#does this suffice
ourobororos · 2 years
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unovas favorite loser
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moonwoodhollow · 2 months
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"Okay, so this is my ... uhm desk setup and yeah, as you can see I love horror movies and photography, yeah ... and I collect DnD miniatures, uhm, what else is there to say? [...]" - Henry, wannabe streamer with 5 subscribers
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forecast0ctopus · 7 months
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which one of you idiots knocked over the reagent
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 2 months
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samkira · 1 year
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weee!! :0 ✨
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moogleroom · 10 months
As an aspec person who did eventually "find the right person" it didn't suddenly erase my aro-aceness like so many aphobes believe. Being in a happy, loving relationship & feeling genuine sexual attraction for the first time in my life has done nothing to change how I feel alienated from the majority of the world, the panic spirals about not being "allo enough", the constant confusion at how love & sex focused allos can be. If anything, having a proper basis for romantic & sexual attraction has made me MORE aspec, not less. I finally feel confident in actually using these labels for myself. Aromantism & Asexuality aren't something that can be """fixed""". It'll always part of a person even if they don't seem it from the outside.
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solargeist · 2 months
AUGHHH ok i made a page dedicated to explaining EvoAU and Xelqua, along with links and tags, [HEREEEEE] and i even put it in my bio. amen. if its broken im so sry i haven't touched tumblr editing in a million years
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kaurwreck · 11 months
There's certainly Something about singularities in Bungou Stray Dogs presenting as massive, myth-derived creatures with more than passing resemblances to kaiju given the setting predates its analog to World War II.
Gojira and the kaiju genre were born in the aftermath of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Lucky Dragon Incident (in which an American hydrogen bomb test rained radioactive ash on a Japanese fishing boat and much of the South Pacific). Life form singularities (like Chuuya and Verlaine), the Seven Traitors, the Transcendants, Mori's fixation on skill-based warfare, and everything else about the Great War all indicate that skills are akin to nuclear arms.
But unlike nuclear arms, skills are generally framed as intrinsic to their user. They're neurological; as much as part of skill users' wiring as the rest of their synapses. Even for Kyouka, whose skill was inherited but not fully integrated, her skill more resembles hereditary neurochemical wiring than it does nuclear proliferation.
Gojira (1954) ends with Dr. Serizawa's promise that hydrogen bombs would always assure nightmarish, monstrous manifestations of the horrors of war. You'd think Dazai's gift, then, would be the enigmatic focal skill of the series; he's capable of nullifying hydrogen bombs, after all.
But it's Atsushi and his celestial Byakko that Shibusawa calls the antithesis of all other abilities. And, as explained in 55 Minutes, Byakko doesn't heal or regenerate Atsushi, it negates his wounds. Atsushi isn't only a particularly tenacious shounen protagonist, Byakko compels him to stand when he's been cut down. When Atsushi is at the edge of death, Byakko consumes him completely, and Atsushi is lost within him, moreso than even Chuuya is in his Corruption state (Chuuya is fully conscious in Corruption— if Atsushi is conscious, he's either repressing or sluggishly recalling the memory of what occurred). Akutagawa also mentions during the Cannibalism arc that Atsushi's claws cut through skills themselves (even Rashoumon, which eats space). Akutagawa also becomes aware, in 55 Minutes, that Byakko can be triggered by Atsushi's peril, and Akutagawa does so to negate the manifestation of a seemingly transcendant skill that otherwise had utterly defanged them (although he seems sorry to have to do it).
Nevertheless, although Atsushi's Byakko seemingly negates the metaphorical horrors of the Great War illustrated by the others and their relationships with their skills, it's Atsushi who posits that perhaps skills aren't innate. He says to Kunikida, "Maybe they come from somewhere else and stick to us. Maybe they're something we can't understand... I don't really know how to put it into words, but that's how I feel."
Much of 55 Minutes is colored by Atsushi's fear of Byakko and his understanding that Byakko could devour him. His fear is seemingly validated by the antagonist, a manifestation of a skill that seemingly swallowed its human. But although textually consistent with his expressed fear, Atsushi's tone, demeanor, timing, and thought processes from when he speaks that line until the light novel ends aren't. His musings reflect his namesake's exploration of and uneasy relationship with the nature of existence, which he understood to be constructed by one's culture and environment better than most due to his somewhat rootless childhood.
I think it's interesting that someone with a skill capable of cutting through other skills, negating wounds, and antithesizing all skills challenges whether skills are innate at all. And if they're not, what does that imply about the parallels between skills, the horrors of war, and the fear of nuclear holocaust?
It's important to me that the scars of American imperialism and disregard for the sanctity of life are not erased from the narrative when discussing the world wars and nuclear proliferation. So I hesitate to posit anything about what skills may be in Bungou Stray Dogs that is too abstracted from trauma wrought by Western imperialism, Japanese imperialism, or the horrors of World Wars I & II. But perhaps that's it; when Atsushi speculates that skills are something that sticks to you, I'm reminded of how trauma has shaped and informed his own. He is certain that Byakko's negation and restless hunger are connected to his birth and subsequent suffering. At first, I thought we were being teased with his early background. But there's no need to tease; the reason so many characters in Bungou Stray Dogs are orphans directly relates to the Great War and the generational trauma still reverberating in its aftermath, and amid the threat of another, even more destructive war.
Perhaps Atsushi was implying that skills are constructs born not from any innate self, if there's such a thing, but from traumas, experiences, needs, cultures, and environments. Which is to say that skills aren't separable, exactly, from their users, but they're not innate either. They're like our personalities: immutable once shaped in the crucible of our most formative years, but nevertheless reflections of not only ourselves, but of what we need and who we become when confronted by others, in all of their beauty and horror.
Thus, perhaps it isn't Atsushi's skill that's so very antithetical to all others. It's his understanding of it, his ability to cut through to others, his compassion, his cowardice, his curiosity, and his separation from his sense of self that both inflicted him with Byakko and which will allow him to transcend it to become who he desires to be. It reminds me that, shortly before his death, his namesake decided to become a writer. And that although he wrote and lived only briefly, his sincerity, thoughtfulness, and introspective skepticism cut, and continue to cut, with a brilliance emblematic of life.
Anyway. Atsushi is both the main character and protagonist of Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai knows this, too; even if he can nullify Byakko, he's just as impacted by Atsushi's brimming earnestness as everyone else Atsushi encounters. Atsushi liberates the narrative so that it's not a warning that the horrors of war will proliferate so long as we are capable of mass destruction, but instead it's a promise that hope needn't be intrinsic to persist all the same.
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hellonerf · 5 days
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the-skooma-den · 1 month
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Jo'thera meeting his bio family goes very very poorly
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bijoumikhawal · 10 months
I hate to shake my can again, especially so soon after last time, but I'm tight on transportation money AGAIN and have to repair my car AGAIN (it had an unplanned problem I gotta fix asap and two more down the road that are less important). I'm more so concerned about making sure I can get to work this week since i dont have to worry about rent coming out of my check friday, next week shouldn't be a problem (beli ayin hara ptoo ptoo ptoo), which comes up to worrying about roughly $60-72. I'll have to shell out more for the mechanic and won't enjoy it but should be able to cover it (I was able to get the part last week on payments and my mom said she'd help split the cost on labor, which he guessed might run close to 400$ but hasn't been solid on), however I won't refuse extra help.
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arthur-lesters-tummy · 2 months
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stuffeddeer · 1 month
deer!!! do u have any thoughts abt atsushi? i just read your newest post and i was surprised to see you included him, and now im curious!
omg hi anonnn :) "newest" it's been almost 6 months i'm so sorry 💀
atsushi is perfect of course 🙂‍↕️ he's a guy who went through insane traumas and is still fighting for the greater good that's goat!!!
i kinda love seeing the fandom fight to either vilify or woobify this guy like. that's just an 18 yr old doing his job straight out of the orphanage who gaf (me!!!!! i gaf 🙂‍↕️) also he's funny af! him being annoyed by dazai, weirded out by ranpo at first ("he doesn't so any work yet y'all love him??" then being like nvm i love him too), etc
i think he's super well written and an interesting character! he's entertaining and the perfect main character :) i love seeing his growth, relationships w everyone like dazai's mentorship and akutagawa's rivalry :) big atsushi fan!!!
i'm kind of just a dazai obsessed freak when it comes to bsd so i don't write for him often but fear not!!!! atsushi is perfect and i am not nor will i ever be an atsushi hater
for relationship-esque thoughts (since that's my blog lol) i think of atsushi as a really caring partner!!! he obviously prioritizes communication and is in touch with his emotions :) he's super sensitive and protective and also would be really cozy to cuddle up to at night since he's just a big cat lol
he's also the perfect boyfriend to bring around your family like he's quiet and reserved but also totally enamored with you and willing to fight for your honor ??? he's perfect i'm told! just look at him being a big bro to kyouka like he's a family man 100%
i think any potential angst or butting heads would come from him sometimes being a doormat when he doesn't mean to? but even that's a stretch bc he easily chews out dazai and akutagawa when the time calls for it
tl;dr he's perfect that's my pet cat i keep on hand to lie at the end of my bed and warm my feet at night
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mintacle · 1 year
Jason Todd- DC's Pandora's box
If you only hadn't felt the need to see.
The allure of the beautiful, the desire for what you believe it will hold and the blessings you hope to receive. Open up that casket and look inside if that which you love most can still be found.
Jason Todd is blatantly without agency for a lot of his story. Ranging from the implications of his lack of self-determination as Robin and his demise resulting as actions unrelated to him; Sheila's desires, Joker and Batman's feud, Jason getting caught up in the middle without his own motive mattering much either way, - to his lack of autonomy over his narrative while dead, being turned into a cautionary tale and getting victim-blamed over and over again for his death - finally to his catatonic state for about a year after returning to life, rendering him more object than human and with the exception of Talia he is treated as a mere object. This lack of autonomy coupled with the heaping of others' worst nightmares and biggest hopes on him turns him into an instrument for others to torture themselves over.
The thing about the Pandora's Box is that it's myth was meant to drive home the point that women were inherently evil. Because they lure you in with their beauty but they hide things beneath this surface, and how dare they be more than what they appear to be, no, what you project them to be?
Once the box of Jason Todd is opened up and he is not the potential that everyone wishes to have fulfilled through him - the loyal son come back to life - it is clear that he is no good, he is a mistake.
And saying that Jason is Pandora's Box is not just random pontification. The Lost Days comics themselves allude to this. First we have Ra's saying so:
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dehumanizing Jason and seeing him merely as how he affects others, namely inconveniences Ra's and is a distraction to his daughter.
Then at the end of the next issue, Jason tells Talia about his plan to kill Bruce and Talia says the same thing:
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And the problem is that, while people can pontificate about whether Jason is good or bad, a net gain or a net loss, morally justified or morally apprehensive, what about Jason himself?
No one cared for Pandora or her plights, in fact ancient Greeks didn't much care for the plights of any woman. they were excused from caring about women with the Pandora's curse. Because of how others suffer due to their mere existence, it is not necessary to consider them. Never mind that the men's suffering is constructed in their own minds.
The pain that Jason puts others in by making them confront reality, that he died for Bruce's mission, is used as an excuse to not care about him either. Because he's too painful to look in the eye, because of the painful memories he brings up.
The potential of having him back was too alluring to ignore, the reality of it too crushing to accept. The only place to put all this blame for the hurt and suffering was on Jason himself. Never mins that he did not create this pain, did not ask to be brought back, that he is the one suffering most under this weight.
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crescentfool · 1 year
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i just want good things for them 🥺💗
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4thelneyj0nes · 2 years
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John watson is a malewife. John watson will break every bone in your body, then make sure to get home in time to prep tea for rosie and sherlock.
Anyway lets talk about chores, who does what.
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