#does that mean i am going to have 5 new ocs that just
vespertea · 10 months
how to make boring side characters and not get attached
step one: choose a boring animal to base it off of
step two: make a super boring and super simple design that doesn't have to look good or make sense
step three: now you gotta give them a short name and boring occupation
step four: oh god why do they have a backstory, where did their family come from, why is everything suddenly so complicated and convoluted i mean how did you manage to make a side character LOOK LIKE THAT
step five: they now join the hero's party..... the side character is now #1 supporting cast and the main characters literally cannot live without them
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>> Try Again? >> Exit.
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People asking which one we get between Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie, while I'm sitting here in a Comm class thinking "Why not both? Lmao". We all recognize them easily, so having it a twist(heh) of both, with Jack's being a hero character and Oogie being the main bad, could work out with how they actually are.
How Yana could go about it, idk, we'll have to wait and see. But honestly, am so fucking hyped for it. But what exactly do you think could be a possible plot idea or what do you think could happen in the event?
You can answer at your own leisure.
[Referencing this post!]
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I don’t think it’s strange at all that people are speculating which character will be the one twisted. Yes, Fellow and Gidel were introduced as a pair, meaning that there is no limit or precedent set for there only be one new character revealed. However, it’s very clear that Fellow was the star of the show, as he has the stronger presence (and ended up getting the SSR as well). Ultimately, it does mean they end up being treated like a single character rather than individuals anyway. So really, I think most fans are still running on the logic that only “one” can be twisted.
The problem with Jack and Oogie is that they are both strong presences, neither dominating the other when it comes to being attention grabbing. Fellow and Gidel go together, but Jack and Oogie are opposing forces, not teammates, in their own story. This makes it hard to predict which of them will be twisted and makes it less likely they’d be crammed into the same card.
(ncbsbsvwjwheisn NOT GONNA LIE, I’m really hyped for a twisted!Jack Skellington… but a part of me is also really attached to my OC that’s twisted from Jack 🤡 That’s not to say that I don’t want a canonized one; I think I’d actually ASCEND if we got a twisted!Jack Skellington for real!!! It’s just that I wouldn’t know what to do with my OC after the fact 🤷‍♂️ Something similar happened with my Snow White OC when Neige was introduced in book 5 www)
A popular idea I’ve seen in circulation is another isekai plot where either the students go to Halloween Town or the Nightmare Before Christmas characters come to Twisted Wonderland from Halloween Town. I’d wager that’s a pretty safe guess! Like… they’re doing their Halloween parade prep and there’s a new character disrupting things. Maybe they’ll have to pull off a heist or kidnapping of some kind?? 🤔 It would be funny if the NRC boys had to help play matchmaker for a Sally and Jack/j Personally (and this is a stretch), I really would like to see some kind of casino or gambling element because I love those design details for Oogie’s lair. Not sure if it would make sense being a large part of the event story, but it would be cool to consider.
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ripleyresonance · 4 months
Out of my Control
Rhea Ripley x OC
Leah has always had her life together and is always in control. But when she meets Rhea Ripley maybe letting go sometimes isn't so bad after all.
Word count: 5936
Warnings: Cursing, Spanking, Gagging, Spit, Countdown, A little bit of angst.
Leah had a very particular routine. Every morning she would wake up at 5:00 am sharp. From 5 to 5:15 she would open the New York Times on her phone and catch up on current events. After that, she would take a shower. Cold, of course, to wake her up a bit more. She would make an English muffin lightly toasted with butter and a glass of cold brew with a splash of her favorite oat milk-based creamer. She was out the door to go to work at 7:00 to arrive at the office by 8:00. 
People at work respected her. Everyone would acknowledge her and wish her a good morning or afternoon when she walked by. She always was the best dressed and everything at her desk was arranged to make her work day more efficient. Needless to say, she was in control. And she loved it that way. But in her romantic life, she wanted the opposite. She wanted to let go and have someone else make her decisions. She wanted them to pick the restaurant. Pick the time – hell, sometimes she’d even love for them to pick what she would wear. And a few months ago she found just that. 
“Come on Leah, you have to come out with us.” Her friend Tiffany groaned, putting her head in Leah's lap. 
“Yeah Leah, I feel like if we left you alone on another Friday night your vagina might shrivel up and fall off.” Her other friend Bri chimed in. 
Bri, Leah, and Tiffany were all roommates freshman year of college and could not have been more different. Believe it or not, Leah had even been more uptight back then. She refused to hang out with them, dedicating all of her time to her studies. But one terrifying night they thought someone was breaking into their apartment. 
They all hid in Bri’s room with a baseball bat until they found out it was just a raccoon who had found out how to kick open the door. Ever since that night, the girls were pretty much inseparable. 
“I reallyyy don’t though. Don't you normally go to ‘The Keg’ I mean could they have come up with any better of a name?” Leah groaned pushing past Tiffany to stand up from the coach to go refill her currently empty wine glass. 
“Um yeah, the bartender thinks I’m hot so we normally get free drinks,” Tiffany said, propping herself up on her elbow. 
“You literally work in accounting…I know what you make, you can afford drinks.” Leah said.
“She definitely can but that does not mean she has to…also you’re deflecting! Cmon we can't let you stay in on a Friday night for the hundredth time in a row. Bri said, coming to the counter behind Leah. 
“But I love my Friday night routine. Wine, my favorite snacks, my favorite shows and! My bed. You cannot find those at a bar.” Leah said. 
Tiffany rested her chin on Leah’s shoulder. 
“That’s the most depressing thing I have ever heard…you sound like you are eighty years old.”
“Or a depressed housewife,” Bri said. 
“I’ve always been told I have an old soul,” Leah said, shaking her arm like an old lady, making them both laugh.
Tiffany moved around her jumping up to sit on the counter facing Leah. 
“I’m just worried about you Leah….ever since Krista broke up with you–” Tiffany started. 
“Ah ah. No Krista talk, you promised.” Leah frowned. 
“And we promise we will stop feeling bad for you and not drag you out for the next six months if you just come out with us tonight,” Bri said, moving Leah's hair behind her ear. 
Leah looked at both of the friends dreading her reaction. It was like all critical thoughts left her head regarding them. This is exactly what happened way too many nights in college and it always ended up with Leah picking one of them off the bathroom floor. 
“UGHHHHHHH. Fine but only two drinks.” Leah said.
Tiffany and Bri squealed and jumped off the counter hugging her. “I knew you would cave! We are going to have so much fun, just like old times. BLT hitting the town again!” Tiffany said as Leah and Bri rolled their eyes.
“Girl even I might stay in if you use that awful nickname again” Bri said. 
“Yeah Tif, I think that died the night after you were talking to that girl who offered you a sandwich on the sidewalk.” Leah shuddered at the memory.
“Yeah, some questionable choices were made that night.” Tiffany agreed.
“Anyway go shave…whatever your situation is down there and put on something CUTE not one of your business casual shirts,” Bri remarked. 
“Yeah between the business casual attire and the ice queen attitude you give to any stranger that approaches us, you are kind of scaring the hoes,” Tiffany said. 
“Nope, no guys I am serious. No girls tonight, just us. I’m not looking for another subpar one night stand with some girl named ‘Angel’ who won't call me back.” Leah said. 
“A girl sets you up on one bad date and I never hear the end of it,” Bri said, making them all laugh. 
Leah had had enough drama with Krista and everyone felt bad for her. If she had to go out, she at least wanted to spend time with her best friends. 
“Okay fineeeeee I promise. It’s just us.” Tiffany said, extending her pinky. 
“Just us.” Bri agreed putting her pinky in the mix. 
“Always.” Leah smiled, sealing the deal. 
Pinky promises used to mean something back in elementary school but apparently, all that went out the window as the girls had barely finished one drink and Leah went to the bathroom and came back to Tiffany with her tongue down some woman’s throat. 
Leah rolled her eyes, sitting back down next to Bri. 
“Damn, I thought she might make it to drink two before she ditched us. Leah said 
“C'mon you know as well as me telling her she can't do something is going to make her do it that much faster,” Bri said taking a sip of her drink. 
Leah sighed, thinking of how she was going to get Tiffany out of there until Bri choked on her drink.
“Woah who is THAT,” Bri said nodding past Leah. 
Leah turned her head, looking at the seats further down the bar to see two women who looked impressively fit. One had long brown hair about mid-way down her back. She had on a classic pair of blue jeans and a strapless top which emphasised how impressive her back muscles were. But the other woman was who caught Leah’s attention. 
She had jet-black hair in a wolfcut style. She had a few nose piercings and an eyebrow slit – immediately setting off Leah’s fuck-girl radar. 
“Ah ah no that one is bad news.” Leah shook her head turning back to Bri. 
“Omg so quick to judge! What makes you say that?” Bri replied. 
“Um hello?? The piercings? The eyebrow slit? The tattoos? She is like the poster child for bad decisions.” Leah said, shaking her head. 
“Well, what if I wanted to make some bad decisions? Bri said, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Then I would tell you to DM Jenna again, not find a new problem. I know exactly what her type is and trust me you want nothing to do with Miss Wolf Cut over there.” Leah said, sipping her drink.
“Damn, it seems like I already made a bad impression then?” Leah heard a voice from behind her. 
Both Leah and Bri choked on their drink, turning around to face the woman and her friend. 
“Pretty arrogant of you to assume we were talking about you,” Leah said coldly, making Bri and the woman's friend make a face.
“Arrogant or observant?” The stranger raised an eyebrow. 
“Anyway me and my friend were just about to leave so excuse us,” Leah said, turning around to flag the bartender. 
Leah heard the woman's friend mumble something back to her along the lines of, “Let's go sit down again” but the woman ignored her. 
When the bartender returned to the group, Leah could barely get a word in before the woman with the wolf cut spoke up again. 
“I'll do another whisky sour and the lady will take…a cosmo” She smirked, eyeing Leah’s glass. Leah went to protest but the bartender went straight to work. 
Leah turned to complain to Bri as she saw her now chatting up the brunette with the long hair. 
She sighed, accepting defeat as the woman with the tattoos sat in the barstool next to her. 
“So how often do you do this? Go to some shitty dive bar and try and pick up your next victim.”
“Victim?” the woman laughed “You think I am that type?”
“I don't think so, I know so,” Leah replied shortly.
“And why is that sweetheart?”  The woman asked as the bartender passed her her new drink. 
“Because I’ve fallen for women like you before. You exude this confidence you walk around like anyone should be honored to have the pleasure of sleeping with you.”  Leah explained. 
“So you admit it, I am your type.” The woman smirked, causing Leah to roll her eyes. 
The stranger laughs, finishing her drink and slamming it onto the bar. 
“Well miss….” The stranger paused waiting for her name. 
“Leah,”She offered.
“Well miss Leah I'll get out of your business but I…hope we run into each other again. I don’t think this was the only time we are meant to meet.” She winked at Leah before getting up, placing money on the bar, and grabbing her friend to head out. 
After they left Bri scooted over to Leah again. 
“So you got her number right?!” Bri said excitedly. 
“In her dreams,” Leah said, taking the last swig of her drink. 
By the time April came around Leah was as busy as ever. Work really picked up and she had been running around the city like a chicken with its head cut off. Event planning was no joke. The clients could be demanding and annoying but hey – at least Leah was getting paid. 
This particular day was not going her way though. She had slept through her 5 am alarm so she had to do her morning routine in twenty minutes. Once she was in the office, one of the interns spilled coffee on her. The rest of the day was meetings and clients yelling over the phone followed by more meetings. By the time Leah had put out all the fires it was pushing 9pm. She sighed as she turned off the light in her office and headed for her car. 
She turned on the meditations that she did not get to practice this morning and started her commute home. It was only about 25 minutes, Garnet Valley was a small town but cutting through downtown could save Leah about five minutes and based on the downpour she would take all the time off she could get. Leah gripped the wheel tight leaning forward to see through her windshield wipers. The more it rained the louder she tuned up her mediation…which was the reason she did not hear her check engine light go off. 
She continued at a slow pace until the car jerked, alarming her. She turned down her meditation a bit, finally hearing the light beep on the indicator. 
“No no no” Leah started whispering to herself as her car jerked again. 
She was just on the edge of downtown as she pulled over the car, making sure to jerk once more before she turned it off. 
Leah waited for about three minutes before turning on the car again, the engine sputtering a few times before stalling. She repeated this two or three times before pulling out the keys. 
“FUCK.” Leah shouted, laying her head on her wheel. 
She let a few tears slip before she looked at her phone.
She couldn’t call Tiffany because she was out of town for work. 
Bri was around but she was on a third date with a girl she really liked. And Leah would rather walk home than ruin her friend’s date. 
She sighed, getting in contact with AAA to come tow her car. They said they would be there “soon” but based on her experiences in college she knew that could mean five hours right now. 
She saw that there was a gas station across the street from where she stalled out, so begrudgingly she decided that is where her dinner would be. 
She bundles up her thin hoodie, locked the car and ran across the street – almost slipping a few times. 
As she walked in, the cashier gave her a nod and she strolled through the isles. 
She grabbed a beef jerky stick, a bag of potato chips and a diet coke. 
She normally would never be caught dead consuming such garbage but honsetly this day could not get any worse…
“Is that you Cosmo girl?” she heard a familiar voice say. 
Leah froze in her tracks, beef stick a quarter eaten. There was no way it could be her. 
As Leah turned around she was greeted with the woman's familiar figure. 
She looked a bit different. Her hair was now mid back lengthand she was wearing a big t-shirt and joggers. Leah questioned how she could look so good in such plain clothes. 
As the woman's eyes got big at the sight of Leah she finally caught what she looked like in one of the mirror in the corner of the store. 
Leah was in a zipped up hoodie with her hood pulled up. Her hair frizzing up underneath and poking through a bit. Her jeans and blouse were soaked and her face… well if it wasn’t the rain that made her makeup run. It was her tears from the car. To complete the look with the several snacks she had in hand was mortifying.
And the woman could sense it, laughing loudly. 
Leah blushed with embarrassment, going to walk past her to pay. 
“Hey hey.. The stranger said gently, grabbing her arm as she passed. “I’m sorry. You just caught me by surprise with your new…look.” The woman held back a giggle. 
“Ha ha laugh it up.” Leah mumbled. 
“C’mon Cosmo girl.Let me pay for your snacks as an apology…you look like you need a pick-me-up.” The woman said, taking the snacks out of her hand and heading to the register. 
Leah didn’t even put up a fight, she was so embarrassed. To be seen in such a vulnerable state made her uneasy. The woman snapped her out of her thoughts. 
“Here you go…Leah.” The woman said handing over a bag as Leah gave a polite thank you. 
The woman raised her eyebrow, perplexed by the seemingly different person standing before her than at The Keg a few months ago. 
“Did you park far? I can help you out with my umbrella.” The woman said as the pair exited the convenience store. 
“Kind of…my car broke down,” Leah said quietly. 
“Damn, you really have had a shit day huh?” The woman said. 
Leah nodded finally looking up at the woman. Her eyes were not the same as when they first met. They were not filled with mischief or lust just…saddness? Pity? And that made Leah want to run and hide. 
“I called AAA. They should be here soon.” Leah said, clearing her throat and breaking eye contact again. 
“So like five hours?” The woman said. 
The two women looked at each other again as they burst out laughing. Leah started laughing so hard she started crying…almost sobbing. This was her low, her rock bottom, being soaked in a rainstorm after a shit day. 
“Well listen I know you may not like what I am about to suggest but do you want to wait at my place? I live right there.” The woman said, pointing to a window about two blocks away.
Leah sighed, thinking of course this was a convenient way to get Leah back to the stranger's home. She had seen horror movies start…and end like this. 
As soon as she opened her mouth to make a smart comment she noticed a familiar vehicle pulling up out of her peripheral. 
It couldn’t be…this had to be a joke. 
And yet when the woman stepped out of her car there she was. Krista. The same Krista that said that Leah was “The One”. The same Krista who said no one or nothing would ever come between them. And yet that was the same Krista who broke up with her by leaving a note and clearing out their apartment while Leah was on a business trip. 
Leah’s heart sank as she could tell tears were beginning to form. She quickly turned to the woman who got her the snacks. 
“Actually yes that sounds so nice. Lead the way!” Leah laughed nervously. 
The woman looked at her, obviously confused by the sudden shift in demeanor from Leah. But as Leah’s gaze shifted between her and the woman pumping gas she put it together that that was not someone Leah wanted to see right now. So she obliged. 
Upon entering the apartment Leah was not surprised by the decor. It was like the den of a vampire. All of the furniture was black. There were hints of purple accents on the walls and on some side tables. But it seemed very on-brand for….for this woman? It hit Leah that not only was she in a stranger's apartment, but she had no idea what her name was. 
“Make yourself at home.” The woman said, taking off her boots. 
“Thank you…uh..” Leah said.
The woman looked up.
“Rhea,” She replied back with a smile. 
“Let me go get you a towel and a change of clothes. You're going to get sick if you stay in those.” Rhea said, passing her to go to what Leah presumed was her bathroom. 
As she passed Leah got a whiff of her scent again smelling stronger from the rain as a strong emphasis of Burgemont stuck out to her. 
Rhea prepared everything in the bathroom and let Leah take her time promising her she would look out for the tow truck in the meantime. 
As Leah let the warm water envelope her body, she reflected on the day. She knew Krista lived in the same town. They were bound to run into each other. But catching Leah off guard was rare. It threw her into a state of vulnerability she was highly uncomfortable. I mean, it had been almost a year since their break up but Leah was always in control.
 She was able to predict Krista’s every move. But now it seemed like she did not even recognize the woman anymore..or maybe she didn’t recognize herself. 
Leah got out of the shower and looked at the clothes Rhea had laid out. She definitely would not typically wear any of these garments. The shirt was black with a soft white design of what she assumed was a band logo in the center. The sweatpants were admittedly comfortable but a little big. She pulled at the drawstring. 
She wiped her face for a final time before heading back into the living room. Rhea sat on the window-sill watching her car as she promised. 
Leah cleared her throat so as to not scare her. Rhea turned to her. 
Rhea’s eyes widened with an emotion Leah could not exactly make out. 
“You look...normal,” Rhea said. 
“Normal?” Leah said, crossing her arms. 
“Not as an insult more like ... .yourself and not some Queen of Ice ready to behead one of her subjects…or a woman buying her a drink in a bar.” Rhea laughed. 
“Even Your Majesty has off moments.” Leah sighed heavily plopping down on the couch. 
“So…who was the woman at the gas station,” Rhea asked, catching Leah off guard. 
“I don’t see why she would be any of your business,” Leah said coming off a bit more harsh than she intended. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. I bought you your fabulous dinner, let you shower, and wear my favorite sweatpants. The least you can do is give me a little backstory. “ Rhea said, moving to the opposite side of the couch from Leah. 
Leah looked at her expecting a shit-eating grin but the woman looked genuinely interested. 
“Did she do anything to you?” Rhea whispers, clenching her fist a little.
“NO no god no – not like that.” Leah quickly said. 
“She's just an…ex. Who I didn’t want to see me like that.” Leah admitted. 
Rhea sat back in relief but still questioned. “Messy breakup?”
“If you consider leaving a note saying. ‘I used to enjoy thinking about our forever but who could stand to be someone who loves their reputation more than me messy than yes, very.” Leah said, causing Rhea to wince. 
“Yeah, I think that counts as messy.” Rhea agreed, earning a small smile from Leah.
“You do give off a very strong aura,” Rhea admitted. “That's why I went and flirted with you at the bar.” 
“You liked the fact that I seemed to be almost… repulsed at your flirting?” Leah questioned looking at Rhea. 
“I admit you were a tough shell to crack but I noticed something else underneath that cool and mean exterior,” Rhea said, motioning her hands toward Leah. 
“Oh yeah and what was that?” Leah asked. 
“Excitement,” Rhea smirked, causing Leah to look away from her. 
“I have no idea what you mean.” Leah cleared her throat causing Rhea to laugh. 
“It was only for a second but I could see the look in your eye when I ordered the drink for you. It was like you were relieved and turned on at the same time. “ Rhea said boldly. 
Leah's eyes widened. 
“I was NOT turned on. I hate not being in control. What if I had wanted something else? What if I wanted to switch my drink.” Leah said. 
“I agree, you seem like you need to be in control of most things in your life but…” Rhea said, moving closer to Leah on the couch. “ I think sometimes you like to give other people control if they prove themselves to you.” 
Leah blushed at her forwardness, standing up. Feeling uncomfortable with the ache she was starting to feel in between her legs.  
  “I think you like to assume a lot of things about me, Rhea,” Leah said, going to glance out of the window still– no truck in sight.  
“Like what?” Rhea said, sitting back and spreading her legs a bit. 
“Like the fact that I wanted more than one Cosmo at that bar or the fact that you assumed I had a history with my ex at the gas station and that you assumed if you were able to get me back to your apartment I would just go weak at the knees and beg you to take control of me.” Leah ranted pacing back and forth before stopping in front of Rhea.
Leah looked down at Rhea, her breathing getting heavier as Rhea slowly stood up from the couch towering over Leah as the two got close. 
“And am I wrong assuming that maybe you came back to my place because you knew I was exactly the person who could take care of you after such a rough day?” Rhea whispered, moving a curl behind Leah’s ear. 
The pair breathed quicked as Leah looked up at Rhea as she licked her lips looking at Leah with such affection yet equal parts lust. 
Leah would never be so reckless. This woman only learned her name twenty minutes ago and now she was inching closer and closer to climbing on top of this woman. How could she let go so easily? 
Rhea bent down to her ear and whispered.
“All you have to do is ask princess…and I’ll take care of you,” Rhea said grabbing her hand and ghosting her lips over Leah’s neck. 
Leah��s head mind was racing. There was no way she was going to fall for this woman's spell would she? And yet the only words that came out of her mouth were. 
“Please…” Leah whispered. “Fuck me” 
That was all Rhea needed to finally press her lips against Leah's throat. 
Rhea’s hands shifted down to her hips pulling Leah’s body flush against hers causing Leah to let out a satisfied moan. 
As Rhea bit her neck lightly Leah did not even think about the fact she would have a hickey to cover tomorrow just that she wanted more of this feeling. Rhea kissed Leah’s throat, sighing before pressing her lips against Leah’s. 
“I thought you would never ask” Rhea smirked, moving her lips in tandem with Leah. 
The kiss was so deep Leah barely noticed Rhea sitting them both on the couch as Leah straddled Rhea continuing to press into her. 
Rhea moved her hands up from Leah's waist grabbing one of her breasts.
“This okay?” Rhea paused for a moment coming up for air. 
Leah nodded, leaning in to kiss her again. 
“Ah ah, princess I need to hear you say it. Say you want me to handle these gorgeous tits.” Rhea groaned. 
Leah would typically never say such a vulgar sentence but with the pulse coming from between her legs getting stronger Leah had no problem saying it.
“Please play with my tits.” 
Rhea obliged quickly, taking Leah’s shirt and throwing it haphazardly across the room. 
Since Leah's Bra was soaked it was no surprise either woman when there was no bra to be found. 
Leah moaned as Rhea kissed down her cheek grabbing one breast and licking a painfully slow swipe across her left nipple. 
“Fuck I can barely fit them in my hands.” Rhea seemed to mumble to herself before taking one nipple in her mouth. 
As Rhea sucked and licked and teased Leah’s breast she was not naive to feel Leah’s hips start to buck in search of any friction. 
Rhea grinned looking up at Leah as she pulled back biting her nipple before letting it go with a gasp from Leah. 
“Sorry, I would love to tease these all day but I have something else I need to take care of,” Rhea said grabbing Leah’s hips and rolling the pain so Leah was now sitting on the couch with Rhea going on her knees between Leah’s legs. 
“Since the minute you stepped out here in my clothes all I could think about is how they would look on my floor.” Rhea flashed her shit-eating grin. 
Leah was about to get out a witty comeback but the words quickly left her brain as Rhea began tugging on the waistband of Leah’s sweatpants making sure to kiss every inch of her exposed skin as she finally got them off discarding them amongst the pile building in the corner.  
Rhea kissed up Leah’s thigh getting dangerously close to her heat as Leah’s eyes widened in anticipation. Rhea looked up at Leah panting and biting her lip down at Rhea. 
Rhea paused shaking her head for a moment. 
“Is something wrong? “ Leah said sitting up a bit before Rhea grabbed her hips pinning her in place. 
“The opposite princess.” Rhea smiled grabbing her wrist and kissing it tenderly. 
“You look like a work of art…and I can’t wait to ruin you,” Rhea said whispering the last part as she sat back on her knees, hooked her arms under Leah’s thighs, and licked a long stripe up to Leah’s clit. 
Leah threw her head back as the feeling of ecstasy took over.
Leah was attracted to Rhea when they first met in the bar, whether she wanted to admit it or not.  But she looked absolutely sinful right now. As her tongue continued to dance across Leah’s clit  Leah began to truly observe Rhea. The way her eyes fluttered between looking up at Leah or closing them to focus on her meal. The groans she would let out when Leah started moaning in a higher pitch. But what sent her over the edge was when she moved one hand so she could massage Leah’s clit as her she flicked her tongue in and out of Leah. The way her muscles tightened as Leah reached her peak had her crying out Rhea’s name as she came on her tongue. 
Rhea slowed down the pace of massaging her clit so Leah could ride out her high as Rhea got up straddling Leah. Leah finally opened her eyes in time to see Rhea slide her thumb over Leah’s lips and part them a bit.
Leah waited in anticipation as Rhea connected their lips, her tongue immediately begging for entrance. Leah tasted herself off of Rhea's tongue. 
Leah tried to grab Rhea’s hips to sit her down on her lap until Rhea stopped her with a smile. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” Rhea said, getting up and offering her hand to Leah as she led her to her bedroom. 
Leah went from being pressed against the bedroom door to Rhea’s vanity to finally lying on her back in Rhea’s bed. 
Leah watched curiously as Rhea stripped, putting on a harness. Leah bit her lip watching her back muscles flex as she bent over attaching a purple dildo to the harness before turning around. 
Rhea caught Leah looking, giving her a wink before walking over and sitting on the edge as Leah crawled up to her. 
“Mind getting it wet for me sweetheart?” Rhea said in a deeper town stroking Leah's curls before grabbing a fist full as Leah’s eyes widened in excitement. 
Leah got on the floor between Rhea's legs as she quickly offered her a pillow to rest her knees on. 
Leah was practically salivating when she grabbed the dildo with one hand spitting on the tip and letting Rhea watch it drip down. 
Rhea let out a low “Fuck” as Leah started taking it in her mouth Leah batted her eyelashes up at Rhea as she tried to take it to the base. 
“That's a good girl,” Rhea said as Leah slowly started bobbing her head up and down on the dildo getting it soaked in spit. Her arousal grew more and more as she imagined it inside of her. 
Rhea grabbed a fist full of Leah’s curls again telling her to open as Rhea started fucking her throat. 
Leah tried to open her throat as wide as possible, letting Rhea violate her. Leah looked up at Rhea while she gagged and she could have sworn that almost made her cum. 
Rhea let go of Leah’s hair and helped her off her knees as she said she needed her right now telling Leah to lay ass up facing the foot of the bed 
“As if you couldn’t look any more sexy – look at this ass,” Rhea said, slapping it and getting behind Leah. 
Leah hissed at the sting as she felt the dildo start rubbing up and down her pussy.
Rhea teased her lining up with her entrance and pushing in just a little bit before pulling out. She did this about three more times before Leah started whining. 
“Please…please,” Leah begged, apparently too quiet. 
“What was that princess? You’re going to have to beg louder than that.” Rhea said repeating the same motion but a little bit deeper this time. 
“Fuck Rhea please you already have me bent over,” Leah said exasperated. 
Rhea went just deep enough to drive Leah crazy as she begged loudly this time.
“Oh my god Rhea please fuck me take control and make me…FUCK.” Leah almost screamed as Rhea fully slid inside her. 
Rhea was stroking painfully slow at first making sure to fill her pussy up as far as she could but after a minute or so she started to pick up the pace. 
Leah could not imagine how sinful the noises must have sounded to anyone who could have passed. Even on the street below Leah was sure that if it was not pouring rain her moans would have echoed down the street. 
“God you look so pretty taking my cock…look at yourself,” Rhea said, grabbing Leah's hair again and making her sit up flush against her. Leah looked up to a mirror that was in front of them. And she could barely recognize herself. Her hair was a mess half in Rhea’s hands the other half sprawled outward. Her tits bounced with every stroke Rhea did and she could tell Rhea was staring hard at them. She could also see the outline of the dildo poking at her lower stomach as Rhea continued her assault. 
Leah’s moans got higher again as she felt Rhea’s breast press against her pack and how hard her abs were crunching as she fucked her. 
Rhea noticed, snaking a hand up Leah’s stomach to her throat.
“Are you going to cum for me again, pretty girl? Get ready to hold your breath.” Rhea grunted as Leah took a deep breath. 
Rhea told her to hold her breath as she tightened her grip. 
“I'm going to countdown and on 10 you’re going to let out that pretty noise again and cum for me okay?” Rhea coached her as she began to count. 
“10…..9….8…” Rhea began as Leah’s thoughts were getting cloudy. All she could think about was more… more…more..
“7….6….5…..4” Rhea continued. 
Leah felt like that bubble building inside her was about to explode as Rhea started rubbing Leah’s clit with her free hand.
“3….2….Cum for me princess.” Rhea encouraged her as Leah felt everything in her body tighten as she came harder than she ever thought was possible. 
Rhea let go of her neck, Leah gasping for air as Rhea slowly pulled out and laid Leah down on her back. 
“You were amazing….Leah.” Rhea said softly kissing Leah on the forehead. She explained she was just running to get Leah some water and a towel. 
During the short time she was gone Leah started being able to form full thoughts again like “Oh my god I just had the best sex of my life with someone I do not even know more than two things about.” And Rhea could tell. When she returned and gave Leah the glass of water,  she could tell the woman was embarrassed – sitting with her knees to her chest. 
“Hey hey don't start doing that over-thinking thing.” Rhea interrupted her thoughts. 
“I'm not- well I…I normally just don’t sleep with people when I haven't even gone out with them. I am not even sure what your favorite color is what you do for work or how you spend your free time.”  Leah started after taking a sip. 
“Well my favorite color is purple, I am a wrestler, and typically I prefer my alone time but there is someone I ran into tonight I am hoping I get to spend more time with.” Rhea smiled. 
“Wait a wrestler?” Leah questioned before her phone started ringing. 
After dealing with the phone call and explaining it was the tow truck Rhea looked a bit disappointed but she helped Leah get dressed and helped her get her shoes on.
As Leah got ready to exit the apartment she looked back at Rhea as she waved a half-hearted goodbye before Leah said. 
“So is this the part where you ask me for your number or is that out of my control? “
Hi guys! I hope you liked this one it took me...so long. But I hope everyone had a good day and I can be a very steamy wind down to your day. :)
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nkirukaj · 6 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (3)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing, I think
Genre: Angst/Humor
Word Count: 4.9K
<Chapter 2
3. Hmmm...
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Two months. Two months was all it took for Voe to get comfortable in Hell. Her lives started taking off, and she was gaining followers every single day. 
“I like the Hotel, ‘cuz people are really nice to me. Especially Charlie, she’s mad nice. Yeah, I made some friends. I’m friends with Angel Dust now! Yes that Angel Dust, the celebrity! Also, Sinstagram where is my verification?! I believe I fit the requirements! Hmm? Am I just an influencer? I mean I guess so, what else could I even do?”
Maybe get a job you lazy bitch
“Maybe take your own advice you cunt. If you had a job you wouldn’t be here bitching on my live. Besides,” Voe laughs “I’m making more money reading you for filth, than you would at any 9 to 5” She gets a kicker out of that.
ever thought about getting sponsored?
“Yeah, I’ve thought about being sponsored, but like, brands would have to have to reach out to me, ya’ know?”
yooo the vees do this hiring event thing once every like 4 years or whatever you should do that
“Who are the Vees?”  
like the most popular and powerful overlords in pentagram city!!!111!!!!!
“What’s an overlord?”
you should review velvettes clothes. shes the best
“Mmkay girlfriend. Oop gotta go guys. It’s time for Charlie’s mandatory bonding time for all residents. Hazbin Hotel everyone!”
“Hello everyone,” Charlie looked a bit nervous introducing this time, “I’d like to introduce you all to a very special guest” Alastor waltzed in and sat adjacent to Charlie “My dad!”
“Greetings everyone!” Lucifer emerges from behind a large plant, and Alastor squints in annoyance. The King of Hell goes and stands next to his daughter. Voe was taken aback by the beauty of this man, all in fun-sized packaging. He was taller than her, but small is small.
“Like, I said, this is my dad. And he’s going to be around more often to help us take care of the Hotel!”
“I would do anything, to make my little one’s dream come true. So I’m joining the crew!” he laughs dryly with his arm around Charlie’s shoulders, and she laughs awkwardly with him
Voe speaks up “Can I just say, that the things I heard about you are true? You truly are the most beautiful angel.”
“Why thank you,” Lucifer looks smug and takes notice of her. Voe takes notice of Charlie’s apprehension under her father’s arm and the lack of enthusiasm when introducing him. His over-the-top manner of behaving and his insistence upon entering his daughter’s personal space were a dead giveaway to a shaky father-daughter relationship. On its way to healing, but not quite there yet.
“My dad has an idea of a way to better advertise the hotel, so take it away Dad” She claps for him, and quiet claps follow suit.
“Okay, so I know that my brilliant daughter already thought of this.” He winks at Charlie “But I was thinking that we could do another commercial, but instead of going through 666 News, we go through the people that control the media! The Vees!” people are now whispering to one another at the mention of the Vees “And besides, who would say no to me?” he puffs out his chest
There they were being mentioned again. The Vees.
Voe raises her hand to gain the attention of the crowd “Who are the Vees?” many demons are shocked at her lack of knowledge of the subject, but it was Angel Dust who spoke up.
“Assholes,” was all that he gave, staring daggers into his phone.
“Who here isn’t?” She responded
“The Vees are nothing but talentless, tasteless, and classless crybabies who dare to call themselves entertainers. They are no better than dirt at the bottom of my very well-made dress shoes. Once again, your ideas have fallen flat, Your Majesty.” Alastor spoke, shooting a glare through his tight grin. Voe looked back and forth between the men, instantly picking up on their tension, and formulated a plan off the top of her head.
“Thank you for the explanation. However, I do agree that going to the headliners of the media in Hell would be the best way to get our message seen. To expand Charlie’s vision. Also, I honestly appreciate the ability of a primordial angel to be able to keep up with modern times”
“And compromise ourselves? Out of the question. I suggest we do things the old-fashioned way, like how we’ve been doing them. Besides, as the King himself said, we’ve done the idea of a commercial before, and look how it turned out.”
“Well, it’s clear that Charlie is unhappy with the results of the ‘old-fashioned way’, seeing as how she’s currently in the market for ideas at this very moment, so what is necessary is to change something. Do something different. And yes while you may have done a commercial before, you’ve never done it like this. This is worth a shot. And we do not have to mingle with these demons personally, only professionally.” She gestures toward Lucifer “Plus, we have the literal King and Princess of Hell with us. What could go wrong?”
Charlie steps in “Hey guys, I don’t want this to become an argument.”
“I don’t see why this needs to be an argument at all. Your father has the superior idea, and that’s the one that we should do.” Voe is light and airy, using her ‘people pleaser’ voice
“Well, I don’t think it would be fair for him to just show up and start telling us what to do when he hasn’t been here this whole time. Right Char-“ Alastor’s tone is stern
“And that’s why we should do his idea. I mean, look at him, Charlie” she gestures toward the King of Hell “He’s so sorry for not being there for you, and he’s trying to make it up. This is how he can make it up, this is how you can show that you forgive him. You do forgive him, don’t you Charlie?”
“Well yeah! I-“
“He knows nothing about the hotel and how we run things here, do you trust him to get involved without guidance?” Alastor’s voice becomes more forceful
“He will have your impeccable guidance, Charlie. He wants to work with you and be involved with your life. You want your father involved in your life…right Charlie?”
“Of course! I-“
“So it’s settled! We’re going with Your Majesty’s idea then!” Voe swivels her body to face Charlie. She lowers her pitch “Right, Charlie?”
Charlie’s eyes dart around “Y-yesI Yes! We’ll go with my dad’s idea!”
“Yes! You won’t regret this sweetie!” Lucifer puts his arm around Charlie’s shoulders. He looks back at Voe, lowering his volume “Thanks for the help…”
“Voe. And no problem, Your Majesty.”
“Oh, you don’t need that ‘Your Majesty’ talk, you may call me Lucifer.”
She smiles warmly “Alright, Lucifer.” she speaks coyly. The King looks her up and down, giving her a wink. She bats her eyelashes at him as he walks off with his daughter, chatting her ear off. Voe glances up to catch Alastor’s eye, smirking before turning back around. The other residents are sitting around confused, and staring at each other, wondering if the meeting was over. Alastor’s eye is twitching ever so slightly. Voe returns to her spot to retrieve her phone, Angel Dust grabs her wrist and pulls her down.
“What the fuck just happened?”
The doe feigns innocence “What the hell did you just do?”
“What? I didn’t do anything?”
“Did you just like, cast a spell over Charlie’s mind or something? That was, that was incredible!”
She seems flattered “Oh no, I used no magic. I just have a way with words is all.” She sits back down in her spot next to him
“Just be careful toots, I don’t think you’d wanna piss off a serial killer.” he looks back down at his phone
Her ear prick up “Hmm?”
“You wouldn’t want to piss off a serial killer.” He raises his brow at her “Or would you?”
“I don’t know Angel! I’ve never met a serial killer!”
“Yeah, ya have,”
She raises her eyebrow at him “I beg your pardon?”
“Al’s a serial killer” Angel uses two of his arms to gesture towards the deer demon, who stood in his usual get-up of his coat and dress pants, shoes with small heels, and a bow tie, back perfectly straight, occasionally fixing his hair and adjusting his monocle. A fucking monocle. 
Voe’s mouth was agape looking between the deer and the spider.  “That Al? Like Alastor?”
“Uh yeah.” Angel rolled his eyes
“But he’s so…nerdy.”
Angel smirks “I thought you said he was cute.”
Her head whips back around “Those concepts aren’t mutually exclusive.”
She marches over to the radio demon with an heir of confidence around her. 
“Alastor,” she calls him simply, his head does not move, but his eyes do. He does not respond verbally, but his eyes tell her that she has his attention. “Angel just told me that you are a serial killer?”
He has no physical reaction to this statement, only a small “Hmmm,” though, not as a question 
“Is this accurate ?”
His smile grew extra wide, his eyes turning into radio dials as he leans forward “What do you think?”
Voe’s face is a bit flushed, but she doesn’t recoil or retreat. “I guess that means yes.” There’s a warmth in her chest, looking at his radio-dial eyes. Like hot shivers down her back. “I didn’t picture you as a serial killer,” she pretends like her body isn’t reacting 
“Well, looks can be deceiving, my dear.”
She sticks her hip out and smirks “It’s just difficult to imagine you slinging around dead bodies. Wouldn’t you need to be strong to do that?”
Alastor’s eyes widen and his nose flares, he inhales deeply. 
“Sounds like ‘big boi’ activities,” she continued with a smug grin on her face
“I can assure you, that I am quite strong enough.”
“I’d love to see it.” She turns her chin up to see him better
“Then stay tuned.” 
She cocks her head at him before returning to Angel Dust, whispering Lucifer knows what. Alastor’s eyes follow her to her destination. This demoness, this..doe craved his attention. Why else would she be talking about him on her little picture box, outwardly defying him, or questioning his strength and ability to kill? She must want his eyes to be on her, but Alastor wasn’t going to give her that satisfaction. Attention is all they crave, stop giving them attention and these little fires will burn out on their own.
Although he had initially thought it would be easy, he found it to be quite challenging. There was something about her hair that always caught his eye. It was a brighter shade of red than his own and each strand had a perfect curl, as if it had been individually wrapped around a pencil. Her hair was striking, and he found it difficult not to stare. He only realized that he had been staring when she looked up and caught his eye again. She smirked, displaying her smugness and overconfidence once more. Alastor found it revolting, and he resisted the urge to sneer. He simply squinted before leaving the place, certain that no mere doe would outwit him.
“So…what did you guys think of my dad? I love that he’s trying to get involved with something so important to me.” Her eyes glisten “How do you guys think he’s doing?”
Voe is sitting on the couch next to Angel once more, both scrolling on their phones “Well, I know what I think. I think that man is fine.” She bites her lip
“Ain’t you gay?” Angel looks up from his phone, raising his eyebrow at her.
“Like I’m not gay gay. Like, I’m queer. Unfortunately, I’m still attracted to men. And by the way Charlie,” she turns to the blonde demoness “I am 100% going to rizz up your dad,”
“Rizz?” she looks towards Vaggie
“Yeah, I don’t know.” she shrugs
“It’s basically like flirting. Just like getting someone to like you,” Voe rolls her wrist
Charlie looks around, confused “Uh, why?”
“Because he’s hot! I love me a short king!” She spreads her arms in time with her words.
A loud ‘ahem’ is heard on the other side of the room. The group directs their attention toward the noise. Alastor is sitting and reading a book, so quietly that Voe didn’t even know he was there.
"If you don't mind, I'm trying to read," he called out over the group conversation. 
"But what if I do?" she responded.
"Do what?"
Alastor sat in silence, his grin widening as he squinted at her. 
"You're a defiant little girl," he remarked.
"I'm a woman," she responded in a low voice, barely audible.
"That you are," he said as he stood up, microphone in hand, and walked away, shrouding himself in shadow.
Her eyes remain fixed on the spot the buck was previously standing in as if viewing the essence he left behind.
“Woaho! What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know, him butting into our conversation?”
“Bullshit Voe, I know sexual tension when I see it! Something’s going on there. At least with you!” He points to Voe, poking her in the nose
“What?” she laughs
“You did not have to say anything to that man.” Angel wiggles his eyebrows
She shrugs “What’s your point?”
“You did that cuz you wanted attention. You just wanted him to talk to you!”
“Maybe I wanted to bother him, whatever!” She rolled her eyes
“Why?” he leans into her face
“Because it’s funny!” 
“Yeah I know Alastor is annoying as fuck, but why mess with him?” Vaggie sits down in a chair 
“Like I said, because I think it’s funny,” she smirks, full of intent
Alastor struts his merry way down the hall, humming all the while. His eyes widen when he sees Princess Charlie walking towards him down the hall.
“Charlie my dear, just the Princess I was looking for.”
“Oh, hi Alastor!” She looks up at him “What’s up?”
“I just came from a meeting with the other Overlords and they requested that I ask you what you intend to do with so many of the souls that they own?”
“Well you know Alastor, I’m trying to help them be redeemed.”
“Yes, but beyond that is what they are wondering.”
Charlie looks quite confused “I don’t understand.”
Voe turns the corner, seeing the Overlord and the Princess having a discussion. She was unaware of the topic but viewed the situation as a chance for some of her own entertainment.
“Blah blah, I’m Alastor I think I’m better than everyone else,” she says from behind the corner
Alastor’s ears twitch at the sound. He turns to look in Voe’s direction, not seeing her behind the wall. Charlie looks past him, unaware of what he’d heard. “Hmm,” he said, turning back to Charlie.
“Hmm,” Voe mocks his cadence and tone from behind the wall “Like, what even is that?” She walks up the both of them casually, her footsteps light on the carpet
“Oh, hi Voe!” Charlie waves 
“Hi,” she waves and leans on the wall.
Alastor raises an eyebrow “We are in the middle of a conversation.”
“I am simply addressing the Princess, is that a crime?”
“Well you’ve done you’re addressing, you may leave.”
Voe clicks her tongue “The Wifi is GREAT here,” she looks back down at her phone while Alastor sighs in frustration. Voe hides her smirk and sits on the floor.
He turns back to Charlie “All they are requesting is a simple meeting so they can understand your intentions. They’re quite worried about losing so many souls.” 
“So many souls,” She mimics his accent once more and he sharply turns to her.
“Excuse me, last time I checked you were a doe, not a parrot. Or perhaps you are simply a child? A fawn maybe?”
Voe looks up, feigning confusion “Are you talking to me?”
Alastor’s smile turns tense “Yes, I am,”
“What are you talking about?”
He squints at her, “I am not going to stand here and play your childish games.” He turns to Charlie once more “Charlie, the meeting is next week, promptly at 6 am”
“6 am?”
“It is the only time they are all free.”
“Because fossils have to take their naps during the day.” Voe copied his accent once more, mumbling under her breath and then laughing at her own joke.
Alastor glares at her one more time before dissipating into shadows.
“Shit! 6 am is fucking early!” Charlie spoke once more heading down the hall.
“Guys! My dad is off making negotiations for the commercial”
“Hmm, absent as always,” Alastor speaks under his breath
“And…” Charlie moves on “So I decided that it would be an amazing plan to get our actual residents involved in spreading the word. This is your home too!”
“Well my dear, if you let me make use of my talents, I certainly could get the word out on my radio show!”
“Of course Alastor! That’s a great idea. Anyone else?”
Alastor’s smile tenses at the suggestion that his radio show is not enough. Voe raises her hand slowly and dramatically.
“Uh, Voe! What a lovely surprise!” Charlie beams 
“We could use Sinstagram.” She offers
“How exactly?”
The doe shrugs “We could like,” she puts her head back a little, thinking “throw a party and I could livestream it on my account.”
Angel snorts “What good would that do?”
She cuts her eye at him “I have 10 million followers,”
Angel spits out his drink “What? That’s more than me and I’m a certified celebrity!”
“Yeah, I’m waiting for my check mark, but anyway apparently there are demons who like to watch me do things and listen to what I say. We should take advantage of that.
“That would be a great idea!” Charlie was ecstatic
“But why a party?” Vaggie questioned
“Because you want them to want to come here right? So we should show them that we do cool and fun things. Not just boring sharing circles. Not that these are boring Charlie.” She feigns caring about her remarks
“I assure you that I am just fine at getting the word out on the radio.”
“The rest of Hell has progressed past that. Demons are engaging with modern technology like Vphones and laptops. To force them to reverse time in terms of media is unhelpful and having them put forth more effort than I know they would be willing to. No one would be receiving said message. The only demon I know that likes getting forced is Niffty.” She points toward the little demoness who is standing by her legs “And even though I enjoy the little scamp, no one else is like her. We need to take advantage of what the rest of Hell is already doing, not force them to do something else. Listen, I just got down here, so I know what they’re like up there. Social media rules up there so why wouldn’t it down here?”
“Okay, all in favor of Alastor’s idea, raise your hand.”
“And be honest, he’s not going to hurt you,” Voe interjected 
“I might,” Alastor added
Voe purses her lips. A few demons raise their hands. 
“And now all in favor of Voe’s idea?”
The vast majority of the residents raise their hands, Voe tilts her head in smug joy. Alastor squints in annoyance. 
“Look, why don’t we just do both, cuz we don’t want Radiohead to get pissy about it. You do what’s natural to you and I’ll do what’s natural for me.” 
“Voe! That is an amazing idea! A compromise! Looks like you are taking steps to get redeemed!” Charlie raved
Voe could only blink at the praise given by the princess. She hadn’t been expecting it or planning for it. Her words had been genuine, the validation was earned. Her face flushed with pink and she pulled at one of her ears. 
“Okay, you guys were asking me to try this hot new dress by…” she squints at the tag “Velvette. Oooh, that’s a nice way to spell that. Now I’m taking it out of the bag and this is exquisite! Just by looking at it, I can tell this was high quality. Wait, let me get a hanger.” She goes to retrieve a hanger from her closet and places the dress on it. She holds the full dress out in front of the camera. “This is amazing, it’s giving princess vibes. And y’all know I had to get it in pink. Yeah, like a casual princess. I could see this working in a casual setting and a business casual setting.” Voe feels the material, her mouth is agape in awe. “Guys, it’s so soft! Oh my gosh, I’m looking forward to the rest of these now!” She reaches back into the bag and pulls out a second dress, this one also pink, short, and form-fitting. “Guys this one is a sleek party dress! Oh, I could see myself wearing it to a club or you know, a party!” She pulls at the dress fabric “Okay, this tough, I can’t even rip it on purpose! So this will last you a long time!” She hangs up the other dress and pulls out one more, also pink with subtle sparkles dusted all around it. “Okay, no guys because what? This is beautiful! Okay, absolutely not I have to try this on!”
She covers the camera and within minutes has the new dress on. “This is what? This is- oh my gosh! This is amazing. Look at how the light catches these sparkles! I love the fit, it’s firm in my boobs, but loose everywhere else!. And the sparkles intentionally catch light so it looks like there’s a spotlight on you no matter where you go! This is amazing! I- I cannot believe this. I see no flaws. These clothes are perfect. Hats off to you Miss Velvette! You are quite the designer!” She sits back in her chair and lifts a package, unwrapping it to find a very futuristic water bottle “And one of you guys sent me this..” she reads the label “VoxTek water bottle to review. So now I’m going to see what would be the point of techni- technologically-“ She looks off to the side, thinking “What the fuck would you even call that? Teching? Yeah, Teching a water bottle.” She looks around the bottle, it’s covered in buttons and has a screen on the side. She presses one and it does nothing. She presses another and the screen lights up, displaying the VoxTek logo.
“Hmm,” she remarks as the screen turns to the show ‘I Fucked Your Sister, So what?” She turns the bottle back around to the buttons and begins pressing them, seeing that they control the switching of the channels. “Ooooh,” she displays somewhat of an interest in the bottle, pressing another button that controls volume, then another that controls brightness. “Okay, it’s all fancy with the tech, but can it actually hold water?”
The video cuts to her with a VoxTek bottle filled with water, trying not to let a drop drip out onto the screen. She screws on the top and shakes the bottle around. It doesn’t come off and none of the water leaks.
“Okay guys, should I drink from it? I’m gonna drink from it.” It has a built-in straw that pops up and almost pokes her eye out. 
“Oh shit!” and she drinks from the bottle, noticing a little nob that says ‘flavor’, she switches it and the water begins to taste like blue raspberry, “Holy shit! I might start drinking water more often!” She takes another sip “You can change the flavor, holy fuck!” She drinks more. “This is fuckin’ cool!” She drinks again “Okay, I’m totally gonna use this, because I think it’s awesome. However, I’m going to have to give it an 8/10 because tech being so close to water is just a disaster waiting to happen.” She gestures towards the dresses “But these dresses are 10s.”
Once Voe stops recording and she’s begun uploading the video, her ears twitch at at sound outside of her room. Her nose picked up on a certain aroma, ever so pleasant to her nostrils and so thick that she could taste it. She followed it to the door, opened it, and sniffed down the hallway until she saw the familiar flare of a striped red coat. This is what the scent led to. It was him that smelled so good.
“Oh, it’s you.” She spoke flatly, crossing her arms and sticking out her hip. “I knew I smelled something.”
Alastor turns around to face the voice he hears, his eyes immediately squint and his grin gets wider and more devilish.  “You are quite the contrarian, little doe.” he steps up to her, very much inside her personal space. She takes a step back.
“And you like that don’t you?” Alastor opens his mouth to speak before registering what she says and then closes it. She chuckles and shoots him a side-eye. “You don’t scare me.”
"I'm not trying to scare you," he said with a wide grin on his face. "I'm letting you know your place”
"But you're not," she replied unimpressed.
"I'm not trying to-,” he stumbled over his words, his eyes darting back and forth, stretching what constitutes a smile.
"Getting choked up on your words?" she asked, crossing her arms.
"I'm simply thinking about what to say first."
"So you're getting choked up on your words?" she teased. "This is the Radio Demon? I figured a radio host wouldn't have this much trouble talking," she added with a smirk.
"I don't like you," he said, his eyes narrowing as his radio filter vanished.
"You don't?" she widens her eyes, with feigned surprise.
He had no response, so instead snatched her glasses and tossed them, before storming down the hall. Voe’s mouth was agape at just the amount of pettiness that this grown man was willing to stoop to. It was actually kind of funny seeing how frazzled and annoyed she could make this man. Despite his dangerous reputation, she didn’t feel in danger, mostly just a little warm in the chest, she thought as she went to retrieve her glasses. Maybe it was just a deer thing.
Storming was a perfect way to remove yourself from a situation and make it known that you still hold all the power. She could not know that she was getting to him, especially in such a short time. What would he usually do to anything that grated his nerves this much? Simply remove it from the equation. If that requires a little carnage or a lot of bloodshed, then so be it. But he felt he could not do that with this demon for some reason. Today it was not only her spiral curls that caught his attention, but also her spots and how they seemed randomly and yet quite purposefully placed on her skin. Or perhaps her black deer nose stood out the most. Maybe the odd but pleasing look of her differently colored lips? He wasn’t sure what it was but under every irritating encounter, Alastor felt pleased? To see her face? To hear her speak? It was confusing for sure, so the feeling was best to be avoided.
Voe returned to her room, immediately reaching for her phone where she was met with a barrage of notifications on her Sinstagram that never disappointed.
Thats the newest model!
Whoever got you that, give me their info i need a sugar daddy
told you velvette was the best
The Vees rule!
you have as much style as Velvette
does she think we really care about this shit?
She smiled reading them, pleased at her impact. Negative or positive, she was on the minds of these people, and that’s where she liked to be. There was one comment however that caught her attention over all the others. One with a checkmark next to the username.
Check your DMs love
The username beside it reads: Velvette
Intrigued by the comment, she moved over to her DMs, skipping all the ones from others who watched her content and liked to engage with her until she found a thread under the same username.
Hey love, I’ve seen your videos and you’ve really got an eye for what’s what. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Vees and that we do a hiring event every once in a while and I think that you could actually offer something of value to my team. Respond to let me know that you’re interested.
Voe sat and pondered this message, it was from a verified account, and the Vees were the heads of all things media, according to the King of Hell himself. Another message in the thread popping up snatched her away from her thoughts.
ps love the name!
If the Vees were in charge of all the media, then all of Hell could know her name in no time flat. Even if she didn’t choose to work with them she would still be a certified influencer, so what would be the harm of checking the place and the people out? There was literally no downside.
hi. thanks for reaching out to me. i would def be interested in the event.
ps love your dresses!
Instantly, Voe was gifted with a response.
Be at V tower tomorrow at 9 AM sharp -xxx
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Chapter 4>
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
No One Walks Out Ch 6
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My boy my boy... it's been a long time, Becky. This is a response to the writing game prompt "You will love it." "I will hate it." "Nah, you won't."
Thanks to @whositmcwhatsit and @be-my-ally and @vintageshanny and @ellie-24 and @missmaywemeetagain and @from-memphis-with-love and @arrolyn1114 and for playing this game and supporting me as I write, thanks too to @ab4eva for just being an all around mensch....
Summary: Elvis calls Becky, or rather, watches as Charlie calls and asks her to come on tour. She doesn't realize this tour is not going well. But once she is there, she decides to just roll up her sleeves and jump right in. Because Elvis.
WC: 7.3K
Warnings: Swearing, implied drug use, oral sex. This could have been very angsty but it is actually a big ball of unpolished, fantastical, indulgent fluff. I wrote this today and didn't have anyone read it. So beyond typos, expect historical inaccuracies and probably mischaracterization of everyone, including my OC.....
If you need to catch up.... Chapter 5: Salty Lips
Chapter 6: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire
6 pm Sunday, July 20, 1975
Geiler’s Hardware Store, Jackson, MS
Harriet’s key clicked into the back lock of her parent’s hardware store, and she pulled the handle to double-check that the door was, indeed, locked, before turning to look at her cousin. Becky’s mind was elsewhere and she stared down at her Chuck Taylor sneakers, raising her head only after Harriet coughed, and the two women made their way to Harriet’s small, yellow AMC Pacer. Becky looked out the window, playing with her hair, purposefully avoiding Harriet’s curious stare.
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“Earth to Becky, where are you? You haven’t said anything about the date Ida set you up on Thursday.”
Becky pulled on the ring she wore on her right hand, a band of platinum with a diamond flower at the center. It was the ring Elvis had given her, and she could still almost feel the caress of his hand as he slid it on her and told her how beautiful she was, how she deserved beautiful things. That had been a month ago, but it could have been yesterday when Charlie, Billy and Jo had all been rounded up to drive her home to Jackson after a whirlwind week at Graceland.
Becky tilted the ring back and forth, then looked up to watch the businesses in the Fondren go by as Harriet drove her home. Why did it feel like cheating on Elvis to go one blind date. An innocent blind date. An innocent blind date that had fizzled out and ended with a very platonic hug.
“Ugh, he was nice enough. I don’t know.”
Harriet looked over, then back at road.  “It’s Elvis. Ida says he calls you every few days.”
“Yeah, he does. He asked me to come with him for his show in New York. Then well, when I said no I guess he went down the list.”
Becky sighed, thinking of the photos in the newspaper of Elvis with a very thin, very blonde woman who definitely was not Linda. The thought made her frown, and Harriet looked at Becky with sympathy as she turned the car on to her parent’s street.
“I thought you said that you left things on good terms, and that he wanted you to move up there? I can’t believe you would rather be here in Jackson than in Memphis.”
“Yeah. I mean no. I like, him, I mean, I cannot help it. I used to day dream of dating this man. But look at me, Harriet.”
Becky grabbed her purse and got out of the car,  sweeping her hand over her body to showcase her tee shirt and jeans as she stood.
“I’m not groupie material. And I can’t up root my kid and move to a new city just so I can join Elvis’ harem for a few months. We left things on good terms, but I don’t even know if I am cut out to be a harem member.”
“You are a knock out, Becky. You are totally groupie material. No, wait. You're better than groupie. You are at least favorite girlfriend number two or three material. I cannot believe you aren’t on your way to Memphis. Or New York. You only live once!”
Harriet grinned as Becky shook her head and sent her off with a bang to the yellow hood, before turning to walk into the house.
She was a greeted with a yell from Ruth, who was coloring with Ida at the dining room table. Becky could smell Saul’s pot roast wafting from the kitchen as she crossed the room and kissed Ruth on head, checking out her drawing of what looked like a dressed up mushroom in a pile of rocks standing next to Father Christmas.
“What do you think?”
She looked at Ida, whispering as she tried to decipher the words her aunt was mouthing.
“The mob-bit? The Hobbit! Yes, of course, it's The Hobbit. There’s Bilbo. Wow, Ruth, you really captured what I thought he looks like.”
“I’ve been practicing my hobbit form. And see, he’s talking to Gandalf.”
“Ah, yes, I can tell from the beard.” She had to stop herself from giggling at Ida’s wink. “SO amazing, you have become a very talented artiste!”
“Well, she learned from the best.”
Becky smiled at her aunt as she went to grab a beer. “I think the student has surpassed the teacher, I can’t wait to hang this one the fridge.”
 The phone rang while Becky was at the fridge, and she watched Ruth run to get it as she slumped into the chair next to Ida, who reached over to rub her forearm.
“Oy, Rebecca, was the restocking that bad today? You should have stopped Saulie from leaving. He is only 60, he could have helped finish -”
“Oh, no, Ida. Unless Saul has an in-depth knowledge of waterbed installation, his presence wouldn’t have made a difference.”
 “Why do people want to sleep in those things? What if they leak. Or break? I get sea sick just thinking about it.”
“I’ve heard they can be really relaxing. I don’t know, but there is a new waterbed store two doors down. The owner spent an hour trying to figure out what materials he needs us to order, so I guess business is keeping him pretty busy.”
“Can you imagine getting busy in a water bed?”
Ida grinned, fluffing up her short, silver bob. ”I’m just saying, I couldn’t make whoopee on top of a big bag of water, oy vey, I’d be so nervous, what with the sound of the sloshing - “
“Wait, hold that thought, although you know I love hearing about your sex life.” Becky held up her finger for her aunt to stop talking, pausing to hear what Ruth was saying on the phone.
“How do I know you are really a friend of Elvis’? Well can you ask him to come over again? The  kids next door don’t believe he is my mom’s boy friend. And he promised to take me for ice cream again.”
Becky strode over to the phone. “Ruthie, who is it?”
Ruth covered the receiver with her hand, a mischievous look crept up her little face. “He says his name is Charlie, and when I asked how he knew you, he said -”
Becky held out her hand, taking the phone from her daughter. “Uh huh, ok, that’s enough from you , chatty Kathy, go help Ida clear up the art studio and set the table for dinner.” She paused, smoothing her hair, as if Charlie could see her from the other side of the phone.
“Hi Charlie. What’s up?”
She heard a single nervous “ha” on the other side of the phone, and took a deep breath. “Well, a, heya there Becky.”
It seemed to Becky like there was a more anxious desperation behind Charlie’s perfunctory niceties.
“Hiiiii? What’s up?”
“Look, um, Elvis asked me to call and see if you might reconsider coming out on tour? You know he misses ya somethin’ awful, ain’t stopped talking bout that cute chick back in Jackson.”
Becky took a deep breath, thinking of the photos in the paper of Elvis and that model.
“Hmmm. I’m sure. You know I want to, but I have a kid, Charlie - and it’s her  last little bit of summer, I don’t wanna leave her  twiddling her thumbs while I go traipsing around the country-”
“So bring her. Priscilla brings Lisa all the time, you know, they make it work,  Elvis is a family man, hon- I mean Becky, tour is not some wild orgy. You’ve been there. The guys, the band, were all like a big happy family.”
“One big happy family, huh? I don’t know.”
“I can hear it in your voice, Becky girl, I can tell ya wanna come.”
Becky sighed, looking as Ruth paused her place setting to look up and grin at her mother. Ida was behind her, eye brow arched up as Becky motioned her over, whispering with her hand over the mouth piece if it would be ok to take off for a few days. It was disconcerting how much Ida nodded and how quickly an excited gleam grew in her eyes. Becky shoed her off and carried the phone to wonder down the hallway so no one could hear her.
“Maybe. You really think I could bring Ruthie? How long would it be for ?”
She heard Charlie breathe a sigh of relief, and then there was a kerfuffle and the bang of the phone handle dropping on the floor.
“Hey Becky Butt.” Elvis’ deep voice filled Becky’s ears and she realized he must have been sitting there watching Charlie ask her. “Honey, I ain’t stopped thinkin' bout you since you left me. I need you, need you bad."
Becky started to blush, just at the needy, low tenor of his voice. "I have been thinking about you to."
"That's good baby, real good. Let's get you out here, see if I'm still the same as you remember. Can’t wait to see you, baby. Tonight ain’t soon enough.”
“Tonight? Uh - Elvis, I - Charlie said I should bring Ruth? Is that really ok? Is it safe?”
“Honey, I’m a black belt with a gun. Ain’t no safer place on earth. Hell, probably the safest place for your baby. You know how crime is getting in our cities. Bring her along. Charlie can babysit too, he’s basically a child himself. Got the brains a one, any how.”
Becky stood there, tapping her toe as her mind raced. Every bit of sense screamed at her not to meet Elvis on tour. She had just told Ida last week she was ready for her aunt fix her up with any nice single guys her age, in a conscious effort to try and get Elvis out of her system. Be a normal, responsible adult. Having, normal, responsible relationships. But now, talking to Elvis, all she wanted to do was give in and rush to be near him.
“Ok.” She whispered out.
“Good, good girl. I’m having Charlie run get Joe, fly ya out tonight. Go get ya self packed up.”
The Norfolk airport was pitch black when they landed, and if it weren’t for the lights along the landing strip, Becky may not have been able to make out Jerry’s scowl from across the tarmac.
“You shouldn’t have come.” His voice was clipped and terse as he grabbed her traveling bag, looking her up and down as she wobbled behind him in the high heel suede boots Elvis had bought her.
“Hello to you, too.”
“He said you were bringing your daughter, so at least you have some sense.”
Becky gulped as Jerry opened her door, and she flipped the sun visor down to fix her make up.
“Yeah, I guess… I um, changed my mind. I thought she would have a good time, but then, I don’t know,  I thought the schedule would throw her off. And I guess I don’t want her to get too attached to him. Or the idea of me and him. This is all just a little fun.”
Jerry looked over at her, his shoulders seemed to clench with his jaw as he drove
 “Fun. Ha. Well get ready, I think you’re in for more fun than you bargained for.”
Then Jerry pulled over, and his voice went from sarcastic to earnest as he turned off the car. “Or you can just say the word right now, and I’ll turn around, take you back, and you can catch a flight home. I’ll tell him you never showed.”
Jerry’s hopeful expression gave Becky a strange sense of foreboding and all the excited, giddy anticipation drained from her body.
“But Jerry - there are no direct flights to Jackson, and it’s midnight.” Her lip quivered as she pushed her lipstick back into its case.
“And I - I can’t afford to pay for a hotel and then all the connections I would have to make to get back home. Why are you acting like this? What happened?”
The drove under a streetlight, and Becky saw the bags under Jerry’s eyes more fully as he gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“Elvis has been getting into it with the band all week. Kathy and two of the Sweet Inspirations stormed off the stage mid-show tonight cuz he was talking shit at them sideways.” Jerry looked over at Becky. “The big man can dish it out, but he cain’t take it. No sireee.”
He drew out his “sireeee” as he pulled the white Lincoln into a parking spot at the back of a hotel. Becky shifted back and forth during the elevator ride up, arms crossed in front of the white floral dress she had excitedly wiggled into with glee three hours ago, as Ida kissed her good luck, and Ruth had glowered,  asking again why she couldn’t come. Now she felt ridiculous. Ugh, why couldn’t she ever listen to the voice of reason in her head that told her something was a bad idea. Leaning against the cool metal of the elevator, Becky kicked Jerry’s shin and tried to keep her voice light, positive.
“Ok, so level with me. Why is he fighting with the band, he seemed fine when he called me earlier.”
Jerry stepped away, grimacing at her familiarity. “That is because he is the master manipulator, and he wants you to come keep him company. But the last few days he has been stoned out of his gourd. More than usual. Cuz he’s in pain from all the performances, cuz he’s tired, cuz he’s bored. And he does not want to be on tour.”
“Then why is he?”
Jerry sucked in his breath and held up his hand, and a look of sharp contempt framed his smile as he rubbed his thumb and his forefinger together.
“Money money money, Becky! Linda needs a bigger apartment in LA! Dr. Nick needs a new house! Joe’s swindled him into starting a racquetball club! And of course he needs a different, gold plated plane.”
Becky swiveled in front of Jerry, looking him square in the eye as they hit the twenty first floor and she stepped backwards into the hallway.
“And what about you, Jerry, are your needs being taken care of?”
Jerry shook his head, and a sharp chuckle escaped his lips while he hung back and threw Becky’s blue travel case at her feet.
“Hmmm. I reckon you gotta from here, Becky. He’s in the Presidential Suite. Just down the hall.” He looked away, stating in a matter of fact tone. “Have fun.”
Becky’s mouth dropped as she watched Jerry tilt his head to the side through the closing doors, his eyebrows arched in a challenge. The elevator clanged shut, and Becky steadied herself, then opened her purse, as if all of life's problems could be solved with a tissue or some lipstick. There was the paperback copy of The Hobbit at the bottom, the one she’d been reading to Ruth. The one Ruth had shoved in her hands at the last minute, demanding that she call home and read to her while she was away. Becky smiled, thinking of Ruth’s big brown eyes as her small, stubborn mouth announced that she would be telling the neighbor kids all about how her mom was going to meet Elvis at his concert, even as Becky begged her not to.
“I guess if one good thing comes out of this, it should be Ruthie one upping those Ledbetter brats.”
Becky dug around in her purse, and decided to pop a tic tac in her mouth, the mint was refreshing, it washed away the bad taste her conversation with Jerry had left in her mouth. Then Becky took a moment to look herself over in the mirror. Ida had helped her pin her hair half up in the front, and her floral, cotton dress hung down in a flattering way from the embroidered empire chest to hang loosely over her hips before stopping at her knees. The suede boots gave her some height, and she liked the fringe along the side, she liked the way she could feel it dangle as she walked. She just had to keep her balance and everything would be fine. Looking at herself in the mirror, she blew herself a kiss and took a deep breath. In a moment of inspiration, she broken off one of the yellow roses from the vase on the table, and pinned it into the side of her hair, then strode down the hall.
She pulled on the ring Elvis had given her, once more finding reassurance from rubbing the metal over her finger again and again. But her confidence faltered for a moment outside the suite when she heard the smash of something being flung and breaking against the wall, followed by stomping and shouting. Elvis-like shouting.
“Fired, they’re all FUCKING fired. ‘Cept Myrna, she’s the only one with any sense a loyalty or professionalism. I don’ care if them other bitches come back here, begging, BEGGING, on their knees for their jobs back. They revealed their true colors here tonight. It’ll be a cold day in HELL before I take ‘em back.”
The shouting paused, and Becky leaned into the door to try and hear what the chorus of male voices muttering indecipherably were saying, before a loud voice, deeper than the Mississippi delta, bellowed back.
“Nah. Nope. I ain’t apologizing for shit. They need to ‘apologize to me, Felton, for not bein’ able to take a  GODDAMN joke. There’s a hundred back up singers out there  starving fo’ work. Who’d slit their momma’s throats for a chance to sing with us. Why don’t you do YA job and go find me some a them? What the hell I pay ya for? ‘Sposed to be producin’ this show, go produce some back up singers.”
Becky’s excitement at seeing Elvis again had now been replaced by a tense ball of nerves shifting in her stomach. Suddenly the sound of footsteps came towards her, and she jumped back from the door just in time before three or four men pushed by where she stood back, sucking in her stomach and gripping the wall as she watched them trudge down the hallway. Then she turned to find Charlie at the door, looking at her as his face scrunched from unease into a wide grin.
“Why if it isn’t Becky from Birmingham. Whatcha doin’ hugging  the wall out here, Becky? Git in here, girl.”
Charlie stood back, and Becky braced herself as she entered the hotel room.
It was a mess, plates of half eaten food lined the table and bar, several of which had been flung against the wall, where mashed potatoes and gravy now dripped down the wallpaper onto pieces of broken porcelain on the carpet. Becky shivered, and then tried to compose herself as she looked around. There was Joe, smoking and pacing on the other side of the room, he turned when he saw her, unable to hide the disdain that grew on his face. She recognized Red and Lamar on the couch, Sonny hunched against the wall, but didn’t know the younger, skinnier guy with long brown hair.
Becky suddenly felt very awkward and out of place and brought her blue, vinyl travel bag up to her stomach where she could hug it for comfort. She smiled at Lamar as Charlie patted her back.
“You know the fellas, aintcha Becky?” She nodded, her walk stilted as she came further into the pent house. “The big guy just went to his room, but man are you a sight for sore eyes, he sure is gonna be glad to see you.”
Sonny let out a laugh, then stood up and walked towards her.
“I thought Jerry was picking you up?”
“He was, I mean he did, but I guess he - um - had other stuff to go do.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet. By now I bet he’s kissed Myrna’s ass so hard his lips are glued to it.” Sonny rubbed his hands together, looking Becky up and down, and she hugged her bag harder at the resentment in his eyes as he went to pour himself a drink.
“Don’t pay him no mind, Becky, he woked up on the wrong side of the bed is all. For the last ten years.” Charlie laughed loudly at his own joke, as he guided Becky through the tense, silence of the living room towards the master bed room, where he knocked on the door to the old “Shave and a hair cut, two bits” pattern.
“I said to FUCK OFF.” Was the response, and Becky looked at Charlie imploringly.
“He seems - out of sorts. Maybe I shouldn't be here.”
Red snorted behind them, muttering under his breath that was one way to put it.  But Charlie shook his head, whispering.
“Nah, it’s jus been a rough night with some a the personnel.” This elicited another snort from Red, but Charlie continued, undeterred. “He wanted to know the second you got here, trust me.” Then Charlie cleared his throat, calling out.
“Hey boss, guess who is here? It’s lil ol Becky! Just in from Miss’ppi.”
“Well why the didn’t ya say that in the first place.”
The door flung open with a bang to reveal Elvis, still wearing the blue jumpsuit with the silver zebra pattern rising on either side of his chest. A matching zebra patterned belt was at his waist and his hands held an old fashioned looking quilt in patriotic red, white and blue around his shoulders, like the comfort blanky Ruth still slept with sometimes.
 Becky immediately dropped her bag and went to him, cupping his face with her hands as she looked up into his eyes. In spite of all the shouting, the gruff stance, he looked like a wounded puppy. She would whatever she could to take all the pain out of his eyes and hold him until he knew that everything was alright.
The side of her pinky crested against a taut choker, as she shook her head at the dark make-up smudged around his eyes. His lips pursed together at the center as he looked down sheepishly, like a little boy, biting his lip as his hands let the quilt drop to the floor and found her waist.
“Are you cold, Elvis?” She asked, looking at the quilt.
“What, oh that? Nah honey, someone gave it to me at the show and I like." He exhaled slowly through his nose. "Aww Becky, is it good to see you.”
Elvis picked her up and swung her around, bouncing her against his slight belly. His face lit up, and Becky could almost swear he wiped a tear from his eye as he placed her down and drew her into his side, walking her out to the living room.
“Now, this is what a good gal looks like, a loyal gal. Drop ev’ry thin when her man needs her. Man ‘o man, baby. You look like an angel, sent from heaven. How’d I get so lucky, have an angel come visit me, huh?” He grinned, looked at the others before kissing the top of her hair with gusto, so much so that his chin knocked the rose out of it, and then he accidentally stepped on it when he moved to pick it up. Elvis bent at his knees, wobbling as he tried to gathered up all the petals, his voice was high and babyish.
“Aw, no no no no. I’m sorry baby, I trampled all ova ya pretty flower.”
Then he dropped it an octave yelling forcefully.
“Charlie - boy, where’d that dumb ass go.” Before he had even finished uttering the words dumb ass, Charlie was there, chuckling as if Elvis and he were two frat boys yanking each other’s chain. Instead of master and trained dog, Becky mused, then pushed the thought from her mind.
“Charlie, run out and get Becky some fresh roses -”
Becky bent down next to Elvis on the carpet and stilled his hand to pull him back up, notching herself under Elvis shoulder as she turned to Charlie.
“Don’t you dare, Charlie. I just stole it on my way in, I can always go get another one.” Then she leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed Elvis’ cheek. “It’s a sweet thought, though. You’re sweet a sweet boy. Thanks for inviting me to join you, wished I hadn’t missed the show.”
Then she ran her fingers through the sweaty matted hair at his temple, stroked out the sticky hairspray that had kept his coiffed, high pompadour in place. Elvis’ blue eyes locked with hers and his whole body softened.
“S’ok, honey, probably all for the best. Was a sorry ass excuse for a show anyway.”
Becky trailed her fingers lower, over his chin and down along his chest hair.
“Impossible.” She whispered into the crease at his armpit, nuzzling her nose against the edge of his shoulder.
He didn’t even break eye contact as she looked back into his face as he lifted his right hand out and waved the guys off.
“Alright, boys, dismissed.”
Becky smooshed her face back into his armpit, rather than watch the parade of angry, middle aged men depart. Just before he left, she heard Charlie start to say good night and how nice it was to see her, when Elvis yelled for him to stop making eyes at Becky and go find his own gal.
Then they were alone. In a sea of dirty dishes, broken plates, rose petals and one coffee table that looked like it had been turned upside down. Unless it was some sort of new modern design, where you placed your coffee on the marble slab face down on ground.
Looking back up at Elvis, Becky didn’t know what  to say.  The screaming she had heard through the door had terrified her., yet looking at him now it seemed so clear how tired and how much pressure he felt. Jerry’s words rang in her ears, and they summoned all of Becky’s stupid, nurturing instincts. She began to pull off his scarf, peppering his chest with a few soft kisses to sooth the heart beat she heard, running as fast as a loose rail car thundering down a mountain.
Looking back up at his face, she licked her thumb, without consciously realizing what she was doing, and started to clean up his eye make-up, and he started to babble about the whole world going to hell. But he quieted as she shook her head, and gripped her hand tightly, shakily. Feeling him tremble, she remembered how exhausted he must be. So she paused and led him through the master suite and into bathroom, when she sat him on the toilet, stopped him again from protesting that he was fine, with a finger to his lips. Then she took a wet washcloth, and straddled his lap to clean his face.
Elvis grinned up at her, and when was done, he clasped both her hands in his and brought them forward to kiss her knuckles, his eyes level with her breasts. She let out a gasp at the way he sucked at her knuckles, before she shook herself free so she could reclaim her hand and undo his choker.
“What’s the matter, baby boy, hmmm? What’s all the fuss bout tonight, huh?”
She soothed his forehead with her fingers, cracking her neck as she steadied herself on his lap. The texture of his blue, gaberdine suit was soft underneath her bare thighs.
“Ah, nothing honey, jus the doggone back up singers can’t take a joke. Walked off in the middle of the set, make me look like a damn clown.”
Becky steadied herself.
“I find that hard to believe. Don’t look like a clown to me. If anything,” she begun to unzip his jumpsuit, her hands smoothing over the cool sweaty, hair she found there as she pushed against his belly. “If anything, they’re the ones who look foolish. Walking off like that.”
Elvis' lip hung down, just the slight hint of a double chin grew there, before they widened into a smile, pushing the apples of his cheeks up towards her.
“Ya sweet honey, ya know that? Wait, whatcha doin’ woman?”
Becky giggled as she pulled off his belt, and leaned into smell his chest.
“I am undressing you, Elvis Presley. Shower time.”
He tried to dismiss this idea with a wave of his hand.
“Honey, I don’t need a shower.”
“Oh yes you do.” Becky rubbed her hands under Elvis’ jumpsuit, trying to push it off his shoulders. “When was the last time you took a shower, you stinky boy.”
He pursed his lips, shaking his head. “Uh, uh, uh -”
“Ha, if it is taking that long to answer, it has been tooo long.” She jumped up, and went to start the water. Elvis stood, bringing her back against the bathroom wall.
“Think you can come in here, and order me around, huh?” He smirked. “I like how I smell. Smell like a man. S'natural, s'way God made me.”
“Good little boys.” Becky worked her hands back under his suit. “Who take good little showers.” She got the fabric off the side of his shoulders. “Get good little rewards.”
He stilled her hands, enveloping her with his scent, a staunch mix of sweaty musk doused with a bottle or two of brut. Becky wrinkled her nose.
“And what about bad little boys who do what they want, huh?”
She threw her arms around his neck. “They get loved on until they learn to behave.” And she began to kiss his chest and neck with a swift barrage of pecks.
“Alright, alright crazy woman. What’s my reward, then, huh?”
Becky pulled her dress off with a speed that made Elvis' head spin, but before he could make a snarky remark, she bent over to take off her boots, and all he could do was stare at her bottom as she motioned for him to unclasp her bra.
“Your reward is me. In the shower. Washing you.”
Becky giggled self consciously as she took Elvis’ hands and drew him into the shower. She didn’t know where her chutzpah had come from, all she knew was that when she was with him, she was a woman transformed. Her walls came down, and she wanted to be as close as possible to him, do whatever she could to put him at ease. Being around Elvis had warped her entire way of thinking.
The way his smirk rippled across his cheeks as he watched her lather up a wash cloth and start scrubbing over his hair chest made her tummy feel funny. Like she was about to jump off a diving board. She watched the soap drizzled down over his waist and down his happy trail. Becky swallowed hard, unable to stop herself from rubbing over it with her hand and wiping the soap into different shapes around his belly button. A triangle, a circle, a heart.
Elvis chuckled as he squeezed his eyes shut under the water, letting it rinse everything off as he muttered that she was a weirdo. Then he took the wash cloth from her hands and spread the lather over the top of her breasts. Back and forth, as if mesmerized. His attentive gaze made her vibrate, and Becky’s nipples became hard nubs. She pushed his hand aside, stepping close to rub the soap from her bosom against him, playfully.
“I think they’re clean.”
“Never can be too sure.” He pulled her closer, nudging his nose over hers as he took the washcloth back and began to caress her butt. “Just bein’ thorough. Wanna a get all my reward.”
“Your reward was me washing you, not the other way around.”
Elvis winked. “I’m renegotiatin’.” And he carefully turned Becky around so that she was leaning into the shower wall, while he slowly moved the washcloth over her shoulder blades, the small of her back, her bottom cheeks and the backs of her legs. His movements were so soft and tender, that they made all the thoughts drain from Becky’s head with the water. Her knees turned into jelly.  And all she knew was the warm sensation vibrating up her spine and tingling between her legs.
It was 3:45 am when they finally collapsed into the master suite’s large, king bed in matching pajamas. Becky could rest assured that every part of her body was clean, and while she hadn’t scrubbed him behind his ears, she had done her best with Elvis.
He had taken the cute, sexy pink fluffy negligee she had brought to sleep in from her hands, and thrown it in the trash, reiterating that just because they were on the road, they were never safe from commie drug dealers. Arsonists. Assassins. Any number of dangerous threats that could result in an instant need to evacuate the hotel.
“Trust me, Becky, you’ll be greatful ya wearing something decent if that happens.”
Becky rolled her eyes, saying to herself that Elvis was worse than her grandmother. But she obliged and reasoned that Elvis’ pajamas were probably more comfortable than the gauzy peignoir she had brought. The she settled back, watching him take his medication from the black, doctor’s bag, before folding her arms around him when he snuggled up and lay his head on her breasts,  murmuring to her in a low, babying tone.
“Aw Becky, don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t come.”
She stroked his soft, dyed hair, shhhing him as she smiled to her self at the hint of grey she saw at the peak of his right side burn.
“You’d be fine, you always are.”
“Nah, honey, none a these fools love me for who I really am. None of them would be here if it weren’t for the money.”
“That’s not true, your friends love you. They’ve known you all your life.”
“Nah uh, they don’t, baby. No one loves me. You might be the only one in the whole world who doesn’t want anything from me. Won’t take my goddamn money, even when I mean it as a gift. Because I do love givin’ gifts.”
Becky trailed her fingers across Elvis’ forehead, enjoying the way his warm skin felt under her knuckles. “I know you do. You really do.”
“But no one appreciates it, they just want more. Won’t be happy til they suck me dry. Ugh, I don’t know if I can even sleep, so keyed up about the band.”
Becky kissed his forehead, as an idea percolated, and she rose from the bed to grab The Hobbit from her purse.
“Here, why don’t I read to you, take your mind off things?”
Elvis’ took the book ins hand. “This the book Spock was singing about?”
Becky giggled, thinking of Leonard Nimoy’s record few years back. “I believe the song you are referring to is ‘The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.’ And yes, it was inspired by this book. But I know you've heard of The Hobbit, Elvis. Have you ever read it?”
Elvis shook his head, but before he could protest that he didn’t read children's books, she brought his head back to her bosom and began reading it, doing the voices the same way she did with Ruth. They passed out at some point in the “Roast Mutton” chapter,  after pausing from time to time debating what their hobbit names would be.
“I think you are probably too tall to be a hobbit, Elvis, probably more an elf. Your name is practically the same as their language.”
“Well, that don’t make sense, no one names their kid after a language. English. Spanish. This is ma son, German. So then, what do you ’spose my elf name would be?”
Becky yawned. “I guess that will be our proooooject over the next few days, figure out what our hobbit and elf names are.”
“Guesss sooooooo.” Elvis yawned back.
Becky found her paperback copy of The Hobbit open and smashed between them where Elvis had fallen asleep with his head on top of her chest. Several pages were bent back, and she tried to get them straight by bending them the other way, before deciding to put the lamp on top of it with the hope it would weigh them back into place. The room was still so dark, it surprised her to see that the clock read one p.m. It had been five or six when they passed out, and Becky could hardly believe how quickly she adapted back to Elvis’ schedule.
Looking down at him, she returned to cuddle into him, thinking how sweet he looked with his mouth wide open, asleep, completely unperturbed about the weight of the world that he carried on his shoulders. Then, as she shimmied her legs next to his, she felt the distinct, outline of an erect penis. I guess he slept well, she thought, and suddenly felt an aching tingle light up between her legs and a naughty thought enter her mind. Becky bit her lip, wondering how to wake him up without making it obvious. She began to nestle her knee into his cock, then blow air over his eyelids, faintly at first as she watched his long eyelashes flutter and waited to see if it woke him. When he remained asleep, she blew harder, emptying her lungs, until she saw his eyelids move and he opened one eye, with a blank, confused, slightly drugged out stare. This prompted her to plop back, not so stealthily, and pretend to be asleep herself. She also stopped moving her knee over his penis. Sleeping people don’t do that.
“Ha, now watcha think ya doin, Becky Butt?”
Elvis narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. A chuckled escaped Becky’s mouth, and her hand replaced her knee to slowly sweep over the outline of Elvis’ length, teasing his tip with the swirl of her thumb. Elvis seemed to instinctively move back up against the pillows, while also trying half-heartedly to swat away her hands from his pajama bottoms as she moved her head to his crotch.
“Now, honey, you’re a good girl, good girls don’t do that.”
Becky pulled at his waist, leaning down to nuzzle against the silk over his thigh, looking up and batting her lashes.
“Baby, you’ve been so stressed out, this tour got you all worked up. I’m just trying to help you relax and clear your head, so you can figure out what you want to do about your band.”
Elvis released her hands from where he had stopped them at his pants, and flopped back against the head board, resigned and moaning as her hand feathered over him. He closed his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling and muttered, “Lord have mercy. What am I gonna do with you, huh?”
Becky did a wiggly, little triumphant dance as Elvis shook his head, grinning as she pulled his pants down and very slowly and reverently bent down to kiss the tip, savoring the way his breath became heavier as she did. He bit his lip watching her look at him as she swirled her tongue around his foreskin where it now crested back above the head. In a leisurely, affectionate way, she moved her tongue hesitantly around him, using one hand to loosely palm up and down his shaft as she sucked the tip once more. Kissing it delicately, relishing how sensitive he was, how even just moving her mouth down an inch made his leg jolt. She laughed onto his cock when his knee knocked her head, and she looked up to see a warm, boyish smile beaming back down at her.
“Hey now, be gentle with him. He's, uh, he's, ughhhh, he's shy.”
Becky smiled as best she could up at him with a penis in her mouth, and worked to just move along the end of the foreskin to the top of the head, waiting as he moved her hair to guide her forward. His gasps sent a sharp ping to her core and Becky realized that the sound of Elvis’ hushed pleasure was like an aphrodisiac that she wanted to chase. And chase it she did, hollowing her cheeks to bob further down, seeing how far she could go with out gagging, seeing what happened when his tip hit the back of her throat, savoring the feeling of how it almost choked her.
His mouth now hung open, and he let out a loud moan as she delved deeper with the next thrust. Looking, she saw that his eyes were squeezed shut  and his mouth hung open, the bottom lip shaking tremulously as she began to speed up her tempo, following her mouth with her hand and breathing through her nose as she tried not to gag when she plunged downward. Then she felt Elvis grip her hair with a tight fist.
“Ah honey, oh Becky, oh honey, Imma about to burst!”
She watched his face contort as she nodded her acquiescence and continued to move her mouth over him, possessing him and at the same time giving herself to him as he arched his back up into her and came with a loud, breathy, high pitched cry. He was tangy, and salty, and she looked at him with a seductive wink as she flipped her hair and tried to swallow it all, before gagging and coughing most of it out of the side of her mouth and onto the duvet. This performance was followed by loud belly laughs from both parties as Becky rolled over in a fit of giggles at her clumsy attempt to be sexy. She hid under the pillows and blushed when Elvis moved over, threw the pillow away, and pulled her onto him with a goofy smile.
“Ya sure are sumpthin', Becky Butt. Man ‘o’ man." He sighed, stroking her shoulder. "Haven’t done anything like that in a while. Prolly since last time I saw you.”
“Elvis, you don’t have to lie to me, I see the photos of you with your other girlfriends on tour.”
He sucked in a deep breath, taking her chin to look up at him.
“You mean that girl I invited on tour after you turned me down? Honey, she don’t mean a thing, just someone to keep the bed warm. Wasn’t getting busy with her, tell you that.”
Becky arched her eye. “Really?”
“Mmmmhmmm. She is pretty, but she don't turn me on, not like you, baby. You’re my little snake charmer, member? And man, honey, every time too. Something special bout you. Gonna need you to come on the rest of the tour with me." His arm dropped, and his eyebrows furrowed and Becky realized he must be thinking about the tour. "Fuck, man, gotta figure out what to do bout these singers, goddammit. I don really wanna train new gals to sing, with only a few nights left.”
Becky patted his arm. “So don’t. Just apologize.”
A nervous squeak escaped her throat when she saw his lips purse and his eyes narrow in disbelief at her suggestion.
“You don’t have to mean it! I believe you were right, they are being bitches. Baby, trust me, you know how singers can be, premadonnas. And they are women. You can’t win with us. But you can know in your heart that you were joking, and also do what needs to be done to keep the show going by mending fences. S’easier to catch more flies with honey, E.”
Becky felt like a traitor to her fellow womankind, as she felt fairly certain that whatever had happened, the back up singers probably had every right to be upset. But the end justified the means, right? Her reasoning seemed to have some effect, as Elvis' pinched lips released and he grunted.
She watched as he looked at her, and repeated "easier to catch more flies with honey" in a high, mocking voice, while he rolled over and picked up the phone, asking the operator for Joe’s room. “Get Lowell on a plane, tell him to bring everything in the store. I don’t care, jack, do you work for my daddy? No, that’s what I thought, huh. Yeah, Imma have Felton take it all over to the girls, to everyone, tell them I know things got outta hand this week, let’s leave it in the past. Oh, and I wanna get Myrna a new Caddy, so she knows what loyalty means to me.”
Elvis was patting Becky’s thigh as he did this, his fingers playing a rhythm only he knew. But it made Becky feel special, needed, close to him, and she found a strange contentment just being there, receiving the song his body was tapping out. After he hung up, he called room service and asked them to send two of everything from the breakfast menu, explaining he didn’t care if it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
“Ever been Asheville, ha, honey?”
“MMmhmmm. No, can't say I have. Guess we'll have a few days there to figure out what our hobbitses names are.”
“Already know what your’s is. Becky Bobbit.” He grinned wide at her quizzical face. “Cuz you bobbit so good on my nobbit.”
Becky hit him as he burst into a fit of giggles. “Dirty, nasty, mean man.”
“Awww, honey, s’compliment. Wanna keep you round with me always, my lil bobbit hobbit.”
“Comin’ to Memphis after the tour?”
“Elvis - I -”
“I thought we were talkin’ bout getting you moved up there. You will love it."           
“I will hate it.”
“Nah, you won’t.”
“Hmmm, you might be sick of me after the next few days.”
Elvis squeezed his arm around her tighter, looking down at the stain on the duvet, and then back at her with a silly smile.
“Nah, I won’t.”
For fun...
Thanks for reading.... argh. Let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. Comments, reblogs and feedback are very much loved and appreciated.
@tacozebra051 @richardslady121 @powerofelvis @dkayfixates @searchingforgravity @sharebearkk @18lkpeters @elvispresleywife @moonchild-daniella @bisexualwvtson @eliseinmemphis @avengen @father-of-2cats @j-v-9-2 @lillypink @notstefaniepresley @stylespresleyhearted @godlypresley @crash-and-cure @doll-elvis @beeandheroddobsessions @misspresley @yanderereader @alqvarde @yynneessmons @kendralavon7 @daffieapple @louisejoy86 @flwrs4aust @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @leopardandstuds @burningloverdoll @butlersluvbot @precious-little-scoundrel @ashtag6887 @arrolyn1114 @stargirllily19 @amydarcimarie @joshuntildawn13 @ccab @artlover8992 @elvisrealgf @littlehoneyposts @literally-just-elvis-fics
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onmyyan · 11 months
🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon, here again! #3?
I don’t think you’re ever gettin rid of me now that you’ve told me you like what I’ve submitted to ya. Ya bad for me n my ego. You’re enabling me hun. It does mean a lot to me though and I am very happy I’m makin you foam at the mouth. Your men make me go feral and I obviously have stage 4 brain rot for all your OCs. No treatment for me. No salvation either doc
So here some intense follow up appointment delulu I got from the long ass Ashley Hunt AU story with hard core city girl reader I sent earlier. Buckle up bitch…you’re probably always gonna be in for a long haul with me…
Leavin off from Ash and our HEA, we got twins on the way n shit. And Ash is gonna give us at least another 5 babies too since we his happy lil breedin sow. But we gon speed up in time and not focus too much on dat, cause in the end we got 6 sons and 1 lil baby girl who da youngest. All back to back pregnancies. Ash got dem sexy hot dominant genes and really just gave his sons all the gifts he himself has. Tall, handsome, strong, chivalrous, charismatic, intelligent, etc. (They probably god’s favorites too). And we were like a fuckin printin machine makin copies n wonderin why the fuck we havin so many sons. So we fuckin delighted when we finally got a baby girl and are finally able to put the towel in cause we were also done havin his babies too. We love him. But 7 is plenty…
And so our story is really gonna focus on our lil baby Princess, cause she’s basically gonna be the “new reader insert.” Lil baby Princess grows up as a total daddy’s girl and is also doted on by her 6 big bros. She knows how to do some farm work, though she mostly inside helpin us her mama doin domestic work as it’s a bit more tough takin care of 7 men by oneself and we can always use an extra pair of hands in the kitchen. And you bet Ash is drillin in the same work ethic into his own sons as his own pa did to him. Builds character...
Lil baby Princess grows up wantin more in life. Just like how Ash’s sons inherited near almost everything from him, she inherited near almost everything from us her mama. Princess wanna leave the small town fast and is dead set on doin so when she graduates with her associates degree from the local community college. Her daddy, Ash managed to convince her to stay at the community college first. Get out general eds, stay closer to home before makin the big city leap and potentially getting a bachelors degree. Reluctantly Princess agreed to it but still had to go to the next town over since that’s where the community college is. Her home town is still much smaller…
And so she finally got her associates degree at 21 and is headin to the city to find a job n new life once the summer passes. It’ll be her last summer at home with her family she’s decided. On one of her casual outings ridin a horse she finds a man stuck on the road. Flat tire. Nice car too. He’s very handsome, tall, and muscular…to everyone else. But to Princess he just average and nothin much to look at. That what livin with 7 men built by Greek gods for 21 years does to ya. Makes ya numb to everyone people will conventionally say is beautiful n attractive. And Princess grew up with every woman around her thirstin over one of her bros and her father too. Even women from other towns would find excuses to swing by and gawk at the 7 men workin on the farm. So needless to say Princess isn’t wooed by men’s appearances…
Princess decides to help the poor fellow out cause her daddy raised her right. Offers him up a ride on her horse and tells the man she’ll call a truck for his car later. The man accepts and thinkin she’ll have to help him up on the horse for some time, the man easily mounts on the horse like it’s the second nature? And in an expensive suit too? She shakes it off and they go back to the Hunt farm…
During the ride the man asks Princess her name and what not (and I guess it’d still be Y/N cause the excuse is that she was named after her mama by Ash’s demands). Princess asks his name too, he gives it to her, and then no more talking on her end. This confuses the man as all his life people have usually wanted to make conversation with him. Or have usually always commented on his beautiful appearance by now. But not Princess. She really doesn’t give a shit about a stranded man’s life story. She’s here to do a job and get on with her life. And of course she’s immune to beauty at this point…
They finally come to the Hunt residence where Princess puts away her horsie and fixes up the man some water and food, bein a good host and all. She calls up the local mechanic and informs them of the details. Princess then just straight up leaves the man and tells him if he wants to take a nap, shower, whatever, to help himself. This is a fuckin power move as Princess has truly run out of shits to give in life. And she still ain’t tryin to converse at all with the man. Man is livid right now. Seeing Princess’s eyes filled with indifference. He confused as fuck too. Wonderin if she mentally sound or this is some country culture etiquette he doesn’t understand…
Now for the good shit. The Hunt men all come in as with so many hands workin on the farm now, shit gets done exponentially faster even though they got more stock and stuff over the years. They a little confused at first seein a posh lookin man greet them. But nothin gets bad as the man quickly explains the situation that happened. And the man is stunned to lookin at all these 7 aesthetically gorgeous men. The man is very confident in his own looks and it rarely happens in his life that he starts to get a bit insecure about them…
Ash asks the man where his daughter is, and the man replies that she just left? Much to the laughter of Ash’s 6 sons howling that “they’ll have nothing to ever worry about” with Princess. The man’s ego is damaged at this point. Is he unattractive? Is he undesirable? But he easily keeps a calm and collected face and voice…
The Hunt men politely excuse themselves having to go wash up from workin all day, leaving the man all alone again. We the mama enter the area, having heard commotion n stuff. We were preparing dinner n stuff in the kitchen which was far away. We go through same process and introduce and meet the mystery man. The phone rings and it’s the mechanic tellin us that the car won’t be ready for quite some time and the man will have to hitch a ride out of town if he’s got somewhere to be urgently. We inform the man and also ask if he got a place to stay. He don’t since he was just drivin by the town, so we offer him our home for the time bein. He hesitantly accepts…
Man decides to converse with us instead since we’re the most hospitable and social person he’s met in the family. He asks about our family and we do him. He keeps his background vague and we get the hint not to pock around. He really is just curious about our daughter, the Princess of the family. And we happily tell him all about her. Her hopes and dreams n stuff. Much to his delight that Princess seems like a normal human being n not a mechanical doll…
And that when he get the idea to propose to Princess later to take her with him out of the town to see the city and new places. Cause while he hasn’t fallen in love with her at first sight or anything like Ash did, there’s something about us that’s drawing him near. Perhaps it is our absolute indifference to him, and the fact that he just wants to prove something to himself. He wants to “figure us out.” Princess is a bit of a conquest and trophy to him, and he’s not afraid to admit that. So what’s the harm in this mutually future beneficial relationship? He’ll provide for Princess to get out of town and be able to see the world, and in turn he’ll get us to fall for him. The perfect plan. Nothing can go wrong…
A Princess for a Grand Duke, isn’t that fitting? Though the man will keep that a secret for as long as he can. If she asks questions about his wealth he’ll just pretend he’s an investor or something. One things for sure, Princess will definitely keep him entertained for a long time. A really really really long time…⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
And scene! I just love imaginin different flavors of a yandere stories. Like dis one is obviously a much more slower burn than the whirlwind romance of Ash and his wifey. And it’d really follow the descent of madness of a Grand Duke yandere who’s truly falling into love and obsession over his lady. He thinkin he in control at first but realize steadily fast that he can’t live without her. And to make it worse, he never lose control of things in his life. Not his looks, his composure, etc. so it makes this predicament even nastier for him to deal with. But lucky for us Princess, havin grown up with Ash as our daddy and 6 big bros who also have some questionable “protective” tendencies, we have a bit of a contorted sense of love too. So our “normal” is much different than other people’s “normal”
Also did you like the hint I dropped in dis drabble about the mystery man’s background? It was about him being able to easily get up on a horse despite being in a suit and lookin all fancy and stuff. Cause not many people can do that. So you either know how to do it as a career…or as a hobby…
Final thought as to why a Grand Duke yandere ya thinkin? From your OCs ya got the Delmonts who are criminal flavor, then Ash who’s country flavor, and then other popular yandere archetypes tend to be royalty, famous, or CEO more often than not. So I thought that royalty would be fun since it’d give the new leadin man not just an abundance of financial power but social power as well that CEO power might lack. Ya know…since royals can have diplomatic immunity and CEOs pretty much don’t. Some new flavors for the spice cabinet is always good. Besides I also just wanna see a man abuse his absolute power with impunity in yandere stories sometimes…So if ya ever decide to make a new yandere OC. Here an idea. I don’t mind ya usin it and I’d be thrilled if ya did
Love 🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon
Princess stared at the man, her hard (e/c) eyes unwaivering, unmoving in their glare. She sucked her teeth, hearing her father's voice in her head as she stuck her hand up waving the stranger over.
"Get on, we'll take you somewhere safe, get this all figured out yea?" Princess says, no hint of suggestion in her soft voice. The stranger staggered for a moment before offering her his famous grin, a smile that had gotten him far in his life, "Thank you- really you're too kind, what's your name?" He says smoothly mounting the horse, expecting some fanfare from the desert rose before him, but instead he got a stiff nod and, "(Y/n)." was all he got.
She clicked her tongue and the horse took off, she hadn't waited to see if he was situated, a small smile on her face as she heard him gasp at their sudden departure.
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myreia · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well!
thanks for the tag, @thevikingwoman and @bearlytolerant, ty frens!
tagging: @roguelioness @lilas @galadae @ellstersmash @fourteenthz
@tsunael @birues @ardberts @gatheredfates @anneapocalypse
@impossible-rat-babies @coldshrugs @gefiltefished @consulaaris
sorry if you've been tagged before, I have... lost track of who has done what. 😂 No pressure, ofc! 💖 tags also for anyone else who would like to share their writing! Feel free to tag me even if I didn't tag you or even if we're not mutuals, I'd love to see what you're working on!!
These are from published (and one unpublished) ffxiv fics. Because a lot of my favourite Aureia lines happen within the context of banter, I had a hard time deciding what to cut and where.
— 1: Far From Happenstance [ARR]
“What’s that thing on your arm?” “This? Ah… well… Perhaps this conversation is best saved for later, perhaps in a less conspicuous place?” “Or we could have it now. Your choice.”
— 2: Uncertainty [ARR]
“Tailing unsuspecting women about the city is nothing to be proud of.” “I have done nothing of the sort! Our meetings have been no more than happenstance, a quirk of nature drawing us to the same spot at the same time. I assure you, Aureia, I am not following you—” She stifles a snort, laughter tugging at the corners of her lips. “Oh…” He blows out a breath. “Oh, you’re joking? That was a joke. You have an unfair sense of humour…” “Don’t make yourself such an easy target next time.”
— 3: To Ash and Ember [ARR]
Lahabrea stares at her, startled out of his victory, mouth twisted with contempt. “How—” Aureia raises a hand, palm sheathed in blinding light. “Get the fuck out of him, you bastard.”
— 4: Sand and Stone [ARR]
“This is good for us,” she says quietly. “The Scions, I mean. We’re exposed here. Ascians, Garleans… it’s only a matter of time before they try again. Mor Dhona will afford us some means of protection we’ve lost.”
— 5: Bitter Frost [ARR/HW]
“You press on,” she says after a moment. She cups her palm between them, subconsciously pulling on the aether around her. A faint flame sizzles to life, warming her fingers. “Guilt can only carry you so far before it bleeds you dry. Just know that the next time… the next time will be different. Better.”
— 6: Divergence of the Heart, Chp 5 [HW]
“I don’t care what they say about me. I’m a hero to some, a villain to others. I can live with it.” “You should not have to. If there was a way—” “Please, Aymeric, I’m begging you not to draft a new statute on my behalf. You can’t decree change and expect centuries-old beliefs to shift overnight.”
— 7: Divergence of the Heart, Chp 7 [HW]
“Happiness? What makes you think I’m happy with this? With any of this?” “You’re the Warrior of Light. Defender of Eorzea and a beacon of hope. Blessed by Hydaelyn and beloved by all. What possible reason could you have not to be?”  “Oh, fuck you.”
— 8: Divergence of the Heart, Chp 8 [HW]
She blinks. It shouldn’t be more simple than that. Does he not comprehend why this is so profoundly embarrassing? “And..?” “And how would this fact be of such radical importance that it would be the sole cause of a change in my opinion of you? Do you believe it so crucial to your identity that I should judge you differently for it?” “No, I don’t think that at all. I suppose I feel I’m… a failure, somehow. As a person.”
— 9: For All the Truths Left Unspoken [HW]
“Oh? Because you seem a little haggard, Thancred. Why don’t you look me in the eye and tell me what time you went to bed last night. Or if you went to bed at all, for that matter.” “It is not your concern—” “No, but you could have at least done the decency of admitting what was going on before you started fucking my friend.”
— 10: A Question of Desire [HW]
She cuts him off with a kiss. [Aymeric] groans softly, leaning into it, and she laughs with delight. “Save it for later,” she murmurs against his mouth.
— 11: Bound by Faith, Chp 2 [ShB]
“Under pain of further admonishment, I told her what I could.” “Nothing unfavourable, I trust,” she says drolly. “Who do you take me for, Aur?” “An idiot, if I’m being honest. Next question?” “…stumbled right into that one, didn’t I?” “Yes.” Her eyes sparkle with fondness. “You did.”
— 12: Bound by Faith, Chp 2 [ShB]
“There. That’s it. Aureia was a name I took by chance. Not because I wanted it, but because I needed it. An alias intended for Ul’dah alone, one I intended to relinquish the moment I could escape the city. But then you called me Aur and it… stuck.” She hesitates, her voice breaking. “I don’t know why it felt right, but it did. You gave me a name, Thancred, without even realizing that that was what you were doing.”
— 13: Bound by Faith, Chp 4 [ShB]
“They don’t hurt. At least, not like this. Sometimes, with astral fire…” She closes her eyes and swallows hard. “He did something to me, Thancred. Whether it was his intention or not, he left a mark that is more than skin deep. Like a part of his aether was seared onto mine. It makes me powerful, yes, but… my magic is not always controlled. It’s never been the same since then.”
— 14: Untitled Post-5.3. Fic, Chp 2
She glances at him and finds him glaring at her. It’s not a real glare—behind the dark look and mock exasperation is a knowing smile. “She’s taken full reign of the apartment. Mess everywhere. Looks like a tempest went through the place.” “Far too easy to imagine that.” “I don’t know where she gets it from.” “Oh, I know for certain. That’s the influence of your bad habits, not mine—” “I—listen here, you ass—” “Oh, an ass, am I? Bit early to deteriorate to name calling, no?”
— 15: Untitled Post-5.3. Fic, Chp 4
“Aur… that suite I mentioned earlier… I was quite serious about it.” “The suite or the sex you want to have with me in it?” “The whole matter.” She pauses, holding the soup out to him. “You should finish it,” she says quietly.
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holycatsandrabbits · 6 months
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From OTP to OC’s: How to scrub your favorite fandom couple into original characters
Plot out a completely new story that you are dying to write—because all your favorite stuff is still there.
If you’re a fanfiction writer, you probably have at least one OTP (One True Pairing, meaning your favorite fictional romantic couple). You might have written them a beautiful story (or thirty) on AO3.
But at some point, you may want to take your OTP out of fandom and into the world of original fiction. Possibly because it makes your writing accessible to people who aren’t part of your fandom, and possibly (probably) because unlike fanfic, for original fiction, you can actually get paid.
So how on earth do you take other people’s characters and make them your own, without getting rid of the fire that sparks your muse?
In my journey from fanfic to original fic, I started by writing AUs (alternate universes) of my first OTP, Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. In an AU, you are making big changes to the source material, but leaving in most of what your fandom loves about the characters. In a Good Omens AU, Aziraphale and Crowley are often human instead of angel and demon, but the basic enemies-to-lovers trope usually remains, along with the personalities of the characters, and as many similarities to the original story as you can fit in.
Scrubbing (that really is the technical term) fandom all the way to original is the same process, it just goes farther. When you’re done scrubbing, the only things left about your OTP will be the pieces you as a writer can’t live without.
So what are those pieces? Well, it’s entirely subjective. But you can follow these five steps to find them:
1. List your characters’ traits
We’re going to take as example an OTP I am currently scrubbing, which is just as cringy as all of your OTP’s: Link and Sidon from The Legend of Zelda Nintendo games. You don’t need to have any idea who that is to follow this article. But here are their character traits, the good and the flaws:
Link: human (or elf?) male, great hero of legend, very good at fighting, quiet, private, helpful, mischievous, possibly in love with someone he doesn’t remember (Princess Zelda), guilty, and haunted by past failures.
Sidon: 7-foot-tall shark man, gregarious, ridiculously optimistic and complimentary, charming, nerdy, sometimes over-confident, a good fighter, ages slowly compared to humans (or elves), and oh yeah, he’s a prince. 
Note that these don’t have to be the traits the fandom at large assigns to these characters. This is the way you see them.
2. List your ship’s tropes
“Ship” is short for relationship, in this case our romance. So for these dudes, we have: human/nonhuman or human/monster, royal/commoner, long lifespan/short lifespan, and size difference.
3. List your plot’s main points
In the two games that have Sidon (Link’s in all the games), Link has to go to four different places and help four different peoples (leaving Sidon behind), then beat a bad guy in a castle, and save the world.
4. Scrub in
Now we’re ready for the operation. You’re going to go through everything you listed and start throwing things out. As you do, ask yourself this question: Does my heart still race? 
If you take out a piece and your muse is still humming for this OTP, then let it go. But if the absence of that part ruins the whole thing for you, then leave it in. Remember, you don’t want people to recognize this as a certain fandom or ship, so take out everything you possibly can.
So for the Link/Sidon ship, I’m asking myself, Does it matter (to me) that one is royalty? Does it matter that they age differently? Does it matter that one’s two feet taller? Does it matter that one is a monster? Do I still need to have a save-the-world plot? Do I still need them to be separated sometimes during the story? And so on. Again, this is entirely subjective: leave in only what floats your personal boat.
5. Make it weird
You have your list! Congrats! Now it’s time to change every other detail you can, because you want to make your story as different from the original as possible.
Let’s say I decide I really want to keep my monster character. Then it definitely shouldn’t be a shark man like Sidon. So I’m asking myself the same kinds of questions: Does it matter (to me) that he’s seven feet tall? Does it matter that he has sharp teeth? Does it matter that he can breathe underwater? And so on. 
Perhaps the only thing I really care about is my monster’s size. In that case, I need to come up with a large humanoid creature that’s as different from a shark as possible: maybe a centaur, bear shapeshifter, giant alien bird person, or scientist that had an accident in the cloning lab. 
Let character and plot shape each other into a completely new story that you are dying to write—because all your favorite stuff is still there.
Here are two original stories I wrote based on fandom ships:
You Don’t Say: When two fake psychic con men who secretly pine for each other are forced to work together to solve a disappearance, they discover that one of them is actually psychic. But which one? This is Aziraphale and Crowley, with the tropes of enemies-to-lovers, dorkiness, and bickerflirting preserved, along with elements of magic. Turns out those were the only pieces I couldn’t let go, and the resulting story is nothing like Good Omens, but was really fun to write.
Bloom: A shy older man with magical abilities becomes the muse of a beautiful young male artist. This comes from one of my OTPs from the 2018 TV show The Terror: John Bridgens and Henry Peglar, an older man/younger man, teacher/student ship. I left in the age difference (toned down quite a bit), and kept the outgoing/shy trope, but changed the teacher into an artist’s muse with a gift of magic. This story has very little in common with a horror show about Sir John Franklin’s doomed 1840’s arctic expedition—except the few parts I couldn’t live without.
There is one major disadvantage for a fanfic writer moving to original fiction: you will not get nearly as many readers for original fic. But remember, readers in your fandom are there because they love the same character traits and tropes you do, some of which will be preserved in your story. You may not have as many readers, but you will get some fans of your own! And maybe even some sales.
Thanks for reading! Speaking of sales—here’s how I do it: How to publish a short story
Looking for more inspiration? Get some weird writing prompts. 
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 months
Instant regret
Book: Open Heart (Pre Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!OC Estelle Campion, Tobias Carrick
Word count: 2383
Catergory: Angst
Warnings: language, sexual references
Rating Mature end of PG
Summary: It is coming up to the end of Estelle’s third year and she is focused on residency applications. A chat with Ethan does not go well.
Disclaimer: characters (except Estelle) belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: So the most recent Tobias Carrick appreciation week has inspired me to hop into my Time Machine and write some more fics based in their Hopkins days. Some of this will be from Tobias’s perspective so enjoy the ride.
It was a sunny day in Baltimore. End of year exams were fast approaching, plans for summer being made and for the cohort in their third year of medical school, decisions about where to apply for residency needed to be made. Estelle Campion was yo-yoing between third and fourth of her cohort, the residency world was her oyster. She was drawn to Oncology. There were plenty of hospitals that would help her fulfill her ambition, however there was a very important person she needed to take into consideration. Her boyfriend, Ethan Ramsey. They had only being together officially for six months, by far her most serious relationship but how do you broach the subject of your future when you are not sure where you stand. She knew of the abandonment that he had endured when he was eleven and how that had coloured his attitude towards relationships and how it was the main thing holding him back in starting the relationship that they had but she wanted to start an out future dialogue.
So she took a break from her thoughts and met with the other person who knew Ethan well enough. Tobias Carrick. She had gotten close to both of them and she had found Tobias attractive and his company enjoyable, however she got to know Ethan more as she worked on similar projects with him and found herself more attracted to him. She did enjoy a friendship with Tobias. It was also comforting to have someone talk to about Ethan and his walls.
“Estelle,” greets Tobias as he gives her a hug. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“As much as I enjoy your company T, I am wanting to talk with you about Ethan.” Said Estelle.
“What has he done now?” Questions Tobias
Estelle chuckles. “Nothing, well at least not yet…”
“I hear you both you know, it is not just study dates you two do…”
Estelle blushes. “Not what I meant and you know it, and hey I am pretty sure you have learnt plenty from what you overheard.”
“Hey!” Exclaims Tobias somewhat offended. “I already know plenty. Thank you very much, what about Ethan do you want to talk about?”
“How does one broach the our future discussion?”
“Why are you talking to me about this? Shouldn’t you be talking to Ethan?” Asks Tobias.
“Because I do not want to freak him out but also, if he still sees us being well, an us , it will influence where I apply for residency.”
“You know he will say that he should have little to do with such a decision.”
Tobias shakes his head in disbelief. “And he is an obstinate ass for believing that. Being top 5 though, you would get multiple offers though. I know the western seaboard has you well away from your parents, but there are plenty of great programs that are not New York or Connecticut. I mean there are several other options in Boston alone and if Ethan does miss out on Edenbrook you can still transfer.” Said Tobias
“We all know that Ethan will get Edenbrook. You may not be in the throes of application yet but I know he has started and it is impressive.” Stated Estelle, “ I do not want to screw things up between us but I do not want to be deciding which residency without his input.”
“All I can say is be honest, tell him how you feel and for the love of all things holy please do not dance around the obvious for too long.”
Estelle chuckles. “He is cooking me dinner tonight so I will open a dialogue tonight.”
“Ahh yes, “cooking dinner” says Tobias. “Good luck and don’t worry I will not be home to interrupt what I am sure will be a pleasant evening.” Said Tobias smugly. They enjoyed their meal and went their separate ways. Estelle was buoyed by her chat. Be honest, how hard can that be? She thought to herself. She went home and did some study then got ready for her date night with Ethan. She knew that they were to have a serious discussion but she still picked one of her new lingerie sets, after all, if all went to plan, well they would be fucking each other senseless afterwards. It had been a busy few weeks for both of them after all.
She made her way to Ethan’s unit. She knocked on the door and he called out to enter. He was already in the kitchen, very much in his element. It was a pasta dish that he was cooking and it looked and smelt delicious. They sat and they ate. After a glass of wine and some kissing she felt that she should not delay the inevitable chat anymore.
How much of a future do you see for us?” Ethan was perplexed initially but he knew that Estelle would be applying for residency and that assauged his surprise.
“Is this because you want to know where you should apply for residency?” Asked Ethan
“Partially, residency is a big deal and if you still see us being an us, we’ll that will impact where I apply.
“And why should I be a consideration. If the best opportunity for you is on the west coast then we will sort something out.”
Estelle was shocked. She knew this would be an Ethan response but it was still a shock, it was not like she was putting her career on hold.
“Do you even care about us Ethan?”
“Stelle, in all honesty, I thought we would be talking residencies when you got accepted, not before you even started applying.” He took a breath
“And yes I do care about us but you also need to know that you also need to do what is best for you career wise.”
“Life is not all about career Ethan.”
“It is a big chunk of our lives though”
Estelle is starting to feel hurt.
“Is care all you feel?”
Ethan paused, things were going well, so he thought. He really did like Estelle but for him,6 months was too soon surely.
“Do I really like you? I thought the answer to that was obvious but beyond that, we have only been together for six months…”
“What are you that afraid to fall in love Ethan!” Exclaims Estelle
Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Stelle, you know me entering a relationship is a big deal. A relationship, hell even the friendship I have with Tobias was not something I foresaw.”
“E, I know that I am your first serious relationship, hell even this relationship is serious by my standards but I need to know, do you see a future for us?”
Ethan took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts.
“I don’t know how to answer that question honestly. I understand why you are wanting to know this, however asking me to even guess where we will be, I am having trouble imagining that…”
“So you don’t see a future for us, is that what you are saying?”
“I did not say that….”
“Yeah that is what it sounded like!” Said Estelle crying. She picks up her bag and makes her way to the door.
“Stelle, please, can we talk about this?” Calls Ethan, following her towards the door but he is not quick enough and she walks out the door and slams it in his face.
Ethan is confused and upset. Tonight was not meant to end like it had, he decides to
Let Estelle cool off and call her tomorrow.
He sits down, dejected and angry at himself and trying to figure out what he did actually feel. He knew the answers were not what Estelle wanted to hear but surely she should have preferred him to be honest now instead of being proved wrong this time next year. He found the bourbon stash as he needed something stronger.
Meanwhile Estelle was a mess. She knew he had a wall and she had suspected that she had been enabling Ethan by letting him behind that wall but hearing he had not thought about a future that included her, letting her make what she thought was a decision that needed input from him. He did not explicitly state it was over but it sure felt like that and a fresh set of angry and sad tears flowed. She had no idea how long she had been wandering aimlessly but she was shocked when she happened upon Tobias. Tobias was also shocked to see her. He could see she was upset.
What happened?” Asked Tobias
“Ethan and I had a fight, he does not see a future for us.” More tears fall, Tobias is torn, he wants to be there for Estelle but also wants to see Ethan. Estelle then cuddles into Tobias. “I really love him” she says in between sobs, “how can he treat me like this?”
“Did you tell him you love him?” Asked Tobias.
“I did not get that far. He has not thought about us, it really hurt Tobias.”
Tobias offers to get Estelle home. Estelle decides she needs a drink while they are on the way and they stop off at the bar. They have a few drinks, talk about the fight, talk about school. They both drink more than they should have, and as such their inhibitions were lowered. The thoughts that Estelle thought she had long buried about Tobias came to the fore. With the courage that the alcohol offered, Estelle kisses Tobias. Tobias is shocked. He found her attractive but it was clear to him that she had eyes for Ethan, so he thought.
“Me and Ethan are over T” she whispers before kissing him again. Tobias decides that they should go. As much as he knew he should leave, he did want to make sure that Estelle got home safely. They make their way to Estelle’s where she kisses him again. This time Tobias ignores the voice in his head telling him to stop.
They enter the unit and make their way to her bedroom. Again the voice in his head told him he needed to stop but he again ignored it. The kisses get hungrier and they disrobe. As soon as Estelle unbuckles his belt she is down on her knees. He was taken aback by her prowess and as the night went on, he was surprised again. He could not deny that the sex was great, even Estelle was satisfied multiple times but the regret set in right away.
He discretely got up from the bed and found his clothes. He left her a note stating that he had gone home and he embarked on the walk of shame.
He arrived at the unit he shared with Ethan. A part of him hoped that Ethan would be in bed but he was not. He could tell his friend was upset and that he had been drinking.
Are you upset about you and Estelle breaking up?”
Ethan looks at Tobias, his look of sadness changing to anger. In that moment Tobias just knew he had been lied too.
“We had a fight, yes but I did not end it, she was very upset that I had trouble seeing a future and I suppose she took that as me ending it but she stormed out before I could discuss it further.”
Tobias took a breath. He knew this conversation was going to hurt his friend but he decided he was going to be honest. He took the bottle on the table and poured himself a drink before continuing.
“Well, Stelle is spinning a different story, she told me you were over, I am sorry”
Tobias could see hurt and Anger in Ethan’s eyes.
“Sorry for what Tobias, what is going on?”
Tobias decides to continue to tell the truth.
“I bumped into Estelle, she told me about the fight. She was pretty upset so I wanted to make sure she got home safely, anyway we stop off at a bar and had quite a few drinks and she kissed me. She assured me you were over and kissed me again…”
“Did anything else happen?” Asked Ethan, through gritted teeth.
“I had sex with Estelle.” Said Tobias. “If I had known she was lying I wouldn’t have. She told me that you were over.”
“And you believed her?” Said Ethan, angrily.
“What was I to think? She was crying and wandering aimlessly and very upset when our paths crossed.”
“You could have thought with your head and not with your cock for starters.”
“I did not plan it, it just happened.”
“Well you could have said no.”
“If we had not detoured that probably would have happened.”
“So what, were you waiting for me to screw up before you had your way with her? Or were you…”
“I am going to stop you right there Ethan. Yes when I first met Estelle I did find her attractive but she only had eyes for you.”
Ethan is furious. Furious at himself, at Tobias and also Estelle.
“I can not believe that you, my supposed best friend, slept with my girlfriend.”
“Which part of she said you had broken up are you not getting?”
“That does not matter, you still fucked her! And more importantly, fucked her right after she thought that we were over!”
Ethan storms out, feeling more hurt then what he did when his mum walked out when he was eleven.
Tobias wants to go after his friend but he knew that neither were in a state to discuss this maturely. He was angry at himself for ignoring the voice that said stop and mad at himself for betraying the trust that he knew Ethan did not give freely. He knew it was going to be hard coming back from this but Ethan was the brother he wished he had and he would do anything to try and keep this relationship. He calls Estelle and he is also angry at her. Angry for giving up on Ethan, angry for wanting another man in her bed so soon and angry that she lied to him.
After hanging up with Estelle he went to bed, hoping to clear his head before Ethan came back.
Authors note: that awkward moment where you have already done large amounts of dialogue in the events of this night in part 2 of the medical school series which is found here. I have added some little extra bits. The next part will have some more parts lifted my series again with more added as I did want to do more from the perspective of Tobias and I also wanted to showcase a bit more the friendship that Estelle had with Tobias and how that was also ruined too.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @alj4890 @cariantha @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @youlookappropriate @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @crazy-loca-blog @tessa-liam @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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lordshroom · 3 months
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Happy One Year Anniversary to 2012 Good Genes! WOOOOO
I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the comic! Whether it's writing a comment, leaving a like when a new chapter drops (or spamming likes as you binge it), or just reading it. Thank you <3
Hard to believe I've managed to semi-consistently update a comic for a whole ass year. When I started this comic, it was a means to force myself to learn how to draw the turtles and just force myself outside my comfort zone: dynamic posing, perspective, shivers backgrounds.
I thought I would run with this idea for a few months, get bored, then move on to something else. A fate that has unfortunately fell many of my previous projects.
But then I started recognizing the same few blogs liking the new updates. I got a few followers. I got a few comments. Every note felt like something special, a sign that people actually wanted to read this story.
So I kept making the comic. One of the biggest shifts in mindset came from when I met Gavin Smith, an artist for the IDW series, I asked him how long it took him to draw a page. He said, "It changes depending on the page. Sometimes it takes three hours sometimes it takes three days." My priorities shifted from "Get the comic done as soon as possible before I get bored" to "make the comic you want to make". The comic went from this to this. I missed coloring, so I started coloring. But I always liked inking more than coloring, so I started inking the comic pretty soon after.
This does mean the comic takes longer to get out, and that bums me out. But I don't mind taking some extra time to give the pages some zest because, well, you guys. If you're going to take the time out of your day to read the pages, I'm going to take some extra time to work on them.
My dream job has always been to be a writer. I've fluctuated between writing books, movie scripts, comic scripts, and a bunch of other stuff.
When I was little, I would imagine elaborate 2012 fan fiction. I never wrote any of this down since I was deeply embarrassed by my fascination with TMNT. It was a boy's show, and I was a girl. On top of that, 2012 became my lifelong hyperfixation. I didn't even seek out an online community for 2012, the closest I ever got was the forums for the show on the Nick site I watched the episodes on.
In high school, I realized who the hell cares and started entering the online community. I watched Rise and 2003, bought the IDW hardcovers, and started getting the figures.
Then in college, I said, "screw it," and started writing a fan fiction on AO3. It did not perform well. I tried to tell myself that I should write for myself, but it was hard to find the motivation to continue so I moved on.
Last summer, I started working on my original story and considered making it a webcomic. I watched a bunch of videos about making comics and wanted to try it out. Now, all the advice for making your first comic is to "make it small so you actually finish it!"
I did not take that advice.
The idea for 2012 Good Genes was old, like, fan-fiction-I-made-in-my-head-in-high-school old. It was different from the current comic. That old version took place post-season 5 with a bunch of OCs and Donnie being mutated into something more bug-like. I went with a retelling of "Vengence is Mine" so I wouldn't have to worry about designing any new characters/ environments, and I those handful of episodes as a blueprint.
2012 Good Genes was supposed to be a learning exercise and became something so much more with your support. That support got me to work on another fanfiction on AO3, which got so much more love than I was expecting. It was so touching that people liked my writing enough to read it without any silly pictures.
So I'm going to say it again, thank you. Thank you so much for a fantastic year. I would not be where I am today without your support.
And if you managed to get through all my rambling, here's an update!
"The Invasion!" will have four more pages which I'm still drawing. After that is an original episode that I want to take time to write a script and design a character before I start posting updates, so in the meantime I will be working on drawing some stuff for my asks and working on the next chapter for "Perfect Son".
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seraph-of-sizes · 9 months
So I know am obsessed with this but I cannot find stuff like this anymore so yeah :(
So 5/6 words..
Giant venti with child human/reader
And I always ask the child thing cuz I am thing g/t things with tiny/human child is adorable….and my oc is a child…
I adore Venti so much, favorite Archon go brrrrrr. Sorry this took so long, I actually survived a tornado over the weekend, thankfully I was just visiting the area so I didn't have any damage, but a friend I knew that lived in the area did so I was helping them out. Thanks for the patience all the same <3
“Little one you’re a bit far from home.” You giggled softly at the familiar breeze that wrapped around you. It smelled like Sunsettias, which was good, that meant your friend actually ate something today.
“I wanted to see you though!” You pouted as you looked up at the entrance to the broken temple place. “I got a vision!”
“Oh?” You clapped eagerly as the familiar teal eyes slowly blinked open in front of you. The big Bard pulled himself up a little so he could see you properly, ever so gently ruffling your hair with a single finger. “What element is it?”
“Anemo!” You exclaimed proudly. “Mama said Bardabatos gave me his blessing!”
Venti barely held back his laughter at the butchering of his Archon name. “I see, you must have impressed the Anemo God for sure.”
“I think he’s happy I made friends with you, Mister Bard!” You grinned, the wind gently playing around you, at your whim and Venti’s supervision. “Does that mean I get to see you stand up now?”
Venti bit back a groan. He had promised you that when you were older and gained a vision he would show you his entire form. He didn’t think it would come so soon, nor that you would remember the promise. 
“Alright little one, but we’ll have to be careful. If the wrong person sees me stand up they could hurt me.” He hummed softly, the noise causing you to giggle more as the air around you practically vibrated with the sound. “Come here, I need to make sure I don’t lose you now.”
You practically threw yourself into his open hand, the warmth of his hand was like the nicest bed in the world. You watched in awe from where you were laying on your back as he began to get up, your mind spinning like the windmills as he seemed to unfold. White fabric wrapped around him, but as you watched it slowly changed to green. Eventually he was sitting upright and you jumped up in indignation. 
“You’re not standing up!” You accused, pouting as he merely chuckled at you. 
“I can’t stand up here, I’ll break the rest of the Thousand Winds Temple little one.” Venti explained softly. “And I don’t want to scare anyone in Mondstadt that might see me from the city. They don’t know about me after all.”
“Oh right! Mister Bard is supposed to be a secret.” You sighed softly, playing with your vision. “I hope Bardabados keeps you safe from any mean people.”
“I’ll be fine, little one.” Venti smiled, slowly laying down again but on his back this time. “When you get much older, find the Dandelion Sea. I’ll show you my true height then, alright?”
“Okay!” Venti smiled at the eagerness in your voice. He watched as the sky began to burn with sunset and sent you off back to Mondstadt. He stared at the sky as the stars began to appear and smiled, tracing the new constellation in the sky. 
It looked amusingly similar to a wind sprite.
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Lost Oasis
This is more or less a rewrite of the 5 star card for Love and Deepspace, as a friend got me into this otome game and now I'm in brainrot. Altogether I've written over 50k words in a month (not that you'll see most of it), and all of it is because of this silly little game.
Love that for me.
For Sylus x my OC, Kit, his occasionally feral Second in command. She's not the MC.
This is very, uhhh. Risque. I wouldn't classify it as nsfw because if it was it would be on my Ao3, not here. Also, as I said, it's a rewrite, so I changed the tone to something I felt was very appropriate for the hints that were dropped in this newest card for Sylus's backstory 👀. Give me more, Infold.
Anyway, enjoy! Likes and reblogs encourage me to write more because it tells me people enjoy my writing.
It's disgustingly hot.
There's something about dry heat that puts Kit on edge, as if all the moisture is being sucked from her body.
She grimaces at the bright sun, as if by sheer will she can scare it off below the horizon.
The motorcycle flying down the strip towards her is her only reprieve.
Sylus hops off, his long legs effortlessly graceful as always. As he takes off his helmet, she can't help but scowl.
“Why the hell is it that you have practically perfect hair all the time? You should be as sweaty and nasty as I am. And is this a new motorcycle we're going to have to ship home?”
Sylus snorts, leaning against the bike and crossing his arms. “Scolding me already, kitten? And here I thought you would have missed me.”
Her face flushes. “Of course I missed you,” she hisses. “Dumb crow.”
He raises an eyebrow, waiting.
A moment or two passes as Kit stubbornly digs her heels in.
Sylus doesn't rise to the bait. There's an odd air to him, a tired restlessness and a lack of reaction that immediately unnerves her.
Kit gives in and trots over, reaching for him and squawking in surprise when he sets a helmet over her head instead.
“Wh- Sylus!”
“Get on,” he replies, his tone clipped. “We have a bit of a drive ahead of us.”
The entire ride had been unsettling. Sylus is usually handsy, even on the road, shouting back and forth with her playfully.
This time, he's been quiet, only touching her when she shifts her posture, a firm grasp on her hands around his waist to keep her in place.
When he finally parks, Kit looks around, curious. It's a little village in the middle of nowhere, the desert surrounding them on all sides and stretching out to the horizon.
She pulls off the helmet, grimacing when her hair sticks to her everything.
“So sweaty,” she mumbles, more to herself than anything. Sylus's strange behavior makes her reluctant to pester him too much.
His hand settles on the top of her head, ruffling her hair.
She squawks as it makes the problem worse. “Well? What do you think?”
Kit huffs. “I think you made my hair into a nest for Mephisto. Also that this doesn't seem like a skirmish on the border. This village is far too quaint for that. Why am I here?”
He hums, but doesn't respond. Out of the corner of her eye, Kit sees a young man drop out of a tree. He's scarred, the line of it breaking up the natural flow of his face. She glances at Sylus, following his gaze across the plaza. An old woman approaches.
Kit’s stomach twists, and she frowns. “Are there…Wanderers around here? I mean I suppose there must be, we're too far away from a bigger city.”
Still, Sylus doesn't respond, leaning down so the woman can touch his forehead.
He glances at Kit. “Come here.”
As she does so, the woman takes her hand, pressing it to her wrinkled forehead.
Kit repeats the gesture back instantly. She knows Sylus would have warned her otherwise if it had meant anything other than a greeting.
The young man nearby cheers.
“...did I just agree to something?” She glances sidelong at Sylus.
He nods with a slight smirk. “The young man needs some training to deal with a problem. I knew you would be good for the job.”
Within moments, she finds out what the ‘problem’ is.
“Ah,” she says tiredly. “I see. A big fuck-off lizard. Why didn't you just kill it? Is this some weird machismo rite of passage?”
Sylus stands beside her, and for some strange reason, she feels as if she's tuned into his frequency. He's not touching her, has barely paid attention to her, and yet her skin buzzes in anticipation.
“It's his to kill,” Sylus replies evenly. He ignores the way she scowls at the lack of detail. “I figured you would be better than I would at teaching.”
Kit rolls her shoulders with a sigh. “You seem to do just fine when you're beating my ass in boxing. How am I supposed to teach with a language barrier, exactly?”
He arches an eyebrow, and she sighs again. She knows the “figure it out” eyebrow when she sees it.
“Sy, be my Wanderer.”
He blinks, giving her an odd look. “Oh?”
If she didn't know better, she would say that she startled him with that.
Kit takes his wrist, ignoring the instant full body shiver that she has. “I'm not getting close to that fucking thing, so I need a pretend creature of my own to show the kid.”
“You need a monster,” he says bluntly, using the word she was dancing around.
Kit winces. “Unless you want me to do it.”
Sylus pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head with a smile. “The things I do for you, sweetie.” His voice is warmer, but still off. “Show us how it's done, Master Kit.”
As the wind spins and twirls around them, spiraling dust and sand in golden ribbons, Kit does her best to teach. Some things are physical, which is a relief. One does not always need words to train the body how to fight.
She and Sylus run through several rounds of fake sparring. Every time they get close to each other, her heart stutters, and she feels nervous. It's unbecoming of an assassin, and yet she can't stop it.
Since they became lovers, she finds herself far more reactive to just about everything that he does, and it aggravates her just as much as it endears her.
Still, that shadow is unshakable. Somewhere in this desert, Sylus carries a demon that she cannot see.
She doesn't know how to kill something intangible like that. It itches at the back of her mind even as she points out weak spots and corrects posture.
As the day stretches on, the boy ends up copying Kit too well, leaping at Sylus. Kit tenses instinctively.
However, he knocks the boy away with ease, a testament to how far the teenager still has to go.
“Does he think you're a real Wanderer?” Kit mutters.
Sylus snorts in response.
The training is called off, and the old woman pushes the couple into the bathroom to clean up.
Kit frowns as she holds up the water canister. “Sylus?”
He hums a query, rinsing soap out of his hair. “What is it? Hold it higher.”
She does as told, feeling her arms ache. “Are you okay? You've been…off.”
He chuckles, his voice echoing through the room. “Have I? It's been some time since I've been here.”
Blinking in surprise, she shifts on her feet. Acting as a makeshift shower head is proving to be exhausting in itself. “You did seem familiar with those two. Friends of yours?”
“Not really,” he replies. Kit relaxes a little as he continues to talk, the most he's spoken all day. “I met the woman when I was stranded in the desert. I would have been carrion food otherwise.”
There's an entire wealth of questions in that answer, and Kit settles for the easiest. “She saved you?”
“No. She walked out, and I followed her. Kit, the water.”
Kit looks at the canister and swears. “Shit. That's all of it.”
There's a long sigh, and Sylus steps out. Rivulets of water run down the length of his body, catching on every ridge of muscle.
He looks mildly irritated, and Kit can't help but poke the crow, so to speak.
“I think you need to drink more water, Boss. You shouldn't be this shrink-wrapped with muscle unless you haven't been hydrating enough.”
Whether it's the remark or the fact that she slips up and calls him ‘Boss’ like she used to, Sylus's expression takes on a predatorial edge, and warning bells go off in her mind.
There's a set to his shoulders that curls forward, the muscles in his bare legs tensing. She tries to flee, only to be grabbed by a pair of powerful arms.
Kit yelps, squirming in his grasp. “You're getting my clothes wet!”
“Good idea,” he growls. “A towel is exactly what I need. Now be a good girl and help your ‘boss’ dry off.”
Trying to get out of his arms, she feels his teeth set against her neck. She freezes in place.
He walks their entwined bodies towards the slick wall of the shower, raising a hand. A towel whips through the air into it.
Spinning her around, he presses the towel against her. “Dry me. Don't miss a spot.”
Irritation rises in her stomach, making her indignant.
“You-!” She bites out. “You've been grumpy and short with me since I got here!” Kit shoves the towel back at him, furiously wiping him down even as she snarls.
“I have been trying to follow your orders all day. ‘Kit, teach this kid’ ‘Kit, pour water on me’ I'm doing my best, Sylus! I want to be good for you! I want to follow your orders! I came out to the middle of the desert, no questions asked, on a dime, because you told me to! Cut me some slack and put those gentling gloves on, because I know you can! Now, lean down so I can dry your hair!”
Kit glares at him for a moment before she realizes she's well and truly fucked. Sylus's eyes are a bright, burning red, the right one beginning to glow in a way that is as annoyingly arousing as it is terrifying. A myriad of scenarios flash through her mind, different forms of pleasurable punishment she's taken in the past. Kit braces herself for the worst.
Yet oddly, he leans down quietly, bowing his head for her.
Without a word, she sweeps the towel over the wet strands. Her hands tremble. Despite her harsh words, despite losing her temper, she is, as ever, gentle with him. As if she were handling fragile and delicate glass.
Larger hands cover her own, and she can't help but flinch.
“Are you scared of me?” Sylus’s voice is ever-so-soft, almost tentative. There's a strangely raw edge to it, as if he anticipates the worst possible answer.
Kit sighs, draping the towel over his shoulders. Instantly, Sylus draws his hands away, and she's the one to catch them, to lace their fingers together and force him to stay in place.
It reminds her oddly of his attempts to resonate, and she shakes her head. “No,” she whispers. “The ones I flinch from are ghosts, not you. Are you mad at me?”
As if he can hear her silent permission, Sylus steps forward, crowding her against the wall. His head drops to her shoulder. For a moment, all she can hear is the steady sound of his breathing.
It takes a moment, the heat of his body seeping into hers, Kit’s thin undergown the only physical barrier between them. Then, he speaks. “It’s…complicated. I'm not mad at you. You're not the only one with ghosts, Kit.”
She tucks her face into his neck, drawing their entwined hands upwards, to where her heart beats powerfully beneath her breast.
“Then let me distract you from them,” Kit whispers. “Take whatever you need from me.”
He laughs hoarsely. “That's a dangerous offer, sweetie. What if I take everything?” Sylus's hand slips from hers, going up to trace the line of her neck.
She takes it again, readjusting his grip so his fingers wrap around her throat. Sylus jerks, pulling back enough to look at her with a strangely startled expression.
“Then take it all,” Kit says fiercely. “Devour me until not even my bones remain. I'll give you everything. Just don't fight alone, or worse, fight me. Unless it's to teach some pimple-faced teen how to kill a Wanderer.”
He gazes at her, his expression unreadable. The tension in his shoulders relaxes, and as if he's come to some sort of decision, his classic smirk returns.
“Okay,” he murmurs. “But this shower isn't the place for it. It's not exactly soundproof, and you…” he leans in close, his lips brushing her ear. “You aren't exactly quiet.”
Kit can practically feel the color flood her cheeks, even as she huffs, relieved. He may not tell her what's going on in that head of his, but it's clear she's done something to help.
“It's not my fault someone can't shut me up,” she retorts.
In quick succession, Sylus wraps the towel tightly around his waist and picks her up, holding her in one arm, making her squeak in surprise. Kit holds on for dear life.
“Sylus! What if you slip?!”
He taps her nose, smiling when she automatically tries to bite him. “Trust me, kitten. I know what I'm doing.”
With that, he strides out of the bathroom, off into the rest of the house.
Later, as the sun sinks below the horizon, Kit lazily rests her head on Sylus's chest with a yawn. His hand cards absentmindedly through her hair as he watches the bustling activity below, his eyes shadowed with memories Kit cannot even begin to fathom.
However, she promised.
She taps his chest, bringing his attention to her.
“So,” she says sleepily. “You don't do anything for free. Who paid the price? The kid, or the old woman?”
Sylus chuckles wryly. “The kid. He said that when I died, I could be buried amongst their dead gods. Out there, in the Valley of Lost Souls.” He nods his head out to the amber expanse of sand, and Kit follows his gaze.
“Why does that sound like you think it's funny?” She shifts a little bit in Sylus's lap. The ache radiates sharply through her body, a sign of muscles being put to good use.
His other hand strokes down her hip soothingly. “Their gods were killed by their ancestors. Not quite the honor it seems.”
She snorts at that. “And what did he want?”
In the last remaining rays of light, the sun shines liquid gold, striking his hair and turning it into the most ethereal shade of white. Less like a dove, and more like an albino crow, ostracized and driven away from its own kind.
Sylus glances at her with eyes that resemble blood pooling on the ground after a fresh kill, and Kit wonders if that's a closer guess to Sylus's past than she's ever known.
“The Wanderer,” he replies. He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, following the way the loose locks spill invitingly down her form. “In this village, they keep what killed their people before. To remind them never to let it kill them again. His father stepped into the protofield of that thing, and he wants to try and get him back.”
Kit hums softly. “Reminds me of someone,” she murmurs. “I tried to kill you and you kept me, after all. His stubbornness and ferocity is to be admired. If he lives to adulthood, he'll be a fine warrior.”
“I was never that stubborn,” Sylus replies. He ignores the way she tries not to laugh. “He's still got a long way to go.”
“He does,” she agrees. A thought strikes her. “Sylus? What were you like as a child?”
Her long, lean lover looks down at her, and his eyes are hollow. Even as he opens his mouth, Kit puts her hand over it. “Never mind. I know. Yours was hard like mine.”
He kisses the fingers softly, taking her hand and pressing it to his cheek. “No one's childhood is like yours, Kit. But I get what you're saying, and yes. I had to fight to survive, just like you.”
Kit moves up, pressing a kiss to his lips. It's lazy and slow in the dusk’s chill, unhurried as if they have all the time in the world.
As she pulls away, loose-limbed with a faint buzz of desire, she curls back up against him. “How long will we be here?”
He hums, and she can feel the off-key vibrations through his chest, as soothing as a cat’s purr.
“I have to go further into the desert. There's something I'm looking for. It's…”
She interrupts him easily, her voice teasing. “Something you need to do for yourself, I get it. No girls, crows, or twins allowed, keep out.”
A finger taps the end of her nose playfully, and she snaps at it, relaxing as he presses it into her mouth scoldingly, down onto the flat of her tongue.
Kit glances up at him, her mouth automatically opening, and he smirks at her obedience. There's no heat behind it, only fondness. “Punishment,” he says softly. “Someone's too cheeky for her own good.” Sylus pulls his finger from her mouth, tapping the end of her nose again, this time leaving a wet residue that cools quickly in the night air. “What do you want to do? Do you want me to send you home?”
“With your new vintage motorcycle?” Her teasing earns her another tap on the end of her nose, and she's tempted to bite it again.
“It's what the locals ride, only a few years older than you. Now, tell me what you want.”
Kit opens her mouth, feeling a flood of words all crowd the space, a traffic jam of wants and needs all vying for her attention.
She wants to follow him. But she isn't allowed.
“I want…” she gazes up at him, taking his punishing hand and lacing his fingers with hers. “I want you to leave me with marks that will last the time that you're gone. And then in two weeks, I'll be waiting for you here. Someone's got to train that kid not to stab himself.”
“You're going to wait for me?” He asks softly.
Kit nods. “Of course. Someone's gotta make sure you come back out of that desert. And…” she glances away, feeling her face warm. “...I don't want you to be alone for too long.”
The world spins around her, and suddenly she finds herself pinned beneath him. He doesn't give her a chance to look at his expression before his mouth is on hers, again and again until she's out of breath.
“Sylus-” she gasps, barely getting his name out before he swallows her words again, not stopping until she's practically melted in his arms.
“How is it that someone as sweet as you found their way into my world?” He asks roughly. “How did you make it this long?”
She laughs brightly. “Because I had people like you to make sure I didn't get it completely stolen away.” Kit reaches up, looping her arms around his neck. “Kiss me again?” She asks shyly.
He smirks. “Of course. After all, someone asked for me to leave marks that will last two weeks. I have a promise to fulfill.”
Sylus's hand slides down, and lets her sounds of pleasure fill the night air.
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tveitertotwrites · 3 months
Tobias Carrick Appreciation (Part 1?)
Hey everyone! So I obviously had to participate in Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week (both since I didn't do it last year and also having an OC that romances him). For today's prompts, I am just going to answer them as questions and not in a fic. I am also going to answer both prompts/questions along with the prompt from last year but I am only counting it as one creation since it is all going to be in the same post.
Starting with last year's prompt, Where did he come from?
My HC for Tobias is that he grew up in the Midwest (either Indiana or Illinois). He was born on May 25th, 1983. His parents divorced when he was 3 and he has an older sister named Maria who at the time was 5. His father, David, decided to move across the country to California and start a life with his new family, meaning Tobias and Maria stayed with their mother, Naomi. His mom decided to not remarry and focused on her job and her kids.
He decided to take up medicine after seeing his sister, who did gymnastics, get injured multiple times and wanted to learn how everything works and heals. He went to Columbia for Undergrad and then obviously John Hopkins for Med School. From Middle School to Undergrad, he played Baseball and Lacrosse, helping his team to sectionals many times.
In school one of his favorite subjects was actually English. He liked reading poems and hearing different stories. His other favorite class was Art and was pretty good at it and got some local awards for his art in high school.
Now on to this year's prompts/questions, If Tobias could no longer practice medicine (the reason is up to you). What would your Tobias select as his new career? What would he pursue? Would he be successful?
If he had to stop practicing medicine, I do think it would be in favor of helping someone get something the really needed (idk what it would be). I think he would then try to pursue art or music (as I HC that he's good at playing guitar). He could either make art for different galleries or be a guitarist for an artist when they tour and would be pretty successful.
And the other question/prompt, Does he travel? Have hobbies, or is he a workaholic through and through? What does he enjoy to do when he has downtime? What does he wish he had time to do? Does he have any hobbies he doesn't want anyone to know about? Where does he like to travel? Does he overpack or underpack? What's his ideal vacation/holiday? Does he travel solo or with others?
Tobias does love to travel, he takes a yearly trip to Greece with his mom and sister (and then with Adelaide as well once they're together). He likes booking warm/tropical places depending on the time of year because he likes being able to swim in the ocean or some body of water. He occasionally does city trips like London or somewhere else but it's not his ideal choice (the majority of his city trips start after meeting Adelaide). Before Adelaide and Tobias get together, he sometimes goes alone on trips and sometimes invite friends. One of his favorite spots to vacation at is Spain (specifically Majorca). At first he used to underpack a little but now he tends to overpack a little (especially after having kids).
Tags: @jerzwriter @storyofmychoices
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 5 months
So...... I'm bored, so have this fluff oc x canon oneshot undercut. ↓
[ HC: Ace is Vessel's emotional supporter #2, he'll always comfort him and be there for him forever! Especially the others. ]
April 29, 5:12 AM. In a mid-early morning, to where Ace hasn't been asleep in his room for 10 hours now. His daily routine of taking an all-nighter is what he does perhaps, or he had another nightmare again, til before going on a tour for arizona tomorrow. He sighed in a tone of quietness that can be heard across Ace's mouth.. his right tired eye is glowing in neon dark blue. Shining all around the room..
To know that this color represents true sadness and true sorrow, Ace really chose this color just to get born with it. As he was about to get back on having sorrowful dreams.. Ace heard a door slowly creaking coming from his own room door, but he already closed his eye to "sleep". Even though sleeping with an eyepatch on the left seems a bit awkward and weird.
Ace honestly knew who came to his room due to himself having an ability to sense things, and what he knew is that he sensed Vessel coming here. But he thinks that he may or may not also have a nightmare, or was it something else? Who knows?
"Ace, you awake?" Vessel tiredly said, the singer stood here after he closed the door,then he sat down next to the sleepy eyepatched boi just to not disturb him. But he noticed that Ace lightly giggled, trying to pretend huh? Vessel thought with a slight smirk on his face. Then he had an idea.
And with that, Vessel started slowly tickling the sensitive part of Ace's neck.. thinking that this will work, but it did.
Ace sadly didn't win the tickle plan, causing the boy to giggle and laugh in a soft loud tone. He then sat back up and playfully fist bumped Vessel's left shoulder just to make him stop, while the singer giggled too. He was just glad that the plan worked that's all.
"Man, you really dare to get me aren't you Vess?" Ace said, while slightly rubbing his own right tired eye before going back to look at him.
"Well, I just want to check up on my favorite duetist that's all.. And by the way, i've just seen you walking alone in my dreams last night again, to where you are walking from the empty mist if I'm correct.." He said to a slight low quiet tone, and Ace can tell that this is the real reason why Vessel visits him. But that is a true statement.
"I see, I thought I was the only one having those sorrowful dreams.." Ace said in a quiet tone, but he felt a soft forehead kiss to the singer which made the duetist blush a bit softly enough.
"That's okay, if I am managing to meet you.. we could've make trouble together in our sorrow dreams, if you know what I mean love?"
. . .
With a 3 second silence, Ace immediately blushed very red after realizing that the singer is flirting, it made the duetist starting to stutter and then covered his entire embarrassed face.
"...bloody hell.. your too good to be this flirty.." The duetist muffled quietly in an literal embarrassed face. Vessel chuckled softly to how cute the duetist is blushing. But he did let out a hand crawling on Ace's back, slowly and gently hugging him. Til a second forehead kiss came here again to cheer the duetist up.
Eventually, Ace stopped being embarrassed and just embraced Vessel's gentle hug by hugging him back too. That makes it so warm for the duetist to have happy dreams, no wonder why Vessel gave him most attention during the concerts..
Vessel let out a quiet sigh, a smile still there for being proud to make his duetist happy.. after all, the two duet together in each songs, and they even have a lot of fun together. That's what true support is.
"Hey.. Ace? Are you excited for your rehearsal? Because you're about to sing some songs for our new setlist with me. I can tell that you are really happy to do this right?" Vessel said in a calm, quiet tone. Til Ace nodded while hugging but he felt quiet.. he must've enjoyed this warm hug.
Which made the singer feel...bliss. Very bliss.
He can't wait to duet with him forever until whatever happens to them. No matter what, he's glad to choose him as new member.
"Okay, good to hear you are excited.. Ace."
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kojirago · 5 months
18+ A new RP partner is approaching! 18+
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Hey all, hey all! The name's Koji and BOY do I have an offer most couldn't refuse! I'm looking for any and everyone who is wanting to do a roleplay of really any sort! Albeit at the moment I do have a HEAVY bias towards **Hazbin Hotel** And **Helluva Boss**. So! If you have any fandoms you want to try out, or just a OC idea- Then let me know and I'm sure we can work something out! []---------------------------------------------------------------------------[]
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A little about me though: I am a 21M who has been roleplay concurrently for about 5-6 years now! I like to think I withing Advanced Literate - Novella range, but really it varies from roleplay-to-roleplay and from partner-to-partner! If I have enough to work with, I can write upwards of the Discord text limit (using it as a reference since that is where I am used to writing on). Speaking of Discord, that is what I primarily use for roleplay! I'm actually quite new to Tumblr, and heard that this was a good place to find people to roleplay with so I have high hopes! []---------------------------------------------------------------------------[]
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My requirements: Please be literate! I don't like to roleplay with anyone who puts very little effort- That's not to say I am expecting huge paragraphs! Just more than a few lines is all! I would also prefer if you are understanding that I have a life outside of roleplaying, so there will be times I get busy and don't respond- But I promise when I am locked in we could roleplay back and forth for hours! One other thing I should mention, I am looking for either SFW RP or NSFW RP! Just tell me when we get to talking! []---------------------------------------------------------------------------[]
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[]---------------------------------------------------------------------------[] I think that's really it honestly! I'd like to thank you for reading this little post, and hope you consider trying me out as a partner! SO- If this DOES warrant any interest from anyone, don't be afraid to leave a note and I'll make sure to send a message your way; or if you want to go ahead and send me a DM then by all means I welcome it! See you all soon!
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zmwrites · 6 months
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OC Kiss Week Day 5: Darkness
Pairing: Maeve x Charlie
CWs: just the kissing :)
Words: 837
Notes: "CAMRR" stands for Cheesy Ass Modern Royal Romance and it does live up to the name; also Charlie calls Maeve "Hen" bc her last name is Hennessy
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Maeve lay on the couch in front of the TV, cocooned by darkness and burritoed in a blue fleece blanket. The true crime documentary playing only had half of her attention as her mind replayed the comments she’d overheard at the—what had Anaïs called it? A benefit luncheon? The people who ran the charity had been lovely, but the other benefactors had bordered on cruel. It had been hard to ignore the sudden silences when she’d passed by, and the sideways glances, and the sharp giggles that she couldn’t help but think were at her expense. It had been a stark reminder that she was only accepted in the upper echelons of society as an extension of Charlie.
The overhead light flicked on. She wailed in protest, and it immediately turned back off.
“Sorry Hen, didn’t see you there,” Charlie said. He leaned over the back of the couch and looked down at her. “How are you doing?”
“’M cozy,” she replied, snuggling into her blanket burrito.
“You look cozy.”
“Thank you.”
He grinned and hopped over the back of the couch, then ignored her grumblings as he replaced the stack of pillows under her head with his lap. “Still cozy?”
She sighed contentedly as he ran his fingers through her hair, her eyes drifting closed. Moments like this were what made the bullshit that came with dating royalty worth it. Moments where he wasn’t a prince, but where he was just Charlie who could never seem to get enough physical affection. 
The truth nagged at the back of her mind: it wasn’t real. They were only dating for the cameras so they could weather the media storm his very public, very acrimonious breakup had brought upon them. Every touch, every kiss, every public appearance—none of it was supposed to be real. But the truth was getting harder and harder to remember as time went on, as things became more natural between them, as they realized they didn’t need to script it anymore. The boundary between their public relationship and their private friendship was blurring in ways she hadn’t planned.
“I think we need to talk,” Maeve said.
“About what?”
“About—” She paused as she struggled to sit up. The conversation would be easier to have if she wasn’t bumping her head against his hand like a cat begging for attention. “About new rules. We need to put a limit on how many times we kiss per event. And outside of events. And overall just cool things down.”
“Okay,” he agreed. He frowned with concern. “May I ask why? Has something happened to make you uncomfortable?”
“It’s getting a bit too real,” she admitted.
He raised a brow.
She wet her lips and tried again. “You kiss me like you mean it. And it’s not your fault, but my stupid feelings are getting involved and I need some space to get everything sorted.”
“Maeve, are you saying you have a crush on me?” he teased, a smile slowly blooming on his features.
“No—I am—stop.” Her jaw clicked shut and her cheeks burned. She wished her blanket burrito would swallow her. “I’m handling it. I just need a few weeks to get over it and everything can go back to how it was. But right now I’m reading too much into things and I’m going to end up breaking my own heart.”
He turned to face her and rested his elbow on the back of the couch. He leaned his head into his hand and gazed at her with that stupid softness that had gotten her into this predicament in the first place. “Maeve.”
“Don’t be cute, I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you.”
“Stop looking at me like that!” She wiggled out of her blanket and grabbed a pillow, lunging forward and pressing it over his face.
He laughed and wrapped his arm around her waist. She shrieked as he twisted them so she was flat on her back and he knelt over her. 
“This isn’t helping,” she complained, whacking him with the pillow to hide her grin.
“Maeve, have you considered that I do mean it?” Charlie asked. “And that I’ve meant it every single time for months?”
She blinked up at him, watching the blue light from the TV flicker across his features. She couldn’t be understanding him right. “Months?”
“Since the beginning. I figured it would go away as we got to know each other.”
“You figured I’d be annoying?” she demanded playfully. The shock had turned into giddy excitement that completely overrode the small, logical part of her brain whispering that this was a terrible idea. 
He smiled ruefully. “That’s not—”
The rest of his sentence was lost as she pulled his face to hers for their first kiss that was just for them. There were no cameras, no audience, no one they were trying to convince. Just them, alone in the darkness, where they didn’t have to think about the challenges that awaited them when the sun rose.
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