#doesnt go down so well from nons point of view
haahka · 8 months
i cant wait til non kills them all :))))))))))
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blake447 · 1 year
Why Pawns are the Worst 5D Chess Pieces
Pawns fuck everything up. They are my most favorite and most hated piece on the board. On one hand, they’re complicated, which is pretty interesting. On the other hand, they’re fucking complicated, which is infuriating. Let me explain why. Point one: Pawns are the only piece that make a distinction between “forward“ and “backward.“ When extending to higher dimensional space, the addition of extra directions begs the question, what does forward mean? Well, it depends on the layout of the board. Take this for example
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We see that the x, z, and v axes do not bring us any closer to the opponents side, yet the y and w directions do. So should be allow a pawn to be able to move two “forward” directions (y-w) at once to capture? Obviously not! It breaks the balance of the game. Should we consider that restriction for all pieces? This is a fierce debate between me, and literally everyone I’ve every explained this to. I think we should. Point two: Pawns are a combination of 3 different pieces, each with unique conditions to their moves that almost no other piece has.
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When actually coding an engine, you need to add all sorts of conditions that take this into account. The way I’ve done it is make the pawn a composite piece, consisting of a non-capture forward motion, a capturing forward-diagonal motion, or a starting double forward non-capturing motion. If we take this approach though, both queens, shogi pieces, and a check detector moveset can be defined as composites of other simpler pieces, with shogi pieces also utilizing “forward“ directions.
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So complicated, but useful. Fine pawns, you win this one. Its interesting and actually not too hard, once you figure out all the fucked up conditions... for the most part...
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Then you realize they can En Passant AND they’re the only piece to promote. Great, the promotion condition is made easy by defining extra-dimensional forwards, but the actual moves are worse. Not only is En passant only valid for one turn, but it also requires another piece be in a different location than the target motion, and captures a piece that it doesnt directly land on. No other piece capture works like this. Castling works fairly similar, and we can draw parallels to the two. You can view En Passant as first moving the pawn horizontally to capture, then moving it forward in a second command. Promoting is moving the pawn forward, and then moving a friendly queen on top of it. This also neatly applies to shogi drops. Castling is just moving the king and rook accordingly on the same turn, but like en passant requires another piece to be in a specific space other than where the king lands, and has non-checking conditions. Not that I want to think about Castling on a 5D Chess board, god forbid anyone fucking suggests it again. But what we learn from this is you need to break moves up into something smaller, that I call commands. A simple piece from ,piece to, coordinate from, coordinate to. By making moves out of these, they are also completely reversible. So great, moves are made of commands, we’re done here right? Not yet because this problem is made worst by the parallel universes.
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See once we start introducing an actual multiverse, we start to need to perform multiple moves within a single turn, then submit our turn when all those moves are complete. Its not too bad if you’ve understood the move break down, but its still slightly annoying. Then comes the network. God fucking help me with the networking. Currently I’m writing a serializer that converts a turn into a series of integers and the nested structure is not conductive to that. This wouldnt be a fucking problem if it weren’t for the god damn pawns though. Note some of these are actually reverse pawns as well, so they can go the opposite direction around the torus.
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ironaparrot · 6 months
i wanted to bring this up because i know i make memes and jokes about the shadowtale characters and such.
Shaster (Gaster) is a genuinely horrible person. he's manipulative, mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive and manipulative. he's an egotistical narcissist who views other living and non living things and creatures as objects to be toyed with and experimented on.
Shadow has never been in a great state of mind. he's been pessimistic and nihilistic, and has reached the point of truly believing nothing matter before. part of the reason he's doing good now is both because he has friends he know cares and because he was fucking tired of being so sad, and moping all the time. he hated feeling down and like nothing all the time. the numbness almost felt worse then when he was actually crying and it was much more overbearing. he got tired of it. he forced himself out there. and he's actually doing better because of it.
Ash (Papyrus) tries his best to make people happy as much as drains him. he just wants to keep hope alive and keep people smiling. Papyrus is arguably at one of his lowest points currently. He feels hatred for his brother, uncertainty for his father, and is drained beyond belief. The only person he feels like he can truly vent to and just collect himself about is Mettaton. He hates Shadow for abandoning everybody, he has existential dread due to the existance of the multiverse, and doesnt understand why Gaster is making him keep it a secret, as well as the augmentations related to the void.
Raspberry (Mettaton) Is trying his hardest along with Papyrus to keep moral high, and people happy. he knows how much people really rely on him and need him to be at tip top best. its draining, but he knows it has to be this way. Him and Papyrus are very close and he thinks Papyrus is his closest friend, and is concerned for his sudden change in appearence, attitude, and he can just tell theres something building up thats going to boil over at some point.
Flowey is constently afraid. he's afraid of the infected and uninfected alike. he doesnt know where chara is and he doesnt remember chara being the one who killed him initially. the only time he gains some semblance of comfort is when frisk falls, and when he eventaually finds chara again.
Chara lives with the guilt of being the one who killed Asriel. she hates herself for it but knows it had to be done or else she would have died. she tries over and over to convince herself it was okay but she cant help but hate herself for it. the fact she ran away weighs heavily on her mind because she knows that to the dreemurr family they lost two children in one night. chara was eventaully found and kidnapped by gaster for a while. she was experimented on, abused and treated like a labrat. now that gaster has her with the rest of the survivors she's being blackmailed to stay quiet about what gasters real motives are to the people or else flowey will find out how he really died.
Plasma (Grillby) has almost given up completely. his daughter is infected and is slowly turning, its hard to keep people fed. he knows things are slowly going down hill and he's just waiting for the snowball to speed up at this point. the only reason he still gets out of bed in the morning is that way he can keep people fed, do his part, and because the somehow still alive burgerpants is too mentally unstable to do it himself. He's also being blackmailed by muffet.
Muffet is a crime boss essentially. she blackmails, threatens and harasses. she knows she's important because she can grab whatever remaining supplies are left from places the actual people assigned as guards cant thanks to her many many spiders. she views people as a means to get rich, and thats it. she, if anything, enjoys the apocalypse because it causes people to be reliant on her.
The AU is really screwed. Especially with the characters. Some are trying their best and losing, others have given up. Some aren’t even good people and are just using the apocalypse to achieve what they want because they can. So, enjoy. It’s less telling new info, and more putting things into perspective!
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elcorhamletlive · 2 years
I am very critical of the Duffers choices when it comes to how they handle queer narratives, if i were the one writing the situation i probably would not choose an unrequited love storyline either but I get where some of the queer fans are coming from and how this storyline might seem relatable to them. But as you said, this storyline being relatable doesnt really mean it has to end there. I am not a fan of Will being given a love interest in the epilogue but I can see that there is a chance of that happening, and if ST was a longer story i'd prefer him to find a love interest in the college anyway. This ofc has to happen in a more expanded time frame rather than it being included in a 3 minutes screen time in the epilogue.... with that being said, I understand what the writers are going for and what theyre trying to achieve but the writing choices here create certain flawed writing, especially due to limited time.
I agree that Will getting over Mike is actually the best outcome for his character whether or not shippers want to admit it. A lot of talking points i keep seeing regarding Will's character seem to be focusing on the situation from shipper goggles rather than characters' storylines and arcs being portrayed in a logical and satisfying way, because I seriously do not know why someone would wish Will to be stuck in a unrequited love situation while being sad and pining over his sister's taken boyfriend. Especially considering there will be a time skip in the next season , one would think that it is healthier and much better for Will's character to move on instead of him being stuck in this sad pining for a long time since it doesnt contribute to any sort of character development. But i guess shippers like the idea of Will being stuck in an unrequited love for a long time as long as it keeps their shipping fantasy going. Because if Will moves on and finds a new LI for himself it pretty much kills the any chance of their ship sailing the moment that the writers get rid of the unrequited love storyline. And that is partly why i think most shippers are so against the idea of Will moving on and getting a valid development.
Yeah, I think at the end of the day, most shippers are still clinging to the idea that Mike will reciprocate his feelings. That's one of their main talking points - "why make Will be in love with Mike if nothing was going to happen between them? Just to make him suffer?" And it's like... I don't know how I can explain to you that the Duffers likely just view this character in a different way than you do. They probably thought it was an efficient way to reveal Will's sexuality to the audience and that it was the "realistic" way to go about it. From the way they treated Robin's storyline, I think it's pretty clear gay romance isn't something they are particularly interested in writing, and so it follows that they wouldn't realize this is something people would want to see in Will's journey.
I am also not a fan of Will getting a love interest in the epilogue. However, I think a long of young, LGBT+, extremely progressive fans expect these grown ass straight men who made Netflix's most popular show to think exactly like they do. To me, as a non-straight person well-versed in gay media, it seems crystal clear that Will exchanging a smile with a nameless dude is not satisfying representation; and that he should have gotten a multi-season romantic arc with another main character like all the straight kids did. But I'm not sure that the Duffers would understand that. I'm not trying to call them homophobic or anything of the sort - it's just that ST has extremely heteronormative writing, so it doesn't surprise me that they wouldn't grasp this kind of nuance. It is what it is.
I do think maybe they will see the strong reaction Will's plotline got from fans and attempt to make up for it somehow in S5, which is something I generally have mixed feelings about (fanservice has been dragging down the show's quality since season 3), but it might get Will a somewhat developed love interest, like a guy he starts dating during the timeskip and who we get to know in the latter half of the season. We'll see.
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infin-8-morphosis · 3 months
Monthly not-dead progress post here we go
Still working on my model. Theres too many little bits to say what I have and havent done (sooo much redoing) but umm in brief,
Oh this isnt brief whoops lets put a cut, tldr model good still wip, new map with Peirce Quinuncial projection, more website work, lots and lots of little half done things as usual
Functional eyes and eyelids, actual mesh is more or less 100% done, and partially unwrapped, but havent skinned it properly.
Partially rigged, but rigging will neeeveeer be finished. Thankfully my twisted setup with multiple rigs and multiple rigs inside those rigs actually seems to work...?
A brief rundown is:
The rig is made of 3 sets of identical bones: the scaler, poser, and deformer. The poser handles, most posing, shocking, and is more or less the 'crown' rig. The scaler doesnt move but scales, and said scale is copied to the poser. The deformer is the only set that deforms the mesh, it copies the location of the poser. So, Scaler scales the poser, poser moves the deformer. You should never need to view anything except the poser BUT and its a cool but, since the deformer is isolated from the poser, it also acts as a sort of pseudo FK rig, allowing fine adjustment of the posers IK positions. VERY handy!
There are other rigs, like an eye rig for just the eyes, a character-specific rig for the face (just not possible to use the same rig even with my scaling trick, and i dont want to have to worry about breaking the most important part of the mesh) and soon i will begin the harrowing task of a hair rig... for each hair. Fear and suffering ahead, but also funny hairdos.
Thankfully my trick to use geo nodes to fuse the meshes together seamlessly seems to work, but it seems to mess with uv's so still a roadblock. I nedd to really knuckle down on understanding geo nodes, and also get more fmailiar with uvs in the technical sense...
Also making an effort to completely ditch shape keys (FUCK shape keys) by using lattices instead. This is... unfortunately janky. But, useable. I dont care if it isnt perfect anyway, I just hate shape keys. The main trouble is how dogshit lattices are... They work so odd. And very destructively, so if I screw up a pose, tough shit...
Yet to step into the scary world of 'so will we actually model our characters with this' since at any point I can break things and will need to redo things... but also the sooner i start the sooner I catch things that dont work or need fixing...
Non-model wise I'm making pretty good progress on the map. As you probably dont know I have yet fucking again started from near scratch, but this time with the sexy as hell Peirce-Quincuncial map projection (go look it up its very good). This means a less warped map and also more sensible views of the poles, which were always a bit hacky on an equirectangular map since my planets 'poles' are on the equator. ie imagine a globe rotated 90° so the bottom and top are at the sides. Im feeling much better with how it fits together (even 'simulated' the plate tectonics a little to get them more accurate. Surpisingly my eyeballing it was about 80% correct!) but yet again the main headache is the actual height. Very, very hard to keep heights consistent and proportional.
Today I worked on my website! I had not checked on it in quite some time. Refamiliarised myself with its inner workings (loooove css. Very fun. Oddly fun battling wordpress to change things from its defaults that are often quite odd. For example, drop shadows only go to the bottom right. You cant alter it in the editor. Why??? So i just... edited the default shadow's css. Easy peasy. The hardest part was tracking down where exactly wordpress defined shadows. However there is some good to this since i dont need to add a class to things to give them my own shadow~) and have got it looking very smooth. Almost everything from my original website has been re-added, code wise. All that remains is the actual articles, and well, lots and lots more tweaking and new things. Still no mobile menu, that'll be a doozy... ah, also reimplemented tooltips properly. Verrry nice. Just not sure how the plugin manages colours... i will crack it open and study it...
Hmmm what else. I guess ive begun to organise my notes on everything, but i have attmepted this many times and it is a total mess... hoping this one sticks since i moved to using obsidian instead of google docs, so maybe i wont fuss over organisation and style as much and actually work on things.
Story wise eeerrrr. I mean. The problem i had is now, reversed, in that i used to have an end and no way of starting the plot, and now ive come up with a great hook that no longer works with the old ending... hrmm...
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castlebyersafterdark · 4 months
your comments about acting intimacy are so interesting. unrealistic porn is so different because its very staged and all about the performance and good angles, not about connection or intimacy, and so for the actors, those things won't be present either.
but in dramatic acting (or anything non porn) then the aim IS to create this connection thats believable, and actors will often say that if there is no natural chemistry (meaning genuinely getting lost in what the character is feeling), then it must be summoned - which means you bring or find the connection, and hopefully still a real one. if that fails, you have to fake it, and at this point the whole film is probably a dud, let alone the intimate scenes. just like any well-acted scene, the actors are going to get a little blurring of the lines, because they would aim to get lost in character. of course you can see how this becomes trickier to speak about in press etc as an actor when it comes to sexual scenes rather than, for example, a rollercoaster or biking down a hill, for which there is no shame or implication (or even nasty legal repercussions) in the enjoyment of.
but if you look at the way some actors have spoken about filming sex or intimacy, they can be quite honest, and much more often with european filmmakers actually. i think of the open and truthful environment luca guadagnino created for call me by your name, where the actors clearly had some sort of love affair, emotional most likely, and also admitted to becoming besotted. you even have the guy from its always sunny in philadelphia admitting to enjoying the kiss with his costar on a US chat show, in front of said costar (who also enjoyed it apparently!) and her husband, who is also an actor and writer for that show lol!
so it takes this trust and intimacy within the film cast and crew to get there. you said it's bodies on bodies at the end of the day, which is true, but think of how sometimes even in your own privacy as a non-actor there are mental blocks that can stop sexual enjoyment happening frustratingly. so on set, i would imagine that even with a costar you were attracted to, it might even be harder, because there would be the sense of not wanting to be discovered in a moment that you secretly want to enjoy. (which lends itself nicely to your fantasy trope of a showmance occuring behind the scenes...)
and lastly, 'being professional' tends to refer to how the actors treat and judge each other in these extremely vulnerable moments rather than saying they aren't enjoying a scene - many might well do! it's just whether or not you as the viewing public would ever discover the trith of that. being professional usually refers instead to how you respect your costar if they get an accidental boner (rather common actually - and as you said, the mind knows its acting, but the body doesnt), and how you acknowledge their acting choices because they are performing intimacy as their character, not themselves. this divide allows for trust and freedom on set, when you feel comfortable enough to get vulnerable and try new creative things as an actor, and i think most 'shameful' or 'negative' emotions (despair, crying, etc) would require the same level of trust and safety for actors to really let loose and Go There.
i have acted before and the thrill of getting lost in a scene with a partner is like nothing else - to become another person momentarily is drug-like, and sometimes you actually black out and come to after a scene and can't remember what happened (you can see why trust and safety is paramount!). i will say though, that actors are a certain kind of person, the worst aspect of them being a need for attention, which is very human, but when it's an intense need, it can lead to an atypical life: being an actor! it's a very unusual life, very up and down, very vulnerable, and it can create greatness and also destroy. actors are strange wonderful folk.
and with byler, who are the elephant in the room of this post lol, because they began young, its a different kettle of fish and i would say unprecedented actually. the only likeness to ST is harry potter, and as we know, that never became sexual or featured such overt sexual themes. noah was a trained actor but has not trained as an adult actor as far as i know, but i think he is wonderfully left-field and Up For Anything, with a real dedication to acting itself. As for finn, he wanted to be behind the camera, and ended up in front of it on the way there, so i think his approach is a little less sure of himself, and he said as much in that hot wings interview where he wishes he could have some of that childish confidence back from the early seasons. Let's hope the duffers create a trusting and safe environment so they can let loose. I'm sure that knowing each other so well will either 1) make it too awkward to get right or 2) make it super easy, natural and safe. I reckon the latter, because the chemistry so far has always been fantastic and i think they will just go for it.
But personally, my pipedream is seeing them both star in some kind of european or alternative title, something very dramatic and bold, maybe a period piece, with a director like guadagnino who truly understands sensuality and how to foster trust on a film set, and pulls fantastically erotic performances out of all his stars.
This is all so interesting and expands on a lot of things I wish I articulated better! Super insightful. While I'm heavily interesting in the 'technical' aspects of film-making, the cerebral, emotion-driven acting part eludes me. It's never been in my real knowledge base. Never acted and I never felt the drive to pursue it, but have been involved in other parts. There's so much to consider with performing - I didn't want to make total assumptions on how the process works and how actors really feel about this portion of filming, but that's so interesting about how some might really get so deep into the performance/portrayal that you kind of become that character for scenes, etc. Which I guess leads into the method acting style, which is quite a bit more extreme, but I'm sure on a micro-method level that's how a lot of acting happens. Very interesting.
Heavily agree with your point at the end there. It would be really intriguing to see either Finn or Noah involved in a much more niche and lesser scale film, able to tap into emotions and acting scenarios way beyond the mega-blockbuster wide-audience appeal of a netflix powerhouse. I think under the right direction they could make something really beautiful and engaging. Especially since you can already see what they bring to ST is on a bit of an elevated level as needed for the particular roles they are portraying. Much to think about....
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gainpiner · 2 years
Edit photo privacy facebook timeline
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#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline how to#
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline update#
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline free#
Add a watermark to your image to make sure your brand stays with it if it gets stolen.
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline update#
Scroll down and tap Ad Preferences to update your ad settings. Tap the back button to return to the previous menu. Toggle the switch to On (blue) if you want people to know when you're active on Facebook or Messenger, or Off to keep that info private. The thing is, this option seems to come and go for me, so it may for you as well. Tap Active Status to toggle your 'active' status on or off. This is preferred since you will have the option to skip publishing the photo to your page. From here, you may be given an option to try the old photo uploader. Click the current privacy setting (Example: Friends). In the top right, click, then click Edit album. Click the album you want to change the privacy settings for. Or, before the change, adjust your privacy settings so that nobody can see your future posts. From your Timeline, click on the Photos icon. In the top right of Facebook, click your profile picture. The only way to stop this is to quickly change the post's visibility to Only me after you changed the photo or to uncheck the post option if you're changing it from the app.
All Facebook friends will get a notification on their News Feed that you uploaded your cover photo.
Pictures with a logo or text are best saved as PNGs, whereas "real life" images look best saved as JPGs.
However, you can make older ones private by locating them in the Cover Photos album and changing who can see them (e.g., certain friends only or only you).
You can't make the current cover photo private it must be public.
In this article, were going to look at why photo privacy matters, then explain how you can protect your images from the eyes of strangers. As with everything regarding privacy on Facebook, the answer isnt immediately obvious.
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline how to#
See the other Facebook cover photo dimensions here. So, you want to know how to sort out the privacy settings on your photos. To ensure fast load time, make the image less than 100 KB.
The picture must be 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall, at minimum. Click the Edit privacy settings for existing photo albums and videos to adjust your privacy preferences for each of your albums.
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline free#
We have the right to our privacy, granted FB is a free site, and we do have the option to post what we want or not, I feel like if privacy features are offered for all other photos and profile pictures, that it should be offered for cover photos as well. I created this petition in hopes that Mark Zuckerberg, and the other Facebook staff can take action and correct this problem. I searched the internet to try and figure out if there was an option to somehow change settings to make my cover photos private, but at this point is not an option on Facebook. This means that although my profile is set to private, and so are all of my other pictures, my cover photos remain open to the public for viewing. I don't however, like the fact that I do not have an option to make my "Cover Photos" private. For the most part I enjoy it, gives me a good way to keep in touch with friends and family, and is a great tool for networking. Like many of you, I use Facebook on a regular basis. The fact that this is not an option invades the privacy of the users, and allows anyone to view photos that should be able to be kept private to only their friends, or themselves if they choose. Facebooks privacy policy doesnt allow posts that you share from personal profiles or non-public pages to be shared outside of Facebook as the posts dont. People should have the option to keep their cover photos private.
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
hhshhckd saeran brain rot time
you can request other characters for this, including other versions of Saeran!
- mod kokichi
[GE] Saeran Choi N$FW alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Very soft, he usually gets a cloth to clean up and then holds you for a bit, fingers tracing your skin and whispering soft words to you. Sometimes falling asleep.
He'll run a bath afterwards, pretty bath bombs included.
At some point he may question what you enjoyed, mostly if you tried something new.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
At first he doesnt like anything about himself. He starts to love himself through how you love him, starting with his hands.. or more how his hands look on you.
On you ? Everything, but he loves your neck // collarbone when hes more in his Unknown persona, hips and thighs generally. He loves kissing or holding your hands during your moments as well.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He likes cumming inside or on the sheets, you'd have to ask him if you wanted it anywhere else tbh.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Probably when you first entered his life, and for the first time he started getting thoughts about someone. Not just feeling aroused, but feeling it towards someone in particular. Both Ray and Saeran felt nervous you would hate him if you found out.
Also unknown has an exhibition kink, i know this is GE saeran but i have to get it out there.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
No experience, I doubt he watches porn tbh but he did *some* research. He's not innocent on his kink knowledge.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary! He loves having you close to him and having your front view exposed to him, seeing your face and etc. Any position he can see your face he likes.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He might make some light jokes here and there, very soft ones and not common. He might even softly tickle you in a teasing way once or twice. For him, sex is very intimate and loving and he wants to make it feel relaxed and stuff.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Okay i feel like this depends on what you hc happened to his hair. If you take the dye route, then no it's still red. I personally see it as being from the elixir, so i think it'd be white with some red here and there.
Yes i think he shaves every now and then, just trims when he's feeling lazy.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's so intimate and loving in everything you do together, especially so during sex. Even kinker stuff holds intimacy and love for him.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Not really. I feel like he's able to keep himself usually in check, and now he has you he doesn't feel the urge as much. He does a few times though, if you ever caught him he'd freeze for a second, debating how to respond.
He used to, during the Mint Eye and stuff, but even then only very rarely. Perhaps more often once he saw you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise kink!! Orgasm denial.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Honestly anywhere. He prefers private areas, such as your house (again, anywhere. but the bed is comfortable so usually there). He dreams of having wide open fields and gardens, so in a closed off area there is good.
In public? Yeah he's down, not often but the excitement of hiding and keeping both of you silent gets to him at times.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You. Just whisper at him, or subtlety imply something, maybe trace your fingers close to his crotch. He'll get the idea pretty quick.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never degraded you or want to be degraded. Teasing? He's okay with it, but both from his childhood and the Mint Eye degradation would make him uncomfortable. Same with inflicting pain or choking.
I think tying him up would only be a sometimes thing, he wouldn't suggest it unless you wanted to and he'd only want it a few times.
Otherwise probably just stuff like vomit, piss, y'know.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Ohhhh he likes spoiling you, he's a giver.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Yes. (Depends on the mood, and what you want. He's a big romantic so he likes the slow mood, but equally having you beg for him to move is... hot)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He likes them! Just not too often, he prefers sex-sex.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
YEP, depends on what of course but he's down! Just maybe don't expect non-stop kinky stuff with him.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
When he first gets out the mint eye, not more then one. As he heals and recovers he can go for longer and go for more rounds, just give him time.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Owns none, i dont think i need to explain why.
He's not too fussed on toys, if you have handcuffs or whatever you want to try he'll use them, and may even find one he likes, but he doesnt have a big preference for them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's always a tease, even in his after ending he teases you softly. Anything from words, to moving his fingers painfully slow, this man is a tease.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He definitely makes noises, soft whimpers and gasps mixed in with sentences that sometimes trail off (but you know what he means). He'll get a bit loud at times, he might kiss (or bite) you to silent himself.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Your first time having sex together is going to be very slow paced and gentle. In his own words, your his first love, but that also makes you his first everything. Sex including. He has a few nerves of his own, and he would prefer if you two spend time exploring each other the first time.
If you're not a virgin you can give him guidance, but even then you'll be learning together, even more so if you are a virgin.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I've read that circumcision is pretty popular in South Korea, however due to his childhood i honestly don't know if he would have gotten it done. His mother might have, equally she may not have,, i looked it up and apparently its done very young a lot of the time so probably yeah??? man i dunno i dont have a dick okay im out of my depth here 😭
ANYWAYS i think hes 5 to 6 inches or so, not woah really big but equally not small.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Hmm, I feel like he's not always horny but equally he's quick to get in the mood - if that makes sense? He has a good control over his emotions (sometimes), but equally if you push a button he's gone.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pretty quick, he prefers if you fall asleep together though so he usually waits until you're sleeping.
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nonbinarykai · 3 years
Okay you know what, I’ve held this back far enough
Why I hate canon Kailor sm
Tw:// misogyny ment, incest ment
Im not gonna tag Kailor on this for obvious reasons plus this is kinda a long post, I don’t mind fanon Kailor mostly because tbh I don’t think it’s really a big thing and most I have seen of it is fine. Don’t read this if you like Kailor and don’t want to hear it bashed
Okay listen, s4 is my favorite season out of all ninjago, but if theres one thing I hate about it the most is Kailor. This ship has always been really annoying to me throughout the show, and I’ve hinted towards that in my blog. But why?
1. It’s basically jaya redone
Kailor brings nothing new or interesting to the table because honestly? It’s literally just the same dynamic as jaya. Socially awkward guy simps for usually unimpressed girl until she eventually caves in and they start dating.
Not only has this already been done before with jaya, but is also completely out of character for Kai to do.
While I admit seeing Kai as a flustered dork is kinda funny, once you realize the context of the situation that they’re in it’s pretty clear that Kai would never actually do this.
Reminder: Kai JUST found out his dead friend is alive and is forced to recognsizle with friends in order to get him back
Usually when Kai is presented in a situation like this, what he normally does is set himself dead first on the task at hand and usually ignores any distractions. He’s mostly distance and seemingly uncaring
((note this is after Zane died and Kai ran away from the ninja because of cole and jays bickering, knowing him he wouldn’t be the most excited to be back. His arc should have revolved around coming to terms with lost friendships due to death or distance but that never happens)).
What Kai DOESNT do is immediately fall head over heels for a girl he JUST meet to the point where even when he sees his DEAD FRIEND ALIVE AND WELL he completely ignores that for a girl he meet less then a week ago
This is something JAY would do, not KAI, Kai is a loyal friend who do anything to save his friends, he cherishes them and would fight god to help them with anything they need, he doesn’t forget them for someone new
It also does skylor unjustice as well, but we’ll get there when we get there
2. It adds nothing to the characters and is otherwise never mention again
You know how bad you fuck up a relationship if the best aspect of it is how it’s rarely on screen
Even considering the fact Kailor is just jayas dynamic, the connection between skylor and Kai feels completely non existent or one sided
Most of Kailor revolves around Kai simping for skylor
They have no common interests, common goals, they rarely actually talk outside of lloyds plan to overthrow chen
The whole relationship feels forced every time it’s brought up because of how disconnected they both are to eachother, Kai only likes skylor because she’s hot and that’s it, nothing else about her is actually interesting to Kai in anyway ((again sort out of character for him in this situation))
Skylor and Kai don’t form any genuine bond with eachother, it feels hallow and empty
Let’s compare this to lava, wait no that would be to easy, let’s compare this to pixane
Pixal and Zane both genuinely like and respect eachother, they both share bonds outside of being robots, they both care about eachother enough to know when they’re uncomfortable or need help
Kailor is barely mentioned past s4 and most of it in s4 is Kai being a creep
Oh yeah let’s get to that
3. It’s really really creepy
Im sorry I don’t find incest jokes funny ninjago, it’s just really uncomfortable and creepy
Hopefully this goes without saying but Kai thinking skylor is hot, figuring out they might be related and no longer finding her hot, and then finding out they aren’t and thinking she’s hot is really weird and creepy
Not to mention scenes like, Kai looking into her room without her knowledge or consent
Or Kai fighting people for her when it’s not necessary
Or him trying to impress her everytime he sees her
This isn’t cute or funny, it’s gross, privacy invading, and overall just very creepy and uncomfortable and most definitely not healthy
Again, this is REALLY out of character for Kai, Kai knows when to back off and respect people’s privacy
Literally the season before this he didn’t get involved in the love triangle probably because he knew that would make Nya’s situation worse
So for him to suddenly become this privacy evading perv is so grossly out of character for him and makes the whole relationship feel off and unhealthy
And finally
4. The whole thing is misogynistic
During this entire thing skylor doesn’t get a choice in the show once, she follows the commands of her dad before Kai tells her not to like her dad and follows his lead.
She doesn’t come to disliking her dad by her own thought, she was told to by Kai
She doesn’t get to do anything that SHE actually wants to do until LITERALLY the VERY END
She’s told by guys around her what she should do constantly, even without her being a love interest that’s just screams misogynistic to me ((Afab speaking anyways))
Everything about her character, down to the way she talks, who she’s allied with, and even sometimes how she looks is determined by male characters
If canon ships were shrek movies then kailor is easily shrek the third, a constant tired unfunny mess that caused everyone to think that these ships were shit ((to be fair Jaya is kinda bad to but at least it tired to get better))
There’s nothing redeeming about it to me, every time it’s viewed in a romantic setting it makes me groan or upset
What’s even more frustrating is how people constantly say lava can’t be canon because of it
Im going to go on a side tangent so you can just skip this part as it doesn’t add any actual substance to my argument
But it’s so frustrating to see people say that
Cole and Kai have had a much healthier relationship and would be a lot better for there characters
But no, this stupid misogynistic creepy ship where one side isn’t even consententing to it half the time is the one that has to stay canon because “it’s what the creators intended”
Lava isn’t the superior possibly canon relationship because it’s gay, it’s superior because it’s closer to a healthy working relationship in show then kailor has been ((fanon lava and kailor doesn’t count here because they’re isn’t any better fanon ship, Im just talking about in show))
But no it can’t be canon and it’s unfair for people to want it to be canon because tommy created this rlly shitty straight relationship for Kai instead
TLDR; fuck kailor
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frownyalfred · 4 years
im all here for jewish bruce so please dont take this as me disagreeing with you or anything because canon doesnt even matter in the first place and mostly im just a little confused but if kate is bruce's cousin from his moms side and being jewish comes from your mom doesnt that mean kates mom is jewish and it doesnt have anything to do w. her dad who would be the kane part of the equation unlesd her dad is also jewish idk i dont really go here im just creeping on the sidelines rn yanno
Sure! Anon, this is a question that comes up a lot, and I’m not expert, but here’s what I know:
-Martha Kane and Jacob Kane were siblings
-The Kanes are established as Jewish in canon (including Jacob)
-Kate is Jewish, which, according to halachic interpretation, assumes that her mother was Jewish at the bare minimum (but that her father likely was Jewish as well)
-Martha, being Jacob’s sister, would also be Jewish (barring a weird half-brother situation, or that he converted at some point)
-The above exceptions would be unlikely considering the Jewishness of the Kane name, “Jacob”, etc. 
-At the bare minimum again, since Judaism is technically matrilineal (more about this later) and the Kane family line is Jewish, any of Martha’s children would also be Jewish
-Bruce Wayne would halachically be Jewish
Now, all of this hinges on Jacob Kane being Jewish by birth and the Kane family being Jewish overall. But there are also some additional clues:
-Kate’s family was intentionally made Jewish, in a nod to Jewish creator Bob Kane, whose family was also Jewish
-Martha and Jacob’s generation usually married within Judaism by tradition (this has changed a lot in the last few decades) and marriage into another faith was generally frowned upon. 
-The above makes it unlikely Jacob married into a Jewish family unintentionally (i.e., Kate’s mother being Jewish was important to Jacob as a Jewish man)
-Jacob is a commonly-given name to Jewish men
-Martha marrying outside the faith would explain why Bruce was not necessarily raised Jewish (in this retcon, at least)
Hey? Everyone keeps arguing about matrilineal Judaism. What does that even mean?
-This comes up a lot in Jewish Batman discourse. Matrilineal Judaism is a remnant of Biblical times, where Judaism could only be confirmed if the mother was Jewish (assuming the father was not present, etc)
-Certain sections of Judaism hold this strongly, including Conservative, Orthodox, Reform (to an extent) and some other traditions
-For a long time, and still somewhat to this day, it was frowned upon to marry a non-Jewish man (i.e., Jews tended to marry Jews)
-Patrilineal Judaism (Judaism passed down by the father)  is slowly being more accepted, as well as other discrepancies (adoption, Jewish grandparent, etc)
-Some traditions still don’t necessarily view someone as Jewish unless they practice Judaism (had a bar mitzvah, converted, etc) but this is rare, largely because of the “one drop” rule in the Holocaust, and modern aliyah standards of Israel. 
-When folks in the fandom talk about Batman in the context of matrilineal Judaism, they’re usually referring to the fact that, if Martha Kane was Jewish in any way when she had Bruce, he would technically be Jewish by birth in the eyes of many rabbis, regardless of his own practiced religion or atheism. 
-Like I said earlier, all of this hinges on if Jacob Kane was Jewish by birth. I.e., that Martha and Jacob’s mother was Jewish. 
I believe that canon has been established enough where we can assume that Jacob Kane was in fact Jewish by birth, that he married a Jewish woman, and had a Jewish child (Kate). 
I don’t believe this retcon intentionally made Bruce Jewish. Again, some would argue that he’s not really Jewish, as he’s never practiced or recognized the religion in canon. 
However, Judaism is tricky. It’s an ethnic group, a religion, and a cultural tradition, all amassed into one messy blob. It’s likely, if Martha was raised Jewish, that there were still some vestiges of Jewish cultural practices in how she raised Bruce (celebrating some holidays, traditions, or observances) unless she explicitly chose to ignore them. 
All in all, I would say it is very likely that Bruce is technically Jewish. More likely than not. An accident? Yes. But a good one for all of us Jewish fans. 
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 112 & 113 (part 2)
I hate that this chapter is cut... mainly cuz it deals with the most “ horribly presented” theme in furuba anime.... grief.
-The shame of grieving: “ Rarely discussed theme in Literature”:
When a love one dies... ppl differ in how they deal with it. Some cry their hearts out, some become depressed & painfully lonely, others get angry or cynical, some might deny it, some move on quickly, others move on but years after the realization crushes them, others stay still... Above all, you feel ashamed of yourself if you didn’t move on or if you DID move on.. “ Sometimes ppl around you judge you for it... for your grief”
The later is the theme of these two chapters. Rarely discussed themes & it saddens me that it is cut. You see, Furuba anime doesn’t get grief  at all. To them, it’s a small part of the generic protagonist after she finishes her job of nurturing the real main protagonist. Mothers are strong, they help us cross the bridge between childhood & adulthood. Tohru, the show’s mom, did it so thoroughly & in slow visual & narrative details for yuki. Afterwards, the anime brushed whatever is left of her character, which the anime viewed as sheer suspenseful drama, & collected it thro 3rd person story-telling techniques in one ep “ se3, ep6″ & excessive monologue for 10 minutes in se3, ep9.
In this chapter, Kakeru, a side character, sheds light into this theme. Kakeru didn’t lose a parent by death, didn’t grieve, has no dependent familial bonds with either dead parents “ kyoko & komaki’s dad”. Yet, kakeru stood & judged tohru on how she “ should” grieve. Harshly tearing her down while she’s standing there lonely, trying to hide her shock at the loss of her only pillar in life, broken & traumatized, dealing with the pushed down traumatic feelings from her past where her mom abandoned her as a child..now her mom did it again, this time thro death.. & kakeru, rightfully not knowing all that, but wrongfully lecturing her on how to behave... kakeru isn’t a monster, but he only saw what he wanted: komaki & how the world should grieve with his lover, how he should be the hero protecting her. So self-centered, insensitive, horribly cruel & unbelievably conceited, but above all... what he did is so sadly common... it hurts.
-Judging Grieving People:
As I said many times.. grief is so personal, so unique to the person & as common as it is, so misunderstood. According to kakeru & many ppl I’ve sopken to lately, tohru should have acknowledged komaki. Komaki, the not-traumatized version of tohru, did the right “ tohru-like” thing. Not only felt sadness at the loss of her own dad, but found it in her heart to visit the other orphan, tohru, & give condolences & respect to the dead mother. Such kindness & purity. Very deserving of applaud: To not only see your pain but others’ as well. Tohru has always done the “ right, kind” thing to other ppl. When she can’t now, the author brought another “ tohru” to do the “ right, kind” thing.
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Kakeru is so many ppl. During my brother’s funeral. I’ve heard so many gossip on how my mom should’ve stood tall & greeted the visitors.” Being silent , emotionless & non-responsive is not how you show visitors you value their kind words”, they said. How his widow should’ve collected herself & acted properly, respected his memory by taking proper care of herself & her kids. “Being a broken mess is not how you “ honor” loved one”, they said. Kakeru is indeed many ppl & that’s how you discuss a theme by creating characters who sin, screw up & be cruel, even if momentarily.
Kakeru is wrong. There is no “ you should have” in grief. There is no ounce of truth in his demeaning lecture to tohru & I respect komaki for her reaction to him so much. Kakeru did learn & grew from it, apologized to tohru even if he didn’t actually sought her to do so & even if she herself started the apology. But you see, these two chapters are 90% focused on kakeru as a character, his growth, thoughts, the mini focus on his relationship with komaki as an example of healthy relationship & all that is another lesson for yuki to observe & learn. He learned abt tohru’s past, kakeru’s personality & growth & got to observe another example of romantic relationship so yuki can grow as a man & approach machi healthily. But then again... nothing at all stops yuki/machi from being healthy, no past issues, no contradicting personalities “ they’re quite similar” & yuki is the only furuba character that doesn’t screw up big. He learns & teaches. He’s the personification of the author.
-Tohru.. stays a “ tohru”:
Tohru’s part is 10% of the this chapter which is fine as I think/hope it will lead into more tohru depth in the following chapters. But It is for this reason I’m glad this chapter was cut in the 13 eps season of furuba anime, cuz tohru doesnt have much depth in the anime due to the quick wrap up & the la~~~~st  thing I want is another 3rd person story-telling flashback abt tohru in the anime. Honestly, one of the most frustrating aspect to me of the anime & I’ll hold judgement abt manga- tohru till I reach its end. So far~~~ Tohru’s depth & character exploration gets better one chapter, then regress the next one, then moves on, the... it’s a fluctuating process. It has nothing to do with tohtu’s feelings.
you’ see ... kyo himself as a character with issues fluctuates a lot, he does sth good, then does sth bad, chooses right words, then makes a horrible mistake & chooses wrong! which is one of the most well-done aspects of character exploration that is rarely attempted by authors! I highly respect Takaya-san for what she’s doing with kyo in the manga so far. Other authors show us a character doing one big mistake & then he/she learns from it in a dramatic way. But Takaya-san, nope! she decided to approach it in a very human way, making us be frustrated with kyo’s repeated mistakes yet understands where he’s coming from! kudos to her!!
But I’m not yet satisfied with how tohru is portrayed in the manga & this has nothing to do with tohru’s character. Takaya-san is discussing rare themes thro tohru’s character. But what I mean is how tohru is approached thro the viewers/readers eyes. I wont judge until the last chapter. but this is the part that is frustrating to me.
Side Notes:
The flow of the 2 chapters is little off. We go back & forth between the past & the present, between yuki-machi & komaki-kakeru. Again, I’m so glad the anime cut it cuz, nope! they can’t handle such narrative. they’ll reorder it in a such heavily monologing way & insert the comedy abruptly to lighten the mood. Just look at how the comedy is inserted in momiji’s se03 ep!
Komaki is such a tohru with a sprinkle of kagura’s very softened outbursts. lol. she’s fun!
I’m liking yuki-machi interactions a lot. no drama, which is why the anime cut it -_-’, but it progresses healthily. Machi is yuki’s third-stage growth after (1) leaving tohru’s nest (baby yuki), (b) making friends with kakeru/someone who gets him (young boy yuki), (3) finding romantic love (being a man). The anime was so interested in the 2 stages above cuz that’s where the drama is & cut the third. Honestly, the anime didn’t have to include everything as there is never a space in 13 eps, but they certainly could’ve squeezed few panels or even made brand new very short yuki-machi scenes. but the anime weirdly decided after yuki “ saved” machi from her trauma by talking with her in her apartment, he should just marry her.... lol.. that’s why next scene is ep 5 momiji’s ep intro montage where yuki was abt to confess!!! making yuki-machi the least developed couple in the anime!
I love all furuba’s characters, but yuki, tohru, kyo & akito carry the big themes, therefore, I not only analyze their characters, but how the themes are presented thro them & how their presentation affects such themes. This might make it sound as I hate them or am harsh on them. not at all. It is the anime director/ manga author that I’m positively or negatively criticizing most times. Most importantly, my criticism is not the law. It’s just my perspective & my consumption of the material. Feel free to differ with me. I dont mind it. It brings interesting discussions!
When it comes to tohru’s issues... his chapter introduced nothing new. We have seen/read in canon repeatedly that tohru hides her pain behind a smile (heck! even kisa knows that & told us), that she cant stand up for herself much, that she smiles for other ppl not for herself. All this was presented thro so many characters already, which is why I understand the anime’s decision to cut it. What’s new? that yuki didn know tohru’s smile is mostly a mask & that kakleru has depth.
I love this chapter for the grieving themes it discussed that are rarely touched upon in literature, but since such themes are rarely presented, the anime’s decision to cut it, ironically proves my point! lol . They don’t get grief & so, they reduced it to se03 content & two eps worth. sad.. but expected. The anime is indeed another form of “past” kakeru: seeing one side of grieving person. The happy side.
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chillichats · 3 years
58 look away im stupid emotional in this
@fathermooshroom for the sake of your entertainment mr moosh i have written down my thoughts as incomprehensibly and as non filtered as possible, starting right after where i was when i sent the ask
mr moosh you piece of shit what the fuck you cant what no NO THIS IS WHAT TECHNO FEARED THE MOST im gonna be sick im gonna throw up im losing my mind WHY
mr moosh do you understand of course you understand but DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD YOU why would dream do that?? did he get scared from tommy not holding back? hve there been fights since then? is there something going on from dreams point of view that made it so he had to try and get his hands on whtever it was he needed from spiderman as quickly as possible?? he wanted him alive before so what changed? is it related to whatever he was trying to ‘fix’ the first time??? ive gone on a tangent of thoughts while writing this im going back to reading
no.. being about to die is what makes tommy realise he wants to live... god fuck MR MOOSH YOURE RUINING ME D OYOU UNDERSTAND THAT
oh im trying so desperately not to cry but the visuals of kristin and phil finding his cold body the next morning GOD of FUCK yeah no theres no point in trying not to cry its a repeat of the first chapter but its not /lh its /FUCK
*sobbing* yeahb ranboo hed really like it if he could have your leftovers for lunch tomorrow i cant do thi s i canttt
its been a few minutes and ive sort of., usded up all my easily accessible emotions so im numb for noww and im just. in a well of deep horrified empathy for techno and tubbo who are going through all this and they cant even tell anyone else until the worst happens/would happen
‘youre not gonna miss us youre just gonna be gone’ techno why do i have to kin you in particular god holding my breath to counteract the sobs but its not working
fuck off with your ‘details’ and your ‘predeath sentiment’ tommy I DONT WANT TO KNOW THAT THEY STARTED CRYING AFTER ELLIE DIED ID ONT I DONT
NO OH GOD WILBUR DOESNT UNDERSTAND BUT IF TOMMY DIES HE WILL AND HE”LL KNOW THAT THEY KNEW IT WAS COMING AND THAET THEY KEPT IT FROM HIM yknow what im gonna leave theories until i reach the end because i stg i refuse to torture myself with ideas that might not even happen
‘theyre scared they wont get another chance’ and another round of tears. MR MOOSH IM NOT NORMALLY EMOTIONAL TO THIS EXTENT WHAT HVAE YOU DONE
he knows cyanide causes a painful death and he wants to sleep to try avoid it FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IM NOT I CANT IM WHAT? NO
im tired of capitals im tired of them but god techno’s making me wanna use them so bad you dont undetstand im legitimately bawling
... ‘ Tommy can’t bring himself to understand why someone would want a character—want their creation—to suffer like that’ fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuvk you
....he knows its tommy
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btsandvmin · 4 years
why do u think fandom brozone vmin so much? it doesnt happen nearly as often w other ships
I have talked about this a great deal before, and for good reason. It does happen a lot, and it has always been like this. At least I can speak for the years I have been in the fandom as the first post I ever made properly was about this exact topic. (The “bromance” issue) It’s short and a bit outdated, and honestly we also have to admit that while a lot of people still keep insisting on Vmin not being shippable and being “brozoned or friendzoned” there are also a lot more people who both ship Vmin and even see actual real potential in them being more. (You can even tell by the increase in analysis here on tumblr.)
Personally regarding the “issue” of how Vmin are viewed I am no longer as annoyed with it as I used to be. I do think it’s mainly a problem when other shippers come and say it about Vmin, because that is frankly just hypocritical. I have also written  Normalizing Vmin or “Vmin” and  Shipping vs Believing that explains more about my views on the subject of friendzoning and shipping as a whole. (Personally I feel Vmin get more friendzoned than brozoned, but that’s just a minor detail.)
But your question was about why you think the fandom brozone/friendzone Vmin so much, so let’s get to that.
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First of all I obviously think there are several reasons, but this is all based on my speculations after being in this fandom for so long and what I have seen. Every person could have their own very different reasons to why they think the way they do. I think all the reasons play a part, but might not be equally important and might also not apply to every single person, but rather affect the fandom as a whole in one way or another.
So let’s break it down to the things I think play the biggest role in why Vmin are seen as platonic, regardless of if they are or not, just simply compared to a lot of the other ships.
1. They have since the start used the label “friend” or “best friend” to describe each other. In particular the label “chingu” of course, which in actuality is used to described someone of the same age that you are close with. 
2. The English translation and constant use of “friend” will when repeated constantly get stuck in people’s minds and affect how they view a dynamic. Just how “hyung” gets translated to brother, but a lot less well known and noted by the fandom. Basically the western fandom will likely get even more platonic feelings towards Vmin because of the word being translated to friends.
3. Compared to the other “chingus” in the group, Namjoon and Hobi, there is much more emphasis on Vmin as the same age and as being close and best friends. Namjoon himself made a comment on this. I also think the use of “friends” or more recently “soulmates” by editors is a reply to this, basically that the editors too use these words because they are used a lot by the members first. Hence it gets doubly reinforced. Every time we hear it or read it we get another reminder of Vmin being friends.
4. Their early dymanics were less soft. A lot of their interactions were teasing like Taehyung’s “Jiminie pabo” and fans saw it as two siblings or friends rather than as the “teasing your crush”. Basically people didn't read their behavior as romantic. When BTS first started Vmin already called each other best friends, and that stuck, even more so in combination with people basically not seeing any "spark" between them. I would call this preference in a lot of cases.
5. There were in the beginning already a lot of competition between ships. Jimin often focused in a lot on JK and basically flirted with him while he at the same time brushed off Tae when he did similar towards Jimin. Meanwhile Tae and JK had a very physical relationship as well and JK often seemed the most open and comfortable with Tae. I think both of Vmin kind of pushing themselves on and teasing JK was a dynamic many shippers like. Meanwhile you aslo had Yoonmin getting popular due to Yoongi seeming a bit soft on Jimin and Jimin being very open and loud with wanting attention from Yoongi.
6. Some people find Vmin's dynamics boring. To a lot of shippers “too” obvious closeness might be a little boring and get labeled as just being friends or bros. This was in particular evident in the early days of Vmin. It also matters for fan content, and we can see a lot of Vmin fiction use a bit more “soft” tropes and might not get as many readers as more conflict driven plot. For me I would also include Vmin’s bias towards each other as another point here, that people might see as too much if they are a couple and have to hide. Basically a lot of people don’t see friendship to romance as the most interesting, or the "obvious and equal dynamic" as interesting. BTS said Vmin were the closest or the “best duo” etc. but since all of them were close people picked based on preference for their ship. Of course this still applies to shippers now, they fall for the type of dynamic they like, but now they also have a easier time getting convinced by material from other shippers. Having analysis is another thing that can make a ship more appealing as well.
7. Speaking of, fan content getting created and spread will reinforce certain images. Reading BTS fanfiction or watching moment videos you will see a lot of Vmin being “the best friends”. Basically once the image is used a lot, it will get more spread and used even more. It will be a constant in many places and when talking to a lot of people. It will also of course pull people in to other ships that makes Vmin impossible. Not to mention the big ships will get bigger and spread more easily.
8. Now this might not be true for a lot of people. But I have come across a lot of fans who seem to think being a friend is something that makes romance less likely. For me I want my partner to be my best friend as well, but a lot of people do see these two things as mutually exclusive. Many see friend and lover as two very different things and that you have one best friend and one partner, not someone that are both. Basically just the view on friendships and labels and how that might lead to some feeling being romantically involved is something separate from a close friendship. 
9. Other ships spreading the narrative even further. It’s easier to just call Vmin friends, honestly. It’s often hard to deny their closeness (not that you should have to just because you ship something else, doesn’t change reality). But Vmin being so close and being part of the three biggest ships in BTS of course their label as best friends will be spread and used even more by those shippers. And because of the size of those ships it eventually gets turned into not just those shippers views, but the whole fandom’s.
10. More recently I would also say fear is a reason why people push back and try to remind the fandom that Vmin are “just friends”. Because we have very bad examples of what happens when shipping goes too far, basically it makes many non shippers try to protect Vmin from the same faith. Not a bad thing (again, as long as you don’t ship something else and is a hypocrite), but it surely does further the narrative of Vmin being very platonic. (A bad group is of course included here, which are homophobic fans, but since they feel the same about all ships it’s just a sidenote.)
11. Lastly, and probably most influentual, is the fact that Vmin and BTS friendzone Vmin in many ways, constantly. 
I won’t go into all the examples, but I think we all know a few moments even at the top of our heads by now.
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I mean.... They called their song about being soulmates and wanting to be together for eternity "Friends". And maybe that's what they are, but they sure like to remind us.
So we have times when BTS or Vmin basically remind us and spells it out even more clearly that Vmin are FRIENDS. They use it very very often, and personally to me sometimes at very weird moments. Even so, the things most fans see will of course be what they say. Vmin are friends and that is it.
And at face value that is true. I just personally don’t see being best friends (and soulmates) as meaning they can’t be more as well. Especially since they wouldn’t even be able to say more than that. I mean, if Vmin are basically described as the closest in BTS, then why does that mean they have less odds of being real? Being friends doesn’t have to equal being only friends.
However, Vmin have in fact said things against being interested/denied the other, I don’t want to lie. I am sure some would see this as 100% truth and use it againt the possibility of Vmin being real. Like when Taehyung basically said he would rather date Hobi.
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However, Jimin said he would definitely choose Taehyung to date, but that gets ignored by people who ship Jimin with others, so it’s really just about choosing what fits your narrative. All ships have contradicting moments or statments or answers where they answer two different things at two different times in general.
We also have how Jimin answered back to Taehyung about liking men by saying he isnt “like that” to Taehyung.
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There are moments like this, and even though they might be small and forgotten by most I think they could in a sense still have registered in some fans who then basically managed to spreak the “vmin are just bros/friends” into the more common perception. 
However we also have opposite moments when they try to appeal to each other, or like when Taehyung asks Jimin to be the girlfriend etc. and personally though I do take these things into account it’s a bit like when you see members say “men can’t do this or that” and it doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t be queer. To me even though there are things against most ships, there are still a lot that speaks for some, and that’s why I remain unsure.
Sometimes you might get more defensive or nervous if there is some truth in there as well. It’s all about interpretation, even though I don’t want to blatantly ignore what they say. But since they have said and done directly contradicting things (like how Jimin said he would choose to date Tae while also saying he doesn’t act like “that” to Tae, or how they have changed a lot of answers in general) I also don’t see it as something definitely against them being more. Not to mention time can change things as well. 
In the end though this isn’t about what other things there might be that show Vmin might be more than friends or not, but simply reasons for the fandom’s view of them as platonic. (Personally I think they do a lot of things not normally seen as platonic, which is obviously the reason for me having this blog and writing anlysis on them.)
So, Vmin is friendzoned by the group, and by shippers of bigger ships, and even by themselves at times. Then everything else is reinforcement and inability to view them as anything more than friends.
There are some other things I think might play a part in it as well, but most comes down to personal preferences or what you get exposed to. Like who is the bias of the shipper and what things do they come across to make them a shipper, what kind of dynamics do they like etc. (It's more likely for someone who "falls" for JK to have JK in his ship, for example. Because they will focus on him and notice his interactions and then likely fall for a certain dynamic.)
History is a huge factor in general, and trying to change the perspective of the fandom might not be easy. But with a lot of new fans coming in and seeing with their own eyes how Vmin have behaved the last two years in particular, I think we can see a change.
Vmin are loved by the majority of this fandom, and that’s far better than them having people be anti them because of their ship being too big or too toxic. So in the end I do feel it’s a good things for them and for us that Vmin is being viewed as mostly platonic while they manage to slowly include more “normally not platonic things” into their platonic box. (I mean we are at a point where they can casually mention sleeping together and sing about being soulmates and hold hands in public).
Thank you for the ask and I hope you found this interesting. This is a topic I have a lot of opinions on and think is interesting myself, so I hope you enjoyed this post. No matter what we all know that one truth won’t change; 95z is love!
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Could I ask what your sexuality headcanons are? I love comparing mine with other peoples’!
Ok second half of this; this is just like. non-students who i Actually have thought about HJBAFV not at all a comprehensive list. Again disclaimer i write all these chars as bi in my fics, also i am bi myself so the vast majority are also bi, and also leaving a lot of these vague so u can imagine ur favorite ship or urself or w/ever
ok lets start this off with Aizawa. I think....... hes another one who's rlly unlabelled, doesnt super care to think it through and define it, but calls himself gay bc his interest in women is very, very rare and it's just way easier to say than explain all that. Definitely do buy into the idea that he had a crush on Oboro in hs but i do NOT buy into the easermic agenda sorry. Definitely not someone who goes looking for dates, but doesn't say no if someone asks him and hes interested (also im not gonna give her a whole section but i saw a hc a while back that the Ms. Joke stuff is literally that shes a lesbian and hes gay and shes fucking with him and i love that so much i just wanted to put it out there)
on the topic of the erasermic agenda: Hizashi's pan and knew it before HS, had a sudden & intense crush on Aizawa for the first month they knew each other and then immediately got over it in favor of a similar sudden, intense, and then immediately fading crush on Midnight. Hizashi and Aizawa r just rlly good friends imo; maybe they messed around for a bit in their twenties but it never went anywhere serious. He dates around a lot, not even necessarily to settle down just to have some fun
Midnight is aro/ace but does get in qprs & gravitates towards women wrt that. Most people dont read vigilantes but theres a woman in that, Kazuho, who i imagine she's been in a long-term qpr with; her relationship with aizawa and hizashi leans a little more towards a qpr than a normal friendship, too, but it's not rlly defined that way
All Might is married to justice queer but v much not interested in relationships. He and that one guy from the first movie are ABSOLUTELY exes and i won't hear otherwise; it's the only relationship he's ever had, and they broke up bc he had to go back to japan. He was heartbroken but did eventually get over him; his lack of romance afterwards is from genuine disinterest and not being hung up on his past. I can see him finding someone else in his later years, after he's retired. Definitely feels like he's not worthy of it tho
Hawks is bi but unfortunately didn't get to figure that out until like Now in the timeline...... if youll let my dabihawks history shine through i think dabi was the reason JHBASFGJHB he was basically brainwashed by the commission to become a hero so he didnt have time to Figure That Shit Out; he knew he was into women bc that was easy & what the commission expected from him but then he started this undercover assignment and met dabi and realized Oh...... Fuck. Hawks is hard tbh, bc i think between the control that the commission has over him and his own convictions as a hero he doesn't pursue any romance (tho he does get crushes or find people attractive) and most of his flings are done to keep up his prettyboy act, not out of genuine interest in being a fuckboy. Can't imagine him having a relationship until well after canon but I do see him being interested eventually
Onto the villains, Shigaraki is unlabelled but probably would call himself queer if asked. Definitely admires women more but isn't very interested in romance; AFO actively encourages him to pursue the things interested in so imo if he were he'd talk abt it more lmfao. I kinda see him as demi as well, not the type to fall immediately but requiring a friendship beforehand; tho unlike Bakugo as i said in my last post I dont think it happens suddenly but rather slowly. Y'all know im a big fan of shigaraki being absolutely whipped for his s/o so i do thing hes a big piner, tho he's also pretty bold and unashamed of his affections. I'm a big fan of him falling for a member of the league or a civilian; definitely can't see him falling for a hero unless the hero was already halfway to turning sides already. I think he's also attracted to intelligence and someone who pushes him to think more abt his ideology...... maybe im just projecting at this point JSHDFBVAJKSHD but my point is that the gender of his partner is definitely the least of what he considers/notices
Dabi is bi and, here's my bold take, demisexual; not interested in sex unless its with someone he loves. Absolutely doesn't even think abt romance for most of the years where he's on his own. He's got revenge to plan. By the time he joins the league that hasn't changed much, and he's demi so he's not interested in sleeping around, plus he rlly denies any attachment to people at all. As I said in that other ask tho I do rlly like the idea of him with Magne, so I think they have a fling for a bit before her death :( it's one of the things that leads him to isolate himself further, unfortunately, even from Jin and the other League members with whom his relationships aren't romantic. I can see him dating someone post-canon bc i think hes gonna be redeemed lol. It could be someone he knew before but they probably didnt date again bc he was v guarded; i think magne was rlly the only person he dated
Magne is pan and heres the kicker: I think shes t4t, which led to a little moment just before she and dabi got together where he was like "she wouldnt be into me :/" but she was into him anyway so all was good. She got around in her circles, mostly casual stuff tho she yearned for something more serious.
Spinner's bi & trends towards women but does occasionally get things for men and they're almost always intense. He thought he was straight for a while even once he joined the league and then suddenly got a crush on Shigaraki (around the time of MVA) and realized otherwise LMFAO he's definitely a hopeless romantic type, the whole mutant prejudice thing makes it rlly hard for him and i can see him being rlly happy with another mutant-type; i feel like as he matures he starts to gravitate towards them
Toga is canonically pan to my understanding, iirc her interest in Uraraka and Deku is the same (and romantic) in canon tho i might be wrong. Poor girl just needs therapy. I like the idea of the two of them becoming her friends over her being involved with them but i totally can get behind her having a thing with Uraraka (and maybe Tsu) at some point post-canon (presuming she gets redeemed), tho I think a qpr between the two/three of them would be longer lasting. And again presuming she gets therapy i can see her settling down with someone, gender irrelevant
Jin is unlabelled bc he hasn't much thought abt it, definitely had a thing for dabi and for hawks which does make me sad on both counts. I think he likes women slightly more abstractly/aesthetically and gets crushes more on men,. The dabi thing fades as they get closer and start to view each other as brothers. In his later years he doesn't rlly care about romance, I think he enjoys the experience of crushing but doesnt like dating people; his found family in the League is far more important to him. But i can see him falling head-over-heels for someone quite suddenly and having a bit of a whirlwind romance. Also someone for whom gender isn't much of a factor
Mr Compress is also queer and also hasn't rlly thought abt it. Definitely leans more towards women; he's like 30 but i like to think he also goes for older partners, 10 or 15 years his senior KJBADSJFHB idk he just has that Vibe with the way he calls himself an old man etc. A lot of the league i cant see sleeping or dating around much, i feel like they prioritize each other, but I do think mr compress gets around more than the others. i can see him having a bit of a fuckbuddy who he catches feelings for
Kurogiri is fun; as Oboro I do think Aizawa's crush was reciprocated, tho he wasn't around long enough for them to act on it :( he's bi, tho kurogiri isn't supposed to have personal interests. I like to imagine the brainwashing isnt as good as AFO wants it to be tho so I like the idea of him falling for someone anyway. I also like the idea of the heroes managing to undo the nomufication and I 100% can see him, aizawa, and someone else (someone he was involved with as Kurogiri) ending up in a triad as a result of aizawa and the third partner helping him through the aftermath of all that shit
Lady Nagant is a manga-only minor character but im in love with her so imma talk abt it. Shes bi and leans VERY heavily towards women, probably spent years questioning whether she was rlly bi or a lesbian before finally having a fling with a guy that she genuinely enjoyed. Has only ever been in long-term relationships with women and I v much think she has a gf at home who stayed even when she was arrested 🥺
Finally imma talk abt Natsuo bc i love that boy. He's one of the few unmarried chars with a love interest and he canonically has a gf. I do see him as IDing straight in canon ngl, but the kind of straight where he might actually be bi but his preference leans so heavily towards women and he grew up in a bad home so he just doesnt rlly think abt it bc hes v happy with women anyway. In shiganatsu thoughts shigaraki is the first man he has a thing for; i rlly can see the two of them in a triad with a woman specifically, who helps the two of them find each other and is the one who initiates bc its definitely a weird situation for natsuo
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djarinsidebitch · 4 years
Against the Wall is the Best therapy
A/N: repost from old blog
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: oral Fand M receiving, unprotected sex, degrading words, hate sex??
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You are a Jedi general in the Grand Army of the republic, You work alongside jedi masters and knights like Obi wan Kenobi, Plo koon, Anakin Skywalker and his padawan Ahsoka Tano. You worked mostly with Obi wan kenobi and the 212th attack Battalion. But in relation works with the 501st and General Skywalker. You where at the temple when you learned about the assassination of Obi Wan Kenobi it hurt you to know someone you saw as a close friend and father figer is dead; just like that he is gone. At the funeral you stood in the stands watching as he becomes one with the force but glancing over you see Anakin the pain and anger that washed over his face was concerning to watch. But you didn't question it not knowing the pain it is to lose a master you felt compassion na dpitty to the jedi knight. Days after the funeral you tried to be there for both Anakin and Ahsoka also knowing that the young padawan was clone to the now fallen jedi master you connected easily to the togruta padawan but her master was another deal he wouldn't let you get even a single word in before finding an excuse to leave or he would completely ignore you.   “Anakin please I just want to help the pain you are holding to yourself will only get worse. You haven't talked to anyone since it happened” You pleaded once more to the Jedi knight. “I don't need your help, and would appreciate it if you would just leave me alone, you have no idea what it feels like to know you could do something about it” he says harshly leaning down to your level point an accusatory finger in your face. You sighed, losing hope in him and took a few steps back holding your hands together under the sleeves of your Jedi robe nodding “If that is what you want, but if you change your mind you know where to find me” You say softly looking towards the ground while walking away. Behind you Anakin watches you retreating form with saddened eyes. He knew he was too harsh but all he could feel was anger and the need for vengeance. Ahsoka comes into view causing Anakin's face to harden once again  “Master we found the bounty hunter that killed Master Kenobi”; That was the best thing he has heard ever since obi wan died. After Anakin and Ahsoka had caught the bounty hunter and took them to the Prison on Coruscant The two went back to the jedi temple Ahsoka was worried for her master; She could feel the anger radiating still off of him the tension was uncomfortable but she stayed silent on the ride back to the temple. The moment the speeder landed Anakin jumped out and rushed into the temple “Who knows where he is going” Ahsoka mutters.
You were meditating in your room at the Jedi temple when you felt a wave of anger hit you then pounding on your door. Before you can get to the door it is force open by the force and a very angry and frustrated Anakin Skywalker walks through being the center for the dark energy. “Anakin what are you doing-” you try to ask but are cut off by anakin grabbing you by the lapels of your jedi robes and shoving you hard against the wall of your quarters, the air gets knocked out of your lungs as you slam against the ferrocrete. You look up into his eyes they are full of anger and hate “I changed my mind” He growls her face scrunched up in anger. “I want your help-” he pauses moving one of his hands to your neck using that to hold you up while his other gloved hand moves to under your jedi tunic running down and around the tops of your breast “But in a different way” his eyes go from your chest up to your face. The realization of his words dawn on you; your eyes widening. You start sputtering fragments of words “I-... we can-t it's against the code?” you say but he growls in response “Forget the code; the council all of it” he says angrily and with a deep hsuk to it where you can feel it vibrate through the force. He adjusts the hold on you bringing your thighs to wrap around his trim waist, he steps closer pressing the rest of your body against the wall he used the force to unclip the belt around your waist that kept all your robes together once the belt hit the ground the layers of clothing that covered your form started sagging only thread and buttons kept them together and anakin quickly reaches down and rips the clothes open exposing your breast to the chill air. You almost look mortified looking down at your exposed breasts Anakin smirks his hand coming up to grasp and squeeze one, the feeling forced a squeal out of you he leans down growling into your ear “Do you like that princess” he asks continuing to knead your chest he starts playing with your nipple extracting a whimper out of you; he drops his head down wrapping his mouth around your other breast. Moans start falling from your mouth all these sensations are new and foreign to you but they felt so good. You feel  a warmness pool in your lower abdomen and a wetness between your thighs; it must have also felt good to anakin as you feel something grow between your thighs pressing against you core without thinking you start rolling your hips grinding against anakin the groans against your nipple biting down on the soft flesh sending vibrations through your body and causing you to yelp. not long after he releases your breast from his mouth and grabs hold of your hips stealing them from their movements ``I wouldn't do that if i were you princess” he says slowly.
He steps away from the wall carrying you to your small bed in your quarters. He drops you on the bed hard enough to make you bounce as he then move to take off hi belt and his tunic; you couldn't keep your eyes off of him in his abs and muscles covered in scars and wounds making you move to reach up moving to your knees running your hands up and down the expanse of his chest fingers nimbly tracing each scar and bump he has. Your fingers start tracing down the V that goes down below the line of his pants once you reach the waist band he grabs your wrist roughly “Your not in charge here princess” he says and grabs your upper arms lifting you as you were nothing and spinning around placing you on your knees in front of him he sits down on the foot of your bed and leans back motioning to the clean tent in his pants like a non verbal order. Uncertain you nimbly reach up to pull down his trousers his erection springs out slapping his stomach your eyes widen it was not what you expected it was long, and thick beads of pre cum leak from the top, softly you reach up grapsinghi member in your hand he runs a hand  through your hair and leads your head to his dick “Come on princess” he says smirking you look up at him while taking the head into your mouth, hi head drops backwards is a groan and you move your head down farther taking more of him into your mouth you suck on him and he grains louder “ Ah! just like that love just.. Like.. that” he says gripping your hair and starts moving your head up and down his length his fingers threaded through your hair. You hollow your cheeks getting the hang of what makes him moand louder, he mov es to grab hold of your face and thrusts himself faster fucking your face the tip of his head hits the back of your throat causing you to gag he doesnt let up moving faster and grunts more and more “fuck sweetheart your such a natural” he smirks looking down at you “Your taking me so.. Mmmhm fuck, so well” he groans biting his lip, his words send a new wave of wetness to your core you have probably already soaked through your underwear.your hand trails down you tour own pants dipping under thw waist band and into your underwear running a finger through your soaked folds you let out a small moan causing anakin to open his eyes and look down at you anger flashes onto his fae as he yanks you up “Did I say you can touch yourself princess” he growls with a wicked grin on his face. You don't say anything causing him to pull on your hair “I asked you a question sweet thing” he says deeply “No.” “No what?”  “No Master please”you plead out   “What do you need sweetheart? His other hand comes up to grip your neck causing you to mew in response'' I need you to touch me please master” with his head tilted back slightly he looks down on you menacingly. Anakin lets go of your hair and trails a hand down the side of your curves and between your thighs ``Do You want me to touch you here” he whispers into your ear “Your so wet already i have barely touched you; seems was both needed this'' you nod mewling in the process he picks you up switching spots with him nad laying you the you back on the edge of the bed while he kneels between your legs he reaches and grabs the waistband of your pants yanking them down once the are off you subconsciously close your legs but he stops you and pins yu knees open with the force “I didn't tell you to do that sweetheart, you don't listen well don't you” he says making eye contact with you from between your legs.
He leans in kissing your inner thighs, biting and sucking on the flesh leaving marks all along the inside leading to your core. He licks a stripe up your core and you moan out softly anakin start to eat you out licking stripes through your folds then moving to seal his lips around your clit sucking on it, a pressure starts building once again in your lower abdomen  “Anakin…” you say breathlessly hands  gripping the thin fabric you called sheets that the temple gave you. He smirks looking up at you as you fell apart, You felt the ball of tension start to almost break but anakin pulls away making you whine  “Not yet sweetheart, not yet” he says lowly and moving you farther up on the bed as he climbs up pushing you by your knees. He settles himself between your legs
He looks up at you before proceeding you nod whimpering with need. After that he smiled wickedly grippin the backs of your thighs pushing them back towards your chest and slamming into you. You moan out loudly, the pain of him entering you so quickly makes you squirm but he keeps you still holding you down then the pain fizzles into pleasure which makes you to continue to moan loudly in time with his thrusts you are cut off by one of his hands coming up gripping your neck cutting off the noise to a squeak “We don't want people to know what we are doing…. Now do we princess”leaning down to whisper in your ear as he slowly grinds into you “I asked you. A question” he grunts punctioning his words with deep thrust making you squeal once again “Yes Master” you choke out softly. He smiles and continues his brutal pace the sounds were wet and almost obscene as you also tried so hard to hold back your moans biting your lip so hard that it almost breaks skin; it felt so good but so wrong you and him were breaking one of the most important rules in the jedi order, that of attachments. Anakin's hand moves from your neck down to your hips he grips them tightly you can already tell there are going to be bruises later; he lifts you off the bed and against his chest as he spears into you you can feel him slam up inside you the ball of tension deep in your stomach it feels as if it is going to burst “you are close aren't you; i can feel you getting tighter so so tight” he grunts through clenched teeth. You can feel him throbbing with each thrust; and you were teetering on the edge and after a few deep thrust from anakin the ball snaps and your entire vision goes white with pleasure and you cant help the loud moan that escapes your mouth as you clench around anakin which caused his orgasm and he pushes himself to the hilt cumming deep inside of you he groans out in a broken moan running his hands up and down your sides and leans down kissing and sucking little bruises into your skin as both of your chest heave with sweat glistening on your bodies. “This really helped princess, maybe I need more of your guidance” he says softly pulling away from your neck; you were too far spent and just softly nods he chuckled lowly laying you down while looking around for a towel to clean you up with. He gets up disappearing into the refresher and comes out with a small simple towel and wipes you down then climbs in bed pressing his chest to your back burying his head into your neck. Using the force he pulls the blankets over the two of you and the two of you fall into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you wake up and to your surprise a large warm body was still pressed against you with his arms draped around your middle sleeping soundly…. Until the beeping coming for month of your communications started going off, pushing yourself up you wobble as fast as your sore legs could let your grabbing the brace that held the communication and activated it “Yes what is it” You say trying not to sound like you just woke up “there has been a prison break, three inmates have escaped… including Master Obi Wan's killer; You, Young Skywalker and Padawan Tano will go after them” It was Master Mace Windu “Yes Master we will get right on it; thank you master” you discontent the transmission and turn to the sleeping jedi in your bed and crawl back into the bed and onto anakin straddling him she wakes up slowly opening his eyes “This is a sight i can wake up to princess” you rolls your eyes “Later SkyDoofus We have a mission, Raco Hardeen and two other inmates have escaped us and ahsoka have been tasked to catch him” you say and anakin's face flashes to one of anger “Of course; well let's go” he grabs your waist and picks you up while getting up the places you on the bed while he gets dressed. You watch as he pulls on his robes that were discarded the night before, you mind starts wandering to the events of last knight when a wad of clothes are thrown at your face “Something on your mind princes” he says coyly already knowing what you were thinking “Nope” you quip back and start putting on your own robes and armor before the both of you leave to meet with ahsoka you mind stuck on anakin memories of last night flashing through your mind hoping that he will need your consoling soon for both of your sake.  
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enderspawn · 4 years
so now that we’ve had a few days since the syndicate stream, i think ive managed to cool down and step back to look at it more neutrally. ended up long and pretty rambly since its all pretty flow of consciousness so its under the cut, but heres some thoughts on the syndicate (and a bit on c!techno, since hes the originator)
in universe, techno has only just heard a new place was made. he doesn’t know jack abt it, so he goes over to check it out and learn whats happening. he meets w tubbo, who explains they arent a gov, and accepts it then goes. hes hesitant abt the nukes, but frankly? also understandable, they are nukes. any kind of mass weapon of destruction is something to look out for, same as if tubbo revealed his own wither vault. 
i think the reason that i, and many other ppl, had such a NEGATIVE reaction to what is a mainly harmless and completely reasonable interaction is. well, bc we’re the audience. we KNOW more than c!techno does. we know that snowchester very explicitly was formed without a government because they’re afraid of techno attacking. we know that the nukes are made to defend them, based off what happened to lmanberg. we know that ranboo joined partially to try and spare snowchester if worst came to worst. 
the reason we the audience were afraid of him going is bc we feared what would happen if he DID deem it a gov. bc we know the effort they’ve done to NOT be one, bc we have a connection to the town that c!techno doesnt. 
after then came calling the syndicate/techno tyrannical. after all- if they strike down every government then they are forcing ppl to follow their beliefs under threat of destruction or death. which is uhh pretty fucking tyrannical. 
the thing is that in the end the syndicate hasnt even done enough for us to like. KNOW if thats true. techno himself said hes totally fine w just group of people living together, hell hes in a damn SYNDICATE. you can def argue in general abt what gives the syndicate the right at all to decide if a gov deserves to exist, if being “”the deciders”” makes them inherently hypocritical. (this also is pushing that “they decide” bc, well, w the exception of tubbo now, theres very little chance the other ppl would win against techno and crew. it Would just be decimation. if they attack, they’re destroying it all). 
after all, they preach abt giving ppl the right to choose but then dont let them choose to form a gov. paradox of tolerance i suppose, since in anarchistic views there isnt like a “non-corrupt” government so every government is worth dismantling. (note, this is all based off my p limited understanding of anarchy theory and also Very Simplified for ease of speaking)
another reason we the audience may have been so afraid is bc, historically, techno doesnt lose. he may suffer personal losses and feelings of betrayal, but narratively hes won every battle hes really been in. its the status quo, so any possible conflict in the future you kind of expect the same. we were afraid of any kind of conflict starting. 
i think this stuff does kinda work in character too. c!tubbo admits himself he doesnt rlly know government stuff, and he doesnt seem to really know what techno would or wouldnt DEEM one- thus he has a similar fear to the audience of being struck down for it. ranboo, like stated before, partially joined bc he was afraid FOR snowchester. 
again i get that anarchy is against that greater establishment, but theres something to be said for the fact that. well. this is a block game. its systems work a LOT differently than real life, and real life anarchist theory may not transfer over well. there are a lot of good posts ive seen recently analysing lmanberg (specifically early lmanberg) and like. it genuinely worked to protect its citizens. they were able to pool together their resources and man power and protect each other from outside threats that would overpower them seperately. there IS no big overarching societal and deeply built in system to overthrow like in real life, if anything “having a government” IS the new system trying to form instead of anarchy (bc, to my knowledge, lmanberg was the first real “government” and the dream smp’s gov kinda formed as a response) it could def be another reason so many ppl are against enforcing anarchy-- this isnt the real world, and being in solidified groups could help the weak. without that, instead its the strongest survive and thrive while everyone else suffers. 
(then again to devils advocate my own point, a lot of times they’re referring in those posts to a time where wilbur, who was actually “in charge” wasnt around a ton, so there was less of a power structure in place. also, you CAN still have a group of ppl without being a “gov” (like snowchester or the syndicate) but then we get back to “what is a gov by the syndicate’s standards” as well as if they want to remove a gov at its start or JUST when it seems “tyrannical” (so if they believe a gov is inherently tyrannical). like if i started a direct democracy gov and explicitly called it a gov, do you take it down? its taking the opinion of all citizens and allows everyone equal power. is that corrupt just bc its ALSO a gov, or does it get to stay? where is the line?  idk man maybe give the gov like a free trial. if it starts being corrupt then step in but if they’re vibin they’re vibin. chill w the anarchy /lh /hj JFKDLSJF)
idk man this isnt fully conclusion imo i just wanted to long think abt this. also fuck this block game for getting into legit political theory and ethics and shit. “is someone valid in doing something for another person that they believe will help the other person if it limits their personal freedom” (or, is techno correct in enforcing anarchy bc he believes it is the best form for ppl, EVEN at the cost of their personal freedoms to make a gov) is too deep to be asking for a fuckin block potato pig. this is why i dont do a ton of discourse im just stupid and it starts getting philosophical at some point FDSKLFJ
yall can respond w your own thoughts to this if you want, even debate it!, but idk if ill respond bc uhhhh Brain Empty fdjsklfj i just wanted to ramble and sort out my own thoughts on the matter now that im not uber pissed at c!techno JFKDLSJFKL
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