t be sure. But one thing she was sure of, was that the little human in her hands would be amazing to eat… If it wasn’t for the stupid fact that it would hurt her… She knew how to keep herself safe from being eaten alive; a bit necessary living in a place like the boiling isles. But not how to make it safe for others. Would it even work on humans?
She wished she knew; she wasn’t willing to just take a chance. Especially not on Luz’s life. She could try with something simple… But she wasn’t really sure. There was no way of knowing it worked, before it was too late. But if she reacted fast enough, maybe she could still get her out?
The way Luz trembled in her hand made her hesitate. But Amity wasn’t herself anymore; she felt more like a wild animal. Still she snapped back for just a moment. “If it was safe, would you let me eat you?” Her response wouldn’t matter much to Amity, but she still wanted to let Luz know what she was planning.
“How could that be safe?” She nervously pressed herself up against Amity’s fingers. But she was more focused on casting her spells. “What are you doing?” questioned Luz, but something about the way she said it convinced Amity that she knew. She felt her shudder. “What was that feeling?”
“It worked!” She couldn’t not feel excited over that! She had never been a gifted witchling, so the fact that it worked made her nearly jump in excitement. It tore her thoughts away from… then it hit her how weird those thoughts were. What was I thinking?
“What worked? Amity, are you going to eat me?”
“No…” But as soon as the words left her mouth, she remembered Luz’s taste. She was already going back into that weird state of mind, where no thought felt complete.
Luz, once again, pressed herself against Amity’s fingers, before they curled around her. She wheezed, as Amity pressed tighter than she meant to. Amity grimaced, giving Luz an apologetic look, before opening her mouth again. “Hey! You just said you weren’t going to do that!” But she ignored her, shoving her legs into her mouth. “Please, I’d rather you didn’t!”
Amity looked Luz, before bring her back out. “I’m not going to hurt you,” she said, pushing her back in her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to eat her immediately or enjoy her taste a little longer. She could feel her legs at the back of her throat.
She swallowed, feeling Luz’s feet enter her throat. “Amity, I’m serious spit me out!” But she had already decided she was going through with this. She pushed her a little farther in, before swallowing once more. None of Luz was outside her mouth anymore, but she seemed more exhausted than anything else. She mumbled something under her breath, but Amity couldn’t understand it. What she could understand was what she said next. “Alright, just eat me, I guess…”
That speed the process up a lot. It barely took a couple of seconds, before she had swallowed the smaller girl. She could feel her slide down her throat, and, in some ways, it felt nice.
She could feel her the entire way down into her stomach. And in her stomach too. A smile spread across her lips. She didn’t know what made the thought that Luz was in her stomach so appealing, but she liked it. She needed to know if she was fine. “Are you alright, Luz?”
It was weird hearing her voice coming from her middle. “I’m fine, I guess… Just really slimy. Why did you eat me?”
“I just…” she wasn’t really sure. “I don’t know, I just felt like it.”
“Huh.” It was quiet from her stomach for a few seconds, before Luz’s heart-warming laugh sounded. “I guess you were right about it being better if I tasted bad!”
Amity smiled, exhaling through her noise. “No, I think this is better.”
There was a smile in Luz’s voice. “’Course you do.”
would appreciate if you point out anything iffy sounding in the story! :D I would rather edit it than seem like a perverted creep.
A few notes about this: I know Amity doesn’t have sharp teeth or oval irises, I just think it looks cool. It took me longer than I expected to write. The last one was less 1k words. I don’t just write Amity POV, it just happens that I’m always writing her when it’s vore. Luz is the one I’ve written for 19k words (not a typo btw), so I could use a break. I know Amity doesn’t blush from her ears, but I thought it looked better that way. Luz saying the thing about going into a crazed trance is actually a reference to an unposted story, where that happens. It’s very angsty, and I don’t feel comfortable posting it. Final note: Yes, I headcanon witches and witchlings knowing how to survive being eaten, even if it goes against canon a tiny bit. I just think it makes sense, that they’d know that.
Other than that... Thanks for reading and have a nice day! <3
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itsreigns · 5 years
Lost You - Part 2
Part 1
Seth Rollins x Reader
Seth and (Y/N) have been dating for awhile, even moved in together. But Seth has been growing apart from her… failing her. This time, (Y/N) reached her breaking point.
Requested by @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld
@xfirespritex | @hardcorewwetrash | @shadow-of-wonder | @oreillyskyle | @crazyprettychick | @heelsamizayn | @helluvawriter | @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld | @heygargano | @moxleysbaby | @laochbaineann | @lustyromantic | @xxsirensong | @the-iridescent-phoenix | @sassymox | @ueomega | @new-zealand-chic | @xladyxfatex | @gnr-world28 |  if you want to get (un)tagged let me know
It’s been two weeks since you left. You’ve been living with your friend, Alyssa. She has been the absolute best. Even when you weren’t the best of companies, not even close. You still were moody… you still cried yourself to sleep, sometimes out of sadness, sometimes out of anger, other times out of both. 
You hated yourself for giving him that much importance, for allowing him to break you. You were never that type of girl. But with him… he worked his way through all your walls, carefully. So you just opened up your heart and let your guard down completely. You let him in 100%. 
Never again. 
Seth called you four or five times every day during the first week. You never picked up. He left voicemails. You never even heard them. He texted you. Those… you read, but never replied. Eventually, he stopped trying. 
‘Please, pick up the phone. I’m worried about you.’
‘Just hear me out. Please. That’s all I ask. Hear me.’
‘I can’t live in a world where you hate me. I just can’t.’
‘Just got home… You really came pick up your stuff when I wasn’t here. Even left your key. This isn’t home anymore. Not when you’re not here with me.’
‘I wanted to tell you this in person, but I can see now that I won’t ever have the chance. I’m sorry that I failed you. I wish I hadn’t ruined what he had, like I always do with anything that actually is important to me. I love you more than words can say. I just wanted you to know that. Goodbye, (Y/N).’
That was the last time he tried to contact you. That text broke you even more. This was the Seth you fell in love with, not the shell of Seth that had been living with you for the past couple of months. 
Alyssa’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. “Are you even listening to me, girl?” The look on your face tells her that you weren’t. “(Y/N), you have to make a decision. You either listen to what he has to say, or you let him go. But you have to decide. Living like this is no option, and definitely not good or healthy for you.”
“I know.” You mumble, looking down at your hands. Alyssa keeps caressing your hair in understanding. “I just… I am so confused. So hurt. I honestly don’t know what to do.”
“Just… don’t overthink it. Things will be clear rather sooner than later.”
You nod in agreement, but the tightening, the weight in your chest, that uneasy feeling is still there. It never left since that day.
Alyssa went to work, but you had a day off today, so you just decided on staying home and get some rest. Maybe watch some cheesy movie or something. And you were exactly doing that when your phone started ringing. 
Unknown Number
Odd. Who could it be? 
Your mind wandered to Seth. But it couldn’t be him. He’d call you from his number. You take a deep breath before picking up.
“(Y/N)?” The voice on the other end of the line said. 
You feel your heart in throat, a lump forming, you’re not quite sure why. “Who is this?”
“It’s Becky.” She says, as if testing waters, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything. “I know you probably don’t want to talk to me too, but Seth is my best friend so… I’m worried sick about him.” First, you’re angry that she’s calling you, but now hearing her, your chest is tightening, anxiety setting in. “Have you heard from him lately? By lately, I mean today or yesterday?” 
You clear your throat, trying to find your voice. “Hm. I- No. I haven’t heard from him.” And then, you find the strength to say the word that ringing in your brain. “W-why?”
“Fuck!” She lets out. “I was hoping he had trying to contact you.” She really did sound desperate, and it was really making you nervous. “I- We had some time off this week. He went home two days ago and I didn’t hear from him ever since. I figured he’s just been resting, you know… because he hasn’t been so good… but it’s been two days and he never picked up his phone or replied to my messages. Mine or anyone’s for that matter. And that’s just not him.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat. And it was not pain, it was not anger. It was fear. You’re terrified that something happened to him. 
“(Y/N)? Are you there?” Becky calls, after a couple of seconds with no response.
“I- I am. I just… Fuck…” You’re so scared, your mind is racing, you can’t even organize your thoughts. “H- he didn’t really reach out? I mean, t- to any of you?”
“No… he didn’t text me or return my calls. Nor Roman’s.” She reaffirms. “I’m just worried that something happened. He- Well… He has been very down. Very sad. I’ve never seen him like that.”
Once again, you can’t manage to say anything. The silence deafening. Until Becky clears her throat and speaks again. “I just want you to know that nothing ever happened between me and him. He’s like a big brother to me. He’s family. That’s all. Plus, I would never do that to you. He would never do that to you. And I know for a fact that he loves you.” She explains, slowly and gently, as if waiting for it to reason you.
You take a deep breath, emotions taking over you. “You know that he… Seth, he really loves you. He’s just… complicated. But he loves you with all his heart.”
“I- I love him too. So fucking much.” You say in between a shaky breath, as a tear rolls down your face.
“I know you do.” She says simply.
Suddenly it hits you. You need to do something.  
“Look, I- I’ll call him. Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to call him and he will be fine.” You say rapidly, trying to convince yourself more than her. “I’ll call you when I know something.”
Your hands are trembling, you can barely scroll down your contacts’ list. You finally reach his name. Without no hesitation, you press “call”. 
It beeped once.
It keeps on beeping and nothing.
You’re starting to panic. Tears streaming down your face. “No, no, no, no. Pick up, pick up, pick up.” You keep repeating to yourself. 
It goes to voicemail so you give up and call Becky again. 
“He’s not picking up. He’s not picking up, Becky.” You tell her, your voice shaken by emotion and fear. You’re met with silence from the other end. Becky is at a loss for words. “That’s it. I’m going there. I’m going home.”
“Ok, but tell me as soon as you know anything. Please.” She pleads, you could tell she was worried sick too.
“Of course.” You assure her. “And Becky… thank you for calling me. Bye.”
With that, you grab you car keys and head fast to your home. Wherever Seth is, that’s home to you.
You finally get there. You walk all the way towards the front door, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. 
It’s been a minute and no one opened the door. So you ring it again. And again. You’re growing agitated. 
You finally hear some movement inside. Some shuffling around, until the door finally fluttered open. 
He opens the door without even asking who it is, and walks back inside the house without doing it again. You walk quickly behind him, closing the door behind you.
“Seth.” You say gently as you reach and take ahold of his hand.
That was enough to make him pay attention. He turns to face you, looking like a deer in headlights. The look on his face is just… breaking your heart even more. He looks like himself, but there’s something about his eyes… they used to be so vivid, so happy, now they hold so much sadness. 
You keep your hand locked with his, and move your other hand to caress his bearded cheek gently. Once you do that, he tightens the hold on your locked hands. You had missed this so much. His touch. His skin on yours. His beard under your fingers. 
He looks so vulnerable… about to break down. You have never seen in like this. 
“You’ve been crying.” He mumbles softly, repeating the words he said on that same day. Even at his worst, he’s worried about you.
“Oh Seth…” You choke out, tears filling your eyes as you pull him into a tight hug. 
He takes a second to wrap his arms around you, but when he does, he holds you real tight. It’s only a few seconds until he starts sobbing uncontrollably. His whole body was tense and shaking. You’ve never seen him in this state.
“Let it all out, baby. I’m here. I’m here with you. You’re good. I’ve got you.” You say in a choked voice, trying to maintain your strength and be there for him.
“I’m so, so sorry.” He sobs, giving you a squeeze. “I’m a mess, I always ruin everything. I always ruin everything I touch. And God knows I didn’t want to ruin you.”
You pull back so you could face him, cradling his face in your hands. His eyes were red and puffy.  “You didn’t ruin me. I’m still standing.”
“But I hurt you. I hurt you so bad. You’re still standing, but you’re wounded.” He averts his gaze away from your, almost ashamed, as some more tears run down his cheeks. “I avoided you. I didn’t pay attention to you. I pushed you away… I fucking failed you, (Y/N). Roman and Becky… they warned me. They tried to set me straight. But...” He sighs deeply. “I always sabotage myself. I can’t do anything right. I was planning on marrying you, having kids with you. I had it all figured out, and I ruined it.” He lets out a sad chuckle. “And now I lost you.”
He breaks free from your hold and goes sit on the couch. Propping his elbows on his legs and resting his face on his hands, he takes a couple of deep breaths. You go and sit on the small table in front of him, caressing his knee gently. You didn’t say anything though, you feel like he had things he wanted to get off his system, so you just decided to give him time. 
After a couple of minutes in silence, he finally speaks again.
“You know… everyone expects so much of me. All the fucking time. I have so much pressure on me. To be perfect. Unflawed. And I’m none of those things. I’m fucking damaged.” He sighs once more, before continuing. “I just want to be me for a change. I don’t want to think about what people will say. I just want to live… to feel.”
“I love you with all your flaws, all your damage and all your scars. I love that you’re not perfect. You’re perfect in all your imperfection. You’re perfect to me.” You pause a bit to gain courage. “Those things you said, I wanted them too. All of them. With you. Marry the love of my life. Have a small baby running around the house calling you ‘daddy’.” His smile lit up with that last part. “And I’m sure you’d be the best daddy ever.”
Suddenly, his face grows serious. “C-Can I kiss you? Please, let me kiss you. Even if it’s the last t-”
In one motion, you kneel in front of him and press your lips to his. Hard and confidently.
When you pull away, you smile at each other. Then, you get up on your feet and pull him up right after. “Now, you and I are going to bed and sleep a bit, get some rest, because I am exhausted and I know you are too.” He smiles sweetly, and leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead before heading to your bedroom, hand in hand with you.
He goes to the bathroom first, so you use that time to message Becky, telling her that Seth’s ok and you’re with him, so she could stop worrying. You thanked her, yet again, for being a good friend and for reaching out.
Once Seth comes out, you set the phone on the nightstand and laid back on the bed, quickly being joined by Seth, who immediately pulled you closer to him.
“I missed you so much. I don’t ever want to be without you. Ever again. Ok?” He says, in a pleading manner, with his forehead pressed against yours. You nod affirmatively, reaching up and pecking him on the lips.
“Only if you never push me away again. I’m here for you, no matter what. Whatever bothers you, you come to me. No judgements.” You let him know your terms.
“Never again. I promise you.”
Give me some feedback please?
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15001700tt · 4 years
Descendants of the Moon
Descendants of the Moon Masterlist
Tag list: @chastja  @multi-fan-trash @serpentityx @syublush @laadychat @whoissheff Dm me if you want to be on the tag list!
Word Count: 6,378
Key: Italics- things that happened in the drama but do not old any importance to the story line
Bold- Dialogue said in the Drama
Fond Memories
Episode 16:
-A Year Later-
As time passed, it got a little easier every day. Yoo Ji did what she does best, ignore her feelings until they go away and hyperfocus on whatever assignment she has from that month. Somehow it proved to be extremely productive as she was able to help Rae Wook and Hwa Dong solve many cases because of how focused she was. It made her friends a little concerned but she was still healthy, if not just a little bit emotionally unstable, but who isn't at that point.
Although Gwang Nam and her broke up, it didn't affect her friendship with anyone from the alpha team and Mo Yeon. It turns out Gwang Nam didn't tell anyone except Cheol Ho that they broke up, so when everyone was out to catch up like two weeks after they came back. Everyone was extremely taken back at how quiet both of them were. Yoo Ji had to explain that they separated. Mo Yeon was extremely shocked, and when she found out later on that Gwang Nam broke up with Yoo Ji because of what happened to Shi Jin and Dae Young, she felt sympathy for Yoo Ji. Yoo Ji assured them that it wasn’t her fault at all. And thus, their relationship ended but they continued to be friends, as much as it pained them both to stick to that. Yoo Ji learned to reign in her feelings (or so she thinks) and as it got closer to their death anniversary, she grew restless. 
Mo Yeon had decided she would volunteer at an Albanian refugee camp for the next few months. Yoo Ji suspects that she wants to spend the anniversary alone and somewhere serene without the busyness of Seoul.
Yoo Ji was at work the next day and her supervisor gave her another joint assignment with the military. 
“Since your last assignment was a success, I think this should be a slice of cake for you” Yoo Ji rolled her eyes mentally. The last time she did an assignment with the military she got her heart broken and her friends ripped away from her by death. Yoo Ji cast the bad memories aside and reminisced in the good old times. It seems like such a long time ago when it was only a year ago. 
This time, the assignment was going to be at the Korean base so she had to report there later on that day. 
At the back of her mind, the nagging feeling or rather thought, that she might run into Gwang Nam. After their abrupt breakup, it was inevitable that they would lose contact since her assignment turned towards murder investigation. 
Her new assignment was going to be focused on the U.S. Military and the Korean Military alliances, she will hyperfocus on her assignment so she won’t have time to think about him or even the possibility of meeting him. 
Today was her first day at the base so she had to go introduce herself to the commanding officer of the unit that she will be interviewing and then start the interviews 
She checked in with the commanding officer, and it turns out that it's Lieutenant Colonel Park Byung Soo, well he got promoted so he's Colonel Park Byung Soo. Yoo Ji felt a smile creep onto her face as she realized that she gets to annoy him any chance she gets now that she's on this assignment for the next few months. 
“Hello, Lieutenant Colonel” Yoo Ji purposely called him by his old rank, he looked up with annoyance, and it tripled when he realized who was standing in front of him. 
“It's Colonel now, and what are you doing here?” he sighed, his eyebrows furrowed with irritation. 
“Here to cover the alliance between the S.K. army with the U.S. army” Yoo Ji handed him her papers that details her assignment and the contract she signed to keep confidential information out of her articles and basically highlight the army in a good light. 
“You’re the reporter they decided to send?” His surprise was evident to the point where Yoo Ji rolled her eyes at his transparency. 
“What? You don't think I am qualified enough for the job?” she poked fun at his question. 
“After what happened two years ago I doubted you would have a career after” he snapped back. Yoo Ji rolled her eyes, it's been a year since anyone brought up her article about the chairholder case. 
“I still have my job because justice wins and evil goes to jail,” Yoo Ji paused making eye contact with the Colonel. “Unless you murdered soldiers and buried the evidence you should be safe from my clutches” Yoo Ji grinned with a glint in her eyes. The Colonel shivered in disgust and narrowed his eyes at her. 
“I can’t believe you spawned from your sweet parents.” he gritted as he signed her papers.
“I'll tell mom and dad you said hi” Yoo Ji lost her chagrin and genuinely smiled at him. He waved her off, “your parents are busy somewhere without internet connection and they have three months before they come back. Tell them that we should have dinner when they come back” he called out as she opened the door to leave. 
Next, she had to go get settled in the little cubicle that she was assigned since she will be here 24/7. Once she got settled down and put down her stuff, she went to check out the other rooms and who was assigned to them. 
As she was walking down the corridor after some exploring (she didn't find much, just a bunch of boring administration rooms and people that barely smiled at her when she passed).
There was a loud commotion outside, but she didn't know what was going on and she didn't reach it in time, as the crowd already dissipated. She huffed and turned back inside and continued peeking into rooms filled with boring soldiers that were filing paperwork. 
She reached another room and peaked in, she saw two people inside, one was standing up and holding a paper and the other sitting down at a desk with his arms crossed. They seemed to just have come back from debriefing as they had their formal hats next to them. 
Yoo Ji couldn't see their faces but she could see their ranking, a Captain and a Sergeant First Class. Yoo Ji’s eyes widened slightly, she felt nostalgic remembering her friends. She took a deep breath and unfastened the door, the door creaked. 
“I’ll get going” Shi Jin stopped leaning against the desk.
“Where are you going” Dae Young raised an eyebrow.
“You have to write it alone. If we write separately things where we struck thrice or five times, these details might not match up,” Shi Jin responded. The two men turned around at the sound of the door. 
Yoo Ji could not believe her eyes, Captain Yoo Shi Jin and Sergeant First Class Seo Dae Young were right in front of her. 
“Are you shitting me?” Yoo Ji let out as she let go of the door which swung closed behind her. 
“Yoo Ji!” Shi Jin exclaimed with a smile. Yoo Ji was still in shock. 
“You’re alive!” she expressed, astonished. 
“Yeah, uhm.” Dae Young smiled awkwardly as Shi Jin furrowed his eyebrows. They thought that Gwang Nam would’ve told her two days ago when he found out. 
“Oh my god!” Yoo Ji rushed to them, giving them tight hugs as she tried to reign over her emotions.
“You guys are alive!” she stammered as she looked at them with wide eyes. 
“I thought Gwang Nam would tell you, how did you not know?” Dae Young gently asked. 
“I- uh, uh w-we don't, we don't- we’re not together anymore,” Yoo Ji stuttered. She was hugging Dae Young, he felt her legs shake so he guided her to a chair next to him. She tried breathing in and out to slow her erratic breathing. 
“You broke up?” Shi Jin raised his eyebrows. 
“Ye-yeah we broke up a year ago,” Yoo Ji paused, still trying to calm her breathing. She’s had a couple of panic attacks that frequented in the last year so she needed a minute to just focus. 
“He said he didn't want me to ever be in Mo Yeon and Myung Ju’s positions if something happened to him so he broke it off,” Yoo Ji said shakingly. She was slowly regaining her breath and a steady rhythm for her heart. 
“That idiot,” Dae Young murmured as he patted Yoo Ji’s back. 
“But- but you guys were alive, oh my god, I am so glad you guys aren’t dead,” Yoo Ji emotionally let out a shaky laugh. They nodded back and smiled. 
Shi Jin fished out his phone with his good hand, Yoo Ji finally noticing that Shi Jin has his wrist in a cast.
“Who are you calling?” Yoo Ji turned her attention to Sji Jin dialing someone's number.
“I am calling Gwang Nam so he could drive you home,” he stated. Yoo Ji shook her head. 
“No, don't do that. I don't need him to take me home, I can get there by myself” she reached for his phone and flicked it and leaned a little to the side and caught it. Shi Jin seemed to be speechless. Dae young watched in amusement, ‘same old Yoo Ji’ he thought.
“Mo Yeon told me about that move, we had a lot of time to reminisce about the memories,” Yoo Ji smirked as she hung up the call. She took a subtle deep breath, finally feeling back to herself. 
“Well okay,” Shi Jin paused. 
“I'll take you home then, I have to meet up with Mo Yeon anyways” Shi Jin turned to grin at Dae Young.
“Whoever's girlfriend isn't in Korea gets the paperwork” he waved as they left the room. Dae Young sighed and started working on it in defeat.
*Shi Jin and Mo Yeon go fishing and camping*
 -the day of the concert-
The alpha team had a dinner where they gathered and drank and celebrated that the boys aren't dead. 
At that point, Shi Jin and Dae Young haven't confronted Gwang Nam about his break up with Yoo Ji yet, mostly because they have no idea how to open the topic without body slamming him full force to get him to talk about the subject. Every time any of them try to even open the subject he makes excuses or changes the subject. So the only way to get him to talk was to get him drunk first then talk. So here they were at the same shop they were at when they first came back from Urk. 
At that point they were coming down from their adrenaline rush of the concert, Shi Jin and Dae Young weren't going to drink so that they could effectively get the information they seek. Which is what the fuck was this dude thinking breaking up with the love of his life. 
Woo Geun and Cheol Ho were staying out of this one as they tried to change his mind when he made that decision but they couldn't get through to him and it was ridiculous since Woo Geun was married but Gwang Nam refused to realize that he should just enjoy the right now instead of thinking about the what-ifs of their relationship. 
Everyone in the Alpha team knows how much Gwang Nam has changed in that year, he was more reserved and doesn't smile as often anymore. He thinks a hundred times before he makes a decision. 
Shi Jin has asked Mo Yeon how Yoo Ji was doing, Mo Yeon told him how Yoo Ji hyper fixated on her work and although she seems normal, she became more emotionally unstable. Their ‘deaths’ hit her hard and the breakup did not help. At that point, it seemed like Gwang Nam wasn't in his right mind and this was his solution. And after a year, it was too late to say anything now. 
Gwang Nam was sipping his drink while everyone goofed around Shi Jin turned to him and narrowed his eyes at him. 
“So why did you end things with Yoo Ji?” Gwang Nam sighed, setting down his drink. 
“I don’t...didn't think it was a good idea to keep dating when she can move on and find a stable relationship” Gwang Nam trailed off. At that point, he realized that maybe that wasn’t logical. 
“Why end something that was good for you?” Woo Geun asked the curiosity got the best of him. Cheol Ho and Woo Geun were there for the breakup and the rest of the year, and although they tried to understand Gwang Nam’s thought process, it was really hard to ignore that Yoo Ji still had the option to choose. 
Woo Geun is a married man, so his job isn't as much of an obstacle as Gwang Nam thinks it would be. While the ‘deaths’ of their friends weren’t unexpected in their line of work, they would not stop living their lives because their profession was dangerous. 
“I didn't want her to get hurt,” Gwang Nam responded. He was staring at his cup, pondering over how it got to this. It's been a year since their break up but he didn’t feel any better. He wasn't over her and he knows he will never be.
“Shouldn't that be her choice?” Dae Young spoke. He had his arms crossed and a deep look on his face. He was pondering what was it that made them make such rash decisions in their personal lives.
“Coming from someone who made decisions for both myself and Myung Ju, it proved to be fruitless to make decisions without her. Since she was in the relationship as much as I was, excluding her from that decision was a bad idea,” Dae Young added. He uncrossed his arms and leaned forward slightly towards Gwang Nam.
“I just really didn't want her to go through so much because of me” Gwang Nam murmured, playing with the edge of the glass. 
“Alright, that’s enough with the depressing mood. Let’s crash Yoo Ji’s place so that you can beg her to take you back” Shi Jin announced by clapping Gwang Nam’s back and stunting the somber mood. Cheol Ho and Woo Geun chuckled as Dae Young shook his head with a smile at how fast Shi Jin can change the mood.
“I can't just show up to her house and ask her to take me back, I need a strategy” he paused, looking at the table with a thoughtful look. “Maybe sober would be a good idea too.”
“Our strategy is you show up to her apartment, tell her how much you miss her, and beg her to take you back” Shi Jin waved off as he grabbed his arm and forced him out of his chair as he motioned for Dae Young to pay their tab. 
“We don’t need to waste any more time, it’s been a year, you need to go now” Woo Geun grabbed his other arm and locked him in his grip in case he decided to run. Woo Geun looked at Shi Jin and nodded slightly, he’s got Shi Jin’s back on this one.
“What, you don't even like Yoo Ji. Why are you on their side?” Gwang Nam asked with surprise, as both men dragged them to their car.
 “Well, I know how happy she makes you, and I don't have to like her, she just needs to marry you” Woo Geun shrugged. Gwang Nam laughed in disbelief as Shi Jin and Cheol Ho laughed at his comment. Dae Young got into the driver’s seat while Cheol Ho took the passenger seat and Gwang Nam was sandwiched between the two remaining men.
This was Gwang Nam’s car after all so they still had to be cautious not to be careless. They drove responsibly and also asked for directions because they never visited Yoo Ji at her home, so begrudgingly Gwang Nam gave them directions. 
“Shouldn't we make him buy her some flowers?” Cheol Ho piped as they got onto the freeway. 
“Quickly look up the closest florist to us” Dae Young responded, Cheol Ho pulled out his phone and quickly searched it. Luckily, there was one fifteen minutes from them. “I doubt Yoo Ji is the type to want flowers,” Gwang Nam muttered under his breath. He wasn't upset per se but he wasn't exactly thrilled by how unplanned this trip is. And it might've been the alcohol running through his system but the longer they drive the more their plan started to make sense. It doesn't change how incredibly nervous he is though. 
“We know but it's still better than an airsoft gun” Woo Geun smirked. He suspected Yoo Ji would do something violent, he didn't know what, just that it's going to be violent and incredibly funny.
“That might actually be a better idea, you know because it will help her think of fun times we had instead of when I broke her heart while simultaneously telling her that two of her friends died” Gwang Nam’s dry humor shined as they all grimaced from the way he phrased it. 
“Flowers and airsoft guns, it is” Dae Young decided. They quickly stopped at the florist and got a small bouquet of roses, Gwang Nam paid and they piled back in. 
“Now for your strategy, it's your fault you're in this position in the first place so play that up as much as you can.” Shi Jin started.
“What if she’s moved on already, it's already been a year,” Gwang Nam’s doubts are peeking through, and also the logical side that hasn't been totally overtaken by his friends or alcohol.
“She isn't, trust me,” Shi Jin assured him. Gwang Nam gave him a side-eye as to question how he could possibly know that. 
“I asked my girlfriend, besides Dae Young and I met her at the base after we reported our appearance and she was totally not over you,” he elaborated. At that point, they were two minutes away from her apartment complex. 
“If you don't come out in fifteen minutes we’ll assume everything went great and we’ll leave you to crash at her place” Dae Young killed the engine after parking in front of her apartment building.
“If I don't come out in fifteen minutes you should come to get me and make sure she didn't kill me” Gwang Nam responded, gulping visibly. Cheol Ho handed him the bouquet of flowers and Woo Geun gave him the medium-sized airsoft gun with a firm nod of the head. 
“You got this Sergeant!” Shi Jin cheered as Gwang Nam stumbled to get inside. 
A million thoughts ran through Gwang Nam’s head as he walked up the stairs. He’s dressed in a casual white button-up and slacks. He probably would've liked to dress up a bit more but this is what he's got. He reached her door and took a deep breath. He knocked on her door and waited.
Yoo Ji was wearing an army green and gray sweatshirt with some black leggings. She looked like she was just watching some TV. She stared at Gwang Nam with shock and surprise. Gwang Nam tried to offer a small smile before clearing his throat  
“Hey… I uhm wanted to talk about what happened a year ago,” Gwang Nam blurted out. 
“I want to apologize, it was an incredibly stupid thing to do,” Gwang Nam started, he wanted to tackle as many things as he can and all at once.
“It was wrong for me to decide what happens to our relationship when it should've been our decision”
“Damn right it should've been” Yoo Ji stated. She was leaning on the door frame and continued to look at him with a skeptical look. She didn't look like she hated him so that’s a plus.
“I am so sorry that I also did it while delivering bad news, that was horrible timing on my part.” Gwang Nam kept going, only offering another small smile at Yoo Ji’s comment.
“I shouldn't have tried to make decisions for you. I know now that I should’ve cherished our time together instead of cutting it short because of my fears of hurting you beyond the grave” Gwang Nam finished. He raised the flowers to offer it to her.
“Can I please have a second chance?” Gwang Nam asked. Yoo Ji stared at him really hard. It felt like an eternity before Gwang Nam raised his other hand with the airsoft gun and offered it to her.
“You can hurt me if you want to, I totally deserve it,” he suggested. Yoo Ji raised an eyebrow before taking the gun and inspecting it, she swiftly threw it to her other hand and loosened her knees, and landed a clean punch to Gwang Nam’s torso. 
He gasped as he tried to breathe through the pain, he was caught off guard and she did not hold back what so ever. But she also surprised him as she launched herself towards him and hugged him tightly. 
“Don’t ever do something so stupid ever again” she said into his shoulder. Gwang Nam only took a second to process before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her back.
“I am so glad you took me back, I missed you” Gwang Nam voiced out. 
“I also would have been rideless as the guys have probably left by now” he added after he checked his watch, noticing that he took twenty minutes. 
“What?” Yoo Ji pulled back to look at his face. 
“The guys dropped me off here and told me that if I don't come back down in fifteen minutes they will assume that we’re good and would leave to go home” he explained as she dropped her hands down from around his neck and laced one of her hands through his and led them inside. Gwang Nam closed the door behind him and they settled on the couch.
“What if I didn't take you back?” she smirked as she settled close to him and snuggled into his side. 
“Well, I told them that if I don't come out in fifteen minutes they should come to check on me because you might have killed me.” Gwang Nam teased her as he rubbed his stomach, it was a little sore but it was nothing compared to the emptiness he felt in his heart the last year. 
“If you hadn't offered that gun I would have totally, but you did.” she grinned at him. 
“Flowers, really?” Yoo Ji questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“Not my idea, Cheol Ho’s, I told him it wasn't your style, but they said it might help” Gwang Nam shrugged as he continued playing with Yoo Ji’s hair while she laid her head on his shoulder.
“You still know me so well” Yoo Ji chuckled.
 -157 days later-
*Myung Ju is back from Urk. Dae Young and Myung Ju go to see the commander and tell him that Dae Young will not give up his position for the military or give up Myung Ju. things are wrapping up at the hospital Myung Ju gives Mo Yeon a letter from Fatima. Chi Hoon gets a video from Bleki and still can't figure out his real name. Sang Hyun and nurse Ha finally admit they like each other. Mo Yeon goes to the car wash with Shi Jin.
Myung Ju and Dae Young kiss at the base.
 Now that Yoo Ji and Gwang Nam were back together, they were back to having their small dates throughout the week, Rae Wook, Hwa Dong, and Hye Jin all noticed the difference between old Yoo Ji and the new-old Yoo Ji. she sat them down and explained how they had gotten back together. She managed to calm some people down (*cough* Hwa Dong and Rae Wook *cough*) and convince them that this was all a circumstantial problem and now they’re both very happy. 
Yoo Ji and Gwang Nam went car shopping, she had brought it up when they were hanging out that she wanted a car because she was sick of riding public transportation. Gwang Nam suggested they go after her work to look at some cars that Yoo Ji would like. 
Yoo Ji definitely was interested in something nice, and a bit intimidating if she was honest. Like the Jeep Wrangler, she stole to tail Mo Yeon in Urk. Gwang Nam had laughed when she told him because it's totally the kind of car Yoo Ji would pick but he told her that maybe she should think about something that is a bit more gas efficient and compatible with her city life in Seoul not in Urk.
“I still want the Jeep” Yoo Ji huffed as they browsed through the car dealership. 
“I mean you can get it but I wouldn't advise it,” Gwang Nam shrugged. 
“Why not? You have a big car,” Yoo Ji turned to Gwang Nam. They were holding hands so she just walked backwards in front of him. She tilted her head to the side.
“It's a pain in the ass for gas and getting parts changed,” Gwang Nam told her. 
“But it looks so cool, and dangerous.” Yoo Ji squinted her eyes as she sighed. 
“But you do have a point,” Yoo Ji relented and started listing other types of cars off the top of her head.
“Hyundai?” Yoo Ji suggested with a high pitch, causing Gwang Nam to laugh as they walked through the car displays. 
“Maybe a hybrid” Gwang Nam added with a chuckle as he watched Yoo Ji look around and her attention-getting caught by a black Hybrid Hyundai. 
“That one!” Yoo Ji decided, swinging on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“Sure, we’ll check it out.” 
“Oh! By the way, we were invited to Ye Hwa and Daniel’s wedding in Canada,” Yoo Ji turned around snapping her fingers as she remembered the important information. 
“They sent us round trip tickets and a one-night stay hotel at the reception’s hotel in Vancouver.”
“They’re getting married? I thought they were already married,” Gwang Nam frowned in wonder.
“They're only married legally but they never had a wedding until now,” Yoo Ji responded. Gwang Nam cocked his head, questioning how she knows this information.
“I am Mun Yoo Ji, I know everything,” she said as if it explains everything.
“Ye Hwa comes from a mixed family, her dad was a doctor and he treated all kinds of people. Her family died because of the crossfire between Russia and Korea. She was the only one Daniel was able to save while running away to the embassy,” 
“They wouldn't let her through, so Daniel was like ‘she's my wife, give me the paperwork, so I can protect my wife.’ it was totally cool” Yoo Ji did a horrible impersonation of Daniel and Gwang Nam grinned. 
“That sounds like a melodrama,” he commented. 
“As if the last two years weren’t so adventurous that we can be our own action drama,” Yoo Ji retorted back. 
“With the way things are turning out it's becoming a melodrama, Captain Yoo and Doctor Kang are on vacation in Urk,” Gwang Nam stated. 
“So, should we go airsofting to end that game and see who’s the real winner?” Gwang Nam contemplated. 
“I won that game.” Yoo Ji gloated. 
“You cheated, so it doesn't count!” Gwang Nam protested. 
“I don't know what you’re talking about,” Yoo Ji sang as she skipped away from him. Gwang Nam chuckled as he jogged after her.
 -Wedding day, in Canada-
The guests all settled down in the reception and were now waiting for the couple to come down and start celebrating. For some reason, they had the tables separated by men and women. So the Alpha team sat at one table with Sang Hyun and Chi Hoon, while all the girls sat at the adjacent table.
“Ye Hwa did look a bit pretty since she was all dressed up. Her wedding dress was also unique.” Min Ji commented.
“That view right now is also very unique.” Mo Yeon pointed at Dae Young holding the bride’s bouquet. He had caught it briefly before this and he would not stop gazing into it.
“Gosh, can't you do something about that?” Shi Jin scolded lightly at Dae Young.
“Leave him alone, he has many memories of weddings” Myung Ju leaned in and addressed Shi Jin. Yoo Ji choked on a laugh as Myung Ju reminded Dae Young of the memory of them crashing his ex’s wedding almost three years ago. 
“Maybe next time it will be his own wedding that he’s crashing” Yoo Ji choked out in between her laughs. 
However, the lights suddenly went out and the beautiful view of the city below them through the glass window also dimmed. A few seconds pass as people start to murmur their guesses on what’s happening when one of the waiters comes running in. 
“It was a volcano! A volcano just erupted!” she shouted in English in a frenzy. That got people to start reacting. People got up from their seats and started to hurry out while the two or three tables that held the Taebaek Unit and Haesung Hospital staff stayed put. A disappointed sigh running through all of them.
“I was wondering how on earth we had this good fortune.” Min Ji sighed looking longingly at the buffet.
“I should have retired from the military.” Dae Young gritted out as he let go of the bouquet and started unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them. Gwang Nam right behind him and Woo Geun started rolling up their sleeves. 
“It’s already too late,” Myung Ju replied, looking regretfully at Dae Young while wiping away her lipstick. At that point, almost everyone has fixed their attire to a disaster appropriate outfit instead of a wedding.
“I can't believe this is happening.” Yoo Ji sighed in annoyance as she grabbed a bag from under the table. She hid it when she came in but she brought comfortable shoes because she doesn't like staying in heels for so long.
“You came prepared?” Gwang Nam raised an eyebrow.
“It’s never a peaceful gathering when it’s all of us, so I thought ‘maybe, just in case’ I didn't think our bad luck was bad enough to erupt a volcano!” Yoo Ji retorted.
“It looks like it's your turn to be destroyed this time.” Mo Yeon addressed her high heeled shoes as she broke off the heel. 
Yoo Ji winced jokingly as she swapped her shoes for tennis shoes. Gwang Nam caught the action and raised a questioning eyebrow at her. She shook her head.
“This is why I always have back up, those are expensive shoes” she pointed to Mo Yeon. 
“It feels like an introduction to a long report,” Shi Jin loosened his tie. Gwang Nam agreed. 
“No kidding,” he groaned out as he took off his tie and loosened his limbs by rolling them. 
“I swear if this time I don't get compensation for working on my vacation, I will quit at the station,” Yoo Ji scolded towards her phone that started buzzing with notifications of the disaster. 
“Just once, I want to enjoy an evening out without natural disasters on my ass.” Woo Geun looks up as he sighs.
A/N: this is the end! any feed back is appreciated! enjoy!
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princecupcakee · 4 years
Park Bench | Reddie
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Read on AO3
Rating: E
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Word Count: 2,969
Chapter: 5/8
Past Chapters: Chapter 1 (AO3), Chapter 2 (AO3), Chapter 3 (AO3), Chapter 4 (AO3)
Next Chapter: 
Summary: Recently divorced and ‘incapable of love’, Eddie Kaspbrak moves to Los Angeles for work and a small, small hope of a fresh start. Broken up and never dated again, Richie Tozier tries to get back into love with help from his love of music. Quickly meeting eyes and one concert later, they think that maybe love isn’t that bad. So they try it one more time.
Chapter 5: Richie Tozier And Eddie Kaspbrak Get A Turtle, Richie Tozier Plans A Proposal, Richie Tozier Goes Viral
Tags/Warnings: Angst / Unhappy Ending / theres only one sex scene but this is explicit anyway / Bisexual Richie Tozier / Gay Eddie Kaspbrak / Post-Divorce / Implied/Referenced Cheating / Inspired By Remembering Sunday (All Time Low) / Inspired by The Book Ninja by Ali Berg / Implied/Referenced Child Abuse / Implied/Referenced Abuse / Implied/Referenced Manipulation
Tag-list: @richietoaster​, @s-s-georgie​, @mikeuris​​, @gazebobullshit​, @that-weird-girls-blog​, @tozierking​​, @thoughtfullyyoungduck​, @s-onora​, @bellarosewrites​, @lermanslogan​, @ambitiousskychild​, @ghostnebula​, @vanillaredvelvet​, 
(Ask if you wanna be on the tag-list!!)
Chapter 5
Richie Tozier And Eddie Kaspbrak Get A Turtle
“Look, if you don’t get me the papers before the end of this week, we will lose this client… yes, I know. I have a meeting with them at the end of this week…yes, I need them tomorrow, Karen… yes. Yes, thank you.” Eddie sighed and threw his head back on the couch. His last few days have been absolutely hectic, with one of their biggest clients yet, he’s barely been able to get a break.
“Eds!” Richie called, opening the door, “I’m back! Where are you?”  He had gone out to see Walter and Maddison for a few hours while his parents were busy with his sister. He didn’t ask for more details.
“Yeah! I’m here!” Eddie tiredly calls.
Richie smiled weakened when he saw Eddie tiredly sprawled across the couch, “I got a gift for you.”
“What is it?” Eddie smiles, pulling his head back up.
Richie takes his hands away from behind his back and holds… a turtle. Richie’s eyes wide and bright, “look! I went to this restaurant across the street —don’t ask why— and found this little guy in a cage! It was ridiculous! I told them if I could have it and they just let me.”
“Why… why would you get me a turtle?” Eddie irritatedly asked.
“I thought-“
“Are you stupid? Richie, what are we supposed to do with a turtle? How are we supposed to take care of it?”
“We can go to the pet shop and-“
“Neither of us know how to take care of a turtle. Are you sure its even safe? W-we could get, like, Salmonella or something!”
“Eds.” Richie strictly said, his face showing no sign of anger, “it’ll be fun though. We can take care of it together, we can go to the pet store and get stuff- I’ll wash my hands after touching it every time.”
Eddie looked at the turtle skeptically, “fine,” he finally said. Richie’s smile came back and sat down beside Eddie who slightly moved away after. Ignoring the movement, Richie asks him, “what do we name it? We can name it, like, Pennywise.”
“What? No! That sounds horrible! That sounds like a- a fucking horror movie character or something!”
“That the name of the killer clown that you thought broke into Ben and Bev’s house and tried to kill you?” Richie snickered.
“Fuck you,” Eddie hisses with no real anger.
“Well, what names do you have?”
“Uh, I don’t know… Maturin.”
Richie gave him a look, “Okay, thats no better than mine!”
“Yes, it is!”
“No, no, no, you know what? Hold on,” Richie rambles, taking his phone from his pocket. Quickly typing something, Eddie gets a notification from his phone. Thinking its Karen (finally) giving him the papers early, he sighs and opens his phone. Karen is still definitely late with giving him the paperwork, but now Richie has created a group chat. Eddie was already fearful of what would come.
The Family - Ben Marsh, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough, Stan Uris, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak
Stan: What the fuck is it this time, Richie.
Bev: Stan be nice
Richie: Yeah stan be nice
Richie could hear Eddie snicker beside him.
Richie: but anyway, me and Eddie are dads and we need a name for our child
Bev: how did this motherfucker get a kid
Bev: I thought it would be stan and patty first
Eddie: How did you get Mike and Bill’s numbers?
Richie: Nothing.
Stan: He’s lying, he never uses punctuation.
“Shit,” Richie murmured.
“How are you this bad at hiding things?”
Mike: He asked us what your favourite food was so he would know where to take you out on a date, Eddie.
Richie: nO
Richie waited for Eddie’s reaction, he assumed that Eddie wasn’t uncomfortable, seeing as there was a blush on his face.
Stan: Wait a minute. Mike Hanlon? Like, ‘first-ever-school-day-was-college’ Mike Hanlon?
Mike: Thats how you remember me?
“They know each other?” Richie says from beside Eddie.
“I think they were exes.”
“Thats what I remember” Eddie shrugged looking back down on his phone. He knew it was pretty stupid to be texting in a group chat while they sat together, but they did need that name. (Thats what Eddie tried to tell himself, if the true reason isn't obvious enough.)
Stan: Holy shit. Dude hey how’ve you been?
Mike: Pretty good actually.
Mike: I’m staying in LA for a while since they needed more people in this branch.
Mike: Thats also why Eddie and my boyfriend are here too.
Stan: Good for you, man. I’m assuming your boyfriend is Bill Denbrough because thats the only name I’m not familiar with.
Ben: You’re familiar with Eddie’s?
Richie: GUYS
Stan: Richie doesn’t know how to shut up.
“Richie, how are you still this annoying over text?”
“You love it.”
“I really don’t,” he laughs and shakes his head. He does.
Bev: Richie, if you did have a child I would know immediately.
Mike: Yeah it is :)
Mike: not hetero
Bill: I’m not straight either
Stan: I’ve generally had enough.
Bev: Alright, Losers (not you Ben and Mike) we’re all getting lunch. Bring your ‘child’, Richie. We’ll name him there.
Richie Tozier changed the chat name to ‘The Losers’ Club’
With Bev sending the address of the restaurant “Our friends confuse me,” Eddie says shutting his phone.
“Meet my child!” Richie says loudly, earning a few looks from the others in the restaurant. He takes a seat in between Stan and Eddie grinning widely and presenting the currently unnamed turtle.
“Its-its a fucking turtle,” Stan says critically.
“His name is Penny-“
“No its not,” Eddie smiles as he cuts him off.
“What names do you guys have?” Ben asks politely, trying to bring back the lightness of the table before the two had walked in.
The table spun with an agreement to Eddie’s name over Richie’s choice as Richie pouts in his seat. A waitress came to check for their orders, a confused look on her face once seeing the turtle perfectly still in Richie’s hands.
“Richie that name sounds like a child’s nightmare,” Bev jokes once the waitress has gone. Richie sticks his tongue out to her childishly.
“Maturin it is then?” Eddie laughs triumphantly.
“Where did you even get that name?” Richie asks bitterly. The rest of the group just laughs.
Eddie loved this. He really did. Everyone talking and enjoying and Eddie finally feeling like he hasn’t done anything wrong. They felt like family. The few people who he could talk to without causing any pain or problem. The few people who would let him be himself without having to feel like he was in a cage. He didn’t want to lose any of this. And from the smile on Richie’s face, he doesn’t think he will.
Richie Tozier Plans A Proposal
Some people would think he was crazy. He thought he was crazy.  They were dating for just slightly more than three months and he was already planning, the date, the time, the place of when he would ask Eddie to marry him. ‘Old habits die hard’ Richie guesses as he sits alone in his bed, writing down the perfect ideas for asking Eddie.
Yeah, he rushed it with Connor, but even he knew that it wouldn’t last. That doesn’t really add up to his actions after the break up. But this was Eddie. Eddie loves him, right? He’s said so; that alone shows he isn’t anything like Connor. He couldn’t be wrong anymore, he didn’t want to have to latch on to Stan as he did before. He was nuisance while living at the Uris’, he admits that he knows he doesn’t have all the reason for it. He basically asked for it when he said, after what was supposed to be a one-night-stand, that he was dating Connor. That was on him.
But Eddie walked out of a concert with him, a stranger at the time, and let him walk him home after remembering that Connor left him at the same concert ground with the same band playing to have another one night stand with a girl. He went to one of his shows after knowing close to nothing about him other than his name when he was late to the first date he would’ve had since his horrible break up.  He went to have breakfast with him at 5 in the morning when he cried about never being loved again the night before. He sat with him in the pouring rain after realising that he was in love. That he was in love, not that he was in love again.
He turns from his back to his stomach, reaching out for his phone. He debates on whether or not to call Bev or Stan, ‘both those bitches are married,’ he thinks. And calls both of them.
“What the fuck do you want I’m trying to make dinner,” Stan says tiredly, his voice sounding distant and the sound of crackling filling the empty parts on his end.
“Whats up, Rich?” Bev says nicely, shuffling.
“I, uh,” he didn’t think it would be that hard to say.
“Spit it out, Tozier, I might fuck up my pesto.”
“Oh shit, you got pesto? Uris Pesto is the best! Can I come over?” Richie says enthusiastically.
“No. Talk, Richie,” Stan says quickly. Beverly laughs in the background.
“I wanna ask Eddie to marry me,” Richie says softly, after a beat of silence.
“Thats it? You interrupted my cooking for this shit?”
“Its serious, man!”
Beverly sighs, “Richie, Eddie loves you. This is all on you though. If you think both of you are ready, then go for it. If you’re just… scared, then, I don’t think you should.”
“I-I’m not scared,” he says to himself more than them.
“You just love him?”
“He really isn’t like anyone else, huh?” Bev laughs.
“He really isn’t,” Richie smiles to himself.
“Then do it,” Stan says simply, “if you love him enough to marry him, to ask him to marry you, then that must be something, right?”
“Thanks,” Richie says, fondly, “help me buy the ring soon?"
“Of course, Richie. Now, when, where, and how?” Beverly giggles.
His notebook opens on the coffee table, leftovers, and a cup of coffee, he attempted to plan. A restaurant didn’t seem interesting to him, a casual proposal in their house wasn’t really fun, their house maybe? The bench. He grinned and jotted down the plan.
Richie Tozier Goes Viral
“Eds, where’s my charger?” Richie asked walking out their room.
“We’ve been dating for, what, four months? How do you still not know where I put our chargers?”
“You clean things too often, I specifically remember leaving it on the floor of  my side of the bed.”
“Your blind ass would’ve stepped on it when you woke up. Your charger is in the drawer,” Eddie said and continued to eat his cereal. Richie kissed his hair and walked back to their room.
Eddie sighed. He loves Richie, he really does, but- “Eds, look at this,” Richie said excitedly almost tripping on his legs as he walked over to Eddie. Richie instinctively wrapped his arm around Eddie and showed his phone screen.
It took Eddie a moment to register what Richie was showing him, but when his thoughts hit him again he grinned, “holy shit, Rich! This is amazing!” Richie’s screen presented a video, Richie’s latest stand-up, posted online; millions of views.
“I know! And that’s not all of it,” Richie said taking his phone back to him and began to tap around, “Look!” Eddie carefully read the text on the screen, asking him to do a professional show, his grin somehow widening.
“I know! And so many people are asking to be my agent and shit, and- oh fuck, baby, you gotta help me out with all this shit,” he rambles excitedly, hand gestures to try to emphasise whatever point he was trying to get across.
“Of course!” Eddie laughed to slightly lessen his energy as he stood up and kissed Richie. Richie gladly kissed back, lifting Eddie off the ground for a few seconds.
“I love you,” Richie said, forehead against Eddie’s. Richie’s phone rang loudly from his hand and they both looked at the screen and saw ‘Mrs. Molly Ringwald’
“Really?” Eddie asks sarcastically as he pulls the phone from Richie’s hands. He kisses him on the cheek and answers the call on speaker. “Hey, Bev.”
“Oh my god, did you hear about Richie! Is he asleep? I swear the little shit will be late to your own wedding-“
“I’m right here, Bev!” Richie says loudly into the phone.
“Oh. Sorry. But anyway, you heard the news! I’m so proud of you, Rich!”
“Thank you!”
“We heard the news from Bill! He has all these Hollywood connections from his books —honestly don’t know why he won’t just do that instead, no offence Eddie— and he said that you might be getting a… professional show, is it?”
“Yeah! Bill’s a writer?”
“He has some books and actually gets some good money out of it," Eddie muttered the next part,” he might get more if he wrote better endings.”
“Okay anyway, so proud of you, Rich!” Beverly congratulates again after laughing.
So as they sit in Richie’s small apartment sofa, with his hands on Eddie’s waist and Eddie’s fingers curled around in Richie’s tangled hair, he lets himself enjoy it. Richie’s arms roam under Eddie’s shirt; one hand pressed on his back and the other rubbing circles around his nipple. Eddie lets out little moans, that surge of energy through him that he didn’t even think was possible.  “Are you okay?” Richie asks.
Eddie was confused at first, still needing Richie to touch him. He noticed the pounding in his chest after a few seconds mumbling a breathy ‘I’m fine,’ and goes back to kissing Richie. Of course, a few seconds later he realises why. ‘Push them away, Kaspbrak.’
Richie lightly tugs at the bottom of Eddie shirt, Eddie quickly getting the message and raising his arms up. Richie instantly pushes Eddie’s back onto the sofa after taking his shirt off; his hands tracing every part of Eddie’s bare chest.
Eddie remembers the feeling, of being touched like this, not with Myra. Being touched in a house that wasn’t his and a bed that he wasn’t supposed to be on. But Eddie loved every second of it. Sure there was the guilt, the guilt of having a wife back home thinking he’s out late for work or out with a friend, but the feeling of it was just so good. Eddie thinks he should stop using the word ‘good’ so much but it seemed to be the only way he could describe this odd sensation in words.
Richie was pulling off his pants little by little, struggling to get them off and still keep his mouth around Eddie’s chest. The moment Richie got them off he instantly moved down to Eddie’s legs. Spreading and licking and biting at the inner side of Eddie’s thighs until they left deep marks on Eddie’s skin while his dick would twitch. “Richie take your clothes off,” he mumbled pulling at Richie’s hair in between moans.
“I’m not as pretty as you, baby, but okay,” he laughed, pulling his shirt off and kissing Eddie roughly. Eddie wanted tot protest about Richie’s statement but Eddie pulled Richie by his hair instead. Richie wanted to make a joke about it but was quickly distracted by Eddie grinding against his leg that was in between Eddie’s thighs. Richie bit down on Eddie’s neck, “don’t move, I got it,” he whispered in his ear.
Richie licked at the front of Eddie’s underwear; Eddie bucking his hips up. “I told you, don’t move,” Richie said again, pulling down Eddie’s underwear. Eddie felt cold, but Richie spreading his legs further, and his tongue teased at Eddie’s hole as he whines. Richie giggles slightly pushing his tongue in and gripping at Eddie’s thighs. His thumbs softly rub at the inner side of his thighs, feeling little bumps on the places he had sunk his teeth into only minutes earlier, he pushed his tongue in and out of Eddie’s hole. Richie pushed one finger in first, slowly adding more digits as his tongue kept moving. His tongue and fingers alternated like that for a while, at the same time he was getting hard from the noises Eddie makes.
“Richie!” Eddie shouted. Smirking, Richie aimed for his prostate over and over as Eddie’s moans grew louder and louder. Eddie’s hands had moved down to his dick, moving has a hand at a quick pace. One last strong push from Richie’s tongue or fingers (Eddie was too busy to tell) Eddie shrieked and let out more than he has in a while. Most of it had gotten on Richie’s hair some trailing down his face. “Fuck,” Eddie throws his head back against the sofa as Richie moves up to his chest again. Head resting on Eddie’s chest and kissing his nipple, his hands quickly move down to his own dick and moved. Eddie smiled, holding Richie’s face in his hands and kissing his lips. Richie pulled away and moaned as he came.  “Holy shit,” Richie mumbled forehead resting against Eddie’s as he laughed, “Wow. Been a long fucking time.”
“I know,” Eddie agreed. Despite the anxious feeling bubbling up inside him. Richie didn’t ask.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. If we returned to a world without internet, what aspect of online life would you miss the most? Wow, that would really, really suck, ha. For someone like me with no life and who spends a lot of time on the internet... yikes. Sounds sad, but it’s true. I would miss Tumblr and surveys and checking my social medias and looking up random stuff and shopping online. I mean, obviously I’d have to adapt and move on, and hey maybe something good would come from it, but yeah just imagining that sounds awful haha.  2. What food are you craving at the moment? I’m not hungry right now, but I am thinking about that pizza I had Monday haha. It was SO good. I could definitely go for another.  3. Are you craving anything aside from food, and if so, what? I wanna travel. Last week my dad flew out to visit family and I was so envious that he was getting to fly somewhere and get out of town/state for a few days. I’ve only flown a total of 2 times, which was over 10 years ago now. I’ve gone along to take and pick up people from the airport many times; though, and each time I always get the urge to fly somewhere. I get this butterfly type feeling each time I’ve gone to the airport and I just wanna gooooo.
4. Where was the last place you went and what did you do there? I went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly check up on something ongoing I’ve been dealing with. 5. What was the highlight and low point of your summer (or whatever season you happen to be taking this in)? The only good parts about this summer was the few times I went to the beach, my birthday weekend vacation, saw some good movies, and my aunt (whom I’m super close with) came and stayed with a for a few days last week and it was really fun. Otherwise, I despise summer, it’s hot and miserable. I dread it every year and I just look forward to it being over. 6. What was the last change you made to your lifestyle? Hmm. 7. What was the last thing you gave up doing? Uhhh. I feel like I’ve given up on a lot of things in the last few years. Myself most of all. 8. Do you deal well with criticism? Does it make a difference if it’s constructive? I mean, if someone wants to offer some helpful, useful advice that could be beneficial to me that’s cool. Just don’t be rude about it. If I’m doing something and there’s possibly a better way to do it, then suggest that in a way that doesn’t come off condescending or rude. I’m most critical on myself anyway. I will say; though, it does annoy me if someone keeps telling me something that I should do that I already know I should do. Don’t criticize me constantly for it. Don’t nag me.  9. What was the last thing to boost your self-esteem? What sort of things typically make you feel good about yourself? My self-esteem is shit, but I know it’d be nice to get my hair done finally. It’s been over a year and it looks so bad and I always like how my hair looks and feels after I get it done. Like, I’m still a mess but at least my hair would look nice. 10. When it comes to food, do you prefer crunchy or softer textures? I like some crunch, but not hard. Like the right amount of crunch and crispiness, ya know? Depending on what it is, of course. I like soft textures as well. I eat everything with sauce, dips, or olive oil because I can’t eat things dry. Like my sandwiches, for example, I put a lot of mayo and mustard, but I also dip it in olive oil. Or like I eat eggs with ranch, unless I have country gravy with them.  11. Do you prefer savory or sweet things for breakfast? I just eat scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese for breakfast, sometimes in the form of a breakfast burrito. Hash browns are a great bonus. I used to eat like cereal, pop tarts, toaster strudels, granola bars, oatmeal, and waffles, but now I can’t eat a lot of sweet stuff anymore. Plus, I just prefer to have eggs. There’s more substance and I get something good out of it like protein.  Honestly, I used to never even have breakfast at all, I just liked breakfast foods like I listed above. It’s only within the last year especially that I started to eat breakfast regularly. 12. When was the last time someone disappointed you? What about the last time you disappointed someone else? I’ve been very disappointed in myself for a long time. I feel like I’ve disappointed my family and former friends, too.  13. What is something you can’t seem to stop doing (or start)? I can’t seem to stop being a mess or start getting my shit together... 14. When was the last time you made a new friend? What about the last time you lost a friend? I haven’t made any friends in years. I lost all my friends over the past few years.  15. What was the last thing you were excited about? What about nervous? I was excited about having my aunt come and stay with us last week and for our beach trip last weekend. We had a really good time. As for nervous, this is a long story time so grab a snack and buckle up:
I was full on freaking out last Sunday, after having a great, relaxing time at the beach, because as we were turning the corner to our street, we got notifications on our phone from our security camera, which at almost 10 o’clock at night, was like wtf?? Before any of us had time to check it, we saw for ourselves the reason why it was going off: As we turned we saw firetrucks, smoke, and our neighbors all standing around outside, some of which were standing at our door, hence the security alerts going off. We saw our house and our neighbor’s house that we’re connected to engulfed in smoke. We had no idea what was going on, but our first and only thought and concern was our dog, who was in the house. I start literally crying and freaking out because like I said, we didn’t know what was going on, but what I described seeing as we turned the corner was terrifying and my only concern was my dog. My mom stops the car and she and my brother jump out and run up to our house. My brother comes back out running to the car with my dog, who was physically fine, THANK GOD, but very scared. She jumped in the back with me and I just held on to her the entire time while my mom, aunt, and brother went back to find out what the hell was going on. Turns out that our neighbor, whose house is connected to ours, was working on his car in the garage and his engine caught fire. Being that our houses are connected, the smoke came over to our side and filled up our garage. It was so bad that it was coming out the sides, which is why it looked like it was our house that had the fire. When my mom opened up the garage, she said the smoke was so thick that she couldn’t even see anything. It was crazy. The firefighters had to do a walkthrough of our house to make sure it was fine and checked for carbon monoxide and all that, and had to use their big blower thing to clear out the smoke in our garage. Our house was fine, we just had to open the windows up in our house and air it for awhile. The smell was strong; though, and the smoke was very irritating to my throat. OH, and the reason why our other neighbors were standing at our door was because they thought we were home asleep and they were trying to alert us of the fire. One girl even jumped our fence to bang on our backdoor. They were banging and yelling for awhile, apparently. My mom and I watched the video camera footage later and saw everything and omg it was so crazy. You can tell how scared and concerned they were. And the smoke was so bad at that point that they were coughing and covering their mouths, but they continued banging on our door and trying to yell out to alert us. D: It meant SO much that they cared and were genuinely concerned about us like that. We couldn’t stop thanking them. Ahh but anyway yeah, it was w i l d. And this was just a few days after there was another fire a few houses down from us. :O 16. What is something small that you take extremely personally? Hm. I don’t know. I’m a sensitive person, so. 17. What is your favorite thing about your favorite person? I don’t really have a favorite person. I love my family and I’m close to some more than others, but I don’t choose favorites like that. 18. What is something you wish other people knew about you? I don’t know. 19. What is something you wish others DIDN’T know? Uhhh. 20. When was the last time you comforted someone who was upset? When my aunt and I get together it always ends up turning into a therapy session between us. We stay up late and talk about everything and yeah, sometimes it gets pretty deep. Anyway, I was just lending an ear and letting her vent about some things.  21. What was going on the last time you couldn’t sleep? Every night I stay up and watch ASMR, Tumblr, and do surveys until I fall asleep. 22. What are your plans for the day ahead (or tomorrow if it’s late)? I don’t have any today, but tomorrow my mom and I are dropping off my brother and his friend at a concert. It’s out of town, so I wanted to tag along for the ride. 23. Do you tend to be more grumpy when you’re tired or when you’re hungry? Both. Like, I’m always tired, but when I first wake up you do not want to talk to me before I’ve had coffee and had time to wake up. I also get quite hangry. 24. When was the last time you yelled at someone? I don’t know. I yelled out to someone so they could hear me, but I don’t recall the last time I yelled at someone. 25. What types of things typically cause you to cry? Blah some days it’s like I’m on the verge of tears all day and any thing can set me off. Other times there’s a specific reason, other times it’s a combination or build up of things that lead to crying. There’s various reasons. I’m just a cry baby.  26. When was the last time someone else cried in your presence? It’s been awhile, actually.  27. What is one thing that would make your life a lot better? Better health.  28. What is something you are grateful to already have in your life? My family. 29. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? Leggings, graphic Ts, and Adidas. 30. What is one of your most positive characteristics? What about one of your most negative? Does it bother you when you see certain aspects of yourself in other people, or does it depend on the trait? I have a lot of negative traits. I’m struggling to think of something positive. I used to be someone who was there for others and willing to help anyway I could, but I haven’t been that way these past few years. I’ve become such a shitty person these past few years I feel like. :/
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ivedonestranger · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Titans (Animated Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jinx/Wally West, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r Characters: Dick Grayson, Garfield Logan, Victor Stone, Raven (DCU), Jinx (DCU), Karen Traviss, Wally West Additional Tags: Halloween, Teen Titans Horor, Temporary Character Death, Blood and Violence Summary:
Robin just wanted a vacation day before the Halloween crimes. It was not what he got when a broken communication of Beast Boy brought him back to the tower.
Robin raced as fast as his motorcycle would take him towards the rising T-shaped tower in the bay. His day off before the Halloween rush of criminality had been cut short by the frantic calls from Beast Boy. He had no clue what he meant do the broken signal barely got through the words' crazy', 'raven,' 'monsters,' and 'blood.' His heart pounded in his chest as he flew through the streets, finally making his way to the bridge that connected the tower to the mainland. He screeched to a halt to find it shut. That was not how he left it when he had embarked on his day off earlier.
Richard Grayson slammed his fist on the remote on his bike, but nothing happened. A quick change showed that the frequency was not being accepted anymore.
'Shit!' he thought to himself as he kicked the stand down and got off his bike to examine the hardened shell that protected the outside panel from the weather. He found the secret button and popped it open to see the computer inside. The entire system was blinking lockdown in bold, threatening, red letters.
The boy wonder tried his password, but the system immediately refused it. Someone had changed the codes of the entire system. Only one person in the tower had that know-how, and it did not make sense Cyborg locking him out.
A buzz of wings appeared behind him, and Robin spun to see Bumblebee alight in full combat guard pattern yellow and black. The helmet she was wearing recessed back into the neck bracer she wore. Kid Flash appeared beside her while a certain pink-haired girl in a black dressing and multicolored stockings trotted in beside them.
"We heard the alert," Karen said looking up at the tower.
"And what is she doing here?" Robin asked looking at Jinx.
"Tryin' to help," Jinx shot back. "When the high and mighty Teen Titan tower goes into lockdown, The HIVE is more worried than you."
"She's with me, Robin," Kid Flash said with a grin. "You can trust her."
"Pfft, you wish I was with you," Jinx said with a snort, but a quirk to her mouth was apparent.
"Any idea what's going on?" Robin asked.
"Nah," Bumblebee said, stepping up and examining the computer panel. "We just got Beast Boy's message that some sort of monster has gotten loose in the tower, and they were locking the facility down."
"You heard more than me," Robin said, frowning. "They came overall broken and static."
"The code?" Kid Flash asked, zipping to the door.
"Cyborg seems to have reset the whole system," Robin mused, rubbing his chin and trying to think. "We're not holding any artifacts or anything like that. What type of monsters could they be referring to?"
They all looked at him, and Robin raised an eyebrow. The mixture of bemusement and sheer surprise at his statement told him he had missed something.
"Ummmm….you got a half-demon in there and tomorrow is Halloween night. Don't her powers get a bit wonky around this time?"
"That's a myth," Robin said sharply. "And I doubt Raven lost control of her powers. She's been much better since her father's defeat."
"And yet here we are not able to get into home, sweet home," Jinx mused.
Robin turned back. His gut was churning at the suggestion they had made. Had Raven somehow lost it? If she did, what were they going to do?
"We need to get in and find out what's going on before we start making assumptions," Robin said with finality. "How?"
"I gotta an idea," Jinx said with a smirk. "Hey, flash. Come, give me a kiss."
Wally's grin grew brighter, and he zipped over to her. As he was about to stop, Jinx sidestepped, and he caught her tow and stumbled. Wally tried to overcompensate but wound up running into Bumblebee, who fell forward, was caught by Robin, who then fell back and hit the encased pipe protect the wiring to the security system. The stunner attached to Robin's best misfired injecting the system. With a scream of protest, the system reset, and the door slid open.
"JINX!" Bumblebee and Robin said at the same time.
"Hey! Bad luck isn't pretty, but it gets the job done." Jinx said with a shrug as she marched through the gate.
"Does that mean I can't kiss you?" Kid flash asked mournfully.
"Ya can kiss my ass," Jinx said with the middle finger over her shoulder.
"I can do that too."
"Wally," Robin said with a roll of his eyes as Jinx giggled and a flush to her gray cheeks.
"And here I thought we grew out of our childish shenanigans," Karen muttered as she activated her helmet and the rest of her suit.
"Never," Wally laughed as he took off to catch up with the Pinkette.
Robin did a mental check off all the equipment on his belt. He had only stopped two crimes on his day off and was still stocked for the most part. Smoke bombs, birderangs, and a few reloads of his wrist tasers and grapple gun. He was not going to leave anything to chance.
It took a few minutes to cross the bridge on foot, but they soon came to the large bay doors that were re-enforced concrete and steel. The entire computer system was shut down here, so Robin's only thought was the side door. It still had power but was on back up system.
The air had taken on a sense of lethality he could not explain, as if life had stayed out of the Titan's property and only death awaited inside. The door, fortunately, had not been repaired from the last time Cyborg had tried to upgrade it and wound up frying the entire system. A placed miniature explosive was enough to shatter the metal lock and swing the door open.
"Alright, We play it careful and don't take anything for granted," Bumblebee started. "We don't know what we're facing. Could be an enemy or could be a rogue titan."
"Why do you keep saying that?" Robin said, irritated. "My team isn't going to go berserk."
No one responded, but he did pick up on some sorrowful and pitying expressions. Why did it feel like he was out of the loop on this?
"Switch communicators to Frequency E-22. Encryption modulating is phase 2. That way, we can be sure of our transmissions being secure," Robin said as he adjusted it in his communicator. He remote linked it to the Bluetooth earbud he pulled out of one of his belt's compartments and placed it in his ear.
"Jinx and Wally, your team one." Bumblebee said. "Sweep towards the Titan's rooms and see if you can find anyone."
The two grinned at each other, and Bumblebee frowned. "And keep your clothes on, you two."
"We'll try," Wally said as he led Jinx towards the first set of steps.
"Main room?" Karen inquired, and Robin nodded. They had to get to the computer systems and figure out what was going on wrong. Moving to the second flight of stairs near the dead elevators, Robin and Bumblebee began to make the climb slowly, and dread began to fill him.
A smell had begun to permeate the building. A bouquet of rot and iron. He had smelled it before in Gotham. Blood. And a lot of it.
"What the hell is that smell?" Bumblebee asked with a crinkle of her nose.
"Blood," Robin growled. "A lot of it."
Pushing open the stair door to the floor that held their conference rooms and living room, Robin was assailed with the smell. He looked about in the emergency lightning and saw dark stains trailing about and all over the floor.
"Oh, god!" Bumblebee gasped as she covered her mouth to block the stench. "This is a massacre."
The voice peeled out, and Robin drew his bo staff ready to strike. Running towards him through the darkened hallway was the willowy form he could recognize anywhere.
"Starfire!" he called to her. He caught her and held back a gasp. Her hair was matted in dark red blood, her clothes were a shamble, and there was a look of terror in her eyes.
"Robin! You must flee! She is too powerful!" Starfire gasped out.
"Starfire, where is everyone? Where is Cyborg?"
"He was going to try to call the Justice League or Doom Patrol. I have not seen him since!"
Her breath was coming in short gasps, and her eyes were wide looking about.
"And beast boy, where is beast Boy?"
Robin watched as the wide eyes grew even bigger, and she randomly gestured about. "Here, and here. he's all over the walls." She sobbed. "You're stepping in him."
"Oh, god!" Bumblebee said, moving away, trying not to retch.
"Who did this? Who did this!" Robin yelled.
A low, lilting laugh emanated from deep down the darkened hallways, and Starfire squealed in fright. Lashing out of the darkness was a black tendril of energy that wrapped around the girl's middle and ripped her free of Robin's grasp.
"Starfire!" Robin screamed.
"Save yourself!" she cried back in a sob as the tendril. Her scream was silenced by a terrifying crunch and squishing sound.
"Oh, god, it's Raven," Bumblebee said pacing.
"Nnno…." Robin tried to say, but his mouth had gone dry. The sticky stuff was his friend Garfield, and the horrible sound had to be the beautiful Tamaranian coming to a gruesome end. Robin frowned and charged forward bostaff ready. Bumblebee made a grab to stop him, but she missed. She went around the corner and found the hallway empty except for a large red sticky puddle on the floor. He knelt down, trying to keep the rage inside. He gently touched the pool wishing somehow he could have saved her. He found a strange black seed stuck to his hand.
"What did you find?"
"A watermelon seed," Robin said with a grimace. "Beast Boy loved spitting these everywhere. We've been cleaning these up for weeks."
"We...we need to get to the control room," Robin said firmly. He had to agree with her now. Raven had lost it.
For the next five minutes, they crept slowly through the blood splattered walls and the blinking lights. The emergency power had slowly begun to fade.
They came to the cavernous rooms and found it empty. Nobody was there. Robin strode over quickly and activated the computers. The readout showed him that outside communication was down and also the ability to scan the building. He did find that the fried network still held footage from the last few hours in it's backup memory.
"Do you...do you want to watch?" Bumblebee asked in a horrified surprise as he queued up the code.
"We have to."
The first clip stamped four hours ago began. The room was bright, and they were all in the living room together. Cyborg was tinkering on something in his lap, Starfire was playing a video game with beast Boy, and Robin was leaning back on the couch with a grin.
"I'm gonna enjoy this day off, you guys," Robin was saying. "Gonna go do some stuff I've been meaning to do for a while."
"Pfft, I wouldn't go out in the evening," Beast Boy responded as he focused on the Tamaranian who had gotten a bit too good at the Lethal Punching II. "You heard the stories about ghosts and monsters that come out around Halloween."
"Just stories," Robin laughed.
Raven moved past the back of the couch silently with a book up in front of her. He had not realized she had been that close to him as he was focusing on his friends.
"Really?" Cyborg said with a wry expression. "Darkseid and his parademons? Zatanna and that other dude and their fight against the underworld. Trigon of all things."
"Not the same thing," Robin said. "Plus, we can handle what they throw at us."
"You ain't' scared?"
"I never get scared."
"Not even Raven?"
Robin laughed. "Like I said, not even Raven. Goth chicks dig me."
The three who could see him rolled their eyes.
It was at that point he noted Raven by the teapot who shuddered and doubled over quietly. He saw the black tendrils lick at the bottom of her cloak before they receded.
How did they miss that? Raven had some sort of spasm, but everybody kept going on with their lives as if nothing had changed or happened. He queued up the next video and braced himself. It was an hour and a half ago, 20 minutes before the call.
The scene was the same, except everybody had moved. Starfire was now watching Cyborg work while Beast Boy was playing Mega Monkeys XI. Raven had returned but was standing in a darkened hallway, bracing herself between the door jamb watching everybody.
"Oh, hey, Rae Rae," Beast Boy said, noticing her when he got up to get a soda.
"I…." Robin heard her voice come through thick and modulating. "I need meat."
"Umm…." Beast Boy said, faltering. "I think Cyborg has some leftover meatballs."
"I want it….fresh," Raven said, a tone of ravenous delight filling her voice.
"Uh….Cy….dude... Raven's acting weird."
Cyborg had stood while Starfire took up a flanking position putting Raven in the middle of the triangle they formed. Raven was now breathing hard, her body shuddering as if it could not get enough air.
The shriek that followed was painful and terrifying. Raven had thrown back her hood, and he could make out the glowing four red eyes and the small rows of serrated teeth as her demon side manifested. The tendrils of onyx colored power shot out striking Starfire and Cyborg, sending them flying while Beast Boy scrambled away. Raven leaped at him, taking him to the ground and began to chomp down on his arm.
Beast Boy began to scream. "DUDE! SHE'S TRYING TO EAT ME!"
Cyborg lunged and tore Raven away, blood covering her mouth and running down the corners of her lips. A crazed grin was on her face as she turned and tried to bite Cyborg. He hurled her away, and Starfire helped Beast Boy up.
The footage cut, and it began a darkened room. The timestamp was 20 minutes ago, and all he could make out was Raven, sans cloak covered with blood standing in the center of the room. She was breathing heavily, and she was staring right at the camera, her four red eyes watching it with glee. It was almost as if she was looking right back at him, knowing he would watch the footage. In a blink, her entire face filled the camera.
Bumblebee and Robin fell back at the freeze-frame of Raven's gore covered face in the camera lens.
"SHIT!" Bumblebee squealed as she fell flat on her back. "That girl's terrifying."
"That confirms it," Robin said with a growl. "Raven's lost it."
"What do we do?"
"We need to stop her. Capture her or put her down," Robin muttered, pulling out the devices and changing their settings for a much more powerful foe.
The communicators crackled to life, and the two jumped again.
"Robin, Bumblee! 22nd floor! Raven's gone full demon!"
"Retreat!" Robin roared. "You're no match for her."
"She's got Jinx, I can't leave her, get here as fast as you can."
"Wally!" Bumblebee called, but the device went silent.
"We need to move. Now!"
When the elevator opened, both Robin and Bumblebee had their weapons pointed forward. The hallway was empty and dark. Only their flashlights illuminating ahead. They crept slowly forward as Robin thought about what he was going to do. He had to stop her, but he did not want to kill her. Even though it appeared she had murdered their teammates, the boy wonder was not yet ready to rule her out as a lost cause.
"We gotta do something," Bumblee was saying quietly. "We can't hold back, Robin. She's gonna get us too."
"We can't just-"
Robin and Bumblebee looked ahead and saw that their flashlight illuminated a standing form. As they slowly grew closer, they saw the svelte form of Jinx though it appeared she had been through hell. She was facing away but was wearing her skirt with torn leggings and no top except for her gray bra. Her hair was tousled and matted.
"Jinx?" Robin called softly, but the girl didn't turn. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Jinx!"
The girl turned, her eyes white and rolled in her head, her mouth opens in sheer terror. Blood ran down from her mangled throat, and she collapsed gurgling in his arms.
"It's a trap!" Bumblebee cried panicked, looking around. A body came hurling out of the dark, catching the female superhero and throwing her to the ground. Wally's bloodstained corpse weighed her down.
Strolling out of the darkness and into the light was the blood-soaked form of Raven. Her red eyes were glowing, and he could see the serrated teeth in an evil grin.
"I wanted to do so much to her, but she wouldn't play," Raven cooed. "So, I ripped her throat out."
Robin fell back, crawling backward while holding Jinx in his arms. Bumblebee pushed Kid Flash's body off and was about to fire her gun when a black tendril shot out, grabbed her, and a sharp crack filled the hallway. Karen's lifeless body hit the floor beside Grayson.
"Just you and me now, Robin," Raven said with a smirk. "I'm in a...lecherous mood. Wanna entertain me? I might let you live."
"What happened to you, Raven?" Robin said.
"I decided to be what I am."
"How could you-"
"you're not going to take me up on my offer?" Raven said with a sigh. "Oh, well. I'll wait for the next male heroes that come to investigate the tower's silence."
The black tendrils shot out of the darkness and grabbed hold of him. They lifted him in the air, and Robin braced for the inevitable.
"Now, there is one thing I want you to remember, Robin," Raven cooed in his ear. "never EVER say that I can't scare you."
A grin broke across her face as she gently set him down on his feet.
He was blinded as the lights of the tower snapped back on, and he saw blood-covered Raven but a smile and usual amethyst eyes looking back at him. She was the small, demure girl he knew and not the demon he had seen in the videos.
"What...what is going on?" Robin asked, trying to breathe and figure out why he was still alive.
"Yous got played, DUDE!" screeched a voice from down the hallways in peels of laughter. Robin looked around confused and down at the corpses of Jinx and Bumblebee that were inexplicably pulling themselves to their feet. Each was laughing with silent mirth.
"I can't believe you," Jinx said as she leaned on Bumblebee with laughter. "You coped a feel while I was dead. You're a pervert."
"I was trying to save you!" Robin exploded.
"No groping my girl, Robin," Kid Flash said, walking over and slapping his friend on his back.
Joining him in the hallway laughing and hugging him was Starfire, still matted and covered in blood, but she kissed him on the forehead.
"You silly gnup narp, You should never challenge friend Raven,"
It was at that moment that it all kicked in.
"This was a prank?"
"Best prank in the world!" Cyborg said, exiting the elevator and holding on one of the master remotes for the tower. "When you once said that Raven couldn't scare you, she decided that you need to learn a bit of humility."
"This...this was your idea?" Robin asked incredulously as the relief flowed through him.
Raven was putting on her cloak that Starfire handed her. She simply met his eyes, and he knew the answer without her saying. Robin braced himself on the wall as his friends held him up.
"Starfire...I heard you die," he said, trying to pull himself together.
"That was me squishing a melon of water."
"I thought the game was up when you found the seeds," Bumblebee said. "Thank goodness for your overactive imagination."
"And Raven made sure that we act out everything in front of the camera, knowing you'd find it," Cyborg said. "She's a little mastermind herself."
Robin's friends were fine, and he had fallen for a prank. He was just relieved to have them. He wrapped an arm around Star and Beast Boy and pulled them close. He laughed to cover up his tears of happiness.
"I'll never take you guys for granted again," he said with a smile. "Raven got me fair and square. She's the scariest thing on Halloween."
"Thank you," she murmured, pulling out a book from her cloak.
"Now, if you all don't mind. You have a tower to clean while I go back to my reading."
Like it? Please leave a review here or on your favorite fanfic site. 
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13409164/1/The-Halloween-Spirit
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21020168
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mysteli · 6 years
tension ns*w (jake x mc)
A/N: soooooo... this fic is something I was really excited about it and i think it turned out ok but ya’ll are gonna have to be the judges here. jake x mc like everything I write and it’s my rare attempt at smut so... lets hope and pray I got this right. 
Warning: smut
Words: 3653
PERMA TAG LIST: @brightpinkpeppercorn@cocomaxley@hopefulmoonobject@alesana45 @jellybean-marshmellow@mymandrake@regrettingnathan@dobie2112@princessstellaris@mechaspirit @skyila@mind-reader1  @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sakaily@justboredtrash@regina-and-happiness@annekebbphotography. @endlessly-searching-for-you @reginasayeed@christopher-powell@zigortega4life@eileendannie@diamondoasis@speedyoperarascalparty@emomoustache@lostlightningbug@endlesstaylormckenzie @alekai-sayeed @akrenich@vickypoo91@nitta-jaeguet @femmeshep
ES TAG: @darley1101 @american-duchess
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! 💗and let me know if the tags work because Tumblr is acting up.
Summary: After the training, Jake and Logan express their emotions through a nice, soothing shower... with a little more steam than usual.
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As the training finishes up, Estela starts towards the Celestial, prepared to leave Jake and Logan on the beach alone, since she can’t be bothered listening to anymore of their flirty banter and they spent more time sharing looks than actually fighting. At least Logan learnt something and she’s turned out to be a rather decent fighter but Estela just wants to leave now.
“Alright, you two. I’m gonna go and stuff my face with food before the Vaanti kill us all.” Estela announces, before turning back and making her way up the beach. 
“Alright, Katniss.” Jake waves her off and Logan does the same before meeting eyes with each other, a moment of silence occurring and spreading a familiar tension in the air.
Everything that’s been happening has be insane since they arrived but nothing seems to have changed with Jake and Logan’s standing with each other. They’ve always had this undeniable connection than they’ve never really chosen to acknowledge but they’ve always known it’s there. They’re almost always flirting and interacting with one another. And they have this undying need to protect one another from anything and everything. It’s so painfully obvious as well that they’ve never been able to deny it. Everyone in the group seems to have noticed and it’s surprising that no one has interrogated Jake or Logan about it. 
Jake has tries his hardest to not care for Logan the way he does. The best thing he could have done is hate her. But he can’t fucking help himself when it comes to her. She’s crazy in all the best damn ways and so goddamn amazing in looks and personality. Seriously, she’s probably the sexiest woman Jake has ever encountered and the fact that she’s stood before him in a bikini right now is driving him up the wall.
As the unbearable silence continues, Jake tries to summon any sort of response in order to break the ice in the air. “...Not bad for your first dance, Princess.” He applauds her, ruffling her hair in a playful manor. 
Logan throws her hands on her hips and raises an eyebrow at Jake in a questioning manor. “Really? Not bad? I thought I did pretty good. Knocked you out.” She corrects, a smirk crossing her lips. 
“Ha. You barely got me on the ground, Princess.” Jake clarifies, chuckling under his breath and watching Logan roll her eyes in response.
“Oh please. I took out one of your precious abs.” Logan bites back, running a hand slowly through her platinum hair as her eyes drift over Jake’s abdomen. For a moment, Jake thought he caught her checking him out but turns out, she’s gesturing to the mark on his stomach from her tackle to him earlier. 
Jake’s eye catches the sight of Logan’s simple movement of running a hand through her locks and it affects him in ways it probably shouldn’t. His cerulean gaze is guided over her petite figure, which is hugged by her violet two-piece. Her body is soaked from the attack in the water although is hair is dryer than the rest of her. She looks so goddamn irresistible, especially as remaining drops of water drift down her pale skin and her beauty is enlightened by the powerful glow of the sun. 
To avoid his body reacting, Jake hangs his head and places both hands behind his neck, exhaling sharply. “Nah, Princess. I never break like that.” 
Logan saunters up to Jake with a rather skeptical expression fixed on her face, her ocean eyes darkening and her hips swaying rhythmically. “Oh really?” She whispers in a husky tone, pausing inches away from Jake’s face and causing him to swallow hard, struggling to handle how forward she’s being right now. Maybe it was all just waiting to happen. 
“Fuck...” Jake curses, as Logan bites down on her lower lip, moving so she can press her palms against Jake’s bare chest, running her hands up to his neck in an agonisingly slow manor.
“You look like you’re about to break right now.” Logan retorts, her smirk widening as she leans in closer to Jake, her heavy breath gazing his lower lip and Jake shudders at the sensation. 
“Lets just say it’s easier when it comes to you, darlin’.” Jake counters, twisting Logan in his arms as she tries to reach his lips, suddenly feeling the need to tease her in the same way she is doing right now. “But not easy enough.” He adds, confusing Logan at first.
In one swift motion, Jake pins Logan on the  sand that scatters the beach, taking her completely by surprise. He keeps her down by latching his hand onto her shoulders, his firm grip keeping her down no matter how much she struggles. He steals the smirk from Logan’s face and keeps it for himself, his lips curving up as he eyes Logan with complete satisfaction as his eyes when she finally surrenders. 
Furrowing her brows, Logan tries to stop herself from smiling. “Wow, Aragorn. I’m almost impressed.” She admits, the sun’s reflection glistening in her ocean eyes and Jake is captivated by it for a long moment, remaining absolutely silence. 
“Fuck...” Jake curses again, blinking back a few times to break himself out of the delirious trance. Alarmed, Logan brushes the stray strands that hide the meaning in his expression away from his face, only to be greeted by frustration playing at his eyes.
“Jake, what’s wrong?” Logan dares to ask, genuinely concerned for a moment. 
“Nothing, Princess. I’m fine...” Jake assures, quickly releasing Logan from his grasp and rising to his feet as swiftly as possible. He’s completely dazed from seeing Logan so amazingly in his sights for that long but at the same time... he’s a little too turned on right now. 
Logan gets to her feet a little after him, a look of worry fixated on her face as she attempts to figure out what’s wrong with Jake. So abruptly, he zoned out and now he’s doing what he always does, run away and pretend it never happened. With his back turned to her, Jake messes with his tousled hair to calm himself. He knows he needs to escape now before Logan realises what’s wrong with him and she will tease him about it. 
“Jake...” Logan furrows her brows, as she approaches Jake with caution, spreading her hands across his shoulders and starting to massage his muscles out of nowhere. Appreciating the feeling but also filled with confusion, Jake tilts his head and eyes Logan with bewilderment.
“What are you doing?” 
“Giving you a massage since you’re so stressed all of a sudden.” Logan explains, her soft hands working at his upper muscles and Jake tries his best to not melt into the sensation. 
“Is it really necessary?” 
“Well you haven’t stopped me so I can only assume you’re enjoying it.” Logan points out, a pointed look in her sapphire eyes and Jake seems to know exactly what she’s thinking. He barely catches sight of the smirk playing at her lips and he narrows his eyes at her suspiciously.
“Is this payback for the whole sunscreen thing?” Jake assumes, chuckling under his breath as he reminisces on Logan’s reaction of enjoyment when she asked him to apply sunscreen to her back and he followed through quite well. 
“Why would it be? I enjoyed that too.” Logan leans in to Jake’s ear as she speaks that last sentence, her voice a harsh whisper and Jake shivers at the effectiveness of her words. 
“Well, I ain’t about to apologise for making you feel good, darlin’.” Jake counters in a husky tone.
“I never asked you to.” Logan whispers back and a lightbulb suddenly goes off in her mind. An idea she can’t resist to act out. A chance to take charge that she’s sure as hell about to accept.
Just when Jake thinks things are going smoothly, Logan starts leaving featherlight kisses on the skin that she’s massaging, leaving a trail from his left shoulder all the way to the other side. Jake arches his head back a little, barely able to control himself and stop himself from letting out a low hiss. But Logan doesn’t stop. She keeps pecking at his skin, her hands being dragged up and down the skin of his back. Suddenly, she nips at the back of Jake’s neck, causing him to flinch at her action.
“Shit, Princess. I thought we were strangers.” 
“You know it’s way more than that, Aragorn.” Logan counters, tilting Jake’s head so their eyes meet and that’s when she starts circling around him, her hand grazing the skin of his arm and stomach before finally she meets him face to face, their bodies barely touching. “I know you remember.” She whispers into the air, causing Jake to shudder and a memory is suddenly painted in his mind of him and Logan sinking in the ocean, entwined in each other’s arms, lips locked and hearts beating as one. That’s the moment Jake knew he’d forgive but never forget. Since he promised himself he wouldn’t let that happen but it did and he doesn’t have the strength to deny anything anymore.
“Damnit, Princess... you really wanna talk about this now?” Jake enquires, raising an eyebrow at Logan as she leans even closer to his body, her breasts that are barely shielded by the fabric of the bikini pressed up against his chest and her eyes flooded with desire and a hunger he’s never seen. 
“I don’t really wanna talk as much as I wanna...” Logan pauses when she hears Jake’s breath hitch at her words and she looks at him under her eyelashes. Jake’s eyes darken at her suggestion, matching her level of desire and hunger as he snakes his arms around her waist and furrows his brows at her questioningly.
“What exactly do you wanna get out of this, Princess?” Jake dares to question, watching as Logan takes her bottom lip between her teeth once more.
“Just you will do.” Logan whispers, her level of breathing increasing as each tension-filled second passes. “I was about to go shower after the training...” Jake watches the corner of her mouth perk up and he soon realises what she’s getting at. “...care to join me?” 
“...What better way to spend my last night before we get killed by the descendants of Avatar.” 
It takes Logan and Jake a lot of careful dodging and sneaky movements to even make it to Logan’s suite, as the group are scattered around the hotel and they’re both not in the mood to be interrogated about their intentions or destination for where they’re going. 
Finally though, they make it to her suite and Jake immediately grasps Logan by her hips and slams her against the front door just as she manages to close it. The deafening sound echoes throughout the floorboards and Logan lets out a breathless moan as a reaction to the impact of the cold wood against her almost bare back. Dare to mention they’re still in their soaked swimsuits?
Jake smirks at the sound she made, taking it as music to his ears. It fires him up just to know that what he does to her is enough to pleasure her in some way, even just pressing her up against a door. With that, he presses his mouth to hers and this is the first real time he’s getting to enjoy the raw taste of her, without his life being on the line. He can savour every goddamn moment of this as slowly as he wants to. 
A passion builds up between them rather quickly and Logan gives in to the feeling of Jake’s lips and his touch, as he caresses her body with care. 
“We haven’t even made it to the fucking bathroom, Jake.” Logan points out, smiling against Jake’s lips as he continues to kiss her.
Jake responds by sweeping her off her feet and placing his legs under her thighs to keep her steady in his arms. Logan wraps her legs around his waist and that leaves Jake to turn them around and navigate his way towards the bathroom, his lips remaining on hers. At first, he’s blind to what he’s doing. So blind that it’s unsurprising he stumbles into a table halfway through their journey to the bathroom. 
“Agh, shit.”
“Come on, Jake.” Logan complains, expressing impatience and Jake produces a different method by attaching his lips to her collarbone instead so he can see where he’s going, while still showering her with affection. 
“This is harder than it looks, Princess.” He responds, finally making it through the bathroom door and setting Logan down on her feet. 
Immediately, Logan smirks as Jake turns his back to shut the bathroom door as firmly as possible. While he does that, Logan turns on the shower and makes sure the water is set at a more heated temperature. When he turns around, Logan steps back from him and starts working at the strings of her bikini. Jake watches with eagerness, folding his arms and his eyes darken even more when her bikini top is discarded onto the tiled floor. 
His gaze wanders over her chest and he swallows hard at the sight. “Damn... they’re bigger than I thought they’d be.” Jake blurts out, accidentally saying his thoughts aloud and he places a hand behind his head in an embarrassed manor after.
Offended and amused at the same time, Logan simply scoffs. “You saying you’ve thought about this before. Also, shut up.” 
“Well I can’t answer that question now that you’ve told me to shut up.” Jake counters, a smug smile on his face.
“Yet you’re still talking.” Logan points out and Jake immediately silences himself when he realises Logan’s bikini bottom has already be taken off as well. His eyes drift over her bare body and he gulps at the sight. “That’s better.”
As Jake removes his swim trunks, Logan saunters up to him once more and takes a moment to glance down at his fully erect member.
“Damn... it’s bigger than I thought it would be.” Logan jokes, firing Jake’s own words back at him and there’s a clearly a hint of seriousness in her tone. “Wow and a hell of a more excited to.”
“Get in the goddamn shower, Princess.” Jake tells her out of annoyance and impatience. He fucking needs her now. He can’t help himself. 
Rolling her ocean eyes but still obeying, Logan steps into the shower first with Jake following soon after. His mind boggles with so many thoughts that shouldn’t be there but seeing Logan and being in a situation like this with her, he can’t fucking help himself. Jake gently guides Logan under the water, so all the droplets soak her and drip over her fair skin, highlighting every curve and every inch. Jake watches with intrigue, snaking his arms around her waist and bringing their lips together eagerly.
A hungry passion immediately builds up, creating a steady rhythm between them. Jake has thought about these types of scenarios with Logan a lot but he never thought it would actually happen. Hell, he’s kinda surprised in himself for going for a college girl but Logan is so much fucking more than that. She’s beautiful and special and so different from anyone he’s ever met before. She’s everything he’s not and she tests him in ways he can’t deny. 
They both choose to let the kiss intensify, with Jake slipping his tongue into her mouth and Logan accepting it and responding with her own. Soon, Jake lets his lips drift down Logan’s jaw and all the way over her neck. He gently sucks on the base on her neck, leaving an obvious hickey beside her collarbone. Logan moans at the sensation, her body shuddering at Jake’s movements. She responds by grasping by the back of his neck and dragging him in for another deep kiss, her fingers caressing the skin before tangling in his soaked hair as she pulls him into the water with her. 
Jake lets out a low groan as Logan tugs on the wet strands of his hair, causing him to react by pulling her body impossibly to close to his, not wanting any space left between them. That’s when Jake lets his lips drift down her neck once again before he starts paying attention to her chest, showering her breasts with loose kisses. He wraps his mouth around one of her nipples and sucks on it until it goes hard. Logan keeps a tight grip on Jake’s hair as moans continue to leave her mouth. 
“You like that, Princess?” 
“So fucking much.”
Jake soon moves his trail down her stomach, his hands outlining her hips as he falls to his knees and turns his attention to her lower half. His cerulean gaze takes a moment to admire how wet he’s managed to make her with all the special treatment he’s been providing her with. 
“Damn, darlin’... you’re so wet.” Jake points out in a breathless tone, his fingers grazing over her wet folds and Logan shudders at the sensation that runs throughout her body.
“Don’t let it help your ego too much, Aragorn.” Logan counters, her tone shaky however from  all the attention she’s been getting and she feels her knees to weaken and that’s only bound to get worse. 
With that, Jake spreads Logan’s legs out as much as he can and starts dragging his hands over her folds and playing around with what sounds he can get out of her with everything he does with his fingers.
“Ooohh... Jake...” Logan reacts, her eyes rolling back and her mouth falling open slightly and Jake watches her expression carefully as he teases her clit with his fingers. “Agh....”
As Logan opens her eyes and glances down at Jake, he tugs his fingers into her clit and that causes her to almost scream with pleasure.
“Holy shit...” She moans as Jake uses his fingers to pump in and out of her as frequently as possible. “Ugh... Jake Mckenzie...”
Her mind boggles from all the feeling and emotions she’s experiencing and she can’t hold back any noises that threaten to leave her. She just needs to get them out and show Jake just how much she wants him. More than fucking anything. 
“I... I... Jake... I’m gonna...” Logan starts stuttering as she feels her sweet release about to escape and realising that, Jake pulls his fingers out and smirks at her when their eyes meet. “Wow Jake...”
“Patience, Princess.” Jake points out, rising to his feet and gripping onto Logan’s bare hips and bringing their lips together again, roughly tugging on her bottom lip and that’s when Logan takes this as an opportunity to take charge.
She slides her hand down Jake’s stomach and he lets out a harsh hiss into her mouth when her fingers find him. Logan blindly starts stroking him, keeping a firm grip on his bottom lip as she does. Jake maintains eye contact with her and spots the seduction dancing around her ocean eyes. She releases his lower lip and brushes her hand over the tip of his cock, making Jake let out a low groan that he can’t hold back.
“Fucking hell, darlin’...” 
Jake quickly gains back control, catching Logan’s hand and throwing it over his shoulder, before doing the same with the other one. He steadies his hands on her hips and smirks as her eyes widen with confusion.
“Jake, what the fuck are you— Oh shit...” Logan reacts as Jake lifts her up and grabs hold of her thighs, maintaining eye contact with her as he slams her into the tiled wall of the shower. Both of them are soaked and begging for each other. Nows the time to provide as much satisfaction as possible. 
Jake teases Logan’s clit with his cock for a moment, stifling yet another pleasured moan out of her but she pushes her hips forward as her need starts to take over. With that, Jake lunges into her and that’s when she melts into the sensation. She cries out Jake’s name so satisfyingly to his ears and she starts biting down on his shoulder in order to contain her ears. Who knows when someone could walk by and get a little too curious and somehow end up scarred?
“Agh... Jake...” 
“Fuck... Logan...”
Jake pumps into her even harder each time he does it, stifling an even bigger cry out of her every time. Jake crashes their lips together so he can somehow swallow some of her cries, biting down on her lower lip to stop himself from making noises too.
They fit so well together, rocking against each other at a satisfying rhythm. It’s breathless. Amazing. Unreal. Unimaginable. Logan never expected to feel this way about anyone and she especially never expected to meet anyone who could make her feel this good.
As the rhythm builds up and continues, Jake and Logan both find themselves heading for release. They’re both on the edge and ready to let go. 
“Jake... I’m gonna... ah!”
Soon enough... they both surrender to each other.
Jake and Logan wrap up in towels, the shower finally being over and they’re completely satisfied and slick with sweat, even though they’d just experienced a shower.
“Hold on... I... just realised something.” Logan points out when a revelation washes over her and Jake eyes her with expectancy. 
“What, Princess?”
“You’re not gonna like this but... my bathroom is right next to Diego’s suite. 
Jake facepalms hard at that. “Agh, shit.”
That’s when a voice echoes and erupts through the thin walls. “WOOHOO! I knew it! I knew you guys were together! I knew it! It’s disgusting but I knew it! I win! Sean owes me twenty bucks!” Diego exclaims, way too excited about something like this. 
“Well... we’re fucked.” 
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patchdotexe · 5 years
So, I have a character who is a system, and I wanted to know before I develop them further, how does DID work, from a personal account? I really really really don't want to accidentally create yet another TOXIC misinterpretation of a real condition (because I know how horrible that can feel), and I hope I'm not saying anything wrong even now. (P.S. I love your blog, but I'm too shy to come off anon.)
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hey anon!! it means a LOT to me that you sent this message :D theres a lot of really messy-bad potrayals of DID in the media so seeing people actually going to the effort of asking systems abt their experiences is really heartwarming for us. (plus the fact that ppl keep asking us in specific abt system stuff omg,,)
im gonna preface this by saying that, in the end, i can only really talk about my own experiences with full confidence. systems can work pretty differently from each other, but this is how we function and also some details ive noticed from system friends + general discussion over the years
so, to start off: Dissociative Identity Disorder is, at its core, your brain trying to respond to trauma in a pretty severe way. that being said there ARE systems that didnt experience severe trauma and still developed, and im not really sure about the mechanics behind that but i find it really cool and it totally exists. im gonna focus on trauma-based systems bc that’s our ~tragic backstory~ and also tends to be what most people opt for when creating system characters anyway, but the only real difference from what i can tell is, uh, a lack of trauma.
(system friends are welcome to reblog with corrections or added info!!)
anyway. the way your brain responds to things is really weird. if something happens where you’re just, like, completely unable to handle it, like you dissociate yourself so hard because there’s no way you can manage this, your brain has a chance of going “uh… well, fuck, uh” and generating somebody who can manage it. or it might decide to be a dick and take all of the fucky internalized garbage and turn it into a person whose sole existence is to be an asshole. (they have the potential to get better, i think… ours didnt.) honestly theres a bunch of reasons and a bunch of “roles” that could lead to an alter/headmate* forming.
* we use the terms interchangeably depending on mood and whos fronting. i think its supposed to be “alter” is DID, “headmate” is implication that theyre non-traumatic? we like using “headmate” because it brings this fun mental image of us being a bunch of roommates constantly starting shit with each other and goofing off which is pretty accurate about 75% of the time
i keep getting distracted bc my cat is here. this is gonna be fun to go back and edit.
whatever the original situation is, you’re suddenly not alone in your own brain. and it’s REALLY WEIRD. communication was VERY hard. Icarus, our system original, used to do a very “cliche” thing of sharing a journal with their early headmates, where theyd write a sentence and then theyd write a reply (although back then they didnt realize that was a system-related thing and just thought they were having a fun conversation with their ocs. which… they were, just. Actually Talking.) they didnt have any inward perception of themself or their headmates either, so that kinda built up over time (with some help) along with the appearance of our headspace so that there was… actually a location for people to interact in. once they had a better awareness of things, mental communication got a bit easier– its sort of like background chatter really, when everybody’s awake. sometimes i get weird out of context things from Mae yelling at somebody, or sometimes ill be talking to a friend and someone’ll butt in.
when talking out loud, this usually leads to us suddenly stopping and then laughing or going “no!!!”. when on discord and around people who know who we are… well.
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speaking of Mae, she’s pretty much my sister. not like… biologically? because i don’t think thats possible for me, but shes kinda literally my “other half” which ill get into later. headmates can have strong attachments to other alters! friends, best friends, family, dating, whatever. they can also do that with people outside the system, and itll be different for each headmate. there’s like 4 people dating Jorb but i just see him as one of my best friends. we’re people and we have complex social interactions that can get to be kind of a nightmare when you’re around a bunch of people who don’t know that you’re Not Leo and that youre suddenly not super up to existing around people in general.
plus even if like… so Jorb’s dating 4 of us like i said, but his relationship w/ each of them is different? Ica is very clingy and likes rambling to him, Summer’s pretty much just always happy to hang out, Mae makes fun of him a lot but in a loving way, and Leo is… kinda “all of the above” because that’s his gimmick. plus even tho a few other alters have a sibling-ish relationship with Mae like i do, usually its just me and Mae that do the “chaos siblings” bit.
the basic system.. thing… is that there’s “front”, which is being in control of the body– so, like, i’m currently fronting/in front, because im the one currently active and using our computer and staring at our cat.– and then theres the headspace, where everybody hangs out when theyre not in front. the headspace itself can differ in style & functionality for each system, and i think theres some systems that dont really have a location at all? but for us its like a full on location where we have individual rooms, places to visit if we get bored while away from front, etc.
theres also like, being at/near/away from front? so currently im in front, but Leo is pretty much always lurking nearby if he’s awake (we have individual sleep schedules that dont always sync up to the “irl” one, Trust is almost always sleeping), Ica’s somewhat in the back talking to Rookie so i cant really make out what theyre saying (its probably about either a youtube thing they both like or about a comic they want to do), and everyone else is either asleep (in which case they could be nearby but i cant currently “ping” them, so id have to actually take a sec to ground myself in headspace more) or in a different room. communication is easier if im in front and somebody is nearby, or it can be like with Ica rn where im like “well, theyre talking, but i have no idea what theyre saying and am making a guess based off their usual interactions”, or i could pass off front to go talk to Ica and come back (in which case my memory would be kind of vague and weird because information doesnt always properly translate), oooor i could actually go bug them while still in front. which.. im not gonna do rn bc then id get super distracted.
switching front differs between systems a lot! and even varies from day to day. like there are days where we wake up and we have absolutely no idea who we are bc we went to bed as one person and woke up as another. or we could be talking to somebody and then realize “wait, i stopped being Leo a bit ago, who am i”. or we could pass off front to somebody, like if Summer really wanted to front sie’d run up to me and let me know and we’d swap. or if something critical happens (usually a breakdown), Leo or one of the other headmates that’re more built to handle stressful situations will literally drag somebody out of front to make sure they dont hurt themself. or sometimes we throw front at people unexpectedly, like either mid-breakdown where we go “okay i dont wanna be here anymore, tag youre it” or sometimes because we think its funny because its the metaphysical equivalent of getting clonked in the head with a dodgeball, except the dodgeball is “being in control of our shared physical form”. usually mae’s the one that does that lmao
there’s a couple major categories of how alters come about. there’s “walk-ins”, where they kinda just… appear externally? like they just show up. sometimes we get a feeling of “huh. i think somebody might be here? or somebody might be showing up soon.” and have to rummage around for a while until they approach us or we find them. our walk-ins aren’t like, inherently aware of system stuff at first, so they usually get a crash course before they first front (if they choose to front at all) and it can be kinda entertaining. Rookie’s a walk-in! also Hiro, from a couple years ago. most of our walk-ins are fictives (fictional characters, usually appearing in response to us getting extremely attached to something or somebody) but a couple of our trauma splits are also fictives so that’s not like, a Rule or anything. i think these are mostly associated with non-traumatic systems but we get em fairly often so man idk
theres also… uh, i dunno what theyre actually called? we used to call them “constructs” but that sounds kind of mean. these alters exist to fill a specific role! and we usually dont talk about them on here with the exception of one major one, they just kinda hang out. Dhe exists to keep the system stable and manages the “backend” so to speak. Imp is kind of a mix of our intrusive & impulsive thoughts that came about from us trying to separate ourself from them so that we had an imaginary entity to go “nope!” at, which… stopped being imaginary, and is now a gremlin that lives in my brain. they can show up in response to trauma but arent split off of somebody, they kinda just pop into existence to help manage things.
the more… well-known, i guess? alter origin is “trauma splits”. rather than “just showing up one day with no real connection to the system origins”, trauma splits are formed when somebody in-system, uh, splits. it could be in response to a single situation or something built up over a long time, but somebody just kinda breaks and somebody new that has a bit of the original alter’s identity (if kinda influenced by the situation) shows up.
this can vary. All is a trauma split off of Leo himself, who got saddled with all of our brain hell about our ex and their insystem appearance is influenced more by eir than by leo which is… something they struggle with. Mae has a trauma split from a similar situation that is “Mae but from 2 years ago”, so basically her old identity before she reworked herself after getting put through total hell. and then uh… then there’s me and Mae! Icarus quite literally exploded into several people, with Pat (me) and Mae being the most distinct ones. we’re STILL finding out alters used to originally be a part of them that later evolved into their own people, like Summer and Toby. my identity is shaped pretty heavily not just by who Ica was at time of splitting, but also what they wanted to be jumbled together with trying to rationalize what was happening to them (they’re a pretty big fan of megaman star force, which has a media-typical system in it, so they leaned into hard “its like pat and rey from mmsf! i like pat, i wouldnt mind being like pat, its scary but im like one of my current favourite characters” and so i ended up being like, half-weird shapeshifter, half-green-haired prettyboy. and yeah thats where my name comes from!)
(Ica got put back together w/o anybody needing to integrate, which we were all very scared about, and it’s still kind of surreal to me because… me and Mae used to be able to stick ourself back together and thats how we found out about what happened to Ica in the first place? and we havent tried that since bc we have no idea what would happen. Ica 2: Ica Harder?)
despite their origins, trauma splits can be way more than… being a split. :V;; Toby’s not just a tiny splinter of Ica, he’s a quiet guy that gets stressed out and isn’t totally sure how to interact with people. i’ve existed for like 7 years at minimum and im a totally different person than i was when i thought i was still Ica, ‘cause ive had time to grow and change (and a problem Ica keeps running into now that theyre back is… they kinda Didn’t change because they were MIA for 6 years.) like everything else though this is variable– there can be “temporary” splits that dont develop properly and might get integrated back in, which has only happened to us when we were at the lowest point in our life where we were stuck constantly splitting to try and cope with whatever the hell was going on.
so Ica was gone for 6 years, which meant our system was without an original or main– there wasn’t anybody to be head of the system, basically. for a while i was operating under the assumption that i was Ica, so i filled in that role for a few years before i made the realization. eventually i kinda… stopped being able to, though, bc of stability issues, and then we were back to not really having a proper main anymore. to make up for it, we started going by Leo collectively and kinda… trying to pretend to be a single person? and so that ended up creating a construct to fill the role of “system main and the person we pretend to be when passing as singlet/not a system”: Leo himself! he’s kinda the most prominent traits we all have in common rolled into a single guy, which means that not only is he a pretty good system representative but we can also pretend to be him pretty easily (unless it’s someone like Toby who acts totally different). i dont know how common this situation is, i think normally it’s just “if system original is gone, another alter steps up” like originally happened to us before i had a severe case of problems disorder.
uhhh this is very rambley bc there’s a Lot to cover and now im trying to figure out how much of it i HAVE covered. systems are complicated and weird! OH WAIT okay i have one last bit.
so like, for us, first realizing we were a system was total hell. we fought a lot. as more alters showed up through various means, there were times where Ica felt like they were completely out of control of their own life bc of having to manage everything. there were a lot of panic attacks of people fronting and not being sure they were even REAL, despite… being in front. but we still felt like we were deluding ourself. this was in, like, late 2011, so systems weren’t a THING. they were a very fringe community that everyone hated. we got constantly harassed, which only fed into Ica’s panic hell and our identity issues. interpersonal relationships became a nightmare, especially because we have BPD as well which varies in severity for each of us but… for me it’s pretty bad! there were times early on where every day was another fun new breakdown from us arguing with each other or our friends or not being understood or… etc.
so… how are we holding up ~7 and a half years later? pretty well, actually! we talk to each other. we do things for each other, like buy food or games we know specific headmates like. Ica is back and way happier than they were in 2011, and is thrilled to get to hang out with everybody that’s showed up since. we help each other through problems, because at the end of the day our system ended up being a support network. Ica couldnt function on their own, so we’re like… 10+ people working together to try and be a single functional person. and we feel pretty okay with that! we still fight, and we still start shit, but we’re not in constant crisis anymore. we’re still working through all of our trauma, especially the more “recent” stuff that kinda broke our system for a while until we were able to start rebuilding, but we’re doing it together. :D
so… yeah, it can start out as a stereotypical “nightmare system”, with constant infighting and toxicity and self-sabotage and etc. but we worked through it! it took a while, but we’re overall more stable than we were before. we got out of the bad environment that was fucking us up, we got mental help for our other brain hell (we havent been able to bring up the system to our therapists bc its literally a non-issue now and we focus more on other things like our depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc), we found people that support us for being us, and we were able to like… figure things out. and it was a mess! i still have issues about my own identity because of literally thinking i was someone else for two years. Ica’s still trying to figure out how to adjust to things, especially bc they missed our entire “cringe culture” phase so they came back to find that i’d dismantled a lot of their middle-school settings. and, uh, some of their friendships as well.
systems are fuckin weird
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smartcookie727 · 6 years
Starfarers: Chapter 2
Happy gajevy day yall! I am so excited for all the love for my dear gajevy. This is where I finished off the original prompt for my Eden’s Zero crossover fic but we have now turned into a multichap. Levy dives into the deep end this time, and we finally meet Gajeel and a few of the crew members of the Iron Dragon. I hope yall enjoy. Leave me a comment, reblog, tag, anything so I know what yall like. Be sure to check out my writing blog @luminescent-words for all fics, WIPs, and everything literary!
Pairing: Gajevy
Length: 2.2k
Levy McGarden has a thriving business and a comfortable life on Blue Garden. But that life was turned upside down the night she crashed into the Captain of the Iron Dragon. Space pirate: Gajeel Redfox. She saved his life that night, and they’ve only grown closer since. Now, he’s got a proposition: come with him and he’ll take her to find what she’s been searching for her entire life.
Chapter 2: Captain
Levy whirled around.
“Of course I got the note.” Her words tried to come out harsh, but the warmth spreading through her heart dulled their bite.
He was everything she remembered and more. Clad in a simple black shirt and leather jacket, he exuded confidence. Wild raven hair cascaded down his back, tempered by a thick gray bandana that matched the studded embellishments on his clothes and face. His red eyes pierced straight through to her heart. Tall and muscular and tanned from hours outside, he looked like he’d stepped straight out of one of her romance novels—only better.
The curve of his lips sent a shiver down her spine as he inspected her over too. Six weeks was such a long time, and there were so many details that had faded from the picture of him in her mind. The tiny scars on his hands, the sparkle of metal against his skin when his piercings caught the light. Holoscreens and wanted posters could not hope to do him justice.
Then there was his arm. Entirely mechanical, it stretched from the top of his left shoulder all the way down to his fingers. Dots of color and symbols speckled the entirety of the prosthetic, hiding the many gadgets—and weapons—his disposal. Dangerous, alluring, exciting. Real and right in front of her.  
Gajeel flashed a wicked smile. “I knew you’d come. You were never afraid, not even that first night.” He took a long drag of her coffee. The cocky grin plastered across his face vanished in a twist of lips. “That’s no good. Needs whiskey.”
Lifting onto her tiptoes, Levy swiped the cup back. “I’d thank you to not take my things.”
“Ah,” he sighed, “but that’s what pirates do, little Levy.”
She glared up at him. He knew how to push her buttons far too well.
Gajeel laughed and tucked a loose wisp of hair behind her ear. “So, you ready to fly away with Captain Black Steel Gajeel?”
The challenge sparkled in his eyes. Nodding, Levy tossed back the rest of her coffee and raised her leg in a playful kick.
“Will these shoes work?”
He caught her ankle at the top of its arc, tugging just enough to examine the sneaker and her flexibility. Levy hopped to stay upright but managed not to break eye contact.
In one swift movement, he released her foot and slid his arm around her waist. Electric whirring filled the air. Then, they were gone.
Levy’s heart raced as her feet touched the floor. Travel by rift always made her nervous, but right now, that wasn’t why her pulse was pounding in her ears. Pressed into his side in a protective hug, Levy could feel the strong, smooth muscle hidden just beneath the fabric of his shirt.
“Wow,” she breathed.
Gajeel glanced down and cracked a devilish smile. Her hands still clutched him for dear life, and she could feel the burn of blush across her cheeks. Levy released him with a huff.  
“I, uh, didn’t know you had a micro-rift. They’re really rare, ya know? And I didn’t even see you had it with you; I feel like I would have noticed—”
Gajeel lifted his mechanical arm.
“Built right in.” Tentatively, she took his outstretched hand. “Pirates like shiny toys, and this one has gotten me out of plenty of pinches since I got it installed.”
Levy’s fingers drifted over the cool metal, tracing the complex command sigils that covered his prosthetic in awe.
“Then why did we have to run?” she asked softly, almost to herself.
Gajeel chuckled, lifting her chin to look her in the eyes. “Smart as a whip, miss McGarden.”
There was something hidden in the depths of his ruby gaze she couldn’t quite place. Something that felt awfully like the burning desire of more. Breath stalled in her chest for a single heart-stopping second as she waited. But nothing came, and the moment dissipated around them like stardust.
Exhaling hard, Gajeel leaned against a nearby panel, tipping his head back and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I gotta modulate the frequency on it every once in a while or the alliance force will lock onto the signal. If that happens it would be too easy for them to find me and my crew.” His eyes grew dark and solemn, lost in a far away memory. “This ship’s my home.”
His ship.
“And I can’t have anyone finding us.” Standing to his full height, he shrugged off the feeling of gloom that had gathered around him. “I was going to Lily’s for a tune up. He’s a wizard when it comes to anything I need to keep the ol’ arm working. But no, he wanted to be a baker.”
They were on his ship.
“And until I can figure a way to build him a confectionery with a delivery vessel off the side of the old girl here, he refuses to close up the shop he’s got on solid ground.” Smiling, he rubbed the back of his neck. “But I’m working on it. Never had a better first mate, though.”
She was on a pirate ship.
“Ahem,” came an icy voice laced with annoyance.
Levy jumped in her shoes. She hadn’t noticed anyone come in.
“Not that you’re not a great first mate, Juvia,” Gajeel groaned, turning to face the newcomer, “but Lily was the better sparring partner.”
The woman strode toward them briskly from across the bridge of the ship, long blue curls bouncing with every step. She acknowledged Levy with a smile that reached all the way to her aqua eyes, before directing a glare at Gajeel.
“Juvia does not take you up on requests to fight anymore because she could incapacitate you in the first few moves.”
“Only cause you’d short circuit my arm.”
Juvia raised a hand to the ceiling. Faint blue sigils flared against her skin and storm clouds gathered above her head.
“Don’t test my patience, Captain. You’re being rude. We have a guest. You haven’t even told her where she is or made a proper introduction.”
“And how the hell would you know what I have or haven’t—”
Gajeel’s eyes ticked back to Levy, who had tucked herself against a nearby corner. “Shit, Lev, this is my ship, and this Juvia. You remember me telling you about her?”
Levy’s heart skipped a beat as all attention focused on her. “Um, hello,” she said with a nervous wave. “Gajeel’s told me about everyone. It’s nice to put a face to the name.”
Before she could step forward to shake the Juvia’s hand, Levy found herself lifted into a hug. Apparently none of his crew had any qualms about separating her from the floor.
“Welcome to the Iron Dragon, Levy. You’re officially sailing with pirates. I’m so glad you’re finally here. Gajeel hasn’t been able to stop talking about his friend for weeks now.” She giggled as she set Levy down. “Any longer and I was coming to find you myself. I’m Juvia. Please come to me if you need anything.” Stepping back, she lightly punched Gajeel’s arm. “Lugnuts might get to call himself Captain, but I take care of most things around here.”
“Hey!” Gajeel barked, “I do Captain stuff all the time.”
Mist gathered above his head, and a large drop of rain landed squarely on his face. Gajeel grumbled something about rust and swatted the cloud away.
“Juvia is first mate around here. She uses weather ether gear. Don’t get on her bad side or she’ll send a shower to follow you around for days.”
“Thank you,” Levy squeaked, “I’ll be sure to take you up on that once I know more about this place.”
The remark seemed to satisfy Juvia, and she turned her attention to a monitor off to the right.
Levy exhaled long and slow, turning in a circle to examine everything. She was on a pirate ship, with Gajeel, the promise of adventure right in front her if she was just willing to reach out and grab it.  
“Wow,” she said under her breath, eyes lighting up like stars.  “So, this is what you wanted to show me?”
Juvia tried and failed to stifle a laugh.  “Smooth, Captain.”
Gajeel shot her a glare that could vaporize anyone else on the spot.
Unfazed, Juvia continued her work at the console. “You pick up everything we need or just that special item you wanted so bad?”
He nodded silently, daring Juvia to try her luck.
With a giggle, she shut off the screen and skipped out of the room. “Well, I’ll go tell Metalicana we’re ready then,” she called over her shoulder before turning down a passage out of sight.
Gajeel pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, turning to face Levy.
“Don’t mind Juvia. She’s quirky, but she’s as smart and loyal as they come. Her favorite pastime is making jokes at my expense, though.”
“We’ll be fast friends then.”  
That earned her a deep chuckle, and the air in the room seemed to relax.
“I did have something I wanted to show ya, Shrimp.” Gajeel took her hand and lead her over to a command panel in front of what could only be the captain’s chair. “You’ve been searching for some real specific scrolls, right? The ones you were so upset about that night. Well,” he pulled up a small section of space on the screen. “I happened to catch word that there’s some ancient scrolls on a planet, right here.” He gestured to a blue sphere on the screen. “Litulla. It’s on the outskirts of the cosmos. Some adventurers with a talking blue cat traded me this as proof.” Bending down, he removed a weathered roll of linen held together with an intricate wax symbol from the large iron chest beside his chair.
Levy’s eyes widened and the familiar words escaped in a hushed breath. “The midnight dove flying across a crescent moon.”
No. This couldn’t be real. They were all supposed to have burned, and yet here it was in the palm of her hand. Gently, she ran her fingers over the symbol.
“I can’t believe you found one.” Levy could feel the pull of ink and stitches in the back of her mind, itching for her to let them in. “They were used by the old council to mark documents of great importance. No one’s seen one in centuries.” Unbidden, a tear fell down her cheek. “This is amazing.”
“So, you ready for a real adventure? Let’s go to the edge of the universe together. Let me take you, Levy.” Gajeel squeezed her shoulder, and she shivered at the sudden coolness of metal against her skin. “Special delivery.”
Levy placed the scroll down and whirled around to grab him in a ferocious hug. She buried her face in his chest.
His arms settled around her waist, and they stood there for a long moment, just holding each other. Levy bit back a sob. This was more than she’d ever expected. He’d remembered. He’d cared. A small part of her had given up hope on the search a long time ago, just like everyone else. But Gajeel believed. He was going to help her find the answers she’d resigned to live without, and there was nothing she could could do to show him how grateful she was—except go with him.
“Anchors away,” she said with a sniffle.
Bursting into laughter, Gajeel clutched his stomach and fell back into his chair.
“This is a spaceship, Shrimp, not some seafaring boat.”
“Starfarers, then.”
“Yeah”, he chuckled, “I guess so.” Taking a moment, Gajeel gathered his composure and called up a video labeled “Mechanics”. A tall, scarred man with wild salt and pepper hair appeared on the screen.
“Get her roaring, Metalicana!”
The man stared at Levy through the monitor then responded with a raspy grunt. “So this was the sweet you so desperately wanted to come back to this planet for?” He tossed his head back, laughing. “An’ here I thought you were talking ‘bout something Lily was makin’ us.”
Levy gaped as Gajeel turned red as his crimson eyes.
“Just do it, old man,” he barked.
“Nice ta meet ya, kid,” Metalicana said, addressing Levy with a bow. “Don’t let this one push ya around. He’s just a big softie under all that metal.”
Suddenly, the video cut out. “Pops,” Gajeel grumbled.
The floor hummed beneath their feet; Levy felt the prickle of excitement race to the tips of her fingers. Every risk she’d taken on Gajeel had steered her into something wonderful. Now, she was more ready than ever to dive headfirst into the unknown.
A smirk curled the edges of her lips, and Levy gestured with her thumb for Gajeel to get out of the seat. She was always the one who flew and he knew it.
Slowly, Gajeel stood. “My dragon’s a lot harder to handle than that little planet hopper of yours, short stack. Sure you wanna give it a go?”
Levy sat down with all the powerful grace of an oncoming storm. Command screens flickered to life around her, and she set their course without missing a beat.
“You’re not the only one with a few surprises up your sleeve, Captain.” Closing her eyes, Levy breathed in deeply. Her fingers curled around the controls as her smile deepened. “Yo, ho.”
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Dean Ambrose/Bo Dallas
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Welcome aboard, Thirsty Crew! So I haven't been able to get this pairing out of my head. Here's a little AU (very) vaguely influenced by a song that I heard once on the radio. This is entirely self-indulgent as ever, but I would like to dedicate it to @hardcorewwetrash for making me aware that this ship existed. Some gratuitous hurt/comfort for your time, as well as the triumphant return of irredeemably-evil Seth! And of course, tagging @oraclegazes and @toxiicpop. Enjoy!
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This contains multiple allusions to previous abuse (mental and physical), as well as semi-romanticized alcoholism, unhealthy coping mechanisms and a brief scene that could be considered as taking advantage of someone under the influence. Stay safe!]
“Can I buy you another?”
Bo sighed heavily, not even bothering to look up from his glass. “Man, if you’ve come over here looking for some fun, you’re barking up the wrong tree. I’m a ball of misery tonight.” He said bluntly.
“I figured! That’s why I came over, man.” The guy laughed. “You know what they say about misery and company.” A body settled onto the barstool beside Bo. “Hey Reigns! Whatever my friend got, can you whip up two more?”
“You got it, Ambrose.” The large, well-built man behind the counter was almost suspiciously calm, but Bo had yet to notice a crack in his performance. And he had been watching.
“My name’s Dean Ambrose.” The man next to him said. A hand moved into Bo’s field of vision and he grudgingly shook it after a minute. “What’s your misery?”
“Ha!” The laugh was louder than Bo intended and he thumped his forehead on the counter. “I’m an idiot.”
“Well, that makes two of us. Thanks Reigns.” Dean slid the extra drink to bump Bo’s fingers. “Jesus Christ, and here I thought you were drinkin’ a Shirley Temple!” He sputtered, presumably after sipping his drink.
Bo snickered, lifting his head to acknowledge the guy. “I’m the bes' at misery, man. Nobody can out-misery me.” He said, a little unsure of why he was so proud about that.
Dean was tall and slender, long legs comfortably resting on the lower bar railing. He had sandy blond hair that was on the shaggier side, and the fine beginnings of a red-tinted five o’ clock shadow. His clothes were a little rumpled, and his lower lip had a bruise that seemed fresh.
Bo was intrigued. “What’s your story? Look like you been inna' tussle.” He asked curiously.
Dean proceeded to down half his drink with one practiced swallow. Bo grimaced. “I asked you first, man.” Dean grunted. “Can’t skip your turn, s’cheating.”
Bo made a face. “That word.” His forehead landed back on the bar, long hair a tangled mess.
“No shit, relationship troubles for you too?” Dean asked, sounding incredulous. “It’s just been a hard night, I guess.”
“I don’t have any proof or anythin’. He said he wasn’t happy with me.” Bo mumbled into the wood pressed against his face. “I couldn’t make him happy. Should have known that I can’t buy love. Haven’t been able to make him happy for a while, I’m always working and stuff-”
“Yeah.” Bo sighed, uncaring of what this stranger must think. “He was my world, y’know? I tried so hard, but God, it just wasn’t enough.”
“Man, we are in the same boat. Tried to ask my boy what was wrong and he fuckin’ started carrying on, then he hauled off and belted me in the mouth. I wasn’t gonna’ hit him back, he’s not...like me y’know? Besides, I knew from the get-go that he wasn’t all mine.” Bo saw Dean’s fingers start to tap the underside of the bar in a nervous gesture. “So I left.”
“Where will you go?”
“I haven’t really decided yet.” Dean hummed after a moment, shaking himself bodily. “What about you?”
“I have my own place, but I don’t wanna’ think about being there alone.” Bo knocked his forehead into the bar a little harder, making his vision slide hazily to the side for a second. “Not yet.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
Bo heard an almost comically loud swallow. “Has he ever hit y' before?” Where the hell did that question come from? Bo knew that at some point (probably tomorrow afternoon, once he’d come around) he would be shocked at himself for being so nosy.
“Yeah.” Dean answered without hesitation and it made Bo feel queasy for a second. “One of the reasons why I haven’t decided where the hell I’m goin’. He’s got a lot of guys who were my friends in his pocket now, spun ‘em a few stories about me. Not sure who I can trust as far as staying somewhere without getting my ass kicked.”
“Well, tha' guy seems nice.” Bo gestured with his half-full glass at the large bartender.
Dean chuckled. “Ro’s a great guy, he’ll give you the shirt off his back. But I ain’t imposin’ on him. I’ve put him through enough shit.”
Reigns reached over the bar to roughly muss Dean’s hair. “Don’t you forget it.” He snorted.
“I won’t, I won’t!” Dean promised, laughing outright when Reigns hauled him close enough to give him a noogie. “I surrender, easy on the goods Ro!”
“Could come home with me, f’ you want.” Bo offered. Dean seemed to be choking on his drink all of a sudden. “I mean, I got a big place. S’just me there. Uh, guest bedroom and stuff.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Jus’ come back w’ me.” The whole thing felt more like an inconvenience, instead of the raw heartbreak he had suffered from hours earlier. Bo preferred this, honestly.
Dean finally managed to squeak out a, “You don’t even know me, man.”
“I know y’ name. Apparently that’s all I knew abou’ my ex, and he was livin’ with me so…” Bo trailed off, draining his glass and settling it down on the counter as carefully as he could manage in his inebriated state. “Y’ got no place to go, I got a place you can go. It’s comfy and clean. F’ you don’t, it’s jus’ gonna’ go to waste anyways.” Bo reasoned.
“…what’s your name?”
And that was how Bo Dallas ended up in an Uber with a complete stranger (aside from the driver, of course), heading back to his sprawling, luxuriant apartment on the other side of the city. Bo appreciated Dean’s silence, resting his forehead against the cool window and blinking slowly at the neon lights trailing by. That bar had only been his second one, but thank God Roman mixed his drinks strong.
Dean tugged on his arm after a few minutes, grinning wide enough that even Bo’s alcohol-drenched brain was suspicious. “Hey, can I take a picture of the two of us real quick? I wanna’…wanna’ send it to him. So he thinks I’m goin’ home with someone new tonight.”
Him? Bo cast around wildly for a split-second, before remembering that Dean was newly single. “Oh, oh yeah. Sure, man.” He chuckled, propping his chin up on Dean’s shoulder. “S’ petty though.”
“I don’t give a shit.” Dean retorted, one arm extended out in front of them with his phone at the ready. Bo squinted and gave it a sleepy grin before he was thoroughly blinded by the flash. He spent the rest of the ride following the flash echoes around with his eyes while Dean crowed about how “He left it on read! What a wuss!”
The sight of a familiar car outside his apartment caught his attention upon pulling up to the curb, and Bo stared at it for a long second once he’d paid the driver. He knew it, but his eyes were still having trouble putting things together in a coherent fashion. Bo didn’t understand why he felt slightly nauseous. Dean, on the other hand, stormed across the street the second he was clear of the door of their vehicle. He narrowly missed getting run over, gesturing angrily at the truck that honked at him.
Bo’s brain snapped back into focus at the familiar name. Seth. That was Seth’s car. Which meant that Seth was here. Was he here to apologize? To explain? Why does Dean know Seth’s name? With a sinking feeling in his gut, Bo carefully crossed the street.
“Bo is who you’re here for?!” Dean was hammering the side of his fist on the window of Seth’s car, not hard enough to break it but enough that the vehicle rocked slightly. “This is your main guy? Your guy that was ‘okay’ with you having an open relationship?” Dean all but shouted, “This guy? The guy that’s been drinking himself into a stupor all night because you broke it off with him and he ‘knew he wasn’t making you happy’? This guy, Rollins?!”
Dean seemed furious. At this point all Bo felt was exhausted, so he put a hand on Dean’s arm and shifted his body over. “Seth, roll down the window for me?”
Seth shook his head wildly, his fingers gripping the steering wheel. “Hell no, babe! He’ll rip me apart!” Seth replied, the old term of endearment making Bo’s chest ache. “I just-”
“You’re sure as hell not layin’ a hand on this guy like you did to me, asshole.” Dean snarled. “I can’t even believe you. No wonder you left my message on read, you shit-”
“Bo you cannot trust him.” Seth warned. “I know I hurt you by leaving, I know I did. I don’t even hold this against you, I cheated on you so it’s only fair. But-”
“You…what?” Bo asked dumbly, pieces having a hard time falling into place in his dizzy mind. “You seriously cheated on me?”
Dean moved from foot to foot uncomfortably, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “He told me he was in an open relationship, ‘kind of a cuck situation’ was how he put it.” He mumbled. “Like, he needed someone to fuck him because he uh. Wasn’t. Getting fucked. Said eventually his boyfriend would want to watch.”
“But Seth, you said…you said you didn’t-” Bo shook his head, unable to finish his sentence. “I don’t understand.”
“I had needs. Someone like you couldn’t fill them, and Dean couldn’t support me financially.” Seth was apparently feeling bold, unlocking the door and stepping out of his car. “You were fun in your own way Bo, but I don’t really require you anymore. I need my things.” He said primly.
“You lowlife.”
“Oh that’s great coming from you, Ambrose. The guy who never asked to meet my boyfriend. You were more than happy to fuck me senseless with zero remorse, so don’t even start with me.” Seth snapped.
Fuck me senseless fuck me senseless. Bo’s mind went white-hot, all those times coming to the forefront. Fuck me senseless I cheated on you it’s only fair. Most days when Bo came home from work he just wanted to sit down, maybe eat something. Seth was stronger than him. Urge him onto his knees, get him out of his tie, fuck his mouth until he was a gasping, sloppy mess. Maybe he would come, maybe he wouldn’t, but at least Seth didn’t leave, right?
Dean was still talking, “Dammit Rollins, I ain’t that much of an asshole that I’d willingly participate in someone gettin' cheated on. What the fuck.” He hissed, “You kicked me out of my own damn apartment and now you’re here, plannin’ on gathering up your things…wait.” Dean slammed his palm down on the roof of the car, blocking Seth’s escape route with his arm. “You’re…you’d better not be thinkin’ that you’re moving in with me.”
“I assumed that I would be able to talk with you about it once you’d cooled off.” Seth huffed.
“Once I cooled off? You got some fuckin’ nerve.” Dean growled. “I don’t even believe this. No, hell no. Absolutely not. Matter of fact, hand over my key.” He demanded. “I don’t want you anywhere near me.”
“Psh, not like it matters.” Seth blustered, working the apartment key off his keyring and dropping it into Dean’s palm.
Dean remained where he was, quirking his index finger at Seth. “Both of ‘em.” He said sternly after a moment of Rollins staring at him. “You ain’t goin’ up there, and you ain’t coming home with me.”
“What the fuck. Bo! Tell him to knock it off!” Seth whined.
Bo had fallen into a bit of a stupor and he started at the sound of his name, taking a step forward. Dean put a hand in the middle of his chest, keeping him at arm’s length. “Easy, I don’t want him to swing at you.”
“I wouldn’t hit Bo, he’s too soft.��� Seth scoffed. “You, on the other hand…”
“I didn’t appreciate the asswhuppin’, if that’s what you’re getting at. Now hand over your other key. The one that goes to Bo’s apartment.”
“There’s two different keys.” Bo mumbled, “A fob and a key for the door if the fob doesn’t work.” God, he was exhausted. His head hurt. His stomach hurt. He just wanted to lie down. “Give them here.” He continued, holding out his own hand.
“Babe, you can’t-”
“It’s my apartment.” Bo interrupted him dully. “I can. Give. Them. Here.” It was a demand this time, uttered sharply.
“But my stuff-”
“-isn’t going anywhere tonight.” Dean finished Seth’s sentence, his face pulled into a stern expression. “Give him his keys and beat it.”
“Why the hell do you care so much?” Seth spat at Ambrose, unsnapping a separate carabiner from his waist with the key and fob attached. “Here, since you want it so damn bad.” Rollins dangled the keychain in Bo’s face and then threw it into the street. “Fetch.” He cackled.
Bo’s sigh felt like it came from the center of the earth. The younger man straightened up after a moment, trotting slowly out onto the pavement to scoop up his keys.
“Fuck you Ambrose!” Bo turned just in time to see Rollins swing for Dean’s face, the light-haired man not raising his arm quick enough to catch the blow before it connected. “You motherfucker, ruining fucking everything!”
“Pretty sure you did that all by your damn self.” Dean grunted. “You greedy prick. Wantin’ everything both ways, stringin' this guy along!”
“Touch Dean again and I'm calling the building management to inform them that you're no longer welcome on the premises.” Bo could feel himself sobering up, much to his muted regret. “Is that clear enough for you, Seth?” He asked flatly. “We'll discuss a time for you to pick up your things in the morning. Right now, I have a headache and I'd rather not deal with you. So leave.”
Seth's open-mouth shocked reaction was more satisfying than it had any right to be, but Bo supposed he had never really given Rollins any sort of boundaries before. He had been so worried about ruining his first real relationship that he hadn't put together it was a sham from the start. He gave Seth anything and everything that he could.
And he took it all.
Bo reached blindly down to hold Ambrose’s hand, not really sure why. Dean allowed him to though, so that was…something. “Let’s go inside.” Bo whispered, pointedly avoiding looking at Seth.
“Of course.” Ambrose nodded, following Bo into his apartment complex.
Once they were through the revolving door, Bo expected Dean to drop his hand. But Ambrose did the exact opposite, wrapping an arm around Bo’s shoulders and pulling him into his side while they waited for the elevator.
Bo managed to keep the tears at bay until the elevator doors slid shut. This wasn’t fair, he should be just as upset with Dean as he was with Seth! After all, Dean had been the one facilitating him. Ambrose was the one railing his boyfriend, even though Seth had claimed that he ‘didn’t bottom for anyone’. But Dean hadn’t known, he’d been nearly as in the dark as Bo. He’d thought he was part of an open relationship.
For one terrible, mean split second, Bo wished that Dean had roughed Seth up. Wished that Ambrose had hit back.
“Hey, dry off. He ain’t worth it. That’s the alcohol ringin’ those tears out of you and you know it.” Dean interrupted his thinking, a battered sleeve scrubbing at Bo’s cheek. “I know it hurts, but you’re better for leavin’ him down there.”
“I d-dunno’ why it hurts.” Bo hiccupped. “He n-never said he l-l-loved me or anyth-thing. Used me. M’ j-just so sad, Dean.” He said, knowing as soon as the words were out of his mouth that he sounded pitiful and childish.
“God, you yank the heart out of an asshole like me. I’m so sorry.” Dean apologized. “I should have known better, I…God, I’m a fuckin’ idiot. Was he, uh. Your first?” When Bo nodded Dean swore again, louder this time. “Did he know that?”
“Yeah. I…I was nervous. I shouldn’t have told him.” Bo wiped his cheeks, sniffling. “Should have just kept my mouth shut.”
“This isn’t your fault.” Dean said gruffly. “Don’t blame yourself. It’s his fault for takin’ advantage of you, and it’s my fault for just blindly accepting whatever bullshit he fed me. I ought to know the look and sound of a too good to be true deal at this point.” Dean slouched against the elevator wall. “This ain’t exactly my first trio rodeo. Shoulda’ been suspicious when his boyfriend wasn’t askin’ to meet me.”
“Is that really a thing?” Bo asked, floundering when Dean nodded. “I…but why?”
“Listen, I dunno’ if I should be the one explainin’ shit to you.” Dean cleared his throat as the elevator doors opened. “Uh…”
Bo paid him no mind, blissfully unaware of how clean and well-lit the hallway was. He had half of the whole floor to himself, hallway appreciation wasn’t exactly at the forefront of his mind. “I’m gonna’ have to call the building security in the morning, get a new lock in case he copied the key.” Bo said aloud while he unlocked his door. “I don’t want to pack his s-!” He tripped over a box in the dark, stumbling and almost losing his balance. The swimming sensation in his head wasn’t doing his legs much good.
Dean flipped on the light by the door to reveal that there were half-packed boxes everywhere in Bo’s normally-organized living room. “Nice place.” Dean sauntered around one of the boxes, giving it a heartfelt kick in the side. Bo was frozen in place, unsure of where to look first. Dean tsked after a minute of silence, taking Bo by the arm. “Hey, how about you show me the kitchen? You do have a kitchen, right?”
“Y-Yeah. It’s…it’s over here.” Bo answered numbly, moving on muscle memory to the kitchen doorway. At least there were no boxes in the smaller room, but he was suddenly struck by how sterile the whole space was. Stark, black appliances and stainless steel everywhere, not a measuring spoon out of place. His kitchen looked like a showroom. Bo winced self-consciously. He had always preferred things tidy of course, he’d just had no idea how severe it looked.
“You like to cook?” Dean sounded surprised.
“I bake. And sometimes I make pizza.” Some of the tension eased out of Bo’s shoulders. “Not frozen pizza, pizza from scratch.”
“No shit? All I have in my apartment is a toaster oven. It serves so many purposes, man, you wouldn’t even believe it.” Dean propped his hip up on the counter, eyeing the bowl of fruit Bo always kept on the island with a healthy amount of suspicion.
“It’s real fruit, I promise.” Bo said, a nervous giggle bubbling in his throat when Dean narrowed his eyes.
“You sure?”
“Positive, picked everything up two days ago.”
Dean snatched an apple and tore a bite out of it, chewing quickly. “The grapes real too?” He asked around a mouthful of apple, grinning cheekily.
“Of course they are.” Bo replied indignantly, going to his fridge for a beer. “You want anything?”
“Nah, I think that paint thinner you tricked me into at the bar was more than enough for tonight.” Dean laughed. “Can’t be gettin’ sloppy in some stranger’s apartment, after all.”
“Oh, your mouth!” Bo remembered suddenly, “Do you want some ice?”
“I wouldn’t say no to ice.” Dean allowed, moving to the side so Bo could open the drawer where he stored his Ziplock bags. Bo proceeded to clumsily roll the bag so it stayed upright, then squinted at the buttons on his refrigerator for a long second. “You all set there?” Dean asked.
“I only got the dumb thing last week, I always forget which…huh, I should just tell Dad he needs to re-label these stupid buttons.” Bo muttered, mostly to himself.
Dean ambled over to stand beside him, grunting in what seemed to be confusion. “The fuck is all this bullshit? Ice. Kuh-yewb.” He over-enunciated the words at the small button panel, shrugging when nothing happened. “Worth a shot for the HAL fridge.”
Bo snickered, finally pressing a button at random and squeaking in surprise when ice cubes actually dispensed properly. “Success!” He cheered, zipping the bag then handing it to Ambrose. “Here, follow me. Before I get myself blackout I’m gonna’ show you where you can sleep.”
“What a gentleman.” Dean snorted, holding the makeshift ice pack against his jaw.
“I try.”
Bo sprawled out on his couch, watching something on the massive television without actually seeing it. His third beer was half-finished, the young man picking absently at the label. Bo knew he was overly-emotional to a fault, and he knew that drinking wasn’t going to make anything better. But it made him feel a little less hurt, which was enough for him right now. He wistfully recalled the numb relief he’d enjoyed at the bar, wishing that the crisp night air and the shock of seeing Seth again hadn’t sobered him so thoroughly.
It was strange, the way he had never suspected that side of Seth even existed. Doubt swirled in Bo’s mind. Was Seth right? Would he not have been able to satisfy him in that manner? It was no excuse for using him financially, bodily, either way. The reasoning behind Seth’s actions was hardly the issue.
Bo tore the rest of the label off the bottle in one quick motion, crumpling the slightly-sticky paper in his hand. Dean shuffled out of the bathroom and Bo could feel the other man looking at him. “Is he right?” Bo asked, not really expecting a reply.
Dean walked over to the couch and pried the bottle out of his hand. “Go get some sleep.” Dean said quietly instead of answering the question.
Bo lurched to his feet, everything hitting him at once as he stood. But this was hardly his first time getting a little wasted and he doubted it would be his last, maneuvering around his coffee table with less than sure steps. Admittedly, this was more drunk than he’d been in a while and he sort of hoped when he woke up tomorrow this would all be a bad dream.
He tumbled into his bed, burying his face in the sheets and splaying his palms on the blankets while his world spun from the rapid motion. Bo knew he needed to get undressed, shuffling up onto his hands and knees to grapple one-handed with the buttons on his dress shirt.
“Hang on, you’re gonna’ knock yourself out on the wall.” Dean (or was it Seth?) took Bo by the belt and shifted his weight back.
Bo didn’t really register what Dean had said, his focus split between the tiny buttons and keeping his balance. He swatted absently at the extra hand that found its way into the mix to hold his shirt taut. Rollins was always so handsy while Bo was just trying to get undressed after work, but Bo soon found himself leaning into the help. He pressed a kiss to the hand that gripped at the hem of his shirt, smiling almost stupidly when Seth (Dean?) hummed in reply.
Callused fingers stroked his chest and sides beneath his shirt once it was unbuttoned, the touch oddly unhurried for Seth and soothing until one of his nipples was grazed. Bo hiccupped in a breath, some part of him certain that whatever had come out of his mouth was probably not an appropriate response. Seth had never touched him there. Hell, Bo had never really touched himself there!
A chuckle that was more gravelly than nasally met his ears. “That’s the spot, huh?” The rough pad of an index finger rubbed the same nipple and fuck-
Bo gripped the blanket harder, his knuckles whitening. “Seth, I-” He was unbuttoning his pants before he realized it, hand shaking and clumsy with the button and zip. When he was prompt it made Seth happy. Seth was impatient. Seth ripped things more often than not. “God, there, m’ undone, p-please…”
That chuckle thrummed through his body again, and the hand slid into his boxers to fondle him with more care than he was used to. “You’re real cute when you’ve got a case of whiskey dick, Bo.” A thumb smoothed over the head of his cock, smearing the abundant precome that beaded there. “Not even fully hard but you’re leakin’ all over my hand and rockin’ your hips. Poor thing.”
“Oh please don’t tease me, don’t tease me.” Bo begged pitifully. “Please Seth, please-” Seth always did this to him, he always took advantage of the fact that Bo was easy to get a rise out of but hard to get off. Especially when he was drunk. “It’s not my fault you can’t come,” Seth had said more than once, usually followed with a satisfied swat to Bo’s ass while the other man whimpered into the bedspread. Because of course it wasn’t his fault. Nothing ever was.
That hand closed down into a loose fist, trapping Bo’s half-erect cock in a slick little channel. “Shh, you’re alright. I’m not gonna’ leave you hanging.” The raspy voice murmured, stubble brushing his cheek. “I’ve got you.”
Bo couldn’t understand why Seth was suddenly being attentive. Time shifted hazily in his mind, reality too blurry to grasp. Was Seth apologizing? Had Bo dreamed that they broke up? Why did Seth’s voice sound so rough?
“Lay down, your arms are shaking.”
Dean. Bo slumped forwards, burying his face in his pillow. He knew he should probably be a bit more worried about letting this complete stranger put his hands all over him, but right now he hurt and Dean was promising him something that would ease that. “Dean, I…” Bo trailed off, unsure of what he was even planning on saying.
Above him, Dean laughed. “Back with me, huh? You called me Seth a minute ago. No worries, I ain’t the jealous type. And I ain’t gonna’ fuck you. Relax.” Dean’s fingers carded through Bo’s hair and down between his shoulders, making the younger man shudder and arch his back. “Shh, Christ you’re wound. Look, I ain’t plannin’ on kissing you or fuckin’ you. Just gonna’ take care of your problem.” Dean promised, petting the back of Bo’s head.
Bo felt as though he had been starving this whole time and Dean was suddenly offering him a banquet. He couldn’t help the noise he made, thrusting into Dean’s hand and trying to stifle his whimpers with the pillow. It was enough that Seth didn’t leave. It was enough. He had always told himself that, sore and exhausted but hopeful, so damn hopeful. Hopeful that maybe, just maybe, if he was kind, if he loved him, Seth would change of his own accord.
“I’ve got you, take what you need.” Dean murmured in his ear and Bo sobbed out a breath, overwhelmed at the simple gesture of someone giving him anything with no strings attached. “Take what you need.”
Take what you need.
Bo wasn’t sure if he’d imagined the man in his apartment last night, dreamed him up in a fit of loneliness. He couldn’t exactly ask Seth what had happened, that much he did know. It doesn’t really matter, he told himself as he groggily prepared his coffee.
There wasn’t so much as an unfamiliar wrapper in the wastebasket in his kitchen. Nothing in the bathroom or guest bedroom was out of place. Bo sighed, settling down at the kitchen island with his tablet to skim the news. How drunk was I? He rubbed his aching eyes and sipped his coffee and just tried to ease back into existing this morning.
Seth’s spare key sat in the middle of the island and Bo was doing his best to ignore it without thinking about the fact that he was ignoring it. At some point last night he had apparently shoved all the boxes in the living room off to the side and covered them with a throw blanket. His memory felt like Swiss cheese; Bo couldn’t recall when Dean had come into the equation. Was he at the bar? Fighting with Seth outside his apartment? There was the flash of a camera, the imprint of it muddling his already-impaired vision. Mostly he remembered blue eyes and the rub of stubble on his cheek. Is Dean even real?
His phone chirped with a message from his father. -How’s the fridge?
-Buttons fr ice/water unclear u gotta make diff pictures fr them other than that it’s the best one yet
-Already on it. Rough night? You never took the car to get detailed yesterday. Gulak asked whether something had happened.
Bo groaned, putting his head into his hands. He knew he’d forgotten something.
-Sorry dad I’ll do it right now
-Take time to wake up, plenty of daylight for you to burn.
Bo could almost see his father’s raised eyebrow. Irwin didn’t exactly approve of when Bo drowned himself in alcohol and he tended to make that fact abundantly clear. Bo hardly blamed him, he himself wasn’t a massive fan of the hangover-riddled mornings he had endured in the past.
-Seth and I fought
-Are you alright?
Just like that, no judgement, no what did you do? Bo loved his father.
-I’m ok. Just feel gross inside. He was using me for financial stability
It hurt to type that.
-You want breakfast?
-Nah I’m a responsible adult, bought fruit earlier in the week. Fruit bfast
-Let me know if you need anything.
-Always. Thanks dad
Bo put his phone down again, reaching for an apple from the fruit bowl. “The grapes real too?” White teeth flashed in a grin then ripped another chunk out of a juicy red apple-
Bo almost dropped the apple, thinking back in confusion. The voice wasn’t Seth’s. Had he imagined a whole different voice for this…Dean guy? Bo couldn’t decide whether he’d had (essentially) a total stranger in his living space the whole night, or whether he needed to come to grips with the fact that he may be insane and having elaborate wet dreams. Bo plopped his head back into his hands and groaned loudly, the apple forgotten on the counter.
He wasn’t sore in any suspicious areas, didn’t have any marks on him. “Take what you need.” The words brushed against his ear and he shivered-
Bo flushed hotly, the strange urge to fan himself coming over him. He would imagine someone like that, someone who wanted to take care of him. He shook his head, thoroughly disgusted.
Food first. Then the car wash. Then…he would see where the day took him.
Bo tended to continue to read the news while the car was being detailed, spending the time down the street at a little internet café until he received the text alert to let him know that everything was taken care of. He didn’t know what possessed him to forgo his normal protocol in favor of passing out in one of the plush chairs in the car wash waiting area. Exhaustion, possibly.
His phone was resting on his lap and when it vibrated with the notification Bo was startled awake. He yawned widely, shifting into an upright position to stretch his arms over his head. “You already text the guy for this one? I’m about done and I’ve got two more in the works, I have to get that car out of my bay ASAP.” The familiar voice froze Bo mid-stretch.
“Keep your shirt on Ambrose, he always heads to the café a block over. Give him a minute.” The car wash owner (an almost painfully professional young man named Drew) scolded as he came around the corner from the wash area. “Oh! Mr. Dallas, you broke routine!” Drew said upon catching sight of Bo. “The car is all ready for you, sir. Give your father my regards.”
“Of course, Mr. Gulak. Thank you.” Bo replied automatically, accepting the handshake and keys absently. “Can I ask who did the work this time?”
“Absolutely! His name is Dean. We used to keep him on the scrubbing side, but he has such an instinctive eye for craftsmanship and little details it was a crime to let his talent go to waste.” Drew gushed. “You should see him work, it’s like magic.”
Bo remembered the way Dean’s hands had felt on him and fought the urge to blush bright red. Truer words haven’t been spoken. “Thank you again, Mr. Gulak.”
Dean rounded the corner into the waiting area, wiping his hands off with a shop towel. “Gulak I’m gonna’ take five, grab a...” Ambrose’s words petered out as he looked up and saw Bo standing there. “Uh.”
“Mr. Dallas was just asking about who did the marvelous job this time around! Of course, I had to let him know it was your handiwork.” Drew said proudly. Bo wanted the floor to swallow him up.
“Mr. Dallas, huh?” Dean asked slowly, continuing to wipe his hands off. Bo got the distinct feeling that he was in trouble, those blue eyes focused on him. “Son of Mr. Irwin R. Schyster, the Ice King?”
“That’s right!” Drew seemed thrilled that Ambrose knew who he was talking to.
“Isn’t that somethin’.” Dean maintained eye contact with Bo, raising an eyebrow. “Royalty in your business, eh Gulak?”
Bo really, really wanted the floor to devour him as Dean just kept staring him down. “Well, thank you for being so attentive.” Bo finally managed to say, his voice cracking when he realized how poorly he had worded that. Dean noticed as well, if the way his eyebrow vanished into his bangs was any indicator. “T-To my father’s vehicle, that is!” He hastily tacked on, making Ambrose grin.
“Can I show you a few trouble spots? It’ll make it easier in returning visits if you know what I’ll be workin’ on.” Dean said smoothly, beckoning for Bo to follow him.
Once they were out of Gulak’s earshot Bo expected Dean to pepper him with questions. But Ambrose just kept walking, long legs easily outstripping Bo’s. “Hey can you maybe slow down?” Bo asked, and Dean obligingly shortened his stride.
“Gave me a damn heart attack. Didn’t think I’d see you again. How do you feel?” Dean queried softly, essentially whispering out of the corner of his mouth.
“Well, confused for one. I thought you were the wildest dream I’d ever had.” Bo confessed, making Ambrose snort. “I couldn’t remember if you were real or not, but I guess this answers that question.”
“I don’t know whether I should be flattered or insulted.”
“I was very drunk.” Bo twiddled his fingers, unsure if he should even be talking about this. “Why did you do that for me? L-Last night, I mean.”
“You needed it, didn’t ya’?” Dean replied nonchalantly. “Seth was a taker. That’s what he did. You’d had a lot taken from you, could tell at the bar that you were on empty. Was jus’ tryin’ to give somethin’ back.”
“I…thank you.” Bo swallowed hard. “Seth never really did anything for me without expecting something in return. I figured that I must have imagined you to ‘fill in the blanks’.” The faded bruise on Dean’s jaw caught his attention and Bo leaped at the chance to change the subject. “Is your face sore?”
“Eh, nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” Dean brushed off the concern too quickly, leaving Bo grasping for something to talk about.
Mercifully they arrived in the detailing bay and Dean started rattling on about a worn area in the Mercedes’ interior. Bo couldn’t have repeated anything he said if his life depended on it, thoroughly distracted by Dean’s hands smoothing over the spot on the side of the passenger seat.
“You’re not getting a word of what I’m sayin’, are ya’?” Dean’s tongue poked out from between his teeth when he grinned this time. Bo hadn’t noticed his dimples before.
“No.” Bo admitted sheepishly.
“You’re lookin’ at me like I hung the damn stars.” Ambrose informed him quietly. “If you don’t tone it down a little, I’ll have to put my hands on you again.”
Bo, to his utter horror, found himself letting out a giggle. Nerves had turned his normal laugh into a high squeak and he hurriedly stifled the noise. “I can think of worse things.” He choked out.
Dean’s eyebrows shot up. “I was only kiddin’.”
“Oh, obviously.” Bo floundered, trying desperately to play off his blunder.
“You had that good of a time? You really…huh.” Dean leaned back, fixing Bo with a look that was almost appraising. “I tell you what. I’ll give you my cell number, okay? You feel the itch, feel used up…you call me.”
“B-But I-”
“You’re real cute when you get all flustered, know that?” Dean interrupted him as he wrote his number down on the back of the usual business card that Gulak always stuck in the vanity mirror. “Seriously. If you're empty, hell, if you just had a good time and want to uh…expand upon it, I’m just a text away.” Ambrose pressed the card into his hand, offered him a strange little wave, and then moved to head back towards the waiting area.
“W-Wait!” Bo called belatedly after staring at the card dumbfounded for several seconds, making Dean halt in his tracks. “I uh, I can’t…I can’t back the car up out of here. Usually they leave it out front for me. Would you…?”
“Oh yeah, duh.” Ambrose took the keys from him, making a shooing motion. “Head outside, it’ll be there in a sec.”
While he waited in front of the car wash (and before he could think better of it), Bo quickly added Dean’s number to his contacts.
Actually calling the number was another story entirely. Dealing with Seth coming by daily, literally for one box at a time was a draining experience in and of itself. Bo wasn’t sure if it necessarily warranted a phone call, though. He had run on the proverbial empty for weeks before he had come across Dean.
Bo learned quickly that if he had a banking app already open and ready on his phone it tended to speed the daily process up; Seth was much more transparent about his monetary needs now that they had split and it was just too exhausting for Bo to listen to him hem and haw for ten minutes.
Seth wanted to open a gym. Well, good for him. In a fit of uncharacteristic pettiness Bo hoped that he rented out space in a building owned by the mob. He wasn’t actually sure if there was an active mob in this particular city (or if they even called it ‘the mob’ anymore) but if there was one. It was unsettling to have Seth in his apartment again and Bo took to bringing the boxes down to the lobby himself before Rollins was supposed to arrive, to cut back even more on the time he had to spend in the other man’s presence.
The day finally came almost a week later when Bo only had one more box to remove, a large Ziplock bag of pizza perched neatly on top of the cardboard as he stepped out of the elevator. Seth was waiting in the lobby, his best hangdog expression firmly in place as he accepted the box and pizza without so much as a nod of acknowledgement.
“That’s everything.” Bo said. Seth grunted in reply and Bo felt something strange tugging at his insides. It took him a minute to figure out that he wasn’t sad, but angry. “Why, Seth?” He asked. “Why me?”
“Because you let me in.” Rollins shrugged, like he was bored. Like he wasn’t the one that had dragged this out for over a week, like he wasn’t the one who had sucked Bo dry. “You were nice. You didn’t say no. Hell, you let me do whatever I wanted.” His words stung and Bo wanted to scream at him, vividly recalling his wish that Dean had roughed Seth up. “I guess because you were a sucker?” Seth suggested after a long silence.
Bo had never hit anyone in his life. His shoulders squared of their own accord and before he really knew what he was doing, before he could talk himself out of it, he slammed his palms down on the box in Seth’s arms. The box met the floor with a loud bang!, leaving Seth standing there with his hands limp. Bo was officially empty. “You come back here every damn day to sponge off of me. Don’t think I don’t understand that’s exactly what you’re doing.” His fists clenched at his sides and he took a step forward. “I want you to lose my number, lose my address, lose anything that reminds you of me.” Bo gritted his teeth. “I wish you the best in your future endeavors.”
He was already texting Dean as the elevator returned to his floor, fingers shaking so hard he had to rely on autocorrect for most of the message to be comprehensible. Bo immediately poured himself an overflowing glass of scotch once he was safely in his apartment, hell-bent on calming the rage that kept trying to boil his blood. He almost knocked the glass over three times while he tried to fill it, and he completely abandoned the notion of adding water to it (yes he was absolutely pretentious enough to own a pipette specifically for the occasion of enjoying his whiskey).
Normally Bo only had scotch if certain criteria was met. If it was raining, if he had a good book to read, if he just wanted to feel a little warmer without the wine aftertaste.
Today, Bo wasn’t even certain if the first tumbler so much as touched his tongue. He practically chugged it, ignoring the dry heave-shudder it sent down his spine. He didn’t have a full stomach and he was vaguely aware that it was a dangerous game to slam that much scotch, but he hurt.
-You at your apartment?
Bo’s hands refused to steady. He poured himself another glass and did spill it this time, leaving a small pool on the island.
-Are you safe?
A hysterical giggle broke free. Why wouldn’t he be safe? It was just him, in his apartment, hands shaking, heart racing…
-im alone
Bo dropped his phone on the counter like it burned him, taking a slightly less zealous sip from his glass. The phone vibrated again seconds later.
-That’s not what I asked.
Bo didn’t mean to sob, barely resisting the insane urge to throw the device at a wall. Instead he carefully moved it to rest on the couch in the living room, and then started to pace. Back and forth, the spoiled fury in his chest threatening to strangle him while he tried to mediate it with wary doses of the scotch. Empty, empty. He had no idea how long he paced. Sometimes he accidentally sloshed the drink over the side of his glass onto the rug, and he finally left the cup on the end table so he could move unimpeded.
-I’m in the elevator. Is your door unlocked?
Bo didn’t answer that one either, just went and started working on the door. His hands hadn’t steadied at all despite the time that had passed. He wondered absently if he was having a stroke, there was an infographic that he had seen in one of his college classes--
“Open up Bo, it’s me.” The familiar voice came from the other side of the door and Bo rested his forehead against the paneling for a second, debating on whether he was really going to do this. He didn’t have much chance to ponder, as Dean was twisting the doorknob before he could so much as heave one of his infamously heavy sighs. “What are you doing? Oh no, give that here. Absolutely not. It’s three in the afternoon.” Ambrose said sternly, maneuvering around Bo to swipe the glass off of the end table.
“Dean, have you ever hit anybody?” Bo asked rapidly, breaths coming harder and harder. “I almost hit somebody today and I…I don’t feel right.” He knew it was stupid, so stupid. “M’ sorry, I shouldn’t have bugged you about this-”
“I’ve hit plenty of people that deserved it. You haven’t hit anyone before?”
“I was going to.” And that was the worst part, the part that had Bo’s guts twisted. The fact that he was going to. He would have. He would have stooped low enough, just as low as Seth with Dean. “I really was, I was so angry, I was going to.”
Dean’s face hardened. “What’s he been doin’?” He asked curtly.
“He was here every day!” Bo exploded, trembling hands clenched into tight fists. “Every day! He only took one box at a time, a-and every day he was asking for more and I just--look, today was my last day dealing with him! I should be okay! I asked him why he picked me and--and-!” Bo brought his fists down on the back of the couch, walloping the cushions with all the strength he could muster. “I wanted to punch him!” He screamed, the rage managing to weasel free.
“Christ, I wish you’d gotten in touch with me sooner.” Ambrose said softly, seeming unfazed by the outburst.
“I wanted to hit him, don’t you get it?!” Bo rounded on the other man, desperate to get his point across. “I could do that. I could do what he did! I could be just as bad!”
“No, you couldn’t.” Dean wrapped him up in a tight hug that gave Bo no room to struggle, continuing to speak in that quiet tone. “If you could have, you would have. You didn’t because you’re not like that.”
“I wanted to, I wanted to so much, oh God.” Bo buried his face in Dean’s chest, a few errant tears managing to slip out. “I could have done it.”
“I know you think so. But you didn’t.” Dean started stroking his hair. “It’s over now, right? You’re safe.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“First, let’s sit down in the kitchen.”
For the second time in less than two weeks, Bo found himself in his kitchen with Ambrose across from him. Dean dumped the tumbler of scotch down the drain and Bo quickly wiped up the spill he had left on the counter, grimacing at his past behavior.
Dean hopped up onto one of the stools at the island, patting the countertop after a moment. “Have a seat.”
“I just…I have to eat something.” Bo explained, taking another pizza-filled Ziplock bag out of his most recent fridge. “Before the scotch gets ahead of me.” Dean inclined his head in reply, waiting patiently while Bo devoured an impromptu late lunch.
“He came here every day, huh?” Ambrose muttered, quiet enough that Bo wasn’t sure if he was supposed to hear it.
“He wants to open a gym.” Bo offered, making Dean grunt.
“'Course he does. That’s why he hooked up with you in the first place, right? Finances.” Dean drummed his fingers on the table. “He was your first. Ain’t like you would know any better.”
“I’m not that stupid normally.”
“Affection and empathy are two things you don’t seem to be low on, Dallas. Seth took advantage of that.” Dean gestured vaguely around the kitchen. “You can count your blessings. He trashed my place after he threw me out that night.”
“What? Why?” Bo sputtered.
“Because underneath that evil-for-a-living veneer, Rollins is a scared little kid.” Ambrose shrugged. “Everything was going to pieces for him, so he lost his temper. Granted, my apartment is pretty barebones. Only thing that got busted past fixin’ was two lamps.”
“I’ll get you new ones.” Bo offered immediately.
Dean waved him off. “They’re lamps, Dallas. Dime a dozen. I should thank him, honestly. They were from my mom and they were ugly as sin.”
“But he hasn’t been back since then?”
“...Yeah, nothin’ since. Guess he’s been spending his time pesterin’ you instead.” Dean’s chuckle sounded forced and Bo wondered if he imagined Ambrose’s hesitation in response to his question. “Listen, this visit ain’t about me. I told you to get in touch if you were empty. So what is it that you need? Fuck buddy? Talk buddy? Little of both?”
“I feel stupid for bothering you.” Bo replied sheepishly, getting a little flushed from Ambrose’s blunt terminology. “I don’t think I’ve ever been that upset. I didn’t know what to do.”
Ambrose got up and ambled around the island, his chin tilted slightly downwards. “Never, huh?” Blue eyes searched Bo’s for a minute; he seemed almost skeptical. Bo shook his head. “Hmm.”
“I was pretty excitable as a kid, but I didn’t fly off the handle or anything. Usually I’d just cry if something upset me.” Bo rambled nervously, watching Dean move in closer. “I-I…I don’t feel as much when I drink.” Way to go, now you sound like an alcoholic! “I mean I…I don’t know. Everything hurts less.” Bo’s voice wavered uncertainly. “Everything hurts less and it helps me forget.”
“What do you need to forget?”
“Other than Seth? Embarrassing things that I do or say in the boardroom, mostly.” Bo busied himself readjusting the pull strings on his hoodie, dropping his eyes from Dean’s. “My dad has me sit in sometimes and I always get too excited, say the wrong thing. Mix up my words.”
“He wouldn’t have you sit in if he didn’t want your input.” It sounded much more true when Ambrose said it, versus when Irwin said it with his usual deadpan expression and Bo couldn’t tell whether he was regretting his choice to involve him in the business. “You must say somethin’ good, otherwise he wouldn’t keep you around. I mean, that’s my take on it anyhow.” Dean shrugged, pushing his hair back out of his eyes. “But I imagine growin’ up with the Ice King probably wasn’t an easy time.”
“A lot of other kids had it worse.”
“I ain't in someone else's apartment. I’m in yours, right?” Ambrose asked pointedly.
“What does it feel like, when you hit someone?” Bo blurted out. Dean's posture straightened up, his shoulders a tense line. Bo instantly regretted letting his mouth run away from him, because Dean looked outright uncomfortable.
“Strange.” Ambrose replied slowly. “For me, anyhow. Grew up fightin' other kids, other people. If you're a decent person you don't ever wanna' be the one throwin' the first punch, y'know? Because if you're wrong, you're wrong with force. Which is the worst way to be wrong.” He heaved a sigh that rivaled Bo's. “But if you're right, if you're fightin' for someone who can't fight back it's...well, like I said, a strange sensation. You get the rush of it first, y'know, adrenaline blows you wide open. And that's when you have to be careful not to get carried away.” Dean tugged at the collar of his shirt, pulling it down low enough to display an area of broken blood vessels and yellowed bruising beneath his collarbone. “One of the reasons I ain't throwing down much anymore, just take my licks an' get on with it. I know exactly what I can do.”
“What happened?” Bo didn't know why he even bothered asking; he knew the answer.
Dean ducked his head. “He mighta' come around once or twice. Damn near broke his hand trying to break my collarbone, the idiot.” He huffed. “He's just a fan of tossin' himself against any brick wall that'll take the punishment.”
“B-But he'll leave you alone now, right? I mean there was no reason for him to harass you in the first place, why would...” Bo trailed off, his eyes widening.
Dean grimaced, shoving his hands into his pockets and taking a large step back to lean against the counter. “I can take it.” Bo grabbed his arm and Ambrose flinched when Bo yanked the cuff of his jacket up. “Hey, it's not a big-”
“So that he would be exhausted when he got to me?” Bo interrupted, his fingers framing the bruises on Ambrose's arm. “So that I didn't have to learn?”
“You were fuckin' devastated when he broke up with you. More so when you found out that I was railin' him. I didn't want you to see the other shit.” Dean gently disentangled himself from Bo's hold. “It's alright.”
Bo sputtered incoherently before firmly announcing, “No, it's not!”
“Hey, it's the least I can do, y'know? After what I did to you, figured it was only fair.” Dean took Bo’s shoulders and fixed him with a serious look. “People like me exist as thirds an' outsiders, built for shit like this. I’m used to it.”
“That's bullshit.” Bo snapped, the curse making Dean’s eyebrows shoot upwards. “I mean excuse my language, but bull. Shit.”
“I didn’t think you actually knew how to swear.” Ambrose admitted.
“I am twenty-se-”
“No no, I get that you’re an adult. But you didn’t even drop so much as a ‘darn it’ earlier when you were pissin’ fire. Excuse the hell outta’ me.” Dean raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. “You’ve got variety.”
“Swearing is unprofessional and unnecessary in most situations.” Bo quoted the line his father had used on him constantly in his youth. “But bad words are meant for bad things. Nobody is built for abuse.”
“Christ, and we’re back to soundin’ like you’re in fuckin’ Catholic school.” Dean laughed ruefully. “Not doin’ a thing for my pain boner, Dallas.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Bo said flatly, unable to resist a glance down all the same.
“Aha, you looked!”
“Sue me!” Bo shot back, thoroughly embarrassed.
Dean wrapped him in another hug, grinding their hips together and sliding his hands into the other man’s back pockets. “Not a big fan of red tape. Could we come to an agreement outside of court?” He murmured, his face suddenly inches away from Bo’s. Bo swallowed hard. “Somethin’ along the lines of our previous engagement, maybe?”
“Only if I get to touch you too.” Bo retorted before he lost his nerve, feeling his face go bright red.
Dean looked oddly hesitant for a moment. “Uh, I dunno’. I’m still a little sore. Don’t wanna’ startle you or anything.”
“I’ll be careful.” Bo promised, moving to rest his hands lightly on Dean’s shoulders. “Please?”
“Well…” Ambrose trailed off, giving Bo a lopsided little smirk when he tugged at the lapels of Dean’s jacket. “For you, I guess. Just go easy. And…” He paused, clearing his throat. “And if I say stop, hands off, okay?”
“Of course.” Bo was relieved; these were easy rules to follow. “May I take your coat?” He asked, still tugging the leather intermittently.
“Oh, yeah.” Dean shrugged his way out of the article of clothing and Bo moved to drape it over the couch. Dean’s hand was on the back of his neck again and Bo couldn’t fight his shiver at the contact, the scotch buzzing just beneath his skin adding to the sensations. “Damn, you are a responsive little thing ain’t you?”
“Mmhm.” Bo started unbuckling Dean’s belt, hearing the other man suck in a sharp breath. He pulled the belt free agonizingly slow, then rolled it up carefully and laid it on top of the coat. “May I take your pants?” He asked, the picture of innocence.
“Fuck yes, you absolutely may.” Dean cursed, all but pressing himself into Bo’s eager hands. “Can I take yours off?” He asked breathlessly, fingers already grazing the hem of Bo’s sweatshirt. “Didn’t hardly get to see you last time.”
“Seth never really…you’re the first person to do that to me.” Bo’s face felt like it was on fire. “W-With my chest, I mean.”
“Oh. I am gonna’ enjoy you.” Dean rasped, quickly dragging Bo’s sweatshirt over his head and throwing it somewhere. Bo wasn’t overly concerned about where it landed, his attention thoroughly taken by the tongue and fingers coaxing his exposed nipples to hardened nubs. Without meaning to Bo grabbed a handful of Dean’s hair, whimpering embarrassingly loud. Dean, to his credit, immediately backed off and looked up worriedly. “That okay?”
“God, Jesus, please.” Bo begged, his body already humming from the lack of contact. “P-Please don’t stop.” Normally Bo would be taken by a fit of self-consciousness, if he stood in this state of undress anywhere near the beautifully crafted form of Rollins. He was painfully aware of how he looked, but for some reason right this second he couldn’t think of a single reason to shy away or cover himself back up. Oh he was embarrassed of course. Nervous. But that was normal for him.
“Yeah?” Dean’s large hands splayed over his pectorals, holding him steady so the taller man could study him silently.
Bo had never had anyone look at him quite like that before. “Did…did I do something wrong?” He finally asked timidly.
“Nah.” Dean muttered. “Just tryin’ to figure out a good strategy.” He nuzzled his nose into the side of Bo’s neck beneath his ear, making the younger man gasp softly when Dean started teasing his ear with his breath. “You’re a raw fuckin’ nerve and I’m not the most delicate guy in the world.” Ambrose continued. As if to drive his point home, he rubbed his thumb over Bo’s nipple hard enough to make Bo’s knees buckle. “Not gonna’ hurt you, obviously. But I need to be careful to keep that from happening.”
“Can I help?”
Dean swore under his breath, seeming to get himself back under control after a second. “Just…I guess be vocal with me. If you don’t like somethin’, tell me. Because if you pull on my hair I’m used to that meanin’ ‘harder’.” His smirk was lazy, building a heat in Bo’s stomach.
“I liked that, though.” Bo whispered, too embarrassed to meet Dean’s eyes. “What you were doing to me. I liked it.”
“Good. That’s what I was goin’ for. The way you lit up when I did it the other night, I figured it was a favorite spot of yours.” Dean shook his head. “Instead I get to find out that I’m the first asshole to indulge you.”
“Seth didn’t like how long it could take to get me off.” Bo said hesitantly. Might as well warn him, he would hate to disappoint.
“What the fuck did he expect, if he wasn’t willing to work over any of your fuckin’ hotspots?” Ambrose grumbled, his irritation helping to dispel Bo’s uncertainty. “You could be God’s fuckin’ gift and Rollins would still want more.”
“He said it was because I would over-sensitize so quickly, it wasn’t really worth touching me.”
To Bo’s surprise, Dean groaned loudly. “Shoulda’ known you wouldn’t take it easy on me. Almost want to get you overdone now.” He dragged a hand through his hair, eyes bright with interest. “I bet your ass that he just didn’t know how to get you off. Bet he was fuckin’ clueless.”
“You…you think so? Maybe I’m still normal?” Bo asked hopefully, startled when Dean kissed him fiercely.
“You are normal. Sensitive in different spots like every other person out there.” Dean murmured against his lips. “Ain’t your fault that the first guy to snap you up saw you as a set of holes for top-tryin’.”
Bo whined as Dean mouthed his way back down over his pectoral, the younger man’s whole body trembling. Dean was suddenly sliding Bo’s basketball shorts down under the curve of his ass, leaving him almost completely exposed in his living room. Bo’s cock was trapped against his stomach by the elastic waistband of the shorts; he could feel himself twitch and strain every time Dean bit down or teased one of his nipples with his tongue. Ambrose kept switching back and forth until Bo was a red-faced mess, the taller man batting his hand away when Bo attempted to touch himself.
Bo gave a little sob and Dean finally looked up again, his lips liberally coated with spit from his enthusiastic ministrations. His hands kept groping and kneading Bo’s ass, greedily touching every inch of skin he could. Bo was open-mouthed panting at this point, and he was certain he must look ridiculous.
Dean’s pupils dilated rapidly. “God Dallas, you’ve got the best ‘Jesus Christ just fuck me’ expression I’ve ever seen.” He laughed, sounding incredulous. “Holy shit, let’s move.” Ambrose half-carried him to his bedroom, as Bo’s arms were firmly locked around Dean’s neck so he could return Ambrose’s earlier favor of nipping at the shell of his ear. “On the bed, you.” Dean gasped, shuddering bodily before Bo pulled away. “You’re a little brat, gonna’ make me blow my load in my pants.” He huffed, not sounding upset in the slightest.
“Can I suck you?” Bo asked all in a rush, afraid yet again that he would lose his nerve. Dean paused midway through unbuttoning his jeans, looking torn. “I promise I won’t mess it up.”
“I’m supposed to be here for you.” Dean reminded him gently. “If you’re suckin’ me off, I’m suckin’ you off better, okay?”
Bo nodded eagerly, rolling onto his knees and watching unabashedly while Dean finished removing his pants and boxers. Dean’s cock was larger than Seth’s by a noticeable margin and Bo wondered (with a traitorous little quiver in his belly) if he would have trouble with it. Dean patted his thigh after a minute and Bo shifted closer, his eyes going wide as Dean stroked himself slowly to full hardness.
“You're doin' that thing again, where you look at me funny.” Ambrose grunted, rubbing his thumb over the head of his dick. “Like what you see, Dallas?” He asked breathlessly. “Wanna' know what I taste like? Because I'm dyin' to know what you taste like.” Dean's tone dropped into a gritty register that made Bo want to dissolve. “You came so hard for me the other night, but I never got the chance to taste you. You were asleep before you hit the mattress and I wasn't gonna' put my mouth on you if you were out.”
Ambrose laid back, beckoning for Bo to come even closer. “Um, h-how…?” Bo’s question died off as Dean showed him exactly how, moving him into position over him after yanking his shorts down to his ankles. “Oh. Oh.” His knees shook slightly and he tried to widen his stance, tried to steady himself. Ambrose, of course, was making it increasingly difficult to do so, the other man focused on enthusiastically teasing Bo’s balls with his tongue. Bo keened out, already overwhelmed because Seth had never put his mouth on him there-!
“Fuck, you--fuck.” Dean muttered into the skin of Bo’s thigh, pressing kisses there. “You okay? This okay?” Instead of replying, Bo took as much of Dean’s cock into his mouth as he could manage. Ambrose’s ragged exhale of “F--uck” spurred him on to try harder, the younger man focused on making that cock as slick as he could to get it further into his mouth, into his throat. Bo may have been inexperienced in other areas, but this was something he knew well and he was outright determined to make this blowjob the best one he’d ever given. Judging from the way Dean’s hand had clenched into the blankets beneath him, he figured he probably wasn’t doing too poorly.
“This alright?” Bo gasped, his back arching when Dean wordlessly licked his palm and gave Bo’s dick a lazy stroke. Dean’s thumb teased the area just beneath the crown of his cock and Bo’s thighs went tight, the younger man taking Dean’s cock as far down as he could in a display of appreciation. He didn’t even care that he was already sloppy and Dean hadn’t so much as moved his hips up, the light-haired man instead dragging his free hand greedily down Bo’s back to coax him into fucking his fist.
“You like that don’t you? Yeah you do, yeah you fuckin’ do.” Dean murmured, the feeling of his mouth on Bo’s cock making the younger man freeze. Lightning tripped down the length of his spine and Bo made a noise so obscene it had him blushing bright red. Ambrose groaned in response to his sound and his cock twitched in Bo’s hand.
“Is that good for you?” Bo gasped when he came up for air again. “Am I doing good?”
“Best I’ve ever fuckin’ had.” Dean gritted out, his free hand back to playing with Bo’s hair. “Fuckin’ working so hard to get me to come, Jesus Christ Dallas, you’re makin’ me look like a slouch.” His hand trailed lower to tweak Bo’s nipples and Bo could feel Dean’s smirk against the skin of his thigh when he cried out. “’Hard to get off’, my fuckin’ ass.” Ambrose growled, “Come for me, prove that asshole wrong and come for me.” He took Bo’s cock into his mouth again, talented tongue assaulting his sensitive head and underside with a feverish variety of patterns while his hands worked over Bo’s chest.
Bo couldn’t even believe that this was happening, every muscle in his body straining as he blindly sought his orgasm. And Dean just…accepted it. Didn’t tell him to wait, didn’t force him back down to swallow his cock again. I’m here for you. Take what you need.
Bo suddenly felt Dean gag around his cock and that did it, the younger man crying out as he came hard. His legs locked and his arms gave out, dumping him gracelessly to slump his forehead against Dean’s hip while Ambrose milked him dry. Bo was light-headed by the time he had stopped coming, his body shivering violently when he tried to move. “Dean-“ He moaned, shaking his head to try and get his long hair out of his face. “M’ stuck.”
“I know. Totally at my mercy.” Dean chuckled, cupping Bo’s balls and teasing them through the skin with his thumbs. “It’s great.”
“Oh--” Bo whimpered, rocking down into Ambrose's grasp as best as he could. “God yes, yes. M' sorry I stopped sucking you off.” He apologized pitifully, trying to move and take Dean's cock into his mouth again.
Dean carefully rolled the two of them over, letting Bo rest on his back. “Relax. Gettin' off ain't a dealbreaker for me.” Ambrose said kindly, “You're obviously wiped out.” He inhaled hard when Bo mouthed at the side of his cock, dropping his hips a little to bring it closer even while he protested, “I don't need it like you do, Dallas.”
“But I want you to feel good too.” Bo insisted, whining unhappily when Dean moved back out of reach. “Dean-”
“Ah ah, no complaining. You're a distraction, Dallas.” Ambrose ducked his head to stick his tongue out at Bo, grinning after a second. “I've got a very important mission to fulfill here. I can't be distracted.”
“Fine, but after you're done with your mi--ah, Dean!”
“Not fair-!”
“Mm, I'm pretty sure this is the fairest thing I've ever done. Hey, you can have your turn once I get like...two more out of you, alright? I'm plenty fair.”
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theday · 7 years
mx in sg: the experience
FHJGDGHSHGFGGHD as usual starting off with the keyboard smash anyway! ill be talking about my experience seeing mx live yesterday (3/3) second part is abt when mx were on stage but its quite dry bc i dont remember much
ill be going in chronological order so [jooheon voice] lets get it
i was gonna meet my friend (karissa) at 3:30 because we were going to meet the person selling us our tickets at 4pm but that got delayed until like 5pm which was fine though
anyway i met her and we started queueing because although official queuing was supposed to start at 6pm they pushed it forward to 3pm (which was unfortunate for those who were busy and couldnt come until much later - the organizer never released an official statement saying the queuing started earlier) 
so as soon as karissa and i arrived at like. the place (near the venue) we got lost for about a whole 5 minutes lmao so i texted james asking him where the hell . they were and we made it and joined the queue immediately (we were the last few people of the second batch) 
we just sat there and. collected freebies and our banners (for the fan events) while we waited for the seller to come give us our tickets 
when they came i was like . fucking screaming because one of the seller was someone i knew from primary school (4 years ago) and i was likeudghdgghdhsh??????? that was the highlight of the daydhfhs
after we bought the tickets and shit we were slightly concerned they wouldnt work lmao but they did god bless
while we waited for the doors to open and stuff a group of people did dance covers of mx songs and later other groups too everyone was cheering for them which was nice fgfghdgh
the hype died down and we just waited quietly until it hit 6pm and i started listening to the day6 stream LMAO but after 4 songs i had to stop because suddenly everyone was standing up?? 
for nothing though because we sat down like 30 minutes later at around 7? 7:30? everyone stood up again and this time people were given wrist tag things u kno.. ya there were three (?) kinds i think gold for those who held a superfan ticket, pink for general admission and some other colour for those who got tickets for free and could sit on chairs dhdghs 
it was a free standing event in an outdoor space so superfan ticket holders got to stand closer to the stage? and those with general admission had to stand behind us and it was separated by a barricade 
we entered at like 8pm because we were the second batch (there was a third batch behind us) and it was already filled?? not exactly but from where we were standing we couldn’t really see the stage 
in the end we were in the middle which wasnt exactly the best but its definitely better than those standing all the way at the back rip 
i think at like 7:45 they started playing the music videos and everyone was shouting the lyrics it was cute i loved it but my throat told me to die after i yelled for like all of their mvsjhdgdghd 
also when all in played u bet my ass i jumped up and downdhg
also water wasnt allowed inside which i think is normal so i chugged mine down as fast as i could before entering (i had a little left and the lady let me in with it thanks queen) (i drank it all before they even came on stage)
the hype was real though and it was great 
when it hit 8:30pm the introduction video started and suddenly i was getting pushed forward and wow . dont go if ur not a fan of people invading your personal bubble. i wish fans had more sense to Not push around and stuff but what can we do rip 
other than that when they came out oh gOD when they came out i was likebfhgddgs??!?!??!?! i had to stand on my tip toes to see them
they started with beautiful and i was liek. dissociating i jsut sang along and shit it was amazing?????? 
the first person i saw was kihyun and then minhyuk?? i dont remember who else i saw but iw ss losing my fucking mind over how good everyone looked
anyway after that was um.............. fuck. .... i dont know..........
white love maybe? i think they did like an introduction of themselves ??
anyway ill figure the songs out later they started playing games i think or was that another time im bad at this clearly 
ask james for the details of the songs i dont remember shit from that i just remember singing along to the songs badly and moving my arm back and forthhfgsgh 
also team work makes the dream work because karissa was recording and i helped her to zoom in and ensure they looked human with the brightness and stuff fhjdgsgh 
but !! everyone did the fanchants really well it was so heartworming 
also during white love they made us do that one part u know the one and it was awesome!!!!! during white sugar they threw m&m’s and i got to get a good look at their faces without having to look at the screen!! 
honestly was good too god im so happie 
hm. they did a mon-story time and showed us pics from previous eras (trespass > i dnt remmeber fuck > beautiful world tour > mxray > first win) ?? might be wrong dghdgs and they talked about stuff that happened i blanked out though so i dont know what they said 
also when they flashed the first win part they started throwing hands @ each other usual mx shit dhjgsgd
we chanted monsta x and they chanted monbebe back at us :-( i love them
i think changkyun said he doesnt wnat to do another season of mxray LMAODHFGHHGS fucking loser 
the translator made me laugh he was super monotone fhgdghfsh
then they played mon-ccaso dghghfsh and drew what they wanted to eat with singaporean mbb!!
there was a bug in front of wonho and he got !!!! fhdgh cute .
shownu: ????? what was it ?? a drink it looked like a cocktail and kihyun was like “non alcoholic” dghffsgs
wonho: ice cream!!! hes so cute his drawing was so cute also he wrote monbebe before they announced the game his handwriting is so pretty tf
minhyuk: ramyeon lmao (in his words: traditional korean noodles) 
kihyun: uh oH HE DREW A CRABFGHGSHS and said chili and pepper crab!!!
hyungwon: he drew a shrimpfhggdgs fucking . it was so cute
jooheon: mandu!! or dumplings :D
anyway they talked about what they drew and when it came to minhyuk’s turn he was like guess and everyone just shit on him DHJDHSHG 
some examples: “hair” Gghdhg and some fans (including me) screamed cucumberhjfghgs let this man live 
minhyuk also tried to make fun of jooheons drawing but it failed bc none of us understood his joke
so they made us vote by screaming and they each stood up while holding their sketchbooks and we’d scream
winner was changkyun (i yelled my heart out and jumped bitch)
they did oppaya and i think there are fancams somewhere
then they made wonho do it hhdggs best 1 minute of my life
after that was uhh??????? brain machine broke i dont know im not even going in order anymore
they either did from zero first or the fan videos were shown first
if so the fan videos were of fans talking about how much they love/appreciate mx and it was sweet after that we raised our banners for the fan vid
and then the CAKE came for wonho and we sang happy birthday to wonho (kihyun asked us to sing once too at the start hjdghgsg we did that in english this time it was in korean) 
also funny hfgdhgs thing... they talked in korean and a lot of people replied in korean so they got shockedhfgh FUCJ DAY6 ok safe im listening now
i think they (minhyuk?) asked who thought/if he was handsome and got rly happie when we said yea
after him someone asked too LOLJHDGSG
back 2 whatever fdsh um oh yeah the cake was done to look like ramyeon in a pot :D ill add a link
wonho cut himself with the knife D-: babie 
he kept wanting to eat it though so hopefully he liked it 
maybe after that they did from zero???? ufhffghsgghdg idk
after that was hero!!!!!!! god we were all so pumped 
shine forever next 
and then they stopped to take a break i thinkfhgshgd 
at some point they asked fans (a jooheon stan and a wonho one) what songs they liked :-D the jooheon one said beautiful and the other said ill be there if im not wrong
they also made the rappers sing bits from some songs hfgsg i dont remember which songs tho hdhs
changkyun tried his besthjdg
they did their ending ment and went to dramarama!! 
after that it was silent for like 5 minutes max as we chanted mx and for encore
they came out and did ill be there (?) (first verse to chorus) and talked again before doing 5:14! 
they were dressed in casual tshirts which was a relief hjghgdh because it was reallly fuckng hot hdh changkyun mentioned the weather too sorry dude thats life
they waved at fans and played amongst themselves kihyun dumped water on jooheon LMAO i got a clear view of that
stay hydrated !
they just kept dumping water on each other i love a family :-D
and then they said bye and left
jooheon kept going byEE though dhgdhs hes so cute :-( 
ok heres what i thought abt the monstas themselves
kihyun looked especially good with that tie by the way 
jesus i got to see wonho with dark hair i truly. died
hyungwon was rly cute too when he interacted with the fans :-(
there was one time wonho smiled and it was caught on the screen i . felt my heart burst in that moment
alsowwhen minhyuk took center position for their choreos he has this ?? charisma ??? its amazong like the one smirk/grin he does u know that? yeah i saw it in beautoful and died
joohoen and changkyun also did their best hyping mbbs up by yelling to sing along and stuff ihdjgf i love them
this is just mx loving hours 
i didnt get to see jooheon much but he was so playful with minhyuk it was so cute!!!!!!! 
they all look so good and sound even better live!!! kihyuns adlibs god help me. 
i love them so much. i really do fhhdghghs im happy i went no more regrets and no more telling myself i didnt have a blast because i!!!! i loved every second of it even when i got someones hair stuck to my arm LMAO 
after it ended we immediately left for the exit andggdghs WOW standing up i was fine but moving?? moving was HELL my legs hurt so bad
ok so we got home and thats that but like.... heres where my self reflection comes in
so you dont have to read this part
i think. the reason i dont remember much is because.. i dont want to? like. at some point i got a clear view of wonho in the Flesh and i was thinkng about how i was really seeing them? for real????? and i got. really sad i think?? 
so to prevent myself from getting sad i probably tried to forget? everything?? theres also my bad memory of course but i cant even remember their faces i feel like its because im trying to forget or some deep shit 
anyway i think im also makig myself not be happy??? this is phrased v bad but its like im trying to kill the fun and only think abt the negatives of the whole event
which wasnt even much so its like. my minds blankfhjfhd
talking about it here helps though like i get to. share and actually talk about what happened so yeah i can say that i had fun even though i couldnt see them i had a blast singing along it was awesome
the only bad part was how i didnt like watching from the screens because it felt like i wasnt seeing them live?? ooMGHDDS DAY6 ARE DOING BETTTER BTTER
tldr; im not that upset over it now thank god and i can proudly say i had fun and although i cant remember much it was a great experience
thank you for coming to my tedtalk if you did <3
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